#also sorry i just had to get this phrase from a middle aged guy in youtube comments or on facebook out.
etude-in-citrine · 7 months
Detective Conan Drama CD: A Written Challenge from the Detective Boys
So I've noticed this drama CD has been out for more than ten years (October 2011) but the most I've seen are tidbits of it, especially regarding a.. certain scene. (¬_¬) No one has really translated the whole thing though and after taking that mantle it myself, I see why... If anyone is interested in matching this to the drama CD video, be my guest but I ask of you just to ask and credit me. ( ゚∀゚)
So heads up before we start (warning: super long), I translate most of the terms to English but kept some Japanese terms like most honorific like -kun, -san, etc. I sometimes would switch between Professor/Prof. and hakase but they're both the same. However I have switched meitantei to great detective since it's a smoother transition in translation and it has a nice ring to it.
I also kept classic Conan phrases like oi oi, arere, barou because they're too iconic not to. (*´∀`)♪
I decided to differentiate Kaito and Kaitou Kid because Yamaguchi has a specific way of voicing them, just like how he does with Kid and Shinichi.
Italics are thoughts
Bold is codes/ciphers
*(word)* are actions
TN is translation notes to clarify riddles/codes/jokes that get lost in translation.
And I have loads of side comments in forms of SN(side notes) so apologies if it ruins your experience.
Also to make this a more amusing read, I litter face emojis in some of the dialogue, mostly those with strong reactions.
Watch out for this face specifically (◕∇◕) because that means Conan is speaking in his cute childish voice.
Now with all that mumble jumble out of the way, enjoy!
*Watching Detective Red Jacket*
Ayumi: It was so interesting!
Genta: Detective Red Jacket was so cool!
Mitsuhiko: Yeah! The action and story were perfect! It's the best movie I've watched! Number 1!
Ayumi: Yup! There's no doubt about that, right Conan-kun?
Conan: You think so?
Ayumi: Eh?
Conan: I figured out the killer in 5 minutes.
Haibara: Is that so?
Conan: And also- Ah.
Ayumi: What's wrong Conan-kun? You suddenly turned around.
Conan: Nah. It felt like someone was watching me..
Kaito: Shoot this is bad! To think these guys were watching the same movie as me. And it just had to be the seats right in front of me...
Conan: Was it my imagination?
Haibara: Well, what were you planning on saying?
Conan: Well the protagonist Sannomiya Kazunori's acting wasn't very good.
Ayumi: Huh? What's wrong Ai-chan? You're crushing the pamphlet very tightly.
Haibara: Uh.. a-ah-
Mitsuhiko: I know!! Why don't we all go to Mitsubo shop? If I remember correctly, the Detective Red Jacket special edition is being released today!
Genta: Let's go then!!
Ayumi/Mitsuhiko: Yeah!!
Conan: You guys seriously like it that much? Sorry but I'll head back first. See you guys!
Genta: What's with Conan? Always saying stuff and being a wet blanket just when everyone is so enthusiastic.
Haibara: I'm going to buy another new pamphlet.
Ayumi: Sure..
Genta: Let's hurry up and go!
Mitsuhiko: It'd be bad if it sold out! Especially since it comes with a special poster of the protagonist Sannomiya Kazunori as a bonus.
Ayumi: Oh, Ai-chan came back.
Haibara: Tsuburaya-kun, is that true?
Mitsuhiko: Uh yeah.
Kaito: It's true that Detective Red Jacket is super cool! A far cry compared to certain midget detective.. (SN: (≖_≖ ))
*theme song playing*
Conan: Detective Conan Drama CD A Written Challenge from the Detective Boys
Agasa: So in the end, you weren't able to buy the Detective Red whatjamacallit's book.
Ayumi: Yup that's right!
Mitsuhiko: A middle aged man with a weird hat bought the last book in stock!
Genta: That's definitely harassment!
Mitsuhiko: Right!!
Genta: Because no way an old man would be a fan of Detective Red Jacket!!
Kaito: *old man voice* Well turns out he was a fan~ Hehe. Sorry about that but I'll partake myself with the last book in stock~ (SN: childish.. (¬_¬;))
Agasa: That certainly is a bummer. *ahem* Now here comes a question!
Detective Boys: Ehhh?!?!
Genta: Another of Prof's pun quiz??
Mitsuhiko: It's so sudden as always.
Agasa: Sorry about that.
Which martial arts is most suitable for you guys today?
A) judo 受動
B) kendo 剣道
C) karate 空手
Ayumi: Eh? Ayumi has never done any of them before.
Mitsuhiko: Me too.. I'm bad at martial arts after all.
Genta: Ran-neechan would be karate though.
Haibara: The answer is A) judo
Agasa: Eh? Your reasoning behind it?
Haibara: Kendo and karate have thrusts ( 「突き(つき)」(tsuki)) but judo doesn't have any. In other words, it means we're unlucky (TN: phrase: 「月(つき) がない」(tsuki ga nai):not having luck on your side) right?
Agasa: Bravo!! That's the correct answer!!
Mitsuhiko: I see. We have no luck, huh? That's true..
Genta: But that's all Conan's fault right?
Agasa: Huh? What do you mean?
Genta: Because even though everyone was so hyped up in the movie, Conan kept saying stuff that spoiled the mood!
Mitsuhiko: But I don't think that has anything to do with not being able to buy the Detective Red Ja-
Haibara: It's related, don't you think?
Mitsuhiko/Ayumi: Eh?
Haibara: They say "Once you start finding faults, your luck/moon will leave you". I think there's some truth to that.
Genta: *whisper* Don't you think Haibara is somehow scary?
Mitsuhiko: She's probably angry because Conan-kun badmouthed Sannomiya Kazunori.
Genta: Ehhh??? Does that mean Haibara is a fan of Sannomiya?
Haibara: (ʘ言ʘ╬)
Mitsuhiko: *shriek*
Genta: W-w-what?
Mitsuhiko: Haibara is glaring at us with scary eyes..
Genta: Huh-Waahhh! Her eyes are a little..Ahhh.. I might have leaked a little...
Mitsuhiko: But that kind of expression is also quite lovely. (SN:(¬_¬;) Is Mitsuhiko an m??) But now that you mention it, Conan has just been talking down on us.
Genta: Sometimes I want Conan to be (surprised and) speechless.
Ayumi: Well then, let's all challenge Conan-kun then!
Genta: Challenge Conan?
Ayumi: Yup, let's all prepare super difficult problems and let Conan solve it.
Mitsuhiko: Ahh... but don't you think the riddles we think of will be solved very easily?
Ayumi: To make up for that, we'll have Prof. Agasa and Ai-chan to participate with us, right?
Agasa: Sure.
Haibara: That sounds interesting.
Agasa: Now that we've settled on it, let's start the plan.
Haibara: First the words for the cipher.
Genta: Hmm you're right. Okay Haibara, we'll leave you to a really difficult one!
Ayumi: No Genta! We're all going to think for it!
Genta: You're right.
Mitsuhiko: To start off..
Kaito: A challenge to the great detective huh? It's gotten interesting! I was wondering what was up so I'm glad I made the right choice to place the miniature microphon- DAAAHHHH!!!! Y-you idiot! Go over there!! I'm not a telephone pole!! \(º □ º l|l)/
(SN: I think some birds pooped on him. Poor guy, I thought you knew how to deal with them considering you own doves..)
Conan: So what business do you have with me?
Ayumi: We Detective Boys are sending a challenge to Edogawa Conan-kun!
Conan: Ha?
Mitsuhiko: In other words, it's like this. We're going to send four codes for you to solve from here on out and have you find the treasure that's somewhere around this city.
Genta: The time limit is until 5 in the evening! So you have 2 hours!
Conan: Oi wait just a minu-
Ayumi: If you can solve all the codes and find the treasure until then, it's Conan-kun's win!!
Haibara: But if you can't find it, it's Edogawa-kun's loss.
Ayumi: Here! The first code is in this envelope!
Conan: No, like I sai-
Genta: *gibberish sounds* You can't open it yet until 5 minutes passed. You got that?
Mitsuhiko: Well then, let's hurry to our designated spots!
Genta/Ayumi: Yeahhh!!!
Conan: Oiiii you guys!!! *Detective Boys run away* It's not like I agreed to this and they ran away.. Haibara, what's the meaning of this?
Haibara: Who knows? Isn't it because you don't normally treat them nicely?
Conan: Huh?
Haibara: So, what are you going to do?
Conan: Even if you tell me what to d-
Haibara: A great detective will accept any challenge, wouldn't you agree?
Conan: What's with you? You've been quite snarky today.
Haibara: You think? Isn't that your imagination? Ah, 5 minutes passed.
Conan: *sigh* Fine! If you're going to go that far, then I'll participate. *rips envelope* Is this the cipher?
"A comedian hates octopus(お笑い芸人はタコが嫌い)"?
Haibara: If you go to the location this code indicates, you'll be able to get the next code.
Conan: An octopus huh? If we're talking places that have octopus, the first things that you would think of is a fish market, a sushi restaurant, or an octopus ball(takoyaki) stall.... Ha! As if!! It's not even worth trying to deduce! Such an easy riddle! Just to add onto this, it's not just comedians, exam students hate octopus too.
Haibara: Heh...
Conan: Something a comedian and exam student both hate is failing/falling (滑る(suberu)). In other words, the location this code is pointing at is a sliding (also すべる(suberu)) octopus. If you put it that way, there's only one place like that in this town.
Conan: So, why are you coming with me? Aren't you Genta and the others' side?
Haibara: I'm here as your observer.
Conan: Ha! With such easy riddles, I'm not going to stoop so low and cheat.
Haibara: Not that! I'm here to see if you're going run away in the middle of this challenge.
Conan: Run away? Yeah right! Look, we've arrived. It's here.
A sliding octopus means that, the octopus playground slide.
Random girl: Mister, hurry up and slide down already!
Mitsuhiko: Ah, I'm sorry. I'll slide right away. *slides down* As expected of Conan-kun, to think you arrived here already.
Conan: This is only park to have a octopus slide in this town after all.
Mitsuhiko: But! This is only the beginning! Here. This is the second code.
Conan: Oi, I'm telling you in advance. I'll be able to solve codes of this level in a heartbeat.
Mitsuhiko: Muhuhuhuhu. The next code is going to be even more difficult. Well then, I'll be waiting at the location of the treasure!
Conan: Good grief. So what's the next riddle?
"Economy at Siberia(エコノミーでシベリアへ)"?
Haibara: What's wrong? Weren't you going to solve it in a heartbeat?
Conan: Shaddap!
Haibara: Don't hold yourself back meitantei-san!~
Conan: *huff* Like I thought, Haibara seems to be in a bad mood. I don't know what happened, but spare me from your venting.
Travel agency saleswoman: A travel ticket to overseas is currently discounted in this campaign at the moment!
Conan: It seems Ayumi and the others aren't around. It seems a travel agency would be too straightforward as expected.
Haibara: A~rere~ It can't be that with economy and Siberia as keywords, you would think it's a travel agency right?
Conan: Hufufufufufu! I was only coincidentally passing by!
Haibara: You're right! A great detective like yourself wouldn't make such a childish deduction like that right?~
Conan: Hmph, shaddap with all the nitpicking. Just you wait! I'll solve it for you right now!! (*`□´)
Economy and Siberia, there should be a different meaning to them. First economy, other transliterations have meanings such as 「経済(keizai)」: economy/finance, 「節約(setsuyaku)」: economy/savings, 「景気(keiki)」: economic activity/marketing. Hm? Mm?? 「けいき(keiki)」? 「ケーキ(keiki)」:cake.. Siberia... Siberia cake.... I see! I figured it out! It's this way Haibara! Follow me!!
Haibara: Ah!
*opens door*
Pastry waitress: Welcome!
Haibara: Isn't this a pastry shop? Why?
Conan: Don't play dumb with me. Well whatever! I'll explain it to you right now.*in the cutest childish Conan voice* Excuse me, do you have Siberia cake? (◕∇◕)
Pastry waitress: Yes! It's right at the far end of that case!
Conan: Thank you!!~ (◕∇◕)
Hehe! This is it! A Siberia cake is sweet bean jelly sandwiched between the Castella cake. It was popular between the Taisho and Showa Era. But nowadays, you barely see it around anymore so this is the only shop in town where you can buy this fabled cake. I can't imagine Ayumi and the others to be aware of this so I bet Prof. suggested this.
Haibara: pachi pachi pachi (TN: it means clap but pachi sounds cute so I kept it)
(¬へ¬) Hmph. As expected. It was a perfect deduction, although it's very fustrating. Yoshida-san, you can come out now.
Ayumi: Okay.. Aww you found out. Here, this is the next code.
Conan: Sure, thank yo- Oi oi! We're still doing this?
Ayumi: Obviously!! This is our challenge after all!! (`エ´) Don't flake out until the very end! See you! *goes out the shop*
Conan-kun is amazing as expected! We might not be able to win even with Professor's and Ai-chan's help. Ah! *bumps*
Kaito: Oops! Are you okay? Are you hurt anywhere?
Ayumi: I'm okay! I'm sorry! *runs away*
Kaitou Kid: Now then, I guess it's about my time to shine.
Conan: Hah... what's next? *rips envelope*
The panda shop is a fruits parlor without fruits (パンダのお店はフルーツがないフルーツパーラー).
Haibara: This one is simple. You can just check all the fruits parlors in town.
Conan: You're one to talk. Judging from all the previous riddles, you can at least tell that it won't point towards the location the code writes word for word..
Hm? Word for word? I see!! It is supposed to be seen word for word!
Genta: *badge beeps* Is that Ayumi? Eehhh?!?!?! Conan already cleared it?! Are you for real?! An hour hasn't even passed yet!... Okay I got it! Wait for me at the final place! See you! *beeps* So does that mean Conan will be able to arrive here quickly then? Ooohhh!! Is that Conan?.. Hah, wrong person... AAHH!! OVER THERE IS-
Agasa: Genta-kun.
Genta: Yes?! You scared me.. What is it? It's just Prof. Don't scare me like that!
Agasa: Haha.. sorry about that.
Genta: Anyways why are you here? Aahh! Did you come here to play pachinko?
Agasa: Of course not! I came here to trade places with you.
Genta: Huh? Trade?
Agasa: That's right. When you think about it, it's not proper to have an elementary schooler constantly wait in front of a pachinko (gambling) parlor. We're talking about Conan-kun. He'll arrive here momentarily. Leave this place to me and you should head to final destination.
Genta: I see! That's smart Prof! Okay I got it! This is the riddle! *hands envelope* Then I leave this place to you Prof!
Agasa: Sure!
Kaitou Kid: Leave it to me.
Haibara: How did you figure out it was a pachinko parlor?
Conan: Hm? I just followed it literally. It's because it's a 'fruits parlor without fruits'. Without the fruits, you remove the fruits from fruits parlor and it just becomes parlor. And then, you can call a pachinko by its other name parlor. Oops! *ding dong* Excuse me! We're getting off!! (◕∇◕)
*getting off the stop*
Haibara: So then, what about the panda shop?
Conan: It's the name. The pandas in the zoo further down at moment is named Lily and Xinxin. Hey Haibara, read the pachinko's name on the signboard.
Haibara: Parlor Lily...
Conan: There you have it!
*enters parlor*
Agasa: I've been waiting for you Conan-kun. You have such good timing!
Conan: Professor! That paper bag...
Agasa: Well, since I was free, I wanted to kill some time. It kept on coming out one after another nonstop! (SN:じゃんじゃんバリバリ,(janjan baribari)( ̄∇ ̄*) Reminds me when Kaito disguised as Subaru in the New Years opening) It's a big fever dream!
Conan: 'Continuously nonstop' you say? Huh? *opens bag* it's all candies....
Haibara: Professor. What do you plan on doing with those candies? (・∀・#)
Agasa: What's this? Do you want it? Then take as much as you want! I can't eat it all by myself after all.
*realization hits*
Haibara: Is that so? You're going to eat it...
Conan: You're... not Agasa-hakase are you?
Agasa: Hm?
Conan: Haibara strictly monitors Professor's meals and nutrition. For you to talk about eating candy so casually in front of Haibara... The real professor would be trembling to his bones and would definitely never dare say something like that.
Haibara: Saying trembling was unnecessary.
Conan: I'm sorry...
Agasa: As expected of the great detective..
Kaitou Kid: Hmph, it seems you've figured it out!
Conan/Haibara: Kaitou Kid?! Σ(゚Д゚)
Kaitou Kid: Well then well then~ What I have produced here is a single red rose. There are no tricks or contraptions. One two three *poof* Wow how mysterious~♡ The red rose swapped places and became a challenge notice~
Conan: Wow how mysterious~ What do you mean by challenge notice?(¬へ¬)
Kaitou Kid: Nah~ I just happened to coincidentally witness a scene of some innocent little boys and girls that wanted to make Conan-kun speechless. It looked interesting so I decided to partake myself as a contestant. (SN: Sure Kaito.. I'm sure no listening devices were involved when you happened to hear them right? (;¬_¬))
Conan: What?! ( ゚皿゚)
Kaitou Kid: You'll naturally accept my challenge right oh great detective!? *throws a flash bomb*
Conan: So bright! Y-You bastard!! He disappeared...
Haibara: Kudou-kun, open the envelope!
Conan: S-Sure.. *rips open the envelope*
To my beloved great detective,
I will be appearing at one of the following jewelry stores at 5 in the evening today.
イ(i): Niaoka Jewelry
ウ(u): Jewel Yuki
エ(e): Crystal Gem
Now to figure out where I'll appear, try your hand at deciphering the next code.
Orion's children all know this. Four of the sons love taking a walk. Three of the sons gaze at the sky. Five of the sons are left-handed. (オリオンの子供たちは知っている。四つの息子は散布好き、三つの息子は空をみやげ五つの息子は左利き)
The end. I wish you the best of luck,
Kaitou Kid
Haibara: If it's 5pm, we have less than 30 minutes. For now, let's contact Inspector Nakamori and have the police guard all three stores.
Conan: S-Sure... *dials* *uses Shinichi's voice*
Shinichi: Hello is this Inspector Nakamori? This is the detective Kudo Shinichi. I've just received a challenge letter from Kaitou Kid.
Haibara: It means we won't be answering to Kid's challenge but it can't be helped... This isn't a game after all.
Shinichi: Yes. The place where Kid will appear? That is... I will definitely figure it out within 30 minutes. So can you please stay on standby until then?
Haibara: Kudo-kun?!
Conan: Heh.. Haibara. You told me this right? A great detective will accept any challenge.
Haibara: Hmph. You idiot.
Conan: Now that that's settled, the Detective Boy's treasure hunt will have to be put on hold. We don't have time.
Orion's children all know this. Four of the sons love taking a walk. Three of the sons gaze at the sky. Five of the sons are left-handed.
Haibara: Show me the first page.
To my beloved great detective,
I will be appearing at one of the following jewelry store at 5 in the evening today.
イ(i): Niaoka Jewelry
ウ(u): Jewel Yuki
エ(e): Crystal Gem
Isn't this a little strange?
Conan: Hm?
Haibara: Normally, the order of the katakana is generally either ア(a)イ(i)ウ(u) or イ(i)ロ(ro)ハ(ha).
Conan: Right...
Haibara: But what's written here is イ(i)ウ(u)エ(e). Why didn't he start from ア(a)?
Conan: Hm.. there must be a reason behind that. But, let's decipher the code first.
Haibara: Then let's start from Orion's children. What is the meaning behind it?
Conan: Hmmmm... Kid is aware of Ayumi and the others challenging me with riddles. If he took advantage of that opportunity, then this code is like theirs. There's no doubt it's guiding us to a specific location.
Haibara: And that's where we'll get the hint about the jewelry store.
Conan: Yeah.. now that you mention it, if I remember correctly, back then there was a movie theater called Orion Seat right? But it's already been demolished and became a plot of land.
Haibara: If we consider any other areas with the term Orion, myth「神話(shinwa)」, Beltegese 「ベテルギウス」, Orion's belt「三星(mitsuboshi)」: Three Stars).. Hm? Ah! Mitsubo shop!
Conan: That's it!
Haibara: Then what about the children part?
Conan: I'm not sure. But let's go there first. We might be able to figure something out when we're there.
Haibara: You're right. Okay.
Conan: Mitsubo shop. There should be a clue to which jewelry store Kid is aiming at inside this shop.
Haibara: The Detective Red Jacket will come out again soon. Please look-... Look....Look.........
Conan: Hey Haibara- SCARY!!! W-What's wrong Haibara? You have such a scary look on your face. Σ(Д゚;/)/
Haibara: I-It's nothing.
Conan: Hm? An automatic eclipse machine...(SN: it was really difficult to hear so I'm not entirely sure if this is accurate. Please correct me if I'm wrong.)
Haibara: Orion's... children!
Conan: Let's go check it out!
Haibara: If that's the case then the next line is
Four of the sons love taking a walk. Three of the sons gaze at the sky. Five of the sons are left-handed.
But is it referring to three siblings?
Conan: Oh about that, don't you think it's strange then? If they were siblings, then isn't it more natural to refer them as 5th, 4th, and 3rd and follow them by age? (TN: the way 五つ(itsutsu), 四つ(yotsu), 三つ(mitsu) is used is either by numeric counters (ex:I would like 3 of these please) or comparing ages(ex: He's older than me by 3 years))
Haibara: You have a point. It's quite strange to order it by fourth, third, and fifth.
Conan: Which means those numbers doesn't mean age. It's referring to the amount. Let's first find stuff that comes in four.
Haibara: Things that come in four? *bumps into child* Ah!
