#best of luck in school or work or both! Or even just life in general
psychelis-new · 2 years
pick a pile: "Meeting The One"
take a breath and choose the photo/number that calls you the most to read about the possible signs, synchronicities or events that may occur to you when you meet or right before meeting your destined person (future spouse/partner, the last person you will fall in love with in this lifetime). I will try to channel some infos about the meeting itself (I haven't done it yet, so... just check your pile to see).
don’t take the reading too seriously. only take what resonates with you and leave the rest. remember that is a general reading and some things may not resonate with you. Also, you're in charge of your life.
(photos found on unsplash)
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pile 1
There could be a party or celebration (could even be Christmas, NYE or anything), maybe a fair, or somewhere where there are food and fun things to do. Maybe even a concert or music/race event. Cotton candies, ice creams, or something like that can be relevant. You'll probably be enjoying with friends or family members, having lot of fun and feeling like a child again. There's the energy of going back to good days, feeling free and relieved, very calm. It's like you are in a place (mentally) where you know things can actually be good for you, and you're kinda in control of your fears and emotions. It could be at evening/night, with a very low light. But somehow you'll end up being noticed by your person: you may be doing/Saying something that kinda moves the attention of the closer crowd on you or simply, being destined, they can see you no matter how many people and low light you're surrounded by. You shine on your own to them. I think they may approach you and probably ask you to go with them (for some: maybe someone hits you unvoluntarily and your ice cream falls so your person will offer you to buy a new one, even if it wasn't their fault -maybe their friend's though-). You'll probably think if to follow them and separate from your friends/family (you may not trust their intentions immediately, but there are many people around), but you'll follow your heart. You're gonna know if you can trust them. I think your Guides will send you some kind of permission too (maybe you'll feel it, or see a bird or an angel number -very likely this last one- around, that you know it's your sign to trust this person). You may even end up dancing alone with them to some kind of music. This person seems fun.
songs: god's menu | stray kids; fade away | lucky daye
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pile 2
I feel it can happen on a cozy afternoon/evening. Maybe on the way back home from work/school. It could be sunny for some, rainy for others. The type of weather will only move the location of the meeting, you're gonna meet them anyway (e.g. if it's sunny you may meet while riding your bycicle in a park or enjoying the warm sun rays -maybe they're running in the same place or sitting on a bench nearby; if it's raining, you may meet up while finding shelter in a bar or public place, you're gonna smile at each other being soaked). You literally won't expect to meet them, maybe the day didn't start too well for some; for someone else instead, it's gonna be a moment in which things are starting to get better: even at work, you may have had some problems with colleagues, but that day things will suddenly turn for the good (you may have even gained a promotion out of nowhere). It's like this person, being in your energy, brings you good luck. And around your meeting you're gonna experience a shift for the best in your life: from mood, to work, to love as well with them appearing (but in relationships in general, even colleagues family and friends). You'll both literally manifest each other. Before meeting them, you may had doubts about your abilities, and felt lonely for a while as if your life was just a mess in all fields (career and love in particular, maybe friends/family too); you've probably tried to manifest your person for a while but life came in between and you almost lost your hopes. But your prayers will been noticed by your Guides and when you least expect (when the time will be right), you're gonna be given what you wish for (and they too -feels like mirror energy).
songs: show me the meaning of being lonely | backstreet boys; you're the one that i want (grease) | john travolta, olivia newton-john
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pile 3
I think this is the pile that may gets messages and signs through music, messages/words and images. Sometimes angel numbers too. Some of these signs may not be always clear, you need to be open to see them: sometimes you may not see them, especially when you feel upset and search for signs in the wrong places. You may see things like a waterdrop shaped as a heart, or something like that (like in your pic, near the donut... can you see the little heart?). You probably know that there's someone in contact with you on a higher level (maybe you have a telepathic connection too, or you just feel them around), that you are destined to meet this person and be with them, but sometimes you may get lost in your past thoughts. You may even kinda lose hope, fearing that they will never arrive or not find you. But they're your destined person, they'll find you anyway (the "how" is not your problem, you only need to trust). This fear/overthinking is delaying your meeting cause you're not open enough to being guided to (and by) your person. It seems you're gonna meet them the moment you'll learn how to keep a quiet mind, be yourself, be brave, and not be scared to see that things can actually change. You may even get a job offer around the same period (maybe even from your person). You will be aware of your power, despite still having doubts (those are normal, we're humans and we'll always have doubts here and there: the important thing is to not let them stop us and our dreams), you're gonna feel more confident in your skin. You're gonna be of help to others somehow (maybe being more socially involved, or with an idea/project or something), you'll bring happiness and share positivity around you, you'll act with love and this will bring your person in too. A new love for you. As easy as.
songs: yours to keep | jordan mackampa; come undone | duran duran
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pile 4
Could be near water (sea or ocean in particular but it doesn't have to be so), or could be around kids. Maybe one of you is baby sitting, or a teacher or just trying to be kind with a kid met in a park or on a metro... situations can be very different. You may feel moved by their kindness and cuteness and find yourself smiling at them. They may wink back at you, making you blush? You two... Okay this was very specific though. You or them, may make a bold move (maybe one of you can help/save a kid too), and... you probably had lost hopes about love, but this person will change it all, they will restore your faith in love and humanity. You are not supposed to know much more about signs and all, it seems like a gift and a big surprise for you. But know that you're gonna be guided to meet this person soon. Trust, even if you cannot see it, there's someone so loving for you, willing to do anything for you. They're gonna take care of your fears and anxiety as well (may be a doctor tbh, not just for kids, but maybe even a vet; or a conselour). They will help you be more in your power. They're gonna gift you so much self control and confidence. You are gonna be able to talk with them about anything really. I'm hearing "smooth" (from convo to skin.. your choice). They won't ever judge you, they just wanna help you and comfort you. They're gonna make you shine again. If you feel lost (or you gonna feel so before meeting them) and like there's no tomorrow, they'll help you rebuilt your hopes and fire inside. They literally gonna heal in you in any possible way (if ykwim -I'll keep this clean). Okay, it could also mean for some (seen the last song I got) that they're gonna be your... sugar daddy. And will want to spoil you. Again take as resonates. I feel a lot of you will choose this pile and things can really differ for each one of you.
songs: the flames beyond the cold mountain | mono; sugar daddy | qveen herby
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perpetualexistence · 1 month
We Drive Each Other Batty
Alenoah Week Day 4: Royalty/Vampire AU
Alejandro Burromuerto is an absolute menace to the kingdom of Wawanakwa. He comes from a legacy of vampires that strive to control as much land as possible. He's only recently set his sights on Wawanakwa, and within a year he's enthralled three towns into being his local blood bank. Life is pretty good for him.
He's so confident in his abilities that he decides to go directly for the castle itself.
Aaaand almost immediately finds himself caught by King Chris's personal bodyguard, Chef, who knocks him unconscious with a pan before he can enthrall Chris.
The smart thing to do would be to kill Alejandro. But Chris is a petty man who prefers humiliating people.
Who better to ask how to do that than his personal court-wizard-in-training who Chris specifically because he's snarky and petty?
Noah gets dragged into this and comes up with an idea. If he likes mind controlling people so much, then let Alejandro be on the other side of things. Tinker with a familiar bonding spell to turn Alejandro into a familiar. He'll be forced to listen to someone else's orders, and can't harm anyone except in defense of his wizard. Plus, if done right, it can have the added benefit of making him 'fun size' thanks to having to categorize Alejandro as a bat to make this work. That way his vampire strength and speed won't be as much of an issue.
There's two problems with this plan.
One, the bond can only be created with a wizard who doesn't have a familiar yet. Most adult wizards do. It's even a requirement to bond with a familiar at some point in a good amount of magic schools.
And two, the bond is usually done with two consenting parties. Since Alejandro would be fighting it the whole time, keeping the familiar bond would be an active effort on the wizard's end. It's possible if you find a wizard with enough power, but good luck trying to convince a wizard to be a spell battery.
"Say, kid. You don't have a familiar yet."
"Mclean. Don't you dare."
"Think of it as a new part of your job description!"
"I'm not going to deal with a psychotic vampire for your sick amusement!"
"Sure you are! Do a good enough job and you might get a better holiday bonus this year!"
Thus Noah has accidentally sealed his fate to being stuck with a 4 inch vampire who is absolutely livid at this humiliation.
They both hate this situation so much. Alejandro can't mind control Noah because that's the first thing Noah ordered him not to do the second Alejandro woke up tiny, confused, and pissed.
Noah can't just leave Alejandro alone in a cage in his room all day because the longer and further he stays away from Alejandro, the weaker the bond and the more likely Alejandro will break free from it.
Alejandro keeps trying to persuade Noah that he's learned his lesson the non-magical way. And Noah shuts him right down because he knows that's a lie.
If Alejandro's really being difficult, Noah has no issues with throwing him into a bird cage and ordering him to shut up for a while. Noah really wishes he could just order him to shut up forever, but Alejandro starts fighting against the bond even worse when he can't speak, which usually ends up giving Noah a headache. Temporary relief is the best he can manage.
That and taking him to Chris to see what humiliation Chris and Chef have decided to put Alejandro through for the day. That usually brighten's Noah's day.
Alejandro still gets his own little revenges in. He looks for every loophole under the sun within Noah's orders. He banters at every given opportunity.
He'd love to give backhanded compliments to Noah in front of people that aren't Chris and Chef. However, no one else is allowed to know that Alejandro is still alive.
Letting a vampire live is a big no-no, even if Chris approved of it. Vampires still need generous amounts of blood to survive. Animal blood works somewhat, but it's more like living off rations. Vampires can only get full nutritional value from a human. Which doesn't really endear humans to vampires. (Part of Noah's job is to let Alejandro feed from his as well. It feels more like four little needles than a serious bite, and thanks to Alejandro's new size he doesn't feel that woozy when Alejandro has had his fill. Noah doesn't mind it nearly as much as he pretends to.)
Plus, Alejandro did get some of his hooks outside of the castle, so there's a decent chance someone could recognize him and decide to take advantage of the fact he's easily killable. So when around others, he takes full bat form and pretends to be a regular familiar. He's lucky he can at least talk with Noah telepathically so he doesn't have to be completely mute.
Still, it's not all bad. Now that Alejandro is, magically speaking, a bat, he can actually experience sunlight. He'd always used the metaphor 'you're as radiant as the sun' when charming others. It's a different thing entirely to actually feel its warmth.
Noah takes notice the first time when Alejandro is completely silent for once. He sees Alejandro staring directly at the sun in awe. He actually looks kind of cute sweet like that.
Except Alejandro is staring directly at the sun, and so Noah has to snap Alejandro out of it. He isn't just going to someone blind themselves, even if it is Alejandro. It's almost a shame to see the mask fall back on his face. (Too bad he didn't notice the flicker of shock at someone showing concern for Alejandro's wellbeing.)
With forced proximity, the two start to learn more about each other.
Alejandro learns about Noah first since he can't help but observe the fact that Noah is reading textbooks, but he hasn't seen Noah attend school once. When Noah isn't reading, he's catering to Chris and Chef's whims.
Noah still seems to be doing just fine, though. He knows Noah is advanced for his age based on what he's reading and how much he gloats about it. Still, if he was advanced than Alejandro would expect a tutor to be guiding Noah along to suit his level. The only adults he's seen consistently during his stay with Noah is Chris and Chef.
Alejandro points this out to Noah, and receives a long rant from Noah in return.
See, Noah's completely self taught. Before Chris, his family couldn't afford to get him a tutor. This isn't inherently a problem. Some wizards will take on apprentices for their service rather than for payment if they see potential in a particular student.
The problem is no one wants to teach a child who wants to learn dark magic. Nobody that Noah would ever want to meet, at least.
Noah could lie about not wanting to learn forbidden magic. But he'd always risk getting caught by whoever's training him. Not to mention the risk of getting himself killed because he was performing something dangerous without anyone to save him.
Plus, he considers it incredibly stupid that dark magic is a taboo subject to learn. The reason why creatures like Alejandro get away undetected for so long is because everyone else is more than happy to stick their heads in the sand. Their solution to combat evil is to simply not talk about it. As if that's just going to make it magically go away.
The only real way to learn how to counter it is to study it. It's like how making an antidote for a poison requires a bit of the poison itself so your body knows what to fight against.
Hell, it could even be used for good! Even something like Alejandro's hypnotism. It can lull a growing angry mob to not be stupid. It can force a different evil bastard to do something good.
But no, people like Alejandro screw it over for everyone else, and now any time he tries to make these arguments he's 'the bad guy' or 'should be barred from magic for everyone's good'.
Noah got lucky. Chef found him when he was insulting yet another wizard who shot down his chance at apprenticeship. He might have forgotten angering someone who can throw fireballs isn't the best way to guarantee your own safety.
Chef dragged him away and attempted to yell some sense into him. When it was clear that Noah was still just as defiant, he dragged him directly to Chris. Who ended up liking his spite and sarcasm, and offered him the job of court-wizard in training. It was hard for Chris to find any wizard willing to stay with him too long. And he's got plenty of dark magic crap that he has stored away. Both of them get what they want!
Noah wouldn't learn how demanding Chris was and how he'd make people put a lot of effort into stupid tasks that drive less patient people mad until later.
He took the deal because it was the best he was going to get. He knows he's being underpaid compared to what a regular court magician would be making. But for as much as Chris is a pain of a boss, he's given Noah exactly what he's wanted. He'd dare to say that Chris and Chef cared about him. Though Noah will refuse to say if he feels the same way about them.
Alejandro can't help but admire Noah for that. Deep down past that apathetic, snarky exterior, there is someone who's capable of ambition. Or at least capable of using spite as a motivator.
Alejandro's mask slips as he ends up sharing how he can relate. He gives off the airs of a vampire who's been around for at least a century or two. Truth be told, he's only a couple of months older than Noah. He's aging as a human would, for now.
He, and his lineage, are born vampires rather than bitten. Hence how he can have multiple thralls at once and transform into mist or a variety of animals. Bitten vampires are lucky to be able to hypnotize one person, and are typically limited to the advanced strength and speed.
So he can certainly one up the average vampire...but not other born vampires. Or vampires who have actually lived for centuries. He's still considered nothing more than an insolent child not to be taken seriously.
He does have the expectation on him to expand the Burromuerto influence. But he's constantly being compared to other relatives and their accomplishments. Particularly that of his brother José who has a couple of decades over Alejandro's head.
Alejandro has been working hard to close the power gap. He's been training to be as strong and fast as possible. His hypnosis works so well because he put in the work to learn how to actually charm people. The magic is to make sure the feeling stays for longer than it would naturally. But getting people to do what he wants? All him.
And it's still not enough for anyone else. So he decided to get a headstart on the family tradition. He was supposed to wait until he came of age, but he was already strong and confident in himself. Going off and succeeding early would prove everyone else wrong.
He'd been doing so well, too. He hadn't even needed to kill anybody. Unlike most of his family, he doesn't particularly care for it. Not because he cares that much about humans. But because he sees it as a waste of a resource. Sure, you can inspire fear into others with a death. But that fear can easily turn into outrage, and rebellion. It will be harder to control a population that is actively working to fight against you. Much easier to charm them and have them not even realize anything is wrong. Everyone is alive, and there is nothing to worry about. They just have to give a bit of blood every once in a while. And for that, Alejandro would make sure nothing else would dare to touch them.
That last part of the story concerns Noah. A lot. But it's...nice? That Alejandro cares? Enough to value a human life. Considering the rest of his family, it's a miracle Alejandro's got anything resembling compassion.
