#acacia self ships
acacia-may · 4 months
Not me writing an actual love confession fic just in time for Valentine’s Day…
What has the world come to?
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vodika-vibes · 3 months
can I request acacia and purple lilac with fixer? maybe some fluff with a jedi reader who thinks someone so brisk and no-nonsense as fixer could never want a naive jedi who's so unsure of herself, but she doesn't realize the rest of delta squad can see how obvious her "secret" affection is, and are all rooting for her? hope that's not to o much detail. :^) have fun!!!
On Your Order
Summary: You've been in love with Fixer for a while, but think he doesn't feel the same.
Pairing: Clone Commando Fixer x F!JediReader
Prompt: Acacia - Secret love, Purple Lilac - First Love
Word Count: 1565
Warnings: None
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni @imabeautifulbutterfly
A/N: So, full disclosure, I woke up with awful vertigo this morning, so I'm surprised I was able to write anything at all. Sadly, I no longer have vertigo medicine. Anyway, I hope this is close to what you wanted!
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You’ve never been in love before.
At least, if you have, it’s never felt like this before.
It’s never felt so real.
You rest your chin on your folded arms as you watch the men from Delta walk around the ship, preparing for the upcoming mission. Your gaze jumps from Scorch, who’s checking his weapons, and then over to Sev, who’s polishing his armor, and then finally your gaze lands on Fixer, who is reading over the mission brief again.
You love Fixer.
You do.
He’s so serious and stern and no-nonsense. And he follows all of the rules to the letter.
And you love him anyway.
It’s embarrassing.
It’s pathetic.
Even if Fixer didn’t follow all of the rules all of the time, he still wouldn’t be interested in you. You know this. You’re too jedi. Too naive. Too self-conscious.
A hand lands between your shoulder blades, and Boss leans over you, “You’re staring.”
“I’m thinking.” You reply.
“Hm, about Fixer?” Boss asks as he slides into the seat next to you.
You scowl at him, “Just in general,” You finally say as you turn to look at him, “We’ll be landing soon, I’m guessing.”
“Soonish.” He gazes at you thoughtfully, “You know we’re all on your side, right?”
“I’m sorry?”
“We,” He motions to himself, Scorch, and Sev, “Think that you’d be good for Fixer. So we’re rooting for you.”
You blink at him, twice, and then turn to bury your face in your arms, “Is it that obvious?”
“Yeah, just a bit.”
“Ugh…how humiliating.”
“It’s cute.”
“Please stop talking.” You say quietly, and then you lift your head when the ship makes a noise, announcing your arrival on the planet, “Ah. Time for work.”
“So it would seem.”
You get to your feet and walk over to the side door, pressing the button to slide the door open. And then you crouch near the exit, “That’s a lot of droids,”
“There’s no way we can land here.” Fixer says, his hand resting lightly on your shoulder, to offer you support.
“Yeah, but this is the only way in,” Scorch points out, “It’s not like there’s a back entrance.”
“We can make one.” Sev says, “Enough explosives-”
“Bad idea,” Boss interrupts, he turns his gaze towards you, “Suggestions.”
“Land the ship further back, you’ll just have to walk a little more.” You finally say as you stand and pull your saber into your hands.
“What about you?” Scorch asks with a small frown.
“I’m going out there.” You reply as you toss your outer robe over a chair, “I’ll clear some space for you all.”
“It’s too dangerous.” Fixer counters.
“More dangerous than leaving our vulnerable drop ship open to enemy fire?” You ask with a pointed look at Fixer, “I realize that you think I’m incompetent,” And wow, it hurts to finally say that outloud, “But I was assigned as your Jedi for a reason.”
Fixer blinks, “Wha-? I don’t think you’re incompetent-”
“Now is not the time,” Boss barks, “General, go. Be careful. We’ll catch up when we can.”
You nod at him, and flash a small smile, “Happy hunting, boys.” And then you jump out of the ship. You use the force so slow your descent and you light your sabers before you hit the ground.
You hear the ship fly off, and you settle yourself in the force.
It’s just you now. You and the force, and what seems like half a million droids.
If they wanted to win they would have sent more droids.
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Fixer grips his blaster tightly, anxiety and worry making him more tense than usual.
He can’t get her words out of his mind. “I realize you think I’m incompetent.” She said before jumping out of the ship to fight an army on her own.
She can’t possibly think that he thinks that, right?
And if she does, what does that say about how he’s been treating her?
He’s been nothing but respectful towards her. And he does respect her. He respects the hell out of her. And more.
Fixer isn’t the type of man to lie to himself, and he’s not going to start now. 
He knows that his eyes drift to her during downtime. How he watches her hair sway when she walks. How he stands closer to her just so that he might be able to catch a hint of the citrusy scented shampoo she uses. How he sometimes hates Scorch for being able to make her laugh.
He’s enamored. He knows it. And he knows that his brothers know it.
And he also knows that she’s so far outside his reach that, even standing next to him, she might as well be in another system.
But she’s not standing next to him.
She’s kilometers away. Fighting a battle all on her own. With no support but what she can give herself with her blades.
And he hates it.
“You need to relax, vod.” Boss says as he leads his brothers through the undergrowth, “She’s going to be fine. She wouldn’t have offered if she wasn’t able to hold her own.”
Fixer bristles, “I don’t think she’s not able to hold her own.” He snaps, “I think she shouldn’t have to.”
“Oh my god,” Scorch finally blurts, “Vod. Fixer. The General-” He swears as Sev smacks him hard, “What the kriff!”
“That’s not for you to tell.” Sev says severely.
“Someone needs to say something!” Scorch hisses.
“Yeah. But not you.” Sev counters.
“Quiet.” Boss’ order cuts through the bickering like a knife, “Gunfire.”
The men lift their blasters and slowly continue forward, being careful to be as quiet as they can. They push through the brush, and into a clearing, where they see their General darting this way and that, her crystal blue lightsabers a blur with how quickly she’s moving.
The men of Delta immediately enter the fray, falling into the familiar strategy of using their General as bait to draw out the droids.
And as the last droid falls to a combination of Sev’s sniper and the General’s blade, she straightens and deactivates her blades. She turns to greet them with a small smile, there’s oil on her robes and several burns on her face, “Nice of you to join me.”
“What happened?” Fixer asks as he steps closer and fishes some bacta out of one of his pouches.
“Some of these droids are rigged to explode if someone uses a lightsaber against them,” She winces as he applies bacta to one of the burns, “They look the same as the other droids though.”
“So we should stick to using blasters for now,” Boss says thoughtfully, “Do you need a break?”
“I’m good to continue.”
“Good enough for me. What did you see?”
“It looks like there are two facilities.” The General replies with a frown, “Which is one more facility than we were expecting. One seems to be producing droids, while the other looks to be an information hub. We should hit both of them.”
“Agreed.” Boss says with a single nod. He falls silent for a moment, “Fixer, you and the General will hit up the information hub. We will deal with the droids.”
“You sure?” The General asks.