Random lady: Ah! I'm sorry. Are you hurt anywhere?
Haibara: I'm okay.
Random lady: Jeez! Cut it out already! I told you it's dangerous to run around the bookcases already!!
Haibara: Bookcases? Look Kudo-kun! There's four bookcases!
Conan: There's.. four! Then what's the three referring to? There should be some type of rule that contains three. And that hint is most likely within 'taking a walk', 'sky', 'left-handed'. I see! I figured it out! 'Love taking a walk' means to walk! It's four so that means you have to walk to the fourth shelf!
Haibara: Then what does 'Three of the sons gaze at the sky' mean?
Conan: It's 'gaze' so you count from the bottom. It's three so it's the third row!
Haibara: The third row is... the children's literature!
Conan: 'Five of the sons are left-handed.' So counting from the left is the 5th book!
Haibara: One.. two.. three.. four five. *picks out the book* This? This book is.. Sans Famille 「家なき子(ie nakiko)」!
Conan: Sans Famille「家なき子(ie nakiko)」?... I see! So that's what it means! *realization* I figured it out which jewelry store Kid is aiming for!
Conan: The store Kid is aiming for is Jewel Yuki!
Haibara: There's only 7 minutes until 5pm! I'll notify Inspector Nakamori!
Conan: Sure! I'll go ahead and head towards the store!
Conan: I won't make it if I just run! Guess I'll go retrieve my skateboard then! *opens door* I'm home Ran-neechan!! Ran-neechan, I'm leaving! *door closes* TURBO ENGINE FULL POWER!!!! 🎵
Just you wait Kaitou Kid!!!
Conan: Where are you?! Show yourself Kid!!
Kaitou Kid: As expected of the great detective. Impressive that you figured out it was this place.
Conan: It took quite some time to arrive at finding Sans Famille「家なき子(ie nakiko)」 but everything fell into place after that. The biggest indication was the three options. Instead of using ア(a), イ(i), ウ(u) nor イ(i), ロ(ro), ハ(ha), you opted for イ(i), ウ(u), エ(e). (SN: I'll be utilizing the Japanese translation of the book title rather than the original because it would only make sense with this cipher)
「家なき子(ie nakiko)」. There is no イ(i)エ(e) 「いえがない(ie ga nai)」. In other words, you remove the イ(i) and エ(e). Therefore the answer is ウ(u)'s Jewel Yuki. (TN: To further explain this, the hiragana for 家 is いえ(ie). なき(naki) can mean lacking or non-existing so Kid used this word play of removing the いえ(ie) literally with his options)
Kaitou Kid: Right on the mark! Hehe, maybe it was a little too simple. (SN: For a guy who was planning alongside the rest by himself, I'm pretty sure Conan appreciates your 'easy' riddles more than what the Detective Boys and Agasa planned together. Also there's a transition to Kaito in voice here but I'll be using Kid because that's how Conan perceives him.)
Oh? They're as punctual as always. Guess I'll take my leave for today. Besides, I already got my hands on today's loot. *poof*
Conan: Eh? Is that.. Detective Red Jacket special edition? You're going to stoop so low to steal something like that?! (#゚Д゚)ノ
Kaitou Kid: *splurts in offended* So rude!!! Of course not!!!! Σ(`Д´#)
Conan: Hah?
Kaitou Kid: I bought it with my own money obviously! (SN: as a 'law-abiding' citizen *coughcough*)
Conan: BOUGHT IT?!?!?!?!?!?!??!!?!!! YOU?!?!?!?! Σ(○ロ○¬)
Kaitou Kid: Yeah...
Conan: A PHANTOM THIEF?!?!?!!?!?
Kaitou Kid: Nngh..
Kaitou Kid: *speechless as he tries to regain his poker face* ...Doesn't matter. You wouldn't mind if a phantom thief came to like detectives, would you? (σゝω・)σ (SN:(¬_¬;)........)
Conan: Eh? (゚ロ゚) (*Conan's turn to be speechless*)
Kaitou Kid: SEE YOU!! *escapes*
Officer #1: Kid is running away!!
Officer #2: After him!! We're definitely going to catch him!!!!
*police sirens blaring*
Conan: Huh.... Ah? Another envelope. The seal is open. *opens envelope* It's Ayumi and the others' fourth riddle. Hmmm? Kid's message seems to be included in this. 'I deciphered it for you as a bonus. The answer is the bathhouse.' Barou, it's already past the time limit.
Haibara: He's arrived.
Genta: Ooohhh!! He's here he's here!!
Ayumi: Conan-kun!!!
Conan: Yo!
Mitsuhiko: As expected of Conan-kun to be able to solve all the codes. BUT UNFORTUNATELY-
Detective Boys: TIME'S UP!!!!!
Conan: I know...
Ayumo: Then you'll obediently admit defeat right?
Conan: Yeah...
Ayumi: Hmmm? I can't hear you~
Conan: It's my loss.
Detective Boys: Huh?
Conan: Like I said, it's my loss.
Genta: What did you say?
Mitsuhiko: We couldn't hear you.
Genta: Yeah not at all.
Conan: *sigh* It is my loss!
Detective Boys: YESSS!!! o(^o^)o
Ayumi: We made Conan-kun admit it!!
Mitsuhiko: We did it!!!
Genta: Now that we're here, let's all take a dip here!
Mitsuhiko: That's a great idea!
Ayumi: Ayumi loves the bathhouse!
Haibara: Good work Kudo-kun.
Conan: Haha shddap....
Genta: What are you doing Conan?!
Ayumi: Ai-chan hurry up!!
Haibara: I'll be there.
Conan: I mean, not only was I forced to run around the whole town, the true identity of the treasure is just a bathhouse called Yuu Treasure. (SN:unless I see the kanji for yuu, I'm unable to translate it) That's it?! That's all my hard work amounted to?! It's probably one of Agasa-hakase's ideas again.. Jeez he has no taste, not even a shred of it!
Haibara: This place.. was actually my idea though. (#゚∇゚)
Conan: Ehh? ((゚□゚;))
Genta: Aahhh that hits the spot. It feels so good.
Mitsuhiko: Yeah...Bathhouses are really nice once in a while.
Genta: Right? Oh yeah Conan. Since you lost, wash my back later.
Conan: Don't joke with me. I never signed up for that.
Kaitou Kid: Stop being a sore loser.
Conan: Aahhhh!! Where the hell did you come from?! Σ(°Д゚/)/
Kaitou Kid: I suggest you should gracefully *wash face* do what they tell you.
Genta/Mitsuhiko: Kaitou Kid?!?!?!?!
Conan: *speaking underwater* Why the hell are you here?
Kaitou Kid: Hehehe... Magicians are elusive. *sirens blaring in the background* Nah~ The policemen were so persistent you know?
Conan: You know... if you're taking a bath, you should at the very least remove your silk hat.
(SN: What the honest... what the hell are you doing taking a bath with your hat (and possibly your monocle) Kaito? Did you even remove your costume? (¬_¬;) Bruh Kid, you're sullying your dad's outfit)
Genta: You need to put more strength in it Conan!
Conan: Sure SURE!
Genta: As gratitude for us everyday.
Conan: For who?
Genta: Don't say everyone.
Conan: *huff*
Genta: Oh yeah Conan. Haibara was mad at you all day right?
Conan: Yeah... What was that? Did I do something?
Genta: ?!
Mitsuhiko: Conan-kun you didn't realize?
Conan: Heh? 'Didn't realize'... so I did do something?
Mitsuhiko: Aahh... Conan-kun really doesn't understand a woman's heart.
Genta: Right?
Mitsuhiko: You ready? Haibara-san is actually Sannomiya Kazunori's closet fan. But despite that, you decided to badmouth him in front of her!
Conan: Eeeeehhhhh?!?!?!?!? Haibara is Sannomiya Kazunori's fa-
Mitsuhiko: Ssshhhhh!!! Your voice is too loud!!!
Conan: Pah! If I remember correctly, Sannomiya Kazunori is one of the members in the Fubuki Idol group right? That Haibara?! There's no way she's a fan of such a popular idol!!! Haha!! Ahahhaha! That's a lie!! Ahahaha!
(SN: Conan is willing to dig his grave super early apparently ((( ;゚Д゚))) )
(In the girl's bath)
Haibara: ( º言º╬╬)
Ayumi: Ai-chan? Where are you going with your bath towel wrapped around you? E-Eeehhh? That's the boy's bath- Hiiiieeeeee!!! Ai-chan's face.. is so scary!! ((( ;゚Д゚)))
(In the boy's bath)
Conan: Kyahahaha! Because this is Haibara we're talking about! You know, Haibara! For Haibara to be an idol fan, that's impossible. No way that's happening!
Genta: Hey stop that!
Conan: Huh? Why? There's no way she's an (idol) enthusiast after all.
Mitsuhiko: Idiot!
Conan: Huh?
Mitsuhiko: Conan-kun!
Conan: What is it?
Mitsuhiko: Behind behind behind behind behind behind-
Conan: Cow? Moo moo~ (TN: Mitsuhiko is stuttering the word 後ろ(ushiro):behind and Conan stupidly mistakes it as 牛(ushi):cow.
ε-(ーдー) And I thought Kaito was the insensitive one.)
Mitsuhiko: Behin-behind you.
Conan: Behind me? What's behind m- Uop-!!!
Haibara: (╬ಠิ益ಠิ) Sorry about being an ENTHUSIAST!! *SLAPS*
Conan: Ooowww!!
Kaitou Kid: Heh. The tongue is the root of calamities, great detective. (TN: A proverb meaning the more you speak, the more you'll put your foot in your mouth.
Wise words you should follow as well, our fellow magician (¬_¬;))
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redheadloverr · 1 year
High school AU
gn!reader x xiao
contents; strangers to friends to lovers, age gap, mentions of bullying.
a bit late but in honor of xiao’s bday here this is :)
You were never a quiet kid but you also weren’t the loudest in the class. you were a good neutral, talked when you needed to, didn’t speak if it wasn’t necessary. it was very unusual for you to seek people out or even have an interest in anyone. People noticed you gazing at the upperclassman Xiao, they thought you were going insane or something. of all upperclassmen, you chose Xiao. Xiao was known around campus as the grumpy emo loner, to think you of all students would have a crush on him. now that, that’s a bizarre pair. You didn’t mind, however. if anything, it was comforting. he was like you, the younger you that you’ve been able to hide so well. you wanted to get to know him more, get to know his story more. you guys only had a class together and it was almost impossible to figure out where he hides out during lunch. but you were determined to figure out who he really is, figure out if you two can be friends.
You went to all the basic loner hideouts, library, favorite teacher classroom, outside corners that only a couple students know of, the bleachers, everywhere. you even thought about going to the bathroom to look for him, thankfully the bell rang before you could actually work the courage to walk into the bathroom. Your next class was the only class you had with Xiao, so it was almost perfect timing. it was band, the weirdest yet most comforting class for a loner. Middle school you would be ecstatic to be in band but now, even though you enjoy it, it’s not giving you a good look. You were thankful you had it though, it’s bringing you closer to xiao. Thankfully, you two were in the same section. he still didnt talk much even in band which was odd to you but it still oddly made sense to you. Since Xiao is an upperclassmen, you decided you would try to ask him for some help as a way to get him to talk to you. From there you’d try your best to bring up other topics you think he knew about or that others have spread rumors about him liking.
“Hi, sorry to bother you but i have a question over this note and how to play it correctly, do you think you can help me?” You felt dumb for the way you phrased you’re question but it got Xiao’s attention. He didn’t give you a reply back though, he simply nodded and walked to your instrument with you. He looked over your music sheet and finally spoke. “Ah, we have the same note here. Its played like this” he says before going to his own instrument to show you how its done. You knew how to play the note already but hearing him talk finally and seeing him play his instrument was like a hidden secret in a game you didn't know was there. You're so glad you’re able to see this, see him, hear his voice after you’ve had such a crush on him for a long time. “How about you try it now? Hearing you play it might help me estimate how to help you.” His words took you out of your trance, it gave you an idea though. If you played well enough maybe he’d have his eye on you, So you did just that, you played to the best of your ability in hopes that he’d be surprised by you or maybe decide you need more work and take you under his wing. “That was good, still needs some work but for a first year it isn't bad. I think the other upperclassmen in our section have other students their teaching so i guess you’ll be stuck with me for a bit. I hope you don’t mind that.” “OF COURSE NOT!” you said it so instantly you had to slap your mouth shut. You thought Xiao would think of you as a weirdo, or a moron, but he laughed. He actually, genuinely, laughed. You made him laugh. You couldn't believe it, you may even be the first to hear his laugh. “You’re a strange one, I'm not one to speak to others at school but maybe you're be an exception.” Before you could even reply to him, the bell rings and he leaves you to pack his stuff. “W-wait, Xiao” you rush to him hoping for even a sliver of his attention. he doesn't respond but he turns to you as he continues packing, “So do you want to meet up after school or how exactly are you going to help me with the music?” he again doesn't say anything but he looks at you then pulls out a pen and paper from his backpack. “Here, my number. I’ll text you when I'm free, just make sure to text me first so I can save your number.” The bell rings, a warning that you have another two minutes to run to your class. “You should probably get running, wouldn't want to be the reason you're late to class haha. Good luck freshy, see you next class.” He waves to you as he walks out of the band room and off campus. God your crush for him just grew ten times. You had two other classes to get to and then you could send him a text. You couldn’t stop thinking about your interaction with him for the rest of the school day however. You couldn’t wait to get out of classes and text him.
After school, you ran to meet up with your best friend and tell her all about what happened. “GANYU! GANYU! YOU’LL NEVER GUESS WHAT HAPPEEND” you came up to her panting as she looked at you worried. “What happened Y/N? Why are you running? Calm down before you speak” Ganyu was a year older than you but you two have been friends since middle school, she was the only person who would talk to you when everyone else would pick on you for being the class loner. She’s the sweetest person you know and better yet she knows Xiao. Apparently, her and Xiao kinda grew up together and she speaks very highly of him, though they’ve grown apart, they both look after each other. “I TALKED TO XIAO. HE GAVE ME HIS NUMBER, HE TOLD ME TO TEXT HIM. C’MON GANYU WE GOTTA GO I GOTTA TEXT HIM” before she could even reply you grabbed her hand and started dragging her along with you. You’re home wasn’t far from the school so you two arrived there pretty quickly. You two quickly ran to your room closing the door behind you. “What do i say to him? do i just say hi this is Y/N from band let me know when you’re free so we can practice? is that too lengthy?” “Wait, he’s helping you with band practice?” Ganyu stares at you. “Yeah, he said he’d text me when he’s free but since he doesn’t have my number i should send him a text first.” you explain to ganyu. “I see, hmm maybe just say ‘hey it’s Y/N just texting you so you know who it is’ and maybe put a smiley face or something” she nudges you. “Stop it Ganyu you know i can’t do that, but maybe i’ll send it without the smiley face haha.” and you do just that, you send a text saying ‘Hello this is Y/N, text me when you’re free for our band practices, thank you.’ and show ganyu the text “Here let me see it real quick Y/N” you hand ganyu the phone and instantly regret it. She sent the smiley face… she sent the dang smiley face. it was over. she sent it, there was no going back. to your surprise, he responded almost instantly. since the two of you were playing games, Ganyu saw he texted you. “Uh Y/N, Xiao texted back.” you look at her. “He what?” You quickly rush to your phone almost dropping it out of your hands. you read it out loud for ganyu. “Hey, i might be free tomorrow after school if you want to practice. let me know.” “GANYU, WHAT DO I SAY” ganyu quickly places her hand on your shoulder. “Calm down, just say you’re free and set up a time with him.” You do as ganyu suggest and you both agree on meeting up at 5pm. Ganyu leaves shortly after and you’re left alone to think of what just happened. you had managed to not only talk to your crush but also text your crush and plan a practice with him. you were so excited for tomorrow.
You could barely sleep last night but you managed to get a bit of shut eye, you walked halfway to school to meet up to ganyu. though ganyu was waiting for you, so was xiao. “Hey, Y/N! sorry for such short notice but Xiao’s joining us on our walk today. he woke up a bit later than usual and i caught him just in time.” she winked at you. “I see, hi xiao, i’m glad you’ll be joining us haha..” you were a bit awkward but you managed to keep your cool. “hey, sorry to intrude on your walk haha” “no worries!” you quickly say to him. “okay cmon guys let’s go!” ganyu says dragging both of you with her. Ganyu was so energetic it almost hurt, you could see xiao smile a bit out of the corner of your eyes. it made you really happy seeing him smile. The three of you made casual convo on your way to school, ganyu and you did most of the talking but ganyu brought up a lot of childhood memories she had with xiao. she even brought up how she was struggling to hang out with both of you during middle school. you two laughed and joked and you could see xiao getting a little laugh out of your conversations as well. sadly, you guys were at the school gate within minutes. “Well, my classes are this way so i’ll catch you guys later” Ganyu says and quickly rushes to her class. “Which way are you going?” Xiao asks. “This way, i have english first class.” “I’ll walk you there.” Xiao says almost instantly and begins to walk ahead of you. You were a little stunned by his response, Xiao. a upperclassmen. walking you. “Wait, Xiao” you say almost regretting what you’re about to say. he stops and looks back at you with a confused face. “Maybe we shouldn’t walk together, not that i don’t want to! i really would but wouldn’t it look weird for an uperclassmen to walk an underclassmen to their class? especially if they aren’t like… dating or something like that?” you gulp, hoping he’ll confess to you or something but knowing he wouldn’t. “I don’t mind, i’m just walking a friend to class, nothing wrong with it. as long as you don’t mind, i just want to make sure you get there safely.” you feel a little disappointed after hearing that but you just agree for him to walk you. After you make it to your class, Xiao sticks around and talks to you until the bell rings. you two actually spoke a lot and found out you two had a lot of similar interests. you walked into class after he left feeling happy. you still had after school practice with him too. for the next week you repeated this cycle, you walked to school regularly with xiao and ganyu. xiao contributed more to the conversations, you two hung out alone more outside of practice, you two even went out with ganyu to lunch after school. everything was great, you were happy to have xiao as a friend even if that was all you two could ever be.
Time passed and your feelings for him developed even more. you were starting to wonder if you could really go on just being his friend. you asked ganyu about it, asked if you should confess or just keep it in. of course, ganyu said you should confess, she said xiao even looked interested in you. so you went for it. you asked xiao to meet you after school saying ganyu would be there but ganyu wasn’t. you two met outside your favorite after school dinner, you waited there anxiously until you saw xiao come up. “Hey, Y/N. is ganyu still on the way?” “Hey xiao. uhm i actually have something to tell you. can we talk over there?” you pointed at a nearby parks swing set. he nods and you two walk there. “So, what did you want to talk about?” Xiao asks as soon as you two get on the swings. he started swinging a little so it seemed like he was extremely uninterested. “Xiao. i like you. I’ve liked you for a while now. I asked for help and after school practice just to get closer to you. I thought it would be fine to just be friends with you but i can’t. i’m sorry, i know you might not see me that way but-“ he cut you off. “Y/N. i like you too. i’ve also liked you for a bit, maybe not as long as you’ve liked me but still. i’ve liked you even before you came up to me, i just never had the courage to talk to you. I like you a lot, Y/N. you beat me to confessing. I was planning on confessing to you tomorrow after school but here we are.” you blush and giggle at him, “really? you were going to confess tomorrow?” “Yeah, me and ganyu were talking about it and had a couple things planned haha. I was going to ask you to be my significant other.” you gasped a little under your breathe. “So, will you be my s/o, Y/N?” he asks. “Yes, a thousand times yes!!” he chuckles and gets up to hug you. you two spend a bit more time talking at the park before he starts walking you home. it was dark already so he didn’t want to let you go alone. “I should probably let you go now, i’ll see you tomorrow before school,okay?” you nod as xiao let’s go of your hand. “I’ll text you when i get home, bye, Y/N” you say bye and wave xiao off, quickly going inside and texting ganyu about everything that happens. once xiao gets home, he texts you and you two go back and fourth before he asks if you two could call. he ends up falling asleep on call and you end up hanging up so his phone doesn’t blow up haha. you had a blast today, and you couldn’t wait to see him again tomorrow.
The next few weeks seemed like heaven, Xiao was the sweetest boyfriend ever. he was very caring and generous, he worried for your safety, health, comfort and so much more. nothing much changed around ganyu though, you two weren’t too couple like around her, you two just remained being her best friend. it was nice, it was really nice to see Xiao lighten up a little. of course, people judged you two a bit, and asked why you would even like someone like xiao but you didn’t care. you were the happiest with xiao and ganyu’s undivided support was amazing. you enjoyed being with xiao and not having to choose between your best friend and boyfriend.
A/N i know this is a bit lengthy i’m sorry about that, this is kind of all over the place as well, i’ve had writers block for so long as well as school and what not consuming all my time but i hope you enjoyed this! also xiao is meant to be a junior, ganyu a sophomore, and reader a freshman!
