#What’s Vlad gonna do? Threaten his friends and family?
starry-songs-canvas · 6 months
Heads up, or whatever
Angsty story prompt today.
Basically, Nasty Burger explosion happened, and Clockwork didn’t step in. Danny, vowing not to become Dan, still is forced to live with Vlad.
Vlad, now lacking an obsession because Danny’s now technically his, and Maddie is dead, turns to the villain world. Making deals with Lex Luther to make kryptonite - AKA, Ectoplasm - weapons.
Danny, as much as he doesn’t like the Justice League for abandoning Amity park, but also feels guilty about Dan, anonymously contacts and tips off the Justice League about the Villains plans. It helps that he’s depressed and maybe just a bit suicidal, but whatever.
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thesoulspulse · 2 years
My Danny Phantom AU's (Vlad Masters)
You’d think as one of my favorite villains I’d have more AU versions of Vlad but it turns out I don’t. He’s in pretty much every fanfic I’ve written in the phandom though so it balances out, and those ARE different versions of him at least timeline-wise.
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Gonna start with an interesting AU that’s technically a crossover between Danny Phantom and the game Bendy and the Ink Machine. So what happened is I was watching a let’s play of that and thought that Bendy’s design reminded me of Vlad’s ghost form and I wanted to try drawing something a bit more abstract and this is the result!
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The next one is my new genderbent version of Vlad, Victoria. And I am thinking of making her part of a twin AU too similar to the Flynn and Jazz one which would make her a whole separate character.
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My Good Vlad AU is such a sweetheart and I love him so much! The idea here is that I wanted to create a version of Vlad that managed to get closure with Jack and Maddie early enough after the accident that he didn’t go down a dark road that twisted his ghost form so this one looks like like how he did immediately after the proto-portal blasted him in the face. He can still be a bit selfish sometimes, but he cares about the Fenton family very deeply. Especially Danny after he discovers his best friend’s son has become half-ghost too so he does what he can to help him, often with mixed results or causing even more trouble by mistake.
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To end things off with a bang, here we have King Vladislav, ruler of the Unseelie Court. This is a Vlad that was never human to begin with but rather an ancient Fae. One day, Danny and his father Jack are traveling through Vlad’s forest on their way home and the Fae King becomes instantly enamored with Danny and tries to lure him away from Jack with sweet words. Frightened, Jack rides harder and faster to escape whatever unseen force is at work but then...in a fit of anger Vladislav accidentally kills Danny after he refuses to go with him.
After that, Jack begs Vlad to bring his son back which he agrees to under the condition that one day Vlad would come back to claim Danny and make him a Fae prince in his court. With no other choice, Jack agrees but then becomes a Fae Hunter along with his wife Maddie to search for a way to break the magical pact so they won’t lose their son. But the Fae do not easily forget or forgive so when Danny comes of age he starts hearing the forest call out to him and when his parents threaten to leave the village forever to protect him and he discovers the existence of the Unseelie King, Danny sets off with his friends to break the pact by braving the dangers of Vladislav’s forest.
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As much as I believe Vlad to be an iredeemable asshole in cannon, I like the idea of a begrudging mentor Vlad. Like, say in an alternate universe everything starts of the same but he's not got some evil plan to kill Jack and marry Maddie. He's bitter and resents them for turning him into this abomonation, resents them for being happy when he can't, he tries to stay connected, but he just can't stand being near them and fears their reaction to his ghost side. (1/3)
(2/3) He takes advantage of his new powers, he steals and cheats his way to power, living life lavishly, but it doesn't make him happy, none of it fills the emptiness in his heart. He spends most of his life miserable up until one day he invites the Fenton's on a whim, perhaps in some desperate attempt to find happiness again, where he meets Danny. It goes similarly how it went in the show, Vlad discovers he is a halfa like him, see's how his parents treat him... ~ ~ ~ i think part 3 got eaten, bro, but i'm gonna work with what i got.
Vlad sees this kid who's like him who's parents still talk about killing ghosts and destroying them in front of him. not knowing that they're threatening Vlad. that they're threatening their own son. he see's these so called scientist haven't learned anything about ghosts in the years that they've been estranged and that they've managed to make the same mistake twice.
and he see Danny, a moody teenager, going through the traumatic process of dying and gaining hard to control powers on top of being a highschooler and social pariah. he sees this kid in desperate need of guidance and sees his parents who are neglectful and unaware of a fact he learned within a day of knowing Danny. and he says, "if you can't handle the responsibility of having a kid, he's mine now." yoink
except, obviously, he's really, really bad at it. being a mentor, winning Danny over, being a good person. all of it.
initially he just straight up offers to help Danny learn his powers and that works, Danny agrees, because Vlad isn't trying to kill danny's parents or attacking him, or stalking them, so Danny has no reason not to accept the help. Vlad seems okay for all his rich guy eccentricities.
but then the lessons actually start and danny realizes. oh. this guy has no idea how to teach. and oh this guy has the moral compass of a rotary fan. and Danny initially goes with it. in canon danny's can be swayed by petty stuff and money up to a point. he can let a lot of shit go and is even willing to do some soft crime if he thinks it's for the right reasons. and Vlad might beat him up when trying to teach him to fight, but that's part of training, right? and he might be changing a little under Vlad's influence but danny doesn't see that as a bad thing, until Sam and tucker basically call him out and he accidentally hurts one of them. something that Vlad had told him to do.
so danny bails. basically confronts Vlad and tells him he's a shitty mentor and that he's gonna peace out. suck eggs, fruit loop.
but Vlad had thought things were going well. he's gotten attached. he doesn't want to go back to being alone and he and danny are the only two of their species in the world. so typical villain/stalker stuff happens between them for a bit. Vlad tries to win danny over with money, with manipulation, with blackmail. and Danny isn't having it. (he has blackmail on Vlad too). Vlad is growing increasingly desperate and looks and acts a mess. this is a vulnerable Vlad. we're not getting well kept always cocky and put together except when danny embarrasses him Vlad. we're getting a pathetic man trying to cling to the only human(ish) connection he has and slowly falling further into depression and insanity.
and Danny pities him. because Danny had that human connection too. in the early days before he decided he got to see vlad's dorky and cool side. Vlad was generous with his money. vlad only swears in food. he lights up when he watches a packers game and is a total fanboy.
and Danny kinda gets how he became like this. how his isolation and loneliness and fear drove him further and further down the road of corruptness and evil. Danny learns what he would become without his friends and if anything Vlad is better than that. it's almost similar to how he is with val. he understands where she's coming from and sees that she's a good person even if her actions have taken a turn in the wrong direction. he feels the same about Vlad. he thinks maybe he can convince Vlad to be better.
so redemption arc/reverse mentor relationship because danny is gonna be trying to teach Vlad how to stop being a fruit loop and start making some friends his own age. the comedy potential of that is amazing. i have the mental image of Danny convincing vlad to go on a date with Harriet Chin and coaching him from behind her even though he has next to no dating experience either. pure shenanigans.
i also see there being several back and forth instances of kidnapping. Vlad locks Danny in his house because he doesn't want to be alone (Danny eventually escapes and gets mad. Vlad learns never to do that again). Danny kidnaps Vlad to be a chaperone at a school event, mostly to get Vlad to lie for him. another time Vlad kidnaps danny to go to a rich person party because he said he had a kid in a pathetic attempt to make a friend (moral of the episode is lying to make friends doesn't work) so he just has Danny pose as his son that whole episode and they're trying to get along and seem happy, meanwhile snipping at each other in whispers. they think no one is buying that they're related but ironically them arguing at the end of the night is one convinces the person they're family. "me and my daughter would fight all the time, especially at events she didn't want to come to." probably muddies the moral but that's common enough in dp.
just gradually develops into a weird redeemed uncle/mentor dynamic. Vlad really isn't teaching Danny much. he still occasionally has his moments to shine with explaining new powers and showing danny how to commit tax fraud or lie to the police. but he's mostly just this weird guy who's first friend in twenty years is a teenager.
- Hestia
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13uswntimagines · 4 years
Pretty, Pretty Princesses (Tobin x Reader)
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Request: R and Tobin adopt a little girl and introduce them to the team. The team is then roped into a giant tea party (Vlatko camo who is also at the tea party and is referred to as “Uncle Vlad) and it’s adorable and fluffy
Authors Note: Special Thanks to @literaryhedgehog​ 
“Y/N, is this a pair of jeans in your bag?” Tobin hissed from the passenger seat. You intentionally did not look at her, knowing your resolve would break if you saw her face. “You are not allowed to change out of your dress when we get there. She wanted a princess tea party, so you are dressing like a princess,” she paused, and in the rearview mirror you saw her eyes glance up to see that Natalie was wide awake and listening, “darn it.”
“Why can’t I just be the knight that protects the pretty princess?” You groaned, throwing your head back against the headrest. Neither your daughter or your wife was sure exactly who you were addressing. 
“Because we promised that we could all be princesses when we met the team,” Tobin said through gritted teeth, tossing the bag with your change of pants into the backseat, causing Natalie to giggle. 
You tapped your fingers on the steering wheel. Shouldn’t you be the knight to protect your daughter if she was feeling shy? Who the fuck ever heard of a Princess protecting someone? You had made that complaint earlier though-- out of Natalie’s hearing of course -- and Tobin had only rolled her eyes and made some comment about how your experience with princesses was outdated. 
“You think that’s funny little monster?” You smiled into the mirror, much to your daughters delight. What you would do to hear those giggles.
“Please keep your eyes on the road. Killing us all still won’t get you out of that pink dress,” Tobin commented as she checked the directions Alex had texted on her phone. Like the words “park across the street, knock on the door instead of ringing the doorbell”, and “it’s the house with balloons on the mailbox” would change if she didn’t look at them. 
“Well it’s too late anyway,” you grumbled, pulling into the spot. You could already hear Ashlyn and Kelley cackling about how your girls had gotten you into a baby pink dress and tiara. (Your very chill wife hadn’t protested as much as you expected her to). You could handle the teasing, you didn’t mind taking it if it made your daughter more comfortable. Your daughter. Even thinking the words made you smile, and check to make sure she was still there. She was still getting used to you and Tobin, but you had been hoping for so long, you just wanted to make sure she enjoyed herself. You loved your team, but you would fight them off with a bat if you had to. Natalie still got uncomfortable with loud noises, and you knew that the team was a lot. 
“Here we go Princess. You wanna walk or do you want me to carry you?” You asked as you unbuckled her from her seat. She tapped her chin in thought. 
“Carry me,” she said, lifting her chin with a dramatic tilt. 
“What’s the magic word?” You asked seriously, kissing her cheek.
“Pleaseee!” She smiled through the word, and you scooped her up, shifting her onto your hip before starting towards the house. 
“Wait, you forgot your crown!” She squealed, pulling on your arm, as though to drag you back towards the car. 
You sighed, turning back and pulling the door open. You bent down and allowed your daughter to grab the too small plastic tiara, before straightening up. She clumsily placed the dreaded trinket onto your head, her tongue poking through her lips in concentration as she straightened it. 
“How do I look half pint?” You squeezed you daughter lightly. 
“Like the 2nd prettiest Princess in all the land,” She said, with a flourish of her hand.
“The second?” You pouted, feigning offense.
“Well mama’s first.” Her voice was very matter of fact. You found it hard to keep a straight face.
“Wanna know a secret?” you asked conspiratorially. She nodded so fast that you were afraid her head was gonna pop off. “Mama’s not a Princess, she’s a queen.” Behind Natalie you saw Tobin wink.
“But you’re her wife.” Natalie said shocked. 
“And your mommy is my queen too,” Tobin smiled, wrapping her arms around your daughter from the other side. “Do you want to be the one to knock?” You could see the women peeking through the windows to get a glimpse of your little girl. If you waited any longer, they were probably going to come kidnap your kid before you got the chance to introduce her to them. 
The squeal that met you the second the door was open was deafening. Natalie hid her face in your shoulder at the sound (you had promised her she could when your teammates were loud, reminding her that though the loud words from your friends were happy ones, you would tell them to buzz off if she got nervous). A quick gesture from Tobin was enough to quiet them though, and they remembered to bring their voices down as they all stood back to welcome you into the house. 
“Short stack, this is the team. Team this is short stack. See it was that simple,” You smirked, patting your daughter’s back. She giggled into your neck, peeking out of your shoulder just enough to wave at the women cooing at her cuteness. 
“Babe, our daughters name isn’t short stack,” 
“It isn’t? Then what’s her name? I seem to have forgotten,” You smirked, furrowing your eyebrows as though you were concentrating really hard. 
“I’m half-pint, member?” Natalie giggled, joining in on your game. Tobin rolled her eyes but couldn’t help but smile at your fun.
“Alright then, half-pint, push-up,” Lindsey said, mouth twitching as she nodded at Natalie then you as she said your nicknames, “Would you care to come to the backyard for a tea party?”
“Is there cake?” Natalie whispered. 
“What kind of a party would it be without cake?” Emily snorted loudly, only to be flicked on the back of her head by her girlfriend. Any other day you knew Lindsey would have wacked her, but you threatened violence if anyone scared your daughter today. 
“Yeah, Uncle Vald also brought ice cream,” Alex laughed, pointing to the man dressed in a dress similar to your own and a Princess crown perched firmly on his head. You bit your lip to hold in your laughter. 
“Not a word of this to anyone. Any of you,” He growled lightly. 
“Sure, sure. Won’t tell a soul. No one outside of this room and my instagram followers will ever know,” Emily said, with a sickly sweet voice. You shook your head and started walking towards the back door.
“I can make each of you do a thousand burpees in training tomorrow,” he said, narrowing his eyes. “Or maybe I’ll room you with Carlie instead of Lindsey for the next camp.” You heard the distinct sound of photos being deleted from several phones behind you. 
So maybe you were in a stupid Princess dress, with your entire team and coaching staff. But your daughter was giggling and excitedly meeting her new family. You would be a pretty pretty Princess any day if it made her as happy and excited as she was today. 
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Character redesign references: Danny, Sam and Tucker .
(Art by the wonderful @gally-hin-phantom / @gally-hin ) click/tap image for higher resolution.
This is way overdue!! Sorry for the delay!
Full name: Daniel A.Jax Fenton
-Yes his middle name is A.jax and it's entirely bc of this post and this post .
-Danny is Trans, (note the cute bracelet!) having officially transitioned over the summer between middle school and his freshman year.
-Danny is still fourteen, and is the youngest, as well as the shortest out of the trio.
-12 ounces of whoop ass, snark and anxiety. Also puns. Dear God, the puns....
-hobbies include: Astronomy, astrology, D.O.O.M and horror movies.
-Astronmy is more of a hyperfixation tbh.
-Proficient in gymnastics, having taken classes from ages 6-12, and participated in jr. cheer-leading throughout some of middle school as a flyer. Actually used to be friends with dash and paulina.
-Favorite classes involve Science and Mathematics, he’s good at understanding difficult concepts when he can pay attention. Absolutely awful at reading comprehension.
-His style hasn't changed all that much; he absolutely lives in graphic tees, jeans and sneakers. He usually wears the hoodie to cover up the litchenburg figure scars he received from the accident.
-The Accident occurred roughly a week or so before the start of his freshman year at Casper High. 
-Much of how Danny got ghost powers remains in line with the established canon, with Sam urging him to investigate the ghost zone portal, and his getting caught and electrocuted within the frame after accidentally turning it on. 
-Sam didn't have to do very much convincing though, Danny's definitely a lot more interested in his parents work that in cannon, even if they can be super embarrassing about it a lot of the time.
-And this is the point where I break off from that canon: but I'm going to make a seperate post for detailing Danny's ghost half / Phantom.
Full name: Samantha Nicole Manson
-Sam isn't an Amity park native, she moves into town over the summer after getting expelled from a fancy private school and finishing the year out online/ at home.
-At 15 years old, She's the oldest out of the three of them- having gotten held back a school year at some point for "behavioral issues"
-Sam's personality is still very much in line with her cannon counter part, although while she may still be stubborn to a fault, she knows when to admit she's wrong.
-Her revised style is really more punk, than goth.
-Sam's family is still pretty well off, as her father is the Owner of "Manson refrigerators" which has had a long-standing partnership with Dairy-King Co.
-She doesn't have a great relationship with either of her parents- they view her as out of control while she feels that they're too controling. Her grandmother is a constant mediator between the three of them.
-she's a vegetarian, she won't eat meat, but ethically sourced eggs and dairy is fair game.
-Pan-romantic Asexual.
-hobbies include: Cooking, Gardening, urban exploration, social activism, Anime, horror films and novels, and D.O.OM.
-She meets Danny over the summer at the movie theater during a horror flick marathon. After talking with him for a while, she's intrigued when Danny explains what it is his parents do. Being equally shocked that she doesn't immediately dismiss their work and call him a freak, he invites her over to see the portal...
Full name: Tucker Foley
-Meet Danny in kindergarten, and the two of them have been pretty much inseparable ever since. He's only older than Danny by about a month.
-Was the first person that Danny came out to.
-Dated Danny VERY briefly (like, a week) in middle school, which, unfortunately leads to a lot of people assuming they're still a "thing" (it's annoying but I has absolutely gotten them out of a few sticky situations *cough* fake out make out *cough*
-Not really a fan of sam at first. Tuck Actually feels somewhat threatened by her in the beginning beacuse for the longest time it's been JUST him and Danny, the dynamic duo. He gets worried that Danny'll stop hanging out with him because Sam is just SO much cooler. (These worries are completely unfounded, of course.)
-Still a tech wiz, same as in cannon. Even though I've decided I'm going to set the rewrite in the early 2000's, there's gonna be more "modern" technology. (bc I love the fact that Jack, Vlad and Maddie were in college in the 80's and also don't feel like doing math to adjust the timeline) Tucker probably still has at least one PDA somewhere cause hey, vintage shits kinda cool! But it's definitely not gonna be his go to device anymore.
-Tucker has an issue with iron deficiency...hence, an increase of red meat in his diet. The "meat vs veggies" debate is absolutely a heated issue between him and sam, although after a while it settles into friendly banter rather than lengthy arguments that have Danny pulling out his hair at the lunch table.
-Tucker hates the horror genre, cause he's a freaking wuss, lmao. But he lets Sam and Danny drag him out to see movies anyway.
-Tucker's hobbies include tinkering, computer games, (including but not limited to D.O.O.M) coding and yarn crafts.
-His grandmother taught him to crochet when he would visit her in the hospital, Tucker Actually made his beanie himself.
-Danny's the only one who knows about that though because he doesn't want to be teased for liking something "girly"
-He still has a phobia of hospitals. Watching has grandma slowly deteriorating in one is what caused it.
I think I've covered everything, but odds are I'll be adding onto this at some point.
Next post will probably cover Danny's ghost half in depth!
(on a final side note, if anyone is interested in drawing character refs for this project, dm me! I can compensate with a fic based on prompt of your choice, or if you have set commission rates, $$$)
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Kookie - JJ maybank x reader
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Request by @charlieandindy : JJ 5&15 from fluffy prompt list
5: “Can we stay like this forever?”
15: “I just wanted to let you know that I think you’re beautiful.”
a\n: I changed up the wording of the prompts a little to fit better into the idea I had but oh well.
trigger warnings: underage drinking, cursing
Word count: 2957
1:00 PM
I was sitting on the beach with my so-called friends. I don't think that JJ and John B are my biggest fans, but they didn't have a choice. I was Sarah's friend, and from time to time she would bring me along and John forced JJ to come with. you may be asking, why would you hand out together if you don't like each other? Well, that's because Sarah told her dad she's hanging out with me at the beach, and they thought it be better to get someone to keep me company. They could've gotten Kie to do it, since me and her get along decently, but she wasn't included in the very short list of people that know about the star-crossed lover.
That's where JJ came in. JJ and I got along like oil and water. We teased each other constantly, ever since we became aware of each other's existence   – he would call me a cocky Kook thinking he's the next big comedian for that less-then-mediocre pun, and I would call him a dumb Pogue. I mean, I guess he's good-looking, bud why the fuck would Sarah try to set me up with a pretty much convicted criminal? John and Sarah went down to the water, but Instead of interacting with JJ, I drew lines on the sand with a random stick.
