#but someone with some flair could make this place look amazing
jyeshindra · 3 months
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Hey folks! We're back with the next installment of our rising series centering our artsy socialites, Libra!
A review of the ascendant: it is our mask (how we are perceived), our blueprint for life, the indicator of our chart ruler, the purest manifestation of our energy, and our physical body.
Libra Risings are ruled by Venus. As opposed to Taurus, Libra is the yang-oriented airy half of Venus. This means Libra has an extroversive quality to it (concerned with external realities and ego expression) and is more detached than Taurus.
Libra energy focuses more on the ideals of love and beauty. This gives Libra both an artistic and intellectual flair. They are oriented towards refinement and social grace. For these Venusians, there is a proper way to communicate (air) in service of connection and harmony (Venus).
Libra intrinsically understands the value of relationships. Being as such, they anticipate the needs of others and weigh things fairly. There is an amazing ability to see all perspectives with Libra.
These are balanced folk who have a charm that often incites conversation and flirtation. They usually know how to maneuver socially, and even if they're a bit awkward, they tend to be respectful of others and well-mannered. Libras hate anything that's unsightly or crude. There's a proper way to be and Libras will remind you of this!
And so their presentation is often just as proper. One word we could even use with Libra is...ah...meticulous. In the same way one may obsess over scaling as they try to perfectly measure something. Libras may have a balanced appearance. All hairs are in place, all buttons buttoned. Shoes will match the fit, hair will be kept and neat. They're very much like Virgo, but Libra is often more fashionable. They know how to dress and like to present an elegant, refined, and trendy look to the world. It'll be something that speaks to their innate sense of beauty, the same sense they project onto the world.
What needs justice? Who needs help? How can I make things more equitable and fair? How can I refine this? How can I make this more beautiful? Like Pisces there can be cases of rose-colored glasses, but Libra has a more cerebral approach to their environment that separates it from Pisces. An ability to judge and weigh all options equally.
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Libras will have their 4th house ruled by Capricorn, giving a Saturnian edge to their childhood experiences. There was likely always someone to enforce the rules and create boundaries in the home. This likely gave the Libra their sense of authority and lawfulness. The emotional climate of the home could've been cold as Saturn has a frigidity to it. Boundaries and rules are useful, but depending on the astrological personality and whatever the soul contracts are...the Libra's relationship to such restrictions in the home could have been something they rebelled against.
A 10th House in Cancer means Libra Risings will ultimately be seen for their devoted and caring nature. Their careers will likely have something to do with serving other people. Libra Risings have a deep sense of love and justice for the world and do not want to see harm being done to others. Cancer ruling their public life and persona makes sense here, these ascendants want to give their heart to the world. Something about their emotions may be on display as well, Libra Risings could turn to art to express themselves or take the role of some sort of public defender (Cancer is a protective energy).
I also think this may indicate that Libra Risings may go through a couple different careers! I feel as though Moon-ruled houses are subject to a lot of change seeing as the moon shifts constantly.
7th House in Aries...phew...we can take that a couple different directions. Subconsciously, Libra Risings will likely repress their own assertiveness/ego. They will want to keep the peace which may take the form of people-pleasing! Such behavior often builds resentment and denies the person healthy expression of boundaries/ego. These Venusian ascendants than project this onto their partner or seek it out in their relationships. To be a little traditional, this is the compliant housewife seeking an aggressive provider. Or good girl seeking bad boy (to be even more simplistic). It could also simply mean that Libra wants to be in relationships with people who have a healthy sense of self. A lot of Libras are relationship-people, I see this all the time. In this case, I'd say Libra Risings simply want their relationships to remind them of who they are. Their partnerships become a stabilizing force in this way, empowering the Libra to make their own choices and love themselves even harder. Personally, I think that's beautiful.
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Libra Risings, ultimately your ability to see and balance all is your power. Your esoteric ruler is Uranus, the planet of innovation and insight. Your mind when applied to the world and your community can help raise the vibrations of love and fairness. Our society benefits from both your romance and your wit. Never change.
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vzm · 2 years
so. you've heard about arcsystemworks Video's Game through the grape vine somehow. heres a fun little guide on how to get into it. first i'll go with the more accessible route:
this is the easiest part, in part thanks to arcsys actually putting effort towards the community to make it as digestible as possible!
the first thing to check out will be woolieversus' amazing heaven or hell series. as an officially endorsed AND reviewed video series by the writers themselves, this is the best way to learn about the games, as it goes through all little things like arcade modes in-game, external content from light novels or artbooks, and otherwise!
from here, you have a choice. after episode 4, he covers the story mode from guilty gear xrd: sign. however, you could also check out arcsys' guilty gear xrd: sign story mode playlist. this is a direct recording of the in-game story. while woolie summarizes it in 45 minutes, experiencing it for yourself may be more your style, if not a bit longer to put up with.
similarly, his xrd: revelator video, which covers arcade modes until 32:09, where he then covers the story mode, which has an official playlist here as an alternative. the final video also covers the ending of said story mode, and the extra stories added in revelator's dlc, which are also included in the playlist.
for guilty gear strive, you'll have to purchase the game itself OR find a youtube video to watch it's story mode, as arcsys has not posted that officially.
if you're interested in PLAYING guilty gear, you've got three main options to go towards.
GUILTY GEAR XX ACCENT CORE PLUS R (yes, that's its real name.)
steam page ($14.99, goes on sale for as low as $2.99.)
the most recent version of the XX games, updated to use rollback netcode, and the last in the franchise to use 2d sprites. this game is THE classic anime fighter, in all the best and worst ways. movement and combos feel nearly unrestricted, but this also means the skill floor for understanding the game is incredibly difficult, especially with the lack of in-game tutorial, luckily, there's a reason its the fighting game community.
dustloop is the wiki for the gameplay side of arcsys games, guilty gear or otherwise, and WILL be your best friend. luckily, the wiki itself also has a starter guide specifically for new players to +r!
while the game has some of the craziest gameplay to come out of gear, due to its usually low price point, it also has a huge beginner playerbase, and if you look in the right places, you'll have a ton of people ready to get you on the right track.
GUILTY GEAR XRD: REV2 (fighting games had funny names for a while.)
steam page ($44.99, goes down to $11.99) it's confusing, but the one with all the characters is the third option down, "all-in-one (does not include optional DLCs). dont ask me.
this game is getting rollback soon! while as of writing this [october 16th 2022] it does not have it fully, a beta test is going to be run from the 17th to november 2nd.
xrd: rev2 (calling it xrd from here on) is if +r was streamlined but still allowed to keep some of its nonsense. it has one of the best tutorials in the fighting game business, teaching you through short minigames that allow you to understand movement, button layouts, and other basic fighting game ideas. even if you dont play the game with other people, the tutorial can help you understand gear in general, and fighting games as a whole! the game also has a wonderful 3d artstyle that mimics 2d animation impressively well, giving it a unique flair that no other game can compare to.
despite the online shortcomings, this is still my personal favorite gameplay wise. if you know some friends you can have a good connection with, or even better, someone to play offline with, this is a gem you shouldn't pass up. here's the dustloop page for the game.
GUILTY GEAR: STRIVE (did you know the name "strive" was chosen because it has IV, the roman numeral for 4, relating to it being the "fourth" guilty gear game?)
steam page ($39.99, $60 for the game and first season pass, $80 for all that and the still releasing season 2 pass!)
THIS is the one you've heard of. rollback netcode, beautiful 3d animation, and a much more simplified gameplay style in comparison to the rest of the franchise. as a first fighting game, i cannot recommend strive enough. while its tutorial is definitely lacking in comparison to xrd's, the overall feel of the game will ease you into fighting better and better opponents. strive is also currently one of, if not THE most popular fighting game currently, meaning there'll always be players online. with more content on the way including new characters and crossplay between playstation players!
here's the dustloop page.
while guilty gear is an absolutely massive franchise, with weird MOBA action game sequels, smash brothers spinoffs that are exclusive to the DS, and an almost 25 year old legacy, getting into it is easier than ever. so heaven or hell, let's rock.
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ohbother2 · 4 months
You don't have to answer I can understand since I'm asking such a big thing that could take time,
but how did you understand Luci's character traits and personality so well? Knowing what to write about how he'd react in some situations and just knowing him very well? It's really such an amazing skill I love writers so much they have such a way with words and all.
Sending you lots of love <3
Hello!! Honestly no worries I absolutely love when people ask about my writing!! <3
The fact that this was sent in immediately after the previous ask summarising my characterisation as 'power bottom with an oral fetish' is honestly hilarious lmfaoooo
but seriously tysm!! The fact you think I've characterised him so well is so flattering!
In all honestly I'm not entirely sure, and I'm not (personally) entirely convinced I have gotten his characterisation 100% correct! I think the fun about being a writer is you can take these... 'artistic liberties' and if you write them well enough and convincingly enough (within certain constraints of reality) people will just kinda accept it
I guess as someone who spent their childhood and teenage years far too involved in fanfic-writing and mindless daydreaming inside their own head you start to gain a taste for ensuring characters stay within their own 'box' of characterisation and don't just begin acting how you want them to - this was a very long mindset I had to teach myself out of (I dread to think about some of the horrendous ooc fics I wrote in my younger years)
Even today, as someone who hopes to write their own book one day and has been using fanfic-writing as practice, I STILL have to reign myself in and really look at my work and think 'would they actually act like this'. For example, you have no idea how many times I've had to re-write a line of dialogue or just simply scrap entire paragraphs altogether after deciding that Lucifer/Adam/etc wouldn't act like that
Actual advice time - the main thing I do when I decide I want to write for a character, is study the character. I watch the series again focussing on that specific character and their interactions, and then I come up with my own little 'characterisation' of them in my own head: little traits that I've picked up on throughout their screen time like their mode of speech (and tics or mannerisms, and common phrases or specific vocabulary, if they mumble, etc) or their body language. [For example, my summarisation of Lucifer is: desperate to please, abandonment issues, overcompensates his slights with showmanship and flair, ruled by his emotions, a genuinely caring person.]
I also think you can actually deduce a lot from a characters physical presence on screen - their confidence, their anxiety, their happiness, their frustrations - and you can really run with it. If you can pick up on those key characters traits, just amp them up in your writing and bam you've nailed the key components of the character and everything else will fall into place. E.g., Lucifer is constantly taking deep staggering breaths when confronted by something out of the norm (Charlie ringing him, having to talk to Heaven, etc). What can be deduced from this? He doesn't handle his emotions well, he doesn't hide them well, he's easily flustered, he's not as composed as he wants people to believe. Ergo, whenever something is overly shocking, I really play on that characteristic.
Embarrassingly, sometimes if I'm really struggling with deciding whether a character would do/say something, I look up compilations of that character on YouTube so I can really focus on just them. I've always had quite a good knack for getting in other peoples (and characters') heads and this little boost really helps me. Sometimes I even look at other fanfics!
Basically: I'm not entirely sure, thank you so much, this probably hasn't answered your question at all, practice makes perfect :)
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mapofthesoul20 · 8 months
Anyway, I really admire how TXT’s individual dance styles are developing. (Note: This was written pre-Name Chapter, where they’ve shown even MORE growth. So proud)
Yeonjun’s is the most developed, of course. I think he has a lot of charisma and control in his style which makes him so great at both personal choreographies and covers. If you look at his Studio Choom and girl group covers and Tiktoks, he’s able to perfectly execute dances with his great level of body control, and embody them with the both the power of the original and his own flair. I’m sure he has a list of styles he wants to try, but for me I’d love to see more freestyles and for him to try modern dance
You could think that Soobin’s tall frame isn’t made for dancing, but he has mastered how to adapt his frame to be perfectly in sync with everyone else. He has a beautiful cleanliness to his dancing, never an angle or line of his body out of sync. And he uses his height to advantage, as it imbues his dance with power. Now adding how he’s a killer at facial expressions, and he kills performances like Can’t You See Me and the MAMA 2022 blidnfold dance. Precise, sensual, drawing you in with and keeping you there. Please please please, someone give him a sensual song to cover. It will kill me, but I’m okay with that.
For me, bc Beomgyu has the narrowest frame of the group, I often miss focusing on him in dances. But truly, Beomgyu’s strength is that his style involves so much emotion without losing sight of the choreography. He has precision in his form; his moves down to his fingers are never out of places. He has so much energy and emotion and is getting absolutely insane at facial expressions. You could strip away the rest, and Beomgyu’s NYE We Lost the Summer performance is still so beautiful precisely because he can embody so much emotion. He steals the show in the DNA cover bc he lets loose and gives it that Bangtan-inspired swagger. He captured everyone with the lighter mishap at MMA 2021. It’s a mistake to miss him because he is brilliant at telling the whole story in his dance alone. I really just want more solo performances from him so that I can focus more on him; I’d love something contemporary, but truly I want more power stuff like BTS covers  
Taehyun is a king of clean, sharp dancing. His lines and angles are clean. He can hit every beat. He has precision on a microscopic level and nimbleness to switch and alternate as fast as the music. There’s a reason why he’s often featured in the year-end performances; a lot of those performances have been so beat-focused, technically-difficult, and acing a challenge is where Taehyun shines. That’s also why I love his Opening Sequence solo because it’s out of his wheelhouse and he still excellently pulls off the emotion while never losing that perfect form. He’s a perfectionist and while I would love to see more techno-beat choreography from him, my secret wish is for him to dabble in ballet. 
Hueningkai’s duality will forever be one of my favorite things. Off-stage, he’s a tall, broad-shouldered boy who gives off this puppy energy, tumbling and rumbling around. But the minute you put him on stage, he’s like a rockstar. It’s like the world is rewritten and all that awkward boy stature is perfect for a dancer. Hueningkai has strong power to his dancing style bc he just so completely embodies stage presence. He is amazing at bringing the emotion to the performance; his NYE 2021, his Lovesong and Loser=Lover and GBGB performances are all testatments that he is so in tune with his emotions while never losing sight of putting on a fantastic show for the audience. I’d pay good money to see him do any styles of dance, but my deepest wish is for him to try some classical styles like ballet, jazz, tap dancing, ballroom, or Korean classical dance  
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saltymongoose · 2 years
Hi, are your requests still open?? Or I'll even pay you to write something too.
If they are, can I request fic with Deimos, Hank, 2B, and Sanford protecting and comforting a FTM(not transitioned yet) reader that is their partner. They protect him from an abusive family member? If that's not okay then maybe just comforting them on a really really bad dysphoria day?
I'm dealing with major family issues rn on top of my HEDS/POTS flair ups and I'm just breaking down and need some comfort from my boys that would def hug me and kiss me and tell me im okay and tell my family members to "Fuck off cuz I am a real man." I'm trying to draw some art too... but I have major art block art.. but your writing Is amazing and inspirational. I always look forward to everything you do. You are my hero and I wish I could write like you. Thank you for everything you do and please take care of yourself! Drink and eat pls!!❤️❤️❤️
Also this is the first time I'm asking something and I'm to nervous to come of anon so I guess you could call me...Kai? Thanks and sorry if this is too much yiu can ignore it
I'm sorry to hear about everything you've been going through Kai, it's beyond awful to have family members who're so unsupportive and damaging. :( I'd be more than happy to provide some comfort and protection from the boys for you, and as always, free of charge. <3 (Thank you so so much for your kind words as well, they're awfully sweet of you to say and reading them made me pretty emotional haha. I'm glad you like my work so much, it's readers like yourself that make writing so fulfilling for me, so thank you for that as well. And please take care of yourself too, of course. :)) 💕
[Part 1] They Protect a Transmasc!Reader from their Abusive Family ft. Hank & Sanford
(TW: Transphobia, Verbal Abuse, Violence (they're not yandere but still, it's Madcom), ft. Transmasc!Reader) //- {PART 2 HERE <3} -//
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Anyone who knows of your significance to Hank would realize that it’s not exactly a good idea to try anything against you, whether it be trying to make you uncomfortable or attacking you physically.
Your partner is the most wanted man in Nevada, and he has absolutely no patience when it comes to anyone or anything threatening you, period. It doesn’t matter if it’s some random grunt on the street, or some agent Doc insists he works with, or even if they’re an Employer. If they hurt you in any way, shape, or form, he’s paying them back for it tenfold.
It’s only right since you’re likely a target simply for your relationship with him and he considers it his “job” to protect the people he loves. And by that, just you, really. He can’t even remember the names of the other SQ members he works with 90% of the time, so you’re it for him. Although this just means all of his protective instincts are centered on a single person, which if anything would be more of a deterrent. (For mildly intelligent people, at least.)
