#but thank fuck the good news is once i'm done i won't need to write anything else ever again (read: until february)
dark-konohagakure2 · 13 hours
can you write about hokage!naruto who's tired from all his responsabilities and asks for a cute shinobi to be trained so he can use her mouth as stress reliever every time he needs it!!
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tw: dub/noncon, blowjobs, infidelity, power imbalance, praise, throat training, dildo gags, age difference, public humiliation
All characters depicted are 18+
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Naruto has been under a lot of stress lately, being the Hokage is as difficult as ever, not to mention he recently got a new addition to his family in the form of an adopted son. Naruto's troubles seem to be never ending, so he decides to invest his resources into something he really needs: a stress toy.
Of course Naruto would never use Hinata as a stress reliever to suck him off all day, he loves her too much for that, so instead he has a slightly younger shinobi picked out and "trained", of course she doesn't know what the training entails before it's already too late and she has a dildo gag locked into her inexperienced mouth.
The training isn't too intense for the poor girl, and it only lasts a few weeks, but it is utterly humiliating. The gag is locked with a seal that won't release until she has completely lost her gag reflex, so sometimes she'll have no choice but to go out in public with the gag in, letting everyone in the village instantly know that she's the Hokage's new personal cockwarmer.
When her degrading training is finally finished, she'll be forced kindly asked to go to the Hokage's office to "assist" with his daily paperwork. Naruto himself is actually quite nervous about being sexual with someone other than Hinata, but it doesn't take him long to get very used to it.
"A-ah, fuck..! All that training really paid off didn't it..? Now just stay quiet, I still have all this paperwork to fill out, so you'll be down there a while..."
Despite his initial nervousness, Naruto quickly gets used to the feeling of having her warm, young mouth around his shaft, and she doesn't even gag anymore thanks to the training, which boosts his ego somewhat. The feeling of her mouth servicing him makes the endless paperwork much more bearable now.
Naruto also likes that he has the opportunity to be as rough as he wants with her. His wife is a delicate woman in the bedroom, so Naruto can use this well trained girl to fulfill his darker desires, like making her choke on his thick cock for hours on end.
Naruto will use her mouth like his personal cumdump, shooting his load into her mouth over and over again until he's satisfied. He's often too busy with work to have sex or masturbate, so the Hokage is very pent up and needs an outlet for his sexual frustrations.
On most days he isn't done with her "services" until the tail end of his day, since he can't resist how good her oral skills feel. Once he's finally done, Naruto will send her off, being sure to remind her of her job from now on.
"G-Good girl... I'm done all my work for today, so you're dismissed for today. I'll definitely see you again tomorrow..."
Naruto is very glad that he acquired something to make his job as Hokage both more bearable and pleasurable. While normally this would mean he can get his work done quicker, he's in no rush to go home when he has such a perfectly wet hole for his cock under his desk.
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miodiodavinci · 6 months
in other news i am now on my hands and knees wearily crawling towards the finish line that now stands before me, beyond which is [seriously extensive project i am massively behind on] and [minecraft]
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thotsforvillainrights · 2 months
I just gotta say I absolutely love what you did with the blog change, the new banner thingies you do for each character looks really nice!! :D
And might I request just some general smut headcanons for my man's Goto, chrono and chisaki?
(Thank you! Now if only I could stay consistent with updating the masterlist or writing in general. THEN it would be 100% the best haha! Until then, I can only dream. Ramblings aside, I feel like I've done something for Chisaki and Chrono at least once in the past before but I'm too lazy to search the masterlist. So just in case, let's do it again!)
~Muscular/Chisaki/Hari Smut Headcanons~
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-This has probably been mentioned in the past but should be brought up again...you have to have a certain type of thick skin to put up with this man. This is regarding the relationship in general. At least as far as LOV asshole status goes, you might have a better chance trying to reason with Shigaraki or Dabi. With Muscular, you absolutely cannot take things to heart. He's gruff...he's a gruff man and that's the best way to describe it with him. Now leading into the smut:
-Being hardheaded and stubborn means he has a certain way he wants to go about things. That means if you ever had any hopes of topping him then you're just shit out of luck. 99.9% of the time during sex he's calling the shots. That other small percentage was the one singular time he let you take over on your anniversary. Even THEN he still ended up leading near the end of things. He just can't help being in control most of the time/all the time. Hopefully that doesn't get to you too much because otherwise it may lead to an unwinnable argument.
-He's a little rougher with the things he does. That bein said, he's not a monster! You don't have to worry about him doing anything despicable like taking things too far when you're not for it, or hurting you during it (on purpose at least). He obviously cares enough to be in a relationship with you so no worries there. Also, he's fine implementing some form of a safeword if you feel you really need it. He's grimey but again, he's not a monster.
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-Bravo for getting him to be in a relationship with you in the first place. Bravo for even getting him to notice you long enough to hold a conversation without looking at you in disgust. He's surprised by his own actions and so are you (no more so than Pops. The old man is the most shocked by everything). Anyhow, he cares for you but can tend to be selfish with things. Give him a break as he's still learning how to love and how to go about things in a relationship both sexual and nonsexual.
-Beforehand he's going to obviously request you get cleaned up. Don't try to get him with the "but Kai, we're both just going to get dirty again" speech because it's not going to work unfortunately. It's like a chore but you'll come to find that the headache is worth the reward. Once between the sheets you realize he's learned so much since the last few times. He's sickened by the thought (and embarrassed too) but he's spent some time researching just for you. He applies what he's learned and then proceeds to perfect it bit by bit. He won't let anything he does to you be taken terribly whatsoever. He wants to be able to KNOW he's done a good job pleasing you.
-His pace can tend to be a bit slower sometimes, along the line of making love rather than straight up fucking. However, his tune changes easily based on how the night is going and how badly he wants to finish. Speaking of finishing, don't ask him to finish anywhere but in you or in a condom. Splashing bodily fluids all over the place creates unnecessary mess so unfortunately (if you're into facials) you won't be getting one unless you wear into him for a long while until he breaks. Oh, and expect the cleanup to come afterwards too. A mandatory shower before aftercare cuddles is the main thing to expect. As mentioned beforehand, the headache is worth the reward.
