#Tales from the Hogwarts Broom Closets
what-a-weird-rose · 11 months
How Marlene McKinnon Weaseled Her Way into Dorcas Meadowes’ Cold, Dark Heart
If Marlene was totally and entirely honest, like Veritaserum-induced honesty, she would say that she didn’t have much issue with Slytherins. She’d agree that some of them are haughty, sure, and most are nasty to those outside of their house, but for the most part, excluding some particular individuals, Marlene couldn’t give a damn about Slytherins and what they do in their free time. Or, that was, before Dorcas Meadowes came into the picture. 
Dorcas Meadowes was all sharp angles and radiant glowing, angelic in that way that makes you want to stare mindlessly. Yet, despite how her nose cut down her face, and her cheekbones sat high and tense, Meadowes moved with such unbridled softness and elegance; Marlene had often wondered whether or not she was dancing through the halls. It had been ridiculous how she had blatantly stared after her, wide-eyed, but Marlene had never been known for subtlety. And thus began the game between the two. 
Where Marlene was a constant pull, magnetizing and addicting and too much, Dorcas was the push, the opposite force that made off with more than Marlene had bargained to give. But neither ever stopped. Even as Marlene loudly complained to anyone who’d listen how Dorcas would shatter her heart with the chaste kisses in alcoves, even as Dorcas muttered sarcastically about Marlene’s loud displays of affection to her friends. The game continued, if not for the possibility of what could be, then for the fun of the chase. 
Three months was all it took. Dorcas knew she shouldn’t have started it, but she had. Dorcas knew she shouldn’t have gotten attached, but she had. Dorcas knew she would fall too deep into blonde hair and brown eyes, but the moment it started, she couldn’t stop. She tried so hard to fight it, to keep the playful flirting as a mindless thing, nothing real, nothing for her heart to latch onto, but it was an uphill battle she was painfully unprepared for. 
She had gone in knowing there was the possibility she’d fall, but Dorcas didn’t think about, or instead, she ignored, all the signs that her heart had become more invested than she had agreed with. 
Now, as she sits on the floor in some empty classroom, banging her head against the wall, Dorcas thinks back. She recalls first meeting on the train, how she thought Marlene was too loud, too brash, too crude, how she had turned her nose up at her shaggy haircut and started an entirely unprovoked tongue-lashing. She remembers being sorted, having the musty old Sorting Hat placed like a brick on her braids, listening to it ramble, then the inevitable yell of: “Slytherin!” she remembers Marlene being one of very few at the Gryffindor table to clap. She recalls the years spent playing the back-and-forth before the actual game ever commenced, antagonizing one another like children in the schoolyard, throwing things into each others’ cauldrons, and passing notes behind professors’ backs. It was funny now, looking back at all the time wasted, knowing how mindlessly, shamelessly in love she’d become with that snotty little girl from the train who couldn’t find her pet mouse. 
The door opens slightly like someone is peeking inside, and Dorcas tenses. She could recognize that perfume from the other side of the castle with a thousand merpeople gurgling around her. 
Dorcas had been sitting in the empty Transfiguration classroom for at least an hour, according to Head Boy, Obnoxious Twat, Boy Wonder: James Potter, who had been slinking around the entrance of the Slytherin common room for very different reasons than Marlene. According to the rules of the school, Marlene should report him. Still, a very long time ago, she decided that as long as the Idiot-Squad-plus-Remus (as called by Lily) doesn’t do anything to mess with herself, or Dorcas specifically, Marlene would let their transgressions slide. It was for that reason that, upon lightly interrogating Potter about the source of this knowledge, Marlene had turned tail and made a mad dash through the emptying corridors up to the Transfiguration classroom. 
Potter had not, subsequently, been lying; good on him. 
Marlene slid her back down the stone wall, settling close-ish to Dorcas’ left side. She could grasp the other’s hand if she reached just slightly. Dorcas didn’t seem to mind; in fact, Dorcas had barely reacted to Marlene’s grand entrance at all, an injustice.
“No ‘hello’ for me, gazelle?” Marlene says softly, turning the rest of her cheek on the wall behind them, opting to stare at Dorcas rather than McGonagall’s perfectly-clean blackboard. 
“That’s still such a stupid nickname,” Dorcas replies, though without the usual spark of meanness Marlene lives for, “no one even understands it.”
“I do!” 
“You came up with it,” Dorcas whispers, finally turning to look at her companion, and Marlene wishes she could stay in this moment for the rest of her life, “you can’t just look-up someone’s name in some book and pick a nickname from that.”
“Can’t I?” Marlene teases, lifting her hand- a question.
Dorcas makes a small, barely there nod.
Marlene brushes her hand down Dorcas’ braids, thick and full, beaded and beautiful.
“I think I’ll always love your hair, y’know?” She says quietly, and she’s lost in the moment when Dorcas closes her eyes, and all those sharp features are abandoned for the sake of softness and love.
“You ought too, otherwise I’ll get someone else to do it,” Dorcas says haughtily, and Marlene is reminded of Slytherin House, then Gryffindor House, then rivalry, then Quidditch, then Dorcas all over again, like an endless loop, the damaged snake eating its own tail.
“Why does it do that?” Marlene asks aloud to no one in particular.
“Why does what do what?” Dorcas replies, hand grasping Marlene’s where it has stopped while wrapping a braid around her finger.
“The snake, why does it eat it own tail?” Dorcas snorts loudly, one of the most indignant sounds Marlene has ever been privy to from the other, “its stupid! Why would you your own tail?” Dorcas laughs loudly, and Marlene is lost in a moment of bliss. 
“Ouroboros,” Dorcas says matter-of-factly, “the serpent, represents eternal cyclic renewal- life and death,” Marlene smiles widely, “also, plenty of snakes consume themselves.”
Marlene cackles, “why do you know all that?” She wraps her hands around Dorcas’ wrists, pulling them both up, “snakes are so weird!” 
Dorcas shoves her lightly, then, quietly, she whispers, “I love you.”
Marlene McKinnon stares at Dorcas Meadowes. She stares into those big eyes and wonders.
“I’m so fucking gay for you.”
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sitp-recs · 1 year
Hi! Ok so I'm in the mood for some drarry first recs. Like they are each other's first kiss, first dates, loss of virginity, etc. I'll take just about anything. Also dark!Harry recs. Where drarry are together and something bad happens to Draco (either he dies or ends up severely injured/in a coma) and Harry seeks out revenge on those who did it and turns evil. I know that's a lot but I'd really appreciate it. Please and thank you in advance!
Hello! I did a list for Dark!Harry a while ano but that might not be what you’re looking for - tbh I don’t think I’m familiar with fics where he goes evil to save/avenge Draco (would love to read those!) but I’m sure my followers can help. As for first times, here are some recs for you:
A world just for us by nerakrose (G, 2k)
Harry and Draco go flying and then…continue to go flying.
Draco at Nineteen by birdsofshore (E, 5k)
It's the middle of the night and Harry Potter is sitting on my bed looking distinctly weird. I've had some fucked-up dreams in my time, but this one... this one is something new.
Slip Into My Lover's Hands by @lqtraintracks (E, 6k)
Draco licks his lips. He shuts his eyes, because he doesn't think he can look at Potter when he says it. When he asks for it. "One finger?"
Night Changes by @writcraft (E, 10k)
Draco and Harry have spent years dancing around one another, but Potter’s straight and married. Until one day he isn’t.
The Eighth Tale by lettered (E, 12k)
Draco Malfoy tries to fix the past, but instead mucks it up some more. For Harry, it all becomes quite clear.
Welcome to the Broom Closet by incapricious (E, 23k)
Harry thinks he knows how his life will go: Become an Auror. Marry Ginny. Have a family. But then he sees an advertisement in the paper that no one else can see, and his life is turned upside-down. The Broom Closet: you can be anyone you want while you're there, but you won't remember it in the morning.
Speak (and may the world come undone) by @shealwaysreads (E, 26k)
The war is on in earnest, and the hunt for the Horcruxes has begun. Harry receives help from the least expected person, and must decide whether he can trust the enemy he knows best.
Your Place or Mine? by @l0vegl0wsinthedark (E, 26k)
"This person is so much harder to hate. And I’m supposed to hate Malfoy. How the fuck else am I supposed to limit this to just sex?"
Buds, Blooms, and Beards by @corvuscrowned (E, 27k)
Harry and Ginny have built an easy, happy life for themselves after the war. They run a thriving plant shop together, they have a great relationship, and they're definitely not gay.
I Bet That You Look Good on the Dancefloor by birdsofshore (E, 28k)
Harry felt lit up from inside as soon as he entered the bar. There were blokes dancing together, their bodies close to one another, not keeping a wary distance as Harry was always careful to do when he was near another man.
Romp and Circumstance by @wolfpants (E, 35k)
Since the war, Harry Potter has gone from Saviour to Scoundrel—not that he’s complaining. With a schedule full of gorgeous men, alcohol, and late nights, why would he want to change? Enter Draco Malfoy: beautiful, sharp, and completely untouchable. When Draco comes to Harry with a proposition to help him attract an engagement, Harry’s up for it—after all, how hard can it be not falling for his former nemesis?
Dwelling by aideomai (T, 83k)
Curses, James and Lily Potter ride again, several Ministry balls, a teenage Summer of Love, a grim young adult dystopian winter, a few different Draco Malfoys, secrets and the problems re: not having any, alternate lives, impossible lives, real lives, allusions to Dirty Dancing, and just because it's not called the Mirror of Erised doesn't mean you shouldn't know better.
Reparo by amalin (E, 84k)
Voldemort's final defeat does not mean Harry Potter's troubles are over; far from it. In the aftermath of war, he returns to a Hogwarts that is fractured and divided, but this is no break that can be fixed with a spell. New owls, fading scars, surprising alliances—and along the way, the hardest task of all, to live with it.
Far From The Tree by aideomai (E, 112k)
The arrival of Harry Potter’s children—snapped back in time, the children themselves guessed, twenty or so years—was the most interesting thing to happen at Hogwarts for years.
A Secondary Education by Thunderbird587 (E, 234k)
Fleeing the aftermath of his recent divorce, Draco Malfoy takes up a post as the new Potions Master at Hogwarts. At first he believes his hopes for a fresh start are dashed when he sees that a certain boyhood rival is on staff there as well. But Harry Potter is being weirdly nice to him, leaving Draco no choice but to play along.
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dhr-fics · 2 years
Author: vyrastra
Confessions of an Evil Bastard (14KB - Incomplete - PG-13) In which Draco Malfoy spills all: a quirky Dramione romance.
Four Weddings and a Proposal (37KB - Incomplete - PG-13) Hermione reached across the table and hit him. "We're not friends. Stop staring at my chest," she said huffily. "Ow! What, so you only let your friends have that privilege?"
HAVEN (81KB - Incomplete - PG-13) Dark deeds stir: after the Second War, Hogwarts is closed and it's a brave new world. The students who survived must make up their lost year in an unlikely place, racing to confront what divided them before. (REBOOT: Post-DH Dramione epic, with Pottermore, sans Epilogue; maximum resolution of loose ends from canon.)
Mourning (20KB - One Shot - PG) A few months after the deed, Hermione finds an unexpected visitor at the white tomb. Harsh, broken and disillusioned, he is not the boy she knew... “It’s never too late,” she tells him. He wants so much to believe her. postHBP
The Broom Closet Plots (29KB - One Shot - PG-13) In a fit of desperation Pansy locks Draco and Hermione in the Room of Requirement. Unfortunately she’s taken a lesson from Harry’s muggle fairy tales, and… kissing becomes the “key?”
Twelve Months (30KB - One Shot - R) Twelve months. Twelve people. But the fairytale is over, and this is war. My parting gift to everyone at ffnet. Humor, angst, love, and the brutally real. post HBP.
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Sirius Black x OC Marauder Era
So ya gal is sad and wrote this to try and cope with the fact that the guy I had a thing with lied to my face and got a girl to cheat on her boyfriend with him, after swearing he wasn’t using me just because she was taken. (Spoiler alert: he’s a fucking liar and I was just for when she was unavailable)
It doesn’t make much sense and tbh I will probably delete this tomorrow but it helped me get a few things off my chest so that’s good I suppose
Anyway, enjoy or whatever
Drabble Time
Oh that felt good. Adelaide sank down into the bath, really it should be considered a pool, the bubbles covering her body and heat wrapping around her bones. This was her favourite thing about being a prefect. The prefects bathroom.
Rumours had obviously swept through Hogwarts for years, tales of a golden toilet that felt like sitting on a cloud (Untrue. It was just like a regular toilet) A bath with healing powers. (Debatable) The prefects were happy enough to play along, enforcing the rumours and even adding to them. Really it was probably a major factor in why a lot of the students wanted to be prefect.
Addie hadn’t actually started Hogwarts with the dream of being a prefect like some of the students, it just so happened her good grades in her subjects and penchant for rules happened to land her in the position she was in now. And she had never been so thankful.
Her eyes closed as the warmth of the water and relaxing scent of the bath oils surrounded her, a groan escaping her lips.
“Enjoying yourself Pierce?”
She would have jumped at the voice, too recognisable to her now, if she wasn’t so used to him being in places he shouldn’t be.
“I wasn’t aware you were a prefect Black.” She knew he couldn’t see anything,  the bubbles covering every inch of the water made sure of that but she sunk slightly lower in the water just in case.
He leaned against the wall nonchalantly, arms crossed over his chest and a grin on his face, as she glanced at him over her shoulder. “Stranger things could happen.”
“What are you doing here?” She sighed. Just when she was starting to relax, he had to find her and make her all…tense. She wouldn’t be here nearly as often as she was if it wasn’t for his constant presence.
“Well right now I’m really enjoying the view.”
Adelaide rolled her eyes, used to these type of comments from him. “We both know you can’t see anything.”
“You could quite easily change that…”
“Sod off Sirius.” Addie tried to relax and ignore him, closing her eyes and leaning her head back again, but was interrupted once again by the voice of Sirius Black.
“Look, I might have followed Remus here a few times.” He frowned at her when she snickered. She was just as bad as he was. “Not like that. He kept disappearing. So I help myself to its luxuries when I can. No need to let them go to waste.”
“Well as you can see it’s preoccupied. So go on back to the common room.” She really wasn’t in the mood for him today. Couldn’t he see she was just trying to relax!
“Enough room for both of us. Look at the size of this thing.” He told her as he slipped his shirt from his shoulders, letting it crumple on the floor. When he saw Adelaide looking he winked at her and gestured at the bath. “That thing too.”
“You better put your shirt back on Black. We are not bathing together.” She was starting to get angry and sat up slightly in the bath just as he dropped both his trousers and underwear.  “Oh God-“  She turned around as quickly as she could, trying to hide the redness that now coated her cheeks. “You really have no shame do you?!”
“I have nothing to be ashamed of. It’s rather lovely thank you very much, many girls have been more than pleased with it.” He grinned at her as he sunk below the water and waded to the opposite side of the bath. To say she was uncomfortable was an understatement.
“I don’t want to know about that Black. I’ve already had to interrupt you in broom closets far too often for my liking.” She tried to ignore the fact that Sirius Black was opposite her in a bathtub, the both of them completely naked, but it was harder than you’d think.
“Maybe if you knocked first-“
“You’re not supposed to be in there!”
“And where would you recommend? The dorm room is out of the question Prongs and Moony have already forbid me from doing that again.”
“Firstly, the abandoned Charms classrooms near the library are a better option you can charm them and the prefects and teachers never check in there anyway. Secondly, I’m not surprised they forbid you, it’s really hard to sleep with that going on a bed over. We’ve had the same talk with Mary.”
“The abandoned Charms classrooms, genius!” “Why have I never thought of that…”
“Because contrary to what you believe you’re not that clever Black.”
“I wasn’t expecting you of all people to know where to take someone for fooling around.”
“I’m not sure if I should be insulted. I feel like I am.”
“Come on, you’ve never once returned the advances of any of the guys hitting on you the entire time we’ve been at Hogwarts!”
“That’s because no one’s hit on me?”
“Are you being stupid?” “I can name at least 4 just this month alone!”
“Black just because every girl that speaks to you has ulterior motives doesn’t mean it’s the same for everyone.”