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unknwnxquantity · 18 days
I love when the Hispanic ladies at my one job be like “Buenos Dias chica!” Like yes!! I am a chica!! Or a “hi mami”. And I’ll be like Buenos diassss como Estas and they’re like bien y tu and I’m like bien gracias! I used to only say “good morning” but I told them I wanna learn Spanish! I’m trying more now than I did before. But I don’t wanna look silly so sometimes I’ll revert to “good morning” but I try to make the effort to say something in Spanish. I want to be connected more to my roots goddamn it! They’re so cute tho. They’re very clique-ish (there’s some that are grumpy and mean so I don’t say anything to them. I’ve tried!! They’re just standoffish), and they all love to eat together whenever they can, they hug and kiss each other on the cheek sometimes when they greet each other. They hold the other persons arm or have them close to them almost lovingly sometimes too when they’re greeting. It’s cute to witness. There’s this one Hispanic woman at the one job in particular who I’d used google translate with to talk to since we worked in the same area together, as she’s learning English and I’m trying to learn how to say Spanish phrases and understand. She really appreciated that I’d talk with her and try to include her in conversations. We all do, but the other yt ppl just only speak English at her, try to show they’re joking to include her, while I tried more to get to know her and ask questions about her life. She felt safe with me. She came from Educador? Honduras? Fuck I’m sorry😭 six months back. Her dad passed when they got to the US. So she’s been on her own. I remember her first day, we didn’t know where to put her, and one of the Hispanic lady’s was being a jerk (the jerk in question actually looks like my grandma in the face a little, it’s weird… she was standoffish with me too but now she’s warmed up to me) and translating to her we didn’t want her with us on the truck. She started crying :(( we all felt bad. The other coordinator who’s older than me started crying too bc she felt bad for making Maria feel bad. But she knows now we love her in the back and she’s amazing to work with. She would tell me every now and then when we’d have our google translate convos, that I have a beautiful heart and soul. I’d tell her I think the same of her and I’m glad I met her. Now she works later shifts bc of her other jobs she had to pick up, so I haven’t seen her in a couple weeks :(( miss her. At first most of the Hispanic ladies were cold toward me when I first started working. A lot of people were cold actually and most are middle aged it’s kinda weird. I guess it’s just the times we live in now. But also they were probably like “what is that thing, what do we call it😭😭 she’s a girl, but she’s strong like a guy” since I work in the back and carry stuff. I carry myself more masculine. People never know if I’m a guy or a girl sometimes, it’s pretty funny. Adds to the mystery. I’m androgynous looking and I like it that way, but at the end of the day, I am just a little girl in this big scary world.
I get called bro boss man sir brother… you name it I’ve been called it. Especially when I worked in the city. At times I just sigh and walk away, or say nothing. It messed with my mental health for a while. Even tho I wanted to be a guy when I was younger, and now that I am comfortable being a girl, but bc I look like this masculine woman, I’ll always get confused ppl here and there. I hate going into public bathrooms especially when I’m alone. But then I just walk a little more feminine 🤣 Especially when I have a mask on. I’ll just take it off. Omg a few weeks ago a Hispanic security guard man unironically called me papi at the dmv (I didn’t have a mask on). That was a canon event for me😭😭 I was like …. So I look like a papi huh 👁️🫦👁️
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mariasabanahabanabana · 6 months
FUN FACT OF THE DAY ABT T.S: did you, Raza, guys, my people, know that Taylor Swift is an actual superhero? Cause she saved me
Or well, at least for me is...
For some time now I've been a fan of Taylor Swift or as I usually name her "la wera" (the Blondy) and over the years, because yes, I have been in the fandom for more than a year, I have heard on several occasions the phrase "actually, T.S has a song that explains it", but, (at least me) not so much the phrase "in fact Taylor Swift saved me", so... On this beautiful rainy winter dawn i come to tell you how "Reputation" saved my life...
And yeah, I'm sharing this now cause of the upcoming recording of Reputation and before someone comes to tell me "but how do you know?" Mijin (nickname that we also use in Mexico to refer to Taylor or Swifitie), It's a matter of dates, start doing the math... And probably when the album comes out I'll go into some kind of regression and feel a little unwell...
And well you prob will say: "Why should I care?" (I'm kinda defensive today, r?) And yeash, but this is my blog and if I want to publish a photo of a sausage or my story of surviving my blue period, I'm gonna do it, period. (Sorry for the rudeness, I swear I'm not like that most of the time. [guess so])
Anyway, as Bad Bunny would say, storytime my people.... Or something like that, I'm not a big fan of him....
Well you see, at the same time that Tay was being attacked by the media, fans and basically the "whole world", su servidora (me) wasn't having the best time either, I was in "secundaria", which in USA and Canada is highschool (or to be more specific, 7th-8th grade), so if hormones weren't enough of a problem, add massive hatred, Unrequited crush, two sexual assaults, bulliyng, a fight, a nearly broken ankle, cyber bullying and, as icing on the cake, multiple visits to mental hospitals for various mental and eating disorders 😀👍
Since it was a super dense year (in the bad sense of the word) I'll just give a quick context, but I think the above already makes the point.
Haters gonna hate¿?: private school + people from "high" economic strata + hegemonic white people + (I know this is going to sound like an exaggeration, but I swear it's true) ONLY NON-HEGEMONIC BRUNOWN GIRL= years of bullying - racist attacks - consecutive xenophobes.
And Yep, I'm now aware that I'd have defended myself by hitting, insulting or Go with a professor, but first and foremost, as I said, I was the only girl of colour in my class and one of the few in the school. (was mixed / coeducational, but before that it was male, so it was the most predominant gender), Therefore, hitting or verbally attacking others WAS NOT, NOR IS NOR WILL IT continue to be an option, Secondly, teachers in Mexico suck, not all of them, but most of them, and the ones I had to deal with were, and I went to a Private school, third and last, I was never taught to defend myself, because they (mom, granma, church and the Bible) said that attacking your neighbour (or whoever) was a sin and at that time religion had "some importance in my life", in fact I still find it difficult to defend myself....
Unrequited crush: In short, my crush fell in love with my friend, who knew about my feelings towards him, so with the massive hatred that I already carried, I was considered the "slut" from school, at the age of 14 💀💀💀
Sex assault: The first one was a bet that a WHITE girl made with her friend, it happened in the middle of English class and again I didn't do anything and apparently "nobody noticed" and if they did I don't think they wanted to get involved in a problem with the school - class slut
And the second was when I went to get my physics homework checked, Let's just say that wearing pants doesn't exempt you from being handled like fruit in a market. (It's my trauma, it's my story and I will make whatever jokes I want and Decide)
Bullying: I wasn't pretty, my Reputation was on the floor, they bothered me about my crush, I had some kind of accent, Not much to say about it.
Fight: To date this has been the PENDEJA (DUMB) reason to start a fight... A (ex) friend invited me to the Justin Bieber concert (you can see how old I am and this story is), but within an hour she canceled me for going with another friend (a friend who also bullied me [cancellation that I later found out was due to my bad image and the rumors that circulated about me]), then I don't know how or why but a friend that they both had in common detested me, so with the thing of the concert and my annoyance that my (ex) friend was going out with one of the many girls who bullied me, a group of girls told me that they would "make up" with me on the way out, and that was that.... They took me to the football field (the school was - it's enormous) that was at the other end of the exits and they gave me the beating of my life...
At this point you may be wondering, "but what abt your mom? what's wrong? Didn't she notice the bruises or what?" Look, An advantage - disadvantage of my skin colour is that bruises are hardly visible, so the bumps weren't visible, besides, my mother works, my grandma was her and her only function with me was to pick me up from school, feed me, "take care of me" and see that I did my homework... And my uncle - dad, well.... 🍺🍺🍺
Almost broken ankle: have you ever watched in those typical American series (e.g. Chicken Little) where everyone play dodgeball and end up throwing all the balls at one person, well, I'm the one. So in a game one of the "mean girls" (I'll call it that to shorten the term) threw a ball at my ankle when I was running and well, in those days I used to be prone to tripping.
(oigan nmmn que pinche experiencia tan qlra, ya hasta ando llorando por recordar esto, JAJAJAJAJAJA)
Cyber ​​bullying: bullying, just like the blue sea and sky, is infinite... What I am trying to say is, that high school - puberty should not exist, as well as the access (permission) to social networks, at least during those years...
Hospital visits: okay and now what was arguably one of the hardest knocks I've ever had to go through.... Look guys, my grandma isn't the typical sweet and loving grandmother, I'd say (in my experience) that she's a mix of Ida (Malcolm in the Middle's grandmother) and Grandma from Encantó... However, OF ALL THE ADULTS, SHE WAS THE ONLY ONE WHO REALIZED THAT SOMETHING WAS WRONG WITH ME, cause there came a point where I only slept, I didn't even take off my uniform or do my homework and if I did, I slept the rest of the time until night, the time when my most catholic side came out, because night after night I asked, not PRAY, IMPLORE God (if there's one or exists) to take me, because I couldn't go on, I didn't want to go on, I only wanted to fall asleep and never wake up... What a merciful being he is...
One night I couldn't sleep, apart from the anxiety I had I was also dealing with tooth decay, so, being the brightest person in the county, I took almost a whole box of ibuprofen 500mg and naaaaambre, Until that point I had not felt my heart beat so fast... Not even when I was in love, I went to the nursery, they checked me and well... There, everything was revealed, my cuts, my record of constant visits (as I was just looking for an excuse to leave early) and that I was clearly suffering from an overdose. After that morning I can't remember much of what happened in the next few hours - days....
The case, I ended up hospitalized for a month, When I returned to school I was known as "Hanna Baker", that's right, the one from the series, at this point I only hung out ( eat in the Playtime ) with 3 friends... As for my "multiple hospital visits", I asked my mum to do what she could to let me out to finish the year, as there was NO FU C K I N G WAY I was gonna repeat that grade.... So they (doctor's) "agreed", signing a responsive letter and that, plus two weeks before graduation I went back, returned to school and was again interned....
Now, que porongas (what the heck) does Taylor Swift have to do with all this?? Well you see, I had heard her music before, but I wasn't the graaan fan, but between my interventions and constant outings I heard her music, specifically Rep, cause it was the year she came back and I didn't really know who she was or what she was going through, but hearing the album made me feel connected to her, her lyrics, situation and feelings (once I translated them of course). Later I looked into what was going on with their massive cancellation and well, in that moment of loneliness I felt what I needed, to know that someone understood what I was "going through".
So, if it weren't for Rep, especially my holy, Give me strength in my worst moments, Trinity, "LWYMMD, I did something bad and Don't Blame me", I probably wouldn't be here, telling this or maybe I'd, but I'll still be stuck in that hole of depression.
So in a few possible days - months not only will Reputation be released, but it will also celebrate another year of life... yeah, my "me" from before, of course Was dying slowly and cruelly (literally) in that year, 2017, but one way or another she (I) managed to come back to life.
I might be 20, In legal terms, but, I died and came back to life and currently have been 6 years without being thaaaat bad, absolutely I still take my meds, go (try) to therapy, and have been hospitalized, but (for only god knows What occasion number) no blue period compares and I hope it never compares to what I go through....
And for that strength, courage and support that @taylorswift gave me, thank you so very , very, very, much... I don't think I'll ever be able to thank you for this... This second chance and reinvention
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friendshipstates · 2 years
(Gentaro on: Past and Current Riders)
Ichigo, Nigo, V3: “There’s a reason these guys are treated like everyone’s grandpas. If you get a chance to spend time with them, do it!”
Riderman: “Man goes around in combat with his lower face uncovered like that, you know he’s not afraid of anything.” X: “Any man that can fight against a group that calls themselves G.O.D. is all right in my book.” Amazon: “Brutally efficient, but also a really good friend. Of course, I’m talking about the original Amazon and not the new Amazons. Those guys’ timeline is locked away for a reason.” Stronger: “ He’s got that catchphrase that can’t be beat. I’ve learned to ask him to discharge his electricity before shaking his hand. Once is enough to learn that lesson. Skyrider: “Only had a few run-ins with him at those big superhero taisen events. Seems cool though.”
Super-1: “He’s an astronaut. What’s not to love?” Black/Black RX: “If his instincts are pointing out that this might be a certain villain’s plot, he’s almost always on the money.” Kuuga: “Godai is awesome. Anyone who can learn that many skills, and keep a positive outlook in the face of monstrous serial killers is worthy of praise.” Agito: “Dude punched god, though not the same one in Pikarigaoka...I don’t think. He also cooks fantastic food.” Ryuki: “Somebody let that poor man sleep. I’ve met his counterpart, Dragon Knight. At least he can choose to keep fighting.” Faiz: “I love hanging out with Takumi, but I can’t imagine what it must be like to have such a malicious evolution.” Blade: “Outside those Taisen’s, I’ve never really met Kenzaki.” Hibiki: “I’ve never run into a man who embodies the phrase ‘Aging Gracefully’ like him.” Kabuto: “I have heard every single one of his expressions. But you know what? I have never met Tendou’s grandma. I know she’s alive...” Den-o: “Put Ryoutarou on the ‘Let this man sleep’ list. He’s got so much weight on his shoulders and even years later, his four permanent mental tenants don’t make it easier.” Kiva: “If you’ve never heard Kurenai Wataru play the violin, your life is incomplete. He makes those violins himself and then makes them each sing their own song.”
Decade: “He’s all right, so long as Kivala is there to keep him in line. But if I ever hear the phrase ‘This might tickle’ coming from behind me, I’m running.”
W: “Philip is fantastic, and Shoutaro’s a good friend. Not much more needs be said.” OOO: “One thing I’ve always found weird about Eiji, is that his adventure never seems to be over. That’s just inspiring.” Wizard: “ He’s got much more utility in his rings than I do in my belt. But he always seems to pick the flashiest option.” Gaim: “I have ZERO idea how a street dancer became god, and I try not to question it.” Drive: “Shinnosuke needs to receive birthday presents in the middle of the year. Being a december baby is awful.” Ghost: “Number three on the ‘Let him sleep’ list. He didn’t even eat anything for over 100 days. Comes from being mostly dead, I guess.” Ex-aid: “Saving lives isn’t a game. But when all you have is a hammer, everything looks like Whack-a-Mole.” Build: “The dude went through war and planetary collision event. I’d say ‘Let Him Sleep’ but I and the other Riders know, Sento and Sleep aren’t on speaking terms.” Zi-o: “There are so many Zi-o’s out there. The only one I trust is the one who’s now apprenticed to Sailor Pluto after spending time as a time cop.” Zero-One: “He faced a sudden inheritance, a robot apocalypse, having his company stolen from under him and building it back with a winning smile and some terrible dad jokes. He deserves good things in life.” Saber: “Books are cool. Swords are Cool. Put them together, and...well, usually you get banned from the library. But not him. He faced the end of all stories and wrote a brand new one.” Revice: “Sorry, who? Haven’t heard of that one.” (Revice is separate from main Rider canon)
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tenswrld · 3 years
old enough to understand
mark lee x reader, childhood friends to lovers, fluff
summary: now that you’re older, you seem to finally understand how mark makes you feel
a/n: came up with this at 2am while listening to my mark lee dedicated playlist and pluto projector came on and u already know that one part made me emotional also do u like my doodles i made on the photo ^^
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growing up, you were surrounded by the concept of love. you witnessed it with your parents, when you got your first pet, and even when you took your first bite into your favorite fruit.
when you first met mark lee at the age of 6, you didn’t think that the word love would apply to him. at least, not in the way that you knew it. 
“no! it’s mine, i don’t want to give you any!” the young boy yelled.
“you can just go get more! i just want some watermelon!” you screamed back.
“go get some yourself!”
angry, you stomped away towards the table of adults. “mrs. lee, mark won’t give me a piece of his watermelon.”
the older woman laughed softly before getting up and leading you to the table of fruit. “forgive him, watermelon is his favorite. i’ll be sure to make sure he shares next time, okay?”
while you ate your own fruit alone in the grass, mark came up to you scratching his neck awkwardly, avoiding eye contact. “i’m sorry for being rude...i just really like watermelon...”
you narrowed your eyes at him before bursting into a fit of giggles, offering your own watermelon out to him. “it’s okay, mark, i like watermelon too. i understand.” he took the piece that you held out to him and took a seat next to you.
when you first met mark, you didn’t think anything of him except for that he was the dorky boy next door who seemed to reserve the concept of love for his favorite fruit.
in middle school, you and mark seemed to clash heads more often than not, and you found it hard to stick around him. desperate to seem cool in front of the new friends that he made, mark steered away from you and teased you whenever he saw you in the halls. you almost despised him in your middle school years, but no matter how much teasing he did mark always waited for you outside of the school gates and walked you home safely. 
though he was still unsure of the role you had in his life, mark knew that he wanted to keep you around.
in high school, your parents fantasized about the idea of the two of you dating, but you and mark always recoiled at the thought. friend groups and social status set you and mark even further apart and before you knew it you became a messenger to girls who wanted mark to call their own. when you got your first boyfriend in sophomore year, mark tried to warn you that the guy was no good, but like always you never listened to him. when he broke your heart, you expected mark to scold you and tell you he told you so, but he provided you comfort in his arms instead.
though he didn’t love you then, mark vowed that he would never let your heart get broken again.
when it came time for you and mark to go off to college, you found yourself a lot more upset than you had initially thought you would be. you were excited to go off and find yourself elsewhere, but something about not having the silly, brown haired boy by your side 24/7 felt strange. granted, you two weren’t as close as your six year old self thought you would be, but you found that you and mark held a special type of bond that you feared you wouldn’t find anywhere else. 
you still hadn’t figured out your love for mark lee, but you knew that leaving him was one of the hardest things you’ve ever had to do.
“just...promise to call often, okay?” you told him as you walked with him to his car, a box of his things in your arms.
mark’s lips curled up into a smug smile. “why? gonna miss me that much?” 
you rolled your eyes. “you’re making me regret saying that. you’ll be lucky if i don’t block you after this, idiot.”
mark laughed loudly and you found yourself smiling softly at the sound. you placed the box in his truck before you both turned to each other. “i’ll text you everyday and call when i can. don’t worry, you can’t get rid of me that easily. you’ll probably be hearing about my uncontrollable gas everyday so if that’s not what you’re looking for then...”
you laughed and shoved his shoulder, mumbling for him to shut up. “it’s gonna be weird without you, i think.”
mark shrugged. “yeah, well, we’ll see each other again. just think about it like that time where you got so mad at me for blowing up your house in minecraft that you ignored me for a week!”
mark expected you to laugh but became concerned when he saw your lip quivering and your eyes threatening to spill tears. “y/n? sorry, is that, like, a sensitive memory?”
when you suddenly wrapped your arms around his torso and mumbled a soft ‘i’ll miss you’ into his chest, mark cursed at himself for being the first one to fall in love.
“isn’t it like 4am for you? you should go to bed,” you scolded him half heartedly. you sat at your vanity on facetime with a sleepy mark as you did your nightly skincare routine.
mark groaned through the phone and shook his head. “but i wanna talk to you,” he whined groggily. “i miss you.”
your cheeks heat up and you smiled shyly. “i miss you too, mark.”
mark blinked slowly with a tired look, his hair all messed up and his face in need of a shave. he watched you silently as you rubbed your moisturizer into your skin, smiling at the sight. “...you’re really pretty you know that?”
you froze and chuckled nervously, keeping yourself busy with your moisturizer so you didn’t have to see the way mark was looking at you. “you’re talking nonsense again.”
he grumbled, “i’m not talking any nonsense. you’re so pretty, y/n, i miss seeing your face. i hate facetime and my shit wifi.”
“you’re rambling, marky, go to bed,” you ushered him, this time grabbing your phone to look at him.
he smiled fondly at you. “i like it when you call me marky.”
“okay, i’ll call you it more if you go to bed.” 
mark huffed and complied, bidding you one last goodbye. “fine. i miss you so much, y/n, call me tomorrow.”
“okay, i will.”
“promise?” mark asked softly, peeking open one eye to look at you.
“i promise, you big baby.”
“okay, goodnight. love you,” mark mumbled softly into his pillow, already half asleep.
your breath hitched in your throat at his words. you two hardly ever said that phrase to each other but you began to realize that nowadays mark seemed to say it quite often. before, you’d probably make a face in disgust at the cheesiness, but now it only made your stomach sick with butterflies.
“yeah, love you too, marky. sleep tight.” 
already fast asleep, mark stayed silent. your thumb hovered over the ‘end call’ button, but you waited a few more seconds just to look at how peaceful mark looked. you could see the sky turning from a dark black to a paler blue from his window, making you frown since the boy had stayed up so late. before you could look at him any longer, you ended the call and sat back in your chair.
loving mark lee had always seemed impossible to you, but now you realized that it was the one thing that you wanted to do for the rest of your life.
you spent a lot of time thinking about your feelings for mark while you were away and most of it was you being in denial. you thought that maybe it was just because you weren’t used to being so far away from him, but deep down you knew otherwise. your friends had tried setting you up on blind dates, yet no one seemed to fill in the gap that you felt you had in your heart.
after you finished your first year of college, your mother began to pester you about having a boyfriend for you to bring home for the holidays. yet no matter how many guys you thought about, your mind would always bring you back to mark.
it was now christmas time and your family and mark’s family were going to have a small get together, meaning that you and mark would get to spend time with each other in person again. you weren’t sure if you should tackle mark at the sight of him, but you figured he would do the same to you anyway.
“y/n, sweetheart! my gosh, it’s been so long! you’ve grown up so well,” mark’s mother cooed as she gave you a warm hug.
you chuckled and returned her hug, replying with, “thank you, mrs. lee. it’s nice to see you again.”
she playfully nudged your shoulder. “any boyfriend yet?”
you laughed awkwardly and shook your head, looking away. “oh, um, no...not yet.”
she beamed. “mark will be happy to hear that.” she said it so fast that you almost didn’t catch it. “he’s out back waiting for you. i told him i’d tell him when you got here, but it’ll be a nice surprise for him,” she winked.
you thanked her briefly before making your way to the backyard excitedly. you thought that you’d be more nervous facing the boy you loved but, frankly, all you wanted to do was finally tell him that you loved him.
when you opened the door mark immediately turned his head, expecting to see his mom, but his facial expression completely changed when he saw you. he ran up to you with the brightest smile on his face and engulfed you into his arms. you laughed joyously into his shoulder as he wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you as close to his chest as humanly possible.
