#but I’ve also been seeing other lovely people clarify some of the main things that had me freaked out
xxspirit · 2 months
Hello, my name is Moon. And I'm asking you to spread the word of KOSA (Kids online 'safety' act) an awful, deceiving bill that will censor you, me, minors, and adults online alike.
How the bill works will cause social media to change in a horrible way. It will make it to where you must upload your ID publicly to prove you're old enough to view 'explicit' content.
In reality, that content is LGBTQ+ resources for abuse victims, resources for abortion, resources for Palestinians, resources for sex ED, and more.
It will censor us, destory fanfiction, WHATS NEXT? Uploading private messages? Putting your IP in public?
It will end Tumblr, Fanfics, privacy.
PLEASE HELP END IT! Speak out! Stop them, reblog as much as possible! #EndKosa
Hi, I appreciate you for helping to stop KOSA and helping people understand what KOSA is, and I agree with you that KOSA is terrible.
BUT we need to take a step back, and calm down. I know lots of people are freaking out about this act right now, I am too. But I think a lot of the chaos behind it is because of misinformation as well, specifically about the whole IDs.
Just a warning v
I want to clarify to anyone if they are just skimming past my words that I am NOT ADVOCATING FOR KOSA, I hate KOSA, this act is definitely not to defend minors from the internet but instead HARM them even more as well as EVERYONE ELSE. I just think we are causing a lot of panic and chaos because of misinformation.
I just want to help calm people down, I tried to do my own research and tried to fact-check myself to make sure what Im saying is true, but if you know I said something wrong please let me know and I am so sorry if I misspoke, I will correct myself as soon as possible. 🙏
KOSA DOESNT REQUIRE A PERSONAL ID: I did my own research about the need of uploading a personal ID, but this doesn’t seem to be true. I will be reblogging a few things today that I found, and also this website for my evidence:
KOSA still needs to go through congress, and then the President. Although it may or already have passed through the Senate sadly, there is still another chance. So keep up with the rallying and keep giving attention to KOSA about how stupid it is! WE CAN STILL STOP KOSA!!! DO NOT GIVE UP!!
Even IF KOSA does pass… it will take MONTHS for the act to go into action. I found this screenshot from another person, I’ll be reblogging their post after this one:
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It will take a ONE YEAR and SIX MONTHS(A YEAR AND A HALF)before KOSA actually starts being implemented. In that time, we can think of what to do, migrate if we have to, or whatever.
Also- know this doesn’t help tumblr but I also saw on another post which ill reblog, that potentially Ao3 won’t be affected, which may be nice for some of you to know.
Here’s a petition I found, I recommend signing it!
It is so awesome to see the community work together to help stop KOSA, but let’s make sure to be checking our sources and try not to spread things that don’t seem to be accurate! 🙏
Stay safe guys, and stay strong 💪
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lej222 · 11 months
ASLFUA ending theory
I’ve recently re-read this webtoon, along with the Korean raws, so there will be SPOILERS for those who are not up-to-date with it. I will also compare it the the Korean drama, 25 21, so if someone hasn’t watched it, please skip those sections. Thank you. :)
So, let’s start off by clarifying that I love After School Lessons for Unripe Apples. I adore the relationship between Cheol and Miae, and I love them both as characters. I need to address this here, because otherwise some might think this is a hate post. It is not. What I will conclude at the end of my post is my interpretation of how the story will end, and it is an objective conclusion, not my subjective feelings. Please understand before accusing me of favoring certain characters over others. 
This webtoon is very similar to the Korean hit-drama, 25 21 in many ways. They are both set in the same time period, they are about youth and friendship, and are centered around a boy and a girl and their blossoming relationship. The girl is positive about life, full of energy with an eccentric personality, while the boy is more cautious because of his own bad experiences in the past, and he starts to see the beauty of life again and be more himself after meeting the girl. Of course, these similarities are coincidental as we know that Unripe Apples was published before 25 21. At the beginning of 25 21, we get to know that the main characters are no longer together in the future. Despite hoping that the narrative will keep them together, we have to resign to the fact that the show will be about their youth and they will eventually get separated. Let’s not talk about how that happened, because the execution was quite clumsy, but the main idea is the following: two young people meet when they need each other the most at a certain point in their lives - they develop a friendship which later becomes romantic love - life and circumstances force them apart, and the love they shared will only be a memory while they experience new things. Now, let’s look at what we know about Aslfua:
In the second chapter of the webtoon, we are told that Cheol is someone Miae will never forget. This message is reinforced again in chapter 4, when they end up being in the same class. This leaves the readers wondering: why is the wording like this? In fact, the meaning is the same in the original Korean text. If Miae and Cheol get married one day, why are we told that she would never forget him? Because, if the foreshadowing is intentional, Miae and Cheol will one day part ways. I know that it is hard to imagine for us readers, who watch their story unfold in front of our very eyes, but this is a very likely outcome. From the very beginning, Cheol is introduced in every way as Miae’s first love. Miae often compares their moments together to the comic she reads, My First Love Next Door Is Number One. The comic is a blatant symbol of their relationship- they live next door, the main character is like Cheol, and he is the first love of the girl. The narrative keeps emphasizing when something significant happens, that Cheol and Miae are 16 years old, with sentences like “this is the age when everything is embarrassing”. It’s not a coincidence in my opinion that the emphasis is always there. Because it keeps us not forgetting that this is a certain period in their lives, which will one day pass. But if they do not end up together, you may ask, what was the point?
Well, in my opinion, the story has always been about Miae and Cheol helping each other, while the romance has been secondary. Cheol meets Miae at the lowest point in his life. For him, meeting her is more than a romantic relationshp, meeting Miae is a start of a significant turn in his life. Cheol becomes friendlier, more expressive and acts more like a young boy. Miae, on the other hand, learns to be more responsible when she is with Cheol, and he helps her out many times. The time that they spend together might be short for all we know, but it is truly something they will never forget. Interesting that the author has drawn them together in high school, wouldn’t that be a spoiler at this point? Well, it wouldn’t if they do not go to the same high school, in this case it would be a what if scenario. There are also a lot of illustrations on her social media, but they are not strictly romantic. This leads me believe that while Cheol and Miae will indeed fall in love with each other, it will be just a short period of their lives. Yes, heartbreaking, but very realistic if you ask me (as an adult, I’m speaking from experience). 
So, here comes the more controversial part. If Cheol and Miae do not end up together, what about the other characters? It’s a very interesting question. Because, for a long time, the webtoon did not have a clear second male lead. Second male leads are usually introduced only for the sake of creating drama between the main characters. We know from the start that they will not end up with the main character, but they are usually fun people with an unrequited crush, who are introduced at the beginning as part of a love triangle.We could observe the same pattern in Cheese in the Trap, the author’s other work. In Ho was shortly introduced after the male lead,they had a personal grudge against each other, fell in love with the same girl, etc. He was included in promotional art, but it was obvious he was destined to lose.
Let’s look at Unripe Apples from the same perspective. Jinseop is shortly introduced after Cheol, he has a fun personality and personal connections to Cheol. Does he end up as the second ml? No.He seems like the perfect candidate, but he only becomes Miae’s friend without romantic feelings. What about Jungwook? He’s Cheol’s friend, goes to the same academy as Mae, he is handsome and kind, another perfect candidate. But no. He never has any romantic feelings towards Miae. So, here comes the strange part. We are introduced to a boy way long into the story, Seo Jisu. His apperance seems random at that point of the narrative until we realize: but he has been there all along. In fact, if Korean theories are true, he has been in the story since chapter 1. Miae gets back her pencil, but it wasn’t Cheol’s doing. Soemone drags Miae away from the crowd at the sports festival. She dances with a faceless guy who keeps saying random things. They are sent out to the corridor for not paying attention. He finds Miae’s nametag and wears it. And, if the theories are true from the Korean raws, he went to the same elementary school and confessed he liked her in front of the whole class before transferring. So, this guy was truly everywhere in the narrative even before we were aware of his existence. But why?
If he was truly destined to be the second ml, why wasn’t he introduced earlier? Why was this character needed when we already had at least two boys who could have fulfilled the same role? Jinseop already created tension between the main characters, so what was the reason? Also, Jisu is weirdly separated from certain parts of the story. He doesn’t go to the academy, in fact, we never see him outside school. Jinseop is tied to Cheol’s past, and we see him a lot outside of school with Miae. And how does Miae see Jisu? She thinks he’s weird, while others characters think the same of her. Even though they recently made connection, she looks at him a lot, while they are not even friends. Miae had already had a lot of male friends from the cast, why was one more added? And why don’t we know anything about him? 
Well, here comes the final conclusion. I think Jisu will be the one Miae will stay with at the end. Otherwise I do not see why the author chose to drop so many hints of him even before his introduction if it wasn’t going to be important. If Cheol and Miae get separated, which is supported by the narrative, the most likely outcome is that she introduced Jisu to be Miae’s final love interest. Again, I’m not saying this because I prefer him over Cheol. I love both characters. I relate a lot to Cheol. It is my objective conclusion based on the narrative, if the author wants to portay a realistic coming-of-age story. It would be pointless if she created Jisu’s character only to create drama at that late point of the story, and honestly, bad writing, especially with how she built up his character in the background. Obviously, I can be wrong. The story will still be good even I’m wrong. But it’s an interesting possibility to think about. 
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soullessjack · 4 months
mm ok I have something to talk about finally ! so something I’ve noticed in a lot of discussions/meta around the TFW2.0 family dynamic + cycles of abuse is that it almost always opts to frame jack as a perpetual victim of [sam and] dean’s mistreatment who can’t fight back, and while I don’t mean to say it’s completely without merit, I feel that it does a slight disservice to Jack’s character by always reducing him into a helpless child (even if he is seen as older by the poster) who cannot/should not bear any responsibility in any of his relationships with his fathers.
to start, the cycle of abuse coincides with an imbalanced power dynamic; someone with more or higher power and authority over you (ie parent, boss or teacher) uses that authority to exploit, control, and/or freely mistreat you. i will note that it doesn’t necessarily have to be framed this way to be abuse, like a situation where blackmail grants someone authority over their target; there are also some dynamics that are inherently imbalanced without being inherently abusive (see above examples). the abuse relies on that dynamic being manipulated, not the dynamic itself.
in the majority of posts I’ve seen, the power imbalance between TFW2.0 almost always puts jack at the bottom of the totem pole, in a constant state of victimhood because he’s constantly at the mercy of [sam and] dean [and cas].*boxed these in bc people rarely pick on sam or cas for their transgressions and whether or not they’ll kill him. clarifying again that i understand where this comes from, but I also think it’s a fairly dated perspective on their dynamic that should really be re-examined—especially with Jack’s autonomy more in mind—and i believe @shallowseeker has a post about the exact timeframe of Cas’ death and Dean’s widower arc/mistreatment of Jack that i recommend for it.
but onto my main point, I feel that this representation of their dynamic is inaccurate, and doesn’t really take jack into account beyond the Helpless Child Victim narrative. for the sake of staying on topic let me just summarize a few things:
A) Jack is the most powerful being in the universe and is functionally immortal/unkillable. He is a greater threat to TFW than they are to him, and so he is the one with power in the dynamic, not the other way around. It all hinges on his personal choice to not harm them (because he loves them of course).