However, while he never expected your family of all groups to be added to his “blacklist”, he isn’t averse to going after them the same way he does all your other persecutors. Hank genuinely couldn’t care less about their blood relation with you or any history you have with them; he solves nearly all his problems with violence anyway, so another set of bodies means very little to him in the long run. (Bear in mind, he won’t outright kill them in front of you, you don’t need to see that.)
Though because you’d generally prefer not to have to deal with organizing a funeral or explaining why your significant other gunned down your family (to your other family members who you'd prefer not to speak to), you made him swear not to kill them. A shame since they more than deserved it to him, but you're one of the few people Hank actually listens to, so he'll go along with it.
However, you never told him that he couldn't be violent with his protectiveness, even if they didn't end up dead.
So when he happens to be accompanying you to your family’s place to fetch some of your things and someone decides to make a little unwelcome comment about you (something about how you’re “never gonna be a real man”, whatever that means), he bristles when he hears the words. The look of discomfort and sadness on your face immediately drives him to physically threaten them; he's quick to invade the offending family member's space, anger coursing through his veins as a hand reaches for one of his knives.
It doesn’t take long for whoever made the comment to be thrown to their knees, a blade at their throat before you’re able to stop him. He's always been impulsive, and what they've just done to you would be enough to warrant murder if it were from anyone else. (They should consider themselves lucky you were more merciful than he was.)
He can only think of the look of your frowning visage as he grabs their jaw harshly, almost driving the knife into them as they jolt in his grasp. He usually doesn't care about insults, but if they're against you and targeting something so intrinsic to who you are, it's enough to piss him off immensely on your behalf, to say the least.
"Newsflash, asshole. Nobody asked for your dogshit opinion," he hisses, jostling your terrified family member before forcefully turning them to look in your direction. "See him? He's a real man. If you're too stupid to understand that, that's on you. But if you say anything like that to my boyfriend again, I'll fucking kill you, understand, dipshit?"
You know it's more of a bluff than a genuine promise, given the fact that you've been over this with him before. (Or at least you think so.) You ignore your family member's pleading for Hank to let them go, as well as the other people in the house who've come to watch, still feeling hurt at their comment. Having your partner there made it better, but it still didn't lessen the sting of the words themselves.
Hank notices this of course and will drop the offending individual to the floor (paying no mind to how their skull painfully hits the concrete below them, whoops) so he can pick you up protectively and remove you from the situation entirely. You let him, of course, silently eyeing your family from over his bicep as you snuggle into his arms, relaxing a little for once that evening.
The complete juxtaposition in Hank's behavior the moment you two exit through the front door is honestly amusing to you in retrospect, but in your sickened feelings at what just happened you don't notice it. He holds you tighter to himself as he walks, leaning down to press his forehead to yours and nuzzle into your temple. You told him once that his purring was comforting for you, so he'll do it here, and loudly too. He's relieved when he feels you sink into his grasp more at all his affection, but he can tell what just happened is still weighing on you.
Despite excelling at dealing with matters physically, Hank is very inept at anything concerning emotions (and to his credit, he knows it very well). He'll still try though since you need the encouragement and he hates seeing that despondent look on you. (He also just loves you and wants you to be alright, but that's hardly anything new.)
"You okay?" He rasps lowly, almost whispering to you, and you give a strained half smile in response. He tilts his head in concern and you sigh, reaching up to cup his cheek and watching as he leans into your hand absentmindedly.
"Not really, no, that was…a lot. I will be though, eventually…Thanks for that, by the way," you say, voice small as you rest your head on his chest. It’s funny, you were only there for forty-five minutes and you’re exhausted. This only makes you doubly grateful for your partner being willing to carry you and comfort you physically, even when you don’t feel like talking.
You could feel him nod resolutely against your hand, the only reply you’ll get from him on this matter. His silence is fine with you; you were so close that you didn’t need words to understand his view anyway. Especially not with how he makes sure to hold you as close to him as possible on the way back, wrapping you up tightly in his arms as if to protect you from the rest of the world as he takes you back home, where you’ll be safe from everything else.
Hank’s type of care is a strange one. Filled with gentle touches and harsh protectiveness, Nevada’s most infamous mass murderer is nothing if not soft around you. You were a point of vulnerability for him, but one that he welcomed with open arms. He’d rather die than let something happen to you (and he’d be very willing to if it came down t it). Even if the threat isn’t incredibly violent, his main priority is your well-being, whether that be your physical or mental health. Perhaps this is why you feel comfortable enough to fall asleep in his arms, content that he’d keep you safe as you went home. He wouldn’t let anything happen to you and you knew it. After all, he loves you beyond belief, just as you do him.
As one of the few people in Nevada who actually has a semi-intact family in his life, Sanford knows the true value of having close relationships with your parents and/or siblings. However, he realizes that your family is also the people who can cause you the most suffering. They know every little button to press to get a reaction, and it's only elevated to a more painful level if they don’t accept you for who you truly are.
In all likelihood, you’ve confided to him before about your familial situation, and what he heard both depressed and angered him. How anyone could be so awful to you is just beyond him; you’re one of the nicest people he’s had the pleasure of coming across and he wouldn’t trade you for everything, why would your family do you so much harm purposefully?
The feeling of disgust only festers with each time you tell him about another one of your family's abusive actions towards you, and he honestly considers just suggesting you cut them off. They don't deserve to have someone like you around them, just as you don't deserve to be mistreated for something as simple as your gender identity. You don't need to justify who you are to them, and the fact that they badger you about it and degrade you is enough to make his blood boil.
You probably don't see your family that often anyway, cause once you two got together he was fully willing to just get a place with you away from anywhere having to do with them. The further the better. (The last thing he wanted to happen was for them to encounter you when you went out for groceries or ran errands. More distance meant more safety from them, after all.)
It's not that he wants to isolate you or anything like that, and really you're free to do what you want, he just doesn't want to run the risk of them hurting you more than they have already. As such, he’s hesitant to even drive you to visit them, to be completely honest. You don’t deserve to be put in a potentially abusive situation, but if you have to be around your family for whatever reason, he insists on accompanying you.
He holds your hand the entire way there, throwing you soft looks to gauge your mood and running a thumb over your knuckles when he sees your nervous posturing. He hopes that his reassurance will help in some way, even if he's also dreading encountering your family.
He's tense at your side the moment you both walk through the door to your family's home, putting himself between you and any family members as he oversees your interactions. Most would feel threatened by his posturing; it’d be quite obvious that he’s acting as sort of a sentinel for you, and having someone like him as a protector should be a deterrent to any awful behavior. Lest they end up suffering some harsh consequences for their actions.
But of course, this doesn’t stop some people. Perhaps they just walked in and saw you, thinking you were on your own and taking it as an opportunity to slew some abuse at you, completely oblivious to the fact that your partner was just across the room. Or maybe they were just ignorant enough to believe your partner wouldn’t protect you from them.
However, they’ll notice and realize the reality of the situation soon enough. It’s impossible not to when they open their mouth to make a disparaging comment about you and are met with a painfully tight grip on their shoulder and the broad form of your boyfriend looming over them.
You'll notice that their abusive remark is cut off by a sharp squeak, and turn to see them looking almost sickly with fear at your boyfriend. The same whose glare seems to darken when they have the nerve to send a pleading glance towards you to make him stop, as if they're not the one who tried to verbally attack you in the first place.
No matter, he'll helpfully twist them around so he's all they see instead. (Quickly too, since he hated the way you seemed to freeze when they tried to make eye contact with you.) The perpetrator is terrified to their core since they know very well about who he is, but the short apologies they try to stammer out don't quell any of Sanford's anger at them. It's not him they should be apologizing to.
He'd even consider forcing them to right that moment if he couldn't read you as well as he does. He knows from your shaky motions and quick glances back at him that having any prolonged contact with them would probably just risk upsetting you more, and besides, what kind of a partner would he be if he brought his boyfriend's abuser closer to him?
Despite this, he won't let go of them. He's almost like a guard dog that's latched onto someone, unwilling to let them move a mere inch away as you go about your business. While you're distracted, he'll even lean down to get uncomfortably close to your family member to give them a bit of a warning, silently delighting in how they jump at his sudden movements.
"You aren't gonna say another fucking word to him, understand?" He hisses, "None of this shit about you not understanding that he's a man - cause that's what he is, dumbass. You can fuck off if you think I'll just let you insult him like that, or I'll make you wish you knew better."
They nod frantically, and he gives them a sardonic, if not outright threatening grin. Just in time too, as you turn back to them with some personal belongings gathered in your arms. You don't look at your family member when you approach, but Sanford's quick to disregard them as well once you're a meter or two from them. (He doesn't want you to have to be too close to them, anyway).
He gives their shoulder one last squeeze, threatening to pierce their skin with his claws before he lets go and returns to your side. You find it slightly amusing that he insists on wiping his hand off on his pants before he holds yours again, and as you exit the building he makes a joke about not wanting any "filth" to touch you. It makes you smile a bit, which relieves him.
He has a thoughtful look on his face as he helps you into his truck, one he always seems to get whenever the topic of your family comes up. You give him a few questioning glances, silently prodding at what's eating away at him as he seems to mull over something for a moment. He then turns to you, giving you a warm smile.
“I’m really proud of you, you know? I don't know how I'd be if my family pulled something like that with me," he remarks, giving you a playful glare when you shrug and avert your eyes, already beginning to formulate some sort of retort to his praise.
"I mean, I didn't do very much-"
"Not this time, I guess, at least not physically. But you've dealt with their shit for years, so I'd say you're stronger than you think you are." He states simply, a tone of finality in his words. Under no circumstance would he let you downplay or disregard your own feelings and role in this; so what if you didn't want to get in their face as he would? Physical confrontations aren't everything, especially when he's half sure those pigheaded people in your family wouldn't change with or without them. The point was that you're perfect just as you are, and you don't need some dumbasses who don't know anything to make you doubt that.
You understand as much when he leans over to give you a quick kiss on your temple, whispering so before leaving another peck on your cheek and pulling back. For that simple moment, your anxiety is quelled. Funny, how something as common as Sanford giving you affection could calm you down so much. The love he has for you is pure and nearly overwhelming sometimes; it fills you with a warmth so comforting, and a feeling of gentle reassurance you don't know how you went without before. And you knew it was the same for him.
For now, though, Sanford thinks he's got a bit of a solution to this issue (if you could call it one). He's been thinking about it for a while, but now that he's seen firsthand the quality (or lack thereof) of people in your family, he doesn't think it's going too fast. At least, he hopes you won't think so either.
Your attention is caught again when he mutters your name, and you look over to see him staring down at the dashboard, tapping his fingers on the steering wheel as he nervously clears his throat. It's weird to see him so nervous, but it's cute; it reminds you of when you first started dating and he was so anxious about being with someone seriously, least of all someone he admired so much.
"I know this might be too fast, but..you could, well, "join" my family, if you want. My mom's been asking about you, and they just really want to meet you, to be honest. Probably because of how I don't shut up about you," he laughs a little awkwardly, and you smile at how bashful he looks, brow quirking at the question. "They're not...like yours, and I know they won't screw with you like that. So..would you want to?" He looks hopeful as he eyes you, and you can see the slightest bit of apprehension in the way he shifts his hands against the wheel as he waits for your answer.
You hum in thought, genuinely considering the offer. Sanford's without a doubt the nicest guy you've ever met, and you don't think his family would be spoken about so highly by him if they weren't the same. Besides, there's no harm in meeting your boyfriend's family. However, there's a little something about the way he worded it that made you curious.
"Yeah, I'm down for that. All this talk about me joining your family is pre-tty interesting though, babe," you begin, a teasing lilt to your voice as you lean over the console to perch your chin on his shoulder. "You thinking about proposing?"
He sputters, face going red as you chuckle at him. He's quick to make a recovery though, nudging his elbow at you as he shakes his head to himself (he can't hide his own grin, despite this). You feel relaxed as you lean back into your seat, grateful for the distraction in light of everything else that happened that day.
Although, you don't make it entirely back to your seat before Sanford reaches out for your hand again. His larger hand returns to hold yours just as it was on the way to your family's place, and you can see a slight blush tinge his cheeks when you turn yours over to interlace your fingers. He only has a single real response to your teasing, but it's enough to make you double-take.
"That depends, would you say yes?"
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New Year's Day | Casey Cizikas
Requested? Nah
Warnings? Drinking, a little bit of jealousy, New Years lmfao
Summary: You start and end a year with Casey
Word Count: 1,699
You and Casey Cizikas had the definition of a world wind romance together. 
Thrown together by fate and the unsettling small unknown life of New York City so often that it seemed inevitable. The two of you were two halves of one whole. 
“Are these all the drinks we have?” you ask Casey as you pass by the kitchen table nearly toppling over with all the assorted beverages anyone could ever ask for. 
“No, I made sure we kept some in the back in case we run out,” he explains and you smile. 
“You look beautiful by the way,” he says, stopping to place a kiss on your cheek before walking around the kitchen island to put away more drinks and food. 
“I’m half dressed,” you retort. 
“And gorgeous no matter what,” he responds equally as fast. 
You roll your eyes but pad off towards your shared bedroom regardless. You were adorned in a night sky blue dress with gold sparkles distributed throughout to make it look like stars swirled across your body as you moved. Just as you finish pinning your hair into a half up and half down style, Casey slides into the bathroom behind you. 
You watch in the mirror as he slides his hands up and down your waist before settling to wrap them around your figure, resting his head onto your shoulder. You tilt your head the opposite way, pushing in your earring before grabbing the necklace you wanted to wear and holding it up to Casey. 
Without a word, he clasps the necklace around your neck and seals it with a kiss to your shoulder. 
“I love you,” he murmurs with his lips still against your bare skin. 
“I love you too.” 
Within the next half hour, your house is filled with every close friend and practically almost stranger to you and Casey. All of his teammates, your best friend and all of your coworkers, everyone was crammed into your beautiful New York City apartment. 
You spend most of the night watching as people mingle and wander around, Casey staying attached to your side the entire time, ready to ring in the new year together. 
“(y/n)!” you hear someone call. You turn in time to see Barzy bounding over to you and your face lights up. 
“Barz!” you greet. 
You detach from Casey for a moment to wrap your arms around Mat. He squeezes you tight and when you let go he clasps hands with Casey in a typical guy greeting. Just as Casey lets go, his arm is back around your waist. 
“Amazing party,” Mat compliments and you smile. 
“Took a while to put together but it was definitely worth it.” 
You and Casey talk to Mat for a bit before he spots his girlfriend and runs off with a grin on his lips that makes your heart flair for the younger islander. You had quickly grown fond of the younger islanders players on the team after meeting them through Casey. You loved their boyish smiles, bright eyes, fire for the game, etc. It was like watching your own kids grow up. 
“(y/n/n)!” you move just in time for Noah to crash into you. 
His arms circle your waist and lift you into the air and you giggle ridiculously as he spins you around. When he sets you down he’s beaming wide and you’re no doubt reflecting. 
“This party is insane,” he says looking around the place and you grin sheepishly. 
“Eh it was all Case,” you say, defaulting to your boyfriend and Casey turns and offers a tight lipped smile. 
The first person you met in New York was defenseman Noah Dobson standing before you. You found he was kind and sweet and always willing to help and you were fast friends. However, when you started dating Casey, you didn’t realize how much your relationship with his teammate bothered him. 
“You know he likes you, right?” Casey asked one night. 
You had just said goodbye to Noah and were headed back to your apartment when Casey blindsided you with his question. 
“What?” you ask, seriously trying to imagine the defenseman having more than friend feelings for you. 
“He’s always falling all over you,” Zeeker continues, clearly frustrated with your lack of understanding. 
“Case,” you said, stopping in your tracks and turning to face the blonde. “He’s just a friend. I picked you.” 
That wasn't the last time you and Casey had little upsets over your friendship with Noah. However, you were simply grateful he didn’t ask you to stop being friends with him. It would crush you to lose everything at once like that if he did. 
You couldn’t lose Casey’s laugh and smile in your life. You knew deep down no matter what fight you had, you and Casey would always come back. You’d always be there for him through the highs and the lows. 
“I’ll talk to you later,” Noah says, reaching out to squeeze your arm before walking away. 
“Have you seen Ann?” you ask Casey when Noah is out of earshot.  
“Uhm,” he starts, turning to look around the room. 