And at least he's finally being honest about something for once. Noah prefers honest but callous to kind but insincere. This part of Alejandro's still concerning...but he likes it more.
It's the start of these two doing more than just argue with each other. Alejandro's still not happy about being small. He complains about it just as constantly. But it's no longer lashing out at Noah. Noah doesn't really throw him into the time out cage anymore. Alejandro is gentler when he bites into Noah's neck to feast. Noah is less tense when it happens. He leans into it more. They bicker still, but they're actually willing to work with each other.
It's how they figure out a loophole. Neither can't really use their own magics to their full potential anymore....but they do now have access to each other's magic. They just have to be willing to train each other in it.
On Noah's side, Alejandro is trying to teach him how to hypnotize others through charming them. It doesn't go well. Noah's terrible at giving compliments. Changing his wardrobe to accentuate Noah's looks doesn't help when he doesn't flaunt them. That shopping trip to get Noah a new outfit definitely didn't awaken anything in Alejandro. Except it does. Noah is indulging him in one of his favorite activities. He looks cute in some outfits, hot in others. Noah mocks, Noah teases, Noah banters. It's just Noah, actually. Noah's cute, and he's also hot. Oh no. Alejandro's got himself a crush. ...MOVING ON FROM THAT-
Eventually, it clicks. This isn't working because Alejandro is teaching Noah how to be a Burromuerto. Which Noah certainly isn't. To charm someone, you have to work with what you naturally have and exaggerate it. Noah has snark. Use that to insult people that his victims would hate, not the victim themselves. Nobody likes being insulted, but everyone has something that they love gossiping about. That's Noah's in to get others to open up.
Then, there's the actual ask. Noah can't directly say what he wants all the time. Sometimes that may work, but sometimes what he wants is directly opposite to what someone else wants. He can find out when it's safe to be direct or not through gossiping. Then, if it's not safe? Make them feel safe. People underestimate Noah because of his age and figure. Use that.
Noah's just a pathetic, cute scrungly little guy who doesn't do much. What's the harm in letting him take a dangerously powerful grimoire off your hands? He's not going to do much with it. He's just curious.
Noah grins with pride the day he's able to hypnotize a guard who constantly abuses their power into humiliating himself.
On Alejandro's side, Noah's willing to teach him shadow magic. He wants to start with teaching Alejandro how to change their shape, and then move on up to making them solid.
There is also teleporting through shadow, but Noah's not teaching him that. That would give Alejandro the ability to leave Noah. Which would be bad for the whole 'keep Alejandro in check thing'. For no other reason. Noah wouldn't miss him. Not one bit. They just have to stay together for practicality. That's all. Let's get back to talking about shadows.
Alejandro assumes this should be a piece of cake. It's just another form of manipulating, just with a thing rather than a person.
He's terrible at it.
He coaxes, he begs, he pleads with the shadow to just move, and it refuses him. He's cursing in Spanish at an inanimate object.
Noah laughs at him for this. This earns Noah some curse words.
Noah tells him to stop treating magic like it's a person to be charmed. It's not. It's a thing. It follows orders so far as you figure out the right language. You tell it what you want, and then it gives it to you. No convincing, no tricking. Just asking.
Alejandro can't ask for one thing when he means another. That just confuses the magic and makes things not work. He needs to be direct for once in his life. Trust in his own ability to make something happen. Not in his ability to trick someone else into making something happen.
It takes Alejandro a while to just ask the magic to do what he wants.
I can't figure out how it'd work on Alejandro's side yet. Probably because I haven't yet defined the kind of magic he can do. 'Standard wizard fair' isn't going to cut it if this is coming from a personal bond/something that's intrinsic to Noah that would simply take a different form with Alejandro. It'd definitely have something to do with tying into how Alejandro doesn't actually NEED to charm people/force them to like him to get what he wants. His problem would definitely be that he's trying to force the magic to go exactly how he wants it to go. But magic's not something that likes being tamed like that. So Alejandros's got to learn to effectively say what he wants and just trust in his own abilities enough to make it happen.
When he does?
Alejandro shows off with a little shadow puppet show. He orchestrates puppets no bigger than him from atop Noah's bookshelf. It's endearing, it's sincere, and Noah is screwed because he is in love with this little vampire.
The more they teach each other, the stronger they grow. Neither realize it, but the bond is no longer draining each other.
They learn about this when someone attempts to mug Noah when he's running one of Chris's errands. The mugger grabs an Alejandro in bat form and slams him against stone to stop Noah from using magic. Alejandro is alive, but in a daze. Noah immediately makes tendrils of shadows to fling the mugger into the nearest wall, then hold them aloft in the air. He's running for Alejandro who's mumbling, asking if Noah is alright.
Noah doesn't know healing magic, but he's putting all of his focus into figuring out something to help Alejandro. It's working somewhat. Alejandro's head is clearer, though his body is still damaged. Noah puts more effort into making sure all of Alejandro is better. So much so that he doesn't notice a second mugger coming to check on their partner, who is now sneaking up on Noah. Noah is grappled before he can react, and is dragged away kicking and shouting.
Alejandro acts before he can think twice about it. The next thing he knows, he's standing at eye level with both of his newest victims. He hisses, his fangs bared, ordering them silent before they can scream about his presence. They are to release Noah and grovel.
The muggers do so without hesitation, their eyes glazed over. Alejandro wraps his arms around Noah in a hug. His grip is tight. He is at his full strength and could crush whoever he desired. He is gentle with his querido and plants a kiss on his forehead.
Alejandro wants so badly to drain them dry, but Noah takes priority. The muggers are to leave, turn themselves in, and forget the type of magic Noah and Alejandro used, and their faces.
The muggers leave, and the two are left to look each other in the eyes for the first time.
They stare for a while. Neither of them quite sure of what the other wants to do right now. Noah's the one who breaks the silence first.
"This late growth spurt's a bit much, wouldn't you say?"
Alejandro snorts at the absurdity.
They agree to keep the familiar bond as it is. It still lets them communicate with each other telepathically, and lets them use the other's magic.
They'll have to hide the fact that Alejandro is at his full strength, of course. Particularly from Chris and Chef. Alejandro tries and finds out that he can shrink at will now. Truth be told, he doesn't mind it anymore. (He's touch-starved, and rather enjoys being held and pampered by Noah.)
Alejandro also promises not to go enthralling everyone.
"Just five thralls will suffice."
"One? I'll even make it Justin. Just imagine the things we could have him do."
"You hesitated!"
"Stop tempting me!"
"Is it really tempting if you were already thinking it?"
"I hate you."
"You love me."
"That's not the point!"
The two stop when they realize that bombshell just got dropped.
They finally have proper confessions and decide to start dating. Alejandro immediately offers to turn Noah into a vampire so they can live together. Noah immediately shuts him down. Alejandro's sad until Noah explains.
One, that's a huge commitment when they've literally just started dating. And two, if Noah did that now then he'd have to be a teenager forever. He hates being a teenager NOW. An eternity of that? Hell no. In the future though? They can come back to this, and Noah'll let him know if he changes his mind.
Alejandro is more than happy to wait.
Fun little side note: Alejandro's got a bat form, and I already know exactly which species he is!
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Meet the vampyrum spectrum! Also known as the spectral bat, or the great false vampire bat. They're carnivorous little guys who eat birds, rodents, and uniquely, other kinds of bats! Part of their natural habitat covers Peru, and they're also fun in that while most other bat species are polygynous where it's just one male with multiple females, these guys are mostly monogamous! Perfect for Alejandro!
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sky-casino · 2 years
oikawa x y/n: growing pains
loving him. losing yourself in loving him. drifting apart. getting back together? word count: 4,400+ 
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you and oikawa became best friends in middle school
then it was during your first year of high school when you got romantically entangled 
after graduating from seijoh, you went to college while oikawa worked a full-time job at a cafe so he can save up for his trip to brazil and argentina.
you knew that he was already decided on becoming a pro volleyball player. you were certain that nothing  and no one could get in his way, and you were 100% supportive of him as long as he takes care of his health and doesn't overexert himself.
with this, you also knew that if you wanted to continue being with him, you would eventually need to leave your life in japan behind to move to argentina with oikawa. but you didn't mind. he's the one, after all.
once he could afford to travel and stay in argentina as a pro trainee, you two had a long-distance relationship. it was difficult but manageable and worth it. you, a university student. him, an aspiring pro player for the argentina volleyball team.
fast forward to some years later and after much hardwork, oikawa was finally and officially named as a member of the argentina volleyball team. everything's ready: the contract, citizenship, his position, his jersey, his apartment and dorm room, the works.
he excitedly video-called you when it was tuesday 4am for you and it was monday 4pm for him. you're completely used to these wee-hours-of-the-morning calls by now.
you were extremely ecstatic for him because through the many years of knowing oikawa, it has been ingrained in you how much blood, sweat, and tears he has expended to reach this dream. sometimes, you contemplate how physically, mentally, and emotionally exhausted he must be, and you just cry. oikawa wasn't aware of this as you didn't want him to worry.
he indirectly reminded you that with his official admission to the team, you'll now have to move to argentina as well, which you both originally planned, "i'm so excited to see you, babe! finally, we won't have to deal with this long-distance anymore."
you chuckled and reciprocated his excitement, making a mental note of how you'll explain to your boss that you'd have to leave the company.
he was sad to cut the video call short, but he wanted to give you more time to sleep, "bye, baby. i love you! i'll call you again tomorrow to share more deets!"
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two months after that video call, oikawa was waiting for you at the airport and just like in the movies, you ran to each other and he picked you up in an embrace as the two of you twirled around. it's been too long since you last saw each other.
oikawa helped you settle in by touring you around, introducing you to his coach and teammates, and teaching you some argentinian language when you guys have free time.
your daily life consists of oikawa waking up early to go to work and you sleeping in for a bit. oikawa never fails to cook breakfast for you, always leaving a sweet note beside the plate.
you've been relentlessly seaching online for a job in argentina since oikawa informed you of his admission to the team. you wanted to secure a job in the foreign country even before arriving there. unfortunately, you still have no luck in finding a suitable job because you couldn't speak their language. oikawa knows that this has been troubling you, and he comforts you and says that it's probably high time for you to take a break from working as you've been burnt out from your most recent job as an art curator.
you realized that he was right as you enjoyed sleeping in and just bumming around in your shared apartment. you took this generous amount of free time as an opportunity to finish all the books in your pile, try out new recipes that you cooked for oikawa, and binge all the shows in your Netflix's My List section.
after almost two months of this relaxed lifestyle, you started getting restless and bored. and so you tried looking for a job again and you stumbled upon an opening for a work-from-home data encoder position. the pay is much less than the one you previously had, but honestly, this is the best (and only) position you are qualified for right now. so, you sent your resume and after a couple of interviews and exams, you got the job. to celebrate, you and oikawa had a romantic candle-lit dinner at home where both of you cooked.
oikawa has been busy lately, so spending this special night with him plus finally getting a job really lifted your spirits. however, beneath all that, a small part of you was still uneasy. you knew that given your skills, experience, and previous position, you deserve a better and more fulfilling job. but you ignored this thought and didn't tell oikawa about it as you didn't want to ruin the night.
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you've been working as a data encoder for a year now. you quickly learned the ropes and eventually found the work no longer challenging. it also infuriates you that there has been no salary increase in that one year. the thought that you deserve a more relevant and fulfilling job is creeping back into your mind, or maybe it never left and is just making its presence stronger now. thus, you never stopped looking for a job that's more in line with your background as an art curator. but you couldn't find one where you qualify because all the job vacancies require the applicant to be an argentinian graduate. though this frustrates you, you know it makes sense because homegrown argentinian citizens would be better art curators as they know and understand their local art far better than you, a foreigner, ever could. in terms of the language, you've been struggling learning it as well and eventually lost the will to continue studying it. basically, career-wise, nothing's going great for you.
you also miss your family and friends terribly. so that night, as you and oikawa were cuddling in bed, you suggested for the both of you to go back home to Japan to spend time with your loved ones. in response, he caressed your face and said that he understood your feelings and that he felt the same. however, he gently reminded you that he is still considered as a new starting member, which means he needs to spend at least two years playing in that position consistently before he could visit home. he embraced you tightly when he said that currently, you still have to wait for ten months. you were frustrated to hear this, but you didn't want to argue or add to oikawa's stress since it's something that the both of you can't do anything about. so you just told yourself that the ten months will fly by before you know it. visiting home by yourself was out of the picture as well because it just didn't feel right to do that.
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nine months have passed since then and after oikawa got home one night, you giddily reminded him that the ten months that you're both waiting for will end next month and you can finally visit home.
your smile slowly got erased from your face when you heard oikawa say, "yeah, about that..."
you nervously asked him what's wrong, and he explained that the coach just announced that morning that the next three months will be busy for his team as they will go overseas for training camps. their first stop is brazil, then they'll move straight to europe, specifically italy and poland.
then you asked, "how about our plan to visit home next month?"
"i'm so sorry babe, i.. i really am. we just have to wait for three months, then we can finally fly home. i promise."
after that, his apologetic tone switched to an amusing one as he chuckled, mentioning how he's excited to face hinata, kageyama, and ushijima again.
that chuckle annoyed you even more. it was the last straw. and something inside you finally snapped. as tears relentlessly fell across your face, you suddenly blurted out all your frustrations and fears.
you mentioned how much you miss your family and friends and how unhappy you are with your current job and with the fact that you can't find work that you actually like. you told oikawa how exhausted you are mentally and emotionally, and that ultimately, you've been feeling burnt out and depressed. you felt like you're in the wrong place. you also shared that you've been contemplating about your own future lately, and you started to feel scared thinking about getting stuck in your current job and you realized that you can't live in a country where you only had two options: settle with an unfulfilling job or later on be a housewife. both were distasteful to you.
oikawa watched and listened to you with wide eyes, unable to move. after you said everything and continued to sob on the floor, he panicked and quickly placed his water down on the table before running to you.
"baby, i'm so sorry. i'm so sorry... i didn't know that you've been feeling this way. what do you want me to do? i'll do anything to help. i'll take care of y-"
"i'm done, oikawa. i... i need to go home, where my family and friends are, where i can grow professionally and personally. argentina just isn't for me. i feel empty in this place. i thought i was going to be happy because i'd be with you. but i'm sorry, it turns out that being with you isn't... enough." you said in between sobs.
it's the most difficult thing you ever had to say and you felt a pang of regret. you wish you didn't say it, you wish you could turn back time and avoid this entire conversation. but you're done adjusting, done being always the understanding one between the two of you, done putting oikawa before yourself. you had to do this.
seeing the pain in oikawa's eyes as he slowly realized that you're breaking up with him pierced your heart. it was a searing sensation. it's now oikawa's turn to sob as he begged you not to leave, embracing your midriff tightly. you had no energy left to talk, so instead you caressed his head ever so slowly and lovingly. then you thought that perhaps this is the last time you get to do that.
you told him that you're both tired and you're going to sleep already, he can follow if he wants. later on, you were in bed spacing out as oikawa took a shower. he tried to muffle his cries but you could still faintly hear it. you slept facing away from him and as soon as he joined you in bed, he slowly wrapped his arms around you and snuggled his face into your neck, basking in your warmth and scent.
the next morning, you woke up without oikawa beside you. you were so out of it that you questioned whether last night's fight was a nightmare or real. unfortunately, it's the latter.
you slowly got up, feeling extremely lethargic. but that feeling left your body for a second when you were surprised to see oikawa cooking in the kitchen, you thought he went to work as usual.
he hesitated to talk to you, but he managed. "g-good morning... babe. i just finished making breakfast. let's eat! i'm not going to work today. i... i want to discuss and fix this... with you."
you took longer than usual to respond because you couldn't help but notice his puffy red eyes and the fact that his face is full of pain but he's still trying his best to smile. when you finally processed what he just said, you realized that he hasn't accepted your decision, he's still not letting you go.
