#be careful having both pitbulls and cats in the house together they will fall in love
sugar9cat48 · 1 year
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AOT Preference: Dogs
a/n: first time doing a preference in awhile, but I want to specifically say DO NOT EVER get an animal you are not completely prepared to care for. animals are animals and will act as animals do. if they act out that’s not on them, that’s on you. animals need to be in forever homes, and it’s your responsibility to create a suitable environment for them and to not put them in situations where they could potentially be harmed or harm others. know your animal, know their comfort zone, know their needs. don’t take an animal on unless you’re ready to parent a child that never grows up for 15+ years. be responsible pet parents!
edit: just realized I used she/her for Hange so I fixed it. apologies to all my nb folks!
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Annie Leonhart
Our girl Annie would have a Siberian Husky. Strong, agile, hyperactive and able to trek long distances, they’d be perfectly suited for one another. You would be invited to tag along, of course, but you would have to keep up, lest you fall victim to the whines of an overly dramatic husky who desperately wants you to get a move on.
Armin Arlert
English Springer Spaniel, for sure. He’d fall in love with their soft coat, and their size would make them the perfect lapdog for reading, and taking long walks outside... to do more reading. Definitely a bonus that they fit comfortably between you two in bed at night, and a bonus that their little tail looked oh so very precious when it wagged!
Bertholdt Hoover
A gentle giant himself, Bertie would end up getting a Great Dane. Unlike Reiner, he’s a lot better at managing his thoughts and feelings about their study abroad trip to Paradis gone wrong. All he needs is his gigantic lapdog and you, his adoring partner. Sometimes he’d pass out on the dog in the middle of a cuddle session, and the patient thing would stare at you with pleading eyes, waiting until Bertholdt finally woke up to escape from being stuck in his arms for another hour.
Colt Grice
Colt would get a pair of Dalmatians, one for each of you. He loves their spots, their sleek build, and their energetic, yet quiet temperaments. Picket fence and all, Colt would want the happy home life!
Connie Springer
Connie would insist on having two dogs, so they don’t get lonely when you’re away from the house. He would bring home a pair of puppies with floppy ears that were adorable - an American Foxhound and an American English Coonhound. To Connie, their howls at all hours of the day, only ceasing when he falls asleep, is absolutely glorious, but to his neighbors, it’s a sign they need to invest in earplugs. Sasha would regularly steal the pair away from you so she had a full squad to go hunting with, which you wouldn’t mind since they liked the trips and got their energy out that way.
Eren Yeager
Much like how Eren picks his friends, so too, would he pick his pets. Not caring much for pedigrees, nor where a dog came from, Eren would get a shelter mix pup, probably one that’s older and been sitting there for longer. He’d sense a kinship between them - two beings looking for peace, and they’d find it in one another. The dog being absolutely adorable in every way would only be a bonus.
Erwin Smith
Commander Erwin would have a wolf-dog hybrid. He’d find the creature out in the woods, abandoned by their mother, and see the strength in their limbs despite their fear, and their resolve to survive. He would take them on as his own and together, they’d be the perfect pair of leaders, alphas in their own rights. When you became the alpha female of the household, the little beastie took to you right away, hoping that maybe you would be the one to finally grant their wish of feeding them off your plate. Of course, you never did it, because that would be irresponsible! At least, you’d parrot what Erwin said until he was gone for the day. Then, if a few bites every week fell on the floor by some magic mistake, well, who else was gonna clean it up?
Hange Zoë
Hange would have a fox! They’d be so interested by their behavior, they’d end up testing them and doing fun (and very humane) experiments on them, like exposing them to different foods, toys and puzzles, to see how they’d react. Foxes aren’t a regular pet, and they’d be fully aware of that and even over prepared to care for them, doing research years ahead of time until they felt completely ready to take one on. Needless to say, you’d be fascinated by them, but would insist Hange keep a separate, pee-proof space for the little creature they rescued so long ago. As cute as they were, you preferred your house not be ruined by their inability to potty train.
Historia Reiss
Historia would intend to get a small dog. What she would end up with, however, would not be a small dog. She would fall in love with the warm, kindly brown eyes of a giant and adopt a Greater Swiss Mountain Dog right then and there, no hesitation. In the end, it would all work out. You couldn’t always be beside her in bed, but she was always guaranteed to have an enormous lapdog by her side at all times - her protector in the throne room, her helper on the farm, and her body pillow at night. Who needs a weighted blanket when you have a hundred-pound puppy sleeping on you?
Jean Kirstein
Jean would have a German Shepherd. He adopted them when he first wanted to join the Military Police, but after he changed his mind, he still cared enough to train his dog as militantly as he was trained. It actually helped him soften up a bit (which ended up catching your attention in the end), and who wouldn’t? With those big brown eyes and floppy ears, it’s hard to resist the urge to sweet talk... and maybe, just maybe slip one or two scraps of meat under the table. No one will notice, right? Other than you, of course, who notices everything, because Jean has never been good at hiding things from you.
Levi Ackerman
We all know Levi is a clean freak and would never want a small dog that does nothing other than bark. He’d have a Standard Poodle, probably an apricot color. They’re smart, good hunters, and most importantly, non-shedding! They also are very sweet, not unlike our Captain (even if he’s good at hiding it). The one thing he wouldn’t expect, however, would be to find a trouble maker in his home. Stolen shoes, stolen ties, stolen cravats, even - somehow they would all wind up somewhere his sweet dog seemed to frequent, but they were clever enough not to be caught, so what could he do?
Marcel Galliard
A chocolate lab! They’re sweet and adventurous, as well as protective, and are absolute cuties. Marcel would love having a fluffy companion, and would take his Labrador on long hikes every weekend.
Marco Bott
Marco loves to look forward to the future, and he’d love to experiment with a newer breed of dog. The Catahoula caught his eye with their well-muscled body, and your excitement over their coat pattern sealed the deal. When you both realized just how much energy they had, you ended up joining Annie and Marcel on their hikes and volunteering your pup for hunting trips with Sasha, so they weren’t up all night long playing.
Mikasa Ackerman
Mikasa is the only person out of this bunch that wouldn’t get a dog - she’d have two cats, at least one being a brown tabby. Mikasa’s so dedicated to her work that she wouldn’t see herself as a person with enough time for dogs, but she wouldn’t mind caring for two soft kitties who curled up on either side of you two every night, even if they somehow always managed to have their butts in your faces when you woke up. Cats have a way of doing that.
Pieck Finger
Pieck would own a Weimaraner. Curious, cute, and a standout, they both fit the mold of “dogs and owners who look alike” with their deep, inquisitive eyes and playful, loving natures.
Porco Galliard
Like Porco, Pitbulls can appear tough and menacing on the outside. Also like Porco, pitbulls are just big babies who want to be loved on. He’d likely already have one before you two fell for each other, and his pit would see the loving nature in you and start coming to you for snuggles - which might have made Porco feel left out, if he wasn’t always in the middle of it.
Reiner Braun
Pomeranian. This man has seen some shit, and what better form of comfort than you and a tiny puffball with googly eyes? Fortunately, his Pomeranian would be unusually mellow, understanding he relied on their calm to maintain his own headspace after everything that’s happened.
Sasha Braus
Sasha would get an Irish Setter and an English Setter. She would take her dogs on hunting trips to help her track down animals, and when they got home she’d sit up for a cuddle with her two favorite pups and her favorite partner, you. Cocoa after a long day of hard work is fantastic.
Everybody knows that Ymir wouldn’t intend to have a dog. She wouldn’t want anything or anyone to depend on her, but one day, when a band of strays would come around her apartment and try to attack her, another random dog would come from out of nowhere, fight them, and chase the rest of the pack off. Upon seeing the heroic dog injured, Ymir would feel indebted and take them in. Just until they healed, of course - then, it would be off to the local shelter for them. But then, you would drop by for a visit and the dog would love all over you. And then, Ymir would keep waking up finding the dog had managed to crawl into her bed and sleep next to her every night. And then, one thing after another, Ymir’s heart would soften just enough to let the scroungy stray who saved her life have a spot, right next to the spot reserved for you, and your family of two would grow to be a family of three. And then, you would find a puppy on the side of the road and take them home to Ymir after you moved in with her, and your family of three would grow to be a family of four. And then, when the puppy grew up, Ymir would find her laying in a closet with a litter of semi-scroungy-looking pups, and your family of four would become a family of five, six, seven, eight... and so on.
Zeke Yeager
Zeke has wavy golden locks, and so do golden retrievers. They’re also both incredibly cute, sweet, and popular. Need I say more? Fine, if I have to convince you. They also both have very kissable, kind, and meddlesome faces. Don’t tell me you don’t see it there!
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kirishwima · 4 years
For your prompts, how about an MC who really loves dogs trying to convince Jumin to get one?
honestly....if MC wanted one then that’s more than enough reason for Jumin to immediatly adopt all dogs from all shelters across the country lmao, but i hear you, this is a fun prompt~
MC convincing Jumin to get a dog:
* Honestly...MC, knowing how much Jumin loves cats, they wouldn’t straight up tell him they wanted a dog-they wanted Jumin to want one too, not to get one simply because MC wanted to.
* So they devise a plan; whilst in kahoots with Zen, because every good plan requires an accomplice, they decide on the following; they’d simply expose Jumin to the cutest dogs possible as frequently as possible, until he too came to love dogs! (”AND STOP HIS FREAKING CAT PROJECTS!” Zen screamed but well, MC knew that’d be impossible)
* So MC flooded Jumin with doggo photos. They’d send him cute meme after meme, videos of puppies, would ‘accidentantly’ be watching cute rescue dog stories on youtube as Jumin walked by.
* Of course his interest was piqued-everyone thought that simply because he had a fascination with cats, he hated any other animal-that couldn’t be further from the truth. He loved all animals, from cats, dogs, to reptiles and exotic creatures. He simply understood that cats were superior to all.
* One night, as he laid in bed with MC snuggled in his arms scrolling through their facebook feed, photos of puppies flooding Jumin’s eyes as he followed their furious scrolling, he spoke up.
* “Honey...what do you think of dogs?” he asked bluntly.
* MC turned to face him, eyes wide, biting back a victorious grin. “I love them! I love all animals, but I really really love dogs!”
* Jumin hummed, running his hand through MC’s hair gingerly. “I see. Is that why you’ve been trying to subconsciously make me entretain the idea of adopting one?” he kissed their forehead, hiding his laugh in their hair as they gasped.
* “I don’t-you realised that?!” they asked, shifting away so they could face him properly. Jumin frowned at the loss of contact.
* “Of course. I’ve been dealing with subconscious advertising ever since I started working for C&R. It’s a must to know when it comes to advertising a product.”
* MC looked down, shame flooding their cheeks. “It’s not that-I don’t want to manipulate you into liking dogs or anything I just....I thought it’d be so nice if we adopted one together...a little sister or brother for Elizabeth the 3d!” MC beamed, looking to Jumin with that impossible doe-eyed look he loved.
* “Darling, you know if you wanted a dog all you had to do was ask-I’ve never cared for one before, but we can figure that out together.”
* “No! I don’t want to get one simply because I want to, I want us to adopt one together! As a-as a couple” they ended their sentence with puffed cheeks, their whole face a cherry red. Jumin smiled, leaning up on the bed to kiss them.
* “I suppose that’s a logical first step. Moving in together, getting married, adopting a pet-then maybe children, moving into a bigger home to raise them together-”
* MC slapped their hands over his mouth. “Jumin! I mean-yeah, that-that’s an option and-ah! Just, one thing at a time okay?” they mumbled, and Jumin smiled beneath their palms at the blush, the pure adoration in their eyes.
* That’s the moment Elizabeth the 3d decided to peek her head into the bedroom, letting out a little ‘mreow’ as a greeting before coming to jump onto the bed and straight into MC’s lap.
* MC giggled as they held Elizabeth up, nuzzling her fur with their face. “What do you think Elizabeth? Wouldn’t you like a little doggo to play with?”
* They both laughed at Elizabeth’s confused little ‘mrow??’, but counted it as a ‘yes’ regardless.
* The few days before their visit to the local dog shelter, Jumin researched everything he could about dogs. How to care for them, the attributes of each breed, the best vets in the area, best groomers, how to introduce cats to dogs, how to establish a friendly relationship with them-MC was awestruck at his dedication, and spent countless hours with him going through his research materials.
* Finally, the day came where they drove to the shelter, Driver Kim wishing them luck as they stepped out to enter the building. Jumin was ready-as they entered the kennels, he knew what dogs to look for, which ones would be best suited for a house like theirs, whiich ones were the friendliest with cats, which could be the best guardog to protect MC-
* All that research crumbled as the couple locked eyes with a dog at the far corner of the hallway, shying away from any visitors, her eyes barely meeting anyone elses as they approached.
* She was a pitbull, about 4 years old, abandoned by her previous owner because they thought ‘it’s no good to have it near kids’ even though she was always calm and gentle. She was a big dog, with white skin and big dark eyes, her nose dark and with pink mottled spots on her snout and ears. 
* The shelter worker accompanying them explained she’d been here for a year now and no one even took a second look at her, and from her initial excitedness when looking at people she eventually closed up-she was very sweet once you approached her, but very apprehensive, too used to rejection-MC’s eyes teared up at the story, and even Jumin felt his heartstrings pulled.
* Jumin walked to her kennel, kneeled down in front of her despite being dressed in his prim and proper black suit.
* Without a word, the staff opened the kennel, the shy dog turning to the sound. She looked to Jumin, shying away at first before he gently cooed to her, extending a hand and letting it rest between them. MC walked to him, sat down besides him as she smiled and cooed along at the dog.
* “What’s her name?” Jumin asked. “Oh, she doesn’t have one-her previous owner...he never gave her one. We call her El though, because well, it has a nice ring to it” the staff shrugged.
* “El...I think it’s a befitting name” Jumin hummed.   “El and Elizabeth! That’d be so cute” MC cheered.
