#and man that world just feels like home it's so beautiful and the vibes are immaculate and the MUSIC šŸ˜©
aberooski Ā· 22 days
Replaying Shadow of the Colossus again for the first time in an astounding SIX YEARS somehow??? And I'm 10 colossi down, 6 to go, and AUGH it just feels like home being back I love this game so much šŸ„°šŸ„°šŸ„°
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xhopelesslyromanticx Ā· 7 months
Delusional - Lando Norris x Fewtrell!Reader
summary: In which the internet once again is fooled by your slightly overdramatic side. Rumors about Lando dumping you circulate but luckily the Mclaren driver is just as delusional as you are. Social Media Au
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liked by kellypiquet and 60ā€˜797 others
y/nfewtrell in my feelings bruh
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maxfewtrell did you take my hoodie?
y/nstans what why????
user567 sense a breakupppp
f1islife stunning
arthur_leclerc *plays taylor swift
user345 arthur what do you know
y/nandlan Lando didnā€™t like?!
user567 see his post? he seems completely unbothered
user898 Landos too good for her anyw
f1gossip you sound bitter
user787 i just always had weird vibes from her
f1gossip weā€˜ve met y/n and sheā€˜s literally an angel
y/nfewtrell thanks means a lot
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liked by maxfewtrell and 567ā€˜897 others
landonorris how I try to entertain
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user687 such a hottie
f1fans someone say unbothered cough
georgerussell63 I thought you were on a diet?
alex_albon heā€˜s abt 4ft tall he doesnā€™t need a diet
mclaren next week we back to veggies
f1lover wheres the missus
user789 y/n doesnā€™t attend most gps she goes to university
f1fans yeah but so do Alex and Kika yet they seem to be way more supportive
user789 Iā€˜m sure shes supportive just maybe also focused on her on career?
y/nstans y/n not liking landos post has me scaredddd
maxfewtrell looking smug
landonorris thanks bestieeee
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liked by landonorris and 123ā€˜890 others
maxfewtrell took the little nugget to paris @y/nfewtrell
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user578 sheā€˜s so cute
f1lover peeping the papaya phone case
norrisandme yes also Lando liked! they goood
y/nfrance we met her yesterday and she seemed fine
arthur_leclerc the nugget in the big city
y/nfewtrell miss you archer
f1gossip my fave friendship
user787 why is she already flirting with guys when the rumors arenā€™t comfirmed
maxfewtrell oh god if you think y/n can flirt youā€˜re in for suprises
y/nfewtrell thanks maxie :) loved the trip
team_quadrant letā€™s go to Brazil!!!!
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liked by user676 and 12ā€˜899 others
f1gossip You guys know we normally donā€™t cover anything realitionship releated but it looks like Lando and Y/n are going through some crisis. She appeared on a tiktok crying after a series of mysterious tweets and instagram posts. Neither her or Lando have yet confirmed the rumors. But she has been absent from his likes and vice versa.
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user676 sheā€™s making it obvious
f1fans cloutchaser?
y/nstans shut up
landonorris @y/nfewtrell care to explain missy
y/nfewtrell no i dont care to, peace out
user676 omg they commented
norrislove they clearly are clowing yā€˜all
maxfewtrell the woman cries like twelfe times a day and people still wonder?
landonorris twelfe is a little much, ten maybe eleven
y/nfewtrell I have my reasons this time!
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Austin Texas
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liked by charlottesine and 234ā€˜890 others
y/nfewtrell my lanlan. I formally apologize for being a lot to handle sometimes. I do love you more than words could even get close to explain. Thanks for being the best boyfriend and bestfriend. Thanks for pretending Iā€˜m 21 forever.
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landonorris my world, anything for you šŸ§”
y/nfewtrell love youuu
maxfewtrell disgusting
maxfewtrell we all know she aint 21, plus heā€™s MY bestfriend
f1gossip we stan an overdramatic queen
charlottesine power couple
y/nfewtrell thanks chacha
user787 how annoying all that for such a petty reason
f1fans right i was relieved he had dumped her ass
y/nstans sad people you are, she clearly makes him happy
arthur_leclerc happy 21st I guess ;)
landonorris whats with the wink you twat
f1user y/n control your mans
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liked by f1 and 1ā€˜124ā€˜799 others
landonorris happy 21st birthday to the most beautiful 21 one year old I know. I love you so much eventhough your overdramatic soul makes people assume we broke up every couple of months. I love you my angel.
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user676 21!?!?
f1gossip look at y/ns post
f1lover they have me dead
charles_leclerc isnā€™t she-
arthur_leclerc shut up charlie
maxfewtrell tell them!
y/nfewtrell thanks bean. I love you more.
maxfewtrell bean? cringe
kellypiquet such a beautiful girl
f1gossip so the whole drama reallly was bc she doesnā€™t wanna turn 22 hahaha
user67 sheā€˜s truly overdramatic
f1 we love a supportive and delusional king
mclaren like a true gentleman Mr.Norris
Sao Paulo
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liked by oscarpiastri and 123ā€˜788 others
maxfewtrell happy 22nd second you LIAR, never thought Lando would go as delulu as you. Love you nugget.
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Hear me out.....pretty...pretty Please, some general fluff headcannons for 141 and Konig?! I'm desperate for some fluff. Stuff like how soft they r how they r at home, kisses that sort of thing? Id die of happiness if u did!!!!!?????
141 + Kƶnig General Fluff Headcannons
Warnings: fluffšŸ©·, mild NSFW references
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Simon Ghost Riley-
It takes him a while to open up to you, but once he does? He's yours forever.
He is more of a listener than a talker, and he is damn good at listening
You always have to be within his line of sight. He always wants to make sure you're safe.
Definitely gets up before you in the mornings and loves to wake you up with coffee
Not big on PDA, but he doesn't mind holding your hand out in public.
Doesn't say I love you often, but when he does, it turns your whole world on an axis
Says no to a getting a dog at first, but when you finally get him to say yes? The dog is that man's best friend.
He's not a very good cook when you first get together, but he teaches himself in secret one year to surprise you on your birthday by making you your favorite meal. (Your heart nearly melted at the proud smile on his face when he told you he made it)
This man is loyal as hell. You will NEVER catch him looking anyway at anyone the way he looks at you. No person's beauty in his mind will ever compare to yours
Loves going for long car rides with you. Weekend trips, day trips, whatever works for him. Will ALWAYS have his hand resting on your thigh
He developed a ritual with you, where he will wear one of his hoodies for a few days straight so it smells like him when he goes on deployments
Secretly loves when you wear his dog tags. It's a kink of his he won't voice out loud
Loves to spoon you in bed. Very rarely will he not be holding you, or touching you in some way when he sleeps
Takes him a while, but he'll start to look forward to holidays with your family. They welcome him with open arms, and for the first time in a long time, Simon feels like he has a true family who loves him
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John Price-
Loves to hear about your day. First thing he asks you when you come home after work is how was your day? And this man GENUINELY listens
Loves to spoil you. Man gives inadvertent sugar daddy vibes. You even hint at something you like or want? He will get it for you
Huge on spontaneous dinner dates. Loves to come home randomly and tell you he's taking you for a night out
Literally has the hardest time saying no to you. For ANYTHING.
He tries to act all tough, but this man is so whipped for you
Loves when you rest your feet in his lap on the couch, as he loves to massage them for you after a long day
Fight me, but this man loves to take baths with you. He loves to relax in the hot water, with you against his chest. He can literally fall asleep like this
Always insists on paying when you go out to eat. Never, ever let's you foot the bill (if you pout enough, he may let you, but will feel bad about it afterward)
Will watch any TV show you want. He says he hates romantic dramas, but he's just as invested as you are
Kisses with him are always longing, and always want you leaving more
Man is a Valentines Day legend. Flowers, chocolates, jewelry, fancy dinners THE WORKS
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Johnny Soap MacTavish-
An amazingly fun boyfriend to have.
Johnny always wants to do something fun, go somewhere fun
He's surprisingly amazing at giving massages
Doesn't mind PDA, he'll randomly kiss you in public, hug you, and hold you close. He doesn't care who sees.
Loves to try new things. Whether it's food, movies, or something to spice up the bedroom, the man will never say no to trying something at least once
Not a morning person, and he will have an iron tight grip on you in an attempt to force you to stay in bed longer with him every morning (he always ends up succeeding)
His ideal date with you is a pub. Something with good food, good beer, and even better company.
Loves to "mislead" you about when he's coming home from a mission, because he absolutely adores the look on your face when he surprises you earlier than expected
Adores double dates. Loves to hang out with couple friends.
When you're walking on a sidewalk, he'll always push you on the inside so you're away from the cars
Definitely is that boyfriend that will send you a dozen tik tok reels a day
Please go to an amusement park with him. He'd be so happy winning the various carnival games for you, getting you any stuffed animal of your choosing
You two cannot do surprises for one another. You get too excited and end up telling each other gifts or surprises the minute you plan them
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Kyle Gaz Garrick-
This man loves to surprise you with flowers. Had a bad day? Flowers. Wants you to feel a little extra loved? Flowers. Thought you looked cute one day? Flowers.
Loves to go to furniture stores with you. Even if you don't actually need it, the two of you can spend hours looking around at various stores
Enjoys cooking for you. He's one to try new recipes, and loves seeing your reactions to them.
Firmly believe this man loves to dress up as a couple and that Halloween is his absolute favorite holiday.
Adorably loves to have a "chore" day once a week with you, where you both do house chores together for a few hours, while each of you gets to pick what song plays in the background
So supportive of any hobby you might have. Like to paint? He'll continuously buy you paint brushes. Love video games? He'll buy you any new one that comes out he'd think you'd enjoy.
Whenever you guys go out, he always orders something you like for his meal, in case you don't like yours
If you have longer hair, he loves to play with it and help you style it
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Best movie buddy ever. He LOVES going to the movies with you, and will get you all the popcorn and snacks you desire
Will hold your bags for you while you shop, and will fight you if you try to carry your own
Possibly the sweetest boyfriend out of all of them
You will catch him staring at you ALL the time. Any second he gets, he will be looking at you
Loves date night ins. Cooking together or getting takeout and cuddling on the couch together while watching a movie? This man'll be in heaven
Loves to offer you his arm in public. Plays into his size kink when your small hand wraps around his bicep whenever you walk anywhere.
Man will WORSHIP you in bed. Wants nothing more than to make you happy in every aspect of your life.
Is more of a cat person than a dog person, so you two end up getting quite a few kitties around the house
Always kisses you like you're delicate. Loves to place gentle, loving kisses to your lips when you least except it, and his cheeks always flush a deep pink when he does
Will always shower with you. When he's home from missions you very, very rarely shower alone. Loves to help you shampoo your hair
Adores ADORRESSS when you wear his clothes. Triggers the man's size kink like no other when his shirts are like dresses on you
Amazing at aftercare. Always wants to make sure you're satisfied. Will warm a towel for you, get your water-whatever you need.
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rnakamura22 Ā· 6 months
When they heard that you found your way home
Prefect is female! Yandere vibes! Her name is Yu!
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Oh, Don't mind the sky getting pitch-black and thunder striking down rapidly! What? Flying classes got canceled? You saw Jack and Epel were totally soaked? Where are you even looking? Another man? Thatā€™s unacceptable!
Youā€™re his first friend and crush! To him, you are like the first sunshine of spring! A beautiful blue butterfly in the meadow flying above the flowers! A gem more precious than any treasure he has! And now youā€™re just dumping him? Nuh-uh. Ainā€™t gonna happen! Heā€™s one of the most powerful magicians in the world, so it takes no more than a flip of his hand to crush any form of way back home. He could lock you up in his room, mess with your body, destroy any form of mirror, etc. Hey, this was gonna happen one way or another since he already decided for the future Queen of the valley long ago(AKA when he met you).While he locks you up in his Diasomnia room, he could happily come and discuss the wedding plans. He already decided on the crown by the way, but he made a promise to discuss the dress colors with you since taking your opinion into account is necessary. Lila would be teary eyed of Malleusā€™s growth. You have no choice to accept your fate since even if you escape, he will come searching for you. After all, can a mere human win against a loving dragon?
Lilia Vanrouge
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This 700 year old vampire fairy has more knowledge and experience than any of the villains. He thought his love ended with Malleusā€™s mom. But then, you came along. A cute little innocent human who only lived about a little percentage of his life! You are like a baby! Youā€™re too young to survive out there! What if your way back home never worked! What if some thing got messed up? No, you need to be in the world safe and sound! He will protect you! He still has feelings about the age gap though. I mean, what happens in family day at school with your future children? Well, not to worry! As for making you stay, just break a few mirrors or take out any bad memories! He needs to look out for his juniors after all! He wonā€™t break you, but he will punish you if you disobey. Fairies are possessive. Blame your own luck for shooting the heart of the vampire fairy.
Rook Hunt
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At first, he seems happy for you! A lost deer should run back to her herd as quick as possible. But you forgot heā€™s a hunter. And a skilled hunter like him NEVER fails.
He casts his unique magic on you as you are about to leave. A part of him wishes for your happiness, but he couldnā€™t help it. A large part of him couldnā€™t forgive you. The most valuable prey were about to outrun him. He could never accept that. His magic will find you. Wherever you go, however you try to escape, the chase continues. Until you give up your world and return with him, they would be absolutely no peace.
Epel Felmier
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(Anyone else love peelā€™s smug VILLAN faces from the ghost bride?)
Epel acts happy but inside, heā€™s devastated. He wanted to visit his home village again just the two of you. He knows heā€™s got competition when it came to you, and it was all for nothing. Well, he ainā€™t admitting that, thatā€™s for sure.
From that day on, with the help of Vill and Rook, he creates a special gift for you. An apple red as the roses. A glittering poison apple just like the Beautiful Queen of his dorm created. To trap you, his one and only Snow White. He still wants to have fun with you and the first years. He wants to graduate with you. You gave him courage, and made him happy. He wants to return you with his own thankful emotions. #Yeah, Right.
On the day you were going to leave, he comes up to you and thanks you, than he says the magic words.
ā€œPrefectā€¦I want to give you something. Please have a bite. Itā€™s a special apple I picked. Itā€™s the most delicious apple I harvested and the most beautiful one! I cared for it so much!ā€
Epel now understands what Vil said for so long. His cuteness can become a weapon. Look at your eyes! You melt for his cuteness, and bites the apple without thinking twice, I mean, who can resist his cuteness. Instantly, you fall unconscious.
ā€œWhoah!? That was closeā€¦ but now you can be with us forever Yu! Snow White wonā€™t hold a candle to youā€¦. Letā€™s graduate together Ok? And we can be together foreverā€¦ā€
Heā€™s a poisoned apple, what would you except? As the saying goes, looks can be deceiving.
Sebek Zigvolt
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Ah, he says like 90% of the time about how fairies are better than humans, but for you, itā€™s an exception. He might not show it, but he cares a lot about you. Heā€™s a tsundere after all.(No, you cannnot tell me otherwise) But he blames you for dumping him and making him feel bad.(AKA you two are not dating)
ā€œThis is your own fault human, you made me fall to your schemes and now youā€™re throwing it all away? Unacceptable!ā€
He may not show it, but he enjoyed school life with you and the other humans of his grade. He wants to live with you at the valley of Thorns. But your comment of going back to your world snaps something.
Better run away because lightning bolts are coming down in 10 seconds to smash that mirror. He will not let you go. And is you disobeyā€¦say goodbye to your eardrums and your freedom.
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(Anyone else love this Silverā€™s face? I believe Silver can be a villain too, you wonā€™t change my mind)
He is SHOCKED with a capital S. Heā€™s a human, but raised by Lilia and fairies so he has fairy values and they may be SLIGHTLY different from humans especially about love.
He wants to be with you after graduation. He already planned a few preparations so you wonā€™t be getting away.
Before you go, he casts his unique magic on you to appear in your dreams as a dashing prince. Saving you, chasing you, maybe choking you a little bit. Donā€™t worry, it wonā€™t hurt. Convincing that your world is horrible and terrible, and you should come back to Twisted Wonderland and live with him. Silver is a prince, and you are his princess. To him, the bad witch is your world. After all, he needs to defeat the bad witch to save his one and only princess. Than he can live happily ever after.
