#and i guess i'll get to see you at lunch tomorrow even if we don’t get to play
glittter-vamp · 1 year
Thank you for requesting! 🖤
Based on the song Wasn’t Me By Shaggy.
Warnings: Angst. Cheater!Joe X Reader. Explicit language. Mention of Sex & Alcohol. Sorry for any mistakes, I wrote this up on my lunch break earlier lol
Word count: 1,161
You left the house fuming and in tears. You couldn't believe what you had just walked into. Your Fiance Joe was throwing a party when you were away which he didn't tell you about. You walked into your house filled with people you don’t know, after being out of town for work. You thought it would be a cute idea to surprise Joe but you came home to a crazy house party and seeing something you didn't think you would of ever seen. "Hello?" Your best friend Liz answers the phone groggily. "Hey Liz, I'm sorry if I woke you up but could I crash at your place tonight?" You sniffle. "Y/N? Are you crying? What's going on?" You hear her wake up more. "I just needed to leave, I couldn't look at him." Is all that comes out trying to hold in a sob. "Yeah, yeah...come over but please drive safe. You shouldn't be crying and driving." She says. Of course your best friend would know when you're calling her from your car. "I'll be there in 5." You say before hanging up. 
You make it safely to Liz's house and as you pull into her driveway she opens the front door in her pajamas. You felt like shit for waking her up at 12AM but you just didn't know where to go. "I'm really sorry for coming here like this." You sniffle as Liz hugs you and lets you in. " You don't have to apologize, but what happened?" She asks as you follow her to the kitchen. "I came home early from my work trip. Instead of leaving tomorrow morning, I left tonight so surprise Joe and he had some fucking party going on." You say taking a breath before continuing. "I couldn't find Joe, I asked everyone around the house and they hadn't seen him either. So I went upstairs to our room and heard this noise coming from the bathroom. So I open the door and there he was with the fucking neighbor… fucking on the bathroom sink" You say getting livid all over again and Liz gasps. 
"Wait...the one that you told me about that was always a little too nice with Joe?" Liz asks and you nod. "Oh Y/N...I'm so sorry." Liz says hugging you again which made you cry again. "5 years Liz...we were supposed to get married in a few months." You sniffle. "He's gonna pay, you're going to have the last laugh in the end. I promise you that." Liz says rubbing your back. "I should of listened to my dad about dating a fucking NFL player." You mutter as she goes over to make some tea for you. "Man, I thought he'd be different...guess when you get that type of fame and money you get cut by that shitty cookie cutter. becoming the stereotype" Liz shakes her head as she turns on the stove and puts the kettle on it. "I already bought my dress, that was specially made." You sigh rubbing your face. "Girl, all you gotta do is sell that shit online and tell the story behind it. There's a facebook page of women in your situation and they sell like hot cakes. People love drama and supporting heartbroken women." She says making you chuckle. 
"Did he see you though?" Liz asks. "Yeah after quite sometime. Once he noticed me, I threw my ring in his face and ran downstairs leaving in my car before he could get dressed and even process me there." You scoff. "I'm just saying, when I see him...I might hurt him. Just letting you know." Liz says making you laugh. "I turned my location off, he shouldn't be showing up here." You shake your head. You and Liz enjoy your cup of tea and she tries her best to take your mind off things. Talking about movies, concerts and whatever else but you could feel your phone vibrating in your pocket. "Okay, Y/N...either turn the phone off or I'm calling him and cussing him out myself." Liz says and you sigh. " I'll give you a minute. I gotta go pee anyways. "Liz says living you in her kitchen. 
You unlock your phone and see, a sea of missed texts and calls from Joe. You open the messages up and read the messages. 
J🧡-Please answer the phone Y/N. I'm so sorry, that wasn't me
J🧡-Just let me talk for a few minutes
J🧡-Please pick up
J🧡- That wasn't me, just let me explain.
J🧡- Why did you turn off your location? Are you somewhere safe?? At least tell me that
J🧡-Please come back home, I'll leave if you need space
You scoff at the dozens and dozens of messages like those and decide to call him. You take a deep breath and made the call. Almost immediately he answers. "Hello!? Y/N, Jesus are you okay?" Joe frantically asks. "How could I be okay, I just walked into my Fiance fucking our neighbor." You scoff. “I’m so sorry baby, that wasn’t me. I never meant for that to happen.” Joe says sounding broken himself but it really didn’t do anything for you. “You keep saying it wasn’t me, do you have some type of clone I didn’t know about? What excuse is that?!” You roll your eyes. “I was out of character, I had way too much to drink and I wasn’t thinking right- Joe, you are not blaming this on alcohol. I’ve gone out with my friends multiple times getting shit faced and I never even looked at another guy while I was with you!” You snap back.
“Just tell me what I need to do to regain your trust again, you can’t just throw 5 years away of us away. We can go to therapy,Move houses, whatever you want.” Joe practically begs over the phone. “Joe, the only person who threw this all away was you. Don’t worry about the house, I’ll be getting my stuff out this week. I’m Liz can help with finding me a place in such short notice.” You tell him holding back tears.
“Don’t do this Y/N, please.” Joe says his voice breaking at the end. “I’ll be over to get my stuff while you’re at practice, I’ll leave the keys in the garage and whatever else you’ve given me in the house.” You sniffle before you hang up knowing he was going to put up a fight and you just didn’t want to hear it right now.
“Are you okay?” Liz asks peeking into the kitchen where you were crying. “Nope but I can’t allow him to disrespect me like this and take him back.” You shake your head. “I’m proud of you, and of course I’ll help you find a place. I’m only the best realtor in Cincinnati.” She jokes making you smile. Here’s to starting all over again.
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bittersweetastoria · 1 year
This one's a long one babes, so buckle up! Tis pretty tame, so I can't think of any warnings to include?? If you see any, lemme know and I'll add it. Till then, Enjoy!
“I’ll be waiting for you.” You’d promised that a year ago now. When a family emergency on your side, and work on hers, had separated you both and you knew it would be a long time before you’d be together again. As it does, time and distance weighed everything down and you’d eventually parted ways. That’s when everything in her life started working out perfectly, as your world crumbled all around you. You’d never contacted her about any of it. You and your issues, pain, misery.. None of it was her problem anymore. Or so you’d told yourself. You muddled through day by day. Hoping for a better tomorrow that would never come. Things merely went from worse to worser, as you lost not just your family but your home as well. You’d managed to keep your crappy part time sales job, but it wasn’t enough to survive on so you ended up rooming with people you didn’t know and that’d just been hell. But it was your hell. Your price to pay for choices that you had made. No one else’s.
Last thing you ever expected, was to find your ex on your doorstep one evening after work. Caught with your eyes wide, you struggle to juggle your things and get your keys out.. your hands shaking uncontrollably all the while. “They wouldn’t let me wait inside.. Some real bang up friends you got there.” She spoke after a moment, your wide eyes blinking once - twice - three times before you finally found your voice and the ability to stop just gawking at her. “They’re not- They’re just roommates, not friends. I’m sorry they were so rude, it’s just how they are I guess.” You explained, struggling to unlock the door until she finally took your cup and paper bag with the remains from your lunch you’d planned to have for dinner from you. “T-Thanks.” You studder out, your eyes meeting hers for a moment before finishing unlocking the door and pushing it open. Finding no one in sight, you shake your head knowing they were off in one of their rooms doing god knows what together. Out of your roommate situation, they stuck together and you stood alone. Only time they bothered you was when it was time to pay bills.
With a heavy sigh, you take your things back from her and push the door open to let her in first. “It’s best if we go to my room.. You don’t need to deal with them again.” You spoke, waiting until she walked in to lock the door back. “I can handl-,” you cut her off before finishing her sentence, tugging her to your room and locking the door behind you both. In another lifetime, that would mean something else. But now? It just meant you didn’t want your asshole roommates bothering either of you. “I know you can handle them, Rhea. But you shouldn’t have to.” You finally speak up once you sat your things on the dresser and pulled your hoodie off. “It’s more about me, okay? Anyways, I want to know why you’re here suddenly.. but I need to change first. This polyester is killing me. So just.. a minute please?” You ask, grabbing a tank top and shorts from your drawer and heading for the bathroom. “You could change in here love. It’s not like I haven’t seen it all before.” She offered, causing you to blush as you shake your head. “I know.. But still..” biting your bottom lip, your eyes dart around avoiding hers as you shuffle into the bathroom and swing the door shut. You wouldn’t notice that it didn’t fully shut until you were pulling your tank over your bare chest, your eyes locking with hers in the mirror as you did. Your breath caught in your throat, your gaze unwavering from hers for what felt like an eternity before you shook your head and forced yourself to turn away. Should you shut the door? Probably. But the harm was already done, and really what harm had it been really? So you let it be and kicked off your jeans in favor of your comfy booty shorts then tossed your work clothes to the dirty pile before shaking your hair out and coming back out from the bathroom.
“I miss you, you know.” There. There it was. You knew those words were coming from the start. But had that bathroom moment brought it faster? You had to wonder. Cause even now, fully covered, she was still looking over your body like you were standing there fully naked. “Rhea..” you begin, your eyes remaining on her face despite hers wondering. With a small sigh, you walk over to your bed and plop down leaving her standing there. You weren’t going to tell her what to do. It never worked well anyways. So you’d wait for her move on her own accord, which she would eventually do once you turn the television on for background noise and to make it harder for the others to ease drop. “Babe- Old habit, sorry.” She caught herself, sitting down across from you at the foot of your bed. “I know you didn’t just show up on my doorstep just to say you miss me. What’s up, Rhea? Seriously. I thought you were at home enjoying time with the fur babies for a bit now that draft is in effect.” Yes, you followed WWE stuff still. You were a fan long before you fell in love with a wrestler. You’d be a fan long after too. “You watched my stories?” She mused, chuckling a bit as she watched your face go red. “That’s adorable. I almost believed you didn’t care anymore, y/n.” She added, shifting to face you better. Tucking her legs beneath her like you had your own. You could feel the heat of embarrassment in your cheeks, but you pressed on as if it wasn’t a thing. “Of course I care. That’s not something you turn off, even after a breakup.” Rhea raised a brow, “Is that what we did? Cause I don’t recall a call or text saying that, y/n. We just.. stopped talking. Actually, if I recall correctly, you stopped talking.” She pointed out, causing your heart to drop into your stomach knowing she was right.
“I didn’t really.. have a choice in that.” Now you’d done it. Her curiousity was peaked and you’d never get out of not explaining now. Though, you’d try. “Come on love, you owe me that much. The truth of why you just dropped me.” Rhea began, glaring at the television behind her for the noise that sounded in her ears before looking back to you. “It’s not a big deal, I just.. lost my phone service for a while. I thought I could save it, but I couldn’t. By the time I got a new number.. it’d been too long. You were- are on top of the world. Little ole me didn’t matter anymore.” You explained, looking down at your folded hands in your lap. You hadn’t even felt the bed shift, but next thing you knew her hand was tilting your chin up to make you look at her. “You always mattered. You still do, y/n. I wouldn’t be here if you didn’t.” She explained, keeping her eyes locked on yours the whole time. Somehow your teeth caught your lip, chewing it as your eyes remained on hers and your body refused to budge. Even this simple, innocent touch had your skin ablaze and your heart aching for her to just - hold you again.
Time felt like it stood still, your eyes locked on one another. It wasn’t until a bang on your door that you both snapped out of it, though her hand remained on your chin through the disturbance. “Hey bitch, you didn’t tell us you had company coming!” Lindsay shouted through the door, though you knew the knock was Ken’s which was proven by his laugh and quick “Yeah!” to back her up. Before you could react, Rhea was up and had your door open facing them. “Holy shit, it’s that chick from WWE!” Hank exclaimed from behind them, while Rhea glared between them all. “Good. You know who I am and what I’m capable of- Now if you even think of calling y/n a bitch again, or keep treating her like this.. I will end you all. Got it? Now go on. My girl and I are talking.” She shooed them off, stomping one foot when they didn’t scatter far enough from the door before she turned back and shut the door behind her. “Her girl?!?!” Could be heard from the other side, but neither quite caught - or cared - who said it. You’d stood up now, crossing the room and wrapping your arms around Rheas neck muttering “thank you” into her flesh.
You both stood there a while before she simply scooped you up and brought you back to the bed. Now taking your seat, but keeping you in her lap as she soothed your hair back and just looked at you. “You said my girl.. I missed that.” You finally spoke up, though your voice was soft and barely heard above the television- she’d heard you. Pressing a kiss to your forehead, “It never stopped being true.” She promised, her lips still upon your skin until she tilted your head up. Once your eyes met again, you both smiled softly as you now reached up to run your fingers through her now dark locks - they’d been somewhat blonde still when you’d last seen her. “The black is hot.. But I miss the blonde.” You quipped playfully, causing her to laugh as she snagged your hand from her hair and laced it with her own. “Is that your way of saying you want the blondie to your brownie back babe? Cause if so- just say the word, we’ll figure this shit out.” Rhea spoke playfully, her digits playing with yours had your attention but she was watching your face the whole time. You laughed, but didn’t answer cause you heard snickering at your door. She caught it though and threw your hairbrush at the door. “Fuck off losers, you’re not gonna hear anything kinky.” She promised them, laughing silently at the look on your face that came with those words.
Leaning against her sometime later.. It’d been peaceful, but neither of you broke the silence or made a move. You simply sat contently in her lap, playing with her fingers as she played with your messy brown locks. You had no intention of breaking the silence, but you did. “I never moved on.” You admitted, darling to look up and catch sight of her beautiful eyes. “I never stopped waiting on you, Demi.” As soon as that confession was out, her lips were on yours in what very well could be the most passionate and needy kiss you’d ever felt before. By the end, neither of you could breathe and you were clinging to one another like a life preserver. “Good, Cause I never stopped waiting on you either. I just got impatient and had to find you instead of you showing up at one of these shows like I thought you would.. Way to let a girl down babe.” She teased, cheeky little grin upon her lips as she pressed them to yours once more. “If I had the money, I would’ve eventually..” You answer sheepishly, though totally honest.
She must’ve really understood your situation then, cause her next words seemingly came from left field. “Obviously not tonight but, come back home with me. You can travel with me.. or just stay there with the mutts waiting on me. Either way, you belong in my bed again. Not with these assholes who don’t care about you.” You knew she was right.. you also knew there might still be listening. So you simply nodded, fingers tighting around hers. “Will you stay with me tonight?” You whisper after crawling up until your lips were at her ear. As tempting as it was to tease her like you used to, it wouldn’t happen. Not tonight. Not here. “I’m not going anywhere without you.” She promised just as softly, shifting you off her so she could could stand up. “Besides the toilet that is. It’s been a long day waiting for your fine ass out there.” Before moving though, she unlocked her phone and handed it over. “Order us a pizza? And some wings. Then put your new number in there. Don’t matter what you put it under, I’m editing it anyways.” Rhea spoke, laughing at the look on your face before vanishing into your bathroom.
You shook your head in amusement, but otherwise did as told. You ordered what you remembered you both loved on your pizza as well as the biggest thing of wings to split, as well as a dessert to split and a soda. You had paper plates and plastic cups in your room, to keep them from your roommates. So all you had to do was pray they gave napkins otherwise you’d be giving up your good hand towels for the wing mess. It’d the worth it though. Just as you finished ordering, she came back out. That cheeky little grin on her face again. “What’s got you so happy, huh?” You tease, causing her to rush you and tickle you to the bed. In a few moments, you’d be hiccupping from the endless ticklish spots you had that she knew all about. “D’you get your number in?” She asked once she backed off and pulled you into her lap again. “I barely got the order in before you attacked me!” You laughed, as she played like she’d tickle you again. Taking her phone back from your lap, she opened new contacts and labeled it before handing it to you. “No changing it. Just put your number in please. “ she spoke, kissing your temple as you looked at it. 😍MY BABYGIRL❤️‍🔥 Shaking your head, you input your number and pressed save before locking it back and handing it to her again. She sat it on the nightstand beside yours.
“Codes your birthday, by the way. Figured you might as well know” she shrugged, pulling you against her again and getting the remote. “Mind if we find something better than this garbage? You got Netflix or anything?” She asked, earning a pointed look from you. “Innocent question, innocent intentions I swear.” She spoke in amusement, holding the free - holding remote not holding you remote up. “I picked cable over that, and every other stream thing.. Just so I could see you every week.” You admired shamelessly, blushing when her eyes landed on you fully in clear astonishment. “You poor thing.. My house is gonna be a couture shock.” She spoke playfully, grabbing her phone again she opened up Netflix. “What are you in the mood for? I’ll broadcast it to the tv.” She offered as she scrolled for you both to see. By the time you agreed on a movie, one she always said she didn’t care for but always watched with you anyways, the pizza was almost there. You both went out for it, hands linked as your roommates gawked at you both. Though no one said a word. Returning to your room, you got the plates and cups as she laid everything out on the bed. You each plop into place beside each other and build your plates as the movie starts.
