#got to hang out with your wife a bit today which was super nice
officiallycake-blog · 2 years
Miralor's letter dropped! (Only 5844 words, haha). So excited for your comments!
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ghosts-of-love · 1 year
TEDTalk Time again >:)
Funnily enough, I've actually been tryna think of songs but to no avail which was annoying cuz analyzing your Cap alongside music is sO fun but then when I wasn't actively searching, a song came to mind. Wild how the brain works. ANYWAYS...
Punching Bag by Set It Off is today's song. Although I won't lie, this one might be a bit confusing since I just thought of it and didn't organize many thoughts but here we go >:)
This empty feeling sets in my chest and I start to worry Try to push it down, cast it out, but I can't control it, ah!
This song is very LtF Cap and his relationship with Damien. These first two lines don't even really need an explanation tbh. But it's basically Cap after a decent amount of time with Damien after that "honeymoon" period they had when they first got together. And all those thoughts of Cap not being worth real love taking place in his mind.
Hanging on by the strings that you're pulling So you cut me down just to push me around
Like I'm your punching bag
That third line is the start of the chorus while the first two are still part of verse 1 which is why there's the space. But any lyrics about being pushed around and shit just makes me think of how Damien just degraded Cap in bed without even caring if he wanted that. And the "hanging on by strings" line, Cap knowing Damien isn't good for him but not wanting to miss out on Damien's "affection".
Take it out on someone who won't hit you back 'Til we're all as broken as you
And this ofc, would be the party. Cap deserved to get a good hit in when Damien was being...Damien. But god it just makes me think Damien absolutely knew Cap wouldn't do anything despite all the antagonizing he did. The fact he fucking choked the man ??? And Cap still did nothing (all while comforting Kitty too. Charlie you're an amazing writer) And that second line ? Well...once Damien told Cap he was married, it went to shit for him. I mean, he was drunk and looking like shit at the party and unsurprisingly took it out on Cap when he saw him. Trying to take them both down. Because ofc, it's not Damien's fault his wife divorced him when she was told he was cheating. Not his fault Cap finally got away from him. If everyone sees how fucked up Cap is then they'll want to drop him too and leave him with nothing.
So say, goodbye to your Mr. Nice Guy You got your wish, he's rotting in hell
I'd say this is Cap immediately after moving. When he wasn't super approachable and still kept to himself. Damien sort of broke him and he decides if he doesn't let anyone in, he can't be hurt. And then it happens again after the party. Just as he's feeling safe and comfortable, the peace is broken and Cap goes back to hiding away after having yelled at his friends when they were trying to help him. He does make things right with them but in those moments, he lashes out and tries pushing people away.
I'm up all night when you think I'm sleeping People pleasing's never good for your health
First line is, again, Cap and Damien sleeping together. That unease Cap felt after they were finished and having to sneak out when really he wanted someone who'd let him stay and make him feel wanted. And that second line is...yeah that's pretty Cap. When he talks about how he's sorta given up on love and intimacy because he doesn't deserve it so he just lets others see him how they want to see him.
On this episode of "Friend or Foe", you're throwing stones
Friend or Foe is obviously Damien. The way he changes from being all interested in what Cap has to say to just getting straight to using him. And Cap having to figure out which one it'll be. Part of him wants to believe "friend" for the simple fact that Damien told him Cap was lucky he was still around. Manipulative mf >:(
I could give you the world, but you'd poison the seas I could let down my guard, but then all that I'd be is just your [punching bag]
God this fuckin line. The contrast between Damien and Cap. The way Cap is so full of affection that he wants to give someone. Even though he's been told otherwise and began to believe it, all he really wants is to be happy and have someone who'll share that with him (*cough* pat <3 *cough cough*) And someone he can actually be around without having to pretend to be something else or shut down his emotions to keep being with them. Someone he feels safe with (god this poor man). But then there's Damien. The complete opposite of all that. If the man wanted that, he wouldn't be cheating on his wife while mistreating the "side piece". Damien who, most likely, was not out and probably was very repressed and couldn't express that in any healthy manner.
Thank you for coming to my TEDTalk :)
This song goes so hard and has been stuck in my head for days now but I only just made connections to LtF with it. Also there's the "bridge" (second chorus sung differently) that has some nice harmonies. Love your writing as always :)))
hey!! thank you for this! I'm sorry that it took me so long to answer it <3 <3
You're so right that this song has very early LtF vibes, especially with Cap and his relationship with Damien.
I feel like "Hanging on by the strings that you're pulling So you cut me down just to push me around" is also really relevant to when Cap goes to Damien after his mum dies and Damien (in my mind, deliberately) brings up his wife for the first time. He really does just do it to be cruel and also because he realises how much genuine dependence Cap has on him - he wants the dependence but not the baggage that comes with it at all, so he very effectively cuts him off.
"Take it out on someone who won't hit you back 'Til we're all as broken as you" so true, this is definitely about the party! damien never thought there would be consequences for his actions and i imagine his friends and family found out about his cheating and he's no longer in their good books and he really doesn't like how that feels. and then he sees Cap dancing and looking happy with some other guy? despite all the hard work he put in to drag him down? nuh uh not on his watch. but he still knows him well enough, and knows that it's only been like, 4 months and Cap can't unlearn all his shite that quickly.
"So say, goodbye to your Mr. Nice Guy You got your wish, he's rotting in hell"
this is defo Cap immediately after moving and at the party! just the return of the cap who tries to remain detached from his feelings (that kind of dissociating he was doing at the beginning, even before his mother died, leaving damien's at like 4am and going for walks etc, having damien be the puppet master so he didn't have to worry about being in control of his own life).
"I'm up all night when you think I'm sleeping People pleasing's never good for your health"
yes, definitely agree with everything you've said about this!
"On this episode of "Friend or Foe", you're throwing stones"
same with this!
"I could give you the world, but you'd poison the seas I could let down my guard, but then all that I'd be is just your [punching bag]"
this line makes me feel like a punching bag, crikey. i just hate to think of Cap in the early stages of their relationship, trying to be the best version of himself, trying to think of interesting things to say to Damien, trying to be outwardly happy even though he's still fucked up about Havers. and then the slow realisation that he doesn't need to do any of these things at all and that he's misinterpreted this man completely but he's also the closest he'll get to love any time soon.
thank you so much for your TEDtalk!! you know i love them so much!! <3 <3 <3 <3
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girltomboy · 7 months
Having a pretty sweet and relaxing time at my parents' house. Taking some time off to visit them was a good idea. Their new house looks and feels lovely, although the yard/fence/general exterior are not yet totally finished (obviously the interior was a priority so they can move in lol) which was a bit disappointing because I expected to spend a lot of time sitting outside in the sun 😭 but those are just my own selfish delusions, the weather is gloomy anyway so the best option is to sit inside and revel in the comfort and safety of the house. I thrifted a cute Sailor Moon hoodie (I've never watched Sailor Moon lmao) and a sweatshirt in the exact shade of blue I've been looking for. I also got a pretty & comfy wind jacket in a sky blue shade, a Minolta vintage film camera that only cost me 6 euros, and some modelling clay (been wanting to make a little hamster for my coworker 😁). I miss hanging out with my boyfriend for hours - lack of privacy is preventing me from doing that, but I'm having a nice time with my parents too.
I've been having these super weird dreams ever since I got here, literally every night. And not to sound weird, but hear me out: I think it's because of the mirror that's facing the bed in my parents' new extra bedroom. Like, I did read a lot about room arrangement and how the mirror placement will influence the mood of the room, but that didn't really apply to me much, because there was also a mirror hanging on the wall facing my bed in my childhood bedroom, AND one "behind" the bed, and that hasn't caused me any weird sleep experiences. Maybe the two mirrors facing each other and sandwiching the bed cancel out the bad feng shui? BUT I also have a mirror facing my bed at my apartment, and generally I'm fine, save for a few weird dreams every now and then. That's just me and my brain. But here my dreams have been wild and weird ever since I arrived lol. And a lot of them are related to the things I see and read during the day - unusual for me. Normally my dreams are super random.
Anyway, enough about sleep and dreams. Today in my waking hours I will be reading, maybe doodling a bit, rummaging through some boxes and bags for my old college stuff - books, notebooks, and other objects, and also going outside to chill. I realized I barely went outside ever since I got here (the absence of a fence will do that) and I briefly walked to the back of my parents' yard this morning while on a call with my bf, and it was pretty pleasant, especially thanks to the walnut tree that shed a lot of leaves and basically created this bed of leaves curtained by the bare branches hanging low. It was so cozy and fresh.
Btw my parents went to church and returned saying my aunt asked about me, so I told them she should come over (no one came to visit ever since they finished the house, which is bizarre; apparently my stepdad's brother and his wife - my aunt - were taken aback by how similar it looks to their own house, which is true to an extent, but it feels like such a petty reason to refuse a visit to your BROTHER'S NEW HOUSE, considering you are supposedly on good terms no beef? 💀) and my parents were like "No, you should come to church this afternoon". I reminded them that I don't have any "nice" (AKA acceptable by the church's unspoken & unwritten superficial standards 😛) clothes here, to which they (my mom) replied "then wear your jeans"??? Lmao I mean in any other context this would be reasonable, I've seen people come to church in casual clothing and it's a normal thing for someone who just wants to go to church, it should be common practice. But unfortunately the people in this church turn attendance into a fashion show & contest, gossip fuel, and ego stroking party. And I really don't want to gather like any attention whatsoever from anyone there tbh. And there's also this tiny detail called ummm I don't want to go 👁️👄👁️ so yeah terrible idea. I told them I don't feel comfortable with that suggestion, so they dropped it for now. So I'm just gonna go about my day.
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lebubblyblogger · 2 years
How unlucky can I get???
So here’s what happened during my semester break. 
Today is the 2nd of July, 2022. I am WORKING...Yes, I had 3 weeks break from Uni and I decided to spend those 3 weeks working at my old workplace as a casual worker. You know what this means? not only I get to see my old co-workers, but I also got to see Jason!! I had so many shifts with him actually. We mostly did work and stuff but we still talked a lot and had a good time. On one of our closing shifts, Dean had an idea about a “plan of date” I guess. He recently went to the museum with his wife, he said that it was really fun and he wanted us to go there too. Dean kinda mentioned it a little bit to both of us, sort of hinting that me and Jason should both go. Few minutes later, Dean came up to me and he said that I should “ask him if he wants to go to the museum with you”. I was really scared and nervous, coz everything so far was going well, it wasn’t awkward at all, I was very happy and content to where things are going right now. However, I also wanted to take the chance to hang out with him again. The last time me and Jason hung out was last year, we both went to this asian restaurant, he surprisingly enjoyed it actually...Anyway, it took me a few minutes until I finally decided to ask him. So I did, and to my surprise...HE SAID SUREEEE. I was honestly not expecting that, there was honestly no hesitation to his answer...And at first, not gonna lie, I thought he was just bullshitting.... I thought he didn’t mean to say yes or anything, it almost didn’t seem genuine. I told him a day later that I was free next Tuesday. He said “I’ll see”. At this moment, I was thinking “alright, he’s going to say no...his answer sounds forced...maybe he feels bad??what it he secretly hates me???” all of these thoughts are coming up in my head, I was overthinking a lot....Until yesterday...it was my last shift with him...I was going to say bye, but before I could even mention the plan again...He was the one who brought it up. He said “Are you going now? Is it your last day? I see...well about Tuesday...I will say yes for now unless they gave me an extra shift on that day, but yes, I’ll go with you on Tuesday.” NOW HERE’S WHAT I’M THINKING. If he actually didn’t care, he would just brush off the topic right? or not even mention it...BUT NOOO, HE WAS THE ONE WHO BROUGHT IT UP BEFORE I LEFT! So in my opinion, that alone proves that he is being serious about taking me to the museum - which I’ve never been before....SOO COOOL: TUESDAY, MUSEUM, AFTER 12PM....right?? 
You see, I was super stoked and excited about this. But it all went to shit within 24 hours....
I went to work again today as usual (it was my last day before coming back to Uni). I was telling Dean how excited I was and how I couldn’t wait until Tuesday. After my shift, I said bye to everyone, I went upstairs, checked my phone, went to my sisters texts and saw a photo that she just sent an hour ago. GUESS WHAT? IT WAS A PHOTO OF A POSITIVE COVID RAT TEST. Now idk about the rest of the world, but if someone has covid in my household, every household member has to isolate for a week. So that’s what I need to do. Cool right? get to miss a whole week of Uni. Then I realised....SHIT MY HANG OUT WITH JASON IS IN 3 DAYS!!! I’M GOING TO MISS IT!!! FUCCCKKKK MYYYY LIIIIIFFEEE!!! What is my luck right now? this would have been the perfect opportunity to hang out with him....for realzies...but this stupid virus has to ruin everything for me...AGAAAINN. UGH!! I already messaged Jason about this, he hasn’t replied yet as of now. My isolation period is only for a week though, hopefully I at least have one free day 2 weeks from now, and HOPEEFULY HE IS ALSO FREE. I’m still waiting for him to reply. All I have to do is wait now....Please sweet Jesus let him reply ASAP. 
Anyway gtg now, I’m sleepy af. 
Edit (3rd July, 2022): HE REPLIED!!! He said alg, he won’t be taking any more extra shifts after this week!!! NICEE. Now let’s hope I don’t get the virus 🙏. Alright I’m tired, going to sleep now, see y’all whenever :))
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Let The Bells Ring (A Stricklake Wedding)
Good news everyone! I was finally able to motivate myself to finish this fanfic, which took me weeks due to work and weak motivation lol. Since I’ve been sick this week with not much to do, I was able to motivate myself to power through!
So this is a continuation of my Making Things Right fic, which is an alternate ROTT ending where the timeline is NOT reset and everyone lives and gets to attend the Stricklake wedding! This in general is how I imagine a Stricklake wedding going, regardless of the overall plot of ROTT. I got so much inspiration for this from throughout the fandom, including @bklily & @undeadchestnut <3 Enjoy!
In the weeks to come, the people of Arcadia and perhaps, the whole world would continue to recover from what would’ve been a large-scale apocalypse. To celebrate the end of this war and help everyone with healing, Barbara and Strickler felt that they should get married as soon as possible. Barbara nearly lost Strickler in his attempt to save Jim and stop the ice titan, and she was never more determined to tie the knot and be with him for the rest of her life. It was thanks to her excellent medical skills that both him and Nomura were able to recover from their life-threatening injuries, even though his wings were permanently damaged from the blast.
The day of the wedding arrived on a bright spring as the flowers began to bloom in the trees across Arcadia. Everyone was busy and super pumped getting ready for the big day. Claire, along with Aja, Darci, and Mary were all getting ready in her room. With Papa Skull music playing, they did their hair, nails, and makeup while also fooling around quite a bit. Aja sat right in front of the mirror back in her human form after a very long time.
“I’ve never been to a human marriage party before!” She squealed in excitement as her girlfriends did her hair and makeup.
“We’re so glad you can be with us, Aj,” Darci responded wholeheartedly as she pulled Aja’s light blonde hair into a beautiful, flowery updo with some loose hairs falling to the side. Claire and Mary both focused on getting her makeup done and when they were finally done, Aja gazed into the mirror in awe. 
“Wow! I look.. I look soo..”
“Lively!” The girls cheerfully finished the sentence for her.
“Hey Claire Bear, Darc and I are gonna grab a few things from my car. You and Aja finish getting ready, ok?” Said Mary as she and Darci left the room. Claire helped Aja get into her hot pink strapless dress, and Aja couldn’t help but squeal in excitement and twirl around in her high-low skirt. Aja quickly enveloped Claire into a tight hug.
“Oh thank you so much Claire! This is amazing!”
Both girls chuckled and smiled at each other.
“Also,” Aja started. “It’s so nice to have another girl to fight side by side with, I don’t get to do that a lot. And your shadows of magic are so lively!”
“Thanks! And yeah same. Boys clubs can get pretty annoying, haha,” Claire joked. "We should definitely hang out more," Aja nodded in agreement and they both smiled warmly at each other. 
“We’re back!” Mary said as she and Darci finally came back with more accessories. After they all finished getting ready, Mary took out her phone and they all posed for a selfie.
“Aw C-Bomb! It’s so good to have you back! We missed you like crazy when you left Arcadia! You and Aja!” She squealed cheerfully, squeezing Claire into a tight hug. Darci joined in and grabbed Aja as well. “Yeah girl! Don’t ever leave us out of nowhere like that again,” Darci said with a frown as she hugged Claire tighter. Claire chuckled and took both of their hands. “Don’t worry, I don’t plan on leaving anytime soon. It would be nice to take a break once in a while, hopefully,” She assured her girlfriends and hugged them again.
Moments later, the girls rode in Mary's car to Jim's house. When Aja got out from the back seat, the front door suddenly flew open and Steve ran out to her.
"My royal, ninja-kicking angel is here!" He yelled. 
Without any hesitation, he swung Aja up from her feet and spun her around as she screamed joyously. He kissed her so passionately that Aja eventually started pushing him.
"Steve!" She chuckled. "My makeup! You're going to mess it up!" Steve laughed and then they both pressed their foreheads together and smiled lovingly as they held each other.
Jim stood at the front door watching and shaking his head while the remaining girls chuckled and let out some "awws" from the car. Claire eventually opened the door and walked out from the front seat, and Jim couldn't help but let out a "woah."
Claire stepped out in glimmering heels and wore a beautiful, midnight dress with a slit to the side. She smiled at Jim and her smoky eyeshadow made her beautiful, brown eyes glow even more. She walked up to him and he gently took her hands in his.
"You ready to be the greatest best man?" She asked. 
"Ready as I can get," Jim chuckled awkwardly and scratched the back of his head. Claire smiled, then cupped his cheeks in her hands and leaned forward to press her lips against his. When she finally pulled back, she carefully stroked his hair and tucked it behind his ear.
"Good luck, I know you got this," 
Jim smiled and put his hand on hers, letting out a sigh of relief. 
Toby and Aaarrrgghh walked out of the front door beside them and the three trollhunters smiled at one another. It's good they were all back together. And actually happy this time! Toby walked over to Jim and Claire for an affectionate group hug while Darci and Mary walked over.
"Toby!" Darci screamed as she ran over to hug her boyfriend. With a massive smile on his face, Toby hugged her back and held her tight.
"Oh TP! It's so good to have you back! I missed you so so much!" She started, her eyes tearing up. Toby on the other hand, after everything he went through, just wanted to revel in this moment
"It's good to be back, Darc," he responded softly. 
Darci smiled at him and was totally digging his wedding look. "Looking good in a tux, TP,"
Aaarrrgghh nodded in agreement. "Mmm, Fancy,"
Toby put his hands on his hips and smirked. "Oh, well, yeah I do gotta look awesome-sauce for Dr. L's wedding, am I right?"
The gang laughed and finally went inside the house. Everyone headed towards the backyard except for Jim, who waited by the stairs. Toby and Claire looked back at him and gave him a nod of good luck before walking out the door.
Later that evening, more guests arrived and filled the seats in the backyard and Strickler waited for his bride at the altar. Blinky stood behind the stand mic with a piece of heartstone in his hand. Nomura stood by where Barbara soon would be. After all the help she's gotten and the time they spent together, Nomura became so close to Barbara that she gladly accepted her request to be her maid of honor. They were surrounded by a magical, embellished flower arch made by none other than Nari. Bright lights twinkled all around the place and soft, mellow tunes filled the atmosphere, played by both Krel on his keyboard and Douxie on his guitar. They high-fived each other for successfully setting a romantic mood.
Jim stood inside his house and then suddenly, he heard click-clacking from the stairs. It was his mother, so beautiful in her lace white dress. He couldn't help but tear up at the sight of his mom finally being happy again. She made it down the stairs and wrapped Jim in a warm hug. 
"I love you so much, kiddo," Barbara told her son as her voice began to break. "I'm so proud of how far you've come and couldn't be any happier to be walked down the aisle by my beautiful boy,"
Jim held her even tighter as he chuckled lightly, tears falling down his cheeks. Barbara then looked at him lovingly as she wiped his tears. She leaned forward to kiss his forehead, then put her arms in his as they began heading towards the back door.
The guests looked around as the beautiful bride made her way down the aisle. Strickler couldn't stop gazing and smiling at his soon-to-be wife as she walked towards him, returning his smile. Barbara finally stood looking towards him and Jim stood by Strickler's side as his best man. Blinky finally cleared his throat and approached the mic.
"Greetings everyone. We are gathered here today to join our dearly beloved Barbara Lake and Walter Strickler in holy matrimony. After everything that has transpired in Arcadia over the past few years, what a blessing it is for all of us to congregate here to cherish and celebrate this union. Despite all the trials and tribulations that have been faced by this lovely pair, well of course the unusual beginning they’ve had..." 
Strickler cleared his throat, interrupting Blinky’s speech. Jim couldn’t resist letting out a little chuckle. “Uh, Mr Blinky,” Barbara whispered. “We don’t need to go into all the details. What’s in the past can stay in the past. What’s most important is the here and now,”
“Right, right, right,” Blinky continued clumsily. “These two warriors have persevered through it all, the thick and the thin leading up to this very special moment. From this day forth, they will continue to strive and triumph together for the rest of their lives. Now may I have the rings?” 
The audience clapped while Blinky signaled for Archie to fly over and bring the cushion that bore the rings.
“Now both of you place your hands on this heartstone as you say your vows. Do you, Walter Strickler, take Barbara Lake to be your lawfully wedded wife?”
Strickler took a deep breath, then smiled wholeheartedly and answered. “Yes, I do,” Followed by the clapping in the audience, Blinky turned to face Barbara.
“Do you, Barbara Lake, take Walter Strickler to be your lawfully wedded husband?”
“I do” Barbara responded softly, with light tears in her eyes as she smiled brightly at her soon-to-be husband. They let go of the glowing heartstone, then took their rings and gently placed them on each of their left ring fingers. They finally held hands tightly in excitement and couldn’t take their eyes off of each other.
“I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may now kiss,” 
Strickler pulled Barbara closer to him and they finally leaned in for a warm kiss. Loud cheers spread throughout the audience with some sniffles of joy. Jim stood by wiping tears off his cheeks. Finally! Nothing brought more happiness into his heart than to see his own mother finally again, just as she deserved. And never did he expect that someone he once resented would eventually become someone so dear to both him and his mother. 
Claire looked towards Douxie across the front row and they both nodded. Absorbing shadows from around her, she released a couple of black and purple shimmering doves into the sky and in turn, Douxie cast out beautiful blue sparkles to light up the scene even more. A round of oohs and aahs echoed was followed by a standing ovation.
A few moments later, Barbara turned around and was ready to throw the bouquet to a competitive crowd of single ladies of all ages and… Varvatos, who’s made it his quest to be the next in line for Nancy. As the bouquet suddenly flew into the air and was falling back down, out of nowhere, a shadow portal opened and swallowed it up. The audience gasped and looked around in confusion as another portal opened and the bouquet was caught by Claire. She glanced over at Jim whose eyes widened and cheeks turned pure red. In response, she winked at him as he sheepishly smiled back and waved. All the other ladies grunted and Mary and Darci approached her. 
“Claire Bear! You’re not supposed to do that here! That’s cheating!” Darci told her with her arms crossed while Mary nodded in agreement. Claire chuckled and held the bouquet victoriously as she went to sit back down. “Um, I don’t remember there being a rule book for bouquet tosses as far as I’m concerned,” 
“Preposterous!” Exclaimed Varvatos. “It should’ve been I who won this battle for Nancy!” He heard Nancy walk up to him giggling and grabbing his arm. “Oh Varvatos, you don’t need a bouquet to marry me! I’m way past that!” Varvatos’s eyes glew up and he let out a big smile. “Glorious!” He yelled. laughing maniacally. 
Later that night, everyone got up and slow-danced to the sweet, charming tunes that Krel played. Douxie danced with Zoe, who he finally caught up with and they got to hunt niffins and grab burgers together as promised. Toby and Darci danced together and enjoyed their well-needed reunion, sharing a few kisses here and there. While Steve and Aja danced, they discussed their future plans and whether they would be together on Akiridion-5 or remain long distance.
