#There is only place for 1 queen and that queen is sans
I can see me in 20 years tellling my kids about that day the tumblr sexymen poll killed the queen and she reincarnated as Trisha Payta's baby...
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mysteryshoptls · 2 months
SSR Vil Schoenheit - Luxe Couture Voice Lines
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When Summoned: Now, pay attention! Look upon me, the most beautiful person in the world.
Summon Line: As both the Housewarden of Pomefiore and as someone who pursues beauty... I will promote this movie completely flawlessly.
Groooovy!!: I shall fully embody the unrelenting efforts of the Fairest Queen. Don't you think that is the finest way to promote this event?
Home: An ideal outfit coordination
Swap Looks: Beautiful, aren't I?
Home Idle 1: There are many stores I would like to peruse... But not while the film fest is ongoing. The overwhelming crowds would make it impossible to take my time and enjoy myself.
Home Idle 2: Fairest city is a place that many movie fans have dreamed of coming to. Most likely because some shops here tend to sell props that were used in actual films.
Home Idle 3: I saw Azul looking intently at some cosmetics. I do have to commend him on how he is always keeping up his self-care. But only that, understand?
Home Idle - Login: Perhaps it is because the Fairest Queen's traditional tales are rooted in this city, but the atmosphere here in the Fairest City is somehow soothing to my soul.
Home Idle - Groovy: Come, straighten your back and hold yourself confidently. I cannot allow you to falter for even one moment as someone accompanying me.
Home Tap 1: When it comes to Ace, I can't tell if he's just spoiled, or also slick... If he were a student from my dormitory, I would be disciplining him quite sternly.
Home Tap 2: If I were to take anyone here shopping with me, it would have to be Jamil. His initiative to carry the bags makes it a pleasant time.
Home Tap 3: There are still many enticing stores outside of the main shopping passage. I especially like the smoothie shop that only uses the best ingredients available.
Home Tap 4: During my time as a child actor, I had quite a few voice acting roles. I was also given the opportunity to learn a bit about animation techniques.
Home Tap 5: You want to touch up my makeup? Please, do. While you prepare the skincare and base cosmetics, make sure to pay special care in applying it to the T-zone.
Home Tap - Groovy: I received a message from my Father that he was happy to have been able to chat with everyone. Perhaps it was a way for him to take his mind off his busy work schedule for a while.
Duo: [VIL]: We'll draw them in with our stunning style, Azul. [AZUL]: I shall do my best to live up to your expectations, Vil-san.
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Requested by @amourteddyst.
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tumbleweed-writes · 26 days
From your smut prompt list....how about #1 and #44 for my favorite scotsman Chibs?
I have zero idea how this got so filthy. I would apologize for the filth, but it's smut. What'd ya expect???
18+ Only obviously.
Chibs pushes Y/N away in a poorly thought out attempt to protect her . Y/N decides to go on a date with a rebound to mend her broken heart and Chibs is left trying to remind Y/N that they belong with one another.
This date was a terrible idea. In fact, it might be the worst idea she’d ever had in her entire life. The thought danced through her head as she studied herself in the floor length mirror in her bedroom. A voice in the back of her head exclaimed that the polite and handsome rookie cop who’d asked her on a date was not quite worthy of the pretty little floral dress she’d chosen to wear.
The white knee length dress was adorned with red roses and the sweetheart neckline gave a perfect view of her cleavage. The red heels she’d worn with it made her legs look so appealing. She’d spent far too long curling her hair and picking out a perfect shade of red lipstick to match the roses on her dress.
The dress had been bought with a much different man in mind. Her heart ached as it reminded her that this man was clearly no longer worthy of this dress.
When she met Filip Chibs Telford she should have been wise enough to know he would break her heart.
She had been new in town opening a bakery not far from Floyd’s Barbershop on main street. She’d used what little inheritance she’d received from her grandfather to follow her dreams and open a bakery. She’d taken a huge risk having left her safe and stable job to follow her passions and open her own business. She’d been praying the risk would pay off.
She’d chosen to move from San Francisco out to Charming, California. She’d been charmed by the name, no pun intended, and the small town atmosphere.  It felt like the perfect place to follow her dreams.
One of her very first customers had been one Gemma Teller Morrow.
The intimidating looking Queen of SAMCRO had been looking for a birthday cake for her grandson and had been impressed with Y/N’s work.
Y/N had been nervous but delighted to have her first big client and she’d thrown herself into making the Harley Davidson themed cake for the toddler.
The men who had been sent to pick up said cake had not been what she’d been expecting. The Scotsman in particular had caught her attention; the accent quite uncommon in the middle of northern California.
She’d been unaware that she had caught his attention as well. 
At the time of their first meeting she’d been a bit distracted by Bobby Munson who’d been talking to her about the secret to a perfect muffin. She’d not noticed the Scottish Son admiring her during the discussion she’d been having with Bobby over preferred leavening agents and the perfect ratio of fruit to batter in blueberry muffins.
Bobby had become a frequent visitor to her bakery after the birthday cake job, and much to her shock the Scotsman had joined him more often than not.
The very first conversation Chibs and she had ever had one on one had been over shortbread, in particular his praise for her shortbread. She’d taken it as a genuine compliment when he’d admitted that her Scottish shortbread was the best he’d had stateside.
A friendship had formed between Chibs and she, although she knew to outsiders it might appear to be a strange friendship; the scary looking forty something year old outlaw biker being so buddy buddy with the young sweet looking baker. It was an odd mix; leather and whiskey with floral dresses and cupcakes.
The change in their friendship had come unexpectedly. She’d had some trouble with a local developer who’d been visiting Charming; the man had begun attempting to intimidate Y/N into backing out of her lease. He’d been quite pushy with a few of the businesses on main street.
He had intentions of building some upscale condos and high end retail on the street. He thought Charming would be a perfect getaway for yuppies looking to escape the big city. 
Apparently the landlord who owned this particular strip of buildings on main street was not interested in selling the property. He’d figured he had a pretty good deal going with the businesses operating there as most had been there for decades. 
So the developer had taken to attempting to get the business owners who were renting the shop spaces to back out of their lease. 
His attempts to get Y/N to give up her retail space had been friendly at first, until it had become clear that she was not interested in moving from her place of business no matter how much money he was willing to throw at her. 
He’d gotten quite demanding and it had become full on harassment. 
SAMCRO didn’t take kindly to the developer taking an interest in Charming’s real estate if it meant bringing in outsiders to the safe haven that was Charming, and Chibs had not taken kindly to the man attempting to intimidate the pretty young baker who he’d taken such a liking to.
SAMCRO had been willing to come to her defense and Chibs had seemed to take quite the pleasure in scaring off the developer.
Y/N’s intention to thank the guys with baked goods, and Chibs with his own batch of Scottish Shortbread, had been started with innocent intentions.
The guys had appreciated the muffins she’d baked them as well as the cake. Chibs had appreciated the shortbread…but somehow her thank you to him had gotten a little out of hand.
One second he’d been standing in her shop accepting the box of shortbread and the next minute her lips had been pressed to his; his hands caressing her body.
She was grateful that the bakery had been closed and it had been late enough at night because Chibs had wound up taking her back to the kitchen and one thing had led to another. She was sure the health department would shut her down if they’d ever known just what she allowed Chibs to do to her, bending her over the counter, and what they’d done on the floor. 
They’d laid side by side nude on the kitchen floor both out of breath staring up at the ceiling when the words had left him. “I think it kinda goes without sayin that I like ye a lot.”
The giggle that had left her made a smile cross his features, the smile only growing as she spoke in response. “Good, I like you a lot too.”
Things had been good; they’d been happy.
Then things had changed. Jax Teller had taken the gavel becoming club pres and Chibs had become his SGT At Arms.
With the new title came some unexpected distance between Chibs and she. Y/N had figured at first that perhaps Chibs had just been busy given all the changes in the club, but then weeks had gone by and then before she knew it a month had gone by and she barely heard from him.
She’d made several attempts to reconnect with him and find the spark they seemed to have lost; but he’d just seemed to brush off her attempts. She’d called and paid visits to TM Auto…she’d even visited the clubhouse and his apartment, but he’d seemed so eager to push her away.
The last interaction they’d had told her all she needed to know.
They’d been standing in his dorm room at the clubhouse after she’d paid a visit practically begging him to just give her a moment of his time. 
She could remember the words that she’d said to him. “Lately, I just feel like maybe you don’t love me as much as I love you. I just feel so…neglected. I know you’re busy, but I’d like to at least feel like you still have a moment for me in your life. Lately, it feels like I have to fight tooth and nail to get you to glance my way. I know there’s been a lot of changes for you in the club, and I’m trying to be supportive…I am trying so hard to meet you halfway, but it feels like I’m the only one trying. I feel like I’m fighting so hard for us. I’m so tired of fighting, Filip…I can’t be the only one fighting for us.”
The words she’d gotten in response had felt like a knife to the chest. “Maybe it aint worth fightin fer.”
“I love you, how is that not worth fighting for?” She questioned not above pleading with him. This just seemed to be coming out of left field. She didn’t understand how he could claim that they weren’t worth fighting for.
He’d always made her feel so loved and adored. She felt so connected to him. He made her feel so wonderful. How had he changed so quickly without even a moment's notice? 
The response she got cut her all the more deeply. “Jus leave me alone, Y/N.”
He paused the next words that left him sounding uncharacteristically cruel. “It was fun while it lasted, aye? Ye were a good fuck. We got each other off and it was all good n’ well. Shite is getting too deep between us lately; too personal. It’s gettin a wee bit pathetic on yer half. Yer clingy and desperate. Like I said, shite is pathetic. I can’t do commitment, Lass. I ain't the type to give ye the white wedding and white picket fence. We’re two different people from two very different worlds. We should own up to the fact that our paths ain’t goin to align. Ye shoulda known from the start what this shite was between us. This was never anythin serious fer me. I don’t love ye.”
Those words had shattered her heart; she only managed to step back from him as though he’d slapped her. She spoke, her words harsh, tears flooding her vision. “I wish I had never met you.”
With that she’d turned away and fled from his room and his life.
She’d allowed herself time to cry and have the biggest pity party known to man. Then she’d done her very best to put on a brave face and carry on with her life without Chibs Telford. She had returned to work and pasted a smile on her face. She’d thrown herself into her work. She had ignored the looks of pity that had been sent her way as Bobby and a few brave members of SAMCRO had dared to still come to her shop for baked goods.
She’d not seen neither hide nor hair of Chibs Telford though, and even though her heart might claim differently, her head insisted that it was just as well for her.
Even if her heart screamed that it was a lie; she swore that she never cared to see Filip Chibs Telford ever again as long as she lived and breathed. 
When a handsome young rookie cop had stepped into her shop with his little sister in tow looking to buy a treat for the girl; Y/N had been flattered by his obvious flirtation. She hated to admit it was cute. Guys who were good with kids were appealing. 
Though she didn’t quite get the same weak kneed putty feeling she got when Chibs flirted with her; she’d forced herself to flirt back with the young officer.
When he’d come back a week ago and asked her out for dinner, she’d said yes despite her heart screaming at her that she was not ready.
That was how she wound up sitting at an Italian restaurant on main street with her date. The restaurant was nice; romantic and cozy. The candlelight failed to invoke romantic notions in Y/N though as she stared at her date.
Seth; his name was Seth.
He was sweet, intelligent, handsome, and funny. He was kind and seemed as though he was passionate about his work. He had brought her a bouquet of roses and complemented her outfit. He’d held the car door open for her. He’d hung on every word she’d said tonight. He didn’t do a thing for her though. 
There was no spark there at all. He didn’t make her heart skip a beat. He didn’t make her feel that stir of lust deep within her. He didn’t make butterflies fill her belly. He didn’t make her feel like a nervous schoolgirl. 
She found herself comparing him to a certain Scotsman. He had a nice smile but his smile was missing the dimples she adored in Chibs. He had a charm to him; but it was not the same charm Chibs Telford had mastered. He was handsome and young, but Chibs was handsome in his own right and she was fond of the gray along his temples. Seth had a slow California accent but it was nothing like Chibs’ thick Scottish brogue. Seth was brave due to his career, but she didn’t feel the same sense of protection she felt around Chibs. He was funny, but he failed to make her laugh as hard as Chibs though. He was sexually appealing, but she didn’t find herself picturing what he might be like in bed. A voice in the back of her head exclaimed that he could not please her the way Chibs had done.
Chibs Telford had ruined her for other men, and she despised him for it. 
It felt hopeless. She hated that she was on a date with a nice and socially acceptable man and all she could think about was the socially unacceptable man who had been awful to her the last time they’d spoken. How was she this pathetic?
She loved a man who did not want nor love her. She could not think of anything more pitiful. 
She frowned as Seth spoke a frown crossing his features. “What do you think?”
“About?” She dared to ask hoping it was not so obvious she’d not been paying attention to a word he’d said thus far. She had no idea what they were even talking about.
“The sushi place they’re putting in? It’s going in out near that coffee shop by Jones Appliance Repair. Everyone’s been talking about it.” Seth explained the frown deepening he most likely picking up on the fact that she’d not been paying attention to him nor the conversation he’d been attempting to carry along with her.
“Oh, uh, I’d be curious to try it out.” She remarked her cheeks flushing ever so slightly mortified it was obvious she was not able to focus on this date at all.
Seth scrunched his nose up at the response he fast to reply. “Oh, I don’t think I’d be brave enough to try it. Eating raw fish just seems kind of unsanitary. I don’t know…seems like it might make you sick. I mean you really aren't supposed to eat raw meat, ya know?.”
She bit the inside of her cheek, tempted to snap that people ate sushi all the time and fared just fine. She pushed back the comment ignoring the voice in the back of her head that claimed Chibs would endure trying it with her even if he felt wary of it. He would try it if he thought it would make her happy.
She hated the thought, reminding herself that Chibs cared very little about what made her happy. If he cared about her happiness, he would not have broken her heart.
He didn’t love her. He’d said the words himself. Nothing between them had been serious according to him. He did not want her. 
“Are you okay? You seem miles away.” Seth observed she cringing at the statement.
She sighed, deciding to just be honest with him. He seemed like a nice enough guy and she felt guilty that she was unable to really commit to this date. She was using him as a rebound and she felt awful for using him in such a way. She felt like an awful person. Didn’t hurt people hurt people though? “I just got out of a relationship…he broke up with me and I guess, I’m still kind of heartbroken over it. I found out he wasn’t taking it as seriously as I was…or at least that’s what he said. I guess I'm still in love with him…which sucks, because he doesn’t love me. You’re a nice guy, but my head and heart are kind of a mess right now. Rejection stings, and my heart just feels so heavy lately. I guess, I’m just not entirely ready for any of this…I thought this date would be a good idea, but I’m just not ready.”
Seth nodded his head, reaching down to toy with the polished fork on the table. “Your ex is that Scottish guy, right? The biker, he’s in that club, The Sons of Anarchy?”
She furrowed her brow at the comment. She knew SAMCRO was well known around town…but she found it strange that Seth would have enough knowledge about the club to place the fact that she’d been previously involved with Chibs. She spoke the words flying from her lips. “How do you know that?”
Seth shrugged his shoulders he fast to respond. “I’ve seen them around town…saw you on the back of the Scottish guy’s bike once a few months back.”
He was fast to speak again. “Sheriff Roosevelt knows the Sons of Anarchy are up to no good despite their company line of just being motorcycle enthusiasts. The last sheriff Charming had was apparently way too willing to turn the other cheek when it came to SAMCRO. Pretty sure old Unser was just as crooked as the MC. Now that San Joaquin has absorbed the Charming Police department, the days of turning the other cheek are over. Most honest cops worth their salt would love to bust those guys. I’ve seen the records these guys have, the Scottish guy too. They’re criminals, there’s no way of sugar coating it. It’s some crazy shit. They’re an international organization, don’t know if you knew that. The Feds have tried and failed to bust them. The ATF were in town a few years back and they didn’t manage to pin them down the way they’d hoped. So, if the local PD did it, it’d be impressive.”
He paused, shrugging his shoulders the words that left his lips sounding so nonchalant. “I imagine you have to know something about what they’re up to given you dated one of them. I mean, I’m pretty sure you’re smart enough to see the red flags he must have been giving off.”
“Did you ask me out so you could dig for information about my ex and SAMCRO?” She snapped, the thought making her blood boil.
She was being used wasn’t she?
“Not entirely. I asked you out because you’re attractive and you seem like a sweet girl despite your dating history. Anything you might say about your ex and his friends is just a bonus.” Seth remarked.
 Y/N reacted by picking up her wine glass, tossing the liquid within it in his face.
Seth wiped his face, a scoff leaving him, his dress shirt now stained with red wine that had managed to drip down his face before he had a chance to really wipe it away. “Guess you’re really not over the ex if you’re this defensive over it. The guy seriously broke your heart and you’re still protecting him. Dude is a scumbag and you’re this upset about the idea of him being busted.”