By the time it was over, so was most of the food. You hadn’t eaten so well in months.. You’d had a good meal at Christmas thanks to some company party. But before or after? Not even. “Got anything I can sleep in babe?” She asked as she piled the boxes on the dresser to deal with in the morning. You looked over her body shamelessly before clicking your tongue. “Not a chance. That ass would EAT my shorts.” You commented, she’d been way into fitness and it showed in all the best ways. But your little shorts? Wouldn’t make it out alive. “Looks like it’s undies for me then.” She shrugged, kicking off her jeans and leaving them there as she rejoined you. “No funny business though, got it?” She spoke, as if her hand wasn’t already on your ass as she pulled you back to bed. “Oh I’m so touching the butt, madam.” You tease back, shoving her into bed before you crawled in too. You both got settled in, her clicking another movie on her phone before sitting it down and opening her arms for you to enter. You didn’t need a word said to slide into your old favorite spot, nestled right into her chest. Her head on yours, her arms at the small of your back. You had one hand tucked between you, the other - as promised - rested on her ass shamelessly.
“Goodnight babygirl.” She murmured softly, “Goodnight mami.” You replied, giggling as you felt her pause before laughing herself. “Just wait till we’re home, babygirl. I’ll have you screaming that.” She promised, earning an excited giggle from you as the movie began. Within ten minutes, you were both off to dreamland. Content with this moment until your new reality could begin in the morning.
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teasinterests · 1 year
In need of a break.
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I wrote this extremely fast tbh since i’m not ready to be pumping out masterpieces yet.. but this was still fun and gave me a bit of motivation!! 🥹
Ler! Rei x Lee! Chiaki
( interpret as you wish )
No CW’s or TW’s apply other than tickles ❤️
Quickly gobbling down the food before him, Chiaki practically slammed the fork onto his plate before getting up. The hero had been running back ‘n forth for the past few days between jobs and live shows. Finally having time, some time, to quickly grab some lunch back at ES. Within a matter of minutes he downed his food and drink, prepared to rush back out and continue to the next job. Hopefully he looked good, it was a part in a movie after all!
Cleaning up his plates and silverware, Chiaki turned to run back outside, only to slam face first right into someone's chest. Stumbling backwards with a yelp of surprise emitting from him.
“AH-!! I’m sorry! I’m in a rush right now– …Sakuma?”
The brunette questioned in surprise to see Rei up at such an hour. Nonetheless standing so close. The ravenette before him has his mouth covered, though judging by trembling shoulders, he was stifling a bout of laughter from Chiaki’s previous reaction.
“Fufu~ Indeed.. Where are you running off to in such a rush? Another job offer?”
The self proclaimed vampire questioned as Chiaki gave a quick nod. Moving to brush past Rei shortly afterwards.
“Yes! And, it's an important one too! So I really must get goi– Hey!?”
Chiaki exclaimed as Rei swiftly grabbed onto the shorter idol's arm. Pulling the hero back and wrapping his arms around the other's torso from behind. Sighing heavily as he rests his chin atop one of Chiaki's shoulders. The brunette growing a tad flustered, he turned his head.
“My dearest friend Kanata has been mentioning how you have been working yourself to the bone recently. Even Kaoru has spoken up on such a thing, and I know those two are quite close friends to you.”
Rei pointed out as Chiaki remained silent for once.
“If those two are concerned, then I am as well~ You should take a break for the rest of the day, Morisawa. I can easily have it arranged for your work to be moved to the next day, or a day later.”
The undead leader explained as Chiaki gave a small huff, wiggling a little as he tried slipping out of the others arms.
“Sakuma! I have to get going! I’m usually all for games but I'm fine! If I don’t get through these jobs then how else am I going to keep supporting Ryuseitai, HUH??”
Chiaki questioned in turn as Rei gave a small huff. His grip around the hero is surprisingly firm.
“There are five members in Ryuseitai, Morisawa. Not all of the workload has to be dumped onto you. Kanata can take care of his own, and surely those kids are more than capable.”
Rei pointed out as Chiaki tried ducking down to slip out of the others arms. The sight was rather amusing as Rei practically hoisted Chiaki back up. The brunette practically yelled in frustration.
“Those kids don't deserve such a burden though! They're only kids, and I know how much they enjoy spending their hard earned funds to afford the things they enjoy! Kanata can take care of his own, but if I can bear most of the burden then I will!”
Chiaki exclaimed before nearly crumbling as Rei squeezed at his sides. Just so suddenly out of the blue..
“Do we have to do things the hard way then, Morisawa? You have fallen into the demon king’s clutches after all~ I will inform Tenshouin to take care of your workload for the day.”
Rei stated as Chiaki grabbed onto the others arms. Struggling to push Rei back against the counter behind them
“No, no! I can finish it all and take a break tomorrow– AH!?”
The hero yelped once again as the vampire's fingers slowly began wiggling against his captives' sides. Chuckling in turn as he listened to Chiaki begin to frantically giggle and wiggle around within his hold.
“If you don't agree then I guess I'll have to convince you another way. After all, the hero couldn't break free from my hold before. How on earth will he do so now that i’ve discovered such a weakness?~”
Rei teased as he dug his fingers in a bit harder. Alternating between scratching along Chiaki’s sides, and squeezing them. The brunette was rather quick to begin laughing,despite his struggle to keep the giggles in earlier, face burning as red as his typical Ryuseitai color. He struggled to push Rei’s arms away, or slip from his grasp. But, in all honesty, he was already completely exhausted from working so frequently. Not to mention struggling with his low blood pressure more than normal. Rei of course knew this, not from Kanata, nor Kaoru, but because he could tell how weak Chiaki seemed from the start. And, compared to Rei, Chiaki should have easily been able to break free from such a grasp.
“S-Stop Sahahakuma l-let gohoho!”
The hero laughed and stomped his foot against the floor a few times. A few snorts even escaped him from how hard the giggles were bursting out. Rei of course couldn't help but laugh at this. Chiaki truly was adorable. He could very much see the appeal.
“Oh? Is the hero admitting defeat then?”
Rei questioned before Chiaki quickly shook his head in turn.
“Kuku~ I was hoping you’d say that. Guess you’ll have to endure it some more, won’t you? Let's see… Perhaps a different spot will change your mind.~”
Rei practically hummed against the other ear as he moved his arms up a bit higher. Just enough so he could begin attacking at the hero’s ribcage. That was practically flipping a switch within Chiaki. Bursting into a loud laugh and lurching forward, he shook his head a little before pressing back against Rei’s chest.
The brunette practically squealed as Rei whistled with surprise. What a far different reaction than before!
“Oho!~ Did I find a weak spot? Hm? Can’t the hero take a little tickling? Surely he can since he wants to break his bones working so hard.”
The vampire chuckled as Chiaki shoved at Rei’s hands, only for the other to grab Chiaki’s wrists in turn. Pulling them behind the hero’s back, and gripping them within one hand. Moving his free hand back around to continue his work.
Chiaki couldn’t believe how easily this was working in Rei’s favor, and he could feel himself growing more, and more, tired by the minute. At this rate, he’d end up collapsing before even returning to work! Though he knew that wouldn’t be happening. He’s basically screwed.
Chiaki exclaimed through his bubbly laughter, only to yelp with his knees giving out below him as Rei’s hand had worked its way upwards. Slipping just beneath the hero’s arm..
“Whoops-!” Rei gasped as he quickly caught Chiaki before the other had hit the floor. Scooping the brunette up into his arms, Chiaki panted as he lay limp against the taller idol. For a moment he hadn't even cared.. Only until Rei laughed and cradled Chiaki within his arms.
“Look at you! All red faced and exhausted like that! You shouldnt be showing such weakness around villains like me, Morisawa.~”
The vampire teased as he moved a hand to skitter his fingers across Chiaki’s stomach teasingly. The hero was quick to jolt and grab at the other's wrist.
“GAH-! Stop! I’ll take a break! Just enough..” The tired idol huffed as he dropped his head against Rei’s shoulder. The ravenette gave an amused smile in response.
“Good, I'll take you back to your dorm then and inform Tenshouin about your break. You truly should take care of yourself more, Morisawa. It wasn’t hard to tell how exhausted you are from the start.”
Rei pointed out as Chiaki gave a small huff in complaint. Eyes closed as he allowed Rei to carry him with a surprising amount of ease.
“I know.. I’ll try to focus on it more. Kanata and Hakaze are allowed to wack me on the head if they so wish..”
“Or they could simply tickle you til you agree.~” Rei commented with a grin, just for Chiaki to quickly glare in turn. “Don’t start giving them ideas or anything!!”
Not that they don’t already know..
Chiaki was a bit grateful despite the embarrassment received. He felt exhausted, and was really looking forward to getting some well deserved rest. Though he was positive he’d be hearing about this from both Kanata and Kaoru sooner or later..
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Losing Game [Antoine Griezmann x fem!OC] (Chap. III)
Requested: No​
Pairing: Antoine Griezmann x OC!Gabrielle Darian; more to be added.
Warnings: OC's mom is a bitch, English is not my first language!
Wordcount: 4K+
A/N: Thank you for reading! GIF IS NOT MINE. Enjoy!
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Previous chapter
“He told me”, Sabrina continues, “that they would donate a lot of money and that they will talk about the company and charities on social medias, etc.”
Very strange. Generally, we’re the ones that invite the celebrities. But the entire French National Team is excellent from a marketing point-of-view. Oh God, I sound like my mother.
“Do we need to tell your mo-I mean, the Director of Operations?” Sabrina asked.
“I'll tell her,” I answered. “We never know, but knowing her, she’ll want to impress them and I’m gonna have to restart all the organization. Thanks for letting me know, Sabrina.”
“Of course, beautiful. See you tomorrow.”
“See you.”
I hanged up, and spent my time in the supermarket wondering what my mother will want me to change and how I’m gonna change it. After thirty minutes, I go back home. Louisa is cmoing back in thirty minutes, and even if I’m hungry, I decide to wait for her to eat, but I barely had time to store the groceries that I hear the entrance door open.
“Yo.” She said, putting her school bag on the bar.
“Already here?”
“Yes, the teacher left us leave early. Did you take that apple juice I like?” she asked after noticing the groceries bag.
“Did I ever forget to buy what’s on your list?” I asked, raising my eyebrow.
“No, never. So, how was work?”
“Oh, it was good…Surprising.”
“Why?” she asked, eating a bit of bred.
“Didier Deschamps and the French Team want to come to the gala,” I told her.
“No way! But how could they possibly know about the gala?”
“I have no clue,” I said, realizing I never thought about it. “I guess they saw the article on the website. They’re fast, in that case, considering we published it this morning.” I added.
“If they publicly talk about the company, it will be a great promotion. Your mother will be thrilled.”
“Yes, before she tells me to change everything I prepared, just to impress them.”
“Yeah, probably.”
We prepare lunch together, mostly talking about football players inviting themselves.
“Honestly though, have you seen these handsome dudes?” She laughed. “If we’re lucky enough, we could get one of them.”
We both laughed and I shook my head. I don’t really watch football, but I have to admit, some players are rather handsome. But still, I don’t feel like starting a relationship. We sat to eat, and she tells me about her classes. Like her, I can’t wait to finish college so I can get a job in a translation company and finally leaving the family’s company. I know it’s gonna be hard, as there are not many jobs available in that sector, but I’ll do whatever it takes to be independent, even alienating my family.
“What did you plan to study today?”
“German. It’s not like I’ll ever go to Berlin or Munich, but that exam might compensate for bad marks, so…”
“Good luck. And don’t fall asleep!”
“Me? Never.”
She went to her room muttering against the German language. When I see her German lessons, I’m glad I took Spanish since middle school; even though I’m not good at it at all. I studied in the living room, the television’s sound in the background of my head. Exams are coming soon, for both Louisa and me. I can’t wait to have them, just so the stress can go away – even though it’s gonna be replaced by the anxiety of waiting for the results. After one hour, I got up and went to see Louisa to make sure she wasn’t falling asleep. I knocked on her door, and I heard a “No, I’m ain’t sleeping”. I went back to the living room and stayed focused on my studies. When I decide it’s enough for today, it’s already 5:30 pm. Crap, mother. I took my phone and called her. She finished work earlier today, she then should answer. After a few seconds, she answered at the same moment Louisa came back from her room.
“It’s me.”
“I know it’s you. What do you want?”
Alright, great.
“It’s about the gala. The French National Team want to come.”
“The football Team?” she asked, more surprised than I expected.
“No, the soap bubbles team,” I retorted, “Of course, the football team.”
“Don’t be insolent. Who did they call?”
“Sabrina,” I answered. “Deschamps called her this morning. He told her they would donate money and promote the company. But how did they know about the gala?”
“It does not matter. Tell Sabrina to call them back to accept the invitation.”
“Alright. So, what am I gonna have to change? We’ll have to put on a show, right?”
“Send me the services you chose. I’ll see that tomorrow.”
“As you wish.” I answered.
And she immediately hangs up. I shook my head and sat beside Louisa on the sofa. She proposes we go shopping tomorrow, in order to clear up our minds, and I accept.
Between college, studying and the gala’s preparation, the 31st of May arrives way sooner for my liking. Coming home from work, I went directly to pick a dress. I try to tell myself that every detail is organized, but to tell the truth, I had never been more anxious in my entire life. I also try to tell myself that I don’t care what my mother will say about the evening I’m organizing but I know deep down, I’m anxious to see her reaction. I sighed and stared at the dresses I had before noticing a long black dress with straps. As for my hair, I decided to put in a bun with some locks around my face. I put my make-up at the same as Louisa does in our small bathroom. She is still as excited about meeting the football player, but she thankfully has given up on the idea of get one of them. She’s wearing a long red dress and let her curly brown hair down.
“Thank you for coming, bestie,” I told her while putting back my make-up in the cupboard. “It’s really helpful to me.”
“Are you kidding, I wasn’t gonna miss your first night as organizer.” She said smiling me through the mirror.
Once we’re ready, it’s already time to go. Like my mother does, I arrive early at the place to take care of last-minute details, and Louisa is coming with me. Jerome comes picking us up as usual, always so nice. In the car, I can’t help but to bite my nails, which I do when I’m stressing out, and even Louisa’s ‘Tsst!” can’t stop me from doing it. Once we have arrived, Jerome wishes me good luck and assures me everything will go okay. Damnit, give this man a raise already. The photographs, more numerous than last time, that my mother has forced me to invite, are not here yet, which amazingly suits me. I entered the room, and quickly the services’ bosses came to me to tell me everything is ready to welcome the guests. I inspected the decoration, put exactly as planned, and the tables put like my mother usually does.
“You nailed it, Gaby.” Louisa told me, looking around.
“Thank you. Hey, if something wasn't working, you would let me know, wouldn’t you?”
“Of course I would, don’t worry. Relax.”
I checked the last details and the time, and realized the guests should arrive any minute now. I barely had time the waiters coming with plates full of drinks and food and to go place myself by the entrance that the first car is already coming. It’s the adorable elderly lady from the last gala, giving me a big, warm smile.
“Good evening, my dear,” she said before kissing me on the cheek. “I’m glad to see you, you look beautiful.”
“You too, ma’am.” I said, taking the wrinkled hands she gave me. “Thank you for coming.”
“Thank you for inviting me, my dear child. It’s always a pleasure to see the Darian family.”
I invite her to come in, and she goes to Louisa, who she greets warmly. The other guests then arrive, and I pray none of them notices that my hands are sweaty. After a while, Louisa comes to me.
“You parents are not here yet?” she asks. “It’s unlike them to be late.”
“Yes, except when it’s for something involving me.”
Giving only them and the football boys are yet to arrive, I decide to go inside. I ask the waiters and the cooks if everything is okay, and their positive answer relaxes me a little. I go back to the room, psychologically preparing myself to have a conversation with boring, arrogant people when nearly all eyes suddenly turned to the entrance, where a group of twenty people or so just came in. They’re all wearing the same classic yet elegant suit and most of them did their hair. Most of them are silent and look around them with curious looks. I walk to the man with white hair leading them both as like a father and a teacher.
“Good evening,” I said, more intimidated than I thought I would be, before shaking his hand. “It’s very nice to meet you all.”
They all answer with a nod, a smile or a rather shy “Good evening”.
“Nice to meet you, too.” answered Didier Deschamps warmly. “Thank you for allowing us to come.”
“Thank you for asking. It’s not everyday that we have high-level athletes coming at our galas. I hope you’ll have a good night.”
“No doubt about it”, he smiled. “Benjamin was not able to come tonight because, well, of a last-minute problem, I hope you’ll excuse him. He says hello.”
“Oh,” I said, “I hope he will be fine.”
“Yes, thank you”
I vaguely nodded and stared at the 22 players standing in silence in the entrance.
“Well, have a good night.”
“Thank you very much.”
Most of the men gave me smile and I smiled back. Then they scattered, and right after, a silhouette came in, and I immediately recognize my mother. My mind is screaming at me to turn my back and ignore her, but I don’t have the energy to start a fight. I walked towards her, more insecure that I wished I was. She looks around with a probing look before turning to me.
“Hi, mom.”
