#elliot x sam
sofiaruelle · 9 months
A lil sneak peak of my piece for @seasonsofthevalley fanzine~
And btw,They’re extending the ✨ ✨ pre-orders till September 23!!! ✨ ✨
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farmerstarter · 10 months
The Bachelors and How They Sleep
hello lovelies! Have some more of my headcanons. These HCs are for a gn! reader. If you have any requests then feel free to send me an ask! Reblogs and likes are greatly appreciated 🌷🤍
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🏈 Moves a lot during his sleep. But he doesn't outright punch you by accident. You always seem to end up being under him.
🏈 Mumbles a lot too. One time, you woke up to him counting to himself, just like how he counts his bicep curls.
🏈 Wakes up early, just a few moments before you. He says it's because he needs to exercise the first thing in the morning. But it's actually because he felt you move out of the bed and he doesn't like to be alone.
🏈 Gives you all the pillows to make you comfortable. He says it's important for your muscles to get a good night's rest. He ends up hogging the blankets.
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🪶 Sleeps like a dead man. He doesn't move at all, save for the occasional turning to the side to snuggle against you.
🪶 It takes him a while to finally succumb to slumber. He says it's because he's used to listening to the waves of the beach to fall asleep.
🪶 Silk pajamas, the man has sets of them. He keeps his hair down while sleeping so you sometimes wake up to your whole face being covered by his locks.
🪶 He's a late riser, mostly because he sleeps late too. He tells you that he writes better at night and he doesn't allow himself to rest until he's finished writing one chapter at least.
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🛩️ Sometimes, Harvey forgets to take off his glasses before he goes to bed. Which is why he has so many broken ones that he tries to hide from you by kicking them under the bed.
🛩️ Professional cuddler. He always makes sure you're in his arms or vice versa. He needs to touch you in order to get a good night's rest. Doesn't matter if you two are spooning or if it's just his hand on top of your arm.
🛩️ Snores a lot. Goes "hoooonk mimimimimi hoooonk mimimimi"
🛩️ I like to imagine him wearing those pajamas that's like just a long night gown and those floppy pointy hats. You know the one.
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🎸 Alex mumbles in his sleep, Sam straight up sings. Usually it's outbursts of the choruses of his songs, sometimes he'd hum the tune out. You have a video of him playing air drums while sleeping. You sent the video to Abigail and Sebastian, and they never let Sam hear the end of it.
🎸 He wakes up super late most of the time. But on the rare occasion where he doesn't, he cooks breakfast and serves it to you in bed. Complete with a flower in a vase and everything.
🎸 Always kisses you before he falls asleep. Straight up drags you to his side of the bed to peck your lips.
🎸 Would take off his shirt to put it on you. He says he doesn't want you getting cold at night and waves you off when you refuse, worried about his wellbeing. "I don'T gEt sicK eaSiLy, Babe," ends up in the clinic to get meds the next day.
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👾 It's my headcanons and I say he moves a LOT during his sleep. So much so that you end up on the floor when you wake up. He refuses to believe that he does that.
👾 His sleep schedule depends on you. He refuses to sleep unless you're already in the house. He doesn't like the feeling of sleeping when he doesn't know you're safe. You'll find him waiting for you on the porch.
👾 Prefers to sleep on the side of the bed where the sun doesn't shine.
👾 Immediately feels it when you get out of the bed. And he wakes up immediately, groggy and needing a few minutes to register where he is. Even if you're just going to get a glass of water, Sebastian would wake up and ask where you're going.
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🐣 This man says good night to all the chickens in your coop before he goes to bed, I decided.
🐣 He used to get little to no hours of sleep but after moving in with you, he tries to get enough sleep as possible.
🐣 Hugs you in his sleep, all the time.
🐣 He wakes up the same moment you do, sometimes earlier. He gave himself the job to take care of your farm animals so you don't have to work too hard. So he wakes early to get the job done as soon as possible to spend breakfast with you.
🐣 My brother in Yoba, he would wake up in the middle of the night to get a snack. You would sometimes catch him in the middle of drinking cows milk straight out of the bottle in front of the open fridge.
