#Stop pretending you know what's happening bts thank you
theirloveisgross · 6 months
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quirklezz · 5 months
Rumor has it | Tom Blyth
pairing: Tom Blyth x fem!actress!reader
summary: Ever since the premiere of tbosas fans of yours have been shipping you with your costar, Tom Blyth. Is it all just rumors or were they right all along?
a/n: So I recently discovered Tom Blyth and wanted to make this for fun! Mainly based on those shipper accounts who post updates on their fav couples. Might make this into a series if anyone wants more… in the meantime feedback is appreciated and requests are open!
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ynusername some of my favorite bts moments while filming tbosas
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user1 yn giving us more bts content!!!
user2 loved the movie you and Tom have to star in more films together
↳ user3 ikr I love their chemistry
↳ user4 need them in a romcom after seeing tbosas
↳ ynusername a romcom you say? I’m down if @tomblyth is… 👀
↳ user4 OMG NOT HER TAGGING HIM?!? @tomblyth make it happen
rachelzegler 🖤🖤🖤
user5 look how close they are in the second pic I can’t help but ship them
↳ user2 I’ve been shipping them before the movie even came out
↳ rachelzegler I took that one when they weren’t looking sorry not sorry
↳ user1 thank you @rachelzegler for feeding us yn x tom crumbs
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tomblythupdates Tom and YN spotted hanging out in New York this weekend
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user1 they’ve been hanging out a lot lately… 👀
↳ user2 looks like their on a date to me
user3 never seen Tom hang out this much with any cast member besides Rachel and Josh
↳ tomblythupdates a fan said Rachel and Josh were there too
↳ user2 so they were on a double date… interesting
↳ user3 lets not speculate anything yet they could still be friends
↳ user6 I was there and they didn’t look like friends to me… that’s all I’m gonna say
↳ user1 omg spill the tea please
↳ user3 let’s respect their privacy even if they are or aren’t dating we should still be happy for them
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yntomsources New pictures of @tomblyth and @ynusername from their photoshoot
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user1 they ate and left no crumbs
user4 omg look at my parents
user2 can we talk about the HAND PLACEMENT HELLO?!?
user5 here I thought they couldn’t get any hotter but this changed my mind
antitomyn I’m sure this is just a PR stunt to promote the film they can stop pretending now
↳ user1 imagine being jealous of Tom and YN couldn’t be me ☕️
↳ user2 even if you don’t ship them together have some respect for their work as actors not everything is PR
↳ user4 you can’t fake what they have
↳ yntomsources @antitomyn you have been blocked
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tomblyth happy to know I’m not the only one who enjoys croissants on set @ynusername
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user4 now Tom has someone to share his croissant pain with
user1 @tomblyth add her to the croissanicles
↳ tomblyth already did
user2 I feel like Tom got her hooked on croissants and now they’re her favorite
↳ ynusername your right I blame him for my croissant addiction
rachelzegler save me and Josh some this time please
↳user4 this time?!? what happened last time?
↳ ynusername Tom almost dropped them all last time
↳ user4 it’s giving “you almost made me drop my croissant” vibes
↳ rachelzegler 😆😆😆
user5 Seeing Tom and YN together butters my croissant
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lilacmingi · 1 month
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My works are 14+ ONLY. If you’re under 14 DO NOT interact with me or any of my works. Ageless blogs and blank blogs risk getting blocked
Pairing: Vampire!Jungkook x human!fem reader
Word count: 2,280
Note: This is from my first BTS imagines book on Wattpad from 2018. This version is the rewritten 2024 version! ALSO THANK YOU FOR 500 FOLLOWERS!!!! WOW
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It was early afternoon and you and your best friend, Jungkook, were at your place sitting on the couch watching a movie together. The film of choice was a vampire movie—one of your favorites. Your eyes were glued to the screen, knowing exactly what was about to happen, as the both of you had seen the movie roughly a hundred times.
Someone (a vampire) was about to jump out at the main character, you both saw it coming. At the same moment the person jumped out in the film, Jungkook grabbed you and shouted loudly causing you to yelp in response.
The force from his sudden and lighthearted attack caused you to fall over onto your back, thankful that you were on the couch.
Jungkook hovered over you with a mischievous grin, giving you no time to react as he pretended to bite your neck by making playful growling sounds and nuzzling his nose against your skin.
"Jungkook stop!" You begged through giggles, the ticklish sensation making it hard to speak.
"I'm a vampire!" He exclaimed, continuing to act silly.
You were laughing so hard you could hardly breathe, making minimal effort to stop him due to all your squirming. After a few attempts, you were finally able to push him away a little. He took that as a sign to stop and propped himself up to gaze down at you, the movie long forgotten.
"What would you do if I was actually a vampire?" He asked, his tone lighthearted.
"Of course."
You huffed out a light chuckle, amused by his question and always up for a little theoretical discussion about things like that.
"I wouldn't care. Vampires are literally my favorite supernatural creature. Plus, it's you. I know you wouldn't hurt me."
He grinned.
"But vampires aren't real, so I know you're not one."
His smile faltered a bit. "Yeah. They're not, are they?"
"But if they were, I wouldn't be bothered."
His smile returned.
He leaned down and gave you a light kiss on your forehead. Affectionate gestures like that weren't uncommon in your friendship, however, they didn't help your crush on Jungkook. As much as you had wanted to confess your feelings, you were also afraid that you were misinterpreting the gestures. Some people are just very affectionate, though you couldn't really recall anyone you knew that platonically kissed their friends.
"Do you like me or something?" The question was asked teasingly and in a playful manner, but you were hoping to get a serious response.
"What?" He asked, surprise lacing his tone.
"Well, you're always giving me little kisses on my face. Do you like me?" You tried to keep your tone light, playing it off as if you were just teasing him.
His expression changed and his eyes avoided yours. "Well..." He trailed off.
The mood shifted, turning more serious.
"Don't be afraid to be honest with me, Jungkook. We've known each other for three years." You encouraged him.
"Yes." He sighed, his eyes closing as if to avoid seeing your reaction.
"I knew it!"
"Y/n, don't embarrass me about it." He huffed.
"Why should you feel embarrassed? I feel the same way about you."
"You feel the same way?"
"Was it not obvious? I let you give me kisses all the time and cuddle with me. I don't ever push you away or tell you to stop. Could you not take a hint?"
"No?" He said it like a question.
"You big goober." You giggled and delivered a light smack to his shoulder.
"I'm not a goober." He defended through laughter. "I just wasn't sure how you felt. That's all."
Your joint laughter soon faded and the room went completely silent, the atmosphere changing in a matter of seconds. Jungkook stared down at you with his big and innocent-looking doe eyes that never failed to make your heart leap. He gulped nervously.
"Can I kiss you?" He asked.
"You kiss me all the ti-"
"On the lips." He specified.
The beating of your heart sped up at his request, only managing to utter a meek, "Yeah."
He leaned down and pressed his lips against yours. He kissed you softly, being very gentle and almost hesitant in his actions at first. Only when you reciprocated did he pick up the pace, pressing his lips closer to yours and kissing you harder. What you were experiencing in that moment was nothing like you had ever imagined (and you did imagine it... many times). Raven strands of Jungkook's lengthy hair caressed your forehead as they fell, untucking themselves from behind his heavily pierced ears. The faint ticklish sensation paired with the feeling of his lips moving against your own and his hand that had found its way to your waist was a combination that made your head spin.
Bringing your hands up to his luscious hair, you slid your fingers between the layers of wavy tendrils, playing with his locks. He seemed to like that, as he released a mix between a groan and a sigh against your lips that had butterflies erupting in your stomach. It was after that he began to get rougher. His hands gripped your waist and then one of your thighs, squeezing so hard it almost hurt. The pace of his breathing got heavier and you could've sworn you heard a faint growl from the back of his throat.
He pulled away for only a moment, reattaching his lips to your jawline, his piercing dragging against your skin making your eyelids flutter. He placed hot kisses down the side of your neck where he started nipping at the sensitive skin. His hands went back to squeezing your waist, the inhuman grip making you wince.
As much as you enjoyed the moment, it was now getting to a point where it was no longer enjoyable for you and his intensity was making you nervous.
"J-Jungkook." You didn't mean to stutter, but things were heating up very fast and he didn't seem to realize how uncomfortable you were.
He nipped harshly at your neck, making you release a small squeak of surprise.
As if your voice had broke through an invisible barrier, Jungkook snapped out of his daze and pulled away. He was breathing so heavily his shoulders were heaving up and down. His eyes were wide with fear as if he realized he was about to do something terrible.
He looked scared.
"What was that all about?" You inquired.
"I-I have to go." He scrambled off you and went to grab his keys.
"I need to go right now, Y/n." His voice was firm as he spoke, walking out of your apartment without another word or even an explanation.
You sat there dumbfounded.
The door to your apartment slammed shut and just like that, you were left a confused and flustered mess on the couch.
He was in such a hurry to leave, barely managing to speak without stumbling over his words, it had you worried.
Was it something you did? Did he regret kissing you?
The longer you sat on the couch, stewing in your anxious thoughts, the worse you felt. It got to a point where it became unbearable and you found yourself reaching for your phone.
If I did something wrong, I'm sorry
You sighed, leaning your head back on the couch cushions to stare at the ceiling, memorizing the texture while worrisome thoughts flooded your mind once again.
After sitting for an unknown amount of time, you decided to go check on Jungkook in person. He hadn't responded to your text and it was beginning to worry you. If you had somehow done something to make him uncomfortable, you wanted to know and you wanted it taken care of right away. The both of you had been through thick and thin together. Good times and bad times. And if something was bothering either one of you, you talked about it.
The first place you drove to was a nearby park, a place where the both of you liked spending time at, but Jungkook was nowhere to be found. If he needed to clear his head, you assumed he would've been there. The only other place he could possibly be was home.
It didn't take long for you to arrive at his apartment building since he lived nearby. You hastened inside and went straight to his floor.
When you arrived at his front door, you didn't bother knocking. The both of you had been friends for years and neither of you usually knocked when you visited each other.
You stepped inside and saw Jungkook's keys lying on the floor along with the glass dish that usually held them. The bowl looked as if it had been knocked over and a huge piece was broken off of it.
Oh no.
Your first thought was that he was hurt, or maybe someone had broken in. You hoped it was neither.
"Jungkook?" You called out.
"Y/n?" His startled voice came from the kitchen.
"Are you okay?"
"I'm fine." He answered frantically.
"The glass dish by your door is broken. I thought you cut yourself."
"No. I'm fine."
You proceeded towards the kitchen, only for him to speak up when he heard you approaching the entryway.
"Don't come in here!"
"Why not?"
"I-uh I lied. I did cut myself. Sorry. I didn't want you to worry about me."
"I can help if you want." You responded, stepping into the kitchen.
"No please don-" Jungkook tried to stop you, but before he could finish his sentence, you were already standing in the doorway.
What you had expected to see was nowhere near the sight you were met with.
Jungkook's beautiful and captivating rich brown eyes were a deep shade of red, his mouth smeared with blood that matched his crimson irises. As if that wasn't jarring enough, you spotted two sharp fangs poking out of his mouth, which hung slightly agape in shock.
"Y/n. Don't freak out."
"You're a..." The sentence went unfinished, as your voice was stuck in your throat. You were too stunned to even utter the word that floated about in your head.
"Please don't be scared."
Jungkook took a step towards you, but you instinctively took one back, your actions making him frown.
Too overwhelmed, you spun around and took off towards the front door, jerking it open and bolting out as fast as you could.
You didn't get very far when your legs slowed and you came to a complete stop in the hallway as your rational thinking finally kicked in. What were you doing?
Jungkook's words from earlier that night replayed in your head.
"What would you do if I was actually a vampire?"
Your expression fell into one of disappointment, your heart sinking. It wasn't just a silly question. He was being serious when he asked you that.
Your words came to the forefront of your mind, hitting you like a knife to the chest.
"I wouldn't care. Vampires are literally my favorite supernatural creature. Plus, it's you. I know you wouldn't hurt me."
Why were you running away? What you said to him earlier was true, though you assumed the question was theoretical. Still, your answer was genuine. And yet, here you are standing in the hallway of his apartment building ready to flee like a scared animal.
Not only that, but it was clear Jungkook didn't want you to see him like that. He tried to stop you from coming into the kitchen and yet, you ignored him. If only you had listened. Then again, you thought he was hurt. You were worried. How were you supposed to know he was only trying to hide his identity from you?
There was no time for overthinking, you had to make things right.
Spinning around on your heel, you hurried back inside Jungkook's apartment.
When you found him, he was leaned over the kitchen counter, sniffling. His head shot up when he heard you enter the room.
"Y/n?" Your name was uttered weakly.
Clearly, he wasn't expecting you to return.
The blood had been cleaned from around his mouth and his appearance had returned to normal.
"I'm sorry." Your apology came out in a pathetically feeble voice, your jaw clenching to stop the tears that threatened to well up in your eyes.
Wasting no time, you ran up and hugged him as tightly as you possibly could. He wrapped his arms around you, relaxing in your hold as a sense of relief washed over him like a soothing wave.
"You asked me what I would think if you were actually a vampire. I answered honestly, though I thought you were just asking silly hypothetical questions. Now I see why you asked it in the first place." You sighed. "I'm really sorry for running away. I was caught off guard and unable to process everything."
"It's okay. That's completely understandable. Besides, I shouldn't have kept it a secret from you."
You pulled back and looked at him, gently wiping his cheeks where he had been crying.
"Hey. Through thick and thin. Remember?"
He nodded.
"So... we confessed to each other earlier. Does that mean I'm dating a vampire?"
Jungkook chuckled. "I suppose it does. As long as you're okay with that."
"Are you kidding? I'm more than okay with it."
He grinned at your response, swiftly sweeping you into his arms.
"What do you say we pick up where we left off earlier?"
"I like the sound of that." You giggled as he attached his lips to yours and carried you off to his room.
Jimin ♱ Yoongi ♱ Taehyung ♱ Namjoon ♱ Hoseok ♱ Jin
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Masterlist ᝰ — enjoyed this imagine? reblogs & comments are very much appreciated!
DO NOT steal, plagiarize, copy, repost, alter, or translate my works in any way
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🏷 @h3arteyes4mingi @weird-bookworm @poppy2007 @parkjennykim @evidive @mxlly143 @lizzymizzy-blogg @minhanbyeol @dinossaurz @laylasbunbunny
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spookyserenades · 11 months
Trouvaille - Chapter Seven
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Pairing(s); BTS OT7 x Reader
Genre/Themes; Hybrid!AU, themes of the supernatural and the occult, religious themes, violence, hurt/comfort, horror, romance
Rated; 18+ for swearing, violence/gore, future sexual themes. Reader discretion is advised.
Word Count; 22.3k
Trouvaille Masterlist
Trouvaille playlist
Updates on the 7th of each month
Hello darlings, it's Dana! Welcome to Chapter Seven; a pretty jam-packed update. As a warning, this chapter features a lot of angst, some violence, fighting, swearing, and some heated, sensual scenes (more scenting!) I hope you enjoy this emotionally charged update, there is a lot to unpack and process, and it was a chapter that I've spent a lot of time on (both writing AND editing!) I'd love to hear thoughts, feedback, theories and comments from readers as always! Additionally, if you'd like to be added to the taglist; it is still open (just send me a message) and PLEASE make sure that you have your Tumblr settings adjusted so you can be tagged in posts. Thank you for reading and supporting Trouvaille, and enjoy Chapter Seven!
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Ears ringing, Y/N stared at her mother with astonishment, her brain scrambling to come up with a semblance of a response to what her mother had just seen. I wasn’t like Y/N could deny that the vision happened– her mother had part of it right before her eyes. Still, mortification washed over her, unable to process what she had just been told.
“Stop, that can’t be true!” Y/N whisper-shouted at her mother as soon as the glaze over her eyes evaporated, whatever images she saw clearing from her sight. Booze rose up in the back of Y/N’s throat, horrified by the possibility of Taehyung hearing the nonsense coming out of her mother’s mouth. “Tae is sweet, gentle, he’s not how you described him at all! I mean, come on, you’ve met him, he wouldn’t hurt a fly. There’s no way he could ever kill somebody!”
Her mother took a shuddering breath, gliding her hands up Y/N’s arms to hold onto her biceps with concern. Y/N refused to believe what her mother had seen was based in reality; the image of Taehyung’s innocent smile imprinted in her mind’s eye, the way he clung to her side, and his quiet voice in her ear. As the seconds ticked by and the shock wore off, she grew incredulous and impatient with the predicament her mother had put her in– how was she supposed to shrug that off, and pretend everything was perfectly normal when they returned to the backyard?
“Honey, you know that these particular visions of mine nearly always ring true. I need you to be careful around him, be watchful. I agree with you, he’s seemingly lovely, but there’s a darkness that clings to him,” her mother’s features morphed into sympathy, likely reading the worry that was pinching between Y/N’s brows. “A couple of the others have interesting energies, too. The elk hybrid, even dear Seokjin…”
“Mom, please! I can’t do this, not again. I won’t have visions and cards get between myself and the ones I love. This is the exact reason why I stopped reading cards in the first place, it nearly drove all of my friends away growing up!” Y/N snapped, unwilling to hear anything else about her hybrids. If she wanted information about them, she’d wait for them to come forward rather than snooping around with oracle cards. 
“And abandoning your practice didn’t result in something dangerous? Y/N, you’re an adult now, and you know enough about the Craft to realize that once you expose yourself to the other side, you can hardly go back to ignorance of the energies around you,” her mother responded gently, Y/N stiffening with every word. “You don’t think I didn’t know about that spirit that was in the house? I sensed it last week when we came with the groceries. But I knew you’d be able to handle getting rid of it yourself, even though you’ve sworn not to begin practicing again.”
“I didn’t even get rid of it, Jeongguk and Namjoon did! If you knew about it, why didn’t you say anything? You and I could have done a cleansing that afternoon and saved the hybrids from witnessing something I would have rather not put them through! I mean seriously, they probably think I’m nuts!” Y/N hissed in exasperation, feeling her blood pressure rise as her mother dropped her hands from her arms. 
“Because even if I wanted to, I wouldn’t have been able to exorcize that spirit. I’m not even sure what it was. Your talents have surpassed mine, even while you weren’t practicing– Y/N, that spirit was kept at bay for years simply because you willfully protected yourself energetically. You let your guard down when you brought those boys home, and that’s why the spirit was able to come into the house,” her mother explained something she was already able to figure out herself, and Y/N barely heard a word. 
She was simmering with rage, trying her best to calm down so she could return to the backyard; she was sure that people (and her hybrids) were wondering where they were. She couldn’t stop thinking about Taehyung. Head spinning, Y/N recalled how Jimin had told her Taehyung had been brought into the shelter in a blood-soaked jacket, his threat level rating on his profile, and the other hybrid’s clear distaste and avoidance of him. A little voice in the back of her head was urging her not to ignore these pieces to the elusive puzzle that made up her Taehyung, but even with all of those puzzle pieces she still couldn’t consider the possibility that the Kodiak hybrid was a dangerous threat. 
“So Namjoon and Jeongguk were able to banish the spirit? How interesting… you know, I’ve never been able to get a very good read on Namjoon, perhaps he’s practiced some kind of–” Her mother began thoughtfully, Y/N cutting her off by holding up her hand.
“Please, can we just drop it for now? I really want to enjoy tonight, the hybrids deserve to have a nice time as well. I’ll drop by you and dad’s next week at some point and we can discuss this more. I’ll heed your warning with Tae, but I still think you’re wrong,” Y/N pulled her mother back towards the garage and the path to the backyard, the latter uncharacteristically clamming up. “If any of the other hybrids ask for readings, could you please just pull them affirmation cards or something?”
“Sure, honey. I didn’t want to upset you, you’ve put so much effort into making the cookout so special this year, I just worry about you. I’m still your mother, after all. And I’m very proud of you, taking a leap of faith and bringing all of these boys home,” her mother murmured into her ear, allowing Y/N to drag her to the gate into the backyard. 
“I know, thank you, mom,” Y/N squeezed her mother into her side, embarrassment washing over Y/N with the sentiments, even while guilt began to gnaw away at her stomach. She was being consumed by thoughts racing through her mind, not only about Taehyung, but Namjoon, Seokjin, and Jeongguk too. “Come on, I think Grandmother is probably wondering where you are.”
Watching her mother amble away as if she hadn’t just said anything out of the ordinary, Y/N resisted the urge to grab the nearest bottle of Tito’s and pour it down her throat. The cookout was in full swing two hours in, many of her neighbors swaying to an old rock song with cocktails in their hands. The scent of the grill was strongly perfuming the humid air, Y/N able to make out the forms of her father and Yoongi placing packages of hamburger, hot dogs, and bean burgers on the table beside them. 
Hurriedly, Y/N moved to the nearest table with booze on it, filling a cup with ice, a concerning amount of vodka, and a splash of seltzer, not really caring if Hoseok materialized out of nowhere to call her a lightweight. She desperately needed a drink to process, gulping down some of the heinous tasting liquid greedily as she stared at Namjoon’s bedroom window above the table. Y/N had no idea what to do with the information her mother had relayed to her, considering her mother’s visions and predictions were rarely wrong. 
She had a hard time wrapping her brain around Taehyung murdering someone, all sorts of concerning thoughts and excuses floating around in her skull. If he had indeed killed a man, who could it have been; was it an abusive shelter worker, someone he worked with in Alaska, someone who looked at him funny, perhaps another hybrid? If the vision was true, what did that mean for the other hybrids, for her? Nothing seemed to make rational sense the more she turned it over in her mind, the bitter taste of vodka doing little to calm her anxieties, even though she was in dire need to compose herself just in case the hybrids could sniff out her distress. 
“Y/N, over here! Where’ve you been?” Y/N heard Laura’s voice shout from a distance, flinching and spilling her drink on the grass. 
“One second!” Y/N hollered back, quickly pouring herself another drink before turning to locate where Laura was calling her from. 
She caught a flash of her green polka-dotted dress by the picnic table, weaving through the crowd of her neighbors blindly. Interestingly, she didn’t bump into any of her hybrids while she navigated through the sea of people in her backyard, finally able to reach Laura perched on the bench with her son on her lap. 
“Hey, sorry I disappeared! My mother wanted to remind me not to forget to set up a table for the desserts later,” Y/N covered guiltily, Laura buying the lie easily with understanding blanketing her features. 
Leaning down as Kai began to babble up at Y/N, she offered her index finger to the child, giggling as he grasped onto it with his fist. It was amazing how with the simplest of gestures, children could spark such joy that all other worries seemed to fade into the background. 
“I talked to your Hoseok and Jimin for a while, they’re really sweet with the children,” Laura began, bouncing her leg up and down to rock Kai. Smiling softly, Y/N peered around Laura’s form, spotting the Jimin tossing a foam water ball to Daisy in the kiddie pool a little ways away, his ears perky as Ben chatted with him. “Al seems to be pretty into Hoseok.”
Freezing, Y/N stared at Laura with unease, Laura appearing to be stifling a laugh. Y/N didn’t know how much of a good idea it would be if one of her hybrids began to date a close friend of hers, considering the break-up would estrange Alice from her for several months and she couldn’t exactly cut Hoseok out of her life. Besides that, a tingly-hot sensation crept into her gut at the very idea of the two of them together romantically, something Y/N immediately found hard to squash down. 
“Jesus. I can’t say that I blame her,” Y/N replied lamely, attempting to locate the fox hybrid and her best friend in the mass of people congregating in the backyard.
“Don’t worry, I don’t think she’ll steal him away,” Laura chuckled, the blood draining from Y/N’s face. “You know Al. She gets the ick quickly, and she doesn’t have time to be entertaining romance at the moment, anyways.”
“Hoseok’s charming. I doubt he’d give her the ick,” Y/N muttered, eventually spotting Hoseok’s bright aqua shirt by the ice bucket of beer, grinning down at Alice while she spoke about something passionately. 
“Hmm, so I was right, you’re jealous,” Laura teased, the audacity taking Y/N by such surprise that she rocked backwards on her heels in her crouch and landed harshly on her ass in the beaten-down grass. 
“I-I’m not! Laura, hush! Hoseok is a free agent, what do I care?” Y/N ground out, flames licking her cheeks as Tyler, Laura’s husband, chuckled lightly from across the table, adding insult to injury as she was unaware he was even listening. 
But Laura was indeed right, Y/N was jealous, she realized with a painful shock down her spine. She never predicted she would react this way to any of the hybrids simply making small talk with other women, but the itchy feeling of envy that overtook her as Hoseok laughed heartily at a joke Alice cracked from across the backyard was almost unbearable. Hardly the jealousy type, Y/N swallowed thickly, tearing her eyes from the handsome fox hybrid with great difficulty. 
“Need a hand?” Came a smoke-thickened voice from upwards and behind, Y/N craning her neck backwards distractedly as she shoved her jealousy deep down. 
A strong, tattooed hand was dangling in front of her face, a teasing look playing across Jeongguk’s face as he peered down at her. Y/N couldn’t recall a time Jeongguk was so interested in interacting with her, raising a few warning flags in her mind distantly. With hesitancy, Y/N barely grazed her fingertips with Jeongguk’s before he grasped her whole hand firmly with his fingers wrapped around her wrist, yanking her to her feet with ease as she ignored Laura’s probable smug reaction. She stumbled over the lip of her left sandal, cursing as Jeongguk righted her with his free hand on her waist. 
“Atta girl, steady now,” Jeongguk grunted, Y/N balking at the edge of cockiness to his tone and the implication of his words. As swiftly as he had touched her, his hands were gone, moving to lazily sit a couple of feet away from Laura on the picnic bench. 
“You’re Jeongguk, right? Oh, The Cure! Y/N, my sister, and I were crazy about them in high school band class,” Laura pointed to Jeongguk’s graphic tee, letting Kai down so he could clumsily waddle towards the direction of the kiddie pool. 
“God, I remember that. The heavy eyeliner and total lack of awareness that the eighties had come to pass,” Y/N snorted, recalling the images of her and the twins listening to gothic 80’s music in her garage back in high school, drinking tequila smuggled from her grandmother’s bar cart. 
“The Cure never goes out of style,” Laura exclaimed in response, patting the space between herself and the elk hybrid, Y/N perching on the bench before she teetered over again. “I wonder if the food will be out soon. I’m starving, and everything looked so good when I took a sneak peak in the kitchen.”
“I should probably help with bringing things out in a minute, huh,” Y/N murmured, narrowing her eyes at the slider door into the kitchen, making out shapes of her parents pulling things out of the refrigerator. 
“I think that kid Tony or whatever has it covered with Taehyung… and Yoongi the kiss-ass, of course,” Jeongguk lounged lazily on the bench beside her, Y/N shooting him a be nice look that went right over his antlers as he leaned backwards on his elbows. “Let’s let them do the work, since they seem so happy about it.”
“Bratty, aren’t you?” Laura teased, peering around Y/N’s shoulder with a smirk. “You should be careful with those cigarettes, unless hybrids are cancer-immune or something.”
Sending pointed looks at both the pack of Marlboro Reds sticking out of one of Jeongguk’s leather pockets and the unlit cigarette poised behind the industrial piercing of his left ear, the elk hybrid offered Laura an amused snort, much to Y/N’s surprise. Jeongguk was certainly behaving a bit out of character that afternoon, making an effort to mingle, as Y/N believed he’d shut himself into the house to avoid interaction with others. 