“you have no idea how long i’ve been waiting to do that,” he mumbled into your hair.
you smiled against his shoulder before pulling away to look at him. the two of you held eye contact for what felt like an eternity before mark finally returned his arms back to his side.
“even though we call everyday, it feels like i’m meeting you for the first time all over again,” mark said with a light laugh.
“i hope i lived up to your expectations, then,” you joked.
mark smiled fondly at you before brushing snow out of your hair. “definitely above expectations.”
you blushed at his comment but thanked the cold weather for hiding your rosy cheeks. before you could make more small talk, mark burst out into another sentence.
“y/n, i have to get this off of my chest before i explode,” he blurted.
your eyes widened and you nodded your head. “oh, um, okay, what is it?”
he gripped at his hair and turned around, beginning to whine. “oh my god, i’m gonna sound like the biggest idiot on earth. please don’t hate me after this.”
“...what did you do, mark?”
“i didn’t do anything! well...” he faced you again with a sigh and grabbed your hands taking you by surprise. “y/n, i’m in love with you. and i know you probably just see me as that stupid annoying boy your mom forced you to be friends with but i’ve loved you for over a year and it’s driving me crazy and i-”
“mark!” you interrupted him, placing a hand over his mouth. he looked at you with wide eyes while you smiled at him, practically glowing with happiness. you removed your hand from over his mouth and he sighed again.
“just reject me so i can go cry in my room.” mark shut his eyes and prepared himself for rejection but it never came.
“i love you too, mark.”
mark opened one at to stare at you suspiciously. “...really? like, seriously?”
you chuckled. “yes, really. for a few months now.”
“wait, you’re not pranking me or anything, right?” mark asked with a small laugh.
you glared at him. “mark...”
“i’m sorry, i’m just really surprised!” mark opened his mouth to say something but then gasped and dug into his back pocket to grab something.
when he pulled out a small piece of mistletoe you seemed to fall in love with the brunette boy all over again. he grabbed one of your hands and gently pulled you closer to him, using the other hand to hold the mistletoe over your guys’ heads. 
“i brought this just in case. i know that you’ve always fantasized about a moment like this so...” he said sheepishly. “kiss me?”
you laughed and brushed his hair out of his eyes before cupping his cheeks and placing a soft kiss on his lips. you felt him smile into the kiss, making you laugh and pull away.
“been waiting for that one too, huh?” you teased.
mark waved the mistletoe above the two of you and shook his head. “less talking and more kissing please...”
it took you over 10 years for you to realize that you loved mark lee but, if you had to, you would do it all over again in a heartbeat.
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mcyt-imagines · 3 years
Hey, can you do a dream x fem!reader where the chat hears the reader mumble to herself in the background of dreams stream and he introduces her to his fans. I hope this is ok, thanks in advance xx
Thanks so much for the request! I hope you enjoy :) Also, I’ve used she/her pronouns, as requested!
Once A Silent Bystander
Dream’s quick rise to popularity left little space for you to believe that introducing yourself beside him in the limelight was ever going to be a good idea. Part of you thought that you wouldn’t be able to handle the pressure of so many eyes being on you at all times. You’d seen firsthand the highs and lows that came with internet fame, you had shared countless sleepless nights with Dream in the early days. His popularity was still rising but now his drama and controversy had begun to plateau nicely, leaving him far more mental energy to focus on bigger and better projects to further his channel. One of these ‘projects’ was a commitment to stick to a concrete streaming schedule for as long as he could.
This had led to Dream frequently texting you whenever he would start streaming, knowing you could come into his streaming room unaware of him being live. However, Dream is merely human and quite forgetful if he’s distracted, and he is easily distracted. Dream hadn’t planned on streaming for at least a few more hours but upon receiving several messages from George and Sapnap pestering him to join them in a discord VC he gladly joins them, going live as he does so. This spur of the moment stream decision is what allows you to slip from his mind as his friends’ laughter reaches his ears upon his arrival into the VC.
“Hey, babe! I ordered your usual from the Chinese place, is that okay?” Your voice pours into the room, Dream’s door now wide open as you look up from our phone to realise the damage you had just caused. Your eyes lock onto the microphone sat on his desk the little red ‘on’ button tauntingly blinking at you, silently mocking you. Dream stills for a moment when you initially enter, looking over to you.
He presses something on his stream board, you assume he’s muted his mic. “I’m streaming, and they definitely heard you. And yeah, my usual is fine.” He motions for you to join him at his desk as you groan. “You’re sure they heard?” You shuffle over to him, when you grow close, he happily pulls you onto his lap. His chin comes to rest on your shoulder, arms wrapping tightly around your middle. “Look at the chat.” You tentatively cast your gaze onto Dream’s second monitor; the chat is running a mile a minute and you can only make out a few phrases. Most of them being a mixture of, ‘WHO WAS THAT?’, ‘IS THAT A GIRL?’ or ‘DREAM HAS A GIRLFRIEND??’
You both knew this day was going to come eventually, keeping it a secret, unfortunately, couldn’t last forever. “What do you think we should do?” You peel your eyes away from chat to watch your boyfriend hum thoughtfully, he’s spent a decent chunk of his time online dealing with controversies and drama. So surely, he has some idea on where we should start with this whole thing, or if we should just refuse to open that can of worms at all. He can always just lie and say it was a tv in the background, or someone passing by a nearby open window.
His suggestion catches you off guard, “Why don’t we just tell them? You don’t have to come on stream or anything but there’s no real point in denying it now. They heard you clear as day babe.” He offers a hopeful look, hand moving to intertwine with one of your own and squeezing. “But it’s entirely up to you. I’ll follow your lead.” Dream presses a soft kiss to your forehead watching as panic continues to flash behind your eyes, his eyebrows are drawn together in worry. “I wouldn’t have been able to survive without you in the early days of my channel. You know I will always return the favour. I’m here for you sweetheart.” His tone lightens at the cheeky pet name, giving your waist a soft squeeze.
With a deep breath, you make your decision. “We’ll tell them. You’re right, there’s no point denying it. I mean, we were gonna tell them eventually anyway.” You shrug a little trying to relax your tense shoulders, he notices and places his cheek against one of your shoulders. “Exactly, this is just a natural progression! Plus, the guys have been asking me for ages about playing with you on stream.” He chuckles, “But we’ll only do that when you start to feel more comfortable obviously.” Dream adds pressing soft kisses to your neck, you feel his grin against your skin as you giggle at the ticklish sensation. “Alright, I’ve been muted long enough. You ready angel?” You nod with mock confidence.
Dream presses a blinking button on his stream board, “Sorry for the short break guys! But I’m back and with a special guest.” Dreams tone lightens as he looks to you expectantly, “Hi chat.” Your voice sounds foreign when you speak mouth feeling as if it was filled with cotton. You watch as the chat explodes with messages, “To all of you who guessed she was my girlfriend, give yourselves a little pat on the back.” 
He mocks knowing that the whole chat was begging for that outcome, “Now be nice or I’ll end the stream. Yes, that is a threat.” He smirks as you blush, “Baaaabe.” You smile softly shaking your head exasperatedly, somehow the chat runs by even quicker. “Sorry mods, I’d planned on giving you guys a heads up for when we were gonna announce this but uh, not everything always goes to plan.” Dream chuckles his own eyes widening a little at the sheer number of people who are tuning into the stream, obviously, news has already gotten around Twitter.
Dream leans forward to type furiously on his second monitor trying to control chat as you stammer through your personal introduction, refusing to use your real name of course. Chat runs by with nicknames to call you akin to the naming conventions of ‘Drista’ “Drearlfriend? Like dream and girlfriend? Is that really something I just read in chat?” You laugh, Dream watching as your shoulders relax and a soft smile grace your face. “C’mon chat you guys can do better than that! I was hyping you guys up earlier and this is the reception my angel gets?” 
Dream looks to you happily gauging your reaction as you blush and stammer, “Baaaaaaabe.” You groan, trying to cover your face with one of your hands. “Oh no, I want to see that blushing face.” He grins, “Hey! Not on stream!” You cry, face only growing a darker shade of red. He continues to grin but backs off to stop pestering you, your phone buzzes. “Okaaaay. But you’ve gotta stay and keep chat company, because I need to go and grab the Chinese.” He is quick to hop up from the seat, placing you gently back down where he had been. “Wait don’t leave me here!” You cry as he waves with a cheeky grin and disappears from your view.
You audibly gulp before looking back at Dream’s screen pulling on his headphones, “Now that he’s gone put in chat what kind of embarrassing stories you guys want me to spill before he gets back.” You giggle lightly watching chat explode with cheers and suggestions.
Dream returns in a few minutes to see you interacting with chat and laughing along with their jokes like a natural. He simply stands in the doorway for a few moments dumbfounded over how lucky he is to be able to call you his.
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adorethedistance · 3 years
City Slicker, Cowboyfriend - Owen Joyner x Reader
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JATP masterlist
Warnings: Swearing, nerves, mentions of covid.
Words: 2163
Summary: You’re starting to have doubts about moving all the way to Norman until a shopping trip to Ikea turns into the meet-cute you’ve been waiting for.
A/n: This isn’t a request or one of my Valentines day fics, this is just something that I have had stuck in my head ever since Owen posted this on IG and bc I’m facing total writers block with my other pieces I cranked this one out in a few hours to get the ball rolling again. Hopefully. Enjoy this totally unproofed, fluffy madness!! (Because who doesn’t need more Owen content in their life?)
There are perks to moving and one of them is undoubtedly: shopping. For furniture, home decor, kitchen utensils, whatever! Granted, shopping alone can be tedious and, for some, like pulling teeth, thus, I’ve enlisted the help of my best friends Leila and Chelsea. I didn’t even have to bribe them to come because everyone loves getting lost in Ikea. It’s one of the best things about the human experience.
“It’s been so long since I’ve been in an Ikea,” Leila says to no one in particular as we walk through the onslaught of staged bedrooms.
“What?! Are you telling me you don’t get meatballs and lawn chairs on a weekly basis?” My exaggeration makes Leila laugh as she steps into one of the display kitchens. Looking between me and Chelsea she asks,
“What would you do if I turned the handle then a jet of water sprayed out?”
“Die, I guess.”
The three of us continue through the faux house displays and past the mattresses despite Leila’s urge to jump on every single one. As we walk through the section of different lighting features, I sigh with a frown as I think about college. I changed my bachelor’s to an associate’s so I could graduate in two years. Chelsea’s parents moved out here at the end of our senior year in high school, and she moved with them to study in Norman. Leila in turn went to Arizona for an athletic physical therapy gig, leaving me to face college alone in L.A.. In the two years the three of us were apart, we missed each other more and more, and after determining which of the three states we lived in was cheapest, we packed up and headed East. Covid kind of delayed our plans. But after a few months, I picked Leila up from Arizona and together we chased open job opportunities into Norman, Oklahoma. The three of us found an apartment space to live in together and thus, we ended up in Ikea on this fine Sunday afternoon.
Snapping back into reality I see Leila standing directly under a light that’s hanging very low from the ceiling. Once standing directly underneath it, she pulls down her mask and opens her mouth, rising to her toes to eat the fixture.
“Leila, don’t you dare fellate that light bulb! You’re gonna get us kicked out.”
I swear I’m practically their mom when it comes to behaving in public. Figuring they can’t hurt themselves in the college dorm section, I lead them quickly through it and into the giant furniture warehouse section. On the far wall, I see a large poster of a couple smiling brightly behind Chelsea, but I don’t bother to read the text. Leila and I spot the poster at the same time, and the imagery jogs her memory.
“Chelsea, how’s Hunter? Haven’t heard from him slash about him in like a week,” she asks about Chelsea’s boyfriend of a year.
“Oh, yeah, he tore a ligament in his wrist.”
“Yeah, I guess he moved it wrong or something and put too much stress on the area that it just tore. He was moving hay bales into the horse stables.”
“As opposed to the chicken stables,” Leila judges under her breath, which makes me snicker as a result.
“I still can’t believe you’re dating a literal cowboy,” I interject, “Like, I know we’re in Oklahoma, and he’s from Tennessee, but we saw Texas on the way out here and that’s cowboy country. Norman seems more...” I trail off in search of delicate phrasing.
“Just barely marry your cousin territory, but still downing chewing tobacco whilst driving a lifted truck?” Leila hits the nail squarely on the head.
“Yeah, that sounds about right-” Before I can continue giving my thoughts on Norman, I cut myself off at the sound of laughter behind me.
“Sorry. We weren’t trying to eavesdrop, that was just really funny.” When I turn around, I see a guy roughly our age dressed in all black with bleach-blonde hair, speaking through light, broken laughter.
“No worries,” I dismiss the apology as we pass by one another, and out from the dressers section. The three of us continue into the different sections, and come to a stop once I see we’re exactly where we need to be: dining room shit!
“Cowboy boyfriends aside- oh my gosh: cowboy boyfriends. Cowboyfriends,” I say getting lost in my new terminology. Both of my friends share a mix of laughter and gasps and my ingeniousness. “Anyway. Cowboyfriends aside, how is Avery?” I ask Leila who begins blushing madly.
“She’s really good. We were just making plans for our three year anniversary, which reminds me to tell y’all I’m flying back to Phoenix to surprise her.”
“Awwww,” I nearly tear up and the sweet image of Leila and her girlfriend reuniting, “Y’all are so cute. Both of you and your partners. You know, being the only single friend in this group has made life suck a lot. Y’all are so happy and in love and not dead inside. Honestly? Get fucked both of you.” Despite my harsh words, the three of us break into a lighthearted conglomerate of laughter.
“We’ll find you someone… eventually.” Leila pretends she also can’t hear the last part of her sentence despite being the one saying it.
“I know, but I don’t think it’s in the cards for me to find love in Norman. I don’t need a cowboyfriend, and we’re not gonna find a true city slicker here either.”
When I finish my statement, I see our blonde friend seems to have followed us. I observe he comes to a stop in front of another guy in a flannel with a shopping cart. The way they jump into conversation with one another parallels the animated body language Leila, Chelsey, and I share. I continue to watch their exchange as Chelsea speaks up.
“Maybe you need someone right down the middle.”
“Yeah, like a guy who drives a truck but uses it to transport Ikea furniture instead of a whole ass tree that he’ll carve into a chair.” A small laugh escapes my lips, at both Leila’s statement, and the scene ahead of Blondie pretending to strangle his friend over something. I’m snapped out of my nosy yet endeared stare as a third guy appears. He’s a sandy blonde with billowing locks tucked under a trucker hat. And he came from behind me and my two friends to place something in their cart which keeps his back toward me. When he turns back around, my mind goes blank. Any thoughts of shopping for dining room chairs has left my mind. He is wearing a face mask, but he has such nice eyes that he could have a giraffe snout under the mask for all I care. I see him look up from the shelves, directly into my eyes. We stay locked for a moment before he breaks away and turns to his friends. I slowly turn to my friends too who are both giving me the exact same look of excitement and conspiracy.
“He’s really cute,” I sigh out with a laugh, swooning much louder than I’d have preferred.
“He has a face mask on,” Leila points out, her expression dropping from excited to cynical.
“Still! I can just tell.”
“Girl, what are you doing? Talk to him!” Chelsea whisper-shrieks.
“Shhh, I cannot take you anywhere!”
Glancing back at the handsome stranger, we connect eyes once more and I feel my face heat furiously as I realize he was already looking at me. I’m the first to break; I consult my friends for the best course of action and as I’m turned 180 to face them, Chelsea starts pretending to hyperventilate excitedly. Leila looks over my shoulder for me, discreetly surveying the other trio in the dining chairs aisle.
“Don’t look now, but he’s talking to his friends and looking between them and you.” I can hear in her voice she’s trying her best not to smile despite wearing a face mask.
“Should I give him my number?”
“What are you waiting for?”
“I’m nervous! What if he’s gay?”
“Will you just get over there? I promise you a gay man would not be wearing what he’s wearing right now. Maybe a lesbian,” Leila adds for good measure.
“You guys are freaking me out, I need you to leave so I know you’re not judging my flirting.” I shoo my best friends out of the aisle as inconspicuous as possible. Kinda wish blondie would’ve done the same because when I turn back around, the other trio hasn’t moved and the only one looking at me is the one in all black. He quickly averts his eyes though and I take one last deep breath before walking over to the stranger. I tilt my chin up ever so slightly to fake a sense of confidence that I unmistakably don’t have right now.
“Hey.” Really, Y/n? Hey??
“Hey,” he greets back breathily. Why is he nervous? I’m the one who gets to be nervous! Man, he’s really cute. I can’t fuck this one up. I’m not doing so stellar right now. Perhaps you should say something else, dipshit?
“Uhm,” I should’ve scripted this. “I just wanted to say that-” You’ve got this. Don’t be a bummer. “I-uh, I think you’re really cute and I was wondering if I could give you my number?” My speech is slow, each word deliberate in spite of the fact that I feel like I’m having an out of body experience right now. I’m not the one in control of the words that are coming out of my mouth.
Upon realizing why I walked over, blondie’s friends take the question as a sign to leave and less than inconspicuously back away from the two of us. Trucker hat spares them one last glance over his left shoulder and judging by the look flannel gives him, they were definitely talking about me in their team huddle.
“Uh, yeah. I was gonna ask for your instagram- if you have one, that is.”
“I’m cool with both.” The two of us reach for our phones and unlock them with anxious hands. I move to hand him my phone with instagram open, and he trades me for his which has a new contact open. I type my name and put my favorite heart emoji next to it after triple checking the number is correct. Wow, you’re just so ballsy today, Y/n!!!!! I give him back the phone, scanning the instagram account he’s just opened and followed for me. I hear him exhale a little harder as a small laugh and can only imagine it’s from the stupid heart emoji.
“Owen,” I say in a hushed, endeared voice, fully not intending to say it out loud. “You have a million followers?! Oh, you’re an actor. OH… You’re an actor.” I really don’t need to be speaking my entire thought process right now in the middle of this Ikea. Exhaling a small laugh of my own, I see we already have a small bunch of mutuals, one of which is… Chelsea??? Looking up from my phone I turn around to see Chelsea and Leila watching the interaction from around the corner of one of the industrial shelves.
In the flurry of scattered likes, I see him find my account and follow me back. I accept the request, nervous of what he thinks of me without a face mask on. What do I think of him without a face mask on? Going back to his account, seeing his entire face is even better than just his eyes. I was right, Leila: he is cute.
“You’re really pretty,” I hear him almost sigh as he combs through the grid of my account. The comment makes my heart beat all the much faster and I finally look upward to get a glimpse of Owen in the flesh. Still as beautiful as the last time I checked!
Sparing a quick glance over my shoulder, he looks back down at me and laughs,
“I think your friends got tired of waiting.”
“I think yours did, too.” The other members of our trios come back into the aisle we had kicked them from more or less two minutes ago. We connect eyes once more and stare longingly, wordlessly at one another, so lost in each other’s beauty our friends have to break up the staring contest of infatuation.
“Y/n?” I hear Leila behind me.
“Uh, well, I have to get back to chair shopping, but- text me later?”
“For sure.”
“For sure,” I mimic his voice.
“Guess I’ll see you later. Y/n.”
“Yeah.” And with that, we’re pulled apart by our respective best friends, through the vast expanse of the Norman Ikea.
“What was that?” Chelsea asks, excitedly linking arms with me.
“I don’t know I- Wait, you have some explaining to do!”
Taglist: @caitsymichelle13 @kaitlyn2907 @itz-jas @crybabyddl @kcd15 @kinda-really-lost @calamitykaty @morganayennefertyrell @n0wornever @dream-a-little-bigger-x @mrstodorooki @vicesvsvirturesfanfic @curlybrownhairedboys @amazinggracy @kaitieskidmore1 @asdfghjkl-fanfics​ @ghostlygreenbean @juliefromaustralia @merceret​ @jemimah-b99 @ifilwtmfc @thesweetestsinner​ @imsydneywalker @lovesanimals @thebloodthirstyvampress @bumbleberry-pie @losers-club6 @tefilovesreading​ @dmcfarland1@joynerxmercer @kexrtiz @talk-on-the-street @phantompogues @konciousdreamer @sunsetcurvej @warmnesss0ul @lilyjoyner 
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munsnz · 3 years
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𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐢𝐯. — 𝐎𝐧𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐔𝐬
overview: School is finally done, yet feeling off in the situation itself. The familiar boys including, Mike, Dustin, and Lucas get in contact with her to persuasion to investigate further information on the disappearance while Y/N works as an intern at the police department.
Taglist! — @itsnottilly
Navigation — Mixtape
Who knew that the day had gone like a blur, drifting off to classes and sessions, now Y/N was outside in the busy Hawkins High parking lot. From people driving away to their destinations to the freshmen walking off into the distance. Everything had been subtly normal, except for Y/N who had been aware of the odd disappearance of Will Byers. As she stood beyond the perimeter of the entrance, a few farewells were exchanged from Nancy, walking back to the Wheeler’s residence, three familiar boys biking nearby her. It had appeared that the specific, Mike Wheeler, Lucas Sinclair, and Dustin Henderson were approaching her in the buzzing lot. Quick waves and greetings, they all said hello along with the purpose of the trip.
”Little Hop!” The shouts from upfront were called for, the boys circling their way around her, Mike pushing the brakes next to the dumbfounded girl, standing awkwardly, “There’s something that went on-“
“I know, Will’s missing,” Y/N lifted her arms from her side, sighing loudly, the boys still catching their breath from the troubling trip to the high school, “There’s nothing we can do about it!”
