#almost back home now just gotta get this train... then i need a week to recover probably sbbdbfbfh
jessicaloons · 12 hours
Chapter 45:
Just breathe, just relax, it’ll be OK
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I woke up to soft barks and whines, Arlo gently letting us know that it was time for his morning walk.
"Charles… Charles…" I mumbled, pulling the sheets over my head "Arlo…"
"He’s your baby…" he groaned turning away and I hit him with a pillow "Our baby… fine…"
"He needs to go on a walk…"
"It’s too early…" Charles whined and I huffed, getting up slowly.
"It’s your week…" I pulled the blanket away and he covered his eyes with his arm "But because you won yesterday I’ll go. This one time." I scrambled out of bed, pulling on some shorts and a hoodie.
"You could just go on the terrace with him… for once…"
"That was just for his training! We’re not taking steps backwards!" I shook my head and slipped on some socks, then opened Arlo’s crate "Good morning little one. You’re a good boy, waiting here patiently for your irresponsible, hungover dad without throwing a massive tantrum…"
"Oh wow… not throwing shade at all." Charles mumbled and sat up slowly, wiping his eyes "I’m awake now… you can go back to bed."
"No, it’s fine, I’ll go." I grabbed Arlo’s harness and leash and walked around the bed "You look… horrible. Sleep." I kissed Charles’ cheek and left our bedroom together with Arlo. I put on the harness and the leash, slipped into my sneakers and grabbed Charles’ RayBan from the kitchen island "Let’s go, little one."
It was a warm, sunny day. A buzzing atmosphere in the air. People we passed talking about how amazing the race was, how Charles won his home GP for the second time, how proud they were on their hometown hero.
"Lizzie?" someone said behind me and I turned around, spotting a very sweaty Max "You’re awake quite early?"
"Me? Look at you! You look like you ran a half marathon…" I looked him once over.
"Almost, yeah." he chuckled and then kneeled down to give Arlo some head scratches "I mean, I didn’t have much to celebrate last night, so yeah…" he winked and I laughed.
"Oh no, poor Maxie…" I joked.
"Need to get used to it again, you know." Max shrugged his shoulders a little, a smile on his lips, as he continued scratching Arlo‘s head.
"I’m sure you’ll have plenty of opportunities this season." I laughed and he got up, lightly punching my upper arm.
"Look who‘s getting all cocky." he said and this time I shrugged my shoulders "Honestly, I’m happy that Charles finally has the car and the team around him to fight me. You can’t be the best if you’re not fighting the best."
"Such wise words from you."
"I’m not getting younger, you know." he glanced behind me and I heard the hectic voices of some fans, turning around.
"Looks like you’ve been spotted. Go on, I gotta go anyways, we’re having some busy days ahead."
"Tell Charles congrats again, and I’ll see you guys in Montreal I guess?" Max waved and walked towards the fans.
"Yep, see you then." I walked in the opposite direction, back home. Arlo happily running in front of me, all the way back to our building. I unlocked the front door and got hit with a delicious smell.
"It smells amazing, you made breakfast?" I slipped off my shoes and unbuckled Arlo’s leash.
"Just some eggs on bread, I’m not a complete lost cause, okay?" Charles laughed, bending down, feeding Arlo a piece of cheese "Good morning little one." he patted his head and then got up, grabbing me by the waist, pulling me close "Good morning my gorgeous girl." he kissed me gently, deepening the kiss as soon as I put my hands around his neck, pulling him closer "I must say… my hoodie, my glasses… it all looks way better on you than on me."
"That’s because some of the stuff you own looks horrible… sorry…" I whispered against his pouty lips "I like the simple Charles, Jeans and T-Shirt… not these weird oversized, crazy pattern clothes you sometimes put on."
"I’m experimenting…" he sighed and I kissed the tip of his nose.
"I know. But most of the time… it should stay inside your closet…" I chuckled and his grip on my waist tightened a little, as he kissed my jaw, down the column of my throat.
"Like the box with my clothes you’re hiding in your closet?" he whispered against the sensitive spot beneath my ear and I swallowed audibly "What? You think I didn’t notice that some of my… more risky clothes were missing?" his hot breath fanned over my ear, then he kissed my cheek and I could feel the smirk on his lips.
"I’m sorry, but some of that clothes are atrocious… that blue tie dye jeans? The baby blue jacket you combined with it? Basically every single one of these pants you would fit in three times?" I bit my lip, looking down "I should’ve told you something… and not just hide your clothes… I’m really sorry."
"It’s okay… I guess Doni won’t be too happy to hear that you find most of his clothes atrocious but okay…" Charles chuckled a little, kissing my forehead "Come on, sit down. Breakfast is ready…" he pulled away and went back to the stove, plating our food.
"Are you mad at me?" I asked, sitting down and Charles raised an eyebrow "That I hid your clothes?"
"No? I mean, I know that style wise you’re more into the classics, a little sporty, simple with a touch of timeless elegance… whereas me? I don’t even know if I have a style? I guess I’m still finding mine and I know that I could need all the help that I’m getting." he laughed.
"Well for starters, wear clothes in your size and if oversized then maybe one or two sizes more… and maybe not the wild patterns you’re going for sometimes? They hurt the eyes." I shrugged a little, biting into my toast "And maybe Doni is better as just a friend… and hoodie and t-shirt provider… but not pants. Definitely not pants."
"Got it… will you help me picking out an outfit for Andrea and Simon’s engagement party then?" Charles sat down next to me and I smiled "You already did… alright." he laughed and I looked at him sheepishly.
"Sorry but I was looking for what I was wearing and so I was going through my stuff and then I saw your suits and thought about something that would match my dress…" I mumbled and he laughed.
"I’m sure whatever you picked, it will look amazing, your outfit as well as mine."
Charles POV:
I looked over the bay, watched the waves gently crashing down the shore when we were called back in and I followed Daniel who apologised himself shortly after and left. As everyone finally sat down I looked over my shoulder, waiting for Lizzie to return. I ordered a bourbon for me and a cocktail for Lizzie, then talked with the two guys on my left, some cousins of Andrea, as I felt a soft hand gently stroking my neck.
"Sorry, love. It took a little longer than expected." she said and sat down on my right.
I turned to her and she gave me a little peck on the cheek.
"It’s alright, cara mia, I had a nice little conversation with Andrea’s cousins. I don’t think they understood a lot of what I was saying, well vice versa, but I was entertained." I said and she chuckled a little right as the waitress brought us our drinks "Thank you." and with a smile she was gone.
"What are we having?" Lizzie asked and looked at the red cocktail in front of her.
"Well I picked something we might later want to try out." I whispered and scooted closer, my thigh pressing against hers.
"What are you talking about?" she said and I could hear her voice getting raspy at the contact of our thighs, I leaned in even closer. My mouth at the shell of her ear now.
"I ordered you a Sex on the Beach." and as soon as the words left my lips her eyes widened and she swallowed audibly. I smirked and gently stroked her thigh with my hand under the table, pushing up her dress. Instantly she began to blush and looked around frantically.
"What are you doing?" she whispered, breathless. My hand slipped even higher, playing with the hem of her slip and she gasped loud enough for some heads to turn. Lizzie cleared her throat and looked apologetic around, her cheeks redder than my SF-24, I chuckled and pulled her dress back in place. Then I sat up and took a swig of my Bourbon.
"You look a little flustered there?" I nonchalantly asked her and she glared at me.
"That cocktail? That’s the closest you will ever get to sex on the beach!" she whispered and with that she grabbed it and got up, walking straight to Andrea and her mother. Cheeks still bright red. Totally worth it.
"What‘s up with Lizzie?" Daniel asked as he sat down opposite of me.
"Don’t know, she has some important things to talk about with Andrea I guess." I chuckled a little and took another swig from my glass.
"Maid of honour stuff probably…" he replied and I nodded "I can’t believe it… first Julia two years ago, now Andrea… you and Lizzie next. We’re getting old."
"Seems like it…" I said, a little distracted by the way Lizzie pulled her dress back into place still.
"Oh wow, you didn’t even deny it!" Daniel looked at me with a big grin and I was confused for a moment "I said you and Lizzie will be the next to marry and you just agreed! Don’t tell me you already have a ring?"
"What? No! God! It’s just… I mean, I will marry her, there’s no doubt. She’s it for me. Always was! But there are no plans or anything! At least not for now… or the near future? Honestly I don’t know, when do you know that it’s the right time?" I said quickly and he nodded.
"I don’t know… maybe you should set up a goal, for when it’s time to propose? Something you want to achieve before you ask her to marry you?"
"Like what?"
"Winning your first title?" Daniel wiggled his eyebrows and I laughed a little.
"Yeah? With Red Bull and Max being this strong? I’d like to marry Lizzie when we’re still young…"
"Oh, we’re talking about the next wedding already?" Shima sat down next to me and I swallowed hard "Don’t worry, your secret is safe with me. When will you pop the question? And I need to see the ring first, make sure it’s perfect for Lizzie!"
"There is no concrete plan, no ring, no nothing! Just us talking about it…" I rolled my eyes a little "But rest assured, when it’s time, you’ll be the third person I’ll call…"
"Third? Third!" Shima sounded offended and I laughed "Who comes before me?"
"Well first of all, Juergen, because I will ask him for Lizzie’s hand. Then Joris obviously, maybe even before Pops because he has to give me a pep talk to talk to Pops… and then you." I explained and Shima and Daniel laughed.
"You’re so traditional, Charles. But why would you need a pep talk? Juergen loves you like a son, you have his blessings already!" Daniel chuckled and I shrugged my shoulders a little.
"I think it’s romantic…" Shima sighed a little and I smiled at her.
"I heard that a special guy we both know invited you to Montreal?" I wiggled my eyebrows and she blushed a little "You and Joris seem to get along quite well?"
"Quite well? God, she’s always talking about him…" Daniel rolled his eyes and Shima threw a napkin at him and I laughed, listening to them arguing a little. I was looking up from our table, searching the crowd for Lizzie, when I realised that she was gone.
"Excuse me for a moment." I got up, looking around "Hey Simon, have you seen Lizzie?" I asked the groom to be, but he shook his head.
"Sorry, Charles. But the last time I saw her was with Andrea and our mothers…" he nodded towards the three women, Lizzie missing.
"I’ll have a look." I walked inside of the big estate, searching for her, when I heard the faint sound of a piano, played somewhere. A soft melody that I knew all too well. I followed the music and spotted Lizzie, sitting at the piano, playing a song, singing quietly. I leaned against the doorframe, watching her play, her hands dancing across the keys, her soft voice sounded almost angelic. When she was done, she smiled a little and then turned, looking at me.
"How long were you standing there?" she asked quietly and I pushed off of the doorframe, walking towards her.
"Not long enough…" I sat down next to her, kissing her cheek "That was beautiful."
"It was okay… I’m not that good at playing… need to learn a little more." she shrugged her shoulders a little and I shook my head.
"It was amazing… and your voice?" I pulled her closer and she blushed "I wish I could listen to you sing all day long."
"Oh come on. Stop it." she rolled her eyes a little but I gently grabbed her chin with my thumb and index finger, turning her face to look at me. Her big eyes softened as soon as they met mine.
"I’m serious, cara mia. I wish you would let me record a song, so I can listen to your beautiful voice whenever I want to." I looked at her intently, watched how her cheeks turned a shade darker, a glimmer in her eyes "Maybe one day…"
"Mhhh… maybe one day…" she whispered and I pulled her closer, kissing her soft lips, hoping that maybe one day would come rather sooner than later.
I watched Lizzie climbing out of her car, she looked tense and it seemed like she was limping.
"What’s with Lizzie?" I asked Andrea who followed my look "Did she have a crash or anything?"
"Not that I know of…" he replied and I handed him my helmet, following Lizzie.
She talked with Pete, her face sweaty and she smiled when she saw me approaching.
"Hey you. Good Friday sessions." she said and I nodded slowly "What’s going on?" she asked, when she saw the slight frown on my face.
"That’s what I wanted to ask you? Are you okay? You were limping?" I asked and she looked confused for a second then she began to laugh.
"When I climbed out of the car I hit my knee against the halo. I have honestly no idea how that happened and I also hope that no one saw that, or worse filmed that because I got out of the car rather gracefully after." she scratched the back of her head and I looked at her intently, mustering her face.
"Okay?" I asked and she nodded, pointing to her right knee.
"I might have a nice bruise on my knee tomorrow." she chuckled and I took a deep breath "I’m fine. Seriously! Well not fine, because it does hurt, but it’s nothing bad, it won’t kill me." she reassured me, squeezing my arm "But now I gotta go. There is a lot to talk about for tomorrow. See you later?" she kissed my cheek when I nodded and then walked into the garage, still limping a little. I walked back to my garage, where Brian waited for me.
"Good job out there, Charles." he clapped my back and I smiled.
"Yeah you too." I said as we walked inside, ready to look through the data we collected over the day.
Inside I saw Carlos discussing with is father and cousin in Spanish. He sounded agitated and I stopped when I heard Sainz senior say Lizzie’s name. I looked at them and they stopped talking.
"Still after Lizzie’s seat, I see." I winked at them and then walked away, Andrea waiting for me "I need to learn Spanish…"
"You could just record their conversations and play them to Lizzie." he chuckled and I laughed.
"True… but seriously, I’m worried that they are so adamant about taking over Lizzie’s seat! Now that the Red Bull seat is gone? Mercedes is this close to sign Antonelli? His only options are now what? Williams? Haas? Esteban’s seat in Alpine? Audi would be the best option, that’s for sure…"
"As long as Felix is team principal and Lizzie delivers good results? And after what Sainz senior said about her? After Audi stopped their Rallye team out of nowhere and he had to look for a new team? I don’t think Audi will replace Lizzie with Carlos." Andrea reassured me and I nodded slowly.
"I hope you’re right…"
I took a deep breath and climbed out of the car. The track was bumpy and the way my car bounced over the tarmac made my back burn with raging pain. I hugged Charles. Congratulated him for his pole and then made my way back to our garage after the weighing, where JK already waited for me.
"Here." he handed me my water bottle in exchange for my helmet and I almost emptied it in one go.
"Thanks." I mumbled and followed him inside where I dropped my balaclava and when I bent down to pick it up I hissed in pain, making him turn around.
"Okay Liz, that’s it. Doctor. Now." JK looked at me pointedly and I sighed "This is going on for weeks now, no months actually. I see how you struggle sometimes. You’re in pain. Bad pain."
"It’s no-… okay, okay!" I rolled my eyes a little.
"How bad?"
"I don’t know…"
"Liz… how bad is the pain. Be honest."
"6? Maybe?" I looked down.
"I know you, when you say 6 others would say 10…" he groaned, scrolling through his phone, dialling a number "Hi, can I talk to Dr. Odell? John Knight, he knows me. Thank you…" I cocked an eyebrow and he shrugged "I know him from back home, he a-… Jack! How are you mate?"
I sat down and leaned back in the chair, closing my eyes. JK was right. The pain in my back got worse. I thought it was because I maybe wasn’t training hard enough. But no matter how much I worked out, how many exercises I did, there was still this dull pain in my lower back, sometimes worse, sometimes less. But it was there. At all times.
"Go change, I’ll talk to Pete and Felix…" JK’s voice brought me back out of my head and I blinked confused "I’ll take you to the hospital. A friend of mine will check you through and then we’ll see."
"JK tomorrow’s the race? We need to go over the strategy? Are you out of your mind?" I looked at him with big eyes.
"No. But you can’t drive like this tomorrow, so let’s check what it is and then we can come back and the team can present you the strategies and you’ll pick the one you like. Done." he walked away and then turned around "Go get changed. Chop, chop."
I groaned but ultimately did what he said, maybe he wasn’t wrong after all.
"Were there any complications after they removed the rod and screws?" Dr. Odell asked and I shook my head.
"No, the healing process was pretty quickly…"
"She had some typical swellings and bruises afterwards, but nothing out of the ordinary. We started with strengthening her spine and lower back muscles and increased the intensity slowly but steady." JK said and Dr. Odell nodded, applying pressure on my spine, making me hiss.
"Is the pain concentrated on the area where I apply pressure? Or is it a pain all around that just increases when I push in…" the doctor asked.
"Umm…" I began when JK looked at me pointedly.
"Be honest."
"It’s like a dull pain in my lower back, certain movements hurt more than others and please don’t apply any more pressure because that hurts like hell…" I sighed and he nodded.
"We make a X-ray and I also want a CT scan, then we’ll see what we’re dealing with." he got up and grabbed the phone.
"But you have an idea what it could be, right?" I looked at him.
"I have a theory. But I need to see the pictures before I can say anything…" he smiled and then left the room.
"It’s going to be okay, don’t worry!" JK tried to calm me down but I shook my head.
"What if I need a surgery? I would miss a good amount of races…" I frowned.
"Let’s just wait for what Jack will say, okay?" he patted my back and I sighed right when the door opened.
"Lizzie? Can you please put that on and then I’ll pick you up and get you to your X-ray and CT scan." a nurse walked inside, handing me a hospital gown.
"Sure." I got up and JK left the room.
I changed into the hospital gown and looked at myself in the mirror, goosebumps erupting all over my body. Too many bad memories were flooding my head when I saw how the gown clung to my body and I turned around, stepping out of the room, where the nurse stood and smiled at me.
"Ready? Alright, then let’s go…" she said and I followed her down the hall "We start with the X-Ray and then we’ll go downstairs for the CT scan. I would explain to you what’s happening but unfortunately I know that you’ve been through this all before."
"Yeah… good old memories…" I chuckled a little and she looked at me sympathetically then opened a door to her right where two other nurses and Dr. Odell were already waiting for me.
"Ready?" he asked and I nodded "Then let’s go."
"I can’t go every other week to the hospital to let them check my back!" I groaned while JK navigated the car through the traffic "I don’t have the time! Also, how am I keeping this from Charles? My family? The team?"