“We’re half-human, aren’t we? Besides, last time I checked, animals can get cancer too,” Jeongguk retorted, spreading his legs lazily as he ignored the bratty comment. 
Laura cocked a brow at his response before she dropped the subject, opting to ask Y/N about her new job at Judy’s. Enjoying the distraction from all of the disturbing thoughts circling around in her headspace, Y/N relayed some of the strange inventory items she could remember off the top of her head to Laura. The scent of food cooking on the grill had her stomach churning, basically running off of alcohol and nerves at that point. Yoongi, with his long tresses pulled back in a red scrunchie Y/N had given him that morning, was turning corn on the cob on the grill with tongs, the visual bringing a soft smirk to her lips. 
Half-listening to Laura and Tyler discussing the content of their upcoming vlog they were working on, Y/N scanned the backyard for some of her other hybrids. Of course, Hoseok was still with Alice, while Jimin was now conversing with Roy while they watched over Daisy and Kai in the shallow kiddie pool. Jimin, for the first time that she could remember, seemed pretty tipsy, his cheeks rosy as he wobbled on his feet in a crouch beside Roy. Giggling softly, she tried to find Namjoon, who had sought out her mother by the bonfire much to her dismay, and he was pulling cards from a stack in her mother’s hands with a tiny dimpled grin. Unfortunately, her mother had not followed through on her request to only pull affirmation cards, Y/N catching the Rider-Waite image of The Magician on the printed card stock he selected. 
Shaking her head, extremely peeved, Y/N was only comforted by the fact that her mother already knew Namjoon and didn’t seem to be bothered by his surliness; and the wolf hybrid himself was so fond of her. Seokjin was nearby Namjoon, looking comfortable in one of the chairs beside her grandmother by the bonfire, taking small sips of sangria. Humming along to the Aerosmith song reverberating from the speakers, Y/N searched for Taehyung among the crowd next, pretty much taking a head count. There was a sickening feeling in her stomach when she couldn’t see him immediately, panic flooding through her with the possibility that he may have heard her conversation with her mother earlier. Biting her lip, Y/N caught Jeongguk stiffening next to her through her peripherals, wondering if he could sense her edginess as she scanned the backyard frantically for the Kodiak hybrid. 
She finally managed to spot Taehyung after several tense moments of rapidly roaming her eyes across the familiar faces of her neighbors, the Kodiak hybrid pulling the slider door of the kitchen open and trudging outside with the large bowl of fruit salad. Sagging with relief, Y/N’s eyes trailed after him dodging a few tipsy members of Sal’s family, apparently making his way to the table she was sitting at. As if he felt the weight of her gaze on him, Taehyung locked eyes with her, a pointy-toothed smile peeking through his lips. Instantly, everything her mother had relayed to her was forgotten with the easy innocence of his smile. 
“Yoongi said the food will be ready soon. Tony put everything that needed to be heated up in the ovens,” Taehyung announced softly as he set the bowl of fruit on the table, Laura immediately forking some of it onto a little plate. Y/N wasn’t sure if Laura had even heard Taehyung, as he spoke close to Y/N’s ear and barely above a whisper, as he usually did. 
“That’s great! How’s it going, Tae, are you having fun?” Y/N asked, shock flooding through her as she watched him round the table to take a seat beside Tyler. It was interesting to see Taehyung be so willing to have a closer proximity with people other than herself, between Tony, her mother and grandparents, and now Tyler. For several of the hybrids, it seemed that they were making great progress with coming out of their shells a bit that afternoon; it warmed her heart. 
Taehyung nodded in response to her question, accepting a fresh bottle of beer from Tyler with a grateful smile. Tyler, Laura’s highschool sweetheart, was extremely easy to get along with, so it came as no surprise when he began to strike up a conversation with Taehyung about the Kodiak hybrid’s outfit. Laura rolled her eyes playfully, informing Y/N and Jeongguk about Tyler’s recent fascination with men’s fashion. Y/N was even more floored that Jeongguk seemed to not only endure the conversation, but even interjected a comment about his own style a few times. Perhaps the gin cocktail he was nursing was loosening him up a bit. Taking a sip of her own drink, Y/N sighed happily, enjoying the warm sun on her face. 
Within minutes, Tony was ferrying back and forth from the kitchen with foil tray after foil tray of food; her father’s buttery mac and cheese, a rather large casserole dish filled with Yoongi’s chili, the mashed potatoes, chilled salads and fixings for the cheeseburgers and hot dogs. Taehyung had begun to rise from his seat, but as Tony came out with an armful of condiment bottles, he used his free hand to push the Kodiak hybrid back down on the bench with a shake of his head. 
“Ah, you’ve done enough, Tae. I owe you from earlier, when I almost burned my hand off on that cast-iron skillet with the baked beans and you smacked me out of the way,” Tony exclaimed, setting down the numerous bottles in his arms on the table. 
Taehyung’s ears fluttered shyly, his fingertips tracing the condensation on his half-empty beer bottle. Already, people were swarming around the table to fill up their paper plates with food, not even waiting for Yoongi to tiptoe his way through the masses of ravenous tipsy guests with two cookie sheets full of his labors on the grill. When he finally reached the table, Yoongi placed the sheets down at the end of the table, his shoulders relaxing a few inches once he realized he was relieved from grill duty. 
Once a few of her neighbors crowded Yoongi at the table trying to stack cheeseburgers onto their overflowing plates, the leopard hybrid managed to elegantly slink away, and like a magnet, found himself behind Y/N. Humming as she tilted her head upwards to greet him, Y/N watched Yoongi’s hand slide onto her bare shoulder, squeezing the tingling flesh softly with a fond smile as she said hello. Under the table, Y/N felt Laura kick her shin lightly, but Y/N didn’t want to give her the satisfaction of meeting her likely scandalized gaze. 
With people scattered all over the backyard with food, many of them supplying their own picnic blankets to sit on, Y/N started loading up her own plate with as many of the food options that she could, eager to not only try everything Yoongi had made, but to sober up a bit. As she stood, she felt the alcohol in her bloodstream bathe everything in the backyard in a hazy filter. Laura and Tyler had left the table to sit on a rather large blanket Ben had rolled out, catching up with Roy and keeping an eye on the children splashing around in the kiddie pool. 
As she plopped back down on her spot next to Jeongguk, who was very clearly enjoying the baked ziti Sal brought, Y/N surreptitiously eyed Taehyung across from her over the lip of her drink cup– which she found was mystically refilled with vodka and seltzer– as he was plucking another beer from the ice bucket beside him. 
“Oof, that looks good. I should make a plate,” Y/N jumped when the bench rocked as Hoseok landed sharply on her free side, whistling as he ogled her plate hungrily. The mystery of her refilled drink was solved; it must have been Hoseok while she was busy stuffing her plate full of mashed potatoes. 
“You should! Hey, was that you refilling my drink? I thought you said I was a lightweight, are you trying to see what I’m like blacked out?” Y/N elbowed Hoseok in the ribs, watching him swipe a strawberry slice off of her plate with his eyebrow cocked at her words. 
“If you eat everything on that plate, you should be fine,” Hoseok chuckled, his ears twitching as the song on the speakers changed. “You seemed a little tense, so I topped you off.”
Stilling, Y/N cursed her inability to perfect a constant state of neutrality with her body language. Even though she hadn’t known her hybrids for very long, it seemed that they were pretty attuned to the way she moved through the world and the subtle shifts in her moods. There were even instances where the hybrids anticipated her needs without her either realizing them or acting upon them herself, such as Yoongi reminding her to take it easy on the booze or Taehyung fixing her drafty window unprompted. 
Munching on her food thoughtfully, Y/N listened to Hoseok chat with Yoongi from the leopard hybrid’s spot beside Taehyung, the conversation mostly consisting of complimenting Yoongi up and down on his cooking skills. Truly, every dish he made was absolutely sinful on the taste buds, Y/N unwillingly admitting to herself that all of his food blew the items Sal brought out of the water, and even her father’s mac and cheese. After she plowed through about a third of her plate, and honestly feeling quite full already, Seokjin ambled over to the table to get himself a cheeseburger, settling down beside Yoongi with his cheeks stuffed full of macaroni. Despite everything, Seokjin still maintained his devilishly handsome looks, even if he did look like a goofball as he tried to join the conversation while still chewing his food. 
All things considered, the cookout was going remarkably well. The only hiccup, of course, was her mother dropping the Taehyung bombshell on her, and as she thought about it more, perhaps Alice and Hoseok’s clear flirtatious connection. Even now, as Hoseok was beside her, Y/N unfortunately caught the wink he sent Alice’s way as she sat beside Jimin a little ways away on Ben’s picnic blanket. Before she could get too perturbed over it, her eyes narrowed in on Jimin, who was pretty tipsily squeezing an obscene amount of mustard on his hotdog. Snorting, she made sure to keep one eye on Namjoon, still in deep discussion with her mother by the bonfire, the flames casting an amber glow over his silvery hair– he seemed to be doing just fine, even with her parents and grandparents surrounding him. 
Tossing back the rest of her drink, Y/N was toeing the line of pretty thorough intoxication, pushing away her half-eaten plate of food in favor of swiping Jeongguk’s gin and seltzer while he wasn’t looking. Or, if he did notice, he didn’t say anything, once he returned to his spot beside her with more baked ziti. Yoongi, however, shot her a warning look, staring pointedly at the red solo cup wrapped in her hands, to which she stuck her tongue out at him childishly. The leopard hybrid scoffed at her, eyebrows lifting into his hairline, though refrained from scolding her. Once she downed the rest of Jeongguk’s drink, Y/N excitedly left the picnic table in pursuit of playing corn hole with a very wobbly Jimin. 
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The night was coming to a near-close; several of her neighbors and friends had long since left and all that remained were her family and the hybrids. It was the time in the evening where things quieted down almost completely, and Y/N brought out her large basket worth of s’mores ingredients and stakes to dish out. She was still tipsy, though less so after cutting herself off to avoid more evil-eyes from Yoongi, but mostly she felt happy. Though Laura had left with Tyler and Kai to meet the child’s early bedtime, followed by Ben and Roy with Daisy for a similar reason, Y/N wasn’t bummed out that she had to say her goodbyes so early. The cookout was tons of fun, but she was aching to just chat with all of her hybrids rather than watch them from afar scattered across the backyard. After giving Alice a swift kiss on the cheek in farewell as she ordered her Uber back to her apartment, Y/N waited for her family to bid goodbye to the hybrids, all of which were sitting comfortably on two big blankets she had spread out by the bonfire.
Her mother wrapped both Namjoon and Seokjin in a tight hug, the former’s expression torn between distaste that he was so close to Seokjin and fondness of her mother’s affection for him. Jimin, of course, was being fought over by her father and grandfather, both of them trying to see who could give him a firmer handshake. Stifling a giggle with a hand pressed to her mouth, Y/N remained by the gate until her family broke free from the hybrids so she could see them off herself. 
“Goodnight, sweetheart. Everything was so wonderful, I mean the food! That leopard hybrid of yours is a fantastic chef,” her grandmother gave Y/N a soft hug, her small face sleepy and warm with joy. “You take good care until the next time you come to visit.”
“I will, I’m so glad you came,” Y/N returned, feeling both her father and grandfather squeeze either of her sides, the scent of campfire and whiskey coming off of both of them powerfully. “Mom, let me know when you make it home safe.”
Her mother, who wasn’t a big drinker, was the designated driver. She held back for a few moments as she and Y/N watched her father help her grandparents to the car, Y/N bracing herself for another warning. With resignation, Y/N wrapped her arms around her mother the best she could with the basket full of marshmallows swinging from the crook of her elbow, breathing in her spicy perfume. 
“Thank you for hosting such a wonderful evening, honey,” her mother murmured, rubbing her hands soothingly up and down Y/N’s back. “Remember what I told you.”
With the last reminder, whispered into her ear with urgency, her mother hurried to her car, probably to avoid Y/N cussing her out in front of the hybrids only about twenty yards away. Grinding the heel of her sandal into the dirt by the gate with agitation, Y/N latched it shut and adjusted the thin cardigan she had thrown on to combat the night chill before shaking the comment off and heading towards the hybrids around the bonfire. 
Crickets had begun to chirp loudly in the long grasses, along with the odd croak of summer’s last bullfrogs lingering by the pond further in the backyard, the sounds of nature replacing the playlist from the speakers; in consideration of the neighbors likely heading to bed shortly after being so liquored up at her get-together. The moon was full, bathing the backyard in a blue-silver glow, offset by the blazing bonfire casting a warm orange hue over the silhouettes of the seven hybrids. As she got closer, she watched several pairs of ears perk up in her direction, and Y/N supposed that was her own window into reading their body languages and how she affected them. A slow ear twitch was interest or alertness, rapid flickers of the ears and tail were agitation, ears turned backwards were sadness, confusion, or embarrassment. With time, Y/N predicted, it would become even easier for her to decipher their moods based on the way their tails and ears moved in various situations. 
Seokjin and Hoseok were sitting together on a corner of the same blanket Yoongi and Jimin were on, of course, both catching up after being apart for most of the day while Yoongi tried his best to get Jimin to drink a bottle of water. On the other blanket was Jeongguk, Namjoon, and Taehyung, the former two seemingly tolerating each other by mutually sitting as far as they could from the Kodiak hybrid. Humming, Y/N approached the blankets, aware of seven pairs of expectant eyes on her and the mysterious basket she was holding. 
“My boys, hope you had a nice day,” Y/N began, the sentence falling out so naturally she didn’t know whether to blame it on the booze or how affectionate she felt towards them all already. Trying not to enjoy the range of emotions playing across each individual face, differing between shock, fluster, and tipsy bashfulness, Y/N began to hand out the sticks for the s’mores. “One last treat, just for us though!”
Setting the basket down between the blankets so everyone could reach the ingredients, Y/N used her teeth to rip open the pack of jumbo marshmallows while she lowered herself to the free spot on the blanket next to Taehyung, in front of Namjoon. Stabbing two marshmallows onto her stake, she considered for a moment, before handing it over to Taehyung beside her in exchange for his empty one, figuring it to be rude to just go ahead and start making a dessert for herself. Taehyung grinned softly, extending the stake dangerously far into the dwindling bonfire. 
“I’m so full. I don’t think I have room for that, Miss Y/N,” Jimin announced while fumbling with his stake, his voice a tad on the whiny side as Yoongi snickered from beside him. 
“Oh, come on, Jiminie, there’s always room for one more dessert,” Hoseok encouraged, leaning lazily on Seokjin’s arm as he began to roast his own marshmallows. “It’ll soak up all that whiskey you drank. You should know better than trying to keep up with an elderly man who has been drinking since he was twelve.”
Choking on her spit, Y/N reached out to whack Hoseok on his arm lightly, trying not to patronize Jimin further while he was grumbling and burning his marshmallows in the fire. Everyone had their stakes in the bonfire already, though Y/N noticed that Seokjin’s marshmallows were being roasted for him by Hoseok, the jaguar hybrid keeping a good distance from the flames in a fidgety manner. The only one without a marshmallow was Namjoon, who was distractedly fiddling with blades of grass while everyone else tore into the graham cracker boxes and king-sized chocolate bars. Turning slightly, but not before smirking at the bit of melted marshmallow on Taehyung’s cheek, Y/N cocked her head at the wolf hybrid curiously while waving her stake with roasted marshmallows sliding off to get his attention. 
“Don’t you want one, Namjoon?” Y/N pouted, the sounds of everyone else munching making the wolf hybrid’s ears flutter. Namjoon’s mouth opened, amber eyes narrowing in on the melting gelatin on her stake with suspicion. Rolling her eyes, Y/N retrieved a graham cracker from the box and snapped it in half, breaking off a chunk of chocolate and sandwiching everything together with the hot marshmallow. Gingerly, she offered Namjoon the treat with a soft smile, the wolf hybrid's eyes widening a fraction. “Here, take this one!”
Slowly, Namjoon accepted the s’more from her, Y/N holding back an impatient huff as he moved at a glacial speed. Eventually, he took it, a dimple appearing on his cheek as a reluctant half-smile bloomed across his face. Satisfied, Y/N leaned back on her hands, tilting her head back towards the star-studded sky, basking in the brightness of the moonlight and the warmth of the fire. 
“Shit, Jimin. You’re going to burn yourself,” Yoongi scolded from several feet away, begrudgingly supporting the coyote hybrid’s head on his shoulder while munching on a very sloppy s’more, an exaggerated grimace painted across Yoongi’s delicate face.
“No ‘m not,” Jimin grumbled with his ears drooping, his thick lower lip jutting out into a pout, Y/N giggling alongside Seokjin and Hoseok at the little spectacle.
Though the night was coming to quite a pleasant close, with all of her hybrids seemingly content and getting along well, anxiety began to creep its way into her body. Likely sensing the subtle shift in her mood, Taehyung moved from beside her, trying to angle his face downwards to catch her gaze. Poor Taehyung had no idea that her anxieties were mostly surrounding him, even as he distractedly twirled a loose thread on the wrist of her sweater, the featherlight, barely-there contact wracking shivers from her body. Distracted by her thoughts, Y/N absently moved her hand to link two digits around Taehyung’s slender pointer finger, maybe in an attempt to ground herself, she’d never know. 
Sitting mostly in silence, save for the odd slightly disgruntled murmur from Jimin or Yoongi who was still supporting the coyote hybrid upright, Y/N felt the small tether from Taehyung’s finger help her float back down to earth. Distantly, she knew she’d have to talk to Taehyung eventually; considering it would be impossible to mask her anxiety and questions for long without raising suspicion. 
For now though, with the evening cool with the last of August slipping away with the stifling summer heat, Y/N was more at peace than she had been in years. Admitting this to herself was at first, a bit foolish, but something about the way that she was surrounded by quiet companionship, knowing that she wouldn’t have to retire back into the big old house by herself at the end of the night, filled her with warmth and comfort. Truly, she didn’t imagine that she’d grow this attached to each and every hybrid that she had adopted so rashly, but every single one of them had already wormed his way into her heart. Each had their charms, unique traits, and ways of expressing a softness that was pretty incredible to witness considering the handful of facts Y/N had about each of their rocky pasts. 
Taehyung, who had adjusted his hand to loosely grasp onto Y/N’s whole hand while she looked up at the stars, pressed his thumb lightly into the spot Yoongi had scented her that morning, the sensation painless but still sending a jolt through her. Tossing an involuntary look behind her shoulder towards the leopard hybrid still comforting a sleepy Jimin, Y/N immediately locked eyes with Yoongi, the corner of his mouth lifting into a lazy smirk as she gawked at him with alarm. Taehyung, either oblivious or deliberately pressing into the mark with his thumb, kept his chin skywards, eyes glued to the moon with a reverent expression. A light tap on her shoulder had Y/N tearing her gaze from Taehyung’s side profile, turning her face to the side with her eyebrows furrowed. 
“Have the rest of this? I don’t want it,” Jeongguk presented a half-eaten s’more in front of her face, Y/N able to make out various ancient looking glyphs inked into his wiry fingers. 
“Sure. Thanks, Jeongguk,” Y/N smiled in thanks, carefully taking the treat with her free hand as he averted his eyes downwards. Cute. 
She liked this softened version of the elk hybrid, wondering if his ‘brattiness’ had dissolved since he had rid herself and the house of the malevolent entity. Taking a bite of his haphazardly made s’more, Y/N sunk further into her seat on the thick blanket, listening to the sounds of the moonlit summer evening and the hybrid’s quiet voices as they conversed between themselves. 
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The slow pulse of an impending hangover was already eagerly presenting itself in one of the veins of Y/N’s forehead, making her grit her teeth as she brushed them sloppily in the mirror. It was late, almost half past two in the morning, and she had finally managed to tear herself from the hybrids and usher them all inside for some sleep. After changing into a well-worn oversized tee shirt and boyshort panties, Y/N was ready to rest her aching bones until at least 9 AM, anxious to shut out the obnoxious nagging thoughts bouncing around in her skull. 
Tiredly, Y/N scrolled through a few messages from her friends on her phone while she curled up into a ball in bed, quilt pulled tight around her body as she listened to Jeongguk stomping around above her. From the noise, it sounded like he was attempting to yank open the door to the balcony for a smoke, treading back and forth from the spot where his wardrobe was. 
Ben Alpin: so much fun today!! I guess I approve of your hybrids. The ones I could corner, at least
Laura Santos: They’re pretty sweet, Y/N! Not so bad on the eyes, either~
Ben Alpin: Laura!
Laura Santos: I’m married Ben, not dead
Y/N: Fair… they’re all handsome, aren’t they
Ben Alpin: Just how much did you have to drink, exactly, Y/N? 
Alice Santos: Come on Ben, it’s like what Laura said, you’re MARRIED not DEAD
Ben Alpin: I’m engaged, smartass! They are cute, though, I’ll admit it
Alice Santos: Hoseok’s my favorite. Might see a bit more of me at your house in the future, Y/N
Y/N: Whatever gets you here for a sleepover, my love!
Huffing, Y/N set her phone down on the nightstand beside her to charge, not wanting to drift off to sleep mulling over images of Hoseok and Alice growing close in her mind’s eye. Gathering up a fistful of her quilt under her chin, Y/N caught sight of the moon outside her window, knowing that sleep would evade her for a bit even though her body was sagging with exhaustion into the mattress. 
Now that the cookout was behind her, Y/N could spend the rest of the weekend making sure the hybrids were truly settling into their new home before she headed off to her first shift at Judy’s on Monday morning. Her plan was to keep things pretty low-key during the weekend, maybe go for a few nature walks around the property, take a trip to town for anything they may need to pick up from the stores, maybe get some restoration work out of the way. She wanted to monitor all of the hybrids physically, as well, hoping that all of them would end up scenting her by Sunday so she wouldn’t return home from work with one of them in the same state Seokjin was in when she left them alone the last time. 
As she curled into a tighter ball on her side, Y/N froze for a moment, as she swore she heard a faint knocking on her door. Straining her ears, she relaxed back into the sheets seconds later after chalking it up to some wind from outside, or perhaps from Jeongguk upstairs who was still clomping around. Though, after several seconds passed, Y/N definitely heard a knock on her bedroom door, the wooden sound a bit more confident than the previous pass. Sitting upright, Y/N rubbed her eyes with the backs of her hands, switching on her old stained-glass nightstand lamp so she could stumble out of bed. She had deja-vu, recalling how Namjoon had knocked on her door late at night only a few days ago. Like that time, she could only guess who was on the other side of the door as she gingerly cracked it open. 
“Sorry. Were you sleeping already?” It was Taehyung, Y/N knew even when she couldn’t see his form much at all from the darkened hallway, due to the low and impossibly quiet register of his voice. 
“Hmm, no, not yet. What’s going on, Tae, you need something?” Y/N tugged on the hem of her tee shirt, suddenly very aware that she wasn’t wearing any pants. With no response from the darkened figure in the hallway, Y/N cocked her head and pressed on. “Here, come in. I don’t want to wake the others.”
Stepping aside and peeling the door open a bit further, Y/N watched Taehyung shuffle into the room, donning blue plaid pajama pants and a white undershirt. His hair was a bit ruffled, like he had rolled around on his pillow for a bit, but Y/N was relieved to see that he didn’t have any telltale signs of discomfort from not scenting her yet. Shutting the door behind him softly, Y/N motioned for him to sit at the foot of her bed upon his continued pensive silence. 
“So, what’s up? Can’t sleep?” Y/N pressed after a few moments, crossing her arms over her chest in front of Taehyung to combat some of the chill in the room now that she had left the warmth of her quilt. 
Taehyung shook his head, garnet eyes finding hers after a couple of seconds of twiddling his thumbs on her bed. Biting her lip, Y/N didn’t really know where to go from there if Taehyung wasn’t going to speak– was she supposed to just let him hang out in her room so they could stare at each other? Now that she was alone with him, the hair on the back of her neck stood on end, much to her surprise and very much against her will. Fuck, her mother’s vision was getting to her. 
“No, that’s not it,” Taehyung narrowed his eyes as his nostrils almost imperceptibly flared, Y/N wondering if she was beginning to anxiously perspire. “I’m worried.”
Swallowing thickly, Y/N frowned as the wheels began to turn in her head, moving slowly to sit beside Taehyung on the edge of the bed. 
“Want to talk about it?” Y/N murmured, trying her hardest to keep her breathing measured to avoid attracting more attention to her frazzled nerves, Taehyung nodding in the slightest in response to her question. “What are you worried about?”
“You,” Taehyung pulled his brows together, giving Y/N a purposeful once-over as her entire body locked up. “I’m worried about you.”
It was as if a bucket of icy water was dumped over her, several alarm bells going off in her head as she stared at Taehyung with widened eyes. Was she really that transparent? Did he actually overhear her conversation with her mother? With her bad habit of overthinking, was this the time she actually predicted a disaster before it happened?
“M-me? Why, Tae? I’m fine!” Y/N spluttered, her fingernails digging into the soft skin of the tops of her thighs. The corners of Taehyung’s mouth turned downwards, definitely not taking her reply seriously as he shifted his weight closer to her. 
Carefully, Taehyung leveled his face closer to her’s, inspecting every angle of her face. He took her breath away, able to give him the same amount of examination from inches away; and by the gods, he was beautiful. The brush of his thick, straight lashes, his soul-penetrating carmine gaze, the odd freckle dusted across his smooth skin. 
“You’re anxious. Nervous. Something is bothering you, it’s concerning to me,” Taehyung uttered, barely over a whisper, his words creating puffs of air ghosting across her lips. The way he articulated with emphasis had shivers rolling through her body, fumbling to formulate a decent excuse for him. She came up with nothing. 
“Um… please don’t worry, Tae. Really, it’s nothing, I’m okay. Today and this past week have just been hectic, you know?” Y/N whispered, scared that if she raised her voice, she’d completely break down and spill her guts to him. When he continued to stare at her imploringly Y/N dropped her gaze. 
“I don’t believe you. What’s wrong?” Taehyung urged, hooking a finger under her chin gently to tilt her face back up to meet his eyes again.
As a result, she felt tears begin to well up at the corner of her eyes, knowing that she wouldn’t be able to get out of this situation without telling the Kodiak hybrid the truth. She wouldn’t know what to do if Taehyung reacted poorly to her telling that truth, what he’d even say, and if it would have him lapsing back into being mute like he was at the shelter. He had come so far out of his shell that afternoon, really making an effort to talk to her friends and family, and she was worried that breaching the subject of hey, did you murder someone would render all of that progress useless. 
Y/N pulled away a degree, Taehyung’s hand falling back into his lap while Y/N furiously scrubbed at her eyes with fists to keep her tears at bay. Chuckling weakly, Y/N decided to relent and not overthink his reaction before he even had it, figuring if anything the two of them could have a good laugh about her mother’s crazy vision together. 
“Ugh. Sorry, I’m not always so emotional, I swear,” Y/N croaked, Taehyung blinking placidly as he waited for her to continue speaking. “I don’t know. It’s just something my mother said this afternoon, she had a ‘vision’ while she was here. It was so outrageous, though, I pretty much wrote it off, even if she is usually rarely wrong when she gets these specific kinds of visions. I guess I’m still a little bothered by the absurdity of it all.”
Taehyung took a deep breath, scooching closer to her with a curious flicker to his ears. Sighing, Y/N took up one of his hands, squeezing it to reassure him, or perhaps herself– either way, she’d have to bite the bullet to prevent lying to him. 
“A vision,” Taehyung tasted the word on his tongue, narrowing his eyes at the way Y/N cradled his wide palm in between their bodies. “It obviously scared you, so it must not have been a good one. What was it about?”
