#and MC is the key to Treasure Planet
n--n · 1 year
I think the funniest part of Leander’s design is he looks like a grown up Jim from treasure planet
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astr0logywh0r3 · 5 months
astrology observations ☽
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1.) moon conjunct pluto ppl have an intense relationship with their mother. it’s either a strong hate or a strong love. the mother could’ve been extremely overbearing to the point that the native felt suffocated at times. these people are very secretive with their emotions. it’s like their emotions are inside of a dark and mysterious treasure chest that only they know the key to. the intensity runs high. explosive emotions …outbursts. could have gone to a mental health facility once in their life or been diagnosed with mental disorders.
2.) ik ppl say scorpio ascendants are supposed to be all mysterious and intimidating but honestly i see a lot of them looking very: 🌸🍄🫧
3.) scorpio mercurys are pretty quiet
4.) aquarius moons be liking the things other people hate
5.) when someone starts annoying a scorpio moon they’ll just go and talk to someone else for a while. they’re vindictive
6.) i ain’t never seen a libra sun girl i didn’t find pretty in one way or another
7.) lilith in the 10th house and scorpio mc are super hot placements for someone to have imo. it makes someone seem mysterious and cool 💀 just a lot of sex appeal
8.) so many ppl wanna be impressing scorpio suns 😭
9.) if you got a lot of planets in the 10th house or are sun dominant …you like attention. period.
10.) venus conjunct mars people are so damn magnetic. they usually have a lot of relationships and date a lot of people
11.) 9th house placements love their freedom
12.) venus in the 10th house ppl give girl next door type of beauty to me. it’s a very girly and feminine type of prettiness. people admire them and wanna date them
13.) venus in the 8th house loves the femme fatale/witchy type aesthetic for themselves
14.) saturn in the 12th house can make someone feel really lonely and sad in their life
15.) jupiter in the 1st house/conjunct the ascendant ppl seem larger than life. like ..if you see a picture of them you might think theyre tall but then you realize they’re actually pretty short 💀
16.) sun square lilith women are intimidating and reckless. they do what they want when they want with who they want. speak their mind.
17.) lilith in sagittarius can be atheists and totally reject religion
18.) capricorn risings with the perfect dry humor 💀 they look cool and act cool
19.) virgo risings either have hella big doll eyes or small squinty eyes
20.) pisces suns …y’all walk funny 😭
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Piñata (Seven brothers GN!MC)
Hello everyone! I saw this video of how they break a piñata in the USA and they compare it with Mexico and other countries, and omg I laughed so so so much about it you guys are so cute, so I thought “How would the demos brothers would react toward that?” Here I´ll leave you the video, and let´s start!! https://youtu.be/HMo2IqJ-JV8
[The brothers are invited to a Mc cousin´s party, the child it´s 9 years old and they need to cross the last and most dangerous road of them all. The piñata…]
He is sitting in next to Mc, and his brothers, when an aunt of Mc came running into them, asking nicely if they could help her, as the avatar of pride, Lucifer said “Sure How shall I help you ma’am?”  
After listening to Mc´s aunt he hesitates about the idea of pulling the rope that connected the piñata to the ceiling. Mc, just laugh at him, and stayed close to Lucifer so they could explain how he needed to move the piñata.
“So, you want me to pull the rope and let it go, so the children can´t break it?” he smiles when Mc nodded at him with a big smile. “And they need to jump?” again another smile.
He is the uncle that makes it hard for everyone and tease them until they break the piñata. But while he was making his job as perfect as he could, the piñata started to leak some candies, and even if one child was there hitting the piñata, others would enter the territory and sneak out the candy. He was amazed, they were fearless little devils.
When Mc disappeared of his side, he saw them with the broom stick ready to beat de “s” out of it. And they did, he only saw how the children started to push each other, bite each other, and the environment became a war environment, with the MC on the ground protecting their candy as they life were meant to be.
He enjoyed looking to that picture and he swear, he even saw a stronger demon around the candies, that was Mc.
He stayed with his younger brothers; he was staring at the weird looking piñata. Trying to reveal “Who was that character?!” When they lift the piñata, he had tons of Flash Backs.
He decided to stayed next to one of Mc´s aunt, and a small child scold him, that if he didn´t sang the song he won´t get any chance of hitting the piñata, and that meant “No candies for him.”
“Dale, dale, dale, no pierdas el tino porque si lo pierdes, pierdes el camino, ya le disté uno, ya le diste dos, ya le diste tres y tu tiempo se acabó!” After that explanation he started to get excited, he is like a child, so he is happy while everyone is singing, they can´t tell him that he looks childish, because everyone is singing!
He gets along with the children, and they love him. After the first whole that the piñata got, and after watching every kid wanting to take the candy that flew out he started to write down every single one of the movements they did, so he could imitate them in the devildom.
He got his turn of hitting the piñata, Lucifer didn´t made it easy but he did broke it, and he swears, it was hell in life, his friends attack him for some candy, Mc bite him so they could pass through him, and the candy that felt into his head hurt more than any of Lucifer´s punishment.
He ended up with only a “Pica fresa”. But it was worth it. He fought a kid for it, and he won! He kept that candy as his treasure, for eternity.
Poor baby stayed with Mc´s young female cousins that likes Ruri-chan. And with Mc´s otaku cousins, he is at home, or that´s what he thinks, until the greatest Ruri-chan fan took his hand and with puppy eyes asked him if he could accompany her to the piñata. He said yes.
It was like a videogame! He felt like the Lord of Shadow, and his crew, even his Henry was there for him (aka: Mc) and the adventure just started. Or so that thought.
He was embarrassed while singing, and he even envy Mammon for being so free, he was with his crew, until… Until the catastrophe, his small friend ran into the war field just for a candy, and she wasn´t even hit by the person beating the crap out of the piñata. She was a true hero!
Mc´s little cousin gave Levi the candy she got, and he almost cry in the place, but the lord of Shadow wouldn´t cry in front of his crew, so he kept his tears for him. (When he returned to his room he teared and cried a lot.)
