#despite how many reference photos i use lol
cowboyjen68 · 5 months
I just wanted to ask some advice from one butch to another.
I recently got my dream job of being a warden on a nature reserve (and i love it!), while interacting with people there I get called a young man very often (i am 18 lol) and it gives me euphoria to know im masculine enough to even pass as a man. I've also had some volunteers ask if I was a man or not (despite my feminine name).
But recently I got called a "lady" outside while out with my mother. It drove me INSANE I cried alot.
Don't get me wrong I do identify as a woman but I hate being seen as a lady.
I've even thought about using he/him pronouns recently and changing my name but i'm too scared to as most people won't understand bc im still a lesbian.
Is this strange?
ps love u and ur blog lots xx
This is an easy answer because I was 18 once and looked enough like a teenage boy that I got "hey sport" and "hey young man" all the time, especially when in my work clothes. I worked for The Mayor's Youth Corp in Iowa City in the summers of my 15th and 16th year. Mom and Dad let me get a work permit AND bought me a used Datsun Pickup so I could drive myself the 20 miles there and back each day.
I was a volunteer with the Corp of Engineers youth from 14 to 16 and Dad knew I was super excited about this job. Mom was not thrilled that I wanted to cut my hair but my "grand mullet" was really hot under the hard hat in the summer heat of Iowa. (in the 1980's boys and girls had the short in front long and permed in back look) We compromised and I cut the sides really short. (photo of my me at 16 in my uniform for reference)
Using "he" would never have occurred to me because "EWWW Boys". This is not to say, however, that I hated being mistaken for a boy, on the contrary, it felt good. When someone thought I was a young man it meant they treated me as such. They didn't talk down to me, I knew they assumed I was capable and willing to get dirty. I knew unconsiously that along with the mistaken identity came many perks. This was nothing I analyzed but little girls see very early on the difference in treatment they recieve from their brothers, male cousins and neighborhood boys. This difference leads us to become negotiators to control our circumstances and not entittled to treatment based on our skills and actual personalies.
When an adult recognized me as a boy, even for a second at first glance, I knew I didn't have to prove myself. They, for an instant, assigned to me words like "strong, capable, demanding etc". No negotations required.
When someone realized I was a girl they literally had a change in their face. They smiled at me, softened their voice. When I was called "young lady" or "Miss" it always seemed to be backed my the worst assumptions (in my mind anyway). Lady is steeped in all kinds of traits I didnt want assigned to me. "quiet, weak, likes to dress pretty"OR "motherly, submissive, meek" Nothing good in my teen brain, that is for sure. Lady felt so OLD, so married to a man and reliant on him for survival, so polyster pants and ugly flats and scratchy blouses with a flower imprint. NONE of these things are inherent to being a woman or even socially forced on us but that is not how things work sometimes. Words that describe people get stereotypes and myths and traits attached to them all the time. Woman and girl are no different.
I can tell you, the best feeling in the world when I was in that job was when my supervisor, who damn well knew I was a young woman, trusted me with all the same tasks as the boys. Who valued my opinions and abilities equally to the young men. He took time to teach me what I didn't know, just like with them and didn't assume I couldn't or didn't want to learn things on the job. He didn't shame ANYONE for not being strong enough or for getting tired or needing a break.
Don't let the assumptions of others force you into another box of conformity. You don't need a boys name or to use any pronouns you don't feel connected to just to please others. In fact, none of that effort will change perceptions of those around you. I can promise that one day being called Lady will just be another word that you can hear and know it does not change your personality or your interests or control the hope you have for your future. What does waste a lot of time and energy is trying to adjust things in your life to fit incorrect or snap assumptions about you as a person. You can never control the thoughts of those around you but what you can do is stop worrying about it and enjoy YOU.
You have a job you love and are sure to thrive in. You are solid in your sexuality and love of women, you are in a unique position to possibly change the perceptions of others when they think of "young women". Your interactions with the public are sure to effect the assumpions of at least some people when they think of young women and their roles in our society.
Congratulations on your new career and I bet you rock that uniform.
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milkdreamspecialmix · 8 months
first up on not filtering myself i want to talk about how much i adore how the nations have gone from relative anonymity in the public eye to canonically being used as primary sources by historians and caught by paparazzi press conferences asking about their opinions of each other (which is insane and i love it). i remember a particular segment in which a couple, presumably from the early 20th century iirc, talks about france in particular and the loneliness of immortality, with the couple eventually coming to the conclusion that a mortal life with one another is far better than a long life lived alone (or so they think, the human perception of nationhood is probably very warped because it’s mostly incomprehensible). the only reason they knew of him was because that dude’s ancestors had known about a man that didn’t age, but it wasn’t a “big deal” or a headliner or whatever. it just came and went, life goes on. or maybe nationhood used to be such a bizarre old wives tale that some thought it was horseshit. unless you were high ranking military you may not have ever met one and known it anyway.
it must be really weird to have gone from being akin to a cryptid, hiding in plain sight and constantly renewing official documents and such just so they can go to the liquor store or whatever to being celebrities, sometimes even chased by groups of people for photos and opinions. this is why i really like the relatively new in-canon nation memes on here, they’re so real lol. i think there might be a great deal of corruption in the way people perceive them too which i won’t discuss past scraping the surface.
i just think it’s hilarious to think of modern day alt right nimrods using nations to satisfy their weird insecurities and patriotism, as if they are representational of every weird ass traditional belief about masculinity or race or sexuality you can think of but in reality their fav is a total homo and a humanitarian and the exact opposite embodiment of their own morals in nearly every way. i know nations are technically representational of all citizens good and bad, but that’s too much for me to conceive of right now. we know alfred was about as torn between the last presidential election as americans were perceived to be (any incidents of the hot topic of voter fraud aside), so i’m certainly not trying to paint them all as perfect “blorbos” who can do no wrong and are only representational of my own beliefs or whatever. it goes without saying that the vast majority of them could be considered some type of war criminal. but i also think that’s why their modern day existence is really interesting.
without going too into it, and despite the many shortcomings humans face, most can agree that the world has seen many improvements in recent years, and i think that also represents a shift in the way nations think too. we don’t know exactly how much people influence nations versus how nations influence their people, but i believe it was france who also referred to nations as the vessel and citizens as the passengers. they are a nation bound by their people but they’re also a human with a great deal of free will. i’ll stop here though, i know it can get touchy when we fly a bit too close to the parallels of real human experiences and a bunch of fictional immortal idiots. steering clear of any modern world issue that is anything but amusing and light under the context of this series is wise for obvious reasons
back on the subject of the in-universe nation memes, i’ve thought of making art from the perspective of some weirdo that takes really shitty photos of nations in the wild for social media or whatever (nations, they’re just like us kind of shit). i think it’s neat to think of nations having to avoid the public after being able to hide within it for so long
most folks seem to just shrug at their existence, so maybe their now well known status wouldn’t get in the way of most cultural practices. i get the jist that most people seem to think of them as an anomaly and not necessarily related to spirituality in any way, but i could also see a small subset of pagan folks maybe deifying certain nations too (kemetic, nordic, hellenic, etc.). or maybe it’s a checkmate atheists kind of moment for mortals using nations as proof (or not proof) of god(s) or whatever else. they are practically gods themselves, but i have doubts that most of their superhuman abilities are documented or are anything but rumor and speculation (ie “i hear they can teleport!” and i have an entire ass opinion on that ability in particular) so do most chums think they’re just immortal but with no frills attached? like sure they can come back from the dead but they’re lame and tame tax-paying members of society, or “glorified secretaries” as i once heard someone say. you think government interns froth at the teeth at a chance to work with one just for the anti-aging benefits alone, even at the risk of going a little insane with enough exposure?
i feel like people must constantly pester them about conspiracy theories too. alfred is on hot ones or eric andre getting asked if aliens exist and wtf does he say? he can do whatever the fuck he wants so he’s probably like yeah dude they’re chill lmao and the internet loses their minds. some old crusty nation like england or china gets trapped on a set with philomena cunk for funsies only to be asked about the most inane thing imaginable (several people have made this joke and i really like to think it would happen irl. she got first dibs on those interviews fr)
i think this is also a pretty widely accepted idea but i like to think this all has opened a lot of doors for uh, “nation rights”. like i’ll bet modern day OT and labor laws keep some governments from blurring the lines of overworking someone who isn’t technically or completely human. they’ve probably all got many years of PTO accumulated by now. more world peace relative to the past allows many nations to freely live with those who they want and when they want instead of being forced to live with another due to politics (which may be less common in the modern age, i wonder). sweden adopting ladonia and sealand is another example of a more normal nation life one could hope to live. this shit keeps me up at night but you literally cannot convince anyone that you’re not insane if you tell them this is why you love this series
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venusvity · 5 months
i would love to hear u dissect each frame of that yoonah and jinhwa edit, i cant stop watching it to try to figure it out 😭😭 youre so talented
ooooo i love this question and have been waiting to answer it all day aaa!! alright, let's get into dissecting the wolf and the lamb! and thank you so much!! your feedback means the world to me 💗
tw // the whole post is basically dissecting a toxic relationship founded on the basis of grooming told from a victim's perspective.
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I think I already went into why I titled the edit The Wolf and the Lamb. I feel it's pretty self-explanatory, but The Wolf and the Lamb is a well-known fable with many interpretations and variants. For this edit, I used the wolf, a predator with a beautiful outer appearance, to symbolize Jinhwa and the lamb, a baby sheep who has no way to protect or defend themselves, to symbolize Yoonah as she could not possibly resist the attack of a wolf.
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Jinhwa has been no stranger to violence even before he was born. His conception was one of violence, and he had the choice to let that control him or not, and he chose to let violence overtake him but in a "charitable" way. Deserving individuals are linked to Jinhwa's recent acts of violence. These individuals are mainly rapists, which downplays the severity of the murder. This does not refer to his physical violence but his psychological. Yoonah's eyes are pasted over Jinhwa's, with Misun's popping up every other beat as a reminder that Jinhwa's past would be his eventual downfall.
The quote could also be read as Jinhwa saying it to the girls. Jinhwa's words could be interpreted as blaming the girls for the violence he caused. Alternatively, he could be claiming that his actions made them stronger.
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With a quote from this piece, Yoonah's constant objectification at the hands of Jinhwa is on display. Jinhwa's photos focus on her body, never showing her face. The photos reveal how Jinhwa viewed Yoonah: just a body, pretty face. In several pieces, Jinhwa often looks at Yoonah as a whore, so he sees nothing wrong with profiting off of that, even when she is clearly uncomfortable. The quote chosen really highlights how Jinhwa views her, as I see that quote as a projection on his end.
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A lot of the quotes are from THE VISIT, which is the last time, canonically, Jinhwa and Yoonah interact. Jinhwa attempts to manipulate Yoonah into believing he's her savior. He wants her to believe she would die without him. Manipulation is a prevalent theme in their relationship. It is Jinhwa's preferred method to make Yoonah yield.
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Jinhwa uses another quote from their last piece together. He says he has nothing to be sorry for. He tells Yoonah she will never get an apology from him. Images of women comforting injured men appear in rapid succession. They mimic a memory sequence. Jinhwa says he has nothing to be sorry about. However, Yoonah recalls all the times she took care of him. She washed the blood off him and loved him unconditionally. She did this despite knowing he wasn't the best man. These moments caused Yoonah some kind of pain or stress. She believes he should apologize for them. It hurts her to know he will never think the same.