"so, what's with your face?" I ask JJ, getting annoyed with the silence. "huh?" he says, snapping back to reality, "oh, that. Nothing, just... fell" he made up an excuse. I could tell it's an excuse. "really? Well, you fall quite a lot. Do they no teach you how to walk in pogue school?" I ask. "ha-ha, very funny, do they teach you comedy is Kook school?" JJ spat back. "no need to get so pressed, Maybank" I reply, smirking at the fact I got on his nerves. "no one calls me Maybank, and I would like that to stay this way" he sighs and placing his hands on the towel to lean back. Suddenly his muscles are very visible, but I look away before he catches me staring. "ya wanna feel 'em?" he asks, but it's clear from his voice he just wants me to know he caught me. Shit. "no, ew, your gross" I reply. He laughs. "oh, is it below you to touch a dirty pogue?" he asks. "no, it's below me to touch you" I reply. "ohhh that hurt, (y\n)" he says, holding his chest like he's in pain. "whatever, Maybank" I sigh. "so, are you coming to the summer fest tonight?" he asks. "yeah, why, would you?" I ask. he nods, "neh, I'm gonna hang out with JB, probably. Drink a little. If you'll be nice I'll stop by and give you the honor of dancing with me". "I don't think they let criminals in" I look at him. His hand is covering his eyes from the sun and he squints, looking at me. "see, now, that was not very nice, Kookie".
That was another nickname he gave me, cookie with a K. "cause, you know, you're a Kook". At first, I tried to put aside our history, but the teasing drove me nuts, and I can't let him win. This game goes way back.
I was reading at my porch. "hey, Kookie" a familiar voice said. "hey" I rolled my eyes at the 13-year-old blond boy. He was hired by my family to mow the grass when he was 11 and they got him ever since. "what are you reading?" he asked. "Matilda" I reply, "it's about a girl who's so smart, and the braincells she doesn’t use do magic". "sounds... logistic" he said back. "do you even know what does the word 'logistic' mean, pogue?" I laugh at him. "yeah, it's when something is logical, so it can also happen in real life" he says. I laugh, "I think you meant realistic" I say and place a bookmark inside the book before I close it and put it aside. "logistic is from the world logistics, which is planning complicated things so that they would work well, realistic is when something can also happen in real life and makes sense that it would be true" I explained to him. he looked at me, confused. "even for a pogue, you are stupid" I said, and grab my book. "well, even for a Kook, you're mean" he replied and went back to do his job.
6:00 PM
"hey Kie" I smile at her. We were friends back when she hung out with Sarah, but then all the things between them went down, and she stayed back. "hi" she smiles politely. Her parents were always happy to see us talking, and mine were thrilled that I have friends other then Sarah, so we had this un-spoken agreement to talk in Kook events. We talked for a little while until she caught a glimpse of her friend, I believe his name is Pope. He's the one who drowned Top's boat. Speaking of the devil, I felt a tap on my shoulder. "(y\n)" he smiled at me, pulling me into a hug. "hi Top, how are you? I ask. "actually, not that great. How about you?" he asks. "I'm great. Why aren't you?" I ask, pretending to care. I may be a Kook, but even I can not stand him and Rafe and how they are constantly beating up JJ and the other Pogues. Maybe that's what happened to his face? He would hate to admit a Kook beat him up that bad and he "lost" the fight. Typical proud man. "it's just.. Sarah. Something feels off, you know?" he says.
10:00 am
"shit, (y\n), knock on the door!" Sarah sighed. Her hands hugged someone who was not Topper, and he was holding her waist. "sorry, if I was aware of the fact you're cheating on your boyfriend I would knock" I say, closing the door behind me and sitting sown on the bed. "now, come on, we have to finish the summer project we're supposed to do together" I say, taking out the books from my beg. "we're kind of in the middle of something…" the guy says. I recognize him as one of the Pogues. Was he the one that aimed a gun to Topper's head? No, he was the one Topper almost drowned.
"actually, John B, I invited her, it's important" Sarah sighs. "oh, and please don't tell Topper. It happened so fast, and I want to break up with Topper, I just.. need the right time, and-" "Sarah, it's cool, I'll keep you're secret. That's what friends are for" I say, "you're lucky I don't like Topper".
"oh, really? Cause she's normal with me" I say. "well, so you know if I've done something? Or like... what, is she seeing someone else?" Topper insists. "Sarah wouldn't cheat, Top" I say, "kinda sad that you believe she will". "cut the crap, (y\n), I know it won't be the first time" he says, a bit upset. "look, I don't know anything, okay?" I reply, and with that I walk away. Lying to Topper made me feel a little shittier then I thought, so I went to find Sarah. I barley got anywhere when everyone started cheering. Ward and Rose walked out of the house. "she looks like lady liberty" I thought to myself, "Barbie addition". Sarah walked out right behind them, and Topper grabbed her hand before I got to her.
They walked over to the porch. I followed them. "hey, where were you yesterday?" Topper asked. "I was out of town" Sarah replies. "out of town?" he repeated her, asking for confirmation. She nods. "where did you go?" he keeps interrogating. "Chapel Heel" She says. "Chapel Heel" he repeats her answer, trying to rock her confidence, "what? with you're family—"no" she cuts him off. "no?" he asks. "a friend". She notices me, and her eyes scream "come save me". "a friend. A friend? What friend?" he asks. "it was me, I believe, we have this history project we're doing together and we needed the state archives" I barged in. "yeah" Sarah agrees, "and actually, we found some really interesting information about the history of Tannyhill, like, the founder was this slave guy, that appeared out of nowhere" she adds. "yeah, Denmark Tanny. He had a son, and according to the records, dude was hot" I say, but Topper seems to have enough. "okay" he says, "I believe you; you don't have to bore me to death". "well, we actually need to talk some more about this, that's the reason I approached you guys in the first place. I'm sorry to steal your girlfriend again" I say and drag Sarah into the house. "well just don't- don't kiss her!" he says. We shoot him a smile to pretend it's funny and close the door behind us.
"thank you, (y\n), I own you big time" Sarah says. "yes, you are. Lying to Topper is not as fun as I expected" I say. "look, I'll break up with him soon. My dad just wanted the night Drama-free" she replies, taking a glass of wine. "well, I sure feel like an actor" I tell her and take a glass myself. She laughs, "yeah, you deserve an Oscar for your performance".
I was dancing with Sarah when JJ approached us. He was behind Sarah, so i noticed him first. "JJ?" I ask. "yup" he replies, and Sarah turns around. "what?" she says, confused to see him. "I got, uh, a note from Vlad" he says, dancing next to her. "I thought you said you'd stop by to dance with me" I say, slightly offended. "(y\n)!" he smiles at me. "Vlad?" Sarah asks. "yup, just read the note" JJ says to her, and then offers me his hand. "fine" I sigh, and take it. He place one hand on my back, above my waist to dips me. "oh, you got moves" I laugh as he pulls me back up. We move around, dancing. "you're not too bad yourself" he says, based on the seconds we got to dance together. Rafe comes closer to us. "I'm wonderin' if you could get me a mai tai, my friend" he says, resting his arms on JJ's shoulder in a threatening matter. "yeah, Pogue, why don't you make it two?" Kelce adds, stepping closer to JJ. "actually, we're in the middle" I say. "yeah, so how about you guys just go wait by the bar?" JJ says, placing his hands around my waist so that we can go back to dancing. "no, we're going to wait for you to be free" Rafe said. "sure, yeah, meanwhile, help yourselves for some hors d'oeuvrs". "guys, JJ's gonna serve us some hors d'oeuvrs" Rafe says to his friends. "well, (y\n), I wish we could stay like this forever, but, uh, I'll be right back" he says, slowly walking away from the dance floor, "here are the hors d'oeuvrs-" I hear him. "we're actually gonna follow you in here, just to make sure…" Rafe says, and then I hear running.
This kid can't stay put of trouble. A few minutes passed, but he didn't come back. Too bad, it was nice. "I wish we could stay like this forever" his words kept repeating in my head. Did he really mean that? I mean, we're always teasing each other, maybe it was in a flirty manner rather than hateful? For him, I mean, cause I don't like him. I don't think I like him. do I like him? shit.
10:00 PM
I stood outside. "look—look man, I can walk myself" I hear a voice that I recognize as JJ's, "I got legs, can you see that brother?" he kept going, and I suspect he's a bit tipsy. "I really appreciate what you did there, let me just walk myself out" JJ won't shut up. "Mr. Dunleavy, I see you got your drink. Good, that's really nice for you, I'm actually gonna down that" he said, and took the drink from Mr. Dunleavy. Man, JJ got some balls to act like that. I can barley make out the words of the other people involved, but JJ's heard loud and clear. "it's okay everybody! Do not panic!" he calls, "leave it to the men and women in uniforms! Let's hear it for them!" he starts clapping. I'm about to join, but since no one else does I give up. I think he's saying something, but I can't hear him. I come closer to the scene and end up next to Kiara. "Rose! You look like lady liberty" he says. "let go of him!" Kiara yells, "you can't just boot him!".
"excuse me ma'am?" the guard pushing JJ out said. "I invited him" she says, but her parents seem to not like it, but she ignores them. "I'm a member of this club" she says. I'm truly jealous of their little group, so loyal to each other, through thick and thin. JJ pushes the guard off him.  "sorry about that" he says. I'm moving closer to him, but I'm not sure what I'm going to say. "(y\n)! he smiles at me, “it's good you're here, I just wanted to let you know that I think you’re beautiful" he says, and I don't know if it's the drink he stole or his genuine words. "hi, mandatory power hour at Rixon's, Kie. Pope, you as well, all right? Rixon's cove, let's roll!" as he talks, I'm still coming closer. "hey, Sarah's coming, you should join, I think you'll make Kie accept her presence" JJ whispers at me. "uh, okay" I say. "cool" he smiles at me, taking my hand. "all right Kie, come on!" JJ calls, "workers of the world unite! Throw off your chains!" and Kie seems confused. "won't you're friends have a problem with that?" I ask, but I get no answer. "woo-hoo!" calls John B. I have no idea when he arrived. "colonal!" JJ says, saluting to John. "captain!" John returns a salute. "mission accomplished, sir!" JJ says. "hey, I figured we should take (y\n), she's slightly more likable then your girlfriend and Kie would be more comfortable" He adds, and John approves. "uh, not at the Mandatory meeting" he says and smile at me, "but get Sarah and come with her". Well, here's my answer.
"come on Kie!" JJ calls at her. She and Pope finally arrive at us, and JJ spins Kie around and- is that jealousy I feel? JJ notices, I guess, because he says "no need to be jealous, Kookie" with his charming smile. How did I never notice before?
I go to get Sarah. "hey, Sarah, guess who's invited to your little meeting?" I whisper. "JJ wanted you there? So sweet of him, you two would make a great couple" she whispers back, and I hit her shoulder. "let's just go" I sigh. "wait, we need to get maps from my dad's office" she says, and I nod. We go inside. "you guard, I grab, got it?" she says. I nod and she enters the office. I lean at the door frame to look out. I see Ward coming.
"Ward!" I smile at him. "what are you doing here?" he asks. "oh, I was looking for-" he rushes by me, pushing me against the door frame. What the fuck? "-Sarah" I mumble. "yup, and she found me. I just wanted a copy of one of the old plat maps" I hear her makes up quickly, "(y\n), wait for me downstairs, okay?" she says, so I leave.
12:00 AM
Sarah and I arrive at the woods. "I'm supposed to meet John at the Hawk's nest, you go find JJ" she says, and so I go. On my way, I find John, and he point at the van. "JJ's waiting for you outside". I nod and follow the light that's coming from the van.
"hey" JJ smiles at me. He's leaning against the van, but he's leaving it and comes toward me. "listen, I wanted you to be here, cause we're onto something big, but the other guys aren't so sure. JB got to drag Sarah into this for intel, but other then being pretty you don't have anything to offer" he explains. "okay" I sigh, slightly blushing at the compliment, "whatever". "hey, I know that it's kind of weird, I just need to ask you something" he breaks the silence that almost started to get awkward. "sure, what is it?" I ask.
"when you tease me, and call me a stupid pogue, is it because you hate me?" he asks. "I don't know" I reply, "you started it, I just went along. Always figured you hate me. Why are you asking?". He takes my hand, and just when I think I can't be more surprised, he says, "I was trying to be flirty". I burst out laughing. "is this some kind of a prank, JJ? Did Sarah asked you to do this? Look, yeah, I told her this one that you're the hottest Pogue, but i-".
Now it's his turn to laugh and slightly blush. "I didn't know that, and no, not a prank, being genuine here. Booze makes me honest and brave for things that are a different kind of dangerous then my normal activities" he says, hand still holding mine. "look, I know we're not on the best terms, bot you can't deny the chemistry, right?" he says, coming closer and placing my hand around his neck. Without thinking I move my second hand and do the same. His hands move to my waist, and in one leap of faith, his lips crush on mine.
tag list: @mary-grace-milne​ @loveylangdon​
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ganymedesclock · 4 years
So... What do you think about revisiting Danny phantom in general? Revisiting the fandom I've noticed a lot of fanfic that have Danny's parents finding out his deal rather violently, or generally having more violence/angst than the original show..
I’m assuming you’re sending me this ask because of my recent burst of Danny Phantom art, so, it’s probably not a surprise to say I’m doing a certain amount of revisiting myself, and certainly not about to shame anyone else for it. It was a very dear cartoon to me in many ways and left some enduring hallmarks on my own writing, and I can absolutely understand people feeling the same way.
That said, as someone who’s been in this fandom for a while, albeit quietly- there certainly is a thread of macabre interest in fandom spaces, one I don’t always know that I agree with, especially when it comes to the Fentons.
My personal verdict on the Fenton parents specifically is I think they are not handled fairly by canon. This is a problem that Danny Phantom as a show shares with Fairly Odd Parents, though I would argue the Turner parents in FOP are quite a bit worse at this.
Roughly, I think how the Fenton parents are canonically depicted suffers from a phenomenon that affects many parts of the show: DP, as a series, has a bit of a sense of confused priorities between comedy and drama, and as a result, what’s 'real’ in-universe and what’s “just supposed to be a joke”. The kind of humor that DP tends to spring for is exaggerated or shocking behavior- it also tends to be a humor that hinges on the idea that other people are generally inconvenient to the main character. So humor-characterization is inconsistent here- Jack is negligent until it’s more inconvenient to depict him as overbearing (see: Girl’s Night Out and other cases he desperately wants to bond with Danny) he’s a recluse only loved by his wife until it’s more inconvenient to depict him as having an active social life (Masters Of All Time and that he and Maddie are going to a themed party so they’re dressed ‘weirdly’ in public)
A big victim of this is Jack’s sense that ghosts aren’t people and his desire to dissect them. Because here is the thing: it’s all talk, in the worst way. It hinges on the idea Jack- someone who knows enough of what he’s doing that along with Maddie and, in the past, Vlad- ripped two different holes in reality hard enough to permanently alter someone’s relation to undeath- has never seen a ghost before the series as he says in Mystery Meat.
The series has a big problem where it hinges on the Fentons’ inventions and expertise but also wants to treat them like idiots constantly. And if you notice how much I’m talking exclusively about Jack- that’s part of the problem. Maddie, in many ways, outside of episodes that throw her a bone, despite constantly being told by people she’s too good for Jack, is really treated as an extension of Jack. Masters Of All Time even suggests that her choosing Jack in the first place was just a path of least resistance between her two college friends, and she’d have married whichever one stuck around. 
The Fentons are not respected as experts, so Jack is given his ignorant line about dissecting a ghost. The Fentons need to remain exaggerated, ridiculous, an inconvenience to Danny- so they threaten his alter ego and point guns at him, but this is funny and not serious and not a reason to be worried about them as parents, because they are not on Danny’s level. Nobody is ever on Danny’s level. There is literally an episode called The Ultimate Enemy. The antagonist is an evil future Danny. The only person who could ever be Danny’s ultimate nemesis is Danny himself. 
And when the series stops milking the Fentons for jokes about how they’re so stupid and how Jack is an idiot and Maddie married that idiot but even she doesn’t respect him even though she loves him and dutifully follows him everywhere and god how can these people care about ghosts they’re so ignorant and out of their league- 
-then it kinda shuffles its feet awkwardly and goes, yeah. the Fentons love each other, and love their kids.
Yeah, Jack has framed photographs of Maddie, Jazz, and Danny on his personal workstation.
Yeah, in Mystery Meat Jack was seriously debating walking away from his lifework because it upset one of his kids. 
Yeah, every time in canon the Fentons find out Danny’s secret they’re immediately all in supporting him.
Yeah, even not knowing it’s Danny, Jack has an amiable conversation with him in Million Dollar Ghost and the ghost containment units designed by the Fentons get some jokes about that they’re a little cramped but they aren’t horrifying prisons of inhumanity- and as soon as Danny Phantom the ghost boy has a good point, Jack lets him go on purpose. 
Yeah, Jack is a competent ghost hunter who can take on Skulker and win as well as beat down the giant lake monster Skulker brought with him in Girls’ Night Out and would do this in a heartbeat, no jokes and no sidetracks, because that monster just chewed on his baby boy and nobody does that to his baby boy.
Yeah, Maternal Instinct is an entire episode of Maddie throwing hands with (or deceiving and manipulating) literally anything she thinks was responsible for getting Danny in this dangerous situation.
...And then the series says “but that’s not funny! Here, have jokes about the Fenton Stockades, that exist and have spikes and Jack wants to put his kids in them for time out, when the spikes apparently don’t hurt given Jack is not injured for being put in there. Here, have a joke about Jack attacking Jazz with a vacuum cleaner because he gets hellbent on the idea she’s possessed for no good reason. Here, have an uncomfortable joke about how badly Jack Fenton wants to vivisect a ghost while it screams. Funny funny funny. Why- why are you flinching?”
It basically creates a comedic situation where the show is constantly winding up like it’s gonna punch you- with the idea that the Fentons are bad parents and this has consequences for Danny and Jazz personally- and then laughs in your face if you flinch. It’ll never actually punch you- but it will sure keep swinging its hand really close to your face and laughing at your reactions.
This is, I’m just gonna say- one of the worst elements of the series, this weird relationship it has with “hahaha are we depicting an abusive family or not? ;)” where its actual point is that Jack Fenton is a person who should be shamed for being overzealous, for caring about this niche field, because nobody cares about ghosts! (unless the entire premise of the show does) Nobody wants to think about ghost science! That’s LAME! (unless Vlad does it)
So I think ultimately this creates a polarizing experience in the fandom. What part of this information do you take?
Do you take, say, my personal approach, which is: 
“Hey, so it’s pretty clear and consistent that the Fentons love their kids and wouldn’t hurt them. The Fentons are nice people. They can be obsessive or headstrong but there’s nuanced and salient ways to examine this in the basic framework that they care, both about their family specifically, and in general- and while I think they can have flaws or conflicts with their kids, and with ambient ghosts in the world, I really don’t think they’re in danger of torturing a sapient entity in their basement and it frustrates and annoys me that canon ‘makes a joke’ of them doing these things because it thinks they’re so incompetent that these things are not really malicious actions, when- whether or not you successfully shoot them, it takes a certain kind of person to point a weapon you know is dangerous at something that looks, and talks, like a fourteen-year-old, especially when you’re a parent who has probably at least once in your life worried about something happening to your kids, and the ghost of a teenager means something happened to someone’s kid, in a general sense.
So my end conclusion on the Fentons is I think they are being depicted in a kind of metatextual bad faith, that they are not cruel or malicious people, and in my personal take or understanding on the series, I’d massively dial down those elements, and if any remain, take them seriously as problems they have in their relationships with other people.”
Or do you take an approach more rooted in,
“If the Fentons are shown to be negligent parents they are negligent parents, I’m going to examine and depict them as that, and I find this very hard to forgive, so it’s going to have real and nasty consequences.”
Both are basically valid. The place where I tend to get a little uncomfortable is twofold:
First, I think sometimes people just really want some fictional tragedy to either create or consume, and to that end, you aren’t going to get much juicy drama out of the Fentons being reasonable people. This isn’t evil or unforgivable, but for me, it’s definitely my least favorite fannish content to create or consume. I’m no fan of angst for angst’s sake, and I feel like there’s enough misery and heartbreak in the world that I’m not interested in wallowing in it unless it’s got something interesting to say.