B) Jack is and always has been painfully aware of his power, the threat he poses, the dynamic it creates and the underlying tension it constantly causes with his relationships. The majority of his actions and motivations are rooted in his own self-fear, and the determination to prove he’s good/safe.
Another small point I’ll shove in is that Dean canonically never forgave himself for his mistreatment of Jack, and spent almost the entirety of their relationship trying to make up for it (especially in 14x06, 07 & 08). Likewise, Dean’s promise to kill Jack in 13x02 and that scene from Moriah are both often misunderstood as more Textbook Dean Abuse with **Jack’s perspectives (ie: “dean said he’d kill me, and maybe he should,” his admission of guilt and willingness to let Dean shoot him) (also, his choice to forgive dean at some point offscreen) being largely overlooked.
**obviously it’s not healthy or good for Jack to basically consent to being mistreated or killed because he thinks he somehow deserves it, nor does it make Dean’s actions excusable or justified in any way, but i still feel that it’s worth pointing out as examples of Jack’s autonomy and awareness in the aforementioned power dynamic.
Jack’s responsibility is also pretty unaccounted for in these dynamics (especially when it comes to Mary’s death) which I think stems equally from the fact that his soullessness—and by extension, his soulless actions—were caused by Sam and Dean’s actions and the general perspective of him as a child [who doesn’t deserve the burden he carries, and should be carefree], so nothing is directly his fault and nobody can get mad at him either or that’s also seen as unfair mistreatment). I also personally just think it’s odd because Jack in canon is very adamant about being able to take and hold responsibility (as it relates to his autonomy and wanting to be seen as a separate person from his parents). and, going back to Mary, Jack not only becomes psychotic with guilt over killing her, but after his soul is restored in S15, he has a complete breakdown from the sheer horror of what he’s done, and because, in his own words, it’s all his fault.
I won’t go into the worm can of people blaming Dean for how he handled reliving to his root trauma, but suffice it to say: he had every right to be angry, he was well within reason to act unreasonably, and stop trying to fix his conflict with jack by parentifying him with an innocent baby when he already has parentification trauma and that baby is merely an excuse to absolve Jack of any responsibility he had in the conflict.
I will always and forever love the meta side of the fandom, and I honestly owe my blog’s existence to it, but I still think we have a long way to go in terms of how jack is represented/portrayed in these discussions, and likewise, how that portrayal frames/reflects on sam, dean and cas ^_^
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makeitastrength · 28 days
There are now 10 main characters on The Rookie — rank them! 😈
Oh my gosh, seriously? This is just evil, Sarah! Evil! Okay, let’s see…
1. Tim
Before anyone comes at me with pitchforks, let me just clarify that I love Lucy too. But Tim edges her out for the top spot here because (1) he’s had such incredible character growth and the most consistent character arc, and (2) I relate to him the most. From the moment we watched him encounter Isabel in the pilot, I knew he was going to be such a complex and compelling character, and I just love him so much.
2. Lucy
For as much as I relate to Tim, I relate to certain aspects of Lucy as well. While I’ll never be remotely as badass as she is, I definitely understand her on an emotional and psychological level. She’s come such a long way, and I’ve enjoyed watching her find herself and her confidence. I am forever in awe of her ability to maintain a positive outlook on people and on the world, despite what’s happened to her. And I’m absolutely loving her arc so far in season 6!
3. Nyla
Give me a tale of growth and redemption, and I’m there. It’s one of my favorite things, to watch someone battle their demons and become a better version of themselves. And despite seeing her softer side come out, she still has nerves of steel and is such a badass. I feel like things have calmed down for her a bit recently and I’d love to see them dig into her complexity more in the coming episodes.
4. Angela
Oh, Angela. She’s strong. She’s feisty. She’s such a good friend to Tim. She’s so relatable with her pregnancies and the challenges of motherhood (of course, I say this as someone who has been through neither of those things). Honestly, how can you not love her? The only thing keeping her a little further down the list is the lack of character development we’ve seen for her recently.
5. Aaron
Honestly, I liked him from the start. But it’s another tale of redemption, of sorts, so I guess that’s not too surprising. I’ve enjoyed watching him learn and grow and find justice for his friend. And I think there’s more in store for him this season. Plus, he has so many unexpectedly hilarious moments that always crack me up.
6. Celina
I didn’t like Celina at all at first, but she’s grown on me as they’ve calmed her down. And her storyline with her mom did a lot to humanize her and endear me to her. I think she has the potential to bring a lot of complexity to the show and I hope we see more and more of that.
7. Grey
How can you not love him? He’s such a papa bear. I always enjoy the episodes that feature him more heavily, and I wish we got to see more of him. He’s such a calm presence, with his own moments of humor thrown in as well.
8. Wesley
I don’t dislike Wesley. He’s adorable, and he and James as bffs are so much fun! I just don’t feel like I have a lot to go off of here. He had some great scenes early on, but lately it’s seemed like they don’t entirely know what to do with him so they just don’t do much of anything.
9. Bailey
I’m not a Bailey hater but I’ve also never been a Bailey fan, for reasons others have already pointed out. Mainly, it’s the fact that she was too unrealistically good at everything, at least at first. They’ve toned that down some, and I actually liked the abusive husband storyline she had. But now the main issue is that she has no real place in the show and therefore no depth. We see her with Nolan or we see her inexplicably popping up at crime scenes, and that’s it. She just doesn’t really fit the show but they’ve tried to wedge her in, and it’s made for a character that’s just difficult to invest in or relate to.
10. Nolan
Again, I don’t dislike Nolan. I actually liked him a lot initially. But now I just could not possibly be less invested in him. Seemingly no matter what he does or what situation he ends up in, he finds his way out with few to no consequences. And when you know that’s how it’s going to end, there are no stakes.
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artastic-friend · 9 months
Info Post!
Current account status: extremely burnt out…
Hi, my name is March, I'm a 21 yr old masc-presenting, non-binary artist and biology/ecology major. I like to draw.. mostly fandom stuff and OCs.. but also I love spiders and studying them! Many other animals too haha! Looking forward to potentially becoming an arachnologist in the future, or a herpetologist, or like- idk- just someone who studies silly lil guys, yanno?
My pronouns are they/them and it/its but I am also ok with he/him
MUSIC MAN ART BOARD INFO POST + LINK (feel free to message me about it if you wanna join)
FNAF Art Board (Public, Free to join)
Here are some of my most-used tags:
My Art - any of my art or doodles!
DJ Music Man - self explanatory 💀 about 85% of what I post…
OC - any posts that focus on some original characters of mine ^^ (or others')
My Spider Pics - If you want to see pictures and videos of my irl spiders, or any that I find. You can see them here!
and here is my linktree including the link to my Etsy if you would like to find me on other platforms and/or support me!
My ask box is always open! Feel free to send me an ask anytime, and/or a doodle request! No promises that I will draw the thing you ask though. And sometimes I might just take a while to respond!
@artastic-foe is my reblog/spam account! I like to reblog a lot of stuff but also don't want to spam my followers with it, so 95% of the stuff I reblog will be over there haha! Though recently I’ve been trying my best to reblog on my main more!
Here is my persona. This is how I draw myself. To clarify, I do see this character as an extension of myself, and they are very personal to me. Though I know ofc they are not literally me. I like to creature-ify them at times and sometimes will even make alturnate versions of them for fun.. but in the end I still see them as a representation of me. They share my name and are designed after me (but with added features) after all!✨
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I'm honestly not too sure of what my sona is meant to be- but I see them as like... A satyr?? but if the goat aspect of said satyr was actually a deer mixed with a unicorn?? Hence the long tail and single "antler"..
Idk lol. Just.. I guess be careful with how you treat this character, because whatever you do with them I will interpret that as something you are doing to me 💀
Anyway!!! I'll also clarify that I don't mind people drawing this character! If you do, I will actually be eternally grateful! Just don't draw them doing anything weird or sexual💀
speaking of which..
I am a sex-repulsed Asexual! So please do not comment or send me anything implying sex or sensual activities.. It makes me very uncomfortable. If it's low-key and just light joking then that's fine, just nothing explicit please.
Do not steal and re-upload any of my art! Even if they are just little doodles. If you would like to for any reason, DM me about the specifics, but If I do not respond, that is not permission to do so anyway!
Please do not refer to me with feminine terms. If it’s an honest mistake, you’re ok, but if you are doing it on purpose, I will either not acknowledge you, or if you continue to do so I will block you.
Just… don't be weird lol- Be kind and respectful of people!
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shankschewtoy · 2 years
hi! ive been reading your works for a little while now and i was actually wondering if you could do this idea: what about roles swapped au? to clarify; what if we, the readers, turn into anime characters and the one piece charcters (specifically the worst gen trio tho) would do when they're a huge simp for the reader?
I could also see this as them being set in the modern world and us being in the world of one piece ig. reader is a really great scythe wielder as well! maybe even some blood manipulation? your choice really.
btw, this ask is inspired by another ask i saw! i think they said that thsy were inspired by an obey me shall we date swapped au thing? anyway, i really love your works btw! keep going, darlin'!
— eustass kid simp anon ♥️
a/n - YES :0 I love this idea sm I’ve only seen it the other way around :3 awww tysm anon!! I appreciate the support 💜\(//∇//)\💜 I’ll try not to bully kid just for you <3
Warnings ⚠️ - g/n reader, reader’s a badass as usual 🫡, reader has “chi chi no mi” blood blood fruit (inspired by this), modern au/one piece world kinda?
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- he’s kind of a silent simp ya know??
- NO ONE and absolutely NO ONE knows about his fictional crush
- he secretly has his wallpaper set to a picture of you 👀
- But he changes it when he goes to school 💀
- man is such. A . Loyal. Simp.
