#fellow goth friends just sound really nice
victorian-gay · 4 months
Any vampire obsessed LGBTQ+ people out there? I don't want to date i just want to talk at length about vampires being gay coded and have goth friends
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victimsofyaoipoll · 8 months
Round 3
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Propaganda Under Cut
kairi is the third protagonist of the kingdom hearts series and the third member of the destiny trio, alongside fan favorites sora and riku. sora/riku shippers HATE kairi, and will go out of their way to discount her at every turn. the hate for her ranges from typical "she's a boring bitch" to fans of soriku making five-hour long video essays reassuring their fellow shippers that the big bad kairi won't show up in the next installment – to quote one video, "she's in a box. she's on the shelf. four walls, no door." kairi is the greatest bogeyman the soriku fandom has ever known, to the point where most of said video essays and fanon meta posts focus not on why sora and riku should get together, but rather on why they don't like kairi.
Literally has a 100+ page Google doc fan theory writing her out of the narrative and putting all of her (few) canonical accomplishments onto half of the popular m/m ship (soriku). Don't even get me started on how her memory was completely written out of the canon plot of re:coded. KH is a nightmare to explain so dude trust me she is THE victim of yaoi
She is so fundamental to the plot and themes and narratives of game and yet it is near impossible to find anything about her thats not ship bashing pre-mlm with the other two characters. I dont even care if she ends up with one of the main characters i just want fans to see her as a cool character to love or like, anything other than “annoying comphet girl.” You can write your mlm but pleaae stop inventing comphet where it doesnt exist. She does not even get to spend time with sora ever?? Why does everyone see her as a threat and a thing to destroy?? Let her have friends so help me
Misa Amane
she gets treated in-canon the way fandoms treat female characters that Threaten an m/m ship. it's like, "oh why don't you go sit in the corner and be pretty, misa, while the Men have intelligent conversation and pretend they aren't ten seconds from fucking each other, doesn't that sound nice?" it's infuriating. and MAYBE it's better now but i remember her getting treated the same way in fanfiction too, like we all need to do just as badly by our female secondary characters as fucking tsugumi ohba, but with the added insult of making her be alternately oblivious of the relationship between light and L or actively trying to sabotage it—incompetently, of course, because god forbid misa be allowed dignity or moments of cleverness.
she's one of the first characters I think of when I consider old school fandom misogyny. The annoying bitch and clingy crazy gf allegations were AFTER HER ASS. She's also a lot more intelligent than people gave her credit for, but most seem inclined to take the Very Biased word of our unreliable, narcissistic narrator and his homoerotic arch nemesis and claim that just because she's bubbly and into romance that she's also a complete moron. Which is blatantly untrue. Everyone was afraid of Misa girlbossing too hard. Killing people and devoting yourself to the deranged twink of your dreams even though you know he'll never love you back??? Having a hardcore goth aesthetic and being so Hot even literal Death Gods are into you?? God forbid women do ANYTHING!
Not only is she the victim of yaoi culture, she is the victim of early 2000s misogyny by an author that wanted to introduce a girl character because he knew his male rivals were getting too homoerotic. She is a goth bimbo icon who portrays what I think is one of the few callouts for stan culture and what parasocial relationships can do to both the stan and the idol. The fact that she is a toxic fan of Kira and also hot, funny, sociable is tragic in its own way, which I think the author did try to touch on but was too misogynistic too really get through. Of course, she was reduced to villain status by the fandom and anime alike because she got in the way of the supposed romance in their psychological horror anime.
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ransprang · 2 years
Hi there c: I'm so happy to see your Arcane match ups are open again, so I figured I would try one! You're so cool for doing this <3
I'm 25, a bisexual woman with slight male preference. Also classic INFP and a virgo. I'm very passionate, but also a anxious overthinker in nearly all aspects of life. I'm adventurous in my head (as in daydreaming all the time) but I actually prefer my life being safe. Escapism is a big thing for me. Despite being an introvert who prefers one-on-one time with people, I'm very talkative and love hanging with my friends and family, they're very important to me. Being the center of attention makes me highly uncomfortable. I can be a tireless, perfectionist worker when it comes to things I'm passionate about and I've always been a big nerd (hate to admit it but I used to be kind of a know-it-all when I was younger). I'm a good listener and very much wear my heart on my sleeve.
My hobbies revolve around all kinds of art. I've been drawing, painting, building, sculpting, sewing etc. ever since I was a little kid and I'm currently learning to become a costume and stage designer. I'm a cosplayer too. Another hobby of mine is collecting things. I love nature, animals and forests are a happy place of mine.
My type, personality-wise: Humble, patient and gentle people who don't snap easily. People who make me feel safe. Someone who doesn't judge me. Intelligence, talent, skill and passion are very attractive to me (I'm kinda 'sapiosexual' when it comes to that haha). I'm drawn to complex, tragic characters who've been through a lot and who I could talk about deep, personal things with. I used to be an outsider as a child who didn't have any friends, so I need someone who doesn't get annoyed of reassuring me that I'm important to them. I like soft men and strong women
Look-wise: dark hair, pretty faces and hands, slender people
Things I can't stand: ignorance, indifference, arrogance, inattentive people who don't listen, loud people, self-centeredness, unreliability, pushy people, boredom
My love languages are physical touch and quality time
Appearance: average height, athletic, long, dark blonde hair with a rest of grown out turquoise, mostly non revealing, nu-gothy clothes (many long coats, cardigans, long sleeves), grey eyes, pale, moles
I hope this didn't get too long, thank you for taking your time and reading all this <3
heyloo thanks for the request!! you sound hella dope. admin sar is a fellow dark souls fan so she tried extra hard with this one c: hope you like your match up!!
your arcane match up is.........SILCO!!
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- Since you’re good at cosplay you could dress him up as sailor moon. If not, you could just help him put some full coverage foundation on his eye with your makeup skills
-  If you took Silco to a forest with you he would cry out of both eyes. Having grown up in Zaun he would be amazed by the beauty of nature
- Silco’s backstory is pretty complex and tragic and like you, he is drawn to tragic people as well like Jinx! So you’d probably have to adopt her too when you get with Silco
- Since he is quite untrusting of others he'd really like that you wear your heart on your sleeve.
- you don't like being the centre of attention? don't worry! Silco can draw all that attention away from you with that (lovely) scar of his
- Silco seems to be physically up your alley since he's a slender boi, be careful not to break him. He has nice hands too and that face is very unique <3
- You, Jinx and Silco would make a beautiful goth family. You guys would insist on coordinating outfits every time you go out!
your souls,
admins sar & san
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purplespaceace · 3 years
I’m already skeptical of the party from the moment the door opens. The music is loud, someone brought one of those balls that spins light everywhere, and it’s filled with people. Morgan touches my arm and reassures me we can go home whenever. I don’t want to ruin her night, but I don’t want to have a panic attack either. Furthermore, if I had a panic attack, that would be very embarrassing for Morgan. My options aren’t good. I follow Morgan around in a blind haze as I think. Someone compliments Morgan’s crop top and skirt. I can’t believe I wore a cardigan with skulls on it and short shorts to a party. Goth and showing off how incredibly fat I am.
Morgan would have a lot of things to say about that sentence. She likes my odd mix of soft pinks and skulls, and I’ve asked her why someone beautiful would want someone like me. She tells me I’m soft and I’m cute when I blush and she likes my hair, and my freckles, and how she can’t feel my bones when she sits on my lap and the way my lips feel when she kisses me. She says she likes my blue eyes and how I’m a whole head shorter than her. I want to believe her. And after three years, I kind of do.
Morgan leads me to the fridge. I’m glad she didn’t try to steer me towards the keg. I’d like to stay as far away from that crowd as possible. Maybe a party wasn’t the best place to come for that. Besides, Morgan doesn’t drink because her mom got into a bit of an alcohol problem when she was just realizing she was a lesbian married to a man and had kids. I don’t think any of us drink, actually--it’s haram, so off the table for Liz, Katie is worried she’ll get addicted because of her history with depression, George’s dad wasn’t very friendly after seeing the bottom of the bottle, and the rest of us just don’t think being drunk sounds that fun.
“Do you want root beer?” Morgan asks. Morgan has a bit of a root beer addiction, not that she’ll admit it. I let her give me one and we move on. The next room has a karaoke machine in it. Thankfully, Morgan doesn’t do karaoke because she doesn’t want to intimidate people who can’t sing into not using it. Her voice is magnificent, and she’s working on writing her first album. She says I’m her muse, and most of her songs are love songs to me. I wish I could do something as romantic for her, but naming a disease after her is about the best I could do. And that’s not very good.
Morgan introduces me to her friend, Aille. He’s got dark hair and is about four feet tall. He asks my name. I think I give it. If not, I said I’m here with Morgan. Does it matter? Yes, it does. I hope I don’t look like an idiot. He asks me what my job is. I tell him I’m in college, to become a chemist and a doctor. Or that I don’t work. I don’t know. I can’t tell what I said. I can’t tell what I’m supposed to do. I don’t know what he just said. Was that a question? Does he expect me to answer? Morgan saves the day.
“Do you think we should get a dog, a cat, or both?” Morgan asks.
“I don’t know. Is Selena more active than you? A dog will need walks, unless you get an old one.”
“Selena is the reason I own hiking boots, Aille.”
“Ah. So you’re willing to endure the Great Dirty Outdoors for her? You really are special.” Aille nudges me, raising his eyebrows. I blush and pull away from him. It’s hard to tell with Morgan’s skin tone, but I think she’s blushing too. She rests her arm on my shoulder defensively.
“So, do you have a date?” Morgan looks around like she’s expecting someone to pop out of thin air.
“No, no. On that note, I have discovered I’m polysexual, however. It was kind of hard to get a date without really knowing where my interests lie,”
“Where do they lie?” Morgan asks.
“With boys and genderfluid people, darling. Genderflux included in genderfluid, for simplicity. There is a fellow over there I’ve taken a fancy to.” Aille points to someone in shorts and suspenders laughing with a few other people. “Do you think I should ask them out?”
