#arrow verse ocs
zepskies · 5 months
I just saw a video of Jensen trying to eat because his daughter was jumping behind him on the chair, and it made me think of Ben.
LOL Ok @flory-alexandra I love you for sharing this with me, because truth time. 😂💗
When I was working on "Green," I saw this video of Jensen with his daughters JJ and Arrow (below).
They're all over him, covering his eyes and mouth and generally being adorable menaces, and it very much influenced how I wrote SB/Ben's daughter Lila in that BMD story. 💚
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arrow-gt-ace · 1 year
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another oc i can use to sneak g/t into my oc canon he's a fairy prince (based off of the anthocharis cardamines butterfly)
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artistafrustado9000 · 9 months
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Finally after months I finished my spidersona!
In the normal day his name is Mathias Carvalhos, but when dangers arrives hes become Arrow-Spider 🏹🏹
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pixelizedprince · 8 months
I spent wayyyyy to much time to make this lore master post of everyone in Geo's family tree & who/how they fit into Geo's family ((including adopted family such as Cal/Lia/Rolan who get taken in as extended siblings and Arabella who comes and goes but is absolutely mentored/fostered by Geo and Gale))
Cringe zone infographic + info dump below the cut; I don't care how wotc lore works I have my own for a few things / its my dnd I get to be weird without their judgment 😔🤙
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- Avaridan and Talessa died when Geo was just two or three (flash mudslide while out scouting for rarer flora for a client, accidents happen :( ) Viola and Geo were raised by their Grandmother Avasa.
- Avaridan and Talessa met around 16, married fresh at the start of their twenties and had Viola when they were late 30s --- ((Geo's father - Avaridan - was so quiet most thought he was mute, but he just wasn't a fan of speaking and the loudness was a bit much for him most of the time. Talessa ended up talking and being charming enough for them both. She was a teen from the streets of Baldur's Gate and was looking to take care of the other urchins. Stealing from other tieflings they would at least just hate you because you were a thief and not because of your horns. Talessa's charisma overflowed and even though Avaridan saw through her lies he could tell she was hurt/was just trying to help others not be sick anymore. They were quickly rocky best friends, Talessa doing most of the talking and him showing acts of gestures of kindness and helping out just because he was in a position where he could. Avasa was furious when she found of Avaridan has been not stealing/buying a bunch of the meds and giving it to her, while Dyneth was just touched by his son's kindness and welcomed her in to work for them to help her keep a paycheck and look after her lot. It was a messy start but eventually Avasa was proud of the person Talessa had become with some structure and support))
- Geo's grandfather Dyneth is a cambion who made a deal with some leader in hell, his eternal service as a guard dog of the hells as a trade for protection of the family/the hells not allowed to touch his lineage. This was after Avaridan and Talessa died. Geo never met him, Viola only has vague memories of him (made fuzzier from him only being there right before her parents died and then not being there anymore after they left) He is alive in the hells but has not had contact with the family since shortly after Avaridan and Talessa's passing/making this deal/getting dragged to the Hells. [This is also the reason why Geo/Vi are tiefling+, forked tongues, prehensile tails, all that bonus shit wotc says we can't have bc they are fucking cowards]
- Avasa started the family shop "Prosperity's Potions and Plants: Apothecary and Rare Flora Depot" in Baldur's Gate right after she married Dyneth, it has been a family run buisness since (at least 60+ years) Viola took over as owner when Avasa died two years before the events of BG3, but Geo and Vi have helped work/run it as long as they've been alive. Geo's interest initial interest in nature was due to this.
- Geo's sister Viola is five years older than Geo and has a tendency to be overprotective/overbearing on them. Geo and Viola still live in their family shop/home in Baldur's Gate together as of BG3.
- Geo has helped raise their niece Briony the last five years, Geo calls her "Little Minnow" she calls them "GeGe" Briony is very smart for her age,, if a bit spacey and pops the "old soul in a new body" type questions from time to time. She eventually becomes a soulknife rogue, and uses her abilities to work for what she deems moral causes ,, though she does love causing mayhem for the shits and giggles of it with her cousin Philomena. Briony's biological father is a fucking elf named fucking Donavan
- BOO HISS BOO all my friends HATE Donavan he's a drunk and a shit partner and an even worse "Dad",, Viola kicked his ass to the curb before Briony was even a year old. Avasa was alive for the ViolaDonavan courtship and she /HATED/ him. [I am very excited for Halsin to take over the father figure role for Briony even though he comes and goes so much]
- Viola and Halsin hit it off quickly when he meets her while adventuring with Geo during bg3, but Halsin has his extended commitments elsewhere. Viola and Halsin never marry, but they love eachother very much and do see eachother as soul mates. ("You can have more than one soul mate, why would your soul want you to be tied down? No Geo; Halsin is a good man, a great lover, and a wonderful father. When he is here with me I am elated, and when he leaves I miss him sure, but his heart is big, with mine and whomever else wants to share our joy.") Callum is born a good ten years after bg3, he is a calculating person and sees ten steps ahead of everyone else. He is calm, cool, collected and seems a bit full of himself but he really is just that self assured/radiates confidence. He is a circle of stars druid and eventually runs P:P&P
- After the events of BG3 Lia/Cal/Rolan do become like adopted siblings to Viola and Geo and are offered the Prosperity name. They build their own support system and do become a gaggle of snarky tief siblings. Cal and Lia both occasionally help out at P:P&P from time to time when Geo eventually moves to Waterdeep, Lia often running the supply trips out to the wilds to stock up (Geo's former expertise) and Cal helping with the crafting of potions/poultrices. Rolan and Geo talk almost as often as Viola and Geo do, they end up being very close even if they had a weird rivalry (mostly of Rolan's part) when they first met/Geo just kept being a fucking hero through and through. Rolan also has Gale as a wizarding peer and they bounce ideas off eachother regularly ("my brother in law owns Sorcerous Sundries, wow!")
