#Batman’s child senses are tingling
starry-songs-canvas · 6 months
Heads up, or whatever
Angsty story prompt today.
Basically, Nasty Burger explosion happened, and Clockwork didn’t step in. Danny, vowing not to become Dan, still is forced to live with Vlad.
Vlad, now lacking an obsession because Danny’s now technically his, and Maddie is dead, turns to the villain world. Making deals with Lex Luther to make kryptonite - AKA, Ectoplasm - weapons.
Danny, as much as he doesn’t like the Justice League for abandoning Amity park, but also feels guilty about Dan, anonymously contacts and tips off the Justice League about the Villains plans. It helps that he’s depressed and maybe just a bit suicidal, but whatever.
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chaoswarfare · 1 year
dp x dc prompt #27
When his secret identity was revealed, danny didn’t expect the entire town to chase him off. the GIW, his parents maybe, but he had been certain that most people in amity were accepting of him as phantom. even sam and tucker did their part trying to get him to leave(even if it was for his own safety).
The townspeople yelled him off until he was out of sight. it hurt more than he would admit to anybody.
Seven months of thievery, vigilantism, and constant chase from the GIW later, danny finds himself in gotham, the only city they refuse to enter due to the powerful curse on the place. the local vigilantes seem fixed on making his life difficult. he just wants to be left alone.
When he disappears from gotham’s streets, the bat clan is quickly on edge. they had all gotten attached to the teenager that reminded of each of them at their worst. jason todd in particular was invested in finding the kid and bringing him back to gotham. good thing he seems to have a way of tracking him down.
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incorrectbatfam · 1 year
Not sure if you’ve heard of the ‘dad reflex’ where dads just save their small children from imminent harm (usually because the child is still learning how gravity works or just completely unaware of the world around them). I know Bruce technically doesn’t get the bat kids young but either way his batdad reflex has to be off the charts. What are his best dad reflexes? (They can be smol kids or cannon ages whatever sparks your creative juices most!)
Thank you💙💙
They're at someone else's gala and 27-year-old grown-ass Dick is swinging from a giant chandelier in an atrium 3 stories high when it gives out and Bruce "Wine drunk and raving about his kids" Wayne, who hears the tiny snap across the room, stops mid-conversation, grabs a steak knife, slashes a curtain, and swings from the balcony in like fuckin' Tarzan to grab him in the span of 5 seconds before 300 pounds of metal and glass come crashing down
Tim gets mosh pit tickets for his favorite band and Bruce goes with him because Bernard got caught up in something last minute, and after hours of waiting outside, they make it all the way to the front where, on the last song, Bruce's dad senses tingle in time to shield Tim from a malfunctioning confetti cannon all while glaring at the crew in a way that guarantees someone's about to lose their job
In a recon mission gone sideways, Bruce and Steph are taking on some goons at the harbor when one of them knocks her into the water, and without hesitation he throws aside the person he's fighting, dives into the freezing waves, and gives her his rebreather, holding his breath for what seems like forever until they resurface, and despite the ache in his lungs the next morning, it's worth it when he watches her turn waffles into a breakfast burrito
Duke's driving the Batmobile while Bruce is in the passenger's seat walking him through all the controls, and they're listening to the scanner and joking about their last mission when, just before an intersection, Bruce suddenly grabs the wheel and swerves, and before Duke can say anything a semi truck plows through the exact spot where they would've been
Cass tries to cook one day while Bruce is sitting at the bar doing some work, and he forgot what she was making, but all he knows is one minute he's answering an email and the next he's sprinting across the kitchen and sweeping her out of the way right before the pressure cooker explodes—and afterwards he doesn't let her clean up because everything is still scalding hot
The middle school holds a fundraiser at the petting zoo, and everything's going great until someone forgets to turn off their flash and the whole enclosure descends into chaos, and all Bruce cares about is scooping Damian up before a bull rams into the fence he was sitting on—then he makes eye contact with Clark, who just did the exact same with Jon
Against orders, Jason pursues a lead that brings him right to the Joker's doorstep. Dazed and disarmed, he doesn't realize what's happening until a long metallic scrape renders him frozen as those moments replay in his mind, and he thinks this is how the universe wants him to go out. Then he hears a swoosh and a click. Jason opens his eyes to Batman pointing a gun at the Joker, his silence sending a clear message: no more chances.
BONUS: Teenage Bruce tried to sneak out the window and Alfred was at the bottom ready to catch him
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sadiewayne · 4 months
disclaimer, i cannot write movies, this is just how i want the batman 2 to go
we get a batman fight, dark and gritty but not as much as the batman 1, which then bleeds into some bruce wayne philanthropist stuff, not massively brucie wayne but it's creeping in there and we see that bruce is trying to help rebuild gotham but better ( we see this throughout the movie btw, just little snippets)
and then we see it from a distance, no people, but whisperings about something
anyway, in this endeavour to make gotham better haly's circus comes to gotham and we get shots of bruce in the audience and then the graysons die and we get more shots of the audience including one lingering on a little toddler with black floppy hair and blue eyes
batman appears and comforts dick and that's the last of that
then we cut to bruce trying to do some stuff at WE and he goes out onto a balcony or a rooftop to take a phone call or something (maybe as batman from jim gordon) and then he gets attacked by the assassin, and we don't really see the assassin in full, just a black mass with some gold flashes, and idk how but the assassin gets interrupted and jumps off the roof and bruce is still alive
so he's trying to figure out who or what that was and is looking at it on the bat computer (maybe he got some of it's clothing or something he can track) and gets a ping so goes to investigate and on the way he bumps into this little 9 year old who's on the rooftop of some building (hmmmm i wonder who it is)
it's dick, he's trying to track down the man who killed his parents (you knew this) and bruce is like "nO don't do that it's dangerous" and dick is like "but someone needs to"
anyway bruce takes dick back to the orphanage or wherever he is and has lost the trail for the assassin
this happens multiple times (montage time bois) and we see bruce finding dick on patrol, on rooftops and in dangerous situations and basically his dad senses are tingling and he decides to foster dick, so goes and picks him up and takes him to the manor
note: dick does not know that bruce is batman
anyway, bruce catches dick. trying to sneak out one night and the conversation goes like:
bruce: whatchadoin? dick: finding the man who killed my parents, people like that shouldn't be in the world" bruce: you want to kill him dick: justice bruce: murder isn't justice, it's revenge
he takes dick back to bed and goes out to finally track down the assassin BUT during this he get's a call from alfred going "bruce, dick is missing" so bruce is freaking out bc he's had this child for less than a day and he's lost him until a ransom comes up telling bruce wayne to go to x location
so he does and he himself gets kidnapped but he escapes once he's wher he should be, he suits up (bc he managed to get the suit there, either under his stupid coat or something i'm not good at this)
he finds his way to this arena where dick is being held but he's not tied up or anything, he's just kind of stood there, and there's the assassin, stood there, looking at him through golden goggles (how else would you describe it)
and surrounding them on a higher level are loads of people in black dresses and suits and white masks that resemble barn owls
it's the motherfuckin' court of owls
and bruce is like "i saved bruce wayne, i'm here to take the boy back home" and the person near dick is like "how about we let the boy choose, back to bruce wayne, where you will be paraded around as his community service project, or with us, where we can train you to get justice for your parents deaths, to take his life like he took you parents lives, and also that dude in the weird owl costume is your undead great-great-grandfather" and dick is stood there trying to choose and bruce says "murder isn't justice, it's revenge" and dick has his little lightbulb "omg bruce wayne is batman" moment, flashback to batman being the only person to comfort him at the circus, and he chooses bruce (obviously)
bruce fights the court and wins (badly injured tho) and they go home
we get a short shot of the court still existing like the gray son of gotham will be ours" and then we go to wayne manor, a few weeks later
dick is swinging from a chandelier and bruce calls for him to get down, he does and runs over to bruce and alfred in the sitting room and he's like "can i see it yet?" and bruce takes him to the batcave, dick bounces around before coming back to bruce
and bruce is like "we will find the man who killed your parents and make sure he is put away for life" and dick is like "we?" and bruce is like "yes"
dick takes the oath, which ends with the bruce calling him robin,
credits roll
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bbbbbbbbatman · 1 year
after raising so many child vigilantes, batman has developed "fuckery" senses where he can sense when other heroes are doing something stupid. He's in the middle of a business meeting and his senses start tingling, "clark's about to do something stupid." He's finally about to fall asleep when he suddenly shoots up, "somebody just made a really dumb bet." He's in the middle of a fight when, "hal jordan just did something, i don't know what, but i bet it'll be a pain in the ass." In the middle of sparing he gets caught off guard and pinned because "someone just fucked around with magic."