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And despite all this, Yoonah forgives. She always forgives him. This may be because she grew up Catholic and believes that forgiveness is the key. Or maybe it's just because she loved him so much. She was willing, I should say groomed into, to forgive all his wrongs. She has been taught to forgive and move on even if you're still hurt. She did this for the majority of her relationship with Jinhwa.
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I just thought these clips looked like they went together. Lol, this is what a typical Jinhwa and Yoonah interaction looked like, especially towards the end. He looks tired and so does she.
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The wolf and the lamb is shown while Jinhwa, the wolf, is delicately stroking Yoonah's, the lamb, face. This was like the perfect visual for them, in my opinion, because Jinhwa was infatuated with Yoonah. He had an unhealthy obsession with her that started from before they officially met. He would often watch her sleep, mainly to make sure she wouldn't leave in the middle of the night.
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Taken from The Thing About Time, Juwon reminds Yoonah of why she left Jinhwa in the first place. I put the words on his hand because I felt like it would represent how he hurt her with them? Like the reminder of why she left being on the hands that hurt her just felt right to me, if that makes sense.
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The images of lambs and other soft creatures around Yoonah are meant to symbolize her inner thoughts throughout the day now that Jinhwa is dead. I like to imagine her thoughts manifest as animals if that makes sense lol? like she thinks a thought and doe is in her head...IDK IF WHAT I'M SAYING IS MAKING SENSE BUT! The lambs and does are meant to represent her and the things she thinks of daily, while the owl with its claws out is meant to represent the daunting thoughts of not having to pretend anymore.
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Without Yoonah, Jinhwa has nothing. To him, he lost the one thing he worked so desperately to get. There was never a time in his life when Jinhwa felt defeated, but after Yoonah won the court case and silently sealed their fate, he was completely defeated. Ultimately, though his suicide letter tries to point blame elsewhere, losing control of the girl he thought he could control forever was enough to push him over the edge.
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This scene is supposed to visually represent the last time Yoonah saw Jinhwa in the Angelico building. The quote, "I didn't want it to end like this […]. I'm going to miss him," hung over her as the elevator doors closed. This ended her chapter at Angelico, unbeknownst to Jinhwa. I like to think Angelico was just as toxic to Yoonah as Jinhwa was. They are practically the same entity. Yoonah loved all the opportunities Angelico gave her. However, she was willing to end her life to escape from there. Even then, Yoonah admits to missing Jinhwa even though she knows it sounds wrong. In this context, Jinhwa is not yet dead but she knows she'll miss him by leaving Angelico. This could visually represent the first step to Yoonah's freedom. But the shadow of her approaching grief looms over her.
The edit loops to symbolize how the cycle of abuse is just that, a cycle. It repeats.
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The same quote from earlier is used, but this time with the context that Jinhwa has died. Now, Yoonah is regretful of her choices because she thinks they've caused a loss of life, a life that she will miss even though he treated her terribly.
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Hello thank you for the tutorial you gave I was just wondering how did you set this system up? I'd be curious to do it for another series but have no idea where to start
I Know I took a minute to get back to you on this but I'm gonna try to explain everything here as best as I can!
So as a disclaimer I did Not make the original source code, I wanted to paste the original link here but I can no longer find it, so I will be copying the code that I currently have. The link to that will be in this pastebin
Now the easy part is copying and pasting that into the base blog and obviously looking through it to find things you'd like to change. (Examples being rules, sorter disclaimers, starting images etc etc) like the ones highlighted here are specifically the imgur links to my fe3h sorter starting images.
Now!! Hit save and exit out of the html editor for now!
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Now here is the trickier part, the actual characters themselves are set up in a separate thing entirely. Here will be a link to a baseline of how the character files are set up, entirely using my fe3h sorter again as an example.
First you should open up your computer's notepad and paste all the character stuff onto that, as this is easiest to do on notepad.
At the top of that set of code it'll have an image source, mine being imgur, which is where it'll automatically pull the image links from. I'm sure it works with other sites as well but I've just found it easiest from there and if you change it then you must change it at the top as well
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Now onto the categories. All you have to do is format it such with as many or as few categories you want. As long as it's in between the brackets after title data it should work fine.
So no matter what it should look like
TitleData = [
Those categories in turn will translate to the character data as well. With this sorter there is 6 total categories so in the character section there is the brackets of 0's and 1's, there will be 6 of those and it correlates to each category. So Black Eagles is category 1, so for Edelgard it looks like [1,0,0,0,0,0]
Aka she Only belongs in category 1, so because she is absent from the others the 0 takes the place
With Byleth for example they are in all categories except the last one so for them it is [1,1,1,1,1,0]
Really easy but you have to do it for each character so just be sure to double check that everything lines up.
As for what's highlighted in yellow here it's the ending of the imgur link for the character photos. The entire link is not needed just what comes after the slash
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Just as a general note, I resize all my photos for my sorters to 150 x 150 in case anyone wanted a size reference for how big their images would be.
Now that you are finished adding every character (which again everything should be kept in between the CharacterData = [
and the ending ] ; bracket )
You're going to save that note pad under save as and then type whatever you want and .js at the end so it'll look like that ezpz stuff
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Afterwards you will go back into the custom html, click the gear, click theme assets, then replace my file with your new .js file, hit save and then sorter upon ye! That should about cover everything! I really tried to draw this out to make sure I covered everything because I made a lot of mistakes when I first did this despite it being pretty simple lol, so wanted to try and make it easy.
Also just as a disclaimer while I had no issue with tumblr allowing my . js files I have heard it might be an issue for some, you can always ask staff for an allowance of the custom file assets there if there is any issue. Once again happy sorting (:
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gilded-ghosts · 2 years
Hey GG! I hope you're doing well! I'm just wondering if you have a tutorial that you use to create those beautiful puffed sleeves in your WIPs and if you'd be able to link? I'm struggling a bit (ok, a lot) meshing my own, I'm not great at Blender but tutorials definitely help! - Asher (jewishsimming)
Hello, hello! I actually don't have a tutorial to refer you to but have whipped up a quasi-tutorial via some blender screenshots of how I achieve those puffed sleeves lol. I don't have a screen recording program on my pc anymore and am not really in the headspace to record a full-on video anyhow but the screenshots should help (I hope)!
Disclaimer: I'm not a blender expert despite having been a creator for some time now, and so what I'm about to show you is probably not the most efficient way of doing things. Throughout the years, I've learned certain tricks by playing around in blender but it does not mean I'm doing anything "correctly." Also, I'm just assuming you know the very basics of blender so I will not go into extreme step-by-step details of frankenmeshing. Here we go?
Once you have exported your base mesh with the sleeves you want to adjust, you'll want to delete one of the arms altogether as shown below.
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Then highlight the other arm and hit 'P' on your keyboard to separate this remaining arm from the rest of your mesh.
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Click on the newly separated mesh and hide the other mesh while working. Then go into Sculpt Mode as shown in the photo below and select the "Inflate/Deflate" mode.
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Then start "inflating" the sleeve as desired by clicking on the sleeve itself. You can adjust the radius, strength, and autosmooth sliders to your preference. I find that by separating the mesh, you are able to have better control and obviously avoid messing around the other parts of the original mesh. You can also play around with the "Grab" mode which also works!
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Once you have your desired shape, you will want to go back into edit mode and highlight the entire arm mesh. Then hit Mesh, and scroll to Symmetrize. This will automatically create a mirrored arm for you.
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NOW the next few steps are tricky but make sure you do not miss a step or you'll end up with a wonky mesh!
You have to adjust the weight and UV maps. There are two ways you can go about this. You can either manually adjust weights and the UV maps OR you can use CAS Tools (I recommend!). If you choose to use CAS Tools, all you will want to do is join the two meshes back together and join the seams/weld the seams in UV-1 like you would normally do when you are frankenmeshing. Then run the mesh through CAS Tools and have it autocorrect weights and the UV maps.
For the sake of this "tutorial," here is how you can just adjust in blender without having to open a whole new application.
Manually Adjusting the Weights/UV Maps: You will have to do a weight transfer to make sure that the left arm have the correct weights before joining the two meshes back together. I won't go over the weight transfer in this "tutorial" because there are so many tutorials/resources already out there. Once you have completed your weight transfer, join the two meshes back together.
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At this point, we will now adjust UV-0. Select your left arm on the UV-0 map and click on Mirror > X-Axis. Then move it onto the correct space on the map.
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We will now adjust UV-1. Go into the UV-1 map after selecting the left arm entirely. You will then repeat the steps completed in UV-0. You will click on Mirror > X-Axis and drag the vertices accordingly.
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Then finally, merge the seams of the two meshes as you normally would when you frankenmesh. Make sure to weld the seams in UV-1 as well.
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NOW, having said all that, CAS Tools will save you a lot of time and hurt. I would definitely use that application first before attempting this manual adjustment.
I hope this helps! Good luck!
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shadowonwater · 1 year
Pokemon SV playthrough part 3: from school to bug gym
In this I get spoiled for choice, try to take a picture of a Psyduck, see some new Pokemon, and also do my 1st picnic
So I'm in the school, Nemona was talking to a lady w/ crazy hair. Nemona said her name but I don't remember it. When I asked her who she was all she said was her name as if that told me anything about her. I bet she's a gym leader or something idk.
Then I see Arven (I remember his name now, woo!) And he acts all buddy buddy with me, which is kinda weird considering he wasn't the most friendly in our first meeting. But he tells me how much he loves cooking and that he's trying to get these Herba Mystica things and wants my help, so I say sure. I just gotta battle some big boi Pokemon.
He tells about Great Tusk, and I'm like "Yo that's sick" because it is. I love mysterious stuff. And considering the only visual reference for it is just a drawing and a blurry photo, I really want to know more! I can totally imagine Pokemon Youtube having some youtuber making a vid about it and the tumbnail would be the blurry photo with a big red circle around the Great Tusk.
All this makes me really excited to see what the hell is in the crater. All I know it that it's super dangerous and also that Sada is somewhere in there and that Koraidon is from there.
A bit off topic but a Pokemon Professor OC of mine (Prof. Silverleaf) would be going feral over this sort of thing. The man goes wild over mysteries. He'd probably try to sneak in, lol.
Anyway after Arven, someone hacks my phone. And is like "Hey, fight Team Star for me will ya?" And I'm like "No." because you hacked my phone, and that's rude.
Principal tells me not to take phone calls in the middle of the cafeteria, and I'm like "fair." Anyway I'm a little worried when he mutters "Team Star" under his breath and I get called to his office later. I'm like "Oh no, am I in trouble?" Like maybe he thought I was getting close to Team Star. But it was nothing like that.
Instead Sada shows up and she's like "Hi, that Koraidon used to be mine, but you can have it, take care of it for me, will you?" And I'm like "Sure". Anyway Sada's theme is baller, and I love it. Although aren't I breaking some rule by having 7 Pokemon with me at once, even if I'm not using one to fight?