He spoke nodding at the large windows, to their left, that gave a view of the street outside the restaurant. “Guess he’s not over you either. I noticed him following us when I picked you up. I’m surprised you didn’t hear his bike or notice him. Like I said though, you’ve been miles away all night. He really did a number on you. It’s a shame. You seemed like such a sweet girl and he’s ruined you, clearly.”
She turned in her seat spotting the motorcycle across the street and the familiar man standing beside it. She could see him standing by his bike, his arms crossed, his eyes squinted as he struggled to peer through the restaurant windows in the dim light of dusk.
She grimaced, torn between wanting to stay here and endure this horrible date or wanting to go outside and risk confronting the man who had broken her heart.
She sighed deciding that her heart was going to hurt either way. She might as well go with the devil she knew.
She spoke, gathering her purse and her jacket. “Lose my number. I am not going to be a career stepping stone for you. I may be ruined, but I’m not stupid nor is my self esteem low enough to let myself be used by another man ever again.”
With that she gathered what little she had left of her pride, ignoring Seth’s comment as she walked away from him. “Don’t come crying to me when he winds up in prison. He’s a criminal, Y/N. Don’t forget that. He’ll never change.”
She kept her head down as she left the restaurant pretending she did not see the Scotsman watching her every move.
She cringed as she heard the sound of a bike starting up. She moved a little quicker knowing it was a futile endeavor as she could not outwalk his Harley especially not in red open toed pumps.
“Get on the bike, Lass.” The comment sounded out beside her.
“Fuck you.” She snapped, daring to glare at him, not stopping her pace.
Chibs sighed, rolling his eyes at the comment. “Aye, I deserve that.”
“No kidding. You’re a real piece of shit, showing up here after the last time I saw you. I hate you.” She remarked her pace speeding up Chibs not giving up riding along beside her slowly.
“Now that ye got that outta yer system, will ye please jus get on the damn bike? What do ye think yer even doin? Are ye seriously goin to walk home? Ye live miles away, Love. Jus let me take ye home.” Chibs responded, flinching a bit at the venom behind her words.
“No, I don’t need a damn thing from you. I am no longer your concern. We were never serious, remember?” She snapped back, turning down an alleyway attempting to escape him.
Chibs remained undeterred, parking his bike at the curb and dismounting it. He followed her down the alleyway, his voice sounding drained. “Come on, Y/N. This is fuckin insanity.”
“The only insane thing is you bothering to show up and crash my date. I think you made it perfectly clear that you wanted me to leave you alone the last time we spoke. You made your thoughts on me and how pathetic I am perfectly crystal clear. Nothing has changed.” Y/N retorted groaning as she neared a dead end, it hitting her that her escape route was useless.
Chibs sighed, unable to stop himself from saying it. “Ye ain’t pathetic. Yer date didn’t look like it was goin so well. A fuckin cop, Love? Really?”
She scoffed at the comment she turning to glare at him, the words falling from her lips, unable to stop herself from taunting him. “Remember we come from two different worlds. In my world I can date a cop and you can’t do a damn thing about it.”
He stepped closer to her his eyes growing dark as he stared down at her. “Aye, maybe so. Ye didn’t look like ye were havin much fun with him though, Lass. Ye looked fuckin miserable all night.”
She glared up at him, deciding to push his buttons all the more, lying through her teeth her words far more vulgar than she’d ever dare them to be in any other conversation. “Oh I’ve had plenty of fun with him, Chibs. You did say I was a good fuck. I thought I’d test the theory with him. I might be desperate and pathetic, but you know how good I feel wrapped around a cock. Maybe I thought I’d try his dick out, see how good I could feel.”
The words made his eyes grow all the darker. He stepped even closer to her his voice picking up a possessive tone. “We both know he can’t fuck ye as good as I can, Love. We both know I could do ye so well ye couldn’t walk the next day. Ye seem to be walkin jus fine righ now which tells me he’s nowhere as good as me.”
Her eyes narrowed, she shoving back the lust creeping up in her at the reminder of just how good Chibs Telford had been in bed. “You lost the right to fuck me the second you broke my heart”.
She paused, stepping back closer to the wall, her words harsh, the pain evident in her voice she clenching her fists refusing to cry in front of him. “You don’t love me, remember? So, why the hell are you even here?”
He cringed at the statement a sense of something she did not expect to see in his eyes washing over him; shame, regret.
He sighed the words leaving him. “I made a mistake.”
Y/N crossed her arms over her chest, she sounded as emotionally drained as she felt. “You can’t just show up like this, Filip. You can’t throw me away and then get mad because some other guy wanted me. I’m not something you can just drop and pick back up at your convenience. I can’t deal with the emotional whiplash. I deserve better than someone who only wants me when someone else shows interest.”
“It ain’ like that. I ain’ jus showin up because some prick wanted ye. I won’t lie and say that Bobby mentionin ye had a date didn’t push me to get off my arse and stop bein so stubborn. This ain’ about me wantin ye only cause someone else does. I never stopped wantin ye.” Chibs struggled the explain the comment, his words only confusing her further.
“You didn’t act like you wanted me very much the last time we spoke. You told me I was the only one taking anything between us seriously.” She pointed out the hurt evident in her voice.
Chibs cringed at the comment, reaching up to run a hand through his hair, a sigh leaving his lips. “I didn’t mean any of it…I thought I was protectin ye.”
“From what?” She exclaimed, annoyance joining her confusion.
He sighed, shaking his head. “From me, Love. I know we never said the words…never acknowledged the truth…I never said out loud jus what I am…what SAMCRO is. I knew ye were smart enough to figure it out…that I’m an outlaw. I’m a criminal and yer innocent.”
She parted her lips wanting to snap that she was not that innocent. She didn’t have the chance though as Chibs spoke again. “I have seen ol ladies come and go in this club. I never took an ol lady before ye…Even after I divorced Fiona…I figured I’d not find anyone I wanted to spend my life with…I watched my brother’s and their ol ladies though…I’ve seen em be treated like shite by my brothers. I’ve seen men treat the women they claim to love like dog shite.”
“You never treated me like that…I mean aside from how you dumped me, that was kind of shitty.” She remarked, her voice soft.
Chibs nodded his head, a heavy sigh leaving him. “Aye that may be true. It wasn’t jus kinda shite love, I was a piece of shite.”
He paused, forcing himself to say the words he should have said to her from the start. “The violence that the life I’ve chosen requires…I never wanted ye to experience it. The role I’ve taken in the club..Sgt at Arms..it requires a certain level of violence…violence I’m perfectly capable of…it’s a side of me I never wanted ye to know existed in me…the life I’ve chosen to live chews ye up and spits ye back out. I’ve seen it break more people than I care to admit…and I’ve lost more than a few people in my life. I got in my head thinkin bout ye, thinkin bout how much I love ye…how pure bein in love with ye feels. Told myself the life I chose to live would jus taint that purity, that the world that comes with me would break ye. I couldn’t let it happen. I love ye, and I’d rather let ye go than lose ye or make ye think I’m a monster.”
“So, you just broke my heart instead of telling me how you felt? That was the plan?” She snapped, absorbing the words rolling them around in her head soaking them in.
He loved her.
She knew of course just what he was…she was not stupid. She didn’t buy the whole innocent motorcycle enthusiast lie SAMCRO loved to spin. She had spotted the occasional signs that Chibs’ day to day life consisted of more than just being a mechanic at TM Auto. He carried a burner cell and weapons for heaven's sake. Those were pretty big red flags if there ever were any. 
The red flags had never pushed her from Chibs. He’d seemed so sweet and had been a perfect gentleman to her. She’d told herself that anyone who could treat her with such adoration could not be a danger to her. She’d ignored any sense of self preservation that told her he was dangerous and had followed her heart with him.
She also heard the whispers around town. Charming’s local populace seemed to be well aware that SAMCRO was up to no good. They seemed to tolerate the club as a necessary evil of sorts.
She’d told herself that the men she’d gotten to know, who so often frequented her bakery, were not a threat to her.  
Chibs sighed nodding his head wordlessly as Y/N spoke the words leaving her. “You’re an idiot, Filip.”
He felt a small smirk cross his features at the comment. “Aye, been called worse.”
He sighed the smirk dropping from his lips the words sounding certain as they left him. “I fucked up, Love. I thought I was doin the righ thing…lettin ye go. It fuckin hurts though. I miss ye. My heart misses ye. This past month has been miserable without ye. When I found out some fuckin cop was takin ye out on a date, I bout lost my mind. I came out here tonigh to…I don’t know…see ye from afar, maybe work up my nerve to crash yer date…try to win ye back. I figured if I got here and ye seemed happy, then I’d let ye go…but ye don’t seem happy. I don’t think either of us are happy apart, Love.”
She sighed resting against the brick wall of the building behind her the words leaving her. “I don’t know what to do with this, Filip. I mean it. I can’t deal with the emotional whiplash. This past month has sucked. I’m not happy apart from you…I’m afraid of letting you back in though. How do I know you aren’t just going to drop me the next time you get too lost in your head? I know what you are, Filip. I’m not an idiot. I care about you enough to learn to accept that side of you…I’ve been accepting thus far…I’m so hesitant to learn to trust you again though… I can’t listen to you tell me you don’t love me again. I can’t let you break my heart in some hairbrained attempt to protect me again.”
He let out a sigh of his own, his heart sinking, fearing that it was too little too late. Perhaps he’d ruined the one good thing he seemed to have going for him.
He swallowed the lump in his throat knowing he had to try to fix this. He was going to try as hard as he could. “I know I really fucked up, Lass. I swear to God though that I will spend the rest of my life tryin to make up fer how much I hurt ye. I know I don’t deserve a second chance, but I’m beggin fer ye to give me a chance. I will do whatever it takes to get ye to let me back in. I’ll work fer it day and night if that’s what it takes. Yer the best thing I got in my life…the purest, I aint known many pure things in my life. Bein with ye made me feel like I migh jus be a good man even with all the shite I’ve done and all the pain I’ve caused fer the club…Bein without ye, it’s been hell fer me. I can’t eat, I can’t sleep, and I can’t focus. I’ve been a grouchy fuck, accordin to Bobby at least.  I fuckin broke yer heart and my own in the process. I want to fix it, Love. I want to fix our hearts if yer willin to give me the chance. Jus give me the chance to put our hearts back together. Let me try.”
She felt her throat grow tight at this, her eyes growing damp, Chibs fearing she was about to tell him that there was no chance for them. His fears died as she spoke, her voice weepy. “Oh, Filip.”
She reached for him, her hand pressing to his cheek he leaning into her touch as she spoke. “I don’t want to feel this miserable ever again. Please, don’t make me feel that awful ever again.”
“Never, Love.” He reassured her his hands reaching out to press to her sides, thankful that she did not yank away from him as he pulled her into an embrace.
He leaned down his lips sliding across her, the kiss starting out slow and sweet, almost as hesitant as their very first kiss.
The kiss quickly grew deep and impassioned the realization of just how much they’d longed for one another growing apparent. 
She slid a hand down his body resting it against his denim clad cock massaging it as it began to perk up the lower region of his body very aware of just how much he’d longed for her. He groaned, pulling from the kiss his words thick with need. “Fuck, Love. Yer playin with fire here.”
She smirked at him, the words spilling from her. “I don’t mind fire.”
He moaned his hips rocking against her on their own accord eager to chance even the slightest hint of stimulation from the woman he’d feared he would never have a chance to have ever again.
He spoke that jealous little voice, unable to stop itself from working the words from him. “I have to know, Love. Did ye really fuck that cop bastard?”
She sighed, deciding that lying to him would just be cruel. She pulled her hand from his crotch ignoring the low whine that left him. “No, Filip. The last guy I slept with is you.”
He nodded his head frantically, a sense of relief washing over him. “Aye, okay…even still...”
He paused for a moment finding the words unable to stop himself from still feeling possessive of her. “I’m going to fuck ye so hard yer going to forget that guys name”
She felt a wave of lust wash over her that she knew Chibs was only capable of dragging from her. “Please.”
His lips met hers, the kiss somewhat harsh that possessive voice in the back of his head insisting that he had to claim her right here right now. She was his and she needed to be reminded of it.
His lips left hers pressing down her neck nipping at her skin roughly sucking against any marks his teeth may have left behind ensuring she’d have plenty of love bites to remind her of who she belonged to. 
His hands roamed her body she practically melting against him doing all she could to run her hands across his back caressing him over the leather of his kutte.
He ran his hands up her body yanking the front of her dress down so hard he was amazed it didn’t rip the fabric. His lips pressed down her chest nipping at the delicate skin along her cleavage wanting to leave his mark there as well.
She moaned, her head falling back, his name leaving her lips. He groaned against her his words muffled against her skin. “Aye that’s right, Love. Say my name, let everyone know jus who ye belong to.”
He yanked her bra down her breasts spilling from the cups, his lips locking down over a breast suckling harshly a whine leaving her.
He ran a hand up her dress along her hip caressing her skin as his lips focused on her breasts nipping at the skin and taking her nipples between his lips suckling eagerly.
She whined as he wasted no time to slide a hand along the lace of her panties, a groan leaving him the noise vibrating against her breast as he continued to suckle.
His hand slid eagerly under the waistband of her panties, his fingers finding her slit. He grunted rubbing her for a moment before allowing his fingers to slide between her damp center. He thrust his fingers in her stroking her walls, her knees practically buckling.
He spoke pulling from her breasts his voice sounding almost awestruck. “Yer so fuckin beautiful, so fuckin wet fer me. Just grippin down on my fingers pullin me in. This pussy missed me, aye?”
She nodded her head wordlessly a whine leaving her his fingers stopping a frustrated noise leaving her. He spoke his voice demanding. “Tell me, Love.”
“I missed you so much, Filip.” She admitted the words so needy and so true. 
He groaned, rewarding her with a thrust of his fingers curling them just right to hit a part of her that made her tremble against him. “Good girl. That’s my lass. Drippin down my fingers takin em so well.”
She moaned, not caring who might just hear her. She was sure a marching band could make their way down the alley at the moment and she would not give a damn as good as she felt at the moment.
His fingers slid across her clit, the action making her knees grow all the wobbly, her fingers digging into the leather of his kutte a high pitched whine leaving her. “Fuck.”
He smirked, rubbing circular patterned into the sensitive bud, the action making a few more curses leave her lips. 
He balanced stimulation to her clit with the thrust of his fingers into her core, the action making her feel dizzy. The only thing she could focus on was rocking her hips to chase the stimulation he provided. 
He spoke a teasing tone to his voice. “Christ, look at ye, Love. Riding my fingers, so needy fer me. Ye love this don’t ye? Me fingerin ye in the alley where anyone might see us.”
She whined nodding her head knowing this was the most risky thing she’d ever done in her life and she found it thrilling.
She knew she’d realistically be mortified if anyone walked upon this, but the risk of it all made her wetter than she was sure she’d ever been in her entire life.
He spoke, pushing her all the more. “Imagine if yer fuckin date walked up on this aye? Saw ye riding my fingers moanin fer me like a whore. Fuckin seein I’m the only one who can make ye feel this good by my fingers alone.”
“You make me feel so fucking good, Filip. No one else feels this good.” She whined the statement, working a moan from him, his lips pressing to hers in a deep bruising kiss.
She continued to ride his fingers eager to chase a release.
He encouraged her his voice demanding as he pulled from the kiss. “Play with yer clit, Love. Touch that pussy while you ride my fingers.”
She moaned, pressing her fingers to his lips, he taking them between his lips sucking them wetting them for her.
She pulled her hand from his lips reaching down as he demanded toying with her clit, the task not easy with the fuss of working around the skirt of her dress and her panties.
She rubbed circles into her clit frantically trying to increase the pleasure she felt.
She whined the heat beginning to pool in her abdomen, a coil tightening within her proving that she was so incredibly close to falling over the edge.
She spoke the words needy. “Going to cum.”
“That’s my love. Want ye to fuckin cum. Cum on my fingers, sweetheart. Let go fer me.” He encouraged her his eyes unable to leave her as she neared her release, her skin flushed, her lips parted, her head fallen back, her chest heaving. 
She was unable to stop the high pitched moan from leaving her as she let go her thighs shaking her center clenching and unclenching around his fingers.
He continued to finger her throughout the orgasm he moaning his cock throbbing desperate to be within her his manhood feeling envious of his fingers.
She whined as she came down from her orgasm, his touch becoming too much all too quickly. She slumped against him as he pulled his fingers from her.
She kept a tight grip on him almos sure she’d collapse to the ground if he was not holding her up.
She moaned as he pulled his fingers up to his lips, sucking them, cleaning her taste from them, a satisfied groan leaving his lips.
 He pulled his fingers from his lips pressing his lips to hers sharing her taste with her. She moaned against the kiss his hand roaming her body as she recovered from the intensity of her orgasm.
He pulled from the kiss his words needy. “Want ye so bad, Love. Let me fuck ye.”
She whined nodding her head the words that left her just as full of need. “Please, Filip. Need you so much.”
He groaned, reaching down and unfastening his belt with skilled hands. He unzipped his jeans unbuttoning them. He yanked his boxers down just enough to pull his hard cock from the confines of the fabric.