You realized you’ve lost all track of time and any sense of who was actually at this party and who wasn’t. You didn’t know if all of the isles players showed up and you certainly had no clue where all of your friends or coworkers were. The whole thing seemed like a fast blur. 
“Guys it’s time!” you hear someone yell. 
You and Casey turn to each other, giving the same look that begs the question of where did the time go tonight? Regardless, he pulls you out to your balcony, pushing to the front of the crowd standing there and leaning against the railing. 
He pulls you against him and suddenly time slows down. Your hands come up to wrap around Casey’s neck without a second thought. His hands find their way to your body, one sliding up to rest on your hip, playing with the fabric of your dress mindlessly. The other inches slowly upwards, his first finger brushing the bottom of your chin and hooking it underneath until your face is pulled closer to his. 
You gaze into his stunning blue eyes, the ones who have held your heart since they gazed into yours for the first time. Every time Casey looked at you like that it felt like he was seeing straight through you. He could see every flaw, worry, thought, feeling, etc. just by one glance into your eyes. 
It made you feel incredibly vulnerable most days and other days it was a comfort to have someone know you so deeply. His hands on you felt the same way, with the added roller coaster effect to it. Every smile was like tilting over the edge of a big drop, and falling so fast you don’t know what happened until his lips are on yours. 
You’re pulled out of the reminiscing when Casey’s hand presses to your cheek, his thumb absentmindedly tracing the skin there. Your eyes flutter shut and you think about how his skin has always felt like it belonged against yours. 
“5… 4…. 3…” everyone chants behind you but you’re leaning into Casey before the countdown has even ended. 
His lips press to yours and it feels like the fireworks and cheering is for the two of you and no one else. Like the world had purposefully stopped because your two souls had finally come together. 
“Happy new year,” you whisper when you pull back enough. 
“Happy new year honey,” he says smiling. 
As you look around, you’re struck by the thought that ending a year and starting a new one with the one you love. The one that you wanted to do this with forever and always. 
The minute the clock struck 12, people left in droves. It felt like minutes after your kiss that the apartment was empty but really it had been 2 hours. Casey shuts the door behind his last teammate and when you come back into the foyer he offers a tired smile. 
“This place is a mess,” you say and he walks over to you, wrapping his arms around your waist. 
Without warning, Casey slips an arm under your legs and sweeps you up into his arms. You let out a giggle and press your face into his chest. 
“Let’s clean up tomorrow, yeah?” he asks and you nod. 
You wake up a few hours later, the beginnings of a hangover pulsing behind your eyes and you’re considering just staying in bed for the rest of the day and never moving again. You roll over, realizing Casey isn’t there next to you and a frown finds its way to your lips. 
You roll out of bed, grabbing the first sweatshirt you see and throwing it over you. You pad out to the living room and it hits you how messy the apartment truly is. You take a few steps into the room, your foot getting stuck on something and you stop. 
You bend down to see what it is and a smile creeps up. You lift the polaroid off the ground, gazing at the photo of you and Casey from the night before. Your arms are thrown haphazardly around his neck, your head thrown back in a laugh, his lips pressed to your neck. It was the perfect snapshot of your relationship. 
By the time you’ve finished cleaning the living room, Zeeker appears at your side. He’s dressed in sweats and a t-shirt and looks as if he’s also just finished cleaning as well. 
“Accompany me to breakfast my love?” he asks. 
“Of course.” 
He takes your hand in his, pulling you out of the apartment and down to the busy New York streets. He grabs a taxi and when you’re inside, he tells the driver to head to your favorite bagel shop in all of New York. 
Your hands stay intertwined in the back of the taxi, Casey squeezing your hand once, twice, three times. 
“I love you.” Is the whisper in his touch and you squeeze his hand back and hope he knows how much you mean to him. 
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mejomonster · 2 years
So Lee joon gi was amazing in Flower of Evil, I realized he's in 2 other kdramas I'd considered Watching - Moon Lovers and Scholar Who Walks The Night. So guess what's way higher on my list now?
Also I Did start Moon Lovers. I enjoyed the individual scene pacing, it felt good like you could keep attention then it would end at a good break point, so for someone with short attention like me (where kdramas are a struggle cause i can usually do 20 minutes of focus or 40 minutes with a halfway break but kdramas tend to be 1-1.5 hours) it helped a lot. Also the eps were only 1 hour versus 1.5. It didn't capture my attention like Flower of Evil or Beyond Evil so I couldn't focus super well, but definitely one of the better paced things I've seen recently! Especially since it's not my ideal genre so it was fairly solid to keep my attention, much better at it than King's Affection (which had good premise but got so lost and slow)
1. I love the lead actress, i loved her in Hotel Del Luna, it's cool to see her earlier acting. While I imagine she's not as solid as she'll be in later performances, her core is already there and helps a TON with selling the protagonist as relatable to us the modern person like her and selling the protagonist as a real girl with a past she was running from. I never saw the chinese Scarlet Heart, but I did see Jade Palace Lock Heart (with a similar premise - I loved it) and what that show was missing was a compelling backstory life for the main girl. So it's nice seeing in Moon Lovers even in ep 1 I feel I know her view on her life and situation and love and untrustworthy people already. (Jade Palace Lock Heart likewise to this, worked well because the lead actress did a good job at a realistic modern girl trying to survive and make a life in the time-travelled new place, which is critical, the protagonist has gotta be someone I can connect to for these)
2. My man has EMO HAIR TO RIVAL THEM ALL I love it! It's so Yang Yang Xiaoge! It's so edgy early 2000s! It includes a DRAMATIC DARK MASK how very Shen Wei Black Cloak Envoy of him! To some this will be too cringey or awkward compared to today's expectations, but for me I LOVE a dose of camp in my stuff, I love an anime esque flair of that ever popular mask used in dramas and I LOVE emo hair being fully committed to and gone with in a character design. If ur gonna go emo, screw it, do the full half face hidden right? Commit! And Moon Lovers sure did
3 I noticed our emo man shows up FIRST as far as all the princes go, so I'm assuming he's the endgame love interest. At least he better be ToT. First because I love his acting along with IU so id be super happy for them both to be the most on my screen. Second, because he's the shadier character archetype right now and I love when a show goes with that as the endgame, it's fun. Then also, I wonder if Lee joon gi gets casted often as the almost off-putting cold dangerous man? He clearly brought that to this role, and to his Flower of Evil role in parts. I wonder if it also turns up in Scholar that Walks the Night
4 I actually like all the princes. I'm excited to see more of them. And very worried. I know Jade Palace Lock Heart ISNT Scarlet Heart, but I heard they're similar. And in JPLH the prince the protagonist likes first? He ends up being quite cruel, ruining anyone he uses if it helps him, killing anyone if it helps him. (And hes played by the very hot Mickey He). Since OUR protagonist in Moon Lovers is looking fondly at the married "kind" prince, I'm quite worried he is cruel and since she doesn't know her identitys past life she is not aware of whatever cruelty he might have shown her before. I'm scared (but would also find it fun writing wise) that our kind married prince will be like JPLHs Mickey He prince. Back to the other princes: I like that their personalities are already getting distinguished even though it will take me a while to get all their names more. I think the political plots will keep my attention okay if the start is any indication. Also, oddly, the astrologer actor looks Super familiar to me. I remember liking his acting in whatever else I saw him in, so I'm happy to see him here.
5 all in all Moon Lovers is a Strong Start for me! Liked the episode a lot for a first one!
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careeralley · 1 year
Fun and Creative Ways to Make Money
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Now that the New Year has begun we are all looking to make fresh goals and start our lives fresh and for the better. One of the biggest changes a lot of us want to make in the New Year is often our career. A job is a massive part of our lives and it takes up a lot of our time. When it comes to making a fresh start we might want to ditch the office for good and try something totally new, and here are some of the ways you can do that. source Sell your photos We all enjoy taking photographs of the places we visit and sights we see, and often these photographs end up in a folder on our computer never seeing the light of day. If you think you have taken some good quality images over the years, you can submit them to a site such as Shutterstock and sell them for a little bit of profit. Every time someone downloads your image they will pay you a small amount of money and this can be a good way to earn some cash for talented photographers. When it comes to making a fresh start we might want to ditch the office for good and try something totally new, and here are some of the ways you can do that. Tweet This Create Art If you have an artistic flair and you are a dab hand with a pencil or paintbrush, you can make some serious money by becoming an artist and selling your art online and at shows. When you have created your art you can use a site such as Etsy to open up a shop and sell your art all over the world. And when there are flower shows and fairs in your local area you can make a stand and sell your art in person! It can be a fun job and one which gives you the opportunity to be as creative as you want. Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash Write Stories Copywriters and creative writers are always in demand these days due to the sheer volume or bloggers and content creators out there in the world. When looking for side jobs online or full-time full-time freelance work you can always guarantee that there will be a lot of choice with writing. You could write articles for a company, create short stories and even run a blog for an individual. There are countless possibilities and it can be a lucrative career option. Warfareplugins Best Social Sharing for WordPressSocial Warfare makes sharing your content fast and easy. Over 1,000,000 downloads and counting. Optimize your site's social sharing today! We earn a commission if you click this link and make a purchase at no additional cost to you. "At some point in their career, many people consider taking their career in a freelance direction. There are pros and cons to doing so, but it’s the freedom of doing the work you want that attracts so many. If you’re thinking about launching a freelance career, you likely already know that it’s not going to be easy. It takes a lot of hard work to build an independent career, where it’s up to you to find the work you need to keep going. Before you decide to go freelance, you need to come up with a plan to decide how you’re going to do things." - ditch the office Everybody Writes: Your Go-To Guide to Creating Ridiculously Good Content $21.45 Everybody Writes is a go-to guide to attracting and retaining customers through stellar online communication, because in our content-driven world, every one of us is, in fact, a writer. Buy on Amazon We earn a commission if you click this link and make a purchase at no additional cost to you. 12/04/2022 12:09 am GMT Be A Tour Guide For those of you who want to travel the world and take it by storm, there can be no better option than to become a tour guide in your favorite place and spend your days walking around and talking about amazing locations. Whether you choose to talk about the city you live in or one across the sea it doesn’t matter, you’ll be doing something you love and no two days will be the same. It will allow you to travel the world and make money as you go and this can be a great change from rush hour in the dark each morning. source Open A Cat Cafe Who doesn’t love cats? You might have heard over the last few years that a growing trend is happening with cat and dog cafes, and if you are an animal lover this could be a wonderful business for you. All you need to do is work with a local animal rescue center and bring some cats into the cafe to cuddle with customers, and if the customers like the cats enough they can ask to adopt them. It can be a great way to save animals and also run a fluffy, cuddly, fun business. CareerAlley Side Hustles Looking to set your own hours or make some extra cash? Take a look at our side hustle partners. start your side hustle We earn a commission if you click this link and make a purchase at no additional cost to you. Read the full article
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anangelwhodidntfall · 2 years
I’ve Got A Man But I Want You: Damian Priest
word count: 1.6k
 description: You and AJ Styles have been dating for almost 3 years and things started to crack between you two and you somehow end up sneaking around with your best friend Damian Priest. 
WWE Masterlist
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"I got a man, but I want you", "He's so connected to that woman that you used to be"
You should be happy right now, you just got Charlotte the woman who never taps, to tap out to you meaning that you have won over her and be in the contenders for the Woman's Title but when you looked over at AJ your boyfriend of 3 years, you could practically feel the anger radiating off of him that you got the win instead of him.
"That win means nothing." He said harshly as you two headed backstage as the tears threatened to spill from your eyes because this wasn't the AJ you fell in love with.
Something changed in AJ the past few months, he had been angrier and harsher with you, no longer did you have the sweetheart that you fell in love with when you first made your debut on Raw, now you were practically dating a stranger.
"I'm gonna go get changed." You said quietly walking into the woman's locker room and changing into your normal clothes. As you were finishing up changing, your phone vibrated making you groan at the thought of it being AJ but instead, you had a text from Damian.
"You did amazing tonight. You looked amazing as well, your beauty continues to amaze me every-week looking at a future woman titleholder.
You smiled at the text before typing sure and the two of you agreed on a place to meet. You never thought that you would be the one to sneak around but Damian made you feel seen, he made you feel important, and he was actually proud of your accomplishments. Sometimes the two of you hook up but mainly you two talked, everything came easier with him, and that is what made it easy to fall for him. You knew eventually you would either have to break it off with AJ or Damian but right now you weren't ready for that even though you knew you should leave AJ.
Once we got settled in our hotel room, I had a text from Rhea saying that she would cover for you and Damian, since they had connecting rooms. You were about to tell AJ where you were off to when you noticed that he left without telling you, not that you were surprised. You grabbed your phone and bag and walked down to Rhea's room and knocked on it.
"Hey mate, congrats on that match today." She said pulling you into a hug.
"Thank you well for everything." You said.
"Of Course, while I don't agree with the whole sneaking around part, I can see how happy you two are." She said guiding you through the connecting bathroom and into Damian's room whose face lit up when he saw you.
"Use protection guys!" She said closing the door behind her as you and Damian laughed.
"There she is! The first woman to ever make Charolette Flair tap." Damian said scooping you up in his arms.
"At least someone's happy for me." You said quietly wrapping your arms around him.
"Sweetheart...he didn't." He said as his heart broke seeing the look on your face.
"He did. Told me that it didn't mean anything that I won our match tonight. It just hurt because I work my ass off and he just acts like I'm still the same rookie, he met three years ago. Why is it okay for him to grow but not me?" You said as a few tears fell down your face.
Damian hated seeing you upset especially on a night that you proved yourself to everyone in the venue. But also to see you crying over someone like AJ who still saw you as a beginner and just some arm candy. Damian couldn't wait for the day that you two could be official.
"You do deserve it and so much more sweetheart. Hes still connected to the rookie version of you that he met and that was in love and awe at everything he did and now that your growing and he's kind of stuck he's acting out, because if you were mine officially we would've been celebrating tonight and not having you in tears. And that's what we are going to do. Damian said wiping your tears with his thumbs.
"I'm sorry. I know..." you started to say but Damian cut you off by pressing his lips on yours.
"None of that. Your feelings are important. So let's get comfortable, and order room service and find something to watch for a bit to celebrate your achievement tonight." He said placing a kiss on your forehead as you nodded.
When you woke up the next morning Damian was still asleep so you took the time to admire how beautiful he looked sleeping before you heard a chime from your phone interrupted you making you sigh.
I guess you crashed with one of girls last night, I'm gonna to go ahead and head to the arena. I'm sorry about last night.
You sighed locking your phone not having the energy to respond to his weak ass apology or the fact he didn't seem to worry about you being gone all night. It hurt.
"What did he say now?" Damian said making you look over at him.
"Weak ass apologizing and lack of concern about where I was last night essentially. Not that I'm surprised." You said shrugging your shoulders.
"If I were you I end things and I'm not saying that because I want you to myself but because you deserve someone who actually cares about you." Damian said kissing your hand.
"I think I'm gonna try to talk to him tonight after his match. There's no point in saving the relationship if he doesn't want it." You said.
"There isn't especially when you have someone who treats you like the royalty you are. I don't like the way we started but I couldn't deny my feelings anymore. I love you." He said placing a kiss on your lips.
"I love you too." You said pulling away from him and resting your forehead on his.
You are currently ringside during AJs match against Roman trying to cheer him on and stay out of his way when you ended up between the both of them and before you had a chance to move you were thrown to the grown by Roman.
"I'm sorry I wasn't trying to hurt you, why didn't he tell you to move?" Roman asked as you groaned in pain.
"She's just being dramatic, she knows she should've moved." AJ said making you cry harder.
You were still on the ground holding your ribs when you heard AJs music blast through the arena and watched him walk off without checking on or helping you and that was truly the last straw.
With Romans' help, you made it backstage to the medics so you could get checked out passing Damian along the way who wanted to fight AJ after what he did to you.
"Again I'm sorry, I wasn't trying to go after you." Roman said while the medics wrapped your ribs.
"It's fine Ro really I understand it was accident. I'll be fine." You said giving him a small smile.
Once you finished with the medics you made your way to AJ's locker room knowing you needed to do this.
"I'm fine but not that you care or anything." You said making AJ snap his head up at you.
"Babe I'm..." He started to say but you held up your hand for him to stop.
"Allen we haven't been happy for the past few months and I'm tired of feeling like I'm the only one fighting for this relationship especially when I know that there is someone out there who would treat me the way I deserve to be treated and who would fight for the relationship as well." You said.