“Well now, since we got wormholes and stuff, maybe I could come to you more often on Akiridion-5 while finishing college and who knows what will happen next?” Steve started as he held Aja and slightly dipped her. She smiled back at him and pushed her hair behind her ear. “You know, I really miss this mudball and seeing you more. I think maybe I too, should come visit and go on more Earth dates,”
Jim shared a short and sweet dance with mother then hugged her so tightly, before Strickler walked over to them and asked if could borrow his wife for another dance. Jim went over to Krel’s turntable and whispered something in his ears. Suddenly the music stopped as Krel plugged Jim’s phone to his turntable and pressed play. 
Claire sat and chatted with Mary and a couple of friends when she suddenly froze. It was a familiar melody that took her back to the night of Spring Fling, her first ever dance with Jim. The guitar strings of Eres Tu played as she turned around and saw Jim hold out his hands to her. She looked up at him smiling and grabbed his hand. She got up and walked with him further away from the crowd until they were almost alone but could still hear the song. They started dancing as the Spanish lyrics began to be sung, while Jim sang along parts of the song, just like last time. 
“Nice little trick you did back there with the flowers,” Jim joked as he spun her around. Claire chuckled and blushed a little. “Oh I bet you wanted me to be the one to catch it. But don’t worry, there’s no rushing into this. We just enjoy every moment together and take this all little by little, ok?” She assured him. He smiled back at her and stroked her cheek. It was so good that they finally got to enjoy this moment of peace without needing to defeat gumm-gumms or evil wizards trying to destroy the world. For both of them, it was a relief that neither of them felt the need to dread any upcoming battles hopefully for years to come. Without any further talking, they just danced together slowly reminiscing their beautiful memories they’ve had throughout their relationship, putting a warm smile on each of their faces. Jim spun Claire, then hugged her from behind and kissed her cheek, while Claire’s smile only got bigger and brighter.
From a distance, Barbara and Walter watched Jim dance with Claire while they too danced. “You’ve raised an amazing son, Barbara. Young Atlas has come so far in life and he wouldn’t have become the man he did without an amazing mother like you,”
“He’s also had a wonderful person like you come into his life and help him grow a lot. I couldn’t be more thankful he had you and Mr. Blinky help him become a strong trollhunter,”
The stars continued glimmering in the night sky as everyone enjoyed the rest of the wedding. A cool breeze blew through and the petals on the flowers and the twinkling lights slowly flowed along. The heroes of Arcadia have truly found an adventure worth telling for generations to come, whether it was on Earth, the caverns below, or on Akiridion-5. It was a one of a kind adventure that each hero will continue to remember and hold onto no matter what comes next. Despite all the trauma and heartbreak they all went through, they have also gained so much strength and wisdom, along with many great allies that will always stay together whatever comes next.
Thank you so much for reading this fic! I know this was super long but I definitely put in a lot of stuff that I wanted to see in the TOA series, including Aja and Claire bonding and a happy ending with a Stricklake wedding! I know this isn’t the best I’ve written and that I wasn’t able to give each character but I’m glad I was able to get it done! Stay tuned for more and hopefully more focus on other characters!
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nowandajenn · 3 years
Blue Christmas- Eight
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Pairing: Chris Evans/OC Kelly
Summary: After almost three years of marriage, everyone would tell you that Chris and his wife Kelly are the most stable, solid couple they know. But behind closed doors, things are tense as they keep trying for a baby, to no avail. When a secret threatens to shake their solid marriage to it’s core, will they be able to pick up the pieces?
I do not consent to have my content, whether it be this story or anything else of my creation, posted by a third party on any other platform other than right here without my permission. This blog is 18+ and is not intended for minors. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Heed the warnings.
Warnings: mentions of cheating, smut, language, angst, mentions of miscarriage. If any of this is triggering to you, do not read. 
A/N: This is going to be very dialogue heavy, and will have flashbacks of the night that Chris cheated and everything that happened. Flashbacks will be in italics. Just a warning, this chapter is a BEAST. There’s a lot to unpack, and it’s going to be super emotional. 
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December 29
Chris watches from his seat in the comfortable leather recliner in our living room as I twist my wedding and engagement rings around on my finger. It’s a nervous little habit that I do without even really realizing it or thinking about it. A million thoughts cross his mind as he sits silently, waiting for me to say something. 
After taking a few deep breaths to try and steel myself for the conversation that I KNOW that Chris and I need to have, I finally look up from the floor and at him. 
“Do you want a divorce?” Okay, the thousand different times I pictured this conversation happening in my head, that was definitely NOT one of the ways. Apparently my mouth and brain aren’t communicating very well today. 
Chris looks up at me, his expression aghast. 
“Wha-.......” he tries to speak, but is too stunned to even form the words. 
“Is that why you cheated? You don’t want to be with me anymore, so you went somewhere else for whatever is it that you weren’t getting from me?”
“No! Jesus Christ, no! I love you. I love you so much that it hurts. I can’t imagine my life without you. No, I don’t want a divorce.” he tells me. 
“Okay, if that’s not it, then you have to help me out here. Because I don’t understand what possible reason you could have for cheating. It had to be something that I did. Or something I didn’t do. I need you to tell me what happened. Because until I have all the facts and I understand what the hell happened, we can’t move forward.” 
He sits forward in the chair and sighs. 
“What do you want me to tell you?” 
“I want you to tell me what happened that night after we FaceTimed. I want to know what happened between then and the next morning.” I tell him. 
“You KNOW what happened.” he says miserably. 
I shake my head. “No, I know the end result. I want you to walk me through every single thing that happened that night. Everything you were thinking, everything you did.”
“Why? What good is that going to do? What’s the goddamn point? How is me telling you everything that happened going to help ANYTHING? All it’s going to do is hurt you more, and I can’t do that. I won’t.”
“The point is, if we have even the smallest hope of getting through this intact, with our MARRIAGE intact, I need to understand this. I need to know. I need to know, because when I go to sleep at night, all I can see in my head is all the things that I imagine happened that night. And I need to know if what actually happened is better or worse than what I can imagine happened. I have a right, as your wife, to know what you did.” 
Chris looks up, silently pleading with you to not make him do this, but he knows that you’re right. You do deserve to know, even if it’s going to devastate you. 
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“After we got off the phone, I had to go right back into interviews and there was two more photo calls we had to do, so by the time we got done it was about 7:30 that night. I was distracted the whole time. I hated that we fought, and I felt like an asshole, and I just wanted to call you back and apologize, but I didn’t have time. Plus, I figured that we both probably needed a little bit of time to cool down. I told myself that I was going to call you that night before I went to bed so we could talk more and I could apologize to you. We all got out of there, and Cate and Robert and the rest of them wanted to go to dinner, so we came back to the hotel, changed, and then went out to eat.” Chris tells me. 
“What time did you get back from dinner?” 
“Around 10, I think. It couldn’t have been much later than that. Everyone else was talking about going out and finding a bar or a club to go to, but I just wanted to come back to the hotel and relax. I wasn’t in the mood to be around a lot of people.” 
I pull my feet up on the couch and tuck them under me. 
“Okay, so you got back to the hotel, and then what did you do?” 
For as tired as he was, Chris couldn’t relax. He tried taking a hot shower, laying in bed watching TV, browsing social media, and flipping through pictures on his phone. Finally, after about 45 minutes and getting more and more keyed up and anxious, he decides to go down to the hotel bar. 
When he walks in, the place is empty except for an older couple seated down at the end and the bartender. Chris slides himself onto one of the stools and the bartender makes her way over to him. 
“Thank God. A friendly face.” she says with a smile. 
Chris glances down the bar at the couple. “They seem pretty friendly.” he remarks. 
“Yeah, but they’ve been here for an hour and they’re literally babying their drinks, and aren’t much for conversation that doesn’t involve each other. I’m bored out of my mind.” 
She stick her hand out. “I’m Jo.”
Chris reaches across the bar and shakes her hand with his own. “Chris. Nice to meet you.”
“So, Chris, what’s your poison?”
“What was her name?” I ask him. He just referred to her as “the bartender” and “she”. 
He runs his hand down his face and over his beard. 
“I don’t......I honestly can’t remember. It was one of those boys names for a girl. You know.....Alex or Max or James.......I don’t......I can’t remember.” 
I cover my face with my hands and take a deep breath. I want to scream already, and he’s not even deep into the story. I shake my head slightly. 
“You slept with this girl, and you don’t even remember her NAME.” I say softly. 
Chris hangs his head. 
“Keep going.” 
She pours him another measure of whiskey, along with a shot for herself. They clink glasses and swallow the amber liquid, letting it burn it’s way down. 
“So what did you and your wife fight about?” she asks him. 
Chris sighs. 
“It’s......it’s complicated.”
“Hey, I’m a bartender, which means that I’m a really great listener. It’s practically a job requirement. You might feel better if you talk about it.” 
“We’re trying to have a baby.”
“Soo....what’s the problem. Trying is the fun part!” 
“We’ve been trying for a year and a half almost, and nothing’s happening. She’s perfect; there’s absolutely nothing wrong with her that would keep her from getting pregnant, but it’s just not happening. And we both want a baby so bad, and the look on her face when......it fucking kills me.” 
He knows that he shouldn’t be telling a complete stranger all of this, especially considering who he is, but the alcohol has loosened his tongue, and if he doesn’t spill his guts to someone, he’s going to explode. 
Jo puts a soft, warm hand over his. 
“I’m sorry, That has to be tough. For both of you.” she says softly. 
“I mean, I guess I never thought that it would take actual work, you know? I assumed that ‘hey, if we just keep having sex, eventually she’s going to get pregnant’ and it would be easy. She’s getting scared and fed up and talking about adoption and fertility doctors, and I hate seeing her so stressed out and upset, and I kind of just.....I said some things and made it worse and I feel like a complete fucking jackass.” 
“What if you guys can’t have kids?” 
“As much as I want to have kids with her, I don’t need them to be happy. As long as I have Kelly in my life, I’ll be perfectly happy. Do I want to be a dad? Yeah, absolutely. But there are so many kids out there that need good homes, so there are other options, but I don’t think that we’re there yet, you know?”
I get up and storm out of the room with Chris right on my heels. 
“Kelly, wait, please.....”
He touches my arm and I spin around to face him, and the look in my eyes makes him fall back a step. 
I’m so pissed off and hurt right now I could spit nails. 
“You......you told her.....EVERYTHING. You told her.....EVERYTHING. EVERYTHING, Chris! Do you even......do you even fucking understand what you did? Like.....” 
I squat down close to the floor and put my head between my knees. My heart is pounding and I’m so worked up that I’m afraid I’m going to pass out if I don’t calm down. And I’m not going anywhere or doing anything until I get the whole damn story. 
“Look, I know-” 
I look up at him incredulously. 
“No! No, you don’t know! You don’t know shit! You fucking betrayed me, in every single sense of the word. You didn’t just fuck her, you told her, a complete stranger, about me. About us trying to have a baby. You told her about things that you never even fucking bothered to tell me! Do you realize that she could go to the press? She could go and spill all of these juicy little secrets that you spilled to her over shots of Jack and have herself a nice little pay day.”
“Kelly, you wanted to know what happened that night, so I’m telling you what happened, despite everything inside of me screaming at me not to. I’m not going to lie to you or keep things from you. You wanted to know everything.” Chris says. 
I squeeze my eyes shut and grit my teeth so hard that my jaw hurts. 
“I can’t look at you right now. I need a break.” I tell him, grabbing my jacket. I grab Dodger’s leash off the peg in the hallway and call for him. 
Dodger trots over, tongue lolling out of his mouth, happy to be going on a walk. 
“I’ll be back in a while.” 
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Forty five minutes later, I’m in the utility room stripping off my wet clothes after getting Dodger dry and wiping off his paws. 
Chris stops pacing the kitchen when he sees me walking through the house in my bra and underwear. 
“What happened to your clothes?” he asks. 
“Dodger saw a squirrel and got excited and kind of dragged me through a snow bank.” I sigh. I throw my clothes in the dryer and make my way into our room to get changed. 
“Dodge, come on.....” Chris admonishes. Dodger just jumps up on the bed and curls up. 
I throw on a pair of gray sweatpants and a blue Patriots hoodie that’s hung over the back of the chair in our room and sit down on the side of the bed. 
“I want to know the rest.” I tell Chris. 
He sits down heavily on the end of the bed. 
“No, you don’t.” 
I swallow thickly. “You’re right. I don’t. But it doesn’t matter, because you’re going to tell me anyway.” 
Hours pass with Jo and Chris laughing and talking and flirting back and forth, until it’s 1am and the bar closes for the night. 
“Thanks for sticking around and hanging out tonight. I think I would have died of sheer boredom if you hadn’t.” Jo laughs softly. She offered to walk him back to his room as he was pretty well drunk and a little unsteady on his feet. 
“It was no problem. I didn’t really want to be alone tonight to be honest. I used to do really well on my own. I was used to it, and then......I wasn’t alone.” Chris tells her. 
Once they reach his room, they linger outside for a few minutes, both of them not really wanting the night to end. Jo steps closer to him, knowing exactly what she wants and completely unashamed about it. 
“You should kiss me.” she says softly, looking up at him with big doe eyes. She places her hands on his chest and instead of immediately backing away like he should have, he leans into her touch. 
Chris closes his eyes as he feels his mouth go dry and a strange fluttery feeling in his stomach. He hasn’t really felt this way since....
He opens his eyes and breathes out deeply. “I can’t. I’m married. I’m married and I’m insanely in love with my wife.” 
“So? You should kiss me anyway. I can tell you want to. You’ve been flirting with me all night.” she says, taking a step closer. “I won’t tell anyone. I promise. You need a way to release all this tension you’ve got, and I’m more than willing to help you out anyway I can.” 
Before his brain can scream at him to stop, he’s wrapping his arms around her and covering her mouth with his, kissing her soundly. It’s a battle of teeth and tongues, both of them trying to take control from the other. Without breaking apart, Chris manages to get his key card out of his pocket and gets the door open, pushing both of them through it and slamming it behind them. 
“This never goes beyond this room. We never talk about this ever again.” Chris gasps, pulling away from her just long enough to get the words out. 
“Absolutely.” she agrees. 
Clothes are torn off and tossed to the floor in a frenzy, and as soon as Chris drops his pants and boxers, Jo sinks to her knees and takes him in her mouth, swallowing him almost all the way down. 
“Oh, fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Christ, yes, just like that.” he moans out. 
He brings his right hand to her hair, holding it in a makeshift ponytail while his left hand goes to her shoulder. 
She almost makes him lose his mind with the things she can do with her tongue, and within minutes, he’s fucking her face roughly as spit runs down her chin and tears are springing to her eyes from the assault on her throat, but she loves it. She has the man she’s fantasized about for years shoving his cock down her throat, and she’s never been more turned on in her life. She smirks to herself as she wonders if his wife ever sucks him off like THIS. 
When he can’t stand it anymore, Chris pulls her off his dick and takes a few deep breaths. 
“I need a condom.” 
“Right. I have one in my purse.” she tells him as she reaches for her bag and finds it and hands it to him. 
“Get on the bed. On your hands and knees.” he says roughly. While her mouth was wrapped around him, he was mesmerized and couldn’t look away, but now he finds that he doesn’t even want to look at her face. He rolls the condom over his cock, giving it a few strokes before sinking into her from behind.
Tears stream down my face as I process all of what Chris just told me, and I can’t even BREATHE with how devastated I feel. It’s like a hole just got punched through my chest. I try and take a breath in, but it turns into a strangled sob and I drop my head into my hands and just let it out. 
Chris swallows thickly, wiping away his own tears as he watches me fall apart  across from him, wishing that he could do something.....ANYTHING to take all the pain away. To go back and undo everything that he did so you wouldn’t hurt. All he feels is deep, unrelenting shame and he knows in his gut that if you asked for a divorce after hearing all of his sins laid bare, he wouldn’t be surprised or even have the right to be devastated. He made his bed. 
I feel bile rising in my throat, and I stumble to my feet and race to the downstairs bathroom, falling to my knees and vomiting painfully as the image of my husband kissing this woman and fucking her run through my head. I barely notice Chris come into the bathroom until I feel him pulling my hair back and securing it with a hair tie, and rubbing my back softly. I can’t even find the breath or the energy to tell him to get away from me and drop dead. 
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I’m so damn tired. Like, I don’t think I’ve ever felt this level of physical and mental exhaustion before. I sink back into the pillows a little more, and look over at Chris. Neither one of us have said a word since he picked me up off the bathroom floor and stood there with his arm around my waist as I brushed my teeth. That was 45 minutes ago. 
“It was just sex?” I ask. 
He exhales. “It was just sex. It was just once.”
I look back up at the ceiling and try and make sense of everything. 
“I don’t understand. I don’t understand any of it. I don’t understand why you would sleep with another woman.”
“I-I don’t know. I was lonely because we were fighting, and I missed you so goddamn much, and I was afraid of what was happening to us with all of the stress and I just......I got drunk, and I did a horrible thing. I did a horrible thing, and I wish that I could take it back. I wish I could take it back so bad it hurts. But I can’t. And I have to live with that for the rest of my life.” Chris says. 
I lift my eyes to meet his. “You were lonely? That’s your excuse? You were lonely, and you were upset. So you stuck your dick in another woman.” 
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I stand at the kitchen sink and drain a glass of water in record time, and refill it. Turns out crying all day and then puking can kind of dehydrate you. I can sense Chris behind me, even though he doesn’t say anything. 
“Two years ago, a couple of weeks after you left for Africa to start shooting the movie, I found out I was pregnant. We hadn’t even officially started trying yet, so it came as a pretty big surprise. But I was so happy, and I couldn’t wait to tell you. I didn’t want to tell you over the phone, especially when you were so far away, so I was going to surprise you when you came home. I had it all planned out. I practiced telling you standing in front of the bathroom mirror, just so I could see the stupid happy look on my face.”
I feel tears prick my eyes, and I swallow down the sob that I feel threatening to come out. I turn towards Chris, and the look on his face is heartbreaking. 
“What?” he breathes out. 
“I was at a job.....I was shooting a birthday party for a little girl who was turning one. All I could think about was that that was going to be us eventually, and it made me so happy. Everything was fine, but then I started having horrible pain in my stomach. It got so bad that I collapsed, and the parents called 911 when they realized that I was bleeding. They did an ultrasound at the hospital, but they couldn’t find the baby’s heartbeat. I had already miscarried. You don’t know anything about feeling lonely until you’re by yourself laying on a table with your feet in stirrups while a doctor cleans out your uterus.”
Chris is sunk down in one of the kitchen chairs with his hand over his mouth and tears running down his face. This is the first time he’s hearing any of this. 
“Why didn’t-” his voice cracks, and he takes a minute and clears his throat before he tries again. “Why the hell didn’t you call me? Why didn’t you tell me? I would have come home!”
“Chris, you were 8,000 miles away from home. There wasn’t anything you could do. It was too late. They had to do the procedure as soon as possible. I didn’t.....I hadn’t told anyone else that I was pregnant. And I didn’t want to call your mom or sisters because I didn’t want them to find out. I knew if they found out they would call you, and you would be devastated. And I couldn’t do that to you when you were so far away. I’m sorry that I didn’t tell you. I was trying to protect you.”
The sound of his fist slamming against the heavy oak table makes me jump. 
“And what about over the last two years? Huh? Don’t you think that I had a right to know? Don’t you think I had the right as your husband, to be there with you? To comfort you? To mourn with you? To even have a fucking clue about what happened?” 
I take a deep breath. 
“You did.  You should have been there. You should have been there with me to hold my hand and cry with me and tell me that it was going to be okay, even though it was a lie. But you weren’t. You were doing your job. I don’t know if you realize it, but when you leave for work or press or whatever it is that you have to leave me for, you’re not the only one who’s lonely. You’re not the only one who has to deal with the silence. But you don’t see me going out and fucking someone else.”
Tears start to swim in my eyes again, and I suddenly feel like if I don’t get out of the house right now, I’m going to suffocate. I’ve been in here with Chris literally all day while we picked apart his affair, and I’m exhausted. I’m hurt and emotional and talking about the baby that we lost just made everything worse.
“I’m gonna go. I just.....I can’t handle anything else today. I know you’re probably really pissed off at me right now, and honestly, the feeling is mutual. Things are already about as bad as they can be, so I’m gonna leave before we have a chance to make it worse.”
The last thing I see before I walk out the door is Chris sitting at the table with his head in his hands, sobbing while Dodger sits on the floor next to him, whining in distress.  
 The Usual Suspects: @averyrogers83 @wordywarriorwrites @imanuglywombat @joannaliceevans-fanficblog @hlkwrites @reminiscingrogers @mom—nicole @jtargaryen18 @alexakeyloveloki @kelbabyblue @sarahp879 @moonlessnight14 @mojean13 @mrskokitztelford @artisticrogers1972 @southerngracela @star-spangled-man-with-a-plan @mybesttobobcratchit @gracethegeek9902 @mdemontespan1667 @marvelfansworld @capslut2014 @dispatchvampire @jamielea81 @jamesbarnesappreciationsociety​ @nerdy-bookworm-1998​ @southerngracela​ @what-is-your-plan-today @letsdisneythings​ @theladybiers @lexeeehhh @sweater-daddiesdumbdork​ @autumnrose40 @donutloverxo​ @harrysthiccthighss​ @jessaywahh-blog​@smediumsmeatbae @before-we-get-started​ @lizette50 @littlegasps @rageshots @what-is-your-backupplan-today @clairebubbles @patzammit @sweet--catrastophe @pandaxnienke @redhairedfeistynerd @hails270105 @syms-things-5 @chezdricks @denisemarieangelina @christ0pher-evans @supersquirrel1996 @thumbeliina​
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lene-loki · 3 years
Never Too Close
Summary: After the events of Avengers: Endgame, (Y/N) Romanoff is mourning the death of her sister Natasha. She is unexpectedly finding comfort in the presence of someone who shares the pain of losing the people he loved.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Natasha Romanoff!Sister Reader
Warnings: Character Death, Spoiler for Avengers: Endgame, Angst, Grief, Suicidal Thoughts
Word Count: 2264 Words
A/N: I hope ya’ll liked this Imagine. Please let me know if you want to get tagged on future Imagines or Series that I want to write. This isn’t proofread and please excuse grammaticaly and verbal mistakes since English isn’t my mother tongue. And now please enjoy!! With Love, Léne xx
(Y/N) = Your Name
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The pouring of the rain sounds like a faint whisper in the distance. When I close my eyes and listen precisely to the rustle I can almost hear the voice I long to hear. I open my eyes when the wind starts to blow into my ear, making my whole body shiver. A raindrop lands directly on top of my cheekbone and gets mixed up with a teardrop that escapes my eye. The wet droplet almost feels like a passing kiss. As if she is standing right beside me and kisses my tears away or maybe she cries from heaven herself and her tears end up on my face. I like to think that she watches me from above. Seeing my every move. Despite the rain a familiar warmth is spreading through my heart, making me feel safe and not alone anymore. My eyes blink the tears away, trying to focus on the words that are written on the wooden cross in front of me. The fact that her death is still so recent that she has to wait for a stone to mark her grave, makes me sob. I have looked so many times at that wooden cross that I started to hate it. She deserves a beautiful, carved stone. Not a dirty, broken cross where her name already starts to fade. But she has to wait. Her coffin isn’t set enough to put a heavy stone on top of the earth. I wipe the back of my hand over my tearstained cheeks before I kneel down in front of the grave. Everyday I bring a new kind of flowers by. Making the earth dissapear in a vibrant, little garden. It helps my own mental health to transform the place of grief into a little paradise for her. And I hope this is exactly where she’s at now. In a paradise. My eyes tear away from the flowers before I start counting them again like I always do. Because the number of the flowers is the number of the days since she passed away. My chest hurts, my heart starts to crumble inside when I once again think about the empty coffin under the ground. My sisters body dissapeard when she sacrificed herself to get the Soul Stone. Now all that remained of her is the memory.
