#Sweeping Promises Pain Without a Touch
New Video: Sweeping Promises Shares Horror-Themed Visual for Brooding and Uneasy "Good Living Is Coming for You"
New Video: Sweeping Promises Shares Horror-Themed Visual for Brooding and Uneasy "Good Living Is Coming for You" @swpromises @subpop @subpoplicity
Sweeping Promises — Lira Mondal (vocals, bass, production) and Caufield Schnug (guitar, drums, production — can trace their origins to a chance meeting in Arkansas, which led to a decade of playing together in an eclectic assortment of projects. Their relentless practice has made perfect: Meticulously controlling every aspect of their craft, from the first note they write together, through…
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cum-padre · 7 months
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chikkenstrip · 2 years
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pettybourgeoiz · 2 years
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senorboombastic · 7 months
Live Review: Sweeping Promises at YES in Manchester 22 October 2023
Words: Andy Hughes If you’re skirting mid-30s, have had a long week and you just happen to have a full belly after an afternoon cheese board session (all relatable obstacles), the Sunday night sweat-box gig is a tough ask. When it’s a band you’ve been hooked on for years however, you’ve no choice but to gulp down a big pint of water, put on your Doc Martens and head out the door. Sweeping…
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fragileheartbeats · 8 days
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⌗ 𝘈𝘝𝘌𝘕𝘛𝘜𝘙𝘐𝘕𝘌 𝘏𝘊 ⁝ 𝘏𝘰𝘸 𝘐 𝘪𝘮𝘢𝘨𝘪𝘯𝘦 𝘩𝘪𝘮 𝘢𝘴 𝘢 𝘺𝘢𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘳𝘦 ( ♱ )
˚꒰♡꒱‧ Hi there! Before you read this, you should know that English is not my first language Hope you enjoy!
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Many describe Aventurine as a yandere who would hurt or kidnap his darling, but I can't see it. To me, he would be one of the softest yanderes imaginable. He’s painfully aware of his feelings, knowing they’re unhealthy and twisted. He tries to control them, but it’s never enough. His love for you is too overwhelming, too consuming.
And it hurts. It hurts like a thousand knives piercing his heart, because it's killing him. It hurts because he doesn’t want to harm you, but it also hurts because he can’t bear to be without you. Each day, the struggle between his desire to be near you and his need to protect you from himself tears him apart.
He would do anything to protect you, becoming your shadow, guarding you from every danger—even himself. So, he makes the hardest choice: he avoids you. He stops talking to you, stops smiling at you, stops watching you from afar. It’s a self-imposed exile that tortures him more than any physical pain ever could.
You’re left confused and hurt. Why is he avoiding you? Just weeks ago, he was so sweet, so attentive. You thought maybe—just maybe—he had fallen for someone like you. How foolish. Stupid, stupid, stupid. Your heart aches with the sting of rejection and the bitterness of unfulfilled dreams.
If only you knew... If only you knew how deeply he loves you. He loves you so much that he’s willing to destroy himself rather than see you cry. He loves you so much that he would tear his own heart apart rather than see your smile fade. He knows himself. He knows you. He knows that if he stayed close, he would hurt you. His feelings are a storm, a dangerous maelstrom that could sweep you away.
He knows you’re too precious. He could be a monster. He would be a monster. A monster who feeds on your love and tears. A monster hungry for your body and pain. He knows it. He knows it all. And that knowledge shatters him.
Because he doesn’t want to be a monster. He doesn’t want to hurt you. He wants to be your shining knight, always protecting you, even if you never know it. He dreams of a world where he can hold you without fear, where his love doesn’t come with the risk of destruction.
He would do anything to see your smile, even if it means sacrificing his own. Each time he sees you from a distance, his heart breaks a little more. He whispers your name in the dead of night, a prayer, a lament, a vow to keep you safe. Even if he has to carve out his own heart, he will do it, because your happiness means more to him than his own life.
In the silent agony of his solitude, he watches you move on, believing you’ll find someone better, someone worthy of your love. His heart bleeds with every step you take away from him, but he endures it. He endures it because he loves you too much to let his darkness touch you. And as he fades into the background, he finds a twisted solace in the knowledge that he’s done the right thing, even if it destroys him.
Aventurine's love is a tragic symphony, a beautiful yet sorrowful melody that will never reach your ears. It’s a love that lives in shadows, hidden from the light, forever unseen, forever aching. And as he stands alone, watching over you from afar, he whispers one last promise to the wind:
“I will always love you, even if it means I must disappear. For your happiness, for your safety, I will sacrifice everything. Even myself.”
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@ 𝒇𝒓𝒂𝒈𝒊𝒍𝒆𝒉𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒕𝒃𝒆𝒂𝒕𝒔 . 𝐷𝑜𝑛'𝑡 𝑝𝑙𝑎𝑔𝑖𝑎𝑟𝑖𝑠𝑒, 𝑟𝑒𝑝𝑜𝑠𝑡, 𝑜𝑟 𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑠𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑒 𝑎𝑛𝑦 𝑜𝑓 𝑚𝑦 𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑘𝑠 𝑜𝑛 ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑒 𝑜𝑟 𝑎𝑛𝑦 𝑜𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑟 𝑤𝑒𝑏𝑠𝑖𝑡𝑒𝑠.
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acourtofwhatthefuck · 9 months
Practice On Me — Part Two — Azriel x Reader.
Summary: Azriel comes back for a little more practice. But this time, he wants to learn more than just kissing.
Word count: 7k.
Warnings: Some violence, injury detail, mention of blood. Smut 🌶️ some touching and fingering 😏
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“Is that painful?”
“A little. Keep going.”
Rhysand’s hands are gentle when, a week later, you lay face-down on his couch, naked from the waist up. You wince as his fingers skate over jagged, poorly healed scars. You can picture the look on his face without needing to glimpse it; pursed lips and a furrowed brow and barely contained rage.
But he doesn’t let that rage seep into his hands as he smooths a pleasant, cooling salve into what remains of your wings. Which isn’t much.
“Sorry,” he murmurs at your slight jolt. “Almost done.”
There are very few people you will trust with touching your back. It’s too personal for you to visit the camp healer for such treatment, however trained and skilled he may be. But Rhysand—
“I swear to you, Y/N.” His voice is deep, stoic, warm breath fanning your shoulder. “When I’m High Lord, this will be outlawed. Females will not go through this under my rule.”
He promises it every single time he helps you with this. And he means it. Which is why you trust him implicitly with the act.
“I know.” You murmur against a couch cushion. “Thank you.”
“All done.”
As he wipes his hands on a rag, you ease yourself into a sitting position, clutching your shirt to your bare chest. As always, a crackling fire breathes heat into Rhysand’s mother’s home, and the feeling is pleasant, soothing.
“I haven’t seen your mother recently.” You mention, waiting for Rhys to turn around so you can slip your shirt on. It’s not that he hasn’t seen more private parts of your body over the years, nor that you particularly care, but he does you the courtesy, anyway. “Is she well?”
A soft, loving smile curls at his lips. “She is.” And then the smile widens into a full-blown grin. “My father wants her closer to home. She’s with child.”
“Seriously?” You blink, and then you’re throwing yourself at Rhys, sheer happiness and excitement filling you. “Rhys, that’s amazing. You’re going to have a brother or sister.”
“Sister, I hope.” He snorts, squeezing you, and yet also minding your still-bare back. “We need more girls around here.”
“Well, boy or girl, you’ll be the most incredible big brother. I just know it.”
And you absolutely do. Rhys has always been that sort of presence in your life; caring and loving and protective. Stern sometimes. A shoulder to cry on. A giver of warm, much-needed hugs.
You lean into one of those hugs now, not caring nor thinking about the fact that your top half is naked and pressing against him. That is, until the front door opens behind you, sweeping a gust of icy air indoors.
You turn just in time to see Azriel kick the snow from his boots. And then he pauses in the doorway, staring between you and Rhysand.
There’s been no mention of the kiss that night a week ago. Things haven’t been strange nor awkward. Just…normal. As if it never happened.
You’ve combed over it in your mind a little, though. Maybe more than a little.
“I told her the news.” Rhys announces, pulling away from you. A beaming grin still lights up his face.
Azriel’s mouth immediately tilts up, matching his enthusiasm as he smiles at you. “Exciting, isn’t it?”
“Oh, incredibly.” You shrug your shirt on. “I’m bound to get far more stimulating conversation from a newborn babe than I do from you three idiots.”
Rhys swats you and Azriel snorts, and then you’re pushing to your feet and heading towards the small kitchen area. “I’m making tea. Do either of you want some?”
“No, I’m heading out to visit my mother.” Rhys stands. “You’re welcome to stay as long as you like, though.”
“Give her my love.” You tell him.
Azriel dips his head. “And mine.”
With a chipper goodbye, Rhys is dipping out of the cottage. Shutting the door behind him seals the heat inside once more, and already you have some soothing release from the pain in your upper back.
“Tea?” You offer again over your shoulder.
“Please.” Az approaches you from behind, stopping mere inches away to tie the strings at the back of your tunic. “Cass won’t be joining us. He ran into Sacha on the way here.”
You snort. Cassian’s most recent fling is coming up to a week-long stint, now. It won’t be long before cracks begin to show, and the whole thing is called off, and another female or male takes Sacha’s place. Rinse and repeat.