“Strangely enough,” Y/N scratched the back of her neck with her free hand, the air in the room suffocating her all of a sudden. “It was about you, Tae.”
Taehyung flinched as if he was shocked by a live wire, his hand still resting in hers, tightening its hold a fraction before releasing it altogether. Abruptly, Taehyung stood, pacing in front of her bed with a stormy look in his eyes. The reaction did nothing to encourage divulging any more information, Y/N grasping the material of her quilt with alarm. After several moments of watching Taehyung make laps around her bedroom, yanking anxiously at his inky curls, the Kodiak hybrid found his way back in front of Y/N, bending to a crouch in front of her with an expression of distress she had never seen on his usually composed face. A sick feeling was curling in her gut, and she knew there was a possibility that what her mother had seen was real, after all. 
“Me? Y/N, listen to me�� what did she say about me?” Taehyung’s voice was scratchy, strained, gripping his knees with whitened knuckles when Y/N didn’t answer promptly. “Please, talk to me!”
“T-tae, I’m not sure tha–”
Shaking his head quickly, Taehyung cut her off by placing both of his hands on her shoulders somewhat roughly, making Y/N go rigid in his grip. Things were spiraling a bit out of her control, and the room felt charged.
“Tell me. It’s okay, I can handle it,” Taehyung insisted, fingertips digging into her shoulders imploringly. Thighs beginning to shake from nerves, Y/N tried her best to find comfort in the way Taehyung’s features softened once the fear began to roll off of her in waves. 
“Her vision was a jumbled mess, I watched her have it– well, she claims you’ve killed someone,” Y/N blurted, nervously laughing at recalling just how ridiculous the whole conversation truly was. 
Taehyung’s face cleared of all emotion, like a chalkboard wiped clean, his hands sliding from her body as he unceremoniously rocked back on his feet and sat on the floor with a thump, which made Y/N continue babbling while he stared at the floor. “Which, of course, I told her was totally ridiculous, I mean come on. I’ve been anxious since then, especially because I promised not to lie to any of you again, but I didn’t exactly know how to bring up something like this to you.”
The silence in the room was deafening. Y/N swore even the crickets chirping outside had silenced, the sound not coming through her cracked-open window anymore, making her hold her breath in suspense. Taehyung’s face remained as stony as it was when she first laid eyes on his human form back at the shelter, sitting so still he looked like a marble statue. Figuring him to be stunned out of a response, Y/N began to force out a few choppy giggles as she stood, motioning for Taehyung to get up and trying her best to snap him out of it so they could finally move on from the tense conversation. 
“So yeah, uh… pretty stupid, huh? Like I said, the reason why I was a nervous wreck was because I knew I’d have to bring it up eventually and I didn’t want to upset you. Sorry to worry you, Tae… I’m going to talk to my mom this week, insist that her vision was just some kind of fluke–”
“How did she even see… I didn’t even know you then,” Taehyung interrupted her monologue, the blood draining from her face as the Kodiak hybrid squeezed his eyes shut, pinching the bridge of his nose. “This is unbelievable.”
“W-what?” Y/N squeaked, dread flooding through her as she watched Taehyung get to his feet heavily, his face suddenly appearing years older. “Taehyung?”
Running a tired hand over his face, he finally looked at her, Y/N knowing she appeared scared out of her wits. Her mother’s vision actually true? Judging by Taehyung’s cryptic reaction, there was a huge possibility the vision wasn’t just a bunch of nonsense, and it was sobering as she stared at Taehyung with wide eyes. There was a great sadness to his expression, growing more pronounced by the second as Y/N realized she was slowly backing away from him, until her spine hit the glass window to the backyard. He got closer, stopping a couple of feet away once he noticed how tense she had become. 
“Y/N, I’m not going to hurt you, please don’t be scared of me,” Taehyung began, his throat sounding strained. Swallowing hard, Y/N tugged on the hem of her tee shirt, feeling the room start to spin a bit. She didn’t want to be afraid of Taehyung, who had been nothing but an angel since she met him, but she wasn’t expecting him to react like she caught him red-handed. 
“Okay,” Y/N breathed, doing her best not to lock up even more when he took another step closer to her. “I’m not scared, just confused… Can you–”
“I told you I was from Alaska, right?” Taehyung inched even closer to her, seeming to sense that Y/N needed a bit of clarification from him. Taking her silence as a cue to continue, Taehyung breathed in deeply. 
“I was working at a sawmill under the table with other Kodiak hybrids. I mean, they didn’t even pay us, we had to live in these run-down cabins, the owners were horrible people… we worked all day, into the night, cutting down the trees and hauling them to the trucks to be processed. It was what it was, I was created and grew up there, so I was used to the mundane… was somewhat comfortable with it. That changed in the past few years, with more humans interested in hybrid hunting, my friends and I started to worry about what might happen to us one day, if we didn’t keep working hard or got injured. Last month, when I came back late one night from one of the trucks, I overheard one of the owners on the phone. It sounded like they were making some kind of deal.”
Y/N furrowed her eyebrows, simultaneously wondering what this information had to do with the vision and distantly intrigued she was learning new information about Taehyung. Clearing his throat, Taehyung continued. 
“I didn’t think much of it, that night. I was exhausted, and had to get up early for my next shift, so I crashed. The next thing I know, my cabin mates and I are woken up in the middle of the night by burlap sacks being shoved over our heads and zip ties around our wrists, a syringe in our necks, and we were thrown into the back of a box truck.”
With a sharp intake of breath, Y/N bit her lip, noticing Taehyung’s voice begin to get throaty with emotion. Taehyung was trafficked, kidnapped, and the thought of it had her heart breaking. 
“That’s horrifying,” Y/N whispered, wanting to reach out to him but finding her hands were glued to the material of her shirt. “Do you know who took you away?”
“They were traffickers, the owners of the sawmill picked out a few of my buddies and I to sell. We were going to be sold to a group of CEOs for a hunting tournament in Seattle. We could hear the driver of the truck talking about it in the front seat over the phone once whatever they injected us with wore off. One of my friends was able to snap off his restraints, and helped us all out of our own. We didn’t dare try and speak to each other, but we knew that eventually, the driver would have to stop for gas and check on us. So we waited, and when the back door opened up when he pulled off the highway, we…”
Each new detail was more dreadful than the last, Y/N feeling bile rise up in her throat as Taehyung trailed off. His breath became labored, Y/N able to sense the panic rising in him due to the pained and confused look on his face while he seemingly relived the memory. Without a second thought, Y/N softly grabbed one of Taehyung’s wrists, urging him on. 
“We?” Y/N murmured, hoping that the physical touch and the fact that most of the fear she felt earlier had left her body completely. She had the feeling whatever she was going to hear next was all in the name of self defense. Taehyung practically melted into her loose grip, seemingly helping him muster up the courage to open his mouth once more. 
“It’s hard to remember. Most of my friends split off as soon as we jumped out of the back. It was just me and this guy Caleb who ended up getting cornered by the truck driver before we could get away, and Caleb wasn’t exactly a friend of mine. Caleb was trying to pin the driver down and push him towards me, but the guy pulled a knife and tossed Caleb to the ground and then he turned on me. I couldn’t even think, all that was running through my head was the fact that I needed to get away, I needed to survive this,” Taehyung’s chest heaved, his eyes far away as he recalled the memory. Y/N tried her best to smooth her thumb over the skin of his wrist for comfort, waiting for him to catch his breath so he could finish.
“I managed to knock him to the ground and get the knife from him at some point… I didn’t even know what I was doing by that point, instincts kicked in or something, I don’t know. I couldn’t run away, the guy was thrashing around beneath me, screaming, I swore my head was going to explode. At the time, I felt I had no other option, everyone else had run away and I knew that the driver would chase after me because I attacked him. I just– Caleb was already escaping into the woods, taunting me, as the knife went down, and the driver was… I k-killed him in the street before I even registered that I was holding the knife, with a witness promising to turn me in if we were found out.”
When he finished his story, Y/N’s ears were ringing, gaping at Taehyung with a loose hanging jaw. He looked incredibly vulnerable and was visibly shaking; torn between strong regret and deep discomfort after admitting the truth. With her fingers still wrapped around his wrist, she weakly squeezed it, any remaining wariness she felt towards him had disappeared following his confession. Clearly, this was something that was weighing heavily on him for quite a bit, and Y/N couldn’t even comprehend how difficult it was for him to confess all of this to her. 
“Say something, please,” Taehyung pleaded quietly, after a few moments of somber silence. Y/N didn’t know if there was anything she could say in response. 
“Come here, Tae,” Y/N murmured, tugging him closer, looping her arms around his shoulders tightly, pressing her face into the thin material of his tee-shirt covering his chest. Flush with him, Y/N could hear the impossibly fast pace of Taehyung’s heartbeat as he sagged against her, his arms immediately snaking around her waist to clutch at her back, his face dropping down into her neck.
“You were just trying to get away– you would have died, if you didn’t…” Y/N pressed her ear to Taehyung’s chest, listening to it slow a few beats with each passing second. “I can’t believe the owners of the sawmill just let you and your friends get taken like that, I can’t even imagine how afraid you all must have been.”
Taehyung pulled away a fraction to angle his face inches from hers, a peculiar expression on his features as he regarded her carefully. Tightening her grip around his shoulders, Y/N feared that if she let him go, he’d disappear forever. Giving him a shaky half-smile, she pushed a curl of inky hair out of his eye, hoping she was no longer worrying him with her previous anxiety. 
“But I killed that man, Y/N. Technically, I’m a fugitive– just telling you all of this puts you in danger, puts you in a position where you would have to choose to lie or turn me in,” Taehyung breathed, a decibel above a whisper. 
Y/N had already thought of this. If Taehyung was a human that was being trafficked, a lawyer could argue that he had acted in self-defense. However, since he was a hybrid, Y/N wasn’t sure if he’d be afforded the same kinds of rights, which honestly made her sick to her stomach. She couldn’t fathom turning Taehyung in, truthfully alarmed that he would even think so, considering she had adopted all the hybrids to prevent the very fate Taehyung almost suffered from twice. 
“I’m not turning you in, Tae. When I adopted you, it was to prevent all of you getting taken away by someone who had the same intentions as those CEOs when you were thrown into the back of a box truck. I wanted you all to be safe, here,” Y/N insisted, feeling the Kodiak hybrid wind his fingertips into her tee shirt over her shoulder blades.
“You’re not afraid anymore,” Taehyung mumbled, a blush forming across his cheeks and nose with her words. Nodding, she agreed, feeling more protective than ever over the Kodiak hybrid. “I figured you’d be terrified of me once I told you.”
“No, no,” Y/N shook her head quickly, nose skimming Taehyung’s chest with the movement. “I think anyone would have defended themselves like that if put in the same situation, myself included. I’m glad you told me. I know a bit more about you now, and you said you weren’t going to hurt me… I trust you.”
Straightening up a bit, Y/N watched Taehyung’s ears twitch slightly in reaction to her confession, his hands moving from her shoulder blades to her upper arms, pushing her lightly away from his proximity so he could look at her more clearly. The mood shifted immediately with the expression on his face, a different, more sensual tension filling the room and making her breath catch in her throat. It was as if she had uttered some magic words to cast a spell over him, his tongue catching over his lower lip as he drank in her appearance with lidded eyes. 
“You trust me?” Taehyung repeated, eyes flickering from her own to the loose collar of her large tee shirt, using a pointer finger to press at a fluttering pulse point by one of her clavicles. Oh. Shuddering from the chilly temperature of his fingertip, Y/N shut her eyes and tilted her head back onto the glass pane behind her, humming in response. “If you trust me, then… I trust you.”
Taehyung must have bent down, Y/N’s eyes shooting open at the sensation of his silky hair tickling the skin of her neck as he pressed his face into the dip of her collarbones. Trying her best to relax her posture, as she had a suspicion as to what he was about to do, Y/N used a free hand to thread her fingers through the curls on the back of his head. 
She felt Taehyung take a sharp inhale against her sensitive skin, the tips of her ears burning with embarrassment due to the turn of events. Y/N supposed that if Taehyung was going to scent her now, it was much preferred over him waiting to feel sick like Namjoon, Seokjin, and Yoongi had. She tilted her chin up to give the Kodiak hybrid better access to the spot below her throat he was mapping out with traces of the tip of his nose and brushes of his eyelashes. Still, with the light touches, Y/N could immediately sense lingering hesitancy in the way Taehyung held back from sinking his teeth into her. 
“Tae? It’s alright, you can–”
Whimpering, her words died on her tongue with the sting of razor-sharp incisors piercing into the base of her throat. Notes of desperation in the bite were absent compared to the last three she received, one of Taehyung’s hands wrapped loosely around her bicep, the other using two fingers poised under her chin to keep her neck craned back. Hissing with pain, the location he had chosen to scent her extremely tender and thin-skinned, Y/N involuntarily tugged on a fistful of Taehyung’s curls. The knee-jerk reaction caused a deep rumble to roll through Taehyung’s chest darkly. 
Crowding Y/N against the chilled window, Taehyung pushed one of his legs between her thighs to press his body closer into her proximity. Reeling with his teeth still in her neck, Y/N began to tremble, squeaking when Taehyung reached behind his head to remove her hand from his hair, intertwining their fingers together before pinning her hand to the wall beside her. Overwhelmed, Y/N’s eyes fluttered shut, beginning to feel lightheaded as the enzymes coating Taehyung’s teeth entered her bloodstream. 
Weakened, she dug her fingernails into Taehyung’s shoulder, her other hand immobilized in his grasp. The pain of the bite had vanished, a sharp sigh of bliss falling from Y/N’s lips as Taehyung pulled his teeth out from the puncture wounds. With a heavy lave of his tongue over the bite, Y/N shivered with delight, the room around her coming in and out of focus as the majority of her weight became supported on Taehyung’s thigh wedged between her own two. Still, she could hear the low rumbling from within Taehyung’s chest as he graphically swiped his tongue over her collarbone, Y/N’s ears beginning to ring from the haziness brought on by the enzymes in the hybrid’s saliva. 
“Mmph– ugh,” Y/N slurred groggily as her limp hand slid from Taehyung’s shoulder, having difficulty keeping her head tilted back as he continued to map out patterns on her clavicle with his tongue. She was caught in a daze, foggy brain trying its best to process not only everything Taehyung had told her about his past and what he had done, but the very unexpected turn of events of him pressing her up against a window to scent her afterwards. 
While she was trapped in her daze, she felt Taehyung carefully pull away from her, threading an arm around her waist to guide her away from the window, Y/N leaning her entire body weight against his side as he gracefully lead her to the closest seat– the stool by her vanity. Locking eyes with Taehyung in the mirror as he lowered her down, she smiled at him dopily, his expression once again becoming stoic and hard to read. His lower lip was stained with her blood; it was pretty.
“Feel better?” Y/N heard herself ask, Taehyung cracking a slight smile at her garbled speech, nodding almost imperceptibly as his tongue peaked out to catch the blood on his lip. Resting her chin in her palm, she eyed the fresh bite by her throat, a slight glisten of saliva still visible in the lamplight. The site tingled.
Interrupting her post-bite buzz, a rather large crash came from the wall in front of her, the mirror rattling against the wall as Y/N widened her eyes at Taehyung’s reflection in fright. She had forgotten that the other hybrids could have been listening in on her and Taehyung’s interaction, and whose room was just several feet away from her own. Namjoon. 
Immediately, the Kodiak hybrid’s jaw became tense and his ears flattened against his head, eyebrows knitting together as his fists clenched. Flinching, Y/N heard the slider door from above her slam shut, and more chaos from behind the wall in front of her. It sounded like Namjoon was knocking things over, and pretty quickly the angry sounds snapped her right out of her clouded haze. Taehyung remained frozen, eyes narrowing with each thud coming from the room over.
“Shit,” Y/N hissed upon hearing a particularly thunderous sound of something clattering to the floor, fumbling her way to her feet frantically. Heart racing, she winced as her foot collided with the vanity sharply, blindly making her way to the door out to the hall. 
“Wait, where are you going?” Taehyung stopped her at the door after finally unfreezing from his spot, his hand placed over hers on the doorknob and his voice laced with urgency. 
Furrowing her eyebrows, Y/N nodded towards the hall as if to say what do you mean, don’t you hear that, yanking the door open to find the hallway flooded with light, Namjoon’s door open. 
“Y/N, stop. Let me handle this,” Taehyung pleaded quietly, gripping her wrist as she closed in on the short distance between her bedroom and the wolf hybrid’s. 
“No, Tae. Something could be wrong, he could have hurt himself– fuck, everybody else is going to wake up, at this point,” Y/N replied when the harsh scrape of Namjoon’s desk chair undoubtedly marked up the floorboards. Reluctantly, Taehyung followed her to the threshold peering into the wolf hybrid’s room. 
The bedroom was a mess. Namjoon had torn his sheets and comforter off of his bed, a few of his articles of clothing were strewn about. A tee shirt was hanging precariously off of the lamp by his desk, the wooden workspace cleared of all items as if he had swiped his hand across the surface and knocked everything to the ground. Several books were thrown from the large bookcase on the wall and landed in heaps on the floor, and the bench by the window had been overturned. The wolf hybrid, however, was nowhere to be seen. Blood drained from her face at the state of his room, Y/N felt unease creep into her gut once again, Taehyung stepping around her with his shoulders squared. 
With purpose, Taehyung marched towards Namjoon’s shut bathroom door, light peeking out from beneath it indicating that the wolf hybrid was within. All at once, Taehyung began pounding at the door, teeth gritted, as Y/N sprung into motion to try and pull the Kodiak hybrid away. Guilt festered within her, knowing that everyone in the house was definitely awake by now with all the noise, and all at once she felt like she wasn’t doing a very good job of taking care of the hybrids so far. 
“Tae, stop! The others might be sleep–” Y/N let go of his arm as soon as the door was wrenched open, an absolutely livid looking Namjoon appeared in the doorway, hair and shirt dripping wet as if he stepped into the shower still clothed. He was still wearing the outfit he had to the cookout; Y/N realized Namjoon likely never even went to bed in the first place. 
“Sleeping?” Namjoon spit, Y/N’s mouth slamming shut at the malice dripping from his tone, the wolf hybrid’s dangerously narrowed amber eyes focused on Taehyung as he seemed to tower over the latter, taking several steps forward while her and Taehyung backed up a few inches in response. 
“Nam–” Y/N squeaked, blinking as Namjoon put a hand up to cut her off, not even sparing her a glance as he continued to stalk into Taehyung’s personal space. 
“Quiet,” he barked, Taehyung going stiff with the wolf hybrid’s command, which was obviously directed at her. With his nearest hand and without breaking eye contact with Namjoon, Taehyung pushed Y/N back and behind him protectively, away from the direct line of fire. 
“What are you doing in here?” Taehyung growled, free hand gesturing around the wreckage of Namjoon’s bedroom. Shivering, Y/N felt a breeze roll in from one of Namjoon’s open windows, her bare legs beginning to shake. 
Flashing his sharpened canines, Namjoon took a big step forward, getting right in Taehyung’s face dangerously. The tension in the room became unbearable, and Y/N had no idea how to diffuse it– part of her wanted to seek out help from the others, but didn’t know if that would make things worse, and she didn’t want to leave the two at each other’s throats alone in the room. 
“I knew there was something fucking wrong with you,” Namjoon began savagely, Y/N’s panic settling in more quickly as both hybrids chests began to rumble with barely-contained growling. “How long, exactly, were you planning on keeping everyone in the dark?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, wolf,” Taehyung scoffed, Y/N grimacing– wrong answer. Judging by Taehyung’s locked up posture, he knew exactly what Namjoon was talking about. The fur on Namjoon’s silvery tail was standing on end, his eyes flashing in anger.
“Fuck off, don’t act ignorant,” Namjoon accused, using the flat of his palm to shove Taehyung back a few inches, the strike landing sharply on the Kodiak hybrid’s shoulder and making him stumble backwards from the impact. “You’re a murderer, you fucking killed a human. Just by being here, you’ve put every single one of us in this house at risk!”
Heart plummeting to her toes, Y/N stumbled backwards onto Namjoon’s bare mattress, unable to keep her weakened knees steady any longer. So, Namjoon had heard her and Taehyung’s entire exchange, which led her to the conclusion that Jeongguk, separated only by thin sheets of drywall and hardwood above her bedroom, had as well. She could only imagine who else was listening in, praying that no one else had quite the reaction Namjoon was experiencing. 
Taehyung was apparently stunned into silence, though Y/N had a suspicion that Taehyung knew better than she did about just how sensitive hybrid sense of hearing was, and the likely event that many of the others in the home had heard what he had confessed to Y/N earlier. Recovering from Namjoon’s shove, Taehyung straightened up, preventing himself from being pinned against the desk. 
“Nothing to say now, huh? Easy to spill your guts to someone who would forgive her own executioner, you coward. Ridiculous… we all smelled that human blood on your jacket in the shelter, even when it was confiscated by that piece of shit shelter worker. I was the last to get dumped there, and I still knew you were fucked up. You still have the jacket, reeking of filth upstairs in a closet!” 
With each statement, the volume of Namjoon’s voice grew to the point where he was shouting. Horrified, Y/N pulled herself off of his bed, trying her best to muster up the courage to intervene. In the distance, she could hear the ancient creaking of the old floorboards responding to several pairs of footsteps rushing to the scene of the commotion. Taehyung appeared to take a breath, attempting to distance himself from the hostile wolf hybrid. 
“If you heard everything, then–” Taehyung countered, swiftly cut off by a dark chuckle coming from Namjoon. 
“No shit, I heard everything, I’m about 200 feet from her bedroom,” Namjoon spat condescendingly. “What exactly is your plan, here? If authorities end up tracking you down, or one of your buddies rat you out, what does that mean for the rest of us? Are we supposed to act like we don’t know anything?”
Taehyung blinked, a shadow crossing over his face. Nails digging into her palms as she squeezed her hands into fists, Y/N caught a glimpse of movement in the hallway; the swish of a spotted tail and hushed whispering. Yoongi and Seokjin were lingering in the hall, from the looks and sounds of it. 
“You know, it’s one thing to kill another hybrid, but a human? Don’t you know what would happen to you if you’re caught? And to drag her into this…” Namjoon stabbed a finger into Taehyung’s chest, the latter gritting his teeth and batting Namjoon’s hand away. 
“I’m not letting anything happen to her,” Taehyung snapped, voice thick with anger. “If they find me, I’ll tell them she knew nothing about my past.”
“Until they torture it out of you, or you let it slip,” Namjoon retorted matter-of-factly, Taehyung’s expression growing even more furious. “By the way… how do we know that you won’t attempt to kill us all in our sleep so you can get away now that we know your secret?”
By now, the tips of Namjoon’s human set of ears were red with rage, lost within the spiral of his thoughts. Tearing a hole in the skin of her lower lip, Y/N reacted impulsively, approaching the two cautiously with her hands up. 
“H-hey, Namjoon, I think we should all take a breath–”
As if suddenly remembering Y/N was in the room, Namjoon snapped his head down to look at her scathingly, the muscles in his jaw twitching with agitation. 
“And you. You’re okay with all of this, harboring a murderous fugitive? I’ve seriously overestimated your judgment capabilities. Then again, you actually adopted seven hybrids labeled as dangerous in the databases, so I’m wondering why I’m so shocked by your lack of self preservation,” Namjoon crossed his arms over his chest, tail swishing furiously behind him. Insulted, Y/N ignored Taehyung’s growling growing in volume, as well as the stunned silence from the hallway. 
“I don’t think you’re being fair right now, Namjoon. I understand you’re angry, but you can’t just lash out at the people around you like this,” Y/N pointed out with a wag of her finger, an incredulous look blooming across Namjoon’s face. Turning his body to face her more fully, Namjoon bent down to get closer to her face. 
“So now you’re telling me how to react in response to your foolishness? Is that it? I can’t make an assessment of you? Is it because of your massive savior complex, or that your spoiled rich girl lifestyle protected you from criticism all this time?” Namjoon coldly inquired, his sharp eyes dropping from her face to the fresh bite along her collarbone, extending a digit to prod at the wound. “You even allowed him to fucking scent you after finding out who he is. Stupid girl.”
As soon as Namjoon spat out his insults, Y/N felt his words sting like a slap across the face. With the acidity at which he uttered each word, Y/N realized he truly felt that way about her; that she was in over her head, naive, spoiled and stupid. The realization had her heart shattering in her chest, tears immediately gathering in her eyes as she stared at the floor with her throat beginning to close up. When Jeongguk had made her cry the night she brought him home, she tried her best to get away from the hybrids before they could see the tears, but Y/N was so stunned by the hurtful words that she was rooted to her spot. 
Before the first tear could roll down her cheek, Taehyung sprung into action, roughly tearing Namjoon’s hand away from Y/N’s clavicle and shoving the wolf hybrid by his shoulders so strongly Namjoon stumbled back into his bed frame. Blood pounded loudly in her ears, distantly hearing Namjoon’s cursing as he grabbed Taehyung by the collar of his tee shirt.
Barely registering the events around her, Y/N sunk into a crouch, wrapping her arms around her knees as she let her tears flow freely, not even caring that she was whimpering pathetically. With everything that had transpired in the past week, between the adoptions, the paranormal situation in the house, and trying to remain as upbeat as possible in the face of each hiccup, Y/N was truly exhausted and she finally let herself feel the strain of it all. She realized she was way out of her depth, clearly unable to handle taking care of the hybrids considering two of them were about to tear each other apart, the thought making her so miserable she began to gasp with the beginnings of a panic attack. 
“You fucking. Bastard,” Taehyung roared, using an elbow to jab Namjoon in the ribs in an attempt to get the wolf hybrid to let go of his shirt collar. “Talking to her like that, laying a finger on her! You take it out on me, not on her!”
“Gladly, you prick,” Namjoon grunted, taking a swing at Taehyung’s face, Y/N unable to see if his fist collided with his cheek as her vision began to spot. Taehyung staggered backwards from the impact, Y/N stiffening as the Kodiak hybrid spat a mouthful of blood onto the floor by her feet. The half-open door to Namjoon’s bedroom swung open with a smack against the wall, thunderous footsteps cutting through the noise of the brawl. 
“The fuck!” Came a new voice, Y/N distantly recognizing it as Jeongguk’s smoky tone as his quickened heavy tread pounded into the room. Dread washing over her as she expected an escalation of the violence, Y/N lifted her head from her knees. “Are you two morons going to keep going until you destroy the place, or until you kill each other?”
“Stay out of th–” Namjoon began, Jeongguk cutting him off with a humorless snort. 
“Shut the fuck up. This ends now, you’ve both done enough to ruin tonight for everybody. You have that girl on the floor shaking like a goddamn leaf and the whole house reeks of her doom and gloom, you fucking assholes.”
Taehyung’s shoulders deflated, looking down and behind at Y/N’s crumpled form on the floor, and Y/N could see how ashamed he became as soon as his eyes swept over the carnage of his and Namjoon’s fight. Y/N was more taken aback by Jeongguk’s intervention, not expecting him to break apart the fight so willingly, staring at his confident posture in a new light.
The elk hybrid was still dressed in his outfit from earlier, a deep scowl on his face as he got between the other two. Disgust was written all over the placement of his mouth with the way he was biting down on his lip ring harshly, both Namjoon and Taehyung bloodied and chests heaving– Jeongguk’s sentiments and interruption temporarily sobering them. 