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twirlingsmilingwriting Ā· 6 months
Tolerate it || Young!Coriolanus Snow X Reader
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"I sit and watch you reading with your... head low"
Truly feeling like the luckiest person alive when your former classmate and short term boyfriend asked you to marry him. Not even a year into the marriage and also a year into his presidency does the original love and admiration you felt from him start to dissipate. You can't help but feel trapped and tricked into a marriage in which he may have never loved you to begin with. Warnings: Angst, Love-Bombing, marriage, gender ambiguous reader, typical snow tags (manipulation), social isolation, alluding to sexual acts but not described, kissing Word Count: 1.5k
A/N: I was listening to Evermore after watching tbosas and Tolerate It was just SCREAMING Snow vibes. I was fidgeting with the gold charm of my pearl necklace while anxiously looking over at my husband whose nose was too deep into a book to seem to care about me. I dropped my gaze from him to scan across the table and room. Our large dining room was red with gold accent pieces I had spent the morning dusting decorating the walls. We both sat at opposite ends of the long table, ever too long to just seat two people but it seemed the man couldn't do anything at home if he was within five feet of me. A bouquet of roses I placed in a ceramic vase sat between us on the table. He loved roses, he always did, so I placed them there to brighten his day and maybe even spark up conversation between us. I polished the plates we ate on delicately and even spent the afternoon painting designs onto the back of them. I had done all this in hopes I'd receive some sort of compliment from him but alas, there was none. I sat back and reminisced on the days of our love before it was like this. Truly, when I had first married Coriolanus I had felt like my life had started a new chapter. We dated in the spring and summer time of the year after we graduated from the academy. He was top of the class and while I never matched him in intelligence he had seemingly randomly taken a liking to me. We were acquaintances at most before that and then he started talking to me any chance he could get. I would gush to my friends about his charming smile and posture and they would warn me of the rumors that went around about him. They would tell me to never get to close to him as all those who got did would end up disgraced, missing, or dead. In some masochistic way, I truly felt enthralled by his magnetic aura, danger, and the mystery that surrounded him. His bright red coat was as red as the flags that man was but the danger of it all excited me. He wasn't the nicest man out there but when he was nice to me, I felt unique. I was the exception to his coldness.
We'd go out on dates and he would shower me with sweet nothings. He would tell me how I was the light that lit up the darkness of his life. He said my beauty could turn a man to stone. I will never forget the way he kissed me on the busiest street in the capital under the dancing streetlights and how I felt like time had stopped in that moment. The way he stroked the side of my face so delicately and told me I was the only one who had ever made him feel so alive. I was holding onto every breath that man had exhaled hoping he'd inhale me further into his life. We'd spend days together and call at night. I didn't notice it at the time but in retrospect it was tactical. I spent every moment of my waking days with him and soon my life started to be built around him. Every phone call from a friend I received that spoke about him in any negative way made me push them away and out of my life even further. He was the only one I talked to. He is my world. We were two seeds that had gotten dropped into the same pot and were growing into each other.
In the fall, I fell for him harder than I ever had before. It came to a height when we were walking through a park and watched as the changing leaves fell from the trees. He held my hand in his and he held me so tight as if he was afraid I'd float away and leave him. I would never of course, my life would bend to his will. My head rested against his arm like the red coat he always wore. He'd recount to me stories of his life that would make me laugh and smile. His strikingly blonde hair blew in the wind softly and I noticed every detail of how his icy blue eyes would crinkle when he'd smile at me. He was like a beautiful painting whose artist was unknown. I remember thinking that all I would ever want to be in this life is as significant to him as he is to me. I remember the earth shattering halt my heart felt when he turned to me and dropped down to one knee and proposed. A smirk plastered his face when I said yes. He stood back up and pulled me in by the waist. One hand on my chin and the other on my lower back. The feeling of his warm, soft lips on mine and the feeling of his hair tangled between my fingers. I remember the ecstasy of the moment and the feeling that my friends were wrong, the world was wrong, no one knew Coriolanus like I knew him. He wasn't a cold, calculated, and constantly plotting man, he was just misunderstood. When he pulled away from the kiss, he whispered in my ear that he would live a thousand life times if it meant he got to love me in the next. I remembered everything.
That was the first night we spent together. He snuck me into his house and we giggled in his bedroom when he shut the door. We told each other secrets and moved the furniture so we could dance. My head was placed onto his chest and we swayed to the sound of the music playing from his grandmothers record player. We shared moments of passion in his bed, fell asleep in each others arms, and woke up tangled in bed sheets. I remember thinking he was truly mine.
We married shortly after in the beginning of December. The ceremony was lavish and beautiful. I remember the way his fingers tucked my hair behind my ear. A single tear fell from his eyes and he leaned in and kissed me. He must've been so taken aback from my beauty as I was with his. Only one of my friends attended the wedding but I was too happy that I was marrying the man of my dreams to care. The first weeks of our married life were wondrous. He had risen to power and we had moved into the absolute gargantuan mansion we live in today. He couldn't seem to keep his hands off me and I was the diamond of his eyes. He loved to show me off for the cameras and crowds. Then one day, winter came and roses don't survive.
It started off small. He didn't want to talk or cuddle in bed at night anymore. I assumed he was just tired from working so hard. Then he stopped complimenting my outfits or hair, trading them with passive aggressive comments and ways I could improve myself for him. He no longer wanted to talk at dinner. We stopped speaking at some point. He wouldn't want to hear my voice unless it was to service him. In public, he still was my adoring husband but in private, I felt like I was living with a stranger. At night, I can hear him whispering sweet nothings to the air and humming melodies and I can only hope he's dreaming about me.
These days, I haven't been sleeping, I've been trying to listen in and see if I can make out the words he is saying in his sleep but I haven't been able to make out any other words than lines about trees. While he is having his meetings all day, I am constantly doing new diets, trying new makeup, new hair, decorating the house differently, leaving loving notes on his desk, anything to try and earn a compliment from him. Even if a compliment is too much, I am begging for a word from that man. I love him. I still love him. I don't believe it is possible for me to stop loving him. I can't dare to think of loving any one else. He is so much wiser, and smarter, and more beautiful than I am and I find myself becoming the moon to his earth. I spin around him, pulled in by his orbit except, I'm not his moon. I'm just a star in his sky that is begging to be his sun. I just want a footnote in the story of his life. Even an annotation on a page of his story will be enough for me.
The sound of him placing his heavy book onto the table pulled me out of my trance and my eyes met his blue ones once more. Instantly, I am struck frozen. His eyes had such a way of pulling you in. I looked down at his lips as they pressed a small smirk and his eyes squinted a little while he picked up his fork from the table and looked at me. He examined my appearance and I sat up straighter. The thick tension in the air put me on edge. Finally, his lips parted and he spoke.
"Is that a new hair color?" he asked, keeping his eyes laser focused on me.
"It is... d- do you like it?" He looked me over again and leaned back in his chair contemplating what to say next. Then, shortly, sweetly, and sharply, he muttered the word,
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espinosaurusrexex Ā· 8 months
Happy Little Accidents
Veteran!BuckyBarnes x Female!ArtTeacher!Reader
summary: In a world after the war, Bucky tries to get pieces of his old self back by joining an art class. He meets you and instantly falls head over heels. Now he just has to work up the courage to ask you out.
a/n: wrote most of this on my lunch break after finally feeling the creativity spark again. I hope you all get a cozy fall feeling.
word count: 3.3k
warnings: adapting to life after war, frustration, a little angst, love-dazed Bucky, just so much fluff and wholesomeness šŸ’•
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ā†‘ the face of a man too whipped to listen - this is the Bucky vibe today
Steve Rogers was an artist. A lot of people knew about it. Hell, the Smithsonian even had a gallery full of sketches from a notebook of Steveā€™s he had lost back in ā€˜45. But Steve never needed people to recognize his work. Just like he never needed all the fame that came with his shield or all the honors he got for doing what he thought normal human decency implied - stopping bullies.
But what not many people knew was that Steve loved his art so much, he even held little sketch workshops in the camps on the western front. He drew each member of the howling commandos with impeccable accuracy. He loved drawing portraits and he loved to help.
Which was why, sooner or later, Bucky had been talked into trying his first sketches back in the day as well. Back when he was still left-handed, back when he found joy in little things such as drawing with his best friend. Back when he was not who he was now.
Yeah, he was bitter about it...
Bucky wasnā€™t too shabby of an artist per se. He was rather quick with his sketches always able to find the right spot for his next line and even though they werenā€™t perfect, one could always see what his pictures were meant to present.
Yes, they were crooked and not nearly as good as Steveā€™s but heĀ had fun with it.Ā Sketching had been an escape for his soul while bombs were exploding only miles away from his camp. It had reminded him of his best friend when they were apart, and most importantly, it taught him patience.
God, so much patience.Ā 
Bucky had never been good with it. Always fast, always right away. But the amount of times Steve made him erase carefully constructed lines and shapes had him feel scolded like a kid.
Later, he was grateful for it.
Now? He hated just touching a pencil. Every time he was reminded of his recovery, of months of frustration and anger, of grief and sadness. All because heā€™d lost his arm, and with it, all that had brought him joy in life.
When he had to learn to write with his right hand, he screamed at the papers before him, the crooked and shaky lines mocking him with vigor.
Youā€™ll never be the same, they said,Ā Youā€™ll never have true joy back.
He felt like a child. Unable to do the most mundane of tasks, whilst fully aware of what had to be done to get it right.
But he missed it. The way drawing would clear his mind and the ease he felt when thinking of nothing but the next step in the process.
So after a particularly frustrating session with his therapist, Bucky had walked through a gallery on his way home. Beautiful pieces, each more impressive than the next hung on bright white walls until he reached a small corner with sketches and photographs. They werenā€™t less good than the rest, but other than the huge paintings, they seemed approachable - and they reminded him of times far gone.
ā€œHello, would you be interested in signing up for a sketching class?ā€Ā An angelic voice had asked after holding a leaflet into his line of sight. And when he followed the hand up to your face, his breath hitched in his throat.
ā€œI- I donā€™t think Iā€™d be any goodā€¦ā€Ā he had said with a pitiful smile as his left arm raised next to his head, the sleek silver of his hand shining in the showroom light.
ā€œOh donā€™t be silly. Everyone can be an artist.ā€
And that was all it took.
Now he was here. Sitting in a room with about eight other people, listening to you talk. Though Bucky didnā€™t pay much attention to your words. He was distracted by the way your lips curved when you spoke, and how your hands looked in the light when you flailed them in the air. He wanted to draw you, only you. But he knew he could never do you justice. And that frustrated him a little.
His first task was easy. A series of connected squiggles and shapes. The second was harder - finding and highlighting familiar motives in his work. But when he tried to connect his shapes, his hand began to tremble and the line on his paper got dented, he huffed in surrender.
A look to the front to you talking with another woman and he was getting off his chair.
This was useless. He should have never come here.Ā 
But when he moved to gather his things, your voice stopped him once again.Ā 
ā€œOh thatā€™s interesting,ā€ you said with a tilted head, your eyes following the little dent in his drawing.Ā 
ā€œYeah, I messed it up.ā€ He shook his head and added a careful, much more quiet ā€˜I always doā€.
ā€œYou see, itā€™s only a mistake if you make it one.ā€ You turned to him and smiled and his heart began racing now that all your attention was on him. Bucky looked around to see if anyone noticed, but the other participants were all focused on their work. ā€œIā€™m not going to tell you that this line isnā€™t supposed to be the way it is. You alone can decide that.ā€
You stepped closer as he eyed his paper again. ā€œSo, Bucky,ā€Ā holy crap you remembered his name. And it sounded so good coming from your lips.Ā ā€œAre you gonna make it a mistake or not?ā€
ā ā ā
That was a month ago. And Bucky had come to your class every Sunday night since then. But now his crush had only intensified.Ā 
Every time you stepped behind him to watch him work, his hand began to sweat. Every time you gave him a suggestion, his eyes were so drawn to your lips, he barely heard what you were saying. Just yesterday this had caused him to get into a particularly awkward situation. He hadnā€™t listened, of course - those stupid mesmerizing lips of yours were at fault for it. And when Bucky finally came back from his daydream of imagining what they would feel like on his lips, he knocked over a jar of water as he noticed you had moved next to him. And to make matters even worse, you had caught him talking to himself as he cleaned up the mess.Ā 
Bucky was beyond embarrassed. He wasnā€™t normally that clumsy, all his moves were calculated. No limb out of control, but when you were around, he seemed to have lost that trait of his - which was actually kind of nice...Ā 
He was in deep. And he didnā€™t know how to handle it.Ā 
He was contemplating never going back to your class. He would probably end up ruining somebodyā€™s work and - besides - it wasnā€™t like he could ever work up the courage to ask you out. It was just all too scary.Ā 
ā€œBucky, is that you?ā€ Bucky froze as he studied the coffee menu above the barista. He was going to order black anyway. But the voice that called out his name almost made him want to pretend he was still studying the sign.
ā€œBucky.ā€ Your voice came closer and when you were standing next to him, he finally looked at you. And there you were, with a bright smile and a scarf shielding you from the cool fall breeze outside.Ā 
ā€œOh, hey.ā€ He paused, treading, not knowing what to do with his hands or pretty much any part of his body. At least, in your workshop, he had something to do. ā€œ...hey.ā€
ā€œItā€™s nice to see you, howā€™s your homework going?ā€ You rubbed your hands together to warm them and at the sight of your delicate fingers, he felt his cheeks heating up when he imagined holding them.Ā 
ā€œItā€™s... well, itā€™s going...ā€ He sighed and watched his feet as they shuffled on the tiled floor. ā€œItā€™s not going well if Iā€™m being honest.ā€ And with a shy smile, he rubbed the back of his neck, watching as you nodded in understanding.Ā 
ā€œI know it sounds stupid, but sometimes it really helps to just get started without thinking about it too much.ā€
He chuckled. That was exactly his problem. Because every time he wanted to start, he wondered what you would think about it. And then his thoughts drifted to you entirely and how your neck would bend when you watched him draw over his shoulder, or how your fingers swayed over his artwork to point out the parts you were talking about. God, he loved when you did that.Ā 
ā€œ-only if you want, of course.ā€ Your nose crinkled when Buckyā€™s mind brought him back to the coffee shop again. You were staring at him expectantly, your smile growing nervous with every second he took to register that you had just asked him a question.
Bucky had no idea what you had just said. He had been too lost in his daydream yet again and now he made you look stupid in the middle of this coffee shop. There wasnā€™t much time to decide what his response would be, but under no circumstance did he want to admit just how scattered he was around you. So without thinking, he just nodded with a tight-lipped smile and willed his knees to stay strong when your eyes brightened.
ā€œAwesome! When are you free?ā€Ā Free? Did you just ask him out and he hadnā€™t even paid attention?
ā€œUh, Sunday?ā€ Bucky stammered as his heart began to pound in his chest.Ā This has got to be a prank.Ā 
You laughed, and Bucky got weak in the knees. ā€œSunday is workshop, silly.ā€
Stupid, stupid, Bucky.Ā ā€œRight, uh... Friday then.ā€ The rapid beat in his chest took his breath away.
ā€œOkay, great. Here give me your phone so I can give you my number.ā€
ā€œYouā€™reā€“ā€œ Bucky choked as his hands scrambled to fish his phone out of his pocket. ā€œYes, yeah sure, cool.ā€Ā Cool? Oh god.Ā 
You took it from him, entered your contact with a little paintbrush emoji, called yourself, and handed it back to his sweaty hand.Ā 
ā€œIā€™ll text you my address.ā€ You stepped forward to pay and retrieve your coffee, gifting the barista a smile that made him blush - apparently, you were a regular because Bucky did not remember you ordering - but then again - he didnā€™t really pay attention apparently. ā€œOh, and bring your art supplies!ā€Ā 
And then you were out the door, letting crisp air into the cozy coffee shop, and Bucky standing dazed and confused as to what had just happened.Ā 
ā ā ā
Bucky stared at his phone for the fifth time now, making sure he was in front of the right door before ringing the bell. He was nervous, to say the least. He couldnā€™t even remember the last time he was on a date, not to mention the last time he felt this nervous about being on one. He was a strong believer in facts but you asking him out had to be a sign from the universe. One he would only get once and he could not screw it up.Ā 
His hands smoothed over his black button-up one last time before adjusting his leather jacket again. Then he rang the bell and not even a minute later, you greeted him with a warm smile and urged him to give you his jacket to hang up.Ā 
ā€œI just made tea, do you want some?ā€ Bucky followed you to the kitchen where the faint but homey scent of pumpkin spice filled the air. He watches as you scrambled to find your oven its and then retrieve something delicious smelling from the oven. ā€œCookies?ā€Ā 
ā€œIā€™m good with tea for now.ā€ He chuckled in awe at how nice your home felt. Once he could tear his eyes away from you, he peered over the kitchen island into your living room, where many different artworks and photographs were displayed on the walls. Every pillow on your sofa had a different color and the blankets sprawled on it and the chair were too inviting for him not to picture the both of you cuddled up beneath them.Ā 
ā€œAlright then, suit yourself. But just know these are my specialty.ā€ You snatched one from the tray before almost dropping it again. ā€œOuch, hot.ā€
Bucky felt drawn to the room. With all its warm light and fall-scented candles, hints of read books and discarded crocheting, with a crackling fireplace and soft carpeting. He also felt awfully intimate at the glimpse he got into your life by being here, but he had already declared this place his favorite in his mind.Ā 
ā€œAre you ready?ā€ Bucky turned to you and watched as you padded your hands on your jeans, leaving faint flour prints on the dark denim.