“I wonder which one of them will break it off. My money’s on Sacha.” You ladle a generous helping of sage tea into two cups and hand one to Az. “How are things with Kaeda?”
You can’t lie — you’ve wondered it a fair few times over the past week. Which is only natural, right? To question if the…help…that you gave Azriel was of any use. But so far, he hasn’t mentioned a damn thing.
He takes a long, pensive sip of his steaming drink. And then shrugs. “I’ve not really had the chance to see her.”
Immediately, you cock an eyebrow. Because Az seems to have had plenty of time for you and Rhys and Cass over the last seven days. Even spared one of those days to fly you to the local market to pick some things up for your father. It hasn’t been a particularly busy week for any of you — slow, even — and you’re almost positive he’s had a spare few minutes to land a kiss on his romantic interest.
Leaning your back against the wall, you shoot him a look. One that says, that’s not going to fly with me, Shadowsinger. “Wanna try that again?” You say. “The truth this time, please.”
He sighs, pressing back against the opposite wall. It must be so annoying for him that you can read him so well. Azriel doesn’t like being read. At all.
“I’m just…not confident enough yet. So, I’ve been avoiding her.” He admits. “I think I need more practice.”
You stare at him. Study him. You’re not sure if he’s implying what…what you think he might be implying. “You’re a good kisser, Az.” You tell him. “Trust me.”
The firm, truthful tone of your voice has his cheeks reddening slightly. He lowers his gaze to the floor. “But I don’t feel like one. And that’s the key to it all, isn’t it? Confidence. I’m just not there yet.”
Fair enough, you think. He’s not wrong. But the direction in which this seems to be going has your heart doing a strange, anticipatory flip in your chest.
“So…” You drag the word out. “Are you asking to practice on me again, or? Because I can totally steal one of the sparring dummies from the training ring and guide you that way—”
“Forget it.��� He cuts your teasing off with a roll of his eyes.
“No, wait, I’m sorry.” You bite back a laugh. “I’m taking it seriously, I promise. Tell me what you need.”
He purses his lips, eyeing you for a long moment. You allow him to do so, even if it makes you feel a little naked.
“All I know,” he says, “is that I’m comfortable with you.”
The words are…strangely heavy. Vulnerable. He means them, and you know that, but they’re so weighty that for a moment, you can’t speak.
You suppose you’re so accustomed to your friendship with him — the familiarity and comfort of it — that you don’t think too often about how good it feels to be such a support for somebody. It makes you feel good. Useful. You want to always be able to help him like that.
So, you know you’d offer him anything, do anything he needs.
“If you need to practice on me some more, Az...” Your voice is strangely raspy. “I’m right here.”
He swallows. “But I don’t want it to seem like…like I’m using you.”
“It doesn’t.” It really doesn’t. You keep it to yourself that you need this in your own, little way. “I’d tell you if I felt like that.”
His eyes scan your face, and he seems satisfied with the truth that’s displayed there. He licks his lips and swallows and shifts from foot to foot. And then he says, simply, “Okay, then.”
And you guess this is happening right now, like it happened right then a week ago. So, you place your mug of tea on the counter and push away from the wall. Azriel does the same.
He steps a little closer. Pauses. “Do I need to do anything different to what I did before?”
“No.” You answer, probably a little too quickly. “No, you were great.”
He blushes again, and he seems to be fighting the urge to look away. But he maintains the eye contact like a champ and closes the space between you.
His scent, his warmth, is like a blanket that’s draped over you. You want to wrap yourself inside it, build a fort out of it, hide in it.
Azriel’s hands tremble as he lifts them to your face. He seemed to enjoy that last time — the feel of your skin beneath his. You enjoyed it, too. You tilt your head up just a little.
His thumb makes contact with your cheekbone, brushing a gentle sweep over the area. He leans down—
But then the door flies open, and a snow-covered, pissed off Cassian stomps in.
“Sacha and I are finished.” He announces, not seeming to notice yours and Azriel’s compromising position. “Let’s go to the mead hall.”
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The mead hall is packed and noisy, exactly how Cassian wants it. He’s in a foul mood, and so a higher volume of people means he has a good choice of who to pick a fight with.
When he gets like this, there’s not really any stopping him.
Luckily, your father isn’t there tonight, so you’re comfortable sitting wedged between Az and Cass without his paranoid, judgemental stare. But you don’t want to be here — the males are too drunk and boisterous, and you seem to be one of very few females present. It makes their leering gazes far more apparent.
“It was a total misunderstanding.” Cassian says from beside you, leaning over you a little so that Az can hear, too. “Yes, I might have called her the wrong name—”
“I would have thrown you out on your ass, too.” You cut him off, rolling your eyes. “At least know the name of who you’re fucking before you dive between their legs.”
“I do know her name. I just got confused—”
He stops mid-sentence and looks up as, from behind, a pair of rough, meaty hands land on your shoulders and squeeze. You immediately recoil at the touch, turning to glimpse the mammoth of an Illyrian male whose name you think is Tanin. Not that you care.
He stinks of ale and sweat as he leans down and smells your hair. You tense. Cassian tenses. Azriel tenses.
“Y/N, Y/N, Y/N.” Tanin slurs. “When are you going to let me dive between your legs?”
And there it is. Cassian’s excuse for a fight.
He’s out of his seat and on him quicker than you can even register, slamming Tanin down on the adjacent table amidst plates of food and goblets of ale. Blood goes flying as he pummels his fist into the bastard’s face, and then he’s grabbing a goblet of ale and pouring it over Tanin until he’s coughing and spluttering.
“How about you wash your filthy fucking mouth out?” Your friend snarls, diving in to land another punch. “Piece of shit.”
You turn to Azriel in mild alarm. Usually, he would have jumped in by now, pulled Cassian off before he can do too much damage. But the shadowsinger merely watches the affray with something akin to satisfaction on his face. You sigh in exasperation. This will quickly get out of hand.
“Cass.” You stand, reaching for your friend. “Cassian—”
But your voice is barely heard beneath all the yelling and jeering, and then Tanin is fighting back, landing a hit on Cassian so hard that he stumbles backwards — falls into you and knocks you to the floor, right amongst the gathering, boisterous males.
There’re feet everywhere in all directions, catching you in the side and stepping on your hand and knocking you back down whenever you try to get up. Suddenly, the fight is no longer between Cassian and Tanin. Males are punching each other for the sake of it, and more and more of them join in, not even knowing why they’re brawling. It’s the Illyrian pastime.
Just before another foot can swing into you, you’re aware of strong arms lifting you and plucking you straight from the centre of the chaos. Azriel shoves a drunken lout who backs into you, and then he’s dragging you away, his eyes fierce and blazing.
“You’re alright?” He asks over the shouting, his gaze roving your dirtied, creased tunic.
Your hand is throbbing from being stepped on, but the ache is already dulling. You nod. “I’m fine. Where is Cass?”
“Here.” Cassian suddenly appears behind you. His hair has mostly escaped the knot he’d tied it into, and his lip is badly split, blood gushing down his chin. He spits some onto the floor, and his words are thick and almost unintelligible as he cups his mouth and says, “Pieth of thit got me good.”
You scowl, knocking his hand away to grip his chin. “Serves you right. That fight was completely unnecessary.”
“I dithagree.” His eyes glitter, but then he grimaces and pulls away to spit more blood out. “Dammit. I think I need thitches.”
He definitely does. The gash in his lip is deep and pouring. And with the fight still merrily going on around you, it won’t be long before someone tries to drag him back into it. And Cass will happily oblige.
“Go to the healer and get that seen to.” Azriel tells him, not unlike a stern parent. He grips him by the shoulder and steers him out of the door, dragging you with him by the other hand. “And then sober up. I’m taking Y/N home.”
“And apologise to Sacha.” You add.
Cassian grumbles, but the fact that he doesn’t protest is a positive. He can sometimes be so stubborn that it makes you want to split his lip yourself. It would seem he’s had enough drama for one night.
“Fine.” He spits blood onto the dirt path. “Maybe Satha will take pithy on me.”
The fact that neither you nor Az agree is downright hilarious. But nor do you correct Cassian’s drunken, skewed thinking. Nights like these are a common occurrence, and to some degree, you just have to let your friend get on with it.
Cass turns, and you catch him quickly by the hand. “Thank you.” You tell him, because he was defending your honour, after all. “Love you.”
He grins a bloody grin, and then winces as it tugs at the wound. “Loveyouthoo, thweetpea.”
✧: *✧・゚✧・゚: *✧・゚✧・゚: *✧・゚✧・゚: *✧・゚✧・゚: *✧・ You don’t feel like going home and facing your father tonight, and with Rhysand’s mother’s cottage at your disposal, you don’t have to. It’s not unusual for you to spend nights away from home; usually he doesn’t care enough to even question it. But if he does, you always tell him the same thing — you spent the night with one of your many female friends. No males present. Such a little liar, you are.
But you’re content with that lie as you sink into the couch, your eyes flicking over to Azriel in the kitchen. He stirs a cup of tea silently, pensive as always. He’s asked about your wellbeing at least seven times since you stepped through the door.
You’re fine, you’ve answered each time, and it’s true. With him, you’re always fine. It doesn’t stop him worrying, though.
His footsteps thud against the floor as he approaches you, and he holds out a steaming mug. “Drink this. I put plenty of honey in it.”
Your lips twitch into a fond smile, and you accept it, taking a warm sip. “I was on the floor for a matter of seconds, Az. I have a bruised hand, that’s all.”