- like he won’t simp for anyone else but you
- he’s a y/n simp all the way 😭💜
- with other simps he’s like: no?? They’re fictional??
- But we all know he literally worships you 🙄
- whenever he watches one piece, he saves the episodes with you in them and it’ll always brighten his day to see you get the screen time you deserve ✨
- You’re such a badass and you’re literally gorgeous/handsome af so lot of other people simp over you too
- secretly gets jealous 💀
- like he’s the only one allowed to simp over you ok?? 🙄
- he’s such a nerd he knows exactly how your abilities work
- He’s memorized every single move you can make with your devil fruit
- He also goes into like certain phases where he analyzes every single strong point of your abilities 😭
- He’ll make full on graphs and charts of your powers it’s kind of a lot-
- He wishes he could tell someone about it but then that’d ruin his “I’m emo go away” vibe 💀
- I think he’d do anything just to be able to meet you at least once 🥺
- Like yeah- you’re fictional but it doesn’t matter
- You’re still his #1 fav character
- he once gave a person death glares every single time he saw him because he heard that he simps over you as well :0
- Man got sooooo irritated with that guy
- he kinda has a superiority complex when it comes to these things
- his insults are just so fucking mean
- “Dumbass.”
- “He has the mental capacity of a piece of shit.”
- “I bet his socks smell like ass.”
- law that doesn’t mean he’s a bad person 💀
- Man’s your number one fan and you might never know it 😭💜
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- he’s got those like- stickers on his water bottle of you
- not afraid to rant about how fucking amazing you are to non-anime fans
- doesn’t matter, people need to hear how gorgeous/handsome and how powerful you are
- on discord his pfp is u 🥺
- His abt me matches one of your quotes
- If he’s feeling down? He watches one piece episodes with you in them :)
- you literally make him so happy and hyped up
- Whenever you fight someone, he’s literally jumping up and down, mimicking your movements (pls I’m abt to die ok 😭)
- You use one of your moves?? *Tries to do the same move*
- *Breaks the window*
- “Oops- hehe-“ 💀
- He aspires to be as strong as you
- That’s his main motivation for working out!!!
- 😭💜 pls he’s such a fanboy-
- he started one piece because of you
- If he’s feeling down? He’ll just watch some clips of you and instantly go back to his extremely meat motivated hyper self
- he can’t even think of any other character except for you
- He’s always like: when’s y/n gonna come back :(
- then when you come on screen: HI Y/N AAAAAAAAA
- he eats meat as he’s watching op btw lmao 😭
- lowkey he doesn’t mind if someone else simps for you
- He knows that you’re so fucking awesome so other people will simp for u as well 🗿
- still tho. Obviously he’s the best choice out of your whole simp fan club 🙄
- man might drop his meat if he meets you sometime
- he wants to fight you so bad to show you how strong he’s gotten 🥺
- pls fight him
- you’ll make his world 10x better 🥹✨
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- he’s all like: they’re fucking fictional why would I simp for the-
- … *looks at you*
- “fuck.” -kid 2022
- man just got a crush in 2 seconds within seeing you 💀
- you literally manipulate blood and use a badass scythe
- who tf wouldn’t love you 🙄
- bro like, your nickname is literally ‘the crimson reaper’
- … (yes I made that up and yes I know that it’s kinda cheesy just go with it pls 😭)
- man loves you bec you manipulate red blood (hehe color of his hair)
- wow I’m corny today
- whenever you win a fight (you always do 🫡) he gets up and just starts like throwing his fists up (kid you’re not at a sports game 💀)
- prepare for everyone to hear random cussing at his tv or phone
- killer is concerned af
- kid tried to get Killer to simp for you too but it didn’t go that well
- Kid then realized he wanted you all to himself so then he stopped talking bout you in front of killer
- no one at school knows that he has the biggest fucking fictional crush in the history of anime crushes
- like he’ll literally turn red everytime he thinks abt you 😭
- He’s like tryna go to sleep at 2am and then gets hit with a shower thought
- “If y/n was left handed would that change the fighting style?!”
- kid. go to sleep 🗿
- man spent all night thinking about that
- yes it’s made out of real metal ✨
- he made your outfit, scythe, weapons, you name it
- you wear it? He’s made it
- I mean he doesn’t wear it- but he threatens his neighbors with his scythe if they don’t leave him alone
- “Uh is this Eustass Kid’s home? I was just here to inform you about these new solar panel types that are 10x more efficient than the ones you have right now-“
- *holds scythe menacingly* “get the fuck out of here I’m fuckin busy.”
- man hates these solicitors 🙄 (as do I- I had to tell one off today 🗿)
- the poor marketer sprinted as fast as he could 😭
- if someone interrupts his one piece watching time, especially if you’re on screen..
- hell nah they’re dead in literal seconds
- He will literally- yeah Idek what atrocious ways he’ll use to kill them
- moral: don’t solicit at kid’s house. Don’t interrupt y/n one piece screen time. do not simp for y/n only Kid’s allowed to 🙄
- man. kid you’re high maintenance ngl
- he loves you tho 💜
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a/n - pls. why did that stupid solar panel guy have to stay and talk to me for 20 minutes 💀
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spicyicetea · 11 months
My Forest Spirit update and some other stuff
I feel bad for not updating for a while. I left my laptop at a family member's house and I’m not sure how long it’ll be until I end up seeing them next. I can of course write the next chapter without the laptop, however it is the quickest way for me to do it and it helps me keep track of my word count and spelling. I will try and have another chapter out by Sunday but I can’t make any promises.
On another note, I do kinda want to expand the fandoms that I write for. My main focus will be on writing any ongoing Fics I’m doing unless I’m given requests for one-shots or headcanons. I know some people have been reluctant to ask but there’s no need, I love hearing people's ideas and it helps give me ideas for the bigger projects I’m working on. However, back to the expanding fandom business. I can’t give a solid list of fandoms I’m in, there are so many I don’t remember I’m part of until it’s brought up. I am thinking of making a list of fandoms that I have and will write for but I’m worried that would discourage people from asking for things just because I hadn’t written it down. If you wish to request a fandom you haven’t seen me write for yet, go for it! The worst that could happen is that I do t know the game or anime you’re talking about, which could prompt me to watch it and end up writing the request anyways.
For example, I’ve been taking a step away from revision as it’s started giving me migraines and my doctor has said to go a bit easier on myself. So, I finally watched Demon Slayer, although very tired when I did. I love Rengoku so much, would marry that man- anyways-. It made me think about potentially writing fics for other anime as well but I wasn’t sure if those who like my Zelda-based content would enjoy seeing my interpretation on other media.
I’ve also, in this personal time I’ve given myself, been working a lot more on my characters and a story I’ve been working on for years. I’m unsure if any of you would even want to say anything about any of them but I’ve finally started re-writing the story as I wasn’t happy with how I had written the first one. I must clarify that I wouldn’t neglect my Zelda work at all and would stay consistently posting, but there would just be far more variety.
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Book Review 12 - Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation Vol. 1 by Mo Xiang Tong Xiu
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So, like everyone on tumblr, I was at least peripherally aware of The Untamed, if only as ‘the C-drama with the impossibly pretty men everyone loves shipping about necromancy or something.’ (Also the one crossover porn fanfic with so many tags that it broke AO3.) So I wasn’t quite coming into this blind, but I think I came pretty close. It sure as hell wasn’t anywhere close to my vague expectations.
Anyway, this was fun! Also absolutely let me cross off reading something from an entirely unfamiliar literary subculture off my metaphorical bingo card for the year. Just reams of assumed context I absolutely did not possess. Kind of loved it (but the occasional clarifying footnotes were very much necessary and appreciated.)
Which is to say – there was so much more slapstick and physical comedy than I expected from the vague intimations of feudal politics and magical warfare I got? Not usually my sort of humour but it got a laugh out of me once or twice. My favourite character is Wei Wuxian’s donkey.
The conceit of the first story – reviled and abused failson destroys his own soul and offers up his body as a host to the spirit of a legendary evil wizard to wreak bloody vengeance for him, but fucks up the bit of the ritual that tells the spirit who to take revenge on. Also the whole ‘legendary evil wizard’ reputation was at least partially and vaguely due to a propaganda campaign by his enemies and he’s not particular enthusiastic about the ‘murder a whole family’ thing – is also just incredible. I kind of wish it had been more drawn out, before the whole ‘gotta collect them [chunks of a specific super cursed corpse] all!’ plot became the main justifying connective tissue.
Not that the overarching plot is really the story’s strong point – it’s basically just the excuse to keep Wei Wuxian and Wang Lanji together and having adventures. The actual selling points are the backstories and character interactions and to a lesser extent the monster of the week stuff. All of which are pretty well done!
Though as far as monster of the week stuff goes – I’m vaguely aware that cultivation fantasy is a whole, like, genre, with about as many weirdly specific shared assumptions as ‘generic’ western fantasy written by people swimming in a sea of Tolkien/Conan-as-interpreted-by-Warcraft-and-D&D, but I’ve really got zero clue whatsoever to what degree the worldbuilding of this is typical of the genre? Not that it particularly matters, beyond some of the reveals making much more sense if they’re building off an assumed awareness of how the world’s expected to work, all more or less new (though more or less intuitive) to me either way. Fun to see so much magic based around music.
Anyways – obviously I’m going in with a biased perspective but my god can you see how this ended up with a massive shipping fandom. The entire story is nothing but impossibly beautiful men flirting/pranking/sexually harassing each other while being utterly and entirely capable to even understand let along communicate their feelings. The two lead’s entire relationship in this volume is like a dated mid-2000s comedy sketch about two ostensibly straight guys playing gay chicken and both being so competitive that they just end up fucking. Author really knew what they were doing with the fanfic bait.
(Though honestly I’m legitimately unsure if it’s just a matter of narrative choice to not dwell on motivations or Wei Wuxian really is the single most unselfaware asshole in the entire universe. He legitimately seems incapable of understanding his own motivations most of the time.)
I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention the art, which really is very lovely. Though I will be entirely honest that there’s only so many handsome black-haired men in flowing robes I can keep apart in my head.
But yeah, fun read overall. Don’t exactly feel compelled to go seek out the next volume, but don’t regret having read this one, damn sight better than some other things I’ve read this year.
