#all the things were inside jokes and we always discussed to make sure everyone was comfortable
skelliko · 6 days
Hello first time requesting
I was wondering if I can request reader x hanma were they have a toddler and hanma rough plays with him and overall hanma being a good father to the point that the reader is moved to tears as they see that since they never really saw how a loving father is supposed to look like so it’s like healing their inner child seeing their kid being genuinely loved by their father not just in name
(It’s to heal them daddy issues yes)
a/n: we're in this together cause me too. at first I didn't wanna write it since I've stated I wouldn't write about marriage or pregnancy but I'll let this dodge just cause I said so. (btw I did the kids gender as a boy cause you mentioned 'him' once, not sure if that was on purpose or not but i hope thats okay)
Hanma Shuji |-° a good father
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it was scary getting married, afraid that it would turn south and become unhappy to the point where we'd turn down walls just to get our points across. afraid that cause of all our bickering he'd secretly go with another woman, become avoidant and distant but that hasn't happened, at all.
finding out I was pregnant was terrifying, afraid that I would fail as a mother of a sweet baby and id be the reason for his dreams and innocence being taken away. you don't need to be drastically smart to know that you eventually become your parents, everyone has some sort of element inside of them that resembles their care givers. so I was petrified that I'd turn out like my father, or maybe that I had married the wrong man to commit in having child with; just like my mother. generational trauma doesn't go easy on anyone, so my heart always shook and sank whenever i held my boy.
I try, I really do try a lot to make sure that what I went through won't ever happen to my- our kid and he'll grow up to be loved. but fear does still strike me since I'm yet to figure out how to be as a parent, Im aware that how I grew up wasn't right at all, but that doesn't mean that I know what good parenting looks like.
I've told hanma about my fear of parenting before we had agreed on having a kid, he didn't look at me weirdly, he didn't say anything negative, he didn't tell me that I shouldn't worry half assed as if it should be common sense to figure it out on the spot. instead, he told me not to worry sincerely, he meant every word he said, soothed me with warm words and some of his little jokes, and told me I have plenty of time to figure out if I want to be called 'mom' and that there was no reason to rush into things. so after a few days I've made up my mind and went on to discuss baby names as a hint that i want to keep it.
I hear small giggles in the other room, ones that belong to our child, a child that has the most gorgeous smile and has his father's eyes. his tiny baby hands have grown to be toddlers and he's still growing everyday.
I wiped my hands dry and clean on a towel in the kitchen from washing the vegetables that I was about to cut up and cook. I could have started right away with the cooking but I wanted to quickly see what's so amusing that got our boy all loud and humoured.
leaning against the door frame I saw our boy stood up on his little feet with his arms circling around in the air, Hanma was gently pinching his tummy with this thumb, pointer and middle finger making him ticklish and making 'pow' and 'wow' sounds. Hanma was smiling and laughing along as he'd change him movements to then annoy the kid by tapping him on his cheeks and nose, the boy would try and move hanma's hand away but despite his annoyance he was enjoying it and that just kept Hanma to keep playfuly annoy him.
is that something that fathers do? is that what they call rough play, or is this something else?
a main thing that also struck me in this moment was that hanma was smiling while playing with the boy. Im aware that parents can still smile but seeing his joyed expression instead of a bothered and annoyed look felt really refreshing.
for the past few years we've had our boy he's been nothing else than a good father, sure we've had a few off moments but there will always be short lasting moments where it feels like we're all sinking because of our own mistakes and flaws.
but over time Hanna has made me realize many things, about himself, myself, our boy and on an overall what it means to be a good parent. what considers to be good parenting is a very controversial topic for most but I'd say as long as the child is happy and isn't sat through abuse or neglect, that's more than enough.
my boy will have the childhood that I needed but couldn't have, Hanma is being the father that I needed but didn't have. our boy will be smiling all throughout. while im over here trying to keep in my angsty emotions, c'mon I'm better than this aren't I?
I put a hand over my mouth to stop my quivering lips but my teary eyes took that as a chance to spill over before I could wipe them away. looking away to avoid any attention but before I could go back to what I was doing before; Hanma called my name out and I felt his hands slide up my upper arm and turn me around. he saw me cry before I saw him notice.
"hey hey, what happened? talk to me" he said worryingly
looking at him briefly, I wanted to speak up but even I was unsure on what I was crying about, but then i looked at our boy for a few seconds and it only then clicked in. I shook my head gently before replying "no it's just- you're a good father. and I'm glad our boy will have you to look up to"
hanma immediately brought me into a tight hug but then chuckled a little, I felt the vibration of his laugh against his chest. whats so amusing? "and he has an amazing mother to look up to as well. I know how stressed you've been and I'm really proud of you for how far you've gotten"
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ddarker-dreams · 8 months
Nexus IV.
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Yandere Blade x F Reader.
Warnings: Explicit not SFW, alcohol consumption, Space Politics, possessive behavior, yandere themes and unhealthy relationships. Word count: 15.4k.
Nexus index.
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Time plucked away at the few petals still clinging to Kafka’s roses. 
The insipid end brought an inexplicable sense of relief. An irrational foreboding cast suspicion upon the bouquet; you considered it an ill-omen. You observed it religiously as one would an upside-down hourglass. Waiting, anticipating, dreading. When the last petal fell, you breathed a sigh of relief. It was late by then, so you decided to throw the remains away in the morning. 
Presently, you examine the vase. 
The once wilted stems stand tall, pridefully lifting its crowning gem on a green pedestal. Ruby-colored petals burst forth, wickedly beautiful and fragrant. 
Is this a practical joke? Some little parlor trick intended to unnerve you? 
The latest developments in holograms include olfactory stimulation. Consider this, you decide to test its authenticity. You reach out, expecting your hands to glide through an incorporeal image. 
Your fingers meet resistance. 
You try again just to be certain — the results are the same.
You’re more determined to get rid of it now than ever.
You pick up the most vain rose by its stem. It delays its demise by pricking you, earning a temporary pardon along the white veneer of your vanity. 
Blood pools into a crimson dome on your finger. You watch it, mesmerized, taken aback by memories that emerge alongside it.
The voice of a haughty girl echoes throughout your being. 
“What’s wrong? It’s just a bit of blood. We all have it inside us, don’t we?”
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The LOTUS-EATER has always been your home. 
So long as it wasn’t open for business, you were free to run amuck. Of course, you refused to run amuck — how unladylike is that — but you did enjoy roaming. There were a lot of interesting things to look at. Anything was better than spending hours in front of that dumb blue screen with its stupid made-up people with stupid made-up problems. You didn’t get it. Everyone always said you’d grow up to be a super amazing Arbiter. You’d get tons of clients, make them all happy, get mountains of credits, buy the IPC, and then fire their staff.
Miss Calliope, your teacher when mother was busy, said it took most twenty years to get to where you’ve gotten in one. This reinforced an argument you’d practiced for many cycles. You thought for sure you could convince mother.
It didn’t work out that way. 
Mother said you had to keep studying before you could make a link with an organic being. You really wanted to argue, but you chose to act like an adult and be angry in silence instead. She tried to win you over and offered a ride on the nectar guides. This bribe almost swayed you from your mission. To ensure she knew how serious you were, you said you’d pass, calmly enough for her to know you weren’t actually calm. 
She went off somewhere to discuss boring things with boring people. You seized this opportunity to further refine your strategy and paced The Lounge’s hallways. Maybe if you broke the blue screen, mother would have no choice but to let you learn through experience. This idea greatly enthused you, until you remembered they could just get another blue screen. For this mission to succeed, you needed to cause the ‘collapse of supply chains.’ This was adult for ‘we can’t get the stuff we want’ from what you could surmise. The problem was, you didn’t know where these important chains were located. There’s Thelx, the good place, Ade, the weird place, Mele, the boring place, and Arc, the scary place. 
You stood and contemplated. If you had to hide something important, you’d put it in the scariest spot. Arc it is then. 
A mission of this magnitude would be unlike anything you pulled before. You’d need a… what was that term again…? Accompanied lice…? 
That’d be the crux of the whole thing. It couldn’t be any of the adults either, they’re all snitches. You required someone who would do your bidding. You closed your eyes and concentrated. There were three people around. Two on the first floor, one on the second. You sought out the latter. 
A little boy with long blonde hair and dull blue eyes sat by himself in the break room. He hadn’t noticed you yet, he just stared off into space and halfheartedly kicked his legs. The workers sometimes brought their kids along and stuffed them in here, where there were snacks and games. He didn’t seem interested in either. 
What resolve, you thought. What fortitude! 
You walked in front of him, pointed, and loudly demanded, “What’s your name?” 
“M-Miss Phaeales?” He squeaked. 
“No, that’s my name,” you sighed. Maybe your intuition was off. “What’s your name?” 
He hung his head and frowned.
“Oh, um… I’m Vincent.” 
You squinted. “Huh? That can’t be right. Vincent’s the bartender. You can’t do that.” 
“He’s my dad. We have the same name.” 
You felt a strange feeling from tinier Vincent; the kind of strange feeling that made your stomach and head hurt. Mother said you’d be able to block it out as you grew up. You hoped you’d grow up soon.
“Well, that’s dumb. I don’t like that name,” you decided. He remained silent. “Pick a new one.” 
“I don’t think I can…?” 
“You can because I said you can. Pick a new one, or I’ll pick one for you.” 
He stared at you like you had three heads. You did the scary thing mother does when angry — you counted down from three to one in a mean voice. Not-tinier-Vincent just sat there and looked confused. You scrunched your face up when your mean counting finished. You didn’t get it, that always worked on you. He must be immune to pressure… a quality your mission required. 
Maybe he had his merits after all.
“Alright, I’ll pick one. From now on, you’re… hm… Lear.” 
You placed your hands on your hips and nodded. This is a great name, you thought. It rhymes with so many things. 
Lear tilted his head. “Uh… alright?”  
“Great. Onto the next business order — how old are you?” 
He put up five fingers. 
What luck you have!
You grinned. “I’m seven, so according to the law, you have to listen to me.” 
“The law?” He questioned. 
“Yeah, the law. It’s what you have to do or you get in trouble.” 
Lear processed this new information and nodded. “Okay. I don’t wanna get in trouble.” 
“From now on, you’ll be my ac—” 
You covered your mouth with your hands. Wait a moment, you can’t tell him he’s an accomplice!  He might not help you then. That was a close one. You considered alternative titles, but none of them sounded as cool as accomplice. What a shame, but it can’t be helped. Missions required sacrifice. 
“From now on, Lear, you’ll be my best friend.” 
A few cycles later, you convened on the balcony outside of mother’s office. 
You liked the balcony. No one made you use the blue screen there. Sometimes, when you weren’t monitored, you’d grab a chair, pull it to the railing, hop up, and stare. This is Eris, you’d think. A cold planet far away from the stars. Stars are big fireballs that make everything nice and warm. I don’t think I’ll ever get to see one. It’d be cool if I could. 
You displayed a vital object for the mission.
“Lear, do you know what this is?” 
Lear stood still with his hands in his pockets. “A circle?” 
“No. Well, okay, yeah, it’s a circle, but this is called a hair tie. You use it to tie your hair.” 
“That’s cool.” 
You held it out to him. “For this mission, full visibility is required. I’d cut your hair, but mother hid the scissors from me.” 
His tiny hand grabbed it. Lear regarded your gift blankly and glanced back at you, his eyebrows furrowed. Did he not know what to do with it? 
You sighed because that’s what mother did in these situations. You started to get why. You took the gift back, tied your hair up, then returned it. He managed to do it on the fourth try. Relieved that the trial was over, you clapped and smiled. Your effort has been rewarded.
“Good job, Lear.” 
Lear’s head rose at that. “What?” 
“I said good job. When someone gets something right, that’s what you say.” 
“... It is?” He murmured. You nodded. You didn’t think you needed to teach him the basics, but an accomplice must be capable. Miss Calliope said that extra effort was always worth it. She changed her mind after you grabbed a stool to mix the adult drinks. You’d like to think she still meant it. 
“Since that’s finished, we can get to the main event.” 
You pulled out a paperclip from a pocket inside your dress. The object was subjected to your immense strength, manipulated, and reforged. It went from a boring shape to a useful shape. You took a deep breath, brought the paperclip’s edge to your pointer finger, then stabbed down. Lear released a choked sound when blood surfaced. 
You cleaned the paperclip’s edge with your dress’ hem and handed it to him. This would go on to determine the rest of your life, you decided. It needed to be done well. 
“I read that doing this makes your promises stronger. Since we’re gonna make an important promise, it has to be extra strong,” you explained. The color drained from Lear’s face. “What’s wrong? It’s just a bit of blood. We all have it inside us, right?” 
Lear refused to take the paperclip. “A promise? Miss Phaeales, I don’t know if I can.” 
“You don’t have to press hard. It barely stings, anyway.” 
You pursed your lips. “Lear, we have to, or the promise will be weak.” 
Lear shook his head and took a step back. There were lots of weird feelings that came from him. They confused you, you couldn’t think of a word to describe them. It didn’t hurt, but it felt heavy on your chest. What did you do wrong? Were paper clips that scary? No, it had to be something else. Mother said you can’t focus on another person too hard because it’s unfair. If they don’t tell you it themselves, you shouldn’t know it. 
He stood on his tiptoes and reached for the number pad. You revealed the top-secret passcode to him, since the balcony was to be your top-secret hideout. Every top-secret hideout had to have a top-secret password. The detective books you read said so. 
“I can’t, I’m sorry,” Lear apologized. His voice sounded tiny. “I’m really sorry.” 
You didn’t know what to say to stop him or if you should try. 
Was this what people meant when they called you pushy? You wanted to complete the mission, but you also didn’t want Lear to be sad. 
The door opened and quietly closed. 
With that, the first friend you ever made was gone. 
The next time you were allowed on the balcony, you were curled up in a ball. 
You hugged your knees to your chest and sniffled. Mom was mad at you. Miss Calliope was mad at you. Mister Caicias had scolded you. The other Arbiters were less nice too. You don’t think they ever liked you, but at least they pretended they did. It’s okay to hate you for now so they stopped pretending. 
You could hear their thoughts. You didn’t want to, but you could anyway. 
What a spoiled child.
If anyone else had done what she did, they’d never be allowed in this line of work.
I hope the Exalted Arbiter lives a long life, if this is to be her successor. 
Your throat was sore, your eyes burned, and your chest hurt. You didn’t know you were spoiled. You never thought you were better than anyone. You hadn’t realized your attitude was awful. You just wanted to be confident like mom. That way, no one would be worried about the future. Everyone on Eris relied on mom. Everyone on Eris will have to rely on you eventually.
You looked at the black sky, the only sky you’d ever known. It always felt sad. The gray clouds were like little discolored tears. 
You wondered if Noct ever felt bad that they made a planet where everyone was unhappy. 
Someone’s coming, you realized. Is it moma? 
It isn’t. 
It’s the little boy with blue eyes and long, blonde hair. This time, it’s pulled back into a ponytail. You hadn’t changed the top-secret password, he must’ve used it to gain entry. 
You hurriedly rubbed your tears away, and he looked elsewhere until you gave up on your task. Afterward, he sat down beside you. He hugged his knees to his chest as well. 
“Are you okay?” He murmured. 
You nodded and sunk your head into your knees. 
“... Those kids are mean, anyway,” he reassured. “I dunno what they said, but it’s not true.” 
“It is too. The adults think it but they don’t say it,” you whispered. 
You know it’s true. Your mission to Arc almost caused what Miss Calliope called ‘a scandal.’ 
You snuck out of the LOTUS-EATER by yourself.
It wasn’t as difficult as you expected. You just borrowed a staff member’s lanyard, pressed it against the door, and it opened. You stuck to the shadows and navigated your way south. You could tell when an adult was close if you heard their thoughts. The thoughts were rarely happy. You pushed on until you encountered an alley, where some older kids were gathered. 
You froze; you hadn’t accounted for kids. Their thoughts weren’t as loud and terrible. You didn’t hear them.
This bunch, though… they had a kid’s build and the expression of an adult. You counted four in total. One was tall, another was scrawny, the tiniest covered in dirt, and the last kid wore a tattered shirt that reached their knees. 
The tall kid spat on the ground. 
“This is our spot,” he said. “Get lost.”  
You fidgeted. 
“Hello, um… could I just pass over that fence? I’ll be quick,” you reasoned. 
“Are you deaf or something? I said, get lost.” 
The scrawniest kid squinted at you. “Hey, wait a sec, J. I feel like I’ve seen her before.” 
“Really? When?” The tiny one squeaked.
“Y’know, during those big events for when Arc folk move over.” 
“Huh, now that you mention it…” the tall boy trailed off, “You’re [First] Phaeales, right?” 
He said your name like it was a disease. It made your heart hurt. 
“Can you read my mind? What am I thinkin’ about, huh?” The scrawny kid called out. 
“Hey, be careful. I heard those things can make your head explode with a single look,” the kid in a long shirt whispered. 
The tall boy guffawed and stepped forward. “Really? Is that true?” 
You took a step back. 
“What? You gonna run away? Can’t stand to see people like us, huh?” He remarked. “Must be nice, getting everything you ever need handed to you. Yeah. Real fuckin’ nice.” 
“I don’t—” your voice gave out. You ignored how they snickered and pressed on to finish your important sentence. “I don’t think that about you! When I grow up, I wanna help—” 
The tall boy stormed over and lifted you by your dress’ collar. “Help? Help? You can’t do shit. You people never do anything! You promise and promise and never come through!” 
You didn’t understand, there was too much to process. Anger and sadness mixed to become a storm that you were caught in the middle of. You closed your eyes and hoped the pain would go away. Maybe you prayed to Noct, maybe you cried out for your mom, you don’t really remember. 
When you reopened your eyes you saw a music box. It was simple, small, and made of wood. There was nothing else around it. No ceiling or sky, floor or ground. You couldn’t speak, so you couldn’t scream. Nothing felt normal. This wasn’t Eris. Did you float into space? Can anyone save you? Would anyone find you?
The music box’s handle creaked; the lid lifted like a yawning mouth. No song was played. Voices came out instead, though they sounded far away. There was nothing else to do but listen. 
“At this rate, she’s only going to get worse…” 
“You don’t know that. I have a few more items I can pawn off, and then…” 
“... Temperature of 102 degrees…” 
“How much longer will this embargo last? Why can’t they just give in to the IPC’s fucking demands already? We all know they’re going to, but we have to sit and suffer while they play politics!” 
“Honey, keep your voice down, the children are trying to sleep…” 
“... Temperature of 104 degrees…” 
“My wedding ring! There’s still my wedding ring! We have— we have to go fast, the pharmacy closes at 3400!” 
“Jason, your mom and I need to run a very important errand. I need you to keep an eye on Iris, okay? Can you do that for me? I know it’s scary, but it’ll all be okay, I promise. We’ll be quick.” 
“Hey… big bro?” 
“You shouldn’t get up! Here, lay back down. There you go, take it easy. Mom and dad will be back soon. They’ll get what you need, and… and… it’ll be okay. They promised.”  
“I’m sorry… for making everyone sad.” 
“No, no, that isn’t true! When you get better, we’ll be the happiest family there is. We’ll— we’ll take a trip to the entertainment district, get tons of yummy food. I’ve been saving up my allowance so I can spoil you. You can have cookies, cakes,  whatever you want, it’s yours.” 
“... Pudding too?” 
“Of course, pudding too. You’ll have so much, you’ll need an entire lifetime to eat it. A long, long lifetime. So… just wait a bit longer. They should be back any minute now.” 
“You want to hear the music box mom gave you? That’s all the way in the— no no no, don’t look at me like that, I’ll go get it. See? Keep an eye on the door, lift your head just a little bit. I’ll be quick.” 
“Hey, look what I found. Works like a charm too. Hm? Did you fall asleep? That was fast. It normally… it takes… normally takes… l-longer…?” 
The music box slammed shut. 
The tall boy — Jason — released his grip on you and staggered back. His friends ran to his aid. You squeezed your head in your hands, fell to your knees, and tried to disappear. It hurt, it hurt, oh, it hurt, a pain you’d never experienced before. It felt like your chest was stabbed over and over again with something sharper than a paperclip. This pain, his pain, it was too much. 
A few guards that’d been dispatched to search for you overheard the commotion. They ran over, worried that you were injured. Nothing was wrong with you physically. The pain came from within. You thrashed and screamed when they picked you up. You wanted to be left alone, you wanted it to go away. 
You looked at the tall boy one more time before they pulled you away.
Tears fell from his eyes and they couldn’t stop. 
You don’t think those kids were mean. They were just really sad.
“I’m sorry I ran away,” the little boy said. His voice wavered. “I was scared.” 
You felt numb. “Of me?” 
His eyes widened and he waved his hands as if he’d caught on fire. “N-No, well, kinda, but not like that. You’re nice. You don’t tell me to smile or to stop looking sad.” 
Your lower lip trembled. “But I made you tie your hair up.” 
“I see better now.” 
“And— and I said your name was dumb.” 
“... I don’t like it,” he said. The strange feeling reappeared. “That name. It is dumb. You know that I guess, ‘cause of the mind stuff.” 
“Isn’t that scary?” 
“Maybe if you did mean things with it, but… that name made me sad. So you picked a new one. Lear is cool. It rhymes with stuff.” 
You lifted your head. The little boy wasn’t lying, you could tell. 
“Why’d you leave then?” 
His little hands balled into fists by his side.
“I was scared. I was asked to make a promise before, and I lied. It was a promise I didn’t like,” he explained. 
Then, he lifted his finger. A droplet of blood dripped from it. “I shoulda said something. I’ll try, I’ll really try, so please don’t be sad. It makes me sad. I want… I want to be best friends!” 
A lump formed in your throat. Tears stung your eyes, the strength of his words pierced through your sadness like an arrow. A friend. You never had a friend before. You didn’t think you’d ever get to have one. Mom said it’d be difficult, that if you wanted it, you’d need to try harder than you’d ever tried before. 
You launched at Lear, your arms outstretched, and wailed loudly. He caught you awkwardly with a gasp. You pressed your forehead to his shoulder and hugged him tight. 
“I don’t want you as an accomplice anymore! You’re my best friend! I really mean it this time!” You exclaimed in between sobs. 
“Eh? Accom-police?” Lear struggled to repeat the new word. Then, for the first time since you met him, he laughed. “I don’t really get you, Miss Phaeales, but… I wanna.” 
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That kid, Jason… is he okay? Did he ever go back home to his parents? You wonder. I used to think I could prove him wrong, that I just needed to grow up faster so I could fix everything. And yet, these past two years have been some of the worst economically. 
You grab the rose by its petals and return it to the vase. 
The crystal lotus shines beside it, its multiple surfaces flickering between brilliant hues. This gift, while beautiful, never particularly stuck out to you before. It wasn’t until Blade expressed an interest that it stood out more.
You sit in front of your vanity.
Mom… was I a good daughter? 
You brush foundation along your face. 
I always thought you never understood me, but… 
Mascara darkens and thickens your eyelashes. 
… I never tried to understand you. 
You slam the makeup drawer shut. 
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It has officially been three months since the IPC instituted its travel ban on Eris with seemingly no end in sight. 
Unemployment rates have crept up from 5.3% to a staggering 15%. We reached out to a financial advisor for Metis Mining from Mele, a company that has laid off one-third of its workforce. 
“It’s an awful situation,” he said. “Essentially, everything that could go wrong has gone wrong. I’ve been in this field for some 150 years — never have I seen anything like this. Thelx is our heart. If it stops pumping, we stop getting the blood we need to live. We need tourism. We need our heart to beat again.” 
An advisor for Chrysus, however, is singing a different, more upbeat tune. 
“We’re feeling optimistic. The negotiations have been going well. None of us want this to last longer than it has to. We’ve cooperated fully with the IPC’s requests, working endlessly to provide the necessary documentation for them to drop this unfounded charge. We ask that the people of Eris stand together. I will not be accepting questions at this time. Thank you.” 
“What is Chrysus doing,” you groan. “The optics on this are terrible. ‘We ask that the people of Eris stand together,’ sounds like a bumper sticker for a spaceship.” 
The comment section on the article expresses a similar sentiment. The most upvoted post is a picture of Eris on fire with bottom text that reads, ‘Don’t worry, just keep standing.’ The second is a screenshot of the advisor’s comment with the caption ‘me when i lie.’ To make matters worse, the user’s profile picture is the lead singer for Mushroom Mania but with a flower crown photoshopped onto his head. 
You squint at the tiny text beneath it. 
Your friend banona69 liked this post.
“Blade, can you cut my phone in half?” 
He throws you a disinterested glance. 
“Riveting conversation, as usual,” you lean heavily on sarcasm to reel him in.
“You’re working. I won’t interrupt,” he drawls. 
Or maybe it didn’t, who knows, he’s as easy to read as an esoteric tome in a lost language. It is true that you’re working. Keeping up with clients, overseeing reimbursements for canceled appointments, apologizing for circumstances you have no control over; the usual. Your latest torment involved your bank’s servers going down when your employees’ paychecks were due. They’re testing out a new customer service android, but yours had a bug that caused it to repeat everything you said. 
That predicament came to an end and five more popped up in its place. 
You stretch your arms above your head. “If I handed you over to the IPC, do you think they’d lift the travel ban?” 
“Find out for yourself.” 
“Huh?” You swipe your monitors away so you can gauge him better. “What do you mean by that?” 
Blade kicks himself off the wall and uncrosses his arms. “If you can subdue me, you can turn me in.” 
That’s one of the biggest ‘ifs’ to ever if. You narrow your eyes, like that’ll help your ability to discern his intentions. He’s standing there, intimidating as ever, his countenance betraying nothing. You decide he has to be joking. It’d be a major inconvenience for Kafka and her cronies to break him out of IPC holding. You know precious little about Blade, but you do know he takes his job seriously. 
Regardless, this cycle has raised your blood pressure to unprecedented levels, so you play along. A little fun never hurts. 
“Didn’t Nona tell you about my mind-liquifying technique?” 
“Screeched it, more like,” Blade dryly recalls. “It’s a bluff.” 
You swivel around on your chair and get up. He remains perfectly still as you languidly approach, his burning eyes never leaving yours. An electrifying sensation courses through your body the closer you get. It’s unfair how beautiful he is. His dark hair that shifts into a crimson shade, broad shoulders, narrow waist, his surprisingly soft lips that are almost always drawn in a straight line; the wanted posters don’t do him justice. 
You have to crane your head to look up at him, the man’s so ridiculously tall. You’ve never liked it when people look down on you — this must be the lone exception. 
“And if it isn’t?” You challenge. 
“You would never,” Blade insists. It isn’t your eyes he’s focusing on anymore, it’s your lips. “You’re too…” 
On the occasions you can get Blade talking, he’s never at a loss for words. His cadence has a quiet confidence. If he’s in the mood, he’ll have a rebuttal for every possible sentence you could concoct. It’s immediate too, as swift as his bladework. It’s unusual for him to trail off for this long. 
“Too…?” You encourage, tilting your head. 
“Forget it.” 
You don’t have the luxury of pressing the issue. He quite literally sweeps you off your feet, taking long strides to your office’s couch like he owns the place.
“You missed your chance,” Blade lays you down on the cushions and crawls over you. “Unless you’d still like to try.” 
You glare at him halfheartedly and prop yourself up on your elbows. This guy must have a thing for manhandling you, because every chance he gets, he goes for it. You splay your hand against his chest and lightly push. He gets the message and moves back, allowing you the space necessary to lift up your blouse. He’s all over you immediately after, kneading your chest and trailing hot kisses down your neck. He stops at the spots with bite marks or bruises, giving them extra attention so they don’t fade. 
“Maybe I could, who knows? Perhaps I’ve extended you mercy,” you breathe out. 
Blade pins your wrists above your head with one hand, his amusement evident. “You’d be the first.”
He leers at your cleavage like it’s the most beautiful thing he’s ever seen. His lips are back on your skin, starting at your collarbones and then moving down. He lavishes your chest in lovebites, his teeth practically married to your skin. Your low-cut shirts will be collecting dust in your closet at this rate, he’s seen to that. He kisses down your navel and stops shy of your skirt’s waistband. 
“Is this for me?” He plays with your skirt’s short hem, raising it to reveal your thighs. 
You did choose this risque skirt to see how he’d react, but he doesn’t deserve the satisfaction of knowing this. 
“You’re not the only person I ever see,” is your cheeky reply. 
He doesn’t look impressed. 
“I’m the only one who can fuck you, though,” he says, as plain as someone describing the weather. 
You frown and twist your head to the side. He picked up on that, huh? You don’t know if it’s definitive, but you haven’t conducted tests to find out. It is exhilarating to lose yourself in carnality without fearing the repercussions. Still, you don’t want him to believe that gives him an exclusive claim to you. You’ll both enjoy yourselves, he’ll get recalled from this job, and that’ll be the end of it. He’ll be nothing but a story you drunkenly recall to Nona. Nothing more, nothing less.
Possessive men are a turnoff. If they wanted to own the thing they stick their dick in, they could buy a sex android. You’re not a sex android. You don’t run out of battery power in six hours or incur hilarious yet painful-sounding reasons for lawsuits. 
“Pouting again?” Blade taunts.
Long, gloved fingers lightly glide against your inner thigh. 
“I don’t pout,” you sigh as his hand dips past your waistband. “I brood.” 
His fingers are quick to find your clit. He rubs the sensitive nub in slow motions, applying minimum pressure. Your breath hitches and you look up at him through lidded eyes. His towering form cages you in. This couch is one of the few surfaces he hasn’t taken you on yet. Your bed, your office chair, your desk, hell, even the wall; he’s fucked you on almost every object with the geometry to permit it. 
Your head tilts back as he steadily drags his fingers down the length of your pussy. His ring and middle finger barely slip in before he pulls them out, returning to their previous task of gathering your slick. There’s enough for each swipe to create audible sounds, despite the relaxed rhythm he’s set. This detail doesn’t go unnoticed by him. No, he grins at you, his eyes practically shining. 
“Shut up,” you grumble, covering your face with your forearm. 
“I didn’t say anything.” 
“You didn’t have to, it’s written all over your— ah!” 
His fingers plunge into you without the slightest resistance, all the way up to his knuckles. You gasp at the abrupt intrusion. Normally, he takes surprising care when pushing anything inside you — whether it be his cock, tongue, or fingers — gauging how your face contorts to ensure you aren’t in pain. He couldn’t have been touching you for more than a minute and yet your body produced enough lubrication to easily suck him in. 
“My what?” He probes, lowering his face close enough for your noses to touch. His soft black locks tickle your cheeks. 
Blade curls his fingers as if beckoning you toward him, which is exactly what he gets; your back arches and you curl your arms around his neck for purchase. He’s noted this clinging tendency of yours and has taken great pleasure in pointing it out. You mewl as he carries on his ministrations, loving the contrast of the cold leather against your warm insides. He finger fucks you nice and slow. His lips find yours, kissing you in a way that can only be described as tender. You reciprocate, though the lustful haze permeating your mind desires something rougher. This is the sweet kiss of a lover, not a… whatever the two of you are. 