She moaned, reaching between them her hand wrapping around his cock he grunting at the touch. Her thumb ran along his slit spreading the precum leaking from him, he moaning at the action.
He spoke resisting the urge to thrust against her hand though the temptation to spit in her hand and demand she jerk him off a tempting one. "Shite, m'love."
He could picture cumming from her touch spilling his release against her hand, maybe even letting a little of it land on her sweet little dress. He smirked at the thought a possessive voice in the back of his head exclaiming that he’d mark her so clearly making it obvious she was all his.
He spoke his voice demanding as he reluctantly pulled from her touch. “Get rid of those panties, Love. Give me room to fuck ye.”
She did was she was told, reaching down to place her fingers under the waistband of her panties, sliding them down her legs letting them land against the concrete below them not caring what happened to them as long as it meant having his perfect cock buried in her.
He groaned, taking himself in hand, sliding it along her wet pussy, the words leaving him. “Gonna fuck ye so good, Love. Gonna ruin ye for any other man.”
“Already have.” She whined the words so honest. 
She knew her heart was his. She was trusting him to take care of her and make this right with her.
He groaned the words spilling from him. “Fuckin ruined me too, Sweet Lass. Ye belong with me. Yer all I fuckin want, forever.”
He moved his hands to her thighs encouraging her to wrap her legs around his hips allowing him to press her against the wall for support.
She wrapped her arms around him clutching on to him desperately trusting him to keep her held upwards. She spoke the words needy. “I’m addicted to you. You’re mine.”
He spoke positioning his cock at the entrance the words possessive. “Yer fuckin mine too. My ol lady, only mine, till the breath leave my body.”
She didn’t have a chance to respond as he slid himself home entering her inch by inch hissing at the sensation of her velvety soaking walls enveloping his cock. 
He spoke his words low and full of praise. “Perfect fuckin pussy. Belongs wrapped round me, only me.”
“Only you.” She moaned agreeing her head falling back as he began to rock against her his hips jerking against her desperately proving he was intent on fucking her.
His hips rocked against her frantically pushing her back up against the wall, his hand reaching up to press to the back of her head not wanting to slam her head into the rough brick wall behind them.
She whined clutching on to him all the tighter, letting herself sink into the sensation of him. Her lips pressed to his trying her best to muffle her moans.
He moaned against her lips the sensation of her wrapped around him so heavenly. He knew no one had ever felt so incredible wrapped around him.
He may have taunted her commenting that he was capable of fucking her so hard that she couldn’t walk the next day, but it was the truth. He knew she was so capable of taking all he had to give her.
She thrived equally on the rougher encounters they had as well as the softer slow love making sessions. Each time he had the privilege of taking her he was reminded of how lucky he was.
He had not been lying. She had ruined him for other women. 
He was hopelessly devoted to her. She took him so perfectly and she loved him so deeply. She loved him for all he was, even his imperfections. She saw the good in him that others disregarded.
She was his saving grace at the end of the day. He knew he could protect her. He could make sure she could remain his sweet loving ol lady who made him shortbread and slept peacefully by his side at night trusting him to care for her.
He kept thrusting in her his hips not losing speed knowing he was desperate not only to chase his release but to help her reach hers as well. 
He spoke his voice low and filled with adoration. “Look at ye, fuckin cock drunk on me. Can’t think bout nothin but how good I feel.”
She whimpered, nodding her head the words struggling to leave her lips. “Feels so good, Filip.”
He spoke a moan of approval leaving him. “Feels perfect, Love. Takin my cock so well. Shite, I love ye.”
“Love you.” She responded, her fingers digging into his back as he continued to take her against the wall.
She whined, able to hear the sounds of cars passing by only feet away.  The alleyway was dark enough out and there were no lights nearby to reveal that she was being fucked in such a public place.
This felt so filthy but so perfect. This was so dangerous, just as dangerous as him, and she loved it. She loved how risky this felt. She loved the man desperately fucking her making her center ache around him dripping against his cock. 
She knew he was the only man on this entire planet who could make her feel this good and the only man she would trust to take her in such a vulnerable place.
He would protect her; she knew this. She trusted him to take care of her and keep her safe. He would prove to her that he was devoted to her and would cherish her heart just as dearly as she cherished his.
He moaned the words leaving his lips. ‘Gonna take ye slower the second I get ye home. Gonna take ye so many times tonight, Lovely girl. Gonna remind ye that this pussy belongs to me.”
She whined, nodding her head frantically. “Missed you so much, Filip.”
He groaned, nodding his head. “Aye, missed ye, Love. Never goin to make ye miss me again. Never gonna fuck this up ever again, Love. Gonna keep ye by my side as long yer willin to have me.”
“Want you forever.” She whined the words so certain, making his heart ache with absolute adoration.
“Aye, forever.” He worked out his eyes locked on her, she by far the most stunning woman he’d ever seen and ever had the privilege of loving. 
She moaned, her hand pulling from his back sliding down her body finding her slick clit. He moaned realizing what she was doing as she began to rub at the bud of nerves so eagerly. “Such a good lass. Touchin that pussy fer me. Jeysus, Love. Play with yer wee clit make yerself cum on this cock.”
She whimpered his words encouraging her, she wanting to make herself cum for him. She wanted him to know how good he made her feel. She wanted him to know he was the only man capable of making her feel so good. 
He spoke becoming lost in lust, the words falling from him, his balls aching knowing he was closer than he’d prefer to be. “Fuckin cum on my cock and let me cum in ye. Fuck, make yerself cum. Wanna fill ye up so bad. Want my cum to drip from ye. Gonna fuckin put yer panties back on ye, not clean ye up even. Want ye to know I’m claimin what’s mine. Gonna be our wee secret, Gonna take ye home on my bike with my cum leakin from ye.”
She moaned at the statement knowing he was truly the only man who could say such absolute filth to her without her feeling bashful. If anything the dirty talk just egged her on.
She’d not had too many partners prior to him but he was by far the best she’d ever had. 
She rubbed her clit knowing just how to touch herself to help her along the path to a release. She’d had more experience in getting herself off before meeting Chibs Telford.
She’d discovered that with Chibs around she rarely had to rely on getting herself off. He was always eager to make her feel incredible even when he was exhausted.
She felt her toes curl at the sensations building up in her, she knowing it wouldn’t be much longer now.  She could feel her orgasm building in her, the fire spreading through her knowing it would burn so hot for him. 
She trembled against him, her thighs growing tense, her body jerking against him. Her fingers did not let up on her clit, her center clenching around his cock eagerly attempting to milk his release from him as she fell over the edge.
She pressed her lips against his a cry leaving her lips as she came.
He moaned the feel of her fluttering around his cock absolute perfection. It did not take long for his own end to sneak up on him, his balls drawing up close to his body, his cock throbbing.
He spilled into her as he fell over the edge, his words spilling against her lips, his accent growing so thick she could not even make out the words. “Fuckin take it, Love. Yer mine.”
She whined the warmth of his release filling her in hot spurts making her shudder against him. She clung on to him, her body feeling weak and so incredibly satisfied. 
He moaned the last of his release, desperately spilling from him into her his own knees feeling wobbly.
He pressed her further into the wall knowing he felt shaky enough that he feared not being able to hold her up as well as he should.
He pressed lazy kisses to her lips a low moan leaving him as he softened enough to slide from her body a shudder leaving him as the cold air hit his spent cock.
He spoke a drowsy giggle leaving him. “Christ, Love. Thank God fer the pill.”
She felt her own giggle leave her, she shaking her head. “Beats the hell out of condoms.” 
He smirked knowing she was the first woman he’d been with in a long while where condoms weren’t an absolute necessity. 
His experiences prior to her had consisted of croweaters who he was so not going into fucking without a rubber. 
He’d made it quite clear to her though that he only had eyes for her and he had a clean bill of health. So the pill had become their main form of contraception until the day they decided they might want to bring a few tiny Telfords into the world.
It was a possibility they’d discussed, and Chibs had been shocked to find that he didn’t mind the idea of possibly giving her a child at some point in the future even if it worried him to know he’d most likely be an older parent.
The idea of her having his child did fill him with an undeniable sense of pride though. 
She lowered her thighs from his hips he continuing to hold her up her knees feeling like jello at the moment.
She rolled her eyes not missing the proud smirk on his lips at the realization that he’d made her so unsteady on her feet especially in heels.
He tucked himself back into his boxers hastily zipping his jeans back up and refastening his belt.
He pressed his lips to hers lowering her dress back down the words leaving him. “Never goin to risk losin ye again, m’love. Need ye in my life. Never fuckin this up ever again. I love ye.”
She placed a hand on his cheek, her lips pressing to his, the words spilling from her. “I love you too, never letting you take the risk of losing me again. You can’t get rid of me, Filip. I’m yours.”
He nodded his head, a sense of comfort washing over him any fears he’d had of tainting her or destroying her seeming way too far away to grasp. “I’m yours. Ye ain’ gettin rid of me either.”
She closed her eyes as he held her against him, rocking her against him soaking up the comfort of belonging to one another.
Her heart once again felt full.
She knew they would not part again. He was hers just as much as she was his.
She would never lose him ever again.
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marsprincess889 · 8 months
THE PRINCESS DIARIES - coming into your power.
Astrological analysis with nakshatras
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The princess diaries, 1 and 2, are forever on the list of my favorite movies. Girls all over the world feel for Mia and I'm no exception, I almost always cry during certain scenes and I'm amazed again and again by how relatable and real she is, by how those movies speak to young girls.
I've decided to break down the main themes in the two movies by analyzing nakshatras of the people involved.
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A quick recap of what the story is about: Mia is a 15 year old teenager living in San Francisco with her mother. She's clumsy, awkward and has no self esteem. One day, her estranged grandmother comes to visit her from Europe to tell her that she's the only legitimate heir to rule a small country- Genovia.
Director of the movies, Garry Marshall has Ketu in Magha. Magha is about ancestors, bloodlines and it's also associated with royalty (Magha begins the signs of Leo). Ketu in a chart represents a person's primal creative energy. This explains why he was drawn to a story about royalty. One interesting fact to note is that Gary Marshall made two very iconic movies (Pretty Woman and Runaway Bride) starring Julia Roberts who has been a kind of muse to him and who has Magha moon. This is also a pattern with directors and actors, one example I can think of is Kirsten Dunst (Ashlesha moon, Purva Ashadha Ketu) being a muse to Sofia Coppola (Purva Ashadha moon, Ashlesha Ketu).
Anyways, let's get back to The Princess Diaries and analyze the heart of the two movies- the relationship between Mia and her grandmother, queen Clarisse.
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Anne Hathaway - Hasta moon, Vishakha sun, Jyeshta rising
Julie Andrews - Vishakha moon, Hasta sun, Uttara Phalguni rising
Part 1
Hasta- strong females
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The second movie's main theme is about female empowerment and independence. When the parliament refuses to let Mia rule without a husband, she has 30 days to arrange a marriage and she's willing to do it, just because she wants to rule so much that's she's ready to make such a sacrifice. At the last second she breaks down at her wedding, unable to be betray herself and finds courage inside her to make the parliament change their minds. She succeds and becomes queen without a husband.
Hasta is all about female empowerment but unlike Bharani, it's in a non-sexual, celibate way. Hasta, as a woman, completely rejects almost all male influence and is capable of being self-reliant, only opening up to rare men who she deems worthy. Hasta is the female that does not need a man and in that way, is a safe and empowering place for women.
There's a scene in the second movie where Mia stops the parade to defend a small girl from boys who were bullying her. She tells her how to be a princess and empowers her, letting her and the other kids join the parade. During the monologue at the end, when Mia is talking to the parliament at her wedding, we see women accross the country intently listening to her on the television, shushing the men . 😆
Part 2
Vishakha - joining opposites
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Like Hasta, both Anne Hathaway and Julie Andrews have Vishakha in their luminaries. Vishakha nakshatra is about joining opposites. It begins in the sign of Libra (partnerships, agreements, relationships, compromise) with its last quarter being in Scorpio (death, transformation, occult). Vishakha is ruled by the gods Indra and Agni- the lightning and fire gods. It's about energized ebthuasiasm, cultivating something over time, about using the pent up energy or anger. It's another name is Radha ("the gift", hence the next nakshatra being Anuradha- "after the gift".)
"The gift" is not just good, it can also be unwelcome, like in Mia's case, when she was angered by the revelation that she's a princess. Queen Clarisse and Mia are very different from each other, but neither had a choice but to compromise and agree to a bargain. They learn to appreciate their differences and embrace their similarities, thus, joining opposite forces.
They do have misunderstandings, but that's part of all relationships and eventually they bond deeply as they realize they have the same goal. Vishakha is also connected to anger and the little outbursts they both have definitely show that. One great example is when Mia ruins Lana's (her bully's) outfit and calls her a jerk in front of everyone after always just silently ignoring her remarks.
Joining opposites in this movie is not just about Mia and the Queen, it's also about the two cultures, also about the first movie being a high school drama as well as a fairytale for young girls.
Part 3
Jyeshta - from underdog to the ruler
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"Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgement that something else is more important than fear."
-Mia's father to her in a letter
To me, Jyeshta is connected to the underdog who succeeds despite all odds. Jyeshta 's power is to "rise, conquer and gain courage in battle". It's the stage of intense competition. Its deity is Indra- lightning god and the king of the gods, like Vishakha. We see other kids bully Mia in the first film but she slowly places herself above it, making her point (by taking her little revenge on Lana) and then not engaging with them anymore, as she realizes her own self- worth.
A major point in the movie is when she decides not to run away despite being scared to speak to the public, showing her true courage.
Besides Indra- the king of the gods, another deity associated with Jyeshta is Dhumavati- the hag goddess who is eternally hungry. Because of this, I think Jyeshta is associated with grandmothers and our relationship to them. I personally have exalted Ketu in Jyeshta and I was practically raised by my father's late mother (unlike my sibling, mind you. I'm the eldest) and I still have a close relationship with my mother's mother. Mia, played by Jyeshta ascendant Anne Hathaway, also has a very special relationship with her grandmother.
So, in the end, the bullied underdog became a princess and eventually- a queen.
Some bonuses:
Uttara Phalguni is associated with gaining wealth and privileges from partnerships. Uttara Phalguni ascendant Julie Andrews playing queen Clarisse, who became a royal by marriage, confirms that.
Heather Mattarazo (Lily) and Anne Hathaway were born only a few days apart, hence their charts being similar and them playing best friends.
So, this is it. If you found this interesting, please, interact with me, like, comment, reblog. Take care 🤍
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an-aroaces-harem · 2 months
Ellis Twilight Chapter 1
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DISCLAIMER: I just deepl and google translated my way through this because I wanted to know what’s going on, so there are definitely mistakes but I believe I managed the general gist of the story. Anyway, it’s just a fan-made translation solely for entertainment purposes. Ikemen Villains belongs to Cybird.
Another note: I know Ikemen Villains is set in victorian London, but I will use the japanese suffixes because I prefer them.
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What is happiness?
It is like a twilight sky that changes color as soon as it is burned into the eye ...
It holds your heart forever and never lets go, but you'll never have the same one again.
Time, stand still, and let not this happiness fade away.
(From today onwards, my life will be monitored by the members of the assassin organization 'Crown' who control evil with evil.)
(As a 'fairytale writer', it is my duty and my only lifeline to record their sins.)
I get myself ready in front of the mirror and reassure myself that I am ready.
(I am honestly afraid to see this 'sin' again, but ...)
(I've handled a lot of complaints and deliveries at the post office in the past, and I've also worked in busy and crazy situations.)
(Don't worry. I'm sure I'll manage.)
Kate: Only one month. You can do it, you can do it ...
I said to myself like an incanation, opened the door, and took a vigorous step forward.
???: Whoa.
Kate: Ah!?
I bumped the tip of my nose against the chest of someone standing in front of the room.
Kate: I-I'm sorry ...!
Ellis: I'm sorry, too. ... Does it hurt.
(Ah ... that person ...)
Last night, I discovered th secret of Crown, an assassination organization und the direct control of the Queen.
Harrison: ... And? What are you going to do now that I've explained it to you so thoroughly, Victor?
Victor: Hm ... yeah ...
Ellis: Shall we kill her?
(Eh ...?)
Ellis: She doesn't seem happy at all, but I'll take care of that business.
--flashback end--
(He was the first person to suggest killing me.)
(But, then ...)
Ellis: I'm Ellis.
Kate: Ellis ... -kun. Nice to meet you.
Ellis: Hmm ... nice to meet you. Jude and I often go out for outside work.
Ellis: I'll make yo as happy as I can while you're here.
--flashback end--
He was the same guy, but he calmly said something like a marriage proposal ... a slightly different person.
(Why did Ellis-kun come in front of my room ...?)
(Oh, right. Surveillance has already started.)
If I do a bad job, they might kill me.
I remember the fear I felt last night, and I'm sure I stood up straight.
(We shouldn't be in the same mood as we were before.)
(I've already stepped into a different world.)
Kate: Ellis-kun, right? Please take care of me from today.
Ellis: Yes, Ellis Twilight. Come on ... don't be so stiff.