ā€œReady for what?ā€ He smiled again, he seemed to be unable to stop around you. But he was just so happy to be here, to be close to you, and to finally spend more time with you.
You chuckled and set two cups of tea on the table. ā€œFor your sketches. Thatā€™s the whole reason you came here for, remember?ā€
You settled on the ground and padded the sofa for Bucky. But he could just stand there and stare at you while trying to ignore the lump that began to build in his throat. He clenched the bag with his art supplies in his hand and watched as the soft material wrinkled in his grasp.
Of, course.Ā He took a breath.Ā How could he have been so naive?Ā Then stepped towards the sofa.Ā The whole thing had been a mistake.Ā And finally sat down with a heavy smile.Ā 
The sadness was filling him so fast, it threatened to spill right out of him, but Bucky wouldnā€™t let this little Ā bigĀ  dent in the road be shown in front of you. Instead, he focused on your hands when they pulled his sketch pad from his bag. And your eager smile when you flipped through his failed attempts on the paper.Ā 
The whole atmosphere was wearing a thin layer of sorrow all of a sudden, and Bucky felt his heartache when you leaned over to him to point out the parts you liked the most. Your perfume seemed just that much sweeter as if it were mocking him all of a sudden.Ā 
He didnā€™t listen. He just watched you with the same longing heā€™s had ever since he met you. Back to square one. Back to the distance he had with you before he foolishly thought you had asked him out. Except now heā€™d lost all the confidence left in him to take the next step.Ā 
Bucky let the evening wash over him. Trying to concentrate on your tips and examples, tasting the tea you had offered to him with the sweetest smile. And before he knew it, he was standing in front of your apartment building again - with a box of those pumpkin cookies in hand and a heart that felt heavier than the bricks he was staring at.Ā 
He sighed and began his walk back home.
ā ā ā
On Sunday he decided that he wouldnā€™t give up. Bucky didn't know what changed his mind. He just knew that he couldnā€™t stop thinking about you and him on that incredibly comfortable sofa of yours and the scent of your cedar and cinnamon candle which seemed to linger on his skin for days after his visit. He wanted to play the sketching games he had half-heartedly endured last time and he wanted to become a better artist.Ā 
Bucky had left your cookie box at home as an excuse to meet up with you again. And even though he was sweating ferociously when he approached you after class, you had agreed to meet with him again.Ā 
Heā€™d left the gallery with a bright smile that evening. Excited for the next time heā€™d see you again and eager with daydreams on the subway home.
You and Bucky met up every week. Every time, spending a little longer not just drawing and it filled his heart with warmth and happiness. You shared laughter, and, in Buckyā€™s eyes, a growing connection with every passing meeting.Ā 
He learned about your dreams and aspirations and told you about his past, his interests, and his most treasured fantasies.
As weeks turned into months, Bucky found himself drawn to you in more ways than the warmth radiating from your smile heā€™d noticed the first day he met you, or your talent of calmly helping him in every way possible. He admired your passion for art, your kindness, and your enchanting presence. The fear and the shyness that had gripped him at first, slowly faded away - replaced by a sense of comfort when he was with you.Ā 
And soon he realized that there was nothing he didnā€™t love about you. This was how he got the courage to, on one calm evening spent on your sofa, between the colorful pillows he had been thinking about falling asleep on for weeks, place his hand in yours and intertwine your fingers with his.Ā 
ā€œI got something for you,ā€ he whispered between dialogues of the Halloween movie playing on TV, watching as your eyes aimed up at him with curiosity.Ā 
With reluctance, he peeled himself out of the warm blanket you shared and trudged to the sketchbook hidden in his bag. The initial idea had been dipped in silly confidence. But it was too late to back out now. Heā€™d already told you about it.Ā 
So despite his nervous heartbeat, Bucky came back to the sofa and handed you the book.Ā 
ā€œOpen it,ā€ he nudged when you carefully inspected the black leather binding, unaware of the confession hidden beneath.Ā 
And when you did, he felt he could read every expression on your face like a poem.Ā 
The book was filled with sketches of you. The first pages were scattered in hasty pencil drawings, misplaced lines, and unintentional dents. Then followed the section in which he had tried to pay attention to detail. The curve of your nose or the arch of your fingers when they pointed at his artwork. He could see them now, hovering over the sketches himself, and when you turned to the last page of the section, he could see the striking resemblance between them. And so did you. On the next turn, you revealed the latest portraits heā€™d added to the book - finally confident enough to attempt doing what he saw you as justice, to finally look past his mistakes - or happy little accidents as you called them - and just try it.Ā 
Bucky had discovered that your weekly sketch sessions had done him good. And that you had secretly given him back what he had mourned after for so long.
ā€œI couldnā€™t keep my eyes off you from the moment we met.ā€ He whispered still, too afraid to break the moment youā€™d just created. ā€œThought it was time for me to tell you.ā€
Your eyes were glassy when you tore them from the pages in your hand, a shaky laugh escaping your lips when Bucky beamed down at you. ā€œYou did all of this for me-ā€
ā€œBecauseĀ of you,ā€ he corrected and wiped a lonely tear from your cheek. ā€œI never thought I could get the joy of drawing back until you showed me how.ā€
Bucky leaned in closer until your noses touched. ā€œHow to be less critical of myself.ā€ He closed his eyes and let his hand linger on your skin. ā€œAnd how to welcome a mistake by making it an accident-ā€Ā 
And before he could finish that sentence, he felt your lips press to his and your warm hands wrap around his neck to pull him into your body. Bucky shivered in excitement, letting his hands trail down your back and falling into the soft cushions of your sofa while he pressed you to his chest protectively.
He sighed into the kiss, feeling his heart burn with excitement.Ā 
Fascinating, how fast a mistake can turn into a happy little accident.Ā 
I love you Bob Ross <3
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rowretro Ā· 3 months
š•‹š•£š•’š•šš•Ÿš•šš•Ÿš•˜ š•Šš•–š•’š•¤š• š•Ÿ
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āœ§tag listāœ§: @baevsxii
āœ§warnings: Yandere/toxic themes, kidnapping, death
ā™”synopsis: Lee Heeseung loved the feeling of falling in love, wanting to kill or die for a girl he knows would stay loyal to him. He got unlucky thrice, the three cheaters now rotting 6 feet underground, post mortem reports manipulated. Then he laid his eyes on her. Y/n. A girl looking for not just love, but commitment, someone she can trust blindly, knowing he'll be there for her. A match made in heaven right? too bad for her, he's a fucking psycho.
Y/n sat at the cafƩ table Criminology book open before her, Laptop just beside, her jaw rested on her palm. A large Matcha bubble tea that was barely halfway finished as she loved to drink expensive drinks like this, slowly. She had been taking notes of what she believes she needs to remember for her exam. 2 hours of revising, and she found herself getting distracted. "Baby I'll be home before you know it, yeah just at work right now" a male said into his phone, hanging up straight after.
Infront of him, another girl too a seat, a sweet smile, looking at him as if he's her world, he leaned into kiss her. Men. so fucking un loyal. Why is it so hard to find a man who could do the bare minimum and not expect something? Was she asking for too much?. the girl heaved a sigh to herself, feeling bad for whoever the unlucky girl was. She got on with typing her notes, not even getting distracted by a rather pretty man who had walked in.
However he was immediately captivated by her beauty. Black hair, a few blonde pale highlights, glossy lips, long lashes, and a very attractive sense in style. One would take a look at her and assume she's some rebellious teenager, only Heeseung saw a girl waiting to be loved, to be held in his safe arms, someone looking for her soulmate. He wants her, he needs her, I mean she's literally made just for him.
Lucky for him, most tables were full, he ordered a drink as he approached her "excuse me... you don't mind me sitting next to you do you?... all the other tables are well... full-" Heeseung said as y/n looked around. There were some empty tables, but she was a bit socially awkward around strangers, not wanting to get on the strangers bad side, she nodded with a soft smile, moving over a little. Heeseung sat beside her, leaving plenty of space. He took out his laptop as he got on with his work. Eventually she went to the restroom, leaving her phone behind with him. Using the little time he had, he bugged her phone and placed it just where it was before.
Since that day, he kept track of all of the people she knew. The girl was walking home one day, looking over her shoulder every few minutes, trying to shake off the feeling that someone was following her. It was late at night, she lives alone, the last thing she needs is to lure a demon into her safe space. So she decided to make sure of that, assuming that singing and vibing to the music she was listening to as she skipped home would de-attract any potential stalkers.
Heeseung found it cute seeing how she was really getting into her music. See to him, he assumed she was acting as if she was in a music video, just because she thought no one was around. She's just so fucking cute in his eyes. So fucking cute. Especially when she's begging and crying, her little brain trying it's best to process what was going on.
Heeseung made a little pouty face as he bent down to her level. He just kidnapped her, the girl now tied up in his basement, her mascara-tear stained face in his view. He wiped away her tears as he planted a soft kiss on her lips. "Oh don't cry pretty baby... I'm only here to protect you... I love you y/n and I know you will love me. but for that you need to stay at home with me." He explained.
5 days had passed since then. Y/n was stick in this ginormous palace-like mansion. Stunning, intricate designs in the walls, golden patterns in the roof, an elegant, dazzling chandelier in the centre of the room. Heeseung was too sweet, he's everything she needs but dangerous. He's fucking perfect, but a sick psycho. Y/n feels herself falling for him, yet she fears him.
Heeseung smiles when he sees y/n, her eyes scanning the window with a pout. There was a little bunny in the garden and y/n wanted to play with it, but now that bunny was no more, either it's been hunted down or it found a better place to graze. "Sweetheart... come here I have something for you" Heeseung called out as y/n silently walked over to him. The man slipped the opaque sheet off of a pretty big square-shaped item.
The item was a fairly big bunny cage, with 2 little fluffy bunnies, one white and one had brown spots. Y/n audibly gasped as she squealed "So so cute!!!!" she said smiling, the girl hugged him tightly as Heeseung smiled, hugging her back, kissing her forehead as she blushed at his acts. He's the one. Others may call her crazy for falling for a kidnapper... but how could she not? in a world full of whores and cheaters, this man seems so... human.
"c'mere bunny~" y/n cooed softly as the small white bunny that was at Heeseung's foot. She stroked the spotty one, playing with his ears. "I'm going to call you.... Rocky!... then I'll call her Reena, because Rocky and Reena are a couple!" she said with a smile. Heeseung snickerred finding her so sweet, her love for animals being so intriguing to him.
Y/n rested upon Heeseung's chest. He had killed quite a few men on the streets today, but you found it romantic, he killed those perverted catcallers just for you. "Baby... I want a pet baby pig" y/n pouted as Heeseung snickerred "I think that's impossible sweetie, we can visit a petting zoo, but I doubt they'd like us since we did eat pork today..." He pointed out as y/n giggled, her eyes meeting his. They kissed, the sickeningly sweet, addictive taste of his saliva filling her mouth. Never has she ever felt so loved before...
Rocky and Reena were my bunnies, but they passed along w their 3 babies, only Suzi survived of the 4 babies they had</3 my poor bbys
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starryylies Ā· 4 months
Simon with an emo gf :0 (or just any type of alt!!!)
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Iā€™m so so so so so so so so so so so so so so sorry for replying so late like soooo sorry, and I love your req. like itā€™s really unique!! Itā€™s awesome and I can totally imagine him dating an emo girl.
I hope this is to your liking!!! And if you have any suggestions always feel free to drop a message
ā˜ ļøŽļøŽ Okay so this man, I personally think he didnā€™t really care much about goth/emo culture before he met you like he just knew about it.
(Tbh he gives me emo vibes, esp w the skinny jeans)
ā˜ ļøŽļøŽ Looking at your clothes, your choppy cut hair all in all made him a bit reluctant to approach you at first simply because he couldnā€™t tell if he was in love with your style or if he was in love with you
ā˜ ļøŽļøŽ He lovesyour style omg, like the way you put your eyeliner from the way you make your hair every morning before you went out
ā˜ ļøŽļøŽ Definitely had made some very dark jokes about the stereotypes regarding emo.
ā˜ ļøŽļøŽ Whenever or if you guys go out nobody will dare to give you funny looks lemme tell you that, he will make sure nobody even looks at you funny.
ā˜ ļøŽļøŽ Heā€™s really protective of you generally but when you guys go out itā€™s way more.
ā˜ ļøŽļøŽ He genuinely loves the way you do your eye makeup, enamoured while you do your makeup in the morning.
ā˜ ļøŽļøŽ He once asked you to do his eyeliner for him once.
ā˜ ļøŽļøŽ He is not a fan of clubbing or raves but goes with you nonetheless if youā€™re really into that just so you can be happy, his world lights up when youā€™re happy so how can we ever deny you.
ā˜ ļøŽļøŽ Thinks youā€™re the most beautiful woman in the world.
ā˜ ļøŽļøŽ If youā€™re a metalhead you both definitely go to those concerts together and collect vinyls and music from shops.
ā˜ ļøŽļøŽ If anyone dares to make fun of your fashion or your appearance theyā€™re so dead. Like genuinely theyā€™re 6ft underground.
ā˜ ļøŽļøŽ Whenever heā€™s out or deployed and he finds a shop where thereā€™s some cute stuff (like skulls, bracelets, vinyls etc) he will pick it out for you to give when heā€™s back.
ā˜ ļøŽļøŽ Wears one of your bracelets before he goes for deployment, carries it as his good luck charm.
ā˜ ļøŽļøŽ He definitely doesnā€™t want to dye his hair but how could he say no to you so he let you dye his one strand of hair matching to yours.
ā˜ ļøŽļøŽ he would get matching skull bracelets for you guys.
ā˜ ļøŽļøŽ would get you a black ring with a small skull carved at the top of the ring.
ā˜ ļøŽļøŽ Starts copying your style a bit if you wear chunky bracelets he will try wearing them too when heā€™s at home.
ā˜ ļøŽļøŽ def has a I šŸ©· emo girls shirt for himself.
ā˜ ļøŽļøŽ will let you do his nails black, once soap called him out for wearing nail polish and he just replied with, ā€œmy girl did this foā€™ me i ainā€™t removing thisā€
ā˜ ļøŽļøŽ Is a proud and loving boyfriend all in all.
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golbrocklovely Ā· 7 months
cultish love // colby brock
A/N: first off, so sorry for this being so late, i had a lot of things i had to edit about this fic. also this is my longest fic ever ! like the other fic before this, this is a AU version of colbyā€¦ where he, you guessed it, is a cult leader. and he is also corrupt (but like aren't all cult leaders). again this deals with some possible heavy themes, so give a good read of the trigger warnings before reading ahead. i've always joked about colby being able to lead a cult, and that's basically where this idea came from. this fic also took a turn i wasn't expecting, but i like it anyway. also the first half is written as a journal entry (all italized) and then the rest is an actual fic (not italized). lmk what you think, and happy haunting !
prompt: you're a journalist, and your next big story is on the 'empathic love' cult, led by none other than colby brock. this cult is not known well, but you are getting a first hand look at them and what they do. and quickly, colby takes a liking to you. || fem!reader x AU!cult leader!colby brock
trigger warning: SMUT, no actual sex but you do get mentally fucked (it will make sense in the story), cult vibes all around, love bombing, cursing, supernatural powers, colby is very intense and kinda scary but also still his charming self, slight dubcon similar in vain to sam's story - you never say no outright, but you do have general feelings of 'wtf is this, idk if i like' so if that's too much for you, feel free to read something else :), colby's aura is crazy good at giving you visions, strangers-to-soulmates?? don't know if that's a tag lol, alsoā€¦. colby's technically bisexual in this????? but like barely
word count: 8610
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I've been a reporter for only five years, and this story.... it could make or break my career. Cults aren't as prevalent as they once were way back when. They still exist, just in the shadows. A lot quieter on most fronts. Usually disguised as a business or religion, for tax reasons of course. But this cult, Empathic Love, is unlike any cult I've heard of.
Of course, they don't call themselves a cult, but that's what they are. How else would you describe a bunch of randos following one man around wherever he goes?
They only started so many years ago, right before I graduated university. The main founder, Colby Brock, is a pragmatic individual, according to his followers. The cult began blowing up in my town a little over two years ago, and now people flock from all over the world to visit the Love Compound. You would think it's Disney World the way people grow excited about it.
But I am here to get to the truth of this cult. What is their motive? What are they planning to do? Will this be another Waco or Heaven's Gate? What sinister beliefs hide underneath the modern-day hippie aesthetic they show?