“I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life,” Boss replies dryly, “Sev, Scorch. We’re heading in.”
And then Fixer is alone with the General.
“Are you sure you’re alright?” He asks.
“Just some burns,” She holds up a hand to show off the blisters, “But it’s fine.”
Fixer sighs and tugs his helmet off, “We have time to treat those, General.” He says as he takes her hand and carefully applies bacta to the burns.
“Don’t be. I’m happy to help.” Fixer kind of hates that he’s wearing his gloves now, though, because he wants nothing more than to touch her. He’s quiet for a moment, “You know, I don’t think you’re incompetent, General.”
“You don’t?”
“No. I respect you and everything you do for us…and I just…” He trails off, “I wish you would be more careful.”
“If I have to get a scar to keep you and your brothers from getting hurt-”
“No.” Fixer interrupts, “I don’t want you getting hurt at all. I hate seeing you get hurt.”
“I just…I…” He trails off, “Why did you have to be a jedi? All of the things I want to say to you aren’t allowed-”
She blinks at him, and Fixer averts his gaze as he grabs his helmet, “Fixer,” She stops him from putting his helmet on, “What do you mean?”
“I mean I’m in love with you, but you’re a Jedi and aren’t allowed to be in relationships.” Fixer says, “So…so all I can do is admire you and love you from afar.”
She’s quiet for a moment, “I think there’s been something of a cultural misunderstanding.” She finally says, “I’m not forbidden from loving or having relationships. Attachments are forbidden, but attachments aren’t love, Fixer.”
“...can you be more specific?”
“Yes, but not now.” She stands on her toes and kisses his cheek, and Fixer feels his heart doing backflips in his chest, “For now, just know that I love you too. And that I would like to see where this takes us.”
“Oh.” He sighs.
“And now we have a job to do.”
“I…yes General. On your order.”
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loosesodamarble · 2 months
Hi Erika! For your ship game, can I get your thoughts on Obanai x Mitsuri (kny), Jellal x Erza (Fairy Tail), Lumiere x Secre (BC), and if I can be a little bold (and because I’m very curious), Henry x my oc Lorelei? Also, if you haven’t gotten asked about them Nacht x Josele (but I’m sure you’ve been asked already). Please 💖 Thank you! (Sorry if that is too much 😅)
Oh Acacia, you absolutely SPOIL ME! 🥰💖
Buckle up, folks, this’ll be a long post.
To start, there shall be a trend in these ships that boils down to “brooder and comforter.” One half of the couple is a bit (or maybe a lot) down on themselves and their partner is the warm embrace they need in life. The dynamic will forever and always be beautiful to me, just as much as “two pure sweethearts.”
Obanai x Mitsuri
Makes sense and 1000% compelled by it.
Obviously Obanai and Mitsuri fit that to a tee! Obanai is very clearly a broody boy and he states outright that Mitsuri saved him with her cheerfulness and smile. But it would be a massive disservice to the ship to ignore that Obanai also was Mitsuri's comforter in a way. She felt the way that he looked at her with affection whenever they were together which meant the world to her since she felt like it would be hard to love. They never judged each other and felt loved with one another and AAAAHHHHH HADKJHFLKAUHEILTHALEKTHKAEJG!
I know I've brought this up in the past but it bears repeating that I love this ship so much that I managed to work it into a college paper about depictions of (failed) romance in Japanese literature. Because, well, in a sense Obanai and Mitsuri's love wasn't successful. Let me share a bit of that essay to get my point across.
This mutual but unrecognized love is best described by the chapter title revealing Obanai’s backstory. The Japanese title is “hitsūna renjō” (悲痛な恋情) which I would translate as “a painful, miserable romance.” Mitsuri and Obanai’s feelings of self-loathing make their love a painful burden on their hearts. Even their confession is ultimately tragic, as both are in tears and on the cusp of death when their feelings come out.
Then again, the cycle of reincarnation allowed that love to continue and be acted upon. Still, this ship makes me VIBRATE with all the emotions. It's so unfair that Gotoge was able to invest me in this romance with only brief snippets and a small reassuring epilogue. And then the fandom just hammers the stake deeper into my heart. ObaMitsu. Beloved ship~!
Jellal x Erza
OOOOHHHHHH! Man, it's been forever and a half since I really watched Fairy Tail but Jerza is that ship that sticks with you (and Gajevy but that wasn't the ship asked for, now was it).
So much sense is made with the ship and it'll never not compel me.
Again, Jellal is the more blatant brooder but Erza has plenty of moments of hitting low points (and it's usually over Jellal). And again, they both act as a source of hope in each other's lives. These two knew each other as kids and they made strong impressions on each other clearly. I mean, Jellal made some strong impressions on many people for a variety of not good reasons... ANYWAYS! It makes so much sense that Erza is always holding out hope for Jellal because his turn to darkness back in the day was very out of the blue so deep down in her heart, she'd know that something wasn't quite right. And even as she loves him, Erza expects Jellal to take responsibility for his actions. You talked about it yourself when discussing this ship but with Jerza, their personal feelings don't immediately mean Jella's sins/crimes can be ignored. He has to work to right them and fix himself. Jellal changes not because he's browbeaten into it but because he wants to be better for Erza. And Jellal isn't the only one changing. Erza is able to open up and let herself wish a little more because the trauma of their history is slowly being healed. Their love is such a journey. Multiple times they're pulled apart before finding each other again. And each time they meet, they heal a little more, grow a little closer.
Lumiere x Secre
I won't say as much about these two as the others but I'm still a sucker for them!
In this case, Secre is the brooding soul while Lumiere is her comfort. She looked down on herself and her magic while Lumiere saw potential and inspiration. Lumiere gave Secre something to hope for and she gave him devotion. The way Secre's love endures over the centuries and she remembers to have hope from Lumiere's example is something that makes their love really special without them ever having to be in a relationship. We don't get Lumiere's perspective on Secre directly but the fact that he named his super special magic tool (the big spherical one) after her says quite a bit to me. She's important and special and helpful in Lumiere's eyes. Secre living on while Lumiere moves onto the afterlife is sad but he wishes her more happiness in a continuing future, even without him. It's an ending of separation but not of mourning and it's beautiful (even if I wish Lumiere could've stuck around).
Henry x Lorelei
UwU CC x OC time~!
I actually did read the fic where they meet a bit ago. It's just in my queue for reblogging. But ooooooohhhhhhh! I CAN GUSH HERE!
So I will be real, there is one detail of the ship that doesn't make sense to me. But that's Tabata's fault for making it that even low mana people feel drained by an extended exposure to Henry's mana draining. It's just unfair that really no one but Asta can safely be around him with his curse in place. So it's not on you. You made every other aspect of the ship wonderful. Henry definitely would fall for someone as openly sweet as Lorelei and her sense of whimsy is a wonderful complement to Henry's loneliness. The way he so shyly begins to talk to her is so in character and I think adding Lorelei to Henry's backstory helps explain why he's easily able to just talk to Yami and later Asta since he now has experience meeting someone new. Lorelei's Lucky Magic seems interesting (and fits in with David's Dice Magic) and well, I think it brought luck to both her and Henry. And do I even need to say it but this ship got me hooked with one fic. It may need more time in the microwave before it finds a permanent spot in my heart but... I'm digging the vibes already.
