#beelzebub bee eater
onenicebugperday · 2 years
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Beelzebub bee-eater, Mallophora leschenaulti, Asilidae (Robber Flies)
As the name suggests, this species of robber fly uses it’s bee-like mimicry to deter predators and hunt its favorite prey, bees and wasps. Found in Texas, Mexico, and Central America.
Photos 1-6 by greglasley, 7 by doncaster13, 8 by briannawalther, 9 by phiditude, and 10 (for scale) by cmwarkoczewski
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lackablazeical · 2 months
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So this is NOT my final version mostly bc I don't like the clothing for her, so like. Bare w/ me. Just a concept mostly, bound to change
So I actually really like beelzebubs design, I just have the same issues as Angel where she doesn't look like what she's. Ya know. Supposed to be!
So one, changed it so she's the kid of Beelzebub instead. I loved lovesart23's idea to do that, so I took that and changed her to the Bible canon child of bee. Shes a crazy party animal who only cares about good vibes and booze
She has more fingers now, better for gripping food to shovel into her mouth (tho she isn't much of an eater form of gluttony) and two mouths for more eating. I imagine the mouths can move independently of eachother, so when she sings, she's her own backup singer!
All the orange parts expand with the more food/vibes she consumes, so when she's very well fed she's chubby, and any other time it burns off quickly and she looks quite sickly. (Also used more orange cus that's the color of gluttony)
Also made her hair look like cotton candy. Brrrrr
I don't like her clothes but I didn't care enough to change em so that's a problem for future Blaze
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afatlotofchance · 9 months
7 deadly sins: All about gluttony (1)
I have been talking around with other fellow members of the kink community about the seven deadly sins – and of course, our favorite sin of all, gluttony. The seven deadly sins have always been an obsession of mine for quite some times, leading me to extensively study them. And since I am trying to get back into the kink wagon I thought – why not actually make a full, extensive, detailed but still general enough expose about gluttony, to understand what this sin truly is, where it came from and what it truly entails?
If you do not like this kind of religious-social-historical-academical posts, you are free to scroll pass. If you are not part of our kinks, and merely want to inform yourself about the sin of gluttony, feel free to join in! Or to be clearer…
WARNING: This is not a kink post, but if you find yourself discovering this place, know that it is a kink blog, and this is why I will include some kink references inside the text. But don’t worry, reading this text won’t make you a “perv”. And if you’re here for just pure kink, well sorry, here we do non-kink stuff too. Enjoy
 I) What is gluttony?
For many people, gluttony is just “Eating too much.” For them, that’s it, and this is why gluttony is the least intimidating, frightening or important of the seven deadly sins. To take back a very recent topic, this idea of gluttony being about just over-eating and “being a fatass” popped its head back up when the indie cartoon-webseries “Helluva Boss” revealed its design for Beelzebub, the demon of gluttony, centered around alcohol, candy and honey rather than just obesity and slobs everywhere. Many people were confused or complained as to why gluttony wasn’t properly depicted – when in fact it was!
Being while eating too much IS gluttony, gluttony isn’t JUST eating too much. Like the “all thumbs are fingers but not all fingers are thumbs” saying. To explain what gluttony truly is I will point out something that was repeated through two works exploring the seven deadly sins: Niven and Pournelle’s Inferno, and C.S. Lewis’ Screwtape. In both works of fiction, among the sinners of gluttony, can be found the very opposite of over-eaters. On one side, a strict and austere old woman who eats very little and keeps complaining about every kind of food she meets, on the other a fitness nut and health-obsessed gym-trainer who was constantly on a diet. These sinners surprise as they do not seem to be gluttonous, and yet they are by the original and essential definition of the sin… because they are obsessed with food. They let food dictate their life, and to take back a famous saying of the Bible, they allow their belly to become their God. Dante described the seven deadly sins are corrupted, misguided or exaggerated forms of love – unhealthy love. And gluttony is an unhealthy, excessive or corrupted love for food. A love turned into obsession – and while this obsessive love can manifest in uncontrolled cravings and overeating, such an obsession can be equally found among picky eaters who develop extremely specific and limiting eating habit, or in fitness gurus who are obsessed with measuring every portion of what they eat and keep calculating their calories intake to the day.
Gluttony is about making food, and the act of eating, more than what it is and more than what it is supposed to be. As the common saying goes, you eat to live – you do not live to eat.
Mind you, these interpretations are actually quite recent and prevalent of the modern days (20th century and onward), in older times the limiting and restricting food obsessions would have been seen as being actually GOOD by the religion – and we’ll talk about that later – but these examples serve to get my point across. Gluttony is much more than just eating too much, it is a fascinating world of nuances that I invite you to explore with me.
 II) The types of gluttony
To quote Queen Bee-lzeebub’s catchphrase in Helluva Boss, “I am what you want… No what you need.” This is true for gluttony, as much as it is true for most of the seven deadly sins. The deadly sins are about people living in their personal wants, in the excess, in the superfluous – not actually taking care of what they truly need, in their body or in their mind. Getting money to live is normal, because it is what you need to survive in a society – but hoarding and accumulating enormous amounts of money you will never spend becomes is not needed, because it delves into the realm of the obsession and the excessive. The same way, to eat in itself is not something evil – because we need to eat to live, it is part of the very workings of nature. Gluttony is specifically about when we eat when we do not need it, about eating for oneself and for personal whims and desires, not out of hunger or nutrition. All the deadly sins are born from pride, and all the deadly sins are a form of selfishness.