As general of the demon army demon, he had seen tons of bloody and ugly scenarios from war. But the one in front of him was the scarier scenario he could admire in his entire life; it even gave him nightmares after seeing that.
His little friend was punching and hitting someone, Mc pushed that little girl and he saw how they were fighting for candies. It was worst than war, and when it ended the fearless little girl went to see him and with a big smile, he saw… She lost a tooth.  Levi baby got traumatize after that.
He was with the philosophies uncles that each family has, you know, the one that can make an opinion out of everything and anything and they ruin the mood. Yep, he was with those uncles.
Until the uncles stand up and told him that it was war time, he thought they will murder each other and boy was hi in. He was getting excited when he saw the broom stick, he could punch Lucifer and nobody would ask him questions, this was the most satisfied day of his existing.
But he saw the piñata, and thought that the song was a type of incantation so the children could have a power up. He really focused on the song and we might say that he sings it every time he needs strength.
After watching the suicidal kids (nick name that he chose for them) he wanted to try it, and he did, he got a “Paleta payaso” and damn he was rejoicing, he even show off in front of Lucifer.
He smiled when he saw the entire war scene, he laughed at it, after that he understood why Mc was so reckless and fearless, apparently chasing the death is obligatory curriculum in the country. Now that one mystery was solved, he could rest that night.
He just loved the idea of beating something, and got excited when he was told that he could beat the piñata, he might or might not had let go the broom stick towards Lucifer, but we would never know.
On the contrary of Satan, Asmo stayed with the aunts of Mc, you know, the one that live for drama and gossip. He was so happy there listening to the ladies and gasping everyone in a while, he was surprised that humans couldn´t have many partners at the same time and that the prettiest aunt got a divorce.
When the aunts started to move quickly, he wanted to be part of that too! So, he followed all the aunts of Mc, and saw how they took their precious children and talked to them firmly, so he dragged his Mc and took their hands with his and stayed there for a moment.
For Mc, that action only bring them memories of how their mother would scold them before the piñata, that made them a little nervous. And even if they wanted to ask about it, Asmo was already gone.
Asmo saw everything with shock, he swears that he saw Lucifer sweating, and that meant problems and panic for him and his brothers, he wanted to hug Mc, so they could comfort him but he saw them kicking a small child. So, he didn’t get close them.
Mc gave him a bubble gum and they left with a big bag full of candy, while Beel carry them in his shoulder… WAS THAT A TEETH IN THE BAG?! MC WAIT, WAIT!!!
He gets worried about the mental stability of Mc.
Baby boy is having a panic attack, baby boy needs hugs and kisses and attention. He is the one that eats, and eats a lot in the Taquiza so when he saw every single dish he was the happiest demon alive, he drank with Mc´s uncles and ate with Mc grandmothers, and they don´t tell him his a glutton, they serve him more and more food. Because… “Mijo, tas muy flaquito, toma otro plato, come bien.”
He stays with the children and they play, Mammon and Beel are the greatest friends the kids have, Mc´s cousins are begging them to marry one of them, no matter who really, they just want a cool cousin in the family. He is a happy baby boy while he is playing with them.
Until everything became a war field, children were screaming, the older ones were laughing, he just wanted some candy, but when a five-year-old push him for the candies he just got depressed and wondered… What king of food those children were eating? Does he needed to call child service?!
After he was pushed down into the ground, Belphie tried to take a nap over him.
He reacted and gently moved his twin, he needed to save Mc, those children were a danger for every living thing in the planet, but oh surprise when he saw his MC pushing, screaming, biting, and kicking the children just for candy.
Low key, he feels proud of the human, but he needs to save the small ones, so he carried Mc in his shoulder, while they were laughing with their bag full of candies and a tooth.  Baby boy got a Dulcero Instead.
The one recording the massacre, he is having the time of his life, he can know more about Mc and punch Lucifer. The adults can have a piñata too?! REALLY?! Satan give me the stick I´ll beat the f out of Lucifer.
He is enjoying the party, and he adored the party even more with the scene. He is so happy that they made him came into this. He is happy until he saw a five-year-old pushing Beel, no one bully his twin, but also… “I need to call social service?! Are this even children?! They knock down a demon like Beel!!”
Trying to calm down during the adult piñata, just like Satan he “accidently” slipped the broom stick towards Lucifer while hitting the piñata. He took a mental note about not messing around Mc, not only they broke the piñata, but they also broke the broom stick.
After his turn, he wanted to sleep so he tried to get over his twin, Beel move him so he could save Mc.
Enjoyed watching Mc in a war mood, they were so cute angry, he needed to record that for prosperity, “Satan come look at this! Lucifer is sweating cold!”
After that, he tried to have a piñata every once in a while, so all the brothers could start to practice the art of stealing candies and beating the crap out of small children. In their defense, it was worth it.
Let´s learn some Spanish. 
Piñata: Game that consists of hanging a clay or cardboard container, usually full of sweets or fruits, at a certain distance from the ground, to break it with sticks
Taquiza: A taquiza is a traditional Mexican banquet. Everything that you can put in a tortilla goes there. (Rice, mole, slits with cream etc.)
Dulcero: Bag full of candies.
Dale, dale, dale, no pierdas el tino porque si lo pierdes, pierdes el camino, ya le disté uno, ya le diste dos, ya le diste tres y tu tiempo se acabó!:
Paleta payaso: A marshmallow lolipo cover with chocolate and a face of gummie.
Pica fresa: Strawberry gummi covered in tamarindo.
Mijo, tas muy flaquito, toma otro plato, come bien.”: My son, you are so skinny, here, have another plate. 
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neerons · 3 years
Some of Yuzuru Shiba's best quotes
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“Don't entertain his question. Be your usual, smart-mouthed self and tell him where he can stick it.” (—Yuzuru talking about Kazuomi to MC)
“A man who speaks of a woman like she's a pet dog isn't worth speaking to.” (—Yuzuru roasting Kaga to Kaga)
“...We’ve become a bit like each other. We’re bottomless.”