Although it’s past midnight when I leave the graveyard I can’t help but to ring Clint out of his sleep - as well as his wife and his children probably. He picks up the phone with a yawn, his voice raspy from his deep sleep. He is the closest I have to family now and he knows. He always cared for me and Natasha and now that she’s gone he’s supporting me more than ever. Giving me a shoulder to cry on no matter how late it is. That is exactly whe he’s never annoyed when I call him at times like this. My loneliness leads the conversation as I tell him that I don’t know where to go. “Where are you right now, (Y/N)?” I shrug my shoulders even though he can’t see. “I think I’m near the Avengers compound.” My voice is barely louder than a whisper. My throats stil sore from my hour long crying at Natashas grave. “I can pick you up. You can stay at mines if you want.” He suggests and I can hear him fumbling with the bedsheets in the background. Ever since Natashas passing, I stayed at the Avengers compound in her former room. But sometimes it gets too much being surrounded by her memories and her whole life in just that little space. Everything in her room reminds me of her scent, her smile, her voice, the look in her eyes - especially that tiny twinkle in her iris that always appeared when she felt extremely proud of me. I have to pull myself together to not sob again and alarm Clint even more. As much as I want to escape from the compound for a little while, I don’t want to wear out Clints care for me. I feel like I already asked too much of him. “No, it’s okay. I’m sorry that I woke you.” I swallow the lump down in my throat in hopes he doesn’t hear how near I am to losing it all again. He sighs at the other end. “You’re sure?” “Yes.”   “Okay, love. Don’t apologize for calling me.” His voice sounds so soft I could fall asleep immediately on the side of the road. He just has this soothing affect on me. I hang up after telling him that I love him and walk in the dim lights of the streetlamps to the compound.
Inside the building everything is pitch dark. The only light comes from Wandas room. It’s red and spreads in chaotic rays around the space of her own four walls. She surely is training her magic since she still hasn’t full control over her powers what burdened her more than usually the last couple of days. I decide not to disturb the Scarlet Witch and seek refuge in Natashas room. I really try to sleep but since Thanos happened my nights are as restless as my hurting heart. I’m still wide awake physically but dangerously exhausted mentally when I hear voices in the early morning hours in the kitchen. Wandas voice makes me wonder if she’s been awake the whole night as well. I leave the room in my short pyjama shorts and my plain white T-Shirt. I wouldn’t fall asleep anyway so I might as well just get up and start another day of inner misery. I round the corner to the kitchen island where Pepper placed a large bowl of exotic fruits on top. The blonde showed me a sad smile since she’s lost in her own grief. Pepper disappears out of the kitchen - leaving me alone with Wanda and a familiar brunette man which I recognize from Tony’s funeral. I can’t remeber his name but I recall the pained expression on his face and the devastated haze over his pupils. He seems like he always looks like pure misery. “Good morning.” I greet them both shyly since they haven’t notice me yet. Wanda immediately sends a heartful smile in my direction while the stranger’s corners of his mouth just twitch the slightest bit upward - almost to tiny to notice. I also perceive his new hairstyle. The last time I saw him he had messy, long waves. Longer than shoulder length and a full beard. Now he has his hair cut short and looking neat with his jawline covered in dark stubbles instead of the fullgrown beard. “Bucky, this is (Y/N). She is Natashas’ sister.” Wanda explains him in her thick, sokovian accent since he developed the same look of recognition on his face as me. Now the puzzle pieces click together. That is Bucky Barnes. Steves’ best friend and the other Super Soldier. His facial features unravel in realization. “Oh, right. Hello, (Y/N). Nice to meet you again and I’m... Sorry about your loss.” He frowns at the last part. “Thank you, it’s nice to see you again in less sorrowful circumstances.” I try to lighten up the mood a bit because I don’t want to start my day already with a bad encounter that reminds me once again how miserable I am inside. Unsure if we should shake hands, Bucky’s metal arm jerks briefly in my direction but he instantly lets it sink again - wrapping the room in an uncomfortable silence. “Well it was nice to see you again. I got to go now.” I excuse myself from the weird situation and leave without breakfast to go to my Natasha’s room. I still feel uncomfortable calling it my room since it was Natsha’s place to live for so many years. I didn’t completely lie to Bucky and Wanda since it’s a new day and time to pick up new flowers for my sisters grave. I change into comfy short, cotton pants and an old, blue pullover from Natashas wardrobe before I leave the compound.
I take a cab to the same  flower shop I visit everyday. Where even the owner knows me by name already. Today marks exactly thirty days since Natasha died. A whole month without my older sister by my side. I ordered a special type of flower for this occasion. A bouqet of beautiful Royal Azaleas - the most precious flowers of our native country Russia. As beautiful as Natasha and I like how it brings a bit of our home to her - making her little paradise even more exotic. At the graveyard I am so consumed in my own thoughts to where I’m going to place the Royal Azaleas on the ground in front of the wooden cross, that I don’t notice right away the broad figure a few feet away from me. He’s standing upset in his posture  and bent a little forward above a grave. It’s the back of his head - his freshly done hair and the colour of his shirt that gives him away and I realise that it’s Bucky. I decide against it to walk up to him since he’s mourning in his own world as well and obviously needs his space. My eyes tear away from the picture of the broken man in front of me and I finally walk straight up to Natashas grave. I crouch slightly to put my bag on the ground. I brought a little shovel to set the new flowers into the earth directly in front of the cross - making the Azaleas stand out from the rest. It is when I walk over to the well a few feet away from me to pick up the watering can, that Bucky notices he’s not alone. The can is filled to the brink and quite heavy in my hand as I carry it to Natashas grave, losing waterdrops on my way there. I silently water the flowers - careful not to drown them in the lack of strength I have in my hand that is holding the water can. The whole time I can feel his stare on me and I can almost feel his inner battle if he should come up to me or not. A few moments later he starts nervously walking up to me while I clean the little shovel to stow it away in my bag. “Do you still the need the watering can?” He asks hoarsely as he comes to a halt beside my bend over figure - blocking the sun out of my view which throws a few rays on the water droplets. Making them sparkle inbetween the flowers of Natashas floral paradise. “No.” I smile softly at him and stand up again. He returns my friendly grin and takes the water can but doesn’t leave straight away. He hesitates a second unsure of if he should leave me alone again, but somehow I long for company - not wanting to speak with the wind again and hallucinate about Natashas voice. “I lost everyone. Natasha was the only one left of my family. Although Clint supports the weight of my grief to make me feel like I’m not alone I still feel like it. I always felt like I’m alone in this world and deep down I don’t feel like I belong to the Avengers either. It was Natashas community. Not mine.” My eyes start to sting with upcoming tears while I open up to Bucky. I don’t really know why I do this. I guess I never felt so out of place and so lonely like I did in the past days and it scares me. Bucky clears his throat, his glance burning holes into my soul as he watches every slightest movement of my facial expressions. “I went through losing the people I love so many times that I lost count of it.” He blinks the tears away which threatens to fall from his eyes. “After Steve left to live the life with Peggy he always dramed to have, I officially got left alone. Steve was so much more than my friend. He was my brother.” He sniffs. “And now I’m searching for a sign - just something that keeps me in this life.” I let my tears run freely as I identify his words as my own feelings. And I realise that we are two souls hurting from the same experiences building a connection to one another through the desperation of having lost any strength to keep living. “Without wanting to get too close to you, I think you just as broken inside as me.” He speaks up. His eyes are swollen and red, still glossy from fresh tears which haven’t stopped being reproduced and leaking out of the corner of his eyes. I strangely feel comfort in the detail that his blue pullover matches mine. My heart starts to pick up a pace as I cross a vulnerable line between us and say: “I think you can never be too close to someone. I’m sure closeness is what we both need the most now.” I gift him a teary smile which he returns with a faint tint of red across his cheeks. Our encounter feels like a big step for the both of us - coming out of our shells we’ve been hiding in like anxious snails and I could feel it in the beating behind my ripcage that it was towards the right direction.
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spaceskam · 3 years
Pretty Little Picture (1/3)
fake dating au, pure fluff, no serious tags, just a bunch of fluff
for day 1 of @malex-cupid​
When Alex agreed to this, he thought it’d be a piece of cake.
“You’re going to regret this, it’s a horrible idea,” Liz said through the phone as he walked around his room, packing his bag for the weekend. He furrowed his eyebrows.
“Why? We’re friends. And I’ve done musicals and stuff, I’ve acted before.”
“Okay, but this isn’t acting. This is going on a weekend getaway pretending to date your friend who you have a crush on is a bad idea,” she scoffed. Alex shook his head, looking between his plain black button-up and his plain black fitted turtleneck. He chose the turtleneck one and folded it carefully.
“I don’t have a crush on him.”
“Really. Trust me, I’ve seen him after pulling an all-nighter and falling asleep in his coffee. I know not to have a crush on him,” Alex said. Though he will admit, that was pretty cute.
“Sounds like something someone with a crush would say,” Liz scolded. Alex snorted a laugh. “Fine, do what you want, at least you’ll be believable with the heart-eyes and everything.”
“I do not have heart-eyes!”
Truly, Alex was sure it wouldn’t be that big of a deal. He lived with Michael already. They shared the house he inherited‒Michael needed a cheap place to live while in college and Alex wasn’t really looking forward to living alone, so it worked out‒and nothing weird had happened in the last three years. They were best friends, what would one weekend hurt?
“Alex, I need your help,” Michael had said, bursting into the living room and nearly making Alex spill his coffee. He stomped towards him, dropping his bag on the ground and flopping onto the couch with a pathetic whine. “Help me.”
“Help you with what?” Alex had asked in return, taking his eyes off his laptop to give him his full attention while he threw a little tantrum.
Michael twisted onto his stomach and rested his chin on his hands, looking up at him. Alex’s heart absolutely did not skip a beat in adoration. He wasn’t that cute.
“You know my internship? The fancy one with all the rich people that pay me to be an intern for them and actually listen to my ideas and‒”
“Yes, Michael, I know about your internship,” Alex laughed. Michael pouted just a little bit.
“Okay, so every year, the CEO takes all the interns and entrance-level employees and their partners on a trip for Valentine’s day and it’s a fun trip, I guess, but it’s really just this big, super informal interview where he and his wife sort of see if you’ll be a good fit for the company long term. Khalil said I have to go no matter what, that it’s super crucial and to make a good impression. Like, I have to go, Alex. I have to get hired for real after I graduate. Do you know how much I’ll get paid just to start? $35 an hour, Alex! I could do so much with that money!” Michael explained, exasperated and overwhelming as if Alex hadn’t heard how much money he would make if he got this job a billion times.
“Yeah, okay, then go,” Alex told him, “Sweet talk them like we all know you can.”
“I need a partner, though,” Michael said, pouting all over again, “So come with me. Please? We can pretend to be, like, long term boyfriends and, like, convince them I’d be a good queer diversity hire at the very least.”
Alex felt his cheeks grow warm at the suggestion and shifted in his spot. “Why me?”
“Because! You were raised around a bunch of bougie rich white people, you know how to act at these things! I’d ask Isobel or Max, but I don’t even wanna pretend to be in love with them. With you, I can do the whole starry-eyed thing and if we have to show PDA, it won’t be that big of a deal because, like, it’s you,” Michael persuaded, clambering onto his hands and knees before putting his head on Alex’s arm and pouting up at him, “Pretty please? I’ll buy you something nice and fancy with my first big kid paycheck.”
“Okay,” Alex agreed, not letting himself think too much about it. They spent all their time together anyway. He’d fallen asleep with Michael’s feet in his lap, he’d seen him basically naked, he’d hugged him and gotten platonic head kisses from him. They could pull it off.
“Okay?” Michael repeated, sitting up more. His smile was shining and bold and Alex had to take a breath. “Okay! Okay, so we have two weeks to pack and come up with stories and shit to tell. It’ll be so easy, they’re gonna love you, you’re so chill. Thank you, Alex, thank you so much.”
Which led to now when Alex was preparing to go on this trip. From the way Michael explained, it would be a lot of just talking and discussing with a side of couples retreat-esque activities.
“He’s apparently superfamily and relationship-oriented. I don’t know if it’s because he’s, like, super conservative or if he’s super progressive and is all for, like, living wages for family and will give people ample time off. I’m too scared to ask just yet,” Michael had explained.
Michael had also assured him that, during discussions, he could either sit with him or go talk to the other partners, whichever he preferred. He basically just needed Alex to look pretty and seem like they were totally in love. According to the way Liz spoke about them, it wouldn’t be a difficult feat.
So Alex packed his clothes and anything he thought he’d need to get by on a three day trip to some bed and breakfast in the middle of nowhere. He wanted to look nice the whole time, even when they weren’t at formal dinners, and he was even going to flip his septum piercing. He planned to use his skills at selling himself to sell Michael as well.
“If you ever need a break, I’ll cover for you while you drive to the nearest convenience store to get a bunch of snacks,” Michael told him as he threw their bags in the backseat of Alex’s little car. Alex snorted a laugh.
“What about if you need a break?”
“Well, I plan to work for this fucker for at least the next thirty years, so my only break will be sleeping,” Michael said. Alex shook his head, going over to fix the collar of Michael’s shirt. It’d taken a bit of convincing to get him to forgo the flannels for a couple of days, but now he had a collared shirt that wouldn’t stay down for some reason. “Speaking of, are you gonna be chill sharing a bed or do I need to sleep on the floor? I don’t mind it, just wanna know if I should ask for an extra blanket.”
“Dude, we’ve shared a bed before,” Alex laughed, “It’s not gonna kill me.”
“Just making sure,” Michael said, taking a deep breath. It was only then that Alex realized that he was actually nervous.
“Hey,” Alex said, grabbing his shoulders and looking him in the eyes, “You’re going to impress the hell out of them, I’m gonna make sure of it, okay?”
“I just really want this job, Alex,” Michael said. Alex smiled.
“And you’re going to get it,” he said, “And, hey, if you don’t, this internship will always look good on your future resume.”
“Let’s just stick to telling me I’m gonna get it, okay?” Michael breathed. Alex laughed and nodded, patting him on the shoulder before shoved him gently in the direction of the passenger seat.
“You’re going to get it. Now get in the car.”
The whole ride there Alex was completely fine. This was going to be a piece of cake and he was going to show Liz that he could totally handle it. He didn’t have a crush, he wasn’t going to catch even more feelings, he was just being a good friend.
It didn’t really dawn on Alex just how stressful this weekend was going to be until they stepped inside the bed and breakfast and Michael looped an arm around his waist and tugged him in close. He knew they were going to be showing casual PDA, Alex agreed to that, but saying it and doing it in private was a whole different world to having Michael hanging onto him in front of other people.
Alex could hear his heart in his ears over the ringing, suddenly very aware of the fact that Michael was muscular. He knew he did a lot of manual labor jobs before he got that internship, but had he always been obvious about it?
Even then, Alex was able to smile through it as Michael led him up to the group of people that were already there. He was able to keep his feet under him as Michael leaned up to his ear to whisper a ‘you got this’. Alex was even stable as he shook the hand of the man whose suit was probably more than Alex’s inheritance.
“This is Alex,” Michael said, smiling over at him like he was the most important thing that ever existed, “My boyfriend.”
Well, shit.
Maybe Liz was onto something.
No, honestly‒Alex was fine.
Michael was charming, he knew that. He’d seen him with girls and guys he liked, he always laid on the charm thick and so it absolutely made sense for him to turn it on Alex. He just wasn’t used to it, that’s all. He just needed to adjust and then it’d be all roses.
“Alex, have I mentioned today that you’re my favorite?” Michael hummed as they went into their little room. Alex finally felt like he could breathe and tilted his head at him, raising an eyebrow. Michael was grinning with his back pressed against the door. “You’re incredible. They like you. Ivan laughed at your joke‒he never laughs.”
“Well, I’m glad you picked the right suitor,” Alex laughed, rolling his shoulders as he sat down on the bed. His back was facing Michael, finally, and he used it to close his eyes and count to three.
Michael was charming, simple. And, honestly, Alex was on the receiving end of it the more he thought about it. Just not in front of people. That’s what made it feel like so much. The audience. He’d never been so loudly out in front of that many people before. That’s what it was.
“The best,” Michael insisted. 
The bed creaked under his weight as he crawled across it and Alex was only able to prepare himself for the weight to be draped over his back because he was used to Michael being clingy. Just… in private. 
“Hey, you okay?” Michael asked after he was quiet for a second too long.
“Yeah,” Alex breathed, “I’m fine. Just never proudly stated I was into guys in front of that many people before.”
“Oh,” Michael said, pressing against his back just a little more, “Good feeling or bad feeling?”
Alex didn’t answer quickly enough.
“Alex, if you want to go home, then‒”
“No, this is good. I feel good. Just overwhelmed,” he explained. It wasn’t a lie.
“Okay, fair enough,” Michael said, kissing his temple before throwing himself backwards onto the bed, “I swear, it feels better after the overwhelming feeling goes away. None of them are gonna say shit to you either.”
Alex nodded and laid back on the bed beside him, looking over at him. They had to get ready for one of their informal discussions and dinner, but it sounded like a good idea to just lay there for a moment. The longer they laid there, the more he was able to realize this wasn’t going to be too bad. In fact, he was going to have fun with it.
In an actual relationship, he wouldn’t want to show a lot of PDA or be super touchy. But this wasn’t an actual relationship. He could just be a little extreme for the fun of it. He was going to school to perform. Why not try his hand at acting?
Bonus points if Michael got flustered.
“Okay, I’m good,” Alex said. Michael turned his head and they locked eyes, a smile on his face.
“Good,” Michael said, shifting onto his side, “But if you start feeling overwhelmed again, you can just squeeze my hand. We’re boyfriends for the weekend, so it doesn’t matter if they think it’s gay.”
Alex huffed a laugh, turning onto his side as well. 
“Do they actually know you’re bisexual or is this like your coming out and you’re just letting them think what they want?” Alex wondered, “I saw a couple of shocked faces.”
“Some people know, mainly the people I talk to every day, but I don’t try to hide it. I think most of them thought I was straight until Callie was showing Emily some picture of a hot guy and I said I wanted to see,” Michael said, grinning in that way that told Alex he’d done it purposefully to get a shock out of some people.
“Oh yeah, how’d that go?”
“No one really said much, the girls laughed. Khalil breathed like a sigh of relief because they thought they were the only queer person working there,” Michael said, scooting closer, “I think there’s probably a couple more somewhere are the office. It’s a big place, there’s gotta be.”
“Mm, but we’re gonna be basically the only same-sex couple this weekend, right? I didn’t see anyone else while we were down there,” Alex pointed out. Michael nodded.
“Yeah, sorry. But only for a couple of days! It’s already Friday afternoon and we’re leaving Sunday afternoon, it’ll be fine. Plus, you got me,” Michael said, reaching out to poke Alex in the side, “I’ll make it worthwhile.”
Alex found himself smiling just a little.
“Yeah, I know you will.”
They both eventually got up and got dressed. Alex broke out the turtleneck and some relatively tight black slacks, drawing on fresh eyeliner. He pulled as much of his hair back as he could into a small low ponytail and deliberately made his bangs and everything hanging down a little intentionally messy.
This was a performance and he was going to sell it easily.
When he came out of their bathroom and into the main room, he saw Michael was in a pair of chinos and a maroon button-up that he was sure Isobel had gotten for him. He was just fastening his belt when Alex made a show of leaning against the doorframe as he whistled low.
“Well, well, well, don’t you look good,” Alex said. Michael looked up at him with a shit-eating grin, hands fumbling as he tried to tuck the end of the belt into his belt loops. 
“I bet I smell better, Isobel got me fancy cologne,” he said. Alex huffed a laugh.
“Yeah, I can smell it, it’s nice,” he said, pushing off the door frame and walking closer, “You wearing real shoes, or am I going to have to publicly break up with you for wearing cowboy boots?”
Michael rolled his eyes and reached out to grab Alex by the waistband of his pants, tugging him in. Alex’s eyes went wide as he laughed at the forwardness.
“I’m wearing shoes, the fancy ones that are pointed at the end and click when you walk,” Michael said. Alex grinned and put the back of his hand to his forehead.
“I’m swooning.”
“You should.”
Michael let him go and went to go slip on his shoes while Alex went to his combat boots‒much more situation-appropriate than cowboy boots and he would stick by that. They gave each other another once over of approval before leaving their room. 
“Those boots make your ass look great,” Michael said as they headed towards the elevator. Alex’s eyebrows shot up and he looked over his shoulder. Michael flashed an innocent smile. “What? You’re my boyfriend, I can look at your ass, right?”
“If I can look at yours, boyfriend.”
“I’m begging,” Michael said warmly as they stepped into the elevator. Alex shook his head and pressed the ground floor.
Because, of course, this was what it would be like to be with Michael. Flirting, banter, touching. No wonder he had so many people wanting to be with him. Hell, Alex got a decent taste of it and they didn’t even like each other like that. Though, it definitely helped him understand where all of Liz’s concerns came from.
“You really are feeling better, right? Like, don’t let me do anything you’re not comfortable with. I’ll try not to, but, you know, slap me if I do,” Michael insisted before the elevator doors could open, sincerity dripping from his tone.
Alex held out his hand as the doors opened.
“I’m fine.”
Alex was able to make that statement even more true as they started socializing and he managed to snag a flute of champagne. It tasted expensive, just like the shit he and Kyle would sneak at their parents’ parties. It was easier to loosen up when pretending that’s what this was.
“Michael, Alex!” Curtis called as he neared, a big smile on his face and a gorgeous woman on his arm.
Curtis was the CEO of Disionic, a company that specialized in doing work for other companies’ prototypes. Companies of all sorts would use Disionic to outsource their new and fancy inventions for all sorts of different things, from engine-powered toys to ad blocking apps to literal blenders, as a way to test run them and get credible feedback from engineers and usually would employ them to fix any mistakes that were made. Michael loved it, it was a constant stream of new things and it made big money. 
The fact that he made a point to know all the interns' names was simply a plus.
“You two look like the perfect pair,” he said, looking between the two of them with a warm smile. Alex raised his eyebrows at Michael and offered a smile.
“Thank you, Mr. Iverson,” Michael said, nodding to the woman on his arm, “Mrs. Iverson.”
“Call me Jeannie,” Mrs. Iverson said, holding out a hand. Michael shook it firmly and Alex did the same. “So, I’ve heard about Michael, the agricultural and mechanical double major from Berkeley, but I haven’t heard about you. What do you do, Alex?”
Alex felt Michael take a deep breath, a silent ‘oh God, am I good enough that he told his wife about me?’ and he tightened his hold around his waist. Alex gave his award-winning polite smile that did wonders when he took etiquette classes back when his father thought dressing him up in a suit around other boys in suits to learn about how to act right would make him less likely to be a raging homosexual.
“I actually go to SFSU for right now,” Alex said, “Music major.”
“Oh!” she said, and Alex had already predicted her words before she said them because it’s what people always said, “That’s cute!”
“Mm,” Alex hummed, taking another sip of his champagne, “My major is piano education, but I also take vocal classes as more of a minor.”
“Oh, good, you’ll be able to do a lot with that. And it’s not that far from Michael’s school,” she said. He nodded, looking towards Michael.
“Yeah, we live somewhere in the middle,” he said.
“That’s good that he’s with someone who’s also focused, it’s a good environment to be in for a boy his age with his promise,” Curtis insisted. Michael went a little weak in his grasp and Alex didn’t have to be a genius to know it had everything to do with a grown man caring about his promise. 
“I think so too.”
After moving on from Curtis, Michael was able to regain his legs and his brain and Alex didn’t have to carry too much of the weight‒literally and figuratively. They sat and had dinner, all paid for by the company, and then got back to socializing. It was honestly a bit draining, but Alex kept reminding himself it was just for the weekend and it was for Michael and also that most of the people there were winging it just as much as Michael.
“So, how did you two get together? I know Michael said you were roommates before things got started, so that must’ve been a risky move,” Alisha‒Michael’s coworker’s wife of two months who wouldn’t let either of them forget how sad it was that they couldn’t make it to the wedding as if they’d known either of them long enough to be invited in the first place‒asked. She was kind and all, but she asked a lot of questions. Alex was waiting for her to ask something that was too invasive to even justify a polite answer.
Honestly, some of them already felt too invasive, but Alex knew that was probably him just being touchy.
“Oh, I just got up the courage to ask him out one day and hoped it wouldn’t be weird. I mean, look at his face. It was impossible not to catch feelings,” Michael said. Alex rolled his eyes and leaned into his side, playing it up to the best of his ability. It helped that the champagne he’d been sipping on had made him a little more comfortable.
“Stop it.”
“I’m serious! I couldn’t help myself. I just wanted a chance to look at the stars with you and know you were mine,” Michael cooed, pressing his nose into Alex’s cheek and nuzzling just a little. Alex’s ears were ringing a bit as he turned his head to look at him up close. They locked eyes for a moment too long before Michael cleared his throat and looked back to Alisha. “So, yeah, couldn’t pass up the opportunity.”
“How cute, I wish straight men were that romantic,” she cooed, just tone-deaf enough to level Alex’s thoughts, “Have you talked about marriage? I’d love to come to the wedding, it’d be so fun.”