“First, you should probably make sure they’re not a girl,” Morgan says. “But then? Yes. You’re a man of fine tastes, Aille. Anyone would be lucky to have you,”
“I’m glad the resident matchmaker thinks so. Good luck to you, I’m off to try mine.” He saunters off in the direction of his crush. It was nice to meet someone shorter than me, for once. Now, I think I might throw up. I hope Morgan can’t tell I’m starting to regret not faking sick.
“Selena, I’m feeling tired.” Morgan yawns. Oh. We haven’t been here long. It’s nine thirty. We got up at eight.
“Yeah, I think we should go home.” Morgan practically drags me to the door. She waves goodbye to Aille and the host as I open the door. She doesn’t seem very tired.
Fireflies dance in the yard as we walk to our car. The night sky is beautiful in Naryoren, where the street lights come on based on whether or not cars (based on the weight of the street) or people (based on heat signatures) are around. As a result, light pollution is almost null here.
“Were you having a panic attack?” Morgan asks. I stop walking and pull her around so we’re face-to-face.
“How did you know?”
“You looked numb, like you were just suffering through it. I’m sorry it took me so long to realize,”
“Sorry? You don’t have to be sorry.” I’m sorry that we’re going home at nine thirty because of an irrational mental illness.
“I don’t want anything bad to happen to you. Ever.” Heat rises in my cheeks. “I’m not happy if you’re not happy.”
“Okay.” I sniff and unlock the car. Morgan rubs her hand on my back. “I love you, Selena. Okay?”
“I love you too.”
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tamilkerr · 3 years
Lolita lovers
Wondering those busy hallways alone always unnerved Charlotte. Yet here she is  wondering with no sight of her friend, holding down her skirt while she walked around in circles. She was going from the stall that sold the melon soda to the one that sold the figures of pretty girls, and then back round again.
  It seemed that her friend had left the convention without her and she could feel the tears welling up in her eyes “I just want to lay on the floor and cry.” She murmured to herself, but she couldn't, her dress would get dirty.So Charlotte found a solitary corner, crouched down to the floor and started to take many shallow breaths. She did this to stop herself from getting too anxious. She was just about to break down when she heard it. 
 “Hi.” A very soft voice greeted her from above. 
Charlotte looked up to see a hand reaching for her. “Are you ok, you look upset” asked a very cute girl in a similar sort of dress to Charlotte, but this one was black instead of pink. 
“Oh I’m fine, I just..” Charlotte paused and took a deep breath. “I can’t find my friend.” She said.The girl with the black dress and hair to match, simply said “I will help you.” prompting Charlotte to finally take the hand the girl had offered. Soon Charlotte was on her feet. 
 The girls had walked most of the con floor enjoying each other's company and conversation “So you're a gothic lolita then?” Charlotte twiddles her thumbs together, “yes it’s only gothic for me, what about you, what's your style of lolita fashion?”.
 tucking her black hair behind her ear to listen to the answer “well I'm not sure yet, this is my first time wearing lolita” the blonde sounded unsure of herself.    
 Placing a gentle hand on her pink sleeve “well I would continue with the sweet style, it looks really good on you” she blushed at her words but before she could say thanks or give a compliment back.They had walked into the food and seating area and Charlotte’s very loud friend had spotted her “THERE you are!” a tall girl with fiery red hair stood by the small blonde, “I was looking for you everywhere, WHY didn't you tell me you were going to get food” her pink bow almost falling off her head.
 “Aw sorry, I got too ahead of myself” the redhead apologised, the goth girl fixed the blonde's bow and smiled sweetly then went on her way. “Ooo Charlotte, got yourself a girlfriend there” the tall girl teased and a huge blush grew on Charlotte’s face “NO! you just have it all wrong Willow, that gothic girl was helping me find you” wagging her finger in willow face to get the point across.
Much more teasing and walking later the con was at its end, Willow was attempting to join in on a dancing routine with other girls in lolita. While Charlotte was looking about frantically, searching for that kind frilly stranger from earlier “Oh I wanted to give this to her” muttering things to herself as she held a small voodoo doll with black button
eyes “Who’s that for, because it can’t be for you it isn’t pink” Willow gave a toothy smirk.
A little bit of red formed on her cheeks as she answered “It’s for that girl in black from earlier, I just wanted to thank her” Willow did give a small laugh “Nah you just liked her” and with that the taxi for them both had HONKED loudly. 
Backdrop set up and lights just right “Hello my lovely viewers, it’s me Carlottalita” the perky blonde announced “and I’m bringing you the latest in Lolita fashion news.” Charlotte continued the day making videos. As night fell she took her huge ponytail hair extensions out and lay down in bed, posting mindlessly to social media.
“WAKE UP! Charlotte, it’s me willow” a harsh banging on the door, made her shoot straight up in her frilly bed sheets and night dress. “oh COMING! let me find the keys” she had her hand digging around in a bowl filled with many cute keychains. As soon as it was unlocked the women burst through with bags filled to the brim with petticoats, “look at all this, Daisy got rid of everything” she thrust bags into the sleepy girls arms.
“REALLY daisy doo, she’s done with lolita?” Willow nodded at her questions “yup! She announced it with a video early this morning, so obviously I went to console her and maybe get some of her stuff” a very big grin on her lips. Charlotte was still shocked but boiled the kettle to make her and her friend a nice hot cup of tea, so Willow could spill the T.
“That’s not even the best part” Willow stood up after an hour of sitting and chatting “she gave me her tickets to that big con in Paris” Charlotte almost dropped her saucer with her tea cup on it. “Are you serious, France? we are going to France!” her voice went up an octave, she then threw herself at her friend who in return gave her a big bear hug “Yes my tiny friend, so plan out your most loveliest lolita dress yet!”.
That afternoon she was already online looking at bows and socks to match her very expensive dress “wow Lotte that costs the same as a  gaming pc” Willow’s eyes were almost popping out of her head looking at this web page “I know, but this con is really important and special”  twisting and twirling her blonde hair. 
The ginger pinched her cheeks and shook her face from side to side “ohh nah, you're just hoping that you’ll find a fellow lolita girl to fall in love with” Charlotte just swatted her hands away “oh stop it Willow” a big huff escaped her. “just because I fell for someone once, doesn't mean it’ll happen again” the blonde started to daze off thinking of the gothic beauty she had met at one of her first cons.
“she had the loveliest voice as well” unfortunately she had said her thoughts out loud which resulted in her friends endless teasing all through the night. Willow had already made herself comfortable in the pink frilly bed sheets.
Finally the time had arrived to take off “Ahh do you think we have enough bags yet Lotte?” Willow asked as she eyed up the two separate piles of luggage. One pile decorated pink with pandas and the other green with foxes “Haha I worry we don’t have enough” the blonde responded nervously.
After the two had arrived successfully to the airport in separate taxis, with still many hours to go until they got on the plane they messed about in the various shops after putting their luggage through the check in gate.
“Hey don’t I look like Elton John!” the loud mouthed girl bellowed across the shop while she wore novelty pink, sparkly booby glasses. “That is funny because he is in fact gay” Charlotte giggled and nodded as she approached her friend. Against better judgement Willow bought the glasses and wore them as they ate their burgers and fries.
Eventually, they landed in Paris, France after a longer than usual flight due to bad weather Charlotte found one of her bags to be missing. Almost on the verge of tears Charlotte tries her best to hide it from her friend but before they could leave the airport Willow, like a sniffer dog could sense there was something wrong. 
“You had four bags. Now there’s three” she growled. The fiery redhead slammed her hands down onto the help desk “My friend's bag has gone missing” the friend in question watched in horror as she stood alone with the two luggage carts. “Well ma'am luggage does get lost quite often.” She gave a well practiced smile which angered the ginger more “How could you lose it? It's covered in pandas!!!”
Finally leaving the airport the two girls grabbed a taxi heading towards their hotel room. Sitting in an awkward silence the whole journey until they finally got into their pajamas “Thanks Will for trying” giving a soft smile as she spoke.
“I still think we could have gotten it today” still frustrated she wrapped her arms around Charlotte in a supportive cuddle “It’s okay we filled out the form so we should hopefully hear back from them” she returned the cuddle squeezing tighter.
After a while they settled into their beds and put on some TV they couldn’t understand so just ended up chatting to each other “So Lotte what was in that bag anyway? It wasn’t that fancy dress you just got was it?”
seeing the panic in Willow’s eyes she quickly responded, “well it was just some petticoats and a couple of pairs of socks but, you remember that doll I bought for that girl” When she realized what her blonde friend was going on about she gave her a cheeky grin “oohhh I see, you’re hoping you’ll meet her again” giving Charlotte a wink.
Many people stared at Charlotte and Willow as they walked down the streets of Paris dressed in their usual lolita styles. Charlotte in her pastel coloured lace skirt and top with a bow to match, Willow contrasting in multiple shades of brown with the clockwork decoration plus a top hat to top it all off. 
“So how’d you sleep last night Lotti?” she asked her clearly sleepy friend as they sat down outside a cafe “fine! It wasn’t like I was worried about my bags or anything Will” responding in an overly sarcastic tone.
As their tea and assortment of pastries was brought to them the waitress could not help but focus on their garments “Um excuse me but why are you dressed like that?” She couldn’t help but ask as she set down the numerous plates.
“Well we are wearing lolita” Willow couldn’t help but interject. “It’s just an alternative fashion, the woman who had served just looked more confused and with an ‘Oh’ she just walked away continuing to do her job. So the two friends just spent their whole day sightseeing but unknown to them both that girl whom the blonde has been enamoured with was not far from where they have had tea. 
The dark haired girl stood in a room with many lights and cameras wearing a black dress a lot fancier than the one from before “Rio stop daydreaming and get over here” a woman in a very regal outfit commanded “Okay, coming Hina” the two posed in many positions and wore many clothes but Rio’s were always mostly black. 
“That's enough photos for today ladies” a man with very shiny hair and equally shiny blouse told the girls “Well it’s about time, come Rio we must go meet my new friend” linking arms with her gothic friend and guiding her to a very nice car outside. 
Once inside the vehicle a neutral blonde with gray eyes gave them a very wide smile “Bonjour, you’ll be coming to my house for dinner, I’ve got chef’s making it as we speak” she announced as she held her head high “Rio this is Aimee, Aimee this is Rio” Hina introduced them both to each other.
