#What can I say Tiny Kara is too much fun to write to leave it at one chapter
waytooinvested · 24 days
Small Problem... Chapter 2
You can find the full story on AO3
Lena was in the middle of grinding up a chunk of dried rhubarb for her latest spell to try and de-miniaturise Kara when Dreamer came hurtling into the room at full speed, almost running right into the far wall when she failed to slow down in time, and startling Lena so much that she dropped her pestle.
‘Nia! What is it? What’s happened?’
She would have been more worried by the sudden entrance, if not for the fact that Nia was now bouncing excitedly from foot to foot, and holding -something- behind her back like a child who had just raided the cookie jar.
‘Have you seen Kara anywhere? She’s not on the snack table’.
There was a tiny huff of air against Lena’s ear, and an indignant little voice muttered ‘I don’t spend that much time with the snacks!’
‘She doesn’t spend that much time with the snacks’.
Nia chuckled at the passed-on-message, tilting her head to peer past the fall of Lena’s hair to where Kara was sitting comfortably on her shoulder, legs dangling by her clavicle and one hand fisted in her shirt for balance.
‘I don’t know why I even asked – I should have known if you weren’t making the most of a fresh batch of crullers you’d be in here with Lena’.
‘There’s CRULLERS???’
Lena didn’t have to speak up for Kara this time, because that had come out at a volume loud enough to make her wince, and definitely loud enough to carry to Nia standing a few feet away.
‘Kara, remember what we said about shouting and proximity to people’s ears?’
‘Oops, sorry…’ Kara patted the lobe of Lena’s ear apologetically. ‘But crullers Lena! I haven’t had a giant cruller yet, and you know they’re my favourite!’
‘Well hang on, that’s not what I came here to tell you! I got you a surprise!’
Nia was bouncing again, and at last Kara was diverted from the promise of fresh doughnuts by her obvious excitement.
‘What is it?’
‘It’s- drum roll please-’
Nia stamped her feet in a rapid tattoo to simulate her own drum roll, then brought out the thing behind her back with a flourish, plonking it down in the middle of Lena’s grimoire so it would be right in Kara’s line of sight.
The big (well, little) surprise was a miniature Supergirl action figure. Just under five inches high, complete with Supersuit, cape, boots and flowing waves of plastic hair. They all stared at it for a moment, and then Kara lifted gingerly off Lena’s shoulder and floated down to have a closer look.
It was not a perfect likeness by any means, but one of the better of its kind, and seeing the two of them side by side was… a little uncanny, honestly. Kara walked a slow circle around her doppelganger, taking in its fixed plastic grin and hands-on-hips pose with a perplexed frown on her face.
‘Thank… you?’
‘What’s she supposed to do with it?’
‘Isn’t it obvious?’
Kara and Lena looked at the doll, then at each other, then shrugged.
‘Not really?’
‘The clothes. You can take the supersuit off, I checked! Even the boots are proper leather. Well, pleather, but I think they’ll be comfy enough – they’re soft anyway, not stiff plastic, and they look about the right size’.
Kara perked up at that, keen to get back into something that would feel more like her usual self.
Once it had become clear that getting Kara back to her proper size wasn’t going to be a quick fix, they had done their best to get her properly outfitted. Alex and Kelly had taken Esme home to raid her doll box for anything that might come close to fitting Kara, and they had found a few things that worked, which Kara had been wearing on rotation. Her favourite so far had been a tiny pair of blue jean style stretchy pants, and a matching blue shirt with long sleeves layered under short that had once belonged to a Tiny Teen!TM doll. Her LEAST favourite was the ill fitting ‘sleepy bunnikins’ baby doll onesie she had been forced to wear for one humiliating afternoon while chocolate frosting was washed out of her other clothes after an incident of over-exuberance helping Esme decorate cupcakes for her upcoming birthday party. The rest fell somewhere between the two on the spectrum of acceptability, but none had made Kara feel entirely herself, and they had had no luck at all so far with shoes.
Until now.
‘YES! Thank you Nia!!! Lena, would you mind…?’
Kara gestured at the open grimoire and Lena obligingly stood it up on its end to hide her and the doll from their view, hoping that it wasn’t inadvertently insulting to her mother’s memory to use her revered magic book as a changing screen. She and Nia waited patiently for the reveal, sharing an amused glance at the mutters and grumbles that emerged from behind the book as Kara wrestled her plastic twin out of its clothes and pulled them on herself.
When at last she emerged the twee floral dress and pinafore she had borrowed from Esme’s littlest china doll was gone, and Kara was once more dressed in an approximation of her own clothes. She struck her familiar Supergirl pose, hands on hips, newly shod feet set wide apart, and looked hopefully up at them.
‘What do you think?’
Lena examined her tiny friend and nodded admiringly.
‘Much better. You look like yourself again’.
It was true, but not wholly true. The sizing was no worse than any of the other outfits she had been making do with lately to be fair – better if anything, since it was made of stretchy, forgiving material, but knowing how her suit was supposed to fit made it all the more obvious that the sleeves of this one were straining around Kara’s biceps, while the too-long pants wrinkled and the top hung loosely across her chest. Apparently the manufacturers had taken some liberties with Supergirl’s bra size…
Nia squealed and clapped her hands in delight. ‘I’m so glad I stayed up til 4am in an ebay bidding war for it, it was TOTALLY worth it!’
‘Nia, you didn’t!’
‘Yep – there’s loads of Supergirl dolls out there, but most of them are too big, or the clothes are just painted on. THIS one is a much sought after “Superhero In My Hand” model, and the clothes come off so that you can swap them out with other dolls in the series if you want to. I really wanted to get little Dreamer too, but that one still had another two hours on the auction and Brainy changed the wifi password to force me go to sleep, so my nemesis got her instead’.
Lena raised an eyebrow. ‘You have a nemesis?’
‘I do now. Ebay user Iheartdreamer98’.
Nia glared darkly at nothing in particular, then dropped to a crouch so that she was at eye level with Kara on the table, grinning again as if nothing had happened.
‘This is so cool. What do you think of the doll?’
‘I love the clothes, but the actual doll is a bit creepy, and they made me look kind of constipated. Now she’s out of the outfit I don’t think she really looks much like me at all’.
‘So you don’t want to keep her?’
‘Not especially’.
‘Can I have her then?’
Kara frowned. ‘What for?’
Glancing between Kara and Lena, Nia beckoned them both closer before whispering ‘hijinks’.
‘Go on…’ Kara whispered back conspiratorially (then had to repeat herself more loudly, because at her current size a whisper was inaudible unless she practically climbed into your ear canal).
‘Well -’. Nia reached over the grimoire to pull out the doll, which Lena noticed was now wearing Kara’s cast off frills (apparently despite thinking it didn’t look like her she had felt weird about leaving it entirely naked, even though it must have been a pain trying to dress a from-her-perspective-life-sized plastic dummy). ‘-Brainy knows I bought this because he was there when I was ordering it. But no one else does. Alex doesn’t. I thought there might be some good pranking potential in it. What do you think? Something to do while you’re stuck in here?’
Kara grinned back wickedly ‘oh yes’.
After the first couple of days spent getting used to her new size and taking part in a dozen different (failed) attempts at de-shrinking spells, Kara’s mood had shifted from distress to boredom. She couldn’t go to work. She couldn’t fly out to save the day from villains (though she had waged an hours long battle to oust a rat that had been attempting to set up home in the tower, then spent a further day amusing Esme with stories and re-enactments of her daring exploits). She couldn’t even go out without someone’s pocket to hide in, in case anyone saw her and decided to use her relative vulnerability to their advantage. In fact as Nia had alluded to, the main solace Kara had now was her continued delight in over-sized snacks, but even her appetite had its limits, and she was desperate for things to do. It seemed that Nia might just have found a neat solution to both her need for proper clothing and her need for entertainment (even if it was at the expense of her long-suffering sister).
‘You’re with us, right Lena?’
‘I’m theoretically with you. I won’t tell Alex what you’re up to or do anything to spoil your fun, but I don’t think I’ll have time to actively join in. I really need to keep working on this spell so you can get back to normal’.
Lena hadn’t been doing anything but working on spells since Kara’s accident, even though she had long since tried even the most tenuously promising charms in her mother’s book, and was more or less just making things up now. She was using rhubarb, because it was known for its speedy and extensive growth. Bamboo shoots for the same reason. A dose of her artificial yellow sunlight to boost Kara’s innate powers and lend the spell strength… she was about 48 hours away from suggesting that Kara drink up her milk and go to bed early in the hopes that it would help her grow up big and strong, or else poking about in rabbit holes to find the way down to Wonderland and the caterpillar’s magic size changing mushroom, but she couldn’t admit it.
Not when whatever had happened had to have been her fault. She and Kara had been standing over the workbench together at the time looking through her grimoire. Their hands had collided as they both reached to turn a page and Lena had felt the usual surge of butterflies that came with touching Kara unexpectedly. Then suddenly all hell had broken loose and everyone else had been thrown across the room while Kara shrank to dolls house proportions. It must have been some unforeseen magical accident linked to the surge of emotion, or the physical contact while touching the book, or… something. And if Lena’s magic had caused this, that meant it must also be able to fix it.
The trouble was that despite going over the interaction second by second in her mind every hour since it had happened, she still had no idea what she had done, or how. She hadn’t been trying to do a spell. Not just a shrinking spell, but any kind. The idea that magic could just burst out of her uncontrollably like that was terrifying, and another reason why she had been spending most of her time holed up in this room away from the others, where she couldn’t accidentally hurt anyone.
In fact the only person she hadn’t made excuses to stay away from for more than five minutes at a time lately was Kara.
Kara, who was the one Lena had most hurt with her accidental witchcraft, but also the only other person who was as trapped in the tower as Lena was until she learned to keep her magic under tighter control. It felt unfair to turn her away when she was already so lonely and overwhelmed by her new size. Besides, Lena harboured a secret, desperate hope that if they were together enough then whatever she had accidentally done might be undone the same way. They would brush knuckles in exactly the right place at exactly the right moment, or Kara would step onto some special part of the grimoire, and just as suddenly as she had shrunk, she would grow back to her usual size and this would all be over.
She didn’t say that to Kara of course – to her and to everyone else she remained optimistic, assuring them that they weren’t out of options yet, and the next spell might just be the one that would do the trick. Well then, the next. Or the one after that. She would find it eventually. She had to. So she couldn’t let herself get diverted into playing games with Nia and Kara, no matter how hopefully they were looking at her now. That would be like admitting she was giving up. And besides, somebody might get hurt.
Kara crossed the table to her and patted her knuckle gently, understanding something of her distress, even if not all of it.
‘I know you want to work this out Lena, but you’re allowed to take a break. It’s okay if it takes time. I’m okay’.
Lena smiled back at her gratefully, but shook her head.
‘I know, and I’ll take a break if I need to. I just want to do a little more work on this one first’.
‘Are you coming up for dinner at least? J’onn’s cooking something Martian-inspired’.
‘Sounds good, but I’m not really hungry. Save me some left overs?’
Kara still didn’t look happy, but she flew up from the table to perch on Nia’s shoulder, and Lena listened to the two of them talking about how best to prank the others with their look-alike Kara as they clattered off back down the hallway, leaving Lena alone with her spells.
Artificial yellow sun.
There had to be a way.
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supercorpkid · 3 years
A meeting with a Luthor.
Supercorp, Kara Danvers x Daughter!Reader, Lena Luthor x Daughter!Reader, Lillian Luthor x Granddaughter!Reader
Word count: 1650.
It’s becoming a thing. Seeing Lillian, you mean. It shouldn’t. It’s insane and weird and completely out of line, but still, a thing.
Like she knows exactly what you do, when you do it, and how you do it, the day when you don’t have anything planned -no dates, no L Corp, no training- she shows up at your school. This time she didn’t even leave the black car she was in, she just lowered the car window, and nodded at you. It didn’t even take convincing this time, just a nod, and you were in the car on the way to a restaurant.
“Grandmother.” You open the door and slide in.
“Granddaughter.” She tilts her head, and a little-tiny-really-small smile comes to her lips. “I was hoping you were having a free day so we could go have dinner together.”
“Dinner sounds great.” You agree, putting your backpack between your feet, and fasting your seatbelt. “I’m always down for food.”
“Of course you are.” She gives the driver directions, and out you go.
It’s a different restaurant this time. Fancier. You almost feel bad for being in your school T-shirt -like you had any other option- but Lillian waltzes in without a care for your appearance, and you follow, starting not to care too. If the Lillian Luthor doesn’t care about you walking in a fancy restaurant in your sneakers, it’s not you who are going to.
“I thought we could try some Greek food today.” She says, showing you the table, and you agree with your head.
It’s not like you never tried Greek food before. One of Lena’s favorite food is Moussaka, and somehow you think Lillian knows this, and somehow you think she brought you here, because she can’t exactly have Lena here with her without ending in a fight.
“Cool.” You sit on the table across from her. You let her order the food, she knows she has to order more food than if you were a normal teenager, so you don’t interfere. She is the one paying for it, anyway.
“Created something interesting lately?” Lillian asks, and as far as small talk goes, you rather she had started off with a lighter topic, but you shrug, sipping on your water.
“Haven’t been in the lab in a while.” You feel it in your bones when you say that. You haven’t been to L Corp in more than a month, which feels completely out of character for you.
“Oh, I hope you haven’t lost interest in science. You’re very good at that.” She says, and you look down, blushing in embarrassment. God, why do you always feel so flustered whenever Lillian throws a random compliment at you? “But I guess for a kid the superhero part is more exciting.”
“Um, no. I mean-” You think about it for a second. You’ve always wanted to go out and go supering with your momma, saving National City and feeling like you’re doing something good for the world. And honestly, when the world was at stake -not your world, but still- you went supering and it was fun. It was great, actually. But you’ve always liked science, robotics, and experiments a little more. Science was always there for you, even when you were terrible at controlling your powers, and even when your powers weren’t there at all. “I’m still interested, I just-I-Um-Have other stuff to focus now.”
And ‘other stuff’ herself, just walked into the restaurant with her parents right behind her. Maya looks at you, and you two lock eyes, while their parents talk to the host. Somehow your cheeks get even more flushed at the sight of her, and your heart skips a tiny beat. What are the odds?
It wasn’t supposed to happen like this. Actually, it wasn’t supposed to happen at all. The whole idea was to never ever in your life have Lillian Luthor, your girlfriend and -worst of all- your girlfriend-Luthor-hater’s parents in the same space. But somehow, here you are.
“Of course.” Lillian agrees, after following your eyes, and landing in the same place. “I see you’re still seeing the Rose girl.”
“Mhm.” You agree, looking back at the table. You sip on your water, just to have something to do.
“Should we invite them to dine with us?” She asks politely and you snap your head at her, at the sound of that.
“We should not. No. Rao, please, don’t.” You beg, shuffling in your chair uncomfortable. Lillian was never once the sociable type. Why the hell is she suggesting asking them to join you? It’s like… She knows. Oh. There’s a little tinkle in her eyes. A little too murdery for your liking. “Do you know them?”
“We have crossed paths before, yes.” She admits, with a little nod. “Mr. Rose is a very unsophisticated man, if I must say. A lawyer who fights only for himself. But I guess most of them do.”
“I don’t wanna hear this. It’s not my problem.” You say, a little too aggressive for your own liking, but apparently Lillian doesn’t care. She’s used to much worse.
“I would think it was, given they were so ungrateful after you saved their daughter’s life.”
“Well, they only know me as a Luthor, so-” You shrug. “Can’t really blame them for not liking me, can we?”
“I suppose not. The Luthor name has seen better days.” She sighs, and drops the subject as soon as the waiter comes in with the food. Lillian points at the Moussaka, with her head. “Lena used to like that.”
“She still does.” It’s the first thing you pick up, and her smile comes this time.
You finish eating, and while Lillian pays for dinner you make your way to the bathroom, before leaving the restaurant. You are not trying to listen to them, you really aren’t, but when you pick up Lillian’s voice saying ‘Mister Rose’, you can’t hear anything else anymore.
“Lillian Luthor.” It’s Mr. Rose’s voice. Oh no. This is bad. Too bad.
“Just thought I would introduce myself to your daughter.” Lillian says. “She is dating my granddaughter, after all.”
“Oh, I’m-Well-I-” Maya chokes on her words, and you feel bad you’re not there to protect her. Although you think if you were, it would probably be worse for her. “I’m Maya.”
“Yes, you are, dear.” Lillian says again, and you pray to Rao she’s going to walk out of there and leave all of them alone. “Mr. and Mrs. Rose, I hope the next time you meet my granddaughter you can be more respectful towards her, provided she didn’t exactly choose to be born a Luthor.”
“We know Luthors very well, they are born evil.” It’s Mrs. Rose’s voice that you hear now.
“I would’ve believed so. But that girl doesn’t exactly meet these criteria. So, I would appreciate you having a little bit more care about what you say to her and how you treat her.”
“Is that-Is that a threat, Mrs. Luthor?” Mr. Rose tries to pretend he is unaffected, but you hear his heart almost beating out of his chest.
“Please, don’t be ridiculous Roger.” Lillian adds a little scoff to his name. “We both know that if I was threatening you, you wouldn’t have to ask me that.”
Oh Rao, no. That was a threat.
“Please, enjoy your dinner.” She adds a little later. “It was nice meeting you, Maya.”
Nothing more is said, and you suspect she has finally stepped away from their table. That’s when you leave the bathroom, though you have finished your business long ago. You make your way out of the restaurant, to meet Lilian there, waiting for you. You both slide back in the car in silence.
“Should I add Greek food to your list of favorite foods?” Lillian asks, like she actually has a list of your favorite foods. You know what? She might as well have a whole list of your favorite things.
“You shouldn’t have done that.” You look at her. She initially looks confused, but then it sinks in. “Did you forget I have super hearing?”
“I have to admit, yes.” Lillian confesses, pressing her lips together.
“You threatened them.”
“I did no such thing.” She defends herself and you roll your eyes. Both to the lie, and to the phrase you have heard Lena saying so many times. How annoying it is finding resemblance between them.
“Saying that you are not threatening someone is the definition of a threat. You of all people should know that. I would’ve thought you have threatened several people in your life.”
“Well, my threats never sound like that. So you have nothing to worry about.” She looks to the front, like she doesn’t want to talk about that anymore, but still adds. “Should anything happen to them, I guarantee you, it was not my doing.”
“So, you promise?” You ask and she turns her face to you again. You lift your little finger in front of your face, and she sighs.
“This is a childish pact.”
“It’s an oath, nonetheless.” You don’t move. She stares at your little finger and breathes heavily. It takes her a few seconds, and reluctantly she intertwines her little finger with yours.
“Then, I promise.”
You smile looking at Lillian’s finger intertwined with yours. What are the odds, right? You feel the car stopping, and you unattach your fingers, looking at your house behind you. You unfasten your seatbelt, pick up your backpack, and leave the car. Before closing the door, you look at her, still inside.
“You can add Japanese food to my list of favorites.”
“I know a fine Japanese restaurant.” She says, almost to herself, like something she should remember, a plan.
“We should go there next time.” You smile and salute her off. “Grandmother.”
Lillian smiles a little, and tilts her head at you. “Granddaughter.”
Thanks @adeledewittj for this prompt, I love writing Lillian.
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whumpmatsus · 3 years
I am just absolutely in love with how you write! I think I have a good iromatsu idea; after a prank gone wrong Kara gives Ichi the silent treatment to the extreme; does not talk to him, sit near him, or even stay in the same room when they're alone and even switched sleeping spots. Kara thinks it'll teach Ichi a lesson, but really it devestates Ichi and Kara tries to comfort him now.
aaaa thank you!! everyone is so nice with compliments like that, it motivates me to write more and always puts a smile on my face to hear kind words!!! <3
and ahhh this is definitely a good Iromatsu idea!! it was so much fun to write ;7;
Ichi stop being so emotionally constipated and show your feelings to your brothers, they love you and it'll make you feel better ;w;
In hindsight, perhaps Ichimatsu should have known better than to mess with Karamatsu’s guitar.
It would be one thing if he fucked with the leather jacket, or the sunglasses, or one of the tank tops with Karamatsu’s own face on it, because he’s pretty sure Karamatsu has an endless supply of those. His guitar, however, is something which doesn’t have a backup. It’s quite possibly the only thing Karamatsu loves more than himself, though obviously not as much as he loves his brothers.
For some stupid reason, it only hits Ichimatsu after the prank he pulls that this guitar is probably Karamatsu’s sole most important possession.
Of course, by the time it does hit him, the damage has already been done. He thought that the expression on his brother’s face would be over the top, hilarious, and the highlight of his day.
Instead, it’s burned into his brain in the worst way. When Karamatsu saw his younger brother letting the kitten in his lap bat at a ball made of his guitar’s strings, it was as if someone had just shoved a knife in his back.
God, Ichimatsu hates that kind of expression. That betrayed, wounded, raw look.
That hurts. What hurts worse is that for the rest of the day, it’s as if Karamatsu only has four brothers. Ichimatsu tries to apologize, and he’s met with Karamatsu walking out of the room entirely. No matter what he does, Karamatsu doesn’t want to be near him. He goes so far as to eat dinner in the other room with their parents rather than sit around a table with Ichimatsu.
Everyone knows what Ichimatsu did, but none of the others have ever seen Karamatsu quite so upset either. It would be a miracle if they aren’t all pissed at him, too.
The worst blow comes when they’re all getting ready for bed. Ichimatsu is more tired than usual for whatever reason, so he’s prepared to fall asleep the second his head hits the pillow. When he settles into his spot at one end of the futon, he rolls over with the intention of giving Karamatsu a gruff, apologetic hug… only to come face to face with very obviously not Karamatsu.
He hisses something about why the hell Totty is in Karamatsu’s spot, and Totty gives him the explanation that Karamatsu asked to switch tonight. “… But I’ll take the hug, though,” he teases as he cuddles up, so Ichimatsu can’t shove him away or he’ll be an asshole.
Even with the youngest sleeping soundly pressed against him, Ichimatsu barely sleeps a wink himself. He doesn’t like this. Despite the fact that he tries to convince himself he doesn’t give a shit about Karamatsu, the truth is that Karamatsu is still his big brother. The thought of admitting that he loves Karamatsu and thinks he’s cool leaves a horrible taste in his mouth, but…
He doesn’t like this.
He wanted to play a stupid prank and maybe just get on Karamatsu’s nerves a little bit. He never wanted to have Karamatsu so angry with him that he won’t speak to Ichimatsu, that he doesn’t even want to sleepnext to him.
