#earl cunningham
oncanvas · 5 months
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Blue Sail Fleet Returns, Earl Cunningham, after 1949
Oil on fiberboard 16 ½ x 36 ¼ in. (41.8 x 92.1 cm) Smithsonian American Art Museum, Washington, DC, USA
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adayephoto · 3 years
A Florida Legacy: Sam and Robbie Vickers’ transformational gift to the Harn Museum of Art
Here is the video on The Florida Art Collection, an extensive collection of Florida-themed paintings, drawings, and watercolors that includes many prominent American artists from the late 19th to the mid-20th centuries including paintings by such celebrated artists as Winslow Homer and John Singer Sargent gifted by Samuel and Roberta Vickers as the collection transitions from their North Florida home to the Harn Museum of Art.
Shoutout to everyone who assisted me and my team in helping tell the story behind this collection.
Creative Director - David Houder
Editor - Brenton Richardson
Audio/Video Recordings by:
Tom Bacsick
Alex Baucom
Aaron Daye
Ray Hays
David Houder
Brenton Richardson
Joel Tower
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I socialized irl today! We went to a very cool art museum 😊
I think the best thing I saw was the Earl Cunningham exhibit. The Colors in his oil paintings are so vibrant, and the scale of the figures in the foreground vs the background is so different than anything I’ve seen before! You can tell he painted what he Felt about his landscapes.
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hellcheer-heaven · 8 months
It’s a bit early where I live and I had the most beautiful Hellcheer dream. Everything looked like an Eyvind Earle painting. Here are a few examples of concept art for the Sleeping Beauty movie.
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As for the dream itself, the forest looked like one his paintings. Suddenly a bit of sparkling magic trickled down and it looked exactly like the film and I could hear the music from the Tchaikovsky ballet all around me. I could see Chrissy and Eddie dancing in the forest.
I know it seems silly, but this movie is both an inspiration and a comfort movie. This is the movie that sparked my interest in art and fairytales. I don’t know if dreams have meaning, but I think it’s a sign to actually start drawing them as Aurora and Phillip.
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von-vom · 11 months
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hilarychuff · 1 year
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goodbye earl in my stranger things au graphic series
Heather and Chrissy were the best of friends all through their high school days. Both members of the cheerleading team and active in the cooking club, they were hardly ever apart outside of classes, no matter that they were in different graduating years. After Heather’s senior year, she left Hawkins in search of a bright new world. Growing up in a small town, she knew needed to find herself, that her friend wouldn’t be far behind — but when Chrissy’s own graduation day came, she found herself with a ring on her finger and Jason Carver’s arm around her shoulders. 
Well, it wasn’t two weeks after she got married that Chrissy started to see a new side of her husband. More often than not, she found herself wearing dark glasses, long-sleeved blouses and makeup to cover the marks he left behind. When she finally got the nerve to file for divorce, she thought it would all be done. She thought that the law would handle it. But when Jason heard the news, he walked right through a restraining order and back into their home.
After she got the phone call from the hospital, Heather was on the first red eye flight from LA. It didn’t matter that she and the girl who’d once been her best friend — more than that, something more that they’d never named — had fallen out of touch. By the time the plane touched down, Heather finally knew how she felt. So as she held Chrissy’s hand, as she stroked her hair and her cheek and admitted things she’d never even admitted to herself, they worked out a plan. It didn’t take them long to decide on the most crucial part: Jason had to die. 
The dishes from dinner were still in the sink when the cops came looking for Jason. They wanted to bring him in, arrest him for violating the restraining order, for what he’d done to Chrissy, but Heather assured them they hadn’t seen him. And as the weeks went by and spring turned to summer and summer faded into the fall, it seemed that no one had seen him — that he was a missing person that no one missed at all. 
So Heather and Chrissy bought some land and a little roadside stand out on the highway. Together, they spend their time making fruit jams, packaging picnic baskets with ham and cheese and crackers. They don’t need rings to know they’re going to spend their lives together. And when they eat black-eyed peas or sit down by the lake or go for a ride hand-in-hand in Heather’s car, well, they don’t think about Jason at all. 
ft. chrissy as wanda, heather as mary ann, jason as earl, hopper and callahan as cops
just under the wire for @strangerthingsfemslashweek!!! i hadn’t planned to write anything to theme, but when i saw “women’s wrongs” again today, this au came to me and i just knew i needed to get it together on time
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elmartillosinmetre · 2 years
John Cage frente al mundo
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[John Cage en París en 1981 / D. S.]
La editorial bonaerense Caja Negra edita una importante selección del legado epistolar de John Cage, uno de los nombres esenciales del arte moderno
Pocos aspectos de la existencia se escapaban de las sensibles antenas que John Cage (Los Ángeles, 1912 - Nueva York, 1992) tenía conectadas con el mundo. El orden y el control que siempre mantuvo de su correspondencia es una fuente más que fiable para comprobarlo.
