jangmi-latte · 15 days
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leona has a higher sex appeal than malleus i said what i said 🤷🏻‍♀️. heck he probably has the highest sex appeal in all the twst cast
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dynmghts · 1 month
honestly though early ua katsuki is such a mess. my guy basically believed that izuku made his way into ua under genuine means, said he'd get expelled in the quirk apprehension test bc he was quirkless while tenya was like "wdym quirkless, did you not hear about the entrance exam", and then was absolutely flabbergasted when izuku used ofa for the first time.
THEN he had the audacity to absolutely wholeheartedly full-on believe that the same nerd who's been trailing him and watching his progress even with their fucked up relationship had been LYING and SCHEMING against him for TEN WHOLE YEARS. like my guyyyyyy you cannot be serious
(he was, unfortunately, dead serious.)
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ackee · 1 year
having a new account where i dont have a lot of followers or a "platform" gives me too much power... trying so hard to not fight random tumblr users but i may lose this battle
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ofdetonation · 2 years
tag dump pt 5 other half of character tags
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astrologydayz · 6 months
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Nobody really knows a person with a 12th House Sun🤔🤔. They hide themselves really well, & project themselves as someone they're truly not. They don't do it on purpose, they're just so fucking private. My brother actually has this placement, and we're practically twins, but I still feel like I don't know him, AT ALL. They hide themselves, because they're afraid that their true selves won't be "enough"/won't be "liked". BUT OFC IT WILL, & IF NOT, THEN FUCK THEM, BABE.
MOON CONJUNCT/SQUARE SATURN people can hate being alone 4 the first two decades of their lives, but later learn 2 be their own best friend, & love it. They "mother themselves 2 life/back2life". They learned the hard way, that everything is better when u don't put your faith in just anybody. They also learned not 2 trust from a young age, because of their mother/father or both parents💀💔.
I've seen people say "that u can choose not to access that specific energy in your chart, if you don't want 2"🤣. Like u can choose 2 get a million dollars tmrw?, IF YOU WANT 2?🤣 come on. Natal charts are a tool 2 c who u are, why you developed that way/what “happens in your life”, and why you're here with the help of astrology. No matter the aspect, it will be present at some point. A chart never lies🔮🤷‍♀️.
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MOON SQUARE/QUINCUNX VENUS IN A MAN'S NATAL CHART tells us that he finds it hard 2 understand women. He has "problems" when it comes 2 feminine energies, &with the women he's surrounding himself with🤔. He can have a hate/love relationship 2/with women💋.
VENUS CONJUNCT/TRINE/QUINTILE MONY ASTEROID - 7782) IN SYNASTRY, will cause the asteroid person 2 provide the Venus person with a lot of material gifts👠🛍💄.
IDK why anybody would say that your MC has NOTHING to do with how u look/how people see u! Lol okay. My mentor must have been on drugs when she was taught everything + in all those 43 years she's been in practice then. gtfo. Let me give u an example. 👇🏼
I’ll just tell you everything I see with this aspect.
Kim K = Venus in Virgo in 9th house at 19 degrees - Libra degree) conjunct her MC in Virgo at 28 degrees - cancer degree). She's famous 4 her beautiful looks/people finding her beautiful. she always does things to look "YOUNGER, cosmetic procedures etc. 2 take years off! Growing a big following worldwide of young people looking up 2 her/her being idolized by them. Famous 4 being beautiful/4modelling/fashion/cosmetics - being in Venusian businesses/4 who she dates. she also takes after her MOM, with her looks!!! I know her mom was/is also her manager, & I would include this here, cuz u can actually see that, but I would have to go into details again. Idk if u would find that boring?? as I already wrote a lot. Thanks for making it this far😂.
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ASTEROID MEMORIA (1247) IN SYNASTRY can tell u why u feel like you’ve met the other person before, or what memories that r the most "memorable" with the other person🧡🪐🔮.
ASTEROID FANATICA - 1589) IN SYNASTRY tells u what really fascinates u about the other person/what u can become obsessed with, when it comes 2 the other person❕
IF U HAVE A SYNASTRY ASPECT/OR ASPECTS with someone, and u also have it in your natal chart = a very important person you're dealing with! They'll teach u whatever the aspect is/aspects are! And they're meant 2 be the one who teaches it 2u/ or meant 2 be the one who makes that aspect exist in your life. (good or bad).
VENUS OPPOSITE VERTEX/CONJUNCT ANTI-VERTEX IN SYNASTRY is co cute🥹, Vertex let Venus in2 their "private world". Venus is usually not the type Vertex person goes 4, but they’re mesmerised anyway!! “There’s just something unreal about Venus”.
KARMA ASTEROID - 3811) can tell you about your karma! Old karma/Karma you're creating etc. U can use it in in any chart u want2, natal charts, synastry charts, composite charts, Davidson Charts, solar return charts, lunar return charts, progressed charts, ANY CHART U WANT2 BABE!!🪐🤛💥🪐⛅☀🌊.
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BLACK MOON LILITH SQUARE/QUINCUNX ASC in a WOMAN'S CHART can show problems with both genders. She can feel left out, not apart of "the group", when it comes to women. And with men = men always trying to run up on her/trying her boundaries, &they're provocative af. People can't handle her here. She will not conform to anyone. She can feel pretty fucking alone in the way she goes about her day to day life. feeling like nobody will ever understand the struggles she has/the pain she's going around with. The key here is acceptance of ones self. She cannot change herself for others sake, she will never be happy. She'll be happy when she chooses herself, & the right people will flock 2 her, right after. They'll See her light, &will not put who she is down, but CELEBRATE. It can also be the complete opposite. She can be a people pleaser, & has internal fights with herself, every day about this. Trying 2 fit in with groups, dating men who's crossing her boundaries, all the time. She either fights people, or she fights herself. SHE HAS 2 STAY TRUE2HERSELF! There will always be people hating on her, no matter how she moves. FUCK THEM. People who are meant 2 be in her life will CELEBRATE HER!! Not put who she is down/make her change. People who can't understand her = she needs2 get them the fuck out.
NEPTUNE CONJUNCT ASC can show a person living in their own "delulu world". They're not really "there" - can be seen as the "dumb blonde". Neptune can cloud their mind, every single day. They're "different"/they change all the time. They can't really be "real" with people. Trying 2 always be friends with everyone, not really having their own opinions, following the pack etc. They can 100% people please.
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VALENTINE/AMOR/ 447) - 1221) CONJUNCT MC - They "look like love", &they also project it out. People think they're beautiful. But remember, even tho people know/c them like that = doesn't mean that they're really like that. That's just what they show off/how they're "known" in the eyes of the public/in their career/their surroundings💜.
SUN MAKING AN "EASY" ASPECT2 MOON does not mean that your parents like each other. I have this, and my parents literally can't stand each other. I've seen this more times than I can count. It's about your conscious ego&how you emotionally feel about the way u express yourself/with the way u "show your ego off" - "yin&Yang duality".
I HATE MOON SQUARE URANUS IN SYNASTRYYYYY. Uranus will pop in&out of the other person's life, as they desire2. The Moon person needs support&a feeling of being safe, &Uranus wants other things/aka not worried about the Moon person - Uranus is erratic. WHO GOT TIME4THAT?
MERCURY OPPOSITE NEPTUNE can show us a person being pretty good at lying/coming up with lies easily/Quickly. Having no problems with finding "excuses" 4 what they say/do, &can get other people in on it, 2 lie for them as well. It happens in periods tho, like on & off periods.
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Asteroids I always look at first: Nemesis - 128) Amor - 1221), Valentine - 447), Alma - 390), Destiny - 6583), Moira - 638), Eros - 433), Karma - 3811), Kama - 1387), Close - 54902), Apollo - 1862), Child - 4580), Compassion - 8990), Angel - 11911), Yes - 7707), Boda - 1487), DNA - 55555), Fast - 27719), Prey - 6157), Not - 2857), Casanova - 7328), Fox - 16248), Savage - 29837), Pholus - 5145), Fanatica - 1589), Priapus - h22), Sado - 118230), Medea - 212), Nessus - 7066), Dejanira - 157), Hazard - 9305), Mentor - 3451), Lysistrata - 897), Bilk - 4425 - using the other person 4 own material gain).