So Principal clearly knows something. He knows Sada. And is like "Did she actually do it?" And I'm like "Did she do what?" But of course he doesn't tell me. But he 100% knows something.
So Nemona shows me my room and I'm like "Sweet!" because it's not a bad size and I have it all to myself. Then my character goes to bed despite it being daytime. TIMESKIP! Days go by in a cool sky changing cut scene. How many? idk. I didn't count but maybe someone out there in the world has.
Anyway I think it's weird to hold the treasure hunt so early in the school year, it seems like something that should be saved for later. Like an end of school year celebration of sorts, idk. But then again, I guess finals happen around the end of the year, maybe that's enough excitement for the students.
So yeah Nemona's like "go do gym battles!" and Arven's like "fight the titans!" and the hacker's like "fight Team Star" and I'm like "Ladies, ladies, there's enough of me for all of you! You don't need to fight!" It's around this time I realize who the hacker must be.
I thought to myself, here's Arven, here's Nemona, where's Penny? I haven't seen her around. Then I'm like OH she's the hacker isn't she? I mean it makes sense. Team Star did harass her and I was the one who helped her. No wonder she thought of me when she decided to take them down.
So I decide to go after the Bug Gym first at Nemona's suggestion. I quickly get distracted exploring again.
I try to take a photo of a Psyduck swimming in the river, looking like it's a little too close to the waterfall. And I'm like "which is the take-a-picture button?" and by the time I realize it's just the normal screen cap button, the Psyduck is already out of the river and standing right in front of me. And it's like It's cute you want to pose for the photo but I wanted to take a photo of the swimming. bye.
Anyway caught lots of Pokemon. Saw some Pokemon I've never seen before. Like I vaguely knew about various Pokemon even if I didn't know the specifics. But I saw two Pokemon I haven't seen before at all. I figure Tadbulb evolves into the electric frog the gym leader has. The other was a red dog. I've seen fanart of Arven with a dog, I bet this small red dog evolves into that.
I also have a few tera raids, those were cool, they were all rank one of course. I got a Venonat which is cool because I haven't seen regularly in the wild yet.
I wandered into an area that was a bit strong for me and found another Pokemon that was entirely new to me. A psychic type with a bunch of frills. Was a bitch to catch, it kept breaking out of the ball and causing my team some major damage. I also caught various other Pokemon I already knew, like a pair of Rockruffs.
I did my first picnic and made a sandwich free style. I put so much food on it and when I put the break on it, it kinda fell apart. And then I just stuck the little ref flag into the lettuce. It looked more like a salad then a sandwich but none of my Pokemon seemed to mind. My Yarn Spider and Big Grass Cat fell asleep next to each other and I took a photo. Looks like a cat that got tuckered out from playing with a yarn ball.
Another thing, my flamingo kicks major ass. nothing but a tera raid has survived a double kick from it. This one has a major chance of staying on the Team permanently. It's so strong!
Anyway in terms of new Pokemon I also caught Smoliv and the little fairy steel Pokemon. I vaguely knew that the little fairy steel existed because a lot of people up it's final evo on the internet. I might put it on my team, eventually.
Eventually I went to the gym and did the challenge. May I mention it's a little disappointing I can't go into random people's houses now. I mean, it makes sense logically but I miss being able to just walk into people's houses and chat with them, and go through their garbage to see if there's anything there.
The challenge was fun, I hope I'm allowed to do it again just for fun. The giant olive made such a funny sound as it bounced around. It really want to try doing the maze part again because I just battled people for shortcuts (because I like battles) but I want to try the maze for real!
I tried letting my poison Wooper shine for this match. Unfortunately, it fainted while battling Teddiursa, it at least poisoned it. Feels a bit anti climatic to send out a stronger 2nd Pokemon just to do the last but of damage. It would have been nicer to finish it off with Wooper. But anyway I got the bug badge. The gym leader, I don't know her age but she feels like a kindly old woman.
It was at this moment I really felt spoiled for choice, "where do I go next?" I pondered. There was truly an impossible amount of choices but I know I can't really just go wherever I want because of the lack of level scaling.
So I asked Pokecenter lady and she told me to go for the 1st titan next and I said "ok". Guess I'm going to rely on her to help me with this. So next time I'll be fighting that 1st Titan.
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lostacelonnie · 9 months
Gotta keep that hope around for sure i will keep my fingers crossed for you. Oh that is a win win i gotta remember that, i say as if adhd wont make me forget. I usually just look for em to see like. What kinds are around. Whole ones. Broken ones. Weird shapes. Its interesting. Dont take any with me though. That. Makes me wonder how they teach english over there. Honestly yeah i look for a name in the bio or just. Shorthand the username somehow because i gotta have some way to refer to people. I havent used a bio in years so people use my username all the time. Oooh norway i have always wanted to go there. I dont camp as much as id like to but i should more tbh. I have seen her stacks & i gotta say. Clara is wild cant believe i let her sit unused. I dunno how much ill get but im gonna for sure be savin as i can. I think that one is last yeah. I am always interested at the start but fade by the end because the new stuff always slows down. Same ive been playing indies more like gris & obra dinn. To try & branch out. Good story annoying exploration is chasm in a nutshell yeah. True big cities be like that. I live in a smaller one now so very little happens. Mine hold dye decently well which i appreciate. Just wish we had true permanent dye. Maybe one day. Thats how i am with nail polish i always get it on the sides & mess up but ive gotta just. Be patient & let myself learn. Happy 1.2 star rail update
sorry for the late reply shfjglk i truly have no excuse other than "i was holed up in my room in an attempt to avoid interaction with my grandma but i accidentally also avoided interaction with Everyone Else" so im. So sorry ab that. COMING BACK hehe thankies!! if things go wrong i guess ill just move out for a while and then come back Suspiciously A Different Gender. nobodys gonna know. but yeah good luck on remembering that shdjfk!! and ahh thats fair i just usually visit pretty big beaches so theres not many around by the time i get there. english is taught just so you know the language but following the education system without external classes will get you a2 knowledge At Best and its getting worse with each year so. lol. and yeah frfr i use usernames as names alllll the time...... norway is very fun i recommend it!! esp if you prefer colder climates like i do. ahhh understandable!! i dont actually. own a tent but as i said, maybe one day. id rather go with friends tho which is a problem in on itself cos i dont have that many friends that actually know each other. unless i go with my photo camp friends. thats an Idea actually. YEAH CLARA IS GREAT.... i unfortunately dont have her quite built [terrible relic luck...... plus ive been more focused on trying to prepare for kafka recently] but seeing as shes my main [despite having jing yuan] i Will get her better stuff someday. i have 140 pulls rn so im equally nervous as i am excited. yeah it really Is like that bc im always paranoid ab spoilers so i always do at least the new story as fast as i can. except for right now as i still havent played the new honkai chapter [but tbf my game only managed to download the update yesterday, 3 days after the launch of 6.8] and i honestly dont have the energy to do it today so maybe tomorrow. ah that sounds fun!! i came back to minecraft recently idk why but ive been having a Great time. after 130 in-game days i am finally no longer homeless. and oh when i get older id like to move to a smaller city [since i like having things close but dont like having drama all the time] but im still thinking ab where. ah thats cool...... i tried looking for the dye that i used on camp but couldnt find it. rip. and yeah same tbh thats why i never paint my nails. and yeah happy star rail 1.2 o)-( i like the double planar ornament event since thats the only thing im missing for kafkas things......
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bma-2021 · 3 years
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k i think this is as done as I’m willing to be lmao i tried its okay i finally added most of everything aaand i actually kind of like it rn which is a rarity for me sO 
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accio-victuuri · 2 years
🍭🍬 : wang laoshi’s “Twenty”
Before we start, let’s take a moment to appreciate the masterpiece that is his new single 🎵 Despite his busy schedule, he still managed to do this. Happy New Year to Us! THIS IS HIS TIME. not trying to take it away by clowning, I’m very much aware that this song is HIM. It’s Yibo’s. It’s his gift to his fans and people who will hear it and need that message in their lives right now.
I already did a primer, with the first teaser photo we got over here ( Yi ) .
Okay, let’s go. 💪🏻
Part One
The Lyrics poster for the song was released 12/27. It was a simple design, to emphasize more on the lyrics. TRANSLATION IS OVER HERE. This is when we realized that the song will be called 20.
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• A possible meaning to the number : 廿 is twenty, it means 挚and 爱 which both has 10 strokes, so twenty also means 挚爱 (True Love/Beloved). 20 kadian also 爱你 (love you).
• Initially, people were screaming because he used he/him instead of her.
• The lines were first thought to be that from a heart monitor. People got that impression first because of the fake rumor before that they send each other their heartbeat recordings ( from apple watch ) to each other. However, further research into it, more bxgs agreed that it’s more of the pattern you see in sound bytes. a stretched out version of it.
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• this bxg tried to match what is being said, it’s “xiao zhan” and when you put it side by side to how Bobo says his name— it’s very close. 👀
• at TWENTY, Yibo was cast as LWJ in CQL. He filmed with Xiao Zhan and got to know him. You can say that it’s an important year for him.
• Initial clues from the teaser lyrics. “shooting star” / meteor which is a recurring theme for both of them. and that line “returning with you”. With who yibo?
Part Two
The Teaser audio was released 12/29, a short clip giving us a glimpse of what it will sound like and an album art (?)
When you first look at it, the art seems to be a hand painted work. Which reminds most of us of GG’s ideal life painting.
Now let’s look at the other details ⤵️
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• The caption on this post mentions a glimmer that breaks through the night. It could be interpreted as Bobo being the “lonely star” but he’s not alone anymore. There is already a light in his life.
• I’m just adding it here even if i don’t personally buy it, but some bxgs are saying they see some images in the clouds. ☁️
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• Now I’ll be going on some shooting star/star reference and why it makes bxgs 👀. Just a quick recap, to those who are familiar, this is not new to you. 1.) Kepler. The lyrics GG changed, i’m in love with a lonely star. 2.) In an interview, GG said, a person you love coming to your life, he likened to a shooting star suddenly appearing 3.) Bobo’s Kimi No Nawa wallpaper, which I discussed here. 4.) The Brightest Star in the Night Sky, which a song GG performed on CCTV. and in an episode of TTXS, when asked about a song, DLS said he thought Yibo would choose ( to describe himself ) .. you guessed it... Brightest Star in the Night Sky. 5.) His moto suit, which as this point, we are 95% sure is designed by GG. not just because of details, we have unofficial bts material that has them talking about GG designing on for him. lol. It has a shooting star.
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• there in a LRLG rumor of Web speaking to GG on the phone, asking for a painting. 🎨
BONUS: same day, YBO and XZS posted the same time. time stamp of 20, which is the song title. and in the photos of XZS post, there is a literal NUMBER TWENTY. There are so many photos they can use as a template, so why that? And in the eve of Bobo’s single release.
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Part Three
Single Artwork 💡
It looks like we were not clowned this year, there is a definite “theme” to this release. With this one looking like a hand painted work again. A Light. Light spot anyone? lol. Is the consulting designer of YBO at work here? 🤣
• QQ music and Kugou Music has two different covers, in a way that QQ’s is more refined. Compared to the other’s that you can clearly see the strokes.