Mind you, this idea comes as a double-edged blade. On one side, this concept is good and “positive” because it enforced before its time a message we truly need to hear and live by today – in our society of pollution, massive waste, over-production and over-consumption, we have forgotten that sometimes we need to restrict ourselves to what we just need, that our “wants” are supposed to be secondary before what is actually needed to live and survive, that a whim is not a need, that simplicity is a way to survive… It all makes sense when you consider the time, society and situation the sin of gluttony was created: a world where food was scarce and not cheap, a world where famines came regularly, a world where a lot of toil and hard work was needed to obtain your meal… On the other side, this concept is also “negative” and quite bad – especially in the way the Church used it. Because while it is true that our needs should come before our wants, Christianity (especially Catholicism) went many times to the extreme of this idea, by denying, rejecting or demonizing the concept of want and of personal pleasure. Take the sin of lust for example: in the “extreme-practical” mindset of religion, sex is only good if it is used for marital duties and to procreate. By logic, all sex that does not give birth, all sex that is not with a husband or a wife, all sex that is done merely for its pleasure, for itself, for oneself, becomes “evil” and “sinful”. We know today that sex is a natural thing and that there is no shame in having recreational and non-reproductive sex – but the Church for centuries put in people���s head the idea that not-needed sex was evil, and that wanting to have sex was devilish. All of this to say, when it comes to Christianity’s appreciation of sin, there’s always good parts that are timeless, and there’s always bad parts that are outdated.
So – gluttony is eating out of want, not out of need. Of course we fall back on the “overeating” aspect, but you might be surprise to learn it is much more nuanced than that. Saint Thomas of Aquinas, one of the great authorities on the seven deadly sins, specified and clarified the use of five different types of gluttony – five different means by which one stops merely eating and starts committing the sin of gluttony. They go by the Latin names: Praepropere, laute, nimis, ardenter, studiose. (Thomas actually updated/rewrote a very similar classification that had been done by Gregory the Great, the Pope that finalized the list of the seven deadly sins as we know them today)
The “overeating” part of gluttony everybody knows today is the nimis gluttony: being a glutton by eating more food than what we need. This is the glutton that eats more than what he needs to satisfy his hunger, that eats more than what he needs to feel full – it is the glutton that keeps eating not because he is hungry, not because he still has room in his stomach, but because he likes the tastes, because he wants to eat, and this goes into the most sickening part of over-eating and binge-eating, as the person will make themselves nauseous or damage their internal organs just to keep eating. 
Opposed to the “quantity” is the “quality”, and this is the laute gluttony. Here the excess isn’t in the amount of food ingested, but in the quality researched: this type of glutton will only ask for the best, the most refined, the rarest and most delicious thing. In the practical world of Christianity, people should be able to satisfy themselves with what they have, they should be able to find pleasure in small, humble and simple things, they should never forget that no matter how unappealing or lowly a meal is, if it is nourishing and will help you live/grow/survive, you should appreciate it. But the laute glutton only lives for a world of extravagance, luxury and refined tastes – this glutton cannot stand lower food, cannot satisfy himself with an humble meal, and will only require the best. This was seen as sinful by the Church because it was tied to the topic of “waste”, which was one of the most defining problems of gluttony: the laute gluttony is a waste of time, effort and money in the search of the rarest, most luxurious, tastiest food. People who spend hundreds of thousands of dollars for a meal at a luxury restaurant could have used this same money for something more useful – like helping the poor, or maybe giving it to hungry children to let them buy a decent meal. But no, they preferred to spend it all on their personal whim to taste something good. This concept of waste was also what damned the nimis gluttony, because the over-eating glutton will take on his plate, on his table, in his kitchen more than what he can actually ingurgitate, and so his meals will always end up with a big amount of leftovers, and he won’t be able to finish properly his meal where everything is half-bitten, and he will let good food spoil and rot because he didn’t have time to cook it with the rest… In medieval times where, as I said previously, famines were common place, such a food waste was seen as a very foolish and indecent crime.
The laute gluttony is often confused and mixed with the studiose gluttony, which is also a sin of luxury, but instead of the quality of the food, it lies with the obsession of how the food is prepared. The studiose glutton will seek all sorts of sauces and spices to go along with his food, and obsess about specific ways of the food being cut, or served, or cooked. For religion it was foolish to spend an enormous amount of time, attention and energy in the cooking of a meal when it could be done very easily and simply. We would call them today fussy eaters or picky eaters – the kind of people who will throw away a perfectly good dish just because it isn’t prepared as they are accustomed to. Churchmen had especially a big problem with things such as sauces and spices, which were the actual true reason the studiose gluttony even exist – for the religion, food exists as a gift from God. Vegetables and meats and other kind of foods exist naturally and freely in the world because the world was designed so it could be self-sustainable and we would not starve if treating well the nature around us. A fruit or a fish was in itself designed by God/nature to feed us, and to be enough to satisfy us – and so when the Church saw people obsessing about spices and sauces, not being satisfied with the simple taste of foods but always wanting additional flavors, and mixed combinations, and refusing to just eat plain greens or a simple cooked meat because they wanted something else to go alongside it, they saw this as an ungrateful move, as a form of “culinary vanity” obsessing over the appearances and superficial flavors rather than the true essence or quality of the dish.
Finally, gluttony is about a lack of self-control, or a lack of complete control. The virtue opposite to gluttony is temperance – which is the ability of control oneself, to regulate one’s desires, to only do what is needed to be done and no more, to not enter into excess or frenzy. As a result, the last two forms of gluttony are those that break temperance: praepropere, eating before time, and ardenter, eating too voraciously. The latter was about people eating in a frenzy, eating too voraciously and wildly, like animals, with no matters and no patience – about people eating with such an intensity, such a passion, such a pleasure it becomes indecent and disturbing. In fact, it was one of the common criticism of gluttony: that it made a man more like a beast than anything. Gluttony made the man like a pig, as he devoured everything sloppily ; gluttony made a man like a bear, as he stuffed his face, ready to endanger himself for sweet treats and attacking anyone that tried to deprive him of his food ; gluttony made a man like a wolf as he voraciously attacked his food and couldn’t wait for his next meal, jumping on any morsel before his eyes. Which ties into the praepropere gluttony – for the Church, having a regulate daily routine was VERY important, and thus there were fixed meals, fixed hours, fixe times for eating. It was how things worked in the Middle Ages, and being unable to wait for the next meal to come, snacking between meals, was seen as a form of gluttony. 