"You’re not keeping it from anyone? Are you serious?" he looked at me.
"How good of a doctor is your friend anyway? I want a second opinion! Taking a break? In the middle of the season?" I looked outside and JK sighed.
"Liz, he said he would suggest it, because your spine and dorsal vertebra’s that were injured from your accident are looking-…"
"I don’t care how they look. Or if they are sore, tense, whatever. As long as nothing is broken I’m good to go. Period." I crossed my arms in front of my chest and JK groaned.
"You’re so freaking stubborn! He said we should keep an eye on your back, so that’s what we’re going to do. Every two weeks you’ll get a CT scan, I want your back to be monitored. I think of new exercises to strengthen your lower back and spine." JK said and I looked at him "It’s that or I’m telling Charles and your family…"
"You wouldn’t dare!"
"Try me… I’m serious. You’ll tell Felix and Pete. They need to know it. And then we’ll monitor your back and then we’ll see how it progresses. Do I think you should tell Charles and your family? Absolutely. Is it my decision? No. Will I tell them if you’re not doing what I say? 100 %. So? Do we have a deal?" I never heard JK sound this serious and after a while I nodded.
"We have a deal…"
"Good. And now stop pouting."
I rolled my eyes again and looked outside right when I got a text from Charles.
"Great. Just great." I groaned and JK looked at me "Charles asked me if I’m okay. He heard that I’m at the hospital."
"Well… you might as well just be honest with him." he shrugged.
"Yeah sure and then from now on he’s constantly at my ass, asking me how I feel or if I’m in pain." I rolled my eyes.
"Liz, don’t take this the wrong way, but haven’t you learned anything from the whole mess with Diaz?" JK asked carefully and I swallowed hard "I’m sorry, but you were hiding everything from everyone and suffered through it all alone… and in the end it was even worse…"
"I know… it’s just-… god JK I have a feeling that Charles could really do it this season! He could win the title… he’s in such a good headspace, he’s so determined and motivated! I know that this year is his year… I don’t want him to constantly worry about me." I looked at my hands in my lap.
"I understand you, I really do. But if something happens and he finds out? Don’t you think he’ll be hurt? Mad?"
"Of course… but that’s something future me has to deal with then." I sighed.
"Very mature…" he laughed.
"Thank you." I replied, staring at my phone "Also, your friend said that it’s possible that something happens, not that it’s certain…"
"Yeah, that’s why he suggests a break and every 2 weeks a check up in the hospital."
"Yeah, yeah…" I rolled my eyes again.
"What will you tell him now?" he asked after a while.
"My knee hurt a lot and you wanted to check it through?" I suggested.
"Oh great now you’re pulling me into your lies?" JK rolled his eyes.
"Please?" I pleaded and he groaned.
"I’m not lying for you. You say what you say and I just nod."
"What if he asks you when you guys are alone? Because he will come to you and ask!"
"Then I’ll tell him that you’re fine and he doesn’t have to be worried…"
"Okay… thanks JK…"
"Yeah, yeah…"
"What happened? Ale asked me what’s going on with you and I had no idea and he told me that people spotted you at the hospital?" Charles stood in front of me, the second I walked through the door "Are you okay?" he cupped my cheek, looking me once over.
"I’m fine! It’s just my knee. JK didn’t like that it still hurts like hell and when I told him that pushing the throttle all the time was really painful he wanted a doc to have a look at it." I lied and felt bad instantly.
"And? What is it? Are you okay?" he guided me to the sofa, gently pushing me down.
"Yeah. It’s just heavily bruised. But nothing bad. The doc said I should ice it and keep it steady. Not move much and it’ll be gone soon." I smiled at him when he handed me something to drink.
"Can you drive tomorrow?" he asked and I nodded "Are you sure?" he sat down next to me, carefully lifting my leg into his lap, putting an ice pack on my knee.
"It’s literally just a bruised knee! I’m fine. But thanks for the ice pack." I kissed his cheek and he nodded slowly "Did you eat? No? Can we order something? I’m hungry."
"Sure… after you told me what’s really going on." he looked me dead in the eye and I swallowed audibly "That’s the wrong knee…" he looked down at my left leg in his lap and it dawned on me.
"Charles…" I began but he shook his head.
"Why are you doing this? Lizzie we said we’re honest after all the shit that went down with Diaz last year? And still you’re lying to me…" he sounded more frustrated than angry, more hurt than mad.
"It’s just-…" I stopped.
"It’s just what? What is going on? Is it your back? I’ve seen you struggling with it for months now?"
I closed my eyes for a moment, then took a deep breath and told him everything Dr. Odell had said earlier.
"So he suggests you take a break from racing?" Charles asked and I nodded.
"Yeah… he said I shouldn’t race until the second half of the season… and then also only if the soreness and pain is gone." I said quietly and he took my hand in his, stopping my fiddling.
"What would happen if you continue? Without taking a break?"
"He’s not sure, but one of the things that could happen is that the high force will damage my spine permanently…" I almost whispered and he stroked the back of my hand.
"What would that mean?"
"I don’t know…"
"Lizzie…" Charles looked at me pointedly.
"I might lose the ability to walk…" I sighed and his grip on my hands strengthened.
"But that’s just one possibility? Doesn’t mean it has to happen, no?" a tinge of hope in his voice.
"Yeah. It’s all hypothetical. I also want a second opinion. I’m going to ask Dr. Friese to have a look." I smiled a little and he nodded.
"First things first when we’re back home you’re calling him." Charles said and I squeezed his hand.
"First things first. Promise."
"Can you please stop looking at me?" I sighed and Charles looked away in an instant "I’m fine."
"Are you really? You struggled a little today?" he countered and I rolled my eyes.
"Yes. I’m fine."
"Cara mia, please, talk to me… what Dr. Friese said is exactly the same-…" he began and I huffed "Lizzie…"
"They said that these things might happen! Not that they definitely happen! I know my body. I’m fine. My work out routine is just a little more intense now, so yes. I struggled a little today."
"Okay. But maybe consider taking a break?"
"No! Charles, in one month we’re racing at Hockenheim! It’s my home race! I will not miss that out! Who knows when the next German GP will be?" I said, pulling my knees close to my chest.
"I understand that, I really do, but Lizzie this is about your health…" Charles sat down next to me, cupping my cheeks "I just don’t want you to be in pain constantly, okay?"
"I’m not! I can do it. I would really appreciate it if everyone would just let me do my thing." I groaned and he took a deep breath.
"You promise me that the moment you feel it’s getting worse, you’ll tell me and we go to see the doc?" he said slowly and I nodded "Okay… then I won’t talk about it anymore."
"Just like that?" I asked.
"I trust you." he stated simply and I smiled a little.
"Thank you. Really."
"As long as you’re honest with me…"
"I will be. I promise!" I kissed his cheek, feeling like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders.
I didn’t try to show it, not to Charles, JK, anyone, but I was scared. To think that continuing with racing could have major consequences was more than scary. Sure, it was just a possibility, but still, the pain I’ve felt for weeks, the throbbing in my lower back after a longer session in the car, how stiff my legs were after getting out of it. Things I didn’t talk about out of fear what they could mean.
"Are you okay?" Charles asked, studying my face "You spaced out a little…"
"Hmm? Oh yeah-… yeah, sure. I was just… umm thank you for trusting me, it means a lot, really." I said quietly, taking a big breath and smiled at him.
"You know that I always trust you, cara mia… it wasn’t always easy, but we’re getting there." he cupped my cheek, gently stroking it.
"I know, I know, but I like you said, I promise you that I’ll be honest about everything. For now, it’ll be okay, I’ll see what I’m able to do, I’ll focus on strengthening my back and then we’ll take it from there." I took his hand in mine and kissed the back of it, when Charles pulled me into him, breathing into my neck.
"The last two weeks made me age for at least 5 years." he sighed against my skin and I felt his warm breath tickling my neck.
"Oh come on!" I chuckled, combing through his hair.
"I’m serious! First that messed up Canada weekend, now you. God I need a good result tomorrow…"
"You’ll win. I have a good feeling."
"Winning in Barcelona would be nice." he said slowly and I grinned.
"In front of Sainz’ home crowd…" I winked and he nodded.
"You’re evil." he laughed, pulling me close "But I love you for that."
"Just for that?"
"No, you’re cute too…"
"Oh thanks… how very nice of you."
He got up and shrugged his shoulders a little, when his phone rang.
"That’s Silvia…" he rolled his eyes and put the phone done "She can leave a message."
"She’ll be mad." I chuckled.
"So what. She’s forcing me to all this stupid videos with Carlos. And I can’t keep on faking a smile when inside I just want to punch him."
"Ignore him. That’s what I’m doing. He won’t get my seat, the interest from Audi died down, Felix talked to the board, they are setting up a new contract for me, Valtteri will leave at the end of the season and Nico will come, Audi is happy because they have 2 German drivers. So yeah, I don’t care about him anymore."
"I know, but after everything that happened… this season can’t be over soon enough and he’s finally gone." Charles said and took of his shirt "But let’s stop talking about him or Silvia or whatever… care to join me under the shower?"
"As if I would say no to that."
"Bill McKnight, CBS. Charles, after winning in Japan, Monaco, Barcelona and last weekend in Spielberg, your closer then ever to Max, with a good result this weekend, you could take the lead in the driver standings. How do you feel, knowing that?" the reporter in the first row asked.
"Umm- yeah I mean honestly, the season started not so great for me, but we worked hard and delivered weekend after weekend, sure, some weren’t that great as well, but over all our season is really progressing in the right direction and we will work hard to get the next win this weekend." Charles answered and I smiled at him.
"Becca Reynolds, ESPN USA. Lizzie, some really observant fans noticed that you started to follow some accounts of wedding dress designers and liked some dresses. Is there anything you and Charles want to tell us?" she asked and I immediately blushed.
"Wh- what? I don’t- we don’t… no. No. There is nothing that needs to be told." I stuttered, taken aback. I wasn’t expecting a question like this and began to laugh nervously "One of my best friends is getting married and of course I help her, picking out the perfect dress." I added and I saw out of the corner of my eyes how Max was trying his best not to laugh out loud.
"If you’ll get married, I hope the whole grid will be invited?" he joked and Charles laughed.
"I see you all of you way too much already! You’re so not coming to our wedding!" he replied.
"Hey! Not fair!" Max said and I chuckled a little.
"There is no wedding or anything planned! So stop whining." I said with finality and he held up his hands.
"Okay, okay!"
"Alright, some more questions? No. Then thank you all and good luck this weekend!" Tom Clarkson ended the press conference and we left.
"So? Are there are really no wedding plans being made?" Max wiggled his eyebrows and I punched his arm "Ouch… I’m not asking again."
"But honestly? You should do a Daniel and just get it over with in Vegas." he laughed, and I glared at him.
"What about you and Kelly? You're together even longer than Lizzie and I.." Charles threw in and Max paled visibly.
"Okay, no more wedding talks ever again." he said hastily.
"Yeah, that's what I thougt." Charles laughed and Max just shook his head, waving us off when he stepped into the Red Bull hospitality "You looked damn shocked when that reporter asked you that question.. almost terrified."
"Oh come on. I didn't look terrified! I just wasn't expecting a question like that." I defended myself but he laughed
"I'm just kidding!" he replied and pulled me to his side.
"But honestly? I would be terrified... marrying you? Like hell no." I joked and he pinched my side.
"Careful, cara mia, or there might be a ring on your finger sooner than you think."
"We'll see about that. And now I gotta go." I kissed his cheek and walked towards Julie, who waited for me.
"I think I never saw you blushing this hard." she chuckled, and I groaned
"What was that for a question!" I replied.
"I don't know, but you handled it well."
"Yeah... like a pro." I laughed and we walked inside, Arlo jumping right at me "Hey my little furball. Did you behave?"
"He behaved well as always." Julie smiled, scratching his ears.
"You're a good boy." I picked him up and plopped down on one of the sofas, right when the rest of the media team arrived and sat down as well
"So, we have some things to talk about. First things first. Your upcoming contract renewal. I know, I know, you didn't sign anything yet, but we will announce it at Hockenheim. It's your home race. It's our home race. We're having a special livery and race suit, we're also thinking to put your last name on the back and then instead of your driver number the year until when you're having a contract with us then. 2026 or 2027, I don't know all the details yet. Netflix will be with us the whole weekend, the original DTS crew as well as Elijah, his crew has priority, it's the last race they'll film. In Hockenheim you'll also have some junior drivers with you the whole Friday, to see how a race weekend in F1 works, they are all girls, it's a cooperation with the Fl Academy, Susie will be here as well. That was ist for Hockenheim. We have one team event in Spa where you have to attend, it's a sponsor dinner. But that's all. Elijah and his crew will edit the final episode and it's all shown to you then. You have the final word. He also wants to shoot one final interview with you and record some commentary and then it's done." she looked up from her tablet "Questions?"
"Don't think so." I shook my head.
"Alright, then that's it. Let the race weekend begin."
Charles POV:
"You did a good job, Charles, you-..." Bryan radioed.
"I did a shit job. That mistake cost me the win." I was frustrated.
"But you recovered well. From P13 to P2 in less than 10 laps."
"Doesn't matter. The team did a good job. The pit stop was amazing. I'm sorry for the whole team that I messed up."
"You didn't mess up. You did good out there, even if you don't think so."
"Thanks, Bryan." I sighed, parking the car next to Max, climbing out.
"Unfortunate mate, but what a comeback, well done man!" Max clapped my back.
"Thanks Max and congrats..." I said, opening my visor.
I was gutted and wasn't in the mood to celebrate with my team, but seeing them all chanting and clapping I swallowed my misery and went to them.
"Daghe Charles!"
"Good job!"
"You did good!"
"Thanks guys." was all I could say and when I walked back to get weighed
"Hey." Lizzie bumped into me, a soft smile on her lips "You made a mistake, but you recovered damn well. Please keep that in mind, okay?"
"I don't know..." I began but she looked at me pointedly
"Okay! But the mistake was stupid and shouldn't happen to me, we can all agree on that?"
"You were taking a risk, nothing wrong with that, sometimes it pays off, sometimes it doesn't."
"Yeah…" I sighed.
"Go to your interview and don’t be too hard on yourself. I’m watching your podium."
"You have to go to the media pen, cara mia." I reminded her.
"Yeah I can do that later." she kissed my cheek and pushed me towards David Coulthard.
I took a deep breath and thanked the girl who handed me the microphone and turned towards the former driver.
"Charles, congrats on P2. You’re not happy with the result, I can tell."
"Yeah, I’m never happy with a P2. Especially not when I had the pace to win."
"It was a tight battle between you and Max there, some good racing."
"It was really tight. We had a lot of pace and where at the straights quicker then the Red Bulls. Until my mistake I was in a good position to win." I said honestly.
"You recovered well from P13 back to P2."
"It was the least I could do. The team did such a good job, our strategy was on point, the pit stop was amazing. I had to fight to at least make it back on the podium for the team."
"And that you did. Well done Charles. Congrats again." Coulthard smiled at me and I nodded, giving back the microphone.
I followed George into the cool down room and sat down next to Max, wiping my face.
"Tough luck, mate." George said when the replay of my failed overtake was shown.
"I hit the kerb a little too hard… I’m just glad there was no gravel, one turn later and the race would’ve been over." I sighed.
"True. But what a comeback." he nudged my shoulder and sat down next to Max.
"The least I could do."
I watched on the screen how I overtook Lizzie and had to smile, she didn’t make it easy for me. She fought hard. But eventually I made it past her. The screen switched to the crowd under the podium and I spotted Lizzie next to Joris, right when we were called out on the podium. I heard Lizzie cheer all the way up to the platform and had to chuckle. I was so enamoured by her that I missed the champagne spraying and got soaked by Max and George.
"Hey lover boy!" Max laughed.
"Grab your champagne mate!" George continued spraying us and I grabbed my bottle and sprayed them as well.
"Look at him, he can’t see through his heart eyes…"
"The only thing he see’s is Lizzie."
"Very funny guys." I rolled my eyes playfully when we all toasted our bottles together, taking a swig from our bottles.
After the picture I looked down, Lizzie gone and Joris nodded to the left where I saw her walking off with Julie, I grabbed my trophy and walked downstairs with Max and George.
"See you later guys." I waved them off and then walked back to the garage.
I thanked my team when Bryan walked up to me clapping my back, I handed him the trophy and he looked it once over before he sat it down on the table next to him.
"Don’t be too hard on yourself, Charles. I told you to keep pushing, you pushed… it’s 50 % on me and 50 % on you." he joked and I cracked a little smile.
"You said keep pushing and not push over the limit."
"Semantics." he shrugged and I laughed "The recovery was brilliant, let’s focus on that."
"Yeah. We have to focus on Germany now. It’s been a while since we all raced there the last time." I said and he nodded.
"Just ask Lizzie for advice. I’d say she’s one of the most experienced on the grid when it comes to Hockenheim." Bryan said and I took a big swig of water.
"Yeah. She’ll be one of our main threats that’s for sure. And since Audi will bring some updates as well?"
"Be extra nice to your girlfriend then, not that she’ll kick your ass out there."
"Did you see how she fought me off today? Yeah? That’s the Lizzie I know and love, she won’t back down no matter what. Especially at home."
"Maybe she’ll win her home race just like you won yours." Bryan shrugged and I nodded.
"She will win. I know it."
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Chapter 45 - it’s basically just a filler chapter, a shorter one, but I had to make a cut because next chapter we‘re racing in HOCKENHEIM - Lizzie‘s home race and let me tell you, A LOT IS GOING GO HAPPEN… 👀
Also, sorry for uploading so late, I don’t even know how it happened, but I simply forgot to do it on Sunday… I woke up last night at 3 am or so and realised that I forgot to upload 🙈 sorry!!!