“I was like that once. There was a time in my life when nothing was more fun than thinking about unknown worlds.” (—Yuzuru's thoughts)
“Say what you like. I don’t want you touching her.” (—Yuzuru to Kazuomi)
“Yeah. A woman whose components fit with mine... There’s only one woman like that, and it’s you.”
“It’s not jealousy. I just don’t like distractions.”
“Stay away from these creeps if you can. First Kazuomi, then this guy. The world is crawling with men like them.”
“She’s not a poker chip, Kazuomi. She’s not a thing to be won.” (—Yuzuru to Kazuomi)
“I wouldn’t want to mess with these two.” (—Yuzuru talking about MC and Kazuomi/ Kazuomi’s route)
“Ordinary people don’t get blacklisted. It’s time you admit who you are. You’ve come over to our side.” (—Yuzuru to MC/ Kazuomi’s route)
“One of you brings home several girls on any given night, the other spends all night long with one woman tying her up. (...) Don’t worry. I promptly replaced the couches.” (—Yuzuru to Kazuomi, Kei, and MC)
“I’ve never felt this way when sleeping with other women. You’re not even comparable to other women.”
“Well, you’re pretty remarkable yourself. There’s only one person in the world who’s abducted me, and it’s you. And you’ve done it twice.”
“When I was at Oxford, I ate completely flavorless pasta with Kazuomi and Kei. (...) It was flavorless. I couldn’t say if it was good or not.”
“So, at some time, Tom Cruise was here. I don’t see what there is to be so excited about. I’m not sure how I’m supposed to understand how amazing Tom is because he read some scripts at a bar. But I think what you’re saying is that you like sharing what you’re passionate about with me. What I’m trying to say is, whether we’re talking about a screw or Tom... We love them, even though those feelings aren’t something you can see or touch.”
“Those screws are treasures to me. So, will you give them back?” (—Yuzuru to Kazuomi)
“(...) The screws were in that box. I... inherited them. From my father. (...) The tin of chocolate you bought at Chelsea Market. Can I use that as a treasure box?”
“I watch MC in bed, her chest rising and falling, a look of pleasant torpor on her face. Did we overdo it? I wonder what she’d say if I told her I could keep going... Her lips are glistening and sensual. I can’t take my eyes off them. (...) I look at her face, illuminated by the gentle morning light. I’m overcome by emotion. It’s not the passion of the night but a profound love.” (—Yuzuru’s thoughts)
“There’s no way I could feel nothing when another guy touches you.”
“Even after a long night in one another’s arms, it’s not enough. That’s how badly I want her.” (—Yuzuru’s thoughts)
“You’re saying that if you put the two of us together we’ll perform exceptionally well.”
“MC has to be the only woman on the planet who Kazuomi and Kei would accompany like this.” (—Yuzuru’s thoughts)
“I underestimated her. So this is what a top EAC agent is capable of.” (—Yuzuru’s thoughts)
“Sometimes, help from my oldest friends might give me strength. (...) There’s MC, and Kazuomi, and Kei.” (—Yuzuru’s thoughts)
“I’m not as naturally good at lying as Kazuomi or Kei. Especially not to her. She says I’m an easy read.” (—Yuzuru’s thoughts about MC)
“I didn’t realize just how comfortable I’ve become with MC. For me to open up to her like this.” (—Yuzuru’s thoughts)
“I get everything into place quickly in order to keep MC out of harm’s way. Of course, it’s ridiculous that I’m worried for MC’s safety when she’s a professional spy. It would appear that I’m more of a worrier than I believed myself to be.” (—Yuzuru’s thoughts)
“Why be far if when we can be close? What I haven’t yet realized is that I’ve chased after her; she is what brought me to New York.” (—Yuzuru’s thoughts)
“I prolonged my stay in Japan since I met MC.” (—Yuzuru’s thoughts)
“One thing MC has taught me is that bugs aren’t all bad.” (—Yuzuru’s thoughts)
“What’s more important is that her job is off to a smooth start. (...) What Kazuomi is essentially telling me is that she’s doing quite a good job. And yet. When I consider how many hands may have reached out to touch her tonight, I have to be honest: I don’t like it.” (—Yuzuru’s thoughts)
“They always do this. Kazuomi and Kei love seeing how I’ll respond to this banter of theirs. I know that they’re choosing their turns of phrase deliberately to pique my interest.” (—Yuzuru’s thoughts)
“I’m only different when I’m with you.”
“I’ve asked you to join me. It’s a meaningless gesture unless I spend time with you.”
“I wouldn’t have the gall to inflict such a shoddy product on the world.” (—Yuzuru to MC when he pointed out a counterfeit SHIBA product)
“There’s no talking sense into you.” (—Yuzuru to Kazuomi)
“Take the compliment. You know I’m not someone who believes in meaningless praise. Don’t you?”
“What a mess. I didn’t think it’d interrupt us. Forget the fireworks. Focus on us.”
“Are you trying to get me into bed?”
“You’re not usually so guileless in bed. Unless, of course, that was planned. What sort of trap are you setting for me?”
“You’re a naughty woman. You really do know how to bring me to my knees.”
“I love that look on your face. That’s enough pillow talk. The rest of the night is all about pleasure.”
“Good. Let your instincts take over. I want to see that look on your face.”
“I can always find you if your cell phone is on.”
“Even the most precious of metals will grow dull and lose their early luster if they go unpolished. I have to put in an effort if I want to be loved by you.”
“You dozed off at the table. You were out. That means, you entered REM sleep. The amygdala and hippocampus are active, therefore you are likely to have had vivid dreams.” (—Yuzuru to MC, in Kazuomi’s route)
“You guys think you’re gods of new worlds or something? Take shelter until the battle between the gods is over and they visit the world where mortals dwell.” (—Yuzuru to Kazuomi & Kei)
“I don’t like missing out on a good hire.” (—Yuzuru talking about MC to Kei, in Kazuomi’s route)
“I’m here with friends. They forced me.”