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the-irken-pony · 1 year
Hey, I'm sorry to bother you, but I'd like to post my THSC art on Tumblr - but I always get too anxious to. I'm always scared I'm going to accidently copy someone or say something rude on accident (which is silly, I know, but I can't stop thing about it)... Do you have any suggestions?
(You don't have to answer this if it's too uncomfortable)
Hey, we’ve all been there. Sharing art online for the first time can be scary no matter your age or experience level. Can’t cure your anxiety, but I can offer a couple tips to keep in mind.
Google the “two cakes theory”. The idea of it goes that, while an artist may look at their own work with disdain and feel as though it’s inadequate in comparison to another artist’s work (or that it’s too similar and not as good), people other than the artist will generally receive it with high praise. Maybe the audience is just happy there’s multiple works of art, or someone appreciates something you do differently from other artists, or maybe another artist is thrilled to finally see someone else utilize the idea they’ve been working with. Think: when you have an idea that you really like to see from other people, do you get upset when more than one person is working with the same concept? Of course not! That’s more of the thing that you like!
Of all the fandoms I’ve been in, the THSC fandom is by far the most welcoming and friendly one I can remember being in. Maybe it’s something to do with how small it is, but I’ve rarely come across issues here. (Though another part of it is being on tumblr rather than twitter.)
The THSC fandom is also among the most receptive to ideas that are uncommon, or even ideas that they may disagree with at first glance (especially when it comes to shipping, if that’s a thing you’re into). I’ve been in bigger and smaller fandoms that are a lot less welcoming to alternative interpretations.
Continuing from the above, the fact that the characters are stick figures means that pretty much any interpretation of the characters is allowed.
If you have OCs, share them! The fandom loves OCs here.
I don’t know if I have tips on the whole “not saying the wrong thing” issue, but the best I can offer is that people make mistakes. If you misphrased smth or someone misunderstood what you meant, clarify it as best you can. If someone is saying that something you said is bad, take a moment to process and understand what the person is saying rather than doubling down on what you said or immediately crumbling into an apology, then act accordingly. If you don’t understand what they’re trying to say, ask for clarification or an explanation. Sometimes you fuck up and an apology is necessary, but sometimes someone holds shitty beliefs or opinions and is imposing them on you. In general though, assume best intentions unless said assumption is disproven to you. (Conflict resolution isn’t a strong suit of mine, sorry.)
For some tips on actually sharing your art:
I highly recommend making a side blog for your art, if you don’t have one already. You can reblog it to your main, but by having a separate blog you make it easier for people to find your art.
If you’re just making for you and not making money from your art or doing requests, don’t feel pressured to keep a schedule. While it is good to have goals to aim for (for example, mine is just posting twice a month), when it’s not your job it can be hard to adhere to a strict schedule and it’ll just put stress on you. If you’re trying to transition to professional work then building up a schedule is necessary, but if not? Just post when you feel like it.
This isn’t the type of ask I expect to get from people, but I’m happy to help you out! I love seeing people take their first step into art and seeing new people in the fandom. Remember that the first step is always the hardest.
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beyondspaceandstars · 2 years
Treacherous (10)
Relationship: Druig x Reader Warnings: angst, fighting, maybe suggestive scenes Summary: Soulmate!AU - Soulmate tattoos are incredibly rare but you’ve never felt really proud to have one. Everyone else around you gushed over it while you found the whole thing ominous and a little inconvenient. Truthfully, you were never really convinced you’d find your other half… That is until a random camping trip leads you to a quaint village run by a dark and brooding man who just so happens to be your soulmate. Stuck in the forest with nothing else to lose, you agree to join his world, his little village, and see if there’s actually love behind the markings. A/N: sorry for the delay in this content! I have been in a bit of a funk when it comes to writing so I’ve been working on side projects plus I am working full-time again so skjfalsdkjaslfd life is hectic right now so bare with me! thank you! :) also this chapter is not a “fade to black” moment, you’ll just have to wait until the next part (which also has other important content to the overall story!)
‘Treacherous’ Masterlist | Main Masterlist
You didn’t know how long Druig left you in the forest but it sure felt like hours. Granted, it wasn’t the worst place he could keep you. The blanket was very nice and the pillows were actually pretty comfortable to lounge on. You even had some wine leftover. The breakfast of champions.
But, at the same time, you didn’t want to be stuck out here and Druig forcing you out here only fueled your annoyance. He claimed he wanted a partner, not a submissive soulmate, but at this point in time, you sure were feeling like the latter.
A few more moments passed and you were so close to defying his orders but then the sound of twigs snapping behind you caught your attention. Druig finally reappeared among the trees.
"Ready to head back?" He asked so casually, the tone catching you off-guard. You looked at him curiously.
"What… What happened?"
"Hmm?" Druig cocked his head. "Nothing, nothing. Everything’s fine."
You absolutely were not believing that even for a second. "Nothing seemed…fine when you stormed away."
"Well," he sighed, "now it is fine."
"Are you…sure?"
"Do you not trust me?" Druig snapped.
Trying. You were trying, you had to remind yourself. You took a deep breath and finally stood to face him. "Okay," you said. "If you say it’s all fine." You then proceeded to begin to clean up the make-shift picnic area Druig had laid out but he stopped you.
"I’ll just send someone else to collect the items," he said before taking your hand. You didn’t argue even though you did feel a bit bad someone was going to have to clean up after you. You silently let Druig lead you back to the village.
When you wove around the trees and the village came back into view, part of you had expected to find…something. You didn’t know what exactly but with Druig’s reaction still fresh in your mind, you thought you’d come back to some kind of chaos or panic among the villagers.
However, that just wasn’t the case.
The village looked normal. People were mingling about as they did their chores, chatting with one another, and fulfilling their duties like it was any other day. Even as you two made your way through the main square, you were greeted sporadically with kind smiles and shy waves. Nothing out of the ordinary.
As always, Druig paid careful but limited attention to the villagers. He eventually came to a stop just near some of the farmers.
"You will be assisting in the kitchen today," he informed you.
You frowned. "Excuse me?" But Druig didn’t look like this was up for debate. You didn’t particularly care. You had never been shoved into the kitchen before. You weren’t even certain Druig had considered it for you.
"I want you helping with meals for the day," he clarified despite fully aware that you heard him the first time.
You glanced over your shoulder at your crafting circle. Your project wasn’t laid out yet the women were still gathering. The circle was moving without you today for some reason. "I don’t understand," you muttered.
"Darling, please," Druig said with a sigh.
You could easily sense there was something he wasn’t sharing but you also know there was no way you were going to get it out of him very easily.
"Oh-Okay." You also let out a sigh. "Kitchen duty could be…fun." It actually did not sound fun to you but what could you do?
"Thank you," Druig muttered before grabbing your hand again and leading you to where meals were prepped.
The cooking was done on what appears to be a patio towards the back of the village. In this designated square there were tables littered with ingredients, utensils for preparing said ingredients, and large posts sitting over open flames ready for cooking. All of this was covered by a makeshift roof.
A group of villagers was already fast away at work when you and Druig arrived. Their heads turned towards you both like everyone possessed some sixth sense when Druig was around.
"Good day," he said in greeting to the workers. Once they acknowledged him, Druig adapted his tongue to their language, the explanation of his expectations and requests flowed from his mouth in Spanish so easily and…beautifully. You had to admit, his tone and speaking were of such an attractive uniqueness.
Not that you ever planned to admit that to him.
At least, not right now.
The villagers replied in a mix of English and Spanish. They sound enthusiastic that you were going to be joining them for the day. Or, really, for however long Druig decided this is where you belonged.
"Very well," Druig said with a nod. He then pointed to an unoccupied table that held mounds and mounds of fresh onions. "You are on chopping duty."
"Chopping duty?" You repeated with a chuckle. Sounded almost intimidating.
"Chopping duty," Druig repeated. He took your hand and led you to your station. The other villagers returned to their work, likely resisting their urge to peak at you.
Druig slid over a knife that had been at the end of the table. He then placed an onion in front of you.
Carefully, you picked up the pretty impressively fashioned knife and cut off one end of the onion. "These were grown here, I’m guessing."
"Of course," he replied. "We have a set of very skilled gardeners, naturally."
You chuckled. "Naturally."
You continued dicing up your first onion while Druig lingered by your side. He looked like he was wrestling with saying more but you tried not to notice.
Eventually, he spoke lowly and asked, "You will be okay here for the day?" His tone was suddenly just as off as his posture. But, again, you didn’t press him, not sure how much you wanted to step on his toes anymore — at least for the time being.
You mustered up a smile in encouragement as you glanced at him. "I’ll be just fine." You sighed. "I swear."
He nodded once like it was a definitive, contracted statement. And then he left. All you had to practically do was blink and then poof. It was like he couldn’t vanish fast enough. It was odd behavior but in a different way than earlier this morning. Druig in the morning had been cautious, curious. This, now, was him was anxiousness.
You fought back your thoughts about it. You had to. You had been tasked with a new chore today and while to some it may seem silly, you didn’t want to mess it up. Sure, it was just chopping onions — cooking wasn’t high on your hobby list but it was still fun — but you were trying, and trying meant putting in an effort to help the community run.
Carefully, you finished dicing your first onion and moved on to the next. There had to be at least fifty of these circular, tear-inducing vegetables waiting for you, and judging by the other vegetables on other tables, there was another stew to prepare. The fuel for the village, you joked to yourself.
Meticulously, you cut and diced, diced and cut, cut and diced. Attentively, cautiously, keep to yourself, letting the hours tick by, if that was even possible with such a mundane task. You tried to match the other villagers in focusing as you all worked in comfortable silence.
You did as you had been asked for pretty much the entire day. It wasn’t exactly as relaxing or exciting as knitting your blanket — a blanket you were very much missing right now — but it was…fine. It easily kept you busy and there was a hint of pride stored somewhere within you about the fact you were contributing to the village on a larger scale.
People would eat these cut-up onions. They would cook and add flavor wherever needed. Sure, it was silly to think of it like that, but it kept the knife moving.
You went on like that until you noticed the sun beginning to sink below the trees. Shortly thereafter, Druig came from around the corner, your eyes locked on one another immediately. He waltzed over to you slowly, his hands locked behind his back, a little something twinkling in his eyes. The entire thing almost — just almost — made you forget about the fact he had vanished, dropped you like a hot potato, this morning.
You broke the silence first. "Good evening." A couple of the other workers looked towards you two but then shifted back to their task.
"Hello, dear," Druig replied.
"Where have you been off to today?" You asked. You had to ask.