• Another detective moment of details we can see. It’s not a stretch to think that there are hidden things in this art. It’s just that we can’t CONFIRM it. It’s all up for interpretation. But when I first saw it, I really thought there was a figure of a person.
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Part Four
The SONG itself ; Take note that lyrics are not written by Yibo. but it’s not impossible to think that he had some sort of input. I don’t think he will be okay to release a personal single that doesn’t speak to him. lyrics translation here and here.
The write up of streaming platforms for this song is as follows:
>>Wang Yibo's new solo single "Twenty" >>Twenty is officially launchedon @酷狗音乐, this is a unique song. The story of the song belongs not only to Wang Yibo, but also to everyone who keeps the faith "Twenty" and strives to shine in the dim night.
>> At the end of 2021, @UNIQ-王一博 will speak again as a singer, once a year, perform this "" Twenty ", in this cold winter, ignites the faith to continue to run for us. The world is so big that all sentient beings are small; but we are not dust, but stars scattered on the earth. This world has never been dimmed, because we use our dreams as light to warm ourselves and illuminate each other, You are not alone.
• There is an intro, and his voice comes on at 00:23 timestamp. He has an affinity to the numbers 2 and 3 *coughs* summer surf shop *coughs*. 23. Also means Ai Zhan.
• the “He” came up at 23 and 105 seconds mark.
• a part of the lyrics had 1 2 3 4 at the start of each line. Also, stand up = 站 is the same pronunciation as 战. and it’s a part that keeps on repeating.
• LISTEN TO THIS part at 3:08, some people are saying the harmony sounds like 🐰
• Parallels to Guang Dian 🤍
I already posted this earlier but I’m just gonna put it here.
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Yibo : ( explanation of his song in streaming platforms ) we are not dust, but stars scattered on the earth. // Soon, he sees hope and realizes there are many like him and he is not alone and is one amongst many shooting stars.
Xiao Zhan : we’re all made of shooting stars
Again, Yibo did not write this but the message is (probably) close to him enough that he decided to release it as his single. If we know anything about Yibo, everything he puts out has “him” all over it. The two songs have the same theme of “unity” / “we” , you are not alone. We are here for each other to succeed and love even if times are tough.
It’s not toxic positivity, they acknowledge that life is tough. It’s not always gonna be good but you still gotta fight cause things will be better. You have people with you. It’s such a good message cause celebrities like them, even with lots of fans, their life tends to get lonely. They are like other people too. We’re all sharing the same struggle. 🙏🏼
• Their similar state of mind & values / experience:
🐷: (about 20 song ) ... The dream chaser in front of you who never gives up ...
🐰: dreams never end
This is why they both got along as fast as they did back in 2018. If you look at them, they are different. Yibo is the active one who likes dangerous sports and making legos/ ride motos. Xiao Zhan is the artistic type who doesn’t even know how to properly ride a bike. the one who smiles alot. But those are just surface level things. What matters most are their values.
They both had struggles in reaching their dreams, during filming of UT, they mentioned talking about their desire to be Actors. How they will take acting classes. It’s more than just making money and becoming popular for them. It’s their dream. It never ends, they are always looking our for the next thing to do. New thing to try. There will always be a new dream to reach and they have each other every step of the way. ✨
BONUS: kadian for Bobo’s post about his new single. Let’s Add!!!
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That’s all for now. I will edit and update this as needed.
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miekasa · 3 years
more boyfriend headcanons: love languages
↯ pairing: eren jaeger x (fem) reader
↯ genres and warnings: modern au, college au to some extent, fluff
↯ notes: i cannot stop thinking about him, so have 50 more head canons about this absolute menace. despite the title, he can and will turn anything into a love language, so beware.
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annoying the hell out of you (quality time)
You’ve heard of girls sitting on their boyfriend’s laps and hugging them/falling asleep while they play games, now get ready for: boyfriends hugging you from the back while you attempt to do any mundane activity bc they miss you.
Because that’s Eren. About almost anything, because his physical affection, when not in the presence of other people, is absolutely on ten thousand and one.
The only public place he doesn’t mind cuddling up to you is the library. He doesn’t mind putting his arm around you or leaning his head on your shoulder, or even doing the sitting hugging thing in the library. Mostly because few people are there anyway.
Mind you, you’re the one who even showed him where the library was, and now he doesn’t know how to act. “Eren it’s not a ‘cuddling spot.’ It’s the library where I—and lots of other people, including yourself—go to do homework.” “If not cuddling spot, then why library chairs and study rooms cuddly?”
Particularly when it’s getting late and you’ve been crammed in the library for hours, and Eren just wants you to pack it up so he can drive you home. He’ll squeeze himself between your body and the back of your chair, wrap his arms around your stomach, and lay his cheek on your back.
Most times he falls asleep waiting for you to be finished. Sometimes he gets impatient and tickles you until you agree to leave. Either works for him.
He doesn’t not like holding hands in public, but it’s not his go to either. If you’re walking together, sometimes he’ll wrap his arm around your shoulder—usually after some cocky comment—or even walk behind you with his hands on your shoulders like it’s a two person conga line.
He doesn’t kiss you in public a lot, and never around his friends. They can see the literal hearts in his eyes when he’s around you though, so it’s not like he has to. On occasion, he will kiss your cheek. It’s kind of random, but you don’t question it.
In all honestly, whenever he gets affectionate or cuddly in public is all pretty random, even to him. Sometimes he’ll just be standing around you and he’s hit with the urge to engulf you in a hug and kiss your cheeks and he has to stop himself like, “....Why did I just think about doing that?”
Partially because he wasn’t outwardly hugged or shown affection a lot as a child, so sometimes he gets to urges children do to just want a hug. But he’s also pretty bad and/or new at processing his emotions like that so he mostly stands there like 🧍 looking at you with lovey dovey eyes instead.
Touchy when he’s drunk. But that’s not exclusive to you; anyone in a five foot radius of him will be subject to his arm slung around their shoulders, or him being slumped over their back, or random head ruffles.
Most commonly Armin, but I think we all knew that. Sometimes it’s Jean, and Jean is an even messier drunk, which results in the both of them actually being overly affectionate with each other in a strange, but endearing way. They both deny it to their graves when they’re sober, though.
Hovers around you. Constantly. Like a shadow. 
Does not leave you the hell alone when you’re in the kitchen. Will make it 100x more difficult for you to cook or just maneuver, which is ironic seeing as the most gourmet thing he can cook up is bagel with cream cheese. 
Sometimes Eren seems unaware of his size in comparison to you and your friends. It’s very sweet that he laughs with his whole body, but he’s got to realize that if bumps into you because of his sporadic laughter, that he might accidentally knock you into next Tuesday.
Likes when you touch his hair, doesn’t matter where or when, or who’s around. He loves it, all of it.
Will press his face against yours if he has stubble, just to be annoying. Like always.
If you hadn’t gotten it from everything else, he just likes to annoy you in general. But, like, affectionately. I keep saying it’s his love language and I mean it. Really—what it is is that he likes spending time with you, but he also likes annoying the hell out of you, too.
Bites. Not in a sexy way—well, unless you want him too—but, just because. Bites your shoulder when you’re not expecting it, bites your cheek while you’re in the middle of watching a show. Sometimes he takes your hand in his and your think it’s going to be sweet and he’s going to kiss it, but really he just brings it to his mouth to bite it.
Bites your ass, too. Again, just for fun. Because he thinks he can get away with it. Biting is a love language I’m telling y’all.
Likes to give you piggy back rides, even if you don’t ask for them or need one. You could be going from your room to the living room and Eren insists on carrying you there. 
And for some reason, he thinks that because he likes to hold/lift you, that that should apply to you as well?? Like he’s not 6′1 and big bodied, hello?? Eren you cannot just jump on top of people, you’re grown. 
He lets you dress him a lot. His fashion sense isn’t bad, and to be honest with you, I think he’d be a little bit of a hypebeast LOL. I don’t mean decked out head to toe in Supreme (god forbid...) but definitely has a bit of a sneaker obsession.
Not that he keeps them clean or is obsessive about creasing them he couldn’t care less. He just thinks they’re cool. Maybe even some accessories too, like those KAWS toys. Not a lot because they’re hard to get, but is really proud of his little growing collection.
But if you want to dress him up, he’s down for it. Would even let you buy him a pea coat so he can pretend to be a scholar. (He’s not BYE). He’ll tell you if something really isn’t his style, but he’ll wear it if you tell him he looks hot 🙄
Kinda forces his way into your life in little ways. Like, he’ll start adding his favorite snacks to your grocery lists. Moves a pair of your shoes from the door to make room for his own when he’s over. Basically claims two drawers for himself in your dresser. Annoying. Endearing.
Lowkey has his own intricate skincare routine, but he likes doing it with you more. He’ll make it a whole thing, and buy wine, and stupid drinking card games, and sit with you on your bed for 2 hours playing while your face masks dry. 
Texts you if you’re in the same room as him, but not paying attention to him. Especially if you’re doing schoolwork.
Throws pillows at you while you’re sitting at your desk to get your attention. He could just say your name, but it’s so much more fun this way (according to him anyway). It’s all fun and games until you smother him with one. 
Thinks arguing with you is cute, and sometimes says or does—or doesn’t do, for that matter—things just to incite an argument. Not a big one, or something serious, just petty things to rile you up so he can kiss and make up for it. For example, he’ll purposely putting the dishes in the wrong place, or hiding the remote from you, or putting his clothes in the wrong hamper.
“Eren, I swear to god, if you don’t stop putting the water bottles on the top shelf—” “What are you gonna do it about, pretty girl? Hit me with it? You can’t even reach—ow!”
being your loudest hype man (words of affirmation) 
The amount of pictures he has of you... criminal. From off-guards, to posed photos, to selfies, to screenshots, he has them all tucked away in a little folder with your name and a string of very inappropriate emojis after it.
Screenshots 90% of your snaps to him, even if his just of your eyebrows up. Sometimes because he thinks it’s funny, sometimes to save the picture because he likes it, but mostly because he knows you don’t understand WHY and that’s gives him the most satisfaction 😌
Loud and annoying in your comments on social media too. Hype man almost to a cringe fail level. He doesn’t care though, he has to let it be known. 
You could post a simple picture of you and Mikasa at lunch and Eren is in the comments screaming as per usual. @jaegerbomb: do i see TWO pretty best friends??? fuck it up besties 😫🥵🥵😜
Oh, but he doesn’t take to it lightly when you call him bestie, or refer to him as your friend in any capacity. He’s your boyfriend, and would like to be labeled as such.
If you did that prank where you pick up the phone while you’re around him and say “Oh, I’m not too busy, I’m hanging with a friend right now,” he would pout about it for days. Days. Doesn’t get over it, and reminds you of your transgressions every two to three business weeks.
Tells you you look hot all the time, regardless of what you’re doing or wearing. He means it, too, genuinely, he thinks you’re hot. But he does get a kick out of how potentially embarrassed it makes you.
Tells you you’re smart and beautiful and his favorite person on the planet. He means it, always, even if the delivery isn’t romantic. Although, he would argue that telling you he would “tap that” is very romantic. 
for him: receiving gifts & words of affirmation
Eren would be really humbled and honored to receive a gift from you. He needs to receive physical affection, too—but something about you thinking about him enough to buy or make him a gift that he’ll love and cherish really hits home for him. He doesn’t have many people who would do that for him.