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animekpopsimp · 1 year
How Stardew Valley Characters React To You Kissing Them Out Of Nowhere
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It takes her a moment to process it when it happens
Abigail's eyes go wide and her whole face goes red as she stares at you for a moment
When she finally processes it, she looks down at the ground, a lovestruck smile on her face
Abigail looks back at you, planting a kiss on your cheek but she doesn't say anything.
When you kiss him out of nowhere, he almost drops his cigarette
Sebastian stares forward, not saying anything
Finally, after a moment, he looks over at her, his face turning a shade of red
A smile appears on Sebastian's face as he wraps an arm around your shoulder, pulling you close
Congratulations, you've broken him
Shane starts to sputter when you kiss him, eyes going wide in surprise
He looks at you for a second before he has to look away, not wanting you to see the blush on his face
He's only caught off guard for a second, but it doesn't last long
Harvey smiles as he looks at you, a lovestruck look on his face
He leans over and places a kiss on your cheek, still smiling
Her first reaction is to laugh
Emily blushes as she leans in, kissing you back
After she pulls away she wraps her arms around you in a hug
All the while she teases you
She wasn't even caught off guard
She just smiles at you, the tiniest hint of a blush on her face
Maru laughs to herself as she pulls you into a hug
She was not expecting it at all
Leah's entire face goes red as she stares forward, too embarrassed to look you in the eyes
When she finally does, she can barely maintain eye contact
After a moment, she places a kiss on your cheek before looking away again
Sam tries to play it cool
But there's still a blush on his face as he rubs the back of his neck nervously
He makes a comment about how you missed, pointing to his lips with a smirk on his face
He also tries to play it cool
But it's easy to tell that he's embarrassed and caught off guard
He laughs after a moment before kissing you back
He looks calm, and he is
He looks over at you, a loving smile on his face
Elliot places a hand on your head, ruffling your hair in an affectionate manner
He then places a kiss on your forehead, telling you how cute you are
Her whole face is red
She can't look you in the eye as she processes what just happened
After a moment, Penny smiles, placing a kiss on your cheek
A smile immediately appears on her face
Haley looks over at you, a slight blush on her cheeks
She teases you a bit, placing a kiss on your cheek to see you blush as well
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spacepatrolhana · 1 year
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shane vs the world ?!?!??!
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a-hemhem · 1 day
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Dungeon Meshi x Stardew Valley part 2
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sincerely-astra · 1 month
☁️Stardew Valley: love language headcanons☁️
(P.S. This is just the bachelors and bachelorettes, but I decided to add Sandy for fun. ^^)
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Giving: Acts of service
Receiving: Words of affirmation
Giving: Words of affirmation
Receiving: Receiving gifts
Giving: Physical touch
Receiving: Words of affirmation
Giving: Gift giving
Receiving: Quality time
Giving: Physical touch
Receiving: Acts of service
Giving: Gift giving
Receiving: Quality time
Giving: Gift giving
Receiving: Acts of service
Giving: Acts of service
Receiving: Words of affirmation
Giving: Quality time
Receiving: Words of affirmation
Giving: Quality time
Receiving: Physical touch
Giving: Quality time
Receiving: Quality time
Giving: Giving gifts
Receiving: Quality time
Giving: Physical touch
Receiving: Receiving gifts
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criesinliess · 2 months
━MARCH 2024; susan's recs
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flatline @indecisivemuch
one year with luke castellan – august 14 with clarisse la rue @tangledinlove
mind over matter. @woodlandwrites
now or never @peachtarto
i’m an idiot @alipal97
a very common crisis @jab-we-drank-chai
you’re beautiful @ilycosy
parent trap @sayoneee
lighting the fuse might result in a bang @love-that-we-were-in
THE KILLERVERSE @tangledinlove — guys once again, go and read it!!!