Second- and this is a point I’m gonna be saltier: A lot of abusive Fenton fics that refuse to forgive them for the poorer-taste jokes the series makes, simultaneously give Vlad a blank check, when he has done targetedly malicious things to Danny. 
Now- do I also have a more sympathetic read on Vlad, and feel like canon also gives him a bad rap? Yeah! But you can’t have it both ways. You can’t say, “I can’t forgive the Fentons for stuff that was tagged onto them because canon thought it was funny, but I’m gonna editorialize Vlad’s depiction to lionize him as the ideal parent figure for Danny to run into the arms of.”
And the main reason I get so worked up in this, is I feel like Jack in particular (when Maddie is characterized as subordinate to Jack, following his cues, etc., and that’s its own demon) is... characterized as kind of a mocking caricature of traits that I personally recognize as an autistic and ADHD person.
Because the reality is? In many practical ways, I am Jack Fenton.
I like a bunch of weird stuff people find unacceptable or gross, like bugs
I’m hyperlexic (that means I talk, a lot)
Scatterbrained, forget words or where I left something or, sometimes, to do something important
Passionate and excitable including and especially in situations where it’s not normal, or expected, to have this much energy
I absolutely can forget birthdays, even for people I love dearly that mean the world to me! It’s horrible! There’s almost nothing I can do about it! My brain refuses to hold onto this information reliably and no amount of caring fixes it.
And being this way, living like this? My worst nightmare has always been that people think I either don’t care or that I’m just too much of a stupid, flippant buffoon to get right.
The thing about Jack is he’s “a person like me” and he’s “a person like me” who was designed to be a joke. We’re clearly expected to view him as untrustworthy, stupid, just like a big dumb dog of a man who barks in the wrong directions, who sometimes, when it counts, fetches a stick like he’s supposed to. Good job, Lassie. You got little Timmy out of the well.
And I am going to say with certainty and confidence that feeling like this is how people see me is the most unbelievably crushing feeling I have ever experienced in my life. That my excitement and passion means I’m unprofessional, stupid, don’t know what I’m talking about. It’s nearly painful for me, as an adult, to watch Danny Phantom because the show can never get off Jack’s case. And the few times it does, he hauls overtime arduously to make a difference, to help, to build something that will protect others, to put his own life on the line to stop hostile ghosts.
And immediately, then he goes back to being stupid stupid dog man. ha ha. why does his wife love him? no wonder his kids don’t ever want to be seen with him. no wonder his best friend is trying to kill him and he doesn’t even know, the big idiot.
(never mind that we see a scenario where he does know. and admits he would’ve forgiven Vlad anyway. but he can’t forgive Vlad hurting Danny.)
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So to rein in this wild tangent: I’m not saying all must love Jack Fenton and despair. I’m not even telling people to hide their angst. If I have a sincere request, it’s this:
If you’re inclined to thinking of Vlad as a cool, troubled, complex person (as I do!) and are haunted by the implications of The Ultimate Enemy specifically for Vlad, that when Danny lost everyone else in his life that Vlad really genuinely tried to help, and was not gloating and happy and victorious to have Danny as his protege, and when that went badly, he was haunted to the end of his days by not having been able to help-
-but immediately turn around and think Jack is just a rotten awful person who’d absolutely hurt his own kid in spite of canon to the contrary (when there’s just as much, if not more, canon of Vlad being willfully hostile)
It might be good to examine why you’re feeling this way, and if this might not come down to the fact that even when canon has people call Vlad a desperately lonely fruit loop, it has a lot more respect for him than it does for Jack, and this isn’t because it’s actually taking a stance against any of the qualities it gave Jack that someone might find disagreeable- it’s because Jack’s just “a big old fat idiot nobody likes, right?”
and that’s... not something comfy to buy into.
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datawyrms · 4 years
Expectations Fulfilled
Dannymay 2020 Day 18 : Horror (As a warning this is way too long? I don’t know how this happened. The answer is way too much setup.)
The last fight with Valerie had not gone well. Danny had hesitated a beat too long, seemingly frozen in indecision and took a nasty blow to the chest for it. That was their friend for you, get too worried about hurting the person trying to kill you and forget to dodge again. At least he’d dropped out of the sky over a wooded area, giving them a chance to pull him out of the fire yet again.
“Danny, you have to change back before she sees you!” Sam hissed at the glowing boy who was clutching his head. “Do you need us to carry you?” her eyes scanned the branches above, it didn’t look like he’d taken any down by slamming into them, but he could always just land badly.
“I will totally put you in this thermos over letting her drag you off to Vlad.” Tucker warned, listening for the tell tale hum of the ghost hunter’s jet board.
“I-I’m okay.” Danny finally responded, starting to get back to his feet. “Don’t soup me. Hate that,” he shook his head still rubbing at it with one hand. “I’m just a bit dizzy”.
“You’re not fooling anyone with that hero act anymore, you hear me?”
“Hurry up!”
The ghost gave a stiff nod, finally clear headed enough to switch back to human form. He stumbled, but the three of them had enough practice by now to get moving quickly. It wasn’t likely Valarie would connect the three of them with Phantom, but with their luck she’d assume a ghost was what had gotten Danny limping along.
“We really need a better plan for when she catches up to you, talking it out isn’t working.”
“What, I love being blamed for beating myself up.”
Sam scowled at her flippant friend. “I know you’re worried about hurting her, but she can probably take a few hits. Just so she’s a little more cautious about going after you so hard.”
“Probably wouldn’t take a fall from that high up very well though.” the half ghost grimaced as he watched the sky.
“Dude, you barely took that fall. Sam has a point.” Tucker handed over the backpack as his friend steadied, keeping close in case Danny was only acting like he was good to go again.
“I’ll think about it.” Which was basically Dannyanto for ‘no’, but there wasn’t much use in trying to convince him.
That is why it was so strange the next day in school. Tucker spotted Valerie running out of class with a flimsy excuse, but Danny hadn’t even made an attempt to leave. It could have been something that wasn’t ghost related, but spotting the large white and green serpent ghost slammed to the ground from the window confirmed it was indeed a ghost thing.
“Hey. Aren’t you gonna go out there?” he leaned over with a hiss, Lancer too distracted by the potential danger to his students to really be picky about talking in class.
“Huh?” Danny stared at him blankly.
“The ghost? That Val’s fighting?” he clarified, wondering if his friend had simply slept through his ghost sense.
Danny looked out the window, looking more bored than alarmed. “Nah. She has it.”
“Dude, are you okay?”
“You guys were the ones saying we needed a plan. So I’ll just let her deal with it,” he shrugged, slouching back in his chair.
That didn’t really seem like a plan he’d normally come up with. Sure, it was sensible, but that’s why it didn’t make any sense. Danny looked normal enough though, maybe he was just tired of getting yelled at by someone he was helping. “If you say so. It is just an animal ghost,”. He dropped the subject, taking several looks back as their teacher ushered them all off to a ‘safer area’. Valerie probably wouldn’t have any trouble alone, but his friend’s complete lack of interest was a little creepy.
Sam’s opener at lunch meant he wasn’t alone in that thought. “Aren’t you maybe a little too carefree about this?”
“No? If she gets beat up then it’s not my problem anymore,” he focused back on his sandwich, ignoring the twin looks of bafflement he was getting for a few minutes. When they continued he muttered “What? I’ll deal with it if it threatens you guys, you’re my friends”.
“Are you sure you’re okay? Your parents don’t have some weird ghost mood changer or something?”
“I’m fine Sam. I finally agree with you guys and now you’re surprised I’m not acting like a superhero, sheesh.” he rolled his eyes, irritation creasing his brow.
“You gotta admit it was pretty sudden. We know how stubborn you are,” Tucker crossed his arms, unable to shake the feeling that something was off.
“You said it enough that it made sense. She hates me and wants to waste me, so why keep bailing her out? See how she likes the ‘evil ghost’ not helping,”
“You’ll help if she gets in serious trouble though, right?” Tucker hesitated before asking.
“If I feel like it.”
Sam and Tucker shared a look, biting back any further questions. Whatever was up with Danny, they probably wouldn’t get out of the half ghost himself. They’d have to invite themselves over tonight and take a look around for anything new and dangerous.
“See? Totally fine.” Danny prompted them to look around, spotting the ghost hunter entering the lunchroom with a scowl.
“Uh Danny, she’s a little hurt. See her arm?”
He raised an eyebrow. “So? I take worse, you’ve taken worse. Why do you care?”
Sam really wanted to ask him why he didn’t care, but the elbow from Tucker had her reconsider. With the weird apathy, it probably wouldn’t be the best idea to get on his bad side.
Yet they couldn’t find any sort of weapon or tool that might have explained why their friend had flipped from being completely unwilling to aggressively defend himself against Valerie to ignoring ghost fights he had no interest in. Any questions or nudges to help were always met with reluctance, as if he resented the very idea of assisting. Sure, he’d go the second a ghost might threaten his family or friends, but otherwise he seemed to have set the rest of the town in a ‘not my problem’ box.
“Maybe he wants to focus on his studies. You know he can’t work for NASA if he keeps pulling his kind of grades.” Jazz was a little put off by his behaviour, but couldn’t deny that the increased amount of sleep and downtime was reversing her brother’s downward trend in school.
“Isn’t it weird though? It’s not like it was our idea for him to use his ghost powers to help people, he did that on his own,” Sam pointed out, frustrated that Jazz would just ignore all of that.
“You know I can totally hear you guys, right?” Danny called from upstairs, and they could swear the room had gotten colder.
“Yup! Eavesdropping is rude little bro”
“So is gossiping behind my back!”
Jazz gave a shrug, covering up a laugh from his irritated retort. “He’s not acting all that different guys, really.”
“Which I’ve been saying on repeat all week.” Danny groused, hands in his pockets as he slouched into the room. “I’m tired of pretending to be something I’m not. So I stopped. Is it really that big of a deal?”
“You weren’t pretending, you were really helping people,” Sam pressed, earning another eye roll.
“Sure. That’s why everyone hates my guts. Or wants to poke around in them.”
“Well it’s up to you dude. Just let us know if anything feels off?”
“I’m fine! Sheesh!”
Phantom had been strange since their last fight. In some ways it had been nice, not needing to constantly chase the pest down only for him to get away yet again. She was pretty sure she’d caught more than the glowing terror had this week, mostly because the ghost barely showed up. Perhaps it had finally decided the weaker ghosts were beneath it, or didn’t get it enough attention. She didn’t miss the ghost, but she could admit she was running more ragged than usual for it.
“Get out of my way.” the ghost had the audacity to bark an order at her after flinging Ember to the ground, making her completely miss her shot.
“You’re the one in my way Phantom.” she growled back, getting some satisfaction as the ghost’s eyes snapped to her hands and the ectogun she held. “You can’t fool me, I know you’re just an evil ghost”
The green eyed ghost glared at her for that “Am I now?” he paused in midair, eyes flicking between Ember who was getting back up for another go, and the red clad ghost hunter in front of him. “Hey Ember!”
“What! I don’t need any of your awful puns, dipstick”
“How ‘bout a truce? First one to get the hunter grounded wins.” he ducked quickly to dodge the shot Valerie fired.
“‘Bout time you learned what fun is, kid. You’re on!” the ghostly musician regained her place in the air, apparently willing to forgive a punch to the ground if it meant ganging up on a ghost hunter.
“Hey Val? I suggest you run.” With that he fired on her, only managing to dodge the blow by having her board stop floating. She always knew the white haired boy was evil, but she never really expected him to team up with another ghost. Still, she was a better ghost hunter than most. She could take them.
She flew low, counting on the extra obstacles to throw off the ghosts aim. The side benefit of not having far to fall was a notable one as well as the larger soundwaves Ember could launch kept clipping the sides of the board, a little too wide to completely dodge. She rocked wildly but was able to keep her feet, using the time in between volleys to launch a few attacks of her own back. Judging by the grunts she’d hit one or the other a few times, but not directly. She urged the board to go faster, eyes scanning for a good place to turn the tables on the ghosts. It wasn’t a great spot, but the two buildings could provide cover once she got behind one. The board shrieked at the hard turn she demanded of it, but managed to get down the alley without clipping the sides.
“Who’s the rat now, huh?” Ember’s taunt was infuriating, but she forced herself to wait. She had to take at least one of them out. The first shot took the ghost by surprise as she rounded the corner, but the second was a little too far down.
“The thing about corners is you can’t really surprise me if I don’t come that way.”
She jerked in surprise, trying to face the ghost who had somehow gotten behind her-though the building of course how had she been so stupid-? Yet she couldn’t dodge the punch that threw her off the board and on to the ground, skidding to where the guitar wielding ghost was waiting.
“Well, that was fun. Should do it again sometime!” she gave the ghost hunter a kick before taking to the air, eyeing Phantom a little warily. “Didn’t think you had it in ya.”
“Surprise. Touch my friends and I’ll kill you again. Got it?” he started cheerfully enough, but the warning was nearly a snarl.
“Chill out dipstick. Weird little humans off limits, got it!”
Valerie tried to rise as flame-head fled, but was forced back down by Phantom’s boot. She managed not to grunt in pain, but she didn’t have too many options to remove the ghost’s foot from her chest at the moment.
“As for you, Valerie,” he ghost was still clearly furious, but seemed a little lost now that he’d actually knocked her down. 
Valerie’s heart raced. Tucker? He was a bit of a dweeb, but she couldn’t let this ghost scum hurt him. She struggled, trying to unbalance the ghost while it was distracted, rolling free and dragging the ghost down with a grunt.
“What now?” Phantom seemed peevish, ignoring the ghost hunter completely after getting back up. As if she was so little threat he could just ignore her.
“I think you might be going a little far dude.” Tucker really shouldn’t be trying to reason with this monster, but it was giving her time to ready her weapon.
“Hey, she wanted evil!”
Tucker looked incredibly uncomfortable, eyes darting between the ghost and his disguised classmate. “How about no more fighting for today, okay?”
“You can’t be defending this monster! It can’t hide what it is!” she aimed her reclaimed weapon.
The ghost’s more relaxed air died the second she finished speaking, temperature plunging as he whirled to face her. It was strange how he seemed more fixed on her hand than the barrel of the gun, but that didn’t really matter all that much with the ghost’s hands and eyes glowing a furious green.
She stuck to her guns, ready to fire and distract the thing so Tucker could run Yet he didn’t run, instead pulling a Fenton thermos quickly out of his backpack, looking more worried about her than anything else.
“Yeah okay, you need a time out. Sorry.” The ghost didn’t even react to the words, though it blinked a few times once it realized the Fenton’s invention was pulling it away from its intended target. Otherwise it didn’t struggle, leaving Tucker to quickly cap the thermos. “Okaaay. I’m just gonna. Go now. Bye!” he sprinted away before she could demand he hand over the thermos so she could dispose of the ghost inside. Didn’t he see how dangerous it was?
Thinking simply hurt. Tucker and Sam were worried sick, babbling on and on about how he was acting weird, that he could have seriously hurt Valarie. As if hurting her mattered. Maybe it did? Urgh. He just wanted them all to stop talking and let him figure it out.
“Danny, this isn’t normal. We just want to help,”
“Why is any of this surprising? I’m always like this.” he insisted, only earning worried frowns again.
“No, you don’t usually decide to attack people for calling you evil. What’s gotten into you?” Sam was looking him in the eye. She did genuinely seem to be concerned, even though it didn’t make any sense.
“Nothing? I’ve been half ghost for a while,” he crossed his arms.
“This isn’t getting us anywhere. We need to ask Frostbite to check him or something.”
“There’s no way we can get to the Farfrozen if we start now, and we can’t trust him to go on his own right now.” Tucker frowned, punching plans into his PDA.
“I’m right here guys.”
Sam dragged her hand across her face. “Danny, you were going to waste Valerie, we get to question your judgement right now.”
“Of course I was. I’ll show her a monster,” her muttered, eyes flaring green in annoyance.
Tucker paled a little, still looking at the PDA. “Yeah that? That’s what we’re worried about.”
“I wouldn’t hurt you guys.”
“Danny, that’s not the problem here!”
The half ghost sighed, slumping on his bed. They still weren’t making sense, and everything was starting to itch horribly. He rubbed at his shoulder, but it only seemed to make the itching sensation worse. Something was in the way of what needed scratching, but he couldn’t quite reach it. Very annoying.
“Can you stop dropping the temperature? It’s like a meat locker in here.”
“I’m not doing anything.” he stared at the stickers on the ceiling, idly wondering if something had happened to the others to make all of them make zero sense. Or to make them forget that he was a half ghost. Of course it was cold. He kept scratching at his shoulder, nails desperately trying to find whatever it was that was making him feel so uncomfortable. Something tight and restrictive that itched furiously.
“We go Friday. There’s no way we can sneak away that long until then.”
“You’re overreacting guys.” That, and a trip to the ghost zone would be pretty boring.
“No, you’re under reacting. Just trust us, okay?”
Sam and Tucker remained weirdly on edge, watching him like he was some sort of bomb that might go off at any moment. Shouldn’t they be used to all this by now? So what if he found it a little fun that people were too scared to keep eye contact with him for very long? They were only unsettled, and the fear always gave a welcome kick of energy. It distracted from the itching.
He wanted to be a little more scary than just simply unsettling, but Sam and Tucker insisted the school was a hands off zone now. Maybe he should have picked different humans to be so attached too, as these ones were being incredibly boring all of a sudden. Didn’t they want to have a bit of fun? Simply being unsettling with his presence was all well and good, but it wasn’t the same as a proper scared-for their-lives affair. They didn’t even approve when he went after Skulker for daring to set foot in his territory! He’d been ‘too careless’ for dragging the ghost near some of the fleeing humans while they fought. Of course he had! What was the point of fighting if he wasn’t going to get some good back from it? He could do what he wanted with his food.
Really, it just made him want to tear his hair out. They were the ones who had changed, but they kept insisting it was the other way around.
Valerie was incredibly weird though. She kept talking to him as if they were friends. It always made the itching worse, trying to pretend he was glad she was at school and not a smear on the sidewalk. Humans were stupid. It wasn’t like he was hiding what he was. Though it was one of the times that she approached him that he finally solved the itching problem, nails finally tearing through the obnoxious, too tight skin.
She’d backed away with a gasp, as if the green stain on his hands should be some sort of surprise. “What happened to you? Don’t worry, I’ll get help!”
She seemed confused when he laughed at her nonsensical question. Flexing his freed claws was fun, but he really did need to get the rest of this restricting mess off. His right hand clawed at his arm, the ectoplasm that oozed from his self inflicted wounds was both freeing and soothing at once. Stop hiding, stop pretending. 
“Nothing happened to me.” He flexed his freed arms,  green black skin more like tar than anything else, giggling when the girl recoiled from the new green eyes that bubbled to the surface to watch her squirm. 
Maybe she was that oblivious. “Someone will help you Danny, just hold on!” she insisted before sprinting down the hall. He’d chase her, but there were so many people simply watching in mute horror that he couldn’t resist trying to get a few screams out of them. No killing, Tucker and Sam wouldn’t like that, but a few scratches wouldn’t hurt all that much. Dash ought to know how kind he’d been in not retaliating sooner, really. The disgusted sounds they made as he clawed at his face was entertaining, someone fainting as he flung the discarded skin away. Some of his hair remained black, but the white went nicer with his pointed teeth, in his opinion. He let out a snarl, relishing in how they fled from some twisted half human ghost. Tucker and Sam were wrong, he absolutely should have done this sooner. Well, he’d let them know that when they showed up. They usually did. It really was a bit of a shame to just let them all run away though. Oh well.
Maybe he should free his feet, but getting through his shoes might be a bit of a pain. It was easier to drag his claws against the lockers and listen for the sounds of running feet and muffled screams. They were so scared they didn’t even need to see him.
“Danny, do you recognize us?”
Oh, there they were! “Hi. I fixed the itching.” he clawed idly at his neck, feeling more flexible with every scratch. It was much easier to keep an eye on them with the arm eyes, freeing his head to glance around the rest of the hallway.
“We noticed. Uh. I think you left half of yourself on the floor.” Tucker looked ill, pointedly ignoring a red and green splatter on the wall next to him.
“Finally. So much scratching. You have no idea how annoying that was.” They didn’t seem happy for him though. More worried. Why? They knew he’d never hurt them. They were his humans, his favourite ones. No one got to hurt them.