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theelkmaiden · 1 year
So I've been thinking.
If Captain Marvel is the Champion of Magic, does that mean he has to play by the rules of all magic? Demon, fea, pixie etc.? Because if you owe something to one of those, things tend to go wrong. Fae can take your children, pixies can make your life hell, demons can literally take your souls.
So what if Billy Batson, being the sweet boy he is, keeps doing people favours? Now, he'd never take a child or cause someone chaos, as that means actually interfering, but souls? That boy could definitely be having people sign their souls away to him and he has no idea.
The first time he did someone a favour after the wizard granted him his powers, Billy was overtaken by a surge of tingles that tasted vaguely of rotten eggs. The feeling only lasted a second, but he couldn't stop thinking about it for the rest of the day. All he did was help Old Linda from the block over carry a bag of food to her place of residence. That was it. But after the tingling, Billy felt like he was connected to her in some way, on a deep and intimate level that didn't make sense.
And then it kept happening.
Helping to paint his neighbours room. Helping a girls cat from a tree. Letting a lost child sleep in his abandoned apartment overnight.
And later, bringing Batman a coffee after a long mission. Teaching Green Arrow the basics of pickpocketing. Spotting Flash on his running form.
Anytime someone said "can I ask you a (quick) favour" the tingling and eggs would come and Captain Marvel had no idea what it was or why it happened.
That is.
Until Old Linda died.
It had been a long patrol for Captain Marvel. There was a crime wave almost every year around July, like clockwork. Mainly teenagers getting in with gangs and trying to prive their worth now that school was out (or, at least, that was Cap's theory).
He was just touching down near his building to transform when he felt an entirely unique sensation. The tingling he was so familiar with came crashing over him in a wave so intense the demigod found himself wobbling where he stood, garnering a few concerned stares by citizens. The part of him that had been connected to Linda had snapped into place and, without even having to doue check, Billy knew for a fact that Old Linda was dead.
He also knew where to find her.
Drawing on his magic, Captain Marvel opened a portal to a corner of the Rock of Eternity ans stepped through.
There, on the otherside, stood the kind old woman who would often give him food if she had any left over.
"Excuse me, sir?" She asked, looking rather fearful, "would you mind telling me where I am?"
With eyes already misting, Marvel closed the portal and stepped towards her with his arms out in a calming manner.
"Linda. I'm so sorry. You're in the Rock of Eternity. You shouldn't be here but I think it's my fault you are," he was swallowed thickly, putting every ounce of self control he had to the test to bit show how distraught he was with this development.
Clearly seeing his distress, Linda calmed and gripped the Captains arm in a consoling manner. "I'm sure it's quiet alright, dear. Why don't you tell me what happened and then you can return me home. And then you can explain to me all about this place, hmm?"
Her small smile fell when the captain did not immediately react to her request.
"Miss Linda," Billy tried, not feeling very much like a superhero at that moment I time, "I'm so so sorry! I shouldn't have helped you with the food. But I just wanted to do something good. And now you're stuck here forever and I don't know how to free you and there's so many people that are going to come here and I didn't mean to!"
The hulking form of Captain Marvel was now a kneeling, sobbing mess as the twelve year old realised what he had done. The feeling of rightness that sang in his magic at Linda standing within the Rock of Eternity. The pull of what he now knew to be souls pulling him in different directions. The fact that he had only been trying to help.
"Now dear," Linda kneeled next to him, patting his shoulder in confused concern, "I assure you I have no idea what you're going on about. I've seen you flying overhead and fighting monsters, but we've never met officially past today. But if I'm stuck here forever, then at least I'll have company. Now, come, dry your eyes and get up. You need to explain to me what's going on." The mum of four in her seemed to have taken over as she dragged the massive man up to his feet and the stood on her toes to wipe his cheeks with the sleeve of her cardigan.
Taking a deep breath, Captain Marvel nodded. "Miss Linda. You are dead. I'm sorry. I accidently own your soul and I don't know how to release you to go somewhere better. And you're only the first person that's going to arrive here. This is completely new for me and I'm not sure what to do. This place is my home so you are welcome to explore and make yourself comfortable. But it's not much."
The silence that followed was deafening as Linda contemplated her situation. It stretched on until a look of resolve made its way onto the old souls face.
"Okay? Is that it?"
"Well you are obviously very distressed so it was definitely an accident. But I am not staying somewhere that looks so dull for the rest of Eternity. You and I are going to be doing some redecorating. How big is this place?"
"Then this shan't be an issue. We can build a lovely garden where we can all stay until you get this figured out. Besides, it'll give me something to do."
So, he did. Captain Marvel (who Linda learned to be Billy Batson) got to work and transformed a large section of the Cave into a garden, with strict directions from Linda.
Over time, more people joined and Linda took it upon herself to greet the newcomers and explain what had gone on. Many people were unhappy, but soon settled into their afterlife and making friends.
After awhile, Billy took Linda aside and granted her a Boon. One of her choosing. She chose "to be the peacekeeper of this little afterlife. I want to help comfort those here who miss their old lives. I try, I do, but a little magical help wouldn't go amiss." And so she became the Peacekeeper.
In the outside realm, when Captain Marvel explained to Batman, Green Arrow, and The Flash that he accidently owned their souls, well, let's just say that shitshow lasted a while.
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AU where Bruce isn’t a billionaire but just you’re regular everyday history teacher. He still has all his martial arts training and stuff because he meets Selina and Talia in college and is like ‘hot women... must be able to keep up with her in a fight...’ and no parents (well Alfred exists but yk), but is otherwise normal. No Batman.
Then he meets small Dick Grayson, recently orphaned in a whole new country, and his adoption senses are like ‘hnggg’.
And small Jason Todd before his mom dies and he winds up on the streets so when Jason goes missing from class he gets worried and finds him and is like ‘hey Dick do you want a new brother’.
Given Tim went to boarding schools I can’t see him meeting him first, so maybe he meets Steph first?? And he notices how no one seems to care where she is etc and is like ‘can I adopt you??’
And THEN Tim’s parents die ig and then Steph’s like ‘yo can you adopt by bestie’.
And then he meets Cass I guess?? Not as a teacher. Maybe she saves him from being mugged or something and his child sense immediately tingles and he’s like ‘child?? With?? No home?? Would you like me to-’
Reiterating he’s a history teacher, so he probably has like a three bedroom apartment and already has five kids.
Then Talia is like ‘hehe soo remember when I said I miscarried well ACTUALLY-’ and Bruce is like ‘wtf this is a. child. Why does child have. Sword.’ And Talia’s like ‘oh I thought you’d use all your martial arts training to go out dressed up as a Bat and beat up bad guys so I could use the terrifying image you cast as a way to train our son more.’ And Bruce like ‘wtf no I have better coping mechanisms than that’ ‘oh - wait why are there so many rats here?’ ‘THOSE ARE MY CHILDREN TALIA-’
Dick still hates Talia because I find that hilarious. Damian is like five, already carting around a sword, and Bruce DOES NOT have exactly one (1) coping mechanism of cage fights in a fursuit so he’s like ‘Okay. Let’s try to work out your aggression is a less violent way’ ‘FATHER I WILL BE YOUR ONE TRUE HEIR’ ‘To what? My teaching job? Okay.’
Then Duke’s parents are Jokerized (bc the Rogues still exist) and he stops showing up to class and Bruce gets worried again and finds this child trying to take on the Joker by himself and is like ‘okay yeah no’.