- Raphael knows of Geo's grandpa Dyneth (might actually know know him) but doesn't know they are related (which fair, Geo didn't know the man either) -- but Raphael fucking /HATES/ the deal Dyneth managed to secure for the Prosperity line. Geo is unable to sign his contract and it makes him FURIOUS. (Geo doesn't know why they cannot take the deal but there is a physical stop to it. Geo also doesn't know that their dumb ass just handing out the family name and swearing familial bonds to people is also extending the protection /to/ them) [I'm allowed to have silly bogus lore as a treat]
- Arabella is /never/ formally adopted my Geo and Gale but Geo remains her friend and mentor and she has an open door policy with both the Baldur's Gate family home and the new Waterdeep Prosperity headquarters 💞✌ she stops by regularly as she can, and Mimi, Rosie and Tessa do all call her big sister
- Philomena, Mimi to her parents, Mena to her friends, you can call her Philomena; knows she's hot shit and smarter than you and she will tell you to your face that you're a fucking idiot. In my shared world state with my wife, her drow cleric Karina romances Astarion, and Astarion is very put off by Gale and Geo having kids "Oh Geo, with Gale? Really?! Ughh. Gods it'll never shut up." but he instantly gets mushy the first time he holds Mena. Astarion is the one to nickname her Mena when she's just a little little kid. And she is absolutely enthralled with her "Uncle Goose" "he's so funny and acts mean and pointy to everyone else but he always brings me sweets and knives, he's a silly Goose" She learns the bitchy part of her cocky attitude from someone 🙄 --- Mena and her cousin Briony become besties and are the most obnoxious tag team that will absolutely steal your wallet and claim you took their's for kicks... She ends up becoming a college of eloquence bard
- Geo and Gale get married a year after BG3, the husbands do make their home in Gale's tower, and but eventually get a family home outside of the tower when Primrose is born.
- Philomena (she/her; Mena, Mimi; oldest) , Primrose (she/her; Rosie; middlest, born five years after Mena), and Tessa (she/they; babiest, born two years after Rosie) are all born down the line starting five years post BG3; they are the Jewels of Waterdeep as Gale so lovingly(irritatingly) refers to them.
- Primrose is so sweet and quiet, whenever she speaks people pay attention/listen because its always thoughtful/insightful. Rosie is very laid back and is no where near high strung as Mimi, taking a lot after Geo's mellow attitude. She loves going out with Geo to scout/forage in the wilderness and has that gentle spooky little girl thing with understanding and appreciating death/a passion for bones. Rosie has very strong innate magical abilities that manifest while she's still young, eventually becoming a circle of spores druid.
- Tessa (she/they) is a ball of joy and curiosity, she is the spitting image of her Grandma Morena (albeit with horns) they are a goofy awkard bean pole of a kid and believes the best in everyone. She's kinda shit at magic, they know a lot about it, but fighting really isn't for them. Still young in my extended timeline for Geo's family, she doesn't know what her plan is yet, only that they are going to try a lot of things and see what feels fun. Tessa does like bothering her uncle Rolan and offers to work at Sorcerous Sundries part time to be around the books/learn as much as she can to which he sighs and says he couldn't be happier than to have her there in the same breath. She stays with Viola from time to time to learn about the family buisness and helps at P:P&P alongside Callum on occasion (he finds her, endearing and in need of some camomile tea, Tessa finds him and is playing 20 questions about how to make poison and what does turning into a star feel like)
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sunshine-sparkle · 11 months
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Royal siblings Skystar and Bright Arrow
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moviecritc · 2 months
deaf, blind and mute ⋆ pato o'ward (ft. david malukas)
pairing: pato o'ward x teammate!fem!oc, david malukas x teammate!fem!oc (platonic)
tropes: secret relationship
summary: pato, david and mía have to do a challege together for the media day and they ended spilling that pato and mía are dating
warnings: chaos, partial smau
a/n: english is not my first language, sorry for the mistakes and poor storytelling.
masterlist | wattpad | letterboxd
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The Arrow McLaren team knew Pato and Mía were sentimentally involved with each other for a long time. When they informed them about it they'd been dating for almost ten months and it's been four month since that meeting. Back then they agreed that they'll keep their relationship private so it doesn't interfere in bussiness and to mantain the team image. Also because of Mía being and dating a driver, she was afraid of losing credibility.
Privately, Pato and Mía were the cutest couple for all of their friends. They met on karting when they were kids, then they reunite many years later in McLaren's Indycar team. They were together in the same team for five years as friends before they started dating.
At that time, Mía was feeling down because she didn't like any guy. The only masculine contact that she liked was Pato's, and thanks to some friend's advice she realized that it was because she was in love with Pato. Meanwhile, Pato had had a crush on Mía for the past five years.
And now they were doing a silly challege for the Arrow McLaren media team because of the upcoming season. Oh and David Malukas was also around.
"Hey guys, it's Mía," she waved at the camera with a smile.
"This is David," he scrunched his nose and imitated Mía.
"And I'm Pato," he said. The team put David in the middle so Pato and Mía didn't get handy all of a sudden. "And we're here to do the deaf, mute and blind challege. Were one of us is going to be deaf, other blind and other mute."
"And we're also baking a cake for the Arrow McLaren anniversary," explained David.
"If that's not enough, they're going to ask us questions once in a while," Mía said, with a smirk. "And all of us are going to be able to answer them
"But that's a lot of work..." David complained.
"I know," Mía whispered.
"Alright! Let's get into work, mates," Pato clapped his hands.
Mía quickly move to his side, messing the organization the team made. "How do we distribute them?" she rubbed her hands together, watching the tape, headphones and band the team got them.
"It looks like a weird sex kit, don't you think?" David said.
"Oh my God, Dave!" Mía exclaimed, hiding a laughter. "You're going mute."
Mía handed him the tape and he gave her a bad look.
"I'll take the headphones," Mía smiled triumphant. "You guys received my playlist, right?"
Mía looked around into the backstage, receiving a nod from their media manager Vic.
"I'm too cool to be mute," David complained.
Meanwhile Mía helped Pato tying the band around his eyes with a silly smile.
"Okey, we're ready," Pato said, after Mía made sure he couldn't see anything.
"Give me a banger, Vic!" Mía said, almost shouting. They started playing Cruel Summer and she sang along from the very first verse.
Pato tried caught her attention so Mía could read the recipe for him. He knew it would be a bad idea to put headphones on her girlfriend.
"Mía!" he didn't shout too much, but she kept singing. "MÍA, I NEED YOU TO READ THE RECIPE OUT LOUD,"
"EH?" she also started to scream.
"THE RECIPE," Pato kept shouting.
"YES!" Pato almost jumped when Mía got it right.
David looked at the camera, sick of the couple.
"NICE!" Mía said and handed Pato the paper so he could read it. "Oh, wait."