This… hurts.
Although Ichimatsu may not sleep much during the night, he refuses to get up in the daytime when everyone else does.
Sometimes that’s not so worrying. The others know Ichimatsu sleeps a lot at odd hours when his depression kicks in, and rather than risk getting growled at, they often just let him sleep. As long as they can get him up in time for lunch, it doesn’t usually affect him too much.
… It’s after 2 P.M. now, though, and even with everyone knowing he’s awake, Ichimatsu won’t get out of bed.
Out of all the brothers, regardless of the fact that Karamatsu has been trying to teach his little brother a lesson, he’s probably the most worried about this. Even though he’s definitely angry about what Ichimatsu did, that doesn’t mean he doesn’t want to forgive him.
It was heartbreaking to see that Ichimatsu would damage something that means so much to Karamatsu. Even with how much Ichimatsu doesn’t like him, Karamatsu never thought his little brother would intentionally do anything to his guitar.
But… he did notice the look on Ichimatsu’s face every time Karamatsu gave him the cold shoulder. Combined with the fact that Ichimatsu is staying in bed, Karamatsu thinks that maybe he went a bit too far with this punishment.
Ichimatsu doesn’t even lift his head when Karamatsu pokes into their shared bedroom and calls, “Brother?”
So he creeps in a bit more. And more. And more, until he’s standing at the edge of the futon, five empty spaces away from his brother. Most of the time, he’s so good with words… even if he has to plan them out beforehand, or even if they sometimes sound painful.
Now, he doesn’t really know what to say.
“Ichimatsu…” He frowns and traces circles in the carpet with his foot. “It’s nearly three in the afternoon. Aren’t you getting up?”
What he gets in response is a listless shrug. It’s not in typical Ichimatsu fashion, though. “What’s the point? Leave me alone. You haven’t had any problem doing that so far.”
Ouch. Unfortunately, Karamatsu supposes that fair is fair.
He inches forward until he’s not too far, then lowers himself down next to Ichimatsu. “I’m… sorry about that.”
“No, you’re not. And you shouldn’t be. I’m garbage, and what I did was shitty. Shittier than you and your entire wardrobe.” Ichimatsu’s knees come up to his chest, body curling into a tight ball. “I deserve to have you mad at me for the rest of my life. You hate me and I hate myself, too. I’m…”
There’s a weird sound, like Ichimatsu is choking on his own words. “… I’m sorry. Just go away. Don’t bother with me. I’m not worth your time.”
Every word feels like there’s a vise tightening, tightening, tightening, around Karamatsu’s heart. That’s… what?? Ichimatsu really thinks that Karamatsu hates him?
He definitely wouldn’t have expected to see his younger brother so broken up about that fact. Ichimatsu often goes out of his way to avoid Karamatsu’s company, so shouldn’t he be relieved that Karamatsu stopped wanting to be around him?
A quiet moment passes before Karamatsu reaches to drape an arm over Ichimatsu. There’s practically no resistance as he pulls the fourth eldest in against him, gently rubbing his shoulder.
“I don’t hate you,” he murmurs. “It’s… true that I’m upset with you. Or at least I was. This was… I wasn’t going to shut you out forever. To be honest, I thought you would be happy that I wasn’t bothering you anymore. I anticipated that perhaps my silence would make you angry. That you might snap at me after a day or so and tell me you were sorry. I didn’t mean to make you feel…”
He shifts his hands around with the intent of trying to move Ichimatsu to face him, but stops cold when his palm meets dampness on his brother’s cheek.
Is Ichimatsu… crying??
Karamatsu freezes at that thought. He can count on one hand the number of times he’s seen Ichimatsu cry since they were kids. Then, he pulls his little brother in closer. There’s no struggling, no protests, just a stifled sob as Ichimatsu ducks his head down.
Karamatsu rests his head against the top of Ichimatsu’s. “… Did my treatment really hurt you that badly? Are you really that anguished by the idea that I would stop wanting anything to do with you?”
There’s no response except a nod, something that Ichimatsu seems to try and stop anyway.
A soft exhale puffs against Ichimatsu’s neck, and the way he stiffens suggests that the sudden warm air sent a shiver up his spine. “I’m… so sorry. I truly didn’t believe it would hurt you so much.”
“You’re still my Karamatsu-nii-san.” The admission is followed by a sniffle as he rubs at his eyes. “Just because I’m trash doesn’t mean I don’t…”
“Ahahah… you love me. That’s it, right?” Karamatsu teases lightly. He tugs his baby brother closer still, and is surprised when Ichimatsu abruptly rolls over to bury his face against Karamatsu’s chest.
Ichimatsu’s skinny arms find their way around Karamatsu’s waist, hugging as tightly as he can bring himself to. He hates it. He hates that Karamatsu is right,and how he can’t even actually say the words himself, and crying, and everything about this. Why is anyone, even his big brother, still bothering with him?
“… Please don’t be mad at me anymore,” he mumbles. That begging voice is so small and barely even sounds like him, even to himself. “I don’t… I don’t like it.”
Karamatsu chuckles and gingerly rubs Ichimatsu’s back. It’s a little sad to consider, but their relationship has become so strained now that they’re adults, to the point that Ichimatsu being so honest about his feelings to anyof his brothers, especially Karamatsu, is rare. It would probably be easier to pull his teeth than to get him to confess that something is wrong until it’s bubbling over and he can’thide it anymore.
He holds Ichimatsu as close as he can, and it feels like Ichimatsu is trying to keep himself tiny and safe inside the embrace. A kiss is pressed to the top of Ichimatsu’s head; a shaky, tearful breath is the instant reaction. “All is forgiven, my brother. I would never dream of truly abandoning you like that. I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me for upsetting you to such a degree.”
He gives a cautious squeeze, reassured when Ichimatsu squeezes back. “You are one of the most important people in my world, Ichimatsu. You’re my little brother, and I love you very much, and I regret to inform you that there is most likely nothing you can do to ever change that.”
Ichimatsu relaxes, if only slightly. He’ll get up soon, and even though hearing these things isn’t a magic switch that makes him feel better about himself or what he’s done… it’s a comfort. It means that Karamatsu isn’t so angry with him that he’s been disowned.
“If you are ever hurt or insecure about any of that,” Karamatsu hums softly, “all you need to do is come find me and let yourself be held in my arms. I hope you know that.”
… Well.
If he didn’t before, he certainly does now.
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spaceman-earthgirl · 4 years
58 for supercorp! Thanks so much for writing 😁
"Am I dead?"
Thanks for the prompt, this one was fun!
An angel, that’s the first thought Lena has when her 4pm interview with a CatCo reporter walks into her office, it’s the only way to describe the woman currently standing in front of her.
Lena’s pretty sure she’s the most beautiful person she’s ever seen.
“Hi, I’m Kara,” the woman, Kara, says. Even her voice sounds angelic, warm and soft, the sound wrapping around Lena’s heart.
“Am I dead?”
Or maybe she’s a goddess, sent to earth to watch over humans, because that would explain the muscles she can see, not quite hidden by the blazer she’s wearing.
It’s a little unfair how attractive she is, hair half pinned up, the rest cascading around her face, eyes a stunning shade of blue Lena’s not sure she’s seen before. It only puts more credence into Lena’s theory that Kara isn’t from this world.
“Excuse me?”
The woman looks confused, an adorable crinkle appearing in the middle of her forehead. It takes Lena way too long to realise she’s said the comment out loud.
“I..uhhh…” Lena starts, her mind desperately trying to form some sort reply when all she can think about is how perfect Kara’s lips are, even if they are now downturned instead of the warm smile she’d walked in with. She clears her throat. “Sorry, I’m Lena.” She holds out her hand towards Kara. “It’s very nice to meet you.”
A warm hand takes her, firm but so very soft as they shake hands.
She only realises she’s staring again, hand still in Kara’s when the hand slips from her grip, blue eyes intense as she watches Lena with confusion. This close, Lena can see the freckles scattered across Kara’s cheeks, a tiny scar on Kara’s eyebrow.
She has to stop herself from asking about it.
“Shall we?” Kara asks, gesturing to her notebook with one hand while the hand that had been holding hers lifts to adjust her glasses, fingers gripping the frame as she settles them back on her face properly.
It’s incredibly endearing.
Lena’s never believed in love at first sight, but she thinks she might now.
“Please,” Lena smiles, gesturing to the couch instead of the seat across from her desk. Lena tells herself it’s because her couch is more comfortable but she knows that’s a lie, she just wants an excuse to be closer to Kara.
The interview goes well, surprisingly well in fact. She’d only agreed to this interview because Cat Grant asked her too, but now she’s incredibly glad she didn’t decline the request like she has for every other newspaper and magazine in the city.
Kara’s smart, that’s easy to tell by the questions she asks, by the comments she gives to Lena’s answers, which only makes her more intrigued about the woman in front of her, who genuinely looks like an angel, who has a kind smile and seems to have a heart to match.
Lena knows she’s a goner when Kara laughs at one of her answers, the sound so beautiful that Lena would do anything to hear it again.
“Can I ask you something?” Kara asks as she stands to leave. It’s been an hour, much longer than the half hour she’d scheduled for this meeting. It’s gone way too fast, Lena wishes it didn’t have to end.
“You’ve been asking me questions all afternoon, one more can’t hurt,” Lena laughs.
The blush that stains Kara’s cheeks is beautiful.
“When I arrived, the first thing you asked was ’am I dead?’ Why?”
The blush spreads further, down Kara’s neck. She’s so distracted by said neck that it takes her a moment to register the question.
She takes back what she said before, one more can hurt.
Now, Kara’s not the only one blushing.
“I…” To tell the truth or not tell the truth? “Off the record?”
Kara’s smile is so soft that Lena has the sudden urge to press her lips to it, to see if it tastes soft too.
“And you have to promise not to laugh.”
She’s not even sure why she’s considering telling the truth, but something about the other woman just puts her at ease. She wonders if Kara feels it too.
“Cross my heart,” Kara says, drawing a little ‘x’ over her heart. It shouldn’t be cute but it really, really is.
Lena can’t look at Kara as she speaks. “I thought maybe I was dead because you’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.”
“You thought I was an angel?”
Lena can’t figure out Kara’s reaction by the tone of her voice so she forces herself to look up. She finds Kara’s lips pressed together, clearly trying not to smile.
Kara laughs, clearly losing the battle with herself.
“You promised!”
Kara’s still smiling. “I did. Does it help if I thought the same thing when I saw you? Not the angel thing though, I was thinking more Greek goddess. I’m pretty sure you’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.”
Lena’s cheeks heat even more under Kara’s compliment. Is this really happening? Maybe she is in fact dead.
“My mind may have gone there too,” Lena admits, shy smile on her lips as she watches Kara. “But angel made more sense.”
She’s not used to any of this.
Kara bites her lip, Lena can see she’s thinking hard about whatever she’s about to say. Lena wishes she could bite said lip. “Is it unprofessional if I ask you out?”
Lena startles at the question, completely unexpected even though maybe it shouldn’t be, Kara did just tell her she was beautiful.
Kara is completely unlike anyone she’s ever dated before, anyone she’s ever had feelings for. Lena thinks that’s a good thing.
“Probably.” Lena’s not sure she cares. “Next time, Cat can just send someone else to interview me.”
“Is that a yes?” Kara looks so damn hopeful it almost breaks Lena then and there.
“Just name the time and place.”
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organabanana · 3 years
At first sight - Alex/Diana
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Written for prompt #88 at @flashfictionfridayofficial​ and finished a few minutes too late! I had a ton of fun writing it but went a bit over the word limit so please don’t feel like you have to read it! It was my first time participating and I had a blast.
Fandom: DCU/Supergirl (not particularly canon-compliant)
Pairing: Alex Danvers/Diana Prince (listen, I don’t know, they got in my head and wouldn’t leave)
Rating: Explicit. (It’s smutty - again, please don’t feel like you have to read it!)
Word count: 1375 
Summary: After a bad day at the DEO, Alex has a few drinks and a one night stand with a gorgeous stranger she meets at a bar. Turns out Lena Luthor isn’t the only one who can’t recognize people if they change their hairstyle.
It all happens in the blink of an eye, she swears.
One moment she’s leaving the DEO after one of the worst days in recent memory, and the next she’s pushing the most beautiful woman in the world (and beyond, she feels qualified to add) up against the door of her apartment, fumbling blindly with her keys as her free hand travels up under the woman’s shirt.
One moment she’s ordering the fourth (fifth?) beer of the night at the tiny bar by her building, and the next she’s looking into beautiful warm brown eyes and feeling like her heart’s been struck by lightning, if you’ll pardon the melodrama (she’s drunk).
One moment she’s--
You know what? It doesn’t really matter.
Right now she’s here, finally getting that unnecessarily complicated door open so they can stumble inside. She’s standing up on her tiptoes to kiss the woman again, the hand that’s just unceremoniously tossed her keys on the floor tangling up in the softest hair on Earth (and beyond) as the other cups the woman’s right breast, making her sigh into Alex’s mouth.
Good God.
Alex is (a bit) drunk and she hasn’t done this in so long. She hasn’t done this ever, maybe -- falling in lust at first sight and going for it, long-term considerations be damned for once in her life, because it’s been an awful day and she just needs to feel. She needs to feel--
“Ow!” Alex mumbles against soft lips, taking a quick look to make sure she hasn’t knocked anything breakable off the coffee table when she bumped against it and recalibrating their not-quite-graceful path towards the bed.
“Are you all right?” The woman’s voice has a slight accent that makes Alex think of deep red wine and sunsets by the sea. “Are you hurt?”
Alex shakes her head and steals a quick kiss. “I’m fine.” Her hand moves around to the woman’s back to smoothly (if she may say so herself) unclasp her bra. The woman takes it as her cue to pull off her own shirt, up and over her head, and suddenly Alex can’t remember how to breathe.
She’s staring. She knows she’s staring, kiss-swollen lips slightly parted and eyes nearly black as she takes in tanned skin and defined muscle and just-- listen, she’d be embarrassed under different circumstances, but she thinks being (slightly) drunk and in the presence of this… goddess gives her a bit of a pass.
“Oh,” she manages to breathe out, “okay.”
The silence lasts for three heartbeats (she counts) in which the woman’s eyes fill with confusion. And then the woman laughs. It’s more of a light chuckle, really, and Alex swears even her laughter has that warm accent to it, and suddenly this aura of almost unreal perfection around her lifts and Alex sees her for the first time.
“What’s your name?” Alex asks, shrugging off her leather jacket and letting it fall on the floor as she offers the woman a hand to lead her the rest of the way to bed. Should they have exchanged names before the clothes started to come off? Maybe. Today is clearly not the day for rules.
“Diana,” she says like it’s not the most beautiful sound in the world (and beyond), “what is yours?”
“Um,” Alex needs to think about it for a second, but she thinks she hides it well by peeling off her tank top and bra as Diana sits on the edge of her bed and hooks one finger under the waistband of Alex’s pants to tug her closer, “I’m Alex.”
“Alex,” Diana echoes, breathing the word out against the skin of Alex’s lower abdomen and turning it into the second most beautiful sound in the world, “nice to meet you.”
Now it’s Alex’s turn to laugh, color rising to her cheeks because she’s half-naked and Diana’s just undone the first button of Alex’s jeans and pressed a warm kiss to the skin she uncovered, and this is a bit much for Alex’s not-quite-sober brain to process.
“You’re beautiful,” Alex says because she can’t not, hands cupping Diana’s face to tilt it up just enough for Alex to kiss her once, twice, and then just keep going the third time, pushing Diana down onto the mattress and climbing on the bed to straddle Diana’s hips.
Diana’s mouth tastes… it tastes like Diana, and Alex almost regrets breaking the kiss to move her mouth to the column of Diana’s neck until the smell of Diana’s hair fills up her lungs and she decides there is no such thing as regret where Diana is involved, after all.
Alex kisses and licks and nips her way down from Diana’s neck to her chest, feeling powerful muscles flex and shift under her lips and teeth and tongue, and this may just be what people mean when they talk about religious experiences. It must be.
Diana’s back arches off the mattress when Alex’s mouth latches onto a stiff nipple, and she feels Diana’s hips shift to allow Alex to push Diana’s pants down along with her panties. As she turns her attention to Diana’s other breast, Alex takes her time drawing patterns along the soft skin of Diana’s inner thighs, feeling the firm muscle just underneath move as Diana spreads her legs for Alex to shift positions and kneel between them instead. 
“Alex,” Diana whispers (god God), long fingers sliding into Alex’s hair and oh-so-gently guiding her head down, down, down, from her breast to her abs and further still, until Alex is pressing a kiss to the warm skin of Diana’s mound. And then licking a path up along slick folds, and flicking against a stiff clit until Alex decides she’s had enough of this slow pace and buries her mouth in the heat of Diana’s cunt. 
Alex is a whole different kid of drunk now, with Diana’s clit in her mouth and Diana’s hand fisted in her hair, and two fingers knuckle-deep inside Diana, curling up against the spot that makes Diana’s thighs quake with every stroke.
“Alex!” Diana’s voice sounds different now, a little broken and a lot real, and it only spurs Alex on, making her fuck Diana with a mixture of abandon and desperation to see just how human Diana will look when she’s coming in Alex’s mouth.
And she doesn’t have to wait long at all. Soon, Diana’s muscles are clamping down around Alex’s fingers so tightly the effort of moving them is enough to make Alex let out a strained grunt, but that and the pain of Diana pulling on her hair means absolutely nothing when Alex finally gets her reward and Diana comes all over Alex’s face and hand and bed, moaning out something that sounds a lot like Alex’s name.
And that. That, Alex decides, is the most beautiful sound on Earth. And beyond.
“Are you all right?” Kara stage-whispers, like she knows Alex is not, but she also kind of knows the reason is not something Alex will want to share with the DEO class, if you will.
Alex appreciates it.
“I’m fine.” Alex nods. She could say she’s sore all over because a night of frankly life-changing sex will do a number with your muscles even if you’ve received outstanding combat training. But she loves her sister, so she doesn’t. “Just a bit hungover.”
Kara tilts her head to the side just so, eyes slightly narrowed like she doesn’t quite believe it but she also doesn’t know what else could be going on. 
Alex sighs in relief when J’onn’s voice reaches them and she knows any further questioning will need to wait for at least a while. But the relief lasts only as long as it takes J’onn to walk into the room. And he’s very much not alone.
“Ohhhh my God. Alex.” Kara is practically vibrating with excitement, seemingly unaware of just how… not excited her sister is. “It’s Wonder Woman! Wonder Woman, Alex!”
Alex just stares at Diana. Diana, who suddenly isn’t just Diana - she’s Wonder Woman, for crying out loud! - just because she’s put on her tiara and suit. 
“Alex, hi,” Diana says like she doesn’t even know what awkward means, and Alex swears even her voice sounds different from the woman she fucked (oh, good God) last night, and please remind her to never laugh at Lena’s obliviousness regarding Kara every again, “looks like we’re going to be working together for a while.”
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supercxrpschild · 4 years
request! PART 1 Little luthor - Lena has a baby as a teen and Lillian lies to her that the baby died, Lena finds out and reunites and bonds with L!L
Hello can you please write a L!L story where Lena had a baby when she was a teenager in school/college but on the delivery day, Lillian Luthor arranged it so that the nurses/doctors lied to her that the baby died? Whether through Lillian telling her the truth when she's in jail or Lena visiting an orphanage/charity for orphanages and somehow her maternal instincts or through similar characteristics, she recognizes her baby. And they reunite, Lena taking in her little Luthor. Thank you =]
I usually write L!L as Lena’s younger sister so was fun to try something different :) 
I decided to make this one into a multipart story, i hope thats okay! It just really got me thinking and I wanted to do it right, so I think it might be about 3-4 parts. I’m gonna work on it here and there. 
hope this part one is okay, anon! 
Lenas screams tore through the hospital walls, her mom waiting idly in the door frame. When Lena fell back, the doctors whisked away the tiny bundle extremely quickly.
“What? Where are you taking her? I wanna see her! I wanna see my baby!” She cried, her hand moving up to go through her sweaty hair. Lillian didn’t move, she watched as the doctors took the baby out of the room, she watched as her daughter screamed and sobbed. Nothing but a hint of a smile on her face. This was what Lena needed, she was never going to be successful enough while being a teen mom.
Soon enough the doctor had came back, the midwife had finished stitching Lena up and so the teenager had nothing to distract her from her panic until the slightly balding man came through the doors.
“Miss Luthor, I am so sorry —” Lena cut him off, “no..no!”, the doctor looked down. “We, we tried everything we could but she didn’t make it.” Lena pushed the doctor away and tried to get up, falling down to the ground in pain and anguish. She didn’t even get to hold her. She never saw her baby.
Thirteen years later
“Lena I promise it was for your own good.” Lena had her arms crossed, standing at the edge of the room – much like her mother had done as she had screamed in agony all those years ago.
“NO! No. Mother, you do not get to say that. You… you LIED! You really paid them to tell me she was dead. My DAUGHTER! You not only betrayed me, but you betrayed a CHILD, a child who had the RIGHT TO KNOW HER OWN MOTHER! I have spent over 10 years grieving for my daughter when she was alive this whole time! Probably thinking her own mother abandoned her?! I can’t … I just cannot believe you.” Lena yelled, her eyes watering with anger, her vein popping and her hands shaking.
“Well look at you now! You never would have become a successful CEO billionaire while having a kid!” Lena glared at Lillian,
“You don’t get to pretend this was because you cared about me. You never cared about me. You never will care about me. I never want to see you again, mother.” She stormed out of the room and out of the prison.
Pulling herself together she went into L-corp and picked up her laptop and immediately started searching. There has to be a birth certificate, there has to be SOMETHING that would tell her of her daughters existence. Maybe some trail the hospital left behind – the logical side of Lena reminded her that she was a Luthor, Luthors don’t leave evidence, they don’t leave anything. They obliterate everything in their path, ruin everything. Maybe it was best that her daughter didn’t have her as a mother. Who would want another Luthor in the world?
Lena huffed, pushing her laptop away from her and held her head in her hands, an incredibly intense ache already pulsating through her skull. She took a deep breath, she could handle this, shes gone through so much, she could handle this too. Little boxes, just put it all back in.
“Knock Knock” At the sound of her best friends voice Lena looked up, hoping to god that she didn’t look as bad as she felt.
“Hi Kara, I didn’t know you’d be coming around today?” Lena checked the time on her laptop, “Kara its almost 7, what are you doing here?”