“The decoration isn’t that bad. I would have picked another color, though. Gabrielle, what is that awful dress you’re wearing? The color is just dreadful. This robe is barely good to be wore at a cocktail party. Especially with famous guests…And let’s not talk about your hair.”
She sighed heavily and I felt a red light coming. She grabbed a glass when a waiter passes before us, took a sip and grimaced.
“For God’s sake, Gabrielle, what is that champagne? I specifically told you to pick Mr. Sandrin’s champagne!”
“I did!” I defended myself, trying not to raise my voice. “This is the champagne you asked for.”
She stared at her glass and then raised her shoulders, not convinced.
“Dad and Noah aren’t here?” I asked, changing the topic.
“Your father had an impediment, and your brother is sick.”
With Noah, “sick” means “at a party” with the option “girl” or “has a hangover”. I try to see Louisa among the guests but can’t find anywhere. My mother tells a waiter to come and grab a hors d’oeuvre.
“Gabrielle, do you even know how to read? I thought I told to the Menu number Three! The Second one is horrible.”
“Well you know what? Next time why don’t you just organize your freaking gala yourself?”
Before she can answer, I turned around and nearly ran to the bar, my eyes watering. On my way to the bar, I rapidly meet of the footballers’ blue gaze – Antoine Griezmann. Hell, now one of tonight’s most important guests saw me cry.
“Good evening, Miss.” The barman said with a smile. “What can I serve you?”
“Something strong.”
“Coming up.”
I closed my eyes and tried to breathe. I usually only drink champagne at galas and don’t drink alcohol outside of galas, but right now I need to relax. At the same time the barman put a glass in front of me, I hear a voice in my back.
“Hello. Gabrielle, am I right?”
I turned around, and to my surprise, saw Kylian Mbappe standing before me.
“Oh, hello.” I answered with a voice that I hoped sounded confident. “Yes, you’re right. Is everything alright?”
“Yes, thank you. Very cool night," he said, pointing out the room.
“That’s nice of you.”
“What it will be, sir?” the barman asked Kylian.
“Do you do alcohol-free cocktails?”
“Sure. Right away.”
The French Team’s striker walked to the bar, which gave the perfect spot to observe him. He was actually cute, with his frank smile and his sparkling eyes. I supposed he was barely older than me, maybe by one year or two. He thanked the barman, grabbed his glass, and then turned to me. We started talking about anything and everything, and his kindness and his sweetness almost made me forget my mother’s comments. It’s obvious he remained humble and down to earth despite the fame. He asked me about the company, and I asked him about football, his club, and the World Cup coming up. Suddenly, as he’s giving an answer I’m doing my best to understand – I didn’t know anything about football – my eyes move far behind him. Antoine Griezmann is talking with one of his teammates – Lucas Hernandez, if I’m not mistaken – and some other guests, but his eyes are on me.
I tried to focus on what Kylian was saying, but every fifteen seconds, my eyes turned to Antoine who continued to staring at me, and every time I looked at him my heart beated faster. For God’s sake, dude, why are you looking at me like that? Don’t be silly, Gabrielle, he’s probably looking at Kylian. A few minutes later, I’m still giving a quick glance at Antoine when a young man dressed exactly like Kylian comes to us. He was rather tall, pale with blond hair and tired brown eyes, who looked a bit older than Kylian. He had like him a big smile, but seemed more confident than Kylian.
“Sorry to interrupt, but Hugo wishes to see you, Kylian. It’s urgent, apparently.”
“Oh,” said Kylian. “I’ll just go then. See you later, I hope,” he added to me.
“Of course.”
Even though I didn’t know anything about football, I still knew who the most famous were. And this blondie wasn’t one of them, I thought. But I didn’t have to ask who he was, as he’s quicker:
“I don’t think we've met before. The name is Emilien.”
“Gabrielle,” I answered politely.
“What your family does is really wonderful. I mean it.”
“That’s nice of you.”
“Maybe we could have a partnership? I’ll give you my number and-”
I jumped and turned to see a young man with dark blond hair and large blue eyes standing before us, his hands in his pockets. My hearts stopped, and I almost let my glass fell.
“Ah,” said Emilien, “Yeah, Antoine?”
My heart was beating so fast I could hear pound in my head.
“The coach wants to see ya, it’s important.” Antoine said.
My, they sure do have a lot of important things to say to each other.
“Oh. I’m coming, then. See you later,” he added to my direction.
I just nodded, and he disappeared. Antoine took a step in my direction and gave me a smile.
“I hope they weren’t too awful”, he said with the same smile.
“Not at all,” I reassured him with a smile.
Damn it, his eyes are so blue. Blue like the sea, soft, and warm.
“Your teammates are very nice.”
“Kylian thinks you’re very nice, too.”
I searched for him, but he was invisible.
“You’re the one that organized this gala, right?” he asked.
“I am.”
“You did very well. I love the decorations.”
“Well you’re alone in that,’ I muttered.
“I-I accidentally heard your conversation with your mother.”
Sweet Jesus.
“Oh no, I’m sorry. You must think I’m a crybaby who can’t handle her mother’s critics.” I said, embarrassed and looking at the floor.
“Not at all,” he assured. “I never speak ill of someone else’s mother, but what she said is totally wrong. The decorations are nice, the two glasses of champagne I had were really good and, personally, I think the food is good as heck” he finished with a little laugh.
His laugh is so cute and contagious that I can only laugh as well.
“For real, you’ll have to give me the name of the cook.”
“Believe me, you shouldn’t let other’s opinions get to you – even your mother’s,” he said with a voice that sounded sweeter, and more adult. “Especially since no one agrees with her – and agree with me.”
“That’s nice of you to say that. And you’re right.”
He smiled again, and I realized I never saw such a beautiful smile. Hell, everything about him is beautiful. The way that strand of hair falls on his forehead, his childish smile, the way his suit fit perfectly on his body which I imagine fit and firm…I felt my cheek turn pink and suddenly felt hot. We started chatting, but unlike earlier with Kylian or Emilien, I’m only focused on him and the words that come out of his mouth. I don’t know how much time had passed, five minutes or five hours. I can no longer hear the waiters walking, the soft music in the background or the conversations around us. It’s like…They was only us on the planet. I answered his questions, and saw him bit his bottom lip. He got closer to me, and I shivered when he rose his hand and put my hair on the side of my face back. Before I can even breathe, his face gets closer to mine, so much so that I can smell his intoxicating perfume and his breath on my neck. His hand is only a few millimeters from my cheek, and my heart is beating so fast that its gonna explode.
A cold hand grabbed my arm, and reality comes back. The voices, the somehow fresh air, the food’s smell coming from the kitchen. The charm is broken.
“Come here, hurry,” my mother said, pulling my arm before I could react. “You must announce diner!”
Antoine’s eyes became more and more distant, and soon I can’t see him anymore no matter how I lean. My mother puts a microphone in my hand and tell me to hurry with her hand. I cleared my throat.
“Ladies and gentlemen, the diner.”
Slowly, the guests went towards the round tables, and instinctively, I look for Antoine. Louisa, who went missing, comes from nowhere and smiles at me.
“Hi there.”
“Lou’, where the hell have you been?” I asked her.
“I was talking with Mr. and Mrs. Aubret,” she said with a bit surprised voice. “I saw you talking with Griezmann, I thought you didn’t need me.”
“It’s fine.”
Around us, people are sitting, and we do imitate them. The adorable elderly lady comes slowly and sits in front of us. Her smile comforts me, and I smile back. My mother then arrives and sits silently. A few days ago Louisa begged to let take care of the seats, and I eventually gave up and said yes – only if none of the players would be sitting with us – and I suspect her of putting us with important people so my mother can’t talk too much. I need to talk to her about it. The dishes arrive one after the others, and even though I’m talking with Louisa and the adorable lady – whose name seems to be Mrs. Orment – my eyes are looking for a striker. I finally find him, sitting at a table not far away from us. His eyes meet mine and he gives me a smile. I’m about to smile back when Didier Deschamps, sitting on his left, lean towards him and whispers something in his ear. Antoine vaguely nods his head before concentrating on his plate.
“Gaby?” Louisa asked. “Are you okay?”
“What? Oh, yeah, yeah, of course.”
“The diner is delicious, my dear,” Mme Ornent said cheerfully. “You chose well.”
“Absolutely,” his neighbor, a doctor who were about to retire soon, said. “You have good taste, miss. It must be a family thing, right, Anita?”
My mother had a laugh I knew was hypocritical and took her glass.
“You’re too kind, Doctor.”
Thankfully the dessert arrives soon after.
“Damn, that cake be good as heck!” a voice which I guessed was Adil Rami’s said loudly and his neighbors laughed.
The other guests seemed to like it too, and that comforted me a bit. I look in Antoine’s direction without realizing it, and I see him talking with the CEO of a multinational company. Once diner is over, those who wants to have a coffee walk toward the bar. Then arrives the auction, which is eventually very successful.
“Excuse-me,” I said once the auction is over.
I really need some fresh air. I grabbed my bag and went to the door. I tried to breath, and a few seconds later, I felt better. To my surprise, I saw a silhouette coming.
“Oh,” Emilien said while walking to me, “you like some calm sometimes, too?”
“Oh yes,” I said with a smile. “You can feel like suffocating at this kind of event. Even if you’re used to it.”
“You’re doing very well, though,” he smiled.
“I appreciate it. You still want to do the partnership?” I asked him.
“You’re reading my mind,” he laughed. “I’d be happy to do what I can: meet people with illness, sign autographs or jerseys, make videos to promote the charity…”
“That’s good, because you’re very likely to be asked to do that,” I laughed too.
“Perfect then!”
“I’m gonna give you the number of the person in charge of that, she’ll explain everything.”
“No problem.”
I opened my bad and took out a piece of paper and a pen. I scribbled a phone number and gave it to him.
“Thanks a lot. It’s really important to me help others, you know…”
“That’s wonderful.”
Suddenly, Didier Deschamps, followed by the rest of the players, arrived and the coach turned to the blond man.
“Emilien, there you are. Sorry to interrupt, but we are leaving.”
“Very well, coach. Goodbye, then,” he said after turned to me. “I guess we will see each other again at some point.”
“I think so. See you soon, then.”
He smiled, and went to his teammates. When Emilien joined the group, Kylian walked up to me with a smile.
“It was a fun night.”
“I’m glad you had fun.”
“Say, do you wanna come to the match against Italy tomorrow night? With your friend Louisa?”
I didn’t see that coming. I didn’t go to a football game since I was ten – Noah’s birthday gift – and I barely remembered it.
“Well, yeah, with pleasure.”
“Great, I’ll send you tickets. If you want to invite other people, please let me know.”
“That’s nice of you.”
“See you tomorrow, then.”
“See you.”
I expect all of them to get in the cars, but it was Deschamps’ time to walk up to me.
“Thank you for tonight. Do you mind me asking you something?”
“Please go ahead, sir.” I answered.
“Would you mind mentioning us in the article you will write about tonight’s gala?”
“Hum, no, not at all. May I ask why?”
“Oh, well, people sometimes think that with money and success, football players forget about helping others and compassion. I’d like to prove, in some way, that it’s not true when it comes to my men.”
“I see. Well, I sure will be talking about you guys.”
“Thank you very much. See you soon, young lady, take care.”
He patts my arm in a fatherly way and showed his players the cars. They all waved at me and said discreet “goodbye” which I say back. I hope the ones I didn’t talk to didn’t find me mean or rude. They all get in the different black cars that brought them, and when Antoine walks past me, his arm grazed mine and he stared at me until he sits in the car.
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sugdenlovesdingle · 1 year
Undercover (AO3)
This is based on this gifset of Rafa looking beautiful in some other show or film (idk, brain short circuited before I could check out what it actually is).
It's a What if...? of Carlos' secret in 4x01. Instead of the secret marriage, I give you undercover Carlos.
This was meant to be a one shot but it started to get long before anything had even happened... and it's 5.42AM now and I should probably sleep instead of writing this thing... so here is part 1. I'm Very Bad at multi chapter fics but I'll try to finish part 2 tomorrow (Sunday) and see where it goes from there.
“Reyes, my office please.” Carlos’ sergeant called out just as he was about to go on his lunch break.
It had been a slow morning, which he was grateful for after the weekend he’d had touring wedding venues with TK, and finding out the perfect place didn’t have an opening for another 18 months.
“Everything alright, sir?”
“Close the door and sit down please.”
Carlos tried to keep the look on his face neutral as he did what he was told, but wondered what on earth his sergeant would call him into his office for.
“How is the wedding planning going?” Sergeant Walsh asked him after he’d sat down.
“Uh… alright… thanks.” Carlos answered, not sure how he knew or where the conversation was going.
“Your father mentioned you and your fiancé looking at venues when I ran into him this weekend.
“Oh. Yes, sir we are. We’ve toured a few.”
Walsh nodded.
“Did you find anything you like? My daughter is a wedding planner, she could help you if you wanted. Put in a good word for you with the venue owners.”
“Thank you sir, but I think we’ll be alright.”
Walsh nodded again.
“Well the offer still stands if you need it.”
“Thank you sir.” Carlos replied. “Was that everything you needed to talk to me about?”
“No, no it is not.” Walsh sat up a little straighter and took a file out of his desk drawer and opened it.
“The FBI are building a case on a nationwide drug trafficking organisation and they’ve reached out to APD for the Austin based part.”
Carlos nodded.
“Do they need tactical support on a raid?”
“Not just yet. They’re still gathering evidence.”
“Ok. Do you need me to help put a team on standby?”
Walsh shook his head.
“Have you ever thought of doing undercover work?”
“Undercover? Me?”
“The FBI need someone to infiltrate the drug trafficking business that’s being run out of a bar downtown. They need someone who knows the city.”
“And that someone is me?”
“If you’re interested. It could be a good career opportunity for you.” Walsh said and turned to the file on his desk. “They’re selling fentanyl and heroin and anything else they can get their hands on. The FBI believes they’re involved in a larger network responsible for drug related deaths all over the country. LA, Chicago, Seattle, New York. It looks like they’re involved with the Honor Dogs too. Have you heard of them?”
“A local biker gang.” Carlos answered. “White supremacists. We’ve arrested some members before… but not recently I believe.”
“That’s right. So getting them off the streets of Austin too would be a nice bonus.”
“Right… Yes, I agree… but… with all due respect, I don’t think I’m going to be of any help in this case.”  
“And why is that?”
“I’m Latino. And gay. Neither of those things are very high on the list of things white supremacists look for in members.”
Walsh smiled.
“No, but the FBI need someone in the bar. They’ve already got someone in with the racists. You’ll just be serving drinks downtown and gathering evidence on the drug charges.”
“Right. So… I’ll be wearing a wire then I guess?”
“I assume so. But if you agree to do this, the FBI will brief you on all details and set you up with a fake identity and backstory.”
Carlos nodded.
“Can I think about it?”
“Sure. Take the afternoon off and let me know first thing tomorrow.”
“Thank you, sir” Carlos said and left the office. He checked his watch. He’d promised his mother he’d meet her for lunch if he had time, but he knew he wouldn’t be able to focus on anything but the conversation he’d just had with his sergeant.
He got into his car and drove across town to the one place he could think of going.
Unfortunately when he pulled up outside station 126 some time later, both rigs and the ambulance were gone.
“Oh hello officer, can I help you?” a firefighter Carlos vaguely knew as the probie from the B shift crew asked him. He gave the young woman a polite smile.
“No, I’m just waiting for them to come back.”
“They’re on their way. They were loading back up about 10 minutes ago. I heard it on the radio. I forgot to put mine away when I left after my shift.” She scrunched up her face. “Please don’t tell captain Strand.”
“Don’t worry, your secret is safe with me.”
Just then they heard the brief burst of sound Carlos recognised as the horn from the rig.
“Looks like they’re here. I better run. Have a good day officer.” The probie said before rushing out of the firehouse.
Sure enough, not two minutes later, Judd parked the rig in the bay and Owen jumped out.
“Hey Carlos.” The other man greeted him. “Medical is right behind us.”
“Thanks Owen.” Carlos said as Owen walked past him and patted his shoulder.
Before any of the other members of the crew could greet him or ask him why he was there, the ambulance pulled into the station and TK jumped out of the passenger’s seat.
“Hey baby, you here for lunch?”
“Actually… can we talk?”
TK frowned but lead him up to the bunk room where they sat down on two beds facing each other.
“What’s going on? Is everything alright?” TK asked and Carlos hated himself a little for worrying him.
“I uh… got offered this thing… at work.”
“Thing? What thing? A promotion?”
“No. Yes. Maybe? I don’t know…”
“You’re not making any sense, babe.”
Carlos pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed.
“The FBI have reached out to APD for help on a case involving some drug trafficking network they believe is being run out of this bar downtown.”
“Ok. So you’re going to SWAT up and catch the bad guys?”
“No my sergeant wants me to go undercover to gather evidence.”
“For the FBI?”
“Working in a bar?”
“Will it be dangerous?”
“I don’t know… I suppose there’s always a risk… I don’t know the details yet. I haven’t said yes yet.”