* Eventually the dog approached them both, sniffing Jumin’s extended hand, and in an instand she nuzzled her snout onto him, coming closer to receive some well-deserved pats and belly rubs. She was shy, yes, but so eager for love and attention, and well-to say it was love at first sight would be an understatement.
* So El came home with them. She was scared at first, yes, but the one who helped her get accustomed to the penthouse the most, was none other than Elizabeth the 3d. Even though El was older than Elizabeth, the cat cared for the dog like a mother, licking her when they rested together, curling up with El to sleep, purring a soothing tune that made both pets fall asleep; it was heartwarming for Jumin and MC to watch.
* She was the best addition their little family could’ve asked for.
-Send me a mystic messenger headcanon/scenario for character reactions!-
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in-tua-deep · 5 years
asdfgSFGDJ you’re so valid anon holy shit you’re absolutely right Five is absolutely going to adopt Mr. Pennycrumb come hell or high water
and it goes like this
Five shows up at home with a wriggly bundle that he sneaks in even though they live in a cabin not a mansion there is no place to hide in this house with eight people that they will not be found and yeah, Diego got away with bringing Marm home but that’s Diego and they already have Clyde and there’s that fear in Five’s chest that Ellie would cast his find aside even though logically he knows she would never do that
so yeah this is a doomed venture from the start
“What’cha got there?” Klaus asks, all wide eyes and enthusiasm and Five freezes but like,, the jig is up so he unveils the squirmy wriggly puppy that he shoved up his sweatshirt with an air of defeat
“a PUPPY” Klaus squeals loud enough to wake the dead (and Klaus would know, his powers are to do with the dead) and yeah there’s no hiding this
Ellie emerges with her hands on her hips and looks at them and Five has this puppy in his arms and it’s frantically wriggling and doing its level best to shower Five’s face in enthusiastic dog kisses and Five is looking at her with such big sad eyes and he so rarely asks for anything
“But Marmalade.” Ellie says, helplessly, because honestly bringing up Clyde would do nothing. Clyde would probably love having a puppy around for the kids to play with, he’s an older dog and can’t keep up with their energy a lot of the time though he’s always up for cuddles. 
“Marmalade is going to LOVE him.” Klaus says firmly, with all the belief of a child who hasn’t quite grasped the idea of a grouchy cat with a curious puppy who can’t keep its nose to itself, “we HAVE to keep him just LOOK”
and Ellie is looking. She’s looking at Five’s face and the fact that the puppy is pretty filthy and covered in mud and other kinds of grime and scratches and she already knows she’s lost the fight
“First things first a bath is in order.” Ellie sighs, making Klaus cheer because Klaus 100% knows they have a new puppy and Five is looking hopeful, “Where are the others, anyway?”
“Out with Vanya.” Klaus shrugs, “And I think Allison is at the movies with her town-person-friend.”
“Alright, into the bathroom. If you put that dog down on my clean carpets Five I swear - and also strip while you’re at it, that sweatshirt is filthy now. You can put some pjs on after.”
(they’d never been allowed to wear pajamas before bed back in the manor, let alone wear them before or to dinner - wild)
water gets all over the bathroom as her and Klaus and Five all work together to get the wriggly thing clean but between them they manage it even if Klaus looks like a begraggled rat at the end (Ellie needs to take him to get a haircut soon probably his curls are out of control) and at least Five is now squeaky clean as well after falling in the bath even if Ellie will have to mop up all the spilled water in a bit
“Where did you even find this little monster?” Ellie asks, voice fond as she offers one of Clyde’s toys for the puppy to gnaw on with his razor sharp little baby teeth
Five shifts in a way that means whatever is going to come out of his mouth Ellie probably isn’t going to appreciate. “Some boys were throwing rocks at him. In town. I’m pretty sure he’s a stray.”
Ellie pauses, voice mild, “And what were you doing in town? Alone?”
Five ducks his head, “Practicin’ jumping.” He mutters indistinctly, but Ellie catches every word. 
“You know you aren’t supposed to go to town on your own, Five.” Ellie sighs, running a hand through her hair. Even Allison had been picked up by the mother of her friend who was supervising what Ellie called in her head a playdate but would never say aloud because she was taking care of a bunch of teenagers who would throw a fit if she used such a childish term.
Five focuses on the puppy he’s scooped back into his arms, not looking at her. And Five is the most difficult child to enforce rules on, because of what got them here. She remembers the pale waif of a child he was when they first arrived, scared of his own shadow and shaking like a leaf whenever he thought he might have done something wrong. The others had told her about what their father had done, threatening Vanya’s life for his good behavior. A burden that no child should have to bear.
He’s better now, a little bit. He isn’t shaking at least, or hiding. The day he’d dropped a plate and proceeded to hide under her bed and refused to come out was still fresh in her mind. Ellie had sat there for hours quietly reading aloud from a book, interspersed with assurances that she wasn’t angry and she knew it wasn’t on purpose, praying that she was doing the right thing (she didn’t know how to be a parent, but she was trying and that should count for something)
Ellie considers her options carefully before opening her mouth, “Well I suppose you won’t be coming on the library trip with Ben on Saturday.” Five’s head snaps up to meet hers, looking a bit betrayed but Ellie smiles at him, “You’ll just have to stay home with this little fella here and make sure he doesn’t chew up the house. You can write a list of books you want and we’ll fetch them for you.”
“We can really keep him?” Five asks, eyes wide. 
“Yeah.” Ellie says, shaking her head, ���But this is the last one. I’m serious. No more pets. I have all you little monkeys and that’s enough for me, goodness.”
Both kids stiffen at the word monkey and Ellie mourns a little bit in her mind at what the hell these kids went though. She’s not going to ask about it right now though, maybe another time
“He needs a name!” Klaus interjects cheerfully, and really he’s done very well at keeping quiet for so long. Then again, Klaus has always been pretty in tune with his siblings and worries over Five a lot. Even now he’s shuffled so that he’s pressed against his brother, using petting the dog as an excuse. Ellie’s onto the little brat, she knows his ways. “We should call him Toffee or something.”
“He already has a name!” Five protests, drawing the puppy closer (and honestly Ellie already likes this pup better than Marmalade, the pup takes the kids manhandling like an absolute champ), “His name is Mr. Pennycrumb.”
Ellie purposefully keeps her face smooth and blank even though on the inside she is automatically howling in laughter at the adorable cutesy name that just fell from the lips of one of her more serious kids. Absolutely perfect. She’s going into town right now to get that inscribed on a collar there is no way they’re changing it now
clearly Klaus is of a similar opinion even if he doesn’t have Ellie’s poker face, laughing freely as Five scowls. “It’s perfect!” Klaus crows, mollifying Five just a little bit, “I absolutely love it. Wonderful. I can’t wait to hear Luther say it.”
In Ellie’s youth they’d had pets with themes. All food names or all named after actors or characters from shows or books or whatever. And now she looks at her collection of animals. Clyde, Marmalade, and Mr. Pennycrumb
Wonderfully mismatched really. A bit like their family.
Mr. Pennycrumb fits in wonderfully and the kids are thrilled with a new puppy. Clyde cheerfully accepts the new addition even if he doesn’t seem especially impressed when Mr. Pennycrumb tries to chew his tail but the kids are occupied running around after the puppy and Clyde can relax on the porch and watch
surprisingly Marmalade doesn’t assassinate their new addition and seems to tolerate him, after giving Mr. Pennycrumb a few smacks when the puppy got too nosey and toothy with him (but with sheathed claws, so it was fine and Mr. Pennycrumb learned his lesson about respect and personal boundaries)
Five gains a habit of talking through Mr. Pennycrumb a bit (”Mr. Pennycrumb doesn’t like when X” Five says, clearly actually talking about himself, or “Mr. Pennycrumb wants to go to town/watch a movie/go to bed/etc.” - so it allows Ellie more insight and helps her from making missteps with him so she’ll take what she can get tbh)
“Seriously, no more animals though.” Ellie tells them all, “Unless you little suckers want me to take even more out of your college funds.”
“We have college funds?” Ben asks, eyes wide with surprise.
Ellie shifts, “I mean. There’s not much in them yet or anything but of course I started them. I mean, you guys don’t have to go if you don’t want to but I want you to have options. Like, I know I’m homeschooling you right now but that doesn’t mean you have to stay here forever, you know?”
Diego breaks the tension by popping up and saying - “Can i take money out to buy a sword?”
“Absolutely not, emergencies only.” Ellie immediately responds and is bombarded by the kids yelling out suggestions on what is definitely an emergency, like trips to a water park or to disney or to get those pretty shoes they saw in the shop window the other week and - 
Ellie loves her kids but damn that doesn’t mean they aren’t a handful
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master-sass-blast · 5 years
Whole list for Rasputin kiddos, pls!!!!!
Done and done! Throwing this under a cut because this is gonna be Longe.
What is their favourite food: Mashka eats anything and everything with basically no preferences whatsoever, Anton likes Nikolai’s (specifically Nikolai’s) recipe for borscht, Ratmir is pretty partial to anything sweet, and Alexandra (Lexie) loves eating cherry tomatoes.
Do they have a fear of an animal? If so, what animal: Anton’s the only one with any major phobias --cats, bees, snakes, what have you. He prefers to stay indoors.
What do they wear to bed: Mashka either wears a ratty t-shirt or nothing, Anton wears pajama sets because t-shirts are not pajamas in his opinions, Ratmir wears pajama pants or boxers with t shirts, and Lexie’s partial to oversized, patterned sleep shirts.
Do they like cuddling: Anton, Ratmir, and Lexie all do. Mashka’s the only one that didn’t get bitten by the cuddle bug because she’d rather be up and doing things.
Do they have a secret handshake with anyone: Not really, no (mostly because I can’t think of any XD).
What do they look like: Okay, so obviously these are “Reader kids,” which means that their description in the stories is going to be limited so that they can resemble just about any type of reader. However, Mashka does bear a strong resemblance to Illyana (at least as far as face structure goes), Ratmir is almost a copy of Piotr (down to the blue eyes), and Lexie has curly, dark hair and brown eyes.
Do they like chocolate: Mashka and Ratmir do, Anton will eat a little every now and then, and Lexie could take it or leave it.
What are their good and bad traits: Mashka is extremely personable and courageous, but often lands on the end of being obnoxious and a little arrogant. Anton is detail oriented and analytical, but is also hypercritical of himself and others. Ratmir is adaptive and good at communicating, but sometimes falls on the end of being unmotivated and “day-dreamy.” Lexie is imaginative and innovative, but either falls on the end of being irritable if she feels like she’s being restrained.
Do they have any artistic talent: Mashka’s a decent singer, Anton plays violin, Ratmir sings, plays guitar/bass, piano, and drums, and Lexie is an artist like Piotr.
What is their favourite room to be in, in the house they live in: Lexie likes her room and Piotr’s art studio, Ratmir likes the bathroom because it has the best acoustics or the kitchen because that’s where everyone is, Mashka likes the “family room” area because she can be close to people and be entertained, and Anton likes his room because it’s quiet and a space he can control.
Do they believe in luck: Neena is their aunt, so yes.
Can they do magic: Lexie has powers similar to Illyana’s, so she can actually do “magic” magic.
Do they believe in dragons: Considering Lexie has made a few before... yes.
What is a pet peeve of theirs: Mashka isn’t a fan of people being unnecessarily oversensitive, Anton doesn’t like it when people aren’t considerate of the needs of those around them, Ratmir is pretty lax but isn’t too tolerant of hypocrites, and Lexie doesn’t like being controlled.
What was the last thing they cried about: Mashka cries whenever her siblings wind up getting hurt; not that she admits to it much, but she’s genuinely, deeply concerned about their well-being, and considers herself responsible for their safety since she’s the eldest. Anton... cries a lot. He suffers from anxiety and depression and is intensely perfectionistic, so his stress gets the better of him pretty regularly. Ratmir cried when his grandparents each passed away and when he won a music festival contest. Lexie cries from headaches she gets, when she gets overwhelmed by some of the symptoms of her schizophrenia, and when one of her siblings is in a great deal of emotional pain.
What is their sexuality: Mashka is a lesbian, Anton is straight, Ratmir is bi/pan (he doesn’t necessarily care about labels and fluctuates between both depending on what he feels like using), and Lexie is on the asexuality spectrum.
Do they have a best friend? If so, who, and what makes them their best friend: uuuuh pass haven’t thought that far yet XD.
Have they ever been in a romantic relationship: Mashka winds up getting a girlfriend (whom she later marries) towards the end of the CHC, Anton gets a girlfriend around the same time (as far as placement in the CHC goes), Ratmir winds up dating a fellow rock music performer from Germany (whom he marries after several years of dating) named Mila, and Lexie does enter a very close partnership with another deaf student towards the end of her high school “career,” as it were.
What does their relationship with their family look like? Are they close? Distant? Ect: The only strained relationship is really between Mashka and Anton. The two are like oil and water, and kind of go out of their ways to make each other miserable when they can.
Do they have a pet: Mashka does wind up adopting a rescue pitbull with her gf when they move in together.
Do they have a familiar: dunno what that is, so no.
Are they a supernatural being: I mean... you could possibly make the argument that Lexie is, but no, not really.
How do they usually wear their hair: Mashka wears hers back and away from her face, Anton keeps his short, Ratmir is a full on punk, so he has a long spiked mohawk (shaved on the sides) that he wears in a French braid when it’s not gelled, and Lexie usually wears hers in an angled bob that, at its longest, might reach her shoulders.
Can they play an instrument? If so, what instrument and what can they play: Anton plays the violin, and Ratmir plays guitar/bass, piano, and drums.
What type a high schooler are/were they: Mashka was a hardcore jock, Anton was the typical stressed out nerve that worried over his grades even though he had a 7.0 GPA, and Ratmir and Lexie were both art kids.
Have they ever been in a physical fight before? If so, with who? Who won: Mashka has with a couple of ex-students who decided to pick on Lexie, and yes, she won.