Mía read him the recipe trying to control her voice while David had a long face because of not being able to talk.
"Alright," Pato felt around the table, preparing to bake. He search for Mía. "MÍA, I NEED YOU TO GUIDE ME TO MAKE THE CAKE."
"YOU DON'T HAVE TO SHOUT, BABE, I CAN READ YOUR LIPS," she nodded with a soft smile.
None of the couple notice the nickname, they must've been used to it. But David looked to Vic quickly, with a scared glance.
"Ok, guys, hand me the butter," Pato extended his hand and Mía had the impulse to lick it. She controlled herself for the team's sake.
"THE WHAT?" she shouted again.
David made space for himself and gave Pato the goddamn butter. Mía looked at them with disgust.
"Why has to be Pato the one to do everything?"
"Because you'd fuck it, hermosa," Pato said, vocalizing slowly so Mía understanded every word.
She gasped but not as loud as the media team after Pato's word.
"Get the fuck out of my way," Mía said, decided to make the cake once and for all. "Dave, let's do this together. Oh, I love this song."
Mía got distracted and started singing No Scrubs.
"Ok, guys. It's time for the first question," Vic said, trying to control everything that had been going on for the whole challenge. "And, please, get Mía's attention."
Both of the guys stared at Mía dancinc in the back and singing along. Pato tapped her shoulder, only to Mía singing it straight to his face. Pato didn't even try to pretend that he despised it. He just stared at her with loving eyes.
"No, I don't want your number. No, I don't wanna give you mine," Mía sang horribly but Pato couldn't stop looking at her.
"Oh my God, guys!" David peeled off the tape from his mouth, his expression fed up. "Hide it a little more, idiots."
Pato stopped laughing and turn his head to David, even though he couldn't see him. He raised his band a little to look at Vic and see what they were doing now.
"WHAT DID HE SAID?" Mía gave Pato a scared stare and took off one of the headphones. "What is going on?"
Mía talk only to Pato, almost whispering. Pato give Vic another glance and she just shrugged her shoulders, downplaying importance.
"Jus Dave being stupid," Pato explained and looked at David rasing his eyebrow, he nodded.
"Oh, nothing out of the ordinary then," Mía smiled and put her headphones back on.
"What was the question again?" Pato said, before giving Mía a loving stare.
patriciooward new post
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patriciooward isn't she lovely?
tagged mia54
liked by elbaoward, davidmalukas and others
davidmalukas she's not
mia54 shut the f up lil dave
elbaoward ok i'm jealouss
mia54 you're married??
mia54 that girl is super cute you must be a lucky man
patriciooward i'm actually forced to be her bf soo mia54 bad for you
user1 pato blink twice if you need help
user2 wait wat
user3 chat is this real?
user4 hell yea, they confirmed it in an arrow mclaren video
user2 do we have to pretend we didn't know or how?
mía54 pretty boy 😘🦆
patriciooward lover girll 😍
user3 i'm taking a bath with a toaster real quick
davidmalukas pato ur my fav wag now 🤩🤩
mia54 he's so housewife core 🥰
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2024 Chipped Cup Awards - Masterlist
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Here, once again, are the winners of the 2024 Chipped Cup Awards
Family: Tea and Roses by @thatravenclawbitch
Comfort: Struck By a Golden Arrow by @avatoh
Fix-it: Ritual by @peacehopeandrats
Reunion: A Dream is a Wish by @rowofstars
Kink/BDSM: On The House by @kelyon
Romance: Brandy, Apples, and Spice by @rufeepeach
Comedy: Accidents by @peacehopeandrats
Threesome: Fulfilling a Fantasy by @thescholarlystrumpet
First Time: Queen Takes Knight by @emospritelet
PWP: In the Dark and Wicked Hours by @rowofstars
Death: Strong for Belle by @desperatemurph
Hurts So Good: To Have and To Hold by @thatravenclawbitch
Misunderstanding: Unexpected But Not Unwelcome by @tickletorso
Date (overall) Lost and Found by @peacehopeandrats
Courtship: The Sweetest Dream by @threepwoodmarley
First Meeting: Portrait of the Heart by @chippedcupwrites
One Shot: Pages of Reverie by @chippedcupwrites
Series: Lover’s Leap by @eirian-houpe
Novel Length: Mountains, Streams, and Magical Things by @peacehopeandrats
Short Fic: Babysitting by @timelordthirteen
Holiday Centric: Brandy, Apples, and Spice by @rufeepeach
Remix: Our Masks by @lotus0kid
Crossover: A Blade for Belfrey by @eirian-houpe
Dark Castle: Marble by @peacehopeandrats
Storybrooke: Leaving Storybrooke by @peacehopeandrats
"Missing Years": The Tent of Infinite Adventure by @peacehopeandrats
Wish!Verse: Deception by @eirian-houpe
Golden Lace: The Storybrooke Whisky Appreciation Society by @threepwoodmarley
Woven Beauty: Undefined Desires by @worryinglyinnocent
Background Swanfire: To Have and to Hold by @thatravenclawbitch
Afterlife: Granted by @peacehopeandrats
Drama: Love Me Before the Last Petal Falls by @deliriumsdelight7
Supernatural/Sci-fi/Horror: The Cunning by @mareyshelley
Comedy: Lacey and the Tramp by @chippedcupwrites
AU-Original: Wretched Beginnings by @poorobscureplainandlittle
AU- OUAT: Tales of Gold by @JurisLadyAnna
AU-Other Media: The Black Swan by @deliriumsdelight7
Creature: The Finfolk’s Bride by @chippedcupwrites
Unexpected Twist: Contract by @kelyon
Bobby Squared: A Blade for Belfrey by @eirian-houpe
Trope: Love Me Before the Last Petal Falls by @deliriumsdelight7
English Language: To Nurse by @charon53
RSS: If You Will Be My Queen by @eirian-houpe
Fluffapalooza (Fic): The Tea Shop by @peacehopeandrats
Fluffapalooza (Art): Kiss Me Again, It’s Working by @milaeryn
Monthly Rumbelling: The Landlord and the Princess by @Rumplerose (AO3)
Belle: The Not So Dark One by @charlotteashmore13
Dark One!Belle: Rags to Riches by @alphashley14
Lacey: Sore Hearted Souls by @nerdrumple
Spinner!Rumple: Witch and Spinner by @Strummer_Pinks
Dark One!Rumple: Gilded by @eirian-houpe
Wish!Rumple: Once There Was a Wish by @peacehopeandrats
Mr. Gold: The Caretaker by @thestraggletag
Detective Weaver: Forgery by @peacehopeandrats
Baelfire/Neal: A House Built With Love by @of-princes-and-savages
Gideon: Finding You by @clarahue
OC Rumbelle Child: The Zoo by @peacehopeandrats
Villain: Cora in On the House by @kelyon
BFF/Wingman: Mountains, Streams, and Magical Things by @peacehopeandrats
Fan Art: Kiss Me Again, It’s Working by @milaeryn
Graphic Art: And Love is When Someone Who Even KNows Your Scars Stays To Kiss You by @chippedcupwrites
AU In Art: Belle Isn’t Fascinated by the Idea of Marrying Gaston by @notonlymice
Fluff Art: Belle French and the Dork One by @chippedcupwrites
Angsty Art: In My Memory It Doesn’t End by @ace-cf-cups
Comic/Graphic Novel: Wearing Each Other’s Clothes by @angelqueen13art
Use of Color: Kiss Me Again, It’s Working by @milaeryn
Video: Your Beauty Never Ever Scared Me by @chippedcupwrites
Best Artist: @chippedcupwrites
Best Author: @kelyon
Best New Author: @ace-cf-cups
Best Rumbelle Fic: The Language of Flowers by @deliriumsdelight7
Best Anyelle Fic: Let’s Spend the Night Together by @ifishouldvanish
Best Anyem Fic: Tyger Tyger by @shakespeareanhoneybadgers
Rumbelle Lifetime Achievement: @jackabelle73
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crystal-grotto · 2 months
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For how long this blog has been around I've never actually sat down and typed out how my collection of muses see eachother. Each arrow below breaks everything down and most of these have years of characterization and Discord plotting behind them.
