#Tw abelism
If you advocate for mental health awareness, but joke about things like intrusive thoughts and schizophrenia, think it’s disgusting and lazy when people who are depressed can’t do things like showering or cleaning their room, use terms like “narcissistic abuse”, and believe that having ASPD, BPD, or NPD makes someone a bad person, you are not a mental health advocate. You don’t actually care about helping people or de-stigmatizing mental illness, you just want to make yourself feel like you do. You can’t pick and choose what disorders and symptoms are acceptable, and which ones make someone a bad person. Either you support everyone, or you support no one.
and if you’re neurodivergent/mentally ill and you do any of those things, you are part of the problem. there’s no such thing as “good/moral” disorders, or “bad/immoral” disorders. We all need to have each other’s backs.
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my-autism-adhd-blog · 7 months
Ableist things autistic people may internalise about ourselves…
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ef-1 · 4 months
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Bianca Bustamante is a young woman of colour trying to break into f1, a historically white and male dominated sport. she's been at the facing end of undue scrutiny and malice literally by virtue of being a woman of colour and nothing else. The solution however is not to unload on "autism stroll". She needs to understand that anyone who engages in 2016 bottom of the barrel edgelord abelism is not doing it FOR her or in her defence, they're doing it to because they think being an abelist fuckface is funny and would turn on her in a heartbeat to say something edgier and uglier if the opportunity arises. She's not getting "cancelled" she's only 18 and should be given the grace to learn and grow but she also absolutely deserves to be checked on this.
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danipedrosas-boatest · 4 months
Lance has literally done nothing but exist and have a father who loves him. How is there anything wrong with that?
He’s one of the youngest drivers to ever debut in formula 1, has gotten pole position, is one of the youngest drivers to ever get a podium, won three championships in four years, and steam rolled everyone in f3 in 2016. Has he had a tough year, yeah, but everyone has them at one point or another.
And yet people, like Bia, still having the fucking nerve to question his talent and use ableist slurs. Fucking disgusting.
Bia, we were rooting for you. We were ALL rooting for you.
Go fuck yourself
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genuinebluff · 10 months
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Are you a bad person? Tired of giving boring apologies? Provide the public with a genuine-seeming apology for reprehensible, potentially criminal, wrong-doings! Apologize in the form of a quirky song with help from the Genuine Ukelele! Remember, you can't be wrong if it's in a song. Holding people accountable is impossible when you're distracted by the soothing sounds of the Genuine Ukelele.
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monochrome--clown · 2 months
butter roll cookie gives me the ick.
some reasons below (spoilers for pt1 of the laboratorium storyline);
condescending toward his fellow researchers, even if he hides it with sweet words (this is disputable, I can see how the way he treats his coworkers could be taken differently)
spreads gossip about dark enchantress cookie to make himself look better (a pretty scummy move)
Ignoring how much Licorice Cookie feels uncomfy when he's near the raw dough, glossing over it by talking about his own craft (this isn't actually that bad, at least if Butter Roll Cookie wasn't aware of how uncomfy Licorice feels, but if my interpretation holds any truth then he's doing this purposefully.)
Asks Matcha Cookie about her missing ingredient even though she's CLEARLY uncomfortable and doesn't want to talk about it (borderline abelist! like asking a neurodivergent person what part of their brain is missing! And he doesn't even back down when she gets upset..)
Makes his coworkers dispose of batch 98 because it was an 'utter failure' and doesn't even try to rehabilitate or save it in any way (also calls something a failure when matcha cookie is RIGHT THERE - failure is probably a triggering word to her)
Talks crap about matcha cookie when she leaves after she is CLEARLY TRIGGERED by the dough being disposed of (also talks about her 'missing ingredient' again!!!)
Equates Matcha Cookie's meltdown to a tantrum (something you DO NOT DO when trying to console someone whos about to have/ in the middle of a meltdown)
In conclusion; Butter Roll Cookie is scummy and a borderline abelist, but hides it behind professionality, and a friendly/encouraging facade.
thank you for coming to my Ted talk.
(feel free to counter me :))
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waywardsunlight · 9 months
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Golden Feather AU (more under the cut, TW blood, angst, ableism (one line)) Description: 6 images of sketches from the Owl House Golden Feather AU. Image One: Darius finds baby Hunter in Belos's lab. Hunter as a 16 year old with short hair like his TTT design. Hunter is trained in self defense by his dad as they're on the run from the Emperor's Coven. Image Two: Hunter goes to Grom. Wanted posters of Darius and Eberwolf, and a Missing poster for Hunter. Bump agrees to let Hunter into Hexside. Hunter (in Hexside uniform) and Eber celebrating. Image Three: Hunter missing a social cue from Amity. Luz asking Hunter to help her steal the healing hat. Image four: Lilith bringing Hunter to Belos while Luz is in a bubble, scared. Image five: Hunter getting his sigil. Image six: Hunting Palismen AU where Steve is in Hunter's role. Hunter gets flapjack, and Steve becomes a rebel and tells Darius that Hunter loves him.