These notes will document everything I experience for the next couple of days. And in case I go missing, these are my proof of who's to blame.
I don't think it will go that far, but you can never be too sure.
Day 1 - Investigation
I'm still incredibly surprised I was allowed to come onto the Love Compound. The leader himself apparently reached out to my boss and told them that they wanted someone to come down and interview the group. They allow visitors from time to time, "new recruits" as some of the townspeople call them, but reporters have never been allowed in. Not once. Until me.
Driving up to the compound was nerve-wracking. I never imagined I would be nervous; I've interviewed plenty of criminals in my years, have done full blown investigations into scary, horrifying crimes. But something about this place freaked me out. Partially because I didn't know what I was getting into. But another part of me, and I will never admit this out loud, felt... at home.
The only promise I made to myself was I wouldnā€™t drink any kool-aid while there. So, I plan to stick to that. Pretend my previous statement never existed.
I was greeted by a beautiful woman when I got there: Avery. No one went by last names. And some apparently changed their names altogether, which was not surprising. My guess is there were most likely criminals hanging out amongst the group. But I had no proof of that, just a hunch. It easily could be a safe haven for those wanting to escape whatever life they had before.
The compound was three Victorian style mansions connected to each other and had a decent size farm attached - about 222 acres. Avery told me about all of the vegetables and chickens they farmed. Everything was organic and used up as often as possible. Anything that couldn't be eaten or produced too much for the only 100ish people in the compound, was sold at the farmer's market or given away to the local food bank. Avery explained to me very clearly that everyone in the compound chipped in one way or another. Some still worked normal jobs, but just lived here with everyone. But she noted that Colby hoped in the near future no one would have to work at all and they would be self-sufficient in a couple years.
A cult with future plans? Almost unheard of.
I told Avery that I was given an all-access pass to ask anything I wanted to, and nothing I asked could be ignored or deflected. She agreed to an interview. I recorded all of it, but here are the highlights of what I gathered.
I asked her why Colby was such a secretive man. There were very few photos of him that did exist out there, but all that was rumored about him was his alluring eyes and generally attractive presence. She agreed that he was handsome, describing his as having "ocean blue eyes" and his voice was to die for. "Deep and arousing", as she explained.
I noted that she seemed almost lost in thought at the idea of him, like she was envisioning him directly in front of her. Strange behavior; but not for a cult follower. Many end up falling in love with their leader, believing they have a genuine relationship with said person.
I bought up the name of the group, Empathic Love, and said it felt a little too inviting. She laughed and told me that it was right on the money - the best way to describe why everyone was there. She expressed to me that so many of Colby's followers wanted peace and love and light, and that being in this group felt like that. It was rewarding to be surrounded by those that cared and wanted to see each other succeed. Life outside the walls of the compound was rough, scary, draining; but inside, it was all love.
Call me cynical, but I don't believe that for a second. It took all the strength I had to keep from rolling my eyes at her. But I could tell from her voice, her motions... she was telling the truth. Well, her truth.
I wanted to know what brought her here, so she spoke of her previous life. She was abused growing up, moved around a lot in foster care. She was almost homeless, and then one day she ran into Colby. He had just begun the Empathic Love group, and she just knew she had to stick with him. Her life immediately turned around the moment he was in her life. The adoration in her eyes told me a different story, so I pressed her - "are you and Colby... together?" She smiled and said no, but she knew that they were life partners before, just not currently.
Oh... so it's one of those types of cults.
She said that Colby doesn't have a second in command, wife, girlfriend, whatever. Everyone is equal and heard. He's just the face of the group, which is a bit ironic given even I have no clue what he looks like. I knew he was young, in his mid-20s. But other than that, no idea.
I needed to know, why stay? What keeps you here? A dreamy look came over her, like she had said this a million times before: "Colby. He is love, and that's all anyone could ask for."
Chills ran up my spine at the tone of her voice. It was dull, and her words sounded like a mantra, the way she said them so easily.
I wrapped up my interview with her, quiring if I was allowed to interview others. She said yes and began sending over random people one-by-one to me.
If I hadn't gotten chills from her first, I would have from everyone else. Something about seeing everyone saying similar things, smiling happily, like the ship isn't sinking around them was eerie. It made my stomach churn when I would ask questions I already asked Avery, and get almost the same speech back.
I interviewed about 15 people. All variety of ages and genders. I suddenly realized that there were no children around, and everyone was over the age of 21.
Consenting adultsā€¦ minus the supposed brainwashing.
A couple of the interviewees stuck out to me:
Penelope, 25. Her upbringing was similar to Avery's, but she still kept in contact with her family. Apparently, she wasn't the only one like that either. Many still kept in touch and even visited their loved ones. I asked her to describe Colby, tell me anything about him. She giggled, almost like a schoolgirl, and began to weave such a story about him. He was kind and caring. His smile was contagious, just like his laugh. And his singing voice was fantastic. She talked about him like he was a boy band member, and she was his biggest fan. I asked her to give one word to describe him, and she said "Love. He is love, and that's all anyone could ask for."
Greg, 36. He had fallen into rough times, and desired a fresh start. He had heard about this group online, and figured checking them out while he was in town wouldn't hurt. And that was a couple years ago. I wondered why he didn't feel weird listening to someone that was younger than him, and he shrugged. It was nice not having eyes on him. He loved being in a wallflower, and he believed that Colby deserved all the love he got from everyone in the group. Every ounce he got was ten-folded back into the group. Greg had never felt so connected to a group of people and he knew it was all thanks to Colby. "He brought love into my life like I never have had it before. Because that's who he is: love."
Heather, 29. She mentioned how for most of her life she felt like shit. Her confidence was at an all-time low when she met Colby. He encouraged her to keep at it, to love herself and find happiness everywhere. And by spending more and more time with him, she did. She has never felt more confident about herself, her life, her direction, and Colby is the reason for that. The tone that took over her voice when she bought him up was odd. It was very similar to a partner describing the love of their life, almost like wedding vows. I asked her haphazardly about her love life, how that was going for her. And she told me she had been on many dates - something she never used to do back when she was younger or before Colby. But she did note that regardless of who she ends up with, she knows that a part of her heart will always belong to Colby. They were connected, forever. "Love and light and happiness is what I desired, and I got it - all because Colby exists in my life now."
It felt like I was getting nowhere with some of these interviews. Many said the same thing, Colby being love and light and blah blah blah. I wanted someone that wasn't gonna just quote to me whatever mantra he made them learn. And luck was on my side, because I was able to interview their newest member, Ash. They were 23, and very beautiful. There was an almost smugness about them, like they knew they were the shiny new toy on the block. The confidence only a young 20-something year old could have.
I asked them, point blank, about Colby. Be brutally honest. They told me he was hot, and that's what drew them to him. They liked the idea of living in a group setting, especially since they grew up with many brothers and sisters. They liked helping out, and they liked knowing that Colby was keeping an eye on them the most recently. I then followed up with how long it took for them to join the group. "Three days. That's how long it takes for everyone."
I questioned them about the "Colby is love" thing, and they agreed it was a bit strange, but they couldn't help but feel the same way as everyone else. They were like a moth to a flame when it came to him. Everything about him was hypnotizing, entrancing. It was like staring at the sun; even though you knew to look away, you just couldn't help it.
Then I had to know: were they sleeping with him? Most of these cults feed off of the leader fucking every person they wanted to and leaving other members high and dry. But for some reason, it felt as if Colby was sleeping with everyone with the way they all talked about him. Ash dissented, saying no one was sleeping with him. He didn't sleep with any of his followers. But they all shared a deep, sensual mental connection with him. They felt like, sometimes, he was in their soul. And that sensation alone was euphoric, bordering on orgasmic. They also knew that in another life, they would have been together, similar to what Avery said.
It was then I knew that this group was clinically insane, or just really infatuated by what Colby was selling. It had to have been some crazy brainwashing. But it was odd; people were allowed to leave, to see loved ones, to have lives outside of the compound walls. Hell, some had dating lives that included those not here! That's unheard of, and completely stupid on Colby's part if he wants to keep things going.
A cult leader that wanted to watch his world implode.... I had to meet him. I had to meet the myth that was Colby Brock. And tomorrow I get my chance to.
Day 2 - Interview with Colby
I feel the need to explain that these are my notes, not really meant for anyone else to see. And really, the only reason anyone would be seeing this is if I disappear or got murdered.
So, I say all of that just so I know, for myself, that this is a safe space for me to express my truest emotions and thoughts after interviewing Colby.
And all I can say, honestly, is that... I get it. I understand it now.
I felt my nerves hit their break last night before going to sleep, unable to stop my mind reeling from what was to come. I ended up bringing along a bodyguard, or really a photographer. I had known Trey since I started working as a journalist, and I knew I could rely on him to get us out of the Empathic Love compound if anything went south. I wasn't sure what I was up against when I went to interview Colby, but God... I didn't think I was so underprepared.
I met him in his office, Avery walked me over to it. It was up in the attic of the third house. It overlooked the entire property with wide windows. For an attic, I expected it to feel dark and dusty, but surprisingly it was light and airy. Almost like being out in the woods and taking a deep breath.
Colby was sitting in his main office chair. He spun around to see us, a light smile on his face. I'll be honest - I was taken aback by his beauty. I understood Ash's whole spiel about him being attractive and looking at him was like looking at the sun. It was intense. He was intense. His blue eyes bore into me, almost like they could see through me. I felt chills, but they weren't of fear. It was out of... excitement, of awe.
He greeted me, giving me a warm handshake. I hate to admit that I almost blushed at the sound of him saying my name. I had to take a couple deep breaths before starting. Avery left the room, and Trey sat outside the door, in case of backup.
I recorded our interview, knowing that I couldn't keep track of everything he said. But listening back to it now, his voice.... it's like a song. A beautiful, spellbinding song. I could almost fall asleep to it....
I asked him about his life, and how he came to be a leader for a group like Empathic Love. He spoke of his upbringing lightly, barely scraping the surface. He talked about growing up pretty normally, having a loving family, a great friend group, and then one day realizing that he could make a change in the world. That many people loved him and loved being around him. And that's when he knew that if he could make their lives better, he would. So, he started Empathic Love. Originally, it was just gonna be a safehouse for those that needed it. But then more and more people joined and suddenly, it grew into what it was today.
I asked where his family was now. "In Kansas," he told me. He said nothing further than that.
He humbly spoke of all the love he received from his followers, or his "friends" as he put it. They all cared about him in a way that he only wished he could return tenfold. I questioned him about the whole "Colby is love" thing. "How come everyone says almost the exact same thing, like they've been brainwashed into saying it?" He didn't even trip over his words as he spoke matter-of-factly to me. "I didn't come up with that phrase, they did. You would have to ask them. I take it as the highest form of a compliment, truly. I'll be honest, it's a bit embarrassing at times when they call me that, but I can't help what they do. I appreciate their love, nonetheless."
I continued asking him about different topics, until finally reaching the one I was most intrigued about. "How many of your followers - excuse me - friends, have you slept with?" He smirked, smirked, at me and said "None. Did any of them tell you that we slept together?"
"No, but the way they talk about you like the sun shines out of your ass does seem a bit odd, don't you think?"
He looked unphased. God, he had an answer for everything. "I'll be honest with you, some of my friends might be in love with me. But I make it abundantly clear that while I love them, and love their love, I don't have feelings for them. I'm still looking for the one."
I remember holding back a glare, "So, you're celibate?"
"Now, I never said that." He let out a chuckle, then his eyes darkened. "Why do you care so much about my sex life? Unless of course, you want to join it."
I tried ignoring his gaze and his words but stuttered through my next question. ā€œThen who exactly is the right one for you, if it's not one of your followers or friends?ā€
It took him a while to answer, he even closed his eyes for a bit. He sat up once he knew, sauntering over to his window that overlooked it all. "I imagine the one for me is someone that will bring peace to me and my life. Someone that for all my faults, can see who I am truly deep down. She will love me, and I will worship her. I will show her what true love feels like. Our souls will be one, because they always have been."
Something strange came over me. I don't know why I said it, but I uttered, "What about looks?"
Who cares about looks! Why did I ask about looks? I was a serious journalist, not a reporter for Star Magazine!
He looked over his shoulder at me, "Looks aren't that important to me. What matters is mind and soul. Who you are deep down. But if I had to pickā€¦ someone like you. I feel someone like you would be a perfect fit around here."
I wanted to give him the sassiest voice and rebuttal I could muster, but deep down I was shaking. Energy raced through my body, like I had been electrified.
He kept his back to me, staring out the window. ā€œI'm not trying to be overly complimentary. I'm just being honest. But I can tell that you would do so well to have us around. To have... me, in your life. I bring a lot of love to people's lives, that's for sure. But I also bring a lot of drive, and passion, and intimacy.ā€
ā€œPeople open up when I'm around. They tell me everything, even things they never dreamt of telling another person. And I allow it, because clearly, they needed to express it. And once they do, it's like the floodgates open. Love and light just start pouring into them, into their life, and it's overwhelming - but so worth it. Doesn't that sound nice?ā€
I guess so...
ā€œI bring happiness to so many. My friends have told me that they get jittery around me, I'm like a shot of adrenaline. And that energy, that power, courses through them. And when it gets expressed, it comes out inā€¦ā€ He took a long pause, turning back to me. The look in his eyesā€¦ I can remember it as if he was still in front of me. ā€œPleasurable ways.ā€
I hate admitting this, and it's embarrassing to say it even now, but I felt a jolt of... something, run through me. I won't even say what it was out loud, in fear of never being taken seriously again. But what happened after that, I don't know if words can even express it well.
Colby continued talking, but I couldn't pick up on any of it. He was talking up a storm, but I couldn't help the sensations I was feeling. Even in my wildest of fantasies, I've never felt anything in reality. It was all in my mind. But in that very moment, it felt like it was happening to me.
I felt lips tread up my neck, stopping just below my ear. A hot, low moan breathed into my ear. My spine tingled at the sound, my hands gripping the armrests of the chair. If I didn't know any better, I would think Colby was behind me, making those noises. My hands suddenly felt hands on top of them. My eyes widened, looking down, but nothing was there. I couldn't really move my arms once the invisible hands were there. My whole body felt numb and heavy, relaxed. My mind was the one on edge, worried as to why I was feeling all of this.
I hadn't eaten or drank anything at the compound. Maybe it was being poured into the room by the vents? I don't know, but something was making me feel this way.
The invisible hands drifted up my arms, massaging my shoulders for a moment. My head lulled back, almost hitting the back of the chair. My mind was on high alert, but my body was about ready to fall asleep. The hands relaxed me so much that my eyes began to flutter.
But then... they drifted down my torso. They traced along my neck gently, drawing small, insignificant patterns. The hands grew lower and lower until they finally were on my chest. I felt the hands cup my breasts softly, my breath hitching in my throat. They kneaded my tits gingerly, my nipples hardening in my bra. I bit my lip, praying that I wouldn't make a sound. It was hard not to, especially when the delicate fingers of these invisible hands found my nipples, gently pinching them.
I remember closing my eyes tight. Trying to clear my mind. This wasn't actually happening to me. There was no way. This was a psychosis or a drug hallucination that was happening to me and Colby was doing nothing about it.
One hand drifted down my body, stopping right above my sex. I suddenly became very aware at how wet I was, my eyes widening. I felt a rush of blood flow through my cheeks. I was about to get caught. These invisible hands made me wet, and I couldn't stop them.
And the terrible thing was, I didn't want them to. I wanted them to finish the job. To get me off... in front of Colby. One hand rose back up my body, grabbing my neck and turning my face to look up at him.
A deep voice whispered harshly, "You want him, don't you?"
I didn't say anything, afraid of what would come out. But deep down, I knew.
"Say it, and it's yours. Say you want him. And he'll have you... forever."
I opened my mouth. I felt the words almost leave my lips. I stuttered out something. I closed my eyes, my body feeling high.
And then in a split second, it was all gone. The room grew quiet, and Colby cleared his throat. "Y/N, are you okay? You look flush."
I jolted out of my seat, being able to move freely again. I looked around and realized Colby was sitting once more, staring at me concerned. I finished the interview abruptly, saying I had everything I needed - even though I definitely didn't. And then he uttered words I wish I didn't hear.
"If you want, come back tomorrow. We are having a celebration here. I would love if you came by, even if for an hour."
I nodded, not even really taking in what he said, and left. Trey was confused as to why I bum-rushed out of the room, but I never told him the truth. How could I?
I knew deep down I shouldn't have said yes to go to the party. But getting that footage would be killer for my article. Interviews are great, but a party at a cult compound? That's bound to end terribly (for Colby, but great for me).
But something in me can't shake this feeling that I basically signed myself up for the end. End of what? I'm not sure. But I'll find out tomorrow.