With that they went to Aimee's house and the whole time they were in her home Rio couldn’t help but feel a sense of uneasiness around this new person. 
They were all sitting in Aimee’s bedroom, she had her own small sofa and coffee table which had a beautiful tea set with a matching cake stand next to it “oh you simply must see my lovely collection of vintage polly pockets” Hina’s eyes lit up at those words but her fellow model didn’t really know what these polly things were. On this white wood shelf there were a lot of tiny little pastel coloured boxes that kind of looked like compact mirrors without any glass “Cool” was all Rio could muster. 
After some time Aimee left the room “Hina how well do you know her?” the goth asked, “Not very, I met her the last time I was here for a photoshoot” her friend said it so casually.
 Rio was a little shocked “What! You’ve only known her for a month? Why are we in her house?” grabbing her friend by the shoulders and shaking her a little “Calm down there’s nothing to worry about it’s very unlikely that she’s a serial killer or something” Hina laughed at her and messed her hair up. 
Their conversation was interrupted by the person in question with another big smile plastered across her face. She informed them that a car was waiting to take them to their hotel.
As the two japanese women entered through the door of the hotel, just across the street from them Charlotte and Willow went through the door of the much smaller hotel. 
Hina couldn’t help but tease her friend as she removed her black lipstick “So did you think Aimee was cute?” Rio looked confused by her question “Well I mean, you do have a thing for blondes” responding quickly to her confusion. “N-n-no I don’t” her cheeks clearly flushed bright red.
Frantically they tried to get ready as fast as they could while simultaneously being as cautious and deliberate as they can be, after layers of clothing such as petticoats and tights were finally on both of the girls were ready to put on their fanciest dresses yet for this convention.
“Will! How does this look on me? Was it worth the money?” Charlotte was frantic “Don’t worry Lotte it definitely looks real expensive and you look damn fine in it might I add” Willow thrusted her hips towards her friend in a joking manner,She was not so worried anymore, just really amused because of her friends' antics. 
hair and makeup all done the two of them went downstairs to the hotel's breakfast buffet as they had much time to spare, one wonders why they were rushing or even worried in the first place. 
While getting to the train was uneventful, being on the train the two overly dressed friends were met with many stares and whispering even a few rude words. 
“I had a few words in mind for those people” the fiery redhead snorted “If you just let me Charlotte” she said through gritted teeth “It’s just best to let people be rude and ignore them Willow” putting her hand gently on her friends shoulder in a sort of soothing manner “Be the bigger person” another hand placed on the other shoulder and softly shaking back and forth to get her point across “NEVER!” she grabbed the blondes cheeks in response.
The line outside of the convention hall was chock a block, you have not seen so much ruffles and lace in one place in your whole life, although there was much pastel to be seen there was plenty of goths with their darkness. 
Rio was with Hina, both were staring out of an open window at the crowd below “wow there are a lot more fellow lollita’s this time around” her friend had to agree “It seems that the online shops have really brought more people in” the two of them were dressed head to toe in very fancy attire, Hina looked like pure royalty with her mostly cream and gold dress whereas her fellow model resembled more vampire royalty with her black and purple outfit. 
Our two British besties stood amongst the crowd somewhere in the middle of the line “OMG it’s Carlottalita and The Maiden of the Cog” a young and very hyperactive girl squealed, with her came a group of more squealing ladies. 
“Hi everyone so nice to see you all here!” waving her two hands in the air while her yellow pigtails bounced frantically “What’s up my fellow shipmates” outstretching her arms in the same direction, waving them about to greet the group. “But you’re not a pirate this time” one of the little fangirls told Willow “Yes but I’m in steampunk so I can still have an airship” crouching down with her hands in a diamond shape to emphasize her point.
As the crazy antics went on in the que, the staff were preparing to open up the doors to let everybody into the convention hall. Aimee was standing atop a staircase watching the doors like a hawk “Miss Lamar, we are preparing to let everybody in, you should probably go join the models from in the conference room” she agreed and followed the staff member to the room in question. 
A large hall was lined with stalls that featured a selection of many different J-fashions but mostly that of the lollita variety not to mention plenty of plush toys and much cute art being sold. Although too much pink and purple kind of took over the place, a good helping of black other darker colours were dotted around the place. 
Not long after getting through the doors the ‘Cog Maiden’ dragged her fellow internet personality to the toilet to freshen up, re-applying their lipstick and fixing their lashes made them ready to face the crowds once again.
Suddenly, the door burst open and a very tall woman was dragging someone in with her 
“Come on, don’t worry I’ll get it fixed and I’ll stitch it back up” she reassured the crying girl, pulling a very ornate sewing kit from her equally beautiful handbag. They couldn’t help but watch as she fixed the large rip in the side of the other girls skirt, even adding a few buttons along the way for decoration. Looking at the repair she cried even more “OMG thank you so much waa” she couldn’t keep herself from hugging the tall lady very tightly “No problem” patting her softly on the head.
The newly happy girl ran out of the toilet to leave her tall friend behind “You did a real good job on that repair there” Charlotte couldn’t help but say and Willow behind her gave a big thumbs up and a grin. 
“Why thank you I do never go anywhere without my trusty sewing kit” she tucked said kit back into her decently sized bag. The three of them couldn’t help but gossip and walk around the main hall together, their new friend got along with Willow especially “So my name’s Zoey but most know me as Meime online” explaining as they all sat and had tea and coffee with each other. 
They were already discussing the online lollita community, Charlotte and Willow just got done explaining their online personas “Ah yes now that you mention it, I do remember you two from a daisy doo video” her eyes lit up with the realization that she had seen these two before.
The two Brits side eyed each other “Well I’ve some bad news for you, she’s quit!” Willow was the one to break the news as Charlotte couldn’t bring herself to do it. Zoey looked visibly upset but was quickly comforted by her new friends telling her of all the pretty frocks that they got from the retired internet personality “I think some might even fit you Zo” the bouncy blonde informed. 
The trio were already making plans for their new American friend to come visit the other two in the UK. As this was all going on Aimee was sitting behind the stage where all the lollita fashion models were doing a panel to an audience of mostly bonnet wearers. Hina was just finishing up answering questions from the crowd when it was Rio’s shot to talk, she mostly discussed the many creepy and spooky patterns that she has gotten to wear over the years.
“That's all from Elizabethy, does anybody have any questions?” immediately all of the ladies in black frantically gathered to ask their many burning questions “Aliceness how long have you and Elizabathy known each other?” another model asked Hina “coming up five years now” with that response she went back to watching Rio muddle her way through the question people asked her.
As they all left the conference hall, the wealthy French girl linked her arms with the Asian girl she had become acquainted with “I know of a wonderful place we should go for dinner after the con, my treat” Rio couldn’t help but cringe at her sickly sweet tone of voice, thankfully she did not see her facial expression.
“I absolutely love that idea” the other girl responded much more positively and with that the goth’s fate was sealed. Meanwhile, Zoey was preparing herself to leave with the two mildly ‘famous’ lollita girls “So how far is your hotel from here” satisfied by the answer they gave she texted her sister letting her know she would be spending the night with others. 
A fully decked out restaurant with pristine white walls and the fanciest of chandeliers, although they weren’t poor none of them were quite used to this level of wealth except for Aimee of course. They sat down on very well cushioned dining chairs and the tables were as highly decorated as the walls around them, with at least five different very fancy forks, a couple of knives and a few spoons.
“Oh wow these plates look so regal” of course Hina was mesmerized by this place, Rio couldn’t help but think but she's always been a bit more cynical with people than her dear friend “Oh you must really try the desserts from this place they are fantastic” when they had all finished their meal, they got to try out these desserts for themself. Rio couldn’t help but love her white chocolate and lime cheesecake, looking over Hina was already nearly finished with her strawberry tart with cream and of course the French girl had French macaroons in many pretty pastel colours. 
Eventually getting in after the train was delayed for about half an hour they de-petticoated as soon as they got in “So this is our humble abode Zoey” willow mockingly fanned out her arms to show off the whole room. Charlotte rolled her eyes, took her pigtails out and laid them down on her night stand. All of them couldn’t wait to get their makeup off and watch some internet videos, the conversation went from what they were watching to about Zoey’s personal life.
It mostly focused on her skills as a seamstress but the subject of her sister came up and her eyes seemed to sparkle with pride when discussing her sibling “Yeah my big sister’s so awe inspiring, she’s a photographer” the other two girls were drawn in by Zoey’s clear enthusiasm “that’s why I’ve been here for a week already because of her job” with that Willow couldn’t help but launch into questions about her sister’s photoshoot she was doing and Charlotte quickly followed suit with the interrogation. 
Sleep overcame them all and they continued their discussions the morning “Oh so what are the names of the models” The American looked a bit apprehensive about answering this question but they both promised her that they wouldn’t discuss it outside of this room “Okay there’s Aliceness, she mostly does hime style and Elizabethy is pretty much all gothic” when Charlotte heard the word gothic she perked up a little bit followed by Willow’s teasing. 
None of them really had time to search up the two lollita fashion girls as they wanted to make the breakfast buffet but it was still really cool to them that Zoey’s family member was involved with fashion photography and not to mention their favourite kind. Unbeknown to them across the street the two girls in question were having their own breakfast but they had room service and were preparing themselves for the day ahead which had them on shoot all day in the studio (around the city as well). 
As soon as Zoey found out about the shoot today she was able to convince her sister to let her friends come along. Charlotte promised to help out as they had studied photography in college, Willow wasn’t so quick to offer assistance “But Lotte it’s our holiday” she whinged but reluctantly agreed. The excitement was palpable although they would have to work hard helping out with lighting and such, the prospex of seeing and meeting Japanese models who exclusively wear their favourite fashion was too much Charlotte almost cried. 