TK nodded.
“You want to do it, don’t you?”
“Not if you don’t want me to.”
“It’s drugs these guys are involved in?”
“Yes. Apparently mainly heroin and fentanyl but also anything else they can get their hands on and make money from.”
TK was quiet for a minute while he processed what Carlos had just told him. He moved to sit next to Carlos and grabbed his hand.
“I think you should do it.”
“Yeah. If anyone knows the kind of damage these guys can do it’s me.” He looked down at their joined hands. “Who knows what would have happened to me if my mom hadn’t found me and dragged me to rehab. I knew every low life dealer in the city. They only care about money… not about the lives they ruin.”
Carlos squeezed his hand and let him talk. He knew TK’s addiction was hard for him to talk about. Especially the moments where he’d been at his lowest.
“Tell your sergeant you’ll do it.”
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college-chronicles · 2 years
week zero
Day 1: song of the day: i don’t care if you’re contagious - pierce the veil
I lost my airpods and the $20 replacement… not a fun experience there. Moving in was not too much of a hassle, but last minute shopping was a pain. I already have so many of these things at home, but I forgot to bring them when I was packing, but it's fine. I’ve got what I need with me now. My roommates are great, super nice, and we’re getting along. I need a better showering strategy though, what I did today did not work.
Day 2: song of the day: like you know i get old - salvia palth, ew - joji
I did quite a lot today, got 20k steps in, mostly from running around where I didn’t need to go. I honestly don’t even remember what I did in the morning, besides getting up earlier than I intended, getting breakfast with Abby, one of my roommates, and playing guitar with Mark. He gave me two picks and showed me some technique things, so nice. I played piano again. It took me a while to get back into it, but it was nice, I hope i’m able to keep it up. Maybe I can play piano for jazz band. I don’t really want to play clarinet in orchestra or symphonic, and there isn’t a lot of room for it in a lot of jazz ensembles for some reason. I walked to ASP (African Student Programs) then back to Lothian because the location of a meeting wasn’t clear. I got asked for directions…I guess I don’t look like a freshman. I’m on day 4 of my duolingo streak. I went to the gym today and… wow some people really know what they are doing. The gym was the discord meetup, meeting up with more people tomorrow hopefully. Washed up after saying bye to my parents (and getting my airpods back.) Got boba hosted by a ministry, they’re cool people. Got back to Lothian, played piano, then went to bed. I met a business major… he’s chill. I need to know more girls fr. Hopefully will meet more in my major.
Day 3: song of the day: karolina by awilo
I don’t really have anything to do today, I’ll probably try to do laundry. Don't know where the replacement earbuds went, but they're somewhere in my stuff.
Day 4: song of the day: september by earth, wind, & fire
I didn’t do laundry. I did figure out a shower strategy. I got dinner with someone from the discord server, and on the way back from the dining hall (keep in mind, there is also one in the dorm, but we're saving that for the lazy days) we saw a raccoon and it jumped this guy's shoe and walked off like nothing happened. I got it on video, too. Hope to see more racoons.
Day 5: song of the day: hessian peel by opeth
I did do laundry. I also met someone from elementary school when I was in the laundry room, helped her with some stuff. I was late to a lunch thing, but I was able to meet some grad students who think I'm cool. Free food is also amazing, wish I took tupperware to get more of the tortilla wraps. They were really good. I ate one for dinner, too and proceeded to finish season 6 of desperate housewives. I have an interesting habit of stopping in the middle of an episode to go to bed, but I finish what I start in regards to my shows. (I still haven't watched the final episode of dynasty out of fear that I'll cry, and Miraculous still isn't over, so those are exceptions.)
Day 6: song of the day: haunt me (x3)
I slept in a lot today, and then got ready for block party, which ended up being really boring for me. Stood in line (in the very hot sun) with the business major, talked a bit, went on some bungee jump/trampoline things. The DJ annoyed me, and the artists kinda did as well, but I knew it wasn’t music I’m into. I mainly went for the discord meetup, which was successful. Met two commuters who are super active on the server. They’re both cool people.
Day 7: song of the day: i was all over her by salvia palth
I didn’t sleep until like 3 am because the block party was too overwhelming for me and the room was too cold and I had my first asthma attack in a few years. Not too bad. Forgot to take my allergy medication for the past three days, so that probably contributed to the asthma act up. The rest of the day was fine though, I woke up, took a shower, went to breakfast with my roommates, went to church where everyone kept asking me if I was eating well enough at college, came back and tried searching for research opportunities that interest me. Proceeded to play Minecraft for an hour, then go swimming with my roommates. The pool was a workout, just like the rest of this rather hilly campus. Walk back was uneventful. Got back to my dorm, took a shower, had a hall meeting that lasted for so long, then got back to my room to set a dumpster fire in the discord server and figure out how to make this blog.
editing Peace here. it is midnight, and i've got class at 9 am and i don't think i know where the class is. so that's week zero, onto week 1!
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officiallycake-blog · 2 years
Miralor's letter dropped! (Only 5844 words, haha). So excited for your comments!
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jesslockwood · 3 years
Photo Opportunities
Word Count: 2.7k
Pairing(s): Tom Holland x Actress!Reader
Warnings: FLUFF with a slightly (barely) suggestive sentence towards the end 
A/n: damn I can't write anything except actress reader? smh but this is for @londonspidey ‘s sit-com Writing challenge (ik I'm early lol) but I was so excited I wrote the whole thing in one go lmao the prompt is bolded!
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Calling yourself a fan was an understatement. You were obsessed with anything and everything marvel. And oddly enough, you could after today say you were in the club. It wasn’t a public fact yet, until later that day actually, at the Marvel panel at comic con that you were being announced as the actress for the character, Felica Hardy and no one else knew except for the people who cast you and your best friend who signed an NDA. You were technically still a known actress for your roles on television mainly as Thalia on the PJO Disney + series and a couple of still decently sized films. 
You were currently wrapping up signing autographs for fans of yours for today. Your team had planned it out so it wasn’t suspicious that you were at the con with a few of your castmates scattered doing other junkets and press so people wouldn’t guess who they were acting as the cast for new marvel projects. 
You had been planning to go meet your best friend, who wasn’t in the industry before getting a text that she bought you both a photo-op with someone and she wouldn’t tell you who. You couldn’t only assume it was a marvel actor that you would indeed, freak out. 
Y/b/n: btw I brought you a mask. I get the wig lol.
You: please tell me it doesn’t cover my full face. Also, how are we posing?
Y/b/n: I bought as many photo ops as I could so a lot of different ones, And if I tell you the poses it’ll spoil it.
You: is this with the money I pay you to be my assistant with? Lol fine I’m omw with security
Y/b/n: maybe… 
Y/b/n: and they’ll need more backup security for who we’re getting a photo op with than you do for your hellfire.
You roll your eyes before taking your stuff and exiting the booth, before heading out the backways with staff security and your detailed security for the day. You only had security because you wanted to explore the con when you weren’t needed.
Your best friend had also been your assistant for the con weekend, but you didn’t want her to be confined to you the whole three days so when she could, you would let her explore it, at least she could experience it as a fan, right?
When you made it to that part of the building, you wanted to wait in line with her, which your security didn’t agree to so she texted you when there were about five people ahead of her. She was one of the last in line, with you asking her to be kind, so others would get their chance to be first with whomever it was. 
When she texted you and your detailed exit, getting a few stares and others taking their phones out to either take photos or tweet, you wave at them before joining your best friend in line.
“Here,” she says before handing you none other than a black cat mask before she puts on a red wig. 
You glare at her slightly trying to not make a scene, before putting it on. 
“I’m assuming you're Mary Jane?” you laugh figuring out that it had to be someone from Spider-Man.
“How’d you- never mind.” She laughs with you.
She then explains how she’s going to pose for your five photo ops, joking in between how she should “get a raise for this”.
You catch sight of him before sucking in your breath. This was either going to go down amazingly or terribly, there was no in-between with you. 
“Excuse Me, are you Y/n Y/l/n?”
You turn around and are met by some fans who were standing in line behind you.
“I am! How’s your con going?” you ask politely to the two of them.
“It's going amazing! We love you as Thalia! Could we maybe get a picture? Only if it’s okay?”
“Of course! Thank you for supporting me!” your best friend grabs their phone to take the photo, before you take off the mask, and stand between the two fans, and your best friend snaps a few photos. 
“Thank you so much! And Are you fans of Tom?”
You start slowly walking back to catch up to the line. 
“Yeah, I love him as Spiderman, but I also enjoy his other roles. He's very talented, I'd love to work with him one day!” 
“Have you seen him in Uncharted?  We love Him as Nathan drake!”
“I have, he was amazing per usual! How are you two posing with him?”
They show you their innovative pose. You laugh and tell them it's great before you have to wish them goodbye before heading up for your turn for the photo op. 
“How do we want to pose- hang on, I recognize you!”
You freeze slightly before your friend mouths for you to flirt. You look down at the mask in your hand before getting into character and saying “Of course you do Spidey, I'm always causing you trouble.” you put on the mask and wink. 
He seems slightly stunned, laughing, feeling like he’s seen you somewhere, not only because he found you extremely gorgeous, while in his peripheral vision he sees his brother/ assistant, Harry waving like a madman on the side. 
Your friend directs you both through the poses, first, one both him putting “webs” onto you as she looks over his shoulder, the second one, both of you kissing his cheeks, the third, all jumping in the air in your best superhero poses, the fourth one she gets a photo op alone and the last one she gives to you,
“Seriously, who are you?”
“Your Wildest dreams, baby,” you say, taking off the mask. 
Your best friend yells “freestyle” from the sidelines before Tom dips you, gently, with you shocked, holding the mask out with your free arm and the photo captures that moment. 
 He gently helps you stand back up fully, not before you drop the mask.
“Nice moves Spider-Man.”
“Not so bad yourself, Black Cat.”
You laugh before, taking off with your best friend, well more her dragging you to the printing station leaving the mask behind. Tom picks it up before shoving it in his back pocket to hopefully give back if he could find you. 
`You were sitting in the green room, trending on Twitter before you were actually supposed to be trending on Twitter, and god knows where else.  
Someone had snuck a video of you and Tom, up till him dipping you, and a video of you interacting with the fans in the line.
Your Y/b/n was currently reading off some tweets out loud
“‘A kind queen we stan.’  I agree, I also agree with ‘Date her if you can't date me tom!!!’.
‘THALIA AND PETER PARKER??? My two fandoms have collided.’ same, same. Oo this one says, ‘if she ain’t playing black cat I will sue marvel.’ I'm dying at the reply ‘She needs to post the photos or I'll sue her!’. This one’s funny, ‘she could squash him like a bug in heels but he liked his queen like that.’.”
She pauses watching you texting.
“Y/n? Y/n?”
“What? Sorry I was only half listening. I was texting my publicist. She said to stay on the DL until tonight. 
“Well we should get food, you haven't eaten since this morning.”
“By the way, your show has shot to number one on Disney +. Also, you have like three times the followers you had before, probably cause you're trending on every platform, even Tumblr!”
“Wow you should just become my social media manager now.” you joke trying to ease the joy yet weirded out feeling in your stomach.
“Does that come with a raise? Because after today I've spent way too much of what I'm paid.” she jokes back.
After finishing his photo ops Tom asked Harry who she was and to find out. By the time he finished autographs for the day, Tom and Harry walked to the panel room in the back for announcements, one that included him for the new Avengers movie, while Harry gave him the rundown.
“So she’s an actress, she plays Thalia on Disney plus’ Percy Jackson series, and that's her most known project. The other girl with her is her assistant best friend, and now she's trending everywhere. People dug up some old photos of her being a marvel/Spider-Man fan, so there's that. And she's here at the con for the rest of the weekend. She's doing photo ops tomorrow at one, and yes she's single from what I gather since you were looking at her like this.” he makes a weird face before tom smacks him.
“And plus you have time in your schedule to get a photo op with her, that is if you eat lunch quickly.”
That gave Tom an idea. 
“Harry I’m going to need you to book me one, oh and help me find a Spider-Man costume!” He says, before leaving harry to do ‘assistant’ work. entering the green room for the announcements, watching them announce a new movie.
“We are so excited to announce to the Marvel Universe, and spider-verse-” that perked tom’s ears, “-directed by Gina Prince-Bythewood, and today we are announcing our amazing Miss Felicia Hardy, please give a warm welcome to the stage, Your Black Cat!”
You suddenly emerged in an aisle way, dressed in all black with a leather jacket, black ankle boots, and of course black sunglasses indoors.
The music is marvel music until it suddenly changes after a recorded laugh from you into “I can’t be tamed by Miley Cyrus”.
You start owning the music while saying hi and touching fans’ hands. You decide to take off your sunglasses and throwing them to a fan, for them to keep, before getting on stage.
“What a Performance from the one the only Y/n Y/l/n!”
You laugh, being met with the loudest applause you had heard all con before being handed a Mic. 
“Thank you but I'm a terrible dancer.” You Joke.
Tom was staring at the screen stunned. You had been the black cat all along. You were in the marvel universe and spidey one,  so he'd definitely be seeing more of you. The hard part is that you seemed so genuine when you talked, interacted with fans and was no doubt, stunning. 
“Better close your mouth or the flies will get in.” Tom turns around to find the voice of none other than his friend slash bully, Sebastian Stan, along with Anthony Mackie.
“Looks like the kid has a crush!” Anthony laughs, pointing to the screen you were on.
“I-I don’t! I don’t even know her!” Tom tries to come to his own defense, hopelessly.
“She’s got you whipped already don’t even deny it.” Harry comes in, joining the teasing of one, Tom Holland.
“Maybe we can invite her out for drinks tonight, then fanboy over here can meet her, and then probably scare her off!” Anthony mentions.
“You haven’t looked on the internet? They’ve already met.” Seb says, before showing Anthony twitter. 
Anthony stands there slightly shocked before bursting into laughter.
“Well, she’s damn well a keeper for Tom since she obviously likes him.”
A staff member peaks their head in the green room to tell Tom he’s up next.
“Well, that’s my cue to leave you two!”
On the other hand, you were on an adrenaline high from being on stage, and seeing all the fans. You knew tomorrow was going to be crazy, as you expected people to book your photo op left and right since the announcement. 
You had decided to decline an offer from your fellow marvel universe castmates, Sebastian Stan and Anthony Mackie, which they so graciously told you that whenever you’re free, the offer still stood. 
You had gotten to your hotel room seeing your phone blowing up on the social media apps for the second time that day. 
You responded to the important stuff, before heading to bed, knowing it was going to be hectic.
You had been right, it was absolutely insane, the number of people who showed up. You had fully booked all your time slots for photo ops. You had seen so many people dressed up in marvel cosplay, ranging from Loki to Ironman, even some people dressed up as your character, which was wildly insane to see.
You had been nearing the end of the line and had enjoyed every moment with the fans, and you couldn’t wait for your autographing session later that day, to truly get a chance to talk to the fans and connect with them and how they felt about you being their beloved Black Cat. 
After a few more photos, posing how they wanted, you see a fully dressed, head to toe, mask and all, Spider-Man. You had seen some spider-mans but most took off their masks to snap a picture. The person was the last in line. 
“Hey Black Cat.” The southern American accented voice tells you, seeming very familiar. 
“Hey, Spider, what poses do you have up your sleeve?” you ask kindly.
“I bought a few, Cat.” they laugh.
“Okay, You can do whatever a spider can right?” you pull out a line out of the comics jokingly.
“I can do flips if that’s what you’re asking.”
“Is that some kind of nerd pick-up line? Because it’s only kind of working.” you laugh. 
“I really can, but this is one.”
He gets down on one knee, holding a black cat mask instead of a ring. The photographer captures the shocked expression on your face.
“I- Don’t- What- Spider I-” 
“Ow My feelings…” Suddenly their voice changes into a British accent before they pull off the mask to reveal-
“I guess you don’t have a spidey sense darling?” The photographer captures the moment without warning eating the moment up. 
You laugh at that. 
“I guess you found out my true identity Spider. And it’s nice to officially meet you, Tom.”
He laughs, just as nervous as you, he notices he has gotten closer to you and a strand of hair loosely is blowing in your face, so naturally, he pushes it behind your ear. Another snap of the camera can be heard. 
“NOW KISS!” a voice belonging to your best friend yells from the side, mid-eating a churro.
You both laugh really hard at that.
The both of you calm down, slowly leaning lost in the moment. The camera snaps again. You both look at the photographer weirded out, and they just shrug.
“Wait can you actually do a flip?” you ask, pulling away, not wanting prying eyes aka the photographer, to pry in your business. 
“I can, though I’d show you later, maybe in the greenroom?”
“That sounds naughty, but, sure.” you joke around. 
He laughs before, you both take off from the area going to grab the photos.
After spending most of the day together when you could, you get Tom’s number, before heading back to your hotel room. He texts you as soon as you get back. 
Spider: I had fun today, minus finding our assistants making out.
You: we should ‘snog’ too, it’ll gross them out ;)
You: I had fun too btw. Are you leaving tomorrow?