Stepping back onto the compound made my heart race. I was nervous as all hell, and just wanted this day to be over with already. Today was my last day doing this story. I was counting the minutes to when I could go back to my office and write about how this place was insane, or whatever narrative I planned to write.
I had enough proof that something was up here. All I needed to do was a bit more digging. And during the party is when I planned to do it.
Avery walked up to me, smiling brightly. "Hey, Y/N! How are you doing today?"
"I'm okay. I know it's a bit early, but Colby never specified when the party was going to take place." I replied.
"No, you're totally fine. The party is gonna happen later. Right now, though, we have something going on that you'll definitely want to see." She clapped excitedly.
"Oh? And what is that?" I questioned.
"We are inducting a new member!" she exclaimed giddily. "There's a whole process that we do, and everyone is involved. I imagine that will bode well for your article if you see it firsthand. It's all taking place in that tent."
I stared over at the huge tent, its plastic cover doors strangely inviting.
I hummed, "Sure, I'll be there in a moment."
Avery nodded, turning on her heels and prancing over to the tent, following in other members.
"What's happening in there?" Trey asked.
"Apparently they are inducting someone new into their cult." I informed him.
He blinked. "Group, you mean."
I rolled my eyes, "Yeah, whatever. Make sure to capture as much as you can."
He shook his camera, giving me a wink, "On it."
We both walked in, many members still up and around, giving everyone hugs and chatting. Avery waved me down, patting the seat next to her. I walked over and sat. My body tingled in anticipation. I wasn't sure what was going to happen. My breathing picked up as everyone grew silent, the doors opening. Colby walked in, and people rushed to their seats.
Colby called out, "Hello everyone, good morning."
"Good morning, Colby." Everyone said in unison.
Jesus, that was creepy.
"A lot of things are going to be different today. First, we have guests watching our festivities. Y/N and Trey. Everyone, give them a hand." He gestured to the two of us.
The tent exploded in applause, Avery evening rubbing my back sweetly. It felt like I was being congratulated on something I didn't achieve, my cheeks flushing at the acknowledgement.
"And secondly, sadly, the new member we were going to have decided not to stay." He frowned, his face dropping.
Members gasped, some audible "oh no" echoed around the tent. Colby nodded his head sympathetically. ā€œI know, but fret not. I think this will be a learning experiment for our new guests. We can still do our traditional motions of having someone join us. But, imagine it as if it's a mock ceremony instead. Ms. Y/N, would you please step up here?ā€
My heart stopped when he looked into my eyes, the first time since yesterday. I glanced at Avery, who grinned enthusiastically. She pushed me out of my seat, my body following her lead. I gazed around, finding Trey, who pulled away from his camera with a concerned look. I stumbled up the walkway, stepping on stage with Colby.
Colby lowered his voice so I could only hear him, moving away from the microphone. "I know you wanted to know about how we induct someone into our little home, so I figured why not use you as an example? We aren't actually inducting you, in case youā€™re worried. This is just what would happen if you were joining. Are you okay with that?"
I gazed around the huge, white tent, making eye contact with many people in the audience. They all looked so eager, waiting to hear my response. Some were even shaking with excitement.
I stuttered, feeling Colby squeeze my hands to bring my attention back to him, "I-I guess so."
"Fantastic." He turned, still holding one of my hands, "Alright everyone, you know the drill."
The crowd cheered, suddenly many lining up to a microphone at the side of the stage. Colby lightly pulled me to a cushioned throne, sitting me down. "So here's what's going to happen. People are going to come up to that microphone, and they are going to give you plenty of love. Genuine love. And then the next person will go, and so on until everyone has spoken."
"Everyone here? Like, all hundred plus of you?" I whispered.
"Yes. It's gonna be a while, so get cozy." He laughed, rubbing my shoulders.
Time felt frozen as slowly everyone came up and said something nice about me. Some were quick, mostly just commenting on how nicely I dressed or how the stories I had covered in the past were interesting and thoughtful. But others, it's like they could see into my soul and point out the exact thing I was insecure about. Everyone was complimentary and it was nice, but exhausting.
The line had dwindled down, and the next person to speak was Avery.
She stepped up the microphone, giving me a huge smile. "Hi, Y/N. I know we don't know each other that well, but I feel like I've known you my whole life. These couple days of getting to know you, being interviewed by you, have just been the highlight of my life. You are such a lovely presence to be around, and you deserve all the success you've gotten these last couple years."
Lots of people in the crowd nodded, agreeing with Avery. She continued, taking a deep breath, "I wanted to add - you are so deserving of love. You are easy to love too, and I hope that you are surrounded by people that make you feel that way. I know that this is just a mock ceremony, but I truly believe you would be such a great addition to us. I know you don't trust us, but I hope that soon you will find that you have a safe place here. Even if you never come back here again. This is your home now, and forever will be."
My chest heaved suddenly, tears welling up in my eyes. What the fuck is happening right now? Why was I crying at what she said? Sure, it was sweet and kind, but... how did she know I needed to hear that?
I turned my head, wiping the tears before anyone could see them fall. The crowd clapped as Avery left, going back to her seat.
The last couple people were a blur, my mind still hanging onto Avery's words. Suddenly, a hand was placed on my shoulder, jolting me out of my thoughts. I gazed up, seeing Colby's beautiful face staring down at me.
"The ceremony is done. Now, time to party."
It had been a couple hours since the ceremony, my body feeling almost numb but jittery all at the same time. It was hard to shake all the love and words that were thrown my way today. Sure, some were probably just lying and saying random things because they had to, because they were conditioned to. But it freaked me out how some just... hit the right spots, knew my insecurities.
The party itself was fine. Two of the houses had parties happening in them, and since all three houses were connected, you could leave one and walk into another. There was a dancefloor full of people, and multiple fully stocked bars. Tons of food was at each table. It honestly looked like an adult prom. But I wasn't in a partying mood. Trey, on the other hand, was enjoying himself immensely. Girls and guys surrounded him, laughing at his jokes and bringing him plates of food and wine. One girl kept rubbing his thigh, staring at him longingly.
I wanted to leave. I had had enough of today, and I just wanted to be as far away from Empathic Love as I could be. I decided fresh air was what I needed, so I got up and slid out the back door of one of the houses, taking a deep breath. There were still too many people around, but I noticed the last house, the one with Colby's office in it, had no lights on and no one around it. I walked through the yards, stopping once I was by the back porch of the third house.
I sighed, leaning back against a railing. I could still hear the party going on, almost getting louder now that I wasn't there. I shook my head, feeling overwhelmed.
ā€œHey, Y/N. Fancy seeing you here." Colby's voice broke through my thoughts.
I exhaled. ā€œHi, Colby.ā€
He cocked his head, ā€œAre you doing okay? You seem... upset.ā€
I felt this sudden rush of anger, knowing in reality he was to blame for all of this. ā€œNo, I'm not doing alright. I want to go home, I'm extremely overwhelmed by this party and all the people around here. That ceremony was too much for me to deal with, and the only way for me to get out of here is Trey and he's getting rubbed down by your followers!ā€
He took a step back, putting his hands up defensively. ā€œWoah, that was a lot. You must have needed that release.ā€
I glared, ā€œYou think?ā€
ā€œLook, I get it. It's a lot to take in. I myself don't love going to all these parties. It can be really overwhelming and if I'm honest, it gives me a lot of anxiety,ā€ he admitted casually.
ā€œYou get anxiety?ā€ I scoffed, ā€œHow? Everyone here loves you.ā€
ā€œI know. That's the stressful part!ā€ He sat on the railing, turning to me. ā€œI'm the leader of this family. I have to make all the right decisions, and sometimes that means upsetting some of the people closest to me. Not to mention, so many eyes are on me, and it's just all too much sometimes. Even if you think this group is a cult, I still care for everyone here. I make sure they are fed, have a job, and have a life outside of here. And that's a lot to take on.ā€
ā€œHow do you deal with all of it, then?ā€ I questioned.
ā€œPatience. And a lot of alone time when I can get it - through meditation, specifically,ā€ he laughed. ā€œI was actually going to go meditate before I found you. Would you like to join me?ā€
I shook my head. ā€œNo, I'm good.ā€
ā€œAre you sure? Look, at the very least, it will get you away from the party and all the noise. You don't even have to join me, you can just... sit in the room with me while I do it.ā€ He argued, shrugging his shoulders.
I gazed at the party, everyone had grew rowdier while we were talking, and I didn't even notice. But my head felt like it was spinning from the noise alone. I sighed, nodding my head. Colby smiled, opening the door to the house, and I walked in first. I followed him up to his office, sitting down on his couch as he sat in the center of the room on the floor.
I raised an eyebrow. ā€œThat's where you meditate?ā€
ā€œYeah, I know it's a bit silly. But I feel so much more grounded... on the ground.ā€ He replied cheekily.
I snickered, sitting back and watching him. He crossed his legs, resting his palms on his knees. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He took multiple breaths until they were low and shallow. I furrowed my brow, my eyes never leaving his form.
It almost seemed like he was asleep, or in a hypnosis of some sort. He was completely still and silent. A dull glow appeared at the top of his head, growing brighter and larger. I leaned away from him, my eyes widening at the sight. What the fuck is that...?
An aura grew around him, surrounding him completely. He didn't move, unfazed by it. His eyes remained closed, and with each breath it grew.
"How... are you doing that?" I uttered, my mouth a gape.
"Doing what?" He spoke in a monotone voice.
"That... aura. How are you doing that?" I pressed.
ā€œI've always been able to do it since I was young. You can get closer if you want to.ā€ He suggested.
How did he know I was still far away?
I stepped off the couch, moving closer to him. I kept my distance, but the aura was almost pulling me in. It was beautiful, the light reflecting and growing bigger. I was almost engulfed by it, but it stopped right before getting to me. I could feel its warmth, its energy. It was calling to me, beckoning me to step towards it.
The aura wrapped around me, filling me with light and love. Or at least that's what it felt like. I gasped at the sensation, my legs shaking underneath me. I breathed in deeply, my lungs filling up with fresh air. I didn't feel like I was in the room anymore. I felt like I was flying, the world almost zooming around me.
ā€œLet your body relax, Y/N. I know it's so much to take in.ā€ Colbyā€™s calming voice spoke.
I felt my body give out on me, falling onto the soft rug. I laid down on my back, staring up at the ceiling. Visions began to swirl in my mind and around me.
How is any of this happening?
He answered, reading my mind. ā€œBecause of me. Because of us. Because of the connection you and I share.ā€
My body felt very heavy, unable to move even if I wanted to. I could move my eyes, and out of the corner of them, I saw Colby stand up. The aura remained around us, almost engulfing the entire room.
ā€œYou know, I knew the moment you stepped foot on to the compound's grounds, you were going to like it here. You were going to stay.ā€ He smiled sincerely, gazing down at my body.
I blinked, confused. ā€œWhat? I-I don't plan to-ā€œ
He cut me off, ā€œThis is the final step, Y/N. Everyone gave you love, people celebrated you, and now... I'm allowing you in.ā€
I wanted to shake my head, but couldnā€™t. ā€œBut I don't want to join.ā€
He chuckled, ā€œYes you do. If you didn't want it, none of this would have worked on you. You wouldn't be seeing what is directly in front of your eyes.ā€
The visions morphed around me, suddenly showing Colby and I. But we weren't us, we were different people, at a different point in time. But I could feel it was us. We were in love, growing a family together. Our lives were beautiful.
What the fuck is this?
ā€œThat is our past, or present, or future,ā€ he winked. ā€œThe thing is, Y/N, I never seek out anyone. They all seem to find me.ā€
ā€œThat's not true, you emailed my boss about being interviewed.ā€ I remarked.
"Oh, you are so forgetful, Y/N. You emailed us, begging to interview me and anyone else that said yes. I only agreed because I knew you wanted to meet with me. You sounded very eager to join in your email." Colby pulled out a piece of paper, reading from it happily, "Dear whoever reads this, I'm hoping to score an interview with your group, Empathic Love, for an article I am writing. I would love to meet Colby, and really pick apart his brain on why he created said group. Maybe I could even join if you guys win me over. Please let me know if any of this sounds of interest to you. Sincerely, Y/N of Global Gazette."
He leaned down, staring into my eyes mischievously, "Now does that sound like someone that didn't want to be here?"
My heart raced, suddenly scared. ā€œWhy don't I remember writing that?ā€
ā€œI couldn't tell you. All I know is you wanted to be here. And there's a reason for it.ā€ He sat down on the ground next to me. I wanted to get up and run, but my body stayed still, heavy. ā€œGrowing up, I realized very early on that certain people just... gravitated to me. A lot of women, yes. But really it was anyone. And not only did they gravitate towards me, they became obsessed with me. At first, I was confused, uninterested in ever going through that. Who wants someone obsessed with them? But then I realized how much good I could do with so many people rallying behind me.ā€
He continued, ā€œAs I got older, my ability, or power, or whatever it is - grew twice as strong. Suddenly, all the people around me followed me, did anything and everything I could ask for. Then, I began getting visions, and I understood why this was the case. Everyone here: we had a past life together. Their souls and mine have always been connected. They find me and then continue to stay. And almost always, they fall in love with me. It's just so glorious.ā€
ā€œYou're insane.ā€ I mumbled.
He hummed, ā€œInteresting, especially since youā€™re seeing the same things I am.ā€
It was true. The whole time he spoke, I saw vision after vision of our past lives together. We were always destined to meet, destined to be with one another.
ā€œBut the thing is, I know you're different from all the rest. You and I, we are meant to be together forever. You are meant to love me forever, and I am meant to love you. That's why my abilities affect you so greatly.ā€ Colby divulged.
ā€œWhat if I say no? What if I want to leave?ā€ I grunted, trying to shake free.
ā€œYou've had the ability to go all this time. You just don't want to. You know how much love I can give you. You know how much pleasure I can give you as well.ā€ He bit his lip, his eyes snaking up and down my body, ā€œYou've known that since yesterday, haven't you?ā€
Blood rushed to my cheeks, memories of yesterday played in my head.
ā€œAnd do you know whatā€™s crazy about that? That's not even half the pleasure I can give you.ā€ Colby kneeled next to me, a devilish smile on his lips. His hand lightly brushed my face, cupping my warm cheek sweetly.
A burst of arousal raced through me, my body spasming in ecstasy. ā€œOh my God!ā€
ā€œI know, it's a lot to take in. But I just want to make you feel good, darling. You deserve it.ā€ He leaned in slowly, ā€œYou are mine, after all.ā€
"This is what your followers meant by a deep and sensual mental connection," I groaned, feeling hands all over my body, touching me in the most lustful of ways. "You got inside their heads and mentally fucked them."
ā€œ...That's one way of wording it. But if they didn't trust me, if they didn't already want me, it wouldn't happen.ā€ He winced playfully, ā€œSo in reality, it's your fault.ā€
ā€œFuck you.ā€ I growled.
ā€œBut baby, that's what's happening,ā€ Colby laughed darkly. ā€œThose hands, those kisses and bites... that's all mine. I can tell you're losing it. You want me real bad, but you don't want to admit it. I get it, youā€™re overwhelmed.ā€
I felt like my body was getting electrocuted with pleasure. My hips grinded into the air, needing some form of relief. My nipples strained against my bra, wanting any form of touch. I closed my eyes tightly, embarrassment rolling through me as I felt my damp panties against my sex.
Fuck, he was right. I did want this, and him.
I didn't even need to say it out loud. Suddenly I felt a cock slid inside of me, too easily from how wet I had become. I ripped my eyes open, looking around. Colby was watching me from his chair, smirking.
He palmed his hardening dick through his jeans. ā€œImagine how much better it would be if I was actually inside of you, filling you up with every. fucking. inch.ā€
I thought about screaming Treyā€™s name. Maybe he could help me.
He grimaced, rolling his eyes. ā€œHe wonā€™t do anything for you, sweetheart. He joined our group just a couple weeks ago. Right around the time you sent the email. So really, you have all the more reason to join us.ā€
ā€œEven if I join this cult, I will never stay here. I will leave here and never come back.ā€ I hissed.
ā€œAnd that is your choice to make. But Y/N,ā€ his gaze lowered at me, his eyes intense. ā€œYou will never be satisfied. You got barely a taste of what I can offer you, and you're gonna want it forever. Just like everyone else here.ā€
ā€œYou're a- fuuuuuucckk!ā€ I moaned, the cock inside of me hitting my spot deeper. I caught my breath, glaring at him. ā€œY-You're a freak.ā€
ā€œSays the girl almost coming to my invisible dick.ā€ He spat, clenching his jaw.
I bit my lip, annoyed at how right he was. The hands exploring my body gripped my ass, slapping it lustfully.