Something on Druig’s face flinched so quickly that you just about missed it. You pushed away from the last of the onions and set your knife back on the table.
"I have a surprise for you," he said before you could ask another question. Your brows furrowed.
"It’s smaller this time," he quickly rebuttal. "I promise."
Before you could interrogate him any further, Druig successfully distracted you by producing a lovely, large bouquet of flowers from behind his back. Your eyes grew wide at the sight of the vibrant, mixed flowers. So, his posture this time wasn’t some power act. He had been hiding flowers meant for…you.
Your jaw went slack as you gently took the bouquet from him. The fresh, sweet scents filled your nose. The gesture was just kind…so kind. Your body felt like it could nearly burst, the bond went crazy.
"Druig, these are so beautiful," you said in awe.
A light pink tinge graced Druig’s cheeks. "They’re fresh. Picked this afternoon."
"You… You picked me these flowers?" Stunned was an understatement.
Druig nodded. "We have a flower garden on the other side of the village, separate from the crops. I’m not kidding about our talented groundskeepers. I’ll… I’ll have to show you it sometime."
You stared down at the arrangement of Lillies, roses, and tulips, the whole bunch staring back at you. This too felt right, receiving flowers from your soulmate. You welcomed the tugging in your chest.
"I’d love that," you replied. "These are very gorgeous."
"Gorgeous flowers for a gorgeous girl," Druig said with a light laugh, but there was nothing light about that statement. It felt like a bolt of lightning struck the kitchen as an interesting silence crept between you two.
Druig ignored it though, not waiting for your response, and changed the subject swiftly. "I’d like to make us dinner tonight."
Your eyes shot back to your soulmate. "But I chopped all these onions."
Druig smirked as he glanced at your pounds and pounds of diced vegetables. "Your onions will be used for weeks to come, dear. No need to fret about it, I can assure you."
"Alright," you sighed in faux dramatic fashion. You were almost amazed now by how comfortable you were getting, especially at this moment. "That sounds nice."
"Wonderful," he said then motioned for you to walk ahead of him. "Shall we be getting home then?"
Home. Druig appeared eager to leave but your feet were planted. You were caught off guard by that word. A simple, one-syllable word, but still. It was a heavy word. Home.
Home as in…a place you two shared. A place you resided with him, turned to at the end of a long day. Together.
It had always just been the house, but now it’s a home. At least to Druig it was. Was it for you, as well?
"Darling? You alright?" Druig suddenly asked, pulling you out of your swirling thoughts. He had turned back to you, his eyes searched over your features frantically, concerned. You knew he could feel your fear just as you felt his worry now.
"Y-Yeah." You cleared your throat and tried not to choke your flowers. "Let’s go…home." Tasting the word on your lip, letting it flow carelessly, was both weird and liberating. The bubble had been popped, the bomb had exploded, and now it sat between you two. Your eyes met Druig’s only briefly before you were charing ahead of him, towards the home.
A distance was kept between you two as you walked through the village and off towards the back where your home sat. You walked this path a good number of times by now but this time, there was something new in the air.
You could feel it everything. In each step. In the flowers you held. In the words you had just spoken. In the way Druig’s eyes were on you as you climbed the porch steps of your home.
You two entered silently, Druig immediately heading towards the kitchen, starting whatever he had decided would be for dinner. You followed cautiously, staring down at your flowers.  
"Would you like a vase for them?" Druig asked, breaking the silence in the most shocking yet comforting way.
"Do we — you have vases?" You asked. We. You hadn’t caught yourself in time. You said it like all these things belonged to you both and always had.
But, also…didn’t they? Didn’t Druig elude to that on your first day? Everything was falling into place for him. That was the something in the air. His eyes glimmered ever so slightly as he nodded towards the cabinet above the kitchen sink.
You quickly turned away from him, making a beeline for where he had pointed to. Gently, you placed the flowers on the counter beside you then opened the cabinet. Sure enough, there were a few vases hidden away. You didn’t know what to make of it as you grabbed the first one you saw and began filling it with water.
You were so into this mindless, pointless task that you hadn’t noticed Druig coming up behind you until hands were planted on either of your hips. You jumped, making the vase fall out of your hands. It landed in the sink with a thud, the sound almost as loud as your heart, which threatened to beat out of your chest.
"Aren’t you… Aren’t you making dinner?" The words stupidly tumbled out of your mouth before you could stop them. Dinner? Really? That’s what you were worried about? You mentally kicked yourself. The man was practically breathing down your neck, his hands like locks on your hips, and you asked about dinner?
The air in the room shifted. It was heavy like you could almost grab whatever it was. "I have a question for you," Druig muttered.
"A—A question?" You were lucky you were able to get out those words. You weren’t sure you could even answer a question at this point. He was just so close. Everything about him was overwhelming constantly but this was a level on par with last night. Your mind flashed back to your night together under the stars. Giving in felt so good so you’d do it again.
You relaxed in Druig’s hold as you awaited this question.
"You’ve sensed it too, haven’t you?"
You blinked, unsure of how to respond to the incredibly vague yet incredibly deep question.
"Sensed…it?" Was playing dumb the way out of it?
"Last night in the forest… When I gave you those flowers… When you agreed this place was home… You’re enjoying yourself here. With me."
Your heart was torn at his accusations. You had to admit, being here with him, your soulmate, was panning out fairly well. But how could you come to such a conclusion so fast? Even before you agreed to "try," you hadn’t been living in misery. Uncomfortable from time to time, sure, but …you certainly weren’t suffering per se.
"Maybe we should see how it goes the next couple of days—,"
You felt Druig shake his head. "Am I wrong?"
The sink was still running so you turned it off and then force yourself to twist in his grasp. He allowed but his hands never dared to leave your sides.
When you finally faced him, looks of longing, desperation, and admiration all shined throughout his tempting, soft eyes. A completely different persona than that seen among the villagers. You weren’t sure you had seen anything like this before but it was for you, it was right. You didn’t know how you knew that, but you did.
"No," you whispered. "No, I don’t think you’re wrong. I—I’m maybe not sure, but—,"
Druig apparently wanted to hear no more. Everything happened so fast. His eyes left your gaze, landed on your lips, and then he was leaning. He completely cut off your words as he captures your lips with his.
Soft and supple, the kiss was no different than that of the one on your first date. Only this time, you responded to it with much more confidence and passion. You tried meeting him where he was and, yes, it felt pretty damn good to do.
As your lips worked together, in what could be described as a fiery fight, Druig’s hands left your hips and slowly crept up your side until he was caressing your face. You leaned into the touch, letting him hold you into his body even more. It was like your body was coming alive. A key turned in its lock.
Hesitantly yet forcefully, Druig broke the kiss. He pressed his forehead against yours and muttered two words that sent your heart spiraling: "Follow me."
You didn’t respond as his hand left your cheek, finding your wrist which he grabbed effortlessly. He pulled you with him out of the kitchen and down the hallway.
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doll-elvis · 11 months
How do ya feel about child bride? I think majority of people can't accept some of the things written about elvis and priscilla to be true 'cause it makes their whole world collapse as they see them as the perfect couple which they never really were
sorry just wanted to say I am scheduling asks by the hour today as I have been procrastinating in answering them, so I apologize in advance if I crowd your dashboards😭
anyways- thank you so much for the ask and I would really love to know what others have to say about this so please share your thoughts because I’m super curious myself 🤧
also there is truly nothing like reading Priscilla Presley’s “Elvis and me” and then reading Child Bride and having no idea to what believe anymore (which is exactly what I did and I had to read like 3 other books to make up my mind)
I do agree with your sentiment that Priscilla and Elvis’ relationship was not as perfect as some have been influenced to believe, and I don’t think the 2022 film helped that matter as the film very much had an agenda and that was to sell their love story… which was quite tumultuous at times
But I want to clarify that there is no doubt in my mind that they both loved each other very much and Priscilla was obviously incredibly special to Elvis. There really isn’t another woman he has been with that can say she has experienced something similar to what Priscilla experienced with him. She was with him the longest, she was the only one to get married to him, have his child, etc. etc. Priscilla was just unique in that regard, even if their relationship wasn’t perfect
Plus she is the only one that has ever gotten “It’s Midnight” dedicated to her by him and I feel like that really says something 👀
As for Child Bride… I have many issues with Child Bride, for starters, the name of the book and it’s implications. I was actually embarrassed to buy this book because of the title, and I’ve never read it in public because of it 🤧
My first issue is that Suzanne Finstad is an incredibly biased author, this book’s main purpose is to make Priscilla look bad and I’ve noticed Finstad even has misquoted a few people in order to do so
For example in Joe Esposito’s book this is how he tells this story
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And then in Finstad’s book, this is how she misquotes him, to make Priscilla seem aggressive
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My second issue with the book, and the biggest, is that Suzanne Finstad uses Currie Grant as her main source. If what he said is true, that he had intercourse with Priscilla prior to her meeting Elvis, then he is an admitted child r*pist
Priscilla said there was an attempt of an assault but has completely denied that she ever had intercourse with Currie Grant
Therefore this book is just the most uncomfortable case of “he said, she said”
Currie Grant and Priscilla Presley are the only ones who really know what happened between them, and therefore I don’t care to speculate on what actually happened and I’m especially not interested in hearing what Currie has to say because he’s just a disgusting man, and Suzanne Finstad is even worse for allowing him to have a platform
So because of that, I am just not interested in what Finstad has to write or say, I’ve only ever read Child Bride once and I haven’t picked it up again
I feel like there are so many other sources on Priscilla and Elvis’ relationship (for example the Memphis Mafia, Elvis’ other girlfriends, his stepbrothers etc. etc) that doesn’t involve a predator like Currie Grant being involved or an incredibly biased author… but anyways what do y’all think?
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lily292 · 1 year
Temptation Tuesday
Tagged by @adanima, first time I’ve ever been tagged before so thank you!!
Rules: share something about an idea you have/something that’s speaking to you/an au you’d like to see and are considering writing/etc. etc. Basically anything that is tempting you away from your current wips!
First, I would like to clarify for anyone who checks my tumblr for ao3 updates that I’m being kept away from my WIPs because I’m in the middle of finals and I will be back to updating fics when it’s over.
Second, most of the AUs I post in my tumblr are not on ao3 solely because I do intend to write most if not all of them at some point including my babytrapping AU which exploded today for some reason (chapter 1 is already halfway done).