“Do you have ulterior motives?”
“Do you want me to slap you?”
“If that’s what you’re into.”
“God you’re disgusting.”
“It’s what makes me your favourite. It’s fine, it’s only us, you can admit here.”
“Please can you just leave? I’m trying to relax and you being here isn’t allowing that.”
“I know better ways of relaxing….”
“I could give you detention for this you know.”
“But then everyone would know we were in a bath together. And knowing you, that’s not something you’d like people to know is it?”
“I’m going to get out now. Turn around.”
“It’s not anything I haven’t seen before Pierce.”
“Be that as it may, turn around. I’m not giving you a free show on top of the perfect bath I’d ran.”
“You can’t be a prude your whole life, Ad.”
“I told you not to call me that.”
“Sorry, Adelaide.”
“Not that either.”
“So what am I supposed to call you?”
“Nothing. In fact, just don’t talk to me.” Addie made to leave, her hair dripping wet and cheeks flushed. Definitely just from the heat of the bath and not the lewd way Sirius had said her name. “Enjoy your bath, Black.” With that she left, the portrait swinging shut softly behind her and droplets of water sliding down her back. God she hated Sirius Black.
“So when are we doing that again?” Sirius grinned from ear to ear as he slipped into the seat opposite Adelaide’s fortress she’d built out of books and parchment at her table tucked into a corner in the library.
Everyone knew this was Addie’s table. She’d practically adopted it since the beginning of first year. Tucked nicely into the far corner, away from the noisier games of chess, and nestled between two bookshelves. The view was an added bonus, with a look over the lake and grounds, especially beautiful when it was painted with the strokes of bronze and orange that were the tell-tale sign of autumn. She felt safe here, hidden and unseen where she didn’t have to think about anything but the homework she had to complete or sketch she was currently in the middle of it. It was her safe haven. Well it was. Until a certain “Marauder” had discovered this was where she could almost always be found.
Adelaide rolled her eyes, not even lifting her head from the essay she was writing on the importance of Reparifarge and its history. “Please don’t say that like something happened.”
“Are you telling me sharing a bath didn’t mean anything to you? That’s cold Pierce.” Sirius slung one arm over the back of the chair next to him while his other hand gripped his chest in mock pain.
Lifting her head and brushing the curtain of auburn hair away from her face, Adelaide narrowed her eyes at the shit-eating grin that was gracing his face. “Please. We both know nothing a girl has done with you has meant anything. It’s “all fun and games”. Isn’t that what you said about the last fling?”
“Well you can just read me like a book can’t you?”
“Quite the opposite actually. You’re probably the most difficult person to read I’ve ever met. I feel like I’m trying to read a book in a language I can’t even identify let alone understand.”
“I think I’m Latin. Everyone loves the language but no one fully knows it do they?”
“There are many people that know Latin, Black.”
Sirius let out a soft laugh, shaking his head to himself at her dry comment. He leaned back in the wooden chair, precariously balancing it on two legs. He tipped his head to the side, studying Addie carefully before speaking. “Why don’t you let people see this Ad?”
She was so thrown off by the question she didn’t even get angry at him for his use of the nickname she hated. A frown pulled at her eyebrows as the quill in her hand froze and her eyes flew to his. “See what?”
“You.” He dropped the legs of the chair flat to the floor, laying his forearms on the table, his eyes boring into hers. “Like the real you? You’re funny without trying, you’re so smart, you know you don’t know everything and you’re not scared of showing it. Here you’re not hiding, even though technically you are.”
Adelaide didn’t know how to respond to that. Her cheeks heated and she broke the eye contact they were holding. “Is that a compliment Black?”
“Oh come on, we were just getting somewhere there. You’re hiding again.”
“I need firewhiskey for a conversation like this.”
“I can help with that. Astronomy tower tonight? I’ll even bring you a blanket.”
Her eyes flickered between his, looking for a sign of a joke, a reason why for her to not trust him. She couldn’t find it and before she could think better had nodded curtly at him before bowing her head down and pretending to go back to work.
Sirius had known her long enough to know this was an acceptance of his offer and there was no doubt she’d be there that evening. With nothing left to say and a giddy feeling in his stomach that he couldn’t quite pinpoint, Sirius stood from the table, leaving Addie alone in her corner once again. He had some preparing to do.
Adeladie hadn’t really know what to expect as she’d tiptoed up the astronomy tower stairs to meet Sirius in his most infamous spot, but this definitely wasn’t it. Candles flickered, casting the open aired room in a soft warming glow. It was clear he’d also charmed it as the biting cold of a British autumn didn’t pick at her skin, instead a calming warmth enveloped her. Blankets and cushions were strewn on the floor, creating something similar to her set-up usually found in the common room during OWLS.
Sirius stood against a railing, sipping a glass of fire whiskey and staring out at the darkened grounds of the castle they’d come to call home. Where Addie had her corner, Sirius had the astronomy tower. Up here he didn’t have to worry about anything, his family, his future, they all seemed so small in comparison to the world laid out before him. This view really brought it into perspective.
Stopping next to him, Adelaide held out an empty glass to she’d picked up on the way in. He lifted the bottle resting next to him, pouring a generous amount of the amber liquid into her glass. She tipped her head back, swallowing it in one, her eyes closing at the slight burn in her throat. Sirius couldn’t help but notice how similar the colour of the whiskey and her hair were, how they both caused a warmth to settle in his bones.
“I hide, because it’s easier than being left.” Addie had copied his stance, looking out over the grounds of Hogwarts, their shoulders almost touching, but her gaze of the refection of the moon in the water below.
“When I was a kid, my dad left my mum. They weren’t good together, they were much better apart. She got lighter when he left, like the first sign of sun after winter. They were always arguing before, it made our doors rattle.”
“After he left things were good, they were both happier, able to breathe. It was good. But then he stopped trying with me too. He didn’t even attempt to fight, he just left and I never heard from him again. Or the rest of his family. They just happily left me behind like I was just a small mistake. That was 10 years ago.” She looked at the empty glass in her hands, it was cold against her burning skin. She took a deep breath before continuing. “I figured after that, that if someone who is supposed to love me unconditionally could just leave without a second thought, what would stop anyone else? It would be easier to never let anyone get close, that way it wouldn’t hurt me when they left.” Addie could see Sirus move to say something. She stopped him before he could, a horrible broken laugh falling from her lips. “Don’t try any of that but what if they don’t leave bullshit.” Addie took the bottle from Sirius’ hand, taking a swig directly from the bottle. “They always left. Or chose someone else. Or got bored. Either way they never stuck around long. So then I stopped letting them find me. I got very good at hiding in plain sight.”
“No one should leave you. I don’t know how they could.”
“Sirius you don’t need to. I’ve heard this same speech from countless people. “He wasn’t a good father. You deserve more than that.” Etcetera, etcetera.” Her hand was being waved around like it wasn’t a big thing, like getting a low grade on homework for divination.
“They’re right.I just thought about never seeing you again. Like after Hogwarts, and I just-“ Sirius took the bottle back, coping Addie’s movements from earlier. “The idea of not having you in my life seems so wrong. I can’t even imagine it, it makes me feel sick.”
“That’s sweet.” The smile she gave him was sad and sour and felt bitter in Sirius’ mouth. “But Sirius, you’ll leave. They always do. It’s not an if, it’s a when. It’s the only thing I know is guaranteed. And it’s not your fault, it’s no one’s really. But I’m not equipped to handle leaving.”
“I think you’re equipped for leaving. You’ve handled it more than anyone should have to. I don’t think you can handle people staying.”
Adelaide stood up, taking one last swig of the fire whiskey Sirius had no doubt stolen for her. “Black. I really appreciate this talk, listening to me, it means a lot. But you’re getting that look in your eyes. You can’t fix me, I’m not something to fix. I am the way I am, and no amount of whispered promises and vows to stay are going to change it.”
He watched her carefully, could see her waring with words behind her eyes. She deserved so much more than she’d been handed in life. She deserved to have people keep their promises. She deserved to be able to show the world her fire, how brightly she could burn, the inferno she could engulf everyone with. Adelaide Pierce deserved to be happy and show it.
And he knew he wasn’t the one that could give that to her. He’d just be another person that left her. He knew that, and he knew it would break him too.
He watched as she adjusted her mask back into place, nothing said by either of them, as he had the distinct feeling of losing someone in a masquerade and knowing you’d never find them again.  
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gwen-writes-stuff · 5 years
Draco : “Untold Tales” Part II
Part I
Words : 1682
Warning : Slight angst?
 Y/N’s POV
 I was peacefully enjoying a book Hermione suggested a month ago in the comfort of the Gryffindor common room when Ginny occupied the seat next to me to deliver a news I bloody did not need right now.
 “I got you a date!” I gave her a puzzled look which she rolled her eyes at. “Klove, of course.” I almost hit my face with my book in frustration and had to bit my lower lip to contain a groan which she mistook for being shy. “You’ll do great, come on!”
  Her encouraging smile did nothing to assure me.
I’ve been actively avoiding Draco since that night in that closet and it’s been a week! I’m pretty proud of myself for being able to avoid the Slytherin Prince that much. We argued before because he spoke foully of my friends yet I kept crawling back to him and he must’ve expected me to do the very same with how little effort he put in to getting me back.
 I admit it hurt and made my decision of walking away right more. “Thanks Gin.” I genuinely thanked her with a small smile because as much as I hate the idea of going on a date while I just ended whatever with Malfoy, I recognize her effort. “Just don’t beat yourself up if it doesn’t go well.”
 It went amazing! Klove was nice and really sweet but our date felt more like hanging out with an old friend. I was comfortable with him, he was funny and undoubtedly smart. If only I got attracted to him, than that damned ferret.
 We came to a halt in the great hall where we parted for dinner, he sent me a small smile and I waved to sit with my friends who cheered me on. I blushed in embarrassment, settling down beside Hermione and Dean. Ron was stupidly wiggling his eyebrows at me and I threw a small piece of chicken at him.
  It stuck to his hair and the disgusted look on his face satisfied me that I ignored their stupid cheering earlier to enjoy dinner after such a fun yet eventful day in Hogsmeade.
“You look like you had fun,” Hermione from beside me spoke up, this was all her! I remembered my anger for her but it melted away when she wasn’t looking me. I followed her line of sight and saw Draco who is glaring at me. I felt like shrinking in my seat that I quickly hid my eyes behind Hermione’s shoulder and turned back to my plate.
  Hemione did the same and hummed in satisfaction, “He’s mad,” I whispered like it was a bad thing and it bloody was! I suddenly remembered our last fight that almost left me unable to walk to class the next morning because Draco takes out his anger in such a way that would make my mother pass out if she ever knew.
 “Exactly,”  I frown at Hermione’s triumphant grin. She met my frown and shrugged. “You obviously weren’t making an effort to fix your mess of a relationship- wait, no there’s not any. Which is the bloody point of making him jealous,” she paused to lower her voice and Ron raised his eyebrows at this.
  I gave him a look and he turned away, “He’ll realize just how much you’re worth, what you deserve and how much of a git he is.” I still didn’t quiet understand but I knew from the start that she had a plan, having the smartest witch of her age for a friend had it’s perks.
 I almost screamed when I was grabbed from the hall and into a broom closet. Bloody again. I was quick to grab my wand and point it at the idiot, I casted a lumos and found I’m dangerously pointing my wand at someone’s neck. “It’s just me,” he assured me with raised hands and I sarcastically smile.
 “Exactly, it’s just you.” I refused to put my wand away for a solid minute and gave in, he smirked at this which I hated. He already thinks I’m caving in so when he tried to reach for my waist I stepped back and crossed me arms with a stern expression.
  “What was that yesterday at dinner?” he cleared his throat and stepped closer, I stepped back and it went on like that until my back softly collided with a wall and he towered over me. His hooded eyes showing desperation.
 “I had a date,” I innocently smiled up at him and I didn’t miss the shifting of his mood. I couldn’t read his expression but it certainly meant the opposite of delighted. “Now step away, I need to meet him for a study date.” It was a lie and Klove is most definitely not waiting for me in the library.
 “What game are you playing?” he stepped closer and the little distance we have disappeared into nothingness when his chest pressed against mine and I had to fight back the urge to pull his tie and lock his lips with mine.
 “What game?” I asked with feigned innocence.
 “We both know you’re doing this on purpose,” he stated in a matter-of-fact tone, “To make we want you more? Afraid I’d get tired.”
 Before my head could process his hurtful words that cut me up like knife, my hand swung. My palm collided with his pale cheek that gained the bright color of scarlet, “Don’t you ever come to think that I just realized I deserve better than a loathsome ferret like yourself?” angry, hot bead of tears rolled down my cheeks. “I deserve more than to be snogged in a dirty broom closet, disregarded whenever you’ve got a hoard of girls fawning over you!”
 If looks could kill, Draco Malfoy would be on the floor right now with a heart refusing to beat. “Y/N. . .” he whispered my name but I didn’t give in, him merely mumbling it would’ve had me weak in the knees but not anymore.
 Only then when I walked away from him for the second time did I realize how damned I am. I’m in love with Draco Malfoy.
 A month. That’s how long time has passed since I made myself clear with Malfoy. I didn’t go to any more dates but Oliver and I became close friends and a week in in our friendship I told him about my Malfoy situation which he was shocked to find out. His words being: “I never expected, you’re friends with Harry and you’re a Gryffindor while he’s. . . him.”
  I remember laughing because he and I really are an unlikely couple.
 “I don’t see Klove pulling any move on you,” Ginny boredly muttered behind me, I’m sat on the floor while Ginny sit on the couch to braid my hair. She’s not the best at it but she tries and I’m more than willing to volunteer to be someone she could practice on.
 “Is that a bad thing?” I asked, stifling a snort because I know where this is going.
 “Be honest with me,” she began and I animatedly gulped, “Did you start to lose interest in him once you got to know him better?” I didn’t answer. “It’s alright, that’s normal. That just means it wasn’t love. Just a crush.” She hummed and used her wand to conjure flowers to decorate on my hair.
  “Turns out he’s not my type,” I mumbled bitterly, he should be my type because he’s the exact opposite of a certain ferret yet I just see him as a friend and the platonic feeling is mutual.
  “Then what is your type?” she asked with a playful tone, she really is a Weasley. No doubt in that.
 “My type is. . .” a blonde Slytherin boy with hypnotizing silver eyes, sly smirk, bratty personality and oh he hates all of my friends! “A typical misunderstood, bad boy.” She giggled at my answer and gestured me to sit beside her. She propped one leg on the couch to face me and smiled.
  “I never took you for being one of those girls,” she teased and I shake my head laughing.
“You have no idea.” I reply and our conversation is cut short when Lavender Brown walked in adoring my hair.
 The Summer Ball about to be held a month before the end of our term, exclusively for sixth and fifth-years, turned Hogwarts into a frenzy. Girls obsessing over their looks; figuring if they looked pretty enough, a boy would ask them because Merlin forbid they go alone. Boys on the edge of their seats because they’ve been tasked with the lovely task of asking the girls to be their dates to the said ball. It was unspoken but the world seemed to agree that men should be the one to pursue women.
  “I thought you didn’t like Klove anymore? Why are you going with him?” Ginny asked me while she make sure the dress Molly sent was to satisfaction.
 “I don’t. We’re going as friends Gin.” She narrowed her eyes at me and I dismissed her with a wave, checking my own dress.
 With how much chaos seemed to fall upon me this year this ball is gonna be one good thing. I will enjoy myself with my newfound best friend who happens to be male and good-looking and dance and laugh with my friends and eat. Most specially eat.
 I expected the evening to go well, but apparently that was too much to ask for when as I was dancing with Oliver a hand reached for me to pull me away.
  To be continued. . .
 Am I dragging this on? Maybe but it’s my fic so I’m allowed to do that muahahaha!