“Not really, yet,” Alex said, pinching Michael’s hip just enough to make him jump, “But I figure one day I’ll get him on one knee.”
“What, you won’t propose to me?” Michael said, trying to put but failing through his smile. Alex cupped his ear in his hand, running his thumb gently along the curve of it. If Michael’s eyes drifted to his lips, well, Alex pretended he didn’t notice.
“Maybe I just like seeing you on your knees,” Alex said. Michael’s eyes widened.
“Oh, dear, I feel like I’m intruding,” Alisha giggled and Alex blinked out of it.
“Sorry,” he said, “Just teasing.”
“I totally get it! Me and my Tom get like that all the time.” 
“Speaking of your Tom,” Tom said, sidling up beside her and looping his arm around her waist. She smiled up at him. “Emily wanted to see your ring.”
“Oh! Okay, see you later, guys! I had fun talking to you,” Alisha said, waving as she let herself be tugged off to wherever Emily and her boyfriend were.
Alex let out a breath of relief and raised his glass to his lips. Mid-sip, Michael leaned in close to his ear, lips nearly pressed against his skin. Alex focused on his drink.
“You’re gonna do something stupid like make me fall in love with you,” he breathed, leaving a kiss on his cheek before he pulled back.
“Ah, a tragic mistake many men have made,” Alex said playfully. Michael beamed at him.
“Seriously, you’re amazing, Alex. I’m so glad I brought you. You even managed to make Alisha bearable,” Michael said. Alex laughed and looked over to where Alisha was proudly showing off her ring.
“She’s not that bad.”
“You haven’t met her as many times as I have,” Michael huffed, “I was terrified when I saw her comin’ this way. She means well, but, you know.”
“The straights just aren’t as romantic, Michael, don’t you know?” he said. Michael laughed and squeezed his hip. “But are you good? You’re starting to look a little drained.”
“I’m gonna start lookin’ for a way out so we can go upstairs. My people tolerance is dropping,” Michael confessed. Alex nodded.
“Well, you’re doing really well. I almost didn’t notice.”
“Hopefully no one else will.”
“No one else knows you like I do, so I’m assuming you’re good.”
Michael tilted his head, that little smirk on his lips as he said, “You know me so well, huh?”
“I do live with you,” Alex pointed out. Michael nodded and his eyes went to the flute of champagne in his hand.
“How many of those have you had?” he asked. Alex shrugged, swirled it around a bit before downing the rest.
“Three, maybe four. Yeah, four, one before dinner, one during, two since,” Alex explained. Michael nodded.
“Feelin’ good?” he asked. Alex hummed and nodded, looking over Michael’s face easily. “I’m not a champagne man.”
“Neither am I, but this shit is too expensive not to drink.”
Michael laughed, “Guess I’ll have to taste it.”
“You will.”
Alex’s eyes drifted to his lips, not for the first time. He started wondering what he actually looked like on his knees. Then he shook that thought right out of his head.
“I’m tired,” Alex said, maybe a bit louder so other people would hear. Michael grinned.
“Okay, let’s make our rounds in saying goodnight.”
They said goodnight to Michael’s coworkers that they passed on their way to say goodnight specifically to Curtis and Jeannie. It was an absurd amount of small talk, very ‘oh, yeah, we were up early, Alex had class’ and ‘it’s a long day, want to be fresh in the morning!’ and ‘you know how it is, can’t wait to get this one alone, haha!’ It was all tragically boring and as he got closer to when he’d be free of it, Alex began to itch to get back to their room.
By the time they said goodnight to Curtis and his wife, they were basically speed walking to the elevator. Once the doors closed, Michael tugged Alex into a hug, burying his face into his neck and Alex giggled, feeling light as he draped his arms around his neck. Michael lifted him off the ground for a moment, until the doors slid open.
They made it back to their room and Alex didn’t have a moment to process anything before the door closed and Michael was closing in on him. He grabbed his face in between his hands, staring at him with the biggest smile. Alex was probably a little too drunk for this.
“You are so fucking good at this, I could kiss you. The flirting, the touching, the lines? Alex! You’re a genius, a pure genius. I knew they’d like you, but they like like you. You are so good, Alex Manes,” he gushed, peppering kisses to his forehead and his nose and his cheeks. By the time he pulled away, Alex’s face was on fire and he was smiling so wide it hurt.
“I’m just selling it,” Alex said.
“And you are doing a damn good job. I should date you more often,” Michael said. Alex nodded lamely and Michael laughed, grabbing his hand and pulling it to his mouth. He pressed a kiss to the back of it. “I am going to go take a shower, boyfriend. You start trying to sleep off that champagne, okay?”
Michael dropped his hand and turned, stepping out of his shoes on the way to the bathroom. Alex let out a breathy laugh and sat on the edge of the bed. He slowly pulled his hair down and pulled off his boots, taking a deep breath. He licked his lips and turned his head to the bathroom door, head swimming with too many thoughts as the water kicked on.
Alex changed out of his shirt and his pants into sweats and a t-shirt, climbing into bed without much thought. He tried not to think, at least. He closed his eyes and tried to lull himself to sleep.
But, when the bathroom door opened, he couldn’t help himself.
Alex peeked over the edge of the blanket and watched as Michael, dripping wet with just a towel around his waist, searched for his clothes with nothing but the bathroom light to guide him. He was gorgeous and overwhelmingly… Michael. Alex couldn’t remember the last time he wanted something so bad as he wanted to touch Michael at that moment.
At the thought, he pulled the blanket over his head, his eyes going wide.
Oh no.
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weeb-writor · 4 years
No More Crying, Brat!
Heyo! So next part in the Aizawa series is out. If your just now seeing this don't worry it can act as a stand alone! Reader is as neutral as possible including gender. Hope you like it!
Aizawa Shouta x Reader
You and Aizawa lazy morning gets interrupted and end up babysitting Jun and then you end UA, where you meet the infamous Bakugou
Words: 1997
Part One  Part two  Part Three  Part Four  Part Five
This was your favorite thing, a sunday morning with the love of your life. It was the one day where neither you or Aizawa had work, well most times anyway. Phones tucked away and out of sight and the TV off. You laid in bed just resting and talking nearly all day.
“I want a bunny sho.” You said into his chest.
“I love you a lot but not possible. I know my cats seem nice but they are still cats and very ferocious predators.” He said playing with your night clothes.
“But they’re fat and lazy, I doubt they’d be able to catch the bunny.” You whined at him. He gave you a flick on your forehead obviously not happy with your words.
“Don't pick on my cats for something they can't help. You're the one always feeding them treats and extra food at meal time.” He said in a kind of pout. You giggled at his words moving to straddle him.
“Oh like you're any better. All you want to do with them is cuddle even though you know they need exercise. Don't blame me for your fat cats.” You said glaring into his eyes with a sort of playfulness.
“Oh kitty, your claws are showing. Do you wanna play, you want your exercise?” He said lowly to you. You of course had no objections but your plans were foiled as soon as they had begun by his phone, it was the one for emergencies he had to pick it up.
“You’ve reached, Aizawa Shouta, on his one day off. This better be good.” He sighed into the phone.
“Hey there, little brother!” You heard someone say as the phone was on speaker.
“Sigh, what do you want?” He said to the energetic boy.
“Awh is that anyway to treat your older brother who you love so much?” The man whined into the phone.
“When he interrupts what could have been such a great and peaceful, blissful even, morning yes it is.”
“Oh were you gonna finally put our present to good use?” He whispered.
“Good god, what do you want?”
“Oh right, I was the one to call you! What was it again…. Oh right! I need a favor.”
“You called my emergency phone, for a favor.” Aizawa deadpanned at the phone.
“Well yeah, I knew you wouldn't answer your regular phone and it is important. I need you to watch Jun for me at least for today. Sora will come pick him up tomorrow or sometime late within the night and take over from there.” He said the playfulness in his voice dying out.
“Yeah of course, what's going on?” Aizawa said, sensing his brother’s seriousness.
“You know his immune system is so weak, every time he gets sick he’s in the hospital for weeks. Me, my wife, Haru, and Maki are all showing early symptoms of the flu or something. We immediately sent him to our neighbors but we think it's best if he goes with a family member until we can recover.” He said seriously for once.
“Yeah of course and I’ll tell Sora I can take over if he gets overwhelmed. I'm on my way.” Aizawa said moving you to get ready.
“Oh when you get here Haru wants to wave by from the window, if that's alright.” Aizawa agreed before hanging up.
“So change of plans for our lazy Sunday, I'm really sorry.” He said quickly, throwing on casual clothes, you followed suit.
“No no, it's fine! Any Sunday spent with you is great.” You smiled at him.
“Okay we should get going, it’s a little bit of a drive.” You nodded as you fed the cats before going to get in your car.
“Pop quiz by the way, which brother was that?” He said as he pulled out to begin your journey. You thought about it for a second Jun and Maki were they only two blondes and stuck out so much in the dark haired family, so they were easy for you to remember, Their dad was the outgoing Shiori, right?
“Shiori, the 3rd eldest brother but 5th eldest in general.” You said pretty confident in your answer.
“Correct, I'll remember to give you a prize later.” He said with a smirk. You smiled at his words and that was that. The rest of the journey was quiet and quick and so you found yourself with Jun clinging to Aizawa as you stood in front of his house window. His family waved at him as he stared back with tears eyes.
“Okay Jun we should go now.” Aizawa said picking up the young boy and walking him to the car, locking him into the seat quickly and just like that you were on your way. You sat in the back with the 4 year old trying to keep him entertained on the kind of long drive.
“So kind of slipped my mind but I’m due back at the dorms in an hour…cause of the influx of villains and Eri” Aizawa said, glancing at you in the mirror.
“Oh it’s fine I did all the baby Aizawa’s at once. I can do one by himself.” You said bopping the boys nose as he played on your phone
“No, I wouldn’t ask you to do that. I told Shiori I was gonna watch him and I meant it. I was thinking we could take him up there and spend our Sunday together.”
“And meet your friends? And coworkers? Your students too? Like the 3rd or 2nd most important things in your life? All at once?” You said to him with an unnerved smile.
“Don’t fret, you survived my family, a few heroes aren’t gonna kill you.” He chuckled at you.
“We gonna see hero’s?” Jun asked with little stars in his eyes. Aizawa looked at you obviously wanting to know if you wanted to or not.
“Yeah bud, lots of them.” You told him with a smile. He clapped with joy and you laughed through your nervousness. It didn't take much longer to arrive at the UA building and after getting clearance you all headed to the dorms. Jun was a little scared as he clung to Aizawa tightly.
“I'm surprised he is clinging to you like that, he was so outgoing when I was babysitting I wouldn't take him as one to be afraid of new people.” You said looking down at the boys.
“Usually he isn't such a shy thing but without H-A-R-U he is pretty scared, they are twins. Really I don't know how he's gonna survive without him.” Aizawa said as he stopped outside a set of doors marked 1A. He didn't even get to warn you or Jun of the chaos that awaited you cause the door flew open.
“Shouta! Finally!” Present Mic said letting out a sigh.
“Sensei!” He’s student sounded off behind the blonde.
“Hey, get out of the way. At least let them sit down before you annoy them with questions.” He scolded as he felt Jun disappear further behind his legs. The students and excited teachers did make way for you and let you sit down. Jun huddled in Aizawa arms, face tucked in between his arms.
“Aizawa Sensei, we didn't know you were married! And with a kid too! What's their quirk?” A blonde rushed out.
“I am not married, this is my love L/N, but this little guy is my nephew. You might be seeing him a lot over the next two weeks.” Aizawa said tiredly.
“Hello! Aizawa already said but I'm L/N, and this is Jun.” You said with a small wave. They all introduced themselves and everything was going swimmingly until Aizawa was called away to get Eri.
“Hey Mic, he knows you a little better than Y/n, would you mind taking him?” Aizawa said, handing the heavy 4 year old to his friend. Jun let out small sniffles as his uncle left his eyesight.
“Don't cry little Jun. He’ll be right back, until then wanna see some of our quirks!? They are super cool.” Midoriya said with a smile and so the kids took turns trying to get the boy to smile and his tears to stop. They had all failed so far as his cries got louder.
“Alright brat, stop all your whining! What on earth are you crying for? Cause your uncle left for a few seconds? Are you that much of a baby? You're like four and still crying like a baby, I thought you were a big boy.” Bakugou said to the boy and before you could interject Jun did.
“I am a big boy but I miss my brother! And my big sister! And mom and dad! Uncle sho said i can't see them ‘cus they sick.” He said, starting to cry louder.
“That’s it? So you would rather go see them and get sick. I bet that would make your brother and your sister feel like shitty people and make them sad too. That’s what you want? To make your brother sad and guilty?”
“No!” He cried out.
“Then suck it up, for a few days you get to hang around your uncle and his badass hero friends and students. All the while your family gets better and you can see them again. So stop crying, and i’ll show my quirk! It’s better than any of the Extras quirks you’ve already seen.” Bakugou said to the boy. Slowly but surely he did stop crying and left the comfort of Hizashi’s arms to hold bakugou's hand.
“You know when I walked in to see you yelling at Jun I almost killed you. But now I'm glad i didn't, how do you feel about earning some extra credit?” Aizawa said from behind you. That was the most eventful part of your day so far. The rest was spent with Aizawa and Eri really. Jun was stuck to Bakugou like glue, doing everything he did, not noticing his jealous uncle. As bedtime approached for him you weren't sure how to get him to go to bed, he was attached to bakugou at the hip. Well that was until you learned that the blonde who was angry, loud and a bit delinquent-ish was actually a good boy who went to sleep at 8:30 just like Jun and Eri.
“Alright brat, i'm going to bed so you can stop following me around like a chick now. I’ll see you again soon and you better not cry for nothing again.” He said ruffling Jun's hair before walking into his room. Jun walked over to you guys as you all said goodnight.
“I got permission from Nezu, you're both allowed to stay over night but sometime within the night Sora’s coming to get Jun.” Aizawa said with a yawn.
“Alright then I'm looking forward to some cuddles! To bad your fat cats here, they make good pillows.” You said teasing him, he gave you a light shove in response.
“Hey uncle sho?”
“Yeah, kid?”
“Bak’go is a hero?”
“I think he’s my fav’rit. He’s so cool.” He slurred, climbing unto Aizawa’s bed as soon as it came into view. Aizawa was silent as the boy fell asleep and only spoke out after he was dead asleep.
“I think I am going to kill him and like hell I'm gonna let him babysit with Sora.” Aizawa pouted under the covers.
“What a possessive uncle you are shouta, Also I think they all like me! Good to know the people most important to you like me!”
“Well if they didn't they could go hell cause you fall into the category that makes you number one in my life.
“What's that?”
“Family. At least you will be when I give you my last name.” He said as he swung an arm around you and Jun. You fell asleep with a smile on your face, his last name was starting to grow on you.
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Fucking Al Bundy
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Featuring Ed O’Neill
About 10 years ago, in a straight Irish bar in West L.A., I was sitting at the bar waiting for a straight friend who was running late to play pool. It was busy for a Monday, I thought as I ordered a beer. I glanced up from staring at my beer bottle and found myself looking at a handsome, thinning haired girthy man with thick arms eye-fucking me from across the bar. This went on for about 5 minutes before I recognized who he was. Ed O'Neill. Mr. Al Bundy himself. O'Neill seemed to be pretty drunk and was not discreet about it at all.
O'Neill certainly caught my eye , back in the 90's on Married... with Children as a teenager. But it wasn't until 2009 when he was casted on Modern Family, that I truly wanted to fuck him. As Jay Pritchett, he was a bit older, a bit girthier, but still just as handsome. Not knowing what to do, I just sat there drinking my beer until my friend called and said he wasn't going to make it. Not long after the call, Ed walked up beside me and spoke.
“How are you today?”
I glanced up from staring at my phone and found myself looking at his 'Big Dick Face', gorgeous eyes and manly height.  
"Well, my friend just cancelled our plans for the night. So a little disappointed." I answered looking deep into his wonderful blue eyes. God, I could get lost in those eyes alone! I thought. I took a swallow of my beer but didn’t take my eyes off him. “What’s your story?”
“Just plain damn horny.” He said frankly.
We both laughed. Needless to say, I let him persuade me to leave the bar. I followed him to a motel and as soon as we got inside the door, he surprisingly kissed me. His tongue hungrily searched for mine. His hands were roaming over my body, as he moaned from deep inside. We quickly undressed. When his jeans fell to the floor, I couldn't help admiring how his jockeys were tented out as he stepped out of his pants. He slipped them down and I had to stop undressing to stare at his wonderful dick. All six inches of it pointed at the ceiling and was framed by his brown pubic bush. His ripe nuts were hanging close to his body.
In his youth, he was a gifted athlete and was drafted by the Pittsburgh Steelers, but was cut in training camp. Which explains his retired athlete bod I was now admiring. I was overcome. I was light headed. All my blood had to be in my 7- inch dick. I was harder than I remember being in a long time. I could have used my dick as a coat hook.
I quickly went down to my knees, took a hold of his shaft and took the head into my mouth wrapping my lips around it, circling the underside with my tongue. I sucked on it firmly and slid my lips further down the shaft till my nose touched his pubes. Ed held the sides of my head and began fucking my face, his hips moved slightly as I sucked on his cock.
“Damn, this is hot! Shit your mouth is better than a pussy.” The old man called out excitedly as he fucked my mouth faster and faster.
I could hear him panting as he kneaded my hair and I felt the head of his wonderful cock swell just before he tightened his grip and put it fully in my mouth. He held my face to his crotch until I gagged before he pulled my head back. Then he started moving my mouth up and down his thick dick shaft as he fucked my mouth like he was fucking his wife’s pussy.
After a few more moments of letting me suck his dick, Ed showed me his strength by reaching down and pulling me to my feet as though I was as light as a feather. He kissed me hard forcing my mouth open and his tongue deep into it. Then he broke our embrace and put his lips to my ear and whispered, "I want to fuck you!"
After nodding my approval, Ed got behind me gripping my hips and spread my ass cheeks with his thumbs. I heard him spit into his hand then felt the pressure as he pushed the head into my hole. I relaxed as best as I could before grasping as the head pushed past the ring of muscle and into me. Ed stroked slowly, working the whole 7" into me till his hips pressed against my ass. Gripping my hips firmly, he began to slowly stroke in and out of me. He pulled out till the head almost slipped out then thrust it smoothly back in, each entry into me made me catch my breath and made my chest tight. His rhythm began to pick up speed and he grunted with pleasure. I gasped out loud with each thrust into me as his grip tightened.
"You like that huh?"
"Tell me how bad you want my cock in your ass! Beg me to cum in your ass!"
"I love it, I need it. I need it SO bad. Fuck my ass, own it!"
By now, I was pushing back against his thrusts enjoying the sound of skin slapping together and that hard dick pounding my ass.
"Please cum in me. Fill my hole. No ones ever cum in me before. Fill my ass!"
Hearing all that, spurred Ed to fuck me faster and harder forcing more moans and gasps from me. "GAWD YES! Fuck me Ed, Fuck me!"
Ed thrust fully into me digging his fingers into my hips and grunted holding himself deep in me. He began spraying my insides with his hot cum. The thought that I was just fucked by my Al Bundy was wild and I came on the floor. My knees gave out and I let the table support my body.
When my head cleared and I could think again I realized that Ed still had a grip on my hips and had lifted them slightly and was still smoothly pumping my ass. His cum was a super lube and he had shrunk just a bit, but that still hard member was working my hole like he was working up to come again. When he finally pulled out, I fell on my back on to the bed with my cock still hard. Ed's eyes got big as he looked at my thick dick for the first time.
"You have a nice cock, son." He said reaching down to stroke my cock. I liked the feel of his rough workman hand on my dick. Just seeing his hair arm moving back and forth as he jacked me turned me on.
"Why don't you just give me a good fuck?" He said as he spit on my hand and lubricated my cock.
"Ok." I said as I scooted up on the bed and he laid on top of me.
We stayed like this, making out for a while. Ed was rubbing his dick against me as hard as he could. The friction of our dicks rubbing together was fantastic. He lifted his face off mine and slowly raised his chest off me while still grinding his dick into mine. He reached behind himself and raised up a little and started playing with my cock, running my dick up and down his crack. It felt so good that I almost came.
Then he started to push his gorgeous butt down on my shaft. I reached down and pulled his buns apart as he groaned when my meat went in. It was tight and hot. Ed kept moaning as I started to slip more of my cock into him. I was soon totally inside him and my balls touching his butt. It was unbelievable how good it felt when he started to ride me.
"Aaahhh Oowww Great. Fuck me, Shane." Ed moaned as he started bouncing his big beautiful body up and down on my cock.
It felt so good to have this man want it so bad. He was so tight that it felt like his ass was hugging my cock as he kept pumping up and down on my dick. I wanted to fuck him for hours but the pleasure mounted quickly and I couldn’t stop myself. His asshole felt too good to pull my cock out. So I just fucked him harder and faster and extracted as much pleasure as possible knowing that the end was near. Seeing his tits bouncing was just too much for me as I began to shoot in his ass. I must have shot 5 or 6 powerful shots into him as my climax started to come down.
When I was finished he pulled off of me, laid down on the bed beside me and gave me a quick kiss on the lips and said, "Oh god that felt good."
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Chapter 2 is finally out! I’ll try not to take as long with chapter 3!
A03 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/32206135/chapters/80533708#workskin
Chapter text below th cut for people who don’t use Ao3:
It was cold...too cold. Darkness was everywhere, he looked down seeing blood smeared on his jacket. He didn’t like these colors, they were violent ones...wait what had happened? It was all coming back, all of it in slow motion. His ears were ringing as a gunshot played over and over in his mind. Screaming, crying, blood, pain...it always was his unwanted home. 
Right Hand Man woke up in a cold sweat, had it all been a dream? No, it was real, he wasn’t home. He sat up and looked around at the tent he had woken up in, seeing no one else. Right pulled out his phone (which he noted had a new crack across the top) and checked the time. 11:47. He had never woken up this late, especially when there was something big happening. “Oh fuck me with a metal pipe right up the arse.” He mumbled to himself while sliding off his bed and putting on his boots which had been left beside it. Rustling came from outside and as the australian cocked his head to pear at the source of the noise. Ellie walked in notably with her hair in a low ponytail and without her hat.
"Hey boss, glad you're awake. You completely fainted yesterday after, y'know..." She commented.
“Yeah...um, can I ask wot happened while I was out?” Right asked in response.
“Oh yeah, it was still pretty intense....” 
The events of the previous night had started with a strong wind, and ended with a hurricane. Once the government had fled, everything broke down. Henry had immediately darted out, followed by Alphys, Asgore and Frisk. Everyone was panicking. But Right Hand Man...he was silent, cradling Reginald’s newly deceased body in his arms. Have you ever seen a grown man cry? It’s depressing, even more so when it’s a 6’5” australian man with barely anything to lose. Except he just lost the one thing he could lose. Right was trembling for the first time in his life since he was a young lad, tears were rushing down his face as he pulled his best friend closer. He felt the brunette in his arms feel lighter and he cracked his blurred eyes open enough to see Reginald start to fade. Right sobbed more, quietly sputtering out “no”s, all while the teal soul was cracking away, little chips flying off into the wind before dulling and fading. The sun had set, the heart stopped beating. It was all dark, and Right collapsed.
The red-headed woman briefed her boss on everything before addressing which of the tents set up was where Reginald’s broken soul was located.
“Wait, so you’re telling me he's alive?!” Right asked loudly.
“Well, no, the doc just said she had this tank thing that can preserve human souls so she thought it may even work with the chief's soul.” Ellie responded. “Anyways, the doc and Ms. Toriel said they’ll try their best to use healing magic to repair him but it probably won’t work.”
“Hold on, who’s this Toriel lady?”
“Oh yeah, you didn’t get to meet the other monsters yesterday, Ms. Toriel is Asgore’s ex-wife, she’s super nice and patched me up since I got a cut on my arm.” 
“Huh, guess I missed a lot…”
“Yeah, here, if you wanna I can introduce you to everyone, how does that sound?”
“Sure but, can we check on Reg first?”
“Yeah, but how come, he’s just a soul right now?”
“I miss him…”
Frisk and Henry decided that staying around the makeshift camp was too stuffy, so they headed into town. It wasn’t that bad of a walk terrain wise, but it was still pretty long. Henry decided that maybe being dressed like a wanted criminal wasn’t a good idea, so he had kept his hair in a low ponytail today, leaving his hat at camp and wearing his old jacket over top of his normal fancy clothes. 