And then one day he gets Cullen Row in class, and he’s a sweet kid, kind of jumpy, but then he sees some assholes picking on him for being gay and goes all teacher mode and is like ‘do you want me to talk to your parents??’ and Cullen’s like ‘lol my dad would probably give them a medal’ ‘Hmmm okay so can I adopt-’ Naturally Harper is a package deal.
Basically Bruce adopts all his kids but IS NOT a violent furry so he’s a good dad and doesn’t enlist them into his weird ass ‘war on crime’ or whatever he calls it.
Also the kids get to share rooms now and fight over bathrooms-
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ritacrow-blog · 3 years
-introverted mari
-the usual class, adrien, lila, Alya! Salt
-Chloe redemption. She appoloises but leaves for New York a few months later due to bullying from the class.
- To distract herself from all the negatives in her life she immersed herself in work.
-has trust issues with strangers. Supportive Friends (Luka, Chloe and Kagami) and Parents.
-designs and sells her designs under MDC
-Solves cold cases while hunting down hawk-moth as "Nettie". (and because of this, hacking becomes a secret talent of hers) and reports her findings to the chief of police. Sabrina's dad (I forgot his name). Using Ladybug as the messenger. Ladybug explains to the Chief that she found someone to help track down hawk-moth, but doesn't want to be known. And that she is only giving acting as Nettie's messanger for cases that she just so happens to "accidentally" come across while searching for hawk-moth. So he sees Nettie as a "Robin Hood" just without the stealing part.
-She hangs out with Kagami but also learns how to use a Katana from her as an excuse to give to her mother. Like: learning how to teach people and is using Marinette as her Guinea pig student. Which Marinette then starts to enjoy. Especially when she needs to vent and just cut something down. And she eventually gets really good at it.
-the bullying gets worse
-by this time she's already gathering evidence against Gabriel and Natalie. Also finds out that Chat noir is Adrien. (she isn't very surprised). And makes a promise to herself that she will take them down before the school year ends.
-She goes to the Chief as ladybug to report what Nettie found. So they plot.
-stealing the miraculous from Adrien first before finding Kagami to be her Black cat for the final battle. And Luka as Python (different costume for identity reasons). They sneak into the Manor going straight to the lair where she found Adrien's Mom via CCTV. Heals her (let's pretend that LB has healing abilities. Ya?) and explains everything that is going on while Panther and Python search the area for the miraculous just in case. LB talks ladybug into getting Gabriel to surrender and she agrees. But Gabriel and Natalie storm in already transformed to fight. Not noticing Emily at first. When he finally does he stops. While Angry at them she convinces Gabriel and Natalie to stand down and surrender the miraculous to ladybug and face proper judgment.
-Ladybug, Panther and Python escort Gabriel and Natalie to the police waiting outside and Emily to get herself checked by the medics. Adrien is still asleep and unaware in his room. He will definitely be having quite the shock in the morning. His miraculous is gone. His mom is alive. Emily knows about him being Chat noir through LB. Is now under Emily's strict supervision.
-The last few months of school are loud after the news. Court hearing scheduled a week after the last day of school. Gabriel reveals Lila's role. Lila tries to get out of it but is proven guilty with evidence provided by Nettie. Bye-bye Liela~
- the class find out about what lila did and try to find Marinette to apologise.
-Marinette forgives but doesn't accept them as friends anymore.
Alya: "so now that we're friends again. Think you could get me that interview with Ladybug about the Hawk-moth case?"
Mari: "No"
Alya: "Thank you so mu-... What?... Why? We're best friends! True bestfriend help each other out!"
Mari: "exactly. Best friends help each other out. But where were you when I was bullied by lila. Heck the whole class. How about the harassment with Adrien. When I was clearly over him. We're not best friends alya. Not even close to being a friend"
Alya: "when did you get over adrien??? I thaught you were dating Luka to make adrien jealous."
Mari: (-_-) "I'm not. I haven't had a crush in adrien for 3 years now. I got rid of everything related to him. And I set Luka up with Kagami. They've been dating for over a year now"
Alya: "what the hell"
-not wanting to have anything to do with the class anymore. She applies for her last year in Gotham Academy (let's just say that she likes their curriculum: includes fashion design, coding and programming, and a kendo club. Kagami successfully converted her into a katana welding badass)
-Mari gets permission from her parents to move in to her Nona's apartment in Gotham.
- She leaves without telling anyone from the class. Only her family, Kagami, Chloe and Luca know.
-She arrives in Gotham and encounters Scarecrow on her fist day there. Gets caught in the fear gas.
-She sees her old classmates. Hawk-moth. Mayura. Chat Noir and Chat blanc. The Akumas. Purple butterflies.
-fights while under the fear toxin. Attacks every "akuma" (goons) coming her way. Unknowingly fighting the batfam thinking that they're "akumas". Until Nightwing holds her down and Robin injects the antidote.
Mari: *muttering* fuck you hawk-moth and your disgusting purple butterflies. *faints*
Red Robin: What the fuck...
Red Hood: I call dibs on Pixi pop becoming my sister.
Nightwing: *looks at Robin* please tell me you heard that too...
-Mari wakes up in the ambulance. Feels fine so she just hops off and goes straight for her bags.
Nightwing: where are you going? You still need to get checked.
Mari: I'm fine. I've dealt with worse. I'm just gonna go and get my bags. I don't trust the security here.
Nightwing: hey! Wait!
Mari keeps walking to her bags. Picks up her katana and straps it to her back and grabs her luggage.
Nightwing: Hey! You still need to get checked anyways... And questioned...
Mari: *stares*..... Fine. But please Hury I want to get to my place before it gets dark.
Batman: how did you fight the fear toxin?
Mari: it's called fear toxin... No wonder I saw what I saw... *looks at batman* I'm used to having to deal with my fears. I've had to fight them head on in Paris constantly.
Red Robin: Isn't Paris a peaceful city?
Mari: *scoff* peaceful my ass. It hasn't been peaceful at all the past 3 years. I've seen enough deaths and magical shit to last me a lifetime.
Mari: *sigh* sorry for my language. I'm just cranky from not having had any sleep in the past... 1,2,3,4,5... 6...oh shit... Anyways... Look I just landed I haven't had sleep the past few days. Got caught in the attack. Somehow fought them of. Lost consciousness... Not even sure why I even woke up considered my lack of sleep...and now being questioned... And... That pretty much it really.
Mari: what still not satisfied?
Robin: you mentioned having encountered enough magic and deaths to last you a lifetime.
Mari:..... I did?
Red Robin: yes you did
Red Hood: *mutters* why do I suddenly feel like I'm looking at a female replacement....
Mari: Oh... Damn... I'm not even sure if the blackouts been lifted yet.
Batman: blackout?
Mari: the media blackout...it should be lifted soon. Not sure when....
*Phone notification rings*
Mari: speak of the devil... Here.
*she shows batman her phone*
He goes through the news and 2 videos of akuma attacks.
Mari: can I have my phone back and go now? It's getting dark.
Robin: how are you getting there.
Mari: a cab.
Batman gives her phone back
Mari: am I done here?
Batman nods
When mari is leaving...
Batman: Hood, Robin keep an eye on her and makes sure she gets to her destination safe. We're going back to the cave to look more into this.
When mari gets out of the cab. She feels like she's being watched and followed. Discretely looks around trying to spot who's following her. (ladybug sense is tingling~) She shifts her katana to her hip just in case. While going to her apartment. And instantly locks the door and checks the windows. Wonders if they followed her... Then she spots Robin on the neighboring building.
Mari: ah... Its just them... Welp I'm off to bed.
Robin POV
Robin: She knows she's being followed.
Redhood: I'm not blind demon spawn.
They watch her enter her apartment while on guard.
Redhood: one of us should probably pass by her window. Just to let her know we're not goons. Pixi looks wound up...
Robin: ill do it.
He swings by her window. They guessed right. She was keeping watch.
Robin: something isn't right...
Redhood: no shit sherlock.
Robin over the comm: she's in. We're heading back to the cave.
-Siren, Gigantitan, Hero's day, mourning star (saw this in a fanfiction somewhere. Its a sad one)
Redhood: Holy shit...
Batman: How did we miss this?