THANKS4READING BEAUTIFUL❤️🍒 Appreciate u, always.
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luffyvace · 3 months
Her brook Idk if your req are closed so read this at your convenience 🙏
I wanted to ask for a male harpy reader strawhat hc or if not just hc with luffy, more specifically based off a bird with heavy feathers like a snowy owl cause I’d love to imagine that he complains about the heat a lot and wonders why he’s sweating more then usual but it’s just luffy hugging his legs cus he’s so soft
Love your work brook 🙏☺️
nope! Still open lovely anon<3
when I tell you I did NOT know what a harpy was 🤦‍♀️ I had to do research for accuracy 😅😋
but don’t worry it’s all good I’ll be more than happy to do your request!
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I’m telling you right here right now luffy would most definitely be interested in a reader like this!! You know how many unique animals and such he tried to recruit into the crew that weren’t even human?? 😂💗
and thank you!! I’m so happy you enjoy my headcanons :) that makes me very happy!
Okay I’m just saying…….like chopper…if you look more animal than human….his first thought is to eat you
”you think he tastes good?” 😋
moving on…♡
He thinks your wings are really cool
I mean a 6.5 ft wing span…….I do too!!
definitely wanted to measure them to check after he learned that
to which he got himself wrapped up in the measuring tape
Both you and luffy eat “strange” animals
such as sloths, monkeys, porcupines, squirrels, opossums, armadillo’s, anteaters and sometimes parrots…..other birds too 😋🍴
No animal is safe 😭
every island you go to the two of you immediately start scouting for whatever variety of yummy foods you could find
”I’ve got news for you two—normal people don’t eat those animals”
- Nami ♡
it taste absolutely delicious to you!!
honestly you probably got Luffy into eating them
which so funny because he already loves eating all types of weird things
which is probably why he was so easy to convince him to eat it too
like he would normally see a monkey and go oh cool a monkey!
but now….😈😈
not all the time tho
mostly when he’s hungry
……….so I guess I lied, yes all the time 🤦‍♀️🤷‍♀️
he saw you eating a armadillo with some sloth on the side and was like
oooo I gotta try that 🤪🤪
you might dislike for cats seeing as though a harpy’s predator is a jaguar
Least baby harpy’s anyway…
still! 😠
it’s good for you that the sunny is big once y’all upgrade from merry
it has plenty of rooms with shade for you, since a harpy’s natural habitat is rainforests
and they mainly stay in the shade anyway :)
franky probably had a room built that simulates a rainforest for your comfort 💕
like how he simulated the grass
once Luffy found out harpy’s are rare to find and you found the tori tori no mi - model: harpy- it was pretty much settled for you to join the crew :)
like he loves rare stuff!
it’s like treasure!
and you know darn well a pirate will fight for his treasure! 😼
you use your high pitch bird call to reunite the strawhats whenever you guys get separated (which is like- every time you go on an adventure 😀 besides the point-)
it’s loud enough and ranges far enough to the point where it’s more efficient than yelling
very much so comes in handy when your in danger too
also not to mention luffy is 100% gonna wanna fly on your back since you have wings
he probably won’t even ask
he’ll just rocket onto your back while your flying one day and refuse to get off cuz it’s fun
it likely ends with him spotting something cool, telling you to go over to it and getting you two into trouble
just be ready for the
😬😁 ✊😠 💥💥 😖😓
sequence again
flying also comes in handy when saving the strawhat’s BUTT!
You and Robin like 🦅🦅
but no fr you literally just swoop in and save the day 🦸
SUPERRRRRRR M/N!! *super man pose* better yet *franky pose*
Zoro will also appreciate it if you catch him while falling because I swear that man is always getting smacked around-
same with Nami 🧡
another time
Robin was stating facts about harpy’s when the strawhats first met you, and you were confirming
she mentioned that they typically lived 35-45 years (but she was talking about the ANIMAL.)
Luffy—of course—mistook this
*Nami steps in*
“……..and besides..! M/n’s not an animal! He’s still a person you know?! Sheesh…..of course he’s gonna live the lifespan of a human”
Sanji will of course cook any animal of your request into your meal
if it’s more nutritious for you—then certainly he’ll do so!
he always prioritizes nutritional value in his meals, and thats different for everybody!
Luffy however….he will get annoyed with 😂
your like one of the few men in his life Sanji doesn’t hate
okay I know that was more harpy facts related so now I’ll get into the scenario you mentioned 😅💗
Luffy uses you for warmth in the winter (all the strawhats do)
like chopper ;P
especially with your large and soft wings
”M/n…spread your wings out..we need your warmth..”
you’ve been complaining about the heat all day
You felt like you were ON FIRE.
like seriously?! What was gon on today?!
it’s not like birds need to shed……so why are you burning up!??
”mmmm…your so warm M/n!”
”no wonder I felt heavier than usual!! Get off me Luffy!”
”awwhhhh WHYYYYYY?”
”what?! Why?! Because I’m burning up! I already have all these feathers! You’ve got to get off of me Luffy!”
*whines* “but mmmmm/nnnnnn! Your so waaaarrrrm!”
*sighs and face palms* *attempts to pry him off*
“noooooo m/nnnnnn! I don’t waaaaanna get ooofff!!”
Luffy practically had you in a literal choke hold
he was not about to let you go.
and you know he’s got himself wrapped alllllll the way around 😂😂
once again thank you for the compliment my dear!!
Hopefully I did your hcs justice and that you enjoyed them! <3
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arty-cakes · 6 months
being both a bretta and zote fan is so so painful actually ppl will always find some way to make sure they never interact again or use the latter to (seriously) demonize zote for stuff he never did while also mischaracterising bretta and i 💥👊💥🥊👊🤜🤛💥🤜👊🤜💥🤜💥🥊 🤜👊👊👊🤜💥 im not good at putting into words why this is frustrating
either make them divorced mortal enemies or reluctant friends who actually enjoy eachother's company either of those are funnier but why make up stuff that didnt happen and then pretend its canon and the reason why they should never talk again..... thats so boring
i was gonna leave this in the tags but no i wanna talk
i know im complaining here but its honestly not an issue i see a-lot like i do see them being enemies or friends in fancontent and to the ppl who do that ily very much. its always cool. and people like my dynamic too and when they let me know it makes me rlly happy lol
but i feel like people need to understand that not every situation is good or bad sometimes they are just. situations. like bretta and zote
and i still feel like there's this general misunderstanding about zote that needs to be cleared up which is that he's not actually.... a liar lol. or i mean the only person he lies to is himself and he's not pretending to be a knight he really BELIEVES he's a knight. don quixote coded like he rlly believes he killed the vengefly king and won the colosseum tournament and whatever. all confirmed by his dreamnail dialogue like it makes it REALLY CLEAR that he believes what hes saying. he's actually having delusions thats why most people in hollow knight choose to help him out its why he cant process life threatening situations. he's still annoying just because of his general personality but NOT because of his delusions. (i'd say something profound about how usefulness ties to worth in most people's subconscious and its rooted in ableism and its why zote hate is so loud and normalized but i dont know how to) basically he is not out here 'manipulating' anyone wtf
bretta's delusional too btw the game literally calls her out (gpz godhome description i think). personally i like that canon decided these two should meet and the result was this awfully tough dreamgod that u can fight 10x that's hilarious to me. if a fan made this up and it never happened in canon i would be like 'holy shit this should be a dlc this WOULD happen' because these two are just like that
also people seriously forget that bretta didnt just leave because of zote she left because of ghost too. girl just had enough of short knights ok she was done with both of them if you bring her back to town she's not suddenly gonna realize ghost is heroic and cool and be apologetic and want them back and zote's mad and jealous. <- this out here is mischaracterising ALL 3 of them its so juvenile what.... and i just dont think she'd care that much about either of them, a lot like how zote barely gives a shit about the infection or never realizes she left, they both have tunnel vision these two are the same do you see it
also tell me he was lying when he called ghost a beast because they are thats all they've been striving for this is a compliment to them i know it
this isnt reallyyy a rant. its a personal grievance because i like them both so i care about their portrayal and interactions and i like it when they aren't lonely. but also they're really light-hearted characters so why not just treat them like that....they go through shit and then they move on easily and go through it all over again. its been 7 years can we cut them a break. i dont wanna see anymore mischaracterising unless its really funny
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sixofpomegranates · 1 year
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Most of them are Eddie Munson fics since I am going through some severe brain rot because of this spicy golden retriever. Also, how dark shall my recommendations go? I surely have some dark taste in smut but keep it mostly calm for you. Let me know!