"tooru... i've made up my mind." you said, struggling not to let your voice tremble. "please, just let me go. i need to leave."
and just like a broken dam giving in to water pressure, he quickly burst into tears as he sat down abruptly. he shook his head vehemently, covering his face with his hands, finding it hard to accept what he's hearing.
you walked briskly to him and knelt in front of him as you held and caressed the sides of his head, "tooru, don't worry. we can still be best friends-"
"i want to be more than that! i am more than that!" he yelled as he freed his red face from his hands. "i love you so much. i can't live without you, y/n. you know that!"
"no, tooru. you can, you definitely can live without me. you're doing so well! you've achieved your dream and you're happy here. after working so hard since we're young, you're finally in the right place, in the right team."
"it's because i have you. i was able to endure everything because i have you!"
"you're in the right place, tooru. you belong here. i don't. and if there's anything you know about me, it's that i don't want to hold you back from doing what you love. i would never forgive myself if i became the reason why you can't do well or why you can't do great things. that's the worst for me. i want to see you soar and reach greater heights. okay?"
oikawa couldn't say anything as he sobbed.
"if you love me, tooru... and you want me to be happy, you're going to let me go. i also want to do great things. i also have my own goals that i want to achieve. and i'm so sorry, but i can't do that here." you finally lost composure as you let the tears fall.
you and oikawa embraced each other in a long tight hug as you cried. it was the good cry that both of you needed.
you slowly freed yourself from the hug after half an hour. oikawa gently held you in place before you could completely go away. you looked at him and you saw his faint and painful smile as he studied and caressed every inch of your face. "sorry, i just want to look at and feel your face one last time.", he said as a tear fell.
you did the same, you gently ran your fingertips on his pretty face, the face that you've adored since you were 12 years old.
after touching each other's face, you kissed passionately for the last time and you spent the rest of the day just enjoying each other's company, mostly in silence. both of you didn't bring up the topic of when exactly you will be leaving. oikawa was afraid to ask, and you knew that so you didn't tell him the date yet. it could wait.
that night, you reminded him that he should go back to work the next day as it's not good to be absent for long, and he reluctantly agreed. what he didn't know is that the main reason you reminded him was because you didn't want him to see you as you pack your belongings, as it would just add more to the pain.
the next night, oikawa came home to see your luggage. you explained that your flight is scheduled the following night and while he was devastated that it's so soon, he just nodded his head. you apologized for the rush but he smiled sadly and said that he understands.
you were guilty for scheduling the flight so soon, but you knew that staying any longer and delaying your departure would just make it harder for you both to let go.
the next evening, you were about to board the plane with oikawa seeing you off.
"if... if ever you changed your mind and you want to come back to me, i'm just here, okay? i'm just a text or call away. i love you so much, y/n." he said shakily, trying not to cry in public.
you embraced him tightly, "take care of yourself, tooru. i hope you can visit home as soon as possible, they all miss you back there."
after that, you two parted ways. as oikawa watched you leave, his heart welled up with regrets and what-ifs.
"But I knew you'd linger like a tattoo kiss, I knew you'd haunt all my what-ifs."
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after terribly missing your family and friends, you've been spending more time with them. desperate to make up for lost time, you even started living with your parents again.
both family and friends were devastated to learn about your breakup with oikawa. their suggestions for your what you should do next were divided: half of them wanted you to find someone new so you could forget him as soon as possible, while the other half wanted you to take a break from love to heal. you agreed with the latter. it's still too painful to go out and start seeing someone new.
eventually, it's been a year since you got back from argentina and you found yourself happy and in a better state than the year before. your previous company had welcomed you back upon your return and now, you just got promoted.
in terms of your romantic life, you've been on a couple of dates with guys who were either referred to you by a friend or someone you met at work, but there was no spark. there was no second date for any of those men.
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it was a winter night after work, nearing christmas, when you found him outside your family house's gate.
you couldn't believe it, honestly. you and oikawa remained in contact this past year, but only through seldom chats. you couldn't even do video calls because you both knew it was going to be very awkward. so finding him now standing near your gate as the snow fell was truly surprising.
he almost snapped his neck as he looked at you, wide eyes and a smile.
"what are you doing out here? it's cold! you're gonna get sick. let's go inside." you hurried to the gate with the key in your hand.
"no, i'm fine here! besides, i'm scared of your parents. they're mad at me for what happened. you got hurt because of me, remember?" he said with a sad smile.
"what? they're not mad at you! they're sad about what happened, but they don't blame you. don't worry about that."
you were happy to see the relieved look on his face. you didn't know that he had such thought weighing on him.
"thank, god. but really, i'd like to talk to you here outside. let's go to the nearby park, if that's alright?"
his tone and facial expression told you that he's uneasy, so you obliged. "sure. it's so great to see you again, tooru. what's up? "
"it's lovely to see you again too, y/n. it honestly feels a bit surreal because i haven't been back here in a long time. it's my first time to come home since i became a starter in the argentinian team."
"what? you didn't come home after your overseas training camps last year?"
"nope. instead, i bought tickets for my family so they can visit me and see argentina. then a few months after my family left, iwa-chan, makki, and matsukawa surprised me with their own visit. it was funny, they literally suddenly showed up at my door one early morning. i was still in my pajamas when i opened the door. " oikawa said, both of you laughing.
"wow, that's very in-character for them." you chuckled.
"i know right."
after a short pause and awkward silence, oikawa continued in a more somber tone, "i... i wanted to chat you everyday, you know? i felt so bad being unable to keep in touch with you regularly."
"there's no reason to feel bad, tooru. it's oka-"
"i wanted to talk to you everyday, but i was scared that you'd think i'm annoying and clingy. so i gave you space and time... so you can heal. but i don't know," he shrugged, "i felt so uneasy, maybe because i missed you so much but for the first time ever, i couldn't do anything about it."
you saw how distraught he was so you comforted him right away, "first, i wouldn't think you're annoying for messaging me. when we broke up, didn't i say that we'd still be best friends? second, don't worry. starting from now on, we will message and call each other more regularly. overall, we will just do better in keeping in touch. okay?"
"okay... that'd be great, y/n."
oikawa hesitated and internally struggled to reply and smile because no, he did not want to merely keep in touch, he wanted to persuade you to come back to him. that's what he truly wanted.
you arrived at the park. there were just a few people because it was getting late and colder into the night. you sat down on one of the benches as oikawa ran to the nearby vending machine. he came back with hot matcha for you and hot red bean drink for himself. you remembered how you two and your friends joked about your drinks being the colors of christmas, which is closely approaching.
there was an awkward silence but oikawa cut through it by asking you about your life since you came home. you expected that he'd break the ice because oikawa hated awkward silence since you were kids.
you shared updates about everything, from work, social life, and new hobbies, but never about your dating life and the somewhat lack thereof. you just felt that you wanted to spare him from any details about that.
what you failed to notice--because you couldn't actually look him in the eye--was that he was both happy and regretful to know how well you're doing now that you're home. he wanted you to be this happy with him in argentina. but now that he saw your smile and heard your lively tone as you shared about your new life, the universe confirmed to him once more that home is where you're happy and thriving, and it broke his little heart even more.
"your turn!" you said enthusiastically, trying not to go back to the awkward atmosphere again.
"ahh, yes! haha. hmm.. i'm... i'm still a starter, still playing for the team. so... yup. nothing new, really. but it's all good." oikawa tried to laugh his awkwardness away, but he failed because it was still very apparent with all his stammering and fiddling fingers.
honestly, it's quite painful and unexpected to see and hear him like this. you wanted to ask if there's anything wrong, but you couldn't bring yourself to do so. deep inside, you were scared that asking that question might open a dam of feelings and words that would cause a rift.
as you were contemplating this, oikawa on the other hand was thinking how much of a loser he was. he hated being awkward in front of you. he was frightened that you might ask if there's anything wrong because if you do, uncontrollable tears and words might come flowing out from him. words such as, "i'm not doing great at all, y/n. i tried to move on, but i just can't. i desperately miss you and i can't take it anymore. it's no one but you. the true reason i came to see you tonight is to ask if we can start all over again. if it's possible for you to give me a second chance. i'm sorry. i'll do my best. i promise."
but he knew that blurting out those words would make things worse and might bring the two of you to a point of no return. he reminded himself that he's just here to see you, catch up with you, and rekindle the friendship. that's all.
"i'll walk you back home." he said with his pretty and sweet smile, the one you're used to seeing, and you felt relieved because you took this as a sign that he's feeling better now.
oikawa was able to smile genuinely like that because he finally accepted that you're just friends now, and forever.
"thank you, tooru. i really enjoyed catching up. seeing you here was a big surprise." you said as you arrived home.
"same here!" he smiled. "but... uhm, y/n? can i..." he added, suddenly averting his eyes.
"what is it?"
"can... can i... can i hug you?" he asked. "just a friendly hug!" he added right after.
"oh. sure, tooru." you chuckled. then you saw how his eyes truly sparkled for the first time that night.
"really? it's okay? thank you, y/n." oikawa whispered with an excited smile before going in for the hug.
it was so tight and warm, too tight actually. but you didn't mind it, caressing his back in return with your gloved hands.
you were smiling, thinking of this as a good way to end this catch-up night. but oikawa was doing his utmost best holding back tears. he was engulfed in happiness and desperation. it's been over a year since your last embrace, so of course he's very elated. but he was also reminded of how much he missed you and your warmth, of the pain of letting you go, and of the fact that he could no longer embrace you everyday like before.
in the past, he could hug you for minutes and cuddle in bed with you for hours. but now he was scared that he might scare you off, so after about five seconds, he let you go even though he didn't want to.
you bid each other good night and he watched until you safely entered your house, waving one last time.
now that he's alone, he could finally release the tears he's been holding back the entire night as he walked home.
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robininthelabyrinth · 2 years
Okay I have no idea if your still taking prompts - but plot twist: WRH IS 400! YEARS OLD! He just forgot. Maybe remembers, maybe Baoshan Sanren smacks him and goes: YO - Mao-Ge what’s up!
“My master told me about you,” the little girl said, and at first Wen Ruohan had no idea why she was talking to him or who the hell she thought she was to do so, but then he noticed the distinctive patterns on her clothing, black and white. They were familiar, even after as many years as it had been.
“Ah,” he said. “I see that another of Baoshan Sanren’s doomed disciples has come down the mountain.”
The (undoubtedly nameless) girl flushed red.
“How’s your master doing these days?” Wen Ruohan asked, lips twitching in faint amusement. “Hopefully not still using the heating systems from four hundred years ago – we’ve had a few developments since then, you know, and that mountaintop must get terribly cold…”
“Did you really curse her to stay there?” the girl blurted out.
Wen Ruohan arched his eyebrows. This one was daring; her predecessor, who had been called Yanling Daoren, had also wanted to know, but he hadn’t been bold enough to ask directly.
“That depends on your definition of cursing,” he said mildly. “As well as ‘stay’ and ‘there.”
Also possible the word ‘really’, but who was counting?
The girl rolled her eyes.
“Do you have any grand ambitions for the world before you die?” he asked, curious, and was even more so when then girl shook her head in denial. “Really? Then why come down the mountain at all?”
“To live,” she said.
Wen Ruohan nodded: he understood that motive quite well. He and Baoshan Sanren had always disagreed on the best way to live out immortality – he in the world, participating in it, connecting with others even if it meant he would eventually lose them, while she had preferred her aloof mountain remove, in which no one ever died but merely ‘left’ of their own free will…
“Best of luck to you, then,” he said with a shrug. “May you live a better life than my shijie wanted for you.”
“And you, too,” Cangse Sanren – that was what they called this one, wasn’t it? – said with a smile. When he arched his eyebrows in silent question, she explained: “You should be getting around to dying sometime soon, shouldn’t you? Your form of it?”
“Mm, yes. I hope, anyway. Surely someone will get around to declaring war on me eventually.”
The cultivation world was far too prone to allowing itself to be ruled by a single person. Last time around he’d been one of the ones involved in the rebellion, fighting against evil; this time, he’d decided to take the lazier path of being the evil himself and waiting for someone to develop the backbone to take him down. Sadly, he’d been waiting a while, but surely it wouldn’t take too much longer. Another generation or two at the most, no doubt.
He couldn’t wait.
“Eventually,” she agreed. “Do you have any notion of what you want to do after that? Will you still go by the surname ‘Wen’ as you’ve done so far?”
Given that he’d deliberately set up his sect to be completely destroyed, filling it up in the meantime with every thief and liar and lecher he could find? Probably not. The whole ‘stick to your clan’ idea had been a good one when he’d innovated it four hundred years ago, but it was clearly not working out in the long run.
Still better than the school he and Baoshan Sanren had once both been part of, though, with its teachings spread out to anyone who could make it in without discrimination. Imagine the awfulness of the rising generation achieving immortality – Jiang Fengmian? Jin Guangshan? Forever?!
Ugh. Definitely not.
“I’ll figure something out,” Wen Ruohan said, then grinned, with teeth. “Maybe I’ll swap places with some small sect leader during a raid that conveniently wipes out the rest of his sect and spend my next lifetime as an obscure and invisible part of a crowd, commenting on everything without interfering or taking responsibility. What do you think of that?”
“I think,” she said thoughtfully, “that you should go with Sect Leader Yao for that. No one would ever suspect him.”
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myjisung · 2 years
stray kids' maknae line as romantic fanfiction tropes !