The photographer was already hard at work before her beloved little sister came through the door “Emily! It’s me Zo, I’ve brought reinforcements” she yelled with a slight sing song tone. Emily wasted no time in briefing the girls on what she wanted them to do, it was mostly lighting related but they also offered a great deal of help with different backdrops
 “So what time are the models getting here sis?” she couldn’t help but ask as she set down everyone's cup of tea. Emily gave her phone a cursory glance “They should be here soon but the traffic here can always be a bit of a mess” so they sat and gabbed but the mature woman felt out of place with these youngsters but enjoyed their company anyway. 
Everyone’s attention was diverted to Hina and Rio entering the studio, Charlotte’s mouth was agasp; it was her! Their eyes met each other and for a good solid minute they just stared. 
Remembering that she had seen this cute blonde from a convention Rio was surprised that she was here but Charlotte was blushing profusely at the prospex of seeing gorgeous goth again and possibly getting to know her. “This is Hina Satō she does Hime style and Rio Itō is the gothic one” Emily informed “I hope you don’t mind but my sister and her new friends wanted to help out” She explained to the models who assured her it was fine with them and were thrilled when they found out that they too were into lolita fashion.
Although the two of them worked hard on their specific tasks, one posing and showing off clothes the other adjusting lighting and sorting props they couldn’t help but be a bit distracted by their subtle attraction to each other. Everyone was preparing to take the photoshoot outside around different locations in the city, all were very happy to get out of the very hot studio and into the fresh air. 
They did visit many lovely, lush parks but some dingy and dark locations were not out of the question either. One such place was an alleyway that was situated between two very similar looking  bakeries with plenty of seating out front (this is Paris after all) “Okay you two go set up over there, Stand here models, and you hold that reflector” Emily was being very commanding but they all knew to trust her judgement Charlotte was the one holding the reflector and she stood at the entrance of the alleyway, she admired how photogenic Rio was and got lost in thought about her this is how she became unaware of her surroundings.
Suddenly, she felt herself hit the concrete and a weight on top of her. 
It was Rio! “WHY were you just standing there not paying attention” she was frantic but the ditsy blonde didn’t know. What she had failed to realize was while her head was in the clouds someone on a moped was about to knock her down, luckily for her Rio’s sharp eye had noticed her absent mindedness and seen the driver in plenty of time to get her out of the way.
Charlotte upon realizing their position blushed, they both quickly stood up to get out of this awkward situation “Lotte what you doing you twit, almost getting run over”  the redhead was truly fiery now, luckily for the driver he had already apologized and left on his moped otherwise he might incurred the wrath of Willow (even though it was her friends own fault for standing on the road).
The absent minded girl couldn’t help but feel embarrassed about her idiocy however she was very grateful for the dark haired girls intervention. It made her feelings deepen. “Thank you Rio and I’m so sorry to everyone for causing trouble” The whole group was a little bit shook by what happened so all decided it was best to head back.
Not long after they had finally gotten a chance to sit down and enjoy some cups of tea and coffee (maybe some hot chocolate) a fancy looking and very clearly french girl came through the door. Hina's eyes lit up, she went over to her but Rio just sighed and face palmed herself. “I have made more plans for us” she cackled while clapping, of course Hina was overjoyed while her friend was less than amused. The rest of the group didn’t really get much acknowledgement from this girl named Aimee before she left with the two Asians.
Charlotte looked defeated, obviously upset by Rio’s departure. 
The photographer had gone off to tidy up, her sister and the redhead had recognised their friends clear sadness and asked about it. Willow was flabbergasted “You mean to tell me one of those models was that girl you’ve been thirsting after since that con!” she was damn near dancing at this point, Zoey was very amused by this whole thing “Aww it’s like something out of one of those rom-coms” quickly the two were hatching some crazy plans to get these girls together and in this moment Charlotte knew she had messed up. 
After they had all helped clean up the studio Emily wanted to take them all out for some drinks and a meal (nothing like Aimee’s fancy meals) The blonde was thoroughly embarrassed by the other two telling Emily about her crush on the model, “Come on Will and Zo there’s no need for this”. although she’d like to think of herself as the more mature one she couldn’t help but get roped into the other girls romance schemes. 
Waking up a little bit hungover from the night before however, they had only had a few drinks and a meal (they’re probably light weights) When Zoey’s sister called to make sure she was okay she poked fun at their ability to hold their alcohol. lounging about most of the morning till a call came about the bags with the pandas on it “Finally it took them long enough!” Willow obviously got all worked up about it but quickly calmed down after they said it would be delivered to the hotel later.
Delighted at the fact that she would finally be able to give Rio her gift, the two ‘cupids’ were thrilled by this development and were planning to use this (as they are now very much invested in seeing this possible couple come to be) they rested their elbows on her shoulders “well you have to give it to her lotte” they both cooed at her like a pigeon.
Now she couldn’t help but feel a bundle of nerves in the pit of her stomach at the thought of an audience “please don't embarrass me more than I'm going to embarrass myself” Charlotte pleaded. 
Rio lazed about in her hotel room with sweats and hair in a messy bun, whereas Hina was meticulously plucking her eyebrows “I just don’t see what the problem is, she seems perfectly nice to me” was her response to their argument about Aimee “Well I’m glad you like her but I’m not that fond of her” folding her arms in defiance and Hina just shrugged her shoulders, she was filing her nails now.  
Hina suggested they go get some fresh air outside their hotel and raved about a little coffee shop across the street next to the other hotel. As they made their way to the other side of the street they spotted the girls from yesterday that were helping the American photographer, Rio went over to say hi (as she would like some other company that wasn’t some fancy french girl) 
It amused them all to find out that the hotels where they were staying were across from each other. A small delivery van stopped, out came a driver who brought over a suitcase covered in pandas and asked for a Miss ‘Charlotte Rose White’ once it was handed over he was gone. 
Charlotte’s face was flushed, Rio just stood there confused as she watched her shaking hands reach into the bag and pull out a very spooky looking doll. 
Handing over the small gift “I wanted to give this to you at that convention as a thank you...for being so kind” Some parts of what Charlotte just said were too quiet to hear but Rio got what she meant anyway. She did have to admit it warmed her little black heart to know that a small interaction on her part made someone's day (it did help  that she found the girl in question very cute). 
Giving as much of a smile as she could muster “Thanks, she’s my child now” grasping the dolly close to her chest. Although Willow and Zoey were well aware of what was going on, Hina was left out of the loop “when did you two get soo friendly?” placing her arm around Rio’s shoulder and raising an eyebrow. 
Quickly being brought up to speed and flashing a cheeky grin to her friend “Ooh I see well that's nice” she spoke with a teasing tone, the five of them sat in the coffee shop together of course they mostly spoke about clothes and their online pseudonyms. When Charlotte and Rio both needed to go to the loo neither really talked to each other although they did exchange some soft glances and sweet smiles. 
Unbeknown to them that left the two schemers to their own devices and they quickly roped Hina into their plans “So we need to get these two on a date with each other” Some would say they’re a bit too enthusiastic about getting their pals together.
 Both were washing their hands but before they could go back and join their friends, Rio reached out her hand toward Charlotte's face, she closed her eyes “There you go, your little bunny clip was falling” speaking very softly. Opening her bright blue eyes to stare straight into those deep brown ones “thanks, you're too sweet Rio” pink still lay on her cheeks. Giggling a little at her  “your one to talk about sweetness Charlotte, I have the doll to prove it” giving a little wink, when they made it back to the table their friends were giving them a strange look (as if they were planning something).
Hina was the first to speak up “So Rio didn’t you say you wanted to go to Louvre Museum?” she had such a smug look on her face that her bestie was suspicious immediately “Yeah but you said that we didn’t have time for that” She retorted raising an eyebrow . Agreeing but quickly explaining that now they had some new pals who would probably like to go with her “Oh well it definitely won't be me I failed history so I’d just be lost” Willow was the first to back out “Ahh it can’t be me either I’ve already gone with Emily” Zoey just shrugged and smiled.
“Guess that leaves Charlotte then” hina said it in such a condescending way that it made Rio almost want to slap her, whereas the blonde just looked dumbfounded by this sudden request “I suppose I don’t mind museums my favourite part is always the art” her voice noticeably went up an octave when talking about the pretty art. 
Still annoyed by besties meddling Rio couldn’t help but be somewhat happy that Charlotte would want to go with her “Cool I guess we’ll go there tomorrow then” the masterminds were bursting with joy at the two future ‘lovers’.
Worry consumed Charlotte, she hadn’t gone on many dates as it isn't easy to approach women and talk to them (and don't get her started on dating apps). So to say she was inexperienced was an understatement, focusing on things like how should she wear her hair was all she could do to lessen the stress of it all. 
Rio didn’t have much more experience but was just a lot more chill about the whole thing, her friends had often told her she was like a robot with how nothing seemed to phase her. Making a good impression still sat in her mind though, deciding to wear something a bit more colourful than usual (although still very dark) to match pink a bit more.
Staring out the windows of their respective rooms were the masterminds of this whole date, looking down at their two friends meeting each other, chatting a little and walking away from the hotels. Everyone was itching to see how it might go but they knew that following them there to spy was more than a bad idea. 
The walk and subsequent train ride was unbelievably awkward but each other's company was enjoyable nonetheless. Most of what they talked about at first was Rio and her work , unlike other models she didn’t travel too much as Lolita was a fashion subculture mostly localized to Asia. Charlotte was just captivated by it all feeling like she had learned so much more although her date didn’t want to be the only one who chatted, when pressed on her career choice the blonde was hesitant to share because many have scoffed at her  ‘so called job’ as they would put it. 
Far from ridicule she got a positive response when explaining that she made videos about all sorts of things she likes mostly the clothing they both loved so much,  Promising to show some when they eventfully sat down for tea or coffee. Rio took her up on that offer and also promised to share her photo portfolio of some of her best modeling work, the dialogue between them slowed down somewhat as they relished in the egyption section especially our goth girl.
Charlotte’s favourite part was still to come, all that beautiful art with the golden frames she was practically drooling. They both knew that seeing the whole Louvre in a few hours would be very difficult so just focused on enjoying what they could, roaming through the gift shops Rio spied a tiny white vase adorned with pink flowers. Looking at her small gifted doll and back at the vase, she bought it.