By the way, thank you so much for the nice feedbacks on this dragged out imagine, I am also thankful for the 49 followers I miraculously earned in just 3 imagines posted! I still accept requests~~~
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harrypotttor · 4 years
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone
As far as Harry knows, his parents were killed in a car crash when he was an infant, and he’s stuck with his aunt and uncle, Petunia and Vernon Dursley. Like a modern Cinderella, Harry sleeps in a closet and waits on his relatives hand and foot while his pudgy cousin Dudley is spoiled rotten. But as Harry’s 11th birthday approaches, all of that changes. A gentle giant named Rubeus Hagrid shows up to inform Harry that he is a wizard by birth and invite him to study at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
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At Hogwarts, Harry finds much of what his pitiful life has lacked. Close friends. Bits of his own family history. Magical skills. Recognition. And a starting position on the Quidditch team (think airborne soccer)—an honor unheard of for a “first-year.” But he also gets a few things he didn’t bargain for, including a mystery and a ferocious three-headed dog named Fluffy. Most formidably, he finds he’s the object of renewed hatred from the evil Voldemort, who killed his parents. Harry meets the challenge head-on and faces off with this villain so wicked other wizards won’t even speak his name. Voldemort gets what’s coming to him, but you can be sure he’ll be back in the sequels.
watch harry potter movies
positive content: Two prominent teachers at Hogwarts, Albus Dumbledore and Minerva McGonagall, are some of the finest authority figures to grace a kids’ movie in quite some time. Professor McGonagall is stern and a stickler for rules. But rather than scorning her, Harry and his friends like and respect her. Dumbledore proffers wise advice and teaches common sense. He becomes like a father to Harry, comforting him when he misses his parents and taking time to talk through his questions and problems.
When Harry is being assigned to one of Hogwarts’ four houses, the “sorting hat” assesses his character, then applauds him for having “courage, talent, not a bad mind and a thirst to prove [himself].” During the course of the story, it becomes clear to Harry that—just as Lucifer was once a high angel—these talents could just as easily have landed him in the malevolent Slytherin house as in the noble Gryffindor. His own human potential for “going bad” bothers Harry until Dumbledore reminds him that he asked not to be put in Slytherin and teaches him that choosing the good over the bad makes all the difference.
The evil acts of dark-side wizards—such as killing a unicorn for its life-giving blood—are denounced. In addition, lines spoken by villains expose dark-side philosophy, which is then refuted when the scoundrels are defeated. For example, one of Voldemort’s followers says to Harry, “There is no such thing as good and evil. There is only power and those too weak to seek it.” Harry swiftly and strongly opposes both this villain and his sentiments.
When Harry discovers that it wasn’t a car crash that killed his parents, he also learns that his mother actually died saving his life. Dumbledore instructs him on the importance of sacrificial love, telling Harry, “love leaves a mark that lives in your very skin.”
Harry, Ron and Hermione go on an Indiana Jones-like adventure, solving puzzles and dodging obstacles to unravel their mystery and find the sorcerer’s stone. One leg of the course is a life-sized chess game in which captured pieces get smashed by their opponents. As an accomplished chess player, Ron gets to call the shots, and in a heroic act, he sacrifices his knight (and gets injured in the process) in order to save Harry.
spiritual content: The big debate about Harry Potter, of course, is whether its magic is of a spiritual or mechanical nature. More on that follows, but for now, magical elements are listed here as “spiritual content.”
Before he discovers he’s a wizard, Harry accidentally dissolves the glass over a snake cage at the zoo. This begins to make sense to Harry when Hagrid comes to take him to Hogwarts. The giant asks, “Did you ever make things happen that you couldn’t explain?” The light comes on for Harry—his mysterious power comes from being a wizard. Hagrid makes Dudley grow a pig’s tail. Doors open Ali Baba-style to a series of taps from Hagrid’s pink umbrella (which also happens to shoot fire). Harry and friends get to the platform for the Hogwarts Express by walking through a brick wall in a London train station. On the train, Ron tries to put a spell on his pet rat to turn it yellow. Other spells are of similar sort, spoken in Latin and intended to make changes in the physical realm. Harry and his friends take classes in Potions, The History of Magic, Defense Against the Dark Arts, etc. Their school supplies include robes and magic wands which they purchase on a magical street called Diagon Alley. When Harry goes to pick out a wand, he finds that it is the wand that instead “picks” him. Wandmaker Mr. Ollivander tells Harry that the wand he was “destined for” is “brother” to the wand Voldemort used to kill Harry’s parents and give him his scar. At Hogwarts, the ceiling in the Great Hall is “bewitched” to look like the night sky. Staircases move under the influence of permanent spells. The school celebrates Halloween with a huge banquet, but it also celebrates Christmas in the same way. The dormitories are supervised by silvery-gray ghosts. The head of Harry’s dormitory is Nearly Headless Nick, who died 500 years previously in a botched decapitation.
Missing from the movie (and at no great loss) is the one class that, in the book, came closest to mentioning supernatural contact—Divination. Also missing is a particularly troublesome line in which Dumbledore says, “To the well-organized mind, death is just the next great adventure.”
All the villains in The Sorcerer’s Stone are practitioners of “The Dark Arts.” Their spells come in the form of curses and are used to harm other wizards. Foremost on the dark side is Voldemort, who uses a death curse to kill Harry’s parents and to try to kill Harry.
Also very troubling is the overarching idea that Harry is “rescued” from a miserable life by a bunch of wizards and witches. Of course, there are two ways to see this. Viewers who bring to the movie a background in Christian fantasy may see it as somewhat similar to C.S. Lewis’ Narnia—a magical world far more exciting and “fitting” for the human spirit than the plain physical world. On the other hand, there’s the likely interpretation that Harry is being “saved” by witchcraft, a disturbing idea to say the least. The immediate emotional impact of film makes the concept even more dangerous, because passive thrill-seekers won’t necessarily ponder and process it as they might while reading a book.
sexual content: None.
violent content: Uncle Vernon never hits Harry, but he treats him roughly at times. He also tries to shoot at Hagrid, but the giant bends the end of his shotgun. Scenes that flash back to the death of Harry’s parents are short and discreet, showing only a flash of light and Harry’s mom falling to the ground.Hagrid kicks down a door when he comes to retrieve Harry from the Dursleys. (He then apologizes and puts it back in place.) One student gets caught on a runaway broom, crashes into a building and falls, breaking his wrist. Ron accidentally gets hit in the nose with a broom handle. A huge digitally animated troll smashes up a school bathroom and tries to hurt Hermione. A wand up the nose (gross!) distracts him and his own club eventually knocks him out. A Quidditch match turns ugly and Harry is nearly knocked from his flying broom. Ron, Harry and Hermione get trapped in the clutches of a vining plant with a vicious will of its own. The chess scene is intense, with many shattering chess pieces. Ron gets forcefully knocked to the ground.
Because watching film footage takes less time than reading pages, Harry’s final battle scene is actually shorter in the movie than in the book. Thankfully missing is a lot of Voldemort’s dialogue in which he repeatedly instructs a follower to kill Harry. Still, the scene is intense, and for young viewers, scary. Things look grim for Harry at first, until he discovers that his mother’s love has placed a seal on him that makes it impossible for his enemy to touch him. (Instead, physical contact causes his foe to be charred to a crisp.) The evil wizard Voldemort leaves the building in a dramatic and somewhat frightening rush.
crude or profane language: There’s a line about someone falling on his “a–.” Ron once exclaims, “Bloody hell!” Also: three misuses of God’s name and one use of “d–n.”
drug and alcohol content: On several occasions, Hagrid talks about visiting a pub. He enters one and the bartender says, “The usual, Hagrid?” to which Hagrid replies, “Not today. I’m on official Hogwarts business.” One student tries to turn water to rum, but fails.
other negative elements: Though it’s arguably played down from the book, Harry and his friends sometimes break rules with impunity. For example, Harry is told not to fly on his broomstick; he does it anyway (albeit for noble purposes) and ends up being rewarded with a starting spot on the Quidditch team.
conclusion: Aside from the exceptions noted, Harry Potter the movie is quite faithful to Harry Potter the book—a smart move on the part of filmmakers, who knew any significant departure would quickly alienate the target audience. The masterfully made film offers virtually no surprises. That leaves us dealing with the same questions that have been lurking since the first copy of J.K. Rowling’s book rolled off the press. Is it fantasy magic or occult magic? Does the distinction even matter?
These questions are both difficult and worthwhile. Fantasy (not just “make believe,” but a rich literary tradition with extensive principles and precedents) has made use of wizards and magic for centuries. Even Christian fantasy has employed “good witches.” Sometimes it has been as clear-cut as Lewis’ Chronicles of Narnia, sometimes not. Christian fantasy fans contend that such tales have a powerful ability to convey truth and that real-world rules don’t apply in fantasyland. Well-respected Christian author Chuck Colson explains that Harry’s magic is of an entirely different nature from real-world witchcraft: “Harry and his friends cast spells, read crystal balls, and turn themselves into animals—but they don’t make contact with a supernatural world.”
Similarly, Wren Walker, a practicing witch in Clearwater, Fla., and co-founder of the Witches Voice, an umbrella group for witches and Wiccans worldwide, insists that Harry Potter could never be an instructional piece for real-life witchcraft. “Spells tend to be more like prayers for most Wiccans and witches that practice it in the religious sense,” says Walker. “We don’t use ‘abracadabra.’ If somebody wanted to pick up the book and do the things in it, it wouldn’t be witchcraft.”
Richard Abanes, author of the book Harry Potter and the Bible, disagrees. While Rowling insists her stories are imaginary, she “admits she has been studying witchcraft to make the books more ‘accurate,'” Abanes told Crosswalk.com, which reports that Rowling also claims a significant minority of the sorcery appearing in her books is “material that was once believed in Britain.” “What she fails to mention,” Abanes says, “is that the vast amount of the occult she borrows from historical sources still plays a role in modern witchcraft.”
Such debate within the Christian community (and outside of it) will continue to rage. But even if Harry Potter‘s magic isn’t of the occult, it still carries with it serious dangers. First, Rowling’s stories—unlike Lewis’ or Tolkien’s—are neither a Christian allegory, nor do they subscribe to a consistent Christian worldview. And second, we live in a culture that glorifies and promotes witchcraft and the occult. No matter what the essence of Harry’s magic, the effect of it is undoubtedly to raise curiosity about magic and wizardry. And any curiosity raised on this front presents a danger that the world will satisfy it with falsehood before the church or the family can satisfy it with truth. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone definitely raises those curiosities. That, accompanied by violent and scary scenes, a few mild profanities, and hints at moral relativism should be enough to keep families from shouting hurrah for Harry.
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kelvinerazo7 · 5 years
10 Interesting Novels
Lord of the Flies (William Golding) At the dawn of the next world war, a plane crashes on an uncharted island, stranding a group of schoolboys. At first, with no adult supervision, their freedom is something to celebrate; this far from civilization the boys can do anything they want. Anything. They attempt to forge their own society, failing, however, in the face of terror, sin and evil. And as order collapses, as strange howls echo in the night, as terror begins its reign, the hope of adventure seems as far from reality as the hope of being rescued. Labeled a parable, an allegory, a myth, a morality tale, a parody, a political treatise, even a vision of the apocalypse, Lord of the Flies is perhaps our most memorable novel about “the end of innocence, the darkness of man’s heart.”  (goodreads.com)
1984 (George Orwell) Among the seminal texts of the 20th century, Nineteen Eighty-Four is a rare work that grows more haunting as its futuristic purgatory becomes more real. Published in 1949, the book offers political satirist George Orwell's nightmarish vision of a totalitarian, bureaucratic world and one poor stiff's attempt to find individuality. The brilliance of the novel is Orwell's prescience of modern life—the ubiquity of television, the distortion of the language—and his ability to construct such a thorough version of hell. Required reading for students since it was published, it ranks among the most terrifying novels ever written.  (goodreads.com)
Animal Farm (George Orwell) A farm is taken over by its overworked, mistreated animals. With flaming idealism and stirring slogans, they set out to create a paradise of progress, justice, and equality. Thus the stage is set for one of the most telling satiric fables ever penned –a razor-edged fairy tale for grown-ups that records the evolution from revolution against tyranny to a totalitarianism just as terrible. When Animal Farm was first published, Stalinist Russia was seen as its target. Today it is devastatingly clear that wherever and whenever freedom is attacked, under whatever banner, the cutting clarity and savage comedy of George Orwell’s masterpiece have a meaning and message still ferociously fresh.  (goodreads.com)
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (J.K. Rowling, Mary GrandPré (Illustrator)) Harry Potter's life is miserable. His parents are dead and he's stuck with his heartless relatives, who force him to live in a tiny closet under the stairs. But his fortune changes when he receives a letter that tells him the truth about himself: he's a wizard. A mysterious visitor rescues him from his relatives and takes him to his new home, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. After a lifetime of bottling up his magical powers, Harry finally feels like a normal kid. But even within the Wizarding community, he is special. He is the boy who lived: the only person to have ever survived a killing curse inflicted by the evil Lord Voldemort, who launched a brutal takeover of the Wizarding world, only to vanish after failing to kill Harry. Though Harry's first year at Hogwarts is the best of his life, not everything is perfect. There is a dangerous secret object hidden within the castle walls, and Harry believes it's his responsibility to prevent it from falling into evil hands. But doing so will bring him into contact with forces more terrifying than he ever could have imagined. Full of sympathetic characters, wildly imaginative situations, and countless exciting details, the first installment in the series assembles an unforgettable magical world and sets the stage for many high-stakes adventures to come.  (goodreads.com)
A Christmas Carol (Charles Dickens, Joe L. Wheeler (Contributor)) 'If I had my way, every idiot who goes around with Merry Christmas on his lips, would be boiled with his own pudding, and buried with a stake of holly through his heart. Merry Christmas? Bah humbug!' Introduction and Afterword by Joe Wheeler To bitter, miserly Ebenezer Scrooge, Christmas is just another day. But all that changes when the ghost of his long-dead business partner appears, warning Scrooge to change his ways before it's too late. Part of the Focus on the Family Great Stories collection, this edition features an in-depth introduction and discussion questions by Joe Wheeler to provide greater understanding for today's reader. "A Christmas Carol" captures the heart of the holidays like no other novel.  (goodreads.com)
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (J.K. Rowling, Mary GrandPré (Illustrator)) The Dursleys were so mean and hideous that summer that all Harry Potter wanted was to get back to the Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardry. But just as he's packing his bags, Harry receives a warning from a strange, impish creature named Dobby who says that if Harry Potter returns to Hogwarts, disaster will strike And strike it does. For in Harry's second year at Hogwarts, fresh torments and horrors arise, including an outrageously stuck-up new professor, Gilderoy Lockhart, a spirit named Moaning Myrtle who haunts the girls' bathroom, and the unwanted attentions of Ron Weasley's younger sister, Ginny. But each of these seem minor annoyances when the real trouble begins, and someone -- or something -- starts turning Hogwarts students to stone. Could it be Draco Malfoy, a more poisonous rival than ever? Could it possibly be Hagrid, whose mysterious past is finally told? Or could it be the one everyone at Hogwarts most suspects . . . Harry Potter himself?  (goodreads.com)
Fatherland (Robert Harris) It is twenty years after Nazi Germany's triumphant victory in World War II and the entire country is preparing for the grand celebration of the Führer's seventy-fifth birthday, as well as the imminent peacemaking visit from President Kennedy. Meanwhile, Berlin Detective Xavier March -- a disillusioned but talented investigation of a corpse washed up on the shore of a lake. When a dead man turns out to be a high-ranking Nazi commander, the Gestapo orders March off the case immediately. Suddenly other unrelated deaths are anything but routine. Now obsessed by the case, March teams up with a beautiful, young American journalist and starts asking questions...dangerous questions. What they uncover is a terrifying and long-concealed conspiracy of such astonding and mind-numbing terror that is it certain to spell the end of the Third Reich -- if they can live long enough to tell the world about it.  (goodreads.com)
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (J.K. Rowling, Mary GrandPré (Illustrator)) Harry Potter's third year at Hogwarts is full of new dangers. A convicted murderer, Sirius Black, has broken out of Azkaban prison, and it seems he's after Harry. Now Hogwarts is being patrolled by the dementors, the Azkaban guards who are hunting Sirius. But Harry can't imagine that Sirius or, for that matter, the evil Lord Voldemort could be more frightening than the dementors themselves, who have the terrible power to fill anyone they come across with aching loneliness and despair. Meanwhile, life continues as usual at Hogwarts. A top-of-the-line broom takes Harry's success at Quidditch, the sport of the Wizarding world, to new heights. A cute fourth-year student catches his eye. And he becomes close with the new Defense of the Dark Arts teacher, who was a childhood friend of his father. Yet despite the relative safety of life at Hogwarts and the best efforts of the dementors, the threat of Sirius Black grows ever closer. But if Harry has learned anything from his education in wizardry, it is that things are often not what they seem. Tragic revelations, heartwarming surprises, and high-stakes magical adventures await the boy wizard in this funny and poignant third installment of the beloved series.  (goodreads.com)
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (J.K. Rowling, Mary GrandPré (Illustrator)) Harry Potter is midway through his training as a wizard and his coming of age. Harry wants to get away from the pernicious Dursleys and go to the International Quidditch Cup. He wants to find out about the mysterious event that's supposed to take place at Hogwarts this year, an event involving two other rival schools of magic, and a competition that hasn't happened for a hundred years. He wants to be a normal, fourteen-year-old wizard. But unfortunately for Harry Potter, he's not normal - even by wizarding standards. And in his case, different can be deadly.  (goodreads.com)
The Hobbit or There and Back Again (J.R.R. Tolkien) Written for J.R.R. Tolkien’s own children, The Hobbit met with instant critical acclaim when it was first published in 1937. Now recognized as a timeless classic, this introduction to the hobbit Bilbo Baggins, the wizard Gandalf, Gollum, and the spectacular world of Middle-earth recounts of the adventures of a reluctant hero, a powerful and dangerous ring, and the cruel dragon Smaug the Magnificent. The text in this 372-page paperback edition is based on that first published in Great Britain by Collins Modern Classics (1998), and includes a note on the text by Douglas A. Anderson (2001). Unforgettable!  (goodreads.com)
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siriusly-fuck-off · 5 years
platform 9 & 3/4
(the map, part two/?)