What is their favourite holiday: Ratmir likes anything that makes eating mass amounts of candy socially acceptable, Anton likes Spring and Summer break because they’re low-key, Mashka likes Halloween and Christmas, and Lexie likes New Year’s and the 4th of July because of the fireworks.
If they could have one wish, what would they wish for: Food or world peace. They’re pretty happy with their lives. Ratmir would wish for more guitars, though.
Do they wants kids? If they already have kids, do they want more: Anton and Ratmir absolutely do, Lexie isn’t decided yet, and Mashka doesn’t really want kids of her own.
Do they have a job: Mashka winds up working as an active X-Men leader and trainer, Anton becomes the school’s headmaster and oversees the education side of things, Ratmir becomes a professional performing and session musician, and Lexie makes waves as an artist, due to her skill and her advocacy for deafness, schizophrenia, and mutantism.
Do they know how to drive: Mashka, Anton, and Ratmir do.
Do they get stressed out easily: Anton does. The poor boy needs some Xanax.
Did they ever dye their hair before? If so, to what colour? Did they like it: Ratmir’s hair color changes on a borderline monthly basis, and if it’s a color that exists, his hair has been it. His favorites thus far have been lilac, cotton candy pink, and navy blue. The others usually leave their hair alone --though Mashka did dye hers electric blue once, on a dare. She didn’t like it lol.
Have they ever broken the law: Anton has, but the specifics of that are spoilers heavy, so that’s all y’all get to know for now. And Mashka has, but for doing some underage drinking.
Do they own a plant: Lexie owns a lot of them (with supervision, to make sure she’s safe around them). Anton owns a couple because caring for them help him learn to not be so perfectionistic, and Mashka and Ratmir couldn’t keep plants alive if they tried.
Have they ever rode a horse before: Yes. Nikolai and Alex kept horses on their farm, so all the kids have ridden a horse.
What is their favorite gif: pass.
Do they get along with others easily: Ratmir and Lexie get along with others the easiest; Ratmir is literally everyone’s friend, and despite the language barrier, Lexie is extremely personable. Mashka is next, due to her often abrasive bravado, and Anton comes in last, but he’s not particularly distraught over that since he prefers his own company.
Do they have any tattoos: Ratmir, Mashka, and Lexie all wind up getting some work done. Anton is scared of needles.
If I wanted to draw them, what would be distinct physical features that I would have to know to draw them correctly: I think the proper way to draw them would be relative to your own features and ancestry. However, Mashka does look similar to Illyana, Ratmir looks like Piotr, and Lexie has dark, curly hair and brown eyes.
What is their favourite breed of dog: Mashka likes pitbulls, Anton likes greyhounds, Ratmir likes every dog that has ever existed, and Lexie likes golden retrievers.
Do they live with anyone? If so, who: Growing up, they live with each other and their parents. Grown up, Mashka lives with her girlfriend, Anton lives with his wife when they get married, Ratmir travels with his band and gf (eventual wife), and Lexie lives with her parents until she winds up finding a partner who can help her live more independently.
Where is their dream vacation: Mashka would probably like visiting the Rockies or some other mountain range, Anton likes staying home or close to it (also, same), Ratmir would literally throw a dart at a map, and Lexie can travel through reality portals to different locations, so she goes wherever she feels like, much to the occasional stress of everyone else (her favorite place to visit is Barcelona).
Do they know more than one language: They all know English, Russian, ASL, Russian sign language, and Japanese (the last one is because of Yukio).
Are they a quick learner: They’re all quick learners, but Mashka and Ratmir are especially quick (much to the frustration of Anton).
Have they ever won a contest before? If so, what for? What did they win: Ratmir has won a few musical festival contests for performances and songwriting, and the prizes ranged from cash, to interviews, to an opportunity to record with some prominent musicians. Lexie has also won competitions for her art, and has won various awards and cash prizes for it.
If the world were to end in 24 hours, where would they be and who would they be with: Honestly, they’d all be with their family, biological and found via S/Os and friends. Even if they drive each other crazy, they know who they care about most at the end of the day.
What does their room look like: The only neat one out of these four is Anton. He is a Type-A surrounded by Type-Bs, and his suffering is Unending. (To be read as their rooms are all a mess, relative to their interests, save for Anton’s.)
If they could have an extinct animal for a pet, what would they have: Lexie has brought a sabertooth tiger back from the past to have it as a pet. The cat escaped and terrorized downtown New York. It took the X-Men ten hours to capture the cat and send it back to its proper time. No one wants an extinct animal for a pet after that.
If they got called out by someone, what would they do: Mashka would argue with them, Anton would probably start angry crying, Ratmir would hear them out and be p chill overall, and Lexie, if she didn’t like or care about what she was “hearing,” would teleport herself away.
Have they ever shot a gun before: Yes --save for Lexie, for obvious reasons.
Have they ever been axe throwing: Mashka has.
What is something that they want but can’t have: Lexie wants a pet sabertooth tiger
Do they know how to fish: Only Ratmir does, and that’s because he’s the only one with any actual patience for fishing.
What is something they always wanted to do but too scared: Anton’s really the only one that lets fear get in the way of what he wants to do, but he’s working on it. On the top of his list is to travel more.
Do they own their own baby pictures: They pretty much leave those with their parents --though Ratmir does have one of him with his parents because it makes him smile when he looks at it.
What makes them standout among others: Their size. They’ve got Piotr’s genes, so they’re all Tall.
Do they like to show off: Mashka absolutely does --which isn’t to say she doesn’t work for it. Most of her favorite things to show off in are athletically related, so she works hard for her show-boating moments.
What is their favourite song: Mashka likes “Mama Said Knock You Out,” Anton likes “Light of the Seven,” Ratmir likes “The Sound of Silence,” and Lexie likes “Michi” by Evelyn Glennie.
What would be their dream vehicle: I legit don’t know enough about vehicles for this, so pass.
What is their favourite book: Mashka is a sucker for “Winn-Dixie and Me,” Anton likes “Jane Eyre,” Ratmir likes the Percy Jackson series, and Lexie likes the Hank Zipzer series.
Who, in their opinion, makes the best food: Nikolai. Arguably the best cook the family has ever produced.
Are they approachable: They all are, but Mashka and Anton have unfortunate cases of resting bitch face.
Did they ever change their appearance: Mashka sticks to a relatively casual/mildly butch aesthetic, Anton is preppy, once Ratmir finds punk, he stays there, and Lexie wears whatever she feels like whenver she feels like it.
What makes them smile: Lots of things, but specific to them? Mashka and Anton both smile when the kids they’ve been tutoring (Mashka with training and Anton with academics) overcome a major hurdle or hit a major success, Ratmir smiles when he makes people happy with his music, and Lexie smiles when she sees butterflies.
Do they like glowsticks: Yes. Who doesn’t?
What is something that is simple, but always makes them smile: Hearing/seeing the younger students laugh and be happy.
Are they a day or night person: Mashka and Anton are both morning people, and Ratmir and Lexie are night owls.
Are they allergic to anything: Anton is resistant to a lot of medications and antibiotics, which means him getting sick or hurt is pretty miserable, and Lexie is allergic to latex.
What do you, the creator of this OC, like most about them: I like the clear ties back to their family members, personality wise. I like seeing where the people who have shaped them show through in little bits and pieces. Mashka, surprisingly, picks up Piotr’s “four or five moments” outlook and nobility, Anton picks up Alex’s (his grandmother’s) hidden Slytherin tendencies, Ratmir picks up the Reader’s brass balls during emotional conflicts, and Lexie picks up Nikolai’s sensitivity to everyone’s emotions (outside of being telepathic, she’s very intuitive to other’s needs and very sensitive to wanting others to be happy).
Who is their ride or die: Aside from each other, their S/Os/life partners.
Do they currently have a significant other? If not, are they going to get one later one: Granted, none of them exist in the written CHC yet, but they all find their “person” within what that means to them and what they want for life.
What attracts them to another person: Specific to them? Mashka falls for her gf and eventual life because of her sense of humor and overall steadiness, Anton falls for his lady due to her sweetness and optimism, Ratmir falls for his eventual wife because he watches her perform at a festival and is blown away by how badass she is and that he’s finally found someone who loves music and performing as much as/the way he does, and Lexie falls for her partner because they understand, appreciate, and respect her drive to be as independent as possible.
Who is one person that can always make them laugh: Ratmir makes all his siblings laugh, without fail, but Anton is consistently the one to crack Ratmir up.
Have they ever partied too hard and their friends had to take them home: Yes for both Mashka and Ratmir. Granted, it takes a lot to get them there, but they definitely do on a couple occasions.
Who would be their cuddle buddy: Lexie cuddles with everyone, but Anton is usually her go-to. Anton cuddles with Lexie and his eventual gf/wife. Ratmir likes to get hugs from the Reader (he’s a mama’s boy). Mashka... is not a cuddler. She just isn’t.
Who would cheer them up after a long day: Aside from S/Os, Lexie and Ratmir are both the “cheer-ers” of the family, as it were, but Anton and the Reader are usually the people to cheer them, respectively. Ratmir’s just a mama’s boy, and Anton’s one of the few people that can safely get close to Lexie when she’s in a foul mood. If Anton isn’t around, though, Piotr usually can cheer her up by drawing with her.
If they had a nightmare, who would they run to: Mashka usually handles them on her own, but goes to Piotr if she’s especially scared. Anton usually winds up having Lexie crawl in bed with him if he has a nightmare, since she can sense his nightmares, but if she doesn’t he might talk to Ratmir about them. Ratmir goes to the Reader (or to Nikolai, before he passed away). Lexie usually works with Illyana if she has nightmares, since Illyana has the easiest time understanding her, then talks (”talks,” you get what i mean) with the Reader and Piotr once she’s calmer.
What object to the care for the most: Mashka, arguably, is her X-Man suit, Anton is a journal given to him by Alexandra (grandmother), Ratmir is his music equipment/voice, and Lexie is her art supplies.
Do they like other people’s children: Ratmir and Lexie absolutely do, Anton does but sometimes they wear him out with noise and all that, and Mashka runs the end of being more indifferent unless she’s training them.
How would they react if someone broke into their home: Mashka would probably get a baseball bat and go after the intruder, Anton would lock himself in his room and call 911, Ratmir grab the nearest object and chase the intruder out (and if pants happen to be that object, the intruder is getting chased with pants, dammit), and Lexie would use her telepathy to scare the intruder into leaving.
Does anyone make them have butterflies in their stomach: Their future SOs/life partners, for sure.
What is something that they are good at: Aside from their prominent talents, Mashka’s good at doing math in her head, Anton’s a good cook, Ratmir is shockingly good at writing essays (he had a thing going in high school where students would pay him to write their essays until Piotr busted him), and Lexie is good at gardening.
What is their neutral expression: Mashka and Anton both have resting bitch face, and Ratmir and Lexie both have resting nice face.
Do they like to cook: Mashka does, since she likes to be on a specific diet so her body can handle all the training and athletics she does. Anton does as well, and actually enjoys doing it for fun. Ratmir... cooks pizza rolls in the mircowave. And Lexie usually has to be supervised, but enjoys helping.
What is something they can’t leave home without: Mashka never leaves home without a jacket dyed to look like the front of Piotr’s X-Man suit, Anton never leaves home without a “survival satchel” with bandaids, over the counter meds like Tylenol, Benadryl, etc, tissues, protein bars, spare cash, phone charger... Ratmir is lucky to remember to take his keys with him, but usually has some sort of music something with him, and Lexie usually takes a sketchbook and pencil/pen with her.
Who is someone that they rely on: Mashka and Anton come to rely on each other once they’re older. As the heads of the X-Men and the school, respectively, they have to learn to work together so that the entire operation runs smoothly. Ratmir comes to lean on his bandmates and Mila, and Lexie relies on her family and eventual life partner, Dixon.
Do they liked to be tickled: Lexie doesn’t. It’s overwhelming to her, and it’s hard for her to communicate when she wants people to stop when she’s being tickled. The others don’t, but do it at your own risk.
Have they ever been a sword fight before: For fun? Sure, with stick or foam swords. For real? Mashka has, because she’s trained with katanas.
What is a joke that they would find funny: I’m not funny enough for this so pass.
Do they have a place that can go and turn off their brain: Their rooms serve as a good source of healthy isolation space, though Mashka does like the gym at Xavier’s and Ratmir does like the music studio at the school.
What was their childhood like: Happy, with its usual bumps and lumps from life just being life. Things got more complicated when Lexie came along and her schizophrenia started manifesting, but thanks to support from the other teachers at Xavier’s, the Reader, Piotr, and their extended family, everyone came out in good shape.
What are they like as an adult: Mashka eventually chills on some of her arrogance and bravado, and Anton comes into his own with being more confident in himself and others. Ratmir... is pretty much Ratmir, and Lexie flourishes as a talented artist and activist.
Do they take criticism well: Mashka and Ratmir do. Anton and Lexie are more sensitive --Anton due to being hypercritical of himself, and Lexie due to not wanting to be controlled.
Have they ever jumped out of a plane: Mashka has, and Ratmir, Anton, and Lexie can fly through self-levitation, so... close enough?
Who do they like to make jokes with: Each other and their respective friend circles.
Have you ever drawn them before? If you are comfortable with it, would you post a picture: Not yet, but I imagine I will at some point.
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sabinehqs · 5 years
∿° la’s favorite singer / producer has made her appearance at the party. it’s insane how similar she looks to sofia carson. according to celebslam, sabine gutierrez-soto has been given a reputation of being obstreperous, but also candid. the twenty three year old has been living in the city of dreams for four years, i wonder how much longer they’ll last. ( sammie / 25 / est / she/her ).