Ellis-kun laughed lightly and looked into my face with concern.
Ellis: ... your nose is turning red.
Ellis: I'm sorry. I was just about to knock when the door opened and I couldn't avoid it.
A long, slender arm holds the door.
Behind his habitual hair are the one and only twilight-colored eyes of his namesake.
I gasped at the unexpectedly close proximity and hurriedly apologized.
Kate: No! I'm sorry I was too enthusiastic and stepped out too fast.
Ellis: Spirited? Why?
Kate: Eh!? Umm ...
("I was afraid of living with you guys, and I was trying to get my mind off of it.")
(How ... can I say that?)
Kate: It's like being transferred to a department you don't know at all, so ... it's ...
Kate: Oh, yes! It's like that ...!
Ellis: Oh, yes ...
Ellis-kun blinks his eyes.
(Hmm, too unnatural ...)
Ellis: ... You're such a cute person.
Kate: Um ... it's okay if you don't follow me ...
(I should have been to have an excuse, but it's kind of very embarrassing ...)
As I averted my gaze as if looking for a place to hide myself, Ellis-kun returned to a straight face and said something in a loud voice.
Ellis: I'd like to ask Hana-san to do her first job in a new department.
Kate: ... Wow ...
(Beautiful garden.)
I was taken to the courtyard of Crown Castle ...
There was a beautiful garden there that had been meticulously manicured in every detail.
Seasonal flowers are in full bloom and smell good, like paradise.
(Although last night I felt nothing but majesty and danger in the towering castle ...)
(There are some places that are so restful.)
I followed Ellis-kun along the path, admiring the beautiful gardens, until we came to a pavilion.
Tea and scones are prepared on the table as if a tea party is about to begin.
Ellis: Go ahead.
Kate: Uh ... T-thank you very much.
I sat down in the chair, puzzled by Ellis-kun pulling out the chair and waiting for me, and he sat down on the opposite side of the table.
(He asked me for a job. But I'm not sure I can do it ...)
Kate: Do we do my first job here?
Ellis: Yeah ... your first job is to have breakfast with me.
(... Eh?)
Ellis: Tell me about you over a nice meal. I'll tell you about me too.
Ellis: If you record it, it will be a record as a 'fairytale writer', won't it?
Kate: That would be ... honestly very helpful.
Ellis: Good, I'm glad I could be of service.
It seems like he is serious and trying to help me.
Ellis: I'll tell you about the other members of Crown.
Ellis: I think it's a bit scary to live among people you don't know at all.
Kate: ...!
(I never expected this 'first job' to be ...)
Kate: Did you ask me out to relieve my nerves?
Ellis: ... kinda right.
Kate: 'Kinda'?
Ellis: It's also so I can talk to you, which is ... a little incorrect.
A soft, faint smile is on his lips.
(I wonder if the first impression I had of Ellis-kun last night was a misunderstanding.)
Just by being near him, the temperature of my body feels cooler ...
... it is as if something is peeking at us from the blurred open darkness ...
... I'm sure I felt that kind of anxiety last night ...
(I don't feel such anxiety from Ellis-kun in front of me.)
(Maybe that was because that was right after I saw the murder scene.)
I quietly brushed aside the strange feeling that was surely brewing in my chest, and decided not to look at it.
... In hindsight, this was a mistake.
(Anyway, since Ellis-kun arranged this for me ...)
(With all due respect, let's hear what you have to say.)
Kate: Thank you very much, Ellis-kun.
Ellis: I didn't do anything for which you could thank me.
Ellis: Do you like sweets? These are the scones Victor baked this morning.
Kate: What? Victor bakes ...?
Ellis: Yeah, it tastes really good. Al is also a good cook.
Ellis: The clotted cream is something I learned from Al and made it myself.
Ellis: Liam recommended this jam, so he bought it for me.
Ellis: Maybe it's because he's a stage actor, but he knows what's trendy.
Ellis: This meat pie is from a place Roger-san used to take me for lunch. He often writes about it.
Kate: W-wait a minute. I want to write down what you just told me ...!
I took out my pocket notebook.
Ellis-kun told me all about the people of Crown, and I was very impressed.
Kate: I know this apricot crumpet store! There's quite a line, isn't there?
Ellis: Harry and I bought them side by side. Harry has a sweet tooth and loves a good sweet store.
Kate: Hehe ... I see you are all good friends at Crown.
(I've always felt like I lived in a different, though.)
(I feel a little relieved to know that we are the same people who live in London ...)
(Thanks to Ellis-kun.)
Keeping the overflowing smile on his face, he spreads cream on the scone at hand.
Ellis: Kate-san.
Kate: Yes ...?
Very naturally, Ellis-kun's large hand reached up to my face.
Ellis: ... It looks like cream is on your hair.
Kate: Eh? Ah ...
(Really, I didn't notice.)
Ellis-kun scooped my hair with his fingertips and gently pulled it over my ears.
Kate: Thank you very much.
Ellis: You're welcome. Was it so good you got carried away?
Resting his face on one hand, Ellis-kun looked at me and smiled.
Kate: ... Yes, it's delicious.
Ellis: Good.
(I can't believe you can do this casually, Ellis-kun seems to be ... popular.)
Realizing that my heart was pounding, I tried to calm down my erractic heartbeat.)
Kate: You prepared a seat like this for me, you cared about me ...
Kate: Why are you being so nice to me?
(I don't even remember doing anything to Ellis-kun that would make him be this nice to me yesterday ...)
Ellis: Kate-san, you didn't look happy all last night.
Ellis: I just want whoever is around me to smile as much as possible.
(That's it ...?)
(To Ellis-kun, I'm a stranger who knows nothing about him.)
Kate: Do you do this for everyone? Even if you have never met them before?
Ellis: Eh ...? Hm ... I guess it's no good.
His naive doubt, on the contrary, made him look puzzled.
(Ellis-kun is a bit of a strange person after all.)
(But ...)
Kate: ... I was happy.
(I'm sure Ellis-kun made me feel better.)
Ellis: I see. ... I'm glad you don't mind.
... By the end of the harmonious breakfast, my guard was completely down.
Ellis: Do you enjoy the theater?
Kate: Yes, I do. In fact, last night, I took an unfamiliar night shift because I wanted money for tickets ...
Ellis: Fufu ... quite passionate.
I chatted with Ellis-kun endlessly, as if we were new friends.
Then, the sound of footsteps echoed.
Victor: Hey, hey, it's so exciting!
Ellis: Victor.
Kate: ...! Good morning.
Victor: Oh, don't get up! I don't mean to interrupt your pleasant banter.
Victor: Ellis offered to take care of breakfast for me, but ... have you relaxed a bit?
Victor smiled at me and looked at me probingly.
The shado of unfathomability I felt from him last night has faded, and I sense warmth and concern in his jewel-like eyes.
(Maybe it was because I enjoyed my 'first job' with Ellis-kun so much that I was able to relax.)
Kate: Yes, thanks to Ellis-kun and the delicious scones Victor baked for us.
Victor: ...
I smiled gratefully, and Victor seemed a little surprised.
But soon after, he smiles like a blossoming flower.
Victor: Yeah, yeah. Your open smile says "I'm so happy to be Crown's exclusive fairytale writer"!
Ellis: ... Didn't you say that much?
Kate: ... Hehe.
Victor looked at me with a small shake of his shouldered and narrowed his eyes.
Victor: Well, I have two requests for you, fairytale master. You must keep the secret, and you must write down the sins.
Victor: The former is fine, but I didn't want you to be lost as to what to do about the latter.
Victor: Can I explain a little?
Kate: Yes, by all means.
Victor: It's not that hard. I want you to take a good look at the people in Crown and write down what you find sinful.
Victor: I'll leave it to you to figure out how to do it.
Victor: You can see mutiple people on different days, or you can focus on one person and work with them.
(Observe the Crown members carefully, the methods and partner are free ... I see.)
Kate: I understand. ... Um, what is the extent of my surveillance?
Victor: I don't want to restrict your freedom of movement except to go out alone.
Victor: I may ask to accompany me on missions, but you can spend the rest of the time however you like.
I'm a little relieved because I thought I'd be under more intense scrutiny.
Kate: I understand. Thank you for your explanation.
Victor: ... I have to admit, I was a little surprised just now. I didn't expect to see your smile so soon.
Victor: We showed you a terrible scene and we are an evil organization that can't even say that you can rest in peace.
A joking wink ...
Then Victor squinted his eyes to watch the dazzling sunlight.
Victor: Hopefully, this will not take away your smile and the darkness that will inevitably touch you.
Strangely, I didn't think the words he told me were a lie.
(The people at Crown are no doubt dwellers of the darkness, horrible people who are willing to lay their hands on people.)
I thought that if I looked into the depths of their hearts, I would be able to understand their feelings.
Victor: I'll leave you to it. The Queen's aide is quite busy.
It seemed that he was just there to see how things were going, and Victor quickly left without getting on the tapes.
(To note a sin, you must first take a good look at the person in Crown, huh?)
Then I'd like to know more about Ellis-kun first.
Such feelings come very naturally.
Kate: Um, Ellis-kun ... what are your plans for today?
But my voice is interrupted by a swarthy voice.
Jude: You have to work, right? Why are you slacking off? I'll kick your ass!
Ellis, Kate: !
The dusky voice makes me jump up and down.
(That voice ...)
Fearfully, I turned around to see Jude-san standing in the courtyard with his arms folded, looking exasperated.
(Oh, he is angry ...)
Ellis: Sorry, I'm coming.
Without even standing up, Ellis-kun leisurely turned his gaze towards Jude-san and answered.
(So carefree ...)
Jude-san clicked his tongue and quickly flipped his cloak and went.
Ellis: ... today's schedule, as you can see.
Kate: You work for a trading company, right?
(Jude-san was the president and Ellis-kun was his assistant ...)
(I was going to observe Ellis-kun, but maybe I should change the day.)
Kate: Thank you for taking the time for me. Good luck with your work.
Ellis: ...
Ellis-kun stared at me, thinking about something.
Kate: Um ...
Ellis: If you want, you can come with me.
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mirror-ralsei · 8 months
THEORY: The Butterfly Effect
I'd like to thank VGFM for forming the basis of this theory with theirs, the excellent "The True Identity and Importance of "Everyman"". I highly recommend reading it!
A while ago, VGFM brought to my attention the presence of a butterfly motif in UTDR.
They noted the presence of butterflies in three specific places: Whimsun/Whimsalot's bullets, Reaper Bird/Everyman's bullets, and King's cape.
I'd like to expound on this by analyzing these usages, and also add another two instances of a butterfly motif that, all together, lead me to a conclusion about what butterflies in UTDR could mean.
1: Everyman's bullets
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Probably the most memorable appearance of butterflies across Undertale and Deltarune. It's our pal Everyman!
In case it was possible to forget, here's a refresher: the amalgamate Reaper Bird in the True Lab features a guest star in their attacks. The strange, embryonic "Everyman" initially just stands there. Then their face is painfully eaten by butterflies, and they subsequently will go on the attack. Everyman has since cameoed in Deltarune a few times, but the butterflies have been conspicuously absent.
Still, this seems to be the character most obviously linked to butterflies so far.
As for what butterflies could mean here, there's only one really major thing to note: Everyman was not aggressive until the butterflies infested their face. In one of their attacks, the butterflies even seem to be "puppeting" a staggering Everyman, and are the ones actually inflicting damage by flying out of their head.
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Does this mean the butterflies represent aggression? I'm not so sure. However, as we're about to see, they do seem to appear a lot in the context of antagonism.
2: King's Mantle
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Another butterfly was visible in Deltarune Chapter 1, taking the shape of King's... cape?
At the time of VGFM's theory, we didn't have the Chapter 1 livestream, but Toby gave us this one for free: "Cool mantle, bro."
Setting aside the weighted term "mantle" for this theory (but rest assured, you're in good company thinking about the SkyMantle and ShadowMantle), I'd like to focus on the King himself.
Firstly: Many people refer to this character as the "Chaos King," likely due to the titular track that plays during his fight. But the character himself is only ever referred to as "(a) King." Let's squirrel this away for later.
Secondly: During said battle with King, during which he has his greyscale mantle, he is able to use a greyscale "tail" from his belly to attack us by slightly manipulating the UI.
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King uses that grey belly tail to drag our box around the screen and into bullets in various ways, almost reminiscent of fighting Sans. As far as I can remember, (correct me if I'm wrong), he's one of the only DR characters who do this (ETA: @potabo pointed out Queen also has a UI-affecting attack, as does Spamton in a scrapped attack).
But after the King's mantle has flown away, we only see him using basic spade bullets. We never see the belly tail again.
Now, of course, this could just be gameplay/story dichotomy - we're in a cutscene, not in battle, so of course we don't see any grander attacks.
But it would be interesting if the mantle itself was what granted him the meta power to manipulate the UI. If true, then by extension, this might associate the butterfly motif with similar powers.
Remember what I said about "Chaos King" not being his real name? That begs the question: why is the track titled that?
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This one's a little sneaky.
We've all probably noticed by now that Asriel's battle is chock full of Deltarune references, and plot elements we weren't even aware of. There's plenty of theories and speculation out there about that.
But one of the elements flying under the radar is his attack "CHAOS SABER."
Not the Kris-like sword attack, or the unusual animations, or the Deltarune-like sparkles at the end... but the very sword sprites themselves.
Take a look again.
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Yep - when put together, the two swords Asriel uses form a butterfly shape. (They're also reflections of each other...)
What do we know about this instance of the butterfly motif? Not much, really, aside from the use of swords to cut, the production of those Darkner-representing stars, and the title: "CHAOS SABER."
Uh-oh. Maybe we shouldn't speak too loudly of "chaos..."
4: Jevil's voiceline
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Just a small one, but I think worth noting: Jevil, a character strongly associated with Chaos, has the voiceline "METAMORPHOSIS."
Yes, it's one of his references to those Line stickers. But face it: when you hear "metamorphosis," what's the first thing that comes to mind?
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It may not directly spell out the word "butterfly." But fellow Line reference "I CAN DO ANYTHING" doesn't directly spell out "freedom," anyway, and that's an actual confirmed Jevil motif.
All I'm saying is, it's not out of the question that the "METAMORPHOSIS" line might tie into this ongoing butterfly motif.
5: Whimsun/Whimsalot's Bullets
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You may have gone through this list wondering: where are Whimsun and Whimsalot? What profound meaning do they have? What fascinating secrets can we glean from their depiction of butterflies?
The answer is: I dunno lol.
Sorry, there was a reason I shunted them off to the end. Unfortunately, I just can't find anything that sorely sticks out! Whimsalot is one of the CORE enemies, sure, and those seem Deltarune-relevant in some way, but otherwise... I just don't know! If anyone has more profound insight to offer here, feel free to sound off - I'd love to hear your ideas. Personally, I'm gonna throw in the towel until we get another chapter.
You've probably noticed by now, but there seems to be a common thread throughout half of these instances.
Jevil, "Chaos King," "CHAOS SABER"...
In Undertale and Deltarune, butterflies may represent CHAOS.
And honestly, it makes more sense than you'd think.
The butterfly effect is pretty well-referenced in media: a single flap of a butterfly's wings, rippling out to eventually cause a hurricane somewhere else.
And what discipline, exactly, does the butterfly effect fall under? Chaos theory.
If this is the imagery Toby Fox is trying to invoke, I wonder if our actions won't "ripple out" in a great chain of cause-and-effect, either. After all, he did state some things "only appear random. All chaos is ordered."
As for what this means for the affected characters, the one that jumps out the most as an example is Everyman. Again, in Reaper Bird's attack, the poor fellow appears to be engulfed by butterflies - so, metaphorically, by CHAOS. Only after this do they actually become aggressive. And interestingly, Toby Fox also remarks on how the Dark Fountain may have changed King's behavior.
After all, in terms of the greater plot, the most solid thing we know about the role of CHAOS is that it will apparently result when the Dark Fountains fill the sky, and cause the Roaring.
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So, is "Chaos King" actually King altered by the CHAOS-causing presence of the fountain? How many more benign characters like Everyman have been spurred into aggression in this way? And how long before all this mounting CHAOS becomes a true Roaring?
It seems we'll have to keep an eye on the butterflies.
...Well, that's all I've got for today. Feel free to leave your essays about Whimsun being the most important Undertale character - once things ripple out enough, you might just be right.
(Screenshot credit: 1, 2, 3)
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abhainnwhump · 8 months
I'll Make You Mine Masterlist
Read on Wattpad and AO3
NIGHTMARE is a sadistic bastard, that's just a fact. His goal is to corrupt Dream's soul and prevent the Doodlesphere from feeling positive emotions ever again. He has a new plan to do it. His brother is smart enough to know his games, but one of his friends isn't.
INK doesn't know what to think of the letter on his nightstand. It only added onto the strange missing things and nightmares he's been having. Was Nightmare asking him on a date? Pfft, that was ridiculous, there was no way- wait. When did he get so pretty? When did Nightmare get so perfect?