Blade pulls back an inch when you run your tongue over the seam of his lips. 
“Are you ever satisfied?” 
“I could ask you the same thing,” you huff. “Do you have any idea how much shipping Plan B to this planet costs?” 
He exhales sharply in amusement. “You like when I finish inside.” 
Your walls clamp down on him before you can protest this claim. 
“Would you look at that,” Blade hums, his voice dropping in volume as if he were sharing a secret. “I can’t even move my fingers, that made you squeeze them so tight.” 
You’d like to think he was exaggerating, but it does take a few seconds for him to comfortably slide his fingers in and out again. 
“You’re delusional. That’s… an involuntary muscle contraction.” 
He quirks an eyebrow. 
His fingers abandon their prior creed. He embraces a new tenet — one that seeks to make your lips part in pure pleasure. You writhe beneath him at the unrelenting onslaught. He angles his palm so that it rubs against your clit with every thrust of his fingers. You’re quick to sync up with his sharp movements. Every time his fingers glide back in, your hips rise to meet him halfway. Soft gasps and moans fill the air as your peak grows closer. 
Your walls start to tighten, promising that sweet ecstasy will soon be yours. 
The second time it squeezes down, his merciless pace relaxes. He doesn’t stop entirely, he just slows down enough that you aren’t getting the stimulation necessary to come undone. You bite down on your lower lip. He hasn’t deprived you of an orgasm since this feverish passion began; he’s been more interested in seeing how many times he can fuck you to completion. He didn’t even subject you to this cruelty when you made a jab at his age that set him out to prove he doesn’t ‘have the refractory period of an old man.’ 
You don’t bother trying to move your hips for more friction. One night, during the afterglow of sex, you inquired after his sword. Among other things, he nonchalantly revealed its weight of three thousand pounds. You called his bluff. He was in an agreeable enough mood to summon it, allowing you to test the claim’s validity yourself. 
Sure enough, you couldn’t even drag it an inch across the ground… 
His breath is hot on your ear as he whispers, “Admit it.” 
“Admit what?” 
“That you love it,” he commands, his fingers massaging your walls. “Don’t be shy.”
“I’m anything but shy.”
“Hm. Dishonesty doesn’t suit you.” 
You groan in exasperation when his fingers come to a complete halt. Is he really going to make you admit something so embarrassing…? Your face burns as hot as those faraway stars. You examine his expression, searching for some sign that he isn’t being serious. It’s a poor tactic. His countenance is stern, except for the blush on his cheeks from how aroused he is. 
“I…” you inhale shakily, your lower lip trembling, “I like… when…”
“Love,” he corrects. 
You turn your head to the side and squeeze your eyes shut. “I love when you… cum inside me.” 
His clothed cock twitches against your leg. 
“I know.”
Blade returns to the heavenly speed that has your mind all but floating away. His palm rubs down hard on your clit, his fingers searching out for that spot you love so much. Inhibitions gone, his name is the only word your tongue can form. Everything else that isn’t Blade has been erased from your lexicon. He makes you feel so good, it’s maddening. He’s addicted to your body and you couldn’t be more grateful. 
To be wanted, to be desired… what bliss this brings. 
Your muscles tighten and release as waves of pleasure devour you. 
Your insides spasm around him, demanding that he doesn’t let up until you’re satiated. He’s happy to oblige. Once your orgasm-induced daze lessons, you yank him down to your lips into an open-mouthed kiss that has you swapping saliva. He swallows a whimper from you while pulling his fingers out, leaving the area he’s become so intimately acquainted with. The arm that he was using to hold himself above you snakes behind your back. You’re made to sit on his lap as he shifts upright, your skirt flaring out. 
As always, it’s you who breaks from the heated kiss first. 
Blade raises his gloved hand for you to see. You gape at how the onyx-colored leather has lightened, thoroughly coated in you. He parts his middle and ring, allowing dewy threads of your essence to form. Those crimson eyes go from admiring his handiwork to reveling in your embarrassed expression. As if you weren’t flustered enough, he slips his fingers into his mouth. His length hardens and he groans quietly while sucking off your slick.
While savoring your taste, he starts the familiar process of pulling your drenched panties down. You set to work on undoing his belt. He then hits an area that’s difficult to pull them over. He gives it one more try before frustration surges from him, hinting at his solution.
“Stop ripping my undergarments,” you chastise, lifting your leg to make it easier for him. “I’ll have to go shopping at this rate.” 
Blade exercises a modicum of decorum and flings the scant fabric aside instead of eviscerating it. 
“Quit wearing them.”
“That dream of yours might come true if I have none left. If that happens, I’m stealing your credit card.”  
“It’s yours.” 
You roll your eyes, focusing on freeing his cock. His length is flushed red and painfully hard. You wrap your hands around the base. Pre-cum leaks from his head in steady streams that flow down, coating him enough that it’s easy to glide your hand up. He hisses out through gritted teeth. Once your hand reaches the top, you rub his smooth tip with the pad of your thumb. The way he leers at you is borderline animalistic. You keep at your task, pumping him up and down. 
“Does this count as me subduing you?” You muse, your voice taking a sickeningly sweet cadence, “Should I get handcuffs ready?” 
“Watch it, girl.” 
You would’ve if he hadn’t teased you so much earlier. But he did, and you must have some compensation. You sink onto the ground. Blade shoots you an inquisitive look, to which you flutter your eyelashes and smile. The realization of your intentions hits him when your lips place an amorous kiss on his leaking tip. The veins running along the length of his cock pulsate from the sight. Such a chaste way of going about a lustful act must do something for him. 
“You…” He growls out, clenching his hands into tight fists, “God.” 
You suck him gently, swirling your tongue along his slit. Meanwhile, your hand pumps him faster. He thrusts his pelvis forward to force more of his cock into your mouth. He isn’t immediately gratified — no, you take him in at your leisure. His gloved hand entangles itself in your hair and helps guide your head up and down. The wet sound of you sucking him off grows louder from the copious amount of saliva slathered along his cock. You reach for his balls, gently cupping and massaging them. Blade pants above you and throws his head back. 
The telltale twitching of his cock starts. 
You pull yourself off him. He glares down at you, silently fuming. 
You suppress a laugh and climb onto his lap. His hand goes to your shoulder, a sign he intends to push your body down so he can fuck you. Rather than moving aside and complying, you undo your bra’s clasp. His enchantment with your bare tits distracts him enough for your scheme to carry on undetected. You align your entrance with the head of his cock and start sinking down, taking the initiative yourself. 
Blade’s large hands fly to either side of your hips from instinct. Inch after inch slides in and stretches you. He maintains unflinching eye contact, the intensity behind his gaze is almost more embarrassing than the act of sex itself. Maybe he’s as pent-up as you are? Whatever the case, the tension in the air begs to be diffused. 
“Have I earned your forgiveness?” You ask. 
“You’re getting there.”
Your lips part in a silent moan when you fully envelop him. Blade grunts, pulling you down so he can go as deep inside you as possible. His thickness caresses your walls and sets your nerves ablaze. You gyrate your hips in one last little act of revenge. He squeezes your flesh, sending the unspoken warning that you’re truly testing his patience. Thinking it best not to test your luck any further, you rise off him and sink back down. 
The legs in your muscles are sore from overexertion but the burden barely falls to you. Blade lifts you off his cock then back down again — you could go completely limp and it wouldn’t make a difference. He must’ve wanted to know you were ready before ruthlessly maneuvering your body for his pleasure.
What a gentleman.
This position has him consistently rubbing against a spot inside you that’s mind-numbing. He fills and stretches you like your body was molded with him in mind. Your gratification isn’t his goal at the moment he’s lost in the pursuit of what you snatched away. He’s greedy because he can be; he’s greedy because you welcome it. You’ve had so much to give and no one to receive it. You aren’t sure how much he’ll take. You’ve decided it’s better to be empty than bursting at the seams with ardor no one can swallow, lest their throat get scorched. 
Maybe his premonition is right. Maybe no one will be able to fuck you but him. 
So you’ll enjoy it while you can. 
The rosy hue on his cheeks, his countenance reflecting the pleasure he derives from your body, the inhuman grip that mars your skin so beautifully; you take everything in. You want it all. You’ll gladly take from him too. You might not like possessive men, but passionate men are a different story. It’s boring if they aren’t a little frenzied. 
“Not… going to last long,” he pants out, his voice strained. 
Your nipples brush against the fabric of his shirt as you lean in to embrace him, your lips right by his ear. 
“Cum in me then,” you whisper, nibbling his earlobe. “Cause I think we both know you love it even more than I do.” 
Blade groans out a series of expletives. Some you recognize, some you don’t.
His cock throbs as he empties himself inside you. He thrusts upward in sharp movements, his pelvis hitting yours hard enough to sting. He’s drunk on the high you’ve brought him. Spurts of his cum slide out from your coated walls, an egregious act he remedies by fucking it back into you. By the time he finally stills, you’re both panting, sweat glistening along your bodies. You rest your head on his shoulder to regain yourself. His bandaged hand runs up and down your back, almost soothingly. 
In a matter of seconds, his flaccid cock steadily hardens, still snug inside you. 
“Who… who’s never satisfied again?” You breathlessly murmur. 
His hand finds your clit and lightly brushes over it. You whimper, your walls tightening enough to give you both a jolt of pleasure. The pitch you hit is high enough to stupefy you from mortification. You slap your hand over your mouth, hoping it’ll dissuade any further involuntary infractions. He gingerly grabs your hand and pulls it away. 
“Still you,” he says, grazing his lips along the pulse point of your inner wrist. 
You don’t get the chance to bite back.
A robotic voice slices through the lustful atmosphere like a scythe. 
“Miss Phaeales, incoming call, Miss Phaeales, incoming call,” it intones. 
You stifle a groan. “Alright alright, I get that, who is it from?” 
“Contact name: Lear.” 
Your eyes widen. Though your limbs feel like jelly, you lift yourself off Blade, who doesn’t give much assistance. You mouth the word ‘sorry’ to him, snatch your bra off the floor, and start wobbling over to your desk. After some quick rummaging, you find the device you need. 
“Put him through to my in-ears,” you order the virtual assistant. 
“[First]? Hello?” 
Relief surges through you upon hearing the sound of his voice. 
“Lear, it’s been so long since we talked, I started to think you were a figment of my imagination,” you say whilst securing your bra back into place. 
“I know, I’m— I’m sorry,” he sounds terribly flustered. You can picture his expression without trying. “It’s just, you’re busy, and then that happened and I—” 
“Slow down, I’m only teasing. It’s alright. I get it.” 
“Eh… you’re as bad as Nona,” he grumbles. “You just hide it better.” 
“Don’t worry, it’s out of my system.”
“I don’t believe you, but I’ll leave it at that,” he’s quiet for a moment, before adding, “You sound like you’re in high spirits, [First]. You don’t know what a relief that is.” 
You twirl a pen on your fingers. “I’ve dabbled with the alternative and found it lacking. It does help that some pesky issues have finally been resolved… which reminds me. Your paycheck came through without any issues, correct?” 
There’s indistinct murmuring from two voices. Lear’s tone sounds chastising, while the other comes off as petulant. 
“Hi Nona,” you greet, to which there’s a faint yet audible ‘Fuck!’ along with rapid footsteps retreating. “How fortunate is it that our paths have crossed like this? I noticed something very interesting. You can’t respond to my texts relating to your studies, but you can like a social media post from a few hours ago?” 
Now, rapid footsteps approach. 
“I’m taking a break from texting for my mental health,” Nona’s voice reasons. 
“... Don’t people normally take a break from social media for that reason?” 
“Check the DSM-106. It’s actually a thing.” 
“Be that as it may, you’re making good progress. Your scores are consistent enough that you can take a few clients again when we reopen. You need to keep practicing so it stays that way.” 
There’s a slight commotion. When it settles, Lear’s the one speaking again. “Sorry, she wanted me to say there’s still an issue with the paycheck coming through.” 
In the background, you hear her cry out, “Teacher’s pet!”
“Allow me to once again request that you place aside your bias. Nona, whose birth name is unknown, was born and raised in Arc’s most hostile faction. At the self-reported age of 74, she submitted a request for Thelx citizenship. Your mother, in her benevolence, granted the request due to seeing Nona’s potential as a future Arbiter. Do you deny any of this?” 
You quietly take a deep breath. 
“... How does Nona seem to you, Lear?” 
What should be such a natural question feels like speaking with glue coating your tongue.
“The same as usual. And, no matter what she says, she is studying the notes you sent. She just hates the training program. You were the same way, weren’t you?” 
“I was, yes,” A heavy smile finds its way onto your face. “Has anyone been giving her trouble?” 
The silence on the other line lasts longer than you’d prefer. 
“It hasn’t… been directly at her, per se. There’s just a general atmosphere of unease. Thelx has the highest percentage of citizens integrated from Arc, so things aren’t so bad here. Occasionally, there’ll be a confused kid pointing and asking why her eyes are different, but that’s nothing new.” 
The tension in your shoulders relaxes. “Alright, that’s reassuring. Please keep an eye out for her in my stead, okay?” 
You refuse to believe Chrysus. Everything with him is a move, some preplanned tactic to achieve a goal that advances his interests. You’ve lived life with Nona; he’s read a few paragraphs about her from a .txt file. There isn’t time to be at war with yourself. If he felt comfortable enough to make an accusation like that, there’s no chance it’ll end there. You’ll need countermeasures set in place. 
Countermeasures, countermeasures… there’s Caicias. He loathes ‘secret alliances’ and ‘bloated bureaucracy,’ preferring to keep everything as simple as possible. Depending on your approach, you might be able to sway the former principal. He’s always treated you as an uncle would their niece. While it feels infantilizing now, this soft spot could be an advantage if played correctly. 
An in-person meeting would be your best chance.
“Of course,” Lear says, breaking you from your thoughts. Then he’s quiet again. “[First]?” 
You hear him sigh. 
“It’s nothing. I should let you get back to your work.” 
“Hold on, you can’t ‘it’s nothing,’ me!” 
A shrill alarm chirps and pierces your unsuspecting ears. 
“Oh, shit, Nona set the fire alarm off while cooking again,” Lear sounds more exasperated than worried. “Let’s finish this another time, [First]. I… I promise that I will.” 
“Wha— again? How often does this happen?” You demand. “Hello? Hello? Ugh.” 
Irate, you tug your in-ears out and toss them on your desk. What could Lear possibly have wanted to discuss? The tone he used made your heart drop. It sounded so firm, so resolute. He’s always been on the more soft-spoken side unless provoked. He did promise that he’d pick it up ‘another time,’ an unintended callous sentencing. Your mind is going to play fill-in-the-blank with the most dreadful words possible until this burden is lifted. 
You’re about to return to your office chair when you remember your present condition. 
Tousled hair, a hastily put-on bra, a wrinkled skirt, and one of the most sought-after fugitives in the universe’s cum dripping out of you. 
Ah. And said fugitive is still behind you. 
You spin on your heels. “So, um—” 
Blade isn’t anything like when you last saw him. He’s redressed, and composed, his expression a mix between indifference and boredom. He’s returned to his favorite position too. Leaning against the wall, arms crossed, with one knee slightly bent. Why he favors this stance so much, you’ll never know. You’ve offered him a seat more times than you can count. He comes across as less intimidating when he isn’t at his full height. 
He stares at you.
You stare at him. 
“I’ll… be getting back to work, I guess?” 
He doesn’t so much as nod and he says you’re the pouty one?! 
You gather your clothes off the floor for what feels like the umpteenth time, your cheeks burning. It isn’t that you feel ashamed, rather, you think he could at least help instead of standing there like his portrait is getting painted. He’s not trying to hide that he’s watching you. His eyes have always had a physical presence, they weigh on you heavily. 
You briefly consider making a snarky comment, but your maturity wins out. You’re above such petty drivel. You finish collecting your garments. Next, you pull up the bra strap that decided to go awol, straighten your skirt, and fuss over your hair. Are you doing this so he knows you’re not embarrassed and in a rush to scamper off like a wounded animal? Maybe. Who could blame you?
You make for your bedroom door, head held high.
Blade speaks your name in that low, dark voice of his, stopping you dead in your tracks. Your body erupts in uncontrollable shivers. 
You stiffly turn around like a rusted cog. 
“Missed a spot,” is all he says. 
You blink. “Huh?” 
Blade nods to the lower half of your body. 
Sure enough, there’s a dribble of his cum caked against your inner left thigh. 
You hurl your belongings at him, which he catches without so much as batting an eyelash. 
Your very short-lived satisfaction dissipates when you recall how much you adore that blouse. The same blouse you just chucked at the immortal sword-wielding Stellaron Hunter who can kill people faster than the afterlife can claim them. He’s still holding it. You get the feeling he will continue to hold it. 
“Could I… have… that… back?” 
This appeal doesn’t move him in the slightest. 
You shift your weight between your legs. “Please?” 
“You can,” Blade starts, momentarily filling you with hope, “Come reach for it.” 
There is no hope in this universe, you decide. Nihilism is the only plausible option. 
Blade dodges all your valiant attempts. When you’re about to give up, he lowers the garment, dangling it in a silent taunt. It then ascends to the heavens the second you dive for it. 
He leaves your office that night with a blouse he hadn’t owned hours earlier.
And your cute panties.
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Are you awake? 
You’ll scold me if I say I am
Historically, that is true
You focus on caring for others so much you forget to care for yourself
You make me sound like a better person than I really am I’m just doing my job
There you go with self-deprecation again… 
It isn’t self-deprecation if it’s true >:)c
That isn’t how that works
You’ve always been hard on yourself 
I know what you’re going to say so I’ll stop you preemptively 
Anyone could’ve been born in your role and decided not to take it seriously. You didn’t choose the situation but you chose your response to it
… I swear I didn’t intend for this to become a lecture
I believe you What was your original intention then? 
Our phone call 
Nona decided to try a grilled cheese ‘hack’ she saw on the internet 
She’s lost stove privileges for a week
Is it truly a punishment if she gets to eat your cooking? 
It’s either that or she starves
Fair point Bring me some leftovers or I’m docking your pay >:)c
I wish Nona never taught you that face. It brings something primitive out of you
(ง •̀_•́)ง
Oh I forgot about those They’re way better
ε (*´・ω・) з
… I got distracted again…
( ͡° ͜ʖ├┬┴┬┴
Okay okay enough with the emoticons
I wanted to ask if we could please talk one-on-one 
Pick a date and time and I’ll do my best to fit you into my schedule.  I make no promises. The current estimated wait list is five Trailblazer Years.
Do you accept bribes
Naturally. I am a government official.
I’ll bring you a slice of my galatopita
You’re in
Actually, I wanted you to pick the time
I know that person has to be around and I won’t ask about it
But there is something about him that unsettles me
Does he ever leave?
He’s always on the LOTUS-EATER’s premises He doesn’t have to be in the room though I can ask him to leave
You feel comfortable doing that?
Yeah, it’ll be fine
Even after what happened last time?
You could hit me in the head with a brick and I’d still trust your judgment If you think it’ll be okay I’ll think the same
What an extreme example
It’s very you though
I know a backhanded compliment when I see one
(;° ロ°)
Hey don’t say that
[First]? ?????
… You’re messing with me again, I take it?
>:)c I’ll send you the details
Thank you
Want to play a round of Connect Four? 
Need you even ask
Lear has invited you to play Connect Four™©®.
You have accepted Lear’s invitation to play Connect Four™©®.
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The break room has changed significantly since you were little. Gone are the sterile, eggshell white walls and beige furniture. The redone interior boasts bold greens and yellows, colors that aren’t commonly seen on Eris. This bright expanse was one of the few suggestions your mother took you up on. You even convinced her to get a terrarium imported that goes through a randomly selected flora’s lifespan in twenty-four hours. A few besmirched it as ‘watching grass grow but slightly sped up,’ until certain flowers got popular. The daisy with petals that burned was a LOTUS-EATER staff favorite. So is the dahlia that spins like a pinwheel. 
“Was there something you wanted to ask?” 
Lear places his cup of ice water down. “Does it taste alright?” 
“It’s delicious,” you hum. “That’s not what I was referring to, though.” 
You finish your dessert while Lear mulls over your words. The light, creamy taste of the egg custard, the dash of cinnamon strewn across the browned top; he’d do well if he ever started a dessert business. 
“I know I said I wouldn’t ask about it, but…” Lear’s sapphire eyes flitter toward the door, the paper-thin barrier dividing you from Blade. “Has everything been alright during this… er…” 
“House arrest?” 
“That’s a way of putting it,” he sighs. “I know it’s for your safety, but being stuck in this building for weeks on end can’t be good for you.”
“It’s always been this way to an extent. Now it’s just official.” 
He grimaces.
“That doesn’t bother you?” 
This area utilizes the same technology available in your office or the private rooms. Sound waves cannot travel beyond a set point, or in this case, beyond the breakroom. This safety net allows you to comfortably speak your mind. 
“Maybe. I don’t know. I haven’t stopped long enough to ask myself that. From my perspective, I have two choices — accept the current situation and carry on, or, get upset and carry on, only with less efficiency.” 
Lear struggles to maintain a neutral countenance. It’s why you always beat him at card games. 
“... Okay, that sounds a bit bleak. What I’m trying to say is that I can’t dwell on what’s out of my control. I’ll focus on what I can do and work from there.” 
“Don’t tell me you haven’t brooded at least a little.” 
“Ha, I’ve done my fair share of that. I’ve just reduced it from boiling to a nice, tolerable simmer.” 
Lear’s grip on his glass tightens. “You’ve matured a lot.” 
“Eh? You think so?” You wonder. “If anything, I should’ve been this way to begin with. I had you as the premier example to follow.” 
Lear’s smile doesn’t reach his tired eyes. 
He inhales sharply. After a moment’s consideration, he comes over, pulls out a chair, and sits facing you. This is the closest you’ve been for a long time. He never wanted you to be afflicted with those visceral headaches, so he maintained his distance. For him to cross the bulwark he painstakingly built cannot be easy. 
Slowly, he raises his palm. He stops at the halfway mark between you. You knit your eyebrows. Does he want you to…? 
“It might not be a brick, but it’s similar,” Lear says, his voice soft. 
His hand is calloused from years of cleaning dishes and tinkering with various contraptions. His fingers tremble, belying the nerves he’s trying to push out of sight. This trepidation isn’t for his sake, it’s for yours. The dire consequences that could be reaped. It’s a gamble where you’re the one forced to go all in.
Your heart pounds and pounds. 
You’ll trust him. 
You’ve always trusted him. 
Lear’s skin is cold yet clammy. His hand overshadows yours, though not by much. They fit together as well as they used to. Unlike then, your touch is more hesitant than his. His fingers sink down and clasp your hand, an action you mirror. Nothing’s happening. Nothing hurts. 
You expect a relieved exclamation or expression from Lear, only to receive heavy silence instead. 
He squeezes your hand once then pulls away. 
“Do you remember the ‘important promise’ you wanted to make when we were kids?” 
You nod. 
“I did want to make it, actually. I don’t know if I ever mentioned that.” 
“It’s been so long, it’s possible I don’t remember, but… I don’t think you ever said that, no.” 
“The promise I mentioned was one I made with my mom,” Lear lowers his head. “She made me promise that I’d forgive my father. I never planned on it, not while he was living and breathing at least. I knew that and still… I agreed for her sake. It might seem silly, but that ate at me. She never asked me for anything, and the one time she did, it was something I refused to fulfill.” 
You lean forward, hesitate to put your hand on his shoulder, yet ultimately overcome the instinct. “You were just a child, Lear.” 
“I know. The reason I’m going into this is that… even when I wasn’t a child, I’d sit there and judge my father. I thought he’d acted cowardly. Instead of acknowledging mom’s declining condition, he’d buy more equipment and supposed miracle cures. He worked nonstop. Mom didn’t want that. She just wanted to be with her family while she could.” 
You can hear the lump forming in his throat. You pass him your water, which he gulps down. He gives himself a second and then continues.
“He wasn’t delusional. He knew, and still, he tried so hard to convince himself that he didn’t. There must’ve been some moment of clarity when it hit him,” Lear’s fair eyelashes flutter shut. “What you said to Nona… that was my moment of clarity. My punishment.”
Thoughts swarm through your mind like the Propagation’s reign of terror from eras past. 
“‘Punishment?’ Why would you deserve a punishment?” You probe. 
Lear doesn’t know how to respond. His lips open and close, words escaping him. What comes out next is interwoven with anguish’s thread.
“Mrs. Phaeales approached me about our relationship. I was so worried, I don’t remember her exact words… it was something along the lines of, ‘If you truly care about her, you need to end this before she gets hurt.’ She wouldn’t go into the specifics. It didn’t come across as a threat, just… a plea, maybe. Eventually, I agreed. It hurt, but I didn’t see any other option. How could I ever willingly do something that’d make you suffer? You, the person who matters to me the most?” 
This torrential downpour soaks into your very being. 
“It should’ve ended there. I thought it ended there. Then I saw you again, and god. You’re so… so confident, beautiful, and bright; I couldn’t do it. I was at a loss, and… then I had this thought. ‘I want to keep her even if it destroys her.’ I couldn’t shake it. That isn’t love, I-I don’t know what that is.”
“Everyone has thoughts they aren’t proud of.” 
“But you didn’t know, because I was too ashamed to tell you,” Lear insists, each word growing quieter. “So instead, you thought you did something to me, right?” 
He wouldn’t look you in the eye. His arms remained limp by his side as you unbuttoned his shirt, tense and strained. You pulled back. Something felt terribly wrong. A sharp pang shot through your skull. You ignored it and beseeched him to tell you what was wrong. He wouldn’t. The sharp pang ricocheted. Being close to him hurt. It was as if you were on the same side of a magnet. He repelled you and you couldn’t fight it. You tried to preserve, tried to claw through whatever barrier he’d put up. 
… A barrier?
Had he not wanted this? Was the gravity of your desire too intense for an individual who isn’t trained to resist? 
“I…” your mouth is dry. “Yes.” 
“You didn’t. I knew you didn’t, and like my father, I tried convincing myself otherwise,” he reopens his eyes, revealing a glassy sheen. He wipes it away with his long sleeve. “I ran out of excuses.” 
You don’t know how to begin parsing through this information. It undermines the rough understanding you’ve operated on for decades. The foundations haven’t just cracked, they’ve collapsed, and the materials are damaged beyond reuse. Anything you build will require a new blueprint. 
“If it isn’t manipulation, what exactly is it?” You murmur, placing a hand on your chin. “You rightfully guessed nothing would happen if we came into contact. What made you think that?”
The direction you’ve chosen to steer this conversation toward surprises him. This must not be the response he braced himself for. Regardless, he’s quick to offer anything he can. 
“Something just felt different, I guess? I’m sorry if that isn’t helpful, I can’t think of a better way to describe it.” 
Mother must’ve known more than she let on, you think. ‘Before she gets hurt,’ she said. Shouldn’t it have been ‘before Lear gets hurt?’ She cared about him plenty too. So why…? 
You pace around the breakroom, your heels clicking throughout the otherwise silent room. 
Alister listened when he thought you were taking him to ‘Roze’, a significant other he created in past Synalinks. He tried to kill you after you took him outside and it became evident that wasn’t your intention. No link could be established past that point. Then there’s Blade. You thought you could manipulate him to rescue potential survivors. You were rushed, yes, but you made absolutely no progress. 
“My mind has a will of its own,” Blade tells you. “It’s loud. Something about you quiets it down.” 
What can psyches roughly be broken down into? Primary, unfiltered instincts; an individual’s rationality, or ability to reason; then their mortality, what lines they will or won’t cross. When properly aligned, the mind operates as a cohesive mechanism. However, if there’s friction, disharmony abounds. The resulting fissure causes strife until it’s plastered back together.
It hits you. 
What it is that makes Exalted Arbiters so paramount, why your abilities far surpass others.
You’re a living, breathing conductor, amplifying raw, often questionable instincts. A lightning rod meant to attract the attention of what reason and morality try so valiantly to suppress. 
You forgo your pacing and sit back down. “Lear.” 
“All of us are stupid.” 
“Well-meaning and stupid,” you reiterate. “I know what you want from me. You’re not going to get it. You condemned yourself, I condemned myself… what good did that do? Did it change anything? Make it better?” 
You shake your head. “We like to torture ourselves; we’re adept at it. Enough. It’s finished.”
“... You don’t need to make me feel better—” 
Lear receives a flick on the forehead. 
“Idiot, half of that spiel was for me. Maybe three-quarters.” 
You grab his hand and give it a hearty squeeze. 
He squeezes back.
You both sit there, in this room that’s changed throughout the decades. Where you played make-believe (or, to be more exact, coerced Lear into playing the princess role so you could be the knight), gorged on junk food until you both got sick, plotted how to blow up the IPC with a water gun; you never thought you’d be able to do those things. The dumb, silly things you’d watch in movies or read about in books. 
Lear runs the pad of his thumb up and down your hand. “[First].” 
“Everything you just said — I can tell you believe it.” His breath hitches. “So why… why do you look so sad?” 
You force a smile.
“I think I had my moment of clarity,” you tell him. “Like mother, like daughter.”
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Whoever coined the term ‘misery loves company’ deserves the 85th spot in the Genius Society. 
Blade sits beside you on a sinfully comfortable couch in The Club. His legs are crossed and his arm finds its respite behind you; not touching yet close enough. He’s your perpetual shadow. You steal a glance at his side profile. His jaw’s set and his eyebrows crease inward enough for his otherwise unblemished skin to wrinkle. 
“Would you like to talk about your innermost feelings, Mr. 8.13 billion?” 
Nothing, not even a halfhearted grunt, which comprises 50% of his vocabulary. 
“No? Okay. Let’s focus on mine then,” you motion to the empty bar. “My innermost feelings are telling me to drink until my brain becomes a gray matter slushie. Any recommendations?” 
It’s as if you’re trying to communicate with a rock. Which, according to the latest journals published in Geo Elements Organized, might be possible thanks to an artificial intelligence translator who learned how to speak rock. Apparently, pebbles are prone to bigotry. Marble sings operatic arias but each note is flat. These cutting-edge discoveries justify your 10,000 credit monthly subscription no matter what your financial advisor says. 
You exaggerate your sigh. “Fine, I’ll pick my own poison.” 
“Baijiu,” he eventually says.
“Hm? What’s that?” 
He looks at you like you’re an idiot.
“My, my, somebody’s touchy.” 
You hop the counter and peruse your establishment’s expansive selection. Hundreds of brands slapped over uniquely shaped bottles line the wall, each displaying information about their inside contents. You squint. What if he just said a random word to get you out of his hair? Your liquor knowledge consists of the basics, you’d be none the wiser if that’s the case. 
“Where might I find this— oh, fuck.” 
Blade is right beside you in the blink of an eye. Your hand flies to your chest, and while you’re trying to process how someone can move so fast, he finds what must be his intended target. It’s a tall, green bottle with a script you recognize as belonging to the Xianzhou Alliance. How did he ever expect you to find that on your own? 