“Can you...change back?” Sam asked, approaching cautiously.
“Change back to what?” his brow furrowed, fixing the blue eyes of his face to double check he was seeing correctly. Was she upset? Weird. This was a good thing. 
“Back into yourself. Human, like us? Remember?” Tucker had taken one of his hands, careful of the claws. They were still the same general shape, even if Tucker’s skin was thin and weak and warm.
“I’m not like you though. You were there.” he tilted his head, wondering if they’d forgotten that too somehow.
“You’re still human, Danny,” Sam stepped in as Tucker seemed distracted in wiping the green and black film off of his hands.
“Nope. Something in the middle.” he let out a hum, sure he’d heard something. “Being split like that was wrong. Like playing pretend all the time.” The beast stretched, the cracking of his lower back like gunshots in the abandoned hall. Two more steps. So there was a sneak around!
“This isn’t you, you know that. You don’t want to hurt or scare people.”
“Mmm? That’s what monsters do, isn’t it?” Why did Sam decide to hug him now? He couldn’t get at the rest of his torso like that.
Tucker was very confusing, rubbing at the water from his eyes. “Just let us try to help you fix this, okay? You aren’t a monster.” 
“Sure I am. What else could I be?”
“Who told you that? Why would you listen to them over us?” Sam was brave as usual, shaking him a little instead of backing away.
“I told you that too! Are you sure you guys aren’t the ones forgetting stuff?” he frowned at the two of them, ear twitching. More steps. The sneak was close, and he was pretty sure he knew who it was.
“It doesn’t matter who it was. Can you switch to ghost form?” Tucker sounded calm, but his face was still leaking. Sam had joined him, though she was more biting her lip than dripping like a faucet. 
“I’m both right now. I just said that!” They really weren’t listening very well. “I’m done hiding what I am, it was uncomfortable.” The confused muttering from the sneak was fun to overhear, but it would probably be more fun if Tucker and Sam were in on it. “They don’t know what I mean by that, you might have to explain it for em.”
“Explain what? To who? No one’s here Danny. It’s just us.”
“Us and the sneakkkkk.” he sprang forward, grabbing on to the corner with his claws, twisting his neck to look down at the sneak who backed away with a yelp. “Hiiii Val. You gonna run again?” he snickered when her fear morphed into anger, apparently recognizing him now.
“You sick creep! What did you do to Danny?”
“Valerie! Don’t make him mad!” Sam called out, the two of them sprinting over to join the  sneaky ghost hunter.
“No one listens! I’m Danny. I’ve always been Danny. You just didn’t notice! That’s okay, almost nobody did.” Oh she was very funny when she glared at him like that.
“You’re lying. Danny is nothing like you.”
“Danny is everything like me. Right Tuck? She doesn’t listen to ghosts. You sure I can’t just kill her?” he glanced back at his friends, disappointed to see the no already written on their faces.
“No! That would be bad, don’t do that!” Tucker stammered, unsure where to keep his eyes. He’d have an easier time if he had eyes on his arms like he did now. Maybe his friends could be half ghosts too. Hmm.
“Valarie, I know this doesn’t make any sense, just listen and don’t set him off.”
“Sam, this thing has done something awful to your friend and you’re worried about the ghost’s feelings? What’s wrong with you?” the ghost hunter stood her ground even without her fancy gear, glaring up at the perching mutated mess above her.
“All of that up there is Danny, okay? Something’s wrong, and we’ll explain it once he’s better, but you just need to trust us right now.”
“Mmmhmm. A monster just like you said.” he rocked back and forth a little, blue eyes fixed on Valerie’s clenched fist. “You’re lucky my friends won’t let me kill you Val. Even though I’m not hiding anymore.”
Tucker noticed how Danny’s blue eyes seemed fixed on the girl he was tormenting, elbowing Sam to point it out.
“None of you are making any sense. He’s just possessed or something, why are you acting like this is okay?”
“Annoying.” Danny growled, showing far too many fangs. “This is what you wanted! You say I’m not a hero so I stop.”
Tucker and Sam looked ill. “Valarie, what do you have on your hand?”
“Why does my jewelry matter now?” she didn’t look at them, too busy scowling at the monster on the wall. “I didn’t say anything like that to Danny.”
“Yes you did! You are awful at this. Phantom was Danny and vise versa. Keep up!” the hybrid snorted. “Both are me. Both are very, very tired of you and your orders.”
“It’s important! Where did you get it?” Sam had apparently decided she didn’t have time for Valarie to be confused, trying to grab at her hand and cursing when she saw it. “Nevermind, I don’t care, just smash it!”
“You still aren't’ making sense.” She was reaching for a blaster that wasn’t there, looking between all three now as possible threats.
“Then you say I’m evil. So I comply. Now I stop hiding and still you are complaining! Make up your mind! Or let me kill you, that’d be fun.” Plaster cracked beneath the creature’s claws as it leaned forward, uncomfortably close. The out of place blue eyes flicked from the red ring to her face and back again. “Isn’t this exactly what you wanted Val? Or should I call you master?”
(oh look a sort of continuation)
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darks-ink · 4 years
Absurdism Chapter 11
Danny antagonizes Vlad, Valerie shows everyone why she is Amity’s best ghost hunter, and then promptly as A Regret.
Rating: Teen/K+ (a lil swearing, because teenagers, man) Warnings: - Genre: Family, Hurt/Comfort Additional Tags: Sibling Bonding, Family Bonding, Alternate Universe - Halfa Jazz AU, Jazz makes friends
[AO3] [FFN] [more Absurdism on Tumblr] First Chapter | Previous Chapter | Next Chapter
“Have you seen?” Jazz asked the moment she joined Phantom in their clearing.
“What, the bounty?” He shrugged, far too casual for her comfort. “Yeah, it’s fine.”
“Fine? It’s a million dollar bounty! The world’s best known ghost hunters are all coming to Amity, just to hunt you down! How can you not worry about that?!”
Phantom blew out a breath. “Chill, Jazz. They’re the world’s best known ghost hunters, not the best. They’re a bunch of phonies who couldn’t catch a ghost if it waved at them.”
“But—” Nerves curdled in her stomach. Why was he so dismissive?
“It’s nothing,” Phantom said, more comfortingly, like he’d finally caught onto her concern. “Really, Jazz, it’s fine. I got away from all of them when I was your age, and I could do it again now. Not that I would have to, because the bounty isn’t real.”
She blinked at him. “It’s not?”
“Nah. Or, well, in my universe it wasn’t, so I bet it’s not in this one either. Vlad set it up to lure me—you—us away from the Fenton Portal so he can steal it. And I guess I make a better target than you.” He shrugged.
“He’s probably still trying to get you out of the way,” Jazz pointed out, crossing her arms. “Since you ‘stole’ his mentorship position, and all that.”
Phantom made a face. “Ugh, yeah, probably. Really, though, I’ll be fine.”
Jazz shuffled her feet uncertainly, watching her glow flicker slightly. A reflection of her emotions, she now knew. “Are you sure? I mean, it just takes one slip-up…”
“I’m sure, Jazz.” He smiled at her. “I mean, really, the only reason why I got caught in my own universe was because I felt bad for Dad and let him catch me. And you obviously haven’t hurt his feelings like I did, so…”
She snorted, startled. “Oh my god, you let him catch you? How did you even survive your first year as a half-ghost?”
“Well, some might argue I didn’t.” Phantom winked, his grin growing more wide. “But for real, he found out that the bounty was a trap, and the ghost who put it out was going to target our family. Or, well. Jack’s family. I offered to free him from the trap if he freed me from the Fenton Weasel, and that’s pretty much how it went.” He shrugged at the end of it, like it wasn’t a big deal that their ghost-hating father caught and then released a ghost of their caliber.
“How can you act like that?” she asked, raising an eyebrow. “Seriously, Dad caught you and then let you go?”
“His family comes before ghosts,” Phantom pointed out, humor leaching out of his voice. “Always.”
The mood was clearly broken. Silence fell, strained and uncomfortable.
Jazz cleared her throat uncertainly. “Right, so, uh. What are we working on today?”
Now, Danny usually doesn’t go out looking for fights—not counting his patrols—but he figured he would make an exception this one time. Vlad was still in Amity somewhere, lurking.
Besides, he fought the elder half-ghost in his own universe. If he didn’t come to Vlad, the man would surely seek him out. Better to catch him off-guard and engage on his own terms, right?
Finding the older ghost was easy enough. Even though half-ghosts were harder to detect—thanks, ghost sense—Vlad wasn’t alone; he’d brought the three vulture ghosts along. And those? Those were easy to track down, as long as you were looking for them.
Danny glanced downwards, quickly making sure that they were high enough up that no one could overhear. Assured of this, he flew up to Vlad’s level, even though the other half-ghost hadn’t noticed him yet.
“Hey, Plasmius!” he yelled, drawing even with the four ghosts. “What the fuck are you doing in Amity?”
Vlad whirled around, his red eyes briefly blown wide open—startled. Danny had actually startled him.
The expression was quickly wiped away in favor for Vlad’s usual smooth blankness, of course, but Danny was counting it as a win anyway.
“Phantom, I presume?” Vlad hummed, as the vultures spread out behind him. An attempt at intimidation, or were they getting out of the way for a possible fight?
“Oh please, like you don’t know exactly who I am.” He rolled his eyes at Vlad. “Seriously, man, you’re not welcome here. Haven’t you caused enough trouble yet?”
“Me?” Vlad pressed a dainty hand against his chest, eyes wide and blinking innocently. “Why, Phantom, what are you accusing me off? I haven’t done a thing.”
Danny shot Vlad the flattest, most disbelieving look he could manage. “Uh huh. Sure, old man. Nothing about this bounty is sketchy at all, and it certainly has nothing to do with you. Now, for the last time. Leave this town, or I’ll make you.”
The vultures behind Vlad squawked, a dead giveaway that it was Vlad’s fault. Not that Danny had any doubt about that, but it was always nice to have proof.
He grinned at Vlad, knowing the other half-ghost hated that cocky smirk. “So, now that we’ve established that… Leave, Vlad. I’m not above fighting you.”
“What, all on your own?” Vlad quirked an eyebrow at Danny. “I didn’t know you fought without your dear… sister.” The last word, he said carefully, measured.
Danny snorted. “I’ve fought more without her than with her. But don’t you worry, I’ve got more than enough power to deal with you.”
“Big words for a ghost who hasn’t even met me before,” Vlad scoffed, flaring out his cape in a (weak) attempt at intimidation. His fists flared up with pink ectoplasm. “But if it is a fight you want so dearly, I suppose I give you that much.”
“I would prefer if you just left,” Danny bit back, firing off two quick but low-powered ecto-blasts towards Vlad, “but I’ll settle for kicking your ass.”
Vlad summoned a minimal shield, small and glass-like, reflecting the blasts. “Oh please. Bold words for a little ghost that can barely form an ecto-blast. It’s a miracle that Specter would even consider you a mentor, when you have so little to offer her.”
“You’re just jealous that she didn’t want you,” Danny countered, smirking at Vlad. His core thrummed eagerly, flooding him with energy. It had been far too long since he’d been in a serious ghost fight. “But don’t be jealous, Vladdie, because she wouldn’t have accepted your offer even if I hadn’t been around!”
He underlined the statement with another ecto-blast, bigger and more powerful than the previous two. Vlad swore, ducking underneath it—barely.
Vlad shot back a blast of pink ectoplasm in retaliation. “Don’t call me that!”
The blow petered out against a hastily formed shield, and Danny blinked innocently. “Call you what, Vladdie? Don’t you like it when people use your name?”
Vlad snarled, the ectoplasm whirling together into pink flames. “Who do you think you are, you little pest!”
Danny opened his mouth to snark back, but Vlad lunged at him and he discarded the attempt in favor of protecting himself. He dodged the first swipe, used a shield to block the second, and then blasted Vlad in the side to push him away.
“Why do you even care about Specter?” Vlad asked, once he’d recovered from the unexpected counterattack. “You say she’s your sister, but you can’t be. It must be something else.”
Oh, Vlad. For an expert of all things half-ghost, he could be incredibly oblivious. “Why can’t I be, hm? Is there some sort of limit on half-ghosts, or do you just feel threatened by the possibility that someone could’ve managed without your help and expertise?”
He could see Vlad’s brain grind to a halt at that. The man froze in mid-air, the ectoplasmic flames around his fist dying off.
“You… You can’t be,” Vlad mumbled. His voice was quiet, like he was just thinking out loud. Danny would feel bad about listening in but, hey, Vlad has done far worse. “It makes sense, but— surely I would’ve noticed? He acts like he knows me, and he’s close to Jasmine, but— no. Surely not?”
“You’re rambling, man,” Danny interrupted, leaning his chin on his hand and rattling the fingers against his cheek. “You wanna leave to have your crisis somewhere else, or are we still gonna fight?”
Vlad whirled around to him, his aura flaring brighter. “Would you shut your mouth, Daniel?!”
Immediately, Vlad snapped his mouth shut, but it was too late. His cheeks colored—an inhuman teal—and Danny realized that Vlad hadn’t even meant to say his actual name.
“You know, I usually ask people to call me Phantom or Danny, but I’ll give you a pass for this once.” Danny lounged backwards, his spine clicking as he stretched. “Seriously, though. Are you gonna leave, or what?”
A pink ecto-blast whizzed by him, and Danny raised an eyebrow. “Well, alright then. If that’s how you want to play this.”
The next blast, he intercepted with a shield. It lasted through several more shots from Vlad, before Danny suddenly dropped it, following it with an ecto-blast of his own. It caught Vlad right in the arm, breaking up the steady rhythm of firing.
In the newly made gap, Danny darted closer, angling low and bypassing Vlad entirely. Electricity crackled over his arms, and he discharged it right against Vlad’s unprotected back.
The older half-ghost was blown forward, tumbling heels over head, but he managed to straighten himself quickly. He snarled, baring his fangs, flames licking over his arms.
Danny rolled his eyes, looking as unimpressed as he felt. “You’re not that scary, man.”
He waited until Vlad opened his mouth to snark back. When he did, Danny launched a pointed icicle, swiftly followed by several more.
Vlad swore, throwing his ectoplasmic fire in front of him. Once the flames had faded, Danny could see that Vlad had gotten soaked, but he seemed unharmed.
“You’ve been underplaying your skill,” the other half-ghost commented, his voice strained. “You didn’t need Specter’s help for any of those fights of yours, did you? But why else would he train her…"
“Yo, fruitloop, I’m right here!” Danny shot another ecto-blast, but it was halfhearted, and Vlad easily shielded it. “And I think you know the answer to that last question already, don’t you?”
“It can’t be!” Vlad snapped back, aura flickering wildly. “You’re obviously experienced, and I can’t have missed— missed another for so long!”
Danny scoffed dismissively. “Clearly you can. Seriously, man, it’s been years. You’ve missed your shot by miles, and Jazz will never take you, because she knows she’ll always have her actual family. Give up, Vlad. Or learn to do better, and maybe I’ll let you help.”
Vlad snarled, vicious and animalistic. “I don’t need your pity, boy, nor your advice! I’ll get what I want sooner or later, and you’d be wise to join me before you pick the losing side.”
“I’m already with the winning side, Vlad.” Danny crossed his arms, staring Vlad down impassively. “You’re free to join us if you clean up your game, you know? But nobody wants this, Vlad. The sooner you realize that, the sooner you can find happiness yourself.”
“You don’t know what you’re talking about,” Vlad sneered, eyes narrowed into bright red slits. “You’re, what, sixteen? You have barely an ounce of the life experience I have. But, nevertheless, I am done here.”
Vlad caught the edge of his cape, bowing deeply. “Goodbye, Daniel. You know where to find me if you change your mind.”
And, with that, he swept the cape over himself, disappearing in a swirl of pink smoke.
Danny cast out his ghost sense, confirming that Vlad had actually left. Him, and those vultures too. Uh, whoops. He’d gotten so caught up with Vlad that he forgot about the minions.
Well, they couldn’t have gotten that far. He would just have to keep an eye out during patrol.
Actually… maybe he could take Jazz out with him. That would assure her that the bounty wasn’t dangerous to him, right?
Yeah, that sounded like a good plan.
“Wanna join me on patrol?” Phantom asked, completely out of the blue. Jazz jerked her head towards him, frowned.
He shrugged vaguely. “You’re worried about the ghost hunters, yeah? If you come along on patrol, you can see first-hand that they’re no danger to me. Besides, they won’t go after you—they’re only interested in the bounty.”
“Well…” She made a face. He was right, she supposed, but still… “Are they really only going to chase you, though? That seems…”
“Sketchy? Kinda shitty? Just overall a really awful thing to do? Yeah.” He shrugged, lounging in mid-air. “There’s a reason why they held off on coming here until now. They don’t care about the actual ghost hunting, they care about the money.”
“That… sucks.”
Phantom shrugged again. “It also means that they have very little experience dealing with actual ghosts, so. Not very threatening. Want to join me for patrol?”
“I guess. Are you that worried about ghosts?” She frowned at him. “I mean, won’t the ghost hunter’s presence scare off other ghosts?”
“It’s possible,” Phantom admitted, easily. “But Vlad tends to drag his vulture minions along with him, and he’s not above having those guys cause trouble just to lure us out. So I’m gonna go on patrol and find them, make sure they can’t cause a ruckus later.”
“Isn’t that exactly what he wants, though?” She sighed. “But, yeah, sure, I’ll join you on patrol. Give me a second to finish this bit of homework, and I’ll meet you outside.”
Phantom grinned, wide and bright, and saluted her. Then he was gone.
She rolled her eyes—he was definitely running head-first into a trap—but did as she’d said. Her homework was almost done anyway, and she had plenty of time for the rest later. For now, she had to make sure that Phantom wasn’t doing anything stupid.
And, yeah, in some way he was her older brother. Maybe she was a bit too worried about Phantom. He was, after all, both older and more experienced as a half-ghost. He was way stronger than she was, could beat her easily if they fought.
But he didn’t always make good decisions. And that? That wasn’t a Phantom thing. That was a Danny thing.
Besides, they both knew that Phantom wasn’t happy to be here. No matter how hard he tried to be cheery, to help to the best of his abilities… He missed his home. He wanted dearly to go home. It was clear, so clear.
So, Jazz was glad that he was staying around anyway. That he was helping her with all this, instead of looking for a way home. Sure, he said that there was no point in looking for portals back, but there must be other ways. And even if he didn’t know about them just yet, he could’ve done tons of research in the time he’d been here.
But, no. Instead he’d stuck around in Amity, helping her. Training her, mentoring her, teaching her.
With her homework swiftly finished, Jazz pushed herself away from her desk, out of her chair. She bit her lip, hesitating for just a second… Leaving with Phantom to patrol would be sneaking out, wouldn’t it? But as long as she returned before it was too late her parents wouldn’t miss her, and Danny definitely wouldn’t.
She easily shifted to her ghost form, turning invisible and intangible so she could sneak out unnoticed. From her room it was just a short flight to the rooftop where Phantom was waiting, and she dropped her invisibility almost immediately.
“All done?” Phantom asked, pushing himself to his feet. With a quick flash of light he returned to his usual ghost form—he must’ve shifted back to avoid ghost detectors.
“Yeah. Lead the way, Phantom.”
He nodded, pushing himself off of the rooftop. Jazz followed him, taking a moment to remember the first they’d met. When she could barely fly up to meet Phantom’s height, never mind follow his steady flight.
She still couldn’t match his grace in the air, but, well. Danny had always been aiming for space. It made sense that he was better at flight, at disregarding gravity, than she was.
They found the vulture ghosts faster than the ghost hunters found Phantom, which either said worrying things about the hunters, or great things about them.
Unfortunately they weren’t that much faster, and the cacophony from the human hunters distracted her and Phantom long enough for Vlad’s minions to get away from them.
“Just follow my lead,” Phantom told her, a grin on his face, before he turned a full 180 degrees and flew back over the ghost hunters chasing them—him—them. She scowled, but did as he asked.
The hunters, in four clearly-uncoordinated groups, got tangled up in each other when they tried to give chase. Only a single shot was fired in their direction, and it went so wide that Jazz was almost embarrassed for the hunter who had fired it.
With their tail thus thrown off, the two of them managed to track down one of the vultures.