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-Talk about fun sex, this is the man to fulfill that. It's rare he can be anything but teasing both in and out of the bedroom. Dating him is like dating a best friend. He's pretty much the best partner of the 3. He's attentive and listens to your needs. Don't get me wrong, he's still a little bit of an ass but a teasing one at that. It may get to be annoying how many times he tires to get into your pants once the two of you start dating but if you let him know the jokes annoy you then he'll try to cool off on them for you. He understands not to push his limits too much when it comes to you.
-A lot of times he'll try to draw a little laughter out of you during sex. That way once you're laughing he can swiftly turn it into moans for him. It's like a challenge for this man almost. The sex blindsides you too. One minute you'll be outside in the backyard chatting and laughing on the picnic blanket and then the next thing you know you're giving him a handy in the shed. Other times you're chilling on the couch playing games or watching a movie before you find yourself on the carpet while he puts his tongue to work. Sometimes you might find yourself walking into it thinking you'll just have a quick shower together before suddenly your back is against the wall while he's plowing into you beneath the warm water flowing from the showerhead. Roll the dice on it.
-Despite this, he's really a great person to date outside of sex. If for whatever reason you were seeking a friends with benefits type of relationship, I can see him falling in love rather quickly. Maybe it happens more quickly than you think.
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yostresswritinggirl · 2 years
I love how Hoyo is trying so hard to make Cyno seem intimidating but we all see his "desperate puppy that wants attention" side
Your desert dweller pining idea gave me reincarnated tragic lovers vibes
Like reader was with Kasala in the past before the forbidden knowledge was brought to the desert, infecting them with eleazar and killing them
Which was probably part of why Kasala didn't fear death in the end knowing it means reuniting with the one he loved
Then centuries later you both are reincarnated in the same era as an eremite and Cyno. Ultimately meeting and falling in love just like in your past lives but now separated because of readers loyalty to the scarlet king
(Heck maybe it was the same in that past but switched with Kasala's devotion to his lord and reader being the one pining)
And then when the truth of the two gods are revealed you both get flashbacks of your last moments together centuries ago, the sight of reader's scale covered body slowly losing life with Kasala sitting right by holding tightly to their hand, unwilling to let go even if he has accepted this reality
The least could be done is letting your final sight of him be a happy one
"I love you even in the face of death, there nothing that could take this away..."
As reader close their eyes a small smile is visible on their pale face, clearly at peace with Kasala's words
"... but perhaps...in a new world, we can peacefully live together"
I'll let you decide what happens next
Side note: imagine Kasala or Cyno(to be a tease) calling you his eternal love or something similar. I wouldn't even need to have eleazar to die they'd just kill me with that
Also after a week of scarab nightmare cyno is finally maxed other than getting him decent equipment but that's besides the point
- Vagabond anon
Holy shit I just read a whole story, thank you so much for the good fucking food, Vagabond !! AAAAAAA
Holy shit like holy shit, I'm going to cry, I'm giggling right now especially the "eternal love" part Cyno would totally be the type to say that with a teasing smirk everytime. Oh man I can even imagine Reader being part of Rahman's group and clashing with him at least once hhh (sorry I've been craving writing fight scenes)
What if after regaining your memories just like how Rahman's still griping with the fact, Reader is also still like trying to make sense of the fact, right? But on Cyno's case, down bad boyo, is literally just trailing you while you pace back and forth trying to convince yourself that reincarnation exists. That's where desperate puppy that wants attention comes from mmmm - maybe Reader being apprehensive in the present is because they mostly remember how Kasala is distant due to his devotion to the Scarlet King jgnhhh
Like I'm imagining this is after act 4 and before 3.2 so he's stuck with you in the desert that whole time and he won't even let you breathe. Taking every opportunity to go to you like:
Dehya: We'll need Rahman's group to assist us here -
Cyno: *immediately stands up* I'll inform them right away.
Candace: We don't have to yet, we're just going over the plan -
Alhaitham: He's already gone.
Omayghad I love this au so much, holy crap, I'm foaming at the mouth *hugs tight with consent* Vagabond, thank you for accompanying me on my Kasala brainrot;;;;
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drippingmoon · 10 months
Fun Facts Tag
It's been some ten thousand years since I've done a tag game, so thanks a lot to @blind-the-winds!<33
A scent you love:
Japanese sake, apple and cinnamon scented candles. I got it only once for my birthday, and could never find some again afterwards. I remember staying up till 5am when I first opened them because the autumn scent was so heady, it was pure catmint to me. I also got so much writing done that night.
What's something you're looking forward to this week?
Nothing in particular! Oh, tomorrow I get to make and eat pizza, and that's great. Pretty sweet, neutral week, but I've turned mighty useless recently so I can't be productive in any way (turns out, people being kind will do that to me).
What's a book you're currently reading?
I usually pick up and finish any book within a day or two, sooo, none. Last one was Tomb of Ancients by Madeleine Roux, and it made me think of a friend a lot so it's pretty special to me.
What's a game you're currently playing?
Remnant II! Loved the first game, and the sequel took and made everything, graphics, combat, choices, so much better?? Absolute delight. I love that you can straight up see how you fuck a world over if, say, you decide to destroy the core of the ship and basically you can't revisit the world again because you've nuked it, and hey, it comes with great cinematics. Some of the storyline elements are also phenomenal. Looking forward to starting Baldur's Gate 3 after this one!
What's the most recent movie you've watched?
Season 2 of Good Omens. Look, I'm lazy with movies otherwise. Season 2, on the other hand, was such a comfort watch and I can't wait for the conclusion<3
Are you watching anything on TV or listening to any shows?
Just what's on the news. Gets pretty funny when everyone's threatening to step down from their position, but no, they won't, even though probably the entire country's waiting for it;')
Favourite season?
Autumn, hands down. Every major event in my life, good or bad, has happened to me in autumn. Nights get longer, ideas get better, the wind actually gains spirit and never leaves you alone again, and don't get me started on leaves! I love making little mosaics in the yard.