• for james potter, the morning of his first day at hogwarts begins with the scent of buttermilk pancakes and bacon, lovingly prepared by his father, with the help of their house elf.
• for severus snape, the morning begins with the smell of coal, rotting fish, and lily's little golden ring (it had been her grandmother's, but became lily's signature when she died.) clanging against the metal plate on his front door. lily invites him to her house for oatmeal, and tells him about a letter that petunia left on her bedside table.
• james tries to shrink his broom, so that it will fit in his pocket and beat the spell that keeps hogwarts first years from sneaking them in. he fails, of course. he can't perform a shrinking spell, he's never purposefully done anything more than an engorgio, or a lumos, and so he curses himself silently for barely skimming his textbooks, and shoves the broom into his closet.
• later, he is greeted by his mother and father, brandishing the invisibility cloak, 'to keep you out of being caught for the trouble that i know you'll get into.' euphemia wraps her arms around him, and fleamont frantically smooths his son's hair. he tells his son a final tale of his own days at hogwarts, and then the three of them climb into fleamont's muggle impala, heading to platform nine and three quarters.
• lily's dad is the one to drive her from cokeworth to london, and as her dad hums along to tunes on the radio, lily sobs under her breath. she'd left the house in a rush that morning, and she wishes now that she had had more time. her sister is upset with her, "i don't want to hear about your magic school," petunia had spat, before they left. "i don't want to hear from you. ever again."
• and so lily sits in the back of the car, counting the red cars, (petunia used to count the blue cars, before lily's hogwarts letter had destroyed their friendship.) she yearns for her sister's company. and most of all, she hopes with all her heart that her sister is magical too. that in a week, petunia will show up to hogwarts with a grin on her face, and a shiny new wand in her pocket. and she knows, of course, that that will never happen. that much was made clear in the letter that dumbledore had sent petunia. but still, lily hopes.
• somehow, she finds a compartment alone. lily sits down, slides the curtain shut, and cries.
• maybe, she thinks to herself, hogwarts is just not for her. she is meant to be a muggle, like her sister. it was surely a mistake that she was sent a letter in the first place. she wallows in her sadness, watching through a slit in the curtain, as parents wave goodbye to their children, and the train pulls out of the station.
• she is pulled out of it, though, barely a split second later, because james potter bursts into the compartment, without realising that it's occupied, sits down, slides his trunk into the overhead storage, and then takes the seat across from her.
• "hello," she says in a hoarse voice. james bites his lip. he notices her tear-stained cheeks, her puffy lips, and her red eyes, and he remembers her as his recent pen pal, from flourish and blotts.
• "lily!" he exclaims, grinning. "merlin, i'm hopeless without my glasses," he runs his hand through his hair, and his eyes sparkle when she laughs under her breath. "have you tried any spells yet?" he asks, "i nearly blew myself up trying a shrinking spell this morning."
• lily pulls out her wand, her previous mindset forgotten, for the moment at least. she shows james a charm that makes colourful bubbles fly from her wand, and so the two chatter excitedly about the school year, and practice charms from james' father's copy of 'ludus: a beginner's guide to magical mischief' (although, the cover is one from a battered transfiguration textbook. ludus's book collection was banned from hogwarts a decade before james was even born, it had caused too much havoc in the corridors.)
• they are joined by sirius black, who greets lily as if they've been friends for years (they've been owling nonstop all summer,) introduces himself to james, then proceeds to pull an impossible amount of candy from his pockets, and joins their impromptu charms class. james finds a slicing charm and declares that they must carve their initials into the compartment wall. lily rolls her eyes, and laughs, while sirius nods excitedly. he feels a sense of belonging, and a sense of peace as well, and is very glad to be sitting with these two new friends rather than with his cousin narcissa.
• however, peace is not a sentiment that lasts in the magical world. hogwarts students are known for their destructive antics; prodding their wands at each other, causing bogeys to fly around, or dyeing each other's teeth green for weeks on end. in this case, the trio's peaceful compartment becomes a compartment of chaos the second that severus snape walks through the door.
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daffodilmvlfoy · 5 years
prompt 001 ;; narcissa
holy Aphrodite hear my prayer.
Full Name : Narcissa Irma Malfoy
Nickname(s) : Cissa, Cissy
Pronouns : she/her
Height : 5′6″
Left or Right Handed : Right handed
Place of birth : Chelsea, London
Occupation : Socialite
Hogwarts House : Slytherin
Affiliation : Death Eater supporter
Patronus : Serpent.
Pet(s) : One black cat of her own. Named Prisma, as her fur changes color in the light. 
Long hair or short hair? : Long
Hair color, and is it natural or dyed? : Natural
Eye color : Blue
Plain clothes or colorful clothes : Black, green and pink clothes are her signature. 
Tattoos? : None.
Are their ears pierced? : Yes.
Any other piercings? : No.
Jewelry that they wear regularly : Her wedding ring, you will never find her without a pair of sparkling earrings and a blindingly large necklace.
What sort of clothes do they wear in public : Extravagant. Exuding richness.
What sort of clothes do they wear at home : Most of the time she is anticipating company. Her clothing stays the same until the doors to their house have shut for the night. At that point, you can find her in silk pajamas and an expensive robe. 
Favorite outfit : Everything in her closet.
Do they paint their nails? : Always.
Do they need glasses? : No. 
Parents : Cygnus and Druella Black
Siblings : Bellatrix and Andromeda. 
Children : None at the moment.
Are they close to their family? : There are some strained relationships throughout the family, but yes she is close to those who have remained loyal to the family. 
Which family member are they closest to? : Her sister, Bellatrix.
Rank their immediate family from favorite to least favorite : Bellatrix, Druella, Cygnus. Sirius, Andromeda and Regulus are dead to her.  
Driven a car? : No.
Seen a movie? : No. 
Been to a concert? : Yes. 
Met someone famous? : “I am famous, Darling.”
Stolen something? : No. 
Broken the law? : Yes.
Killed someone? : No. 
Been in a relationship? : If you could call her marriage one, yes. 
Cheated on someone? : No.
Fallen in love? : No.
Had sex? : Yes. 
Failed an exam? : Yes. 
Been to a funeral? : Yes. 
Relationship status : Married. 
People they admire : Her mother, her father, Bellatrix, Lucius, Phaedra and herself. 
Someone they’ll talk to about anything : Herself. 
Someone they couldn’t live without : Bellatrix and Lucius. Both offer her what she wants most in life - human connection and protection.
Do they want to get married? : Yes, but she wants to be happy in it. 
Do they want kids? : Desperately. 
Someone they wish things had turned out differently with : Andromeda and Sirius. 
Someone that makes them laugh : Probably Rabastan.
Can they fly a broom? : Yes.
Can they cast a patronus? : Yes. Rarely.
Have they ever used a telephone? : No. 
Preferred method of communication : In person. 
Favorite spell : Any beauty charms. 
Magic they wish they were better at : Defensive magic.
Smoking? : No.
Drinking? : Sometimes.
Exercise regularly? : Yes. 
Messy or organized? : Organized. 
Do they use bookmarks? : Yes. 
Cooking or takeaway? : Cooking. As long as someone else does it for her. 
Night out or night in? : Night in.
Relationships or flings or neither? : Relationships. 
Do they have any collections of things? : A secret collection of fairy tales. An extensive collection of perfumes. 
Favorite subject in school : Potions.
Favorite magical candy : Cauldron Cakes. 
Favorite band : None.
Favorite book : Rapunzel. 
Favorite food : Cake.
Favorite animal : Peacocks & Dogs.
Biggest regret : Not realizing how unhappy Sirius and Andromeda were before it was too late.
Someone they fear : The Dark Lord, only because of the power he has over her loved ones.
Someone they could kill : Anyone who tried bringing harm to her family. 
Someone they miss : Andromeda.
Someone they resent : Also Andromeda.
Is there a secret they want to share with someone? Who and what? : “Secrets are only missiles to be used against you. I have no desire to share with anyone.”
Something they’re embarrassed about liking : Fairy Tales
What did they want to be when they were younger? : In love.
Secret they consider to be their “big secret” : That she envies the freedom that Andromeda and Sirius have found, but would never have the nerve to risk her perfectly planned out life for such a choice.
Amortentia : Cologne, cookies in the oven, a rose garden and honey.
Character’s favorite feature : Hair
Character’s least favorite feature : Nothing.
One thing they’re really good at : Rhetoric.
One thing they’re really bad at : Manual labor.
One thing they wish they were good at : Cooking.
Do they collect chocolate frog cards? : No. 
Can they play an instrument? : Yes, the piano.
Best subject in school : Potions.
Worst subject in school : Defense Against the Dark Arts.
Can they cook? : No. 
Nervous ticks? : Tucking her hair behind her ears.
Allergies? : Wasp stings. 
Most valuable possession : A diamond necklace belonging to her grandmother Irma. It contains protection charms.
What animal would they turn into if they were an animagi? : Hummingbird.
O.W.L. scores / subjects : Average in all subjects.
N.E.W.T. scores / subjects : Average in all subjects. 
Can they speak any foreign languages? : Yes. French, Spanish, Latin, Italian, German and Chinese. Druella encouraged her studies in linguistics as it was an “invisible intelligence.” 
Can they wiggle their ears? : No. 
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what-a-weird-rose · 8 months
PandaLily: The Things You Are (Literal Art)
Pairing: Lily Evans / Pandora Lovegood
Rating: E
Prompt: Oral
Word Count: 2.8k
Lily pulls her hair back, tying it in a knot at the base of her skull.
Four hours is nowhere near enough time to finish a piece this massive- least of all when her subject has up and vanished off the face of the earth. She shouldn’t be surprised; she knows she needs to curb her disappointment with him. But after almost a decade of friendship, Lily would’ve assumed she would have the slightest bit of priority over Severus’ time- especially after he’d promised to help her. Call her naïve; God knows all her other friends have. Lily tries to see the good in everyone, even if it’s left her blindsided on more than one occasion, but even she knows there’s only so far she can be pushed.
She scrambles for a bit, genuinely considering whether or not she can pass with a failed final project. Then, Lily mopes and cries and spends ten precious two-hundred-forty minutes feeling sorry for herself. Finally, and with great resolution, Lily sends a quick text to Mary and Marlene to ask if they know of anyone free and willing to sit in her studio for the next three hours; they respond almost instantly.
Apparently, there was a new girl on campus that Mary and Marlene had met in the library so odd weeks ago. Supposedly, they’d been trying to plan a meeting between Lily and Pandora -as they’d called her- but the two’s schedules were always packed. However, Lily thought it was a subtle jab at herself more than anything. Mary had set the group chat up with Pandora, Marlene, Lily, and herself, then made quick introductions before kicking Marlene and leaving herself.
Pandora was. . . 
nice, for lack of a better word. Very willing to help, asking appropriate questions, then finishing the short interaction with, ‘Where would you like to meet? :)”
Lily had hesitated, though she would never in a million years admit to it. She had never seen this girl before, and, as much as she trusted Mary and Marlene, there was no guarantee that Pandora would fit the piece- and how was she supposed to tell a stranger that? But, she decided, at last, she might as well try.
Lily had rearranged her studio four times in the seven minutes it took for Pandora to read her text and show up. Instead of sitting imposingly in front of a drab-wallpapered background -as Severus had insisted- Lily had decided to put Pandora in front of the large bay window -only after stalking the girl’s Instagram. Pandora posted little of herself, if at all. There were snippets of her hands, hair, shoes, and skirts, but most of her feed was the world around her: friends, plants, food, and the raccoon that had made friends with her cat. So, as much as it distressed her, Lily forced herself to set the portrait based on the aesthetic choices of someone she’d never seen in person.
Then, the knock came.
Severus had told her on many occasions -re: every time he visited- how ridiculous the security in her building was, as though she had any say in the matter. He had also made many a ‘joke’ about how easy it would be for a ‘low-life’ -she assumed he meant Remus- to break in and hurt her -his joke rarely ended well. But in this scenario, Lily thought she might agree with him- she felt incredibly unsafe, with clammy hands, a swirling stomach, and a rock in her throat.
But feelings be damned, Lily Evans had a task- and she never left a task unfinished.
The door swung ungracefully, getting caught on its hinges halfway open. At the same time, an ear-splitting screech filled the open air as the old hinges decided halfway would just have to be well enough. Lily thought about poofing into thin air.
“The architecture of this building is quiet fascinating,” the short, blond girl before she stated severely. Lily momentarily thought this was a mistake- that this girl couldn’t be ‘sweet, lovely’ Pandora, not with the serious stare and cutting commentary. “My friend, Regulus, is studying to become an arcitect and he said-” she coughs once as Lily steps aside to let her in, “’ you can always tell when the builder was lazy based solely on the longevity of the building.’ Or something to that effect, he always gets so prissy when he talks about design.” Pandora giggles, and suddenly, it’s like a unicorn-sunshine hybrid has walked into Lily’s home, talking about the intensity of too-smart boys who try too hard for too little.
Lily is caught almost completely off-guard, especially as Pandora sits on the plushy bench before the window and stares wide-eyed in Lily’s direction. It’s almost as if the air in the room huddles around Pandora, forcing Lily her way lest to suffocate.
“You’re very pretty, though I’m not sure if I’m surprised or concerned. . .” Pandora trails, suddenly shifting to look out the glass.
“Why might you be concerned?” Lily says with as much grace as she can muster; she turns on the kettle for safety.
“I have a thing.” Pandora states with the utmost gravity. Lily raises her brow in question, and Pandora nods seriously. “Everytime I meet a pretty girl, they fall dreadfully in love with me.”
Lily wants to laugh, but there is something about the way Pandora says it that makes her think the sentiment is hardly a joke. “And that’s a bad thing?” Lily shuffles her rack of teabags toward Pandora- lavender and lemon.
“It is, yes. They fall head-over-heels for me, except I never realize until they’ve long moved on, and the worst part,” Pandora begins as Lily motions to situate herself on the ottoman. “Is that by the time they’ve gotten over me, I’ve developed a crush on them!” She wails, though it seems to be only for comedic effect. Lily tries to laugh politely and ends up snorting.
“I see, quite the issue you’ve got there.”
“It’s horrible. And I would ask my friends to tell me whenever they know because they always know, but they would just laugh!” Pandora leans back against the exposed brick wall beside the window, allowing the steady orange glow of the slow sunset to highlight her.