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-> Kanjigar
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Draal is his only son. Kanjigar loves him with every fiber of his being, even though he did have to distance himself for so long while doing his duty as Hunter. He harbours many regrets for his actions but has been given a second chance, so he's working towards making any amends possible so they both can have a chance to heal.
Jim is new - but full of promise. Even though there have been hiccups here and there, Kanjigar likes and respects the youth enough to offer what wisdom he has to make sure Jim can survive, and be a more elder voice of logic in rough times.
Hagel is one of his closest friends out of the entirety of the OC crew. She was one of his first and only Gumm-Gumm Reformers, and throughout the years he grew to trust her through repeated contact. Their physical interactions are always in amicable light, sharing tea and food as well as stories even though Hagel is not required any longer to see him regularly.
Renjai is a troll of reputation. She's someone that he's not had a lot of interactions with - yet he has seen plenty of her work ethic as well as heard enough tales of her exploits from Draal to hold her in high esteem. In his opinion any Kiltar is a good thing to have in defense of Trollmarket; but it's even better to have one as decorated as Razorback there.
When it comes to Alex and Sturm, Kanjigar knows they are local as he has seen them around. He is also aware they interact with his son, but he's had little experience with them both himself so far, thus he has formed no defined opinions. That being said he is certainly more wary of Sturm compared to Alex as he suspects the electromancer is another Gumm-Gumm underneath those traveler robes; as neither cause issues in the Market, however, the old hunter has had no official reason to confront or persecute them.
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-> Draal
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Draal is very much his father's child. His love and devotion to Kanjigar runs deep - even though many wounds have been given throughout the years with his sire being distant. Now that the Fates gave him back, and offered a second chance, and the duo are making amends whenever their schedules align.
Jim may be tiny, but he is mighty and determined. Everything he's done so far has defied odds, making Draal all the prouder to be associated with him both as an ally and in family. Wherever the human Hunter decides to go, Draal will most likely be someplace nearby to keep a protective eye on him.
Renjai is a troll that Draal is a huge fan of when it comes to her professional life. He's attended a lot of her fights, and cheered her on many times both in the Kiltarheim and Trollmarket. He's even more delighted that he managed to achieve friendship with the pit fighter. She's a rarity in trolls that outmatch him - and he hopes maybe one day he can match her in combat capabilities. (Dependent on verse, he's crushing on her - ship tag: renjaal).
Alex, to Draal, is an odd one - in a good way. A changeling, but one that defies it's nature, is unheard of in the troll world. After causing him and her many levels of conflict after the female's status discovery, he's still somewhat surprised that she weathered it all and is a loyal friend. Shes a voice of calm compared to most of his circle; while Draal is not exactly sure what brings so many creatures of her ilk into his life, she's the only shapeshifter that has earned (and kept) his protective axe.
Sturm is a little bit of an enigma Draal is trying to unravel. After temporary butting of heads in Market encounters, tensions were smoothed away and tolerance allowed - and now the tinkertroll bull is a source of curiosity for the fighter. He's never known any troll to have magic like the hybrid does, nor such a understanding of machinery like him; and through much conversation Draal has managed to pry back a bit of the shell to secure a friendship with the other. He very much likes socializing with the other and listening to them talk about whatever topic is on hand - unlike Blinky. (Dependent on verse, he's crushing on him - ship tag: Sturaal).
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-> Jim
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He's had very little interactions with anyone aside from Kanjigar and Draal, as well as Alex.
He's in awe of the skill Kanjigar possesses, so he holds him up on a somewhat 'superhero'-ensue pedestal that he can learn from in his tenure of Trollhunter; he's not yet come to learn this version of Kanjigar is a Revenant. Draal on the other hand he loves to pieces as a elder (troll) sibling and takes everything he does with thoughtfulness and care - and subjects him/is subjected to his fair share of shenanigans.
When it comes to Alex, the young Hunter is clueless to her nature. He simply thinks she's a cool library/teacher's assistant that has an interest in the sciences and arts. He appreciates that she's relaxed and approachable, and that holds true as well in the rare instances he finds her in Trollmarket selling her hunts or herbs in her true form.
Renjai he admires at an arm's length. She's terrifying and powerful in the same way Draal was when he first saw him; Jim has not worked the nerve to talk to her yet.
He's only recently gotten wind of Hagel, so soon they may become good friends.
Jim has no idea that Sturm exists yet.
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-> Renjai
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Everyone has head the stories of the great Kanjigar the Courageous. To meet him in the flesh was not something Renjai expected to do, and yet she has maintained her composure and given the Revenant high esteem and wonder even if they have not spoken too much aside from the pub. He's earned it.