"Damian?" He asked quietly making you confused at how he knew.
"I've seen the way he looks at you. I'm not surprised that it happened but I wish things could've worked between us because I did love you...I just don't know what happened with us well me." He said.
"I'm sorry. I tried so hard to fight for us but after awhile it got exhausting doing it by myself. Do you hate me?" I asked.
"No I don't, I want nothing more than for you to be happy even if that isn't with me. I'm sorry for everything." He said.
"Thank you and you deserve to be happy to Allen, you just gotta learn to let people in sometimes." You said.
"I know and I'll try to work on that before the next one. I hope you and Damian are happy together." He said.
"Goodbye Aj." You said leaving his locker room feeling like a weight has been lifted off of your shoulders.
"Had me worried sick." Damian said nearly giving you a heart attack.
"Sorry after the medics finished with me I figured I go ahead and talk to him about everything." You said.
"And what did he say?" He asked.
"That he kinda knew I was sneaking around with you and that he wanted me to be happy even if it wasn't with him." You said.
"Really? So does this mean I get finally to kiss you and do romantic things with you out in public now?" He asked picking you so you were level with him.
"It does. So what's the first thing your gonna do?" You mused.
"This." he said placing a deep and passionate kiss on your lips.
"Save something for the hotel room." You said pulling away and laughing.
"Trust me I've got something special planned for the hotel." He said sending chills up your spine
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lonely-lost-soul · 3 years
Under the Floorboards Part: X
(C!Technoblade x Reader)
First Part: Pt. I
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Fanart for this chapter made by the wonderful @theoneandonlyyeti please show them love!
Content Warning: Itty Bitty Spice Ahead! Please be wary I will let you know when it stops and starts so you can skip!
You never thought you would want kids of your own, adopting already children was completely fine but when it came to having your own you weren't too sure. However, you do know what it might be like to have a baby, that is to say, your injured husband was basically an overgrown baby. Ultimately it was your fault, the man kept pulling his stitches trying to do anything, which made both you and Ranboo frustrated as hell. Technoblade just couldn't sit still and it was driving you mad, you'd scold him and much like a child he'd pout and tell you no. After the fourth time pulling the stitches while he was trying to tame a polar bear, you had bound him to the bed. Not physically, of course, but if you saw him out of bed you'd usher him back in with whatever bribes that were needed to convince. Technoblade was understandably not happy with this development, but the brides always seemed to work, if they didn't you'd pull out the big guns. Appealing to the voices always seemed to work without fail, whether it be only referring to them or ignoring him completely they always got him to shut up and sit down. At the end of the third week, he seemed to be so used to your constant attention and nurse-like tenderness that whenever you weren't fully tending to him he had a tantrum. You tried to be patient, especially because it was partially your fault he was injured in the first place, but you couldn't help but get annoyed at his clinginess.
"Techno. Baby, you have to let go of me." His arms were wrapped securely around your waist, you both were sitting on a small cot by the fire. You allowed him to get out of bed sometimes okay, you weren't a monster; so long as he wasn't out fighting monsters and blowing up nations. He let out a deep purr and buried his head in your chest,
"No, I don't think I will," He mused a smirk evident in his voice although you couldn't see his face. You tsked softly, running your fingers through his hair,
"Let go of me or I will take a pair of scissors to your hair." His hands immediately released their hold on you, he pulled away from your warm body, a pout etched across his features. "Thank you, my love," You kissed his forehead and he relaxed just slightly. "You think you can make it to the kitchen on your own for some lunch?" You gave a tilt to your head and Technoblade smiled softly,
"I'll head there in a few minutes, I wanna try and clean up on my own first, I feel gross." Technoblade sat up with a wince his bandages needed cleaning, he gave his neck a crack to shake away any residual pain. He stood up letting the blankets slide down his body; his hair had been perpetually tied up in a messy bun; his stubble was also slightly overgrown. He needed a makeover desperately, the voices were very much in agreement when he caught a glimpse of himself in a nearby mirror. Steve, the polar bear Techno adopted, grunted as he felt Technoblade move. Technoblade watched you coo at the bear and kissed the top of his fuzzy head, for someone who was so mad he adopted him. You sure acted like the bear was your new best friend, especially considering you let the bear sleep in the bed with the both of you.
"Alright, any lunch requests?"
"Anything you desire," He gently rubbed his chin against your cheek and your nose scrunched up at the feeling.
"You're prickly."
"Good or bad?"
"Well, you're hot with the stubble. So I guess a little beard is a good thing," You scratched under his chin and he purred loudly.
'We are never shaving again are we in agreement on that? Yes, obviously. Anything for her.'
"Now shoo," You ushered him towards the bathroom he slid inside with a dopey smile. He heard you call Steve over to you making sure he was just as fed like any other person in your band of misfits. Once you were officially in the kitchen was when Technoblade got a good look at himself for the first time in weeks. He was right in assuming his facial hair definitely needed at least a trim, his hair probably could use one as well now that he thought about it. He undid the bun and let his hair fall over his shoulders, at this point, it reached his mid-back. It was a bit tangled and didn't feel as soft as it usually did, he was sick of it. Technoblade picked up his trusty bathroom sword and held it in his hands, he turned the sharp blade over in his hands a few times in contemplation. Technoblade moved and placed it on the edge of the sink, he moved his hair to the front of his chest, taking the sword in another hand and slicing through his pink locks. They fluttered to the floor and his eyes drifted back over to the mirror, his hair now came down just below his shoulders. He ran his fingers through his freshly cut hair, ruffling it up just a little, he liked the new look. Technoblade tossed his loose shirt on the floor and gently removed his bandages, he didn't even bother looking at his wound, it was just another scar to add to the hundreds littering his body. However, this one he was okay acquiring, he got it protecting you, the women he loved, from Dream. He smiled softly as the smell of food wafted through the house from downstairs.
He'd never truly get used to your domesticity.
Technoblade's pants were next as he turned on the shower, he slid into the water once it warmed up to the appropriate temperature. He let the water cascade down his face, it stung his fresh wound but it felt good to finally feel clean and fresh. The shower went much faster than usual now that he didn't have all that hair to wash. After the shower he wrapped a towel around his waist, it hung low on his hips as he shook out his wet hair much like a dog. He decided to stick a little braid in his hair just so he could add a little flair, a knock sounded on the door and he met his own eyes in the mirror. The door opened with a soft creak and you were standing in the doorway with a smile. He flushed when you let out a low whistle,
"Didn't mean to disturb you, hot stuff." You winked and he gave you a sharp look to cover up his embarrassment. "What's that for? We literally have seen one another naked like a million times," You snickered your smile turning fond as you drank in his body.
"Hey. My eyes are up here Princess," He mused grabbing your chin to make you look in his eyes. Now it was your turn to flush and he smirked devilishly, "I'm glad you like what you see." You reached up and ran your fingers through his hair playing with the freshly cut ends,
"You cut your hair." You murmured still mesmerized by Technoblade's red eyes, he hummed softly staring at your beautiful features. "It looks amazing, I love it, and I love you," You spoke tenderly hands running down his chest.
"I love you too Princess," Technoblade murmured trying to ignore the roaring voices in the back of his mind. They were pleading with him to kiss her, mark her up and go feral on his wife. He took in a shaky breath and you frowned, "the voices," he let out a deep chuckle, "they love you."
"I love them too. So listen to them and kiss me already." You yanked him close using the top of his towel, he made an embarrassing noise when his towel began to slip, he felt like praying when it stayed up by some grace of God. Your lips crashed together and he let out a breathy sigh relaxing into your blistering kiss, his hands landed on your hips and he squeezed them tightly. Technoblade nipped at your mouth, his tusks brushing against your upper lip, and you made a soft sound in the back of your throat when you felt them make contact. It made Techno and the voices preen in delight as he pushed you against the wall of your bathroom, his big hands sliding up the bottom of your shirt. He felt your hands tug at the hair by his scalp and he let out a deep groan,
'Neck. Bite her neck. Leave a mark, leave many! We don't care, do something. Please Technoblade listen to us!'
Technoblade growled under his breath as he attacked your neck, you let your head fall back against the wall. You let out a little sound of your own, and he purred deeply pleased by your reactivity.
'She'd make such a good mother.'
Technoblade's eyes snapped open and he pulled away from your neck, you let out a deep whine of protest. You reached out to him, hands falling on the back of his neck, chest heaving deeply. That thought intermixed with the wishes of the voices, you a mother? Him a father? The thought shook him to the very core no matter how much his body liked the thought.
"Bubs...?" You asked drearily, eyes blinking as you came down from your mini-high, "You okay?"
"Fine." Technoblade cleared his throat, his ears red and he refused to meet his wife's eyes, you frowned in concern.
"Too much?"
"Sorry," Technoblade murmured sheepishly and you shook your head, pinching the warrior's cheek.
"Don't apologize for that, I'm a big girl." You laughed softly kissing the tip of his nose, "I wanted to tell you lunch was ready before you rudely interrupted me."
"Eh? Rudely?" He huffed as you moved away from the wall, a teasing grin on your lips, he watched you walk away with a swing of your hips and he groaned in distress. Technoblade gathered himself together and got changed, as he came down the ladder to see you wearing a little apron and had lunch set up on the counter. His heart stopped in his chest, you were just too cute and domestic, "meat and potatoes?" He piped up sniffing the air as he sat down at the table you nodded happily.
"I know it's your favorite. I thought you deserved it after everything," You hummed softly cupping his cheek before sitting down across from him. Technoblade raised a hard eyebrow and clicked his tongue,
"It was nothing, just a flesh wound." Technoblade waved you off digging into his meal, "I meant it when I said I'd kill for you."
"I know you would, and believe me that is so hot. Even so, I'd be lost without you, so I just want to thank you." You bit your lip fiddling with the lace of your apron, "I'll never be able to repay you."
Technoblade put his fork down and huffed, "Stop talking nonsense Princess, got that? You're my wife now you don't need to repay me for anything." You looked at your lap and smiled shyly, "I love you."
"I love you more."
He scoffed with a fond eye roll but didn't argue with you, instead choosing to focus on his meal. Technoblade looked up at you as you finished up your food, with a soft hum he tilted his head to the side, "Princess?"
"What's up bubs?"
"We should do some trading in the Nether, before you say no, it's an easy enough adventure where I won't get hurt. We just wear some gold, and we'll be in and out." He watched your eyebrow twitch, "I will go with or without you. Just so you know." You flicked some potato at him which he scoffed at with an eye roll,
"Fine. We can go, but no fighting anything got that," You pointed a stern finger at him, Technoblade scoffed but agreed nonetheless. You both got adorned in your finest gold and Technoblade couldn't help but grab your neck, tilting your head upwards to swallow your lips with a kiss. You giggled softly as you both walked towards the Nether, his tail was wrapped around your waist as he glared at anything with a pulse. When you wore gold, his piglin protectiveness won over his usual aloof self. He couldn't stop glancing at the gold wedding band on your hand as you entered the portal, the piglin's heads already were paying attention to the newcomers. Techno let out a low growl underneath his breath and at least some of them seemed to get the picture, Techno split his gold bricks with you and the two of you parted. Oddly enough, Technoblade was having difficulty finding anyone to trade with him, they'd huff and tell him to get lost in piglin and that rubbed him the wrong way. He only ended up getting a few pearls and some soul sand, Technoblade moved to find his wife only to see you surrounded by a horde of his brethren. His jaw tensed as he saw you flush as a piglin desperately handed you some netherite, you thanked them softly and their squeals increased happily. They were complimenting you in piglin not that you would understand them, gushing about how pretty you were and how good you looked dripping in gold. Technoblade and the voices weren't amused. His brow furrowed as the voices demanded blood, he tried to march over but he was practically shoved out of the way when they saw him trying to get closer to you. Technoblade snarled at their advancements, his hand twitching at his sword just itching to grab at it and spill their blood, but he couldn't risk hurting you in the process.
Couldn't they smell him all over you? Did they just not care that you were his?
Before the Blade could do anything too rash you picked up your head and locked eyes with him, a beaming smile coming across your features.
"Technoblade!" You called throwing your hand in the air and waving it frantically, "Come here! They're being super kind!" The piglin's all turned their heads to face Technoblade, out of reflex his shifted into his pig form and walked over to you. This time, his brethren cleared a path for him to get through, He pulled you against his chest protectively, he buried his nose in your neck glaring at anyone who dared come close to his wife. Much to Techno's relief they all looked unhappy with the development and walked away from you, to which you pouted at, "You scared them away you big grump."
"Good I don't like them touching what's mine," he spoke calmly which caused you to flush red,
"We were just trading Tech," You spoke shyly motioning to all the valuables you collected. He nodded against your neck about to say something else but he growled deep in his throat instead and tightened his grip on your waist. A baby piglin, with a shining red eye, was holding up a gold ingot towards your person, you cooed fondly. The baby seemed unperturbed by Technoblade's looming appearance and attitude, "Hi baby! Do you want to trade?" The piglin nodded rapidly puffing out their little cheeks, your heart melted in your chest. "Tech let me go," You whined, "I wanna trade with the baby."
"No." He huffed, grumbling in his throat, "Don't want you to." The baby glared at him, stomping his little hoof, holding out the ingot higher. "Get out of here before I punt you, kid," He bared his teeth. The brave kid once more wasn't fazed instead he glared right back at Technoblade making a small snarl of his own. He had his own pair of tusks that were just starting to appear on his bottom lip and you gave a little squeal and Technoblade glared at you, "Don't coo at it!"
"He's so cute though!" You argued, finally squirming out of his hold, you knelt in front of the excited piglin, he handed you the gold ingot excitedly, you examined it carefully. Technoblade huffed at you entertaining the young piglin, you pocketed the gold and handed the piglin a poppy. His single eye widened considerably as he took the flower from your hands, you figured you'd give him something from the overworld. He looked shell shocked as he oinked happily wrapping you in a little hug, "Aw you're so welcome buddy!" You giggled fondly brushing the tufts of fur on his head, you plucked the poppy from his hands and placed it behind his ear. The piglin touched the flower lightly before scurrying down a nearby cobblestone pathway, "Bye little guy!" You called out a sad smile appearing on your face, Technoblade narrowed his eyes. He knew that look, you had the look when you'd look at the other children on the server.
"Don't even think about it."
"Think about what?" You blinked looking up at him, "do you mean- oh Jesus Technoblade I'm not going to kidnap a child."
"Or adopt it! It could be an orphan. We know how I feel about those," He pointed a finger in your direction, you rolled your eyes dramatically.
"Babe we're both orphans-"
"Sorry is that a Ghast? I can't hear you gotta fight it to protect you."
"You piece of shit." You scoffed as Technoblade picked up his bag from his last location and walked off, in the direction of said Ghast. "No fighting Ghasts! You promised!" You chased after him once you came to that realization, "Technoblade!"
Eventually, you caught up with your husband and scolded him for his recklessness, he only snickered at your mother henning. As the both of you stepped back through the portal Technoblade shifted back to his regular form, he took your hand and led you back to your little cabin. Normally Technoblade would use his trident trick to get home, but you were with him and wanted to walk by your side, considering you didn't have a trident...yet. He noticed his mailbox had footprints in front of the box, his brows furrowed, who was in his domain.
"Head inside Princess, I'll join you in a minute." Technoblade kissed your cheek softly, you gave a little nod. As Technoblade walked over to the mailbox and opened it, inside was a deep scarlet letter with a seal on the front. His nose scrunched up in distaste, he grabbed a small knife from his pocket and tore the letter open. The letter inside the envelope was a lighter shade of red, the note was from BadBoyHalo saying he had some business he'd like to discuss with himself and his wife. That immediately didn't sit right with Techno, it set off a ton of red alarms in his head. What did BadBoyHalo need to talk to you about? Technoblade kissed his teeth, he supposed this meeting would be alright so long as he was with you and could protect you and your mind from whatever the demon man was planning. What stirred him out of his thoughts was a slight movement in his bag, his entire body stilled and he slipped his bag off, tossing it into the snow. His bag squealed in distress and he pulled his sword off his body and aimed it at the bag. Technoblade must've been so distracted by you, and the letter in the mailbox, he must've missed the little movements in his bag. He gritted his teeth and snarled deeply, the first thing he noticed was bright pink piglin ears, popping out of his bag, then a bright red poppy. It was the baby piglin who had taken a liking to you earlier, his sword lowered a little bit as his eyes looked up and locked with Technoblades.