Lily feels every fiber of her being hone in, feels the moment the charcoal touches her fingertip, and her consciousness evaporates. But it’s nice, in a way, that her painting models have rarely been before. Pandora is thoughtful, asking questions about the project -a portrait of a ‘beautiful person’- and the medium -anything and everything- and what she needs to do -sit as still as possible. And she’s generous, playing soft classical music from her phone that doesn’t affect Lily’s flow. Suddenly, an hour has passed since Pandora arrived, and the sketch is done. Pandora thinks it is lovely, and she can leave now if she’d like since it’s getting so late. But Pandora asks if she can stay to see how it turns out, if only to make quiet conversation with a shell-of-a-person. And who would Lily be to say no?
Pandora plays with her bracelets, the beaded one, the chains, and the metal bands. She tries her hardest to stay still despite knowing that Lily doesn’t need her to stay exactly where she is anymore. Pandora keeps herself still because, from the angle she sits at, she has a perfect view of the face Lily makes as she rubs oil pastels into the canvas, the perfect view to watch the face of concentration that overtakes her as she mixes paints, searching for the right shade. Pandora wishes the easel was tilted slightly more, if only so she could see how Lily interprets her- how this woman sees another.
Pandora shivers and hopes Lily doesn’t notice. She leans forward and grasps at the handle of the magenta mug before her. The tea is long cold, but Pandora has never been particularly picky about such things. So, she takes a long sip and watches over the mug’s rim as Lily readjusts herself. Pandora licks her lips.
A decently sized wooden antique clock hangs on the far wall behind Lily. From what she can read on it -Evan swears up and down she needs glasses- it’s about 9:30 at night, and Pandora can feel the exhaustion finally begin to set in. Her heart aches as Lily makes another disgruntled sound, tears a paper towel from its roll, and drabs gingerly at the canvas.
“Is there anything I can do?” Pandora whispers into the empty. Lily pauses momentarily, almost startled, then turns and nods vaguely.
“Coffee, if you would? I’ll take it however at this point.”
Pandora rushes up and into the kitchenette, two coffees.
By 11:59 p.m., Lily feels on the verge of a mental breakdown and a hallelujah moment. She sends the photo of the decorated canvas to the professor, McGonagall, who requires digital and physical versions of students’ work. As the clock strikes midnight, Lily can feel her adrenaline, anxiety, and emotions drain out like the water in an emptying bath.
Lily turns to Pandora, who had passed out on the ottoman near the three-hour mark, and gently grabs all the mugs that littered the end table. She makes her way into the kitchenette as quietly as possible, setting mug after mug onto the counter to be washed later.
“Is it over?” Lily hears Pandora whisper.
“As of two minutes ago, I have officially finished my final project.”
Pandora shoots up, not unlike a rocket, and beelines to where Lily stands near the stainless-steel sink. Pandora’s arms are loose and gentle, yet tight and intense. She holds onto Lily like a lifeline, plunging her face into the crook of Lily’s neck.
“I knew you could do it,” Pandora whispers into Lily’s skin.
“You helped more than you could ever know.” Lily replies, whispering into the wild curls of Pandora’s hair.
“I’m glad,” Pandora says, pulling back to look at Lily in the eyes.
Lily hears the words before she registers, saying, “I’m going to do something stupid.”
“What brand of stupid?”
“The kind that someone sleep-deprived and high on adreneline uses.”
Pandora stares at her, and Lily wonders if she dare to kiss this beautiful, mysterious stranger.
Their lips connect before Lily has the chance to second-guess herself.
Pandora tasted Lily’s cheap coffee, the lavender-lemon tea Lily had bought in bulk, and the copious other snacks they had been devouring throughout the night. Pandora tastes of long nights and gentle mornings, summer rain and winter sun, and dark flats in early summer as the school year approaches. Pandora tastes of the future, near and far alike.
Pandora runs her hands down Lily’s sides, pushing the pair out of the kitchenette and into the living space. The sofa is wide enough to support the both of them as they collapse into one another in a tangled, twisted mess of limbs and love.
Lily situations herself so she can lay with her head propped by two throw pillows and the armrest; Pandora leans over her, leaving bites and kisses as a breadcrumb trail of their adventure.
The flat is all but pitch black, the only light coming from the lamp Lily had been using to paint. The room was left to the faint glow of the white light bouncing off wall after wall to reach them- it never would.
Nothing could reach the two of them now as they tangled into one another, pulling and tugging and pushing and biting, anything and everything to allow the slightest consumption of empty space. Pandora seemed hell-bent on climbing her, and Lily could hardly stop her. Instead, Lily found herself grasping at the thick woven belt tied around Pandora’s and using it to haul the other girl up and into her lap.
“More.” One of them whispers, and neither knows which.
“Yes.” They say in unison as their hands meet and their lips join again.
Eventually, Lily unties Pandora’s belt, shimmying her shorts off and onto the ground elsewhere.
“More.” Lily says, and this time, she is certain it’s her.
“Yes.” Pandora replies, yanking her top off with relish.
Lily presses a soft, beautiful kiss to the top of Pandora’s breast, cupping them in her hands, “Tell me what you want, darling.”
“You.” Pandora says, even though she knows it will be cheesy. She tucks a strand of red hair behind Lily’s ear. “Give me whatever you’re willing to give.”
“Okay,” Lily whispers into Pandora’s skin. Her tongue glides over Pandora’s breast with experience, lapping at perky nipples and moles and small acne scars. Her lips follow the same route, kissing over Pandora’s breast, sucking nipples into her mouth to pull and kiss and feel, over and over again. She licks and kisses and breathes in Pandora.
Then, as she feels Pandora shift in her lap, Lily grips her hips, pulling them down to grind against her own.
“How far do you want to go?” Lily questions, sucking at the soft spot behind Pandora’s ear.
“I want to watch you cum.”
Pandora shifted them once more so she was kneeling before the sofa. The hardwood was certainly uncomfortable, but Pandora seemed to not notice it as she lowered her head down to nip at the clothed crotch of her partner.
For perhaps the first time in her life, Lily regretted her choice of jeans as her painter’s outfit. Mostly, Pandora made disgruntled noises as she continued to nip listlessly at the offending pants. Eventually, Lily pulled them off alongside her crusty painting top and panties, if only for her own sake.
Pandora made quick work of returning to her station between Lily’s legs, licking and sucking and kissing at Lily’s thighs and cunt. She also seemed prepared for Lily to beg for more as she quickly offered her fingers to be sucked.
And perhaps it was the combination of the two -having her clit viciously stimulated and having a pretty finger in her mouth- that led to her quick orgasm, but either way, Lily was distraught.
“Sorry, sorry, I-” she started, even as Pandora continued licking and sucking, “fuck, I didn’t mean to cum.”
Despite her attempts, Pandora seemed unbothered, remaining steadfastly between Lily’s legs, lapping up cum and spit and wetness.
At some point, not long after, Lily had wrapped her hand in Pandora’s hair, using it to guide how Pandora moved.
“More,” Lily says again, and Pandora moves quickly as she uses her middle finger to push into Lily’s cunt. There was a moment of complete silence as Lily let her head fall back and felt every millimeter of Pandora’s finger push further inside.
Then, Pandora began pumping- in and out and in and out and in and out and-
With her tongue pushing right into Lily’s clit- her left-hand working overtime to not only spread Lily’s legs but also rub tight circles into her clit-
Lily felt the waves rolling into shore again- her orgasm left her legs shaking and her brain fuzzy.
“You now.” She mumbles, and Pandora smiles, gently shuffling them so she can lay spread on the couch, and- “No, no. On my face.” Lily says tightly, already laying back.
Pandora pauses before nodding and scooting up and near Lily’s head. “Are you sure?” she whispers, moving again only after Lily confirms. She swings her leg over Lily’s head and uses the armrest as leverage to hold herself up. Lily begins slowly, softly giving tentative licks to Pandora’s dripping cunt.
Pandora moans, loud and guttural, as Lily grasps her sides and pulls her down to rest more of her weight on Lily’s face. Lily groans in reply, the vibrations following up and into her tongue. Her tongue seemed to have a mind of its own as it viciously licked at Pandora’s clit.
Lily’s hands hold tightly onto Pandora’s waits even as she writhes through her orgasm, nearly spasming over the two. Lily considers continuing, much like how Pandora did, but holds herself back as Pandora shuffles and taps gently on the hands that hold her.
“Are you alright?” Lily asks immediately, suddenly very self-conscious.
“Oh, yes, I’m just not sure that I could stop myself if we kept going.” Pandora says sagely, opting to scoot closer to Lily on the defiled sofa, “I have classes. . . later this morning that I have to be at, unfortunately.”
“Which mean you have to go?” Lily unhappily murmurs, and Pandora nods, pushing herself off the seat in one huff and reaching around to tug on her clothes. Lily watches, entranced, as Pandora ties the woven belt back around her waist.
“You have my number, yeah?” Lily nods dumbly, pulling her bottom lip into her mouth, “good, be sure to use it, pretty girl.”
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spiffylindster · 6 years
Slytherin Incorporated
Part 1 -This is entirely @cirilee‘s fault and was inspired by this post they created featuring Shaggy as a Slytherin. While Shaggy does have Slytherin qualities, they aren’t qualities he really values in himself or really even sees in himself for the most part, so then I started to think about various ways Shaggy might end up in Slytherin, and then my hand slipped.
-(this was supposed to be a little one shot drabble, but it keeps getting longer so I’ve decided to break it up into what will likely be three parts, I hope everyone enjoys part 1 for now).
Receiving his Hogwarts acceptance letter had not been a particularly joyous occasion for young Shaggy Rogers. While he had long believed that magic and monsters were real, actually having others openly confirm it was new territory, and quite frankly a little unnerving, but learning he himself in part embodied that scary aspect of the world was all together terrifying. He did not want to be magic, no way no how, and he had every intention of declining attendance despite his family’s excitement. That is, until he found out his friends had each received acceptance letters as well.
The idea still didn’t sit well with him. He liked the way his school worked, you went for a few hours and then came home. Hogwarts though, he’d have to live there, and it was overseas no less. He especially disliked the idea of being away from his little sister Maggie, whom he’d nicknamed Sugie, for such a long time. Yet, the idea of attending the local public school without Fred, Daphne, and Velma was unbearable.
So, in the end, with his best friends being excited to attend, their families being excited for them to attend, the school agreeing to allow him to bring Scooby Doo, the terrifying concept of attending public school without his friends, and his friends’ frequent attempts to sway him with bribes of entire boxes of Scooby snacks, he finally caved..
The Jones’, Dinkley’s, Blake’s, and Rogers’ were apparently all seen as rather unconventional among the magical community, being that they all chose to live as muggles for the most part, which incidentally was why they chose to live in the same community. The families were largely made up of squibs and muggles with the occasional witch or wizard being born to or joining the family via marriage.
 Due to this, they all let their children lead muggle lives growing up and waited to see if they received their letters upon turning 11.  If they did, the magical world would be explained, and if not, they would continue letting them live on as muggles and inform them of the wizarding world as they drew closer to adulthood. 
Either way, Shaggy, Daphne, Fred, and Velma were still raised with wizarding world terminology as well as stories, many factual but also some fairy-tales such as, “The Tales of Beedle the Bard”, so they weren’t completely out of the loop. 
The families also researched and kept rather extensive records of their ancestry; Shaggy’s Uncle Shagworthy in particular was quite fanatic about proving that his ancestry line was descended from the great Merlin himself.
While keeping ancestral records was not uncommon in the wizarding world, it was those records which made the acceptance of their children into Hogwarts a possibility, being that they had ancestors who had attended Hogwarts, and they maintained ownership of homesteads and castles of their lineage throughout both the U.S.A. and Europe. 
The Scooby Doo Detective Agency was dealt a small blow when they met in Shaggy’s treehouse to discuss which Houses they thought they’d end up in. In the end they had guessed that Daphne who was ambitious would probably be in Slytherin, Fred who was a brave leader would be in Gryffindor, Velma who was very smart would be in Ravenclaw, and Shaggy who was loyal and honest would be in Hufflepuff; plus the Fat Friar was one ghost he might manage to not be too afraid of. The idea of them each being in different houses was disappointing, but at least they’d be at the same school.
The trip to Diagon Alley had been interesting. Gringotts Wizarding Bank had been equally fascinating and nerve-wracking for the kids. Outside, Shaggy made sure to keep as much distance between himself and Knockturn Alley as he could. Despite his wariness, he did enjoy Gambol and Japes joke shop and was especially fond of Florean Fortescue’s Ice-Cream Parlour.
Fred stumbled across copies of, “The Quibbler” and “The Daily Prophet” and was delighted to learn that his Uncle Eddie’s paper, “The National Exaggerator” was a specially tailored variation of the two, designed to be safely used in the muggle world, since some wizards, witches, squibs, and muggles who knew of magic, chose to live there. It was also simply enjoyed as entertainment or conspiracy propaganda by muggles who remained unaware of magic.
Both Fred and Velma were fascinated by Wiseacre's Wizarding Equipment. Velma was delighted by all of the scientific gadgets found within, and Fred was delirious with joy as he puzzled out various ways the newfound objects could be used for setting traps. The entire gang thought Quality Quidditch Supplies and Slug and Jiggers Apothecary were pretty neat. Shaggy took interest in Potage’s Cauldron Shop, though not so much for potion making as fantasizing about the huge meals he could cook in some of them. The gang worried they might never get Velma to leave the book shop Flourish & Blotts.
Velma and Shaggy were content to get their robes at Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions, while Fred and Daphne opted for Twilfitt and Tatting's. Despite the higher end store, Daphne was still less than thrilled with having to wear black robes as a school uniform, especially since she had also been given the option to attend Beauxbatons, where the uniforms were far more to her liking. She was however, quite delighted by the beautiful snowy owl she purchased at the Magical Menagerie.
The gang ventured into Ollivander’s one at a time, and all but Shaggy emerged with a wand in hand. The shop’s atmosphere as well as its keeper already had poor Shaggy feeling rather wary, yet he obediently tried the first wand Ollivander handed to him; to say it reacted violently was an understatement. A burst of wild energy exploded from the wand knocking over an entire shelf and began richoteting about the store.
As Ollivander tried to contain the magical outburst, Shaggy yelped and took cover in what should have been far too small of a cabinet drawer. Once the magical mishap had been successfully contained, Ollivander went to open the drawer only to find it empty. Perplexed, he looked up as a very skittish looking Shaggy slightly opened the door to the small closet he was in and peered nervously out.
Ollivander wasn’t entirely sure what Shaggy had done. Though similar to apparition, Shaggy’s location change had happened without the familiar popping sound, and most certainly without him being both familiar with and able to clearly visualize the inside of the broom closet. For someone to have performed such a feat with zero magical training, wandless, and without uttering an incantation was very curious. 
Wands were of course tools to make magic use easier. All wizards were capable of magic without one, but very few were actually hindered rather than helped by their use. Ollivander would know, he remembered every wand he’d ever sold and the wielder it chose. Yet, he’d only heard of those who wielded magic at such an innate level in stories of old. To have such a rarity wander into his shop was more than a little incogitable. Ollivander would expect great things from Mr. Norville Rogers.
Shaggy was simultaneously unnerved as well as relieved by this information. He didn’t like learning that magic worked differently for him than basically every other living witch and wizard, but he did like the idea that disarming spells would have no impact on him, and he wouldn’t have to worry about constantly dropping the thing, which was something he’d been rather concerned about. He’d been different in the muggle world too, reading just didn’t work the same for him as it did for most others, yet with guidance, he’d managed to still be a successful student.
When the day came for the gang to leave by train for Hogwarts, they were each a bit hesitant about making their way through to Platform 9¾. In the end, they all closed their eyes and ran at the barrier together, making it safely to the other side. 
 Aboard the Hogwarts Express. they were pleased as punch to get a compartment all together and they happily chattered the journey away. When the trolley witch came by pushing her Honeydukes Express cart full of goodies, Shaggy and Scooby were of course starving and purchased the entire lot, though they did share some with the rest of the gang. Cart empty, the trolley lady merely reloaded with a summoning charm and continued on towards the next car.  