If you buy him anything, he’s using it the second it’s out of the wrapping paper. You buy him shoes? He’s wearing them the next day. A new case for his phone? Rips the old one off in an instant. A little trinket for his keychain? He can barely remember to carry his keys in the first place, but suddenly he can’t ever forget them now.
He just can’t get over the fact that you think about him and know him well enough to tailor your purchases to his liking. It’s almost an impossible concept to him, and really reassuring that you love him as much as he loves you.
On a similar note, he actually doesn’t mind couple items, as long as they’re not obvious and/or corny. Down to have a pair of matching hats or phone cases or even sneakers. You don’t even have to always/only wear them at the same time, just knowing you have the same thing at home kinda makes him feel fuzzy inside.
He also thinks it’s hot. He can’t explain why knowing his girl has the same kicks at him is hot, he just knows it is.
As much as he likes telling you how hot you are, Eren also likes to hear that you find him attractive—and that you like him, in general. For the most part, he gets that from your physical reciprocity and quite literally letting him hover around you like a fly, but it’s nice to be told with words every once in a while.
For as much as he knows it, he gets a little caught of guard whenever you tell him you love him. He knows you love him, but hearing it sometimes is a little surreal to him. Very reassuring, too, and everyone needs a little reassurance from time to time.
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posies4rosie · 2 years
Ain't it Funny (Rosé x Reader)
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Word count: 1000+
Includes: Angst; Implied cheating?; too many references from the Sour album, you get the idea
A/N: seriously. don't listen to olivia rodrigo when you're depresso ^^; wrote this some months ago, not even sure if it's angsty enough?
the 'person in question' isn't specified, even though i had a particular person in mind when i wrote this fic. lol. you can put in anyone you like.
as always, thank you for reading!
now cross posted on AO3
“You know what’ll be awesome?” laying on Chaeyoung’s bed, you mused out loud.
“What is?” your girlfriend hummed.
“That I get myself a drivers license, so I can drive here on my own. You know, it’s better than me hitching a ride every time I want to come over.”
You rolled over onto your side, propping your head up. You looked down at your girlfriend, who was busy typing on her phone.
“I can park in the basement, no one would know it’s me. I can even stay over without having to ask manager oppa to drive me back the next day.”
“Jyagi, are you listening?”
“Hm? Oh, yeah. That sounds like a great idea.”
Apparently, though, she wasn’t really listening.
As exactly two months, one week, and five days later, Park Chaeyoung asked to break up with you.
— one week after the breakup—
There you were, sitting in your new car, on a sidewalk near her apartment complex.
The radio was playing a song that pretty much summed up your mood.
Such irony. You thought.
Ever since last week, you weren't able to visit the places where you used to go, to do the stuff you used to do. Because of Chaeyoung.
Behind your eyelids, all you saw were pink lips and crinkling eyes. You heard chimes of laughter, heard the whisper of sweet nothings in your ear.
Getting up from bed reminded you of her; going home from work reminded you of her.
You felt stuck, the very thought of her immobilizing you.
All because of Chaeyoung.
The song ended. And with a sigh, you started the car to drive yourself back home.
— two weeks after the breakup—
You’ve heard rumors that Chaeyoung had started dating again, you had your guesses who that person was.
You knew of Her, she was a friend of Chaeyoung’s. The two of you even added each other on Instagram for some unknown reason.
You both never talked, but She’d leave hearts under yours and Chaeyoung’s posts that had the two of you in them. At least you now finally knew who those hearts were actually for.
The both of you never talked, but you knew how Chaeyoung and Her talked.
You remembered how Chaeyoung would be sending rushed texts as you walked into her room. She would deny and change the subject whenever you asked her what was wrong, but you saw how her eyes would wander.
She would stutter, she would fidget, but you let her go.
Despite the fact that she probably did unspeakable things behind your back, you still loved her. And sometimes, you hoped, that the fact alone would be enough.
But as much as you lied to yourself, you knew that it would never be enough.
Logging onto Instagram, you navigated to Her page, and suspicions were confirmed once you opened the first set of photos.
The first photo was of a sunset by the ocean, the scene looking familiar to you.
The second photo was of two shadows in the sand, one of them was holding up a peace sign.
Oh. You finally knew why the scene gave you deja vu.
It was a location that you knew all too well, this was your getaway spot.
You’ve brought Chaeyoung there, because you thought she could be trusted with your secret.
You distinctly remembered watching the waves gently caress the shore that day, while naively thinking that everything would eventually turn out okay.
— three weeks after the breakup—
Looking through Her posts, you noticed a pattern.
You saw posts of your ex and Her getting ice cream during late night drives; of them dancing in front of the refrigerator at night.
But in your mind, it wasn’t Chaeyoung and Her doing these things. No, Chaeyoung actually did those things with you.
You remembered how sweet the strawberry cream tasted on Chaeyoung’s lips; how her eyes would look as if they held the entire universe in them, glinting in the dim light, making you fall for her all over again.
There was one particular post that caught your eye.
It was a video of Chaeyoung, she was doing the cover of a song. A song that she knew you liked, but never got to play for you.
However, you saw something in it that made you do a double take.
In the midst of playing, she mouthed “I love you” to the camera.
Ah, so that was how it is.
On second thought, she probably didn’t even want to play it for you in the first place.
— one month after the breakup—
It became an unhealthy habit of yours.
After work, you’d get home and start scrolling through your ex and her Girlfriend’s Instagram.
One day, however, you came to realize that the both of them hadn’t blocked you yet. You wondered why, but at the same time, you knew exactly why.
Because you would do the same.
If it were you, you’d also rub it in their face. Make them cry, make them bleed. Make them long for the days where everything was bright and pink and warm, wish to go back to the days that were long gone.
But you were over the crying, over the sobbing, the screaming, the sleepless nights.
Instead, you navigated to Chaeyoung’s DMs.
What were you thinking?
You knew the risks of dating someone like Chaeyoung, but you had no idea that it was an entirely different kind of risk that you got in the end.
Then why did you take that leap?
You frowned at the conclusion you came up with. Perhaps you and Chaeyoung weren’t so different after all.
You were both selfish.
The word left a sour aftertaste on your tongue.
“I hope you’re happy now.” you typed.
You were selfish, so you still wished her happiness.
But not as happy as you, though. Who secretly chuckled in glee whenever She posted about something original that Chaeyoung did for Her; who hoped that Chaeyoung would think of you when she did those things.
“Wish that you’re suffering tho.” you added.
But you knew her, so you knew that you’d be playing right into her hands if you sent that.
You selected all of the text and deleted them, unsure of what to say.
Your fingers moved on their own.
What you came up with in the end was weak, but so was your urge to fight. You didn’t care about it so much anymore.
“Good for you I guess :)”
You hit send.
Taking a deep breath, you blocked both their accounts. Hoping that your small act of defiance could bring you even a little bit of closure.
It didn’t.
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simluvbot · 3 years
jake as your boyfriend
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a/n: I wrote this while very sleepy so I apologise if there are some grammatical mistakes </3 also this is 95% gender neutral apart from one point (:
open to read <3
honestly the boyfriend that anyone wishes they had
very very caring and sweet with you ):
CONSTANTLY boasts about you to the members, but in reality is pretty shy in front of you when it comes to truly describing how he feels about you, to you
jake is your number one simp and yes very openly admits it
you know how he often posts mirror selcas on twitter? YEAHH well he also takes them with you
saves it as his lockscreen photo (:
and will he stare at said photo at 1am when he cant sleep?? thinking about you?? yes
has a shared spotify playlist with you where you both can add songs to it
likes to just sit and vibe to music with you
you have SO many inside jokes with him, literally
you’ll both be around the members when someone says something and you two will just look at each other and giggle about a reference no one else but you and him understand
jake is the type of boyfriend to randomly show up at your house in the middle of the night after practice just because he misses you
jake is very cuddly!!! 
he also wears hoodies vv often so it makes cuddling with him extra comfy and soft ): not to mention how nice he smells 😳
likes laying with his head either on top of your chest or in the crook of your neck, your hands running through his hair softly ):
he is the biggest koala youve ever seen i stg
will NOT let u go as soon as he holds on,, seriously
once that man has attached to you, you know that its gonna be a while before you’ll finally be allowed to get up lmao
will beg you to come cuddle with him saying it’ll only be for 5 minutes when by the time you realise its surely been longer than 5 minutes its actually been nearly 30 minutes
will even cuddle you in front of the members. will spot you across the room and open his arms wide, beckoning you over to him on the sofa
at first it was very shy skinship in front of the others since jake only really likes sharing such precious moments with you when youre both alone, but soon enhypen adjust to it and instead it becomes a regular occurence to see u and jake sitting next to each other half draped across one another lmao
it’s embarrassing for you but its jake sim. how could you even reject your boy?
if youre in school, our smart boy will like to take interest in whatever youre studying!
sits and watches lectures with you and reads your notes lol
asks you questions to do with what youre learning and helps you revise
honestly just likes learning new things since he misses it, so he likes to pay attention with you to help you study and also for him to learn new things too! 
expect cheesy good morning texts and pickup lines whenever he is not busy lmao
also expect him to not-so-discreetly leave his hoodies at your house ever since he first saw you wear his grey one
always sends snaps(?) to you of selfies and generally updates just for you on his day. 
yes he will make them cheesy by for example saying “we are eating bibimbap for lunch today. but i wish you were here too~” or “today is so long, i hope to see your face as an energiser 😍”
he uses the ‘😍’ emoji all of the time in his tweets so expect him to use it all of the time with you too lmao
yep. the emoji pretty much sums up how he feels about you tbh
doesnt mind buying you something if you ask him for it
but you never do
but will your rich boyfriend still unnecessarily splurge money on you? yes
kisses!! with jake :D
at first he will ALWAYS ask for your permission to kiss you
even after youve dated for a while he will still 95% of the time ask for your consent
mainly is because he is very very shy when kissing you
but also because he never wants to make you feel uncomfortable!! at all. NEVER. not on his watch!
very very soft, breathy and giggly kissing 🥺
likes it when you kiss his nose 🥺🥺
many giggles,, many many giggles during soft kissing hours with jakey
also likes it when you hold his neck/jaw
and as for not so soft kisses 😳
loves loves loves it when you run your hand through his hair and tug on it
soft groans from him
will deepen the kiss by holding onto your jaw to angle better
he likes french. no more comments
whenever you kiss jake its literally heaven. butterflies in your stomach,,  always !!
idk but there is just something. about the way that he leans forward and gently drops you to the bed before he’s soon on top of you and quite literally caging you between him and the bed
whenever this happens you swear you nearly pass out every time by just how simply intoxicating jake sim is. his cologne, his kisses, his hands, his words, his heat
and quite quickly is goodbye to shy, flustered jake
NEVER lets anyone hurt you
if anyone ever disrespects you he can become pretty scary.. will get in their face and directly confronts them. but that rarely ever happens so dw!