It might seem quite harmless for you today, but you have to understand something from back then: the importance of meals. Meals weren’t just a time for eating, in medieval and pre-medieval times. A meal was seen as a moment of communion and gathering for a community: be it a monastery or an army or a family, everything gathered around the same table, and ate the same food, and the rite of the meal united, strengthen and bonded humans together over a common event. Meals were one of the very basis of sociability – which is why great holidays and big celebrations and grand festivals had huge banquets and large meals. Because a meal was the defining unit of social relationships – to eat all alone, not waiting for the others, not waiting for the commonly agreed and shared ritual, was seen as a truly selfish and antisocial behavior. In fact this was yet again one of the other “poisons” of gluttony in people’s mind: the glutton was perceived as the very embodiment of antisociability, as the glutton only thought about himself and his needs, out of utter selfishness ; the glutton never shared anything, the glutton never gave, only taking and consuming ; the glutton was paranoid, constantly living in fear of others taking what is his or eating what he wants – and even worse, the glutton even goes to commit theft and depriving others of their food, just to satisfy his own cravings and appetite. The sin of gluttony was, back then, breaking all social conventions and norms to live in a purely individualistic universe.
 More to come in a second post! I ended up realizing that talking about everything I knew about gluttony might make this post much too bloated, so I decided to cut it into slices. Patience and temperance is the key, isn’t it?
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irregularbillcipher · 2 months
been thinking about designing the sins we haven't seen yet, and redesigning some of the sins we have seen, and one idea on this series that i think is a lot of fun is translating the different "rings" of hell into different "rings" of a circus, with each sin as a corresponding "act"
i do wanna keep the acts that they're supposedly based on in my redisgns, so lucifer is gonna stay a ringleader, beelzebub will stay an animal tamer, mammon will stay a clown, etc.
but it sorta go me thinking-- what do i wanna do for ozzie, because i genuinely cannot tell what his "act" is supposed to be and unlike bee, who i was also unsure of, i can't seem to find the info from behind the scenes stuff
anyway, while my first instinct was "contortionist," now i'm leaning towards a fire-eater. something about heat and smolder and all the general fiery metaphors for lust, that "loins hotter than fire" line, the fact that flames are already incorprated into his design... but mostly the fact he's so tied to fizz, a character who has been so horrifically literally and metaphorically burned
idk something something fizzie finds a partner that gives him a new "spark," and who handles his trauma in a way that feels loving and safe. or whatever
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bogleech · 4 years
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I only just now learned (somehow) that a common name for some robber flies is “beelzebul” and one species is even called “the beelzebub bee-eater” and I always thought the original woodcut of beelzebub “mistakenly” looked more like a wasp, but while it incorrectly has a wasp’s four wings...the rest of it is pretty much exactly a robber fly. Of COURSE that’s the fly he’d look like!! It’s a huge ass fly that eats other flies! And eats dragonflies! And eats spiders and hornets! And commonly mimics a wasp anyway!
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beelspillowpet · 3 years
MC with ADHD
((As someone with ADHD as well, I felt inclined to do this!))
At first, doesn’t seem to notice it. Assumes you’re very nervous and express that through fidgeting.
It’s by the time he notices a cluster of symptoms does he begin to wonder if you have some sort of developmental short-comings.
Asks you in a roundabout way why you behave the way you do- trying not to offend but to understand. You may or may not tell him directly if it’s your ADHD or not.
After he realizes its your ADHD, he begins to accommodate you. He doesn’t want to make you feel like it’s all your fault. Will help control your impulses (and money spending) as well as keeping an eye out for signs of depression as well.
Is probably the last person to notice it. Probably.
I mean, he’s the most chaotic brother in the family. He has impulsive issues just like you do, and the inability to keep focus on something from time to time is probably the only thing he notices, but doesn’t say anything.
It’s when you get so wrapped up in something that you forget to eat, or go to bed on time, does he begin to realize you may have a problem. You scared him while in the kitchen one night for a late midnight dinner. He thought you were a burglar.
He may ask Satan if he has any idea why you’re like that. Or he’ll just directly ask you. He may think he has ADHD too, who knows? Either way, nothing much changes between the two of you, and you both like that.
Like Mammon, he probably doesn’t realize it at first. He thinks you may be a hybrid of an Otaku and a Normie, or maybe you’re just an Otaku as well if you both enjoy anime.
After all, Otaku’s like Levi tend to get wrapped up in things like that. However, your attention span shifts easily, and it can be annoying when you both watch that Ruri-Chan movie that he really likes.
Being in his room sometimes is difficult, because of all the noises and lights and colors. It can trigger more symptoms, not to mention all the color-dyed foods and sugars you two eat.
Eventually he comes across an anime character that acts just like you, and decides to research them on forums. That’s where he finds out that it’s probably ADHD. After reading up on it, he decides to try and watch shorter animes, and quickly shift through games and other things to keep your hands busy while hanging out.
This book isn’t even that long, why are you not done reading it yet?
Could you be a slow reader? Well that would be fine. But the book is only about 100 pages long, and it’s been two weeks! Not to mention sometimes he catches you fidgeting with your hair and clothes. Thinks you’re just nervous.
Its when you finish the book and are absolutely in love with the story-telling and characters does he realize you may have some form of developmental issues. It’s been about a month since you finished the book but you still ramble on about them. Sometimes it’s about the same subjects as before.
Since then, he’s decided to help you in little ways that you (hopefully) don’t notice. He reads books to you, and when you start to feel unfocused, he shifts to talking about previous books you’ve enjoyed. When you want to get out of the house, he knows the PERFECT place to take you. There’s a cat cafe down the road!
Darling, I thought you liked this shade of pink on your nails? Why do you want to change them already? Asmo doesn’t mind it much, he likes painting your nails anyways! Plus, he gets to hold your hand as a bonus~
Your mood swings an be a bit unsightly while around other people. At one point you’re having fun and then the next you’re exhausted and angry and want to go home. It’s only bee an hour but it felt like years to you.