“I don’t like that the woman I love loves another man.” (—Yuzuru talking about Tom Cruise to MC)
“Thinking about it rationally, I suppose I am being a kill-joy.” (—Yuzuru’s thoughts)
“Looks like I am as crazy about her as she is about me. My body is making my feelings for her rather apparent. I definitely don’t remember ever being this aroused before.” (—Yuzuru’s thoughts)
“I would gladly do things that I don’t like doing in order to make her happy.” (—Yuzuru’s thoughts)
“I’ll give you a job with a knife when I think you’ll cut everything to be uniform in size. I don’t want it to cook unevenly.”
“My work is my top priority. That said, I’m not willing to sacrifice your happiness for it.”
“(...) I exercice my orbicularis oris, and the zygomaticus major muscles in my cheeks.”
“I was a child. I dreamed of the kind of Christmas I saw on TV, but... we were poor. My dad would make me a present out of scrap wood every year. (...) My little brother and I so looked forward to it.”
“I love a clever woman. ...You interest me.”
“Mikoto... These two don’t work for me, but they are the two most annoying people I know. Treat them like you would my executives.” (—Yuzuru talking about Kazuomi and Kei to MC)
“You’ve corrupted me to the point where I genuinely feel like I don’t mind playing games with you.”
“To me, the passage of time means... To continuously lose the past.” (—Yuzuru to Old Man Shige)
“My dad loved messing with machines. I guess I inherited it from him.”
“You need more than just brains. Skill and craftsmanship are also necessary. My dad always said that. Skills and craftsmanship are everything. And you can’t build the necessary skills without spending plenty of time doing so. ...If you want to create something, you need both brains and skills. ‘You’re clever, but don’t ever forget that...’ Yeah, that’s what he used to say to me.”
“...I grew up in Italy after my parents died. I later moved to England. Romeo and Juliet was set in Italy, but it was written by an Englishman. A rose by any other name would smell as sweet. To borrow one of his lines... If you’re you, then... You can tell me all about why you used a fake name later.”
“No matter how intelligent you are or how revolutionary your ideas... Without a physical body to bring them into the real world, you don’t have anything. And the finely crafted parts necessary for that body... Could only come from skilled craftsmen with the techniques and precision necessary to create them.” (—Yuzuru’s speech)
“We may have different dispositions, but both you and I deceive people. We live our lives pissing off one person after another. Chances are high we won’t die natural deaths.”
“Besides, even if the agency DID want to get rid of you, I’d just hire you myself and start my own private spy agency. (...) I’m kidding.”
“Your boss... He seems kind of shady.” (—Yuzuru talking about Seiichi to MC)
“I love you. ...I’m in love with you. (...) It’s not a lie. And the only thing I’m planning to get... is you. You’ve driven me absolutely crazy. Take responsibility for what you’ve done to me. (...) Don’t turn away. Look at me. You’re blushing.”
“Can you forgive me? I’ve been stuck looking at Kei’s face every day. (…) It’s your face I want to see.”
“I give any vehicle that has you travelling at high speeds with your body fully vulnerable a safety grade of zero.”
“I’m aware that my current lifestyle is built on vast sums of money. And I am painfully aware of the extents to which money controls a human life. Which is why, when I entered the business world, I made decisions based on finances in the name of objectivity.” (—Yuzuru’s thoughts)
“My mind recalls a memory of deafening silence. The night of the vigil following my parents’ deaths. They were killed by money.” (—Yuzuru’s thoughts)
“A part of me has always believed that if I lost my wealth or power, that everyone would leave me. I’ve carried that with me for so long, and MC has just shown me that it’s not true. She’s different from all the other women I’ve had in my life.” (—Yuzuru’s thoughts)
“What matters to me aren’t the products I’ve developed. I care about the people who work with and use the products. Science, research, technology. These things only matter because of people. I won’t allow something I’ve created hurt people. Victoria. As a researcher, you were everything to me. But… This isn’t something worth sacrificing someone I love over. (…) Victoria. I am so sorry.” (—Yuzuru talking to MC and Victoria)
“My father created things with his hands. I started the Victoria project as a way of continuing the tradition. It was also a way to lash out at the society that turned its back on my parents. A way to move up in the world. (…) Well… Ultimately, the real purpose of the project - my true hope - was something else. (…) The reason I wanted to build an independent, conscious AI with a sense of self was because… I thought it might be possible for a specific person’s consciousness to dwell there. (…) I’m currently researching to see whether it’s possible to reconstruct the personality of a deceased individual by compiling surviving data of their thoughts and words. I applied the research to Victoria and attempted to evolve the project. Of course, I know it’s not the same as the person one has lost, and yet I still want to see them again. To hear their voice, to speak with them. When I was a child, I felt that every day as I would face the night again.”
“You won’t make any new discoveries if you discount new experiences from the get-go.” (—Yuzuru to Kazuomi and Kei)
“(…) You have no idea how deeply I’m yours. Heart, and body.”
“There will always be new situations and new places. But you’re my constant…” (—Yuzuru’s thoughts about MC)
“Every little motion, every little thing about her inspires an intense desire in me. It’s… a big problem.” (—Yuzuru’s thoughts about MC)
“Is there a problem with my reasoning? Humans are nothing but beasts hiding behind arbitrary values.”
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This was made for my wonderful pal @dis-gorl! Here ya go and I hope ya enjoyed it~ 💕💕
Please ignore the typos it's 3am lol
100 Days (Saeyoung x MC)
You quickly got up from bed as soon as you heard your alarm go off. You hated waking up early, mostly because you were not a morning person, but today was special. Today, you celebrated 100 days if being with the love of you life, Saeyoung.
It had been tough road to get where you are now, but thanks to hard effort and of course, love, you managed to make it through all the challenged the world seemed to throw at you.