Nacht x Josele
I’ve talked Nacsele before for the ask game but I’m gonna talk again!
GAAAAHHHH! The way Nacht always loved Josele and was content(?) to simply love her from afar... Josele harboring her love for Nacht when she felt he didn't love her back... It gets so messy when she's with Morgen because he truly did make her happier than words could say. But half of Josele's heart was with Nacht. And when they finally get together, after much heartache and soul searching and doubting, it's gorgeous. Nacht is so hesitant about the relationship that he doesn't even call Josele his girlfriend for a while because he still sees Josele as Morgen's love. Josele too was hesitant, not wanting to risk her happiness being destroyed again, but once she got a talking to from one of the Bulls, she embraced the chance to be with Nacht and helps him with his steps into the future.
AND I LOVE THEIR FUTURE TOGETHER! Josele never really stops mourning Morgen and the future they could've had. But she doesn't lose sight of the future she's attained with Nacht. She loves Nacht and the way he's able to forgive himself. And Nacht accepts that Josele will always have Morgen in her heart, he really wouldn't have it any other way. Nacht slowly but surely frees himself of his guilt and self-loathing to full embrace all the affection that Josele always had for him.
My ship... I love...
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Thanks for the chance to ramble, Acacia~!
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lyranova · 4 months
Hi Lyra! Congratulations on your blog anniversary! 💖💖 Wishing you many more wonderful years of creating such amazing content!
For your anniversary asks can you please answer 16 18 & 19 for the lovely Zera and (if I may be the tiniest bit self indulgent) 8 & 14 for Langris? Thank you so much, dear! Sending you lots of love & well wishes. Cheers!! 🌻
Hiya Acacia! Thank you so much, hopefully I’ll be able to create things for many more years to come 😁! (Even if that means I’ll only be able to create every now and then 😆). Of course, and I hope you enjoy 🥰!
16. What goal do they most want to accomplish in their lifetime?
The goal Zera most wants to acomplish…hm, I think in a way she already has acomplished that goal 🤔! The goal she wanted to achieve most in her life was to open her own flower shop, and she managed to do it. So maybe, if she were to have another goal, it would be to start a “franchise” and have many more ‘Cinnamon’s Flower Shops’ all over the world 😆!
18. What advice would they give to their younger self?
“ Be careful who you play pranks on! Because one day you might come across the wrong person and they take your joke sooo seriously that you find yourself in a situation that you can’t really get yourself out of! But at the same time…you may find that you don’t want to get out of it…oh! And you’re going to want to be even sneakier when you smuggle, because that’ll come back to bite you in the butt!”
19. What does a perfect world look like to them?
A perfect world to Zera is one where she still runs her Flower Shop, is happily married to William, and is surrounded by a group of their children. On the weekends the family goes to William’s childhood home, which is vacant after his mothers passing, where they get to relax and have peace and quiet. When they go back to Clover she gets to spend time with all of her friends and have “Wine Nights” where they laugh, giggle, and talk about many different things. She gets to watch her kids grow up, fall in love, get married, and maybe even have kids of their own.
That’s Zera’s perfect world!
8. Is there a ship that makes the most sense for this character (can be romantic or platonic)?
Both platonically and romantically I feel like the ship that makes the most sense is Finesse. She helps keep him calm, and gives Langris a different perspective to look through (if that makes sense). She also knows just what life was like in House Vaude for him and Finral, so she understands him a bit differently then others. She also has no issue scolding him if he needs it (it isn’t a harsh scolding, but more of a “gentle” one). So whether it’s platonic or romantic I thinj Langris and Finesse make a good pair!
14. What trait do they find most admirable and how often do they find it?
I think Langris admires strength the most 🤔! As for how often he finds it…not very. I think Langris has such a high standard for strength that he rarely finds anyone that “meets it”. I think the two people he’s met that has met that standard are Yuno and William (eventually Finral joins that list)!
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vilandel · 13 days
For the fruit writing asks please? Thank you! 🌻
Hello Acacia and thank you for the ask 💙
🥝 What’s your favorite trope/AO3 tag to write? I love writing romance, that is certain, also any kind of fluff, be it domestic or platonic. What I also love are forgiveness and redemption stories (probably why I love the Silvas and especially Nozel so much). Happy Endings are also something I love and if, IF I write angst, never without a happy ending! I could write bittersweet, though, but more in oneshots and less in multi-chapter fics. One tag I start using to love on Ao3 is "Papa Nozel is best Nozel" 🦅
🍐 Is there anything in canon that you absolutely hate and love to fix in fics? A wrong choice made, a fuck-up in characterization, a misunderstanding never cleared up, a conversation never shown onscreen, etc… Hm, probably anything involving the Silvas? Especially Nozel and his path to become a better brother. I also like to think how the teams at the Royal Knights Tournament would have been, what friendships and dynamics. I especially love Finral-Leopold-Hamon and I want to write something about it. Like Hamon visiting the Black Bulls just after the tournament, because he was with Finral on a team (remember how Hamon appreciated Finral) and he certainly felt ashamed about what Langris did. Or how Finral and Leopold would feel about Hamons death. And I certainly would love to make Rill and Charmy realize! There are probably other things, but this is what comes to my mind right now.
🍑 If you could make a connection between your favorite character and another work you care about (whether a crossover/fusion or a wonderfully “pretentious” literary reference) what would it be? How would it work? If I could, I would love to make crossovers with Black Clover and some of my favorite classics. Remember that I got the idea for Rosette mostly by reading Agatha Christie, so Silvas in an Agatha-Christie like story is something I love to imagine. Or some of my favorite ships in a Jane Austen universe, especially Nozessa, because sometimes I feel like Nozel has a bit something of an Austen hero. Or putting my fav characters in Jules Verne's Journeys. One of my favorite Children Books is The Last Resort by Roberto Innocenti. It tells the story of an artist who lost his imagination and in order to find it again, he ends up in a lonely inn at the sea. Roberto Innocenti is practically self-inserting himself and all the people the hero meets at the inn are basically his favorite authors and fictional characters. I love reading this story especially when I have a writer's block and need to find my own imagination myself. Then, I imagine this story at this inn, while meeting my own favorite authors and characters. You bet that Black Clover is also part of it. I'm always thinking to write something like this myself.
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fineprintedsunsets · 11 months
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Click Here To Be Re-Directed To My Navigation/Updated Master-List
Every Oneshot/Short story I've written in one place.
Most of my shit is 18+, I am NOT responsible for the content you consume, Minors DNI! Most stories contain trigger warnings, the key remains below.
🌼- Angst 🍒-Smut 🌸- Fluff ❣- Comfort
WARNING: Some of these fics were written a while ago and I believe (hopefully) my writing has improved since then, the more recent ones are placed at the top.