In terms of ideas I have but haven’t fleshed out yet:
Pete gives in and lets Vegas give into his family urge to atticwife. This is very directly connected to my belief that Pete left Vegas at the safehouse for 2 reasons: loyalty and because Vegas failed to convey that he loved him. It's also connected to my inherent dislike for leaving my house. Pete's lived basically half his life stuck in the Main House with Tankhun. You can't convince me that Pete wouldn't be perfectly fine being an attic wife. It's just his pesky sense of duty and also because Vegas screwed up and made him think he was an emotional punching bag instead of the love of his life that he left.
more Pete and Porsche being friends. I don't think there's a concrete timeline of events. Theoretically, it seems like it could be interpreted that everything happened right after another but also it's more juicy to think that there were time skips. More fleshing out their friendship. What chaos did they get into during this time?
Porsche not immediately getting over the whole Tawan storyline. I'm still salty over this. Up until this point, I actually believed that Chay would be Porsche's one hard line in the sand. And not only did Kinn pull the I trust no one (whether he meant it or not, the mere fact that he didn't tell Porsche his plan in advance is telling enough), but his whole thing with the ex (which I would also hold a grudge for) put Chay in danger. I still can't believe KinnPorsche basically went back to happy couple in 2.5 seconds.
KimChay: I've seen plenty of posts that Chay is very bold. Also, too nonchalant about the whole my brother joined the mafia thing. AU where Chay actually got isekied into KinnPorsche but also never actually watched it, just witnessed parts of it on Tumblr and knows the basics and some random things but does not really know how the show goes.
the alternate version of my Switch fic on ao3 where instead of precanon Pete switching places with his postcanon self, it's Vegas.
actually, I would also like a KimChay version of a Switch too. This is why Chay is so bold. It would make so much sense.
soulmate AU. I'm always a sucker for a soulmate AU and also love at first sight. But PetePorsche platonic soulmates. Porsche avoiding Vegas not because of Kinn but because Pete has had a crush on him for ages. Porsche telling Kinn that he's dumping him if Pete doesn't like him. Pete deciding that since he's more senior and has more vacation days saved up, he'll spend a few with Chay who should go meet his grandma. Tankhun delighted that two of his squad are soulmates and letting the two become more and more chaotic as they realize how much they can get away with because Tankhun will protect them.
more Tankhun squad shenanigans. Arm, Pol, Pete are ride and die. Porsche is learning but he'll get there. The shenanigans they get up to which Tankhun allows and enables.
I'm going to end this here because the longer I think about it, the more ideas I'm getting. I always love when people interact with me on Tumblr so thank you @adanima who I think of very fondly as the first person to ever interact with me on my first Tumblr post.
I've also never tagged anyone before so other people I've interacted with on Tumblr, you are my go to default: @dramaloverrants and @sweatyflytrap. Also @chalkrevelations who I'm pretty sure is responsible for blowing up my Babytrapping AU again today.
(No pressure though)
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julia-bunncat · 1 year
Oh no, she found tier-lists again | DRV3 version
❗WARNINGS❗: huge text, some negative opinions and spoilers !!!
Well…. Happy new year of Rabbit, ahah! 🐇🎄 I went missing again for a while ;) But it doesn’t matter, because despite all the difficulties and festive fuss, all these weeks I continued to play DRV3 – my progress reached the beginning of the 4th chapter since the last post... And oww, if you only knew how much I love a full-fledged playthrough, how many emotions have been received, how many thoughts..! It was to be expected that no Wiki, fan's articles freetime- or other events would replace this experience. And of course, the kind of information that I’ve been posting about myself a long time ago, and that (because of my love for such stuff) also included all the Danganronpa characters Tier Lists, became… a little bit irrelevant ^^” So now, in order to avoid any misunderstandings and to make my position clear to all passers-by, I decided to update the V3 related tier lists!
1st category, which has finally become more definite for me – female characters:
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What was my problem? Well, I treated all DRV3 girls (except Kirumi and Tsumugi) in a sort of same-neutral way with a slight negative shade, but now I know how I feel about them.
First of all, I want to clarify one thing: although in the orange group all the girls seem to be in the same position, in fact, for me personally, they are located in TOP3 xD In other words, after Kirumi, my favorite girl is Tenko. I like Tenko more than I like Miu. But also I like Miu more than Kaede.
Yes, perhaps someone would find such a clear distribution odd, if not wrong… But I didn't signed the orange tier that way for no reason. I have clear reasons to «underestimate and compare» each of them. Everyone has some shortcomings that repels me more or less, so… OK, just read it, I’ll go right-left:
Kaede Akamatsu. Ooh, I'm like walking on thin ice right now, judging her in some way, because I’ve seen from the very beginning HOW MUCH 90% of DRV3 fans love her and how upset they are that she never managed to become the main character…
But, you know, I’m not upset and I’m not afraid to talk about it. Her action in the first chapter only strengthened my belief that Shuichi is in the right place. Yeah, I understand why Kaede can be loved. I also like her energy, enthusiasm, companionship, liveliness, positivity, belief in the best, the ability to quickly get it together and not give up (in this regard, she's similar to Kaito, and Kaito is my favorite male character)… And I’ve often heard the phrase like «Yes, Kaede has her faults – and that’s fine, it makes her just like real people». But you know, it’s one thing to love a character DESPITE the fact that they does wrong things in the canon… When, in the case of Akamatsu, she seems to me to be loved for EXACTLY what she did. I mean- come ooon, by the murder attempt she betrayed not only Shuichi, not only all her friends (who prefer to see through rose-colored glasses), but herself first and foremost! By saying «I believe in you», she still succumbed to the selfish desire to "save everyone", although Shuichi's plan COULD'VE worked in theory – and without any victims that Monokuma needs so much for his killing game. Kaede is considered strong, but I don't see a drop of strength, not a bit of heroism in her wilfulness "for others", cause all this time she could confess, tell about her concerns to the same Shuichi, but chose to remain silent, fearing that «no one would want to be friends with a murderer» (selfishness again) and wishing at trial to figure out who's Mastermind in some unknown way. Overall, this foolish hasty action makes her interesting, right – everything would be okay if we stopped here… But I just can’t understand why she remains a heroine worthy of such blind compassion for so many people! 😩 She took on too much responsibility by agreeing to be the heart of the group, didn't handle with it, and on top of that, finally left it all on the shoulders of the survivors by making them promise her an unsustainable thing. For me, Kaede is a weak, insecure person who has pave the road to Hell with good intentions – and to some extent she admits it, saying repeatedly that she’s not really such a good motivator and that she’s highly susceptible to positive reactions from others.
Simply speaking, I like Kaede, but I can’t forgive her completely for the way she treated everyone (and Shuichi in particular) + I’m annoyed by the fact that the rest fandom are see her in the wrong light (we should take Kokichi’s assessment as an example – it has always been quite fair). It would be nice if Kaede could stay a survivor and go through a good arc of self-consciousness, admitting her mistakes and complexes. And also, to be honest, sometimes I’m both laughing and annoying by some of her carelessness / excessive curiosity, which she mostly exhibits in FTE's with her classmates (with Kibo, for example).
The next one is Miu. Weeell here, the reason that prevents me from fully loving her is obvious (perhaps) :’D But let’s start with her merits (in my view).
First, how Miu combines incredible self-confidence + rudeness with blatant cowardice when you just give her the slightest resistance – it's both amusing and interesting phenomenon. Seriously, she is a MASTER of giving funny (and often inappropriate) comments that will relieve any atmosphere! 😄 Plus I cannot fail to acknowledge how talented she is and how valuable her ingenuity is. And this intuitive ability to guess the right culprits based only on inner certainty… (if only she could find impenetrable arguments, she'd be truly golden-mind, ahah!)
However, it’s time to name the chief characteristic that pushes me away from her. That’s her vulgarity.
Don’t think anything wrong, these horny jokes and comments are mostly harmless. I wouldn’t mind saying something like that in a joke too xD But Miu's FTEs and Love Suit event… There’s a certain hyperbolic overkill here. DR scriptwriters EXTREMELY love to hyperbolize everything and in almost 100% of cases it leaves a negative impression. You just want to erase it from the memory forever. So, honestly, if it was a little less vulgar, I wouldn’t be so picky. For good, Miu could have opened up as a character even better (although I haven’t gotten to her death) and she, with that emotional jumps, needs psychotherapy (like almost any Danganronpa's child). I hope her true fans took care of that, yeap..~
And finally Tenko 💚 Honestly, I didn’t expect she’d end up being my second favorite girl :0 thought I’d be completely neutral… But she’s wonderful. Really. Sincere, devoted, heartfelt and generous, bold and cheerful – a real lifelike fountain of energy!
The shortcomings that were embedded in her just for meme (it’s pretty obvious if you look at most of her sprites) even all together are no match with the shortcomings I don’t like about Kaede and Miu. On the contrary, the fact that her misandry and excessive attachment to Himiko are imposed on the player – exactly allows me to ignore them against the backdrop of adequacy, which she demonstrates most often. Misandry generally seems to me insignificant, because at certain times she felt sympathy / respect for both Shuichi and Kaito (who is considered the most manly man). Yeah, she can be fiery, she can be weird and she even got really clingy to Himiko, regardless of her personal boundaries, but until her own death Tenko was in a continuous personal movement. She is another character who has earned a longer life, but was just unlucky… in every possible way.
Meanwhile, I’m getting to the yellow category!
It’s ironic that here I put the girls who remained among the few survivors, and they’re supposed to have plenty of time for me to like they, yeah..? ^^”
But no, I’m definitely gonna be a little biased. This is the case when the first impression turned out to be so negative that there is hardly exists anything to block it. At most, my attitude towards them will develop into completely neutral… And I’ll be brief, ok.
Himiko seemed to me either boring (due to her slowness, passivity, immobility and completely childish way of thinking) or completely useless (for exactly the same reasons) from the start. She is morally weak, easily susceptible to stress and manipulation. Yes, later she's rehabilitated; she grows over herself, becoming a little more active and emotional, but that only happens after Tenko’s death.
And Maki. Maki I like much more than Yumeno – she might well be in the same category as Tenko/Kaede/Miu. Most of the time, she means well. Her story is worthy of sympathy. But the character and personality… So prickly, cold and detached... Even after «Kaito’s therapy» reinforced by Shuichi’s help and belief in the second trial, she keeps. leaving. her crude. insensitive. comments. like she’s the only sane person who knows everything.