Spider: lol we should. And yeah an early flight, 6 am to be exact. Hbu?
You: Yeah me too... another day another dollar lol
Spider: ill miss you, Cat.
You: stop talking like we’ll never see each other again lol. As a matter of fact, come to my room, we’re watching a movie!
Spider: alright, I’ll order snacks. 
  You sigh smiling at your phone. You haven’t felt this giddy in a long time.
Your phone pings with a few Instagram notifications.
Tomholland2013 has started following you.
Tomholland2013 has tagged you in a photo.
You open Instagram to find the photo of him “proposing” to you posted.
“Ow, my leg, my- feelings...Welcome to the Universe, Cat.” the photo is captioned. You decide to post, the photo of him dipping you.
“So what do you say, Spider? Wanna help me pull off the Heist of the Heist of the Century?” you caption it, Before getting comfortable to watch a movie. 
What an opportunity ;)
@lolooo22 @webmeupspiderdaddy @harryhollandsgirlfriend @spideyspeaches @greenorangevioletgrass @queenofthepouges @sheranatic111 @keithseabrook27
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antiherocorner · 3 years
Huh... Alright, I'm doing... I think I'm doing it...
This is my very first fanfic ever... I'm still learning... This is a part 1 thing... I'm currently in the middle of a university exam period, so I couldn't finish the whole story yet, but I will as soon as I can, but I don't want to wait anymore... My English is okay-ish... It's not my native language, so there maybe some grammatical mistakes, I hope it's still readable... I tried my best... Just bear with me, I'll try to learn and improve... I'm very nervous...
Facts about the story: there is no age mentioning, Reader is around 25-26, I made Daniel younger in my head, 34-36 (single, no wife, no kids, let's respect the real Brühl family), Reader is female, I am Hungarian as well (possible Hungarian language in the future), I'm studying Russian (possible Russian language in the future), and I just started learning German, I used translater (sorry if I messed it up but, I really tried, please tell me if it's horrible), and one more thing... I have never met Daniel, nor I went to Berlin (yet, I really want to, and planning)... All of this are imagination, dreaming, and a little searching...
Warnings: none?... i think?... Apart from the horrible language uses and horrible jokes... Maybe swearing.
(Bad) Summary: a Hungarian girl goes to Berlin with a Russian friend of hers, as tourists. They always wanted to visit the city (not because Reader has a crush on the one and only Daniel Brühl, and wants to go to his tapas bar...of course). When the Reader goes back alone to the bar, Daniel is there too... The big meeting, adventures, fun, love, shitty romcom vibes ahead... (i hope the story is better than the summary...)
And now, after this awkward rambling, I present to you:
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With Love from Berlin
Part 1
You couldn’t believe it. Finally, after months of preparation, you and your best friend were finally here, in the heart of Germany, Berlin. It was very different from what you were used to. Coming from a small city from Hungary, this was way bigger than your imagination. All kinds of people from different cultures merged into one. Museums, cafes, bars, restaurants, you didn’t even know where to begin. You took a deep breath in your hotel room. Your friend insisted on getting different rooms, in case she or you find someone to have a good time, if you know what I mean. Well, rather your friend, than you. You wanted to come here after many years, and you were finally here, so you want to experience as much of this city as you possibly could, you’re not gonna waste your time on a random (or more, glancing at your friend) man. 
You arrived at the hotel around 1.00pm, so you decided to go get some lunch somewhere close. You were a little bit tired of the long hours on the train. Just around a corner from where you were staying there was a tapas bar. Bar Raval. Your friend wasn’t really into movies that much, or actors in particular, but you knew that place, although you have never been there. You didn’t think about yourself as a “fangirl”, but you really admired the work of Daniel Brühl. You knew there was little to no chance that you could get even a tiny glance of him, but in over all: you would be happy just to say that you were in his bar. Your friend liked Spanish cuisine, so it didn’t take much to convince her to eat there. 
A Hungarian and a Russian woman walked into a Spanish restaurant in Germany, Berlin. Sounded comical. The place looked very friendly and funky. There were some people, not really a crowd. You decided to sit in the corner, with your back to the wall, so you can observe your surroundings. Your friend sits down opposite you. A waiter comes up to you:
- Willkommen! Was möchten Sie gerne? - he asked, looking between the two of you.
- Oh, sorry, we don’t really speak German. - you said with quite a thick Hungarian accent, because you got nervous due the potential language barrier.
- I see, It’s okay. We usually have all kinds of tourist here, so you’re good. What can I get for you two? - he asked with a welcoming smile.
You weren’t sure what you wanted to eat, you weren’t familiar with Spanish food at all, so you just trusted your friend to order something. She ordered something with pasta, and another thing with pasta. You had no idea what she just said. And some juice. She smiled at the waiter who scribbled down your order, and of he went. You looked around while you were waiting.
- It’s nice isn’t it?
- Yeah, it is. Quite bohemian. I would have guessed you would want to go to a traditional German restaurant. Why are we here? - smiled your friend knowingly.
- Well… You know…
- Is this the place of your man?
- What?! Shut up… - blushing - I just like his movies, that’s all… Anyway, I just liked the pictures of this place…
- ...and him…
- ...AND I wanted to check it out myself, ok?
- Ok-Ok...
You smiled at each other. You were best friends for years now, you could communicate without much of words. The waiter arrived with your plates. The food was good. In fact, more than good. In general, you prefer other cuisines, but you really liked this Spanish place. In Berlin. Odd, in the best way. After the lunch you went back to the hotel. Your friend wanted to go to a small club in the evening, so you decided to just chill throughout the afternoon. 
The traveling took the better of you, as you didn’t just not feel fresh after your nap, but you actually felt like shit. Your friend on the other hand really wanted to get going. So you assured her and yourself that it’s fine if you didn’t go to a club. She was a strong woman, and the club which she picked was just a couple of blocks away, so she decided, after she made sure that it is truly okay, to leave you behind in your room. You have never been a party-animal anyway, and you really just wanted to plan for tomorrow. There were so many things you wanted to watch in the city. After a few hours of planning and searching, you eventually fall asleep on the couch.
In the morning, luckily, you felt much better, more of yourself than in the previous afternoon. You took a shower, get dressed (purple converse, dark skinny jeans, blue tank-top and a blue/black checked shirt...nothing can go wrong dressing like this, you thought), grabbed your camo, ex-military little gym bag, locked your room’s door, and went to knock on your friend’s door. It took a few minutes, some groans, and other small noises, when she finally flung the door open. The sight was hideous.
- The hell happened to you? - you really tried not to laugh.
- Laugh, as you like… I had a good time. Drank more vodka that I could handle though…
- Are you alone or…?
- I am… Calm down, I didn’t get lied… Although I tried… But I didn’t!!! - she said quickly after she saw the frown on your face. - But I feel very shitty… My hangover is killing me, I didn’t give out anything yet… But I might throw up at any minute now…
- How can I help you? Stay with you? Bring you something from that little shop we saw yesterday?
- Some water would be nice… But I don’t want you to see me like this… And I will be fine, i’m just gonna rest today… You can go on on your sightseeing trip.
- Are you sure? I’m gladly staying with you…
- No, no! You wanted to come so badly, I don’t want to take a day away from you. I will be alright.
- You promise?
- I do. Please, just go. - she smiled at you.
- Alright. I’ll go grab you some water, and… I don’t know, go for a walk or something. Get breakfast.
- For the mentioning of food, your friend’s face went green and particularly jumped into her bathroom.
- I’m coming back in a minute or two! - you shouted after her, than closed her hotel room’s door.
You went down to get some water, some bread and some crackers which would be easy on her stomach, yet she still would be able to eat something throughout the day. You knocked on her door, which opened just slightly, an arm came out to take the bag from your hand, a small, weak “Спасибо” and just like that the door was closed again. You giggled to her door before you headed down to the street.
You honestly didn’t really want to explore many things without her, so you tried to keep your excitement low. You decided to go back to that bar where you ate your lunch yesterday. You liked it a lot, and it wasn’t a new place to discover, which meant that your friend wasn’t missing out on anything. You went to the bar. It was still early morning, not many people were there. A few old people, some of them are couples. The younger generation (yours) was probably still sleeping. Besides, the place was more like a lunch/dinner kind of place anyway. The waiter looked up and recognised you.
- Good morning! Alone this time?
- Good morning to you too! Yes, my friend had a wild party last night, and she is standing at the gates of Hell right now.
- That sounds bad. - he laughed.
- It is, she looked scary… - that made him chuckle.
- So what can i do for you today?
- I would like just a cappuccino, please.
- Alright, just sit down, I’m on it.
- Thank you!
You sat down at the exact place where you did yesterday, next to the window, with your back to the wall. You put down your bag, and looked around. With less people, the place looked cozier. You really did like it a lot. Eventually, your cappucino arrived. You thanked it, and tasted it. It was delicious. You were one of those people who liked to read next to a fresh coffee, and you always had a book around you. You took it out from your handy-dandy bag and started reading it, holding it a little up in your hands, leaned back on your chair. You were reading one of your favourite books (Pushkin - Anyegin), while sipping a good morning cappuccino, in a nice place. You just relaxed to the small sounds of the bar and sounds of the city, which infiltrated through the door and windows.
- Eine interessante Wahl von Buch am Morgen. Interessanter als eine Zeitung, das ist sicher...
No. Just...no. You were hallucinating. You felt like everything was frozen around you. From out of 2.8 millions of people (roughly), you would recognize this voice. His voice. You physically could not look up.
- Omm.. I’m sorry, I didn’t understand what you just said… - you said with the weakest voice and in the thickest accent ever, in your whole damn life. You hoped that if you make this man say another thing you fall back to reality.
- Oh, my bad - he giggled - I just said that it is an interesting choice of read in the morning, it sure is more interesting than a newspaper.
Shit, this was the reality. 
You dared to look up, and your eyes met the most chocolaty eyes ever on this whole planet, but at least in the whole of Berlin. The owner of those eyes was leaning on the chair opposite you.
- Hello. I’m the owner of this Bar, I’m Daniel. - he offered his hand to you.
- Hi, I kno...i mean I’m (Y/N), I’m the costumer…? - you finished with a questioning voice and all you wanted was for the ground to open, swallow you, and with that wipe you out of this universe. You shook his hand, without looking at him directly. His hands were warm and secure. After he released you, you closed your eyes, already feeling the burning sensation in your face. You heard a deep chuckle.
- Yeah, I guessed that. You’re not from Germany and you aren't British either, aren’t you?
You opened your (Y/E/C) eyes only to meet his curious ones.
- No, I’m not. I’m just a tourist here, I’m from Hungary.
- Oh, I’ve been there. It’s a lovely country. Would you mind if I sit down? - gesturing to the empty chair opposite from you.
- Yes… I mean no… - you took a deep breath - If you would like to you can sit with me. - This is just going great...
You earned another deep chuckle from the man in front of you, while he sat down.
- So… What are you doing here alone, in Berlin?
- I’m not alone.
- Oh… Anniversary? - for a moment you thought you saw something in his eyes. Sadness?
- Not that either. I don’t have anyone to celebrate such things. I came here with my friend, but she got wasted last night, and probably at the moment she is agonizing in her bathroom above the toilet.
- Hm… that’s not nice. - curiosity was coming back to his face.
The two of you stayed in silence. It wasn’t really uncomfortable, you were just terribly shy, and couldn’t stop blushing. You even tried to hide some of your face by leaning on one of your palms, and sipping your coffee.
This is aweful. Daniel f*ing Brühl is sitting opposite me, and I can’t even look at him. He must be thinking I’m one of those fangirls who just can’t keep it together before their idols. Which is true, but he shouldn’t have to know that…
But he wasn’t thinking that. Quite the opposite actually. You were so out of place in his bar, he had to approach you. There was something in you which made him intrigued. While you were trying to hide, which he found a little bit cute and entertaining, he tried to study you as well. There was something in you. He felt like he wanted to know your story.
- So what’s the plan for today?
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cloudytaemin · 3 years
Rain (Act II)
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Pairing: Taemin x Reader, Jeonghan x Reader
Genre: Fluff, Mild Angst
Warnings: Mild Violence
WC: 910
Summary: You meet Taemin in the rain, and everything begins to change.
Taglist: @taemin-jaemin (i was asked to do this okay pff just ask me if you wanna be added)
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You wake up with a start, breathing heavily.
“y/n, I didn’t know you felt this way… princess, why didn’t you just tell me earlier?” Taemin leans into your face, cupping your cheek and pressing his lips to yours. “Jeonghan definitely isn’t okay with this, I know that for a fact.” He chuckles.
“Jeonghan doesn't have to know, he never trusted you in the first place anyways…” You say, running your fingers through his black locks.
“You’re so rebellious, princess. What will I have to do with you?” Taemin bites his lip, pressing your foreheads together.
You had a dream. About Taemin. Your friend whom you met in the rain, who gave you rides home. This wasn’t right, you had to clear your head. You shouldn’t be dreaming about him, let alone kissing him, even in an imaginary state.
Opening the door to the balcony of your apartment, the cool night air greets you. Again, it reminds you of Taemin, the person you’re trying to stop thinking about right now. Grunting, you pull out your phone and open your texts with him.
y/n: What should you do when you can’t stop missing or thinking about someone?
T: What do I do? Or are you asking what I think you should do, because those are two very different situations.
You weren’t expecting him to respond, it’s almost two in the morning.
y/n: What I should do, I need to know what I should do. More importantly, why are you awake?
T: Went out for drinks, passed out early, then woke up all sobered. A shame, really, I’ve got to deal with this headache.
y/n: I thought you didn’t drink anything but wine.
T: I don’t, I was having a rough night, okay? I’m fine. Don’t worry about me.
y/n: Are you sure? You’re never “having a rough night”.
T: Yes, y/n. I'm fine. By the way, I'm not going into work tomorrow, I'll be out of town. So I won't be able to pick you up for about a month.
y/n: A month? When will you be back?
T: I don't know, but I'm guessing a month for now. Go back to bed, y/n, I'll talk to you soon.
y/n: Why are you just brushing me off? I'm trying to just talk to you, Taemin. Like we always have.
T: Well what if I don't want that? What will you do then, y/n. Go to bed. Goodnight.
You tried sending another message, but it didn't go through. He blocked you. Taemin. He had blocked you. Why? You didn't understand, did you do something wrong?
The month goes by horribly slow, the fights with your boyfriend get more and more heated, but the worst part is that you feel lonely. You’re so, so lonely. Taemin was the person to put a smile on your face after work, the one to make a bad day a lot better.
Taemin still hasn't talked to you, picked you up, or unblocked you. It was funny how, after the first week, you started seeing his SUV drive down the road past you as you walked home in summer. He just hated you, didn't he? Or so you thought, until you finally received a text from him.
T: Hey, y/n. My month is up, I suppose. Let me take you for lunch tomorrow? It's the weekend and I know I have a lot of explaining to do.
You decide not to respond, you won't let him play you like this. Maybe you needed your own time too, didn't he ever think of that? Especially after this waiting game he played.
It takes an hour to walk home, much longer than normal, but of course, you're used to it by now. Jeonghan greets you with a simple nod of his head. He’s been cold with you for the past few months or so, seeming uninterested in your relationship.
"Hi, Jeong. Nice to see you too," You scoff.
"I'm not the one who decides to work extra long days and then take an hour getting home. Whatever happened to perfect boy Taemin?" He spits back, pausing the TV and walking over to you.
"And what if we aren't even friends anymore? It isn't my problem that you're jealous, Jeonghan. Get over yourself," You shake your head, frowning at him.
Then, ever so suddenly, a hand makes contact with your face. The stinging feeling of a slap is all that remains, silence greeting the previous banter.
"Jeonghan, did you just hit me?” The words come out as a shaky question.
”I’m sorry, y/n, I-”
“No, don’t be sorry. It’s okay, you don’t have to say anything… I- I think I want to break up.” You bat Jeonghan’s hand away from your shoulder, gulping.
”y/n. Don’t fucking do this, you can’t walk away from me!“ There he goes again, yelling when he doesn’t get his way. A vice grip emerges on your shoulder, leaving you unable to walk out of the door. “I said you can’t walk away.”
”Jeonghan. Let me go. Please. I don’t want to do this anymore, it’s nothing but painful. You and I both know it, but won’t admit it. I‘m doing the deed.“ You place your hand softly over his, and the grip fades.
“y/n… I still love you, I swear… we cant split up.” He says, breath becoming shaky.
”Well I don‘t. Not anymore.” You step outside into the summer rain, breaking out into a run.
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straykidsworldwild · 3 years
Phil Hawkins x MC
Part 2 (1/2) : MC goes to work and a certain boy comes to meet her for lunch.
Heyy guys! Here's a piece of part2. It was too long to put the whole thing on Tumblr at once (apparently) so I had to cut it in half 🙈 (2/2) is coming!!
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(I just made the collage. Credits go to the creators of Duskwood and the owners of the pics.)