You immediately put on your cutest clothes, and made your hair in the way he liked it the most. Today, you were going to spoil the heck out of that man~
You quickly went outside and bought some PhD Pepper, both if your favorite candy, your favorite movies and a small bento box -this one you had made yourself, weeks before having practiced over and over how to make the perfect meal, with hearts and smiley faces and everything Saeyoung liked that wasn't trash food. You had to admit that for now being an expert with cooking you did an amazing job.
You immediately got a ride to Saeyoung's home. You slowly made your way to the door, your face blushing a bit and your hand trying to fix a strand of fair away from your face.
You stood in front of the door waiting for it to immediately open like it always did ever since Saeyoung adjusted it to obey your voice too, but this time it didn't seem to move.
You tried looking around, confused, and then tried to open the door once again.
It wouldn't buckle.
That was strange.
You quickly took your phone out, and leaning against the door texted your boyfriend, trying to ask where he was without being too obvious you had come to visit him.
You immediately got a reply back.
"Me and Saeran decided to go in an impromptu brother's trip!~ Look! Saeran caught a big fish!"
Immediately after that came a picture of a selfie Saeyoung took with Saeran in the background (he was indeed holding a big ass fish.) The second one he sent was of him currently getting smacked in the face with said fish while Saeran seemed to scream something at him.
You chuckled at the sight, but immediatly felt your heart tighten as you realized that, Saeyoung wasn't here and most importantly, that he had forgotten about the anniversary.
It wasn't something you had discussed with him before, but all couples in korea knew and did this tradition, so you just assumed Saeyoung would know it too.
As you bit your bottom lip trying not to cry, Saeyoung sent you one last message telling you that you had left something in the house, and that if you wanted to go and get it that the back yard door was open, and only opened for your voice.
You felt confused as to what you could've possibly left inside, and debated wether to go in or not....you were feeling pretty down.
But maybe going to Saeyoung's room and putting his clothes on while sleeping on his bed wrapped in blankets might help. And you could eat his food, as a bit of revenge for forgetting something so important.
You quickly made your way through the backyard and opened the door. The first thing you saw was a small red string, with a small note attached to it.
Ohoho~ Surprise surprise my sweet 606! Wanna play a game?? Of course you do! Now, all you have to do is follow the red string all the way to the house. Once you've collected all the pieces of paper, in the end of your journey you will find a key that will lead you to your secret treasure! Have fun~
You felt your stomach do a flip as you read the note over and over again. He....he had something planned? Oh how fun! You squealed as you followed the piece of red string near the garden, which Saeran had been tending to ever since he arrived. You immediately found the first note with a flower attached to the back, and it said, in small letters in the top: Reasons why I love you.
In Saeyoung's messy handwriting you made out what it said.
1. I love your smile.
You flushed red and tried to hide your face in your hands. You giggled as you put the note in your bag along with the flower carefully, and followed the red string towards a big tree in the yard. It used to be very lonely and depressing, but thanks to Saeran he managed to make the whole place look absolutely wonderful!
You found the second note with your favorite candy attached on the side. It said:
2. I love you be because make my heart smile.
Yoh let out a small chuckle and happily ate the candy while following the red thread. Quickly you found number 3, with a cute plushie of a cat next to it.
3. Because with you I can truly be myself.
You made your way through the garden, each time collecting more and more notes and small items.
4. When we're together you make all my problems disappear.
9. Because you make me feel like I'm the only person in the whole universe~
You made your way inside the house through the backdoor and went into the living room.
14. Because you're always there for me, no matter what
17. Because you are yourself with me.
25. Because you encourage me after I've failed.
29. Because you love me and my family! Even though we're crazy!
34. You always make time for the two of us.
You went inside the living room and found a big teddy bear laying on the couch and smiled, picking up the next note.
37. You take care of me and spoil me~
40. Because you are determined to make this relationship work, and you always give it your best.
46. When you laugh it makes me laugh!
49. Because your arms feel more like home than any house ever did
50. You always keep your promises.
53. You have the ability to comfort me simply by your touch.
56. When things don't go as planned you always roll with it, instead of getting stressed.
59. Because you always swap the wet towels for dry ones when you know I'm showering.
64. You always believe in me and inspire me.
69. Because your are so sexy and I can't believe I get to call you mine. (☞ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)☞
You let out a laugh and then gasped as you looked at the kitchen. The table was a lined up with your favorite food and dishes and drinks. You put your part of the food in the table and had to debate wether or not to keep going. The food looked way too delicious...but you had do wait for Saeyoung. With a determined step you kept going down the hall.
71. I love you because you picked me.
75. You are sweeter than any PhD Pepper, or Honey Buddha Chips. I'd chose you over them any time.
78. You have the courage to chase your dreams.
80. You make an effort with my friends and family because you know they matter to me.
81. I love you because you gave me the gift of yourself.
84. Because you make me feel special.
87. You are my best friend in the whole world.
88. I will love you forever.
90. You make all my dreams come true.
You felt your heart melt as you walked down the hall and into the spare rooms, slowly walking up to Saeyoung's room.
91. Because I can't imagine life without you.
92. You don't just tell me you love me, you show me.
93. You never give up on me, even when I'm at my worst.
94. You care about the people around you.
95. You are smokin hot!
96. I love your snuggles.
You were now passing the bathroom, and after that, came Saeyoung's room. You felt your heart start beating faster and faster.
97. You still give me butterflies.
98. Your hand fits perfectly in mine
The only thing you could hear was the quick thumping of your heart.
99. I love that I get to go through life with you....
The last note had a key attached with a red string. You grabbed it and opened the door.
Your eyes took a moment to adjust to the darkness of the room, but you saw the curtains were drawn, and that in the roof there were holograms of dancing stars and planets.
There was a small fort in the middle, and you gasped as you saw Saeyoung standing there, a big goofy smile in his face.
You felt your cheeks heat up as he made his way towards you, pulling you into the room. He grabbed your hands and squeezed them, looking deep into your eyes.
"I love you because...." He whispered, and kissed your forehead. "You have taught me...." He kissed your cheek. "The true meaning...." He kissed your nose. "Of love..." And then, he locked your lips against yours in a chaste kiss.