Please leave a comment/ like/ reblog/ message and tell me how you liked it! I'm dying to hear your thoughts!
If you want to be added to the taglist, drop a comment!
Last but not least, English is not my first language and although I tried my best: please excuse any mistakes I made!
@silkenthusiasts @eugene-emt-roe @sunny44 @itsjustkhaos @glitterquadricorn @aundercover @kakorrhaphiphobia @alittlebitofbooksandmagic @ru-kru @shimmermotorsport @janeh22 @kahhorri @18754389 @chiliwhore @hellowgoodbye @queensassybitchsworld @harrysdimple05 @skynel09 @fangirlforever2000
All the images I’m using are from Google, Pinterest and Instagram (or self made).
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cubedmango · 1 year
No you’re so lucky you didn’t watch it on the flight cause trust me from experience being up in the air makes you cry more easily and with cm the movie??? It would have been WRAPS I remember I was watching shrek once and had to cover my head w the blanket cause the wedding made me cry (no further comments btw it was. Not one of my proudest moments) but enjoy your trip!!!
WAHH IM SORRY i meant to answer this earlier and then the International Internet Drought™ hit so i had to wait 😭😭 did end up watching cm on the way back and didnt cry luckily but i had the stupidest fucking smile on my face and im glad it was like midnight w all the lights off and everyone asleep bc if ppl saw that i would go into hiding ...... but now i can say i had blorbo brainrot In The Goddam Sky and thats an achievement in my eyes so. i won
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ningvory · 4 months
♡ ❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ ME & YOU ┊ kim minjeong
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parings: cop!gp!minjeong x criminal!f!reader
synopsis: after the gang you were affiliated with was found, cops came and and killed almost everyone. you were left with having to take them down yourself, just when you thought you thought you got them all, a young woman caught you. that woman being kim minjeong.
warnings: omg!? 1k followers already!? tysm you guys!! it’s only been a month and a few weeks since i started this blog and i had NO experience with writing, means a lot to me so i hope you enjoy this fic!! reader is lowkey a bitch, minjeong is cocky, violent, lotss of profanity, angry sex, minjeong fucks you in her office, oral (minjeong receiving), choking, cum swallowing, minjeong rubs your clit, overstimulation kinda, reader just needed a good fuck fr, unprotected sex (big no no guys!), cockwarming, minjeong’s office is soundproof, reader gets manhandled, they kiss like once, lmk if i missed anything!!
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breaking the rules was second nature. you were involved in a gang which could've been the best or the worst choice of your life. you were mainly known for stealing because of how quiet you are. they start to think you're a trained assassin. you never used violence unless it was absolutely necessary, you preferred to keep your hands clean from some randoms blood when doing your job. you always went for luxury items, you're a expensive girl, anything that caught your eye you got it.
the gang you're affiliated had been on the most wanted list for some time. most wanted criminals on the loose ever since some jackass decided to shoot a guy at the club for finding and swallowing the illegal drugs, which the police found after some time of fully inspecting it. when you were notified you wanted to kill the guy off yourself, you weren't into taking drugs so you questioned how hard is it to keep them unnoticed.
no one seem to be aware of the police finding the base so when you heard the sound of a door getting kicked down and gun shots being fired, you jumped. you were half asleep due to it being close to 3 in the morning, they must've picked a late time thinking that you all were asleep so you wouldn't put up much of a fight.
you quickly jumped out of your bed, adrenaline running in your veins as you found a knife and a gun. you wanted to accept your fate but your pride was ahead of you, you aren't going down without a bit of a fight. they would have to take you dead or unconscious.
you ran out your room and was met with chaos. what was known as your home has now became a battlefield, your friends and coworkers were dead on the floor, their blood surrounding them. this just fueled the flame but you knew to keep your composure.
you quietly went downstairs, not making a sound and began shooting at every cop you see. dodging their bullets and using their dead comrades as a shield as you ran toward them, getting close enough so you can stab them.
it was a one woman army, shooting them all until it was only you left standing, white dress gown drenched with their blood as well as the rest of your body. the smell of blood makes you sick to your stomach every time. just when you thought you killed them all, someone attempted to shoot you. making you drop your knife from the shock. the perpetrator took the opportunity to try and pin you down but you were quicker, you kick their side and pulled their hair, bringing their face close to yours.
you inspected the perpetrator, it was a woman who you gotta admit, is stunning with short dark orange hair that was faded to black who stared back at you. you were about to land a punch her way but was met with the feeling us electricity being zapped through you which made you let out a scream.
"bitch! get off of me!" you screamed at the woman you was sitting on your tummy.
your words seemed to phase her because she landed a forceful slap to the side of your face which made you yelp and attempt to hit her back. she was obviously more stronger than your current state because she almost effortlessly pinned your hand above you and used her other hand to choke you.
you were gasping and twisting your body around in a attempt to get her off of you. strangled moans and whines spilling from your mouth and tears filling your waterline, threatening to fall at any given moment. just when you felt you were completely out of air, she let go and placed a cloth over you lips and nose, forcing you to breathe in the substance on the cloth. your struggle evidently grew slower and less frantic and your eyes were half lidded, threatening to close as your vision began to blur until you were met with a void of darkness.
you jumped up from your sleep, breathing staggered and panic filled your eyes as you struggle to manage what all took place. your memories came back to you as you calmed your breathing, you've been caught, you're not even aware if anyone else made it out alive or if they were all killed. you took a look around the unfamiliar room and looked down at your body, you're now wearing an orange prison suit, with what appears to be black sneakers.
"you awake now sleepy beauty?" a husky voice spoke which made you turn your head to the direction of where you heard the voice.
it was the same woman from yesterday, manspreading in a chair in your room.
"were you watching me sleep? ever heard of privacy?" you questioned, attitude laced in your voice.
"say bye to privacy, you get none of that here. wake up 'cause this is your new life." she smirked looking dead in your eyes, fixing her posture in the chair.
"you've slept long, its already lunch time." she spoke again, standing up and walking to the door, which made you stand up when she put her fingers in a "come here" motion.
the woman, which now you know as, minjeong by her coworkers but winter to the prisoners gave you a tour around the prison. showing where everything is, you don't understand why she's doing this. all the prison movies you've seen never shown a cop giving fresh meat a tour.
you don't even know how long your sentence is but you surely hated this lifestyle, the food was so shitty you spit it back out.
"who the fuck is cooking back there because they personally need to get their ass beat for cooking this shit. i'd rather starve." you muttered.
"they'll force you to eat if you don't yourself. they go as far as to stick a tube in your tummy and feed you like that." an inmate told you.
you began chatting with the inmate that you found out was karina, she was totally gonna be your best friend in this hell hole.
the first few days have been okay, you always had an uncomfortable sleep because you were sleeping on literal metal. the other inmates would always look at you creepily which freaked you out a bit, especially in the shower room. but luckily karina came in there with you. with minjeong, you hated her. from her cock ass attitude to the way she would just look so fine. it just pissed you off all together and you made her aware of that. throwing mean words at her anytime you get such as, "bitch, don't touch me." "leave me the fuck alone, bitch." she let it slide but today it seemed she was in a bad mood and she wasn't having none of it.
you woke up and she was in your room, like always. you always poke your fun at her, wanting to hit a nerve so bad so you can laugh in her face.
"you're such a fuckin' creep. don't you have something better to do than be in my room everyday even when i'm sleep?" you questioned, trying to sound annoyed but you do in fact don't mind her in here.
she said nothing but stood up and walked over to you, hooded eyes staring back into your eyes. it startled you, taking a gulp as she walked over to you before grabbing your arm and yanking and you up. dragging you to an unknown place.
"yah! what the fuck — where are we going!?" you whispered not wanting to drag attention to yourself.
she remained quiet, but you felt her hand squeeze your arm, telling you to shut up. so you did, listening to her for the first time letting her drag you to wherever it was that she was taking you to.
you were dragged into what looked like an office, her office. you inspected the area wondering why she brought you here.
"the fuck are we in here for— ah! what the hell?!" you were cut off when you were pushed down to the ground right in front of her black couch.
minjeong stood right in front of you and that’s when you finally saw it, her hard boner pressing against her cop uniform. just the position of you guys had made it visible what she was gonna make you do making you gulp.
minjeong, after making sure you see her problem, started undressing her bottom half. once she took off her boxers her cock rested flat against her tummy, angry red cock leaking precum already.
“go on” she muttered out, patience running thin.
“hah! make me— mph!” the words died down in your throat because she sure as hell did force you.
her hands gripped your head, keeping your head in place while her hips were thrusting wildly into your warm mouth. tears were running down your face while you were gagging on her thick cock, hands on her thighs trying to push you outta her mouth but she was far more stronger than you.
“fuckk! you’re so pretty like th-this, not being a mean bitch. ngh! yea — just keep your pretty eyes on me.” minjeong groaned, forcing you to keep eye contact while she used you as a flesh light.
“fuck! g’na cum! and you’re gonna swallow it all.” she groaned.
her hips began to stutter as she picked up the pace, thrusting wildly into your mouth making you gag until she stopped. your nose was on her pelvis, throat burning while you’re trying to breathe through your nose. she finally came, seed shooting down your throat, more tears prickling your eyes as you swallowed up all of her seed.
she finally pulled out, strings of your spit connected to her cock until the string broke. you were gasping, trying to inhale as much air as you can. she barely gave you a break because she manhandled you on the couch and pushed into you, making you scream she was fucking into you with no prep, you never had something so big in you!
you were screaming trying to run away from her until she pined you to the couch. thrusts were fast and hard making your body push up with every thrust.
“nghh- ah! wait — slow down!!” you cried, eyes shut and back arching with your hands frantically looking for something to grip on.
it was like she didn’t even hear you, her hips had a mind of its own. she growled seeing her bulging your tummy, removing her hand to toy with your clit and the other to press down on your tummy bulge. making you let out pornographic moans which are basically screams until she shut you up with a kiss, all your moans were muffled by minjeong until you came all over her and her couch!
she let you ride out your high, pumping into you until she’s cumming into you, painting your tight walls white.
“you just needed a good fuck, huh?” minjeong said, your attitude was the complete opposite from your regular one with her. you were on her lap, head resting on her shoulder while cockwarming her.
“oh shut up!” you groaned, lightly hitting her making her chuckle.
let’s just say, this affair was between you and her and you both were fucked if anyone ever found out! <33
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elliesflower · 1 year
hii, i love your work so much <3 can u write smth about reader and abby (in a pre established relationship) where readers mind just goes completely blank as she stares at abbys arms when she works out or literally does anything and abby notices and fucks her hard and uses her strength to do whatever she wants with reader? would also be nice if u could write smth about overstimulation <3 i know its not a noticeable detail for this req but pls write black!reader bc i am too and need some abby for myself tysm 🫶
what you need [abby anderson]
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pairing; abby x black fem!reader
cw; top!abby, bottom!reader, strap-on usage (r!recieving), overstimulation, dirty talk/gendered pet names, kinda leaning on bimbo/subspace territory
an; thank u so much for this request sweetheart! i hope u enjoy, please let me know what u think!! i'm sorry the ending is a little rushed, i've literally been trying to post this for like three weeks lmfao. also i did not proofread this v well so if u see a mistake no u dont <3
tags; @scandalcus @prrimordiais @roarriita
18+ only, mdni!!!!
you don’t consider yourself weak. 
but when you were looking at abby, perhaps you were. just a bit. 
“babe? the chalk,” abby’s voice snapped you out of your thoughts and you shook your head slightly, as if it would get rid of them, reaching behind you to grab the chalk before crossing the room to hand it to her. 
“thanks,” she didn’t even look at you, and you almost huffed. you’ve been with her at the gym for what feels like hours now, even though it’s probably only been more like thirty minutes. you started out just walking on the treadmill, but got bored pretty quickly when you realized you could be watching your girlfriend train instead. 
she was training for a pr on her deadlift, and she was getting close. you’d barely seen her this week—when she wasn’t on patrol, she was in the gym. you fell asleep before she got home almost every night, and when you woke up, she was already gone. it was driving you crazy, and now that you were together, she still was barely paying you any mind. 
she rubbed the chalk between her hands, clapping them out on her thighs before positioning herself behind the bar. you sat back down behind her and watched as she bent over, gripping the metal bar, her forearms flexing as she adjusted her grip. you practically had to wipe the drool away from your mouth as you watched her begin to lift, admiring the way her veins popped out from beneath her skin, her shoulders glistening with sweat as her muscles flexed with the effort it took to lift the weights. 
her brows were knit together in concentration as she watched herself in the mirror, gritting her teeth together and keeping her breath as controlled as possible. you couldn’t help but to feel flustered as she panted, imagining the sounds in a…much different context.
the sound of the weights clattering to the ground snapped you out of your head for a second time, and you flinched, watching as abby smiled at herself in the mirror, flexing and slapping her bicep. 
“yeah, that’s right,” she spoke, and oh, that sounded eerily similar to her bedroom voice, “that’s what i’m fucking talking about! did you see that shit?” she turned to face you now, still grinning from ear-to-ear. “beat my pr by forty pounds, i gotta get manny in here tomorrow to verify because that shit is going up on the board.”
you smiled up at her, nodding—but it was kind of hard when you were also focused on pressing your thighs together, trying to ignore the fact that somewhere along the line, your panties had become damp, sticking delicately to your folds as you watched abby training. her mouth twitched just slightly at the corner, and you swallowed. you knew abby could read you like the back of her hand, no matter how hard you tried to hide from her. 
“something wrong, baby?” she asked, feigning concern. her tank top was covered in sweat around the neckline, her forehead glistening under the fluorescents as she walked toward you. you shook your head, a bit too quickly, and it was telling. your throat felt dry, your brain absolutely scrambled as you looked up at her. she stopped directly in front of you, towering over you so that you had to strain your neck to look up at her. if there wasn’t a giant wall of windows to the left of you, you couldn’t be sure you wouldn’t just sink down to your knees and kiss her fucking feet. she looked like an angel—scratch that, god—above you as you watched her through your lashes, stomach tying in knots. 
she wasn’t saying anything. she was just looking at you, breathing heavy, with half of that stupid smile still on her face. you focused your own breathing, in and out, but it didn’t help that she was so close you could smell her, sweaty musk that could only smell good on her, and it was making you dizzy. and she fucking knew it too. 
“alright then,” she said finally, bending down to your level so that your faces were mere inches apart. “what d’you say we go clean up and meet jordan and leah for dinner?” oh, right. there was that. you could only nod, and abby’s eyes were wild, flickering down to your mouth before meeting yours again. 
“let’s go.” her voice was sharp, commanding, and she went to retrieve her gym bag. you sat silently for another moment, trying to will yourself to calm down, just a bit. you knew you’d get back to the room and she wouldn’t be able to resist—she’d have you pinned up against the wall before you could even blink. 
except, she didn’t. she tossed her bag to the ground and began gathering things for her shower, effectively ignoring, even as you changed out of your shirt extra slowly, just waiting for her to turn around and catch you. but she didn’t, and didn’t even say another word as she slipped out the door to take a shower. you scrunch your brows together, lips pouting slightly as you get dressed for dinner, making sure to put on a clean pair of underwear. you were so worked up, part of you wanted to touch yourself, right here and now—but you didn’t even want to think about how long abby might make you wait if she came back and found you knuckle deep in your pussy. so you didn’t.
dinner with leah and jordan was pleasant. leah’s cooking was insane, as always, and jordan and abby caught up on some big assignment that was coming up, still paying you little attention. after dinner, you were excited to get back to your room, practically salivating at the thought of what abby might do to you, but jordan just had to suggest watching a movie. and of course, abby just had to agree. 
you were a bit surprised when abby pulled you onto her lap on the couch, seeing as she had practically been avoiding you like the plague since the gym, and oh—she was packing.
leah rested her head on jordan’s lap on the loveseat beside you, their bodies conveniently angled just so that you were out of view. your eyes widened, breath hitching as abby snaked her arm around your waist, pulling you further back into her as she readjusted her position against the couch, effectively grinding her hips up into you. you bit your lip as you leaned back into her, glancing over at leah and jordan to confirm they couldn’t see you. she smelled like pine and her hair was down, fuck she looked so good with her hair down. 
“wassa’ matter babe?” abby whispered against your neck, and you shivered. “you’re so tense.” she punctuated her point with a hand on your shoulder, her thumb pressing into the junction of your neck. 
“nothing,” you lied, trying to keep your voice quiet and steady. “just watching the movie.” and thinking about abby flipping you over and railing you into next week. but you didn’t say that part. you didn’t even know what movie was playing. 
“mhm,” she murmured behind you, her hand trailing around your middle to meet her other, pressing you even further against her. you could feel her cock pressing into your ass, and you had to bite back a moan. you reached to grasp at her wrists, your fingers not even wrapping around the girth of them, trying to grind your hips for just a little bit of friction—anything, you’d take anything you could get at this point—but she only tightened her grip, halting your movements. 
“stop squirming,” she said quietly. “m’trying to watch the movie.” it was really unfair, how her voice was so steady, and her breathing so even. meanwhile, you thought you might explode, nails digging into her skin as you tried your best to ignore the heat in your stomach, and how you were definitely ruining this pair of panties as well. 
she held you like that, for a few minutes longer, or hours, maybe, how long was this fucking movie? your pussy was clenching and unclenching, your heart beating out of control as you tried to ignore the feeling of abby beneath you to no avail. 
suddenly, thankfully, she relinquished her hold on your waist, smoothing her hands down the expanse of your bare thighs. 
