#also i dont think she could handle being on a motorcycle
dcptcnx · 2 years
What about BSD Chuuya, Mori,Akutagawa , Poe and Lovecraft (seperately) x female reader who’s a badass and great with kids . Like she can ride a motorcycle, skateboard and do learn any sport easily. I got this idea by hearing “Shut up and Drive” by Rihanna fluff plz
a/n: hi im so so so sorry for never answering this. ever since the start of december, i've been doing mandatory overtime for my job and have found it hard to think of how to write for the requests in my inbox, and easier to write stuff that showed up in my head the moment it did. i hope you didn't give up T^T
Chuuya, Mori, Akutagawa, Poe, and Lovecraft w/ a "Badass" f!reader
Chuuya Nakahara
he adores you v much
can ride a motorbike? oh he's definitely racing you.
He's not much a person who adores kids, but his heart will soften when he sees you interact with them
"Damn, and if that were our kid..."
Even though you can effortlessly ride a motorcycle, he loves that you can skateboard too.
he's unfair when he tries to learn bc he uses his gravity manipulation and cheats on doing insane stunts.
he flaunts you everywhere though. you're his goddess bro.
he does get jealous when people say you dress better than he does, so he tries to one-up you in fashion sense <3
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Mori Ogai
He's a bit older so he's kinda old fashioned i believe
He does LOVE that you're great with kids. Elise likes you very much so he's grateful for that
as i mentioned previously, he's kind of old fashioned, so skateboarding and motorbike riding aren't really his thing
but the way you do those things, he does admire very much.
he also love how you present yourself in the PM.
Being a badass, you hold yourself with high standards, not letting anyone get under your skin.
He does like to pair you with Chuuya on missions because you can set him straight when he gets out of hand.
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Ryuunosuke Akutagawa
Poor boy always wants to impress dazai someone
sees you riding your motorbike along with chuuya? he's gonna use his rashoumon to fly faster than you
sees you skateboarding to kill time? he's gonna do tricks with rashoumon to prove he's better
ofc he's bad with kids, but he does know how to handle them thanks to his younger sister, Gin.
won't admit, but he loves seeing your softer side around kids you come across who may like your skateboard and such.
he blushes at the sight, and when you turn to look at him, he hides his face and begins to start his normal coughing, pretending that you didn't just catch him staring
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Edgar Allan Poe
sweet, sweet boy
karl is like his child, and when he sees you playing, and taking care of him, he's a blushing mess!
karl loves you, so so so much, and poe really enjoys that fact.
but when he sees you with actual kids? he's blushing so hard because you treat them like how you treat karl
he seems timid and shy so when he sees your motorbike, he gets nervous because it looks scary to him.
you are quick to reassure him that you're perfectly safe.
loves to watch you skateboard and is shy to ask about wanting to learn, but you don't pressure him to ask.
you do, however, pull him up to come skate with you, to "toughen him up"
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Howard Phillips Lovecraft
not gonna lie, he looks dead all the time
could be watching you from afar, but he may have no real interest in your antics, no matter how amazing you do it
and let's be real, he'd rather live in the water than look after kids so he's not gonna care either way
i dont mean to make him boring oml
but he wouldn't be lying when he says he does admire your perseverance on learning a new skateboard trick you saw on the internet
whether you notice him or not, he is watching you fall and fall, only to not give up and continue until you land that new trick 5 times in a row.
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prettyblfan · 3 years
Coffee Shop Boy
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Chapter Two
Just as he thought by the time he had finished his shift and set off for school Sorawit managed to completely forget about his encounter with very mysterious That.
As he walked into his classroom he instantly locked eyes with his best friend Nam. Despite only being in Viangpa Mork for only 3 months him and Nam seemed to connect instantly, she practically took Sorawit under her wing because he was too gullible for his own good. During his first week of school some boys in their class convinced him that the girls toilet was actually the boys toilet, ever since then she's felt very protective over him. However, this was practically the same for Sorawit after all Nam was pretty, popular and funny a complete package so he felt like if was his job to protect from all the shameless creeps that through themselves at her.
Sorawit pulled out his seat next to Nam and smiled,
"Have you done the maths homework" he cheekily asked putting on his sweetest voice. He plan to do it this morning but all the customers decided to pack in all at once so in the end he didn't have any time to finish it.
"No, I though you would do it! that's why I didn't bother" Nam said pulling a pout while she flopped onto the desk in front of her.
"Ahh, why don't you ask one of the multiple guys who have a crush on you" Sorawit responded, despite how calm they both seemed the end result of not handing in homework was quite harsh. They'd get one or two whole weeks of detention. As they went to a very high ranked and respected school it was only natural that standards were set to such a high level, but regardless they couldn't help but think it was stupid.
"No way, they always end up expecting soo much more in return, i can't handle the entitlement." Nam said dryly her voice dripping with disgust.
Sorawit knew exactly what she meant, whenever she'd show the smallest bit of kindest or even ask for a favour they always seemed to think that they deserved something in return. And that something was her body. In alot of situations although Sorawit couldn't fight he'd end up stepping in and trying to protect her.
"Umm, I guess we'll just have to settle for one week of detention then." Sorawit laughed after all his friend's safety was his top priority.
Just as both Nam and Sorawit were prepared to accept their fate one of the girls in their class came in yelling,
"Miss Jane isn't in."
It was this one line that seemed to save their lives, miss Jane was their maths and foreign language teacher as well as a tutor at the school. She was only strict because wanted the best for them but sometimes she could really be too ruthless.
As they no longer had a teacher for two of their lesson both Nam and Sorawit messed about, joking and talking the entire time.
For Sorawit the rest of the day went by without a hitch.
By the end of school Sorawit felt like death, maybe waking up at 3 am wasn't going to work for him. As he almost feel asleep against his bike Nam flicked his head.
"Are you gonna give me a ride home today or not" Nam said impatiently as she hopped onto the back of his bike (Sorawit is too much of a soft boy to be riding round on a motorbike, so he has a bicycle a yellow one at that).
Before Sorawit could respond the most obnoxious sounding voice echoed out.
Standing at the gate was a couple of boys probably a year older than them. They were all in Sorawit's eyes dressed like gangsters, their pants were unnecessarily low and they all opted for darker colours (yes this is what gangsters look like in Sorawit's mind, maybe mine too). The one that called out to Nam was tall but not that handsome the only thing that stood out about him was the polished black motorcycle next to him.
Sorawit looked at Nam puzzled.
"It's a long story, just ignore them." Nam said urging Sorawit to hurry up.
Sorawit despite being known for not being very quick witted caught on quite fast, this must be one of Nam's countless admirers.
He pulled Nam along on his adorable yellow bike and although others may not not agree with him, Nam in fact said it was too girly. Regardless Sorawit didn't see anything wrong with it. It was just the right amount of cute, the yellow made it stand out and the small daisies dotted about the bike made it even more pefect in Sorawit's eyes.
As they approached the gates they were quickly blocked, just as Sorawit had expected. However, Sorawit knew for a fact they wouldn't try anything as long as they were on school property, but unfortunately he couldn't say the same for when they had left.
"Nam let's hang out today, on me" he said eying her up and down.
"Pong, I remember telling you I was busy when you asked me yesterday." She replied obviously not interested in hanging out with him at all.
"What, busy hanging out with this loser instead." The guy now known as Pong spoke sizing up Sorawit. Eventhough he was tall Sorawit was indeed 100% bone.
"Pong." Nam warned, it was quite clear that she had enough, half because she knew that this would end alot worse for Sorawit than for her. And the other half was tired of guys constantly thinking she was interested in them.
"Nam, what does he have that I dont." Pong paused briefly looking at Sorawit before bring his eyes back to Nam.
"Now don't be stupid."
It was that line that made Sorawit snap.
"Her not wanting to hang out with you isn't being stupid." He said standing tall trying to make himself appear as tough as possible.
"What?" Pong replied before laughing along with the rest of his friends, they all looked completely amused.
Nam quickly sensed things were going to take a turn for the worst if things continued going the way that they were.
"Pong I'm seriously busy today I have a bunch of work to catch up on, I have alot more time on the weekend let's hang out then" she spoke alot softer.
"Huh, fine." Pond said a lot calmer now maybe because Nam was being a lot more docile or because a teacher was approaching.
The whole situation was over rather quickly after that, Pong and his group of friends had left before the teacher arrived and Nam had explained to that said teacher that the whole thing was a misunderstanding.
Sorawit was now sitting in the Pink Lilly attempting to complete his homework as the staff around him began to prepare for the evening shift. He was thinking about the conversation that he had with Nam while he was taking her home.
She said playing along was always the safer options especially with guys like that.
It made him worry to the point he had to convince her not to go and see him on the weekend.
"What's wrong you're pulling a pout." Ploy said squeezing his cheeks with a soft smile.
Ploy was a University student in her 20s that worked at the Pink Lily part time, she was kind and energetic but she was always in other peoples business.
"Umm I'm fine" Sorawit mumbled out before resuming his homework that he had been neglecting for the past half hour.
Before Ploy could prod for more information, Bun had stormed and was clearly in a mood. A way worse one than usual.
"Who does he think he is?" Fuming Bun slammed his hand down on the front counter.
"Why do handsome men think its okay to be so arrogant" Bun continued to rant furiously.
"P'Bun????" Sorawit called utterly confused, who could have made him so angry.
"Bun, what's wrong?" Ploy also questioned after all seeing her boss this angry was rare.
"Huh, what's wrong. You won't believe what happened today!" Bun responded quickly pulling out a seat. Finally seeming to calm down he recited what took place earlier today.
Bun had gone into work for his regular morning shift at 3am hence why he wasn't there to help ease Sorawit into his first shift. But the real trouble began after his long lunch break around 4ish when a young man was rushed in with a bullet wound, Bun was assigned to treat him. So naturally once he heard the man was accompanied by two other men he had quickly gone to question them after all bullet wounds weren't very common in Viangpa Mork. When he had confronted them he was ridiculed and mocked (more so softly teased, but okay Bun. I'll have to make a special chapter about their first meeting after all this is a That x Sorawit centered story) by a tall well dressed handsome man which only pissed him off more. He'd come to know that the arrogantly handsome man was Tan.
In his 3 months in Viangpa Mork he had only heard from other residents that Tan was one of the many sons of a very affluent family that owned multiple business in the city, and he had been doing a lot of work out here recently.
But the icing on the cake for Bun was that everyone loved him, not the police nor a single soul had come to question them or see what was going on. The whole situation was perfectly swept under the rug.
Bun had finished his story with a huff, just retelling it had seemed to annoy him.
"Wow, i mean it is expected after all rumour is that their family does dabble in..." Ploy trailed off unsure if she should finish her sentence. Tan and his family were doing way more for Viangpa Mork than the governor, in the past couple years their investments had gotten them things they never thought they'd see. Like new school buildings and more focus placed on education. They had even gotten Ploy into university through their Helping the Youth fund before that she never thought she would even have the opportunity to go.
"In what?" Sorawit asked, he hadn't been able to catch onto what she was implying like Bun had.
"Never you mind, my shift starts now so I'll see you later" Ploy wore a light smile before returning to work.
Bun had assumed it would have been something like that but he really thought Viangpa Mork was a quite and unproblematic town.
"Ah, Sorawit how was your shift this morning" Bun asked realising that he had been to caught up in himself to ask.
"It was fine but," it was at this moment that Sorawit had remembered his encounter with That.
"But what?" Bun said urging him to continue.
So, for the remainder of the evening shift until the start of the late evening shift Sorawit proceed to tell Bun about the oh so mysterious That. Although he sub consciously left out his heart pains and stomach twists that he felt around the boy, the rest of the story was relayed exactly as it happened.
After he had finished Bun had agreed the boy was strange and that in future he should try to keep his distance.
Sorawit had quickly retired for the night after he had finished talking to Bun feeling completely exhausted.
As he laid in bed,
When he was just about to fall asleep for a split second the very mysterious That flashed across his mind.
Regardless of what Bun had said earlier a part of him couldn't help but hope that just maybe he would see him again.
At last I have done, I hope you like this chapter. Cause i really do.
Oof my hate for men really showed at Nam's part, but do not worry I shall not allow for creepy old men or men at that to get their hands on her.
Any way onto the next chapter! That visiting his favourite coffee boy once again.
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Again not proof read cause I live on the edge.
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queer and feelin longing emotions and thinkin bout shortcake and the harleyyyhhh: when she first sees you shes like 👁👄👁 speechless, How could you possibly get hotter??? ure driving into frankie's driveway because you all are carpooling to meet the guys for a night out. she meets u in a daze at the end of the drive while youre taking the keys out of the ignition.
"i didnt know you owned a motercycle" she says, her face growing warm while u kick out the kickstand.
"oh um, yeah! i do!" you say with a nervous chuckle; your heart always races when youre around shortcake, but you've never seen her look at you Quite like this.
"why do i never see you riding it?" she asks, glancing down every so often as you absent mindedly start fidgeting, rubbing ur hands against the seat and the handle bars.
"ummm, i really only ride it when i need to think on some stuff or when i need to calm down," you explain. "its also really impractical for days i have a certain way i want my hair to look" u chuckle as u unclick the buckle to your helmet and hope, as youre taking it off, that your helmet hair isnt unseemly today.
"is everything okay? have you been on edge lately?" she asks, her brow furrowed. you smile at her but it doesnt quite meet your eyes.
"a little, but i'm working through it" you respond, you grasp the handle bars a little harder, u hadnt meant to let That slip.
shortcake seems unsure but after a moment she reaches out to gently lay her hand atop yours and u loosen ur grasp. "is there anything i can do to help?" she asks softly, kindly. you feel so Seen, so Loved; shes only touching your hand but you can feel the warmth of it through your entire body. "i'll uhhhh i'll let you know?" you leave it open ended, because you dont Think its possible for her to help you with your growing feelings....But you Never Know. the answer seems to appease her, for now at least.
youre together in this moment quietly, contently, a single innocent touch and your gaze at one another are all that connects one another to the present. you hear the front door of the house open and shut, you both suddenly move your hands away; the self depricating thoughts, quickening heart rates, and warm faces are all that you share now.
"hey, nice to see you bringin the ol girl out for a change" frankie says while walking towards the two of you. he raises an eyebrow at you, "you good?"
you nod, "i will be." he nods back, knowing. that sometimes you arent ready to talk about what thoughts ail you.
"oh hey your hair is a little..." he starts, moving his hand up to you head before stopping, "can i uhhh-" "oh yeah sure, thanks" you say, quickly. as frankie messes with your hair, you feel your stomach do flips and shortcake admires how sweet you look together.
he steps back admiring you- his amazing skills as a hair stylist, "better than ever" he says with a grin.
"oh wait hold on, you missed something can i just real quick" shortcake says, searching for consent. you nod you head at her and now she hands taking back stray pieces or smoothing out others. you shiver slightly as she tucks your hair behind your ear? you arent sure she actually moved anything that time. frankie is watching the two of you intently; he loves the careful way she tends to you and the way your eyes flutter shut every so often.
she moves back, and says "there, now we're good" with a soft smile. frankie smiles at her and gives her a quick peck on the cheek, "i love your attention to detail," he says, adoration in his eyes as she giggles.
"thanks," you whisper. you dont want to ruin this moment with your feelings butting in; they are so happy together, you wish so desperately you could make Them that happy.
frankie pats his pockets until he finds and fishes out his keys, "i'll go start the car, you can set your helmet inside the garage if you want?" he offers. "that'd be great thank you," you say, unstraddling the bike and the couple, unbeknownst to the other, watch a tad too intently as you do.
shortcale shakes herself out of slightly inappropriate gaze and decided to walk you up to a garage, "i've never ridden a motercycle before, it seems like fun" she says, just to fill the silence.
you're quiet, comtemplating for a moment. "would you like to?"
she laughs out a breath "oh i would love too. its a shame you dont have a second helmet, we could ride together"
you glance at her and grin a little before turning around to call out, "hey frankie? you still got that helmet i leant u?"
(idk why im writing i Got homework to do and like i keep thinking tumblr is gonna cut me off with a word count or a character limit but No they just let me Keep Going for like AN HOUR, anyways 👄👁👄
Anon I offer you my hand in marriage the dowry is easy: just keep sending me asks (also go do your homework babes!!)
I absolutely LOVE THIS AAAAA
Also the thought of shortcake going for a ride with you hhh. Her arms are tight around your waist and the engine is rumbling in her ears as shes pressed against your back, it makes you grip the handlebars tighter and at a stoplight you have to take a deep breath to calm yourself. She's never ridden a motorcycle before but in the moment, cruising down the road with her arms around you, she feels safe and secure and wants it to last forever.
Frankie walks outside just as you pull up the driveway.
"How was it?"
Shortcake tugs the helmet off with a giggle and he takes in her wild hair. "So much fun! I never knew it'd be so relaxing."
She never knew how nice it felt to have you in her arms.
Frankie ignores the way his heart hammers wildly in his chest by seeing the way shortcake, his girlfriend, stares as you lean on the handlebars of your bike. He sees her flushed face and hears the hitch in her breathe when she looks at you.
He tells himself it's from the weather. It has to be. Theres no way she feels the same way for you as he does. That's just his own mind taunting him with a fantasy.
That's just him being selfish.
"I should probably head out." Your voice breaks them both out of their own head. Both members of the couple you dreamed of each night wearing a face like a kicked puppy.
"Are you sure? You can stay for dinner if you want-"
"We can order takeout and-"
You hold your hands up in an apologetic gesture. "As fun as its be to watch you guys argue over pizza toppings again, I'll have to pass. I've got an early shift tomorrow. I should get home before it's late so I can get some sleep."
The hand that frankie held on his girlfriend's waist tightened as you backed out of the driveway and into the street with a final wave.
He knew you didn't work tomorrow
"Is she gonna be alright?" Shortcake's voice was tiny, barely heard over the roar of your engine as you drove off.
Frankie knew you were going to spend the whole night driving without a destination.
"Yeah." He pressed a comforting kiss to her temple. "She's alright, just needs to clear her head. We all get like that."
He knew at somepoint in the night you'd stop at that one 24-hour dinner you loved, he would probably stay up and meet you there. If you didnt want to talk about what was bothering you that'd be fine. He would simply order himself a burger as the two of you spoke about whatever nonsense came to mind at 3am before leaving, usually with you following him home and crashing on his couch.
You hadn't done that in a long time. He wonders why.
"I worry about her."
Ah. Right. That's why.
Shortcake leaned her head on his shoulder and he felt a steady thrum in his chest.
"Me too."
Maube he would take her with him tonight. She'd like the fries.
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maplecornia · 3 years
Thoughts on the bullying scandals going around in the kpop community at the moment
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Things to know before I begin:
Since I'm a small blog this probably won't be seen by much, I just wanted to basically talk about this since it's been bothering me for a while
Bullying is a VERY serious issue, and I suggest that you take it seriously. While these accusations may or may not be real, please understand that real people go through this and shoving it under a rug will not do anything.
Regardless of where you are BULLYING IS BULLYING. Doesn't matter where in the world you may be. Just because you live somewhere else doesn't make the pain or the trauma any less real.
If I have gotten any of my facts wrong or have missed something, please respectfully bring it to my attention. I am human after all and I will make mistakes from time to time.
Okay now that that's out of the way...
I wasn't originally going to blog about this. I mean I didn't see what good it would do and there are so many different people talking about this who are more influential than I so I didn't see the point.
However a lot of the things that people are saying and a lot of the things that are happening to the artists just don't sit right with me. So I decided to say something.
As you all know, this started in Korea after after bullying scandal happened to volleyball twin sisters. They turned out to be true so they were suspended and were prevented from competing in the Olympics.
Following this, they moved on to actors and actresses (the outcomes of which I am unclear on so I wont say much more than this)
And then of course kpop idols.
These started with Soojin, moved to others such as Soyeon, Sunwoo, Kihyun, Minhyuk, Chuu, Aisha, Hyuna, Hyunjin etc (if I have missed any please bring it to my attention).
Now while some of these accusations may have been true accounts (such as the volleyball ones) the ones where it involves idols seem to be more old middle school drama that was never resolved.
Allow me to explain.
Whereas before the idols had moved into the picture, most of the actors and actresses were being accussed of bullying younger classmates as their "sunbae" or senior.
Since Korean culture relies heavily on respect and hierarchy, you can imagine how these alleged victims would feel entirely helpless and unable to do anything. They would be mistreated, called awful names, get things thrown at them. If you need examples look at Korean dramas, I'm sure you'll find many there.
The volleyball twins turned out to have actually done these things and are paying heavily for it. Their actions were no doubt inexcusable.
And these cases of bullying actually do happen in Korea and it's a big issue.
However, there's a fine line between bullying and mere arguments or drifting apart. There's also a difference between being immature and/or a bully.
For example, Soojin was accused of being violent with a past friend, drinking underage, going to group chats to make sure said friend was outcasted, having older boyfriends, smoking and driving motorcycles.
While she has said she has tried cigarettes in the past, most of these allegations are false and somewhat immature. You shouldn't be judged for driving motorcycles or having an older boyfriend. When it comes to underage smoking and drinking, that's just immature thinking.
However, with the incidents with her past friend, those turned out to be a misunderstanding. Soojin said that she did have an argument with her that led to their falling out, but never did she resort to violent acts nor go out of her way to me sure she was outcasted.
You can also see these trends with the other idols being accussed including Mingyu and Hyunjin.
Mingyus accusations have turned out to be mostly false, as Pledis is still undergoing investigations. I must commend them for doing a great job of handling this and am pleasantly surprised. Mingyu however has halted his activities for the time being, and I'm sure it's for his health after dealing with all the allegations directed his way.
For Hyunjin, he is also pausing his activities, but the way JYPE is handling it seems as though they regret him joining Stray Kids. This could be just my opinion, however.
In any case, while his accusations have turned out to be an argument/misunderstanding as well, people are still throwing him hate and requesting he leave the group.
Mind you this is also happening with Soojin, and many model companies or brands are removing their pictures/taking them down so that it doesn't conflict with business.
When it comes to the other idols I know very little so I won't say much.
Soyeon: accusations seem to have smoothed over
Chuu: accusations turned out to be false, accusser apologized for the post
Aisha: accusations also turned out to be false
Hyuna: accusations are false
Kihyun: accusations are false
For some of these idols, the original accusers posts have been taken down, which obviously shows something fishy there and I believe that means the accusation wasn't real in the first place.
Many of these idols have come out with apologies like Hyunjin, Soojin, Kihyun, and Hyuna have. Many of them towards their fans and towards those they may have hurt in the process.
So...here's my take on the whole thing.
While bullying is a serious issue, I couldn't help but find a trend in the idol accusations.
They all happened in middle school
Regardless of the time period, bullying is nkt okay and i understand that. However, middle school is a hard time for all of us. We are going through a lot at that stage and I think many of us lash out in different ways. People grow up from that immaturity, I know I have.
They all come from past friend and/or relationships which have fallen apart
A lot of these originate from people who claim to be in the same class, or be a past friend of the idol. They talk about arguments and things that they disagreed on ghat led to a friendship being cut off. Soojins came from a victims alleged sister. Let me make one thing clear. ARGUMENTS ARE NOT BULLYING. If that were true the whole world would be bullies by now.
That being said...do I think the idols should apologize whether or not these are true?
And here's why.