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be quiet for me @itsoutrageouss
can’t fucking sleep without you @↑
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i love you so @aislinrayne
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confident @itstopplingdomino
nightly terrors @crvptidgf
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(not) my girl @obaex
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first love/late spring @forever--darling
photographer @eymie
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what’s wrong with being confident @munsonluhvr
you're gonna make me fall in love with you @dual1pa
romance is dead, isn’t it? @megxplryxb
season two of "come home" @stevie-petey — go and read it if you still didn’t
call it what you want @harringtonstilinski
snow storm @eddiemunsonw
bright eyes; part2 @caxde
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hotter than texas; part2 @tongue-like-a-razor
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truce; distracted @crvptidgf
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(not so) simple; part2 @atlabeth
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stardew-requests · 9 months
Can I get headcanons for the Bachelors and a pregnant farmer? ((Or a link to a post that you've made about the same thing that I really feel like you've made that I still can't remember))
Nothing makes my heart happier than the Stardew bachelors as dads! Thanks for the request Anon!
This one's long post! I put it under the cut!
Alex: In some regard, he still views himself as a teenager, so upon learning that the farmer was pregnant he had a moment of panic. Okay, it was more than just a moment. "What are we going to do? My grandma's going to be so disappointed!" He'd say, pacing back a forth. The farmer would just shake their head. "Alex, we're married. I don't think it'll be much of a scandal". It took some time to really register that he was going to be a father, but when it finally clicked a few weeks in, he begins to get excited. He takes initiative on prepping the nursery and goes above and beyond with helping on the farm. At his core, he's determined to be that father he never had; the one that every kid deserves.
Elliott: He is extremely attentive, almost excessively. Every need, every craving, every appointment or exam, he's there without hesitation. The farmer never has to doubt whether or not he'll be there, because he was fully involved from the moment they told him they were expecting. It had always been a dream of his to be a father, and it had finally come to fruition. So he was there for every moment of the pregnancy, good and bad. And the moment he held that baby for the first time? No painting or song or any piece of art was ever as beautiful as that moment.
Harvey: Being a doctor, Harvey was completely ready, medically speaking. However, no amount of medical school or field work could've prepared him for the intense emotions that overcame him the moment he found out he was going to be a father. Pure joy flooded over him, but also crippling worry. What if he panicked during the delivery? What if something went wrong? How could he live with himself if something did go wrong and he wasn't able to help? The farmer, while worried to a lesser degree, became the rock he needed to be both an attentive doctor and a caring husband. And, of course, he excelled at both. 
Sam: Poor Sam didn't see this one coming. The pregnancy was a surprise, and the farmer was overjoyed, but Sam had no idea how to react at first. Of course he was ecstatic; he'd often daydream of being a father. Taking care of Vincent all those years had given him a real paternal touch. But he was also nervous. What would his mom say? Would his dad be disappointed in him? Would he grow apart from his friends? The situation took some getting used to, but after he overcame the initial shock he let the excitement take over. He went to every single checkup with the farmer and bought LOADS of baby things to prepare the nursery. And you believe he absolutely spoils that baby. 
Sebastian: In his younger years, Sebastian fully believed he never wanted to be a father. He didn't think he was cut out for it. But after meeting the farmer, the idea began to grow on him. He liked the idea of being a stay-at-home dad on the farm. So when the farmer told him the news, he immediately knew he was ready to fall right into the role. Not having his own dad around (and the coldness he received from Demetrius all his life) made him dead-set on being the most attentive and loving man he could be. For both the baby and the farmer.
Shane: Shane had convinced himself that he'd never get that chance to be a father, with the exception of Jas of course, and he'd come to terms with that long ago. It was only after recovery and the blooming relationship with the farmer that he dared to imagine the possibility of a child of his own. When the time came that the farmer told him of their pregnancy, they were worried that he wouldn't react well. Though he'd come a long way in his recovery, he was still fragile. But the farmer wouldn't have guessed that he'd bury his head in his hands and become choked up. "Shane?" They'd ask carefully, worried he was going to break down. But he just shakes his head, looks up at the farmer, and says "I'm so happy".
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prettyboypistol · 1 year
Stardew Valley Bachelors x Male Reader Relationship Headcanons
Super Shy Gay(TM)
I dont CARE if you're married he ASKS TO HOLD YOUR HAND
Kiss him. Kiss him in public. Do it.
If you call him gay he'll get flustered
Can't cook for shit but tries his best. yes, the smoke alarms are going off because he tried to cook bacon.
Harvey is one of those anxious boyfriends that asks you to text him that you made it to a place safe.