You wrapped your arma around his neck and melted deeper and deeper into the kiss, making Saeyoung sigh in happiness. When the two of you ran out of breath, he quickly held on finger up and dug for something in his pockets.
He took out a small box and opened it's showing a beautiful red ring with small diamonds on the side (looking like stars) and caressed your cheek.
"MC." He said. You nodded.
"I...you've truly made me the happiest man alive. I would've never thought I'd ever be able to have something like this...to have someone i get to call my own...but thanks to you, everything seems possible now. I've found my brother. I'm happier. I have someone I love and cherish. I...I don't exactly know much about this... anniversary, but I read about promise rings and...well...." He quickly took the ring out and gently placed it in your finger, kissing your knuckles. "I promise, from now on, to always be by your side. To love you, no matter what, and to cherish you and adore you and spoil you. I will love you forever, my dear 606."
You let out a happy sigh and immediately wrapped your arms around Saeyoung, then kissed his nose and his forehead and his cheeks, muttering how much you loved him, how happy you were.
*Oh Saeyoung! This is...this is absolutely wonderful! Thank you, I... I love you so much!!!" You kissed him again, making him laugh and then, in one swift movement pick you up and twirl you around and around.
"I love you too! More than anything in the universe!"
That afternoon, after having some fun times in the bedroom and watching a movie (well, tried to, you kept getting distracted since he would kiss you every five seconds) inside the beautiful fort he had made, you had dinner and spent the whole time in each other's company, every once in a while kissing you and hugging you tight.
Thay night you spent it in each other's arms, happily hugging and whispering words of love yo each other.
Now you couldn't wait until you celebrated your 200 day anniversary!
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katfox · 4 years
♡Mysme Fluff Day 3: Holidays♡
Meowy Christmas
Characters: Seven x Mc/Reader♡ (non binary)
Word count: 900+
Summary: We'll see what happens during the holiday shenanigans as you spend the day with this tomato head.
It was Christmas eve and you had a big surprise set up for Seven, he was sure to love this gift. You knew that he didn't like Christmas but you were determined to bring a smile to his face. Unfortunately you have no idea if you're going to be able to get away with it since he can peek at you using surveillance cameras. Leaving your phone at home might help when you're out, at least he cant track you that way. You needed to go out, but it was late so you try to come up with an excuse.
You excuse yourself with a late night work call, and though Seven had an air of melancholy he let's you go with a hug. You can see the sadness in his eyes but you're hoping that this special gift will bring you both closer together. You leave, leaving your phone at home before going into your car and driving to the destination. It wasn't a super long ride but you couldn't help feeling saddened for Seven. You look up at the huge building in front of you "Animal Rescue" was lit up in big letters.
You take a deep breath and smile warmly before making your way inside to find your baby. After talking to a few people, you're finally able to go inside and see the kittens. It's always been his dream to have a cat and you wanted to be a part of that magical moment. After looking around you see a little black runt and decide that he's the one. He falls asleep on your lap as you drive home having him snuggled up in a small blanket.
You place the blanket and the kitten in your empty handbag before making it through the security gate. Once inside you look over at Seven, "they changed their mind, I'm gonna go finish up gift wrapping." He smiles over at you just happy to have you back home, you go into the spare room. The lock clicks making sure that he couldn't come in and expose his gift. After letting the kitten roam around the room and setting up a box for the kitten through the night, you manage to fall asleep.
Tiny mewls wake you up before you roll around to check the time, it was 9am. You get up and grab a small gift box big enough for a necklace to be in, before leaving the kitten in the room. The tippy tappy sounds of keys being pushed is all you hear as you start walking into there front. It looks like he's been up all night, you frown feeling heartbroken. You sigh softly wanting to know why he's so sensitive to the holidays, but you respect him enough not to push him into telling you.
You gently wrap your arms around him from behind as best you can and kiss his cheek before pulling away. He turns his chair to face you and is met with the box you're holding out for him. He was curious since he really wasn't a jewelry person besides the once he always wore. He opens the box to see a tiny collar, "is this what I think it is?" You nod your head only to hysterically regret it, hearing what comes out of his mouth next. "So you are going to dress up like my little kitty then?" "No! Haha," you laugh it off before grabbing ahold of his hand ands gently pulling him to follow you. "Close your eyes!"
You smile as he reluctantly agrees, you open the door before grabbing the little guy. You hold him up in front of Seven and smile excitedly to see his reaction, "open!" You opens his eyes and sees a black little kitten with the most strikingly yellow-orange eyes. Soft mewls bring him down to his knees, you didn't know what was wrong and knelt down to support him. He holds you close, making sure not to hurt the kitten. No words were spoken, only soft sounds of sobbing as he uses you for support.
Seven started thinking about his brother more after setting his eyes on the kitten, being so small and fragile needing love. He relaxes before telling you how happy he is to have you in his arms, how he didn't know what he'd be feeling or doing without you here. You meant the world to him and he'd never let you forget it. Seven blurts out a name that takes you by surprise not because of what it was, but because of the broken silence. He explains that it means hope for the future of togetherness. You smile and nod thinking that it's a wonderful name, surely you'll both be complete one day.
He kisses you softly before pulling away, you couldn't help but laugh nervously in this tender moment. He smiles and scoops up the little guy looking into his eyes and nuzzling him. It was definitely a heartwarming experience, you pull out your phone to record the sweet moment to send it to the chatroom sharing the good news. You help put the little collar on around his neck before grabbing a smaller box from the counter. "Open it," you smile as he opens the box revealing a small tag in the shape of a planet. He laughs thinking it's perfect and sets the kitten down before spending the rest of the day treasuring this new Christmas memory with you.
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A Taste of Childhood (M!Avery x MC)
This entry is for Day 2 of the Choices August Challenge hosted by @cora-nova!
Dedicated to @flowerpowell, @jlpplays1, @itsbrindleybinch and @unicornfatty, my favorite Avery stans!