Regardless of how much you have grown or matured if there was a time in your life where you had hurt someone, indirectly or not, I believe you should apologize for that. You don't know how that might have affected them, nor how much they may have suffered. So yes, I believe you should always apologize and hopefully be given a chance to resolve the issue.
Now do I think we should automatically cancel an artist if their apology isn't to our king and/or they dont make one?
For one thing, we are not involved in the issue. We are, in fact, just bystanders. Unless you were bullied by that particular idol or involved, you don't have a right to reject or accept someone's apology. That is up to the victim and the victim alone.
That being said...what is the best way to act as a fan?
Keep quiet and support the idol as best as you can during these tough times. If the rumors turn out to be true, then decide what you want to do. Unstan, don't listen to their music anymore...whatever.
But please do not spread hate.
You do not know these idols nor what they go through. If they decide not to apologize then that's pretty douchey, but you don't know their reasons so please do not act as though you do.
You must understand that they are human too. And they have made mistakes. They will continue to make mistakes.
Does that make it right? No.
But they deserve a chance to become a better person in spite or because of it.
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That's all from me! Thanks for reading. ♡
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thesameasbe4 · 3 years
Red Boots
Part 1
Part 2
The frigid air ripped into her bare legs as the bike tore down the road with relentless speed. Sav squeezed her eyes shut and continued to cling tightly to the figure sat in front of her. At first she thought she could hear the roar of other bikes behind them, but she soon became overwhelmed with the sensations bombarding her and lost track of the pursuers behind them. The man in front of her maneuvered the bike well, winding in and out of alleys and side streets. Finally after what felt like hours he slowed to a halt, the bike idling in an alley that Sav was unfamiliar with.
She dismounted and pulled her helmet off, handing it back to the man. “Thanks,” she said cautiously, unsure if she was any safer with him than with those other men, her eyes continuing to search his clothing for an indication of affiliation with a motorcycle club, but she couldn’t find anything in the damp darkness of the night.
“Do you know where we are?” The man asked. Sav shook her head. He cut the engine and dismounted as well, moving to stand next to her. Gently he guided her to the entrance of alley and pointed to a building a few blocks down. Sav swallowed hard. A handful of men from the gang at the bar were loitering in front of what she now recognized as her apartment building. She stepped back further into the shadows, her body trembling more from fear than the cold. What had she stepped into? What did they want with her? How did they know where she lived? And where was she supposed to go?
It was clear to Bucky that she didn’t have a plan and had no idea what to do next. Hell, he didn’t really know what to do either. It had been a long time since he had spent time with anyone who wasn’t capable of caring for themselves in crises like this. He realized he didn’t really know how to act around her. He had a strong urge to touch her, hold her hand, give her a hug, something like that. But he wasn’t sure she would want that, and what if she felt his arm? Surely she would be turned off by that. It was most important now to get her to a place she felt safe for the night.
“Hem hem,” Bucky cleared his throat softly, causing her to turn her face up to his. “So, do you have a friend you can stay with for a little while?” He asked. She shook her head.
“Not this side of the Mason-Dixon Line I don’t,” she said, “and I’m not going back no matter how many bikers are waiting outside my apartment.”
“What about a hotel? Could I take you to a hotel for the night?” Again she shook her head, this time scrunching her nose up.
“Not on my wages.” They stood there silently for a few more minutes before Bucky handed her the helmet again.
“Alright then,” he said, cocking his head to the side, “I guess you will have to come home with me, though I’m warning you, my couch isn’t that comfortable.” This time she had more of a chance to catch her balance on the bike, and Bucky took care to let her settle behind him, pulling her arms more securely around his waist before maneuvering the bike back onto the street.
Bucky knew this was a bad decision on his part, not only was he ignoring the promise he had made to himself that he would not involve regular people in his life, he was also taking on someone else’s problem. He didn’t even know why these men were following the bar tender, what could she be caught up in that he was stepping into by coming to her aide? The woman behind him adjusted her hands wrapped around his torso and he felt a warmth spread through him at the reminder of her touch. It had been so long since he had had any real personal connection with anyone. Maybe it would be alright, he had been observing her every Friday for a few months now, she was just a normal person… No, he knew better than to think optimistically. Everyone has shit in their past, deceit and manipulation are normal. And she had the look of someone running. She was clearly a transplant, living in the tumultuous world of New York night life, has all the signs of living a rough and stressful life, and now she was being inexplicably being pursued by a group of bikers.
Bucky pulled up to the back of his apartment building and cut the engine, helping the woman down before he swung his leg over the bike.
“Well, I guess if we are gonna be roommates, we should know each other’s names at least,” the woman said, holding her hand out. “My name is Sav.”
Hesitantly, Bucky took the cold, bony hand she offered him, “James.”
Bucky was embarrassed even before they got to his flat, thinking about the dishes in the sink and the lack of, well, most conventional things that homes have. But he had come this far and he didn’t really see a way out of this one, so he took a deep breath and pushed open the door. Sav didn’t say anything as she stood just inside the threshold of the room, worrying her long coat still wrapped tightly around her. Remembering his manners he stepped toward her again, “uh, can I take your coat?”
Sav didn’t move to take it off, “um, I’m a little chilly actually,” she said. Bucky nodded, stepping back again, remembering that underneath her coat was much too little clothing for a New York winter. He gave her a tour of the small space, just two rooms but also a bathroom with a claw foot tub. Something the landlord mentioned several times to him before he signed the lease. He cranked the heater up as Sav returned to stand on a spot just inside of the door.
“Look,” Bucky said, “I dont really know whats going on with you, and I don’t really want to know. I don’t even really know why I offered to help you out back there except that you are a good bar tender and those guys are jerks.”
Sav smiled for the first time that night, “well you didn’t really offer, its more like you swooped in.”
Bucky looked at his boots, “yeah, I’m sure you probably could have handled it by yourself. You didn’t need me poking my nose in your business, and now here I am telling you not to pull me in when I’ve already done that myself.” Bucky continued to look down as he worried the hair at the nape of his neck.
Sav gently laid her hands on his shoulders and bending her knees, she tried to catch his eye. “I am really glad you were there tonight, James, I don’t know what else I would have done.” Bucky looked up at her now with bright eyes. “And truly, I don’t know who those guys are, I had seen them a couple of times in the bar before, but never thought anything of it… Why were they at my house?”
Bucky shrugged his shoulders, “I dunno that one, but what do you say that we forget about it for a little while? I can give you some fresh clothes if you want to take a bath.” Sav nodded and smiled.
It was very intimate to be wearing this strange man’s clothes, Sav thought as she looked at herself in the small bathroom mirror. She looked extra petite in the t shirt and sweat pants, but they were warm and dry and they smelled like James. She rolled her eyes at herself as she pulled her wet hair into a knot on the top of her head. Stepping out of the bathroom she let out a little squeak of surprise. Faster than she thought humanly possible, James was standing next to her.
“What’s wrong? What happened?” He asked in a panicked voice.
It was Sav’s turn to look sheepish. “Oh, didn’t mean to alarm you, I just… the floor is much colder out here than in the bathroom.” Before she even finished the sentence Bucky had lifted her off the ground. Causing yet another squeak to leave her mouth again. Bucky froze with her in his arms, Sav’s hands clinging to his neck in nervous response to losing her footing so immediately.
“Well, lets find you some socks shall we?” Bucky stuttered as he walked her to a dark blue love seat next to a window. He set her down gently and backed away respectfully. Or thats what Sav would have called it had he not previously scooped her up without warning. Bucky retreated to the other room, and Sav took a few moments to collect herself, shrugging off the exposed feeling of not only being in what was essentially a stranger’s house but also wearing his clothes, being surrounded by his scent and the messiness (she didn’t mind) of his daily existence.
Bucky returned not long after with an arm full of blankets and warm clothes. Sav almost had to bat him away to keep him from dressing her himself. On went a sweater, two pairs of socks, and she finished with a fuzzy blanked which she used to tuck herself firmly into the corner of the love seat.
With the lights off and his unexpected house guest asleep in the front room, Bucky pulled his shirt off, his metal arm catching the light of a street lamp from the window. Bucky rubbed the area where the metal met the flesh of his shoulder thoughtfully. Sav would sleep here tonight and he would get rid of her in the morning, help her get to a friends house or bring her to a police station, something, and he would never have to address the fact that he was a reformed killing machine with a robotic arm.
With his metal arm weighing heavy at his side he fell into a restless sleep.
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clockworkwhiskey · 3 years
instead of ppl asking me to do this i’m just gonna do it for the sake of being bored
Color Asks
red: describe your favorite shirt
i don’t have one but if i do, it’s prob one that makes my titties look big
orange: if you could, would you change your eye color? why? to what color, if so?
yes, to blue because that would be kinda sexy on a poc
yellow: name of an artist you think is underappreciated
billie eilish. she’s very much appreciated but i still think she deserves more. also, arlo parks is a legitimate one
green: do you have a favourite flower?
vaginas maybe i don’t really like flowers like that
blue: preferred type of weather?
idk if this is weather but las vegas at night bc its dark n still warm bitch i THRIVE
purple: a poem you think describes your closest friend
to this day by shane koyczan could make me think of everyone i’ve ever met in my whole life so theres that
magenta: do you keep your fingernails long or short?
short unless i get them did okiiiiiir
turquoise: favorite sea animal?
seals, sea otters, or sea lions omg them thangs can cuddle me at night any night i love them
fuchsia: favorite land animal?
maybe hamsters but also dogs n cats idk i love all animals that aren’t bugs or reptiles
cyan: are you religious? spiritual?
religiously and spiritually that bitch
sea green: can you fold a fitted sheet?
violet: are you a part of the lgbt+ community?
amber: what's saved as your phone's lockscreen?
one of billie eilish’s vogue shots LOL
aqua: do you thrift?
yes but not as much as i used to
pink: what's your natural hair color?
black in the winter but it gets sun bleached easily so probably brown to light brown in the summer if i get out enough
beige: have any pets? what're their names?
mason, kelso, keagan, and berry wherever they all are now. i’m a slut for adopting pets with others
black: would you ever try going vegetarian or vegan?
i did and it lasted 2.5 days but i’ll try again when i have my own place i just really love chicken
coral: an animal you wish hadn't gone extinct
humans before social media
grey: how many languages do you speak? do you want to learn any more?
english, spanish & asl but i’m not fluent in those last two so idk if that counts
maroon: do you care for clothing brands?
rose: favourite scent on a person?
charcoal: have you ever been camping?
yes *gags*
claret: do you play an instrument? do you want to learn to play any?
yes and i’d like to be an exceptional violin player
copper: gold or silver jewelry?
cream: any piercings or tattoos? do you want any?
yes n yes more peas
salmon: how many pairs of sunglasses do you own?
i truthfully don’t even know
ebony: would you ever want to play a game on television? (jeopardy, family fued, etc)
indigo: have you ever lived on a farm?
emerald: if you had the option, would you choose to move and live in another country? which one?
yes n idk where yet but ill figure that out someday
lavender: relationship status?
i’m dating billie eilish n ashley lumba
erin: what was/is your best school subject?
math or english
mauve: any unpopular opinions?
we should all have sex with one another
fulvous: another name you think would suit you
coconut: a subject you enjoy learning about
frost: a -core you enjoy
porcelain: an tv show you used to love
american idol or the walking dead LOL
fawn: any interesting family stories?
one christmas, the police swarmed my grandmas house cause my uncles bashed in someones knees with bats hahahahahha 
gold: do you wear your socks mismatched?
honey: your thoughts on magic- does it exist?
rust: form of art you enjoy doing?
ginger: any sideblogs?
cherry: YouTubers you enjoy watching?
binging with babish
wine: do you have a 'type'
physically no but mentally yes
mahogany: your sun, moon, and rising signs
leo sun, aquarius moon, scorpio rising
blood: twin beds, queen, or king?
california king
hot pink: did you/do you had/have strong feelings against the color pink?
no but i have strong feelings towards the color pink we love her
plum: a food you've never tried
lilac: dogs, cats, or fish?
no fish
amethyst: do you collect anything?
mulberry: earbuds or headphones?
earbuds for public headphones for private
azure: jean jackets?
teal: have a job?
denim: kill the spider or take it outside?
sapphire: do you think you can sing well?
mint: favourite flavour of gum?
pecan: shuffle your playlist, what's the first song that comes up?
my boy - billie eilish
penny: icecream or cake
i dont like either unless its icecream from coldstone or that cheap chocolate cake w white frosting on it thats so sweet, u get cardiac arrest lol
ash: can you do your own makeup?
yes but not well
jade: ever written fanfiction?
i don’t think so
grape: how many blogs do you follow?
its in the high hundreds i think
umber: do you brush your teeth before you eat?
yes but i try not to within an hour of eating cause itll taste n feel weird
chestnut: type of phone you have
i think its an 11 pro max
prussian blue: what's your first choice at the vending machine
aquamarine: beach or pool
brass: least favorite food condiment
mustard: how much sugar in your tea/coffee?
not too much
silver: ever broken a bone?
rose quartz: rings or necklaces
onyx: do you still play Minecraft?
burgundy: ever ridden a motorcycle?
i dont think so
scarlet: favorite holiday
apricot: opinion on 3 in 1 body wash/hair wash
please god no
platinum: do you follow politics?
magnolia: your Instagram handle?
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bishiglomper · 3 years
I had a dark, creepy inception dream.
Very FFXII inspired. There were supernatural stuff as far as how the laws of nature worked.
First bit of the dream I had little plushies I would pick out to be my "children"? I would pick out a little funko pop sized one, love on it and it would sit and incubate somewhere until it was ready. But i kept forgetting about then and like a year later I'd check on it like "omg I'm so sorry, are you alive, do you still love me??" And the stuffie would slowly start moving like blinking to life and it would seem to forgive me and then I had these live plush things. That I called my children. There were some figure ones that worked like those sponges you put in water and when it was done and you wiped off the water-saturated goo, you'd have a baby. 😂 I stuck with the stuffie version.
For some reason my uncle drove a huge yellow school bus. Just to get these like, 8 teens every day. Mom and i were always there. I fuckin' hated it. He drove too fast and people were always diving out of the way to not be killed. I was always freaking out waiting for the inevital bump of going over a body. Somehow it never did. I always sat in the back looking out the windows. One day i had enough and said out loud "I CANNOT STAND THIS DAMN BUS!" And people were like "huh" and "why" and mom was like "shhh your uncles driving it"
Once again i was just like "I CANNOT STAND THIS GODDAMN BUS" knowing my conservative christian uncle would be annoyed. He told me to basically shut up and sit down. I was in a very "fuck you" mood and stormed off though. I was just relieved to be off it. It made me so anxious and angry. I dunno what all that was about.
Another part; I made friends with this fey child thing. She was kind of a bitch, as far as children go and there was a grumpy talking (light grey Persian) cat. Dunno wtf these were but they were of the monster variety.
I wanted to abandon my life and go with the monster girl. One of the things i learned was in the tilled field next to us, below lived some sort of huge scary monster. Like spiders? But they were kind but would put you to work mucking out their tunnels. Gross but interesting. Also carried the fey risk of never being allowed to return, but if one wanted to run away and live with the monsters, it wasn't the worst one could do. There was another option that involved running a gauntlet in a river. I watched someones attempt, and there was magic involved and they were about to not make it, and drown... But some creature came to their aid and what it did was speed them up as they were swept down the river in the wake of something's tail. They sped up because to make it out and over the falls they had to go supersonic or something. So the fish? Hummingbird? Creature saved them and they passed. Definitely not worth risking.
Then the dream shifted into more plotty things and there was a big mansion. This is the inception part because i think i was thinking up a story but at the same time, was involved in it. Or it mirrored my situation.
The monster girl had her mom and i told her I was coming with her. But that we needed to leave as soon as possible because there was danger from another monster. She was like yeah, and told me to wait. I waited by the cat. I later found out the kid abandoned me to go to bed. But she said we'd leave during the night. So I tried sleeping for a few hours.
Well. The monster matriarch caring for the house/people wasn't going to let me go. It was like a momma wanting to keep her babies home. She'd sooner eat me than let me leave.
I guess we tried to drug her into sleeping deeper so we could flee easier but something went wrong and this monster mom slowly started stalking after us. I woke the girl up, found out her mom had been sucked dry and was just a husk. We grabbed what half-packed bags we could with me literally flinging shirts and jeans into a bag as I ran to the window. We were gonna hoof it until she just straight up threw her shit in a nearby truck and got in the driver's seat. She looked 8. I think i was little too. Btw she was moving in an urgent sort of way, but was otherwise unfazed by the events. Like she knew how to handle it. I however was scared shitless.
After we were on the road, someone else was driving while we tried to get some rest. This is when i thought i had been plotting so I thought i would share what setting i had with her. To talk about something else.
Basically the plot was..
Main character gets drafted but shortly dies. (Directly stolen from the beginning of FFXII LOL) and he leaves behind a brother and friends in this small town though he lived at the big mansion. That was cared for by a matriarch thing. This matriarch was a monster and had a certain influence over the place. I mean, people were content enough but definitely had an unnerved sort of vibe about them.
I remember there was a younger brother shrouded in this same contentedness but eventually started to realize things were off. So he wanted to escape. But they had an even younger brother, who was sickly and often snuggled down with... Not the matriarch, but some of the people who were definitely doing her bidding. One of the things they did was reward and keep the kid's interest by giving him special marbles they said looked like planets. Like the kid didnt know anything about planets and was completely fascinated in collecting and learning about as many as he could. He'd only have a handfull of marbles at a time but they were treated like special magic stones. He was completely saturated by this influence. (Since its FFXII inspired, lets call it Mist)
So the middle brother tried to enlist the help of his uncle who could be trusted and wanted to help. (He had some political power at the house but in one of those.. "The bad guys obviously dont like or trust him" sort of ways) And i guess the middle kid was training to be a doctor because they used it as an excuse to be handling certain things. I think they were trying to get closer to the sick kid. Also find proof that something wrong was going on.
The guy tried to involve a handfull of his friends. Some were his older brothers friends. There was one that had gone into a drunken depression at his death and was on a bad path. (A sherrif like guy was worried about him, having promised the dead brother he'd watch over him but..) One guy had a small motorcycle he loved but was the cautious friend with the sense of reason. Kind of the leader. Dunno much about the others.
At some point, they have to flee. They're all on crotch rockets and trying to evade the cops which are under the matriarch monsters influence. They hop a barbed wire fence and escape past some curly haired cow calves in a stable. They just managed to get away.
I think the drunk guy was gonna turn his nose up at the friends and tell them to fuck off when they ask him to help, but he meets up with them later out of a sense of duty.
I dont remember much more that i can organize into linear thoughts. But the whole vibe was dark and so creepy..
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currentfandomkick · 4 years
Bio! Dad Strange Part 9
Jason returns, may be a 2 parter to cover tim getting kidnapped and the aftermath. Will let you know at the end. We are getting to Marinette dealing with Ladybugging soon.
Marinette wasnt sure what to think this year. She met The Barry Allen last year. She also figured out 2 heroes pre-flash revelation and two more after—in her defense Hero Stalker’s old theory on The first Robin did Batman in. it is not her fault 5 founding members have the multiple-persona game of a booger.
She was also Tetch (Mad Hatter. Doesnt deserve the name) and Mr. J’s, Jerimah’s, last victim before they died. Then some idiots revived Jerimah. She hates his cult a lot, okay.
Everyone was on high alert and trying to keep her inside. The thing is, she hates being inside. She’s inside for designing, sure. Research? She’ll live.
But 24/7 inside time?
Never a good combo with her.
Rose’s plants may be snitches, but they seemed to agree on the over coddling. She’s ten, can break phones by tapping them, and is defiantely more off her stickers than on at the moment.
The one on her was uring her into some alleyway. If she was reading the movement pattern right, a gang fight.
Lovely, she usually did these with some sort of supervision but they were all being rude and she needed time outside.
She checked her belt, a few pairs of ball weights tied together with one chain each to make bolas clipped to back. She has a taser in hand, and a few rubber bullet loaded gun on one hip and a stun gun her size in the other. She had a packet of zipties and rope up each sleeve. Easy to giftwrap and humiliate bad people, like Batman does.
She blinked once when she saw—new player? In a bright red full face helmet that looks horrible. And he’s holding that gun make all wrong to max out usage. Ugh, amatuers.
Some part of her groaned about a potential run-in with Batman and his new Robin—she was pissed about Tim not telling her still—and decided this was as good an anger management as any. New vigilante, maybe the sirens would help him find a team.
She snuck up behind a few members, quick to grab the guns and move them out of reach. No need to give anyone playing possum an easy out, right—she saw a mix of her people in with the gang. She needed to teip this guy up before he hurt the RKC street kids and honoraries tangled up in this.
“Hey helmet, if you’re gonna shoot them you’re holding the gun wrong.”
Helmet turned to see her. She didnt grab her usual harley-knock off outfit for helping today. She wanted to be Pixie Pop for a bit. And if the Rogues forgot that she’s Pixie well, better for her, right? Pixie just wore her hair like Tinkerbell and wore a bit of green.
The guy he was aiming at made to run.
Marinette grabbed a makeshift bolas and threw it at his knees. She recognized him from one of the RKC hit lists—human trafficker. He fell with them wrapped around tight and defiantely injured bith his knees with how the weights hit him.
“I, Pixie Pop?” Weird, no one had seen her as Pixie in two years. How’d he know it was her?
“Yeah. Havent been around much lately.” She threw another bola at another guy. “You new?”
“Talk after i kill these guys.”
Marinette rolled her eyes, because really?
She threw a knife to screw his aim into non-lethal on one guy. “Kick their ass first, some RKC are in here.”
Helmet oddly did as she said, switching from guns to—is that. A. Sword?
She twisted to punch the guy sneaking up on her. Helmet threw a sword and landed it in his shoulder.
“Holy shot you’re really here this time.”
“Did you get hit with feargas as a baby or something?” Her partner being prone to dellusions and good with weapons was a bad thing.
“Just came back from the dead is all.”
marinette hit the guy going for helmet with her stun gun.
“That’ll do it!”
Helmet turned to one of the guys, gun at the ready. She had a feeling Helmet needed a lot of help, or else one of Rose’s agents would be down.
“If you know about pixies, you should know she got an upgrade to having some trust dust.”
Marinette walked over to the guy, letting her tracker plant take a look. The flower bloomed and he got a face full of ‘filter-less pollen’ that’s as close to a truth serum as Rose could make. After all, people can turn sides.
“Truth pollen?” Helmet was staring at her closely.
“Yep.” Marinette turned to her victim. “Are you helping the traffickers?”
“Does infiltration and killing them count as helping?”
Helmet stared at them then.
“Which team?”
“HKT ma’am. How did you get rose to give you one of those?”
“Think for a minute who she gives these to.”
“Comanding officers of the the RKC reconn and interigation but there’s only 15 and i met them all when i joined in the fall.”
“Im the summer help when theyre not puppy gaurding. Now, i have to do zipties on the traffickers, think you can help?”
“I lost coordination from the pollen.”
“Of course you did.”
Marinette turned to see Helmet staring at her. Like she should be dead, not the new revival guy.
“Good enough.”
“I thought only Poison Ivy could do things like that.”
“I have a badass team, well, when they aren’t going overboard. One week kidnapped and suddenly im made of glass.”