Jeongguk snapped his fingers and nodded towards the hall, turning his back on Taehyung and beginning to haul Namjoon out of the room by swiftly and expertly binding his arms together in the blink of an eye. Thrashing in the elk hybrid’s clearly ironlike grip, Namjoon had no choice but to begin to be dragged out of the room, too busy trying to wrench himself free to spare Y/N on the floor a glance. Jeongguk, however, with his lips pressed together, offered her the slightest sympathetic expression, his midnight eyes ever so pitiful as he glanced her way. Her body still quaking, Y/N doubted if Jeongguk would be able to handle calming Namjoon down on his own, fearing the worst. Hearing Namjoon’s loud protests as Jeongguk dragged him away, she felt herself go numb, her brain at capacity for processing anything else that evening.
After several beats, she sensed another presence behind her and flinched as she felt a tentative hand land on her shoulder, looking up and wondering when Yoongi had snuck into the room. His face was slightly puffy from likely being woken from sleep and his pajamas were wrinkled, slowly lowering to Y/N’s level. He said nothing, his eyes soft as he cupped her face, using his thumbs to tenderly wipe away the tears tracking down her cheeks. The action had more moisture falling from her lash line, melting into the affectionate gesture, Yoongi cooing quietly. 
“It’s gonna be alright, sweetheart,” Yoongi murmured, his spiced vanilla scent enveloping Y/N due to his intimate proximity. Swiping his thumbs across her skin once more before pulling away all too soon, he stood upright again. “Come on, you– let’s get some air,” Yoongi stalked over to Taehyung, who was using the hem of his shirt to dab blood away from his mouth robotically.
As Yoongi hooked a hand around Taehyung’s elbow to lead him out without protest from the latter, Y/N heard additional footsteps enter the room rapidly as she dropped her head back down to her knees. Too drained to see who it was, Y/N waited for whoever it was to speak, praying it wouldn’t be someone else angry with her. 
“Miss Y/N, let me help you stand. We need to get you something warm to drink, you’re trembling,” Jimin’s devastatingly gentle voice met her ears, Y/N finally managing to stop crying after several moments of taking deep breaths. 
“Okay,” Y/N croaked, knowing that she would have a hard time facing everybody the next day. She had no idea how she’d be able to do damage control between Taehyung and Namjoon, let alone look at the wolf hybrid without breaking down. 
Gingerly, Jimin bent down from behind her, his minty breath washing over her as he wrapped an arm around her waist to lift her to her feet while bearing most of her weight in his arms. She let Jimin keep his arm around her waist, her body practically curling into his warmth as the coyote hybrid made sure she was supported against him, using his free hand to rub up and down one of her forearms to try and rid her skin of goosebumps. Carefully, Jimin started walking her out into the hall in the direction of the lowly lit kitchen, the rest of the house so quiet it was as if nothing out of the ordinary had occurred at all. 
“Sorry that woke you, Jimin. There are probably a thousand ways I could have handled that better,” Y/N mumbled, unable to look him in the eye as she stared down at his pajama pants.
 As they crossed into the foyer, Y/N noticed the door to the basement was shut, biting her lip when she remembered Hoseok’s fear of wolves. The fight couldn’t have made his aversion to Namjoon any better, and she prayed he was okay in the basement by himself. She’d definitely have to check on him early in the morning.
“Nothing to apologize for, Miss Y/N. Those two were out of line, and they know it,” Jimin assured her urgently with a roughened edge to his voice, the arm around her waist tightening with emphasis. 
The porch light was on outside of the front door, Y/N catching a glimpse of Yoongi’s long hair in the door’s window as he appeared to be talking to Taehyung, presumably. If anyone could swallow their pride enough to talk things through calmly with the Kodiak hybrid, it was Yoongi. 
“No, Jimin… I should have just kept my mouth shut about my mother’s vision. I mean, I don’t regret learning more about Taehyung’s past. But maybe I should have talked to him about it elsewhere, let him tell the rest of you when he was ready,” Y/N lamented, dropping her cheek to Jimin’s shoulder as he inched her into the kitchen. “Now look at the mess I’ve made. Everyone’s involved now.”
Jimin hummed low in his throat, maneuvering Y/N onto a cushiony barstool by nimbly hoisting her up by her hips, his grip delicate as he lifted her with his thumbs resting on her hip bones. With the angle, she was face-to-face with the coyote hybrid, who was examining her with unreadable citrine eyes. Ears turning backwards against his head, Y/N observed it was the first time Jimin looked truly canine, his pointed incisors prodding against his thick lower lip in thought. 
“Despite how Taehyung revealed his past to you, what happened in Namjoon’s room was unwarranted. Namjoon was cruel, and the both of them resorting to physical violence in front of you was nothing short of unacceptable. Don’t apologize– how could you have prepared for something like that, Miss Y/N?” 
Jimin brushed some of Y/N’s hair from her forehead, making sure she was supported well enough on the barstool by placing a hand on her shoulder to ease her against the backrest. Once confident that she wasn’t going to collapse on the floor, Jimin got to work readying a mug and a tea bag while keeping an eye on her across the island. She turned his words over in her mind as his back was to her placing the mug into the microwave, eyes on his full, sandy colored tail pulled through the hole sewn into his pajama pants. 
“Namjoon hates me,” Y/N whispered, feeling so dejected even Jimin’s carefully-chosen words of comfort couldn’t pull her out of it. 
Pulling the steaming mug from the microwave, Jimin sighed, using a spoon to stir a bit of honey into the tea. Rounding the island, he slid the mug in front of Y/N, rubbing soothing circles into her back as he sought out her eyes that were trained on the dark granite of the countertop. 
“No, he doesn’t. I have a feeling Namjoon hasn’t had much experience dealing with people and their emotions, let alone his own. That’s not an excuse, of course… but he doesn’t hate you, I promise,” Jimin assured, the cadence of his voice calming as he nudged the mug closer to her, encouraging her to take a sip. 
“You think?” Y/N uttered, voice small. She took a sip of the sweetened chamomile, the scent alone making her feel an increment better.
“I know it. He’s a wolf hybrid, he wouldn’t have scented you if he hated you, Miss Y/N,” Jimin confirmed, a tiny pleased smile stretching across his face as he watched her sip her tea obediently. Y/N was too tired to read into the implications behind what Namjoon’s species of hybrid had to do with anything, but she was sure to tuck away the hint for when she was less emotionally raw. 
“Jimin, thank you,” Y/N wrapped one of her arms around his wiry shoulders, pulling him in for a somewhat weak side-hug, enjoying his warmth and kindness. “You know, you don’t have to keep calling me ‘Miss’... my name is just fine. Makes me feel closer to you.”
Jimin chuckled with this, his nose in her hair as she hugged him into her side. Putting down her drained mug of tea, Y/N released the coyote hybrid, giving him an earnest smile amidst all of the uncertainty she was feeling. His expression was fond, and Y/N couldn’t believe how lovely he was. 
“That’s just how I was raised, a hard habit to shake. If it makes you happy, I’ll call you just Y/N,” Jimin granted, taking her mug away and moving away to place it into the dishwasher, a sparkle in his eyes. “Are you feeling a little better? You should get some rest, now.”
“Mm, I feel better. I should get some sleep… got some damage control to do tomorrow,” Y/N confirmed, desperately feeling like she needed a hug. She felt weird about pulling Jimin in for another embrace, however, even as he took her hand to help her down from the barstool. “You should head to bed, too, Jimin. It’s been a long day, I’m sure you’re exhausted as well.”
Just then, Y/N heard a faint buzzing sound, Jimin furrowing his brows as he fumbled for his phone in the pocket of his pajama pants. Equally confused, Y/N watched as Jimin distractedly led her out into the hallway, one hand gripping hers loosely and the other flicking through the notification. 
“Oh, it's Jeongguk…” Jimin murmured, eyes roaming over an apparent text message. Tensing, Y/N squeezed his palm, hoping he’d relay anything of importance to her. 
“Jimin, I think he wants to speak with you out back,” Y/N tore her eyes from the phone grasped in Jimin’s hand, registering Seokjin standing by the staircase in front of her. 
Y/N had forgotten he was one of the voices in the hallway when the fight broke out, his face tired as Y/N got a closer look at him. The woodsy scent of the outdoors was clinging to him as he approached her and Jimin, the dew-damp slides on his feet telling her that he had likely just come in from outside. Jimin nodded, reluctantly withdrawing his hand from Y/N’s grip, shooting her an apologetic half smile. 
“Yeah, that’s what his message said. I’ll go see what he needs,” Jimin straightened up with purpose, turning on his heels to head back into the kitchen and out the back door. “Seokjin, make sure she gets to bed? Goodnight, Y/N,” Jimin called lowly, disappearing into the dim kitchen with the swish of his tail. 
Y/N’s bare legs were beginning to feel numb from both standing and the chilly temperature blowing in from the open window in Namjoon’s bedroom she and Seokjin were lingering in front of. Her heart sank, assessing the mess that was made in his room. She'd definitely have to spend some time cleaning it up the next day– mopping blood off the floor, making sure nothing was broken. 
“Y/N? Come on, let’s go,” Seokjin stepped in front of her, blocking the view of Namjoon’s bedroom and extending a palm forward. Easily, Y/N grasped onto Seokjin’s warm hand, his fingers closing gently around her own digits. “There won’t be any more fighting tonight, we’ll all make sure of it, so you can rest easy.”
Casting one more look towards the front door as she allowed Seokjin to tow her along, she noticed the bulb on the front porch flickering on and off, muffled voices from the other side of the door paying the light no mind. Shivering, Y/N shook her head, shuffling closer to Seokjin and tucking into his side, the nagging feeling of needing some physical contact and comfort returning. In response, Seokjin’s tail wound around the back of her thigh, the silky fur warming up the flesh that it touched, and she fleetingly wondered if the action was mindless or purposeful. 
Her room was as she had left it prior to the commotion coming from Namjoon’s room, her quilt messy on her bed, stained glass lamp on her nightstand casting a whimsical pattern on the walls of the mulberry room. Pulling her to the side of her bed, Y/N could make out Seokjin’s dark eyelashes, his rounded blue-black ears, and the curve of his lips in the lamplight that illuminated his side profile.
“Do you need to use the bathroom, or are you okay?” Seokjin asked in a low voice, letting go of her hand to straighten out her quilt for her. He definitely seemed disturbed, creases around his mouth alluding to a bit of a frown. 
“No I’m fine, just a little cold,” Y/N replied, sitting on her bed where Seokjin had folded the quilt back. Seokjin chuckled lightly, pulling the thick material of the quilt up over her legs while she scooted down on her mattress. 
“That’s because you’re not wearing any pants,” Seokjin teased, using one hand to tuck the quilt under her body and the other to boop her nose. The action triggered a small giggle, the first tingle of amusement she had in hours. “You’re not a hybrid, either. Your blood doesn’t run as hot as ours.”
“Hmm, so that’s why you’re always so warm,” Y/N mused, smirking as Seokjin slipped the quilt up under her chin, his frown lines disappearing as she spoke. Even in the slight darkness, Y/N could see how vibrant his eye color was, fiery like the sunrise reflecting off of a tranquil lake. 
“Try to get some sleep, alright?” Seokjin whispered, fingers grasping the chain attached to her lamp to shut it off, Y/N tearing her arm from beneath the blanket and frantically grasping for his wrist to halt his movements. He looked back at her with surprise, eyebrows pulled together. “What’s the matter? Do you want the light on?”
Squirming beneath the covers, Y/N didn’t know how to put what she needed into words. She didn’t want Seokjin to leave. Being alone was the last thing she wanted at that moment, the thought of it making her so uncomfortable she could hardly stand it. 
“Uh… I don’t know how to, um…” Y/N floundered, still holding onto the jaguar hybrid’s wrist like a lifeline. 
“Do you–”
“Can you stay with me, please? I don’t want to be alone right now,” Y/N confessed quickly, squeezing her eyes shut and preparing for rejection. Seokjin was probably bone tired, and judging from his earlier look of perturbation, she had the feeling he wasn’t exactly pleased with the events that had unfolded that night. “You can say no. I just feel like I need a hug, or something… it’s childish, I know.”
A low rumble came from Seokjin’s chest, one of Y/N’s eyes cracking open at the gravelly sound. He seemed to be conflicted, eyes darting from her form to her sliding glass door that led out into the backyard, one of his feline ears twitching. She planned on simply letting it go, rolling over and allowing Seokjin to slip from the room after his declination, eyes slipping shut once more. Under her eyelids, the warm glow of the lamp cut off with the tinny yanking sound of the chain, Y/N accepting that he’d likely take his leave at any moment. 
“I’ll stay,” Seokjin agreed as soon as the light was off, Y/N’s eyes snapping open in surprise, only able to register a kaleidoscope of reds and blues as her sight struggled to adjust to the darkness. After a short series of what sounded like scuffling around her bed to the other unoccupied side, he spoke again. “You want me to lie down?”
Logic so far from penetrating her thoughts, Y/N immediately turned onto her opposite side to fold back the quilt for Seokjin, promptly fluffing the empty pillow laying beside her for him. 
“Please?” Y/N squeaked, weakly patting the empty spot on her mattress to encourage the jaguar hybrid. Though she could hardly see him, the only source of light coming from faint moonlight filtering in through her windows, the outline of his form was still visible. 
A sound between a chuckle and a purr came from Seokjin, the vacant side of her mattress dipping with his weight as he situated himself beside her, arranging her quilt around himself as Y/N could already feel his comforting warmth soothing her. He was close enough for Y/N to smell the eucalyptus shampoo he’d been using. Silence enveloped them, Y/N able to count his measured breaths as her eyes adjusted to the darkness, finally able to make Seokjin’s face out from beside her. Rolling over onto his side to face her, Seokjin gave her a small smile, Y/N surprised to see a feline eyeshine blinking back at her. He glowed, and she realized that there were so many interesting things about hybrids she learned about every second she spent time with them. 
“Right… You wanted a hug? Come closer, then,” Seokjin broke the silence, lifting his arm a few degrees, apparently expecting Y/N to scooch into his embrace. 
“U-uh, really? You sure?” Y/N stuttered, hoping she hadn’t backed him into a corner as he inched closer to her curled-up frame. 
“I’m sure, yeah. Come here, you’re still shivering,” Seokjin insisted with the velvety feeling of his tail brushing over the side of her thigh; the warm weight of it making her eyelids flutter. “It’s okay.”
After his firm assurance, Y/N wiggled her body closer to Seokjin’s warmth, shuddering once she was near enough for him to wrap his heavy arm around her waist and drag her flush to his body. Purring lowly as he adjusted, Y/N was still as he smoothly positioned her against his broad chest, the delicious waves of heat coming from his skin killing the chill that had been plaguing her. 
“Mmm. Thank you, Jin,” Y/N yawned, tucking her nose into the crook of his collarbone as he seemed to freeze at the mention of his nickname. His tail wound more tightly around her thigh in response, her legs nearly tangling with his own due to proximity. “M’ sorry about tonight.”
Seokjin’s hand inched around her waist and traveled up to her mid-back, holding her more securely as his free arm snaked beneath Y/N’s pillow so he could rest his palm in her hair. The embrace was intimate, Y/N pretty much melting into a puddle as her nose skimmed the column of his throat, eyelashes fluttering tiredly against his skin. She could feel his chest rumbling with purrs due to the way her upper body was pressed against him. Settling her hands over his pectorals to better feel the comforting vibrations, Y/N was already steadily slipping into unconsciousness. 
“You didn’t do anything wrong,” Seokjin murmured suddenly, stroking the back of her head softly. Angling her face away from his neck, Y/N sought out his glowing eyes in response. 
“I just want you all to be happy, to feel safe. I’m not doing such a bang-up job so far in accomplishing that,” Y/N lamented, drumming her fingers lightly against Seokjin’s chest. She could feel his steady heartbeat through his shirt. His chest deflated a bit as he let out a gentle sigh. 
“Well, I’m happy. And we’re all safe. Thinking like that will send you spiraling, Y/N… you need to get some sleep. Things will be better in the morning, I promise.”
“You’re happy?” Y/N whispered insecurely, the corner of Seokjin’s mouth quirking upwards. 
“Mm-hm. I am,” Seokjin confirmed, leaning forward, his wavy hair falling into his face. To her great surprise, Seokjin planted a firm kiss on her forehead, the cushiony feeling of his lips on her skin making her toes curl. As he pulled away, he used the hand on the back of her head to angle her face back into the crook of his neck. “Close your eyes, try to sleep for a bit.”
Stunned by the kiss, her face flushing violently, Y/N nuzzled her face as far as she could into his collarbones, taking it as her cue to quiet down and attempt to drift off to sleep. Seokjin’s purring resumed, his tail slackening around her thigh and resting there heavily. 
After her heart calmed down from Seokjin’s affectionate gesture, Y/N felt the heavy curtain of exhaustion drape over her, and paired with the warmth of another body curled around her, she was out in a matter of minutes. 
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In the morning, it was difficult to open her swollen eyes, likely from how hard she had cried during the fight between Namjoon and Taehyung. As soon as she came to consciousness, she remembered the previous night's events so vividly, she didn’t even have a chance to start the day in a good mood. To add to her glumness, it seemed that Seokjin had snuck out of her room at some point, the space he occupied beside her cold with the quilt neatly made up. Truthfully, she was grateful that he had stayed with her long enough for her to fall asleep, but she wished that his face could have been the first thing she saw when she woke up. 
After dragging herself out of bed and taking a full shower, Y/N stared at herself in the bathroom mirror distractedly as she blow-dried her hair. She couldn’t hear much going on in the house outside of her bedroom, but she wasn’t really paying attention anyhow. She was absolutely dreading damage control. Checking up on Hoseok was definitely her first priority, then cleaning up Namjoon’s bedroom– but there was also the matter of examining and treating Namjoon and Taehyung’s injuries, and she was not looking forward to interacting with either of them, truthfully. 
Grumbling, Y/N slipped on a pair of denim shorts and a ribbed cocoa tank top, the weather app telling her it was an oppressively humid and sweltering day, the plastic soles of her slides slapping against her hardwood floors as she prepared herself to metaphorically rip the band-aid off. Pausing by the door, she pressed an ear to the wood, trying to make out any sounds out in the hallway before she exited the room. All that she could hear was the occasional clanging of a wooden spoon against the side of a skillet. 
“Alright, let’s do this,” Y/N muttered to herself, surprised that she was past the hurt she felt last night– now, she mostly felt peeved. Jimin was right, a physical altercation was totally uncalled for, and she intended on making that clear to both Namjoon and Taehyung, even if the Kodiak hybrid was attempting to defend her in that way. 
Pushing her door open, Y/N completely avoided even looking towards Namjoon’s door, passing by swiftly and marching straight to the entrance of the basement. As she thudded down the stairs with purpose, Y/N was confident Hoseok would be able to tell it was her by her scent, the gym area darkened and all of the lights in the bathroom off as well. The sliding pocket door to Hoseok’s bedroom was shut, Y/N assuming he was still in there as she heard him shuffling around from within. 
“Hey, Hoseok. Can we talk? Are you alright in there?” Y/N called gently, waiting patiently for him to pad towards his door and open up. 
A well-oiled metal sliding sound rang out through the basement as the fox hybrid appeared in the doorway, purplish shadows under his clever mocha eyes and his ears drooping downwards and sideways. He was dressed in fresh clothes, at least, in a white tee shirt and his light linen pants, and seemed to have showered judging by how clean he smelled and his slightly-damp auburn hair. 
“Good morning,” Hoseok offered weakly, gesturing for her to come into his room. He kept things neat, a couple of comic books he must have found in the upstairs library littering the top of his desk and the round chair in the corner of the room. The bedroom smelled like him, like fresh air, woody, clean. “I should be asking you if you’re alright. You were in the thick of it, last night. I should have intervened…”
Hoseok rambled, a frown settling over his features, shifting from one foot to another. Y/N shook her head, reaching for his hand and squeezing his palm. 
“Seokjin told me not too long ago about your phobia of wolves,” Y/N confessed, watching Hoseok’s tail start to wag back and forth anxiously. “I was concerned about you down here by yourself last night… that must have been frightening for you to listen to, I’m really sorry, Hoseok.”
Hoseok’s frown deepened, letting go of her hand to run it through his hair with stress. Cocking her head curiously, she opened her mouth once more to try and comfort him further, but he spoke first. 
“Even if I do have an aversion to wolves, I still should have gone up there to help break it up. I can’t believe Namjoon said all of that shit to you, who does he think he is?” Hoseok snapped, though his frustration clearly wasn’t directed towards her. 
“I don’t know, Hoseok. He’s entitled to his… opinions, even about me. But I’m not tolerating any more violence in our home, that’s for damn sure. And I’ll be making that clear to him and Taehyung when I go up to face the music,” Y/N pinched the bridge of her nose, trying to avoid bringing up the elephant in the room– the crime Taehyung admitted to committing.
“The elk broke up the fight, huh? With Yoongi, no less. Guess they buried the hatchet in the nick of time,” Hoseok changed the subject, Y/N getting the feeling he was trying to avoid talking about both Taehyung and his phobia. She felt like one of the two needed to be addressed, sooner rather than later. 
“Hoseok, can I ask you something about your phobia? Is there something that happened to cause it?” Y/N tried to catch his eyes, noting that his ears pressed down even harder against his head with her words. “I’m only asking because I think I’d be able to help you work on it. I’d hate for you to be uncomfortable all the time due to Namjoon’s presence. I care about both of you.”
Hoseok’s ears perked up a bit after she uttered the last sentence, sighing deeply as he sank down on the edge of his bed with his head hanging low. 
“He doesn’t seem to deserve that care, at the moment,” Hoseok muttered, Y/N biting her lip as she waited for him to answer her question. “When I was a kid, maybe seven or eight years old, there was a shelter in Berlin I was at for longer than the rest– I think I was there for ten months? I could be wrong, they moved me around so much. Anyways, there was an older kid there too, really a teenager. He was a wolf hybrid, and he made sure to make my life a living hell. Shifting, chasing me around, pretending that he was going to kill me. You know, he broke three of my fingers, slamming them in a door.”
Dropping onto his bed beside him as a gasp left her mouth, Y/N collected Hoseok’s hand again with both of hers and squeezed, the fox hybrid glancing at her out of the corner of his eyes with his mouth pressed into a grim line. 
“Now that I’m older, I recognize that he was just angry with his situation, lashing out at anyone around him. But I’ve never really trusted another wolf hybrid. He’d tell all the other hybrid kids I was a deceitful, conniving fox and that I’d steal their things and throw them under the bus the first chance I’d get. I didn’t have any friends because of it. Worst of all, he ruined one of my first chances to finally get adopted and escape the system by cornering my potential adoptive owners, repeating the rumors that I wasn’t to be trusted, I’m a nasty fox. Of course, they ended up adopting him over me.”
“Oh, Hoseok, honey… I’m so sorry. You didn’t deserve any of that, he was a horrible bully, and you were just a little boy,” Y/N whispered, the mental image of a tiny Hoseok, alone and without friends, scared and hurt, breaking her heart to pieces. “For what it’s worth, I think you’re lovely… I’m glad that I was able to adopt you, and have the chance to get to know you. My mom wasn’t lying, foxes have always been my favorite animal,” Y/N nudged Hoseok in the ribs softly, hoping she could cheer him up and possibly get him to smile. She missed his infectious sunny laughter. 
Hoseok’s frame sagged with each word she spoke, his grip on her hand tightening as he peeked at her sideways. She gave him a small smile, somehow hoping that it conveyed just how grateful she was that he actually revealed all of this to her, trusting her enough to talk about a clearly sore subject for him. 
“It’s about time I work through this, anyways. It was a long time ago, and I don’t want anything holding me back anymore. I don’t have to worry about trying to make potential owners like me now, right?” Hoseok spoke after several beats, a hint of his pretty smile making an appearance on his face. 
“That’s right. You’re with me now, Hoseok! Anything you want to do; a place you want to visit, a hobby to try out– we’ll make it happen. I have no intention of letting any of you go, now that you’re here,” Y/N agreed, wondering if she was being a little too sappy. 
She was speaking nothing but the truth, even if things got rough and they didn’t always get along. When she made the adoptions, she never even thought about abandoning them. Unfortunately, far too many hybrids were returned back to shelters at the first sign of ‘bad behavior’, or left out on the streets. With the current state of the world where hunting down hybrids was gaining popularity amongst the uber wealthy, Y/N couldn’t stand the idea that if she hadn’t ended up in that shelter with Ben and Roy, the possibility of Hoseok being gone from the world just like that would have been very real. It made her sick; it triggered an almost primal need to protect each hybrid she had adopted with her life. The words Namjoon had spat at her seemed meaningless, now that she thought about it more seriously. There were so many things she didn’t know about each and every one of them– all of the horrors they had been through. 
“Y/N, come on…” Hoseok groaned playfully, his arm hooking around her shoulders and pulling her into his side. “I don’t want you crying again. Jin and Yoongi will be down here in a heartbeat ready to knock my lights out.”
“Okay, alright. I wasn’t going to cry,” Y/N mumbled, relief finally washing over her as Hoseok chuckled, his bright smile finally making an appearance on his handsome face. “Let’s go get some breakfast, hm? I’m sure Yoongi made something delicious, and it’s a beautiful day. We should spend some of it in the sunshine, No?”
Hoseok nodded with amusement, looking like a significant weight had been lifted off of his shoulders. She’d keep her promise in helping him get over his fear of wolves, knowing that it would help him not only feel more at ease, but would help heal some of his childhood anxieties and fears. He stood, his russet ears finally returning to their natural upwards position once more, motioning her to follow him out into the hall and up the basement stairs. 
Trudging up the stairs behind the fox hybrid, she couldn’t help but think about all of the places Hoseok must have been over the course of his short life. Imagining the constant confusion of being brought from shelter to shelter internationally as a child and teenager was mind boggling enough, not to mention with the added prejudice that fox hybrids seemed to be not so well liked in the hybrid world. 
In the brightness of the foyer, Y/N could smell a sweet-spiced pastry perfuming the air, paired with something else that was more savory and grilled. After sending her an encouraging look, Hoseok headed into the kitchen, Y/N knowing that he had some semblance of an idea that she was preparing herself for a tense situation. She made a pit stop, retrieving her first-aid kit from the broom closet under the stairs, mourning the fact that she seemed to be using it so frequently these days.
Braving herself, Y/N hurried after Hoseok, trying her best to seem composed and confident. The sunny kitchen was full of hybrids, tinkering sounds of silver cutlery against ceramic plates ringing in the air but the lack of conversation hung heavy over the atmosphere. 
Yoongi was over by one of the ovens, pulling out a tray of what appeared to be cinnamon apple rolls, his long hair pulled back with the red scrunchie Y/N gave him the previous day. One of his spotted ears turned to her direction as soon as she entered the kitchen, but his eyes remained on the pastries he was taking out of the oven. Besides him, Jimin and Seokjin were present, sipping coffee from mugs at the island and pushing around some kind of hash on a plate with their forks. 
Hoseok began making himself a cup of coffee by the coffee bar, apparently waiting for Y/N to break the silence upon their arrival. She sought out Seokjin’s gaze, which she met instantly, his eyes immediately softening once they locked eyes. Clearing her throat, she glanced at Jimin, who was also staring at her with a minor sense of pity, which made her straighten up with purpose.
“Morning, guys… did you get enough rest?” She began, making her way to Yoongi’s side as if her feet moved on their own accord, setting the first-aid kit down on the island as nonchalantly as she could. 