Tagging also my amazing friends @mariaoz @lady-kato and a few more amazing people: @edgiestwinter , @a-i-n-a-a-s-h and @yesimacerealkiller! ❤
I’m not so happy with this fic, but it is a fairly fun one! Plus it helps deal with Platinum’s hiatus! ;)
Day 2 Prompt: Gelato
Summary: After a hectic day at the recording studio, Avery surprises Dawn with a special treat.
“Well, today was a busy day,” Dawn said as she walked into her apartment, “I can’t believe I’m gonna have one just as busy tomorrow.”
She worriedly checked the back of her hair to make sure that everything was in place. She sighed in relief when she discovered that yes, her hair was in perfect condition. Well, at least one thing was going well today.
She fidgeted with her keys once she reached the door. “Just one more day, Dawn. One more day and then…” 
Dawn sighed. The weekend wouldn’t give her any opportunity for relief, since she was a celebrity. She already had another party on her schedule, and Dawn still didn’t adjust to the first one. This life was hectic, and it was hard for her to believe that once she also juggled “dating” Raleigh Carrera. Luckily that was behind her.
Her phone rang. She lowered her gaze to her cellular device and a smile rose to her face when she saw Avery’s name. Hesitantly she raised her phone to her ears, and immediately Avery’s soothing voice spoke.
“Hi, love. Would you mind waiting for me outside? I have a surprise for you.”
Dawn hesitated. She looked down at her keys, which were somehow halfway in the door of her apartment. “Avery, I don’t know. Today was really busy, and all I want to do is relax in the hot tub and listen to some nice songs. Please tell me this can wait.”
Avery chuckled in light-heartedness. “Give me a chance, love. I promise this isn’t work related. You’ll love it. Don’t you agree, Hank?”
“Of course I do!” Hank’s voice screamed in her ear. “I promise you that this is a beautiful surprise! You’re one lucky girlfriend!” 
Dawn laughed, her heart already so much lighter than before. Unbidden her cheeks heated up, and from the slight mutter from the other end she assumed Avery was almost as red as her. “Um… Hank, Avery and I aren’t a couple. Not like that.”
“Well, he better ask you soon! If he doesn’t, I will! It is so obvious you have feelings for another, you really shouldn’t take long!”
Dawn giggled. “Right, of course.”
Avery whispered something to Hank Dawn couldn’t quite make out, before he spoke again. “Where are you? I don’t see you.”
“Oh, right!” Dawn rushed outside, and sure enough- the familiar limo waited across her house’s entrance. She rushed to it and immediately entered, landing right in Avery’s lap.
“Hello, Dawn.” He whispered as Hank drove away. “You know, if you wanted so badly to spend some time with me, you could have asked.”
Dawn ignored his twinkling eyes, and immediately pushed him away. “Not now, Mr. Wilshere.” She somehow managed to tumble onto the adjacent seat to Avery. Once she seated herself like a normal human being, she turned back to Avery, who gazed at her with all the adoration in the world.
“Avery…” she said as he snaked an arm around her shoulders, “where are you taking me?”
Absentmindedly she laid her head on his shoulder, letting out a breath of relief. If she thought her couch would help her relax, it was nothing compared to the sense of content Avery instilled in her. His gentleness, his kindness, his beautiful smiles… with him, she was home.
Avery gently caressed her hair, his voice as sweet as honey. “It’s a surprise. We’re almost there.”
Not long after, Hank pulled up to a simple ice-cream shop. Avery grinned when he saw the simple building, its exterior almost as charming as the prospect of what was inside. “We’re here.”
Dawn blinked. No, she did not fall asleep. She simply let Avery believe that she did.
“We’re here?”
Avery gently cupped her cheek. “Come, love. I promise you won’t regret it.”
Dawn nodded absentmindedly. After a quick check that she was somewhat presentable, she left the car. Avery wrapped his arm around her, his warmth sending sharp tingles all throughout her whole body. Dawn’s heart soared, and for a moment she was sure that she could never be happier.
But then they reached the door, Avery unlocked it, and they entered inside.
“Avery, what is this?” Dawn asked once the door closed behind them.
He smiled. “I know you had a hard day in the recording studio, so I thought of this to cheer you up.”
As Dawn gaped at him, Avery hurried to turn on all the lights. Only once he was sure everything was ready, he turned to her. His smile shone even brighter in the strong lights, his eyes twinkling with something almost childish. ���This really is a nice, quaint, gelato shop.”
Dawn laughed. “You don’t know this place?”
Avery shook his head. “This was the first place that matched all the criteria. I didn’t look more into it, but I’m glad I found the right place.”
He strode toward her, so his hand now held hers. “Come. This place is all ours. Take anything you want.”
Avery gently led her behind the counter. There were so many different ice-cream flavors Dawn was caught off guard. She blinked as Avery reached for a cup and scoured for flavors.
“I don’t know what to choose.” She said at last. Endless possibilities, endless outcomes. Where would she start?
Avery cleared his throat. “Will you be willing to let me choose your flavors?”
Dawn nodded. Avery smirked before he turned back to his search, his stance like that of a pirate searching for treasure.
“Close your eyes.” He said without looking at her.
Dawn frowned. “Why?”
Avery smiled. “I want this to be an adventure, Dawn. It won’t be if you can see the flavors I’ll give you, but if you don’t…”
Dawn sighed. She couldn’t resist the beautiful twinkle in his eyes, and if she was honest- she never could. Avery had an irresistible charm, and yet he chose her from all the girls. How could she be so lucky?
“Okay,” Dawn agreed. She closed her eyes and silently counted the seconds. 
“I used to come to gelato shops often when I was younger, before the sudden fame. These places remind me of home, because I basically grew up here.”
Avery shifted. “Yup. My brother worked there for years, and so did I when high school came. It was my very own haven.”
“It sounds wonderful.”
“It was,” Avery said, his voice full of nostalgia. 
After a long silence, Dawn finally felt Avery’s familiar warmth. He put a cold silver spoon near her mouth, the lilt of his voice more playful than ever teasing. “Here it is.”