He rummages around and finds little wine-shaped shot glasses. In the meantime, you scan over the various juices and additives available. It’s been rough, but not drinking-alcohol-without-a-fruity-infusion rough. Blade notices your scheming and shakes his head. 
“Men are so pretentious about liquor,” you lament. 
“You asked.” 
“My mistake.” 
He ignores you and returns to the couch. You do the same, up until the point where you’re about to sit down. His gaze grows heavier, more concentrated. It took millions of years of evolution to develop complex language and he still chooses to opt out. What a waste. An unofficial staring contest commences. What does he take you for? A mind reader? You technically are, but still, using your abilities for this is beneath you. Especially while you’re in the midst of a crisis that you’d give anything to stop thinking about. 
Blade must have a mind-altering epiphany that he has additional motor functions at his disposal. He pats his thigh. 
He stares at you.
You stare at him. 
You examine your black pencil skirt that stops above your knees. Hopping the counter in this was more of a way to pretend you’re in your early twenties again, not an invitation to test the fabric’s limits. You’ve lost multiple pairs of panties, a nice bra, and a blouse to this bodyguard who took the occupation’s prefix very seriously. This classy skirt isn’t going to be an addition to the clothes necropolis. 
“I like this skirt,” you simply state. 
You stare at him.
He stares at you. 
Your vision undergoes an odd change. One moment, you were standing tall and assertive, looking down your nose at him. In the instant that follows, you’re facing the bar, its black marble countertop and gravity adaptive stools coming into focus. What you’re sitting on isn’t a foam cushion that’s as soft as a cloud. It’s rigid and displeases your tailbone. You struggle to balance yourself, an issue that’s solved by Blade’s left arm curving snugly around your waist. 
“Did you just—” You cut yourself off, unable to dredge up the energy necessary to get annoyed. He could throw you through the roof for all you care. Sitting you on his lap is forgivable enough. “Whatever, you’re pouring my drink then.” 
He’s already in the process of doing so. He pops the lid and fills the specially shaped shot glass with clear liquid. An aromatic fragrance of fruits and spices wafts through the air. It’s a world captured in a bottle; another place you’ll never get to see. You have to settle for admiring pictures and reading firsthand accounts. 
Does Blade have an association with the Xianzhou Alliance? It isn’t your place to ask, but you’re curious nonetheless. He’s been a silent spectator of your life for the past few months yet you know nothing about him. It should stay that way — getting involved with him physically is already questionable enough. Especially now that you fully grasp the phenomena that’s been haunting you. 
The thought makes you wince. 
You lean your head back and down the shot. 
It burns as it travels down your throat. You cough, the unexpected strength hitting you with the force of a collapsing star. Maybe you should’ve worked your way up to taking shots. It’s too late to rectify the mistake, your hubris is irreversible. The bastard chuckles at your suffering. It’s the briefest chuckle you’ve ever heard, but it still counts. 
“What is the— what is the alcohol content of that?” You rasp out. 
You crane your neck to glare at him. “If you wanted to kill me, the sword would’ve been faster.” 
He rolls his eyes. He actually rolled his eyes at you. He picks you up, sticks a little ribbon on your head, and delivers you to death’s doorstep only to disregard your valid concerns? The 8.13 billion bounty isn’t enough. They need to double it. 
“I’d like to see you drink this. Considering your prehistoric age, it might short-circuit your cardiovascular system.” 
Blade pilfers your empty shot glass. He refills it, swallows without any fanfare, and then resumes his staring regimen. 
You don’t know if you should be impressed or offended that his tolerance is better than yours.
Ultimately, your competitive nature wins out. You manage two more shots before waving the white flag. The flavor itself isn’t that bad once you get past the initial shock, it’s slightly fruity. The alcohol taste packs a punch though. A version with a lower ABV would suit you better. 
You sigh, lean into his chest, and try in vain to smooth out your bunched-up skirt.
Your inebriated daze hits fast. There’s no pleasant buzz accompanying it, only exhaustion. The kind that makes the prospect of sleeping for a few years tempting. Those cryogenic pod ads know how to sell their product. It speaks volumes how simple their marketing remains since they’re so high in demand. 
You inspect your soulless business. There aren’t any clients traveling to and fro, well-dressed ladies having their fur coats removed by valets, or businessmen celebrating a deal by clinking their glasses together. It’s eerily quiet. There’s nothing but the sound of your slow breathing and the thrum of the oxygen generator. 
This planet’s heart remains frozen with you at the epicenter.
“What’s it like to travel across the universe?” You ask. 
“It’s just work.” 
Just work. You’ve received variations of this response when you’ve used this question on clients. They’ll take your silence as a signal to prattle, complaining about jet lag, getting through customs, finding a hotel that isn’t ridiculously overpriced during busy seasons; on and on they’d go. You’d sit across from them, smiling and nodding along, verbally empathizing with their plight. If they went on too long, you’d temporarily excuse yourself before your agitation spewed forth. 
“That’s it?” You murmur. 
He’s silent. 
You kick your heels off, lay your legs across his lap and the couch, then sling your right arm around his shoulders to hold yourself in place. He observes you with no discernible emotion as you make yourself comfortable. 
“Tell me about it,” you implore. “The universe. Please.” 
Blade considers your request. You take it as a good sign he hasn’t shut you down immediately. For once, you don’t needle him. You just sit there with high hopes and a pleading expression. A peculiar emotion surges around him. It whispers to you, requesting that you lean in and hear it better. You deny the impulse and swat it away. 
This mental exertion almost causes you to miss his frown and pinched-together eyebrows.
It’s fleeting, but there’s no misinterpreting what you saw. 
Have you ever seen Blade’s face reveal so much? 
It’s a vault he doesn’t leave open long. The doors seal shut before you can catalog the contents inside.
“Nothing I’ve seen is worth telling.” 
You part your lips yet no sound comes out. You retract your arms from him and lay on your back, resting your forearm against your head. The LOTUS-EATER’s dark ceiling becomes your latest intrigue. It’s a cool shade of gray, mimicking the joyless sky that hovers outside like a specter deadset on haunting the living. You hate it. Everything’s gray, bland, depressing, an insult to the vibrancy that accompanies sentient beings. 
You close your eyes and all goes silent. 
After a while, his deep voice rumbles, “Do you want to see it?” 
“The universe,” he clarifies. 
“Oh. Of course. But…” you pause, noticing how draining an endeavor it is to string together a coherent thought, “If I could, I wouldn’t. Too much… there’s too much I hafta do… here.” 
There’s Nona. You want to help her reach her full potential, she’s brimming with it, a never-ending source of energy and zeal. Then there’s Lear. Why he idolizes you to such a degree, you’ll never understand. He should turn that starry-eyed gaze inward. It’s ironic — he considers you confident, yet you’ve always shied away from ever revealing the fathomless depths of your care. 
You were born to be an object and he made you a person. 
How can you ever repay a debt like that? Why is it so awkward and awful to express anything you feel without theatrics accompanying them? You have to tell him. You know he loves you, and while the love you hold for him is different, does he know that? How could he, if you’ve been so hesitant to say those three harrowing words? 
Man, you think. My head’s killing me.
After you grumble in the affirmative, he lifts you up. You think you might be floating. Your head lulls to the side and comes into contact with something solid, which proves you aren’t. Gravity hasn’t quit its longstanding tenure. Your blurred journey begins when you’re laid down in a spot more cozy than the couch cushions. It feels familiar and safe. Tension melts from your body, slinking off to loan you a brief solace. The interest is set high, but you’re too blissfully content to care.
That night, you dream of an ocean dutifully guarded by the sun.
The waves rise and fall along the shoreline, the breeze carries the scent of saltwater, and aquatic birds caw from above. 
Bright white sand is plentiful beneath your bare feet. It tickles your toes and tricks you into thinking you’ll sink with every tentative step. 
As you walk along this esplanade, an object hidden amongst the sand jabs into your sole. 
Blood pools from the wound, trickles down a steep slope, and infects the ocean. 
The scarlet droplet corrupts and warps it, devouring any color it comes into contact with. It's insatiable, a bloody blight that proliferates until the sea is swallowed whole. 
The moon eclipses a dying sun. Driven by vanity, it paints its likeness across red, shimmering waves. 
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I have good news 
I’ll be recalling Bladie soon
I located the party responsible for endangering your life
Isn’t that great? 
If you’re being honest, then yes
Am I not renowned for my honesty? 
No harm will befall you, so rest easy
I hope we can continue our mutually beneficial partnership ♡
If there’s anything your mother’s passing has taught you, it’s that time isn’t guaranteed. 
You thought you’d have a lifetime to see eye to eye with her. Over centuries, the layers you cultivated would peel back. You’d then ask her the questions that have lingered on the tip of your tongue. 
Did you want to have me, or was it out of obligation? 
Is this the way you want to live? 
Am I a daughter or a burden? 
You don’t know what scared you more. The idea of asking her, or what the answers might be. 
None of your blood relations are living, but you still have a family. You refuse to treat something as fickle as time lightly again. Nona’s past, Lear’s present, your future; you can only dance around it for so long. The tempo will inevitably speed up beyond what you can follow. Lear’s confession reaffirmed how dangerous this complacency is. By believing you’re sparing one another pain, you’re only sparing yourself. 
Your tea’s gone cold. The remnants swirl down the basin’s drain. 
The true nature of your abilities, the shackles it puts you in, you’ll tell them everything. 
You shoot them a text, asking them to meet you tonight at the LOTUS-EATER. You then set your phone to Do Not Disturb and place it aside. 
Blade won’t be on Eris much longer. Your chances to help him are limited and you still haven’t fulfilled your promise. 
You’d like to try and remedy that. 
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“I may have been a bit prickly when we first met, but I want to express my heartfelt gratitude for all you’ve done. I’m sure you just consider this a job, which is just as well, still, I’d be dead if it weren’t for you. I don’t even want to imagine what would become of this planet in my absence. So please give me one last opportunity to deter your mara.” 
Blade gives you a long, hard look. 
“You’re talking like that again?” 
“I’m trying to be professional.” 
He walks over and leers down at you. You return his blank stare unabashedly. Eventually, he readjusts the collar of your ivory blouse. 
“What was that for?” You ask.
“I saw something that isn’t very professional.” 
Glancing down, you pull the fabric back, revealing a prominent hickey. Your face ignites and you frantically cover it. 
You clear your throat. “Is it a contractual obligation for you Stellaron Hunters to get on my nerves?” 
The glint in his eye makes you nervous. 
“Actually, do me a favor and don’t answer that. Just tell me if you’re interested or not, I’m a busy woman.” 
He thinks it over and nods. 
Throughout the preparation and rites, you consider what you’ve learned. Individuals exposed to you become more willing to act or dwell on their subconscious desires. The exact metrics aren’t clear, but you can safely assume this effect amplifies the longer they’re around you. These desires have a wide range. It can be as innocent as causing an older brother who ran away from his grief to finally cry over his deceased sister, or fuel for justifying selfish actions. 
Blade’s case feels different. 
Unprecedented as the other examples are, you can understand them somewhat. If a person acts on their most innate wishes, their behavior will change accordingly. However, what you’re causing here extends beyond psychological — it’s physiological too. Is that even possible? What could he possibly want enough to alter the fabric of his very being? 
If you can find out, maybe the revelation will help him. 
And so you close your eyes. 
“To dream is a sacred thing. Don’t fear it. Welcome it, rejoice in it, and shed no tears when it is finished. We’ve been granted your purest blessing. As you slumber, we find rest in you. Allow us the sweetest of dreams.” 
Blade’s psyche has changed.
The grayscale composition is gone. Vitality has been crowned the new ruler, overthrowing the morose atmosphere in a successful rebellion. This change brings no alleviation to the undercurrents of grief that hang heavy in the air. Instead, it feels more erratic, like a heart beating wildly after waking from a coma. 
The Shackling Prison stands beyond a straight path as if it's been waiting for you. 
The first time you entered his mind, it rejected you. Now, it’s pulling you in, its gravity far-reaching. 
You hesitate to proceed.
Is it his mara that’s responsible for this? You won’t be able to tell unless you keep going. 
The invisible force that expelled you nudges you from behind. 
You recall when Blade first appeared before you. Your physical eyes showed you a man while every other sense warned he was a beast. A carnivore that would devour anything, predator or prey alike. You believed it then and you believe it now. His condition has condemned him. Where he walks, destruction follows. It’d make sense for you to abandon him to fate’s whims. 
This excruciating hunger digests him too. It’s destined to eat him alive while postponing merciful death. 
Fate can be cruel, but you have an opportunity to be kind. 
You make your way to the Shackling Prison’s gates. 
The seal that’s served as a hindrance halts you. You examine the once bold obstruction. It has faded, its strength depleted, held together by nothing. At its peak, you think it would have pushed you out instantly. Now, as your incorporeal hand presses against it, there’s little it can do. The most it can muster is the resilience to delay you a few more seconds. 
After that, it shatters and fades like weeping stardust. 
A prismatic shard forms from its ashes, coalescing into a blurred, moving image. Distorted sounds crackle from it, which you soon recognize as garbled speech. The noise becomes clearer. You hear a low thrum in the background. Its timbre matches the oxygen generator standard in Eris’ buildings. 
This must be one of Blade’s memories. 
“I know you’re impatient, but play nice a while longer,” a saccharine voice hums. “She’ll be here any minute now.” 
That voice… 
The image sharpens and unveils a grand screen plastered against a wall. It sections off into numerous squares, each dedicated to displaying financial data. It’s bright, obnoxiously so, attesting to the owner’s tacky taste. 
Chrysus’ office? 
A door creaks. Hastened footsteps approach, ringing throughout the brightly lit room. The pair of eyes you’re viewing this memory from — Blade’s — shift to locate the source. The color they arrive at is familiar. It’s the same shade you see upon viewing your reflection, although the shape differs. 
Mom? You wonder, astonishment hitting like pelting hail. What was she doing, meeting with a Stellaron Hunter in Chrysus’ office of all places…? 
“Your message surprised me, Exalted Arbiter. Getting you to agree to a face-to-face meeting is normally like pulling a tooth. What’s the occasion?” The honeyed voice, which can only belong to Kafka, greets. 
“Don’t play coy with me,” your mother replies. While her words are sharp, they aren’t warped with emotion. This is the demeanor she assumed when conducting business. Her sagacity is a trait you’ve never been able to fully emulate. “That thing’s leaving baubles on my daughter’s balcony. How many times have I told you to tighten your dog’s leash?”
“Oh? I thought I had.” 
Your mother smiles thinly. “Should I add incompetent leadership to your list of defects? Deals are meant to be followed. Otherwise, why make them at all?”
“We draw lines to test them. So long as they aren’t crossed, there’s no harm.” 
“Spare me your casuistry. I don’t want that thing anywhere near her.” 
Your head feels like it’s being stretched in multiple directions at once. This sequence unfolding before you has a dizzying effect. Why is your mother so outwardly hostile to Kafka? The Stellaron Hunter isn’t your favorite person either, but this transcends simple dislike. It’s personal, raw. She’s maneuvered through diatribes that’d make anyone else go red in the face, her poise unruffled. Kafka’s little provocations pale in comparison.
Not to your mother, though. She’s a thinning thread close to snapping. 
“As per our original agreement, there’s no harm as long as she doesn’t notice him,” Kafka dismisses. She leisurely sits on Chrysus’ desk, not bothering to move his papers aside. She then crosses her legs and smiles. Her eyes emit an unnatural glow. “On the topic of testing lines… let’s not pretend you’re innocent either.” 
Your mother doesn’t so much as flinch. “If you’re going to make accusations, at least have the confidence to be forthright.”
“You’re fascinating to deal with, Exalted Arbiter,” Kafka croons. “This is why I look forward to our chats. You don’t cower or plead for mercy like our friend outside did. It’s a welcome change.” 
“I’d rather you don’t compare me to Ophídion.” 
Kafka drums her fingers against the table’s surface. For such a simple sound, it’s deeply grating. “Forgive me in advance, then, because I intend to one more time.” 
Your mother remains silent, her lips taut. 
“Still not afraid, hm? Let’s see if we can change that,” Kafka’s smile widens, which crinkles the skin beneath her eyes. “Chrysus’ shipments of ichor are exact, down to the milliliter. Always delivered on time as well. Comparatively, your end of the bargain is far simpler. You just have to grant Bladie ready access to Miss Phaeales’ vicinity. But, I heard something regrettable through the grapevine.” 
Your mother’s eye twitches. 
“You’ve been shopping around for a way to sneak [First] off Eris, correct? Tsk, tsk.” 
All falls silent save for the generator’s dedicated hum. 
Your mother stands unflinching, folding her hands in front of her. The two openly scrutinize each other. Calculating, strategizing. Her posture betrays nothing. There’s no guilt or apprehension, making it impossible for you to determine the credibility of Kafka’s words. 
“It’s fear you devils can’t experience, correct?” Your mother queries. “Here’s a suggestion — try having a daughter yourself. You praise me for not caving to intimidation; that’s because I’ve experienced far worse. From their conception to our death, fear is the only thing we mothers know. Fear that they won’t become like us, or, even worse, that they will. What a funny juncture we occupy.” 
Mom’s voice doesn’t sound right. It’s so… forlorn. 
You don’t want to keep watching. 
You can’t pull yourself away — the memory’s weight is heavy enough to pull you back in. 
“Is that maternal dedication enough to condemn an entire planet?” Kafka ponders. “I’m not a judge who is eager to sentence. I’ve been lenient with you and would love to keep it that way. Leave Miss Phaeales in my care, no harm will befall her.” 
For the first time since entering the room, your mother acknowledges Blade’s existence. Her eyes turn to slits as she scowls at him. Disgust, reprehension, and wrath; it converges in a maelstrom that could sink fleets of ships. You hone in on the emotions Blade experienced at that instant. There’s nothing. It’s hollow, save for blots of mild impatience. 
“It wouldn’t be your care, it’d be his.” 
Your soul convulses. 
“Is that so terrible?” Kafka hums. “Separated, they’re essentially cursed, the poor things. They complement each other well, the more you think about it. One who incites madness and another who has the means to resist it. You of all people should understand that, hm? Or is Mr. Phaeales available to voice his dissent?” 
Darkness passes over her countenance. 
You don’t understand and you’re afraid to. Kafka freely tosses around the most taboo topics as if twirling a poisoned dagger on her fingers. 
One who incites madness. Is that what you are? A catastrophe patiently waiting for its chance? That can’t always be the case, but, more often than not, what a person covets most should never be fully realized. There’s a reason the sensible and moral components of one’s psyche stuff this risk down as deep as it’ll go. If everyone did what they wanted, whenever they wanted, civilization itself would cease to exist. 
As for Blade’s role in this… Kafka must know whatever he wants would have a value that outweighs the potential drawbacks. 
“I won’t let her be reduced to a retractable leash for your attack dog,” she seethes. “Let your Cancer of All Worlds do what it will. My decision is final.” 
Electricity crackles in the air. 
“It’s this script, then,” Kafka murmurs, more to herself than anything. “So many diverging paths, so many possibilities. To think that out of all futures you’d get to pick out specially for [First]...” 
Kafka motions toward Blade, who readies his weapon. 
“You chose one of the worst ones.” 
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some misc author notes for this one:
regarding the reader's condition, i didn't want to include a sigmund freud jumpscare in the story itself, so it gets to be down here instead. for those unfamiliar with his theories, what reader is referring to here:
'What can psyches roughly be broken down into? Primary, unfiltered instincts; an individual’s rationality, or ability to reason; then their mortality, what lines they will or won’t cross. When properly aligned, the mind operates as a cohesive mechanism. However, if there’s friction, disharmony abounds. The resulting fissure causes strife until it’s plastered back together.'
is a more abstract version of freud's concept of the id, ego, and superego respectively. originally, i used this exact terminology, but something about it just felt very immersion breaking to me 😭 all i could do was think about mr freud floating about in the honkai universe. consequently, the unreliable narration of reader trying to understand her condition + not using the widely known terminology made me worry it'd be a bit confusing...
so, in freudian terms, being continually exposed to reader's presence causes an individual's id to dominate their thoughts/actions instead of their ego and superego.
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onceuponaoneshotfanfic · 10 months
Chin Up
Roy Kent x Teacher!Reader
Warnings: Language
0.8k words
Author's Note: Big thanks to @misshall14 for the idea!
Teach Me Tonight Masterlist
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At the pub, you’d refused to go speak to Roy, despite Leanne’s nudging. Nope, not in front of the older teachers. You didn’t need to make this a bigger deal than it was. Roy was being nice, maybe a bit cheeky. He seemed to understand that teaching could be a headache- a wonderful headache that you loved, but a headache, nonetheless. He was just being nice.
Your weekend was spent trying to think of what to say to him during drop-off on Monday. Something polite, kind, without allowing him the opportunity to flirt. You’d never met a more dangerous, charming man, and you needed to prepare yourself for his leather jacket and smiles.
As you greeted parents and children, you were still pondering what you wanted to say to him. But all thoughts of Roy Kent flew out of your head when Jack Price’s mum nearly ran you down, red in the face and dragging her child behind her.
On Friday, you’d made him wait to use the loo until another classmate returned, since you only allowed one student at a time to go. And students knew from day one that if it was an emergency, they didn’t have to wait. It wasn’t even your rule; it was something all the teachers agreed to due to too many instances of playing around in the restrooms. This rule was probably as old as Jack, who had been fine with waiting. It wasn’t news to his mum.
And yet there she was, scolding you in a loud voice for daring to make her child wait like some prisoner, threatening to go to the headmistress for the sadistic way you ran your classroom. While you kept your poise and calmly informed her to please email you to set up a meeting to discuss things at a more appropriate time, you knew everyone could see your burning red face and the tremble she left you with.
Everyone including Roy Kent.
He quickly sent Phoebe off to play before approaching you. “Alright?” His voice was almost as full of concern as his eyes.
You nodded, blinking rapidly to hold back the stupid tears that had formed. “Oh, that was nothing,” you assured him with a dry chuckle. “You get used to it. Parents are worse than the kids.”
“Hmmph.” He was studying you carefully, as if you were going to shatter at any moment.
“I, um, should go chat with the headmistress,” you mumbled, fiddling with your keys. “Let her know what happened.” Your smile was tighter than the feeling in your chest. “See you later, Coach.”
He nodded, no smiles this morning. “Hope your day gets better.” With a small salute, he was gone.
You sighed and headed towards the office. Hope your day gets better. Well, it certainly couldn’t get worse.
“Can we come in?”
You looked up from your desk. There was Roy Kent, holding a small brown bag in his hand, Phoebe right behind him clutching her backpack. It was dismissal, and the headmistress had decided to cover for you so you wouldn’t have to see Mrs. Price so soon, which you were grateful for.
You put on your teacher smile, the one that didn’t quite reach your eyes, and nodded. “Sure.” You stood and met them in the middle of the classroom. “Long time no see, Pheebs,” you joked, earning a smile from your student. Reluctantly, you turned your attention to her uncle. “Need something?”
Roy held out the paper bag, which you took with a confused frown. “Just… this morning fucking sucked.” He reached into his pocket and took out a pound note, shoving it into Phoebe’s outstretched hand. “Dunno what happened, but you didn’t deserve that.” He nodded to Phoebe. “Cover your ears.” After she’d done so, he continued. “Jack’s mum fucking sucks. Always throwing a fit over nothing. Don’t let her get to you. Promise me.”
Your smile became real when you saw the earnestness in his brown eyes. “Promise.” You opened the bag; inside was a giant chocolate croissant from that café you loved. Your usual. “Are you this kind to all of Phoebe’s teachers?”
He paused, the corner of his mouth twitching upwards. “I am… kind to the people I want to be kind to.”
Fucking Roy Kent. Charming and mysterious.
“Well, thank you,” you managed. “Appreciate it.”
He wrapped his arm around Phoebe’s shoulders; you chuckled when you realized she was still covering her ears. “Right. Well, we better go get this one’s homework started.” He gave you one last nod. “Chin up, alright?”
“Bye, Coach. Bye Pheebs.”
As the two walked out of your classroom, you turned to go back to your desk. With your back to him, you didn’t see the way Roy glanced over his shoulder to take one last look at you, a wistful smile on his bearded face.
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Taglist: @infinetlyforgotten @gothicwidowsworld @taytaylala12
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sanemisstalker · 10 months
Douma makes your birthday a little easier.
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CW// NSFW // FEM/ AFAB/ BREASTED READER / MAJOR DEPRESSIVE EPISODE/ This was very clearly written by someone going through it/ DISCUSSION OF AN ED/ Toxic Masculinity/ Toxic relationships/ Emotional Negligence / Dub-Con/ Forced Cuckholding/ BDSM dynamics/ Mentions of Self Harm/ Intentional Sexual Self Harm/ Intentional Self-Destruction. (Please let me know if I missed any)
I feel the urge to throw in an extra warning here and say that none of the following is inherently lucrative. I think I'm going through a depressive episode, and this was written before I realized. Please keep that in mind going forward. We can have a discussion about the ethics of this at a later date.
You kept your head tucked down as they sang. A ploy smile wide and rife with forced giggles. Never, did the world feel less real than in that moment. There was always someone out of tune, always someone who would sigh on your behalf. Always someone with a hand placed firmly on your shoulder to show how much they cared.
Always someone who stood next to you, who the group considered your most favourite person. You were pretty sure that's what he was supposed to be.
Nobody sounds genuine when they sing happy birthday, you fought with yourself to reason away the feeling inside of you. The person beside you. It's always awkward, right?
If you'd seen yourself hanging up the decorations, icing the red velvet cake, and worrying about everyone's dietary needs, you probably would've found it cute. Admirable, even, the level of dedication to the bit of it all. To the classics of a 'birthday party'.
Mitsuri had found it cute, after all. As did Shinobu.
Nobody cares if you're cute, act grown.
The taunts from a meaner part of you, a more vapid part, were beginning to call your smile into question. Not to any of your friends, though. Only him.
You didn't want to cry about fucking happy birthday, but he was right next to you, and every step of the way, every chance he got, he'd made all of those cute things feel very immature. Not even your barely there outfit, the one you wore to feel better about yourself, had felt all there.
'It's not weird to be twenty, I don't get why you're so stressed.'
Twenty. The number repeated in your head. Not old enough to drink. Not young enough to fuck. An insecure thought, but he was next to you. And every waning word of happy birthday felt like points off your scale. Points off from whatever else you meant to him.
Fuck. me. You thought, blowing out the candles as the choir finished. They all cheered and clapped. Kyojuro had lifted his hand from your shoulder, and Mitsuri had begun to apologize for how out of sync she was. Akaza looked as annoyed as he did when the song had started.
You turned to your right and looked up at Giyu. He smiled down at you and then averted his eyes. You turned back to your friends with no less convincing a smile.
Fuck. Me. You pleaded.
"I hate it no less every time." You joked, like this wasn't the first time people had done this for you since you were seven. They all laughed like you were normal. Laughed like having everyone near and dear to you in that same room didn't terrify you.
"I want the first slice!" Mitsuri rushed out, pressing her hands to her chest.
"No way, The birthday girl always gets the first slice!" Kyojuro argued.
"Since when? What kind of tradition is that?!" Mitsuri sputtered. Tengen shook his head from beside her.
"My family always served the birthday person last... but I think since you prepared this yourself, different traditions are in order!" Tengen reasoned.
"I agree." Gyokko piped up, dropping his lipstick back into his bag. It was probably his fifth reapplication of the hour. "Besides, enough arguing, I want to get to the gifts! You're going to like mine the best!"
"Tough talk. I'm going to blow you out of the water, fish boy." Sanemi hissed. Gyokko's jaw dropped in mock shock, very clearly unafraid of the taunt. You wished you had such confidence in your skill.
Did I even make a wish? You laughed a little at the realization.
"Y/N, do you want to cut the cake?" Giyuu asked, his voice forcing you back to the moment. You nodded at him, suddenly considering the weight of how embarassing it was going to be to cut the cake evenly between so many people-
How embarassing it was going to be to do it infront of Giyu, and how awful his eyes would feel judging your ability to fraction.
In the end it worked fine, though Akaza and Rengoku argued over who had the larger piece. You'd made a rather large cake to begin with. Enough for the smallest bit to go to waste if need be-
They left you a spot next to Giyu on the couch, again. It was thoughtful, you reminded yourself. They wanted you to sit next to your boyfriend, because who wouldn't on such an occasion?
Mitsuri and Obanai tossed you knowing glances as you sat in silence beside him. You were grateful you had so many friends. Sometimes, they didn't notice when you were quiet. Or when you spoke.
They never did with Giyu, either.
Gyokko's gift had been your favourite. A hand made mug, without a fish on it. How thoughtful. Mitsuri's handmade sweater was better, but you knew Gyokko's ego couldn't handle such a blow.
Giyu's was your real favourite. Not intentionally. You'd really hoped it wouldn't have been, but it had been a long time since you'd stopped trying to reason with how the man made you feel.
He wasn't your boyfriend, anymore. He hadn't been for a while, now, even if nobody knew. So maybe it stung worse when his gift was so lack luster. Maybe it felt like penance- you didn't quite know, but you were really happy it was so... thoughtless.
Even if he thought it wasn't. Maybe he did. You didn't know anything about him anymore. Even if he was going to be staying his third night on your living room couch instead of in your bed-
Even if he'd spent the last year of your life making you a worse version of yourself to fit his whims. Unintentional or not, you didn't recognize the hands that pulled the wrapping paper off the thousand piece puzzle.
You broke up with him, you reminded yourself, stop wallowing. It's unbecoming for a woman your age.
You couldn't think about how he treated you while others were over. You'd snap on the spot. Either burst into tears or burst at the seams, and you weren't interested in finding out the difference.
When Muzan and Douma arrived, a (shared) gift of yet another cardigan in tow, all you joked about was how they were an hour late, and it was probably because they were fucking. Though Muzan assured you all it wasn't, Douma couldn't help but maintain the gag for the remainder of the night.
Giyu found it funny, you noted. Like he should. You laughed, like you should, and Mitsuri and Obanai would toss you another glance, you'd thank everyone else for their cardigans, and for being blind, like they should.
Giyu been so mean the whole time. Not even mean like boys like Muzan were normally mean. Not mean like boys like Tengen-
"Y/N, are you alright?" The question had been deafening. You turned to look, knowing the voice you hoped it was hadn't been the asker.
It was Douma. He'd taken Giyu's place beside you.
You didn't know him, but you knew off him. One of Muzan's many friends with unfortunate traits. One of the ones you never really grew to get a long with no matter how many times you sat next to him in the dining hall.
Striking eyes pondered yours, something just shy of sincerity hanging from his long lashes. His blonde hair was pulled back into a stump at the base of his neck. His hoodie dangled off his shoulder. You wondered how he wasn't sweating- because you suddenly were.