ā€œOkay, okay. I'll agree with you. I am a bit of a freak of nature. But let's not act like I'm some monster. I let people leave. But they always come back because they choose to. I can't force people that far. Pinky promise,ā€ He stuck his pinky out, and I rolled my eyes defiantly. He huffed, ā€œIt's not like this place is Scientology, for Christ's sake. We are love. I am love.ā€
ā€œYou are the most tainted form of love that I've ever met.ā€ I retorted, gripping the rug to hide my building arousal.
He deadpanned, ā€œOw. That hurt.ā€
Colby strutted over to me, laying down right beside me. The pleasure grew more intense, my hips bucking desperately. His one hand hovered over me, never touching me. It didn't matter, because having him this close felt like his whole body was on top of mine, fucking me hastily.
ā€œIf you allow yourself to enjoy this feeling, you might actually come. Because I won't force you to. I'll just keep you here, for hours, riving in pleasure until your brain melts into goo.ā€ He smirked, ā€œHow's that sound?ā€
"I-I hate you." I gritted my teeth. Why did I feel like I was lying?
"No you don't. But soon you'll be able to admit the truth." He leaned his mouth in close, his voice low and sincere, "I know that this place might not be what you imagined your home to be like, but it is. You will always have a place here. You will always be loved here. And I know that's what you want deep down. To be loved unconditionally. To have every fiber of your being satisfied. And if you let me, I will do that. I will please you every night, however you want me to. But for me to do that, you have to let me in. You have to let love in."
The cock inside of me pounded faster and faster. I could barely think anymore. The only thing on my mind... was him. The lives we had together, the life we could be having. I knew I shouldn't want it, but I did. I wanted him in my life, forever. He was what was missing, and I couldn't live one more day without him.
I mewled loudly, my hips thrusting up erotically. Colby's hand cupped my face gently, turning my head to look him in the eyes.
His alluring eyes stared deep into mine, his jaw clenched. "You will always be mine. I am love, and that is all you could ask for."
"You are love, and that's all I could ask for." I repeated mindlessly, grabbing onto his arm desperately.
His face softened, ā€œThat's right baby. You're such a good girl for me. My good girl, forever. You want that, don't you?ā€
ā€œYessss, please Colby. I want to be yours forever.ā€ I keened.
"You will be. I promise, you will always be mine." His eyes darkened, the pupils almost completely blown out. "You will never leave."
"I won't!" I trembled, my orgasm building closer and closer to the edge.
ā€œYou wanna come, Y/N? Get close for me. Don't I feel so good inside of you? You like when I do this?ā€ Colby's hand snaked down my body, rubbing my clit sensually.
I begged wantonly, dying to come. "Pleaseeeeee! Please let me come! I need it! I need you."
"Of course you do, baby. You and I need each other. Our connection is unlike anyone else's. Tell me the truth and I'll let you come." He leaned in close, his lips brushing against my ear, "Tell me, baby. Say it..."
"I love you," I cried out, right on the edge. I direly wanted him to say it back, knowing it was already the truth.
ā€œI love you too, baby,ā€ he smiled sweetly, kissing my cheek. ā€œNow, come for me.ā€
Hot, white pleasure shot through my body. I had the strongest orgasm of my life, my mind shattering as I rode every wave of pleasure that went through me. Colby stayed by my side, shushing me as my high lowered down more and more. He kept whispering 'I love you' repeatedly, my mind unable to hear or think anything else after a while.
I blacked out at some point but awoke when my body was lifted off the floor and placed softly into a bed. ā€œWha... happenin?ā€ I slurred.
ā€œRelax, darling. I just brought you to my bed. Well, our bed now,ā€ he chuckled. ā€œI want you to get your rest because tomorrow is a big day for you.ā€
ā€œWhat's tomorrow?ā€ I murmured.
ā€œYour introduction to everyone as my soulmate.ā€ Colby informed happily, tucking me in. ā€œEveryone will be so pleased that you changed your mind about joining us.ā€
I nodded my head, snuggling deep into his bed. He dimmed the lights, whispering softly, "Welcome home, Y/N."
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lagoonalake Ā· 4 months
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Personality: the magician, 2 of swords, ace of pentacles
He is attracted to a manifestor, someone who can help him make things happen, it sounds a bit opportunistic but from his perspective partnership should be about helping and being useful to one another, he likes someone intelligent, resourceful, a great communicator, sociable and with connections or knowledge, someone with a certain influence, not too emotional, more practical and brainy, witty, balanced, a thinker whose going to think hard before making a decision and is going to help him making his own decisions, charming and diplomatic, independent, connected to his circle or career libra, gemini, air signs, capricorn
Appearance: page of coins, the hanged man, 10 of cups
A fresh, youthful, cute appearance, clear skin, could prefer pale skin, blond hair or light colors in general, smells good, clear high pitch voice, homely, calm and slow movements, innocence, soft, nurturing quality cancer, pisces, virgo
Turn-offs: the star, 3 of wands, 7 of wands
Sappy, overly emotional or dramatic people, people who are disconnected from reality, people who exaggerate, drama queens, people who are ready to crush others to achieve their goals, bullies, selfishness.Ā  aries, leo, negative cancer, sagittarius
Personality: 5 of pentacles, 5 of cups, 7 of wands
Sad people, people whoā€™ve been through it, who could need his help, he is attracted to the melancholic, tragic type, yet the type of person who is still trying hard, a combative person, maybe even a bit hardened by life, but still that heā€™d see as vulnerable, fragile, sensitive and passionate. Iā€™m getting the vibe of a stray animal he would be trying to approach but the cat is a bit wild, but the moment heā€™d gain its trust heā€™d see how much this animal needs love. Same thing but with a human being, a wounded soul. He values the emotional bond and intimacy a lot. There could be some codependency but could be very healing, transformative and powerful too.Ā  all water signs especially scorpio, capricorn, mars
Appearance: knight of swords, queen of pentacles, the chariot
Someone who looks like a fighter, strong, sturdy, fit, curvy hips or thighs, darker hair and skin, darker colors in general, active, powerful intense energy and movements, fierce, sharp eyes, sensual appearance, something about the body that heā€™d want to touch, feel, smell, raw energy, bigger or wider features. capricorn, taurus, aries, scorpio
Turn-offs: ace of wands, the hierophant, 9 of wands
Someone too easy to read, he likes when someone takes a while to open up or reveal themselves, not only does he finds this more attractive and exciting, but he also thinks it makes the bond more special, if someone is opening up too easily he doesnā€™t trust that person. Someone who is too boring, predictable or too similar to what he already knows, someone too traditional, who follows the rules to the point they have no personality and feel like a robot, someone who doesnā€™t let anybody in so that no emotional connection is possible, someone who never let their guard down, who shows no vulnerability or humanity. only fire and air in the chart, negative capricorn/taurus, aquarius
Personality: 6 of wands, the world, 6 of swords
Definitely could like a foreigner or someone who foreign connections or background, someone who shows him something different, someone happy go lucky, proud, someone heā€™d admire, someone impressive, a bit cocky, someone who only wants the good things in life, has no time for negativity, only wants the best, an idealistic person, brave, high achiever, focused on themselves and their success, with an impressive stable career, most likely a celebrity leo, sagittarius, sun, jupiter
Appearance: 2 of pentacles, justice, knight of wands
Balanced harmonious symmetrical features, someone who is conventionally beautiful just like him, who could look like him a bit, brown/reddish colors, strong curvy or plush thighs, could like a shorter and curvier body type, someone who can be both cute and sexy, a bit wild, tomboyish, more revealing outfits, imposing big presence no matter the height or stature, a more simple a bit messy style, messy hair, shorter hair, bangs, ripped jeans, hooded or slanted eyes, big and/or raspy voice, a good dancer and/or rapper aries, mars, taurus
Turn-offs: the high priestess, the lovers, 2 of cups
He seems allergic to romance XD, overly romantic people, hyper feminine people, too much softness, too many emotions, too much intimacy, someone who looks like they can read him like a book, somehow he feels uncomfortable when people try to get too close, people who act overly mysterious or are too passive, people who always consult him before making a decision (he likes independence), PDAs. I feel like there could be some unresolved issues going on here, especially knowing that Beomgyu is a scorpio moon and pisces sun, itā€™s like he is afraid of intimacy and doesnā€™t want to accept this part of himself. he is still attracted to all these other fiery qualities matching his aries venus, but something is missing.Ā  all water signs in general, libra, venus
Personality: 5 of cups, 10 of cups, 9 of cups
Similar to Soobin, a very sensitive person who could need his strength, but not as tough and rough around the edges, more easy going, soft and family oriented, easily satisfied, who can see the good in many things, very kind and compassionate, a bit like a Disney princess lol, nurturing, understanding, likes to cuddle, very physically affectionate and needy, could be clingy, very loyal, would make a good mother, a safe haven for him to go back to at the end of the day, could be younger than him or simply make him feel like he is the more mature person, the provider, itā€™s a pretty traditional relationship, but very healing and loving cancer, pisces, jupiter, taurus
Appearance: page of cups, king of cups, knight of cups
Wow Taehyun really likes a water sign, he got all the cup cards, except for the queen. So a rather sensitive looking person, big or expressive deep eyes, cute, soft, round face, could prefer short hair, there is a masculine energy but very soft. The color blue, watery, siren like looks, dreamy, darker skin tone, big wide open features, soft skin, soft voice, magnetism, slower, softer more sensual movements, if heā€™d see someone with a pet or being kind to animals he would like it neptune, pisces, cancer, scorpio
Turn-offs: king of swords,queen of wands, the tower
Detached, cold, cruel people, extremely rational people who cannot connect with their emotions, narcissistic people, show-offs, people who only talk about themselves, attention seekers, loud, brash, boisterous people, drama queens, bullies. aquarius, saturn, leo, aries, marsĀ 
Personality: 4 of swords, 7 of pentacles, 6 of cups
He wouldn't let anyone in that easily, he'd have to know he can trust them before, so someone patient, determined, highly resistant, endurant, very giving, unconditional love. He may prefer a more platonic dynamic first. Someone observant, rational and who pays attention to others, someone reliable, a good shoulder to lean on, supportive, someone who has a way with words, soothing, healing words, a good advisor. He needs time before letting people in, but is interested in long term relationships and intimacy. Could be someone older or very mature. virgo, taurus, capricorn, cancer, libra, saturn
Appearance: the hermit, 6 of pentacles, the empress
Like Taehyun could like to see someone taking care of animals or pets. He's not easily impressed by looks, he may not like the plastic surgery look, prefers when he can see natural ā€œflawsā€ (except he wouldn't see it as flaws) like natural skin toneā€¦etc. Could prefer someone older or who looks mature, motherly. Kind face, rosy cheeks, curvy hips and chest, a ā€œfertileā€ look, a natural, effortless, healthy, radiant, princess in a fairytale type of beauty.Ā  libra, taurus, virgo, pisces
Turn-offs: ace of swords, high priestess, king of pentacles
Someone rude, simplistic in the way they think, unable to empathize, narrow minded, cruel, someone manipulative or nosy, someone who is trying to peer into his private life or secrets, someone who overshare informations, canā€™t keep a secret, canā€™t hold their mouth, someone overly materialistic, who shows off their money or possession, someone who puts too much importance on status and uses this to dominate others, someone boring only interested in their job, business and making money. gemini, negative scorpio, taurus, capricorn
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abiiors Ā· 6 months
sold to the 1975 šŸ˜”āœŠšŸ¼
a/n: i spent way too much fucking time on this and literally no one deserves to be subjected to this yet here we are. GOODBYE. (this is my legacy...)
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when i open my eyes in the morning, the world feels different. the birds donā€™t chirp like they usually do, the sky is grey and leaves on the tree outside seem wilted and dead. still i drag myself out of my bed and trudge to the bathroom.Ā 
the bags under my eyes are pronouncedā€”a result of cleaning up after my mother when she returns home from her late night clubbing sessions. my lifeless blue orbs (šŸ”µšŸ‘„šŸ”µ) stare back at me. thereā€™s no spark in them anymoreā€¦ i used to be the curious girl who found beauty in everything. nowā€¦ i can barely look at myself in the mirror.Ā 
a heavy thudding on the door interrupts my depressive spiral.Ā 
ā€œautumn raine! open this door right now,ā€ my mother slurs, mixing up her words and the syllables of my name andā€”
ā€œhave you died in there?ā€
the banshee shriek gets me moving. i toss my hair in a messy bun and throw on an old band t-shirtā€”radiohead, my own little inside joke since no one else seemed to know the band. other girls my age fawned over taylor swift and boys who barely looked old enough to be in high school. i felt like an old soul.Ā 
ā€œautumn!ā€ another sharp rap on the door. ā€œwe have guests.ā€
guests? at 8 am? that piques my curiosity.Ā 
ā€œcoming!ā€ i reply and shimmy into my skinny jeans.Ā 
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i open my door and come face to face with my motherā€™s fuming nostrils. if my situation werenā€™t so pathetic and sad iā€™d almost find it funny.Ā 
she takes my arm in a vice-like grip and smiles an ugly smile.Ā 
ā€œwhat have i done to be cursed with a child like you, huh? you couldnā€™t dress up even for today.ā€
ā€œwhy, whatā€™sā€”ā€
ā€œhush now!ā€ she chides, ā€œgo put on some lipstick and meet me downstairs in two minutes.ā€
she pushes my back into my room and shuts the door before i can tell her that i donā€™t own any make up. the most i can find is some tinted lip balm and old, crusty mascara. the only jewellery i can find is the heart shaped necklace from my dead father, so i quickly put it on. between that and my tattered old converse, i feel like the prettiest girl in the world.Ā 
i roll my eyes at my sarcasm and make my way downstairs.Ā 
the stairs creek in a familiar way and i donā€™t even notice that something feels way out of the ordinary until itā€™s too late.Ā 
i donā€™t even notice the four men sitting on our torn old sofa until iā€™m right in front of them.Ā 
my mother looks at me with a saccarine smile. ā€œbe a darling and make some tea for our guests, autumn.ā€
ā€œno, that wonā€™t be necessary,ā€ one of them cuts in and for the first time i look at them properly.Ā 
the one whoā€™d just spoken is smaller in comparison to the other three. his arms are littered with tattoos, his hair curly and going in every possible direction. his eyes look hard and cold and brown.Ā 
the other three nod in unison.Ā 
ā€œwe need to finish the transaction and get going,ā€ he speaks again and mother pales slightly.Ā 
ā€œof course,ā€ she smiles a fake smile and wrings her hands together.Ā 
ā€œiā€™m sorry, whatā€™sā€”ā€
ā€œautumn!ā€ i shut up the instant she glares at me. i know that look. donā€™t speak until youā€™re spoken to.Ā 
ā€œyou havenā€™t told her?ā€ the other one speaks up. his voice is much deeper than his friendā€™s. his whole vibe is more intense than the rest of them. heā€™s all sharp cheekbones and bleached, buzzed hair and chipped nail polish. not a man of many words but something tells me people listen when he speaks.Ā 
ā€œiā€¦ of course i h-have,ā€ my mother stutters and throws me a look. ā€œshe knows, donā€™t you, sweetheart? tell me.ā€
tell them what?!Ā 
my heart hammers in my chest and i try to swallow the dryness away. ā€œy-yes. i knowā€
all at once four pairs of striking orbs are on me and i blush from the intensity of their gazes. (šŸŸ¤šŸ‘„šŸŸ¤ šŸŸ¤šŸ‘„šŸŸ¤ šŸŸ¤šŸ‘„šŸŸ¤ šŸ”µšŸ‘„šŸ”µ) all the attention in the room is on me and with horror i realise they expect me to speak further.Ā 
ā€œshe t-told me,ā€ i stutter out and smile at my mother who looks like sheā€™s swallowed a lemon.Ā 
ā€œand did she tell you who we are?ā€
i think about nodding again but thereā€™s no way i can fib this. the truth it iā€™ve never seen these men before in my entire life. all i know is that if i went along with my motherā€™s lie, things might be good for me. even if itā€™s temporary.Ā 
hesitantly, i shake my head.Ā 
ā€œwe are the 1975,ā€ the curly-haired man speaks and i cock my head to the side. what an odd little nameā€¦ ā€œand youā€™ve been sold to us.ā€
ā€œsold?!ā€ i screech as soon as theyā€™re out of earshot.Ā 
ā€œungrateful bitch,ā€ she hisses back, ā€œkeep your voice down! iā€™ve taken care of you for twenty years and this is how you repay me?ā€Ā 
ā€œtaken careā€”TAKEN CARE OF ME?ā€ i bellow, unable to keep it down anymore. ā€œall you did was drown yourself in a bottle of wine every night and left your child alone to take care of everything on her own. and now youā€™re asking me to repay you?!ā€
ā€œdonā€™t act like youā€™re a special little gem. the girl down the street was sold to five people last year and she went without any complains.ā€
my blood boils at the mention of her. lila roseā€¦ the girl down the street. no one had heard from her in a year and no one cared enough to find out anything.Ā 
ā€œdonā€™t bring her into this,ā€ i retort. the air around me feels charged and my entire body feels alive. never in my life have i talked to my mother like this before and now that i do, i feelā€¦ alive.Ā 
i laugh at the irony. the most free i have ever felt in my life is after being sold to four men i do not know.Ā 