The order is random and not indicative of how much I liked them. There is no ranking, just sharing some really good pieces of work so we can all enjoy it!
13 Recommendations || 🐇 = My opinion. || Pink Color = SMUT
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Ghostin’ (series) by @munson-blurbs
➢ Summary: Before dying in the Upside Down, Eddie asks Steve to take care of you. The grief coupled with your burgeoning feelings for one another may be too much for you to handle, especially when you get some shocking news.
🐇: Holy shit. This is one of the most impressive pieces of fanfiction I have ever read. It's— I feel speechless and like telling you the entire plot at the same time. It ties in with canon so perfectly, I would legit accept it as my Season 5. This is amazing. I cried, laughed, and am unreasonably invested. No shit. If you only ever read one fanfiction of my recommended ones, it needs to be this! || Still ongoing / Steve Harrington x f!Reader
You, Me, & Steve (one-shot) by @lis-likes-fics
➢ No Summary, so just listen to me describe it: Okay, so, Reader and Eddie are a couple and lately Eddie brings Steve along to everything, causing Reader to think he wants to be with Steve. Turns out our Babygirl is bicurious and Eddie offered that he and Reader be Steve’s first bi experience should she be up for it. She is. Here are the warnings or how I like to call it shopping list: smut, face riding, cunnilingus, unprotected sex, deepthroating, praise kink, daddy kink, gay sex, I'm not saying Steve's a sub but Steve's a sub, bottom!Steve, top!Eddie, switch?reader, overstimulation, threesome...
🐇: Listen: I read this fic a couple of months ago and LOST it! I couldn't find it anymore! BUT the way Reader and Eddie gave me MASSIVE bi-panic stuck in my head. THIS is one of my top Eddie x Steve x Reader fics... asdfghjkl. Do yourself a favor and read this kinky piece of porn.
helping hands. (one-shot) by @daddyreid
➢ Summary: you and steve are having some trouble getting you to fit him, so he takes you to his friend eddie, who is happy to help.
🐇: I love when things have vibes. And this had vibes. I would read an entire series like this. It’s a very good one-shot. daddy!steve harrington & dom!eddie. That's it. That's all I have to say. I also have a daddy kink so... Yeah.
Bad Idea (one-shot) by @lunarzstarz
➢ Summary: Not wanting to leave for college with your virginity still intact, you turn to your last resort that you know can only end terribly…
🐇: Fuckboy!Eddie can ruin my life. I am in pain but very pleased. I– This– He– The things he said... 💳💥💳💥 // Just read that there will be more parts and I– I just– YES?! This is so good.
as long as you need (one-shot) by @lilacletter
➢ Summary: your hang out with eddie takes a different turn when you confess something big to him. your ex wouldn’t make you cum because he thought you took too long to finish. eddie's reaction of shock and disbelief is the last thing you were expecting. you feel embarrassed for a moment but lucky for you, eddie has a lot of patience and a hidden desire to take care of you.
🐇: Wow. I loved this so much. So sweet. So smutty. So dorky. So perfect. 10/10. Bestfriend!Eddie & friends to lovers have my whole heart.
It's About Time (one-shot) by @eddiethefreakkmunson
➢ Summary: You and your best friend Eddie decide it's time to lose your virginity to each other, after all who is a better choice than the person you love more than anyone else in the world?
🐇: This was so sweet! I have such a weak spot for these tropes! Not to mention that Eddie is so soft through all of this. 100% boyfriend material.
the freak pirate and the slut princess (one-shot) by @mypoisonedvine
➢ Summary: halloween is that special night where you can be anything you want to be... maybe more than the labels everyone else gives you. maybe even more than 'just friends'. (aka, reader has a reputation, eddie's still a virgin, filth ensues)
🐇: This fic lives in my head rent-free. My brain chemistry got rearranged. Get your dose of friends to lovers & virgin!Eddie here! You won't regret it.
I´ll Paint You Mornings Of Gold (one-shot) by @shamevillain
➢ Summary: You’re the most special thing Eddie has in his life, he just wants to make sure you know it.
🐇: Labyrinth aka my favorite movie, spaghetti as candles, Eddie being so in love and high on sugar... Perfection.
Only Lonely (one-shot) by @shamevillain
➢ Summary: Rumors about Eddie Munson have run rampant as long as you can remember. You’ve crossed paths only briefly, but maybe the notorious freak of Hawkins isn’t as bad as you’ve come to believe.
🐇: YOU HAVE TO READ THIS! I lost it a while ago and finding it again was like discovering the lost city of Atlantis for me! The smut rearranged my brain chemistry. I am foaming at the mouth, that how good it was. And Eddie was perfect! Goofy, hot, sweet... 10/10. Seriously. Read it.
—✨The one's that follow are solely Omegaverse—A/O/B one-shots. I have fallen down the Omegaverse – Rabbit Hole. Didn't see myself interested in this. Yet, here I am. Don't judge me. Seriously. I’ll block you.✨—
it happened one night in detention (one-shot) by @mypoisonedvine
➢ Summary: eddie's chances of being an alpha are quite small. your chances of presenting as an omega, especially while still in high school, are almost none. almost.
🐇: I guess it has to do with my size kink and the fact that I am the most submissive bottom you've ever seen, but this? ↑THIS↑ is my jam. // edit: I read the book Heat Haven by Sarah Blue after this on Kindle Unlimited, and yeah, I am still into this. So into this.
I Heard Your Voice and it Carries Me (one-shot) by @cha0ticspacebi
➢ Summary: Like 91% of the population, you were now and would always be a beta. Except when your roommate moves out suddenly and fate connects you with Alpha Eddie Munson. After that, things start to change.
🐇: Don't look at me 🫣! I already told you I fell down a rabbit hole! This was so cute & fluffy, and the well-developed worldbuilding in this one-shot is so good. Don't judge me!
little glass doves (one-shot) by @mysticmunson
➢ No Summary, so enjoy my attempt to describe it: Alpha!Eddie and Omega!Reader are already a couple and recently both presented. Their friends are keeping them now at distance since... Hormones, Ya know?
🐇: No smut, just hinting. But it's so cute.
between four walls (one-shot) by @mysticmunson
➢ Summary: when you disappear from school for a few days, eddie is a bit bewildered, until he has a sneaking suspicion.
🐇: I hope this author never stops feeding my alpha!eddie addiction. This is the spicy brother of “little glass doves.” Stunning.
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To the writers of these fics:
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psychopasss4 · 6 months
My honest yet unbiased review of Psycho Pass Providence 🤗
«Note: Don't take this post personally as it doesn't intend to ship-wreck the thoughts of most fans»
As the snippets of Psycho Pass Providence are recently become available in almost everywhere, I suppose the long wait is over and I can finally post my own review of the PPP movie. I've been posting my own comments here and there because of the "imbalanced" & very biased review of most Japanese fans on Twitter. 😥
But am so glad the snippets aswell as the PPP movie itself are now made available so every one can learn the facts of the movie.
But before I begin let's discuss PPP in general.
The movie is great 👍🏻 No doubt. The animation scenes are jam-packed. The theme and the overall plot is a HUGE PLUS. Because they tried to showcase the metaphorical, allegorical and philosophical aspect of the Psycho Pass anime season 1 had always been known for. So this film is a total of 90%.
Why? Coz although it connects the plot between Season 3 and First Inspector; and it provides an official background for our beloved Arata and Kei, it only adds to the many struggles of our characters against the Sybil System. They introduced the Divider and Mentalist abilities, the dirty works of MoFA that conceived the formation of the Peacbreakers. It seems like they're trying to expand the story of Psycho pass to provide a foothold for any possible seasons to come. But it fails to show us any glimpse of Sybil's eventual defeat. 😶
When I said the Japanese-natives are imbalanced and unreasonably biased with their Tweets, I mean it. And I am of Japanese descent thru my grandma, so I have the audacity 🤭.
