#a goblin posted this
herlaqueen · 11 months
Star Princess costume progress: my aim was to have this costume at "wearable" stage by June 8th, and I just barely made it.
It's still missing the stars on the skirt and the silver beads bodice embroidery, but it's looking good already!
I don't know if I'll add the ruffle sleeves, I'm not a fan but they do add some nice balance to the outfit... I'll definitely add some boning to the bodice though, I just have to finish the embroidery first!
I am just super happy to have reached my goal, and even more that I've been able to enjoy an "unfinished" costume instead of berating myself for not doing more. I am also 100% proud of the colour-matching between the bodice and skirt (I dyed the bodice to match) and of the skirt's shape, it's exactly what I wanted!
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hobgobknowsbest · 7 months
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inkskinned · 2 years
"your pet doesn't love you; it just has learned that it will get treats if it acts a certain way. it can't understand you."
in between humans, i don't always speak the language either. love has always been hard for me. i don't trust it. i can't read it easily on people's faces - i'm usually trying to read past it; to the "other parts", the ones that make sense to me.
but my mom always offers me food as soon as i get through the door. my brother calls me at weird hours, just to be talking. my sister has a nightmare; asks me to please drive safe in the morning. i throw my friends random parties, just to celebrate something. she drives 45 minutes to spend 3 hours with me. amelia holds my hand while we both cross the street.
no, my dog and i don't have the same language. so what? this is not the same thing as communication. my dog is a good study in how trauma can heal - a rescue from the racetrack; i've been watching his personality develop slowly. in the last year, he's gotten so comfortable with me that he'll ask me to sit down on the grass so he can use my body as a seat. (it's important to note: he is huge. he squishes me. i don't complain. i find it lovely.)
love for us is also just endorphins and behavioral response. i'm a poet, the number of sad men that have tried to "teach me" how stupid it is to be a hopeless romantic is ... not a low one. i cannot count how many times someone has argued - it's all chemical stimulus - as if the fact of it makes it less magical. we're just electrical signals reading the universe! that's fucked up. that's so beautiful.
i find it hard to believe that in the spectrum of evolution we are the only species to feel like this - we already know that dogs and cats also have endorphins. why wouldn't they experience joy? love? companionship? in what world is it a new thing that i had to earn it? in every relationship, both individuals have to work to learn the language. i had to teach my dog what trust is. it's okay that it took time for him to learn it.
in the human world, when i love someone, it's hard for me to speak it. i write them poems or make them food or give them a cool rock i found on the beach.
i don't know how to tell goblin i love him, so i tell him through treats. through a new collar, fancy mattresses, a little bow on his leash. i tell him with long walks and petting him and sitting down on the wet ground so my 70 pound sharp noodle of a dog can prance on my thigh bones and take an awkward - if loving - seat.
"you taught your dog to love you" is kind of a cruel way to reframe what actually happened: i loved him so loudly, it skipped over language and species. the two of us just saying - oh! i have figured out a way to tell you that you make me happy.
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twistedappletree · 4 months
mfw i’m only 16 and have single-handedly made several of the most powerful cultivators cry simply by calling them stupid and telling a few “yo mama” jokes without any repercussions from the elders of my own clan who let me do/say whatever the hell i want because they’ve given up on trying to stop me
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freakbullet · 6 months
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he has his doctor who moments :]
something from like a year and a half ago. silly stuff's always good for practice!
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hows-my-handwriting · 6 months
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me omw to deface public property
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myrkulitescourge · 8 months
i'm surprised i haven't seen any text posts yet about the Unsubtle Differences between astarion’s tiefling party/high approval forest scene and the one you get after the goblin party.
there’s something so terribly interesting about how the conversation afterward plays out depending on which variation you pursue.
like, most people have seen the tiefling party version by now. astarion basking in the sunlight the morning after, playing off most of what tav says with relative ease, even when they ask about his scars and he tells them about cazador. his cadence is smooth and composed, his smile almost friendly, even though you know, as the viewer, he’s playing a game of manipulation at this point. the only real crack in his demeanor is if tav notices that cazador’s “poem” was written in infernal, which, understandably, startles him.
but recently i watched the goblin party version of this same scene, and everything reads so differently. unlike at the tiefling party, it’s still the middle of the night when astarion tries to leave, thinking tav is asleep—almost immediately after the act, in fact. when tav does speak to him, he’s visibly nervous, halting and stammering in the middle of lines delivered unflinchingly in the other version of the scene. he gestures broadly and fidgets more while talking, his smile comes and goes. there’s even some of his distinctive high pitched, fake laughter sprinkled throughout the exchange, almost identical to later scenes where he's very, very obviously uncomfortable (like if raphael mocks him and magics off astarion's shirt to show the party his scars in act 2, or when confronting the gur children in their cell in act 3, etc etc).