Draal, in her eyes, is everything a honourable Kiltar should be. Proud, skilled in the art of combatives, and mighty. The admiration is something that is a wayside bonus from her popularity and a source for amusement sometimes - but she much prefers the brawler as a friend and drinking companion over a fan as he's one of the few who can keep up with her, and one of the few of her species that she can allow herself to put faith in. (Dependent on verse, she crushes on him. Ship tag: Renjaal)
Renjai watches Jim's progress from afar, and marvels at how quickly he adapts and grows. At the same time she pities him - as he is but a child wearing the responsibilities of adults to kill and defend. In the near future, she's decided, she will approach him and offer her trainings just like Draal and Kanjigar have already done.
Much like Draal, after Renjai learned what Alex was, she gave her much grief. Renjai fully wanted her dead, once upon a time, before the small shapeshifter proved herself worthy of not finding her demise at the end of a spear. Now there has been gained respect and friendship to the point of forgiveness and defense if ever necessary. If anyone ever asks: yes, even Renjai is baffled in her turn of emotions.
Hagel is a good troll. Even if she was a Gumm-Gumm once, she Reformed at the hands of Kanjigar. Renjai deals with her from time to time, and shares a polite word and a meal. It's almost like being around one of the kinder Kiltar smith elders back home.
She's not very sure about Sturm. Renjai has seen him lurking about once or twice, but has never actually seen his face from the traveler's garb he chooses to wear each time he is in Market. She's got her eye on him if anything ever goes sour though.
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-> Alex
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Alex is the one who is somehow on good terms with nearly every muse.
The only person she's not managed to befriend in any way is Kanjigar - and that is mainly due to the fact that she's wary of his previous status of Trollhunter and his life experiences. She keeps her head down around him and minds her business; yet she also respects everything he's achieved and held together in the world of trolls by himself. He's a mighty individual, even without amulet.
With both Draal and Renjai it took some time to earn their friendship as the taught prejudice of changelings runs deep. She was scared of them at first, for they could kill her without effort; yet with enough time, proximity, and trials, she eventually proved herself as on the side of good to the warriors and developed an amicable bond with them. She appreciates their companionship more that she'll admit out loud and counts them in her small circle of true friends
Jim is a good kid. She likes talking to him whenever she can, and just relaxing whenever the youth can take a moment to himself and breathe. He's genuinely curious and she's happy to teach and has befriended him to an extent in the human world - but is internally fearful of the day he figures her out. She does not know how he'd respond to even more of her kind in his life.
Alex adores the things Hagel can do, and how nice she is. Such a friendly troll is a rarity - and she loves to trade with the giant Gadag whenever there's the chance. She's got the sneaking suspicion Hagel has probably adopted her at this point, but she doesn't overly care.
Sturm is... Like her, in many aspects. They both came from the same place, knew similar horrors, and knew similar pains for not being 'normal'. After working through a jagged start of simple trades, suspicion, and polite words into something more amicable the two quickly became good friends. She's more than grateful that he became another of her circle instead of an enemy.
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-> Sturm
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His default is cautious when it comes to others. Sturm is well aware of the threat he can be perceived as, and as such, has had very limited contact with the collective muse group; the only two he's had sustained interaction with is Alex and Draal.
Kanjigar is suspicious of him, and Sturm knows it. He actively avoids being in the older bull's line of sight to mitigate the risk of conflict, and the same goes for most other muses.
As he's heard the whisperings of Renjai's exploits the electromancer does not trust that she will not target a Gumm-Gumm in the Market in the name of it's defense. He keeps a wide berth from the she-troll whenever she roams.
Now that Jim is present, Sturm tries to keep to himself as he has no idea how a human would react to someone such as himself. So far it's been going well enough - coupled with the fact he only goes to Trollmarket once or twice a year.
Alex is what would be considered his best friend. They both suffered in the Darklands, but prevailed against all odds - and happen to be tinkertrolls in different veins. She trades many things with him and spends a decent chunk of her free time in his presence. In turn the bull has done similar, and has crafted gifts from time to time in gratitude for being someone he feels he can put his confidence and comfort in.
Draal... Dependent on verse that's a pile of complicated feelings that Sturm is still working on sifting through. Both of them are on agreeable terms, friends even though the Kiltar is the son of the previous Trollhunter. Sturm admires many of the fighter's traits - and hopes eventually he can be just as confident as Draal is in certain aspects of his own self. (Dependent on verse, Sturm is crushing on him - ship tag: Sturaal).
Hagel is only known to him as a chef troll. He's never walked that far into Market to see her, or figure out who she is in relation to him.
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-> Hagel
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This troll is on friendly terms to almost everyone, just like Alex.
Kanjigar is held in high esteem - mainly as he gave her a chance to change her life and make a place for herself someplace where she could actually do some good rather than harm. Even though her Reformer trials are over, the she-troll is happy to continue the tradition of visiting whenever time permits.
The son of the Trollhunter might be a touch gruff still, but neither of them bear ill will towards eachother and are rather friendly at this point in time.
Renjai is another that Hagel on good terms with - but so far the duo do not visit too much aside from business in association with a good cooked meal. Hagel understands and is simply happy that she is trusted.
Alex trades good supplies to Hagel and is very polite! Hagel suspects the Leodarin is not a true troll, and yet finds that she does not care terribly about that. Anyone who is on agreeable terms, makes an effort to be a friend, and sometimes even cooks alongside her, is more than welcome in her home.
So far the Gadag has only seen Jim in passing. As soon as Hagel learns he is a cook though then the she-troll is going to be delighted that he's not just a fighter. Overjoyed, even, and she'll want to share recipes with the youth and learn if human methods compare to the Gadag way.
Her and Sturm have not been reunited yet. She holds constant guilt about the series of events that happened, and thinks he is still lost to the Darklands. Hagel fails to notice the other Gadag in the instances he does make trips to Market as he never comes close enough to her dwell.