"Drive safe, I love you"/"Dear it's been 10 minutes since the ETA are you alright?" hella ass
probably forgets your anniversary ONCE, but then never again when you tell him you were upset.
you know the men that forget your anniversary? NOT ANYMORE
you randomly come home to roses all the time.
"Oh hello my love i am writing a book about homosexual pirates wear this to immerse me please"
probably hides gifts around the house with little notes
bad at confrontation but will eventually talk to you about things that bother him like a week of letting it fester.
Dramatic ass bitch on GOD
probably likes to be choked
Calls you gay slurs affectionately and expects the same energy back at him.
He can cook like, 2 meal.
Remembers every little anniversary but is embarrassed about it. He remembers the first time you kissed, the first time you said i love you, etc.
Biggest cuddlebug known to man
Feels bad that you're the main breadwinner so he begs to take care of the chickens on your farm.
You WILL find Shane asleep with a baby chick in his arms sometimes i'm sorry homie
Confrontational af, if something happens that he isn't okay with he'll bring it up as soon as situationally possible in a kind way.
writes you love songs
he's a bit of a messy partner, but if you mention the mess it'll be spotless for like, 3 weeks.
if you get in a fight he'll brood outside with his guitar for a little, but will always get into bed with you at the end of the day happily.
loves surprises and surprising
he's all great when it's casual flirting, but as soon as you two start seriously flirting he gets all flustered.
bi-curious, you're probably the first man he's dated but not the first man he's kissed.
loves to binge TV shows with you
pan ICON
he thinks you're too cool for him, but he is grateful that you enthusiastically love him
calls you a hillbilly if you call him emo
if you ask about a project he's working on he WILL talk for hours
Falls asleep at his desk a lot, but appreciates when you carry him to bed
he loves when you talk to him "while he's sleeping"
Lets you ride with him to TechCons or Comicons, loves going as couple characters
you get invited to the Dungeons and Dragons campaign
likes calling you his boyfriend
picks you up and does reps with you to flirt
he loves touching your body after a long day of farming, the tan fascinates him.
a surprisingly great cook, always knows what you wanna eat without asking.
has never even looked at a man before you came along, so he's kinda awkward about serious romantic things
bad at confrontation, but great at supporting you
he calls you very masculine things like "superman" or "my man" a lot
Defends Dusty when he steals your spot on the bed, but offers his chest as a substitute.
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alyara-alyara · 12 days
When you wipe away their kiss (SDV Bachelors)
- When he gave you a kiss on the lips and you quickly wiped it away he looked shocked and gave you another.
- You wiped your lips again. “Why are you wiping away my kiss?” he said in a concerned and angry turned.
- When you shrug and try to keep a straight face he realizes you’re just playing around. He holds you close and gives you a bunch of kisses all over your face.
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- He had just gotten back from his mom's house and was really tired. You were out on the farm planting new crops.
- When you went inside he picked you up and gave you a kiss. He asked if you wanted to watch something.
- He was happy when you said yes until you wiped away his kiss. It bothered him that you wiped his kiss away.
- He put you down and you felt bad and told him it was a joke. He smiled and picked you up again.
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- You were getting ready to take care of the farm animals. Shane gave you a kiss on the cheek before you left. When you wiped it away he noticed but didn’t say anything.
- He spent the rest of the day thinking about you wiping his kiss away. When you came back home he gave you a kiss on the cheek again.
- He mostly just wanted to see if you would wipe it away again. When you didn’t wipe his kiss away he sighed in relief.
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- Harvey gave you a peck on the forehead after you helped him restock the clinic medication. He didn’t expect you to wipe your forehead.
- He frowned “Do you not like my kisses anymore?” he says but it sounds like he's asking himself.
- He thinks you don’t love him anymore and has a talk with you about it.
· · ───────── ·𖥸· ───────── · ·
- You had made Sebastian some sashimi and he gave you a kiss on the cheek as a thank you. You wiped the kiss away and sat down.
- He doesn’t say anything. He thought maybe you just needed some time alone. After he ate he went to outside to smoke.
- He spent the rest of the day on his computer. When you guys got ready for bed he kept thinking about how you wiped his kiss away.
- When you both got into bed he gave you a peck on the cheek. This wasn’t something he normally did, but he was happy when you didn’t wipe it away.