(if youre a girl) jake is the type of boyfriend that makes no issue from you accidentally staining the bed from your period
will pause and ask you instead if youre okay, if youre in pain, if you need to go get you anything or buy you pads
will then help you change the sheets and while he waits for you to finish showering, he’ll in the meantime make the bed extra comfy and will choose a film for the cuddle session you two have after you come out 🥺
literally will do anything you ask him to
is WHIPPED for you. literally a puppy when it comes to you
Talking about puppys,, constantly shows you photos of layla
you very soon become layla’s mother in his eyes despite you not even having met her yet lmao
‘one day,’ he says. one day 😔
he really wants to take you to australia one day and show you his hometown
he even has a section in his notes app where he’s written down all of the different places he would take you to if you both did go ):
Overall such a kind and considerate boyfriend
The type of boyfriend that just makes you feel so so safe and warm. He is your home and he never fails in making you feel comforted
And same thing for him! He simply loves being around you, staring at you and complimenting you
You are his favourite person <3 and he always puts you as one of his main priorities. Always.
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softrozene · 3 years
Too Long
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Anonymous requested: Hello, I'm a silent reader of you and I really like your works❤️💗! Can you please write about Doffy wherein he finally found his lost love and actually pregnant when she left him? I know that it looks like impossible considering how evil he is but I just really wanna know how it will goes. Thank you! and Take care. Don't over work yourself! ❤️💗 and sorry if my English is broken.
Your English is perfect <3 and I am so sorry for the long wait, here you go Lovely! I had fun with this since I love Doflamingo despite his evil ways XD
Doflamingo x Female Reader
Warnings: Fluff, slight angst- Doflamingo is probably out of character because I write him with emotions and not as evil lol (if you need another reference just basically imagine him as Klaus from the Originals lafdkafds)
Words: ~1400
First things first- There are three ways I imagine this going
1.       (the most likely way) Doflamingo goes a tad crazy, gives no cares, and simply takes the child after deeming his lost love long unworthy of going with them for not telling him she was pregnant unless he can find some use of her or she proves herself rather quickly
2.       He keeps tabs on Reader and the child constantly but that is it. Takes no action unless necessary
3.       Actually puts effort into coming back into their lives by forcing them to come back to Dressrosa where he can spoil them silly
This scenario is going to be a mix of 2 and 3 because I want fluff lol. Anyway, enjoy:
Doflamingo stares long and hard at the piece of paper before him. The pictures that accompany them make his blood boil with anger, but his heart yearns with interest as to what happened. What this is. Why it happened but more importantly… Why he did not know.
The woman in the picture is beautiful… Very beautiful and very pregnant. A shock to him. She will always hold a special place in his heart. She taught him how to trust on a certain level and yes, even in the end she did leave him, the end of their relationship was left on a good note. Even so, he can’t lie about not looking for her.
After the mutual breakup, he looked far and wide for her, wanting the presence of a person he could trust right by him. He would try to persuade her to come back but… He never found her. Until now that is.
So… Why is just now finding out she left him… When she was pregnant? Why is just now finding out he is a dad?
The piece of paper is just the island name of where she is residing. Not too far from Dressrosa but not too close either. It saddens him for a moment. Did she not trust him? After everything they have been through together- All the learning of loving each other, the trusting, did she really not deem him worthy?
Him the King of Dressrosa?
He would like to think that he would be a perfect dad- Nothing like his silly foolish father who stepped down from the royal life he could have had. No, he would give the child everything they could have ever asked for. The mother of his child wouldn’t need to lift a single finger. He would spoil them, protect them, do anything for them…
So why?
It is a question he wants an answer to, and he will get an answer to. No matter what. That is what he promises himself as he looks at the next photo- One of his former lover no longer pregnant but… With the child- A darling little girl that has his blonde locks and her mother’s eyes.
The anger simmers down as he decides he will bring them both home. He will try to because of that little hope he has in his heart for growing a genuine family- Nothing like the one he helped destroyed, it means everything to him the longer he stares at the two faces.
The brief reminder of Corazon… Pains him but it will not be like that. Corazon simply did not have faith in him. These two… He will show them that he has their best interest at heart.
Finding them, was rather harder than expected. They were at the island that was disclosed to him by someone who recognized her but… (Name) really was too good at blending in with this island. It was rather busy. Cute for it being a bigger place.
So many families too, Doflamingo notes. The thought slightly irks him. Five long years without her and five long years of missing out on the child they created. He has every right to being mad. He has every right to go on a rampage.
Just as he wonders if he should demand someone to show him where she is- He hears a gasp behind him. One too full of shock that it grabs his attention immediately. However, what he did not expect was to feel tiny arms wrap around his legs- The way Baby 5 and Buffalo used to.
He glances down to see the girl from the pictures staring up at him with a wide smile. Her eyes are so gentle and for a moment… Remind him of only innocence as she stares up with genuine curiosity and happiness.
She even speaks to him- And in that moment he already knows that she has him wrapped around her finger- He would fight and kill anyone who would look at her remotely wrong. Is this what it is like to be a dad?
“Hello! I think you’re my dad!”
A laugh comes from behind him again and this time his heart feels like it is stopping because he knows that laugh so well. It haunts his dreams because he loves it so much- It used to be the sound that he tried to coax out of her every day. It is (Name).
He turns and indeed when he sees her… Doflamingo realizes just how long it has been. Too long in his eyes but… She looks as perfect as the day he first saw her. Those (hair color) locks and stunning (eye color). She has not physically changed in the slightest yet… She is still the most stunning person to him. Her eyes look down to their daughter before going back up to meet his.
“I need to put her down for a nap. She had a busy day at the school. I suppose you want to talk then?”
How is she so calm about this? The rage wants to come out- He wants to lash out but… He also just wants to hear her out. He wants to hear her side to everything. That and the way the little girl is holding onto his leg sleepily.
It just makes him melt. He says nothing as he follows the woman to her house. The place is too small for his stature but… Perfect for (Name) and their lovely daughter. It takes just a few moments for (Name) to put the girl to sleep and come back out to join him.
When it is about to grow quiet, he immediately asks, “Why didn’t you tell me?”
(Name) knows what he means. She has a sad smile on her face now as she asks back, “Were you ready to be a father? It is not as simple as you would have thought… It… How do I say this gently? You are selfish. Okay… That came out harsh but… You are. You look out for yourself and pull your family in with you.”
The pretty face that he is in love with does very little to comfort him after those words. That is until she continues.
“I was going to reach out when I found I was pregnant. I thought you would have liked to know but then I remembered why I left. I wanted to find myself and I did. Then… Then she was born, and I realized what being a parent is. You- Make all these choices hoping it is what is best for them and that is simply what I did. I thought you would not want to be in our lives, so I said nothing. I did not want you to have to choose between your dream of being the King of Pirates or her because we both know what you would choose,” (Name) says her tone sad now.
Doflamingo’s anger is valid but… So is (Name)’s in this regard because she is right. He does not say so because he knows he could have both. He will prove he can have both but for now…
“How does she know I am her dad?”
(Name) smiles at this. She pulls out a picture of Doflamingo and herself from her pocket. It is a good photo too. One of them hugging each other. He remembers it because the family kept photo bombing all the rest.
“I told her. Everything about you. I could not lie to her about who her father was. How much he did love me and would have loved her, but I also could not lie to her about how big your goals are. Of course, she is a child, so she does not understand. All she knows is that you want to be a bigger King. She has dreamt of meeting you for a while now.”
These words. He can salvage this. He can unite them. He knows he can. So, he will. He will have both the family and his dreams as he desires.
“Let’s give her a proper meeting then when she wakes up… And (Name), it is good to see you. I hope I can manage to convince you that Dressrosa would be a brilliant place for her.”
The way (Name) stares at him. Yeah, he can convince her.
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judyhopps934-mt-zd · 3 years
Thoughts on Miraculous Shanghai: The Legend of Lady Dragon
Warning: Spoilers! Other than that, have fun!
Also, if you want to watch the full English Dub, click here!
I love how we saw Fei's backstory as to how she became guardian of the Prodigious and how it was actually stolen because there are people who want money from her adoptive father's studio. It was also sad to see that the values her father implemented into her fade due to the circumstances they found themselves in. I speak for all of us to say that this girl needs a hug.
The intro as always is beautiful! Since it was not the first thing we saw, I was confused when looking through the episodes on YT.
I always enjoy Marinette's monologues, and this one was over how she looked forward to her holiday (it was like a vacation type thing). And how she looked forward to spend time with Adrien since his father was going to let him out. It was all perfect...
...until she went to deliver Uncle Wang's package and found out Adrien left for Shanghai at the last minute. But all is good though because she could go to Shanghai, deliver the gift personally, and see Adrien.
It hurts me to see that the writers made Marinette's purpose to go to Shanghai is to see Adrien when she can do that in Paris! It frustrates me that her character development goes back to square one, even as the protagonist of the show. People might point out this was before season 3, but I have a few points that say otherwise or that the writers are mixing things up. But first, the plot points and thoughts of everything else.
Also, I get that Marinette is 14/15/16 at the time of this episode, but how likely is it to send your child on their own halfway across the world??? On SHORT NOTICE??? I swear Sabine and Tom are too chill with this, but then again, there would be no story.
Also, I love how Ladybug and Chat Noir took the opportunity of their patrols without akumas to bond more. The Ladynoir in this episode I stan!
Gabriel you piece of trash! If you did not plan to spend time with your son, why take him to Shanghai when he was hoping to spend time with you?! And do not say "for business purposes" because even though Adrien is a face in the brand, at least don't give him false hope and that bs!
Nooro, thank you for trying to talk Gabriel out of it, but he is literally a wall (talking to Gabriel=talking to a wall)
I will say, the waiting for 15 years thing is very concerning.
Uncle Wang has been looking forward to see Marinette in person in Shanghai to learn more about her roots. He is ecstatic and its just heartwarming and heartbreaking when you think that part of Marinette's stay will be related to Adrien.
At least we see one thing that makes Marinette's stay not all about Adrien though: she is genuinely interested in her origins! Like when she asks about her family's traditional songs and about her mom, even learning her real name!
Speaking of which, Sabine's name is Xia Ping and only called herself Sabine when she started living in France. Also, I love her photo!
Bastille the bird that was around since forever is an icon!
Also, I can't believe Uncle Wang has not taken a break since Sabine moved to France, like what the hell??? Give this guy a break for goodness sake.
Thank you Gabriel for having one brain cell and allowing your son to leave the hotel! We still hate you for everything else though.
Its cool that Kwamis speak all of the languages. It is also the most logical thing because their wielder could be from anywhere. My question is are they taught the languages, does it form when a concept forms in the universe and they start existing, or like everything else is it magic?
Gorilla is iconic for two reasons: he is still a self care king, and he was willing to give Adrien some space to get action figures.
And now as I wrote that, this is where I am getting confused and start to believe this is post season 3: 1) Gorilla seems less anxious about being in a new place (unlike NY where he stayed in the hotel room the entire time), and 2) His obsession for action figures was shown in Party Crasher (season 3), which makes me wonder if the explanation is during season 3 or this episode hints at season 3. For the first point, it could be because Gabriel was not in NY to his knowledge.
Fei appears again and explains how she views the world and how she also uses that to help and take advantage of others.