“hey, i’m getting pretty tired. i’ve gotta be up pretty early, i think we’re gonna turn in,” she said over the movie, and jordan craned his neck to look at the pair of you standing up. you really hoped your face didn’t give away how insanely flustered you felt. leah was passed out in his lap, and he gave you both a nod and bid you goodnight. 
in the hallway, abby was back to ignoring you. you could barely keep up with her as she strode ahead. you were aching at this point, genuinely surprised you weren’t leaking straight down your thighs as you watched her back muscles flex beneath her shirt. you loved this game. and she knew it too. 
she stopped just outside your door, leaning against the frame and crossing her arms as she waited for you to unlock it. before you could get both feet through the doorway, she was right behind you, chest pressing against your back as she ushered you inside, closing the door behind her and spinning you around so that she could press you against it. you gasped, flattening your palms against the door as you looked at her, your head trapped between her arms. you burned under her gaze, stomach tightening and legs going weak. 
“don’t think i didn’t see your face in the mirror while i was training,” she said quietly, grabbing the back of your neck to keep your eyes on her. you were so fucking horny you didn’t have the semblance to be ashamed as she all but taunted you.
“hm? just watching me work out gets you all hot and bothered?” you felt like your neck might snap from nodding so hard. abby laughed quietly at you, the sound only turning you on more. 
“yeah i know, because you know i could take you any way i wanted and you wouldn’t even have to lift a finger. so fucking spoiled,” she was teasing you, and you whined. “you’ve been so patient with me this week,” she pressed her lower half against you, using her hand to press the side of your face into the door, making you once again aware of the silicone cock in her pants. she could feel your pulse thrumming against her fingers, exciting her. “gonna make it all better now, okay? i’m gonna give you what you need…” her lips were ghosting over your ear, and you were quite literally trembling in her grasp, taking in a shaky breath as you waited patiently. 
“so good for me,” she grabbed you by the jaw, before she placed a kiss on your lips and pulled back, causing you to let out a pitiful whine. 
“tell me what you want,” her lids were heavy as she looked at you, her poor, poor baby—lips parted, eyes glazed over, panting with a desperate need. you pouted slightly. surely she’d give in, right? she’s already had you waiting for so long. 
she gripped your jaw tighter, making you gasp as she pressed you further into the door. you were helpless, completely at her mercy, her strength always hyper evident when she had you like this. “c’mon, tell me what you want.” you felt tears welling in your eyes, balling your hands into fists as she watched your face. 
“use me,” your voice broke through, small and weak. somehow, abby’s face remained stoic, though you saw her draw in a sharp breath. she pulled her hand away to tap at your cheek, not quite a slap, but enough that you were whining. 
“manners,” she reprimanded, withdrawing her hand completely. you let a tear fall as you were overcome with frustration, emptiness–
“please, use me, please abby, i missed you,” and it was pathetic, how a sob escaped your lips. but it was okay, because you knew she’d make it all better, her eyes going soft for a moment before she was pulling you in, slotting your lips together in a messy kiss. you could taste as your tears mixed with saliva, letting her suck your tongue into her mouth before trailing her hands down to your ass, grabbing a handful and squeezing. 
“jump,” she mumbled against your lips, and you obliged, letting her pull you in as you wrapped your legs around her waist. she carried you across the room with ease, and you couldn’t help but try to press deeper against her lower half.
“so fuckin’ pretty baby,” she mumbled against you, and she was setting you down on the table. “was so hard to not to just bend you over that couch and fuck you like you deserve,” oh god, oh fuck, you were moaning against her mouth, letting her hands find the hem of your shirt before she was pulling it off over your head, exposing your breasts. 
“bet you’d like that, hm? letting me fuck you in front of our friends, show them how dirty you really are?” she rasped, her voice holding a desperate edge. you whined at the notion, the fact that she was just as desperate for you as you were for her. you nodded pathetically as she rubbed a thumb across your sensitive nipples, drawing your bottom lip between your teeth as you gripped the edge of the table. 
she dipped her head down, swirling her tongue over one of your nipples and you threaded your fingers through her hair, gripping tightly as your head fell back in ecstasy, mouth falling open in a silent moan. she kissed her way back up to your mouth as you panted heavily. she wasn’t even teasing you, she was so desperate, the heat radiating off her body as she continued messily kissing up to your neck, your jaw, back to your mouth where she parted your lips with her own, fumbling with the button of your jeans. 
“yeah, i know baby, i know,” her voice was like velvet, scratchy and soft at the same time against your lips. “just need me to take care of you, huh? that it?” she was practically manhandling you to lift your hips up and pull off your pants and panties, your tailbone connecting rather harshly with the wooden table once you were exposed—you didn’t have the semblance to be embarrassed at how it barely even hurt as your body was overwhelmed with adrenaline, with desire, with abby. 
“yes, god,” you threw your head back, wrapping your legs around her waist to draw her in closer as she sucked a fresh mark into your neck, and then another, and another, leaving you grinding helplessly against her, your wetness allowing you to rub your clit directly against the bulge in her pants. your whining was pornographic, desperate and loud, the friction clouding your mind with ecstasy. “missed you so much, abs, please–”
“fuckin’ needy,” she gritted, pressing on your lower back to get you even closer, eliciting a gasp from your mouth as you clutched onto her shoulder with one hand while the other kept you steady on the table. “barely been a week and you just need it that bad, can’t even wait for my cock?” her words were filthy, and your grinding even filthier, desperate and rough, like you were a bitch in heat—abby’s strong arm was keeping you in place as you took your pleasure, the feeling overwhelming your body as you panted and gasped, and oh, since when were you able to cum this fast? “c’mon baby, that’s it– take what you need, i got you.”
it must have barely been five seconds before you were losing it, body tensing as your hips stuttered, feeling your wetness absolutely drenching the front of abby’s pants. “oh m’godm’godfuckingchrist–” you babbled incoherently as she held you through it, murmuring praises and trying to hide her own groans by biting down into your shoulder. your used clit was puffy and sore against the rough fabric of her pants as you came down, whining as abby reached between your bodies. 
“such a fucking good girl, my god,” she praised, giving you no time to recover as she ran her fingers through your slick folds. you moaned, your thighs closing around her arm instinctively as she explored your wetness, slipping two fingers inside with ease. 
“abby, s’too much, please,” your voice was pitiful, broken and whiny as you gripped her arm, your words inconsistent with the way your walls fluttered around her fingers as she opened you up, unable to resist her, even when it felt like too much—because you know it wasn’t too much. in fact, maybe it wasn’t enough. abby knew your body, exactly how you needed to be taken apart, brought to your peak and taken care of.
“yeah? you don’t want this then?” she taunted, and took her fingers out so that she was just teasing your entrance. 
“no!” you gasped, the empty feeling making your stomach twist, tears streaming down your face. “please, i- i can take it, please, i’m sorry,” you begged, would practically say anything or do anything at this point. but you knew abby wouldnt make you wait long, smirking at you before pressing her fingers back in just as quickly as she’d pulled out. she couldn’t resist you, especially after not having you for an entire week. 
“i know you can baby, such a good girl,” she was working her fingers into you rapidly now, determined to make you come on her fingers again before she impaled you on her strap.and it wouldn’t take long, what with your sensitive cunt being abused again. you were shaking, could feel your wetness pooling beneath you, ruining the table as you moaned and panted. “c’mon, let go for me baby, let go,” her voice washed over you, started as the sweat on your hairline until it was making your stomach twist, your thighs tremble and your toes curl, your pussy gushing out for the second time already that night. 
“fuck,” you whined, clenching desperately around nothing as she pulled her fingers out of you, digging your nails into her shoulder as she ran a finger over your swollen clit again, making you gasp out her name, broken and pitiful. your heart was beating out of your chest, watching abby draw her fingers up to your mouth. your lips parted automatically, allowing her to press her fingers in, pressing down on your tongue as you sucked your juices off of her. 
“yeah, that’s it,” she breathed. “clean up your mess baby.” so full of love and adoration, but she wanted more. you could see it in her eyes as they flashed something wild, and knew she wasn’t planning on stopping. watching your pleasure was doing something to her she couldn’t even explain, practically moaning at the sight and feeling of you sucking on her fingers.
you were tired, your multiple orgasms after a dry spell catching up to you quickly, and abby could sense your sudden change in demeanor—your eyes drooping slightly as you sucked lazily on her fingers, your index finger holding onto one of her belt loops to keep you upright. you were a sight, your juices spilled all over the table, your thighs sticky and messy with your arousal. she almost took pity on you, almost. but she knew her good girl could take just one more. 
and you knew it too, what with the way she was looking at you. the thought made you feel dirty, and made you moan around her fingers, grasping on her wrist as you started sucking on them just a little bit harder, that little flame in your tummy igniting once more. you watched abby’s eyes darken as you sped up, her chest rising and falling quicker as she felt your tongue wrapping around her fingers.
“oh m’god, baby,” she groaned, and she withdrew her fingers, a string of saliva dribbling down your chin as she shuffled backwards to undo her pants. “i gotta fuck you baby, gotta give you what you deserve,” she was rambling as you leaned back on your elbows, your legs twitching as the cool air washed over your damp pussy, on display for your girlfriend. “gonna give you this cock baby don’t worry.”
“please abby,” and unspoken was please take care of me, please fuck me, please do anything you want to me, and she would. there was no doubt. you could barely see the black silicone spring free from down the line of your body as you were laid back on the table. 
“i know baby, i know,” abby gripped your hip with one hand, her blunt nails digging into the flesh with a delicious sting, and you tried to pull back when the tip of her strap brushed over your over-sensitive clit. it made your brain all fuzzy, your whole body tingling with the over-sensitivity, the push and pull of wanting more but feeling so used. “just let me in, you can take it,” she was practically cooing, teasing your entrance as you writhed on the table, tears streaming down your cheeks as you tried to watch. 
“abby!” you cried as she pushed past the tight ring of muscle, your back arching so that you sat up higher, the angle pressing her cock right against your most delicate spot. abby’s hand immediately came around to your back, holding you up before you dead-weighted and hit your head on the wooden table. 
“i got you, angel, you’re okay,” she was mesmerized, watching the way your body responded to her. you were so fucked out, the feeling of her cock stretching you out making you whine and pant and feel so fucking dirty. “c’mon baby, sit up. hands around my neck, you can do it,” she was pulling you up, and you obliged, reaching up to wrap your arms lazily around her neck. she snaked both arms around your waist and lifted you up off the table, causing you to cry out and bury your face into her neck. 
“that’s it, just relax,” she kept herself nestled deep inside you, almost pressed against your cervix when you wrapped your legs around her waist and whined pitifully, the sound muffled by abby’s shirt. her hands snaked down to your ass to keep you spread open as she held you still and began to thrust slowly up into your sore cunt. 
“oh m’god abby, jesus,” you cried as she fucked into you with seemingly no effort, your wet pussy making obscene noises each time she pulled out. you were already teetering right on the edge, and the feeling of her cock filling you up was going to be your downfall. she groaned each time she felt you tensing in her grip, and she was faltering with her own arousal. 
“such a good fucking girl,” she was almost growling, and you were so close, so fucking close, your juices dribbling out indecently around her as she fucked you to overstimulation. “taking everything i give you…is my pretty girl going to come again for me? hm?” you could do nothing but nod as abby bounced you up and down on her thick cock, desperate to bring you to your release. 
“well c’mon then,” she whispered against the side of your face and your eyes rolled back into your head as your pussy tightened around her, nearly suffocating her with your arms as your body was overwhelmed by your third orgasm of the night. a broken mantra of abby abby abby abby spilling from your lips as you tumbled over the edge again. 
“that’s it baby, fuck,” abby’s voice was almost as broken as yours, pulling you closer into her hips as you cried into her shoulder. 
“my fucking best girl.”
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delulu-with-wandanat · 9 months
International Affair (Part 2) Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Last
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Reader Description: Masculine style, They/He, AFAB, International Student, 20 Years Old. Sometimes will be describe using masculine terms (man, boy, handsome, etc)
Pairings: Wanda Maximoff x InternationalStudent!Reader
Warnings: Specified age gap (Wanda is 34), NSFW content (??)
Summary: Y/n finally got a job as a Barista, however they were only offering part-time. Wanda wants to keep them around as much as she can in the name of "extra work." Who is Y/n to say no?
They had always wanted to work as a Barista, thankfully Harkness Coffee was willing to hire someone without prior experience. Their first day was spent mostly on training with a senior barista, Kate Bishop. He learned that Kate was also studying at NYU. However, Kate was 2 years above him.
Kate was very nice and welcoming, she has a rather bubbly personality to her. Once they finished their training, Y/n headed to Wanda's immediately. Knowing the promise of an extra job in exchange for money, he was taking all the offer he could get. He knows that he should probably take it one at a time, but ay you gotta do what you gotta do to make ends meet.
They rang the bell and waited, feeling slightly nervous. Wanda opened the door and greeted him with a smile. Shit that damn smile. "Y/n, I almost thought you wouldn't come."
They smiled back at her as she opened the door wider to let them in. "Thank you, Mrs. Maximoff." He observed the house, it was lovely. The living room was decorated with many pictures of her family. "You have a lovely home."
"Thank you, dear. Follow me." Wanda then leads them to her backyard and a pool came into view. Man, now would be a really nice time to swim, they thought.
"I merely need someone to clean up the pool, just light maintenance. I have a guy coming in once a week, but he's been sick lately. So I need you to clean up the leaves and debris, also brushing the walls. No need for chemicals." Y/n sighed in relief internally, he didn't know jackshit about pool chemicals.
"Consider it done, Ma'am!" He said while beaming at her, Wanda goes to rest on one of the pool bench to relax and read a book. Y/n got to work immediately.
This was a relatively easy job. Get a net, get those leaves, and then get paid. It was easy money. However, it is summer so the heat of the sun was starting to get to him after a while. They were wearing a jacket as well and felt rather sweaty. They decided to take off their jacket, revealing a white undershirt that was hugging their toned figure just right.
Wanda, who had been secretly observing them, almost choked at the sight. The way his shirt fit him perfectly had her mind going all over the place. She probably shouldn't be thinking about all the dirty things she wanted to do to them, but can you blame her?
20 year old heartthrob, amazing sense of style, respectful, hardworking, lowkey submissive, don't forget the impressive physique. Wanda couldn't help but want to use him for pleasure to get closer to them. Y/n checked all of the boxes of what she looked for in a sexual partner.
Yes, she was married. But in all honesty her husband, Vision, was very neglectful. All he cares about is his job, always on some business trip, and not to mention terrible in bed. He wasn't a bad guy by all means, but Wanda has needs to be met. What's wrong with having a little fun?
Feeling a pair of eyes on them, Y/n glanced at Wanda just in time to see her eyes roaming their figure while subtly biting her lips. Feeling a tinge of nervousness again he gave her a smile and a wave, "I'm almost done, Mrs. Maximoff."
"Take your time, darling. I don't want to rush you." This time they noticed the flirty undertone in her sentence, they decided to just focus on their job.
Once the pool was cleaned, Wanda approached them while carrying an envelope. "Well done, Y/n. Here is your payment."
He smiled sheepishly while rubbing his neck, he took the envelope. "Thank you, Mrs. Maximoff. But it's nothing really."
"I still need a couple of help around the house. Would you mind if I ever give you a call?" She tilted her head slightly with a subtle smirk.
"I-" They cleared their throat. "Yeah sure." He grabbed her phone and put down his number. Wanda was not-so-subtly staring at him up close. Studying their facial features. I bet their very good with their mouth, she thought.
When they look up, Wanda was in their personal space. They were entranced by her captivating green eyes. "Say, Y/n, do you have a girlfriend?"
"N-no I don't."
Wanda gave them her devilish smile once again, "Shame..." She made a move to grab her phone in his hand, brushing their hands slightly. "I wouldn't want this to go to waste."
Damn this woman, she knows what she's doing.
So for the next few days Y/n would go on to do numbers of odd jobs from Wanda. Of course his main work was still as a Barista, but they had to be honest, Wanda's pay was somewhat higher? He didn't understand why she would be so generous with her payments, but he wasn't complaining. He needed this money bad.
And Wanda would also get more and more bold with her flirt each day.
Lightly brushing their hands together when he worked on her garden. Making flirty remarks like; "I wonder what other things those fingers are good at." when she hired them to teach her 7 year old boys guitar. Or guiding his hand while he was chopping vegetables that one time she needed a 'cook assistant'
Unfortunately, Y/n doesn't seem to be responding back. It frustrates her slightly as all she wanted to do was have them absolutely fucking ravish her. Meanwhile, Y/n was just happy that he's making a lot of money. Turns out they were right. A jack of all trades is a master of none, but oftentimes better than a master of one.
And Y/n was good at a number of things.
That's how they ended with more and more side jobs from other neighbors. Which caused a slight jealousy on Wanda's end. There's no denying that Y/n is a young hotshot that catches many other women's attention. Which is why the next time Y/n comes over, Wanda would have her ways.
Things are getting spicy-
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Cloudy With a Chance of Murder.
Part I: leaving the crime scene.
Part II: the phone call.
Part III: a visit to the morgue.
Part IV: the lunch break.
Beckett stood by the coffee machine, waiting for the last of the espresso double-shot to drip from the machine so that she could pour the perfectly foamed milk into her mug. She was getting better at this; soon enough she'd be able to make herself a cup of coffee to rival Castle's, she was sure of it.
The boys had paraded through the bullpen with Reggie and his body guard only ten minutes ago. Their interrogation was far from over and, with everything panning out the way it had been, Beckett had decided that now was as good a time as ever for a caffeine boost.
Castle evidently had the same idea.
He walked into the break room and moved to take his place by her side. But he stood too close. Too close for at the precinct, anyway.
Out of habit - yes, after only two weeks they had already formed too many habits - his hand came to rest on her lower back and his chest brushed against her shoulder. She knew he wasn't doing it on purpose: trying to drive her crazy with the close proximity, the familiarity of his touch. But she hated having to hold back and it would be a hell of a lot easier if he wasn't constantly putting her in the position of having to be the one to redraw those boundaries.
With a sigh, she stepped to the side and regretfully created some distance between them.