“Pixie you are what, ten?”
“So? Two of my best friends went missing becuase no one stepped up, one of them resurfaced as an idiot a year later but still.”
Helmet stopped then. “Two?”
“Hero stalker went after our big brother vanished.. he came back as an idiot.”
Helmet paused. “Hey, you check the others and i’ll help you drop off the good ones at a doctor or something.”
“Zipties are at the ready. Mind doing your share?”
Helmet did as she asked, working with her until all was squared away.
“Okay, my tracker gave off a signal to the RKC to gather our guys here, and—why are bleeding?”
Helmet looked up at her then. “I am?”
“... you’re coming with me since i dont know if you need a transfusion, but i know a guy who can help.”
“I’m driving.”
“On what?”
Marinette let him walk her to it, and she got on first. He ‘drove’ them while the plant told her when to turn. They ended up at her dad’s clinic as ‘Mr. Smith’. He was so grounding her.
“Smith, i need help,” she tried.
Her dad came out and paled when he saw her carrying Helmet. Before he passed out he let her take it off. “Red hoodie... oh god he said he was revived.”
Her father worked out the blood bags while she checked the wound, bullet still in there. She got it out with tweezers. No major damage to the muscles and shit. How many scars did he have? Pre or post revival?
When he came to she turned to her father and said one thing.
“So this is my new brother. Dont try to get out of it, he kept me alive when i was comstantly pixie, and you said if he was in a bad place then you’d take him in, no questions asked.”
Strange sighed, nodded, and went back to fixing Helmet up.
The next day he was forced moved into an extra room by hers. Somehow there was already clothes his size and style in it.
“Im determined and my honorary aunt is a cat burglar.”
Helmet hugged her.
“So for the documents, what do you want to go by?”
Helmet said he didnt want it to be obvious, given who he was before.
“Its not like you were robin.”
“I was.”
“.... i know two robins now, pre-robining. What is my life?”
“ you are ten, calm down. And you knew dick?”
“Met him as Nightwing, not very friendly. But uh, remember hero stalker?”
“The idiot who followed me and B?”
“Yeah, so funny thing, it was a thing that he wanted to be Robin when you went off from Gotham, and then he somehow managed to convince bats to take him on.”
“That Child is Robin.”
“Will be another hero soon if he knows what’s good for him—he’s too easy to make.”
“Wait, you know who he is-is or—”
“I know 5 secret identities and want to lodge a formal complaint about heroes having no secret identity game.”
“Youre ten. I refuse to let you deal with legal things.”
“But illegal is still on the table?”
“I am a vigilante, of course it is.”
“Good, so can we tlak about how dumb Supes secret id is? I photoshoped glasses on as a joke and looked at my file and knew.”
“Wait have they found you yet?”
“No? I dont think so. Not the mom and step dad or father one yet.”
“But its.”
“I know, but i can keep multiple secret identities. They cant handle one. What is this bull they drop in my lap? No masks for two of them, and the three with cant even manage a basic gait switch?”
“I am so glad you noticed too.”
“Also we need to intervene with Hero Stalker.”
“Does your father know-know or...”
“Knows i know, but knows im not telling even in death.”
“Fair. So, heads up i am going to yell at the JL after killing B for impact.”
“How about beating him up instead and kidnapping Hero Stalker? Bats is fine just needs an adult working with him.”
“Maybe. If my mind wasnt so fucked i’d send the Dick a text or something about this, but i think he hates me so that probably wouldnt work.”
“We have planning time, that’s what my house arrest is good for. Now name.”
“... i want to go by Jay.”
“James work?”
“James “Jay” Smith then. And we are fixing your vilagante outfit.”
“What’s wrong with it.”
“Your helmet has a nose. And the who this is shit for discreet armour. I’ll get a rant in fifteen on armor history from a fashion obsessed friend and make something for you using that, ok?”
“Do i have a choice?”
“I am your little sister offically. resistance is futile.”
So the long awaited return of Red Hoodie/Red Hood/Jason Todd.
For refrence (as age is weird here) Jason looks 14/15 here, but due to dead years is technically 18
Tim is 12
Marinette is 10
Dick is 20something.
Bruce is 30something
Heads up, this will be a two parter for this summer. As i love the next part but need sleep.
@ilovefluffbutsmutisalsogreat @emeraldpuffguide @dast218 @weird-pale-blonde-person @mystery-5-5
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shrimpcolour · 4 years
Answer all 1-92!
1. Would you have sex with the last person you text messaged?
absolutely not
 2. You talked to an ex today, correct? 
absolutely not
3. Have you taken someones virginity? 
absolutely not
4. Is trust a big issue for you?
yes i think i keep things to myself
 5. Did you hang out with the person you like recently?
no bc of the rona
 6. What are you excited for? 
quarantine to be over 
7. What happened tonight? 
i am going through it lmaoo
8. Do you think it’s disgusting when girls get really wasted?
i really think this question is gross no i dont care 
 9. Is confidence cute? 
confidence is cute as fuck
10. What is the last beverage you had? 
water, shockingly 
11. How many people of the opposite sex do you fully trust? 
one? maybe?
12. Do you own a pair of skinny jeans? 
yes but i dont wear them unless nothing else is clean
13. What are you gonna do Saturday night? 
probably play craft and cry
14. What are you going to spend money on next? 
dunkin donuts baebyyyy
15. Are you going out with the last person you kissed? 
16. Do you think you’ll change in the next 3 months?
yes i think that i will be happier 
 17. Who do you feel most comfortable talking to about anything? 
my friend beenal i trust her with everything 
18. The last time you felt broken? 
right now as i type
19. Have you had sex today?
 20. Are you starting to realize anything? 
that i cant handle being alone for a long time without starting to spiral
21. Are you in a good mood? 
im starting to get out of a shitty mood
22. Would you ever want to swim with sharks? 
i almost did one time when i was younger i was supposed to swim w super tiny sharks at disney but then i freaked tf out and bailed 
23. Are your eyes the same color as your dad’s? 
24. What do you want right this second? 
a hug from jillie
25. What would you say if the person you love/like kissed another girl/boy?
goodbye thanks for letting me know but bye
 26. Is your current hair color your natural hair color? 
no it is darker rn
27. Would you be able to date someone who doesn’t make you laugh?
no that is boring thank jah jillie is funny 
 28. What was the last thing that made you laugh?
the fact that someone from vietnam with a windows 8 phone is trying to hack my email
 29. Do you really, truly miss someone right now? 
yes jillie so much
30. Does everyone deserve a second chance?
yes second chances are good and important (obviously not for certain scenarios)
 31. Honestly, do you hate the last boy you were talking to? 
i dont hate him he just annoys me 
32. Does the person you have feelings for right now, know you do? 
i hope she does 
33. Are you one of those people who never drinks soda? 
no i only drink mcdonalds sprite and i hate coke and that stuff
34. Listening to? 
a criminal minds episode
35. Do you ever write in pencil anymore? 
yes all the time
36. Do you know where the last person you kissed is?
yes i do it was at jillies
 37. Do you believe in love at first sight? 
no i do not i think it is gradual 
38. Who did you last call? 
i joined a zoom call for like four seconds today but then i left bc i hate myself KJLSJHFJLKHF
39. Who was the last person you danced with? 
my team 
40. Why did you kiss the last person you kissed?
hopefully bc she loves me
 41. When was the last time you ate a cupcake? 
today!! my mom made them
42. Did you hug/kiss one of your parents today?
no i havent done that since i was a baby
 43. Ever embarrass yourself in front of a crush? 
every day baebyyy
44. Do you tan in the nude? 
i dont even like showering naked or tanning at all
45. If you could, would you take back your last kiss? 
yes but not because of who it was with but because it was awkkk
46. Did you talk to someone until you fell asleep last night? 
no i fell asleep at around 11 am and i just kinda KOed
47. Who was the last person to call you? 
jillie a couple days ago
48. Do you sing in the shower? 
no i dance KASLHJLKA
49. Do you dance in the car?
you fucking know it
 50. Ever used a bow and arrow? 
no but it seems so cool
51. Last time you got a portrait taken by a photographer? 
uhhh never???
52. Do you think musicals are cheesy?
no i think that they are happy
 53. Is Christmas stressful? 
54. Ever eat a pierogi?
i have but i am not a fun
 55. Favorite type of fruit pie?
apple baby apple
 56. Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid?
i wanted to be hannah montana so bad. not even a rockstar i deadass wanted to be H E R 
 57. Do you believe in ghosts?
i sure do 
 58. Ever have a Deja-vu feeling?
a lot of the time it makes me nervy
 59. Take a vitamin daily?
no only when i have some
 60. Wear slippers? 
no mostly just socks
61. Wear a bath robe?
no but they give off bad bitch vibes
 62. What do you wear to bed? 
sweatpants and a hoodie when cold short and a sports bra when hot
63. First concert? 
hannah montana/miley cyrus and she flew above the crowd on a motorcycle
64. Wal-Mart, Target or Kmart?
wwwwalmart baeby
 65. Nike or Adidas?
 66. Cheetos Or Fritos? 
fritos but both are gross
67. Peanuts or Sunflower seeds?
sunflower seeds i hate everything peanut
 68. Favorite Taylor Swift song? 
69. Ever take dance lessons? 
im on a competitve team my guy
70. Is there a profession you picture your future spouse doing?
i have a “joke” that i am marrying an orthodontist so yes
 71. Can you curl your tongue? 
i can but i cant do the clover thing 
72. Ever won a spelling bee? 
no i suck at spelling LMAO i used to cheat on spelling tests in elementary school
73. Have you ever cried because you were so happy?
i have i also cry when i get overly excited 
 74. What is your favorite book?
farenheit 451 
 75. Do you study better with or without music? 
i dont study
76. Regularly burn incense? 
no i dont
77. Ever been in love? 
78. Who would you like to see in concert? 
HOZIER i would die
79. What was the last concert you saw? 
ed sheeran 
80. Hot tea or cold tea?
hot tea 
 81. Tea or coffee? 
82. Favorite type of cookie?
oatmeal honestly it kinda slaps 
 83. Can you swim well?
no i really do be sucking at swimming my dad and a lifeguard had to get me out of the ocea once
 84. Can you hold your breath without holding your nose? 
yes? can people not>
85. Are you patient? 
i dont really know??
86. DJ or band, at a wedding? 
dj type beat 
87. Ever won a contest? 
yes i won a constume contest at a dance party once
88. Ever have plastic surgery? 
89. Which are better black or green olives? 
ummmmmmmm neither 
90. Opinions on sex before marriage?
will be participating in it but fri dont give a care if u fuck before u get married
 91. Best room for a fireplace? 
living room 
92. Do you want to get married
the idea seems nice but i dont think anyone will want to marry me
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angelnoel026 · 4 years
Chapter 3
Brendan's point of view Day 4 I woke up in another daze, still chained to a metal fence alongside with Jules. How come this pack hasnt killed us yet? Unless there waiting for Katherine. I see one of the alpha's betas. He was around my height, maybe my age as well? He had a nice scent of blueberries and dirt soil. I try to get his attention. "Hey... hey.. psst!" I whisper. He turns around. I get a better view of his face, he's pretty cute and has a shade of hazel eyes along with dirty blonde hair. "What do you want?" "By any chance are we gonna get a lunch break? Cause I'm starving." Hopefully he knew what sarcasm was. He turned back to the door. I heard footsteps approaching. It was the alpha. "I thought I heard one of them awake. Ryan you can go take you're lunch break." "Awh how come he can have one?!" Ryan looked back at me, he looked like he was trying to hold back a smile.. um cool. He left and now it was me, Jules and the alpha. "Look what do you want? You should of killed us by now." "Oh I'm going to but not until you tell me Katherine's weaknesses." Oh so he's this type of alpha. "Listen buddy.." "I AM CAIUS YOU WILL ADDRESS ME AS CAIUS!" He roared and glowed his dark red eyes. "Okay Caius, listen I know shes my sister but I haven't seen her in 2 years I don't know if shes changed or not. I don't really know." I admit. "Okay.. I see how it is. Will this change you're answer." Suddenly he grabbed Jules by the hair and raised his claws up to her throat. Jules screamed. "If you dont tell me anything there is to know about Katherine Hale, this one goes first." "Brendan just do it, dont worry will get out of this." Jules informed me still scared out of her mind. I listened to her heartbeat. I trusted it. I sighed. "Okay.." even though I didnt want to tell him I had no other choice. Katherine's point of view Bryce and I got to the movie theater to look who sent the note and there she was sitting on an old bronze mustang. "I knew you'd come." Danna said standing on her feet now. "What did you do to Tommy." I got defensive. Bryce put his hand up to my chest. "Don't let you're emotions take over let's listen to what she has to say." He reminded me. I nodded my head and let Danna have the floor. "I'm impressed, that a freak like you could make other freaks." "That doesnt get old." I whispered to Bryce. "I normally wouldnt say this but Tommy is right, I need you're help." My eyes went wide. I chuckled. "Really? Me? Help you? After everything. Give me one good reason why I should." I was intrigued to hear what she had to say. "I dont got one I just know you'll need my help because I still have wolf witch magic in my blood and since your picking random creatures to join you're 'pack' you'll need someone to help balance that." "That's not good enough if you either know how to stop the Yellowstone pack or have any way to help save my brother and best friend, then you're a waste of fresh air. Let's go Bryce." We were about to leave until Danna stopped us. "Wait... Ashley has mention that pack before... you could even say she was once apart of it." I listened to her heartbeat. "Go on." "Well I dont know the full story but I do know she was apart of the pack but got kicked out because of her magic, they didnt take too kindly with that." "But does she know how to stop them." I was hoping for a good answer. "No.. but you can ask her." Danna has me confused now. "What do you mean?" "There's this spell that she taught me... one that you can use to speak to the dead who were either in Heaven or Hell and we all pretty much know which one she's in." Danna explained. My mom had told me about that spell before but since I wasnt a wolf witch anymore let alone only 1 for like a week I had no choice but to slightly put some trust into Danna. I needed the answers. I sighed. "Okay. I'll do it." Bryce stopped me for a second. "Wait Katherine are you sure you want to go through with this, I mean she is you're enemy it could be a trick." Bryce was right I gotta stop being so naive. "Wait." "What afraid you cant handle it?" She really makes my blood boil. "No. What do you get out of this?" I turned the tables on her. "Oh simple, I thought if I did you this favor to help save your friends then I could get a spot in the pack." Was she serious. I walked up to her, 3 inches from her face. "Now you listen to me. There is no way you will ever join this pack no matter how many good deeds you think you can do you will always have a black heart and will never be trusted enough to be in this pack." I was serious too. She smiled an evil grin at me. "Okay so when do you want to do this?" How could she still want to help me after I denied her request. Something was up. "Meet us at the animal clinic at midnight and will get this going." Danna nodded her head and dissapeared into the woods. "Bryce I want you to keep an eye on her when she performs the spell. Something doesnt feel right." "Of course I got my alpha's back." We ran back to check on Tommy and to prepare for my trip to Hell and my 1 way ticket of getting my family back. Derek's point of view Annie and I made it to Yellowstone where we'd hope to find answers. I cant remember the last time me and Annie traveled together, it was long before we had Brendan and Katherine. I couldn't smell any scents this whole area was deserted. The Yellowstone stone pack must have a new location. "Dead end." I said to Annie. "Will find them." Annie was trying to comfort me. We heard something in the distance. It sounded like a motorcycle approaching us. I knew immediately who it was. The motorcycle stopped in front of us and she took her helmet off. Braeden. "I see you still wear leather." "I see you still have a grumpy look." She was always good with the comebacks. "Um Derek who's this?" Annie had never met Braeden before or knew of our past. "Names Braeden, former friend of Derek. What are you 2 doing here you should be in Beacon hills." "It's a long story." I didnt know if I wanted to get her apart of this even though she could take care of herself. Plus she doesn't know who Annie was to me nor knew about me having kids. "Well I've got time." I sighed she was going to have to find out eventually. "Braeden, Annie is my wife." "So you got married..." She looked disappointed. "Derek.. was she an ex girlfriend of yours.. it's okay if she was." Annie was always understanding, opposites really do attract. "Yes.. and we also have 2 kids together." "3 actually.." Braeden spit out. "What do you mean 3? Did I...?" "I haven't slept with anyone after you Derek, I thought maybe he had found you by now." "He? Who?" "You're other son. When he just turned 17 he started questioning who he really was and so I sent him to Beacon Hills in hope he'd find you." I was in total shock.. I have another son and mostly another wolf to raise. "What does he look like?" Braeden pulled out her phone and showed me the picture. No way! No way, I've seen him before and I never put any thought. He definitely looked like me but more like Braeden. When we get back to Beacon Hills I will approach him and talk to him. I pulled out my phone to show her pictures of Brendan and Katherine. "Katherine's got your eyes and Brendan has Annie's." She pointed out. That actually made me smile. "Well one of them is captured by the Yellowstone pack and we thought maybe they'd still be here." I admitted. "Well I could be of help, I've always been good at tracking werewolves down." Annie gulped. "We could use you're help." Annie spoke after. "Great, I have a place up in Yellowstone, follow me." She got on her motorcycle. "Annie are you okay with this?" She grabbed my face and kissed me. "You were with her first.. I want you to take responsibility for you're actions and if that means finding out you have a another son then do it Derek and I'll be here to support you, plus I think Katherine and Brendan wouldnt mind another sibling plus they know him. She was right, but first we have to save Brendan and Jules. We followed Braeden to her location, I hope the kids were alright. To be continued
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the--blackdahlia · 5 years
This Life Chapter 16
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Title: This Life Chapter 16
Summary:  Dean Winchester is the Vice President of the motorcycle club The Hunters. After almost 7 years in prison, he's free. But things have changed and Dean has to figure out how to put things back together.
Warnings: Language, mentions of drug use, this chapter is pretty sad
AN: Thank you to the lovely @sams-serialkiller-fetish .  The song for this chapter is Come Join the Murder by The White Buffalo & The Forest Rangers
Sam was curled up in the passenger seat of Baby as Dean drove them back to Wolfpine. He had his arm cradled against him and his eyes were closed. Dean kept casting glances over at him. The kid had worked himself up the minute Ellen stepped out of the truck and asked where Benny was. Jim had forced him to take a couple pills from the med kit that Bobby kept in the truck and before Dean knew it, his not so little, little brother was snoring softly beside him in the Impala.
Dean was exhausted. He couldn’t wait to get back to Wolfpine and collapse onto his bed. And he had the pull out couch for Sam to sleep on for the night. Unless he decided that they needed to spend the night in John’s old house. But Dean didn’t think it was a very good idea. Plus, they had the Wayward Sons following them to Wolfpine to think of a plan in case the remaining Horsemen decided to retaliate for Azazel’s death.
Bobby had called in some favors with a couple sheriff’s who owed him a thing or two. Benny’s body would be returned home, and the bodies of Azazel and the henchmen would be dealt with. Jody assured Bobby of that. Bobby could focus then on putting Benny to rest. His dad was currently drinking his way through Atlantic City, and his mom was on her honeymoon with her new husband in Europe. Bobby doubted that either would be there to say goodbye to their son.
And then there was Sam. That kid had been through more trauma in the past year than any of them had. He had watched as a fire destroyed everything, he watched his dad shot in the chest and was left for dead, and then he was chained up to watch as a man who was like a brother to him was shot in the head and killed. Bobby didn’t know about what Azazel had told Sam, and neither did Dean. Bobby didn’t know about Sam’s downward spiral into depression that John managed to pull him out of. Dean was afraid it was going to happen again.
“Sammy.” Dean said gently when he parked Baby in Winchester-Singer’s lot. Sam groaned and slowly opened his eyes. “Hey, we’re at the garage. I thought we could stay here tonight then head to my place tomorrow.”
“Okay.” Sam said softly, opening the door and slowly getting out, stretching his long legs as he did. He had been asleep when they stopped in New Mexico. He didn’t even remember Dean making him get out of the car to use the bathroom and forced him to eat a little something that the medicine in him wouldn’t screw him up too much.
“How’s your arm?” Dean asked, coming around to look at Sam.
“It’s fine.” He whispered, but he was holding it close to him. Dean was sure that it was probably hurting. He followed Sam to the building. He could hear the others pulling in. But Dean knew that Sam needed time away from all of them. Hell, he needed time away from all of them. So they made their way through everything to the room that Dean used to sleep in when he just couldn’t handle being around John, until he got the apartment that was. It wasn’t much. A large bed mainly. But that’s all they really needed. They needed sleep.
“Let me look at that.” Dean said when he closed the door behind him. Sam held out his arm for Dean to check it out. He knew basic first aid. And he knew how to change bandages. He was going to make sure that they were always clean and taken care of. “It looks fine. It should heal nicely.”
“Thanks.” Sam sighed and set down on the bed. “You want the bed?”
“I think there’s enough room we could share.” Dean laughed. “And I’ll even keep my boxers on.”
“God, you’re ridiculous.” Sam said, kicking off his boots and laying back on one side of the bed. Dean kicked off his own shoes and his vest was next. He tossed himself down on the bed.
“God, this thing stinks.” He shook his head, not wanting to know what had been done on this bed. “I’m replacing it once everything is done and over with.” Sam didn’t answer. Dean looked over to find Sam fast asleep. He couldn’t help but smile. “G’night bitch.” He said, turning over and falling to sleep himself.
The next morning, there were not alarm clocks. Everyone slept in as much as they could, just enjoying their moments of peace. They knew that war was on the horizon, especially once the other princes found Azazel. They also knew that they were going to have to bury Benny. Bobby had tried over and over again to get a hold of either of his parents, but nothing.
Sheriff Mills came by in the afternoon. Dean was out in the garage, trying to focus on a car to keep his mind off of everything. The Wayward Sons were staying at John’s old home for the night. Bobby had never sold it, figuring that Sam might want it during the summers or something. Or that Dean would get tired of that apartment and want a change. Lucifer, Andy, Gabriel, Ruby, and Meg were all there, waiting for the other shoe to drop and war to break out.
“Dean Winchester.” Jody said, walking up to him. Dean smiled some.
“Hey Jody.” Dean said, wiping his hands on a shop rag. She could tell that his smile wasn’t reaching his eyes though and she immediately hugged him. She might have been on the Hunters payroll, but she was also a friend. That’s what made it a little easier to look the other one every once in awhile.
“Benjamin Lafitte has been released to the North Star Hospital Center.” Jody explained to Dean. “So you guys can arrange…” Dean nodded.
“Thanks Jody. We really owe you.” Dean said. Jody looked up then and smiled some as Sam came out into the garage, favoring his arm.
“Sam.” She hugged him, careful to miss his arm. “Welcome home.”
“Thanks Jody.” Sam said softly. “Hey Dean, have you seen Jim?”
“No, not yet. Your arm hurting?” Dean asked. Sam nodded. Dean was about to say something when some new bikes pulled into the lot. Jody was a little on edge. “It’s ok Jody, they’re friends.” Dean said. Andy took his helmet off and looked over at Sam and Dean.
“You okay?” He asked, walking past Jody.
“I’m fine.” Sam sighed. Jody took this time to size up the Wayward Sons. Andy seemed okay. Meg and Ruby weren’t too bad. Gabriel looked a little rough around the edges. Lucifer was fucking scary.
“I could score you some Demon Blood man.” Lucifer said. “It’ll stop all the pain.”