Para muchos, John Cage no pasa de ser el extravagante tipo que escribió una obra con cuatro minutos y treinta tres segundos de silencio, pero en realidad el artista fue mucho más que eso. Se debe a Schoenberg, el más relevante de sus maestros, aquella idea de que "quizás no fuera compositor, pero sí un inventor genial". A Cage se adjudica, en efecto, la invención del piano preparado y otros artilugios de percusión, incluido el uso de plantas, pero desde su punto de vista la invención era mucho más poderosa: "He inventado la música", dijo una vez a un periodista. Más allá de la impresión de arrogancia que pueda dar esta frase a lo que apuntaba Cage era ciertamente a una visión radicalmente diferente de la música, en la que el sujeto creador pierde por completo su posición en la típica dialéctica artística, porque la obra se crea sola.
Cage dejó una producción extensísima de música en la que el azar y la indeterminación, pero también los ruidos cotidianos y electrónicos, juegan un papel básico. En el escenario rompedor de las vanguardias mundiales de la segunda posguerra, Cage no estuvo sólo, pero fue un agitador de primerísimo orden. Además era de natural grafómano, y por eso junto a su música, nos quedan sus libros y sus procedimientos para usar textos ajenos mediante el empleo también del azar, con otra invención a mitad de camino entre la música, la poesía fonética y la performance: la del mesóstico. Más aún: Cage dejó obra gráfica, fue un experto en setas y acreditado jugador de ajedrez.
De todo ello dejó buena muestra en su abundante correspondencia, que puede analizarse como un auténtico paseo por la historia cultural del mundo. La editorial argentina Caja Negra ha vertido al español una selección de las carta de Cage que hizo Laura Kuhn en 2016 para su publicación en Wesleyan University Press.
Gerardo Jorge ha prologado y anotado la edición española, que se ha dividido en cinco periodos: 1930-49, 1950-61; 1962-71; 1972-82, 1983-92. Jorge destaca también cinco puntos sobre los que gravita la atención de Cage: “el problema América-Europa”, las relaciones entre Oriente y Occidente, la invención y la técnica, las relaciones entre arte y política, la amplia discusión cultural. A todo esto, que está bien diagnosticado, habría que añadir las relaciones personales del músico: sus padres; Xenia Andreyevna Kashevaroff, escultora surrealista que sería su esposa entre 1935 y 1945; por supuesto Merce Cunningham, el bailarín que sería su pareja sentimental desde principios de los 40 y hasta el fin de sus días; David Tudor, el pianista del que sin duda llegó a enamorarse; y otros muchos amigos y conocidos. Por estas cartas pasan sus pasiones, sus obsesiones y algunos desencuentros. En muchos casos, el interés artístico se une al personal: así Cunningham y Tudor fueron colaboradores habituales. Pero además Cage mostró un aprecio enorme por dos artistas singulares y esenciales del siglo con los que tuvo una estrecha amistad: Marcel Duchamp y Bucky Fuller. Compleja fue su relación con Pierre Boulez, pues tras un primer periodo de mutua admiración (que en el caso de Cage llegó casi a la idolatría), la relación se enfría y desde la segunda mitad de los 50 el francés casi desaparece de su correspondencia y de sus referencias. Pero están desde luego otros grandes músicos del siglo, de los cercanos Morton Feldman, Earl Brown y Christian Wolff a Lou Harrison, Luigi Nono, Luciano Berio, Henry Cowell, Murray Schaffer, Alvin Lucier e incluso Leonard Bernstein, y no faltan otras grandes personalidades de la cultura y la sociedad del tiempo, como Marshall MacLuhan, Joseph Beuys o la mismísima Yoko Ono, a la que atribuye su cambio de dieta y la mejora de su salud.
Las cartas pueden leerse también en la busca de las ideas estéticas de Cage conectadas directamente con su producción artística, pues abundan las referencias sobre muchas de sus obras antes, durante y después de sus puestas en escena. Siendo tan abrumador el volumen de nombres, datos e ideas sólo algo se echa en falta en este volumen de edición muy agradable y manejable para el lector: un aparato de índices (onomástico, temático, de obras del protagonista), herramienta documental que elevaría la presente edición de la categoría del aporte valioso a la del auténtico acontecimiento en la divulgación de una figura esencial del arte contemporáneo.
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[John Cage]: Escribir en el agua. Cartas (1930-1992)
Edición de Laura Kuhn. Selección y traducción de Gerardo Jorge. Buenos Aires: Caja Negra, 2021. 468 págs. 25 euros.
Sugerencias. Más que un músico
El primer libro publicado por John Cage se tituló Silence, y recogía una serie de conferencias y escritos diversos, en los que el músico plasmaba sus concepciones artísticas esenciales, que tenían que ver muy especialmente con la indeterminación, el zen y la eliminación del sujeto creador en el proceso artístico. Aunque la obra vio la luz en 1961 y tuvo un éxito que sorprendió al propio Cage, en España hubo que esperar al décimo aniversario de su muerte para que en 2002 la editorial Árdora lo vertiera al castellano.