As they entered town Frisk reached up and tugged on Henry’s jacket, making him turn and kneel down to their height.
“Hey kid what’s wrong?” Henry asked calmly. Frisk couldn’t find the words to explain it, so they moved their hands in intricate motions, signing to Henry that they’re scared. Henry smiled and signed back saying that he understood and stood back up, grabbing Frisk’s hand in his own and walking with them into the town. They strolled for a bit until they reached a library. Henry pushed open the door to the dark shop, everything seemed old and sketchy. Henry flicked the light switch, lighting up everything and showing not a single speck of dust. All the books in sight seemed brand new, the floor itself looked recently polished. 
“Ah visitors, it’s been too long” A voice chimed from up the stairs. Down walked a man of average height, he had tan skin and dark brown hair pulled into a soft ponytail along his back. He wore grey glasses and a light orange apron, all tied together with a dark blue tie with a small shiny pendant on it. “My name is Mr. Williams, how may I help you?”
“Um hi, I’m Henry, we’re looking for specific books.” Henry said, rubbing the back of his neck. 
“Of course, what genre?”
“I’m looking for a book on politics and Mr. Henry is looking for books on human souls.” Frisk chimed in.
“Great, Henry, do you see the shelf by the mirror over there? The books over there should be what you're looking for” The man said, gesturing his hand towards a mirror hanging on the wall. “As for you young child, let me show you where the political books are.” 
Henry made his way to where Mr. Williams had gestured too, turning his head only once to make sure Frisk was okay. The white-haired man sighed as he scanned over the books looking for the correct one. One stood out among the others, it was an older book with a leather cover, he pulled it out of the shelf and stared at the cover. Guide to souls, and how to work soul bonds. Henry shrugged and opened up the table of contents when something caught his eye. One of the very last chapters was titled “How to undo an unwanted soul bond”. He flipped right to the page it would be on, desperate for answers, unfortunately fate was kicking him in the rear this time when the page was shown to be torn out and missing. Great, just freaking great.
“What’s wrong Heny~ Sick of me already?” Henry turned to the ghost behind him. 
“Leave me alone player, I was doing fine before you came along” He stated coldly.
“Don’t you see Hen, you need me, you’re only here because I made you better, and I still need to repay my debt for you helping me all those years ago.”
“I was a child, I of course helped you, just because I did that doesn’t mean I need a demon following me throughout my life!” Henry shout whispered. 
"Eh, everyone's a critic, now if you excuse me, I have to take a snack break.”
“Don’t you dare say it-”
“On the fear of weak.” 
“Of freaking course you drama royal.” 
“Thank you for using the correct pronouns.”
“I’m not an asshole” Henry laughed, following it with a frown. He looked back down at the book in his hand, flipping through the other pages before looking back up. “Hey could you-”
Gone. Player had vanished, like always. The man sighed and turned to the shelf to find another book.
A few hours had gone by before Henry and Frisk met back up at the entrance to the building, Frisk holding three novel length books on politics for beginners and Henry just with the leather book with the missing page.
“Well I hope you two found everything you needed, feel free to keep those books, I really don’t need them.” The librarian said with a smile. Henry felt something off this time, but shrugged it off as something to not worry about. Frisk wasn’t satisfied with what the kind gentleman had said and reached into their pocket. “Oh, you don’t need to pay, please it’s the least I could do for you lovely folks.”
“Mr. Williams sir, is something wrong?” The child asked, tilting their head to the side. 
“No, no, I’m perfectly grand, I just thought it would be a nice thing to do since you two stopped by.” Mr. Williams reassured. “But, maybe I have been a bit lonely, you see, I lost my daughters a few years ago and no one takes interest in my library anymore.”
Frisk nodded before asking, “What were your daughters' names?”
“I see you're quite the learner young one, very well then. My younger daughter was Cassie, she was a really sweet girl and my older daughter was Amy, she was like a little mini-me.” Mr. Williams said with a spark of joy, dimming as he finished his sentence. Frisk blinked for a moment before reaching into their pocket and pulling out a light orange cloth wrapped around a box-like object (how Frisk was carrying this, Henry didn’t know). 
“I found these, they had your daughters’ names on them, I thought you may want them back.” The child said, unwrapping the fabric to show it was an apron wrapped around a dark purple journal. Frisk passed them to a baffled Mr. Williams as he stared at the objects.
"Th-thank you Frisk, this means so much." He responded, tears welling in his eyes. The man held them close, not wanting to let go at all. 
The store fell silent as the three said their goodbyes. Henry and Frisk left, books in hand, ready to go back. Mr. Williams smiled for what felt like the first time in years. He set the journal and apron on the table below the mirror. He turned ready to head back upstairs to enjoy some tea, but he heard the noise of glass shattering, darting back around to see his mirror broken, right from the center. Two of the shards landed each on his daughter's possessions. 
He thought to himself, they need me, don’t they?
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heyiwrotesomethings · 4 years
Stay By My Side
Mitsuri Kanroji x Fem Reader
A/N: Obanai please don’t come for me. She may be your wife, but a girl can dream, alright? As far as warnings go, there is some nudity, but like, no detail about it just chillin’ in the hotspring nothing explicit.
“Is that who I think it is?” Mitsuri giggled, jumping on the tips of her toes rapidly while watching a figure come up over a hill with someone on their back. “I think it is!” She clapped before rushing through the Swordsmith Village to meet the new arrival. “Thanks for the lift.” (Y/n) smiled and removed her blindfold as the Kakushi gently lowered her to the ground. “No prob-“ “(Y/n)! You made it!” Mitsuri made it down the steps in record time and tackled the other girl, nearly sending her to the ground and knocking the air out of her lungs with a bone crushing hug. “Mitsuri, hey!” Although the girl was straining to breathe, she hugged back with just as much force. Mitsuri and (Y/n) first met after their Final Selection when they were picking the ore for their nichirin blades. They had initially reached for the same one, which led to battle of politeness, insisting upon the other that they should take the material. Eventually a game of rock, paper, scissors decided that Mitsuri would take the ore, but she insisted on treating (Y/n) to meal afterwards and they had been friends ever since. Unfortunately, they had grown apart after Mitsuri had became Rengoku’s Tsuguko and then quickly rose through the ranks until she became a full fledged Pillar herself. (Y/n) herself was at rank Hinoe, so she was doing pretty well for herself as well. (Y/n) and Mitsuri still wrote each other and occasionally met up when they would be in the same area for missions, but those meet ups were always much too short for Mitsuri’s liking. Which is why when (Y/n) wrote that she needed to go to the Swordsmith Village for maintenance on her blade, Mitsuri couldn’t have been more excited and since her blade was in need of some maintenance as well, she made plans to meet (Y/n) there. So, that’s how they got here, wrapped in each other’s arms. Mitsuri was so excited she raised (Y/n) a few inches off of the ground and spun her around a bit until they were both breathless from laughing.
“Ahem,” The young women turned in each other’s arms and looked up sheepishly at the Kakushi that they had completely forgotten about upon their reunion. “Someone will return for your pickup a week from today, (L/n)-san. Make sure you are prepared before then,” The Kakushi informed. “Alright, I will. Thank you.” (Y/n) nodded. The Kakushi waved a farewell before disappearing back in the woods, leaving the girls alone. “I’m so excited to see you!” Mitsuri cheered, her tone a bit shrill. Nevertheless, (Y/n) laughed as she parted from the Hashira’s grasp. “Really? I couldn’t tell.” “Hmph!” Mitsuri pouted, lightly shoving (Y/n) away. “What about you, huh? Did you miss me, did you miss me?” “Of course I’ve missed you! I’ve been looking forward to this ever since you told me you would be coming here too.” (Y/n) cheerfully replied. “Awww, you’re too sweet!” Mitsuri blushed. “So, wanna grab lunch? I’ll buy.” “Wahhh no fair, I was gonna treat you!” Mitsuri whined, pouting cutely. “I’ll be here all week, you’ll have plenty of opportunities to try again. How about you? How long will it take for your blade to be back in fighting shape?” “A little less than two weeks. My swordsmith wants to test out some new modifications so it’ll take a bit longer.” “Ooo, I’d like to see what they come up with if they finish before I leave. It sounds exciting.” “Sure, I’d be happy to show you. That won’t be for a while though, we have a whole week ahead of us and I recall someone saying something about lunch?” Mitsuri smiled, cheekily. “Wow, you sure changed your tune quick,” (Y/n) joked. “Do you have a place in mind or do you want to wander?” “I know a great place! You’ll love it!” Mitsuri cheered. She grabbed (Y/n) by the sleeve and tugged her up the steps Mitsuri had descended just a few minutes ago. She pulled (Y/n) through the bustling village, both girls waving at every friendly, masked face they passed. Soon they entered a small shop, the owner of which, greeted Mitsuri like an old friend. “Battle stations everyone, Kanroji-sama is here!” The old man chuckled joyously. “Oh, um, you don’t have to make so much. I’ll be having a light lunch today.” Mitsuri informed, looking a bit bashful as her eyes shifted around the small room. “Nonsense,” (Y/n) interjected. “Eat as much as you’d like Mitsuri. I may not be a Hashira, but I still earn a decent amount of money as a Hinoe. I can afford to pay for you to have a satisfying lunch.” “(Y/n)-“ “Is something on your mind?” (Y/n) questioned, sitting at the low table the masked man gestured to. “We’ve eaten together on numerous occasions, it isn’t like you to say something like that.” “You’re right, I don’t know why... it just sort of... slipped out.” Mitsuri blushed and kept her eyes trained on her hands as she messed with the fabric of her skirt. (Y/n) frowned, concern laced through her features before speaking again, “Hey,” Mitsuri jolted a bit as (Y/n) poked at her forehead from across the table, “You don’t need to put on a front for me. I like you just the way you are and I wouldn’t have it any other way. No matter how much time passes between our meetings, that will never change, got it?” (Y/n) offered a smile that Mitsuri timidly returned. “Thank you, (Y/n). I guess it’s just been so long since I last saw you in person. I think you were still a Tsuchinoe back then. I guess I was just worried you’d grown tired of me,” Mitsuri confessed. “No way!” (Y/n) rose her voice, sheepishly looking about the small restaurant before returning her gaze to Mitsuri, speaking more quietly, “If anything, I don’t know why you still bother with me. I mean, you climbed the ranks so fast. You became a Tsuguko, then you became a Hashira not much longer after that. Meanwhile I’m just - you know?” (Y/n) gestured vaguely, “Ugh, I don’t even want to talk about how long it took me just to go up one rank from Hinoto to Hinoe. The point is, you’re super strong and talented as well as kind, fun, and just all around a good person. Anyone who decides to pick you apart based on appearance or habits is just not worth your time.” “Aw, (Y/n), I’d still hang out with you even if you were still a Mizunoto! I don’t think rank matters that much at all!” Mitsuri smiled, tears pricking the corners of her eyes. “Is that all you got from that?” (Y/n) let out a breath of laughter, “Just order what you want, okay? I think they’re getting a bit antsy in the kitchen.” “Right,” Mitsuri grinned, “I’ll take two beef udon, two ramen, and some tempura and rice, please!” She yelled enthusiastically. “I’ll have curry and rice, please!” (Y/n) waved with a smile of her own. With that taken care of, Mitsuri was pretty much back to her usual chipper self. She and (Y/n) caught up, talking about missions and random anecdotes that never made it into any of their correspondences. They happily ate their food when it arrived and (Y/n) paid for the meal after they had finished. “Gods, I think I’m going to explode,” (Y/n) groaned while holding her stomach. “Don’t be so over dramatic,” Mitsuri laughed, good naturedly, “I only offered you some of my dessert, you could have said no if you were full.” “But it looked so good.” (Y/n) sighed, “And it was. Really, really good.” “Sounds like you need some rest. We can head to the inn and relax a bit,” Mitsuri suggested. “Oh right, the inn! I still need to get a room,” (Y/n) remarked, giving Mitsuri a double take. “Why are you suddenly so bouncy?” Sure enough, Mitsuri was bouncing on her toes, seemingly really excited about something and when she spoke up, (Y/n) almost didn’t understand what she was saying as she talked super fast and excitedly. “You don’t need to do that because I requested a room we can share!” “Really?” “Yeah! I wanted to maximize our time together, make it really efficient!” (Y/n) laughed, “Wow, how do you get along without me at all if when we’re together we’re basically attached at the hip?” “I read over past letters you’ve written me and think about where you might be and how you are doing,” Mitsuri answered, candidly. “You, my friend, are the sweet one,” (Y/n) smiled, a faint blush crawled up her skin. “Well, no point standing around, lead the way!” She said, playfully poking the Hashira’s side and making her squirm and giggle. Mitsuri led (Y/n) to the small inn near the hot spring and checked them in. She enthusiastically showed (Y/n) the room they’d be sharing and showed her the back door that led to a small deck and a private section of the hot spring. “Isn’t this great?” Mitsuri clapped, “It’s like a vacation!” “This is very nice, this is going to be a fun week,” (Y/n) agreed. They pushed their bed rolls together and lazed around a bit, digesting their meal and continued talking about whatever came to mind. A lull in the conversation made Mitsuri turn in her side to observe (Y/n) who had fallen asleep. She nearly cried she thought it was so cute. She swallowed down any sweet exclamations that threatened to spill out of her mouth and simply smiled at the sleeping girl at her side. Mitsuri reached out and tentatively combed her fingers through (Y/n)’s hair. It was still hard for her to believe that they were together again. It had been nearly seven months since they last met face to face and Mitsuri took this moment to really study (Y/n). (Y/n) appeared a bit taller, more muscular and her hands were callused and a few scars were scattered over her arms and hands. Her face had lost some of its baby fat and she appeared more mature. “What are you looking at?” Mitsuri jolted her hand away and blushed madly. “Ahh!” She squeaked. (Y/n) looked over at Mitsuri with drowsy eyes filled with warmth and laughed, “Sorry, I kind of fell asleep there. You must’ve been bored,” “Not at all. It was nice to just relax for a bit. I was actually just thinking about how much you’ve grown since the last time I saw you.” “Hm? Do I really look any different?” “Mhmm. Just a bit, I can tell you’ve been working hard.” “Of course I’ve been working hard. How else am I gonna catch up with you, silly.” (Y/n) grinned. “You aren’t exactly the same girl from the Final Selection yourself.” “Really? How so?” “You were strong before, but now your muscles are more defined. You’re a bit taller too and then of course there’s your hair. I remember when it was still black!” “Do you think it looked better dyed black?” Mitsuri mumbled. “No, you looked cute with black hair, but I think your hair suits you as it is now. I think it’s beautiful.” “You mean it?” “Yeah, I really like your hair,” (Y/n) reached out and stroked the fringe out of Mitsuri’s face. “What else do you want to do today, Mitsuri?” “Hmm?” Mitsuri had been temporarily distracted by the gentle strokes moving her hair, but she quickly shook her head and regained her bearings. “Oh! Yeah, we could go for a walk around the village, see what there is to see. Then I’m paying for dinner and you can’t stop me!” Mitsuri grinned triumphantly. “Alright, you win this round,” (Y/n) hummed and sat up. “You ready to go right now?” “Yeah! Then when we come back we can hop in the hot spring. I can’t wait!” “Ha, yeah, can’t wait...” (Y/n) looked away and scratched the back of her neck nervously. Before Mitsuri could comment on the change in behavior, (Y/n) shot up into a standing position and gave Mitsuri the most sincere smile she could muster. “Let’s get going, we’re burning daylight!”
*** Mitsuri showed (Y/n) all around the village and introduced her to all her favorite spots. They occasionally stopped to rest or look into certain shops and watched masked men and women practice their craft. Eventually Mitsuri led (Y/n) to a restaurant with outdoor seating and they happily enjoyed the sweet breeze while also eating a delicious meal. After Mitsuri had paid, they slowly made their way back to the inn as the sun sank lower in the sky. “Woo! Today was so much fun! I can’t wait to get in the water.” Mitsuri grinned, already dragging (Y/n) toward the bath to rinse off before getting in the hot spring. “Um, you go on ahead, I’ll meet you out there. I wanted to uh, check on something quick.” (Y/n) stumbled over her words. “Oh, okay. I’ll see you out there I guess.” Mitsuri tilted her head and watched (Y/n) disappear down the hall before turning back to the bath. Mitsuri washed off and wrapped a towel around herself before returning to the main room. Still no sign of (Y/n). Mitsuri frowned, her eyes mirroring the concern she felt, but shrugged it off and headed into the hot spring. She dropped her towel on a rock at the side of the water and melted into the steam as she stepped in. She sat with her head resting on top of her arms on the edge of the rocks and sighed pleasantly. “Sorry I took so long.” Mitsuri glanced up and smiled lazily at (Y/n) who had just emerged from the doorway in a fluffy towel of her own. “What did you need to do that was so important, (Y/n)?” “Ahhh, just looking around the inn. Looking to see what’s up.” (Y/n) answered and sat on the pool edge, her towel still tightly wrapped around her. “Aren’t you going to get in?” Mitsuri asked, propping up her head with one hand. “I think I’ll just hang out here. It’s just really warm and I don’t want to get dizzy.” (Y/n) replied. “That’s no fun, you should get in for a few minutes at least,” Mitsuri said, gliding over to the other demon slayer. “Come on, I’ll catch you if you faint.” She singsonged. “My hero,” (Y/n) rolled her eyes. “I’m fine right here, really.” “Aww, that’s a shame,” Mitsuri moved to be right at (Y/n)’s side. “I’m just so lonely in here. I was hoping you’d join me.” “What a drama queen,” (Y/n) huffed. “I’m literally right next to you.” “True... but you could always be closer!” Mitsuri laughed as she pounced on the other girl, scooping her up in her arms and dunking her in the water. (Y/n) was submerged in the water and kicked off the bottom and spluttered for air due to the surprise attack. “Oh my gods, (Y/n)! What happened?” Mitsuri gasped and rushed forward in the waist deep water. “Don’t play innocent with me, you literally just threw me in. And it is really hot in here!” (Y/n) scoffed, a smile tugging at her lips. The smile soon fell however, as Mitsuri’s hand delicately brushed against her now bare side. (Y/n)’s face morphed into one that held a bit of fear and apprehension as she realized she had let go of her towel when Mitsuri had thrown her in. “(Y/n), this scar tissue stretches from your ribs all the way to your hip! How did this happen? Why hadn’t you told me about this?” Mitsuri was almost in tears as she inspected the mark that no doubt came from a very serious injury. ���I didn’t want you to worry,” (Y/n) replied softly. “You remember six months ago when I wasn’t writing as often? Well, I was on a mission to defeat a demon that had been snatching children from a mountain village. The reports suggested there was only one demon responsible, but there were two. I killed one, then the other caught me off guard and attacked me from behind. By then it was nearly sunrise so the demon ran off. Another slayer happened to find me and rushed me to a wisteria house for medical attention and well, then the rest is history,” (Y/n) recounted her mission, hyper aware of the fingers that lingered on her scarred skin. “Why didn’t you tell me? Or ask someone to find me? You could have died!” Mitsuri cried. “It’s not exactly an easy thing to write about. I thought I’d tell you when we met face to face again, but then weeks turned to months and I felt that too much time had passed. So I tried to hide it, I’m sorry.” “You don’t have anything to be apologizing for!” Mitsuri wrapped her friend in a strong embrace and rested her tear stained face on (Y/n)‘s shoulder. “I’m just glad you’re alright. You are alright, right?” “Yeah, up and moving again within three months of recovery training. I’m pretty much as good as new,” (Y/n) informed, then cleared her throat. “It is really hot in here though, and as much as I enjoy your hugs, I’m getting a bit light headed.” “Really? Let’s get out then!” Mitsuri panicked a bit before picking up (Y/n) again and trudged over to the edge of the hot spring and set her down briefly before quickly exiting the pool herself and reaching for (Y/n) again. “Mitsuri, I can get back into the room myself. You don’t have to carry me,” (Y/n) said, pushing herself to stand on her feet. “I know I kinda caught you off guard with this nasty scar, but I’m really fine.” “You’re right, it’s just- I feel kind of helpless, you know? Like, I know what happened has long since passed, but I wish I could have been there for you.” “Mitsuri, it’s okay, really. Besides, we’re demon slayers these things tend to happen, and you’re a Hashira, you can’t just drop whatever you’re doing to check up on me,” (Y/n) reasoned, wrapping a fresh towel around herself and offering another to Mitsuri. “It’s just not fair. I don’t know what I’d do if you had... If you were gone,” Mitsuri accepted the towel and used it to dry her eyes rather than cover herself. “Come on, let’s get some clothes on and see if we can get you some snacks. Sound good?” Mitsuri sniffled and nodded her head, following (Y/n) inside. The girls got dressed in silence, any cheer from before seemed to have disappeared. They managed to snag some onigiri from the kitchen, but even when they returned to the room to eat, the mood was still somber and any attempts at conversation died rather quickly. “Mitsuri, please don’t let me being a reckless idiot ruin this break for you. Please stop thinking about what could have been and see that I’m right here with you, I’m okay, you don’t need to be worried about me,” (Y/n) spoke, taking one of Mitsuri’s hands in hers. “I hate it when you’re sad more than anything so please, stop making that face.” “What face?” Mitsuri sniffled, wiping her free hand over her eyes and discovering wetness from fresh tears, “Oh, never mind. I’ve got the idea now.” “What can I do to make you feel better?” (Y/n) asked, tenderly rubbing Mitsuri’s knuckles with a calloused thumb. “What can I do to make you smile again?” “Can you- Could we cuddle tonight? Like we used to when we still got to go on missions together?” Mitsuri asked, timidly. “Sure,” (Y/n) smiled, warmly. “I’m pretty tired anyway. Are you ready for bed now?” Mitsuri nodded, a small smile tugged at her lips as she followed (Y/n) over to the bed rolls after most of the lamps had been extinguished. (Y/n) laid down and spread her arms wide as an invitation that Mitsuri eagerly accepted. She snuggled into the crook of (Y/n)’s neck and wrapped one arm around (Y/n) while the other rested securely between their bodies. She breathed in the familiar scent and her smile grew a fraction wider as (Y/n)’s fingers ran through her loose hair that hung off Mitsuri’s back like an extra blanket, a comforting gesture that calmed her immensely. “Feeling better?” “Mhmm.” “I’m glad. But I think you could be happier.” Mitsuri giggled as the fingers attacked her sides and instead of moving to escape their assault, she wiggled closer to (Y/n) and smiled into her collarbone. Once the fingers resumed stroking her hair, Mitsuri found it harder to keep her eyes open and they eventually shifted close, and she fell into a deep sleep.