What's something you've learned recently?
There's a type of toothpaste that smells, looks and feels like gum ugh and I don't think it even does its job properly, but the texture especially💔💔 someone get it away from me already!
Have you had any water lately?
It's the only thing I usually drink. Tho, for some reason, I never feel the need to drink in summer as much as I should, even when I get dehydrated. Which is bad because I've had kidney stone issues before.
Open tag for anyone who wants to kill some time and share something about themselves:)
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morningstargirl666 · 3 months
When is The Big Bad Wolf Act 2 coming out?? Are you going to release monthly or all at once?? (I just finished the series and I’m in love 🩷🩷 no rush to write, just wondering if you have an idea because you have loyal readers waiting to love it!!! Have a great day <3)
Hello! Lovely to meet you and thank you so much for reading, that fic is a BEAST. So glad you enjoyed it!
So. When is the next update coming out? [nervous laughter]
Thing is, I told myself now I'm halfway i'll go back and edit, smooth things out before this fic literally becomes too long to tackle and that kinda...turned into a full rewrite?
I'm not changing the plot. That's exactly the same. But my ideas for the lore have changed since I first started writing and I wanted to add in a whole lot more of characterisation and set up for the chapters to come. I rewrote The Little Wolf back in December and recently did some tweaking to chapter 5 of it just this last week (I couldn't work out how to fix it when I first did the rewrite but I had an EPHIPHANY okay). So The Little Wolf is around 35k now, which is a huge difference to the 11k it was in November when I posted chapter 35 of tbbw. It's got tons of new scenes, a sharper forcus on the Mikaelson siblings not just Klaus and two whole new chapters. Of course, you've probably already read that as it is posted and you're a new reader, but that's what I was doing before Christmas, essentially.
As for The Big Bad Wolf itself...boy, where do I start. I'm approaching 85k on the rewrite...only on chapter 7. Which technically used to be chapter 6, because I got 5 chapters in before I added a new chapter. I guess that's a record for my restraint, at least.
So, in terms of what's happening: I'm re-writing tbbw. The plot isn't changing, but new scenes are being added, conversations are being tweaked, the lore is being more consistently fleshed out. Grammar for dialogue is being given a complete overhaul because that was a mess. But. Listen. It's so much better. It's so fucking better. I re-read the chapters I've done and in some places, the drafts aren't quite finished yet, like my writer brain is like fix this later BUT omg it's like, THE shit. It's so good. I've very excited.
I'm not sure how long it will take to finish. I might be able to stop halfway and post the rewritten/edited chapters I've got so far but I make no promises because I feel more inclined to keep going and get it all done in one. Some chapters won't need much work at all as they've been more heavily edited in the past (chapter 8 and 9 should be done pretty quickly, just giving them a facelift), while others I'm really ripping into. There's one chapter I know I'll either delete or delete scenes from to be replaced with something else (don't worry, the scenes will go into my deleted scenes fic on ao3, it's not gone forever).
So yeah. At the rate I'm going, I'm not gonna lie, it may take till the summer before I get all this editing done AND finish the new chapter 36 update - and you may get two new chapters at once, because it might be a long one and I might split it. But by the end of it, tbbw won't be 378k anymore. It'll probably be closer 450k. So you'll get a 50k+ update (along with some bonus stuff) to the whole fic and then a week later I'll post the new chapters (I used to post fornightly, a chapter every two weeks, and I'll go back to that when I'm done).
But yeah. I've written like, 110k since December, which for context is is closing in on the equivalent of the second book of TLOTR trilogy: The Return of the King was 137,115 words. That's an epic novel's worth. In three months.
An arguement could be made that I'm making this fic way too long but I don't really care? I love writing this. It makes my head spin and makes me tear my hair out but...it's so much fun too. And I get to rewrite canon, the way it should have been (we were so ROBBED 😭😭😭), so hey! It's free therapy too! I'm not going to stop as long as I'm loving every second.
Thanks for reading, and thank for listening to my insane plans! Hopefully, I'll see you there on ao3 when this fic is back for business!!
-And it WILL be back.
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tobiasdrake · 4 months
It's over, Erlina. Bring me Aephorul.
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Oh, there he is. Good job. Thanks.
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HEY. RUDE. Did no one ever teach you that it's not polite to killsteal?
I had a whole pre-mortem speech prepared about how she and I aren't so different in the lengths we'd go to for the people we love, and you ruined it. Ugh, I want to break your neck so bad.
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Oh. There you are.
You're not about to tell me I can't wring this guy's neck, right? You were there for my Statement of Intent. You knew what this was about. I will go through you to get to him. I am nowhere near as attached to you as I am to Garl.
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No, it's time for him to die, is what it's time for. I want my pound of Fleshmancer.
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...what final surprise? Your big thing was Erlina and we beat her. What more could you possibly have--
Oh, fuck me. I got vengeance in my eyes and somehow I completely forgot about Strife. Shit. Right. Fused with the Acolytes to become a whole new kind of thing. A World Eater, I'm guessing.
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UGGGGGGH I hate this fucking guy so much.
I'm neurodivergent. I get that being bored can be the most insufferable agony in the world. But get a fucking hobby, man.
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Yeah, yeah. Come on, Zale. Let's go god-fight the apocalypse.
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Not if Strife has anything to say about it, you're not. *sigh* It never ends. It never goddamn ends. I am not looking forward to whatever immortal eternity vigil we're going to have to perform after this.
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Once this is done, I am taking a long-ass vacation and y'all are coming with me. That is not a request.
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If you guys could, like, research ways to get my hands around Aephorul's neck while we're gone, that'd be great. Maybe dedicate part of your civilization to it or something. Maybe with a statue of me while we're at it.
Oh, but that is just a friendly request, not some sort of god decree. I'm not going to Great Eagle this shit. Just. If you could. For me.
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I don't know why you needed both of us when we've never been apart for more than five minutes, but we love you too, Teaks. Have a good life.
And maybe put those skills to work helping us figure out how to murder Aephorul, because I trust you more than anyone when it comes to deciphering obscure lore.