Es sin duda la obra más conocida y divulgada del californiano, que escribió mucho. El primer volumen de sus Diarios (que alcanzarían las ocho entregas) se publicó en 1965 con el título de Cómo mejorar el mundo (sólo harás que las cosas empeoren). Muchos de los textos ahí incluidos han visto la luz en diversas recopilaciones en castellano, como la que editó la editorial mexicana Alias en 2019, Del lunes en un año. En 2018 Cactus había reunido en Ritmo etc. los escritos para dos de las obras más singulares de Cage: A Year from Monday (1967) y Empty Words (1973). En 2012 Francisco Deco puso al alcance del público español El libro de las setas (original de 1972) en el Centro de Creación Experimental (editora vinculada a la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha), que recogía no sólo la pasión de Cage por los hongos, sino también parte de su obra gráfica. Hace sólo unas semanas, la Universidad de Granada ha publicado una nueva incursión de Deco en la bibliografía cageana: ¿Dónde comemos? y ¿Qué comemos?, en un tomo que recoge además el primer volumen de Diarios.
[Diario de Sevilla. 18-07-2022]
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downthetubes · 2 years
San Diego Comic Con features launch of a fusion of comics and poetry, "The Mission"
San Diego Comic Con features launch of a fusion of comics and poetry, “The Mission”
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thrashkink-coven · 4 months
Hi all,
Welcome to the last part of my 2024 altar tour! 4/4
What a year it has been! I have learned so much and made so many new friends! My altar has always been a reflection of my psyche, seeing it’s beauty reminds me of the beauty that exists within me. :)
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So this is my final little work space where I do pendulum magick and tarot readings. There is a devotional mug to Lord Lucifer which I use for our morning coffee chats. There is also Lucifer’s devotional dragon statue, as well as the dual scrying mirror for him and Faviel.
There is a normal mirror and a statue of a pharaoh’s tomb. The board which the flowers and offerings are placed on dawns Faviel’s sigil and candle. To Faviel I have offered a palm stone, flowers, an acorn, smoky quartz, some black earrings, and some grubs.
Beside him is my pendulum in a selenite charging bowl along with my pendulum mat.
The black and white image you see was a piece of art I made for Archangel Jophiel after he gifted me a vision a year or so ago. I use it whenever I’m reaching out to him.
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Beneath my altar is some space for storage where I keep my larger cauldron, mortar and pestle, larger candles, etc. There is also my stand where I keep my broom, fire poker, and shovel. My witch broom is wrapped in a protective seal. I use it to sweep ash from my prayer mat.
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And finally, here are a few of the books I have in my collection that have greatly greatly aided me in my craft. Remember to do your research my dears!
The Arbatel of Magick- First English edition 1633, new edition 2013, edited by Earl Marwick
Healing with Form, Energy, and Light- Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche
Gods and Goddesses- Hallam, Elizabeth
The Lesser Key of Solomon- S.L MacGregor Mathers and Aleister Crowley
The Dictionary of Alchemy- Diana Fernando
The Art of Angels- Howard Loxton
Backland’s Book of Spirit Communications- Raymond Buckland
Transcendental Magick- Éliphas Lévi
The Greater Key of Solomon- S.L MacGregor Mathers
A History of God- Karen Armstrong
A Dictionary of Angels, Including Fallen Angels- Gustav Davidson
Making Talismans- Nick Farrell
The Sixth and Seventh Books of Moses- Johann Scheibel
The Egyptian Book of the Dead
The Rise and Fall of the Nephilim- Scott Alan Roberts
Buckland’s Complete Book of Witchcraft- Raymond Buckland
Candle Burning Rituals- Raymond Buckland
The Complete Book of Black Magick and Witchcraft
Green Witchcraft, Folk Magick, Fairy Lore & Herb Craft- Ann Moura
The Book of Forbidden Knowledge, Black Magick, Superstition, Charms and Divination- First Edition 1910s Johnson Smith & co. New Edition 2016 edited by Earl Marwick
Three Books of Occult Philosophy- Henry Cornelius Agrippa
and of course, The Holy Bible- New Living Translation.
I have many other books in my collection on tarot and astrology in my living room, but these are the books that have had the greatest impact on my craft. Here are a few of those other ones:
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Love Potions- Tatania Hardie
The Book of Destinies- Jane Struthers
The Crystal Bible 2- Judy Hall
The Tarot Bible- Sarah Barlett
The Wicca Bible- Ann Marie Gallagher
Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs- Scott Cunningham
Magic and Medicine of Plants- Reader’s Digest
The Power of Birthdays Stars and Numbers- Saffi Crawford and Geraldine Sullivan
The Witches’ Goddess- Janet and Stewart Farrar
The Witches’ God- Janet and Stewart Farrar
I wanted to end this tour off with my reading material because I want to emphasize how important it is to understand that “magick” is not just “stuff”.
I really enjoy all of my magical tools and there’s absolutely nothing wrong with having and wanting pretty things or an aesthetically pleasing altar. In fact I believe aesthetic and care are acts of love in themselves. Don’t ever let someone shame you for wanting to decorate and indulge in the aesthetics of your craft.