It reminded him of how Phil found Technoblade when he was a kid.
His Piglin was a bit rusty, especially his piglin for young kids but he tried his best to communicate with the young boy as he sat upon his knees. He was shivering a little not used to the drastic temperature change.
"What are you doing here kid?" He asked in rough piglin, which to anyone listening would just sound like grunts and squeals. The boy marveled at Techno and that he could speak his language it seemed,
"I want to be with the nice lady."
Technoblade furrowed his brows, a frown etching across his features, "You can't stay here." The kid didn't like that as he glared up at the taller hybrid, "You have a family in the Nether?"
"No." He huffed out with a rapid shake of his head, Technoblade inwardly cursed before picking up the Piglin by the scruff of his neck. He let out a few grunts of protest trying to attack Technoblade's hand as he dragged him into your shared home.
"(Y/n)! Get in here!" He shouted a small clip evident in his voice showing his frustration in his tone. You slid down the ladder in one fell swoop, Steve was by your side growling ferociously at the intruder in Technoblade's hands.
Good to know he could trust Steve to protect you.
"What's wrong? Where's the fire?" You already asked, ready for a fight, Technoblade almost swooned, almost. "Um...bubs is that a child?"
"It's not a child! It's the child!" He held him up higher to show off the poppy in his fur behind his ear, "Look what you did now it's attached to you!"
"Don't be mean!" You scolded your lover taking the kid from his hand, he automatically buried his head in the side of your neck. "Hey, buddy, what's going on huh?"
"He said he didn't have a family. He's attached to you now, therefore making him your problem." He watched you side-eyed him, giving him a very clear dirty look, "He doesn't have a name either." You ran your fingers through the top of the young boy's fur, rolling your lip between your bottom teeth in thought.
"Let's call him Aether." You looked over at Technoblade a teasing smile appearing on your face, "we'll build him a little secret room to keep him safe."
"Aether...Like the god of light and the sky? Isn't that ironic- wait...HEH, what do you mean his own room?" Technoblade blinked rapidly as you slid down the ladder into the basement, "Princess, get back here this conversation is not over!" He chased after you, and with a huff, Steve began to follow the both of you, too curious to just ignore the baby in your arms.
"We can re-purpose Tommy's old room! Fix it up after someone blew it up." You gushed as the piglin squealed in your arms approvingly, "we'll decorate it just how you like it, I'll even paint the walls."
"He's NOT our son (Y/N)-"
"Maybe not our son but he's MY son."
Why did that make Technoblade feel a million times worse? Is this how Phil's wife felt when she was alive when Phil tried to take him in from the Nether.
"I'm not leaving him to fend for himself, especially because he sought us out," You whispered tenderly, "It doesn't sit right with me Tech...please." Technoblade watched you look up at him through big sad eyes, "you don't have to be a parental figure if you don't want to, I won't force that role on you. But I want to take care of Aether, least till he's old enough to officially fend for himself."
Technoblade chose not to correct you that he was already capable of fighting his own battles.
"Fine." He relented with a loud sigh, "just don't get him killed. I don't want to deal with you being upset over a dumb orphan."
"Not dumb." You huffed nudging him in the side, "but thank you." He felt your lips brush the corner of his mouth and he visibly relaxed. "I promise I won't bother you with him either, he'll be my responsibility." You assured Aether grunted in your hold almost like he was in agreement with that plan. Technoblade glared at the child and huffed,
"He better not be," Technoblade said as if to promise himself that he would not get attached to the piglin in your arms that looked so much like your son it filled him with warmth. Steam exited his nose in frustration, and you gave him a gentle pat on the cheek, "I'll talk to Phil about getting him some warmer clothes, but that doesn't mean I like him." The smile on your face was almost worth discussing this child with Phil, but only almost, you gently placed Aether on a spare bed by Bob.
"For now," You ruffled his pink fur "You'll stay down here. If you need anything just call me okay? We'll get you a walkie-talkie you can decorate with some stickers." Technoblade groaned from behind you, he had to gather materials for another radio, for a baby. Aether nodded excitedly and snuggled against the soft covers of the bed, you kissed the top of his eye socket. Steve nuzzled Aether's hand and he gently rubbed the top of the polar bear's head, Steve seemed to dub the Piglin acceptable and rested his face on the edge of his bed. "Good boy Steve, watch out for my boy." You headed back up the ladder Technoblade followed behind you wearily, Phil was going to make fun of him for this, the old man was going to call him soft.
Marriage has made him soft and a shameful part of him liked that feeling of domesticity. He swallowed thickly glancing over at your bright smile, you turned towards him and figured the letter in his pocket could wait a few more days.
"I'm going to send a letter to Phil, so he can grab clothes for the orphan on his way back." Technoblade sighed softly rubbing the bridge of his nose, which caused the smile to slip off of your face.
'Apologize to her right now. It's a kid how hard can it really be? You can handle it, he makes her happy. But it's an orphan and it smells. Yeah, like the Nether and smoke. So does Technoblade.'
He huffed at the voices mentally flipping them off, before lifting his hand and placing it on the top of your head. He watched you look up at him through long lashes and (e/c) eyes, "I guess it's not that big of a deal you nerd. So don't get all frowny at me, okay? We'll keep the kid safe." The smile reappeared and he let out a sigh of relief he didn't realize he was holding in,
"You do care," you cooed fondly and his heart squeezed in his chest. "You're gonna be Aether's dad just you wait."
"Yeah, maybe when pigs fly."
"Don't say anything," his face turned red, "you know what I meant." You giggled and kissed his cheek, he walked over to the window and sent a crow out for Phil. He jolted feeling your hands on his back running up and down, you slid in front of him.
"Thank you, for all you do for me." Your soft lips traveled across his cheek and onto his lips, "Let me repay you." He felt the tips of your fingers grab at his chin, his eyes dropped closed, tail wrapping around your waist to pull you flush.
"Hmhm," You purred out as you pressed your foreheads together, you both screamed however when a loud slam sounded against the door. It was thrown open moments after Phil was standing in the doorway, wings ruffled and crows screaming behind him.
"What the FUCK do you mean you have a child! (Y/n) was pregnant?! Since when?! What the fuck!"
"Miscommunication!" Technoblade shouted flush coming across his face, "The crows twisted my words! Last time I rely on them to relay a message!" You burst into hysterical laughter falling against Technoblade's chest,
"This is not funny!" Both Phil and Technoblade said simultaneously, both equally confused and flustered. Phil got here so fast it was ridiculous and judging by the bag on his back he came fully prepared with clothing and all.
"I adopted a piglin from the Nether, he hid in my stuff, you thought I was pregnant?" You were cackling holding your stomach, "Phil what the fuck!"
"What?" He sputtered flabbergasted, "it's not like you both aren't fucking! You smell like him constantly, you can't blame me for jumping to conclusions."
"You saw me yesterday! You have a son!"
"Shut the fuck up! I panicked!" Phil threw the bag at you and you caught it in your arms, still snickering. Meanwhile, Technoblade was still recovering from Phil's scare, "I just...got some of Wilbur's old clothes. Some old toys as well, whatever I could find."
"Thank you, grandpa," You teased to which he turned slightly red, Technoblade glared in your direction.
"He's not grandpa."
"I can be," Phil added raising his finger in the air, Technoblade gaped at him,
"Don't encourage her!" You laughed tossing the bag in Technoblade's general direction, his fast reflexes allowed him to catch the bag. "What are you expecting me to do with this?"
"Go give it to him," He watched you smirk and wanted to wrap his hands around your neck. "You both need to bond,"
"You said earlier I didn't have to!"
"I lied." You bared your teeth in a big smile, chills went down his spine staring at your face, "You have to at least get along with Aether. Plus, Phil and I need to talk."
"We do?"
"We do."
"I'm being lied to." Technoblade growled, "I can't believe this betrayal. Let's all lie to Technoblade, I'm such a victim, having to tend to an orphan my wife adopted." You flipped Technoblade off as he slid down the ladder into the basement. Aether was still asleep on the bed when he came down, the bag across his shoulder felt heavy as nervousness seeped into his skin.
He literally killed people and blew up an entire nation, why was this child making him nervous.
'Throw the bag at it. Have it fend for itself. Don't do that (Y/n) will be upset with you! So, not my problem. It will be our problem if Technoblade gets divorced! DIVORCED?! SHE'D NEVER! E. But she could, do we really want to deal with that. That's a lot of work to clean up.'
The bed shifted, stirring Technoblade out of his racing thoughts, he swallowed thickly before taking a deep breath.
"Hey, kid, wake up." Technoblade gruffly scoffed, tossing the bag on the bed and kissing his teeth. The piglin made a distressed noise jolting up in the bed and pulling the covers over his little body. "Calm down it's just me, Technoblade," He spoke back in Piglin to the child who seemed to ease up a little bit. "(Y/n) and Phil got you some stuff so open the bag and check so I can leave."
Aether eyed him wearily as he opened the soft yellow bag, he began to pull the items out with slight awe. Despite his tough exterior, Technoblade was oddly curious as he walked a bit closer to look inside the bag. Aether pulled out a soft yellow and black striped sweater and rubbed it against his cheeks, it seemed to be amazed at the softness of the material. Technoblade couldn't help but laugh a little, once again he thought of the first time he was introduced to the same material. A pair of overalls was next, they were covered in colorful patches and Aether's eyes lit up excitedly. He watched him scramble back into the bag as a few more things were pulled out, like a coloring book, a few colorful pens, an old busted walkie-talkie, and a small stuffed crow. Phil just had to shove that in there, he couldn't believe that the old man's first thought when he thought (y/n) was having a baby was to find a little stuffed crow, biased little shit.
"Thank you," Aether spoke softly in Piglin towards Technoblade, he blinked a little rapidly.
"Thank your grandpa Phil," Technoblade grunted before coughing, "No not grandpa-"
"Grandpa!" He beamed brightly, his little tail wagging rapidly behind him, Technoblade rubbed his eyes tiredly.
"Just go get changed kid," He grumbled, "So you can show (Y/n)." Aether slid off the bed, sweater, and clothes in hand and stumbled into a nearby bathroom. He came out a few moments later clad in his new outfit, in the meantime, Technoblade sat on the edge of his bed. Aether did a little twirl placing his hands on his hips, Techno held out a weak thumbs up and he seemed satisfied with that answer. Aether flopped back on the bed next to Technoblade and leaned against the pillows, an awkward silence stretched between the both of them. "Anyway...I guess I'll head back upstairs." Technoblade raised his hand and motioned to the ladder, his body tensed and it took all his willpower not to kick the child across the room as his instincts screamed at him to do. He blinked a few times and noticed Aether grabbed at his hands in order to get a closer look at the gold adorning his fingers. Aether began to run his hands over his gold rings,
ah, that made more sense.
"You like my rings?" Technoblade questioned watching him nod eagerly as he wiggled his fingers, "yeah I like 'em too. Got some for my Princess too, that's (Y/n)."
"Hmhm, she looks beautiful in them," Technoblade hummed softly, an adoring look appearing on his face. Aether looked like he was holding onto every word, "We treat (Y/n) with respect she deserves understand? I see you messing with her. I mess with you back, got that kid?" Aether nodded,
"Same to you."
Technoblade barked out a small laugh and ruffled the fluff on top of Aether's head, "Off to a good start kid." Aether smiled shyly before going back to examining his jewelry, Technoblade shifted to get a little more comfortable as Aether settled in his lap. He continued to examine and twirl Technoblade's rings around until he glanced up and caught sight of his golden crown on top of his head. He desperately reached up for it and Technoblad leaned away from his grubby little hands, "Sorry, the crowns off-limits kids." Aether huffed puffing out his cheeks and Technoblade grumbled reluctantly placing the crown on his head, it was far too big for his little skull as it slipped past his forehead. He made some happy sounds and readjusted the crown, he leaned back against Technoblade relishing in not only the gold but also the attention.
Technoblade huffed out a laugh, maybe having a kid around wouldn't be so bad after all.
He looked back down at Aether and noticed the kid was asleep on his chest, his body locked up completely frozen in terror. Now, what was he going to do? He was trapped underneath a sleeping child, he awkwardly tried to maneuver Aether off himself but the kid had a strong grip on his chest. Technoblade cursed under his breath and figured he might as well get comfortable if he was trapped, he felt warm beneath the piglin and eventually drifted off to light sleep.
Philza and you quietly descended the ladder down into the basement, Technoblade hadn't come back up and the both of you were growing suspicious. You had to cover your mouth to stop an excited squeal from leaving your mouth, both your boys were cuddling on the bed, Technoblade's crown was slipping off Aether's head. You looked excitedly over at Phil whose face was soft and fond,
"Go on, take a picture." Phil glanced over at you motioning to the boys in bed before reaching into his pocket and pulling out a disposable camera.
"Thanks, Phil," You whispered snapping a quick picture of the bed, the click of the camera caused Technoblade's ears to twitch. The photograph came spitting out of the camera and you shook it waiting for it to develop, you were so hanging this picture up where everyone could see it. From across the room Technoblade's eyes cracked open, Phil nudged you forward,
"I'll head out, go spend time with your family." He ruffled the top of your head and flew up the ladder swiftly,
"Hm...was that Phil?" Technoblade grumbled under his breath, voice still deep with the hint of sleep.
"Yeah bubs," You whispered tenderly walking over to the edge of the bed, "he figured it was time to head out." You brushed strands of pink hair out of his eyes and he leaned into your touch, "make some room big guy." With an annoyed grumble, Technoblade moved over so you could lay down beside him and Aether, you gently brushed your thumb across the fur on the baby's cheeks. Just like your big warrior husband he snuggled against your hand. "So, I take it he's grown on you?"
"Shut up and go to sleep." Technoblade grumbled reaching over Aether to rest his big hand on your head, "hm tired." He closed his eyes and ignored your giggles, you pulled the blankets over the three of you and you drifted off into a deep sleep.
Meanwhile, underneath L'manburg the egg began to breathe and pulsate with life, it yearned to have the couple once again in the palm of its hand just like it did decades prior. Sir Billiam and Lady (Y/n) were their names if it remembered correctly, they'd follow in the eggs wishes again, that it knew for certain. Meeting them again was going to be fun.
@iamsuchasimp @victory-is-here @pastelmoonwitche @ignat1usaquar1us @v10dw4lk3r
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samstree · 3 years
For the reverse trope ask: the soft character comforting the tough character after a trauma
Piece Him Back Together
Part of the reverse trope series.
When Geralt gets kidnapped, it's up to Jaskier to rescue him. Some truths about a witcher's worst weakness come to light.
(geraskier, 2.1k, hurt/comfort, geralt whump, mutual pining, competent jaskier, love confession, mild blood)
read on AO3
"Shit, shit, shit..."
Jaskier lets out a string of curses all the while balancing the weight of two fully grown men with stumbling footwork. He desperately tries to keep Geralt up with a hand on the small of his back but fails to stop the injured witcher from drooping with each step, until, at last, both of them wind up in a heap of limbs by the road.
Geralt lets out a pained grunt and Jaskier scrambles with apologies.
“Fuck, sorry.” The bard shifts Geralt’s bulk with all he can muster and finally settles him on a patch of soft moss under the tree. The witcher hisses as his back hits the bark rather heavily. “Shit, I’m so sorr—”
“You already said,” Geralt interrupts him but there’s no anger in his tone.
“Still. I am.”
Jaskier retrieves a handkerchief from his pocket and begins to dab at the mess of blood at Geralt’s temple, wincing when he finally sees how bad the blow is. Blood oozes from the gash, slower than a moment before. The fabric is soaked through and the skin there is still tender.
It’s all witchers’ weakness.
The temple. A blow to the head.
It messes up all their senses and coordination, leaving them in the most vulnerable state. If Jaskier had reached him any later, this might have done Geralt in.
Jaskier lets out a distressed sound at the thought.
“Stop fussing. We need to go.” The witcher, against all odds, remains level-headed.
“No, it’s all right. I knocked out all the guards and servants, along with the duke and his mage.” Jaskier tilts Geralt’s head for a better angle to press the handkerchief down on the wound. “I may have given the two of them a little more than the recommended dose. The lady at the apothecary warned me about the risk of choking with much sleeping potion, urgh, like I give an ounce of fuck if they die a gruesome death or not. It’d be a favor to the town.”
The venom surprises even Jaskier himself, and Geralt lets out a meaningful hum.
“Rest assured, my dear. No one will be looking for us today.”