"Oh, Douma- yeah- I'm-"
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
Even with your convictions, your word to Giyu that things were going to be normal, your assurances to Mitsuri that you wouldn't need her to rescue you if things got rough, you swore it... It all wasn't quite enough.
It was just a tear. Your voice hadn't even broken, your lip hadn't wobbled. You didn't even feel the trademark dryness in your throat.
It just spilled. Right down your cheek and onto your bare thigh.
Your hand rushed to wipe it away, laughing a little too loud to over compensate.
"I'm doing good! What's up?" You rushed. Douma blinked at you, concern on his face, though you and your friends doubted Douma could feel such a thing. Sometimes you all doubted the man could feel anything. He wasn't the type you needed to share your feelings with.
Something in your gut twitched at the beauty of his eyes.
"Hey, Gyutaro?" Douma peeked around you, interrupting the other man's conversation with Tengen. "Give me the keys to your van."
"What for?" Gyutaro grimaced.
"Little smoke break with the birthday girl." Douma whispered, pointing to you.
"A smoke break?" Tengen whispered back, puckering his lips in question.
"Listen, I'd love to have you down there big guy, but if they see all three of us leave with her, Kyojuro and Shinobu are so going to get suspicious." Douma reasoned, eyes darting to the two RA's you kept as friends. Sanemi had begged you to bring even a little bottle. The sober bastard looked miserable between the two, even with his mouth full of cake. "Not to call both of you potheads, but-"
"Jesus Christ, I get it." Gyutaro huffed back, scrambling for his keys. "Talk louder next time, asshole."
"Thank you, thank you." Douma plucked the keys from his hands and stood. He beckoned you toward the door.
You took a look around, some what unwilling. This was your party, after all. How crude to ditch it in favor of smoking with a man you didn't want to know-
The click of the bathroom door drove you to your feet.
Shinobu's eyes caught on you both going to the door, but she said nothing. Verbally, nothing. The look of alarm on her face spoke volumes and wrote letters the likes of which film couldn't process, and words couldn't describe.
Douma wasn't a good guy. Most friend groups had a guy that just... wasn't right. You only invited Douma to things because he came with somebody. You'd never individually reached out him.
You knew Douma wasn't good though. Explicitly. You'd been told from more than one woman who'd seen you sitting near him that he had a habit of making girls cry, and reveling in the sight.
You weren't sure if such an idea appealed to you by nature, or only in the wake of whoever you were without Giyu. You pitied a healthier you that would regret your attraction, and potential action, to Douma. A future you that would beg current you to reconsider her decisions.
You pitied a past you that waited for Giyu, too. Atleast Douma was attracted to you, or to your tear. No man of Douma's breed showed this level of concern without wanting something in return. The douchie-ness of it all was comforting, in a way.
You could deal with Douma. You could deal with objectification and off handed comments. You could deal with him trying to woo you, thinking you're not intentionally falling for some stupid game that he's so big and bright for playing.
You'd played with Doumas before. You'd never gotten around to fucking one- Giyu was something of an act of self preservation from Douma and his ilk.
You hadn't expected Giyu to send you back into their arms full force. The way your body was reeled in response to the man's willingness was disgusting.
"Douma, I'm fine, really. I don't need anyth-"
"Oh shush." Douma interrupted as he opened the door for you.
Chivalry. How classic.
You intentionally lowered the appearance of your motor skills. Suddenly feeling the urge to appear dumb and helpless. The sick look on Douma's face as you situated yourself in the passengers seat meant that you succeeded.
You could feel your eyes glossing over. The kicks of such a stupid game were returning.
Douma at the drivers seat was all too appealing. His had the laissez-faire stance he was supposed to, broad hand flat on the back of your headrest as he pulled out of the parking lot.
Giyu couldn't even drive.
"You know, Y/N, you looked miserable in there." Douma laughed as you all pulled onto the main road.
"I wasn't miserable. I was very... forget it. I wasn't miserable. You don't need to know why." You rushed, forgetting Douma didn't care on an instinctive level. You had to play a careful game to ensure optimal recovery, while achieving optimal self harm. "Do you want me to smoke with you? Where are we going?"
"Ah. You ask a lot of questions." He laughed, hearty and flustered. "No, we're not gonna smoke. I'm going to buy you like... a milkshake or something. So miserable to not eat your own birthday cake." You flinched.
"E-excuse me?"
"I found a rather generous slice in the bathroom trash, buried under a bunch of toilet paper. Figured it belonged to the birthday girl when you were the only one without a plate."
"Why were you going through my trash?" You hissed, thrown off.
"That's not important." Douma waved off, the chain bracelet on his arm shaking to add an unnecessary sound effect. "What is important is that you're a little puker."
"Oh fucking blow me." You wretched at the name. "Aren't you literally another claim away from getting kicked off campus?"
"Aren't you in a car with me right now? All alone?" He returned. It sickened you that he knew his reputation and laughed about such a thing. It should sicken you.
"Yeah. Congrats. You're my get away scheme. I'm not bulimic, fucking prick."
"I'm sure you're not. You are looking... thinner, though. Problems? Feeling the need to control uncontrollable things?"
He spoke like he knew. Most men did, and you weren't going to let such a read positively impact your opinion of Douma's intelligence. Especially not when it was incredibly invasive and said with no tact.
"I dumped Giyu. Did you want to hear that? Does that make you happy? I was miserable. Does knowing I was miserable get you off?"
"No, ha. That's tragic. After hearing about your many... Interests from Gyokko, I was a bit relieved you ended up with someone so... vanilla. Girls like you rarely live to... Thirty?"
"You could've given me a heads up." You snapped.
"Ah. Good boy, not a good fuck?" You went silent. Douma whistled, which turned into a pained hiss. "Oh, that on the head?"
"We didn't fuck." You mumbled.
"Excuse me?"
"We didn't fuck! We didn't fuck! We never fucked!" You screeched, whipping around to the man, Douma remained focused on the road. "Are you happy? Can you hear?!"
"Oh I'm heart broken, Y/N!" Douma raised his voice in turn, not losing his smile.
"God, I can't even- fuck off!"
"Want to tell me about it?" He sang, pulling into a Dairy Queen drive through.
Douma got some chocolate monstrosity. You got a dipped vanilla cone. You felt like sobbing as he handed it to you, but you didn't want to waste such a trump card.
His hand had intentionally grazed yours.
You imagined Giyu back at your dorm. Fretting when Shinobu takes him aside to tell him where you are, to press that he should be concerned because Douma's a freak. You couldn't help but scoff at the conceited fantasy.
Giyu wouldn't be worried. He wouldn't even blink about it.
That's her problem. Like it'd always been.
"I don't even think he ever liked me." You laughed after spilling the entirety of the last year of your life onto the man. The vanilla had melted over your fist. You found more malice toward yourself for being unable to eat something so good. "And I let myself get fucked over. I should've known, ya know. With my track record, there's no way I'd pick somebody who'd treat me well."
"Hmm." Douma hummed, pulling his spoon from between his lips. You prayed he'd have the decency to give you head. Unlikely, you bet. "You're being too hard on yourself. And on that poor cone." The thing had cracked in your grip.
"I'm not going to eat this."
"How wasteful. I spent at least 3 dollars on that." Douma didn't take receipts, or listen when his total was read, you could tell by the the watch on his wrist. "You know, your cake was really good too-"
"Stop being a dick." You rushed. "I don't know where you get off on seeing women suffering, but knock it off about the food." You rolled down the window and splattered the cone across the side walk.
"I don't get off on seeing you suffer. Enmu's into that, not me." Douma assured, tipping back the last of the blizzard. He ran his tongue over his plump lips before discarding the cup back into Gyutaro's already messy and weed ridden van. "I get off on... well. Everything else."
"I'm not fucking you." You assured, not even close to believing yourself. Neither did Douma.
"Like you didn't fuck Giyu?"
"I didn't fuck- well, i- I never fucked Giyu. I just... oh this is so bull shit."
"You just what?" Douma probed.
"Just lost... You're going to think I'm pathe-" You cut yourself off to revel in the feeling of his predatory look.
Nobody had ever made you feel so edible with such little action. It was arguable if you could even consider such a look predatory. Cannibalistic was probably a better word, because there was nothing animal about his intentions.
Human. Douma was scarily human. Widened eyes, and an upper lip twitching to maintain a straight line. Waiting for your words like new hymns-
"I-I just lost my virginity to him. He didn't- he didn't really move-" You smothered a sob with a laugh. You could practically hear Douma's eyes flutter shut. He hummed at the news. Hummed.
"So you've never been fucked." He did have authority to say that, you guessed. It wasn't in question. It was acknowledgement. "How... soft." You grimaced.
"I've had sex-"
"No~" Douma sang, tune evil and ill intentioned. "No you haven't~"
"You talk like you know." You sneered, wiping tears away. "I gave head. He gave me head. He- he fingered me-"
"I could finger you." The tentative clack of his ring against the steering wheel was much more daunting than Giyu had ever seemed. You remembered, subconsciously, why you never fucked a Douma. Maybe Giyu's near chastened levels of love were all you were made for, even if Douma's words made your uterus feel like a welcome ticking clock.
"What?" You croaked.
"It upsets me, almost." Douma sighed, starting the car up again. "I hate to see good things go to waste. Knowing you were... so needy that whole time... and he just ate his fingers?" Douma clicked his tongue.
"Don't pity me-"
"I'm pitying your pussy." Douma faked a tear. "A waiting college girl going unfucked? Thats a travesty."
"We're. Not. Fucking." You clarified to Douma, leaning toward him. "Stop trying to make me out to be- easy, and yourself to be some- sex god-"
"Y/N, One: I'm incredibly easy. I find no shame in that." Douma assured. " and two: I'm not some sex god... I'm the sex god." He laughed.
"God, you're fucking cring-"
"Do you want to fuck?" Douma asked, and the words ran over your face like a wash of static. It was numbing, not in an apathetic way, but in a relieving way. Like an ibuprofen right before it thinned your blood.
"We can't-"
"You're right. This van is disgusting. I wouldn't fuck in here, either." Douma laughed. "Is Giyu staying over tonight?"
It was a loaded question. The tone of his voice left nothing hidden about his intentions.
The idea of Giyu hearing you be eaten was-
You shuddered, shaking your head. The vapid you craved your sudden open door to emotional revenge.
He wouldn't even care.
"Yes. He had to be-"
"What if-" Douma interrupted. "What if we make him jealous? You have a lot of malice toward the guy, yeah?" He verbalized your thoughts.
"That won't work. I don't want to hurt him-"
"Oh it will, and fuck that guy." Douma hissed. "In fact, you should let me handle everything. You've worked that little head of yours into a real fog, right? I can make it a really good fog."
"You won't be able to make me cum."
"You have a vibrator, right? I promise I'm more than capable." He laughed.
Saying goodbye to Shinobu had been the worst of the bunch. Though everyone threw you confused glances as they left, Shinobu's had been particularly knowing. You were breaking girl code. You felt like shit, deservingly so.
Douma, however, sat right next to Giyu on the couch, none the wiser. The two conversing like Douma didn't know Giyu was negligent, and like Giyu wasn't sensing something off about the man being there longer than everyone else.
Douma's move choice of Cruel Intentions was very silent.
Giyu didn't have particularly strong feelings about Douma, but Giyu also didn't look known danger in the eye. He was very against that, in fact. A common point of contention. You knew it hurt him when you ignored his look of questioning.
"Why is he here?" He'd whisper as Douma locked the door to the restroom. "Didn't you say you hated him?"
"I- he's just hanging out for a bit. He did me a solid earlier."
Giyu realized a bit meant the night when Cruel Intentions was over, and he watched the two of you dissapear into your bedroom.
"I can't believe you were telling the truth." Douma laughed quietly as he closed the door. "I figured he might get a little territorial... but nothing. Ouch."
"Thanks." You sneered.
"Don't mention it." He shrugged off his jacket, laying it on top of your computer chair. "I can't believe that. Seriously." He seemed genuinely shocked.
"Yeah." You mumbled, trying to mask the hurt that came from the validation of your pain. It was humiliating, as a woman, to admit to such a lack of control over men. It was particularly hard admitting it to Mitsuri-
Douma was easy. He'd never get the problem in full. He did a quick survey over your room while you climbed onto your bed.
You never doubted that your final straw had been drawn.
"You know," Douma starred at you with wide eyes. You wondered, with his many oddities, how he'd managed to get near any woman that wasn't as deranged as you currently were. "I'm a really good kisser." He bragged.
"I'm sure you are-"
A soft hand grabbed your ankle, yanking you from your mattress and back toward Douma. Your ass made contact with his jean clad groin, your legs split to reveal what little your outfit left to the imagination.
It was only when his height kept your feet dangling just off the ground that you considered how much physical power Douma held over you. How much stronger he was. How he could do anything he wanted to you, and planned to do so.
It made your pussy clench to think he could've done this to you at any point. That he definitely wanted to.
His fingers toyed with the already scrunched up hem of your dress, pushing it up to the end of your spine so he'd have every bit of fat on your ass available to his palm.
Your panties didn't even feel like they were there.
"What are you doing?"
"Foreplay." He hummed.
"The last I checked, we're not having sex." His thumb ran down the wet fabric covering your slit. Humiliation burned through your body as it loosed a twitch.
"You don't want it?" He asked, thumb pressing the fabric of your panties just past your entrance. He toyed with the spot, wiggling the covered pad around to fluster you. "Don't want to get fucked proper?"
You stayed silent as Douma's fingers hooked in the band of your panties and shimmied them off your hips.
He groaned at the sight of your sticky cunt, wetness threading the organ to your panties. Your need was silent, proof on your lips-
"I- fuck I do." Desperation had been a trait you'd been warned against for all of your life. It was one of those unattractive woman things, but that's all Giyu had been good for. Making you desperate. Part of you wondered if he was doing somebody a solid- lowering your expectations and sending you back to the wolves.
Douma was a good kisser, and he was good with his hands. Which sucked, because there was something very upsetting about such an awful man being so predisposed to making you aroused-
But his tongue was dominating yours, leaving no crook of your mouth untouched, yet his movements were impossibly gentle- almost aware of how you needed to be treated so you wouldn't run before he could fuck the use out of you.
His hands were no different, toying with your chest. He'd invaded your top only seconds before, and yet he drove your nipples hard instantly. Giyu had been fond of your chest as well, but this went beyond fondness. It was almost scary how well Douma was playing your body, and he hadn't even fucked you, yet. Hadn't even seen the nipples he was bullying, but knew just how to tease them.
Douma had a sickening habit. Every moan you'd make, He'd trade you one back. Not a genuine one, but a mimic, as though to mock your reaction. To remind you of your stone cold denial of him earlier, and how stupid you looked wailing under his hand now.
When his fingers went entirely inside, it was even better. This was sex, you figured. The little burn but commitment Giyu had never wanted to give. You had begged him for months. Pleaded, only giving in when he wanted to touch. Always left waiting for the once in a blue moon he bothered.
Douma had been so easy, and felt so good- his fingers pounding your needy cunt with verve while his lips grinned against your ear with elation. The warmth of his jeaned knee- the sight of his bangs dangling infront of your own crossing eyes-
"Virgin tight cunt. I can't believe you're real. You must be insatiable, now."
Douma's cock felt like salvation. Like a water bottle after a drought. It slid into your begging pussy with a wet squelch. Douma's body warmth felt like a fire in a snow logged cabin. His right hand kept your hands locked between the two of you, his left yanking your hair back so he can mar your neck- a mark for everyday you'd gone with out. Tallys for your unwillingly abstinence.
He'd keep that number in mind. You needed a cum for every one you'd been deprived of.
"Give me my name, Doll. Whose cock are you creaming on?"
"D-Douma's-!" Another one ripped through you, Douma spreading your legs with his so you got the full package. You didn't even know your cunt was capable of housing such a beast- let alone so many loads-
By the time Douma had finished, you weren't of this world anymore. You'd cried and begged, came and went- and you rested mindlessly with four or so batches of his seed stored lovingly in your womb.
Giyu hadn't been standing outside of the door when Douma walked out, but he'd been close enough for Douma to know he and you hadn't just been heard- you'd been listened to.
Giyu was disheveled clearly having attempted rest at some point through the fuckfest three doors down, but unable to succeed.
"I didn't take you for such a... forgetful lover." Douma taunted, laughing as he wiped off one of your many orgasms from his fingers.
"Keep your remarks to yourself."
"Keep your girlfriend satisfied." Giyu grimaced at the response. Douma merely smiled. "You know, I feel like I should tell you something right now, but I just can't place it."
"I may not be with her, but I know you're bad for her. We all know you're bad for her. Back. Off."
"You're a complete moron." Douma sighed. "For that, I've completely forgotten whatever well meaning man on man advice I had for you." He threw the wadded up toilet paper toward Giyu and turned back toward your room.
Giyu wanted to say something, wanted to be angry, wanted to lash out- but he simply turned his head down. Douma knew what you meant, then.
"I feel like I've seen the top of his head more than his eyes.'
Douma couldn't see just what you saw in the man. Giyu was attractive, sure, so maybe, Douma considered, you were just greviously insecure, and Giyu had been nice in the right moment.
He wouldn't fuck you, or fight for you- hell, Giyu could barely keep the erection your emotional demise had caused hidden.
Douma rolled his eyes. His ringed finger tapped against your door frame. He turned his back to Giyu with no fear. A talent he had to start fucking into you at the next convenience.
"I'll keep your girlfriend warm til you figure out how to do it yourself, yeah? Later, Tomioka."
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greencways · 7 months
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- a discussion
w/c : 3404
In all fairness to Emily Prentiss, you were new. You had only joined the team 3 weeks ago, sure you had some sort of previous experience but this entire thing was new.
You heard many things about Emily Prentiss being the Unit Cheif, mostly scary at that but you figured she couldn't be that bad, however, you were very wrong.
It started on the Monday of your third week, typically Jennifer Jareau would debrief you in the boardroom, you would have to stay with Penelope not because you couldn't go into the field but mostly because there hadn't been an out of town case where they had to use the jet, Emily would always make up an excuse like 'You have to be here for more than a month' or something you knew that definitely wasn't true, and every single time you bit your tongue.
Jennifer was debriefing everyone and Emily finally had said the words you had been waiting for since you got here "Wheels up."
You wanted to remain as professional as you could so you didn't say anything, you were lost in your thoughts when you felt a hand tap your shoulder, Luke Alvez nodded to Emily, he turned his attention away and walked out leaving only you and Emily still in the briefing room.
"We can talk in my office" Emily nodded before walking out, your eyes glanced between Emily and her office as you could see her pacing to her office, you followed her as fast as you could.
"Is uh- is everything okay Emily?" you turned around to close the door.
Emily spun you around and pinned you to the door by putting one arm across your chest "Agent Prentiss" she seethed.
"Right" you looked at her quickly up and down and then everywhere else but her.
"Right" she nodded her head.
"Are you gonna let me go or do you like having me pinned against the wall Agent Prentiss" you smirked your breath hitching as you bit the inside of your cheek.
She rolled her eyes and dropped her hand and scowled, she turned around and started walking to her desk, you followed her to the chair directly opposite hers, you tried not to laugh as you knew that she was slightly flustered
"Don't laugh at me, Agent" she said sternly almost as if she had eyes on the back of her head.
"Uh-" you started, only now you were the flustered one.
"Sit down" she pointed the chair in front of her gesturing for you to sit down the same time as she did.
You complicity nodded as you sat down.
"You're not coming with us" She nodded.
You furrowed your brows "but Emily-" she scowled at you again "Agent Prentiss- this isn't fair, I'm part of the team, let me prove myself, let me prove it to the team that I belong here, let me prove to you that I belong here-"
"Begging is worthless i've made up my mind" Emily started working on her paperwork.
"So what am I supposed to do now that I can't do my job Agent?"  You scowled back, you slowly felt yourself become more and more angry that you weren't even allowed to do your job.
"Figure that yourself since you seem to know a lot about what you're doing" Emily laughed.
You snapped "Is this funny to you Emily Prentiss?" you scoffed "Is this just an entire joke to you?"
"Get out of my office right now" Emily
stood up and slammed her palms against the desk.
"So what? So I can do your job? your paperwork?" you laughed.
"I'm serious Y/N" Emily scowled.
"So am I Emily" you lifted your chin.
"Agent-" Emily started.
"Again with the whole agent thing, how come you can call me by your first name but I can't" You scoffed.
"Because I'm your boss" Emily bit her lip and licked the bottom of her lip, you were warned by JJ that whenever she did that to anyone they were in deep trouble.
"Yeah of course, sorry" you lowered your head and walked out and closed the door.
You made your way to the coffee station, you sighed deeply as you saw Emily make her way over to you.
"Emily I- I'm sorry I don't know what I was thinking" you profusely apologized your eyes fixated on the coffee in front of you.
Emily profiled you for a minute and could tell you were being sincere "It's fine just don't let it happen again" Emily nodded, you could almost swore if you blinked she would've given you the slightest smile.
"You're so glad you got off that easy" JJ said behind you.
You jumped not expecting JJ to be there "JJ hi" you turned around.
"Uh hi?" she questioned.
"Sorry I-" JJ put both your coffee cup and hers down and grabbed your hands "You've said sorry twice to two different people in 3 minutes, that's got to be a new record" JJ smiled.
"I-" you started.
JJ shook her head slowly "don't you dare" you both laughed.
"Does it get easier?" you turned around to face Emily's office, your hand still in hers.
"Give it time honey" she let go of hands to pat you on the shoulder in consolation.
You looked down at her hand and then back up at her smiling.
"Wheels up" Emily said walking out her office.
"I'm sorry" she whispered before hugging you.
"Let's go" Emily snapped.
You walked into Penelope's office again "What can I do for you sweetcheeks" Penelope turned around in her chair, only to be met with a disheartened face "ohhh my pumpkin what's wrong" she said running up to you to hug you.
"I'm fine Pen" you laughed
"Was it Emily again?" she squinted her eyes and then nodded in understanding.
"Yeah she won't let me go and she won't let me prove that I'm worthy enough to be on this team" you laughed because you didn't want to cry.
"My sugar it'll be okay" Penelope's hands cupped your face and then landed behind your back, you were engulfed in a hug.
"Pen I'm okay honestly" she said as she was squeezing you half to death "It's just I want to show her how good I can be, that I deserve to be here" you said sighing as you fell back into her second spinny chair.
"I know my sweet but there's always next time" Penelope said as she started typing away at her computer, you watched in awe at how fast she worked.
"I mean it's not like Emily's gonna call me up and ask me to come-" you were stopped mid sentence as Penelope's phone started ringing.
"PG what can I do you for?" she said as she put the phone on speaker.
"Garcia it's Em, what do you have for us?" she sighed.
You furrowed your eyebrow, it was almost magic how you were thinking about Emily ringing and then not even a minute later she did.
"Okay well I've got 3 names Matt Reynolds, James Elliot and Paul Jones" Penelope sighed as she was still typing away, you tapping your pen against her desk.
"That's great Pen, could you also tell Y/N to ring me as soon as possible, thank you" Emily sighed.
"You got it, Penelope out" she said as she hung up "You heard her" she smiled pointing to your phone.
"I sure did Penelope" you laughed as you stood up to take a phone call "Hi Prentiss, it's me, Penelope said that I needed to call you as soon as possible is everything okay?" you said pretending like you didn't hear the conversation.
"Uh- Yeah everything's okay, I'm just ringing to let you know that you will be allowed to join us when we go into the field next, I've been thinking a lot about it and I want you to show how much you deserve to be here" Emily sighed "but if you even as do something I slightly don't like I'll send you back to the hotel room myself and you won't be allowed on the case, capeesh?"
"Of course Agent, you've got it" You smiled "I promise you I won't let you down, thank you for giving me this opportunity you won't regret it at all"
"Don't make me regret it" Emily warned.
"Thank you, you won't I promise"
"Okay, well I have to go, I'll see you both soon" Emily sighed as you both heard someone call her.
"See you soon" you said.
You couldn't stop smiling you were so thankful for this opportunity, you heard a notification and you looked down to see a text from JJ "kick ass I love you" you smiled, JJ was like a sister to you, even though you had only joined the team 3 weeks ago, you've known JJ since you were 8, your older sister was great friends with Roslyn, so you became friends with JJ, it was hard to go over to JJ's house after what happened when you were 8 and she was 11 so JJ started to coming over to your house, you loved it but your older sister hated it, she saw too much of Roslyn Jareau in JJ.
"I love you too JJ" you shot her a quick text back.
3 days later the team came home, there wasn't much time when the team were back on the jet, only now this time you were on it.
"You okay?" JJ leaned behind you to whisper in your ear as you were walking down the aisle of the jet.
You leaned back "Yeah I'm good" you smiled.
"Good, I'm about to debrief everyone now" JJ smiled back holding onto your shoulders.
You sat next to JJ on the plane, Emily opposite you and sat next to Derek, Spencer Hotch, Tara and Luke were there too, Garcia was conferenced through due to the fact that she had to stay there.
"What have you got for us Garcia" JJ called next to you.
You saw Emily's eyes staring daggers into you, the tension was thick and it made you extremely uncomfortable, everyone else noticed it but didn't say anything, JJ swiftly grabbed your hand under the table and drew patterns on your thumb with hers, something that managed to calm you down ever since you were little, JJ noticed Emily bite her lip and lick the bottom of her lip, she looked over to you to see you break eye contact and play with your necklace with your free hand, JJ kept drawing random patterns on her thumb with hers.
When everything was done you excused yourself to the bathroom, you tapped JJ's shoulder as you passed as a sign that you wanted her in the bathroom with her in a couple of minutes so it wouldn't look suspicious, you didn't even make it to the bathroom until you heard the words come out of JJ's mouth.
"What the hell is going on with you Prentiss?"
"I don't know what you're talking about?" you and JJ both scoffed at the same time.
"You know exactly what I'm talking about Emily, she's a kid" JJ sighed.
"She's 22" Emily sighed back.
"So? So you don't think she's capable because she's the youngest on the team, she deserves to be here, as much as any of us, you need to realise that" JJ sighed "I'm gonna check on her" JJ mumbled as she stood up to meet you in the bathroom.
"Hey I'm sorry about her"JJ started, she saw you on sat on the toilet fully covered up just covering your head in your hands "Hey hey no it's okay" JJ balanced between your knees and cupped your face in her hands "You're okay" she reassured.
"You saw how she was looking at me" you scoffed "she doesn't even like or trust me"
"Listen, the likeness and the trust will come round eventually, you're very easy to get on with actually" JJ laughed.
"If I'm so easy to get along with why can't she see it" you both turned to the wall where Emily was sat behind.
"She's just... going through something right now" JJ tried to make you feel better.
"Thanks Jay" you laughed.
"There she is" you both smiled.
She was inches away from your face, she let go of your cheek to tuck your hair behind your ears only to place her hand where it previously once was.
You brought a hand up to place over hers "You're gonna do amazing things here Y/N I can see it" she smiled grabbing your hand to kiss your knuckles softly.
"I love you" you smiled.
"I lo-" JJ started.
"No JJ I love you- I'm in love with you, I want to spend the rest of my life with you, I can't imagine a life without you in it" you let go of her hand and cried into your hands again "I'm sorry I shouldn't have said anything-"
"Hey hey Y/N can you look at me please-"you slowly looked up at her, your hands lowering into your lap "I have felt the same way for weeks now, since you first started here, my feelings for you have only grown stronger" JJ cried with you as she smiled.
"You mean it?" your whimpered as your voice broke.
"Yeah I do I mean it more than anything" she smiled.
"Can I kiss you Jennifer Jareau?" she smiled at the use of her formal name.
"Yes you c-" you leaned forward and kissed her passionately, you got lost in the kiss for what felt like hours, you knew that this was a feeling you had longed for, for a while.
"I can't wait to do that every single time I see you" JJ smiled "Come on before they get suspicious" JJ grabbed a hand out for you to take.
"Wait" you said jumping up and kissing her on her lips lightly for good luck.
"She's okay" JJ announced to everyone, you were thankful that you didn't have to be the one to say that.
"Good" Emily sighed not even looking up from her paperwork.
You sat next to JJ again on the jet, it was a quiet ride no one really talked so you just played some card games with Derek and Spencer as Emily had moved to take a call.
JJ sat next to you as she read, you leaning into her every once in a while, she sat with her knees up balancing her books on her legs, you sat with her legs crossed with one arm over her legs, your arm landing by her legs just below her knees.
"Ugh" you all groaned in unison as Spencer one again.
"What happened honey?" JJ said placing her book down on the table shifting so her back would be against the window, her knees now facing you.
"Spencer won again" you moaned as you turned your body to face her placing your chin on her knees.
"You'll live" she laughed she said while stroking your hair.
You fake pouted "hmm" which made JJ laugh.
A couple of minutes later everyone was off the jet, you were all on the field, everything was going smoothly and you almost made your arrest until he shot you, inches away from near death, Emily and Derek chasing after him and making the arrest.
"Y/N Y/N Y/N" JJ ran towards you and sobbed as her knees crashed to the floor next to you.
"What's going on? my head hurts so bad" you whined.
"It's our unsub, he shot you and you hit your head pretty bad, the doctors say it's not a concussion and that you're gonna be okay, you're gonna be okay" she repeated as she cupped your cheeks.
"Did they get him?" you looked up at her.
"They did yeah" she smiled.
A couple of hours later you were back on the jet you got back pretty late so it was around 2am, you and JJ sat next to each other, again you were opposite Spencer and Derek, everyone was sleeping apart from you and JJ, you were cuddling next to her under a huge blanket that the BAU keep, you leaned on JJ's knees as a form of a pillow as she was stroking your hair, both of you couldn't sleep.
"I can't believe I almost lost you today" JJ sighed still stroking your hair.
"I'm okay JJ" you smiled.
"I know but-" JJ started.
"No buts Jennifer Jareau" you laughed "I'm here right now aren't I?" you smiled.
"Yes and I'm really glad you are" JJ kissed your temple as you hugged her knees tighter.
"I love you so much" you smiled up at her.
"I love you so much" JJ repeated.
When you got back the first thing Emily Prentiss did was ask to see you in her office which you begrudgingly obliged to.
"Come in and sit down" Emily sighed as you closed the door and sat down in front of her chair, you not taking your eyes off her and her not taking her eyes off her papers.
"You're off the next case" she looked into your eyes for the first time, disappointment washed over her face.
"Why?" your voice wavered.
"You could've gotten yourself killed" Emily's voice rose.
"I'm here now aren't I?" you scoffed as you slumped further into your seat.
"That's not the point Y/N" Emily shouted.
"Oh so what is then?" you felt your voice grow with anger.
"The point is that you were stupid and reckless, you are so absentminded that you didn't even realize that the bullet was coming towards you" Emily rolled her eyes.
"There is no way that you are mad at me for being altruistic there's no way" you scoffed.
"I'm going to need you to step out of my office" Emily shrugged and pointed towards the door.