my motherā€™s hand raises above her head and i know whatā€™s comingā€”wonā€™t be the first time sheā€™s slapped me. the air around me shifts with the force of it and i flinch away, tightly closing my eyes. i brace myself for a slapā€¦ that never comes.Ā 
slowly, bewildered, i open i eyes and come face to face with aā€¦ back?Ā 
ā€œyou will not touch our property,ā€ the man speaks and this is the first time i hear his voice.Ā 
heā€™s impossibly tall, perhaps the tallest among them all. half his face is covered in a beard and his hair is tied up in a neat bun. and even when iā€™m offended at being called their ā€œpropertyā€, i canā€™t help but feel a flutter in my stomach.Ā 
he saved me from getting hurt.Ā 
ā€œo-of course,ā€ my mother stutters. ā€œi was justā€”ā€
ā€œyou were justā€¦?ā€
he scoffs when she cannot answer and turns to look at me.Ā 
for the first time iā€™m truly aware of just how big he is, just how he towers over me. the difference in our size leaves me speechless, and i tuck my hair behind my ears and flutter my lashes up at him.Ā 
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he smiles. ā€œyou have thirty minutes. go pack.ā€
back in my room a sense of sadness hits me for the first time.Ā 
thereā€™s nothing in this house that iā€™m going to particular miss, apart from my stack of secondhand paperbacks that isā€¦
i thumb through the pages one last time and say goodbye knowing my mother wonā€™t hesitate to use them as kindling the moment iā€™m gone. not like sheā€™s ever read a book in her lifeā€¦ all she knows how to do is drink, party, cake her face with make up and obsess over men.Ā 
i stuff my clothes into a tattered old duffel bag. thereā€™s no make up i need to pack, just my favourite books and vinyl, if they even let me use them wherever theyā€™re taking me.Ā 
almost on dot, once my thirty minutes are up, the curly haired man from before enters my room. his lip curls in barely concealed disgust as he looks around my roomā€”at the peeling wallpaper and the jane austen bedsheets on my bed, at the random niche band posters that i donā€™t expect him to know about (oasis, blur, arctic monkeys etc) but heā€™s gentle when he takes a hold of my hand.Ā 
ā€œletā€™s go, autumn raine.ā€ he says and i refuse to give him the satisfaction of seeing me cry. instead, i square my shoulders and blink my tears away.Ā 
and then i close the door to my bedroom for the last time.Ā 
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autumn raine ā†‘ if you even care
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partnerlesspansexual Ā· 8 months
Hobie Brown bf headcanons (āĀ“ā—”`ā)šŸ§·šŸ–¤šŸŽø Use of Y/N: none Warnings: none Genre: Fluff šŸŒø (BTW, happy October everyone šŸŽƒ)
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ā€¢ Taller or shorter S/O: I feel like Hobie is the type of guy that couldn't care less about the height of his S/O. You could be as tall as lady D or as short as Napoleon; but as long as you can carry him around like the princess he is, he doesn't mind šŸ‘‘ā¤ļø ā€¢ Preferred gender: Doesn't have one šŸ˜Š In my opinion, Hobie is more attracted to personality than physical appearance. He likes hes, shes, theys, thems, everyone! If you have a good vibe and hate the government, he's all over you, babes ā€¢ His love language: Hobie's love languages are definitely gift giving and physical affection. Like, you could just be sat on the sofa doing whatever, and he'll just come in and climb onto you like an infant; and you'll be like "ummm, excuse m-" and he'll just shush you with his fingers. And then you'll just stay there. Forever. And as for gift giving, he'll just come back from his daily spooderman activities with a bunch of random bullshit he found, dump it on the desk that you're currently working at and say "You're welcome šŸ˜Œ" as if he's just given you the key to the universe ā€¢ Pet names (for him): pretty boy, handsome, hot stuff, baby boy, gremlin lord, etc. ā€¢ Pet names (for you): sugar-tits, thicko, babes, ducks, love/lovey, sweetie, dumbass, etc. ā€¢ Tickling: You need to understand something. If you initiate a tickle fight with Hobart Brown, it is no longer a tickle fight; it's a tickle WAR. And he has no mercy, he'll go for your tummy, your sides, your feet, your EVERYTHING. And when you've had enough he'll just scream "DO YOU YIELD?! DO YOU YIELD?!" ā€¢ Sharing food: NO, absoloutely not. Look, he loves you, but if you so much as put a finger near his precious fish and chips, you will pay the price. He'll smack your hands away like a fly and scold you like an angry mother "get your grubby mits off my food, cheeky bugger". And then five minute later he'll crumble and give you a piece cuz he just loves u that much ā¤ļø ā€¢ His favourite couple activity: He likes the simple things in life. Going down to the pub for a drink with his baby is all he needs to keep him happy. He has to keep his eye on you at every moment, because you have the tendency to wander off; like, he'll turn around for 1 second to order your drinks and he'll turn round and you're just GONE, and he's stood there like "This bitch šŸ˜’" but in a loving way ā¤ļø. Or just chilling at home listening to his records with his head in your lap as you play with his hair. ā€¢ Pets: This man would deadass just bring home any animal he finds on the street. Like, you'll come home after a long day at work, go to the bathroom to take a shit and you just open the door to see Hobie in the bath tub with a whole possum like "šŸ˜¶..... I can explain"
(Why does the world keep torturing me with beautiful men that don't exist? WHY? šŸ„²)
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scekrex Ā· 1 month
I'm so very obsess with your Overlord!reader storyline, it's just so soft, like it give me the vibe of 'bird in a gilded cage', but in 'the world outside is ugly and cruel and I want you to be surround with beauty and comfort' kind of way, just quietly comfy.
Also a prompt, how about for some reason or another, reader has to go to an overlord meeting but Adam is rather clingy plus he hasn't went outside since reader brought him there so he decided to take Adam with him while also making it a night on the town kind of thing. It's Hell but with reader long time there, he manage to find decent enough places to take Adam to. Obviously they got bothered, some even offered to buy Adam, but with the fact Adam is a still a powerfull angel and reader is longlived Overlord despite his relative anonymosity, they had a fun enough date and made it home unscathed
I love Overlord!Reader x Adam so fucking much, keep em asks coming bc I'll write for em til I die. Their dynamic is just absolutely adorable.
Bird of Hell's Paradise
I'm not likely to kick a head in, but I'll curb stomp a bitch if she objects at our wedding
pairing: Adam x male!reader
warnings: language
note: not beta read bc fuck you I don't have beta readers
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ā€œAdam,ā€ you hummed softly as the first man wrapped his arms around your waist tightly. The entire week the former angel had tried to talk you into taking him with you, he had asked you over and over again but you had always refused. The world outside of the mansion was different, less pure and less safe. It was a battlefield, even without the exterminations hell was many things, brutal, bloody, cold-hearted and cruel. But safe enough for Adam to leave this place? No. On the other hand this realm would never be safe enough for someone like Adam to walk around freely, so the best you could do was to take him out with you, that way you could not only keep an eye on him but also prevent the first man to do anything stupid. And despite your mansion being shielded from the society of hell, you would not have to worry about him being alone at home.
ā€œYou canā€™t fucking leave me here, I wanna come with you to see what your ass is up to,ā€ he pulled you flush against his body, his head resting on your shoulder. You sighed in defeat and that was when Adam knew that he had won, ā€œOkay, you will keep me company for tonightā€™s meeting,ā€ you agreed to his request and felt Adamā€™s grip on you tighten in excitement, a quiet, ā€œFuck yeah;ā€ was heard from the man behind you. ā€œAfter the meeting we could also stay in town a little bit longer than necessary and have dinner, if you would do me the favor and accompany me through that as well, darling.ā€ The brunette placed a quick kiss to your jaw, ā€œHaving dinner with my very fucking famous boyfriend in town for everyone to fucking stare at us like weā€™re hot shit? Obviously Iā€™m fucking in, babes.ā€ Boyfriend huh? While the term sounded really pretty coming from Adam being directed to you, you had not expected the first man to use so meanful words to describe your relationship so soon, yet you were grateful the brunette mess was feeling the same way about you. ā€œThen shoo, darling,ā€ you chuckled softly as you pulled away from Adamā€™s warm touch and directed him to your shared bedroom, ā€œGo get dressed, my dear.ā€
Well, Adam surely did not disappoint. Because for a reason that you had yet to understand he had chosen to wear the replica of the robe he had worn when you had found him nearly dead near the hotel. It was also the same robe the former angel had worn during exterminations in general, but who were you to judge your partner about his clothing choice? At least he was dressed appropriately for the meeting and that you thanked the lord for.
You and Adam had been the first to arrive after Carmilla, the others were yet to come. The top weapons dealer of hell eyed your company suspiciously, yet she did not dare to comment on it out loud, not when she knew the force of nature that Adam was and definitely not when she knew how defensive you were of the people close to you. ā€œCarmilla,ā€ you raised your voice as you took a sip from the tea that your old friend had offered once you and Adam had arrived. ā€œSomething is heavy on your mind, share your thoughts with me,ā€ your eyes did not meet hers once, they were either on the drink in front of you, or on the handsome brunette man who had taken the seat right next to you. Carmilla eyed the two of you for a bit longer, then she spoke up, ā€œYou brought us the enemy, but I doubt you will have us let our way with him and show him the consequences of his actions.ā€ Adamā€™s golden eyes were on you in an instant, he was not worried that you would hand him out, not at all. The former angel trusted you, he knew you would not treat him so gently at home for months and refused to take him with you to this meeting in the first place just to sell him to Carmilla and the other Overlords in the end. ā€œNo,ā€ your voice sounded as tense as your body felt, was she trying to insult you? Did it seem like you were going to sell them Adamā€™s soul and body to have their way with him? The first manā€™s hand reached out for yours underneath the table and you took his offer of comfort gladly. ā€œHe is here as my partner, not as someone I will hand out to you. If you want his soul you have to tear it from my lifeless hands.ā€ Alastor entered the room by Zestialā€™s side and hummed quite thoughtfully at your statement, ā€œWhile that offer does sound tempting, I think I will keep it on the table for later,ā€ the radio demon stated as he took his seat just like the friend he had arrived with. Adam narrowed his eyes at the sight of the redhead, they had history after all. Yet his anger was swept away by your thumb that started to gently caress the back of his hand.
Slowly the other overlords arrived, the Veeā€™s were on time for once and all of them had decided to give you the honor of their presence. The moth demon was quick to show interest in the man you had brought with you and he was not mannered enough to keep it to himself like Carmilla had been. ā€œHey there handsome~,ā€ he purred towards Adam from across the table, blowing a cloud of smoke directly in his face - or at least that had been the plan, but you had been quick to block that tempting pink smoke of his, sparing Adam the pain of inhaling it. You had done that once and ever since then you tried your best to avoid the moth demon himself but also the scum he called friends. ā€œKeep your shit to yourself, Valentino,ā€ you growled at the Vee, fed up by his behavior already. Adam was yet again impressed by the switch in your language, when you spoke to the older Overlords you sounded so calm, so collected, like you chose your words wisely before you dared to open your mouth. But when speaking to the younger Overlords - such as the Vees - you talked like them. It was definitely something the first man admired, yet he craved to know what the real you was. Given that you spoke to him like you spoke to the more respected Overlords, he guessed that the calm and collected version of you was. Though he did not fully know.
ā€œOh,ā€ Valentino responded, sounding a little surprised by your statement of protection, ā€œSo heā€™s on your leash already?ā€ That caused Adamā€™s attention to shift from you to the moth demon that had tried to hit on him, ā€œThe fuck you mean Iā€™m on his leash? Iā€™m on no oneā€™s fucking leash, cunt.ā€ You nodded, confirming his words to be the truth as you added, ā€œThat does not mean you can fucking have him though, he is not an offer on the table. Not for you and not for anyone else.ā€
The meeting had been nerve wrecking and energy draining, especially with all of the Vees being there, Valentino had made quite a lot of comments that were meant to seduce Adam, but the brunette had always been quick to reassure the moth demon that he was not interested in anything the pimp had to offer. Rosie - while not amused about your specific choice of partner - had wished you both the best though, she was the sweetest lady in all of hell, that was for sure.
ā€œWhat are you craving, my dear?ā€ you asked as Adam and you walked through the streets of hell. Adam was visibly uncomfortable despite you having his back - quite literally, your arm was wrapped around the back of his upper body, slightly above his waist. His wings were pressed close to his sides and the usually prideful look on his face that would sometimes cause you to giggle got replaced by a look of uncertainty. You were not to blame him, he had never thought he would end up in hell after all, had always thought he was too pure to be casted down to spend eternity here. And even after you had found him he had kept telling you that Sera and Lute were to come for him. But they never had done so. And while that had been a punch in the guts for the brunette at first, he had been quick to seek comfort in you and the love you offered him. ā€œDunno,ā€ he mumbled as his eyes carefully roamed over the buildings, they all looked so uninviting, this was different than your mansion and for a moment he wished to be back at your place, he wished to be back home.
ā€œLook who we have here,ā€ a shady looking Imp giggled as he approached the both of you. His voice sounded cracky, like he had been screaming for too long, his outfit looked run down and the horns on his head that had probably been white once were dirty and therefore appeared brown. Adam backed off immediately, he did not want to make physical contact with any of those shady people down here, no matter if they were sinners, hellborn people or overlords. They all would stain his purity and divinity. You extended your arm, pushed the dirty little Imp out of the way and continued your way to the restaurant you would always visit after Overlord meetings. ā€œThen let me show you my favorite place,ā€ you offered the first man a reassuring smile as you guided him through hellā€™s crowded streets, Adam was thankful to have you by his side. It was not that he was unable to handle himself, but the amount of eyes that looked at him murderously was surely something he had never experienced before. ā€œIt wonā€™t reach heavenly standards of course, but I think you might like what they have to offer,ā€ the brunette loved how cheerful and unaffected your voice was by all those sinners waiting to get their hands on Adam.
In a swift motion you turned around to shove a sinner out of the way that was about to touch Adamā€™s wing and probably rip out one of his glorious feathers too. In a low, angry sounding voice you growled, ā€œI would not dare to do this if I were to be you,ā€ as you looked down at the sinner that had flinched away from your boyfriend the moment you had turned to look at him. Without another word the little one ran away and you returned your attention to Adam, ā€œIā€™m sorry hell is causing you so much trouble, love, but the people here are not exactly the positive and bright minded spirits you know from up above.ā€ The brunette pressed his wings even closer to his body, careful for them to not touch the dirty ground that was mostly covered in sinner blood. ā€œNot your fucking fault that freaking bitch of a demon fuck-up almost fucking ended me,ā€ he responded as he looked at you for the first time ever since you two had left the building the Overlord meeting had been at. He was not feeling comfortable down here at all, his body language was so different from the one you knew. But you understood - or at least you thought you did.
The door was opened by one of the workers there and you and Adam were greeted by a strange look that quickly turned into a welcoming smile, it had its pros and cons to be so well known, that you definitely had to admit. Yet you were guided to a free table for two. ā€œThis shithole looks so fucking wild,ā€ Adam commented on the restaurants decor, it surely was something special, nothing you preferred at your own house, but you were glad Adam seemed to like the atmosphere in here better than on the streets. ā€œIā€™m glad this place makes you feel welcome because trust me when I tell you that it wonā€™t get better - at least not in the Pride Ring,ā€ that made the brunette peak up in interest. ā€œSo thereā€™s better shit in another fucking ring?ā€ His question was quickly answered by a nod of yours, ā€œYes my dear, I shall take you to Ozzieā€™s one day, you surely would like its vibe. The sin of Lust, Asmodeus, and his Imp boyfriend Fizzarolli run it,ā€ you explained in delight, the theater restaurant that was located in the Lust Ring was your favorite place in hellā€™s seven rings. ā€œThe sin of Lust runs a fucking theater restaurant?ā€ the first man raised an eyebrow like it was the craziest thing he had ever heard, ā€œThatā€™s like saying Sera runs a motherfucking candy store.ā€ You chuckled at his comparison, though you had to admit that it wasnā€™t too far off, it did sound crazy for someone who did not know Ozzie. ā€œThe sin of Lust will surprise you, my dear, despite his interest in lust and desire he always preaches the importance of consent.ā€ Adam huffed as his eyes flew over the menu, ā€œYou better introduce me to that fucker soon.ā€ Little did Adam know that you had already booked a table at Asmodeusā€™ lustful lounge for the both of you.