She almost steals Adrien's phone and miraculous until Gorilla steps in. It hurts me because she is a good person but had to resort to stealing for a reason that we will explore soon.
Plagg, we always say your stomach causes trouble, but this time, you brought Adrien to Marinette's uncle...
...but also that ironically separated them as Marinette found them just as they climbed into the taxi.
This is also where Fei (wearing a disguise) crosses paths with Marinette and steals her purse. Then she went for the kwagatama and miraculous.
Things get worse for Fei as these boys that took a photo with Adrien earlier started chasing her. Then Marinette started going after them.
That is when she realized she was robbed and understandably, she was more horrified of losing her Miraculous.
Adrien shows up to Uncle Wang's home/restaurant. So many iconic moments happen.
1) Bastille says something about love between Marinette and Adrien. And Adrien responds with the line that makes us want to jump into the TV and talk some sense into him.
2) You say that "she's JuST a fRIenD" yet you stay over with her mom's uncle so you can surprise her lol. Adrien, you kill me and every other Adrienette fan with this contradicting statements.
Speaking of Marinette, she gets lost and has trouble communicating with others because she does not speak Chinese. And at some point says that she regrets not taking lessons?! Uh, what does this imply, that she refused lessons or that she did not have the opportunity for lessons??????? I NEED ANSWERS!
Can we say once again how talented and artistic Marinette is? Bad time? Moving on!
Uncle Wang is unaware of Marinette's tardiness, and Adrien just jokes about it. Considering that she is technically missing (reality is that she's lost), I don't think its time to joke about it.
The lady that gave Marinette some earrings that look like the Miraculous is so nice and bless her soul
The person from the pawn shop is the bad guy that we see at the very end of the NY special! And he knows about what happened to Fei's father! I am grateful that he sees no value in Marinette's stuff so he won't sell it for a lot, but I hate how he's greedy for money and was willing to exploit Fei's hunger for answers and Marinette needing her miraculous for personal gains.
Meanwhile, the boys from the photo with Adrien that chased Fei were trying to get Marinette's attention (they found her kwagatama when Fei dropped it running away and fighting them), but she thought they were gonna attack her. And then she bumps into Fei, who helps her escape.
Marinette finds comfort in Fei for being willing to "help" her (remember that she was gonna bring her to the pawn shop). She also finds Fei as a helpful, kind person who is brave: something that Fei does not see in herself, but does not have the heart to tell Marinette the truth.
Meanwhile, Chat has transformed to find Marinette and its the most endearing thing I've seen! Adrien, you blind oblivious fool! You care about her more than you think!
They arrive in the pawn shop, Tikki escaped the claw machine, and Marinette finds the earrings...for 100000 Yuan.
Fei, understanding what its like to have something entrusted to you be stolen, gets in a spat with the pawn shop owner in Chinese, accusing the owner for greed and accusing Fei for theft, while Marinette just stands her.
Also, when did Marinette become naive???????? I get that she's in another country and they are speaking in a different language that she does not understand, but based on the tone of their voices and shouting, I feel like she should have sensed something was off.
Fei swaps the earrings the lady gave Marinette and took the miraculous back. To the lady, this is why your soul is blessed. So bless your soul!!!
Apparently, Marinette realized what happened and said that Fei stole her earrings and feels bad for the man. Girl, you do not have to feel guilty for the man! He was about to destroy them before he thought about sentimental value! Also, he did not pay Fei anything for them! (Felt that this should be brought up because even though Fei was wrong in stealing her stuff, she was also robbed from potential cash and answers, therefore the man was owed nothing.)
The boys from Adrien's photo are actually vigilantes of Shanghai (and will be referred as such from now on), wanting to bring Fei to justice for stealing, which catches Marinette's attention, but not enough to ask any questions.
Also Marinette is not wanted as a criminal. She is missing as Uncle Wang called the police.
Fei still lives in the school, which has been in ruins. Despite not having much, she still offers Marinette a cup of what I believe is water (or tea?). See peoples, Fei is a good person at heart (if y'all aren't aware of it by now)
Gabriel saw and recognized Marinette. This is horrifying and if it is prior to season 3, we see why he tries so hard to target her. Or reasons why he targets her in season 4 along with everything else we know from "Truth".
Fei should have been given the chance to explain why she stole Marinette's things, but the pawn shop owner was like "you know, I might as well expose Fei myself"...
...and it really broke Marinette, who heavily trusted her. But she can't dwell on it for long...
Also, Nathalie was involved in obtaining the bracelet years ago. Again, the 15 years thing is concerning.
Marinette flees to transform, but not without telling Fei how she broke her trust and how she feels that Feinwas not genuinely helping her. It hurt me so much!
Ladybug transforms, hears Chat's voice-mail (to which she is swooned by the fact her kitty cares for her civilian self), and calls him. The best Ladynoir scene so far!
So the prodigious is like a jewel with powers, there is only one prodigious from what we see, and that one prodigious has multiple renlings that only the wielder can see. Oh, and the bracelet is like a key. Cool.
I don't like how Fei's Lady Dragon outfit looks whitewashed, but at least her hair is red instead of blonde (which still does not make this okay)
Epic Showdown between the akuma, Hawkmoth, Ladybug, and Lady Dragon. Hawkmoth corners Ladybug and Lady Dragon gets caught in some rocks.. All hope seemed lost...
...until Chat shows up and frees the akuma with the help of a basketball.
We learn something new folks: the same butterfly can create a different akuma. This is very frightening because...
The statue that determines who is worthy of the prodigious gets akumatized! The horror!
Also, if the statue says Fei cannot become the dragon because her intention to seek vengeance for her father is not noble and worthy, then what makes Hawkmoth think he will be successful in becoming the dragon??? Because it seems that his intentions are not pure or noble. Just saying.
Hawkmoth notices the akumatized statue heading to the city and all of a sudden remembers about Adrien. Confronting the statue, he gets turned into ashes(?).
Fei is understandably upset and blames herself for what happen. I want to hug her so badly.
Marinette reassures Fei and forgives her, even though Fei felt that she could not be forgiven.
The structure they were standing on collapses and it was Fei as the Dragon who saved her, not Chat. Honestly, I love how it turned out as it strengthens their friendship, but I still prefer a Marichat alternative. WHERE IS THE MARICHAT PEOPLES???
Final showdown!
Poor statue guard was upset about the damage they caused as an akuma, but Miraculous Ladybiug fixes everything.
Fei learned an important lesson: let justice take its course, not enact revenge. But it was quite funny to have the pawn shop owner be flown away to court in a literal sense.
The bracelet has a renling-like creature, who is just so adorable, especially since they missed Fei and was waiting for the day they would be reunited. Aww!
Ladynoir version of the Moon scene from NYC! Except no dancing, just them challenging each other over who will get to Paris first if they traveled in opposite directions. No one shall ever know we were in Shanghai as civilians lol (Reminds me of my best friend when eating grapes during choral rehearsals)
Marinette, Adrien, Fei, and Uncle Wang enjoying a birthday (?) dinner was wholesome.
I love how Uncle Wang calls them boyfriend and girlfriend because of how they act around each other, yet Marinette and Adrien both deny it. Bruh, these children need to open their fricking eyes! I really wanted to jump through my phone screen!
The Shanghai Vigilantes came to return Marinette's kwagatama necklace. They are so precious even though we thought they were enemies in the trailer.
Even though they were at odds at first, love how the Vigilantes blushed when Fei played the accordion and she's just like "whatever". I stan an asexual queen.
Do I even want to know what Marinette accidentally said when she mispronounced "sister" in Chinese? Based on what Fei said, probably not.
Uh...NOW I WANT TO SEE MORE OF ADRIEN TEACHING MARINETTE CHINESE! While I do take some issue of Adrien (a white French boy) teaching Marinette her culture like most of us had issue with in "Kung Food", I also want to see them interact outside of school and hopefully bond. ML writers need to keep their word otherwise Adrienette stans will riot!
Love how the final scene turned out! Its just *chef's kisses*
Also, the hell with the business trip?? It was mentioned once again IN THE ENDCARD! It might not be as interesting, but I want to think that there was more truth to it.
Also, wifi troubles kept interrupting the show at crucial moments, but okay.
Overall, I live for the Shanghai episode! The animation is just as incredible as the NY special (which I also live for) and I love how this episode has a great focus on Fei and the prodigious. I mean, before the intro, she tells her story. And she has her monologues alongside Marinette's. In many ways, it's refreshing. Also, Ladynoir and Adrienette stans will be satiated with the scenes associated with each ship. Also, I love Fei's character development! And the final scene is wholesome!
I won't lie though: there are a few issues regarding whitewashing Fei's transformation and such. It is important to see these things and as a good friend of mine always says: you can enjoy something while also being critical of it. And that is very important no matter how devotive to something you actually are.
Anyways, we are being well fed with all the Miraculous content and I will see you all very soon! Also, get some sleep peoples! I know some of you aren't sleeping!
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So, i'm seeing people saying that Amity may sabotage Luz's attempts to get home, judging by the episode's title Yesterday's lie. What are your thoughts?
This post just about sums it up. Amity isn’t even mentioned in the episode synopsis, and it’s not like Luz is planning to leave for good. I feel like people are jumping the gun on that one.
I don’t think we should be taking the “yesterday” in that statement so literally. I don’t actually think it’s about what happened the day before (we don’t even have confirmation that Eclipse Lake takes place a day before this episode). It seems way more likely that it’s just referring to something that just in general happened in the past. On that note, keep in mind, they have to keep the titles in line with the message that the episodes spell out. There’s only so many words that begin with Y and would make sense in this context.
(Also nobody would title an episode “that lie from three months ago”, lol)
And consider: we’ve had episode titles that were intentionally misleading before. “The Intruder” was meant to trick the viewers into thinking someone actually broke into the house, rather than the monster being cursed Eda.
Rather than Amity lying to Luz, there’s a way more obvious ongoing lie related to Luz in the show that I’m pretty sure this is referring to. It’s how she’s been lying to her mom about what she’s up to. Since Camila is in the trailers for the season 1A promo, I feel like the episode is about Camila finding out the truth/Luz being forced to come clean to her once she’s stepped back through the portal into her world. That’s what Luz isn’t sure she’s ready for.
Also I feel like the whole “Amity tries to prevent Luz from going home”-idea is kind of stupid to begin with? Amity was in love with Luz before the portal blew up. We didn’t see her attempting to destroy the portal back then.
Like guys this girl is fourteen, not some manipulative evil mastermind??? I like angst as much as the next person but like… that’s taking it a bit far. Amity attempting to force Luz to stay in the Boiling Isles would cause a major falling out, and not one they could just bounce back from. We’re likely only getting this one season and then three 40 minute specials. That’s not enough time to cover Luz and Amity trying to repair their relationship after a mess like this and everything else that’s been set up to happen.
There’s also another reason why I don’t think this title is referring to Amity, and that’s how Amity in general has been portrayed so far. She’s been raised to think of love as something conditional. Something you need to earn and something you lose if you don’t do what that person wants—which is why she tries so hard to prove herself to her parents (something she’s now finally starting to break out of). She is used to putting other people’s wishes before her own when she seeks their approval.