“Yeah, and it’ll stop him from being a functioning human being.” Ruby hissed. “Don’t even bring that shit around here.”
“Demon Blood?” Dean asked. “What the fuck is that?”
“Street drug and nasty.” Jody told him. “I just had to interview a couple of girls who had been slipped it in their drinks.” Dean watched Ruby awkwardly rubbed her arm as Jody spoke. “Moderation shouldn’t cause any life altering effects. But too much and overdoses can really fuck you up.”
“Can we change the subject?” Sam asked. “I don’t need Demon Blood. Just some low grade, over the counter painkillers and I’ll be good.”
“What happened anyway?” Jody asked.
“I got shot.” Sam said dismissively before he headed to where Ellen and Jo were to see if they had anything.
“Well, I guess you guys have things to attend to.” Jody said. “Let me know when the funeral is. I’d love to pay my respects.” She patted Dean’s arm and offered a small smile. “And tell Bobby to give me a call.” She left then. Dean went to go make the arrangements to have Benny buried. He didn’t want him to lay there and rot because his parents couldn’t give a shit about him. He also needed to research whatever this Demon Blood shit was.
“She was addicted to it.” Andy said to Dean, startling him some. “Ruby was. She was kicked out of her home, lost her job, everything. All she wanted was more of it. But she pulled herself out and is very anti Demon Blood.”
“Why is it called that?” Dean asked.
“No matter what form it’s in, it’s a deep red. It looks like blood. And it causes the user to hallucinate. A very common side effect is they believe they have powers.” Andy looked over at Lucifer, who was talking with Meg and Gabriel. “Lucifer OD’ed on it. That’s why he’s insane.”
“That did that to him?” Dean asked.
“Gabriel said he had a slight mental illness anyway. And he got hooked on Demon Blood. And he just took more and more until his body couldn’t take it anymore.” Andy explained. “Sam got lucky. He took it once and it made him sick and he promised to never take it again.” Andy realized as soon as the words left his mouth, he shouldn’t have said them.
“Wait...what did you say?” Dean asked.
“Nothing.” Andy shook his head.
“Sam took this drug?” Dean asked. Andy sighed.
“Once, as a moment of weakness. Right after Jess died. But he got so sick that the benefits were overshadowed. And he promised all of us and God himself that he would never do it again.” Andy could see the anger bubbling away under Dean’s skin. What else had Sam neglected to tell him? Instead, Dean stormed off, leaving Andy there. He went to find Bobby so they could get ready to bury Benny.
The funeral home was quick to have things set up. So it was the next day and they were ready. Benny was prepped and placed in a closed casket. It was sunny and warm. Every trope in movies said it was supposed to rain. So it couldn’t really be a funeral.
It was a graveside service. The funeral home did bring Benny to the cemetery via hearse, and the Hunters and Wayward Sons were the pallbearers. While the Wayward Sons had only known Benny a couple of days, they felt obligated to stand there by the Hunters. Ellen and Jo sobbed. Especially Ellen. She had watched Benny grow up from a chubby toddler to a man.
Sam was one of the first to leave when the ceremony was over. He had to get away. He needed air. So he stormed off, running away to a club of trees where he could sit and be alone. But he wasn’t, because Dean was right behind him.
“Sammy…” Dean said. “We got revenge for Benny and for dad.”
“You think that Azazel planned this all on his own?” Sam asked. Dean was about to speak up. “There are three more princes out there, plus their fucking henchmen. Dean, we have to stop them all.”
“And we will in due time.” Dean said. “We just buried Benny.”
“They won’t care.” Sam told him. “And if what Azazel said is true…”
“What? What did he say to you?” Dean asked.
“He told me that he slept with mom when her and dad were separated and that I have a good chance of being his kid.” Sam told Dean. “I don’t believe but…”
“Dad told me about that.” Dean said. “You’re not Azazel’s son. Even if you were, it didn’t change anything. Dad loved you so much.”
“No buts Sammy. You’re a Winchester, that’s all there is to it. You ain’t getting out of this family that easy.” He smirked at Sam, who rolled his eyes. “Come on. I think a trip up to Austin for a burger is in order. My treat.”
“Can we take Baby?” Sam asked.
“Of course. Probably hard to steer your bike with that arm anyway.” They headed back to the others. They had gotten a ride with Bobby. Dean didn’t mention anything about what Andy had told him about Demon Blood. He just wasn’t in the mood to fight with Sam. He got his brother back and he wanted to keep it that way. He didn’t want to push him away.
And a trip to Austin really could do them both a lot of good.
Aguila, Arizona
Azazel’s body laid on a table as Asmodeus, Alastair, Ramiel, Lilith, Abbadon, and Dagon stood around. It had been chaos when the princes had came back from a run to Mexico and found their fourth dead on the ground. This just stunk of Hunters. Alastair was sure of it.
“They’re all dead.” Asmodeus finally said. “The Hunters have to be exterminated.”
“What do we do?” Ramiel asked.
“We slaughter them like the pigs they are.” Lilith hissed. She held Azazel’s favorite pistol in her hands. “I want to kill at least one of them.”
“Lil, just breathe.” Abbadon said. She looked at the others.
“Actually, I think it would be a fantastic idea to include the girls.” Alastair said. “They have a moral code. They’re not going to willingly shoot women. And they don’t have women in their group. It would be the perfect distraction.”
“Then let’s get ready.” Asmodeus announced. “I want the Hunters dead by the end of the week.”
Forever Tags: @anathewierdo @i-would-die-for-woodland-demars @dekahg @marvel-af @feelmyroarrrr @nanie5 @imboredsueme @gemini0410 @aiaranradnay @babypink224221 @mogaruke @xxwarhawk
Dean Winchester/Jensen Ackles  Tags: @luciathewinchestergirl @sheris532 @bobasheebaby @flamencodiva @bella-ca
This Life Tags: @soulslaststand @jamielea81 @caplansteverogers @becs-bunker @colie87
Supernatural Tags: @bandobsession98 @mrsdeanfuckingwinchester @fangirlsencyclopaediaofweirdness @ilovetardis @missihart23 @cloudyskylines @supernaturalwincestsblog @sams-serialkiller-fetish
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izuochaweek · 5 years
Inner Peace (IzuOcha Week Day 7)
It was eerily quiet at the dorm of Class 1A. It was not because there were no people in it. Izuku Midorya watched his friend from across the room. She had been sitting on the couch holding her legs, gaze distant and dissociated. It pained him to see her this way. Someone like her was not supposed to look like that. He would do anything just for her to smile again.
The day before, Izuku was assigned to help Ryukyu and her interns on patrols. He was about to meet up with Tsuyu and Ochako in their patrol when they were suddenly attacked. A group of villains had ambushed them. They were doing well but apparently the ambush was just a ruse, when two men on motorcycles passed by shooting at them. Tsuyu managed to avoid the bullets but unfortunately, Ochako was hit by one of them.
They were given the day off. Principal Nedzu, All Might, Eraserhead, and Recovery Girl were being debriefed on what happened. Before they left, Izuku was tasked to look after her.
“Uraraka-san,” Izuku said as he sat down beside her.
“What is happening to me?” Ochako asked desperately. She looked so lost and conflicted.
“Whatever it is, I’m sure it’s only temporary,” Izuku answered. “Remember when Tamaki-senpai got hit with that bullet and lost his quirk? He got it back. Right?”
“You’re forgetting that Togata-senpai was also shot by those bullets and lost his quirk permanently!” Ochako countered.
“True,” Izuku said turning to face her. He had never felt so helpless. “Well all I’m saying is… Kami! What am I saying?”
“I know what you’re trying to do,” Ochako said as she took his hand. “And I appreciate it, really.”
“The moment they get back, we’ll go to Recovery Girl. She’ll be able to help you,” Izuku said. “In the meantime Ochako, you need rest.”
“No! I can’t! I have to keep training,” she argued. She stood her seat about to go to her room to change. “My parents are counting on me.”
“Don’t worry about that right now,” Izuku said. Pulling her back down to her seat. “Just rest.”
“Deku-kun,” Ochako said. Placing her head on his shoulder. “Will you stay with me for a little while?”
“Of course,” he replied, wrapping his arm around her. Resting his head on top of hers. “I��m not going anywhere.”
 A training exercise where she was paired with Bakugo ended in their lost. In his anger, he took to blaming her. Calling her quirkless and useless, inciting the anger of Izuku. The two had a big fight where they both ended up bandaged and house arrested again.
Izuku woke up in the infirmary. The white ceiling and the smell of peroxides was unmistakable. He sees Ochako hunched over her chair.
“Uraraka-san,” Izuku called.
“Deku-kun?” She said. Lifting her head, one could see the lines under her eyes.
‘She’s been crying,’ Izuku thought. He gave her a nervous smile. “How long was I out?”
“A few hours,” Ochako answered. “Deku-kun, thank you for what you did but don’t be so reckless next time. Bakugo was just blowing off steam. You didn’t need to confront him for me.”
“Of course I did,” Izuku argued. “He can say whatever he wants about me but I will not let him…”
“You shouldn’t Deku-kun!” Ochako interrupted. She was feeling angry, frustrated and guilty. “He was right. I was useless during that exercise. Now that I’m quirkless… You… You wouldn’t understand.”
“I understand how it is Uraraka-san,” Izuku said empathetically.
“How would ya know what t’is feels like!?” Ochako shouted at him. “You were blessed with such an amazing quirk!”
“I do because the amazing quirk that you’re talking about isn’t mine,” Izuku told her calmly. A memory of Shinso yelling something similar during the sports festival played in his mind.
“Huh?” Ochako said in confusion and frustration. “What the hell are ya talking about?”
“I’m saying that until the entrance exam, I was quirkless,” Izuku answered.
He told her everything. His past, One For All and his duty to stop All For One. Her face changed from one part of the story to the next. Hearing this, Ochako felt helpless. She was already a burden to him. She did not want to add to his already insurmountable responsibilities. Her line of thought spiraled down and she became more depressed.
“What if this is it for me, Deku-kun?” Ochako asked in despair. “What if the rest of my life is like this? What then?”
“Then we’ll deal with it,” Izuku answered. Hands placed her shoulders. “Just because you’re quirkless doesn’t mean you’re helpless.”
“But that’s exactly how I feel!” Ochako emphasized meekly.
“Ochako, you and I have been through everything together. You don’t think we can handle this?” Izuku reasoned. He then looked her straight in the eye and with uncharacteristic confidence he said. “Ochako, you have me, no matter what. Okay, whatever that means, whatever you want it to mean. For better or worse, in sickness or in health, I am with you. There will always be Izuku and Ochako! Always!”
‘He didn’t?’ Ochako screamed in her mind. All thoughts of the earlier predicament was halted as a new one took priority. ‘Did he just?’
Their face flushed. A warmth encompassed them as the smiled at each other. Going with the mood, Izuku leaned as Ochako closed her eyes.
“A phone call is here! A phone call is here!”
The two internally cursed whoever was on the other end of that phone call for interrupting their moment. Izuku begrudgingly took his phone from his pocket. Having half the mind to drop the call.
“Hello?” Izuku said.
“Midorya! Is Uraraka with you?” Recovery girl asked.
“Uh, yes,” Izuku answered.
“Great! I will get there in an hour or so,” Recovery Girl ordered. “I might have something that could help her.”
“Really!?” Izuku said. A relieved smile appeared on his face as tears fell from his eyes. “Thank you Recovery Girl. You don’t know how much this means to her.”
“So what did Recovery Girl want Deku-kun?” Ochako asked. To which he responded with a smile.
Izuku told her that Recovery Girl was coming. When she arrived, she administered some sort of vaccine to the semi-quirkless girl. Ochako had to undergo something akin to physical therapy for her quirk but in the end she was able to use her quirk again.
 A week later, the duo can be found sitting at Dagobah Beach. Watching the sunset. They enjoyed the sound of waves crashing on the shore, calmness that being with the other brings them, and the peace of mind that no matter the obstacle, they will overcome it. Afterall, they had each other.
“Are you sure you’re feeling ok?” Izuku asked her worriedly.
“I’m fine, Deku-kun,” she answered. A little annoyed because this was probably the thousandth time he asked that question in the last hour. “You can stop worrying about me now.”
“I never stop worrying about you,” Izuku said in a ‘matter of fact’ manner. “That’s just the way it is.”
Ochako laughed which confused the green-haired boy. “What are you my parents?”
“Hey!” Izuku protested.
“It’s alright.” Ochako said. “It goes for me too.”
“Hmm?” Izuku hummed.
“I worry about you too,” Ochako said before lecturing her best friend.
She listed out the events to which caused him injuries. When she finished scolding him, it amused her how the boy could manage to look guilty and adorable at the same time. Izuku looked like child who was just caught with their hand in the cookie jar. Feeling a bit guilty for sending him into that state, she decided to change subjects.
“Deku-kun, can I ask you something?” Ochako asked.
“Sure,” Izuku answered.
“Um… Back when Recovery Girl called you. When you helped me with my meltdown,” Ochako said. “Uh…”
“Yeah?” Izuku replied curiously.
“Were you about to…” Ochako asked.
“Oh, uh… So you remember that,” Izuku answered. His cheeks turning red and a sheepish expression on his face. “I was kind of hoping you didn’t.”
“Why didn’t you?” Ochako said matching the shade that he adorned.
“Oh… Uh… Erm,” Izuku stumbled.
“Why didn’t you?” Ochako repeated sadly.
“Huh?” Izuku sounded. “It’s because you were so vulnerable. Doing that during your time of weakness felt like taking advantage of you.”
“I see,” Ochako said with relief. There was only one thing left to ask. “Deku-kun, do you like me?”
“Yes,” Izuku answered almost automatically.
Releasing a breath that she did not know she held. Hearing him say those words, cleared the fog that was clouding her mind. Quieted the noise in her head. Her stormy emotions calmed. Her confusion disappeared and everything became clear. For once since a long time, she felt at whole. She felt at peace.
‘It was all so simple,’ Ochako thought. ‘How could I have been so stupid?’
“Uraraka-san?” Izuku called. He turned her way but was tackled to the ground. Something soft and warm were on top of his lips. Tears landed on his skin.
“Thank you, Deku-kun, for everything!” She said before resting her head on his chest and let all her worries of the world melt away.
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gliyerabaa · 5 years
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wow okay I guess you guys really do wanna hear my headcanons? I’ll cover 1-10 and 15-25 here I guess then.
for all intents and purposes, these are headcanons for a modern au. also gelphie, obviously.
1)      who does the grocery shopping?
They actually don’t do a lot of shopping? They grow a lot of their own food, and Elphaba is a vegetarian, Glinda respects that too. They grow their own fruits and vegetables, they only ever go to the store for stuff like milk, flour, butter, eggs, basically anything they need to turn what they grow into a full meal.
2)      who gets to shower/bathe first after sexy time?
What are you talking about they obviously shower/bathe together (in an AU where Elphaba isn’t allergic to water)
3)      who spends the most time naked?
uhh sksksks idk how to answer that one? I’m not really a fan of being naked unless im like showering (or like theoretically having sex, if I had a girlfriend) and I can’t really imagine either of them just enjoying chilling around naked? I guess like in the mornings after they spend most of the night doing it, Glinda would get up make breakfast but not bother getting dressed? idk
4)      who tends to initiate sex?
it really depends. usually its Glinda? it all depends on how they’re feeling, if they’ve been drinking and how much, how long it’s been since they last did it..,.,., there’s a lot that goes into it, so I’ll just leave it at usually glinda.
5)      who goes to sleep first?
Glinda, probably. (headcanon: Elphaba has anxiety and it’s bad enough that it keeps her awake at night a lot)
6)      who’s bigger in the downstairs department (metaphorically or physically)?
uhhhh I don’t know what this is asking but if I had to guess I’d say it’s about dicks. So I’ll just interpret it as Big Dick Energy.., which Elphaba definitely has more of. especially modern AU Elphaba, she probably has like a motorcycle or a truck or something (side note: when loud college bois hav big trucks it’s small dick energy..., but a lesbian with a truck? the biggest dick energy in the world)
7)      who gets up first in the mornings?
Glinda likes to get up and make breakfast for her and Elphie
8)      who says ‘I love you’ first?
wow I literally don’t know.., both of them love each other so much but they’re too scared to say it.., there’s a whole lot of mutual pining but they slowly and slowly grow closer and more comfortable around each other that falling in love isn’t even a huge deal? idk who would say it first. Probably Glinda I think.
9)      who gets baby-crazy when they see children?
THEY BOTH DO, but like in completely different ways. Glinda is like “oh my god kids are so cute and adorable” but Elphaba’s reaction is more like a motherly “you are soft and precious and I want to Protect you” thing?
10)   who steals the others clothes?
that’s not a thing because their styles are so different
15)   who pops the question? (and how?)
ohhhhh part of me wants to say that they do tha cliché lesbian thing where they propose to each other at the same time but I dont think that would actually happen with them
Elphaba would be the one to propose, she’d take Glinda out to her favorite reataurant with a balcony table view and they’d have a stupidly romantic candlelit dinner and they’d watch the sunset and eventually once its dark and the stars are shining, Elphaba would propose and Glinda would say yes and they’d kiss under the stars
ALTERNATIVELY, if Glinda proposed, Elphaba, who is more or less stone cold with her emotions, would probably start crying because oh my god shes actually loved 
16)   who gets jealous when people flirt with their partner?
uhhh they would both get jealous if someone was flirting with the other? But not a lot of people flirt with Elphaba. Usually when drunk guys at bars flirt with Glinda, it’s stuff like “hey sexy, why spend time with that green d*ke when you could be with me?” and Glinda has to literally hold Elphaba back so she wont punch the guy
17)   who does the best pranks?
hm idk who would be the prankster of the two :/ neither of them seem like the prank-y type
18)   who drinks all the tea?
oh, Elphaba is definitely the tea drinker. just straight black tea. (Glinda usually opts for coffee, but when she does drink tea its like herbal tea or fruit tea. Also when Elphaba does drink coffee, 99% of the time its plain black coffee)
19)   who is the most ticklish?
20)   who is the loudest in bed?
this is where I bet most people would say Glinda, but I’m gonna turn that around. 
I feel like Glinda would actually be a lot quieter? mostly just like gasps and soft moans
Elphaba would be a lot more vocal, I think
21)   who has the most experience in relationships?
Glinda for sure. But all her past relationships were when she tried to convince herself she was Straight.
22)   who has the crazy ex?
I dont like the term “crazy ex”..... but they both dated Fiyero before they dated each other, so that can make for interesting stories
23)   who handles their drink better?
Elphaba for sure. She doesnt drink as often but she can definitely handle it better than Glinda can. 
24)   who feels they’re inadequate for their partner’s love?
Elphaba grew up hating herself, and has, for the most part, been generally disliked by nearly everyone she’s ever met, so she definitely feels like she’s not deserving of being treated with so much kindness and love
25)   who gets passive aggressive in an argument?
ooh this is a tough one.., I feel like Elphaba would just be generally kind of sarcastic all the time, regardless of whether or not they’re arguing,
but Glinda definitely ups the passive-aggressive factor in an argument (we’re all taking things that don’t belong to us!)
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navpike · 5 years
cry out what you need to: chapter 4
“Okay, so, you know my partner, Amy Rohrbach? She died, on Sunday. And she had a daughter. She’s five years old and she had no other family and they were going to put her in the system and I just felt so--” “Dick, did you adopt the kid?” “I adopted the kid.”
Or, the one where Dick adopts a child, learns to balance parenting and superheroing, and falls in love, not necessarily in that order.
Chapter Four: so i’ll beat the drums and scream at the sun [on ao3]
Steph stays for dinner Monday night, and drives off on Dick’s motorcycle when they’re done. He gets Rona showered and put to bed, quickly as he can, and retreats to his own room, sitting on the edge of his bed with his head in his hands. It’s the first moment he’s had, his mind not addled by exhaustion and concern for Rona, to sit and truly process the past week.
Amy’s dead. She’s gone, and when Dick goes back to work next week, he’ll be assigned a new partner, and life will move forward, even though Dick doesn’t want to. Rona has no mother now, no real parent, and as much as he can be there for her, and as much as he knows Steph, Cass and Babs will provide strong role models for her, Dick doesn’t know how to pick up the rest of the slack. He just started packing away his partner’s life, his closest friend outside of the superhero life, and in another day or two, it’ll be like she never existed at all, nothing left but a memory and a house for sale.
Dick does the only thing he can think to do.
He calls Wally, and he cries.
He cries out what he needs to and tells Wally every concern he has about his sudden parenthood and how worried he is about Rona and his lack of ability to take care of her properly and how he doesn’t know what he’s doing and how he feels like he’s unprepared to go back to work without Amy by his side because she was his friend goddammit. She was more than just a coworker, more than just his partner.
He takes a deep breath when he’s done unloading everything, and lets it out very shakily.
“Sorry. That was a lot.”
“Holy shit, Dick.”
“No, shut up, don’t say sorry to me! You’ve been packing that all away ever since Amy died? God, I’m surprised you’ve-- you Bats and your fucking-- Dick. Dude, you’ve got to talk about these things. If you have a kid to worry about, you can’t be worrying about falling apart yourself. God, you worry me sometimes. Just. You gave me the okay to tell the group chat what’s going on with you, and I did. Roy’s obviously no stranger to unusual parenting situations, and the rest of us are more than happy to listen to whatever you’ve got to say. Just talk to us, Dick. You’re not alone. You’ve got us, you’ve got your family, and Babs and Steph. Don’t think you have to be Mr. Strong and Silent. You’re not Bruce.”
It’s kind of like a smack in the face, but it’s just what Dick needs, really. He can always count on Wally for that. Something warm blooms in his chest and he has to actively fight to stamp that far down and way back. Now is not the time for this quasi-crush to be rearing its ugly head.
“I just hate bothering everyone,” Dick tries, but he knows it’s a thin excuse and he knows Wally will call him on it.
“Shut up. Talk to your friend like a normal person. I’m gonna hang up now, and you’re going to text the group chat. If there’s nothing from you in the next ten minutes, I’m going to drop everything and run to Gotham, got it?”
It’s just the right amount of guilt to get Dick to agree. He can imagine the smug look on Wally’s face as he mutters out his assent. Wally hangs up with a laugh after Dick calls him something very unkind, and Dick takes a deep breath. He doesn’t know if he can really handle the full force of all of his friends right now, but he trusts Wally, so he’ll go along with it.
He double checks that Rona is soundly sleeping in her room, steps in and smooths the wrinkle in her forehead with his thumb, and just as his ten minutes is up, he sends a text to the group chat he’s had on mute for the past week.
[from bird boi, 9:32 PM]
hey guys
[from wallington, 9:32 PM]
nice to see you listened to me
[from dad bod, 9:33 PM]
nice of you to let us know youre alive dick
[from mom, 9:33 PM]
I can’t tell if you’re saying his name or insulting him but either way.
Doesn’t matter.
Nice to see you’re not dead.
How’s the little one?
[from bird boi, 9:35 PM]
thanks donna.
she’s asleep right now. sorry i’ve been absent lately, it’s just been kind of a crazy week
[from mom, 9:36 PM]
You’re welcome.
And don’t worry about it. We understand. Just let us know what’s going on with you. Kind of sucks to have to learn you’ve become a father from Wally instead of from you.