Up close, Jaskier can feel Geralt scrutinize him intently as if to burn a hole into his face. He meets the amber gaze, the dark pupils still a little blown wide from the shock, but there’s also something akin to relief flowing in those beautiful eyes.
He revels in the silence, observing Geralt in return for further signs of hurt, but finds none.
The witcher relents first, the tiniest smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. “So you drugged an entire castle?”
“Didn’t think I had it in me, huh?” Jaskier teases. “The White Wolf, saved by a humble bard and forever impressed by his wit.”
“Well, don’t beat yourself up, oh mighty witcher. I’m sure you only needed the rescue because those villains took advantage of your only weakness.” The bard adds his usual dramatic flair into the last two words.
Geralt blinks. Something shifts in his expression, his breathing picking up and his eyes darting everywhere. If the bard didn’t know better, he’d say the witcher is flustered, which makes it all the more confusing.
“Mocking me, are you?” Geralt drops his gaze and tries to shy away, but the bard holds him in place with the other hand. Under Jaskier’s palm, the frame of the witcher’s ear is heating up.
“How am I mocking you? Geralt, even you must admit witchers aren’t all-powerful beings.” Jaskier frowns. “They messed up your head. I know all your senses get muddled when you’re like this. Seriously, it’s nothing to be embarrassed about.”
“What are you talking about?” the witcher snaps his gaze back to Jaskier, a puzzled crease deep between his brows, which only makes the bard scoff with amusement.
“The head wound, of course. How did they get you? An ambush and a blow to the head, I’m assuming.” Jaskier explains. “How else did you get yourself into a dungeon and dimeritium cuffs? What, are you telling me you walk into their trap voluntarily?”
He rolls his eyes at the offhanded joke but the silence from the witcher leaves the mood heavier. Somehow, it doesn’t feel like a denial of what he just said. Geralt is staring at him with an inexplicable look on his face, and these looks are hard to come by these days. Jaskier prides himself in being the best on the continent at reading his witcher, and he has no inclination to break the streak.
“What happened then? Talk to me, Geralt.”
Jaskier removes the handkerchief a little. The gash has stopped bleeding, so he ties it around Geralt’s head carefully to keep the wound shielded, at least until they can wash it properly. His hands stay with Geralt afterwards, waiting for him to open up.
“I—” Geralt purses his lips before continuing, golden eyes meeting the bard in earnest. “They didn’t ambush me, Jask. I walked into that castle unarmed by choice.”
“What?” Jaskier’s jaw drops.
“It’s because—” the witcher scowls. “Because I thought…that they had you.”
It’s like a lightning strike, where their skin connects tingling all the way from the tips of Jaskier’s fingers to a warm pool of fuzziness in his stomach. The air is suddenly too hot so Jaskier decides to put more space between them.
Geralt chases him ever so slightly before settling back with resignation, his eyes still bare and vulnerable, as if he just revealed the darkest secret when it is only the sweetest thing in a horrible, horrible way.
“A whisper of you being held hostage and suddenly I couldn’t think. Couldn’t remember to check the truth. Couldn’t waste another second.” Geralt hovers a hand near the bard’s face before retreating to his side. “You were right that they got me because of my one weakness, Jaskier. Just not the one you assumed.”
The pounding in Jaskier’s chest is jumping out of his throat. He’s sure he will die within the next minute if he doesn’t speak to ease this ache in his heart.
He ends up saying dumbly.
“It was too late when I noticed the absence of you. Your voice, your heartbeat, your scent. Nothing. You weren’t in that castle or the cells. All I could hear was silence and all I could smell was blood.” Geralt draws a shuddering breath. “I hoped, when they kept me in the dark, that they were lying about ever having you. That you were nowhere near that damn place instead of—”
The witcher swallows, unable to finish the sentence.
“Instead of,” Jaskier adds for him, “they’d already killed me.”
The tension hangs between them. The bard sits back on the heels of his feet and finds himself at a loss for words for the very first time in his life.
Geralt might be the only person who can force Jaskier through so many firsts in his life. His first time writing a hit song, first time smashing into someone’s face with a lute, first time saving a witcher’s life, and perhaps, first time murdering two evil overlords obsessed with collecting witchers for experiments.
Hmm, it’s not like Jaskier regrets any of these.
Geralt reaches out again, tentative and patient like he’s approaching a spooked horse. This time, Jaskier takes pity and meets him halfway, his thumb rubbing small circles at the sword callouses that he adores so much.
“Say something,” Geralt pleads.
Jaskier swallows a lump in his throat and sniffles to ease the congestion in his nose, his vision blurring in desperation.
“It’s the most words you’ve said in one sitting, Geralt. You’ll have to allow me a moment to figure out what you are saying and, most importantly, not saying.” He lets out a humorless laugh. “It’s you, you know? There’s always something you are holding back and that is often the crux of it. I thought I got good at reading between the lines, but this is…overwhelming.”
With the enhanced healing kicking in, Geralt is looking much better by the minute. The blood dries and crusts over and his eyes almost shining in the daylight, or is it just the emotions within them? Jaskier can’t tell.
“Maybe I can help you. With the hidden words.” Geralt squeezes Jaskier’s fingers reassuringly. He tilts his head in the most endearing way. It happens to be that particular head tilt that Jaskier treasures with his life, the one that manages to always take his breath away.
“I love you, Jask.”
The warm pool of fuzziness in Jaskier’s stomach turns into a bottomless pit, and he’s falling.
And soaring.
“I love you.” Geralt smiles sadly. “In the dark of that cell, it became…ever so clear and so loud that I couldn’t deny it anymore. I love you, in spite of myself. Gods, I’ve loved you for so long.”
Geralt picks up Jaskier’s hand and places the barest touch of a kiss there, his lips chapped but oh so gentle. Jaskier lets out a soft gasp and the tears roll down uncontrollably. The next thing he knows, he’s buried deep in Geralt’s embrace. The sobs choke in his lungs like a dam has been broken.
“I—” Jaskier is amazed to find that their roles have reversed. The witcher has expressed everything but the bard becomes mute. So he takes up Geralt’s role gladly and replies with actions.
Jaskier’s lips are pressed everywhere he can reach: the soft, warm skin of Geralt’s neck, the sharp of his jaw, his cheek, the tip of his nose. He disregards the grime and dirt and kisses Geralt’s uninjured temple, the single most fragile part of a witcher’s body—barring their heart, so it seems. He tucks away a strand of white hair and kisses Geralt’s temple one more time, tasting the salty tang of tears.
When he pulls back, Geralt’s smile is blinding.
He hears Jaskier, even though—
“I still don’t know what to say,” Jaskier croaks, sniffling hard.
The bard rests his hands at the nape of Geralt’s neck and loses himself in the sunlit golden honey, his favorite color in the world and the most beautiful dream that’s ever come true.
“You don’t have to say anything.” Geralt wipes away the wetness on Jaskier’s face with the pad of his thumb. “Master Jaskier, poet, minstrel, professor… Stumped for words and forever impressed by a witcher’s love confession.”
He mimics Jaskier’s phrasing and the bard can’t help but chuckle despite the tears and snout, his hand swatting at Geralt’s shoulder. Jaskier knows he must look so absurd, laughing and crying all at once, but it’s the last thing in the world that matters.
Geralt loves him, and—
“You got hurt because of me.”
The remorse licks up, along with the urge to protect and to care. The sight of Geralt limp and bloody, bound by the wrists in a dark cell is something Jaskier never wants to relive again.
“I don’t care, Jask.”
“I care.”
“Then make it better.”
So he does. Geralt never wavers as Jaskier captures his lips and pours everything he cannot voice into the kiss, drawing a contented moan out of the witcher.
“Does it still hurt?” the bard whispers between one breath and the next.
“A little.”
Jaskier resumes his work and cards deft fingers through silver hair, careful not to nudge the handkerchief. His nails ghost over Geralt’s scalp and scratches gently until a purring sound rumbles deep in the witcher’s chest. The bard giggles proudly.
“Keep going.”
Geralt traps Jaskier between his strong arms devours him with passion, the heat of his body solid and calming.
Jaskier has never thought of himself as a protector, except at this moment with his witcher arching into his every touch and producing those heavenly sounds. The world is too bent on hurting Geralt, too eager to take and take and take from him.
A bard is not a fighter. Jaskier cannot stop monsters from tearing through armors or crossbows fired with ill intent.
But a bard is a lover. What Jaskier can do is heal, is piece Geralt back together with gentle words in the dark and soft lips on the thin skin at his temple.
“How about now?”
They are panting in tandem, the gold of Geralt’s eyes dreamy and out of this world.
“Still dizzy.”
“That’s from all the kissing, you oaf.”
But Geralt begs wordlessly with those wide, puppy-like eyes so openly, and Jaskier’s already non-existent resolve breaks into a million pieces. He kisses Geralt until the witcher melts into a puddle of purring mess, sun-warmed and pliant.
And he kisses Geralt more.
Again and again.
Thanks for the prompt. I kind of just rolled with the concept. The twist looks a bit obvious from the beginning, but feel free to tell me what you think. <3
Tagging: @wanderlust-t @rockysstupidity @flowercrown-bard @alllthequeenshorses @mothmanismyuncle @percy-jackson-is-sexy- @constantlytiredpigeon @behonesthowsmysinging @dapandapod @artisanbaguette @birdsflyhome
Please tell me if you want to be removed or added to the list <3
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jaskierswolf · 3 years
👀👀👀👀 fluff prompts you say?? Maybe, hmmm... soulmates AU? Jaskier has a romantic soulmate and a platonic soulmate, and he introduces them? Geraskilion? Or any soulmate AU, I am WEAK.
Also have I mentioned that you're brilliant and wonderful and amazing lately? Because you are 💕💕💕💕💕
Short and sweet I said... then you hit me with geraskilion and I had feelings 😂
Ship: Jask/Geralt/Dandelion
CW: brief mention of sex, alcohol
Everyone had one. Jaskier had two. He had a blazing red sword spanning from his right shoulder across his pectoral, and a delicate feathered quill in buttercup yellow on the inside of his wrist. Each mark bonded him with someone in a unique way. The red inked into his skin signified a romantic bond, and the yellow, a platonic one.
Not everyone was guaranteed to meet their soulmate(s). Jaskier was one of the lucky ones. He’d met both of them very early on in life. He’d been barely eighteen when he stumbled into his classroom at Oxenfurt university, flopping onto the bench, almost ten minutes late and horrendously out of breath. He’d spent the next two minutes digging through his satchel looking for a pen, when a long feathered quill had waved in front of his face, pink and sparkly and garish, but that hadn’t been what grabbed his attention. No, Jaskier had been more concerned by the yellow quill tattoo on their wrist.
A tattoo that matched his perfectly.
Jaskier had naturally promptly fallen out of his chair in an effort to pull back his sleeve to reveal his own yellow quill.
Dandelion’s laughter had gone straight to his heart, and Jaskier had been completely taken by his best friend ever since. The two Julian’s of Oxenfurt, completely inseparable, both in name and nature. No one who met them could believe that their soulbond was only platonic but it truly was. Dandelion also had two tattoos, but Jaskier had only seen one, all he knew was that they were both yellow, and his soulmate really didn’t care for nor want romance.
That was fine by Jaskier.
He’d known his romantic love was out there, waiting for him to find them.
Meeting Geralt was a lot less dramatic. Dandelion had been out drinking with some old school friends, so Jaskier had wandered to the other side of town to give his soulmate some space. The old bar had attracted him like a moth to a flame. It looked like something out of an old western film and Jaskier was weak for anything with a theatrical flair. He’d shuffled into the bar and plopped down onto the stool next to an unfairly attractive man who’d been nursing his whiskey, and ordered a Sex on the Beach.
Geralt hadn’t stopped staring at him, which wasn’t entirely unusual, Jaskier was an attractive man but this had been different. The sheer intensity of Geralt’s gaze had burned into his skin… his shoulder to be precise. Jaskier had been wearing a transparent black mesh shirt with cornflowers decorating the fabric, but his red sword tattoo had clearly been visible.
The rest of the night had been a blur but had ended with rather spectacular sex at Geralt’s place, revealing a second yellow tattoo just above Geralt’s hip, a marigold; a platonic soulmate that Geralt hadn’t met yet.
Five years later, that yellow marigold still went unclaimed, and Jaskier was still dancing between Geralt and Dandelion. It wasn’t as if he was intentionally keeping them apart, he was just worried they wouldn’t like each other. They were opposites in every way. Geralt was practical, rough around the edges, and a little too guarded in his emotions, whereas Dandelion was a flamboyant mess, a lover of finer things and eloquent to a fault.
It would break Jaskier’s heart if the two pieces of his soul didn’t get along.
So he artfully managed to keep them at a distance.
Until now.
Jaskier had finally decided it was time to move in with Geralt, after years bunking with Dandelion, Valdo, Essi and Pris, and Dandelion was helping him move. Although ‘helping’ was probably a strong word. Dandelion’s help was closer to just keeping Jaskier company, and really it was just making Jaskier sad about leaving him behind. He’d never wanted to be that person, the one that left his friends behind, but he missed Geralt more and more each day.
It just wasn’t fair.
“Jaskier?” Geralt’s voice called out from the open door; an hour early. “Are you ready to go, love?”
“Oh, ho, ho!” Dandelion giggled from Jaskier’s shitty single bed that he was leaving behind. “The famous Geralt Rivia! Fucking finally, I was starting to think you were making him up, darling.”
“Lion, no,” Jaskier groaned as his friend bounced up and skipped from the room. “This- this is a terrible idea!”
“Dandelion, I presume?” he heard Geralt ask, and Jaskier skidded into the room too late. “It’s good to finally meet you.”
This- this was not as terrible as he’d expected. The soft smiles the two shared was so much better than Jaskier’s wildest dreams. He let out a sigh of relief and everyone got back to work, until Geralt stretched up to pick up Jaskier’s stuffed lion from the top of his bookcase, which definitely didn’t still spend every night in Jaskier’s bed… of course not.
Dandelion shrieked and there was a twang of ukulele strings, as the instrument fell to the floor.
“Julian Alfred Pankratz!” Dandelion spat out vehemently, “You didn’t tell me your soulmate was my soulmate!”
Everyone froze.
Geralt glanced down at his now exposed yellow marigold tattoo, and then his eyes snapped up to meet Dandelion’s fierce gaze. Dandelion’s skirt was pulled down to reveal a very familiar marigold tattoo just above his hip.
“Bollocks,” Jaskier groaned, as the room burst into an array of laughter.
He’d really fucked up this time.
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yakumtsaki · 3 years
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Welcome, dear readers, to part 1 of the finale to the BackupKingdom2 saga! We’re in our final ambition now, let’s check how Liz’s post-divorce-bloodbath is going..
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Oh yes, excellent. Our path to death-achievement-glory has been paved with so many executions that wherever I look I see npcs crying..
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..comforting each other..
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..and in Agnes' case, coming straight to Liz to.. ask for mercy for the populace I guess?? Bruh. I can't believe we even brought down AGNES, truly this is the saddest kingdom on earth. Amazing job, Liz, you've definitely earned your place in the tyrant hall of fame!
Now a lesser player would be like "oh, maybe we should chill a little on the insane tyrant thing, finish the Pirate/Noble arc cause we've been dragging this war out so the pirates/guildsmen would keep spawning and it should have ended like 20 quests ago" and true, we could just end it, we ran a very effective operation around here, shoutout to MVPs Donius and Bellinda and their 'seductive' legendary traits:
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They bedded them and Liz beheaded them, the power of teamwork! So one could say that we should consider raising kingdom morale now because everyone is so depressed but I think, if anything, now is the time to ramp it up and go for some of the other morally questionable achievements! Like Machiavelli said, you should commit all your atrocities at once! What do you think, Liz? Ready to get atrocious?
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Aw I’m sorry Liz, but I’m sure you the upcoming suffering of your subjects will cheer you up!
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-Ok motherfuckers, by order of the Crown aka ME -you hear that Rae?? ME, NOT YOU. God I want to execute you so bad, fucking ingrate, do you remember what rags you were wearing when I hired you??  
Let’s get this back on track, Liz.
-Right, so by order of the Crown, Magus Olivia and Spymaster Spainot are given COMPLETE LEGAL IMMUNITY to do whatever the fuck they want in the interest of earning achievements, so don’t you people come crying to me cause I don’t give one tiny chinchilla crap about your health and livelihoods. If you need me for something actually important, I'll be at the gates, executing anyone who doesn't like my fiddle playing.