When some tweet says, "Akane took the cigarette from Kou's lips and Kou leans forward as if trying to kiss Akane" I cringed. Because girl, that is partially true. But where's the "almost kissing"part?
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It's obvious that Kou only adjusted his position to sit down and speak to Akane. So where's the "he's trying to kiss her"? 😆
I love Shinkane, in their most subtle yet caring nature towards one another. But I don't want to make believe. It's better to tell the facts than to 誰かを笑顔にするために嘘をつくこと. 😮‍💨
Honestly, 皆さん, どうして?
The only Shinkane moment for me is when he jumps to Akane covering her from the explosion 💥
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Here we see, Kogami is simply checking her up if she's fine. Nothing fancy, but that's enough to make me giggle. 🙂
When Kou unlocked the cuff from Akane's left hand, as if motioning her to attach that on his left hand, is a chef-kiss moment to me👌🏻 that also includes the bridal carry 😉.
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But some fans make noise in Twitter saying "Kogami hugs Akane and rests her closely to his chest near his heart".
I mean, girl, everyone who saw that scene knows exactly that it is not that romantic but hey it's enough to make our hearts pound. But don't over-hype the scene will yah?
The beauty of Shinkane lies in their subtle interaction. Not in an overly done romantic PDA.
There's an obvious theme the writers are portraying in this movie. Most fans have pointed it out but they try to deny it themselves. 😶
° Kogami calling Frederica on her first name without honorifics (i.e -san, -sama, -chan).
° Kogami and Frederica's same Sherpa coat as some could point out.
° Kogami and Frederica standing side by side in most of the scenes they're in.
° Kogami when he talks to Akane on the phone when he gives her the word "...Even if you tell me not to, I'll go".
Frederica is looking sideways.
Kogami when talking to Gino in a boat, when the latter asked him why he comes back, to which he replied there are things he must protect.
Frederica is looking sideways.
When a guy friend is talking to us and his girlfriend is around, I noticed his girlfriend does the same too. So idk. 😅
° Kogami defending Frederica in front of Akane. We all know that. It's pretty much straightforward, he's not only defending his new boss.
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° Kogami receives the call from Akane when he's at a dark room with Frederica. When he says I will go. Then, the next scene we saw them standing side by side with the same jacket on when Akane deploys the dominator to them.
I think Akane noticed that too 😮‍💨
° Kogami never leaves his gun (the one he used to kill Makishima given to him by Masaoka). But it was with Frederica. And when Gino shouts at Kou, "Protect Tsunemori!" She gave the pistol to him.
° Lastly, the room where Saiga-sensei and Kogami shared a drink implied that it is the MoFA assigned quarters to Kogami. And the holographic painting where Kogami is standing is a painting of Tower of London. And we all know Frederica is half-british. 😉
° There was a publication which implies that Kogami and Frederica share the same quarters. (I didn't say bedroom. So please don't give me a violent reaction 🥲).
Again, this is not to ship-wreck. But many Japanese fans literally skipped this information because those are quite suggestive as to how close Kogami and Frederica is in this movie.
If you saw the film, it's up to you to decide.
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As I said, the beauty of Shinkane lies in their subtle interactions not by overly-defined public display of affection.
But in this film, the writers are clearly making a statement. To impose their original idea that Kogami and Akane are not meant to be together. Even the Seiyuus say they can ship Ginoza and Akane but they can't with Kogami. And they even tried to be extra careful when delivering the script to avoid any misconception of them having a romantic scene together.
At first I was deeply hurt. Because I've been shipping them like forever. But now I saw Shinkane in a new perspective. I won't try to force them together just because I feel like it.
But I will enjoy any significant scene of them being simply together and the whole Psycho Pass anime franchise as it is the way the writers portray them. Yet in my heart, Shinkane will always be an item. ❤️
Our ship may not sail the way we expect it to be (for 10 straight years) but the bond we have as a Shinkane Community will remain. The fanarts, the fanfics, the forum discussions and sweet exchanges etc...
There's no fandom as dedicated as Shinkane/KoAka fans. #thePowerOfFandom❣️
Everyone at this point is screaming when is the Season 4 coming? We need a closure! 😱
Same here, I wish the Season 4 will come out soon. If the original Division 1 will take on the backseat to give way to new generation of characters (i.e Arata and Kei), why not atleast give them a good closure? They all deserve to be happy!
Yayoi x Shion have their "proper" ending at the First Inspector. But what about the others? 🤔
Also Shizuka Homura. I am very much intrigued by this man. He knows Akane long before she joins the PSB. They have the same alma-mater though years apart ofcourse. And what will he put to the table? Is he a friend or a foe?
Will there be a new Makishima to Kogami? Or a Makishima to Akane?
Most importantly, when will the Sybil System end? It's been the series' primary antagonist but after all these 10 (thousand) years, when will it come to an end? To provide another good plot to Psycho Pass verse and to create more narrative in the future.
⟨I've been writing this review while walking and didn't realize how hard was it 🤣⟩
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kunntzsstuff · 2 months
Hi! First, I wanted to say your mood boards are amazing!! And then I have a request:
Fem reader and highschool bam dating and they sneak out at night to go smoke and look at the stars (hcs or fic, whichever you prefer)
I totally understand if you don't want to write this, I just thought it would be so cute😭
💥 sneaking out w bam 💥
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(this is my first time writing anything like this so pls lemme know if yous like it!!!)
You almost screamed when you heard a knock at your window. Jumping out of bed to go and see what it was, being greeted with your boyfriends shit-eating grin. You let out a loud sigh, "Bam! You scared the shit out of me"
Replying with a mumbled sorry and a laugh, he tries to climb through your window, not so gracefully.
After helping him inside, trying to keep as quiet as possible (not easy with a boy as clumsy as bam), you went back to your bed, laying down and closing your eyes. Feeling the bed dip beside you, you turn your head and open your eyes only to find bam already staring at you. He just smiles and moves closer, wrapping his arm round you.
You stay like that for a while in a comfortable silence, until bam speaks up. "We should go somewhere"
You almost scoff at his words, "I'm grounded?? We can't really do that" He just stares at you and smiles again, you roll your eyes not even wanting to know what he was thinking.
This was how you ended up practically hanging out your window while bam was stood at the bottom.
"You'll be fine, i'll catch you" shooting you a wink.
You rolled your eyes and laugh at him, finally managing to get out and start climbing down.
Yous walk round for a bit, fingers interlinked until you realise, "Where are we going?"
"Oh I know a place, don't worry"
You decide it's probably better to not question him this time.
Yous walk for another half an hour, making small talk and laughing with eachother, until you come to a stop at some gas station car park.
Bam takes you round the back and tell yous to close your eyes. He's guiding you with your fingers interlocked until he tells you to reopen your eyes.
Your greeted with a small field. Giving him a confused look, you tilt your head to the side. He responds with a small smile and continues dragging you.
He suddenly lets go of your hand and lies down on the grass. You follow his actions and sit next to him for a while. He pulls you down so your lying beside him, with his arm around your neck.
This is when you realise the stars above shining back at you. You look to him with a smile to find him already staring at you, he pulls you closer with a kiss to your forehead.
You feel his arm move and you slightly frown at the loss of warmth. Moving your gaze to him, you see he's holding out a cigarette for you. You take it, mumbling a small thank you. His arm quickly returns to it's original place, bringing back the warmth that was lost.
Yous stay like that for a while, leaving you to think to yourself. You find yourself wondering how you managed to find a boy as amazing as Bam. Looking to him again, you quickly pull him into a kiss to silently show your love for him.
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yourpsicodelicbitch · 11 months
a little comment about each stellium 👯‍♀️❤️‍🔥
but im only posting 3 and in reverse order.
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Picture from Pinterest
10H: they’re life is their work or it’s around it but it’s the same. They could have had some facilities when it comes to gain a job or opportunities OR -I haven’t seen one but it’s my theory- they have had fight it through all their life to have that reputation and work/ career. Sometimes too much is too much. They can have fixations on politics, they see EVERYTHING with politics. They want power and bc of that they do their research, bc? they want to have control, to manage more fields and more minds, bodies? the thing is that their need is to control. They’re VERY restricted by the image they want to give to others and bc of that they learn a lot about how to treat others in a way it benefits them -to gain more people, more followers-. But they can get lost in what they want and not the real focus, that’s the meaning, why did you started?