Kara smiled softly, “I uh, I just wanted to check you were okay.” Lena smirked slightly,
“You were listening to my heartbeat again, weren’t you?” Kara blushed,
“Well maybe, I just knew you were going to see your mother today and I wanted to make sure you were okay after – and by the looks of things, you aren’t. So what happened? What’s going on?” The infamous crinkle appeared on the reporters face as she held her gaze on Lena, who suddenly found the floor quite interesting.
“Nothing’s going on, just you know, the usual asshole business men trying to take advantage of a young, female CEO” Lena laughed, but Kara didn’t.
“I know you’re lying Lena. Your heart rate is up.” Lena sighed and massaged one of her temples, the tension from her tight ponytail becoming a little too much too handle.
“It’s complicated, Kara. I don’t want to burden you with more of my mess.” Kara shook her head,
“You could never be a burden to me, Lena.” The CEO smiled slightly,
“Well, maybe we could go back to my place and talk? I don’t really feel like being here any longer.”
Kara’s eyes widened, “It must be something if Lena Luthor doesn’t want to stay at work.” Lena rolled her eyes and chuckled lightly as she turned to grab her laptop and bag, soon heading out the doors of L-corp and toward her apartment.
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lost-your-memory · 4 years
"I think I'm in love with you and I'm terrified." For Supercat. 😊
Okay so this is an AU in which Kara’s a student at NCU and also the captain of the all girls soccer team. Cat is a single mother with a five years old baby Carter who loves Dinosaurs and Spaghettis. Also, Alex and Lucy are a couple. Hope you like it, it’s full of fluff. 
“This day can’t possibly get worse,” Kara grumbles, carefully placing her coffee on the table before sitting down in front of it.
In front of her, Alex barely glances up from her laptop. Dark circles underline her eyes, she looks a little disheveled and her pale-blue shirt is crumpled, showing a little red stain near her collar. 
“All things considered, maybe my day isn’t going so bad … you look terrible,” Kara frowns, tilting her head to the side. “When was the last time you took a shower?” 
“Fuck off,” Alex groans, her fingers hitting the keyboard with a little too much force. The laptop is a little old and the keys make a lot of noise, especially under the older Danvers stressful typing. 
Kara winces but decides against saying something. Instead, she simply grabs her cup and raises it to her lips.
“Ah, the Danvers sisters!” 
She jumps in surprise and almost spills her coffee, catching herself at the very last second. 
“Geez Luce! Don’t do that again,” Kara protests before looking up to greet one of her best friend. As soon as her eyes land on the younger Lane, her mind goes blank. “Uh …”
Lucy’s wearing her full business attire, a pencil grey shirt and matching jacket, a perfectly ironed white shirt and a pair of Louboutins. She’s perfectly put together, from the light make-up to make her skin glow to the way her hair softly flows in waves around her features.
“Damn girl, you look good!” Kara eventually smiles, finally recovering the usage of her voice. 
“Why, thank you! It was mock-trial this morning,” Lucy replies, her smile a little smug and her voice lined with pride. “Hi babe. Still working on your paper?”
Lucy sits down next to Alex and drops a kiss on her cheek, earning herself a smile. It’s brief but it’s sweet and the older Danvers slows down in her typing. She seems to relax a little next to Lucy and even though she doesn’t stop writing, she seems a little more at ease. 
“The deadline is tomorrow and I’m nowhere near finished,” Alex nods with a frustrated sigh. 
“What do you need?” Lucy asks, stealing a sip off Kara’s cup.
“Hey, that’s mine!” Kara protests, retrieving her coffee and keeping it in her hands. 
“I need Mrs Luthor to come down with a bad case of whatever disease will keep her in bed for at least a week,” Alex groans, sounding tired and a little whiny. 
Kara shakes her head and gives her sister an apologetic look “Lena says her mom’s never sick …”
“I know! It’s so unfair,” Alex sighs again. 
After that, she gets back to her writing and Kara and Lucy start up a conversation about the upcoming spring break. 
---Kara’s strolling down the aisles of the supermarket, looking for Alex’s specific beers, when something crashes in her legs. She lets out a painful gasp before looking down, her eyes falling into a pair of sheepish, shy blue eyes that belongs to a very young boy.
“Whoa, easy buddy! Are you alright?” Kara asks, letting go of her cart to crouch down in front of the little boy. He doesn’t look much older than six or seven, dark blond curls bouncing around his face and there’s a few cartoon dinosaurs plastered on his navy sweater. “Are you hurt?”
The boy shakes his head no and then offers her a tiny, uncertain smile. Kara instantly returns the gesture, widely smiling at the boy.
“Cool sweater, by the way. I love dinosaurs,” Kara says, pointing toward the clothes. 
That seems to do the trick because the next thing she knows, the boy is suddenly babbling about tyrannosaurus and velociraptors and Kara would have never thought, not in a million years, that someone so young could so easily cite dinosaurs species. 
“Whoa, slow down kid. First thing first, what’s your name? I’m pretty sure it’s not T-Rex …” Kara teases and the boy giggles, shaking his head no.
“No, silly! I’m Carter,” the boy says with a grin. “What’s your name?” 
“Very nice to meet you, Carter. My name is Kara,” Kara replies and very seriously extends a hand to him. He looks very pleased and takes it without hesitating. “Now, where are your parents? You look a little young to do your grocery shopping all by yourself.” 
“I dunno,” Carter says and he suddenly looks a little afraid. “I wanted to see the stuffed pandas, but … I can’t find them.”
His lower lip wobbles and Kara can see the tears gathering in his blue eyes. She smiles and offers him her hand again “Well, let’s go find the pandas!” 
Carter hesitates for just a few seconds before placing his hand in hers. Kara grabs her cart with her free hand and starts pushing. “Who’s doing the shopping though, if you’re only here for the stuffed animals? I’m pretty sure you don’t eat stuffed animals … right?”
Carter giggles again. “You’re silly! Mom’s buying the food.” 
Kara laughs “Oh, I’m very silly, my sister always says so. Now let’s go find your mom and then we’ll ask her to show you the pandas. How about that?” 
Carter nods, looking a little more peaceful now. 
“What does she look like, your mother? Does she like dinosaurs too?” Kara asks, keeping an eye on all the women they cross path with. She figures the first panicked one she sees will be Carter’s mother. 
“I dunno, she don’t talk about it much,” Carter shrugs.
“She doesn’t,” Kara corrects, absentmindedly. Carter glances up at her with a frown. “She doesn’t talk about it, not she don’t.”
He shrugs again and stays quiet.
“What’s your mom’s name?” Kara asks and when Carter looks at her, she sees the incomprehension in his eyes and figures he must be even younger than she first thought. 
“Mom,” Carter replies, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. It makes Kara chuckle, lightly. 
“Of course, my bad. So, what does she look like?” Kara pushes, because it’s a big supermarket and the aisles are wide and long. She doesn’t want to leave a panicked mom waiting.
“Like me,” Carter answers with another shrug and Kara thinks she might need to go to the cashiers and ask one of them to make an announcement. 
She’s considering it when a shout echoes behind her. “Carter!” 
Kara and the little boy turn around at the same time to see a woman run their way. 
She’s small but fast, with short blond hair flowing around her features as her heels hit the bland floor tile and dressed in casual blue-jeans and a soft grey pull over, a purse hanging from her shoulder. 
“Mom!” Carter says, letting go of Kara’s hand to run toward his mother. 
Kara stays back and watches as the woman sweeps her son off the floor and hugs him tightly, a little desperately even. She doesn’t hear what Carter says to his mother but after a little while, the woman approaches her, the little boy still in her arms.
“Thank you, so much,” the woman eventually says and up close, Kara can see the hazel green eyes. They’re shining with relief and she sounds extremely grateful. “Carter says you were trying to find me …” 
“It’s nothing, really,” Kara smiles and shakes her head. “I was about to head to the cashiers so they could announce it in the mic …” 
“I’m really grateful you found him, I don’t know what …” the woman chokes on her words and hugs Carter a little more. 
“It was a pleasure, we had some fun talking about dinosaurs and stuffed pandas,” Kara explains and she waves at the boy, who returns it with a grin. 
“Kara like dinos!” Carter explains, one hand playing with his mother’s hair and the other waving in Kara’s direction.
“Does she, now?” the woman smiles, looking a little more at ease now. “I’m guessing Kara is your name?”
“Kara Danvers, yes. Despite the circumstances, it’s a pleasure to meet you and your son,” Kara extends a hand again. The woman’s handshake is firm, commanding but her skin is soft and warm.
“Cat Grant,” the mother introduces herself. “The little runaway here is Carter Grant but you probably already know that.”
“Don’t worry, he was a perfect gentleman,” Kara grins and she then starts to walk away. “Have a nice day, Miss Grant, Carter …” 
“Don’t go!” Carter calls after her and Kara stops, not knowing what to do. She throws a helpless look at Cat and to her surprise, the woman is smiling.
“Seems like you got a fan, Miss Danvers,” Cat says before she looks at her son. The little boy moves to whisper something in her ear that has Cat nod. “How about we all go together for a coffee, a tea, or whatever drink you millenial like nowadays?”  
Kara chuckles, a little surprised by the witty comment.
“Hm, I don’t want to intrude … And uh … I’m supposed to meet with my sister in a few hours,” Kara replies, looking a little uncertain. 
“It’s just a non-alcoholic, child supervised drink, Miss Danvers,” Cat sasses, rolling her eyes. She looks amused now, despite the few traces of fear still flashing in her green eyes. 
Carter is looking at her and his bright blue eyes are so full of hope she doesn’t have the heart to say no. She’s always been too soft when it came to kids.
“Alright, alright,” Kara relents, helpless in the face of Carter’s happy smile. “I’ll meet you in front of the supermarket in half an hour, I still need to do some actual shopping!” 
Carter waves as she goes away and she hears him say “See you!” It’s the first time she smiles all the way through grocery shopping.
“Kara” Alex calls, looking up as her sister crosses their living room. “Is there something you want to tell me, about this babysitting gig?” 
Kara narrows her eyes at her sister. “What do you mean?”
“Kara, you’re wearing a dress,” Alex gestures to her sister’s outfit with a knowing look in her eyes.
“So? It’s almost summer, what’s wrong with a dress?” 
“Nothing’s wrong with a dress. Just, it’s not something I’d wear if I was on my way to babysit a five years old boy,” Alex retorts without missing a beat. 
“Alex, leave Kara alone,” Lucy interrupts, coming out of the bathroom with just a towel wrapped around her body. “I know her crush is visible from space but it’s not a reason to tease her about it.”
Kara sputters and stammers incoherently as Lucy crosses the room and drops a kiss on Alex’s lips before disappearing in their bedroom. 
“I do not … I’m not … it’s not … I’m … Whaaaat?” 
“Your eloquence is … impressive,” Alex sasses, eyebrow up in a sarcastic call-out. 
“I don’t have … it’s not a crush,” Kara eventually manages to say, not sounding very convincing. 
“Sure it’s not,” Alex laughs, picking up her book from the coffee table. “Have fun babysitting, Kara. Let us know about that non-crush of yours when you come back.” 
Kara wants to protest but then her phone chimes with a text and it’s from Cat. 
The smile that graces her lips is so impossibly soft and sweet, Alex rolls her eyes and mutters something about Kara being whipped. 
Kara doesn’t hear her, she’s too busy tying an answer.
“Hi buddy!” Kara greets the little boy with a smile as she steps into Cat’s penthouse. “Have you behaved yourself while I was gone?” 
Carter runs to her and raises his arms for Kara to pick him up, so Kara does. He smells like kid’s shampoo and her smile widen when he burrow his nose against her shoulder. 
“I missed you,” Carter mumbles, making Kara’s heart flutter with love and affection. “Don’t go again.”
Kara laughs and hugs Carter, bringing him back to the living room as she explains “Aww, but I had to go, my mom was missing me too. It was only gone a month and she was as happy to see me as you are now.”
“Did she hug you, too?” Carter asks, not letting Kara put him down.
“She did!” Kara says and the little boy looks a little lost, almost sad, so Kara rushes to add “She’s a grown up though, she doesn’t give as good hugs as you do. Your hugs are the very best!” 
“You should stop spoiling him, you know?” Cat’s voice echoes from a little further in the penthouse and it takes a minute before she steps into view. Kara’s heart skips a beat at the sigh of her.
She’s wearing a strapless, deep-blue cocktail dress that hugs all her lines and her curves in every right ways and her hair is a little longer now, brushing her naked shoulders with every moves she makes. She fixing a pair of silver earing that matches her necklace and her smile is wide and soft when her eyes meet Kara’s.
“Hello Kara,” She breathes, the name rolling of her tongue. “I’m happy to see you again.”
“What, no hug? Pfff,” Kara manages to joke, making Carter giggle against her shoulder.
Cat rolls her eyes but her smile doesn’t waver.
“He has already had a bath, there was some chocolate incident this afternoon …” Cat explains, moving forward to cross the living room. “Dinner’s in the oven and I should be back a little after one, is that alright with you?”
Kara nods and tries to put down Carter again but he’s clinging to her like a koala, so she keeps him in her arms.
“No problem, enjoy your evening,” Kara replies with a smile. 
She feels that familiar twinge of longing and jealousy in her stomach but she’s used to it. She knows Cat Grant is out of her league but every time she sees the CEO getting ready for an evening out, she feels it hurt a little. 
“Kara, dinosaurs!” Carter suddenly comes alive in her arms and she puts him down on the floor. 
“Whoa buddy, easy. I still can’t read your mind, you need to speak in sentences,” Kara laughs and Carter grabs her hand.
“I got new dinosaurs, come see!” 
Kara throws one last glance at Cat, who waves her away with a soft smile, before she follows the little boy to his bedroom. 
“How did it go?” Cat asks, stepping into the living room with her heels in one hand and her phone in the other. 
Kara looks up from her book and smiles. “I struggled a little to put him to bed, he kept saying he didn’t want me to go again, but after a two stories, he was fast asleep. Otherwise, he was a perfect gentleman, like always.”She gets up and stretches, hiding a yawn behind the back of her hand.
“How was your time away with your family? You look good,” Cat says and Kara blushes a little.
“It was good! I spent my time sleeping, eating, reading and surfing. Coming back is a little weird, but I’m really happy to see Carter.” Kara explains, moving around to gather her belongings.
“You surf?” Cat sounds a little impressed. Kara nods and brings up her phone to show her a picture. 
“Alex wanted to try her new camera, so here’s some proof,” Kara says, letting Cat have a look at the few pictures that show her riding a wave. 
“Not bad,” Cat praises and she drops her heels next to the couch before moving to the liquor cabinet. “Do you want something to drink?”
“No thank you, I should probably go,” Kara shakes her head. “I have a game coming up tomorrow, I need all the sleep I can take.” 
“Game?” Cat frowns, pouring herself a glass of whiskey.
“Soccer, Miss Grant. I’m the captain of the NCU all girl team …” Kara explains, not missing the glint of interest that sparkles in Cat’s hazel eyes. “You and Carter are welcome to come and cheer on us, if you want.”To her surprise, Cat jumps on the invitation “We would like that, yes, very much so. Text me the time and the address?” 
“Sure thing,” Kara nods and she steps away toward the exit. “Good night Miss Grant.”
“Good night, Kara. Thank you for tonight,” Cat replies, softly. 
“Well damn Kara, she’s hot!” Lucy whistles, eying Cat as she sits in the bleachers, Carter on her lap.
“Stop ogling!” Kara warns, through her gritted teeth. 
She waves at Cat and waits for her to tell Carter where to look before waiving again. The little boy gives her a wide smile and two thumbs up.
“Awwww that boy is so cute!” Lena comes trotting to them. “I’m guessing this is Carter and the woman holding him is the infamous Cat Grant, Kara’s big crush?” 
“I hate you,” Kara groans, hiding her blush in between her hands.
“Nah, you don’t. Now, where’s your sister? Coach Henshaw is looking for her,” Lena laughs, efficiently distracting Kara.
“She’s over there, I think she’s talking to Sam,” Kara waves in the general direction of her sister, who seems to be engrossed in a deep conversation with their new attacker. “I’m just going to go say hi, I’ll be right back.”
“Sure,” Lucy and Lena say at once, a knowing smirk showing on their lips.  
“Shut up,” Kara groans before trotting up to Cat and Carter.
“Hi buddy! Hello Miss Grant! Thanks for coming,” Kara greets them with a smile, fidgeting a little with the hem of her white and blue jersey. 
“You look very sporty, in this outfit,” Cat says with a mocking smirk but Kara notices she keeps glancing at her bare legs and exposed arms. Instinctively, she flexes them and watches as Cat swallows, hard. 
“Go win!” Carter cheers and Kara laughs, leaning forward to drop a kiss on his forehead. 
“Thanks buddy! See you!” Kara jogs away, back to Lena and Lucy and the way they knowingly waggle their eyebrows at her.
Her phone goes off in the middle of the night and Kara jolts awake, her eyes wide and her breath laboured. 
Her first reflex is to stretch but her muscles burn in protest. She’s still so sore, recovering from the few unfair tackles she had to endure during the game. She eventually reaches for her phones and sees that Cat’s calling, at 3am on a Sunday. 
“Miss Grant? Is everything alright?” Kara says, pressing the phone against her ear.
“Kara! I didn’t know who … else to call, I’m … sorry …” Cat sounds panicked and breathless and there’s only one thing that would cause such a reaction from her. Kara jumps out of her bed and starts dressing up.
“Take a deep breath, Miss Grant. Now,” Kara commands and Cat does as she said. Kara waits another handful of second before asking “What’s wrong?”A strangled sob echoes in the line before Cat comes through “I’m in the hospital, Carter started throwing up a few hours ago, he’s burning hot with fever and he has trouble breathing … I …. I didn’t know who else to … I’m sorry …”
“Where are you? Which hospital?” Kara asks, grabbing her car keys and her leather jacket before exiting her room. She’s as quiet as she can when she leaves the apartment she shares with her sister and Lucy.
Cat gives her the hospital’s name and floor.
“I’m on my way,” Kara says as she climbs in her car.
Something brushes against her cheek. 
It’s soft, warm and very light but Kara feels it anyway. It starts again, stroking her skin with just a little more pressure and so Kara open her eyes, blearily. 
She’s curled on the couch in the penthouse, Carter held tightly in her arms, and Cat’s leaning over them.
Kara’s still half asleep but she can see the softness in Cat’s hazel eyes, the tenderness in her smile and the affection in the way she presses her fingers against her skin. 
“Oh, I’m sorry,” Kara whispers, not wanting to wake up the little boy. 
She slowly moves away from the warm body pressed against hers and stands up. Without asking, she gathers Carter in her arms and brings him back to his bed. She pulls the cover on him and drops a kiss on his forehead before returning to the living room. 
“I’m sorry, I must have fallen asleep at some point and he decided to join me,” Kara explains, sleepily. She starts moving to gather her belongings. “I did put him to bed earlier in the evening but he kept waking up and asking for more stories …” 
“It’s quite alright, Kara, don’t worry,” Cat gently says, waving away Kara’s apology. “He’s still having nightmare about the hospital trip and I’ve been told it’s normal, it will pass.” 
Kara nods and rubs her eyes, trying to keep herself awake. She’s spreading herself thin lately, in between her classes, sports and the babysitting, not to mention trying to reign over her unrequited growing feelings for Cat. 
“You should stay. You’re exhausted,” Cat says, stepping closer to Kara. 
They rarely touch and Kara thinks Cat doesn’t like to be touched by anyone who’s not Carter. There has been a few times, like after the soccer game or at the hospital, where Cat had carelessly grabbed Kara’s arm or hand but it had been in the heat of some strong emotion.
“Thank you, but I’ll be fine. I’m not too far away,” Kara shakes her head no. 
She stifles a yawn and then moves toward the door.
“Please, stay,” Cat asks again, her voice soft and almost shy. “There’s a guest room for you, it’s safer than for you to drive back to the other side of National City in your state of exhaustion.” 
Kara has to admit, it sounds very tempting. 
She’s tired to the bones and she knows it would take her too long to drive back, she wouldn’t get much sleep before she needs to get back up to go to her classes. 
“You might be right,” Kara sighs and Cat chuckles lightly. “Alright, thank you,” 
Cat doesn’t say anything, simply gesturing for Kara to follow her to the guest room.
“Alright, you have to tell her,” Alex says, closing her book with too much force. “This has been going on for almost six months now, you have to say something!” 
Kara looks up from her bowl of cereals and frowns, looking lost.
“You know what I’m talking about, don’t play dumb with me,” Alex insists and this time, Lucy doesn’t swoop in to take Kara’s defense. The younger Lane, sat down next to her girlfriend, looks a little hesitant.
“Your sister has a point,” Lucy eventually sighs. “You’ve been pining for Cat ever since you’ve met her, it’s not exactly healthy …” 
“Not you too,” Kara groans, putting more cereals in her mouth and avoiding looking in the general direction of her sister. 
“Come on. You’ve been really sad lately, it’s like you’re nothing but the shadow of yourself and the only times we get to have you back is when you talk with Carter on the phone,” Alex says and despite the cutting edge in her voice, Kara knows it’s because her sister is worried about her. 
“That’s not …” 
Alex cuts her off before she can finish her sentence. “It’s the truth and you know it. Lena’s worried about you too, even though she doesn’t want to be the one talking to you about it.”Kara can’t help the feeling of betrayal that creeps into her heart. “Don’t blame Lena, we all know you’ve been neglecting soccer, the team, you barely manage to stay afloat with your classes …” 
“Alex,” Lucy calls out, throwing a meaningful glare at her girlfriend.
“You’re depressed and I don’t like it,” Alex finishes, crossing her arms over her chest. The look in her eyes is full of worry and sadness, something like determination too. “Either you tell her about your feeling or you quit, but you can’t go on like this.” 
After that, Kara burst in tears.
“You quit?” Cat asks, disbelief and hurt clear in her voice. She looks a little angry, Kara notices.
“I do, yes. I’m really sorry,” Kara amends, not meeting Cat’s eyes. 
She couldn’t bring herself to talk about her feelings, too terrified it would cause Cat to take her distance and preventing her from seeing Carter anymore. Instead, she did as Alex asked and handed over her resignation letter. She’s heartbroken and feeling sick in her stomach but she tries to trust the voice in her head that says it’s for the best. 
“Why?” Cat asks, her hands still holding Kara’s resignation letter. “Is it something I’ve done? Something Carter’s done?”