“Must’ve split up,” Phantom mumbled under his breath. They were hidden from the ghost around the corner of a building, ready to chase it down. “I’ll come from the front and freeze it, you catch it in the Thermos.”
“Gotcha.” She nodded, pressing her feet against the wall so she could push herself off.
Phantom nodded back, and off they went. He shot straight at the vulture, legs immediately melting into his spectral tail, hands glowing blue. He didn’t even fire the ice beam from the distance, like she knew he could, but held off until he was practically touching the vulture before releasing the shot.
It was effective, though, she had to give him that. The ghost was frozen solid, and the Thermos sucked it up easily.
“One down, two to go,” Phantom said, rejoining her. “Let’s keep up the pace, before those suckers catch up again.”
They returned to their sweeping loops over Amity, both turning invisible when they passed the ghost hunters again. Jazz thought they had ghost detectors, but they either didn’t have them, or didn’t use them, because the hunters didn’t even notice them. Suckers.
The two of them used a similar tactic on the second vulture, once they had found him. This time, though, Phantom scared the vulture by flying at him from the front, while she caught it off-guard—and in the Thermos.
“Just one more.” She grinned at Phantom. “Are you sure you didn’t ask me along just to make this go faster?”
He laughed, holding up his hands. “Guilty as charged. But, really, do you still think those guys are a threat to me after this?”
“I guess you’re right,” she allowed. “Come on, let’s go catch that last vulture.”
Just then, both their ghost senses went off.
“Well, I guess that he’s making it easy,” Phantom said, twisting his head to look upwards. “Oh, yeah, there he is.”
Jazz followed his pointing finger, and indeed, there the third vulture ghost was. Way up high, and actively flying around.
“What are we waiting for?” She smirked at Phantom, Thermos already in her hand. “Let’s get him.”
He grinned at the challenge, and before she could move, he launched himself upwards. Jazz laughed, quickly flying after him, even if she couldn’t match his speed.
The vulture squawked when Phantom hit him, apparently forgoing ghostly tactics to just body-slam the vulture at top speed. Jazz worried for a moment about how she was supposed to catch him in a Thermos, but Phantom was already turning around, arms still wrapped around the ghost.
They leveled out with her, stopping abruptly, and Phantom released the ghost. Apparently the maneuver had disoriented the vulture, because he didn’t even try to fly away.
Jazz uncapped the Thermos, held it up, and captured the ghost in its vortex. Satisfied with a job well done, she capped the Thermos again, clicking it back on her belt.
“And that was the last of them,” she said, a satisfied hum to her core.
Phantom dusted his hands, grinning at her. “Yeah. Thanks for the help, it really made things easier for me.”
“Not that you needed the help,” she countered with a shake of her head. “Seriously, those ghost hunters are just sad. I know that people don’t like it when we protect the town, but we have to be better than that, right?”
“The Fentons aren’t that bad either,” Phantom pointed out with a shrug. “And there’s always Val.”
“There sure is,” a familiar voice answered, and Jazz’ eyes snapped upwards. Red, and a lot of it. The whine of some sort of technology, and a blinding flash of light.
Jazz clenched her eyes shut, slowly opening them when the light faded again.
Valerie stood on her hoverboard, a knock-off Thermos in her black-gloved hands. It was nigh impossible to read her expression thanks to her mask, but Jazz thought she was frowning down at the device.
Where was Phantom?
She looked around, but there was no trace of him. It was like he… disappeared.
“Did you just catch my brother?” she bit at Valerie, twisting back to look at her. “I thought you were alright with us!”
Valerie scoffed, shoving her Thermos in a holster on her thigh. “There were more important targets. It’s a thing called prioritizing.”
“What, and we suddenly pushed to the top of your priorities?” Jazz asked, but cold realization seeped in. “Oh, no, of course. It was the bounty, wasn’t it?”
“Oh please.” Valerie huffed, her tone of voice making it sound like she rolled her eyes. “I wouldn’t expect a ghost to understand what that money means to me, to my family.”
“There is no money!” Jazz snapped back, feeling her glow flare out, ectoplasm sparking around her fists. “It’s a trap, Huntress! Just let Phantom go. Don’t do this.”
“Or what?” Valerie bit back. “You’ll attack me? Not good for your status as protector, is it?”
“I’m serious! It’s a trap, alright, and you won’t get the money.” Jazz darted around to block Valerie’s path. “The bounty isn’t real, some ghost put it out because he wants Phantom out of the way, I swear!”
Valerie scoffed, pushing Jazz out of her way. “Yeah, I don’t believe you. Leave, Specter, or I’ll shoot you.”
“Fine.” Jazz moved aside, crossing her arms. “Go, then, prove me right. But don’t blame me if this comes back to bite you in the ass, Huntress.”
“Oh, don’t be dramatic,” Valerie murmured, shaking her head. Her hoverboard roared to life, and away Valerie went—with Phantom captured in a Thermos.
“Ugh,” Jazz sighed, immediately dropping her stern posture. “I can’t believe— Of course she would be out here too, hunting for the bounty.”
She knew she should go out after them, should free Phantom, but… there wasn’t all that much she could do. Valerie would probably release Phantom sooner or later herself, once she discovered that it really was a trap. And Phantom wouldn’t want her to follow, either. Would want her to keep her house, and the ghost Portal, safe.
So she reluctantly turned around, flying back home.
No ghost hunters bothered her.
Danny had some experience with getting captured with ghost hunting devices, but the Thermos always remained one of his least favorites. The Weasel, at least, allowed him to overhear the outside, to still feel like he existed. The Thermos was… was nothing. From the moment he went in to the moment he was released again, it was like no time had passed.
It wasn’t… uncomfortable, or something. It just… didn’t exist. As long as he was in the Thermos, he was completely and utterly unaware. It was like no time passed at all; he was just suddenly elsewhere, and also it was three hours later.
He tumbled back into awareness—literally—staring right into Valerie’s mask. It was creased heavily around her brows, a clear sign of her frowning at him. And glaring, probably, knowing Valerie.
They were inside a cage of sorts, the bars made out of pink ectoplasm. Ah, yes. Danny remembered this part.
“I hate your sister,” Valerie told him, leaning right into his face. “I want you to know that.”
“Duly noted.” He rolled his shoulder, grimacing at the sound of it crackling. “She warned you about the trap, huh?”
Valerie hissed, low, and Danny raised his hands. “Chill, it’s fine. Specter can be a bit of a know-it-all sometimes. She’s clever, but she’s not great at conveying that knowledge.”
“I don’t care,” Valerie growled, then took an audible breath. When she continued, her voice was calmer. “Look, I just… I know you and Specter aren’t actively causing trouble in the city, so you’re not, like, high on my shitlist or anything. But that bounty went out and… it seemed too good to be true, but I just… wanted it to be real.” She shrugged. “My family and I… we really could’ve used that money.”
“It’s fine, Red. I get it.” Danny caught himself halfway through lifting a comforting hand, freezing in place. Valerie probably wouldn’t be receptive to that sort of thing, not from him. “I know everyone thinks that ghosts don’t remember anything from their lives, but… I know I do. And I… I remember what being poor can do to someone. How much it sucks, and what kind of weird shit people might pull just for some money.”
Valerie cocked her head slightly, her mask crunching together slightly. “Like what?”
“What, is this a cross-examination now?�� He rolled his eyes, huffed for dramatic effect. “I might have sold stuff from my parents’ shed to make some money, hoping that they had hoarded enough stuff that they wouldn’t notice.”
“That’s nowhere near what I just did,” Valerie pointed out, crossing her arms.
“Well, no, but it’s not like I had ghost hunting equipment or potentially dangerous ghosts to chase down.” Danny shrugged, loosely. “Seriously, it’s fine. Not the first time I’ve been caught, and you, at least, had a pretty valid reason to catch me. If I had to get captured for this bounty stuff, I’m glad that it was you and not one of those other hunters.”
She made a face. Or, well. He thought she did. “Are those… seriously the best money could buy? Because, uh, yikes. I had no idea ghost hunting, as a profession, looked like that.”
“Yeah, you made a poor career choice.” He grinned at her. “But, hey, you’ve got plenty of time left to change stuff around. Or to better the name of ghost hunting. Either or, really. Up to you.”
“You sound like a motivational speaker.” Valerie scoffed. “Seriously, I thought you were bad during battles, but this? This is worse.”
“Aw, Red, I didn’t know you cared.” He pressed a hand against his chest, blinking lovingly. It was just… too easy to fall back into his easy banter with Val. He knew he shouldn’t, but, well. Banter was better than fighting, yeah? “But, for real, I get it. Specter and I, we try our best, but we’re not perfect. We can’t catch every ghost the moment they look like they’re up to anything malicious, unfortunately. I’m sorry it happened to you.”
“I don’t think you are,” she said, shaking her head, but Danny recognized that tone. It was her “I’m starting to acknowledge that you’re actually kind of human-like but I refuse to accept it” tone.
And, yes, Valerie had a tone like that. It was rare, but the few times he’d heard it had been memorable enough to stick.
“Well, that’s up to you.” He reached out a hand towards the bars, but they didn’t shock him. Ah, yeah, just like last time. Not phase-proof. “You want me to apologize by phasing you out of this?”
“You can do that?” She jerked her head back towards him. “I thought— It looked like ectoplasmic energy, I figured it would zap you if you tried.”
He wrapped a hand around the bar, tugging it meaningfully. “Doesn’t look like it. Besides, isn’t that why you let me out of the Thermos again? Or did you just want to vent about my sister so badly that even I would do?”
“Oh, shut up,” she grunted. “Just let me out and we’ll ignore this ever happened.”
“Sure thing, Red. The closer you are to the bars, the shorter I’ll have to make you intangible, so…” He gestured vaguely. “I’m assuming you want that time to be as short as possible, anyway.”
She inched closer, keeping her head turning towards him the whole time. “Why do you keep calling me that, anyway?”
“What, Red?” He shrugged. “Specter and I needed a name to refer to you, and, well. You’re a ghost hunter, dressed almost entirely in red. So, the Red Huntress.”
Valerie stopped next to the bars—and him—and stared him down. “I would comment on your naming skills, but I feel like that’s a lost cause, since you’re two ghosts called Specter and Phantom.”
“Believe me, I’ve heard it before.” He offered her a hand. “The worst part is honestly that we didn’t even coordinate that. We didn’t know the other had become a ghost until we ran into each other.”
“So shitty names are a family trait?” Valerie asked as she took his hand. Hers was warm even through her gloves.
Danny paused, thinking of literally every single one of his parents’ inventions. He shrugged. “Kinda, yeah.”
“I… I really don’t know how to feel about that, Phantom.”
He laughed, and used the moment of distraction to turn the both of them intangible. He stepped backwards through the bars, tugging Valerie along with him. Released both the intangibility and her as soon as they were through.
“That’s fair,” he ended up saying with another shrug. “My family was… a lot.”
“At least Specter still is,” Valerie said. Then she froze, seemingly startled by the fact that she’d just said something comforting to a ghost.
“That, she is,” he agreed with a nod. “Speaking of, I should go check in with her. Tell her you didn’t re-kill me or anything. Will you be alright from here on out?”
Valerie scoffed. “I don’t need your help. Yes, Phantom, I’ll be fine. Go worry over your sister.”
“I will. Stay safe, Red.”
He pushed off before she could answer, darting upwards too fast to hear anything she might shout afterwards. After that, however, he lowered his speed for the flight back home. Or, well. Back to FentonWorks. His dad could deal with Vlad fine on his own, and Jazz was around in this universe, too.
Still, even a casual speed brought him to FentonWorks quickly, and he landed on the same rooftop that he’d started the patrol on. He only had to wait for a few moments before Jazz appeared next to him.
Danny opened his mouth to greet her, but suddenly a body was pressed against him, chilly arms wrapping around him.
“Hey, Jazz,” he said, voice soft, as he wrapped his own arms around her. “It’s fine, I’m alright.”
“I was worried,” she admitted quietly. “I… I knew you’d be okay, but I couldn’t stop worrying.”
“I’m sorry.” He ran his hand through her hair, as strange and gravity-defying as his own. “I didn’t realize you’d be so worried, or I would’ve stopped talking to Val sooner. I promise, I’m fine.”
She huffed a breath in his neck, then pulled away a little. “You were talking to Valerie?”
Hook, line, and sinker. “Yeah. Warming her up a little to, well. Ghosts in general, I think, but mostly to us. How’d things go here?”
“They went fine. I didn’t have to do anything.” She pulled away entirely, but still didn’t look quite settled. “Dad beat up Plasmius with some of the inventions, and Mom and Danny just kind of shouted encouragements at him. I didn’t even have to do anything.”
“Good, good. That’s pretty much what happened in my universe too.” He nodded, rolling his spine and grinning at Jazz’ disgusted face. “Well, not the encouraging part, but Dad defeated Vlad on his own. In my universe, the vultures had grabbed Mom and, uh, Jazz, and trapped them in the weapon vault.”
Jazz blinked at him for a moment. “We have a weapons vault?”
“Yeah? It’s got a circular door and a keypad?” He shrugged. “It’s also not phaseproof, so it’s kind of worthless against ghosts. Well, it isn’t phaseproof now. They improved it when too many weapons disappeared but, well. Not much point to it if they kept telling me the password.”
“That’s ridiculous. How did I not know that it existed? You should show me where it is, later, just in case.”
“Sure thing.” He yawned. “Sorry, it’s been a long day. Shouldn’t you head to bed soon?”
She heaved a deep sigh. “Yeah, I… Wait a minute. You talked with Valerie! Danny!” She jumped forward, suddenly, crowding him. “You need to tell me what you two talked about!”
“Woah, chill, Jazz.” He gently pushed her away again. “Now?”
“Yeah, now!” she snapped at him. “You tried to change the topic so I would forget! I need to know what you two talked about so I know how to approach her tomorrow!”
“Alright, alright, I get it.” He shook his head. “Alright, so, it started like this…”
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ecto-american · 5 years
DannyMay 2019 themed story, I’m not late I’m just going my own pace pls be nice to me
Ectoplasm | Broken | Glass | Theory | Community | Eavesdropping | Worldbuilding | Accident | History | Shape shift | Or Read on AO3. |
Day 28: Puppet
The process felt like it would never end. The worst part was the painful lack of results. Two hours of searching through textbooks, and they found little to work with.
Jazz had been faithfully taking notes in neat handwriting on anything possibly worth referencing. She paused only to sip coffee and occasionally ask Ohmer a question. Like her, the lawyer was focused and kept her eyes mostly glued to the pages as she applied sticky notes to relevant places.
Jack couldn't concentrate at all.
He stared at the pages, his mind skipping over words and forgetting the last paragraph. The text was so small, with many words he didn't quite understand. Jack wasn't a lawyer or a brilliant teenager. He was an ecto-biologist. None of this made sense to him. He was useless. Useless to even do a basic thing to help his son. He had retreated to the lawyer's couch to properly stretch out and to give the girls more space to spread out the books.
The office phone began to ring. Ohmer's hand shot out to answer it immediately.
"Hello, this is Elizabeth Ohmer," she greeted. A weak smile came across her face as she forced a small chuckle. "Yeah, I'm still here. Did you get my message?" She sighed and leaned back in her chair, only to immediately sit up again. "Oh? Yes, I will still be here...Please drop on by!" Jack watched the lawyer curiously. "Thank you, see you in a little bit! Mhm! Goodbye!"
She hung up, and she sighed heavily in relief.
"That was one of the other lawyers I called, his name is George Payne, who'd have more knowledge," she explained to the pair.
George Payne...George Payne...that name rang a bell…Jack knew that name...
"That's V-man's lawyer," he suddenly realized. "George Payne, from Payne and Slaughter Firms?" Ohmer nodded, and Jazz went pale.
"You know him?" she asked curiously. Jack half-shrugged.
"Mayor Masters has been a family friend for decades," he explained. "He's had Payne and Slaughter representing his company for a long time, they're the only people he really trusts to represent his businesses anymore. I've never formally met George, but I know he works closely with Vlad." Ohmer seemed surprised, but she nodded.
"George and his partner are both primarily corporate law, but I know they also have a lot of experience with other legal issues," Ohmer replied. "They're a big company these days, they can handle almost any type of legal case you have anymore."
"So is Mr. Payne coming?" Jazz finally spoke up. Ohmer nodded.
"He said that he and his partner, as well as Mr. Masters, would be here very shortly," she replied.
Excitement and relief washed over Jack. Who better would help him than the family friend? A politician, a billionaire, his best friend. Even though he knew Vlad didn't know, Jack already felt at much more ease knowing that Vlad was coming to help, somebody who had more power.
"Vlad's coming too?" Jack questioned. He glanced at Jazz, smiling warmly. Their luck was turning around, but Jazz...she looked even more distressed at this. His smile dropped in confusion.
"That's what Mr. Payne said," Ohmer told them. She stood up, stretching. "In about twenty minutes, so I think I'm gonna take a break. Get something to eat."
"Yeah, sounds good. Jazz? Wanna grab something from the cafeteria?" Jack questioned. He saw Jazz smile weakly.
"Okay," she agreed.
A knock came at the door. Instead of waiting for any reply, a man in a formal gray suit and briefcase opened the door, followed by another man that also had a gray suit and briefcase. Lastly was a familiar face.
"Vlad!" Jack breathlessly called out in relief, standing up. The billionaire paused in shock at seeing him.
"Jack?" Vlad asked curiously. "What are you doing here?"
"I admitted Phantom into the hospital," Jack explained, and he took a step to Vlad, putting a hand on his shoulder. Understandably, Vlad looked skeptical and yet curious as to Jack's claims. Jack didn't blame him. Even to Vlad, he was never subtle about his...previous interests. "Please, can I have a moment? I really need to talk to you about something."
"Not now, Jack." Vlad tried to shrug off Jack's hand, but Jack clutched his friend's upper arms tightly.
"Vlad, please, it's important," he pleaded. Vlad's face scrunched up, and he silently stared at Jack. He gave a deep sigh, and he motioned for Jack to follow him.
They stepped out into the hallway, and Vlad half-closed the door behind him. Jack had no clue where to even begin. How could he explain to his best friend why, without exposing Danny?
"Vlad, it's super important that your lawyers find a way to get Phantom into my custody."
"So what?" Vlad seemed oddly...more bored than any kind of shock at this statement. "So you can dissect him? Absolutely not. I'll let you in on a little secret, Jack." He leaned into him, and he lowered his voice a bit. "Phantom's actually my son." Jack's entire body froze in horror at what he knew immediately was a lie. He stared at Vlad, wide-eyed. "He's a bit rebellious, wanting to go against me, so this is just the perfect opportunity for me to get him home, safe and sound. So no, Jack. I'm not going to entertain the idea of putting my son in your hands like that."
"Vlad, I...I don't think you understand." Where was Jack even supposed to begin?
His friend rolled his eyes at him.
"Jack, you don't understand. This is between a father and his son, and this is also politics," Vlad told him. "Now if you'll excuse me, I need to make sure my boy gets home safe and sound."
Vlad didn't wait for any reply. He left a stunned Jack standing in the hallway, going into the room and shutting the door behind him. Jack could only stare at the door, his mind going a million miles. This was just an elaborate, dedicated ploy. It had to be. Vlad was just doing what he could to protect the hero of his town. This son claim, it was only to trick the lawyer into signing him over. Vladdy didn't know, he was just doing what he thought was best. But why the lie, why? Vlad had the money and power to just take Phantom, wouldn't he? Why lie about Phantom being his son?
Jack hurriedly pulled himself together, opening the door and closing it behind him. Vlad paid no attention to his presence, though the lawyers that accompanied him gave a polite headnod. They stood off to the side. Jack could barely muster one in return as he stood with Jazz. She stood in the corner of the room, holding the book she was reading earlier to her chest as she watched on in worry. A distinct fear that stirred feelings of unease within Jack himself. Vlad was standing in front of Ohmer, who continued to stay seated at her desk as she patiently listened to Vlad.
"So, if you just release Phantom into my care," Vlad seemed to be ending a small speech when Jack finally tuned in, "I will handle all the legal fees."
"I'm so sorry, Mr. Masters, but I can't do that," Ohmer lightly frowned. Vlad seemed unfazed by this, giving an understanding nod.
"I meant after his surgery and recovery, of course," he said, and he gave a dazzling smile. One that Jack was all too familiar with. A political smile. "I want my son to be safe and sound when he returns."