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💕 hi hello! my name is sammie, i’m 25 and i live in the EST timezone! i have a shopping addiction. i read a lot of young adult books (currently in the middle of a curse do dark and lonely by brigid kemmerer). i can’t go a day without listening to little mix & blackpink because they are my girls. i have two kitty cats (sirius and lupin) and a pitbull (nox). if you ever wanna see cute pictures hit me up i got so many of my babies. my discord is joe keery is ruining my life#7229and i’m always on so please shoot me a message! this is sabine.
faceclaim: sofia carson.
age: twenty three
sexuality: closeted lesbian.
home town: houston texas
favorite color: crimson.
favorite movie: cruel intentions.
favorite food: dark chocolate.
aesthetic: overflowing shot glasses. scabbed knees from falling down.  neon signs. empty champage bottles clinking against each other. fur coats. large sunglasses to hide tired hungover eyes. ashtrays full of burnt roaches. sleeping in just your panties. spotlights. a collection of expensive flasks. blackout curtains on every window. fresh pack of newport 100s. diamond encrusted microphones. sleeping until two pm. hampers full of short black dresses. blood red nails.  
celebrity crush: tessa thompson & rosario dawson
sabine was born in houston, texas to mateo and luciana gutierrez-soto on october 27th 1995. she is the four of four, three brothers and a sister who passed before sabine was born. after the death of her sister, sabine’s parents decided to come to the united states, hoping to make a better lives for them and their children.
family members who had already come to the united states helped them. sabibe was born just a few months later, the only family member that was born a u.s. citizen. her mother and father found jobs as a maid and construction worker, respectively.
they lived in a poor neighborhood in houston, with many of her neighbors being illegal immigrants like sabine’s family. the people in her community were very close, and sabine being one of the youngest was often treated like everyone’s little sister.
sabine was always putting on a show as a child, rather it was singing at the local talent show (which she always seemed to win) or performing in her elementary school drama production, she seemed to thrive in the spotlight.
but, her family was in poverty and she couldn’t afford singing lessons, so until she was older she got by singing at home. she never really thought anything would come from it.
sabine didn’t do so well in school. sure, she was a social butterfly when she was young. and she made friends easily. but it wasn’t out of the ordinary for sabine to be sent to the office because of excessive talking, and giving attitude. she had her fair share of letters sent home.
sabine was always very close with her family, especially her second oldest brother and her mother. her had always treated her like a princess, and she was her mothers little baby doll.
when sabine was thirteen years old, she came home from school to find the house empty. all their belongings were still there, and dinner was even on the stove. sabine’s neighbors found her on the porch utterly confused. they informed her that ICE had been by and her family had been deported. her whole family. gone.
sabine’s entire world crumbled around her, and she moved in with her aunt and uncle, as her legal guardians. they lived in a much better neighborhood which came with a much better public school for her to attend. she tried to keep her nose down, but her sarcastic and flippant ways just seemed to come to the surface.
sabine began performed more, and people were starting to really listen. she started a youtube channel where she would upload covers and turned out to be very very popular.
when she was a junior in high school, sabine started to get teased for never having a boyfriend. sabine ignored it, but always felt deep down something was different. she had always felt a certain… pull towards girls. and the feeling terrified her so she shoved it down.
she started partying a lot, almost always sipping on a flask. whether it was the pain of her family leaving her, or the butterflies she felt in her tummy when a pretty girl glanced in her direction… she used alcohol and weed as a coping mechanism.
directly after high school, sabine started auditioning for anything and everything. finally on her third try for american idol, she was put through to the live shows. she packed her bags and left, staying in a local hotel (payed for with the money her parents tried to save up for her college tuition). at the age of 20, sabine was crowned winner of american idol in 2017.
sabine’s life has been a whirlwind sense then. she lives in l.a. now and is currently recording her second album. her first album went platinum four months after being released. she is currently working as a producer, while working on her next album.
obstreperous. good god. okay so when she gets goin’ theres no stopping her. shes loud and wild and always has been. she’s a party girl if you ever did see one. she doesn’t like being told what to do, and if you tell her to calm down you’ll only make things worse.
candid. as honest as they come. she will not sugar coat things. she’s is frank and ‘real’ to a fault. sometimes it makes people keep their distances, but she likes it better that way anyways.
adamantine. oo, girl. she is unbreakable. she’s been through a lot of shit in her life, and it reflects in her. determined and hard working, she worked her ass off to get to where she is, and she isn’t afraid to let you know.
audacious. life of the party. if you make a friend of her, expect the unexpected. rather its crashing a wedding or buying out disney world so you can run the park, she’s always down.
irascible. if you piss her off - run. THATS ALL IM GONNA SAY.
best friend! male/female/nb 0/1. a girl needs her bestie. someone she can tell everything to. someone she knows will always have her back. she trusts them more than anything.
slightly inferior best friend! male/female/nb 0/1. shes really close with them, the only person she is closer too is her friend or die bestie. they mean a lot to her, but like the title suggests, they are slightly inferior.
childhood friend! male/female/nb 0/2. someone from her home town she was close too.
on again off again toxic relationship! female/nb 0/1. kind of self explanatory. they’re terrible together and its bad for both of them, but for some reason that flame still burns. even though its really painful.
rival! male/female/nb 0/1. someone that sabine thinks of as her rival. rather they be a musician or a fellow producer, they make her skin crawl.
good influence! male/female/nb. 0/2. someone that has a positive influencing on her.
the mom friend! female/male/n/b. 0/1. sabine gets herself in not so good situations, maybe she’s too drunk to take care of herself, or she needs a non judgemental shoulder to cry one. someone to get her out of the gutter every so often.
partner in crime! male/female/nb. 0/1. bring these two together and they’re gonna raise some hell.
sabine’s crush! female/nb 0/1. someone sabine has a crush on. this could be cute or kind of... weird? she doesn’t really know how to act around a crush. but its gotta be all cute. her being all blushy and shit.
i’m open to so many more!
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batfam-imagines · 6 years
Lucky Seven
Prompt: Jason x reader going to adopt a pet and coming home with like 7 because they couldn’t decide?
This is a request from today. I only have a week of from classes, so if you have anything you want written, or any requests send them in NOW!
- A
Jason gently puts his keys on the hook by the door and takes off his shoes before he makes his way over to couch where you’re sitting. You quickly put your phone and book on the coffee table, giving your boyfriend plenty of room to flop on top of you it was a hard therapy session this week.
Instead he presses a kiss to your cheek and pulls you into his lap, it was a good session then, “How was therapy, babe?”
“Good” You can tell that Jason is looking at you, waiting for something, “Can I ask you something, doll?”
“You can ask me anything, Jay. You know that”
Jason shifts until he can see your face, “Why don’t you ever ask about what I talk about in therapy? For all you know I could be going there to bitch about you”
“Whatever you talk about is between you and your therapist. I don’t have any right to know what you talk about, if you want to share anything with me, that’s your choice and I’ll be happy to listen, but if you don’t then don’t feel like you need to.”
“Dick always asks me what we talk about, he always wants to know. Bruce too, but that might just be because he’s paranoid”
Your eyes narrow, “I’ll talk to Bruce and Dick, baby. They shouldn’t be prying either. Your therapist is JLA approved, and it’s no one’s business but your own what you talk about”
Jason’s eyes soften, “I love you, you know that?”
“More than a gun loves a bullet” Jason snorts, he had said that once while drunk and the saying had stuck around.
“There is actually something that the therapist and I talked about that I wanted to run by you”
You sit up a bit straighter, “What’s that?”
“She mentioned that I should either get a therapy dog or just get a pet from the pound. She said that taking care of something instead of destroying and killing it would probably help in my recovery”
“Well, I have always loved animals. Which one would you like? A trained therapy dog or something from the pound?”
Jason scratches the back of his head, “Can we go down to the pound tomorrow? Maybe just to look for now, if nothing clicks we can apply for the therapy dog”
“Sounds like a plan”
Instantly every muscle in Jason’s body relaxes, “You know, if we’re going to get a dog it’s probably a good thing we decided to stay in one of my actual houses, instead of an apartment in the middle of Gotham. At least the dog will have a yard to run around in”
You smirk, “Who said we’re getting a dog? You just might fall in love with a cat”
The next day you and Jason make your way to the local animal shelter, hopefully Jason finds an animal he likes today. You’ve always wanted a pet but living in inner-city Gotham isn’t conductive to having one. The most you had were the strays that frequented the alley behind your apartment.
“Remember, Jay, if it doesn’t feel right we can always go somewhere else and look.”
“Alright” Jason’s hand tightens in yours, “Is it weird that I’m nervous”
“Not at all, love. Getting a pet is a big commitment”
“Are you nervous?”
You flash a smile, “Yeah, nervous that I won’t be able to leave any of the animals behind”
You and Jason split off once you get to the shelter, you don’t want to pressure him into getting dog that you want. You quietly walk and pet the various dogs, they all seem extremely eager for some human contact. Several of the dogs draw your eye, all of them would be viable candidates for what Jason is looking for. One is a fairly large Pitbull who was rescued from a fighting ring, but was still extremely sweet to both humans and other dogs. Another was some form of Australian Shepard mix that had been dropped off for being too hyper. Two more were actually siblings, Pitbull/Boxer mix’s that had been dumped on the shelters door.
After about an hour you go to see how Jason is doing in his search, “Hey, baby, how’s the search going?”
“We’ll I found a few good candidates, but I can’t seem to make a decision. I liked a couple of the dogs, and I went to look at the cats too, some of them were good”
You smirk, “Told you we might be getting a cat”
“I just can’t decide between any of them, the dogs are all good and the cats are too!”
“Well, how many animals are there total?”
Jason glances down, “Seven. Four dogs and three cats”
“We have a pretty large house, Jay. I’m pretty sure we could give all of those animals a good home”
“We said we’d take one home, not seven!”
“Well, we’ve always been bad at impulse control, and if your therapist said that one animal would be good for your recovery imagine how good seven would be for you!”
Your boyfriend snorts, “As always, your logic makes me wonder … but you do have a point, our home would be better than here.”
“So what do you say? Want to adopt a small hoard of animals with me?”
Jason grins, “You’re the only person I’d want to do that with, baby”
It was almost shocking how much all seven of the animals got along. The four dogs would pile together to sleep and the cats would all lay on top of them. Every one of the animals seemed to develop a sixth sense when it came to Jason’s anxiety.
Every time he was close to an anxiety attack, or if he was having a flashback, or if his depression was so bad that he couldn’t even get out of bed, he would suddenly be surrounded by animals. The dogs would curl around him, the cats on top of him.
It was on one of those bad days that you and Jason were curled up in bed, all of the animals surrounding you. It was the anniversary of his death, “Thank you”
“For what, baby?”
“For letting us have all of them. It’s – it’s easier with them. Not sure why”
“All animals are comfortable, and these ones are ours.”
“I still can’t believe that we got seven in one trip”
“Seven is a lucky number, Jay”
“Yeah, our lucky seven”
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Derived From, And An Offshoot Of “The Weekend In The Country” Writing Prompt, Given By Adam Gnade. 
A Preface: This story is awful. I have tried to work through this experience for years. This is a work of semi-fiction I suppose, but most of this really did happen, and you can guess which character is based on me pretty easily. I do not condone ANY of the actions depicted here. Please, care for your animal friends, and your elderly family, and if you cannot, find help for them. Good fucking god find some help and fucking save them. Do everything in your power. I did not sleep a full night’s sleep for months after what I saw that weekend.
CW: animal abuse, animal neglect, self neglect, dementia, guns, gunfire, themes of transphobia/homophobia, domestic abuse, toxic family dynamics, misogyny, vivid sensory descriptions of these things.
Part 1: Knuckle Bones
The drive itself was not bad. There was felt a certain nostalgia for many trips down south to San Diego to visit my great aunt with the family when we were children, or to the north to see the snow in the winter. Dad got lost for a little while, but he refused to admit it, he just angrily grumbled to himself and yelled to the backseat if anyone made a noise that broke his concentration. We rode through miles of outstretched quiet roads interrupted by the occasional rest area, and only stopped briefly at points for food and gas, and to rotate who got to sit in the front seat. On freeways and then off of them and up into the endless hills, long winding roads that almost felt like going in circles we drove, all of us anticipating the destination. We were going to visit grandma and grandpa, my Dad’s stepmom and father. They lived on a little farm out in Alturas.
Alturas is a small town nestled up in the rightmost corner of California, bordered both by Nevada to the east and Oregon to the north.  When we finally arrived there, the first thing I noticed were the hot air balloons. I had never seen them in person before. Floating out toward the horizon and above us and all around were hundreds of these drifting along, wicker baskets and all. Being mostly a city kid, I had almost forgotten they even existed. Peacefully scattered near and far in an expanse of clear blue sky I saw them; big beautiful ones with complex designs in an array of bright colors; mostly red and yellow with splotches of cyan and green, bits of neon pink. They reminded me of printer cartridges or SMPTE bars on a TV screen. I fixated on them as we rode up onto the main street of the town.
We stopped at a diner for breakfast, and the realization hit me that I was with my family and in a moderately conservative area. I would have no choice but to act as a woman here, I would not be given another option. I’d have to try my best to blend at least. Dressed in a baggy T-shirt and jeans, and a baseball cap backwards like some 90′s mall bro troupe, one could say that alone was a dead giveaway. But to these people, and to my family at the time, I was a dyke at best. At worst... lets not get into it.
We ate breakfast at this little place, dusty and kind of worn down, white walls yellowed over the years with tacky décor displayed upon them. The Don’t-Tread-On-Me flag hung up in the corner made me very nervous. Dad and my brother didn’t notice, but the old folks at the table next to us, and the truckers on the other side of the room, and the CHP officers grouped together at the bar shot daggers in my general direction, some of them holding their glare on me like snipers aiming for my head from the top of a building. I tried to eat quickly and eat well, especially since I hadn’t had anything that day except for gas station coffee and a pack of hostess mini donuts several hours before. I ate like I eat, which can be stereotyped as like how a man eats. At one point my brother said I wasn’t being polite, even though his table manners were about as bad, and the reason why he felt it different for me need not be spoken. Loud and clear.