"You know what I was just thinking?" Castle asked her as he turned and leaned back against the bench.
"That it's always the nice guy athlete that lets you down?" she mused with just a hint of bitterness.
Castle frowned. "There's obviously a backstory to that snide remark," he commented curiously. She looked at him, waited for the hounding questions but he shook his head. "No. I was thinking..." He allowed his voice to trail off as he stepped closer to her. After just a quick glance over his shoulder to ensure they were still alone, he looked at her with a mischievous grin. "It's almost lunch time."
Beckett looked at him, waited for him to maybe continue on with that train of thought. Instead, he just waggled his eyebrows.
"And, I just happened to leave my packed lunch at home this morning."
She frowned; since when did Castle pack a lunch? But then she realized what he was suggesting. "So you'll be needing to go home to get it."
Castle smiled, took another small step in her direction. He was invading her space again; the smell of his cologne too alluring to ignore and she - for the second time that day - abandoned her coffee.
"I was hoping that maybe you could give me a lift?" he asked, still playing this game he had obviously decided he liked. "You know, save me the hassle of trying to hail a cab."
"You seem to have forgotten the case we're working on. The one that is far from solved," she reminded him.
He shrugged. "Gotta take your mandated break, right?"
"And you want me to spend my break playing taxi for you?"
"I promise to make it worth your while."
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jjkamochoso · 2 months
The Perfect Fit
Story Overview: Levi Ackerman begrudgingly finds himself falling in love with the Survey Corps’ seamstress. Will they be able to own up to their feelings for each other? Or is their love doomed to fail before they discover the truths of each other’s hearts? This slow burn reader insert story will be filled with angst, yearning, and a bit of mystery as we slowly unravel the truths behind Y/N’s past… and explore her and Levi’s future!
Chapter 4
Chapter 3 linked here
Chapter 5 linked here
Levi Ackerman x female reader
Warnings: cussing
Almost a week had passed since your horse died and now you were running out of food. You still hadn’t had any clients from the village come see you for their sewing needs so you figured you would question them when you saw them on your shopping trip. Walking into the quiet village, you noticed its inhabitants looked more pitiful than usual. The situation was grim out in the forest but you weren’t expecting it to be this bad yet. You could tell people were running low on food, the stalls barely selling any produce. You bought a few items you could salvage, but most of it was rotten.
“Haven’t seen your face in a while,” you said, striking up a conversation with the stall owner, a client of yours.
“I’m sorry. We have no money left to get our clothes fixed. None of us here do. If this continues…” He looked away and you noticed just how gaunt he was. His skin was starting to droop around his cheekbones and he was as white as snow. “You can no longer rely on us to make money. I suggest heading toward the interior. With your talent, I’m sure the nobles would kill to have you work for them. Someone’s gotta make it out of this godforsaken place and you have the best shot.”
You felt any words you tried to speak get caught in your throat. Opting to nod instead, you turned away to go back home when another stall caught your eye. Was that meat cooking? That was a rarity nowadays. As you got closer, you read the sign that told you what animal it was. It took everything in you to not vomit.
It was horse.
The villages must be truly desperate for food to chance eating your sick horse. You couldn’t take the sight any longer and rushed away, blinking away tears. Now that the villagers confirmed that you couldn’t make any more money from them, the seriousness of the situation dawned on you. Would you have to move? You most likely wouldn’t be welcomed back to your old home or else that would be an option. Would you have to join the military to have an income? You didn’t think you had it in you to make it through the training. Besides, if you failed out, you couldn’t risk hurting your hands in the meantime because you’d have nothing else going for you. All these thoughts buzzed around your head, distracting you from realizing you were home and you weren’t alone.
“Y/n! I’m here to rescue you!”
“Hange?!” You didn’t know what they meant, but you were glad to see your friend. You greeted them with a tight hug. “What are you doing here?”
“More like what were you doing not here? I thought you died or something. You’re always at home.”
You frowned. “Ouch! You came all this way just to bully me?” They laughed, clapping a friendly hand on your back as you continued. “Anyway, I was in the village. I was told my services couldn’t be supported anymore since the villagers had to save their money. Those poor people are starving, Hange. They were cooking my dead horse, for fuck’s sake.”
Hange’s eyes softened when they saw how distressed you were. “They’re strong people, y/n. They’ll get through it, just like in times past. Don’t be so hard on yourself. There’s nothing you can do to save them.”
You clenched your fists in frustration. You knew that, but it still shook you to your core. You were a woman of action, taking charge against the inequalities people faced however you could. You had a long history of doing charity work, especially when you were living with your family in Wall Sina. Seeing those around you suffer while you were comfy in your warm home with plenty of food made you sick to your stomach. That was one of the reasons you left…
“Well, I have better news for you. How do you feel about formally joining the Scouts?”
You felt your eyes almost pop out of their sockets. “Huh?!”
“You wanna move in with us? You’d be on official payroll, have a clean place to sleep. And we wouldn’t have to keep coming out to this dump to get our clothes fixed.”
You wanted to be offended at Hange’s diss of your house, but they weren’t wrong. Instead of living in a run down building, you would be a Scout? Have a steady income, reliable food source, (halfway) warm bed? You had to admit, it sounded better than being by yourself out here.
“I’m tempted to say yes, but are you sure it’s allowed? I haven’t gone through training or anything.”
“It’s fine,” Hange told you, “Commander Erwin already got it approved. When he caught wind of your horse situation from the kids, he weighed the options of either giving you a new one or having you join us. It made more sense for you to be with us instead of us come to you. So he got the paperwork written up, approved, and here I am. So, y/n, I ask once more. Wanna be a Scout?”
Eyeing your property one last time, you balled up your fists and gave Hange the salute.
“Yes, sir!”
It hadn’t taken long for you two to pack up your things. Everything fit in the cart Hange brought, with plenty of room to spare. Even though the place was pretty gross, you were still a bit sad about leaving it. However, your future would be much brighter following the Scouts from base to base and you were excited for a fresh start.
“I’m excited to be around people again. It was starting to get lonely out here,” you told Hange, watching the foliage pass you by as you made the move to your new home.
“I’m sure. And by people, you mean Captain Levi?” They wore a big, teasing grin.
“I want to deny that but you’re much too smart to trick. He’s an interesting man for sure. He was such an asshole when he first met but then he did such nice things for me! Is he always this confusing?”
“Yup,” said Hange, “but that’s part of his charm. He’s honest and no matter how hard he tries to deny it, he wears his heart on his sleeve. He’s a soldier, he’s hardened. He goes through so much yet he still can’t find it within himself to not give a shit. You’re both my closest friends and you’re more alike than it may seem. He’s a selfless person, y/n, don’t ever let him convince you he’s not.”
“Yeah,” you mumbled, deep in thought about the blue eyed man as your new residence entered your view. You entered the gates and you felt your heart beat a little faster. When you came to a stop, you were greeted by a familiar face.
“Erwin!” you yelled out, running over to give him a big hug. “Thank you, thank you, thank you!” You stepped away, giving him a salute.
“Y/n, welcome. I’m glad you and your things made it. I take it Hange told you everything?”
You nodded, smiling wide. “They did. I sincerely appreciate everything you’ve done for me over the years, but this is something else. I don’t know how to repay you.”
“No need. I just don’t want my good friend to be starving by herself in the woods somewhere. Having you here is repayment enough. These soldiers are reckless and I can’t have them running around in tattered clothes.” He examined your belongings in the cart and turned his attention back to you. “All of this will fit in your new office. Hange will show you the way. If you’ll excuse me.” You told him thank you one more time and he left while Hange took hold of your hands.
“Oh my gosh, I’m so excited to have you here! Your office will be near mine. Grab some things and I’ll lead the way.”
The first thing you picked up was the sewing machine gifted by Levi, your new prized possession. As you entered the castle, you were taken aback at how cool it looked. Sure it was in slight disrepair, but it was infinitely cleaner than your old place. When you got to your office, you let out a contented sigh. Anyone else would have called it simple but it was the most beautiful room you had ever been in! It was a big space, plenty of room for you to work and live out of. There was a big table for your machine to rest on and a small chest for your sewing supplies. There was also a dresser in another corner for your personal belongings and a small bed. You fully expected to share a room with someone in the barracks area, but you were glad to have your own space. When you and Hange finished moving in your belongings, they gave you the grand tour of the castle. You did your best to memorize where everything was, but you figured as long as you knew where the bathrooms and the dining hall were, you were good.
“Oh! One last thing,” Hange said, opening a dresser drawer when you were back to your room, “Since you’re part of the military now, you get to wear a uniform! Everything you need is in here. You don’t have to wear it every day, but it’s generally recommended when you’re working—which you will be starting tomorrow at 7 am. Erwin was able to give you the rank of Sergeant to make sure Privates couldn’t give you any trouble. Dinner is being served right now but I still have work to do. I’ll see you around!” They waved goodbye and you took the time to look around your room again. You had a nice sized window that overlooked the courtyard and you were excited to open it and get some fresh air in. You had a whirlwind day and you couldn’t wait to end it with a nice meal. Walking down the hallway, you thought you remembered which way to go, but it was starting to get dark and you were a bit twisted around. You would’ve asked somebody for directions but it was like a ghost town. All of a sudden, you felt a presence come up behind you.
“Lost already, Cadet?” A voice sneered behind you.
“It’s my first day and it’s dark as shit. Cut me some slack, Captain,” you replied to Levi. “Besides, according to Erwin, I’m a sergeant, not a cadet. I have rank now.”
The shorter man furrowed his brows. “The only rank you have that I care about is the stench coming off of you. Take a damn shower.”
“My apologies, Captain. It’s hard to bathe often when you don’t have running water. I was trying to get something to eat before I turned in for the night.” What was this guy’s problem? You tried to keep Hange’s words of advice in your mind but trying to see Levi as a friend was proving difficult right now.
“Tch. Your sense of direction is shit. Dining hall’s this way.” You trailed behind him, not attempting further conversation.
“Your fingers look better,” Levi observed after minutes of silence. He was right. The bandages had done wonders and you no longer had blisters gracing your skin.
“Thanks to you. I couldn’t afford gauze but the medic patched me up for free because of your note. You’ve really saved my ass these past few days. If there’s any way I can repay you, please let me know.”
“Don’t be stupid, Sergeant” was all he said, but you knew it was his way of saying, “don’t worry about it.” You smiled to yourself. You entered the dining hall at last, sniffing the air and practically drooling.
“Sorry about your horse,” Levi murmured, immediately walking off somewhere else. His behavior was strange but you didn’t think too much of it. He had proved his kind heart in his own ways over the few times you met him and you knew, from Hange, that he wasn’t good at hiding his true feelings. Maybe Levi wasn’t all that bad. Maybe he did like you, or at the very least, tolerated you. You could live with that.
When Levi saw you greet Commander Erwin with a hug, he felt pangs of jealousy that he never knew he was capable of feeling. Didn’t you have any decorum with your superiors or respect for authority? Didn’t you give a second thought to how your actions were akin to yanking his plump heart out of his chest and stomping on it? Of course you didn’t— you were Erwin’s friend first, subordinate second, and you had no clue of Levi’s affections toward you. Not that he necessarily wanted you to know. Having a crush at his grown age was downright embarrassing and he hated himself for entertaining such childish thoughts. Your stupid pretty face hadn’t left his mind, taunting him when he closed his eyes. Not that being awake was any better. He imagined what it would be like to give in to such grossly human desires, feel your hand on his chest, your lips on his own—
Levi couldn’t do that. He wasn’t selfish enough to get close to you because it would only end badly for you. You deserved better than that. His plan of ignoring you wasn’t going to work now that you lived at the castle, not that he wasn’t relieved you left behind that falling down, dirty shack you called a house. Wasn’t that, coupled with trying to help your sick horse, why he ripped up his cape for you to fix all those days ago? Maybe he could rely on his shitty attitude to push you away? That would work. Or so he thought. When he found you wandering the halls, he knew it was the perfect time to make you feel small, weak, so much so that you would hate him and never want to see him again. Of course, it didn’t work out like that. You were too witty and kind to push him away while Levi was cursed with a heart that was too caring for others. In another world, you two would be a perfect match, but in this one… you were too precious to get wrapped up in his shit. As he ran away from you like the scared stray he was, Levi realized you would never cooperate in the way he needed you too. He was a strategist, though, skilled in warfare. He deduced that the least damage to either of your hearts would be if he kept you at arm’s length. No further, no closer. He was sure there’d be no casualties that way.
Chapter 5
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try-set-me-on-fire · 1 year
Can I do a soft prompt not on the list ? I love your writing 😊 Buck and Eddie driving back from a zoo trip or something with Chris and Chris falling asleep in the back seat.
Going to count this under “road trip” for list checking purposes. Send me soft prompts! Find the finished ones on ao3!
Sometime in May when the end of school was weeks away but felt like eternity even to a kid who liked the place, Eddie had come home from running errands to find Buck and Chris laying out flat on the living room floor marking up a giant piece of paper. Eddie doesn’t know where they got it - it must be 18x24 at least - or why the floor was the best option for putting it to use - a mystery shortly solved by finding the remains of lunch still scattered over the kitchen table - but Eddie is careful not to step on it or any stray limb or crayon as he makes his way through to put groceries away. When anything perishable is safe someplace cold he comes back to sit between them, at the long edge of the sheet.
“What are you up to?”
“Read the paper, dad,” Chris says, exasperated. Eddie makes a face at him, and Buck tries not to laugh from his spot on the floor. The two of them share a look before Eddie puts his attention on Buck and Christopher’s work. Written at the top of the paper in chunky block letters is BIG SUMMER IDEAS, decorated by a smiling sun with cool guy shades and what Eddie assumes is a flamingo judging by the shades of pink. There’s more writing all over the page, half of it upside down because Chris is laying along the top edge. Eddie picks out BEACH DAY and GARDEN WITH PEPPA and NEW PIZZA (RESTAURANT? INVENT?) and, mirrored in both hand writings and circled twice, ZOO.
“You two aren’t sick of the zoo by now?” Eddie asks, and then raises his hands when they both look scandalized.
“Never!” Buck proclaims. “Besides, San Diego and Santa Barbara are both not that far away, we thought we’d maybe try and branch out.”
Chris nods seriously. “We need to expand our zoo repertoire,” he says, confident around the big new vocabulary word.
“Alright,” Eddie gives in, easily. “This is a big list, we gotta do all of these? I don’t know if we’ll have the time…”
Buck pushes himself up to sitting, and shrugs. “Just ideas. We were getting antsy waiting for Summer, huh?” Chris nods emphatically and Buck grins at him, before looking back at Eddie a little less sure. “Thought we’d write out some things to look forward to. We- you don’t have to do all, or any-“
“We’re definitely going to the zoo,” Chris frowns.
“Except for the zoo, of course.” He still has that look on his face, like he’s overstepped somehow, and Eddie wants to say please don’t apologize for finding a way to make Chris happy when he’s feeling down, and of course “we,” of course you’re coming with us, I haven’t the first idea how to invent new pizza.
“It’s a good list,” is what he says. “We’ll see what we can pack in there.”
That was May, and it’s the end of July now, and history books worth of things have happened in between, and Buck and Eddie’s Relationship (capital R, for Romance) is so new it’s stumbling around on doe legs. Eddie thinks they’ve spent years planting a pretty nice meadow for it to stumble around in, though, and taking his hand in public for the first time ever as they trail Chris around the Santa Barbara Zoo is easy as anything. It helps that they both start laughing - giggling, really, he’s a grown man giggling at the zoo - whenever they make eye contact. They hold hands in front of an island full of tiny little monkeys, and in a cave where you can watch penguins swim around, and by the statue of the giraffe with the crooked neck, and on the train that loops around the whole thing and gets so close to the lion enclosure that it’s almost a little frightening. They spend a fair amount of time not holding hands, too, as Buck and Chris pour over every informational plaque in the place. Eddie is perfectly content to watch them have at it and provide sunscreen reapplications and snacks, probably smiling just as sappily at his two favorite people in the world having a good time as he did at holding hands (holding hands!) with his boyfriend (boyfriend!).
They only stay at the zoo until about four, but they’d had to get up at the crack of dawn to make it up the coast in a reasonable amount of time, especially with the mess of construction Buck had to white knuckle through on the northbound 101 past Ventura. Chris is starting to wilt a little, and Eddie’s running on several cups of coffee, and even Buck has yawned once or twice by the time they’re eating an early dinner at a sandy little outdoor restaurant close to the beach outside of town. A train goes right past during the meal and all three of them stand up for a good look, Buck hefting Chris up on his back for a better vantage point. If Eddie gets distracted by watching the joy on their faces instead of the train, well, his sappiness was never going to be contained just within the walls of the zoo. He finds it a little hard to believe, sometimes, the amount of happiness he gets to experience. It jostles around inside of him like loose parts, or a bag of treasure. He’s been happy before, he’s been happy for years here in LA with the family of the 118 taking root around him, but it’s felt… more, these days, almost dizzying since he and Buck had either suddenly or finally closed the distance. It bubbles away inside of him, somewhere near Camarillo with Chris falling asleep in the back seat and pink California summer sunset light washing over them all. Buck’s got the windows rolled down just a little, to feel the air, and the radio is on low, and Eddie has been trying to leave less things unspoken, so.
“Thank you.”
Buck glances at him with a little smile, then looks back at the road. “For what?”
Eddie shrugs, because how is he supposed to encompass all of it with words? “For driving. For coming with us. For holding my hand.”
Buck’s laugh is just a soft exhale. “I should be thanking you for all that.”
“Even the driving?”
“Okay, well, the construction was bad, but yeah even the driving. You know I don’t mind it.” Buck’s smile is still small, and it feels important, suddenly, to try and get across the enormity of all this.
“Thank you for- everything, Buck. For inventing new pizza.”