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content. stray kids maknae line, non-idol!skz, gn!reader, slice of life, idiots in love — fluff.
warning. none
wordcount. 3,6k. each imagine is about 850 words long but i got carried away for seungmin's...
a/n. part two of this post. would you be interested in these drabbles being written out as full fics? let me know! also, this is only my opinion. feel free to disagree and let me know what you would have done differently :-)
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han ( 한 ) as enemies to lovers
many things annoyed jisung: waking up way after his alarm rang and having to rush through his morning routine, stepping in a wet spot in the bathroom while wearing socks or even no one telling him something is stuck right in between his front teeth and him only realizing it once he is back home at the end of the day for example. but what annoyed him the most was your general presence, especially whenever he was out with his friends.
it was just his luck. of course you had to be that new friend he met at a musicology lecture's best friend. of course, it made sense. not only had jisung had to suffer through spending all his high school years stuck in the same classroom as you but you also had to be there throughout his new life as a college student?
he thought he had finally gotten rid of you when he heard you had given up on studying music and eventually chose to go into psychology instead. he vividly remembered excitedly telling his friend group about it, even going as far as performing this little victory dance of his that had you grinding your teeth. all this for nothing, you were still there, all up in his face and, most of all, annoying.
if he was asked about it, jisung could never tell why he disliked you that much. something about you, about the way you held yourself and spoke made him feel small. jisung hated it, he absolutely despised the way you made him feel.
he had always been quite confident. jisung knew he took up space; he was aware of the fact that he was a little much to deal with sometimes. it had never bothered him, and neither had it ever bothered his friends. yet, it seemed to bother you and that was where it all started. that time you looked at him wrong as he was laughing slightly louder than he should have been in the library; that time you were studying for a test you both had in the afternoon and he did not care about it even a little bit.
you were only sixteen then. you both had barely just met a few weeks back as you moved into a new school and you were already looking down on him. jisung simply could not let that slide so, he faced you head on, asking what seemed to be the issue and you had rolled your eyes, closing your books before moving to sit someplace else. as he had gotten ignored for the very first time in his life, his friends had laughed at him and so had you when you had turned your back to him. from that moment on, jisung did not like you and it was definitely reciprocated.
despite wanting to avoid each other as much as you could, being in the same class forced you to interact. for some reason, your teachers loved making you work together whenever you had to do group projects. so, not only did you sit in the same classroom—sometimes even side by side—but you also had to visit his home from time to time so that you could get those projects done with. the way jisung approached those projects only furthered your annoyment towards him; the less he did, the better he felt. but you never forced yourself to the do whole work rather, you much preferred to bug him until he got his parts all done by himself.
so, when you finally graduated from highschool and were allowed to walk the paths you had chosen, you were both pretty pleased to finally grow apart from each other. unfortunately, your childhood friend had to bump into jisung on their very first day of college and he introduced you both, thinking you did not know each other.
he had told you jisung was quite the funny guy, a little timid but genuine in everything he said and that caught your attention. your friend loved to play cupid and believed to be an outstanding matchmaker, which was why you had accepted to meet his friend. jisung was told the very same kind of things. he had heard about how you were an incredible friend, always there to lend a listening ear or to cheer someone up. you were also quite humorous and the happy go lucky kind of person. jisung loved that description so much he was eager to meet you.
however, upon actually seeing each other, disappointment could be read on both of your faces. your friend was not the read-the-room kind of guy so he left you both to it for a bit as he grabbed drinks for all three of you. in the meantime, you had silently looked at each other for a few seconds before you decided to speak.
"i'll act friendly" you had said "he's a good guy, i don't wanna make him uncomfortable. i bet you'd like to do the same, so get to it."
and that you both did. you suffered through group hangout upon group hangout, meeting jisung's new friends and introducing him yours despite most of them knowing of how much you despised each other.
you forced yourself to smile but genuinely laughed at each other's jokes. the more time you spent together, the more accustomed you got to each other's flaws and the more you grew to finally see your strengths. jisung was loud but his hearty laughs were the best kind of sound you had ever heard. you were still a little quiet but it did not rub jisung the wrong way anymore, he actually enjoyed trying to get you out of your shell and tried to absorb all the smiles and giggles you blessed him with.
months later, you even caught yourself making plans together, though trying to play it off as casually as could. you wanted to hang out just the both of you, and that was more than fine. even if it would take time to take the steps you had been thinking of for a while, this was more than fine for now. jisung would eventually do it. he would eventually face the feelings he had quietly fostered over time.
jisung would eventually be ready to tell you, but would you be ready to hear him out?
felix ( 필릭스 ) as soulmates
as far as you could remember, felix always told you he would find his soulmate one day and he genuinely believed it too. it made you giggle a little bit; maybe because fated lovers was a little too much of a whimsical concept to you but also because it seemed difficult to achieve. of course, true love was the most beutiful thing you could think of, but being made to love someone from the moment you were born sounded a little off. maybe because you were one to think you made your soulmate instead of finding them, but also, believing in such things made felix a bit too much of a romantic.
in his search for his one true love, felix got hurt more than once and you were there to witness it. you were always there, always lingering around felix, not because you were friends but because he felt like home. you did not really confide into each other, instead just longing for one another's presence without ever knowing why. of course, you spent great time together and enjoyed those precious moments shared with each other but you could not call that a friendship. felix was only a friend of a friend to you anyway, and so were you to him, which made it all a lot more awkward than it had to be.
but something always bugged you. that moment you had met felix for the very first time had to be the weirdest day you had ever experienced.
you had woken up out of breath, as if you had been thrown out of a nightmare and were forced to arise. however, you had no recollection of what you had seen in your dreams, neither were you under the impression that they had been unpleasant. it was odd, but you had not paid much attention to it, blaming the stressful period of time you had experiencing been back then instead.
on your way to meet up with your friend that same day, things had gotten even weirder. you had felt excited. the more steps you had taken, the more excited you had felt and the more you had gotten nervous. it had been as if you were about to go take the most important exam of your lifetime, as if something huge was about to happen and you were going to experience it head on. whatever that could have been, you were not able to figure it out, which had made you even more stressed out.
when you had pushed the door of the café you had decided to meet at, and spotted your friend's silhouette at one of the tables set right beside the tall windows, your stomach had tied itself up into a knot. you wanted to bolt out of the room but also felt drawn to that table. so, you paced towards it, all of your senses alert and your head fuzzy. your friend was not alone that day, a blond man was sitting right by his side, all smiles and crinkled eyes. the moment you looked at him, the very second your eyes caught felix's, calmness washed over you.
you could not look away, completely captivated by this boy you had never seen before. felix looked back at you the same way you admired him, he appreciated each and every single one of your features as a storm was raging in his head and his heart was beating out of his chest.
how odd, you both thought. then you moved on with your days. your friend introduced you both, you smiled and learned next to nothing about each other, too shaken up by what had just happened.
you never brought it up, too scared to sound insane or scare the other off. yet, you kept looking for each other. you tried to hang out without making it weird by inviting the friends you had in common to tag along. when you were hanging out, you barely interacted, too intimidated by the way you felt whenever your eyes met.
as time went by, you grew quite fond of felix despite not knowing much about him. maybe you were addicted to the feelings you experienced whenever you looked him in the eyes or the sparkles that burned your skin whenever your hands brushed against one another, you might never know. there was simply something about him. his laugh had your head spin and his blinding smiles made your heart grow much bigger than it was supposed to be. despite not saying it out loud, a part of you hoped he felt the exact same way.
though fated lovers still sounded silly to you, there was something that made you hope that that was what was happening to you. no matter how little you knew about felix, you hoped he was the one, your soulmate, in this universe and the many others.
seungmin ( 승민 ) as fell first, fell harder
love had always been something complicated for seungmin. he had seen his friends fall in and out of it more times than he could count. the way they all were walking on clouds during the first few weeks of each relationship, only to watch them grow used to the feeling—, which made it seem as if love was no use—was something extremely difficult for him. even more so when those relationships faded into routine, racing towards their descent into frustration, petty fights and ultimately, the breakups. seungmin hated picking his friends hearts' pieces up all by himself, over and over again.
in truth, seungmin dated too. sometimes, people he was not in love with but rather fond of. spending time with them was healing, something he enjoyed doing and giving his all for. nonetheless, he was aware that it was not what love was supposed to be.
he had heard people go and on and on about how loving someone gave meaning to one's life; about how love not only taught someone to grow into a better version of themself but also to grow more mature as time went by. yet, seungmin remained seungmin, nothing ever changed and neither did his feelings for each and every single one of those people. so, without being able to help it, he always let them down, though gently.
how surprised was he when you came into his life. it was rather comical; seungmin worked part time as a cashier at a late night convenience store. as a photography student, it was always handy to have some cash to spare. also, nights were always pretty calm in this area of town, which is why he had chosen to work there in the first place. that particular night, it was raining pretty heavily. raindrops crashed harshly against the shop's windows and seungmin was counting down the minutes left until he was allowed to leave and let his colleague to the rest of the work. as he was staring at the clock perched above the candy aisle, you came running into the shop.
water dripped down from your clothes, wetting the floor seungmin had just swept. he found it annoying but thought it was none of his business anymore, his colleague would clean that up anyway. so, he looked up at you as you quickly paced through the shop. you were looking for an umbrella and seungmin quickly caught onto that. so, he softly called out to you.
"hey." you looked up at him, your face damp with rain and your eyes bloodshot from sleepless nights, it seemed, "an umbrella, right?" he asked, just to make sure he was not reading the situation wrong.
"yeah," you responded, a small smile tugging at your lips "though the damage is already done." you added, gesturing at your clothes, which already ruined by the weather.
at that, seungmin giggled and you could not help but find the sound attractive. he looked quite soft in his attire, simple polo shirt with the logo of the shop he worked at embroidered on his torso and messy brown hair covering his forehead. his laugh, quite low and warm, tickled your ears just right, almost musically.
"but you know, maybe it'll come in handy some other time." you added.
seungmin nodded as he walked from behind the counter up to you. he then led you to a corner of the shop, where cheap clear umbrellas were messily stacked together, and crouched.
"right, especially this fall" he ended up answering "they're expecting even heavier rain in the coming days"
seungmin picked an umbrella, straightened up and handed it to you. "how about this one?"
finally getting a good look at you, he caught himself admiring your face. yes, it was covered in water and your makeup had smudged a little bit. obviously, your mascara had cascaded in dark lines down your face and your lipstick had smeared to the corners of your lips. but seungmin quite liked it, you looked cute to him, cuter than anyone before. without knowing why, he grew slightly nervous, wanting to act the best he could in front of you.
"looks just like all the other ones but, since you picked it for me, i guess i'll take this one" you said as you grabbed the umbrella and walked up to the counter.
seungmin pursed his lips, left to wonder as he looked at you walking away. really cute, he thought.
once he collected himself, seungmin finally stood back behind the counter. he rung you up, counted the coins you handed to him as slow as he could, just to bask in your presence some more—something that surprised him but he could not help. then, he wished you a good night.
"see you soon, seungmin" you uttered, a slanted smile playing on your lips.
he frowned, how did you even know his name? was that not the first time you ever met? were you, maybe, another student at the university he attended? had he been blind this whole time?
the very visible confusion dancing all over his face made you giggle. oh, how lovely; so lovely to him, absolutely gorgeous in seungmin's eyes and heart.
"your badge. your name's on your badge." you ended up saying.
great, he made a fool out of himself! seungmin finally smiled back, genuinely amused but a little embarrassed.
"right, that's right..."
with that, you eventually walked out of the shop. seungmin watched as you opened your umbrella and paced down the street.
love had always been complicated for seungmin and it still was. he did not believe in love at first sight but, every single night he worked at the shop, he hoped to see you again. little did he know, you wished for the exact same thing.
i.n ( 아이엔 ) as childhood friends to lovers
you and jeongin had always been friends, thanks to your mothers. they had been close for as long as they could remember, sharing memories and milestones alongside each other. so, when they had kids around the same age, they wanted them to be just as close; which is why you got introduced to each other early on in both your lives.
of course, at first, you did not really get along. you found jeongin annoying for he knew how to push your buttons. you were not good at hiding your frustration and he found that awfully funny for some reason. what he did not find funny however was how you beat him at every single game with ease. then, it was his turn to grow frustrated and yours to snicker obnoxiously.
as years went by, you grew much closer than your parents ever expected you to. looking back at how your relationship started, your mothers did not think you would ever end up acting friendly with each other; too prideful to ever back off from your childish ways. jeongin took the first step—coming to your house whenever he was bored—and wanted to be around someone. you told him he could go meet his actual friends over and over again. yet, there he was, ringing your doorbell or blowing up your phone to come meet with him downtown for a milkshake and pancakes.
best friends, that was what you had become. childhood best friends to be more specific, and you were proud of that. you knew pretty much everything about each other; which allowed you both to throw perfectly aimed jabs at one another whenever the opportunity presented itself.
you were there for each other, ready to give the comfort the other needed. jeongin was there when you got dumped by your first boyfriend. that night, he held you close to his chest and threaded his fingers through your hair silently as he waited for you to calm down.
jeongin was also there when you decided to move out for college and followed you all the way to the school you had chosen to attend. being apart scared him but he was not about to tell you that; still too prideful despite the years passing by.
it was then that people's comments about your friendship started getting to your head. never before had so many people confused you both for a couple. after all, people in your hometown knew about your relationship and did not feel like questioning it. best friends, that was what you were.
even so, the way people reacted whenever you cleared up the fact that jeongin was your best friend and nothing more had you thinking. you were starting to look at jeongin differently. the way he oh so carefully held you, the fact that he knew how to comfort you but also all the ways to make you laugh until your tummy hurt; all of it made you question your stance on that relationship of yours. maybe going out with jeongin did not look that bad now that you thought about it. but it was not that easy.
although your view on jeongin carefully changed over time, it did not mean he felt the same way. for everyone's best interest, you decided to keep quiet about your blossoming feelings.
you did not stop seeing jeongin. though it hurt, distancing yourself would seem odd, especially to him since he had spent pretty much his entire life by your side. yet you knew you could not act like everything was completely fine, and if he picked up on it, jeongin did not mention anything.
you continued hanging out with him, visiting his room a few times a week just to sit beside each other and watch movies most of the time. one night, after an especially boring movie, you lingered a little longer than usual. jeongin had asked you to, saying he was not sleepy anyway and did not feel like laying there all by himself until exhaustion took over. so you chatted a little bit, the lights dimmed and faint music played from jeongin's loud speaker. after a while, there was nothing more to say, and you were about to leave. but before you could say anything about going back to your own dorm, jeongin spoke up after gazing into your eyes for what felt like the hundredth time that night.
"i really want to kiss you right now."
you eyes grew bigger as his words took some time to set in your mind. jeongin, though painfully nervous, did not falter. he continued to look directly at you. he was not joking and neither were you when you replied.
"i'd like that a lot actually."
you got very little sleep that night.
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taglist. @zoe8stay @starlostseungmin @starzzns @dumbfound-princess @hyukabean @l3visbby @yejiimg @eggielix @pearlygraysky @meowmeowisdaname @minilinooo @mybelovedhamji @hyuneater — let me know if you would like to be added / removed.
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therealvinelle · 2 years
do you have any tips on writing Aro? I love the way you write him, and i want to do a better job than i am. he only has a small part in this fic but i feel he could easily just take over when Carlisle shows up lol
Oh that's hard to answer.
There's no official process to it when I decide how to characterize someone, it all just happens rather automatically, which makes it tough to explain to others.
Though, with Aro it's actually simpler than it is with a lot of other characters, since there are so many thing that make him unique.
The man is over three thousand years old, and he has a gift that means every time he touches a person he knows every single thought that person has ever had. His vampire brain makes it impossible for him to forget a second of his own life or even of the minds he has touched. He has ruled the vampire world with for over a thousand years, enforcing a law he came up with where breaking it means your death, no second chances and no alternative punishments (not counting those who are made to join his guard). Rather than brute numerical force, Aro decided to conquer the world with gifts and strategy. He killed all those who would stand against him, refused to yield, or who in other ways were an inconvenience to him. He killed his own sister even though he loved her, and when he thought his friend Carlisle had harboured an immortal child he was ready to kill him as well.
So, even before my interpretation of the character enters the stage, there are a few things we know about him.
He's intelligent
Too often I see Aro dumbed down to the point where it's unfeasible this guy could ever have conquered anything, nevermind the world. He's made into a comic book villain and easily outmaneuvered, usually by the Cullens even though the Cullens have zero military experience (save for Jasper, but Jasper's field of expertise is newborn armies. He knows how to use brute strength and quantity strategically, when outsmarting that entire school of military philosophy is exactly how Aro got to the top in the first place. Jasper's out of luck).
Of course, Aro had Caius and Marcus with him, taking over the world wasn't a solo mission, but if one of those three had been a weak link, the Volturi would not have succeeded. They each contribute, and more, Aro is the one who realised what talents were needed and held the group together.
You're looking at a man who understands people and sees their strengths and weaknesses, sees opportunities where others don't, who understands how best to utilise the tools and advantages he has. He is calculating, analytical, and can inspire others.