But please do remember that our greatest magical tool is our minds, our senses, and our experiences- our brains. Remember to read read read lots of material from many different sources. Contemplate honestly on everything you read, hear and experience. Do not take everything you believe today as a fact, do not box yourself in to anything. (Maybe that’s the Luciferian in me speaking lol)
Learn how to do magick alone, without any tools. My magick is not my stuff, although my stuff greatly aids me in my magick. Does that make sense?
Thank you so much for reading! I look forward to growing and learning so much more this year! :)
Blessed be!
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thefreakandthehair · 7 months
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@eddiemonth prompt, oct 11th: Pirate | The Last in Line - Dio | Adventurous
Chrissy Cunningham, daughter of the King, goes missing the night before her wedding to Jason Carver, son of an Earl and advisor to the King.
Eddie Munson is the obvious suspect.
The unlikely pair has been spotted multiple times in hidden alleys and underground pubs, a surprise to the townspeople who are preparing for her lavish nuptials. When he King sends his men to sweep the streets, searching high and low, they miss clues along the coastline.
A boat can be seen in the distance, flag drawn high as it cuts through the ocean and sails away from land, away from assumptions and unfair expectations. Eddie's called in a favor from a close friend, Captain Steve Harrington, and in the dead of night, holds his best friend Chrissy's hand as they scramble onto the ship.
"Ahoy, hearties. Welcome aboard." Steve smiles and extends a hand. Chrissy steps forward, shivering in the cold but stalwart all the same.
"Thank you, Captain Harrington. Truly. You have no idea how you've saved me." She shakes Steve's hand, glancing back at Eddie. "Us."
"Call me Steve, please. This isn't a typical pirate ship. And it's my pleasure."
"But of course," Eddie grins and stands next to Steve, snaking an arm around his waist. Chrissy's eyes flit back and forth between Eddie's expression and the display of casual intimacy with clear understanding.
"He can hardly say no to me."
--- or, Eddie saves Chrissy from a terrible fate and instead, they find adventure, love, and freedom among the high seas. Steddie & Buckingham.
this concept is free real estate if anyone with more experience in the pirate AU genre wants to build on it! please just tag me if you do!
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scotianostra · 3 months
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National Library of Scotland.
Just popped into the National Library to grab some pics, knowing they have always got a wee display focusing on Robert Burns, the content changes from time to time, this time it features Tam O 'Shanter.
Following the success of the Kilmarnock edition of his poems, Robert Burns put off his plans to emigrate to Jamaica instead headed for Edinburgh. He was encouraged by James Cunningham, the 13th Earl of Glencairn, who had read his poems and greatly enjoyed them.
When he arrived in 1786 the Earl received him warmly and introduced him to his circle of friends. This opened many doors to the makar and Burns described the Earl as his "titular Protector".
Through him he met Henry Erskine, the Dean of the Faculty of Advocates, who in turn introduced him to Jane, Duchess of Gordon who invited him to several of her drawing room parties.
One of his acquaintances was Agnes Maclehose, or Agnes Craig, known to her friends as Nancy. Although a romance may have been on the cards, Rabbie fell out of a carriage on his way to a dinner date at her place near Potterow and injured his ankle. The chance anything developing was gone, but the two wrote many letters to each other, you can find them online, Google them, I am out the house just now and writing this post on my phone. Inspired by Nancy he went on to write the beautiful Ae Fond Kiss about her.
Burns spent some time in Edinburgh during 1787 where he was acclaimed as a poet. The 3,000 copies of his first Edinburgh edition, dedicated to the gentlemen of the Caledonian Hunt, sold rapidly and he was popular in Edinburgh Society.
It was his success as a poet that stopped him going to The West Indies.
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ladykailitha · 9 months
Since I have a write up about every other AU I have in this poll, I thought I’d give the medieval AU one as well.
Albert Munson III was traitorous bastard whose only thought was making the next gold coin. Coin he never seemed to be able to hold on to. Gambling, booze, and women were only some of Albert’s vices. His younger, more level headed brother, Wayne did everything he could to try and keep as much of Edward’s inheritance as possible, but it was a losing battle.
Finally Albert spent the wrong man’s coin and ended up beheaded at the behest of the crown. The two remaining Munsons were stripped of their lands, title, what little was left of their coffers.
King Lawrence demanded that Wayne replace his court jester, but Edward stepped in and volunteered, saying that he knew how to sing, and to play the lute. King Lawrence agreed.
The point of the jester is to speak truth to power. To make the king laugh in front of his court and then think later in private. Eddie was good. He was just getting a feel for the old King when the man passes away suddenly. Edward would have suspected the young prince, Stephan, of murdering the old man. But the prince cried harder then the queen mother, Queen Penelope at the funeral.
Queen Penelope is eager to find Stephan a bride as soon as possible. Duchess Annika, called Nancy by her friends. The Marquise Robbyne of Buckley. Her first husband died while she was still young enough to be married off again. Ladies Tamera and Victoria. But the brightest gem is Princess Christine of Cunningham. Are all brought to the castle with a gift and their doweries to entice King Stephan to the alter.
Too bad his eyes tend to wander toward his jester then bevy of beauties his mother keeps parading around.