I slowly wake up, feeling and hearing something buzzing. With my eyes still closed, I slide my hand under the pillow next to mine to grab my phone. I hate waking up by alarms… It feels like I am being cut in my sleep. And I’m not going to lie… I love my sleep just as much as I love food. Who doesn’t? I open my eyes and turn the alarm off before quickly closing them again. I didn't sleep well last night… When I went to bed after texting Phil to tell him I got home fine, I couldn’t stop thinking about the discussion we had at his bar. Was I right to say “yes” for lunch tomorrow noon? Was he being serious? Is he playing a game? Am I falling in his net? I don’t know and I think that’s what terrifies me with him. I just don’t want to be his next hookup… If I start something, it’s for a serious relationship, not to play around. That’s not my thing. But that’s exactly what Phil does so… I guess I should just trust a little more myself. Anyway, that was just the first part of the night, because the next part, all I could do was think about my uncle. Every time I closed my eyes, I just recalled amazing moments with him. Moments that mom, he and I won’t ever have again… I laid on my back, on my sides, on the side… And I did this over and over until managing to fall asleep.
I turn on the lamp on my nightstand when I hear my phone suddenly buzzing again. But I turned it off… Oh! I grab my phone and answer the call after looking at the I.D. caller.
- Hey, mom, how are you? I just woke up… I tell my mother with a still sleepy voice as I sit on the side of my bed. The light is still too much so I close my eyes for a few seconds more. Suddenly, a noise coming from behind the phone call catches my attention. It’s not a noise I am used to hear her make... Mom? I call her with some concern.
- “He's gone…” I hear her simply whispering through the phone as another sound catches my attention again. Sobs… Mom is crying. I’ve heard my mother crying before. It’s so… Strange and heartbreaking. I mean, mom has always been that strong figure, fighting everyone coming in her way or in mine… But she never broke down before me.
- I know, mom. I'm so sorry. But… I begin to respond calmly, keeping the pain to myself. I’ve never heard nor seen my mom crying in my life. She’s all I have as a family and hearing her in such pain… It’s heartbreaking.
- "Can you come over today? I'll need you to finish the preparation of the funeral. I can't do this alone. And..." She interrupts me, sounding overwhelmed and submerged. I lower my head and keep a desperate sigh inside of me. I wish I could already be next to her and tell her to not worry. That she doesn’t have to do anything. That I will take care of this for her. But I can’t because of my dumbass boss… Unbelievable...
- I'd love to, mom, really. But I have to go to work, I begin to say, sounding sad and sorry for not being there for her. I hate it. I feel like I’m betraying my own mother. That I’m not giving her the support she needs right now. And maybe the one that I also need... But she knew uncle Alex for longer than I did so it’s fairer that I should be there for her... But once I'm out, I'll stop by your house to come help you, okay? So I can see you a little bit too, mom. I should finish at 3p.m. today, if my boss doesn't think otherwise, I tell her gently. Though, an unsure point is heard in my voice. We never know with my boss… If he had a bad day, he is capable of giving you two extra hours to do just because he wanted to.
- "You know, your uncle was always there for me. I remember when we were kids…" I frown with sadness to the sound of her voice. It’s broken… She sounds empty. Out of life. "There was this horrible kid terrorizing the youngsters. I was one of those kids being terrorized, but of course, as my big brother, he protected me. He always did. He was really protective, you know?" She recounts me in brief words with a trembling voice. I know the story by heart. Uncle Alex used to tell it to me as a bedtime story. He was the hero of course. I never doubt that… I hear mom sniffling and letting another sob out. "So was he with you, baby. He loved you as his own, you know?", oh… When she said "baby", her voice just completely broke. I could barely hear it. I continue to look down as I feel a lump forming in my throat. I miss Uncle Alex like crazy... "And he did the same when your father left..." She admits to me, going to the topic about how my uncle was protective. Which I already knew as well... It honestly hurts to hear all of this so soon after his tragic death. I still haven’t digested it. It’s still not real to me. I still think I will see him today or tomorrow or the day after tomorrow... But it seems to make mom feel better by saying those words to me, by recounting her memories. So, I'll listen carefully. Or I'll try, at least… If I don't break before too. Her pain is so profound… And shared.
- Mom, you don't have to tell me all of this now. Let some time pass. It's hurting you, I say with a slight pleading tone, hoping she will listen to me. I know it's hard to not think about it or to not want to talk about it. But I just think it's too soon for her. And for me... She can't turn the page in a finger snap. It’s impossible. Even if she feels like she did or she has to do it, it might not be the best way.
- "I love you, MC. You're my baby girl." She says over the phone, sniffling sadly again. I nod even though she doesn't see me. I am staring at the floor, my sight being blurry. Not again...
- I love you so much, mom, I reply to my mother, controlling my voice as much as possible despite the tight ball in my throat. She doesn’t need to know that I’m about to cry too. I hear her sniffling behind the phone call again followed by a new sob. I can't… Look, I have to go, mom, but I'll come see you later today, okay? I'll come with a little surprise, I tell her gently, wanting and feeling the need to cheer her up. I just want my mother to be happy again.
- "A surprise? You know I don't like surprises much, MC.", She replies with a mix between her crying and a faint chuckle before reminding me how she has always hated surprises. I know…
- That's why I'm bringing you one, I answer to my mom, cracking a smile to the sound of her faint chuckle.
- "You're a little Devil, just like your uncle... What's the surprise?" She begins to say before pausing. It's true, I got a little bit of him too. I guess it's because he sort of raised me and because I'm a (l/n) as well.
- Mom, if I tell you there would be no point for me to call it a surprise, wouldn't it? I answer with a gentle and playful tone before giggling. I hear her crying turning into giggles.
- "I tried. Okay, go to work, baby, and... I'll do a few things here... I'll try. Oh, and I ordered the flowers you asked me to pick for your uncle." She responds with another small chuckle before sniffling one more time. I smile a little more, glad to hear that I managed to make her smile a little bit despite the situation. She ordered the flowers… My smile grows a little more, glad about this news.
- Okay, call me if you need me for anything. Doesn't matter if I work or not, okay? I love you, mom, I reply sincerely to my mother, giving her a little cheerful tone.
- "I will. I love you too, baby. See you later.", She says back to me, sounding a little better then when I answered the phone. I smile and wait a few seconds before hanging up. Right… I feel like I have another long day coming… I let a long sigh out, as if I am trying to get rid of a weight on my shoulders, before wiping the tears in my eyes. Well, I've got to get ready...
Almost an hour later, I am on my way to work. Like every day, I see the same streets, the same cars, the same shops, the same streetlights… Of course, I am not going there with an ounce of motivation. I’d rather stay home or go anywhere else, but not there. I’m not saying being a waitress is the worst job, but my boss and some clients are actually really hard to deal with. Anyway…
I rapidly reach the back door of the restaurant I work at and enter the building which leads to the kitchen. The cooks and the waitresses are all here, ready to work. Oh, almost… I hold the door for Angie and she runs in, thanking me at the same time. We exchange a smile and get ready to start working. The clients should start coming soon… It's been three months since my boss decided to expand the restaurant to include a little coffee shop. I think it was a good idea, a good change in Duskwood. It was a test at first to see if people would like it. The clients seemed satisfied so that’s why I am here so early every morning now.
- MC! I look up immediately after hearing a gravelly voice yelling my name. My boss walks briskly towards me, a frown of madness plastered over his face. As usual... What time does my watch indicate? He asks me while showing me his watch on his right wrist. What…?
- 8:01am.? I answer, not sure where this is going.
- You were supposed to be here at 8:00a.m.. Not at 7:59a.m., not at 8:01a.m., but at 8:00a.m.! Is it so hard to understand in your dummy brain? He tells and asks me with madness, actually scolding me for arriving one minute late. As always, he raises his voice while talking, making sure everyone can hear who is commanding here. I guess you see what I meant when I said that I wasn’t very motivated to come to work...
- I'm sorry, boss, I simply say as I don’t want to argue nor lose my job. Well, it’s mainly that I’m not up to an argument right now… I have other things to think about. To worry about.
- Don't. Since you came late, you'll go home late. You're finishing at 6p.m. today, he tells me with a correcting tone, looking down on me. He’s joking, right? 6pm?
- What? You're making me do three extra hours for one minute late? I demand him with disbelief as I’m getting upset.
- And you're not paid for those, he points out seriously, still speaking as loud as before. Not paid?! Better and better...
- Sir, I can’t work extra hours today. I have to go see my mom this afternoon after work. My uncle passed away yesterday and I have to help for the funerals and… I explain to my boss with seriousness, going up against him. I mean, I can be shy and quiet and all, just don’t take me for an idiot or play with me.
- That's not a valuable excuse. Get to work before I change my mind and actually fire you for rebellion, he orders me seriously and sternly. Right… I look down, not responding to not receiving any consequences later. Everyone, back to work! he screams to all of his employees before walking away to do his life. Dick!
- Don't listen to this cold hearted dick, MC, I hear Angie telling me as she comes to stand in front of me. She’s a little taller than me. If you need to leave, then do. I'll cover for you. I knew something wasn't right yesterday but we barely crossed paths so I couldn't ask you what was wrong. I'm really sorry about your uncle, MC, she apologizes sincerely to me as she puts her hand on my shoulder. Angie is one of the only workers I get well along with here. Yeah, nothing goes well in this restaurant… It’s sad because it could have its potential. I smile at my friend while weakly nodding.
- Thanks, Angie, I thank her sincerely as I place my hand on top of hers. She smiles and nods back before the two of us take separated ways to go do our work.
The morning passed pretty quickly to be fair. I prefer when it’s like this. Working and watching the time pass is one of the worst feelings. There were so many clients this morning that I didn’t have time to get bored. It’s actually pretty rare that there are so many people coming in the morning. I mean, it’s still a little buzzy usually but not this much. I hope that will put my boss in a good mood and he’ll kind of forget the late minute thing this morning… Right, even I don’t believe this… I take the plates and cutleries that customers have left to clear the table. I clean it well and let other customers settle in. The noon hour and 1pm are the worst. There is often a line of customers waiting for a table but it goes on pretty well usually. Anyway… It’s time for my break. I put the dirty dish and cutleries in the bassin which is on a cart to later go to the kitchen.
- Hi, I turn around to look at the person who is not so unfamiliar to me, I'm looking for a pretty (h/c) with crazy (e/c) in which you would easily get lost in. Have you seen her around? says and asks me, a man, using a flirtatious and slight playful tone at the same time. I smile and softly laugh while nodding.
- Yeah, I think she went back to the kitchen a little while ago. But I don’t know where she went after, I reply playfully to my friend as I point towards the kitchen. The man softly laughs back before passing his hand in his long hair which isn't in a ponytail or a bun for once. How dare he look so good?
- How are you, Gorgeous? Asks me gently, Phil, as we are facing one another.
- I’m good. I have the same problem as last night, but I’m good. You? I answer with a very faint sigh as I keep a small smile before asking him.
- I'm good, thanks, he responds, having that damn smirk in the corner of his lips. The two of us stare at each other for a little moment, a smile on our face. I can’t really explain why or how, but seeing him here, now, like we said last night, makes me happy. So, is it still on for having lunch together or...? He asks me, a point of nervousness heard in his voice. He isn’t sure of himself which is so rare to see.
- Yes… I begin to tell him before hearing a gravelly voice calling for me.
- MC! I turn around and see my boss approaching us. Oh… No time for talking! Get back to work! He tells me harshly in front of Phil. Oh God… So awkward! I know I have said stories to my friends about my boss, but none of them actually saw the man talking to me that way. And I wish it wouldn’t have been Phil seeing and hearing him talking to me this way. What is he going to think?
- You're seriously letting that dumbass talking to you this way? I hear Phil whispering lowly in my ear. His deep voice echoing in my ear… He sounded like he couldn’t just believe what he just heard. Oh but it’s real, Phil… I live it every day like all the employees here.
- It's almost 1p.m., sir. I'm on my break… I begin to respond to my boss, not forgetting that I actually want to get out of work at 3p.m and not 6p.m. I still have hope… A faint one but, it’s still there.
- Break? He repeats my word with disbelief as he is standing right before my face now. No break for you today. Come on, move! He exclaims, speaking with a mad tone as usual. If I didn’t know him, I would think he actually hate me. Which might be the case… It’s not possible to scream so much on someone without reasons, right? Ugh, is that guy ever happy? Or just calm?
- Hey! I hear Phil’s loud voice coming from behind me before I could say anything to my boss. I slightly widened my eyes in surprise as I didn’t think Phil would say something. She's your employee, not your stooge! You should watch it! He tells him with a warning tone which I’ve never really heard before. The only time I heard him using this tone was when one of his regulars overstepped the line. I look on my left as I see Jessy’s brother standing next to me, slightly getting before me. Oh… He looks so mad.
- And who might you be to talk back to me? Questions, my boss to Phil. Oh no… I glance around us and notice that customers are staring at us, watching the scene. So awkward… Before Phil could do something or say a word, and mostly before it goes too far, I grab discreetly Phil’s wrist. He doesn’t move nor look at me. My boss is still staring at Jessy’s brother. He is not pleased at all...
- Look, sir. She's been working since 8:00a.m., and it's 1p.m. in less than five minutes. You can't take off her lunch break just because you're her boss, it's against the law. But if you think you are above them, maybe we could stop by the police station to see who's right? Responds calmly and politely, Phil, all while still having this warning and serious tone. I’ve always been amazed by how polite he can stay despite the circumstances or the situation. I mean, it’s easy to lose control due to anger, and I wouldn’t be surprised if he fights.
- 30minutes. No more, tells me, my boss, reluctantly giving me a break. Thanks to Phil… I nod positively before he turns around and leaves us at a quick pace. Phil turns around before looking down at me.
- Thanks, but you didn't have to do that, Phil, I thank him with a small shy tone, yet, thankful he actually stepped in for me.
- I did and I wanted to. But honestly, that guy deserved more than just a "talk", he replies with sincerity and seriousness. While talking about my boss, I could hear the madness in his voice. I nod understandingly as I give him a small smile, appreciating it for standing up for me. It’s not every day it happens. Come on, he suddenly tells me with his infectious smile. I don't answer. Instead, my smile grows wider while the two of us walk through the restaurant to reach the outside. Oh, he has a bag! How did I not see it?
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quillsandtypos · 3 years
Our Stars Collided- Part 1
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THIS IS THE SURPRISE IM WRITING A JATP SERIES AND IM SO EXCITED. This first one kinda sucks at first, but I swear it gets better the more you get into it.
Words: 2.1k
Summary: The reader has been wondering who the phantoms in the band are. But when she comes face to face with a phantom will she get her answers? (This does not follow all the events of the series)
Pairing: Luke x reader
Warnings: none, except bad writing
You had lunch this period, you were one track minded in that moment, and b-lining for the cafeteria. But as you passed the lockers your half run nearly turned to a stop.
You had made eye contact with none other than the cute boy from Julie's hologram band. Except every single person in the hallway was acting like they couldn't see him. Which in their defense, they probably couldn't, you were probably going insane.
According to Julie they were holograms. But when everyone else had gasped in shock that they had suddenly disappeared, you continued to watch them. And yet no one else noticed. From that moment on you were convinced yourself that it had been a figment of your imagination. Until now, that was.
You figured it might raise suspicion if you continued staring into what everyone else believed to be nothing. So you hid behind a pole and watched.
Julie seemed to be just talking on the phone to everyone else. But you watched as she continued on her conversation with the supposed hologram. Their conversation wasn't anything interesting, it seemed to just be about what song they were playing in a few weeks; and the boy apologized for being somewhat difficult to work with. As you watched, another sophomore, named Nick approached. You peeked around the pole to see where the boy went and saw that he was staring right at you.
You flew back behind your hiding place. You felt your pulse quickening though you weren't sure if it was because you were afraid he'd seen you or for a different reason entirely.
After you'd calmed yourself down you opened your eyes, you saw the boy standing right in front of you, only a couple feet away. You clapped a hand over your mouth to keep yourself from screaming.
Wait, you can see me?" the boy asked. He sounded just as freaked out as you felt.
You nodded your head, with your hand still on your mouth.
The boy's eyes went wide for a moment. But then he looked like he was deep in thought. "Why can you see me?" he asked curiously.
Your expression went blank for a moment. How could you answer a question you didn't even know? Also did someone give you drugs, or was this actually happening?
"I have no idea, also are you even real?" You asked. You reached out to poke his shoulder, and you felt nothing. "Nope, I'm definitely imagining this," you said aloud to yourself.
You turned and started to walk away. "Wait!" the boy yelled.
"Yes, imaginary person who I have probably made up in my head?" you asked.
He talked as he walked to catch up with you. "I'm real, I'm very, very real. I'm just also dead."
You crossed your arms and faced him. "So you're a ghost?" you asked.
You crossed your arms. "So prove it, how do I know you're not a figment of my imagination?"
The boy paused for a moment to think. "Umm I know there's a student named Julie that goes here and she has fourth period dance class, and you probably don't know that, so how would a figment of your imagination know that?" After finishing his trail of thought the boy looked over at you with a hopeful smile.