After the train ride, the first years gathered together for their trip across the lake. It took a bit of coaxing to get Shaggy into one of the canoes, or rather, “death-traps” as he called them. That aside, crossing the lake by boat to reach the castle went without incident, and before they knew it, the time for the sorting ceremony had come.
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bridenore · 5 years
Harry / Draco recs : personal favourites
Something a bit different this week to celebrate the end of the year : 20 of my personal favourites. It was hard to chose, but finally I’ve settle on my go-to fics. The ones I’ve read over and over and still welcome like an old friend.
Liste in alphabetical order, as always.
At Your Service by @faith2wood [95k]
Hogwarts students are in danger; Harry is determined to save them all. There's only one thing he knows for certain: Draco Malfoy is somehow involved.
Away Childish Things by @letteredlettered [153k]
Harry gets de-aged.  Malfoy has to help him.
Azoth by @lol-zeitgeistic [88k]
Now that Harry is back at Hogwarts with Hermione for eighth year, he realises that something’s missing from his life, and it either has to do with Ron, his boggart, Snape, or Malfoy. Furthermore, what, exactly, does it mean when one’s life is defined by the desire to simultaneously impress and annoy a portrait? Harry has no idea; he’s too busy trying not to be in love with Malfoy to care.
The Boy Who Only Lived Twice by @letteredlettered [54k]
Harry Potter is an Unspeakable.  Draco Malfoy is the wizard who shagged him.  Adventure!  Intrigue!  Secret identities, celebrities, spies!   It’s all right here, folks.
Glamour by SilentAuror [22k]
Post-war: Harry is given an assignment: to assist Draco Malfoy as he carries out a month-long disguise that turns out to reveal more than it hides in the end. Warnings: EWE, gender-bending.
Here's The Pencil, Make It Work by ignatiustrout [49k]
Harry thinks "Why is Malfoy working in a coffee shop in muggle London?" is a much simpler question than, "Are you going to accept that auror offer and, if you don't, what will you do?"
He Was He and I Was Bunny by bryoneybrynn [37k]
The war is over and “eighth year” is about to begin at Hogwarts. But for Harry and Draco, nothing is quite the same. Harry’s looking for an escape, Draco’s looking for a friend. Does a little black bunny hold the answers for both of our boys?
Jolene by Romaine [21k]
Harry comes back from a mandatory holiday and finds that an Auror raid on his favourite establishment could expose his biggest secret.   However, another has even more secrets than he does at stake.
Jolene Deux by Romaine [5k]
Draco makes special plans after being told by his Healer that he’s fully recovered from being pregnant and having given birth to his and Harry’s daughter, Violet.  I hope you enjoy this little glimpse into Harry’s and Draco’s future life together.  The story begins immediately after where Jolene ended.
Kiss A Boy In London Town (And Other Intimate Misadventures of A Society Whore) by @femmequixotic [36k]
There's only one cardinal sin for a whore.
Left My Heart by @emmagrant01 [85k]
Auror Draco Malfoy has disappeared, and Harry Potter has been sent to San Francisco to find him. (Post-Hogwarts, set in February, 2004. Written before Half-Blood Prince was released.) 
Surrender the Grey by @emmagrant01 [151k]
Draco Malfoy returns to London after five years of self-imposed exile to start a new life with Harry. But will the secrets of the past destroy everything they've worked for?  Sequel to "Left My Heart"
The Light More Beautiful by @firethesound [81k]
Thirteen years after Draco accepts Potter’s help escaping the horror of his sixth year, he returns to England where he makes the unfortunate discovery that Potter is still as obnoxious as ever. And worse, more than a decade overseas hasn’t been enough to dim Draco’s obsession with him.
Salt on the Western Wind by Saras_Girl [60k]
When the war isn’t quite as over as it first appears, a guilt-ridden Harry is sent to a mysterious safe-house. Among sandwiches, insomnia, and Mills & Boon, he discovers something quite unexpected.
Some Kind of Wonderful by taradiane [34k]  
Harry is adrift without an anchor after the prophecy that shaped the first eighteen years of his life is fulfilled. Restless and bored, and wanting to stop Hermione from nagging him about wasted opportunities, he decides to spend his time volunteering at a Muggle homeless shelter…then along comes Malfoy, with an anchor of his own that he needs help carrying.
Things Worth Knowing by @femmequixotic & @noeeon [164k]
After the Battle, Harry thinks he’s left Hogwarts for good, but Minerva insists that all students return for an Eighth Year if they wish to sit for NEWTs in the spring, and Harry needs those NEWTs to go into the Aurors. Draco’s just grateful not to be in Azkaban. Or the Manor. He’s hoping he can steer clear of Potter this year and grapple with his own problems. Unfortunately for him, Potter appears to be one of those problems. And that’s not even addressing the fact that Potter’s got serious issues of his own, which Draco realises as he’s forced to share an Eighth Year dormitory room and several classes with the Gryffindor Git. If only they can make it through the year without killing each other, it should be all right, shouldn’t it? 
A Thousand Beautiful Things by geoviki [104k]
Draco Malfoy struggles with changed fortunes, shifted alliances, an ugly war, and an unusual spell, with the help of a concerned professor, an insightful house-elf, and an unexpected Gryffindor friend.
Delicate Sound of Thunder by geoviki [61k]
Draco Malfoy has always known that happily ever after is only true for fairy tales.  When someone threatens to expose his wartime past, he risks his life to protect his secrets, but learns he's not the only one with something to hide. The sequel to A Thousand Beautiful Things.
Turn by Saras_Girl [306k]
One good turn always deserves another. Apparently.
Welcome to the Broom Closet by incapricious [23k]
Harry thinks he knows how his life will go: Become an Auror. Marry Ginny. Have a family. But then he sees an advertisement in the paper that no one else can see, and his life is turned upside-down. The Broom Closet: you can be anyone you want while you're there, but you won't remember it in the morning.
When It Alteration Finds by  momatu [55k]
After the war, Harry left most of the Wizarding world behind and built a new life for himself in the Channel Islands. He opened a bakery and is happy with his life. Draco is a fiction author who writes under a penname, and he's currently suffering from writer's block. His agent suggests he try writing in a new environment and rents a cottage in the Channel Islands for him.  
When You Kiss Me (What A Lovely Way To Burn) by @femmequixotic [22k]
A drag fairytale of New York in which Draco wears red lipstick and Potter can’t get enough. 
Written on the Heart by who_la_hoop [113k]
Harry doesn’t mind that so many Slytherins from his year have returned to finish their NEWTs, really he doesn’t. It’s just – do they have to be so friendly? He’s not prejudiced, really he’s not. It’s just – they’ve got to be up to something, right? Unnerved by the attention he’s attracting from everyone – the Slytherins are the least of it, to be fair – and struggling with a raft of changes to Hogwarts itself, Harry wishes he could be happy that one constant remains: Draco Malfoy really fucking hates him.
When he’s hit by an illegal love-spell though, Harry finds he has more to worry about than whether or not Blaise Zabini actually wants to be his friend. For if everyone affected has been blessed – or cursed, by the look on Malfoy’s face – with a magical tattoo revealing the name of their soulmate, what does it mean that Harry’s skin remains completely bare?
As an added bonus, I wanted to add to the list these two unfished fics. Even if they haven’t been updated in a while, I still read them over and over again and would definitely recommend them to anyone who asks. They are just that good.
All the Answers by Maxine [195k] *Incomplete
Finding himself saddled with Draco Malfoy is just about the last thing Harry expected to happen this year. Too bad ignoring the git is something he’s never been able to do. Horcruxes, war, and teenage hormones – no one ever said this would be easy! 7th year fic. Harry/Draco main pairing...eventually. 
Not in the Hands of Boys by fourth_rose [130k] *Incomplete
Once the final battle is won, life must go on, although it can be even harder to master than death. Back at Hogwarts for his final year of school, Harry tries to cope with everything he's been through. As the world around him struggles for a way back to normality, he is forced to realise that in the long run, living takes a lot more courage than dying.
I hope you enjoy thes stories as much as I did!
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spicemommy · 6 years
Drarry Fic Rec Masterlist
In no particular order, I decided that I would put together a list of fics that I found amazingly entertaining for others to read and even to look back on myself! Will be continuously updating.
(Here is a link to my stucky fic masterlist ^^)
You Cannot Save People, You Can Only Love Them by heyitsamorette - Rated E - 51K
Upon returning for Eighth Year, there are so many strange things going on with Malfoy, Harry doesn’t know where to start. He won’t talk to Harry, but he’s talking to ghosts. He won’t apologize for his past, but the Black Family tapestry has crossed him off its tree. And the worst of it all, he still has that infuriating, snotty mouth on him that gets Harry’s dick hard as a rock drives Harry insane.
-I loved this fic so much! It’s got a perfect balance of mystery and romance and Sex. This fic probably has some of the best sex scenes I’ve ever read? 100% recommend!
Written On The Heart by who_la_hoop - Rated E - 113K
Harry doesn’t mind that so many Slytherins from his year have returned to finish their NEWTs, really he doesn’t. It’s just – do they have to be so friendly? He’s not prejudiced, really he’s not. It’s just – they’ve got to be up to something, right? Unnerved by the attention he’s attracting from everyone – the Slytherins are the least of it, to be fair – and struggling with a raft of changes to Hogwarts itself, Harry wishes he could be happy that one constant remains: Draco Malfoy really fucking hates him.
When he’s hit by an illegal love-spell though, Harry finds he has more to worry about than whether or not Blaise Zabini actually wants to be his friend. For if everyone affected has been blessed – or cursed, by the look on Malfoy’s face – with a magical tattoo revealing the name of their soulmate, what does it mean that Harry’s skin remains completely bare?
Sex, Lies, and Veritaserum by lettered - Rated E - 17K
This entire fic is one long conversation about sex.
Hey, Potter by SunseticMonster - Rated M - 16K
Harry returns to Hogwarts for his 8th year, determined not to let Malfoy get to him. But when the snarky teasing starts up again, Harry finds that returning the jibes with compliments has a far more interesting outcome.
Mental by sara_holmes - Rated M - 186K
Harry has had quite enough of sharing his mind with someone else, thankyouverymuch. A miscast Legilimecy spell says otherwise.
Owned by JordanGrant - Rated E - 420K
The Malfoys have always been owned by the Potters. Strange? Yes. But true, and coming true again. Harry finds himself with no alternative but to claim Draco for his very own slave.
Less weird than it sounds! It’s actually very sweet and heartfelt. 
Cabin Fever by sloppybitch - Rated E - 15K
“We’re trapped. We’re fucking trapped!” Malfoy exclaimed, throwing his hands above his head and turning away in disbelief. “I’m trapped in a fucking love-cabin with Harry Potter!”
Harry and Draco end up trapped in a twisted, perverted, and royally fucked up house in the middle of the Forbidden Forest, also known as a Love-Cabin. Yes, it’s exactly what it sounds like.
All Our Secrets Laid Bare by firethesound - Rated E - 149K
Over the six years Draco Malfoy has been an Auror, four of his partners have turned up dead. Harry Potter is assigned as his newest partner to investigate just what is going on.
The Boy and the Sleeping Prince by phoenixacid and Writcraft - Rated E - 26K
Harry is miserable and tired of being an Auror, coasting through life until he’s forced to make some changes. Spurred on by his passion for drawing and working with best-selling author Draco Malfoy, Harry develops a charm which gives children a magical, interactive reading experience. But when it’s time to test the spell, the two men find themselves trapped in a nightmarish fairy tale world. Can they escape unscathed, or is Draco right in his assertions that there is no such thing as a happily ever after?
This fic gave me chills - it truly terrified me. I 100% recommend a read if you’re into dark things. 
Right Hand Red by lq_traintracks (lumosed_quill) - Rated E - 73K
Harry felt Malfoy’s breath on his lips as they came together over the bottle, hands firmly planted on the floor as though they each needed their familiar soil, refusing to cross into enemy territory.
Except that Malfoy no longer felt like his enemy.
Malfoy felt inevitable.
Phoenix Repair Services by carpemermaid - Rated E - 20K
Phoenix Repair Services — We’ll bring it back to life as if it was new! Draco hires a suspiciously private wizarding handyman to fix his kitchen when he returns home to find it destroyed. He expects a middle-aged wizard with greying hair and a pudgy gut to show up. Instead, he gets Harry Potter—with a utility belt and a charming smile—who is more attractive than he has any right to be.
Just Go With It by chibaken and loveglowsinthedark - Rated E - 3K
Draco is a telemarketer who calls Harry trying to sell him stuff; phone sex ensues.
The Heart’s Honest Truth by bixgirl1 and carpemermaid - Rated E - 16K
“Don’t you think I would have gone to Pomfrey if I thought she could help me?” “Then what can I do?” “I nee—” Malfoy broke off with a soft grunt and a pained expression. He took a shaky breath and tried again, his voice wobbling. “Will you touch me, Potter?”
Draco is cursed to speak in questions. Well…Spelled, thanks to the stupidly improper archival practices of the fourth century. Harry Potter is there to save the day, but Draco isn’t going to give in to his help so easily. Fortunately, the method of saving might be more satisfactory than Draco expected this time.
Draco Malfoy, It’s Your Lucky Day by Faithwood - Rated E - 37K
Even though he’s unarmed, injured, lost in the Forbidden Forest, and facing a possible murder charge, Draco Malfoy gets lucky.
101 Ways to Heal Your Wizarding Woes by who_la_hoop - Rated E - 26K
Harry is a trainee Auror, and Draco is living at Malfoy Manor, bored and petulant with nothing to do, and no career prospects. Draco’s attempt to heal himself via Muggle psychology – including writing a series of ‘why I hate you’ letters to Harry – backfires when an overanxious house elf delivers the results to Harry. Harry is bemused, Draco is angry and together they have a lot of issues to work out.
Strange Bedfellows by hurt_mod and ravenclawsquill - Rated E - 30K 
When Harry encounters a frail and fidgety Draco Malfoy at the Ministry, he just knows something is wrong and he’s determined to get to the bottom of it.           A story about Deadly Nightshade, crippling insomnia, excellent wine … and finding what you need in the strangest of circumstances.
Weeds or Wildflowers by lq_traintracks (lumosed_quill) and sdk - Rated E - 17K
A perfect match, a romance for the ages, with a one hundred percent success rate! Magic Match claims they can give Draco all of this. So why do they keep sending him on dates with Harry Potter?
Sex, Happiness, Shiny Teeth and Other Things Worth Fighting For by Essie - Rated E - 30K
“Let me get this straight,” Harry peered at Dawlish over the top of Malfoy’s case file “Malfoy’s brewed a potion that, erm, bottles Veela characteristics, and has without proper testing, research or Ministry approval ingested it?” Harry paused, waiting for Dawlish to nod before continuing, “Now you want me to guard him from the sexual advances of hormonally crazed bystanders, while he works on making an antidote?”
“Excellent, Potter. You were paying attention. That’s the second time this week.”
Rarely Pure and Never Simple by birdsofshore - Rated E - 28K
Harry never thought taking a job as Draco Malfoy's bodyguard was going to be easy. Add in a curse that makes Malfoy even more of an obnoxious git than usual, and Harry's got serious problems.
Welcome to the Broom Closet by incapricious - Rated E - 23K
Harry thinks he knows how his life will go: Become an Auror. Marry Ginny. Have a family. But then he sees an advertisement in the paper that no one else can see, and his life is turned upside-down. The Broom Closet: you can be anyone you want while you're there, but you won't remember it in the morning.
Kiss by heyitsamorette - Rated E - 15K
Harry and Draco are forced to kiss over and over again, because that’s just what happens to two arch-enemies around Christmas.
A Touch of Silk by raitala - Rated E - 4K
Harry has won a bet and Draco Malfoy has to serve him afternoon tea while wearing a dress. This should be amusing, Harry thinks. 
At Your Service by Faith Wood - Rated E - 95K
Hogwarts students are in danger; Harry is determined to save them all. There's only one thing he knows for certain: Draco Malfoy is somehow involved.