Sir Dustin is Stephan’s personal servant and guard. Hopper is chief of the guards that include Sirs Lucas, Michael, and William. Lord Jonathan was given head of his family’s fading house when his father died in the battle that Albert, Earl of Munson had sold the king’s own weapons to the opposition.
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frenchcurious · 6 months
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Martha & Earl Cunningham House située à Oklahoma City et conçue en 1962 par Herb Greene 'né en 1929' . Photos : Ty Faith. - source MCM Daily.
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CFWC F/AotW - Oct 1-7, 2023
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✒️= Fanfic | 📱= Text Fics/Edits | 🎨= Fanart Ⓜ️ = Mature Content 18+ | 🔥 = Explicit/NSFW 18+ 🌺= Hispanic Heritage Month | 🦄= Bisexuality Awareness Week 🏳️‍🌈= LGBTQIA
Vincent Foredale, Earl of Edgewater – The man behind the title  ✒️ - @princess-geek
Griffin x MC x Beckett Fanart 🎨🏳️‍🌈 by @oh-so-youre-a-nerd
Estela x Taylor Montoya and Familiy 🎨🏳️‍🌈 by @marmolady 🌺Estela Montoya
Quinn x MC Fanart 🎨by @oh-so-youre-a-nerd
Ava Cunningham Fanart 🎨 by @myautumnrose
Connor x MC Fanart 🎨🏳️‍🌈by @oh-so-youre-a-nerd
The Blade (Part 1) ✒️| ILITW M!MC - @korgbelmont The Blade (Part 2)
Amalia De Leon x F!MC Fanart 🎨🏳️‍🌈 🌺by @professor-abeloved
When Hunters Become Prey (Series) ✒️🏳️‍🌈 | Nightbound F!MC - @ladylamrian Chapter 22: Bound With Mother Nature
Harvest Moon ✒️| f!Hayden Young x M!MC, Sloane Washington x M!MC - @lizzybeth1986
8 Ball, Corner Pocket ✒️Ⓜ️🔥| Drake Walker x MC - @georgiesgirl1223
Black Silk (Series) ✒️Ⓜ️| Liam Rys x mc, Drake Walker x mc - @ausiegurl1234 Chapter 19: The Truth ✒️
Cordonian Kareoke (Series) ✒️| LIam Rys, Drake Walker - @angelasscribbles Leo Take 2
Ghosted (Series) ✒️Ⓜ️| Liam Rys x MC - @kristinamae093 Chapter 9: One Step Forward
Marry Me ✒️| Drake Walker x MC - @georgiesgirl1223
Never Have I Ever (Series) ✒️Ⓜ️| Bertrand Beaumont x MC - @harleybeaumont Chapter 21: Let's Just Forget the World
Royal Surprise ✒️| Liam Rys x MC - @eadanga
...Sometimes Not (Series) ✒️| Liam Rys x F!OC - @ao719 Part 11: All I've Ever Known
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Every Breath You Take
Corey Cunningham x fem!reader
Warnings: smut, 18+, stalking, some violence, protective Corey
Authors Note: I will never not take the opportunity to write protective Corey.
Your concussion finally wore off a couple days later, and you returned to work once it did. Turns out everyone at your job was frazzled and busy while you were gone. The office space you worked as a secretary in was never this busy, so you weren’t sure what was going on. “Hey, what’s with all the commotion?” you asked your coworker Jared, who was filing documents on his work computer. The blonde turned to you, “we’ve got some higher ups coming in tomorrow, so everyone’s trying to get everything done before they do.” “Ah, figures,” you said before moving to put your earbuds back in.
“Hey, are you okay?” Jared asked before you could, “you were out for a couple days.” “I slipped and hit my head so bad I got a concussion,” you lied, “I stayed at home until it wore off.” “Ouch,” he commented, “had that happen to me once. Glad to see you’re better at least!” He flashed you a kind smile before turning back to his computer. You put your earbuds in as you turned back to your own filing, eyes darting to the small clock on the taskbar every once in a while. Work wasn’t bad or anything, but it did get boring at times. You just wanted to go home and watch movies with Corey.
You filed various files on your computer until it was finally time to go home. You grabbed your various belongings, shoving them into the book bag you brought with you. Making sure your phone was in your pocket, you got up to leave. Jared was throwing some pens into his briefcase before he ran to catch up with you outside the office. “Hey, are you free tomorrow? I was wondering if you wanted to go get sandwiches at Earl’s Café? It’s a new place downtown,” he asked. You shook your head politely, “nah, can’t I’m afraid. I’ve got to go grocery shopping and what not. Sorry.” “Oh it’s okay, maybe Monday then?” he pushed.
You looked around in the dark, searching for your boyfriend, “can’t, I’ve got plans for most of Monday.” “Oh come on,” Jared said, sounding a bit annoyed now, “you’ve got no free time or something?” “Jared, I just- I get the feeling you’re trying to ask me out.” He looked bewildered, “of course I am. Was that not obvious?”