You thought over it for a moment which was mildly difficult with that face looking at you. "Yeah, okay, that adds up I suppose." His smile turned into a slight smugness that he had convinced you.
"See, I told you I was real."
You pushed down the heat attempting to rise to your cheeks.
"But how?" you asked.
"Wellllllllll that's a little bit more of a complicated question," Luke explained, as he itched the back of his head.
Somehow, you were still getting more confused. "How is it complicated?"
"That's kinda a long story. But, I can explain some of it," he offered.
You gestured to him that the floor was his.
"Oh, not right now because I'm pretty sure I've made like at least five people think you're crazy already." He gestured around to people at their lockers who were staring at you.
"But I can tell you later, if you meet me at Julie's house, after school," he promised.
"Okay, yeah, I'm not doing anything, and I've been there before so I know where it is," you agreed.
"Cool! I never caught your name by the way," he mentioned.
"Oh it's y/n, and you are?"
"Luke, and I'll see you then!" He waved at you and in a poof he was gone.
It was definitely not a normal way to start your lunch. But you supposed that from the day that they had performed your life hadn't been normal.
Three hours later you found yourself standing in front of Julie Molina's house. You were silently hoping that this was the right house, because that would be a very interesting conversation if it wasn't. Luckily enough, Julie was the one who opened the door.
"Hi, um I'm here to see Luke?" you hesitantly asked.
"Oh yeah, he told me about you, come on I’ll show you where he is.” She closed the door and started leading you through a garden, as you tried not to read too deeply into what she had said. Eventually, you walked down a set of steps to some sort of studio. As she opened the wide white entrance doors you saw all three of the guys you had watched play with Julie a week ago.
You stood in shock for a moment. So you hadn’t been seeing things! You only came back to reality when you heard Julie say your name.
“Meet Reggie, Alex, and you already met Luke. So Reggie and Alex, meet y/n,” she introduced.
“Hello!” Reggie waved.
“Hi,” said Alex.
“Hi,” you responded.
“So now is your time to ask questions without someone thinking you are going insane,” Luke offered, as he sat down on a couch.
“Okay, so you guys are ghosts, right?”
The three all nodded their heads.
“But for some reason Julie and I can see you?” you observed.
“Yes, but we don’t actually know the reason for that. Or to a lot of things for that matter. But we think it might mean that you two are related to our pasts in some sort of way,” the one you remembered to be Alex, suggested.
“Okay, interesting. Do you know why people can see you when you play?” you inquired.
“No, I mean we think it’s because we are connected to Julie and that we are still connected with music, but other than that we have no idea,” Luke said.
You continued asking them questions for quite some time, until you couldn’t think of anything anymore. Granted, there was still a lot you didn’t know, but that was fine with you. Afterall, asking someone how they died felt a little too personal; even if they did make you think you were losing your mind for a week straight.
Eventually your conversation diverged into other matters like school, and music, and of course food.
“You play the guitar?” Luke asked in surprise.
You turned to him from a conversation you were having with Alex. “I mean, I’m not as good as you, but yes,” you admitted.
“Wait, you play guitar TOO?” Reggie asked in awe.
You had to laugh at the sudden fascination with you. “Yes, I do.”
Reggie seemed to be ecstatic. “You have to play something; here, use Luke’s guitar,” he offered.
Alex lightly slapped his arm and you watched the corner of your eye as Luke muttered something along the lines of what the hell Reggie.
“It’s okay, I don’t wanna steal someone else’s equipment, and I usually only play in my room by myself. Besides, you probably don’t wanna hear me anyways,” you pointed out.
“You don’t have to play, but that’s b.s. I’ve heard you’d play and you’re obviously talented,” Julie chimed in. You were slightly embarrassed but you accepted the compliment. Soon enough your conversation died down and it was decided that you should probably head back home as it was getting late. You waved goodbye to the boys and told Julie you would see her tomorrow.
As you ate supper, you realized that even though you had one of the most eventful days in history you could tell no one about it, including your family. Otherwise they would think you were just as insane as you thought you were. But you supposed there were worse problems to have then knowing a band that you couldn’t talk about.
As you got ready for bed you decided to bring out your acoustic guitar.
You started strumming before realizing there was a particular song you hadn’t played in a long while. It took you a couple attempts to remember the fingering for it, but once you did the music started to flow out of you.
“When the rain is blowing in your face, and the whole world is on your case. I could offer you a warm embrace to make you feel my love.”
You then jumped to the melody at a higher octave. You decided to go all out and sing it to your heart's content.
“I know you haven’t made your mind up yet, but I would never do you wrong. I’ve known it from the moment that we met. No doubt in my mind where you belong.”
You strummed a couple more chords before placing your guitar down. You turned around and came inches away from Luke’s face.
“Shit!” you yelled on instinct. You paused for a moment to make sure no one had heard you, but you didn’t hear anything.
“What are you two doing here?” you hissed.
Reggie was the first to open his mouth. “Well uh you see here, we actually have a very good reason for being here. Yep, and Luke’s going to tell you that reason.” He clapped his bandmate on the shoulder, and Luke glared at him.
“Y/n I’m really sorry, but he really wanted to hear you play. And I was super curious too, and we just couldn’t resist,” Luke apologized.
You took a look at them still wanting to be mad, but you couldn’t bring yourself to do it. They looked not unlike sad puppies.
You fake sighed, but you couldn’t fight the smile on your face. “I guess I can let you guys off the hook this time.”
“I swear it won’t happen again,” Reggie promised.
“Next time just knock instead of scaring the shit out of me, okay?” you asked.
“You got it, though I can’t say we won’t scare you. I mean we are ghosts,” Luke teased, with a glint in his eyes that you couldn’t figure out.
You amusedly rolled your eyes at him, “Whatever, Luke.”
The next day you couldn’t really focus on your clases. All you could think about were theories on why you could see Alex, Reggie, and Luke and why everyone else couldn’t. By the time lunch rolled around you were very thankful Julie was in the same lunch period as you.
“Hey!” she greeted you.
“What’s up?” you asked, shutting your locker.
“Just something I want to show you, follow me,” she gestured. You didn’t know where she was taking you but you just shrugged and went with it. She led you over to the next set of lockers and down a set of steps to a pretty much vacant part of the school. And once you turned the corner you heard a very loud ‘surprise!’
“Aeeehp!” you yelled in shock.
“Oh my god, you guys have got to stop doing that,” you said to the three.
“Yeah, they never do,” Julie sighed.
“But anyways, we brought you down here to tell you, drumroll please?” Julie requested.
They all started stomping their feet.
“We want you to join Julie and the Phantoms!” Alex announced.
“Wait, what?” you excitedly asked.
“Well after the little stunt that Luke and Reggie pulled, which I do not approve of by the way,” she sent a glare back at the two of them, “we had a band meeting and decided that we want you in the band, that is of course if you want to be in the band?”
You were positively beaming. “Yes of course I do! But what do you want me to do? You already have two singers and an electric guitarist.”
“Well we always have room for more singing, and I’m just lead guitar. We used to have three guitars in sunset curve, so why not in Julie and the Phantoms?” Luke questioned.
“I’m game if you guys are.”
“So you’re in?” Reggie asked.
You smiled brightly, “I’m so in.”
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marchtomydrums · 3 years
In the beginning 14
Alex Cabot X Casey Novak X Reader
Rated M
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Alex’s POV:
I wake up the next morning alone in bed. I sigh to myself as I get up to brush my teeth. I look in the mirror and you can tell I’ve been crying all night. Walking downstairs I see you and Casey in the kitchen sipping your coffee and chatting about the paper.
I round the corner into the kitchen Casey sees me and gives me a small smile.
“Good morning honey.”
I let out a sigh of relief that she spoke to me. I smile back “good morning babe.” I look over to you giving you a shy smile “good morning my love.” You stare back at me with no emotion what so ever “morning.”
I sighed walking over to make my coffee. I’m trying really hard to keep my cool. I understand you being hurt but you shutting me out makes me crazy.
“Are we still on for lunch today?” I ask them hopefully.
“Yes, I’ll be there.” Casey answers. I look over to you waiting for you to respond.
“I’m not sure. I'm supposed to be running flies all day for you and Emma. “
“But you’ll have a lunch break like always,” I say.
“I think I’ll just stay at the office today. I have a lot of work to do and I have to start my project for the end of the internship.”
“Okay.” I sigh looking over at Casey.
“Well, would you like us to bring you something back my love?”
“No thank you. I’ve got to go I’ll see y’all later.” You say grabbing your things and walking out the door. The three of us normally show up together and you didn’t even kiss us goodbye. My emotions take over and I let a few tears slip.
“Honey, just give her time. She’s still upset and she doesn’t know how to handle it.” Casey tells me.
“Okay? So why can’t she talk to us about it?”
“Oh, she’s talking to me about it. You on the other hand well you did tell her she was acting like a child so now she’s trying to navigate her feelings without coming across as one to you.”
I sighed shaking my head as Casey walks away from me. I’ve really fucked this up.
The office was booming today more so than usual. I had court and several meetings that had to take place today. Emma was by my side throughout most of the day. When we came back from court I caught your eyes watching me. As soon as our eyes meet you went back to your work. Soon enough it’s time for lunch and I for one am grateful for a moment outside of this office. I stop at your desk before heading out.
“Are you sure you can’t come or that you don’t want me to bring you something back?”
“No thank you. I haven’t been feeling hungry lately.” You look up at me giving me the fakest smile I’ve ever seen from you.
“Y/n please,” I whispered.
“Sorry, Alex. You and Casey will have to make the most of it without me today. “ you say just before Emma walks up to my side.
“You aren’t going to lunch?” She asked confused. I watch you sigh deeply.
“Nah. I’m not hungry plus I’m busy.”
“Oh okay, well Alex I wouldn’t mind joining you and Casey,” Emma says to me smiling. I watch your body tense out of the corner of my eye. I smile at Emma “maybe some other time?” I say hoping that’s enough to make her leave. It is she smiles before heading off to the elevator. Casey walks up to me asking if I’m ready to go. I nod looking back at you sitting all alone in the office. Casey smiles at you as were leaving.
Coming back from lunch I feel worse than I did before. I could barely eat. Casey keeps telling me you’ll come around eventually but I can’t stand for you to be mad at me. When I get back to the office I don’t see you at your desk. Walking into my office I see you walking back to your desk with some books and files. You suddenly stop, grabbing at your side huddled over. I walk quickly out of my office to you.
“Hey. Are you okay?” I ask my hand rubbing your back.
“Yeah. I just had a sharp pain It’s probably period cramps or something.” You tell me trying to regulate your breathing.
“Okay, well if it gets worse tell me and we will go to the hospital.”
“I’m sure that won’t be necessary.” You say shortly.
“Are you at least riding home with me tonight? Casey is going to check on her mom tonight.”
“Yeah, that’s fine. I’ll be here when you’re ready to go. “
“Okay. I’ll be done by 6.” I say happily that you agreed to ride with me.
I’m in my last meeting with Emma going over the next couple of weeks and all that we have going on. The girl is talking a mile a minute but I space out hearing none of it. My mind is focused on you and hoping that you’ll be ready to talk to me today.
“Alex?” I hear Emma call out to me.
“I’m sorry, what were you saying? “ I ask trying to focus myself. She smiles at me giving me a minute to catch up.
“I was asking you about this weekend. The business trip. As you know Jack wants us both to go and he sent over some things we need to address in each meeting.”
“Shit! That’s this weekend?” I ask her. She nods.
“We talked about it last week remember?”
“Yeah. Okay. Well send me the papers and I’ll look over them tonight. We leave Friday right back by Monday morning?”
“That is correct.”
“Okay, thanks, Emma. I will get back to you. Shit, I’ve got to tell Casey. I forgot all about this trip.” I groan out forgetting Emma is in the room. I’m mentally stressing out at the thought of telling you or Casey about this. Especially, since we aren’t in a good place at the moment.
“I’m sure Casey will understand.” Emma smiles.
“Yeah, I’m sure she will.” I smile back. As Emma is leaving my office I text Casey telling her I need to talk to the two of you tonight. I guess this means I have to have this conversation with you both tonight.
End of the workday.....
Readers POV:
“I'm so ready to go home.” I groan out to no one in particular. Unfortunately, I didn't see Emma walking up beside my desk as I spoke.
“Oh, girl me too. Today has been hell,” she exclaimed to me. I nod my head in agreement even I can't argue with that statement.
“You know even though this is a work trip I'm looking forward to this weekend. Do you know? Get away from this office for a while. “ she tells me.
“You have a work trip this weekend?” I asked hoping that means I'll be free of her for a few days.
“Yeah, Jack asked Alex and me to go. We won't be back until Mondy.”
My blood runs cold for a moment. Did she say her and Alex?
“You and Alex? “
“Yeah. Oh, don't worry she said she’d tell Casey about it. So you have nothing to worry about. You know, I think it's so cool that you're so close to them. You must be a really good friend.” Emma tells me smiling.
“Yup that's me. A good friend.”
“Anyway, I'll see you tomorrow bye.” She waves before heading off to the elevators.
“Bye,” I mumbled trying to keep my tears in.
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tarlos-spain · 2 years
I find myself in pieces
Summary: After Carlos being injury during a call, his life and TK's changes forever. He has to learn that his love doesn't end when you wake up and your legs doesn't work anymore, although that jorney is a very long and hard one for both of them
Notes: Just to let you know, this work was born for Whumpt June but it's taking longer to get it done because it's a very difficult path for Carlos and TK, with maybe some triggering issues as suicidal thoughts and an attempt, hard fights between Carlos and TK.
Chapter 1 - Self-sacrifice
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Chapter 01: Is this my life?
It's a warm spring day, Carlos and Lexi have just finished lunch from their favorite taco stand, and Carlos has not said a word the whole time.
“Are you OK, Reyes?” Lexi asks, offering him a cup of coffee.
“Yeah… No… Yeah…”
“Ok, let's say you’re not OK. What’s up? Everything okay with TK at home? Don’t tell me you’ve fought?”
“No, of course not.” Carlos sighs and looks down at his coffee. “I’m asking TK to marry me after our shift. I have the ring already here.” Carlos touches the pocket of his uniform and feels the little box. “I’m terrified but I know I want to do it.”
“Terrified? Reyes, Carlos. TK loves you, even if you haven’t ever properly introduced him to me as your boyfriend. I guess we’re not close enough friends for me to be invited to your game nights.”
“Didn’t know you were interested in coming.”
“I’m not, I don’t like games. I was joking. The point is, I see how he looks at you during shifts. TK adores you.”
“I’m going to ask him to marry me.”
Carlos bursts out laughing nervously. Lexi has never seen him like that, but the quiet moment is broken when the car radio crackles to life.
"Dispatch to 323-H20 report to 108 Lexington Road for a 10-16. Husband reports wife is armed."
"Copy dispatch, 108 Lexington Road 10-16, wife armed, 323-H20 responding code 3," replies Mitchell, as Carlos flips on the lights and sirens and floors the gas.
Pulling into the subdivision, they soon see a tall, thin, dark-haired man on the porch of 108 holding a girl of about eight years old close to him. There is a short blonde woman in the driveway screaming at him.
Carlos and Lexi quickly exit the car, both on alert. Carlos knows kids in danger are his soft spot. It’s hard to keep calm when the little girl starts crying, scared of the situation.
The woman goes on another tirade of screaming as she sees the two officers, and the girl tries to hide herself behind her dad. Carlos positions himself to be able to get between the couple quickly if needed.
He knows he will be a good detective, because he can see that the woman is dangerous, even if he hadn’t seen the gun yet. But she’s aggressive in her movements and the way she talks. So, yes, he’s ready to do what’s necessary.
"You called the cops you asshole!” the woman shouts. “I just want Jenny."
The little girl clings even more tightly to her father's waist. She’s terrified of her mother and that woman has clearly been drinking a lot.
The man, Jenny's dad, is also very nervous, but Carlos notices it’s not his first time confronting his wife…if they’re not already divorced.
"Kaitlyn, you're drunk, again. I'm not letting you take her till you're sober. I’m telling you, but it’s also the judge’s order.”
"I fucking am not drunk, you bastard. You’re lying, you always lie about me being drunk. You’re just trying to kidnap her, you’re trying to take my baby away from me."
"You're crazy, come back tomorrow sober and we will talk," the husband replies, and Carlos sees things are getting more and more tense. The little girl is crying, she’s so scared that Carlos is about to take her and remove her to a safe place.
"Give me Jenny or I'll kill you," the wife screams, pulling a gun from her waist band.
She points it at her husband but the girl is so close, and the woman is not acting rational, waving the gun around. One mistake and she’ll shoot her own child, so Carlos moves again, so he can take the kid and get her to safety.
But he decides to wait.
At this point Lexi intervenes, letting Carlos get closer to the husband and daughter. But the woman sees it and points the gun again at her husband and the kid.
"Ma'am, Kaitlyn," Lexi calls.
She loses her temper quickly, moves her hand from one side to the other.