11H: They suffer, they just suffer if they don’t feel welcomed, if they don’t feel part of, in a really deep manner. They have a lot of experience when it comes to social groups, community or to be more specific there’s a really hard situation that they haven’t healed in their lives -it made a mark in their lives- and it’ll take them a really long time to even perceive it and to heal it…make your own conclusions 🧍. They NEED to belong, to feel useful, to make society better and what they do when it comes to the last one is to trying to be part of a daily social stuff. YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW MUCH THEY CARE OF WHAT OTHERS THINK, YOU HAVE NO FUCKING IDEA. I can tell, at least one time or multiple they have had changed for others, they have had lied to not be left out, they have had done stuff to not be different. They feel alone, they love to be in company but also to have their own time. An excess of energy does the exact opposite of the purpose of the energy. There’s people with 11H stellium, my bestie and mom are one of those, what the last one always told me and that I always ended/end up in opposition is that she care too much about what others think. Too much. Finally, I changed her mindset, a lot comparing of how she acted before. They can be scared to be controversial or they prefer to stay out of it. My bestie also struggles to feel part of the environment she conforms.
12H: I just have to tell you: I DONT KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT THESE PEOPLE. I do but bc I analyze my environment naturally. They don’t fucking show anything, not even about how they’re feeling. If you’ve read my post “astro observations that I founded in my notes” YES. I’m talking about the same person -the one with pisces rising and taurus moon-. It turned out she also have 12H stellium in whole sign system. I thought I was not that important for her and then she texted me and told me that she missed me -I thought it was just a jk, that she wasn’t serious, she have told me that she missed me before- and then she send me another meme that said practically that “what matter was the friend I made in the course I took and not the course”. In what case I was gonna know about this, if the relationship we had was me talking and joking around and she just listening and acting mad in jk. She told me a lot of stuff that I thought she didn’t tell easily others. I felt I had to do all the effort, that It wasn’t balanced and then boom, she told me that 💥
❀ Based on my personal experience and what I’ve analyzed in my surroundings.
❀ English is not my first language.
❀ I’m not a profesional astrologer.
Thank youu. baibaiii🫣🫶🏼💋
Do not copy. Please give me credits.
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gemini-sensei · 1 year
Bro I need some subby Eli headcanons,, could be boypussy!Eli or not… I just love the idea of a blushing, whimpering, begging bbg Moskowitz💥💥💥
Sub!Eli Moskowitz x Chubby!Reader
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First of all, he loves to be ridden. Hands on his shoulder holding him down, tits in his face, rough bouncing on his cock. He can't take his eyes off of his gf as she's riding him, but the problem lies in he can't keep his eyes on one part of her. He's looking from her face and the pleasure evident on it to her perfect breasts swinging in his face. Then he tried to look down where they meet and she shoves him down to keep him still- he fucking whines about it!
Secretly likes being told what to do. He's such a good listener and does whatever she asks him to so he can get his dick wet. Getting bossed around kind of turns him on. If he's told to get down on his knees, he gets down on his fucking knees.
Whimpers and moans when his gf straddles him. Having her height put on him and pinning him down in heavenly. Gets him hard so fast, it's almost embarrassing.
Loves pussyjobs but won't admit it. The teasing is almost too much for him but he loves watching his dick get all wet with his gf's essence. He holds back from begging as much as he can, but breaks at some point. "Please fuck me! I-I need you, baby. Please, please ride my cock!"
Turns so red whenever she teases him, no matter if they're alone or not. All she has to do is sit on his lap and he's blushing. It gets darker the more she squirms and readjusts herself. He knows the only way to make her stop is to whisper in her ear all the things he wants her to do to him. Then they'll slip away from their friends and she'll give him a handjob.
When he's close to coming, she stops and sits on his cock without moving. He gets so needy and has to beg to finish. She teases him and makes him that much more frustrated. "Please! I'm so close! Please, lemme finish. 'Wanna come in you..."
Sometimes she makes him top and he's laying on top of her, clutching onto her sexy body while he's fucking her. She has her hands wrapped around him and his face buried in her tits, damn near suffocating him as he's pounding her with needy fervor. He cries out and whines so loud when he comes and she just wraps her legs around his waist and digs her heels into his ass.
When he's finished, she rakes his hair out of his face and tells him how well he did, pulling him in for a rewarding kiss that turns into a sloppy make out and potentially round two.
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nattinatalia · 2 years
Urban Wyatt x Reader Instagram AU
💫 I don’t know where I was taking this one, I had in mind something totally different but my mind isn’t just working at the moment. But enjoy. 💫
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Liked by yourbestiename, cozane, 2forwoyne, nemoachida, quiiso, and 8,667,945 others
urbanwyatt I’m on the road she gotta ____ herself 👨🏼‍🦯👨🏼‍🦯
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yourbestiename I need those jackets like nooow!!!!
urbanwyatt No, you didn’t join us
yourbestiename 😮 I get the wife privileges soo hand them over here 💅🏼
jackharlow 😂 She really does.
druski2funnny I’m back with some pot stirring so be aware!!!!!! In 3. 2 . 1
druski2funnny So who has to fuck herself since you’re on the road? Is it stassie or y/n? Plot twist a whole different girl?? 🤔
yourbestiename 💀
urbanwyatt All of them apparently!!!
yourusername Nothing wrong with that, but luckily I have someone with me who can fuck me all night long 😉
druski2funnny Oh do tell
urbanwyatt Get off my page y/n
yourusername @ druski2funnny It’s not urban that’s for sure 🙈
urbanwyatt I’m about to block you
urbanwyatt Annoying ass, I get it we’re not together but I don’t need to know who you’re sleeping with.
yourusername ☠️ To be fair, I didn’t even say who.. so you don’t know.
urbanwyatt But you are sleeping around
yourusername It doesn’t count if it’s with the same person though.
yourusername But why do you care? It’s been 6 months. Let it go.
urbanwyatt I care because I still want to work shit out
yourusername 😅
Liked by yourbestiename, karolg, nemoachida, neelamthadhani, cozane, and 9,678,345 others
yourusername 👀 🔜
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yourbestiename I’m excited!!!!!!
yourbestiename You got Angus on this? They’re not ready!!!!!
anguscloud 💥 🔥
yourcousinname I love Urb, but you know it’s real when you get the one guy he lowkey told you to keep away from 🙈🙊
urbanwyatt 🙄 at this point she’s doing everything she can to get back at me
anguscloud lmao what did I ever do to your boy @ yourusername
yourusername Nothing, you’re good. He’s just territorial and doesn’t like when men look my way.
anguscloud I thought you were single?
yourusername Oh I am 😉
urbanwyatt 😡
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Liked by yourusername, anguscloud, princeroyce, maluma, and 8,677,356 others
yourusername Tengo uno que está listo pa llevarme. El segundo está esperando en el hotel y el tercero lo conozco esta noche
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yourbestiename 🍑 💦 😋 Damn mamii
yourusername 🙈
anguscloud 🔥 🔥
druski2funnny Looking respectfully, Sorry Urby
yourusername Lmao why you saying sorry to him for ?
druski2funnny He still has dibs on you
yourusername Dibs? What is this elementary school ??? 🙄
yourbestiename 💀 These men I tell you 🤦🏻‍♀️
jackharlow I didn’t do anything
yourbestiename Lmao
nemoachida Soooo who’s gonna translate the caption????
yourusername 🙈 🤫
yourusername Just know that no lies were detected. I mean everything I say on the captions I be posting 😉
urbanwyatt You’re really annoying you know that?
yourusername Yes, we all know I’m a brat 😊
cozane so what does it mean???
yourbestiename I have one who is ready to take me. The second one is waiting at the hotel. The third one I’ll meet him tonight.
druski2funnny DAAAAMN
quiiso LMAAAO
nemoachida Oh dang
2forwoyne She didn’t have to say all of that 😞 I feel for our boy
yourusername Your boy believed some hoe over me. He put me to shame on social media, called me out on my name. Then went to meet with the bitch who caused all of this. But you feel for your boy? Got it.