DREAM has the hope of the entire multiverse in his hands. With their best friend and Protector of the Doodlesphere missing, they have to do both Ink's job and their own, along with making sure no one else goes missing. He's stressed and exhausted, but he can't rest now. Come on Dream, stay . . . awake . . .
Content warnings:
- Abusive Inkmare
- Gore
- Graphic body horror
- Medical experimentation without anesthesia; we die like half the characters in this story.
- Physical and psychological torture
- Traumatic events
- HEAVY brainwashing/conditioning
- Stockholm Syndrome/Lima Syndrome
- Dehumanization/objectification
- Major character deaths
- Specific warnings I will put on the chapters that need them.
1. Sadistic Experiment: Nightmare
2. High on Sweetness: Ink
3. The Puppeteer's Warning: Nightmare
4. Nightmares Don't Mean Anything: Ink
5. Last Minute Preparations: Nightmare
6. Let's Get This Over With: Ink
7. Should've Could've Would've: Dream
8. Lure into the Darkness: Nightmare
9. True Colors . . . Or Lack Of: Ink
10. Every Action has Consequence: Dream
11. Perfect Backup: Nightmare
12. Make Me Your Masterpiece: Ink
13. Killer's Twisted Surprise: Dream
14. Behavior Modification: Nightmare
15. Toys Don't Talk: Ink
16. Candy Corruption: Dream
17. The Battle for Birdtale: Nightmare
18. Guardian of Nothing: Ribbon
19. Rainbows Over Shadows: Dream
20. Stitch by Stitch: Nightmare
21. Welcome to the Show: Ribbon
22. Mind Sickness: Dream
23. No More Denial: Nightmare
24. A Night to Remember: Ribbon
25. The Final Star Sans Standing: Dream
26. Backstabbing Crash: Nightmare
27. I Can Fix Him: Ribbon
28. New Ally New Plan: Dream
29. For Our Future: Nightmare
30. Captive to Queen: Ribbon
31. Into the Castle of Night: Dream
32. Restore the Balance: Nightmare
33. Better Late than Never: Ribbon
34. A Darker Lie: Dream
Ribbon's (Doll!Ink) Reference Sheet
Human Ribbon Reference Sketch
Ribbon Apology Doodles
Azurem's Ribbon Art
Shadorio's Ribbon Art
Azurem's Ribbon + Blossom Art
Azurem's Chapter 20 Ribbon Art
Depravitycorner's Ribbon + Blossom Art
Shadorio's "Nightmare Throwing Error off a Balcony in Chapter 24" Art
Azurem's Human Ribbon Art
Artisticauras' Ribbon Art
Artisticauras' Ribbon Profile Pic
Related Asks:
Prompt: Killer wants to hang out with Cross (canon, takes place between chapters 31 and 33)
Prompt: Nightmare is a racist
Prompt: Nightmare misgenders Ink
Prompt: Nightmare misgenders Ink: Electric Boogaloo
Prompt: Nightmare misgenders Ink: The Empire Strikes Back
Prompt: Nightmare misgenders Ink: Ribbon officially becomes goth
Prompt: Nightmare misgenders Ink: Separate the Star Sanses
Prompt: Nightmare tortures Ink and becomes ableist
Splatoon Classes
Ribbon's Favorite Song
Headcanon: Ribbon's Seasonal Outfits
Ribbon + Blossom take over Wattpad
Nightmare's Villain Song
No Hope for Ink
Ribbon's Birthday
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itsyagurlchip · 1 month
how is the original bone skeleton man doing?? OH OH AND is the setting the usual portal opening in the house and bam you've got new uncles or something else??? YAIOEPEPWLWKWPWBAOAV
buckle up, cuz this is super long yall 🥲
OKAY!!! THIS IS WHERE MY "INTERESTING" PART COMES IN 😁 monsters are just coming to the surface, and speciesism is as high as ever. after a year of this, queen toriel decides to open a human-monster program, something that also promotes her small school.
monsters adopt humans! ebbot was a bit iffy on it, but after realizing the benefits the mayor eventually agreed. (jk that nigga only wants the money 💀-) It was hard to get the program started, because many schools and orphanages werent as trusting, and the state wasn't fundinh it at all. So Toriel took a different approach.
Many monsters put their savings into it, considering their currency is literal fucking gold, and the program would allow each child to get $1000+ per month, depending on their age and needs. and yes giving kids thousands of dollars per year doesn't sound like a good idea, but shhhhh! the plot my dear!
The monsters who take care of them aren't allowed to use it themselves in selfish situations. Both the child and the guardian has rules.
one) you guys have to interact in some way. whether it be verbally, or even physically. two) NOTHING 18+, as all children being minors, that would be kinda weird. three) follow laws as follows- just dont be a shitty parent. four) the child has to want to participate as well, and cant do anything to hurt the guardian. including verbally (bc monster souls are made of feelings pretty much [thats another hc for another day])
id love to go deeper into the details, yet i however cannot bc i dont know how a parent-child program works.
and you have to be in the program for 1 month before you or the child wants to back out.
doesn't matter if its one-sided or not, when someone doesn't like it it immediately stops. id like to say that frisk and papyrus put most if their money into this, just so she can be adopted by toriel.
so when papyrus sees that gaster and sans have been stuck in the lab (not the basement!) for globs of hours at a time, sporadic sleeping, and overall exhaustion from work, he says the craziest shit
sans, in his sleep deprived state, promptly rose an eyebrow and fell out of his chair onto his side.
yea, its not that he didn't take the thing well, bro couldn't process it 💀💀
gaster just rolled his only visible eyelight and went back to work
well that worked well!!
reader arrived to the house the next day, and seeing that it was a two story house!?!?
AND there was an in-law suite? fuck yea! orphan kid made the jackpot 💥💥😼
they had fuckin steps too les goo!!
Your dark skin shined against the light of the sun, your brown eyes sparkling in excitement.
reader let go of papyrus's hand and ran inside immediately.
Careful as to not smudge your dirty shoes against the shiney floor, you looked around the house in amazement. This place had to have atleast 5 rooms!
and then the in law suite on the side looked like another 2 rooms!?? BEST DAY OF YOUR LIFE!!
Not only did you have super nice guardians (you hoped), they were packed enough to keep you and themselves stabilized!! Hell, if theirs more people, they could support them aswell!!
Taking off your shoes, you looked around the living room. The long couch was green, albiet a bit patchy for a nice place, while the tan side couches could lean back!!
where those outlets on the sides? omg
"HAVING FUN DEAR HUMAN CHILD?" Papyrus smirked. He knew that the house of the Great Papyrus was enough to impress anyone, even of young ages.
"You guys are so rich!! wow- i mean, not that im tryna take your money or anything, but like- WOW!! Its so big!! Bigger than anything ive ever been to!" You were now flapping your hands and bouncing a bit. Your locs of hair bounced in it's pony tail no matter how small the fidget-hop was.
Behind the living room was a beautiful and lavish kitchen, and to the right there was the steps. To the right it looked like some like of master bedroom or guest bathroom.
But you didn't care about rooms right now, you wanted to see your other guardians!!
"Where are the other people im supposed to be meeting? Are you my only guardian or do they have to take care of me too? Are they mean? Are they bums? I hope they dont smoke or something, Do they have an addiction? What about-"
"THAT!, DEAR CHILD, IS GOING TO BE FOR INTRODUCTIONS!! DO NOT WORRY, WHILE THOSE TWO MAY BE GRUMPS, THEY ARE PLEASANT PEOPLE TO BE AROUND...EVEN IF THE LACK OF SLEEP TAKES THEIR PLEASANT PERSONALITY AWAY..." Papyrus concluded. You noticed that, despite the way he tried to talk to himself, you still heard it loud and clearly.
Maybe he had a hard time with volume control. meh.
Grabbing your hand and leading you towards the back door next to the kitchen, Papyrus opened the door. He had to lean down a bit in order to hold your hand, but he didn't mind.
The hallway was looooong. Instead of it being regular walls, it was glass windows of different colors. Which made you raise an eyebrow abit.
You both reached the end of the hallway, hearing mumblings, ramblings, and overall terms that lowkey hurt your brain.
Getting too excited, you open the door to a glass-based lab. With the occasional plastic and metal equipment.
In the middle of the room there was an island counter filled was rainbow colored stuff ('gay as hell' , you sniggered), small green candies, and lots and lots if paper and pencils sharpened to the ends.
At one end of the room, there was a tall skeleton, a little shorter than Papyrus, who was more goop than skeleton. Infact, he looked like someone took a fire torch to his upper body, but you didn't say anything.
At the other end, there was a short skeleton, probably shorter than you (hah, being 5'0 did pay off), laying with his head on the desk, knocked out with blue slob. You marveled at the sight, wanting to know more about monsters at this revelation.
"FATHER! BROTHER! THIS IS THE CHILD I ADOPTED FOR ALL OF US!" Papyrus announced, grinning undauntedly. The smaller skeleton banged his head on the desk at the loud voice, while the other one barely flinched and turned slowly in irritation. "INTRODUCE YOURSELVES WHILE I MAKE LUNCH FOR THE GROWING FETUS!" He declared, marching out with a big smile.
If this plan went correctly, then his favorite family members would be mentally stable (as much as one could try- he thought to himself).
after banging his head on the damned table, sans sat up a bit disoriented.
why was there a human child in the house?
why was it in the lab?
"uhh kid, ur not supposed be here...uhh, its not safe and uh, you could die."
"WOW! Your so freakin cool! How do you talk without moving your face? Are you wearing a mask? I could die here! ooh shiney stuff, can i touch it?"
yea.. this kid has not had a proper friend in a minute
he was overwhelmed by the questions you asked at first, he didn't answer them at all in favor of watching gaster struggle to calm you down.
sans didn't mind how loud you were, it was moreso the curiosity that you brought along with you.
that wouldn't do.
"Hey! What's this?" the kid asked, walking towards the machine that could very much possibly cause the heat death of the universe, before getting snatched up by gaster.
"Enough! you are here to introduce yourself, and you will do as such" It was funny to see the man twitch like that. sans likes this kid already.
After knowing your name and age, sans was a bit surprised.
he honestly thought you were younger.
while introducing himself he tried to keep it simple and short. how old is he?
"how old am i old man?"
His blue slippers shifted from the movement of his ankle bones.
he thought you were just an average kid, but something about you was different.
oddly enough you always wore these earrings saying Y on the right and N on the left.
he wonder what it meant
Now its a week past since you came into the 'haunted house', aka the skele-dungeon
you two play pranks against gaster when he has free time. watching him bounce his leg in irritation every time he finds a lima bean in his notes is pure gold.
since you're virtual, due to your choice, he tries to take you places.
some of the most consistent ones are dance class every saturday and neighborhood walks you take by yourself.
I think of sans is the type of person to give less of a shit about his dad.
mostly because if the way he approaches things, iN tHE NaME oF sCIeNcE
it pisses him off everytime he tries to ask you for a blood sample
and it makes him even angrier when you say yes without a second thought.
but despite that, he cares about gaster.
but he wants to choke him out being his first son.
Despite being constantly sleep deprived, he makes time for this little new joy in his life.
Back then he's sleep at his desk, especially when his magic reserves were too low to shortcut.
But now, and you thought he didn't notice, you carry him to the living room of the main house and turn the tv volume down to 9 when you cant fall asleep.
another thing you both have in common
More often than not, you both find each other at the odd hours if the night.
since he can barely cook shit, it's mostly you making the midnight snacks
he appreciates the food you make for him, despite him initially coming to get a 10 1/2 ounce bag of chips
other times you guys will sit in the living room in silence
occasionally he'll find himself rambling to you about physics, specifically quantum, so he can keep his memory up.
sans likes the way you treat his brother.
as an uncle and not a childish cousin.
You may not be able to keep up with Papyrus's schedules and puzzles
but when you can, you two shine this wholesome light on the whole house that makes sans's soul ache lovingly.
Papyrus likes to take you out for walks more than him, or you'll both hang out in the backyard next to the glass hallway of the suite.
on his breaks, he'll find you two doing silly things
like rolling in the grass
or trying to carry each other.
without being able to admit it, sans and papyrus feel a new joy in their life.
and they got a cool kid to come with it :)
Gaster and sans were in the lab when his father said the most dumbest shit his nonexistent ears could ever listen to
gaster was never fully succumbed into the void, as sans had saved him before anything totally horrible happened.
hence his melted face and arms.
but he saw something, or rather somethings, that his meticulous little nerd brain has been hyperfiaxting on since the child came.
"Let's discover new universes!"
sans was just like 'naw, jit crazy'
so gaster fucks around with the machine for a while in secret while sans is frolicking with his newly adopted child.
ew, children.
but he guesses that she's okay, despite her adamant queries (hehe).
and soon enough, the machine made that man find out after he fucked around
Now that the machine stopped pouring in different variants of his children, this only made gaster more excited to use the machine.
sans on the other hand was fuckin freaking out.
the damn geezer did it
but not only that, there are aggressive ass versions of him who are willing to kill a child and that wont go.
sans is not gonna give on the things that bring him joy that easy.
*insert battle sequence*
ok so he got his ass whooped, no biggie.
and now his adopted child is befriending them. great.
annnddd now his brother is taking care of them. even better.
AANNNDD now his father is too interested in them to try and find a way to send them back. AMAZING!
bro wants to jump off a roof at this point
to be honest, he doesn't like the other versions of himself.
Theyre different possibilities of what could've happened currently and he already thinks about that enough.
but, reader likes them, so he gives them a pass.
but if they hurt her...or even worse, his brother...
he wont need the machine to figure out a way to take them out of this world.
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i know the reader sounds super excited rn, which is sorta unexpected for an orphan centered fic, in the official thing you're gonna see a less than..nice attitude from them.
btw i wanna make a house plan to this can make more sense for your guys. ohhhhhhhh- IM TOO DAMN EXCITED 😋😋💕 i prolly gotta learn skeleton anatomy too-
@kittykittyanon @radicallxser @oleander-nin @towomatos @thealphagirl @ziipzeepzop-eez @amorvincitomnia-14 @spongejuice @cyb3r-st4r. if you would like to be added, check my blog. if you would like to be added, check my blog. SEE? I SAID IT TWICE!!
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criminalmindswhore · 9 months
Dark Pieces of Me pt. 2
Hey girl queen pussy bosses, here's part 2! This part is going to be LONG because I want to keep it in 3/4 parts. Enjoy!
Also fun fact, Mateo is an actual food stand across the street from San Fran PD, look it up.
TW: violence, mentions of organized crime, terrorism, mentions of suicide
Part 1 | Part 3
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The sun crept into the curtains of the cheap motel you booked somewhere in Kansas. You didn't sleep but you knew you needed to take a break. Your hand was throbbing from clutching your gun the entire night. You stood up from your post in front of the door and gathered your small bag of items. Stepping into the tiny shitty bathroom you splashed water on your face and caught a glimpse of your reflection. Dark eyebags, perfectly braided hair, a bruise under your eye from the fucker who tried to steal your gas pump. Thoughts of Emily lying on your couch, watching Pulp Fiction made you feel a little comfort. You knew you would never see her again and it made your heart feel so heavy. Shaking away thoughts of what could have been with Emily, and the stolen thoughts across the bullpen. You grabbed your bag, tucked your gun into your waistband, and walked out into the morning sun. You walked into the office and dropped the cash needed for your stay on the counter. "Good morning Ms. Jones, how did you sleep?" The sweet old lady who owned the place asked. "Good, much-needed rest from driving. Thank you for the sandwich last night, my stomach was screaming at me." The owner nodded, "Of course hon, you looked like you needed some sunshine in your day." You have no idea. "Do you have any maps? Mine got soaked last night." She nodded and slid one across the counter. "Have a good drive." You smiled, a seemingly sweet old lady running a motel all alone? She was a badass and you knew it. You did a quick, good scan of your car looking for any signs of tampering before entering. San Francisco was going to be torn to pieces if that's what it took for you to find him. His words repeated in your head over and over, "If I will kill 5 people for every one of our men you killed. You will be last."
In San Francisco, the team was split into two. One team focused on finding you, the other on solving the current case. You walking out had to do with this case, if they would figure it out they could figure out where you were. Emily's nails were in rough shape, she was worried sick over you. She knows where your head is, she knows how dark that place is. She knows the fear and the numbness that comes with running. She had no idea what you did for work before the BAU, it hadn't come up. You've heard of her past, how she left the team. You were her replacement, you saw the damage it did. "How could you do this to them after seeing that?" She thought. "Hey Prentiss, we got something." Derek popped his head into the office where Emily was fixated on your phone records. She stood up from her chair, smoothed out her shirt, and followed Morgan. "Hi Em." Garcia spoke up from the phone, Emily smiled, "Hi Pen." Penelope needed to hear her voice. Pen was the only one to notice how you two disappeared one night during dinner. Bombarding you both with questions the day after. You both maintained that you felt sick and Emily came to help you. "So after fist fighting the United States government I got Y/L/N's record unsealed. We know this case wraps around her. Before she came to the BAU she worked as an undercover OP for the National Counterterrorism Center. Specifically, she led a mission on a domestic terrorism cell that was building up to a big event." Everyone in the room took a deep breath, this was all bringing up old wounds. All eyes turned to Emily and JJ, they knew most about this. JJ spoke up, "Pen send us every single file you have and look for any spottings of the cell she was after." Penelope sighed sadly, "That's the thing. Y/N took all of them out on her own. Her cover was blown in the middle of their hub and she had to fire her way out. The only survivor is paralyzed." Hotch interjected, "Who is it? He's training someone to get his revenge and Y/N is at the top of the list. This cell didn't disband, this person rebuilt it." An officer stepped into the conference room, "We've got 5 more bodies."