The woman stays focused on her husband and Carlos knows exactly what’s about to happen. Apparently the husband is not interested in making things easier.
"Wow, Kaitlyn, threatening me again. Is that the only thing you can do?”
He sounds pissed off, even annoyed by the situation. The gun in his wife’s hand doesn’t seem to matter at all. Then, Carlos sees her finger on the trigger and the whole scene suddenly moves in slow motion.
Lexi tries to get the woman's attention again but to no avail.
"Wait till CPS hears this," replies the husband.
The woman tenses angrily, too many people talking to her at the same time, everybody telling her to do or stop doing things. She loses her temper quickly, moves her hand from one side to the other, and accidentally pulls the trigger.
It feels so slow. Lexi watches in horror as her friend and partner dives for the little child, shoving her to safety as the bullet rips into his back. Carlos is protecting the kid, he promised that nothing will happen to the child, even if he has to put his body in the middle and get shot.
Keep reading in AO3
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Pack it Up
This is something based upon a headcanon that I have about Beth bringing lunch to Rick on a daily basis because she obviously likes stuff like that (she’s usually using food as a way of connecting with her parents when they’re distancing from her, and I see it as one of her love languages and also something that Rick needs, as pointed out in this post.) 
She had seen him do this before. Sometimes, he HAD lunch, but it was… lacking, to say the least, and some days, like today, he had nothing. He used to just vandalize the table or something whenever he didn’t have lunch, or skip and get into trouble at some point before the day was over. Rick had been turning over a new leaf, though and the things that he used to do to cope were no longer “how he is.” 
But, some things he COULDN’T change. That was definitely just two slices of bread and mayo. Like… she’d seen him have lettuce on a bun before. He’d barely eaten it, even though he was probably hungry. He wasn’t a small dude and teenagers had pretty significant appetites. But, he WAS somewhat of a proud dude, and still at times a tad bit… standoffish. She didn’t want to offend him. She didn’t want to presume that he didn’t have money or food or worse, to ASK him and make him mad.
So… she… decided to try to play it smart.
The first time was pretty simple, at least from her POV. She came into the lunchroom, where Yolanda and Rick were already sitting and talking. Court wasn't there yet. And Beth, making sure that she was noticed and heard, laughed as she came to the table. Yolanda jumped, a little startled by the sound and Rick narrowed his eyes, suspiciously, but followed it with a smile and a, "Something funny happen, Beth?" 
She gestured a finger towards her brain and commented, "Just realized that I left the house with TWO full lunches today!" She laughed more than was necessary and now Rick and Yolanda both looked at each other, u sure of where Beth was going with this. "I mean, what am I gonna do with an ENTIRE extra lunch? I can't eat them both."
"You can bring one home," Yolanda suggested, at the same time that Rick said,
"Just eat it later."
"OR!" she cut them off and pulled out the plastic container, "Rick… you look like you packed a light lunch today."
"I didn't pack lunch today."
"Well, what do you know. Maybe the universe DOES help things sometimes, because I very accidentally packed an extra one, as we've established!" She cheered and excitedly slid him a plastic container. Yolanda was still confused. Rick just shrugged and accepted. 
Beth felt good. In her mind, that went well. She didn't even notice the looks that Yolanda and Rick exchanged to indicate that she was being totally odd. 
Rick ate pretty eagerly and Beth felt proud of herself. He had needed that. She was sure of it. He hardly breathed as he shoved pasta salad and broiled chicken into his mouth. When he did stop to breathe, he put a hand over his belly, seemingly satisfied and offered her a smile as he picked up the dish to go clean it out and bring it back.
The next time… she thought it would be too much if she tried for the next day, which she ultimately hated, because he didn't have lunch again and he laid his head in his arms on the table while she couldn't make herself enjoy her own lunch and Yolanda and Courtney didn't seem to even… notice. But Yolanda DID ask, "You okay, Beth?" To which, Rick looked up, head still on his arms and Beth turned from him, sadly.
"Yeah. Just… not much of an appetite, I guess." She pushed her food to the center of the table, "if anybody wants this, I can get the container later. Gonna hit the library." 
Rick sat up and looked at the other girls before pulling it in his direction, with a shrug of his shoulders.
Yolanda and Courtney gave each other knowing smiles, but then glanced at Beth's back as she left the cafeteria. "Okay, so like… she's definitely feeding him on purpose, right?" Courtney asked.
"Absolutely," Yolanda said. 
"Why doesn't she just say that?"
"Probably worried that Grumpy's gonna be a meanie about it." 
"What?" Rick asked when he saw the two of them looking. "You want some?" 
"No," Yolanda said, laughing. 
Courtney texted Beth, "Hope you feel better soon. He ate it ALL." 
Beth smiled when she saw the message. At least one of them did. The next day, she'd be more prepared! She had a big breakfast and she packed a big lunch. Just ONE day of being hungry was far too much for her, and there was no way that she was gonna leave her friend in that condition again, even if it was just for a day. 
He had one of those struggle sandwiches. A bun with a slice of cheese. He didn't even have a drink! "Boy, oh boy!" She started. Yolanda snorted and buried her face in her hoodie. Rick looked exhausted already. "I guess not having lunch yesterday made me big eyed this morning. I had SUCH a big breakfast, I'm barely hungry today. If anybody wants some of this casserole, I definitely can't eat all of this myself." She was only looking at Rick and he stared back at her, incredulously.
"Is… that an entire casserole?" Yolanda asked, on the verge of tears from stifling her laughter.
"What? No! I mean… it's very close. Neither of my parents were home last night, so it's… like… I had like two helpings and this is the rest, so like… a whole casserole...ish…" Yolanda got up, "I have to pee…" she was snickering and practically cackled as she stopped to chat with Courtney on her way out.
"She's in a joyous mood today!" Beth said, turning back towards Rick. "Soooo… want… some?" 
He eyed her and she felt her core warming up. Was he suspicious? Was he about to call her bluff? Call her out? Go off on her? "If you had a large breakfast, why did you bring so much? This container is twice as big as the ones you usually pack."
"Oh! I… didn't plan on eating so much this morning and I just took the whole leftover container with me, since they let me use the appliances in the lounge… so… I didn't prep my lunch. I just grabbed the container and left…" he saw that she was nervous. He also knew, for sure, at this point that she was definitely lying.
But, he just said, "Okay." She split the container down the middle and passed him an extra fork. An extra fork from her bag. He didn't bother with why she had it. It was clear to him, by now. She'd been doing this all week long. 
Courtney and Yolanda came to the table together and Court exchanged glances with Rick, who rolled his eyes and looked back at his food. Beth was watching him. That's what she did when he ate. She watched him and felt better, knowing that he had at least one decent meal for the day. Whenever he'd glance at her, she'd smile and look down. 
"Yolanda, can I have some of your milk?" He asked. 
She handed it over, "Finish it," she said with a shrug. 
Beth made a mental note to remember to bring him a drink tomorrow. The last few swallows of a pint of milk was… not ideal.
They were all three at the table whenever she showed up the next day. Courtney and Yolanda perked up when she arrived while Rick slumped a little. She noticed, but she decided to presume that had nothing to do with her.
"Ohhhh, that looks appetizing," she said towards the trays that Yolanda and Courtney had. Yolanda's face said it all, but still, Beth persisted. "I may just skip my sandwich and go buy a tray today. Rick do you want a sand.."
"You've GOTTA stop this," he said, shaking his head and sitting up. "Beth, I'm not stupid. I know what you're doing. EVERYBODY here knows what you're doing!" Yolanda and Courtney looked nervous and a little sad as Beth sank into the seat, obviously feeling defeated. Rick smiled and placed a hand on her shoulder, "Thank you. I appreciate it. Just PLEASE stop with the lies, you're terrible at it." Beth laughed and covered her face with a hand. "You're honestly like… the worst liar here." Yolanda nodded, laughing too. 
"I thought you'd be insulted if I mom-friended you at lunch, everyday. I didn't want to insult you."
"I'm not insulted. It's actually pretty sweet, but I mean… that's who you are. We're friends. There's no need to lie to me. And why would I turn down free meals? Especially good ones. Like, you never miss. What are we having today? Or… I mean, I'll take the tray if you were gonna buy a…"
"I was gonna buy one to keep my cover, but I absolutely have an additional lunch in my bag." They laughed and she pulled them out, "We've got pot roast sandwiches with side salads and a bought juice so you don't have to hydrate with Yolanda's milk backwash." She pulled out a carafe of juice and a cup. "I only have one cup, so you can have it and I'll… drink out of this…" she stared at the carafe and frowned.
"Would you feel better if you had the cup?"
"I really would. Drinking out of this thing seems very improper." He laughed and accepted the container, filling her cup as much as possible and pouring juice into his own mouth whenever he did drink, in case she wanted more in a little bit.
It was SO MUCH EASIER to just pack two lunches with no excuses and slide him one when she arrived in the cafeteria. And, everything went back to flowing smoothly without her trying to figure out an excuse. Yolanda and Courtney still gave the two of them looks that Beth didn't quite comprehend, though. Sometimes, Rick would notice and throw them an expression of his own that she couldn't quite place, either. They'd always look away, but with knowing smiles. Great. What the heck was it that they all seemed to know that she didn't THIS time? 
The looks she didn't notice - all those soft ones from Rick, when she wasn't paying attention. But the other girls noticed. They sure did.
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lokis-army-77 · 3 years
If You Please
Chapter two
Bucky Barnes x Reader
Word Count: 1726
I'm bad at writing descriptions, so this is basically a reader insert into The First Avenger and then we'll see how it goes from there.
<< Previous | Next>>
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Early the next morning, before the sun was even out, I was awoken by something gently stroking the side of my face. Then Bucky's gruff morning voice greeted me.
"Hello Doll, I've been waiting for you to wake up," he whispered, breath tickling my ear. I replied with a short, soft grunt and buried my head between us. I felt his chest jerk ever so slightly from him chuckling at me. I felt him try and scoot my body away from himself so he could get up, but I wrapped my arms tighter around him.
"Doll, let me go, I've got to get up. You don't want me to be late shipping out do you," he questioned while trying to pry my arms off him.
I shook my head saying, "No I'm not letting you leave, you have to stay right here."
"I know, but I've got to go, not even you can get me out of this one. I'll be back here in your arms before you know it." He lifted my head up so we could look at each other. I saw the traces of sadness in his eyes as he looked at me. "Will you come to see me off?"
"Of course I will. I wouldn't miss that for the world,” I paused, “Steve will want to come too." I slowly let go of Bucky and watched as he slipped out from under the covers and threw his legs off the side. He fumbled with his shoes for a minute and then stood up. Then he turned around and looked at me.
"I'll need a proper goodbye kiss before I leave," he smirked. I huffed out a laugh and inched my way over the bed to where he stood. I got up onto my knees, snaked my arms around his neck, and pulled him down into a sweet but firm kiss. I felt his hands grab at my hips and a second later he was pulling me closer. The kiss lasted a moment longer and then I gently pushed him away.
"Go, before Steve catches you here or I change my mind on letting you leave." He gave me a quick peck on the lips before he made his way to the window and opened it. He slipped out quickly and quietly, soon after it was like he'd never been in my room at all.
Two hours later at seven I had woken Steve up and gotten breakfast ready.
"Hey Steve, I'm going to the docks to see Bucky off, do you want to come with me," I asked while putting the plate of bacon and eggs in front of him.
"Yeah, that would be great. What time does the boat set sail?"
"Boarding starts at eight so I'd say the ship sets off at about 8:30. We'll need to leave in a little bit, it's a twenty-minute walk and you need to get dressed.
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When Steve and I had made it to the pier it was so crowded you could barely move two feet without bumping into someone. We looked around for a good ten minutes before I heard someone calling out mine and Steve's names.
"Hey, I'm over here! Steve!"
"I see him over by the rope fence, let's go," Steve declared while grabbing onto my hand, to lead up to where he had seen Bucky. Pretty soon we were both scooped up into a group hug. We all three laughed and pulled away.
"I’m glad you both could make it,” Bucky smiled.
“You’re family, we wouldn’t miss this for the world,” Steve grinned.
“Now don't go do anything stupid until I get back, that applies to both of you," Bucky says while pointing at Steve and me back and forth. I gasped and feigned offense.
"How could we, you're taking all the stupid with you," Steve retorts jokingly.
Bucky shakes his head, "You're a punk, you know that right?"
"And you're a jerk, so I guess we're even. Stay safe Buck," Steve sighed and gave Bucky a hug.
Then Bucky turned to me and teased, "Now I mean it when I say stay out of trouble. You're a handful and then some.”
“I make no promises Barnes,” I countered, playfully shoving him. He then grabbed me and brought me into a tight embrace, placing a peck atop my head. I could feel the tears coming when we pulled away from one another. “Please be careful Bucky and write to us when you can.”
He wiped the tears from my eyes and smiled sadly, “ I will kid, I will.” He turned away and gathered up his bags and then turned back to Steve and me. “Well, I guess I’m off. I'll see you two again in no time.” he started to walk away and I moved closer to Steve, grabbing hold of his hand.
“Don’t win the war until I get there,” Steve called to Bucky’s retreating figure.
“Sir, yes sir,” Bucky called back, turning to give us one last salute. We watched him as he boarded the ship. I kept my eyes on him the whole time, waving to him whenever he looked our way. The ship finally left port and a few minutes later the crowd started to disperse.
Steve and I stood together watching as the ship grew smaller and smaller on the horizon. He squeezed my hand and looked over at me. “We’ll see him again, he’s too hard-headed to leave us alone,” he laughed.
“You’re right, he’s been a constant pain in my side for the last thirteen years. Come on let's go home, I've got the day off.” I turned around to start heading back to the apartment. After walking a few feet I noticed that Steve wasn’t following. I looked back at him, he was standing with his head hung low and hands in his pockets. I slowly walked back over to him and poked his arm. “Penny for your thoughts,” I asked.
“I don’t want you to freak out but I have something really important to tell you,” he started. “Yesterday night before you and Bucky found me, I went to another recruitment office.”
“God Steve, we talked about this already, if they find out that you’re lying on your form you’ll be arrested. You need to stop doing this, I won't be able to get you out of legal trouble.”
“Well you see,” he started, but I was quick to interrupt him.
“Oh my God, Steve, how are you not in jail. I can’t believe you didn’t tell me this last night,” I chastised.
“I told you not to overreact, let me explain. I did get caught but there was a doctor there who represents this group called the Strategic Scientific Reserve. He was interested in why I have tried enlisting five times. When I explained my reasoning, he decided to give me a chance.”
I stood quietly beside him for a while, processing what he had said. Working for the SSR I already knew he was talking about Dr. Erskine. “What do you mean chance? Like you've been recruited,” I speculated.
“Yes, he's given me the chance to do something, to be more than the little guy at home not doing anything. I can’t just sit here and let others go fight for our country without even trying to join them. Even you’re closer to this war than I am. I just want to do what’s right,” he said with conviction.
“I know you do, but I’ve already got one person I care about going to the front, I don’t think I can handle you going also," I sighed. "I won’t try and stop you, but I don’t know how I feel about you doing this.” I grab hold of his hand again and tug him along. “Let's go, we’ll have to start getting your things ready for basic training.”
“Alright, but stop tugging on my arm, I’m right behind you.”
“Sorry, just making sure you’re following.”
“Anyways, thanks for understanding. You know your support means everything to me, Shortie,” he said lightly nudging me with his shoulder.
“You’re welcome and stop calling me shortie. I've been taller than you since I was 13,” I shook my head laughing. “Now can we get going, I want to be home before lunch.”
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After lunch had passed I got to doing chores around the house as Steve packed up his trunk in preparation to go to Camp Lehigh. We were both running around the small Brooklyn apartment doing our own little things.
“When do you have to be at Lehigh,” I called out to Steve who was walking back and forth from his room to the bookshelf in the small living area.
“I have to be there tomorrow. We’re jumping right into training, but I'm ready, I’m excited,” he answered while carrying a handful of books to his room.
“Steve, sweetie, I don’t think you’ll be needing that many books at boot camp. I doubt you'll have time to even pick one of those up,” I giggled, putting the laundry basket of folded clothes onto the kitchen table.
“‘I know I probably won’t but if I do have the time, I’ll want some form of entertainment. Anyways, it's better to be over-prepared than not prepared at all,” he quipped back.
“I guess you’re right. Here, they’ll give you your uniform when you get there but it’s good to bring some of your regular clothes.” I grabbed a stack of Steve's clothes and walked over to hand them to him.
“Thank you,” he said softly. I watched as he neatly placed the stack into the trunk at the foot of the bed.
Sighing I sat next to the trunk. “Are you sure this is what you want to do,” I questioned?
“Yes I’m one hundred percent sure this is what I want to do,” Steve confirmed. “Don’t worry, I’ll be fine.”
“Okay, I just want to make sure you know what you’re getting yourself into. It won’t be easy. All of it will be harder than anything you have ever faced before.”
“I expect it to be. If it wasn’t a challenge they would let anyone join if they wanted.” He looked up from the trunk and gave me a small smile then went back to what he was doing.
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