Buck laughs loud, and then sheepishly checks Chris in the rear view mirror. Still sleeping. “I don’t think we’ve quite perfected it yet,” he says, quietly. “Give me a few more tries.”
Eddie shakes his head. “I don’t know how to- the time you give us, the- everything- Do you know? How happy you make us? Make me?”
Buck glances at him, twice, three times, keeps his eyes back on the road. “It feels like…” Buck is almost whispering, and gestures at his chest. “Like that little bag of rocks Chris got at the gift shop.”
Eddie laughs, folding a little closer to Buck, because a bag of treasure, they’re sharing metaphors. “Yeah. Like that.”
“I know,” Buck says, like he can’t believe it sometimes either. “You know? Me- me too?"
"Yeah. Yeah, I know." There's hardly been any complete sentences in this conversation but Eddie thinks they've never really needed words to communicate anyway. He knows. Buck knows. "We've still got 23 items on the list."
Buck laughs, and lets go of the steering wheel to grab Eddie's hand again. "Well, tomorrow's a new day. Summer's not over yet."
Eddie thinks, holding Buck's hand with Chris sleeping in the back, on the road headed home, that with each other summer is never going to end.
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whitmerule · 18 days
today's 'biting my tongue then patiently explaining' moments with clients
client rings up: can I make an appointment to bring my cavoodle puppy in to have his feet tidied up a bit and have the hair around his eyes trimmed back? me (audibly working on another dog in the background of phone call): You don't need an appointment for that! I'm happy to do that as a walk-in, because that won't take more than ten minutes. I can use that time to tidy those things up for you and introduce him to the salon so his future grooms are less stressful, come in any time today before 4:30!
client: turns up with puppy me: puts the current dog I'm working on in crate, visibly talks to the other dog who is currently here me: spends ten minutes working with their puppy client: asks about prices for grooming in general me: explains pricing system client: yes I think I'd like a full groom for him please me: great, once I'm done with him here we can look at the calendar and book him in for his first puppy groom client: ... you mean you can't groom him right now? me: .... [internally, looks at crates with other dogs that I'm working on, looks at whiteboard with all the dogs booked in for the next week marked on it, looks into the camera like I'm on the office] me: .......... [remembers the multiple phone calls I take most days where caller assumes they could just get their dog groomed today or tomorrow and are vaguely affronted that I'm booked out six weeks in advance] me, brightly: Not right now, but let's look at the calendar and see when I might be able to squeeze in an appointment.
(further dog groomer grumbling below the cut)
me, ringing client 10 minutes after their appointment should have started and getting message bank: ... hope all's well, please let me know ASAP if you're still planning on making this appointment, jsyk it's a 90 minute slot so I can't promise a completed groom if you're more than 15 minutes late, and if you're 30 minutes late we'll have to reschedule client: turns up 28 minutes late me: well, it's going to have to be just a bath and tidy, not a full groom doggo: is matted me: 😩 this is not going to be pretty, I will have to shave out the mats and won't have time to blend the shaved patches into the rest of the coat her: ??? why me: ... also there's a late fee (because I say so that's why)
me, after running 25 minutes into my next dog's slot to try to make this poor girl more comfortable: marks groom as complete, sends text to owner me, 90 minutes later: picks up phone to check?? that owner got text?? [your dog is still here and is barking shrilly and anxiously because she is not crate-trained, she has now been here for almost four hours pls get your dog I am not doggy daycare I don't have time to take her out to poop or play] owner: oh I'll be there in a while, gotta pick my daughter up from school, bye! me: [......... ok well if she has a toilet accident and steps in it I'm not going to bathe her again for your convenience, I have two other dogs I'm working on now]
owner and dog I've never met before: arrive me, who's running well behind on this matted collie thanks to above dog: [oh thank goodness you're a smooth-haired jack russell mutt you will take like ten minutes then i can let you cage dry] doggo: is good doggo! is a bit worried! is actually very unsure of what's going on and also doesn't like other dogs [ABOVE DOG IS STILL BARKING IN CRATE] but is happy to be comforted and cared for! is even ok for nails! me, when owner picks terrier up: just so you know, she was very good and communicative but a bit anxious, especially when other dog was barking owner: oh yes, she hates other dogs and also we just picked her up from the boarding kennel two hours ago so she hasn't even been home yet, k thx bye! :D me: [... WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT TO YOUR DOG]
me: collie, you and I are the only sensible people in this room collie: 👀 me: and I'm not too sure about me collie: (now that you are not brushing my tail you are my bestest friend 😌)
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3tabbiesandalab · 2 years
What the fuck was that?! Part 2
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Robert ‘Bob’ Floyd x Reader
Still a couple of idiots, but we're getting somewhere.
Part 1  Part 3  Part 4
It’s been a week since I got called back to Top Gun for this mission, well it’s nothing like any of us have ever done before. I’m not sure it’s even possible to come home from, but this my life, it’s what I’ve been trained for.
Our trainer Captain Pete ‘Maverick’ Mitchell is stuff of legends and even though this is intense, I’m grateful to have him on our side. I only wished Rooster felt the same, but his history with Maverick is making it hard for him, I just hope he sorts himself out soon. I’m not going to lie, I’m pretty worried about this mission but I know I’m good at my job won’t let Phoenix or the rest of my team down.
What I’m not good at is being around YFN without acting like a lovesick puppy. We’ve actually managed to spend quite a bit of time together after my training. My brain just malfunctions and I’ve babbled on and on or I almost combust every time she has brushed past me or handed me something. 
I have never felt like this before.
After a particularly gruelling day, Maverick had given us the afternoon to ourselves. I sat on the couch skyping with my Ma as YFN came home. And Ma called out “Robert is that her?! Robert is that your girl.”
My eyes widened, and I whipped my head around to see YFN frozen in the kitchen. I may have mentioned to Ma about YFN and might have spun a little story about us. It’s just she worries about me and wants me to be happy and given the possible outcome of this mission I wanted to see her happy one more time.
But I didn’t plan on YFN walking in on the conversation. Oh god she already thinks I’m a complete mess, now this! I looked at YFN panicked but as apologetically as I could, my mouth opened and shut like a fish trying to explain, but nothing came out.
YFN smiled and walked over and sat next to me on the couch, giving me the smallest wink before turning to my Ma, “Hi Mrs Floyd, it’s such a pleasure to meet you. Bob has told me so much about you.”
Wait. What?!
I suppose that’s technically not a lie, out of the few things I’ve managed to talk to her about without being awkward as fuck, is my family.
“Oh honey, not Mrs Floyd to you. You call me Winnie or Mom” she replied.
I heard YFN take a small sharp breath. I know her and Rooster’s parents have been gone for quite a while, so without really thinking I slipped my hand into hers and she gave it a soft squeeze back.
My Ma chatted away to YFN “Robert said how funny and smart and gorgeous you were and how he can’t stop thinking of your beautiful eyes and he wasn’t lying honey. I can see why he’s falling for you.”
Oh shit! “Ma…” I tried to stop her, but she kept tittering away. I tempted a look at YFN, and she was smiling softly at my Ma. Wait is she blushing?!
She hadn’t let go of my hand yet so I held my breath and started to softy rub my thumb back and forth over her hand. She turned to me, and her smile widened.
“…It’s so wonderful that he has met someone that makes him so happy, he’s always been our shy, quiet one and I worry about him, especially around all these loud pilot types and on these missions…” Ma drifted off.
YFN turned back to the screen and said “Bob is umm actually the most wonderful man I’ve ever met. You’ve done an amazing job raising him. He might not be as outgoing as other guys, but he is the hardest worker, so smart and capable and my best friend Phoenix says he’s the best back seater she’s ever had fly with her.”
She smiled softly as she continued “He ah doesn’t need to be the loudest in the room for me to notice him, Mrs Fl… I mean Winnie. Bob is, well he is so thoughtful, and kind and I can’t stop thinking of his beautiful blue eyes either.”
“Oh honey I love you already and…” Ma launched into her next thought.
“Ah Ma, we gotta go, I love you” I cried out.
As much as I love her, I gotta get off this call right this second! YFN waved goodbye as my Ma said “Of course Robert. Please be safe. I can’t wait to see you both. Love you, bye!”
As Bob said his goodbyes to his Mom, I took a breath.
What the fuck. Did that just happen?
When I walked in and heard his Mom and saw Bob’s look, it didn’t take much to guess what he had done. We’ve been able to spend quite a bit of time together, and I remembered how he talked about how much he loves his family and how he just wants them to think he’s happy, so they don’t worry about him.
I was happy help him so played along. But then he grabbed my hand, one of the only times he’s ever touched me. Then his Mom said he’s falling for me? My breath hitched and I knew I was blushing. Could it be true or was it was all part of the story he told her? Then I just went ahead and blurted out how I felt about him to his Mom.
I heard the soft click of the laptop and felt Bob’s gaze on me and his hand was still gently rubbing mine. I turned and face him and shyly said “Hi.”
“Hi” he replied softly.
“God I’m so sorry…”
“I ah I hope…”
We rush out at the same time.
“You go” I chuckled.
“YFN, I’m so sorry. I told Ma you were my girl. I just wanted her to be happy” Bob sighed.
“It’s ok Bob, I don’t mind. I think it’s sweet and you really sold it to her” I laughed nervously.
“Wait. No!” Bob almost shouted, “Ah a-all those things she said, I r-really think them about you.”
He took a big steadying breath and looked me in the eyes “You are smart and funny and caring, and you are so beautiful. I act like an absolute idiot around you because I’m umm so attracted to you, I’ve ah, actually I’ve never felt like this before.”
He rubbed the back of his neck, a blush spread up it, his eyes shined at me. God how is this man so cute and sexy at the same time. 
“But I ah totally understand you might have just said those things to her to play along. I just thought maybe…well Rooster said you might…god I should’ve never listened to him” he looked nervously at our hands still entwined.
“No!” I almost shouted, “I meant all of it. I umm feel it too. All of it” I said my heart racing.
Bob looked shocked “Oh. Wow. Really? Ok good. I umm...”
Bob gazed at me, and I watched as his tongue licked his bottom lip and he said “YFN, can I kiss you?”
“Yes” I breathed.
Bob let go of my hand and cupped my face with both of his and lowered his lips to mine.
The front door suddenly swung open, “Knock knock little sis; the party has arrived!”
My fucking brother.
Bob and I sprung apart in shock.
“About time!” laughed Phoenix.
“Well, well, well ‘Baby on Board’ finally making his move!” Hangman drawled and I saw Payback, Fanboy, Coyote and the others trailing into my little kitchen area.
I looked at Bob and his face is beet red but he’s smiling to himself. I huffed as I got up off the couch and pulled him up with me. 
I gave him little smile and a wink “Looks like we have company. Raincheck?”
He nodded in return, crooked grin on his face and made his way over to the group. Hangman slapped him on the shoulder and before he could get out his next stupid comment, Bob quietly said to him “Fucking cockblock.”
He walked away with a shocked but laughing Phoenix, leaving Hangman’s jaw on the floor.
I laughed loudly and turned to my brother. I punched Rooster in the arm and said, “What the fuck was that?!”
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canirove · 11 months
The Princess & the Football Player | Chapter 17
Previous chapter | Next chapter
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"How are those post holiday blues?"
"Not bad. I kind of was looking forward to coming back home, I’ve missed you."
"Aww, Eleanor."
"Don't make fun of me, Declan" I say, sticking out my tongue. 
"I'm not making fun of you. I actually find it very cute that you have missed me. I’ve missed you too."
"Then when can we meet? Today I start my round of visits around schools and I'll be busy basically every day."
"I also have a busy schedule this week with training every day and then playing away. But maybe you could come to next week's game? It's on Saturday. We could meet after, have dinner at my place, maybe wake up together on Sunday and have a chill day..."
"That actually sounds perfect, but I'll have to ask David first. Going to the game may not be possible" I sigh.
"You can always wear a wig" Declan says with a cheeky smile.
"I actually could, yeah" I laugh. 
"Ma'am? The car is ready" David says after knocking on my door.
"Gotta go. A bunch of teenagers from your neighbourhood are waiting for me."
"Wait, are in you in Kingston?"
"Yep. Should I ask for luck?"
"Nah, you'll be fine. But if they ask about your favourite football player, say my name. That will make them love you."
"Ok" I chuckle. "Call you later?"
"Bye, Dec."
"Goodbye, Eleanor."
"Thank you very much for coming, ma'am."
"It was my pleasure" I say, shaking the hand of the high school's headmaster.
"Your Royal Highness!" a familiar voice says behind me.
"Mrs. Rice?" I say, turning around.
"I was in a meeting with some parents and thought I wouldn't make it! It's so good to see you again, ma'am."
"You too. Do you work here?"
"I'm the History teacher, yes. I guess that's why I like anything royal related" she chuckles.
"Yeah, Declan mentioned it."
"He did? When?"
"Back in Canada when we talked about you after one of the games" I say, feeling my cheeks get warm. He did tell me about it in Canada, but it was during one of our very long facetime calls.
"Ma'am, it's time to leave" David says.
"Yes, sure. It was so nice to see you again, Mrs. Rice. Even if it was briefly."
"You too, ma'am" she says with a smile that reminds me of Declan's. He definitely took after her.
"Isn't that Mrs. Rice?" David asks. We've been stuck in traffic for the past 10 minutes, all the parents deciding to pick up their kids with their cars since it is pouring with rain.
"It is her, yes. Can we give her a lift? She'll get sick if she walks home in this rain."
"Of course, ma'am. I'll go ask her" he says, picking up an umbrella and leaving the car. A couple of minutes later, Mrs. Rice is sitting next to me, all the cars around us still not moving.
"Thank you very much for this, ma'am" she says. "You didn't have to."
"I couldn't let you walk home in this weather. If you got sick or something, Declan would kill me."
"He is a mama boy" she chuckles. "But don't tell him I told you about it."
"I won't, I promise" I smile.
We spend the rest of the ride, that should have lasted just a few minutes but that takes us almost half and hour, talking about Declan as a kid. I now know so many stories I could tease him with...
"Why don't you come inside and I show you some photos?" Mrs. Rice says when the car stops in front of her house. "Unless you have somewhere else to be."
"I actually am free for the rest of the day, but I don't want to bother you."
"Oh, nonsense. I'll make us a nice cup of tea, it’s what the body asks for with this horrible weather. He also is invited" she says, nodding towards David.
"You are too kind, ma'am. But there is no need" he says.
"So? Are you coming?"
"I..." I say, looking at David through the rearview mirror. His eyes are telling me no, but the idea of seeing photos of Declan as a baby is so tempting... "Ok, yes. But it'll be a short visit, you probably have other things to do."
"Not until dinner, don't worry" Mrs. Rice smiles.
"Oh my God, he looks so cute!" I say, looking at a photo of Declan wearing some Mickey Mouse pyjamas.
"He lived on those and even wanted to go to school wearing them" Mrs. Rice laughs. 
"Darling, we are home!" a male voice says.
"And there is such a fancy car parked outside" another male voice says.
"It looks like some kind of official car, don't you think?" a third male voice adds, this one sounding closer to where we are.
"It actually... Eleanor?" Declan says, walking into the living room with three other men. His dad and his brothers.
"Is she... Her?"
"Holy shit!"
"Why did you call her by her name? Is that allowed?"
"I... I..." Declan says, his cheeks turning bright pink.
"Why don't you all sit down and I explain it all, uh?" Mrs. Rice suggests.
"I think I need to sit down, yes" Declan says, his eyes fixed on me.
━━━━━━❃━━━━━━       ��  
"I can't believe you are in my house. With my family" Declan whispers while his brothers get the table ready for dinner. After Mrs. Rice explained everything to her husband and her sons, she somehow convinced me to have dinner with them. It is her birthday on Sunday, and since Declan won't be in London, they decided to meet today and have some kind of family dinner. One where I also am a guest now.
"I'm sorry, I didn't know you were coming. And for whatever the reason, I can't say no to her."
"That's my mum, yep" Declan chuckles. "Besides showing you my photos and embarrassing me forever, did she also show you your photos?"
"It was the first thing we did when we walked in. And she didn't embarrass you. You were a really cute baby."
"And now I am not cute anymore?" he asks with a cheeky smile.
"You are cute but in a different way" I reply with a similar smile.
"Sorry to interrupt" one of his brothers says, the smirk on his face letting us know that he heard what we just said. "But ma'am, do you drink wine?"
"I do, but tonight I'll have just water if you don't mind."
"Same for you, Dec?"
"Yes, I have training tomorrow."
"He probably doesn't want to get tipsy and confess that he has had a crush on you since he was a kid."
"She already knows" Declan says, rolling his eyes.
"Mason told me in Canada" I say.
"Damn it. And do you know about the photo?" he asks.
"I do."
"Mason too?"
"Yep" I shrug.
"It still is in his wardrobe. You should show him, Dec" his other brother says, joining the conversation.
"That isn't necessary" he replies.
"I think it is" both his brothers say at the same time.
"C'mon, Declan. They'll spend the whole night teasing you if you don't do it."
"She's right, Dec."
"Fine" he sighs. "This way, ma'am."
"I'm sorry about those two" Declan says when we make it upstairs. "They are like kids sometimes."
"It's ok, don't worry. But you don't have to show me anything if you don't want to, we can lie to them."
"Nah, it's fine. I know you are dying to see that famous photo."
"I actually am, yes" I giggle.
"I think it's only fair that you now put one of me in your wardrobe too, tho" he says as he walks into his room.
"One where you are topless?"
"I don't know. Does that turn you on?" he asks, arching an eyebrow.
"A bit."
"Just a bit?"
"The way you look at the camera sometimes, while fully clothed, turns me on a lot more" I shrug.
"Oh, so you are like me. You like those photos because then you can think about taking off my clothes."
"I hadn't thought about it that way, but now that you mention it..." 