The Sleeping Beauty Curse by who_la_hoop - Rated E - 152K
When Draco Malfoy falls into a cursed sleep and can only be woken – at least, according to the Daily Prophet, that impeccable source of truth – by ‘true love’s kiss’, Harry Potter knows there’s no way on earth he’s the answer to this particular riddle. Is he . . .?
Strangeness and Charm by FeelsForBreakfast - Rated E - 48K
One November night during his eighth year at Hogwarts, Draco ends up in the forbidden forest. That’s how it starts.
or: If two boys fall in love in a magical forest, does it still make a sound?
-This fic is genuinely gorgeous yet frustratingly heart wrenching. It’s written so incredibly well. 100% recommend!
Between Two Fires of Beltane by secretsalex - Rated E - 4K
As the war drags on, Draco becomes a spy for Voldemort and works his way into Harry’s good graces—and his bed. When the Order prepares to invade Malfoy Manor, Draco is forced to examine his loyalties.
Tea and No Sympathy by who_la_hoop - Rated E - 70K
It's Potter's fault, of course, that Draco finds himself trapped in the same twenty-four-hour period, repeating itself over and over again. It's been nearly a year since the unpleasant business at Hogwarts, and Draco's getting on with his life quite nicely, thank you, until Harry sodding Potter steps in and ruins it all, just like always. At first, though, the time loop seems liberating. For the first time in his life, he can do anything, say anything, be anything, without consequence. But the more Draco repeats the day, the more he realises the uncomfortable truth: he's falling head over heels for the speccy git. And suddenly, the time loop feels like a trap. For how can he ever get Harry to love him back when time is, quite literally, against him?
Like Cinderella, But With Cock by loveglowsinthedark - Rated E - 8K
”Oh, shit,” he groans, “This is like Cinderella, isn’t it?! Like Cinderella, but with cock. Cock instead of slippers.”
Where Harry’s hexed so that he can’t lose his erection until he sleeps with his soulmate. If only those were easier to find.
For the Greater Good by jadepresley - Rated E - 62K
When Harry and Draco discover they’ve been bonded to one another, neither one of them is prepared for the secrets they slowly begin to uncover.
Together, they learn that they can’t escape their past, or the things that have been left hidden there, and that sometimes the only way to move forward is to look back.
Moon-Eyed by loveglowsinthedark - Rated E - 29K
Draco Malfoy, Head of Veela Affairs at the Department of Magical Beings, does not do people favours.
Harry Potter, recently turned werewolf, is not “people” – not to Draco anyway.
Does Draco plan to fall in love with Harry when he decides to help him? No. Does he end up falling in love with him anyway? Pft, what do you think?
All the Sense in the World by loveglowsinthedark - Rated E - 10K
He had absolutely no idea what was about to happen. Maybe Malfoy would kick him in the face. Maybe he’d scream loud enough that the whole school would rush in and see him lying there between Malfoy’s legs with his cock rock hard. Maybe he’d hex Harry’s rock hard cock off. Hell, maybe Harry’d wake in his own bed in a few minutes with a rock hard cock and would never again be able to look at Malfoy without sprouting an instant hard-on.
Or maybe he and Malfoy would have sex.
Lumos by birdsofshore - Rated E - 41K
Harry never expected to spend eighth year listening to Draco Malfoy wanking.
Only If For A Night by sloppybitch - Rated E - 14K
Harry hadn’t set out the day before thinking, I know, today I want to dress up in a pizza outfit, get absolutely smashed beyond compare, crash my broom in the middle of the muggle motorway and then fall off of the Westminster bridge into the River Thames, and end up in hospital with Draco bloody Malfoy as my Healer but what else could you expect would happen in your best mate’s stag?
“What you did was get so drunk that you couldn’t remember your own name, fly over muggle London with absolutely no charms to protect yourself from their view, and stay stationary for long enough that a lorry fucking hit you because you were daydreaming! And then you only fell because you walked over!”
"You sound like a disappointed wife."
"You sound like you'd be experienced in that area."
check this hand ‘cause I’m marvellous by lq__traintracks (lumosed_quill) - Rated E - 8K
Harry's had a crush on Malfoy for months now. But it will take a bar full of his friends, some Firewhisky, wagers made on his behalf, and Malfoy himself to get him to act on it.
Something I Don’t Want to Stop by lq__traintracks (lumosed_quill) and traintracks - Rated E - 16K
It's Harry and Draco's eighth year, the Houses have been all but demolished in favor of unity, and they're being forced to room together. How ever will they cope?
It’s Joggers Season (Or so the Muggles say) by carpemermaid - Rated E - 10K
Everything about Draco’s life since May has been one bloody long exercise in subverting everything he’s known, that’s expected of him, in an effort to get as far away from the mistakes he’s made—the wrong choices he was forced into. He’s returned to Hogwarts to take his N.E.W.T.s and everything is different—namely, Harry Potter strutting around in clingy joggers that Draco can’t get off his mind.
Quietly, As Requested by shiftylinguini - Rated E - 5K
Harry was trying to pretend Draco’s warm thigh against his own didn’t make his heart thump and his cock start to fill out inside his usual lazy Sunday attire ― which consisted of a t-shirt with a hole in the armpit and the world’s oldest, rattiest, ugliest and most comfortable pair of joggers. In comparison, Draco was wearing a buttoned up shirt and a pair of crisp, black trousers, which made him both seem impressively attractive and also entirely overdressed for this kind of occasion. Harry lifted one knee, trying to shield the view of his slightly tenting joggers, and the state he was rapidly finding himself in.
Perhaps inviting Draco to Sunday Bad Movie night at Ron’s wasn’t that smart an idea after all.
(Reached maximum length for a post. Continued here.)
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marauders--mischief · 7 years
Summer Revelations
Request:  Haii could you write for Sirius x reader where she invites him to her house over the holidays and all of the sudden (like watching her sleep, laughing, a hug idk) he realises he’s so in love with her??
Pairing: Sirius x Reader
Word Count: 2,823
Warnings: None really, just fluff. Oh, there’s like one nightmare mentioned but it’s not detailed or anything.
A/N: My first ever request! I finished this sooner than I thought I would (mainly because I was procrastinating studying for my Chemistry - whoops. I should probably do that now). Anyway… feedback is appreciated, and I hope you like it :)
Part 2
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Sunlight shone on the Black Lake, highlighting the waves and ripples. In the distance, you could hear the faint sound of all the students laughing and chattering. It was the last day at Hogwarts before the Summer holidays, and whilst you were waiting for the Hogwarts Express to arrive, you were with Sirius, sitting in the shade beneath a tree. You had been friends with Sirius since your first year in Hogwarts, always assisting him with his various pranks. It hadn’t taken you long to find out about his home life and when you confronted him about it, he confessed how much he hated it there. That’s why you had invited him to stay at your house over the holidays until the Potter’s allowed him to stay at theirs.  
Sirius was currently ripping out chunks of grass from the ground and throwing them into the water. You shook your head at him, quietly laughing to yourself at his bizarre actions. “I can’t wait for you to finally meet my parents,” you say. “Properly, I mean,” already predicting his response that he’d already seen them on the platform.  
“I’ll have you know I get owls from your parents at least once a week. We’re already best friends.” He claimed.
“Suuuree, Pads. Whatever you need to tell yourself,” you teased. “Besides, I thought I was your best friend.”
“Hey! They’ll love me!” He exclaims cockily. You knew he was only joking, but you could also see past the façade. He was anxious that your parents would hate him (though that was virtually impossible, they already loved Sirius just based on the stories you had told them). So, you reassure him.
“I’m sure they will.”
Eventually, a loud whistle echoes throughout the grounds, alerting you both that the train had arrived. As you had both already taken your trunks down to the platform this morning, you didn’t need to carry anything there. Sirius gets up first and holds his hand out to you, silently offering to help you up. Once you were on your feet, you brush of the dirt off of your clothes and smirk mischievously at him. “Race you!” And you sprint off, Sirius close behind you.  
Somehow, Sirius had managed to find an empty compartment and you were now discussing all the things you wanted to do when you arrived.  
“Oh! We have to go strawberry picking!” Your enthusiasm causing him to smile. “Dad always used to take me but I haven’t done it in ages.”
He was just about to reply when your conversation was interrupted by James, Remus, Peter and Lily.
James smiles at you both before sitting down next to Sirius. “Hiya, Padfoot. Hi, Y/N/N.”
You returned the smile and greeted the rest of them. Obviously, now the compartment was no longer empty, you and Sirius silently agreed to continue your conversation later. “We’ve been searching the whole bloody train for you two.” James continues. “Thought you’d stayed at Hogwarts.”
Lily speaks up. “They were one of the first ones on, James. Me and Remus saw them running dow-”
“Running!?” James interjects. “Merlin, what were you running for?”
“We were racing,” said Sirius, shrugging.  
“You won then I take it?” Remus asks.
“How’d you know that?”
Remus points towards you, a bitter look on your face, though you were trying not to show it. Unsuccessfully, apparently. “That doesn’t look like the face of someone who won, if I’m honest.”
You scowl at Remus. “He only won because he tricked me into thinking he’d fallen.”  
Sirius chuckles. “Such a sweetheart, Y/N/N.”
In an instant, your attitude changes. No longer angry, but instead flustered. Your cheeks heat up and you turn to face the window to hide your blush. Okay… maybe you were harbouring a bit of a crush on your best friend, but he didn’t need to know that. Not when he clearly didn’t feel the same way as you. Sometimes, you would over exaggerate his behaviour towards you and convince yourself he returned your feelings before you saw him drag a different girl into a broom closet to kiss, reminding you he only acted like that because he was your best friend.  
For the remaining hours of the train ride, you and the others play Exploding Snap whilst eating the various sweets you had bought from the trolley until finally, you arrived at Platform 9 and ¾.  
When you get off the train, you all say goodbye to each other before you leave with Sirius, trying to locate your parents. It was only when the crowd on the platform thinned a little that you found them. They were waving, huge smiles on their faces, and when you got close enough, they ran towards you to give you a hug. After they let you go, they turned towards Sirius, who was messing around with his hands nervously.  
Your mother turned towards him. “You must be Sirius.” Her words were soft and gently spoken, and when Sirius nodded, she beamed down at him. “Y/N’s told us all about you, dear. And you have no reason to be scared; we trust Y/N’s judgement, so if she thinks you’re okay, then we do too.”
Thankfully, Sirius seemed to calm down at this and returned to his usual confident and energetic self.  
Once you were ready to leave, you all returned to Kings Cross Station and set off towards your home.
Sirius had always tried to imagine what your house looked like, and now he was finally seeing it, he couldn’t imagine you living anywhere else. There was a large garden and the pathway leading up to the front door was accentuated with a mix of different coloured flowers. The actual house looked about 3 stories high, and looked like an odd combination of traditional and modern, though it suited the house perfectly.  
Inside the house held the same character as the outside and though he was amazed by it all, it was your room that he loved the most. Two house banners hung on the Y/F/C wall on either side of your double bed. There were several paintings, both still and moving ones and beneath your bedroom window, was a large sofa. Most noticeable, was the large shelf which was full of books. Curious, he walked over to them, fingers tracing along the spines. He could tell which ones you read more by the appearance of them, some were more worn than others. There were muggle stories of which he had never heard before, school books and wizard books, such as ‘Quidditch Through the Ages’ and 'The Tales of Beedle the Bard’, along with many others.
Whilst Sirius was admiring your room, you had gone downstairs to fetch food for the two of you. When you came back up to your room, you slammed the door shut behind you slightly louder than you intended to, causing Sirius to jump. “Merlin, Y/N!”  
You laugh at his reaction, but it only makes him grumpy. “Hmph.”  
“Oh, don’t pout, Pads.”  
He crosses his arms and turns away from you, though you’re sure you can see a slight hint of a smirk. You’re just about to tell him that he can’t possibly be mad at you, (even though you really knew he was only messing around), when you get an idea. You shake the food you brought up, showing it him. As you expected, the noise intrigued him and when he saw what you were carrying, his eyes light up and he rushes over to your side. “Okay, you know my weakness. You’re forgiven. Now gimmie.”
“Thought so,” you giggle.
You pass him the food and you sit on the couch, Sirius joining you once he had finally opened the bag. A small smile spreads across your face as he rests his head on your shoulder, quickly falling asleep. You lift him off of you carefully as to not disturb him and summon a blanket to cover him. Slowly, you feel your eyelids growing heavier and the exact second you collapse onto your bed, you enter a peaceful state of unconsciousness.  
On the first day, it starts raining unexpectedly, so whilst you both debated on what to do, you made pancakes. In hindsight, you should’ve known that cooking with Sirius wasn’t a good idea, especially as you were doing it the Muggle way. Despite pancakes being a simple recipe, he still managed to create a mess of both you and your kitchen.  
You shake with laughter as Sirius roughly stirs the flour in the bowl. “Sirius, what’s the flour ever done to you?”
“Exist,” he frowns. “Honestly, Y/N, we could just wave our wands and not have to do any of this.”  
“Yeah, but that’s no fun. Gotta enjoy the little things, Pads.”
Sirius was about to complain some more when flour spilt from the glass bowl and landed on your face and in your hair. While you stand there, shocked, Sirius begins to laugh. “You know, I think I’m starting to see the appeal of this now.”
You glare at him before going to crack the eggs.
By some miracle, you make the pancakes without burning the house down and as the weather looked as though it was clearing up, you had agreed to go to Diagon Alley. At least there would be something to do no matter what the weather turned out to be.
After you ate your pancakes and cleaned up, you say a quick goodbye to your mother and head over to the fireplace; the Floo Network was the most convenient way to travel. You tell Sirius to meet you outside Gringotts, before stepping into the fireplace and shouting your desired destination, green flames surrounding you.  
You didn’t have to wait long for Sirius to join you. You both had money meaning there was no need for a trip to Gringotts, so, you walked around entering any shop that sparked your interest.  
You had just come out of Gambol and Japes Wizarding Joke Shop, from which Sirius bought many new items for pranks and tricks he had planned for the next year.  
“So, where to next, oh Great Trickster?” You snickered. Since he began boasting about how good he was at pranking people in third year, you had given him a nickname to tease him. It used to annoy him, but now, after several years of hearing it, he had gotten used to it.  
“Wherever you want.”
“Bad move, Black. You’ll regret saying that.” You vowed.
“Try me.”
You were right. Sirius regretted it. So far, you had dragged him into Eeylops Owl Emporium to look at 'cute’ pets, all the bookstores in Diagon Alley, (he had to admit he didn’t mind this as much as he thought he would. Watching you read was one of the most interesting things he had ever witnessed), Sugarplum’s Sweets Shop and now, you were heading to Quality Quidditch Supplies.  
You knew what you were doing. All you wanted was Sirius to admit that you were right, and you guessed you were pretty close to achieving your goal. When you left the Quidditch shop, you looked up at Sirius, giving your best innocent smile. “You had enough yet, Pads?”
“Ugh, yes. My feet are killing me.”
Oh no. You weren’t letting him get off that easy. “Aaannndd…?”
He huffs, but finally admits defeat. “And… I regretted saying it. I was wrong.”
You jump into the air, parading around the cobbled street. “Ha! I did it. Sirius Black admitted he was wrong!”
Eventually, Sirius had to pull you in close to him and put his hand over your mouth to stop you from shouting it to the whole world.“
"Sshh. You’ll damage my reputation, Y/N.” Sirius gives a small laugh to let you know he’s joking and smirks at you. However, when you don’t smile back, he gets confused. It only takes him two seconds to realise why. You were in such a close proximity to each other, which usually wouldn’t bother any of you. But this was so unexpected and it felt different. He promptly released you from his grip, coughing and scratching the back of his neck anxiously.  
“So… erm, I- I just…” Sirius stumbled over his words, and if you didn’t know him any better, you would’ve said he was shy.  
In an attempt to make the situation less awkward, you try and think of something to do. The sky had cleared and the sun was out so you made a suggestion. “Ice cream?”
“Yeah, okay.”
Luckily, getting ice cream seemed to be the right idea, as Sirius no longer seemed embarrassed by the previous event. Unfortunately, it didn’t stop you from replaying the scene over and over in your head. You were mere centimeters from his face, so close that if you had leaned forward just a little more, you would’ve been kissing him. You shake the thought from your mind; you didn’t want to set yourself up for heartbreak.