Your heart pounded in your chest as you crossed over the bridge into San Fran. You knew he was here, you knew he had men. The sun beaming into your eyes as the sunset. You drove until you found an apartment for rent in the heart of the city, apartments were always checked last by Henry. "1 bedroom, 1 bath, $500 a month" Perfect. You called the number and told him you would pay the first 2 months in cash today. He met you out front in under an hour and gave you the key. You shook his hand and then bang. A shot rang out as the man hit the ground. You immediately took cover behind a car, drawing your gun. Fuck, there goes my apartment. You returned fire in the general direction until the shots stopped. You stayed behind the car until you felt it was clear. Running to your car and speeding off, leaving your $1000 on the sidewalk. You weren't even scared, you just felt rage. These were innocent people he was killing instead of coming for you. Why not come to DC and take you out? Why cause a scene? Then you remembered how the now deceased boss, Mateo had a thing for the dramatics. Your burned phone rang, "Jones." Your voice is stern.
"It's me Y/L/N. I have an update for you." Your handler spoke on the other end of the phone. "What's up?" He sighed, which was never good with him. "Henry's son was the one who called in the bodies, he knew that many would get your team there. Henry wants your team. This is all a trap for you and them." You came to a hard stop, pulling a sharp U-turn booking it to the station. "Heard that." The anger in your voice is apparent. "Y/N, do not do something stupid. You need to get out of there." You scoffed, "And leave my team in this trap alone? This is ending now. He can come for me, but my team is over the line." You hung up, throwing your phone onto the passenger seat. Anger ran hot in your veins. You were going to kill him tonight.
Hotch was standing there with Emily just waiting for something to click. They knew who was in charge, but they had no idea where to even look for him. Emily was growing impatient, "I'm going to get some air." She slammed the file down, storming outside. The night air felt like the first air she'd ever breathed. There was no smell of burnt coffee, cop sweat, and old takeout. She sat on the steps of the station looking at the lights of the city. She knew you spent some time here, but had no idea it was for work. Let alone that you were calling the shots on who died and who didn't. It made her feel so horrible to know you have carried around that guilt for so long, in silence. She understood why you couldn't say anything but it didn't make it hurts any less. Across the street, she saw a food stand called Mateos. She wandered over there to get a snack and clear her head. She couldn't think straight. She was so worried about if you were safe and thoughts of Ian danced through her head. As she stepped up to order she caught a glimpse of someone who looked like you discarding their food and shuffling away silently. "Y/N? Is that you?" You ignored her, quickening your pace. You had to keep your distance or they would take her out. She started running at you, and you could hear her pace pick up so you ran at a fence, scaling it in under 2 seconds and disappearing behind it. Emily came to a stop at the fence, knowing you were long gone. "Y/n please come back. We can help. Please." A tear slipped from her eye. That was probably the last time she would see you and she knew it. As you turned the corner your breath was out of control. That was too close.
You and Emily both drew your guns. You ducked behind a dumpster, but the bullets were coming from the other direction, a second shot rang out and hit you in your shoulder. "Fuck!" You screamed out, taking off on foot and down the street. Emily heard you yell and started running around looking for a way to you. She eventually climbed over the fence and found blood splattered on the side of the dumpster. Gun still drawn she called Derek, "Derek I just saw her, she's been shot. She took off again. She was right across the street." Derek called the others and ran out the door and to Emily. The team stood in that alley brainstorming for almost an hour.
Across town, you were stitching yourself up in a Chinese restaurant bathroom. The restaurant was closed, but you've picked many locks in your days. You winced as you wrapped a bandage you stole from CVS around your makeshift stitches. You knew they would probably reject but it wouldn’t be lone before you could get real medical attention. If you took out Henry the whole team would fall apart. After cleaning up after yourself you sat at a table in the dark restaurant using the street lamps outside to look at the files from when you completed the mission. He was somewhere in the city, and most importantly close to the station. You knew that he would want to be close to the team to taunt you. In the station the team had come to the same conclusion, Morgans phone rang. “Tell me something good babygirl.” Garcia piped off, “324 5th Street, there was an alert to a security guards phone about movement in the building. I pulled the footage, it was tampered with but our girl is there and so is Henry.” The team immediately went into gear. Emily streamlining to the cars, she was not going to let what happened to her, happen to you.
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magic-hcs · 5 months
✨✨400 followers event!✨✨
Thank you all for the 400 followers! I never expected to get so many of you who enjoy my blog it makes me so very happy! I decided to treat you all to an introductory sheets of my already existing AU Swapfell!
*Searching…..Searching…..Searching…..Sear-AU. Found…*
AU: AY978730800
Category: One of the main AU’s
Risk: Medium level threat
Name: Swapfell Gemini
Entry log:
Status is everything. Connections are everything. Power is everything. If you got none you’ll be fighting for your life on the street, or maybe even end up being thrown in the fighter pit used as entertainment for the highest bidders. There’s not really any solid rules in place, each area has its own Captain and Lieutenant - boss monsters who run the place their way - and its own rules. Each area, except the ruins.
No one goes there, in fear of facing the wrath of the previous King.
Snowdin, a peaceful area of respite compared to the other areas despite it being home to two of the most terrifying monsters of the underground: The Captain - also known as The apathetic Queen’s Martyr - and The LOVE crazed Hound. Don’t bother the youngest skeleton brother or you’ll have double the Bad Time.
Waterfall, a bazaar where everything is found and sold, station to the famous Waterfalls Lieutenant, Muffet. You pick or touch something from her store, you buy it. Don’t anger the water spider.
Hotland, any new invention made by the Royal scientist gets tested out here first. Careful of the stray lasers. If you are in any need for a hitman or to cover up your misdeeds? You go to the Captain - or as everyone calls him; the fire boss.
The Core, the entertainment district. Home to the secret fighter pit, television shows, gossip houses and more. The two stars of the Core are the one in charge. The boisterous Captain and the quiet Lieutenant. Keep a careful eye on the Lieutenant, he, despite his quiet behavior, is the scariest one of the two
New Home, the heart of the underground, the place where the Queen reigns. There’s not a single safe place where you’re hidden from the tyrannical Queen’s eyes.
There’s only one rule Queen Toriel is very draconian in nature with: No harm comes to those in stripes. Children are to be cared for, protected. A fate worse than death hangs above your head for those who commit that heinous crime. But how do you know who’s a child when they don’t wear the stripes?
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(Art done by @scrambledmeggys , check her out she’s so amazing and cool! I’m in love with her art!)
Inhabitant RW6370076 = Skeleton = S-1.O.3 = Sans = Razzle
3400 HP
Former Captain of the Snowdin area
Nicknamed The apathetic Queen’s martyr
Never worn stripes
The first experiment of [REDACTED]
Escaped the lab with [DATA LOST]
165 cm tall/5.5 feet
Purple color magic
Always wears gloves
A scar runs over his nose ridge
Sharp cheekbones
Unusually sharp claws
Cares only for a selective few
Made sure to protect Coal with everything he has, when Mastiff joined Razzle became protective of him too
Always speaks formally yet got a colorful mouth
Wants to be in control of things otherwise he gets stressed out
Clicks non-existent tongue when frustrated
Dubbed as ‘mom’ by his brothers to tease him
Has way too many hobbies
Got a backup plan for a backup plan
The more sincere he is, the worse and more awkward his apologies get
Is blunt and speaks his mind, also known as an ass, but can be very polite when needed
Errand boy (Previously, underground)
Deputy of the Royal guard (Previously, underground)
Right hand man and advisor of the Queen (Previously, underground)
Lawyer (Previously, post surfacing)
Prosecutor (Currently, post surfacing)
Inhabitant PS63811678 = Skeleton = P-1.O.4 = Papyrus = Coal
1865 HP
Lowest amount of LOVE out of the three brothers
Was forced by Razzle to wear stripes and for longer than necessary
Is the best at healing magic
Second experiment of [REDACTED]
Escaped the lab with [DATA LOST]
180 cm tall/5.10 feet
Golden yellow magic
Always has charcoal smudges staining his phalange tips and face
Two small golden fangs
Looks quite innocent for the world he grew up in
Wears hoodie jackets with graffiti prints
The most emotionally intelligent and available out of the three brothers
Understands Mastiff’s body language frighteningly well
Found the red scarf in the dumps and tried to sew it (messily) before gifting it to Razzle, Razzle always wears it
Always tried to bring home and take care of stray animals he found on the surface (Razzle always finds them eventually and forces Coal to give them to a new home or shelter)
Can forget stuff easily, to compensate he takes a little notepad with him
Used to have a tense relationship with Mastiff when he first joined the family, now they’re almost inseparable
Hates to be left in the dark
Loves memes
Enjoys cold syrup
Likes to sketch with charcoal
Composite sketch artist (Irregular, post surfacing)
Sketch commissions (Irregular, post surfacing)
Animal rescue farm worker (Currently, post surfacing)
Inhabitant PS63811679 = Skeleton = P-2.O.7 = Papyrus = Mastiff
4570 HP
Has the most LOVE out of the three brothers
Nicknamed: The LOVE crazed Hound
Never worn stripes
Second experiment of [REDACTED]
Escaped the lab alone after pushing [REDACTED] into [REDACTED]
A late bloomer due to malnutrition (heats are irregular and heavy when they hit)
Joined the family much later in life
197 cm tall/6.5 feet
Resting bitch face
Amber color magic
One golden tooth and one chipped tooth
Wears big furry hoodie jacket
Hates liars and people who keep secrets
Has trust issues
Bottles up his feelings
Used to hate Coal, now best brothers and friends
Insecurities about being a lesser copy of Coal
Doesn’t talk often and not a lot, he does it more often around people he trusts and likes
Likes warm syrup
Is a prankster and a tease
Likes to sculpt and woodcutting
Bountyhunter (previously, underground)
Vigilante (previously, post surfacing)
Private detective (currently, post surfacing)
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notsuch · 1 year
Reading Junker lore as an Australian is like, hilarious because it's a wild ride of being so clearly not knowing what the frick it was saying THAT MADE IT CYCLE ALL THE WAY BACK INTO MAKING SENSE AGAIN. But also, that literally, whether it's Overwatch or Other Global Forces, is to blame for the Junkers being what they are, because wow.
But to start with, the problem is essentially this: Blizzard just don't know what the frick the Outback is.
SO BUCKLE UP KIDS THIS IS A LONG-ASS POST, I GOT SOME SHIT YOU NEED TO UNDERSTAND ABOUT HOW THE JUNKERS CAME ABOUT. But there are pictures I promise. I also wanna say that I am not here to say that the Omnic war, the discussions of human-omnic relationships is like X real-world thing, I'm here to look at how the world is and how they've said it develops in Overwatch, and what that implies for the world development, that's all. I was just real excited at how averagely aussie Leah is in her portrayal of Junker Queen is and it made me want to ground it more in my home okok and I thought other people might want to understand that too.
CW: for talking about war tactics, statistics and wide-scale loss of life.
TL;DR for my post on Aussie Shit: the Outback is not a defined location. You will never be able to stick it into a GPS and find it. It is a conceptual area that can be defined as 'semi-rural to rural'. But also it's an almost folklorish concept of the Australian 'heart' that can extend over what can be seen in the below map. I will advise this is actually a map of bushland types, which is why it doesn't include Tasmania, but just to be clear, Tasmania AS WELL has Outback regions, and also, this can extend further East fairly comfortably depending on who you talk to. For instance, this map doesn't reach Tamworth OR Dubbo, buuuuuut most people would consider it as being on the edge of the Outback, for instance.
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Oh, you might now be saying, that's most of the country, isn't it?
And as you'd expect for a piece of land THE SIZE OF FUCKING EUROPE, it's hugely broad in its landscape, too. You will find everything in the concept of the "Outback" depending, again, on who you talk to. From the Daintree Rainforest (left pic) (around Cairns to Cooktown) to the Great Australian Bite (middle pic) (the bottom C curve between Adelaide to Perth) to the central Australian town with a population of 26,000+ people, Alice Springs (right pic).
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Yet the wiki lists it as "The Outback omnium and its Omnics were given the Australian omnium and its surrounding land after the Omnic Crisis."
It takes 4 days of STRAIGHT DRIVING, NO BREAKS, to cross from Sydney to Perth. The entirety of Europe fits inside of Australia, the main block of the united states, bar Alaska, is basically comparable in scale from Washington to San Fransico. Or the furthest East Coast of Brazil to the West Coast of Peru. YOU GET IT.
This then leads to the second problem, Blizzard keeps saying that the only people out there were "a few solar farmers and people who wanted to be left alone".
NOT TO MENTION DARWIN. It's the little dot at the top of the Northern Territory and is a Capital City of the region. Sometimes called Australia's "Outback City", HAS A POPULATION OF 130,000 ALONE. Across it all, this map barely scratches the surface, there are over 60 Outback Towns or Settlements in total. We only have a total net population of 27 million. THAT'S ACTUALLY A WHOLE ASS 2-3% OF OUR WHOLE POPULATION.
This comes to the second point and often the hardest for people to get their heads around: whilst our population is not as high, THAT DOESN'T MEAN WE AREN'T USING THAT LAND AND IT'S NOT CULTURALLY AND ECONOMICALLY IMPORTANT TO US. No, we don't have massive inland lakes and rivers the way other places do, to have huge cities out there, but WE STILL HAVE TO SUPPORT OUR AGRICULTURAL AND MINING SECTOR THAT DOES USE THAT LAND. AND IT'S ACTUALLY. VERY. EXTENSIVE.
How extensive? Man, our largest by-land Cattle Station is Anna Creek Station, coming in at a cool 2 million acres (which is as big as the whole of Israel apparently???), or the most densely populated-by-cow one currently, Brunette Downs, which at present has 110,000 head of cattle. Don't care about cows? are you a monster cows are just slow puppos who want love omfrg WELL I BET YOU CARE ABOUT IRON, AND GUESS WHAT, WHATEVER IRON YOU HAVE IN YOUR HOUSE RN PROBABLY CAME FROM AUSTRALIA, GIVEN WE PROVIDE 90% OF THE WORLD'S IRON. Oh, also we have a shitton of uranium as well, btw. just. putting that out there.
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AND HERE ARE OUR MINES, this is not just iron, we also dig many other minerals, and including the world's largest opal mine:
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These cattle stations and mines stretch across the inland regions for miles upon miles, fuelling our jobs and our place in the world economy. Which I ask you this: If you're Cattle Hand Tinny Rogers from central Queensland who's gotta take care of Jenny the Cow whose due to give birth soon, you aren't driving 13 fucking hours to Brisbane City to get a pack of smokes, are you? No. Tinny Rogers just goes to the Longreach general store only 1-2 hours away, doesn't he? Then goes back to his property and tells Jenny it's going to be ok, sits his ass down with his smokes for the night, relieved he only had to go a little while.
And all those people were actually the first wiped out.
This is where this gets real freaking awful. AGAIN, CW: for talking about war tactics, statistics and wide-scale loss of life.
Now the only battle in Australia we are shown, is Sydney and that initially also made me go 'huh?' Because if the Omnic Core is in the Outback, wherever that might be, this is an overland invasion, internal to external, as opposed to an external invasion aka coming from the sea, why would you attack Sydney?
Don't get me wrong, Sydney is important. To our international position most especially. It's a financial centre, like New York is to America, it controls a great deal of our actual "economy" in the like, perception of 'if it falls, our economy tanks' kinda sense. It's also a manufacturing centre, meaning that raw goods from the rest of the country are turned into other goods there, and then shipping it out, Tactically, if you are trying to park ships, Darling Habour is ideal, as it's one of two 'natural' harbours in the world (the other being in Hong Kong), meaning its VERY DEEP even close to the land which makes it ideal for ships to come close. So someone attacking from the sea wants it. Lastly - probs why Blizzard picked it, is it is the identifiably 'Australian City'.
But it's not our capital city, that's Canberra, which is where our House of Parliament is. It's not where our military is, no, 40% of the Australian Army is based in Brisbane, and the largest naval base is in Perth. Darwin and Cairns are actually the biggest ports that are more directly connected to Asia in trade given it's a hop, skip and a jump from there to Papa New Guinea, which are actually our closest neighbour and with it, connects us to the whole of South East Asia. The very tip of QLD, to the bottom of PNG is more like the space of the English Channel, btw, for how close they are.