"I'm a clever boy" he says with a mischievous smile, opening his wardrobe's door. "Eleanor, meet Eleanor."
"Oh my God, it's real!" I laugh when I see my photo. "Why did they let me leave the house with that hair?"
"You looked gorgeous."
"Almost a decade ago, maybe. But now? Nah."
"I'll have to update the photo, then" he shrugs.
"Maybe we can search for one next weekend at your place. David said yes to spending the night there, but has to still think about the game" I say, moving closer to him.
"That already sounds perfect" he replies, grabbing me by the waist and closing the space between us.
"Declan!" I giggle. "Your family is downstairs. What if they see us?"
"They'll probably open a champagne bottle and celebrate. I think they all like you. Very much."
"You think?" I say, putting my arms around his neck.
"Definitely. It must be a Rice thing. Though they don't like you as much as I do."
"And how much is that?"
"Do you want me to show you?" he says, brushing his lips against mine.
"Please" I whisper before he kisses me, the butterflies in my stomach throwing a party.
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invisibleraven · 1 year
Adopting a pet for Reggie/anyone because you know I gotta prompt that
When Reggie was a kid, he begged and pleaded for a dog. Promised to walk it, feed it, whatever it needed, if only he could have a puppy. But his mother always came up with an excuse to say no, until finally stopped asking.
He'd get a puppy when he was older.
Only when Reggie was older he could only afford places that didn't allow pets. Or with roommates who were allergic. Or on tour with the band, so any pet he got would end up in kennels more often than not.
Finally, the band was taking a break, they had a big house to live in, and Reggie asked. "Can we get a dog?"
Luke and Alex exchanged glances. "I dunno buddy, a dog is a lot of work," Alex replied.
"And we'll be back on the road before long..." Luke added.
"Oh," Reggie replied, deflated. "Never mind, it was stupid of me to ask."
"Um, no, it wasn't," Alex said. "I would love to get a dog, it's just hard when we're so busy."
"But we can do it!" Luke said. "Heck, maybe we can bring him on tour with us! Dogs love road trips!"
"Really?" Reggie asked, brightening up. "You mean it?"
"Of course sunshine," Alex replied.
"Can we go right now?" Reggie asked, bouncing with excitement.
"Whoa babe, I think we need to talk about logistics first," Luke replied. Reggie pouted, but conceded that was fair, and they sat back down.
They decided they wanted a smaller dog, and from a shelter, not a store. That it would be Reggie's dog, but both of his boyfriends would happily help him take care of it. But Alex put his foot down about getting a puppy.
"I know they're cute and all Reg, but I think we want one that's already housebroken and a little bit trained, just to avoid having the house destroyed," he argued.
"We don't have to get a senior dog, but one that is not a wild ball of energy would probably be best,": Luke chimed in. "We have you for that."
"Hey!" Reggie protested, but then sank back down. "That's fair."
They went out that afternoon and got a few supplies, nothing excessive, because Reggie wanted to take his new pet to the store to pick things out and get a feel for his or her personality before choosing anything important. Alex and Luke chuckled at that, but decided that was fair. It wasn't like they didn't have the money after all.
Later that week they finally made their way to the shelter, Reggie a nervous ball of energy, almost jumping down the path towards the shelter. Luke hugged him from behind to keep him still, and Alex guiding his breathing until he calmed down a little.
"Sorry," he said once he was not close to hyperventilating. "It's just I've wanted a dog since I was a kid, and my mom always said no. So it's like... a big day to have your childhood dream realized."
"Babe..." Luke crooned, kissing his cheek while Alex ruffled his hair. "Come on, let's go meet some puppers."
The afternoon was one of Reggie's life. He met so many dogs, all of them adorable and happy to be met. The hard part was choosing just one!
"I have one more for you," the shelter employee said. "He's a little shy, and he's been here a while, but... I think he might be the one."
She brought out a timid little beagle, who saw Reggie and immediately started wagging his stub of a tail. Reggie cooed at him, sitting on the floor and extended a hand for the dog to sniff. He came over cautiously, and then gave Reggie's hand a very sloppy kiss before flopping down for some belly rubs. Reggie gave a delighted laugh before burying his hands in the soft white fur.
Only then he found the scar running the length of the dog's abdomen, and looked up at the employee. "We found him in a trap," she said. "He lost some kidney function, so he needs special food, and he's got a tiny limp. Makes him harder to home."
"Not anymore," Reggie said resolute. "He's coming home with us."
"You sure Reg?" Alex asked, scratching behind the dog's ears, smiling when the dog's back legs gave a little kick.
Luke sat on the other side, joining Reggie in the belly rub. "He is pretty darn cute."
"Yeah, he's mine," Reggie said. "Aren't you Snoopy?"
"Snoopy? Really?" Alex asked.
"He's a beagle!" Reggie said.
"It's a perfect name for him," Luke said. "Let's get the paperwork and bring him home."
"You hear that bud?" Reggie asked. "You're coming home with me!"
Snoopy gave a happy little bork in response, making the three guys grin. They brought him home later that day, bedecked in a bunch of Peanut merch, and he had his run of their place, their tour bus, and their hearts from then on.
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writingsofhubris · 1 year
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[AO3] Rating: T WC:  1,766 Tags: Mentioned Norman Osborn, Fluff, Love, Minor Injuries, Pets, Surprises Fandom: Spider-man (Raimi) Ship: Otto Octavius/Reader Disc: Otto gets patched up, again, but this time he needed your help taking care of something. Pt 9 to Misadventures, the final
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He’d been sitting on the beach for a while now, looking out at the soft waves of the river, and the city behind it. 
Otto was in rough shape, that was for sure. But he couldn’t keep going, he needed to rest for a few moments. No insistence from anyone had convinced him elsewise, laying on the dirty cement, the actuators the only things holding up the man. 
The gauzes and medications in the basket you’d upgraded to were carefully spread on some plastic, to keep them from getting any extra dirt as you were digging out the grit from Otto’s face, trying to be as delicate as you could manage. It wasn’t going well, by the soft gasps from the man’s lips. 
“If you didn’t want me to do this, you wouldn’t have been out there.” The words were harder than your tone, more concern drifting behind your intent than any malice. 
Flo wrapped around your shoulders, gently pushing you closer to the man, trying to gain just a moment of affection. 
Instead, your finger went up, pointing at the metal apparatus. 
“Not yet. He’s not done being bandaged.” A soft metallic hiss, and you were allowed to continue working, ignoring the pleading way that Otto was staring up at you, wanting your attention on him in a different way. 
Despite all the attempts previously, it didn’t seem to work this time. Your work was efficient, taking care of each scratch shown, then after his trench coat was taken off, all the wounds that had been hidden. Overall, he wasn’t terribly hurt, though he would almost certainly hold onto the pain swirling in his body for a while. 
“Thank you,” he said almost as soon as the last piece of gauze was secured, enough pressure against his skin to pull a small hitch in his breath. 
“You gotta stop doing that to us, Otto. Norman and I get scared when we see you on the news.” Finally free from your medical attention, all of your supplies picked up and deposited back into the basket, Otto pulled you carefully into his lap. Metal wrapped around your waist just like the belt on him, and you carefully laid your head on his shoulder. “I want you to come home at night.” Otto’s eyes trained on yours, cocking a brow up. 
“Do you think that I won’t?” 
“Well, you’re not exactly in a safe profession.” But, the metal made you feel safe against his body, and the flesh of his chest made you feel loved. “Can you promise me you won’t leave for…” You looked out over the river for just a moment. “For two weeks. Give us just two weeks with you, okay?” It was a lot to ask for, and you knew that, but he would at least need that to finish healing. 
“Two weeks,” Otto repeated, taking your hand in his, only holding. “Two weeks, I can do for you.” 
With Norman in the kitchen making you three tea, you sat next to Otto, working out a couple of the knots in his shoulders. Even with taking time off as you’d requested of him, he still found stressors faster than you found solutions. Your lips pressed against Otto’s head, pressure gentle. 
“Can you feed the kittens?” 
“Kittens?” You saw the flash of fear in his eyes, and you looked at him, your turn to cock a brow. “What kittens, Otto?”
“The kittens that live under the pier…” His voice trailed off, trying to gauge your response to his endeavor. 
“Have you been raising kittens this whole time?” 
“They were sick,” Otto replied, an explanation. His warm eyes met yours, unrelenting, but buried deep was worry. 
“Show me them.” You stood up, taking your hands from Otto, waiting for him to take the lead. He did, with only a small detour to procure the supplies needed to feed each of the babies.
Otto led you from the house, though he was certainly sheepish about his actions. Out the door, down around the newly built shelter that Otto had erected shortly after he had come back and realized his old laboratory and house would be unsalvageable. Otto guided you to the tiny beach that was constantly deserted, too far out of the way for many to even attempt the journey of finding the sand. 
Otto leant on you as much as you allowed him, his weight heavy on your shoulders, only barely aided by the actuators. Sand was usually too difficult for them to establish a good base. 
Just where the wood met the sand, a few meters off the water at this time of year, you saw a stripe of fabric, dirty at this point. You knelt down, and just a little too far to reach, you saw a small bundle of fur, shifting in the seconds of hearing something nearby. A curious meow, until it turned to see you, and it simply hissed. Feral as hell. But even you had to admit, the cats were fucking cute. 
You looked back at Otto for a moment, pressing your lips together. 
“They’re only a couple months old.” 
“That’s getting about time for them to leave the nest,” you pointed out. Otto couldn’t kneel down, the bruising on his ribs too bad to bend, but he stood next to you. 
“And make their own litters of kittens,” he finished. “But I can help them for now, can’t I?” You looked up Otto’s body, a small smile on your lips. He was right. Of course Otto was right; he knew better than anyone what it was like to be ignored by society. 
You took the food he’d brought with you, and carefully dumped the kibble into a small dish, and refilled the water. 
“I would come down here after I’d seen you,” Otto suddenly started, surprising you slightly from the monotony. 
“What’s that?” 
“After you would bandage me up,” he explained. You stood up, brushing the sand from your jeans, and crossing your arms for some warmth. “I would spend hours on this beach, thinking from formulas to… How I found you.’ 
“Oh, the night you stole my drink?” But he’d infected you with a wiry grin, taking the steps to him. His attention was well past the kittens now, moreso focused on you as you took shuffling steps to him. “I would focus on my work, as much as I was able to. It wasn’t successful most of those nights.” That doofy grin you’d gotten to be so fond of over the last year spread over his lips. Warmth, nearly excitement at you simply standing nearby. “And then…” 
His silence allowed you to step closer, shifting on the loose sand. Your hands were careful on his chest, simply resting against one of the few spots you knew was able to be touched. 
“And then, you took care of me,” you responded, smoothing your hands over the fabric of his shirt. Otto was warm, heat seeping through the layers of clothing to your hands. “After my surgeries, you took care of me until I was ready.” Until you’d leant forward and kissed him deeply, a test of how much you had really healed. You still recalled the surprised sound that had fallen from Otto’s lips, the sudden jerk of his body as he quickly wrapped his firm arms around your body. You’d expected to be pushed off again. 
Instead, Otto had kissed you back, every ounce of passion he could muster pouring into the kiss. 
“And you kissed me.” 
“And I kissed you. What’s all this about, Otto?” He sighed softly, and wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you close, clearly trying to think over what it was he wanted to say.
“I don’t know. I just want to thank you for all you’ve done. You’ve given up part of your world for us.” 
“And I’d do it again. You know I would, don’t you Otto?” His dark eyes met yours, clearly gauging his trust in the sentiment. He hadn’t been able to trust anyone for so long, that hearing it affirmed gave him pause. One of his hands moved to rest over yours, wrapping his fingers around yours. 
“I know that you would. I know it.” Your lips met, familiar as the tips of his fingers brushed over your jaw. 
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Curling up in his actuators, pressed against his front, Otto felt your breathing deepen, slowly finding the sleep that you’d only just become acquainted with in his arms. He offered you warmth, his arms unmoving around you. 
Otto’s mind slowly ended up drifting, finding thoughts he had believed to be buried deep under layers of injuries to his heart. Somehow, you had burrowed under years of protection, and found yourself in his arms. Otto had you, just as much as you had him. 
You’d been the one to bandage him up, so many times. Your hands were familiar with his body in ways only a select few had ever been. Otto didn’t know how he could have survived without you, didn’t know just how it was he had gotten so very lucky in his life. Otto just knew the simple fact you were there for him, and you were happy to stay by his side through the tough nights that you were certain to find. 
He let his hand drift over your side, memorizing each inch of your body, before running his hand over the scars on your chest, gently feeling the skin without waking you. You’d been through your own hell, one you didn’t tell him just yet. One that he was certain to find, eventually. A past that would end up being shared, when you were ready to do so. He had to trust you fully, and completely. He knew he did, even if it would take time. 
His lips pressed against your shoulders, a gentle kiss against the skin he could reach. Soft, gentle, just as he had learned again with you. Otto ignored the twinge of pain in his chest as he inhaled your scent, memorizing your every aspect. He’d show you properly how much he did love you. But not today. Not right now, when you were sleeping so soundly in his arms. Otto wanted to feel you in his arms for the rest of his life, if he could. Whatever he had to do, he knew he would protect you. 
Promise made to himself, Otto allowed his own eyes to drift closed. Dreams would take him soon enough, and if he was lucky, you’d find him in his dreams as well. 
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Thank you, everyone who's stayed with me until the end of this series. A year and four days later, this series has drawn to a close, int he most bitter sweet of ways. Thank you everyone who stayed and dropped a like, a view, or a comment. I'm eternally thankful to everyone I've met through this series.
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Tags! @niffysboxers @yesalwayswelles @overlookedfile @arandomnerdsblog578 @unitedfandomsoftheworld @emotrash1 @randomfandomtrash28
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Masterlist, Previous > Next cw: panic attacks, flashbacks, references to child abuse, mentions of scars and body trauma Artemis stepped into an alley just outside the subway station and glanced around before taking the beanie off of his head. He carefully brushed the blond strands sewn to its brim before stashing it in his pack. He pulled his hoodie off, quickly turned it inside out, and pulled it back on. The hood covered his shaved head, the very edge sitting above his eyes. He grabbed the violin case off the asphalt and carefully placed it inside his pack before slinging the bag over his shoulder. 
A dark face peered around the alley entrance. “Arthur, you ready?”
Artemis jumped, spinning around at the sound of the young man’s voice. “Jerome! Don’t sneak up on me like that,” he hissed angrily, pulling the straps of his pack closer. 
Jerome grinned. “Dang, man. You need to lighten up a little. Come on. Melodie and Dad are waitin’ for us!”
Artemis adjusted his hood as he followed the tall youth into the subway station. They passed a cop by the entrance, careful to walk casually so as not to attract any attention. As soon as they were inside, they quickly scanned their tickets and jogged towards the escalator. Five minutes later, the two young men were on the Red Line to Ashmont. 
The subway car was packed, and Artemis shifted his bag to the front, clutching it to his chest. Jerome stood next to him, keeping an eye on the other passengers. Artemis was glad that Jerome was willing to look out for him. Most of the others they lived with often looked at him with disdain. He felt fortunate that at least Jerome and his family did not. The car emptied as the train made its way towards the last stop. Artemis relaxed as their car finally emptied two stops from the end of the line. Jerome relaxed as well. “Hey, how much you get?” he asked.
Artemis ran a few fingers over the strap of his backpack. “I think over a hundred, maybe two. I didn’t have time to count.”
Jerome gave him a thumbs-up. “Nice! You’re getting better at this. Might be able to make close to a thousand next time. Just gotta get you out there for the weekend tourist groups.”
Artemis shrugged. The violin had been a gift from Ms. Kenneth, the owner of the home he had been staying at for the past week. She’d watched him play the old piano in the parlor and had the old stringed instrument brought down from the attic. She’d said everyone at the house had to pull their weight, and if music was Artemis’s gift, then he would take up street busking to help support the home.
The train slowed as the announcer called over the speakers. “NEXT STOP: ASHMONT.”
Both young men turned to face the door, Jerome helping to steady Artemis as the car stopped. They quickly exited the car as the doors swung open, making their way through the station and through the turnstiles. 
Artemis tried to suppress a shiver as they stepped out of the building and onto the street. He didn’t like the cold, especially the wind. There had been a few horrible days where Spiro had locked him on one of the tower’s roofs in the screaming wind and rain. Even now, he could still feel the water whipping around his body and the wind wanting to tear him off the building.
He shook his head at the memory and clutched his bag tighter as his breath came quicker and shallower. Breathe, he told himself. Remember your surroundings. Jerome noticed his distress and placed a gentle hand on his shoulder. It was grounding. At least for now.
“Let’s get you home, okay? Bus is almost here.”
Artemis nodded as they went to stand at the covered bus stop. Several others sat on the bench, and a few stared at the two young men but said nothing as they joined the group. Artemis shrank under their gaze, though he felt he should have been used to it. A glass eye and scars would draw attention no matter where he was. Jerome gently pulled the smaller boy close and shot a glare at one of the bus stop occupants who continued to stare at them. The old man’s gaze withered and shifted to the ground at his feet. 
The bus ride itself was no more comfortable than the subway, save that Artemis was tucked between Jerome and the window in cushioned seats rather than standing in a swaying car. He tried to focus on the patterns on the seat in front of him, the crack in the corner of the bus window, anything to keep himself in the here and now. Almost there. Almost there.
Jerome gently tugged at Artemis’s sleeve to help him out of his stupor as the bus pulled up to their stop. They exited the bus onto a city intersection, shops lining both sides of each street. 
“You still good?” Jermone asked as Artemis stood frozen on the sidewalk. Artemis looked up and nodded slowly. 
Jerome took Artemis’s hand and led him down the block to their shelter. The streets blurred together as they walked, and Artemis had to keep focus on his feet to keep from stumbling. They stopped outside a home on a side street, and Artemis was finally able to look up.