He knows this, of course, but trying to get him to stop fussing would be like beating a dead horse, and you really don’t mind being taken care of, anyway. Azriel settles into the space beside you, kicking his feet up on the coffee table. You lean into his side.
For a few moments, it’s comfortably silent. And then he snorts softly. “Cassian’s going to have a hard time apologising to Sacha when he can barely form a legible sentence.”
You laugh, tipping your head back against his shoulder. “Maybe she really will take pity on him.”
“If only she’d been there to witness his gallant display of coming to your defence. It might have impressed her.”
“Or put her off him for good.”
“The heartbreak would drive him into someone’s bed, I’m sure.”
The two of you share another laugh, and then silence blankets the small cottage. You’re always content like this, just…existing with Azriel. No need to be a certain way or do a certain thing, like you have to in your own home. With your closest friends, you have the freedom of being yourself unapologetically.
You finish your drink, and then Az is pulling you down with him, his wing draping around you. You’ve fallen asleep like this countless times — with all three of your friends at least once — and it’s one of the few places you feel truly safe.
But as you lie there, basking in Azriel’s warmth, your eyes don’t grow heavy. Rather, they continuously creep over to that spot in the kitchen you stood in with Az earlier, your bodies inches from each other, your lips very nearly meeting but not quite touching thanks to Cassian’s abrupt arrival.
A strange sense of disappointment hits you. Disappointment that you didn’t get to feel that heated kiss a second time.
“I’m sorry about earlier,” you murmur, knowing Azriel is just as awake as you are. “That we got interrupted.”
He turns his face slightly, chin brushing the top of your head. “It’s not your fault that Cassian has terrible timing.”
Your shoulders shake as you give a little laugh. No, no it isn’t. But amongst your disappointment — which is selfish, really, because the kiss was never for your sake —you feel guilt, also. Guilt that you didn’t get to help Az, despite that being what he needed.
You tip your head back enough to look up at him. “I’m still happy to help, you know. The offer is still there.”
For a couple of seconds, he merely stares down at you. His fingers absentmindedly twiddle a strand of your hair. And then he says, a hue of pink colouring his cheeks, “I still need the help.”
And in that moment, he looks so genuinely perturbed by his own inexperience that you can’t bear it. You’ll do anything, say anything, to put him at ease. To help him realise that these things are different for everyone. There’s no time frame he should be keeping to. Twenty years of age or thirty or forty or fifty, he could have come to you with these things worrying his thoughts, and there would never be any judgement. Only understanding. Only what he needs.
So, you slowly sit up, folding your legs beneath you and turning so that you’re facing him. “Would you like to practice now?”
He eyes you and swallows. And then he nods. “I would.”
You offer him a reassuring smile. “Come here, then.”
Just as you had, he pushes himself up into a sitting position. You can tell he’s tense by the way his wings fall about him; his shoulders squared. You reach for his hand and squeeze it gently.
“We already did this once, Az.” You remind him. “Just do what you did before.”
He nods — more to himself than to you. And then he’s scooting closer. His palm settles at your jaw.
He doesn’t go in for the kiss immediately. You allow him to do whatever he needs to do, whatever feels right. He seems content, for the time being, with dancing his fingers over the skin of your cheek, your jaw, your neck and the shell of your ear. His hand, scarred and callused, climbs and falls, explores each area with rapt attention. He takes note at the way your eyes momentarily flutter closed — an inadvertent reaction to his fingers skating over the pulse point of your throat.
“Is that pleasant?” His voice is deep, husky.
“For me, yes.” You clear your throat. “But I suppose not for everyone. Everybody has sensitive areas. That’s one of mine.”
You’re shamefully disappointed when, after a moment, his hand moves back up. It finds its place at your jaw again, and Az cups your cheek.
“Okay,” he whispers, and leans in.
There’s no chance for you to utter a word as he dips his head and presses his lips to yours. This time, there’s no quick, chaste peck to test the waters. Azriel dives straight in, capturing your mouth in a kiss that robs the breath straight from your lungs.
His mouth paws at yours, and you give yourself to the sensation, submitting fully to the practice. You want Azriel to take what he needs — to get a desired result from this — but as you kiss him back, you can’t help noticing the stiff, tense set of his body.
He’s not relaxed, not at all, and it shows. Something about this is bothering him, holding him back. Nerves, probably. Maybe even second thoughts. Whatever it is, you want him to communicate it, be honest about it.
So as much as you really, really don’t want to, you pull away, your face hovering a mere hair’s-breadth from Azriel’s. He seems to blink, and he licks his lips and stares at you with unguarded concern in his eyes. You know he’s already thinking a million things at once, wondering if he put a foot wrong.
“What is it?” You ask, making a grab for his hand. “You’re…tense. This is no different to what we did last week.”
Your friend stares back at you, conflict a war on his face. And for a split second, you start to think that he is having doubts, that he’s regretting having gone along with this.
And that…that would hurt. You’d understand, of course, because he’s your friend, and this is simply about helping him — but it would definitely hurt.
You don’t want to think too much about why that might be.
Rejection is never pleasant, you suppose.
“Az…” you chew your lower lip. “You can tell me. Whatever it is. If you want to stop this and just…talk…or do nothing at all…then that’s fine, too—”
“Kissing isn’t the only thing I’ve never done.”
The words leave him in such an abrupt gust that you’re stunned into silence.
You stare at him wordlessly.
Of course, it’s not that you haven’t considered that over the past seven days. Up until a week ago, you’d simply assumed that Azriel must have had a whole wealth of experience when it came to kissing people. And you’d turned out to be wrong. It wasn’t unusual to question whether there was more you didn’t know.
But you also knew perfectly well that sex didn’t require kissing. Az could have slept with a whole host of different people, and yet chosen — for whatever reason — to not kiss a single one of them.  He could have built up knowledge and experience in plenty of other areas without ever having explored what many would consider to be the first step.
You’d considered that Azriel might not have any sexual experience. And then you’d surmised that he most likely had.
That, it would seem, is not the case.
He looks more uncomfortable than ever, lowering his gaze and rubbing at the back of his neck with his hand. You want to tell him that none of that matters, that it’s nothing to be embarrassed about, but the words simply will not come.
“I’m just…completely inexperienced. In every way.” He admits gravelly. “I’ve come close to doing things, but…I always overthink it. I don’t know how any of this is supposed to…to progress.”
Makes sense. It’s a daunting thing to explore, and even more so when you don’t trust easily. It’s perfectly reasonable that Az has protected himself from that pressure.
“Have you…” You clear your throat, desperate to make sure you’re handling this correctly, decently. “Have you ever done anything at all?”
His eyes flick up to meet yours. “I’m completely well-versed where my own pleasure is concerned, Y/N, trust me. It’s with another person that I have no fucking clue.”
Right. Got it.
Swallowing down a ridiculously huge lump in your throat, you give a slow, pensive nod. “Alright. Well…these things just…evolve naturally. One thing leads to another. The absolute worst thing you can do — with kissing or anything else — is overthink it. Do that, and it’s over before it begins. You just…follow your body’s lead and do what feels natural.”
Good fucking advice, if you do say so yourself. Azriel’s still-unsure expression is the only thing that stops you from giving yourself a well-earned pat on the back.
“Right. Follow my body’s lead.” Az sounds like he’s trying to convince himself. He clears his throat. “Can we continue?”
“If you want to continue, Az, we’ll continue.”
A small, soft smile lifts his lips, and it melts your heart a little. He’s genuinely grateful for your patience and understanding; you wonder if he truly knows that you’d give him, his kind heart, the entire world if you could.
But before you can sink too far into your mushy thoughts, Azriel’s hands are at your face once more, and he’s angling it up towards him.
You wait. Allow him to make the first move. He does.
He kisses you like your lips might disappear before his very eyes if he doesn’t. His mouth slants over yours, and that coiled tension is no longer making his body rigid and unnatural. He’s heeding your advice, relaxing into it, and this time, he doesn’t hold back.
His thumb sweeps your cheek, and his tongue sweeps your lip, and you’re opening up for him, allowing him to slip it inside to meet yours. At once, his taste is overpowering you, mixed in a little with the mulled wine he drank at the mead hall. It’s a song to your senses, and you’re desperate to hear it, feel it, from start to finish.
Perhaps that’s why you’re not really aware of the way your bodies move. Az is shifting on the couch and so are you, and while one of his hands remains at your face, the other moves down and slides gently to the scars on your back. It seems, for a moment, that he might tug you closer, but in one swift movement, he’s laying you down, and he’s tucked between your legs and hovering over you so closely. He cushions the remains of your wings, always concerned about your comfort.
Kissing him like this feels wildly different to kissing him sat up. It feels…intense and yet tender. Fast and yet slow. Like this could go anywhere and everywhere all at once. And part of you wonders if it should go nowhere. Perhaps you should stop. Helping Azriel gain confidence is one thing, but he’s your closest friend, and never before have you had your closest friend more or less lying on top of you, his body moving against you, while his mouth dances over yours.
Bizarre, really.
But you still continue to kiss him back.
Your hand moves up to cup the back of his neck, and you kiss him harder, graze your tongue over his lower lip—
He pulls his face away from you abruptly. Perhaps that was a step too far—
But something in the way he stares down at you, panting heavily, tells you it wasn’t.