On the walk home, you start rambling about some minor detail that ticked you off about someone, and it startles him. He listens intently, and you start going over details once, twice, and sees something is wrong. Maybe you’re just temperamental like Satan?
No, it’s the ADHD, you flat out tell him. He hasn’t really done much research on it, but when he gets home its the first thing he does. He starts thinking back on all your symptoms, and realizes that large crowds can be a trigger. He tones it back for your sake, he loves you and will support and fight for you!
You are one hell of a picky eater. Like... you only eat certain stuff. Sometimes, when given the option of something new to eat, or the same old cheeseburger, you seem stuck on deciding what you want. Why is that? Not that he’s complaining- but still its off putting. He doesn’t question it regardless.
Picks up very quickly that your behavior is off. He sits back and thinks about it a lot, especially when you’re irritated and don’t know why. Did he offend you? He’s sorry, he’ll go get some snacks you like as an apology if it helps!
By the third time you’ve lost your D.D.D and ask him to help you look for it (only for it to be stuffed under your pillow after you’ve spent hours in bed that night reading or playing games to will yourself into exhaustion) does he ask directly.
When he realizes that it’s your ADHD (or you flat out tell him) he starts to be much more patient, especially when it comes to food. When you’re done cuddling and watching TV, he suggests you two go on walks. He doesn’t pressure you into coming to his games anymore, especially if crowds scare you. He adores the enthusiasm you have as you scream his name from the bleachers when you do, though.
Literally just doesn’t care. I mean, you are who you are. He can’t change that. But he can make you feel less of a burden because of it.
He probably asks you directly why you don’t sleep much. Especially around him. When you two talk about your dreams, yours always seem wild and chaotic, and you run through your sentences, excited to get to the BIG part of the story. Sometimes you forget important details just trying to get to that big part. Sometimes you over explain and retell the same details.
It’s those mood swings and depression that he catches from time to time that make him worry, however. He spends more time trying to help you get to sleep, thinking that maybe you need a nap to just recharge. He doesn’t mind your fidgeting, as he’s learned to sleep through it. Though your issue of staying up incredibly late does irritate him, he doesn’t push you too much on it.
He lightly teases you about some of your symptoms, though will apologize if he’s gone too far. You’re on your own when you lose your stuff, though. He’s not getting out of his nest to help you find your D.D.D this time!
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bbnibini · 3 years
Oh, Brother! (Lucifer ft. Baby Beel)
Summary:  Brotherly love comes with sacrifice, even if the said sacrifice greatly outweighs its benefits. (based on a headcanon request on our old AO3 request box)
Accompanying HC for this fic can be read here. This was originally a request. The old version is poorly formatted so I decided to repost this now that I am sliiiightly better at using tumblr. Anyway, enjoy!
I consider myself to be a rather self-sufficient person. It was a fruit of years of conditioning brought upon by my unique, personal circumstances. You may also say that it is my inclination to exhibit such behaviour because of my personality. But while I make long-winded introductions that segues even further from the point I was making, let me, as my brothers say, "cut to the chase":
I have no idea what in Devildom is going on. Sets of eyes looked at me expectantly, and I did as I usually do when I am dragooned into unforeseen…problems. 
"I see." I don't. But a white lie is what is required to quell the squall of chaos right now: debris of what looked like Leviathan's furnishings were strewn on the wet floor. Looking up from the living room where remnants of the ceiling were barely keeping itself intact, Henry freefell into my arms, a timely catch away from his imminent death. I turned to my pale brother, asking "Lotan?" in the calmest tone I can muster, and was only answered in more silence. I offered him Henry, which he took still looking down, and turned to problem #2. 
"MC, may I have him?" 
I stopped and talked over them. "I'm not angry. Let me hold Beel."
"It's all my fault!" 
Sigh. Why do they always do this? A surge of pain was felt on my temples, but I pretended not to feel it. "Why don't you help Levi clean up his room? Do you even know how to take care of a non-human child?" 
"No, but!" they argued again. I listened. "You're not going to punish Mammon, aren't you?" 
Punish is such a heavy word. I noticed how protective they were of my brother, almost to an extent where I feel like they perceive me in an unfavourable light. They were more carefree with them, but all yes and no's with me in comparison. I wouldn't say I'm envious. Rather, I'm baffled. Occasional pranks became the highlight (read: tragedy) of my day, often while I was poring over documents and settling political disputes on behalf of Diavolo. Partnered with Mammon and Satan, they were a force to be reckoned with; one I remembered being visibly annoyed by for interfering with my work. No one shall ever know that I might…have looked forward to those times. It was a puzzle to be pieced, an idle form of entertainment to guess which kind of tomfoolery they would attempt at me that they were foolish enough to think they would succeed in. Unfortunately, any victory they may have celebrated in the past were my fabrications that only the likes of someone as observant as Satan would notice. 
"Procure a change of clothing and go while I'm still being merciful." I saw them share the same pallour as Leviathan, dragging him along while mouthing complaints under their breath. A curse perhaps, not bound by magic but of something else, directed at me, their usual villain. Such childishness that I let slide, as I was accustomed to being an enemy, especially when I know I was right. 
Beel is finally in my arms, a docile child as cherubic as the little Beel in my memories. The pieces of the puzzle are finally coming together as I look around. 
"Belphegor, wake up this instant! You're sleeping on a wet floor." You'll catch a cold, I almost felt myself saying but was able to hold myself back. "Unless you would rather be carried like the old days? I don't mind." 
"Fine, fine. I'm up." They stretched out their arms to retrieve their twin and I shook my head. "I wouldn't leave such a delicate child to someone who couldn't even coordinate themselves properly. Go to sleep, Belphegor.
...and Satan, if you have the time for hexes, you would also have the time to clean up this mess."
"I would see all of you in my office once this is all fixed.