*** The rest of the week moved much too quickly for Mitsuri. She was having so much fun with (Y/n) that she never wanted to leave. She had come to think of the hidden village as a haven of safety and every time she saw (Y/n)’s scar, she was reminded of the dangers that lurked just beyond the wisteria blooms. On the sixth day, Mitsuri accompanied (Y/n) on her visit to see her swordsmith and test the quality of her nichirin blade. Mitsuri watched with bated breath as (Y/n) scrutinized the blade and swung it around. Mitsuri found herself hoping that the swordsmith made an error that would require another week to fix, something that would mean (Y/n) wouldn’t have to leave tomorrow. She had to stop herself from physically deflating when (Y/n) smiled and her eyes sparkled with appreciation for the swordsmith’s work. “It’s as good as new, if not better! You really did an amazing job, thank you!” (Y/n) praised the swordsmith. “I’m glad you find it satisfactory. Thank you for your kind words.” The swordsmith mumbled, Mitsuri was sure that if she removed her mask, the smith would be positively red from the praise. “Mitsuri, look at this! Isn’t it awesome?” (Y/n) presented the (f/c) blade to the Love Hashira and Mitsuri had to admit, it looked really good. “Yes, it looks wonderful.” Mitsuri said, a tight smile formed over her lips. “You keep on going like this, and I’m sure you’ll be maintaining blades for Hashira in no time!” She addressed the swordsmith. The masked woman spluttered her gratitude over the statement then quickly made an excuse to leave, absolutely over the moon from being praised by a Hashira. “Looks like I’ll be leaving tomorrow as planned. Too bad, I wanted to see what your swordsmith was doing with your blade,” (Y/n) sighed. “Well, at least we got to spend a whole week together. I had a really good time.” “Me too,” Mitsuri answered, simply. She didn’t quite trust herself to not burst into tears at that moment so she didn’t say more. “Care for a walk?” (Y/n) smiled, sliding her blade into the scabbard on her hip. “Mhmm,” Mitsuri grasped (Y/n)’s hand tightly and steered her into the woods and they followed the scenic path together. “Mitsuri, this has been really nice,” (Y/n) gave a relaxed sigh. “Makes me kind of wish I didn’t have to leave.” “Maybe you don’t,” Mitsuri whispered, tightening her grip over (Y/n)’s hand. “Just stay here with me, they can’t make you leave.” “As much as I would love that, I need to get back out in the field. I need to get out there and help people. I can’t do that if I’m here, besides, I don’t want to be holding up traffic by overstaying my welcome.” Mitsuri had stopped moving, causing (Y/n) to stop as well and observe the Hashira closely. “Oh no, Mitsuri, don’t be sad. I’m sure we’ll see each other again soon!” “You don’t know that!” Mitsuri yelled, surprising herself and (Y/n) with her volume. “Before this week, the last time we met face to face was seven months ago. Then I just learned about this,” Mitsuri pressed her hand over (Y/n)’s waist where just under her uniform the scar marred her skin, “You could have died and the only way I’d know, would be because I wouldn’t get anymore letters from you. It would have been like you just disappeared off the face of the planet.” “Mitsuri, I’m sorry I scared you, but it’s just not practical. You know how dangerous our line of work is. I worry about you a lot too, you face much stronger demons than I do, so I just wish for your safety and hope that I’ll catch up to you one day so we can work together again. I can’t do that if I stay a Hinoe forever.” “I want to work together too! To have each other’s backs like when we were Mizunoto.” “Then you have to let me go,” (Y/n) smiled, a bittersweet smile. “Come on, let’s go get dinner, I’ll even let you pay for it.” Mitsuri laughed and wiped at the corners of her eyes. “Yeah, alright.” Dinner was somber. After they ate they headed back to the inn and relaxed in the hot spring, Mitsuri discreetly stared at (Y/n)’s scar as she eased into the water. “(Y/n)?” Mitsuri whispered. “Yes?” “Can we cuddle tonight?” “We’ve kind of been cuddling every night, so yeah, we can cuddle,” (Y/n) laughed. Mitsuri jumped out of the water and draped her towel over her shoulders . “Let’s go then!” “Already? We’ve only just got in,” (Y/n) said, getting out of the water anyway. “I want to get all I can get. I wanted to make the most of our time together, remember?” “Yeah, okay, I’m coming! You don’t need to push,” (Y/n) laughed as Mitsuri guided her back into their room. The girls put on their yukatas and snuggled up to each other, Mitsuri held tight and found sleep despite the emotions swirling within her, but not before a plan started to form in her brain.
*** “(L/n)-san, are you ready to go?” The Kakushi guide asked as (Y/n) came within hearing distance. “As ready as I’ll ever be...” (Y/n) forced a smile. When she had woken this morning, Mitsuri was nowhere to be found. (Y/n) assumed something came up with her blade and she had to go check on it which was fine, but she had hoped that Mitsuri would have at least been able to see her off. As soon as the Kakushi finished tying the blind fold over her eyes, a familiar voice could be heard yelling in the distance. “Wait, wait, wait! Don’t leave yet, please!” (Y/n) turned her head in the direction of the voice and grinned. “Mitsuri, is that you? Where were you this morning?” “Sorry, I had an important letter to send to Oyakata-sama!” Mitsuri huffed as she closed the distance and grabbed onto (Y/n)’s shoulders as she attempted to catch her breath. “I’m so glad I caught you in time!” “I don’t mean to be rude Kanroji-sama, but we really must be going now.” The Kakushi informed. “Um, actually, you’re services are no longer necessary. (Y/n) will be staying here with me until my blade has been finished,” Mitsuri said. “I don’t understand,” the Kakushi’s eyes narrowed. “(L/n)-san must leave today. Her blade has been repaired, there is no reason for her to stay here any longer.” “Mitsuri, what’s going on?” (Y/n) removed the blindfold and gave the Hashira a questioning look. “I’m scouting you!” Mitsuri’s eyes gleamed. “I’m recruiting you to be my Tsuguko!” “Your what!?” (Y/n) looked and the bouncing girl before her absolutely dumbfounded. “What do you think? I mean, I guess I should have asked you first before informing the Master, but I thought about it last night and I was just too excited to wait for you to wake up,” Mitsuri spoke excitedly. “Isn’t this great? This way you’ll always be by my side until you become a Hashira yourself!” “Mitsuri, I don’t know what to say...” (Y/n) rubbed the back of her neck. “Are you sure you want to do this? I may be a competent demon slayer, but I’m nowhere near good enough that you should be taking me on as a Tsuguko.” “Is she your Tsuguko or not, Kanroji-sama? I have a schedule to keep,” the Kakushi asked, losing patience. “What do you say, (Y/n)?” Mitsuri held (Y/n)’s hands in her own. “Will you stay by my side and take me as your mentor?” (Y/n) looked down at their connected hands and closed her eyes and took in a deep breath. She looked back up at Mitsuri and smiled. “I’d be honored.” “Is- is that a yes?” Mitsuri squeaked, positively vibrating with hope. “It’s a yes-!” Mitsuri picked (Y/n) up just as she released the last word and spun her around, cheering loudly. Then she turned to the Kakushi with (Y/n) still in her arms. “Sorry for the inconvenience, my blade is still with my smith and as my Tsuguko, (Y/n) must remain here with me until it is completed.” “Understood, Kanroji-sama,” and with that, the Kakushi jumped out of sight, seemingly a bit miffed off. “I can’t believe you did this,” (Y/n) said, still baffled. “I’m going to be training under you, the Love Hashira. This is insane!” “Insane in a good way?” Mitsuri asked, timidly. “You know what? I think so,” (Y/n) booped Mitsuri’s nose, eliciting a giggle from her. “You can put me down now.” “Hmm? Oh, right,” Mitsuri gave a chagrined laugh. “So what’s the plan, Kanroji-sama? Master?” (Y/n) smirked as Mitsuri’s face bloomed red. “Please just call me Mitsuri, it’s too weird to hear you call me either of those names,” Mitsuri squeaked, her voice slightly muffled by her hands as they attempted to cover the burning blush settling in her cheeks. “Let’s start with food since I missed breakfast to write that letter to Oyakata-sama,” she added, just after a loud growl came from her stomach. “Sure thing, Master!” (Y/n) grinned, cheekily. “Stop that!”
*** When the time finally came to leave the Swordsmith Village, the Love Hashira and her Tsuguko left together and she could not have been happier. Despite being blindfolded, she craned her head in the direction of (Y/n)’s voice as she recounted her lessons from their training sessions in the village. Now that both of their blades were in perfect condition, the real training could begin once they returned to Mitsuri’s Estate. They were already on to the fourth change of guides and would soon be left to their own devices. To say Mitsuri was excited was an understatement. “Kanroji-sama, could you please refrain from wiggling so much? I’m worried I’ll lose balance,” The concerned Kakushi spoke, adjusting their hold on the Love Hashira. “Sorry!” Mitsuri apologized and quelled the wiggliness in her limbs to a mild jittering. “Sensei, what are we going to do once we get back?” (Y/n) called from the back of another Kakushi. “It depends on if a mission comes up. I was hoping to start with some breathing and sparring practice... and don’t call me sensei!” Mitsuri shot an accusatory finger in the direction she believed (Y/n) to be in. She was a little off, but it didn’t really matter since (Y/n) wouldn’t have been able to see it anyway. “Kanroji-sama, please stop moving so much!” The exasperated Kakaushi asked once again. “Sorry!” About twenty minutes later, they were dropped off near the edge of the forest and they thanked the Kakushi as they disappeared back into the trees. Mitsuri tested (Y/n)’s memory on the Love breathing techniques as they continued walking on their own feet in the direction of Mitsuri’s home. Once Mitsuri was sure (Y/n) would remember the names and purposes of the techniques, they switched over to more general conversation. “I’m so excited! We’re going to live together, and eat together, train together, go on missions together, bathe together, sleep together-“ “Mitsuri, do you ever think that maybe we spend too much time together?” (Y/n) simpered. Mitsuri thought for a second before shaking her head resolutely, “Nope. I don’t think I could ever spend too much time with you.” “I feel the same,” (Y/n) said softly, heat blooming over her face and chest. “What the hell is this?” The two women jolted and snapped their gaze to a low lying tree. Upon one of the branches sat Obanai, who was observing the interaction with calculating eyes. “Iguro-san, hi!” Mitsuri waved. “What brings you here? Oh! You are not going to believe this! This is (Y/n), you know, the friend I’m always writing to? She’s my Tsuguko now!” Obanai slid silently to the ground and observed (Y/n) closely. The intensity of his gaze making (Y/n) sweat. “Um, it’s an honor to meet you Iguro-sama. Mitsuri spoke very highly of you in her letters,” (Y/n) said with a bow. His eyes seemed to light up at that, but his words were still standoffish and cold. “Yeah, when she gets letters from you she goes on and on about you for days. Now that I’ve finally met you, I don’t see what the big deal is,” he said nonchalantly. “Iguro-san, that’s so rude!” Mitsuri gasped, giving her shell shocked friend a hug as Obanai shrugged indifferently. “Anyway, I came by because I figured you’d forget about the Pillar meeting we are supposed to be having today,” Obanai said, not sparing (Y/n) a second thought. “Oh shoot, I forgot!” Mitsuri suddenly yelled. “There’s still time, but we have to run! (Y/n)!” The girl in question jumped as Mitsuri’s face moved to be only centimeters away from her own. “Make yourself at home and uh, practice Love Breathing stances or something!” “But you haven’t taught me the stances yet?” (Y/n) said, rubbing the back of her neck. “Right! Well, just remember what I’ve already told you and yeah, I’m sure you’ll figure it out! Gotta run, be back later!” (Y/n) stood with her mouth slightly agape as the Love and Serpent Hashira ran out of sight. “What the hell just happened?”
*** “Iguro, forgive me if this is a bit presumptuous of me, but did someone shit in your breakfast this morning? Because you seem more surly than normal today.” Tengen asked as he heard the Serpent Hashira sigh bitterly for the umpteenth time as they waited for the Master to appear. “I said I was sorry, Iguro-san! I didn’t mean to hit you that hard. I just couldn’t believe you’d talk to (Y/n) like that!” Mitsuri apologized for the umpteenth time, the only difference being that it was the first time she had done it since they had gotten to the garden and some of the other Hashira took interest. “(Y/n)? Isn’t that the friend you’re always writing to, they’re here?” Shinobu asked. “Yes! Oh you’ll love her Shinobu, I can’t wait for you to meet her. She’s my Tsuguko now so you’ll have plenty of opportunities!” Mitsuri informed excitedly, as Obanai continued to sulk. “A Tsuguko! How grand!” Kyojuro exclaimed, loudly. “It was not long ago when I took you under my wing. I’m sure you’ll soon realize how rewarding it is to be on the mentor side of things! I couldn’t be more proud!” “Thank you, Rengoku-san!” Mitsuri blushed and smiled proudly. “When did you have time to execute this?” Shinobu asked. “Didn’t you just get back from the Swordsmith Village?” “Oh, (Y/n) was at the village too. We spent the whole first week together and then (Y/n)’s sword was done so she was going to have to leave and I kind of panicked and wrote a letter to Oyakata-sama so (Y/n) would be my Tsuguko and not have to leave my side!” Mitsuri explained, speaking animatedly. “Ah, I see,” Shinobu smiled knowingly, a teasing gleam in her eye. “She must be very special, yes? Tell me, how much of your decision was based on skill versus desire?” “D-desire? Desire for what? And skill! (Y/n) is super skilled, she’s already memorized the Love Breathing forms and their purposes, she just needs to put them in motion and she’ll be a Pillar in no time!” Mitsuri replied. “Nah, I think Kochou’s got a point. You tend to fawn over every letter that girl gives you and hang on to every word. I think you’re judgement might’ve been clouded over by your feelings for this girl,” Tengen commented. “What!” Mitsuri’s face heated up. “Come on, do you guys really think I’d choose (Y/n) as my Tsuguko just because we’re friends?” Of the Pillars that were engaged in the conversation, all nodded in agreement except for Obanai. “Friends?” He scoffed. “I may not have many friends-“ “Still have more than Tomioka-san,” Shinobu interrupted, waving over at Giyuu as he stared at her blankly from across the garden. “Anyway,” Obanai continued, “I may not have many friends but even I know people don’t say the kind of lovey dovey crap you were spouting to their friends.” “Ooo, do tell Iguro-san, just what did you hear,” Shinobu smiled as Mitsuri squirmed. “She was basically talking about how they’re going to spend every waking moment together and even all the time in the world wouldn’t be enough to satisfy her need to be together,” Obanai said, his tone was cold but his eyes held mischief. Sure he was disappointed with where Mitsuri’s affections laid, but he had known about (Y/n) for nearly as long as he new Mitsuri and knew he never really had a chance. Right now he just wanted revenge for that punch because his back still hurt like hell. “I never said that!” Mitsuri spluttered. “You’re totally blowing this out of proportion! All I said was how excited I was to be living with her and how I didn’t think we could ever spend too much time together!” “That’s nearly the same as what Iguro-san said!” Kyojuro stated. “But don’t worry, I trust in your decision making abilities, I’m sure you’re girlfriend is a fine demon slayer worthy of your teachings!” “(Y/n) isn’t my girlfriend!” Mitsuri squeaked, her skin felt like it was positively on fire and her heart was beating impossibly fast. “She kind of is, unofficially of course,” Shinobu said, offering Mitsuri a handkerchief to wipe away the sweat from the poor girl. “We’ve all heard you talk about her and how you covet every letter and, well, we’ve kind of read some of them so we know that she really likes you as well.” “You people have been reading my mail!?” Mitsuri yelled. “Eh, it’s kind of hard not to when you leave the letters out in the open,” Tengen shrugged. “Will you all just shut up already! The Master will be here any second and I’m tired of listening to this shit excuse of a conversation! You can sort out your love life at home, Kanroji,” Sanemi growled. Tengen scoffed and Obanai rolled his eyes. Kyojuro continued to smile as he stared into the distance and Shinobu offered a sympathetic pat to Mitsuri’s shoulder before focusing her attention toward the engawa. Mitsuri wasn’t the first to greet the Master when he arrived, she barely registered that he had entered at all. In fact, she hardly paid attention at all during the meeting as her mind raced to process everything that had just occurred and as all the pieces came together she could only repeat the same sentence to herself over and over. Oh my gods, I’m in love with (Y/n)!
Once the Master retired to his room and the meeting concluded, Shinobu tugged on Mitsuri’s haori to bring the girl back to reality. “The meeting is over, Mitsuri. We can go home how,” Shinobu smiled when Mitsuri jolted at the unexpected contact. “Oh, cool,” Mitsuri mumbled, wringing her hands nervously. “I certainly hope we haven’t said anything to cause you distress, just keep being yourself Mitsuri, you aren’t going to scare her away by sharing your feelings,” Shinobu reassured. “And if she hurts your feelings in any way you tell me and I’ll take care of it,” Obanai added. “What do you mean by ‘take care of it’?” Mitsuri asked. “Don’t worry about it,” Obanai replied cryptically. “Let the flame in your heart run wild, Kanroji!” Kyojuro cheered. “I’ve got three wives, how hard could it be for someone as flamboyant as you to get one as well?” Tengen said. “Okay! I’m gonna go for it!” Mitsuri shot up and ran to jump over the top of the fence. “Kanroji, be careful.” Obanai chided as she nearly slipped off the ledge. “No time to waste! I need to hurry before I lose my nerve!” Mitsuri called over her shoulder as she ran all the way back home. When Mitsuri got back, she was sweating profusely and breathing heavily. She gave herself a few minutes to catch her breath before looking around the grounds for (Y/n). She finally found her stretching under a tree and she stood watching (Y/n) from a distance. Mitsuri’s heart began beating nearly as hard as it had when she ran home. Her hands trembled and her face grew hot and she nearly decided to back out of her confession, but she took a deep breath and approached (Y/n) to tell her how she felt. As her footsteps neared, (Y/n) swiveled her head, craning it upwards as she stretched. “Mitsuri! Welcome back!” (Y/n) called, her smile making Mitsuri’s heart feel like it was going to explode. “Can you help me stretch a bit further?” “Yes, sure!” Mitsuri squeaked. She knelt behind (Y/n) and pushed her back forward so her stomach was nearly even with the ground. Mitsuri held (Y/n) in position for a few moments then let up, allowing (Y/n) to return to a sitting position. “I don’t think we thought this through very well,” (Y/n) sighed, catching Mitsuri by surprise. “What do you mean?” “Love Breathing was developed by you to maximize the use of your flexibility and strength. Even your whip-like blade is important to your style and how every move is carried out. What I’m trying to say is, I don’t think it’s possible for me to properly execute Love Breathing,” (Y/n) explained with a frown. “I’m afraid I won’t make a very good Successor for you Mitsuri.” “That’s not true!” Mitsuri interjected. “I mean, yeah, Love Breathing compliments my skills, but you can still learn something from it. I learned Flame Breathing from Rengoku-san, I don’t really use it anymore, but it heavily influenced my fighting style. We just need to enhance your skills and you can develop a Breath of your own!” Mitsuri encouraged. “I don’t know, Mitsuri...” “You can do it! I know you can because you’re smart, strong, and dedicated and those are just three of the many things I love about you!” Mitsuri said, grasping the sleeve of (Y/n)’s uniform and blushing furiously. “Mitsuri, you’re too good to me,” (Y/n) smiled, placing her hand over Mitsuri’s, nearly sending the pink haired girl to the other side because of the gentle, yet firm contact. “Well, how does pancakes sound for dinner? I was going to see if you had the ingredients but I got lost in there and didn’t know where anything was.” “Pancakes sounds awesome! Great! Can’t wait to make them!” Mitsuri babbled paying more attention to their still connected hands as they walked toward the house. “Are you okay, Mitsuri? You look hot.” “H-hot?!” Mitsuri squeaked. “Yeah, your face is all red and your palm is sweaty. You aren’t getting sick, are you?” “No! I, um, I just realized something and uh, I was going to do something about it, then I didn’t do it right away and now I don’t know if I can do it and-“ “Mitsuri,” (Y/n) faced the Hashira and held Mitsuri by the arms. “What is it, what’s wrong? Whatever it is I’ll help you.” “It’s not that simple,” Mitsuri mumbled flicking her eyes to look anywhere besides (Y/n)’s own eyes. “Okay, just start by saying what the problem is and we can figure it out from there. We can take baby steps.” “The problem is what it is! If I say it, that’s it, there will be nothing left to do!” Mitsuri whined. “Then you should say it!” (Y/n) laughed in spite of the situation. “What’s the worst that could happen?” “You’d hate me,” Mitsuri replied, tears began spilling from her pastel green eyes. “You’d hate me and never want to see me again!” “Mitsuri, I could never hate you!” (Y/n) said, emphatically. She raised a hand up to catch the tears that broke free from Mitsuri’s eyes. “What? Did you change your mind about the whole Tsuguko thing? That’s okay! I’d never resent you for that it’s a lot of work after all and you already do so much-“ “I’m in love with you!” Mitsuri cut (Y/n) off, her eyes filled with a fragile hope as she scanned over (Y/n)’s face for her reaction. “You are?” (Y/n) asked, her expression one of surprise and awe. Mitsuri tried to speak, but her throat was suddenly dry so she settled on furiously nodding her head. Then she gasped as (Y/n) pulled her close to her chest in a tight embrace. “I love you too,” (Y/n) said, smiling brightly. “You do? Why didn’t you say anything before?!” Mitsuri whined, burying her embarrassed face into (Y/n)’s neck. “You always seemed dead set on finding a man that was stronger than you and well, I’m neither of those things,” (Y/n) answered. “To be honest, I’m very surprised you like me as more than a friend. I didn’t think I had a chance.” “Aw, I can’t believe I wasted so much time!” Mitsuri pouted, more tears threatening to spill. “You didn’t waste anything. If I had been a bit braver I could have told you how I felt before now as well. Now, we could focus on the past, or we could focus on the present and maybe even the future. Everything is out in the open now,” (Y/n) smiled, gently pushing Mitsuri off of her chest. “So, what do you want to do?” Mitsuri stared unblinkingly at the girl before her, seemingly lost in thought. Then, she carefully cupped (Y/n)’s face in her hands, causing the other girl’s face to heat up significantly. Mitsuri searched (Y/n)’s face for a moment more before diving in and- their noses bumped almost painfully together. “Stop laughing!” Mitsuri whined as she covered her tender nose with her hand. She could hear (Y/n)’s muffled laughter through their own hand that covered their nose and mouth as well. “I’m sorry!” (Y/n) wheezed, trying to regain her composure. “I love you so much! You’re just so amazingly endearing in every way!” “You say the nicest things, I want to kiss you really bad!” Mitsuri pouted, tugging on (Y/n)’s uniform. “But now my nose hurts and I ruined the moment!” “No, you haven’t,” (Y/n) smiled. She raised herself to kiss the tip of Mitsuri’s nose. She paused for a moment to observe Mitsuri’s reaction before tilting her head and allowing their lips to finally meet in a short but sweet kiss. “Was that okay?” (Y/n) asked, softly. “Do it again!” Mitsuri asked, well, more like commanded, while bouncing eagerly on her heels. “Okay, but you have to stop bouncing first or we’ll knock our teeth out,” (Y/n) laughed. Their lips met again, and again, and again and then when Mitsuri got the hang of it, (Y/n) was sure she was going to pass out from lack of oxygen. Fortunately for (Y/n)’s lungs, Mitsuri paused her attack on (Y/n)’s lips as a loud growl ripped through her stomach. “Oh right, pancakes! Who knew kissing could make you work up an appetite,” Mitsuri marveled. “Come on, let’s get inside and start cooking! The sooner we eat, the sooner we can get back to kissing!” “What have I gotten myself into?” (Y/n) grinned as Mitsuri pulled her along. “You’re insatiable.” “It’s too late to back out now, the kisses sealed the deal. You have to stay by my side forever now! You know, unless that’s not what you want,” Mitsuri said, getting nervous again. (Y/n) squeezed Mitsuri’s hand and lovingly brought it to her lips and planted a kiss on the skin, making Mitsuri smile radiantly. “There is no place I’d rather be.”
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ohana · 3 years
When you looked me in the eyes, you finally made me recognize (Cobra Kai Secret Santa)
I'm probably ten thousand hours early because I'm on the wrong continent but still.
Here is my entry for the Cobra Kai Secret Santa hosted by @cobrakaisecretsanta​ (thank you thank you thank you) for @trashmouth-writes
The request from trashmouth-writes was "Definitely anything with pouty johnny with super lovey dovey Daniel" And it seemed nice to write something Christmas and a bit silly. I hope you like it (if you don't like it, please lie to me)
 "Anyway, yes the advent calendar. I think it's a scam or a trap. Someone is trying to fuck with me."
"Giving you gifts?" When LaRusso's voice rises an octave he seems to be still sixteen.
"Johnny, have you ever thought that maybe someone is simply giving you gifts? Like to make you happy?"
In which Johnny starts to receive an advent calendar from a mysterious admirer.
Lawrusso, of course.
On AO3 too, here.
When you looked me in the eyes, you finally made me recognize
He remembers his first Christmas with Ali. The party, the people, Ali's red dress that she hated but her grandmother wanted her wear (she was beautiful and he hadn't even told her). His mother's laugh and how she kissed his cheek and said that they were such a beautiful couple. Sid saying "You are doing good, kid", maybe for the first time of their life together as family, and "Merry Christmas."
He doesn't remember Robby's first Christmas. He wasn't there. Shannon has sent him a Christmas card, a photo of her and Robby smiling together with some silly hats and "prick" scribbled over the big tree.
He wonders if Robby remembers the Christmas when he was there or it was too late.
He never thinks about the Christmas after the All Valley Tournament. He dreams about it sometimes. Kreese's hands on his neck, LaRusso's face disfigured with pain after Johnny hit him in the leg, the trophy, Bobby's phone calls that he kept not answering and all the "Johnny, open the door" of his mother, the Christmas eve at the beach alone.
It's not that he hates Christmas. He just doesn't care about it.