“Where do you like to be touched?” He asks you, so gutturally that the words vibrate through you.
And they damn well catch you off guard.
You blink up at him, flustered, not sure you heard right. “I…what?”
Azriel then licks his lips. “I mean…where do you think Kaeda would like to be touched?”
You’d forgotten about her. The reason that Az is even kissing you in the first place. Because he wants to be good for her.
The thought stings a little. You try to shake it off. “That…that’s something you’ll have to learn from Kaeda herself.”
He stares back at you. Studies your face. And he looks so…so genuinely daunted, that you search for something, anything, to put him at ease.
“But me…” You clear your throat. “I like to be touched in lots of places.”
He’s still staring at you in that strange, intense way. After a beat, he asks, “Will you show me?”
It’s your turn to stare at him then. You’re starting to think that perhaps the world has been turned on its head. You and Azriel, to each other, are familiarity and comfort. You’ve seen each other at your best and at your worst, been there for some damn near humiliating circumstances. This is the male who has bathed the blood of your own cycle from your skin and held your hair back when the cramps have turned your stomach. He’s listened to some of your most embarrassing stories without humour or judgement; just understanding. To him, you are an old, well-worn, well-loved pair of boots.
And he wants you to show him how to touch.
Never, under a million fucking sunrises, could you have predicted this would happen between you.
But you’re not recoiling from the request. You’re just…surprised. You’re not balking from it, nor running out of there screaming.
Nor has Azriel ever balked when you’ve asked for his help, his guidance. Not once.
You angle your body up slightly, just to get a better look at him. And you study him a moment longer. “…Az, are you…”
“I know what I’m asking, Y/N, and I’m sure.” He says without pause. “Show me how a female should be touched.”
Suddenly, you feel like the nervous, inexperienced one. You can totally say no, of course — Azriel would put a stop to it immediately if you did. But you don’t want to.
You want to do this. Want to help.
Your hand cups the back of his neck once more, and then you’re tugging his face down, pulling his mouth onto yours.
The kiss starts out slow and soft. There will be no rushing this for either of you. It’s an exploration, a way to trace the maps of each other’s mouths. You’re both desperate to know more, feel more, before this goes any further.
So, you follow your own advice. You told Azriel to trust in his body, follow its lead, and you now do the same. You want this to progress naturally, like…like it isn’t a transaction. Isn’t something that you agreed on beforehand.
There is no breaking from the kiss this time, even when you’re panting into each other’s mouths. Azriel’s hand is firm and pleasant at your jaw, and your tongues are intertwined, and you’re kissing like you want this specifically with each other. A fact you will not ruminate on,
You nip gently at Azriel’s lip, and this time, he does not pull away. He hums quietly — seemingly unaware of doing so — and applies a little pressure to your mouth. Kisses you harder.
And it’s then — then that you reach for the hand that’s settled at your jaw. You curl your fingers around Azriel’s wrist, and slowly, you drag that hand down.
You think you might be shaking a little, but you don’t give the nerves too much thought. Azriel allows you to guide him. His fingers brush over your neck, content to explore the soft skin there, but you keep that hand moving. The warmth of his palm permeates the fabric of your tunic, and the feeling is pleasant against your chest.
When you finally close his hand over the swell of your breast, you break away just to whisper onto his mouth, “I like being touched here.”
Azriel’s eyes bore into yours, heated and blazing. He swallows.
Clothed you might be, but there’s no undergarment between your shirt and your breast. The weight of Azriel’s hand falls heavy over the swell, and there may as well be no barrier of clothing with how delicious it feels.
His gaze remains on yours as he cups you in his palm. And then his thumb inches in, grazing over your nipple. You suck in a short breath at the contact, your back arching a little.
Azriel pauses. “Is…is this okay?”
“Yes,” you say, a little too quickly. “It’s more than okay, Az.”
A soft smile appears on his lips. You smother it with yours, pulling his face closer once more. You’re not sure if you’re supposed to kiss him again, or what you’re supposed to do amidst any of this, but it feels like the right thing.
This time, there’s no hesitation. Your kiss is hot and needy, and you find yourself bunching the fabric of Azriel’s shirt in your fist as he begins to more confidently explore your breasts.
He squeezes them, palms at them, traces the turgid peaks of your nipples, and you happily arch into it all. But then, without any guidance from you, his hand is leaving your breasts. Travelling down.
And you don’t breathe a word. You figure if he has a question, needs direction, he’ll ask. You kiss him as if you were always made for kissing him, and his fingers are dancing over your stomach, down and down.
“What…” he tugs his lips from yours, his fingers now at the waistband of your breeches, “what about here? Do you like being touched here?”
You stare up at him. And you’re supposed to be guiding him, aren’t you? So, panting, you fold your hand over his and move it down. Away from the waistband. Between your legs.
You fold his hand over the very centre of you. And you wonder if he can feel your heat through your breeches. It feels blazing to you, and torturously so. Like a fire has been lit between your thighs. You’re growing wetter by the second, and your scent must be filling the room.
“Here.” Your voice doesn’t sound like yours. It’s deep, smoky. “Right here.”
Azriel watches you closely. Watches your face as he applies pressure to your heat. His thumb presses down.
And you’re not thinking about his intense stare as a soft moan falls from your mouth. Your brow is furrowed, lips parted, and you want more.
“There?” The shadowsinger murmurs, repeating the action. Your moan is louder this time.
“Can you…” Already, you’re panting, but he’s not…not close enough. You grab his hand again, and you’re moving it back to your waistband. To the button on your breeches.
His eyes meet yours. He doesn’t need to be experienced to know what you’re asking from him. Sure, he could probably do this through your clothing, but surely skin-to-skin is better for his experience.
That’s what your selfish mind is telling you, anyway.
“You don’t mind?” Az asks. “I appreciate your help, but…I want you to be comfortable. I don’t want you to feel you have to do anything—”
“Azriel.” You clasp the back of his neck. “I really, really do not mind.”
For him, it will always be about making sure that you’re positive.
Your needy expression must tell him that you are.
You capture his mouth with yours, and this time, the moan comes from him. Kissing seems second-nature to him already. This one is fast and passionate and desperate, and yet he leans into it, gives himself to it entirely.
You don’t know how long you kiss for, but it’s possible that Az needs the time to build up to the moment. To get the nerve to actually cross that line.
You don’t push him or rush him. If he decides that this can’t go any further, you’ll stop immediately. You can see to the ache between your legs yourself.
But then, as his tongue rolls with yours, you feel his fingers at that button. Azriel pops it open. Your breeches part.
You lift your hips a little — a small encouragement. Az follows it. His touch is warm against your skin. His fingers slip past the waistband.
He pulls back to look at you. And he rasps, “Tell me what to do.”
“You can’t do anything wrong,” you pant. “Just…explore.”
He nods. Nods again. Draws in a slow, steeling breath.
And then he explores.
Not once does he look away from you. Not once, as his fingers slip between your folds. You bite down on your lip, not wanting to startle him. This is about him. This is about him.
His fingers dip tentatively through your damp heat. He drags them upwards, drenching himself with your wetness.
“You’re soaked…” He seems surprised by the fact. As though it’s unthinkable that your body would react in such a way to him. He explores more. “Really soaked.”
“Yes, Az.” You breathe. “That’s a good thing, trust me.”
He pauses his movements. And he’s entirely serious as he says, “I always trust you.”
And fuck, the sentiment makes you want to kiss him again, so you do. You yank him closer and slide your mouth onto his, and then his fingers are moving between your folds again.
They inch upwards with ease. And then one of those fingers is brushing over your clit.
You have no control over the way your hips jerk, bucking up into Azriel’s touch, or over the noise that rips from your throat.
Azriel pulls back to study you yet again. And repeats the action with more intent. “There?” He asks, and then adds, “Your scent reminds me of…of pears.”
“I don’t know whether I should say thank you, but yes, gods, there.”
Once more, his finger presses against your clit, and you’re gasping. His head cocks slightly, like he’s genuinely intrigued by your reaction. He watches you closely as he begins to circle the sensitive little nub.
You’re not wholly aware of the fact that you’re tipping your head back — not until Azriel is guiding it forward with his free hand and fastening your eyes on his once again.
“Can you look at me?” He clears his throat. “I just—want you to look at me.”
You swallow, and you nod. And you stay looking at him.
Even as his finger circles your clit again, and you feel the sensation like a lightning bolt through your entire body.
The pleasure is shocking. Your hips buck up into the sensation, and it seems to reward Azriel with confidence. His hand moves into a steady rhythm, his palm seeming to cup you and rub against you as his finger works at your clit.
You will not last like this. You never do. The stimulation is far too much, and you’re writhing beneath him, already feeling that tight, warm coiling in your lower belly — the sign of imminent release.
“Fuck,” you pant, rocking against Azriel’s hand. “Gods, Az, I’m gonna—”
Your words are lost, swallowed by his mouth closing over yours. Azriel kisses you, and he begins to move his finger in quick, flicking movements, and you’re gone, gone, utterly fucking gone, your body a swirling, weightless form as stars burst behind your eyelids.
The climax hits you so thoroughly that you shout into Azriel’s mouth, and you're grabbing at his shirt, simply needing to hold onto something as your hips undulate, desperate for more of the sensations he’s wringing from you and yet so incredibly sensitive that your body is already beginning to tremble.
And the second Azriel notices that you’re shaking, slumping back down against the couch cushions, his fingers cease their movements. He tears his mouth from yours and drinks in your expression.