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gaygryffindorgal · 10 months
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hp ww1 era; a completely serious guide by @potionboy3 and yours truly
the first version a lot more new ocs and plot points have been introduced to this verse since annie published the first powerpoint, so we felt like it was time for an update. this was a labour of love and now it's here! a tongue-in-cheek intro to the world war I era, featuring many of the ocs created within the fandom! obviously this is from mine and annie's point of view, and while we did look through the tag for all the ocs, we don't know all of them as well as we would like, so we winged it😂 many of the nicknames are based on what we've called these characters when they didn't have names yet/if we couldn't remember their names. some of the jokes and references might be incomprehensible to anyone but us but i hope not all of them, lol. if we got something wrong, let us know!
the ocs mentioned belong to:
@cursed-herbalist @unfortunate-arrow @endlessly-cursed @cursebreakerfarrier @magicallymalted @camillejeaneshphm @kathrynalicemc
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endlessly-cursed · 10 months
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fankids appreciation week 23: co-parent appreciation
ottilie enfield, daughter of odessa avery ( @cursed-herbalist ) & kit enfield ( @potionboy3 )
grace of alderly, daughter of cora hastings ( @camillejeaneshphm ) & henry of alderly ( @gaygryffindorgal )
cleo hexley, daughter of jacob hexley ( @the-al-chemist )
emmeline & lucy devlin, daughters of josie edwards ( @slytherindisaster ) & william devlin ( @unfortunate-arrow )
wilhemina stagg, daughter of siobhan llewellyn ( @kc-and-co ) & galen stagg ( @cursebreakerfarrier )
caitlin doherty, daughter of mathilde coventry & lachlann doherty ( @hphmmatthewluther )
reva amari, daughter of lizzie jameson ( @lifeofkaze ) & orion amari
Less: It seems like yesterday when we started talking and you posted Abe & Oscar's profiles and I remember being one of the first to interact with, and ever since you've been such a kind and patient friend and I see you now as some sort of big sister, deal with it 🫶🏻 thank you for deciding to join our little community, because your presence is just what we needed ❤
Annie: It's not a secret that I was at first intimidated when I started following you: you had such compelling characters and cool af videos and here I was, a little guy! But I am so thamkful of having talked to you through Sara and convinced Gryff for you to join our chat, even though you're not there anymore. I treasure our friendship and you and Gryff are now my oldest sisters 🫶🏻 Gryffie wedding when!!!
Gryff: I was intimidated by you too ajhsjssj. You had such cool gifs and content and interesting characters, and I had just started into the OC x OC world, but being your friend during these past years has been a true boon, and I hope to have gained an oldest sister who I can count on and have either a laugh or a very deep conversation. Te quiero, hermana 🫶🏻
Persie: Who would've thought I'd grow to love you so much and become such a close friend? To me, you're the little sister I've always dreamt of having. We can go from making fun of each other, to argue and then proceed to simp for our ocs and blorbos. Thank you for being an awesome friend and being there for me when I needed it ❤ J'et aime, cherie
Al: I've always looked up to you as a writer and a person, and despite being a bit intimidated by you as well, you have turned out to be a great advisor and inspiration for me! Also, you're officially the adventurous wine aunt 🫶🏻 I hope we can do something ourselves in the near future (i'm not exaggerating when I say it'd be a dream come true 🫶🏻)
Lily: Though, because of irl stuff, we haven't interacted much, you were always a great and supportive friend and I constantly feel inspired by you, not to mention that I found a fellow Choicenator here! (even tho chonces is now a dumpster fire but it's ours) and I always remember you fondly 🥺🫶🏻 love uuuu
Arrow: You gave me the impression of someone who was stoic, but once I got to know you through our two ships, getting to know your passionate side, your humour and your wicked wit has been a delight and I look forward to see what you're up to and start writing Aderva's story and get to share it with you 🤎
Kate: We have interacted little (I'm socially awkward and crap at managing friendships :c) I'm constantly in awe with your writing and creativity, and I always learn something new about you and from you, and it is such a privilege 🫶🏻
Sky: You were one of the first people to approach me, and getting to know you through our ships and the chat has been a privilege. You were responsible of me joining the fandom and I'm always in awe with your creativity and how passionate and intelligent you are, and I hope we can get up to more shenanigans together, even if lately we haven't been good at catching up 🫶🏻 you will always have a special place in my heart for showing me the best community ever 🥰
Guzma: You have been the surprise of the year! Getting to know you, talk to you through vc and creating our own verse in the founders era and our 2 am chats have been the highlight of my 2022-2023 and I look forward to getting up to more mischief with you 🫶🏻
Kaze: I think you're the one user I was most intimidated by 😅 you are such a big and respected blog, for a while I didn't have the courage to talk to you, but finding out how sweet, friendly and fun you are has been such a privilege! Like with many others, I'm always learning from you, as well as giving me inspo and motivation to better my writing and as a person 🥰 I look forward sharing something with you! I know I'll have a blast 🥳
Honourable mentions:
@cursedvaultss Alys: You're still new here, but show much promise to our little family! You're so sweet and creative, and I know that soon you'll get far here 🫶🏻 looking forward seeing what you'll do!
@nicos-oc-hell Nico: At first I was unsure of how to proceed with you, but finding out how many things in common we have and your killer sense of humour have been a great surprise! I am always laughing or smiling when I talk to you, and I feel very safe with you 🫶🏻
@mjs-oc-corner Mo: At first I was a bit afraid of talking to you, but you've proven to be funny, badass, super sweet and one of the greatest friends I've got here and, despite having little interactions, I treasure them all just like I treasure you ❤ love uuu hermanita 🥰
@that-scouse-wizard JD: Tbh, I was even more scared of talking to you (I struggle to talk to men in general ksjdjsmaks) but these past months you've been the funniest, sweetest and one of my best surprises this year, and Flossie and Frediette have my entire heart 🫶🏻
@kathrynalicemc Lari: Last but not least, you're probably one of the closest friend here, and talking to you makes my day. You've become very special to me and getting to share stories and shenanigans with you is always a boon to me ❤ thank you for being the absolute best and so you know, te quiero muchisisisisímo, mi mas querida hermana 😘
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grizzledyoungimpact · 4 months
Febuwhump Day #3: "Bite Down On This"
Febuwhump 2024 February 3, 2024 "Bite Down On This" Eddie Kingston/Nolee Angle (OC) Once Upon A Time Verse
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"Oh my gosh, I am so sorry," Nolee exclaimed in shock as the arrow she had knocked in its bow sailed directly into the leg of the man who had taught her to use it. She watched as Mr. Kingston let out an angry grunt, falling back onto the ground behind him in a heap. Tears dotted the young woman's eyes and she felt her anxiety building.