Not a spot should be left unattended. Understood?" 
"Yes, Lucifer."
I don't have time for this. So many documents are left unsigned on my desk. A meeting with the Chancellor, a hearing from the House of Commons, a response to Michael's ridiculous letter…
"Wuchy, angy?"
Beelzebub's upturned eyes looked at me adorably.
"Wuchy…" I looked around and breathed a sigh of relief as I saw most of them are either absent or pre-occupied. Clearing my throat, I noticed my voice was shriller than usual. "Wuchy…" I repeated and sat Beel on the plush sofa. "Wuchy is NOT angy…"
"Bee hangu" he pulled at my sleeve, turning my attention to his rumbling stomach. "Wuchy…Bee hangu."
I nodded. "I see. Does Bee want to eat?" 
"You want to eat peas?" 
"No! Bee Hangu! Peas!" 
"Ah, " I nodded again as I finally understood. "I apologise, Bee. You're trying to say please?" 
I couldn't help but smile back when he did so in reply. 
To my disappointment however, even the kitchen was destroyed, to the point that MC didn't want me to enter. It was admirable, I suppose that they were able to explain the situation to me while everything was still in a state of chaos. 
It all started with a hexes assignment that failed miserably, turning Beel into an inconsolable toddler that caused Levi's room to be absolutely destroyed. Since nobody was capable of understanding Beel's speech, his childish tantrums got worse and caused the House of Lamentation to be in its current state. The only reason the situation subsided a bit was because of Belphie's interference. Where was Belphie in the first place? Was my question, and MC's shrug affirmed that he ignored my warning about sleeping in on the weekend. Again. I sighed. 
"Sorry, Lucifer. Why don't you eat out with Beel for a while?" 
"Bee hangu! Now!" 
"....Bee, that's my glove."
"Bee?" (MC) 
"Beelzebub." I cleared my throat. "I shall heed your advice before Beel throws a bigger tantrum."
"Wuchy, hangu!" 
"Yes, yes. Wuchy…heard you. MC, take care of the house while we're gone."
There was a ghost of a smile on their face, one they must have tried to hide from me earlier. "Yes," They snorted, and I silently warned them to open their mouth again.  "Wuchy."
Ah. They still have the audacity to mock me. Me. Who was trying to turn a blind eye? Giving them a chance to fix their mess before anyone else finds out? I smirked back. 
"If the house falls down…or if it gets destroyed any further…prepare to face your punishment . Alone."
Their silence was enough of a penitence…for now. Beel's stomach growled louder and louder each passing second, and my gloves are currently soiled with bite marks everywhere. 
I bent down to meet Beel at eye level and pried my hands away from his nibbling. "What do you want to eat?" 
His eyes sparkled at the question, and he started chanting something in gibberish that I pretended to understand. "Wook wook! Bee fawwit!" 
He...never said that before. Or did he? I decided to carry him in my arms once I noticed he was having difficulty keeping up with my strides. He shook his head several times as we passed every food stall and kiosk in the shopping district, contenting himself with chewing on the gloves I thought I had confiscated already. 
It had been so long that I almost forgot that Beel was once a picky eater when he was little. Michael marveled on his "refined palate", telling me I should cherish my brother's talent (and consider giving Beel to him once he got older to train under his tutelage) but I vehemently refused. I was busy enough as a high-ranking angel and barely had the time to see my siblings, and the last thing I ever wanted was to part from them. I understood the difficulties of having an absent parent all too well, and I did not wish for my brothers to experience the same longing I had when I was the same age as them. 
Beel was as docile and as sweet as I remembered him long ago, smiling and laughing in my arms, calling me Wuchy over and over, and seeking for his twin in adorable babbles of "Bewphie" and "Bwanky", which I responded in my usual way:
"Bewphie, sleep." 
"Yes." I answered, prying away my damaged gloves from his mouth. "Bewphie told me you should eat so you won't wake him up." I pointed at his rumbling stomach, and little Beel automatically held it and felt the rumbling coming from it. 
"Bee…wouwd (loud)?"
"Mhm. Bewphie can't sleep unless you eat something."
He must not have been able to distinguish his twin because of his current form, seeking perhaps a smaller counterpart of his brother just like the old days. After some more meandering around stalls, feeling full over the meals that Beel refused to eat, I racked my brain to figuring out the meaning behind his childish babble:
What on earth does wook mean? 
I have never heard him say it before even in the Celestial Realm, nor did I ever recall teaching him the words. 
"Wook! Wook!" Beel said excitedly again, grabbing my hair in his elation to turn to a man flipping Bat Wing pancakes in a stall. The line was atrocious, barely moving, arid and noisy. 
"Does Bee want to eat that?" 
I sighed in relief when he shook his head. "Wuchy, Wook! Wook Bee fawwit!" 
Wait a moment. Does wook mean…
"Do you want me to look?" But look at what? At the elderly demon flipping pancakes? Beel shook his head again, seemingly lost at how to translate his thoughts and feelings into his limited toddler vocabulary. 
"Wook...wook fuu fo Bee…" he squinted his googly eyes at me and made exaggerated hand gestures. "Wuchy….wook fuu fo Bee! Bee fawwit!" 
The proverbial cogs in my brain started to turn as I came across an epiphany. Before I knew it, I was already holding my DDD. 
It pains me to do this, but I cannot let Diavolo know. 
"Hello, Simeon?" 
Brotherly love comes with sacrifice, even if the said sacrifice greatly outweighs its benefits. It was evident with Simeon's jovial expressions as he opened the door. 
"It really is a baby! Can I hold him?" 
Simeon's smile never disappeared, rather, his eyes narrowed as he turned to me to speak. "Luke is good with kids. He volunteers taking care of cherubs in Heaven."
"Mhm! I have Raphael's seal of approval!" 
Sighing, I surrendered my brother to Luke, my traitorous brother who did not even cry or protest when a complete…stranger is now holding him in his arms. 