The home wasn’t in the best condition, paint peeling off the old wood siding, and shutters that hung slightly crooked on the hinges. But for fifteen individuals, it was the best shelter they could find. The home’s owner, an old black woman whose bones creaked as much as the home, fed and cared for the small community that gathered at her home. As long as folks behaved, they could stay as long as they needed. For Artemis, finding this place had been a blessing. At least as much as he could hope for.
Jerome led him through the small wire gate and around to the side entrance of the house. One of the other residents grunted at them as they approached. Jerome waved in response as he opened the creaky screen door. Artemis followed close behind as they stepped into the side kitchen. A tall man with broad shoulders turned to them as they entered.
“Jerome, Arthur! How’d things go today?”
Jerome went up to hug the older man, a wide grin on his face. “Pretty good, Dad! Arthur said he got a couple hundred, and I have a painting job lined up for tomorrow.”
The older man grinned back. “Well done, both of you. Arthur, why don’t you go meet with Ms. Kenneth so she can collect the cash? Melodie should be back from her route soon.”
Jerome frowned. “She’s not back yet? She’s usually done way before now.”
“She picked up an extra job as a dogwalker for one of the elderly communities Ms. Kenneth has a connection to…,” his father explained. 
Their conversation faded as Artemis moved slowly towards the front of the house where the homeowner spent most of her time. Sure enough, she sat at the desk by the family room, envelopes for cash stacked on the wooden surface. She didn’t look up from the paper as he approached hesitantly.
“You gonna stand there all day, or do you have something for me?” she asked, causing Artemis to jump. She looked up when he didn’t approach, and her gaze softened instantly.
“Oh, I’m sorry, Arthur. I thought you were that Jones brat. What can I help you with, dear?” 
Artemis took a shuddering breath before stepping forward and placing his bag on the chair in front of the desk. “I-I’m here to drop off what I earned.”
Ms. Kenneth adjusted the glasses on her face as Artemis opened his violin case and laid out the money on the table, sorting it as he went. She took the cash once he’d finished and counted it before making a note on the paper in front of her. Her ancient face wrinkled in a delighted smile as she looked back at Artemis.
“Very good for your first full week. You have a beautiful gift for music. We’ll have Melodie or Zach take you out near one of the tourist spots on Saturday. Should be able to make a killing. And maybe you can meet the person you’re looking for.” Her smile wilted a bit and her eyes filled with concern. “Are you sure you don’t want one of us to help you find that person? I know Lawrence and a few others would be happy to help you.”
Artemis shook his head. “I-I don’t want to trouble you. And I don’t know if… they’re still in the city.” Or if they’re even looking for me, he did not add.
Ms. Kenneth sighed. “Suit yourself, dear. Let me know if you change your mind. You know you’re not alone here, right?”
Artemis paused as he placed the violin case back in his pack before nodding. His eyes couldn’t quite meet the matriarch’s face. 
If she noticed his hesitation, she didn’t mention it. Instead she turned back to the papers on her desk. “Go get washed up for dinner, dear. We’ll be eating soon.”
Artemis nodded and left the room quickly, shoving the guilty and panicked feelings deep into his chest. He made his way up to the second floor bathroom he shared with the other men in the house and washed his hands and face. A grunt startled him as he dried his face with a towel.
“Finish up, brat. You’re not takin’ a bath,” a disheveled man growled from the doorway. Artemis dropped the towel in a hamper and practically ran out of the bathroom to the room he shared with Jerome. Five minutes, he thought as he curled up by the mattress and hugged his knees to his chest. Just take five minutes. His fingernails dug into his hoodie as he tried to focus on the pain and the floor he sat on. All he could see was Spiro’s angry face, and the guards who harassed him every day. Artemis took several deep shuddering breaths, blinking back tears from his eyes. He can’t hurt you here. You’re safe, he tried to tell himself. He didn’t fully believe it.
Taglist: @artemis-fowl-angst
@homunculus101 Been a while, hi there! We finally get a bit of Artemis's perspective on everything. He's... going through some stuff.
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Wayward's Daughter Pt. 1
No ship: Sister of the winchesters
Summary: When dad goes missing Dean goes out to find his sister and brother to go start up the family business again.
A/N: This is my own work I am using characters and lines from the show but please do not copy, change, or post as your own any of my work. Also if my grammar is bad don't mind it.
Word Count: 2351
Warnings: angst, swearing, slight arguing, slight fluff, older sister trauma.
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The muffled sound of drums playing in the background as Dean Winchester, middle sibling, was sitting in the 1967 Chevy Impala in black looking into a woman's house, but not just any house, Y/nWinchester’s. This was and is his older sister, they had been running the family business until their youngest brother Sam decided to run off to Stanford and try to become a lawyer and get his life together. After a few bad hunts of monsters, demons, and other things of the supernatural  Y/n decided to bail to try to have a few good years without her family being killed. Dean however kept hunting with their father, John, and tried to keep it going. But now it was getting bad, Dean hadn’t seen his father in weeks and thought he would be back at least a few days ago but still nothing, no phone calls, no connection, nothing. He had given up, he needed his sister and his brother on this one. Dean got the courage to go up to his sister's house and just stood at the door listening as the drums banged to the rhythm of Crazy Train by Ozzy Ozbourne and waited for the last beat to ring out through the house. He then banged on the  door hoping for a reply to the knock as Y/n from inside the house had gotten up from her stool settling the drumsticks on one of the kick drums and getting up to answer the door.
 “Hey buddy look I’m not here for your christian mojo or your girl scout cookies, you can just go ahead and..” She tilted her head up. “Holy crap.. Dean..?” Dean gave his sister a sly smile. “Hey sis.” “What the hell are you doing here?” She questioned happily while hugging her brother. “It’s dad, he went on a hunting trip, hasn’t been back in a few days.” His green eyes looked directly into Y/n’s brown ones. “Come in.” Dean walked past his sister moving into the house. She wasn’t stupid, she had her house completely demon proofed and ghost proofed, the houses walls were made out of rock salt and the windows all had protection spells invisibly put on them. She knew her brother was actually him when he walked straight into her home making it past her demon trap. “Dean I know it’s you but I gotta take extra precaution.” “Wha-” Holy water was then splashed in his face, salt was thrown at him and she grabbed his arm and took a silver blade making a gash in his arm. “What the hell!” “Like I said, extra precaution.”  She then walked over to her kitchen, opening the fridge and grabbing two beers and walking back into the living room where her drumset was still set up and Dean was sitting on the couch. 
“Here,” “Thanks.” “So what did you mean you haven’t seen or heard from Dad in a few weeks?” “I mean he cut the connection completely, he won’t answer his phone or even send coords.” Y/n’s face crinkled into one of confusion. Sure their dad did this from time to time but this time it was different. She took a sip of her beer and sat down on the couch. “So what are we gonna do?” “We?” “Yeah Dean.” “But I thought you went away from the job.” “Dean no, I’ve just been alone on the job. They still come after me. Always.” “Winchester curse.” Dean chuckled, taking a sip of his beer. Now Dean was only about twenty-six now making  Y/n almost thirty. Sam on the other hand was four years younger than Dean making him just about twenty-two. Y/nthen got up and went up to her closet opening the door and moving some jackets out of the way clicking a button that unlatched a door falling open to show her shotguns and knives. She grabbed a few stuffing them in a bag. “So what's the plan?” “Well I was thinking we could grab Sammy and then go on to find dad.” “Dean no.” “What do you mean, no?” “I mean the kid is settled with his girlfriend and he’s happy, we don’t need to drag him into this, yeah it would be great to see little brother Sam but you gotta understand Sam moved on completely. We need to let him be normal for once.” Dean’s head moved back slowly, his face wrinkling. “What?” “He talks to you?” “Yeah? What the hell? Why do you seem so confused? He called you, didn't he?” “No Y/n, I haven't seen or heard from him since he left.” 
After some talking and planning the two decided that getting Sam and finding their dad was important as hell and needed to be taken care of quickly. “Alright we’ll leave at dawn.” She stated, as she had her back towards Dean who was sitting on the couch beer in hand as he watched her pack up. “You’re okay with just up and leaving your home?” “Yeah, it’s not like it’s the first time.” “Y/n..” “Dean, I'm not talking about mom.” She paused, taking a deep breath and turning to face her brother. “I’ve had to move and make a whole new life changing my name and everything twice already this year. I went from Jane Lendor to Lila Thomas to Jamie Lambert. This isn’t my home Dean. My home is on the road hunting, so yeah I’m fine getting up and leaving. I’ll just put my important shit in storage and sell the house.” Dean just decided not to pry knowing that his sister has probably been through a lot. 
Morning had come around and Dean was already awake when Y/n came down the stairs, “Mornin’ sleepyhead.” “Shut up Dean.” He chuckled as she nudged him with her elbow. Dean was at least six feet tall, Y/n on the other hand was just about as tall, being five eleven and mostly muscular. She rubbed her hand over her face, yawning as she did so. “Are you ready to go?” “Yeah yeah just lemme get dressed.” Y/nran back upstairs and got dressed grabbing her bag. When she got to the end of the stairs “Hey catch.” Dean threw car keys at her to which she caught. “Oh ho ho.. Yeah.” She opened her door and saw the perfect 1967 Chevy Impala parallel parked on her curb and she threw her hands up. “Baby!” She hadn’t seen the car since she decided to leave the business and try to live a normal life to which it didn’t end well. She came down her driveway and went to the back of the car, opening the trunk and placing her bag next to Dean's circling and getting into the driver seat. “Oh yeah Baby’s back in business. Thanks for taking care of her.” She stated as Dean got in the passenger. “Well you would kick my ass if I didn’t.” “That’s true. Alright Sammy here comes your two favorite older siblings. 
After a few days the two were right outside of San Jose and they stopped at a gas station, Dean went in for food as Y/npaid for gas and filled up Baby she leaned against the rear of the car opening her phone and dialing Sam’s number. His answering machine was what picked up. 
Hey this is Sam Winchester’s Stanford phone, if you would like to leave a message I’ll get back to you as soon as I can. If not, my personal number is (406) - 866 - 1975, uh thanks. 
“Sammy it’s Y/nI just wanted to let you know that I’m in the area and was gonna make a stop by your dorm. And just in advance, I’m sorry, it’s about Dad. I’ll let you know when I - We get there. See you soon Little Brother.” She hung up the phone just as Dean came out with the food. 
“Pie?” “Pie. Who was that?” “Sammy.” “What’s he want?” “I called him. Give him a heads up so it’s not like we just barge into his life but I got redirected to his dorm phone so he probably won't get it.” She heard her brother huff out a laugh. “What?” Dean shook his head. “De.” “It’s nothing, just, why would he block me off from him but you he’s just calm and collected when you call, he picks up, he talks to you. I just don’t get it.” She then made a face and raised her eyebrows like she knew why. “You're not telling me something Y/n?” “Well it’s just I know why he’s not talking to you I mean it makes sense.” “What does?” Dean's voice got dreadingly low. “Well you were all for him getting out of the life but when the fight happened, and you took Dad’s side instead of his I think it really broke him up. Hell, it broke me up.” Dean just nodded. “So it’s a way to get over his jealousy is that it?” “Dean no. It’s not trust me if he were jealous he would have blocked me off too.” After that was settled it was about a two hour drive to Stanford’s campus. Quietly in the background was Forever Young by Alphaville. It was soft but Dean would catch glimpses of Y/nmouthing the words. He then reached over and turned it up singing along with it loudly and off key trying to lighten her mood. She then followed the same yelling out the words as they drove closer and closer to Stanford’s campus finally at the gate when the song ended she turned the radio off and grabbed her pass from her bag that was sitting in between her and Dean. Who started to get more pissed off at his younger brother than anything else he was feeling. Y/nhad a visitor pass? Really? The gatekeeper looked at her pass and opened the gates letting them in, giving her pass back to her. 
They drove through the gates and she turned the corner and parked Baby swiftly in front of Sam’s dorm. Y/nsighed and got out of the car tucking what was a new piece of jewelry to Dean, a guitar pick on a chain into her shirt letting her moon necklace stick out above the shirt. She went up to Sam’s dorm door, Dean following close behind. She knocked and waited for a moment, after nothing she knocked again. Finally they heard the door unlocking and a beautiful girl with wavy blonde hair and a t-shirt with two smurfs kissing on it and sweatpants opened the door. “Y/n? What the hell are you doing here?!” She squealed and hugged Y/nwho hugged back. “Hey Jess. Oh yeah this is my little brother and Sam’s older brother, Dean.” Dean nodded, waving his hand. Jess let the two in, “Sammy is asleep right now.. I heard the door and I didn’t want to wake him. Wait Y/nweren’t you in Iowa? Don’t tell me you drove all the way down here from there.” “Looks like I did. I wouldn't if this wasn’t important, you think I could get Sammy up?” Jess nodded and Y/nleft her and Dean to sit in the dorm kitchen. Y/nwalked into Sam’s room. She knocked on the wall and Sam moved just slightly groaning something about how it was too early. “Sam.” She tried to not be too loud but to be just loud enough. Sam sat up in the bed thinking it was Jess and rubbed his eyes, his bangs mixing in with them. “Sam. It’s Y/n.” He squinted and leaned over to turn the lamp on. “Y/n? Holy crap..” He got up tiredly and hugged his older sister. “Sammy we gotta talk.” He looked confused then he complied and walked out into the kitchen to where he saw Dean. He then looked at Y/nwho gave him a ‘this is important so put your petty feelings aside for five minutes’ look. Sam decided to just give a silent bitch face and sit down at the kitchen table where Jess sat beside him with Y/nsitting directly across and Dean standing just to her left. “So what do you need besides coming to my house at nearly five in the morning?” Sam said clearly, directing it at Dean. Who scoffed and rolled his eyes. “Can you two not for like five minutes, Jesus what happened with you two?” Y/nasked rhetorically which Dean didn’t seem to get. “Well he left so.” “I left because I wanted out.” “Yeah, leave Y/nwith me and Dad.” “I didn’t leave to get away from you I left because I didn’t want to be stuck living off the road my whole life.” “Well you wouldn’t have had too if you just decided to help once in a while.” Y/nsqueezed the bridge of her nose closing her eyes knowing she's gonna have to be a big sister and butt in. “HEY! Jess, can you excuse me and my brothers for a minute? I'll get you when we’re done.”  Jess just smiled and nodded going into her and Sam’s shared room. 
“What the hell are you two?! Cavemen?” Sam and Dean always shut up when she got pissed. “Okay Sam left, and guess what Dean. I dealt with it like the good big sister I am even if I didn’t like his choice, it doesn't matter I’m supportive of him no matter what, you know why? Because he’s family. You realize when you wanted to try out for the football team and Dad told you not too because we would be moving? Didn’t I sneak around and sign you up anyway? I did because you're my family and I care about you. Now Sam you need to realize that Dean is never gonna sit comfy about your decision because it’s Dean so you just need to realize that and deal.” Sam then started with the backfire. “Y/nI can’t just do that..” “TOUGH. Because you’re gonna have to. Now back to the worse issue than your little bitch fight, Dad’s missing.” 
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stellarcat52 · 1 year
Family of strays/Taking a second to learn.
This is part of a larger au that I’ll probably never get around to fully writing, but the gist is that Jayce is mostly uncorrupted at the end instead of sealed away with the dread magic.
Also this is very dialogue heavy.
<Daniel’s been staying with the Chinda siblings for a few weeks now, but he doesn’t have to anymore, right? The thing is, he has no where else to go.>
Jayce was waiting in the secret hideout for Daniel, alone. Shak was out with Lucy for the afternoon, Hoagie was playing lookout in the bodega.
Daniel had a hand up to quiet Jayce before anyone even spoke. “Not in the mood, Jayce.”
“I’m not apologizing, or thanking you, this time. I know you don’t accept them.” Jayce sighed, but he had Daniel’s attention. “You know you don’t need to stay here, right? Primus Santana cleared me last week, you can go home.”
Lucy had told Danny almost the exact same thing when she told him Jayce was allowed to be unsupervised in his own hideout. “I know.” Daniel admitted. “I can just… go home, rest, never see you or Shak ever again if I wanted to.”
Jayce ignored the sharp edge in Daniel’s voice. “Then why are still coming back here?” He got a steely look for that. “I’m not trying to get rid of you, but… Shak’s worried, I think. I don’t exactly understand her anymore.”
“Jayce, not every tracker is lucky enough to make it big, or have somewhere to live, or someone who cares.” Daniel watched as Jayce’s eyes widened. “It’s at least safe here.”
“Your dad didn’t leave anything behind? Or did you abandon it when you gotten rejousted?”
“All I really have from him is a notebook and a last name.” Even memories weren’t something he had a lot of from his father.
“Do Lucy and Hoagie know?” Jayce paused. “I mean, Lucy’s Primus now. She could get you somewhere better than here.”
“She tried.” Daniel laughed. “Hoagie took the offer, I didn’t. I don’t think we’d make good roommates anyways.”
“And yet you stay here?”
“I want to protect Shak, I could help train her too if you-“
“Don’t. Daniel, why are you really staying?” Jayce paused for an answer that didn’t come. “How long before you leave?”
“I just need a lead on Hoagie’s cure. Then I’m on the road again. I may not be a tracker any more, but settling down has never been my thing. Doesn’t matter why, I just gotta keep moving.”
The room settled into a peaceful quiet as Jayce accepted the answer, and Daniel accepted that Jayce wouldn’t push for another one.
“You should tell Shak.”
“I think she already knows. Your sister’s smarter than you think.”
“I know. And you do have a…” Home wouldn’t be an accepted word. “You’ll always have a place here to rest when you need it. Don’t go missing, or Shak will drag me on a rescue mission.”
“Don’t worry, I doubt our cure is in the Bermuda Triangle.”
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