He doesn't buy chocolate. Damn most of the time he even forgets to buy real food, let alone chocolate (less often than in the past, to be honest. Maybe because Robby sleeps at his house a couple of nights a week, maybe because he's getting old and he can't live only drinking beers, maybe because LaRusso sends him stupid text from the supermarket reminding him to buy green stuff as if they were in a comedy from the 1950s). Anyway. He doesn't buy chocolate that is the main reason why now he's been sitting in his office at Cobra Kai in front of a bag of chocolates for half an hour without knowing what to do. He lifts them up, studies them a bit as if he suddenly could tell if they are poisoned. He googles them too, because now he's the kind of nerd who uses the internet. He writes "scams chocolates" but finds nothing.
He hears a key in the lock and footsteps.
Miguel overlooks at the door. His footsteps are still uncertain every now and then but in the last year he has made so much progress that if Johnny celebrated his thanksgiving day his first thank you would be for that kid.
"Yes, Sensei?"
Johnny points to the chocolates.
"Are these yours?"
Diaz looks puzzled. "Er ... no?"
"No, are you sure?" He says. Like a good teacher, like someone ready to listen to his students and not yell at them. "You can tell me."
Diaz looks even more puzzled. "Still no, sorry." He thinks for a second "Why should I have put some chocolates in your office?"
"What the fuck do I know? Why should I put them here?"
"Because it's your office?"
Johnny shrugs. "They're not mine."
Miguel walks over to him and checks the desk as if he were a fucking detective. "Was there nothing attached? No note? A receipt? Nothing?"
"Of course there was nothing attached, Mr. Diaz! I would have noticed it!" he says waving the bag that in that exact moment drops a small piece of paper. They both watch it as it gently flutters across the desk and if someone walks in at that moment and sees them he will immediately think they are father and son. Which is the truth even if it isn't.
"It's a one!" Miguel screams as if he has solved the mystery.
"I know dummy, I can read. Why is there a piece of paper with a one written on it?"
"Oh." He says, sadly "I don't know."
They stare at the chocolates and the paper for a few seconds.
Miguel takes the bag in his hand. "They look good, fancy. Not something you'll find at the store, mh?"
"How long is it until the next lesson, Diaz?" He asks him.
"At least half an hour."
"Do you want a chocolate?"
The next day in front of Cobra Kai's door there is a bottle of rum with a bow, a number two written on a card and a pretentious brochure explaining how to pair chocolate with rum. He looks around and when he doesn't see anyone that could reclaim it he takes it in his office and then at home. He doesn't have any chocolate left because the self restrain is not his best attribute but the rum tastes quite good anyway. He is freezing and it makes him feel warm.
He talks about it with LaRusso the next saturday. Until that day he received an Anthrax t-shirt and a pack of artisanal mini pizzas.
"Are you sure they're for you? Maybe someone got the wrong address and you're stealing some Christmas presents!" LaRusso suddenly comes alive and starts hopping like he always does when he's excited about something (it's not that he really hops, he just moves faster. Not that Johnny pays any attention to it. Because he doesn't.) "Maybe you're the Grinch of a family that lives near Cobra kai! "
"LaRusso the chocolates were inside my office, a bit too much for a wrong address don't you think?" and then "Who the fuck is the Grinch?"
From LaRusso's scandalized expression, this is not the right thing to say. What a surprise.
"Okay, no wrong addresses. Did you ask Robby? Maybe he ordered them on amazon?"
"Hey we don't do these things in our house, that dark web shit."
"Anyway, why are we here?" They are walking through home improvement stores. Near them only mothers with children, families, people who laugh and joke and talk and Johnny hates them all.
"You know why we are here. We are here because, as I wrote you, I have to buy a Christmas tree." (and I didn't want to go alone, he is about to say. But he doesn't say that. And I wanted to go with you, he thinks. But he doesn't say that either.)
"And you didn't go with Amanda ... why?"
"Because you don't go with your ex-wife to buy a Christmas tree for your new bachelor flat. We're not that civilized."
"I don't understand why you need a Christmas tree anyway." Daniel shows him a tree topper full of ribbons and ruffles and things that shouldn't be in any straight person's apartment. Or in general. "Put that thing down or am I going to have to kick you."
"Mh, and who knows how it would end ..." but he is smiling and there is a tone of complicity in his voice. "I don't want Sam and Anthony to come to my house for the holidays and see a bachelor loft, I want them to see a tree and some presents and decorations. They're already going through divorce and everything, I want at least my home to be normal, cozy." Then a sigh. "Besides, I like Christmas."
"Why? Christmas is just people who don't like each other together and presents that you'll not like."
Daniel bursts out laughing and throws a punch at him. Johnny tries to see nothing in that gesture, in that intimacy. "Oh my god, you really are the fucking Grinch, Johnny Lawrence. I just don't know. I just like it. Maybe because I'm a father and when they were little Christmas was the most magical time of the year for the kids. I don't know...I like waiting for presents, I like lights, I like people, I like the warmth."
"Pffff. If you say so."
"How about this?" LaRusso indicates a tree, not too big, not too naked(Johnny is convinced that in reality in LaRusso hates all the minimalist things he buys, all the apartments with dove gray walls and gray furniture and just pretend because  c'mon, just think about how he dressed as a kid there is nothing beige in that man).
"Looks ok." He thinks about it for a moment. "Now do you also want me to help you find some mistletoe to hang around the house or are we finally ready to go?"
"Considering that the only person who walks through the door of my house, apart from my children, is you, should I take that as a suggestion?"
And Johnny nearly risks a head-on against a Christmas tree.
LaRusso is still laughing as they walk out of the shop with bags full of Christmas baubles.
(It wasn't a suggestion, of course. Why would he suggest something like that? They don't have that kind of relationship. There would be no reason to kiss under the mistletoe. Or kissing in general. Obviously. Fuck it. He doesn't think about anything else all night. Fuck it.)
In the end it's Hawk that explains everything.
Miguel and the other students are outside Cobra Kai sharing a couple of beers that Johnny is pretty sure they shouldn't drink but since he found them at the door fuck it. They are triple malt, from a microbrewery and the cap does not even unscrew but they don't really suck.
Hawk lifts one of the bottles, looks at the number on it and then as if it were the most natural thing in the world he asks. "Sensei, did you buy yourself a craft beer advent calendar?"
"Huh?" Says Johnny.
"An advent calendar."
"Huh?" Miguel asks.
"How is it possible that the boy with the Jewish grandparents has to explain to you what an advent calendar is?" And since they don't seem to understand, he continues. "On this bottle there is the number seven, today is December 7th. Were there another six bottles of beer?"
"No." Miguel replies sadly.
"But there were six other gifts, each with a number attached to it." Johnny corrects him.
"One a day!" Adds Miguel.
"So it's an advent calendar. One surprise a day until Christmas."
"Except if he didn't buy it himself, some chick must have bought it for him. Not bad for an old man, Sensei!"
The kids start speculating about who might have given it to him and looking at all possible advent calendars on their smartphones.
Johnny walks away as a high-pitched voice speaks of "Merry cheesemas". When he gets home he throws the remaining beers in the garbage and turns off the television when the usual Christmas movie appears.
"I think it's a trap" He says to LaRusso the next monday.
"What?" LaRusso looks lost. He is wearing a big scarf but his nose is still a bit red and he looks, Johnny would rather die than say it out loud, cute.
"The gifts with the numbers on it."
"The Advent Calendar?"
Why everyone knows what an advent calendar is?
Johnny nods.
"Is the advent calendar a trap?"
Now Johnny seems like an idiot. Which is not. Definitely.
"These ones?"
LaRusso shakes his head as Johnny points to some plant shears. He hands him an even bigger pair.
"These are more suitable for outdoor bonsai. They won't rust if you don't dry them well after disinfecting them. They are slightly more expensive but last a lifetime." His eyes sparkle when he talks about his stupid plants. Johnny hates him a little.
"A little more expensive?" He looks at the price tag. "I could buy him a real tree with the price, not these miniature trees that you short people like."
LaRusso snorts "But Robby doesn't want a tree for Christmas." He stops for a second lost in his thoughts "If they're too expensive I can contribute, I'd love to." And even if it costs him to admit it, Johnny knows that he is sincere in this. LaRusso is an asshole, a hothead, he believes himself better than others and he can never shut up but he is generous, he really likes to do things for others. Johnny hates him a little.
"Give them to me." He takes the scissors and puts them in the basket. "Anyway, yes the advent calendar. I think it's a scam or a trap. Someone is trying to fuck with me."
"Giving you gifts?" When LaRusso's voice rises an octave he seems to be still sixteen. "Why?"
"What the fuck do I know? Why do people do things? Maybe it's one of your mortal enemies who wants to screw me. Maybe it's Terry Silver."
"We're not talking about Terry Silver." It is true. But they talked about him. One evening in that confused space of time when everything was going to hell, in which while Johnny's life, the Cobra Kai and LaRusso's marriage were falling apart, they found a way of their own to communicate. They found their own dimension.
"Maybe someone you pissed off." He replies.
"Someone that I pissed off? And why would someone I pissed off try to screw you? By giving you gifts by the way? Besides, I think you piss off enough people on your own."
"Pfff. In any case, I threw everything in the garbage. Nobody can fool me like that."
They keep walking into the plant shop.
"Johnny, have you ever thought that maybe someone is simply giving you gifts? Like to make you happy?"
That night when he gets home he takes the panettone and the Zebra bootleg out of the garbage. They are both pretty good.
On Thursday in the advent calendar, he gave up and decided to call it that, he found a small radio. It's the miniature version, with a USB port (Miguel tells him), of the Ali's one that he broke on the beach. Even the songs included are the same ones he listened to at that time. That evening when a Christmas movie is being shown on television, he waits ten minutes before changing the channel.
"I think it's Ali." He tells LaRusso when they meet up the next day for a couple of beers and some Chinese food (for Johnny, LaRusso insists on eating that awful raw fish that costs more than cooked fish and tastes like sea).
"I think Ali made the advent calendar for me." and then because LaRusso doesn't seem to understand he tells him about the Zebra bootleg, about how most of the surprises seem to come from someone who knows him well and obviously about the radio like the one Ali had.
LaRusso doesn't seem so sure. He stretches on the sofa, where they sat to watch The Grinch because according to Daniel it was not acceptable that Johnny had never seen him, and ventures "Johnny are you talking to Ali lately?"
"Not a word for thirty-something years."
"Then why should she send you an advent calendar? She doesn't even live in the same city as us."
Johnny sighs like he's dealing with an idiot. Which is fair. "Women can never forget someone like me."
"She left you! She hated you!" and then with his annoying voice "Oh don't get distracted this scene is particularly funny!" (it isn't)
Johnny ignores him. "She probably wanted to apologize to me in some way with that radio."
"But it was you who broke it!" and then in a low voice convinced that Johnny can't hear him "My God this guy is really an asshole."
"Hey, there's nothing wrong with being a little jealous. The fact that she didn't send you an advent calendar doesn't mean Ali didn't care about you, she just can't forget me. Try this guy once..."
Daniel throws candy canes in his face.
"Hey ... do you want to stay over?" LaRusso asks him when the film ends. "It's quite late and I don't know how much you've been drinking."
It's not particularly late and Johnny hasn't drunk more than on a normal day of the week. LaRusso's sofa bed isn't even particularly comfortable, even though the sheets always smell good and the pancakes he makes don't really suck (and he's even stopped insisting that Johnny try some kind of tea that tastes like pureed grass). There are Christmas on the front door, which he hates. He really has no reason to stay.
Johnny fakes a yawn. He stays.
The next morning he writes a message to Ali to thank her for the advent calendar on facebook.
He writes to LaRusso "To be honest the Grinch never hated the Christmas, he hated the people, which is fair."
Ali replies "Johnny, what are you talking about? Why should I give you a gift?"
LaRusso replies "You are such an ass. Do you want to help me decorate the tree tonight? "
"Of course I don't want it. Why? Are you too short to put the baubles on it?" He texts back.
"I have beers and we can try the new pizzeria around the corner."
He replies ""Okay but if you're going to put on that ridiculous sweater with the deer and the lights again, I'll have to fight you to get it off."
"It's a reindeer not a deer, for God's sake. And you have a funny way to try to undress your dates, Lawrence."
It's a joke of course. A lame one. It's not that he really wants to see LaRusso naked. Or that LaRusso is his date. (fuck fuck fuck)
He helps LaRusso with the Christmas tree. He doesn't even hate too much.
He doesn't text back to Ali.
After three more days of surprises in the advent calendar, he confronts Carmen.
She listens to him without saying a word but then her doubtful expression melts into a smile. It's a smile that Carmen reserves only for him and in which Johnny initially saw a lot of potential. He saw going out, a lot of sex, even a little romance. Now that the months have passed, including those in which Carmen didn't even speak to him at all, he has learned to see what is really behind that smile, that sweetness: family. They will never be in love but they will always be a family in some way.
"Johnny, my love these days I don't even have time to breathe at work, let alone prepare an advent calendar for someone." And then "Have you ever thought that there is someone else besides us who wants to make you happy?"
Johnny grumbles, replies by making silly allusions to some girl he's met and stuff like that. In front of Carmen's door, he finds himself thinking for the first time in months about his mother, about the way she always took care of him.
Carmen continues talking. "I heard that Robby will probably spend Christmas with his mom. We won't be home celebrating... Do you have someone to spend Christmas with? Otherwise we can try to organize something, I'm sure Miggy would like it."
Johnny thinks of the billionth text that LaRusso sent him to remind him to pack the gift for Robby.
"I'm okay." He replies.
The next day he finds an Atari console with Popeye on it in the advent calendar and it's a trip down memory lane. He liked video games when he was a kid, when he wasn't the popular guy at school yet. He liked listening to music, playing video games and forgetting Sid's remarks, the absence of a father, the lack of friends. Before, in a world where there was no karate, Kreese and Cobra Kai to get lost in. He had almost forgotten about those years, about that Johnny. He wonders what would happen to his life if he stayed that Johnny. Would Ali have stayed? (Or even more than that: would Ali notice and date someone like that Johnny?) Would the friends of the Cobra Kai want him? Would he have been a failure as a father? Would he and Daniel become friends? (he imagines: making lesson with Mr. Miyagi, play video games together, teach him to surf and stay to chill on the beach, listening some music with only one walkman, close, with legs touching)
When on December 18th he finds a portable mini golf (like the ones you see in B-movies, in the offices of successful managers) he invites LaRusso to his apartment to play with it only because he is unable to play something without turning it into a competition , in a fight. Not because he likes to see him. Daniel goes all "Oh" and "Thanks" when he sees that Johnny has put in the fridge all he needs for a martini cocktail and opens his giant brown doe eyes and Johnny doesn't know whether to feel like a shitty person or a fifteen year old on a first date. The only thing he's sure of is that he doesn't know what to do with these feelings. If he could he would kick them, fight them back to their corner because he's not sure he knows how to ignore them now that they're out. He is so angry. With himself, with LaRusso, with that stupid advent calendar and with Christmas too.
He kicks LaRusso's butt at portable mini golf and when it starts getting late he yawns and says he'll have to get up early the next day for some commitments. He doesn't offer LaRusso another drink, he doesn't ask him if he's too tired to stay. He falls asleep on the couch alone.
He goes out two nights in a row. At the bar a woman flirts with him. She is a hot babe, the kind of woman who might not listen to what she says (and who wouldn't listen to what Johnny says) but whose boobs he would surely remember. The kind of woman to have a drink and have a fuck with without either of them looking for more. It would be so easy, he thinks.
Miguel asks "Are you not going out with Mr.LaRusso tonight?" as if he was used to doing it every Sunday, after Daniel saw his kids.
In the advent calendar he finds a small cobra (a fake one, not a real cobra because it would be scary and...deadly probably) with a headband. Seeing the band on the cobra's head doesn't make him think of Ali for the first time in thirty-five years.
Daniel texts him. "Are you all right? Have you become the Grinch?"
He doesn't reply.
On the phone, a delivery boy asks for confirmation of the address to deliver the shopping for Christmas dinner with Robby. Dinner he obviously wouldn't have ordered had it been for him.
Daniel texts him "Remember to take the food out of the fridge two hours before the dinner."
He doesn't reply.
Daniel texts him. "Asshole." (Is he? Probably. Maybe he should have texted him "coward" it suited him more.)
Strike first strike first strike first.
The thing is: Johnny isn't an idiot. Of course he is an idiot in some way, but it's not really the point. He knows with every fiber of his body that this is probably the closest thing he will get to a relationship. Even to be in love. The problem is that everything Johnny knows about love is what he lived in a two-year relationship with a girl, with which he didn't even get along very well, when he was sixteen. After that nothing, he got stuck.
And then he doesn't know what to do with these feelings, he doesn't know how to match his idea of love (that of a sixteen year old with too many hormones, always too angry and so lost) with this sense of intimacy, with this warmth. He doesn't know how to explain  to the sixteen year old Johnny who came home angry and wanted to kick LaRusso's butt who maybe, maybe they could be in love with that ridiculous man in the deer sweaters who drives them crazy, makes them question all the choices of their lives and reminds them to buy tree scissors for their son and looks at them with those giant doe eyes that make their knees tremble.
Not to mention the tiny detail that that love may very well not be reciprocated because LaRusso is an idiot.
It would be so easy to strike first. Buy that girl a drink in the pub, turn off the phone, have a good fuck. It would be so easy.
Robby says "Thanks dad, they are great" when he opens the scissors.  Robby chews his food and says "It tastes amazing, a lot better than when you try to cook!" And then smiles, like a kid, like a young man ready to conquer the world, to open up to the world and not as a boy with whom his parents have failed many times, who has months of juvie behind him and a lot of therapy sessions to deal with. Johnny looks at him and he's so happy and he feels so bad that he doesn't deserve it that he just wants to punch something. Or drink too many beers and fall into a coma.
"Are you okay, dad?" Robby asks.
It would be so easy.
"Have you ever thought that there is someone who wants to make you happy?"
Tomorrow is Christmas Eve.
LaRusso is still in his pajamas pants when he opens the door. Since he and Amanda got divorced he has let his hair grow slightly and now they are all messed up on his head and he looks silly.
"I expected you were already dressed to go to work." Says to him.
LaRusso yawns and snorts. "I expected you to respond to my messages." but then adds with a note of concern in his voice "Are you okay? Did something happen with Robby?"
Johnny waves in front of him the replica of the All Valley tournament trophy, still partially wrapped, with the number 24 sticking out among the paper.
He reads aloud "World's second best sensei. You are such an arrogant prick."
LaRusso stares at him with a smug look and says "Well it takes one to know one." and  "I was referring to Mr. Miyagi, dumbass."
And now he's an asshole.
LaRusso bursts out laughing and Johnny seriously wants to beat him.
"" You ... You are impossible! You are so annoying and you do things like this and I can't stand you! ".
Daniel raises an eye brown. "It looks like you can, instead."
"And you can never shut up, you are unbearable! You get under my skin like some fungus! Nobody makes me feel like that."
Because it is true. He's not sure if he likes it but no one will ever make him feel that way. Nobody before, nobody after. In Johnny's life there will always be a before and after Daniel LaRusso. Not that he'll ever tell that prick who already thinks he's better than everyone else and definitely doesn't need someone to pump his ego even more.
"Hey, hasn't anyone ever taught you just to say thank you when someone gives you a gift?"
"No one has ever taught me a lot of things." And he thinks of Kreese.
LaRusso takes a step in his direction by invading his space and takes his hands (which are still holding the trophy so in reality the scene is more awkward than romantic).
"Yet you have learned so much anyway." He smiles at him, with a smile different from the one of the commercials, more open, more sincere. "And you're teaching a lot of right things to your students too. Under all that No Mercy bullshit you're teaching them a lot. It wasn't a joke, the trophy. I mean it."
Johnny thinks she could almost kiss him. Then he remembers one thing.
"How did you know about the Atari console? I didn't even know you when I was playing video games."
Daniel lights up, like a magician ready to reveal a trick to his audience. "That? Robby told me. Apparently you told him once when you were drunk and sad. He also told me which bootleg you were missing and helped me get some packages. I could have asked Miguel probably but Sam says he can't keep a secret to save his life and I didn't want to risk him revealing my identity. Of course I couldn't think you thought of Ali first than me. He laughs, his eyes shine. "Anyway I could have asked a lot of people. You may not know but there are a lot of people who care about you and would like to make you happy. When you are not busy being an asshole or pushing others away because you are scared it's very easy to care for you, Johnny Lawrence. "
"Have you ever thought that there is someone who wants to make you happy?"
Johnny pins him against the front door and kisses him and for a moment LaRusso freezes and doesn't reciprocate and Johnny thinks he shall punch him because there is no possibility that he has misread this situation. Then Daniel melts into the kiss and kisses him back and it's the opposite of what he imagined when he was sixteen. It's not a battle, it's meeting halfway. It's not a fight, it's peace, it's like coming home and finding a new home at the same time.
Daniel starts laughing in the kiss and Johnny is forced to pull back slightly before he can suffocate and die which wouldn't be a very bright way to start this phase of his life.
"What now?"
LaRusso smiles as if he has discovered some secret and murmurs on his neck "You didn't need the mistletoe at the end."
Johnny sighs because he is an idiot and then kisses him again. He feels giddy, happy.
Daniel budges away from him, without breaking the embrace.
"You know, under these pajamas pants I have some Christmas boxers with a reindeer." He raises an eyebrow "I'm telling you because maybe, maybe you still want to fight me to make me take them off like you did with the sweater."
"Has this atrocious line ever worked with anyone?"
"I don't know, is it working?"
Johnny opens the door "Let's go inside."
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maevemarethyu · 3 years
The Pack - Prologue
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(Not my GIF)
(Bucky Barnes x Reader)
The Night Wolves. New York’s most prolific and secretive gang. Always watching yet somehow always out of reach. Always slipping through the Avengers grasp.
Until they got you.
You were a street rat. A grunt working for the most gruesome group of criminals New York had ever seen.
Captain America wasn’t expecting much when they brought you in, he certainly wasn’t expecting you and his best friend to get along so well. You were a courier, nothing more.
Or so they thought.
Warnings: Violence, Cursing, Talks of Murder, Actual Murder, Talks of Abuse, Kidnapping, Depictions of Abuse, Crude Humor, Sexual Humor, Bucky Barnes (because he needs a warning all in himself), Sad Boi Hours.
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You wonder how you got yourself into this situation; sat between two Avengers and handcuffed. They were making a mistake, sort of, but they refused to listen to your pleas as they manhandle you into an interrogation room.
“Where’s your boss?” Captain America’s harsh words don’t match his kind blue eyes and you almost bite back before remembering your disadvantage.
“I told you. Mr. Miller is away on vacation in Australia! I just take care of the shop for him when he’s away.” You had been at said shop when the Captain and Sam Wilson apprehended you. If you had known this was how today was going to go, you would have stayed home.
“Not that boss sweetheart. Your other boss.” No amount of muscled arms and chocolatey skin could distract you from the bitter pet name.
You really hated pet names.
Once again, you find yourself holding your tongue, slightly put off by how much the Avengers seemed to know about your other job. There hadn’t been any word on the streets that Earth’s Mightiest Heroes caught your scent; meaning the street rats in the operation weren’t doing their damn job.
“I have no other boss. I don’t know what you think I’m into but, you think I’d be living in a shitty studio apartment if I did what you two are implying?” You dart your eyes between the two men. If you weren’t handcuffed to a table, you’d say this was a dream come true.
Ah, who were you fooling, your dreams most definitely had you handcuffed to a piece of furniture.
The Captain coughs, making you realized that you’d been caught ogling and you force yourself to look embarrassed.
“Don’t play dumb Valerie. You’re part of the Night Wolves. Your organization has been connected to over two-hundred and seventy murders and as many kidnappings; Mark and Gina Fells. Their two children haven’t been seen since their parents were murdered. Senator Grant- his wife and daughter gone. The list goes on.”
Wilson slams down several open folders in front of you; showcasing grotesque crime scene photos.
You hand flies to your mouth to choke back a sob as your eyes land on the mutilated corpses. They were right, hundreds of bodies litter the pages along with missing posters. All these families torn apart.
Your vision goes blurry as tears well in your eyes and you manage to choke out a response.
“T-They cornered me in an alley. Said that if I didn’t do what they said; they’d kill my dad. H-He’s all I have left.”
The men’s eyes soften in understanding as they watch the tears roll down your face. The sound of a chair scraping against the floor startles your attention to the, now sitting, Captain.