In the Omnic Crisis, the economy has ALREADY collapsed. It did the minute the Omnics attack, basically lmao. Then secondly, this ISN'T EXTERNAL, this is internal. Whether the Outback Omnium is in Kalgoorlie or Birdsville, it is in the middle of the country, and it is sending its forces from a regional location. They aren't attacking by sea, so they don't have to care about a landing bay.
AND HERE IS THE LAST IMPORTANT PART, OUR ARMY IS SMALL. It's only like 80,000 armed personnel, compared to the US and it's insanity of 1mill+, but we're bigger than uh,,, New Zealand I guess? Uh,,, yeah our numbers don't even rank in the big three armies of the world, or like, beyond our little bubble of Oceania. We also do have a pretty good navy but if you've been following along so far, uh, yeah, THAT'S going to do fuck all for Alice Springs, isn't it? Don't get me wrong, our forces are all well trained and highly specialised because of it but like, we don't have the numbers to be splitting up over many fronts, lmao.
By virtue of it all, they are in the middle of the country and will have STEAM ROLLED across these regional areas because some are big, sure but they are just towns with no defences against a rampaging robot army, are you kidding? Let alone if Anubis is suddenly using every robot, I can't imagine how many different kinds are incorporated in all the different mining regions and digging sights?! Some of them were clearly as big as the Titan Bots we see, judging by this shit still being left around years later -
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Rolling into somewhere like poor fucking Meekatharra?!
also, seriously: what is the ever loving fuck is that thing on the left why are its arms made out of the BODIES OF OTHER OMNICS JFC WHO LET THE OMNICS PLAY BLOODBORNE OR SOMETHING, I S2G.
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This means that they now control all regional supplies anyway to go and target those places because they say one consistent thing about Anubis' attacks: they were efficient and direct.
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"The Omnics Advance" is what they call this so from the wiki as to the state of places the Omnics leave behind, uh, yeah, BYE MEEKATHARRA, MY MUM'S STORIES ABOUT YOU WERE NICE IG?
o ok,,,,, sure, what does all this have to do with Sydney then? Where does it fit in?
I don't want you to think Sydney wouldn't be attacked. Of course it would be, eventually.
Because it's the last populated place in Australia. They can just leave Sydney because it is somewhat tactically the hardest to attack, overall, if it has support from the others, so you leave it till last where you've cut off the support, wiped out supply lines and it is now flooded with refugees from the rest of the country.
They call it the Battle of Sydney but that's not actually what you do to cities?? You siege them, because they take time, and they're certainly implying that yes, it would have taken time. Yeah no, I am not making that up, the Battle of Stalingrad for instance took five months. I make the distinction because sieges aren't about individual aspects in conflict, it's a game of chicken between the two sides of who can hold out longest. Who can sustain the constant chipping away? Sometimes it's a matter of just starving each other out, but in others, it's a constant bombardment.
With everything I just laid out, you can probably have worked it out: Australia can't sustain itself, at this point. We are cut off from our supplies, and we are unable to get actual international support because they're all, ALSO, dealing with this, and now are flooded with escaping refugees. Perth, Adelaide, Darwin, and Brisbane are gone. Which Australia's population of 27 million, is now down to, if I'm being kind, to 10-11 million (5 million in Sydney + then escapees from Melbourne, Canberra, and maybe some from Tasmania too if they could manage it, I can't say I would have much hope for those poor buggers in Perth). Sydney could not feed all the refugees because again, it does not produce raw supplies itself, and it now no longer has the numbers to keep up the fight.
It'd be incredible if they could keep it going for a month because by then, we're not facing 'this is war and people will die', Australia is now at 'we will be annihilated and there will BE no Australian people'. 60-70% of our population is dead to the war, and the rest are getting killed every day from THE TITANS LITERALLY JUST STOMPING THEIR WAY THROUGH, starving or getting sick from bad food and water.
And Australia never had a very big population, to begin with, our army isn't big if it even really exists anymore. We cannot sustain those losses. What the Omnics were hanging over Sydney at this moment is so much worse than just 'we screwed your economy for the foreseeable future'.
They are leveraging 'there will be no Australians left.' Whether the slow eradication from disease and hunger that a siege does, or in immediate and sudden violence?
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So I have no doubt, even though Blizzard had no idea what they said, that it's actually entirely possible the Omnics said "idk we want the outback" and the Australian Government went YEAH, SURE, ANYTHING NOT TO GET OBLITERATED, IG?
And what's more, afterwards, whatever chance there might have been to take some of those places back - no one, NO ONE, was going to do more than rebuild the Sydney-Canberra-Melbourne strip on the outside to allow for better distribution. But who knows Anubis might have been a dick and said YOU ONLY GET SYDNEY. For one thing, taking back even something like Adelaide requires re-engaging, and on the other.......... they have this, now, that's alright, isn't it? It's the most modern part of Australia, it certainly seems like plenty, right? Other COUNTRIES exist with LESS and THRIVE!
I can't say I necessarily blame them, at that point it has to be a pure numbers game: Mexico City, which has also been destroyed, and it has almost as many people in JUST Mexico City as we have in total population. Sydney must have seemed, well, close enough. We're rebuilding this bit which will roughly sustain you (it won't, actually), but then we gotta take the resources to other devastated places that don't need FOUR CAPITAL CITIES, 10 OTHER IMPORTANT CITIES, A MINIMUM OF 30 REGIONAL TOWNS AND A FULL RECONSTRUCTION OF A INLAND NETWORK SPANNING THE ENTIRETY OF THE UNITED STATES IN SHEER SCALE. Things as they were, at the time, it must have seemed.... well yeah. Not worth it.
Which now - hey that's pretty intense, actually that's horrific for the sheer loss of life, how can you be sure the devastation is that severe? And that in turn everyone just did what SEEMED enough with little to no consideration of its long term impact and if it had any sustainability to us? That's extreme to insinuate?
Well if not the direct implication of '30 million orphans worldwide' that means for every orphan, there are two dead parents, and then the two families next door that DIDN'T survive, to tell you the average statistics of the war casualties......
The other is simple: Junkertown exists.
Junkertown cannot exist, if there was anything left of those cities or those 60+ regional towns, pre or post-explosion of the core. Because here is the thing, if there was a chance, a single chance, we could take back that important space of the Outback, we would. In a heartbeat. I think that's why the Australian Government allowed the ALF to exist in the first place and did not stop them when they most definitely could have.
I can explain the economics of what being an island nation at the ass end of the world means as to how we are so completely fucked economically at this point, but this part is more important, even if it's often the hardest for non-Australians to wrap their heads around because they squeal about 'how scary' it is all the time is this:
We love that land. That land is our home. Yes, even with its spiders and snakes, not in spite of, but all of it, good and bad. In one sense that yes, that literally hundreds of thousands of people lived dispersed across it, but culturally it goes beyond just that direct 'my house is there'. One of our most successful ad campaigns by a freaking flight company exists on a simple premise: 'no matter how far, and how wide I go, I still call Australia home'. (The first version of it aired in the 90s, for reference, also yes, Junkrat actually has a line that echos the sentiments of this song 'I've been all around the world, but there's nowhere that compares to home' Not sure if it was on purpose but I smiled a little to myself when I first heard it). Yeah. That's it. Not fighting or glory or power. The rest of the world is beautiful, but this one is ours, and we love it for what it is. Something that is personified in that image of red sand dunes and scrub, in the arid flatness, the wattle and the gum, even to the kid that grew up in the middle of the Sydney suburbs, as his childhood home, that tugs in his heart as much as his childhood toys.
Even though I know a bunch of Aussies just read this and were like GROAN, SHUT UP, WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO, QUOTE BANJO PATTERSON, CAN'T CATCH ME WITH THAT SHIT,,,,
I fucking see you, I fucking know you. I only gotta say one fucking thing to you pretending you're above it:
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Yeah, that's what I goddamn thought.
That we'd lose all reason to do some stupid shit like the ALF attempted to recover it? Uh, yeah. We just lost most of our population, we can't bury them, and how quickly would that landscape of our home carry that memory of them, and yet, we are cut from even that.
But to reclaim all that land you need supply chains, rebuilding as you go, AN ARMY ABLE TO HOLDING THAT SPACE AGAINST WHATEVER THE FUCK A "FERAL OMNIC" IS??? SERIOUSLY, AGAIN, DID THEY DOWNLOAD THE 'FROM SOFTWARE CREATIVE SUITE' ON THAT OMNIC??? And with that in mind, and how everyone and everything is gone for us, that would require HUGE international backing.
And if they had all of that, with all that effort, like HELL are they letting a SEPERATE SOVERIGN NATION JUST SPRING UP IN THE MIDDLE OF IT, BEING A BUNCH OF VIOLENT ASSHOLES, MAKING IT HARDER by STEALING SHIT ALL THE TIME on top of BLOCKING ACCESS TOO SOME OF OUR MOST RESOURCE RICH LAND. I know this might be a struggle, but on top of loving that space, we also enjoy idk, stability? Not dying? Junkertown would compromise that, completely. Especially the dying bit, I feel. Speaking as an Aussie, I, like many Australians, do appreciate that they will in fact die one day, and hopefully, doing so by driving a ride-on mower around hills hoist chasing a goon sack as god intended for this beautiful country, but overall, just randomly dying in a Wolf Creek-like situation because you were trying to build a fuckin road, isn't how most of wanted it to go down. Some might, I will not shame my fantasy countrymen in the post-apocalypse world of Overwatch-Australia, times seem tough for Tinny Rogers and Jenny out there, and they have a right to pick how they get by.
But if they are recovering from near annihilation, unsupported, told to just deal with it because they got what they got - Junkertown can do what we see, and in its strange way: flourish.
Then it comes to how it's being handled by the rest of the in-game world as to how it's just been allowed to let slide by everyone fucking else even if clearly every time one of these desert-fuckers gets out, it's a DAMN NIGHTMARE FOR WORLDWIDE SECURITY.
You hear Zarya call it "the mistakes of this country", which given how people treat the Junkers as a whole in game, seems to be a commonly held sentiment. A mistake. There is little to no comprehension of them, or what they have been victim to. Again probably because Blizzard itself has no idea what it just accidentally implied. We don't have enough lore to really say how many countries share this fate of losing 80% of their entire nation and people, and with it, almost their whole selves? Of them, how many got complete reconstruction? Given their common theme of corporate greed, developments in post-war society and their subsequent inequality, I'd say some people get reconstruction support and others don't (the interactions of Lucio and Symmetra for instance) based on convenience, and the sentiment from many powers in history has often been 'Australia is very far away, and I don't care'.
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To call it 'a mistake' then, redirects blame from those inequalities and the present-day situation having beyond anyone's possible conception.
If it's 'a mistake', it's not a self-destructive spiral of suffering people who have been pushed beyond even common sense anymore. That lash out in desperation over a loss that cannot be quantified to any sum, yet were told that a price had actually been put on it, and no one was interested in paying it, and they had to live with what they got now. Then with no other output for the misery, in some desperate bid to reclaim even a SHRED of a memory, just vent their pain for a damn second, damned themselves and their home. Everyone who was in power and authority to have stepped in at any time to give the support needed and direct it more meaningfully before this, but never did, everyone who made those choices, is now complicit in the rise of Junkertown and the Junkers due to their basic lack or inability to understand what had been lost and have empathy, has led to a situation where now there is an entirely separate type of threat in 'feral omnics' and a bunch of insane radioactive people.
Or just say it was 'a mistake'. Then it's just their fault, isn't it? It's just a small, negligible little choice that WE won't make. We can all pat ourselves on the back and say that at least because Australia is so far away, whatever is happening there, is now just isolated to them, and you can't expect help NOW that the desert is irradiated, it was ALREADY unfeasible, it's SO expensive, WHOSE going to fund that, for what gain, especially now you made this silly little 'choice'.
Acknowledging, even to stop the Junkers, means bringing their own failings to the spotlight when rightfully it comes back to 'why the fuck did these bastards exist in the first place? What made them so fucking stupidly, mindlessly, suicidally angry as to lash out like this? Why weren't they thinking, then, and why do they stay, even now? .... and why do all of them appear to be goddamn giants?'
So easier to just... let the Junkers do their thing, out in the desert. Make them the scapegoat for the tensions, a fixing point for even the Omnics (rightfully, obviously in their case) to hate, blame and fear, over more active, influential systems that have far more ability to affect the world. Especially when compared too: the bunch of crazy people in the fucking desert, who probably all die at 50 from that ambient radiation everywhere, getting new types of diseases that no one has ever HEARD of before and are apparently are like barely connected on networks to the rest of the world. WHAT KIND OF POWER TO AFFECT WORLD CHANGE DO YOU THINK THEY ACTUALLY HAVE?
Rather than acknowledge that people like Odessa Stone got their hatred probably from watching half her under 12 siblings die to omnics, and the other half to the situation in the Wasteland created by others' indifference. (And the reminder that, Odessa's mum in the first shot, is holding an infant, and the second moment of her flashback, Odessa is still roughly the same but all the kids left are too big for a 1 to 2-year-old, and Mama Stone isn't holding an infant anymore.) They do what often happens and put all the responsibility of moving on, ON the people who are literally in the middle of dying in a now 30-year war, that everyone ELSE keeps trying to desperately pretend it's over and stick their head in the sand. Thus just invalidating their pain and making them even MORE resistant. Especially when you contrast the rest of the world is getting influential people like Mondatta and Zen making changes, real strides forward, and they get......... lbr, just more graves while they're just being called crazy.
Akande says 'the world is designed to be this way', and I think part of the reason Odessa doesn't mind him, is that yeah, yeah she probably knows after she's seen other parts of the world now and its reconstruction efforts, compared to theirs, found them pretty wanting, and it's nice to hear someone else say it for once.
No WONDER Roadie says 'this isn't a city' about Junkertown, when he remembers when Australia had more than three cities total, it must seem like a mockery. But why people like Junker Queen and Junkrat have pride in it, inversely. They were children when the apocalypse came to Australia or were born in Junkertown itself, they live in the memory that must now only feel dead and impossible to recapture the life of. In many ways, their bookends to Ramattra, their first moments were taken into a life of roaring violence the world wants to pretend isn't happening, but this is all they ARE now. So they have done their best with it, even if no one wants to be reminded of what their sheer existence represents.
Yeah. 'Mistake' is much easier to swallow, isn't it?
Yeah. Ain't that the fucking question.
Or maybe all of this is complete nonsense and everything I just said will one day be shown to be entirely wrong as often happens because ultimately again, I don't think they MEANT MOST OF THIS LMAO, BECAUSE ONE MORE TIME: STOP SAYING 'OUTBACK'.
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mysteryshoptls · 1 month
SR Azul Ashengrotto - Luxe Couture Vignette
"Please come this way"
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[Fairest City – Crystal Galleria]
Azul: …Now, now, don't say that!
Azul: I would be honored if you would come by the Mostro Lounge to come see my photo with Eric-san.
Vil: I'm staggered. You would not only use my father, but also myself to increase your reputation?
Grim: Oh hey, if it ain't Vil and Azul. What're you guys talkin' about?
Azul: We just happened to come across each other over here, so we were merely chatting about plans once we return to campus. Have the two of you been shopping?
1. I bought some clothes for myself.
Azul: You bought clothing at the Crystal Galleria? You must be a better shopper than I thought.
2. I bought some gifts for everyone back home.
Azul: A wonderful sentiment. Keeping people in your debt is very valuable.
Azul: I myself just finished purchasing some cosmetics. After this, I plan on perusing some tableware.
Grim: Huh, tableware? Don't really matter what gets used, to me.
Grim: The food 'n drinks're waaay more important than the plates 'n cups.
Azul: I fully believed that would be your response, Grim-san.
Vil: I absolutely adore that sort of dedication. The more opulent the tableware, the more sophisticated the mealtime becomes.
Vil: Weren't the plates, cups, and cutlery at the restaurant we dined at yesterday utterly sublime?
Grim: I don't remember a thing about 'em.
Vil: ...Right, I was a fool for even asking that in the first place.
Azul: The golden rimmed white porcelain plates at that restaurant was indeed spectacular.
Azul: Decorated in both matte and glossy gold, these surely were high-quality wares. A rare sight, indeed.
Vil: Well, now. You're well informed, Azul.
Vil: It may be interesting to shop for tableware with someone who actually knows a thing or two. I'll join you.
Azul: Why, certainly. Would you like to join us, [Yuu]-san?
1. I'd like to. 2. I'm definitely interested.
Grim: 'Kay, then I'll tag along too, then. But anyway, do they even sell stuff like that here?
Vil: Of course. Fine ceramic wares are yet another major product of the Fairest City. There are also many antique shops.
Grim: Uh-huh. So it's not just make-up 'n clothes 'n food, huh.
Azul: It is said that there were 3 primary factors that led to the development of those fine ceramic wares in the Fairest City.
Azul: The first factor was due to the nearby mines.
Azul: The neighboring mountain range had an abundance of high-quality clay, for which artisans from all over began to come for.
Azul: The second factor is the development of pharmaceuticals thanks to knowledge passed down from the Fairest Queen.
Vil: That pharmaceutical science was then used to develop a diverse array of pigments, and that allowed for the field of colors to become what it is today.