Amity loves Luz. And I think more than anything, she wants Luz to be happy. She wants to be with her, but she’s not going to force Luz to stay if that’s not what Luz wishes to do. Amity has been forced to do a whole bunch of things throughout her life by people that supposedly love her, and I just can’t see her doing the same thing to Luz when she’s been through that kind of manipulation a million times over and knows exactly what it feels like.
If she manipulates Luz like that and Luz catches her, she’d also risk losing her for good, and Amity doesn’t take risks that big easily. She’s used to having to give 120% because even 110% aren’t enough for her parents, and if there’s the ghost of a chance she could fail, she doesn’t even try. Up until she meets Luz, she doesn’t do anything against her parents wishes, despite knowing how much the twins get away with, because there’s a chance that she wouldn’t get away with it. She’s afraid of rejection, and since there’s a chance Luz could say no to her, she doesn’t ask her out. She’s also lost the most important person in her life (Willow) through her own actions once before, and I just cannot see her risking that again.
Amity is starting to take more risks now, because Luz inspires her to, but she’s changing as a person way beyond “she’s willing to take more risks”.
Screwing other people over to get what she wants (which is very much something she probably internalized considering the household she grew up in) is something Amity would’ve done before she met Luz, before Luz inspired her to be better. She cut Willow off because her parents asked her to. She used to tattle on the twins all the time because she wanted her parents’ approval. She burned Willow’s photo so people wouldn’t find out they were friends, even if it meant hurting Willow in the progress.
She did everything she could so her parents would be proud of her, so they would love her, even if it meant hurting others.
And Luz slowly changed everything. Luz, who is reckless, and selfless, and always stands up for the people she cares about, even when it means putting herself in harm’s way in the progress. Luz, who helped Amity fix things with Willow. Luz and her current friends inspire Amity to be a better person. “They’re nice to each other. They listen to each other. They make me think about the kind of person I really want to be”, to directly quote Escaping Expulsion. And that person isn’t the kind of manipulator her parents are, who will stop at nothing to get what they want, even if people get hurt in the progress.
That person is selfless, and does the right thing, no matter what. She made her first step towards that in Understanding Willow, when she fixes her mistake and faces her past misdeeds in the progress, even if it’s hard, even if she doesn’t want to, because it’s the right thing to do. Because she owes it to Willow, and she owes her an apology. In Wing it like Witches, she follows through on her promise to stand up for Willow and breaks ties with her old friends, even if her parents will definitely hear of that. Even at the risk of painting a target on her back for Boscha, Skara and their friends. Heck, she puts herself in harm’s way in the literal sense to give Luz a chance to win the game.
And in Escaping Expulsion, she even risks angering her parents to help Luz and her friends. The parental approval that she’s worked for for so hard for so many years is at stake, and she chooses to do risk everything to do the right thing, to help her friends. She chooses the people who treat her right, who make her happy.
Her powerful speech would be meaningless if Amity would then turn around and sabotage Luz. It says a ton about how much Luz trusts Amity that she trusts Amity to get something portal-related for her in Eclipse Lake, and I just cannot see Amity betraying that trust. It’s possible that Amity struggles with the thought of Luz going home in that episode, but I cannot see her doing anything to sabotage something that’s this important to Luz. That would be a huge disservice to her character in my opinion.
Seeing that episode title and going “this means Amity is lying to Luz and sabotaging her for her own selfish desires” is to completely ignore all of Amity’s character development. Amity isn’t that person anymore. She’s trying really hard to be better. If she were to sabotage Luz’s attempts at going home, and choosing that over open communication, it would be a huge step back for her.
Honestly, it feels more likely that Amity ends up choosing to openly communicate her feelings, which would be a huge, huge thing for her. Maybe when they say their temporary goodbye she says something like “you better come back soon” and kisses Luz before she leaves (which would align with her allowing herself to take more risks if they’ll make her happy that we’ve seen a bunch of lately).
To circle back to the beginning, like I said, it’s very likely that Yesteday’s Lie focuses on Luz’s relationship with her mom, and Luz freaking out at the prospect of telling her everything. How much of a role her friends and Amity play in it is very up in the air, even if as mentioned I could see this scenario leading into a confession scene.
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pinoy-culture · 3 years
before I ask my question, I just wanted to say thank you so so so much for keeping up your blog and consistently giving out information where its readily accessible!!!
maybe this will make me sound like an idiot but to preface, I’m a mixed filipino american. My mom is filipino and some chinese and my dad is some sort of european and puerto rican. i was wondering, in your opinion, do you think it’d be okay for me (eventually) work with diwata and anitos? And how can I start? Ive been trying to communicate with my ancestors and I’ve been looking for books to one day buy (im extremely broke so your blog and any filipino witches i come across is all the info i can get) but i honestly have no clue where to start other than with my ancestors (weird dreams lately but nothing ancestor related i think). i took a DNA test as a gift and it pointed, predominantly, to the Western Visayas so im assuming i should study more on pre-colonial Bisayan culture (my lolas from iloilo so it makes sense i guess) but i also know that “blood quantum” is a colonizer concept so i dont wanna rely on it too much :/ sorry to ramble but pls help lol
First, I'd like to say thank you for following the blog! It really does mean a lot to me to hear from others over the years on how much my blogs have helped them learn about our history and culture.
Now as for working with our diwata and the anito, that is completely ok. The whole blood quantum thing among some Filipinos I honestly don't agree with. As long as you have a family member who is Filipino, you are Filipino regardless of your "percentage" and of how you look. If you have Filipino blood in you, the ancestors are there with you. Even if you weren't raised within Filipino culture or a Filipino household because your parents never brought you up in it, or you are an adoptee like some I've met over the years. Your ancestors are your ancestors regardless. They see you and know you and that is all that matters.
Now there really isn't any book focused specifically on reviving our precolonial beliefs and practices. Yes, some did survive and some even blended in with a form of Folk Christianity in the Philippines. You can see many of the older practices and beliefs still alive, but they have been replaced with Catholic imagery and Saints.
But, in regards actually believing in and worshiping our old deities, doing rituals dedicated to the deity, or even some rites of passage like the Tagalog first menstruation rite of passage, or making carved figures dedicated to the diwata and anito, or performing maganito/paganito or atang to the diwata and anito, majority of Filipinos don't do this, or even know it.
So for being an Anito Reconstructionist, which is a label I personally use for my spiritual beliefs and others have adopted, there really isn't a book for it. A Reconstructionist in other ethnic spiritual paths, such as the Celtic, Roman, Aztec, Kemetic, Greek, Norse, etc., are those who look at historical records to try and piece together what was once practiced and believed in prior to Christianity. Over many years, these different spiritual paths have eventually come together, formed a community, and have resources like books and teachers. They have had the time to do all the research and put together a more formal spirituality based on those Pre-Christian beliefs and bringing it to the modern day where they have hundreds to thousands of people who have gone back to those beliefs. With some, they have even created temples, shrines to their deities, and even have celebrations.
Unfortunately that is not the case for us. However, due to the growing interest in our precolonial beliefs and practices over the years, I can see Anito Reconstructionism growing within the next several years. It already has, with many people actually trying to learn more about these beliefs and our old deities. The amount of people of people I've seen and talked to who have expressed their interest to reclaim these precolonial beliefs and practices is nothing compared to 10 years ago when it was hard to even find one or two people who did.
It is why I've been writing this book for a few years now dedicated to helping others in wanting to reclaim our precolonial beliefs and practices as a starting point in their research. For now though, I always recommend those who are starting to simply just read the historical texts. Grab a notebook and write down notes. Organize your notes into deities, rituals, how to make an offering, any prayers to a specific deity, how to set up an altar, etc.
Seeing as your family is from the island of Panay in the Western Bisayas, like my moms side are from, I would start with looking at the Bisayan precolonial beliefs and practices. A really good reference is reading Francisco Alcina's History of the Bisayans (1668). Volume 3 is available online in English which you can find here. Volume 3 goes into a lot of detail in the beliefs and practices. The Boxer Codex, if you are able to get a copy of the English translation, is also really good reading material.
Getting Started:
In terms of getting started, keep in mind that there is no one monolithic belief system or practice in the Philippines. Before there ever was a Philippines, we were different nations with different beliefs and practices. It is important to know your ethnic groups beliefs and practices and know their history. For example, I am Bisaya (Akeanon specifically) and Tagalog and that is what I work with. Others who I know follow the Bikolano, Kapampangan, or Ilokano beliefs. Though there are some similarities, each ethnic group had their own set beliefs and practices.
I often tell people that you can't just mix and match between them. For example, though I work with both the Tagalog and Bisayan pantheons, I wouldn't dare do a ritual offering to both a Tagalog or Bisayan deity at the same time. It's always separate. You also can't combine 2 similar deities together from different ethnic groups just because they share similar attributes. It's just rude and disrespectful.
Start out small. Set up an altar dedicated to your ancestors. If you have any family members who have passed, put a photo of them on the altar. Leave offerings of rice cakes such as suman, food like chicken adobo, or even a cup of drink such as tuba, lambanog, or even Red Horse beer. But if you can't get access to an alcoholic drink either because one you are a minor or 2 it's not available where you live, you can simply replace it with a non-alcoholic drinks like coconut juice. Get a coconut shell or a seashell to either place these offerings as bowls/plates or even use them to put your kamangyan or incense.
Then start researching how our Bisayan ancestors worshiped and practiced. Study the history and read historical accounts, books, and articles about them. Write down what you have learned on these precolonial beliefs and practices and reconstruct or revive them. This is what Polytheistic Recinstructionists do. I have listed links to these texts here.
Ask questions to your family, particularly your elders. See if they know of anything or if they can share some traditional practices and beliefs they know of have heard of. You would be surprised how, despite some families being really religious, many still believe in the spirits, do some form of ancestor veneration, believe in omens that are being told to you by the ancestors or spirits, etc.
If you can, try to go back to the Philippines and see your family's ancestral home, see where they grew up, etc. Ask about family stories and folk stories. For example, my mom grew up in Aklan and has always told me stories of the aswang and certain omens. She also constantly talks about the mischievous "little people" who play tricks on you (for example putting something down like your keys and then it goes missing, until you find it again somewhere else). In the Western Bisayas, they are known as kama-kama. There is also a story of how her grandmother's cat visited her during her wake. The cat was missing for years, but it came back and stayed sleeping on top of the casket for days before it left. My mom told me that it was the cat paying their respects to her grandmother.
Keep in mind also and acknowledge our indigenous communities who have kept their beliefs and practices. Don't try to take them into your own. I have seen people cherry pick things from the Manobo of Mindanao or the Kalinga in the Cordillera, which is just disrespectful. Many of the IP, though some still have kept their beliefs, it isn't the most important aspect to them. What they are most concerned about are other issues such as losing their homes due to occupation by oil or logging companies, other settlers such as the Tagalog and Bisayans (especially in Mindanao), getting targeted as "rebels" by the Philippine military and often getting killed. But, by cherry picking beliefs especially of the IP groups, it's just disrespectful.
I will be teaching classes on Anito Reconstructionism soon and will have my first class possibly at the end of the month or next month. I decided to do these classes seeing as there is a growing community who are interested, but don't know where to start. I'll be doing a proper announcement on these classes real soon so look out for the announcement and hopefully you will be able to join!
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