Red Robin: found a call on the JL emergency call log.
Batman: play it.
Video call from Ryuuko on Hero's day. Showing the chaos, requesting for help, getting controlled, dropping the phone and walking away.
Batman: who answered this call?
Red Robin:.... Green Lantern
Robin: wait... Scroll up... Its the girl from the airport.
They play the mourning star akuma video.
Mourning star: a widow that had a miscarriage. Mourning the death of her husband and unborn child. The akuma kidnapping children and killing them infront of their mothers. So that they know the pain of losing a child. (I know it's depressing... I found this in a fanfiction. Forgot the title. And it was way more depressing than what I just wrote...) (ill skip this bit)
Marinette getting children to safety. Away from the akuma. Calming them down and getting them to hide in an abandoned building. Distracts the akuma by pissing it of and luring her away from the nearby preschool. (she's badass both in and out of the suit) then suddenly transforms into a mouse themed hero while on the run. Divides herself into smaller selves. And splits up each going down different alleyways. (she never becomes multimouse again after this: she got compromised again. Let's just say that she staged this bit to get halkmoth off her trail... In case he suspected her of being LB). Then not long after Chat noir shows up looking for LB. When LB finally shows up... He starts flirting and causing even more trouble. Akuma gets caught. Butterfly gets purified. Magical ladybugs fixing everything and LB punching Chat in the face. The end.
Redhood: he had that coming.
Robin: She was a hero? Are there others?
Redhood: why? Got a crush~?
Robin: *blush* no.
Red Robin: found one. Evillustrator. CCTV footage...
CCTV: Evillustrator breaking into the top floor of a bakery. Then leaving. Chat Noir showing up. Marinette answering the door. Chat Noir flirting. Marinette sarcastic acting. More chat noir flirting. He leaves. Fast forward. She leaves the bakery all dressed up (Robin's thaughts: she looks cute... WHAT THE FUCK BRAIN!!!! NO!) (I changed it a bit hehehe)
They shift to different CCTVs until she gets to her destination. Meeting up with the akuma (Redhood: what the hell... She went on a date with an akuma?) (Red Robin: wait look... Chat Noir) (Robin: *clenching his teeth and fists*) chat noir sneaking on the boat. And laying low. Mari snatching something and throwing it at chat. Chat messed-up. Mari gets trapped with chat in a glass box with the boat sinking. Chat trying to find a way to get out of the box. Mari just standing there until she gets fed up. Grabs the baton and extends it upward while grabbing chat noir's tail/belt and flinging him towards the pier. Gives back his baton. Chat flirts again. Kisses her hand then salutes. Mari turns away of cam. (Nightwing: did that count as a date?) (Redhood: yes) (Red Robin: no) (Robin's thaughts: strong, beautiful, smart, tricky ... Just what else do you have under your belt... Shit I called her beautiful...) (Batman: follow chat noir)
Shifting again to other CCTVs. Stopping on one viewing a hotel. Chat and Ladybug already on the scene. Doesn't take long after that for the battle to end.
Batman: we need to keep looking more into this...but right now. I'm going to the tower. And deal with Green Lantern.
-after this Robin makes sure to make Marinette's apartment to be part of his patrol route.
-Mari notices but doesn't try to call him over.
-he observes her and finds more things about her. (a designer, a gamer, a Baker and if her katana and fighting skills is anything to go by... Judo?)
-Mari knows that she's being observed so she makes sure the kwamis are hidden.
One night she decides to embroider on her balcony.
-curious... Robin comes closer to take a peek at what she was making... A dragon embroidery.
Mari: are you going to stay there or are you going to come down here and tell me what you need?
Robin:.... This place is part of my patrol route....
Mari: I noticed but I don't believe that that's all your here for.
Robin:...... you're one of the heroes...
Mari:........ *she looks at him* ex-hero... Retired hero??.... Who cares. I've been compromised.
Robin: I know... But it looked on purpose.
Mari:....... What do you want? Did you need something?
Robin:....... I don't trust you..... Your confusing...
Mari: I'd be worried if you did. Trusting people you just meet... Not a smart move.
Mari:........ Anything else?
Robin: No. I'll be on my way.
Mari: wait hold on a second... Here (she gives him the extra macaroons she made) I'm a stress Baker. I made too much.
Robin:....... I thaught that we agreed that we didn't trust each other....
Mari: I don't. Not completely. But I also know your not a bad person. Protective sure. But that's to be expected considering your cutrent occupation...... Just take it.... You've been observing me the past few days. You should know by now that I'm not a horrible person...here I'll even take one. (she takes one and pops it in her mouth) see? Safe.
Robin: fine I'll take them to the idiots........thanks.......(then he leaves)
Mari: hmm... Now back to work...
Keeps going on like this for the next few months.
Until its time for the new school year to start....
(I'm sleepy right now. I'll continue this tomorrow. I'll edit this same post. I won't be making it separate)
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kindaangelic · 4 years
Robin Musings, as per Comissioner Gordon
aka Jim Gordon, Ph.D. (Exasperation), M.A. (Patience)
Robin I
There isn't a little blueberry child smiling at me from behind Batman
I'm going to close my eyes and count to three
And that child had better be back at home and in bed, Batman
He's still here
Why is there blood on his little hands!!
Oh its Scarecrow's blood :)
Wait :l
Its Scarecrow's blood-
Robin II
Oh no
I recognize this kid's voice
I picked him up in Crime Alley once
He was scavenging for a burger
He called me a boob :(
Kid, come on, wouldn't you rather come in and have some cocoa?
Leave Batman to pick up the baddies
I severely underestimated his bloodlust
Robin III
Oh no
No sir bob
You are not fighting crime
You are too fragile
Bruce Wayne you listen here you overgrown meatloaf
You are not to let this child out at night-
Of course I know who you are!
What do you mean how
I'm a detective
Robin IV
Oh no
Not you
You're Barbara's friend
I can't let you get hurt
I see you every Sunday when you eat my granola yogurt
I have grown to see you like a hungry, hungry, daughter
Please stay alive
I cannot bear to look at granola yogurt otherwise
Robin III again
Put down the coffee Tim
Now gently back away
Good little Robin's don't drink coffee
Here, have some choccy milk instead
Robin V
Oh lord
The child has a sword
Young man, I am going to confiscate that weapon
That was too easy
I feel my Comissioner Senses tingling
The baby has a mace-!
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ohmongrel · 3 years
Child within a 30 mile radious: *gets orphaned*
Batman, daddybats-senses tingling:
Tumblr media
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goggles-mcgee · 4 years
When the Justice League does get involved with the Paris situation through Marinette’s guidance in “A Little Birdy Told Me”, is there some sort of “custody” battle between Wonder Woman and Batman (and the rest of the BatFam) over who gets to formally train Marinette? I can imagine a flushed Marinette between an overprotective sister Wonder Woman (indirectly through former Ladybug Hippolyta) and overprotective serial adopter Batman, with the Justice League struggling to hold their laughter.
Oh absolutely. Wonder Woman holds great respect for Marinette but at the same time she sees this tiny child and is literally like, "looks like I'm a role model now :)" she can't decide if she wants to be an older sister or aunt. (She totally was going to say mother figure but somehow Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn found out and made it known that they were Marinette's mothers/other set of parents and they would be more than willing to fight Diana if they had to if she tried to "adopt" their Mari-gold.)
Of course when Mari visits the Justice League Headquarters as Ladybug to discuss the game plan on the Paris situation, Diana notices how close Bruce and Mari are and how he'll follow her and introduce her to everybody or ruffle her hair and her senses are tingling and she literally flips Bruce and hugs Marinette to her and is just like, "You have enough children! You can't have this one!"
Que confused but utter delight from everyone else and the laughter that follows. Bruce desperately trying to convince everyone he did not adopt her and he has no intention of adopting her. Spoiler alert, no one believes him. And maybe Diana uses her lasso on him because she calls bullshit and maybe he admits he wants her to be part of his family.
Diana thus develops and goes into protective mode around Mari, and poor Mari is just so freaking confused by everything going on. She doesn't know if she should just go with it or say something.
Flash had to be physically restrained from recording the event.