"Oh! I haven't heard that in ages! This sure brings back memories!~" Simeon planted a kiss on Beel's cheek and I couldn't help but frown. "Hello, Bee! It's big bro Meemwon!" Beel giggled in reply as Simeon planted smaller kisses at him, clearly enjoying the attention. 
"You're getting into this, way too much don't you think so?"
"He's adorable!" Simeon reasoned. "But, isn't his stomach growling?" 
"That's why we're here." I tried to maintain an aura of composure. "I need to borrow your kitchen. Is Solomon around?" 
Simeon's eyes widened for a bit in understanding…then I heard manic laughter. Is this really how he should conduct himself in front of the children? I kept that opinion to myself and didn't say a word. "No, he isn't. Don't worry." He looked at me again and smiled reassuringly. "Feel free to use the kitchen. We'll take care of Beel~" 
"...won't feed Beel anything even if he does come back. Just go before he throws another tantrum!" Simeon shooed me away from the living room, pushing my back to Purgatory Hall's fully furnished kitchen. It certainly had better equipment compared to Lamentation, which I can only attribute to Michael's influence. 
Cooking was one thing, but feeding Beel another. He continued rejecting meal after meal after meal of my best dishes. His stomach only growled louder, and his mood became irritable even with Simeon's and Luke's aid. The ingredients I have purchased were almost gone, left only with a half-used bag of flour, milk and eggs. 
"The best I can do with these are pancakes…
A memory flashed in my mind, taking me back to the Celestial Realm and our former residence there. Assuring the house help that I wanted to try cooking for my brothers for a change, I begrudgingly followed the recipe book Michael had given me and started with its easiest dish. 
I attributed my failed attempts to Michael's unique, archaic wordings in his cook book and tried again. And again. And again. Numerous ruined frying pans and ingredients later, I was left with a shabby excuse of a pancake---charred at the sides, eggshells at the other. I waved my white flag in surrender and called for a food delivery instead, deflated. Some Morning Star I was. It was an hour before dinner and my siblings were peeking at the kitchen with their blinking, doe eyes.
"Wuchy...huwt?" Lilith looked up to me, looking like she was about to cry and I took her in my arms to comfort her. 
"Lucy…" I corrected myself. "Wuchy isn't hurt. Just tired."
"Seepu?" Belphegor offered me his cow pillow and I shook my head. "Later after we eat."
"Fuu?!" I managed to catch Beelzebub with my free hand before he faceplanted on the floor as he rushed to me in excitement. 
"I'm sorry, Bee. As you can see, Wuchy doesn't have anything edible he can feed you." I carried him in my free arm and showed him my culinary failures. 
"Wuchy…fuu." Beel pouted at me. "Wuchy, whie. Fuu deww! (Lucy lied. There's food over there!)" He tugged my hair and glared. "Bee, eat!" 
"Eat!" Lilith mimicked. 
"Bewphie, eat?" Belphegor followed. 
"No, children. As you can see-- Mammon, wash your hands first!--" 
I couldn't believe my eyes. 
Everyone was gathered at the table, eating my failures with smiles on their faces. Beel, who had been sitting next to me this whole time tugged me on the sleeve to ask for seconds. "Dis...Bee fawitt! Cwunch!"
"It must be the eggshells."
"Mhm! Wuv it! Wuchy?" 
I felt him wrap his arms around my side. With a wide grin, he said. "I wuv you!" 
Only to be followed by a barrage of hugs from the others, talking over each other as they gathered around me with their syrup-stained faces.
"Asmo wuvs Wuchy disssss much!" 
"Wiwi, wuv Wuchy moww! (Lilith loves Lucy more!)" 
"I guess you're okay…but the Great Me is better!" 
"...Levi l-loves Lucy too…"
I couldn't remember much of what happened afterwards, but I do recall telling the delivery man that he can have my order for himself. After that, I strived to become better at cooking so I can serve my siblings better meals.
Anyone would strive to try harder if they are ever subjected to that much smothering, I suppose. Still, I do think that after that, Beel began to eat everything happily, much to Michael's dismay.
"This looks horrifying." The plating of the pancake itself was one or two burns shy of Solomon's best attempts at cooking…I could not believe that out of every dish there is in this world, this horrible disaster is my brother's favourite food. I never really asked him about it. Perhaps I have forgotten and he happily ate everything I cooked because he had no choice. Still, it was no time to mull over such nonsense, especially if Beel's stomach is now resembling Cerberus' growls. 
"Wook!" Beel's eyes sparkled as I placed the cooled pancakes down at the table, munching on the sweet treat happily despite the…eggshells. I tried my best to emulate my failed attempts from before, and judging from the elated look on Beel's face, I must have gotten his approval. 
"Is that--" (Simeon) 
"Don't ask." I shut him up before he could even speak a word. "And please don't ever say this to Michael. I wouldn't hear the end of it."
Simeon smiled impishly in reply. "Would you cook here again--" 
But I suppose I owe you some hellfire mushroom rolled cigar cookies for letting me use your kitchen."
"I was talking to the chihuahua, not you."
"I'm not a chihuahua!" 
Beel was sleeping peacefully in my arms on the way home. While still baffled at a startling discovery about Beelzebub, I hadn't much time to think about it as I was covered in confetti the moment I opened the door. 
"Happy birthday, Lucifer!" (MC) 
"Simeon took too much time! The ice cream's meltin'!" 
"Lolololol I told you he forgot his own birthday! Beel was the perfect distraction!" 
What. On. Earth. Is going on? 
"Sorry, Lucifer!" MC bowed her head and looked up to me, looking apologetic. "We were trying to throw you a surprise party but…things got…well...wrong. But, everything's okay now!" They pulled me inside and showed me the feast they have prepared for me. 
It was a smorgasbord of my favourites. From the appetisers to the desserts and wines, I recalled some of these dishes as my specialties. Satan's familiar handwriting was drawn over a buttercream cake with my name on it, along with a small drawing of me in a party hat along with everyone else. Everyone else was seated at the dining table including Diavolo and Barbatos, both of which I was trying to avoid the entire day. 