“Oh no, Miss Grant, please don’t think that. Ever,” Kara retorts, sharply looking up to meet Cat’s eyes this time, because she’s desperate for Cat to know it’s not their fault. “Carter is nothing but an angel and you’ve never said anything or done anything that made me feel uncomfortable or anything …”
“Then why are you quitting?” Cat asks again, a little louder this time.
“I’m …” Kara trails off, shaking her head. She can’t tell the truth, so she gives another form of the truth. “I’m behind in my classes and in my sport activities. I need to focus back on my Master and on the championship …”
Kara can tell Cat doesn’t believe her. 
“That’s not it,” Cat counters, standing up from the couch and stepping closer to Kara, who takes a step back.
“Please, don’t,” Kara whispers, unable to stand being too close to Cat anymore. She’s nothing but agony, knowing she could never have Cat that way, and being too close only makes things worse. 
“Kara,” Cat says, a little breathlessly. She steps forward again and invades Kara’s space, smelling like sandalwood and spices. It’s a little dizzying. “Why are you leaving?” 
“I can’t …” Kara shakes her head again. Her already too fragile will is fading under Cat’s hazel eyes, melting like ice under the sunlight. “I can’t tell you that. Please, just let it go.” 
“No,” Cat retorts, stepping closer again. She’s inches away now and Kara can’t think of nothing else but Cat. The tan on her skin, the hints of peach shampoo that waft everytime her hair moves, the sandalwood and spicy perfume, the golden freckles in her ever so green eyes, the faintest pink lipstick on her lips … She’s everywhere, unavoidable, unattainable. 
Cat’s watching her with an unwavering look that makes Kara crumble and cave. 
“I think I’m in love with you,” Kara breathes, the words escaping her lips before she can catch them back. She closes her eyes, knowing it’s too late, and finishes “And I’m terrified you won’t let me see Carter anymore, now that I’ve told you.”
For a moment, nothing happens. Cat doesn’t say anything so Kara keeps her eyes closed. She can’t bring herself to face the look of disgust or pity that’s probably etched on Cat’s features.
Soft lips suddenly land on hers, warm and a little inquisitive, demanding. Kara’s heart stops in her chest before it starts again, frantic and ecstatic. She answers the kiss without hesitating, drinking in the feeling of Cat’s mouth against her, tasting the notes of wine and chocolate and already learning the shape of Cat’s lips. 
“Oh, you silly girl,” Cat whispers as she pulls back just a little. Kara opens her eyes, breathless and stunned. “I have dreamed of doing this since the moment I met you.”
Kara stares, unable to speak.
“You were standing in the coffee aisle of the supermarket and Carter called for you, asking you not to go,” Cat explains, dropping a kiss at the corners of Kara’s mouth. “You turned back and I just, I knew.” 
Kara blinks, recalling that day in the supermarket, the way Carter had whispered something into his mother’s ear, the hopeful look he’d thrown his way afterward. 
“You never … why didn’t you say anything?” Kara asks, hesitantly reaching a hand to brush away a few strands of Cat’s hair. Cat tilted her head into Kara’s palm.
“I’ve been such a coward, Kara. It’s ridiculous, truly,” Cat laughs a little. “I didn’t know how to keep you close without … so I asked you to be Carter’s babysitter. I started to go to all of my company’s events, event though I never did in the past. It was just an excuse to see you.”
Kara arches an amused brow. “That’s … quite an elaborated stratagem, really.” 
“Tell me about it,” Cat laughs again, a little louder this time. “My favorite moment though, was when I got to steal a few minutes with you at the end of my night, before you left. I’ve always hated letting you go,” Cat says, looking a little sad. 
“Why didn’t you say so? I hated leaving too,” Kara admits, leaning forward to kiss Cat again.
This time, she takes her time to truly explore the valleys of Cat’s lips, to discern the red wine from the strong chocolate and to tease with her tongue just enough to leave Cat breathless when she pulls back. Cat’s eyes are a little wide and unfocused after that.
“I … you’re so young and I’m … older,” Cat replies, suddenly looking very unsure, almost small. “I’m a business woman, a CEO, I have a media empire and a son … I also figured you probably had … someone in your life, someone younger. I didn’t think I had any chance at all.”
When Kara kisses Cat this time, it’s passionate and furious, full of passion and love. She’s not hiding anymore, not when she now knows she can have it all. It escalates to an open-mouthed kiss that leave them a little unsteady when they stop, all laboured breath and glazed eyes. 
“Please, don’t go,” Cat asks, raising a hand to caress Kara’s cheek, pleading with her eyes.
“Oh no, I’m not going anywhere,” Kara smirks, eyes still a little hooded but her voice sure and strong.
Cat smiles in return and tugs Kara along to her bedroom.
“Where are you?” Alex demands, sounding very worried.
“Morning sis’,” Kara yawns in her phone, searching for a clock to see the time.
“It’s 2pm, not morning anymore,” Alex retorts. “Where have you been?”
Kara sits up in the bed and notices it’s not hers. She also realises she’s not wearing anything. Memories of last night flash in front of her eyes and she smiles, lazily so.
“Well …. I followed your advice and I went to see Cat to quit,” Kara replies, letting herself fall back into the pillow. 
Alex doesn’t say anything for a while and then Lucy’s voice comes through.
“Since you didn’t even bother to send a text saying you weren’t coming back … Are we to assume you never left?” 
“I never left, no. I … spent the night,” Kara giggles, feeling a little punch drunk with love.
“You go girl!” Lucy cheers, sounding genuinely happy. “Now, it’s all good and well but we do have a game in like one hour, and the team’s asking for their captain …” 
“Oh crap!” Kara swears, scrambling up from the bed and looking for her clothes. 
“Oh Kara, bring Cat and Carter along, it’s about time you properly introduce us,” Lucy says before hanging up.
Kara finds her underwears and her jeans and she’s closing the button of it when the door opens and Carter all but barges in, barrelling into her legs with a happy shout. “Karaaaaa!” 
“Hi buddy!” Kara greets him, picking him up and holding it in her arms, despite the fact she still has to put on a shirt. “I thought you were with your father this weekend?”
“Mom come pick me up,” Carter shrugs. “Dad’s busy.”
Kara sighs and kisses the little boy on his forehead, not correcting him this time. 
“Good morning Kara,” Cat says as she enters the room, holding a shirt in one hand and a cup of coffee in the other one.
“Oh my god, coffee, yes!” Kara perks up at the sight, it makes Cat laugh. “Also, as my sister so eloquently said, it’s not morning anymore and I am very, very, very late. I have a game in one hour …”
Cat looks a little dejected at this, so Kara steps forward and kisses her. It’s soft and tender, she still has Carter in her arms but it’s deep nonetheless.
“Wanna come with me? We could … go have dinner together afterward?” Kara suggests, eyes on Cat. “Also, my sister and her girlfriend would like to meet you.” 
Cat’s eyes flash with fear but Carter’s already cheering, loudly “Yes! Soccer game and then spaghettis!” 
It makes both women laugh with affection.
“You’re dirty,” Carter points out at all the grass and mud stains on Kara’s soccer uniform, scrunching his nose. 
“It happens yes,” Kara laughs and kisses him on the forehead before claiming a kiss from Cat, who happily gives her and then scrunches her nose as well. “Alright, I can see you both have sensitive nose, I’m going to hit the shower. I’ll be back in a few.”
“Spaghettis!” Carter shouts after her, earning a laugh. 
“You must be Carter,” says a woman with short brown hair as she steps closer. She’s also wearing a soccer uniform but it’s clean. She extends a hand to the little boy, who eyes her curiously “I’m Alex Danvers, Kara’s older sister. I’m the one calling her silly girl all the time.” 
That does it, Carter instantly takes to her and shakes her hand. “Do you like dinosaurs too?” 
“I do!” Alex cheers, a smile on her face as she looks up to Cat. “Speaking of it, I have something for you.”
She pulls of a stuffed dinosaurs from behind her back and Carter cheers, loudly.
“Very nice to meet you Miss Grant, I’ve heard a lot about you,” Alex eventually focuses on Cat, who looks a lot less comfortable than her son. “Don’t worry, I’m not here to give you a shovel talk or anything like that. I just wanted to say thank you.”
“For what?” Cat asks, a little confused. 
“You could have let her quit, instead of making her tell the truth,” Alex explains, a soft smile on her lips. “She’s been … running away from good things a lot in her life and it was killing me to see her so miserable lately. I’m glad you’re in it with her.”
“Oh,” Cat breathes, a little taken aback by Alex’s speech.
“Also, if you ever hurt her …”
Another soccer player jogs down to them, looking at Alex with a meaningful glare. “We said no shovel talk!”
“But, I’m the big sister it’s my …” Alex starts to protest, looking a little chastised.
“No,” The woman orders, before turning to the mother and son. “Sorry about that. I’m Lucy Lane, Alex’s girlfriend and Kara’s best friend.”
“Hello,” Carter says, looking up from his stuffed dinosaur. “You’re very pretty.” 
Lucy is awed and Alex nods approvingly, a soft smile on her face.
“Did Alex say something?” Kara asks, a hand trailing down Cat’s naked waist.
“She tried, I think, but Lucy came and shut her down,” Cat giggles, the sound echoing in the room like a sweet melody. 
“I knew she’d try,” Kara shakes her head and drops a kiss against Cat’s shoulder. “She’s always been overly protective.” 
“She loves you, I can only respect that,” Cat whispers before closing her hands around Kara’s face to pull her in for a kiss. “Will you stay?”
“I don’t know,” Kara says feigning to think about it. “Carter’s bed looks really comfy, I might be better off there …”
“Silly girl,” Cat laughs and then breathlessly kisses Kara, tugging her down in the bed with her.
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kurosakismixedbag · 4 years
Glass Compass by Windyfiend, final chapter comments
♪ Peace at last ♪
I got everything I wanted from this chapter and then some. Hell, I got everything I wanted from this story. This is gonna be a long one ladies and gents, get somethin’ to drink. xD
This was such a busy chapter. I mean it was just everywhere. In a good way, though, not a bad way. It really helped keep up the momentum of everything.
I was sooo interested in the fact that Kamski made androids out to be humans as kind of “reincarnations” almost. It would be such a strange thing to wake up to, though. Could you just imagine waking up and suddenly having memories of another life? Whew, that would be freaky.
It was so great when Chloe came back though and started lecturing Kamski. Like yes, good sister. Scold Kamski for his idiocy xD
Getting to know everyone’s previous lives was really cool, honestly. I really wasn’t expecting that. And of course Kara is everything. Seriously- just everything.
And the whole Lee/Cole situation? FFFF. I had the feeling Lee “would be” Cole, considering how many little signs there were. It had me tearing up when the revelation happened, especially when Alice said: “His name isn’t Lee...” Like, damn. My heart. Also if I remember right, Lee was found in a car before being taken from the junkyard right? I see what you did there.
Speaking of which, I love the new car you gave Hank. Just yes. I love old cars.
That freaking Tower is a life saver, too. Like damn, making a new body for Connor? What a nice place. And Markus turned out fine, too.
Oh. The Dragon is also a life saver and one of my favourites now. I mean...It destroyed RK900!! GOD DAMN. I have been waiting since...basically the first time this thing showed up for it to die and be destroyed! For it to be destroyed by a dragon? YES PLEASE. So so soooo satisfying. Fun fact about this situation, too. If you planned on keeping it alive, I was going to personally ask you to re-write me a scene where it dies. I kid you not. I was even trying to think of ways to ask. I’m so terrible lmao.
I’m so relieved everyone is alive. Let me tell you. Having the new memories will probably take some getting used to, but that’s what friends and family are for, right? Which I also thought was really sweet of Rose, saying she’ll welcome anyone. Kara’s a good mom and everything but Rose is the true one here.
Part of me feels a tiny bit bad for Kamski, just because Chloe decided to leave him for a while. Like imagine, technically, getting your sister back and she’s so cranky that she leaves. Oh my goodness. But I probably would, too. Damn it, Kamski. As long as he doesn’t play god anymore, he should be fine.
OH AND 60 AND GAVIN! I almost forgot! They’re working in the same place now, oh my goodness, they can have their sitcom! LMAO. I was hoping they’d be stuck together. These two idiots.
Ahh...man there is so much to say...I have been around since day one and I have been following these people for so long. Watching them develop in all the different ways they did was something else.
This is one of my favourite fics now. It holds a very special place in my heart. It gave me so many different emotional reactions, gave me so many thoughts...it was an incredible journey and one I’m very happy I stuck around for. Your writing is so amazing and beautiful and I can’t say enough good things about it. You are an inspiration.
Thank you for sharing this story, Windy. It was amazing. Truly, truly amazing. ♪ 
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bliphany · 5 years
For the end of year writing meme: 1, 12, 18 :-)
Thanks for the ask Ara! Sorry this takes me so long. At least we’re still few hours before the end of year? lol. [from this ask]
1. Favorite Fic You Wrote This Year
It’s ’Leave The Lights On’! It’s my longest fic so far, and the fact that I finished it is one of the reasons I love it - honestly, I’d considered giving it up twice during the creating process for real life reasons, and I’m so glad that I didn’t ditch it in the end.
I also love it for having many characters from the show during the timeframe I chose. It was so fun to plan! Damn hard to write though. I hated me from the planning stage so much while actually writing it. But it’s rewarding to see them be written, too. I like to think that I managed to make their own stories independent enough (having their suspensions and closures etc,) but also have their share of contribution to the main plot so I can say that I did my best not to waste any of them? (Ask me this again a year later lol)
I tried some things in the fic, too, not planned like “I want this effect” in advance, rather like “hey I think maybe I can put sentences this way” seconds before I wrote the part. As someone who just started to use this language to make up stories, I love those tiny parts and no matter whether someone else finds them nice - or finds them at all - those are certainly something I’ll look at and go “hehe” myself. XD
I love those totally unplanned scenes, too. Those I went “Why am I writing this Why WHY ARE YOU ARGUING? There’s NO TIME FOR THIS I got a posting date okay. Do I or ANYONE need a confession scene That long?” while typing and pulling my hair. I’m glad that they exist. Also, unexpected sentences that just came into my head when all I did was putting one sentence after another wondering if those things actually were appealing to read - it was those sentences that came to me voluntarily that convinced me the fic was worth writing. Here’s one of them: “Harold had never been given a chance to say a proper goodbye to his loved ones.” And I really want to share it here because it’s kind of painful and that’s because it’s true and important? Idk, I really love that sentence. :p
12. Favorite Character To Write About This Year
I counted my fics, including WIPs, and found that I’ve written her in different scenarios and I love them all. My 2018 writing started as Jessica binge-watching and being domestic with Kara in my Jessikara series. It was a fluffy one-shot about how their life would be like after the resolution of their relationship in another WIP where they’d broken up, and I hadn’t reached the resolution part yet back then. I stuck. I was like ‘OMG I might not reach the part where you are happy noooo can I write something after that to make up for now?’ XD
As for their resolution in said WIP, hey, I finished their part in 2018! *pat self* I mean, there’s still one last chapter (for Rinch and the rest of the main plot) to be done, and there are some parts I don’t feel particularly happy about yet fall short to fix (it’s the most-edit-even-after-posting fic I have, btw). However, among those parts I love, Jessica’s role is definitely on the top of the list. We got two ex-CIA assassins and Harold Finch, yet if we take every plot point apart and look into how one leads to another, it’s her actions that connect the thread leading to a possible resolution. She doesn’t know or care about the big picture. She is ordinary like she doesn’t need to obtain extra skills or talents to make that happen. All she needs is being who she is, meaning doing what she’ll do, and taking a proactive role to own the life she wants, like what she’d done at the airport in the show.
I remembered I was so worried at the planning stage of this WIP because there’d be so much happening in the foreground: Ordos, gosh Mark Snow, Kara being Kara, John and Harold would want to solve things…, but letting Jessica fade into the background and only show up again after Kara confronting Harold and John confronting Kara didn’t feel right to me. So you can see why I truly love how Jessica’s role turned out to be.
I also worked on another Jessikara WIP which was a Hang the DJ AU (from Black Mirror). In that, she wonders whether Kara’s affection toward her is more about Kara’s belief in the System and less about her, that gonna cause problems, but as always (always as in worlds I build anyway :p) she’ll be the one who points a way out for both of them. I quite like her character in it, including her flaws. Finger crossed for me to finish it in 2019!
The only not-happy fic for her is an AU project for Halloween based on the SCP Foundation setting, where characters get turned into objects is one possible ending. Zaniida invited me to join the project because she could use someone who wrote Jessica or Kara, how sweet was that.
18. Current Number Of WIPs
Haha this. A guilt trip. But actually, I can really take this chance to make my writing plan for 2019 so thanks for picking this out!
I didn’t count those with only an idea but no actual words in a draft, and here they go:
The Hang the DJ AU for Jessikara I mentioned in the previous question, of course. I’m hoping to finish it, if not in time for Femslash February, no later than the middle of this coming year. But it’ll be a long one, so finger crossed!!!
The final chapter of another WIP I mentioned in the previous question, too. Idk why that Rinch resolution part is so hard for me to write? I can read millions of them but why have so much difficulty in writing them? Like, I wrote… three so far? And I’m grabbing from an empty bag from where I might be able to pull out a rabbit, or maybe it’s just an empty bag. Ahhhh.
And there’s another Jessikara WIP where Jessica hates her heels. It’s a one-shot, and I’ve posted part of it on Tumblr before. So it’s proven to me that I can get stuck in a multiple chapter fic, a chapter, and a supposed to be a 1k one-shot.
Then, a translation Rinch fic that brilliantly merged the setting of POI, Inception, and Escape Plan. Hey, I got no progress even in translating too OMG. Is there a WIP bingo? Is there?
Apart from the above POI ones, I also had one WIP for Clare from the Counterpart. It was a monologue about how she was nothing but a shadow and how she married a man she loathed twice. I drafted it when I finished S1, and now S2 has come, and I still haven’t finished it ahhhhhhhh. Is it like I’ve missed a good timing to finish it?
And… four connected one-shots for Miss Sherlock… There are six as a series, and I’ve posted the first two. It felt like great timing to finish and post them all right after the finale, but I’ve missed that timing too. Sign.
So for the coming year, wish me luck, friend. Wish me luck. XDXD
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ofendlesswonder · 6 years
Ahhh, you're back!! "Be my wife" for supercat please
22. Be my wife.
“You look like you’re about to pass out,” Alex says, hip leaningagainst the kitchen counter of the kitchen Kara’s shared with Cat ever sinceshe’d moved in six months ago. “Are you about to pass out? Can I please videoit if you do? God, that’d be great in the wedding video.”
“Can you please not use the word ‘wedding’ until after she saysyes?” Kara’s voice is more than a little strangled, high with nerves, and shedoesn’t think she’s going to pass out but she does think she’s going to be sick.
“Oh, come on, Kara, you know she’s going to say yes. She’s crazyabout you.” Logically, Kara knows that – knows that the last two years havebeen the best of her and Cat’s lives, that Cat loves her and they’ve talked about a long future together moretimes than she can count but now that the moment is here, now that there’s aring sitting heavy in her pocket, she’s terrified that Cat is going to turn herdown. “Unless you pass out at the dinner table. Then she might say no.” 
“Alex, stop torturing your sister,” Maggie calls from where she’sstirring a pot at the stove, pointing a wooden spoon threateningly in herwife’s direction. “She’s nervous enough as it is.”
“But it’s so fun,” Alex pouts, and Maggie rolls her eyes.
“Oh, Rao, I’m going to mess this up, aren’t I? And she’s going tobreak up with me, and I’m going to die alone and unhappy because I let the loveof my life get away, and - ”
“Hey.” Alex cuts her off, clamping a hand on either one of Kara’sarms and squeezing firmly. “Look at me.” Kara does. “You’re not going to messthis up, okay? You’re gonna do great. And even if you don’t, she’s going to sayyes anyway. Because she loves you. So you’ve got nothing to worry about. Justrelax.”
Kara nods, but she doesn’t know how to relax, not really – notwhen there’s a nervous energy thrumming through her veins, her heart beatingfaster than normal and she can’t sweat but if she could she knows her palmswould be damp.
Kara’s faced death countless times, faced hundreds of foes, humanand alien alike, saved the world more times than she can count but it’s this,the thought of proposing to the woman she loves more than anything on thisEarth and beyond, that stops her in her tracks.
This is thehardest thing that she’s ever had to do.
Which is ridiculous, but she just… she loves Cat so much, loves their life together, loves being together, and she’s terrified ofsomehow messing that up.
She knows that Cat’s been married before, more than once, that ithad never worked out and she doesn’t want that to happen to them, doesn’t wantCat to think that every one of her marriages has to end in failure.
“I think I’m gonna throw up.”
“Relax,” Alex insists.“It’s all going to work out.”
“And you’re not allowed to throw up,” Maggie turns the spoon onKara. “If I spent two hours helping you make – well, no, actually, just making because you’re being too much ofa useless bisexual to be of any help– this meal for Cat, you’d better fucking eat it.”
“Yes, ma’am,” Kara chirps, because Maggie’s tiny but sometimesshe’s also kinda scary – Kara’s seen her playing too many games of monopoly tonot have a healthy dose of fear over Maggie’s dark side. “Can I do anything tohelp now?”
“Nope, I’m pretty much done.” Maggie turns off the stove. “And Catwill be here soon, so we should make ourselves scarce.” Kara almost pleads withthem to stay but bites her tongue, instead hugs them both goodbye. “Good luck,”Maggie whispers into her ear, and Alex gives Kara’s shoulder one last squeezebefore they both disappear out the front door, leaving her alone.
The waiting is torture.
It’s barely been five minutes before she hears a key in the door,but to Kara, it feels like an eternity, her mind running a mile a minute,thinking over all the possible outcomes that this evening could have.
“Kara?” She hears Cat call as she closes the door behind her. “Areyou home?” Kara’s too paralyzed by the fact that Cat’s here to be able to form words. “And have you been cooking?”
Kara’s not exactly a chef – before she and Cat got together, herdiet had mostly consisted of microwave meals and takeout – and although she’sgotten a little better in the time they’ve been dating, she’s still limited bywhat she can do in the kitchen.
“You have been cooking,”Cat murmurs when she appears in the kitchen doorway. “What’s the specialoccasion?”
“I… I just wanted to s-surprise you. Maggie helped.”
“Well, it smells amazing.” Cat pads over to her, stares down intothe pot and hums appreciatively before she leans up to press a kiss to Kara’slips. “What’s the matter?” She asks when she leans away, peering up at Kara’sface. “You look… strange.”
“I’m fine.” But her voice is too high, and Cat frowns, and oh,Rao, she’s already messing it up. “Do you want to eat?”