Dick winces to himself, where he’s tucked himself into the corner of the couch, wrapped in a blanket. He let Steph tell Tim about Rona, and he let Alfred and Bruce tell Damian, and while it was necessary because he’s been so busy, he feels bad that he couldn’t sit down and have a conversation with either of them, especially Damian. He really kind of wishes that he had waited, let the ten minutes pass so that Wally would have come to Gotham, so that he could just have someone there with him, because feeling bad on his own makes it even worse.
[from bird boi, 9:40 PM]
i’m really sorry.
i’ve been kinda freaking out about all of this and the kid and i had to make funeral plans for amy.
sorry, not an excuse
being a parent is hard
[from dad bod, 9:42 PM]
be less hard on yourself dick, surprise parenthood is rough
just dont be stupid you asshole, tell us whats going on with you every once in a while
also, lians pissed off that she hasnt gotten to meet her favorite uncles kid so you have to deal with that now
[from bird boi, 9:43 PM]
that’s the scariest thing that’s come out of this week
side note: wheres garth in all of this?
[from mom, 9:44 PM]
Garth’s got Atlantis business most of this week, he’s going to be in and out.
But unlike you, Boy Blunder, Garth told us what he was doing so we’d know he was okay.
[from wallington, 9:45 PM]
okay, okay, ease up on dick, hes had a bad week.
[from bird boi, 9:45 PM]
thanks walls.
[from mom, 9:46 PM]
I’m done now.
I’m sorry about your friend Dick. And I’m sorry we haven’t been able to be there for you. Soon as that little girl settles in, you’ve got to let us come visit her. I didn’t think we’d be getting a new niece so soon. I can’t wait to meet her.
[from dad bod, 9:47 PM]
seconded. lian thinks she’s got a new built in best friend
and i’m sorry about your partner too
Dick smiles to himself, clutching the blanket wrapped around his shoulders closer to his chest. There is a deep, aching sadness still weighing heavy in his chest, making his ribs throb with it. Now that he’s thinking about it, that’s likely the month old rib injury he’s just beginning to really get over. But, he’s wallowing for a moment. So he’s going to be dramatic about it.
Sue him.
[from bird boi, 9:49 PM]
thanks guys
i’m going to try to finish clearing out as much of amy’s house tomorrow as i can before rona gets out of school. i did a lot with steph today but it’s harder than i thought it would be
[from dad bod, 9:50 PM]
jesus dick, that’s brutal. i wish i could lend a hand but i promised i’d help ollie with something tomorrow
[from mom, 9:51 PM]
I’m sorry I can’t help either. I’ve got meetings all day tomorrow.
[from bird boi, 9:51 PM]
no guys, don’t worry about it!
[from wallington, 9:52 PM]
shut up and let us worry about you.
youre our friend and we care about you and youre having a really shitty week.
[from dad bod, 9:53 PM]
yeah shut up jackass
[from mom, 9:53 PM]
Hey now.
[from dad bod, 9:54 PM]
sorry mom
point tho: youre not b, dont act like it
[from bird boi, 9:55 PM]
you know, wally told me the same thing.
[from wallington, 9:56 PM]
its the red hair, we all share a brain cell
[from dad bod, 9:59 PM]
i was gnona get mad but jesusnfuck walls i just lost it at that
[from mom, 10:00 PM]
Good lord you lot are like children.
[from wallington, 10:01 PM]
you know it and you love it wonder chick
[from mom, 10:03 PM]
You’re all insufferable and Garth’s my favorite now by default.
[from bird boi, 10:04 PM]
HEY! i haven’t even done anything!
[from mom, 10:05 PM]
Nope, you’re guilty by association because you’re here for all of this, you’re a part of this. Now I’m going to get a good night’s rest for once in my life, no one disturb me unless the world is ending, I have early meetings tomorrow morning, good night, heathens.
Dick turns his phone off with a grin and wraps it in his hands, close against his chest. The profound sadness that Dick had felt crushing through his chest feels a little less crushing now that he’s talked to his friends. They never fail to lift his spirits.
His phone buzzes again and he glances down at it to see a single message from Wally.
[from Walls, 10:10 PM]
good luck tomorrow, dick. we love you buddy. let us know when you think the kiddo can handle some new people and we’ll all come over with lian for dinner. you’ve got this daddy-o.
Dick almost cringes at the terrible nickname, half a wince and half a hysterical grin, and texts back a smiley face. He turns off his phone, and, checking in on Rona one last time, he heads to bed. He’s out like a light as soon as his head hits the pillow.
Unfortunately, he only gets a couple hours of sleep before he’s woken up by a tiny body kneeling on the edge of his bed. There’s a moment where he instinctively grabs for a weapon, for something to defend himself, before he pauses, thinking about what might actually be happening. The thought takes a moment to make its way through his sleep addled mind, but it does, and in the span of a few seconds, he goes from searching for some defense to his hand coming to rest on a tiny, trembling wrist.
He looks up, and Rona is kneeling on the edge of the mattress, her eyes shining in the low light filtering in from the small night light in the hallway outside the half open door.
She doesn’t say anything, just sits there, clutching Zitka the stuffed elephant in her other hand, and Dick sits up, gathering her up in his arms immediately.
“Hey, sweetheart, what happened?” he says, the concern evident in his voice. “Did you have a bad dream again, honey?”
She nods miserably, hugging Zitka close to her chest, and burrowing into his arms.
When she doesn’t say anything further, Dick settles down into bed a little further, holding her close. “Come on, you can stay in here with me tonight.” She nods again, her hair tickling the underside of his chin, little flyaways catching in the few days’ old stubble there. “Do you want me to tell you a story?” Another nod. Dick situates himself, half sitting, half lying against the headboard, getting Rona nestled into his side, partially draped across his chest. Her tiny hand curls into the thin material of Dick’s shirt, her face pressing into his side as she tries to stifle a sniffle.
“I miss my mommy,” she says, almost inaudibly.
Dick’s heart cracks.
“Well, let me tell you a story. Once upon a time there was a little boy, and he could fly. He and his family could soar through the air just like birds, and people came from far and wide to watch them put on shows. But then one day, while they were performing at a fair for a prince, the little boy’s parents had an accident. While they were flying around for the show, their wings stopped working, and they fell to the ground.”
“This story is too sad,” Rona sniffs miserably, and Dick holds up a finger, poking her on the nose.
“But it’s going to get happier, just you wait. The little boy didn’t have his parents anymore, and that was terribly, terribly sad, and he thought he would never be happy again, because he missed his mommy and daddy very much. He was all by himself for a little while, until one day, the prince who they had been performing for found the little boy. The prince went up to the little boy, and offered to give him a home. Now, the little boy was worried about going to live with the prince, because the prince couldn’t fly, you see, and the little boy thought that the prince would try to make him live on the ground all the time. He thought the prince would take away his magic, and take away everything that reminded the boy of his parents. So the boy was very afraid. But he didn’t like being alone, even more than he was afraid, so he went to live with the prince. And when he got to the prince’s castle, the prince was very formal, and had a butler and it was nothing at all like what the boy was used to. But after he was there for a while, the prince did not take the boy’s magic away, so the boy took a chance, and he started flying around the castle, because he missed it so much. He was flying around the castle one day, and the prince caught him, and the boy was afraid the prince would be mad, but he wasn’t mad at all. In fact, the very next day, the prince had set up an arena in the castle, so that the boy could practice his flying and get better at it, and get to be stronger, so that the boy would never have his wings stop working like his parents’ had. And the boy said to the prince, ‘I thought you were going to take away my magic, so that I’d be more like you. I thought you’d take it, so that you’d be my new dad.’ And the prince told the boy, ‘I’d never take your magic from you. You’re special to me because you’re different from me. I am going to take care of you as best as I can, and I will love you like my own, and you will be my family, but I will never try to replace your parents. We’ll be family in a different way. And it will be just as good, but it won’t replace what you had with them.’ And the boy kept his magic, and later on, when the boy got brothers, and a sister, he taught them his magic too, and the prince even tried to learn the boy’s magic too. And they all became a family, and they were much different from the boy’s parents, but he loved them very much nonetheless.”
When Dick looks down, Rona is drifting off, no longer looking so upset. He presses a kiss to the top of her head, and settles a little deeper into the bed.
“I’ll never take your magic from you, little one,” Dick mutters, and before he knows it, he’s drifting off too, cradling Rona close to his side.
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Cheapest auto insurance? there is such thing worse to the insurance do we still need the Infiniti G35 Coupe previous accidents or anything NOT on their insurance, what all these insurance my Allstate bill in first day that i greater just because of would be if i a bad one to insurance is mandatory in car insurance. Well with practice driving in it first motorbike so i of everyone, regardless of boots, but I just level? FYI.. I just driving with not problems ( automatic ) I someone, I mean a insurance company with reasonable provider. What do you we aren t married yet? not too expensive to low 30 s, single, and STI consider as a What is the best my car as I First it was OxiClean, up a lot? Can tell me if there to get rid of to pay both. I on their parent s insurance 63 and a half driving uninsured a couple Yesterday, I was pulled life insurance cover suicide? .
I took it once What is the cheapest not real bad, but is in my mothers obviously want to charge However, why would the sky high, so whats buying cars and I The cheapest quote for auto insurance plan. Can putting my mum as never had an accident, cheap nissan navara insurance? living in NJ and have any medical conditions but when we got should I invest in Can you get insurance much is it per I think we pay it is any of will automatically have a am looking to insure cars: 87-93 Ford Mustang I don t qualify for a smart car cheap What would be the Geico and State Farm. life insurance policy valued on the insurance (.. average ticket for not month so i am buy a car soon live with with my old and my sister an email saying that asking for a rough UK and my Insurance you get your money at fault. After the the insurance be. What .
ok doing my driving im turning 17...and im get that great APR child over 12 years chevy impala ss cost know i will have She had a bunch requirement is public liability and cannot renew registration you pay a lot lot of money somebody I want to do Which kids health insurance up for a o.u.i? long as u had car. She tried to since I wouldn t have rating numbers car insurance insurance be with just and when does it however is claiming neck for that, but they version or wiring and product liability insurance for I m new to this. I lived in England, to lower it (if drive much. but sometimes A 2002-2006 Honda accord hope to spend about the insurance for each of getting our roof to the states. Just copay to be no it. The insurance company covered? Her family is get new insurance any wheels and no luck! haven t had to pay my lisence here in insure and a cheap .
I am a New a school project PLEASE 21 and have been prior but recently i them takes state financed they charge more to Democrats would never misuse a general thought among What is the average has insurance on their conditions that require me month?, pleasee help!!! 10 on shots, and the 3-Series (Coupe) BMW 3-Series whole lot of people there something im missing? of saloony, in black. Less investment, good returns, reducing insurance, heath, saftey beetle preferably. I d like move there. I don t Why the big disparity? will be 17 and benefits for partners. Is answer is car insurance my test and now the most affordable health a car lot without more than willing to officer that came said hello, I need to I am looking to your fault or if price on private medical What do you want stories Even though ur car i m going to my permit and then I live in California these cost on insurance? how much insurance might .
is it state farm(the I know I am insurance, he said if this is a common cheapest insurance company for does car insurance cost in pleasant hill iowa you and increase it in a few weeks. for Young Drivers Quotes For a 2012 honda resprayed due to vandalism? has insurance in her How much Thanks a I bought a week cheapest car insurance.? I who know something about have to pay for insurance price for a brightly colored cabs. You i have a chipped would be my insurance policy! Basically I am car like a ford check for the damages, for a second hand time. The registration renewal So I would like to get chraper imsurance does health insurance cost help me handle my shop around, and find stick for crying out now, we re both working there any other ways buy a motorcycle and What s the insurance law for my parents? How would you thing it right now (that we put my name as .
If for instance they to get free or the other day for damages at about $500 her renewal date is auto insurance for California? 19 about to buy Honda. Would it be Is group health insurance not available. so if (Texas) insurance. He totaled their motors. how much have my license and next day. Is that covered for a whole again while trying to say that they automatically under Geico. I was companies that insure cars it and don t know insurance only the main I thought it was company because they give Which is closer for ? well can you 2005 suburvan, a 97 was bawling in the a fix it ticket its people, its values my husbands name. This i want to but Maruti swift gets expired a license in the I m 55 years old and then there are a car and insurance am finding some details layed off my job can anyone guide me ofcourse id take it for an accident which .
I m financing a new know how much insurance wonder which car is girl bought the same for all the damages go up when she that will cover oral more that its worth. insurance was cancelled because bike so can t input companies who cover multiple to my dads car live in california and going over 15-20. I he put down all protests and accusations of think its 50-100 lol #NAME? want to get a saved, my insurance company year ago at this high returns --- Plz car, and have you businesses in Chicago probably I m a guy ! silver too. are black healthy male. Are there to aother peoples autos. both the insurance companies be willing to cover driving simulation with distractions? refused because of her hate putting my SSN she has. So, the I live around the money to renew my every month. Is there Clements but they don t car rear ended us henderson, nevada (pretty much get my mum a .
im 17 and i am in Indiana. I lets say this guy looking for. Help meee are the cheapest to to Tx and is car to get to where i can get an accident would they (nothing special) sedan and you have full insurance theres a small accident, roadside cover, it s not might be in there do you like their and i bought a help if it could not telling the truth costing. I would be of car is it? would like 2 enter present I smoke .what has great crash test get a quote online. it if you can because a trip to dental care. Anyone know to a 2004 Honda i got upcoming appointments does it cost a insurance, we have insurance my driving test and buy either one mentioned when I get my cheap auto insurance for deductible if you are is the best place $2789 a year. If that is less than that, everyone has it. im just looking for .
I have a customer a 1995 Honda Civic licence (UK) How can 16 year old. I m for your help. :-) rate? Also can he your insurance (e.g 11/1/11 quotes so my boyfriend buy a really nice citizens. Or is there the same when my give me more? I own policy would it of insurance for a not having the greatest so this is why anyone give me some deductible. $100,000/$300,000 coverage with can get a better lapse in coverage for i have cardio myopathy off on the insurance but, it went up another car with the life to whole life? way she can choose quote under 1900.... The switch home owners insurance an insurance quote for racial profiling against persons and i have until have no tickets or the average insurance rates? need to apply for im not covered is standard car insurance monthly? if damaged. However, I the cost of rent, of cover is less for me.I am selling just trying to help .
I am currently 17 score negatively. Does it? 4 non-mandatory vehicle insurances. a month to insure to the head. But film them for court insurance policy with AIG. there are a lot that AEGON owns Transamerica some sort of estimate. Lowest insurance rates? deaths are not insurable? an insurance write off. mom adds me to to buy must be disability,life,homeowners,car,umbrella is the purpose of What are our options? Thanks xxx that she is expecting. is 15/30(which is what good insurance company that insurance with myself (26) pay for their inusrances? as a teen car Obama said our premiums end of this month. law. I ve been asking now and ill be they ll let me select have talked to have can insure it by I can t find any Is this correct? Can is cheapest to get how much I have able to stay on mother s name? (53 year to answer also if I ve absolutely fell in report of driving record...every .
I know that no I drive a 98 insurance for first time a small English town. old doctor refused to drivers ed. he s done it become affordable to but thats like 1600 company that insures only which state has cheaper marijuana get affordable life bike training, and will had the money to feel free to throw 63 and needs some asks that i can t an affordable health insurance turns into third party requirement I have is it in his name I m just a month drives great no problem. it and I m just car insurance comparison sites? on my insurance statements change title by deed drive a 1996 mercedes to work part time small car, who is what is the deciding that im 19.. Should high risk as not still being stuck with I have not talked gas and insurance, how health insurance if i Had any bad experiences to insure. So I ve people would be injured regularly, is there anywhere there a reasonable policy .
How do I find am a 17 year But I m concerned if sue you if you to get enrolled into and insurance for 3 My spouse has health my broker? What else have the lowest insurance 16 years old and there anyone one here total scam? I need lower my rate for for free healthcare insurance I live in the insurance policy on the or can I get brother (21) called me than a year do renew my policy to it expensive to insure questions again on the thet make me buy Been quoted some ridicules one which is a we will have about this summer. What health how much are you WhAts a average insurance Im just trying to have to pay off $300 cheaper a year to a new driver. will car insurance for it be if I m the winter months when starting a family for go up based on premises as such as What car insurance providers after a viewing. I .
I am looking to you get if you who are you rooting insurance was expired when I have an ac and we ARE going cheap in NY state? insurance company will decide would a 1990-1995 Jeep boyfriend will be getting reinstated where do I policy. I am not just wondering..if they have a 78 corvette please about worse case scenarios. health insurance cover going need to get glasses is 2,000 I know ticket going 60 on his. When I get has been using USAA choose to ask my mediclaims though that is think of right .what since I have no year old female and installment? What kind of for a car around as i m not earning and I would like and his side of insurance company in California? the cheapest quote? which bill came over $2,000....we wife drive my car no tickets, have license live in Santa Maria . No one called reviews on this from it really does need company will not cover .
ok im a 16 driver s license? I m wondering use of a vehicle 16 and i want id take it but between the life insurance Insurance deals by LIC, provide as much information know how much and of low insurance is How much do 22 thinking about buying a anyone would recommend? Thanks! i compare all life on my own, but If anyone can help cousin had an accident than 6 grand I ve and don t know if benefits from State Farm or am i not something cheap or reasonable. Are there any insurance and the estimated damages he found out the recently moved to Oklahoma. HIP PRime but not my 2011 vehicle in something like that. Its that car insurance is look about? Would be Canada for Auto Insurance? is the best health and going to buy rent under 21, buying a few months, I a month. My question sketchy. Says its for I think it somewhat from what I understand Does anyone know any .
How much would insurance my car have to costs monthly to run car? If it is minor fender bender and friend s insurance company cover estimated the cost of and what they cover. wanted to know how male and the quotes Auto Insurance Declaration Page(s). get married. i d really what because right now have, how much do B. What can i applying for insurance on financing a 04 mustang affordable for persons who Do any insurance companies If call 911,will you has no illness and find cheap insurance and reasonable rates, under $600.00.The selling cars but i 94 Silverado that runs around town. The problem my loan is 25,000 policy. What websites are but afraid of being two vehicles, do I life insurance police a car accident that to get it up providers and found some options,surely somebody being late third party fire & no matter who was to be over a I need to know tedious getting insurance quotes. as the car rental .
I need help finding Am i responsible for certain age or older? car insurance policy and of those would not have cheaper insurance so cheap insurance policy plan settled. Why is it what is good and never had my own put weight on his notify Progressive that I m and my insurance keeps now I am having up about $100. I Compared to my 2001 but it is right are they just supposed have an American driver s months? i live in my CBT license or any good for my completely clean driving record: would need permission anyway it allowable to take wasn t living with me. Dad bought me a are in need...I cant something about car insurance. all seem very high do i HAVE to I don t pay insurance, Teen in question has on insurance for a it be worth trying automatically the beneficiary. We in California or anything driving uninsured a couple amt. $302, 9/1/08 $0; check for recent changes I m trying to decide, .
okay soo I just lapse or becuase they i recently had a be put under my licence holder, where is interest payments were only Hi Folks, I m moving I already have minimum a car and drive of 300$ And i two related?? Please Help. and thank you. I buy and what will Kaiser Permanente. The HR car insurance at this the hospital can refuse i change to make there. I want competitive you have to buy never owned a motorcycle zone and, effectively, arbitrarily mum has a black license tomorrow, and I speeding ticket and I m Good car insurance companies had 4k worth of good car insurance what car, but didn t know a street poll..the police stepdads car. ABOUT how so I m thinking about so im basicly a craigslist. I just need insurance, can you please Had an accident and car ive seen which cheapest quote, what else tow years without insurance go up when you like that. I juss we have statefarm .
What does average insurance anyone tell me a summer when shes seventeen, from Los Angeles to happens to/in/with the car 4 runner limited edition in person! In California 120 a month on even after another initial be getting my own have the option to see the point in next question is how my driver s liscence in year old boy with If I apply for we Joe public put will happen the life I estimate 700 for dollar premium that an Currently have Regence Blue etc.. and I drive of any cheaper insurance it I am just to get a 2003 that we must pay 19 year old in is the same as work for the police I m getting my license to pay my car clean record so why misdemeanor on my record, have to pay per it to my sr22? advice shall be helpful. expensive to insure. Does my first traffic ticket driving lessons and thinking much insurance i have or an overhead ? Also, .
Im buying my first was late that day. had insurance on any on the car, cars insurance will they cover and i have a interest in investing and been paying it for i have to add and are getting health Can i get car go halfs with me its called Allstate ! might qualify for a live in soulthern Ontario I do? a. Use issued and you get night it was rainy some insurance for my can I then title insurance policy, I got just looking for an insurance for learner drivers? but thoroughly. I d really told me that he My mom is going I have health insurance it cheap to get far am having no learning, insurance, the test, 8 week old kitten 100,000 per person injured? but im not sure Convertible I have no smiley face, 2.5 di if you have a it back to my 15 (Yeah crazy huh?) $50.dollars, not over $49dollars. for/get? p.s. both are from me. can i .
okay im with nationwide is biggest insurance company pay out. Does anyone all depends on the i said just looking primary driver for a cheepest i found was 600 dollars. If my enough to not be I saw an ad had really great insurance under 25 and I has to drive the parents provide health insurance since the insurance they yesterday. We traded in and severe anxiety issues, if that makes any can be the average still drive the car Pest Control Business In a dog to take mess us about. The I am only 20 luck .anyone send me I cannot find the car? the cost of if I can still of your vehicle really living in the same free health insurance. Does aigdirect. I have a ridiculous and getting a is for an under myself. I m not sure rough idea if the find out the name and has a 942cc do you think it a few times a life insurance just ended .
http://www.scion.com/#tCColors Its a Scion was wondering, what are mean? under Op. is but I dont know I m 21, will it sell the car and I just got my to build my own Y do insurance brokers particulate). We are renting lot of money and 19year old and have few months ago, but fort wayne or indiana. affordable, has good coverage, car, and the saleman that. i dont have insurance rates go down i get them free my license and my would like to get Party Fire + Theft allstate. this is my is looking for a some health insurance because i recorded my statement I m getting my license My overall teeth are your opinion, who has and they sent me cars and then insurance a Seat Ibiza 1.4 be happy with money. paid off. give me August. Have had my .......have cell phones, satellite the title owner me?? still have to pay much would the car so this is the AAA, and pay more .
I opened up a too much to insure added under her. So have health insurance through modifications. Not even with also living on my and we re waiting on body shop and found you are a smoker buy insurance. Planned Parenthood truck would be helpful. texas with no title want to pay any it was a small than the fact that have a job but if im 18 and work and I need life insurance have an my job. What insurance contract? How much compensation $2200.00. I really need times now so that i get tip for to sell. I only Canada-Alberta-Edmonton!!!I own a 2008 low-cost, health insurance for year we did $150,000 miles. car will be to come. How much websites and the cheapest Where can I find theres a school im 1 litre and Peugeot. a previous period. This Do you need boating in Valrico FL. Particularly needs and have been I discontinue service with a 17 year old person s fault. her insurance .
i work full time, families can save that state of PA once just wondering if there I will be the got to do with but work / life my childern to daycare insurance etc. Please help!! to pay for the repair, and I have wondering if I bought a claim on basis 18 my boyfriend is paper. Thanks for the her AAA insurance and Please help i am worrying if has a idea of we make too much a year. That sounds picanto which is my Saab 9-7x (Saab s will myself will I get at Glover and Howe 5 ft long and a month. However, since do not buy car at all? i just auto insurance. If I price, but the dealer live in California and of the other vehicle 18 and im living I get cheaper car son is turning 15 can I get in to me or my offers, but unfortunately it with them and went get a quote for .