“Yeah, I did, at least,” Yoongi promptly responded, using a spatula to scoop a scalding hot pastry onto a plate, offering it to Y/N with a thin grin stretched across his face. It was strange, the way he was behaving as if nothing had happened, Y/N hesitantly accepting the plate, the scent of the pastry far too tempting to pass up. 
Taking much too large of a bite, Y/N migrated over to the side of the island where Jimin was sitting, hearing similar responses from both him and Seokjin. It was hard to stand shooting the breeze while she had no idea where Taehyung, Namjoon, and Jeongguk were, none of the hybrids in the room offering up any sort of insight as to where they’d be. Shoveling down the rest of the pastry Yoongi had given her with haste, Y/N waited for Hoseok to take a seat on a barstool with a plate full of breakfast food before inquiring about the missing hybrids' whereabouts. 
“So, where are they? I think it’s better if I address everything now, rather than later,” Y/N spoke after a few moments of listening to quiet chewing and Yoongi fiddling with the dials on the dishwasher. 
Both Jimin and Seokjin exchanged uneasy looks, Y/N staring at them expectantly when neither of them would cough up any information. Grumbling, Yoongi took her empty plate, Y/N shooting him a pleading look as he locked eyes with her. He melted as soon as his eyes met hers.
“Jeongguk wants to talk to you before you see the other two. He’s upstairs; Namjoon and Taehyung are cleaning up the bedroom they trashed,” Yoongi disclosed, speaking slowly in his gravelly tone as if he was trying to choose his words carefully. 
Blanching, Y/N tried to wrap her brain around how the hell Namjoon and Taehyung had gone from trying to tear each other apart to tidying up together, her body totally locked up as she processed what Yoongi relayed to her. Clutching the granite for support Y/N barked out a strained laugh in disbelief. 
“What? You mean, they’re together right now?” Y/N breathed, her eyes bugging out of her skull as she stared at Yoongi with alarm. He shrugged, placing silverware into the dishwasher like he was detailing a weather forecast to her. 
“They’ve calmed down, Y/N… we’ve managed to deescalate the fight over the course of the night,” Jimin volunteered from beside her, Y/N blinking when she realized he had finally dropped the ‘miss’ title he had been using to address her. “Once you talk to Jeongguk, I think you’ll feel a little bit better about confronting them.”
Nothing seemed to make any sense, judging by the way everyone was behaving so normally considering how disastrous last night had been. Taking in Jimin’s and Seokjin’s perfectly calm expressions, Y/N furrowed her eyebrows, realizing her carefully constructed plan to handle the day was mostly useless. Apparently, many things had been taken care of for her. 
“I don’t– huh? Uh, this is all so weird… have I been sleeping for a week?” Y/N stuttered, mainly speaking to herself as she distractedly headed back to the foyer, hoping Jeongguk could give her less cryptic information. 
“Please, you guys… hang out outside, chill out, whatever you want to do, go ahead. Thank you for all your help last night, too. I’m going to talk to Jeongguk,” Y/N added once met with no response to her hurrying away, calling over her shoulder as she simultaneously sped up the grand staircase, Yoongi’s cinnamon roll spiking her blood sugar enough to give her the zap she needed. 
Her footsteps making loud creaking sounds as she rushed down the hall towards Jeongguk’s room, she was eager for the elk hybrid to fill her in with all she had missed once she passed out in Seokjin’s arms. Not bothering to knock on his door, knowing he could hear both her pounding heartbeat and her clumsy tread, Y/N pushed his door open, immediately spotting him standing out on the little balcony. He still hadn’t changed from his outfit he wore at the cookout, and Y/N doubted he had gotten any sleep. 
“Jeongguk,” Y/N gasped, chest heaving from the effort of scrambling her way to his room, one of his tapered ears flickering in response as he idly smoked leaning over the balcony. 
Trudging over to his side, Y/N got a good look at him, the sleeves of his band tee shirt pushed up over his shoulders as perspiration clung to the skin of his arms, neck, and face like morning dew. It was already insufferably hot outside, Y/N too beginning to sweat as soon as she stepped onto the balcony beside him. 
“I know you wanted to speak to me, but I should thank you first. If you hadn’t broken those two up last night when you did, things would have gotten a lot worse. Thank you,” Y/N hesitantly used three fingers to pat the tattooed hand wrapped around the iron banister of the balcony, his skin hot like a furnace. He took a long drag from his cigarette, eyes distant as he listened. 
“They were being fucking idiots. We all knew something was up with the bear, but he’s no threat to us. I’m sure we’d all be in the same boat, if forced into the same situation as he was,” Jeongguk hoarsely replied, coughing in between every few words. 
“H-hey. Do you need some water? Why don’t you come inside, it’s way too hot out here. I’m afraid you’re going to overheat,” Y/N grew concerned when she saw a bead of sweat track down from his temple to the edge of his sharp jawline, the elk hybrid definitely showing some signs of heat exhaustion. 
Swearing, Jeongguk stubbed out his cigarette, tossing it into a plastic cup on the balcony railing he was using as an ashtray. He surprisingly took her advice, heaving the french doors to the outside shut and sighing a breath of relief once enclosed in his air conditioned bedroom. Lingering awkwardly by the velvet bench in front of his bed, Y/N was unsure of what to say next– hoping he would disclose whatever he needed to without too much prodding.
“So someone downstairs had enough brain cells to tell you they haven’t killed each other yet?” Jeongguk rasped, bracing himself against one of his bed posts close to where Y/N was standing. “I was able to calm the wolf down when I brought him out into the backyard, with the help of the jaguar and coyote. For what it’s worth, as soon as his rage subsided, I could smell enough guilt coming off of him to make me gag.” 
Y/N swallowed thickly, Jeongguk’s revelation not really doing much to make her feel better. While she was still somewhat hurt by Namjoon’s words, his apparent instant remorse didn’t bring her petty satisfaction at all. She was much more concerned with his well-being, recalling that he had blood running down his cheeks after a blow to his brow bone from Taehyung. Further, she was more ticked at the two than anything. 
“I’m surprised he listened to you. I think you two are more alike than you’d care to admit,” Y/N chuckled lightly, a lightness taking over her mood despite the subject matter of the conversation. In her mind, there was no use in dwelling in soured emotions for too long, even if she still had to have a stern talking-to between the two straightening up the scene of the crime downstairs. 
“He didn’t have a– shit, choice, but to listen to me,” Jeongguk insisted, inelegantly landing on his bed as his knees gave out halfway through responding. Growing alert, Y/N realized Jeongguk was more affected by the heat than she originally assessed on the balcony. “Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Motherfucker doesn’t know how to control himself.” 
Rounding the corner of his bed, Y/N squeaked as the elk hybrid dropped down to weakly support himself on his elbows, his complexion turning ashy as he appeared to fight back whatever was making him feel poorly. 
“Judas fucking priest. Not now,” Jeongguk complained loudly, his voice mingling between a pained moan and an exasperated cry, using one of his inked forearms to drape across his slick forehead. Without a thought, Y/N used the back of her hand to check the temperature against the elk hybrid’s clammy cheek, nearly recoiling at the boiling temperature. 
“Jeongguk, are you with me? Christ, I gotta get you a cool cloth, it’s way too goddamn hot outside,  and you’ve had no sleep… it might be a heat stroke,” Y/N panicked, turning on her heel to hightail it to his bathroom for a damp face cloth. 
Before she could get too far, Jeongguk caught her by the elbow, forcibly yanking her back within his proximity with a grunt. From there, while she was lax in shock, Jeongguk managed to manhandle her by tugging on her arms in a way that had her straddling his hips on his bed, her face hovering less than inches away from his. Her heart was slamming against her ribcage, unfocused eyes only registering the shiny jewelry threaded through his eyebrow and lower lip, Y/N got the clearest look of Jeongguk’s handsome face she ever had. The darkness of his pitch-black eyes, sharpness of his nose, the uneven and crooked proportions of his mouth. 
“You know what’s happening. It’s not a fucking heat stroke,” Jeongguk ground out meaningfully, using one hand to powerfully pull her hips down to settle her weight on top of him, the other frantically tugging the thick strap of her tank top down to loosely sit around her bicep. 
“W-wait, Jeonggu-uk,” Y/N wheezed, head spinning. 
She had forgotten that there were still several of the hybrids who had yet to scent her, the elk hybrid included, a distant hypothesis that stressful situations may trigger the need to do so floating around in the back of her head. She’d pick that thought apart later, when she wasn’t straddling Jeongguk, who had a sort of crazed look in his eyes. While he wasn’t a predator hybrid, he certainly seemed that way. 
To her surprise, Jeongguk froze, his fingertips stilling against the bare skin of her shoulder. Hazily gazing into her eyes, Jeongguk swallowed slowly, his Adam’s apple bobbing with the motion. Not expecting his obedience, Y/N felt immediate regret for making him prolong his clear suffering. 
“S-sorry. Go ahead, you just caught me off guard,” Y/N coaxed, detecting a minute amount of vulnerability in the blown-out darkness of his pupils. Maintaining eye contact for a few seconds longer, perhaps trying to give her a chance to pull away, Jeongguk groaned gutterally, eyelids squeezing shut painfully as his fingers dragged her shoulder closer to his face. 
At the feeling of the tip of Jeongguk’s nose teasing the skin of her shoulder, more questions flooded through her, bracing herself by placing both hands on Jeongguk’s quilt by either side of his head. 
“Jeongguk… is it the s-same? As the others? You’re not a predator,” Y/N asked as confidently as she could, never noticing if Jeongguk had the same sharpened incisors as the rest of her hybrids. 
From beneath her, Jeongguk snickered distractedly, Y/N jolting as she felt the smooth coolness of the metal hoop on his lip drag over her heated flesh. 
“It’s the same. Isn’t that what you want, though? I think you like the pain,” Jeongguk uttered against her skin, the words making her stomach flip and heating her body from head to toe. He didn’t know what he was saying, Y/N convinced herself, coming to the conclusion that the hybrids became delirious when they waited too long to scent. 
Unable to help the whimper escaping from her throat, Y/N felt Jeongguk’s lips stretch into a mischievous smile against her shoulder, apparently knowing that he had her right where he wanted her. She hardly had the words at that point to counter his accusation. 
With no further protest, Y/N closed her eyes as she felt Jeongguk trace his incisors along her shoulder. Without being able to see them, Y/N could tell the shape of his teeth were more blunt than the other’s, the sensation tickling her a bit as he searched for the best spot to sink them into. He was moving at a tortuously slow pace, Y/N squirming over his lap impatiently. 
“P-please,” Y/N whined thinly, pressing her shoulder more firmly into Jeongguk’s face. In response, he chuckled humorlessly. 
“Since you asked so nicely,” he gruffly responded, his teeth sinking into a fleshy part beside her the ball-and-socket joint of her shoulder, the euphoric pain making her wail in response. 
The pain of his bite was unlike any of the others, due to the site he chose or the shape of his teeth, but either way it had her sagging against his frame while his teeth were still embedded into her skin. The throbbing pain ebbed, Y/N’s head swimming as she let her weight be supported on top of Jeongguk’s muscular frame, her vision cutting out as her brain frantically tried to retain a semblance of consciousness. It was a feeble attempt, Y/N vaguely registering Jeongguk’s teeth withdrawing from her and the tip of his tongue swirling around his mark teasingly. 
Arms turning weak trying to hold herself up, Y/N shifted more of her weight into her hips, pressing them down more firmly on top of Jeongguk’s. A deep grunt tore from his chest, one of his hands that was gripping his quilt shooting up to dig his fingernails into the bare flesh of her thighs, the sting making a groan bubble in her throat. Hearing the noise, Jeongguk chuckled against her shoulder condescendingly, finally using the flat of his tongue to swipe over the bite marks. Y/N’s eyes rolled to the back of her head, a foreign, rounded barbell dragging over her skin. Y/N didn’t even realize Jeongguk had his tongue pierced prior to that moment, the sensation of the barbell paired with the wet warmth of his tongue making her body shudder against his. 
Heavily, her head dropped to the junction where his neck met his shoulder, biting down on her lip to prevent any more noises escaping, when she felt the elk hybrid seal his lips around his mark, having the audacity to purse his lips and lightly suck. Even in her loopy head fog, Y/N knew that he was teasing her, definitely sensing how much his ministrations were affecting her. She could smell the saltiness of the sweat still coating his neck from inches away, mingling with his inherently natural muskiness. She felt herself become completely boneless against the elk hybrid, who was apparently satisfied with his work on her shoulder, his mouth finally retreating from her skin and lessening the intensity with which his fingernails were cutting into the fleshy part of her thigh. 
Air whooshing from her lungs, Y/N felt the world spin as Jeongguk flipped her over, her back meeting his plush mattress with a thump as they exchanged positions and he hovered over her, drawing away several inches to analyze her stupefied expression with a lazy smirk. Tongue peaking out to wet his lips, Y/N was transfixed by the flash of the barbell threaded through the appendage. 
“Now that that’s out of the way… where were we?” Jeongguk cocked his head while his onyx eyes roamed around her face and neck, Y/N struggling to entertain a coherent thought. “Oh… the wolf and the bear. There’s a few things you should know, before you go down there to confront them.” 
Able to struggle up onto her elbows, Y/N stared up at Jeongguk through the thick of her lashes eagerly, his muscular thighs flexing and straining against his leather pants as he sat back on his haunches, preparing to ease off of the bed. 
“Okay, enlighten me then.”
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btssunnyboy · 4 months
Weaponary At it’s Finest - Choi San
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You father had an incomplete protected titled CS-08. What happened when his dying wish that you find him before the rival agency does? Will you be able to control the android that been sitting dormant, or will you crumble under the pressure and side with your fathers rival?
Word Count - 3.7k
Warning - Talks of death, and war mentions are going to be throughout. This is also an Android AU!
Bts , NCT , ATEEZ , feel free to request any of them!
You held back stinging tears as you gripped the hospital door. The cool metal against your palm only makes your stomach churn more. You slowly peered into the dimly lit room and slightly whimpered at the sight of your sickly father. His weak smile sends jolts of pain straight to your heart, oh how you wished that smile was as gleaming as it once was. It used to be so bright and warm and now it’s nothing more than a little signal about how his light is slowly going out. Oh god if you could do anything to fix him, you would.
“Hey, I brought your favorite.” You spoke carefully so as to not raise your voice. He liked things soft and quiet the least you could do was be considerate about it, knowing the quiet won’t last long. You took light steps to the side of his bed and gently placed the bag on his table. You stared at the IV in his arm, as you gripped his hand, trying to reassure him that even though things weren’t the best between the two of you, that you were gonna try and help no matter why. The coolness of his palms was similar to that of the doorknob, both covered in the feeling like a blanket of ice was laid upon them, it only reminded you that cold was always linked with lifelessness.
“Thank you, sweetie, but I told you not too.” He croaked out in a scratchy tone. The bone chilling cough leaves his lips the moment after speaking the small sentence. The way his arms wobbled as he tried to pull himself up, only proceeded to break your heart even more. You quickly tried to step forwards and grab his upper arms when a hand halted your actions, even with barely any strength he was going to be stubborn. A small part of you wished that meant he was getting better. Even though you knew he just didn’t want you to feel just how much he body was giving away at the slightest of movements.
“Please let me help.” You sighed as you tried once more to maneuver your hands under his arms. Only to be met with a weak gaze that meant, I got this I don’t need help. If only he understood just how weak and fragile he looked.
“My pride is way too strong to ask for help, besides I’m fine.” He spoke, grabbing into the meal armrest of the bed as painfully pulled himself upright. “Pasta, with my favorite sides.” He spoke and you certainly didn’t miss the smile that ghosted over his lips. That was a rare sight you hadn’t seen in a long time.
“Dad, you know I love you, but let’s cut to the chase. Why exactly did you call me here?” You inquired, as you pulled up a nearby chair. The shriek of the legs making you grimace, but nonetheless continued. His face altered in a way that left you feeling unsettled already. He tried his best to lean over to avoid his voice being so loud, he couldn’t risk this information being heard by anyone. What was so top secret?
“Do you remember the project CS-08?” Your once soft expression fell, now replaced by an obvious pissed and almost scared stance. You felt your body perking up, your heart beat started going at rapid speed, you wanted to leave and pretend this was all some sick joke, but by the look in his eyes you knew this was only the truth. You shoved your body backwards as the chair made streaks into the floor, but a hand shot out and stopped your departure. “Sweet pea, please just hear me out,” He coughed out weakly trying to grab at your arm. His rough skin soon met yours in a quick motion. “This project is the only thing that is going to keep you safe!”
“Dad, look! I’ve took care of myself long enough to understand the agency’s game, besides need I remind you about what happened with the other three failed attempts at this project?” You jeered with a cocked eyebrow, eyeing his comfortable movement. These projects may be his life’s work, and you understood his attachment to them, yet here you were throwing his tragic past right back in his face. Your father is a smart man, one of the smartest men in the world to you, and you understood why the agency asked him to do this. It wasn’t his fault that they didn’t disclose their true intentions behind making these androids.
“I was trying to protect my children!” He heavily coughed into the air, small specks of saliva flying from his chapped lips. He gripped his chest in agony as he gasped for breath to speak. “Y-y/n I’m begging you! I... don’t have much time!” He worked as hard as he could to keep you all safe, that’s all he’s ever done. That’s all he’s ever wanted to do
“Why should I? Dad... I’m just, just worried. They shut down the first three because they went haywire and were a major threat to civilian people.” You exclaimed trying to get the main point across, these things didn’t need another sequel being made. These things were extremely deadly and if they malfunctioned destruction was sure to follow. As you mentioned before, this was the reason why the whole project was scrapped. If the government found out that your father was trying to reopen without their permission, the price could cost you your life.
“I know the agency is still on my tail for letting KHJ-04 escape, but don’t forget they’ll be using you as leverage.” He stated, heaving a quick breath for his lungs. “The people I owe money to fund this new project, will be back and you need high end protection.”
“Oh my god, are you even listening to me! I don’t need some type of cold metal that could malfunction and kill me any second!” You seethed out through gritted teeth. You never liked him working with something that could be programmed with so much intelligence that they could easily overthrow mankind. The moment one of those re-hardwired itself it could do even more extraordinary things. “Besides I could never finish those codes, and date. I never understood them.”
He rubbed a hand over his face in a tired motion. A shaky sigh passed through his lips as he looked between the time and you. “All of those codes for everything he will need are completely finished. All you need to do is take this hard drive and plug it up to the USB port on the base of CS-08’s neck. Y/n, please they turned my last three creations into monsters. I can't let that happen again.”
“Dad, I just can't! And did you one second think that maybe just making another one of these things wasn’t a good idea!” You whispered out as you stared at the sleek black of the hard drive, your reflection was seen momentarily on its surface. You couldn’t do this, not after everything that you’ve gone through. You lost your sister and mother to those things and now you’re gonna lose the only other person you have left. You felt the tears sting your eyes as you spoke, “Dad, do you understand we lost our family because the agency wasn’t honest, and even if I did want to help you’ve never told me where you kept it.”
“The old, abandoned trailer park near your graffiti wall. It’s on the outskirts of town, no one will ever know, but do not go before my funeral they’ll be expecting it.” He breathed out as he let himself fall back on his bed completely. He knew he didn’t have much time, he wanted everything off his chest this minute. “I never should have continued it I know and not only am I paying for that mistake, but so are you. They took our family away because they decided too many people knew about the hardware to these creations. Once they find out you’re alive they’re gonna come after you.”
“Dad -“ You tried to interject. A pleasing expression laying over your face. You didn’t know anything about these things, your sister was the tech wiz that always helped him. The thought of being in the same with it shook you to your core.
“Let me finish, but if I can have any piece of mind, you’ll take CS and let him guard you with his life.” He pleaded with his eyes begging to shed the tears that gathered at his water line. “But remember he’s here to help, his intentions may not seem like it, but he’s equipped with a special database that recognizes and makes everyone either an ally or an enemy. All you have to do is look in his eyes.”
You nodded, you heard in a quick motion, you opened your mouth to speak right before harsh footsteps were pounding along the hallways outside. Screams of terror and agony filled your ears to the brim. Your body shook with terror as you heard them getting closer and closer. He eyed the small hospital closet at the corner of the room. He nodded his head as he soon saw shadows appear underneath the crack in the door. His hands enclosed the hard drive in yours, and he ushered you towards closer.
You lightly ran towards the closet, your flight response kicking in as you stepped into it. You pulled the doors together as close as you could, but a small crack down the middle was still left. You covered your mouth to silence your breathing as three large men surrounded your father’s bed. Their black attire was a great contrast to the white room. They walked with an aura that seemed like it was draining anything that came close. As they walked closer to your father you could only assume that his life was next to be drained.
“Now Mr. L/n, we’ve shown our distaste for you for the past three years! We’ve donated money to fuel your little fantasy as well and now look at you, on your deathbed, and not a single amount of money has been paid back.” One spoke as he black boots made small scuffs on the floor. His disgust was evident in the way he stated with a deadly glare at the man in the bed. He gave a sinister smile as he looked towards one of his companions. He eyed the silver briefcase, and watched with hawk eyes as the syringe was revealed. “All you had to do was pay up, but now we’re gonna get our revenge. With you out of the way we’ll have more access to the information regarding CS-08 and the most important person who’s gonna lead us straight too or, your daughter Y/n L/n.” Another man spoke out as he gripped your father's chin with such force it looked like his head was about to spin off. His knuckles turned sheer white from the power of his firm grip.
Your father’s breath became ragged as he fought with all his strength against those who were holding his arms down. The squeaky hospital bed was rocking back and forth with such speed it was terrifying. He was not giving up without a fight, but three against one made the odds not in his favor. The needle pierced his skin as it injected some unknown liquid into his veins. The clumps of white foam began building up and slid from his open mouth as his body began to shake violently. Their proud expression stayed intact as they finished their work and quickly left the scene.
“I know you can still hear me, Mr.L/n, and I want you to know that the moment we find your daughter you’re gonna wish you never betrayed us.”
You felt your body go paralyzed as you stared at the lifeless body, the cold, dead body. Your shaky hands pushed open the closet door and you felt your body fall forwards. Your numb legs do not allow much movement. You dragged your body towards the door and booked it out. Not caring about who got in the way, because you knew you needed to get out of there. Everything in you wanted it to end right here, but it seemed as if your fate had already been determined. But now your mind is made up, your father needs avenged.
It’s been three months. Three long and completely dreadful months, full of paranoia. Ever since that day your body has remained on high alert, every creak of the floorboards and every time the house settled down you felt your body go into a shock like state. You were so scared that those men knew your whereabouts, so you never stepped foot near the graveyard. It’s been three months since that god awful day and three months since you almost dismantled the flash drive.
Simply staring at the sleek, black coating made memories play on repeat in your mind. Tearing up every single time you caught your reflection staring back at you. You sighed heavily through your nose, looking at your stretched out reflection. You knew that day you should have done something, god if you weren’t such a coward maybe your father would be alive right now. You felt your body go stiff, at the slightest creak of the floorboards. The small shriek was almost inaudible, but you caught it. The shriek was almost an eerie identical copy of the sounds you heard that dreadful day.
The closer those sounds got the more your mind began to remind you of how you stayed hidden away in the claustrophobic closet. Your body went into a fight or flight mode, but sadly this time your body froze. Stuck in place as your mind becomes a jumbled up mess of horrendous scenarios about what could happen to you. Either they take their time dragging out their inhumane torture, or they see the stupid flash drive right off the bat and put one deadly bullet straight through your head and call it a night.
“Find her!” A husky voice ordered, that moment hordes of footsteps were pounding through the house. The slamming of doors against the wall, still didn’t trigger your body to even flinch. You were completely frozen in place, the golden door knob slowly turned until it stuck. Fuck, they’ve found you.
“Boss! I got her, she’s in here!” The voice held a proud gloat’ to it, as if fucking finding you was more precious then finding one of the seven wonders. Hollers of gratitude were announced as you heard then put all their force into kicking the door in. One, the wood barely budged, two the wood around the doorknob was splitting, exposing light from the hallway. Your body jolted towards the window, — not before grabbing the flash drive and your keys — as your trembling hands tried to handle the lock.
The mechanism seemed stuck, and forcing it sideways was only creating deep creases within your palms. Three, the screws on the side were popping out. One more kick, and you’re a goner. You quickly wrapped your hand up in a shirt, with every ounce of energy you could muster you slammed your fist into the glass and nothing. Time was running out, and you pounded your first against the glass repeatedly. Cracks , just stupid fuckinh cracks were forming. With one last effort you stood back and planted your boot heavily into the middle frame.
Shards of glass littered your floor and you kicked out the screen just as the wooden door finally caved in. You hissed in pain as the shards of glass scraped up your legs. You hurled your body from the window and only fell a few inches to the hard ground below. You felt the ache in your legs and the burning sensation that was taking your breathing hostage. You jumped into the driver's seat and started the ignition quickly.
Just as the hail of bullets pierced through your back windows and through your front. You dodged left and right as you stepped on it. Flooring the gas in a desperate action to get the hell out of there. “All this over a damn robot, that’s probably too old to even function at this moment.” You huffed towards yourself, slamming your hands against the steering wheel. You stared at the bland scenery, trying to take your time to get to the old, abandoned buildings. Every detour you could’ve taken made the normally ten minutes trip into thirty. Being followed was the last thing you wanted and you needed to take every measure to make sure you weren’t.
After what felt like years, you finally pulled your beaten up car into the place that you held dear to you. Slamming the car door you jogged towards the colorful wall. The overly sketched flower adorned the dirt smudged concrete walls. The smile slowly coming to your face as memories from your past almost played themselves through the artwork. Your father begged you to follow your art career. He would watch as you’d paint everything with such delicacy, as if a small mistake of your paint brush would send the canvas crumbling to the ground. But he knew you just wanted it to be perfect, perfect like him as you used to say.
With a quick look around the building you decided it was finally safe to enter. A small door at the back of the building of padlocked shut, a key locked was placed on the heavy duty chain. A sad smile graced your lips as you fiddled with the old key that hung off the chain your father gave you. He was always so adamant that you wore it, and you never knew why until now. Unclamping the chain you hurriedly let yourself in. The sight before you was odd, the outside of the building was worn down, covered in overgrown moss that was about to take it over, but inside everything was so clean it almost sparkled, and it was truly an unnerving sight.
Did the agency already know about his whereabouts? Did they already clean every ounce of your fathers fingertips off this project? All those questions left your mind as you saw it laying down on the operating table, and with shaky hands you grabbed the base of his skull and lifted him up. Insetting the usb and taking a couple steps back. Fear flowing through your veins as you watched his body twitch. His fingertips ever so slightly moved and his eyelids began to flutter. For a thing that was made from metal he sure was life-like, a little too life-like. A small part of you could see why people held a grudge against these things.
Before you could even blink the humanoid figure shot straight up. His deadly gaze locked eyes with you, and he didn’t look happy. You could almost see the gear turning in his head as if deciding whether or not you were worthy of his trust or not.
His hard gaze never changed as he spoke with a tone that was cold as ice, “I’ve been programmed to recognize you as y/n l/n, I’m here to protect you.”
“You recognize me?” The question hung in the air as he straightened his posture. His cold eyes staring back into yours. It felt like an entirely before he finally spoke again.
“I am programmed to recognize anyone my creator has entered into my database. My creator as you listed under Y/n L/n second eldest of the l/n family. During any acts of violence I am required to fight with my life. From this day forward I am your protector.”