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bartistic · 3 years
i just reeeeally want to see miles morales interacting with the bats for some reason pLEASE
(please bear with me, my grasp of miles’ character comes almost entirely from the movie and from Champions. i haven’t yet read his solo.)
Miles smacked the goober. He smacked it again. Well, that didn’t seem to be working. He looked around at the haunting, gothic city he’d been unceremoniously dropped in. Yeah, this wasn’t New York, at least not any New York he’d visited before. That left him with only one option: find this universe’s resident spider-person. Well— he hoped it was a person. One Spider-Ham was enough for him.
First things first: civilian mode. There’s no telling what the Spider-Man symbol could stand for in this setting, and it was best not to take chances. Swinging down into an uninhabited alley, he zipped his jacket up and stuffed his mask in one of his pockets. The skintight legs of the suit would be a bit odd under his shorts, but he wasn’t willing to go full civvies just yet. It was the best kind of luck that he happened to see a dirtied newspaper slumping bedraggled against the dumpster he was sharing the alley with— and an even better kind of luck that the headline was legible, in english, and relevant to his struggles.
Well, no mention of any spiders there. (Unless that was this... “Joker”, but the name didn’t seem quite right, and the mugshot printed in the paper below made his spider sense go wild— but not in a good way. dangerdangernotgoodbad) At least the city had familiarity with vigilantes, of the names were anything to show about it. He was about to start reading the rest of the article when he felt another tingle on the back of his neck. He looked towards the mouth of the alleyway, but it was empty. Turning his head from side to side, it seemed the entire alleyway was empty. That left only one place to look— but he wasn’t sure he wanted to give up his powers this early in the game, especially to the silent shadow perching on the fire escape seven stories up, out of the corner of his eye. Okay, regular paranoid civilian then. He could only hope that whoever he could hear following him, cape snapping too-quiet in the self-created wind, would lose interest soon enough.
Trying to make it seem as if he had purpose where he was going, he lost the rest of the world. Focus zeroed in. Turn here, continue down the street. Flap. Flap. Cross the street, avoid the open manhole—was that a crocodile? Not today, Satan. Cross the street again. Flap. Flap. He set his sights on a nice tall building a few streets down— a good target if he wanted a better view. Why did he even come down from the roofs in the first pla— OOF. He lost breath as he suddenly slammed into a broad chest. The man had dark hair and a disarming smile. His spider-sense started blaring in the back of his mind. He had half a mind to tell it to shut up, because you couldn’t have warned me earlier?? but it probably wasn’t a good idea to go talking to himself in front of probably bad-guy-white-guy.
“Heya chum, where are you going in such a hurry?” Miles put on his best charmingpolitepleasedontkillme smile. Trust your instincts.
“I... was going for a walk.” Instincts bad.
“Oh, he’s going for a walk. You sure it isn’t a run?” Theeere was another guy behind him. He really should have seen that coming.
“We told Collins’ runners to stay out of our turf. You sure you ain’t one of them?” Okay, this was getting pretty bad. On the bright side, he didn’t have a secret identity to worry about here. Subtly, he shifted into a fighting stance, trying to catalogue as many details of the men as possible.
“I don’t even know who that is,” he edged out, noticing that big guy’s right shoulder slumped more than his left. Possible injury?
“Well we’re glad to hear it. Means nobody will be coming after our heads.” He felt the man coming at him with a syringe before he even turned around, springing out of the way, hands up and ready to defend himself from... an unconscious body? He watched as more shadows leaped from the alcoves above the alley to join the one currently taking out the entire gang (and there were more of them that had been lying in waiting... Miles really needed to be more in touch with his surroundings if he’d managed to somehow stumble into an entire gang.) with laser-guided focus. It was like watching one of Gwen’s ballet performances... only significantly more injury-heavy.
By the time the last thug had dropped, Miles himself was surrounded by a semicircle of eerily synchronized figures, all wearing some variation of a domino mask and a cape. The last one (or the first one, as Miles had a feeling they had been the one tailing him since the first alleyway) was wearing a cowl that covered the entire top half of his head, with pointy appendages protruding from the top like horns.
“Thanks,” he attempted, earning a glare from the shortest of the masks. Holy— was that a child? Like, an actual child?? Who let him out here?
“Who are you.” The voice was gravelly, rumbling, and deep. It cut through his bones with a shiver.
“Uh... isn’t that something I should be asking you? Seeing as you probably just saved my life and all?” He watched as an entire conversation took place within the span of a few seconds and micro-facial-expressions.
“I’m Batman,” grunted the shadow, “and you don’t belong here.”
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litrally · 3 years
Winter Whumperland--Day 3
Prompt: Left out in the cold
Talon hated his coffin. He hated the way it forced him still--it forced any form of thought from his head, the overwhelming frigidness becoming his only sensation. He hated the way Cobb ordered him into it like it was nothing, especially when a tiny voice inside him raged and raged and raged in defiance, producing a throbbing pain in his temple that inevitably got him nowhere. He still ended up forced into the coffin, the cold taking over him the worst form of torture he ever experienced. 
The first time Talon was released from his coffin, he had little memory of anything before it. Not like he’d forgotten--no, he was well aware of the connections he’d once had, the experiences he’d once been a part of, the tasks of his own design rather than those of the court. He remembered them, but they were a haze, consisting of some kind of permanent fog in his mind. He was detached; he remembered the man who’d been a part of all of it--Richard Grayson--but that wasn’t important anymore. Talon wasn’t Richard. Talon was the weapon of the court, the Gray Son of Gotham. It was the court that controlled him, commanded him, not whoever the foggy figures in his mind were. 
Howard Fletcher, the Grandmaster had said. Kill him, Gray Son. And make a display of it. 
Talon had nodded, crossing an arm over his chest before bending at the waist in a swift bow. Cobb seemed to be watching him excitedly as he did so, a strange sort of thrill overtaking his face as he watched Talon move. But no matter. Talon had a job to do. 
Talon crept through the city, falling seamlessly among the shadows even under the bright streetlights of the wealthier part of town where Fletcher lived. Talon pressed himself in to the brick walls, barely tilting his head around the corner to scout the area in such an instinctive way that it gave him pause. Someone taught him that. Someone before Cobb. 
Talon shook his head, physically forcing himself out of his thoughts. He took another step forward, slowly pressing his toes into the brick before using the momentum to launch himself up, smoothly grabbing hold of the window frame outside Fletcher’s bedroom. The window slid open silently, and Talon slipped into the room, silent enough that Fletcher’s breathing didn’t even change. 
A woman was asleep in Fletcher’s bed next to him. Talon cocked his head, studying her. Her blood would add to the ‘display’ that the Grandmaster had asked for. Talon silently slipped a knife from his belt. A tremor went through his hands, then steadied. 
Talon flicked a hand towards a wall next to him in attempt to remove some of the blood coating him. The liquid nearly his whole body in a dull sheen, the red casting an eery glow over his already grey-pallor skin. 
But Talon felt no disgust. It was necessary for the task he had been assigned. From the initial slashes to slit the throats of his targets, which had left a spray of red liquid all over the bed and walls, to the additional cuts he’d made to leave the court’s message written where it could be seen. Talon didn’t know who the message was for, only that he had been told to write it. He’ll see it, he’d heard the court murmur. 
Talon slipped out the same window he had come in from, shutting it silently behind him. He slid into the shadows again without a sound. Talon began making his way back to the court, and it was after a mile of travel that he noted the dark ghost following him. Far enough away that it was trying to remain undetected, but a tilt of Talon’s head had him confirming its presence anyways. But no matter. Talon simply sped up and made a sharp turn while the ghost fell behind. It didn’t reappear. 
The next time Talon was sent out for a mission, the ghost showed itself again. Talon had been stalking his target, getting an understanding of its habits and its reliances before deciding how to kill it with minimal obstruction. But the ghost dropped in front of Talon’s perch, his dark shadow surrounding him making him seem larger than he was. Talon rose slowly, taking the ghost in before taking a knife in each hand. 