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☁️  One-Shots ☁️ 
Sherlock Holmes (2010)
-Car Rides And Bite Marks 🍒| Acacia has been spending more time in the lab lately, but when her companion Sherlock Holmes convinces her to come home, What other tricks does the mystery man have up his sleeve?
-Wanting You And Me (Pt. 1) ❣🌼 | Acacia is brought back to the nights she spent alone when a bottle of alcohol and a detective's mouth runs too far. Will his stubborn demeanor and thought-reading mind be enough for Acacia? Or was that night, their last.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
Peter Ballard
-First Kill 🌼 | The First Kill is always the best.
-New Touch 🍒🌼 | 003's introduction to pleasure.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
Wednesday Ships
Tyler x Wednesday
-Fiction Or Fantasies 🌼 | An angsty ending to an interrupted night.
-High On Life 🌸 | Tyler And Wednesday smoking, 4/20 vibe.
Ajax x Enid
-So Far Gone ❣ | Self Harm Comfort.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
-Love Is In The Air 🌸 | Happy Valentines Day! (Just a fluffy date between these two) Candle-lit dinner and all.
Farewell: More fics are always being added! hope you enjoyed reading through my master list :)
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oneirataxia-girl · 6 months
blame @daughter-of-melpomene for enabling my dc titans brain rot, but here are my two spy girlies with an unhealthy amount of Lore™️:
Acacia Conium
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the most Libra to ever Libra in the history of Libras
theme song is definitely Vigilante Shit
extremely strong sense of justice, does not stop until retribution is served
overworked pre-med/biochem student by day, undercover spy by night
(it’s a miracle if she gets more than three hours of sleep a night, one day she’ll crash for sure)
uses her pretty face to charm the secrets out of people, then uses her scientific brain to incapacitate them
had a happy home life until her dad invested in a product and tanked horribly, forcing him to borrow huge amounts of money
family was chased by debt collectors so they had to run, Acacia disappeared the night they were supposed to sneak out of Gotham and became a part of the organization she’s now in, complete with a new name and identity
hates the government for not helping her family when they applied for help, and hates the top one percent even more for hoarding most of the wealth
shipped with Dick Grayson
Calla Conium
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firecracker energy dialed to the max
fixing vehicles is her version of self-care
doesn’t look it but is a pretty decent boxer
not in school, not even on official records to be blunt
mom became a drug addict after dad left for some other woman, was abused until she had enough and ran away from home
(was a home birth so she doesn’t even have a birth certificate bc her parents were just That Bad)
a friend of one Jason Todd while in the slums, watched him disappear in the span of one night and believes him to be dead
until he is declared to be Bruce Wayne's new adopted son, then she's like fuck him he went and got rich and didn't tell me??
joins the organization that Acacia's in and gets assigned as her shadow at first, then the ones in charge realize that she's far more suited to being on the prep team, so she's now an apprentice mechanic who follows Acacia in case she needs to do something techy
Jason Todd ship
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zoyalannister · 1 year
Fanfiction Masterlist
Since I was asked about my fanfics and where to find them, I decided to make a Masterlist. Maybe it will be easier for you and myself.
The Last Flowers
A series which integrates and corrects TLH canon. It comprises four long fics, a collection of missing moments one-shots and three oneshots as epilogues. I'm writing this series with @fimproda.
This series has many delicate themes, so, please, read all the TWs before reading.
Here are the single fanfics of this series:
Hydrangea: the 1st longfic, it's mostly about Gracetopher (kind of). Set between Chain of Gold and Chain of Iron. [Complete]
Daisy: the 2nd longfic, it's mostly about Jordelia, but unlike canon they can talk to each other like normal human beings. Set during Chain of Gold and Chain of Iron. [Ongoing, 5/6 chapters]
Chrysanthemum: the 3rd longfic, it will be a correction of all the nonsense that happens in Chain of Thorns. It will be about Gracetopher and Jordelia, but also AriAanna and Thomastair will have a minor role. (Not published yet).
Petals: a collection of one shots of missing moments from the rest of the long fics. [Ongoing, 3/6 chapters]
Geranium: I like to call it Hydrangea AU, it starts with the same premise but it goes in a totally different direction. It's mostly about Cecily and Grace having a mother-daughter relationship, but Gracetopher is a secondary relationship and AriAnna will have a minor role later on. It's independent from the rest of TLF and can be read separately. [Ongoing, 4/8 chapters]
Levander: the Thomastair epilogue, set after Chrysanthemum. (Not published yet).
Acacia: the AriAnna epilogue, set after Chrysanthemum. (Not published yet).
Night-blooming Jasmine: the Gracetopher epilogue, set after Chrysanthemum. (Not published yet).
Exothermic: a Bridgerton-like fanfic that starts from the premise "What if Cecily got Herondale Manor instead of Will?" [Complete]
How (not) to end a feud: a fanfic where the clave is tired of the Lightwood-Blackthorn feud and decides to settle the matter down with a wedding. [Complete]
Endless Sunlight: a fanfic set after ChoT where Grace is obsessed by the idea of finding Christopher in another dimension, but once she arrives there she finds out that Christopher isn't the same kind and caring guy he was in her universe. Or, the self indulgent villain!Christopher fanfic. [Ongoing, 9/21 chapters]
What happens in the lab... : a PWP fanfic.
What happens in the carriage... : another PWP fanfic.
What happens in the hotel room... : the return of PWP.
Still insists she sees the ghosts: Cecily is accused of something she didn't do and her tale goes through two different parts of her life. [Ongoing, 4/8 chapters]
Bad luck: Morden!AU, it should be a commedy but my humour is broken and I can't gaurantee other people will find it funny. (Not published yet)
Across the PWPverse: a series of 3 PWP one shots connected with each other, but that can be read separately.
That one time in Chiswick Manor: a PWP where Cecily goes to Benedict Lightwood’s party and meets an interesting person.
That one time in the Institute: a PWP where Gabriel owes a favour to Cecily.
That one time in Southampton: a PWP where Gabriel is forced to admit that he’s wrong about something.
Lightwood family (Gabrily)
Balance: Modern!AU, no plot. Just Cecily Lightwood trying to balance work, marriage, motherhood and life in general. It will be a collection of short one shots (about 500/1000 words each) independent from each other. [Ongoing, 2/35 chapters].
Bloodbound: A fanfic inspired by Winter Soldier and Throne of glass series. Gabriel is declared dead despite his body was never found, and after fifteen years some members of the Clave are murdered by a hooded humanoid figure who holds two blades of dark Adamas. Or, what TLH could have been if the main characters were the Lightwoods and if Belial was a real villain and not a clown. Main ships: Gabrily, Gracetopher, AriAnna. (Not published yet).
A collection of the extra of all my fanfics. These posts will delve into some aspects if my fics.
Endless Sunlight: The planimetry of Chiswick Manor; The gardens of Chiswick Manor, Playlist, Random facts about Matthias Greene, Random facts about Oliver Whisperford.