"No, Mr. Masters," she replied, shaking her head. Her fingers fidgeted with a pen in her hand. "Forgive me for saying this, but this confession, this, this uh, revelation of sorts, that Phantom is your son is a bit hard for me to grasp." Vlad made a face.
"Of course he's my son," Vlad insisted. Every time Vlad claimed that, Jack felt lightheaded nausea and confusion. Ohmer raised an eyebrow at him.
"Then...why would you so publicly campaign against him during your election?" she questioned. Vlad paused, observing her for a moment.
"Do you have children, Miss Ohmer?" he asked. The lawyer nodded.
"Yeah, I actually have a daughter about Phantom's age," she replied. Vlad gave a smile.
"Then you probably understand how rebellious teenagers can be," he spoke. "We have a bit of a...complicated relationship, but as you know, you always love your children. Even when they act out in such a manner against you." Ohmer leaned back in her chair. She looked obviously skeptical of his story.
"Once Phantom is out of surgery, can he confirm that you are his father or legal guardian?" she asked. Vlad sighed with obvious fake dramatics before shaking his head.
"You will simply have to take my word for it, Miss Ohmer. I'm afraid he'll deny it. You know teenagers."
Ohmer shook her head, lightly tapping her pen on the desk.
"No, Mr. Masters," she replied. "I cannot just take your word for it, especially considering that even you will admit that he will not confirm your story. And this is on top of your very public campaigns against him. You've shot at him before. And you've revealed in interviews before that you had put that million dollar bounty on him. I don't think a judge would allow for a child to stay within a home under those conditions."
Vlad's face had been dropping with every single word she said. On some level, Jack felt relief. The billionaire glanced at his lawyers with a raised eyebrows. They simply nodded to him.
"I'll sue this hospital," he threatened. Ohmer gave an exhausted sigh. "I'll sue this damn hospital for not allowing me to see my child."
She stood up, digging through a drawer in her desk for a few moments. She took out some legal looking papers, looking towards the lawyers standing off to the side instead of Vlad.
"We can do a DNA test," she suggested, and she offered them the papers. Jack could see a flash of panic run across Vlad's face. Vlad's lawyers took the paper, glancing at each other before nodding in approval. "And if that DNA test comes back as a match, then as the biological father of Danny Phantom, Mr. Masters will be given all the legal rights of parenthood."
"I shouldn't have to take a DNA test! That's my child!" Vlad spoke loudly.
"Then take the DNA test so that we can all be legally in the clear," Ohmer told him.
Vlad's eyes darkened as he stared intently at the lawyer before him. Ohmer flinched, but she stayed standing straight.
"Let me speak in a language more people can understand then," Vlad replied. He glanced to his lawyers. They simply watched him.
He reached into his pocket, pulling out a thick wad of hundred dollar bills. Jack's eyes grew to the size of saucers upon seeing it, and even Vlad's own lawyers looked impressed. That had to be thousands of dollars right there in the palm of the billionaire's hand. A drop in the bucket for him.
Vlad offered it out to Ohmer, but she kept her eyes locked with his.
"I am Danny Phantom's legal guardian, and he will be discharged into my care. If you make this happen, consider this fifty thousand dollars right here completely yours. Under the table, cash free."
The temptation to take it was there. Jack could see it in her eyes, and she said nothing for a moment. Ohmer finally glanced down at the money, the comically huge stack of hundred dollar bills.
Vlad's face dropped in surprise, and the hand around the money clenched in anger.
"What do you mean," he asked. Jack felt goosebumps at how angry and cold his best friend's voice was sounding, and an odd feeling was beginning to fill him. "No?"
For the first time since Phantom was admitted to the hospital, Ohmer looked a bit nervous. But to her credit, she stood her ground and never looked away.
"I stand by my statement," her voice quivered slightly, but she still spoke firmly. "I'm sorry, Mr. Masters."
Vlad said nothing for a moment. He kept locked in a staring contest with the lawyer. Jack could see Jazz nervously fiddling her thumbs as she watched on in worry. He squeezed her shoulders assuringly, shooting her a smile. He kept trying to tell himself that Vlad had Phantom's best interest at heart. But Jazz's glance back to him made his stomach twist, and he knew he was only fooling himself.
"A hundred thousand," Vlad suddenly spoke. Ohmer blinked.
"Excuse me?" she asked.
"I'll have a hundred thousand dollars brought here. Right now," Vlad bargained.
Vlad studied her coldly. Jack's hands squeezed Jazz's shoulders lightly as it hit him. Vlad was scaring him. He had never seen the cheerful billionaire in this kind of light. Why would he even want Phantom that badly?
Ohmer didn't budge.
"Three hundred thousand." Vlad had not wasted a second. Ohmer's lower lip quivered in temptation.
"Five hundred thousand." Jack's heart raced hard as the prices were quickly going higher and higher. He knew Vlad had no price limit for things he truly wanted. "That daughter of yours could go to any college her heart desires. No debt. Enough left over to probably pay off your mortgage, no?"
Jack's grip on Jazz's shoulders tightened, and he only loosened when she let out a small whimper of pain. He murmured an apology as he saw Ohmer staring back at Vlad. Half a million dollars. That was so much money. A comical amount. Vlad would have to deliver that much money on a rolling cart or something.
Vlad shot her a dirty look of annoyance.
"Name a price, then."
Ohmer's eyes narrowed at him, and she glared right back at him.
"Phantom's not for sale."
Vlad huffed angrily. Jazz and Jack stayed silent as they watched the affair unfold. An uncomfortable silence filled the air. Even Vlad's lawyers shifted from foot to foot as Ohmer and Vlad stared each other down.
"Mr. Masters, I am not another political puppet that you can make dance with a bribe. If you are Phantom's father, then you should have nothing to fear by taking a DNA test," she told him. Vlad said nothing for a while, but he finally seemed to break.
Ohmer nodded. She reached for her phone, dialing an extension for the hospital. Somebody on the other end picked up, and Ohmer spoke sweetly into the phone, requesting a DNA test to be performed. Jack could hear her briefly explain the situation. After a brief exchange, Ohmer hung up, looking up to Vlad.
"You can go to the third floor, to Dr. Bird's office. He'll perform the swap for you, and we'll get back to you as soon as possible," Ohmer told him. Vlad continued to stare angrily at her.
He snapped his fingers, and one of the lawyers stepped forward. The lawyer pulled an envelope out of his inner jacket pocket, handing it to Vlad. Vlad handed it to Ohmer.
"Go ahead and give this to my son when he wakes up. Tell him if he knows what's good for him, that he will call me when he gets the chance." His voice was chilling, and Ohmer simply nodded. "Otherwise, tell him to have fun rotting in ghost prison."
Vlad turned on his heel, and he opened the door to the office harshly, slamming the door behind him. The lawyers followed him, opening the door but closing it more gently, both of them bidding a polite farewell to Ohmer and the Fentons.
Soon as the door closed, Ohmer picked up the phone again. Jazz returned to her seat across from Ohmer, opening the book with slightly shaky hands. Jack moved to his old spot as well.
"Hello? Dr. Bird? Yeah, I just called you. Listen, can you somehow do that swab I just told you to do, but twice?...Yeah, don't tell him about the second one...Mhm, I don't trust him either...There's just, something off about his story, ya know?...Thanks, you're the best." Ohmer hung up the phone with a deep exhale. She rubbed her face, and Jack's mind raced.
Why was Vlad so hung up on this? So reluctant to take a test, his lawyers, the everything? And his behavior, he was so...stand offish. Vlad had never talked or treated him like that before. Or, well, he kind of had, but very briefly and only in passing and rarely, but now? What? Why was Phantom so important? Why was his son so important? It's not like it'd help Vlad's campaign or anything. In fact, it'd possibly be worse if the town found out that Vlad was harboring Phantom, or if he accidentally found out that it was Jack's half ghost son.
Oh god. Oh god.
No...no...it couldn't...Vlad couldn't…
Jack felt his legs grow weak, and he made himself sit down in the seat. He made no moves to grab the book had previously been forcing himself to try and read. It made so much sense. The ecto-acne...the proto-portal...the years spent ignoring him...the hesitance to become close again…
Vlad...Vlad was also half ghost, and he had to be terrified of Jack too.
It sounded so crazy, but this entire day had been a crazy one. Why not throw a little more on top of it? His son and his best friend both being half ghost. Insane right? What are the odds? High. Very high when...a lot when you caused it. Danny and the Fenton Portal...it was too similar to Vlad with the pro-portal...
But who on Earth would Vlad be? Jack tried to picture Vlad with inverted colors, like Danny, and his mind drew a blank. Nobody came to mind. No ghost he had ever seen. He was stumped immediately. But it had to be true. It made too much sense. Jack caused his best friend and son to...become the very thing he constantly hunted, dissected, talked about and experimented on.
No wonder he wasn't that close to either, much as he wanted to be and tried. Both must be terrified of him.
"Dad? You okay?" Jazz's voice broke him of his stupor, and he locked eyes with her. Without any words exchanged, he knew that she knew what he was thinking. Her eyes shied away, and Jack's gut twisted. Jazz knew. Ohmer spared only a brief glance to them before she had returned to flipping through the book before her.
"I'm...I think I need to stretch my legs a bit more," he replied, standing up. He still felt weak, but the room felt so hot and stuffy. "Get some air."
"Do you want company?" Jazz questioned. Jack shook his head as he went to the door, grasping the knob tightly. He didn't need her to come along, to confirm his worst fears and to unintentionally assure him that he was, indeed, a horrible friend and father.
"I'll just be a few," he replied. He forced a weak smile, and he left to take a much needed walk. There was just simply too much to think about.
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erasethedarkness · 5 years
Party of the Year (Aizawa x Reader)
Summary: For the end of the year, Present Mic and Midnight threw a Bōnenkai (forget the year) party at one of the coolest, lowkey izakayas in Tokyo for the U.A. staff. You helped them set up and accidentally let it slip that you’ve been crushing on Aizawa. The party gets into full swing, and a drunk Yamada Hizashi tries to be a wingman for you, but isn’t exactly smooth about it. You take a breather outside, only to be joined by the man of your affections, and the night takes a pleasant turn.
Scenario: New Year’s Eve party
Words: 4133
Type: One Shot
Reader: Female, employed at U.A., close with Midnight and Present Mic
This was going to be the one party that all the hero staffers from U.A. got together at. It was the end of the year, and Present Mic was not going to let anyone skip out on their first ever Bōnenkai party. He even got Midnight on board with planning the party, the two of them lowkey threatening anyone who even thought about skipping with being knocked out by Somnambulist and brought along. It was one hell of a year, and all the teachers and staff deserved a night where they could just let go and let loose. The students were with their families for the holidays, and other fantastic heroes were going to take up patrol so that Tokyo remained safe while they partied, that way no one would feel guilty for enjoying themselves. Some teacher-heroes took it all too seriously and seemed incapable of relaxing, but tonight, the Voice Hero and 18+ Only Heroine were going see to it that they did.
It wasn’t easy booking an entire izakaya the night of New Year’s Eve, especially one like Tatemichiya. The covert shrine to golden-age punk rock was his and Aizawa’s favorite place to have a beer to unwind at, and he figured that having the Bōnenkai party there would increase the likeliness of Eraser Head coming, staying, and having a good time. He was, after all, the teacher-hero most guilty of never seeming to relax. Yamada was able to pull some strings, his influence as a pro hero and member of the prestigious U.A. High School persuading the owner that it would be well worth it to rent his establishment out for their exclusive party. Plus, he and Eraser Head were some of the owner’s favorite patrons anyway. It was going to be as much a blast for the mohawk sporting cook, bartender, jack of all trades owner as it was for his guests. He was even going to keep the tavern open later than he usually would for holidays.
You thought this was an excellent idea and were very excited for tonight. It was everyone’s free pass not to worry, and this was something you believed would be incredibly healthy to the often stressed out teachers and heroes employed at U.A. Midnight and Present Mic demanded that everyone leave their hero costumes at home and they didn’t need to tell you twice- you had an outfit you were excited to wear for New Years already picked out. There was no point in dressing up formally if you were going to an izakaya, but that didn’t mean you couldn’t have some fun with your outfit. You and Kayama got together and decided that you’d both wear short, tight skirts with fishnets, knee high boots, and ripped band t-shirts. After all, you were going to Tokyo’s secret punk rock shrine for your night of festivities.
Half an hour before the party was supposed to begin, you joined Yamada and Kayama in getting the izakaya set up. They received permission to put up some decorations, so you helped them with streamers and banners, as well as setting out confetti, table toppers, confetti cannons and poppers, and noisemakers. The three of you made quick progress in decorating the space, so you started getting out some partywear- gold and silver beads, party hats, glasses with the year on them, and colorful feather boas, placing them near the entrance to be grabbed as people came in. Present Mic and Midnight both put on the year declaring glasses, replacing their hero eyewear with the festive ones. Midnight grabbed a boa and playfully caught you in it, pulling you towards her with a flirty smirk.
“So, who’s gonna be your New Year’s kiss, (Y/N)?~”
You laughed at the idea. “New Year’s kiss? Really?”
“Yeah!” Present Mic chipped in. “Y’know! If you don’t kiss someone at midnight, you’ll have a year of loneliness!”
You laughed again and pulled Midnight’s boa up and over your head so you could step out of her hold. “Oh come on, you guys don’t still believe that superstition, do you? Did you kiss anyone last year?”
“Did you?” Kayama spun the question back at you with a teasing tone. “That’s probably why you’ve been single all year.~”
“Oh please, I’ve been single all year because Aizawa’s dense as fuck- oh, shit.” The color left your face as you realized you just dropped the name of your heart’s desire- something you’d successfully kept hidden for the entire year, and year before that. You were definitely too comfortable around these two for a slip up like that to happen.
“AIZAWA?!” Midnight shrieked with girlish giddiness. Present Mic echoed her, but he was much more surprised.
“Nope.” You tried to deny it. “I said all guys are dense.” The blush on your cheeks betrayed you, and soon the two heroes were standing behind you with mischievous expressions, whispering to each other and clearly plotting something.
Fortunately for you, your coworkers arrived, sparing you from having to deal with Yamada and Kayama as they shared knowing glances and smirks.
Just about everyone arrived at once, as if they had all met up and come together. Missing from the fray were Eraser Head- which wasn’t really a surprise- and Principal Nezu. You greeted everyone with a charming smile, as if you hadn’t accidentally let the name of your crush slip at all, encouraging them to get a little festive, and even playfully putting a boa around Vlad King’s neck and a party hat on Thirteen. Beers were handed out for everyone to get started with, as tradition would have it, before people started ordering their own food and drinks. There was no point in making everyone wait until Aizawa and Nezu arrived, so the party began.
Punk music played over the speakers, lively and energetic while teachers and faculty chatted each other up. You sat with Yagi at the bar, drinking that first beer and shootin’ the shit with each other, laughing over memories from the past year. Recovery Girl joined you two, and naturally, you both picked on All Might in good cheer and fun.
You were almost done with your beer when Aizawa finally walked into the establishment, greeted by cheers from Yamada, Kayama, and then everyone else. The two of them fired confetti cannons on either side of him, getting ribbon and sequin all over the increasingly grumpy man. Even though he wasn’t in his hero costume, he still wore his capture weapon around his neck, and it bustled in response to the cheers. Out from the gray fabric popped Principal Nezu, both hands extended with a jovial expression on his furry face. You couldn’t help but laugh with everyone, cheering with them and applauding at their arrival and Nezu’s hard work of getting Aizawa to show up without making Midnight and Present Mic come after him.
“C’mon, Aizawa, you don’t need that tonight,” Yamada brought his hands to the capture weapon around his friend’s neck and removed it. He groaned and allowed the scarf to be pulled off, Nezu hopping off his shoulders and joining your group at the bar. You handed the principal a beer, and suddenly all three of you were picking on Yagi again. But soon the tables turned, and your elders began to poke fun at you.
“Uh-huh, suuuure,” you sarcastically agreed with a laugh, taking two fresh, cold beers and standing up with them. You turned from the bar and looked around until you spotted him with Yamada and Kayama fussing over him. Yamada placed a party hat on the mess of black of hair, and you couldn’t help but laugh at how out of place it looked on the Erasure Hero. Midnight spotted you heading their way and pulled Yamada away from Aizawa, coming up with some excuse to leave with him as you approached the latest guest from behind.
Finally left alone, Aizawa turned around, only to be greeted by you walking to him with a drink in each hand. He had gold and silver beads around his neck that went past the v-neck collar which looked incredibly good on him, drawing your eyes in ways you tried to hide behind a smile that closed your eyes so that you could redirect them to his face once they opened again. In that brief moment, you missed his eyes looking you up and down, taking in the torn and tight band tee, the black skirt that hugged your hips and revealed your thighs, the fishnets that criss crossed over your tempting skin, and the stiletto boots that made your legs look even more amazing than usual. The way your hips swayed side to side with your steps as you approached him wasn’t lost to him either, and you weren’t positive, but you might have picked up on a small smile on his lips.
“Y’know, it’s not a Bōnenkai party if not everyone is drinking, and it sure looks like you could use one,” you suggested with a chuckle, offering him one of the beers. “You’ve got some catching up to do. I’m one of the slowest drinkers, and I’m on my second one now. Cheers?” You lifted your glass and he brought his to clink with yours before you both took a drink.
“You always seem to know what I need,” he sighed after that long, first drink of alcohol. His completely unexpected words brought a blush to your cheeks, and you chuckled almost nervously as you stepped to his side, hoping he wouldn’t pay any attention to your face if you weren’t in front of him. While his head didn’t turn, his eyes followed you until you moved out of his peripheral vision.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about. I just brought you a beer because everyone should be drinking and enjoying themselves- you, included.” You gained a bit of control over your sudden fluster from his last comment and smiled at him before looking out at everyone. Your eyes met briefly before you turned them away with a personal feat of self discipline. Seeing everyone with smiles on their faces grounded you in the moment, bringing a happy smile to your lips that you didn’t even notice. This was the first time you’d seen them all together and so relaxed and happy.
“Mm. You don’t remember the times you had spare eye drops when I ran out?”
That warm, rosy blush began to creep back onto your cheeks. “Those were coincidences. I wear contacts and need them too sometimes.” While it was true that you wore contacts, you didn’t wear them often and always replaced your eye drops after giving them to him, just in case. And he certainly noticed that they were full and unused when you sent them his way.
“Ah, of course. And when you’d stop by my class for student evaluations on days I absolutely needed the rest?”
“Schedules just happened to line up,” you answered, keeping your eyes away from him as your blush only deepened. You made the mistake of glancing at Yamada and Midnight who noticed your blush and winked at you, making you take another drink just so you could block them out. You didn’t notice that Aizawa’s face turned to you in that time. A lull in conversation passed between you two as you did anything but look at him and he waited for your eyes to meet his.
When you finally did look back at him, your brows furrowed in surprise before lifting as you tried to look skeptical.
“Thanks, (Y/N).” It was a simple expression of gratitude, but it carried a strange weight to it that you couldn’t make sense of. While you were great at profiling people and analyzing their behaviors- as was part of your job- you found yourself puzzled in the moment. Maybe it was from drinking, or maybe it was because you were determined not to work at this party, but you didn’t know what to make of it.
“Come on, Aizawa. Finish that drink and let’s get you another.” You smiled at him again and led him further into the izakaya, both of you joining the party.
The night started to pass quickly as drinking games began. The owner of Tatemichiya gathered everyone around the bar and threw down shots and drinks, never letting a person sit with an empty cup for more than a round of whatever game it was. The izakaya erupted with laughter and joy as confessions were made and stupid feats dared. The speakers were later commandeered and hooked up for karaoke at Yamada’s request, and the night only got louder and crazier. Cheeks were flushed from the booze, inhibitions were tossed to the wind, and you were sitting next to Aizawa at the bar, watching and listening to Yagi perform some outlandish American song.
By now, Eraser Head was finally relaxing. The owner knew his favorite drinks and how to chip away at his tolerance so that he would finally start to unwind, keeping the drinks coming. You slowed down a bit, not nearly as seasoned of a drinker as the rest, taking your cocktail at a sipping pace. Present Mic came up behind you two and slung his arms around your shoulders, leaning over so his head came between both of yours. Glancing at him, you saw that his nose, cheeks, and ears were all pink from drinking, and he exaggeratedly sighed between you two.