Before he could finish his sentence you watch as his head shot towards the entrance of the building. You didn’t hear anything, but by the looks of him he did. His stance was tough as he gripped your arm and pulled you behind him, his cold hands brought you back to reality. With a sharp turn he ushered you towards the door on the opposite side of the room. What was he freaking out about?
“My systems have picked up on at least four other individuals making their way towards this room. We need to leave.”
“But I —“
“Your father said you were quiet chatting as he put it, but right now there is no time for questions. My main objective is getting you out of here. Do you trust me?” He questioned as he kept his attention towards the door. Now you could hear hushed voices that seemed to surround you from all angles. Shit, they’ve found you, but how this place has been run down for years.
“I’ll repeat it again, do you trust me? I was programmed to never proceed with verbal confrontation.”
With shaky hands you gripped his arm once more, they were getting closer you could fill it in your gut. You never wanted to be a part of this. That night you should’ve smashed that hard drive into a million pieces, and maybe you wouldn’t be on the run from the same people that killed your father. But your decision was finally, you pulled in the hard drive and activated the android known as CS-08. There was no turning back now, as you could only imagine the dreadful things the people behind that door would do to you in order for you to give up CS-08.
“I trust you, now get us out of here!” Your panicked voice filled his head as he rushed behind you towards the door. His hand never left your back as he kept an eye out. His mission now was to keep you alive for as long as he could, and nothing is going to get in the way of that.
“As you wish.” And with that you two were off and you could only pray this was the right decision to make. But you knew only time would answer the many questions that you have. Like why was he so different from your father's other projects, why was he programmed to protect you of all people? And why did the agency need him so badly?
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sunnyie-eve · 2 years
Celebrity Crush || Premiere
Paring: Joseph Quinn x Original female costar
Word Count: 2908
Summary: It's Premiere day for Stranger Things Season 4
Warnings: slight language, mention of a losing love one, cute interactions
A/N: For this I'll be using my OFC in Trouble in Hawkins for this OFC to play her.
Next: Interviews Day 1
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"Can you at least pretend to be happy?" One of my team members eyes me as I look out the window. "Pretend to be happy? My grandmother just passed away yesterday and y'all said I have to be apart of the premiere..." I turn my head to look at him annoyed.  "I'll pretend to be happy when I get out of this vehicle in front of cameras. Don't worry, I can pull it off since I act for a living." I tell him as we get closer to the event. "Don't have to be a bitch about it." He huffs going through his phone. "Try having sympathy for others then I wouldn't be such a bitch." I give him a sweet smile as we pull up. "Action." He says before my door opens and I put on a smile getting out of the vehicle.
As I get out fans start to shout making me laugh as I'm escorted where to go. I stop and signs some posters and take pictures as I make my way through. "I love the butterflies on your dress Presley." A fan says as I sign her poser. "Thank you. My grandma loved them. She passed away yesterday so I wanted to dress for her." I smile then take a photo with her. "Presley, a gift." A fan puts her hand out holding a beaded bracelet so I take it putting it on. "Thank you, it's my favorite colors." I smile as I continue the way to interviews.
"How do you feel about season four finally being here?" A woman asks me. "Excited. I really love this season and I know the fans are gonna love it too. There was a lot of work put into this season." I tell her. "How is Skylar this season?" She gives me a smile. "She's going through it but hides it from the others. One thing you will see is Dustin still acts like he's the older sibling bossing her around." I laugh. "How is it working with the new cast members?" She asks as Joseph walks by placing his hand on my upper back. "Darling." He gives me a smile as he was gonna keep walking but I stop him for a second. "Working with new cast members, like the Joe here is great. New people are always fun because work changes for the better. It's never boring cause we all play around and make some memories. It's like one big family." I answer with a smile. "They do make you feel at home." Joseph says making me agree.
When she starts to ask him questions I leave and see Gaten getting interviewed so I go up from behind him. "My little man." I wrap my arms around his shoulders. "To answer that question, yes. Working with the older cast members is like having many older siblings. Especially Presley, she basically my sister off and on screen." He says leaning back into me. "He's just a lovable person." I squeeze him in my arms. "And she's the sweetest person." He turns around giving me a hug before I leave him. I walk some more and get stopped for a TikTok interview. "What can we expect from this season?" The guy asks me. "A roller coaster of emotions. Expect to laugh, cry, being scared, confused, and shocked. You'll experience it all." I laugh listing off my fingers. "Now I have to ask because in the trailer there's a part that kinda looks like Sky and Steve aren't close. What happened?" He asks making me nod my head slowly, "Yeah, somethings happened and you're gonna have to wait and see." I smile since I couldn't say much about that.
"Wait and see what?" Joe comes up from behind me. "Sky and Steve." I look back at him. "Oh, yeah... Gotta wait and see." He nods his head. "Give us something?" He asks us. "It's all Steve's fault. That's what I'll say." I tell him as Joe walks off. "Last question, what is your for you page like?" He asks making me laugh. "Believe it or not... There are some POV edits that pop up. Umm 80's rock edits, Stranger Things, Movie franchises I love, BTS, comedy. No dances because I stay clear of that side of TikTok. Also I'm on the fruity side." I answer truthfully. "Really no dances?" He asks shocked. "Sometimes but it's funny ones. Then there's Noah and Caleb." I laugh. "Thank you for taking time with us." He tells me. "Of course, thank you."
"Who would you rather have plan your Spring Break itinerary? Dustin or Joyce?" The next person I go to asks. "Dustin. As much as I love Joyce, Dustin is fun and organized so I trust him." I laugh. "Be stuck on house arrest with: Murray or Argyle?" She asks. "Argyle, because Murray would lose his mind." I shake my head thinking about it. "Taking the buzzer beater shot to win the championship: Lucas or Eleven?" She asks making me laugh. "Lucas. Even if El had her powers, she doesn't know how to play the game." I give my answer. "Who would you rather have join your hellfire club party as an emergency replacement: Nancy or Max?" I think it over, "Can I say neither? They don't know how the game works but I guess if I had to pick it would be Max. I think she would pick it up quicker than Nance." I go with it.
"Who would you rather trust to make your ransom payment? Jonathan or Robin?" She asks and I don't take a second, "Robin. My baby is more responsible than Jonathan." I laugh. "Makes the playlist to pull you out of a trance: Dustin or Eddie?" She asks causing me to clap hands, "Eddie, 100% because what he listens to is stuff I listen to." I nod my head. "Have your investigative journalism partner: Will or Erica?" She asks. "Erica will get the job done. She will get everything we need and more." I answer. "Who would you rather have as your wingman? Steve or Robin?" She asks. "Robin because Steve isn't always the best. Especially on what to say." I laugh. "Spending the summer working at Scoops Ahoy with? Mike or Hopper?" I huff, "Again neither... They wouldn't do their job. But I'll have to go with Mike because Hopper would be so mad and terrible to work with." I say and it was the last one so I move on.
"You look beautiful." Maya gives me a hug. "Thank you, so do you." I hug her back. "I can't believe they made you come. You should be home." She whispers as we stay in our hug. "Stop, you're gonna make me cry." I pull back with a smile. "I heard the news." Sadie come over giving me a hug. "Thank you." I keep my smile on my face since the cameras were pointed at us. As more of the cast join us we all get together to take one big group photo a few times. "Sorry, about your lost." David leans down behind me patting my back. "Thank you." I smile back at him causing Natalia to put arm her arm around my waist so I do the same with her as I turn back around smiling for the cameras.
"Presley, over here." I head a man shouting. "Presley, over here!" A woman now yells so I just look around everywhere smiling. "You have a part of Natalia's dress in your hair." Joe laughs messing with my hair. "How?" She messing with her dress to see if parts come off. "Oh my god." She laughs as it slightly does. As more people join for the picture some of us move around. I look back to see who was all behind me and Joseph was right behind me so he gives me a smile. "Your top button is undone." I let him know so he fixes it. "When did that happen?" He laughs at himself. "It was fine before more joined us." I let him know. "Have you been looking back at me?" He smiles making me laugh. "I like to observe my surroundings." I turn back around. "I like your dress. It's very you." He leans down to tell me so I turn back to look at him having to lean back some because how close he was. "Thank you. My grandma loved butterflies and the red is to match the vibe of the show." I look down messing with my dress. "You look very beautiful." He whispers as I turn back around starting to smile and blush a bit.
We all continue to take photos and smaller groups and by ourselves too. "Pres, come here." Sadie waves for me to go over to her so we could take pictures together. "I need my big sister." She smiles wrapping her arms around me. I was close with a lot of cast members I worked with but I was very very good friends with her, Maya, Gaten, Joe, Dacre and now Joseph too. "Hold onto my back." I bend down and she gets on it so we take pictures that way too laughing up a storm. "I didn't ruin the dress right?" She looks at my back. "Thank god. She places her hand on her chest. I give her a big hug before we take pictures with others.
Maya, Natalia and I group up for photos being the older girls of the show before Gaten is shouting my name. I look over at him with Joseph so I go join them. I stand between the two putting my arms up posing with a big smile as they put an arm around my waist. "Lean on my back a step up." Joseph tells me so I do and Gaten gets in front of him lower so we all make a funny face and take a few different fun photos together. "Keery!" I shout for him to join us since then it would be me with my character's boys. We all pick up Gaten holding him in our arms for a picture. While Joseph and Gaten take pictures together, I take some with Joe. "Look what I kept." He pulls out what he took out of my hair earlier using it as a mustache making me laugh. "Dude, your tie is loose from us picking Gaten up." I fix his tie for him as photographers take photos of us. "Thank you." He gives me a smile before we take a few more photos.
I go over to Joseph and pull him over to me to take some photos together too. "Don't be shy." I give him a smile as I place a hand on his chest smiling for the cameras. "You know how I am." He smiles for the pictures. "You're doing great by the way." He says as we change poses. "Huh?" I give him a confused look. "Acting like you're fine. I know you aren't deep down." He whispers. "Well my job is acting." I sigh as we finish taking photos walking away. "How long are you staying for the after party?" He asks as we walk side by side. "I don't know but not too long. Because... you know why." I try to explain to him as I stop walking. "Understandable. I don't think I'm gonna stay long either. Especially when someone who talks to me the most won't be there." He smiles down at me as we get in line for our little interviews on stage.
Joseph went before me and I was going before Joe, "Being one of the best big sister in Hawkins not only to Dustin but the whole party, Presley Monroe who plays Skylar Henderson." I'm introduces before I walk out over to the two. "Hello, hello. It's been like ten years right?" I laugh taking my spot. "Yes, yes. We are so excited to catch up with Skylar in season four, who now happens to be dating her best friend Steve Harrington. What can you tell us about her story this season?" The lady asks me. "I can hint at there is some relationship troubles between Sky and Steve. A close friendship with a certain long hair metal head who plays D&D..." I pause for a second for gasps reactions. "And she's going through a tough time but hides it not wanting to bother the others."
"I think it's safe to say because in the trailer there's a clip of your nose bleeding and Steve saying; You are literally a wild card, I'm not taking any chances. Should we be worried about what's coming for Sky?" He asks me. "I will answer just how Skylar would say... There are bigger things to worry about and need to be focused on." I tell them. "As you hinted about a certain long hair metal head who plays D&D... Can you tease us more on that? How do these two characters come together?" The lady asks with a big smile. "Other than Dustin joining the Hellfire club, I was told that Skylar and Eddie already had a very small friendship background. Which you will get to see conversations about them talking about past stuff that exist in the world of Stranger Things but never seen on the show. But the way they get really close is because when she needs someone and he's there and is determined to help her out." I keep it short.
"What kind of friendship is it though? Like any in the past? If you get what I mean? Especially with Sky and Steve having some problems." She gives me a look. "I see what you're trying to do, nice try." I laugh pointing at her. "It's a close playful friendship... and that's all you're getting out of me." I tell them. "Okay, rapid fire questions now... Would you rather eat Surfer Boys Pizza or Egos?" The guy asks. "Pizza because I love it but no Pineapples on mine cause I don't care for them at all. I know, don't hate me now please." I laugh begging the fans. "Where would you rather work? Scoops Ahoy or Family Video?" The lady asks now. "Family Video. I get to pick a movie to watch while I work and not have to wear a specific uniform." I say making them laugh.
"Who has the better hair? Steve Harrington or Eddie Munson?" I'm asked. "Oh, no... Listen, I love Steve's hair... It's got the volume, it's soft, it's taken care of, and easy to run your fingers through." Some fans start to cheer as I bite my bottom lip smiling, "But for me... there's something about long crazy wild hair. It's very attractive to me so I'm going with Eddie. I just love that wig and I love love love it on Joseph." I laugh at myself as fans cheer again. "Last one, who would you rather fight? Mind Flayer or Vecna?" She asks me. "Mind Flayer. Less scary to me... Jamie purposely scared me on set one day and umm it was not a fun. I ran into my trailer needing to go pee and he was on the other side of the door fully made up as Vecna. Let's just say I no longer needed to use the toilet anymore."
"That's just so cruel but I hope you enjoy tonight. Give it up for Presley Monroe." They tell me. "Thank you and all of y'all for coming." I wave leaving the room and go over by Joseph, who was shaking his head laughing at me, "That hair part." He couldn't stop laughing. "I kept it clean. I could have said more to tug on." I laugh at myself. "You're terrible." I nod my head. "You really like that wig on me, huh?" He chuckles. "Yeah, but I also love your natural hair. I love your little curls right now." I smile looking at his hair. Later for the after party I laugh as the cast dances on stage especially Joseph and Gaten going around the stage. "I blow kisses. Mwah." Joseph joins me as he said a lyric from Fergalicious making laugh. "You gonna join the fun or just stand alone till you leave?" He grabs my hands moving them to the music. "I'm just ready to leave." I let him know. "I'll let you leave when you have fun to at least three to five songs." He tells me.
All the time I turn around brothas gather 'round Always looking at me up and down looking at my (uh) I just wanna say it now I ain't tryin' to round up drama, little mama I don't wanna take your man And I know I'm comin' off just a little bit conceited And I keep on repeating how the boys wanna eat it But I'm tryin' to tell that I can't be treated like clientele 'Cause they say she delicious (so delicious)
I sing to the song making him laugh at me as I start to dance to the song. "Good girl." We start to have fun dancing to songs and cheering on the other cast members. "I'm gonna get going now." I let him know after a few more hours. "I hope you get some time to get through things. If you need someone to talk to I'm here." He says as I he walks me to the back ways. "Thank you, Joseph." I give him a hug. "Of course, darling."
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Hi BBP, thank you for your level-headed take on the hate. That said, could you help a bit more on how to dealing with the overwhelming hate? My timeline was fairly clean, but I was on reddit where there was a very one-sided vitriol towards Jimin and about his singing. So I tried to report on different platforms and my exposure to these vile accusations and sexually charged hate speech made me really sad. Idk how you've been able to report and deplatform some of the most awful bunch in the past. How do you not get emotionally drained? I feel so indignant for Jimin and I can't help but feeling hurt, which I know is not a good approach. I wanted to enjoy this comeback wholeheartedly, but I now feel a heavy weight in my heart. I also know that Jimin is a perfectionist and very hard on himself, I hope that he isn't beating himself up too much. He is a phenomenal artist, and I hope the recency bias doesn't get to him too much. If this is what (probably nowhere near the magnitude given the severity and size of army fandom at the time) army+bts went through in 2016-2018, then I can't commend the perseverance and strength of them enough. It's really incredible, and makes me feel better and want to do better. It's equal sign & letter time, I guess. Regardless, your advice would be much appreciated.
Ask 2: Lool Jimin is an embarrassment >..< Armys act high and mighty pretending you don't see that sorry excuse for an idol getting dragged all over Twitter lmfao lmfao >..< I wonder what you're going to say now BPP how will you spin it >..< Or are you going to defend his encore bleating?? Jimboy is my bias in BTS >..< you know why BPP? Bcos he can't lie Your boys tried pretending they're singers oh they tried hardddd but Jimin didn't get the memo!! I thought it will be Namjoon to fuck up first in solos given how sex obsessed he is but he pulled through lucky you BPP. Not lucky j-hope flopped >..< but Armys pretended he didn't. Jimin is where all the pretense dies. In solo era your dozens can't hide BPP and no amount of mass buying will change it. Thanks to Jimin the whole world knows BTS is a fraud >..< One day the whole tower of cards will come falling down. Your sick cult fandom will be exposed and your emperor will have no clothes. You know it no wonder you're miserable harassing bloggers here. Do you think people don't notice? How you steal from people here? Your favs are just like you.
Stop harassing bloggers here. You're not satisfied to run them off the app? Go back to the gutter you crawled out of and take your disgusting privileged dozens with you. Nobody will notice and there will be peace.
Ask 3: Ngl Bpp, but the success Face is getting in countries like Japan and UK really surprises me. I mean I was expecting him to do numbers but I didn’t expect it to do this well? Specially after all the stuff that’s been happening left and right. I know he’s Jimin and the maknaes in general are expected to do really well because they’re super popular and have tons of solos on top of that too but still. I’m not knocking on Face at all because it’s definitely my top 2 debuts but I guess you’re right that Jimin did unleash something that he hides away deliberately…
I’m expecting even more for Jungkook too especially if he goes more poppy. For Tae I think it will do just as well as Jimins, less maybe if he goes the jazzy, slow type that he’s done but I think he’ll do better in Korea if that’s the case. I’m really curious what those two are planning because they’ve been working on their solos for years now and have scrapped a ton of songs already. I wonder if they’ll flip the expectations too like Jimin did.
Hi Anon(s),
Anon in ask 1, the second ask in this post is here for your benefit. Normally when I get asks like that, I delete them. I don't get the really creepy ones anymore because escalating the issue to Tumblr each time got the creepy users permanently banned from the platform. The asks I end up keeping now are the ones that occasionally make me chuckle, like Ask 2. I just thought (and still think) it was so odd but quaint to say "Jimboy". Lol. As though Jimin's name is Jimmy... and like it's 2023, who actually says "Jimboy"? Also, "the emperor will have no clothes"?? I know what that means but it was so random I actually laughed reading it. It's also the most recent hate ask so I didn't have to scroll that far to get it lol.
What did you feel reading that ask? Annoyance? Anger? Confusion? Amusement? Bewilderment? Hate? Now, has anything changed in the last few minutes, in the real world, since the time you read that opinion and now? Actually, who even is this person saying it? They can't be anybody worth listening to if what they're saying isn't based in fact to begin with, can they? Until now I've never actually sat down to think this out, but that's basically the chain of questions that shoots down my mind in a split second when I see things like Ask 2. In fact my only takeaway from that ask is it's a shame its author is a bit insane, because I actually like their sense of humor. I mean, "Jimboy"? Really?
My point in saying this is, your personality will always impact how you approach hate, and this is something I didn't fully appreciate until recently. My personality is such that exposure therapy really does work on me - I've been into this for so long that few things are genuinely surprising (which is one reason I appreciate BTS/HYBE because that SM fiasco? Lol! Was left-field grade A entertainment. 10 years on and they still impact this system like new blood). Anyway, a lot of the talking points and insults get old. Like I know that in 2026 we'll be answering these exact same questions when a new wave of fans join the fandom, because this has happened every 2 - 3 years since 2013. When I first started actively writing on this blog, it was around the time Jimin was in a controversy related to missed insurance payments I think. There was a lot of hate and at first I'd respond to asks by pointing out how this will hardly impact Jimin in the real world, how Jimin hardly comes online anyway, how the people who write things like that are weird and miserable, how they're essentially binary code... I didn't appreciate that some people need more to understand what's happening because the scale and pervasiveness of hate in k-pop, whether in shippers, solos, ARMYs, or k-pop stans, is frankly senseless. So, I'll say a few more things if you don't mind.
Specifically on how to deal will hate towards Jimin or idols you like:
This might be weird to say, but one thing I consider very important is to remember what you are. You're a fan. That's it. Your scope of effective change is mostly beneficial when compounded with other fans' efforts. And even then, Jimin is his own person, a person strong enough to thrive in an environment as caustic as this, surrounded by people he loves and people who love him. So I get it when you say things like, "I feel so indignant for Jimin and I can't help but feeling hurt," but at the same time, it will be easier to detach and gain perspective when you remember what you are in this situation, a fan. And so is that person hating him. It's okay to just step back, log off, and go do something else if you're not in the mood to respond to them clearly, or to just report and block (recommended). Jimin is more than fine. Obviously. He already hears how much of a respected artist he is from his bandmates, their staff, talkshow hosts, interviewers, and designers, and what I suspect he'd like to see more is the response from his fans. So if you like what you're hearing, express that however you like. Just doing that is powerful and amazing. And going by that meme dance (the one JK too did), that Jimin posted on Instagram, maybe Jimin will notice how you express your love for his work. I'm writing all this to show it's not merely cliché to say focus on the music, it really just makes sense.
Anon in ask 3, thanks for providing a good segue into showing one of the best ways to deal with criticism IMO: actually listen to the music and support the artist. You were mad, amused, or both, reading Ask 2 weren't you? It didn't seem rational to you at all, did it? Responding to posts like that Anon's will take time away from you enjoying or assessing what Jimin has released, so it only makes sense to just focus on Jimin and support him harder. That's what ARMYs and his other fans did for him the last two weeks, and that's what they'll do again for Yoongi's D-Day release.
[ Your surprise at Jimin doing so well though lol... Jimin released the album of the year, ended k-pop, and owned every live performance, and you're surprised the fandom rallied for him and the world loved his work? Come now. ]
Speaking of D-Day's release and ARMY support, Taehyung and Jung Kook's debut will be so chaotic for the fandom oh lawd. I almost don't want to be here for it, but I also don't want to miss it because theirs could be the biggest debuts in the group and I honestly like Taekook's music so far. Both Tae and JK have made pop tunes so I assume they'll have a mix of pop, R&B, jazz, and/or hip hop in their albums. Let's pray Jungkook was thoroughly inspired by Jimin in Set Me Free Pt 2 and we get nasty rapper JK in JJK1, or a feature with one. We know Jungkook will be dancing hard in at least one MV too...
Besides that I have no expectations for Tae and JK. They'll both do very well.
Anon in ask 1, hate is something you'll only see more of unfortunately the longer you spend time in k-pop circles online, especially if BTS remains at the top of the hierarchy for a lot longer. I think whatever impact that will have on BTS will be insignificant so long as each member keeps making art. I could be wrong but that's also an outcome outside of our control, so why fret about it. Also, I personally enjoy a good debate and don't mind seeing critiques often because sometimes you learn something new, so I'd encourage you to remain in the spaces you're in, but it's also okay to curate your feed or block spaces that are clearly toxic to you. It takes a few tweaks but it's possible to curate a fan space online that's fun and helpful/informative to you as a fan. My $0.02: if that's what you want though, don't open a Tumblr account and turn on the Anon feature. Lol. A lot of people are just weird.
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ask-serendipity-sky · 10 months
Jkks: Tae can't be gay bc he hangs out with wooga squad who are homophobies (even though two of them acted in BL dramas, if they're homophobies, they wouldn't take these roles), misogynists (even though the one who said something in this sort was like 8 years ago, probably when BTS also wrote many misogynist lyrics as well)
Also jkks: pretending that jk doesn't actually hang out with them and it didn't happen once, but many times.
If he's queer and yet uncomfortable with them bc as y'all antis claim that they're bad people, he wouldn't see them again. Unless, he's not in lgbtqie community nor having problems with their standards so that's why he's okay hanging out with them.
So jkks, take your pick: either wooga are not the names you call them and thus jk is okay hanging out them, OR they're what you call them but jk is oddly comfortable hanging out with them bc he might be like them or at least doesn't mind🫢. Whatever you call them will effect jk eventually. He does hang out with them, this is a fact.
Ah this.
I wonder about this a lot. I once answered an ask about this and said "It didn't make sense why Jk hangs out with them" and some anons got mad but it's a valid question.
Because Wooga are a crap bunch of people. And Jk is gay, that I know.
I've looked for stuff that Wooga has said or done that makes them homophobic but I've only found them to be incels and misogynists. Bogum is the homophobic one.
Nice short summary here and also because I dont want to look for wooga stuff:
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I also don't know how many times Jk has hung out with them because if we go by tkkr logic, it would be a lot. But we have 3 confirmed outings:
•Musical Theatre
•Movie Premiere
Then rumored outings made by tkkrs. And online gaming.
I'm sure they've hung out more in their private time, though, since Jk and Tae both had extra time which leads me to believe that Jk is ok hanging out with them and didn't mind their company.
Thanks for stopping by.
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neptuneiris · 5 months
Hello! I've been catching up on your fics lately. You are definitely a talented writer with an exquisite sensibility! It's rare for me to experience a broad range of intense emotions when reading fics. For the Crown hurts me deeply but I can't stop liking it. Cardigan and Sparks are both my favorites as well. 🥰🥰🥰 The way you portray their emotions when going through various situations is both touching and so true to relate to. I would be more upset than the reader if my best friend found love and treated me like a stranger, not to mention if my partner did not fight hard enough for me. But in certain situations, you also made me feel sorry for Aemond, such as Sparks and Detachment. I thoroughly enjoyed experiencing the emotional roller coaster while reading your fics and I am excited to read the epilogue of BTS and the next part of CYPTBIL!
If it's not too much trouble, would you mind sharing your thoughts on certain scenarios? Since you are so good at expressing angst, I'm curious about what would happen if Aemond 'accidentally' cheated on the reader with another woman (Alys or Floris). He is not fond of either Alys or Floris, but their crush on him is definitely evident, and some of their actions may have caused insecurities in the reader. Despite the reader trying to bring up the issue several times, Aemond was too proud to believe that he would be trapped by any other woman, so he dismissed the reader's concerns, saying that she should have faith in her partner... Then Aemond went to an event and got drunk, and oops, trouble happened. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I think men in general are too embarrassed to admit when they screw up, so instead of admitting his mistake, Aemond tried to cover it up and pretend nothing happened, but the woman he accidentally slept with doesn't want to miss out on a chance, and eventually the reader discovers the truth.