My brother had a really hard time accepting my transition. Same with Dad. Neither will admit to it now but they both were cruel to me often, and for a while hoped they could just disregard this aspect of me and force me back into the box of womanhood until I gave up. When I first came out my brother he offered me a pair of jeans he didn’t wear anymore and asked me if I needed any advice on good cologne to wear, needed any razors, etc. This enthusiasm wouldn’t last. The next time he wanted money from me, or my weed, or something of mine he could sell, or someone he could point his anger toward, he would weaponize my former femininity against me and revert back to the same misogynistic behavior I had always known him to engage in. I was a woman again when he wanted me to be one, and I had no choice in this matter. This would go on for years. He still to this day has a deep subconscious hate for women, but thankfully and in despite of how sickening these implications are I have escaped this form of mistreatment after starting testosterone.
My Dad was a bit more open, he just didn’t know how to navigate it. He wanted to allow my brother to “have his own opinion” and opted to avoid discussion of it as much as possible. He would later learn that when it comes to something like this, there are no SIDES, there is either upholding the human need to live authentically or deny that need no matter how negatively this affected me and others like me. These days, he proudly supports me and is kind to the trans people in his neighborhood, and would like very much to take his kids to pride once covid is contained and its safe to attend large events again. He got better. Thank fucking god he got better.
We checked into an Inn down the road, got out and stretched our legs. My brother and I immediately went to go smoke a joint. We hid around the back of the building hoping Dad wouldn’t notice, but apparently we stank up the whole area and came back to him seething with anger. He sparked a cigarette, tried to calm down, and we unloaded our belongings from the car in silence. Then it was time to head to the farm. 
A few miles out from town we drove through the acres of desolate farmland down a dirt and gravel road that seemed to go on forever. I didn’t recognize the area until we started pulling into the driveway to their little house. Dad was swearing and smacking his steering wheel, cursing no one in particular but frustrated at how the gravel would scratch the paint on his car. We were, though we did try to blend in, hilariously obvious city people.
I recognized the shapes first, the house, the big looming tree on the right side, the wire fences surrounding the property, the rusty old truck. I had only been here as a kindergartener so my exact recollection of this place was fuzzy, but I had fond memories of the animals and how happy grandma and grandpa were to see me. I felt some excitement to return to this place that I always felt to be so welcoming, warm and filled with love. Then we got closer.
The first thing I noticed were the dogs. Two gigantic rabid pitbulls, one chained to the tree in the yard and one chained to a fence post just to the side of the house behind him. They were both aggressively barking and pulling on their chains trying to get to our car, foaming at the mouths and vicious as hell. I am cautious to describe this because I am aware of a certain stigma around pitbulls and their commonly misunderstood demeanor, and I will add that I have never known any dog of this breed to be cruel in any way by nature. But these dogs, they were not aggressive out of any sort of inherent violence and hatred, they were scared. They wanted to escape. The felt us to be a threat. Their paws were caked in shit and mud, mucus leaking from their eyes and matts in their fur. There were big festering wounds on the side of the dog nearest the truck as though he was bitten by something. Before him, the remains of a cat who had been caught and torn to shreds lay splayed open and rotting in the summer heat, the carcass filled with maggots. Bits of the poor things insides were scattered around the yard.
I turned my eyes over toward the house. The building itself had deteriorated significantly. The paint was peeling and chipped. Rotting wood was visible underneath all covered in a thick, black mold. The entire yard was littered with trash; rusty old cans and plastic bags, rotting apple cores, some unidentifiable mounds of what I can only assume had once been food waste. Weeds overgrew dusty and dry, and the front porch itself was falling away barely keeping its shape. To the left of it, the garage was wide open and I could see the stacks upon stacks of busted furniture, rusted metal piping, lengths of barbed wire wrapped in bundles and all manner of poorly kept junk haphazardly packed against the inner side wall.
My father’s eyes went wide as we all sat in silence, shocked at the appearance of what was apparently the home his mom and dad had been living in for the last few decades, and just how much the state of this place had declined since our last visit. He held his fist to his mouth, clenched so tight you could see his knuckle bones through his skin. Pushing back tears, he tried his best to shake the face of disgust and horror from himself before cautiously opening the door. Under his breath, my brother uttered the phrase “what the fuck,” which immediately resulted in dad turning toward the back seat angrily and slamming his fist on the middle console, growling at him to shut the fuck up through clenched teeth. The spray of his spit fell on our faces. His expression had shifted to be dramatically similar to the dogs. Anger and defensiveness as a secondary reaction to an underlying feeling of danger, and a desire to escape the inevitable. I have nightmares of this face. 
Just then grandpa came hobbling out from the garage clutching a 12 gauge shotgun, screaming for grandma that they had burglars on the premises and commanding us to leave. He pointed it upward and haphazardly fired a warning shot which went straight through the roof of the garage and aimed the smoking barrel directly at us. All three of us had our hands up instantly. Grandma came hobbling out of the house pulling through the dirt in her walker as quickly as she could, yelling for him to stop.
“Garland, that’s your fucking SON. And the grandchildren! They’ve come to visit, we just discussed this earlier this morning FOR FUCKS SAKE GARLAND PUT IT DOWN!” She grabbed his arm and he froze, the tension in his shoulders dropped. He lowered his weapon, staring at us puzzled as he processed the situation.
“Yes, Dad. Its us. Me and the kids.” he returned. He was shaking so much in the front seat I could feel it from the back. He slowly lowered his hands to his lap, my brother and I frozen in shock. 
(part 2 coming soon)
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Part 2/3 of my Masterlist, a compilation of AU stories - with special mentions of “High School”, “College”, “Coffee Shop”,etc.!!
Also watch out for the other two parts:
Canon!verse/Canon Divergence
Alternate Universe: Supernatural Elements
A Single Kiss by whelvenwings
>> So did you kiss him?
Cas read Anna’s text message with a sigh, standing next to his bed in his pyjamas, only just woken up. He should never, ever have allowed his sister even the slightest of glimpses into his meagre dating life.
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A Different Kind of Fairy Tale by lemonsorbae
The best part about Castiel’s day is going to work among the books.
That is, until the mechanic walks through the door.
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A Man May Change by Hekate1308
Sam wishes he didn't hate the person his brother has become. He really does.
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All That Is Gold Does Not Glitter by aileenrose
Sam's too busy to pick up Sarah's engagement ring from the jeweler's.
Enter Dean. He minds just a little, and then not at all.
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Every Dog Has Its Day by aileenrose
Dean's new to Sioux Falls. In between meeting the mysterious Cas Novak, and helping save a puppy whose name they can't agree on, he thinks this place can become something like home.
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After Midnight by Winglesss
"How can you know you don’t like guys if you never tried to sleep with one?"
Dean can't get Sam's words out of his head so he goes and picks up a guy. It doesn't take long before he realizes how extremely lucky he was to find someone like Castiel.
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Understanding That Reference by Carrieosity
Castiel loves working in the library, except for the boring parts. When a string of complicated and entertaining questions begin to flow into his email box, courtesy of the "Ask-A-Librarian" reference service, he finds his boredom vanishing and being replaced with an increasing curiosity to learn who's behind them.
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So Glad We Made It by Annie D (scaramouche)
At twelve years old, Dean makes a friend, who becomes his best friend, who will eventually become the love of his life.
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Only You by cylobaby27
After John's death, Dean moves out to Palo Alto to be closer to Sam, who is studying at Stanford. Despite their proximity, the brothers barely have time to see each other between Sam's studying and Dean's two jobs, leaving Dean feeling tired and lonely. However, when he meets a slightly awkward and completely serious graduate student named Castiel, all of that changes.
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Sharing the Rain Dog by almaasi
When some asshole hits a dog with his car and drives off, the first two people on the scene are Dean and Castiel. Castiel's an FBI agent with a plane to catch, and he doesn't have time to take the dog to the vet. Dean's a musician, and he doesn't have the money. An agreement is reached: Dean goes, Castiel pays, and they'll exchange details and meet again to work things out. But who gets the dog? Sooner or later they're going to realise that having shared custody of one pitbull isn't ideal. She needs one home, not two. One stable, loving home...
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Once Upon A Time in a Disney Store by noxsoulmate
When Castiel Novak gets sick and loses his voice for a few days, he comes up with a clever trick to explain his lost voice to the kids in the Disney Store he works at. One little Mary Winchester, however, takes his note too serious and promptly starts a quest for his prince. Will her charming uncle be able to break the curse and be his one true love?
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Shut Up (Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is) by kototyph
Dean's done some pretty stupid things, but getting drunk-hitched in Vegas to a colleague he barely knows might just take the cake. His surprise husband, Castiel, is a little weird but likable despite that, and Dean figures they’ll go back to Boston, get a quiet annulment, and go their separate ways. Six weeks later, he’s still married to one of the strangest, most genuine and definitely most dangerously lov-- likable guys he's ever known. Dean doesn't know why or really even how it’s happening, but it’s getting harder and harder to remember that he has divorce papers to file.
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Wide Open Spaces by bellacatbee
Dean is supposed to drive Sam across country to his new job but, driving late at night, Dean runs them off the road onto farmland and straight into the side of a barn. Dean is arrested for dangerous driving and sentenced to community service, fixing what he broke at the farm.
At first, Dean just wants to finish and get the hell out of town, but to his surprise he finds himself drawn to Castiel Novak, the farm’s owner.
Castiel is unlike anyone else Dean has ever met. Dean begins to fall for him and for the quiet country life Castiel leads.
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Life In Pink by youaresunlight
At just 33 years old, Dean Winchester is one of the most sought-after wedding planners in the city. He’s chased his dream ever since he was a kid and is now on the brink of making partner at his firm. But the wedding that’ll make or break his promotion? Is his best friend Dr. Castiel Novak’s. It’s going to be the event of the season - unlimited budget, no expense spared - and it’s the kind of task that Dean has been waiting for… except he’s hopelessly in love with Cas.
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Back the Way You Came by tellthenight
Dean Winchester knows he has a lot going right in his life–good family, friends–but he can’t seem to let go of one nagging regret. He should have left while he had the chance. Instead, he’s stuck in place wishing for someone he’ll never see again.
Cas Novak never thought he’d end up here– back in his mother’s house, taking care of her medical decisions. He planned to take care of everything as quickly as possible and get back home–until he runs into a former classmate who insists that he should go to their 10-year reunion that weekend. Cas refuses the offer until he hears that Dean Winchester will be there.
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Cars, Cats & an Idiot by Serisia
Who would’ve thought that helping your brother buy a car could change your whole life? Certainly not Dean Winchester, but that’s exactly what happens, when he accidentally makes the blue-eyed car-salesman run away.
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Your Favorite Hello by jupiter_james
Accounts Manager Dean Winchester and CPA Castiel Novak have been working at the same large company for several months, only interacting through office IM. Then a typo on an expense report leads to an unexpected phone call that results in a simmering crush on both ends of the line, despite neither knowing what the other looks like. Office romances typically never work out, especially when one of them has a slightly bad (though undeserved) reputation, and the other has a slightly bad track record with lovers. But their first face-to-face meeting at the company Christmas party makes them both willing to give it a go. Through a whirlwind romance, Dean wonders if they're moving too fast, and Castiel worries that he's opening himself up for another devastating heartbreak. Together, it turns out that sometimes good things do happen.
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The Inescapable Dean Winchester by gefhrlich
Castiel has been infatuated with Dean Winchester since he was fifteen years old. And despite the years that pass, he just can’t shake the man. Then again, he isn’t sure he wants to.
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Peanut Butter-Pumpkin Wedding Cake by Sparseparsley
Dean is a waiter in a strip club to put his kid brother through school. Castiel is dragged to the club as a part of his sister Anna's bachelorette party. Dean and Cas hit it off, but Dean thinks Cas is the one marrying Anna.
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Freebies and Oak Trees by violue
It’s just a joke. Dean adding Castiel Novak to his “Celebrity Freebie” list is just a joke. Dean has a girlfriend, and besides, it’s not like he’s ever going to meet Castiel, let alone sleep with him. Right?
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First Gentleman Wanted by youaresunlight
President of the United States Castiel Novak is popular, charismatic, and knee-deep in campaigning for a second term. He’d be the ideal candidate if it weren’t for the fact that he hasn’t dated once while in political office. With his opponent’s relentless PR team calling him incapable of emotional commitment, Castiel’s staff decides to remedy the situation by finding their boss a fake, picture-perfect boyfriend. And when Dean Winchester enters the scene, he and Cas become America’s new favorite couple, except they’ve got a whole lot of history between them and complicated feelings to resolve.
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Prosopagnosia by misseditallagain
“I could turn around right now and I wouldn’t be able to spot you out of a lineup. There is nothing remarkable about you I could identify and say: there, that is Dean.”
“So you mean I’m not just another pretty face?”
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Boys Will Be Boys by im_an_idjit
Since the age of ten, Dean Winchester has been the bane of Castiel's existence.
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Just for the Holidays by Fallen_Angel_Meg
After going through some tough times, Jess, Castiel's best friend, decides the best thing for him to do is to get away for Christmas. She secretly signs up their shared house on a home exchange website and it doesn't take long for them to get some interest. Castiel ends up trading houses with Sam Winchester, despite his hesitations to do so. So now Castiel has to spend his Christmas alone in Lawrence, Kansas. Which isn't so bad because Castiel is looking for some alone time right now, not wanting to get romantically involved with anyone. That is, until he meets Dean Winchester and things get complicated.
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Run Boy Run by DarcyDelaney
Cas likes to run. He likes that it’s something he can do alone whenever he wants, something to clear his head and decrease his anxiety. All that changes when his sister, Anna, volunteers him to be a guide for a blind runner who wants to participate in the Boston Marathon. Cas is completely, totally, 100% against this at first, but once he meets said runner, the snarky and (if Cas is being honest) ridiculously attractive Dean Winchester, he starts to have a change of heart. Maybe running with a partner won’t be so bad after all.
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Return to Sender by aileenrose
"He's going to let Cas do this thing for him--he's going to let Cas make him so fucking happy." In the first year after Dean loses his brother, Jess comes up with an idea. She wants to meet Cas Novak, the man who has Sam Winchester's heart in his chest.