“I have a boyfriend,” you said, bringing your bag closer to yourself. “Oh, I see,” Jared said, the look on his face unreadable, “well, it doesn’t have to be a romantic date. Could just be two coworkers hanging out.” “And the whole time I’d be thinking about how you tried asking me out,” you grumbled, silently begging for Corey to show up already.
“Sheesh, did that concussion give you an attitude?” Jared asked. You were pissed, but you weren’t gonna show it. Instead you said, “maybe. I should really go home, my head hurts.” “I can drive you home,” he offered, “least I can do since I clearly offended you.”
You didn’t turn to look at him, but you said, “for fucks sake, Jared. When a girl says no, it means no. It doesn’t mean keep pushing until she finally says yes.” You were met with silence as you let out an annoyed sigh. You kept looking at the road, waiting for that distinct motorcycle sound. You glanced at your phone, checking the time. It was almost eleven, where was he?
You turned to Jared, only to be met with an empty sidewalk. He was nowhere to be found, and you felt a chill down your spine. You looked around, but didn’t see anyone. You sighed, deciding to walk home. Maybe Corey got held up by something? Probably that mom of his, you thought bitterly. One day, you’d get him away from her. You felt pretty terrible for Corey all the times you had met her. She disliked you quite a bit, stating you weren’t good enough for Corey. This always made your boyfriend extremely uncomfortable, and the two of you would often leave before dinner was even over.
You walked home, no longer playing music from your earbuds. It wasn’t safe, though you really did have the urge to listen to some Muse on your walk. You instead listened to the crunch of leaves under your shoes, or the distant sounds of TVs in homes. A breeze blew the leaves around you, scattering them everywhere. One was left clinging to your coat, which you brushed off.
You were halfway home when you heard a leaf crunch behind you. You stiffened, wishing you had a pocket knife like Corey did. Instead, you kept walking, pretending as if you hadn’t heard it. Whoever it was either was gone or far better at masking their footsteps. Your hand rested in the pocket of your coat, phone at the ready.
“You really should be careful of leaves,” you said aloud, “they’re pretty noisy.” It was a ballsy move to speak, but you wanted authority in the situation. Unsurprisingly, there was no response. You turned around to find an empty sidewalk behind you. No one was there. You shivered again, continuing your walk home.
It wasn’t until you crossed the street that you saw him. You couldn’t make out any details in the dark, but you immediately assumed it had to be Corey based off of his height. Michael was far too tall and recognizable, at least you thought. Then again, you had only really seen him that one time. You hoped your next meeting wasn’t anytime soon.
You kept an eye on the figure in the corner of your eye as you continued to walk home. Once you neared your house, you pulled out your keys and stepped up to your porch. You turned to see if the figure was still there, but he wasn’t. You had a feeling he was already inside.
You stepped into your dark house, closing the door and locking it. You felt your way in the dark for the light switch before a hand grabbed your arm. You yelped as you were shoved into the wall, a leg in between yours. You felt the man’s breath in your ear and the tenseness dropped. “Corey,” you whispered. He said nothing for a moment, just keeping you against the wall.
“What was that guy saying to you?” Corey asked after a minute. “He-he was trying to ask me out. I rejected him many times,” you replied, reaching out and touching his head soothingly. His hand went and grabbed yours, just holding it, “he was harassing you, wasn’t he?” You nodded before realizing he might not be able to see, “yeah, he was.” Corey growled, “then I don’t need to be beating myself up, huh?” “What do you mean?” you asked. You moved out from underneath him, searching for the light switch. You found it and flicked it on, gasping in horror.
Corey was wearing a recently bloodied mechanic suit, his hands and the knife he held covered in the same blood. He had a dark look in his eyes that told you enough. “Corey-“ you started. He pushed you back against the wall gentler this time, “I had to, baby. I was coming to pick you up, to walk you home, and I heard him talking to you. Didn’t hear all what he said, but I could tell you were uncomfortable. And then he sounded angry, and then you were angry. Which made me angry. And I just-“ He sighed, cutting himself off. “You can’t keep killing people like this Core,” you said softly. “I can’t let you keep getting harassed like that,” he said defensively, “it makes me angry. Makes me feel like I need to protect you all the time. I don’t…I don’t want this town to treat you like they treat me. But it’s worse because…” “Because I’m a girl?” you asked. He nodded, his eyes looking a little sad.
You held his face gently, feeling him lean into your touch. You wanted to tell him to stop killing, to stop all of this. But he wasn’t wrong. You were tired of being harassed, and you had tried standing up for yourself so many times. It was sweet in its own sadistic way to have someone who could make all of it go away, a shadow that protected you wherever you went. Someone who uses one hand to hold yours and the other to hold a knife, threatening anyone who stepped too close.
“Thank you,” you whispered quietly, “thank you for protecting me.” “I’ll always protect you,” Corey promised, “I’ll always be there to make sure that you’re okay. That you’re safe.” You leaned forward and kissed him softly. He kissed you back, the knife clattering to the floor as he moved to pull you closer to him. You made a mental note to wash your clothes later, knowing Corey had already gotten blood onto them.