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-Oh man, this folksy peasant hat isn’t protecting my ears enough.
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-Death marker? I hardly know 'er!
So the Constable npc has this little Billy Elliot subplot going, I'm pretty sure he has the 'drunkard' fatal flaw because he was always at the tavern so I had Bellinda try to hire him to perform in one of her plays just to see what would happen and it actually worked, and now he moonlights as an actor! It's cute but it also takes forever for him to come arrest people.
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-No one knows what it's like to be the bad man, to be the sad man, when someone dies😢
In the background you can see that Bellinda just got a pregnancy bump, it’s her lovechild with Donius, I for real can’t keep these two apart. Anyway, the time has come..
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..to unleash Magus Olivia onto the populace.
-You know what, I'd rather not, this book is finally getting good and I'm sick of cursing peasants, it doesn't even drop their mood that much..
Oh no, Olivia my beloved, we're not cursing them, we're going for the 'Well Done' achievement!
-Won't I be executed??
You have immunity! You can do whatever you want!! And, AND, once you complete it, because I know it's tiring, I'll give you a magic skeletal parrot as a gift!! Edward got all the materials for it while treasure-hunting, you'd think I'd let him keep it but that's not the kind of shop I'm running here.
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-This is my face of pure, childlike happiness!
Good lord, it’s terrifying, please don’t look at me like that.
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-Alright, time to roll down my sleeves so they look more sinister and do this thing.
You can do it, Olivia!
-Of course I can, save your reassurance for the flops that need it.
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-I.. cast.. INFERNO!
I mean really, those are the words, "I cast inferno"? Can't you say something with more evil magical flair?
-Not when I have to cast it 80 fucking times I can't.
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Oh how the tables have turned, usually it's the witch that gets burned, huhu! Did you hear that, Olivia? Did you like my joke??
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-Oh, it's beautiful!
Well it wasn't one of my best-
-Not you, you needy moron, the sight of burning flesh! I can't wait to do this 79 more times!
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Alright, so everyone in the tavern has been turned into a chicken nugget, time to get some rest and check in with Spainot!
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-Amazing news, Rodolfo, I just got royal permission to unlawfully lock up and interrogate whoever I want for the achievements!!!
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-Darling, no offense, but aren't you a bit too shit at your job for that? -WHAT????
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-And then he says the only reason he hasn't dumped me is he doesn't wanna be a rando npc while Batshit Liz is on an execution spree, can you believe this bullshit? How can anyone be so hurtful??
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-How about you give me some marital advice, are you even listening?! Ugh.
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That's right, while Olivia is inferno-ing the peasants, I've sicced Spainot on the nobility, specifically all those foreign diplomats that are always hanging in the reception hall, lagging up the place. We're going for the 100 interrogations achievement and we’ve installed a nice spiky torture chair right in the middle of the hall to save time! Now this is how we keep every stratum of society terrified enough to not realize that the person in charge is.. uh.. well you know:
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-I AM!!!!!
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After a couple days and several locations I feel we’re pretty close to 80 infernos!
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I’d say we’ve burned a good 50-60% of the population at this point, everywhere I look I see singed townies-
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-so we take this little barbecue to the palace because we’ve ran out of peasants and it’s time to start burning the foreign dignitaries. And it’s a good thing we do, because Olivia meets Nyrexis the Dragon!!!! 
Nyrexis is the human form of the dragon from a hilar quest where there’s a dragon in the kingdom and you can either befriend it or slay it, I had Bellinda befriend it:
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So if you complete the befriend route of the quest, the human form of the dragon appears in town and is in love with whoever did the quest, in this case Bellinda. I am of course not about to waste Dragonfu on Bellinda’s basic ass, plus I feel Olivia is kind of a dragon with all the people she’s been burning so they have a lot in common! 
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We dazzle Dragonfu with a coin trick! True magic at work.
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Good God, all of Olivia’s ‘happy’ expressions are terrifying, just don’t smile ever again, you’re too evil for it, you’re gonna scare the dragon away!
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Or not!!!!
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 AWWWWW 🐲❤️🔮
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You know what, fuck it, let’s lock it down, when it’s right it’s right!
-Burn stuff with me forever?? -I WILL!!!!
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-We are gathered here today, under threat of fiery death, to join two unholy abominations in holy matrimony. Yes, the irony is not lost on me. 
AW CONGRATS GUYS <3333 The wizard tower is so small and family un-friendly and Olivia is so unmaternal but come on, like I’m not gonna have her reproduce with a fucking dragon.
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Back to Spainot, we’ve hit a slight bump, mainly that this Snordwich lord is proving fucking impossible to torture. 
-Um.. Are you enjoying this??? -Sure am, bad boy, but why don’t we take this somewhere more private already?
Wtf, stop sexually harassing the innocent person who’s torturing you! Does no one around here have any sense of humanity anymore??
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-Come on, Spainot, throw some flesh-eating rodents at him! -I’M BUILDING UP TO IT, RAE, GAWD. No one likes a back-seat torturer!
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-HA, who’s the loser now, Rodolfo? Rodolfo?? RODOLFO
Ya Spai I don’t know how to tell you this, but I’m pretty sure he left while you were interrogating, I haven’t seen him in like 3 days.
-WHAT. So Olivia completes one achievement and gets a dragon wife and a magic skeletal bird and I complete three and get dumped?!
Well what do you want from me, I don’t make the rules!
Can we move on, please? And Olivia had a very rough go of it-
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-she got burned in some rando quest and looked positively karma-stricken after, inferno-ing left and right while sporting this look! She deserves a magic bird!
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Congrats on your success and 4 kids, Olivia! 
-I love this skeleton bird more than I thought it possible to ever love something.
-Gee, thanks mom. 
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We had leftover bones so here, Spainot, you get a magic bird too.
-A bone parrot is little comfort when you’ve lost the only bone that matters! Why Rodolfo, whyyyyy!!!!!!!!!
Oh I don’t know, probably because you challenged him to duels 3 times a day?
-No, that can’t be it.
Correct me if I’m wrong, but you look like a man who has nothing to live for?
-Yea, I certainly don’t.
So you wouldn’t mind like, jumping into the pit multiple times so you can get the parts we need for the hardest achievement in game aka Legendary Doomsword?
-Rodolfo had one of those too, it was legendary and now that it’s gone I’m doomed!!!
Ok ya ENOUGH metaphors about Rodolfo’s absent penis, although they really are writing themselves. We’ll get him back! If you survive all the pit jumping that is. Join us next time for part 2: Legendary Doomsword!
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gojology · 3 years
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the request :
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pairing : not technically a pairing.. but lets just say gojo x female reader warnings : angst and cursing, no editing. wordcount : 2561 a/n : this physically hurt me to write thanks anon. aha all jokes aside i’m so sorry for not making this quick enough, i finally got enough time to finish it and it’s not even that good :( thank u SO much for ur kind words omg u got me feelin like <333333333
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       You stare at him, and he stares back, you’re sure he’s unblinking behind those shades of his.         You knew what would happen after this confrontation, after all, you were the one who had asked him to meet you here. It’s a small, calm park. The atmosphere is still, and the shrill sounds of cicadas are the only thing penetrating the deafening silence between the two of you.          “Hey.” he finally speaks up, sounding a bit too impatient for your liking. You flinch a little, and your fist tightens. It was like he never learned how to introduce himself politely.         You take a deep breath in and exhale, your breath comes out in clouds of smoke. You remember when Shoko had given you those cigarettes one day and Gojo slapped it out of your slack hands, Geto and Gojo laughing at your flushed face, your heart twists.          Truth be told, you didn’t even know why you were thinking the world was ending- it wasn’t. Breaking up with your fellow peer was awkward to say the least, but there were only 4 of you in the jujutsu class, yourself included. It would be undeniably dreadful to see his lanky figure dotting around the back of the class with Geto, and to have to work with him for everything else.          “Hey.” you reply, your words dripping with venom.         “C’mon, cut to the chase.” he waved his hand a few times in the air as a dismissal of the conversation, a half eaten lollipop dangling dangerously from those limp long fingers. It makes you hate him even harder. Couldn’t he read the room?     “I don’t have time for chit-chat, you know?! The strongest needs some rest. I’m human like the rest of us! Sheesh, Jujutsu is so demanding....”      “We need to break up.” is all that slips from your lips, and even you’re shocked it came out that carelessly. You wanted to stop resisting, to stop holding back and let loose the long river of hatred and misery you had for this man- no, a boy, he was a boy.      A strong wind blows against your warm face, and the lollipop drops onto the grass without another word.        Gojo gapes at you dumbly, and in return you look down to study that glistening in the moonlight lollipop, it’s pink and ants are already crawling on their new found prey. Your shoes are slightly dirty, and you could see-        “Are you serious?” he scoffed as if it was a joke. It’s not, and you hate being taken like a joke. You weren’t, and that’s all Gojo Satoru did- take everything as a joke, everything was childs play to him. You were looking for a serious relationship, and him? He was looking for sex and quick make out sessions.        “Wait- you’re not joking?” he laughs again, but it trails off, you doubt it actually affected him.        “Of course I’m not joking. Why would I joke about shit like this?” you spat back.        You didn’t care about his feelings right now. You deserved some sort of medal for dealing with him, any sort of compensation really. it seemed to you like the relationship didn’t quite matter for whatever reason. If he wanted to be fuckbuddies he could’ve just said so-       But you still can’t wrap your head around why he kept you, he didn’t throw you away, and you falter. You wanted to be his girlfriend in some ways, in others you wanted to punch him in the face with as much cursed energy as possible.        Gojo takes his glasses off, slipping them into his jacket’s pocket. It seems like he doesn’t want to talk, but you press on.        “I’m fucking tired, Satoru. You treat me like bullshit. I’m not your-” you take a short breather, tears beginning to dawn at the corner of your eyes. “I’m not your fucking doll. And I never, ever WILL BE. I’ve hung onto this stupid fucking relationship long enough and the amount of dedication you poured into this isn’t enough. I deserve better.”        Shit. You hated rambling like that. Scratch that, you hated confrontations as a whole, this would be sure to take a toll on you later.       Turning your back on him, you allow those tears to finally fall. Tears that had been shut in long enough had finally seen the light of day. You wipe the trails away with the already wet sleeve of your hoodie, a large trembling frown adorned your features.        You can’t hide your sniffling even if you tried, and before you know it you can’t even prevent the floodgates from bursting. The tears seeped into the dirt, creating some sort of rhythm as they fell from your cheeks.       “Hey-” he places those hands on your shoulder that made your knees go weak, it’s gentle, and he slightly caresses you. It’s strangely intimate for the situation you found yourself in, but you’re still mortified. Why did you enjoy his touch?        It feels like you’re in this position for ages, his hands on your shoulder, your back facing him. Somehow, someway, you can taste salty tears and you didn’t remember drinking any, for a split second you feel disgusted, at you, at him, at the world.      A small noise leaves your throat.      “It’s okay.” he finally spoke, was that a hint of sorrow? Never mind that, he was actually taking this seriously. What a turn of events.      He took it better then you certainly thought, especially since this would be a definite blow to his big ego. You turn to face him, maybe as an act of superiority, hell like you knew.       Peculiarly, there are tears in his eyes as well. Crocodile tears, probably. He’s most likely trying to guilt trip you- hah, like you’d fall for that. You knew better.      “It’s okay.” he repeated again, brushing those tears away with his roughed up thumb, you’re mortified. Why were you allowing him to touch you?      A calm silence settles between the two of you, but shortly after you hear the rustling of cloth.       Gojo’s taking his jacket off?       About to speak, your mouth snaps shut as he placed the impossibly large jacket around your body, small compared to his. Instinctively, you allow it, but your mind is cursing you for not lashing out on him- why did he still care about you, anyways?     Gojo takes a step back, and you realize you’re now wearing his jacket. His gaze directed at yours, eyelashes fluttering. Your lips are tingling, and for some unbeknownst reason you wonder how a kiss would feel right now.      A part of you still wanted the relationship.      “Take care.”      And with that, he twirled around with a hint of flair, hands shoved deep into his jeans pockets; wind howling against your ears as he did so. He was finally leaving you, but that wasn’t what you envisioned, you wanted to leave him- not him leave you.      You watched him stroll off, heading to where ever he came from.     That was how your first, and last relationship ended.  ‧₊˚✩彡.     The thought of this abandoned relationship nestled at the back of your head, and it had been for several years. It was like it happened yesterday.      His glasses still resided on your nightstand, sitting on the same spot that you had hastily dropped it on all those years ago, gathering dust quickly as you couldn’t quite look at it.       Gojo’s jacket was at the very back of your closet, and you’d advert your gaze to somewhere else- anywhere else, whenever you saw the wretched pitch-black sleeves that were twice the size of your arms.       You had taken a rather looked down upon jujutsu path, one that you knew only one other person had done before you. Nanami Kento was his name, from what you remembered. Sure, you still kept in touch with Shoko, but that was about it.       Today was one of those days, Shoko would invite you to some sort of establishment to eat, perhaps make small talk about what had been happening in your life, and that was that. Admittedly, you missed that childish relationship with her so badly- but you could never tell her about that.       Japan at night was always a treat though, that was certainly a fact.      Perhaps Shoko was thinking about other things when she took you to the Japanese night market, though you didn’t blame her- after all the fireworks festival was today, if you remembered correctly. Stalls filled with games and cheap street-snacks wafted about in the air, sweet tangy sauce, noodles, your stomach grumbled as you thought about taking a bite on the horribly unhealthy junk food.       “Here, Y/N. I’ve heard this takoyaki is really good.” You and Shoko had finally found an empty bench to sit at, and for some reason the muddy green color painted onto the wooden bench made your stomach lurch- it was the same shade that you saw nearby when breaking up with Gojo.     Shoko gives you this lukewarm yet kind smile, enough for you to give her a small grin to her in return, and you take the still hot container out of her gentle hands.       You plop the doughy deliciousness into your salivating mouth, and immediately you’re giddy. Savoring the taste of the thick brown sauce coating your pallet. You had to admit, Shoko, Geto, and... Gojo had amazing taste in food. Your tastebuds had instantaneously dulled as soon as you parted ways with the trio.      “Shoko-” you mumble, your mouth still stuffed, you cover your mouth and try to lower the sound of your chewing. “This is really good! How much was it?”        Shoko’s eyebrow quirks, and she leans in closer to you, “What was that?”        About to repeat yourself, you drink in the scene around you first. Cheerful children roaming the streets; too past their bedtime. Angsty teenagers and the many lanterns strung highly above everyone’s heads, how bright everything was.       Then you see it.       Someone large, atleast, significantly larger as opposed to the general crowd bustling in the streets. You couldn’t be mistaken, he had the same wild white hair- except it’s gelled up into spikes. He’s wearing a mauve darkish-purple uniform, it seems, a cute shopping bag swinging side by side as he took long strides. One thing you had to note was a blindfold, though.       Gojo’s not wearing those classic shades that was practically his signature.       You peer over at Shoko, who’s now frantically waving at Gojo, humming, his chin tipped towards the clear canvas of a sky, dotted with many white stars. He seems livelier somehow, an aura of friendliness radiating instead of arrogance, and you drop your takoyaki in suit.       He notices you.      And then he notices Shoko.       “...’Scuse me. Comin through.” he maneuvered himself through the already annoyed crowd, muttering quick polite apologies before finally freeing himself from the tight bundle of people. A large toothy grin is displayed for the world to see on his face, you feel like you’re about to vomit everything you had eaten today.       Your eyes scan the bag he’s holding, it contrasted heavily from the dark color scheme of whatever he was clad in; pastel yellow with a cute light green mascot chewing happily on mochi. In bubble letters above it were the words, “It’s a good day for yummy food.”      “Shoko!” he exclaims joyously, giving her a quick hug. “Hey, haven’t seen you in a while outside of work.”       Then, Gojo glances at you, atleast that’s what you assume he’s doing, the blindfold was really confusing you. He politely smiled, not as big as the one that he gave Shoko, though.        “Long time no see, Y/N.”        You clear your throat and nod in agreement. “You too.”        Polite chatter between the two of them ensued, and you steadily got more bored as the time went on, checking your phone and stealing quick stares at the two of them. You want to comment, to be included, but you doubt anyone really cared for you right now.        “...How are you?” you say bluntly, blinded by boredom, and immediately you regret it.       Shoko chuckles awkwardly, looking at you with those tired eyes of hers. “Was that for me or Gojo?”        Fuck it, if you were gonna go out, you might as well do it now.        “Gojo.”        “Shit. Putting me in the spotlight like this?” he stands back up from leaning down to talk to Shoko eye-to-eye, now turning to look at you, pausing.       “You’re even more straightforward then I remember, and I thought that was impossible.”        “Yeah.” you finally say after too many seconds of silence. It seemed like he was hinting at something. “I guess we just grow as people, even though I thought that was basically impossible for you.” you cheekily retort back, crossing your arms over your chest with a smug smirk now proudly playing at your lips.        “AND you got sassier? Never quite grew outta the brat phase.” taking a seat between the empty space between the two of you with a huff, his right leg placed above the knee of his left, his thumb plays with the hem of his blindfold, pulling it just a bit so that you could see his snow white eyelashes, alongside with a singular eye.     It’s like time stops as soon as you see them, and it’s like Shoko isn’t closely surveying the two of you, obviously perplexed with this sudden increase of the intensity of conversation.        You see a split second of something flickering in those eyes of his, you’re not quite sure what it could quite be.. Vulnerability?         “Can’t believe my eyes.” pulling his blindfold back down. They’re still as breathtaking as you had imagined them to be. He shrugged, leaning back into the bench casually.      For a while, the three of you just watch the stall directly in front of you- it’s a goldfish stall. Gojo had gotten you one when the two of you were still dating.         Shit. Why weren’t you over such a silly relationship? It wasn’t like you still had feelings for him, but there was still this emotion you couldn’t shake off. It clung onto you like a leech.         “It’s been so long since we’ve relaxed with each other like this.” Shoko mused aloud, turning to look at the two of you. The words are so faint, you’re barely able to hear her subtle voice.        At this point, colorful fireworks started bursting into the air- every shade of color could be seen. Vibrant greens, blues, reds, a loud crackling is all the ear can hear, aside from the loud cheering of over joyous children. Both of you are unanswering.       Vaguely, you remember the first time you saw the fireworks. Lo and behold, you remember wisps of Gojo’s white hair that you twisted and played with, your legs wrapped around his head. You felt on top of the world. Now, you found yourself at the bottom of it.         There’s a grateful, albeit, sad smile on your face. It wasn’t like it was all sunshine and rainbows for you, no. You felt bitter. Hatred, even, that Gojo matured without you.        “Yeah. I miss this.” you say through gritted teeth.         If you were to be honest, you did miss them. Geto, Shoko, Gojo, running around pelting each other with scrunched up paper.       Not just Gojo.        But you guess he’s a big factor as well.       