"The conversation is over? After you 'win' the argument" you said in air quotes "Emily Prentiss you are the unpleasant person I have ever had the privilege of meeting" you took a deep breath after releasing what you said and turned away quickly starting to make your way towards the door
You shut your eyes quickly and gulped as you felt a hand tug on your wrist Emily twisted you around by the wrist and stopped you by putting her arms on your shoulders to support you, you were inches from her face and you could feel her warm breath on your neck "Don't you dare walk away from me after you just said that"
"What the hell Emily? let me go" you scoffed her eyes widened your arm now red "Emily let go" you demanded.
"Fine" she let go and pushed your hand down forcefully that you ended up falling to the floor.
You scoffed once again and brushed dirt off helping yourself up "Thank you Agent Prentiss" you said deadpan as you left her office.
"Everything okay?" JJ smiled as she saw you walking out of Emily's office.
"Mmhmm" you smiled.
JJ narrowed her eyes "I know that look" she smiled, JJ always was able to easily detect your deception, she always teased you and said it was part of why she decided to become a profiler and a part of you now didn't think she was joking.
"Do you wanna come over later?" you said hopeful that she would say yes and hopeful she would change the subject.
"Sure sweetheart I would love that" she hugged you from the side, you hugging her waist smiling up at her.
Several hours later JJ showed up at your apartment, seeing as it was a Friday night she showed up with a box of chocolates and a bottle of wine "You've had a tough day baby, I heard what happened in there" JJ hugged you and kissed your temple.
"Did I ever tell you how much I love you?" you smiled through the kiss, now on your lips.
"You should once more for good measure" JJ laughed through the kiss.
"I. Love. You. Jennifer. Jareau" you spoke gently through every kiss.
"I want to spend the rest of my life with you" JJ sighed as you sat on the couch together, your legs intertwined and your fingers interlocking.
"We can make that happen" you grinned.
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“Lance, buddy, I love you, but I’ve seen you flirt. You are not exceptional at it. There’s no way you’re making Keith blush on the regular.”
Lance’s jaw drops and he looks at his best friend in obvious betrayal, as Keith sticks his tongue out at him.
“Told ya,” he says smugly. “I am the cool suave one in this relationship.”
“You are not!” Lance argues. “We are equally suave and cool!”
“Lance, the day Keith asked you to date him Shiro made you sit down and drink water because you blushed for so long he was afraid you gave yourself heatstroke,” Hunk says with a raised brow.
“Plus, you were all moon-eyed and swoony before you dated,” Pidge adds, teasing. “In fact, I distinctly remember a time when Keith smiled at you and called you Sharpshooter for the first time and you literally couldn’t speak for three hours.”
Lance pouts, but he can’t really argue that one because it’s true and also everyone knows it. Look, he knows Keith has game, alright? He knows. He’s dating the asshole, obviously he knows how charming he can be.
But! Lance is also charming! Keith is regularly all pink and embarrassed around him, and for the man to pretend he’s not is treachery of the worst kind.
Suddenly Lance sits up, smirking to himself. He knows how he can win this round.
He glances around the room, noting how Keith is talking to Allura and Shiro about a specific sword technique he’s trying to master. Pidge, Hunk, and Coran are idly discussing a new project of theirs to increase the longevity of the teleduv.
Perfect timing.
He turns to Pidge, Hunk, and Coran, quietly getting their attention. “How much do y’all wanna bet I can get Keith to go bright red with three sentences?”
Coran smiles, but says nothing. He doesn’t usually join in on their betting, preferring instead to watch. Hunk and Pidge, however, are interested immediately. They communicate silently for a moment, then turn to Lance, smiles predatory.
“One month of kitchen duty that you can’t. No sexual jokes, that’s too easy. You can’t say more than three sentences. Keith has to blush for everyone to see. Deal?”
Lance smiles smugly. He’s got this in the bag.
“Deal,” he says, reaching over to shake their hands.
He lets them turn back around, pretending to be casual and unbothered so Keith doesn’t suspect anything. Not that he’s paying much attention to them right now, but still.
After a few moments, Lance clears his throat, face innocent of any underlying motives.
“Hey, babe, can I ask you a question?” he calls.
Keith turns to him, smiling immediately at Lance’s voice. Lance won’t lie and say he’s not flattered to see how quickly Keith gives him his full attention.
“Sure thing, Lance. What’s up?”
By now, everyone is looking at them. Lance smiles again, scootching a little closer to Keith on the couch.
“I love you,” he says.
Keith’s smile is radiant, as it always is when Lance says those three words. The sight of it makes Lance’s chest feel squishy.
“That’s not a question, sweetheart,” he responds, eyes twinkling.
Lance has to sit on his hands and bite the inside of his cheek to try and keep his face straight. His excitement is only barely about the bet, now. He can’t wait to see Keith’s face when he shoots off the next line.
“And it never will be,” Lance finishes, shooting his boyfriend a wink.
As expected, Keith’s face flames. His jaw drops, too, as he processes the line. It may be a pickup line, but Lance’s voice is sincere, and anyone with ears can hear it.
“I stand corrected,” says Pidge after a few minutes of stunned silence. “You do have game, Lance. Damn.”
based on this video
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liaswills · 1 year
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I'm head of Ravenclaw House headcannons:
The moment you failed your class, I deliver the news with great many compliments. Not to lie or to divert from the bad news, but because you'll need to see the good side to divert from the emotional crisis you'll convert into once you hear how your grades were. It will stick with you once you return on the train and at least some of it will encourage you to not go into a downwards spiral. I'll make sure to owl you a list of things to do on how to relax after a hectic semester at Hogwarts. It'll be filled with 10 jokes and 5 ways to exactly relax, suited just to your personality.
I slip random noticeboard suggestions to have house raves or parties. The students plan the party but I'm definitely letting the grey lady chaperone to make sure nobody dies of intoxication, and if anyone gets sick, she hurries to get me.
My, yes, you can always get extra Fluffy towels with me. I know the school towels aren't what they used to be and I've got a supply closet filled with thousands of blankets, towels and fluffy objects that might satisfy your very neurotypical needs.
There's a basket of random trinkets inside my office which you can grab to twitch or fumble with in conversations with me. Sometimes holding something allows us to think better or study better, I hand them out in study hall as well.
There's monthly duelling. I promote it, actually. You need to study, you need to learn and Ravenclaw has the best duelling room Hogwarts has ever known.... ;)
Course I'll help you if you're afraid of the Dark. No, it is not a burden. Wake me tf up. I'll stand in the corridor all night if you think there's a boogeyman hidden in the closet. Trust me, as head of Ravenclaw, I'll bring you some nice warm drink and consider telling you some random tale about whatever fits best at the big hearth in the common room before sending you to bed with a half moon 🌙 shaped night lantern.
I tolerate zero bullying, however. You'll have to scrub the balcony, I'm afraid. That high up, we have loads of birds that shit on the edges. Though, on the bright side, it is beautiful at night to gaze at the stars. And manual labour makes teenagers regret their decisions at life. Plus, after 1hr you can leave. I'll pop in to check up on you but I'm always lenient to let you go off with a good word of wisdom.
Lockhart and I don't get on. The whole house is ofcourse, making notes of the whole situation. I visit him in the hospital though, turns out he's still as loony as he was before but less cocky. From then on, I make a basket with trinkets Ravenclaws can make creative artsy things and put them in the Lockhart donation bucket. Because the lesson in it is, even the loony bin (ironically) is worth of creativity and personal attention.
At Christmas, the whole common room is covered in a snowlike appearance. I don't want to exert in garlands so they're mostly made of neutral colours. That way, I don't cause the whole of Ravenclaw to have aneurysms and everyone keeps a happy atmosphere and a winter spirit.
You bet your ass I'm crashing your parties, flaunting some groovy moves and singing ABBA.
Every month there is some kind of event. Something I make up as we go. Karaoke night. A harvest party. Valentines day rave. Samhain Trivia night. It's all themed. Mostly diverted with activities for the first to third years and the fourth to seventh years get to enjoy some real good times with open doors hour. That time other houses can freely walk into the commonroom and join their party. :) the ravenclaw tower is too far up anyway, nobody hears anything.
I get in trouble with Dumbledore so often you'd think I was a student. He tolerates me as I am the only pro-LGBTQ professor who knows he's 🍓fruity🍓 along with Prof Mcgonagall. We greatly discuss the most handsome wizards in Witch Weekly each weekend.
I look a lot like the grey lady. We also walk a lot together in deep conversation, which is when some students listen in or enjoy the topic of conversation in secret.
I give Muggle Born parents a full on manual on how to respond to certain topics regarding Trolls, the grading system, Spells, Wand regulations, a short guideline on wizarding laws to abide by and all the missing stuff they haven't received from the deputy or Headmaster.
Homework help for all examination stress students & counselling of course. No need to feel ashamed if you want to have a witch weekly about how to flirt with that random ass slytherin student you've been passing eyes at. I'll give you a thumbs up.
There's always 1 big end of the year party.
The Quidditch Team has the best hours to practice, especially cause I get up so early to set the dates for them.
We have a room in the Ravenclaw Tower just for naps & meditation or destressing. It's a quiet area.
On nights before exams I give everyone enough food during their late night studying. Even cupcakes and freshly baked cookies or warm soup.
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miezmiau-animations · 2 years
This story contains blood, body horror, violence and curses. You have been warned.
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Chapter 1
The Princess And The Snake
Chara had enough of this. These people which made her feel sick. This classic music that should lift up her spirits. And the way everyone behaved. It felt like a nightmare to her.
And yet this was the reality she lived in. She was the daughter of a successful businessman. And her father Asgore had high hopes for her. She should be the new shining light of his company! A gemstone among the stars. 
He did talk highly about her, yes. But in the end he just used her to win big investors over. Just like tonight.
Her father wasn't even here for the big event, leaving her all alone to herself. She really wished he'd care more for her. But it seemed like that love had died years ago together with her mother.
The people in the big room laughed and danced around her. They enjoyed themselves highly! Drinking one glass of alcohol after another. 
She looked outside the windows.
Nothing but skyscrapers. Big buildings and rich companies. Sometimes she wondered what this city would look like when it burned to the ground. Leaving nothing but ashes. Deep inside she wanted nothing more. But her sense for justice always made her decide against the idea of starting a fire.
Currently, she was standing in front of a window. Her eyes were dull. Without this glass she would be standing at the edge of this building. She laid a hand against it. The glass seemed thick, but surely you could break it. And she wondered what would happen, if she just pushed more against it...
"Good evening, Miss Dreemurr," a soft voice called out from behind. Surprised, she turned around. A tall man was speaking to her.
He wore a simple suit with a long red cape. It matched the color of blood and made his pearly white bones stand out.
A smile formed on his face as she looked at him. It was gentle but full of dangerous sharp fangs. She took a step back. Her back was pressed against the window now.
"Oh my!" she said with a fake smile. "Deepest apologies! I didn't expect anybody to actually talk with me. So… who are you, Sir? I don't think we have met yet?"
He stepped closer again. Her breath quickened. He was so close to her now and there was nowhere to run to. 
Something seemed dangerous about this man. 
Although somewhere deep down in her guts, she wanted even more of it.
"Ah, how rude of me. My name is Papyrus, you see. And I'm very interested in your company," he said with a wink. 
Her face reddened. Did he just make a joke to flirt with her? A little chuckle escaped his throat. 
"What a lovely color that red is on your cheeks, Miss Dreemurr. But shouldn't we be discussing more important things now? This is still a business meeting after all."
Finally, he stepped away from her. Giving her some space to breathe.
"Are you trying to trick me, Mister? Because your flirty behavior won't bring you very far. There are a lot of other investors in this room. And some would pay a good price for me and my company."
Oh, but he seemed to be more confident than she first assumed. Because those words seemed to only encourage him more.
"We will see about that."
He offered her his right hand. Questioning she looked up.
"Oh what's with that look?" he asked her, shocked. "Did nobody ever?... Seems like this world really lost its taste. Come on now, I want to take you to the dance floor."
So he wanted to dance? This man was something else for sure. There were only a few people that asked her to dance before. But they never flirted with her. Neither did they get so close. Just what had this guy in mind?
Alas, she took his hand. 
The tall figure guided her through the crowd of people. Strangely enough, they seemed to ignore them walking by. Now that was weird. Normally they would ask her something or at least greet her.
What made them get tired of it?
As they stepped on the dance floor, the people around them even made some space. Okay, yes. She could live with this new behavior. Was it because of her dance partner? Did he scare them off? 
A new song started playing and Papyrus put an arm around her waist. With the other one he held her right hand in his left. The music was slow and calming, but Charas heart started racing.
Everyone looked at them. Every pair of eyes in the room.
Didn't they ignore them just a minute ago?
Something felt wrong.
"You know," he said in a calm tone, "I never really told you what I actually work as. But I will let you guess."
"You are not an investor then…?"
"Oh, no. I am not," he said amused. "That's just what you assumed."
Then who was this man? And why did he want to play with her like this?
The music got a little faster. He picked up speed. And the people never stopped staring.
"Then… are you perhaps a leader of some sort? A company's CEO? Or… a boss of something else?"
"No. Guess again, dear."
His grab on her waist just got a little tighter. And she wondered why. Was she in danger? He sure seemed dangerous...
But she just couldn't turn away from him. His orange and green eyes made her stare. That tight grip on her made her feel so cared for. And that lovely voice seemed to touch something deep inside her. And her legs just wouldn't work when she wanted to run from him.
What was this feeling?
"You are… someone shady. Someone that has something dangerous in mind. Aren't you, Papyrus?"
He leaned in closer to her face.
"You guessed right. I knew you were smart, little lady." Curious, he tilted his head. "But then, why aren't you scared?"
He was genuinely surprised by her behavior. Was she not afraid? Was she out of her mind? Because nobody ever let him get this close before.
The music became even more intense.
But as she wanted to answer him, there was only blood coming out of her mouth. Horror filled her eyes. 
"Ah. The poison decided to kick in. What an unfortunate moment for it, don't you think? Things were just about to get interesting." 
Guess he wouldn't find out why she was still here with him any time soon.
A tear streamed down her face. 
It hurt so much. Did he poison her? Or… did he let somebody do it for him?
Now that she thought about it, somebody offered her a drink earlier. But that was a completely normal thing to do, right? Never had she thought about it being poisonous.
"Hush now, dear." He gently lifted her face up. "You shouldn't cry over something like this. It's only business after all."
A wicked smile spread over his face. His eyes glowed stronger with each word.
"You see, your daddy would pay a good price for his daughter's life to be saved. His poor, poor princess. She was alone for so long. And all he ever cared for was work. How tragic." 
Her legs gave in, but he held her in his arms. He was really strong for a skeleton.
"But don't think of me as the evil one here. I only do my work. And sadly it's very dirty."
Her eyes wandered through the room. The people were still staring.
Was this her end?
"Don't mind the people here, really. They were paid to keep quiet."
She fought so much just to keep her red eyes open by now. Just to be met by his again. And she stared into them with her last moment.
"Good night, my princess. Until we meet again."
And then she fell limp in his arms. The music stopped. The people looked finally away. 
Papyrus should have been happy about this, right? He would get a lot of money for this job. A lot of recognition even. But somehow he couldn't smile anymore. Not with this dying girl in his arms.
"What a shame... I really liked you."
He just hoped that she was still important enough to her father. But he had a bad feeling that she wasn't.
This story took me countless hours to write! I gave up a lot of sleep for it. xD
This is also my first english fanfiction! If you find any errors or spelling mistakes, please let me know.
And yes I know that papara week hasn't officialy started yet, but I wanted some sort of prologue for the story. So we're kind of starting today with our whole adventure.
Keep an eye out tomorrow for the next chapter! I'll try to post at least one chapter each day. Some days have more written content, so don't be confused if it's split up in parts.
Happy shipping! ^^
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Hi, it’s me, Fanfic Anon #2. Hope everyone had a good weekend/has a great week. This is inspired by the reporting that a) they were scheduled to go to a play the night Zelensky came, b) the fact they went skiing Sunday, and c) the I can’t work unless I’m happy and Brigitte makes me happy/Brigitte is my non-negotiable quotes. Hope everyone enjoys.
(PS - with all the discussion about "EMT," I realized, I never asked, EMT, what you wanted to be called. Please let me know if you rather me call you "parce que c’est notre project" or PQCNP or something.)
"I am not to be disturbed Sunday, do you understand me," he informed, not discussed, not mentioned, not bargained, informed his staff Friday evening before heading up to their private apartments for the night.
"But, sir -" one of his staff tried to interrupt and protest.
"No ‘buts.’ The world literally needs to be ending for you to reach me."
"Yes, sir. But can I ask, why?" Another aide chimed in.
"Why?" Emmanuel scoffed, a little upset they were asking the question, challenging him on this, but frustrated none of them seemed to actually notice their pattern of behavior. "Because I already have had to cancel one date night with my wife this month, my big romantic Valentine’s Day outing even, and I will be spending most of next week away from her, so forgive me, gentlemen, for wanting to spend some quality time with my wife."
"I understand the impulse, sir, but are you sure that prioritizing Madame Macron is the best way to -"
"I’m going to stop your right there before you say something that gets you fired. We have been over this. We have all been over this. I cannot work unless I am happy. Brigitte makes me happy. My wife is the only non-negotiable thing in my life. So whether you like it or not, I am taking one day - one day - off to ski with my wife in a place that means so much to me, so much to us." He informed them in a tone that indicated there was nothing left to discuss.
After pausing in such a way to indicate the meeting was over, and only growing frustrated that no one had taken the hint and left, he dismissed them with a curt "meeting’s over gentlemen. If you will excuse me, I’m going to go see my wife now."
He didn’t even wait for the final stragglers to leave his office before he began to head towards his wife, needing her to calm him down from the emotions swirling inside him. He felt relief when he threw open the door and saw her sitting there with a glass of red wine in one hand, phone in the other as she was waiting on him.
"There you are, chéri!" She greeted, smiling at him. "How was the rest of your day?" She asked before he stomped over to her and pressed a stormy kiss to her lips, needing to channel the anger into a more positive feeling.
"That bad?" She joked, lips swollen, hair askew, chest heaving as she fought to catch her breath when it was over, knowing him well enough to know that was his ‘something is wrong but I’m challenging it into a more positive emotion’ kiss.
"I promise, we will not be disturbed Sunday," he vowed with an intensity that startled her.
"Mon cœur?" She asked for clarity a little confused.
He sighed, before burying his head in her for comfort, the explanation he was providing a little muffled by the cloth on her shoulder, the skin of her neck, her hair, "I got some pushback for telling them I was off limits Sunday."
"Chéri, if we have to postpone -" she started, disappointed, but trying to be understanding.
"No," he cut her off vehemently, squeezing her in a tighter hug in protest. "No, they’re the ones who have to deal with it. I’ve already cancelled one date night this month, and I’m going to be gone next week -"
"But your schedule is not your own, and I understand that."
"But you’re the most important thing to me, Brigitte. Always have been, always will be. I can’t breathe without you. And I can’t be happy unless I know you’re happy."
"I am happy -"
"Sure, for now, but for how much longer if -"
"Listen to me, Emmanuel," she stopped his spiraling train of thought with a tone that left no room for disagreement, her fingers moving to run lovingly through his hair to soothe the clear anguish buried somewhere in his soul. "I will always be happy with you, do you understand me? You need me to breathe - how do you think I feel, huh? You are my world, my heart. That’s not changing. I appreciate you making me the priority, I appreciate all that you do to make sure I have what I need, but there is nothing - not this job, not your aides, not having to cancel a million date nights - nothing that is ever going to make me stop loving you. I meant it when I said ‘till death do us part, and even then, I’m planning on finding a way to haunt you."
"A friendly ghost I hope?" he smiled, the last of his worry slipping away in the face of her reassurance.
"To you, always. Your next wife on the other hand," she joked, only for him to spring back quickly to look her in the eyes.
"Don’t even joke like that."
"Chéri, I don’t want you to be alone and unhappy after I’m gone."
"I won’t be alone. I’ll have our children and grandchildren - I’ll have our family."
"I don’t want you to spend the rest of your life mourning me."
"Remember what you told me about your mother?"
"That she was never really okay after my father died because it was as if someone split her in half? But that’s my point! I don’t want that for you!"
"Are you telling me that if I were to go first you’d move on to someone else?"
"God no!"
"Then why should it be any different for me?"
"Because you’re so much younger! You have so much more of your life to live. I’ve had my life!"
"Brigitte, you are my life!" He sighed deeply before continuing, "can we just table this conversation? I don’t want to think about losing you. I can’t go an hour without hearing from you. I don’t know how I would ever survive never hearing your voice again, or seeing your smile, or holding your hand."
"Okay. I won’t bring it up again.” She paused for a minute, leaning in to give him a soft, loving kiss. Pulling back she changed the subject, “dinner’s ready if you want me to reheat it."
"I have a better idea, since we have to reheat it anyway. Want to eat ‘dessert’ first?"
"What do you have in mind?"
"I’ll show you," he smiled, enjoying her squeal in surprised delight as he reached down to lift her in his arms, carrying her towards their bedroom.
Hellooo fanfic Anon #2! ❤️
You tell them Manu, if you say you are not to be disturbed, you are absolutely not to be disturbed 😈
But Brigitte being so understandable and reassuring him... but also, the hard talk about Emmanuel’s life after Brigitte... it touches me every single time 🥺
Thank you so much, fanfic Anon #2! ❤️❤️❤️
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𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝒟𝑒𝓂𝑜𝓃 𝑜𝒻 𝒶 𝒯𝒽𝑜𝓊𝓈𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝐸𝓎𝑒𝓈 𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 30 Explaining What View Compound, More Meetings Long Over View
Pairing: Alastor x F!OC (Theia, The Demon of a Thousand Eyes)
Chapter Summary: You explain what Alastor, Niffty, and yourself found in Boring Closet Stuff, go to meet Rana with Alastor and Ombre, then all four of you head to Rosie's. Things don't go quite as planned, even from the beginning.
Word Count: 2.7k
Warnings: Cannibalism
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“Good morning, everyone.” You say with a smile as you manifest in the lobby at Alastor’s side. His arm is snaked around your waist, and you have no desire to separate from him.
Charlie and Vaggie are curled up in one chair, Husk and Angel are chilling amicably on the couch, and Sir Pentious is sitting in the other chair. Niffty is on the table again. Alastor manifests his chair from his sitting room and pulls you into his lap. You sit not unlike the first time he kissed you, your side pressed against his chest.
“Good morning, Theia! Good morning, Alastor!” Charlie says brightly, and Vaggie just nods at you both, a look of mild disgust on her face. You assume it’s from your affection for Alastor, but honestly, you just want to be amicable with her. For someone who used to be an angel, she can be so rude. I suppose it does make it easier for her to hide, you think to yourself.
“‘Mornin’, Occhi,” Angel gives you a salacious wink. “Looks like someone had a good night.”
You flush, suddenly remembering the night before and the mark on your neck that Alastor has been gnawing on to keep it fresh. “I always have fun with Al,” You kiss the mark on the underside of his chin, “but yes, last night was particularly satisfying.” Alastor kisses you chastely, and Ombre comes out from his feet to curl up on your lap. You chuckle and hug them close, kiss them gently.
Husk chokes on a swig from the bottle in his hand he’d just taken. “‘Mornin’, kid.” He manages as Angel pats him on the back.
Niffty looks both intrigued and a little bemused. “Good morning, Theia! Good morning, Sir! Good morning, Ombre!”
Sir Pentious, along with everyone else, looks a little confused but greets you nevertheless. “Good morning, fair Theia! How are you on this fine day?”
“As much as this has been such thrilling repartee, we ought to discuss what was found in the secret room yesterday.” Alastor says before this circle of ‘good morning’ lasts any longer.
Niffty pipes up, “Boring Closet Stuff!”
Charlie looks confused. “Surely there were more interesting items in there.”
“No, that’s what it’s called!” Niffty insists. “I found it; I get to name it! It’s called Boring Closet Stuff!”
“It’s a bit of a misnomer, but I’ll allow it. You did find it, Niff.” You say with an amused chuckle. “The contents are quite surprising. I’m not sure who built this place or that room in particular, but it’s full of special, possibly even magic items from all of the other Rings of Hell. Books, jewelry, gemstones and clothing that used to belong to the Ars Goetia and Sins as well.”
Vaggie raises an eyebrow. “How do you know this, exactly?”
“Whoever put everything in there meticulously labeled everything with what the item is and its place of origin.” You shrug. “I had Niffty close the secret passageway again in case one of you got curious before we talked about it. None of us touched any of the items inside the room. I was worried some of it might be cursed, given that these items have been locked away for who knows how long.”
Angel laughs uproariously. “There’s a secret passageway? Wha’, is that new slang for anal?”
Husk nearly chokes on his alcohol again, but instead of glaring up at Angel he has a soft smirk on his face. You smile. What a nice change in pace.
“You made the right call, Theia.” Charlie says, ignoring Angel’s blatantly sexual joke. “Thank you for being so careful. These objects could be cursed.” Charlie sighs. “I might have to call my dad about this one. I don’t want to…” You tense, and Alastor kisses your temple as Ombre kisses your other one and strokes your arm. “...I guess as long as I don’t have another reason to call him I’ll put it off for now.” You relax, relief washing over you. “Let’s just stay away from it for now, alright? We didn’t have any reason to go in there before, so I don’t see any reason why we would now.”
You hear Angel grumbling about how a secret passageway sounds like a cool place to explore, while Sir Pentious grumbles about the possibility of interesting pieces for his inventions, but then everyone agrees that there isn’t any point to bothering until they know for sure that it’s not cursed.
As everyone gets up to disperse for the morning, you turn your head to look Alastor in the eyes. “That was far faster than I’d anticipated.” You kiss him gently, then Ombre afterwards.
Angel catcalls, “Damn, Occhi, get a room if you’re gonna suck face like that!”
You ignore Angel as he makes some snark about how the two of you haven’t gossiped about them yet and you flip him off and kiss your kings again. Both Alastor and Ombre chuckle against your lips.
You pull out your phone as Ombre trails their clawed talons along the inside of your thigh and you fight a moan. “Not now, Ombre,” You whisper breathlessly, and you swear they have the audacity to pout. “Not here, where everyone can see.”
You send a quick text to Rana that was far more complicated than it needed to be with the way Ombre kept teasing you, running his claws through your hair, down your neck, placing kisses both chaste and searing across your collar bones.
When it buzzes, you open your phone to read what she’d written.
Rana: Not sure what all those typos were about, girlie, but I’m ready to meet you.
Rana: You’re headed here, right? We can eat in Pentagram City if you want, but you’ll have to come get me; it would take too long for me to drive.
You: Ombqe tdasing me. Haqd 2 tewt. Rhit phnoe (Ombre teasing me. Hard 2 text. Shit phone)
You: Bome get u in 5 (Come get u in 5)
Rana: I’ll see you soon! You’d better explain who Ombre is when you arrive! I’m at the cafe where we met last Wednesday.
“Rana is ready for us to meet her.” You murmur to Alastor, who kisses you and offers his hand for you to take. When you do so and stand, he stands next and sends the chair back to his room. Ombre drapes themselves over your shoulders like a cape, their chin resting on the top of your head.
You pull on your collar of the lovely red roses and eyes dress you’re wearing and shape it into a similar dress to the one you were wearing the first day you met Alastor, lengthening the hemline but keeping the collar low and flirty. It will swish as you walk and you catch him staring.
You giggle as Alastor says, “Lead the way, nostre reine.”
Husk, who is cleaning glasses behind the bar, looks like he’s slightly ill. You flush as Ombre says, “We’d follow you anywhere, our majesty.”
Alastor wraps his arms around your waist and you wrap your arms around his. Ombre snakes their arms around you just above Al’s. Then, you close your eyes and open the ones in Imp City. Seeing Rana outside of your favorite Coffee Shop from the eye in the front window wearing a pair of white square frames, a pair of purple cat eye frames in her hair, and a pair of neon blue butterfly frames on a librarian chain around her neck, you manifest in front of her. You would have taken the alleyway like last time, but this is more fun, and everyone knows what your powers are so you might as well make the journey quicker.
When you arrive, Alastor keeps a grip on your waist and Ombre lifts their head, but keeps their arms wrapped around you. “Hello, Rana,” you greet her with a smile, “this is Alastor, and the fellow draped across me is Ombre, his shadow.”
“A pleasure to meet you, Alastor.” Rana says as she holds out a hand for him to shake. “I’ve heard plenty about you over the years. I’m also quite partial to your monocle, as a fan of eyewear.”
Alastor frees one of his hands by offering his microphone for you to take. You feel flattered as he does so. You’ve never seen him trust it with anyone besides himself before. He takes her hand and shakes it as he says, “The pleasure is all mine, dear. I’m glad you appreciate my taste in choice of apparel, given your personal tastes. I’m afraid Theia has spoken very little of you until recently, but I suppose that was because she was afraid of me knowing everything about her past, and how intertwined yours is with hers.” When he finishes the shake, he returns his arm to around your waist.
“A pleasure to meet your acquaintance, friend of our queen.” Ombre intones even though she can’t understand them. It makes you a little sad.
“I concede that point, though it does hurt that you don’t talk about me much, Iris.” Rana says with an eyebrow raised.
You sigh. “Rana, you promised you wouldn’t call me that anymore.”
“Why? It’s your name. Not ‘Theia,’ this person you seem to think you left behind is still you.” Rana argues, “He knows. Why shouldn’t we be able to say your name?”
“It’s different. It’s…special when he says it.” You flush as you look up into his eyes. They glisten and sparkle with an appreciation of your words. “Besides, he says it when we’re alone. We’re in public here. Anyone could see us.”
Rana raises an eyebrow. “No one would ever think to look for you here. Your family would never come here themselves.”
“No, they’d hire someone else to do their spying for them.” You concede. “Let’s go to Rosie’s though. Al would prefer a food fitting a different palate and it’s eye time that you meet Rosie finally.”
“I have been looking forward to meeting her, to be sure.” Rana says easily, and steps towards you. You unwrap one of your arms from Alastor’s waist to place a hand on her shoulder. It’s times like these that you remember how small she is in comparison to you, and it startles you, catches you off guard for a moment.
“I just realized we never phoned Rosie to tell her we’re coming,” You mention, “I hope she’s not too busy for us today.”
“Nostre reine, you know she would never be too busy for you.” Alastor replies easily as he kisses your nose. “She’d tell every one of her customers to leave her store even if it were a Hell-wide holiday if it meant spending more time with her favorite niece.”
“Rosie has always been fond of you, our queen. On every occasion, she spoke quite highly of you even before the two of you, and by extension myself, had ever met. You intrigued my master from the moment she first did. It is something he would never admit to you himself.” Ombre says with a tease, and Alastor gives him a look you’re having trouble deciphering, but you can’t help but be smug about that. You’ll remember it for later.
You chuckle. “She’d lose profits, but yes, she probably would.” You concede, “Al, would you prefer to do the honors this time, or so shall I?”
“Whatever your dear friend Rana prefers, nostre reine.” He says easily, and Rana smiles as Ombre purrs into your ear.