Of course the British girl was distracted with the many lovely postcards to notice her date's stealthy purchase, both were finally relieved to sit down as their feet had gotten quite sore. as the two lovely ladies were sharing their many photos and videos with each other a certain ‘la dam’ had spotted them.  
Just as Rio was planning to give her date the little vase Aimee had to stick her nose in and join in the conversation (she took a spare chair at the table). “Hiya Rio, it’s so cool to see you here, where’s Hina?” Looking around until her gaze focused on the blonde her “Oh hello and whom
might you be?” Aimee gave a wide grin that Charlotte found unbelievably uncomfortable. 
Holding in a sigh “This is my date”  she put so bluntly to Aimee and “My name’s Charlotte it’s nice to meet you” cutting in to make this whole interaction less awkward or trying at least. She gave her the cold shoulder and grabbed a chair to sit down next to Rio, preventing the girls on said date from looking at one another. 
Almost pulling her black hair out in frustration at Aimee’s rudeness but Rio didn’t say a word (it would be more hassle to chastise her and cause issues between her and Hina), sitting there and just watching this random French lady completely ignoring her existence.
 Barely an hour had passed before the ‘lovely‘ lady had gotten a phone call and was on her way, leaving them alone at last to bask in each other’s company. 
“I am so sorry, she’s Hina’s friend and unfortunately has spent a lot of time with her” Huffing loudly after finishing speaking. Charlotte couldn’t stop herself from laughing (probably from being too nervous about the whole thing), Rio did join in and they just giggled about the whole thing and made lots of jokes about it on the journey back to their hotels. 
The date had gotten to the point of the goodbyes as they stood where they had met hours earlier,. if this hadn’t been their first date they probably would have kissed at this point but at last it was, so they just gave each other a gentle hug.
“Oh lotte, here I saw this in the gift shop” handing the little vase over to the blonde who’s month was in an O shape and thanked her sweetly for said tiny gift “No problem, after all you did get me my daughter” holding the small doll in her hand and winking.
Charlotte's face was quickly becoming her favourite colour, pink. 
As they both got to the front entrance of their respective hotels they looked back at each other and smiled while also waving goodbye. 
While all this was going on the ones who had set this whole arrangement up were watching intently and fawned over the fact they had cuddled. 
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hows-it-holed-up · 4 years
Perfunctory Photo Recap: Alias 1x01
After starting off with Gossip Girl and swinging wildly in the other direction for my second post, I decided a happy medium for No. 3 would be that early-aughts ABC classic, Alias. The show premiered basically immediately after 9/11, and I started watching it in 2002 with its mid-season premiere – meaning I missed the first half of the first season and didn’t get to watch it until it RE-AIRED over the summer of 2002. (How did we ever live without streaming apps? Unfathomable.) Anyway, I was obsessed with this show when it was on, and I suspect it’ll hold up pretty well, even though we’re the better part of 20 years out from the pilot. Let’s get our spy on!
My Disclaimer: None of these posts will be in any way comprehensive, because I’m lazy. All of them are probably going to have spoilers of some sort for the entire series…or at least what I remember of it from when I last watched it an eon ago. Exactly what you want in a recap!
The Prophecy: Our heroine Sydney Bristow thinks she works for the CIA, but learns pretty quickly (after they murder her fiancé) that she’s been a bit of a dummy! She actually works for the bad guys – an organization called SD-6. Will she just sit back and accept it? That would make for a pretty short series! 
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Fresh off his thrill-a-minute action masterpiece Felicity, J.J. Abrams stays brand consistent, opening his new series with some light waterboarding. 
We cut almost immediately to Sydney in a college classroom (there we go, J.J.), where she’s scribbling furiously in a blue book and giving me anxiety-induced flashbacks. She meets up with her BF...
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Who proposes to her on “the quad” while singing “Build Me Up Buttercup” at the top of his lungs. I remember finding this adorably romantic in high school. If someone inflicted this on me now I would literally walk away and never speak to them again. 
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Syd here seems to be contemplating the exact same thing. But she (somehow) gets over it and says yes.  
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Wow, there it is! “The CIA.” Honestly, Sydney really should have figured out this wasn’t legit almost immediately. No way the vibe at ANY CIA office is industrial chic. There’s barely a fluorescent light to be found! 
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LOOK AT BABY BRADLEY COOPER! (Yes, this screengrab was very strategic.)
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He’s so crestfallen when she tells him she’s engaged to Doug or Dave or whatever his name is. Poor BB. Don’t worry Bradley! He’ll have shuffled this mortal coil by halfway through the episode.
Annnnd this is why:
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Big no-no!
He freaks out and I guess runs off. When they meet up again it’s at some oil-pumping hoosit in Bakersfield or some such, and she gives him some cringeworthy line about having always hoped she’d find someone to give her life meaning and he’s the one etc. etc. GROAN. 
Then she jets off on her latest mission, where the best part is she gets to use her real accent for about 10 seconds. 
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As a southern(ish) lady myself, I always get a little delight when I hear a good southern accent! Everyone seems to think they can do a flawless one, but it’s almost impossible to find someone who’s not from the region and can do it properly. The attempts are usually skin-crawlingly bad.
Anyway, after the mission, she returns home to a not-very-nice surprise. 
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J. Garn is VERY good in this scene. 
After a wee confrontation with her boss about the small matter of murdering her fiancé, we cut back to the torture scene, where Sydney’s got some jokes! 
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LOLLL!!!!1! But to be fair they did shoot her full of a big ol’ syringe of something we’ll assume is affecting her frontal lobe, or whatever. You try being funny in the middle of a drug-enhanced torture session. 
Anyway, we cut back to Dorian’s funeral, where we get eyes on Will’s (Bradley Cooper’s) sister, who happens to have fire-engine red hair and be dressed like a British goth-punk from the ‘70s. Super approps funereal attire. And also probably nothing to do with Syd’s lil future disguise – just a total coincidence. 
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Then over to this image of me, every night of this COVID-19 quarantine. Note the bottle within arm’s reach. By tomorrow I’ll probably be foregoing the glass altogether. 
When we check back in with our girl, it’s been 3 months since she’s been into the office. Prob b/c of the whole “murdered her fiancé” thing but who can say really. Anyway folks aren’t super pleased!
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Like really not super pleased. 
There’s a whole fighting thing, and as Syd’s struggling to escape her dad dadus ex machinas on up:
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He tells her the people she’s working for are actually the bad guys. And she’s like NUH UH! And he’s like “So then how come you’ve never been to Langley? Also come on have you seen the offices?”
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Not really being able to argue with his logic but also not really trusting him, Syd runs off and steals Will’s sister’s identity (SHOCKING TWIST!). Because as all great spies know, you want to stand out as much as possible – so best practice is to dye your hair the brightest color you can manage and dress like it’s Halloween so that everyone will notice you. 
Anywho, all of that somehow works, and we arrive at the part of the narrative where she gets captured and tortured. But because she’s the star of the show, it probably won’t come as too much of a surprise that she escapes! She runs off to find the thing she was supposed to find at the beginning of the show:
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A highly coveted floating clown nose! (No but actually it’s much more sinister than that and is a big deal later in the series.)
She gives it to her boss so he knows she’s back onboard:
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Then heads straight for CIA HQ, where she writes down her story for this handsome fellow and offers to be a double agent for them:
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Sigh. I remember being very into these two as an IRL couple and finding out they broke up immediately before a French test. I also remember I did not do excellently on said French test. I’m sure it had nothing to do with the fact that I had no interest in studying. I would probably be fluent now if it weren’t for them. 
Anyway, the CIA verifies her statement and sends an asset to let her know that she’s in:
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Yes that’s what I just said. 
It turns out that papa Bristow is ALSO a CIA double agent! What a good reveal to end on! Great job J.J.! 
- After spending 20 minutes searching for a free, not-illegal way to watch this sucker online (because I’m a cheap bitch), I finally gave in, swam around in my massive hope chest and literally dusted off this DVD, which it turns out I still own. Did I buy a DVD player just so I could watch my Alias, OC and Friends DVDs? Who can say! 
- I didn’t realize they introduced the Rambaldi mythology in the first episode. It’s actually pretty impressive they could maintain that as a narrative thread throughout the show. Also we’ve got a “47″ alert at 12 minutes in. 
- They have Jennifer Garner speaking a ton of languages throughout this show, as I recall. I wonder if she’s any good at any of them? She sounds vaguely convincing in the pilot, to me, but what do I know?
- I think we can all agree that Merrin Dungey is a national treasure and deserves to be a bigger star than she is. I’m always so happy to see her when she pops up in other things. And she’s great in this show. 
- Overall, the Alias pilot holds up REALLY well. It does an amazing job of giving depth to all of the characters and really making the audience care about them – even the ones who only appear for a few minutes. The plotting is strong, and the groundwork for the rest of the series is laid without being even remotely heavy on eye-rolly exposition. Plus the actors’ performances are all *CHEF’S KISS*  
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dyscrasia-eucrasia · 4 years
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Part 5
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Like every day, Angel woke up to an alarm at noon. And, like every day, he considered sleeping in. But he'd established that his Instagram stories started updating at 12:30, and he refused to break that routine. 
He dragged himself out of bed and over to the kitchen. He was in a bulking phase, which meant that at least he got to eat a lot of calories, but even then he had to check the notebook he kept next to the fridge to make sure he was hitting his macros. Breakfast wound up being oats made with peanut butter, greek yogurt, and protein powder. It was ugly to look at and nearly as bland, since there was no sugar to liven up the flavors. That was the sacrifice that he had to make for the sake of his physique - giving up basically everything that tasted good and living on a diet of peanut butter, chicken, and brown rice. 
After he finished choking down his breakfast, he had to take a minute to search his apartment for his wireless earbuds. He popped them in his ears, grabbed his phone, perched himself on the window sill, and proceeded to take a dozen selfies, all with slight variations, until he got the perfect one of himself turned just slightly towards the window, his earbuds clearly showing, the street outside visible but artistically blurry. It took him a few more minutes in Facetune to edit out the puffiness under his eyes and a blemish that was forming on his chin, not to mention lighten his skin and up the saturation of the blue dye in his hair. He needed a dye touch-up, but no one on Instagram needed to know that. 