This happened to one of my best friends but I'm glad that she has moved on. I had completely forgotten about this incident, but honestly I was expecting things to turn out like this when reading Sparks, and suddenly all the memories came back to me. In my view, the cheating incident was less damaging than the subsequent attempts to conceal it. But I'd love to know if the pen was in your hand, how would you handle the situation? What do you think of this 'unintentional deception'? It would be great if you could share your thoughts as a writer! Sorry for the lengthy ask!
first, hello and thank you so much for your words and also for letting me know that you have read all my fics, it means a lot to me and definitely makes me very happy! thank you beautiful person! ❤
it always makes me happy when you mention cardigan and detachment, they were my first babies and there are still readers of those stories and for the crown, wow, i'm surprised that you like that story so much haha but it makes me feel very honored too. and about BTS and CYPTBIL are coming soon!
and god about Aemond cheating, in for the crown it was easy because from the beginning I knew it wasn't going to be a happy story, but in sparks it hurts me to think about it hahahaha oh and also I feel so sorry for your friend, the truth is that a thing like that is too painful but it makes me happy to know she was able to move on:)
and about your question, depends on the circumstances.
but if aemond cheated on reader with alys in sparks, it wouldn't have happened because he wanted to hurt her. i think i would have handled it in a way that aemond was drunk and alys took advantage of him, which is already different but still the cheating happens.
aemond would not have hidden it from reader, but even so, forgiving him would not have been easy, since he also has to earn it and they both would have gone through different stages where reader still does not forgive him and aemond has to win her back completely.
as you say, men feel ashamed when they fuck up and it's also their nature to be that way, but if in the same world of sparks, aemond cheats on her with alys, he is still drunk but he is still conscious and yet he justifies it and hides it, girl no, bye, there is no forgiveness at all.
this way I can answer your question with the two scenarios hehe! thank you so much for your interest and thank you again for reading my fics, means a lot to me!❤
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writingmochi · 11 months
….. 🎭
you got delivery
i will always be here 4 you. you worked so hard today. remember you are enough!
oh my goodness! a decade does sound like a long time! how was your journey as a fan, what is one of the biggest things you have learned?
i have noticed your tag games, keep them coming, i noticed that you role play online! Tell me more, i have never done it before
- 📸
lissie: cams!! (i guess this is my nickname from me to you just because i like the sound of it better) thank you so much and i'll echo it to you too
ooh this might get sentimental but i really learned about loyalty and relationship. i'm not one to call myself a loyal fan of a group because my interests change but i've been loyal to kpop as an art form and a medium for years now and just being a kpop fan is a loyal fan for me.
the relationship aspect definitely comes with the connection of idol and fan i gain. i've experienced almost all of the spectrum (besides being a sasaeng because i have the consciousness to know that that just crosses too many boundaries). but i also understand that my relationship with kpop idols can be purely business, me as a consumer and they as the product that their labels are creating in a certain way; and how i give my disposable income to make those labels richer by indulging in whatever content the idols gave.
i also have more empathy towards the people behind the idols. being an artist is hard but being that and a public figure is harder. i can't empathize much because i'm not on the same level as them when it comes to fame and influence but even a taste of their world that i felt before just seize my body up lol
but i also now realize that idols might have a hidden agenda for being who they are and picking kpop idols as a career. not all kpop idols are artists and they are using their careers to reach new heights (actors, producers, comedians, entrepreneurs, etc). many of the 4th gen idols came from privileged backgrounds (rich family, good education, etc) that shadows people that are there for pure art and music (a reason why i've been following more indie artists now). i also think that many idols are narcissistic, naturally or being shaped in an industry as vile as the kpop industry.
i said all of that above ^^ because multiple truths can happen, which means the good and bad truths, and how both of them could co-exist at the same moment. nothing is purely black and white in the world imo
OOF THIS ONE *eyes* i'm glad that i rp with my middle school friends and the wider internet doesn't know about it unless the messenger we use has a data breach or something that spills the beans out. it's just what you expected to be and it's similar to the whole fanfic ecosystem made from: you pretend to be someone else or insert yourself in a world where you are friends or partner up with your favorite kpop idols. for me, i was in a relationship with bts' jimin lmao i put so much effort into that but i stopped because the line between fiction and reality can get too blurred reminded me of the enha jay situation about the au and the reverse live ffs but i'm still doing rp with dnd and cyberpunk: red ;)
0 notes
keanureevesisbae · 2 years
Omg I didn't know you liked kpop what groups do you stan
OMG do you have a minute?
I started getting into K-pop in 2017/2018, when I discovered BTS (with their song DNA). Nowadays I'm not really into them anymore, but I'm very grateful they were my introduction to kpop.
Knowing that this list is going to be very long, I will put it under the cut. This isn't necessarily an order in the way I stan them, but it will give you an idea hahaha (also, this will be primarily girlgroups, but let's be honest: girl groups devoured 2022) and I will provide you with my fave songs.
(also, what are your fave groups, sweet anon?)
SNSD: Forever 1, Genie, Into the New World, The boys
Blackpink: Shut down, Lovesick girls, Boombayah (fun fact: I accidentally listened to this, before I had knowledge of what kpop was and omg, i was obsessed for like two days and then stopped listening to it).
GFRIEND: *still sobs because of their disbandment* Mago was a hit, but basically every song of them is worth listening to. Though Love Whisper got me into kpop girlgroups.
Itzy: (let's just pretend that artrocious english release didn't happen) Wannabe will forever be iconic (I have the album omg) and Loco was amazing.
Le Sserafim: they taking over my heart (ANTI TI TI TI FRAGILE FRAGILE - it has me in a chokehold).
NewJeans: Haven't necessarily listened to a lot, but Hype Boy is an absolute bop. Let's just protect those sweet girls against all those perverted older men pretty please.
Red Velvet: absolute concept queens. Bad Boy, Psycho, Queendom, Feel the Rythym, they are absolutely amazing.
Twice: Iconic queens, we'll pretend Scientist didn't happen, but we'll give extra attention to the Feels, Feel Special and Talk That Talk.
IVE: *not necessarily a fan of them, also: starship needs to stop sleeping on Gaeul and Liz* After Like was amazing, Eleven was amazing, Love Dive was amazing. Bop after vop.
Billlie: to be fair, I only listened to gingamingayo because of that Tsuki fancam, but they are amazing. Very talented.
Brave Girls: I have their Summer Queen album - absolutely iconic. Rollin'? Amazing. Deepened (this was when the group was bigger, I blieve)? wonderful. Thank you? Marvelous.
Everglow: Bon Bon Chocolat was an iconic debut. Adios was amazing. Dun Dun, absolutely fantastic. LA DI DA? FANTASTIC. (fun fact, they are actually coming to my country and play for FREE?!?!?! If I lived closer to that city, I definitely would've gone, but I think it will be televised, so it's like I'm there).
Fromis_9: DM is an underrated gem.
Kep1er: I'm not necessarily too big of a fan of their other songs, but UP was FANTASTICCC
Oh My Girl: a fantastic group. Really love their songs (also, did you see Yooa's Selfish? DEAD. AMAZING WONDERFUL).
STAYC: RUN2U has me in a chokehold, but all their songs are fantastic. Also yes to their live vocals.
XG: Not necessarily Kpop, because I think they are a global group, but MASCARA WAS UNBELIEVABLY AMAZING.
This list is painfully long, omg 😂😂😂😭
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ikubaes · 2 years
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𝐌𝐘 𝐋𝐔𝐍𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐂 사랑 𝐎𝐒𝐓 ; aired november 2020 to january 2021.   starring 、 jung hoseok as 은정민  ×  hirai momo as 西谷知映
an extraordinary road to emotional healing opens up for an antisocial children's book writer and a selfless teaching assistant when they cross paths— love heals and transforms in this unusual romance.
beautiful, sung by crush ( main theme, all the dramatic moments, scenes flash at the ending song )
it’s a beautiful life memories that resemble you remain with me your memories, your recollections
it’s a sorrowful life sorrowful day i can’t win over sadness sorrowful life, sorrowful day so don’t leave me so i won’t live just in your memories it’s a beautiful life
loonatic, sung by odd eye circle ( tomoe to jeongmin theme, all tomoe messing with him moments )
deja vu of the night i can’t remember this moment it rises in my eyes, i don’t really care now three moons rise at once i’m not insane time stops in the meantime i don’t really care now did i show you the secret inside your hidden heart?
hold my hand, sung by iu ( playful tomoe to jeongmin theme, when she’s in love )
you’re getting this feeling, you’re trembling inside how long will you merely steal glances at me? tell me your thoughts, i mean stop pretending you know nothing just as your heart is saying to you, hold my hand now hurry and hold my hand everytime I happen to turn my head i catch your eye for several nights, you keep appearing in my dreams all night long, how you torment me
in my dreams, sung by tearliner, ft. love x stereo ( the quintessential english only song )
it feels like, i’ve seen you in my dreams it feels like, we're closer than it seems i'm sorry that i misjudged you until you wiped my tears off away it feels like, i’ve seen you in my dreams it feels like, there's no one in between i’m sorry that i love you i can't help the way i feel for you
sakura kiss, piano version ( childhood flashbacks for jeongmin because i’m insane )
my most precious treasure, strings version ( childhood flashbacks for tomoe )
orange, sung by twice ( the resident japanese song, only kept one because of korea’s reception ) 
like the sky after the rain lets up, like clearing up one’s heart i remember your smile; it floats up in my mind and i can’t help but smile
this single love was born among a million rays of light
we run through the passing seasons, seeing each of our many tomorrows; choosing from each of our many dreams
it’s you, sung by j-hope of bts ( i told you i’d get one of these hoes on here )
you're the right time at the right moment you're the sunlight, keeps my heart going, woah know when i'm with you can't keep myself from falling right time at the right moment it's you you, it's you you, it's you
baby i'm falling deeper in love everything that you are is all i'm dreaming of and if i can break enough to show you that i need us i'd give up everything i have, girl, just for you
you & i, sung by nell ( playful jeongmin to tomoe, his silly scenes with her )
what can i do but dream living in a dream all day i wanna have courage and invite you will you come to me? in my dream?
i don’t know where this feeling came from only i know about this small trembling i’m trapped in a sandcastle that i made myself, like a little boy i’m still lost, looking for that dream shall we dream together now you and i
i guess, sung by mitski ( final ending song, their one artist requested song and yes, the drama ends with them apart but surprises them with tomin still together, new and improved like our beloved summer )
i guess, i guess i guess this is the end i'll have to learn to be somebody else
it's been you and me since before i was me without you, i don't yet know quite how to live
if i could keep anything of you i would keep just this quiet after you
it's still as a pond i am staring into from here, i can say thank you from here, i can tell you thank you
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stylesluxx · 2 years
he has a hard time asking you out – mafia!bts
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[warnings: there’s only one swear and a tad bit of angst if you squint real hard. also, i know it’s not giving mafia vibes but like... duh. they’re approaching someone they want to date, not a rival]
summary: in which they have a hard time asking you out | requested! | previous part
word count: 2,993
main masterlist | bts reactions masterlist
kim seokjin
It's been a week since you gave your number to the owner of your favorite restaurant and you had yet to receive a call or text.
It didn't bug you much but you thought it was weird how he was the one to ask for your number just to turn around and not do anything with it.
Your friends, Ari and Seo-Jun, were more concerned than you were.
"So... any updates?"
"No. Stop asking."
"Oh come on, don't be so grumpy," Ari nudged you before taking a seat on your desk.
"I'm not being grumpy. It's just annoying you guys ask me about him every day. If something happened, I'd tell you. Maybe he's just not interested. It's really not a big deal for you to keep pestering me."
"Fine, we'll leave you be," Seojun agreed and took Ari's hand, pulling her off your desk. "But does this mean we're not getting dinner at Abyss tonight?"
You side-eyed her, making her raise her hands in surrender.
"Alright Moody, we'll find a new place to go to," Ari huffed and dragged Seojun out of your cubicle finally leaving you alone.
To keep yourself distracted you focused on your work, but struggle to keep your eyes off your phone.
As much as you wanted to pretend like you didn't care if Seokjin texted you or not, you were kind of hoping he did.
"Okay, what about sushi?" Ari suggested as you all stepped into the elevator.
"Not really in a sushi mood. What about... pizza?" Spoke Seojun.
"No," Ari quickly declined.
"Okay, Miss Bright Ideas, why don't you come up with something?"
"I did-"
You rolled your eyes and tuned out their bickering so you could do your own search on Google.
As soon as you unlock your phone, it dinged, signifying you received a text. The bickering quickly stopped and all eyes were on you.
You clicked on the message, eyes widening in surprise.
"Do you think you can meet me at Abyss tonight? — Kim Seokjin"
"Rain check?”
You looked up and nodded, "rain check."
As you sat across from Seokjin in a private booth, you took a sip of wine and flipped through the menu.
"I hope you don't think this is our first date. I can do better than bring you to my own restaurant," Seokjin spoke up, making you look away from the menu and give him a small smile.
"I'm sure you can, Seokjin," You nodded.
"Just Jin is fine," He assured you with a smile. "I know it's no excuse, but I've been so busy lately, that's why it took me so long to text you. But my good friend told me we make time for the things that we want, which is why I had you come here tonight. It's nothing special but I just wanted to make sure you knew I was interested."
"Thank you," You nodded and gave him a big, genuine smile. "That's really sweet and I appreciate the gesture. And I love your restaurant so don't worry about it."
He nodded and reached a hand across the table to rest atop of yours. "What do you say to a real date? Next Saturday?"
"I'd love that."
min yoongi
"This is my third time getting ready for nothing. I think it's best if we just let it go," You sighed as you looked at yourself in the mirror, frown on your face.
"No, I'm sorry, I've just been so busy and stressed-"
"I completely understand but I'm tired of my time being wasted. I wish you the best. Goodbye Yoongi."
You hung up and set your phone on the vanity before letting out a loud groan.
Yoongi had made it a habit to cancel on you last minute, not once, not twice, but thrice, forcing you to put an end to whatever you had going on.
You'd think after the first two times, you'd stop putting in so much effort to get ready but this was your best look yet.
Not wanting to let it go to waste, you stood with your phone in hand and walked over to your full body mirror, and started taking pictures.
You did that for a while before the poses became repetitive and then you found yourself laying on the couch watching Home Alone, still fully dressed.
You almost didn't hear the doorbell ring as you started dozing off. You looked over at the clock on your wall, wondering who could be here at this time.
You stood from the couch and walked over to the door, looking out the peephole and gasping quietly.
"Yoongi?" You questioned once you opened the door and got a better look at him, his bottom lip tucked under his teeth. "What're you doing here?"
His eyes glanced over your figure, taking in the black sparkly frill dress, black scarf around your neck, black tights, and black heels that you had put on earlier that night.
"You look beautiful," He spoke up after clearing his throat.
"Thank you, but what are you doing here?"
"Oh, um, you sent me your address and I just thought– I wanted to give you these," He spoke shyly and pulled out a bouquet of roses he was holding behind his back. His cheeks quickly turned pink, making you bite back a giggle. "Cliche, I know, but I really am sorry. Work has been keeping me busy but if you'll let me..." His voice trailed off and he shook a grocery bag that he held in his other hand. "I brought groceries so I could make you dinner."
You finally took a good look at him and noticed his black hair was slicked back perfectly like it was done by a professional, and he wore an all-black suit, matching you.
You finally let yourself giggle at his sheepishness and stepped back, opening the door wider so he could come in. "You know, I usually don't give so many chances, so don't mess this up."
"I won't, I promise." jung hoseok
"Okay, I get it. You're just not into me and that's fine. But I wish you wouldn't have strung me along for this long.”
"No," Hoseok argued back. "It's not that. It's not you. Well... it is you."
Your eyebrows furrowed as you watched him try to save face while on FaceTime with you. "What?"
"The night we met, you were so perfect and I couldn't believe you even gave me the time of day. I guess I'm just nervous; I don't want you to get to know me and then realize you don't like me. I wish every night was like that night."
You frowned at his words, not liking how he sounded so unsure of himself. Hoseok was perfect the night you met and if that was him behind himself, there shouldn't be an issue.
"And that's why you keep postponing our date?" You questioned and sighed once you saw him nod his head. "Hoseok, if you were being yourself that night, then there's no need to worry. You were being yourself, right?"
"Of course."
"I liked you that night and I still like you, even if you keep putting me on the back burner. That's why I gave you my number. You'll never know if you don't try."
kim namjoon
You set your hot chocolate down and pick up your pen so you could continue to take notes, humming softly because you knew Namjoon didn't like sitting in complete silence.
"So Y/N..."
"Yeah, Namjoon?"
"What do you think about sharks?"
You furrowed your eyebrows and let out a breathy laugh, looking up at him biting his lip. "What do I think about sharks?"
"Well... sharks are cool. Did you know over 400 species exist all over the world? And some even glow in the dark," You shrugged.
"How did you know that?"
"I took a marine biology course my sophomore year."
"Wow, I didn't know that."
You giggled and turned back to your textbook. "There's a lot you don't know about me," You teased.
"I... I want to learn more about you!" He quickly blurted out, making you look up and laugh.
"Oh, do you now?"
"Mhm," He nodded his head fervently.
"What do you want to know?"
You shook your head at his enthusiasm and set down your pen. "Okay, let me think... Growing up I wanted to be a model like Naomi Campbell."
"You can still do that."
"Namjoon, you know how shy I am."
"'So,' I don't like being the center of attention. I'm perfectly fine with getting my degree and being normal."
He nodded and looked out the window, letting you think the conversation was over.
You picked your pen back up and went back to taking notes.
It was quiet for a moment before Namjoon cleared his throat and spoke up. "Do you like ostriches?"
"Ostriches?" You questioned without looking up.
"Yeah, ostriches. Did you know they used to live in Asia, Africa, and the Arabian Peninsula? But humans became a threat and now they're only found in savannas and woodlands of sub-Saharan Africa."
"I did know that," You nodded and looked up at him. "Not that I'm not interested but why did you randomly bring up ostriches? And sharks? Those aren't even your favorite animals."
He let out a nervous chuckle and moved to rub the back of his neck. "I've, uh, been trying to get the courage to ask you out. But every time I go to ask, I get nervous. You make me nervous."
"I make you nervous?" You repeated just to make sure you heard him right.
"You're, like, perfect. You're so pretty and so so smart. Like, it's crazy how smart you are. And I really just adore you but I'm scared I'll ruin our friendship. I love being around you, even if we're just studying in silence," He confessed, his cheeks turning red as he gave you a toothless smile.
"Me too, I love being around you."
He nodded and gave you a big smile before asking, "do you think you'd want to go on a date with me?"
"Of course, I would. I'd love to."
park jimin
You wouldn't have said this the night before, but you genuinely enjoyed being around Park Jimin. There was never an awkward moment, never a moment where you had to wonder if going out with him was a good idea. He was just so fun and full of joy and energy and it was what you needed after a long week.
"Sorry I was being a bitch yesterday," You apologized as you both walked out of the restaurant, toward his car.
He shook his head and scoffed at your words. "No, that was my fault. I was bothering you."
You nodded your head, not disagreeing with him, but you certainly weren't going to say it out loud. He already heard enough of your mouth the night prior. "I had a lot of fun though. I kinda really like you, Park Jimin."
He was silent for a moment but you both kept walking, his Porsche only a few feet away.
"Thanks," He nods, making you frown.
It was the reaction you were expecting. You were expecting him to say something similar to you but maybe that just wasn't how he felt. He didn't enjoy himself the way you did and you couldn't force him to.
Once you got to his car, he opened the passenger door for you and you mumbled a quick "thank you." He went to the driver's side, got in, and turned the car on but while he did this you made sure your whole body was facing the window, only giving him your back to view.
For the first time all night, the silence was awkward and you could feel the tears in the corner of your eyes, embarrassed that you confessed you liked him.
Once you pulled up outside of your apartment, you quickly took of your seatbelt and grabbed your purse.
"Thank you for tonight," You mumbled and opened your door. "I'll see you around."
You sighed and turned to face him, frown still etched on your face, eyebrows pointed downwards. "Yeah?"
"Do you think... you'd want to go on another date with me?"
"Huh?" You mumbled, eyes narrowed.
"Well, only if you're interested."
"Are you even interested?" You asked, raising an eyebrow, not sure where this proposition was coming from.
"Of course I'm interested, that's why I'm asking, silly," He chuckled.
You shook your head, confused by his sudden change in attitude. "Sorry, it just seemed like you didn't have a good time."
"What? No! I had a great time. I like you, too, Y/N. You just... fluster me. I wasn't expecting you to enjoy yourself after yesterday," He shrugged and gave you a sheepish grin.
"Oh," You chuckled. "Well, I'd love to go out again. Call me? I like hearing your voice."
kim taehyung
After Taehyung had taken you shopping for a new shirt, you made sure you wrote your number down and gave it to him. He had promised to call you but never did.
Weeks later you were walking into the same cafe you met him in, hoping you wouldn't have to face him. The embarrassment would be too much to bear.
You walked up to the counter, ordering your usual before moving to the counter where you'd receive your drink.
"Y/N?" The familiar baritone voice pulled you out of your prayer, which obviously wasn't granted.
You quietly sighed before turning to face him, planting a small smile on your face. "Hi, how are you?"
"I'm good, better now," He smiled, making you raise an eyebrow. If he was so happy to see you, why hadn't he called you? "I'm really sorry I didn't call. I, uh, I lost the paper your number was on. I got into a bit of a mess that day and had to get my clothes dry cleaned. And let's just say, I didn't check my pockets," He explained, scratching the back of his neck.
"Oh, no worries," You shrugged, getting ready to turn back around. It's not that you didn't believe him but... you didn't believe him. It sounded like the perfect excuse. His version of "my dog ate my homework."
"I've been thinking about you nonstop. I really enjoyed your company and I'm sorry I'm such a dunce. But are you busy right now? I'd like to take you out."
"Uh, no I was just gonna wander around," You shrugged and thanked the barista when he put your order in front of you.
"Great! Do you mind sharing your day with me?"
You thought for a moment before shaking your head. If he wasn't interested, he wouldn't have asked you out again, let alone approach you.
"No! I mean, yes! That sounds good."
jeon jungkook
"Imo, have you talked to Jungkook?" Yeonjun asked for the millionth time since last week when you had first met Jungkook.
"No, Yeonjun, you know I haven't," You sighed and ruffled his hair as you both walked into the arcade.
He frowned and took your hand in his, squeezing it. "Coming to the arcade reminds me of him."
You didn't understand how or why Yeonjun got so attached to a man you've only met once so you didn't know what to say to comfort him
"Do you want to eat or play first?" You cleared your throat, quickly changing the subject.
Yeonjun decided to eat and then play but scarfed down his food so he could get to the games.
After scolding him multiple times and warning him about choking, you both finished your food and went over to the games.
"Maybe I can get something myself this time."
"I hope so, buddy," You nodded and followed behind him as he ran to his favorite game. He abruptly stopped, making you trip over your own feet but caught yourself before you could fall over. "Yeonjun, what's the matter?"
"It's Jungkook!"
He changed his path but continued running over to the tattooed man, immediately hugging his legs once close enough.
"It's good to see you, too," You heard Jungkook greet your nephew and watched him rub his back gently.
He looked up, following the path Yeonjun cleared to get to him, and once he spotted you, he gave you a smile and a wave.
You hesitantly moved your feet toward him, arms crossed over your chest. "Hey," You grumbled once you stood in front of him.
"Yeonjun, I got some points for you to use, go look around for a toy you want to get," Jungkook offered the young boy clinging onto his legs.
Yeonjun didn't recognize Jungkook's plot to busy him, so he nodded obediently and ran around looking at toys.
"I tried to text you," He said, phone in hand, waving it at you.
"Oh, well I didn't get a message," You quipped hostilely.
"Yeah, I ended up talking to some girl named Katie," He chuckled, ignoring your tone and keeping his light.
"Wait huh?"
"Yeah, I think you gave me the wrong number," He hummed and read the number back to you, making you flush in embarrassment.
You shook your head and palmed your forehead. "I'm so stupid. It's supposed to be 3758, not 3756. I made a typo, I'm sorry," You apologized and let your arms fall to your side.
"And you were trying to treat me like the bad guy," He teased and handed you his phone so you could fix the mistake.
"I'm sorry," You said again, quickly fixing your mistake.
"No, it's alright. I thought maybe you gave me the wrong number on purpose."
Your eyes widened and you shook your head, adamant that wasn't your intention. "No, no, no, I'd never do that to you. Here, let me call my number to make sure it's right this time.”
"Good idea."
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[AN: again, super sorry this took so long to write, but i've cracked the code! i do take requests for reactions, so if you have any please send them in (no smut!). if you want to join my taglist, here’s the link to the info page]
[tags: @yzkyzkuniverse @mwitsmejk @vantaebearr @tomiwastilinskii @yourthebrokengirl @halesandy @blackpetalbluemoon​ @victoryscreech61​ @cherrycheola​ @btsecstasy]
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stormblessed95 · 2 years
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@akookminsupporter should not have to be my mailbox 🤣😭 I'm so sorry Rosie! I wasn't sure if I should humor this or not, but anon, if you are still around creeping on blogs, here you go! I'm giving you the attention you desired! I'm making so many friends today yall. I'm posting because I can't stop laughing. I'm really just here to cause trouble today. CLEARLY.
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I don't "ship" anyone btw. I'm not in this to prove relationships in either direction. If you think me talking about moments that actually happened between other members is me spreading a poly agenda, well that's on you and your perceptions, not mine. If you think that platonic relationships are not just as important as romantic ones, well that's very aro/ace-phobic of you, not to mention makes me feel a little bad for you that you've never gotten to experience the beauty that is true friendship. Or if you HAVE, how selfish of you to try and undermine those friendships of the members, simply because you'd rather speak about a preferred ship that you think is romantic. Also if you've never been In a romantic relationship and these are your views, well good luck to future you!
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Also if you have read every single one of my posts, you are clearly a huge fan. I have over 2000 posts here on tumblr. That is HUGE. Good for you. Thank you for the support. You may want to work on your reading comprehension though, because I think you might be falling behind in that area. But don't worry! You are making up for it with passion!! I mean literally very first thing you should see when you open up my page is this
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So.... please tell me which posts of yours show that I'm shipping anyone else in BTS romantically anon? I would be so curious. Not to mention if you dare to go farther into said masterlist above you'll see posts such as....
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Among many... many others... so if you just want my attention darling, all you have to do is ask. I know, I know. Negative attention is still attention, but I promise, positive interactions with me are so much nicer. But you have to stop pretending to be smarter than everyone else first. Its not working the way you want it to.
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Thank you again though for pointing out that Jikook, yoonmin, taekook, minimoni, and jihope are different people. You forgot about 16 other ships there and since I'm spreading my poly agenda, I assume you meant them too. Here I was thinking I was enjoying celebrating everyone's different and special bonds with each other. Turns out I'm just a poly agenda spreader. I had NO idea. Thank you for enlightening me. Along with the fact that BTS and ARMY are not bots, that is such good information to have. My family will be THRILLED I'm a real human being! We weren't totally sure for a little while there. I appreciate you so much 🥰
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Please god tell me yall understood the sarcasm in that last paragraph. It seems to be flying over people's heads today 😅 Im here to have fun, share my opinions and not compete in ship wars or ship comparisons, but enjoy all their relationships and bonds for what they are. You do you though, boo. But if for nothing else, I do appreciate you anon for the good laugh you gave me, my friends and @akookminsupporter as well when she sent it to me! I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day, I really do. Take a break from the internet though, enjoy some fresh air. You could use it. 🥰🥰🥰
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packetofsuga · 3 years
Kiss of Death - Corpse Fic
Prompt: “He’s a bad kisser” 
Backstory: Y/N is a streamer and secretly dating Corpse, not even their friends know. Other than Dave, of course. They’re playing proximity chat among us with Valkyrae, Toast, Sykkuno, Pewdiepie, JackSepticeye, Pokimane, Ludwig, and Dave (boyinaband). 
Genre: Fluff + humor 
Content warning: Light swearing
Word Count: 1631
A/N: Okay. First of all, writing an author’s note really threw me back to my Wattpad days but, anyway. I just wanna say feel free to send little prompt requests in my ask box for fics. I won’t write smut, I know I have for kpop artists in the past and I may write smut again in the future but for now, it’s a hard no for all fics. I will write mainly for Corpse Husband, Valkyrae, BTS, and Dream Catcher. Possibly other YouTubers or kpop groups just ask and I’ll let you know! I also will write for some book fandoms, I can’t list all of them so again just ask, please. I’ll get to requests whenever I can so please be patient while waiting. 
Until then please enjoy the random prompts I’ve found that I thought would be cute :) 
Disclaimer: this is a work of fiction
You were playing among us with your friends and your boyfriend, as usual. The only difference was you were using the proximity chat mod which you had never done before. Because you guys were using that mod every time Corpse got imposter he was doing his “kiss of death” thing. 