Mike stood up abruptly, steadying his bike along with Lucas and Dustin, clearing his throat, “Yes we can! You’re an intern at the police department.”
The three middle schoolers stood quietly, in hopes of her agreeing with their statement of finding their lost friend. Y/N had always been on their side, ever since she met them, they were the troublemaking group of kids, buzzing around the town creating rumbles. Surprisingly, she frowned, looking off into the open, “Sorry, but from what my dad said, I’m afraid I can’t help this time. I was told not to investigate at a certain point.”
“Why not? You’ve always helped us,” Dustin began, walking next to her, strolling his bike as well, “You want the best for us right?”
“I do, but...... I need to listen to them.”
Lucas turned to Y/N who silently watched them, “There’s gotta be a reason though! Will is our friend, he’s missing. What if something happened to him?”
“That’s the police’s deal, not mine!” Y/N snapped at them who flinched at the odd action taken by her. Irritated, she looked to the distance, watching a group of boys around her age make these obnoxiously loud noises from afar.
Hearing the cryptic response, all of their jaws dropped, Y/N’s never acted so.......stern, bland, stubborn, like ever. Their expressions dim, surprised at hearing the prolonged answer they’ve never thought would turn up out of Y/N’s mouth. Frantically grabbing the bikes from the side, getting ready to pedal back home, Mike subtly shifted his glance towards the blank Y/N, waiting for them to leave, saying, “Seriously, what’s wrong with you? You’re supposed to be on our side.”
”I’m just listening to what they’re saying,” Y/N crosses her arms due to the frigid weather outside, prepared to be able to walk home. Watching their saddened faces gloom in the outside, Y/N felt this other urge of guilt; why was she acting up so much already? Will was her main priority, so why wasn’t she helping them? What if Will was in grave danger? Why was she being so ignorant?
As thoughts flood her head, bringing this awful feeling, not being able of what to do, she quickly places a comforting yet rapid hand onto Mike’s shoulder, catching him off guard, “Okay, it may seem as if I’m the bad guy, but at least I’ll try my best. I’ll let you know what goes on in the office, but under one condition, you guys cannot go investigate at all. Do you understand?”
Smiles brightening up, they rapidly nodded, a sense of relief that they’re going to be able to find Will sooner or later thanks to the girl’s help of her working as an intern to the most reliable place in search of safety of their friend. Happily, the boys rushed close up to Y/N, express their’s gratitude for her for the decision she made after the fulfilling thoughts convincing her instinct. After exchanging the thanks you’s and farewells, they biked away, in hopes of a successful retrieve of Will Byers. Y/N waved confidently as the rest biked away into the occupied sidewalks of students, a feeling of courage and determination swelling to her, walking away from the school premises to the Hawkins Police Department.
Maybe it was one of the longest walks Y/N had ever taken, and believe it or not, it was the shortcut to the center of the town where most residents would be, to walking and driving around the oddly empty area. After nearing herself to the familiar building, broadly directing the suitable location she was currently in, the police department. It was eerie since as predicted, almost all officers were in search of the Byers boy, maybe a few people coming out of the building, the sound of the car engines from behind, bringing her back to the present beyond thinking of different ways to gather resourceful information about the disappearance to satisfy her curious middle school friends.
It had been almost a year since Y/N got the job as an intern thanks to her extraordinary talent of persuasion for her dad, knowing that the department could use an extra hand for the little tasks. To top it off, she had also been passionate about following Jim’s footsteps in law enforcement, wanting to be an aspiring detective shortly.
Gallantly walking inside to find the ringing of phone calls and faint clicks coming from the rickety typewriter in the unoccupied office, the girl awkwardly walked inside the warm room, the smell of brunt cigarettes filling the essence, to find Florence, or as known, Flo organizing a few papers in the oddly organized desk.
“Hey Flo,” Y/N shuffled her feet, meeting her eyes with the woman, signaling her to come closer by the wooden table. In the quiet aura, more sound of the papers, making her eyes shift from side to side, trying to recognize files, names, dates containing in them.
Following the quiet mumbles of distress, the girl gets up, in prospers of ruling a kind act towards Flo who had seemed wildly stressed in whatever deal she was in, to trot by the counter, finding the area of the usual coffee stand. Y/N gently pours in the hot pot of water in the porcelain cup, later adding a spoonful of the instant coffee mix, stirring it to when it blended evenly, as her mind filled with phrases or questions for any information about Will had been released.
At last, Y/N cleared her throat watching behind her to see the frazzled woman as she allowed the light gush of vanilla creamer into the dull substance inside the mug. She places her hand on her chin, leaning against the counter to watch the heavy fluid smoothly blend with the dark-shaded one, a satisfying view to one.
“Have you seen Victor anywhere?!” A familiar perky voice chirped tensely behind Y/N, disassociating her from the soothing visual upon her.
As the girl shook her head in response, she gripped onto the filled mug, placing it on the top of the surface, bringing a piece of sweet bread along with a napkin for herself. Given a seat on the thick cushion, she pushed the mug towards Flo, “I saw him in Chemistry, but I don’t think he came into the office. But here’s coffee to relieve the stress.”
Continuing, placing the papers around the desk, Flo solemnly smiled, accepting the hot drink, “Thank you, dear, that silly boy is probably wandering around with others. Kids these days and their irresponsibilities.”
“Yeah, I guess so,” Y/N takes a bite from the bread, hearing the lady with glasses mumble nonsense about the theory of how pop culture influenced the younger generation of teenagers, turning them into rebels.
Seemingly, Y/N tried in the most awkward moment to speak up about Will, after the tense conversation Flo was having with herself, multitasking in filing papers, clearing her throat, “What happened to Will?”
“Will?” In a millisecond, the big-eyed woman shifted her glance upwards to get a glimpse of the girl who had a worrisome look on her face, raising her eyebrows a little, “Will Byers right? The missing boy?”
Y/N confidentially nodded, biting her bottom lip for an answer, her hands coming together, “Yeah, my dad came in a few hours ago at school to ask me where he was last seen.”
”Oh, yeah,” Flo’s eyebrows furrow, trying to recall any updates on the search for the boy, she clicks her tongue, adjusting her seat, “Well, from what Jim told me, they recently found the boy’s bike in the woods near the dead-end near Mirkwood.”
”The woods?” The girl’s E/C colored eyes widened, feeling that same sick sensation in her stomach, something bad could’ve happened to Will. But shaking the thoughts away, she mentally took notes from the location, for her fellow friends, “Anything else? I’m just really worried about him.”
Scrunching her face, Flo leaned closer to the girl’s face who pawned over any conclusions made, with a hushed tone, “Just between us, I think it was Lonnie, the boy’s dad who probably took him.”
“I don’t think so I mean something else could’ve happened,” Y/N shrugs, speechless of the comment made, but also being in complete denial of that accusation made so quickly.
Suddenly she was cut off with a voice from the ham radio, making it impossible to hear the communication clearly on the side counter. As Y/N rolled her eyes in annoyance, she stood up from the chair, tuning the frequency higher enough to hear better to listen to the chief’s deep voice, “Flo are you there? Hello?”
”Oh yes it’s me, Florence!” The female teenager mimicked sarcastically through the radio, overhearing her father groan deeply, the sound of the background being able to be caught on the machine.
Hopper chuckles a little, earning a small grin on his daughter’s face while she slides back down on the comfortable chair, “Yeah very funny kid, you should be on Carson one day.”
”I know right? So what’s up Big Hop!”
Toning down his voice to be grouchier like before, he ordered sternly, “Well, tell Flo to organize a search party right by Mirkwood around 7 o’clock.”
”Wait a search party?” Y/N’s happy tone faded away, unsettling her, as she anxiously twirling her finger onto the radio chord connecting to the main machine, “Is this seriously? Can I come? What if-“
Another interruption. Sheesh, whoever let this girl talk in peace? Oh right the brunette with oval glasses who rushed inside to throw his jacket to a rack, quietly mumbling words to himself until he spoke up, “Sorry I’m late, I was caught up with Mr. Benson.”
”About time boy!” Flo glares at the slender, lanky teenager, clapping her hands up in the air to make a racket, “You airhead, we called you an hour ago, it’s irresponsibility! You’re going to get nowhere with that commitment of yours Victor.”
Victor’s mouth hung open at the tactless observation from the audacious lady, raising his eyebrows, he barked back, “Yeah but you didn’t hear the part where I was clearly at school!”
”No you were probably being some hobo on the streets-“
”Can you two just shut up!” Y/N shouted, waving her arms in the air to signal them to keep it down, later focusing her attention back to the stereo, “Jesus I cannot keep up with them.”
Scoffs being heard on the other line, Hopper responds with a jokingly tone, “My exact thoughts when you ramble about everything. Now, let the Hawkins paper know about the search party being held later a during the evening.”
”Wow, that’s just mean dad,” She rolls over to grab a blue ink ballpoint pen, along with a sheet of lined paper to mark down any important data for the event, chicken scratch letters splayed across the page, “So what else do you need pop?”
”That's about it, but I want the information out as soon as possible for the townsfolk to know, you got that?” Hopper ordered, saluting a goodbye after catching the background noise of Victor and Flo arguing about responsibility in the law world for future reference.
Y/N quickly scribbled on the last of the dictation from her father, leaving the radio back to its default position near the main machine, sliding the paper in front of Flo who was near threatening to hit Spencer with a telephone, “You guys seriously need to act mature enough.”
”Excuse me? I’m a fifty-year-old woman teaching a scrawny boy how to behave and not to talk back to adults!” She huffs, throwing herself back onto the chair belonging to the desk, squinting her eyes to look at the writing for directions, “Your handwriting needs work dear. But Victor needs to call the Hawkins Post or announce it somewhere and do something for good.”
Rolling his dark eyes, Victor snatches the flattened paper off the lady’s hands, walking towards the office phone calling in regards to the additional details to the post. Meanwhile, Y/N slouches on the chair, her jacket crinkle, reading a few files based on last week’s headlines, “Can I help to search for Will?”
”Can I come too?” Victor calls out from the corner, waving a hand in the air, suddenly getting caught off guard by the other person on the phone line and getting back into the conversation after dozing off, mumbling, “I’m sorry it was just a colleague of mine talking to me about the investigation.”
Time was dozing off until Flo agreed to let the two teenagers come along for the search party, organizing and setting out a clean stack of papers in front of Y/N, “Now stop your unproductive babbling and sort these out to keep them in storage.”
”Yes ma'am,” Y/N uttered calmly, still feeling proud and occupied due to her letting Dustin and the rest know this semi-confidential for the search of their friend. Now were they all going to be lucky and find success in finding Will in safety on this night, or are there many more occurrences to come?
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wizkiddx · 3 years
the worst case scenario 2
i did decide to make this a little parter thing, but really want to be as sensitive as poss (honestly using this as a sort of therapy for what I see myself ah). So please   do not read if anything in the warnings may trigger. I very much am not trying to ‘romanticise’ these sorts of situations in any way but also be aware medically this is NOT accurate.This part is short but I think there will be more.
warnings: hospital - ICU, respirators / mention of death , maternal mortality / talk of family dynamics and abandonment of a child
[previous part]
The sight Nikki walked into is something that as a parent you never want to see. Walking into this cold and otherwise empty ‘relatives room’ to see her son collapsed in a world of pain onto his best mates chest. Tom was too busy sobbing to even notice her entrance but her and  Harrison instantly locked eyes . Not even able to muster up a greeting smile, Harrison just nodded her in, admitting her entrance to the most horrific situation. 
It was about half an hour since she had been texting Haz, arranging when they’d be able to come and visit the newborn in hospital or whether it would be better to just wait till the new family got settled back at home, when Nikki had got a call from Tom’s number. With an excited grin she had instantly whipped her phone off the kitchen counter within one ring- a facial expression that didn’t last long at all. 
Met with the distant sound of crying first, Harrison’s deeper voice then emitted itself from her phones speaker, alerting her to the fact everything was very not right. He’d asked her to come to the hospital, said it was Y/n, that the baby was fine and then hung up. Dom immediately agreed to come with her but right now he was still parking the car, having dropped Nikki off right at the front. It had sounded that bad. 
Now, she knelt down infront of Haz and Tom, the latter who still was leaning over the arm rest and currently silently crying into his friends chest. Haz didn’t miss Nikki’s hands shaking as she reached out and rubbed up and down her sons back, the action prompting him to suddenly lean up to face her. He was broken. Totally and completely broken. Wordlessly, Nikki looked up for a second, communicating with Harrison so as if rehearsed he stood up and Nikki took his place in the chair - giving him a break from being Tom’s support. Beyond appreciative of how well Nikki could read a situation, Haz quietly but still in a hurried fashion made his way to the door. 
Because he was about to crack too - Tom couldn’t see him like that, not right now at least. And so his legs, completely of their own volition, carried him down the hallways. He had absolutely no idea what time it was, all sense of time passing had completely been thrown off earlier in the morning. He was oblivious to a lot, very much in his own thoughts and only realised where he had ended up when a nurse he vaguely recognised managed to garner his attention. 
“You’re here for baby Holland? She’s just round here.”
“I-“ He couldn’t respond but the nurse just nodded and then started off down the hallway, practically forcing the blonde to follow a couple of meters till they got to a perspex viewing window. 
“She’s the little cutie in the far corner over there.” The brunette middle aged lady softly spoke as she pointed through the glass to the incubator in the corner. “ Don’t worry about all the equipment, the doctors already come round and cleared her. She’s good to go home when you guys are…are ready.” Her words had trailed off, Harrison guessed she didn’t know how to phrase the current ‘situation’ Tom and Y/n were in either. After a couple of moments, the nurse placed a gentle hand on Harrison’s shoulder, giving it a squeeze. “You want to have a cuddle? I know your not dad but…”
Harrison just felt awful. The little girl was barely hours into life and yet she wasn’t receiving nearly as much as love as she should be. Instead unnamed and alone in a cold and clinical setting. So he silently nodded away, taking in all the instructions the nurse gave as she sat him down in the arm chair next to the incubator. 
Once she placed the little blanket wrapped bundle in his arms the nurse smiled gently up at Haz “You want to feed her? I’m sure she’d prefer it from you than me love?” Ah. Now Haz really was stuck between a rock and a hard place. She’d never been given a feed before - except presumably the midwifes. 
“I-uh Y/n hasn’t even  so I probably shouldn’t…”
“I can promise you Miss Y/l/n would probably want her baby to be cared for by someone that loves her and that Miss Y/l/n trusts herself.” Ooof. How were nurses so intuitive? She literally read his mind and broken down all the ill-founded ideas Harrison had built up. 
“I’m not her Dad.”
“But you care.” Looking down once and briefly at the squished little face that wormed herself into Harrisons broad chest a little more, he then immediately nodded in agreement. Looking almost relieved, the nurse handed him a bottle and directed him as to how to hold it. After mere moments she gasped happily, leaning back whilst the blonde boy waited for her input. 
“She’s latched on easy peasy. You’re doing great, I can leave you to it if you want - I’ll only be round the corner.”
“Can you check if there’s any news on Y/n?” The kind lady nodded, before promptly exiting the room - leaving the two actually alone for the first time ever. 
He didn’t even think about it, whilst Haz cradled her in one arm and held the bottle up at the angle shown by the nurse, he quietly spoke to the little bundle. 
“I’m sorry you were lonely… your mum and dad love you lots and lots… we all do.” Not realising he was crying, Harrison almost scared himself when a single strangled and repressed sob escaped from his chest. “ You’re mum…. She’s a pain in the arse right?” Haz laughed a little wetly “ She’s sarky as hell and she always has an answer… you’d probably think she’s a badass… she is. And-and…. Your dad is just scared… He loves you I promise, he just… he’s worried about you mum.” Now there was actual tears welling up and overflowing his lower lash line, not matter how much he tried to blink them away. “But whatever… whatever happens. You got all of us kiddo… you got me.”
Jolted out of his thoughts by the ladies knuckles rapping twice on the door, Harrison immediately shook himself out of it, wiping his face on his arm to hopefully remove all the evidence of the slight emotional breakdown. 
“Mr Osterfield… the doctor wanted me to let you know he’s on his way to talk to Mr Holland.”
Harrison managed to get back to Tom, Nikki and now Dom before Dr Webber returned, so with a greeting nod to Dom he too took a seat opposite Nikki and Tom. His best mate wasn’t crying anymore, which could be considered a positive were it not for the sinisterly empty look in his eye. He looked almost robotic, staring almost straight ahead at the light grey wall, sat straight and rigidly except for his one hand clasped in Nikki’s. 
“You went to see the baby?” Nikki broke the silence, making Harrison smile sadly over at her with a nod. It didn’t even look as though Tpm heard his mum speak, even if he was sat right next to her. “She’s okay?”
“Yeh…I gave her a bottle. She-she’s very cute.” Harrison could see Nikki’s face morph into one of kindness before she looked left toward her son. Nikki was still yet to see to unnamed girl but just thinking about her made her heart flutter. And then stop when she thought about what that little girl was already going through, barely hours into existence. 
“You hear that Tom? Maybe you could go down and see her soon? After we’ve spoken to the doctor?” Nikki was only trying to do the best thing, Harrison knew it and deep down Tom did know it too. But now really really wasn’t the time for some gently encouragement from his mother, it wasn’t just Tom being a little stubborn. This was his whole entire world falling apart around him. He didnt have the energy or focus to even shoot down his mother, instead Tom chose to stay completely still - engrossed in his own thoughts. 
From the outset, when you take that leap and say to a person ‘I think we should try for kids now’ you are completely putting yourself at the mercy of the other. But when they agree? Then it’s a commitment. Not it the same way marriage is - because that’s a completely selfish gesture, you get married because YOU want to be married to each other. Rather, agreeing to have a kid is a promise, a promise of something more. Promising that you are bringing this life into the world - and half of that life is yours. You create it together and it becomes a joint responsibility. You can never, no matter what people think, ever stop being a parent. At the end of it all there will be another person that knows, scientifically, it is half you. Even if they never met you - they still ‘knew’ you. They would know you had to exist, they would see things in themselves that cannot be explained rather than the influence of their creator. 
And sure, it didn’t always work out that way. A parent would up and leave, a child always with questions and a sense of betrayal. But that child… they know you. Because there is half of you in them. 
So it was Y/n and Tom together that was slumbering blissfully on a ward downstairs. That was the scary thing. Tom was so sure he didn’t have it in him. He  wouldn’t do this without her. He couldn’t be a dad to a baby without a mum. He couldn’t be a parent without Y/n. 
Almost thankfully for the atmosphere in the room, a soft know had them all snatching their heads up the very same grey slightly potato like doctor waddled in, this time followed by 2 others; a tall, dark haired woman with a soft and empathetic smile; then another man but this one tall and slender, unlike the other two who were wearing professional clothes, he was donned in scrubs (with the scrub hate too).
“Mr Holland and uh… family” Dr Webber awkwardly greeted the new arrivals of Nikki and Dom, somehow apparently sensing they were Tom’s and not Y/n’s parents who were hours away. Oh fuck, Tom hadn’t even phoned them yet. 
“This is Dr Alison Goodwell and then Dr Rohan Avinash, he is Y/n’s surgeon.” They filed in and took seats surrounding them, Dom and Harrison standing up to stand off to the side, not wanting to get in the way of the doctors. All Tom could do though was overanalyse everything. Why was the surgeon here? What was this other lady doing here? A  pathologist? — no, he wasn’t going to think like that. Then the taller and most scary looking of the three inched forward, commanding the attention of the whole room.
“Mr Holland, I just wanted to go over what happened. Ms Y/l/n developed plactental accreta, which was the cause of the what we call here a post partum haemorrhage. When you raised the alarm she had already lost, at best guess, 3 pints of blood which is a lot, there’s no denying. Dr Webber and his team quickly brought her up to my team in surgery. We transfused her with blood but we couldn’t stabilise her and the bleeding didn’t show any signs of stopping so we had to perform emergency surgery….” Dr Avinash slowed down as he took in how close Tom looked to bursting out in tears once again, offering him the chance to have a moment to collect himself. Vehemently shaking his head in refusal, Tom crung his hands together furiously. He just needed to know. “Okay… Now the nature of the surgery, because we had to be so quick…it is quite invasive and is a lot of stress to put on anyones body. That and the amount of blood she had already lost makes the situation very dangerous. Sometimes when this happens a persons heart-“ Tom’s breath halted in his throat at the mention of her heart, Harrison sharing the bleak trigger which made him shift uncomfortable between his two feet. “-notices this, it goes into what we call hypovoloemic shock, this just basically means its not getting enough volume of blood to pump properly. So we have had to stimulate Ms Y/l/n’s heart with electricity to keep it pumping-“
“You shocked her?” He felt so numb and now adrenalin was coursing through his own veins, images like you see on TV shows of her body arching up not he table from the volts of electricity.
“I’m afraid we did have to but it meant we could keep her stable enough to fix the bleed. I am sorry to say this but we’ve had to remove her whole womb because it was so damaged.”
“But Y/n?” Again Harrison lost all willpower of control, though to be fair he wasn’t sure if he was being impatient or not -  this doctor appeared to be delivering this news painfully slowly, as if to torture everyone as much as possible.
“Your fiancé lost a lot of blood and her body went through a lot” The towering doctor kept his focus on Tom the whole time, Harrison’s interjection seemingly falling on selectively deaf ears. “We’ve had to use a machine to control her breathing  and for the moment she is still in a very dangerous place. Right now she is stable but I don’t want to make any promises to you. We are nowhere close to out of the woods yet.” Seemingly, feeling compelled to add in, the brunette doctor spoke for the first time since entering.