cozane He didn’t cheat tho so idk why this has gotten into a huge thing when it shouldn’t have
yourusername You’re telling me, if someone would’ve sold FAKE information to the media that Urban is stepping out on me, that he was caught cheating. & I believed those rumors, and went online and called him every name in the book, if I would’ve made a scene in front of his work place, & then went to meet with the person who sold that FAKE story to the media, & also be ok with the person who did all this, to hurt us, but also somehow dragged our best friends marriage into this bullshit? you’re telling me he wouldn’t have done the same as me??? He wouldn’t be pissed, rightly so, he wouldn’t be hurt because I did that? Oh ok.
cozane I mean ….
yourbestiename Beba, tu bien sabes que si se vieran enojado. They would’ve gotten more mad and made it a big deal too. You do you mami, I got you 💘💘
yourusername Ya se, pero se hacen como que si mi dolor no importa, oh que esto es un chiste. It’s not funny at all, like I really went through this pain by myself and they take it as a joke. So me “sleeping around” is bad but when he does it, it’s a “cool bro how many”
lilnasx They talking in Spanish, that means they’re going in on all of you.
druski2funnny Where is Urban at? He’s been mighty quiet since this comment section got lit lmao 🤣
urbanwyatt I know when to pick my battles when it comes to y/n. Y’all can handle that, since y’all were the ones stirring shit.
jackharlow 👀 I’m staying away, if y/n is anything like my wife, then good luck to u all.
yourbestiename I think she’s 10xs worser
urbanwyatt She is
@ jackharlow added to their story
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Liked by jackharlow, yourbestiename, nemoachida, neelamthadhani, and 8,678,345 others
urbanwyatt Me whenever I see her 😂
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jackharlow 😳 why’d you use a picture of me for 💀💀💀
yourbestiename LMAAAO but thats me whenever I see my husband 😉 🤤
jackharlow Thats right 😏
druski2funnny Hmm 🤨
urbanwyatt What???
druski2funnny Is that who I think it is
urbanwyatt 🤷🏼‍♂️
cozane 🙄 Like we don’t know come on now
yourusername NO
urbanwyatt 🤔
girlfromvideoname It’s me 😜
jackharlow 😖
girlfromvideoname Jack you weren’t making that face when you were hanging out with me and my best friend you even had her in your video 🤔
cozane 😳
yourusername You’re just asking for another ass beat at this point.
girlfromvideoname 😚😚😚
yourbestiename Stass I’m not even going to lower myself to you.
girlfromvideoname Yea go worry about those kids of yours.
jackharlow Now hold on, idk what kind of shit you got going on with y/n and Urb. But what you’re not about to do is come for my wife and my kids.
yourbestiename Papi, It’s ok lmao. She’s just trying too much at this point. We know we’re good, that’s all that matters. No one and I mean no one can tell me shit about my marriage and my children. Let me worry about that, they’re more than good, thank you very much. Urban, handle your little friend, before y/n does again.
girlfromvideoname You people can’t take a joke
yourcousinname Umm why is y/n location near Calabasas ??? Is she about to fight this girl again?
cozane 💀
yourbestiename How do you know this? They’re not answer my calls
yourcousinname I share location with y/n and I know where this chick lives & Kylie just texted me asking me why my cousin and her ex pulled up at stass house.
neelamthadhani GET THEM OUT OF THERE
neelamthadhani They need to tell me ahead so I can have money and lawyers ready.
druski2funnny Yoo I’m so confused, how did we go from wondering who the girl is, obviously now we know is y/n, but to now them pulling up to peoples houses
yourusername Don’t come for my best friend and her kids, point blank period.
yourbestiename Bitchhhhh I love you, but you need to chill on your gangster lmao
jackharlow 😂😂😂
cozane so y’all are back together then? This basically confirms it
yourusername No, we’re just fucking!!!
urbanwyatt 😏😏😏
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you know me bruh
“just once.” and “i thought you were dead.” ily!
omg ok here we go @jack-kellys 👀
this is, in fact, longer than a drabble. but hey when there’s two prompts and a fun idea, you just have to go for it!
here’s some jack + race brotherly shenanigans!! tw for graphic violence - it gets a little intense for a bit there.
pls enjoy!!
January, 1900.
“Have you lost your goddamn mind, Higgins!?”
Jack is chasing him down the fire escape on the side of the Lodging House, and Race knows he brought this upon himself, but he’s still going to be an ass about it.
“Have you?” he counters as he darts down the stairs as fast as he can, not looking back. “Christ almighty, you’re hollering like you’re trying to wake the entire goddamn neighbourhood.”
The steps are icy and it’s dark out, so just as he slows down a moment to catch himself and keep from sliding all the way to the bottom, Jack manages to nab him with an iron grip on his upper arm.
“Get your ass back inside,” Jack hisses. Rarely does he get mad like this, much less at his own boys, but Race has apparently done just the right trick to piss him off. “Right fuckin’ now. I’m not messing around.”
Race twists his arm, but Jack doesn’t let go.
“What, a fella can’t even go for a walk anymore?” he snaps. “You ain’t my father, Kelly. I’m grown. Let go of me.”
“Grown?” Jack all-but roars. “You’re fourteen goddamn years old!”
“And you ain’t that much older, so you can’t tell me nothing!”
Race wrenches his arm away and continues down the stairs, but he doesn’t get far. Jack grabs the collar of his coat and yanks him back.
“Where the hell are you going, huh?” Jack demands, a fire in his eyes that’s almost genuinely intimidating. “Ain’t no way you’re headed to Sharkey Athletic Club, is there?”
Race feels himself go pale. Jack wasn’t supposed to know about that. How the fuck did he find out?
As if to answer the question, Jack pulls a little card from his back pocket— the very same one that one of Race’s regular customers handed him a couple of weeks ago, inviting him to come check it out and consider joining.
“We’re short a few featherweights these days; our boys keep gettin’ too big and movin’ up classes,” the man had said, with a wink. “You look like you got some pep in you, kid. Come find us if you want a shot in the ring.”
And it’s not that Race had ever considered prizefighting before then, but it had been enticing— he’s wont to finding trouble and getting in scraps anyways, so why not get paid for it? Or at least, even if he loses, have a few fellas around to pull the guy off him before it gets too hairy? Fighting in a club is safer, as far as he’s concerned, because it’s controlled.
He hasn’t been in a real fight yet— the man who’d invited him had money banked on him and wasn’t about to let him go in completely blind— but he’s been there once to watch a few fights and practice on a punching bag. Tonight is going to be his first time in the bareknuckle ring, against another newcomer who’s close to his age and size.
He must’ve dropped his invite somewhere in the Lodge. Jack found it, obviously, and he’s probably been waiting all night to catch the moment Race tried to get out after curfew.
“I never even heard of that,” Race lies through his teeth. “I’m going to meet Spot.”
“You’re walking to Brooklyn at this hour, in the snow?” Jack scoffs, unconvinced. “Don’t think you can pull a fast one on me, kid. How many times you been to Sharkey’s?”
Race swallows. Jack is genuinely angry, and there’s no use in lying anymore.
“Just once. I only watched.”
“Who invited you?”
“A fella I sell to, down at the races. I dunno his first name, but folks just call him O’Connell.” He pauses, suddenly feeling a little twist of fear in his gut. “I think he’s one of them Five Points fellas, Jack. He’ll stomp me if I don’t show tonight. I gotta go.”
Jack slaps him. It catches Race off-guard enough that his head snaps to the side with the force of it, but he steels himself enough not to react.
“Five Points? You’re in with a fucking gang!?”
“I ain’t knew it was a gang thing until I was already there,” Race huffs, rubbing at his stinging cheek, “but yeah, I guess. I’m not in the gang or nothing, but I’m fightin’ for real tonight, and I don’t wanna know what trouble I’ll be in if I miss it. I’ll come straight back when I’m done, alright?”
Jack is silent for a moment, his stone-cold expression utterly unreadable.
“Fine,” he snaps. “Let’s go.”
Race recoils a little.
“You’re coming along?”
“Ain’t no chance you’re going alone," Jack sighs. “And someone’s gonna have to drag you home when you get soaked.”
Race swats Jack on the ear, and Jack finally cracks half a smile.
“I’m gonna win. Just you wait and see, Kelly.”
They get stopped at the door.
“Who’s your pal?”
“My brother,” Race replies, and it’s only half a lie. Brothers don’t have to be blood. He offers the bouncer a wry smile. “Says I’m too young to come alone, so I thought I’d let him come watch.”