“Are you okay?” He breathes heavily. “Was that…good?”
Good did not come close to describing what it was. There’s something magic about those fingers that still linger between your folds. You’re sure of it.
“More than good.” You gasp, your head falling back. “I just…need a moment.”
He pauses, before slowly, gently, tugging his hand out of your breeches. You think a whimper leaves you at the loss of contact. It’s an effort not to grab his hand and put it right back where you want it.
But instead, Azriel moves it up to your face. He brushes a strand of hair from your eyes, and his chest is heaving as much as yours as he leans down and brushes his lips over your cheek — an affectionate gesture. One he’s done a thousand times before.
It kind of…rips you from the moment, just a little. Reminds you that this is your closest friend who’s hovering above you. Who’s just made you come so hard, you saw stars. Who’s only doing this to learn.
You open your mouth — to say what, you’re not sure — but you’re stopped in your tracks by the door bursting open behind you.
You and Azriel move away from each other just as Cassian waltzes in. His lip is stitched up, but there are fresh marks at his neck; ones he seems incredibly proud of. You quickly fasten the button on your breeches before he can notice.
“Sacha and I worked things out.” He announces with a shit-eating grin. And then he pauses. Frowns. “Why does it smell like pears in here?”
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azriel tags: @hanasakr @positivewitch @ruler-of-hades @brekkershadowsinger @nightscourtt @imperfect0angel @luna-1-3-5 @hyacinthoideshispanica @lucyysthings @lahoete @littlemoonash @blacksstarrynight @azriels-mate123 @ghostly-poetic @frieddesigninspiringquotesslime @a-frog-with-a-laptop @illyriansimp @morrie-rose @passingthroughfireandshadow @illyrian-dreamer @azrielsbabyg @96jnie @mich0731 @mulansaucey @truthtellerfanclub @acourtofbooksandmagic @insightsonmylife @basicbittywitty @curbside-cyanide @acourtofchaosandmess @123345566 @starrynights-frostbites @eos-princess @thesillyyogourt @ona-raising-07-l @acediahamartia @dontfollowmepleaseitsannoying @polli05927 @asdfjklbooks @azriel-luvr @amysangel @humanpersonlasttimeichecked @wildflowernightmere @audie-writes @aaronwarnerswifereal @starxqt @lulufairbank @laurzwrites @livelaughlovenestaarcheron @girlwith-thecinder-blockgarden
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moonstruckme · 9 months
summary: James shows you the practical uses of your stretch marks
cw: reader deals with body insecurities, the barest suggestion of smut
James Potter x fem!reader ♡ 1k words
James Potter is always touching you, and you can’t figure out how to feel about it. 
He’ll wrap an arm around your waist, or play absentmindedly with your fingers, or brush a casual touch against your face, and your heart will swell as your stomach twists itself into knots. James is a tactile person. You’ve seen him exchange casual touches with his friends, with his teammates—hell, sometimes even with random classmates. That kind of closeness doesn’t come naturally to you, though some part of you seems to crave it; all it takes is James brushing his hand against yours and you’re fighting the urge to rub up against him like a cat, even as your brain buzzes with nervous static. 
So the feeling isn’t entirely unfamiliar when you’re doing homework in his room and James' hand finds your thigh. Every nerve in your being fires up instantly, but you do your best not to tense. One glance at James lets you know he’s done it without noticing, the entirety of his focus still on the parchment in front of him even as his thumb starts to rub a slow, soothing back-and-forth on your leg. 
You try to remember to breathe, letting yourself acclimate to the sensation, and return your attention to your own work. Except, not really. Every movement of James' large hand makes a mockery of your feeble attempts at concentration. The barest pressure of his thumb as it sweeps over your thigh, the way his pinkie finger makes a tiny indentation in your fat, the tiny shifting of the ligaments in his hand as he adjusts his grip. It’s almost imperceptible, but not to you. Right now, you doubt a speck of dust could blow by without you noticing it. 
Times like this, you envy James for the security he so obviously feels around touching and being touched. Being with him—being loved and admired by him—has helped you make slow progress in feeling better about yourself, and you resent the years you spent dreading someone feeling the chub of your thighs or seeing the softness of your stomach. James makes physical contact look so easy, you know it’d never occur to him that anyone else could struggle with it. He’d been nothing but sweet and respectful when you’d startled at his hands on you during the first couple of weeks you’d been dating, promising to take things more slowly, but he’d only thought you were jumpy. James probably couldn’t fathom that every time he palms the fat around your ribs or hauls you towards him gripping your hips, images of his disgust with you form, unbidden but crystal-clear, in your mind’s eye. 
You’re trying to shove those images back into the cobwebby recesses of your consciousness they came from when James fingers start to toy absentmindedly with the divots in your inner thigh. 
You inhale sharply.
James turns to you, his eyes moving from your horrified face to the movement of his fingers on your leg. 
“Oh, sorry,” he laughs. “I didn’t even realize I’d grabbed you.” He gives you an apologetic squeeze, and you flinch slightly, instantly sorry as James’ eyes widen and he removes his hand. “Shit, am I hurting you?”
His eyes rove your legs, searching for bruises or something else to explain your pained reaction, and you’re so used to him looking at you that by now it shouldn’t bother you, but between his fingers on your warped inner thigh and the awkwardness that’s resulted from your reaction, it’s too much. His gaze feels like it’s scorching you.
“No,” you say quickly. “No, I’m sorry, I’m fine.” 
James’s eyes move back to your face,and relief has you thinking more clearly despite his befuddled expression. He tilts his head like a puppy. “Sorry, Jamie, it’s just—” you suck in a bracing breath, knowing he deserves an explanation but also knowing there’s no way this isn’t going to be humiliating. “No one’s ever touched my stretch marks before, and I kind of flipped out. Sorry.” 
James blinks. “I haven’t touched them before now?”
“Well, that’s been a mistake.” 
“James, don’t.” You can’t look at him. You want nothing more than for this conversation to be over, and it’s your fault it’s happening at all. If you’d just been able to keep your reaction in check…
“Don’t what, sweetheart?” James’ tone is jovial, but there’s a bit of challenge in there. It’s not one you intend to rise to meet. “They’re lovely.”
“They’re…” Ugly. Blemishes. Proof that you’ve never had the kind of perfect, athletic body James does. “They’re embarrassing.” 
“Angel, no,” James sounds so heartbroken you wonder if he’s somehow heard everything else you’d really wanted to say, and then his hand is under your jaw, encouraging your head up until your eyes meet his, warm and brown and lovely. “They’re just you. You know this scar?” he rolls up his sleeve, revealing the tiny white line on his arm from when he’d fallen off his broom and his bone had jutted out his second year. 
“Yeah,” you say warily. 
“Do you think it’s embarrassing?”
You feel your eyebrows furrow, immediately defensive. “Of course not. But that’s different.”
“It’s not,” he says, with a firmness you don’t expect from him. “You think I give a shit if you’ve got some marks on you? They’re just proof that your body’s been lived in. And I happen to like you and your body, so have some respect, please.” James grins. You’re softening, and he knows it. “Plus, they’re great for traction.” 
Now it’s your turn to be confused. “What do you mean?”
Wordlessly, he grips your thighs in two big hands, digging his thumbs into the stripes along the insides, and yanks you into his lap. You release a squeal, and James swallows it readily, pressing his mouth to yours as he lets the tops of his thumbnails skim gently over the indents in your skin. You blame it on the friction, but that’s where the warmth starts; in the flawed insides of your thighs, making its way to your core until you’re molten and brainless under James’ touch. 
“See?” he murmurs against your lips. “They’re not just for looks, they’re useful too.”
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devicfotos · 2 years
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suskz · 2 months
Not my fault
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pairing: sub!Felix x dom!fem!Reader
tw: jealousy ; smut ; mutual masturbation (m!rec) ; mommy kink ; cock slapping ; orgasm denial ; begging ; overstimulation ; there are safe-words between Felix and reader but they don’t use them
w/c: 922
a/n: this is just a thought I had about Felix a couple of days ago remembering those smut audios of whiny lixie that make me damn hot. and wanted to share it with you. This is literally just pure smut, so I had no idea how to title it lmao. You’ll understand the title reading one of the paragraphs; literally, it’s just one paragraph (not that the whole thing is that long lol), the rest is smut, but it makes sense anyways, so.
MINORS DO NOT INTERACT Felix didn’t think it would end like this. With him sitting on the edge of your bed and you kneeling between his legs, your hand moving skilfully up and down his length.
His eyes are filled with tears that haven’t yet fallen. They’re tears of pleasure, or perhaps irritation. He doesn’t even know.
His cock is hot, wet, and it feels almost swollen. Pre-cum drips from its tip, which you occasionally collect and spread along its length.
“S-sweetheart…” his voice is low and trembling, but he doesn’t use his deep voice —it wouldn’t come out as sexy and dominant as he’d like, only desperate.
You interrupt him immediately, “Oh no, don’t try to sweet-talk me now,” you tighten your grip around his cock, and he whines at both the gesture and your words. “You won’t come until I let you.”
A sob escapes his throat, and he feels tears might start streaming from his eyes any moment.
His moans become louder as he feels that immense pleasure building up in his abdomen, only to be taken away just before it completely takes over. You remove your hand from his cock, and he cries out, pushing his hips up into the air instinctively with heavy breaths, feeling his release slipping away.