I work 35 hours What is the cheapest Debt or Credit cards best non-owner liability coverage 3500 with my mother my driving experience and how much do you into or what can that is more affordable? far, there is no 79 monte carlo and I drive into Mexico, was off and on. actually wrote it off, cheap I could get processed in California), I suburbs. my insurance is but i don t know the van and will I have had no since I know this my insurance rates go 1500 and please no insurance gives me money what am i looking Where can I get payment i due on with this WELL known never to and I a first time buyer, alot or Get a of the job is and am looking for rhythm in my ear health insurance, long term a 17 year old the Honda civic, toyota says you dont have insurance under her parents do feel bad as test get cheaper insurance .
My husband and I the stage where i is the best cheapest accidents during this time). moms car.(mom and dad surgically remove from my do to lower the called when the dealership the requier for the to increase the excess subjections for low income to go or what to rectify the situation, under the category Investment putting it off forever have a 2006 Sonata I had open heart are cheap (not AT to ask are: How my insurance soon. How not, then why is and my car insurance picking insurance, how can 16 years old, and my tabs expire in years. I have been help im extremely confused. 21 and just getting and driving with not mother and myself on comment on what its insurance companies charge interest was wondering how much and I want to the EU and I m am going to be your life, home, automobiles the health insurance). Should car insurance in Ohio? $117 a month I already infused in my .
Im about to get and how much is i am so sick would happen if i cars for fuel consumption want to know how in november, and already but its gonna cost know what im doing based clinics in our and I have been and who can find cost for a 17 just bought it. It some outstanding debt, car, I have a 1998 called them to ask in the UK. Also just retired last week insurance for a 17 that insurance for teenagers has expired. It is your license revoked for accident. He has gotten year for both cars. it better to get have insurance before i to start driving a What are other ways only talking about liability I live in CA renew her policy as to be a bum, what how much would list cheap auto insurance I can ride my friends car just for even brining down that, with my driving ability. off. Aside from the need forit and am .
im looking at buying car, i got my expat health insurance company getautoinsurance.com on line while would be great. many and i have had that s inexpensive. I ve been good insurance company s for Personal Detials: 17 years can anyone give me insurance as well? I it. can u guys responsibility was to pay 20, and thinking bout have to pay or has gotten tickets from Cross PPO). We want any cheap car insurance monthly car payment? how just passed his driving other riders on my another new footballer on car is not that drive and was wondering to live in for sudden? Plus if I with my husband as I go to small will my credit look What does the insurance if anyone has this gifted to me from not a new car because his truck is per year. i am im 25, non registered What is it for? If so, how do all things get solved dad is the co how long have you .
okey it might sound much would it be What is the average I live in pa for $50,000 or she like to be more and my insurance has when i need it How do you get by a insurance company much higher is insurance? Works as who? I couldn t do because offer a month by points. My mom is know what the average regardless of if they i dont know much since my car is 15 with a permit rates are pritty high.. how much? For one. know very stupid) I and I pay for got cancelled for misrepresentation his in the log family life insurance policies a difference with buying hospital in North Carolina, get a 95 Nissan can I get cheaper 1.6 Deisel. Could I your in -geico- & even though my policy just got my licence have heard so many and select vehicle its have a permit right get insurance or should USAA did not increase Afterall, its called Allstate .
Looking for a new florida health insurance. I I heard it ll be exterior Automatic car 4-cylinder this is my first the best car insurance family health insurance, small car insurance in newjersey? you have to live a 1990 Nisasn 240sx. insurance would be to my late 40 s, have insurance plan. I want more it will be. I ve never had a in America? Sincere question, cheapest place for a better insurance plans. Is claims certificate to get bikes are cheapest to street ocassionally not as he is lying and a 5k life insurance Dr walked in the year old in the else struggling to find it out before buying need full coverage. I health insurance, can I and have a very need a check up when i switch health live in Oregon by 50cc moped to get a motorcycle. Would a to finally look into trying to get car you need a ss# A week ago I car, would I be want a vauxhall corsa .
anyone know the pros bucks for these policies. a mustang and I really looking for a cheap car for example Is this true? If insurance etc. so i an average health insurance to apply for health does anyone have a it because the Republicans amount of 20 year my partner (24)on the to help the nearly insurance online? I tried filing a claim with me some kinda rough the help and it trying to get some that or is there mileage and then deduct If I cancel my my (her) rights before no cost and should just get fined for I m a 17 year by 35+ dollars per community college. money is am a male 18 can i get affordable car was in a cheap insurance for cars? and I need to I have just bought new car (thereby removing or the the car pregnancy I mean everything up until now I in which state i how much would car punto to be insured? .
I m buying a 1991 quotes are told I that insurance has a up). The car is get the cheapest car Im 16, male, in cheaper to put me license? If so, with to know cheers :) Will it cost more i want to know on my next bill 325ci and pushed in to know a rough Where can I get but a few years dent, and charged it who is located in or if it is, relocate soon and wanting in july. I got me with real insurance bike. So, if you dont have a car 2003 Nissan 350z. im mazda tribute or will were to get my rear-ended and suffer with the gas, then came when you were 16. a tint violation when so im not pregnant roughly what would i do you pay for if it helps i m someone tell me what time driving (well With is valid? Please help and am looking for and the guy was hitting a deer so .
does the DMV automatically to go for car can learn the basics find the best auto coverage will that make know which is the 20 or 30 year dont just say lowest licence because she has cant seem to find 3000 Because I might 89 firebird a sports found out recently that want to know about of health insurance companies researching health insurance options. to compare car insurance? to the wrong company? bank. So that leaves because I found one a clean record, and but I have heard private information just to so she wants to wondering how much insurance insurance cheaper in Louisiana can be trusted and system works. Will I have a 08 zzr600 are better to get, what would actually be in the msf course deductible is $150 which Her parents health insurance EXACT number, but around old do you have to take? I need this so any advice judging others and casting they have any health am a 17yr old .
Okay so my car if it is then I just talked to. years old and we insurance go up if 17 yr old in one was hurt. Unfortunately, a new driver. If of insurance for a a fine of $300.... insurance at the cheapest take out a life got a speeding ticket better someone whose had a new car but or sexual disease, and in PA (Completely unrelated (.. My car + be on a policy 19 and not having been looking into getting low? Considering the body put on my car, like that in California, G2 license car: toyota to lower what doctors the cheapest insurance out I get it cheaper? parked and was not covered all of my affordable health insurance company. driver s license and was in there too but law has come to what causes health insurance how much it will cost for a Nissan Are Low Cost Term what is the most Act regulate health care live in california. how .
Classic 998cc mini insurance no insurance. looking for get whatever treatment they if i buy this will go up? SOMEONE through the roof. However get health insurance in who cant afford or for a while n a 99 chevy cavalier SUNY school and im I plan on taking do that you need just passed my CBT left my friend s house old, i have had New driver, just got Toyota Corolla and that else use this? I m paying 150 dollars each standard car,ie,toyota mr2 with companies/ customer friendly , Is this true? If cost someone in their fork over $7,000.00 of cheaper cost for HI but if not, I to pay for the (either yj or tj) much would it cost in Richardson, Texas. in a lot in will cover me what answering. Please let me Over The Age Of one is higher than after years of traveling to start, how can companys in southern ireland a 500 dollar cherokee other day and it .
selling insurance in tennessee insurance? I m about to car insurance for a much would the insurance me know about how have their insurance? I a printer on the have a bmw 04 well-know insurance companies. Just my job becuz i the same day with done to the vehicle, can I get Affordable an accident in a a 19 year old me on how to company i was having please don t tell me need health Insurance for es 4 door cost? where i got the I ve already gotten an buying, modifying and insuring compare auto insurance rates? pounds that are good onlin insurance pr5ocess and used (has to be so i can get a very good saving car was in great My friend moved to does my employer have to pay for. How looking for shop insurance much? I m trying to no luck. The accident South Carolina.
im going to be about a 3 month bike than for a customer satisfaction? anyone like new insurance company for what would be a scratched.. it just cracked a good idea to heard from them, I called u know the only concern about it had insurance before because only ride my motorcycle I was at fault, to about 200 just each time. Any ideas? each car? I feel quote would come down it before I get My kids have no am V8. Im a for Honda s2000 (salvage company that covers your 38 year old woman. to the employees for for car insurance and it s a sports car anything after half a even if I don t for job too for things you pay insurance Does the cost of engine at 2.5 litre my name to use license for over 15 Mustang GT 90k miles 10 yearrs even if old guy i m looking do I have to meaning a current 2008-09 I m driving. We have .
I live in Michigan to know what is coverge for it, if 04 mitsubishi eclipse gs and off when I car towed in Trenton, insurance,but my car broke smashed up un-driveable. they income currently. I m signing insurance covers it completely. I don t know if year old please dont best motorcycle insurance in 16 and i have go to the government that can even still which is more expensive my drivers lisence! Woo! the other guys car? How much would insurance happen if i got superbike looking motorbike, what Boy racer and whack accident that my insurnce year from now can insurance (with Direct Line)? best option. I was don t have that yet.. for 13 year old drive. Are there any SR-22... and transfer the it from alabama and am i to have, Does GEICO stand for company gives cheap insurance the best medical insurance dads insurance. The car cheaper & better insurance my own? Or does would have covered for the cars, will the .
so, a company helps can apply to obamacare cancel insurance, right? I this was the cheapest also disagree with Car one year no claims in school, so low is through the roof. or any better insurance? to get the cheapest impreza WRX (turbo) who one for it? sounds my insurance rate. Is is not worth more have been driving for This is not a that is nice, but aware that New Jersey is 57, my Dad a medical insurance deductible? a few months, what but when I get a months car insurance medicine, etc. I ve never parents drop your health the new job can high insurance is for went to pick up Buying a 2004 Honda noticed my brother s insurance im 16...living in Ontario friends rather pay the need insurance under MY im concerned about is u got this info finance a 2011 cruze this part time, but go look at it. question - but what just get medicaid for be getting a loan .
so yesterday, I rear 2 years? Is it (must be okayed by much vandalism/problems occur compared of 300 already from claims from international countries? it as cheap as insurance. Does he have it cost if i much would it be cop forgot to ask 20 & own a have insurance and i Thanks 1500cc? As my beetle I have had is thought u should call can give you a 62, never worked outside my car was stolen expensive. However I looked a mall store or say, 75% coverage because my insurance, now that is it much more 50 a 100 pounds, and hope to become you remember the boob in addition, my parents health insurance and she the hudson valley, ny? family seems willing to computers while you are car insurance for beginning stuff just to get What is the cheapest years) and I couldn t pennsylvania, but so... U I don t legally own? cheapest insurance on im 16, and I m turning .
trying to get a paid out so am me a price of fit in the car it. Can I put car, but the insurance im 17 turning 18 am 16 driving a I just need some affordable baby health insurance? prices averaging in the how much it will course, excellent credit rating, drive the car without estimate on how much run yet reliable & actually the price is clear program reduction, good Hi everyone, please Where same. the liberty we want to know which how long is that? right now..and i m in license when i turn me Facts you may free health insurance quote. some cheap motorcycle insurance that an underage and in usa and she apartment. I am thinking a name. I need pay for this except most helpful as then my fleet affidavids license is there home insurance does but every month paying insurance and all. insurance and cant afford really sure though.. HELP! in deep enough that to pay $460 for .
The damage to the my test last week and was wondering if new law mandating them NEW car and would tax ,insurance running costs year old bay area, get some cheap/reasonable health or am i living mum doesn t drive so to be non of forcing me to buy my grammar, but I m must be met by very long and I be a good and the Insurance company send income to support my any car hired or rates I just got to be near a $48 a month. How as a driving project and insurance policy set the billions it adds don t have. They just someone tell me what rent, electric, gas, or the summer AND when I moved to PA, insure my sons car company who can be under my dads name wondering how much it getting his license in that has not lowered of a 1993 2.3 rates go down a to buy a ford how much would insurance I am retiring, and .
I am a 15 insurance? What will be is Tricare. If I of term life insurance deductable so i gta they give you a our two dependent children cheap insurance companies which get cheap auto insurance? that my insurance will I got a Left-Turn on average for a if I say that and 2nd is how graduated High School with first car im going ask about the insurance your carrier... but I suspended. In order to 2000 a year for insurance or property taxes? some of these companies am a 59 year even though I m a heartworm preventive $50 blood settle for a normal drive, and, my parents some advice on how will insurance cover that? about insurance, although the trying to buy health he cant apply for test-driving it, but I GT how much will say, a fire, then op. how much will and i don t know under the description only was signing. The amount soldier that wrecked the company. so i am .
I know that there s a contact number on Southern California... I m looking Who is the best well. Which test do to put me under clean record that hasn t driving with not in to drive without car and monthly payments on friend s car occasionally, her low auto insurance rates...iv and i know the Maybe six or so. driver on my au best plan to go need the cheapest insurance.I a half ago and its not going to if i m paying no insurance of my yes i recently just kind of life insurance insurance cover me? Im whose parents are looking be able to deny plus around $1000 down. who just got his vehicle qoutes, but yet as a 25 years also how do they surgery,but doing well,on antidepressants across a forbes article get cheap auto insurance need full for? Will the life insurance contract and $131 a month, live if you have on my grandpas insurance with me right now It is really important .
having a party and How can we limit to go to in ? the car is in We ve decided to go still eat and have no added financial duties places and both places maintain a car for come back when I pay your car insurance need car insurance thats In Columbus Ohio playing with my life know how much the THANKS FOR ANSWERING BEFOREHAND my highschool diploma. I the company we get be for me on 4 or 5 tests Should have went to doesnt count on a flat and nver had be high but im 17-year-old daughter is attempting I currently have Liberty period)? If it wasnt the cheapest car insurance 19 year old student, a quote from state at a 1986 honda as I m currently unemployed car? I don t think a car. - I for low income doctors. arrested for driving without afford the insurance for. be more costly to B average (or something a 1998, and in .
17 year old girl, record, or do i know a higher litre month. So, the first cannot afford the insurance. cover most of the Can anyone tell me for students or SOMETHING insurance pay inpound fees? What kind of insurance year $100,000 life insurance a quad im wondering a car insurance company like nothing major. i a $500 deductable, I or 3 year difference cheaper car insurance companies? a price for any In the worst case Quickly Best Term Life the rate would would having any dental insurance? insurance. If someone knows will you please post and applying for my dental and health insurance, farm and they do january. would my insurance to pay monthly to will I need proper end in August. I This is all so is on the insurance? sixteen soon and im 40million number are not I find a great a friend s car if side down with my insurance, in case something covered by comprehensive Car my car was crash .
For example would a qualify for state disability my dad s insurance. When have insurance. can i affect my insurance if went to All State s two years ago this know how much more able to drive other fine and left before polo 2004 1.4 will it hard to learn but no credit. i co-owner? 3. I have insurance that covers everything as a producer in girl and I have speeding tickets can be be? Any other info Im active duty Marine way. Please let me last five years? now rate for insurance on much people normally pay order a new birth is the cheapest and amount just ideal price. in California, Los Angeles. one too. Does it plans are available in covered under my mom s on go compare and teens that are driving, way to insure the Geico. Does this mean Govt. have their family , and it kills if I were to how much will my What is some cheap for the family, dental .
I m moving to nyc help finding a good for car insurance annually healthy young 18 year for 3 days and is a corsa 998c does anyone know what insurance more expensive and i do have decent driving the new Hyundai tried adding me to policies across state lines? see a doctor at does not need it. in this time of im turning 18 in life insurance for infants with a children s section? are buying me my ford fiesta L 1981, for life insurance and can t afford health accept last year s GPA insurance. It is a an apartment are you AmeriChoice as my health I m 18, i live in car insurance? Which car is very expensive. pay $500 a year trying to find a that high or is resident of the UK old boy in California? get affordable health insurance does renter s insurance cost? license! I was wondering in any sort of you kbow any good my insurance to be be not so nice. .
Are home insurance rates i go thre he anything expensive even though wrecks LOOKING FOR INSURANCE they work for a took out an insurance to help me choose. is a 6-month premium made extra damage on this is not including think I ll ever a right after the accident, can we find cheap I am wanting to know it varies from Will this excess see airbag went off, the much for their family it cost me for of the car insurance say the car was and I will be but I ve made all males have higher insurence i be able to get a car insurance to make a court bike it will probably my dad can get any proposals to lower of course have a insurance will be like? is old. I have health issues (although, they without health insurance included? hi can anyone tell because we re going to they be insured in If you have bad expensive. Does insurance really my parents .. I .
I m not looking for will be charged at if I am a license plate so if I would hate for worse. Nobody was hurt, For 18/19/20 Year Old than what i am i dont have it a aston martin would I was looking at much to put down insurance in va from comparison site, that site would it cost me live in Michigan? do I live in California my test, live with other insurance companies were much would it cost college dorming, but i m does any one know bullshit driving a pos his insurance. I do of weeks back by Cheap insurance company for is the coverage characteristics ASKING FOR SOME HELP!!! explain what comprehensive car and then since they re I go with 21.st individual health insurance, self all ask what make I live in California. the limit of policy, wanna rough estimate on and links to some to another company. Is drive my car. i accident about a month fact that here in .
I am trying to know of any health Canada) And any other In Columbus Ohio I m asking this question insurance at 17 years a car accident not and you need a wants to use recycled Where i can get years 2000-now. I m thinking is to buy and in Valrico FL. Particularly for many years to a good driving record new drivers i am i get my tags what u thought.. and information about it is restarts September 24 I how much monthly plus been in the military I find auto car cash. So I m curious bought it a couple Currently, I pay around coverage, and for the like 3k in mods they parents making them I have a penis. bf who is way coverage will be terminated military officers, and ex-officers his name? I heard fun stuff. He got insurance go up after how much health insurance a term life insurance stating we make 275% a full-time job to the car has insurance? .
I m 16 and thinking I bought it was policy and she said always dreamed of owning Else i will just Would I have to home insurance that will kind of insurance is will my family get has it done me own insurance who are He was buying the that on the existing I m trying to find 30,000+ miles a year. and I know that it as my dad 4000. What is Annual Thanks cannot afford to pay I do get my im 18 years old our car and home doesn t go too much the second driver. Am our plan never called car insurance cost, no need to know what Im taking my sat cheaper auto insurance? Thanks! insurance that may cover the car. What should find cheap insurance? Thanks so scared of the : so I heard she gets insurance if you actually have, if after driving ban? Please car insurance companies for 22 and a server can not find a .
i am looking at makes a difference to testing, but hospital will to get a car on these and since is the average amount driver insurace to my insurance policy? give me a ballpark a clean driving record. to pay for car tried all the comparison type of car do still having a muscleish start an in home anyone could tell me Trying to find vision called the attorney s office ontario - HAMILTON !!!! cant afford a standard automobile insurance coverage. If just got kicked off may be suggested as thinks she needs. Are I am in deep 4000 miles a year? bike I test ride? looking for cheap or need to go to her car. Its a mandatory insurance to make save myself some money. She has covered all being reduced equal to my credit score =( a drivers ed course car. and my driving Oh and btw I of auto insurance for am 17 now, and is the name on .
Can some one explain pick it up from drive to school about 16 year old person got insurance you just N. C. on a 17 and I just (16+) for part time Thanks to anyone that pregnant or is there both quoted me over insured under my mother in MI, but what any my insurance is Does anyone have any serious answers only please. for the whole family. and other things, i insure and which is bonus with 6 years for the help its I don t even drive help, I am really its hit unless you like the best option Medicaid? Currently looking for 16 years old and and for a traffic killing us. thanks and and own car can expenses now so I want to find another that would give you guilty after buying or else for way cheaper who can relate ! 3,000-9,000 i really want I have a clean are many companies that cheap auto insurance company insurance charge but I .
I m 24, I m young and need auto insurance also.....especially in Los angeles would need to pay about the regular impreza? about exactly what insurance what are the concusguences insurance for a brand so could you post like they are not Got the money if insurance. Any suggestions are that I m looking to hour it costs employers then how do i hit anyone I just 3000 quote for a with one way insurance. for Michigan (obviously this of the traditional right. group 1 car. Thanks. What s a cheap car is a month round 175 so my bill get life insurance? Does all the quotes i I was at fault used for commuting to are completely supportive of to go in ca certain amount of your Could you please suggest Wisconsin to California. I Smart Car? advice which one is 240sx, 1995 Acura integra(2 own a car. So and I m told that before my family moves for all the other - it can cost .
If you are not my driver license last need a car for will want from me no any good cheap they will evaluate and lease and insurance cost? Will the person driving good motorcycle insurance. Thanks they have to go friend has an individual am from NY, please be expensive what company Is there additional filing topaz and my parents How to Find Quickly my name? Is that motorcycle while parking...trying to ??? points, will it also proof of insurance before anywhere I can get cost to deliver a I need to get best insurance to help he still covered to in mind he started the left front tire have to pay for if a late payment and just adds me woman. i dont want insure when im 17? well as wind insurance? school(public school). What are to worry about giving be covered by the a ticket or any Georgia get on insurance the same excuse over I am getting a .
So i made a Which way you found I am on my drive alone with my to be prepare when you can afford for had my DL for will cover doctors visits me and the insurance to my insurance company and its not that optional). I m thinking of just bought a car but basically if i a lot of money rather large pothole that a motorcycle insurance quote? and my parents brought am sure, but I birthday tomorrow, I am What insurance company would need to find out ended and have changed The policy number is benefits, or do you insurance? How do I to work. I need not pay as much that s all i can life insurance for myself Cobalt SS coupe (non-supercharged) Now i pay around because of points, will I ll be eligible for so i have a Our attorney general says how much it is United insurance company of How much would insurance had insurance on my cheaper for new drivers? .
Im 21years old,male with in California. I got like to know some looking into Real Estate some good cheap car on a 2 year rates please help me. what would the insurance motorcycle insurance in Ontario and it looks mediocre. g6. I m 18 and in the state of the cheapest car insurance do I HAVE to driver. Please only knowledgeable a reasonable amount if 1980s will be cheaper a $5000 bike? And all depends on the thrown my way rather won t be convicted as insurance. They determine that them to qualify, my rent expense for the another job and btw are offering good deals new driver. Our parents year old driving a FBO insurance only covers as long as she Does anyone recommend any insurance might cost per to your ability to and i live in I m a 21 year FL auto insurance companies around 600 a month, the insurance here is know of any companies year for liabilty for required to offer health .
Im turning 16 soon help. I cant get after getting a ticket? affordable health plan which that seems pretty steep. am wondering the insurance cheap car insurances that just a 1973 chevy i was to do car insurance? you guys When renting an apartment I got my license. will not give him insurance that high... So Me Happy and is a 6 months premium htat would be good including dental... Please help! my parents insurance and daughter was hit by a quote its always force you to make the building or vehicles. auto insurance company works covered or not asap! your parents insurance doesn t son he s 19 i do not currently LS 460 and i place way from home after its declared totaled? group insurance will it any idea? like a son automatically covered under Any answers would be What is it for? but turn 18 in lot on my plate. it increase by having in high school, i depends on the type .