Jack has the good sense not to speak, just stays tight against Race’s side. There’s a chance this could blow up in their faces and get them turned away, but Race is hoping he’s got just enough youthful charm to pull this off. Everyone he met last week seemed to like him, so the odds should be good.
“You’re a keen one, kid,” the bouncer laughs, “bringing a babysitter to the fight. Get in here.”
Thank god that worked. They walk into the crowded club, hazy with smoke and almost too dark to see.
“I ain’t heard you talk so Irish before,” Jack chuckles, practically under his breath. “That’s new.”
“I forgot to tell you,” Race mutters as subtly as he can, “my name’s Conor when I’m here. Half-Italian ain’t a good look around all these Irishmen, so Antonio’s off the table, and they wouldn’t believe I was really just called Racetrack neither, so I stole my old man’s name and his accent.”
“Good god,” Jack sighs, “I can’t believe we’re really doing this.”
Race rolls his eyes.
“Just have some fun. I’m gonna go find O’Connell, but you should grab a drink. Stick to the story if anyone asks— you’re here keepin’ your little brother, Conor Higgins, outta trouble. Folks’ll get a kick outta that.”
Jack, while obviously not too enthused about the situation, is a good sport and an even better liar, so Race isn’t worried about him. Even if he’ll get an earful in the morning for how reckless it was to even be going here in the first place… for now, Jack just gives him a quick hug.
“Good luck. You better win that fight and make this worth all the fuss.”
And then he’s off towards the bar, and Race is headed to the back to get ready.
He realizes, once he’s in the ring, that O’Connell has decided to have some fun with him.
He’d been told he was up against another new kid, who was right around his size— it was supposed to be a fair fight.
That’s not who steps up to face him.
The kid— Murphy Gallagher, he’s been called around the club— has to be at least Jack’s age, and twice as broad as Race himself. He seems rather amused by the slight panic that Race is well aware his expression has just given away.
“Surprise. Initiation ain’t fair, kid,” Murphy laughs. “Give it your best shot, alright?”
Race swallows.
He wants this. He knows it’s trouble to be getting involved with this scene, but it’s a leg up in the world for when he gets too old for papes, isn’t it? He can read, but he can’t write too well, so he doesn’t have much shot at a respectable career; poor and uneducated folks like himself end up in factories, and that’s the absolute last thing he wants. If he can get good at fighting, he might have a shot.
He offers Murphy the cockiest smirk he can muster, as they shake hands in the centre of the ring.
“You’re on.”
For two rounds, Race holds his own. He goes down each time, but the rounds are decently long, and he lands a lot of good hits— the biggest problem is just that this tougher, older kid can last longer. When Race starts to tire out from the effort of fighting someone twice his size, Murphy can easily rain a few more solid hits on him until he’s winded enough to hit the floor.
“Get it together,” O’Connell warns before the start of the third round, as he wipes some blood from Race’s face. “Don’t make me look like an idiot for bringing you in here. Show us what you’ve got.”
“I’m trying,” Race huffs, exhausted.
There’s sweat in his eyes, and his ribs are screaming in pain. He’s sure he’s busted up enough that even the kids back at the Lodge will question it— he gets in his share of fights, but he usually knows when to give up and beat it. That’s not really an option here.
“Try harder,” O’Connell teases. He slaps Race on the shoulder. “Get back in there.”
And so he does.
Murphy hits him in the side as soon as the whistle blows, and Race stumbles. He’s so tired. The crowd is laughing at what’s turning into a disappointing but amusing fight— Race obviously has nothing on his opponent, and there’s no chance he’ll be invited back here. He’s getting soaked for nothing, isn’t he?
His back hits the ropes when he’s struck again, and for a moment, he considers giving in right there and then.
“Come on, Racer!” he hears Jack shout from somewhere in the room. “You’re faster than that! Get up!”
Something suddenly clicks.
Race is faster than this guy. Of course he is. He’s been too stuck in a boxing frame of mind from the fights he’d watched last week, but standing strong and taking hits isn’t how Racetrack Higgins fights. No, he keeps people on their toes, and the fact that he’s in a ring doesn’t have to stop him, does it?
Just as Murphy steps back, clearly thinking he’s won this laughably easy round, Race springs off of the ropes and launches himself forward. He punches Murphy in the face before he’s even got time to react, and then he’s off to bounce against the ropes on the other side of him.
The crowd goes wild, and Race finds himself smiling. Murphy lumbers towards him to throw a right hook, but all Race can think is keep fucking moving, so he darts out of the way and lands a hard jab at the guy’s exposed ribs. He comes around the back before Murphy can even spin, and in what might be a rash decision, opts to jump onto his back and try to pummel him from there.
If there are rules to this fight, he’s not following them anymore… but it wasn’t exactly within the rules to throw him up against someone well out of his weight class, was it?
They end up on the floor somehow, Murphy having twisted onto his back, with Race’s legs locked over his hips. Race rains punches down on him while he’s still disoriented, taking a sick satisfaction in the way the bigger kid has started gasping— the wind has been knocked out of him, and there’s blood all over his nose and mouth.
For one glorious moment, Race thinks he might’ve won this round… until Murphy gets his bearings, grabs him, flips him over onto his back, and promptly knocks his lights out with one brutal punch.
Jack is in front of him when he comes to.
He’s sitting on the floor, propped up against the outside of the ring, surrounded by people. Someone is wiping up the blood from his shirtless chest, and another set of hands are holding his head, obviously trying to inspect some kind of damage. There’s someone else waiting next to him with a glass of water, ready to hand it to him when he wakes up.
Jack is there, though, knelt in front of him, looking absolutely terrified.
“Don’t gimme that look,” Race laughs, his words coming out a little slurred. There’s blood in his mouth, and one of his teeth feels a little wiggly. “I’m fine.”
“I thought you were dead,” Jack snaps. “When you just laid there and ain’t even twitched, I thought that fucker killed you. You ain’t never allowed to do this again, Conor, you hear me?”
One of the guys cleaning him up— a lackey of O’Connell’s— laughs quietly at that.
Jack is probably right, at least. After that miserable defeat, any shot Race might’ve had at a prizefighting career is good and gone.
“It was fun,” Race grins. He takes a sip from the water that’s been given to him. “At least I tried it.”
“Atta boy,” the guy who’d been holding his head chuckles. “You seem fine. There’s just a scratch up there but they bleed like hell. Nothing to worry about. Good hustle, kid.”
He leaves, and Race lets his head loll for a moment as the exhaustion truly hits him. Hopefully he can at least grab a drink before he’s kicked out of here— he deserves one, he figures. He fought hard.
Jack seems about to say something else, but before he can, they’re interrupted by O’Connell himself striding over. He takes a knee next to Race; he’s grinning, a cigar between his teeth, and a little bundle of something in his hand.
He holds it out to Race— it’s a membership card to the club, and four whole dollars.
“Welcome to Sharkey Athletic Club, Higgins. Here’s your prize.”
Race’s eyes go wide.
“But I lost.”
O’Connell shakes his head and laughs.
“Course you did. You had no shot. You weren’t supposed to win.” He holds his cigar between two fingers to gesticulate with it. “You gave us a show and you fought dirty— that’s what initiation’s all about. I knew you had it in you.”
Race takes the card and the money, still sort of stunned.
“Your brother’s a real live-wire, ain’t he?” O’Connell continues, patting Jack’s back as he stands back up. “If you wanna try your own fight sometime, let a fella know. Maybe there’s something in Higgins blood, eh?”
Jack is obviously pissed at this outcome, but he pulls himself together and nods, so as to not break his cover.
“I think I’ll let Conor handle the fighting, sir,” he chuckles. “He gets in enough trouble for the two of us. Someone’s gotta drag him back home at the end of the night.”
Race grins. He’s always loved watching the way Jack can effortlessly sell any lie he needs to; he even slips his voice into the Irish lilt that he probably picked up from his own father, just like Race. They’ve got a lot in common, the two of them.
“Better he fights in here than out on the street somewhere, hey? He’s got a good head on his shoulders. This kid’ll go far.”
O’Connell walks away. Race and Jack are left alone in a crowded room.
“Was I good?” Race asks. His head is still spinning a little. “Like, actually?”