“We’ve already sent agents to secure your father. The wolves can’t hurt you.”
A sob of pure relief echoes through the room.
“I-I’m just a grunt I deliver memos to different locations. I’ve never seen the boss and I don’t know anyone who has. Everyone I’ve spoken to just calls him Alpha.” You begin.
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“I don’t like the idea of you going back to your apartment after this.” Sam sighs as he escorts you to the compound’s entrance.
“I have to. My dad’s safe, I couldn’t ask anything more of the Avengers and I have to close the shop since I was rudely removed. I can’t afford to lose my job.” You were anxious to get back and you’re sure your companion could tell. “I just need to sleep in my bed and get used to not having my dad to worry about.”
“I’m sorry you can’t see him but, it’s safer if you don’t know his location.”
The sky is an inky black and the crisp fall air blows through your hair when you push the door open.
“I understand. I’m sorry I couldn’t be of more help. Goodnight Sam.” You barely step a foot out of the doorway when a hand wraps around your wrist.
“What are you doing?” He asks incredulously.
“Going to the shop?”
“Not by yourself.”
Annoyance heats your face and you take a deep breath to calm yourself down. He was just trying to be helpful.
“You said you-“
“Had paperwork yeah but, you thought we’d just let you walk home in the dark? We’re waiting for your escort.”
The sound of footsteps catches your attention as your escort approaches.
Long hair you want to run your fingers through, eyes bluer than the ocean, a tshirt that did nothing to hide the rippling muscles beneath, an ornate vibranium arm.
And those thighs.
Any and all annoyance vanishes from your brain when he flashes you a shy smile.
Dear god. Because there had to be a god if someone like Bucky Barnes existed.
“This her?” Jesus, why was his voice like liquid sex. This wasn’t fair.
“I am her.” You hear yourself say, causing Sam to chuckle.
“Buck, this is Valerie. Val, this is Bonky.” The glare Bucky sent Sam was enough to break the awkward tension and you finally manage take another step out of the building.
“It’s nice to meet you. Sorry to drag you out like this.” You mumble.
“S’fine. I’m a night owl anyway.” He shrugs after you both say goodbye to Sam.
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You pull up to your shitty apartment building and you chuckle at the juxtaposition; Bucky’s (Stark’s) car was probably worth more than the entire block.
“Did you move in here before or after you joined the Wolves?” he asks as he puts the car in park.
“Before… and I didn’t join.” Your words come out a bit snarkier than you meant. After Barnes told you he had to do a full sweep of your apartment, you couldn’t hide your displeasure. Your home was a private place and you made sure to tell him that; he still didn’t budge. If it weren’t for the way his eyes crinkled when he laughed at your pout, you’d have-
Well… you were sure what you’d have done but, it’s the thought that counts.
“Home sweet home.” You grumble as you unlock the door. Everything was just as you had left it. Right down to today’s paper sitting open on your coffee table.
You want to smack the mocking grin right off of the super soldier’s face as he surveys the studio.
“Not all of us can live in a Stark building.” You huff, hanging your purse on the hook next to the door. His grin falls and his eyes go wide.
“It’s not- It just reminds me of where I lived in Romania. I kind of miss it.”
He shuffles awkwardly for a moment, reminding you more of a schoolboy than an Avenger, before beginning his rounds; checking corners and lamps for bugs. Luckily a studio apartment meant he only had two rooms to search.
“So Sarge, am I good?” You ask once he’s done flipping your furniture over and he glares at you half-heartedly before nodding.
“Yeah, Doll. You’re good. Take this.” He chuckles as he hands you a business card. “This has Steve, Sam, and mines direct line. If anything happens. Call us.”
Sure enough, three neatly printed numbers stand out against the stark white paper.
“I’ll make sure to keep this on me while I’m kidnapped.” You smirk. “Goodnight Bucky.”
He waits until he hears your lock click to walk away and you let out a sigh of relief.
Men are so dumb.
You place your phone, which Barnes thought he bugged sneakily when he bumped into you at the shop, on the counter and fish a popsicle box out of your freezer. The cold bites into your fingers as you pull out a small satellite phone and dial a number you had long since memorized.
It rings exactly two times before they pick up.
“Flora’s Florist speaking. How can I help you?” The cheery voice on the other end brings a smile to your face.
“I just got back from the Avengers’ Compound. We’re moving.”
There’s silence for a moment before the same voice comes back, much more serious than before.
“Yes Alpha.”
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yamithediaperdork · 3 years
Vamps in Pamps
it was a nice sunny day as Edward drove the jeep out to his 'father's house, though while the weather was nice and Bella seemed happy, Edward was less so due to the other person sitting the backseat of the jeep, who whenever he made eye contract, grinned like a Cheshire cat despite being a werewolf.
"So Edward, hurt stories about your daddy." Jacob said, making Edward despite being a vampire blush.
"I'm sure you have mutt. just mind your touage. he's stronger then me and doesn't handle fools as well." Edward snipped back.
While Edward could get along with and hang out with Jacob, He still didn't like the wolf but put up a farce for Bella's sake who insisted that they get along.
"Will any of the others be there today?" Jacob asked.
"No, mommy took them out for a little trip." Edward said, almost right away wishing he had called her by her name but the damage was done and now Bella and Jacob were chuckling and smirking.
"Mommy huh?" Jacob asked, Grinning ear to ear.
"Heh.. Jacob.. be nice.He is the first son~" Bella said and winked, though reached over and squeezed Edwards hand on the gear shift.
"Such a big boy~" Jacob said and winked into the rear view mirror.
'this is going to be a LONG visit.' Edward thought as he pulled into the driveway.
Carlilse was waiting in the driveway for them as they pulled up and as the they all got out of the car Carlilse was suddenly there, grabbing Edwards cheeks and tsking.
"have you been fully eating or are you just snacking, again?" Edward's 'father' asked, voicing his disapproval.
"Uh.. What do you mean by snacks?" Bella asked, a vampire herself now. "I thought we had to have a-"
"We Edward sadly Bella, is famous for trying to replace a good full on meal with just snacking on rat or chipmunk or squirrel blood." Carlilse said, then smirked. "though he cut back on the chipmunk blood when he grew to be a fan o-"
"the chipmunks in the 80's."
"Wait, what?" Jacob asked.
"Oh my god shut up!" Edward growled.
"Simon was his favorite, I preferred Alvin, though only because he wanted to watch it all the time with me." Carlilse said.
Edward huffed and whined and stormed off into the house, as Carlilse stayed with Jacob and Bella.
"you'll have to forgive him. he's sensitive on his little guy side." The proud daddy said.
"heh, I see. soo..you watched the show with him..did he ever sing along?" Jacob asked, and got a playful elbow to his gut from Bella.
"...You didn't hear it from me, but yes."
In the house Edward was huffing, he should of known this was a mistake considering recent events but Bella had been begging to come up for awhile and Jacob too. Still the teenaged vampire was huffing lots as they came in.
Jacob was whistling the chipmunks theme and Bella was chuckling which didn't help Edwards attuide at the least bit.
"Look here scooby doo. unless you wanna throw down knock it off!" Edward growled.
"Heh, how did you know I loved that show? scooby dooodoo!" Jacob mimicked and then winked.
"...your a scrappy doo at best." Edward growled and went to storm off.
"So you DID watch that one too~ how many cartoons does widdle Edward li-" Jacob started but Carlilse's fingers were on his lips.
"Edward, don't storm off. I thought they knew and you know how cute I thought you were." Carlilse said and letting go of Jacob, was by Edward and hugging him.
Edward huffed and squirmed, but gave in even as Bella and Jacob smirked.
"You'll have to teach me how to calm him down that quick, he gets so huffy sometimes." Bella teased.
"Oh? It's not that hard,m you just have to give him the right hugs, I got LOTS of practice with it calming him down when he'd get such bad di-" Carlilse started but Edward was slapping a hand over his fathers mouth.
"Shut uppppppp!" Edward hissed.
"Ok I'm sorry, where you about to say diaper?" Jacob asked, looking tickled pink.
Bella meanwhile was wrinkling her nose as the mental image of Edward in a massive cloth diaper with a huge safety pin though it flashed into her mind.
"No he wasn't! shut your damn mutt mouth and go wait in the car wh-" Edward started but then Esme was there, smiling brightly and holding a photo album.
"Oh, Are we talking about Edward's baby phase? That was sooo cute!" the proud father gushed.
"No we're n-" Edward started but now it was Jacob who cut him off.
"Yes. yes we were. Do you have pictures?" Jacob asked.
the only reason he wasn't being shushed or attacked was Carlilse could tell Edward was going to do something he'd regret and was holding the squirming teen vamp tight now.
"Edward settle down or you can go on time out young man!"
"Ok, somebody explain." Bella said as her mother in law ushered them all over to the couch to sit down.
"Well Edward was our first vampire, and he had a hard time adjusting to vampire life so we decided to give him some time to adjust with some age regression treatment. he fought us at first but soon he was running around happy in his nappies." She coo'ed opening the book up and showing off picture after picture of Edward in terry cloth diapers and plastic pants and tops, the first dozen or so had him growling and snarling, thick mittens on his hands to keep him from removing his diapers but then the fight went out of Edward and soon he was smiling brightly and doing poses.
"The hardest part was getting him to stop wearing after awhile, and we honestly humored him longer then we should of but hearing him cry for his nappies was heart breaking, plus he'd just go ahead and soil himself anyways." Esme giggled and d'aww, coming across a picture of Edward in a tug of war with Carlilse over a diaper.
"That was when we were trying to give the diaper treatment to his little brother, but Edward kept stealing the diapers. in the end we had to threaten him with a dress if he wanted his diapers so bad." Carlilse said.
"D-Did he take the deal?" Bella asked, eye wide in disbelief.
"NO I DIDN'T!!" Edward shouted and Carlilse responded with swift swat to his bottom.
"Young Man, I raised you better then to lie to your wife like that!" he scolded even as Edward whined and whimpered. "What happens to little fibbers in this house?"
"D-Daddy no!" Edward whined and whimpered, but it was for not as he was lead away by the ear, his buns having a date with a hairbrush and his mouth having one with a bar of soap.
As he left the room he heard Bella gasp of disbelief and Jacob's howls of laughter, and just before he was out of hearing range, Jacob called out.
"Pink is DEFIANTLY your color fang boy!"
"Dad..dad come on, you don't have to do this! You should be getting mom to stop! can't you see Bella is getting freaked out?" Edward whined as Carlilse got him into the bathroom and and pointed at a corner where a small red circle was with one hand as he turned on the water and started to get a bar of soap all foamy.
I'm more shocked you never told her about this side of you Edward, Honesty about kinks are important for a healthy marriage." Carlilse lectured and then brought the soap over.
"L-Look I tried but I found out she's super freaked out about little's ok..I figured if I didn't say anything it would be all good..I never expected you and mom to go all dotting parents!"
"See now thats where you were being super silly. If I didn't love you and wanna let you be a little guy from time to time would I of kept all your old baby stuff in the basement?" Carlilse asked then motioned for Edward to open his which the sulking vampire did.
"Honestly with all of you kids moving out me and your mother have been getting a little lonely.. So I was gonna offer to babysit you some time. " Carlilse added as he popped the soap into the sulking vamp's mouth, then tugged down the back of Edwards pants and passed for a send, chuckling softly.
"Mmmfh!?" Edward whined around the soap, bubbles forming and trailing down his chin.
"I see you're still a lousy wiper." Carlilse teased then yanked the crap stained tightie whites up and took the hair brush to Edward's poor buns.
"So.. Edward's stopped doing all of this baby stuff now though right?" Bella asked, feeling like she was in a nightmare.
the love of her life was just a big fucking baby, she was suddenly putting it all together in her head as she had flashbacks of him getting too into being teased with baby talk from her, all the cuddling.. and just how many of his 'accidents' he'd been having lately were actual accidents?!
"He mostly stopped after you and him started to date dear. Though he's come back for some treatment. Usually when you're being a little bit of a whore and getting fucked by the mutt." Esme said all matter of factually, making Bella and Jacob jaw drop.
"I'm not stupid and have almost caught you a few time...But I'm sure Edward doesn't know." she went as if she hadn't just dropped that bombshell.
"I uh.. I just.. see.. He just. I.." Bella stammered.
"Well put. you know, for someone who's getting all high and mighty about Edward being just a big baby and not telling you, Fucking around with a were wolf isn't model behavior. While Carlilse is giving Edward a spanking and a mouth washing I think you and I need to have a talk about what I expect from you and doggie here unless you wanna see what a centuries old vampire is capable of when you hurt her little man."
Bella gulped and looked to Jacob for help, while he found something rather interesting on the floor.
Bun's red and mouth tasting like soap, a tear stained cheeks Edward made his way into the living room, in just his undies and rubbing his butt as he kept glancing over his shoulder to give his dad a sour look.
"Edward has something he'd like to say to everyone, don't you Edward? Carlilse said and gave his son a thumbs up.
"A-Actually Uh..Yeah, I have something to say first." Bella said, getting up and trying not to notice that despite the bratty toddler attuide Edward was giving off, the vamp was tenting his undies.
"Edward I can't be with someone who'd rather crap himself in diapers and suck on his toes then have some beers and make love to me. I'm leaving you for Jacob, and you can just stay here and baby out." She said, then practically ran out the door, Jacob looking at Edward with a half smile.
"Look at it this way little guy, you get diapers and I get the girl. we both win." Jacob said then took off after Bella.
Edward could only stare on in shock as Bella apparently was SO eager to get out there she had started the jeep and Jacob was forced to jump in the back seat.
"W-wait..what!?" He asked, not knowing of course he'd been sent up to go back to babyhood.
that Bella's hasty retreat was because Esme had made it clear once her and Edward were broken up the skank would have 5 minutes to get off her property.
Sure, setting up Edward to be dumped like this was a little mean, but as the big baby started to brawl and cry and load the back of his undies, Mommy and daddy just smiled and gave him lots of hugs.
The end
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samnatandsteve · 4 years
Nat gets Amnesia
 so @mockinghawk-romanogers asked for a fic of this based off a post of mine. it took a lot longer to get to than I planned thanks to university and life, and it’s not really the same as the of post but that’s okay. I like both of them. 
This is the post in question by the way: 
[Steve and the Bucky are in central Asia following a lead on a terrorist organization after Civil War][Nat and Sam are following other leads in central America, Nat got hurt and can't keep things straight in her mind]
Nat : *gets a long and well written love letter from Steve*Nat : awwww
Nat : *writes back* "you have a crush on me? That's embarrassing :P"
[A week later]
Steve : *calls Nat on burner phone only for emergencies* Nat, we're litterly married!
Nat : is that how I got your dog tags with your mom's ring on it?
Steve : yes! Don't you remember?
Nat : not really... did I look nice?
Steve : ....of course you did, can I talk to Sam?
Nat : why?
Steve : I need him to check something for me
Nat : what is it? I can do it
*Sam walks in, sees the phone, panicks, and grabs the phone*
Nat : hey!! What gives?
Sam : *trying to act nonchalant while shooting Nat away* hey man, what's up?
Steve : why doesn't my wife remember she's my wife?
Sam : whaaattttt? that's crazy!
Steve : is Nat hurt?
Sam : Not a cut
Nat : *in the background* tell the pizza man I want extra banana peppers on mine
Sam : *to Nat* sure thing
Steve : Sam what happened?
Sam : what do you mean?
Steve : what happen-
Sam : woops well look at that, times up, got to go! Tasha, say bye
Nat : why do I have to say goodbye to the pizza man?
Sam : because he likes you
Nat : likes likes?Sam : ohhh yeah
Steve : wait a minute Sa-
*Sam hangs up*
I can do the whole pizza man part in another one if you guys want me to. But this is the oneshot I whipped up today because I finally had the time and motivation :) 
They were on a mission in Brazil that of course brought them to the Amazon Rainforest and not only there but at a Hydra base right on the banks of the river itself. Hydra and their fucking cliches. Sam and Natasha went down there to do some snooping around - “Recon” as Tasha put it. Which of course quickly turned into “innocent intel gathering” as she put it in the middle of the night. Then one trip wire (fucking cliches) got them into a “good old fashion shoot out” as she so cheekly put it as she put a bullet in a Hydra goon’s head. Which may or may not have made Sam question Steve’s sanity for marrying such a scary woman. And they just in Brazil that morning, barely had any lunch and Sam’s stomach is really pissed at him. 
   But back to the point! Hydra, Amazon River, terrifying  woman for a partner, kicking Hydra goon ass all in the very humid and very yuckie air of the Amazon. Just one other reason to add to the list of “why I hate Jimmy”, Sam should've gone with scissors that last round, at least then he would be in Central  Asia and just  be dealing with the heat. 
They managed to get outside where they could get the upper hand,  mainly thanks to Tasha’s kick ass assassin skills. Now he was providing air support and Redwing was being awesome and finishing up the intel theft. 
So Tasha was on the ground kicking ass like only Sam could dream of doing, Sam was playing snipper and taking out stragglers and thinning them out for Tasha when suddenly Tasha was in the river face down and Sam was fighting to right himself midair with his ears ringing painfully.
Cold sweat ran down Sam’s back as the biting air rushed in his ears and brought tears to his eyes. He’s going to blame it on the wind if any of those Hydra idiots brought it up, because Sam Wilson does not cry for his friends, he was a stone cold certified bad bitch (by Tasha the queen of bad bitches herself) thank you very much. His stomach twists painfully making him want to throw up and he does and it’s just acid and it burns his throat and he hates today. 
In just another example of classical Hydra cliche, they blew up their little super secret base and bebrie hit Tasha, sending her into the river. His mind registers the fact that Redwing’s still connected to the goggles’ computer and online. Sam thanks the beings that be as he takes a swan dive to Tasha. One thing is for sure, Sam thought as he pulled Natasha out of the river, Steve will kill him if he finds out about this. 
“Redwing buddy tell me I didn’t just let cap become a widow.” The electronic drone bird chirps as they run away- make a strategic withdrawal into the night sky to their hotel room. Sam breathed a sigh of relief as her vitals popped up and he saw her steady heart beat. “Thank god! He still can’t know about this though!” Redwing chirps again as Sam readjusts the spy in his arms. “Well if she snitches we just have to go into hiding.” Another chirp. “Can you stop pointing out faults in my plan?” Silence. “Thank you.”  
Natalie grones as the light hits her eyes causing a pounding headache to erupt across her head. “What the fuck happened last night?” Her cold hand helped a bit when she held it against her forehead. A black man walked out of the bathroom with a hesitant smile on his face.
“Heyyy girl, how’re you feeling?” She  grunted in reply and she threw her bare legs over the side of the bed. Pausing, she looked down and raised an eyebrow, she had her underwear and tank top on. 
“Why the hell am I half naked with a hell of a hangover? Did we sleep together? You better have used protection!” She jabed her left index finger at the man who was still standing on the other side of the room by the desk. Her eyes caught the gold of her wedding band. “You better be my husband too, I am no cheat!” The man’s mouth went slack as his eyes went wide. 
“I broke her- Hydra broke her and I let them.” He started to ramble to himself, rubbing his hands over his head. Natalie pauses again, what the hell does a Nazi subdivison have to do with this? 
“I thought Captain America took care of those guys.” The man stopped and she could practically see the dread set in as she watched his back. Something in a bag on his side of the room chirped and he snapped at it to shut up. 
After a slew of questions the man, Sam, tells her she had memory loss and thinks she’s one of her covers for her job; A history teacher named Natalie Rushmen when she was really an intelligence agent named Natasha Rogers. They were on a mission in Brazil when she got hurt and they will not be leaving until she gets her memory because “Your husband will kill me if he finds out about this and as my friend you would be obliged to kill him and the whole thing would go down into history books and I don’t want to be in history books like that.” 
They stared into each other's eyes for a while, sweat running down Sam’s face as a smirk played on Natasha’s. She hummed, putting her head in her hand, finger tapping her chin,  pretending to mull it over. 
“Hmmm? What do you mean hmmm??” 
“He is my husband, and I like to think we-” 
“Then don’t think! Trust me, you love to pull shit over him, it's your favorite pastime!” 
“Okay” She got up and left him to get dressed “But i think my other favorite is to keep you on your toes.” She calls from the other side of the closed bathroom door. He flops onto the bed, rubbing his face. Thank god the mission was originally planned for a week and radio silent. 
A day later the front office stopped Natasha and gave her an envelope. Said envelope found its way into her purse quicker than a snitch in those Harry Potter books she was working through for the eleventh time according to Sam.   
 When she found the room to be empty and void of said man, she plopped onto her bed and opened the letter. A love letter from a guy trying to be mysterious by going by S - how sweet! But she was married and the most faithful wife-who-can’t-even-remember-her-spouse’s-face there ever was!  But she wasn’t a mean woman either, plus it was so nicely written, clearly S loved her a lot. And she was going to love breaking that big heart of his, gotta set her foot down. 
 So she got to writing her own letter complete with a lipstick kiss on the letter’s bottom corner next to her N.
“Dear S, 
Fuck you, I’m married. 
With nothing but love, 
      N <3” 
Short and to the point, just how she liked it. Smiling to herself with a bounce in her step, she hands her response to the young girl at the front desk, thanked her and went back into the room to watch some Brazilian dramas. The letter from S tucked away in her bag, she was going to ask Sam about it  later when he got back with dinner. 
But dinner came and went and the letter was left forgotten under one of her bras. That was until two days later when Sam got a call on a flip phone. Well the phone in his bag did and like always he way out, so she did the friendly thing of answering it when she saw the unsaved number thinking it was spam. 
“Hello, this is Cathrine from Bed Baths and Beyond, how can I help you on this wonderful day?” 
The midwestern American accent came easily to her as she played with her hair with the phone held in place with her shoulder and cheek 
“Nat what’s going on?” She doesn’t know how she knows but that was Mysterious Mr. S on the other end of the line. 
“Who the fuck do you take me for mr S?? I am married and I’ll bet twenty bucks you’re not even half the man my husband is!” She fished the letter out of her bag “I mean seriously! ‘Words cannot even begin to describe how beautiful you are, Aphrodite cannot even hope to compare.’ “ She reads the line in a high pitched mocking town. “Did you read that from ‘Pickup lines so used and abused even their mothers won’t recognize them’? I wouldn’t be caught dead with a man who thinks that’s the hot shit.” 
  There was a pause and Natasha had to check that he didn’t hang up. 
“What - I’m your husband! Me! Steve Rogers am your spouse!” 
“Yeah okay buddy nice try.” 
“Where’s Sam?” 
“Who’s Sam?” 
“Natasha please don’t, where’s Sam?” 
“He’s at work, doing accountant stuff with the numbers and shit.” 
“Sam barely passed algebra, he hates math.” 
Just  as about to call him a staker, Sam the man walked in with food. 
“Got you some waffles!” He did his best Donkey impression at the word waffles as he closed the door behind him. When he turned back he dropped the food and basically tackled her like a linebacker or something to get to the phone. - Point is it hurt her bruised and battered body.  “Give that to me woman!” 
“What’s going on with you two??” -Steve 
“I don’t wanna!” 
“I’ll buy you ice cream!” 
They pause in their battle for the phone. 
“I’m not a heathen like your husband.” 
“I heard that!” - Steve 
She let go, hand up and palms out in surrender. Sam put the phone to his ear.
“Heyyy Steve, whatsup man?” Sam shoved his unused hand into his armpit as he started to walk the length of the room. Nodding to the food to tell Natasha to start eating, which she does. So she watched him talk while eating her waffles far more entertained than she would be watching a Brazilan show. 
“Why doesn’t my wife remember me?” 
“You have a wife? Wow, congrats man! Who’s the lucky lady?” 
“The one you let get amnesia apparently.” 
Steve sighed on the other end.
“She hurt in any other way?” 
Sam shared a glance with Natasha who had booth cheeks stuffed with waffles. 
“Not a scratch.” 
“You sit on a throne of lies.” Natasha hisses. “I have three broken ribs Mr. S!” 
“What! Thre-!” Steve is sooo going to kill Sam. 
“Oh wow don’t you look at that! Time’s out, gotta go! Bye Steve!” And with a snap of the phone, the yelling voice of an angry husband is cut off. Sam joined Natasha at the table and started to eat his waffles. 
“Is that really my husband?” She pointed her fork at the phone laying on one of the twin beds. Sam nods as he poured syrup over his waffles. “What was I thinking?” 
“To this day I still can’t figure it out.” 
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