She felt her heart beat faster, trying not to panic. She had done anything he had instructed she should while learning all the new skills he had introduced her to. Long forgotten were the days of sitting at a piano learning her scales and arpeggios. When her sister Angel had introduced Nolee to the quick witted man who lived life without cares, at first she had disliked him. Eddie seemed to look down on the fancy home she lived in at the edge of town, claimed she was nothing more than something akin to a pampered pet.
"It's okay princess," he grunted through gritted teeth, leaning back on his palms with his leg stretched out in front of him. "There's a first aide kit on the wall. Can you get that, hm?"
Nolee moved as quickly as she could, picking the box off of the wall as quickly as she should. She knelt down next to him, white tennis skirt staining itself with dirt, "Wh...what can I do?"
"You know how to sew, princess? That one of the skills you have?" Eddie hissed at her, trying his best to calm his pain.
"I learned how to sew from Miss Bonfamile," Nolee nodded before giving Eddie an apprehensive cock of her head, "why?"
"Cause you're gonna give ma basic stitch while we wait for Mama Charlie," Eddie gave a wave of his hand, "I texted her, but ya gotta help me out here."
"Keep your calm, princess," Eddie tried to keep her wits about her. Even in the face of such peril, he seemed to laugh it off, "I need a simple stitch right now, that's all. You can do a simple stitch. It's the least ya can do for me since you-"
"I said I was sorry!" Nolee bit back, though it was purely out of nervousness, "I...I'm gonna have to pull it out and..."
"I'm gonna scream," Eddie admitted with a huff, "I need something to stop me from screaming."
Nolee reached up, pulling the pink bow from her blonde hair that hung in perfect curls. She doubled the ribbon over, tripled it over, before handing it to Eddie, "Bite down on this."
He raised an eyebrow, "Ya can't be serious! This? It probably tastes like hairspray and whatever product ya use in your hair!"
"You actively have an arrow sticking out of your thigh and 𝙩𝙝𝙖𝙩'𝙨 what you're complaining about?" Nolee raised an eyebrow of her own as she took a tight hold of the arrow. She gave an almost audible gulp as he placed the ribbon in his mouth. She pulled back, eliciting a scream from beneath the ribbon as the arrow exited his leg. She was thankful that the arrowhead didn't snap off in his leg. "There. There. Now I...now I have to..."
He spat the pink bow from his mouth, "Stitches. Ya gotta close the wound you left in my leg."
"I'm never gonna live this down, am I?" Nolee huffed, blowing a strand of her hair out of her blue eyes.
"No, ya fuckin'-" he hissed in pain as the needle pierced his skin, "oo-de-fuckin'-lally! That fuckin' hurt! Warn a man next time!"
Nolee's tongue peaked out from behind her teeth as she set to work on a simple stitch, "How...how can I make it up to you?"
"Next time we go on a date," Eddie charmed, as sly as a fox, "you don't cause me bodily harm?"
"This was a date?" she stopped her work, confused.
"Yes, princess," Eddie pressed an unsuspected kiss to her cheek, "and for the record? It ain't the worst one I've ever been on."
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fumikomiyasaki · 2 months
More Random Twst oc headcanons
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Are they well versed with the internet?
Never heard of the Internet: Brid, Odel, Osyron, Lydia, Fabio, Lennox, Ione, Bianca, Erena, Taylin, Agni
heard of it barely uses it: Saneria, Bolt, Slice, Phobetor, Eleafy,
Lost but knows the search engine and wiki: Kumo, Fuan, Tesadelle, Vanessa,
Basics and Flash games: Izar, Zariyah, Camilla, Eiji, Meyra, Kuze, Gabrielle, Media, Kome
Has usually modern knowledge of all functions: Mellow, Yasuno, Joel, Serena, Rubina Aiden, Inessa, Emil, April,
Sucks at memes, boomer but uses the Internet well: Henry, Beelby, Elvira, Nanoya, Tenera, Feena, Dragiselle,
Knows the most trends: Damon, Eve, Barry, Francine, Flynn, Andrew, Sindren, Sylva, Jin-Lou,
Knows every meme under the planet: Leroy, Carol, Lyla, Naomi, Taron, Ronnie, Ame, Eikichi,
Literally a Streamer, Content creator or Influencer: Bengal, Paula, Zyan, Mythra, Yuzuha, Julian, Brenda, Peko, Emma, Gregory, Tyler, Rachel,Grey, Gilly,
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Tattoo Headcanons and meanings:
(Fuan, Osyron, Lydia, Ione, excluded cause its god influenced)
Arachninox Carol: Vine and Snake tattoos, despite not getting her vine powers, she gets the tattoo solely as a ref that a little bit of herself is still kinda inside her, yet she herself doesn'T notice this, she also gets a tattoo under her chest with a heart, symbolizing her care for being loved still, only the snake symbolizes the takeover and poison inside her metaphorically Bengal: Ocelot picked that tattoo for him, it was traditional from his culture and it was cause they are besties, this way he keeps his boy band members with him Meyra: its the crest of her house which she tries to hide Kumo: The heart tattoo is matching his friends but the stars he gets later on his back and torso are moreso to represent his love for the night sky Odel: He got them as he practised Crystal magic as a prove of his mastery Lyla: The kanji for hope gives her courage when she is scared Jin-Lou: The dragon represents her grandmas family symbol Sylva: It is hard to identify and she will just tell you she got it cause it looks cool Brenda: Duh symbol for Money cause greed Greg: the ring was a silly gag but he gets a ton of them in the future Rachel: Her father gave her the fox tattoo to show her strength Andrew: its to identify him from his bros so he has his number like they have Dragiselle: An arrow representing to move forward Kayne: Yakuza tattoos of a mantis... given he was fast as one Ame: She say its cute and puts attention on the right thing Eleafy: Cult signs Julian: He will come up with something cheesy why he has a triangle on his chest, the bat wings he shares with April just she has them on her back Louis: The rose was the sign of his old noble house… he got it long after though Fabio: He just likes roses and his brother got tattoos as well so
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Reputation as Dorm leaders:
Henry: Very respected and looked up to… many students are intimidated but many also wanna approach him cause of business or his wealth so he is quite a popular student among NRC Brid: Many just assume... that Odel is the dorm leader and ignore her... she can't seem to get authority and people barely remember her She really struggles with that Barry: Many people are aware of his arrogance and to many students he is a bother, there is a few who do give him the time and popularity because he basically bought them to be his underlings but aside that… many are annoyed Osyron and Lydia: Hella scary to many students, they barely see the gods and if don't know if talking to them won't get them in trouble. Kuze: Many students see him as the junior, the Dorm leader that doesn't seem like one and instinctly would approach Yasuno more about dorm stuff… so he is liked but not really respected Erena: Given most see her as a chaotic adventurer other students also are not convinced untill she talks with them and you see how much charisma she has as a dorm leader and how to win her over well... She just wants fun and is a capable fighter in itself Flynn: As said he has a fanclub and many admirers but that is also true for Nanoya and Rubina, many know about his sketchyness and warn not to reveal too much to him. Peko: A lot of fans and big popularity among many students hence haters are quickly silenced… or at least yelled at by supporters… however higher year students often know how lazy as dorm leader she is and admire Emma more Tyler: Not many outside the dorm see him much but they often call him grumpy and many also just don't want to face his anger so he is only approached by people who know him, dorm members or fashionable to model students Gabrielle: Many Students admire her and cheer for her, also has a small fanclub and is highly respected among the campus. Its really hard to raise a voice against her. Aiden: Aside doing his dorm duty a loner and avoided cause of his criminal record, only dorm members really approach him… and some Exodus students cause of Kayne as well as some Valhunny students Sindren: Some are annoyed by the hero act, others admire her, some try to gain her favour cause of her money but Mythra shoes those away Dragiselle: the most secluded Dorm leader… Inessa does most of her task so not many met her, serves a similar Role to Malleus that not many have seen her at all... but in her case its protect others from her powers
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starryeyes2000 · 1 year
Spread the Love and Support
Read a great fic lately?