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ladylooch Ā· 11 months
thinking about being pregnant with nicos baby, due at the end of summer, ur HEAVILY pregnant iā€™m the hottest months and he spoils the shit out of you.
anything you want, daddy neeks will get for you.
you definitely always call him daddy now that ur pregnant just all the time.
Ughhh this is hitting the right vibe. I am still in my pregnancy writing era haha. I'd call that man daddy if I wasn't pregnant. Not really, but it sounded good so I wrote it.
Sweat pools at the base of your hairline. You just got out of the shower and you're already feeling heat creep around your body again. The extra blood flow and human being inside of you really isn't helpful in this dreadful, August heat. You and Nico are supposed to go out for a surprise date night in the city. But the more you get ready, the more you want to stay home.
You are cranky. Your ankles are so uncomfortably swollen. Your hair is not cooperating with the humidity. And you can't even have a fucking beer like you want to so WHAT. IS. THE. POINT.
"Hey beautiful." Nico grins as he walks into the bathroom. He showered before you and had been cleaning the kitchen downstairs while you got ready. "You close to being done?"
"Yeah." Nico had been walking back out to the bedroom. At the sound of your tone, he pauses. "How we doing? I'm sensing something is wrong." He comes back to you, coming behind to hold the baby for a moment.
"I want to stay home." You cringe as you say it. He was telling you all about the surprises that awaited you in the city this morning. It had sounded so fun then but awful now. You hate to ruin his plans.
"Okay. We will stay home." You pout at him in the mirror. "It's okay. Tonight is about you. If you want to stay here, we stay here."
"You have the sweetest daddy in the world." You say down to your baby. Nico grins, leaning forward to kiss your bump. "Stay up here. I'll come get you when I'm done."
Without further explanation, he rushes out of the room.
20 minutes passes before Nico comes to get you. You were lounging on the bed under the ceiling fan, desperate for a cool off as the baby did summersaults around on your bladder. You are considering if you actually have to pee, or if it's just the pressure of the baby, when Nico comes back.
"Okay, up mama!" He exclaims, reaching for your hands. After an embarrassing amount of effort, you're up and following him down the stairs. You belly bumps into his back as he pauses in the opening of the kitchen and living room. You look around him, gasping at the work Nico had been doing.
All the lights are off and candles are lit all over the place. Popcorn is sitting in a bowl along with M&Ms, sour candies, and cookies. The living room floor has been made into a massive bed, covered in every blanket and pillow in the house. The TV is on, paused on a movie that you know is Disney, but not sure exactly what.
"We were going to go to a movie in the park and eat pizza." Nico says, grabbing your hand and brining it to your lips. "But I like your idea better. Just me, you, and bubba." He stretches his other palm across the baby. "Next movie night, she'll be here.. hopefully." You tear up. Because your husband is so damn sweet, but also because you're so thankful you get to do life with this man.
"I can't wait for that."
"Come out soon. We wanna meet you." He kisses the baby, then helps maneuver you onto the large bed. He brings over all the snacks and a big glass of Dr. Pepper for you. He has one for himself too, even though he has beer in the fridge he could have instead.
"I've been craving this all day."
"I know." He smiles, kissing your lips.
"Thank you." You whisper against his mouth, keeping his face against yours until you're ready to settle into his chest.
"This is nothing compared to what you're doing." He palms your belly.
It's true, but you know you couldn't do any of this without him.
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whateverisbeautiful Ā· 4 months
ā™„ļø Ranking Richonne
#6: Cuz I'm Okay Too (S4E16)
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Such a heartfelt and important moment in the making of Richonne. šŸ„¹ The scene is brief but still manages to communicate something so important about Rick and Michonne's profound connection. That You're Okay/I'm Okay interconnectedness between them is one of those deep and consistent qualities that make Richonne one of a kind. By this season 4 moment, I really and truly believe Rick and Michonne had fallen in love and I cherish that this beautiful scene is a part of their love story. The scene is a true Richonne classic...
Richonne's love story has so much life to it because it was able to breathe as it evolved each season. And as much as the world was screaming at them - when it came to Rick and Michonne's pre-canon build-up there were these small quiet moments like the one in this s4 finale that still really helped to lay their foundation steadily and naturally.
I appreciate that Richonne's journey was a slow burn (the most fiery slow burn, might I add šŸ”„) and that we got to see their love story play out from the moment they first laid eyes on each other all the way to now as a husband and wife determined to find each other again. The build-up was as great as the payoff in the making of Richonne and this season 4 pre-canon moment between them is one of the foundational staples in building their relationship.
As Iā€™ve stated before, I consider this 4.16 ep quite monumental to Richonne as I feel its by this point these two have fallen in love. And this scene just really backs that up to me and gives us our first insight into the unique interconnection they have.
The reason why I so confidently refer to these two characters as soulmates is because absolutely every time Rick and Michonne were together it was clear they had a deep mind-body-soul connection and a magnetic draw that showed they were tethered to each other and meant to be.
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They were so kismet that even in the beginning of their relationship they seemed to be strongly emotionally connected to each other.
In the early stages of their growing bond, Rick and Michonne really would often look at each other like they were both something special and inexplicably familiar, like a missing piece of themselves that they yearned for and felt innate trust and safety with. And, to me, this scene illustrates all of that.
I also noticed that since I've gotten so used to seeing team family in the 'stability' of ASZ for half the series, whenever I see scenes of them in these earlier seasons where they had no home base it makes me a little emotional because it makes you realize just how little they had, and how much they were being held together by their resilience and their family alone. It's really a testament to their strength and the family they built that fueled them to keep going.
I love the way this 4.16 scene is shot, the fall vibes are just nice with all the leaves as they walk. Also the show did a good job of always making it feel like there was some added weight to when Rick and Michonne were around each other. The two together on screen are just always electric as this scene solidifies.
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(Side note: watching this show back, I love how quiet the ambiance was in the earlier seasons, it really made the world feel immersive and lived in.)Ā 
When Rick protectively sat outside of that car in the previous scene with Carl asleep in Michonne's lap, Michonne heard Rick talk to Daryl about who he is and why heā€™s here, and her expression as she listens was telling. I know R&M both were more aware of how much they mean to each other from here on out. And then that love only grows stronger, even as soon as their next scene.
So this #6 scene starts with Rick walking ahead, and I love how Michonne is looking at him as she walks closer to him. Iā€™d love to know exactly what sheā€™s thinking at this moment cuz she clearly has some thoughts. šŸ˜Š
As she studies him in this scene I really do feel like itā€™s her seeing the resilient man he is and feeling a lot of genuine love and respect for him. Especially after seeing Rick go to an incredibly intense place to save her, Carl, and Daryl the night before.
Rick went to lengths not many would even think to go...but that level of fight in him is one Michonne knows well. It's in her too. And I think at this moment she knows truly that they are cut from the same cloth.
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She silently observes him and, before she even speaks, Rick senses her and asks if sheā€™s okay. I love that he checks in on her after what they went through.
When Rick and Michonne found each other after the prison fell, they became a package deal and went through most things side by side from then on. And I love that through all the wild things they experienced together, they had each other to check in with and make sure they were okay because they got to be fully human with each other.Ā 
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Michonne nods and says a reassuring 'yeah' and then again has those little glances at him that, to me, suggest sis has caught feelings.Ā 
Then I always love that Rick proceeds to offer up that heā€™s okay. He initiates saying that because he wants her to know this and he knows this would matter to her. Ever since reuniting after the prison, Michonne has often brought up the importance of Rick healing and resting, so he knows she cares about his wellbeing and that heā€™s okay.Ā 
And itā€™s also like by offering up, "I'm okay" he wants her to know heā€™s still okay as a person even after showing that heā€™s capable of some pretty intense stuff. Iā€™ve always loved this, especially because as a woman traveling alone with men, it means a lot to have a man want you to know heā€™s still okay and safe to be around.
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But then what is so lovely about this scene is that Rick gets to see that he doesnā€™t need to do any convincing with Michonne because she has always seen and understood him on a deeper level.
(It makes me think of when Michonne talks with Merle during season 3 inside the prison. She defends Rick and Carl and notes that they're both killers but she doesn't say it as a condemning thing because even as strangers she understood that Rick and Carl are still good people despite what they've had to do to survive)
And as much as Rick is grappling with all that heā€™s capable of here at the end of season 4, itā€™s so refreshing that Michonne is right there to let him know heā€™s not a monster to her. So when he says heā€™s okay, she says without any doubt, "I know." šŸ˜Š
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Then I so love that Rick asks, "How?" Itā€™s an interesting thing to ask because he could have just left it at her saying she knows, but I love that heā€™s curious to know this. Almost as if deep down wanting to know that she really does see and understand him as clearly as he sees and understands her.
And when he canā€™t help but ask, I adore the way she looks at him and so effortlessly tells him, ā€œCuz Iā€™m okay too.ā€ šŸ„¹
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Another classic line in Richonne's journey. šŸ„° And a line that is as powerful as it is pretty.
I know I've said a lot of their scenes are giving romantic but this one is 1000% giving romantic.Ā I mean this dialogue between them could be seamlessly inserted into a romance movie and I'd be like...
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And it is just such a sweet sentiment - "Cuz I'm okay too." Similar to Rick's "Must've been something else then," line, I'd love to know exactly what Michonne was aware of regarding her attraction and feelings for Rick at this time.
Itā€™s significant for Michonne to vocalize this and let Rick know that she has developed enough feelings for him that his well-being impacts her own. Heā€™s okay, so sheā€™s okay. And we see that 'you're okay then I'm okay' thing that they have play out in so many moments between them in this series.
One that comes to mind is an honorable mention scene in s5 at Alexandria when Michonne canā€™t sleep, and then we see that Rick has also been up and unable to sleep.Ā  Itā€™s almost like Rick's restlessness played a part in what was affecting Michonne's ability to rest.
And Rick even vocalizes as much when he asked why they're both awake before touching her shoulder and her reacting in a way that further proves their magnets. Something innate within them is so often on the same wavelength, even when they have some different outlooks.
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I love these TWD reactors who noted how Rickā€™s mind silently racing was still so loud to Michonne and keeping her up in that s5 scene, whereas if Rick would sleep she probably would be able to fall asleep too.
Rick and Michonne are just one like that and they have always been so emotionally intertwined. They don't just understand what the other is going through, they feel what the other is going through. #TetheredSoulmates
So I love and appreciate this s4 finale scene for fully establishing Rick and Michonne's unique and heartfelt interconnection - both that they have it, and that they deep down know they have it too.
Rick nods after Michonne says this, and this subtle moment just feels like he gets what she means. She doesnā€™t even have to explain further cuz I think he knows he feels the same - You're okay, I'm okay.
And then the way Michonne is looking at that man at the end of this scene...Cupid got her, yā€™all. Just like Cupid got Rick lol.Ā šŸ˜Š
Richonne really was inevitable because right here in s4, seasons before their canon ep, these two loved each other and had at least some awareness that the connection between them runs deep.Ā 
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Am I smiling from ear to ear rewatching this? Best believe. They just go together and itā€™s so clear here. And I love looking at this scene and knowing this is a husband and wife in the making who will bring a beautiful baby into this world. Won't He do it! šŸ™ŒšŸ¾ It's scenes like these that confirm to me why Richonneā€™s pre-canon and post-canon moments are both top-notch.
As Michonne will tell Carl in a beautiful bonding moment later in the s4 finale, she knows the Grimes boys brought her back. They helped make her okay again. And the way Michonne brought so much good to Rick and Carl's lives, she brought them back too.
So Iā€™ll forever love that in this quiet scene between Michonne and Rick, we see so clearly how they help make each other feel more than okay.Ā šŸ˜Œ
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rosielav Ā· 1 year
Rosie's Favorite (currently finished/caught up) Podcasts:
The Amelia Project - silly, quirky, morbid but almost always more jaunty and eccentric than completely dark. Great for anyone who loves 'narrator' or interview type podcasts. If I'm not mistaken, I've posted some of my thoughts on here using the pod's hashtag.
The Mistholme Museum of Mystery, Morbitity, and Mortality - another narrator type podcast, and probably my favorite of all time. The main voice you hear is perfect imo and keeps you engaged in all the right ways, bringing tension where it's needed, and levity where it's funny or odd. Absolutely consumed this podcast with a voraciousness I haven't felt for a bit. Keeps you guessing and always wanting more from every exhibit.
Victoriocity - excellent voice acting, interesting and unique premise and setting, and great plot. One of the podcasts I'm most looking forward to returning :) think steam punk but also it's the 1800s still in weird ways. If you love an old timey British accent, you'll love this haha.
The White Vault - probably my favorite specifically horror podcast, that makes you wait for answers in a craving sort of way, a longing to know what's going on, and not slogging through a bunch of filler to then get answers. It's great, gorey, geographically diverse fun. Interesting mashups of various cultures re: mythology, history, religion(?). Another on my list to watch out for the return of.
Midnight Burger: the quick pitch is - a time traveling diner that always services people in need, no matter what time, space, or dimension they may reside in. Excellent cast of characters, great development, wonderful implementation of a new character(s), and in general a very comfortable vibe to return to (speaking of, once I run out of recommendations I may relisten to this one). Highly recommend if you like sitcoms with time travel splashed with a bit of horror.
Edit: just finished up another one, so time to add it to the list!!
Monstrous Agonies: A radio show advice segment, about, by, and for the Creature Community. If you like WTNV, but find it a bit intense sometimes, or a bit too plot heavy/etc, you'll absolutely love this. Instead of the whole show, you just get the advice segment, but oh ho ho, is it so much more than that. If you're queer, BIMPOC, from a blended/mixed/broken/anything but 'typical' home... I think you'll like it. Very much what I would call 'easy listening', meaning you can just ease into an episode without having to remember a huge cast of characters, a plots b plots C plots meta plots... And it just feels *real*, in that strange and beautiful way WTNV does, but instead of a fictional town, the setting is the real world, with real problems, and real solutions. Sometimes you really do just need to howl or cry or chew on some slippers and that's OK. Highly recommend for ADHD havers or anyone with a short attention span who loves a soothing voice.
Edit: Another absolute banger to add to the list
Wooden Overcoats - how do I even properly describe the experience of this podcast. Let's start with the basics: It's the story of twins who run a funeral parlor on a small island, in a small village. Their family has been running said parlor for hundreds of years, as the only funeral directors on the island. Until one day... They aren't. A man arrives and sets up his own funeral parlor directly across the square, and boy, do things change for those twins. If you've listened to (and loved) Victoriocity, or The Amelia Project, I guarantee you'll enjoy this one. Strange, silly, and interesting things are always happening, except this one doesn't have quite as much drama (well...... Perhaps a different kind of drama. I'd call this an interpersonal dramedy, with emphasis on the comedy). An incredible listen, through and through. I thoroughly enjoyed every single episode, and the ending was quite safisfying :)
Another EXCELLENT addition to this ever increasing list of content!!! I'm not even finished with this one, I just love it so much that I can't help but add it to the list:
Mission Rejected - you know in those spy movies, where the spy gets a secret message from HQ and they say 'your mission, if you choose to accept it...' ok great. Now imagine if 007 said 'no'. This is the story about the backups, the team that takes the missions rejected by the Top Spy Guy. It's got diverse voice acting (in many senses of the word - you can tell the voices apart, it's not exclusively straight cis white dudes, etc etc), wonderful worldbuilding, great pacing, an excellent plot, I really could go on and on. I highly recommend this specific podcast to anyone who wants something light to get deeply invested in, that has a lot of comedy but also develops the characters outside of just their bits. 100/10 no notes
Edit: not sure which podcast/podcast enthusiast rb'ed this yesterday but I'm so glad more folks get to see this list!!! It makes me so happy that lots of folks enjoy this list, a d share their fave ones, and!!!! Aaaggghhhhhhhhh!!! I love podcasts and podcast enthusiasts!!!!!
Also I have another one for yall :3 if you're looking for another improv comedy to add to your list!!!
Hey Riddle Riddle - exactly what you think it is, but also so much more. Three friends/coworkers who also happen to be sensational improv comedians solve riddles and puzzles together, while also introducing bits and skits and reoccurring segments, so it never feels like 'just a Riddle podcast' (whatever that means). I have laughed every single episode, which is a big deal for me (some comedy podcasts only make me laugh every few episodes, and I require at LEAST one laugh per episode). I can genuinely say this is one of the funniest podcasts I've ever listened to, and the absolute best improv I've ever heard. I'm all for committing to the bit, and this one absolutely delivers on both the commitment part and the bit part haha. Seriously can't recommend this one enough if you maybe listen to a lot of drama/horror and need something easy to listen to (easy meaning there's not a plot you have to be intensely listening for, you can just enjoy it casually). 1000/10, please listen and also tell me YOUR favorite riddles :)
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