Were they involved in this ridiculous plan as well? 
MC seemed to read my mind and nodded at me shyly. "I did mess up with my homework, that much is true, but Solomon helped in undoing the spell! He was the one who suggested to turn Beel back into a toddler so we have enough time to prepare for everything!" 
Solomon waved a hand at me and smiled. "They still didn't let me cook anything though☆"
"So all of the chaos…"
"...is us cleaning up our first attempts of party preparations." Satan begrudgingly replied. "Until of course, you came back earlier than expected."
"Now, now~" Asmo interjected. "What's important is that he's here and Beel's spell is about to wear off!♡ Now, Lucifer dear, why don't you join us and blow your candles?" 
I have completely forgotten about my birthday.
I didn't see the point of celebrating it anymore, I suppose. Thousands of years of repetitions can bring ennui upon you. However, things have changed. 
The House of Lamentation had a warmer atmosphere thanks to MC, and everyone was closer than ever before. The loss of a family and an inclusion of a new one opened up our hearts enough to heal and perhaps forgive ourselves a little for the years we have ignored its value. 
Who knew such a fleeting human could be the catalyst of such unimaginable developments? 
"Oh! Beel's back!" 
"Yay~! Your seat's over there, Beel!" 
I consider myself to be a rather self-sufficient person. It was a fruit of years of conditioning brought upon by my unique, personal circumstances.
However…nothing can ever prepare me for this moment. 
I turned to Beelzebub, now back to his normal form and he offered me a smile. "The pancake you cooked was really good. Can you make it again for me next time?" 
I smiled back. 
"With or without the eggshells?" 
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syngoniums · 7 years
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Fall wildflowers: Firewheel (Gaillardia pulchella), zizotes milkweed (Asclepias oenotheroides), maypop (Passiflora incarnata), and wild four o'clock (Mirablis nyctaginea). Last pic is a Beelzebub bee-eater (Mallophora leschenaulti), a very large bumblebee-imitating robber fly.
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myth-lord · 7 years
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(Art by J.K. Drummond) Art from the special edition of Deadhouse Gates by Steven Erikson. a D’ivers
I know I said that I won’t share artwork from other people anymore on my Tumblr, but this piece of art is just too perfect.
This is exactly what my version of the Eintykara looks like in Mythika, spare for the fact that Eintykara in Mythika are made from Killer Bees and not from flies. 
Eintykara in Mythika are swarms of bees that gained a collective intelligent mind by feeding on special nectar which grants its eater extra levels of intelligence. With this new intelligence the swarm could act as one and take forms of humanoids, demons and even dragons if the swarm is large enough. While not really evil, the Eintykara are an aggressive lot and they do anything to keep other creatures from their beloved nectar, attacking good, neutral and evil creatures without discrimination. 
Of course the evil Demon Lord of insects called Beelzebub holds power over most insects, and he easily corrupts these Eintykara swarms to do his bidding. 
(NOTE, that the Eintykara in the “real” myth isn’t like that, its more of a goodguy.)
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Let’s play a game~
I wanted to share some good animes/mangas/cartoons and discover new ones so I created this tag/ask thing.
Rule: List in alphabet order the animes/mangas/cartoons you started/like/love or was disappointed by, give your top 10 or 5, and let your followers know what you actually followed so for instance, they ask you a letter (ex here: “I - I – Ikoku Meiro no Croisée, Inuyasha”  and you give your opinion about those :D) or for a few names.
Here’s my manga/anime top list only:
One Piece
Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood
Angel Beats
Boku no Hero Academia
Yuri on Ice!!!
Code Geass
Dawn of the Arcana
Can’t give a top 10 ;-; (those are the ones that greatly marked me on a long run - or recently for BnHA and YoI)
Numbers – 07 Ghost
A – Acchi Kocchi (Place to Place), Amnesia, Angel Beats, Ano Hana: The Flower We Saw That Day, Aoharu x Kianjû (Aoharu x Machinegun), Arslan, Assassination Classroom, Avatar: The Last Airbender, Avatar: The Legend of Korra
B – Baka to Test Shukanjû, Bakuman, Barakamon, Beelzebub, Black Bullet, Black Butler, Black Rock Shooter, Bleach, Blue Exorcist (Ao no Exorcist), Boku no Hero Academia (My Hero Academia), Boruto, Bride Stories
C – Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion
D – Deadman Wonderland, Death Note, Death Parade, Detective Conan, Diabolik Lover, Doubt, Dawn of the Arcana, Durarara
F – Fairy Tail, Free!, Full Metal Alchemist, Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood, Full Metal Panic
G – Grimgar of Fantaisy and Ash, Gangsta, Gravity Falls
H – Haikyuu!!, Hanasaku Iroha: Blossoms for Tomorrow, Hamtaro, Hataraku Maou-Sama, Hero Tales, Hetalia
I – Ikoku Meiro no Croisée, Inuyasha
J – Judge, Junjou Romantica
K – K Project, Kaichou wa Maid-sama, Karneval, Kokoro Connect, Kuroko no Basket
L – Letter Bee (Tegami Bachi), Liar Game, Little Busters!, Love Hina, Love Stage, Lovely Complex
M – Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic, Magi: Adventure of Sinbad, Mirrai Nikki (Future Diary), The Miraculous Tales of Ladybug and Chat Noir, My Love Story!!