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biggirllifestyle · 3 years
Over the Rails: Sparkly bands
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Summary: After Peter posts, a video of him and his friends at the roller rink on the Avengers group chat, Bucky can’t seem to get his mind off of Peter’s friend who stole the show. And after getting goaded into going skating with the other Avengers (by Natasha’s conniving planning) where Peter’s friend works at well Bucky can’t help but feel that there’s something more to look towards to.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Plus-Sized Reader
Word Count: 1.4K
Warnings: Swearing, mentions of physical harm from roller skating, etc.
A/N: It’s something…
If you would have asked her what was going through her mind the moment her eyes landed on Bucky Barnes, well Bibi could have told you that she was freaking the fuck out. She thought that nothing else could embarrass her more than that stupid speech Peter had made her do for losing a wager, but here she was right after face to face with her childhood hero and crush of many years and the only thing she thought of saying to him was ‘What’ll be Sarge?’
Ugh, pathetic.
Here was her chance to finally talk to people who were the most unselfish individuals, who. put their life on the line for the greater good and today she was to become their mentor. Sergeant Barnes seemed to be entertained by her flustered remark, a beautiful smile spreading across his face that made her heart flutter. The Black Widow was sitting on the counter putting on her skates, Bibi didn't feel like she had the guts to let her know that she wasn’t allowed to be on the counter so she let her be.
“I’ll take a pair of twelve in a half skates, doll,” Bucky said as he saw her turn towards the shelf grabbing him a pair of dark faded skates. Her cheeks were burning bright red and Bucky felt a deep satisfaction for being the reason. Somebody yelled out her name from the rink, so she gave him an apologetic smile before pushing herself off and skating towards whoever had called her, Bucky couldn’t help but stare as she glided around with ease.
Natasha shimmied herself closer to where he had bent down to tug off his boots, from the corner of his eyes he could see her dark red skates swinging back and forward nonchalantly but he knew better than that. He looked up at her waiting for a teasing remark but her expression was enough especially as she wiggled her eyebrows at him, taunting him.
Bucky looked away, lasering on, tying his skates avoiding Nat’s eyes, he couldn’t help but worry that maybe he wasn't cut out for skating as he used to be, maybe Steve had exaggerated a little bit when he was talking about his experience. He stood ready to take a step forward before wobbling, almost losing his footing and falling, okay maybe Steve had exaggerated too much.  Natasha jumped off the counter landing neatly on her skates without any form of trouble before throwing him a mocking grin as she skated away, Bucky glared at her retreating form as he finished getting his laces tied, he stood and took a confident step forward and almost broke his nose as his foot slipped he caught himself on the encounter.
He looked up trying to make out if his slip was caught by anybody but it seemed no one had been paying attention to him, he tried again a little more tentatively wobbling towards where Tony, Pepper who had just arrived with Morgan, Steve, and Sam were standing around watching the others get instructions from Peter’s girlfriend on how to stand on their skates, Peter, Shuri, Ned were already skating around trying to outmaneuver each other to see who could do a better move.
He looked around trying to see where you were when he finally spotted you, Morgan, at your side clinging to your arm as she followed in slower glides from her skates, you had taken a slow pace to accommodate to her still being a beginner your skirt flowed around you, and Bucky was mesmerized.
“Wow!” Pepper exclaimed. “She’s going to be amazing with the kids.”
Bucky roused from his trance as he turned towards Pepper who was watching you closely as you and Morgan skated by as both of you raised a hand at them and waved, Tony stood by a camera in hand taking pictures and videos. She turned to him, a small smirk in place as she gave a side glance at Tony who was trying very hard to avoid the conversation.
“Nat might have mentioned you would have an interest in anything on our new nanny/tutor for Morgan and Charlie.”
“New nanny, since when?”
“Since last week, Peter mentioned she was majoring in child development and education and was in dire need of a job. Morgan needed a tutor and we also needed someone who could help me out with Charlie when I had to show up to meetings and Tony was out on missions, so it was a win-win situation.”
Bucky’s curiosity was piqued by the extra information he was given on you, and just as he was about to indirectly ask for more Nat had skated over hitting him at the back of his head.
“What are you doing over here?” She asked as he ignored his pointed glare as he tried to soothe the spot where she had hit him “The whole point of making this happen was for you to be able to get a chance and talk to this girl, so get your ass out there sergeant.”
Buck huffed out a breath knowing it was true and feeling a little triumph in getting Natasha to confess that this was all her doing. He took a step forward as the music changed to a much more upbeat tempo, something that made him feel confident about what he was doing as he finally stepped on the floor you zoomed past him as you gave a full 180 turn that left him a little speechless. Knowing that he was interrupted earlier and maybe this was his only chance to have a conversation with you so Bucky squared his shoulders and took a small little step forward.
And he fell.
Bucky had fallen right on his face in front of everybody and this time it could not be ignored.
He heard Natasha’s laugh from behind him, her loud cackles making his annoyance flair up as he tried to get up but his skate slipped and he fell once more making her laugh harder at him. He looked to his left trying to find Nat and send her a very helpful finger but the only thing he saw was an exchange of money from Tony to her as they clearly ignored his mortification of the situation. He felt like nothing else could go even worse, maybe he could go to Fury and ask him to send him on a mission deep in the jungle where he could disappear for a year or so.
“Are you okay? Do you need some help?”
Forget the jungle, Antártica sounded so much better at this moment. He looked up his hair getting in the way as he saw you crouching down a few feet away giving him space so he wouldn’t be startled by her proximity, he knew that if he were to try and get up by himself it would end back with him sprawled on the floor so he lightly gave a nod at her as confirmation.  Just as you were in the crouching position you used your hands to glide towards him, your skirt dragging on the dirty ground and he couldn’t help the frown on his face when he saw it.
It was a pretty skirt. He thought.
You didn’t reach out to him or tried to lift him as others would do but instead, you held out your hand palm up, giving him a say when he wanted to take your hand. He hesitated as he took your hand, it was so soft that he didn't want to let it go. After you gave him a small boost and explained to him the perfect way to position his feet so he didn't slip again, Bucky was up towering over you, your hands holding him so there wasn’t another incident.
“It’s much harder than what people think.” You said to him as you let him go, Bucky pushed his hair back, he had forgotten to bring a hair tie that Nat had given to him earlier in the day so here he was struggling with his hair as he tried to get it in control, you held out your hand again and Bucky felt his heart jump at the sparkly hair tie you were holding out to him.
“People think it’s all fun and games until they break a few bones and twist a few ankles, then they decide that skating just isn’t for them.”
Bucky looked at you as he finished picking up his hair trying to see if you were joking or not a small little smile danced upon your lips and he couldn’t help the small laugh he let out.
“Sacrifices should be made when you want to improve yourself.”
You nodded at his words behind you he could see Morgan dragging along Thor helping him glide about as he held her small hand in his, he turned back to you as you gave him a smile holding out your hand to his.
“I was told you wanted some private lessons, how about you take my hand and trust that I will be the best teacher you've probably ever had.”
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May I Have This Dance?
Well, here I am getting attached to a character that doesn’t have any content for them, so I’m writing my own content. This is very self indulgent, but maybe someone out there loves this man as much as I do. If you haven’t seen Cruella, I personally liked it and it’s worth the watch. Anyway, hope you all enjoy it!
Description: Jeffrey is having a stressful evening trying to make sure that everything is ready for the Baroness’s gala, and the reader offers to calm his nerves
Warnings: none that I can think of, other than spoilers for Cruella, so read at your own risk!
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Jeffrey rushed around the lavish Hellman Hall, his heeled shoes clicking on the floor with every quick step. Everything had to be perfect tonight, or the Baroness would have his head served on a plater. Not literally of course, but then again Jeffrey wouldn’t put it past her to do such a thing.
While he wasn’t present for it, Jeffrey was well aware that the Baroness has killed Estella’s mother. However, he had to keep his mouth shut if he wanted to keep his fashion job. The only person keeping him sane was Y/N, a co-worker that he saw daily at the House of Baroness. Jeffrey found Y/N’s work to be impeccable, despite the Baroness not believing so, and he knew that if he ever had his own business that Y/N would be the top designer.
Right now however, there was to much to think about. Had the main dishes for tonight’s party been prepared by the chefs? Was the color of the decorations right? Would there be enough parking for all of the guests? All of these questions and more swam around in Jeffrey’s mind, and it was beginning to overwhelm him. Luckily, Y/N arrived just in time.
“I brought lunch! A tuna salad sandwich and a bag of classic chips. I know it’s your favorite, and with all this work you are doing, you’re going to need your strength,” Y/N said cheerfully as they handed a brown paper sack over to Jeffrey.
He smiled back at them as he grabbed the bag. “Thank you for bringing this, Y/N. I appreciate it.” The two stood in an awkward silence for a few moments, neither of them knowing what to say. Y/N decided to bring up work again. “So you’ll be at the gala tonight, correct?”
“Yes, I’ll be leading the guests inside and making sure everything is in order. Will you be there tonight?”
“I received my invitation this morning! It’ll be nice to enjoy some time off, and being able to admire the fancy clothes without designing them.”
Jeffrey couldn’t help but smile even more. Y/N was going to be at the gala tonight, and maybe he would have the slightest chance of getting closer to them on a more personal level. Suddenly, one of the guards called his name, and Jeffrey was startled out of his thoughts. “I have to get back to work, but I’ll see you tonight,” he said as he turned to leave. Y/N gently squeezed Jeffrey’s shoulder before he could make it any further, causing a light blush to dust his cheeks. “Please, don’t work yourself to hard, alright?”
Jeffrey nodded, and Y/N grinned as they walked back towards the entrance, giving a small wave as they left through the door. Jeffrey could feel the nervousness bubbling in his stomach, but he couldn’t tell if it was due to stress or the interaction he just had with his attractive co-worker. He shook his head. His feelings would have to wait until after everything was set up and ready.
That evening, Jeffrey was dressed in his finest velvet suit, and his black bow tie added a bit of flair to his outfit. He waited anxiously at the door as all of the guests began to file in, most of them famous models or designers. Y/N was nowhere to be seen. Jeffrey dashed from the door into the kitchen to make sure all of the food was taken out to the tables. Jeffrey let out a small gasp as he flung open the swinging door that led to the kitchen.
Y/N had just walked through the archway leading to the main floor, and the colors of their outfit stood out in the crowd. Y/N’s smile never faltered as they chatted with the other quests, and Jeffrey wished that he was the one they were talking with. Still, there was to much work to be done, and he once again ran off to another part of the mansion.
Y/N on the other hand was looking for Jeffrey. Surely he would be easy to spot with his black glasses perfectly framing his face, but Y/N had no luck finding him. The night was young though, and Y/N held hope as they continued to talk with a couple of the other designers from work.
The party was now in full swing. People were dancing and eating, but Jeffrey found that he didn’t have much of an appetite. Something could go wrong in an instant, and if it did, it would be his fault. Jeffrey stood by one of the buffet tables, and his brown eyes caught sight of Y/N for the second time that night. He couldn’t remove his gaze from them, and John, a bodyguard and valet for the Baroness, recognized Jeffrey’s lovesick appearance in an instant.
“Why don’t you go up and ask them to dance,” John asked as Jeffrey quickly glanced between him and Y/N.
Jeffrey looked down at the floor. “I-I don’t think that’s a good idea. They wouldn’t want to dance with me.”
“Oh come now, with your charm and dashing good looks, there is no way they could resist you. I think you should give it a try. The results might surprise you.” John actually knew more than Jeffrey did, for Y/N had confessed to him that they had a crush on Jeffrey a week earlier. Jeffrey wasn’t convinced though, and simply mumbled, “Maybe later”.
Y/N had witnessed the whole interaction between John and Jeffrey, and they could tell that the stress was starting to get to Jeffrey. He popped his knuckles every few minutes, and his eyes darted around the room. Y/N decided that there was only one thing they could do, and they confidently strode over to Jeffrey. “May I have this dance,” they asked with a gentle smile.
At first, Jeffrey had no idea what to say. Of course he wanted to dance with Y/N, but the nagging feeling that he would make a fool of himself was still lodged in the back of his mind. Finally, he managed to spit out a response. “Yes, I would love to dance with you.” Jeffrey took Y/N’s hand as they made their way onto the dance floor. The music had changed from an upbeat jazz tune to a slow waltz.
Jeffrey wrapped his arm around Y/N’s waist, and they placed their arms on his slim shoulders. The feel of the velvet under Y/N’s fingertips was satisfying, and the energy between them was undeniably. As the melody filled the room, the pair danced around the room, and Jeffrey could feel the tension leave his body with ever step he took. Jeffrey’s hand squeezed Y/N’s hip gently as he grinned at them. “You’re a wonderful dancer,” he said.
“You’re a pretty good dancer yourself,” Y/N giggled as the song slowly came to a close. Jeffrey and Y/N danced the rest of the evening, and both of them felt as if they had known each other long before they met at the House of Baroness. After the final song finished, Jeffrey offered to escort Y/N to their car.
“Tonight was amazing! Thank you so much for spending it with me, Jeffrey. I know how busy things can get around here,” Y/N mentioned as they stood by the driver side door of their car.
“I had a wonderful time too,” Jeffrey replied as he shifted on his feet. Should he kiss them on the cheek? Would it be to sudden? Before he could even find the right answer, Y/N laid a kiss on Jeffrey’s cheek, and pushed a strand of black hair behind his ear. Without even thinking of the consequences, Jeffrey returned the gesture, and planted a kiss on Y/N’s own cheek. Both of them were a blushing mess, but it felt right all the same. Y/N said their goodbyes as they started up their car, all the while their joyful expression never left.
Jeffrey watched as the taillights of the vehicle grew smaller and smaller, and he knew that tonight wouldn’t be the last night he spent with Y/N. John crossed his arms as he stood by Jeffrey’s side, a smirk forming as he too watched the car leave. “See, I told you that the results would surprise you.”
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