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The Complete Works of Emmanuel Allen by violue
Dean Winchester, reluctant business owner, reluctant home owner, and reluctant cat owner, is striking up a very promising friendship with the author of his favorite book series.
And he has no idea.
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Strangers on a Bus by Terene
Castiel is flummoxed. This is a social situation he is not equipped to handle. What is the protocol when the stranger sitting next to you on a bus, whom you incidentally find very attractive, falls asleep with his head on your shoulder?
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Twenty First Century Blues by thepinupchemist
When John Winchester dies, Dean and Sam pack up their lives in Lawrence and make a new home in Sioux Falls. Despite a rough start, both brothers find love in unexpected places, and for once it feels like life might be going right for the Winchesters.
Then one of Sam's classmates turns up dead, and everything falls to pieces. The people of Sioux Falls start to suspect the new arrivals -- and as more bodies turn up, the suspicion only grows.
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Accidental First Date by Powerfulweak
Dean's date cancels on him at the last minute. Luckily, the stranger in the waiting area is willing to share a table with him.
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Forget-Me-Not Blues by noangelsinthegarrison
Sam and Jess are getting married and Dean couldn’t be any happier for them. Honestly, they’re kind of disgustingly perfect for each other and Dean’s pretty damn excited about staying with them the week before the wedding. He’s Sam’s best man, of course, and he doesn’t even mind that Jess has her own best man to share in all the organisational duties. The more the merrier, right?
Except Dean must have done something to epically piss off the universe because Jess’s best man just happens to be Castiel friggin’ Novak. He’s got even hotter since High School, but apparently no friendlier and if Cas wants to spend the week pretending like they’ve never met before? Fine. Two can play at that game.
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You're The Only Stranger I Need by lyndsie_l
When Castiel receives a text from a stranger, he finds himself engaging in conversations daily. He's drawn to the outgoing college student and longs to interact with the other man as often as he can. Slowly, he finds himself falling in love with the other and can't imagine ever meeting a more beautiful person.
The only problem?
He's never actually met this other man.
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Angel Cookies by noxsoulmate
“On Christmas Eve, if you eat Angel Cookies right before bed and then dream of your one true love, he will be your destiny.”
The Shurley clan sure believe their old family legend, but not Castiel James – not since he was a pudgy teenager, running down the church aisle on Christmas Day, trying to stop his very handsome and very straight teacher Dean Winchester from marrying someone else. He may be grown-up, well-toned, bestselling Young Adult’s book author “C. S. James” now, but Castiel will never forget that day. And he’ll never fall foolishly in love again, especially not for Dean Winchester.
But when the wish for a big family Christmas from his sick father brings him back home, Castiel has to confront his past. And not only that: a letter from a little fan from his home town is weighing heavy on his conscience. Reaching out to a troubled kid might endanger his secret identity. Adding to the problem is the shock of discovering that Dean is the little girl’s father – unattached and hotter than ever. Dean’s smile still makes Castiel melt, but Castiel knows that ship has sailed. The fact that Dean seems to be on board this time, however, doesn’t make it any easier for him.
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Never Not Fantastic by thestoryinsideme
When television star Dean Winchester makes a stop at the Rogue Wave Cafe, owner Castiel Novak initially takes notice - and exception to - the celebrity's presence in the all-but-forgotten beachside town where the age of the average resident is sixty-five.
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Should've Just Asked by Annie D (scaramouche)
Despite their age gap and differing social circles, Castiel has struck up a warm friendship with Mary Winchester, a wealthy widowed socialite. When Castiel needs a place to stay, Mary invites him into her house, where there’s loads of spare room. Castiel’s aware that they make an odd pair, but he doesn’t fully realize how things look to outsiders, especially to Mary’s eldest son. All Dean Winchester sees is that his mom has apparently hooked up with a hot young guy (who is totally Dean’s type) and that makes things… weird.
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Win A Date With Dean Winchester by FollowingButterflies
When Hollywood actor Dean Winchester gets caught up in a scandal that could threaten his career if exposed by the press his agent draws up a deal with the press. They won't expose the story if they can run a competition offering a date with Dean as the prize. Everything is fine until Dean meets the winner, Anna Milton, and her brother Castiel who Dean can't seem to stop staring at or thinking about despite the fact that Castiel clearly thinks Dean is a talentless moron.
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The Unwavering Heart of a Winchester by violue
There’s no point in mincing words. Sam is dead, and without him Dean is a drunken shell of who he used to be. When he finally pulls himself out of a growing pile of whiskey bottles, Dean finds it hard to go back to his life. With one flippant comment from a friend, Dean thinks he might finally have a way to make peace with the loss; Sam was an organ donor, and Dean’s going to find the recipients, talk to them, and see how their lives are better because of his little brother. For the first six stops on his road trip, things go mostly according to plan, and then he meets the man who has Sam’s heart. Dean had hoped he might find peace on this trip… he never expected to find love.
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The Way to a Man’s Heart is Through Chlamydia by violue
Dean doesn't expect to see his one night stand again, but then again he also doesn't expect to find out he has an STD. Sometimes life is hilarious like that.
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Imperfect Proposals by Fallen_Angel_Meg
Dean Winchester has a dream of being a successful architect- one that may or may not be out of his reach. So when he receives a promising job at Designs of Divinity, a reputable architectural firm, he is beyond happy. It's everything he could ask for. Sure, he may only be the assistant of Castiel Novak, a well known architect and project manager, but he doesn't even care. It's a start. It isn't until he starts working for Castiel that he realizes the guy isn't exactly who he thought he'd be, and his dream job turns into a living hell. Dean decides he's had enough when Castiel denies him time off to attend his brother's wedding. But just when Dean thinks it can't get any worse, he finds out that he's being forced to marry Castiel to keep him from being deported. Fan-friggin'-tastic.
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Clean Air by anactoria
Centuries after the surface of the earth was devastated by an unknown disaster, the remnants of humanity live in a series of vast underground silos, each unaware of the existence of the others.
For the inhabitants of Silo 34, the silo is the world, and the only world they know. Questions about the outside world are forbidden, and asking them is what got Dean Winchester's parents killed. He isn't even sure himself that they weren't crazy.
That all changes when he hears a voice on the radio -- a voice from another world.
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Blackboard Painting in the Dead of Night by whelvenwings
Cas thinks that the school's latest idea of getting students to write their thoughts on a huge, public blackboard is... well, black-boring, until someone replies to his angry scribbling. Several bad puns and some Kant quotations later, Cas may finally meet the mysterious messenger who anonymously turned his life upside-down.
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Sometimes It Works Out by messtiels
Castiel Novak is your average teenager, with the exception of being casually brilliant. His longtime crush, Dean Winchester, is the attractive, charismatic, and overall popular guy in high school. As unexpected situations arise, Castiel is faced with the challenge of overcoming his self-doubt, and at the same time he is completely clueless.
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flour in your hair by cassiewrites
Dean and Cas are paired up for a project in Home Ec in which they have to take care of a "flour baby" for a week.
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It's Always the End of the World Somewhere by Annie D (scaramouche)
The status quo is this: Dean is the popular captain of the football team, and Castiel is the off-kilter nobody who doesn't so much as breathe the same air as Dean. Then senior year happens and the status quo is shot to smithereens.
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In This Secluded Spot I Respond As I Wouldn't Dare Elsewhere by RhymePhile
It's 1995, and Castiel's high school years are destined to be difficult: home-schooled until eighth grade, he is awkward, shy, and socially inept. The weird kid with the funny name would rather isolate himself and draw in his sketchbook than deal with the constant bullying he faces every day. Things only get worse in his junior year when he excels in home economics class, leading the captain of the baseball team, Alastair, to start taunting him for being gay.
Then new student Dean Winchester arrives at Flour Bluff High School, sharing many of Castiel's classes. Castiel has seen his type before -- handsome, athletic, arrogant, and sure to be the most popular kid in school. But Castiel eventually learns that he and Dean have more in common than he thought, and they form an unlikely friendship.
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Count On Me by swoopswoop
Castiel Novak is an unpopular kid at school, his brother’s reputation the only thing keeping him from a regular beating, but not the occasional shove. When one other person in the school helps him out, it inadvertently starts a marathon game of IOU.
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Exalted in the scene by zation
John decides that his boys needs some goddamn education and makes them settle down in a small town while he keeps on hunting. Dean is reluctant at first but then he meets school punching bag Castiel Novak and suddenly things are starting to look up.
The one where Dean tries desperately to save the one damsel in distress who turns out to be more than reluctant at the prospect of being saved.
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Look Right Through Me by darkforetold
It’s his senior year in high school and Dean cares about little else than what makes him feel good. When an unexpected tragedy strikes his family, it shatters his world. Heartache tears at him while guilt worms through the wounds—and only a second chance can set him on the road toward healing. As his world reshapes, Dean rediscovers the importance of family, transcends loss and chooses something he never expected to find: love.
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Suburban War by squeemonster
Moving to Lawrence with his family is the most significant event of Dean Winchester's life. It brings a stability he's never known, and the only thing to have more of a profound impact on him is Castiel Novak: the two boys become fast friends the day they meet. But as Dean grows older, he dreams for something beyond the monotony and constraints of suburbia, and he is haunted by the inexplicable feeling that he was born for something more than what this life offers. As he struggles to reconcile the person he yearns to be with what his family and friends expect of him, a fateful choice exposes just how fragile his life in the suburbs is, and possibly risks losing the best friend he's ever had.
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Perfect Imperfections by youaresunlight
Castiel Novak is a graduate student teaching Intro to Calculus. He’s hard-working and awkward and shy, tends to avoid the gossip among his students, though he can’t help but pay attention when they bring up the assistant coach of the rugby team.
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Please Leave a Message by StarlightDragon
During his first semester of college, Dean Winchester slowly falls for a guy he’s never seen and never met, through a series of messages exchanged between the two of them on the whiteboard pinned to Castiel’s dorm room door.
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The Graveyard by amarillogrande
“Okay, look. You finish it, then you stick it up on top of the shelves. And then…well, the bottle is there to remind you. Hence the name—“ Dean spreads his arms, indicating the endless rows of glass. “The graveyard.”
Dean Winchester and Castiel Novak are best friends, living together for the past two years and about to graduate in the spring. It might take a visit from Dean's little brother to get them to realize just exactly how they feel about each other.
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TutorMate by faeryn
Sam leaves Dean's laptop logged in to some app called "TutorMate" and Dean meets his brother's tutor. Cas helps him with his own work and they strike up a friendship. Before long Dean finds himself growing attached to the cute, clever Cas and flirtatiously suggests they go on a date if he applies himself to his college work. Cas agrees, but Dean discovers his online friend is not quite what he expected.
(Or, in which Dean thinks he's met a cute girl and finds out he's actually met a cute boy.)
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Inevitable Homoeroticism in Spanish Romantic Heroes by prosopopeya
Dean is a grad student studying for his MA in Spanish literature, and he’s pretty content with his sexuality as it is -- that is, fairly undefined and also secret. His attraction to Castiel, a professor to the undergrads, doesn't seem like a big deal until it becomes a very big deal, and Dean scrambles to keep his head above water.
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Your Call Cannot Be Completed As Dialed by eBob, K_K_TiBal
AU in which Castiel accidentally sends a text message to the wrong number and befriends the person at the other end of the line. However, accidents don’t just happen accidentally, and sometimes two completely different people are exactly what the other needs.
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Free to Be You and Me by same_space
Coffee Shop!AU and University!AU rolled into one. Castiel Novak is the introverted English Literature major at the University of Kansas. Dean Winchester is the elusive cool guy who happens to work in Castiel's favourite coffee shop. This is how they meet, and this is how Anna and Crowley play cupid.
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All the Way by cadignan, Guu
Castiel spends the first two weeks of college in much the same way he spent the previous years: alone with his books. He’s fine with it—he enrolled in college to learn, after all. Then in his first chemistry lab, he has the bad luck of being paired with snide, good-for-nothing Ruby, and the further misfortune of sitting behind Dean Winchester, the world’s most beautiful distraction. Ruby catches Castiel staring at Dean and makes him an offer.
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Hear You Me by through_shadows_falling
Castiel is a college graduate stuck in two dead-end, part-time jobs. Oh, and he's Deaf...which to his oldest brother Michael makes him something to constantly fret over. It's not Castiel's fault that he doesn't know what he wants to do with his life, right? Not like it's Michael's business anyways.
Enter Dean Winchester. A chance encounter with the man has the power to change Castiel's life - and in the end, maybe, just maybe, it will help him finally understand and accept who he is and what he's meant to do.
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What is Love? by regardinglove
When Dean’s students ask him about what it means to be in love, he gets quite the awakening about his own feelings for a certain blue-eyed teacher.
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Chili Peppers by justanothersong
Dr. Winchester hears an off hand comment from one of his students and find himself browsing a website dedicated to rating university professors. He's not surprised by his rating -- but is a little miffed to see the department chair has an even better one. Clearly, something needs to be done about this.
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Before I Can Breathe Easy by ShastaFirecracker
Castiel Novak, anthropology professor and recent divorcee; a half-drunk hookup with the bartender from his brother's bachelor party; cue the morning after, with full attendant nudity, awkwardness, walking into doors, and running into one of his students at the worst possible time.
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Learning Curve by mtothedestiel
Dean is a pre-school teacher and Castiel Novak is his new student's intriguing guardian. They both know the sacrifices that come with caring for others, but, over time, they learn what it means to want something for themselves.
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Try-Something Tuesday by almaasi
Human AU. Dean Winchester teaches a third-grade class. He's new to this whole ‘bisexual’ thing - but by pure happenstance, he meets Castiel: a particularly dapper male librarian who moonlights as a substitute teacher. Dean's curious and Castiel is willing, so why the hell not?
Except, fate never intended it to be one-time-only...