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mikkelsenbidstrup83 · 2 months
A Assist Guide To Saving For Retirement
We the relaxing dinner at a great simple restaurant in your city. It is not a part of literature. The grand Barrier Reef, the world's prevalent coral reef lies to the north east coast of Australia. Among the hallmarks from the Alpine Garden is its 18th century Pistachio plant. The Botanical Gardens house several historical trees: the oldest one was directly imported throughout the Eastern United states and planted here in 1636 (an acacia). Among other ancient trees, you should also admire a Lebanese cedar, which was brought to France in 1734. View More: toplaichauaz.com - Top Lai Chau AZ Reviewed by Team Leader in Top Lai Chau AZ: ĐINH HUY PHONG - Dinh Huy Phong After checking in expensive hotels you are free of charge to visit any Parisian sightseeing. The complete must-sees are: Notre Dame, St. Denis, Sacre Couer, Arc de Triomph, Musee d'Orsay, Versailles, the metro, Rodin Museum, Centre Pompidou, Place de la Concorde, Les Arenes, a bateaux mouche about the Seine, the Opera, the Eiffel Tower, Champs de Mars and les Invalides. If seeing a country where your native language is not the primary one learn quick phrases in that lands mouth. It is astonishing how friendly accepting and helpful people are if they realize you're trying to speak their language and not act smug. Four or five simple phrases will open a lot of doors suggestions you can communicate very well anywhere heading.
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View More: toplaichauaz.com - Top Lai Chau AZ Reviewed by Team Leader in Top Lai Chau AZ: ĐINH HUY PHONG - Dinh Huy Phong The obvious purpose of every travel information guide would be to aid the traveller as they journey throughout their destination and in addition to help them do that as effortlessly as would-be. The ultimate purpose for just a writer from a travel information guide is for that self-help guide to become the traveller's buddy. Their pocket companion, without which they are convinced they cannot properly traverse their spot. So it pays to create a formula that you, as this writer can pursue when compiling travel guides for areas that own been commissioned to pick out or, having travelled yourself, feel the destination is lacking fresh guide for your traveller. While still visiting Hotel Buena Vista, I advise a visit lovely botanical gardens Else Kientzler. Top Lai Chau AZ News These gardens are about l 1/2 hours traveling by public bus or taxi. Most of this cruise ships are equipped with onboard restaurants, spas, pools and even mini courses. These are the amenities may would usually find from a high-class hotel inland but very much accessible a person personally onboard. Therefore you're in search of a in order to relax and unwind, doing board a spead boat for a cruise to Vietnam is the best answer. Or - you can ride towards end from the line. Public transit will terminate at an accommodation. Grab your gear, look for a restaurant and have breakfast. Stronger give the time to survey a higher risk. Maybe Lai Chau in Viet Nam order to someone is actually wearing a day/fanny pack (most people don't carry their gear with them when nevertheless looking in the scenery) and see our if they're at a "good" hotel. If traversing to a country where your native language isn't the primary one learn a few simple phrases where lands mouth. It is astonishing how friendly accepting and helpful people are if they realize you would like to speak their language and not act big-headed. Four or five simple phrases will open a lot of doors suggestions you can communicate quite nicely anywhere to be able to.
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In most cases, right car hire deal on holiday can be seen online. Tin Top Lai Chau AZ News Enter the cheapest price from best car hire provider by comparing car rates sideways. In your search, you'll also see the features for this car anyone can easily decide which vehicle sounds best and your party right. Almost all epidermis different cars are you can buy. Sedans like the Focus, Prius, and Opel Corsa are usually available. Bigger vehicle including the Suzuki Jimmy and Picasso can be booked as well. Transport: Travelling around Nice can either by bus, tram, auto, motorbike or taxi. Tickets are bought for the actual bus inside public transit itself. The trams of Nice are being reconditioned will be entirely operational allow. For car and motorbike rentals, there are plenty of locations to make a choice from like Easy car, vacation Bikes, Budget or JML which reasonable costs for pricey and motorcycles they rent. Tin Top Lai Châu AZ 247 If you opt to go around Nice from a taxi, just ensure that the driver is employing a meter and also the fare rates are clearly posted on a laminated credit card.
Brive is served by two airports right now. These are the Brive Souillac Airport and the Brive-La Roche Airport. However is the older one may possibly only serve flights from the French capital of Paris. The Brive Souillac Airport, on the other instrument hand, is often a newly-opened airport. Its long name is Aeroport de Brive - Vallee de la Dordogne. Locally, it in fact is referred to as the Aeroport Brive Souillac. It lies fifteen kilometers using the city center of Souillac, thereby acquiring its name. If an individual having just about every day trip Barcelona, there are many places in which you can view. However, the key here is to pick your current area curiosity. For example, if you are an art lover, great for you . visit Figueres. This is a small town that may be the birthplace of Salvador Dali. Presently, is undoubtedly a brilliant museum there in city in his honor. Well, this the actual of probably the most visited places in place. So, really should expect a line. In fact, waiting for an hour is an unnaturally common event especially throughout the summer. Here again, you can avail the guided tour which will set you back you simply couple of Euros a great deal. But, in return, you will get a professional guide, and don't have to wait your queue as well. Buses and taxis are easily available around here. Three bus lines could require to La Avenida Martima in Santa Cruz, Puerto de la Cruz, and Los Crisantos. Tin tổng hợp Top Lai Châu AZ However, when you need to go some place further than the others three destinations, your only options possible taking the taxi or driving the car. Halong Bay has a relatively high Lai Chau in Viet Nam salinity just jump right in to float contingency plan. There's hardly any exertion needed on your account just stay afloat. Lake Charles hosts essential biggest Carnival celebration. In constant competition for most significant disadvantage parade, Lake Charles boasts the largest selection of Mardi Gras memorabilia the actual planet world. The tour can take you through history and process of Mardi Gras. Often times your tour will be guided by past king and queens of the parade. Bold bright colors and bigger than life costumes inundate the museum within details of your making and the origin out of which one special output. Couples might need to get warmed lets start on grilled beef at Ms.Hung, grilled calves at theTai Ky restaurant or as modest as Lien Hoa bakery in 3/2 street. The highway stalls around Da Lat market certainly are a good in order to hang out and dine when night falls. To get around Goa, may get rent motorbikes and scooters and discounts are given if rented for a permanent. The cheapest means of transport is buses. You can also hire cars and cabs for getting around. Open roof jeeps are accessible. Diving, paragliding and water skiing are a few of the activities that are able to enjoy in Goa. Appreciate all general health right now you really need to stay in good Goa hotels and hotels in Goa are pricey when vary other elements India. An issue help of Goa travel guide you're able to find Goa restaurants provide tasty and health foods. Get ready for your fantastic days! While still visiting Hotel Buena Vista, I suggest a visit lovely botanical gardens Else Kientzler. These gardens are about l 1/2 hours traveling by public bus or taxi. The Jardin des Plantes (Botanical Gardens), as are less expensive been called since the french revolution, is actually a selection of individual gardens -- each with a peculiar charm and specific plants. It houses several old structures, including the Botanical School and the Magny Mansion (built in 1650). The Botanical Gardens are the site along with a total surface area of about 2,600,000 sq . ft .. View More: toplaichauaz.com - Top Lai Chau AZ Reviewed by Team Leader in Top Lai Chau AZ: ĐINH HUY PHONG - Dinh Huy Phong Written By Author in toplaichauaz.com: PHẠM HỮU THẮNG - Pham Huu Thang Written By Author in toplaichauaz.com: TRẦN KHÁNH HUYỀN - Tran Khanh Huyen
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acacia-may · 1 year
Special Sauce and Stork Paintings
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Description: To Charmy, all meals are important, but this may be one of the most important meals of her life. Or it would be...if her husband Rill wasn't so oblivious and bad at guessing games that is...