“But it’s still one hurdle she has got through… Now that the surgeons are finished with Ms Y/l/n me and the other intensive care doctors will be keeping a very close eye on her okay? We are all going to be working with you and your family 24/7, to keep Y/n as comfortable as possible.” Her soft smile managed to somehow break through to Tom, who jerkily nodded while Nikki squeezed his hand tight. There had been a lot of that going on  today and even if Tom would say he wished nothing more that it was Y/n rather than his mums grip - he still appreciated it. The doctor continued, leaning forward so her elbows were resting on the tops of her thighs. “Right now she’s asleep and probably will be for quite a while. We first want to be sure she’s not in any pain, so she is sedated. Now assuming everything goes okay tonight and she stays stable we might want to think about possibly reducing that sedation, however for right now I hope you are all in agreement that we just want to make sure she’s comfortable?” The whole room nodded steadily in response which the doctor acknowledged with a satisfied smile. 
“And we are all aware this is a lot to take in so if you have any questions or think of any please just let us know - it’s important that you guys are all fully in the know… How is your daughter?” Dr Webber started off so well, Tom was almost going to smile thankfully at him, until he mentioned it. Instantly, the cold and empty look reappeared behind Tom’s eyes as the room was held in silence for long enough to be uncomfortable. To be fair, the doctor wasn’t to know that recently Tom had taken to refusing to acknowledge he even had a child. 
“I-she’s really good… the nurse there said she’s ready to leave whenever” Harrison had to show that at least someone was looking out for her, he couldn’t not. 
“Okay” sharing a knowing look with Harrison, Dr Webber pitifully clasped his hands together, before looking back to Tom. “Would you like Dr Alison take you up to see her, sir?” 
again pls let me know if anyone is very not okay with this, i can take it down and not write any more!
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julieloveupstead · 3 years
"I'm Never Leaving You" - Upstead
Description: A story inspired by the events of the last episode of the season and what might happen in season 9 in Hailey and Jay's lives. I really hope you guys enjoy it.
- Are you sure you want to be there? - Jay asked for a split second, turning his head away from the road and looking at his girlfriend with worry. Hailey rolled her eyes, hearing the question once again.
- Yeah. I'm sure. - She answered in a hoarse and tired voice, and it required all the strength she had left after all the events that had happened today to sound convincing. Jay just nodded even though he was still worried, but he knew Hailey needed something to keep her thoughts diverted to something else, so he let it go.
Hailey knew that Jay was worried, that he wanted to help her, but she couldn't do anything about it, something inside her had changed after what had happened in that warehouse. She felt like she had reached a wall, like she was finally at her breaking point, and she didn't see how to turn around, how to get out of it and how to get back on track again. She did not know. Furthermore, she turned her gaze away from the window and looked at Jay, who was now driving, and watched him for a moment and though slowly returned her thoughts to the conversation that had taken place less than an hour ago in her-and for the past few weeks-their flat.
Entering the flat, she didn't know how she had managed to get there all right and without causing any accidents. She felt as if everything from breathing to walking was being done by someone else, and she was just watching, and it was only when she saw Jay at home and felt his tender touch on her shoulder that her emotional bubble burst and everything hit her. She could barely bring herself not to start crying in front of Jay. Standing there in the middle of the room, looking into her green eyes full of love and worry, she wanted to tell him everything, but it occurred to her how much she had let him down. And she was convinced that as soon as Jay found out what Hailey had done he would leave her and want nothing to do with her, and she would be left to live with the knowledge that she had once again hurt someone she cared about so much, loved so much. In truth, what she felt for him was unmatched by anything else, not even Garrett and her shared such a deep feeling as she and Jay did. What they have is something completely different, something special, something that could be something lasting. For the first time in her more than twenty years of life, she felt happy, loved and safe, and that's why she was in so much pain about what was happening now. And she was afraid of what would happen to her if Jay, after finding out the truth, slammed the door, and she was forced to be alone with her thoughts and guilt and self-loathing, and it was that fear so terribly paralyzing that she didn't want to tell him, wanted to lie to him, but a little voice in her head kept repeating to her the words Jay had spoken over the years of their partnership and being together:
"We're good. We're always going to be good."
"Hailey, I'd follow you anywhere"
"I'm not going anywhere really, I'm not"
"I love you"
And maybe that determined that she would take the risk and tell him everything after all, but that stupid panicky voice in her head repeating that he was going to leave her was circulating and even getting louder and maybe that caused her to say those words:
"Maybe we should get married"
The first time she said the phrase, she was surprised, and she saw the same thing in Jay's eyes. And so maybe it was too soon, maybe at the wrong time, but somehow she felt that this was what she really wanted to do. She wanted to spend her whole life with him and most of all she wanted to be the first to do something under the influence of impulse, under the influence of selfishness, and she wanted to stop at all costs something that was good in her life.
She didn't have to wait for Jay's answer because she knew he wanted the same thing, but he's too honest, too good to make decisions seeing her in this state, wrecked, barely holding on mentally, in a loop of conflicting emotions. And all he's done is saying that he's here and nothing and no one will bail him out, and he'll be by her side for better or worse without question.
Hailey in his embrace so strong and powerful, where she felt so safe let go of all her barriers and told her everything. Jay never once interrupted her but listened attentively, holding her close, so she knew he was beside her and not going anywhere. When she finished with fearful and weeping eyes she looked at the boy and waited fearfully for his reaction. She had expected everything from silence to an outburst of rage, disappointment and a slamming of the door after he left leaving her, but nothing like that happened. Jay invariably told her that he was there for her, that it wasn't her fault, that it was Voight's fault for taking advantage of her good and pure heart and still said he loved her and that they would work something out together.
She couldn't believe that Jay even after she told him that she had killed a man, that she had let herself be manipulated by their Sergeant, he was still there for her. Just when she thought she couldn't love him anymore she caught herself that she was wrong after all.
Hailey put her head against the glass and closed her eyes, wishing that this day was over and that everything that had happened today was just a bad dream.
- Angel - she heard Jay's warm whisper by her ear. Apparently she was more tired than she thought since she fell asleep. She looked with sleepy eyes at the man crouching on her side of the door, nodded and straightened up, looking around. - We are already outside the hospital - she nodded, recognizing the building. Jay held out his hand, which she accepted, and helped her out of the truck. Jay intertwined their fingers and squeezed hard.
Hailey tried to focus on the feel of Jay's hand in hers and how her body was reacting to it. How her thoughts automatically calmed, how a simple touch could cause something like safety. Hailey had learned from a young age that touch was something associated with pain, not love, and especially not with the notion of safety she felt with her boyfriend. And after what had happened today with Kim and what had happened in that damn warehouse, that was exactly how she felt. Like a confused little girl who was just waiting for the next blow and all she needed right now was to hide and close her eyes and pray that the nightmare would end.
But the closer they got to the building, the more it came to her that she would have to look into the eyes of her friends who would want explanations that she didn't want and couldn't say, and more than anything it terrified her to see the Sergeant. After what he forced her to do today, she didn't feel like looking at him, just thinking about him made her stomach clench, and she felt like throwing up. Suddenly, she let go of Jay's hand and ran to the side to throw up.
- What's wrong? - A worried Jay ran after her. He put his hand on her back drawing reassuring patterns and grabbed her hair to keep it out of her way. He was concerned about her condition, but felt helpless. Likewise, he wanted so much to relieve her, to take this burden off her, but he didn't know how to do it. - I am with you, Angel. It is all right now. I am here. - He repeated in a calm and tender voice, trying to sound confident so as not to show how much it hurt him to see her suffering so much.
- I am sorry - she whispered after a while, he had to strain to hear. Seeing Hailey like that broke his heart into a million little pieces.
- You have nothing to be sorry for, Angel. It's okay. I'm here. - He whispered - Maybe you want to go home? - Jay crouched down beside Hailey and continued to make patterns on her back, tears welling up in his eyes at the sight of his beloved suffering.
- No, we need to be with Kim, she needs us. - she said in a weak voice. When Hailey looked at him, he saw a new batch of tears running down her cheeks, and he really couldn't do anything to stop his own from flowing anymore.
- Hailey - he wanted to say something else, but Hailey interrupted him.
- Jay, please - she said, he could see she was trying with all her might to stop crying. Everything in him was screaming, he wanted to take her home, embrace her and never let her go and never let her suffer again.
- Good - he agreed, because what else could he do. - Are you ready? - he asked himself and when she nodded they both got up and headed for the building.
Entering the hospital, the first person they noticed was Will, who was waiting for them in the waiting room.
- 'Hey, how's Kim? - Jay spoke up, approaching his brother.
- 'She's still in surgery. Dr. Crockett is doing the best he can. Time will tell. The important thing is that she's fighting. - He said in a tired voice. Jay and Hailey nodded as they processed the doctor's words. Looking at Will, it hadn't escaped the two detectives' notice that he was standing in front of them in his regular clothes instead of a doctor's gown and from what Jay remembered his brother had the night shift today, and he hadn't said anything about schedule changes. Jay sensed that something must have happened, but this was not the time to ask. - Come on, I'll take you to your colleagues - Will moved off and Jay and Hailey followed him - Will Is V... Is Voight sitting there too? - Jay' couldn't help but notice how Hailey's body was holding its breath waiting for his brother's answer. He could also feel her all hurried up and with panic evident on her face, she looked around looking for the Sergeant. To support her, he squeezed her joined hand tighter and drew reassuring glances with his thumb to try and snap her out of her dark thoughts
- No, I don't think so. At least I haven't seen him, and I've been here for a while. - Will walking next to Jay replied with a shake of his head. - 'Are you okay, Hailey? - He asked, worried by the blonde's behavior. The doctor had to admit that he had never seen her like this before, and seeing how after his negative answer she let out a breath and relaxed a little he looked at his younger brother who only shook his head and by the look he knew he wouldn't know more, so he dropped the subject.
Hailey didn't even know how relieved she would feel after hearing that Voight was gone, but some part of her needed proof that the gray-haired man was gone and when she finally saw that in the hallway outside the room where Kim should have been after the surgery, that apart from Kevin, Trudy, some woman who she guessed and remembered from stories and from photos was Kim's sister, and she saw Adam sitting in the furthest possible corner there was no one else. Her body, though, slowly relaxed enough to be able to let go of her boyfriend's hand and approach them to quietly tag along.
Jay had been watching her vigilantly the whole time, he could see how the news that Voight was gone had reassured her and him too. He didn't yet know what she would do when she saw him, and he knew that sooner or later he would come here anyway. He hoped as late as possible, though.
- Hey, is Hailey okay? - asked his brother quietly, standing next to him.
- No - Jay didn't see the point in lying to Will. Jay knew that his older brother also liked Hailey a lot and that he was worried about her. He had been very happy when Will and Hailey had become friends and teasing the two of them about it hadn't been so terrible, and the sight of Hailey laughing when Will told another story from their childhood had been his favorite sound even before he and Hailey had been a couple. Now that they are together, Will is very supportive of him and makes sure he doesn't do stupid things, for which he is grateful. It's nice to know there's someone else besides him who cares about his Angel, and there's no one he trusts more than Will.
- So why don't you two go home? No one's going to get in to see Kim today anyway, and her condition won't change from the way you're here. - suggested the elder.
- No - nodded the brunet. - 'Hailey wants to be here. She needs this. - He explained in a whisper, looking at the girl sitting next to Kevin. She had always seemed small to him and even though he knew that Hailey was able to take care of herself, he felt a special care for her, but now it all had a different meaning. He sat down next to her on the plastic chair and pulled her tightly to him. Hailey snuggled into him, and he kissed the top of her head.
Everyone sat in silence waiting for any news on Kim, Hailey finally managed to fall asleep and Jay couldn't sleep. He kept having the recent events and the sight of Hailey suffering in his mind. He tried to think of ways to help her, but nothing sensible came up, which irritated him even more. What kind of boyfriend is he if he can't help his own girlfriend. How could he not notice how Voight was manipulating Hailey, after all, this was practically happening right in front of his eyes. That trip Hailey took to New York seemed suspicious to him, and he already felt an uncomfortable sense of déjà vue, and he did nothing about it. And that incident a few days ago where Hailey wanting to prove to Voight that our relationship had no bearing on the quality of her operations had entered that house without a warrant and the mere fact that he'd started meddling in their lives was enough to finally set off a clear red light for him. He should have talked to him then, but Hailey didn't want any more problems, so he let it go. And today as he separated them he felt a strange pressure in his chest, as if he felt something bad might have happened, but again he said nothing, did nothing. Now it came to him that what had happened, what his girlfriend, the most wonderful person, the woman of his life had gone through was his fault. He laid his head so that his cheek touched the top of Hailey's head and closed his eyes to stop the tears gathering in his eyes. How could he let this happen.
After some time, a characteristic hoarse voice reached Jay's ears, at which he put his arms around the girl, who was now sitting, or rather sleeping, on his lap. He didn't know what he should do now, but he knew that as soon as he saw Voight he would explode, and besides, he knew that Hailey wasn't ready to face the Sergeant, and besides, he himself wouldn't let that man hurt his Angel again.
- Will - he whispered to his brother sitting across from him. - I think we will go home after all, but I would like to leave without prying eyes. - If Will was surprised by Jay's question, he didn't show it, but just nodded and stood up.
Jay took Hailey in his arms bridal style and followed his brother.
- 'Jay, are you okay? - asked the elder once they were outside Jay's car.
Jay gently placed Hailey in the passenger seat and buckled her seat belt. He gently closed the door and looked at his brother.
- 'No,' he sighed and returned his gaze to the sleeping Hailey. The sight of the now peaceful girl soothed his shattered nerves, but as soon as he remembered her terrified look, her weeping face, her petite body trembling with terror. And the most shattering situation for him was the terrified look when Hailey was afraid that if he found out what she had done he would leave her and stop loving her, so she wanted to hold him by proposing to him. God, when he first heard her ask if he was going to get married his heart stopped, and he couldn't believe once again that such a wonderful, amazing person chose him out of all men, for every cop's dream job to spend his life with. Ever since he'd been with Hailey, he'd dreamed of nothing but proposing to her and then vowing his eternal love to her. He even already had a place picked out where he wanted to propose to her and get married. That's why he wanted so badly to say yes, but he knew from her face that it wasn't appropriate, that the proposal should be a special memory. And when he heard from Hailey what had happened, he knew he had done the right thing, even though it broke his heart. He closed his eyes as he felt tears come to his eyes again.
- 'What happened, Jay? - he asked as he walked over to his brother Will and put his hand on his brother's back in a caring gesture. - Something bad. - Jay looked at his brother, no longer fighting back tears. - Voight hurt Hailey, and I let it happen. Will, I couldn't see the most obvious signals, I trusted a man, and he hurt my Angel. I let Hailey... - Jay plugged his mouth, silencing the moan of despair that escaped from his throat. - Jay, what the hell are you talking about? - It had been a long time since Will had seen his younger brother in such disarray, which worried him, and knowing that Hailey wasn't in any better shape even more terrified him. What the hell happened out there? He asked himself this question while looking at his crying brother. - 'Never mind, I shouldn't say anything, it's just this thing, you know? - explained Jay quickly, realizing what he had just done. He looked at the redhead and wiped the tears from his cheeks. - Will, you don't have to worry about us. We'll be fine - he said, seeing the worried look in his brother's eyes.
- 'Okay, but if you want to talk then call me, you can both call me whenever you want. - Will offered, not convinced by his young brother's explanation. Jay nodded his thanks for the offer, then walked around the car and got in. A few seconds later, Hailey and Jay drove off.
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iamyoursinblog · 3 years
Everything that you dream about
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Pairing: Jeon Jungkook x Reader x Kim Taehyung
Genre:  smut
Word Count:  7,3 k
Pov you
“Damn it…” you growled, resting your forehead against the wall of the shower stall. And why were you hoping that a cold shower could extinguish the heat between your legs that these sexy, even too for their age, guys.. You spent most of the day alone with Taehyung and Jungkook shopping. But after you arrived at the house, it turned out that your room is next to Jungkook. You leaned your back against the wall and slid to the floor. Closing your eyes, you remembered the guys training on the street. Every time they trained, you just melted, but today when you saw Taehyung and Jungkook boxing together ... It was hot !!! Too hot !!!
You shook your head, banishing the depraved thoughts from your head. It seems that you forgot that you went to the shower to cool off, and not even more turned on thinking about them. You laughed, but it sounded more like a mockery of yourself. How could you fall in love with them both? You got out of the shower and quickly dried yourself off. Looking around, you realized that you didn’t take any clothes, except for underwear. You looked at the washing machine in which your clothes were washed, and ran your hand over your face. You squeaked in frustration as you looked at the wet towel on the floor. You decided that if you quickly run to the bedroom no one will see you, besides how did you know all the boys were going to cook in the upper house.
You stuck your head through the doorway, listening to the sounds, but you were met by silence and you were glad of it. You quickly picked up your phone, and checking your messages, headed into the room. You entered the room and sighed with relief. You stood in the room laughing because of the correspondence in the general chat between friends.
"What's so funny there?" the too familiar voice took you by surprise.
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You jumped from surprise putting the phone on the floor. You looked towards your bed and Jungkook was sitting on it. Your eyes widened, and he sat resting on the guitar and watched you with joy in his eyes.
“Yaayy… you scared me, my heart almost stopped! What are you doing in my room? " you shouted at him
He laughed out loud, “Sorry nuna. I didn't mean to scare you. But here's the thing ... this is my room "he sent you a dangerous smile. You looked around and there were Jungkook's things was everywhere. You stumbled upon the mirror and your heart fell to the floor sorting out billions of millions of pieces. You were so discouraged, that you completely forgot that you were standing only in transparent underwear. You wanted to hide behind or run out of the room, but your body was paralyzed and refused to move. You slowly turned your eyes from the mirror to Jungkook, who watched your every move with curiosity and lust, or rather the absence any movements.
“I… I’m better… sorry…” it seems that not only the ability to move, but also to speak has left you. You took a step back before turning. Turning to the door, for the second time in 5 minutes, a terrible fear gripped you when you met the eyes that watched you in surprise. Taehyung stood in the doorway, leaning against the wall.
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“I think I almost missed all the fun. I didn't really want walk to you, but you forgot the phone on the desk, so I had to come down here" he said they believe in the hands of Jungkook's phone. He looked at Jungkook for a second, and you heard a quiet laugh behind your back. your body, eagerly examining every inch, which made your skin goose bumps. "I'll have to thank Yoongi for making me go downstairs," he said, closing the door behind him.
You have to say something, or better - leave. So why did you stand as if you were frozen. In your thoughts, you practically fainted from this whole situation. You, Taehyung and Jungkook. In same room. And you almost naked. WTF! “This is not what you think. Just because I was looking at the phone, I accidentally mixed up the rooms. This is all just an accident. " You tried to justify why you are in Jungkook's room.
Taehyung smiled broadly, "Isn't that your favorite phrase,‘ accidents aren’t accidents? ” you heard a noise behind you as Jungkook got out of bed and stood behind you.
“Exactly! You always repeat it! " Jungkook laughed.
“This is not the same case.” You quickly replied and tried to step towards the door, but Taehyung blocked your path.
“Really? Let's see ... I like you, Jungkook like you, and I know you like us. And now we are all three in the same room and you look sexy as hell. ” Taehyung took a step towards you and you had to step back.
“Don't you find it exciting?” Jungkook asked you, and you felt hot breath on your back.
“No,” you answered, barely audible.
"Something improbable no, don't you think so, Jungkook?" Taehyung took another step towards you, and you took a step back and rested your back on Jungkook's chest.
“It sound more to agree than to refuse,” Jungkook whispered in your ear, and your body trembled.
Taehyung raised his hands and placed them on Jungkook's shoulders, which left you trapped between their bodies. You hated yourself for being so horny now. Your brain seems to have completely shut off as their scent enveloped you. Taehyung tilted his head to meet your eyes, his face too close. "Don't you want to know how this might end?"
Of course, you wanted this, more than anything in this world…. But you couldn't give in to your desire. Despite the fact that you dreamed about it every second of your life, from the moment you started working with them. You lost count of how many times you masturbated while imagining a scene like this in your dreams. Therefore, it was only natural for your body to tremble so trapped between their bodies. Taehyung ran his fingers over your face, and his face began to approach yours. You felt his hot breath on your lips ...
A phone call rang out that distracted you and reminded you exactly where you are and how many cameras are around. You are in luck, since you were the one doing the video processing. You pushed Taehyung away and ran out of the room before they could tell you anything. You quickly ran into the room and, putting on the first thing that came to hand, ran out of the house. There was only one thought in my head that you should leave this house as soon as possible. You were running so fast to the car that you almost hit Namjoon, who came out of the corner.
"It feels like a fire has started somewhere." Namjoon laughed seeing your confused look.
"What? Fire? What are you talking about? " you tried to sound calm.
“You ran as if you were running from the fire. Didn't you say you were staying with us for dinner tonight? " he frowned
“Sorry Namjoon. Something happened, I need to get back today. Let's have dinner some other time. ”You quickly walked over to the car and sat inside. You looked at the work phone on the seat and remembered that your personal phone was left on the floor in Jungkook's room. You looked up and saw Taehyung and Jungkook walking towards you. You quickly started the car and drove away.
POV Taehyung
"And what was that?" he turned towards Jungkook when you ran out of the room.
"Aren't you the one who ruined everything?" Jungkook raised an eyebrow.
“If the phone hadn’t rang… I didn’t ask about that. Why was ______ only wearing underwear in your room? "
"She said that she accidentally entered my room."
"But why in underwear?"
"I'm sorry hyung, but she didn't have time to explain to me why she was only wearing underwear." Jungkook smiled and they both laughed.