At this the ghost seemed to flinch, those shadows retreating. He took a step back, his hands coming up in a gesture that was meant to be placating and whispered a name. Something in the back of Talon’s head tingled at the sound; it seemed to be the same something that gave him headaches on a regular basis.
The shadow repeated the word again, it was only then that Talon connected it to the conversations he’d overheard from the court. “Dick,” he repeated, after the shadow had finished talking. 
Something in the shadow seemed to still. “Yes,” he whispered. “It’s me, Dick. Do you know who I am?” 
Talon studied the shadow, taking in the symbol on his chest, the fabric draping over his shoulders before thinking back to the court’s whispered conversations once again. “Bruce Wayne,” he said, his voice coming out hoarse and gravely, and for a reason Talon couldn’t explain, wrong. “Batman.”
 Batman seemed to startle. “Yes, Dick. That’s me.”
“Batman,” Talon said again. “The court is well aware of your presence. And your abilities.” Batman eyed him as he spoke, his gaze wary. “But you are interfering with Talon’s task. And if you continue to do so, Talon will have to eliminate the source of distraction.”
Something in Batman’s face seemed to shift. “Dick, please. I know you’re in there. It’s me, it’s Bruce.” 
Batman’s voice broke on the last word. But Talon simply drew his weapons, taking a step forward, before the Batman spoke again. 
“Okay, okay, I’ll leave you.” He backed away, seeming to deliberately keep himself out of the range of Talon’s weapons. “But I will be back,” he said, looking at Talon’s face again. “Dick, I’m going to fix this.” 
Talon took another step forward, lifting his knives again. Batman backed away once more before turning and jumping off the roof Talon was perched on. Talon watched him leave, studying the odd way he grappled across the buildings. Then he turned, refocusing on his target once more. 
When he was done, and the tendril’s of cold overtook his body in the coffin, Talon couldn’t stop thinking about Batman. 
The next time Talon ran into Batman’s family, he had already finished the task the court assigned him. He had been making his way across the city, mere blocks away from the sewer entrance when a body-armor clad figure wearing a shiny red helmet dropped in front of him. 
“Holy shit, Goldie,” the figure said, taking Talon in from head to toe. “Bruce told me, but I didn’t believe him.” His gaze seemed to linger on the blood coating Talon’s’ hands, the red streaks seeming too bright against the grey of his skin. “I couldn’t believe you’d actually do this.”
Talon didn’t shift. He didn’t sense any danger from the figure, and his body didn’t have the same needs as a human one, so he stood perfectly still, devoid of even the unnecessary movement of breathing. 
“Hood!” A voice cut through the air. “Hood, I swear to god, B said to--” The voice stopped suddenly, turning uncertain as it approached and saw Talon standing there. “Dick?” he whispered, his voice hesitant.
Talon didn’t warrant that with a reply, tilting his head to take in the two men staring at him. The helmet-clad figure seemed to shake himself out of his dazed trance first. He reached forward, placing his hand on the other boy’s shoulder and trying to tug him away. “C’mon, Timmy. We should--”
“No!” the smaller figure yelled, flailing the grip off his shoulder. “This can’t be real. Not the way Bruce said it was. Come on, Dick,” he said, his voice shaking, and his gaze never wavering from Talon’s face. “You know who we are, come home.” His voice broke. 
Talon looked at them, his face like stone. “Red Robin and Red Hood. Associates of Batman.” Red Robin and Red Hood both blinked, taken aback. He slipped two daggers from his belt, and that pesky voice in his head began raging anew. “Batman is an enemy of the court.” 
Red Hood’s gaze focused on those knives, and he grabbed hold of Red Robin’s shoulder again, firmer this time. “Red, we need to go,” he said, his voice sounding too steady to be natural. 
“No,” Red Robin shook his head. His voice sounded wet. “No he won’t hurt us.” 
Talon began to step forward “Tim, come on, bud,” Red Hood pleaded. 
“No!” Red Robin screamed, beginning to claw at Hood’s hand on his shoulder. 
Red Hood’s hand shifted to wrap around the front of Red Robin’s chest as Talon began to break into a run across the roof top. “Timmers, he’s covered in blood, come on please.” Red Hood’s voice had taken on a wet tone, too. 
Red Robin stopped flailing, and Red hood had a grapple line pulling them away less than a second later. Talon’s lunge brought the knife blade within inches of Red Robin’s foot before they slipped away. 
Talon watched them leave. Then he turned away, heading back towards the court. 
The coffin was so, so cold. Talon just felt numb. 
The last time Talon met a member of Batman’s family, he had no reason to be out. No one had commanded him to stay, so he just...left. Talon knew he’d likely be punished later, but he couldn’t bring himself to care. He just wanted to feel the cool breeze blow across his face. 
He sat with his legs dangling off the edge of a skyscraper, watching the city grow quieter as the night overtook it. Talon wasn’t quite sure how long he sat like that, but he heard the near-silent footfalls of a small figure coming towards him. 
“Gray Son?” a small voice asked. At least, that’s what Talon thought it said. He whipped his head around immediately, but when he recognized the figure, Talon was fairly sure he’d misheard him. Or at least misunderstood his tone.
Robin sat down next to him, looking incredibly small with his eyes wide and far more child-like than anyone had lead Talon to believe. “Richard,” Robin breathed. 
Talon didn’t move, simply continuing to study the child sitting next to him. At his silence, Robin looked away, blinking rapidly. He was quiet for a long time, and didn’t look at Talon when he spoke again. 
“I miss you, Richard. Father says you’re not coming back. At least...not the same way.” His voice was soft. “Drake yelled at him when he said that. I think that’s the only time I’ve ever agreed with him,” He added with a humorless laugh. The screaming voice in Talon’s head fell silent for once. “I think you would’ve been proud of us.”
Robin didn’t speak anymore after that. He tucked his knees up to his chin, and Talon was reminded again of how small he looked. Tears built up at the edges of Robin’s eyes; he let them fall silently. And when he reached out a hand--a gesture that seemed more like muscle memory, than anything else--Talon took it gently in his own. 
When Talon returned to the court that day, he embraced the chill of the coffin. At least his heart didn’t ache while frozen. 
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pandoraimperatrix · 4 years
I’ll Take Care Of You, If You Ask Me To
@pcgasuss asked me for jealous Dick. I’m not very good writing about jealousy, but I tried.  
Summary:  Dick should have known that Kory and Bruce talking was not the best news to him.
1,7K | DickKory | Fluff | Read on AO3
The echo of Kory’s laugh grabbed Dick’s attention in midsentence. She was all the way across the room, actually not in the room at all, but you could see her, and Bruce, talking through the glass.
“Hm?” He turned attention back to the boys slowly. Conner had his whole face frowned in confusion. It was hard to make Gar smile these days, but he had an amused glint in his eyes.
“Forget it, Con. He’s gone outer space now.”
Conner looked even more confused. Dick sighed and pretended he didn’t hear it.
“Anything else?” Dick asked dryly.
“Yeah, like you could even remember we were talking about.” Mocked Gar.
“Of course I remember.”
“What was it, then?”
“It was…” Kory laughed again, this time a little bit louder, Dick had to bite the insides of his cheeks to control the urge to just nap his head in her direction again.
“Exactly.” Said Gar very pleased with himself. “Come on Con, let’s play some videogames.”
“Only an hour, then bed. I want you both well rested tomorrow morning.”
“Sure, boss.”
“Goodnight, Dick.” Dick gave the boy a tight smile and nodded, Conner turned back to Gar. “Should we invite Hank and Rose?”
Gar answered something, but Dick didn’t listen as they walked away. He took a sip of his orange soda, wishing it was something stronger than sugar and watched them with the corner of his eyes. He couldn’t ignore the fact that both his surrogate father and his… Well, Kory wasn’t his to begin with, but they were both naturally flirty people. Kory was just too charming to her own good, no, scratch that, she was too charming for everyone’s around her own good. The charisma that Bruce so meticulously learned to perform, the same that he tried so hard to make Dick copy and never quite succeeded, Kory had it effortlessly. And Dick knew Bruce very well, there was no way he wouldn’t make any moves, even though the probabilities of him following through with them were quasi none. After all if Batman had something was work ethics. And yet… What was he saying that was so funny? A voice inside his head that sounded terrible like Donna was calling him a paranoid freak and explaining to him in painstaking detail how he had no claim for the feelings brewing in his chest. But it shut up in silent panic when he saw Kory touch Bruce’s arm. When Dick noticed he was already getting hit on the face by the cold wind as he reached the veranda.