Azul: Indeed. It's just as you say.
Azul: And the final factor is the sense of beauty that every Fairest Queen-loving inhabitant of the Fairest City carries.
Azul: Thus, the potters and sculptors who were raised with a heightened awareness of beauty themselves brought their ceramics to an entirely new level when it comes to works of art.
Vil: Only the residents of the Fairest City would find ways to elevate beauty in fields other than fashion and makeup.
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Azul: We've arrived. I hear this shop carries a rather large collection of antique tableware for sale.
Vil: Have you already done prior research?
Azul: Yes, indeed. I must admit I have been looking forward to purchasing new tableware.
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Grim: Woah! There's a ton of sparkly dishes and stuff!
Vil: What sort of tableware are you planning on purchasing, Azul?
Azul: I believe I'd like to find teacups, saucers, and a matching teapot.
1. What about this golden tea set?
Grim: Yeah! The shiny gold color is so cool! Azul: I see they allowed gold to oxidize and used that to create a pattern for the design. I must admit it is extravagant and definitely draws an eye. Vil: An opulent design. However, I feel it may not suit the Mostro Lounge.
2. Look at this pink tea set!
Azul: I see it is a set of teacups with a frill molding. The flower pattern along the rim is so wonderfully subtle. Vil: A rather cute design. However, I feel it may not suit the Mostro Lounge.
Azul: Fufu, I agree completely. Perhaps now we can look at the wares that had caught my eye?
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[Fairest City – Crystal Galleria]
Azul: This is the one I am looking to purchase here.
Grim: This one, huh? It's just a borin' looking white cup with a tiny bit of blue stuff on it.
Azul: That dainty and subtle touch is intended to be its charm point… It seems you fail to comprehend that, Grim-san.
Azul: This bright white porcelain shows not a hint of translucency… Does it not seem to be the pinnacle of class?
Vil: It certainly does have a refined beauty about it.
Azul: The elegant design carved out of the rim of the teacup is called a "scalloped rim."
Azul: And consider this wave-like handle curled along the side… Even the minute details are so stunning.
Grim: A handle? What, you gonna steer somethin' with this cup, then?
Vil: Obviously the handle is where you hold the cup.
Vil: But, Azul. These cups and teapot are a vintage set.
Vil: Is there any need for you to use such an extravagant tea set in a café that caters to students?
Azul: Indeed. I consider this a necessary investment.
Azul: Just because my customers are students does not mean that I intend on compromising my standards.
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[Fairest City – Queen's Palace]
[camera shutters clicking and screaming]
Reporter: If I can run an article on Vil Schoenheit, then there's no doubt that both magazine sales and website traffic are gonna go through the roof!
Reporter: Alright, now I just gotta hop this barrier so I can cover Vil Schoenheit up close…
Azul: Oh, my, it is dangerous to attempt to climb the barrier. Please take all photographs from the designated area.
Reporter: You little brat, don't get in my way! [Azul starts pushing] Urgh, what strength! He's pushing the whole barrier back towards me…!
Azul: If those instructions cannot be followed properly, I may have to take appropriate countermeasures…
Azul: For example, I may be inclined to ring up your place of employment and file a complaint at the highest levels.
Reporter: Okay, fine, just get out of my way, then! I can't even take a picture with you like this!
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Azul: How wonderful that we've reached an understanding. Vil-san, please come this way.
Vil: Thank you… You were awfully efficient in handling that.
Azul: When you've made as many deals as I have, it's not uncommon to encounter troubled clients in need of extra firm handling.
Azul: I'm just glad I was able to put the mediation skills I've accumulated to good use.
Vil: Not only are you handling the press well… But you are doing a fantastic job as my escort.
Azul: Well, it also is not uncommon for me to host prospective business contacts personally, either.
Azul: Ah, we are almost at the staircase.
Azul: Right this way. If you wish, my hand is yours to take.
Vil: Well, then. I shall accept it.
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―A few days later
[Mostro Lounge]
Octavinelle Student: Welcome!
Azul: Oh my… If it isn't Vil-san! You've come, as promised! I'm so elated.
Vil: Excuse you. I don't recall ever promising you anything. However…
Vil: I was merely thinking back to how you handled yourself previously. I do expect exceptional service today as well.
Vil: Business seems to be going well… Are you using that tea set you purchased back then?
Azul: I am. Right now… The guests at that table are enjoying the tea served in it.
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Deuce/Epel: AHAHAHA!
Vil: …There is no way those two even remotely understand the worth of those cups.
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Vil: Neither would the rest of these customers. Do you still think that it was worth selecting that specific set?
Azul: Absolutely. I vow to serve drinks and meals on quality dishes that I have personally selected.
Azul: That is something that I will never compromise as the proprietor of the Mostro Lounge.
Azul: You yourself would never touch clothes or cosmetics that don't suit your design or aesthetic taste, yes?
Vil: So, just as I carefully concoct my personal brand by being particular on how I fashion myself…
Vil: You look to enhance the Mostro Lounge by careful consideration of the tableware and table linen.
Vil: I think that fastidious approach of yours is just as spectacular. Perhaps I have judged you a tad harshly.
Azul: Why, thank you. I fully believed that you of all people would understand, Vil-san.
Azul: However… I cannot deny that at times I would like to share that appreciation of the tableware's elegance with someone who actually understands their worth.
Azul: That being said, Vil-san, allow me to prepare your order on my absolute finest plates.
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Requested by Anonymous.
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adriankyte-writes · 2 months
Tell me more about Awkward Conversations! Who else is having them?? :D
You know what I'm working on RIGHT NOW? Lol. I finally got over the slump I hit on this one and it's moving along at a clip. I intended to set the next conversation during the events of The Queen, but on a rewatch I realized that the needed characters were not where I remembered them to be. So I had to write a whole new venture instead, I had an idea that I was going to turn into an unconnected stand alone, but it's become the setting for the next conversation.
Want a peak inside the harth hive? I wrote this yesterday and it is very unedited.
They walk in silence for some time, it can take Guide some time to reorder his thoughts. After their millenia together Bonewhite has learned to allow him that time, he will speak at his own comfort. They walk in companionable silence through the more brightly lit area of the ship where the worshippers live. The smells of cooking meat and vegetables assail them. Bonewhite stops at a market stall to acquire a bowl of fruit. He carefully selects a merchant he has not visited recently. His favor to any worshipper could cause unrest and strife between the rest.
The halls grow dimmer and the mists rising from the floor become more pervasive when they exit the lift several floors later. The chamber is filled with small symmetrical growths, a soft blue light emits from the circular pods which grow out from them in a soothing pattern. The chamber itself is something of a mess. Data readers are scattered haphazardly on a nearby surface, a few falling over to the floor. Discarded garments have been trampled and kicked into out of the way corners. There is a set of terter seeds set in a vine hoop near the center of the room.
Bonewhite enters and places the bowl of fruit on the growth which served as a table in the room. Guide hesitates at the doorway. There is an angry hiss from a nearby corner. He glances over, surprised to find a terrelin trapped inside a carefully constructed net cage.
How do they manage to keep catching them?
Come in, he shoots at Guide. He carefully releases the terrelin, resetting the cage as he had found it, sans occupant. The tiny lizard hisses and bites at his fingers, a soft buzz of warmth shooting through him as his body purified the toxins from his bloodstream. The tiny scavengers are venomous but not enough to be a threat to wraith, even here in the creche. The warming aftereffect of their bite might even be why the crechelings continued to catch them.
Guide takes a seat at the table, watching Bonewhite as he proceeds through the creche. He walks to the first of the glowing pods and places a hand against it. The thick opaque membrane turned clear giving him a view of the occupants. Five tiny wraithlings slept in a pile of bodies inside. He smiles softly down at them. He moves from pod to pod, checking the groups of wraithlings as they slept. Most of the pods contained groups that were matched by age, but in some groupings there might be an older wraithling who has protectively joined a group of younger ones. The creche had their own order among the wraithlings, how they dealt with each other would say much on how they would later handle their adult responsibilities.
He looks in on a particularly mischievous pair of crechelings, known for giving the creche master a hard time. The were curled into each other in a tangle of limbs. Sometimes they were joined by other members of the creche, but often the two shared a pod only with each other. Both wore healing scratches and bruises, although if from a fight or worming themselves into some place they shouldn’t be he couldn’t tell. Their long white hair was tangled and dirt smudged their faces and hands.
 “I have acquired Icemaul,” Guide speaks quietly.
Ah. Not the research but the wraith himself.
He expects to feel anger at the news. Perhaps even betrayal, that Guide has taken in the wraith who had done such terrible things. Instead he feels worry, for Guide in his vulnerable state, and for the hive, should Icemaul gain hive status.
“Where is he?”
Relief flashes across Guide’s face.
“A research outpost on Tylirs.”
The desert moon was an exile position, a lab with a few truly genius clevermen, too useful to be destroyed, but too unsuited to join the hive that had taken them from their queens. Such a position was meant to be a way for them to prove useful until they were willing to join the hive.
“He didn’t request hive?” as Bonewhite remembered him, the cold eyed wraith had been rather adept at making himself useful and currying favor from those in command.
Guide flashes his teeth, “I didn’t offer it.”
Bonewhite feels a rush of gratitude, and sends a touch of it through his bond to Guide, letting the soothing touch of green brush against him. Guide’s posture shifts slightly, minutely, as he relaxes.
“I have set him to the task of designing a birthing pod that will carry a human-wraith hybrid. He is curious, of course. Once it is completed…”
“He will need to come to the harth to oversee it’s installation,” Bonewhite finishes for him. A dangerous prospect for him then.
“You will not allow him into the creche,” he hisses, the bubble beneath his hand going opaque and concealing the sleeping wraithlings inside.
“Agreed,” Guide’s voice is hard.
Bonewhite draws a long breath, settling his whirling thoughts and prodding his emotions, He will be dangerous to you, to her. If he succeeds he will wish to keep her.
I know.
End excerpt.
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So I know you know, but for anyone else wondering, Awkward Conversations is a series of conversations between the characters in my Stormbourne series about human wraith relations. Some of them are smexy and some of them take some surprising turns. There's a lot of insight into wraith culture and lifestyle.
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keksalot404 · 1 year
400 Follower Special - OMORI Guardian Angel AU: Ask Them Anything!
Hello folks! Here it is! I have official reached 400 followers (roughly, I now I got rid of most bots) and now I have to do something about it! I first had a thing I wanted to do but I have decided to do that for 500 followers, so for this milestone... 
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...I’ll let them do something instead!
Ask your favorite RPG protags (and their spectral companions) any question you want! (mostly) Want some thoughts on their current feelings? Want to know some hidden lore? Do you want to know Chara’s favorite food?  (Spoilers!) Just send an ask to my askbox before March 25th! 
And now, Obligatory Rules (Please read or you may be denied):
Rule 1: What you see above is all you get! That means you can only ask to 10 subjects; Sunny, Mari, Frisk, Chara, Madotsuki, Monoko, Kris, Player, Aubrey (Because I miss her), and... all of them at once! Any asks to other characters will not be answered. (Perhaps some will show if you ask the right people)
Rule 2: THIS TAKES PLACE BEFORE DARK OF MANY NAMES! For the unknowing (probably most of you, if notes are concerned) that means that this ask will be set:
- After OMORI’s true ending
- After UNDERTALE’s True Pacifist ending (Only neutral ending gotten before; No-Mercy Run was NOT done)
- During (?) Yume Nikki (Not after the ending, obviously)
- After DELTARUNE Ch. 1, after the return to the Dark World BUT before Cyberworld!
i.e. No asks relating to the Sans fight, Spamton or Queen, Hikikomori Routes, etc.
Rule 3: You can ask the same question to 2 or more members! However, please try not to ask multiple questions to multiple members in one ask. The ask will be “presented” one questions a time. You can submit multiple asks if you don’t question the same person!
Rule 4: Please try not to be “meta.” Player might be the only exception but for them specifically don’t ask about stuff like how they themselves are a fictional character-
Rule 5: No Inappropriate Topics. Come on, this is a T-rated series.
That’s all! Hope to here from all of you!
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jasmariswonderland · 19 days
🌷Ione's Dorm Uniform Voice Lines🌷
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When Summoned: "There's no place for weeds in our garden!"
Summoned: "Welcome to Heartslabyul. Mind that you abide by our rules lest you rue your time here."
Groovy: "You think I'm too serious? Maybe you're too casual!"
Set Home: "Perfect and polished."
Home Idle 1: "Red roses hold a symbolic importance in our dorm. I take my task in painting them very seriously."
Home Idle 2: "Everyone says our dorm leader is very harsh and ill-tempered. But I like him. Maybe they just don't like following his rules."
Home Idle 3: "I've never really eaten sweets before coming to NRC. But Trey-san is such a great baker; I don't think I can go back to avoiding them again now!"
Home Login: "There's still so much to do before the tea party! I have no time for idle chatter unless you're going to assist me!"
Home Idle Groovy: "There are 810 rules set by the Queen of Hearts. I've only memorized 500, though. Hmm? That's too many? Heh, don't let our dorm leader hear you say that!"
Home Tap 1: "I love playing croquet during our tea parties, even if I can't help but feel a little sad for the hedgehogs."
Home Tap 2: “I once saw Riddle-san disciplining Ace with his UM. Even though he's always been nice to me, I'm NEVER getting on his bad side!"
Home Tap 3: “This necklace? It once belonged to my mother. She passed away, but I want to carry a part of her with me always."
Home Tap 4: “My dormmates are pleasant for the most part, but of course, there are some I like more than others."
Home Tap 5: “Hey now! I don't recall allowing you to touch my necklace!"
Home Tap Groovy: “The sophomore Crisanta always sits next to me at our tea parties. I don't understand why, but I don't mind. She's...rather sweet."
DUO MAGIC: Ione: "Let's banish these weeds, Crisanta!" Crisanta: Behind you all the way, Ione!"
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spectroscopic-gayety · 4 months
There this undertale MV fic that literally makes me happy stim and I have thoughts. More importantly a very crazy idea on where this is headed.
If you haven’t read the fic, you really should, it is some of the best Undertale Multiverse writing I’ve ever read! Here’s the link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/43143874/chapters/108428305
Ok so one of the things I really like about Buddy’s fics is that Buddy very clearly has read the original error!sans ask blog. They describe Error knitting in ftfo and recognize Error as an alternate timeline of after!tale.
Why is this important? Well, these references don’t just exist in ftfo, they are also in Spilled Ink, but in a very interesting way.
For those who didn’t follow the original error blog, it didn’t really end with a finale. CQ, the author, graciously left us readers a summary of what she planned for the story. Specifically, I’m talking about Blueberror.
Blueberror, is an underswap sans specifically named Blueberry (this will be important later) who gets kidnapped by Error, left alone in the anti void until he goes insane and starts hearing voices. Notably, the voices of the askers (since it’s an ask blog).
Now, who do we know in Spilled Ink who hears voices and has anti void trauma? Yeah Ink!
Spilled Ink shows Ink heading the voices of the Creators, who like the askers in ask error!sans, live in our world and control his life. Unlike Error who is insane, Ink struggles through the existential horror of being played with for entertainment.
So, what I think Buddy is doing is linking the creation of destroyers to protectors.
They are both made in the anti void.
They both hear the voices of the creators.
This makes some very interesting parallels between Error and Ink.
It also makes some very very interesting parallels between Ink and Blueberror. Ink in Spilled Ink is implied to be a version of an Underswap sans, Rus compares Ink to his own brother in his pov chapters. Several other characters remark the ink is “short for a sans”.
In Crayon Queen’s, summary of how ask error would have ended, she describes Blueberror not becoming a destroyer but moving into the omega timeline. He eventually works to protect the multiverse by convincing Error to help fight a larger threat. Hmm, a protector, where have I heard that before?
So, conspiracy theory time.
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What if the determining factor that makes a sans stuck in the anti void a protector or a destroyer is whether or not they’re a swap variant?
So, wouldn’t it be Wild if there was a theoretical swap sans that we don’t know the location of? And wouldn’t it be just insane if a future plot point of the askerror blog was that Blueberror let another swap sans take his place in his au?
What if, the Blueberry in Spilled Ink was turned into Blueberror? How? Great question, idk. Maybe Ink’s friends get too close to figuring out who took him and the creators want a red herring? But like remember in chapter 5 when they were at the omega council meeting and the whole council was convinced the new out code was evil? I wonder what would happen if blueberror showed up right after Ink gets kidnapped. He’s covered in errors, that must mean he’s a new destroyer to counter Sketch right?
Extra angst: the only person who can recognize him is currently be tortured by Nightmare, and no one believes him when he says he used to be a member of the star sanses. His whole world is gone, and everyone he loves hates him and he doesn’t know why.
Does this make sense thematically? Kinda, it’s one really angsty way Ink can get his dearly lost friend back, but at a sharp cost. It would also allow Buddy to use dramatic irony again like how Sketch is hiding his moderator status. Except in a sad twist, Blueberror is trying to show his protector status but no one believes him.
I love this fic so much, and I can’t wait to see where the author takes the story next!
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