#animal spiritual guide
bitchy-craft · 2 months
PICK A CARD: What they want to say to you
Hello and welcome to this new post of mine! I will give you a reading on what certain people want to say to you even though they’re afraid to do so for whatever reason. I hope you guys enjoy and find this interesting.
Masterpost > Paid Readings
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~pick a card~
Pile 1:
This message to you is from a parental figure with a masculine energy. They want you to know that they’re incredibly proud of you and that they see how much you’ve progressed over the years, how much you’ve grown and how much you’ve endured. They want you to know that they think you’re incredibly strong and that they look up to you due to how well you’ve been keeping your head high in difficult situations.
This parental figure wants to apologise to you as well; they are aware they aren’t the best at communication, at making clear what it is they feel and what it is they think of you. They also hope you can forgive them for all the faults they’ve made over the years, and some hope you’ll be able to give them a second chance.
Pile 2:
This is a message to you from a younger person with feminine energy, for most of you this being a sibling. They want you to know they look up to you and that you’re really cool and a super hero as well. They want to thank you for all it is that you’ve done for them, and that they hope you’ll continue to spend time with them even if the communication lessens a bit over time.
They love seeing you happy and wish to continue seeing you happy; you deserve to be happy because you’ve made them happy countless of times before. They are proud to know you and be connected to you; they even speak fondly of you to their friends sometimes because they look up to you so much.
Pile 3:
This message is from an animal (didn’t expect an animal to come by). Keep in mind that you don’t need to have a pet to be able to resonate with this message; there are animals all around us, and many of them will have seen you a lot of times even if you haven’t paid attention to them before.
This animal wants you to know that they see and notice you having difficult moments, that you’re hurting and sometimes feel hopeless in all it is you need to do, what is expected from you and how you feel. They want you to know that you’re allowed to cry, allowed to pity yourself, especially if you don’t believe you have it hard enough to feel that wat. That everything will be okay and that you’ll eventually find your way through life, just like they did. You will be free and have fun eventually, and that you must not give up to finally feel all what life is about.
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nikki-tine · 28 days
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Totem animal art I don't think I've posted here!
I have Co-Chief totems, but I haven't drawn the other one (a Panther) in a while - I'll post her whenever I get to that. C:
Until then, have Nicolai (Co-chief Totem #1, Fennec Kitsune), Celeste (Eastern Dragon), My Tiger totems (they're a fused pair - their colors shift back and forth, hence the appearance) and Esfir/Essie (Lynx)!
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starseededhippie · 1 year
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mysticalmeditation · 1 year
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'To enrich our own life we must learn to give recognition to the true identity of those we meet. The person we meet today is presenting his Christhood for identification. He thinks he is presenting a sick body to be healed, a disturbed mind to be set at peace, an empty purse to be filled, or morals to be cleansed. But we know better.
'We do not claim that a person’s form and characteristics are the Christ. No person in his human identity is spiritual, perfect, healthy, or wealthy. But we disregard the appearance of his humanhood and through spiritual discernment behold the Christ looking out of his eyes silently, sacredly, secretly,' 'The Gift Of Love,' Joel Goldsmith
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coven-of-genesis · 1 year
How to find your spirit animal
Finding your spirit animal is a deeply personal and individual experience.
Here are some steps you can take to connect with and discover your spirit animal:
Cultivate Awareness: Start by developing a heightened sense of awareness and mindfulness in your daily life. Pay attention to the animals that appear frequently in your dreams, visions, or even encounters in the physical world. Notice if any particular animals consistently grab your attention or resonate with you on an intuitive level.
Meditation and Visualization: Engage in meditation or visualization practices to connect with the spiritual realm and invite your spirit animal to reveal itself to you. Create a quiet and comfortable space, relax, and focus your intention on connecting with your spirit animal. Visualize yourself in a natural setting and invite your animal guide to appear. Pay attention to any impressions, feelings, or imagery that arise during the process.
Dreamwork: Before going to bed, set the intention to receive guidance from your spirit animal in your dreams. Keep a dream journal by your bedside to record any animal-related dreams or symbols that you may encounter. Reflect on the meaning and messages conveyed by these dreams.
Intuitive Guidance: Trust your intuition and inner knowing. Be open to the signs and synchronicities that may occur in your life. Sometimes, the right animal may simply come to you through unexpected encounters, repeated imagery, or through experiences that resonate with their symbolism.
Research and Study: Once you have an idea of the animal that may be your spirit guide, take time to learn about its symbolism, characteristics, and behaviors. Explore its cultural and spiritual significance in different traditions and belief systems. This knowledge can deepen your connection and understanding of your spirit animal.
Remember that connecting with your spirit animal is a personal journey, and it may take time and patience. Be open to the process and allow the connection to unfold naturally.
Your spirit animal can serve as a guide, offering wisdom, support, and spiritual guidance as you navigate your life's journey.
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rodstatherasta · 3 months
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two-facedgod · 1 day
if i have an animal guide in this life, it is surely the spider. yes, i am afraid of them. i am also respectful of them. i know they're necessary. i know their legs resemble human fingers. i know i have no right to kill them. i still fear them. and learning to live with the spiders in my life has been a spiritual journey. once you learn how to live with your own spiders, you're free.