N – Naruto, Naruto Shippuden, Negima, Nisekoi: False Love, No. 6, No Game no Life, Noragami, Nurarihyon no Mago
O – One Piece, One Punch Man, Ouran High School Host Club, Over The Garden Wall, Owari no Seraph (Seraph of the End)
P – Pandora Hearts, Pokemon
R – Ranma ½
S – Sankarea, Sasameki Koto, Secret, Sekaiichi Hatsukoi, Senyuu, Seven Deadly Sins, Shingeki no Kyûjin (Attack on Titan), Shuriken High School, Sky High Survival, Skyland, Spice and Wolf, Soul Eater, Sword Art Online
T – Thermae Romae, Tokyo Ghoul, Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun (My Little Monster), Toradora!, Trigun
U – Uta no Prince-sama
V – Voltron the Legendary Defender
W – Wakfu, When Supernatural Battles Became Commonplace, Wolf Girl (Ookami Shoujo to Kuro Ouji)
Y – Yuri on Ice!!!
Z – Zenkyuu no Terror (Terror in Resonance)
Now you can ask me about a letter’s fandoms, just fandoms or what would I advice according to your taste described in your message! 
I hope the rules are clear cause I suck at explaining
tagging: @petite-neko @conspacelien @blueflamebird @lululawlawlu @wolfliorchi @miss-littlegiant @dimancheetoile @ice-kachang-hotpot-todoroki @humblingbumble @mieei-chan @saisai-chan @goopzoo @yuvaart and @hanihana because I’m curious but you have absolutely no obligation I was just bored and couldn’t sleep
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llbizarreverse · 5 years
vs makai army:
 kk(kekkai sensen) 
 *boucha+ringo(air gear)
*mitsuomi(tenjo tenge)
*yung er+ziyun(tales)
*li pyo(goh)
* shido/himiko(get backers)
* uryu+gowter/chad(bleach)
*izumi (fullmetal)
* shaina(saint seiya)
* momo/uraraka(boku)
* maya+kaira(shadow skill)
*magna/luck(black clover)
*usop+nami/robin(one piece)
*shishiwakamaru/kuwabara(yu yu)
*kilik+oz(soul eater)
*lucy+loki(fairy tail)
*polnareff/kakyoin(jo jo)
*tenka(soul engi)
*touka+ayato(tokyo ghoul)
*blizard(one punch)
vs djins oscuros:
 steven+sanji,zapp+zed (kekkai sensen)
*  musashi(fate) 
 *kazu+agito(air gear)
*maya+aya (tenjo tenge)
* kunieda(beelzebub)
* kogyoku/kouha(magi) 
* ye zong(tales)
*mubong park(goh)
* killua(hxh)
* kazuki(getbakers)
*marin (saint seiya)
* bakugo/shouto(boku)
*Elle Ragu (shadow skil)
*yami/charlotte(black clover)
*sanji+steven/zoro(one piece)
*touya+chu/jin/kurama(yu yu)
*ten shin han+chaos/18(db)
*kagura/okita (gintama)
*maka+crona(soul eater)
*ganjel/juvia(fairy tail)
*yozen(soul engi)
*kaneki(tokyo ghoul)
*genos(one punch)
 hope arc: klaus,chain(air),luciana(heal)(kekkai sensen)
* siegfrid(fate)
* kilik,rika(air gear)
*masataka (tenjo tenge)
 *leonardo burns(brigade)
*duan jian(air)(tales)
* ging/kurapika(heal)(hxh)
* ban mido(air)(getbakers)
* mustang(fullmetal)
* shoko(saint seiya)
* endeavor(boku)
*scarface(shadow skil)
*mereleona/julius/vanesa(black clover)
*sabo/ shanks(one piece)
*yomi/mokuro(yu yu)
*jiren/broly/hit/17/toppo(5 air)(db)
*stain(soul eater)
*erza/jelal/mirajeane(air x 3)grey/laxus/sting/wendy(heal)(fairy tail)
*joseph(jo jo)
*anna/sati/jeane(heal x 2)/hao y guardianes copia(air x 6)(shaman)
*nataku(air)(soul engi)
*arima (tokyo ghoul)
tatsumaki(one punch)
0 notes
loveanime4life · 7 years
All The Anime I've Watched that I can Remember
Terror in Resonance Fairy Tail Naruto Naruto Shippuden One Piece Kenichi The Mightiest Disciple Katekyo Hitman Reborn Bleach Toriko Fullmetal Alchemist and Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood Hunter x Hunter Sword Art Online Kuroko's Basketball Demon King Daimao High School DXD High School of the Dead Akame Ga Kill Kill La Kill Parasyte -the maxim- Attack on Titan Yona of the Dawn Rokka -Brave of the Six Flowers- Beelzebub Fate/Stay Night Fate/Zero Magi Strike the Blood Romeo x Juliet Free! Blue Exorcist D.Gray-Man Blast of Tempest Anohana: The Flower We Say That Day DRAMAtical Murder Log Horizon School-Live! Your Lie in April Ace of the Diamond Haikyu!! 07 Ghost RWBY Angel Beats Asura Cryin' BTOOM! Seikeri No.6 Sunday Without God Tegami Bachi Letter Bee ERASED The Lost Village Bungo Stray Dogs Food Wars! Another Golden Time Charlotte KIZNAIVER 91 Days Hundred Ace Attorney Yu Yu Hakusho Heaven's Lost Property Soul Eater Code Geass Neon Genesis Evangelion Guilty Crown Elfin Lied Mirai Nikki Dangan Ronpa Mai-Hime Mai-Otome Buso Renkein Noragmi Tokyo Ghoul Kaze No Stigma Deadman Wonderland Black Butler Chaos Head Rosario + Vampire Freezing Death Note Needless Legend of the Legendary Heroes Rainbow Assassination Classroom Vampire Knights Tokyo Magnitude 8.0 Uninhabited Planet Survive Code Breaker Seven Deadly Sins Soul Eater Not Clannad Clannad After Story Magi: Adventures of Sinbad One Punch Man Ouran High School Host Club Baka and Test Death Parade Big Windup Kuromukro Prince of Stride: Alternative Cheer Boys Yuri on Ice Bloodivores Kiss Him, Not Me Togainu no Chi Gravitation Re:ZERO Days ReLife Mob Psycho 100 The Great Passage My Hero Academia Anti-Magic Academy 5 Centimeters Per
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