Yes, I understand that transformation/adaptation requires more time and it would be so much weirder, if she become a sweetie-deary in just a couple of days… But really, she can be neutral or at least a little empathic-respectful, while staying true to herself! I even read an article in which the author complained that Maki's crush on Kaito had ruined her personality. And even though I haven’t gotten to chapter five where their relationship (Maki's crush) blossoms, I can partially agree. In both her and Himiko's cases, characters development occurs mainly due to the influence/death of another character = a potential lover that doesn’t seem right to me. Anyway, if my first impression changes, I’ll let you know.
The last one – gray category (I remind you that it doesn't mean full-fledged hatred!)
Tsumugi and Angie… Okey, first of all, Angie went down a great deal in my eyes after chapter three. REALLY. A LOT.
Earlier, based only on fanworks, I thought - well, she's funny. Strange, silly, a little creepy, but in general, she seems amusing and pleasant, maybe she's even a sunshine..? But NO. Not for me, at least. I had no idea how manipulative, selfish, thoughtless and – I'm not afraid of that word – insensitive person she really is, that (as it turns out from her FTEs) just got used to getting away with anything, because she’s a preacher. Her way of recruiting a new student into the student council sect just underlines just how dangerous she could be – and those who think it’s cute actually fall into her trap :'^
But really, she either scared me or simply annoyed. Especially with that habit of changing decisions on the go, contradict any logic, and hiding her own desires/intentions behind the mask of the divine's dictates. I’ve seen theories that she’s actually brilliant, and all her decisions were to the benefit of her classmates, but I don’t really understand what makes its authors think like that. She always acted to please herself. And only.
My reaction to Tsumugi is less intense perhaps. First of all, I don’t like her because she’s a Mastermind, and I treat all Masterminds equally. Their philosophy and way of "having fun" are simply not close and incomprehensible to me. Second, she’s creepy too. I am repelled by her artificiality, her feigned "ordinariness" and affectedness with which she maintains this label in herself. I’m afraid to imagine what happens when her mask falls.
And now… Yes, it turns out that this post will almost half of my (I underline) personal opinion about female characters, ahah!
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But that’s because I love ALL the male characters in DRV3. No exceptions. Just the different shades of my love – and that’s what I reflect on the tier-list о/ Adoration, maternal love, tenderness, compassion, respect… I can’t even highlight what I don’t like in someone of them, 'cause all of them are dorks and the sweetest one!! No offence, the heart wants what it wants! 💞
Which means, finally, I can show you a huge (and a last, I promise, aphph) list of my feelings about this or that pairings!
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I don’t want to go into too much detail here and to be too much negative either, so I'll explain only those positions that are important or/and funny.
First of all, I’ve had a big change of heart about Angie, so it's about pairings with her too. I’ll start with the so-called «traffic light» that in my eyes almost broke into pieces. Seriously, they were always drawn by such faitful, sweet besties… I'm almost disappointed. What healthy friendship is possible in a Himiko/Angie relationship, when Yonaga only used Yumeno’s weaknesses without conscience, trolled her on her own show and imposed illusions?? What friendship is possible between Tenko/Angie, if Chabashira was starting to literally fear Yonaga’s permissiveness at the end + never adhered to her principles and ideas (and Angie was indifferent to her most of the time)??
Only Tenko/Himiko are stand out from this circle of bewilderment. I still haven’t figured it out, that's right. For now I’m inclined to think that it’s a bad idea – Tenko’s energy was not combined with Himiko’s impenetrable passivity from the very beginning, BUT! they’d have a chance if Tenko was still alive and Himiko kept trying to understand her (and Chabashira, in turn, would reduce the rush on her).
Next, Shinnaga, i.e. Angie/Korekiyo… *sighs* Honestly, despite their location in a more neutral category «I don’t know why most people think it’s a good idea» – I’m starting to treat them more like to NOTP. Yeah, I realize, a lot of people think they’re pretty similar. They are both creepy, to some extent connected with occultism, with culture; they have the opposite kinda sun/moon aesthetics and character's dynamic, but… Ship Korekiyo with a manipulative, spoiled girl, who is accustomed to sectarian power and that all her wishes are fulfilled without bickering..? Are you serious..? It’s literally the same as pushing him against his sister’s figure again 😣 Sorry, Shinnaga's fans, but this is a decision I can never understand .-.
And now to a more positive stuff! o/
(because by the time I explain why Saimatsu isn’t working either, Tumblr is clearly not ready yet ahah ;))
The platonic has changed a bit..~ I've basically added the category «good friends only» and quite seriously consider that many of these pairs of students are able to become friends. Especially I was pleased with some intersections between Gonta and Kiyo | Kibo and Kiyo, because Shinguji clearly lacks someone to share his interests (in addition to Rantaro and Shuichi).
But why Gonta and Kibo exactly? Well,
Korekiyo’s quite capable of teaching Gonta to be a gentleman from a cultural point of view
Gonta can always be interested in stories about bugs, and all Kiyo wants is a heareth disciple/listener
Kibo is interested in Japanese/Asian culture + all human aspects, in which Korekiyo is generally the main expert. [Yes, it may be difficult for Shinguji at first because of the slight robophobic prejudices, but he’ll get over it just by thinking about what a Kibo is really a delightful product of human labor!]
Of the girls, Kirumi and Tenko were included in the category of besties, as those whose personalities Kiyo most admired.
Kirumi herself finds Kiyo admirable (just read her thoughts about him on the Official Relationship Chart) + they are matched with temperament, love of similar aesthetics + she possesses such devoted, caring, "maternal" nature.
While with Tenko, as paradoxical as it is… Kiyo could discuss similar problems. This cloudy subject with inc*st and unhealthy attachment to a certain person… I feel like they could understand each other a little.
Kaede, for some reason, became the queen of the lesbian party for me XDD But really, she pays a lot of attention to girls at first acquaintance – she called Tenko cute, Tsumugi sexy (and get under her skirt), was kneeling before Miu (although they bickered each other a lot and measured by breast size lol). I just think it’s kinda fun!
And almost all pairings with Kokichi turned out either self-destructive or destroying the world xD With Angie and Tsumugi in particular, they would have made the apocalypse; and Miu, Tenko, Maki, Kiyo and Rantaro, in my opinion, will gladly line up "ready to rip off Ouma’s head" line. That's just the way he is..:-) Hard to understand, units can handle it 😅
But that’s where I stop! As you may have noticed, I REALLY love DRV3 cast 😊😅 Tier-lists are just the beginning – next I would like to present my thoughts about Chapter 3 and Korekiyo’s role in it..;) That's the subject when I can’t be stopped... thanks for your attention and until next time, ehehe! ~
oh, and my askbox is always open!! see ya ✨
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katnissgirlsmakedo · 1 year
ok! so i finally rewatched the secret garden last night for the first time in like three years. and i rewatched it in 2020 for the first time since i was a kid and when i watched it THEN i was like huh there is something Off about this movie but i can’t quite articulate what i’m thinking. presumably this is a vibe i’ve gotten from that movie my whole life considering it was never a huge favorite despite the Aesthetic or whatever. like so many people love this movie and knowing me you’d expect me to be one of them but i’m not. um also i must preface this with the disclaimer that i did not read the book except that i did but i didn’t. so no i didn’t. i had like an abridged version or something for kids idk. that seems weird in hindsight considering the secret garden is already for kids but idk i didn’t write it i didn’t even buy it i was like seven my mom gave it to me because i was a little girl who liked flowers and reading. so i did read the book. except that i didn’t. anyway that doesn’t even matter because that was so long ago. but i saw the movie last night so i’m just gonna talk about the movie because no one to my knowledge has ever really complained that the book and movie are vastly different anyway so who cares. so basically everyone likes it because like. bitter little girl protagonist and well. the titular secret garden. and like aesthetics i guess. i ALSO love those elements, my problem stems from other areas of the story. small tangent i saw the CRINGIEST letterboxd review for this movie where the person was like oh i wish i could see this movie again with the eyes of an ignorant child who doesn’t know about ableism yet and i could just love it uncritically for it’s aesthetic…. and they used all this annoying flowery language and i was like ohhhh my godddd shut up!!! like some of us understood even as children that there was something deeply Off about this story’s portrayal of disability but a) i don’t think that’s something to necessarily brag about. and b) it’s literally useless to explain to ppl like this that not all children are stupid idiots with no social awareness just because THEY as children were stupid idiots with no social awareness. anyway whatever, so like yeah there’s the ableism but that’s not even my problem. like sure we could call it problematic that this child has like. either been gaslit into thinking he’s dying by his father and servants who want to protect him. or WAS actually diseased and dying and fresh air cured him. i’m not certain how i’m meant to interpret that plotline, i assume the first one because it makes more sense, but it’s not like explicitly clarified so i’m not sure. anyway we could talk all day about that being problematic but like who cares. sorry that sounded dismissive. i mean like, we all KNOW it’s bad. so like no one is going to have any revelations i mean. like no one is out there romanticizing the secret garden thinking wow my disabled child who uses a wheelchair because he has cerebral palsy just needs to get some fresh air and sun and he’ll miraculously be cured!! like no one. is thinking that. that’s not something we need to like worry about. MY thing is that mary is the protagonist but also like. not the main character, and THAT’S what bothers ME. because we think of this story as being a little girl’s story of like healing and growing and becoming a better kinder person. but essentially all her character growth happens to service her weird incestuous cousin. like she becomes kinder so she can help “fix” him essentially. she brings him and his father together and then her cousin tells her he wants her to marry him because he views her as his property. and they’re like eleven. and yeah he’ll grow out of it it’s not like in any way implied that HAPPENS it’s just like. the fact that this whole time she’s viewing him as a potential friend and family member who she can help and put her energy into doing something positive for another person, and he’s viewing her as property. like he thinks it’s her JOB to help him. he doesn’t see the depth within her.
this post is so long tumblr made me start a new paragraph because i hit a limit. wow. anyway we keep talking! like i know that it’s well written in that way and the original book probably does touch on some of this critique of colin’s patriarchal privilege and his shallow view of mary, but i just know that most of the audience isn’t thinking about this. like they’re watching this movie and it’s like. cool garden! and what. we’re just not talking about how much we hate colin. because i fucking hate colin. she should have let him die idc!! and like the only way he becomes a better person or recognizes his privileges is through mary teaching him and fixing him and pouring all her energy into his life so HE improves in both body and mind and he gives NOTHING back to her. the story just places this little girl in this ridiculous mothering role and it just doesn’t sit right with me. i’m not trying to call it problematic or anything because like i do understand the themes at play. helping her cousin and tending the garden and letting herself nurture something instead of destroying it is huge for her as a character and it helps her let go of a lot of the anger and resentment she’s had towards the world and everyone in it her whole life due to being neglected as a child. and i adore her i really do. i just wish that she had someone taking care of HER as opposed to her having to find meaning and purpose in her life through taking care of others idk.