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gxlden-angels · 5 months
Hey, I just saw your most recent post and am curious about the irrelevant part - what do you mean by the ''religions abstaining from pork because it was unsafe to eat at the time'' thing? I've never heard that before and I am genuinely intrigued to know about it.
Hi !! There's a lot of religious rituals and rules that people continue today out of tradition and respect that were started (or thought to have been started) for safety/health reasons, with one big one being how meat can be handled and what meat is safe to consume! Pork is the main one that I know of since I have some friends that keep kosher or only eat halal meats
Essentially, pigs are honestly pretty gross animals if you let them be. They're opportunistic omnivores, so they'll essentially eat whatever they can get their teeth on. That includes rotting/spoiled food, fecal matter, and even people if they sit still long enough. Pigs can also carry some gnarly diseases that can easily be passed on to people. It's why you'll often hear people refer to them as "unclean" in both a religious and hygienic sense, despite their cleanliness on the outside. You might not know what Trichinella parasites are, but if your cousin shits himself to death after eating porkchops, you're gonna assume that's a sign from someone above not to eat anymore pigs
We now have modern medicine, biologists, food scientists, meat storage/serving regulations, etc. etc. that have made the risk of catching anything from pork less than minimal as long as you store and cook it properly and there hasn't been a new outbreak of something. A lot of people keep the tradition out of respect for their ancestors/culture. A lot of people also keep it because they know that pigs are still kinda gross, even with modern interventions. I've met people that no longer follow pig-based rules at all, while others adjust it so they're only eating pork if they know where it came from and what that pig ate from birth to bacon
Basically, eating a pig before the creation of antibiotics and vaccines was the peak form of fucking around and finding out. Whether you found out because of salmonella or the wrath of every deity out there (or both!) is up to you
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Growth is painful. So is change.
Adding some pink to your feed. Thus reminds me if Rose Quartz and the world could do with more love
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bitchy-craft · 5 months
Cat | Spiritual Animals
Hello and welcome to this post! I decided to introduce a new series to my blog: Spiritual Animals. In this series I will give information on animals via a spiritual perspective. I hope you guys like and enjoy it! Feel free to request specific animals you'd like to see!
Masterpost > Questions > Paid Readings
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Felis Catus
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Cats are often associated with things such as mystery, independence, intuition and observing.
When it comes to astrology, the cat is linked with the moon which is associated with; cycles, change, femininity, intuition and the subconscious. When it comes to the zodiac signs cats are often associated with Cancer, where you can think of; a nurturing nature, empathy, emotional sensitivity and tenacity.
The colours associated with the cat are things such as black and deep blue; transformation, the subconscious, wisdom, serenity, calmness and a connection to the spiritual realm.
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nikki-tine · 2 months
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A couple Totem Animal sketches between commissions and other things.
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sidewalkchemistry · 9 months
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from the 'animal companions {soul buddies/spirit guides}' Pinterest board
An often neglected self-healing tool is found within the Animal Kingdom. Just like our human relationships, non-human animals can help us to blossom into our highest potential. Remain aware of how animals show up in your life, deepen into your natural role as a steward of the earth, and watch your life unfold in new ways.
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mysticalmeditation · 1 year
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"When you make contact with the Spirit of God that is within you, you bring into your experience the divine Power and Presence. The work of The Infinite Way is attaining the conscious awareness of that Presence. When you realize that It is "closer ... than breathing," you stop the search for It in heaven or in holy mountains, and you begin to rest. In that resting you open out a way for the Spirit to announce Itself and perform Its function," Joel Goldsmith
March Group Meditation
This coming Sunday 02nd March we will be joining as many times as possible in meditation on the hour throughout the day. Please join us in Oneness, in your own Way, just to be still.
#spiritual #mystical #meditation #theinfiniteway #joelgoldsmith #oneness #cats
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coven-of-genesis · 1 year
Bird spirit animals
Birds are a common symbol of spiritual guidance and are believed to be powerful spirit guides in many cultures.
Each bird species is believed to have its own unique qualities and characteristics that can offer guidance and support to individuals.
Some common bird spirit guides and their associated meanings include:
Eagle: Known for its strength, courage, and vision, the eagle is a powerful spirit guide that can help individuals gain perspective and see things from a higher perspective.
Owl: The owl is associated with wisdom, intuition, and the ability to see beyond illusions. It can help individuals gain clarity and navigate the unknown.
Hawk: Known for its keen vision and ability to soar high in the sky, the hawk is a spirit guide that can help individuals see opportunities and take bold action.
Raven: Often associated with magic and mystery, the raven is a spirit guide that can help individuals tap into their intuition and explore the unknown.
Hummingbird: Known for its speed and agility, the hummingbird is a spirit guide that can help individuals stay focused and move quickly towards their goals.
These are just a few examples of the many bird spirit guides that exist. If you feel drawn to a particular bird or have a bird encounter that feels significant, it may be worth exploring the symbolism and potential spiritual meaning behind it.
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rodstatherasta · 3 months
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