Rating: G
Warnings: Nothing But Fluff Here!
Fandom: Black Clover
Genre: Fluff, Romance, Domestic Bliss, Slice of Life, Married Friends, Self-Indulgent
Relationships: Charmy Pappitson/Rill Boismortier
Characters: Charmy Pappitson and Rill Boismortier
Word Count: 1296
Link to original post on AO3. Please do not repost to another site. Thank you for reading!
Story Below the Cut
With a sigh, Charmy brought her sauce to a low simmer. She gave it a thorough stir before picking up a nearby spoon and giving it a taste. It was still missing something… She just wasn’t sure what that was exactly. Sighing again, she twisted her mouth to one side in concentration, combing through her spice rack trying to decide what ingredients she should add. She supposed it was fine as it was, but she wanted it to be better, perfect even, if she could manage it. Every meal was an important one as far as Charmy was concerned, and she always tried her best to make the most perfect delicious dishes, but this meal was special. It might be one of the most important meals of her entire life.
“Mhmm…that smells delicious,” Rill hummed affectionately as he wrapped his arms around her waist hugging her from the back and pressing his chin to her shoulder. “What are you making, Mrs. Boismortier?”
Charmy rolled her eyes with an almost affection as he kissed her cheek. They had been married for years—she would have expected the novelty of calling her that to have worn off by now.
“You’re such a goofball,” she teased, giving her sauce another stir.
“You didn’t answer my question. Unless you want me to guess…?” Chuckling, Rill reached for a clean spoon, but before he could dip it into the saucepan for a taste, Charmy playfully swatted his hand away.
“Stop that. It’s not done yet.” Rill pouted playfully but eventually conceded—placing the spoon on the counter as Charmy reached for two of her spice jars and sprinkled some into the saucepan. She stirred, then took a taste. She smiled. “Now it’s done.”
Rill beamed at her. “Great! Let’s eat! I’m starving!”
“I’m glad, la,” she said with a playful kiss on his nose. “That is barbeque sauce.” She pointed to the steaming saucepan. “For the—”
“Ribs?” Rill cut her off, his face practically lighting up as he noticed the pan filled with the roasted meat. “Can I paint them?”
“It’s called basting…” Charmy sighed with a shake of her head and a lopsided twitch of her mouth. “But sure, have at it.”
A smile tugged at Charmy’s lips as she watched Rill positively beaming as he covered the ribs in barbeque sauce with long strokes of the basting brush. It was his favourite part of cooking—besides plating dishes, adding garnishes, and decorating pastries—and he took it very seriously, even taking a step back to examine the ribs between the frame he made with his hands as if they were a work of art rather than just their dinner. It was not long before the ribs, the pan, the counter, and Rill were all thoroughly covered in barbeque sauce.
“You’ve got sauce all over you, la,” she teased as she wiped some off of his cheek and put the ribs back into the oven for their last few minutes of cooking time before she took one of Rill’s hands. “You’ve got paint under your fingernails again too. Why don’t you wash up? It’ll be another 10 or 15 minutes before the ribs are ready.”
Nodding, Rill shrugged his shoulders before disappearing through the kitchen door. He returned right as the ribs were cooling off. “Perfect timing!” he said with a smile. “You ready to eat?”
Usually on a special occasion such as this she would have insisted on plating their food—or would have let Rill plate the food since he was so fond of it—but since it was clear that Rill was in such a hurry to eat, she supposed they could just serve themselves buffet-style. Even so, Rill’s plate looked like something from her and Vanessa’s restaurant. He even pulled a sprig of rosemary out of the little spice garden in the kitchen windowsill to set on top of his potatoes as a garnish. Charmy supposed it was possible Rill had picked the rosemary at random, but she liked to think he had been learning all of the different spices from her and knew that rosemary was, in fact, one of the main ingredients in their potatoes that evening. The thought made her smile.
With full plates, they made their way into the dining room. Charmy had lost track of how many times it had been repainted over the course of their marriage—as repainting the rooms of their house seemed to be Rill’s favourite pastime or perhaps his favourite method for dispelling boredom. It was currently a sky blue with a mural of flying white birds with long, black-tipped wings on the far wall. Storks.
Charmy stifled a chuckle. Her husband had a bad case of baby fever, as Vanessa would probably say, and those little white birds had been popping up everywhere in his paintings and murals for the last several months since they had started seriously discussing the possibility of starting a family.
“So what are we having tonight?” Rill asked, and Charmy’s smile widened.
“Well, we have some baby carrots with a brown sugar glaze. Some sauteed baby bella mushrooms. Some rosemary baby red potatoes, and then some baby back ribs.”
Rill hummed before he put a forkful of potatoes in his mouth. “It’s delicious. Thank you.”
“There’s a theme, la.”
“A theme?” Rill asked—looking up from his plate. Charmy nodded excitedly, unable to hold back the near giddy grin that tugged at her mouth.
“Something all the foods have in common.”
Rill’s brow furrowed, and he examined his plate very carefully. “They’re all warm colors!”
Blinking at him, Charmy sighed and resisted the urge to roll her eyes. Of course, Rill would think of something artsy and out of the box like that. “Well…yes…but that wasn’t exactly what I had in mind, la…”  
“Hmm…” He tilted his head to the left; then hummed again tilting his head to the right. “Hmm… I don’t know. Can I have a hint?”
“How about I tell you the foods again?” suggested Charmy, something sparkling in her eyes as she began to point to each one in succession on her plate. “Baby carrots. Baby bella mushrooms.”
“Baby carrots, and baby bella mushrooms,” Rill repeated with a thoughtful nod.
“Baby red potatoes—”
“They’re all vegetables?” Rill interrupted before he stopped himself—twisting his mouth to one side and thoughtfully pressing his hand to his chin. “Well…I guess, except the ribs.”
“The baby back ribs,” Charmy corrected him pointedly.
“Right. The baby back…” His voice trailed, and his eyes widened with realization as they met hers. “The baby—baby…” he began to stammer almost incoherently as his face lit up with the brightest most excited smile. “Are you…? Are we…?”
Charmy beamed at him, nodded enthusiastically. “Mhmm…” She gave her stomach a pat, just in case he somehow still didn’t get it, and he practically jumped up from his seat at the table and rushed over to her, picking her up and twirling her around. Through her laughter, she barely managed a breathy, “Rill. Rill, put me down.”