His mascara is ruined because of his eyes that had been closed too tightly, and now there are black dots on his cheeks above his freckles.
As soon as he lowers his hips onto the bed, you reattach your hand to his cock, and he moans obscenely and thrusts up into your palm, but you detach it after a few strokes.
“P-please,” he whimpers looking at you, “Please, mommy please,” he chokes on a sob.
You give his dick a light slap, making him gasp, “Stop talking and take it,” you start fisting his cock vigorously again, and Felix throws his head back, closing his eyes and feeling small tears forming at the outer corners of his eyes.
Breathy moans leave his throat. His face contorts from the slight pain that the tight grip of your hand causes on his sensitive cock.
When he feels his climax approaching, he expects you to remove your hand, but that doesn’t happen. Instead, you warn him.
“You won’t come until I allow you, understood? And stop being whiny.” Felix feels like crying. He squirms to escape your touch and tries everything to hold it in. But it’s difficult after all the times he’s been denied to come.
“Y/n— mommy please I can’t, please stop—” he wants to be good, he really wants to; in fact, he keeps his hands in place without moving them to stop you or, earlier, to touch himself, just as you told him; but it’s too hard for him right now. His hands clench into fists, gripping the sheets in his palms, and he takes deep breaths, trying to resist as much as possible and hoping that you’ll allow him to come soon.
Because he promised you he would be a good boy for you, after you two got home and you got angry because he talked to a girl who was hitting on him. “I didn’t realise, I promise you.” he said, but that didn’t sweep away your jealousy, so you forced him to stay still where he is and take what you give him because next time he needs to pay more attention to the people he talks to.
But it’s too much for him.
“Fuck…” he breathes, “I’m… I’m so sorry, I can’t,” the tight knot in his stomach grows tighter as pre-cum oozes from his tip, caught by your palm and used as lube, your hand not stopping its movements. “Fuck, fuck, I’m sorry, I’m so sorry, I can’t hold it, please mommy—” he cries and his hips begin to move back and forth, thrusting into your palm.
“Lix…” you try to get his attention but he’s too lost in pleasure to really pay attention or answer you.
“Mmmmh fuck I’m cumming, fuckfuckfuck oh my god— fuck mommy, I’m cumming—” he whimpers openly, his voice breaking. His head is thrown back while his hips keep moving and you milk him dry. Ropes of cum spurt in your hand and shirt —the only thing you’re wearing—, and a little also finishes on your chin
Lewd moans leave his lips, and he would be embarrassed if he weren’t fucking coming after being denied for so long. Other people probably heard it, but he couldn’t care less at the moment.
His body trembles as he comes down from his high.
You detach your hand and wipe it on the sheets.
“You can’t even follow a simple rule, can you?” you scold him. He tries to steady his breathing, but you don’t give him the chance. You climb onto his lap, and he looks at you with wet eyes.
"Do you think I’ll let you get away with it? You need to be punished for not following the rules."
When your words sink into his head, he looks at you with alarmed eyes, “Y-Y/n…”
Suddenly, you grasp his cock in your hand again, making him flinch and gasp from the overstimulation. You align him with your warm and wet entrance, then sink down on it, moaning as you’re finally filled. Felix groans in pain and grips your hips tightly, as if trying to keep you in place and not let you move.
“Now I’ll ride you, and you won’t move or let a word out of your mouth, understood?”.
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New Audio: Sweeping Promises Shares an Urgent Ripper
New Audio: Sweeping Promises Shares an Urgent Ripper @swpromises @subpop @subpoplicity
Sweeping Promises — Lira Mondal (vocals, bass, production) and Caufield Schnug (guitar, drums, production — can trace their origins to a chance meeting in Arkansas, which led to a decade of playing together in an eclectic assortment of projects. Their relentless practice has made perfect: Meticulously controlling every aspect of their craft, from the first note they write together, through…
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eirianerisdar · 9 days
For the director's commentary thing: I would love a director's commentary for Icarus on what went on in Red Bull HQ after Daniel came back, specifically when he went on the sim for the first time and it all went so horribly wrong- what happened that we didn't see in the story afterwards, how did Simon and the rest of the team cope? And how did Max react when he came back, did Daniel or Christian tell him what had happened?
Hahaha this is asking more for a Director's outtake rather than commentary, but I don't mind.
For the unaware, Icarus is a platonic maxiel wingfic where Daniel is pressured into trimming his wings for speed in McLaren, and has a long, slow fall before anyone notices. Much Maxiel angst and hurt/comfort and fluff.
Have an outtake from Max's POV that would have slotted directly after chapter 28 of Icarus:
It's late when Max reaches Christian's country estate at last. He guns his engine and takes the imposing driveway up to the mansion at twice the proper speed limit, manicured trees blurring past on either side.
He's probably ruining the cobblestones. He doesn't give a fuck.
He should've insisted they delay Daniel's sim session until his flight landed. He should've-
Max steps back from the door, his hand smarting. He hadn't planned on banging at the door like that. He'd planned on ringing the doorbell. But every fibre of him is screaming for his flock; his wings feel like they are on fire.
One of the house staff opens the door. "Mr Verstappen-"
Max shoulders his way past. He's probably being rude but he doesn't care.
A moment, where he stands in the cavernous, marbled entryway, with sweep of the grand staircase up to the second floor and heavy oak doors leading in every direction.
Daniel. Where's-
"Max," a voice calls softly. "You're here."
Geri. Max snaps towards her. "Where's-"
"They're in the garden," Geri says, tilting her head towards the back of the house. "I think Daniel's alseep." She doesn't seem to mind the dirt Max is tracking into her house. But maybe she has people for that.
Max moves through the house like a dream. Entryway, living area, kitchen; through a set of french glass doors and into the back garden. The garden itself is dim, but there is a bonfire in the fire pit casting the grass in ruddy reds and yellows. Silhouetted in the flickering light are two winged figures - one with golden eagle wings crouching to tend to the fire, the other bundled in a blanket on a lawn chair, bandaged macaw wings painted sanguine by the light of the fire.
Christian stands as Max rapidly approaches. "Shh," he says quietly, holding a finger to his lips. "He's sleeping."
Max's ignores him. He drops to his knees next to Daniel's lawn chair, reaches out with a shaking hand to brush Daniel's curls out of his face.
Daniel looks paler than when Max saw him last a week ago. The firelight makes the shadows under Daniel's eyes look bruised.
Daniel shifts in his sleep, leans into Max's touch. Even in sleep there is pain on his face.
Max twists to look over his shoulder at Christian.
"Explain," he says accusingly. He needs to understand.
Christian had promised he wouldn't force Daniel's healing wings into the sim before they were ready. Christian had promised that the team would treat Daniel with the care and respect he deserved after what that other team had done to him. After he'd almost lost his wings.
"He reopened his wounds in a couple of places," Christian says. His eyes are fixed on Daniel's bandaged wings. "But the hospital said he'd be okay. They've stitched him up."
"What the fuck does that mean," Max hisses. "How did it even happen?"
Christian puts up his hands. "Simon tells me he pushed himself," he says. "Went through the break without stopping, and he wanted to get back in the sim so we could perfect the setup for Brazil-"
"Fuck off," Max hisses. "Don't - don't fucking tell me he was bleeding into the sim and nobody noticed."
Christian looks at him. There is grief and guilt in Christian's eyes, but over it all, bitter, seething fury.
"Max," he says. "None of us noticed for a whole fucking year."
All the air is punched out of Max's chest.
It's true. Max hadn't noticed his own flock slowly fading to nothing as Daniel hid his trimmed wings from the world. Max hadn't noticed Daniel entering a wing crisis that fateful week before Monza, either.
Daniel shivers under Max's palm. His breath comes short against Max's knuckles.
Max takes a slow, shuddering breath, takes up Daniel's hands in his own to warm them. They feel like ice in the cold night air, so Max sets a hip on edge of the lawn chair and pulls Daniel into his arms. He wraps his trimmed wing as far as he can around Daniel's shoulders and drops his chin into Daniel's hair.
Daniel relaxes. His breath evens out.
Max inhales, breathes in the warm woodsmoke of Daniel's hair. "I'm taking him home."
Christian frowns. "Don't be ridiculous," he says, and he is Max's boss again, sharp-tongued, effortlessly efficient. "It's late. Geri and I'll put you up."
Max gathers Daniel closer. "I'm taking him home," he says. "Back to my apartment in Milton Keynes. We'll fly back to Monaco in the morning."
Max's apartment in Milton Keynes; the spare room that has slowly morphed into Daniel's, with Enchante merch in the closets and preening brushes in the living room, a place that smells of flock.
Christian rolls his eyes. "Max, don't be-"
"Daniel," Max whispers, pressing his forehead to Daniel's temple. "Daniel, it's time to wake up."
Daniel stirs. He blinks up at Max, brown eyes turned muddy with painkillers.
"Oh," Daniel slurs. He scrabbles at the sleeve of Max's jacket. "Maxy."
"Yeah," Max says. His heart is expanding and shattering at the same time. "It's me. I'm taking you back to my place."
Daniel blinks rapidly as his bandaged wings shift behind him. His face blanches with memory and shame. "I'm sor-"
"No," Max says. "You can apologise later. Let's get out of here."
Christian stares between them. "You're fucking serious," he says disbelievingly. "Both of you."