Taehyung shook his head, and what he could only hope for doing this in a room full of cameras. One thing reassured him that he knew that it was you who was in charge of editing, so most likely half an hour of recordings from this house would "accidentally" disappear. A wave of excitement passed through his body when the image of your gorgeous body, covered only with a small piece of transparent fabric, appeared in front of his eyes again. There were too many thoughts in my head, and only after a while did it appear among them that he needed to talk to you. He left the room and went to yours, but it was already empty ... Jungkook followed him without uttering a word, he knew that the makne was also confused by this whole situation that had just happened. He left the house and headed towards the parking lot. But he only had time to see your back when you were talking to Namjoon, and then you quickly got into the car. He met your gaze and his heart stopped, your face was a mask that could not be read. It has been a long time since he felt the fear of ruining everything. He froze in place when your car drove away abruptly. Jungkook bumped into him because he was staring at you the whole time and didn't even notice that Taehyung had stopped.
"Sorry hyung." Jungkook quickly apologized
He just nodded his head back, not saying a word.
"Have you two already ruined everything?" Taehyung turned to Yoongi's voice from behind.
"I don't know what you're talking about, hyung," Taehyung quickly replied.
“Ohh, good. So be it. Then I'll just say: _______, not the girl with whom you can play your games "
“Hyung, it's none of your business! I by myself can figure it out somehow without your advice! You know nothing!" Taehyung turned around and went to his room.
"I hope you will remember your words well after you screw it up!" shouted to him in the trail of Yoongi.
Taehyung just waved it off and headed into the house. He practically ran into his room and slammed the door angrily. He was angry at Yoongi's words, but even more angry that he was completely right. And today it has become only proof that he can become the one who will ruin everything. He fell onto the bed, trying to hide his hurt and embarrassment in the sheets. His head did not leave the thought of how to fix everything now ...
POV Jungkook
He stood in the middle of the lawn watching the hyungs quarrel. What's going on here? It ended as abruptly as it began. Taehyung turned and went one way, and Yoongi the other. He once again looked at the place where your car was parked 5 minutes ago and, turning on his heels, went back into the house. Entering the room, he fell on the bed. He covered his eyes with his hand, remembering your warm body that pressed against his body. He smiled as his body filled with warmth. The notification sound distracted him. He took his phone out of his pocket and looked at the screen. But there were no notifications. Hmm, weird, he definitely heard the sound of the message. He sat up on the bed looking at his phone. It seems that he had already started hallucinations before lying on the floor some object caught his attention. He got out of bed and came closer. Ah so that's where the sound came from. He smiled as he lifted your phone off the floor.
"You are so careless ..." he said softly, as if you could hear him.
But he was even more surprised when the phone unlocked from his fingerprint. You probably didn't even remember how at one of party he added his fingerprint into your phone. What luck, he thought. He saw the booking confirmation. Address and door code. He laughed, it seems that luck turned to face him. Finally, you had the opportunity to be alone, without the rest of the members, staff and cameras. He quickly changed his clothes and left the room. He quickly went up to the house and headed to Taehyung's room. Without even knocking, he went inside
"Hyung, get up," he said in a joyful voice.
“Nobody didn't teach you how to knock. I don't want to eat or drink, fuck off. " said Taehyung wrapping himself even more in the blankets.
"Get up!" he said pulling off the blankets with Taehyung
“Hey kid, don't you understand what I'm saying? Fuck off "
“Oh, shut your mouth. Get up. I know where is ____! Come on!" he said and smiled
Whatever Taehyung was about to say, he froze. He quickly jumped out of bed and began to change.
"How do you know where she is?" asked Taehyung while dressing
“She dropped her phone in my room before you showed up,” Jungkook replied
"What if she doesn't open the door for us?"
“It doesn't matter, I have the code for her door,” he laughed as Taehyung stared at him in disbelief. “They sent an email with an address and code,” he explained.
“You caught me off guard twice today. The first time I found ______ in your room. The second one just now. You know, I always hated that you knew the most about her. "
“It's not my fault that you don't know how to drink. They start to share their secrets after a few bottles of alcohol, and you are all asleep by this time, ”he smiled and shrugged.
"Come on, I'm ready." Taehyung patted him on the shoulder and headed for the exit.
They quickly got into the car and drove away. He was very glad that they did not meet anyone, and he did not have to explain where they were leaving. He quickly wrote to Namjoon that they drove to the store. In half an hour they were there. It was a small house with a beautiful garden. He looked around and did not see your car, did they really come before you. He parked the car on the other side of the house so that you would not see it. They went into the house looking around. The house had large windows down to the floor. In the back of the living room there was a sofa, which was hidden in the shade, and it was not visible from the street, but it overlooked the garden.
"It's so calm," Taehyung said as he sat down in a chair. He turned his gaze to Taehyung, who smiled for perhaps the first time that day.
“You can't think of a better place,” he smiled broadly as he sat down on the sofa. It only remained to wait for you. Now he was bursting with anticipation, like a child waiting for a gift.
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You was sitting in the restaurant when the booking confirmation came. You didn't want to go home, so you rented a house near the filming location. Judging by the photos, a calm environment is what you needed. Your body ached with excitement, which has not left you since the moment you left home. Maybe get to know someone, you looked around the room when this thought arose in your head. "As if someone could compare with them." you muttered to yourself. You got up and went to the hostess to pay the bill.
You went out and the warm evening air enveloped you. You couldn't stop the smile on your face when you remembered Jungkook's hot body with your back pressed against it. I need to get drunk! You thought to yourself when you got into the car. On the way to the house, you stopped by the store and bought fruit and wine. You were driving home and a smile lit up your face. You already imagined how you will lie in a cool pool drinking wine. In half an hour you were there. You went inside and turning on the light at the entrance, your heart melted when the whole garden lit up with beautiful lights. You walked between the trees feeling like a fairy tale. You have reached a dark house with huge windows. You went into the house and went to the living room. Thanks to the light from the garden, the house was not dark. You walked into the living room and turned on the light. With your peripheral vision, you saw two dark figures. Fear enveloped your body. You screamed and covered your face with your hands, causing the bags to fall to the floor with a clatter of breaking glass.
"At least this time she didn’t shout at me when she saw, can this be considered progress?" Jungkook's voice broke the silence.
“Last time she was wearing only underwear, and now a tracksuit. This can hardly be considered progress. ”Taehyung's voice replied
You slowly turned towards the dark figures, and your eyes refused to believe that Jungkook and Taehyung were sitting in front of you. Why are they here?
"Yyyyaaa idiots!" you shouted at them. You took a deep breath trying to calm yourself. "How did you found about this place?" you were completely shocked to see them. Jungkook smiled broadly and took out his phone from his pocket, your phone to be precise.
"You trust me," Jungkook laughed. A moment with the party immediately appeared in my head when you said that you have no secrets from him and he can even add his fingerprint to your phone. How could you forget about it and not delete it. You put your head down, unable to look at them. A red wine stain surrounded your bare feet. Right, wine ... you completely forgot about it.
“It seems like someone wanted to have a nice evening with wine and fruit,” Taehyung smiled as he stood up from his chair. “But don't you need a man for such an evening, or better two men,” he said when you looked at him. Your face flushed with embarrassment. And what was you just thinking. Before you could open your mouth to reply, he crossed the room and kissed you. This kiss has completely intoxicated you. His tender hot lips caressed yours. A fire broke out inside you, which you tried to extinguish all this time. “I didn't want to be interrupted by someone's call this time,” he said, pulling away from you. He sank down to the bags that lay at your feet. You stood motionless while your brain tried to figure out what just happened. Strong arms wrapped around your body, lifting up.
“It will be bad if you cut yourself,” Jungkook said as you turned towards him. "Didn't I deserve a kiss for saving you?" he asked, and without waiting for an answer he kissed you. Oh these guys are definitely going to drive you crazy.
“We were lucky, the second whole bottle of wine,” said Taehyung, picking up a bag of fruit and a whole bottle of wine from the floor.
“I definitely need a drink! It’s difficult to accept soberly everything that happens now” you said, breaking free from Jungkook's embrace. You went to Taehyung and took the wine and went to the side of the kitchen to open it. Having reached the kitchen, you quickly opened the bottle, and pouring it into the glass, took a long sip.
"Have you been told that you think too much?" Jungkook asked when he entered the kitchen.
“Stop being afraid of your desires. Especially when they coincide with ours, ”Taehyung said while hugging you from back.
"You don't understand," you tried to free yourself from Taehyung's hands, but he only tightened his grip.
“What? The fact that you work for the one company? Who am I and Jungkook? Or the fact that there are three of us in this room now and we are excited? " snarled into your ear Taehyung.
"What exactly are you afraid of, ______?" asked Jungkook, stepping closer.
"All of this " you whispered
“Then answer a few questions, our baby. You can even not out loud, but for yourself. Do you like Jungkook? Do you like me? Do you want us? Have you dreamed about it? " Taehyung asked questions slowly as his fingers played with your hair. Even though you didn't say a word, the answer to all the questions was YES. Jungkook came up to you and ran his fingers over your chin, lifting your face to his before kissing. The tenderness of his kiss, and Taehyung's hands completely melted you.
"Only today. Let's not be who we are just today. ”Jungkook whispered into your lips
They were right why things have to be so difficult. You didn't want to think about tomorrow. Why can't you afford to enjoy tonight. You raised your hands and took Jungkook's face and kissed him. You didn’t hold yourself back this time. All the desire and lust that they aroused in you, you reflected in this kisses. You felt Taehyung's fingers tighten on your skin as Jungkook groaned in pleasure. You pulled away from Jungkook and turned to Taehyung. You hugged him while your fingers tangled in his hair. This kiss was insane. Pleasure gripped your body as Taehyung's hands fully pressed you into his body. Jungkook pressed against your back and pulled your hair back, leaving kisses on your neck and shoulders. Your head was spinning with pleasure.
"I'm certainly not an expert, but I hope there is at least some bed somewhere in this house" Jungkook said, and Taehyung had to pull away from you out because of laughter. Taehyung shoved Jungkook in the shoulder, causing him to move away from you. "What? I don't think this table is as comfortable as a bed. ”Jungkook shrugged.
All three laughed at this. You knew for sure that there was a bed, and it was huge. “I think I saw something in the description of the house about the bed,” you said, heading towards the back room. You walked fast enough listening to heavy steps behind you. You unbuttoned your jacket before sending it to the floor. You opened the door and heard a growl when the guys saw a huge bed in the middle of the room.
“I think this is what we need,” said Taehyung.
You went to the bed and ran your hand over the sheet. What seemed like an unreal dream before, now it was a reality. You felt Jungkook's hot fingers intertwine with your cold fingers. Before you turned towards Jungkook, Taehyung turned your face towards him and kissed you. This kiss was not like the previous ones, it echoed with heat between your legs. While Taehyung was kissing you, Jungkook's swift fingers got rid of all the clothes on yours. Jungkook pulled your hand sharply and you fell into his arms. Before you could understand, you were already lying on the bed under him.
"Isn't she beautiful, hyung?" he said kneeling down and examining your body.
"She's perfect!" said Taehyung, sitting down next to you on the bed.
Jungkook ran his hand over your belly, lifting upward. It sank to your face, squeezing your neck. His gaze was wild, full of desire. But despite this, when he kissed you, you were struck by the tenderness that he gave you. You always liked Jungkook's rudeness, which changed dramatically with tenderness. It made you melt. Despite all the tenderness, a minute later the tenderness changed into an all-consuming passion that swept away everything in its path. You groaned as his fingers pressed into your skin, leaving red marks. Jungkook went down your neck before you felt the teeth clenching your nipple. A flash of pain mingled with pleasure, causing a loud groan. You heard a soft laugh next to you. You opened your eyes, meeting Taehyung's gaze.
"This kid is so impatient," smiled at Taehyung as he ran his fingers through Jungkook's hair, and a shiver went through your body. He ran his fingers over your cheek, brushing away strands of hair. "Although I think that's what we need now." Taehyung moved on the bed, sitting behind your back. While Jungkook's tongue caressed your breast, Taehyung left kisses on your neck and shoulders. These two made you go crazy. Your moans filled the room. Jungkook descended down your body, leaving kisses and red teeth marks. The sound of tearing fabric filled the silence as Jungkook ripped your panties off.
“I've dreamed of getting them for so long,” Jungkook said, stuffing them into his pocket. “So wet,” Jungkook said, running his fingers over your crotch. Taehyung reached out and took Jungkook's hand and pulled him towards him. He licked his fingers, it was the most erotic sight you have ever seen. "It seems like it made her leak more, huyng," Jungkook said, looking at Taehyung. You groaned loudly as he pushed two fingers into you.
"I wonder what will happen to her if I kiss you," Taehyung said, running his fingers over the maknae's cheek. Oh god, only from his words you could cum right now. Taehyung's fingers dug into your hair, tightening his grip, forcing you to meet his gaze. "Didn't you dream about it when you caressed yourself at night?"
You could only moan because Jungkook covered your pussy with his mouth. Your back arches with pleasure. Jungkook caressed your clit with his lips and tongue, forcing it to wriggle.
“Taehyung…” you moaned his name as he dug his teeth into your skin.
“I love the way you moan my name, baby,” Taehyung whispered in your ear.
These two guys were driving you crazy. While Jungkook fondled your pussy, Taehyung played with your nipples. Your body trembled violently as Jungkook stuck his tongue into you, which alternated with his fingers. The orgasm was approaching with incredible speed. They have completely taken over your body. Jungkook's tongue kept circling your clitoris as his fingers fucked you.
"Cum for us baby," Taehyung growled. Jungkook's mouth covered your clitoris and began to suck vigorously while his fingers quickened the pace. An orgasm enveloped you, making you moan loudly. Your body shook with every touch of Jungkook's lips.
"You are incredible, _______!" said Jungkook meeting your eyes
Taehyung took Jungkook's chin and pulled his face towards him. Leaning forward, Taehyung ran his tongue over Jungkook's wet lips, which sent goosebumps to your skin. "You are so delicious," Taehyung said, looking at you. They got out of bed, began to take off their clothes. Although it looked more like they decided to tease you. You sat down in the middle of the bed, watching this erotic performance. Your body did not leave. shivering as you watched them, their naked bodies creating heat in your body, making you languish with desire.
Taehyung walked over to the bed and took you by the hand, pulled you into his arms, forcing you to kneel. He kissed you, but before you could fully enjoy him, a tight grip appeared in your hair, breaking the kiss. Jungkook covered your mouth eagerly caressing him. You heard Taehyung growl and couldn't help but smile at it. Jungkook broke the kiss and only then did you see Taehyung's fingers in his hair. You laughed softly, which is why they sharply looked at you forcing you to freeze.
“She seems to be having too much fun,” Jungkook said.
“This definitely needs to be changed,” said Taehyung pushed Jungkook onto the bed.
Jungkook lay on his back in front of you, your gaze wandering over him wanting to get every inch of this gorgeous body. Taehyung knelt down behind you, pressing against your back. You could feel Taehyung's hard cock sliding down your wet crotch, making you moan. Taehyung left a kiss on your shoulder. He ran his fingers over your hand and took your hand around Jungkook's cock. Taehyung ran your hand the length of Jungkook's cock and he groaned loudly. "That's it, baby." whispered Taehyung in your ear. You looked at Jungkook, who closed his eyes enjoying while your and Taehyung fingers caressed his cock. You leaned forward and ran your tongue over Jungkook's nipple. Taehyung ran his fingers over your back before slipping his fingers into your pussy, making you moan. You kept kissing Jungkook's body as you get down. You ran your tongue over the head of Jungkook's cock.
"Oh shit ______" Jungkook groaned as you took his cock in your mouth.
Taehyung moved his hand to your ass, squeezing it tightly as his fingers fucked you. You moaned, but your moan was drowned out by Jungkook's cock. Taehyung's fingers twisted into your hair, forcing you to take Jungkook's cock all the way into your mouth. You started to choke when Taehyung pushed into you. Your body was pierced by a current from fullness. You continued to suck Jungkook's cock, making him moan loudly. Your mouth was repeating the movements of Taehyung, who was making hard, slow thrusts inside you.
“You will be my doom,” Taehyung growled as you swung your hips in response to his thrust.
“Not only yours. She decided to completely drive me crazy. "Jungkook groaned.
You continued to suck Jungkook's cock while Taehyung fucked you. Your whole body was seized with heat, the pleasure was unreal. You gripped Jungkook's thigh with your fingers as the orgasm approached. Taehyung stopped making you whimper.
"Baby, if you want to cum, you must first make our Jungkook cum," Taehyung said as he leaned forward and kissed you on the shoulder. "We can't leave him without dessert, can we?"
You ran your tongue over Jungkook's cock before meeting his playful gaze. Oh my God, he drove you crazy with just one look at him. You again took Jungkook's cock into your mouth, swallowing it completely until it rested against the wall of your throat, from behind your forehead, he moaned loudly, intertwining his fingers with your strands, making hard thrusts into your mouth. Your body trembled as Taehyung began to move within you again. Taehyung squeezed your thighs tightly as he continued to fuck you. Your moans vibrated on Jungkook's cock. Jungkook's entire body was shackled, his fingers hurting. He moaned your name loudly as he furiously fucked your mouth. Tears streaming down your cheeks, Jungkook gave a few hard thrusts before you felt the hot liquid fill yours. That how Jungkook cum was one of the most passionate moments of your life. His back arched and loud moans filled the room as you continued to run your lips over his sensitive head, forcing him to keep him happy every time. You were so consumed by Jungkook that you didn't even notice right away that Taehyung had stopped moving and just ran his fingers over your back.
“I practically started to get jealous,” Taehyung said, making a hard jerk, knocking out a moan from you. “Baby, you just flow from Jungkook's animal passion. Your skin has goose bumps. Although I admit, I think your mouth works wonders, this is the first time I see him come that much. " Taehyung's words made your skin goosebumps. “I think it's time for me to stop holding back my wild desires, you are more than able to withstand it”
After that, Taehyung slapped your ass, leaving a burning mark of his palm. His movements were unbridled, your whole body trembled with pleasure. You couldn't even imagine how rude Taehyung can be in sex. For a second, your body was enveloped in fear of how dangerous it is, but all thoughts flew out of your head when orgasm fettered everything inside you. You dug your teeth into Jungkook's skin, trying to cope with the wave of pleasure that engulfed you. You no longer controlled your body which was shaking violently as Taehyung continued to fuck you, reaching his own orgasm. Your body went completely limp as Taehyung's grip on your hips loosened. You were like melted ice cream forgotten in the sun, unable to move your body.
You felt strong hands on your shoulders, which moved you, lying on your back. Your mind was somewhere far from realizing what was happening around. Hot lips touched you. A gentle kiss smoothly changed color to passionate, making your body flutter. You heard a quiet laugh next to you, after which the hot lips changed to cooler ones and the liquid merged into your mouth. You felt the bright taste of wine, which made you finally come to your senses and open your eyes.
Taehyung took another sip of wine before smiling at you. You felt at the heaviness over your body, Jungkook was lying on you leaving kisses on your neck. "I'll hope, you don't think we ended up playing with you so quickly," Jungkook whispered into your ear. The heat went through your body, echoing the pain of renewed excitement between your legs. How can you get aroused so quickly after such a strong orgasm. Thoughts filled your head when you couldn’t move your hands or feet. And now it was not that you didn’t feel your body, that it was to restrict your movements. You raised your head and your body froze when you saw that your wrists were tied with a red silk ribbon.
“Apparently the owner of this house is also very fond of playing forbidden games,” said Taehyung, laughing softly. “Now I understand why he has such a big bed.” Taehyung sent you a dangerous smile and a shiver went through your body.
“I’ll have to write a good review,” Jungkook laughed. “Are you afraid of us now?” Jungkook asked, your heart pounding as you met Jungkook's dark and lustful gaze.
“No” your voice trembled greatly. But your obvious fear amused them a lot.
"Believe me, baby, whatever we want to do with you, you'll love it," Taehyung said as he got out of bed. You watched his every move as Jungkook continued to tease you with his mouth. Taehyung went to the nightstand and lit the candle on top of him in the hands of the candle he returned to the bed.
A quiet laugh Jungkook drew your attention from the candle that was above your body. “I love seeing you so vulnerable, you have no idea how much I want to fuck you now,” said Jungkook in a low voice.
Taehyung's hand trembled and a drop of hot wax fell on your body before pain gripped your body. Jungkook sank down and took your nipple in his mouth, forcing it out towards pleasure. Jungkook pulled back and Taehyung again tilted his hand like wax on you. Pain mixed with pleasure. Your whole body turned out to be developing into pieces. Never have you experienced such strong feelings that made you want everything to stop and continue at the same time. You tried to break out of the tapes that bound you, but it seemed only thanks to them you could feel freedom. You couldn't control the tears that ran down your face.
"Are you in pain?" Taehyung asked, but neither in his gaze nor in his voice did you hear the emotion. After all, he knew for sure that you liked everything that was happening now.
“No, it's just that… sensations too strong…” Another drop of wax fell on your body, interrupting your speech with a groan. This time Jungkook didn’t caress your nipples, forcing you to cope with the pain by yourself. It was more than just pain, though. You were amazed how much pain can cause intense pleasure making you want more. Jungkook groaned as he watched your body wriggle under the drops of hot wax, he leaned forward and kissed you, making you tremble with desire, you rubbed against him wanting to get more but he stopped your movements and grabbed both of your thighs with your hands.
“I don’t think I can hold back any longer,” Jungkook said, looking at Taehyung.