But don't let that take you away from the most important calling in your life: Writing better fucking tomes. I want Zenith Academy stocked with Teaks Originals of all--
Oh, shit. We're leaving Zenith Academy completely unstaffed. Well, we cleared out all the Dwellers and chased the Acolytes out so hopefully they won't need any more Solstice Warriors ever again. Otherwise those kids will just have to do with an empty school, a bunch of books, and a plank of wood that reads "GOOD LUCK".
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I can't speak for Zale but you'll be hearing plenty from me, bestie.
But I really can't delay any longer or else your planet's going to be devoured by a cosmic monstrosity.
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Alright, Zale. We're gods now. We must conduct ourselves as such. Dignity. Decorum.
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Like gods do.
Come on, Zale. It's going to be a long vigil.
But first: Back down to the planet. Because it's party time.
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ryuichirou · 7 months
Back with more replies! I’ll try to answer some of the shorter ones today… most of them are related to either my previous replies or drawings, but there are also some related to ships in general.
Anonymous asked:
I know y'all have already been spoiled on quite a bit related to book 7, but I hope this won't ruin it any when you decide to go through it. You already know this, but Toboso Yana's storytelling is very high quality and FUN :) fans are focusing on major plot points right now, but even the little details and the way that plot points are presented are very important for the experience!!
Yeah, some of the spoilers are unavoidable, but I’m sure there are a lot of things we still have no idea about, and we’re definitely going to enjoy them tremendously once we’re at that point~ I love how you pointed out that Toboso’s writing is FUN, and I agree with you completely. There is so much to dive into and think about in her stories, not just the major plot points. We’re super looking forward to checking all of it out. This is actually one of the reasons we want to wait until the book 7 is done and we’ve rewatched all of the previous chapters.
Thank you for your understanding <3
Anonymous asked:
eels got some cake &lt;3
(this one and the next one are related to this drawing)
Hehe, they doooo~ big bois
hipsterteller asked:
I saw the new fanart and asked Who did they kill?
Honestly just some guy they needed to take care of~ or a bunch of guys. The negotiations don’t always go as planned…
Anonymous asked:
Personally, i always saw Floyd as a virgin because who in their right mind would want to sleep with him?! (I'm so sorry, Floyd, simps).
Everyone is scared of him, and for a good reason, I mean LOOK at HIM!!
(this one and the next one are related to this post)
Floyd really is terrifying, and people do try to avoid him, and for a good reason indeed! But at the same time Floyd seems to be quite charming and popular?? I don’t know how exactly to describe it, I guess Floyd is the hell ride that you know for sure will kill you, but you can’t help but get drawn to it. Plus Floyd is good at capturing his prey lol
artfulhero-m asked:
I just read those first time headcanons, Sebek x Idia? I didn't even realize that was a ship, what's the context behind it? Also how much do you ship it cause now I need to know more about what you think about the ship lol.
Oh we ship them quite strongly~ They’re kind of one of our favourite dynamics: a strict and rules-obsessed loud musclebrain + a snarky cynical little troll who is physically weak but know exactly what to say to get on the first guy’s nerves. It’s very specific I know lol
These two got to interact during the Glorious Masquerade and the Harveston events! I feel like every time they interact they end up pissing each other off, because Sebek really doesn’t like Idia’s attitude (he’s WHINY and he’s UNWORTHY he just CAN’T HAVE the same position as MALLEUS!) and Idia gets defensive and starts making fun of Sebek for being loud, self-righteous and not very smart.
We have a whole tag with replies and drawings of them, and even one hc post. So if you haven’t seen it, feel free to check it out!
Anonymous asked:
Catching up on old asks and realizing that I am a little pervert who’d like to see the (genderswapped) cast in their underwear bc they are too pretty (and also because I am thinking that Epel’s whole bra closet is all cute apple themes)
(this one is related to this post)
Awww, Epel really would have cute apple-themed underwear! I haven’t thought much about patterns and designs for all the girls, but I would really love to draw all of them one day… I’ll draw some if we’re lucky 💪😔
I’m very happy you like the idea and enjoyed the post!
Anonymous asked:
TBH the condom post was kinda funny. I like how it basically boils down to: Yea, they all mostly know they should be wearing them, but they're all a bunch of kinky fucks so no one really does
Thank you, Anon!! I’m glad you find it funny lol
They really are a bunch of kinky fucks… they shouldn’t be allowed to have sex at all :(
Anonymous asked:
Hello fuck boy
If I’m not mistaken, we got this ask just after posting the Judar sketch yesterday…
And if it’s not directed at him, then oh hi! :3
Anonymous asked:
have u played bg3
Nope, we haven’t.
Anonymous asked:
Have you guys seen or played through Death Plate on itch. io?
It's a nice small RPG game and I am absolutely obsessed with it
We haven’t seen it, but it looks quite interesting!
Thank you for your recommendation, Anon <3
blackbutlerfandomnerddomain asked:
Okay weird ship take: Riddle and Ortho
It’s a fun one! We aren’t super into it, but their interactions during the Halloween event were pretty sweet. Ortho seems to understand how Riddle’s psyche work surprisingly nicely + I really want them to hang around at some puzzle/quest thing lol
Anonymous asked:
Ooohh, Seberollo sounds real fun! Maybe Rollo would try to get Sebek to embrace his magicless human side. I think that if he knew about his father's circumstances, he would feel the same pitying concern that he showed when Yuu told him that they got used to all the magic nonsense. Of course, this would only annoy Sebek more and more.
Or maybe they could bond over their shared distrust of goats. Curse you, twst fandom, for getting me invested in all these cool rarepairs!
You made such a good point, Anon; Sebek really is special in a way! He could stay as magicless as his dad, but he acts so loud and obnoxious about being a fae and worshipping Malleus Draconia of all people… he’s clearly misguided. But I feel like even if Rollo had this idea of making Sebek reconsider his own identity and being, he would change his mind the moment he sees Sebek again. He is so… so insufferable, it’s not worth it….