Once her feet were firmly planted on the dining room floor again, he gently cupped her face in his hands and kissed her. “We—we’re having a baby!”
“I take it you’re happy?” she asked with a smile, and he beamed right back at her.  
“Happy? I’m ecstatic! This is the best news ever! I’m going to think of a great mural to paint in the baby’s room—maybe some flowers or trees or a pond with some ducks…”
“Well…”—Charmy teased with a chuckle—“the good news is you won’t have to paint any storks anymore.”
And he didn’t. At least, not until he wanted to give their son a younger sibling…
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missallsundaes · 3 years
May I request Law introducing his s/o to his adopted dad and step mom (you) for the first time and they just go all out and embarrass the poor man.
Thank you for putting up with me❤️
PURPLE DARLING I LOVE YOU SO MUCH! please never think otherwise xx you are one of my best friends in the world xx Trafalgar D Water Law x F! Reader Meeting the Parents WC 835
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You toyed with a loose thread in the pocket of your cardigan, nervously waiting for Law’s parents to open the door, you weren’t sure what exactly to expect, Law had been cryptic at best at telling you what to expect, the tall man standing next to you wasn’t speaking up, seemingly nervous in his own way. That fact didn’t seem to make you feel any better. Law knocked on the door a second time, and quickly after his Mother opened the door, younger than you expected, but you supposed that was to be expected at the age they adopted Law.
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“Come in, come in, I’m so sorry Daring,” They said, shaking their head, pink hair bouncing with their curls, “You know how your father is, he just fell down the stairs, let yourself in, there’s tea on the table, I’m going to make sure he’s okay!” They spoke about a mile a minute, seeming nice enough but nervous theirself.
Law looked at you, gesturing to let you in the house first as his mother hurried away to the staircase at the otherside of the room where a tall lanky man lay on his face in a crumple of long limbs.
“Is-is he okay?” You asked, touching Law’s elbow through his hoodie, “Is he hurt? You should check.”
“He’s fine, he’s always like this,” Law sighed, showing you to a seat around the living room table, sitting on the settee next to you. Sure as his mother had said, there was a tea set with cups and saucers for each of you placed around the table, along with a tray of tiny sandwiches and assorted cookies. Law saw you looking at the selection, commenting, “Mom likes to host, and Dad encourages her.”
From across the room you watched his father untangle his legs and stand up, towering over his mother by several feet, and you suddenly wondered just how tall the man was. They held his hand as they crossed the room together, and you thought to yourself how cute it was that they still doted on each other in the way they did.
“Sorry about that,” His father laughed, his voice a deep contrast to his bright looks and clumsy demeanor, “I’m sure Law has told you all about us, but I’m dad” He smiled brightly, “Or If it makes you more comfortable, Rosinante, Rosi, or code name Cora-san!” With the last nickname he made gun shape with his hand, kissing his finger and pretending to shoot his wife, who clutched their heart and fluttered their eyelashes at him.
“Oh he hasn’t said much at all, actually,” You said, feeling a bit better about how friendly they seemed, wondering now why he hadn’t mentioned them before, they both snapped their heads to the raven haired man sitting next to you.
“Law!” His mother exclaimed, “You didn’t tell her about us at all?” They looked at him with big dramatic eyes, feigning tears as they poured cups of tea for everyone, “I’m heartbroken you would shun your parents this way.”
“Mom please,” Law sighed, shaking his head, rubbing his temples between his finger and thumb.
“Weeeelll, “They said, shooting one more pouting look at Law, “As you may have gathered, I’m,” They imitated Law’s tone and cadence, “Mooom,” laughing to themself and smiling cheerfully at you, “Or Ace if you prefer.”
“It’s lovely to meet you both!” You said, picking up your cup of tea and sipping it softly.
Law picked up his cup, taking a sip as his father opened his mouth again, “So is my son a generous lover-- I always tried to tell him how important forepl--”
“DAD.” He said, nearly choking on his drink, his face flushed more than you had ever seen it.
“It’s important! She looks like a fine young woman, you don’t want to lose her because you’re not satisfying her needs,” Rosinante continued, Ace nodding from their spot next to him in the loveseat, sipping their own tea. Your eyes crossed to Law, who looked like he could shrivel up and die right on the couch.
“It’s true, you know,” Ace said, leaning their head on Rosinante’s arm, “Your father is a very generous lover.”
“Mom…” Law said, shrinking into the couch, willing himself to die from the embarrassment.
“Well actually,” You spoke up, “We haven’t.. Done anything yet.” You fumbled with the cookie in your hand, “I need to take it slow.” You didn’t make eye contact with them now, your own blush filling your face.
“Well that’s okay too!” Rosinante said, smiling wide at you, “Just make sure to keep him in line when you do,” He laughed.
“Do you see why I warned you,” Law muttered, casting his gaze to you from his slouched position in the seat.
You patted his thigh with your hand, giving him a reassuring squeeze. “Don’t worry, I love them,” You whispered back.
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loosesodamarble · 1 year
Yay! You're playing the song game too! I'm so glad! 💙 How about a song for Nacht? I haven't found one that makes me think of him yet (but I also haven't looked very hard...) so I'm very curious to hear what you've found if you don't mind sharing one. Thank you!
I didn't reblog your post intending to do the song game. I was just hoping more people would see it and take interest.
But hey, since you asked, I shall answer your question, Acacia~! 💖
(It's not a super long post but I'm gonna throw my answer under the cut.)
Now I don't really go actively looking for songs that fit characters/ships so I don't have many in mind.
Although one song that I believe suits Nacht Faust is the song "That Lonesome Road" by James Taylor.
It's a somber song that urges the need to move on despite loss and past mistakes. Fitting the title, the song feels lonely. I personally believe the song is meant to be someone grieving speaking to themself, trying to talk themself into picking up their broken pieces. There's use of "you" and "I" in the song but it's not implying two different parties. The lines where the pronouns are included, saying to walk the lonesome road by "yourself" and later the lyrics saying "I'd not be on this road tonight," implies that the "you" and "I" are on the same road and thus the same person.
It's why I think this song is a good fit for Nacht. He spends far too long wallowing in grief and self-hatred over Morgen's death without truly moving on. And while Yami would definitely be there for Nacht to help him, Nacht ultimately needs to learn to walk the road of life without Morgen.
Also, a bunch of the imagery in the song is a very good match for Nacht.
The mention of a "silver moon" is pretty easy to connect. Nacht is the night and the moon to Morgen's sun. Also, there was that artwork for one of the chapters that showed Nacht with a full moon so... Yeah.
Less obviously, there are actions mentioned in the song that connect to Nacht's mistakes.
If I had stopped to listen once or twice If I had closed my mouth and opened my eyes If I had cooled my head and warmed my heart I'd not be on this road tonight
If Nacht had actually listened to Morgen, paid attention to the signs that Morgen loved him and wanted to work alongside him, then it's possible that Morgen would still be alive and Nacht wouldn't be left to grieve. Nacht's self-loathing and recklessness and fear overwhelmed his hope and love. That's part of why Nacht lost Morgen and I'm certain Nacht would realize that himself.