“Lead, please, Theia. I’m more comfortable with your means of travel.” She says simply, and you nod. You close your eyes and focus on the one in the sign beside you and the one in the sign in the front of Cannibal Town. You’re going to make an entrance; with Alastor and his shadow wrapped around you and Rana walking beside you, you’ll be the talk of the town.
You arrive in front of Cannibal Town and are happy to be back in this little corner of Hell again. Everyone is eager to greet you, wave and smile. Rana is startled but pleased to see friendly, happy faces, and with her as close to the two of you, they know she is off limits, that she is company in their little town.
The four of you walk into town slowly and casually, enjoying the sights, sounds, and smells of the place that’s been the closest thing to home to you for a decade and a half. Up until recently, it seemed like the only place you found comfortable. Alastor’s room had somehow managed to surpass that for you. It’s odd for you to realize it now, but it is. When you asked him to take you home, his room is what you’d meant. You nearly stop dead in your tracks in front of the bakery from which he’d bought those candied eyeballs when you realize it, but you manage to recover your stride and continue on to Rosie’s with no further delay. In the distance, as you enter the front door, you see a tall man in a hooded cloak. It is impossible to discern his facial features in the cloak, and there are too many people to see any more of him than the hooded itself. You don’t think much of it as you enter, distracted immediately by the shelves and shelves of goods.
Rosie’sis incredibly empty again, surprisingly, and she comes over to greet you. “My, isn’t this a pleasant surprise! My two favorite people and, my goodness, do my eyes deceive me or is this the famous Rana I’ve heard so much about?”
Rana flushes. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Rosie.” She curtsies. “I’ve heard quite a lot about you, myself. Theia always speaks so highly of you and your personal tastes. I’m so glad you’ve been family to her all these years. She’s needed someone to help care for her after all she’s been through.”
Rosie looks tickled pink. “Come in; come in; let’s have some tea!” She beckons you all to her parlor, and Alastor manifests a few more chairs from the other room that match the set to accommodate the need for extra seating. He adds a few pillows to one of the chairs so Rana can sit comfortably at the table.
Rosie passes out the tea one by one. She adds two brown eyeballs like she always does for you, a regular cup of tea with nothing in it for Alastor, and then she looks in Rana’s direction. “What would you like in your tea? I have cream, sugar, and an assortment of other additives if something interesting strikes your fancy, dear.”
Rana thinks for a moment as she switches to a pair of blood-red cat eye frames. “I’d like something sweet. What do you have in terms of sugary sweets? Brown sugar? Maple syrup? Honeysuckle syrup?”
“All of the above and a few more options if those aren’t quite right.” Rosie says with a sparkle in her irisless eyes.
“I’ll take the brown sugar, please. Thank you, Rosie.” She says sweetly, and Rosie stirs it in, passes it to her, then pours her own and adds a pinkie finger to hers.
As Rosie sits down at the table, she says casually, “I’m surprised you chose to come here today, after all the posters that have been up with your face on them and a name you’ve never told me before, Theia.”
Rana nearly spills her tea all over as she rattles the table in shock. “What posters?! Theia, tell me you didn’t know about this!”
You look sheepishly at her. “Um…about that…I’ve cone for days and I view you’d be mad but…”
Rana glares at you. “Are you insane?! If they’re looking for you here and they see the two of us together, they’ll know it’s you! We ran away together, after all! What if they’re here already? What if they’ve already seen us?”
A pit in your stomach drops. From where you’re positioned in the parlor, you can see the front door. The man in the robe who’d been outside, that you’d completely dismissed initially, walks in the Emporium’s front door.
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A/N: I'm so glad Rana and Rosie finally met! I'm also quite thrilled that Alastor finally met Rana. Any chapter where Rana is present is so much better simply because she's around. I adore her.
Chapter 31 will be Theia confronting the man in the hood that seems to know more than she'd like. Alastor reveals some of the contents of the book he found. Theia learns something that will haunt her.
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First || Chapter 29 || Chapter 31
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nochuelinha · 2 months
Chapter 13 : Paix
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In the coming days, to my surprise, Jacob came by a few times, as a thank you he had brought a star carved in wood. Edward didn't like that at all, but I reassured him.
___ You seem calmer, did you talk to her? - I asked him, who was sitting on a log in front of the porch, I was sitting on the stairs, I don't like to stay so close because of the wet dog, especially on days when the rain doesn't stop for a second.
___ Yes, she agreed that she wasn't very kind - he sighed - She's not sure if she likes me or Edward, I followed your advice, if she doesn't know if she loves me, she doesn't deserve my love - I smiled at that - You know, Seth got into a relationship with Irina, it was a revolution, no one accepts that in the pack, but he stood his ground and said everyone has to accept his love - Irina had told me that a few days ago, an unlikely relationship indeed, but nothing is impossible.
___ I'm rooting for them, I've heard that Imprinting happens when you least expect it - I commented absentmindedly, I looked at the balcony of my room, Edward was there with his arms crossed looking at me, I smiled at him, he minimally returned it.
___ Each case is different, come to think of it, I've never felt very connected to Bella, she helped me in difficult times and I like her physically, but there has always been a gap, I ignored it because I wanted her to love me desperately like I love her - he looked at Edward and grimaced - Just like the pale one loves you and you reciprocate - he stood up, well I'm going now, I have some things to sort out - I said goodbye to him and he left, I went inside the house. Edward was already waiting for me there.
___ So, my knight, any plans for today? - I hugged him, he rested his head on my shoulder.
___ I don't know, maybe a movie? - I agreed - Or maybe we can discuss what you're going to do after high school - a serious subject? Honestly, I hadn't thought much about it, but in an old conversation with Carlisle I expressed my desire to go to college, but what for?
___ I think I would like to study, go to college? - we talked as we went to the living room, I collapsed on the couch and he sat down next to me - And you?
___ I'll go wherever you go, I have many qualifications, but I don't mind adding one more for you - does he even exist?
We continued talking about our future, amidst caresses and hugs, being in his arms was what I wanted for a long time. The days that passed were calm, but every time my eyes met Bella's, there was a certain tension in the air. Today was no different, as I was returning from the art class, which I have been attending alone since the beginning of the year, she came up to me.
___ Can we talk? - the usual murmured tone. I sighed and followed her through the school, I sent a message to Edward letting him know that I would be late for the literature class, or I might not even show up.
___ What do you want to talk about? - I sat on one of the low walls of the school, outside, she stood in front of me.
___ I know you're with Edward, you must know about the present I gave you on your birthday and the complications I had with Jacob because of it - she listed the facts, not appearing sorry for any of them - As much as I like spending my days with Jacob, it's with Edward that I dream every night, he was mine once, I completely wish for him to be mine again - I looked at her incredulously - I feel like we were destined to be together and ... Stella, give me the opportunity to make him happy - what kind of joke is this?
___ It wasn't me who broke your heart, leaving him to be with another, it wasn't me who made him cry, I know your feelings are confused, but I would never let that affect my actions to the point of hurting someone I love - I tried to speak calmly, but indignation took over my being - You think everything has to revolve around you, that you can do whatever you want and everyone will run into your arms when you show yourself sorry, but I'm sorry, life doesn't work like that, you bear the consequences of your actions, reap what you sow and move on.
___ Stella, I just made a mistake, you have eternity to find love, I don't - she held my arm. I withdrew from her touch.
___ I didn't force Edward to stay with me, he made his own choice, if you think he truly loves you, talk to him yourself - my tone was cold now, I couldn't become civilized with her anymore - But know that I won't hand him over to you on a silver platter, grow up and stop playing with other people's feelings - I walked away from there and tried to calm my nerves.
After the confrontation with Bella, I felt a mixture of relief and frustration. I knew I had done the right thing by defending my feelings and Edward's in the face of Bella's attempts to interfere in our relationship, but I also wondered if my response had been too harsh. As I walked through the school hallways towards the literature class, my mind was in turmoil, recalling the words exchanged with Bella and pondering what would come next.
Upon entering the classroom, I was greeted by Edward's concerned look. It's amazing how just being in his presence, I felt my worries fading away, he was my peace.
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a-boca-do-inferno · 2 years
emotions (erik lehnsherr x mutant!reader)
summary: Erik goes after Jean to kill her and you follow him.
warnings: swearing, violence. angst too. well and erik should be a warning of his own me thinks. also fluff at the very end bc im weak
words: 2.4k
notes: i'm very sorry about any mistakes, english is not my first language. feel free to correct me anytime, i always want to get better at what i do! enjoy xx
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You sigh loudly as soon as your eyes meet his on the other side of the street. There is a fucking train separating you two and something in your stomach turns. So this is the Magneto you had yet to see, the big bad villain everyone warned you about. 
You were sort of a guest in the Brotherhood for about a year now, although Erik was wary of you at first, what with your quiet and reserved personality even when you were in need of their help. You didn’t talk much like him, but despite his cautiousness, you both hit it off well — as well as one can do it with him, anyway. Your topics of discussion were mostly Brotherhood-related, so your relationship was strictly professional in a way. You couldn’t deny your little crush on him, though, especially in the last few days where he was so much more open and even willing to exchange more words with you other than your usual small talk; however, just when everything seemed to be going fine, shit hit the fan pretty quickly.  
A weird redhead showed up out of nowhere with blood on her shirt. Then military men with helicopters and also a guy with glasses, who you suspected was part of Erik’s old boy band back in the sixties. He never really talked to you about anything, really, let alone his very turbulent past, but you could see their familiarity when Hank showed up, too, out of nowhere, offering Erik some plot to kill the redhead for vengeance and so on and so forth. You could only suppose saying that to him was the equivalent of giving candy to a kid, because the next thing you knew, the two men had completely vanished along with a few other mutants. You could only let out a light “shit” under your breath while going back inside the cabin you’d been staying.  
You knew who Raven was, sure, what mutant didn’t? Still, killing Jean Grey was something Erik was maybe a little too hurt to think through at the moment. A heavy sigh escaped your lips. Should you have followed, perhaps in hopes to talk him out of it? It’s not like he would listen to you, right? And you couldn’t stop him either, even if you tried. You were powerful, but he was the Magneto. He’d just hold you in place by your earrings or something.  
“I agree with you”, you hear a voice coming from the door. It’s Selene. 
“I didn’t even say anything”, you joke, well aware of her mutation. 
Selene pays no mind to your evasion, giving you a concerned look. “We should stop him, this isn’t right.” 
You sigh again. “We can’t stop him alone, you know that.” 
She then turns her back and smiles, looking at you over her shoulder. “Who says we’ll go alone?” 
Turns out Selene was talking about the X-Men, or what was left of them anyway. When you both arrive at the place where all the chaos is installed, the only thing you can see is Erik floating over a train in the middle of the goddamn street. The moment he lays eyes on you standing on the sidewalk, you feel a shiver go up your spine.  
Is he in some kind of a trance when he wears that stupid helmet? It looks like it. His face’s hardened in a way that’s quite foreign to you. No matter how closed off he is as just Erik, Magneto appears to be a godlike creature who doesn’t really care about collateral damage and lives other than his own.  
“You go get Erik, I’ll cover you”, Selene says, to which you simply furrow your brows.  
She leaves right after and you don’t get a chance to protest her idea of a plan. You close your eyes and try your best not to feel intimidated by Erik still looking at you with that somber expression. A small stream of water makes its way through your hands and suddenly it turns into thick ice. He notices what you’re doing and stops handling the train to go where you are, far from all the conflict.  
He stands before you and pulls you closer to him by the medallion you wear. “You shouldn’t be here”, his voice echoes like thunder in your ears.  
“You shouldn’t either”, it’s all you can bring yourself to answer. Everything is wrong about this situation, his tight hold on your medallion being the very first on the list.  
Erik doesn’t even flinch. “Go back home, this isn’t safe for you.” 
“You can’t do this, Erik”, you put one hand on his shoulder in an automatic gesture. “I know she did something terrible, but...” 
He cuts you off, holding your hand in place. “She must pay”, and he floats away without another word. Typical Erik. 
You don’t let him off so easy, however. You hit him with an ice rock, then another, until he’s finally had enough. The medallion tightens around your neck with a wave of his hand and you start to choke on the spot, getting on your knees desperately looking for air. The last thing you see is a big red blast hitting him from behind before blacking out. 
“What did you do to her, Erik?”, you hear Selene’s voice from a distance.  
There’s no answer to her question, so you slowly open your eyes only to be met with Erik sitting right in front of you. The device around his neck gives away where you are; yet again caught by the fucking humans. Your head still feels a bit dizzy and you try to pull yourself together as quickly as possible, because there is no way you’re going to be held in a cell again.  
“Is she alright?”, a blue guy you’ve never seen in your life asks, but nobody answers him either.  
Only then you realize the disturbing silence between your fellow mutants. You look to your left and somehow even Charles Xavier managed to get caught in this shitshow. All you can do is laugh at him, at everyone, at yourself. Maybe that cell wasn’t so bad after all. 
“What’s so funny?”, Erik spits out, as if the worst thing in this absolute nightmare was you having a psychotic breakdown.  
“You, you fucking clown!”, the words just come out of your mouth. Your head’s still spinning, but your rage speaks for you now. “Is this what you wanted? Being locked up like animals because of your stupid vendetta?!” 
Erik stares at you menacingly, but at this point you’re past being afraid of him. “You think it’s my fault? They’re only here after Jean, she is the one destroying everything in her path.” 
“And you just happened to be right there with a fucking train in the middle of the street, right?”, you laugh humourlessly, locking eyes with Charles once more. He’s quiet through the whole argument and he looks like he’s guilty of something himself.  
You can’t confront him about it though, because Erik speaks again. “You shouldn’t be here”, he says, but with none of the animosity displayed before. You can’t help but sustain his intense gaze, feeling like somehow you’ll find the answer to all your problems in his beautiful eyes. “You were supposed to stay home, take care of the others. I trusted you with that.” 
You lift an eyebrow, genuinely confused by his words. “You didn’t trust me with anything, Erik. You just left with mister fuzzy here, without another word”, you point at Hank with your chin. 
“I didn’t think I needed to”, he declares, eventually ending that strange conversation.  
Aliens show up out of nowhere next — that seemed to be a current theme today. You can’t really make up what is happening in front of you, but the mutants free themselves and fight the aliens. You eventually snap out of it and try to help them as much as you can, even though your head is still throbbing and your surroundings sometimes get blurry in your vision.  
There is a pause in the conflict until Selene flies out of the moving train and you hear Erik screaming her name. You quickly make your way to the direction she went and create a bridge out of ice, managing to catch her in time so she can land on the roof. She flashes you a smile and goes back to fighting the weird-looking creatures.  
“They’ll just keep coming and coming, we can’t beat them”, you tell Erik, who’s a little busy throwing metal rubble on a blonde. You give him a hand trying to drown her with a powerful stream of hot water, but it’s to no use. Her burnt face just heals itself in front of your eyes, which makes you shake your head in disbelief. “This is crazy, we can’t win!” 
“Maybe stop whining and actually fight for a...”  
“It’s not working, we should...” 
You’re cut off by the woman suddenly lashing at you, but Erik is faster, pinning her against the wall with a swift movement of his wrists. You watch with wide eyes as his demeanour quickly changes from annoyed to dangerous, like he is about to kill her right there. You know he can’t since these aliens don’t seem to die, but that doesn’t stop you from feeling something turn in your stomach. A mix of fear and excitement, perhaps? 
A light laugh takes you back to the scene. The blonde is staring at Erik like he just told her the funniest joke and you furrow your brows in confusion. He’s still holding her under metal stuff and his veins look like they’re about to explode because of the force he’s putting into it.  
“Your species is weak, you have too many emotions”, she says, and her monotone voice makes you shiver slightly. Her dark eyes land on your figure, you’re just behind Erik. “This man would kill me because I just tried to hurt you and he could easily die because of it, but he simply doesn’t care”, she turns her gaze to him again, whose expression can only be described as the epitome of anger. “How pathetic.” 
Before you can process any of what she just said, Jean Grey appears — yet again, goddamnit — out of nowhere. Charles Xavier is by her side and suddenly you all are floating away while she fights the crazy blonde alien. Somehow you managed to get caught in the crossfire again and one of the bad guys beats you up pretty bad. A red light exploding in the sky in complete silence is all you can see before everything is black, once more.  
“When is she gonna wake up?” 
“Soon, I think. She’s a strong one”, it’s Erik’s voice.  
You open your eyes immediately. He’s never spoken about you like that, at least not in your presence. The moment his bright orbs meet yours is like a replay of that scene from earlier, where he was floating with that stupid helmet covering half his face. Somehow the usual silence between you two now feels like a curse, so you clear your throat and take a look at your surroundings.  
“Fancy, is that our new home?”, your eyes travel through the whole room, but end up on the man sitting next to you on the bed.  
“If you want to, it is”, his voice is quiet, and his almost playful tone catches you off guard.  
A playful Erik? 
“Hm, I’ll leave you two alone”, you don’t notice Selene standing by his side until she speaks up. She leaves, closing the door behind her. You reprimand a long sigh.  
Once you’re both alone, Erik takes a deep breath. “I want to apologize”, he says loudly, as if he wanted you to really listen to his words. “My behaviour towards you earlier was not fair, I shouldn’t have hurt you. I’m truly sorry”, his eyes wander away, probably ashamed of his actions. 
This was another side of Erik you had yet to see. These were probably the most words he spoke to you in one sentence. You feel like this moment has to be cathartic for you two in some way, so you take the bait. “Why did you, though?”, you ask casually, not really caring much about resentment at this point. You were just curious about his unexpected reaction.  
“When I said I trusted you with the Brotherhood, I meant that. And you should know I don’t trust people that easily.” 
“You don’t trust people at all, Erik”, you let a small smile spread across your face, being received with a similar expression from him. “I was only trying to help you, you know? Killing the girl was not the answer.” 
“Yes, I know that now”, you exchange a look that lasts way longer than it probably should have. “And again, I’m really sorry.” 
“You also said that I shouldn’t be there, but you were wrong.” You touch his hand slowly, studying each pore on his skin. “Maybe if I didn’t go, you’d never tell me all of that.” 
“As I told you before, I didn’t think it needed to be said. To me it was clear”, he states bluntly.  
This makes you chuckle. “What was clear, Erik?” 
“That you are very important to me, to all of us”, he places your hand on his lips, brushing it softly against his mouth. Your heart melts inside your chest. “That woman read my mind like a book to you already, so I see no point in denying it anymore. I believe I may be in love with you for quite some time, now.” 
“Well, shit”, it’s all you can bring yourself to verbalize. Erik continues to kiss your hand and suddenly his face is too close to yours. You can feel his warm breath against your cheeks and it’s delicious and sexy and terrifying. “Erik...” 
“Yes, (y/n)?”, he looks at you intently. His fingertips dance on your neck, waiting eagerly for your green light.  
You try to catch your breath, but it’s a challenge with his mouth almost touching yours. “I’m... I’m sorry I called you a clown, you’re not that funny.” 
Erik simply rolls his eyes, still smiling nonetheless. “Maybe you just don’t know that side of me yet, liebling.”  
He kisses you, cupping your face like it’s the most precious thing he ever touched. You heart hammers inside of you and if heaven does exist, it must feel like this. It has to. When he stares at you again, you’re sure of that. As the emotions flow through you at the same pace his hands travel all over your body, you don’t feel weak at all.  
Everything is fine now. 
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Prickly Pear (S.R.)
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Summary: Reader tries to hide her body hair from Spencer. It doesn't end well. Request: my body hair is really visible on my arms, chest, legs, and stomach. it makes me very insecure. could you do a spencer x reader fluff for me? Couple: Spencer Reid/Fem!Reader Category: Comfort/Fluff (Rated T, 16+) Content Warning: Discussion/allusions to sex, body hair, insecurity, burns, inadvertent self-harm (chemical burns), hair removal products, crying Word Count: 4k
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I’d never been very good at understanding social situations. It’d been a big part of why I’d become a profiler. I mean, if I am already required to memorize every book on body language and behavioral clues just to get by, I might as well get paid for it, too.
Most of the time, it helped. Sometimes it got in the way. I was still only human, and I was bound to make mistakes. And that night, as I sat next to my new girlfriend, I couldn’t help but think that it was one of those times.
Everyone had assured me that the beginnings of things were always awkward. But before that night, I hadn’t ever felt that way with her. In fact, talking and hanging out with her were some of the only times I felt like I wasn’t a freak. She never had a problem explaining jokes and cultural references to me, and she was even happier to listen to me ramble for hours about the most obscure nonsense.
In a way, I blamed my friends for planting the idea in my head that tonight would be any different from any other night. I hadn’t even considered the fact that it was going to be our third date until someone said it out loud, and in doing so, they set off a chain reaction of realizations.
It was our third date. She had invited me to her house. We discussed staying the night.
Sex, I realized. My girlfriend wanted to have sex with me.
Cue the panic.
It wasn’t that I hadn’t wanted to have sex with her — I did. But in the few hours leading up to me showing up on her doorstep, I had considered a million different scenarios where something went wrong. I was no longer comforted by our past experiences because this was something different. Something complicated and new.
I only barely managed to calm myself down enough to go through with it all. I’d worked myself in and out of a frenzy and made it all the way to her house.
And the very second that she’d opened the door, I realized that I had gotten everything completely and terribly wrong.
I wish I could’ve said I was relieved to find her swamped neck to toes in thick fabric. After all, she was as beautiful to me in a turtleneck and fuzzy pants as she was in a little black dress (trust me, I’d seen her in both).
But in that moment, all I felt was pain. Because my girlfriend had barely been able to convince herself to smile, much less look at me while she did so. Her greeting, normally lively and excitable, had been dull and begrudging. I’d followed her inside because I wasn’t sure what else to do. Likewise, I accepted her curling into the absolute corner of her couch as an indication that she hadn’t wanted me to touch her.
I’d never been very good at understanding social cues, but even I knew she was screaming ‘no.’ And of course, I wasn’t a monster, so I’d accepted it at arm’s length.
But even that seemed to hurt her. Every few seconds, she’d peer over at me with a longing in her eyes that made my heart skip a beat. It would only last a few seconds, and then it would disappear again when she’d looked down at the sea of fabric.
I didn’t know what I was supposed to do. I’d wanted to hold her the same as I suspected she’d wanted me to. But I didn’t know how to deal with the conflicting reality that was her shielding herself from me in whatever little way she could.
She covered herself in blankets and pillows until she’d started to sweat. Her apartment wasn’t even hot, but she looked downright miserable. Each breath seemed to cause her pain, and no matter how much I tried to check up on her, she insisted that nothing was wrong.
She promised me, over and over that everything was normal. Up until she couldn’t.
In the few minutes I’d actually been looking at the television screen instead of her, something happened. I hadn’t even seen what it was, but it didn’t matter. Because in that split second of disaster, I heard the sharp, distinct shriek of pain from the girl next to me.
It shot through me worse than any bullet or blade. Immediately, I closed the gap between the two of us on the couch. I saw her holding tightly enough onto her arm that her knuckles blanched, and tears swelled in her eyes.
“What’s wrong?”
As expected, she was quick to insist, “Nothing! I’m fine.”
At the risk of stating the obvious, I pushed past the awkwardness and admitted, “You… don’t sound fine. That sounded like it really hurt. What happened?”
“I’m fine, really!” She hadn’t even been able to say that without straining, and despite her obvious efforts, she couldn’t let go of her arm. She trembled, stuck in place and breathing heavier by the second.
My heart was beating hard, too. The longer her obvious agony drew on, the more frightened I became. Pallor had washed over her usually bright face, and despite my best efforts, I couldn’t stop myself from running through a list of memorized ailments to find one that matched the situation.
But there wasn’t enough information. She’d gone to extreme lengths to hide basically everything but her face and hands from me, and I couldn’t for the life of me figure out why. I’d known that women were self-conscious at times, but I’d seen her in suggestive clothing before and she’d been nothing but confident.
Try as I might to convince myself that she was just like me — nervous about the potential for sex — there was no denying the sweat on her brow and the pain in watery eyes.
“Are you sure?” I asked, but she wasn’t able to respond through the deep breathing.
She closed her eyes and shut me out.
I didn’t know what to do. But the second she finally pried her fingers away from her arm, I couldn’t stop myself from reaching out to touch her for the first time that night.
This wasn’t how I’d wanted it to happen. I didn’t know what else to do.
“Maybe I should—" I tried to warn her, tried to prepare her for what was going to happen.
If only I could have prepared myself better, instead.
“Don’t!” she had shouted, but it had been too late.
Her skin had only been exposed for a fleeting second. Her sleeve hadn’t lifted far, just over the curve of her wrist, but it had been enough. Enough for me to see angry, swollen skin. Enough to see hundreds of tiny fluid filled blisters leading to what had to be thousands.
In the middle of the mess, there was a distinct set of stripes where she had apparently unintentionally scratched herself without thinking about the horrors hidden under soft, fluffy fabric.
It had been enough to understand the pain. More than enough.
“You…” I started, but I couldn’t find any way to explain what I’d just seen.
She moved through the obvious agony to cover her hands with the same sleeves that hid the rest.
“Nothing’s wrong, let’s just watch the movie,” she said with a strained laugh and tears in her eyes.
I couldn’t understand how she could pretend like it hadn’t happened. I knew that social rules dictated that I probably should’ve let it go. But I couldn’t. Not when she curled in on herself and inadvertently revealed that she had been wearing socks past her mid-calf.
I should’ve let her be. I shouldn’t have pushed the boundaries. I knew that it was wrong, dangerous even, to question someone who was clearly on the verge of a breakdown (and potentially even in shock from the pain), but I had to do something.
She didn’t even try to stop me when I began to lift the hem of her pants. She just sat there, closing her eyes and granting the few droplets that had gathered to slide down her cheek in silence.
Knowing what I would find didn’t help when I saw it. The same raw, mottled, and scorched skin. I had only gotten to her lower thigh before I couldn’t take it any longer. I covered her again, if only for her sake. She’d already known what I’d seen. We didn’t have to see it again.
We sat there for a while, with nothing but a forgotten movie reminding us that time marched on despite the revelation on the couch. My shock and confusion began to morph into anger that became overwhelming.
“What happened to you?” I asked first.
She didn’t answer.
“Why didn’t you say anything?”
“It’s fine,” she lied.
A better man might’ve spared her the embarrassment, but I had no interest in being a better man if it had meant letting her suffer in silence. Especially not when I’d seen many times before what could happen if she pretended like everything was fine when it clearly wasn’t.
“This isn’t fine at all,” I snapped, “Judging by your outfit, more than 50% of your body is covered in burns! We have to get you to a hospital, we have to get you on antibiotics. Do you have any idea how easy it is for a burn to get infected?!”
But no matter how insistently I’d said it, all she had the energy to do was sigh.
“Come on, I’m taking you,” I said, hoping that my insistence would be enough.
It wasn’t.
“I’m not going to the hospital, Spencer,” she spat, “Cut it out.”
“I’m not just going to sit here and pretend like you aren’t hurt!” I scoffed. And in the most regrettable move of the night, I failed to give her enough time to respond before I nearly shouted, “How did this even happen?!”
Then, in a deafening cry that was her raising her voice at me for the first time, she yelled back an answer that hurt worse than the burns.
“It’s my own fault, okay?!”
My heart, still pounding against my rib cage, felt like it turned to rocks in my chest. I said nothing because all my stupidity lodged in my throat and prevented any words from coming out.
But she was the opposite. The words were pouring out of her now, and her hands came up to her mouth to try and stop them.
“I did it,” she said through shaking fingers, “It’s all my fault.”
The sight of her sobbing, the sound of her screaming, brought me to my knees. I fell in front of her and reached for the only part of her I knew I could touch. Still, I grabbed her face gently and tried to wipe away a never-ending fountain of tears.
“Hey, don’t cry,” I shushed her to no avail, “Please don’t cry. I’m sorry I yelled, I’m not mad at you.”
When she regained her senses, the first thing she did was knock my hands away from her and croak, “Just go away.”
Maybe a better man would’ve. But I couldn’t.
“I’m really sorry, but I can’t do that. You have to understand why I can’t do that.”
She cried harder; hard enough that her whole body trembled with each choked sob. At first, I just sat there, feeling the full weight of watching someone fall apart and not being able to do anything about it.
But after her hands lost their strength and fell away, I took their place again. I pressed the cold backs of my fingers against hot cheeks. I felt the unsteady blow of equally hot breath and I wondered who had ever taught her that she had to be strong like that. Especially for something, someone as silly as me.
“It’s okay,” I whispered, hoping it might bring her eyes back to me.
It hadn’t worked, though. She kept staring down at the space between as she slurred, “I just wanted tonight to be special.”
However perplexing the statement had been, I knew I had to settle one aspect of it before I dared touch the rest of it.
“Look at me.”
It was a humble request, not an order. It took her time, as I’d suspected it might. I was more than happy to wait forever, although each moment was searing agony. I knew it would all be worth it when her eyes met mine again.
As expected, the second she peered up at me, cautiously and with blubbering lips, I was filled with a bittersweet relief. Because as much as it hurt to see her like that, it also reaffirmed what I’d wanted to say.
“Every second that I’m with you is the most remarkable second of my life,” I promised that girl with a dripping, stuffy nose and red-lined sclera. “Do you understand?”
The conclusion had come so easily, the words had slipped from my tongue the same as they had when I’d seen her at her best. She couldn’t deny their veracity, but she hadn’t wanted to admit to them fully just yet.
So, she gave a sheepish nod and turned her attention back to the ends of her sleeves.
I followed her eyes down but immediately regretted it. My flawless memory immediately reminded me of the sores and pain just beyond the cotton.
I tried to ease back into the conversation calmly and patiently. I took her hand before I asked, “How did you burn yourself?”
It didn’t matter. She broke down again immediately.
“God, I’m so stupid!” she cried as she squeezed my hand hard enough that her nails dug into the skin.
“No, you’re not. You’re not stupid,” I said as sternly as I could. I feared the waver in my tone might make things a little less convincing, but she’d thankfully accepted what she got.
I prayed she would be as agreeable with the next request.
“Do you have the chemical still?”
She gave a brief, bashful nod.
“Can I see it?”
That time when she nodded, she did so with the intention of standing. I shimmied out of her way as fast as possible, but she had scurried off so quickly I hadn’t even seen her turn the corner.
I took my seat on the couch again and looked down at tear-stained hands. I could still feel the scorching heat from her skin; still see the pain in her eyes as she bit back tears. I held back my own. If only for her sake.
Thankfully, she returned quickly enough that it had been easy not to let her see the full extent of my heartbreak. Instead, I became focused on the neon pink, foul-smelling tube in my hands.
“I… don’t understand,” I muttered as I turned it over once, twice, three times. I could tell from the smell alone what it’d consisted of, but that wasn’t what I couldn’t figure out.
Sensing my mounting confusion, she stuttered back, “W-What do you mean?”
“Why would… hair removal cream have made this night more special?”
Just like that, I realized that I’d done it again. I witnessed all five supposed stages of grief wash over her face before she laughed, albeit awkward and stunted.