“Guuuysss… you’re so boooring, just sitting over heerrreee.. Go, like.. make out or something if you’re not gonna get crazy with everyoonnneee,” he whined, resting his head against Aizawa’s. His semi-slurred words stunned you into a silent stupor, a bright blush coming to your cheeks as you decided now was a great time to finish that cocktail you were working on.
“How much have you had to drink, Hizashi?” Aizawa asked, sounding much more amused than you expected him to.
“More than yooou! Hahahaha!” Present Mic cackled his response, finding himself hilarious as he stood back up. “Actually, I think I need another!” he signaled to the owner, walking around the bar to pick up another drink and then back to the karaoke set up. When Aizawa looked back at you to continue your conversation, he saw that you had gotten up and were nearly out of the izakaya, your glass empty.
You stepped outside into the chilly night, leaning your back against the building not far from the door. In the distance, temple bells rang to cast away worldly desires that weighed down on the human spirit. With a deep sigh, you gazed up at the starry sky, the moon bright and stars twinkling. It was lovely and calm and peaceful, even with the streets busy with people and festivities. New Years in Tokyo was a big event, after all. It didn’t take long for you to begin to shiver, your hands coming up to your arms and rubbing them since you weren’t quite ready to head back inside.
“Are you alright?” Aizawa’s familiar voice caught your attention as he stepped out and joined you. He noticed the way your hands rubbed your arms, your outfit sharing too much of your skin for this weather.
“Yeah, I just needed a break,” you admitted with a shaky chuckle, the cold sinking into your skin.
The hero disappeared inside for a moment, and then came back out with his jacket in hand. He stepped over to you and effortlessly wrapped the coat around your shoulders, having you lean toward him in the process. Your cheeks warmed with a blush that could easily have been mistaken as a result from the cool night, and you smiled at him.
“Thanks, Aizawa..”
“It’s no problem.” He leaned against the building with you, watching people pass by with their friends and lovers, laughing and even drunk in some cases. You both relaxed, listening to the karaoke overflow from the izakaya. It sounded like Yamada and Kayama were doing a duet together. Closing your eyes, you relaxed, trying to calm your quickened heart from when Aizawa wrapped you up in his jacket. Deep breaths manifested in little clouds in front of you.
However, the calmness you were trying to achieve began to waver as you felt that odd feeling of being stared at. You opened your eyes, scanning from one side to the other as you tried to find the eyes on you. It wasn’t until you looked beside you that your eyes met the culprit. Blinking a few times, you pushed yourself off the building and tilted your head to the side.
“Is something wrong?”
His eyes held yours for a moment longer before a smile spread onto his lips.
“I’d say it’s the alcohol talking, but I’m nowhere near inebriated enough to blame it,” he began. “I was just thinking you look lovely tonight; it’s been hard to take my eyes off you.”
Your cheeks brightened with a blush that was noticeably from his words, especially with the way your eyes widened. Seeing your reaction made the hero smile as you unknowingly encouraged and emboldened him. He leaned off of the building as well, and reached his hand out to take yours as he stepped around and guided your back to the wall again. You followed his steps until you stumbled, the building closer than you realized, and fell forward into his arms. Aizawa chuckled as he caught you with ease, helping you straighten up while pressing you back to the wall.
“(Y/N)...” You couldn’t help but swoon at the way your name rolled off his tongue, watching the way his mouth moved with it. Was it just you, or were his lips coming closer? His hand came up to your cheek, fingertips along your jaw tilting your head up so that your eyes met. He paused, his face incredibly close to yours, and as he saw your eyes shut, closed the space between you two.
It wasn’t just his lips that pressed against yours- his whole body did. Without even thinking, your arms wrapped around his waist as the first kiss you two shared deepened. Lips parted and tongues embraced, and soon you were pulling him into you, your hands coming up to the back of his head and running through his messy black hair that was surprisingly silky and didn’t tangle on your fingers. You didn’t mean to, but you absolutely moaned into the kiss, having craved him for years and not being disappointed when you finally got a taste. He smiled into the kiss upon hearing you, and caressed your face before letting his hand brush through your hair to the back of your head. You weren’t going anywhere- he had you pinned against the wall exactly how he wanted you, lips locked and eyes closed.
You were both so lost in each other that neither one of you noticed Yamada peek his head out in search of the two missing U.A. staffers. He took out his phone and snapped a picture, the flash going off much to his dismay. Aizawa pulled back quickly and glared in the direction of the flash, his hair standing on edge and eyes glowing red. You gasped when it all happened, seeing Yamada with his phone still up as he was caught in the act of catching you two locking lips and sharing secrets from the tips of your tongues.
“Damn it, Hizashi,” Aizawa sighed, his hair falling back down over his shoulders and framing his face as he stepped back from you. “Delete that.”
The Voice Hero giggled mischievously, quickly disappearing back into the punk rock tavern, taking the risk that his friend wouldn’t leave you to follow him. Without his capture weapon, he wasn’t able to quickly detain the blond before he made it back inside, and he stood somewhere between you and the entryway. You were still a bit stunned- from the kiss, and then from Yamada’s intrusion- but walked up to Aizawa from behind until you were at his side. You two shared a look, first mildly concerned, but then you couldn’t help but start to giggle. His eyebrows lifted in surprise, but then he smiled, your laughter lightening up the mood tenfold.
Aizawa turned to you, his hand coming back to your cheek as the other took you by the waist, and he pulled you into another kiss. You moaned unexpectedly again before kissing him back, pulling away before the kiss got too heated.
“What is it?” he asked, gazing down at you, both hands now resting on your figure.
“I don’t want to come off as … prude, by any means, but I’m not looking for a one night stand or anything.” You weren’t sure how to go about telling him you actually liked him. He seemed unaffected by your words, as if you were stating the obvious and it was common knowledge.
“Then we’ll have to keep seeing each other and doing this,” he finally replied with a small smirk. “I, for one, would like that.”
A rosy blush dusted your cheeks again and you smiled up at him, stepping into him as your hands came up to his chest and you went onto your tiptoes to peck his lips. “I would, too.” You settled back on your heels, smiling up at him. “We should head inside and try to damage control. No doubt, Yamada’s started sharing the picture.”
No sooner than when you said that, Aizawa’s phone vibrated. He took it out and checked it, and you saw his expression go from wide eyed to a full on glare as he gripped the phone.
“What is it?” you asked. Aizawa groaned and turned his phone to show you that the drunken hero had sent the picture in a group chat to everyone present at the party. Your eyes widened at first, but then you giggled. “Well.. I guess the cat’s out of the bag?” You looked up at him, your expression seeking some sort of affirmation from him that you were both on the same page for where things were headed. His displeased eyes met yours, and a smile cracked that frustrated facade of his.
“Guess so.” He bent down and kissed your forehead before guiding you back inside with his hand on the small of your back, his jacket still draped over your shoulders.
When you both returned to the scene inside, you were met with confetti cannons and noise makers. You jumped at first, and then laughed, playfully trying to chase away the streamers and sequins with your hand. The party continued in full swing as the owner lined up a row of tequila shots for everyone, bringing the energy back up to max as karaoke and drinking games continued, sending the night careening closer and closer to midnight.
Before you knew it, the countdown was on all the screens in the izakaya, audio feeding through the speakers. You all crowded together, drinks in one hand and noisemakers in the other- save for Aizawa, whose drinkless hand rested on your side, holding you close to him.
“10! 9! 8! 7! 6! 5! 4! 3! 2! 1!” everyone chanted in unison.
Just as you were about to shout “happy new year” and blow into your noisemaker, Aizawa spun you in toward him and swooped down to kiss you- eagerly, affectionately, and deeply, dipping you in the process- as everyone around you both brought in the new year with delighted cheers. They roared in excitement, half for the new year, and half for the teacher acting out of character and boldly kissing you. He brought you back up, pulling away with a smile on his lips, his own cheeks dusted pink from drinking and taking you so publicly among your peers. You gazed up at him in a daze before smiling at him and pulling him back to you for another, shorter kiss before parting from him with your own blush present. After your kisses, everyone raised their glasses for a final toast and cheer, finished their drinks, helped the owner clean as much as possible while drunk, and then headed home for the night.
You and Aizawa were the last in, and you pulled him into your room with a smile. His lips were on yours as soon as the door shut, and by the time you both snuck out for the first sunrise of the new year, they had kissed you all over, drawing out moans and climaxes over and over. When you returned from Hatsuhinode together, you both collapsed in his bed, and he held you close, spooning you as you fell asleep together, the new year starting better than you would have ever imagined.
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i kinda want a fic where danny, vlad and valerie are forced to go on an adventure together. mostly because the interaction and the power of that dynamic is incredibly good. they’re all capable on their own, they all have agenda’s and complicated relationships. they are all so SARCASTIC!
- this is set after val realizes vlad is evil and a halfa. she doesn’t know danny is phantom yet. (she might find out by the end of the adventure). she hates him. - vlad is still under the impression that he has valerie on his side. is making jibes at danny and his secret identity constantly. - danny is so pissed that vlad is tagging along. he’s trying really hard to keep the peace with val and not get shot - cujo is there for added conflict and cuteness. what’s a roadtrip/adventure without a dog - ghosts kidnapped all the parents in amity. val lost her dad, danny lost his parents, vlad lost maddie by extension. i don’t know where sam and tucker are, but they’re written out of the episode somehow. jazz is probably doing woman in the chair stuff (sam and tucker could do that too but when have they ever avoided the action?) - i’m gonna say the road trip is threw the ghost zone. they keep meeting friends and enemies of danny. vlad was not aware danny had this many allies. val is getting annoyed about being attacked every five minutes. despite the fact that vlad had access to the ghost zone all this time, he doesn’t actually spend that much time in it, so danny is their expert. exploring is for peons and common folk. he has a few allies and knows the vague layout around his portal but he hasn’t really deep dived the zone unless their was something in it for him. - however vlad is the once with the coordinates to their family. which is why they can’t kick him off the mission - danny ghost zone street smarts (developed by trial and error) make him the most valuable member of the team, especially because he has connections. vlad also has connections but they usially involve embarrassing or debasing danny and val - val doesn’t have ghost zone connections but she’s the teams muscle and lets be real they need her. the halfa’s are good fighters on there own but they’re fighting each other too much to handle the danger right in front of them. val is the teams common sense - she came purely to save her dad, they are just a means to an end - as they go deeper into the ghost zone, she sees and comes to realize that ghosts aren’t just bastards trying to kill and destroy. the last time she was in her (skulker incident) it was all death traps. it’s strange to her to see the zones more peaceful side, getting to eat with frostbite and conversing with queen dora. she’s uncomfortable with this revelation - vlad gradually realizes that val isn’t on his side. she was doing a sort of passive aggressive ‘mr. masters’ suck up thing in the beginning to get her way but as the snarky evening goes on, she gradually has less and less patience for him and is fully willing to let him die in a ghost spider web - danny didn’t want to bring either of them, but is taking the opportunity to try and convince val that he’s a good guy. after the dani incident she’s more willing to listen to him. he also keeps messing up though, especially with cujo there - they keep splitting the party to get away from each other, to inevitably be thrown back together by danger or shenanigan. it becomes a cycle of i owe you one. vlad saves them at one point so they end up saving him just so he can’t hold the favor over them. that kinda thing. - by the end of it, val and danny have reached an understanding/revelation, that’s still emotionally charged because val feels like danny lied and took advantage of her. but she acknowledges that danny isn’t a bad guy and with masters flouting around them being a considerably more manipulative and bad guy. it’s hard to keep the truth straight. they part on a more solid truce. they’ve cleared the air so to speak - they’ve also rescued their parents and all that cannon typical ghost fighting stuff - all the major reveals happen then:
val, to vlad: “i know what you are!” vlad: laughing evilly, “oh but do you know what he is?” *forces danny to transform* val: betrayed expression danny: val, i’m sorry
then some life threatening even happens and danny saves her. probably takes a hit for her or something
- but yeah, after that they talk things out a bit, and return their family home. they totally ditch vlad in the process
it’s an idea. if anyone has fics or ideas for this trio, at me, please. i want more of it - Hestia
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Another DP rant.... 🤠
I apologize in advance for making this post so damn long
Do you think Danny was ever kind of afraid of Vlad after TUE? Vlad's ghost half is the other part of Dan, so it kinda makes sense that Danny would have some kind of uncontrollable fear of Vlad afterwards. During one of their fights, Vlad notices something different about Danny; like he's not really looking at him- looking at anything but him- he's not as talkative with his dumb puns and snappy comebacks when Vlad talks about his parents or asking him to join him and the fight ends sooner than he thought/ wanted.
Not only that, but maybe Danny's a little afraid of himself because he didn't actually see how Dan was created, but with the alt. timeline Vlad's description of what happened, maybe he sees how powerless he would really be if he did take over Vlad's ghost half since it only took a few seconds for Vlad's evil side to take over him. The alt Danny Phantom was vulnerable at the time, so that was probably why he was defeated so easily, but that fear of being defeated so easily still sticks in Danny's mind and he becomes extremely careful of what he does around Vlad and just people in general.
Speaking of being careful around people, he's much more cautious around the ones he interacts with everyday. When Dash comes around for his daily punching session, Danny wouldn't try to get him back, he would just stand there and take it like he used to because he's literally terrified that one little screw up like getting back at the bully who beats you up everyday will trigger that awful future.
And the ghosts are no different. He still uses his witty banter and all that, but he holds back much more and does the bare minimum if he can to get them in the thermos. Some of the more observant ghosts like Skulker, Ember, and, believe it or not, the box ghost notice somewhat and are a little puzzled by his behavior but they kinda just pass it off as him having a bad day.
And Danny kinda dreads having to fight ghosts since he saw what his alternate future self did to them and he wants to avoid them as much as possible so he doesn't have to be reminded of what he could've done to them. But he comes up with the idea that if he's still fighting ghosts and acting as the hero, he'll have less of a chance of becoming evil since he's still being the good guy.
Sam, Tucker, and Jazz notice this behavior and after some intense prying from them- mainly Jazz- he finally tells them how he feels. They try to help him and reassure him it's gonna be okay, but they know that Danny still feels the same way as before. Over time, Danny begins to relax and handling his fears becomes more manageable and he slowly starts to become himself again. But he's still more cautious than he used to be and he takes the time to think things through. Those fears are still there, but he knows he can get through this because he knows that his friends and his sister will be by his side and supporting and helping him the whole time.
Sorry this is so long and no one probably read it to the end, but when I have an idea I just write as much as I can:D
PS: He's also much more interactive with his parents after TUE. Jack and Maddie are kinda confused why Danny overreacts to the smallest things, like Jack falling or something, but they appreciate that he wants to spend more time with them. Danny even sometimes invisibly observes them in the lab when they've been down there for longer than he's comfortable with so he can see what's going on and so he can intervene if something blows up because he's terrified at the thought of something taking his parents from him.
PPS: Danny's even more protective of his family and friends than he was before and he can't stop himself from showing that even when he's in Phantom form. He scares some of the ghosts because maybe they threaten his parents or something for some reason and Danny becomes so scared of the thought of losing them that the only thing he can think of to do is to scare them.
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redhood-of-noxus · 6 years
dump of a fanfic idea i have for league, i would love input!
it starts with camille finding and taking ryze, and more importantly, his scroll. she finds the realm warp spell and teaches it to two devoted magic-wielding servants, ordering them to infiltrate demacia and noxus, and remove the most powerful people they can with the spell.
they do so. from demacia, during a training session, xin zhao, garen, and j4 go missing. in the war room of noxus, during a meeting to finalize an assassination mission, talon, swain, and darius go missing.
fast forward two years. camille’s brother has taken control of piltover, using new bombs commissioned by ziggs to threaten the now unstable empires. without an heir to the throne, and the king dying, demacia’s ruling falls to fiora, vayne, lux, and sona, as well as the top nobles, though they have little to prevent the bombings from piltover. they fall, galio torn apart, and most of the empire is destroyed by the blast. what remains are offered sub-par treatment as new citizens of piltover. lux is one of the few who takes the offer, scared to continue fighting. 
meanwhile, in noxus, with both swain and darius gone, leblanc seizes power, but easily falls when camille herself comes for her, adaptive forces easily seeing through her smoke and mirrors. forced to surrender, noxus is treated the same way as demacia - join piltover, or die. very few noxians (mostly those with families) join piltover. the rest flee the area, heading to zaun, where they start up a revolution, a resistance to piltover and ferros’ reign, with katarina and cait as a spearhead. those who survived demacia’s bombings join as well, including fiora and vayne. unfortunately, shyvana goes missing during the bombings.
now, back to the ones who went missing. they have a brief memory of being stuck in a place void of light, before landing in the mountains outside of piltover, right in front of a scouting jayce.
of course, jayce is astounded. he’s tried to stay out of the war, but this could turn around everything, having these people back, and he abandons his mission to bring them to the resistance. however, he still is just a spy for the resistance, and must go through his contact to reach them - luxanna. 
now better known now as anna, she lives a new life in the underbelly of piltover having to sleep around to afford her rent and eat at least a meal a day. sick of her and her people’s treatment, she has started stealing information from various high-ranking officials who purchase her time, and passes it on the resistance through many channels.
garen is infuriated once he finds out his sister, once so pure and happy, is living as a prostitute and sub-par citizen. he immediately joins the resistance, despite having to work with the (former) enemy.
j4, wracked with grief at his father’s death and shyv’s presumed death, joins as well. xin follows j4 in every way, and also joins.
swain, of course, sees a chance to remake noxus off the burning ashes of piltover, and possibly wipe out the possibility of demacia returning to power. he joins. darius joins to avenge draven, who was killed in the bombings, and talon joins to find his sisters, and most importantly, kill people.
ive got some other stuff including:
shyvana, ryze, and vlad used as experiments in piltover’s labs. maybe a few others. not sure.
ezreal loses his gauntlet arm when captured by camille. its actually jayces mission to find ezreal, not for the resistance, but because theyre friends. he decides to do so when he is mailed ezreal’s arm, still bloody and encased in the gauntlet, and contacts the resistance about it. they help him pinpoint ez’s location, but the reappearance of the missing men was a little more important. ezreal is gonna make a reappearance later on in the story, probably with a pulsefire cannon.
lots of garen lux sibling fluff
eventual katlux? maybe? i like the pairing a lot
sivir and miss fortune joining the resistance preemptively, and then falling in luuuurve (maybe. idk. not sure if i wanna do pairings)
no matter what on pairings, vicait is canon in this verse. i will imply it regardless.
maybe resistance illaoi? idk. that one is more geared towards battlecast so idk.
ionia is kind of split on how it wants to deal with the threat of piltover. some of them wish to sit back and deal with them peacefully/when the time comes, while others wish to strike first. the ones who want to destroy the enemy before it destroys them join the resistance.
tryndamere is assassinated, and sej and ashe are forced to work together to hold the freljord tight. sej hates it, but without a united front, the freljord will fall to piltover.
azir follows sivir to fight in the resistance, bringing nasus, who is especially useful in formulating battle strategies.
bilgewater for the most part stays out of the way. besides miss fortune, they kind of dont care about noxus and demacia being destroyed, and know they dont pose a large enough threat to be taken out.
bandle city joins the resistance. no question there.
the void is a third party, one that is happy to sit back and let them destroy themselves before reaping the rewards of the destruction.
zaun is pretty much the homeplace of the resistance. ekko begrudgingly lets the pilties in, because he has a heart. what a good kid.
i would write this right away but im lazy and also have a lot of art to work on. eventually, though. thoughts on the idea?