Taehyung smiled and ran his fingers through Jungkook's hair before getting out of bed and setting the candle down. Jungkook has moved at your feet. He put your boat on his shoulder, slowly untie the ribbon from your leg, and then left a light bite on your skin. You moaned, you wanted more, but Jungkook just smiled at all your attempts as he untied your other leg. Taehyung's hands grabbed your shoulders and moved to the edge of the bed until your head was practically hanging off it.
Jungkook spread your thighs wide with his hands against them as his cock slid along your folds. You tried to define with your thighs, but Jungkook shifted his body weight, pressing you against the bed.
Jungkook looked at Taehyung, who was watching you while standing next to the bed. “She flows so much,” he said and sent a smile to Taehyung that made you feel tingling all over your body. Before you could look at Taehyung, Jungkook abruptly entered you full length. With a loud groan, he stopped, closing his eyes, he took a deep breath. Gasping for breath, you was unable to utter a sound. You tried to move, but your hands were still tied, forcing you to accept the sensations that covered you. Taehyung ran his fingers over your cheek forcing you to look at him.
“Breathe, baby,” Taehyung smiled before looking at Jungkook. “Have you cum already?” with amusement he asked Jungkook, who could not move.
"Shut your moron" Jungkook growled, he opened his eyes and his eyes were wild. "Let's see how long you have enough while you fuck her lovely mouth."
"Sounds like you think you can last longer than me." Taehyung raised an eyebrow
Oh my God, it seems tomorrow you can hardly walk and possibly talk, you thought to yourself. Taehyung moved with his hand on the bed. Taking his dick in his hand, he ran his head over your lips. You opened your mouth and licked it. You took the head of his penis with your lips and you gave shallow movements playing with your tongue. He moaned as you began to do deeper shaking your head with each movement. You heard Jungkook laugh as he started making very slow, shallow thrusts. You wanted more, but you couldn't move. You realized that Jungkook will follow your mouth movements on Taehyung's cock. You nodded your head forward wholly swallowing Taehyung's cock, and Jungkook gave a full length thrust into your pussy, you moaned. "Fuck ...." Taehyung growled and you heard Jungkook's soft laugh
Taehyung moved your head lower. It entered your throat abruptly, so deep that it was difficult for you to breathe. You were glad to see him impatient because Jungkook started doing hard, deep thrusts. You couldn't stop moaning while Jungkook fucked you hard, but your moans were almost inaudible due to Taehyung's cock fucking your throat. Your body was on fire, sensations tear you apart. You wanted to run or hide, but they took away every opportunity for you to escape from this wild love. All you have left is to dying from an overabundance of fun. Orgasm came so fast that your head was spinning. You didn't see anything. Your gaze was completely blurred. Taehyung and Jungkook's loud moans deafened you, making you lose your sense of reality. Orgasm gripped you, you moaned loudly while Taehyung and Jungkook fucked you at the same time. It was too strong a sensation for you. Your body arched trembling violently.
“Ah… fuck… god damn it… she squeezes me so hard…. Damn " you heard how Jungkook growl. He moved your legs forward until your knees hit the mattress. His movements were wild, something exploded inside you as he continued to hammer hard into you. With each thrust, your orgasm returned to you with renewed vigor.
“I'm going to cum,” Taehyung moaned loudly, thrusting deeply into your mouth.
They cum almost at the same time forcing you to gasp and whimper. The feeling of free flight ended with a hard impact on the ground, which shattered your body into small fragments. Never in your life have you experienced such intense pleasure that completely destroyed you. You could feel your body covered in hot cum as their hands moved forcefully over their cocks. You felt like Jungkook pushed into you again, trying to prolong his pleasure, which made you tremble even more. You heard Taehyung moving across the bed and after a loud shout from Jungkook that turned into a moan, but you didn't have the strength to open your eyes. Feeling is the only thing left for you. After several deep thrusts, Jungkook came out of you, falling onto the bed next to your body. Finally your legs were free, but before you could relax, Taehyung grabbed them by moving them on one shoulder. Taehyung pushed into you and it felt incredible. Due to the fact that your legs were squeezed, he pushed hard into your tight pussy. You squeezed the ribbon that bound your hands with your fingers, trying to cope with this pleasure. You were completely lost, even the feeling was now blurry for you. Your body is completely limp beneath Taehyung moving slowly inside you. You felt a flash of pain on your shoulder, you moaned barely audibly, that's all that you had enough strength for. All you had to do was accept everything they did with you.
You don't even know at which moment they untied you, after a while you felt a wet towel that was wiping your body. After a while you came to your senses from the heat that surrounded you. Your whole body ached and was unable to even move a finger on your hand. You even thought you were tied up again. With all your strength, you were able to open your eyes. You were half on top of Jungkook, who was asleep. You felt the weight of you that pressed you, slightly turning your head, you saw a reflection. Taehyung and Jungkook hugged your body while changing their arms and legs with each other. You looked at Jungkook again and a red mark on his shoulder caught your attention. It was a bite mark, now it's clear why Jungkook shouted, you smiled at the thought. You didn't even have to look, you knew exactly what was on your shoulder now if the same mark.
You felt Taehyung kiss your shoulder. "Are you okay?" he asked barely audibly. You smiled wider and shook your head, and you didn't have the strength to talk. Jungkook opened his eyes to meet yours. A smile of pleasure spread across his face.
“You should go to the gym to increase your stamina,” Jungkook purred, squeezing you tighter, your eyes widening at his words. “Today we showed only half the strength of what we want to do with you,” he ran his fingers over your cheek
You moaned at his words "What do you mean?" you whispered barely audibly
Taehyung ran his hand over your ass before stopping on the tight ring, pressing lightly on it. “We're not that patient. Today is the first and last time we could wait in line to be inside you " he continued to fondle you, causing sensations that you did not know about. You felt how Jungkook's cock became hard again, pressing against your thigh. You opened your mouth, unable to say no more a word.
“Don't be afraid, baby. This is my usual condition when you are around. I'm not going to do anything now. You need to get some sleep." He left a kiss on your lips while Taehyung continued kissing your neck. "Although I can't promise anything about him. "Jungkook smiled as he watched Taehyung's actions.
"I think I got too carried away," Taehyung said with a smile, removing his hand from your ass. "He's right, you have to gain strength baby."
Hell, they decided to fuck you to death, although you obviously didn't mind that idea, you thought. You fell into a deep sleep again, surrounded by two gorgeous guys who hugging you.
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sunshinetoshi · 3 years
A/N: fluffy one-shots for my bubbas who tend to look intimidating. definitely have other characters i want to write for this but wanted to get these out for our blueberry bb’s birthday hehe. these were meant to be short hcs but i got carried away lol
Summaries: you, kags, and a dog and you and tanaka at an amusement park
“Tobio you look intimidating,” you stifled a laugh.
“I look intimidating?” his voice full of disbelief. He pointed at the dog in front of you two, “He’s intimidating.”
You looked back and forth between Kageyama and the dog, they looked like they were squaring off. You noticed the dog’s body language and sighed. You got up and dust off your pants. “Let’s leave him for a bit, he’s a little angry.” You grabbed your boyfriend’s arm and gently tugged him to come with you to the couch.
You were watching your friend’s dog for the week. The dog has always loved you and was used to coming by and being around your family, but Kageyama seemed to be an exception. The week was already half over and the times Tobio hung out at your house the dog completely ignored him. And you felt a little bad because you’ve been non-stop texting Kageyama photos of the dog napping next to you or rambling about how affectionate the pup was. You wanted Tobio to see all the puppy’s cuteness in person but the dog seemed to refuse to warm up to your boyfriend.
Tobio put a random show on and you guys had your eyes trained on the TV as you snuggled up together. During the commercial break Tobio was rubbing your forearm absentmindedly. You could tell by the look on his face that something was on his mind.
“What are you thinking about?” This was a question you asked Kageyama a lot.
“Do I really look intimidating?”
You think about it for a second, “Not to me. Just a little, earlier with the dog.” You grabbed his hand. “Why?”
He took a while to respond, like he was in thought of how to phrase it.
You sat up a little and looked at him.
His classic pout made an appearance. “I want that dog to like me,” he grumbled.
Your eyes widened, surprised and amused at his words. “You do?”
“Yeah. I want him to like me. I want to pet him. And I want us to take a cute selfie with him before you have to give him back.”
You were not expecting that amount of cute to come out of him. Your smile grew big. “I’m sure we’ll get there. We still have four days.” You turned to see the dog lying on one of the floor cushions. You turned back to your boyfriend and cupped his cheek, “He’ll come around. How could he not love you, you big softie.” You run your fingers through his hair, “I know I do.”
You giggled as Kageyama became a flustered mess and pulled you into an embrace to hide the blush on his cheeks. Eventually you two went back to watching TV.
A little while later Tobio asked if he could grab snacks. He untangled himself from you and headed for the kitchen.
You watched the commercials play when you suddenly heard a quiet whisper.
“Y/N. Look, but slowly.” He sounded..careful? Soft?
You did as he said and turned slowly toward his voice. Kageyama was crouched down, rubbing the dog’s tummy, the puppy relaxing into his touch. You quietly gasped, “How’d you do it?”
Your boyfriend looked so proud of himself. “I just tried sm-” he stopped himself and became embarrassed. He looked at you, “I tried smiling at him.”
You covered your mouth to stop your laughter. Kageyama was not one for a big, wide, toothy smile, he had his usual grins and smirks. You quickly remembered a day early in your relationship when he handed you a flower with the most awkward smile on his face (in his defense his teammates told him a big smile was the way to your heart-you ended up cackling and hugging him for his awkward attempt).
You returned your attention to the cuteness overload in front of you.
“I smiled and let him sniff my hand and he just lay like that. But I’m petting him,” he cheered. His facial expression was priceless.
You giggle and grab your phone to take a few pictures of him petting the dog. A few moments passed and you heard a weird sound. You, Tobio, and the dog looked at one another with wide eyes.
“What was that?”
Kageyama’s cheeks were red. “My stomach.” He gave the dog one last pet before standing again to get his snack. As he came back to the living room and was making his way back to you he whispered in that same funny quiet whisper, “Y/N, Y/N, Y/N.”
You look and see that the dog was following him right at his footsteps.
“Does he think he’s getting a chip from me or do you think he likes me?” he asked as he plopped beside you.
The pupper stood on his hind legs and pawed at Tobio’s knees. Then he gave a big stretch and tried to rub against your boyfriend’s hand.
You felt your heart melting again. “No, he definitely likes you,” you chuckled and patted the spot next to Tobio. “Come here, up,” you told the dog. He happily obliged and settled on the couch.
The three of you enjoyed a nice afternoon together and Kageyama got multiple selfies of you two with the dog asleep in his lap.
“What are you doing?” you laugh and pull your boyfriend away. You give an apologetic wave to the boy your boyfriend was towering over.
Tanaka kept his eyes on the boy.
“Come on,” you whine and wrap your arms around his neck.
His eyes finally met yours. He saw the pout you had on your face. But your eyes were sparkling. His whole body relaxed.
Your brows furrowed. “What do you mean ‘what?’”
His expression didn’t change and he waited for you to answer.
You giggled and brought your hands to rest on his chest. “You totally tried to intimidate that kid!”
“No I didn’t!”
Your jaw dropped before you burst into laughter. “What! You gave that kid one of your looks.”
He waved his hand, “I don’t know what look you're talking about.”
“Oh yeah?” you snort. “You don’t know the look when your eyes go like this and your eyebrows go like this and your mouth will do something random?” You imitated the look.
Tanaka hummed, “Oh, that look.” You both grinned at your attempt to look scary. He brought a hand up to brush his fingers against your forehead. “Well I got a little protective is that so bad?”
You scoffed and smiled, “Ryuu that kid was eleven, at most twelve.”
“Ah but age is just a number Y/N,” he wagged his pointer finger in the air.
You grabbed at it, “Perhaps but he was just asking where we got this.” You lifted the remains of the food wrappers you had crumpled in your other hand. “Maybe you just really do like picking fights with random strangers.”
“Perhaps. But you didn’t see them before he came up here, he was conspiring with his buddies. He was totally trying to talk to you to show off.”
That never occurred to you. You turned to look at the boy and his group of friends in the distance walking away. “Show off?”
“Yeah that he had the guts to keep up a conversation with such a sight of beauty.”
He caught you off guard with that. You looked down shyly, feeling flustered and Tanaka laughed.
He continued. “And when you told him where the stand was he asked how much it was. You told him and then he said he couldn’t afford it and then you gave him a little! He was so smug when you did that Y/N, it was annoying.”
You giggled, “Actually he sounded really nervous and his ears were red.”
“Of course he was nervous, he was talking to you. Weren’t you listening?” He gestured to you and moved his hands up and down, “A sight of beauty.” Before you could say something to deflect the compliment Tanaka wrapped you in his arms again. “I got a little protective, I’m sorry.”
You playfully sighed, “Forgiven. But you definitely scarred that kid. I think that look of yours is more intimidating than you realize.”
He shook his head, “Nope.”
“Nope?” you repeat for him to explain.
“I know I look intimidating when I use ‘my look’, that’s why I use it.” He let you out of his embrace and grabbed your hand, “Come on cutie, let’s look at souvenirs.”
Hours later you and Tanaka were grabbing food again for dinner.
You groaned a little when you realized they messed up your order. You showed it to Ryuunosuke.
“Yikes, you don’t like those,” he pointed to part of the bowl. When you nodded he smiled, “Want me to get that fixed for you?”
“It’s okay, why don’t you look for a table we can go to. I’ll be right back.”
You waited in line again. You wanted to cringe when the next available worker wasn’t the nice lady you and Tanaka had moments ago. It was instead the clearly grumpy fellow two windows down.
You politely explained what had happened with your order and an annoyed sigh was his response.
“If you take a look around we’re clearly very busy right now.”
You wanted to roll your eyes but you settled for a sympathetic smile. “I know, and I apologize but I specifically asked to not have these. If there really is nothing you can do I understand.”
The guy just got more agitated. He stood taller and gave you a pointed look. “Look kid, I don’t need any sass from you.” You were definitely uncomfortable at this point but he continued, “I just told you-”
Right in the middle of his sentence his body shrunk down a bit and he had a weird look in his eyes.
“Is there something wrong with their order?” Tanaka’s voice was harsh and you turned to see him with one of the most outrageous looks you’ve seen from him. You wanted to laugh so you bit on the inside of your mouth to stop yourself.
But you couldn’t help but also feel so much relief from seeing your boyfriend.
The man grumbled and grabbed the bowl.
Tanaka laced your hands together and ran his thumb over yours. Despite the calming gesture his eyes were trained on the grumpy employee.
Eventually the kind lady from earlier called you up, apologized for her mistake with your order, and handed you a new bowl.
When you and your boyfriend found a free table and ate you stared lovingly at Tanaka.
“What is it?” he grinned. His mood was light-hearted. It was such a contrast from when he spoke to the man earlier.
You grabbed his hand and squeezed it. “Thank you, Ryuu. For always looking out for me.”
His eyes went wide and his cheeks red. But he sat up and leaned toward you from across the table. He whispered it softly, “Anytime.”
“Maybe that intimidating look of yours isn’t as bad as I made it out to be earlier.”
He grinned and nodded his head enthusiastically.
“But I still think you shouldn’t use it with eleven year olds,” you said, taking a sip of your water.
He grabbed your hand and gave it a kiss, “Debatable.”
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mittensmorgul · 3 years
do we know why the boys were not allowed to have facial hair on the show? i feel like it was more in character than to assume sam and dean had to time to just always be clean shaven in the middle of apocalypses, being demons or possessed, fighting gods ect. on the flip side, im still confused as to how cas grew facial hair in purgatory when i didnt think that was something that happened to angel vessels?
Hi there! There's actually quite a bit going on in this question (I think this is my way of saying sorry it's taken me a few days to get to it :'D)
I'll start by saying I don't think it was a matter of "not allowed" to have facial hair, but it's actually more complicated than that. Not to mention Dean especially was almost never what I'd call "clean shaven" outside of when they were beginning a hunt and posing as FBI.
There's a video I think on the s1 dvd's called something like "a day in the life of Jared and Jensen". Wait... I found it on the youtube...
It's only about 10 minutes long, and if you haven't seen it, it's worth watching all of it. It was shot during the filming of 1.20 Dead Man's Blood, so they hadn't even been at this a full year yet. About 2 1/2 minutes in, they go through hair and makeup, and talk about shaving.
Back in s1, Sam had to be more clean shaven to look younger, and Dean had to have a bit of scruff just to look a bit older. So at first it was to visually make their ages more obvious. But it's also about continuity on camera. Remember, each episode of supernatural was filmed over eight weekdays (with a couple days for weekends in the middle). Episodes are NOT filmed in scene order. It would make it almost impossible to show normal, chronological beard growth over the span of two weeks of filming, you know?
If they film scene 38 first, then scene 12, then scene 19, then scene 2 over the course of four days, their facial hair has to remain believably consistent, not grow and shrink :'D So having a designated easily duplicatable facial hair style (and hair cut, because head hair can grow noticeably in two weeks, too, especially when it's as short as Jensen's on the sides/back) makes visual continuity actually possible. Especially when they're filming entire EPISODES out of airing order.
Think about Jensen's beard in the AU bunker battle scene in the beginning of 15.04. That was the first episode filmed of s15, and those were the first SHOTS filmed of s15 before Jensen shaved off his hiatus beard for the rest of the season. Those scenes were probably filmed in a single day, two at most, before he had to resume "standard Dean." Also think about Demon Dean's slightly longer hair that went back to normal, or Sam's beard from the first three episodes of s14 before he shaved in 14.04. Those times the longer hair/facial hair was used to show a lack of self-care for various reasons.
I think Cas's Purgatory beard was used to show the same. He was doing "penance" in his own mind, but I do think it was also the seeds of his entire depression arc that would run right through 15.18 and then never get an actual resolution (sorry, I had to at least grumble about that a little bit...). I remember Jensen saying when he asked why Dean was clean-shaven in Purgatory and Cas wasn't, he was told by someone that "Dean has knives," and would actually continue shaving for some reason, while Cas wouldn't even bother using his grace/powers to maintain his appearance there.
I don't believe the show has ever made any sort of statement about angel vessels NOT growing hair/facial hair. Plus by this point in the series, we really do have to consider that Cas's body, not as much his vessel anymore. Jimmy was long gone, and the last at least two times Cas had been resurrected, that body was also remade for him. We're at least two degrees of remove from that being a normal vessel, so even if angel vessels aren't "supposed to" grow hair or change their appearance, Cas would have an exception asterisk attached. :'D
The thing is, we HAVE seen other angels change the appearance of their vessels. I mean... Lucifer, for one, especially in s13. He grew scruff, looked messy, etc. And it was explained to be a result of having been imprisoned and his grace seriously depleted to the point he couldn't even perform small magical tasks for himself.
So why did Cas grow scruff in Purgatory? Because television is a visual storytelling medium. If you had a friend in real life who usually looked like Cas normally does, and then saw him after months and saw the guy Dean found in Purgatory, what would your immediate thoughts be about how that friend had been doing lately? Did similar thoughts about how Cas's last few months in Purgatory alone, running from Leviathans, staying alive primarily to keep the Leviathans focused on HIM instead of on Dean?
I think the phrase "run ragged" applies to Cas's Purgatory look. Sometimes facial scruff combined with smudged on dirt is the fastest visual shorthand for "yikes this guy has had it rough lately." Hence his "get clean" scene in 8.07 restoring him entirely to "normal," including clean-shaven and a decent haircut somehow. I think he'd been entirely able to have given himself that look in Purgatory, but he just never bothered to. For whatever reason, Dean did bother. And that was part of the visual narrative telling us that Dean still cared, and that Cas (outside of his mission of keeping the leviathan away from Dean) didn't.
Like, even when Cas was human in early s9, when he was on the run and homeless, even when he was given opportunity to shave his scruff (at the beginning of the episode while brushing his teeth, and at the end after showering at the bunker and before being kicked out) he still retained the scruff. The next time we saw him in 9.06, when he was settling into his "new human life" as a sales associate, even though we understand he's still technically homeless, he's actually maintaining his appearance, demonstrated by his care for himself and the fact he bothered to shave. For him, it was a visual signifier of his growing to accept himself.
To go way back up to that video above, in the makeup trailer are dozens of photos of different looks for each of them. Yes, some are purely silly, but even as shown in 6.15 The French Mistake (the "I'm a painted whore!" scene) are a few similar continuity photos. Every day of filming, every change to makeup and hair (including FX makeup showing wounds, bruises, etc.) has to be documented for the sake of continuity. Or you'd have an episode with alternating scenes of them having longer/shorter/longer facial hair over the course of what's supposed to be a single day on screen. The easiest way to maintain that continuity is character consistency, only having a drastically different look occasionally, for a specific reason.
So why couldn't they have chosen to go with a beard for an entire season? It's just as easy to maintain beard consistency day to day on set as it is to just have them shave to scruff, right? Crowley did that... he was clean-shaven the first few seasons he was on the show, and then grew the beard, so why not Sam and Dean?
As I said above, the visual language of the show actually means something. These aren't real people who might casually decide to grow facial hair for fashion reasons. They're fictional characters being used to tell a specific story. Their appearance and their clothing choices are visual shorthand to give us information about their current mental state, their internal priorities, etc. It's all part of the story, and in this story, Sam and Dean generally care enough to maintain their chosen physical appearance. They only seem to grow beards when they're either being run ragged or otherwise lack the ability to care for themselves, whether by choice or by circumstance.
I think it's less "they were not allowed to grow beards" and more "this would not be in character in the visual language of the show."
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