Never run feeling sorry for yourself It doesn't save you from your Troubled mind
Oh, these lines. They really hit me where it hurts (in a good way). Nacht's decade long pity party (that's what it is [sort of], I'm calling Nacht out on this) isn't healthy and it's actually worse for him than actually working up the strength to forgive himself.
I like this song and relating it to Nacht. It captures the loneliness Nacht feels without Morgen but it also is like a turning point for his character. This song does say to not look back, to move on. Nacht isn't going to forget Morgen but he does need to let go of his guilt and grief.
Thankfully, the road for Nacht isn't entirely lonely. There's his devils and Yami and Asta. Nacht will find his way, even without Morgen there.
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lyranova · 1 year
Lyra, you and your new Children of the Future story have got me practically swooning over Grey and Gauche right now! Honestly, I never thought I'd see the day and am not sure what to do with myself, but dang... when he asks her, "Is it okay if I...kiss you?" I just ashshshdhhs!! Sorry the best I can do to collect my thoughts right now is just a keyboard smash. Maybe if I came back to it later, I would have something more intelligent to say, but I needed to tell you that that was SO FREAKING CUTE! I just...soft Gauche?! I was so blind to the possibilities! He's so gentle, so attentive, so considerate of her feelings--and maybe the littlest bit insecure but he assures her that he does care about her and wants to be with her regardless of all the extenuating circumstances (and I actually believe him). This is good stuff! (Seriously, I'm pretty sure this story just hit everything on my self-indulgent shipping bingo card).
Also, don't even get me started about how Grey was the one who confessed first! My girl! Look at her! I'm so proud! What a big and important moment for her--really shows how much she has grown, and I'm so incredibly glad she got to have that.
You truly are the Queen of Fluff and are winning me over on this ship, I swear... I didn't know I needed it!
P.S. Finral and Vanessa showing up in those ridiculous costumes at the (fake) food stall like Team Rocket to save Gauche and Grey's date was just the icing on the cake! I loved it!! Please keep up the great work, and thank you so much for sharing!! Cheers! <3
Aaaaahh Acacia thank you so much 😭💕! I’m sorry it took a bit to answer this I wanted to sit down and answer it properly 🥰!
Agwjwjwhwh I’m so glad you enjoyed that part 😭, I don’t know if Gauche would actually ask for permission before he kissed Grey but I just love the idea that he would so I’m glad you liked it too 🥺!
Yesss I love the idea of Gauche being soft and more gentle with Grey like he is with Marie 😭, we don’t see that side to him very often so I like exploring it with Grey and with others, it’s just so much fun 🥰. I’m so glad you liked it and that hit everything on your self indulgent bingo card 😁!
Abwjkwjw I love having Grey confess first (I think I’ve had her confess first in every fic I’ve done 🤔), and this time I was going to have Gauche do it first but changed my mind which is why the confession suddenly turns into Grey being the one to do it 😅. It does! I honestly think that if Grey were to get into a relationship with Gauche that it would maybe help her come out of her shell a bit and make her more “outgoing”, or at least I hope it would, but she’d still be pretty shy and timid at times and Gauche would help her with that a bit 😁.
Agwjjwwujhwwjwjwmwnkw thank you 🙈🥺💕! I don’t know if I’d call myself the Queen of fluff since I’m sure there are a lot of others who do fluff just as well or better then me, but thank you so much for the compliment Acacia 🥺😭💕💕💕!
Agwjwjwj I was originally going to have all the BBs go and help to make Grey and Gauche’s date perfect but decided to just make it Vanessa and Finral and I enjoyed writing that so much and I’m really glad you enjoyed it too 🤣!
You’re very welcome and thank you for commenting 🥺🫂💕💕!!
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rosiinantes · 3 years
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Vampire AU for my Corazon selfship bc Halloween and also i just fucking love Corazon so much. <3
Been doing a rp of this with the husband and its self indulgence at its finest
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fire-fist-ann · 3 years
enough is enough
This is a piece for @rosiinante for their OC Acacia x Cora i hope you enjoy! 
Law could feel the waves of disgust hitting him , sure he was only 10 but these so called adults around him were being so gross they way his stupid adoptive father would stammer and trip every time acacia came around was just pathic at this point  , he had tried to be subtle pushing them toward each other and yet they were either to stupid or to oblivious to realize that they were being gross
law had enough today was the day once and all for this to end it was simple really all they had to do was kiss right? and that should fix everything so he set his plan in motion “ oi Cora-ya! i want to go to the bookstore” h-huuh okay just let grab my coat!” he said jumping up only to trip over the air crashing into the rug he sat up “ I'm okay hah!” la was mentally praying for this to pay off 
Corazon held laws hand ,,,well tried to before he yanked it away “ isn't that Acacia over there” Corazon jolted “ HUH , WHERE?!” he said turning bright red with a lopsided smile as he caught a glance  of the pink haired beauty with a stack of books which she seemed to be struggling with “ should you help her or something ?” law said matter of fact dead panning almost “ your right!” he yelled “ Acacia!” Corazon yelled before he ran over only to trip into the poor girl knocking books everywhere as the two fell with Corazon landing on top of her. law face palmed this wasn't going to plan at all!
Acacia turned a nice cherry red “ah Corazon fancy seeing you here” she squeaked out “oh right!” he said as they both sat up at once hitting their heads together both letting out cries of man
law sucked in a deep breath “ are you kidding me?” he mumbled as he watched those idiots fall and hurt themselves over the books. once they finally got up acacia smiled at law “ hello law are you having a good day today?” the wheels started turning in his heads “ i want to go to the beach “ Corazon paused tilting his head “ dont you hate the beach?” law huffed and crossed his arm glaring “i never said that!, you should come “ he said looking right at acacia “ law! dont listen to him” Cora said laughing nervously 
acacia smiled “ i,m free actually i would love to” she said smiling widely at them, finally things were working out in laws favor “”a-alright then lets go to the beach Corazon said before he leaned down to law “ you little shit “ law smirked “ you cant prove a thing”
The three of them made it to the beach walking along the sand while acacia and Corazon were chatting law groaned they were taking to long ,they've been here all day and neither of them had made a move . Screw being subtle he snuck up behind Corazon and pushed him into the ocean acacia jolted “ Cora!” she jumped after him ad pulled him out he was coughing she had is face in his hands : are you okay!” your beautiful” he blurted out 
Acacia whole face turned scarlet “ so are you, you big dummy” she mumbled as she pressed a chaste kiss on his lips “ finally now are you two going stop being gross” they turned their heads to law “ haha no not at all were going be more from now on “ ughh!” law cried out throwing his hands in the air storming off “ so how about i take you on a real date without water next time?” Corazon said 
“ i would like that” she said beaming  
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acaciasselfinserts · 4 years
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Hugs!!!! 💖💜
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