· · ───────── ·𖥸· ───────── · ·
- He got back from his walk and saw you sitting on the couch. He gave you a kiss and when you wiped it away he didn’t know how to react.
- He thinks at first he stinks but when he realizes he doesn’t he gets even more confused. “Why did you wipe my kiss away?” He asked.
- Once he realizes you’re playing a joke on him, he gets a bit mad.
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pastellbg · 1 month
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The best bachelor boys
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ss-aquarium · 2 years
SDV Bachelors + Fatherhood >--)))°< (PT.2)
●☆○°☆ How the Bachelors are as Fathers ☆°○☆●
|| Paring : {Elliott, Sam, Sebastian x reader}
|| Wordcount : [852]
|| Tags : (Fluff, slight Angst, Headcannons, Established Relationship)
|| Warnings : *Spoilers for Sam’s 14-heart event*
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Develops an entire children’s library in the nursery, might try to name your kid after a character from a novel he likes
Starts drafting children’s books with your kid as the main character; incredibly proud if your kid wants his stories read at bedtime
Teaches them to read at the speed of light, that kid’s AR levels are through the roof, might self-assign summer reading once they’re in school
That kid has incredible English and writing grades, Elliot probably gets tricked into editing papers when he gets frustrated with revision and might cause a call home about potential plagiarism (why is this 2nd grader using words like “robust” and “forlorn?”)
#1 hair braider, would love a little girl to doll up and practice different hairstyles, very willing to be dolled up for tea parties
Extremely sentimental and marks every single milestone, has too many photo albums, celebrates every graduation, cried uncontrollably when your kid took their first steps
Is definitely the type of parent to leave handwritten notes in you kid’s lunchbox
Wants a large family because he spent so much time isolated and pretty lonely before you moved to the valley, doesn’t pressure you but drops a lot of hints that he wants more than 1 kid
Takes your kids to the beach, will play mermaids, will ask you to play mermaids with them 
Beach day ends in campfire stories around the pit outside his old cabin, maybe “camping” in the cabin 
Likes to play piano for your kids, very proud if they developed musical interests
Literally over the moon if your kid is a bookworm/writer, will not stop recommending authors and series or asking to read their latest works- very supportive
Resident “cool dad” 
Super lax but strict when is counts, big brother-ing heavily influences his parenting style in a “don’t tell ‘mom’” way, meaning he’ll let them get away with a lot as long as they don’t go telling on him
You’ll have to parent for 2 in the beginning cause Sam’s not used to so much responsibility but he’ll catch on pretty quickly, proud of himself when he starts taking the “dad” role seriously
Vincent was super excited and was one of the first people who got to hold the baby, brags to Jas that he’s got lots of responsibilities as a new uncle
Sam probably likes showing off on the half-pipe and teaches your kid how to skate, very proud if he you guys raise a sk8ter like him
Styles you kid’s hair if they ask, then you’ll have 2 super saiyans around the farm with hair full of rock-hard hair gel
When he got his kid's show gig he ran a lot of drafts through Vincent and your kid, both were super excited seeing him on TV, both bragged about it for weeks and acted like superstars
Loves taking your kid to concerts, both of them decorated headphones for your kid to wear, definitely headbangs to the mildest children's songs to make your kid laugh
Very proud band parent if your kid decides to do band (would prefer band to orchestra cause he can't yell in concert halls)
Jodi is a very proud Grandma and enjoys seeing Sam so mature and responsible; her baby has a baby now
Kent is a little slow on the uptake but is still loving towards his grandkid, will attend veteran's day at your kid's school
Least likely to want children but really loves your kid, finds parenting as a way of healing his childhood trauma (reparents himself)
Very supportive dad and never belittles your kid's achievements or decisions, doesn't want to stifle them like he'd been
Buys motorcycle helmets for the kid even if you say no to him taking them on rides, it's the thought that counts to him
Creates family campaigns for you and your friends to try and get you kid into ttrpgs, will buy/use your kid's toys as minifigs
Would love a lil computer nerd he talk shop with, probably teaches your kid to code once they're older
Obsesses over frog-themed baby clothes and toys, likes to play leapfrog with your kid but will stop after like 2 hops cause he has a bad back from poor posture at his computer (probably makes dad noises even though he's in his early 20s)
Would rock the baby by bouncing it on his leg while he has the coffee shakes coding late at night
Aunty Maru pt.2 cause she will love this kid so much, she'll make little science experiments to teach them about chemistry and robotics
Robin LOVES the kid because Sebastian's finally out of the basement and has a family to care for; basically all she's ever wanted
Demetrius cares for the kid, might chastise Sebastian's parenting but tries to be respectful about it, also makes science experiments about ecology and takes your kid on field study trips
This kid is definitely going to be valedictorian like this is the prime environment for a little nerd
Sebastian would probably let them get a tattoo as a graduation present, might even get a matching one
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farmerstarter · 11 months
The Bachelors on their Wedding Day
Hi Hello have this short list of my little Headcanons of the bachelors on their wedding day. Hope you enjoy it! Reblogs and likes are appreciated!!🌷🤍
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ʚ🏈ɞ ˚ · . Alex :
🏈 Fiddles with his tie relentlessly and ends up ruining it. He runs to Evelyn to ask her to tie it up again. The only other thing he fusses over is his hair.