“I… Well, you know… we made that joke about how it’s the third date, and so I figured we might…” she explained while twiddling her thumbs and trying to meet my eyes, however baffled they were.
When I made no move to finish the sentence, or symbolize my understanding of what she’d meant to imply, she squeaked, “W-We might… have sex?”
And therein lied the root of our misunderstanding.
“No, I’m not confused about that,” I dismissed with a wave of my hand. In hindsight, it might’ve seemed a rejection, but really, I’d meant it to communicate that I had imagined sex was a foregone conclusion. To make my confusion clearer, I explained, “I figured that part out. But why does body hair matter?”
Wrong answer, apparently.
Crossing her arms despite the pain it clearly caused, she scoffed back, “You know why, Spencer.”
“I’m sorry I… I really don’t,” I insisted.
She wasn’t convinced, so, like a madman, I tried again.
“I’ve never even noticed your body hair before. I definitely wouldn’t have noticed its absence.”
She scoffed again but said nothing at first. She just looked at me with this odd, contradictory feeling. It was like she’d wanted to believe what I’d said but couldn’t let herself for some reason. Even when faced with the obvious bewilderment of her idiot boyfriend, she had to believe that I’d wanted something about her to change.
Right on cue, she shot back, “You’re just saying that. Everyone says that, but I’m not stupid, okay?”
“I don’t think you are,” I answered with a similar conviction. Not only because I knew she needed me to persuade her, but because her belief that I was lying hit me deeper than she might’ve intended. “But I also hope you know that I wouldn’t lie to you about something as stupid as keratin.”
Her mouth snapped shut before she had a chance to say whatever pre-prepared rant she’d wanted to say. Her jaw steeled shut as it to permanently swallow the words.
For once, I was grateful that she couldn’t talk. I had no interest in hearing whatever self-degrading drivel the others had taught her to say about herself. Because really, how dare anyone think that I was capable of looking at her and seeing anything less than perfection. How dare she imply that I would lie to her about something so silly, that something so trivial would get in the way of my feeling for her.
But I knew that wasn’t fair, either. It wasn’t her fault that years of conditioning had beat her.
For now, I reminded myself. Conditioning could be undone. It just required a little bit of effort and a whole lot of love.
I was more than happy to provide both.
Gathering all the patience and care that I could, I stood to meet her in the middle of the room. As soon as I could reach out to her, I did. My fingertips barely brushed the bottom of her chin, but it was enough to make her look at me again.
Then, in a moment of bravery that I would forever be grateful for, she took a step forward. She stepped into my touch and let out a deep, pained breath as part of her burden fell on my shoulders instead. Metaphorically, of course. The burns made it too hard to hold her the way I’d wanted to.
But for the time being, one hand in hers and the other holding up her weary head would be more than enough for me.
“I also hope you know that there is nothing you could change about your appearance that would ever make you any more or less beautiful to me. It’s about so much more than that,” I promised her. The second she’d opened her mouth to reply, I cut her off swiftly and without remorse. Because I wasn’t finished yet.
“When I look at you all I see is the person I want to spend the foreseeable future with,” I explained.
And for the first time that night, she smiled. It was impossibly small, but it was there, and it was beautiful. It gave me hope that she might believe me, and potentially even laugh at my own stupid little confession.
“… and in the spirit of honesty, I only didn’t say the rest of my life because I’m worried that I’d be coming on a bit too strong for the third date.”
Her laughter was as breathtaking as ever. It made my own lungs empty like I might be able to offer her the oxygen. It didn’t matter to me that it made no sense scientifically; all that mattered was that I’d wanted to hear her laugh forever.
Eventually, though, it ended. Just enough for her to mutter back, “I don’t think it’s too strong.”
“Well… forever, then,” I answered without hesitation. “I mean it.”
Apparently having grown tired of listening to my lovesick rambling, she was quick to cut me off. But unlike the rest of the night, which had been a cacophony of sobs and shouting, she cut me off with her lips on mine.
There was a sweet silence as we came to remember each other’s gentle touch. I held my breath but held her harder. My hands laced through her hair because it was the only safe place for me to touch her the way I’d wanted to. With an insistence, an adoration so pure that she couldn’t deny it no matter how hard she tried.
The first time she tried to pull back, I was quick to kiss her again. Just to hear her laugh.
Unfortunately, the sound was broken with a desolate whisper below tired breath.
“I’m sorry that the night is ruined,” she said.
“Nonsense. I would love the opportunity to take care of you.”
But she was smarter than I’d given her credit for because she swiftly defeated my next mission with one simple sentence.
“I’m not going to the hospital.”
“Fine,” I sighed.
Then, pulling back farther, I got another idea.
“… but I am going to get you out of these clothes one way or another.”
“Spencer, I look ridiculous. There is no way in hell I’m getting naked in front of you looking like this,” she answered firmly.
But unfortunately for her, and like I’d said before, I was willing to put in the time and effort. Because she was worth it.
“I can be very persuasive,” I said before I kissed her again.
I kissed her until I felt her relax. Over and over, I kissed her until she couldn’t help but break it with laughter sputtering out of her lips and her hands peeking from behind oversized sweater sleeves.
“Spencer! Cut it out!”
But she didn’t move away. In fact, she even went so far as to kiss me first just to ensure that I hadn’t prolonged the touch any more than necessary.
But that was part of the point I was trying to make. That if given the opportunity, I would have never let her go.
Our eyes locked again. There was no longer any painful tension. No secrets, no hidden suffering. It was just a softness, a forgiveness for the moments where we failed to see each other from the other’s eyes.
For now, I promised myself.
“Give me a chance to prove that I don’t care about the silly stuff,” I begged her with crackling voice and belated tears, “Please.”
I should’ve given her credit, though. She had always been cleverer than the rest.
“Fine… you win,” she sighed through the brightest smile yet.
It would be beat pretty quickly, though. Pretty much the same second that she heard me say, “Alright, pretty lady. Time for you to strip.”
Although it wasn’t the context either of us had expected it to be in, I didn’t mind. In fact, I quite liked the way it made her laugh.
Because she was beautiful. Always, and exactly as she was.
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hogwartsmarvelmommy · 2 years
Just get naked.
Harry Holland
This is a smutty cabin fic.
Word count: 3k 18+ only please
Warnings: bossy Harry, smut (obvi) cursing, interruption (slight public sex but not exactly) cockwarming maybe? Unprotected sex (because let's be honest...)
A/N: I might delete this tbh... Also this is barely edited (so, sorry for spelling or grammar mistakes)
As soon as you stepped foot inside the cabin your eyes grew wide. You recalled the moments you had discussed this trip. Multiple. Over months. Tom would always begin with the big cabin. 'yeah' you thought to yourself 'Maybe big like your upper lip, Thomas'
"Tom," you groaned, dropping your duffle bag next to your feet. 
"I know. I know! But hear me out, we'll all be so much closer after this trip," he put his hands up in defeat as he watched the four of you stare him down. 
"Tom, we still have two others joining us," Sam pointed out. 
"There's enough space, we just have to bunk up," Tom said with a smile. Great, bunking up with one of these divs. "There's one room with a bunk bed and a twin, and then two rooms with full size beds. Obviously Tuwaine and Molly are getting one of those rooms, so Y/N? Who do you want in one with you?" All four sets of eyes turned to you, waiting to know which boy would be sharing a bed with you. 
"Why do I have to choose?" You demanded.
"Well, I wouldn't want you to be uncomfortable," Tom explained. You looked from each boy, knowing you'd have to share a room with one of them. 
"Actually, Tom, Harrison, and I will stay in the bunk room. You and Harry can share the room," Sam said, making Tom and Harrisons eyes shift to him. He gave them a 'just go with it' look. 
"Whatever," you told them, shrugging, and grabbing your bag before heading back to find your room. 
"What the hell?" Harry demanded.
"Come on, you can finally make a move," Sam told him encouragingly. 
"While sharing a bed?! Jesus Christ," Harry groaned.
"If you don't I will," Harrison said. Harry's gaze shot to haz instantly.
"You will not," he warned with an outstretched finger pointing at the boy. 
The three of them laughed. Harry grabbed his bag, venturing in to find where you had gone. Little did you know, Harry had been madly in love with you for a WHILE, but had never said a thing, always afraid he wasn't good enough for a girl like you. 
He walked past a door, and then backtracked seeing you crouched behind the bed. 
"Y/n? What are you doing?" He asked, making you nearly jump. 
"Jesus Christ Harry," you laughed, standing up from where you had been crouched. "I was checking to make sure I had appropriate pajamas," you told him. 
"Appropriate?" He wondered.
"Yeah, I usually don't wear.." you trailed off feeling strange telling him this. 
"You sleep naked?" He finished. 
"Yeah," you giggled, a blush spreading on your cheeks. 
"Oh, well I have a few extra t-shirts you can use if you'd like," he said.
"Really?" You asked.
"Of course y/n," he smiled at you. 
It was the first time of the trip that you had felt the way you did. A warm fuzzy feeling spreading across your body. 
"Tuwaines here," haz called out. 
Harry looked down the hall, before turning back to you and nodding his head for you to follow, which you did. 
Tuwaine and Molly were in the middle of explaining how they had seen some deer on the way up. 
"They were incredible!" Molly expressed as her eyes caught yours. "Y/n!" She squealed running to you. She wrapped you into a tight hug. "I need to talk to you," she whispered in your ear. 
You nodded following her out of the cabin and to her car. 
"You're sharing a bed with Harry?!" She squealed. 
You darted your eyes back to the cabin to make sure no one was listening before turning back to her. "Molly, shh. Yeah I am," 
"Oh my god! Are you going to finally make a move?" She demanded. 
"What jump his bones while everyone can hear?" You lightly joked. 
"I mean-" 
"Molly, no. He doesn't even like me like that," you sighed looking down. 
"I don't know, girl. Have you seen the way he watches you?" She asked. You looked up to her, not sure what she meant. 
"He watches me?" You wondered. She gestured her head towards the cabin window, you turned to see Harry's gaze on you, shifting away as soon as you glanced towards him. 
"Always," she whispered. 
You tried to be more aware of Harry's gaze. Trying to see if he did in fact watch you. Sam had cooked a meal and as you were all about to sit down to eat you noticed Harry sit down next to an empty chair, so you walked over and sat next to him, offering him a small smile, before turning your attention to the rest of the group. 
"Y/n," Sam said.
"Huh?" You asked looking over to where Sam was sitting.
"I asked how the dating thing was going?" He laughed.
"Oh," you blushed looking away and down to your hands. 
"She has her eye on someone but she won't fess up," molly said for you.
"Molly," you hissed.
"What? It's true," she chuckled. 
You didn't dare look at Harry, but you could see Molly looking at him with a smirk. 
After a large meal, to many beers, and a good time with your friends, you were pooped.
"Gonna hit the hay," you mumbled, getting up from where you had been sitting on the floor Infront of the fireplace. 
"S'cold in here at night, harry you should join her so she doesn't freeze to death," tom said. 
"Tom," haz said quietly. Tom threw his head back as he began to laugh. 
"Sorry, sorry, my lips are sealed I swear," he promised. He was completely drunk and would feel it in the morning. To your surprise, Harry stood up and walked over to you. 
"You don't have to," you whispered.
"I'm tired too," he told you with a smile. You nodded before turning to go to the room. Behind you you heard whispers and then Tom's voice. 
"Keep it quiet you too," 
"Thomas," Molly yelled. 
"What? They're the ones in denial, not me," he laughed. 
You glanced at Harry who had a blush across his cheeks but you were sure it was from the warmth of the fire. 
"What side?" You asked as you stood at the end of the bed.
"Whichever one you don't want," he said. You shook your head walking to the right side of the bed and sitting down. "Want a shirt still?" He asked quietly.
"Please?" You asked. He dug around in his bag grabbing a shirt and handed it to you. 
You quickly pulled your shirt off, followed by your bra, before slipping Harry's over your head. "Smells like you," you giggled as you inhaled the sweet scent. 
"It does? Shit, sorry y/n, I may not have washed that one bef-" 
"Harry, it smells good, stop worrying," you played your hand on his bicep as he nodded, and shot you a smile. You peeled off your sweats, keeping on the pair of spandex shorts you had on to sleep in, although it would probably be uncomfortable. 
Harry changed quickly into his pajamas before laying down beside you. 
You laid quietly beside each other for what felt like an eternity, a few inches of space separating the two of you. 
You were so uncomfortable you couldn't even begin to drift into Dreamland. After you shuffled under the blanket for the umpteenth time Harry sighed, sitting up and flicking on the lamp. 
"Jesus Christ y/n, just get naked," he said. 
Your eyes grew wide as you looked at him "I-i.. what?" You gasped. 
"You said you sleep naked, you're obviously uncomfortable. I'll turn over or tie something around my face, but please, just get comfortable and stop pulling the blanket," he huffed before plopping back down onto the mattress. 
You stared at him, mouth agape. You weren't going to get naked with him in bed with you, because you knew if you did, you wouldn't be able to just sleep, but you weren't going to tell him that. 
So instead you slid back down, reaching up and clicking off the light to attempt to sleep. 
Another half hour past of a sleepless torture, but you attempted to stay still. At some point you slid off your shorts leaving yourself in just your panties and Harry's shirt, and while it was more comfortable, it still wasn't enough. 
You rolled onto your side, facing towards Harry when you saw his eyes shoot open and he sat straight up, reaching above him to click back on the lamp. 
"Ok," he grunted, hoisting himself off the bed, he reached one hand behind him tearing his shirt from his body, and then ripped his sweats down his legs, revealing his skin tight boxers that were not leaving much to the imagination. 
You stared at him in shock, unaware of why he had just violently undressed himself. 
He silently rounded the bed to where you were laying and he looked at you expectantly. You sat up, almost like his gaze alone had willed you to and before you knew it Harrys hands were fisting the hem of your(his) shirt and pulling it off your body. 
If it had been anyone else you would have been mortified. Sitting Infront of Harry, your chest bare as he stared down at you. 
"Ok, now, we're going to try this again," Harry said slowly and lowly. He turned and walked back around the bed, laying back down and clicking off the light, leaving you completely dumbfounded, almost naked and strangely turned on. 
What the hell had just happened? You could hear the distant sound of music and voices leaving you to believe everyone was still drinking by the fire. 
If anything.. this was your chance, and if it went terribly you could blame the alcohol that was still heavily in your system. 
With a shaky breath you reached over, running your finger down Harry's arm. There was no way he was asleep yet, and by the goosebumps that rose on his skin from your featherlight touch you knew you weren't the only one feeling sometype of way.
His eyes fluttered open, his gaze immediately finding yours. There was a mixture of lust and need that you could see deep in Harry's warm brown eyes. "Harry," you whispered. The word was full of unspoken questions, unspoken needs. With just his name from your lips he jutted up, hand palming the back of your head as his fingers were interwoven in your hair before hauling your lips to his in a bruisingly deep kiss. Filled with need, want, and desire. Your lips clashed and tongues fought for dominance, as his hands trailed over your nearly naked body, like he was greedy and needed to claim every inch of you with his touch. To feel you, mark you. You gasped as he pulled away, his head falling to your exposed breasts before taking your nipple between his lips and clamping down slightly. 
"Oh fuck," you rasped, your hand going to his curly hair. 
Your head fell back as Harry sucked and nipped at you, probably leaving his mark that would be there for days to follow,but you couldn't find it in yourself to care. 
This was what you wanted, what you had always wanted. Harrys hands found their way to your hips and before you could even think his fingers were in the waistband of your panties, and slowly dragging them down your legs, leaving you completely bare for him. 
He pushed your thighs apart, 
Dipping his head down and licking you. You let out a moan as his tongue nudged your clit, you were already so close, so close to release, and he had barely touched you. 
"Harry," you groaned as he latched onto your clit. "Oh shit, Harry- I'm not, oh," you couldn't form any coherent sentences as your orgasm washed over you. He lapped up everything you gave, like it was his last meal. 
"That was so fucking hot," he groaned as he lifted himself from where he had been settled between your thighs. 
You grabbed him, crashing your lips to his, in a desperate needy kiss. You could taste yourself on him which only made it hotter. 
You kissed him with a ferocity you had never kissed anyone with before. 
You reached down, hooking your fingers in his waistband, and he lifted his hips helping you pull down his boxers, freeing his hard cock from its confinement. 
You swung your leg over him, lining him up at your entrance as you continued to make out with him, slowly sinking down onto him. 
"Oh god," he groaned into your lips as you settled on him. You were just about to start moving, not even caring that you hadn't given yourself much time to adjust to the sweet stretch he was giving. The bedroom door swung open, and light flooded the room. Both yours and Harry's eyes shot towards the door, wide as you watched a very drunk Tom stumble in with a beer in his hand and his eyes practically closed. You pulled the blanket so the part of you that was conjoined was covered and Harry wrapped his arms around your waist, holding your naked chest against him. 
"I know, I know," Tom stumbled out. "I think you need to give my brother a chance y/n, because he's a good- no great- he's a great guy. I mean he's handsome, he's sweet, he's got anxiety so he constantly needs reassurance, which maybe that's a good thing- I'm not sure," he slurred his eyes finally opening and looking right at the two of you. You were both frozen, absolutely mortified. Tom's eyes trailed over your exposed back, taking in the compromising position the two of you were in. He threw his head back as a laugh erupted from his chest. "He didn't need any help!" Tom called out towards the hallway. 
"Tom," Harrison groaned from somewhere in the cabin before he appeared in the doorway, eyes going wide. "Uhh- Tom get out!" Harrison hissed, grabbing the very drunk Tom by his arm. 
"But he did it," Tom slurred, "I'm so proud of you Harry, finally going after the girl you're in love with!" Tom exclaimed as Harrison hauled him from the room slamming the door behind them. 
You turned your attention back to Harry who was probably as red as a tomato at this point. "in love with?" You questioned. 
His eyes locked on yours as his mouth opened to say something, but you didn't give him the chance. You smashed your lips to his, kissing him with a whole new purpose now. You rolled your hips nudging your clit on his pubic bone as you did, making a small moan leave your lips. You clenched around him, and he let out a low groan. 
"Don't do that," he growled, breaking away from your kiss. 
You smirked at him as you did it again. Making his nostrils flare as he stared at you. "Brat," he muttered as he grabbed your ass hard, before flipping you over onto your back. You let out a loud giggle at that, as his lips trailed your neck before he slid back inside of you, rolling his hips into yours. You clutched onto his shoulders as he worked you over with his cock, pushing it so deep inside you, you thought you might split into two, but it felt so good you didn't care. 
"Oh Harry," you gasped, as he picked up his pace, fucking you into oblivion. 
He let out a multitude of curses and groans as he buried himself to the hilt inside of you. 
His hand trailed down between your bodies as his fingers found your clit, circling around the little bundle, as you felt the band in your stomach getting ready to snap again. 
"Harry," you warned "I'm so close," 
"Mmm come for me baby," he groaned, pressing his lips against the skin just below your ear and sucking gently. That was all it took for your body to react to his, you felt your walls clamp down around him, as he stilled his hips, a loud grunt leaving his lips, before collapsing down on top of you.
"Holy fuck," you gasped, as you were hit with aftershocks from your orgasm, making you clench around harrys softening cock. 
"Hey-" he chuckled. "Do that again and I'm going to be ready for round two," he warned, jokingly.  
"Is that a threat?" You teased him. 
He brought his lips to yours grinding his hips against yours, his hardening cock, hitting the right spot to make you moan out into the kiss. "Not a threat," he mumbled against your lips. "A promise," 
You let his kiss devour you, taking up every space in your mind as his hips gently collided with yours. It was slow and sweet, nothing like what the two of you had just done minutes prior that was needy and hot as hell. 
Your fingers found their way to his curls tangling in them as his tongue explored the expanse of your mouth. 
The slow rolling of his hips against yours had you overly needy, and he could sense that, he broke your lips apart, trailing kisses down your jaw and throat before clutching one of your thighs and pushing himself deeper into you. 
"Harry," you moaned out, lifting your hand to your mouth to conceal the noise, the new depth of his cock driving you wild. 
"Don't cover your mouth," Harry complained, "let them know what I'm doing to you in here, how well I'm fucking your pussy," he whispered taking your ear lobe between his teeth and applying light pressure. 
"Oh my god," you groaned out at a mixture of his words and the pace he was setting as he pounded into you. 
"That's it baby," he coaxed his fingers finding your clit again, but this time he pinched it between his index and thumb making the world go black, all you could see was stars in your vision as your body succumbed to your third orgasm. 
You're not sure exactly what happened next, but when your eyes finally opened Harry was laying next to you chest heaving with a shit eating grin on his face. 
"What?" You asked, trying to catch your breath. 
"Don't think I've ever had a girl actually scream my name before," he chuckled, turning towards you. "That was the hottest fucking thing I've ever heard," he told you. 
"I screamed your name?" You asked. 
He nodded, pinning his lower lip between his teeth. "Loudly," he informed you. 
You couldn't help but giggle. You would hear all about it in the morning, but for now, as you laid naked next to Harry, your body completely spent, you let sleep take you. 
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httpdabi · 3 years
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The perfect neighborhood
Genre: Smut, romance
Summary: Your parents and Todoroki’s never got along and everyone knew that. It was a hate on the first sight. So, what else to expect from their children than to hate on each other too, right ?
Word count: 7.6k
Warnings: 18+ (Minors please back off), unprotected sex, public sex, creampie, vaginal fingering, a little bit of praising, dom!Dabi, multiple orgasms.
Warm summer night with a little bit of a warm wind touching your skin. Dark and almost clear sky, fully painted with starts, millions, billions of it, only few of a bit lighter coloured clouds covering some of them. Glass of a nice and expensive wine in you hand as you are concentrated on the small meteor shower they talked about in the news. You saw already three shootings stars, how many will you see till you go to sleep ? How could you possibly miss that ? It’s quiet, the only thing you can hear are the sounds of field crickets.
Yeah, imagine.
Now, let’s go to back to the reality.
It is summer, yeah, but the night ain’t warm, it’s fucking freezing. The wine in your hand is probably the cheapest one from the store. The meteor shower everyone talked about ain’t shit. You expected to see at least one shooting star, but the only thing you saw was a damn airplane, maybe two.. and lastly, instead of calming crickets, all you could hear was loud music and the bass hitting, coming form no one else than Todoroki’s oldest son.
So much about the night you were looking forward to. Maybe you would enjoy it, at least a little bit, but if you were being honest, the music was way too loud. It’s not like Touya did that often, but when he did, he made it sure that the whole neighbourhood has to share the small experience with him.
What you didn’t understand was, why didn’t Enji ever tell him to lower the volume down a bit ? Didn’t it bother him ? Or Rei? She didn’t look like someone who would enjoy the loud music.
Well, that wasn’t really surprising to you. If you think about it, they aren’t much better than he is. As they say. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.
The Todoroki family moved in to the house next to yours, shortly after you and your parents did. You will always remember the day when your mother knocked on their door, giving them the cookies she made as a little welcoming gesture, only for Rei to give them back, saying how her husband doesn’t like sweets. You will always remember the look on your mothers face, not understanding if she’s for real.
Well, you could understand your mom, it wouldn’t hurt her if she just accepted them. If you think about it, you would probably accept it, and later on throw it away or whatever, just not to hurt the person who gave them. After all, she has kids, not like they couldn’t eat them. But yeah, it already happened, and the two families never talked after that.
In fact, if they did end up exchanging few words, it wasn’t anything good.
It wasn’t really all about the cookies tho, that was just the beginning. One time your father accidentally knocked their trashcan down, but it was really just an accident, which of course, didn’t look so to Enji, who was screaming and cursing around. The same day, your mother saw Rei throwing some old food over the small fence that was keeping your houses apart.
With that gesture, they declared a war.
Touya in the other hand wasn’t really like them, he actually did try to start a conversation with you few times at the beginning, but the two of you couldn’t even exchange two words and one of your parents would already peek thru the door and call one of you, putting the both of you in your places.
After few tries, both of you gave up, giving each other a small nod as a greeting and nothing more.
You almost smiled to yourself as you heard one of your favourite songs coming from your neighbours home. Sometimes you wished you could actually meet him and have a nice conversation with him. He didn’t really seem like someone who was starving for a good fight.
,, Sweetie, can you please go buy some chicken breasts ?’’ Your mother asked, as you were trying to ignore her, focused on the television screen, sadly the focus long gone as she was repeating her question until you stood up. That woman really knew how to piss you of.
,, Do this, do that.. I can’t sit down.. This ass, i don’t know why i have it’’ you complained loudly, pitying yourself for a moment, before you made your way out to the nearest shop. Well, you tried to look positively e at it, maybe it’s better if you watch the movie sometime later, since your mother was way too loud as always.
Ever since her friend told her about some weird ass local stereo site, she’s been walking around with her bluetooth speaker, annoying the shit out of you with some terrible folks music. Damn the person who got her the speaker.
The moment you got into the store, you thought how it’s not that bad that you got there, in fact, you needed some snacks for yourself, since your brother never heard of the word ‘’sharing’’, eating all the snacks that exist in your house.
Firstly, you made your way toward the meat section, taking your mother off the list and making sure you wont forget chicken breast, well better said, making sure you won’t end up dead at the end of the night. If you forget what she sent you for, she would most likely end up using you as the main ingredient.
Once you found it, you made your way toward the section with snacks and sweets, carrying yourself with it and putting more and more in your basket. Well truth to be told, buying all those snacks was almost useless, since you knew that Keigo will end up eating more than half of it. The only way to hide those sweets from him was putting them in your pillowcase, even tho that dog would be probably able to sniff his way to them.
Noticing that there was only two packs of Cheetos, you hurried toward them as you noticed that someone made their way to probably grab them. Sadly the moment you were about to grab at least one pack, both of them were gone, making your blood boil and once the person that took them turned around, your blood boiled even more.
Touya fucking Todoroki, that hungry piece of shit.
Nodding his head slowly, as you were about to curse him out, he just moved out of your way, walking to the way where the cashier is.
,, Do you really need both of the packs ?’’ You hissed, loud enough for him to hear you, making him stop his movements and turn around to face you once again.
,, Yes.’’ He simply answered, raising his brow.
,, Well, that’s really greedy of you’’ adding, you tried to keep your voice down and calm as possible. That was your favourite snack, and that hungry piece of shit had to get both of the last packs.
,, Yeah, says the one who bought half of the store’’ He said eying your basket. Well, he’s not wrong, but in your Defense the main reason for buying so much was your always hungry brother.
Instead of continuing the discussion, you simply tried to be the bigger and better person, and ignore him. Passing by him and making sure you are the fist one to get to the cashier.
,, Hey, wait’’ you heard your neighbours voice, as you got outside the shop. Pushing your wallet inside your backpack, you turned around to see what the fuck he wants.
,, Here, you can have one’’ Touya said, giving you one of the package. You were both shocked and confused by his sudden change of behaviour, not sure if you should take the small package or not. What if he’s trying to prank you ? What if he’ll take the pack back the moment you try to reach it and make it awkward for you?
Your overthinking came to an end as he pushed the Cheetos bag into your backpack, totally ignoring the conversation you had with your inner self.
,, Thanks I guess?’’ You mumbled, still pretty unsure of the whole situation.
,, Yeah, i thought, if our parents fight, it doesn’t mean we have to. Especially not because of a bag of chips.’’ He smiled, as both of you walked lazily toward your homes.
,, That’s true. But honestly, i was already thinking about ways to sabotage you on your way home, to get that bag’’ you joked, realising that both of you are walking way too slow.
You took your time to take a better look of him, since you weren’t really sure if that will be the last chance to do it. He always looked handsome to you, and now that you could see all of him up close, you knew instantly that he is someone you would definitely thirst over.
The usually seven minutes long walk turned into twenty minutes long one, and with every step you were getting closer to your home, you wished you could spend some time more to talk to him and get lost in his beautiful blue eyes.
,, You know Tomura, don’t you?’’ He asked, as you two stopped one block away from your homes.
,, Yes, why ?’’ You asked him back confused, not sure why he’s mentioning him all of sudden.
,, Well, he kinda has crush on your friend Nejire. So, tomorrow maybe, you two could grab a lunch with us at the break ?’’ He suggested almost excitedly.
,, Sure, but I am honestly not sure if he’s her cup of tea.’’ You said, playing with your fingers, not wanting for his friend to get his hopes up, only to end up heartbroken at the end. But hey, it was a win win situation, for him and for you. His friend could talk to Nejire, and you could talk with your neighbour.
At the end, you and Touya exchanged your numbers before you walked away from him, as he waited till you get home, trying not to make it obvious that the two of you had a nice conversation just few minutes ago.
,, What took you so long ?’’ Your mother asked, as she heard you opening the door. Trying to hide the happiness on your face to avoid the questioning, you explained how you took your time finding the right snacks for yourself.
At the end of the day, you turned on the tv in your bedroom, and decided that it’s time for you to finish the movie you started before your mother interrupted you. The focus you had before was long gone and all that was on your mind was your neighbour.
The two of you didn’t talk much or enough for your taste, but it was something you really wanted to do for a long time, so you were really on cloud nine. That same night you had trouble falling asleep, as you repeated the small conversation you had with him all over again in your head and the fact that you will spend more time with him the next day was making you even happier.
And the first time in in a while, you found yourself excited for the upcoming day on your boring university.
,, I swear to god, if that bitch looks our direction one more time, imma throw hands’’ Nejire complained, as some girls from the class, were clearly gossiping about the two of you, not making it a secret at all.
,, Ah fuck them, they ain’t worth our attention girl’’ You pointed out, making Nejire gasp surprisingly. Usually you were the one always ready for one good discussion, arguing with everyone who looked at you wrongly. But you couldn’t waste your time thinking about them, all you could think of was Touya and the upcoming break.
,, And why are we suddenly spending our time with Shigaraki and Todoroki ? Also, aren’t you in bad terms with him ?’’ Nejire started questioning you, as you opened the message you got from Touya, which was nothing more than his current location.
,, Well, long story short, we had a small chat, and he simply invited us. Don’t know why’’ you said, not being able to find a good enough reason to tell her.
Once the class was done, the two of you packed your things and made your way toward the location he sent you. It was the small cafe two minutes away from your uni. Usually, you and Nejire would spend your time at the lunch room, or library, but you had one and half hour till the next one, so the cafe wasn’t really a bed idea.
After you introduced yourself to Tormua, you sat beside Touya, making Nejire sit beside his friend.
,, What’s up?’’ Shigaraki asked casually, after the two of you ordered your drinks.
,, I wanna go home, that’s up. Not in the mood for the next class’’ Nejire said rolling her eyes playfully.
At the beginning all of you talked, but after short time as you realised that Nejire and Shigaraki are getting their own topic slowly, you decided that it was the best time to find a topic with Touya too.
,, So, how’s Fuyumi? What is she doing ? ‘’ You asked casually, like you were friends since forever with her. Probably a bit stupid of you, since you never exchanged a single word with her.