They could bond over their distrust of goats though, it would be so funny and almost cute. That one goat has made two mortal enemies lol
Anonymous asked:
Vil being Idia's inlaw? Yeah, this is worst than their time in school.
MUCH worse. I feel like even if Vil wasn’t Idia’s inlaw, he would still be surprisingly present in his and Ortho’s life, but if they’re legit family? Be ready for nagging, Idia, he WILL make your life better whether you want it or not.
Anonymous asked:
Ace and Riddle would have the most fucking embarassing crushes on each other thinking they're good at hiding it... NEWS FLASH ASSHOLES. EVERYONE KNOWS. WE KNEW SINCE DAY ONE.
And they would be in denial for so long…
nopekido asked:
Floyd x Riddle headcannon that after having hard, rough smex, Riddle’s ass would be in a lot of pain and he’d have to use something as a walking stick just so he could be able to walk properly. He’d be all shaky and would have his hair be all messed up. He would be able to stand (let alone walk) properly for days (weeks if Floyd’s in heat)
Oh poor Riddle… I feel like I say it every time, but THIS is what his mother meant when she told him not to hang out with other kids! OF COURSE he would get stuck with some horrible bandit whose dick is way too big for Riddle’s tiny butt-
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signalhill-if · 1 year
Update (Dec 30th, 2022)
Good news!
I spent today getting through as much of the coding busywork as I could, which turned out to be... all of it! All of the coding I was putting off out of sheer procrastination is now 100% complete.
(Except the store pages, but let's just ignore that. It's late)
That means that just today I've...
Finished the pesky ID menu page
Mapped the remainder of the UI to keys for easy keyboard navigation
Finished writing the tutorial
Created and implemented the entire XP system
Finished implementing the identity perks
Added relationship modifiers to all of the existing text
What that means is that from now forward (well, after I finish the fucking store pages) the rest of the work is going to be entirely writing. All of that was thanks to the Trello page I created, because lord knows it would have been impossible to finish all of that so quickly and without getting confused or losing focus if I didn't have such a convenient checklist of every task I needed to complete! That Trello board is linked in my pinned post, so feel free to check over there if you're curious about my progress and the work I have left to do.
Oh, and one other thing I've been working on is centralizing my code as much as possible, which means that everything that needs to be repeated more than once should be completed with one widget (ie. a widget for rolling, a widget for completing a lead, etc). Basically a widget is a single line of code that runs a separate, longer set of code located elsewhere in the files. There are two benefits to this...
If the code ever needs to be bug fixed or updated, it only needs to be done once
Not having to copy and paste long strings of code means that it's faster to move my writing into the game files
For example, my old notification text when an item was picked up was "New item: (item name)" and I thought that was a little too wordy. Because the notification code was located within the widget for picking up items, I was able to just replace the text with "+ (item name)" rather than searching and replacing throughout every single text document.
It'll also mean, fingers crossed, that saves won't break very often when I update the game- it should be totally seamless.
Anyway, now I'm rambling. I'm happy I've gotten all of this busywork done, and now I get to focus on the real work- all those goddamn location descriptions!
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aidansplaguewind · 1 year
shucks, this new episode…
you are so spot on about the warning signals that they are going to kill Frank… with all these “i’ll bury you” and “Frank, you’re useless” (that last one made me so angry tbh)…
i don’t feel good about season 2 at all…
thank you for posting your gifs (they are perfect) and your thoughts and answers. i love your blog, it gives me life these days 🖤
I had two messages about Frank so I'm only answering one because they're both pretty much about the same thing. Please don't take offense anon #1, I just don't want to be repetitive.
Yeah, I'm starting to think I was right too, though I honestly really, REALLY didn't want to be.
That useless comment did piss me off but they have made him utterly useless. Right now it feels to me like they're going to make him suddenly realize he doesn't want to live on the wrong side of the law and do right by his life and then off him because I've seen that shit done before. It's so fucking cliché too but this feels like the scenario they're playing out. Or I could also see them having him unalive himself, if he stays in this down-and-out mood. But if he does "see the error in his ways", I won't be surprised if they have Bren off him as a way to show Viking and Jimmy exactly how bad for the family Bren is.
And it will be so beyond fucking lame of them to fake us out at the end of season 1, only to bring him back just to kill him off for real. I absolutely can't stand when shows do that. It's stupid, and pointless, and just plain wrong to do to fans who actually give a fuck about the character. TWD did the same thing with Glenn. They faked the audience out at the end of one season, came back the following season like "surprise! Glenn's not dead, we got you!" and then actually killed him off. It's an absolute pathetic way of trying to hook the audience because they can't actually write anything good.
Now, I'm hoping I'm wrong. I hope that Frank pulls himself out of this slump and takes control back. I really, really, really, really hope so. Cuz I'm just so tired of predictable television and I'm so tired of these shit parts being given to Aidan. Unfortunately, I'm usually not wrong when it comes to predicting these sorts of things, so I need all of you guys to focus all of your energy on me being wrong this once! Put it out into the universe!
Oh, and thank you so much! I'm glad I can help someone. Now, let's just all cross our fingers that Aidan can get a role that lasts so I continue to have new content to gif!
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linaamm · 6 months
I need my therapist, but I can also vent to you guys.
In Norway, it's 2 am. right now, and I can't sleep. I need to study and prepare myself for this massive history test I have next week, but I just can't shut off my head. I can't turn off my thoughts. I keep thinking about everything I slowly keep forgetting in life. Does that make sense in any way?
You see, I'm 28 years old soon, and I have lived the longest life one possibly can imagine at such age. I've lost family to sickness. I've lost dear friends to drugs and violence. I myself have been a victim of brutal domestic violence, and I also lived through unnecessary, unspeakable violence from other people whom i didn't even know the name of.
I've been beaten, done heavy drugs, and I was placed in the system. I've almost died so many times. I've had cancer, countless OD's, and so much self-harm over so many years. I've also been in prison. The only man I ever truly loved with all my heart, who I knew for over half my life, died next to me. Many years later, I was married to a narsissist and thankfully got out.