🏈 Alex keeps a rabbit's foot in his pants, wanting all the luck he can get.
🏈 Spent literal days writing his wedding vows. Ends up opting to wing it. It wasn't the most eloquently worded thing you've heard but it was sweet.
🏈 He gave himself a pep talk in his bedroom before the ceremony. You only know about this because George was complaining about how loud he was to you.
🏈 Dusty the dog is the mermaid pendant bearer, I decided.
🏈 Also, the song that plays during the wedding is the same tune from Alex's music box. 🥺
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ʚ🪶ɞ ˚ · . Elliott :
🪶Beach wedding. You guys have a beach wedding. You've expressed your interest in one and Elliott, with the eager help of Willy, clean up the beach for your special day. Elliott's shoes would fill with sand but his discomfort is overpowered by his delight when he sees you all dressed up.
🪶 He reads you one (of many) of his poems about you. You later learned that he's got a whole book of poetry about you that he's been writing ever since you two started dating. The poem he read on the wedding day was the very first one and is the first page of the book.
🪶 He spent hours trying to make himself look good. Asking for Leah and Willy's input on what he should wear for a solid 3 hours.
🪶 Aside from him worrying over his appearance, Elliott is more excited than nervous. He's on the verge of creating a new chapter in his life with someone else. Gone are the days of his lonely shack and the empty (well, not as empty since you moved into town) beach. Honestly, to say that he's excited is an understatement.
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ʚ🛩️ɞ ˚ · . Harvey :
🛩️ Gets awfully shy when reading his vows, stuttering his way through his words and being a blushing mess. He has no problem with the one-on-one check up sessions he does with the other villagers of Pelican Town, but to read aloud in front of all of them at once threw him off. But he kept his eyes on you and managed to power through it.
🛩️ He considered shaving off his mustache for the wedding at least twice. But he decided against the idea.
🛩️ Insisted that you eat Farmer's Brunch the morning of the wedding. Even during your wedding day, he wants to make sure you're feeling healthy.
🛩️ Holds your hands throughout the whole ceremony. Whispering apologies for how clammy his hands are.
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ʚ🎸ɞ ˚ · . Sam :
🎸 He wrote a whole song about you and played it on your wedding day. He made it a surprise for you and the moments of him hiding his guitar and shoving music sheets under his bed when you visit his room were all starting to make sense to you.
🎸 Couldn't sleep for the whole night before the wedding. He worried over the ceremony and wanted to make it go smoothly. He's not one to meticulously plan every detail, opting to engage in spur of the moment decisions, but he tried his best to make everything as close to perfect as he can get.
🎸 Jodi tried to gel Sam's hair back, but no matter the amount of gel and hours, his hair would always spring back. Sam wasn't a fan of dressing up in a "dorky suit" but he did anyway, for you.
🎸 Sam didn't want to see you until the wedding so he got Vincent to play messenger for the two of you. He wouldn't do it at first but only agreed to do it because he likes you (Cue a dramatic gasp from Sam).
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ʚ🐸ɞ ˚ · . Sebastian :
🐸 Ends up smiling through the whole ceremony, looking at you with such a brightness in his eyes.