“Hey.” Greeted Kory, the easy smile on her face not quite reaching her eyes.
“Nice of you to joying us, chum.”
“Chum?” Asked Kory in obvious delight. A little too much. She was not drinking orange soda.
Dick winced.
“Can you not call me that?”
“Why not?” Was that a little bit of genuine hurt that he was seeing on Bruce’s eyes?
“Because I’m not twelve anymore.”
“See what I was telling you, Miss Anders?”
Kory fell in a fit of giggles, and Bruce smiled fondly at her. Dick felt panic bubble inside him. He hated how Bruce would make him feel like a teenager ager just by being around.
“What? What is happening? What were you telling her?”
“About how adorable you were as a child.” Managed Kory holding on to Dick to keep straight. Her hand on his shoulder was cold. Dick frowned. It wasn’t like he spent hours and hours of what should have been sleep reliving every time she touched him but she never felt cold before, actually, she used to be almost feverish. “Nothing to feel ashamed of.”
“I can’t help but doubt it.”
“Don’t you trust me, Dick?” Asked Bruce prying Dick’s eyes from Kory’s.
“With my dignity? Not at all.”
“You hurt me, son.”
“What did you tell her, Bruce?”
“Oh, this and that.”
“Oh, cool off. It was nice to hear about baby Dick Grayson. Even though by the stories you didn’t change very much.”
“What do you mean?”
“Bruce here was telling me about how seriously you took yourself, and that, what was her name? Selena?”
“Selina.” Corrected both men together.
“Yes, Selina, she was the best at making you lose it and act like a kid.”
“That’s because she was infuriating.” But when he looked at Bruce his face was softer and when he asked had a note of hopefulness. “Heard from her lately?”
Bruce straightened himself slightly, an act that would pass unnoticed to anyone, but that brought a tiny smile to Dick’s lips. So that explained the whole easy mood of lately.
“Yes, actually.” He cleaned his throat. “She has been around. But we were talking about you…”
“Around? How much around? Is she okay?”
“She is, yes.”
“And you both…?”
“Come on, Bruce!”
Bruce just took a sip of his drink and pretended to look at something else far away. Kory just watched their back and forth like it was a very entertaining game.
“Did Jason meet her?”
Bruce sighed.
“Yes, they’ve met.”
“What? They didn’t get along?” Dick’s eyebrows raised in surprise. “They are so alike…”
“Maybe too much you could say.”
“Sorry to hear that, B.”
“It’s alright.”
Deciding to give Bruce a break, he turned back to the woman by his side.
“What else did he tell you, Kory?”
He tried to pretend he didn’t notice that her hand haven’t left his person, slipping from his shoulder to his arm, and that now she was making doodles with the tip of her fingers giving his tingles. Bruce also noticed, but besides making sure to let Dick know he did with an inquisitive look, he didn’t say anything about it.
“Well… He showed me picture too… of your first suit.”
“No…” His eyes widened in terror.
“The little short was so cute, Dick! And the booties. Adorable! I sent a picture to Rachel already.”
“You did not!”
“I did! My batteries died so I don’t know her reaction yet…” She pouted.
Horror spread over Dick’s face and he turned to his mentor.
“Why? Why do you have that with you?”
“To look at it, of course, since I so rarely get to actually see you these days. I carry it in my wallet.” Said Bruce proudly.
“You!” He pointed to Bruce. “And you Koriand’r, I thought you were my friend.”
“Such a drama queen.”
“I know.” Agreed Bruce, “and you believe he never even took acting lessons?”
“No. You two talking was a horrible idea.”
“Well, I thought it was loads of fun. But you, Dick Grayson. You have no such concept.” And to Dick’s complete shock she gave him a sloppy kiss on the cheek. “Goodnight, Bruce. It was lovely to finally meet you.”
“Likewise, Miss Anders.”
“If I have to call you by your first name, you can just call me Kory too.”
“Very well. Goodnight, Kory.”
She just smiled before leaving, her hand lingering on Dick’s arm before she was completely gone.
“So…” Said Bruce when Kory was far-gone. “There is no chance you are coming back, then.”
“I can’t leave the Titans.”
“The Titans?” Bruce scoffed.  “Sure.”
“Why are you insinuating?”
“Me? Nothing. But well, I always thought that eventually you and Barbara would settle down, I can see now it will hardly happen.”
“Bruce… Me and Babs haven’t been a thing since high school.”
“I know… I know. But Kory is really a formidable woman. Take good care of her.”
“I’m not seeing Kory either, Bruce.”
“Whatever you say, chum. I’m also going to bed. Long trip back home tomorrow. Goodnight, son.”
“Bruce, I’m not-“
But the man completely ignored Dick, leaving him alone with his feelings and the cold air.
 Later, when Dick arrived at his room, he learnt that there was already someone occupying his bed.
“Kory? What are you doing here?”
She purred softly, he had to ask her about that one day. And opened one shiny green eye.
“Dick? Shit. I think I got rooms wrong.”
“Kory, are you okay?”
She sighed, trying to lift her body starting from her head, but no such luck.
“No… Not really. Can I… I mean. Just for sleep?”
He should say no. He really should say no and help her to her room.
“Yes. Sure.”
And she didn’t say anything else for so long he was sure she was asleep.
He washed himself and joined her in bed. As soon as he got under the covers, her static form gained movement and she turned to him, pushing her face against his chest. He felt a sense of familiarity and relief so strong, he wondered if it was like that when Hank took heroin.
“I’ve missed you.” He heard she whisper sleepy.
He leaned into her hair, letting himself inhale her scent.
“I miss you too.”
“I’m sorry.”
“For what?”
“So many things…”
Dick kissed the crown of her head, his fingers getting used to the new texture of her hair. It was so silky now, he missed the fluffiness from before.
“Me too.” He sighed. “Rest, Kory.”
He was sure she was sleeping when he heard she giggle softly.
“What is it?”
“Your dad is hot.”
“Oh my god, Kory.”
She giggled again and looked up to him.
“You are hotter.”
And then she kissed him. He held her impossibly close, and her hand felt warmer when she cupped his face, not hot as it used to be. But her lips didn’t taste the same either, the taste was somehow stronger, more intoxicating, and as he bite them softly they were even more thicker than he remember or fantasied about, her tongue even more talented.  But he forced himself to breathe before the kiss consumed them both. Kory was acting so weird. He couldn’t. Not like that.
He pulled away avoiding her seeking lips and kissed her forehead.
“Go to sleep Kory, we’ll talk tomorrow.”
She sighed and got more comfortable against him.
Another fluffy piece. It’s my headcanon that the reason why Titans Bruce is like that is because he eloped with Selina and is living his best life lmao. Kory in this story is a bit OOC, I think she is so out of it because all her recent losses that she is trying so hard to feel anything else that’s why she is acting so weird. It was nice to write this one. I hope you enjoyed to read it too, and if you did, let me know.
Likes are awesome but if you want to support me please reblog <3
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attackonnat · 5 years
No one can convince me otherwise that the moment Jason was unable to be tracked, Bruce’s Batdad sense’s started tingling. It got all quiet while he was falling and Dick was screaming but you could still hear that helicopter.  Batman is gonna swoop in there and save his child bird!
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huilian · 5 years
that would be enough
AO3 Characters: Dick Grayson, Damian Wayne, Alfred Pennyworth
Summary: Damian was not sick. He was not. It didn’t matter that he felt like vomiting both his dinner and his before patrol snack. It didn’t matter. Gotham needed Batman, and Batman needed Robin. So Damian was not sick. Not at all.
A/N: i was sick yesterday and needed something to boost up my spirits, so here's a little sick! Damian with a protective Dick. title from Hamilton. it doesn't make sense, i know.
Damian was not sick. He was not.