Loved an original artwork?
Have a mutual whose skill and talent you appreciate?
Spread the word. Tell us about them. And remind them their talents and work are noticed
Today I'm appreciating:
@hammerbacks and their superbly written James Bond warm water ‘verse, their characterizations and descriptions of place and time are picture perfect. I can see the locations in their stories and hear their character's voices.
@lockbox22 and their clever and well-written Shining Stars in Your Eyes, I'd stay up all night to finish this one. Classic trek.
@darsynia and their ... well pick any store, their prose, OC's and plots are consistently excellent. Masterlist
@darknightfrombeyond and their Anthem of the Angels franchise, this is an amazing set of stories more than living up to and often exceeding the quality of the Arrow series. It's become a friend I look forward to visiting. Link to latest chapter
@wordspin-shares and their Edged in Silver (The Lord of the Rings). There are not enough adjectives to praise how beautiful this story is. They are a master of their craft.
@arrthurpendragon and again, pick any of their excellent works and you won't be disappointed. In addition to spending hours upon hours supporting our writing community, their OCs and prose are top-tier. I truly believe I could mention a fandom and they could create a layered and compelling OC on the spot. They are the Robin Williams of characterization in that they echo his talent to take any object he was given and minutes later be entertaining his audience in a memorable way.
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echo-bleu · 10 months
I want to hear more about your autistic Faramir WIP.
Thank you!
So it's in the same series as Painted Stars, although it will stand on its own just fine. I have two one-shots that I've actually started on (plus the Queer things in Dol Amroth one, and most of my canon verse Faramir things are in this universe actually). It's essentially canon verse, but Faramir is autistic, and also he doesn't physically recover fully from his arrow wound.
The first is a closer look at Faramir's recovery in the Houses of Healing, where somewhat more happens than just his falling in love with Éowyn. Among other things, it develops his friendship with my OC Nîlohil, who is a healer and Faramir's best friend and was Boromir's boyfriend. There's also Imahil and Aragorn until they leave for the Morannon, the rest of the Dol Amroth family at various points, Merry of course, Beregond, and a few more OCs.
The second takes place a little later, shortly after Faramir and Éowyn's wedding. Éowyn just moved full-time to Minas Tirith, and learns more about her new husband, including some of his quirks. Here's a snippet (this is set at some Minas Tirith function):
“Well, you’re his wife now, so I can let you in on his little secret.” “Whatever do you mean?” Erchirion’s gaze sweeps the room, and he nods discreetly in a completely different direction. “Watch my father.” Éowyn shifts around to Erchirion’s side to look, trying not to be too obvious. Prince Imrahil is animatedly explaining something to a small court of entranced ladies, punctuated by sweeping gestures and blinding smiles. He’s the consummate charmer, effortlessly holding his audience’s attention. He seems to feel Éowyn’s eyes on him, and he meets her gaze briefly, his smile widening. Then he looks away again to answer and question, and Éowyn has little doubt that every single one of the noble ladies feels like they hold his entire attention. “Now observe Faramir,” Erchirion says in her ear. Éowyn obeys, still bemused. A bit of a crowd has gathered around her husband as well, but she can still see him clearly from her vantage point. He has that smile on his face that Éowyn knows for his court smile: nothing like the unrestrained, crooked grin he reserves for her. And there – she can see it, now. His gestures are less expensive than his uncle’s, probably in part because he has to compensate for his weaker right arm, but their manners are eerily similar. The way his fingers twirl at a turn of phrase, the crinkle of his eyes when he crosses his audience’s gazes, the tilt of his head to show he’s listening intently – it’s all Imrahil. And sure enough, Faramir is positioned just so he can keep his uncle in his line of sight. “He’s emulating the Prince,” Éowyn says in wonder.
(note: Erchirion is also autistic, but for the most part doesn't try to mask it. He's not actually revealing a secret here, as Faramir isn't trying to keep anything from Éowyn, she just hasn't had a chance to see it before.)
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potionboy3 · 7 months
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maritza krum | ww1 verse
i created a second female oc for the era! here's a small introduction on her.
maritza was born in 1894
she attended durmstrang at the same time as alexej kavinsky & his friends
maritza is a relative of the famous quidditch player viktor krum
her family lost their wealth after she graduated and she moved away from bulgaria
she was hired by the french ministry during the first world war. her job includes delivering messages between wizards and keeping an eye on the situation between the higher officers.
her love interest is linus sullivan @unfortunate-arrow
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"I'm Supergirl. Do you think I give a $#%% about swords and arrows?!"
Independent Supergirl RP blog
18+ only, minors DNI
Multi-verse, Oc, AU, Crossover, and shipping friendly
Low activity due to work and school, give me patience!
Rules // Lore
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