anyway that’s my piece <3 i wish people saw the secret garden as more than just an aesthetic movie about a garden because i really do think this story is worth actually viewing critically, and seeing it through this naive lens of Ooh Cool Garden! is just such a disservice to both the story and yourself tbh. um i still don’t like it but on this rewatch i did come to appreciate it more than i ever have. a little princess is still better though. ok xoxo peace and love on planet earth i’m sorry for how long this is i just have a lot of thoughts and things to say and i LOVE stream of consciousness posting. ok bye <3
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redworld96 · 2 years
I feel like I need to clarify one thing, which really shouldn't be necessary, but I'm kinda worried about it:
Since my departure (6 months ago) I have always assumed that those who’ve read my thoughts since 2020 understood what was causing me so much discomfort. But lately I have verified by third parties that actually, some people did not understand it, possibly because I didn’t have clarified it as directly as I should have done for that time, so I would like to clarify it now:
I have never (and when I say never, it means never) written that I was upset/sad because 🐻 didn't appear yet in “Part 2”. And the reason is very simple: That has never been my problem. On the contrary, I have always defended the idea that he should appear as late as possible, for his own safety (story wise). The closure of his story as the main character in the prequel, in addition to his journey with 🐍 (including the events in CbL) has been 10/10 for me. I am very satisfied with them and sincerely, I hope that their happiness lasts as long as possible. I'm in no hurry to see them.
Now, I clarify, that satisfaction is ONLY about the two of them. The injustice that I have felt and talked about so much since 2020 is about other characters; characters that nowadays, 2 and a half years after their first (and currently “only”) mention we should already have at least basic (very basic) data:
From 2020 to 2022: Confirmed genres? There is not. Confirmed names? There is not. A minimum pixel of their appearance/shape, even if it was a shader? There is not.
It got to a point where the lack of basic information for so long had a huge negative effect on me: I lost motivation, hype, hope, eagerness etc.
As a reader of the prequel, the least I expected in 2020 was a closure where at least names were mentioned. Or the genres. Any info with what in these years of waiting, it would have served me as entertainment/consolation. But... to this day, I still can't even put faces to them in my mind or call them he/she because…. I don’t know anything about them.
I WAIT, I did it for a long time, but as the years went by... I was feeling worse for waiting. To the point of that of not wanting to draw anything anymore, not feeling excited or curious about “Part 2”, etc. And starting 2022 I realized that I reached my limit.
For my own emotional well-being, I decided to be selfish for once and "start over with a clean slate". And that meant practically abandoning almost all the sites related to that story and putting all of that aside, as far as possible from me. Guess what? Best idea I've had since 2020.
Going from being inside to being away, plus the continuous emotional support that I have had thanks to a person who always advised me impartially, these last six months have been VERY satisfying, I no longer have a bad time about that issue. A change of scenery was the best thing I did.
So, does this mean that I will return? No, I'm not even going back when in this December (or not, there may happen a big bait there) we’ll have what, for justice and logic, we should have had in 2020: basic info. As I said before, the long wait made me lose all the hype I had.
I'm fine where I am now, focused on other matters, and I still keep things that were worth it, like keeping in touch with certain people in the fandom that I've grown so fond of ❤️ They gave me a lot of support and I'll be forever grateful for this.
And that's it. If you thought I left because “🐻 didn’t appear yet”, that’s totally wrong. I never mentioned any of that (hence I thought I made it clear). I love him so much and for that reason, I want him to continue living in his 🦋 Realm and ruling in peace as much as possible. It’s obvious he will come back, I just hope the author won’t do it in a hurry.
The reason why I left then? You have always had it in my last 200 tweets/Facebook/Tumblr posts about the 🐰 since 2020. I talked many and many times about the problems that were happening (hence also I assumed that the others understood my departure).
With all this, I hope I have clarified things better. There was absolutely no need to post about it, but I noticed some confusion and therefore I wanted to do it. I'm much better emotionally since I made that decision and that's what really matters to me.
Hakuna Matata 😊
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p3rry-pi3 · 7 months
Pin pooooost!
Updated: 4/27/2024 :3
I cannot believe I didn’t bother making a proper one sooner
Anyways, info under the cut cause this thing is long as heck, and I didn’t mean to make it that way.
Uh. I shall give a gold star to whoever reads the whole thing, but DO NOT SKIP the DNI part.
I also want to clarify that I have a section with Palestine content, I know people aren’t willing to always look under the cut to actually look for that kind of stuff (I’m saying this as, most people not generally, but sometimes I do the same thing, as shitty as our attention spans are, I think it’s still important that you check these posts out and reblog them. I have been DEATHLY terrified to reblog and post on this account but that shouldn’t stop anyone from at least reblogging this stuff seeing as this stuff is 1000x more important.)
I’ve copy linked posts where you can find: journalists to support and follow, how you can help Palestine donations or not, what you can do to prevent the voting for more weapons in Israel (or the more scientific term, isntreal), and what to boycott.
Do not, and I mean DO NOT skip that part. I can’t control your actions but YOU can control YOUR OWN. I trust you to reblog, like, and share the posts I link.
Let me know if I should make this a separate post for you to reblog, but I hope this makes it GLARINGLY CLEAR on where I stand.
TW; teeth as header in the start and end :]
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Main info
Hey! I’m Perry! Short for Peregrine :)!
I’m a minor (above 10+, I wanna keep this a 13+ space cause of the cussing and my interests in horror art and other scary games. You kind of have to be 13+ to be on here anyway.)
I’m pretty spiritual
I study the Paranormal and psychology
I like making headcanons and theories :]
I genuinely enjoy character analyses and overall enjoy video essays on media like indie horror and video games
I love hardcore horror and gore arts of all sorts. So beware of some of that. Ofc I’ll put warnings, just lemme know if I missed something. I also cuss a lot on here! So beware of that :)!
It’s come to my attention people have been posting real life gore of stuff like hyenas and actual victims so…That’s not the gore I meant. Fictional gore; FICTIONAL!
I’m new to the tagging system even now, so figuring stuff out is hard, but I’m equipped with enough knowledge on it and will put warnings in tags and captions since I recently learned you can block tags. Which helps loads.
Please be patient with me!^^
I’m trans, transmasc, and genderfluid. My pronouns are he/they.
I’m also working on getting a career or two in film :)!
Extra info
My favorite colors are purple, red, black, white, and neon pink.
I’m multifandom
Reblogs are much more appreciated but I’m grateful for likes.
I like mixed media.
Pls use tone tags :]
Please reblog artwork! Shitposts are fine for just likes. Text posts to.
I usually stick to canon ships because certain fandoms make it weird, but I haven’t seen anything in the main fandom I’m in, so I like to ship some.
I’m a multishipper. (Again, this applies to certain fandoms.)
I’m generally inactive here and there, but I like posting most of my fanart here when I can or remember I also post stuff on here.
I cuss on here so beware of that ig
I have social anxiety and anxiety so posts can sometimes be slower than usual since I’m almost always on my own toes. And because I have anxiety, if I’m being awkward, it’s nothing you did or said, I’m just like that in general.
I have horrible memory so if I post twice on the same day or hour it’s prolly because I forgot about it.
I reference lots of lemon demon and jack stauber.
I blame the jack stauber fanbase for my lemon demon obsession.
I’m the oldest of two brothers so you might hear about them here and there but rarely so.
I’m kind of an idiot, so please be patient if I ask you a third time to repeat what you said.
I have ADHD took a lot out of me to confirm I do. So posts may come later or at the same time due to this.
Biiiggggg undertale and fnaf nerd.
I’m an over analyzer who loves theories. Did you know I’m also an overthinker? (<- sarcasm.)
I don’t dream. I have nightmares instead. That’s where I get most of my OCs.
None of my stuff has age ratings unless it’s like tough topics to touch on or something horrifying.
I ramble lots and ramble even more in tags, so there’ll be lots of tags of just me rambling
Free Palestine! 🇵🇸🍉
It’s a genocide not a war!!! Z//onists FUCK OFF!!!!!!
I tried to make little watermelon emoji borders so they wouldn’t be confusing, but idk lmk if the borders help section it
I will also continuously update it if needed, and I take constructive criticism if I need to change anything, and no, ‘the only criticism I have is the fact you support Palestine’, or something, isn’t valid criticism. I’ll block you, and it’s not even a funny thing to joke about.
Links I have so far (I wanna remind ppl that if you don’t like seeing your link here just lmk and I’ll take it down, I’m just tryna share the word and I’ll soon make a post on its own abt this cause I think it’d be really important to make a separate post on this)
(This one is sort of just based off someone else answering an ask but I wanted to copy link this one anyways since by the looks of it, they have a lot of pro-Palestine posts)
How YOU can help Palestine.
Palestinian journalists.
No more weapons for isntreal, ceasefire now.
What to boycott.
Pfp creds:
ANGELETTE on Pinterest ((<-where I found them))
Go check ‘em out!^^
Tags I think u should check out on here!^^ /nf
Some doodles :) (doodles that are 9 times out of ten fandom related)
Bugsnax ramblings (I ramble about headcanons, theories, characters, in game stuff, etc.)
Mind rambles (theories, it’s a new tag I’m working on updating soon.)
Rambling about shit (shits and giggles at 3 AM)
Bugsnax shitpost (mother load of idiocy from yours truly)
Some doodles (not aware this existed prolly isn’t even from this blog, not used as much. At least I don’t think I dunno.)
Lemon demon
Jack stauber
Mother Mother
Indie horror art
Analog horror
Spiderverse ITSV & ATSV
Undertale AUs
Mr. Plant (from Ashur Gharavi)
CoD MW2, Cold War Black ops (18+ content CoD blogs DNI)
Venom (Mostly the movies, but I also enjoy the comics.)
TF2/Team Fortress 2
Death Note (pray for me…)
Furry haters/anti-furrys
MAP (not the art collab meaning, but the other meaning)
If you’re anything of the above, please get off my page/blog.
I don’t have much of a DNI, just be respectful and mindful.
Might expand if needed.
Did you read it?
Did you read the whole thing or at least the “DNI” parts?
Here’s a gold star, as promised: ⭐️
Alright. Go nuts. Be respectful.
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