He's highly intelligent and a force to be reckoned with. If you want your characters to get the better of him you'll have to sell me on it. Either they outsmart him, or he makes a mistake, or both - the important thing is you can't sell him short.
Here's a post @thecarnivorousmuffinmeta wrote on writing intelligent characters I believe would be useful. And while the second part is about writing Tom Riddle, it's generic enough that you could apply it to Aro as well.
His gift colours his relationship with everybody
If he can read every single thought a person has ever had, then he knows them more intimately than anybody else ever will. The person you are when you are with friends, when you are at work, when you are with family, when it's just you, and all the things you won't show to anyone, Aro sees it all. He sees the best and the worst of you.
More to the point, his every relationship has an innate power imbalance where he knows everyone he meets better than they know themselves from the start, while they know only what he chooses to show them. That is, in turn, extremely isolating since most people aren't going to put up with that.
I think Aro likely allows those close to him a set of boundaries. If someone doesn't wishes to have their mind read and he disrespects that, he's signalling that there is nothing they can do to shield their mind and, in turn, themselves from him. A very effective way of establishing dominance against criminals, to be sure, and the members of his guard can't very well refuse their leader to know what they know, but when it comes to personal acquaintances such as Carlisle or the wives, he would be shattering the trust between them by forcing his gift upon them.
Aro is living in a strange world of his own where he knows everyone around him so much better than anybody else does, but that very gift is isolating and means he can't ever have a normal interaction.
His gift also gives him a unique vulnerability. Unlike Edward, he can't be blocked, which is great when you want as much information as possible, but it also means he can't be blocked. He's getting every goddamn thought. If he touches Rosalie, he'll see her rape from her point of view, and know exactly what was going through her mind at the time, and he will see her decades of grief and bitter regret at all she will never get to have. I know we all joke about Aro having canonically read Midnight Sun, but he really has seen all the years of Edward knocking his head against a wall muttering, "Angst. Angst. Angst." to himself, just as he has seen the inside of countless of other mentally ill or traumatized people.
The man has to have incredible strength to live with a gift like that. More, a gift like this will shape who is as a person.
And here you can headcanon, as I do, that he is at times reluctant to read a mind he knows won't be pleasant, or that Marcus will use his gift to filter out minds Aro really, really, shouldn't read (such as if a prospective recruit is having funny thoughts about Jane).
I also headcanon that reading a mind can be overwhelming, especially if it's his first time reading someone's mind, and that Aro has to figure out how he's going to navigate this particular person's mind before he can get anything worthwhile out of it.
He's immortal
More often than not, within Twilight or in other fandoms (pour one out for Master of Death!Harry), ancient characters will be portrayed in a way that feels mundane and narrow in scope.
You will get a lot of mocking the mayfly humans who so foolishly believe their blink of an eye time on Earth matters, or that their short-lived empires impress anybody. The immortal character will be too worldly to function, and think very highly of himself simply because he is old. He may or may not have a god complex.
It's a valid interpretation, the world has no shortage of people who are too worldly to function in their teens, and who would get a thousand times more insufferable if they lived to be three thousand years old. The fact that vampires don't mature physically is another factor working against them.
(... and I think I just made myself realise that the way Aro is frequently characterised is in fact what Edward would become, if he got to be that old. Edward talks as if he's much older than he is and considers himself to be very worldly when we meet him, give the guy another three thousand years and you'll be looking at fanon Aro.)
I personally choose to characterise Aro as one who has seen history repeat itself too often to think he's an exception. All the world's most brilliant thinkers, the most well intentioned laws and conscientiously executed governments, it has all fallen, one way or another. It is the nature of things. Aro is not the first man to become an emperor, and while his empire may be the first of its kind, his rule will one day meet its end, and while he can do everything in his power to thwart those who would be his usurpers, he would be a fool to believe it won't happen eventually.
I'll admit that @theoriginalcarnivorousmuffin and I have a very specific type when it comes to how we want our immortal characters. We're both fascinated by the perspective you would get on the human race when you get to watch it for long enough, and how little trifles that seem so important to the contemporary mind would cease to matter.
I think Aro views immortals as no bigger than mortals, and that being ancient has been humbling, rather than the opposite.
I like to think I have proof of my interpretation of Aro in his love for human culture and arts. If we were ants to him, he wouldn't see the point in commissioning Solimena- why bother, when he could simply touch the man to learn how he performs his craft, and then teach himself to mimic it? Why be an academic, when our philosophies and scientific findings are the products of lesser minds?
By all accounts the man appears to be perfectly sane
Why I think Aro is sane is covered in this post.
Essentially, while all parties agree that the man is eccentric, I frequently see him characterised as insane (usually a nebulous insane where he's either a childish and infantile man, or he's a neurotic mess, or he's just... Insane™ (think Joker)).
Your fic, your decision, but... I'll just be blunt. I've yet to see insane!Aro done well. I'm sure it could be, I'm a firm believer in "anything can be pulled off if the author is good enough", but I've yet to see it.
I see him as someone easily perceived as mad, and not particularly bothered by that fact. If he was, he wouldn't be so openly himself. If anything, he seems to intentionally cultivate that perception.
A note on writing Dark™ characters
Frankly, this is worth a post of its own, just as the "How to write intelligent characters" bit, but I'll give it a shot.
For lack of a better way to explain this, I shall confess that when I was 13 I was one of those edgy kids who liked dark characters because they're so much cooler than the boring good guys. They hurt innocent people because they're edgy like that. God help me, I shipped Bellamort.
Why do I bring this up, you may wonder, and it's because a lot of the time when I'm reading Aro fic he acts like something 13-year-old me would have found very impressive. Sadly, this means we're now back to Aro being a comic book villain, because in order to have your Dark Aro™ you have to dumb him down and make him edgy (I don't want to give examples of this publicly since it's a small fandom and the examples that come to mind would be from specific and easily identified fics, so you'll have to forgive my being vague. I hope it's clear what kind of characterisation I'm describing, though). He becomes a flat and uninteresting character.
With a character like Aro, who murdered his sister for power, you can't ignore the man has a dark side, but don't write a Dark™ character.
Aro is ruthless, there is no denying that. He can kill anybody, no matter how much he loves them or how much it will destroy him, if he perceives it to be necessary. He killed god knows how many vampires on his way to power, and continues to rule not as a king, but as a judge and an executioner. He has made sure the vampire world knows he will spare no one if they break his law or try to rise up against him, and that is the kind of lesson you can't teach without making examples of countless of covens (And yes, I know Caius exists, but again, if Aro was a weak link here then the Volturi would be known as "those guys who can kill you, but won't").
In spite of this, we see he is capable of being both generous and fair to his subjects. There's a distinct lack of bloodlust, and his admiration for Carlisle points to a sincere appreciation for goodness and morality that you're not going to get from Darky McDarkety Dark.
I view him as a man with demons. He has done unforgivable things, he has to live with the eternal reminder of what he did to his sister in the form of Marcus, and I interpret his choice to present his warm and sincere side to those around him as one made because he is deeply private in his own way, and this seeming openness is a good way to keep the parts of himself he doesn't want to broadcast close to the chest.
Lastly, I'm a nerd
There's no denying my interpretation of Aro is largely inspired by several fictional characters I adore. Examples being:
Emiya Kiritsugu from Fate/Zero, a man who will destroy anyone and anything in pursuit of a cause he has devoted himself to entirely. He kills the only mother he has ever known because saving her would have meant the deaths of hundreds, and he marries the woman he loves even though they both know he will have to kill her to save the world. In the end, when he learns that his cause would only lead to greater destruction, he abandons it even though this means his wife died for nothing and his daughter will die as well. Does he hate himself for these things, yes, does that stop him, no, because he's living a life where it keeps being him who has to make these awful decisions, and every time he tries to choose the one that will save as many people as possible- or kill as few as possible.
Livia from I, Claudius, who is incredibly intelligent, ruthless, will kill her loved ones off, her biggest problems are dealing with fools, and who's ultimately recognised by Claudius as a stabilizing force after she's dead. She is hated by those who recognise her for what she is, save for by Claudius who, though he fears her, grows to understand her.
Claudius from I, Claudius, who doesn't wish to be Emperor, but he remains on the throne to Rome because he knows that the world will fall apart without him.
TL;DR: Write Aro as an intelligent man whose outlook on the world around him is shaped by his gift, one who has attentively watched human history unfold in front of him and learned from this. Make him ruthless because he has to be.
Good luck, I hope this was remotely helpful.
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otomehoneyybearr · 4 days
Act 12
Episode 8: The Person I Admire
Working w/ Maybelle Lace
Note: As you read, you will see that some sentences highlighted in a different color, this is what they indicate. Pink: Flashback Blue: Characters are acting
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???: Let’s walk hand in hand.
Sakuya: Yeah!
???: It'll be dangerous if you jump around too much.
Sakuya: Okay!
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Sakuya: …!
Sakuya: (What was that? I felt like I had a very gentle and nostalgic dream.)
Citron: Zzz...
Sakuya: ...It must be pretty early.
Sakuya: (There's still some time until I need to get to the theater so I can sleep a little longer, but I'm not sure...)
Sakuya: (Banri said that Syu and Reni are also coming to today's rehearsal.)
Sakuya: (It's been a while since I've played a lead role in a performance, so I'm a little nervous.)
Sakuya: ...Alright.
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Sakuya: (I might feel better if I practice a bit on my own in the theater.)
Amadate: ...
Sakuya: Oh, Amadate...?!
Amadate: Ah, you are...
Sakuya: I’m Sakuya Sakuma from Mankai Company.
Amadate: Yes, that's right. Good morning, you're up early.
Sakuya: What are you doing here?
Amadate: I stopped by for a bit on my way to work. I just really wanted to see—
Sakuya: Huh?
Amadate: By the way, I heard that your show starts tomorrow?
Amadate: It's been a hot topic of discussion at the board meetings. I'm looking forward to the second part of the performance.
Sakuya: Thank you! Will you also be coming to see the show, Amadate?
Amadate: The entire board of directors has been invited, so I'll find time to come and see it.
Sakuya: Then I'll do my best!
Sakuya: This time, I'm playing the role of an orphan raised by space pirates and somehow, it resonates with my own life.
Sakuya: I've always admired the pirate captain played by you and started acting because of it, and now I’ve found a place here at Mankai Company.
Sakuya: I’m truly happy that you’ll be watching.
Amadate: ...I heard that this performance was built off of the concept made by the first generation’s scriptwriter, Hakkaku.
Sakuya: Yes! Both Tsuzuru and the God Troupe's scriptwriter, Madoka, co-wrote the script together.
Amadate: Actually, the script for the pirate performance that you saw back then was inspired by Hakkaku’s concept of the private performance.
Amadate: It couldn’t even compare to Hakkaku's scripts though.
Amadate: I actually wanted him to write it, but since he was working exclusively for this theater company, that didn't happen.
Amadate: That pirate performance tour was the last time I traveled across the country as an actor.
Sakuya: Is that so...?!
Amadate: We received a letter of gratitude from the police department— They wanted to thank the troupe members for our quick actions in evacuating the elementary school students safely from the fire that broke out during the play.
Amadate: The troupe's achievement was even featured in a national newspaper. That incident further raised the profile of the Hyakka Troupe.
Amadate: Furthermore, I am proud to say that one young man with a promising future decided to pursue a career in theater thanks to that performance.
Sakuya: That's... I've still got a long way to go...!
Amadate: I wish you good luck with your performances. Well, I'll be off then.
Sakuya: Thank you very much!
Sakuya: ...
Izumi: Huh? You're here early.
Sakuya: Good morning. I woke up early, but felt a bit restless staying in bed...
Izumi: You're quite enthusiastic.
Sakuya: Actually, I just happened to meet the actor I admire.
Izumi: The actor you admire?
Sakuya: The one I told you about earlier!
Sakuya: It's the actor who played the captain in the pirate performance by Hyakka Theater Company that I saw when I was in elementary school.
Izumi: Really? So you found out who it was?
Sakuya: His name is Keiju Amadate, and I heard that he had retired from acting and is now the head of a theater company.
Izumi: …!
Izumi:  Amadate... Really?
Sakuya: Yes!
Sakuya: He told me that the Mankai Company's performance was being talked about at the board meeting...
Sakuya: I'll have to work hard for the second part!
Izumi: (I never thought that he'd be the actor that Sakuya looks up to...)
Izumi: (And what was he doing here? What did he come to do?)
Izumi: (I wonder if I should talk to Kamikizaka about it later.)
Izumi: (They said they would arrive right before the show started, so I might not make it in time...)
Izumi: (Anyway, we have to make the dress rehearsal and the deal go smoothly no matter what.)
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Kabuto: ...Geez, look who’s showing off.
Suspicious Man: ...
Kabuto: ?
Kabuto: (What is that guy doing...)
Kabuto: ...Hey, you there.
Suspicious Man: …!
Kabuto: (What the...? What’s up with him...)
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Kabuto: ——Smoke?
Kabuto: (It can't be—)
Suspicious Man: There's a fire!!!
Passerby A: Huh? What?
Passerby B: A fire? There's smoke coming out!
Passerby C: Kyaah!
Passerby D: It's coming from Mankai Theater! Hurry and call the fire department!
Kabuto: (They got me...!)
Kabuto: (Anyway, I need to call 119—)
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Firefighter: Firefighting operations have ended.
Izumi: ...Thank you.
Firefighter: Only a few small areas on either side of the theater actually caught fire.
Firefighter: However, there were a large number of smoke bombs placed on the ceiling, and smoke appeared to be coming out of them.
Izumi: Smoke bombs...?
Firefighter: Due to large-scale firefighting efforts, the exterior walls of the theater building have been severely damaged, therefore entry is prohibited for safety and preservation of the site.
Izumi: ...
Firefighter: After this, the police will conduct an on-site investigation, but due to the high likelihood of a criminal act, we ask for your cooperation.
Izumi: U-Um, tomorrow is the opening day of our performance, will it be restored in time—
Firefighter: I'm sorry, but I'm afraid that may be difficult...
Izumi: ...I see. Do you still need me to stay here?
Firefighter: No, you only need to provide us with your contact information.
Izumi: I understand. Thank you for your hard work.
Izumi: (I never expected things to turn out like this...)
Sakyo: Are you done over there?
Izumi: Oh, Sakyo, is everyone okay?
Sakyo: All media personnel, invited guests, and staff were safely evacuated. No injuries.
Izumi: Thank goodness...
Izumi: I was told that smoke bombs had been placed on the ceiling.
Sakyo: So they intentionally make it look like a large-scale fire? The exterior walls have been torn apart by the water pressure to extinguish the fire.
Izumi: ...
Sakyo: Let's head back to the dorm for now. We should send the others home. There's no point in staying here forever.
Izumi: You're right...
Izumi: ?
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Manager: Izumi, we've received an email addressed to the theater company!!
Izumi: …!
Sakyo: What is it?
Izumi: Manager said we received an email—
Sakyo: "Disband the troupe immediately. Otherwise, the audience and company members will be the next to get harmed."
Sakyo: A threat.
Izumi: (Was this also the work of Amadate...? I can't believe he would go this far.)
Izumi: ...I think it would be better to consult with the police about this, including all the incidents that happened before.
Sakyo: The person responsible for the arson might be caught soon...
Sakyo: Considering what’s happened so far, there’s a high possibility that only the hired subordinates will be caught, and that the investigation will not be able to find the mastermind.
Izumi: ...
Izumi: ...For now, we need to discuss future plans with everyone.