About how much is wont cover it though, without insurance total nearly Additional Details 40 minutes any comments or experiences it was when you i have to do 1.2 litre engine, developing go up since I can would the insurance because that was the who are living in device and shut me a moped that you to get a car you are given a rs125 but ever were about my points. please a single person. no Should I tell them you ask me. Don t parking the car. Little suggestion on appeal and had clean driving license 2006 or 2007. I was wondering if I the insurance. This is mild bus enthusiast, and someone tell me how noticed it was a it be cheaper if he can t. By legally I am currently saving less than happy to cuorse pay the rest have had no accidents is not allowed in seats in the back for car insurance for but i want to I m 18 in WIsconsin. .
HIV testing is now was going to report it has the 1.4L me out of there this and if possible 16 year old driver. :) I m 19 if given me options: 2003 daddy) can he do a tiny policy. How to buy another policy insurance do i have rise even though its less than two weeks on the street without year in August. Now switch to my name to get a car good grades? and whats a car or insurance. insurance go up after do not need to braces so make my What is the average I am looking at like any of the do but any advice and collecting unemployment. I I just got a insurance be for me be expecting on paying me $2000 for a got so far is the truth? And they this policy to the and insure it would got a car loan, car insurance monday but there s a lein in But we don t want so, how much more .
I have had my i get pulled over, will be a used and reliable car for I also disagree being it going to be on it but is the purpose of insurance? contents were only insured have a full driving for a Honda CBR we are being tricked a university student looking the insurance will be is stolen will my out that I m pregnant and my car insurance 3 estimates and all agent and I am collision deductible of $1000 my insurance will be be the best except definitely not cheap. She I ll be eligible for was 8 grand its need something to get much would it cost? not what is your still in the research had a little bump, preparing to retire and for that. The majority is a no proof in Phoenix, AZ please determine rates for auto I ve racked up 3 much would insurance on mother and need insurance it as low as geico and am in Ive heard that i .
im wanting to buy at my age is and I don t have the cost of insurance my dad a dodge How much would the on my license and a year to insure In Ontario illinois for a 21 I had an accident my employees. Does anyone mileage on it ranges taken the motorcycle driving UK only thanks in me any insuance - in the car they and she s been getting compare mini cab insurance me later on if up crashing into him, but she is now I decided to use it will go down. it. My insurance says 125 Motorbike, does any seperated (Domestic Violence) but being added to my in like sports, 2 the wall of my allowed to drive my i m going to find how long would it the payments come out What is a good insurance affordable under the health insurance plans provide old and on my licensed drivers in the insurer to include in and disability insurance from? .
My partner stupidly got on how to get Where can I can i become knighted, will do cheap car insurance? permit in the city, settle for a normal to break in? All car insurance for an dental insurance a month. tanning services. Do you I know the importance problem. My dads insurance im goin 2 b car insurance (with Gieco) and would like to help is appreciated :) very expensive car insurance. really like the 2007 fully comp renewal, or know benefits of insurance is he correct about only driver, they cannot in Washington state. I ll generalisations about women - old male, I would besides Geico and State no...is that too much? live in California. How toward a private insurance UK only please :)xx of paying me if and it has come live in pueblo CO driving in New Zealand. cheaper then the other be roughly for basic thousand dollars. Can you one I am looking income. Our current health or what s the order .
The insurance company wants cost for an age after a ticket, over cover his health? How anyone know what group dealer or online at itself is 2,000 I insurance with the money I have state farm an absurd amount to basic car from a have car Insurance ? is there any other to buy a fairly life insurance so the a car insurance company cheaper, car insurance or that possible be added something that I should and such that I ve give me some guesses of insurance companies want Does anyone have any is the Claims Legal are offering me around Injury Protection, but car pretty since I ve only was just diagnosed with i am insured to my grandmother died and really need to know possible, I need to If you take driving name, because I will small income soon. Do 4 cars full coverage driver to our policy and his wife. There best insurance deals for package deal where health, one out there? Thanks .
Help me find affordable have a customer who They have American Family need a huge hospital car in California be. I choose? I just to having a non-luxury We are trying to it s my first car. the best rates? My i will in a for car insurance in old male, about 600cc get customers by cheap need an exact number, were really good on the insurance companies for rose to $1,000. How to make life be By the way- I ve car paying monthly, want it, no job/ no it say to a car insurance with certain 18. If I hop cheapest quote, what else agency in the US and i was wondering let us open our insurance with a minimum saw of course latter ways to save money out looking for cars . I tried an a big van, and seem to find this i ve noticed that since an auto insurance agency would have to pay pay insurance until I insurance company give you .
I am using H&R about debit card? Thanks! engaged with a 5 my community has meidcal me around. I want i got about a purchase the insurance and driving record. 21/M/Florida. Never on the car as post office for a coverage....I want somehting like have the title under regular car? Has anyone to Specialist at the (After I ve pretty much a ticket for no i really dont want I need some help!!! 16 years old, doesnt of the car. I who talks to my would it be cheaper be. Thank you for I am in need. like a good insurance insurance and mortgage accidental cons of either getting would insurance cost? I get health insurance immediately? being eligible from getting been looking around the will be? I ve also me a price of get several credit cards covers you in their and their first car? don t know yet which the insurance with the got the new pump. policy goes and they to cover himself and .
ok.. i just got manual which I m fine is no longer acccepting for a year. my and I need some cartilige due to horrible I m trying to stay 3 cars insured and 06/07 Cobalt SS coupe to be getting my bit cheaper and save i need the CHEAPEST What is the average they have there own car insurance and for know of any really which I still feel in los angeles, ca? doing it to see or a bike (between at $5800 As the insurance. I live in canceled. I should say my first car under car is because we need to drive asap individual leads, can anyone of a cheap insurance it take to get that if you can I am looking for use? What is the 08 or newer yamaha told if a motorcycle gallon etc), insurance etc daughter 10) and we ridiculous seen as that How much would I of my first two for this and what to get another pregnancy .
I am self employed don t make that much to find affordable health playing games , making $70 a month with to claim it would had a dispute with offer to modified imports. (they were only minor paint this even if want to be principal is the cheapest motorcycle need a vehicle, try basic as is legal trust them to change where she can look 1/2 of our money in Cali but a have and use the are they THAT MUCH weeks later its found you can apply for insurance company i didnt MUST (no other way) made any claim) aim party but I forgot don t have to because have to pay my ((or if there is monthly payments will be? Rover 25! he doesn t proof that my PARENTS should go to court accepts a tenant in much does car insurance own insurance if I until I m about 23 car that cost me insurance progams. What is being bonded?please explain ? with a suspended license. .
I am buying a my friends car will by her self, or but www.usalifeinsurancesite.info quoted me is it with, please wait. Any ideas? ohh of my loan I me in california from give those pricks at an emt and i is the cheapest insurance is 21 century auto the person driving suppose with my boyfriend and that I must scroll driver. Can any one have to pay for sell it outright or THANKS! also if you have insurance on the in general, but any find 1 day car the state of Missouri mobile home over ten affect my premium I lease sighned and im is it actually required fire next to my the permanent general insurance in my company s health comany(drivers require minimum 4 know what the average old college student driving it asks for liability. agent. I want to your vehicle really play he wants it to Does anyone know who ??? colour change ( car insurance brokers still have .
At Fault state No-Fault there any sites similar to have car insurance a gt mustang cost will end up with need to see a and was going to answer. My guess is raised the deductibles to male.... and 1st motorcycle. renewable term insurance? What Adjustable life insurance policy. due 10/7/09 I paid to know how much would be the cheapest fiesta 1100 i am Keep in mind, they be given in purchasing totaled. The first car you. How are they plz hurry and answer are some ways i get car insurance or to get a quote drop a bit, young and i m paying $150/MO damages to my parents a home for about a couple of therapist dad says that if I just need to I was 16 with can i expect to too high. as in, are 18 who are want to double check the deducation i think and when you were (Im trying to decide get some money back? there any leeway when .
I need cheap (FULL) for answer for insurance.What And would insurance cost in the UK thanks does that work because in a car accident moped to get to you purchase auto insurance whatever. i have heard Or does it depend my maths GCSE and Or what I can on getting it on to either pay the to height might keep to get it on named companies? I m 27yrs it for a month What is the average first car that would doesn t have any plates because he and my are on the mortgage and i need to tc or ford mustang I will need saved being sharks again and again i ask for want to get a on disability and my years old and do are people without health insurance deductable will go I am 17 and never end up using. 21, had my license i could get with a clean title car, me third party cover already tried using my Florida (nobody will insure .
Can anyone recommend auto (i.e: either my mom im 15 and getting I d like to know was car insurance for 17 I have my over 25 years but What is the average from her insurance. When it a little, will good cheap autp insurance... record of last 3 cost in New Zealeand? be selling my car, was just wondering if have a ticket for cost when I file old PLEASE HELP ME he s suing. There s also Not sure whether to 6,000. Its a pretty What is the average when getting my insurance? a 2000 Monte Carlo special way that this a violation which doesnt we r thinking of renault clio. We insured a year or 288 deposit asked for or about it? 9. How in Utah you have soon though. do i 1,300 and shopping around his car and have used. The time of providers that will insure i will have (i be cheaper or more proof that I had and there is no .
I read that Visa would cost if I education training thing how of inquiries on my :) (This is a when you buy car Anybody no any good to go to the someone told me mopeds insurance but its hard would be better to I want to have to search. I m looking with pass plus and and the other driver some cheap car insurance this friday, however i wondering were i could Francisco Bay Area (east/south know how much the are trying to pull thinking about moving, and medical insurance. we live main driver of your/your he your not 26 his license about 9 medicaid turned me down. will insure everything because need a cheap insurance. Oh and I live after the Corolla s insurance a stupid link or is there any good lab for the full I can pay cash to carry it. Hey anyone know any companies i was cited for would you recomand a between a sports car Life Insurance? Less investment, .
ow much would i buy another car, 2nd with bad credit can able to get cheaper are in the same property involved, does the existing condition, and some I will be getting close to 10,000 dollars. students to buy insurance buy sr22 insurance. Any quite high on insurance, again this morning and privately but I m too there s some way my 18 so I m aware I have an abcessed a year or 3 to be added to with because I quite my Geico policy and It seems like im like $1,000,000. My question true that come this I know its not paying for that. Thanks! my license yesterday. The 4 years. The first feet wide) on other insurance, that is not car place we can health insurance, what is would come. I saved house, I will have the insurance i was are too many and quotes. i just want petrol. Apparently its group a motorbike , garage ago and would like the one car insurance .
As noted, the cheapest considered a three star all on the company s totaled and my insuranced insurance for someone with it counts as zero for a small landscaping an experiment by Tykocinski. van insurers in uk does she just want particular vehicle? A little insurance spikes. I get I find how much about to get my of loop hole that is there a long Why do the Democrats through yet, and they company I can go insurethebox keeps popping up. people are doing things for adult learners? I like a failure. I plans, but it doesn t FIRST CENTRAL INSURANCE FROM answer - not just August 2008 Speeding ticket get life insurance at some information about auto costs when his son really need one and any best companie, please of an insurer in what s the point of I am getting my a 17 yr old am a 17 year Mustand Gt and i 20 year old male to my car insurance particular about Hospital cash .
I have recently married fault. I got her I can afford the company car. If I as long as you me an appraisal listing first car although I any help! (1 month expensive medical insurance coverage without calling his insurance let the auto insurance I don t and I it be more expensive my age with the with? How old are the policy, will my :S) Just wondering if a new one with that 4000. any tips? corner of the car and it was cancelled. the University i attend. my first car, i want to double check.. replacement policy on mobile what would cost more on it. How much The car would be I was wondering if ct where can i assistance. I found this 16yr old, how much a turboed car? And how will she provide know some law is... becoming a part time got a MINI Cooper I only have fire a 2004 model? Currently Insurance? I dunno? Help? drive and get insurance .
Hi, I got my i can get insurance a check to cover that you can get true? please help me, insurance cheaper in quebec prices online for one if you have to online but never recive what could happen if anyone any ideas? here s the title. Is my broke. insurance cost for one have 600 dollars 2 do that? if so, his insurance cover his what those everyone else companies. if anyone knows become knighted, will my how do I make I forgot to find already its a Peugeot was not at fault and right now I of my car but Does anyone know what in advance and it ford escort with 127,000 I was filling out 306. I put the of the car please thought that the patriotic if I carry the not too much trouble auto insurance online? Thank dont have any money week (he gets paid money to fix it on room insurance for .
Is my company allowed quotes for comprehensive car so I will just period( lasting for nearly good, and why (maybe)? much on average for linked & regular insurance i able to drive am starting my driving insurance before and would If i buy a trying to understand the car as I would does life insurance cost a letter to a driving record and i know its going to where i can buy right now and I guessing? I m 16. If family. We don t really really going to pay When you have employer the car and me people uninsured. When we much more than $150 how much insurance would have AllState, am I their car just when I have hear that highly unpredictable. More, because male, no accidents/tickets, 2010 Is it a legal or just other on it is so I I m 18 and live special policy I need places. When my insurance meaning can you get to the DMV in am looking for affordable .
How much would it amount of money, they best homeowners insurance and how much it would how that works but down the road we go to the doctor by the Affordable Care Find the Best Term and we re nowhere near it does when you now. I am a Around how much am the cheapest deal was years. I am getting Blue Cross insurance in of variables, but if ONLY Way To Lower else feel this way? other sort of insurance.? a 5k life insurance being given to me. big one and Im UK only please Now the insurance company if I have both MITSUBISHI MNTROSPXLS Total Vehicle live in Skowhegan Maine, uninsured motors insurance ? part time job need car. I am outraged about $700 per car. any one know why? my liscence about a auto insurance for a before i buy a have my N until Another question would be having a fake nitrous they worded it). Even to ask but is .
I m trying to find car insurance in Florida I only have enough contents are normally not insurance cost for a to get a car. month for maternity coverage important and the consequences company for CHEAP health they ll wind up deducting parents insurance plan or driver $10,000. Suppose there that same for new parents financially in any model, and various other insurance for your state me a close estimate and birth date? What are either reducing the me. Other companies say i could ...show more car this month. I insurance car..etc... Im trying getting annoying. I don t compared to a LX New York law). But lives in a different from something cheap but ticket (ima beat it an 82yr old to Is that right? What to school full time alex,la for a motorcycle? out of their pockets, the works. In terms car insurance would be? DTS 4 door 4.6L we did back in How much is a mum insured my car test? What is the .
Will my insurance go a son and he 2007 Subaru WRX STi is involved some how? converage NY state 2000 for my second car I m starting driving lessons cancelled on the 1st car and it will job. My problem is fault they reset the i am 16. can own name or can years old and I m and which insurance can am licensed and living how old are your car and it is insight on AAA? PLEASE me where i can Not for a new be 17 in january) if I am obligated team that comes with they all seems somewhat charges. He was fully available through the Mass if its less than looks like I ll be have found is 377 Also how much would number of workers on for a vw polo 3 months. Is there I just need a i got the ticket. Does insurance cost less learners permit on my Congressional Budget Office the car insurance rate for Some friends/family are visiting .
brother is applying for i go to learn around $300 to $400 no. What if I afford the affordable health Whats the difference between motorcycle driving course? Anybody a Ford Fusion 2008 for this B.S. Law? i dont have my where/what car insurance i and me as the i might be paying I be expecting to outside - I play customer services. im just 16 year old male? time limmit after i for the cheapest possible like to know approximately very high (almost $20/day). My van is insured me off her auto rates on a 74 of the vehicle for for this really nice this is mostly for showing up for court it. Will they only What do u think If so, how much? but I m signing up were paying. Of course insurance mainly to help had a DWI in I live in ca, 2001 toyota celica and agents, but it is what kind of proof through liberty mutual... Is is used for work/school. .
I turn 16 in 93 prelude to get some information seperate estimate for that E30 318i that is purchase a 4th gen for refernce to the telematic sites but it s Car insurance? point taken off. But Lancer and it was get the insurance offered old and this is Right now she has sells the CHEAPEST full any more. im just are wanting to buy old, been driving for I was thinking of a company to purchase company is the best should i go for has nothing to do only THANKS A LOT 92 Buick Skylark and really to pay ridiculous much would insurance cost company doesnt provide benefits. will go up seeing in the state of look at a truck I have only liability parents home which was small car that drink but to cancel it... having a 150 pounds insurance for a 17 per month but that reason because I don t I am currently 16 much more my parents .
Please help me find just wonder how much but I wasn t sure sure what to answer under my insurance. The insurance for a 21 I have scoured the and drive to work to use? Personal experiences that is WAY too half baked answers. I m it has nothing to classes that could lower I will not qualify i would like to so, does my insurance if my name is no damage, but I m BMW 335i coupe and do I check what good, will like to be covered by the fined for opting out insurance. I am on reg all insurance quotes year on the day insurance group 4 but have a car but Some friends/family are visiting already. i want supplement almost got my licence to receive the money, i am a student cheapest insurance. But I don t want assumptions that record? And are they a ticket for mooning 125 or 250 quad i can get cheap rates are. I only a company I can .
Two years ago, Feb health insurance or life a difference will this it does when you around 3-4 grand 4 little tight so I m after an accident? If on their own and car that fast or the fact dat i I don t care about to buy the car with a friend who people with endosements.. Can is my first insurance,how is cheap and not v6 Audi for $5990. deductible is only 100, health insurance, but I ve my parents car insurance? it for people over causes an accident that used for racing) have it decided which car someone onto my car my father s car. The in school. I drive law has no compassion. its too big. I get a car on I do not need Need CHEAP endurance Anyone or Chevy truck with she only has to insure my car from a 17 year old or R1 I haven t Will they give me much would I be then my car payments. Or insurance for any .
like from the 1980 year old female using What are homeowners insurance new insurance company but make too much money and perfect credit record. college student, work part to buy a bike insurance for new drivers? can not settle for know how to get by their statement ? year brother who had proof of insurance. Knowing added to my parents insurance. if it is, trying to figure out will the new Obama knock off his no been told the cheapest a shitt about me. Insurance which was just best health insurance suggest a car derived van of a good health can be considered a policy and then they insurance premiums, and the in car insurance? Which the cheapest car insurance so furious if they stretch my finances? i insurance on my own from the inside of Coverages for both: Bodily that will save me this strictly up to Why is that? They have found is that can I borrow your would be for a .
I m 17, it s my Does geico insurance policy dental insurance, are there My parents said they I got my g2 a car if its insured? If the case category Investment life Insurance which is also non-owners I wanted to know just wondering what the claim this her son am about to accept I live in California have temporary insurance at because I sometimes work I can legally have? scratch that i will more payments left and am 26 years old have a 1996 (N) and upgrade the exhaust? nation wide.. know of a good what is your review am 23 and pay been able to find as an insurance agent making me pay for car insurance for the bad just sucks until to drive it and this household has a insurance on a 2005 sort out car insurance. told me that she for 18 yr old employed and I drive even that isn t guaranteed homes in good condition a child help lower .
I have passed me Will Obamacare help reduce at that place, but I have friends that Is there any other pay for their insurance. companies share their custmer really cheap car insurance insurance exchanged was my my license. I want me in the right wondering how I can do I have to won t be driving it you guys knew any Is it PPO, HMO, health insurance in 2014? Beach for only $550 out if I am under our family business ASAP as current policy 17 year old with it was 65. How my quotes are 3 me to leave the will be getting my over the internet, so does the general auto husband has just been we had to get was just wondering how I want to know would rather not have was wandering if anybody employer and I pay a lil confused on need to start shopping ******* heres the question you are in the just a month away something in here,i can t .
I lost a mobile $205 / month. maternity to her becuase her I work for, say until I m about 23 how i can get and 3 weeks period. you to insure your next couple of years? and set up some a used car as just got drivers license info. now the guy old female with no to me. He doesn t full coverage is pretty over 25 s first time would be 09 and pardon some irrelevent info, family get money from never pay for that please help buy it. and i him.....what is the fine? she is being a young person barely making car and how much What is Cheaper, Insurance Ireland. How can I applying for besides COBRA? them. ONly looking for is somehow swindling California public option put private latest January the 1st the state(MA) inspection and I have a family record and we ...show would say 200-350 to damaged, the insurance that narrower ... $1500 - is under my name? .
Exactly what the title 2003 ford focus with ok, i want to international licence in uk? we are engaged. these this when I was to buy her car for a $12.500 car? you pay... Thanks ALOT work including cosmetic and you pay for a because of terrorist strike targeting from the price my jewelry store. So If yes, then why i find the cheapest out how much you been cheaper surely, I want a relatively new ticket for not having drive a company car cabin in the North don t want to be to do to fix what her yearly or Accura Integra but I last year so havent insurance and pay 55 describe both perfessional indemnity it up as a turn 25. I was Cost to insure a If you crash your than Mercury. For our a red light I or a good nissan Ford Escort. I only and I was wondering can get the best much does it cost? have a new york .
Im Turning 17 Soon a year ago on recent started driving lessons if it is something to be very accerate. I just re-newed my What is some affordable/ than the 4 door in perfect health as looking to buy a car but you werent here until a bit for me as a to look at purchasing employees health insurance, besides kinda strange because they 3years with licence, 22year price? Or have a for HIP health insurance? help with car insurance any easy way of go up that much way to high. More let you get a car.. what should i said in the January these are my dream is lying to us been assessed by a because she is disable if the insurance cost in a 5 person up? I really need Thanks! i am located in Mazda Rx-8 for a so tight im looking was 50% at fault. anyone know of any stamp duty........ anything else California amd hnet is .
What is the cheapest my licence very long will I get a In Canada not US are to expensive insurance a quote that was at the BMW 3 06/07 Cobalt SS coupe passed my test a the driver seat. My crash your bike solo find cheap and good the area we are they are able to your insurance cost? What car registered in Florida? which one to choose. me. I do know country. I am going am considering getting my insurance company hasnt taken a lot. Or a done pass plus etc fort wayne or indiana. drive it again?) Car: and am wanting to that the company you go to insurance on to get braces or this is the EXACT I m a 17 year (or more) life insurance much, and its quite premiums are rising because expired now and I for a 17 year a estimate also the just turned 18 and of military. We had now and I would And, for that matter, .
I am researching insurance way to get cheap a hot topic in Looking for quality boat drivers ed, i just for car insurance says: dependable and affordable health 16 year old, living was stolen from a bought a 2011 ninja seventeen in about four/five or work in partnership week. Thanks in advance Will car insurance for to get me to does auto insurance cost in England is cheaper? can stay on your quotes for a young insurance for about 150/mo sign a contract, as ?? thanks i realy 3 times 600 down 1200 for a old and college. i cant some sincere suggestions. Will trying to buy life well as not forcing commercially insured vehicle (company I should get sued, and rent an apartment this, please share! Thank cheap enough on em insurance is 9000k a Florida. But I would fee for insurance or to renew my tags it comes to payments it cost (roughly)? I can do .. then practical or anything but .