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sanchoyo · 3 years
danny phantom, season 3 episodes 3-6 thoughts!
see prev episode thoughts in this tag <3
-johnny was actually pretty civil with danny and left when he asked! thats nice. also, SKULKER?? HAD A FRAMED PICTURE OF EMBER?? oooo fuck wait had they established they were a Thing Before?? I dont think so. thats weird. its like that country boy/goth girl meme lmfao. I think i am going to choose to ignore this new info and pretend I didnt hear it. 100% unrelated to the jazz/ember fanart I already drew and posted....😳
-LADIES NIGHT EPISODE THIS IS WHAT ITS ALL ABOUT. wish it didnt really center around the guys or them being pissed at them, but. willing to bet this was written by men lol
-THEY ERASED ALL THE MEN??? meanwhile, jack and danny are fishing at. silent hill or something. im glad jack is trying to read a parenting book and making an Attempt. (theyre at lake erie, but, they made it actually eerie...thats fun)
-the girls alt outfits...cute. EMBER MADE A NEW SONG TOO!!! kinda. jazz being one of the backup singers and being AWFUL. NOOOO
-'how are we going to get kitty to blow a kiss?' 'she'll have to think there are still some males in town!' ...i dont know how to break it to you, but I dont know that a 100% het girl would wish for all men to Begone. I think. I mean im not a het or a girl so I dont really know for sure. she Is probably Bi tho. esp having the other ladies in town chanting NO MEN!!! excitedly............(then again, the kiss is to get Rid of men, so, she probably would have blown it at the ladies only if they were actively trying to attack/stop them, so...I MEAN. THE DRESSING LIKE DANNY BIT WAS SO EXTRA)
-I feel like an all female cast ep couldve been way way way way cooler than that was. like. why was it still somehow all about Men. ...anyway. (where was valerie...)
-next ep opens with the observants, and, way way more of them than I expected...existed? I mean I guess them being a council/jury of some kind is what I expected from their first appearance (bc at that time they were basically TELLING clockwork to kill danny, not asking,, so I figured they had SOME kind of authority) but. there were so many. anyway, here goes vlad! letting his own hubris go brrrr. releasing a weather ghost for political gain! #justvladthings
-okay say what you will about him (he IS an asshole) but having an umbrella with his own face on it and more prepared to share is SUPER FUNNY. and him being fanned by huge wads of money by his bodyguards. SO ineffective but so Dramatic. He UNDERSTANDS that if youre rich you need to be. you know. obnoxious and kinda eccentric about it! fuckign hate when rich people are boring about it. I would trust vlad with nothing except to not be a boring rich asshole who wears...fucking khaki or some shit. man knows his Presentation Skills. and that 'V' chair in his mayoral office. is that fucking embroidered?
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-maddie get your MAN PLEEEEASSSE. IM SO EMBARRASSED FOR HER. the way jack stays simping for this man. in FRONT OF HIS WIFE!!!! ...my god its like a love triangle. jack clearly loves vlad, who loves maddie, who loves jack. jack fenton is at the very least bi, right................. this is an OBSESSION . 'THE V MAN COMETH'???? i...my god. (also, on a serious note, to have a friend THIS SUPPORTIVE...and still be SUCH A DICK TO HIM (TRYING TO KILL HIM AND STEAL HIS WIFE??) NOT COOL VLAD. JACK IS YOUR 1 AND /ONLY/ HYPE MAN. if someone loved and supported me THIS HARD...LIKE. CMON DUDE.
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-STOMP the fucking GAS, JACK
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-this would make a great shirt design, looks like a metal band design! we love The Maelstrom
-oh, so vlad did in fact get a mansion in amity park. and its purple! good color choice! not as flashy as a CASTLE or MURDER CABIN, but still pretty eccentric, which I appreciate.
-...vlad knows the difference between picasso and da vinci? in the ep last post where we were watching him fail at conquering every historical time ever he didnt seem to know history well enough to like. be effective...was vlad taking art history at college?? (was he an art MAJOR??? we never DID KNOW WHAT HE WENT TO SCHOOL FOR. I kinda assumed business because in the masters of time ep he was still rich without ghost powers so he had to have..known something about business or something, right...but also, art and or theater FITS HIS PERSONALITY. possibly also something science-y, I guess, but I always felt like he got roped into that, esp how pessimistic he was about the ghost portal in the flashbacks to college, like, i felt like he was just there for maddie and was uninterested/un-invested at the time...)
-the way this random man with a camera sees the mayor laying in an alley covered in TRASH AND DECIDES TO TAKE A PICTURE HAHAH
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*snap* this ones going in my cringe compilation!
-vlad 'if we're going to defeat vortex, we're going to have to do it together!' *immediately dips after dropping danny off in front of vortex* JKASDFHKJHJKN
-DANNY CAN DUPLICATE!!! ...he couldnt even attack with it, but he DID IT!!! INTO (4) OF HIMSELF!!! SO PROUD!!!!!!!!!!
-'THE ROLLER COASTER EMOTIONS OF A TEENAGER THREATEN MY PLANS!' ...0 self awareness of his own dramatic moodiness. incredible, how dumb this man is. its very close to circling around to endearing, if he was less of an asshole. at least its very very funny to see danny shooting him with tiny lightning bolts anytime he's even slightly irritated! vlad you should be nice to danny anyway. this is what you GET
-...making sandwiches and ice cream and playing video games with your nephew is a totally normal thing. WHY is vlad acting like this is the end of the world. if you were a GOOD UNCLE YOU WOULD ALREADY BE DOING THESE THINGS!!! bitch I make my nephew food all the time and dont forget what he does and doesnt like. if u didnt know danny didnt want tomatoes, thats on u. if u, a grown adult, are gonna piss of the 14 yr old by not letting him win, u deserve to have to pay for the arcade machines he ruins because he now has uncontrollable storm powers because YOU THREW HIM INTO A FIGHT WITH THE STORM GHOST. fuck u vlad. paypal me $400,000 while ur at it tho. (also, gamer vlad confirmed)
-VLAD CAN COOK THOUGH???! I assumed he had...people working for him that did that. I mean. billionaires usually dont do that. then again, we've only seen those vultures working for him (and I guess the dairy king was AT his old mansion, but it was never really clarified if he worked there...I think he probably just Hung Out and they Enjoyed Cheeses Together. thats what I think, I dont think a KING would be working for anyone and also the dairy king was nice <3) but then again he would be a private person and we cant have anyone accidentally finding Ghostly Things, so...still, that's hilarious. pour one out for that really cute banana split that got ruined 2 seconds later
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-danny seeing those animal commercials and feeling sad is the biggest 2000s throwback so far. i legitimately had to change the channel or walk out of the room when those came on bc id CRY AND BE SAD ABOUT THEM FOR DAYS AFTER. fuck those commercials and fuck that IN THE ARMMMS OF AN ANGELLLL song 😭
-'vlads ego almost got the town destroyed!' yes danny thats the entire episode. the entire series anytime vlad shows up honestly. this episode was just him being really embarrassing the entire time, and, me laughing about it. 10/10 would laugh at him again
-NEXT EP WE HAVE A SHAPESHIFTING GHOST?? I've said it before but shapeshifting is the power I would want when asked those 'what superpower do you want' questions...its the Best power! this guy looks like a homestuck character. ive never read homestuck but thats the vibe
-I love every time we see tuckers family, they are by far the most functional family. and dash has a lil chihuahua!!! named pookie!!! i am crying (I've had 3 chihuahuas, so I am very biased, but...) AND HE WATCHES THE ROMANCE CHANNEL WITH POOKIE. POOKIE I WILL DIE FOR YOU YOU SWEET LITTLE BABY.
-danny can lift a bus! I shouldn't be surprised, but i am proud of my son. hes got lil kid fans. i am going to cry about this
-JAZZ KEEPS A SCRAPBOOK WITH DANNY'S LIL HEROICS AND NEWSPAPER CLIPPINGS!!! we've actually seen it on her floor before, but I didnt realize it was a scrapbook!! thats sooo cute.
-...and danny has to stand there listening to his parents saying danny phantom sucks and is a 'filthy ghost' and calling him egotistical...i am once again stealing their kids!
-yes, maddie, the one with red eyes is For Sure Actually Your Son. ignore the, red eyes... (CLEARLY she hasnt watched the other 2 eps where danny has been evil, she doesnt know red eyes= evil!!!)
-'billy fenton'.......................
-danny being stuck as phantom in his own house, no way out is a fucking NIGHTMARE. his parents pointing giant weapons against him and SHOOTING AT HIM. THIS IS A HORROR MOVIE.
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-this is the most screenshot of all time
-amorpho turning into mr. lancer because hes 'someone no one will want to be around' BUT HES WRONG, I WOULD BEFRIEND AND HANG OUT WITH MR LANCER SO FAST.
-tucker dressing as danny, now I have the full Tucker set of him being sam and also being danny. also saying 'the ghost...uh...RIPPED MY FACE OFF.' and then running. SMOOTH. NOT AT ALL CONCERNING TO ANY PARENTS.
-sam accepts the toast from jack. and then 2 seconds later is like 'why am i eating this.' THIS SHOWS HUMOR IS SO UNEXPECTED SOMETIMES ITS REALLY GOOD. and then the scene after, mr lancer running into his ghost doppelganger and being like 'YOURE GORGOUS' THEN FAINTING. I AM CRYING. AND DASH FAINTING TOO.
-sam disguising herself as danny again to help tucker run from the fentons. but leaving him shirtless in the streets. incredible. 'plEASE DOnt NOTice MY FACELessNESS I MUST LIVE IN EXILE' this episode is destroying me the humor in this show is exactly my brand of corny and cheesy
-the impromtu story made up by danny and amorpho to explain stuff to the fentons. my god they are both such bad liars. but amorpho is a good egg. wish danny wouldnt have said he didnt wanna see him in town again!! I want him to be reoccurring. not that thats gonna matter since I'm almost done with the series, but the idea of this being the Only Time We See him is :(
-NEXT EP SAYS STARRING MARK HAMILL??????!!! hello ! mr . joker....mr. star wars.... I feel like I should be. idk. taking off a hat im not wearing in respect. I shouldnt be surprised tho bc hes in a lot of cartoons as a very good voice actor, and dp has already had a lot of talented ones so I've been looking out for ones I might know, but....mr. hamill....
-sam has her own greenhouse, names all the plants, and says thank you to them (in the languages from where the plants are from) whenever she harvests from them. thats SO cute. and her lil gothy lunch box...
-and danny's lil red fuzzy lined jacket!!! ive said it before but every time the characters get alt outfits im like :D
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-danny's lil 'holy hibiscus!' first off the 50s batman swearing is hilarious. 2nd. my username is from the flower sanchoyo hibiscus, so, shoutout to ME this ep. hi :)
-EURGH UNDERGROWTH MAKING EVERYONE PLANT ZOMBIES. HIVEMIND PLOTS SCARE THE SHIT OUT OF ME. and this dude made the city SO overtaken so quickly like how long was danny asleep?? oh god
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-evil fucked up sam! now the whole trio has gone evil at some point! the voice actress did a really, really good job with making her sound like a zombie...
-frostbite's paws are so so so big compared to danny. oh my god. i want to hug the snow dog...
-the far frozen has an advanced medical stuff!!! very cool. very smart snow dogs
-im so glad danny has a friendly ghost snow dad to explain this new power and teach him!!! this is so sweet. DANNY'S GHOST SENSE WAS A PART OF HIS ICE POWER?? OOOH. COOL. we love a training montage!!!
-danny saying if he cant defeat overgrowth, that he'd want to stay with frostbite...oh my god...do you think this is the first real supportive adult figure in his life (I am NOT counting his parents because they threaten him on the daily even if they dont realize it.) I mean mr lancer is a Teacher, but he was also nice but this is different, but this is a GHOST WHO IS WILLING TO HELP HIM with his powers and also will help him when hes injured and is so so nice and comparatively so much more mature than 90% of the adults in this show!!!! god. dad frostbite is my everything.
-the framing and lighting this episode, and all the angles...they went all OUT and it looks really really good. this is my nightmare scenario, tho. like, FUCK zombies and dead city zones and hivemind shit. and using the humans as 'nutrients for the children' i am going to THROW UP.
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-MALEFICENT VIBES WITH THE HORNS AND GREEN EYES! this costume kicks so much ass. sam is now mark hamills daughter, I guess.
-danny's ice powers making his eyes blue!!! thats neat. and him going for the roots underground was SO SMART. i will not stand for danny ever thinking hes stupid, hes SO smart.
almost done with the show... :"( thats a sad thought!!!
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myselfinserts · 4 years
“And that’s my WIFE!”
Marianne was running rapidly through the woods, panting heavily. The heartbeat pounded horribly, shaking as she tried not to think of the worst outcomes. The blood and the footprints weren't helping any though. Neither was the shouting. Or the screeching of metal on metal.
They'll be fine, she thought. They'll all be okay and we'll go home and be safe.
As she began to crest a nearby slope, she saw her brother lifting Clement onto his back, hurrying to get him out of the path of a large, metal contraption. It had multiple arms, each one with a large slab of metal that slammed down, trying to block off their escape route. One of the metal slabs came down, obscuring the view of Regi. Another two swung in a separate direction, trapping Vlad king in between them and tossing him about.
Why isn't Regi using his quirk? Is that mech immune or something? Is it someone else's quirk?
Marianne didn't have time to think of the answers. She drew her tridents off her back, and pressed the trigger on the handle.
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Suellen hid behind one of the nearby trees with Clem, holding the gun and compact that Simon had lost, shaking as she watched the battle unfolding. The heroes were struggling, and every time it seemed like they had the upper hand, Simon would whistle and things would get worse. The mechanical beast had knocked Renegade out cold, and there was a large amount of blood covering the snow. Clement wasn’t fairing much better, clearly having lost much of his own. 
The only reason Simon hadn’t won yet was because Suellen had the only mirror within a mile. His glasses were shattered beyond use, and Eraserhead was keeping him at bay. 
Nursie...I’m scared...what should I do?
“Oh Suellen~! Where are you~?”
Suellen quickly shoved the compact in the pocket of Clement’s hoodie and checked the gun, making sure the safety wasn’t on before glancing around. As she looked to the left, she took aim, whimpering as she came face to face with her own eyes. 
She couldn’t keep her hands steady.
“Really now,” Simon cooed, gently easing the gun down with a finger. “You really think you can protect him?” He shook his head. “Hand over the mirror, little sister. I think your friend Mini-Calendar needs a time out.”
As Suellen went to answer, the taste of salt filled her senses. A flash, and her brother stepped back, a decent gash on his cheek left from the trident head that had embedded itself inches from her face. Suellen stumbled back, watching as it began to emit sound from speakers that were hidden somewhere on them.
Simon smirked. “Ah. It seems mommy’s-”
He didn’t even get to finish the comment before a foot hit him in the jaw, sending him flying. Suellen screamed as Mither took the trident head from the tree and reattached it to her staff. Simom managed to regain composure and started fighting back, dodging blows and managing to land a few hits. Mither threw Suellen a quick look. 
“Get him out of here!” Mither shouted at her, turning her attention back to Simon. 
Suellen nodded and put the safety back on the gun before putting an arm around Clement and lifting him onto her shoulders as best she could. She went as fast as she could, but not as fast as she would have liked. With every step, Clement let out a small whine, the pain finally reaching its limit. 
“W-we’ll get you out of here,” she promised. “I’m so sorry.”
Clement barely lifted his head, his voice soft and strained. “Mom...dad...Uncle Regi...Uncle Shouta...” He bit his lip, trying to stay calm. “I’m scared...”
Suellen froze, the wind filled with salt and frost clinging to her as she slowly turned around. Renegade had been tossed about yet again, a metal panel from the mech flying with him. One of Vlad King’s arms was injured badly as he quickly set in in time for the storm to heal the injury. Eraserhead was struggling to keep his eyes open, no doubt hindered by the now broken goggles and the piercing cold. 
A jump. A lean back. Mither was doing good at keeping herself out of Simon’s reach. But every time she’d land a cut, or a punch, he’d not only return in kind, but he’d whistle, and cause the mech to go even more chaotic. An arm almost caught her, and would have sent her flying if Eraserhead and Vlad didn’t work together to catch it in time. 
“That’s a dirty trick, Einion!” Eraserhead spat. 
“And that’s my WIFE you almost hit!” Vlad King let out a yell, ripping off another arm and sending it flying in the opposite direction. 
“Oh, she’s married again?” Simon cackled. “I’d have thought she’d have given up on dating pathetic freaks. Then again, they always stick together, don’t they?”
Mither’s eyes practically glowed. “SHUT UP!”
This won’t end well at all if I don’t do something...
Carefully, she got Clement as far away from the fighting as she could, propping him up against one of the trees and wrapping him up in his hoodie again. She tore off a small bit of the hem of her skirt, using it as a bandage on the worst of his leg wounds. It wasn’t much, but it’d be enough for now. 
“Wait here,” she said. “I...I don’t know what I can do but...I’m gonna stop this. You’ll be okay, I promise. Please wait here.”
Clement grabbed her wrist, and only then did she notice just how pale he’d become. Eyes sunken, skin cold. Some of the wounds seemed to be healing, but he was still struggling. 
“Let them handle it,” he croaked. “You need to run. Now.”
“You’re what Simon wants. He isn’t strong like you. That’s why he wants to control you.” He nodded ahead, his grip tightening just slightly. “I-if you run that way, you should hit the freeway. Knowing my family, Amaryllis or another hero we know will be there. You can get out of here.”
Suellen pondered this. Clement was absolutely right, of course. She was what her brother was after. No matter how hard he trained, he couldn’t remove the victims of his power. She could though. That’s why he came to find her in the first place. If she got away, the heroes could focus more on the battle and less on keeping her out of it. They might die, but the alternative was worse. 
But then again, she could now inflict the same kind of pain her brother could. The tables could turn if she acted fast. 
“I can’t leave,” she muttered. “You promised we’d leave together and go home together, so...I gotta make sure we leave together. That we go home together.” Slowly she pulled away, holding the compact in her hand. “You tried to be my hero...and I think its time I be yours...”
“I promise, I’ll run at the first sign of my attempt being a failure. But...I still have to try.” She took a deep breath. “You already lost your father to my brother. I won’t let you lose anyone else.”
With one last smile, Suellen hurried back toward the fight. Vlad King had turned all his attention to the mech, with Renegade having returned to the battle, thought his left side was covered in one of Vlad’s casings, rendering him with only one hand to work with. Eraserhead and Mither were taking Simon on, the trident now laying broken and harsh static being the only noise it made now. Eraserhead’s capture scarf lay in pieces beside it, slowly corroding away. 
Somehow, Simon had gotten a knife. 
Breathe Suellen. Breathe. He doesn’t know you came back. You have the element of surprise. Just...what would Calendar do?
She smiled. Hearing about him and having known him in the mirror, he’d probably have been fighting until he couldn’t anymore. 
So she decided she’d do the same. 
She undid the safety, taking extra care not to make too much sound before taking aim with one hand. She watched, waiting for Simon to raise his hand. 
I only have one chance at this. Please let me hit my mark. 
Simon went in for a stab at Eraser, and Suellen pulled the trigger, tossing the gun aside as she stumbled. She heard her brother scream and saw the knife fall to the ground. 
“Hey Simon!” she called. 
Everyone stopped, and Simon spun around. 
Suellen opened the compact. 
Her eyes grew wide. Her head ached with sharp, pulsing pressure as her eyes began to shine. The light grew and grew until everything went white. Her ears rang, and she felt herself fall to her knees as the zap took what little leg strength she had left. When the light finally faded away, the mech monstrosity was gone. Vlad King was holding up Renegade, who seemed to be having trouble breathing. The salt in the air was gone. Mither and Eraserhead had cuffed Simon, who now lay asleep on the ground. 
And everyone was just... 
Everyone was staring at her. 
Did it work? Did I stop him?
Sullen looked down at the compact in her hands, eyes wide as she saw the shocked face staring back at her. Not her own. No. No, this was an older man, not a young girl. A man with a wicked smile that failed to mask the twinkle of fear in his silver eyes.
Her plan had worked. 
And yet, her gut began to twist. A migraine threatened to send her to hysterics. 
Only now did she realize what she’d done. 
“I’m sorry-” she started. 
"You finally did it," Simon said.
"You locked your brother away, Suellen. You locked him away with a cold, piercing stare. I'm so proud of you. You've become just. Like. Me."
Suellen closed the mirror, tossing it aside and screaming at the top of her lungs. She shut her eyes and curled into a ball, pain searing through her head as her quirk tried to flash again. She was cold. She was tired. And she was certain she was going to die. She kept screaming, not even taking notice of the slow fading of the migraine or the pair of arms pulling her into a protective embrace. She wailed, shaking as she slowly began to cry herself hoarse. A gentle hand rubbed soothing circles on her back, lulling Suellen to sleep.
"It'll be okay," said a tired, gruff voice. "It's okay. You're safe now."
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