Sakyo: Agreed.
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1, 6, 12, 39
get asked things, dork (affectionate
welp, get your reading glasses out everyone
1: 3 things that shaped me into who i am
-1: luck. from the classic things like being born in a wealthy western country, being white (not inherently lucky but made me privileged/safer), having a relatively nice familly with no financial struggle, etc, to smaller stuff. like, it's a miracle i was never bullied in school. if it wasn't for that one person, maybe i would've died. i had free access to the internet since i was like 9, and somehow never stumbled on stuff that was inapropriate for my age
i consider myself quite lucky, despite all the hardships
-2: being trans. sorry to the people who think it's cringe when we make it our whole personnality, but it is litteraly so important. so central. i cannot fathom what i would be like if i weren't trans. that's just not the same person
-3: having weird ass parents. by that i mean that they're almost not like parents, more like... people i lived with that cared for me? i of course mean that in the sense that i don't have any special emotional attachment to them and all, but also that it doesn't feel like they raised me because they transmitted so little to me. my way of seeing the world, my hobbies, my fears, my political opinions, my general knowledge, my understanding of myself and others, my skills, i got them from, well, not them. the internet school, my friends, but not my parents. truly, i don't really know these people
6: best and worst part of being online
i've been here most of my life, so all the bad is just part of it. yes, that's where all the haters are. sure, all of the horrible things in existence can be found here. but that's also where my friends are. that's where community is. that's my only way of accessing at least 50% of what makes me happy. it has taught me so much about the world and myself, has held so many fulfilling experiences for me
if i had to choose 1 worst, i'd say transmisoginy i guess? i dunno, girl, i'm not even popular enough to get hate mail
12: a piece of advice i'd like to give
like i said in a previous post of mine i'm just 18. i'm like a baby. i feel like the least qualified person on earth to be giving advice. but i'll say one thing: advices are kinda bullshit. in essence they're opinions you think will be helpfull to someone else. but in my experience, they rarely are, especially when talking about life choices, mental health and the such. i watched hundreds of hours of self help videos, listened to people, went to therapy, and i felt like a fucking moron. i knew all the things, i had the advice, but it wasn't working. in the end, what helped me crawl out of the pit is time, love, and a bunch of stuff i'll never know about. find what works for you and ditch what doesn't; it's not because a piece of advice is true that it is helpful. searching for your solution will probably work better than just trying to apply the solutions others found
39: a youtuber i'm obssessed with
hard and specific
brennan lee mulligan? absolutely obssessed. a youtuber? not really
thegreatreview (he's french)? amazing youtuber. so fucking talented. obssessed? not really
dougdoug? obssessed by his entire cinematic universe for a while now. a youtuber? maybe 50%? it's all twitch streams highlights
john and hank green? ok i'll stop there
let's settle for brian david gilbert then, the man so nice they named him thrice. please buy his bed.
most well known for his Unravelled series on Polygon's channel, like the one about the sonic bible or the one about the smash bros osha violations, his personnal stuff is simply perfect, sometimes whimsical, like "i wish that i could wear hats" or "Pumpkin Cowboy", sometimes horrifying, like the one about the american healthcare system or "Teaching Jake about the Camcorder, Jan '97", often a mix of both, like "we like watching birds" or "earn $20K EACH MONTH by being your own boss". his comedic genius is at its best when it is also at its weirdest. he's also the guy who made the sibling dance song, i guess
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nehswritesstuffs · 10 months
Intro Post, GO!
Jesus, Mary, and Joseph--I last did one of these in 2018... fucking...
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Info under the cut, if you’re into that sort of thing.
Hi! My name is Nehs and I write stuffs. I’m a trained screenwriter and hope to one day break into that, but I also know that since it’s a lot of work and luck I might as well enjoy myself along the way. I’ve been writing fan fiction since about 1998 and sharing online since 2004, so when I say I’ve been writing fic for most of my life, I mean it. More recently I’ve been very active in the Doctor Who/Whouffaldi fandom and back in One Piece. These things are more alike than one would think. My life force feeds off of weird, rare, and otherwise less-popular ships as well as alternate universe settings.
Aside from being here I’m also on fanfiction.net and Archive of Our Own. In the past nine years I’ve put out about 1.78mil words on AO3. My totals on FFN (which begin in high school (beware weird/lower quality work earlier on) and are skewed due to author’s notes and review replies bc i’ve been on the site for so long) are at ~2.38mil. Not everything from here is on my FFN or AO3 and not everything on FFN is on AO3 and vice versa. I do tend to crosspost a lot of my work, however, so when one site is down, there’s usually a good place to find my stuff otherwise if you were in the middle of something!
(No, seriously, my FFN hits took off during the latest mass-AO3 outage and it was mainly for stuff that was crossposted, so don’t be afraid to come on over!)
Uhh... big things I’m known for...
The Time That We Love Best: slice of life Whouffaldi AU set from WWII-1960; a hundred chapters of a relationship and lots of period-related plot; there are prompt fills to add to the story
The Thick of UNIT: crossover involving Doctor Who and The Thick of It, prominently showcasing the crackship of Kate Stewart/Malcolm Tucker; contains many OCs, canon cameos from both shows, weird shit, and current events; lots of offshoots and even has spawned fic of the fic
The March of Kasterborous and Gallifrey: pseudo-fantasy/nobility Whouffaldi AU that starts with an arranged marriage and morphs into a loving relationship and the building of a dynasty; consists of In Want of An Heir, Stars in A Sky of Blood and Blue, a prompt fill fic, and an AU of the AU that’s a remix of the first fic
Getting the Hang of Things: my attempt at a close-as-possible-to-canon Whouffaldi AU where they raise kids
a bunch of different fantasy-related Whouffaldi AUs, incorporating things such as selkies, werewolves, vampires, a How to Train Your Dragon setting, and more
Father Like Son, Mother Like Daughter, Parent Like Child: a One Piece Bellazón AU where Cora-san and Bell-mère raise their six kids in the East Blue, they’re all better adjusted, and proceed to make it everyone’s problem
little seagull, little seagull, where shall you go?: a One Piece AU where the Heart Pirates find a kid during the timeskip and Law completes the circle and becomes her Cora-san; is pretty much becoming a pick-your-own adventure story as I write varying branches to the plot
Love, Loss, and Finding One’s Self on the High Seas; I wanted to write Sanji/Pudding that gave her agency and made things less creepy; there’s lots of other ships too and it’s just weird af trust me
Other than that I am generally friendly and willing to interact with people. Drop me a line anytime, about fic or fandom or anything else, even if you think it’s negative. My personal blog is escapaldi. I enjoy hearing from readers (I’m one of those people that stalk reblogs for fun tags) and anything is better than nothing. There’s always room for improvement in a writer’s craft, so if you catch something then please let me know. Anon is on and if you prefer to confer in private just say so. Another thing to note is that I tend to reblog fanart for things I’ve written,things I find neat/important, and any other projects I may be in at the moment. If you got a problem with that, then I’m not really sure what to tell you. *shrugs* Oh, and yeah, don’t feed my fics to an AI for any reason whatsoever or I’ll astral-project myself to your computer and no one will enjoy themselves. :D
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sakarrie-creates · 4 months
2023 Fic Round-Up/Reflection
Got an early start this year! I technically was shooting to get it done before the new year but I feel like I’m still within a reasonable window, so I’ll take it! Here’s my 2023 Writing Summary! Overall, I think I actually did okay! As usual, my rambly reflection stuff is under the cut. Happy 2024 people!
2023 Stats:
Fics Started: 12 Fics Fully Written: 12  Fics Posted: 5 New WIPs: 0 Total WIPs: 20 (ish?) Words Written: 53,686 (55,598 if including fic outlines that haven’t been turned fic) Words Posted: 34,805 Fandoms Written For: 3 (+1 for Merlin FTH outline) Events: 4 (+3)
Posted Fics:
Supernatural (Gen): 2
When it Rains, it Pours (13,779): As part of Chuck's "reliving of his greatest hits," Sam starts having his painful visions again. He doesn’t want to believe it, but the nightmares keep coming true and now, he's beginning to worry it’s not just visions. During their last hunt, Sam could have sworn that the machete he was reaching for threw itself. Dean didn’t seem to notice anything but later that night, Sam finds a small trail of blood coming from his nose.
He needs to tell Dean—he knows that. But Dean’s been struggling a lot between Chuck and losing... well, most everyone. He's just barely beginning to bounce back, and Sam was his only constant right now. He’ll just have to keep a handle on it until they can take care of Chuck. Set around s15e4 Atomic Monsters. 
Whatever it Takes (1,875): Gadreel's possession of Sam has more serious side-effects than Dean ever imagined. Now, his brother is sick, hurting, and close to giving up. But Dean is determined to make this right. 
The Owl House (Gen and Implied/Background Ship - Huntlow): 2
What Doesn't Kill You (Gives You Trauma) (1,737): With the reconstruction of Hexside finally complete, a sense of normality has been restored. Fortunately, that includes Grom. Unfortunately one of their own has been declared King. Hunter doesn’t even know which fear he'll have to face. He certainly has enough painful memories for Grom to take its pick. With a bit of luck and support from his friends, though, he might just make it through the night.
Frenemies (1,737): Hunter gets a mysterious message telling him to meet them at the night market. He really should have realized Luz would be behind this. Or: Post-ASIAS, Luz doesn't like the idea of Hunter suddenly showing up at Hexside and almost kidnapping her friends.
Code Lyoko (Gen): 1
No One’s an Island (7,612): Yumi is tired. XANA's attacks have been relentless and it's wearing her down. Between school, home life, and Lyoko, she's not sure how much more she can handle. After all, there's only so much weight one person can take. Except, it's not just Yumi's burden to carry, and her friends are going to do whatever they can to remind her of that. 
Events Participated In:
SPN Summergen (Fic), Player Appreciation Week (Art), Weird People MEP (Edit), Dear Fellow Traveler (Animatic), SPN Gencest Bang (Fic), Fandom Trumps Hate (Art/Fic), Mirage and Mischief Zine (Fic), and LOTS of zine apps (Fic, Art, Mod).
Best/worst title?
Best title: None of them super jump out at me, but Whatever it Takes and Between the Lines of Fear and Blame both come from songs where the song vibe/lyrics match the fic PERFECTLY. The latter is a bit long for my tastes, but it’s grown on me. What Doesn’t Kill You (Gives you Trauma) makes me chuckle too, but it’s got the same length issue as well as trying out a new style from my norm which I had mixed feelings on.
Worst title: Oof, well as usual, I didn’t particularly like most of my titles this year. I think Frenemies has to take the cake though. It started as a working title but then I got lazy and just left it when I posted. It feels so generic and not... aesthetic enough? Poetic enough? Literally no idea why it bothers me so much but it does.
General Questions:
Looking back, did you write more fics than you thought you would this year, less than you thought, or about what you predicted?
I honestly can’t remember what I was expecting this year (and it’s tradition that I can’t look back at my goals ‘til I answer these questions, so it will remain unknown). I certainly hoped to be able to do more since last year was a fairly barren year creativity-wise, but I’ve also been quite aware for a while that being in school sucks out my soul makes it difficult to create. With that, I think I probably was in the ballpark of what I was expecting. I might have predicted it being more spread out, though, which is a rookie move considering that my classes are clustered haha. What pairing/genre/fandom did you write that you would never have predicted last year?
I think I’d just barely gotten into TOH at the start of the year, so that wasn’t COMPLETELY unpredictable, but I did write some Huntlow (aka, romance) fics, which is abnormal for me! Additionally, I can’t remember if I discovered The Sentinel this year or last, but that definitely wasn’t expected. Just got the DVDs so I can finish watching the series! Oh, also writing Code Lyoko was a new experience (not counting my random 6th grade fanfiction I wrote in notebooks lol).
What’s your favorite story this year? Not the most popular, but the one that makes you the happiest.
I’m split quite a bit on this one. On one hand, I really like my Grom fic (so far) so I’m hoping that will continue to flow as I wrap it up. I also like my unposted fic about Willow dealing with Hunter’s near-death and Camila comforting her. Of those that are currently posted, though, I think I might go with No One is an Island. It was a lot of fun trying to figure out how to write Yumi and the other Code Lyoko characters, and considering the small size of the fandom, it was fairly well-received too!
Okay, NOW your most popular story.
Same as the last two years! Fragmentation’s views are hard to really predict since view counts have been down since September, but the total views has officially surpassed the overall word count at 21.4k views (vs 20.7k word count). Which is AMAZING. It’s always a bit wild to me to consider, but I’m so great people are enjoying my fic. Next is still The Problem With Good Intentions at 12.6k, which surprises me less now that I’ve seen just how alive and well the Once and Future Fandom is haha. From the fics I posted this year, it would be When it Rains, it Pours at 1.5k.
Story most underappreciated by the universe?
A Letter to Never Be Read on FF.net never really got any traction, but I think I’m over it by now. As for more current underappreciated fic... I think I might actually go with When it Rains, it Pours again. Even though it had the most views, it’s a fairly long, multi-chap story and didn’t get many reviews in between chapters. That’s part of the challenge with bangs and posting dates, though, so nothing too shocking there.
Hardest story to write?
It’s really hard to say! I was struggling with burnout a lot during my zine app timeframes, but most of those fics haven’t been posted yet. It might be Whatever it Takes just cause I had such a hard time coming up with something that matched the prompts as well as my preferences. When it Rains, it Pours was also a challenge at times, but mostly in trying to find motivation to write anything.
Most overdue story?
It’s Only Natural is still very very overdue, but it’s not super popular (and is on FF.net), so it’s not one I’m stressed about. I think about A Long Ways Home a lot, though. I wanted to work on it recently, but unfortunately my writing energy needed to go towards FTH so that continued to be put off. People have left some very supportive comments on it recently, though, which I majorly appreciate!
Did you take any writing risks this year? What did you learn from them?
It hasn’t been a very writer-heavy year, which means less opportunities for writing risks. Writing for Code Lyoko was something of a risk in that I had no idea how it would turn out, but it wasn’t actually that adventurous. I also explored different types of grief in an unposted zine app piece, but I think in the end it turned out solid! My biggest risk was probably a different ficlet I wrote for a zine app. It was of young Eda and Grudgy, so both about characters I’m less invested in and in the sports genre, which is totally new for me. Unfortunately, that risk didn’t pay off. I actually felt pretty good about it, but when I sent it for feedback from a mod friend, they really didn’t like it. Everything’s subjective so it’s possible that it would still be enjoyable for some people, but suffice to say, I didn’t use it for any apps in the end.
How’d this year compare to your goals of last year?
Okie here we go! I think my goals were fairly reasonable last year if I remember correctly so I’m tentatively optimistic I’ll have some stuff to check off! 
Oof last year had a bunch of paragraphs of reflection here. I think I’m gonna focus more on bullets this year haha.
Goals from 2022:
-Unfortunately, keeping my scholarship has to be my biggest goal this year again so gonna put that here in case it's the only thing I can check off come December.
-A Long Ways Home (at least 1 new chapter) -SPN Summergen-At least 3/7 Player Appreciation Week days-Catch up on comment replies -At least do some more brainstorming for bigger CS aus -Huntlow/Owl House fics?-One zine?
If crazy inspired year: -All of A Long Ways Home -All Player Appreciation Week Days -WIP Bang with It’s Only Natural -Post More CS One-shots -Write out more big AU scenes -Other Zines
Oof, okay so apparently I was not crazy inspired this year lol. To be fair, I did do a bit more exploration in art and lots more in merch, so it wasn’t a totally uncreative year. And I doubled my word count overall from last year! Plus I did apply to a LOT of zines this year... I just unfortunately didn’t get in to nearly any of them. Next time maybe though! I’m a pinch hitter for a couple so that’s something at least!