“Not until you tell me what’s wrong.” Cat stops Kara from dartingaway with a hand around her wrist. “And don’t lie and say it’s nothing.” Karaworries at her bottom lip, and why is she badat this? “Because you never cook for me and I’ve never seen you look likethis, so something’s going on. Tell me,” Cat implores, and Kara sighs, takesCat’s hand and pulls her over to the couch, because maybe if she sits down herlegs will stop feeling like they’re about to buckle beneath her.
“Nothing’s wrong, it’s just, I’mjust… really bad at this,apparently.” She sighs again, runs a frustrated hand through her hair, and shewrites for a damn living so why haveall her words suddenly deserted her?
“Kara.” Cat’s voice is soft, patient, and she squeezes Kara’s handgently. “You know that you can tell me anything.”
“I know. You’re amazing. You know that, right?” This is easier,talking about Cat, about how much she loves her. “You’re just… you’re so good and you have such a big heart and Ilove every single thing about you, and I have no idea how I got so lucky.”
“There’s not a ‘but’ coming, is there?” Cat asks, suspicious, andKara violently shakes her head.
“No! There are no buts. Although I do love your butt.” Cat rolls her eyes. “I just… I had this whole speechplanned, you know? And it was a really good speech, too. I think it would’vemade you proud. Except I can’t remember any of it right now, not a single part,even though I practiced it so many times. Like, so many times, only I couldn’twrite it down in-case you found it so I can’t even look at it right now to remind myself - ”
“You’re rambling.” Cat’s eyes are sparkling, an amused smile onher mouth and in that moment Kara knows thatCat’s figured out what’s going on here. “And as much as I love your nervousramblings… is there something you maybe want to ask me?”
Kara’s relieved that Cat’s putting her out of her misery, butevery ounce of eloquence still fails her when she opens her mouth.
“Be my wife?”
“That’s the best you’ve got?” Cat asks, but she’s laughing, hereyes shining. “Pulitzer-prize winning journalist Kara Danvers’ proposal is just‘be my wife’?”
“I’d like to see you do any better,” Kara pouts, and Cat’seyebrows raise at the challenge.
“Kara Zor-El, you are the most extraordinary woman I have ever metin my entire life. Every single day I wake up and marvel that out of all theplanets in this universe, you fell to mine. That out of every city in theworld, you chose to live in mine. That out of every company in that city, you chose mine. That no matter what I threwyour way, you took it in your stride and never quit. I don’t know how you fellin love with me, but I’m so thankful that you did. I never thought I’d feellove again, but you changed that for me, changed my life, and I don’t know what I’d do without you. You make mestronger, you make me better, and I want to spend every single day for the restof my life by your side so, Kara, will you marry me?”
“Wow,” Kara breathes, her throat tightand her eyes hot with tears. “Okay, that was pretty good.” Cat laughs, loud andlong, at tugs at Kara’s hands to bring her close.
“Come here.” Cat kisses her, hot andhard and deep, and Kara groans and reaches for Cat’s hips to pull Cat into herlap. “Yes, I’ll be your wife,” Cat breathes against her lips when they part,and Kara’s heart feels like it’s going to burst out of her chest with how fullit feels. “Dreadful proposal aside.”
“Hey!” Kara pouts again. “It wasn’t that bad.”
“It was pretty bad,” Cat smiles,forehead resting against Kara’s. “But it was very you.”
“Awkward and rambly?”
“Exactly,” Cat chuckles. “Is there aring? Or did you forget that part too?”
“Oh, shoot.” Kara fumbles for herpocket, for the little black box nestled within it, and her fingers tremble asshe opens it.
“It’s beautiful,” Cat murmurs when shesees it, and Kara lets out a breath of relief. “Put it on.” Kara does, slidingthe ring onto Cat’s finger and pausing for a moment to admire the sight of it,perfect and sparkling. “I love it.”
“You do?”
“I do. And I love you.” Cat kisses her again, open-mouthed and messy and leaving Karacraving more. “I know that there’s food waiting,” Cat whispers it against theskin of her neck as she kisses her way down it, “but how about we leave ituntil later and go straight to dessert?”
Kara’s response is to lift Cat in herarms, speed them to their bedroom, and strip off Cat’s clothes until she’swearing nothing but her ring.
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iminyourhandskara · 6 years
You Are Magic. - Karamel One Shot
Word Count: 1800
i missed writing and a few days ago i said i wanted to write about a karamel baby again..plus yesterday i didnt realize that today is father’s day! lol, i hope you guys enjoy it.😁
The ride back home was unusually quiet, but Mon-El didn’t question it, Ali must’ve been tired after watching her favorite Disney movie, Tangled, the night before, even if it was a Monday and both him and Kara knew that she would’ve had school in the morning. “Princess, what do you wanna eat for lunch?” “I don’t know.” “Don’t you have a preference?” “No.”
Mon-El kept his eyes on the road, but deep down he was extremely worried about his daughter’s well being: she was the bubbliest, sweetest 8 year old he’d ever met, incredibly smart and observant, she had her mother’s comets eyes and his brunette hair, he decided it was better to talk about whatever was bothering her in Kara’s presence.
Kara had just gotten back from CatCo when her two loves opened the door. “Hi.” “Hi babe.” Mon-El greeted her with a kiss, Ali behind him just stomped directly to her room without a word. “What happened?” “I have no idea, she didn’t say anything on the way home, I wanted to talk to her with you…I think something happened at school.”
Ali entered the kitchen again, one of her shirts was crumpled into a ball in her fist, she threw it in the bin under the sink, “I don’t feel like having lunch today.” she stormed off again. “Ali! Ali, come here, what’s wrong?” She locked her door, Kara saw through it with her x-ray vision, she covered herself under the blankets and started sobbing on her pillow. “She’s crying.” The concerned mom told her husband, “Stay here. I’ll go talk to her.” He responded.
“Ali, can you please open the door?” “Leave me alone, dad.” “Alura, please open the door. I’m gonna stay out here until you open the door.” He sat down in front of it, he learned with parenthood that patience was a really important virtue. “Why don’t you tell me why you threw away that shirt? The one uncle Winn made for you? I thought it was your favorite, you wore it until a few days ago. Did he do something that upset you?” “No.” She mumbled. “Why don’t you wanna eat? Mommy made pasta!” “I don’t wanna eat.” “Why?” “I just said I don’t want to.” “Look, we can continue this conversation with this closed door looking ridiculous, or you can let me in and I won’t say a word. And if you want to talk, I’ll listen to you.”
It took some seconds before Ali opened the door, then sat on the bed again: her face had red stains and tears were still clouding her bright eyes. Mon-El’s heart broke at the sight, he would’ve died for his daughter’s happiness, he would’ve brought her the most beautiful star to see her smile; he lay down next to her, Ali cuddled up to her daddy, as her sobs started again, he could just hold her and caress her back, he knew he had to wait for her to let everything out. He wiped away her remaining tears streaming down her cheeks, “Breathe.”
“You remember, we took pictures for the annuary last week?” “Yes, of course.” “I was wearing that shirt for my picture, the one that has a little cape sewn to the back.” Mon-El nodded, waiting for Ali to keep talking, “Today we were looking at the pictures all together in class, when Laura and Dani started laughing at my picture.” “Why?” “They made fun of me for my cape, they said ‘She thinks she’s like Supergirl, she pretends to be a hero, but she’s just a loser. Look at that stupid shirt!’ and they told everyone to look at my picture, and suddenly..everyone was laughing at me. I ran out of my classroom and Ms. Lee tried to stop me but I locked myself in the bathroom until everyone had left.” The child’s voice kept cracking, Mon-El’s heart filled with sorrow, he wished he could’ve absorbed all that pain. “I’m so sorry to hear that, sweetheart. But first thing’s first, you don’t have to keep everything to yourself, opening up is good for your health, you don’t have to face things alone, you have two parents that love you to Krypton and back,” he kissed her cheek you have all your amazing aunties, Alex, Sam, Eve, Lena and uncle Winn and James who love you and love to spoil you so much..you have your grandparents, you could say a word and we would all run to help you. Second thing, your ambition makes you great, you can achieve anything you set your mind on, you can be a hero starting from little things right now, perhaps these will lead to far greater things, who knows? You are magical, Ali, not everyone understands magic. And last thing..wanna know who are the biggest losers you’ll ever meet?” A small grin was appearing on her lips, “Who?” “Me and your mom.” “What?” She chuckled, “It’s true! It’s true.” “Why?” “When people tell us bad things, we can’t even clap back, we stutter a lot, we might be able to fly but sometimes we trip while we’re running or walking, it took years for us to spell some words correctly after we first landed on Earth, and I ate pancakes like a cheeseburger.” “But that doesn’t make you losers!” “It doesn’t even make us the coolest people on this planet, does it?” Ali was finally laughing and Mon-El felt the weight on his chest lift.
Kara stepped into the room, “Hey, I figured you guys wanted to eat by now, so I did my heat vision trick…Is everything okay now?” Alura smiled with relief, “Yes, I feel better.” “Let’s go eat!” Mon-El stood up and offered his hand to his daughter: her parents walked behind her, “I heard everything you told her..She’s been a daddy’s little girl from the very first minute of her life. She’s always gonna listen to you, you have something special.” “What can I say? From the moment I first touched those sweet tiny features of hers, I knew I would’ve done anything for her.” “You’re such a good father.” Kara caressed his scruffy face. “Thank you for making me one..and you’re a great mother, too.”
Later that day, right before falling asleep, Kara and Mon-El found themselves talking about being parents. “Sometimes I feel like I’m not doing enough.” Her whisper was barely audible, it echoed on his chest. “What do you mean?” “I wish I could do more to make her feel better, I know we have to leave some space to let her grow but–” “It hurts. I know.” “Yeah.” “Being sad is inevitable.. We can’t will ourselves to not feel anything, you were the one who taught me that.” Kara’s eyes shot up in his gaze’s direction, she couldn’t believe how well he remembered things from decades earlier. “You’re amazing.” “I am everything I am because of you, don’t you forget that.” Mon-El kissed Kara’s nose and lips, before removing a strand of hair from her face. “These situations will help her grow, she’ll be wiser.” “Just like daddy.” “Just like mommy.”
They shared a smile, before Kara said, “Hey, I have an idea for tomorrow.”
Ali had just entered the classroom, wearing the caped shirt with pride, when she noticed those two mean girls whispering and giggling, but after her talk with her dad the day before, that didn’t bother her anymore. Out of blue, two superheroes flew in from the window, Supergirl and Valor stood by the whiteboard.
“Good morning!” Valor greeted, “Good morning, guys.” Supergirl followed. The teacher was probably about to pass out, the children were shouting excitedly- except for Ali, who had her mouth hanging open, shocked. “What are my parents doing here?” She thought. “Uhm, if your teacher lets us talk for one second, and you can turn down the noise, we would like to tell you something very, very important.” The man crossed his arms, the teacher nodded and agreed enthusiastically. “So..raise your hand if you’ve ever dreamed about fighting bad guys.” A good amount of kids raised their arms; “Now, raise your hand if you’ve ever dreamed about having superpowers.” The remaining children had raised their hands too, now. “Who are Laura and Dani?” The blonde superhero asked, Ali tried to keep her chuckles to herself, the two girls raised their hands excitedly. “Stand up, come here! Do you know what it takes to be a good superhero?” Valor asked them. “Superstrength?” One of the duo said, not exactly sure with her reply. “That helps, of course, but it’s not the most important thing.” “The key to being a good superhero is to be kind and have a good heart.” Supergirl spoke, and everyone looked at her with heart eyes, including her partner.
“Who’s Ali?” She continued. “I am.” The sweet girl answered with a soft voice. “Come here.” She was now standing next to her two bullies and her parents, her heroes. “Oh, you have a cape like us! It looks wonderful on you, doesn’t it, Supergirl?” “I agree! Do you guys agree?” Dani and Laura had a mortified expression on their faces, but they agreed with the rest of the class. “But like I said before, you should have a good heart to be a hero, filled with kindness and forgiveness too.” “Have you always been kind to one another?” “Yes, yes!” “I know some of you aren’t being honest..but it’s okay, you can apologize to each other and start again.” Ali knew that the two girls wouldn’t have said the truth in front of everyone, so she just said. “I forgive you, I know you don’t really think that about my beautiful cape.” She turned around, flaunting the back of her shirt like a peacock and went back to her seat. “It was a pleasure to meet all of you!” “I hope you all will cherish this lesson forever, who knows, someday we could be fighting crimes together?” “Have a great day, kids!” And just like that, they flew out the window again.
They had a few rules about the whole “My parents are superheroes” thing, one of them was to never let it interfere with Ali’s life, because they wanted her childhood to be as normal as possible, but this exception was extremely nice and Ali could bet that her parents had a lot of fun playing pretend. No one could take away the smile from her face after that encounter. “Hey Ali, where did you buy that shirt?” “Yeah, I want one too.” Another one interjected. “Actually..my uncle made it himself for my birthday. But you can ask your parents to make one for you, maybe!”
Needless to say, by the end of the week Ali had started a new fashion trend.
_____ i apologize for mistakes, i dont have a beta, btw i hope you liked it and you’ll leave some comment in the replies, reblogs or my inbox!❤️❤️😍😍
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supercorpkid · 3 years
Mother’s Day with the Luthor-Danvers.
Supercorp, Kara Danvers x Daughter!Reader, Lena Luthor x Daughter!Reader
Word count: 2100.
You haven’t been this anxious in a while. Mother’s Day is just around the corner, and you know this year you have to give them the best day ever. This past month you all have been through way too much.
It wasn’t just you and Kara that suffered with the red Kryptonite, Lena was also obviously dragged into the mess, and had to be strong for both of you. You’re aware of that. And you need to thank her, and also ease Kara’s mind.
You’re also old enough to stop with the whole ‘flowers and cards’ thing. It’s time to give them real presents, and having your own lab is actually helping a lot. So, after school you go to L Corp to finish their gifts.
“Hey, I didn’t know you were com-” Lena walks in the lab and you throw her present that was in your hand to the other side of the lab. She tilts her head at the action and raises her eyebrow.
“Oh, hi mom. You good?” You smile trying to ignore her inquisitive face.
“Do I want to know what you are hiding?” She asks and you shake your head.
“Hiding? That’s absurd! Why would I hide anything from you?” You give your best forced laugh. “You! Of all people. Nonsense.”
“Ok, weirdo.” She is obviously deciding to ignore you. “I’m glad you’re enjoying the lab, but don’t forget about your homework, ok?”
“Mom, please. Did I ever?” You think about the homework in your backpack. Damn it. You totally forgot about it.
“I guess not. So, what are you working on?” Lena looks at the tablet, and you put your hand in front of it before she can read it.
“Just something. It’s not ready.”
“Oh, and your lab partner can’t know about it?” She asks, putting a hand in her chest, pretending to be hurt.
“How did you know I was here?” You ask pushing the tablet aside so she can’t keep looking at it.
“You know I work here right?” She laughs and you roll your eyes. “Aly calls me whenever you show up.”
“Wow, gossip girl much?” Lena doesn’t understand the reference so she shrugs.
“Well, since you clearly don’t want me around…” She goes to the door. And you open your mouth to say something, but she stops you. “I’m kidding, I have a meeting. I’ll see you at home. Have fun with your secrets.”
“Ha ha.” As soon as she closes the door, you run to where you threw her present and pick it up. It didn’t break so you smile to yourself. Well, it passed the quality test.
You go back to Kara’s present. It’s a lot more complicated. You’ve been trying to learn Kryptonese from an old book. It’s so hard and the symbols are so difficult to write that you hope you don’t mess up and give her the wrong message.
On Sunday morning you’re the first one up. You go to the kitchen to start making Lena’s breakfast. You’re feeling anxious and very excited for this day.
“Kid! Oh Rao, you scared me!” Kara says from behind you, and you startle.
“I scared you? You almost killed me right now.” You say putting your hand on your chest and feeling your heart beating fast.
“Well, it’s seven in the morning and you’re up! I heard noises and I thought it was a monster or something.” She says coming to you and looking at what you’re doing. “Why are you cooking? And at seven on a Sunday?”
“It’s Mother’s Day.” You point out and Kara seems to remember all of sudden.
“Oh, in that case, don’t I deserve a hug?” She says with a smile and you hug her tightly. “Should I pretend I know nothing about breakfast?”
“Well, it’s, um… Actually, it’s for mom.” You give your best smile, but Kara looks disappointed.
“Oh right. Why would I want breakfast in bed? I mean, I don’t even like food.” She jokes, but you can see she’s still hurt.
“Ok, drama queen…” You were going to continue, but you hear Lena upstairs and you have to hurry before she leaves the bed. “She’s up!”
You grab the tray and run upstairs trying not to spill anything. Kara follows you closely.
“Good morning!” You smile at her and Lena yawns looking adorable. She sits down and you put the tray on her lap. “Happy Mother’s Day, mom!”
“Aw, my baby.” Lena pulls you in for a hug and kisses your temple. “This is so cute. Thank you.”
“Well, I have something else for you. Wait a second.” You use your super speed and a second later you’re in front of her again. “Here.” You give her a tiny box with a big bow on top and she smiles at you. “I made it for you. Y’know, I would have bought you something, but someone didn’t increase my allowance yet.”
“I bet this is a lot better than something bought.” Lena opens the box and sees another tiny box made out of lead. “But I would love some explanation.”
“Oh, right.” You pick the box from her hand and press a button making it grow bigger. “It’s a lead box. In case you want to keep something just for yourself.” You wink at her. “It grows to seven different sizes, and it gets so big you can even hide yourself in it, in case you need some ‘me time’.”
“What?” Kara yells from behind you, goes to you, and grabs the box from your hand. “How did you do that? And why?”
“What, do you think is easy living with two people who can see and hear everything you’re doing all the time?” You take the box from her hands and give it back to Lena. “You deserve privacy.”
“I… Don’t even know what to say.” Lena smiles and hugs you again. “This is amazing, babygirl. Thank you so much.” She kisses your cheek. “I love you.”
“I love you too.” You say kissing her forehead in return.
“At least one of us got something.” Kara mumbles and you ignore her.
“Oh yeah. And you have me for the entire morning. We can do whatever you want.”
“Well, in that case, go get dressed. I know exactly where we’re going.” Lena says and you stand up immediately.
“And you, drama queen…” You turn to Kara, clearly upset with her arms crossed. She pouts looking cute, and you kiss her cheek. “You have me for the whole afternoon.”
“Oh.” She sounds surprised. “I almost thought you forgot you had two mothers.”
“Please.” You smile. “And the three of us are having dinner together later. Does that sound good?”
“Perfect.” Lena says eating her breakfast and you look at Kara.
“Do I get a gift too?” She asks and you only chuckle leaving the question unanswered.
You spend the entire morning with Lena and it’s incredible. You talk about what’s been going on at school, and she tells you about L Corp’s new inventions. She looks so happy; your heart eases a little. At least you got one of them excited like you wanted. You go back home with Lena, but you don’t even go inside.
“Momma, let’s go! We have a lot to do this afternoon.” You yell from the door, and you see Kara coming towards you. Lena hugs you before going inside.
“Hey, thank you for today. This was the best Mother’s Day ever!”
“For one of us.” Kara mumbles again and you laugh.
“Oh, dear Rao, can you stop being so dramatic.” You squish her face between your hands with a smile. “We’re flying to the Fortress, ok?”
You and Kara fly together there and she opens the door for you.
“Hey, kid, listen.” Kara holds your hand before you go inside and you stop to look at her. “It’s ok if you’re still kind of upset about the whole red kryptonite thing. You don’t have to push yourself to do anyth-”
“Momma, would you follow me, please?” You say holding her hand and she follows you to an empty room. “Are you ready?”
“Yeah.” She says and you press a button from a little machine you built. The whole room is flashed with different colors, and some 3D furniture shows up filling the empty space. “What? Little one, this…”
“It’s your room in Krypton.” You smile. “Well, at least I think it is. I only had a few images and-” She hugs you extremely tight. It's almost hard for you to breath.
“It’s amazing! It’s perfect.” She goes around the room looking at everything. She looks so excited and she keeps trying to touch everything and they keep disappearing when she does that. “How did you do this?”
“Momma, come on. It’s just virtual reality and…”
“No. It’s my home.” She comes back to you and kisses your forehead. “You did this. You’re amazing, little one.”
“Well, there’s one more thing.” You take a card from your pocket and she grabs it with a smile on her face. It doesn’t take long until she’s crying.
“You learnt Kryptonese?”
“Just a few words.”
“Well, you learnt the best ones.” She smiles between the tears and hugs you again. “Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I… I don’t know what else to say. When you only made breakfast for Lena, I thought maybe you still resented me, but then… This! And you learnt kryptonese to tell me I’m the best momma you could ever have. This is all too much. I don’t even have words to explain what I’m feeling.”
“You are the best momma in the universe. I’m sorry I can only give you a 3D version of your room, I wish I could give you your entire world back.”
“Oh, my love.” Kara cups your face and looks into your eyes. “I have my entire world right here.”
“I love you, momma.” You hold her and breath relieved. It’s all good. They both loved their day.
“I love you so, so much, little one. What did I do to deserve you?”
“Gave me your DNA?” You say making her laugh.
“Oh yeah, that.”
Kara goes back to look at the room. You both sit on the floor and she tells you all about Krypton. It’s not the first time she’s told you about it. You love hearing about your grandparents, and the unfortunate destiny of the planet, so you always ask her about it. And Kara loves sharing it with you. But every time she talks about it, you learn something new. This time, she tells you all about her room, and school. It’s great.
When you two fly back home is already time for dinner. You make a slight detour to grab the food you order, and you meet both of them back home. You ordered food from you guys favorite restaurant and they cheer excitedly when you land.
“Shall we eat outside?” You ask and they agree, taking everything you guys need to the table in the backyard. Kara turns on the fairy lights, and you smile. The night is perfect, and the day was special for all of you. They look so happy; your smile is glued to your face the entire time.
“See Lena, I got the best present!” Kara raises her brows with a cocky smile on her face. “She gave me my room, and learnt Kryptonese for me.”
“Oh yeah, I have my own cocoon, I can just go in there and ignore you now.” Lena bites her lips with a smile and you laugh.
“See what you’ve done kid?” Kara looks at you while holding Lena’s hand. “Now she can hide from us.”
“Yeah, I gave you a good hiding place too.” You say and she agrees with her head.
“You also gave us the best day in months.” Lena holds your hand from across the table and Kara does the same. “How can we repay you?”