“Open wide,” Avery teased. Dawn’s smile grew. She did as she was told, and a velvety chocolatey taste filled her mouth.
“Wow, Avery. This is amazing!”
“There’s plenty more.” He said with a slightly smug voice.
“I’m ready.”
Avery laughed. This time, he cupped her cheek as he let her taste another mystery flavor. Dawn licked her lips as a pure vanilla taste flooded her senses. 
“This one is better,” she mused.
“Alright. Another one.”
Dawn let out a gasp as a strawberry taste met her lips. “This tastes just like home! Shane and I would always get strawberry when we went for ice cream. It was our own special flavor.”
Avery once again neared her, but this time the flavor didn’t come. Dawn frowned, but then Avery’s warm words hit her ear in a teasing lilt. “How about we find our own special flavor?”
Dawn smiled mischievously. “Like what?”
There was a slight pause before Avery spoke. “Like this.”
His lips touched hers, gently, sweetly. Dawn smiled as a different taste entered her mouth, this one strange, unique and gentle. Just like Avery, the guy who changed her life in such a short time.
“This one is my favorite,” Dawn whispered after the kiss ended. She opened her eyes, meeting once again Avery’s beautiful eyes. He beamed at her, his smile one of those rare ones that completely transformed his face. She loved seeing this special smile spread across his face. It was almost as rare as him, and came out only when the both of them were alone.
She loved those moments.
“It’s also mine. Ever since I was a kid.”
Dawn pulled him even closer. “Who would’ve known Avery Wilshere is a cinnamon guy?”
“I am often called a sweet cinnamon roll.”
Dawn shook her head in mock exasperation. “Okay, now it’s my turn, Avery! Close your eyes!”
The rest of the evening was a beautiful blur. For those few hours, it was like they were in their own planet: one with an endless amount of flavors, gelato food fights and beautiful silence. Away from paparazzi, nosy reporters and possessive fans.
Away from all the troubles of the world.
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starcouple21 · 6 years
Midpoint Calculation Guide
Have you ever witnessed events occur in your life and you don’t see a corresponding transit? Have you ever felt part of you is not represented in your chart? Well, Midpoints may be the answer to both of these questions. In your chart, you have a series of midpoints, or the distance between two individual points in your chart, which create a deep psychological or physical energy always at work or could be activated by transits, progressions, etc. They are the hidden treasure of your chart.
So where are my midpoints? How could I find them? Well, one option is to find a website which calculates them for you, but some are inaccurate because the sights sometimes calculate the midpoints in the wrong directions (don’t worry if this doesn’t make sense to you at the minute). The better and more accurate option is to calculate them by hand. But how could I calculate my midpoints?
How to Calculate?
The first thing to do to calculate midpoints is to undivide your chart to the point where the degrees are not 0-30 by sign, but 0-360. So, 0 Taurus becomes 31 degrees,  10 Libra is 190 degrees, 28 Pisces is 359 degrees, so on and so forth. Once you think of your chart like that, the next step is to pick two planets, a planet and an angle, or two angles (only use the ASC and MC for angles). Once you choose your two points, take your points and add up both points along with minutes using the 0-360 quantities. So, if you have one planet at 197’25 degree (17’25 Libra) and 100’36 degrees (10’36 Cancer), that would add up to 298’01 degrees total. The calculated value is then divided by two, so 298’01 divided by two is 149’01 degrees (29’01 Leo). This single degree, which represents the mean of the two points, expresses the energy of both planets or angles coming together.
Tips, Tricks, Key Ideas
If the two planets are in the same sign, you only need to add up and divide the degrees of the sign. So, if one planet is as 10’00 Libra and the other is at 20’00 Libra, add up both and divide by two to get 15’00 Libra. You don’t need the other degrees because they would cancel each other out.
The a few of the most significant midpoints to consider are the Sun/Moon, ASC/MC, ASC/Sun, MC/Sun.
29 Pisces, even though it ends with a 9, is the 360th degree, not 0 Aries. 0-29 represents 30 degrees, so the 29th degree of Pisces is the 30th degree.
A critical point to consider is the Aries Point, or the 0th degree of Aries. If a planet or angle aspects this point, it creates a significant effect.
The aspects to consider when using midpoints are the conjunction, the opposition, and the square. They are easy to see in the individual’s  life and are strongly represented, but do not have the same meaning. The most powerful being the conjunction.
- CL and CJ
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kivumbi · 3 years
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We’re grateful for United Nations Uganda, Youth Coalition for SDGs, UNDP, UN Women, UN Resident Coordinator office for the opportunity to participate in The Young Women in Leadership Mentoring Event that took place yesterday 23rd April 2021 at the Residence of UN Chief Rosa Malango in Kololo. HTP delegation led by President Kivumbi Earnest Benjamin with selected Members Grace Ssuubi & Desire Ninsiima were exposed to a high level mentoring session. Interacting with key note speakers like UCC boss Eng Irene Kaggwa Ssewankambo, UNDP Team Leader Rule of Law & Democracy Ms Annet Mpabulungi Wakabi, Hon Victoria Ssekitoleko former Agriculture Minister, Ms Barbara Ofwono Buyondo Founder & CEO Victorious Schools, Ms Adekemi Ndieli UN Women Uganda Deputy Country Representative, Hollywood Ugandan Actress Engineer Nana Hill Kagga Macpherson, Ms Pheona Nabaasa Wall President Uganda Law Society, Ms Shane G Musanase Treasurer ULS among others. Big ups to the wonder MCs from the Youth Coalition and of course Mildread Tuhaise who chaired the afternoon session which was alive broadcast on NBS TV for 3 hours. We shall forever be grateful Heal The Planet Global Organisation- HTP “In Special Consultative Status with United Nations” Our appreciation to Ms Rosa Malango for making this possible. View more images here https://www.facebook.com/230418080433454/posts/2049023628572881/?d=n https://healdeplanet.wordpress.com/2021/04/24/thanks-mama-rosa-malango/ https://www.instagram.com/p/CODV_ZorER_/?igshid=7o7vcwvwynk8
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