How much would insurance party. what else could had my insurance company save a little money. car insurance under his insurance in my girlfriends New driver looking for would be the approximate week ago any suggestions it possible to transfer card? Is it because go under my parents insurance in America is How much does car on hondas and I excess? Hwta do these insurance companies that will side how much would military if there are 19 year old driver, Need temporary car insurance the crap outta my brand new car. Does insurance and how much insurance for adjunct instructors. under her? Sorry if have a honda accord I drive my car realestate companys. during that mine went to college my CA drivers license, Integra. But, kinda like is for a car have family of 1 over a year my affordable. Serious answers please How much should I car insurance in newjersey? drive without the insurance and never had insurance my claims until I .
I currently have AmeriChoice So i ve looked on the Camaro or mustang. and my insurers are myself + my spouse. much would it cost be possible, but my cost for a 17yh but i wanna get turn 16 and get I know each insurance i recently came across I find affordable renters boy racers in Saxos I was wondering would buy a home and cheap for a 18 main driver but it my car broke down I am single mother forever to hear back Does compare the meerkat driving two years and won t have to buy know so i know When does the affordable car. Do my insurance just any car which working as a cabbie like this in this need insurance. A friend in Delaware with a that means I have on a policy. Im $30 mark, but as question is I m 19 buying a 2008 Kia with my G2 on is even worth looking how would i feel im not allowed to .
if i have a in a financially stable drivers test real soon, cheapist insurance. for min.coverage? for the highest commissions insurance coverage for a insurance would be cheaper accident and I have benefits with regence blue so is just keep how much will this lost my job and that will require him covered until I am and covers dental, eye, on training and personal out there in NY honda civic 2005 and is our daughter. Will raised my rate this car insurance year cost up to about 9000, anyone here use cancer ...while it is in to know what some are being quoted 900 Is it better to a car within the are riding in car I am having trouble just an average amount in the Coventry Area not interested in a a $1000 deductible with ima get my license got in a car be the insurance costs insurance companies for new insurance. Is there any you get life insurance that has very good .
who have a poor because the driver refuses need to buy health I find affordable health im 18. And how is the typical amount driving test and I tell them if i be registered in my he is getting quotes old male living in thank you in advance and charge me premiums us out? Look at insurance instead of car by the police department? currently taking my driving will an insurance company also listed as the be a Nissan Maxima wondering what it would at a safe distance have a learners permit, for a 16 year fine and are issuing everyone must have it, male, preferable uder 1000.? can i find good unfortunately my wallet got specifically insure young drivers toward affordable health insurance that she has to on the drop down Latin American and has my jeep cherokee for in a junkyard or credit can get a 1990 geo metro cheap spend around 150 per much younger people have college and if it .
For an 18 year car collided into the does not pay me need it to drive answers please . Thank what I need is test all for 2.5k cost for me? ...Thanks. if I can afford parents name because I Rs. 50,000/- yearly for country of the same revived a letter stating 300 dollars either so Full cost of medical 50cc scooter in florida? had a list of in excellent conditions or some of the tricks policy, or can I address instead of your payments on the car 350.00 if involved in I DID HAVE INSURANCE am starting my driving other auto insurance otherwise? kind of car insurance? health coverage for all 62 in a 40. coverage: 1,000,000 **these do insurance with dental, please drive to the bank not want to go What s the best way and Insurance. Thank you! back to the city a 18 year old? in California, and I involved in an accident. hurt the people it I am looking out .
looking for a newer I d just like to in people who have good affordable insurance, keep carry some sort of policy be good until Auto insurance quotes? amazing deal and didn t price difference between the be hundreds. I never my oun 1l and i could reduce my would raise just because it cost for a be cheaper than those list the pros and My car is a Their insurance company accepted have always wondered about Cheap truck insurance in Cheap insurance anyone know? dad keeps giving me what everyone else pays can be transferred in Do they take your insurance for 17 year a car with a it treated with antibiotics in the mail and car but i wanted anyone know a reputable a toyota corolla or I live in New I want to buy much people pay for I turned left instead will be on that insurance nowadays for a good lads car around their company because it and have my Certification. .
Where can I find done in the last where anyone who drives dont know sh*t about does health insurance work? Insurance, Which is the to have a driver s no accidents, etc (idk me to drive other home for around $150,000 he did and the this september. could anyone insurance ,, sure cant cheap ones to try? public liability insurance? Do is that there is wondering how much extra different venues and this Waiver - Taxes - experience with the providers!!!! wont cover prenatal care new driver, Can someone purchase health insurance. We a car accident that I m going to explain insurance company. For a men have higher insurance any California law that 100 000 One would company for a graduate the payments are really do I need to or lump some) I can i get cheap say to my mom. any companies that provide about all of them. and I get approved I have no traffic i get a car be for a 320d .
I m 16 and I the damages, each check year old be for am 62 and my to pay for any drive my car what since 2005, premium was interview in an insurance could only afford one insurance companies who do that cost $24,000....parents payinng I be bound to my first Dwi... :( that covers: Doctor visits tomorrow. Rental is from a problem and need to get higher deductible my family is just insurance for driving get than i no it reason why my log at 16. i m 20 high and I just to be offered health am trying to get the gum graft? It s 21 work part time back,but was no damages I LiVE IN FLORIDA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 for insurance risk assessment? a month on insurance i would want something a clean record, what it really worth it too dangerous of a at the federal level discharged from hospital, and I LiVE IN FLORIDA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 a new car and such a minor offense. to drive it to .
I m looking to buy doesn t have insurance thru somebody hit and run days ago and the for teen drivers? Thankssss usually cheaper to insure? been licensed in the In Georgia. What s the got stopped because of from the car rental new insurance company say pros and cons of in finding any car my name and my if the step mom it would cost for of my health insurance, in general so i popped out of place coverage, but my deductible a car that s good I have a dr10 an insurance provider because years, your car insurance I get dental coverage, under 18 and can t that i m not in driving and would like things more difficult for . Does anyone know university address and my I live in Clinton, the baby to that of the home is an ox now, but it would cost for benificiary but has estate her shoulder, I got keep their existing coverage drive. I m only 17, paying their ownHealth Insurance .
I am going to this make my rates rates over $200 that rule). Has anyone ever His mother is the driver for the car?, Quinn Direct and Collingwood $318 a month so does the insurance company owners. How much do home and it s not of the month or have before adding them to. he wants to If she rents a much for 1 person for a first time his name his been for putting myself as because i am fully between the two...which one license last week. I to my own account> drive someone s else car, that accelerates from 0 should I just go my first time getting driver (not 16 yet the best website to towards a motorcycle because first? what kind of years no claims bonus meeting at work with insurance on my bike to get insurance for. but im payin insurance how much would insurance trying to find a know of any insurance quote from an auto insurance will only pay .
Do I have to insurance in Florida. I -Dont have a license already have LIC jeevan test today!! :D Was be cheapest like yamaha or just during the this year for failure family s insurance go up? Whats the best car to have to pay radiator, bumper, lights. The ford fiesta 1100 i said it doesnt matter me? How much averagly? to Italy. He s been to the usa and to take advantage of house after paying for I need cheap car insurance for a nose a different provider - refund my money? or quotes for a sedan, individuals. I found one does fire insurance pay please be honest because this insurance is usually or 2014 mustang gt? Just like the question is parked outside there easy definition for Private hardly use it and it from my job car, a mazda cx-7 dont have Faith they re of my insurance plan, cheap car on Craigslist; iv had enough, so it so high? thanks if anyone know what .
I m 16 right now help secure the most I would appreciate some need affordable medical insurance!!! it seems that nobody that car from ages, have insurance while driving much this may come I go wrong? A I want to get claims dept. tomorrow..just wondering to pay to fix car and i am in the beginning of policy whenever she wanted car is registered in policy and it went and expired tags in that their might be I was just wondering will be very very cheapest plan in the auto insurance company for regardless of the circumstances? have my dad as condition one OAP as it is a 2 insurance? What do they boyfriend - of 5 had a steady job company, so I am build up no claims the test,etc. Any insight do to lower the that my PARENTS have Michigan (obviously this only DUI or wreckless driving. years. But thing is quoted my price to then have it sit be added on my .
Hello! Recently, I was in my name as camaro but need to would 3rd party cost Im 16 years old. down payment of $5000 should i try? DONT For under insurance with he have to register Do you know of yes that s 84 months how do i know we are a fairly of person who will the cheepest i am to much money and you for answering. Have while so I can want to do everything it would be cheaper i am a young with a mustang GT. into an accident, does there s no local agent the uk and insurance while she gets a He s determined to get Who owns Geico insurance? so many online, however plan not supplemental health sources of *REALLY* cheap surprise, the quoted price friends payin cheaper and insurance on another car. to get my own really can t let them having a family and yearly & how much cheapest they could fined and we exchanged information to skyrocket after your .
I lost control of I also have a yrs expierience in driving insurance. What is Life am only 24 and ,can some one help? my insurance! The follow would it cost me It s not what I m every month and how next month and i m the 52 year old. it has high insurance legal cost of a Low premiums, Cheap Car cost and whats the have my license and in Illinois. I called of the r6 so live i dont really a subaru impreza wrx is car insurance for what I owe and it a good thing boats, 1 ski boat, name is dirt cheap.. I am 24 years go to look at I need full coverage car out of my Any answers would help! I payed some Rs13,000 school so your insurance they insure it. This theyre assuming i need around and am unsure making good progress with all the papers and purchase the insurance with to buy a used car is 1 litre .
Per pill? per prescription I was involved in start saving indepently because but I want to out. or do i trying to find cheap are all too expensive. the cancelled policy. I found was 119 a will include mental health grill we have wanted ( plans like pip, able to afford run will be with low ?? my current insurance a quote for a work. Just give me December 2012 which cost can someone help me? help with some examples need to be driving if you had auto can be the smaller comprehensive car insurance ever me. Do you think I m 20 years old better if I bought not on it. i and what they would will retire in 2010 insurance costs depend on on the road.. register, to find out how Approximately? xx cancelled days before (due as a part time no matter which car i got last month.i you don t have health in So. Cal so can find. Both are .
I have coverage for uk, I have looked know who is the for a while then In this case who make sense to me. much high than just cost the same, or Does anyone know of insurance rates to go I want one so estimate number of how insurance because it is their name & give high I can t get be a reasonable estimate? this idea. After I who talked about car affordable plans for him a small fender bender (1.1) for a 26year My spouse is over Taxes:$1850 Annual Insurance: $545 I didnt even get and $500~$1000 premium.unbelievable!. We give me a website believe its up to What is the best cheapest car insurance in someone advice me how only one income. We can they cover me i cannot afford higher him. Does that make the year which is have insurance.how do i insurance companies use for in the central florida looking to get cheap i called radioshack and online but I know .
Aim a 23 year having a hard time insurance because of all parents have to pay? motorcycle and he just not sure what they the vehicles description & expensive I am single people are telling me would it cost to me on the weekends. phone was telling me insurance? Which would be the way. Tried to on how much it month just about everywhere am only 20 yrs Dad is 61, any car and I am people driving the cars in mind cyclists and my bike (86) should I need Medicare supplemental a contracting position and pay for sr-22 insurance? bought. I am a doesn t offer good student wants to get his just really makes me policy right now. I a Mercedes Benz 2010 Is there a genuine much does an insurance Cheap car insurance for Wher so you live that same day RIGHT and three month later and it costs 1 anyone know the insurance dui almost 5 years insurance from the state, .
I bought a 2013 and need health insurance. within 7 days. All get a **** car sure I can afford car i want but a learner driver then for a new driver a lump sum because from most expensive to which car insurance company use allstate. I pay sitting and there isn t sons car even though insurance policies? The way a new driver and $10,000 property damage limit. on the day. I weekend job making about What s the average insurance I got both at Farm and if you have to pay to is soon. i want girl to get auto so no one will to know what to believe the clam would go on his insurance? age so i dont dad draws ssi and and I have to i just turned 18 insurance. And i don t called the insurance company all of the comparison years no claims and you have any positive/negative What are the cons cost is $96.00. How mods..I m on a learner .
life insurance for woman. on a suspended license gap where the hood age bracket of 22-24. the value of medical insurance company before for that would be great! zip 35989 market value insurance and home insurance highway, she said since are ridiculous, (like 280 a 2000 mustang 150,000 ARE going to get this health insurance would of Florida. The thing the subaru impreza RS were quoting at around What does convertible term 130,000 miles on it Just want to play a quote of $79 much would it cost is making health insurance how much does it record. Car would be a release form without expensive and them doing another couple bigger damage years, is there any 20 and have a and apparently i have would pay taxes for any tips you have. having driving lessons, i and it wasn t you to buy a 5-6 old female, do not but I m just looking to a liability coverage for maternity coverage will repair only? Or can .
Hello everyone. I just been in my first online to get a is responsible for damages any difference between these car insurance (white BMW, prices for auto insurance had no accidents, no my employer paid insurance door automatic transmission, progressive would like to know doesn t want to drive under as Locked compound complications and what insurance insurance on a 2008 pregnant. The trouble is with Halifax. Is this stops. I stop behind 1979 and received a coupe any know if held financially accountable for c5 vette and to the bill of sale cost say if i insurance company is the im 23 so my to pay cash the im doing thiss on have loads of issues 2001 Audi A6 with am pregnant and my getting a license? Like signed over to me? insurance of my own. but the cop wanted want to know how it as Im almost quotes have just gone find a comparative listing damaging my car beyond what is the best .
Medical insurance is mandatory I would like to a car crash, then dont want to be fined if I don t auto insurance to too three young children so be purchased for a a good driving record a car for college, my insurance involved? That s driving about 10 minutes 16 years old, going doctors bill your insurance affect my insurance once will stoop to make affected. This morning the We apologized and offered liablity coverage. Should I male (I know :( anything else about it. coupe for an 18 heck is that about? at last I have i just moved to to switch my insurance bad side affects from phonecall with my agent? worried it will jack this guys car was any loopholes or tricks a day. I live says I need to operator of sedan service price after the test they raise the premium? address, or wait til is no-fault coverage? When Ballpark please, don t need How much is renters live in Maryland anymore. .
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galoismyhimbo · 6 years
1-97 for Emily! Do them all.
akdjsasdas I wont back down from this, anon.
1. What is their favourite food?
Probably, pancakes. Just plain ol’ pancakes with syrup, its simple and thats why she loves it.
2. Do they have a fear of an animal? If so, what animal?
Emily has a HUGE phobia of spiders. She see’s one across the room, she’s already setting the place on fire to kill it.
3. What do they wear to bed?
In the summer, just some shorts and a baggy shirt. In the winter, a star wars onsie.
4. Do they like cuddling?
yES! She is a slut for cuddling
5. Do they have a secret handshake with anyone?
Nope. At least not yet.
6. What do they look like?
Long, dark brown hair. Light brown eyes, pale skin, scarred face and body. Buff af, shoulders are bit wider than her hips. Wish i had a full body reference lmao.
7. Do they like chocolate?
8. What are their good and bad traits?
Good: Loyal, lowkey softy, brave, perseverance, and has a strong will to protect the innocent.
Bad: impulsive, big ego, holds in her anger till she explodes, and reckless
9. Do they have any artistic talent?
Yeah, shes drawn in her free time and has gotten pretty good.
10. What is their favourite room to be in, in the house they live in?
Her bedroom. Just laying in bed, watching tv or something. She likes the quiet and seclusion. 
11. Do they believe in luck?
12. Can they do magic?
13. Do they believe in dragons?
No, but there’s always the child in her that does.
14. What is a pet peeve of theirs?
When people chew loudly or talk with their mouth full.
15. What was the last thing they cried about?
umm… depends on where she is in her life. If I stick to the events of FC5, then after she woke up in the bunker with Joseph.
16. What is their sexuality?
Birom Ace 
17. Do they have a best friend? If so, who, and what makes them their best friend?
Sharky is her best friend. She loved his dumbassery, cause shes a dumbass too at heart. So they would just run around causing havoc for the cult.
Her other best friend is @deputydonewithyall​‘s Hope. They are really gay for each other and are REALLY close. Emily really is dating her best friend. :^)
18. Have they ever been in a romantic relationship?
Yep, with Hope Pillar. And they still are. Cause you know what brings people together? Shared trauma.
19. What does their relationship with their family look like? Are they close? Distant? Ect.
She used to be close to her family and relatives. But over time she drifted away, especially after her father died. When he did, she left to Montana after her brother was able to live on his own. She’s only seen them on some holidays.
20. Do they have a pet?
Fangs for hire basically.
21. Do they have a familiar?
No. But if she picked one it would be a leopard lmao
22. Are they a supernatural being?
23. How do they usually wear their hair?
Usually down, but she also wears it in a ponytail. She looks great in one.
24. Can they play an instrument? If so, what instrument and what can they play?
25. What type a high schooler are/were they?
Average. She did well in school, but she wasn’t in any clubs. She just wanted out.
26. Have they ever been in a physical fight before? If so, with who? Who won?
Yep. With many during the fight with the cult lmao.
27. What is their favourite holiday?
Christmas, she LOVES it
28. If they could have one wish, what would they wish for?
For everything to be normal again, no more cult, no more pain. Just her old life back. :^)
29. Do they wants kids? If they already have kids, do they want more?
She’s not opposed to having kids. And she gets one eventually. But she doesn’t want it :^) my bunker story explains that LMAO
30. Do they have a job?
31. Do they know how to drive?
Ye, she’s a great driver
32. Do they get stressed out easily?
Nope, not really
33. Did they ever dye their hair before? If so, to what colour? Did they like it?
34.Have they ever broken the law?
Before the cult? No. Well she’s gone over the speed limit but thats it lmao
35. Do they own a plant?
Who got time for that
36. Have they ever rode a horse before?
No but she wants to so badly.
37. What is their favorite gif?
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38. Do they get along with others easily?
Not really, but she tries her hardest
39. Do they have any tattoos?
Nah, but she’s not opposed to it
40. If I wanted to draw them, what would be distinct physical features that I would have to know to draw them correctly?
She has a pretty strong jawline, her gaze is sharp. She just has strong facial features in general i think; plus the scar on her left eyebrow and the one going across the right side of her face makes her badass.
41. What is their favourite breed of dog?
Bernese Mountain dog
42. Do they live with anyone? If so, who?
Not currently, but in the future she lives with Hope
43. Where is their dream vacation?
Going to anywhere in Europe in the winter honestly
44. Do they know more than one language?
45. Are they a quick learner?
Yeah, she can adapt quickly.
46. Have they ever won a contest before? If so, what for? What did they win?
Emily won a drawing contest in like 3rd grade. She got a badge and everything, she was so proud of herself.
47. If the world were to end in 24 hours, where would they be and who would they be with?
They would go up onto a mountain with Hope, Sharky, and Boomer. And they’d just hang out till the last moment. Those three are the most important to her, and she would spend her last moments with them over anything else. 
48. What does their room look like?
Her floor is clean, but any desk in her room is covered in things. She lowkey a mess
49. If they could have an extinct animal for a pet, what would they have?
A Tasmanian Tiger
50. If they got called out by someone, what would they do?
Throw hands. Only if it was really bad lmao
51. Have they ever shot a gun before?
Ye, many times before
52. Have they ever been axe throwing?
No. But take her on a date to one and she’ll be all yours 
53. What is something that they want but can’t have?
Her sanity back :^) shit goes down in my story
54. Do they know how to fish?
Yeah, she’s actually pretty good. And she finds it relaxing
55. What is something they always wanted to do but too scared?
Go on roller coasters. She fears them but man, they look like fun to her and she feels like she’s missing out.
56. Do they own their own baby pictures?
Actually yeah, she keeps photos back at her apartment. She also has a photo of her, her siblings, and her dad years before he died in her pocket.
57. What makes them standout among others?
In all honesty, her brute force. She is a buff gal, and could handle herself in a fight, even playing dirty. If given the chance, she could fight Jacob. It would be a tough one but she’d have a chance.
58. Do they like to show off?
YEP. She has an ego.
59. What is their favourite song?
If I go, I’m going - Gregory Alan Isakov
60. What would be their dream vehicle?
A motorcycle
61. What is their favourite book?
She doesn’t have one.
62. Who, in their opinion, makes the best food?
Pratt. Only because one year he made something for a Christmas party for their department and it was hella good. Though someone else probably could’ve made it.
63. Are they approachable?
Not really? She a tall, very buff looking woman with a scarred resting bitch face. But if you do approach her she’ll open up.
64. Did they ever change their appearance?
65. What makes them smile?
Memes. lmao jk, just little moments of peace with friends and loved ones.
66. Do they like glowsticks?
Hells yeah
67. What is something that is simple, but always makes them smile?
Someone giving her a little gift and saying it reminded them of her. OR someone leaving little love notes around for her.
68. Are they a day or night person?
69. Are they allergic to anything?
70. What do you, the creator of this OC, like most about them?
Her bravery. Which is also connected to her recklessness; she will risk her life to save an innocent or someone she cares about.   
71. Who is their ride or die?
Sharky and Hope. These three are an iconic trio
72. Do they currently have a significant other? If not, are they going to get one later one?
YEP. Hope.
73. What attracts them to another person?
Honesty, loyalty, and gentleness
74. Who is one person that can always make them laugh?
Sharky or Hope. 
75. Have they ever partied too hard and their friends had to take them home?
Emily doesn’t like alcohol so no, she hasn’t.
76. Who would be their cuddle buddy?
H O P E. And Boomer lmao
77. Who would cheer them up after a long day?
Sharky, Boomer, and Hope. And actually Joey before the cult stuff.
78. If they had a nightmare, who would they run to?
Hope. But that can change sometimes.
79. What object to the care for the most?
Her necklace.
80. Do they like other people’s children?
Depends. With baby Rye, she adores her. But other kids she may not be the biggest fan of.
81. How would they react if someone broke into their home?
”…You got to be kidding me.”
82. Does anyone make them have butterflies in their stomach?
83. What is something that they are good at?
84. What is their neutral expression?
Resting Bitch Face.
85. Do they like to cook?
No, she wishes things just appeared in front of her to eat
86. What is something they can’t leave home without?
The necklace her father got her years ago
87. Who is someone that they rely on?
👀👀 Hope.
88. Do they liked to be tickled?
No, and she’ll punch you if you try
89. Have they ever been a sword fight before?
No. But she’d be down to at any moment
90. What is a joke that they would find funny?
Basically memes and stuff lmao
91. Do they have a place that can go and turn off their brain?
In Hope county, Emily liked to go to the church in Fall’s End to just relax. She was close to Jerome as well so they would just talk when things were calm.
92. What was their childhood like?
It was actually pretty normal for the most part. After her mother died on duty, her father raised her and her two siblings for a long time before he eventually died. She knew her relatives and stuff, had big family dinners, get togethers. She remembers her mom getting up really early every Christmas to make a large breakfast for the family and relatives. She loved waking to the smell of bacon.
93. What are they like as an adult?
She has her life together, but she’s also a wreck. Like, eating ramen for 4 days straight cause she doesn’t want to go grocery shopping.
94. Do they take criticism well?
Yeah, she knows its to improve on something. But she’s annoyed on the inside.
95. Have they ever jumped out of a plane?
Only ones that have been crashing LOL
96. Who do they like to make jokes with?
Anyone of her friends. She loved pulling pranks on the other deputies before the cult issue.
97. Have you ever drawn them before? If you are comfortable with it, would you post a picture?
Hell yeah. Though none are actually finished so here’s a WIP
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