“Hmmm…” You think about it for a second. “I really think you should increase my allowance.”
“Oh, not that again.” Lena laughs and Kara shakes her head.
“You’re a billionaire!” You laugh too and you spend the rest of the dinner trying to make your case. Kara joins your side and soon enough Lena agrees to it. It all started as a joke, but now that is happening you are definitely not going to refuse it.
Truth is, you’re just happy they are happy. And also, that this is your family. You’re so lucky you can’t even believe it.
Thanks @hermen0404 for the colab in this prompt :)
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spoopercorp · 7 years
In my opinion, the majority of the Supergirl cast at SDCC was being more ignorant and insensitive rather than homophobic.
You have to be open to the possibility that maybe you’re misconstruing the situation, that what you see from the other side may not be an accurate representation of what actually happened, but yes, there is always the possibility that you are right.
Jeremy Jordan released two public apologies via Instagram that received backlash.
The first:
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This one, I believe, received the most backlash for a formatting that is closer to that of a non-apology, of which I can see to an extent. It may be messy and imperfect, but he is human and can only learn from his mistakes. Many people did not like the fact that he said, “My track record for years has proven my love and utter devotion to the LGBTQ community.” because some people believe it is the equivalent of, “I have gay family/friends, I can’t be homophobic.”
But he is, I think, absolutely genuine with his intention in the apology, and the second part is more sincere, if you will.
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He admitted his mistake, promised he would be better, and I personally have no doubt that he will try to do so in the future.
I said before that when you are attacked or criticized or hated, you are more likely to defend yourself. That is how humans work. If someone you knew was generally a kind and sweet person, but made a huge mistake, you are more likely to blame it on the person’s character. If it was the other way around and you made the mistake, you are more likely to blame it on external circumstances.
Mehcad Brooks’ apology is similar.
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Yes, he made a comment similar to Jeremy Jordan’s “my track record” comment, and said something equivalent to “I cannot be homophobic, I am black”. And maybe he did not mean it to come out that way.
That is also another thing to address, because people who are gay can be racist/sexist and people who are black can be homophobic/sexist and people who are feminists can be homophobic/sexist. Most people know that being oppressed does not mean you cannot be the oppressor.
This is not trying to excuse what they did, but acknowledge that there are absolutely many variables within the situation at hand.
In the musical recap, they were having fun.
Okay, not a great reason, but everyone knows that when you are having fun, in the spur of each moment, you will not know if you are spouting anything out that is rude and offensive. They were not targeting the LGBT+ community, but maybe the actions they partook in are considered homophobic, but they are likely not themselves. They were being silly, having fun with each other, and laughing is scientifically proven to be contagious - it is a social thing whether or not you enjoy it, because most humans thrive off of it, and therefore, desire to be accepted. But, again, I know it does not excuse what they did.
Their intent was not to invalidate the LGBT+ community, but it did regardless, and you have every right to be upset. But think, just for a few seconds, to consider all sides. If you create something as an artist that you are so proud of and put so much time in and it is overlooked towards something you unintentionally created, you will likely feel upset. That one thing that you did not mean to do and put as much work in is being praised rather than the actual thing you are so proud of and want compliments for. Imagine that it is what the majority only talk about, it can get annoying.
Then there was the unnecessary interjection Chris Wood made about sexuality only being about perception of others. Again, ignorant and insensitive, but to his defense, he did say he was being sarcastic right after. I personally believe that was a homophobic comment. It is unfortunate for him that he is receiving a ton of hate attacking his personal life (because his character, Mon-El, is nothing like the comic counterpart and portrays someone who seems abusive), and when you shout at someone, you are likely to be shouted back at with the same force. Again, not excusing him, but more trying to develop an understanding of all sides.
To reiterate, I create art, whether it is in written or visual form, and I will likely be proud of my feat. There will be blatant haters, but when a fan articulately and professionally comments on how my work is portraying something unhealthy, it is a red flag. It is my job to at least take a second for myself to contemplate their words and the possibility without bias and acknowledge that though I did not intend to make it that way, it still had that affect.
They were also tired.
Okay, perhaps also not the greatest excuse for most.
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SDCC panels are stressful for everyone, and I also believe it is very much so for celebrities attending. David Harewood makes a point that people may be “unfair” and “over the top” and blasting the situation out of proportion. My only qualm with his tweet is that he refers this outburst only originating from shippers when it is the entire LGBT+ community that has been affected. They might not be homophobic, but their actions could be read that way and will be used in the future to hurt the LGBT+ community and they are responsible for that.
They are also celebrities, they are constrained and choked in a suffocating environment that many fans burden their shoulders with.
Expectations. Ideals. Presumptions. Many unrealistic.
They are stuck within a tiny box of those specifications and the moment they resist or reach past it in any way, they receive hate. They are people, and like many other people, they may be agreeable on some matters and disagreeable on others; they have their own views. Those perfect ideas of humans people have, not just idols nor icons, are bad and unfair for both sides.
There are so many things that infuriated people at Supergirl’s SDCC.
From the announcement of The Ray and how it made Jewish coded characters like Supergirl and the Flash actual Nazis.
Which I personally loathe, so I cannot be as impartial on that matter.
To Melissa Benoist’s statements that Kara Danvers “lost her first ever boyfriend” as well as comparing it to her “losing her entire world”. She completely omitted a great black man in the first season that the latter was so head over heels with and seems to have compared a loss of a boyfriend to her losing her entire world - by extension forgetting that Kara Danvers still has Eliza, Lena, James, J’onn, Winn, and her sister Alex (I believe the Danvers sisters’ relationship is the most powerful in the show).
To the questions and panels circling around Mon-El constantly with barely any input on the Danvers sisters and the involvements of other important lead characters.
To the lack of addressing the problem with Mon-El’s character, which has been a huge controversy in numerous articles as well as plot holes with the rushed and messier writing.
To the theorizing and speculation people are making by watching videos, like the musical recap.
They are videos, you cannot really determine emotion nor intent and all they will ever be is speculation, because people are sharing statements that there is now cast drama (which I hope not) due to this incident. Katie McGrath and Odette Annable are receiving the least hate out of everyone (I am referring to cast members who were present, so I am leaving Chyler Leigh and Floriana Lima out) because (and some of these are fan speculations and may or may not be ridiculous to you)...
- Katie McGrath repeated that fans could take anything they wanted from the show and apparently Mehcad Brooks told her to “shut up” in Italian (zitta).
Honestly, the audio is not great and neither are human ears and it is just speculation. I do not know.
- Katie McGrath “dragged” the rest of the cast members by stating, “I brought it back to reality, you wanna go back to singing again?” as in referring to the musical recap in the video as well as leaning away and apparently tackling Chris Wood’s comment earlier about sexuality only being about perception and Odette Annable showing her support.
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Again, speculation as I analyze with a neutral lens. Katie McGrath could be comfortable in that position. Or maybe she was actually uncomfortable with the situation. And the cast was singing shortly beforehand, it was probably not meant as shade. I do not know.
- Odette Annable did not laugh at the musical recap nor when the cast sang again about Daxam I think.
Maybe she does not find singing to be amusing? Or maybe she really thought the cast members were being rude about the musical recap. I do not know.
- There is a photo of Katie McGrath and it looks as if there are tears and people speculate it was due to her statement during the musical recap that allegedly went ignored by other cast members or something and now she is being ostracized.
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More speculation, maybe she was so happy with fans she teared up, maybe the lights were too bright and her eyes were too dry. I do not know.
I do not know. No one knows for sure what is going on and hopefully everyone’s speculations above are wrong because the idea of supposed discourse and schisms within a cast of grown adults is honestly sad (someone said that cast members for a show were arguing before an interview, I do not know how reliable that information is).
If you have a problem with what happened, give your statements.
Don’t attack the actors’ and/or writers’ personal lives.
Most people will not pay attention to something that sounds aggressive or hateful. Educate them on the consequences of their actions in a professional manner, and if they shoot back with something immature or block you, then you are wasting your time and theirs. You are the consumer, you can move on and invest your emotions, money, and time on something that you consider is more worth your while.
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fullregalia · 4 years
2020 is almost here, and looking back on the decade, well... I am not entirely sure if I see things with more clarity (though I did finally get new glasses). The end of a decade! I don’t know if we learned anything besides the fact that tiny sunglasses will always look dumb. This decade basically continued the downward trend of good things while all the bad things seemed to happen at an increasing clip. Thinking about all of that would be far too depressing (RIP David Bowie, democracy, the climate), so I’ll stick with a year in review. As usual, I try to have my annual recounting of the months that have elapsed a little more thoroughly in December, since Rosh Hashanah kicks off this season of thinking ahead and looking back. 
I think a lot about this line in Vampire Weekend’s “How Long?” off Father of the Bride: “Why’s it feel like Halloween since Christmas 2017?″ Honestly, the latter half of this decade has been haunted in so many ways--and a new decade perhaps brings with it opportunities for change (are you registered to vote?). While most of the ghosts of twenty-teens past haunt me in mournful ways, some of them loom large in productive ways as they led me to making some of the biggest steps I’ve taken in my life in a long time.
The most obvious break in time this year was my move to Philadelphia in August. The beginning of 2019 was filled with uncertainty about where I’d get into school and what the end of my year would look like. While I don’t regret moving to Philadelphia, something happened to me recently that has been a truly unfortunate note to end the year on: I was attacked and mugged in my neighborhood a week and a half ago, and it’s been a difficult experience to reckon with. I’ve been going back to NYC about once a month since I left, and it’s been really good to have these monthly trips to get to Abraço or visit the Met--and given the shock of being assaulted, it was even more of a mental salve just to be in a city that shaped the past 12 years of my life (for better and for worse, if we’re being frank). 
So there was beginning grad school, and moving, but there was also all the cultural markers of the year that make these changes much easier to cope with. Here’s a round-up of (some of) the works and words that shaped my year, made me laugh, or engrossed me enough to take me out of my own head for a few hours at a time: 
MUSIC According to Spotify, John Coltrane happened to be my artist of the decade, but as referenced above, Vampire Weekend’s new album dominated my ears this year. Hilariously and fittingly, “Unbearably White” was my most played song in 2019. FoTB also introduced me to Steve Lacy and The Internet, thankfully. I tried to get a little more prog rock into my aural diet, and there were also more contemporary albums that came into heavy rotation. There was the revelation of Big Thief (the guitar on Cattails) and the brief, beautiful Purple Mountains project; Solange’s Binz helped me to do laps around the reservoir in Central Park, and there were nights alone when all I needed was to just put on Angel Olsen when I got home from work. As fall semester took over most of my time, I turned more to classical standards like Prokofiev’s Romeo & Juliet to get me through the work, and as ever I rely on Popcast to keep me up to speed on what the kids are listening to (looking at you 100 Gecs and Billie Eilish).  
BOOKS The beginning of grad school made it harder to keep up with my reading for fun, but I managed to get through enough books (28) to make a few recommendations. First, there’s Jia Tolentino’s Trick Mirror, which I thought was funny and thoughtful, and an eloquent and incisive analysis of what it means to be alive, and particularly a thirty-something, in this truly bizarre era. 
There were also a lot of series in my hold list this year: the Rachel Cusk trilogy and Ali Smith’s seasonal quartet. I mostly read women, and read more non-fiction this year than last (shout outs to Anand Giridharadas, Eric Klinenberg, and Samuel Stein--all of whom recommend public sector solutions to a private sector failures). As with every year, the list of books I want to read grew even longer. This winter break has proven itself thus far to be a week of recovering from being mugged and having a bad cold by mostly watching Netflix, maybe there will be more time to read in the second half of break and during the spring semester.
On a related note: there was a lot of great longform journalism this year. While there was very important work done about foreign affairs, corruption, and structural inequities, there were also many articles about how ridiculous living in Brooklyn (and LA) is. 
TV But the former PBS employee in me wouldn’t be able to finish up an overview of 2019 without writing about the medium that I love so much I had to abstain from it for the past four months, for fear of a distraction I couldn’t resist. As we all know, Succession is the best rich person melodrama we have, and I’m grateful for its place in my Sunday night routine while I settled into grad school. I have already written 2,000 words on it before, so I will simply leave you with this beautiful monologue: “I’m an enigma. You can’t pigeonhole me. I’m there and then I’m gone. I’m intellectually promiscuous, but culturally conservative. I work hard but I don’t play hard, I play easy, why would you play hard?”
Before my tv hiatus began in August, I was tempted to actually say sod it and move to England for grad school when Fleabag season 2 dropped. (Forgive me father, for I have sincerely wanted to see a priest make out with a parishioner.) But while Fleabag put canned G&Ts and hot priests on the map, Russian Doll payed homage to the past life of Tompkins Square Park, and got Harry Nilsson stuck in all our heads for the month of February. And what would my twitter feed have been without the irreverent brilliance of “You have no good car ideas!” guy from I Think You Should Leave? (*dabs, yells “you love your mother in-law!”*)
There was an overwhelming choice of streaming, movies, and podcast content this year. My podcast diet remained mostly the same (Who? Weekly, Talking Politics, Why is This Happening?, FiveThirtyEight, Slate Money) but I added What a Day--along with adding a crush on Gideon Resnick to my “unattainable ‘face for podcast’ dudes who will never date me” crush list, and getting Akilah Hughes’ headlines jingle stuck in my head. I miss Kara on Keep It! but I am also grateful for Naomi Ekperigin’s presence on Hysteria (and every other show she makes better with her presence). Throughout this year, and increasingly over the past decade, podcasts have kept me company, kept me in the loop, and kept me going on the most difficult days.
Lastly, as I mentioned, being mugged was a horrible experience. But there were a lot of other things that happened this year that were far less traumatic and mostly just absurd. Remember WeWork? The Tesla truck? Cliff wife? 2019 was pretty dumb. Though I appreciated every meme on Hunter Harris’ twitter. In the less-dumb, slightly more life-affirming department: I saw good friends get married and have children, got my hands on clay, cooked and baked, drank amazing coffee in Copenhagen (and fell in love with the cesca chair), and did things that scare me (grad school, moving, meeting cool new people, introducing those people to deranged twitter memes). 
Getting back to where I started--How Long?--I’m writing this on Christmas Day, or as I like to refer to it, National Annual Fudgesicle Day™, and I hope you have all had a Jordan Christmas or at least an excessive amount of Chinese food. Christmas is usually a low-key day for me (even when it’s also Hanukkah) and even though the year has been decidedly high-key (Brexit! Beto stood on so many things! I saw Ilana Glazer in LA!!) perhaps we can turn 2020 down from 11, where it feels like we’ve been since 2017. With only a few days left in the decade, I don’t really think there’s much change that can happen between now and then, but I do hope that the beginning of this next decade--life goes on, elections are held, and unknown adventures await--can bring renewed motivation, and the chance to shed some of the hurt and grief of the last one. Here’s to the year to come, may it bring us all health, happiness, and peace.
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letswreakhavoc · 7 years
Places to have sex w/ Alex Danvers
Here it is. Smut Squared. This turned out so cracky, but it’s so much fun and I have no ragrets.
@404artnotfound literally the best in the entire universe for beta-ing my bullshit.
[Read on AO3]
It’s weird, right?
It’s probably weird, she thinks.
This started as a mental list, and Maggie told herself that she would never actually physically write it down, because it’s weird.
But here she is, typing the stupid list into her phone because it’s grown too far out of hand to keep track of in her head anymore. And she really wants to keep track of it.
Not because she’s proud of herself.
Okay, she’s a little proud of herself.
But it’s still weird, because she doesn’t want Alex to think she is some kind of conquest to be had in every way that Maggie see’s fit. Because it’s not like that. Not at all.
It’s just that she loves Alex, and loves having sex with Alex, and she wants to remember all the places she’s had sex with Alex.
And that list has admittedly gotten… a little out of hand. Because it was an accident at first. The first time it had happened in such a public place. It was never supposed to turn into this.
It’s a warning and an encouragement all in one. Her hand is trailing dangerously close to the button of Alex’s jeans, and Kara’s loud laugh from across the bar at the pool table serves to remind them both of where they are. They are in the smallest, darkest booth of the bar. The one that Maggie was sure to drag Alex to the second she saw it free, because Alex in those jeans, in that henley. Alex looking so carefree, and smiling, and laughing with her family, is the most beautiful thing Maggie has ever seen.
And Maggie really needs to touch her.
Like, right now.
But they’ve barely been here an hour, and leaving now would be rude and… none too subtle.
But M’gann told her off last week when they spent upwards of thirty minutes locked inside the single stall bathroom because she’d had the same dilemma. Alex Danvers is so ridiculously beautiful, and she can’t really help herself. Especially not when Alex is actively encouraging her.
Maggie nips at her neck gently, one arm wrapped around Alex’s waist and the other slowly, deliberately undoing her jeans.
“This okay?” She asks quietly, and Alex is nodding jerkily. Maggie hadn’t wanted to bring it up, and Alex seemed content to let it slide too, but the woman had a slight exhibitionist streak. Alex loved the feeling of almost getting caught, and it became glaringly obvious after the first few times Kara had almost barged in on them in awkward circumstances.
Maggie had backed off immediately the first time, believing Alex would be immensely turned off after her kid sister had almost caught them. But less than five minutes after Kara had stumbled through some half baked excuse and leapt out of the window, Alex had Maggie pressed back into the mattress, picking up where they had left off.
So she pulls Alex’s jeans undone, and only keeps one ear on their surroundings, and the other trained solely on her girlfriend as her fingers dip into wet heat. Very wet heat.
“You love this, don’t you, Danvers?” Maggie mutters against her skin, drawing tight, lazy circles around Alex’s clit.
Alex uses all of her agent skills to keep a handle on her breathing, on her strong urge to rock her hips into Maggie’s hand. But apparently her agent skills don’t help when trying to bite back a string of filthy curses. Luckily, it’s quiet enough that she doesn’t drag anyone’s attention, and Kara is too busy being flustered by Lena Luthor to notice.
She cums against Maggie’s fingers in minutes, her head lolling back to rest against the wall gently. Maggie waits until her eyes flutter open and lock onto hers before she pulls her hand out of Alex’s jeans, putting the fingers into her mouth instead.
“Fuck, Mags.” Alex groans, reaching to fumble with her fly, and then pushing Maggie out of the booth, and then subsequently out of the bar. “We’re going home.”
And that’s how it starts.
See? It’s not that weird.
-The Alien Bar: Check.
Next, it’s Kara’s bathroom.
It’s game night, and this is much riskier than a busy bar, but Alex doesn’t seem to care when she pushes Maggie against the counter roughly, fingers alright pulling at Maggie’s belt.
“They’re going to hear us.” Maggie breaths out against Alex’s lips, barely biting back a moan when Alex presses one insistent finger into her and latches her mouth to her pulse point.
“Let them.” Alex breaths, and Maggie just grins, before swearing profusely when Alex’s thumb presses tightly to her clit. Kara is mysteriously absent when they return from the bathroom, and Lena is giving them a murderous glare from the couch, though Alex can’t figure out why and Maggie won’t tell her why she’s shooting Lena weird, knowing looks.
-Kara’s Bathroom: Check.
And then the list grows.
Alex cums around her fingers twice, both of them pressed inside of the tiny bathroom cabin of the plane to Midvale.
-In an Airplane: Check.
Maggie ends up with Alex between her legs, cumming in her mouth, within four hours of landing in Midvale.
-Alex’s childhood bed: Check.
Maggie somehow manages to fuck Alex gently enough that they don’t capsize into the ocean.
-Alex’s Surfboard: Check
She types all of these into her phone, smiling and blushing and squirming at each new memory that floods her mind. That’s how Alex finds her when she stalks into the apartment.
“What you got there babe?” Alex asks. Maggie fumbles her phone, dropping it under the coffee table loudly and swearing.
“I-uh. Nothing!” She all but yells, hitting the deck with thud and reaching out under the table for her phone, trying to get it before Alex can see what she was doing. The phone had gone further than she thought it had, though, and Alex walks over to grab it from the opposite side of the table, and Maggie curses when she realises it’s still unlocked.
“What’s this?” Alex asks, scanning the list and glancing at Maggie.
“It’s uh- you know it’s the-” Maggie stutters, trying to find a suitable explanation for the list.
“Is… is this all the places we’ve had sex?” Alex catches on far too quickly, and Maggie nods sheepishly, watching closely at Alex’s so far blank face.
“Wait, these ones at the bottom...” Alex frowns now, tilting her head as she reads through the second part of the list. The part Maggie had started writing in her slightly aroused state. The part that lists all the places Maggie might like to have sex with Alex, if she were into it, of course.
“Uh- just some ideas.” Maggie mutters, averting her eyes and hoping that Alex isn’t about to tell her that this is weird.
“This is…” Alex trails off, and Maggie feels like her heart is going to squeeze out of her chest at the anticipation of Alex’s reaction.
“This is hot.”
Maggie’s gaze snaps up to meet Alex’s.
Alex traipses around the coffee table, settling into the couch beside Maggie and clicking to edit the note on the phone.
“These are all achievable, if we try hard enough.” Alex says seriously, though she’s given away by the slight smirk playing at the corners of her mouth.
“Really?” Maggie asks, mouth dry and stomach churning with arousal.
“Definitely, we should try this one next.” Alex tells her, pointing to one of the bullet points half way down the list. Maggie nods dumbly.
That’s how, four days later, Maggie finds herself with two of Alex’s fingers buried inside of her, thrusting hard enough to rock the van.
“C’mon, Mags.” Alex huffs into her ear, punctuating her words with a particularly harsh thrust. “They’ll be back any second.”
“Fuck, Alex.” Maggie moans, bringing Alex’s mouth to hers for a messy kiss. Alex brings her free hand down to Maggie’s clit, drawing harsh tight circles into the it, making Maggie scream as she cums all over her hand. Somehow, having Alex in on the list makes this entire thing even better.
James scoffs and rolls his eyes when they stumble out, dishevelled and sated. Winn turns a bright shade of bright red before promptly making a terrible joke about threatening and index fingers.
-Guardian Van: Check
Alex starts adding ideas to the list.
“Whose office is this, Danvers?” Maggie asks when Alex drags her through a nondescript door and into a barely decorated office.
Alex turns to give her a wicked grin, backing up until she’s can hop up onto the desk and spread her legs teasingly.
Maggie baulks, eyes wide as she processes exactly what Alex is proposing.
“You want to fuck on Lucy’s desk? Your friend and boss, Lucy Lane’s desk?”
Alex nods assuredly, and Maggie can’t help the sharp laugh that rattles out of her chest. She steps in between Alex’s legs, pulling the hem of her DEO field issue polo shirt up slowly.