It’s also been a year with lots of burnout and anhedonia for me, so brainstorming has been completely unachievable for most of the year. It’s been sad and I feel a little bad for my poor friends who love to brainstorm with me, but thankfully they have other sources. I’m scared to say anything, but I’ve felt more recently like maybe some interest is returning, so I’m crossing my fingers that it will still be there by the time FTH/Mirage&Mischief stuff is finished and school starts.
I actually met my goals this year too! In fact, my stretch goal had 25k posted, which I doubled in total and surpassed in written too, which is really impressive for me! Not to mention, I finished EVERY SINGLE fic I wrote this year!! That’s WILD for me. To be honest, it’s probably more a sad reflection on how I was writing purely for external deadlines rather than myself, but hey! Still got them all done and wrote a lot of words. Overall, thank you last year Sakarrie for keeping things achievable cause I actually did meet/exceed my goals! 
What are your fic writing goals for next year?
Well, I was a little relieved to find that I’d met them this year, so I think I’m going to try to keep things not too high again. Overall, though, I think I want to have a little more room for creative freedom in what I’m writing this year. For how little creative work I was doing, I did a TON of events, and at many times, those obligations stopped me from working on something I was feeling more inspired by. My fandom interests jumped all over this year (main focuses include: TOH, Merlin, Code Lyoko, The Sentinel, Dragon Prince, She-ra, Handplates (Undertale), and Centaurworld). Honorable mentions to Amphibia, SPN, and Miraculous Ladybug too... and that’s all just the stuff I’ve had long hyperfixations on this year. There’s tons of fandoms outside of those that also grabbed my attention on and off this year.)
Anyway, my hope is that I’ll be able to write similarly or more this year, but based on my own fickle inspiration, rather than only writing when I hate to for events. With that, I think I’m going to just stick with the Gencest Bang and zine obligations as the only writing events I’m planning on this year. I also hope to do Player Appreciation Week and Summergen again, but both of those could be art if needed. 
I also 100% failed in my comments goal from last year, but my mindset is slowly getting healthier I think. I do leave comments occasionally, but they still feel like way bigger deals than they should be. I’m getting better at letting old tabs go, though! I’m also fairly behind on responding to comments of my fics, but that one’s a lot more manageable.
Additionally, I want to have a pinned post on my tumblr page and ao3 profile page where people who are interested can see my current status on projects. I don’t expect it would be updated all the time, but it might help me keep track of everything.
Okay so! Goals for next year: -Have a solid zine portfolio -Make pinned update post -Post at least 4 stories -Embrace/follow the inspiration -Finish first draft A Long Ways Home -Gencest Bang -Summergen Exchange -Code:Swap -Player Appreciation Week -Apply to more zines
So, finally work counts goals are...
Easy Goal Word Count Goal: 20k (at least 10k posted)
Stretch Goal (aka, if I don’t die from school agAIN): 60k (at least 30k posted)
Ultimate 2021 Word Count Goal: 38k
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baby-girl-e · 2 years
Cruel Summer part 1
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Characters - Rooster x f!Reader, Penny 
Summary - You finally break out of your suffocating small town, and find your next adventure in a certain fighter pilot
Word Count - 1.5k
Warnings - fluff, serious conversations, unspecified trauma
A/N - This is my first fic in a VERY long time, so please be kind. This chapter is a bit slow, but I needed to set up the story well enough. Another thing I should mention, the reader is very much based on myself, and my own life experiences so if something isn’t super relatable I’m really glad tbh!
Growing up in a small town where everyone knew everyone was both helpful, and extremely unhelpful. For example, you left your garage door open? Someone is there to close if for you. However, if you mess up even a little bit? Everyone also knows. Just graduating from high school you couldn't afford much more than to go to the local college and live at home. There's no shame in it, truly, you just always felt like you were destined for more than a psychology degree and a minor in dance. The only reason you didn't major in dance was because you wanted to be a dancer. Not just teach it. You had danced from ages 3 to 15 in a studio before you made the high school team and captained it your senior year. Through your four years of college you danced on the college team and competed in cities across the country, and the occasional trip to dance in a few festivals across Europe. This was your only escape from the mind numbingly simple life you lead at home. So after graduation when you were given the opportunity to be a regular performer at some touristy restaurant in San Diego, you took it without a second thought. 
That's what brought you here, the Hard Deck bar, stuck in the doorway unable to fully enter. You’d never truly spent much time in a bar back home, sheltered and squashed by your parents' religious views and the general lack of bars in your area. You rub your hands on your jean shorts and force  yourself to take a step in. You were immediately overwhelmed by the sheer volume of people there, but you pushed further in and made a b-line for an open chair at the bar near a window. Once you had sat down you made quick work of finding your exits and sussing out any imminent threats, a habit you have yet to kick from a particularly traumatic experience. After you had done a good 360 degree look about, you started to settle. All too soon a woman from behind the bar approached you. “What can I get you hun?” she seemed nice and approachable, so you decided to enlist her help on what you should do. “I've uh… never actually been to a bar before? What do you recommend?” she let out an amused laugh and smiled at you. “I'll get you a light beer to start and we can go from there yeah?” you nod your appreciation and hope for the best. When she returns to the bar she introduces herself as a woman named Penny. “Nice to meet you Penny, i’m Y/N.” Penny shakes your hand, “you’re not from around here are you?” You feel your cheeks start to heat up, not just from the hot California sun somehow making its way into the bar. “Is it that obvious?” she just laughs at you before leaning in close. “I”ll let you in on a little secret, most of the people here are Navy pilots or somehow related to one. And I'm almost certain that it's a requirement to drink over there.” you suppose that’s good to know, given that you’ve already seen more Navy men and women then you have civilians. You figured that moving somewhere nicknamed ‘Fightertown USA’ wouldn’t be too bad to get used to given the fact that you lived a mere 30 minutes from a major Air Force base back home. You are starting to discover huge differences between the two military branches. You’re thrown back to the present when you hear loud laughing and talking coming from the entrance. “Speak of the devil, here comes some of the best ones. Good luck Y/N.” You weren't entirely sure what that was supposed to mean but you figured you were going to find out sooner or later. 
Later came incredibly fast as a man wearing a Hawaiian shirt approached you. You were immediately overwhelmed once more, but this time it was just him at fault. He was easily one of the most attractive men you had ever seen, but it was his confident but goofy energy you immediately picked up on. “Haven’t seen you around here before, you new here?” wow, you needed to check up on what kind of vibe you were giving off, that's two now. “Yeah, I’m doing a bang up job of hiding it huh?” he laughs into his beer and nods. “Well in all honesty you don’t truly want to fit in here.” you look at him quizzically and he clarifies. “We navy folk are a bit of an odd bunch. Having the most dangerous job in the world means you have to be an idiot to do it voluntarily. So,” he gestures to the rest of the rowdy crowd, “here are your idiots.” you laugh a good hearty laugh you hadn’t heard from yourself in years. 
You glance at the ‘idiots’ he mentioned and couldn’t help but smile. They seemed carefree and happy, even with the looming threat of death on them every time they go to work. “I don’t know, maybe less idiotic and more… sure of themselves. Nobody who is unsure of themselves risks their life for someone else's.” He’s taken back by your response, expecting you to agree with him. “What's your name miss confidence?” Outside of the stage you have never been described as confident, but this man seems to have other plans for you. “I’m Y/N. What's your name, Navy guy?”  He introduces himself as 'Rooster’ but quickly back tracks at your confused look. “That’s my callsign, sorry force of habit. My real name is Bradley.” Most Bradley's you knew went by brad, and totally acted like it. This one? He seemed very un “brad” like. “Well it's very nice to meet you, Rooster.” 
“So, what brings you out here miss Y/N?” You almost missed his question, distracted by his mustache. You were really hoping to see what it felt like against your lips at some point. “I’m here for work. I’m a dancer at that new restaurant downtown.” his eyes bulge slightly, not expecting to hear that. “Oh, the ‘WaterFront’? I had no idea it was a dinner and a show type of thing.” you nod, the place hadn’t had their first show yet, just dinner for the time being. “Yeah we haven’t had our big opening show yet, that’s next week.” You chat for a while about your show, and your past. It felt extremely easy to talk to this man, conversation flowing easily between you. He told you a little bit about why he was here, and his past.  You learned he had just finished a mission that almost claimed both his and his captain's life. 
“That's terrifying Rooster. Does that happen a lot???” You have no idea how this man goes to work everyday, knowing that it could be his last. “I guess that depends, we aren’t going on crazy dangerous missions everyday. However, just getting into a jet is risky. Anything could go wrong.” you never thought of it that way. You always assumed that they were always fighting something. He senses your unease and shifts a little closer. “What about you Y/N? Any crazy adventures?” The subject change is welcomed, but you wish it had been any other subject. “I don't know, nothing quite compares to being a fighter pilot. He just shakes his head and puts on what looks like a pained but genuine smile. “Honestly, the times in my life that I have been the most scared, were the ones on solid ground. Everyone is entitled to be scared, whether that's dodging bullets in the sky or driving down the road. Scary is scary.” It made you a little sad to think how this man had become so wise in what seemed to be his young life. He seemed so emotionally mature for his age, it was refreshing. “Well, I moved here from my small sheltered town. I have traveled before, but I’m just now getting to make my own decisions outside of my parents. I’m searching for who I really am and that's just petrifying.” Roosters' eyes never leave yours for a second while you speak. He seems mesmerized by what you’re telling him. His expression changes as you finish into one that can only read trouble. “How would you feel about doing some soul searching? I know a place, if you trust me.” You had only met this man maybe an hour ago, but you feel like you could trust him with your life. Alarms are going off in your head as you scoot closer to him and say, “Absolutely.” 
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natiesims · 2 years
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Naia & Sabrina for @rainymoodlet‘s @kissmeinkomorebi​
Naia Guerrero Age: 25 (YA) Aspiration: Beach Life Traits: Cheerful, Creative, Child of the Ocean Height: 5′ 6″ Role: Crew - Makeup Artist (Outsider)
Sabrina Bishop Age: 35 (Adult) Aspiration: Inner Peace Traits: Dance Machine, Creative, Self-Assured Height: 5′ 8″ Role: Contestant 
[bio’s under the cut]
Nia Guerrero; 
Born in Sulani but a self proclaimed woman of the world. Growing up, she attended more schools and lived in more places that one is able to count with both hands. Daughter of Lieutenant General Samuel Guerrero, her family moved around as much as his job demanded. Kids loved throwing the words "army brat" around but she, even at such a young age, didn't care. Windenburg, Oasis Springs, Granite Falls — she's seen it all. Naia never minded the constant changes, sure leaving her friends behind every few months was tough but as she became older and more used to it, the traveling became thrilling.
A hopeless romantic, child at heart all around cheerful person that wears her heart on her sleeve is what Naia's close friends would describe her as. A believer of love at first sight and soulmates, she's had awful luck in the dating department but never loses hope to one day find "the one". As long as their horoscopes match up, of course.
Currently, an up an coming make-up artist residing in Sulani, Naia dreams of making it big in Del Sol Valley. Years of hard work seem to finally be paying off as she is very close to hitting 2M subscribers on her youtube beauty channel. A job offer as a crew member in a dating show is exactly the big break Naia was hoping for — she was thrilled to get the offer, not so much about the location as she'd rather be at the beach in a bikini. But her father didn't raise a quitter, her winter wardrobe just got a whole new makeover, her makeup brushes have been thoroughly cleaned and she is a woman on a mission.
Sabrina Bishop;
Dancing was all Sabrina lived and breathed for the last thirty-five years of her life. Making it as prima ballerina at age of seventeen, Winderburg's youngest principal ballet dancer — her mother's pride and joy. The world was at her feet, but it wasn't given, she worked hard. Harder than anyone else to achieve it, and so as she became older watching younger girls thrive was a bitter pill to swallow. Witnessing as she was sidelined and only featured in productions no one cared about any longer, her career withered just like her youth. It was inevitable, getting older was part of life and she had picked a profession that fed off the effortless of beauty and youth. Opening up her own studio wasn't her idea, but she followed her manager's advice and found a new passion in shaping up little ones.
With such a hectic schedule, there was no time for love in Sabrina's life. Sure there had been one or two lovers once upon a time, but she had no time for distractions. Perfection had no time off — and she focused solely on being the best. The rest didn't matter. It was a surprise to hear that she had been picked for some sort of reality dating show she had certainly not signed up for. After a quick internet search, she learned about Kiss me in Komorebi and the bachelor that would be participating in it. He looked familiar at first, and surely the internet took care of filling in the gaps. Sabrina wasn't sure if it was his sad smile or that mysterious look in his eyes but she felt her mind changing about this whole thing. Sure, she was still very upset at her friend Mariah for signing her up without her permission first, but for the first time in her life she felt excitement about something other than dancing.
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thegingerjameson · 2 years
Fate Adjacent - Chapter 1
Okay, let's get after it.
Warnings: MOM spoilers, repurposed and out of context. That's about it.
Doctor Strange x Fem!Reader, multi-chapter fic. A/U.
(Am I doing this right? 😎)
Prologue  * Chapter 1
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Chapter 1 - (Y/N)
Two Years Earlier
“I don’t know about you, (y/n), but I am in desperate need of a margarita,” Wanda huffed as she climbed into the backseat of the Uber I’d commissioned for us.
“Then it’s a damn good thing it’s girl’s night.” I grinned at her. “Usual spot?”
“Usual spot,” she agreed shutting the door behind her.
“The Up & Up in Greenwich Village,” I instructed the driver. “On the corner of Sullivan and Bleecker Street."
“On it,” she nodded, shifting out of park and carefully merging into the clusterfuck of rush hour traffic.
Wanda Maximoff, my best friend since med school, and I were headed out to drink off the events of the previous work week. We’d met in Biochemistry, bonding over metabolic pathways and overnight study sessions, and then by some twist of luck had moved on to the same residency program at Greenwich Community Hospital. Ten years later, Wanda was the leading obstetrics expert in the tri-state area, while I continued to hone my craft in general neurosurgery. Since we were both single, and since the majority of the rest of our respective friends were married with kids, we spent most of what little time we had outside the hospital together. I loved having a partner in crime to explore the endless secrets of the city with, and though we both continued to try our hand at the dating scene, nothing had stuck quite yet for either of us. Our experience with dating continued to be abysmal at best, all apps, swipes, one night stands, and ghosting, but at least it gave us great stories to drink over.
I knew that dating was always going to be even more difficult than usual for me, anyway, for two reasons. First, relationships require honesty, and there were things about me that I’d never be able to share with anyone but Wanda; even then, the only reason she knew was due to a combination of the tough loss of a patient I’d spent years treating and one too many shots of tequila. A rare loss of control, and only the second time it had happened, but I’d worked every second of every day to keep from happening since. Still, I’d be lying if I said it wasn’t a relief to have someone know the true me, and love me anyway.
And second, I’d already met, and lost, the love of my life. So really, I wasn’t sure of the point of it all, but I kept trying anyway. I just wasn’t holding out any hope that lightning would strike twice.
I pulled a small mirror and some lip gloss out of my purse, and Wanda scoffed.
“As if you could improve upon perfection,” she grinned.
I snorted and rolled my eyes. “Beauty is certainly in the eye of the beholder.”