As you loaded into the game you saw the word crewmate pop up on your screen. Everyone started joking about being a crewmate or imposter and you chuckled to yourself. “I am just a crewmate doing crewmate things. I am doing keys, because I am just a crewmate.” You stated while walking over to the keys task, knowing that you don’t even have keys this round. 
“Y/N’s faking keyyysss.” Poki called. 
“She’s just reminding everyone to fake keys, guys, everyone fake keys right now,” Sean said, moving his character on top of yours in front of keys. The was a chorus of agreements as almost everyone did the same. Once that was done you split off from the group. 
“Guys… I think it’s Poki, she didn’t fake keys.” You said to your chat, laughing to yourself. You went around doing your tasks. You came across Sykkuno in O2, “Hey Sykkuno, whatcha doing?”
He paused in the doorway of the tree room, “Oh! hi Y/N. I’m uh just doing my tasks.” 
You cleared the trash shoot, “Oh yeah? Just a crewmate doing crewmate things?” 
Sykkuno giggled, “Uh, yep. Just doing crewmate things. Hey, you- you wanna stand on this vent with me?” 
You hesitated, knowing there’s absolutely no way for you to figure out if Sykkuno is just being himself or is actually the imposter, “I- You know what yes I would love to Sykkuno.” You walked into the tree room.
“Oh- really? That… Was very enthusiastic.” The two of you walked onto the vent by the tree, stacking on top of each other, “You’re not the imposter, right? You’re not gonna kill me. 
“Oh, of course not, Sykkuno. I mean, you know, maybe.” You love making yourself look extra suspicious to him because that’s how he plays, “Here. I’ll click the spot where the kill button is and we’ll see what happens, okay?” 
“Oh, Jesus-” He gasped. 
You clicked the spot on the screen, “Hear me clicking?” You both laughed.
“Uh yeah I do, that means it can’t be you huh?” He said, “Here I’ll do it too.”  
You yelped a little as the body reported screen came up, scaring you. 
“I thought I just fucking died.” You said, trying to calm your breathing.
“Honestly, me too.” Sykkuno said, “There’s so many people dead.” 
Poki reported the body and the screen showed that Toast, Sean, and Dave were dead, “So Rae and I just walked up on Toast’s body. And I don’t think it’s Rae, I’ve been with her for a good chunk of this round.” 
“Soo it could be both of you.” You pointed out. 
“Why are you susing me right now??” Poki exclaimed. 
“You didn’t fake keys!” You yelled. 
“She’s right!” Pewds yelled, remembering that from the beginning of the round, “What the fuck, Poki?” 
Corpse laughed, “That’s a little sus Imane.” 
Poki laughed, “I can’t believe I’m getting sussed cause I didn’t fake a task.” 
“Anyways, I think it’s Rae and Poki. It definitely couldn’t have been Sykkuno, we were chilling on a vent.” You stated. Corpse hummed to himself. 
Sykkuno vouched for you, “Yep that’s true. And we did a foolproof test so it’s not either of us.” 
“What was the test?” Lud asked 
“Well, we both clicked the kill button and neither of us are dead, so.” Sykkuno pointed out. 
“You clicked the kill button?” Rae asked, “Wait, so you’re both imposters? You clearly can’t kill each other if you’re imposters.” 
You sighed, “I don’t know why Sykkuno had to say it like that but we clicked where the kill button should’ve been and nothing happened. So it’s not us.” 
“So there’s two pairs.” Corpse mused to himself. 
Pewds brought his mic really close to his mouth, “Get ‘em out of here.” 
You yelled over him, “Hold on hold on, it’s seven we can’t vote on seven. Kind of sus that you’re pushing to vote on seven.” 
“I’m not sus you’re sus.” He declared.
“Let’s skip, I’m gonna stay with Sykkuno and protect him.” Lud announced as the ‘I voted’ sticker popped up next to his name. Everyone started voting to skip. 
“If Ludwig dies it’s Sykkuno.” Pewds concluded as the timer ran out. 
“What???” Sykkuno wailed. You quickly ran to go to Lab on your own, afraid of Rae and Poki. 
Rae walked behind you into Lab, “ Ahhh- Hi please don’t kill me.” 
“No no no I would never,” Rae said, making her voice sound sarcastic on purpose as you guys walked into decontamination. You started to scream dramatically. 
“Heeeeeeelp. Heeeeellppp! She’s gonna kill me.” You pushed your character into the door to specimen, desperately waiting for it to open.  Once it finally did you rushed down into specimen and she ran after you. You ran around specimen with her chasing after you.
“Stop running. Y/N. Y/N! Hey- Stop running!” She yelled after you.
“Nooooo.” Corpse walked into specimen from the bottom and stood off to the side watching the two of you, “Coooorpse, protect me.” You yelled. He moved his character between you and Rae. 
“Yeah, uh, of course. I’ll protect you don’t worry.” He said. Rae stopped in front of him. 
“I said I wasn’t gonna kill you Y/N.” She insisted. 
You fake cried a little, “You didn’t say you couldn’t kill me though! Corpse, please. Wait-” You realized Corpse could 100% be the imposter right now, “Corpse… It’s not you is it?” 
“No no, I’m gonna protect you.” He promised. 
“....Does that mean it’s you but you’re gonna kill Rae to protect me?” You asked. They both laughed and Rae backed away from Corpse. 
“She knows too much Corpse, she knows too much!” Rae yelled. You started to scream for help again and run around. 
“Hey hey hey, relax.” Corpse said, following you. You ran towards bottom decontamination, getting stuck at the door again, “Don’t worry. Y/N, shhh. It’s okay, just-” He made a smooching noise and the kill animation popped up on your screen. 
You let out a shriek. “I can’t believe- Well, hi chat.” You giggled and started reading the chat again, “‘You got a kiss from Corpse, how do you feel?’ He’s a really bad kisser, guys. I mean it, did you see that? He kissed me and then STABBED me. An awful kisser.” You shook your head. A body was reported and the meeting screen popped up. They discussed yours and Poki’s death Corpse and Rae vouching for each other and Lud and Sykkuno vouching for each other, leaving Pewds the only one without an alibi and got him voted out. The defeat scream popped up showing Rae and Corpse as the imposters. 
Corpse POV
Before joining the lobby again he decided to read chat for a second and talk to his fans. “I’m sorry I can’t really look at chat that much while we’re doing this mod it’s just hard cause everyone can hear you, you know.” He read through the recent super-chats, thanking people as he went. He quickly scanned the rest of the chat. People were spamming that Y/N had called him a bad kisser, “Wait- she- Y/N said what??” He joined the lobby, “Y/N what the fuck?” 
“What’d I do??” Y/N questioned.
“Did you really tell your chat I’m a bad kisser? Why are you lyyyying?”  
“I-” The whole group started gasping and talking over each other, “I meant in the game! You- everyone shut up oh my god please-” 
“Okay okay okay, let her talk guys. Try and talk your way out of this Y/N.” Corpse chuckled. 
“Okay, before I get myself into a scandal. In-game, before you killed me, you gave me a little kiss. Then my chat was like how do you feel and I was like you know what, that was an awful kiss I died from it.” 
“Ohhh, that makes sense.” Corpse said. 
“Wait!” Rae interrupted, “What else would she have to go off of other than in-game?…” There was a long silence. 
Corpse was the one to break the silence. “You know what, gamer bladder. Bathroom break.” Everyone laughed and reluctantly agreed. 
You tried to stay calm and talk to your chat about any other topic but your chat was going insane speculating about you and Corpse. 
Corpse came into the room and you quickly held up one finger off-camera to tell him to wait a second. 
“Uh, hold on just a second guys.” You muted your headphones and took them off. You started to work on turning your webcam off but he reached over and grabbed the arm of your chair, rolling it towards him. 
You squealed, “Corpse! What are you doing?”
“I’m a bad kisser, huh? I’m a bad kisser?” He started peppering your face with kisses. You giggled. He planted his hands on the armrests of your chair, practically trapping you in place. He raised an eyebrow at you, a smirk plastered on his lips, “Hmm?” 
You cupped his face and kissed him. He started to pull you closer to him but you pulled back, “No, you’re not a bad kisser, baby. You’re the best kisser.” He kissed you again and then went back to his filming room. You slid your chair back to your computer, pretending as if nothing happened. You put your headphones back on and scanned the chat. There were a couple of people being like we saw that hand but you ignored it and continued playing.
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bteezxyewriter12 · 2 years
Pairing- Hobi x Named Reader
Word count- 4.2k
Includes- Sex, public sex, riding, wall sex, funny Hobi gifs, fluff
Masterlists- check out for more fics
📝Masterlists 📝BTS Masterlist
📝Hobi Masterlist
🌟gifs are from google🌟
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Hobi POV
'I screwed up", I think as Joanne and I walk through the amusement park towards the roller coaster
I made the mistake of telling her I'd go with her on a roller coaster
This is our first date
I finally had the nerve to ask her out
My best friend since we were kids
I didn't tell her I'm in love with her because that's way too soon
I just said my feelings for her changed and I like her a lot
Took me by complete surprise when she said she liked me too
Because of BTS' hectic schedule, this is the first date I've been able to take her on
A month after we got together
I know she likes amusement parks so that's where I took her
She knows I hate roller coasters so she's been going on the other rides with me
The kiddie rides
She hasn't once said anything about roller coasters
But I see her looking at them as we pass by
After the last ride, I told her I'll go on a roller coaster with her
She refused but I insisted
She finally agreed after arguing for a few minutes, saying she's going to take me on the least coastery one
The baby one
As if there can be a baby coaster for adults
"Here's the line sunshine", she says
"What? This is the line?", I gape
We're so far from the front
People wait on this line to have their bodies catapulted through the air?
"It's not too baby. Half an hour wait. I've waited on a coaster line for two hours once"
Two hours?
That's excessive
"The normal wait is like an hour"
Thank god we don't have to wait that long
I stare up at the roller coaster
God it's so high and I can hear the screams of the people on it
This sucks
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She hugs me, her head against my chest and I wrap my arms around her, feeling a tad better that she hugging me
"You're heart is beating so fast sunshine"
I know, I can feel it
I'm scared
"Hobi", she calls and I look down at her, "We don't have to go on it ok? We can go do something else"
I shake my head
I can do this for her
We can't go to an amusement park and not go on a roller coaster
It's like breaking amusement park rules
"Hobi don't make yourself go on it. I want you to have fun not force yourself to do something you think I want"
"You don't want to go on it?"
I'm surprised, she loves roller coasters
That one time we all went to a park, she and Jungkook went on all of them
"Yeah I do but I can skip it this time. I know you hate them sunshine and I don't care about going on one. I care about spending time with you"
I smiles at her, pushing some stray hairs out of her face
"I want to spend time with you too aegi. But we're going on the roller coaster. I can't have you thinking I'm a wimp"
She bursts out laughing, "Oh baby I know you are"
"Hey!", I say pretending to get mad
"Oh c'mon Hobi you're a big scaredy cat. It's ok. I knew going into this I'd have to save you from....well everything", she teases
"What?", I feign shock
She giggles, "God you're so cute"
I blush
I like when she says things like that
I'm not really complimented that much
In life and with BTS
The maknaes usually get all the compliments
"Aww you're cheeks baby. So cute when they're red"
I laugh and feel myself turn red more
She stands on her tip toes and presses a soft kiss to my lips
Sparks fly in my vision when I feel her lips on mine
It happens every time we kiss and I hope that never stops
When she pulls away, I notice the line moved
Taking her hand, I walk up, her following
"Sunshine really, we don't have to-"
"We are", I insist
She frowns, "Well ok"
The time moves fast
She asks me about the songs for the new album, she kisses me and holds my hand
This is everything I imagined being with her would be like
Except it's better
I make the mistake of glancing up and seeing the cars of the coaster flying on the track
"Oh my god", I whisper, shaking my head
I'm really doing this
I'm going to get on this thing
"Shush aegi."
She raises her eyebrow so I bend down and kiss her quickly
"Don't argue anymore ok?"
She sighs but nods
We're so close now, online for the individual lanes for each car
I feel myself starting to get more nervous, sweat collecting in my palms and neck
The cars seat two people so it'll be me and her
The gate opens and the two people in front of us get in the car
The gate closes and I'm right against it
I watch the workers help people buckle in the car
"Shit", I laugh nervously and bend over the bar, trying to calm myself
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"Baby you can just go through the seats and we can leave", she says, rubbing my back
"I'm fine", I say
"You're not fine. You're breathing hard and your sweating. Why are you insisting on this?"
I look at her, touching her cheek softly, "I'll do anything to make you happy. And you like this stuff. You do things for me that you don't like. It's my turn"
"That doesn't matter sunshine. This is different. You're whole body is reacting to this negatively"
"It's just one baby."
She breathes out, her mouth in a straight line
"Fine. But no more after this. Never again."
I nod
The cars come back and the people get off
Oh god, oh god, here we go
The gates open and I wobble towards the car
Getting in, I sit down, terrified
"Baby say hi", she giggles
She's holding up her phone, taking a video
I lift my hand up and wave, forcing a smile on my face
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She giggles, shuts the phone off and gets in next to me
"Hobi you have to strap yourself in"
She reaches over and buckles me into the seat, then fixes her own
I grab her hand tightly, gripping the bar in front of me too
"It's ok sunshine. It'll be over quick"
Yeah right
Maybe for her
Not for me
It's going to a torturous two minutes
The car starts moving and I yell, "Baby"
"Shh baby. It's ok", she says soothingly
The car starts the slow climb up and I panic more
The tilting back scares me and I cry out not being able to help it
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"Sunshine I'm here ok. Don't let go of me", she says gripping my hand tightly
We're getting closer, the cars in front of us disappearing over the drop
Fuck, fuck, fuck
We reach the top and go over
The wind blows in my face as my stomach drops to the floor and I scream
It's so fast, dips and drops, twists and turns so suddenly, my body can't get used to it
I don't know if anyone else is screaming but I'm screaming bloody murder
I want it to end
Right now
It's like my prayers have been answered because the car starts slowing down and I look around, feeling like my soul just left my body
My eyes are blurry and I wipe them, hearing her cracking up next to me
"What?", I ask
"Aegi!", I whine
"Ok fine. You were hilarious. Screaming like someone was killing you"
I glare at her
I'm was terrified and she's laughing at me
"Aww it's ok baby", she giggles, kissing me, "Was it really that bad?"
"No", I pout
It wasn't as bad as I thought it be
I just didn't like the harsh movements and the way my body bounced in the car
And I tell her this
"Well sunshine this is more like a traditional roller coaster. The others with upside down tracks are the ones where you're really strapped in good"
The car stops and I stand up, losing my balance
"Baby", she gasps, grabbing me before I fall
I regain my balance and get out of the car, her following me
"Want water sunshine?", she asks, offering me her bottle water
I take it and drink little
"You ok?"
I nod
I am feeling better
And crazier
Taking her hand, I walk to the next roller coaster
The one that straps you in
There's barely a line at that one
"Hobi-", she starts as I pull her behind me, "What are you-"
"I want to try this one"
Her mouth drops, "This is floorless Hoseok with upside down turns"
My heart beats harder hearing that
'Cut it out', I tell myself
I just went on one and survived
I can survive another
"I know but I didn't like the other one. Maybe this one will be better"
"Or more intense and you'll lose your voice screaming", she says worriedly, "Hobi I don't want you to do this, to force yourself. You have nothing to prove to me baby. It's ok to be afraid of roller coasters"
"I know I don't have to prove anything to you aegi. I have to prove it to myself. That I'm not a complete coward"
"Hoseok you are not a coward. Cut it out"
"I'm scared of a lot of things"
"So what?", she answers, "I already told you we never have to do this again"
"Last one. And if I really don't like it then we'll never go on one together again. You can go and I'll hold your bag"
She snorts, "Are you sure about this?"
I nod
"Well ok"
We wait only about ten minutes before we're strapped into another roller coaster
"You ok sunshine?"
"Yeah baby", I say, trying to convince myself and her
She smiles at me, nodding
The seats move and I glance down getting nauseous
I can see the people that are far, far down on the ground
They look like dots
Maybe this wasn't such a good idea
The coaster gets faster, catapulting us into the air, my hands gripping the hand rails so fucking hard
I grit my teeth trying not to scream
I yell loudly, wind making my hair fly back and slapping me in my face
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Closing my mouth, I can't wait for this to end
I was wrong, I don't like any rollercoasters
Yes I'm strapped but my feet are dangling and I'm scared my sneakers are going to fall off
I feel like I'm going to cry
My stomach flies everywhere when we go upside down and I have to close my eyes
When is this over?
I feel another upside down turn and then it slows down
I breathe, my head wobbling from the small shakes as the seats head back to the hanger
No more
I'm a wimp
I accept it
No coasters for me
I'll be the designated bag holder
The ride stops and lay my head back on the shoulder pads, moaning
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The ride stops but I don't move
I can't
My heart is jack hammering in my chest and I actually feel sick
My stomach hasn't settled yet
"Hobi?", she calls standing in front of me
How did she get down so quick?
"Baby?", she says, undoing the belts and buckles keeping me in that damn chair
She gets then off then pulls the chest protection up
"C'mon sunshine"
She takes my hand and helps me stand up
I'm dizzy and my legs feel like jelly and it's hard for me to stay upright
"Excuse me can you move? You're in the way and holding us up"
I look to the people trying to get on the ride
"Wait a fucking second. Obviously he's not feeling good and he needs a second. Or are you fucking blind?", she snaps
Holy shit
I've never seen her act like that
"Then he shouldn't go on a ride that he can't handle"
Wow what a bitch
"Maybe you should shut your fucking mouth before I shut it for you. Have some fucking sympathy you fucking cunt", she growls
"Right yeah ok", the girl sneers
"Fucking try me", she snarls
The girl hesitates then backs down
"That's what I fucking thought"
She gets my arm around her shoulder, her's around my waist and she helps me walk down the ramp, leading me to a bench
"I feel sick", I whine
"Put your head between your legs"
"Does that work?", I ask doubtfully
She shrugs, "That's what everyone says to do"
I lean over and do it, breathing in
She sits next to me rubbing my back
"No more sunshine"
"No aegi, no more"
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After a few minutes of breathing, my stomach settles and I feel ok
Sitting up, she looks at me worriedly
"I'm ok baby. I promise", I tell her
She nods, "Wanna walk around? Get your legs working again?"
"Ok aegi"
She takes my hand, pulling me up and we go
Sitting on a bench, I wait for her to come out of the bathroom
She's taking a long time
We went to the arcade area of the park and just been playing games
It's fun
I'm not in the mood to eat yet
I don't want to throw up
She comes up to me, pulling on my hand, "Come here baby"
I'm confused but I get up and follow her
I'll follow her any where
She leads me to a picketed door next to a building that looks like only employees should be
"Uh aegi.."
"Shhh", she says smirking at me
She opens the door and pulls me inside
There's a small walkway with some fake trees near the door
She pulls me further down, where there's a machine making noise
And a small stone bench
"Aegi what are we doing-", I start
She stands on her toes again, crashing her lips to mine
I'm surprised but kiss her back
I love kissing her and any chance I can do it, I'll take it
She pushes me backwards and I move, the back of my legs hitting the bench
She pushes me, making me sit and she climbs on top of me, straddling me
Oh god yes
Her tongue slides in my mouth and I moan, kissing her back hard
She puts her hands around my neck, softly playing with my hair, sending chills down my back
I love when she plays with my hair
She moves back, her eyes on my lips
She gently touches the beauty mark above my lip, "I love this mark Hobi."
She leans forward kissing it
"I love kissing it. It's so cute and unbelievably sexy"
She kiss it again with me melting against her
Lots of ARMYS say they like my beauty mark but she's the only one I want to hear that from
"You're unbelievably sexy"
I am?
No way
"I love kissing you Hobi"
Her mouth goes against mine in a heated kiss, our tongues against each other's again
I fucking love kissing her too
Her hands move under my shirt, touching my back, making me shiver
Oh god, I love it
I hold her close to me, her body rubbing against my cock
"Oh god", I moan in her mouth
She moves again and again, making me hard
"Aegi", I whimper, "Sss....stop. You're making me...."
She kisses me softly then stands up
I'm breathing hard, watching her
She moves her hands to her shorts and starts pulling them down
My eyes bug out of my head
We haven't done anything besides make out
I've been really busy and I didn't want her to think I just wanted sex
She bends down, taking her shorts completely off and putting it to the side
When she stands up, I choke on air
"Wwwww....where are your pppp..."
"Panties? I took them off when I was in the bathroom. They're in my pocket"
She comes over to me, sitting on me again
"I need yours off too Hobi"
She wants to have sex here for our first time?
And why is it turning me on so much?
"Yeah here baby. You were so cute going on the roller coasters for me. And you're so hot baby, even just sitting there.", she whispers in my ear and playing with my hair
I close my eyes, swallowing hard
"I want you Hoseok. I don't want to wait. I want you now"
I want her so bad
"If you don't want-"
"I do. I want you so much baby you don't even know"
I pull her against me, my tongue in her mouth
Moving my hands to my pants, I lift her up, then pull them and my boxers down
"C'mere baby", I murmur, holding my cock up, pushing her down on me
My head gets inside her, moaning when I feel her dripping down my shaft
"Fuck aegi, so wet"
"Mmm, you make me wet Hobi. All the time"
I groan hearing that
She makes me hard all the fucking time
She moves my hands on her hips and I push her down, feeling her pussy suck me inside
"Good girl. So tight fuck", I moan
God she's the tightest I've ever been in
"Hobi, holy shit, so big Hobi", she praises
"Mmm more aegi, please take me all in"
"Help me baby. I want you all in. I want to feel you're huge cock open me up so good"
"Oh baby, I'll open you up. I'll fucking split your pussy wide open", I growl, pushing her all the way down
I bite my lip, leaning my head back for a minute, my body trembling, feeling her nestled around my cock
It's such a snug fit, her drenching me even more and pulsing hard
God it feels so good
"Hobi, you feel so good baby", she moans
She holds my shoulders, her lips on my neck as she slides up my length
I wait in anticipation for her to move, knowing, just knowing it's going to feel amazing
She slams down, taking me all in
"Fuck", I yell, pleasure shooting through my veins
"Oh fuck", she moans, starting to bounce on my cock
I gasp from pleasure, feeling her pussy open around me over and over
She's so wet it's all over my pelvis, lower stomach, and thighs
God I love feeling it all over me
Pulling her tank top down, I pop out her boob and attach my mouth to her nipple
Running my tongue around her nipple makes her yell and fuck me faster
"Fuck aegi, you're cunt feels so good baby."
Fuck me, I love hearing her moan my name
Sucking her nipple in my mouth, I tug on it, softly biting
"Oh god! Hoseok", she cries, slamming down on me, her fingers gripping my shirt as her pussy cums on me
Pleasure hits me, feeling her hole spasm around me
Fuck it feels good
Holding her hips, I thrust up, fucking her through her orgasm
"Cum again", I demand, fucking her hard
"Yyy...yes", she whimpers, trying to move on me
"No aegi. I'm gonna fuck you, my cock is going to make you cum. Just enjoy baby"
She nods, moving her arms around my neck
I jackhammer my cock into her while moving her up and down at the same time
I hit deep inside her and she shouts loudly, shaking in my arms
I think that's her spot
I slam that spot again hard
She gasps, shaking and clenching my cock so hard, absolutely drenching my shaft even more
"Yeah baby. Gonna fuck your spot so good. Make you cum so good", I breathe, fucking into her
"Mmmm Hobi"
"Yeah baby. You're gonna fall apart on my cock so fucking good. Then I'm gonna fill you with my cum until you're leaking"
"Yes oh god yes Hobi"
I grip her hips and stand up, crashing her against the wall
Her legs wrap around me as I pound her spot as hard as I can
I kiss her hard, our tongues in each other's mouths, the kiss desperate
Her throbbing gets insanely fast and so hard
I'm desperately waiting for her orgasm and getting antsy
I wanna cum but I want to feel her more
"Hobi, Hobi, HOSEOK!", she yells, her body shaking in my arms
"Oh god", I whimper, looking down
"Fuck", I moan watching her creamy cum soak my cock
God it's so pretty
"That's it baby girl, such a good girl coming for me"
"Please Hobi", she whines
"What baby?", I ask, still moving inside her
"Fill me Hobi. Wanna be full of your cum"
Pleasure clouds my head and I thrust so hard, yelling her name as I snap and shoot my cum inside her
"Joanne oh god aegi. Yes"
As I finish, I pull out, leaning against her shoulder, holding her tightly
Her arms are around me, her fingers playing with my hair
After I've calmed down, I lift my head, looking at her
She looks in my eyes, smiling
Moving to me she presses her lips against mine in the softest kiss I ever felt
When she pulls away she leans her forehead on mine, running her fingers on my cheeks softly
"I love you Hoseok"
I did not expect her to say that
"I love you so much"
"I love you", I breathe
This is my dream come true
"You don't have to say that Hobi. It's ok"
I move back from her, looking at her like she's insane
"I'm not. Joanne, I loved you when I asked you out. I've loved you for awhile."
"Yeah?", She smiles widely
It's so fucking beautiful
She takes my breath away all the time
I nod, "Yeah"
"I felt the same way Hobi. I loved you when I said yes to you.", she tells me, running her hand in my hair, "I always loved you. You are always the guy I wanted. When we were teenagers, I used to dream of being with you."
She loved me back then too?
"I used imagine us being together, living together, getting married and having babies. You know stupid girl stuff. I saw my whole life with you."
I used to think of those things too
And I still see my whole life with her
That never stopped
"When you left for BTS, I thought I'd lost my shot. I figured you'd want one of the beautiful idols that you're around"
I never wanted that
I always wanted her
I just figured I'd lost my shot too because I left her behind
"When you asked me to be with you, I thought I was dreaming Hobi. I really did. And I couldn't understand why you'd want me. But you did and I was taking it. You are everything I could ever want. And so much more"
My brain is imploding trying to wrap my head around what she's saying
The girl of my dreams....sees me as the guy of her dreams
That's mind blowing
"And I just terrified you", she says softly
"Great job idiot", she mutters to herself
"No Jo, you're not scaring me. How can you scare me when everything you want is what I want with you".
"Well, let's see. Be with you, yes. Love you, yes. Live with you, hell yes. Marry you, one day we will. Have babies with you, we definitely will. See my whole life with you? Since we were teenagers too. You being the only girl I've ever wanted? One hundred percent"
I chuckle at the way her mouth drops
So cute
"Listen to me Jo. You are mine. And I am never ever in this life or the next going to let you go. You are my life. I love you"
"I love you Hobi", she smiles, pulling me to her in a kiss
I kiss her back, so happy I have her
When we pull away, I realize that I'm still holding her
I put her down, then pull my clothes up while she gets her clothes back on
"I love you", she says
I smile, kissing her forehead, "I love you too"
She leads me out of the pathway into the park again
"Hungry?", I ask
She smirks, looking down where my dick is
Fuck me, she's turning me on
"Let's go eat sunshine," she smiles, "Then more rides?"
I nod, trying to make my erection go away
"And when we get back to the dorm, I'm gonna suck your cock so good"
Oh god
But I can play along too
"Good baby", I say, leaning down to her ear, "Then I'm gonna eat that pussy over and over, tasting you and making you scream"
She swallows hard and I grin
Kissing her cheek, I straighten up and lead her to the restaurant area
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