It seems Jack can’t help but nod.
“Yeah,” he sighs. “I was impressed. I ain’t happy about it, but you were damn good.”
Race grins.
“So you’ll let me come back?”
Jack considers it for a moment.
“There’s no stopping you, is there?”
Jack sighs.
“Fine.” He reaches a hand out to help Race up. “But you owe me a drink or ten with that prize money of yours.”
Race laughs as he gets to his feet. Everything hurts, but he’s satisfied.
“You got it, boss.”
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luffyvace · 2 months
”headcanons for Reigen and his childhood”
—@princeasimdiya12 resquested these through message :)
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Little Reigen was probably a little silly :3 who also probably went through some stuff ⚠️ TW: angst
To start off on a good note I wanna go ahead and say if somebody were to ask him ‘how was your childhood’ he’d respond “it was good, I had a good home n’ my mom was the best cook 😼, my dad always played ball with me too👌” although it’s much deeper than that, he isn’t lying technically.
Anyway on to the sillies :3 His mom actually is a really good cook 😍👩‍🍳 she could cook and bake in fact 😚 (when she didn’t burn the deserts <3) yeah idk what happened but she always just seemed to forget she was baking?? But she didn’t forget when she was cooking….? Idk 🤷‍♀️ Maybe because sometimes baking takes longer in the oven? Again- idk, but it never broke out into a fire so that’s good….although they had to leave the house cuz all the smoke 😁 which leads me to say his mom would end up telling the neighbors (they lived in apartment when he was real young, like up til 7) so they could get out too (cuz smoke like- slips through the cracks of the doors). Everyone opens the windows and doors until it airs out. Before then everyone’s outside relaxing or playing. (Reigen and his dad was the only ones playing).
The couple upstairs was a young couple with no children and there was a old married couple downstairs. Which essentially means Reigen didn’t grow up with other children, at least in his apartment. On the block, yeah but they either weren’t cool with him or were older kids. So yeah, Reigen mostly played with his father. They’d play baseball a lot and Reigen was the batter but he always got hit in the face whenever his dad pitched 😚👍Playing ball with him was his happiest moments, at some point he wanted to be a baseball player actually. He was so fond of it, even his room was baseball themed.
⚠️Angst part:
At school he had friends. Not the type where your excited to see them every day, nonono- the type that occasionally talked to you when they were bored, or if you did something cool. Yeah, those friends :( He clang onto that because that was the most he got. It’s not that the other kids hated him, they just had they’re groups….and he wasn’t apart of any. He was also the class laughing stock 😤 The teachers saw him occasionally talk to students so they never thought twice about the situation 🤦‍♀️ (Check on the poor baby!! 💥💥) He was really chatty when he did get the chance to talk and it was mostly him spewing “cool” lies about his life. Bragging, trying to big himself up to make others want to be his real friends. Buuut that never happened. Actually I wanna say he made one (actually 4 but we’ll get into that later) real friend in high school but he was a foreign exchange student—and he never got the chance to get his number before he went back.
Overall things got better into his teens for a while, until they didn’t. His earlier years played a factor but the teens really did it as to why he is how he is today. At first he had a friend group. It was like 3 dudes and him. They were genuine and had lots of fun together. They met on summer break and two weren’t from his school, the other was but in a different class from him. A pair in the group met in middle school and loved to skateboard. Just thought I’d mention it. Anyway they eventually split ways, not for any reason in particular—they just drifted apart :/
when he turned 11 is when his dad stopped playing with him and he changed his room from baseball themed. He was pretty upset about it but one of the reasons he stopped was because he was his dad had to focus on work more and picked up more hours. So he ended up wanting the weekends for resting and not playing. A year later when he was 12, his parent’s marriage got really rocky- like almost to a divorce—he never found out what happened but something did and completely fixed the problem?! Not overnight of course- but things looked up a lot. He stayed in his room a lot that year and he never bothered asking, only happy to know they were staying together.
Fluff again ♡:
uh random to lighten the mood.. he really loved his mother’s banana pudding. (If he could he would still eat it to this day). But he doesn’t visit her often enough. They email more than anything.
His favorite meal for breakfast was waffles. For lunch? Grilled cheese :) and for dinner he looooved takeout 😋 yeah he’s a pretty takeout obsessed dude and even though his mom can kick more butt in the kitchen than the restaurant cook can he just always had a taste for it 🤷‍♀️ His favorite takeout was Chinese food. Although he could never use the chopsticks he always tried :P
This isn’t my usual headcanons writing style but I decided I wanted to do it like this instead because the paragraphs are a bit long 😅
I do hope you don’t mind dear 💗 enjoy your tea 😊☕️
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lorillee · 10 months
btw can you tell me about how that cat is an incel
AAAHGH i typed out this whole thing and then tumblr screwed it up and deleted everything. wailing and gnashing of teeth. but thats okay. ill explain it again. anyways to any of my 5 remaining warriors mutuals if you see this post and i got something wrong i apologize to be honest its been like a decade since ive read the books that encompass this whole mess. anyways. ive provided a helpful relationship map to give you some visualization and keep these people straight
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ok. so tldr. sort of. actually not really but whatever. so basically brambleclaw is a special prophecy boy who gets a dream from the dead ancestors being like "ok you need to go 🚶💼🚗 on this journey 😤💥😎 and do some stuff 😌✨🌠" and brambleclaw is like "ok got it boss 🫡" and goes on his journey to do some stuff. its not relevant to the love drama. squirrelflight invites herself along and they end up becoming friends and later start dating. at some point after this brambleclaw starts striking up a relationship with his half-brother and squirrelflight is Not A Fan partially because his half-brother is Kinda Shady and partially because shes suspicious because of his dad, who is also brambleclaw's dad, who really sucked as a person.
so squirrelflight tells brambleclaw that he needs to stop hanging out with his half-brother, and brambleclaw gets mad and accuses her of suspecting him purely based on their dad (and if she doesnt trust the half-brother because of his dad, what does that say about their relationship etc etc). so they get into a whole fight about it and its a drama and they break up. in the aftermath squirrelflight starts hanging out with ashfur who is Just Some Guy and they start dating. meanwhile leafpool gets a dream from the dead ancestors thats like "ok so get this 👀🤯💥 squirrelflight and brambleclaw 😳👫💖 are like . totally destined to be together forever 😌✨🌠" and leafpool is like "ok got it boss 🫡" and tells squirrelflight. squirrelflight is like omg for real???? and tells brambleclaw and they get back together. ashfur fades into irrelevancy.
shortly before this, however. leafpool breaks off her illegal relationship (illegal because 1) shes a priestess and cant get married or have kids and 2) because the guy shes dating is from a rival clan) but later finds out - oops ! - shes pregnant. unfortunately this is now. a problem. in the meanwhile squirrelflight gets a dream from the dead ancestors thats like "okkkkk so like 😳😭😔 sorry to break this to you but ummmm 🤯💀🧍‍♂️ youre infertile 😌✨🌠" leafpool asks squirrelflight to take her babies and pretend that they are hers and brambleclaws and squirrelflight is like "got it boss 🫡". so squirrelflight lies to 1) the clan 2) the babies and 3) brambleclaw that they are hers and brambleclaw's children. no way thisll go wrong right 😎👍
so things go normally for a few years and everything is fine. then one day theres a huge storm after a drought or something i think and the entire forest catches on fire. squirrelflight is trying to get the kids out (they are adults now) and its a problem but hey look! ashfurs here to help! oh- oh wait whats . whats he doing ummmm. so basically ashfur says something to the extent of "you ruined my life i hate you so much im going to kill your kids in front of you to make you understand how i felt every single day" completely unprompted and squirrelflight is like "um. uhhhh ok well have fun with that because theyre not even my kids 👍" <- clearly last ditch effort to get ashfur to leave and ashfur is like "wait what for real? um. well okay bye then" and leaves.
one of the kids who is a massive stickler for The Warrior Code has 57 moments in a row though because she has just been alerted to the fact that she is an Illegal Baby and Should Not Exist and murders ashfur to prevent him from revealing the truth about them but then ends up having a Mental Illness Moment and tells everybody about leafpools illegal relationship babies at the monthly gathering of all the clans and runs off into a cave and fakes her death kind of. its a whole thing
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