“May I ask why…” Maggie kisses Alex. “You want to fuck on Lucy’s desk?”
“She’s always making fun, she deserves it.” Alex responds distractedly, too focused on trying to unbutton Maggie’s dress shirt.
“Ah, right.” Maggie nods, biting back a laugh. “You want to lord it over her head.”
Alex shrugs, baring her teeth in a wide grin.
“It’s not hard when she’s that short.”
“Savage, Danvers.”
-Lucy’s Desk: Check.
Some of the items on the list are fairly normal, something you wouldn’t even think twice about.
-Maggie’s Car: Check -DEO Supply Closet: Check -NCPD Evidence Locker: Check
Other items are… a little weirder.
-CatCo Supply Closet: Check -CatCo Balcony: Check -CatCo Conference Room: Check
Kara and James were none too happy about those instances, and after the third time getting caught, Kara knocking angrily on the conference room door and yelling at them to keep it in their pants and away from her workplace, they decided to cut their losses and take the remaining CatCo options off of the list. Maggie sighs as she deletes “Kara’s Office” off of her phone, knowing that she probably couldn’t have convinced Alex to do it anyhow.
Alex, ever so valiantly, decides that they should add Lena’s Supergirl Balcony to the list. They don’t quite get an opportunity to get up there alone until Lena invites the whole crew to one of her fundraiser galas.
Maggie manages to swipe one of Lena’s access passes the afternoon before it starts, and hides it in her bra when she gets dressed. It’s a night of absolute torture, because it’s not just a fundraiser, it’s the fundraiser for the new NCPD training initiative that Maggie helped start for homeless and struggling LGBTQ+ youth in National City.
So, of course, Maggie is being pulled aside, congratulated, and photographed all night. Alex, the dutiful girlfriend, is by her side all night as well, and Maggie’s wandering hands are serving to test her self control. They’ve barely gotten a second to kiss each other, let alone sneak away to fulfil their goal for the evening, and by nine o’clock, Alex is starting to lose hope.
Her disappointment is short lived, however, when Maggie farewells another high ranking officer and turns to find no one else waiting to greet her. She turns to Alex with a dark, needy look in her eyes and Alex grins.
“Let’s go.”
They walk as quickly as they can without drawing attention to themselves, into the building and straight to Lena’s private elevator. Maggie pulls the access card out of her bra and selects the correct floor, before swiftly turning around to pin Alex against the wall to kiss her.
“I have been waiting all night to do that.” Maggie sighs against Alex’s lips, and she knows she is going to have a hard time getting the wrinkles out of this jacket after they are done. Hopefully James has stopped taking photos for the night by the time they return.
The lobby outside of Lena’s office is eerily dark, but inside of her office the lights are on. In hindsight, that should have been a giant red flag, but Maggie is too focused on the feeling of Alex’s hands on her waist, pulling her shirt out of her pants roughly and pressing open mouthed kisses to the back of her neck.
The card reader glows green and lets out a quite ding as the door to Lena’s office unlatches loudly, though apparently not loudly enough. Maggie stumbles to a grinding halt when her eyes finally focus on the room in front of her, rather than Alex.
Lena is sat on desk, legs spread and blouse hanging open. There is a blond standing between her legs, hand on her inner thigh and lips attached to her neck. They haven’t seen them yet, and Maggie thinks they might get away with it if they turn slowly and retreat but-
“What the fuck?” Alex’s voice fills the room, startling Lena and her companion out of their little bubble. It’s then that the blonde turns around.
“KARA?!” Alex shouts in surprise, startling her even more.
“Alex, what the hell?” Kara shouts in the same tone, quickly positioning herself in front of Lena while the woman puts herself back together.
“Wha- how long has this- when did you-” Alex stammers through several questions at once. Maggie has had a little too much to drink to be able to bite back her laughter, and ends up sprawled helplessly on Lena’s couch, absolutely cackling.
“What the hell are you two doing up- is that the access pass that was stolen today?!” Lena interrupts Alex, and it only serves to make Maggie laugh harder, because now Alex is stammering for a completely different reason.
“Uh- we were- we’re just-”
Alex can’t get a full answer out before the expression on Kara’s face turns thunderous.
“Are you trying to investigate her?” Kara asks in a dark tone, inching towards Alex and Maggie slowly. Alex continues to stammer, trying to blurt out something, anything that isn’t the actual truth, but she just can’t think of anything believable. It seems that Maggie, who is still laughing, has also come to the same conclusion.
“Little Danvers, relax. We broke up here to fool around.”
There’s a few moments of shocked silence from all parties.
“What?” Kara asks, her dark expression replaced with one of confusion. Maggie shoots Alex an apologetic look.
“We wanted to see if we could make it up here unnoticed to mess around a little. We’re sorry- Luthor I’ll leave the pass here on the table. We’ll just go.”
Maggie grabs Alex’s hand and drags her towards the door, managing to stifle her giggles until they’re back in Lena’s elevator.
“Oh my god!” Maggie bursts out laughing again at just how red Alex’s face has become, only to receive a hard shove in response.
“You knew about this!” Alex accuses, and Maggie waves her hand around, trying to communicate but unable to speak.
“To be fair-” Maggie gasps out, panting and clutching at her sides. “I didn’t. I had suspicions, but I didn’t actually know.”
“Yeah well, you can delete that one off the list, I’m not going near that office again.”
-Lena’s Supergirl Balcony:
Maggie reluctantly crosses it off, she always did like a challenge, though that one was ambitious.
Somewhere along the line, Kara figures out what they are doing. It may or may not be because Alex had accidentally, and drunkenly, shared the wrong google document with her one night. Kara flies in her window barely a minute later, frowning at her phone.
“Alex you sent me the wrong thing… what is this?”
“It’s uh- it’s nothing-”
“Alien Bar, Kara’s Bathroom, Guardian Van… NCPD Evidence- Rao, Alex!” Kara cuts herself with a loud shout, throwing her phone down a little roughly and staring at it like it had burnt her.
“Is that a list of all the places you and Maggie have had sex?!”
Alex just stares at her. She doesn’t want to lie, but she can’t find it within herself to confirm it either. Her silence, however, is confirmation enough for Kara.
“Is this what you were doing in Lena’s office a few weeks ago?” Kara presses on. Alex at least has the sense to look sheepish as she nods, scratching the back of her neck awkwardly.
“You guys are ridiculous.” Kara huffs, picking up her phone and chancing a quick look through the list.
“Oh Rao- are these ideas? You cannot be- MY KITCHEN?”
Alex is going to kill Maggie for adding that on without telling her.
“No, no, no, no, no. Alex, no. You are going to delete anything to do with me off this list.”
“I mean we’ve done most of them anyway.” Maggie’s voice startles both of them. She’s standing in the doorway, jacket still on and bag slung over her shoulder, looking like she’d just arrived home. But she must have been here long enough to have figured out what was going on.
“Rao, guys!” Kara groans, holding her face in her hands. “I don’t wanna know about this- how do I bleach my brain?”
Kara spends a full five minutes trying to tell them off in a way that is far too rambly, and quite frankly adorable, to take seriously before taking off through the window again.
“So does that mean Luthor’s apartment is out, next week?” Maggie asks, heaving out a long sigh as she finally sits down next to Alex on the couch, leaning her head down to rest on her shoulder.
“Hell no.” Alex says, making Maggie jerk up to look at her in awe, in amusement. “I like a challenge.”
And that it was. Game night, for the first time ever, is being held at Lena’s penthouse apartment. After the whole debacle at L-Corp, Kara had finally told the rest of the group about her and Lena getting together, (and it seems Alex was the only one who hadn’t noticed). And Kara had decided that in celebration, game night was going to be held in the most beautiful apartment they had available to them.
Barely five minutes after finding out about the venue change, both Alex and Maggie had the same idea. They were going to add her apartment to the list, because technically, and if you stretch the truth just a little bit, it didn’t have anything to do with Kara.
Kara gives them a full tour of the place when they arrive about twenty minutes early. As each room passes, both of their eyes get wider.
“This is the home gym.” Kara passes an open door and flicks her wrist in the direction of the gym equipment lining the walls of the room. “This is another office, it’s the one I use when I need to write when I’m here.”
Kara continues to walk down the hallway, explaining what each room is, but Alex and Maggie have paused outside of what would technically be Kara’s office. Their eyes meet at the same time, and Maggie smirks.
“It’s settled then.” Maggie mutters, kissing Alex quickly before chasing after Kara before she notices that they are gone. Alex follows quickly afterwards.
“She’s gonna kill us.”
Maggie shrugs, shit eating grin on her face. “It’s a challenge, Danvers.”
And somehow, they actually manage it. Kara and Lena had, by some ridiculous miracle, left part way through the night to go and pick up the food that they usually had delivered. Alex expects that they offered so that they could have some time alone together, and she makes a note to tease them for it later. Later though, because right now she should really be focused on the way Maggie is inching her fingers into the waistband of her jeans, and the way her teeth nip lightly at the skin of her neck.
“Alex.” Maggie’s breathy moan caresses her name so gently that Alex feels every nerve in her body ignite. Everything about this is risky, and though it doesn’t pose much more risk than any of their other encounters, the thrill never quite wears off for either of them. Maggie’s fingers work deftly at the buttons of her shirt, and the fabric is pushed roughly from her shoulders only a moment later. Maggie’s lips trail softly, yet sharply, along Alex’s now bare shoulders, engaging her teeth to drag the strap of Alex’s bra down and earning herself a longing whine.
“Please, Maggie.”
“Nuh uh”
Alex makes what she thinks is a confused sound in the back of her throat, conveying her question without having to use words that all seem to be escaping her at this moment. Her lack of language skills in this moment is entirely Maggie’s fault, as trembling fingers slowly undo the button of Alex’s pants.
“All of these are such quick, raunchy fucks.” Maggie explains, enraptured in Alex’s skin and eyes wide with a craving hunger. “I want to take my time.”
“And get us caught?” Alex asks, careful to keep her tone balanced, making sure that Maggie knows not to stop. Stopping is the absolute last thing she wants, last thing she needs.
“Let them.” Maggie echoes the words Alex has used in one of their first risky trysts, in Kara’s bathroom if she remembers correctly. Alex wonders if the thought of her sister, of her friends overhearing them in here should worry her, but the blissful need she can feel in Maggie’s very being is far too tempting for her to care.
“Too many clothes, Mags.” Alex let’s the nickname roll off of her tongue like a prayer, praising whatever patron saint had given her such a goddess of a girlfriend. Maggie nods, and Alex can feel more than she can see the wide grin she wears.
“Then do something about it.”
Maggie’s flannel is lost to the floor of the office before Maggie can even really react, and her bra quickly follows. Alex registers in the back of her mind that this is the first time in a long time that either of them had lost more than their t-shirts during these perilous encounters.
“You love this.” Maggie states, another echo from a previous encounter. “The possibility of being caught, the risk factor of being found with my hand down your pants.”
Maggie’s hand slips into the front of her jeans as she speaks low, filthy things in Alex’s ear.
“Fuck, you’re wet.” Maggie whimpers into the skin below Alex’s ear, and Alex’s whine in response has Maggie biting gently into her earlobe. She pulls at Alex’s hips until she gets the idea, pushing up on her hands so that Maggie can pull her jeans down far enough for better access. Her boyshorts follow the same route, and Maggie waists no time in returning her fingers to where they’re itching to be, teasing lightly at Alex’s centre.
“Please.” Alex whimpers, hips rocking into Maggie’s hand. Alex’s hands thread roughly into Maggie’s hair, tugging until she can rejoin their lips in a messy, open mouthed kiss. The kind of kiss Alex only ever gives when she’s extremely turned on.
“What do you want, babygirl?” Maggie asks against her mouth, letting Alex take what she needs from her.
“I need you to stop fucking around.” Alex gasps, Maggie finally putting some lasting pressure on her clit. “And fuck me.”
“Fuck you?”
Alex nods, letting a long, keening whine out when Maggie swipes roughly at her clit again.
Alex has never been quiet in bed, not when it comes to Maggie, and she buries her face into Maggie’s shoulder and bites when one, and then two fingers slip into her. Maggie’s thumb rests infuriatingly still on her clit as Maggie thrusts slow, thrusts hard. The desk creaks ominously, the only thing louder than the muffled moans. Maggie keeps enough of a pace for Alex to climb torturously slowly towards release.
“Are you going to cum for me, Alex?” Maggie starts back up with the dirty talk when she feels Alex trembling, when she hears Alex’s moans become a little more full throated. They’ve been locked in Kara’s office for longer than they should have been, and Maggie has a feeling that if Kara and Lena aren’t already back, they will be soon, and they’ll know exactly what is going on.
“You’re so good, Alex.” Maggie praises, earning herself a low shout in response, and Alex clamps hard around her fingers. “So wet, so tight for me.”
Alex is nodding wildly, grasping and pulling at any part of Maggie she can find.
“It’s all for me, isn’t it?”
“All for you.” Alex nods again, and Maggie knows that she needs to kiss her before she cums, because Alex is already too loud.
And she does. Maggie kisses her hard, kisses her wild, kisses her hungrily as she curls her fingers inside of Alex and sending her hurtling into bliss. Alex shouts into the kiss, voice only barely muffled by Maggie’s lips. All of their friends are going to know what they’ve been up to now, but the feeling of Alex cumming against her, and the breath against her lips, she really can’t find it in herself to care.
When Alex finally comes back to herself, sighing as Maggie slips her fingers from her gently and licks them provocatively, she pulls Maggie against her harshly.
“I wanna do you, too.” She admits, kissing Maggie fiercely and earning herself a short laugh.
“I think we’ve pushed our luck enough.” Maggie says. “I’m surprised Kara isn’t bashing the door down.”
“Means she’s probably not back yet.” Alex pants, still slightly breathless, but with a wicked glint in her eye.
“Alex.” Maggie warns.
“Gives me enough time for this.”
Alex turns her around roughly, pulling Maggie’s back against her front. Alex is still seated on the edge of Kara’s desk, and the height of the desk is perfect for Alex to have access to everything she wants. One hand immediately palms one of her breasts, and the other slips into her open pants, straight to her soaked core.
“I know how worked up you get when you fuck me.” Alex mutters into her ear, punctuating her teasing with playful bites along Maggie’s neck.
“Especially...” Alex swipes her clit once, twice, three times and then dips her finger tips down to enter Maggie ever so slightly. “When we fuck like this.”
Maggie lets out a loud moan, unable to stop it at Alex’s low sultry tone in her ear.
“I could get you off in minutes, after something like this.” Alex continues cockily, and Maggie lets out another loud groan, unable to gain any semblance of control over her volume.
“But we’re going to get in trouble if you keep moaning so loudly.” Alex tuts. “I think I can help you out with that, though”
Alex clamps her free hand over Maggie’s mouth just as she thrusts two fingers inside of her. She doesn’t even give Maggie time to adjust, because she apparently doesn’t need it. Her arousal is soaking down her thighs, into the fabric of her jeans.
“So wet for me, you could probably take out biggest strap-on right now.”
“Fuck, Alex.” Maggie whines against her hand, squeezing her eyes shut at the visual Alex is giving her. Maggie doesn’t hear it, but Alex does catch the telltale sound of the front door slamming shut, and Kara’s voice floating down the hallway.
“They’re back.” Alex tells Maggie, pumping her fingers a little faster, the heel of her palm pressuring Maggie’s clit with every thrust. “Time for you to cum for me.”
Maggie does just that, moaning loudly into Alex’s palm and bucking her hips languidly into her other hand as she comes down. Maggie is barely coherent when there is suddenly a fist banging on the door of the office.
“What in Rao’s name do you two think you’re doing?!” Kara yells through the door.
“Use your x-ray vision and find out.” Alex taunts back, grinning when she hears Kara’s petulant huff.
“If this has anything to do with your stupid list, I’m going to throw you both into space.” Kara threatens.
During Alex and Kara’s bickering, Maggie and Alex had managed to right themselves and replace all of their clothes. Alex wrenches the door open to find Kara and Lena standing on the other side. Kara had her head in her hands, groaning intermittently and her ears flushed a bright red. Lena stands a few paces back from her, arms crossed over her chest and face neutral.
“You guys are relentless.” Kara whines. “And I told you to delete anything that had to do with me!”
Alex shrugs, taking Maggie's hand. “It has nothing to do with you, this is Lena’s apartment.”
“Yes but that is the office that I use!” Kara shouts. “And you knew that!”
Alex shrugs again, trying to bite back her shit eating grin as Kara stares her down angrily. Lena lets out a long suffering sigh, sparing Alex and Maggie one last disapproving glance before turning to Kara.
“Well it’s going to have to come off of our list now.”
Lena turns and walks back down the hallway towards the living room, leaving Kara to stare after her with wide, terrified eyes.
“What list?” Maggie laughs, watching Kara’s face turn an even deeper shade of red.
“Nothing!” Kara all but shouts, scurrying off down the hallway. “There’s no list!”
Alex drops Maggie’s hands and chases after her quickly.
“Kara Zor-El Danvers, you come back here!”
114 notes · View notes
hoeseok · 7 years
Guardian Angel
Pairing: Hoseok x Reader x Namjoon
Genre: Angst and slight fluff
Warnings: Mentions of cancer, death, and suicide attempt
Word Count: 6.4k
Summary: A tragedy unexpectedly strikes your family, and when you start to believe that you’ll never be happy again, you meet the person who will change your world.
A/n: Honestly, this took longer than expected to write this, but it’s finally completed. I also would like to give a shout out to @aichan11 for being my beta for this because she’s amazing and put up with all my questions I asked.
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During the third week of August on a Saturday, you were moving into your dorm, and your loving parents came to help out as you had a ton of boxes to unpack because you over packed, like always. Once you unlocked the door, you were surprised when you saw half of the room already moved in, but then you remembered that you were assigned a roommate over the summer. You didn’t really mind (as long as both of you got along) because it would be nice to have at least one friend here.
After all the boxes had been unloaded and brought up to your room, your parents lingered around before hugging you goodbye because they dreaded this moment, knowing that they would have to leave you on your own after 18 years of you living under their roof. The walk to their car was hard enough as you tried to stay strong with a smile on your face, but when you watched them drive away, you almost made it without shedding a single tear until you saw tears falling from your mom’s eyes. Your blurry vision made it hard for you to look at people in the eye, so you slowly headed back to your room with your eyes glued to the ground. Hopefully this way they wouldn’t be able to see that you were already homesick. As you were decorating your room to make it feel more like home, others on the hallway were still moving in, so it felt quite lonely not being able to introduce yourself yet. Later that evening when you were lying on your neatly made bed, you heard a key rattling in the door, and your head nervously shot to the door being opened. Your wide eyes made eye contact with the person standing in the doorway, and you froze for five seconds before a soft smile formed at the corners of the other person’s mouth.
“Hi, I’m Kara. I’m your roommate,” she said shyly. Kara’s features were delicate yet beautiful. Her brown eyes were as rich as Hershey’s milk chocolate, and they sparkled in the fluorescent light above. Her long dark brown hair smoothed over her back, with the caramel highlights peeking through slightly. From where you were sitting, she didn’t seem that much taller than you, give or take an inch or two.
“Hey, I’m y/n. Nice to meet you,” you said still sitting on your bed without bothering to stand up.
“Nice to meet you too, y/n. Would you like to join me for ice cream? Ever since I got here this morning, I’ve been craving some strawberry cheesecake ice cream, and this town has some of the best.” She took a few steps to stand next to the foot of her bed as she patiently waited for your reply.
You contemplated your answer for a few seconds before replying because honestly, you just wanted to stay in since all this moving wore you out. However, you agreed to it anyways, and when you told her yes, her eyes lit up like lights on a Christmas tree.
The ice cream shop was located next to a tiny run down shopping center 25 minutes off campus. It looked out of place with its brightly lit lights shining through the pristine windows in an area with potholes of all different sizes in the parking lot and closed stores all around. The shuttle bus that dropped your roommate and you off outside of the shop headed back to campus and disappeared into the darkness of the night. Even though the rest of the shops were closed for the night, this ice cream shop was full of lively people laughing and chatting with their friends. School was about to begin for the semester, and people were catching up with others on the details of how they spent their summer, whether it was an internship, work, or traveling. The chatty voices coming from every corner of the room made you want to go back to your dorm for peace and quiet as social situations like these drained your energy, but you couldn’t turn back now because your roommate was so excited for ice cream, and you didn’t want to leave her alone.
Scanning the endless possibilities of ice cream flavors when you got to the front, you saw a little bit of everything – cotton candy, mint chocolate chip, chocolate, birthday cake, rocky road, strawberry cheesecake, chocolate chip cookie dough, and much more. The countless options of different flavors to choose from made it extremely hard to narrow your answer to just one.
“Ma’am, ma’am. What would you like to get?” the worker asked impatiently as a line started to form behind you. You didn’t realize that you were blankly staring at the ice cream in front of you, and you snapped out of your daydream real quick. Embarrassed, you looked around at the people standing behind you and at your roommate already licking her ice cream cone in front of you.
“Oh, I’m so sorry! Uh, I’ll have the strawberry cheesecake ice cream in a waffle cone.” You felt your cheeks blushing instantly from embarrassment. You hadn’t even been out 30 minutes yet, and you were already spacing out.
He handed you your cone with the freshly scooped ice cream, and after paying, you joined your roommate at a table in the back corner.
“So,” you paused for a second to lick the melting ice cream dripping down the side of the cone. The awkward silence was uncomfortable and increased by the minute, so you quickly tried to think of something to chat about. “Are you a freshman, and what’s your major?”
“I’m actually a sophomore, and I am majoring in film production. My brother is an actor, and one day I would like to produce a movie with him as the main actor.”
“Oh, that’s really cool! It seems like fun to study that.” You nodded your head in agreement before adding something else to keep the conversation flowing. “I’m not sure what I want to major in. I was thinking about studying music education because I’m passionate about sharing my love of music to other people.”
“Really? I’ve heard great things about that major since this university has an excellent music program. When I first got here as a freshman, I thought about majoring in audio engineering, but I decided that film was more of my interest.” She sat back in her chair with her arms crossed to try to keep the warmth from leaving her body. “I should have brought a jacket with me even though it’s August. I always get chills after eating ice cream.”
“Yeah, it’s pretty cold in here. I guess they have to keep it like this, so the ice cream won’t melt.”
As you kept the conversation flowing, Kara looked around the room since she noticed that most everyone had already left. Both of your voices seemed to travel across the room more since there weren’t many people in there to drown them out with their commotion.