Though he didn’t show it, Sirius was also still thinking about what had happened. He felt weird, it almost felt like he was with another girl, locked away in a broom cupboard. He dismisses the thought as quickly as he thinks it and ends up blaming it on the heat.
When the sky began to turn pretty shades of oranges and pinks, you both took it as an indication to go back home. Overall, you had enjoyed the day out, and you were looking forward to the rest of the week with him.  
Exhausted, when you get back, you both went to your bedroom. Sirius crashed on the sofa, though this time, you fell asleep before him. The soothing sound of your breathing soon sent him to sleep.
The next day was just as exciting as the last. As promised, you took Sirius strawberry picking, something that, to your genuine surprise, he seemed to enjoy. For the rest of the day, you ate the fruit salads you made with the strawberries whilst educating him on your favourite movies.
But the good times had to stop at some point.  
In the middle of the night, Sirius jolted up, awoken by his nightmare. He was sweating and shaking, trying to get a grasp on reality again. He looked over to where you lay, not wanting to disturb you as well, but you had told him before that if he needed you, you would prefer him to do whatever he needed so you could help him.  
The shift of weight on the bed immediately woke you up and you could feel Sirius freeze as he noticed. “Can I sleep in your bed tonight?”
“Mhm,” you nod slowly, still half-asleep.
He climbed into the bed with you, pulling the covers over himself but making sure you still had enough. His arm snaked around your waist and you snuggled in closer to him.  
“Bad dream?” You whispered. He nodded.  
“I’ll tell you in the morning.”
You wished you could’ve stayed awake. As guilty as you would have felt in the morning, you wanted to remember this. But, you were too tired and soon enough, you were back asleep.
Whenever Sirius was on his own, he would always struggle to forget a nightmare. However, with you laid beside him, your Y/C/H hair like a halo around your head, sometimes tickling his face and your soft features that looked so calm when you were asleep, he found it difficult to focus on anything else.  
That’s when it hit him.  
Throughout the week, it had happened gradually, though he had remained blissfully unaware of it. Now it seemed to crash over him all at once, the realisation was so painfully obvious that he didn’t know how he hadn’t seen it before.
He was in love with you.  
It was bound to happen eventually. You knew everything about him and always offered to be there whenever he needed you, whatever he needed you for. Be it a friend, or someone he relied on for support, sometimes just a partner in crime. Subconsciously, he pulled you closer, never wanting this night to end.  
When Sirius woke up, you were smiling warmly at him. He couldn’t help the corners of his mouth curling upwards at the sight.
“Mmm, mornin,’” he yawned.
You giggle softly. He looked adorable after he had just woken up. “Hiya.”
You make a move to leave the bed but his arm that was wrapped around you just held you tighter. You furrow your eyebrows. Even from Sirius, the person who loved nothing more than a cuddle, this was odd behaviour.
“Let me go, Pads.”
“No,” he objected.
“I love you.”  
His eyes widen as he realises what he said. He becomes a lot more alert and starts apologising repeatedly.  
“No, I’m sorry, Y/N, I-”
“Sirius?” Your voice was quiet.  
“Yeah?” He mumbles.
“I love you too, you idiot.”
Part 2
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headcanon 001. | boggart | f. longbottom. 
Shadows danced across the walls around him, the cool air filtering in through the adjacent window and crawling along his bare back to gently kiss his neck. The only shadow that remained still was the one across his jaw, eager stubble peppering fair skin in retaliation against his negligence.
The voices he had been straining to hear from the kitchen had silenced, a distant pop echoing through the home via open windows shortly thereafter. He paid it no mind, hands hovering in front of him so as to maintain absolute peace in the immediate vicinity of the house of cards he'd been constructing. Even when the door to his room was pushed ajar behind him, his gaze did not waver. He'd always had a knack for multitasking.
"There will be quite a few changes when you head back to school on the first."
"So I've heard."
"You were listening."
"I heard."
Augusta's lips curled into a knowing smile. His did as well although she couldn't see it. It fell long before she could move forth to. It wasn't that he'd meant to be rude, but the urgency of the voices in the kitchen had drawn his attention. As of late, when Professor McGonagall stopped in for tea, it was never idle conversation. Augusta didn't much like idle conversation... Come to think of it, none of the Longbottoms did.
"Did she say why?"
"She doesn't know why."
"She knows why. She just can't tell us."
Because Dumbledore would certainly tell McGonagall. Frank didn't push it any further, ever so cautiously placing the final two cards atop the structure with bated breath before he stepped away as though he feared it would explode. He still sometimes managed to forget that muggle playing cards didn't do that.
Reaching over to the bedside drawer, he raised the needle from the record player, a faint acoustic guitar coming to an abrupt halt and allowing a silence to befall the room. A gentle breeze followed from the open window, Frank's solid form the only obstruction now protecting the flimsy castle on the desk. It wouldn't last long. Nothing ever did.
"Did she say what?"
"She doesn't know what."
"Now that I believe."
His mother's brow raised, and he reckoned it was due to his nonchalance. The fact of the matter was that Frank wasn't all too surprised. Something had been bound to happen. With tensions rising and his father's growing workload, it were as if the wizarding world were ready to implode, and Frank was not some naive child who opted to believe that peace would rule out. No, all that he was now was EAGER. For what, he couldn’t be sure.
It had manifested the year before in the lesson plans of their professors, the more advanced magic, the cautionary tales and devout lectures leading up to their OWLs. Discord had loomed like a dark cloud over the end of term, and although Hogwarts was said to be the safest place on Earth, recruitment within its walls for both sides could not be snuffed out.
"I reckon that means some excitement, yeah?" he grinned at last, pressing his lips to the woman's forehead before he moved towards the closet for a shirt. "I wonder if Dad knows anything. I bet he does. Besides, I should go and tell him that the match against Wimbourne was cancelled. I heard on the-  "
"Right now? I do think your father has quite a bit on his plate, Frank. Perhaps you should wait until he comes home."
"He should be about finished, yeah? I'll just meet him, and we can come home together."
"...I do think it's best if you wait, son. He won't be long anyway, right?"
He didn't answer right away, the clench of his jaw shielded from his mother's eyes by a t-shirt. Once upon a time, going to work with his father was a commonality, something that wasn't to be scheduled or questioned. It simply WAS. If Frank was up early enough, he tagged along. When he was old enough to travel on his own, he visited the old man when he saw it fit. Now, it were as if the Ministry had become some dark and insidious place he wasn't meant to cross into under normal circumstances.
"Yeah, I suppose you're right," He agreed, voice neutral as he shut his window, extending the life of his prized structure by at least a few more hours until some nosy pet in the house decided its fate. "I wanted to fly a bit today anyway, break in the new broom."
Augusta's small sigh gave Frank great pleasure. "Yes, the broom, and just when I was certain the last one was fast enough to fly out from right under you."
"You worry too much, Mum."
"I'd like to think so. Oh, before you go out, can you search for something up in the attic for me? Your sister swears her old knick knacks are still up here."
A roll of his eyes was followed by an obedient nod. "All right, sure."
"Thank you, darling."
It was the lone journey up to the attic that allowed his mind to run rampant, steps languid as he twirled his wand in his fingers. Always keep it near you. You'll never know when you'll need it. You'll never know when it'll be worth breaking the law. His father's position in the ministry had been enough to put his mother on edge long ago, and he knew where they stood in matters of risk. Purebloods who forgot they were purebloods. TRAITORS. Even in the halls of his school, he sensed the venom, and long ago, he didn't much care for it, but now, he was acutely aware of it at all times. It MEANT something now.
Yet he'd always been the instigator, hadn't he? He created the worst possible scenarios in his head, a way to constitute his suspicions so as to later plan his quest for valor. What was a soldier without a battle to partake in, a war to wage, a desire to FIGHT? Sometimes he feared that he YEARNED for war, longed for the pandemonium it spawned if only to have something for his hands to do. Did that make him brave, or did that make him MAD?
Perhaps both.
The Longbottom attic may have been the only part of the house encased in pure mayhem, and that was only because Jonas had long since forbidden his wife from climbing up here. Frank was certain his father had a few things up here he didn't want his mother dabbling in, but he also worried for the woman's intense need to put everything in order. If she does that, we'll never find anything again.
The first half hour of his search was nothing but mindless rifling through random boxes, the boy forgetting what it was he was looking for to start with. And who could blame him? The longer he was alone, the easier it became to cultivate his curiosity. And become thoroughly distracted by what exactly had happened at Hogwarts that had Dumbledore himself worried.  
No tangible thought stuck however, each idea more absurd than the last, and perhaps he wasn't taking it seriously enough, but he certainly didn't see the point. Men wage war, but it is children who fight and die. And so Frank was no fool. He knew he would never be worthy of answers as long as he was a student, especially if his parents weren't either. He wondered how much his father would know about it, or rather, how many lies he'd be forced to tell Frank and Augusta within the span of an hour when he arrived home. Frank always knew, and he never asked twice.
When he'd kicked aside the wooden box, hearing it crash to the floor behind him, he'd only been concerned with listening for Augusta's shriek up the stairs, asking him if he was wrestling ghouls up there. When it didn't come, he continued his inspection of the box labels piled in the corner, oblivious to the eerie silence which had taken shelter in the space around him.
It's this thing about fears. Everyone is so certain they understand their own, that they grasp the root and have the ability to weed them out like lawn gnomes. Someone asks "What are you afraid of?", and although you don't say it aloud, the answer comes to mind with unyielding haste. You KNOW what you're afraid of. That's the stigma that comes with fear, and so when a board behind him creaked, causing him to whip around, the scene that met Frank was not immediately a manifestation of fear. It was just absurd.
It was like looking into a mirror. The cliche didn't register. He refused to allow it to register, but the statement had never been more fitting than it was now. He was staring at his dark t-shirt, his dark eyes, the shadows cast across his face by the circular window to his right... or his left? Something wasn't clicking up in that brain of his, the calculation in his eyes betraying the confusion he felt in his chest. This wasn't a mirror. This was HIM, and yet, before he could speak, his reflection's wand was raised, aimed at a spot between the real Frank's eyes.
"Avada Kedavra!"
Its mouth never moved, and yet the words could have caused the walls around them to crumble. My card house too. It was a vague statement, a feeble attempt to cling to reality although he'd already dropped to the ground, the attic illuminated in vivid green light, blinding him as he scuttled back across the floorboards. Lips parted, a silent scream lodged in his throat as wide eyes drank in the bodies now littering the attic floor. Glancing up, his reflection now stalked towards him, wand held before it, prepared to try again. Frank nearly stumbled through the door in the floor, arm slipping over the edge so that the boy barely caught himself on the step below. Without caring to get to his feet, he spun around crawling down the first few stairs before turning and kicking the trap door shut with a thud, confining his dark doppelganger to the attic.
"Did you find-"
"They're NOT up there."
His mother's tentative calls were lost to the white noise invading his ears, trembling hands forced into his pockets until he'd made it past the tree line and into the quiet wood behind the house. The bark of the old oak had never been more inviting, Frank's slender form fitting to the crevice of its old body. At last, he breathed, a shuddering breath that caused the rest of his body to tremble in its wake, his eyes shutting for the briefest of moments before they snapped wide open. If he allowed them to remain shut, he was forced to witness the event all over again, and he wasn't certain he was able to do so. Still, it was starting to make sense.
A boggart.
When he had read about boggarts the year prior, Frank had always been so certain that his would take a more mundane form because he was certain he was only capable of more mundane fears. Maybe spiders, maybe banshees, maybe my sister in the morning before her coffee, maybe... maybe snakes. And he'd laugh at the thought because of all of the things they were faced with in this world, of everything going on around them, he found it quite fitting that he would be afraid of animals and insects he could trample with his boots or his sister who would never let anyone harm a hair on his head much less do so herself. He'd never had the chance to see the theory come into fruition of course, but he'd never thought to allow his imagination to spawn beyond that. Yet here he was, moments after being given the chance, and all he could do was gawk at the trees in his line of sight.
It had been him. Without any type of inhuman mutation or outlandish modification, it had been Frank standing in that attic staring back at himself. It had been Frank who had raised his wand and cast the killing curse, allowing the image of lifeless corpses to manifest in the aftermath, an image which was now seared into the inside of his eyelids.
What are you afraid of ? Maybe spiders, maybe snakes... No, what are you afraid of ??? Myself.
The answer was absurd. The mere thought was absurd, and yet, as slow and shallow breaths turned to heavy, labored pants and the shaking in his hands turned to full tremors, he knew then that there could not be a more accurate answer. He was afraid of himself, who he had the capacity to become. The quintessential good guy. That title, which he'd worn like a cape for years, would never be a pardon. Being a hero did not mean you didn't have the capacity to be a villain. Being the good guy did not mean you were incapable of being the bad guy. And to ignore the darkest parts of yourself did not riddle them nonexistent.
Maybe he no longer wished to ignore him.
His elbow ripped across the tree at his back, a roar of frustration colliding with the trunks encircling him. He thought that perhaps the boggart had lied. Was that truly a fear? He didn’t feel so afraid now. Awed, surprised, anxious, but not scared. Was he the good guy? Or was he the weapon? After all, men waged war. It was children who must fight and die.
Now, he found, the only thought he could focus on was the question of whether or not he could actually do it.
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I have an insane AU idea. A student comes to Hogwarts ten years after the war and is Sorted into Slytherin although she thought for sure she was set for Ravenclaw. She is dejected until she spots the portrait of Severus Snape; having heard wild tales of betrayal and heroism, she begins to research everything she can about him. Once she knows the full tale, she is proud to be in his House but yearns to know him personally. So, being brainy, she figures out how to Time Travel.
(Cont.) The student finds that she has landed herself in the start of fourth year during Harry Potter’s timeline. She is still a Slytherin, but where all the other students live in mortal terror of Snape she dogs at his heels and is unafraid to challenge him. She is smart but not pushy, quiet but fiercely protective and will not hesitate to cut the proud down to size with a barbed jab of sarcasm. She speaks only when spoken to, and Snape secretly takes a liking to her presence in class. The student knows how Snape’s life will end and concocts a brilliant, mad plan to save both the Head of Slytherin and all of Hogwarts. During the battle she tracks him down, Stupefies him when he’s not looking, then drugs him even further to ensure he will not escape. Using a few hairs she collected while “cleaning his cloak,” she Polyjuices into Snape and waits until Malfoy says Voldemort wants an audience. Using the Occlumency he has been training her in she shields her mind and allows herself
Sorry for not being able to finish that time travel Headcanon, I had submitted too many asks! Anyway, the student allows herself to be cut down by Voldemort and bitten by Nagini. But earlier that semester she perfected a Basilisk Antivenom for a Potions project which contains ground Bezoar and the Draught of Living Death; the special feature is that the Draught is only triggered by the venom but the Bezoar protects against its toxins. So the victim will fall into a deep sleep after being bitten, but they are not really dead. Knowing Snape's past, the student is able to share his memories with Harry before "dying," after which she falls asleep and the Golden Trio sensibly assumes that "Snape" is "dead." *wink wink* Meanwhile the real Snape awakens to find himself locked in a broom closet in the body of a female student; his wand is missing and an apologetic note explaining everything is stuffed in his pocket. Furious, he blasts out the door with a spare wand he finds.
But before enacting her plan, the student finds Neville and directs him to stick around the boathouse; when he sees "Snape" (which will be her in disguise) he is to sneak around & wait 'til Voldemort sics Nagini on the Potions Master. Then, he jumps out and lops Nagini's head off with the Sword of Gryffindor before Apparating away. 6th Horcrux destroyed. When Harry sees the final Horcrux from Snape's memories and allows Voldemort to kill him, it will be the end. BOOM, HOGWARTS IS SAVED.
Because you're so lovely, I'll let you finish off where I left Snape--storming through the corridors of Hogwarts in the Polyjuiced body of a majorly pissed-off seventh-year female student in search of the miscreant who did this to him. But he knows how she feels for him and is secretly heartbreakingly touched that she would willingly sacrifice herself for him, the infamous Dungeon Bat who has been nothing but hurtful to her.
I think you ought to write this story! It sounds like it would be very exciting!
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