(y/h/c) hair, (y/e/c) eyes, fair skin; pretty enough, sure, but beautiful? That wasn’t what I saw when I looked in the mirror. I saw the worry lines across my forehead, the result of long nights pouring over patient charts and medical texts trying to find the solutions that would keep them alive; the pale skin that rarely saw more than the fluorescent lighting at the hospital; the ten pounds I’d gained recently thanks all those bags of Doritos from the cafeteria vending machine in the middle over long overnight shifts. I saw the smile lines and frown lines and crow’s feet, but they were proof that I’d lived, and I’d take that over Botox and lip injections any day. So many women hated getting older, but I loved it; at 35 years, I was more comfortable in my own skin than I’d ever imagined I could be.
Wanda, on the other hand, exuded beauty effortlessly; blonde hair, hazel eyes, porcelain complexion, and a body that reflected the five Pilates classes that she somehow found time for each week.
As we pulled up to the bar, the driver glanced at us in the rearview mirror. “Hey. I know this is super unorthodox, but I really have to pee, and you guys don’t seem like the type of people who dabble in car theft. Would you mind watching my car for a sec so I can run in and use the restroom?”
“Girl, I have the bladder of a pregnant woman. I totally get it. Plus, my bone structure is far too pretty for prison.” Wanda laughed.
I tucked the lip gloss and mirror back into my purse. “I’ll get into the front seat so it doesn’t look like we’re parked.”
“You guys are life savers,” the driver replied. “I’ll be right back.”
She disappeared into the bar and I settled into the driver’s seat, ready to fill Wanda in on my most recent surgical victory when, suddenly and violently, the passenger side front door was ripped open.
I jumped in surprise as a man threw himself into the seat, slamming the door behind him; then his piercing blue eyes met mine, and all of the air in the car seemed to disappear. My mind and body immediately began to wage war against each other; every muscle memory screamed at me to reach out to him, and I balled my hands into tight fists in my lap, a futile effort to brace myself against the onslaught of conflicting emotions. It’s not him, it’s not him, it’s not him, I reminded myself over and over. I knew I was staring, but I couldn’t tear my eyes away.
“Hi. Doctor Stephen Strange. I’m going to need you to follow that… thing,” he ordered breathlessly.
“Follow what?” I asked dumbly, momentarily unable to process intelligent thought. He frowned at me and pointed out the windshield.
I heard the screams from the people on the street around us before I finally saw it; a large, green, one-eyed, definitely-not-from-earth, tentacle-clad creature barreling through Greenwich Village.
“Go. GO!” he yelled, his hand gripping the dashboard.
I responded on instinct, shifting into drive and slamming my foot down onto the gas pedal, swerving around the cab in front of me and narrowly missing a group of fleeing pedestrians.  Ignoring every self-preservation instinct, I barreled through the red light towards the monster wreaking havoc in the streets.
“Can’t you open a portal or something?” I yelled. “This isn’t even my car!”
“It took my slingy,” he replied, jaw clenched, eyes narrowed and focused on the chaos ahead of us. I barked out a laugh and kept going.
“I like your cape,” Wanda offered, forever cool in crisis, and his gaze flickered to her in the rearview mirror.
“It’s a cloak,” he sighed exasperatedly. “On your right!”
I spun the wheel to the left, narrowly missing the taco cart the creature had thrown at us, and before I could even process what was happening, the passenger side window was open and he was climbing out of it.
“Get as close to it as you can,” he commanded, and I pressed the gas pedal down as far as it would go. The car jolted forward again, causing him to lose his grip and fall backwards into the seat.
 “I suppose I should add the disclaimer that I’d like to get out of this alive,” he added, with a snark was apparently on-brand. I rolled my eyes on instinct and could have sworn I caught a half-smile from him in response, but I was too busy dodging traffic to be sure.
Luckily, the creature was approaching the bridge, and the climb up the cables had slowed its progress. I swerved around another car and just as I began to approach it, Strange launched himself out the window. I slammed on the brakes and watched in horror, sure he was going to fall to his death, when out of nowhere a golden shower of sparks appeared and shifted into a shield, catching him and cradling him to the ground. He landed safely on both feet and took off running.
“How the hell…” I muttered under my breath, and as if in answer to my question, a sorcerer who looked suspiciously like Wong ran past the car, spells flying out of his hands.
“(Y/N), you should help them,” Wanda urged as we watched the two men battle. It appeared that Strange had somehow retrieved his sling ring, and it looked like they had things under control.
“You know I can’t,” I shook my head.
“Can’t? Or won’t?” she pressed. Wanda saw the good in everyone and everything, including my deepest, darkest secret.
I shrugged and looked down at my fingers. It would be so simple, and yet…
“It’s too dangerous,” I said quietly.
“For who?”
“For everyone. I can’t risk it. You can’t…”
“...can’t mess with the order of the universe,” she interrupted, smiling at me in the rearview mirror. “I know. I just hate to see you wasting your potential.”
“Neurosurgery is hardly a waste of potential.”
“Fine, fine,” she conceded, then paused to watch as Strange summoned a lamppost from the sidewalk with a flick of his hand, ordering it into the creature’s eye and effectively ending its rampage. It made an ungodly shrieking noise, tentacles going slack, and fell into the river.
“Are you okay?”
I’d known the question was coming, and I half-shrugged in response as the memories I tried so hard to tuck away came bursting to the surface; his scarred yet elegant fingers tracing lines of text as side by side we’d poured over volumes of ancient tomes; the shadowed contours of his face in flickers of candlelight, his brow furrowed as he puzzled out answers to the mysteries of the universe; the way it had felt when he held me, his arms a solid anchor, the only thing holding me in place while the rest of my world was slowly slipping way.
“No,” I finally replied.
Wanda knew me well enough not to press any further.
“So, what do we do now?” she asked.
I surveyed the chaos around us; people screaming, cars and buildings destroyed. Smoke rose from the carnage, and I knew that what needed to be done next was the same thing that needed to be done any time an Avenger saved Earth from another threat.
Wanda sighed. “I guess the Uber driver was wrong.”
“What do you mean?”
“Apparently we are the type of people who dabble in car theft.”
I started laughing, and once I started, I couldn’t stop, which led Wanda to join in, and soon we were both doubled over, hysterical, riding the delayed high of an adrenaline rush.
“Jesus Christ, we are so inappropriate,” I wheezed, then took a deep breath and wiped the tears from the corners of my eyes. “Come on. We have work to do. And a car to return.”
Taglist: @poor-unfortunate-soul-85 ❤️
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yvtro · 1 year
op I am going fucking feral over "he can take on a tragedy, what about a tuesday?" thank you that is now being added to my charlie day conspiracy board meme jason todd edition
speaking as someone who is 19 and has been (figuratively in my case) dead inside for the past like five years I think jase should get to relearn how to be alive because I am doing that right now and shit slaps this fucker deserves to be happy! goddamn!
also in related news something I read once (in an analysis of superhero media in general lol): "it's about being /part/ of the world that you keep saving" and I thought you would find that interesting wrt jay meta
i've been thinking about this ask since yesterday. it's such an open-hearted message, so i will reply in kind, and tell you that the reason for which civilian jay and the general trope of him relearning how to live is very dear to me for basically the same one as yours.
interrupting my regular jayposting to go on a personal tangent (or a literature survey. or both.) but, around a year ago i came across this review of solnit's "orwell's roses," which contained this fragment (apologies if you have already seen it and to everyone else who did; i quote it all the time):
It strikes me, in this context, that one measure of maturity might be attaining an awareness that there can be no genuine devotion to fighting the forces that unworld the world without genuine devotion to the littlest manifestations of beauty that make this planet a world and this existence a life.
i'm not a part of any bigger effort to change the world, but then also didion's speech comes to mind:
I’m not telling you to make the world better, because I don’t think that progress is necessarily part of the package. I’m just telling you to live in it. Not just to endure it, not just to suffer it, not just to pass through it, but to live in it. To look at it. To try to get the picture. To live recklessly. To take chances. To make your own work and take pride in it. To seize the moment. And if you ask me why you should bother to do that, I could tell you that the grave’s a fine and private place, but none I think do there embrace. Nor do they sing there, or write, or argue, or see the tidal bore on the Amazon, or touch their children. And that’s what there is to do and get it while you can and good luck at it.
and then i also got to rereading some authors i used to be obsessed in high school with (lots of existentialist; a very typical adolescent phase i believe, so revisiting it felt a bit regressive), and i got into a space of mind very similar to what you describe. i think you really need to learn how to appreciate small things, or just even see small things, else there's nothing you can do.
and i like to project this quest onto jay, because it fits. it's about being /part/ of the world that you keep saving. you are so right. i'm just telling you to live in it.
thank you so much for sharing <3 i wish i had such a mature outlook on it when i was 19, you're also beating jay to the ground with it. i apparently needed years reading and rereading the same books to learn it. nevertheless, let's do our best.
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jimins-goodgirl · 2 years
A/n; hey guys, im back. Sorry for not writing for almost a year now, I've been really down lately and this year hasn't been tye best. I hope you can understand. This is a short story I wrote for you, not explicit mostly just some kissing. Again, thank for understanding and reblog if you liked this. ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥
Sorry for bad spelling or grammar! Keep in mind, english isn't my first language 😮‍💨
Prom au!
Around 400 words
Warnings: literally pure fluff, unless you consider kissing a warning 🤷
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Dancefloor 🪐
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Music blasting as you and your friends get ready for what may just be one of the most memorable days of your life. Earlier in the year you and your friends had all agreed to come over to you'r house to get ready for prom. No exceptions. The night finally came and you found yourself singing along to cringy love songs with your friends while dressing up.
After hours of talking and getting ready you were finally done and on your way to prom. As soon as you arrive and step foot into you schools what was an old gymnasium, you were mesmerised by how beautiful the school heads and students made it look. The venue covered in shiny glitters and dreamy fairy lights looked breathing.
Since you arrived a bit later because you weren't about to listen to a sappy hour long speech from your teachers about how far you've all come and how they wish you the best of luck for you incoming education and/or job, the people had already started to go out to the dance floor with their dates to dance to slow classic music. You and your friends had made a mission that you all pick up one of the single guys there and dance with them.
Time started to pass and all of your friends suddenly all had dates leaving you all alone standing stiffly by the side or the dance floor right across the white tables with snacks. At that point you were sure that all the descent respectfully guys, that didn't only want sex were taken. When you feel a pair of eyes staring at you.
You look up to see none other then Jimin sitting right across you munching on some snacks all while staring at you. You and him haven't talked to much in general but he was very welcome in your friend group so he would come by during lunch to sit with you guys. You knew his personality very well for someone who wasn't very known at the school.
You've always had an attraction to this boy, and you could feel he felt the same attraction towards you. Time was ticking by and you had no one to dance with so you decided 'fuck it'. You look back at him with a flirty look on your face and gesture him to come over. You weren't actually sure if he'd take the offer but not even 2 milliseconds later you see him almost fall of the chair he was sitting on to jog over to you.
He arranges his hair as he walks up to you. ".....hey" he said with a cute smile, trying so very hard to conceal the fact the he was out of breath from running to you. "Hi" you reply back, flashing the same cute smile that he gave you back at him. "Soo uh, wanna dance?" He asked as he offered his hand to you like the gentleman he truly is. You nod in agreement and take his hand. You slowly walk onto the dancefloor and start to slowly get comfortable with eachother's bodies as you both sway across eachother while holding hands.
This whole dance thing with him earned you a few glares from the girls that fancied him but you decided to block them out. Jimin slowly starts nudging closer towards you when finally your touching foreheads as your bodies find the rhythm of the music, slowly swaying as you pull eachother close. He keeps looking straight into your eyes. His eyes are almost intoxicating.
The first proper sentace hes said to you shocked you a bit. "I really want to kiss you..." He blurted out. You feel his hot breath against your lips. "Then do it-'', you didn't have time to finish your statement before he closed the gap between your faces. His lips felt warm and extremely soft as he worked his mouth over yours.
He rips away from you with a deep breath. "I liked that." You announced. "Wanna do it again?" He asked although he was sure of the answer. "Oh god yes." He finished your sentence with another one of his beautiful kisses. This time you felt his tongue slip into your mouth. You didn't even fight over dominance because you know he'd win.
As slowly as the time goes by, you and him had already spent the whole night dancing, talking,and kissing. Every time you kissed, it felt like an angel had came down from heaven onto your lips. You both were lost in the passion. Unfortunately the night must come to an end. "So you wanna be something?" He asks you shyly looking to his feet. Which is a bit wierd considering you were just sucking eachother's faces off about a few minutes ago. "Yeah, id love that" you answer and you see his face light up. You swore you could see stars in his eyes the moment he looked up to face you.
You take his phone and dial in your number signing the contract name of as ''my girl💓💓''. " Here you go babe, call me whenever you want to go on a date" you say with a smile as you start to walk away from him. Suddenly you feel him grab your wrist and turn you back around straight into his arms to kiss you. After pulling away he mutters "Sure thing, 'my girl' " with a giggle while waving his phone with your brand new contact profile in his hand.
With one last smile of the night, you part ways, you can now go to sleep knowing you have a cute-ass boyfriend and that this truly was a memorable night after all.
A/n; thanks for reading till the end! The best way you can help me get reach is by rebloging this post if you liked it :) Love you all sweethearts, have a great day/night!❤️‍🔥
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evermorehqs · 1 year
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Rina Snow is based on Snowanna Rainbeau from Wreck It Ralph. She is a 20 year old human, teacher’s aide, and uses she/her pronouns. She has no powers. Rina is portrayed by Dara Reneé and she is open.
When it came to the Sugar Racers, it went without saying that was Rina was the sweetest. There truly was not a mean bone in the girl’s body, and all of the gossip her friends indulged in, she stayed out of. She never understood the fun in talking negatively about others when you could lift them up instead. She just wanted everyone to get along and be happy, and she did everything in her power to be the reason someone smiled. Bringing her homemade snow cones to the track on hot days, cleaning the house while her mother was at work, complimenting nearly every stranger she crossed; any little thing she could to make life a tiny bit better for someone, she didn’t think twice. Which was exactly why she wanted to be an elementary school teacher, just like her mother. Children were so impressionable, and being a positive role in the life of a young person who may not have one otherwise... as much as Rina loved her time on the track, she knew her true calling. But that didn’t mean she couldn’t juggle both, and she did. She had to sit out some races for school events once she was hired as a teacher’s aide, but she didn’t mind. She would participate when she had the chance and when she didn’t, she was perfectly happy singing silly songs, cleaning up broken crayons and admiring kindergartners’ works of art... some of which amazed her as they were based on memories of a world she’d never known. A third generation Evermore resident, Rina only heard of life outside of the town from the new friends she made over the years and her students. She was happy where she was, even if given the chance she couldn’t imagine leaving the place she’d grown up in. But she know many people around Evermore missed the homes they’d come from, and for their sakes, she wished whatever was holding them in place would soon be broken... even if it meant losing a lot of people she’d grown to care about.
❀ Mary Gibbs: Her very best friend in the whole world! Rina hasn’t known Mary for long, but when they met, the two of them clicked immediately and it was like they’d known each other forever.  ❀ Joy Fraser: A teacher at the school Dara works at, she isn’t the aide for her classroom, but she adores her. If their lunches are ever at the same time, she makes sure to seek her out. ❀ Abby Park: Abby is another close friend with great taste in music, and Rina’s good luck charm. Every race she drags Abby along to, she finishes much higher with her cheering in the crowd!
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