It took him a few more minutes to craft his story post, carefully weighing the benefits of a filter that gave him dog ears and deciding how many emojis he wanted to use. 
Then of course there was the matter of what to say in the story. His first post of every day was a 'song of the day' post. It took him a minute to think of what song to use. Ultimately, he wound up writing: 'Listening to Bad Guy today! Love Billie Eilish!' and then took another minute to choose the exact font style, color, and positioning. 
He hadn't actually been listening to Billie Eilish. He liked her music, sure, but lately he had been on a nostalgic kick, listening to nu metal. But it wasn't #relatable to post about listening to Coal Chamber. How many people even remembered that the band existed? Certainly none of the e-boys that followed Angel's account. 
No, Angel's brand didn't work with a maligned, forgotten genre from the late 90s. He'd made a name for himself as goth-lite. Not really goth, but not an e-boy either. Rather, he was just a touch edgy, but still firmly in the mainstream gay community. 
All the more reason to keep Bacchus to himself. It was totally against his brand to go to shows with mosh pits. 
'Tell me what song you wanna see me pole dance to!' He added to the post, making a comment field for people to respond. Within seconds, answers started to pour in, mostly Top 40 sex jams. 
He spent a little longer scrolling through Instagram, commenting on videos from other dancers. Every comment was upbeat and encouraging, even if he thought their dancing was a bit shit. There was no room to be critical on social media. He had to treat everyone as if they were his best friend, even if he didn't know them. He was still building his following, and any drama could ruin that. 
His DMs were full, as usual. Most of them were thirst-DMs, a couple were shady sounding guys offering to be his manager. Nothing interesting enough to respond to. 
A notification popped up at the top of his screen from Grindr. He automatically tapped it to go to the app, only to be greeted with a blurry dick pic. He wasn't against dick pics, but they had to have a bit of effort put into them. This one was just lazy. The guy didn't even look like he was hard. 
He tapped the back button to look at the rest of his messages. A lot were dick pics. Some were asking for a hookup. One was a message from a guy he'd hooked up with a few days ago, saying that he had a nice time and asking if he wanted to get together again. 
The guy had been alright. A nice enough bodybuilder who had been surprisingly gentle and considerate during sex. But his personality had been as bland as the meal-prepped chicken sitting in Angel's fridge. Angel knew he could do better. But it never hurt to have the guy on-call as backup if he felt the need to get laid right away, so he snapped a selfie and sent it to him, with a short note that simply said, 'I had fun!' 
With that, he'd had enough social media, and it was almost time for his workout, anyways. 
Thirty minutes later, he met with his personal trainer. He paid a hefty fine for one of the best trainers in the city, someone he trusted to help him sculpt his physique without making comments about trying plastic surgery. His trainer was cute, nice, and painfully straight, which was something Angel had specifically looked for. He didn't want to be distracted by a guy who may or may not be interested in fucking. 
Like always, working out kicked his ass, and like always, he took a sweaty selfie in the locker room mirror with his shirt lifted to show his abs and posted it on his Instagram story. 
His day was far from over, though. He had to stop by the smoothie shop and take a photo of his smoothie - milk, whey powder, greens, banana, and peanut butter - and then go out and take photos around town until he found something that made it look like he was doing something interesting that day. He eventually found a corner of a building that had been tagged with a dozen Mothman stickers and snapped a selfie in front of it, captioned it 'Hanging out with my fellow spooky kids!' and posting it to his main Instagram. 
And then the boredom set in. He didn't really have anything planned for the day, and he still had plenty of time before he had to go to work. Sure, he could go home and put on some makeup and take artful thirst-trap selfies, but he'd done that so recently. He didn't want to make his Instagram nothing but thirst-traps - he had to make sure he was attractive to multiple types of brands if he ever wanted a sponsorship. 
The thing was, trying to be an Instagram star was lonely. He had friends, but they were either work colleagues - and thus rivals - or other micro-influencers. All their conversations were about collabs and SEO and ways to boost engagement. To outsiders he no doubt looked like he lived a lavish and incredibly fun lifestyle as a stripper, but they didn't see the day-to-day boredom or the awkwardness behind running into people who knew him from the club out in broad daylight. 
He wanted someone to talk to who wasn't a part of all that bullshit. 
Of course, as soon as he had that thought, he realized that he wanted to talk to Demie again. 
He wasn't sure if he should. He'd just called him that morning, after all. 
It wasn't that he was worried about coming off as desperate, but more that he was worried about scaring Demie off. He was absolutely certain that Demie was gay, but he was also sure that Demie was a country boy, and country gays were different from city gays. Country boys had such an endearing gee-shucks quality about them, like they were trying so hard to be beer-drinkin', truck-drivin' bros, but they were just a little too soft-spoken and shy for that. 
Demie - from what Angel could tell - was a guy who wanted to be cool to other men but who was also painfully nervous around them. 
It was absolutely adorable, and Angel wanted so badly to get him into bed. 
But getting that kind of guy into bed was a challenge. It was like hunting a deer. Move too fast or too loudly, and he'd run off into the woods. 
Or so Angel assumed. He'd never actually gone hunting. That was too much a white person thing to do. 
Fuck it, he decided. Demie was the first real connection he'd made in a long time. And it wasn't like he was asking for a hookup. He just wanted to talk. 
He settled onto a bench where he could still see the Mothman stickers and dialed Demie's number. The phone rang with no answer. No shit, it was a Monday afternoon. People with normal 9 to 5s worked at that time. 
Well, at least he could leave a message and give Demie his number. He realized he'd never actually told Demie how to contact him. 
Eventually the answering machine picked up. "You've reached Demie and Elaine," Demie's voice said. "If you're trying to sell us something we don't fucking want it. If you're trying to get on our property, we have guns and we're not afraid to fucking use them. Bye." 
"Wow, your answering machine is pretty aggro," Angel said. "This is Angel, but the way. I realized I didn't give you my number. So, y'know, just in case you want to get in touch…" 
He left his number and hung up. He sat staring at the Mothman stickers a little longer. He kind of wanted to send a picture of them to Demie, since Demie in a way reminded him of a cryptid - shy and kind of elusive. But of course, he couldn't, since Demie didn't have a cellphone. Still, he took a non-selfie picture of them anyways. Just in case he got to hang out with Demie sometime.
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azaraspirit · 5 years
Concept: pop punk!emo!tom saving you from crowd surfers and the mosh pits/walls of death at a concert.
ok usually i dont do the punk look but i like this concept a lot What came to mind is that video of tom saying”i got you” to that fan he rescued from the paps so im gonna go with that
Your friend dragged you to an outdoor concert. Normally you would go willingly but your friend doesn’t share the same taste in music. She dragged you to some metal band and you wished you were deaf. It was mostly loud guitar notes and screaming into a microphone. You were probably the least looking goth fan in the crowd, wearing one of your friend’s outfits since you didn’t own a lot of black.
You tried to sneak your way out but it was so jammed you were stuck against your will and you were pretty sure a few people tried to grope you. Panic set in and a head ache was forming in front of your skull. You had trouble breathing and you wanted to faint.
You doubt anyone could hear you if you screamed so you used your pleading eyes instead. One of the guitarists on stage seemed to notice and stop playing instantly. The other band mates yelled at him and some fans booed. He jumped down from stage and rushed over you. “You okay?”
“Not really.” you managed.
“Here I got you.”
The fans near you freaked and were taking tons of pics and videos. “Guys, back the fuck up!” he yelled. The band mate helped you climb over the guard rail and guided to the back of stage. The band kept playing though they were pissed he ditched. He pulled up a hair for you and grabbed some water fromt the fridge which you took graciously.
“Better?” he asked.
You nodded. “Yeah thanks. I swear I was about to faint.”
He smiled. “Yeah the crowds get pretty nuts sometimes.” He paused. “I’m Tom by the way.”
“What are you doing here anyways? You don’t look the metal type.”
“I’m not.” you chuckled. “My friend brought me against my will.”
“Sounds like a shitty friend.”
“She means well. I don’t get out much.
“Oi! Tom! Get back out here!” a band mate yelled.
“I will! Jeesh!” Tom looked back at you. “Just relax here okay? I’ll come back after the show.”
You nodded. You decided to text your friend.
I’m ok, backstage.
friend: what???? lucky!
y/n: only bc i was about pass out.
friend: tom is one of the hottest ones you gotta get his number
y/n: nice to know you care. i almost had a panic attack but no biggie
friend: you know what i mean. you ok?
y/n: yeah. tom was really nice. and kinda cute.
friend: ommmg get his number plllssss
You rolles your eyes. You finished your water and got another beverage. The backstage was mostly empty the other workers not seeming to care about your presence. You noticed a snack table snd your tummy rumbled. Surely they wouldn’t mind if you had a bite or two.
You made yourself a plate of small sandwiches and fruit. The crowd cheered and the band mates exited the stage, Tom immediately approaching you, grinning. “Looks like someone found the snacks.”
“Sorry.” you said.
“Nah it’s cool, help yourself. We brought your friend. She was worried.”
You two hugged and smiled. Your friend was too stunned to say anything.
“You guys want a photo?”
Your friend made some weird squeaky sound. You laughed.
A fellow worked used your phone to take a photo of all of you. “Ah that’s awesome.”
“Definitely going on Instagram.” you said.
“What’s your account? I’ll follow you.”
Your friend was beyond shocked. “I think it’s her turn to panic now.” you laughed.
“If you don’t mind,” chuckled Tom, running his fingers through his dark hair. “I’d to get your number? You know make sure you’re okay?”
You blushed. Goth wasn’t your type but Tom seemed caring and black looked really good on him with his black tank top and ripped jeans. He even had matching eye liner.
“Yeah, sure.” Your friend squealed, making you all laugh.
“Thank you for saving me by the way.” you smiled after exchanging numbers.
“You’re welcome. And if you guys are up it, maybe we can grab a drink later? We’ll be in town for the weekend.”
“Oh my god.” your friend said. “This is the greatest day of my life.”
Tom chuckled. “We can get you guys tickets and backstage passes.”
“It got better.” She rushed up to hug Tom who hugged back. “See what happens when I drag you against your will?”