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Easy Now, With My Heart by casfallsinlove
Dean Winchester is a kindergarten teacher. Castiel Milton is a writer slash works-in-a-coffee-shop. He also happens to be the extremely hot one-night stand that Dean never intended to see again other than in his own fantasies (he’s classy like that). But suddenly Cas is everywhere and Dean is convinced that Fate is out to get him. And maybe they do this thing backwards, but that doesn’t have to mean they can’t make it in the end, right?
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Crossroads State by Mercy
Castiel has a nice predictable structured life teaching high school, even if he happens to be overqualified for it. Then this guy moves in around the corner and literally knocks him on his ass.
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Like Real People by charvelle
Dean Winchester is a respected literature teacher at Lawrence's best private school, yet he feels like he's still a complete and utter travesty of a human being. Months after his father's death, he's yet to come to terms with the negative impact John Winchester had on his life. Though he's determined never to admit it, the only thing Dean's ever wanted was an Apple Pie Life: it's something that's been dangled in front of his face, though he's certain he could never deserve it.
While Dean struggles to come to terms with the isolated, lonely life he's made for himself, a disruption comes in the form of Castiel Novak, Lawrence Private's newest faculty member. Those blue eyes and raspy voice are things Dean can't ignore for long, and when he's forced to stop fighting his affections, Dean finds his lonely life turned upside down.
Is it possible he could deserve an Apple Pie Life after all?
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Recovery In Room 233 by eshcaine
Sam is in the hospital and a bored fidgety Dean means trouble for the nursing staff. Luckily, Balthazar has something that will keep Dean occupied.....
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Nothing to Moan About by Hippivickyx
Doctors Dean and Castiel don't get along, before tragedy forces mostly Castiel to reevaluate.
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Chasing Life by zerostumbleine33
Castiel is the perfusionist on call when a young college kid, Sam Winchester, is brought in with Acute Respiratory Distress and needs to be put on an emergent life support machine called ECMO. His brother Dean is there with him every day, and along the way he forms a surprising bond with Castiel.
Afraid of hospital rules and his own self doubts, Castiel keeps their relationship strictly in the friendship area, wary of losing his job as he falls hard for a patient’s family member, that he is pretty sure isn’t into men anyway. Either way, it’s against the rules and he’s not about to break them.
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It's Only Love We're Falling In by zeppx
Human AU. Castiel is a nurse. Dean isn’t a very pleasant person. Castiel and Dean don’t get along at first, then, naturally, like in most romantic comedies, things happen. Like unwillingly falling in love.
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Dean Goes to the Doctor by thatwriterlady
When Dean wakes up one morning feeling like he swallowed razor blades and his skin is on fire he figures he'd deal with it, but when he coughs up blood he makes the reluctant decision to head in to see his doctor, except his doctor has retired. The new doctor that has taken over his practice is the one and only Castiel Novak, and Dean finds the new doctor more interesting than he wants to, and somehow this doctor gets Dean to come in again. Shortly after meeting the new doctor he gets injured on the job and lands himself in the hospital in need of surgery. The handsome doctor comes to see him and sweet fluffiness ensues.
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The City Doctor by palominopup
Dr. Dean Winchester is on his way from LA to New York to start a new practice. He drives through a small town in Kansas and causes a traffic accident. The town sheriff serves him a citation and he has to appear in traffic court. The judge sentences him to six weeks of community service – helping the town’s elderly doctor. Culture shock ensues. Enter, Cas Novak, the town’s large animal vet.
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Preacher Comfort by almaasi
Dean Winchester works as a nurse at an after-hours medical clinic. He's a champion at what he does, but for him, professionalism has its pitfalls: good-looking patients make him flustered. Luckily, his fly-by-night infatuation evaporates within minutes, since most patients only swing by once. Castiel (fondly known as Bee Sting Guy around the clinic) is one of those iniquitously handsome fellows – and he keeps coming back. He's also a Catholic priest, 94% asexual, and in need of the tender love that happens to be Dean's speciality.
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What I Need by Jacqueline Albright-Beckett (xaandria)
A joking phrase commonly heard between a surgeon and his tech is "Give me what I need, not what I ask for." Dr. Novak and his tech Dean will soon learn the impact this phrase has on life outside the operating room.
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Your Very Own Doctor Sexy by words_reign_here
It's an easy and average life for Dean Winchester. He worked hard, helped Sam and Ruby through law school while helping Bobby expand his garage. There isn't much to want until a car crash changes Dean down to the very core of who he thought he was. Working closely with the Novak brothers, all doctors, changes his life in a way he can't account for.
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Vital Signs by emmy_award, hubrisandwax
The nurse grinned again and it did something odd to Castiel’s stomach. Too many Lucky Charms, he rationalized. Lucky Charms and pain meds don’t mix.
“I’m Dean. And I’ll be your nurse this evenin’.”
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Any Little Heartbreak by followthattardis
Dean Winchester knows everything there is to know about the human heart.
Anatomically speaking.
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Carried Away by charmedcas
Living in New York City, Dean Winchester's life consists of working as a pediatric nurse, leaving little room for free time. His best friend and roommate, Castiel Novak, happens to be a surgical resident at the same hospital that Dean works at. Even though they see a lot of each other, the two of them have learned to coexist with ease.
When the annual fundraising gala becomes the talk of the hospital, it only makes sense for both of them to pretend they're together to kill two birds with one stone. The gossip about them finally stops, and no one tries to set them up with a date for the gala. It's easy enough for Dean and Castiel to act like a couple at first. However, they each end up getting more than they signed up for as the line dividing what's fake and what's real between them blurs.
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Lead By Your Beating Heart by FollowingButterflies
After a night of celebrating (heavy drinking) with his brother surgical intern Dean Winchester discovers that his resident, talented Cardio surgeon Castiel Novak, is...well a huge douche bag...kind of hot but still a huge douche bag. A douche bag that he's stuck with for the rest of the year, that's if he survives the year without Castiel killing him and making it look like an accident. So why is it that an easy friendship forms between the two men that swiftly becomes something Dean never expected to find when he moved to Chicago.
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Keep Calm by NuwandaSnicket
When Castiel's cat escapes up a tree, he has no choice but to call the fire department. Unfortunately for him, they send the sexiest fireman they have. Or is it fortunately?
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Burning Up for You, Baby by you_idjits
The Kansas City Police Department has always had a friendly rivalry with the Kansas City Fire Department, sure, but Castiel Novak has never been friendly. No, Castiel Novak is The Enemy.
“He has to be stopped,” Dean says, “and I have to be the one to do it.”
Or, the one where Dean is a policeman and Cas is a firefighter, and they get into a dangerous prank war.
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Follow You by youaresunlight
Detectives Dean Winchester and Castiel Novak are assigned to a stakeout that’ll confine them to a hotel room for ninety-six hours. And as if it isn’t hard enough being cooped up together that long, Dean has to be head over heels for Cas and can’t stop thinking about kissing him.
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Muted Angels by geckoholic
There's nothing worse than a case involving dead kids, at least in the book of Detective Dean Winchester. It's just his luck that his partner is the lieutenant's favorite, and she chooses to give them the high-profile murder case of a dead girl from the suburbs. More deaths follow, and the two of them get sucked into the world of religious cults and ritualistic murders. In the face of that, Dean's feelings for aforementioned partner are the least of his problems.
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Secondhand Angel by cylobaby27
Castiel Novak owns a small used bookstore in Lawrence, Kansas. He is content with the peace and quiet of his current life, and can't imagine allowing anything to change that. Then Dean Winchester enters his shop.
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At First Sight by MayaAodhan
For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.
Blinded in the line of duty as a decorated police officer, Castiel Novak now teaches classes at Washington State University as an Associate Professor.
Detective Dean Winchester comes to find Castiel to tell him that a violent criminal he once arrested is now getting out on parole. Instantly attracted to Castiel, Dean finds himself in a difficult position when he must protect the very man he is falling in love with.
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Bratishka: Little Brother by Valinde (Valyria)
Dean thinks he knows pretty much everything there is to know about his best friend Castiel Novak - he's a smart, gorgeous DA who probably lets Dean get away with more than he should to see the bad guy locked up - but it turns out Cas is hiding some dark family secrets.
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Show Me Your Badge, And I'll Show You My Gun by avidffreader
Dean had become an officer at Lawrence KS Police Department, with kid brother Sam as a lawyer at the federal level. The motto on criminals was simple: Dean takes them out, Sam puts them away.
Not even the addition of a socially awkward blue-eyed evidence technician puts a dent in Dean's system. It all works fine and dandy, until the Morning Star Corporation starts trouble.
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When Life Takes An Unexpected Turn by thatwriterlady
Dean is a single dad to three year old Ava and it's them against the world. Dean hasn't had much success in relationships as people aren't thrilled by the fact that he has a child. When he enrolls Ava in a toddler ballet class at the suggestion of Charlie he finds someone that just might be answers to his prayers.
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To Find a Family by linasane
When Dean's little brother gets taken away, he's expecting the fight that ensues. He's expecting the stress that comes from separation, expecting to do all he can to get Sammy back from whatever awful foster family he's been placed with. He's not expecting Castiel Novak.
(Castiel, in turn, isn't expecting his first foster child - five years old and angry - to be the one that leads him to the family he's always wanted, but life has a funny way of working itself out).
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In Three Days: A Memoir by Castiel Shurley by glassclosetcastiel
Family and parenting advice writer Castiel Shurley is on the verge of syndication with his weekly column, Fix My Family. The problem? His husband is dead and he can barely handle their three daughters alone.
When the four take a trip to Castiel’s childhood home in Rhode Island to spend a long weekend with the entire Shurley family, Castiel meets an intriguing, incredible man who could change everything. But when Castiel finds out who Dean really is, the family drama just gets worse.
The only way to overcome will be for Castiel to own up to his mistakes and take his own advice- listen to his daughters- and admit that maybe it is possible to fall in love in just three days.
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Daddy Needs a Date by caswinchesterbaby
Castiel Novak loves his daughter, Grace, with all his heart. When their dark past threatens to catch up with them, the pair is forced to make an escape from Boston and move to rural Lawrence, Kansas. Grace is enrolled in Mr. Dean Winchester’s second grade class, and things go smoothly. But are there surprises ahead of them? Can Cas keep his small family together? He sure hopes so.
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Say Something by JhanaMay
No matter how difficult he can be, Dean loves his son. Raising him alone after his mother died hasn't been easy, but with the support of his family and friends, Dean has made it work. Now that Ben is starting kindergarten, Dean hopes that he can finally relax a little, but the challenges Ben faces at school make Dean realize that their struggles are just beginning. When Ben is assigned a new support teacher, Dean finds that Ben isn't the only Winchester who has a problem dealing with change.
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Afternoon Delights by snarkymonkey
Castiel has just moved to Lawrence, Kansas and the nearby café has the strangest sign out front.
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Benny Doesn't Partake In Audience Participation by Niitza
In which Benny owns a coffee shop and has a pie addict as well as a weirdo in a trench-coat among his regulars.
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Coffee & Donuts by betts
“It’s not competition, Sam. That place sells overpriced coffee and tea, and calls it something fancy to justify the price. And they probably serve shitty, gluten-free, vegan-happy pastries that taste like sod, too. We sell doughnuts. That’s all there is to it.”
But that wasn’t all there was to it.
Wherein Dean and Sam Winchester inherit their father's donut shop, some tattooed hipster named Cas opens up a coffee joint across the street, and chaos ensues in the form of too many pastry-related puns.
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I Like You (Like Me) by Carmexgirl
Dean’s the owner of his own pretty successful coffee shop, and he’s absolutely, totally not in love with the hot accountant guy who comes in every day. He’s way out of his league. Isn’t he?
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Sweet Tooth by DarcyDelaney
Dean had just expected to tag along to Sam and Jess’ cake tasting for their wedding and get free food. That’s it. The last thing that he’d been prepared for was to meet a ridiculously attractive blue-eyed baker with messy hair and rusty people skills who he’d almost immediately start falling for, but sometimes those things just happen.
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Pie in the Sky by PrinceMalice
Pie is more than something sweet. Pie is home.
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Cooking with Gas by WinJennster
Castiel Novak has it all. He's rich, famous, has a top rated cooking show and restaurant, drives an expensive car and wears Armani.
His producer throws a contest to spend a day with Chef Novak, cooking and learning techniques. Castiel wants no part of it, but Balthazar insists and Castiel will do as expected.
What Castiel wasn't expecting was to fall head over heels for the winner.
Dean Winchester hasn't had a successful relationship in his 34 years on Earth. He's got a past he'd like to keep hidden, and his life rotates around his family and his business.
Winning a contest to spend a day with his favorite TV chef is a shock, but a welcome diversion from his day to day life...until he meets the guy, and he turns out to be a big jerk. Dean figures he should have expected that.
What he wasn't expecting was that same gorgeous blue-eyed man to sweep in and shake up his entire world.
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A Little Slice Of Heaven by onamelancholyhill
Jim Morrison once said, “The most important kind of freedom is to be what you really are.” That was Castiel Novak’s motto in life, and the reason why he accepted his grandmother's inheritance and took the responsibility it implied.
Dean Winchester, a remarkable accountant at Sandover Bridge & Iron Inc., however, had other priorities. He lived to serve, hidden in a mask that didn’t allow him to be honest with himself, but lonesome and boring.
When destiny made their paths cross, in a less than promising way, with Dean as the instigator and Castiel as his victim, Dean’s mind started wandering, in between pies and cakes, coffees and muffins... What if Mr. Morrison was right?
After all, as the guy used to say, "there can’t be any large-scale revolution, until there’s a personal revolution first."
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Kiss the Baker by Ltleflrt
Jo is pregnant and craving something a little bit unusual. When she sends Dean on a mission to find her some chocolate cake donuts with bacon sprinkles, he's sure that he'll fail. Luckily his partner Benny comes to his rescue and introduces him to a quirky little bakery that sells all kinds of weird (and delicious!) baked goods. And they do special orders!