“Do you think we should leave now? I’m not sure what time they close exactly, but it looks like they will be closing soon,” Kara questioned, interrupting you mid sentence.
“Uh, how will we get back to our dorm? We took the bus here, and I don’t think they run this late. It took the shuttle 25 minutes, so if we did walk back, it’ll take us at least a good hour or more.” You pressed the home button on your phone to view the time, and it read 9:15 p.m. “We should go outside at least, so they can start cleaning up.”
Kara stood up and pushed her chair in, and you followed behind her doing the same. Right before Kara opened the door to leave, you glanced over at the worker behind the counter, and he gave you a shy smile and a small nod goodnight. The font on his nametag was too small to read as you walked by, so you couldn’t catch his name unfortunately. Too bad you couldn’t read it because he was really cute with his purple hair that fell over his eyes. However, his dimples were what attracted you to him the most because you had a weakness for guys with dimples. It made them 100 times cuter, and you strongly believed that it usually brought out the softer side in guys.
It was quite windy for a night in August, but the temperature outside caused you to warm up slowly. The perfectly round moon gleamed brightly against the pitch-black night sky while the stars faintly sparkled in the darkness above. The luster of the street lights provided some light and only a few cars remained in the parking lot.
“What should we do now? I don’t have anyone to call to pick us up, and I don’t have the number to call a cab either,” you stated. You looked down at the time on your phone, and it was getting later as the seconds ticked by. It was a good thing that school wasn’t going to start tomorrow because it looked like you weren’t going to get much sleep tonight.
“Most of my friends aren’t coming back until tomorrow, so we can either walk back or maybe someone will be nice enough to give us a ride,” she replied, as she fidgeted with the hem of her shirt. “I’m so sorry, y/n. I completely forgot that the buses don’t run after 8:30.”
“It’s okay,” you told her, while taking a seat on the sidewalk.
About fifteen minutes later, the worker with purple hair walked out of the shop and locked the door. He looked at you with a confused look on his face before walking away to his car. He wasn’t even halfway to his car yet when he spun around to face you and asked, “If you don’t mind me asking, why are you both still out here?”
“We took the bus here, but I forgot that they don’t run late,” Kara uttered before you even had a chance to say a word. The puzzled look on the guy’s face disappeared, and he appeared to be thinking.
“I know this may seem sketchy because you don’t know me, but would both of you like a ride back to campus? I live on campus, and it seems like the most logical thing to ask. You don’t have to agree; I completely understand if you don’t trust me since we just met,” he said, looking at your roommate and back to you as he patiently waited for an answer.
Your parents told you to never take rides from strangers, but in your opinion, he came across as a true gentleman and someone you could trust. However, you were gullible enough to believe anything people say, so you looked to your roommate to see what she had to say about his offer, and she gave you a short nod.
“Um, we’ll take the ride back with you to campus.” Your voice was unsteady, but there was nothing you could do to halt the nervousness from spreading throughout your whole body.
He nodded in agreement and motioned for you all to follow him to his car. “By the way, I’m Namjoon. Nice to meet you both.”
“Nice to meet you too. I’m y/n, and this is Kara,” you responded, while opening the door to his car.
* * * * *
On the first day of classes, you got lost trying to find the building your Fundamentals of Music Theory class was in. “I should have walked around more beforehand to familiarize myself with the campus,” you thought to yourself as you power walked across campus through the green, freshly mowed grass. Your calf muscles screamed in protest at the sudden strain, but there was no way that you could slow down and be late to class. Eventually making it with one minute to spare, you took the last open seat. The guy sitting in front of you looked very familiar with purple hair that you’ve seen before. Your eyes grew wide when you realized it was Namjoon. Thoughts ranging from “I wonder if he knows I’m sitting behind him” to “do I look good today?” raced in your mind, and you hoped he didn’t turn around at this very moment. If he did, he would see your cheeks blushing, and you probably would die a little inside.
When class ended, Namjoon turned around to get his book bag, and he acknowledged you with a smile. “Hey y/n. It’s nice to see you again.”
“Yeah, it’s nice to see you again too Namjoon, and I’m glad we have a class together. Kara and I are going to get lunch when she gets out of class. Would you like to join us?” you inquired shyly.
“Why not? I would love to, and I have a nice break between my classes.”
“Really? We can sit outside while we wait for her to finish,” you replied almost a little too eagerly. You found a metal bench for both of you to sit on in the cool shade away from the sun. “So, tell me about yourself because I would like to get to know you better.”
He thought diligently prior to speaking, as he carefully pondered about the words he was going to use. “Where should I begin? Let’s see, I am a sophomore majoring in music production, and after I graduate, I want to run my own studio production company. I fell in love with songwriting during my teenage years, and I try to allot time to write in my journal every single day. Now I have an urge to expand and learn how to produce and record. This is the stuff I’m passionate about, and I know that I’ll never want to stop making music. I live and breathe music, and it’s my life.” You saw the enthusiasm shine bright in Namjoon’s eyes as he spoke, and you never wanted him to quit talking about what he loved to do. “Now why don’t you tell me a little about yourself since I’ve talked quite a lot,” he asked. You wanted him to keep rambling on about his life because you could listen to him all day, but he insisted on asking about your life.
“I’m a freshman, and right now my major is undecided, but I think I want to study music education.” Your eyes drifted off of Namjoon to Kara as she walked out of the building she was in. She then saw you both sitting on a bench, so she strolled over with a smile on her face.
“Y/n, my stomach has been growling all throughout class today, so let’s get something for lunch,” she suggested before turning her body towards Namjoon. “Hey, Namjoon. It’s nice to see you again. How are you?” Kara spoke, her voice peppy and full of energy. You loved how delighted she always was because her personality boosted your mood up whenever she was around. It also became apparent that Namjoon had more interest in her than you, as it seemed like he was somewhat intimidated by you considering that he kept his distance even when you were next to him on the bench. Although he acted that way with you, he couldn’t keep his eyes off of Kara, and Kara surely couldn’t keep her eyes off of him.
* * * * *
Arising from the deep slumber from the night before, you felt well rested and energized, ready to begin your day. Rubbing your hands against your half-opened eyes to wake them up, the sun peeked through the thin curtains hanging from the window in your dorm, and the birds chirped happily; however, something felt off. Your gut told you there was something wrong, but you couldn’t put a finger on it. Shrugging it off without letting the thought ponder in your head a second time, you rolled out of bed and got ready for class. Quietly tiptoeing around the room trying to find clean clothes without waking your roommate was a challenge, but somehow you managed to find a pair of shorts and a matching shirt in the dim light. Neglecting to turn off your alarm since you woke up earlier than usual, the loud ringing began echoing off the paper-thin walls and revoked you from the dazed state you were in.
“Shit. Kara’s gonna kill me if I wake her up.” You quickly ran to your night table to turn off the alarm, almost stumbling over a pair of shoes. Fumbling with the buttons on the top, you succeeded in silencing the repetitive noise. Looking over at her still sleeping soundly, you were thankful that she didn’t hear your alarm. “Good, she’s still asleep.”
Grabbing a granola bar on the way out, you headed to your first class of the day. When it was time for lecture to begin, you diligently took notes since the professor could put any material on the exams. Halfway through class, the phone in your lap buzzed faintly against your legs. You looked down at the dimly lit screen and saw your dad’s contact picture light up. Usually when you received a call from your parents, it was from your worried mom instead of your dad, so this shot immediate red flags in your mind. “What could be happening that my dad is calling me? He never texts me, let alone calls me,” you pondered to yourself.
The professor dragged out the lecture for as long as possible, but the only thing you could do was watch the call go to voicemail since you couldn’t be disrespectful and pick up the call right then and there. Hopefully, the call was just a check-in to see how you were adjusting to college life, so you shrugged it off. Once class ended, you hurriedly packed your bookbag and headed for the door. Your thumb shook nervously as you pressed the home button to unlock your phone, and your head flooded with unwanted thoughts. Light rain hit your bare face as you stepped outside, so you quickened your pace back to your dorm. On the walk back, you hit play on the voicemail and put the phone up to your ear to hear what your dad had to say. Before the voicemail could even end, tears immediately formed and gushed down your face. You couldn’t believe it, so you replayed the voicemail to make sure you heard correctly.
“Your mom and I went to the doctor, and we found out that she has stage IV pancreatic cancer. She never showed symptoms, and that’s why the cancer was caught so late. She only has six months to live.”
Six months. 180 days. That is all the time you had left with your mom, and you could not believe what you heard from your dad. It seemed unreal; one day she seemed healthy, the next she had stage IV cancer. You kept pinching yourself over and over because you yearned to wake up from this tragic nightmare. Nothing worked, and you were stuck living in this bad dream. You burst through your door and ran straight to your bed to bury your teary face into your soft pillow. You were too distressed to even shut your door, but you didn’t care who saw you cry. Rummaging through your bag, you blindly felt around for a package of tissues. Pulling a tissue out, you patted your eyes and wiped your nose. Unzipping your jacket pocket, you took out your phone to call your dad back for answers. You heard the phone ring twice before a familiar voice was heard.
“Hey babe,” your dad answered the phone.
“Hey Dad. How’s Mom doing?” you frantically asked, hoping for answers.
“She’s a little shook up by the news today, and I took off work for the rest of the day, so I can be by her side to comfort her.”
“How can she have cancer? She seemed fine when I moved into my dorm, and now this is happening. I don’t understand.”
“I don’t understand it much either, but the doctor explained that pancreatic cancer is usually diagnosed at a late stage because symptoms don’t really show up beforehand in the earlier stages.”
“Are there any treatments she can try? There has to be something we can do.”
“The doctor gave us some options to check out - chemotherapy, palliative pain treatments, and palliative surgery. We’re leaning towards chemo, but we aren’t positive with our decision yet. I know you’re worried about Mom, but please don’t stress over this. Focus on your studies, and enjoy your first semester in college. Everything will be okay; don’t worry. I love you, sweetheart.” Your dad tried his best to reassure you, but there wasn’t much he could say to make you feel better.
“I love you too. Bye, and tell Mom that I love her.” Too tired to hold back tears, you ended the call and closed your eyes to escape the pain.
“Y/n, wake up. You’ve been asleep for almost the whole day now.” Kara said worriedly as she shook your shoulder. You blinked hard twice to wake up your drowsy eyes. Your eyes and cheeks were still puffy from all the crying earlier, and your head felt cloudy, as if you couldn’t think straight. She looked at you with soft eyes for a second until she sat next to you on the bed. You sat up to say something but nothing left your opened mouth, so you stared at the foot of your bed instead.
“It’s okay if you don’t want to talk about whatever is bothering you. I’m here for you always. If you just want someone to hug, I’m also here for that.” You hesitated for a moment before holding out your arms, and Kara leaned in to envelop you in a hug. It was too hard to stay strong through all of this by yourself, and before you knew it, a single tear slid down your face slowly until multiple tears chased after one another. Removing your head off of her shoulder, you looked at the sleeve of her shirt now stained with your tears.
Breaking apart from her welcoming embrace and wiping your eyes with the collar of your shirt, you asked shyly, “Can I tell you the news? I need to get it off my chest because it’s been weighing me down.” Kara nodded her head yes and sat in silence as a signal for you to continue. “Today after class I got a voicemail from my dad, and he said that my mom has stage IV cancer. She doesn’t have much longer to live. I, I…” Before you could even finish your sentence, you were already sobbing as words were muffled into your hands. Kara quickly ran to grab a tissue and then came back to your side to comfort your shaky body. As both of you sat in calming silence on your bed, you appreciated the support from your roommate because there was no way that you could suffer through this nightmare alone.
Lost deep in thought in the beautiful world you created for yourself to escape the heartache of reality, you were immersed in picking at the chipped red polish on your left thumb until Kara interrupted you to bring you back down to earth. “Let’s go pick up dinner and hang out with some friends to get your mind off this. I can text Namjoon to see what he’s up to because it’s been a while since the three of us hung out together.”
“Yeah, I guess so,” you said reluctantly, while hanging your feet off the bed until they reached the ground, and you leaned over to put your shoes back on.
* * * * *
Each day after classes, you called your mom to hear her voice no matter what time it was because you never knew when she would breathe her last breath. This was the toughest part for you, even more challenging than all your schoolwork, because every time you heard her weak “I love you” near the end of your call, it tugged at your heartstrings until you were on the verge of balling your eyes out. Since you were the type of person that craved for being in control over your life, you hated knowing your mother’s death was in the near future, yet no matter what you did, nothing would change the course of her life.
Pulling into the driveway of your parents’ small, cozy home, your dad eagerly waved to you while leaning on the handle of the stationary lawn mower. The unkempt grass of the front yard buried him ankle deep as weeds decorated the yard. The weeks away from home when you were at college, made you appreciate being home more even if your stay was just for the weekend. You missed having homemade meals, sleeping in your soft bed in your own room, having your pets around, and spending quality time with your family. As soon as you parked your car in the garage, you hopped out and ran to give your dad a bear hug, not caring about the sweat dripping from his face. His tight squeeze of welcoming you back home took the breath out of your chest, but you didn’t mind because you missed him dearly.
Quietly opening the door in the garage, you didn’t want to awaken your mom if she was resting on the couch in the living room. Peeking around the corner of the wall, you saw her chest rise and fall with every breath she took as she rested with her eyes closed. With her breathing barely audible, the hum of the television filled the silent room.
“Y/n? Is that you?” your mom questioned with her eyes still shut.
Startled by her question, your body jumped slightly, and your eyes grew wide, but the darkness camouflaged your reaction. You didn’t think she was awake, but she heard the opening and closing of the door. “Yes, Mom. It’s me. Do you need anything?”
“No, I just want you to sit, and talk to me.”
Walking over to the couch where she was lying, you took a seat on the floor next to her and rested your head on her shoulder. “How are you feeling? I hope you feel okay, and I’m sorry that I can’t be here more often.”
“Honey, don’t feel sorry. I love that you come home every weekend to be with me. That means so much to me, and I love you.” Taking a couple of deep breaths, she continued on with your question, “I’m feeling all right. I’m mainly tired by lunchtime, but your dad takes very good care of me. I do feel weaker now than when I did when I first found out, but that is nothing to be worried about, sweetie. You already have a lot to be stressed over with classes, so please do not be concerned about me.”
Choking back tears, you turned your head away from her view, hoping she missed your watery eyes. “It hurts me to see you in pain. I know you don’t voice it, but I can still see it in your eyes.” Your voice cracked as the words left your mouth, and that was when the sobs took over. “Why is this happening? I don’t know what I’m going to do without you. You’re my- ”
“Y/n, y/n. I know you’re upset, but try to stay strong for me. Can you do that for me? Stay strong now, and stay strong later. I told your dad that exact same thing because I caught him crying before bed a few times.”
Thinking of the future, you know you’ll ache for times like these when you enjoyed your mom’s company. You’d miss the connection you felt with her without having to speak a single word for her to understand. You loved your dad to pieces and appreciated everything he did for you and your family, but it was not the same. He wasn’t your best friend.
The months of your semester flew by faster than ever. In the blink of an eye, it was already finals week, and you clearly remembered the first day of classes like it was yesterday. Since you were a freshman, you mainly took general classes this first semester, so finals weren’t anything you were too terrified about. Christmas break was right around the corner, and the excitement of being home for a month grew in your stomach. The only thing that stood in your way of being free for a whole month was four finals and a paper.
* * * * *
“Do you need help unloading the tree?” you asked your dad.
“No, I think I have it if you’ll open the door,” he stated. With the Christmas tree blocking his view, he diligently stared at the ground until he made his way to the living room. After stabilizing the tree carefully into the stand, your dad slowly backed away with his arms spread out to the side, taking preliminary measures in case the tree tipped over. “Y/n, did you get the water?”
“Yes, I have it right here,” you replied, crouching down to pour the water into the metal basin. “Before we decorate, we need to place a tree skirt around the stand to hide it.” Searching through the boxes of Christmas decorations, your dad found the skirt hiding at the bottom of the box.
“The tree looks nice! I think this one is perfect one for us,” your mom paused to take a deep breath in, and then she continued, “And there’s nothing better than the smell of a real Christmas tree.” With her hands on her hips, she took a step back to admire the tree fitting nicely in the corner of the room.
“Y/n picked it out herself. She found a hidden gem towards the back of the farm, while I only found small ones that weren’t that pretty.”
“Yeah, I was about to give up on my search, but then I stumbled across this one at the last minute. It’s funny how once I stopped looking, I found a good tree,” you chuckled. “I’ll be back in a second. I need to get my speaker to play some music.” While walking to your room, you shuffled through your playlists on your phone to find some Christmas music. Once you got back to the living room, you turned on “Joy to the World” for background music and made your way over to the stack of boxes that your parents were already digging through. With help from your dad, you strung the lights around the tree carefully, as to not tangle them up, while your mom sat in a chair next to the boxes and tapped her foot to the beat of the music. When that was finished, you took the ornaments one by one from your mom, carefully hanging them up where they looked best.
“Y/n, remember this ornament? This is your handprint from kindergarten. I still can’t believe you’re all grown and in college now,” your mom said, reminiscing about memories of you at the age of five.
“My hand was so small compared to it now. It’s so weird how much I’ve grown,” you exclaimed when you compared your hand to the handprint.
“Ah, those were the days. I’m proud of the beautiful, young lady you’ve become,” your mom gushed.
“Me too,” your dad chimed in, agreeing with your mom while flashing you a grin.
* * * * *
Sitting cross-legged on the foot of the hard bed in the hospital room with your dad standing next to you, the deafening silence rang loudly into your ears. Blank walls stared back at you, and the cold air from the window crack brushed lightly on your right shoulder. Nothing but sadness permeated the stillness of the air. Your dad nodded his head toward your mom with a solemn look plastered on his face, and when he turned to face you, you saw the identical distressed and suffering signs that you were feeling. He squeezed her hand tightly one last time. This pain intensified by the second, but you promised to stay strong through all of this. Your dad and you both promised. “Thank you for everything. I couldn’t have asked for a better life. I love both of you,” your mom whispered unhurriedly as she closed her eyes one last time. You couldn’t recall the exact time she breathed in her final breath, but you did notice how peaceful her face and body appeared to be. She wasn’t suffering anymore, and she was lastly in a place where she could be pain free. While getting up to leave the hospital room, you caught a glimpse of a small, white butterfly squeezing its way in from the tiny crack in the window and landing on the foot of the bed.
* * * * *
It was tough for you to admit that life was harder without your mom, yet you felt empty and believed that there was no purpose anymore. You dreaded waking up every morning because this meant another day of desolation, and you hated that feeling. You wanted more time to talk to her, to hug her, and to be around her.
Only a month after the funeral, you found yourself staring into the vast dark ocean as you stood on the edge of a cliff. The harsh waves crashed down below onto the black rocks that embellished the shore. The gray clouds blocked the sun from radiating onto the water, and there was a chilly breeze that nipped at your bare skin through the small holes in your sweater. You closed your eyes and took a deep breath in to reflect about everything that had recently happened in your family and knew your decision was final. Nervously, you took a few steps back as your mind began to race, and your body began to shake. Shutting your eyes tight once more, you thought to yourself, “Just jump, and the pain will be gone.” On the count of three, you hesitantly ran, only to stop yourself right before you leaped off the cliff because in the corner of your eye, you noticed a white butterfly flutter by. That butterfly appeared to be the same kind as the one in the hospital room before your mom’s death. Your body trembled in shock as you stared at it and finally realized that everything would be all right in the end. This was a sign from your mom, and you remembered that she wanted you to stay strong for her, so you did just that. Still fatigued from the near death experience, you ambled away from the edge of the cliff to sit down and regain your strength. Wrapping your arms around your knees, you placed your head on your arms and unlocked your phone to check the missed messages and calls.
Kara: Where are you? You weren’t here when I woke up. [8:42 am]
Kara: Are you skipping class? [8:50 am]
Kara: You never skip class. I’m worried. [8:57 am]
Kara: And you always answer your phone fast. This isn’t like you. [8:59 am]
 [ (15) missed calls from Kara ]
Namjoon: Are you okay?? You wanna talk? [9:13 am]
 [ (2) missed calls from Namjoon ]
Dad: I hope you have a good day. I love you babe. [9:47 am]
With the last bit of energy you had left, you took the time to reply to their messages and let them know where you were at the moment. Then you pressed the off button to lock your phone.
The sun peeked out from behind the scattered clouds, and the warm beams hit your face, which made you squint to see out into the distance. Oblivious to the sounds of the footsteps getting louder behind you, you flinched at the repeated tap on your shoulder. Turning around with a shocked look on your face, you saw an angelic man standing two feet away from you, lips curled into a beautiful smile. He wasn’t like anyone you had met before in your life. This time was different, and your gut told you this man was special. His golden skin radiated from his slim body similar to the way the sun beamed down onto the Earth, and his beauty blinded you. His ethereal beauty and allure made you doubt his existence because he couldn’t be real. He was too perfect to be real. To you, he couldn’t be less of an angel. Unconsciously your mouth dropped open slightly, and your eyes grew wide before he brought you back down to earth.
Flashing a big grin back at you, he replied, “Don’t worry about that. You’re good.” Ruffling his hand through his jet-black hair, his bangs fell across his forehead and covered his eyebrows. “I’m Hoseok. What’s your name?”
“Hoseok, Hoseok, Hoseok,” you repeated his name over and over in your head trying to imprint his voice into your brain because the way his words rolled smoothly off his tongue made butterflies flutter in your stomach. Too shy to bring your gaze up to his, you stared at the ground while smiling to yourself. Eventually finding the courage to meet his eyes, you noticed that they were a rich chocolate brown with flecks of gold that glistened even in the dim light. “I’m y/n. It’s nice to meet you.”
He seemed to be thinking carefully before he responded. “Y/n. That’s a lovely name.”
You couldn’t help the grin from spreading across your face as you heard your name glide off his tongue like velvet, and gladly, there wasn’t anything to be timid about because he beamed right back at you in response.
There was no explanation to why Hoseok was here at the same time you were because the spot you chose was usually isolated from the general population as only a handful of people knew about this location. None of the pieces added up, so you were genuinely confused.
“Y/n! Look at all these butterflies flying around us. I’ve never seen so many of these in one place before!” Hoseok twirled around with his arms in the air before bouncing around in attempt to cup one in his hands. You giggled with laughter at how amusing he was acting and how he was already comfortable with you from the start. Prior to joining him in catching butterflies, you lifted your head up to the sky and mouthed a silent “thank you.”
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