“Shut up.” you scolded, hiding your blush. Okay maybe you were glad how the night ended.
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skyecrandall · 5 years
CCAs 2018 Afterparty (Choices fanfiction)
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Book: Most 2018 Books
Genre: Comedy
Words: about 2800
Summary: A look to the party held for the winners and others of the CCAs 2018. Read along to follow the adventure of the party hosts, Pax and Eos Elara as they go around interviewing people like the gorgeous Annabelle Parsons or even the grumpy Thomas Hunt. Witness even a dance performance by Kamilah Sayeed.
Note: This story i based on the results of the CCAs 2018. If you haven’t read it yet you may find yourself to be a little confused. So I definitely recommend reading about the results, here first.
"This is Pax and Eos Elara reporting live from the CCAs 2018 after party where our fellow winners and losers alike, " said Pax to the camera.
"We will be your host for next hour or so as we talk to the gathered personality and others. So if you have a question you really want your favourite stars to answer it, twat it to us on Twatter with the hashtag #CCAask, " smiled Eos.
"Can we cut this part please. Ugh why is that social media called Twatter, it feels really gross, " complained Pax.
"We are live right now, we can't edit stuff now. Anyway here is Miss Parsons, the winner of the Best Female LI category. Let's go and hear her mind out, " said Eos as he dragged Pax towards where Annabelle was talking with Hana. 
"Miss Parsons, Miss Lee. Good afternoon. We hope that you are having a good time, " smiled Eos. 
"We are doing good thanks, what are you two doing?" Asked Annabelle.
"We could be doing better since our book didn't get nominated in any category at all, so that’s why we are charged of filming with after party. We are live say hi to your fans!" Said Pax as she waved into the camera.
"So what could the two winners of the same category be talking about like this, " asked Eos.
"I was just complimenting Miss Parsons for her beautiful speech. Sure we, women are currently better treated than during her era, but there is still a lot that is left to be done for men and women to be truly equal, "
explained Hana. "That is very true. It is because of men like Eos right here that our society is still so horrible to women, " agreed Pax.
"Wh-what did I do? I have been respectful to everyone who deserved it, " replied the elder Elara.
"I wouldn't call constant flirting respectable personally, " added Annabelle.
"That's a personality trait!" Complained Eos.
"Sure whatever. Let's go talk to Damien and Hayden now before my brother has an emotional breakdown. Let's head over to the mini-lounge area, " said Pax as she started walking towards where Damien and Hayden were chatting.
"Hey there winners are you enjoying the party?" Asked Pax.
"Parties are not really my thing but hey a party to celebrate my victory is nice, " said Damien.
"Plus free drinks!" Added Hayden.
"Yes and free drinks, " smiled Damien before taking a sip of his drink.
"Anyway where is the rest of your crew? It is a little odd to see just the two of you like this, " asked Eos.
"Sloane was really sad that she could not win her category and so Kai, Nadia and Steve went to console her. Khaan could not come due to Hamza and Alana is busy on a job overseas, " explained Hayden.
"Talking about Kai, here they are, " said Damien.
"I knew Nadia was a little cray but wow she is quite extreme. We could not console Sloane so Nadia just got her so drunk that she passed out. Then because it was make out time, she dragged Steve under a table and god knows what she could be doing right now. Oh hey, Pax and Eos, " said Kai as they settled between Damien and Hayden.
"She sure us a handful, " said Damien when a buzzer could be heard.
"What is that sound, " asked the robot.
"That means that it is time to answer a question from your fans on Twatter. Let's choose a random one that involves either of you three, " said Eos.
"Here's one. By @wescott-imogen . Let's see what it says:
“ Hey Damien I love you. Anyway I would just like to ask you whether you are Bi. I know you are, but some people still believe you are straight so I just want you to say it with your own mouth to confirm it.”
 " read Pax.
"Oh, well I'm most definitely bisexual. I hope this suffice you, " said Damien. 
"Thats not enough. We need confirmation that you truly are bi. You need to kiss a guy right here," added Pax.
"If so, I volunteer," smiled Kai.
"Hold on you can't. Since you are a girl in some playthroughs and for the same reasons i can't too. So that just leaves Eos," explained Hayden.
"Do I really have to?" Asked Damien.
"Well it's just a kiss. It's not a big deal," smiled Eos.
"You better kiss as good as you claim to," said Damien as he reluctantly kissed the elder Elara.
Their kiss seemed rather awkward at first but eventually they both fit together like pieces of a puzzle, much to the disgust of Kai.
"Whoops, we should probably stop the kissing for now. This is supposed to be a family friendly show, " said Pax as she pulled her brother away from Damien.
 "That kiss was actually really good. Like people who boast about this stuff are not really good but you Eos... whoa, " said Damien with a smile.
"I hope you believe me now Pax. My kisses are just the best, " winked Eos. 
"Yeah yeah okay. Anyway we better and go take a look at some other people before we witness a murder live on camera, " said Pax as she pushed her brother away after noticing Kai's murderous gaze towards Eos.
"Anyway time to go and find someone else. We won't find anyone in such a recluse corn-What the hell!" yelled Eos as he turned around and nearly bumped onto Skye Crandall.
"What are you doing here? Where are your friends?" Asked Pax.
"Bailey could not get the permission to come, Rory had to check on their mother, Ajay was bickering with Thomas Hunt the last time I saw him and Bailey's twin came to take Erin for a consolation date, " explained the goth.
"Ah...okay. Still aren't you lonely here? Wouldn't it be better if you stayed at home, no offence ?" asked the younger Elara.
"Anywhere is better than my house, " replied Skye coldly.
"Well anyway we've been wanting to have a talk with you, so will you answer a few questions for us?" Asked Eos.
"If I say yes will you stop bothering me?" Asked the red head.
"Yes? Anyway how are you feeling Miss Skye Crandall? You scored 2 nominations and despite being the underdog in the Best Female LI category you still scored a brilliant 3rd. So what are your thoughts?" Asked Pax.
"Cool... I guess?" Said Skye plainly. "Okay...Do you have anything you'd like to say for your family?" Asked Eos and Skye just gave her middle finger to the camera.
"We will have to censor that in editing, " said Pax.
"Again, this is live. We can't blur this out. Anyway anything to say to your friends that are at home?" Asked Eos.
"You guys are definitely not as uncool as you seem to be, especially you Bailey, " smiled Skye.
"Aww that is so sweet. Looks like our goth baby is actually a goth teddy bear, " smiled the elder Elara earning the two a scowl from the redhead.
"Well we should probably be moving on now. Oh wait look at the time, it's time for the dance performance, " said Pax as the two reporters moved away from Skye.
"Pax is right! Kamilah and her best friends have been willing to celebrate the event by offering us a dance performance. It might seem a little out of season, but that is mostly due to the CCAs being postponed so many times. Let's give our glorious performers a grand applause, " said Eos as the camera panned onto the central stage.
The stage curtain lifted up and Kamilah, Priya and The Baron appeared on stage in their Halloween Santa outfit with a Christmas backdrop.
"Are you sure the dance is worth being performed anymore? It's no longer Christmas, " whispered The Baron to Kamilah.
"We can't let our efforts be wasted. We worked hard on this performance and so everyone will have to watch it, " explained Kamilah.
"Also this is all just for fun and it will be a nice excuse to show off our Halloween outfits again hehe, " smiled Priya.
"Anyway... Nova Elara! Bring on the music! Give us Jingle Bell Rock!" Ordered Kamilah and Nova, the ATV MC! launched the soundtrack.
"Stroke em, Like em, Suck on my -" the soundtrack went on when our duo of reporters noticed the music and rushed on stage.
"Stop the sound!" Ordered Eos and the soundtrack stopped.
"What the fuck where you thinking Nova! This is not Jingle Bell Rock!" Yelled Pax.
"Shut your trap, Pax! This is a fucking family friendly show! You can't curse!" Yelled back Eos.
Realising what they both did, they both fell limp until suddenly Pax's phone started ringing. She glanced to take a look at the name and just accepted the call before shoving it into Eos' hands.
"This is for you, talk!" Ordered Pax who started sweating nervously.
Eos slowly brought the phone to his ears and said a small hello, before an stream of insults flowing from the phone. The person at the other end was so mad that their voice could be heard a few metres away from the twins. After a few minutes of berating the call finally ended.
“So what did Piper say?” said Pax, anxious as she took back her phone.
“She berated me the whole time before saying something like ‘The two of you are never getting hired again’” sighed Eos.
“Hmm, can we continue our performance?” asked Priya.
“No way. Your time slot is over. It’s now Maxwell’s time with his jokes,” replied Pax.
“This is unfair! The two of you crashed our performance!” complained the Baron.
“Listen. I don’t care that you are a super old and powerful vampire. We just got fired and we don’t want to anger that woman again, so please,” said Eos as he walked away, his sister in tow before passing Maxwell the microphone.
“I could use a drink,” said Pax.
“Same...You know what let’s just have fun and keep reporting.  Who knows maybe she will take us back? Anyway dear audience, Eos and Pax Elara are back in business and we are headed towards the buffet table to show you all the delicious snacks on the menu,” smiled Eos.
“Let’s go and see if these food are as wig snatching as people have been claiming all over their Twatter accounts. I mean seriously, our fellow winners have been posting more about the food than themselves,” continued Pax as the two siblings started heading towards the snack table where Elliot Vance and his sibling Harper Vance were having an eating competition.
“Hey there, mind giving us five minutes? We would like to interview you two about your awards,” said Eos.
“We...ant...eed...eaf....fafter” Said Elliot while munching into his food with fervour.
“What did you say? I don’t understand?” said Pax, confused.
“eaf...ing...con...fe...fifon...I...wiff...win,” mumbled Harper in between bites.
“I think they are doing an eating competition. Probably to settle their rivalry with this,” said the elder Elara.
“In that case.... Wooo go Elliot! You were the best!” cheered on Pax.
“Nonsense, Harper had the best performance. If you knew the amount of tissues I cried in watching their acting,” argued Eos as he wiped a tear from his eye.