Dean finds excuses to keep going back, and Castiel finds excuses to keep giving him special treats.
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131 notes · View notes
elizabethsaige · 6 years
bemily where they adopt a puppy? idk i’m bored and just imagined it whilst walking in the snow.
i was crying while writing this, thinking about all of the animals in shelters. if you’re going to get a dog or cat, pls pls pls adopt! there are tons of animals that need good homes!
also, this is kind of sad, so sorry if thats not what you expected, but I’m kind of in a sad mood so this is what I produced lol
“Beca, LOOOOOK!”
A spacious room caged dozens of dogs, some large, some small, puppies and old dogs, all looking for homes. Emily had always known she wanted to adopt dogs when she got older and could afford to take care of them, instead of buying from breeders. She had volunteered at an animal shelter for three consecutive summers while in high school, falling in love with all of the animals there. So naturally, when Emily and her girlfriend Beca moved in together, the first thing Emily did was begged Beca to get a dog with her.
“Emily, calm yourself, you’re going to scare them,” Beca said, putting a hand on the small of Emily’s back. Luckily, after numerous attempts to persuade Beca to get a dog, Emily got her way…as per usual.
“I’m sorry, I’m just so excited!” Emily bounced with joy. Beca beamed at her girlfriend, who couldn’t get any cuter. The older girl loved seeing her girlfriend happy, so if getting a dog was the way to do it, then so be it.
The two split up, looking to find the perfect dog. Beca made her way toward a cage housing a pitbull, one that seemed a little beaten down. It had healing scars all over his body, mostly all over his face. The poor dog was hiding in the corner, scared of the girl that was squatting in front of its cage. A paper posted outside of the cage contained all of the information on the animal.
“Hi uh,” Beca said, taking a look at the name,“ Milo. How you doin’ buddy?”
The dog lifted its head and cautiously brought himself to Beca, as she stuck her fingers inside the cage. Carefully, she scratched the dog’s face, managing to not touch his scars.
“Aww, you poor guy. Someone didn’t take good care of you, huh?”
Milo closed his eyes, relaxing under Beca’s touch. Something about this dog pulled at Beca’s heartstrings, as a single tear fell from her eye.
“Don’t worry Milo. You’re going to go to a good home, where someone takes good care of you,” Beca whispered, wiping her cheek. She stood up, looking around to find Emily sitting beside a cage with a small Shih-Tzu.
“Beca, this dog is so cute, I love her! Did you find one you like?”
Beca looked behind her shoulder at Milo, who was looking at her with sad eyes. “Yeah, I think I did.”
The two walked over to Milo’s cage, both squatting.
“This is Milo. I think I’m pretty much in love with him,” Beca said, reaching to put the dog. Emily smiled, letting Milo sniff her hand before petting him.
“What happened to his face?” Beca shrugged.
“I don’t think his previous owners were very kind to him.”
Minutes passed of the two girls sitting outside of the cage, taking turns petting Milo.
“Emily, we have to get this dog. We can’t let him stay here,” Beca said, looking at Emily with pleading eyes. The young girl grinned, then nodded.
“Okay, let’s do it.”
Beca turned her head to look at Emily. “Really?”
Emily nodded, looking back at the dog. “He seems like a good dog. He doesn’t deserve to be in here.”
The older girl smiled at her girlfriend, her heart growing ten times bigger.
“When did you turn into such a softie?” Emily teased, as Beca lightly shoved her shoulder, laughing.
“Shut up nerd.”
26 notes · View notes
danielstastypetfood · 6 years
25 Escape Artist Dog Breeds That Are Good at Running Away
Some dogs seem to be descendants of Houdini. Every time their owner thinks they have fixed the escape route, the pup just finds another one. While the capacity to escape captivity isn’t limited to breed alone, here are some escape artist dog breeds that are known to dislike being confined.
When you adopt a dog, you need to be sure that you have a way to keep him safely contained in your yard. While many owners choose to work with their dog on boundary training, some dogs just won’t follow the rules. Dogs that are extremely curious or easily tempted to leave the confines of your yard will need to be confined in some way.
Whether you choose to fence in your yard, put up a dog run or use an electronic collar system, you’ll have to find some way to keep your pet safe. Unfortunately, no matter what you do, some dogs will try their hardest to find a way out.
If you have adopted one of the breeds on this list, you’ll need to take extra precautions. These dog breeds may scale fencing, dig under barriers or even break through the obstacles you put up to contain them.
ALSO READ: The 10 Best Invisible Dog Fences for Dogs’ Containment
Escape Artist Dog Breeds 25 breeds that don’t like to be contained
Small Breeds
1. Basenji
Known as the Barkless Dog of Africa, these sleek fur-babies are independent. They do very well with alone time, and they use that time to figure out a way to escape their backyard.
This ancient breed was developed to hunt on the North African deserts. They have a long, graceful stride and do great in hot temperatures. While they are independent, they are still loving and affectionate and make great pets for a family that can give it exercise and play several times a day.
2. Beagle
This hunting dog still retains a high prey drive. They will do anything to get out of any enclosure to follow its nose and chase little furry animals. They will climb over, dig under, and chew through anything.
The Beagle is finding its way into more and more homes to live as a family pet. They are loving and friendly, short-haired and easy to care for. With the love of the hunt still coursing through its veins, it loves to howl and bark.
3. Cairn Terrier
When you combine a curious nature with a small size, you get a fur-baby that can find a way out of anything. These four-legged friends need to be watched as they will escape first chance they get.
Unlike many small breeds, this canine is sturdy and can handle many different climate types. They retain their aggressive hunting instincts and need to be taught obedience and socialized as they can be a danger to others as well as themselves.
4. Chihuahua
Surprisingly to some people, the Chihuahua is more than just a “purse dog”. They have brains and personality mashed together in their compact bodies.
Small and fragile, a Chihuahua is not recommended for houses with small children that may try to pick up or play rough with the “Chi”. While these four-legged family members are escape artists, if you follow the rules, that won’t have a chance to escape. These tiny tots should always be supervised.  The risk of injury from falls and attacks is too great.
5. Chinese Crested
The quintessential lapdog, the Chinese Crested has very little energy and need for exercise. They make this list because they can jump surprisingly high.
These fur-babies come in two varieties, hairless and powderpuff. Both cannot tolerate cool temperatures and need sweaters . Affectionate and playful, they make a great pet for people who don’t get around much.
6. Dachshund
The “Weenie” dog was bred to be a fierce hunter of badger. They are brave, intelligent, and spunky. They will never ignore a chance to break out and terrorize the neighborhood with their floppy ears and short legs.
The “Doxie” loves to dig, bark, and play. While they are snuggly with their owners, they can be stand-offish to strangers. They like their home to be calm and may not take too well to smaller kids.
7. Jack Russel Terrier
This is one of those dogs that people get not realizing the effort and attention that goes into owning one. Being a Houdini is only one of the issues.
These canines have a very loyal following. They are energetic, playful, and clever. This is not the pet for someone who wants to train an exercise on a part-time basis. If you have the time and ability, you will be rewarded with the devotion and love of this unique dog.
8. Miniature Pinscher
Known as “The King of Toys”, this is one small dog that has a large personality. It is an escape artist, but you don’t have to take anyone’s word for it. In 2014, one escaped in a dog show leaving its owner in tears. Luckily, it was quickly recovered.
Slender and graceful, the “Min Pin “looks athletic and is athletic. They have tons of energy but can be happy with vigorous indoor play and short walks. Curious and impetuous, these pups are never calm. They love being rowdy and getting into everything.
9. Norfolk Terrier
Another small dog that’s no sissy, this fur-baby loves getting into things and will not be stopped by a puny fence or skinny collar.
These terriers are tough. They don’t need A/C and sweaters like some small breeds. They can face almost any conditions. Independent and fearless, they also do better with alone time than many other dogs – big or small.
10. Shi Tzu
The name means “Lion”, and these royal dogs were raised to think they were the monarch of their domain. They are hard to train and unfortunately, that is because they are not very smart. If you own one of these four-legged friends, plan to spend time “dog-proofing” so you can keep it safe.
While these pooches are the poster child of lapdogs, they still retain a prey drive and will take any opportunity to chase something. Difficult to housebreak, you can plan on using puppy pads for the life of your dog.
RECOMMENDED: When Dog Fences Are Absolutely Necessary
Medium Breeds
11. American Pitbull Terrier
What do you get when you combine intelligent with muscle? A dog that is an escape artist. This canine can muscle its way through and over almost anything.
The American Pit Bull Terrier is happy and friendly. It loves to play and goof around. A responsibly bred Pitbull is never aggressive. Make sure your pup comes from a reputable breeder and is properly trained and socialized.
12. Basset Hound
It is hard to imagine that a canine with short fat legs like the Basset Hound could be an escape artist, but once this nose with a body catches a scent, nothing will stop it.
Although it has a sad face and droopy ears, this four-legged family member is loving and friendly. They are patient with everyone, even small children. If you are not looking for a dog that likes to snore, snort, dig, and drool, then this gentle breed may not be for you.
13. Belgian Malinois
Quickly replacing the German Shepherd as the USA’s favorite law enforcement dog, this pooch is strong and confident – great qualities to have to figure out how to jump a fence.
Another herding dog, this canine is smart, independent, and brave. They are rugged enough to live outdoors, but they still need daily, meaningful time with their humans to avoid becoming aggressive and destructive.
14. Black and Tan Coonhound
This Coonhound is used to running night hunts and using its nose instead of its eyes. They have energy and determination and need “jobs” and exercise to keep it from trying to find a way to the great outdoors.
If this hound lives in the country without a fence, it will roam around for hours. For it to be confined to a yard, it needs lots of exercise and activity. They are great companions for hikers, runners, and joggers.
15. Boxer
Jovial and exuberant, the Boxer lives almost its whole life as if it is a game. These pups are always looking for something to get into. This combined with their excellent hearing means that they can readily see reasons to escape the confines of fences and collars.
The physique of these muscular dogs may make people very wary, but nothing could be farther from the truth. Although they are descendent from dogs of war, you would be hard-pressed to find one now that has an aggressive bone in its body.
16. Chesapeake Bay Retriever
A true outdoors dog, the “Chessie” loves to dig holes, play in ponds, and chase anything that moves. They don’t like being penned in and will always try to escape. I grew up with one, and no combination of leash, chain, fence or collar could hold him for long.
The Chesapeake Bay Retriever is a great hunting dog, but they are also wary of strangers which make him a good guard dog as well. With family, even kids, these four-legged friends are loving and patient. They need training to tolerate other animals.
17. Cocker Spaniel
While not too many people still use this dog as a hunting dog, they still love to roam around and chase small animals. They will take any opportunity to sneak out and wander around. A very famous cartoon portrays that well.
A well-bred Cocker Spaniel is playful, alert, and affectionate. The of this breed has led to unsafe breeding practices which have led to many nervous, timid, fearful pups. Always make sure you get your next fur-baby from a reputable breeder.
18. German Shepherd
Intelligent and fearlessness, the German Shepherd craves work and challenges. What better challenge than figuring out how to be an escape artist?
This working dog is serious and alert. Their ability to concentrate and ignore distractions has made them a coveted breed in search and rescue, police work, and competitions. To avoid behavioral problems, they need plenty of exercise and fun activities.
19. Golden Retriever
One of the top 3 dogs in the United States of America, the Golden Retriever is sweet and family-oriented. They are also agile and intelligent which means it doesn’t take them long to figure out an enclosure.
The “Golden” is great for families of all types, they love children, strangers, cats, and other dogs. Lifetime puppies, Golden Retrievers are always looking for something new to do and new games to play. These canines love digging holes and will dig itself right out of your yard.
20. Greyhound
A sight hound, this pooch will chase anything – joggers, cars, squirrels, cats, and other dogs. They can jump up to 5 feet high and a 6-foot fence is a must. They are also sleek and slim and can squeeze through really tight spaces.
The Greyhound is the sprinter of the dog world. They have lots of energy but can be kept happy with a few short bursts of activity a day and one good walk. Since these four-legged family members were bred to be around all kinds of different people and dogs, all traces of aggression were long since bred out.
21. Portuguese Podengos
This breed actually comes in three sizes, but they top out at around 65 pounds. These dogs can jump incredibly high and their slender frame can squeeze through impossibly small gaps.
In some ways, this is a breed that is great for people who want a companion that doesn’t need constant attention. Much like a cat, they play with toys by themselves, stalk shadows and lint, and keep an eye on the outdoors from a window.
22. Siberian Huskies
The Siberian Husky is mischievous and curious. It likes to spend its time finding things it wants to learn more about and then figuring out how to get to that thing.
These beautiful creatures are very popular, even in hot, humid climates. Please know that these dogs are not made for heat and can easily become overheated. Everything about this canine makes it an escape artist. They are energetic, playful, and love to dig.
MORE: 15 Most Stubborn Dog Breeds That Are Difficult to Train
Large Breeds
23. Anatolian Shepherd
This rugged breed can go for days in harsh climate and rugged terrain with only its sheep for company. An independent livestock guardian, no backyard fence is a match for this canine.
While these four-legged friends are loyal and devoted, they can be independent and stubborn. The breed was created to work for days at a time with no human contact. They are not meant to be household pets.
24. Catahoula Leopard Dog
This Louisiana native has a striking appearance and a tenacious attitude. Bred to hunt hogs in the pine woods and swamps, they can get into and out of almost anything.
These pups are serious-minded and not very playful; however, they can still be affectionate loving dogs. While they are tough enough to stay outside, they need to have quality time with their family daily to avoid becoming aggressive.
25. Great Dane
The “horses” of dogs, the Great Dane is tall, elegant, and slender. No simple backyard fence is enough to keep this giant in. They need leash training beginning in early puppyhood as well. If they want to take off, not many people are able to hold them back.
When people see large dogs, they think they will do fine being an “outside” dog. That isn’t always true, and it isn’t true with the Dane. These are loving, social animals. They need to be around their people for a few hours every day to avoid behavioral issues.
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