These are just some of the things I've been so lucky to live through. There's more. I could write a whole book about my life, and I truly believe it would sell well, but I won't. Not because it hurts to think about it, because it does, but because I can't remember. At this point, it has become so much for me to bear that my memory shuts down completely. And even though things are good now and I live a beautiful life, doing good in school and having awesome people around me, it's too late. My brain can no longer keep hold of memories because of all the continuously heavy trauma over so many years. My brain can create new memories, but it let's go of them just as fast as it creates them. I'm not sure what that condition is called in English, but it looks a lot like dementia ("kognitiv hukommelsesvikt" in norwegian if someone is curious). IM 27 YEARS OLD DAMMIT.
I can gladly forget all the bad stuff. But it's not only the bad stuff that at some point will be gone forever. It's also the good stuff. Family vacations, various celebrations with good friends, peoples names and faces, the man I loved so FUCKING much. All the laughs, drinks, hugs, places, EVERYTHING will be gone at some point. I keep getting sadder and sadder because I keep noticing the small, beautiful things I forget in life on a daily basis, and it sucks.
Over the past 6-7 years, I've been writing journals. Almost daily. But not once I could make myself read some of them later on. And I keep lying here until 3 a.m., thinking, why, JUST WHY, do I even bother writing everything down when it's all gonna be gone from my memory at some point? If I were to read these journals again, it won't feel like my memories, it will just be someone's else sad life stories.
So I have no choice but to live in the moment. Accept it and just let go. But it's so fucking sad, and no one can do anything about it. It doesn't help with therapy. It doesn't help to talk about what hurts because i can't remember anymore. It's pitch black. It's only a strange, hurtful, but weirdly familiar feeling that I have that reminds me that all this fucked up shit has happened, nothing more. In a fucked up way, it's fine because I don't get flashbacks or nightmares or diagnoses like PTSD and stuff like that. My brain just shuts it out completely. We've tried to make me remember. The people in white coats tried so hard. But with no luck.
So that kept me up tonight. Shit I can't even remember.
If you red this far, thank you so much for your time. You may think it isn't much, but it really is. I always used to vent here when I first started using this platform, and it helped me so much. 💖
It's now 02:55
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pepperf · 1 year
2022 has been, well, let's say a continuation of the pandemic years for me. I'm a little lacking in emotional resilience these days, and I'm dragging myself over the line with the hopes that next year will be kinder. But it hasn't all been bad. I've had some amazing times with friends and family, I paddled in the sea with my nephew, I finally saw @bethanyactually again after so fucking long, and I've learned a few things. So I thought I'd do the counting my blessings thing, and look back on the good things this year.
2022 was the year that I…
Wrote nearly 200k words. That's over 500 words a day. That is two full-length novels. And I finished and posted about 130k of it on AO3, which—look, I've not been tracking it this way before now so I don't have the stats, but it's DEFINITELY a higher rate of finishing than I've had before. And @wheresmytowel deserves all my thanks for, oh, so much of that. I'm gradually figuring out what works for me in terms of completing stories, and I'm really happy with my progress on that front.
Discovered that armpit hair is cute. I'm serious. Look, I've given up shaving before, but I don't think I've stuck to my guns for this long, well, ever. But this summer, after my last trip to the beach with the family, I decided, to hell with it. And now it's all grown past the spiky stubble stage, and the beard-on-someone-who-can't-really-grow-a-beard stage, and it's kind of luxuriant and…goddamn it, it's fluffy. It is cute. Why is it always seen as a Statement or an insult, something strident and unfeminine and unkempt, when long hair is otherwise seen as an ultra-feminine attribute? I love my fluffy little pits, and legs, and bits. It's possible I'll chicken out when summer comes around again—but until then, I'll get a fond little 'yay' moment, every time I see the kitten fluff under my arms.
Decided that I didn't want the career I've got. This is a difficult one, but it's been a long time coming. A large part of why I am where I am comes from me trying to live up to the (impossible) legacy of my mother, and…okay, yes, I am also a firm believer in the value of public sector work and everyone pitching in to make the country and the world a better place. But I've been doing something along those lines for nearly 20 years now, and I'm kind of burnt out, ngl. And I'm sad to say, I might be done with the NHS. I truly believe in it, and I am loyal through and through, but…it's an increasingly hard place to work, and I don't think I have the mental stamina for it any more. Maybe once I've stepped away, and regrouped for a few years, I will come back. But at the moment, it's a really bad place to be for my mental health, and as a result of that, I'm doing an increasingly poor job of things that I used to find easy. So, I just need to stop, really, for everyone's sake, and do something different.
Started painting again. Slowly and cautiously. I started to think about it in the summer, and took some reference photos of some stuff I might like to paint—then a few months after that I got my easel down from dad's attic and took stock of my paint and brushes—then I dragged out one of my old canvases that never got properly used—and a couple of months ago I ordered some new paint—and applied a base layer to wipe off a painting that was haunting me with bad memories—and then applied another base layer to start building it up into something new…and, yeah, that's where I'm at. But it's a start, and it's more painting than I've done in a very, very long time, and I'm…cautiously excited.
Put some other tentative stakes in the ground for things I might want to do—job stuff, writing stuff, house stuff…all too much to do all at once, and it probably won't all happen next year, because I don't think I could handle that, but at least it feels like I'm not stagnating. Even if I need to remind myself of that, sometimes.
Jesus, I sound fragile. I am fragile, honestly, my confidence is easily knocked, and I'm anxious about a lot of stuff, and I feel like I keep having to gently lead myself along like a 90yo with a broken hip, and I've got things in the new year that I'm dreading (particularly job hunting, god help us—but I'm on a temp contract at the moment, so I don't have a choice). But…I'm getting there.
Here's to 2023.