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Description: Image seven: Belos cutting Hunter's hair shorter to control him/Hunter asking Steve how his hair looks. Image eight: Belos and Hunter together, Hunter has scars now. Doodles of Hunter scared and Darius worried. Belos struggles with having Hunter back and not being able to get rid of him while the Collector meows. Image nine: Belos threatens Darius. Darius is bleeding as this is shortly after he was captured. Image ten: Hunter in Lab Runners and Clouds (Hunter is wearing a hexside uniform in Lab Runners, and a new outfit for Clouds, which includes a green sweater and red beanie with Flap on his shoulder), he has abomination goo on the sweater. Image eleven: Hunter posessed with medium length hair, longer than his mullet in TTT. Text: Flapjack lives. Hunter fighting Belos, saying "Leave me alone". Image twelve: Belos possessing Hunter in front of the portal saying they'll thank him later. Belos telling Hunter that he's going to possess the Titan's heart. Hunter trapped like Raine was in WAD. Exploratory doodle of puppet Darius matching the AU's design with locs instead of goo. End description.
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radwere · 3 months
fakeclaiming as a concept is so funny to me. like "ERM!!! THATS NOT HOW I WANT YOUR DISORDER TO WORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! STOP BEING DISABLED!!!!!"
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blackcat419 · 8 months
HotD themes part 2: Disability in the HotD universe and team green.
Disabilities, whether the character was born or gain it later in life, are all concentrated on team green characters.
Born with disabilities
Larys Strong
Larys is the first disabled character we see on screen. His clubbed foot affects everything from his walk, who he socializes with, and his costuming from the iron boot. Before the 10 year time skip, Larys seems like a Varys/Littlefinger type, a spy master who knows a lot of things and we as the audience don’t know how he knows that. After the time skip, Larys becomes expressly evil with his disability linked to his evilness. Having his fetish be feet is one of the worst writing decisions I have ever seen. So Larys is the most clearly visibly disabled character and is shown to be a kind later, abuser, and general creep.
Helaena Targaryen
While Helaena is not stated to have autism or being neurodivergent directly in text, her actor aphis has said she plays her as being neurodivergent. She is fixated on bugs, knowing lots of facts about them, and spends her time on screen with bugs. Helaena is also adverse to touching which is another trait common for people with neurodivergent or autism. Atleast helaena isn’t vilified for being neurodivergent but she does get the “disability superpower” trope with her prophecies.
Disabilities gained later in life
Aemond Targaryen
Aemond is disabled in an act of violence by his nephews, one which he is blamed for by his father and by fans. He’s also later framed as villainous, vengeful, and sadistic for having his eye cut out and for wanting justice. This is probably the most grievous examples of ableism in the show as Aemond is suppose to accept his disability and move on with life and not bother anyone about it. He’s not allowed to feel anger or want justice for it and is treated as unreasonable for wanting some form of justice.
Aegon Targaryen
Aegon is an alcoholic and is shown to be so from the age of 12. This is very concerning as alcohol affects your development as a kid. Instead of treating it like a serious issue, Aegon is beat up and reprimanded instead of trying to get help for him. It’s treated as a moral failing of his instead of an addiction that he’s been dealing with for over a decade.
To be shown
Jaehaera and Jaehaerys
While we have not formally met the dragon twins, we know from the book that Jaehaerys has 6 fingers (interestingly this is a dominate trait so it’s most likely due to a genetic mutation instead of inheritance) and Jaehaera is described as never acting like a normal child. So both are born with disabilities and we have seen how the fandom has treated these babies.
In conclusion, disabilities are only shown as part of the team green side and are used to other and vilify the characters. Even if the show writers did not intend it, it create ableist themes and encourages the fandom to be abelist to these characters.