,, Ah, she found a job not long time ago, in some bakery’’ He answered, probably playing along not wanting to make things awkward.
,, That’s nice’’ nodding your head, you took a sip of your coffee.
,, Yeah, but she quit the next day, with excuse how too many guys are flirting with her and her boyfriend doesn’t like that’’ he added.
,, Well, I didn’t expect that’’ you said honestly, laughing a bit. She didn’t look like someone who’s not taking working seriously in your opinion, but again, you don’t know that girl at all.
,, Apparently the bread is not the only thing that’s hot, when she’s there’’ he laughed, making fun of his sister. Once you heard him say that you almost choked on your drink, as you started laughing loudly.
If you think about it, for some reason you really wanted to meet Touya better. Maybe it’s because your parents were so against it, or maybe because he was always so mysterious ? Before he approached you in the store, never once did he really try to make a conversation with you. Now that you were face to face with him, it really felt weird, if you could say so.
But still, you were more than grateful that you had a chance like that. You were always attracted to him, and you never tried to lie to yourself that you aren’t. Sure, you didn’t talk about him, maybe complain about loud music to your friend or brother, but there was no need for you to mention how handsome you think he is or anything.
,, Imagine how our parents would react if they saw us here ‘’ Touya said, as he placed a cigarette between his lips, smirking lightly at you.
,, Yeah, i don’t even wanna think about that’’ You smiled, as you played with the spoon that was in your cup. It’s not like your parents could do much about it, both of you are adults, but you were pretty sure that they would pretty much try to manipulate you into hating him. You could honestly already imagine them saying how you’re living under their roof, and how you have to listed to what they say.
One and half hour never passed faster in your entire life. The two of you talked like you knew each other your whole life, and not like there was a barrier between you. You already knew what kind of music he likes, but you found out what his favourite games are, what does he do in his free time. Surprisingly you found out that he doesn’t really have such a good relationship with his parents, which you didn’t expect at all. The Todoroki’s family always looked like those from television.
Also at your surprise, Nejire was really chatty with Shigaraki. Usually she’s pretty quiet when she’s around people she doesn’t know, but the conversation they had was never ending, and at the end they even exchanged their numbers.
Second day, and Touya Todoroki was all you could really think about.
Sitting with your family and watching some Disney movie was something you really loved, but that day all you could think of was the small amount of time you spent with Touya in the cafe.
,, Can you bring me the cheese balls please ?’’ Keigo screamed when he noticed that you are going to kitchen. There it goes, the snacks you bought just yesterday were already half way gone.
,, I think i lost sense of smell ‘’ Keigo added when you gave him the pack. The cheese balls usually had the really strong smell, but either way the ones you bought were a bit weaker or he simply caught a cold.
,,well, we didn’t. We can still smell you and the fact that you didn’t take a shower for ages’’ you joked, as you scrolled thru your instagram, not showing much attention to the movie your mother chose.
,, Shut up, i shower daily’’ Keigo pointed, defending himself.
As usual, your parents were the first one to go sleep, saying how work got them tired and leaving you and Keigo on your own.
,, Hey sis, do you know any cute activity for couple? Or places to go ?’’ Keigo asked, focused more on his phone now that your parents went to sleep. You knew that your brother was seeing some girl, but you could never be sure if he’s serious about it or not.
,, Oh yes, yes of course, go to hell’’ you answered with a big smile on your face. ,, ehh, i don’t know, maybe the botanical garden ?’’ You added once you realised that he’s totally serious.
The next few days you didn’t have much contact with Touya. He did greet you at uni, he even sat with you on small smoking breaks. But that was nothing much, and you were thinking about sending him a message few times, but at the end you didn’t want to force yourself on him. If he wanted to reach out, he could, he has your number, so ..
On Thursday you didn’t have any contact with him, and that day you really thought that you should keep your shit together, and not overreact. If you talked it doesn’t mean that he had to befriend you, after all he told you that it was about his friend and Nejire. But all those thoughts flied away on late Friday night when you got a text from him.
From [Dabi]: ,, You awake ? ‘’
It was such a simple message, yet your heart skipped a beat immediately.
To Dabi: ,,Yes, what’s up?’’
You replied not closing the Chatroom. At your surprise he obviously didn’t close it either since the message you sent immediately had the blue sing telling you that he read it, and not even a second after you sent it, the ‘’typing…’’ sign was under his name.
From [Dabi]: ,, Wanna take a walk ?’’
That night, when you got out of the house to meet the guy your parents always told you to stay away from, you realised how down are you for him. Just one message and you found yourself ready to piss your whole family off, as you went against their wishes.
Since the night was kinda warm, you decided to go out in your pyjamas, wearing only an oversized hoodie in case it’s a bit windy outside. Once you got out, Touya was already waiting for you on the street, looking only a bit better than you when it comes to his outfit. At your surprise he greeted you with a hug, locking you between his arms for few seconds.
That same night the two of you were on sitting in the nearest playground until the sun slowly started showing up, giving you a sign that it’s time to part your ways.
,, Are you planning to move out after uni ?’’ He asked. There was so much space on the wooden bench you were sitting on, yet he was sitting so close to you, not even an inch was between your body’s. Since it was getting later, the weather was getting a bit colder, and the feeling of his body being so close to you was helping you warm up a bit.
,, Probably, I wanted to move out this summer, but honestly, I don’t think I would be able to pay the rent even if i find a mini job. You know how high the prices are these days’’ You said, hugging your legs closer to your body as you tried to warm yourself a bit more. Having him so close to you, you almost found yourself lost in the nice smell of his cologne. It wasn’t so strong like some guys like to wear it, but it was so nice.
,, We should move in together. I think we would get along pretty well’’ Touya said, placing his arm around you casually. You weren’t sure what surprised you more, his statement or the arm around your shoulders.
,, That’s easier said as it’s done’’ you simply said, not taking it too serious in the first place.
,, Why ? We can pay the rent half-half and it would be fun. Imagine all the drama with our parents if they find out’’ he said laughing a bit. His talk and everything was so casual, you weren’t really sure if he is joking around or not.
As the two of you were talking, he was pulling you closer and closer into his embrace, and at the end the two of you were sitting on the bench like a couple. He took the excuse of the cold weather to hug you so close to himself and who were you to refuse him ? After all what could you wish for more ? The two of you looked like a couple in love that jumped out of some teenage movie, and you were sure you would spend the upcoming days thinking about it.
You did think about the fact that he might be playing around with you, but you decided just to enjoy in the moment and worry about it later. But if you only knew how much he actually liked being out with you in the middle of the night, and having you in his arms on a fresh summer night, the suspicious thought would probably go always faster than it got in your head.
What you didn’t know is, that Tomura didn’t really have some huge crush on Nejire. It was only Touya’s made up story to spend some time with you.
When he was younger he wanted to talk to you just to piss of his parents, but after short time, thinking about it, he didn’t want tot cause you any trouble. He understood that your parents were like his, if not even worse. As he was growing up, the urge to talk to you was also getting bigger and bigger. Not only because of his parents, it was more because you were getting more beautiful every day. He was 95% sure that you never noticed him lurking around on the uni. Not that he was stalking you or anything, he could form it in better words, he was admiring you. Yes, he was admiring your beauty.
He would visit your instagram from time to time, just checking up if you’ve posted some new selfies, or stories. There were some time’s when he wanted to send you a message, but he was always thinking about how would you take it?!
Once the two of you made your way home, instead of being sleepy, you were all wide awake, focused of the quiet walk and him. The whole way home, you were walking shoulder by shoulder, as he held your hand, hidden inside the pocket of his hoodie.
You didn’t have much inside of your head when you told him that you’re going inside, but he did. He couldn’t just let you go, he couldn’t let a chance like that slip thru his hands. Before you could move away, he placed both of his palms on your cheeks, as he connected his lips with your own. At that moment, he didn’t give a shit if Enji or your father could walk out and see the two of you kissing. Heck, if they did, he wouldn’t break the kiss even if his life depended on it.
Even tho you fall asleep only in the morning, you’ve never slept better. Falling asleep as you repeated everything that happened, and waking up thinking about the same thing.
,, Someone decided to finally wake up’’ your mother pointed out, once she noticed you getting inside the living room wrapped up with your favourite blanket.
,,Morning’’ you greeted your mother, as you put the water to boil, preparing the cup for your coffee.
,, Well, it’s 12:34 pm, not really morning anymore’’ she laughed. Unusually, your mother seemed to be in a really good mood for some reason. Not sure if she realised, but you were too.
That day you were motivated to do everything she asked you, hoping you’ll get a glance of Touya. You even agreed to water the flowers on the balcony. And good thing you agreed to do it, since you got a message from Touya saying how someone is hard working, and asking if you slept well. At the end of the message was a small red heart, which almost made you melt in the moment you saw it.
You weren’t sure where all of that lead to, you weren’t sure if he saw the night the same way you did or not. You were pretty much unsure about everything, but still, you didn’t want to think about it much, deciding it’s the best thing to simply wait and see what will happen.
And good thing you didn’t worry your little head about it, because before you could even tell Nejire about it, Touya had better plans, greeting you with a kiss in front of everyone in the uni. You wished you could see Nejire’s face at that moment, full of questions and shock, trying to understand what is going on. Trying to remember if you ever mentioned to her that you liked him even a bit.
,, What was that about ?’’ Nejire whispered once Touya was greeting Shiggy.
,, I’ll tell you later’’ you whispered back, trying to hide the smile that was way too visible on your face.
After the night at the playground, you were falling for Touya more and more, and even if you tried, you couldn’t hide that. Your behaviour changed drastically, wich made even your brother realise that something is going on.
Every night the two of you would meet, sometimes spending so much time on the small playground, and sometimes going out just for a bit, to see each other if the both of you had to wake up early in the morning. Even going to uni wasn’t so bad anymore, he would come to you on the breaks, bring you a cup of coffee to go, or wait for you after the uni. He didn’t tell you that, but he wanted to show everyone who you belong to, and he did it slowly yet effectively. But hey, there was no need to tell you that, you aren’t stupid, you could notice that and in fact you liked it, a lot.
One day after you were done buying some groceries, Touya saw you in your garden, spraying you with the water as he was washing his car. The smile that was on your face, got lost immediately as both of you saw your mother getting out of your house.
,, What’s up you waste of oxygen?’’ You said sarcastically, hoping your mother would buy it, deciding to ignore you, Touya just continued to wash the car, as your mother took the paper bags from you, giving him an evil side eye. That moment you understood how hard it will be to keep your relationship with Touya a secret, and what will happen when your parents find out. Not even a minute later, you’ve got a message from Touya, telling you how he got the goosebumps from the look on your mother’s face and instead of talking about it, or try to find a solution for it, the two of you laughed it out and decided at what time you should meet that night.
Around 12AM when you thought everyone in the house is sleeping, before you even got out, you were caught in the act, by no one else than your brother.
,, And where are you going ?’’ Keigo asked, biting the apple he just got from the kitchen.
,, Just on a walk, to clear my thoughts’’ You laughed it out, hoping he won’t question you much more.
,, Oh, a walk with Touya ?’’ Your brother wiggled his brows, as he laughed once he saw the shocked look on your face. ,, Don’t worry, i won’t tell mom or dad’’ Keigo added when he noticed how the shocked expression turned into terrified one.
,, You won’t ?’’ You asked surprised. You didn’t really expect of him to be the mature one, and you were pretty sure he was about to blackmail you, yet there he was, acting all grown up.
,, Nope, but you should really tell them yourself and avoid the drama,you know’’ he said, acting all smart. Little did he know that all you felt in that moment, hearing those words, was pure cringe and you didn’t really try to hide it, making a disgusted face as you walked out of the house, leaving your brother on his own. The fuck he feeling like the main character, giving you some wisdom tips, you thought to yourself as you walked to the playground.
Of course, Touya was already there, welcoming you with a warm hug and a kiss. He didn’t need much time to notice the weird look on your face, immediately questioning you, making sure everything is alright.
Sitting on his lap, you told him about Keigo and what happened, as he wrapped his arms around you, caressing you slowly. At one point, you couldn’t even keep your concentration on the conversation you were having with him, since his warm hands were slowly going under your hoodie.
,, Why are you stuttering ?’’ Touya asked, smirking at you widely. He knew very well why you were getting lost, and why you were repeating the same stuff all over again. He found it so adorable, how just a little touch made you so confused, and he had to tease you a bit about it, moving his hands up and down your waist, as he placed gentle kisses around your neck.
,, Am not.. I’m sure.. I’m pretty sure he’ll blackmail me at some point’’ you mumbled, trying to keep focused on your little speech.
,, Doll, you already said that’’ Touya laughed, nuzzling his nose into your neck. Closing your eyes, you smiled, embarrassed since he knew what effect he has on you. Feeling his hot breath brushing your neck made you feel some weird way.
,,Sorry’’ you apologised awkwardly. Touya threw his head back a bit, laughing lightly at your small apology.
,, Ahh, why you gotta be so cute tonight’’ He asked, connecting his lips with yours, not giving you any chance to answer.
He kept kissing you, and honestly, at that point you didn’t even want to talk anymore, all you wanted to do was feel the softness of his lips on yours. Usually you would be careful, and think about anything that could sell you and Touya out, but that night you couldn’t think about it at all. Even if you tried, you couldn’t force yourself to tell him to be careful, you couldn’t tell him to go easy and make sure there are no hickeys left on your neck. In fact, you didn’t give a single shit about hickeys, it was a problem you’ll think about some other time.
His touch was getting steamier, and if you were being honest, you wanted more than just kissing and few touches. He was turning you on, and there was no need to hide that. Placing your hand on the nape of his neck, and the other one over his clothed dick. You weren’t the one to do anything so directly, but being horny like that, there was no need for some subtle touches.
The groan that escaped his mouth was telling you that he liked it, which encouraged you into doing more of it. You couldn’t help but smirk while kissing him, as you started rubbing his clothed dick, not giving a shit if someone might see you or not.
,, Doll, you don’t wanna do this’’ He said in between the kisses. ,, At least not here’’ Touya added, moan escaping his lips as you rubbed his now fully erected dick.
,, I do’’ You answered. Touya didn’t need to hear more from you, in fact, he was almost praying you would giving him that simple and short answer, because he couldn’t hold himself, at all. He didn’t give a single shit about the possibility that someone might catch you. After all, he was pretty sure that no one was awake in your quiet neighbourhood, at fucking 3AM.
His kiss got more aggressive, as he pulled your shorts and panties to the side. Not wasting any time, he started rubbing your clit in circles slowly, as he sucked on your neck, leaving wet love bites all over it. Touya’s fingers pace with your moans, increasing in speed, as you played with his hard cock.
Your breathing gets heavier once two fingers enter your core, going in and out slowly. You catch Touya licking his lips, his eyes getting a darker shade, as he tried to hold himself together. Looking down at your private parts, Touya couldn’t help but to let a deep growl out, his dick almost twitched at the sight of your irritated clit, and your pussy swallowing his fingers.
You nuzzled your head into his neck, squeezing your eyes shut as you released a throaty moan when he started moving his fingers faster, hitting your spot just perfectly. Touya’s blood was boiling as he felt your tight and wet walls squeezing his fingers. He didn’t care that you stopped rubbing his dick, all he wanted was to make you cum all over his fingers. Touya curled his fingers, pumping them into you, as you planted, moaning louder and louder.
He was supposed to tell you to keep quiet, but how could he ? Your moans were like melody to his ears, and at that point he wouldn’t stop even if the whole neighbourhood got out to see what’s happening. He couldn’t help but to thrust his fingers even harder, stretching and preparing you for his dick. You bit his neck as you tried to keep your moans low, orgasm hitting you harder than ever. It felt so good, more amazing than any pleasure you bought yourself. It felt like he knew your body his whole life, like he knew how to move his fingers, and where to touch and kiss you.
A blush was spreading over your cheeks when he moved his fingers that were just a second ago to his mouth, giving them one short lick just to taste you, before he placed his left hand over your jaw, giving you a sign to open your mouth. When you did exactly what he wanted, he placed those two fingers into your mouth.
,, Suck’’ he said, moving his other hand down to your throat once you did what he demanded. He wished he could take a picture of you in that moment, eyes closed with his fingers in your mouth. If he did, he would definitely put it for his wallpaper.
Once he was satisfied, he placed his hands on your ass, giving you a sign to move yourself up a bit, just enough to pull his sweatpants and boxers down.
,, I’ll be gentle’’ he said, positioning his dick right under your core, before he started lowering you down. Touya wanted to simply rip into you so bad, but he gave his best to fight the beast that was trying to take control over him. After all, he knew that there is enough of time for that.
Nodding your head, you hid your face into his neck. A burning sensation took over your cunt, causing the faintest amount of pain. Every inch you took, was getting thicker and thicker, and once the pain was getting bigger you felt like he won’t be able to fit in. Was he so big ? Or was it just because of the pain that you were going thru ? It must have been both.
Looking down, you realised that he’s not even halfway in. He didn’t want to hurt you, pausing every other second letting you adjust to his size .
,, You’re doing so good’’ Touya prised you, placing soft kisses along your jaw. You wanted to get over it, and that’s exactly what you told him, nodding your head when he asked you if you are sure.
You weren’t really mentally prepared for the pain you felt in the moment he pulled you down his length with one move. Kissing you immediately, as he tried to calm you down.
After a minute, when the pain was almost gone, you gave him a nod, giving him a sign to move. Holding you up, Touya started sliding in and out of you. Enjoying the feeling of your walls hugging his dick. He almost closed his eyes, as pleasure took over him, but he forced himself to not do so, finding it more pleasurable to watch your face as you were turning into a moaning mess.
His dick was getting deeper and deeper with every thrust he made. The way he moved made you feel his dick fully inside you, the shape, the veins, the tip, everything, rubbing your walls slowly and hitting your g spot your fingers were never able to reach.
It wasn’t your first time, but the sex you had before was never this intense. It was slow, yet so good, and the fact that someone could catch you was making it even better. You didn’t understand how did he manage it hold your ass up the whole time, moving you exactly how you want.
Placing both of your hands on his shoulders, you started moving on your own, deciding to go a bit faster and he gladly accepted that. Placing his hands on your ass, and meeting your hips with his own, hitting you just perfectly with every move. Closing your eyes shut, you moaned loudly when he started moving his hips much faster than before. You couldn’t really manage to say that you were about to cum, but he felt that. Your walls were getting tighter and tighter, and with just few moves you were left breathless, as orgasm hit you harder than ever before.
Touya gave you a minute to calm down and catch your breath, telling you what a good girl you are and how you did so well for him, but he was not done with you. Not yet. Flipping you over, he made sure you were comfortable enough on the old bench before he entered you again.
,,Tell me if you want me to stop’’ Touya said, placing soft kisses all over your face. Usually if you had sex, you would simply have one round and that’s all, and in that round it was rarely about you, it was all about the guy pleasuring himself, cuming and leaving you without orgasm, or you faking one for his sake.
You weren’t sure if you could take it, but you wanted Touya to cum. So, you gave him a small nod, before he started to roam into you, the slow pace long forgotten as he moved his hips like in one animalistic pace. Pulling his hoodie up, you placed your hands on his back, digging your nails just a little bit with every move he made.
And with every move he made, you felt your body moving a bit. Touya loved the feeling of your walls hugging his dick so nicely, and now that you had your orgasm, they were even wetter than before, letting him slide in and out of you much easier.
Touya’s strong hands kept you steady, as his fingers were digging into the flesh of your hips. He knew that he was rough, but he also knew that you would tell him if it’s too much. He was thrusting into you deep and hard, hammering your cervix with every thrust, hitting your g spot all over again.
,, You are so tight’’ Touya groaned, as you whined, lost in the pleasure he was giving you. The feeling you felt at the moment was telling you that you were so close again, and you couldn’t really bear it. Digging your nails into his back so deep that you almost felt blood beads around the tips of your fingers. But maybe you just imagined it from all the pleasure, you’ll find out later.
,, Don’t close your eyes’’ Touya commands, gripping your jaw hardly as he fucked you harder. You tried to keep your eyes opened, you really did, and every time you would close them, his grip around your jaw would only get stronger. Your view got blurry and your moans got louder as you felt your second orgasm approaching you. Touya also feels it coming, and in that moment all he wants to do is to dump his load deep inside of you, wanting to claim you as his own.
The moment you wrapped your legs around him and moaned his name loudly was when he lost it, fucking you harder if it was even possible. ,, Fuck.. Fuck, you’re mine’’ Touya growled between his teeth, lots in the feeling of your walls getting tighter around his dick once again. After few hard and intense thrusts, he spilled his seed inside of you.
Your whole body started shaking from the orgasm that just hit you, and from the feeling of his seed that was painting your walls white. If it was someone else, you would probably tell them to cum anywhere else, but for some reason, you wanted him to cum inside you. You wanted to feel all of him.
The both of you were panting so hard, trying to catch your breath as he fucked his seed deeper into you. He hoped it won’t leek out of you, since the view might turn him on again, and he was pretty much sure that you weren’t ready for a third round.
,, You ok?’’ He asked you, still buried deep inside you. Nodding your head, you kissed him, closing your eyes as you enjoyed the last moments of the passionate sex the two of you just had. In public, where anyone could see you.
The two of you spend the rest of the night on the old bench, cuddling, talking and laughing about small things. Instead of being embarrassed that you even did it in such a place, all you felt in that moment was the warmth of his hug, and happiness, no regret or shame at all. That night you decided that it would be the best if you somehow tell your parents that the two of you are in relationship. Not sure how to do it, but both of you agreed it was for the best.
,, Anyway, i want to say something’’ You said, as you placed the knife and fork on your plate, done with the food. You could almost feel the cold sweat as the moment was getting closer and closer.
,, Ohhh, don’t wanna miss this’’ Keigo laughed, sitting back when he realised what’s about to happen.
Your parents gave you one confused look, still eating. Your father nodded his head, giving you a sign to continue as he placed the food in his mouth.
,, I have a boyfirend’’ You said, playing with your fingers nervously.
,, Oh sweetie, we know. We noticed’’ your mother said, giving you one sweet smile.
,, Yeah, it’s Touya’’ You said fast, and the smile she had, was replaced with confused look written all over her face.
,, Which Touya exactly ? ‘’ Your dad asked, forgetting to chew the food in his mouth. Before you could even give them a proper answer, a loud knock on the door took all the attention.
Your mother jumped fast, like she was expecting someone, ready to kill anyone on that damn door at the moment. Keigo couldn’t hide the excitement on his face, and you were giving him a begging look, hoping he’ll stand up for you.
,, Hey, just wanted to bring some cupcakes to our ‘’in laws’’ you heard Rei’s voice. Both you and Keigo jumped once you heard your mother screaming ,, YOU WITCH’’. The moment you saw confused Touya, standing between his and your mother, trying to calm the situation, both of you and Keigo laughed loudly.
Laughing long gone once the two women’s started pulling each other’s hair. Holding your mother back, both you and Touya realised that it will be one crazy and fun ride with your parents accepting your relationship.
But you knew very well that none of them could ruin it.
The moment Rei grabbed your mothers hair a bit too hard, pulling the fake extension you spent so much time putting on her head, Keigo started laughing hysterically.
,, Wig, snatched’’ Keigo laughed loudly, holding his stomach instead of his mother.
,, KEIGO’’ both you and Touya screamed, trying to hold your laugh, as your mothers continued to fight like two preteen girlies.
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zodiyack · 3 years
Niffler’s New Discovery
Requested by anon: May I request a the youngest Shelby sister x Newt Scamander story? The Shelby sister is nothing like her siblings. She’s shy, reads books like they’re oxygen, loves animals, and doesn’t drink, smoke, or anything like that. She doesn’t even swear, she’s so pure. She also loves his animals. And Tommy acts like her father but she loves her brother very much. Same as her other brothers. They find out she’s dating him and get all overprotective. Sorry if this is too specific. I just love the idea of a Shelby sister who’s nothing like her siblings. Because most of the Shelby reader fics always have them smoking and all that. Which they are fun to read, but it’s nice to see something different. Feel free to pick the Scenario. :)
Pairing: Newt Scamander x Female!Shelby!Innocent!Reader
Warnings: Swearing (not from reader ofc :)) slight suggestiveness (also not from reader), fluff, ✨m a g i c✨
Words: 1,303
Summary: (See Request...also I thought the gif was cute, so anon, I based it off the gif kinda)
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Taglist: @matth1w, @redspaceace-writes, @fandom-puff, @darling-i-read-it, @simonsbluee, @sebastianstanslefteyebrow, @marquelapage, @stuckysslag, @psychkunox​, @i-love-superhero​
Masterlist | Fantastic Beasts (AWTFT) Masterlist | Peaky Blinders Masterlist
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At first, they had no problem keeping their relationship hidden from her overly protective family, but the troublemaker Newt constantly had to chase down and return to his case was the thing that exposed them. The bloody Niffler just loved things that shined. Who could blame it though? It was it’s nature.
Just as it was the Shelby brothers nature to react the way they did. Violent, perhaps, but of their nature. Their possessive, over the top protective, shitty, big brother, nature.
And it all started, one late afternoon...
The older Shelby trio, not counting Ada with her age advance over John, returned home after a nice night out at the pub. Sure, the sun hadn’t set yet, but Pol wanted them to return home a little earlier today for a family meeting. The meeting included everyone, minus the innocent angel whom the Shelbys called their sister.
It was the perfect time to have Newt over. The perfect time to explore the secret world hidden inside his little brief case. If only they knew the pesky Niffler had been waiting.
“Are you sure they won’t suspect anything of my presence?” Newt hesitated, one foot hovering above the wooden flooring of Y/n’s bedroom, the other resting on the rooftop outside her window.
She ushered him in the rest of the way, making sure to lock her door after checking that no one was around. “Positive. Family meetings take a while, so we’re good on time. How about you? Are you sure this is good with the council?”
He had a guilt-ridden look across his face as he looked around. “There are some things the council doesn’t have to know.” A nervous laugh rumbled in his throat before he cleared it and scratched the back of his neck awkwardly.
“Uh huh... Well, just promise me that you won’t get into any serious trouble for this, alright Newton?” The blushing hufflepuff gave his lover a quick nod, as well as a smile in return for the little peck she placed upon his cheek, pinkening his skin further down his neck- it was no surprise that Newt was terribly new to receiving affection from anything other than his beasts that resided in his case.
“S-shall we be going?” He broke the tension, gesturing to the case in front of them.
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“Boys.” Polly stopped the bickering that had started up between John and Tommy, her eyes drifting toward the ceiling, the trios’ following. “Your sister’s been awfully quiet.”
John cackled, “Oh no, maybe she snuck out, went to have a quick fuck with some guy off the streets, didn’t she Pol?” His rather sarcastic tone suggested his knowledge that the referenced behavior was most certainly unlike his little sister, but the immaturity of John Shelby simply couldn’t resist making a joke.
Polly, however, was in no mood for John’s incessant kidding. Her hand met the back of his head, a disapproving furrow of her brows telling him to stop talking. “I’m being serious, you idiot. It’s more quiet than usual.”
“And what about it, Pol?” Tommy spoke after taking a drag from his cigarette, an eyebrow quirked.
“If she really does have a boy up there, he better pray he’s out the window by the time we get up there.”
Tommy’s brow, lowered after asking Polly how she’d respond, lifted back once again. “There’s no God for him to pray to, Arthur. The boy is fucked, plain and simple.”
“In more ways than one.”
John’s childish cackles were hushed into silence, a slap sounding throughout the room prior to their ceasing. A hand rubbing the back of his head, John glared at his aunt, yet continued the discussion of what to do with Y/n nonetheless.
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The past ten minutes had been spent trying to block off any and all exists for the pesky little Niffler. Each time it attempted to escape the bedroom, Y/n or Newt were quick to block it off. It amazed Y/n how many places the little creature could scurry off through. Unfortunately, with their wild-goose-chase, footsteps turned to stomps...well, really running, but downstairs it was more likely to sound aggressive, such as the hard thud of a Blinder’s boot on the floor of the Garrison.
It was inevitable; the possibility of being caught, but the fact seemed to slip their minds as they both tried to corner the Niffler, as well as capture it once more. Every shiny thing, ranging from jewelry to bullet casings, or things that caught her eye, made into décor (gifted from her brothers, as she would never touch a gun unless need be) were being stolen as the creature evaded capture.
Newt shot Y/n a sorry look each time one of her belongings were snatched up by the Niffler. It touched her heart, truly, it did, but now was not the time to swoon. Y/n froze as the Niffler wandered over to a bottle. Wine? Champagne? She didn’t know; Y/n never drank- the bottle was a gift from her sister in law, which she couldn’t turn down without upsetting her, so it soon became another...decoration.
Atop the bottle was shimmery, gold-like, wrapping. Of course it caught the mischievous little shine-thief’s eye. It pulled and pulled, Y/n and Newt made eye contact as the uneasy feeling in their guts mirrored, until POP!
The door broke open with a loud bang, Arthur standing confused before getting both a Niffler and a cork to the space between his brows. While Y/n flinched, Newt only looked away in shame.
“What. The. Literal. Fuck. Was. That?” John gapped. His usual remark would be to poke fun, but he too was in great shock, he couldn’t even think of anything humorous.
“A- ...A Niffler.” Newt stuttered. His rather shy demeanor was rarely common around Y/n, so she new he was slightly uncomfortable the second his hand lifted to itch the back of his neck as his eyes found interest in the floorboards.
“Did I fuckin’ ask you?” John narrowed his eyes at the timid wizard.
It was unusual for Y/n to get angry, but the unjustness of John’s attitude toward her lover didn’t sit well with her. “Leave him alone!”
Now there was more to be shocked about. “I- what?”
“You heard me, John. You, Arthur, and Thomas. Leave Newt alone. He didn’t mean for this to happen, so he shouldn’t be harassed by you three. Want to question him? Have Pol do it, but the second you come to my room and bully my lover is the second you cross the line.”
Tommy, amused, let out a little chuckle as he raised his eyebrows.
“Something funny to you, Thomas? ‘Cause I don’t think any of us are laughing.”
 “No, sister, nothing is of humor to me.” He muttered despite dawning a lopsided smirk. Tommy looked at his brothers and nodded his head toward the stairs before walking away. Although he was leaving, he never said he wouldn’t poke at the boy some more. Now just wasn’t worth it; he was already shaking in his boots as it is.
“Tommy- where- where’re you goin’?” John did a double take, following shortly after.
Arthur rubbed the red spot where he’d been nailed by the creature and it’s new favorite possession, proved by it cuddling the cork close to it’s body on the floor where it had landed after hitting Arthur. He excused himself politely before walking in the same direction as his brothers, still rubbing at his soon-to-be-bruising injury all the way down.
Newt took the opportunity to grab the niffler and tickle Y/n’s possessions from his tummy before running over and tucking him in the case. The anger faded from Y/n’s eyes as she watched her lover. “It looks as though the Niffler has discovered something new.” Newt chuckled lightly, easing up slowly.
“New indeed.”
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