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doukeshi-kun · 1 year
🌃-anon here RAAAAAAA
surprise surprise!!! :D phew i surely miss writing you long asks
lots of praise and whatnot ahead
🎤test 1 2 3, hopefully there’s no echo: so how does it feel like going to bed at night and knowing you’re “that one nikolai ff writer?”
just read the newest fic and *loud inhale* bro??? its written insanely well what. you just keep getting better and better wtf??? WTF.
director!nikolai is so hot fuck😭 new nikolai au brainrot?? i’m still not over vamp!kolya and theres a new one now?!!😧
personally i love how original ur fics and writing style are, it’s like: you could put your fic between a hundred other one written by different authors and i’d still be able to recognize your works.
the smut scenes did catch me off guard tho. they hit me in the face like a truck while reading but hey, they were good. actually, everything was rlly good regardless, so well done bean :)
and lalalala not praising u anymore🫵you get it! keep it up with the good content and thank you for feeding us🙏
per usual have a good day/night and take care of urself🩷nikolai hates dehydrated fucks so drink lots of water too
i feel at peace when i go to bed after posting such a masterpiece knowing i know i am that one nikolai fic writer aye😎👉
director!nikolai is indeed hot ahuahuahauh🥰 but lately i'm very into obsessive stalker men ehem ZADE FUCKING MEADOWS FUCK ME RAAAAAA so maybe we can bring back that one stalker secretary nikolai? 🤗
i won't apologize for the smut scene because everyone deserve to fuck director nikolai once in a while 🙏 btw, thank you for reading and i appreciate the comments, love winkwonk❤️❤️
have a good day/night too! and of course i drink lots of water! i need to make my man soaked oop—
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chaotictarlos · 1 year
5, 4, 3, 2, 1 aka. 2022 Recap
Thank you to the wonderful @good-ways and @tailoredshirt the tag! You're a peach 😘
Guidelines: post the top 5 works you’re most proud of that you released in 2022 (not necessarily your most popular), your top 4 current WIPs that you’re excited to release in the new year, your top 3 biggest improvements in your writing over the past year, your top 2 resolutions (ways you wish to improve your writing/blog) for the new year, and your number 1 favourite line you’ve written this year!
post the top 5 works you’re most proud of that you released in 2022
You took the best of my heart and left the rest in pieces Word Count: 23,520 | Summary: An exploration of emotions. The Breakup Era from Carlos' POV
This is the fic that took 6 months to write. It was my greatest achievement of 2022. It took so much out of me to write, many tears, and almost deletions but it turned out so beautiful. It's my favorite fic that I wrote this year, and one that I cherish deeply. It was well worth all of the time that it took to write.
With love, your soulmate| Word Count: 27,658 | Chapters: 7 / 10 | Summary: Carlos Reyes doesn’t think he has a soulmate. In the 22 years he had been alive he had never found anything that would tell him otherwise. At first, it bothered him that he was seemingly without anyone and that there wasn’t a perfect person out there for him but he learned to grow comfortable with that information. He learned to adapt, to date enough that he wouldn’t be lonely, and on the nights when he was without anyone he found ways to make himself feel good. He was content. Or so he thought so until a letter arrived on the day of his 22 birthday. A letter addressed to him, from the past and from his soulmate. From there, they start talking. Leaving letters for each other to find and read, falling in love through the words that they shared. Will TK ever catch up to Carlos so that they can have their happy ever after? Or will time remain cruel to them?
This fic was a bit out of my comfort zone and dealt with a new concept. It's been a blast to write and I've enjoyed pushing myself out of my comfort zone. I hope to get this one done very soon!!
Fuck my life up | Word Count: 2,728 | Summary: The one time Carlos and TK talked when they were broken up.
It's no secret that I'm obsessed with the breakup era and exploring the dynamics there. I fully believe, in my little hc, that Tarlos hooked up at least once during their breakup era. This was my take on that.
finding the sun in a world of shadows | Word Count: 5453 | Chapters: 2 / 10 | Summary: In a post-apocalyptical world, two lost souls find each other.
This is another one that took me out of my comfort zone but it's been really fun to write and build the world. I have chapter three done and I need to post it, this is another one I'm hoping to get done this year.
It was always you | Word Count: 3333 | Summary: Sometimes in order to find out just how much you’re meant to be with someone, you have to fall apart and lose them first.
This is one of those getting back together fic's but I adore it so much. I love a good ex's to lovers fic and I love how this one turned out. It was a joy to write.
4 current WIPs that you’re excited to release in the new year I have so many I'm excited for.
(along with the two mentioned above):
TK POV Breakup Era Fic - this is a companion fic to the Carlos POV Breakup Era Fic and shows TK's side of things. It's slowly coming along but it's gonna be good and my hope is to have it done by summer!
Sequel to Carlos & TK Breakup Era Fic - this will focus on how and why TK come back together. It'll be canon divergence and won't follow along with how they got back together in canon, but I like the spin on it that I've decided to go with. I think it'll be a fun fic and it'll include a lot of conversations we missed.
[Redacted] Tarlos AU - 😉😏 this one is yet to be started but I have it mapped out. I'm keeping a little hush on the details, though. Sometimes it's fun to have surprises 😘
Secret Dating AU - Professor!TK x Social Worker!Carlos. This one I am currently writing and already has 4 chapters. I'm hoping to write it all out before I start posting it. This is another one I hope to have done by summer.
your top 3 biggest improvements in your writing over the past year
Length - My fics this year were longer and more fleshed out. They and more details and really went into the story rather than just brushed the surface.
Dialogue - I always feel like my dialogue is bad, but I think I improved on it this year. Hopefully I'll improve more on it this coming year too.
Ideas - I think my ideas have been better in general, which is really nice.
top 2 resolutions
Writing for myself and my pleasures which includes not being as upset / obsessed over numbers and how people might react to what I write. At the end of the day I need to be the one happy with the content I create, other people liking it is just a bonus.
Keeping in mind that I do this for fun. This is a fun past time and it shouldn't be stressful. Nobody knows me in real life, they only know a fraction of who I am and they may or may not make an accurate judgement of myself. And that's okay. As long as I'm having fun, that's all that matters.
number 1 favourite line you’ve written this year!
That’s what he got for thinking - a broken heart and an empty home that didn’t feel like home without TK. - which, of course, is from Carlos Breakup Era Fic
No pressure tags: @11thstreetvigilante @theghostofashton @bubblesandroses8 @mooshkat @cowlos-reyes @thebumblecee @noxsoulmate @detective-giggles
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justaredheadf1fan · 2 years
What seems to be the least entertaining GP so far (I hope I'm wrong)
Hello there people!