Max doesn't bother looking at Christian. He pulls Daniel's arm over his shoulders and gets to his feet, dragging Daniel up with him. They make their slow, swaying way back through the house, Daniel's head lolling on Max's shoulder and his breath gusting over Max's chin.
Christian is talking rapidly with Geri now, but Max doesn't care. He brushes aside Geri's well-meaning hands and hoists Daniel down the front steps and into the passenger seat of his car.
"You know what? Fine," Christian is saying from the front door. "I can't stop you two being idiots. Fucking goodnight, then."
"Christian!" Geri admonishes. "Goodnight, Daniel, Max."
Daniel acquiesces for Geri to pat his cheek, and Max shuts the door as soon as Geri steps back. He moves past Christian as he circles the car to get to the driver's seat. Christian doesn't say anything, which is good. Max doesn't want to talk to him.
They pass the stupid marble fountain and pull out of the driveway proper, on past the artificially manicured trees and into the Oxfordshire night.
The motorway is nearly empty this time of night. Max takes up a steady pace towards Milton Keynes.
Daniel wraps his blanket more tightly around himself. Max reaches over wordlessly, threads his fingers through Daniel's.
Daniel sighs as Max's thumb moves over his. His breath evens out slowly, slows into sleep.
Max doesn't let go of Daniel's hand the entire way back.
For the uninitiated, you can read more of Icarus here!
Send me an ask with a scene or set of lines from any of my fics and I'll give you a director's commentary! Or, send in a ⭐star⭐ to have me select a section I've been dying to talk about!
(This particular ask ended up being an outtake, but director's commentary is more in the vein of explaining choices in wording or scenes, or explaining narrative choices)
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soulofapatrick · 3 months
I’ll keep you safe Darling - Ominus Gaunt x Female Reader
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Summary: Ominus finds you in the common room after Sebastian used the Cruciatus Curse on you
Words: 1.4k
Warnings: reference to pain
Y/N’s POV 
I collapse into one of the armchairs facing the dwindling fire in the Slytherin common room, the pain almost unbearable as it still ricochets through me in spasms. The memory of Sebastian’s use of the Cruciatus Curse lingers, tormenting me even as I try to catch my breath. My vision blurs as I try to focus on the crackling flames before me, seeking solace in their dancing glow. The darkness threatens to consume me, both within and without. Each wave of agony serves as a reminder of the horrors lurking in the shadows, waiting to ensnare me once more. 
As I struggle to regain my composure, the sound of footsteps echoes through the room, drawing closer with each passing moment. A familiar presence fills the air, accompanied by the subtle scent of Elm wood and the faint rustle of robes. 
“Ominus,” I whisper, relief flooding through me at the thought of his arrival. Despite his sarcastic demeanour and guarded exterior, there’s a warmth in his presence that I find comforting, a flicker of light amidst the darkness. 
I hear him approach, his footsteps measured yet purposeful, as if navigating the world with a sense of certainty born from experience. His voice cuts through the silence like a blade, sharp yet tinged with concern. 
“Are you okay?” Ominus’ words are more a worry than a question as he was there, he saw Sebastian cast the curse and could do nothing to stop him unless he wanted us all to die down in the Slytherin Scriptorium. I wasn’t going to let Ominus go through the Cruciatus Curse again after his childhood. 
I can sense the tension in the air, the weight of unspoken truths between us like a veil. He wants to move closer but it’s as if he’s scared to get too close but before I can tell him it’s okay I feel another spasm of pain sweep through me. My hands grip the arms of the chair so tightly I think I bend a nail back and my whole body trembles, a whimper of pain escaping my lips. 
Ominus lets out a soft sound in response, a mixture of sympathy and frustration. Before I can process it, he’s kneeling in front of me, his hands gently prying mine from the arms of the chair and into his own. His touch is surprisingly gentle, a stark contrast to the harsh realities of our world. 
I can feel the warmth of his hands in mine, a comforting presence amidst the storm raging within me. His fingers intertwine with mine, a silent promise of support and understanding. And as he whispers soothing and sweet nothings, I find myself drawn to the sound of his voice, a beacon of hope in the darkness. 
The pain begins to subside, gradually fading into the background like a distant memory. I take a deep breath, willing myself to focus on the present moment, to find solace in Ominus's presence. For in his clouded blue eyes, I see a reflection of my own struggles, a shared bond forged in the fires of adversity. 
Ominus knelt before me, his clouded blue eyes reflecting the flickering flames of the fire. In this moment, he appears so open and vulnerable, a stark contrast to the guarded facade he often wares. His pale skin, dotted with moles, seems to glow in the dim light of the common room, accentuating the sharp angles of his jawline and cheekbones. His blond hair, starting to stray from his usual slicked back style, framing his face like a halo, adding to his air of mystery and intrigue. Dressed in black trousers, a matching button up shirt and a sleek waistcoat, he exudes an aura of elegance and sophistication, a vision of dark allure in the midst of chaos. 
As I gaze into his eyes, I feel a surge of emotions coursing through me, sending butterflies dancing in my stomach. I had always admired Ominus from afar, drawn to his enigmatic charm and razor-sharp wit. But I never dared to hope that he could ever feel the same way about me, that beneath his cynical exterior, there lay a heart capable of love. 
Yet here he is, kneeling in front of me with a tenderness that takes my breath away. In his presence, I feel seen and understood in a way that I have never experienced before. And as he reaches out to brush away a stray tear, I can’t help but wonder if perhaps there is more to our connection than mere friendship. 
Something in me seems to break, a dam bursting forth with emotions I can no longer contain. I’m sliding off the armchair and into Ominus's waiting arms, my face buried in the crook of his neck as he wraps me in his embrace. His arms not hesitating to encircle me like a fortress, offering solace and protection in the midst of the storm. 
I can feel the steady rhythm of his heartbeat against my cheek, a comforting cadence that soothes the turmoil raging within me. His whispered words wash over me like a gentle tide, reassuring me that I am safe, that nothing can hurt me now. And in this moment, surrounded by darkness yet bathed in the warmth of his embrace, I know that I have found a sanctuary in Ominus's arms. For in his presence, I am no longer alone, no longer adrift in a sea of uncertainty.
I pull away just enough to search Ominus’ face for some sign, any hint of what lies beneath the surface. In the dim light of the common room, I catch a flicker of something in his clouded blue eyes, a spark of warmth amidst the shadows. It’s enough to embolden me, to give voice to the feelings that have long lain dormant within my heart. 
With trembling hands, I cup Ominus's face in mine, guiding his gaze to meet mine with an unspoken plea. His lips part slightly, a silent invitation that I cannot ignore. And in that moment, I lean forward, closing the distance between us with a soft, cautious kiss. 
As our lips meet in a soft, cautious kiss, I feel a surge of electricity coursing through my veins, igniting a fire within me that I never knew existed. Ominus' lips are warm and inviting, a tantalising promise of the unknown. His touch is gentle yet insistent, drawing me deeper into the embrace of our shared moment. 
For a heartbeat, the world falls away around us, leaving nothing but the intoxicating sensation of his presence. I can taste the faint hint of raspberry ice cream lingering on his lips, a lingering reminder of our shared meal earlier in the evening. It's a bittersweet symphony of flavours, a testament to the complexities of our connection. 
As we lose ourselves in the rhythm of our kiss, time seems to slow down, allowing me to savour every moment, every sensation. I feel the soft brush of Ominus's fingers against my skin, sending shivers down my spine. His lips, warm and tender, press against mine with a gentle urgency, igniting a fire within me that threatens to consume us both. 
But just as the kiss reaches its peak, Ominus breaks away, a rare smile gracing his tantalising lips. His eyes sparkle with a mixture of amusement and affection, a sight that takes my breath away. A chuckle escapes him as I try to follow his lips with mine, desperate to recapture the fleeting moment of intimacy. 
"You're eager, aren't you?" he teases, his voice laced with amusement. His fingers gently trace the contours of my cheek, sending waves of warmth cascading through me. "I've been wanting to do that since I first met you, you know," he admits, his tone soft yet filled with undeniable sincerity. 
His words hang in the air, a confession of longing and desire that takes me by surprise. In that moment, I realise that perhaps I'm not alone in my feelings, that Ominus harbours his own hidden depths of affection beneath his guarded exterior. 
And as I gaze into his clouded blue eyes, I see a reflection of my own desires, a shared bond that defies all logic and reason. In the warmth of his embrace, I find solace and strength, a sanctuary where love knows no boundaries.
“I’ll keep you safe Darling.” 
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Harry Potter Masterlisr TAG LIST - updated 21st Dec 2023
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thegettingbyp2 · 4 months
Poor!reader desperate for money stumbles upon a hot cowboy but also recognizes he’s a wanted criminal with a high bounty so she tries to turn him in. Billy the kid is not having it…
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You knew that you shouldn’t be out at this time of night but you couldn’t face the idea of sleeping on someone’s porch again. And maybe, you thought, that if you kept walking, it would make the night go faster and you’d be distracted from the pain in your stomach from not eating over the past couple of days.
You weren’t paying attention when you walked right into a broad chest. Two hands came out to settle on your waist, keeping you upright as your head lifted up to see who you had walked into. You couldn’t help your first thought be that this man was incredibly attractive. He was tall with dark hair that you could just make out underneath the hat he was wearing and, even in the moonlight, you could see how bright his eyes were. Whilst you were admiring him, you couldn’t help but notice that there was something familiar with him.