siding with the goblins represents something deeply familiar to astarion, a level of cruelty he's more than familiar with and embraces likely because cruelty and duplicity, to him, go hand-in-hand with the power and freedom he craves so badly—but he won't stay the night with this tav, even if he approves of their actions. no, in this case, he'll keep to what's familiar and attempt to leave them in the forest under the cover of the very same darkness he resents having been cast into by cazador. when he gets caught, it sets him on edge, and everything he says becomes such a blatant lie to save face that tav would have to be completely oblivious not to see through him, or maybe just not care enough to.
but if tav saves the refugees? challenges his worldview and comes out victorious? oh, he'll complain of the poor rewards for his trouble at the party and whine about it being boring, but he decides to stay with tav through the night while they're asleep and on past dawn. he takes a moment to enjoy the morning sunlight, returned to his life after two centuries without. the same is true if you have high enough approval that he asks before the party, in which case, you've almost certainly hit his biggest approval gains: trusting him and supporting his safety. maybe he doesn't trip over his words when he speaks because, well, maybe this is someone he doesn't have to worry about. someone who's already more than proven themselves a foolish, heroic sort with a bleeding heart or otherwise demonstrated that they're already in his corner. in other words, not a threat—at least not to him.
does any of this make sense. i wanna study this guy under a microscope.
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gravyhoney · 1 month
Like and reblog for Cole and THE GOBLIN👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹
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ovenproofowl · 5 months
it was a really charming surprise to find out that the song ncuti and millie performed wasn't pre-recorded and that they literally just had to sing it on the fly while dancing around. most sequences like that would have just been lip-synced with the done up vocals being played in the background which always feels a bit inauthentic, but this just adds to the chaos of the scene and makes the stakes feel a bit more genuine, that ruby and the doctor are actually struggling to come up with this song to offer a proper distraction.
I know we talk a lot about how doctor who will always pick practical effects and costume over 'cgi-ed to a buggery', so I feel like this also deserved some acknowledgement
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bambazzle · 3 months
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Shadowheart and Chicken the owlbear
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staff · 1 year
tumblr tuesday: goblin appreciation post
Last week was goblin week. This week, you get to feast your eyes upon the spoils of goblin week. Don't say goblin week doesn't spoil you. Honor goblin week, and goblin week shall honor you.
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herlaqueen · 1 year
The best thing to come out of the rekindling of my Phantom of the Opera obsession is getting out of my multiple years long sewing slump. I decided to try and make a Star Princess costume to wear when I'll go see it in Trieste, and even if my progress is being slow it's also super satisfying.
After many hours of ruffling and even more yards of fabric, the petticoat is complete and it has an amazing shape (I decided to go with a more bell-shaped skirt because I'm not really fond of the current West End one):
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I have also dyed the bodice fabric, curled the wig, and started working on the bodice's draft. I am also making many, many resin stars for the skirt and bodice decorations, luckily working with resin is fun since I have to make a lot of them! Oh, and I found the loveliest tiara to wear! (I decided making one from scratch was not worth the amount of sanity involved)
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Next steps will be sewing the fashion fabric skirt layers (which will be quite quick since they're just finely gathered big rectangles) and finalizing the bodice draft so I can make it and start the bead embroidery (which luckily is a more portable project, so I will be able to work on it during my lunch break at work).
Working on this costume is being exhausting, but also extremely rewarding. Working out construction details from pictures, figuring out what design options I like from the many used across the years and productions, sourcing the materials and then the making part, they are all being at times frustrating but so much fun, and I am learning a lot from this project.
It's also forcing me to accept that I might get to a "not 100% done, but finished enough" stage when my deadline arrives, which is good since I am working on being less of a perfectionist.
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hobgobknowsbest · 11 months
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jahiera · 11 months
the astarion sex god agenda is fully propaganda from Astarion, Himself. he's been eating bugs in a dungeon and hasn't felt a warm touch in 200 years. his badly constructed persona and hedonistic delight inspired by his newfound freedom does NOT fool me. I love him for who he is
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ojaiyart · 5 months
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carved my cat out of a block of wood
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bruciemilf · 11 months
Miles needs his own Sinister Six and I NEED them to be so goddam silly. Half of them are like "I'm not fighting a child are you insane" and the others are "finally, an excuse to punch a teenager"
Adrian, on 10 Monster energy drinks: Hey, your web shooters aren't as fast as last week, everything okay?
Miles: no, I stayed up all night and couldn't figure out what's wrong with them :(
Adrian: alright, let's take a look. Your design is so good!
Felicia: Hey Junior, wanna annoy Peter B as much as humanly possible?
Miles: Y E S
Felicia: good kid
Miles: Did you just. Apologize for existing
Harry: I'm sorry I try not to do it
Spot: You're so petty, honestly. I'm trying to change
Spot: That was 2 hours ago
Miles: You know I'm 15, right? You punched a 15 year old. A child. As a father.
Flint: Don't.
Miles: Ow. My minor bones are broken. My child self is hurting. I got sand in my teenager baby eyes.
Flint: [sigh]
Kraven, with the creepiest golden eyes: You're Amazing :) The Best Spider-Man :) Fine Trophy, Indeed :)
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