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I've read some of the tags some of you have used when reblogging my last posts and I can't tell you how happy it makes me, thank you. I'm no expert on how to write or anything, but at least I'm glad you guys like my silly little reviews of the race weekends 🥰
It's 12 minutes away from FP1 ending and honestly there hasn't been anything worth mentioning. I'm aware that it's just practice and it's really not supposed to be super fun to watch or anything, but for the love of Thor, GIMME SOMETHING.
Nyck de Vries has stepped into Lewis' car today for FP1, and has done a very nice job at that. I haven't watched any Formula E so I had no idea how good or bad he was, but it's been nice for him to try the viper 🐍
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I'm listening to the Spanish commentators talking about Mick and the guy I hate the most because he's an absolute moron and completely biased douche says that Mick is not his father. When was he supposed to be, you fucking idiot? Lobato, Mick might have the Schumacher last name but that doesn't force him to emulate his father altogether just for the sake of his name. Yes, we all want him to succeed as much as Michael did because he deserves nothing less, but what he also deserves is the freedom of doing his own thing despite of his last name. He's entitled to be a 23-year old kid still figuring it out and doing his best to get where he needs to be every race. So shut the fuck up at once. Jesus, I hate this guy.
I've ranted and said what I needed to say, but I know it won't be the last time this will come up. And I also know it's inevitable for Mick to be compared to his dad, but for fucks sake give the kid some peace, he's doing a great job and he's proven he deserves to be in F1 despite anyone's opinion. Defending Mick isn't enough, I NEED A GUN.
That said, I'll be writing the rest of the post when FP2 comes later this afternoon,
Here comes FP2 and the first 20 minutes have been uneventful, to say the least. Honestly, I didn't expect this to be so.... plain?
It's been now another 40 minutes of nothing. I can't believe the waste of time 😂 or maybe it's just me being exhausted, but this has been the most boring FP sessions I've seen this year so far, the others had at least a minor interesting occurrence worthy of comments but nope, not this one. France being France I guess... (I don't really like the French, sorry...).
I hope tomorrow's a little different at least, being FP3 and Quali on the same day, we need something exciting after 2 weeks waiting for a new race weekend!
Anyway, off to have lunch at almost 7pm like the fucking mess that I am on my free days before going back to hell tomorrow.
Let's hope tomorrow's better than this. The only highlight so far is Lewis' hair. It looks so good.
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Other than that, boring as fuck if you ask me 😂 I don't even have decent pictures to post here either...
Peace out!
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1001albumsrated · 7 days
#6: Duke Ellington - Ellington at Newport (1956)
Genre(s): Jazz, Big Band, Swing
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There's not much you can say about Ellington that hasn't already been said. He's one of the greatest jazz composers, arrangers, and bandleaders of all time, if not THE greatest. And Live at Newport, without question, is one of the greatest recordings of his long and storied career. So good, in fact, that it brought him and his band back from the brink of forced retirement in the mid-50s. Bebop and smaller ensembles had taken over the jazz scene, and the big bands of the 30s and 40s seemed antiquated in comparison to the fast runs and adventurous harmony of the next wave of jazz (not to mention it's a whole hell of a lot more expensive to cart a big band out around the country). Duke and his band overcame this, not by changing, but by being themselves at their best, and I have immense respect for that.
As for the music itself, again, there's not much new that can be said. The thing that sticks out the most to me in Ellington's recordings is his horn arrangements. His understanding of harmony in a big band setting (or really just in general) was next to none. Every note is meticulously and perfectly placed to both meet and subvert expectations in equal parts. There are a few stylistic elements that sound aesthetically dated to modern ears (the big, cartoonish flutter-tongued sections in the brass come to mind), but the core musical ideas at play are borderline faultless.
But this post has been too damn positive, so it's time for me to bitch about the book again. Remember how the bit about bebop above? The authors of 1001 Albums didn't. It just doesn't exist here. We go straight from big band classics like this to post-bop and modal jazz. No Bird. No Dizz. We, once again, have arrived at a point with no idea of how we got there and no knowledge of the greats that informed the generations of players to come (young jazz musicians still learn by transcribing Charlie Parker solos today!). But thank god we have 3 fucking Frank Sinatra albums (and we won't talk about how many Neil Young and Bob Dylan albums we're going to listen to yet). I'm not even a big bebop guy. But you can't understate the direct and tangible influence it has left on the genre that still can be heard today. This is just a completely embarrassing approach to music writing and really showcases that the authors are rock & pop critics that happen to be aware of jazz, not serious jazz listeners. Also, while I'm complaining, where in Christ's name is Louis Armstrong? Y'know, the most legendary jazz musician of all time? And like with bebop, I'm not a big Louis Armstrong listener, but good god man it's essential listening for a reason. The lack of Louis in particular is a common complaint with the book so I won't belabor the point, but it would be beyond remiss not to mention it. Oh, and some Fletcher Henderson would have been nice. Fuck. Can't have shit in Detroit, motherfuckers stole my jazz classics.
Ok I'm done now. Anyways, Ellington is great. This album is great. MUST you listen to it? Do you have ears? Does the Pope shit in the woods? Yes, you should listen to Ellington at Newport.
If you're the sort of lonely nerd who wants to know how I listened to Ellington at Newport, I listened in hi-res on Qobuz. I don't know how I don't own this already, but I went looking and couldn't find it so I guess I need to grab a copy next time I see one. Another lonely nerd note: I listened to the original album for this, not the complete show. The complete show is great, but the authors specifically are rating the original tracklisting when they're ranking and discussing albums, so I'll stick to that format and will avoid expanded editions, bonus tracks, complete sessions, etc.
And that's all for now! Next up: ol' blue eyes gets a little less sentimental than before with Sinatra's upbeat classic Songs for Swingin' Lovers. I was a bit harsh on the last Sinatra joint, but only time (and one post) will tell how I feel about the next one 😉
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