He pushed you against the wall further, starting to grind against you as the kiss got more intense. Corey let out a growl when he heard the first whimper you let out. He was soon reaching down and pulling down your leggings quickly, slipping past your underwear to start rubbing at your clit. “So good for me,” he whispered into your ear, “so good. So beautiful.” You whined as you felt yourself get wetter, his praise making your head feel fuzzy.
You felt his mouth at your neck, leaving kisses and marks behind that you would have to hide tomorrow. Corey’s two fingers slipped into you, wasting no time to start thrusting in and out of you. You bucked against his hand, “Corey-“ “Such a good girl,” he continued his praise, “so good for me. Wanna make you feel good.” You fingers curled inside you, causing you to moan loudly. He kept his relentless pace for a moment, watching your face contort in pleasure. Corey leaned forward and kissed you again, drowning your moans and whines. You clutched at his curls with one hand while the other laid against his chest.
He pulled away, panting after not having taken a breath in his desperation to kiss you. You could already feel your first orgasm coming, and you clenched around his fingers. “Such a good girl,” he groaned, “you gonna cum for me?” You whined and nodded. “Fuck,” Corey cursed, “that’s it baby, that’s it. Need you to cum for me, okay? Just cum all over my fingers. Wanna make you feel so good. You deserve it, deserve everything good.” His fingers curled one last time before you were sent over the edge, crying out his name as you spasmed underneath him. Once you came down from your high, he pulled his fingers out before sucking at them, letting out a small moan at your taste.
“Can’t wait anymore,” Corey whispered, pulling down the zipper to his bloodied mechanic suit, “need to take care of you so bad.” He lined himself up against you, taking a moment to make sure you were ready before he pushed in. The stretch of his cock inside you would never fail to amaze you at how good it felt, and you whined out his name. Corey cursed under his breath, beginning to thrust into you slowly. He wanted to take his time with you, to show you how good he could make you feel. Tonight was all about you.
Jared was dragged into an alleyway, a hand stifling his screams. “Ever heard of no?” Corey asked, “you’re really pathetic, talking to that girl like that.” Jared whimpered under his hand, shivering in fear. Corey scoffed, “you make me sick.” He dragged his knife along Jared’s side, cutting just enough to hurt. No, not to kill. Not yet. Corey grinned wildly at the shaking man, “I’m gonna show you what happens to men like you, men who think they can harass a girl just cause she’s pretty.”
He moved his hand down, rubbing circles over your clit as he thrusted inside you again. You clenched around him as you felt his fingertips on you, bucking against him in the attempt to make him move faster. Corey growled, picking up the pace at your urging. “You look so good like this,” he said, “so pretty. And all mine. My pretty girl. My good girl.” He was in the mood to praise you until he ran out of things to say. Was it because he was jealous? He knew you would never have accepted the date offered by your coworker, but there was still a need to remind you that it was him that got you like this. Corey had half a mind to fuck you into your bed, folding your legs and using you over and over. Maybe another night, he thought.
Tonight, he would be a bit more gentle. He would show you how much he adored you, and how good you deserved to feel.
“Such a good girl,” he praised again, “my girl. My love. My everything.” You felt like crying at that, “and you’re my everything.” Corey smiled down at you, a genuine smile of the purest joy. He kissed you again, whispering, “I love you so much.” “I love you too,” you whispered back against his mouth. His thumb started rubbing you faster as he sped up his thrusts, knowing he wouldn’t last much longer like this. “Feel so good,” he moaned, “you feel so good around me.” “Corey,” you whined, “I’m close.” “Me too,” he whimpered, “I’m so close, too.” His thumb pressed and rubbed harder, desperate to make you cum before he did. Finally, he hit that spot that sent you over the edge, and you came with a whimper of his name. Corey came just seconds after, panting your name as he spilled inside of you.
The two of you leaned against the wall, holding each other gently. You could already feel the exhaustion of your day at work and your session with Corey finally hitting you. You yawned, signaling Corey that you were tired. He gently picked you up and carried you to your bedroom. He washed his hands in your bathroom after, making sure no blood was left behind. After you changed into one of his shirts you had stolen, he took your bloody clothes and threw them in your washer as well as his mechanic suit. The shirt he wore underneath was clean enough, and he settled down into your bed. You laid beside him, smiling as he pulled you in to cuddle. Corey’s soft breathing lulled you to sleep, and soon yours would cause him to drift off as well.
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mary-tudor · 1 year
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The Mortimer inheritance running in a Tudor prince: here’s how historian Sean Cunningham brings to public debate an often overlooked aspect of Prince Arthur’s Yorkist connection to his Mortimer’s ancestors and how he, an unofficial Earl of March, was expected to incorporate this to his kingship.
“Arthur's transition into the leader of Marcher society did involve a clever reinterpretation of regional history that put the new prince at the center of an old story.
The area that became the most important to Prince Arthur was the region in the Welsh Marches linking Worcester, Bewdley, Ludlow, Weobley and Leominster. Along with Shrewsbury to the north, Wigmore to the west and Hereford to the south, this was the centre of power for the Prince of Wales, and the area that his Council in the Marches dominated as representative of the more distant Westminster government.