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aftonsparv-bugzz · 2 months
we're not saying people with npd, aspd, ect cant hurt you or abuse you
we're saying disorder =/= abusive
people with npd, bpd, aspd, infact, ANY cluster b disorder CAN abuse you. HOWEVER, having those disorders dosent instantly make you an abuser
dont be abelist.
people with ANY disorder can abuse you. that dosent mean they WILL abuse you. the fact that they have that disorder dosent mean theyre an abuser. it dosent make them abusive. they can be abusive, that dosent mean suddenly every narcissist is evil, suddenly all aspd people are threatening you, all bpd people are rude and abusive. stop throwing around the word abuse like its nothing. stop specifically linking it to personality disorders. thats blatantly abelist.
ihope all cluster bs have a lovely lovely day please ignore the hate and abelism yall are so gorgeous treat yourself to your comfort food
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joshgrobanscock · 4 months
explaining delusions are so funny to me . Yeah so i was crazy . yeah . No i don’t have ocd . no yeah, delusion . what do you mean i should be locked up
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mummelthecryptid · 12 days
abelism is fucking crazy to me because some people will really tell disabled people they shouldnt have children and dont see anything fucked up about that?? Like they think thats a normal opinion to have??? We need to teach what eugenics are and why theyre bad in school im so serious
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darkxwolf17 · 9 months
Honestly I think. It's kinda sad that outbursts/episodes/meltdowns are only really taken seriously when it's about something "serious". So often I see someone in clear mental stress about something "silly" or "stupid" just get written off and they're "overreacting." Which kinda, really sucks considering they're not exactly something you can control, and something silly to you might mean a lot to someone else. Idk just something I've noticed
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npd-hottakes · 16 days
I hate when people say you need to take accountability for the things your mental disorders make you do. "Narcissists aren't bad, but they do bad things" IT'S NOT OUR FAULT WE DON'T WANNA USE UP ALL OUR ENERGY BY MASKING!!! Sometimes, NO, you CAN'T control yourself or your symptoms. It's like saying a depressed person is responsible for making themselves sad.
Escpecially when you have both did and npd, you literally cannot control your own actions half the time, and people who expect you to are ASSHOLES!!
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1nt3rn3t4ng3l · 4 days
Important Rant abt Radqueers
CW:discusions of radqueers and the shit they support/ID as so just be advised(check the tags)
sorry this may be a long post but idc anymore./nbr
Seeing Radqueer people interact with the non/alterhuman communities and "be apart of them" makes us angry.
also seeing Radqueer people say they are "punk" boils our blood.
Radqueer as a whole is actually gross.
It supports and romanticizes Harmful paras,Abuse,Natzi and other harmful shits ideology and Abelism.
Ive seen radqueers try and justify their deplorable "identities" like TransID shit by mentioning Systems and BIID...stop just STOP dont rope us or anyone into your sick reasoning.
seeing blogs DEDICATED to being "TransBPD" or "TransPlural" or "Transtrauma" genuinley is discusting.
im sorry but your just using these things as fucking asthetics.
"transBPD" people dont ACTUALLY want BPD they want that glorified "edgy" romanticized version of it not the "i want to slam nails into my fucking skull" cuz you FP took 10 minutes to respond to a text.
"transPlural" people dont actually want to be plural they dont want to stand infront of a miror and not regognize themself and end up having a breakdown cuz "whats going on" and "why cant everything be QUIET".
"transTrauma" people dont actually want the trauma. They dont want to have been sexually assaulted at a young age wich causes life long problems like hypersexuality and a distrust of men. They dont want to have been beat cuz they took food without "permission". they dont want to tip toe around praying no one will wake up cuz if they do your doors going to be removed and your online privileges will be taken away.
this is genuinely a sick thing.
they use words like "transAge" "transNazi" "TransHarmful" to excuse the fact that they are degenerates and abhorent excuses of people.
seeing them talk abt how MAP is valid and encorage Zoophilia is honestly so fucking gross.
and no we are not being a fucking "snowflake" we are having common fucking sense.
you know its bad when even PROSHIPPERS have them on their DNI(pro shippers are gross aswell and can easily intersect with rad queer people)
this is genuinely a big fucking problem and just a fucking disgracefuk "community"
radqueer will never be fucking "valid" rad queer will NEVER be excepted.
anyone whos rad queer in the non/alterhuman community is not apart of our community
we dont claim or want yall and if your radqueer and say your a therian,,,,no your fucking not
our community will never EVER allow you to be near it(at-least i HOPE so)
note: thinking about making a masterlist of radqueer terms and emoji combos+their meanings so people can be aware and stay away,,, (also thinking about adding radqueers that i know have interacted with non/alterhuman posts and are "apart of the community")
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nightmarefuel0410 · 3 months
Here's my take: Disability parents need to shut the fuck up about being victims and that they're going through a "grieving process" when they think about the things their disabled kids can't do( aka be the perfect cookie cutter of what THEY want) .
It makes their kids feel like burdens, and want to hurt themselves, or that they should've have been born.
Everyone has worth and brings purpose to this world.
But y'know, boo fucking hoo to you mom that your kid is autistic and allegedly "draining" when there's other parents out there struggling to conceive or adopt.
Sorry for existing I guess.
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