🐸 He isn't one to wear anything fancy. The closest thing he ever wore that is considered formal was the suit that Lewis got him and the rest of the dancers to wear for the Flower Dance. He asks his mom to help him dress up for the wedding, asking her about it while she was building furniture. Sebastian doesn't want to admit it, but he liked watching his mom so happy over something that was so mundane to him. He makes sure to keep the suit in perfect condition throughout the ceremony because of it.
🐸 He tells his very heartfelt wedding vows. And while he does, you could hear the faint "that's good," from Elliott before a grunt, inevitably elbowed on the side by Leah.
🐸 You and him ride on his motorcycle after the wedding. He drives you two to the cliff overlooking the city, the same cliff where he confessed his true feelings to you. Under the full moon, the two of you would look at the stars with Sebastian occasionally pointing at a constellation that Maru taught him to find.
🐸 Consider: winter wedding.
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ʚ🐣ɞ ˚ · . Shane :
🐣 Genuinely doesn't believe that you want to marry him. He thinks it's a dream at best and a prank at worst. It wasn't until you were tying his mermaid pendant around his neck for him to know that you do love him. He still has trouble understanding it sometimes.
🐣 Shane asked Marnie to teach him how to waltz for your wedding day. Sure, he's danced in the Flower Dance countless of times but he wanted to learn something new to surprise you. And he did. After dancing with you, he dances with Jas. Well, it's more of Jas standing on Shane's feet while he walks and glides around.
🐣 He gave his chicken, Charlie, a bow tie for the wedding and everything. Even got a picture of you and Shane with the little guy. The picture ends up being hanged on Shane's side of the bedroom for many years to come.
🐣 Has his pocket full of corn chips, let's be honest. He offers one to you before the ceremony starts.
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animekpopsimp · 2 months
Stardew Valley Characters When Someone Flirts With You
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When Shane sees someone else flirting with you, all of his insecurities resurface. He tries not to let them get to it, but he just can't help it. Of course he trusts that you won't cheat on him, but he can't help but worry that you'll realize the other person is better than he is and leave him. He only feels better when you walk away from the person and pull him away from the situation. It takes some reassurance from you before he is reassured that you won't leave him. He really is lucky to have you.
Harvey can't help but get upset when someone starts to flirt with you, especially with him right there. He isn't mad at you of course, but the other person, they don't even acknowledge the fact that the two of you are together. He finally speaks up and starts telling you that you need to go, he's a bit more clingy as he does.
Sam doesn't get too jealous when someone tries to flirt with you. He knows you won't leave him, so he simply waits for you to tell the person that you're already in a relationship. He loves seeing the look on the person's face when you do.
Like Sam, Alex doesn't get upset when she sees someone trying to flirt with you. He simply walks up and agrees with everything the person says, making it obvious that the two of you are in a relationship. When the two of you walk away, he has a smirk on his face.
All Sebastian does when he notices the other person flirting with you is stay quiet. He doesn't feel the need to interfere since he trusts you. He simply waits for you to finish the conversation, which doesn't take long, he then just walks away.
Elliot doesn't like when he sees someone else flirting with you. However, he doesn't show his jealousy. All he does is walk up to you and pull you away from the situation, he does become a bit more clingy.
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stardew-traveler-peep · 6 months
Elliott Cosplays as One Man... Who Should He Be?
FUGIMOTO VS HOWL (poll at the end)
On the defence for Fugimoto:
Dude. The red hair? wig not needed, he just lets those locks GO and he's good!
this freak married the sea. and honestly with how beautiful Elliott describes her in game, I could TOTALLY sea it
If Elliott cosplays as Fugimoto, then the farmer gets to cosplay as THE SEA. lemme tell you, she GORG
Constantly in a mental break tbh the sea is the only thing keepin him sane
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on the defence of Howl:
Howl and Elliott?? they are t h e same type of dramatic
Elliott sounds like christian bale to me and so does Howl.
Howl has gone ginger. though its true it was during a mental break
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asophiamills · 2 days
Stardew Valley Bachelors and Bachelorettes as Mermaids
Current line up lol, I'm not done with this series yet!!
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