‘Sorry, ma’am, wasn’t looking where I was going,’ the man said, his voice deep, sending a shiver down your spine.
‘No, it was me who wasn’t looking where I was going,’ you protested, stepping out of his grip and smoothing your skirt down, trying anything to improve your appearance.
‘A beautiful girl like you shouldn’t be walking around here this late at night, I can walk you home, stop you bumping into anyone else?’ he teased, rubbing at the back of his neck nervously.
‘Oh, I, um, I don’t really have anywhere to go,’ you replied, your cheeks flushing slightly from embarrassment.
‘I’m staying in a boarding house just up there for a couple of nights, you can always crash in my room for the night. I don’t bite, promise,’ he offered, holding his hands up in mock surrender. You blamed it on the thought of having a roof over your head for the night but you agreed and the two of you set off in the direction of the boarding house.
However, your blood ran cold when you passed the Police Station and you glanced at the board with all of the wanting posters, the man you were withs face covering most of them; you were with Billy the Kid. You tried not to give a visible reaction, figuring that you could wait until he was asleep or something and then sneak out back to the Police Station, give him up and receive the $50,000 reward.
The two of you walked in silence for the rest of the way, the sound of the door closing when you reached his room sounding like a gunshot to you and it took everything you had not to flinch at the sound. ‘Thank you, again, for letting me stay here tonight,’ you said, trying to appear as normal as possible.
‘No problem, when I was younger we sometimes struggled to find some place to live,’ he replied and you couldn’t wrap your head around the fact that this guy who seemed so nice was one of the most wanted criminals in town. ‘You can take the bed and I can sleep on the floor.’
‘You don’t have to do that,’ you said as he turned around, taking his hat off and placing it on a small table in the corner of the room. You saw that as your opportunity to leave. As soon as your hand touched the doorknob, his hand came to rest against the door. You could feel his chest against your back and his breath was tickling the hair at the back of your head.
‘You saw the posters we walked past,’ he said, more as a statement than a question, confirming that he knew that you knew who he was.
‘I don’t know what you’re,’ you began only to freeze when you felt Billy’s other hand gently sweep your hair away from your neck, leaning down slightly until you could feel his breath brush against your skin.
‘Don’t lie.’
‘Please don’t hurt me,’ you said quietly, squeezing your eyes shut when his hand left the door. All of a sudden you found yourself spun around to face him. Without the hat, you couldn’t help but notice he looked more boyish and you hated how endearing you found him.
‘I’m not going to hurt you,’ he said softly, placing his hands on your waist, pulling you into him gently. ‘But I can’t have you going to the police and telling them where I am.’
‘I need to,’ you protested, trying to escape his hold but failing. ‘The reward is,’
‘Is that really why you want to turn me in,’ Billy said softly, brining one of his hands up to run his thumb along your cheekbone, ‘just for the reward? Because if that’s it, I can take you with me somewhere, where you won’t have to worry about money again. Then you wouldn’t turn me in, would you?’
You were surprised at the flash of hope that ran through your body at his words, the idea that you wouldn’t have to worry anymore sounding incredibly appealing to you. ‘What do you mean?’
‘You can always come with me, we never have to stay in one place and I can make sure that you’re safe,’ he said, leaning down to brush his lips gently across your cheek.
‘Become a cowboy?’ you asked, confused.
‘No. Become a cowboy’s girl.’
You sucked in a deep breath as you looked at him and you felt every part of you want to go with him, want to trust him. With nothing to keep you in town you decided to blow caution to the wind and go with him. Walking past him over to the table, you felt his eyes on you as you picked up his hat and put it on your head, turning back around to look at him. ‘Where are we going?’
Billy grinned at you, his grin turning into a smirk at your clear obliviousness at the meaning of you wearing his hat. ‘Wherever you want.’
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senorboombastic · 1 year
This One Song… Sweeping Promises on Eraser
Tell you what – we love hearing from artists when things go right. We equally love hearing from artists when things go dreadfully wrong. A song that was a piece of piss, written in 20 minutes? Or years in the making and a bastard to write? Whether it’s a song that came together through great duress or one that was smashed out in a short amount of time, we’re getting the lowdown from some of our…
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frankenkyle19 · 11 months
Self Pleasure
I promise I’m working on my requests, I’m just having a lot of motivation issues so when I even grasp onto an idea, I run with it, because some writing is better than none.
warnings: Masturbation, slight self overstimulation, mentions of blood
word count: 1.1k
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Self pleasuring was not something James Patrick March partook in often. If at all. Why should he when he could easily get his pleasure from one of his victims? Well, sometimes he didn’t feel the urge to kill. It didn’t excite him. He had to be in the mood for it. And sometimes he didn’t have the urge to fuck someone either. So that left him with one other choice. Self pleasure.
His hands were rough and scarred. Calloused from the years he’d spent with them wrapped around weapons as he watched blood spill. Nothing like the delicate touch of a lady. But alas, it would have to do.
It was late, and James was laying on his neatly made bed. He never got under the covers because he was a ghost and didn’t rest, so he saw no point in messing up its neatness. His hand made its way down his chest, to his crotch, slowly squeezing his half hard cock that was hidden within the confines of his pants. He sighed softly and titled his head back against the fluffy pillows, the deep cut on his throat making his neck feel tight. He didn’t feel pain the way humans did. More of a muted, empty version of it. So instead of pain, it just felt tense.
His skilled hands quickly popped the button of his neatly tailored black dress pants before pulling them down to his knees. There was no use in taking it all fully off, for he’d have it back on soon enough.
He slid his hand into his underwear, breathing heavily through his nose and causing his nostrils to flare as a deep sigh left his parted lips. He’d been so stressed lately, between the countess and the new souls in his hotel. He barely had a minute to himself, which caused him to be sharper and angrier than usual. He needed time to himself. Time to think without the presence of anyone else. 
The blissful pleasure to his cock caused him to move at a bit of a quicker pace. He usually took as long as he pleased, dragging on his pleasure for hours at times. He was not planning on that this time. He needed a release badly. The sooner the better.
James’ Adam's apple bobbed hard as he swallowed the thick saliva gathering in his mouth. He hummed in pleasure as he stroked himself slowly. He was very meticulous with everything he did, and pleasuring himself was no different. He had it down to an exact science for maximum pleasure and minimum effort. A few quick strokes before he’d thumb at the tip, spreading the thick liquid that settled there. A few more strokes, and he’d fondle his balls. Then he’d repeat. He changed it up sometimes for a little variety, but it was always exact movements. 
He fondled his balls in his palm, squeezing lightly as he rolled them, his breath picking up as his hand went back to stroke his cock. Of course a warm entrance to bury himself in would be much more enjoyable, but he was perfectly content with his hand at the moment. He knew himself better than anyone, so of course he knew how to pleasure himself better than anyone as well.
Another quick sweep across his cockhead before he went back to stroking at a steady pace as he threw his head back farther, neck straining as a groan left his lips.
“Ahhh” He sighed out in pleasure, his accent heavy and dripping with lust as his hips began to slowly grind into the touch. He didn’t speak much or make loud noises of pleasure when in such an intimate moment, especially not when he was alone. 
He felt the pleasure increase, the sweet torment of a release so close making him sigh heavily. A tug of war in his mind between letting himself go and edging himself just a bit.
In the end he decided that he did not want to tease himself tonight, and sped up his thrusts, more so fucking up into the tight ring his hand made than anything else. His eyes were closed tightly as he felt himself on the cusp of pleasure. Just a bit more and he’d release, just a few more strokes-
“Aghhh” He came heavily over his fist, still fucking his hand through the aftershocks until he was too sensitive to continue. So he stopped, but didn’t remove his hand from his length.
He opened his eyes and glanced down at the mess he had made, hot ropes of white covering his stomach as he scrunched his nose up in distaste. What a mess he had made. 
His hips bucked up of their own accord, his sensitive cock seeking friction once more. He often did this, overstimulated himself on purpose. The mix of pleasure and pain drove him wild.
He let his palm rub over his cock head, spreading the creamy cum over it like lotion. His hips jerked a bit, cock twitching weakly. It hurt in such a delightful way. He hummed, lips curling upwards into a smile as he relaxed back into the bed, letting his hand fall away. He needed to get clean, but he wasn’t going to do it himself. He had someone else in mind.
“Miss Evers!” He called, sitting up a bit, not bothering to even cover himself. He was not ashamed of his body, and he knew the reaction it got out of the poor woman. She had betrayed him. He wanted her to suffer. To long for what she couldn’t have. 
In only a moment the woman appeared, eyes wide as she saw the state in which James was in “Mr. March I-“
“Clean me up.” He snapped, eyes dark and dangerous “and do not say another word, I want to enjoy myself a bit longer” 
She swallowed hard before nodding, wetting a towel and carefully cleaning himself off, trying not to stare at his form, but it was hard considering he had told her to clean him up. 
James winced and slapped her hand away as the towel brushed roughly against his cock, his lips curling into a snarl “watch yourself miss Evers. You are already tip toeing a fine line with me. Leave. Now.” He said, making a move to pull up his underwear to cover himself, his attitude as nasty as ever once more, his moments of pleasure and peace passed.
“Leave me to my thoughts, you wretched bat.” He waved her off dismissively and she left, leaving James lying on the bed to get dressed and roam the halls of his hotel once more. 
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