In setting up Arthur's seat of power here, Henry VII was consciously merging several strands of political influence.
Those people that surrounded and served Arthur in the late 1490 knew that this region had been the heart of the lordship of the earldom of March. The last living earl had been the young Edward V before his father died and he disappeared.
Once Edward was believed to be dead, Arthur's mother, Queen Elizabeth, became the last heir of the Yorkist kings and therefore the most prominent living descendant of the Mortimers as earls of March.
Arthur was being linked to that earldom and the Mortimer family as a direct expression of his mother's lineage and what it represented. The earldom had for many years been a critical part of the House of York's power.
Mortimer blood was also a factor in building a Yorkist claim to the throne. Elizabeth's grandfather Richard, 3rd Duke of York had been a product of the marriage of Anne Mortimer and Richard, Earl of Cambridge, one of Edward III's grandsons. Anne was the sister of the last Mortimer Earl of March - Edmund Mortimer, who had died in 1425.
Richard, Duke of York had inherited the Mortimer estates and the dormant Mortimer claim to the crown through dual descent from Edward III. It was Edward IV that brought this fusion of rights and entitlements together when he became king in March 1461.
For Prince Arthur to be seriously considered the fulfillment of the prophecy of King Arthur's deed to lead Britons in a new and glorious age, the kings subject were expected to know the significance of the story. They were probably helped out in their recollections by the representation of parts of King Arthur's story in the pageantry that accomparied many ceremonial events in which the royal family was involved.
When Prince Arthur visited Coventry in 1497 he was greeted by a pageant that featured King Arthur and the other eight of the Nine Worthies, in which the legendary King of Britain made a speech of welcome. This entertainment carried an important and repeated message about the legitimacy of the place of Henry VIl's family in the long line of England's rulers.
It is possible, however, that there was a more specific justification for Henry VI's use of the legends of early Britain, namely Prince Arthur's inheritance of Mortimer power and his presence in the borderlands of England and Wales.
The Mortimer family had shown considerable interest in the Arthurian stories as part of their genealogy. The legendary figures Cadwaladr, Brutus and Arthur were viewed as ancestors and not mythological predecessors. When the Mortimers married into the family line of Llewelyn ap Iorwerth in 1228 they absorbed the descent of the princes of Wales growing from Cadwaladr.
A genealogical roll of the Mortimer family provides some valuable evidence of how Arthurian tradition was heavily promoted by family members as they developed their relationship with King Edward I in the 1270 and during the English war with Prince Llewelyn ap Gruffydd before 1282.
Later Plantagenet kings allowed the Mortimers to build up vice-regal power along the border from their castles and estates at Wigmore, Ludlow, Cleobury and Chirk. Even after the treason and execution of Roger Mortimer, 1st Earl of March in 1330, the family were able to recover their influence in the Marcher lands.
(…) Even after Edward I’s conquest of Wales and Henry IV's defeat of Owar Glyadir a century later, the annexation of Wales by England was never seriously contemplated. The English Crown's authority was exercised by deputies from within the regional communities that knew the people, landscape and history of the March. They were the king's intermediaries and were agents whose relationship with the Westminster government and court was essential to the achievement of aspirations of national security and stable rule.
Henry VII's interest in ancient British stories was a prop to the extension of his royal authority generally, and that of the Marcher lords in particular. It fitted with his grand scheme to revive an older form of lordship for his son in order to create a foundation of loyalty for Arthur's future kingship. King Henry's prominent use of the red dragon standard associated with Cadwaladr - still one of the most identifiable of Tudor images -(…).
In November 1493, Arthur was formally granted the lands and rights of the earldom of March during the king's pleasure. He was not expressly given the title, which had already been in Crown hands for thirty-two years, but this was an absorption of Marcher power into the new regional force that Arthur was to embody.
Once he held the power and estates of the earldom of March, Arthur acquired the real and the mythical associations of the earldom into his personal lordship. His arrival as a new border figurehead offered Arthur the potential to build a very strong and stable structure of lordship in the communities of the Marcher region.
Since it distilled his personal power into a more potent form, immediate acceptance of Arthur's inheritance of the March was as important as a boost to Arthur's royal presence as was his national status as Prince of Wales after 1489 or earlier title of Duke of Cornwall.
As he grew into his role, Arthur would develop this network and nurture the service of families connected with the earldom of March and the Yorkist Prince of Wales without the need to labour his relationship to the legendary power of King Arthur.
At the end of 1485, the threat posed by opponents biding their time in Richard IIl's northern power base was the most immediately pressing problem for Henry VII. Unfortunately, he could not simultaneously relax his efforts to promote his kingship and make the presence of the regime felt elsewhere.
In the areas where encouragement was offered by the loyalties of those who had already declared their allegiance to the new regime, the king moved swiftly to establish his allies. Henry VII could not afford to be seen to be undermining, manipulating or threatening the old Yorkist and Mortimer networks.”
Cunningham, S. “Prince Arthur: The Tudor King Who Never Was.”
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