It didn’t matter that he felt like vomiting both his dinner and his before patrol snack. It didn’t matter. Gotham needed Batman, and Batman needed Robin. So Damian was not sick. Not at all.
Even though the armor that Damian wore felt like stabbing into his skin and the cold Gotham night air felt freezing on the parts that are not covered by the armor, Robin still flies with Batman. Because that was what Robin does. Damian knew that that is what Robin does.
Damian thought he had done quite well. He managed to keep his façade of health well into the patrol with his show of being normal. He still put up enough force in his attacks to almost be on the that side of lethal. It is what he did. Besides, those kinds of attacks made the so-called bad guys didn’t go back up for another go. It’s efficient. It’s what it takes to cover Batman’s back. Even though Damian could practically feel his strength dwindling after each attack, he persisted, because it was what he normally do, and right now, he was as normal as he could be, and not sick.
Grayson had given him several odd looks, but thankfully, Damian’s normal is not everyone else’s normal. Grayson periodically gave him odd looks throughout their entire tenure as Batman and Robin. It’s nothing.
Or at least, it was nothing until a thug managed to land a hit to Damian’s unprotected stomach.
Sloppy. An amateur’s mistake. Mother would have Damian’s ears if she could see what just happened. And then force him to undergo trainings to rectify that mistake.
“Robin!” Damian could hear Grayson shouting. Then he could hear the thuds that must mean Grayson was plowing down the thugs to get to Damian.
Damian would have told him that there was no need, that he could take care of himself, if he wasn’t suddenly filled with nausea. It turned out that it was not just his dinner and his before patrol snack that Damian vomited. It was also his lunch, because Damian did not eat that much at dinner, and the vomit that come out is very large in volume. Very large.
Silence. There was no sound from either the thugs they were fighting or from Grayson. Damian felt another wave of nausea hit him, and he vomited again. What was it that he vomited? He hadn’t eaten this much all day.
A hand was rubbing his back, while another was on his shoulders. Gauntleted hands. Batman hands. Damian wanted to push him away, to tell him that he had this under control, but the hand rubbing his back felt so nice that Damian couldn’t help but lean in into the touch.
After this round of vomiting was finished, Grayson gently turned Damian around to face him. He crouched down, and wiped Damian’s mouth with a cloth he conjured from his belt. Then he gave Damian a bottle of water to rinse his mouth with. How did he manage to keep all of that in his belt?
Throughout it all, Grayson stayed silent. Damian didn’t know if he was grateful that Grayson didn’t treat him like some child they had rescued on the streets, or if he was disappointed in the lack of Grayson’s comforting voice. Gotham’s villains might have something to fear in the Batman, but the children on the streets? They were never afraid of Batman. They never had anything to fear from the Batman.
Damian returned the water bottle to Grayson after he had finished rinsing his mouth. Grayson mentioned for him to drink the rest of the water there. Damian complied. Then Grayson crouched down‒It used to be a disgrace, to be so short that Grayson had to crouch down to meet his eyes. It was not anymore‒ and look at Damian in the eye. “You good to go?” he asked.
Even though his stomach felt like it still had another round of vomiting in store, even though his skin felt like needles were all over them, and his head felt like it just wanted to burst open, Damian still said, “Yes.” It was what Robin would have done, after all. Robin would not let such a measly thing as a sickness to hold him back.
Grayson looked at him, and gestured for Robin to move to the Batmobile. Robin followed. He wanted to put up his habitual arguments to be allowed to drive the Batmobile, but he was just so tired. Hopefully Grayson would just think that Damian is finally done with arguing that.
Grayson started up the car, and drove. Damian figured that it was safe enough for him to rest his head to the windows of the Batmobile. He would be ready to resume patrol when Grayson had reached his destination, but for now, he can rest his throbbing head to the pleasantly cool windows of the Batmobile.
“Damian?” A hand on Damian’s cheek, gently tapping it. “Damian, come on, wake up.”
“Damian, it’s better for you to sleep upstairs.”
Sleep? Upstairs? When had he fallen asleep? And why is Grayson calling him Damian, not Robin? Are they not still on patrol?
“Damian, come on. Or do you want me to carry you?”
That got Damian to wake up. And the sight that greeted him was Grayson’s face, with the cowl lowered behind him. A quick look around confirmed that they are now in the Bunker.
“Why are we in the Bunker?”
Grayson smiled. “You were sick. I wasn’t going to keep going on patrol if you’re sick. Come on, let’s get you upstairs.”
No! No, no, no. Damian was not sick. He was not. This was precisely what he didn’t want to happen! “I’m not sick, Grayson. We can resume patrol!”
A sigh. And a laugh? Why would Grayson laugh about this?
“Fooling Batman about not being sick to patrol is a fine Robin tradition, Damian. But Batman always figured it out in the end. Come on, up you go. Alfred is already making tea in the penthouse. Then we’ll pile up all the blankets and sleep, okay?”
Damian wanted to protest again, but the promise of Pennyworth’s tea is enough to entice him. So Damian let himself be guided out of the Robin suit, and into the comfortable sweats that Grayson bought for him. Then he and Grayson rode up the elevator to the penthouse.
“How did you notice I am sick?” Damian asked. The tip could be useful for his next attempt in fooling Batman.
“Oh, finally admitting you’re sick, aren’t you?” Grayson chuckled. “Beside the fact that you vomited in the middle of patrol? You were cranky all day. Well, crankier. And…”
“And what, Grayson?”
“I’m not gonna tell you, Little D. You’ll just use it to escape my notice another time.”
Damn it. Grayson must have caught on to Damian’s line of thinking, because instead of chuckling, he full on laughed this time.
“Why are you laughing at your sick brother, Master Dick?” Pennyworth’s voice rang out from outside of the elevator.
Damian would have laughed at the expression on Grayson’s face if his throat was still not too scratchy from the vomiting he had done earlier. “Umm, I…,” Grayson stammered. Pennyworth gave Grayson a glare that would have put the so-called Batglare to shame.
“Come now, Master Damian. There is tea in the kitchen, with some broth for you. I believe it will calm down your stomach a bit.”
“Thank you, Pennyworth.”
“You’re welcome, Master Damian. Now, come. It would not do to let the tea cool more than it already has.”
Damian walked into the kitchen, and drank the tea Pennyworth had so thoughtfully put into cups. It was laced with ginger and honey, the perfect kind of tea to stop his nausea from getting worse. The broth that Pennyworth made, while usually is too bland for Damian’s taste, was very excellent in calming his stomach down. Pennyworth even put some spice in the broth that made Damian felt warm from the inside. Even his throat didn’t feel too scratchy anymore.
After he had finished all both the tea and the broth, Damian continued to sit down in the kitchen, letting the sound of Pennyworth’s cleaning lull him to sleep.
A hand lifted Damian’s body from the kitchen chair he found himself asleep in. Grayson’s hand. Damian woke up the moment the hand touched his body, but it was nice to pretend to be asleep so that Grayson could carry him to his bedroom. Besides, the softness of Grayson’s clothes was such a far cry from his armor that Damian’s skin didn’t even tingle anymore.
Grayson laid him down, not on Damian’s bed, but on Grayson’s own bed, and then covered him with blankets. It was warm, both because of the pile of blankets on Grayson’s bed, and because of the remnant of Grayson’s own body heat. He must have kept his promise to pile up all the blankets, because Damian distinctly remembered that some of the blankets use to be on Damian’s own bed.
“Damian? I know you’re awake.”
Damian just hummed in response.
“I know I said that pretending you’re not sick to continue patrolling is a Robin tradition, but next time you’re sick, tell me, okay? I don’t want to have to watch you vomit like that on patrol again.”
Damian hummed again.
“I’m sorry I didn’t notice sooner. B would have… You shouldn’t force yourself to patrol while you’re sick, okay? Come on, answer me, Damian.” Grayson’s voice, while still gentle, had taken on a terse tone.
“I’ll tell you next time, Grayson,” Damian said.
“Okay. Okay.” Grayson stoke Damian’s hair. It felt nice. “Tell me next time, do you hear that, Robin?”
“Roger that, Batman,” Damian said, and then he. Slept.
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