“Maybe yes, but Eliot’s growth was one of the best part of the book. Uncultured swines like you can’t tell the difference,” voiced out Pax before the siblings started bickering among themselves.
Noticing the fight, Elliot tapped his sibling on their shoulder and said, “We don’t sound like this do we?”
“Nah, our banters are better. Let’s just leave them at it,” said Harper after they finished their food before leaving.
“They should value their kinship more,” mumbled Elliot as he walked away with Harper, however the two Elara could not hear him and just kept fighting among themselves about who had the best performance. It was only when a certain man appeared that they had to stop.
“Can I pass please? You two can bicker elsewhere,” said the man who was none other than Thomas Hunt.
“Ah Mr.Hunt, we are very sorry. Anyway Elliot, Harper can you lend us a word now?” said Pax.
“Welp, they are gone. I guess that means you will have to answer our questions now Mr.Hunt,” said Eos.
“I don’t get a say in this, do I?” asked the director.
“No you don’t. You know we will be annoying until you give us your time,” replied Pax.
“I knew I shouldn’t have come here. First that high school director wanna be and now paparazzi wanna bes. Begin your questions already,” grumbled Hunt.
“Well, as a director, do you agree with the winners of this year’s CCAs?” asked Eos.
“The winners are more or else deserved, although I believe Veil Of Secrets should have won the best atmosphere category though,” said the director when the buzzer suddenly rang.
--BE WARNED: The following section is not safe for work nor suitable for minors, read at your own perils or you can skip it till the next time you see bold text.--
“Looks like its time to search a question for our amazing director to answer, Eos will you do us the honour,” said Pax.
“Of course, here is one by @teamtomsato:
“Hiya Hunty :3333 Have you read my fic yet? Here’s the link! I’m really proud of it! *link to their ao3 fic* *gazillions of heart emojies* “
Aww how sweet. They want to ask you if you read their fanfiction, so have you done so Mr.Thomas,” said Eos
“I do not have time for such nonsense. I’m also having a bad feeling about this,” shuddered the director.
“Come on, it is just a story. What’s so bad about it? I know! How about we read just a page of it right now. Choose a page!” proposed the younger Elara.
“Ugh, let’s see then. Page 84. I don’t think that person’s fanfiction would be that long,” growled Hunt.
“Well you are wrong Hunty. This person’s story is 169 pages long. Here, I already put it on page 84,” said Eos as he handed the grumpy director his phone.
“I guess I should play along just so that this martyr ends quickly,” said Hunt as he started reading off that page.
Additional warning: This is the time that i recommend you to skip to the next bolded sentence once again as the following part is heavily nsfw and definitely not suited for minors.
“Hunt’s rough hands find their landing on Jessica’s shoulders, holding her tightly as his fluid movements against her body cause her to scream out in pleasure.
“Harder Daddy, hARDER!” Jessica’s pants, the grumpy marshmallow picking up his momentum inside of her slick caverns, overflowing with her love juice.
“You like that princess?” Hunt growls into her ear, “You like daddy’s big dick?”
“I love your big dick daddy!” 
“read Thomas, astonished.
“Wh-why...” stammered the director, aghast.
“Oh no, this is bad...We thought we passed through the worst earlier but this is nothing compared to this,” muttered Pax.
“Let’s just walk away like nothing happened,” said Eos but as they tried to go away, the director stopped them.
“Hold on. I’ve got a message for you @teamtomsato . I’ve called the police. They are coming to get you. You going to jail. You hear me. JAIL,” yelled Hunt as he grabbed the camera and focused it onto him.
--You my now continue read. The nsfw part is now over-
“Alright let’s see who we can talk to now...” smiled Pax.
“Hopefully it won’t be someone indecent. Wait, Rye? What are you doing here?” asked Eos after he noticed Rye hanging around.
“What are you doing here, its not your book’s year yet,” said Pax.
“I’m just here to observe. This way It will be perfect when we get win the awards,” smiled Rye.
“Cocky aren’t we?” teased Eos.
“Well I have a reason to be so sure of myself. Our book is doing really good right now and Eris and Tillie have a good shot at winning the best Female LI category. The only real opponent we have are the Desire and Decorum team and also if another It Lives comes out,” explained the conman,
“Interesting. What about your teammates? It is odd to see you all alone, especially without even Eris or Lee,” asked Pax.
“Well they are kinda on a job right now...” smiled Rye and as if on cue, an explosion occurred in the hall they were gathered in.
“The escape route has been formed, let’s go go go!” ordered Eris as members of her crew started running towards the hole she made with jewellery and trophies in hand.
“Well, this is a good bye. See you at the CCAs 2019 and remember to vote us when the time comes,” smiled Rye as he also disappeared through the hole.
“Arggggh I’m not letting them get away! Zekei! Deimos! Parker! Naomi! Let’s catch those thieves!!!” roared Eos as he pulled out his ray gun.
“Well I guess this little report is ending right here. We hope you had a lot of fun and we can’t wait to see you again for the CCAs 2019!!!” smiled Pax before the program ended.
Phew finally finished this fic and with it concludes the 208 round of the CCAs. This fic came in impromptu in my mind so to prevent it from also getting inside the endless cycle of never being written I decided to rush it and I got it right,
IF you enjoyed the fanfiction, please leave a like or a comment/reblog, I like hearing other’s opinions. If you really like my style, please do check my masterpost (in my bio or press the masterpost word) which features all of my written work.
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theoddcatlady · 6 years
The Pact
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Nine years ago, I was certain my life was going nowhere. There was nothing to look forward to, nothing would change, and I would never feel again.  
I hardly got out of bed during that time. I did the bare minimum to function. I suppose that didn’t really help my depression, but for those who have been in my shoes, you probably get it. What’s the point of getting up? What’s the point of eating? Getting clean? Living?
To me then, there wasn’t one. All I did was stay in my room and hang out in chatrooms and forums on the internet. These weren’t ‘helpful’ rooms though. They were people that were in that dark part of their lives and who saw no end.  
And with three of those people, we made a plan to kill ourselves.
I lived with my parents at the time, but I just said I was going to see some friends that weekend. They were so relieved I was actually doing something they didn’t even catch the missing pills in the medicine cabinet or that I didn’t pack clothes for the weekend.
And so I took a three hour road trip to meet the rest of the people in the pact.  
We didn’t give our full names, obviously. This whole experience was strangely anonymous. We met at a small diner to have dinner and to see that the others involved weren’t going to try to torture us… or worse, try to stop us.  
Sandra, I think, had the best reason for suicide. She was dying. When I saw her frail form and the kerchief on her bald head, I knew she wasn’t in good shape. She opened up about her cancer, how she’d had it come and go her entire life and that this time there wasn’t any sign of recovery. She didn’t want to spend another damn day in that hospital and was ready to go out on her own terms. She was so nice though, she didn’t judge any of us for our experiences or why we wanted to die, she just nodded and said she understood.
Brandon was the only guy in the group. He was nothing like I would’ve pictured. He wasn’t exactly a knock out, but he had a great smile and these wide brown eyes that I personally found attractive. Brandon had struggled with depression his entire life but he couldn’t live on this world anymore, not when his girlfriend died in a car accident that he was truly responsible for. He couldn’t live with that. And he hoped by doing this they’d be reunited and that she’d forgive him. I believed she would have.  
The last girl was almost a walking stereotype- a goth named Kirsten. Black hair, thick eyeliner around her piercing blue eyes and bold purple lipstick, long mesh sleeves that didn’t hide the patterns of thin scars going up and down her arms. Kirsten was the most quiet about her reasons, but she’d mentioned some abuse she’d experienced as a child. Things that she just couldn’t recover from.
I almost felt embarrassed about my reasons. I didn’t feel like I had a good reason, I had a good childhood, raised by parents who weren’t biologically mine but who treated me as such along with their ‘real’ children. I wasn’t abused. I wasn’t sick. I didn’t lose anyone. I just wanted to truly die.  
But none of them blamed me. Brandon gave me a side hug, Sandra nodded and patted my knee, and Kirsten told me that it was okay.  
We all rode in Kirsten’s van to this place her family owned in the woods, this beat up old thing that nearly stalled out twice. It took almost an hour to get there but we kept ourselves occupied with talking about the serious things- suicide notes, what did we think was coming after, how we wanted our funerals to go, stuff like that. I remember Brandon saying he wanted to be cremated and his ashes spread in his girlfriend’s old garden. She loved tiger lilies.  
The place was in the middle of nowhere, which was perfect for what we needed to do. A cabin in the middle of the woods. It looked like garbage on the outside but inside was actually quite cozy. Kirsten even lit a fire.  
The one thing we’d all held off talking about. The method.
Brandon pulled out a revolver, passed it around the room. “If anyone else wants it before I do it, go ahead, it’s not like I have a use for it,” He joked.
Kirsten wrinkled her nose. “Pass.” She produced a knife from her pocket. “I’ll be in the bathtub as soon as you guys are settled. How are you doing it, Sandra, Ellie?”
I dug through my bag to grab my pills and looked up in time to see Sandra lift up a length of rope. “Hanging is a clean way to go,” She said before looking at me. “Are you okay, Ellie?”  
I swallowed and poured the pills into my hand. This is it. This would kill me. “… I… I’m a little scared. This is really selfish to ask, but… could you guys wait until I’m out? Please?” I couldn’t look up.  
Kirsten’s hand rested on my shoulder. “I’ll stay with you. It’s okay. You’re choosing this,” She whispered before setting a water bottle on my lap. “And sometimes this is the only choice you can take.”
I took the pills after that, got comfy on the couch, let Kirsten stroke my hair as I slowly drifted into unconsciousness. I think I remember hearing the sound of the gun going off, but it sounded so far away and foggy.  
Well, as you guys can clearly tell, I’m sure as hell not dead.  
I survived. To this day, I don’t know how I’m alive.  
I woke up to the sound of crunching bones and wet tearing.  
My eyes fluttered open. I didn’t know where I was at first. Then it came back to me.  
My suicide attempt didn’t work.
I heard the smacking of lips before a quiet ‘hmm?’ I slowly sat up, my stomach churning, and I looked off the couch.
Brandon had successfully blown his head off. But someone had taken Sandra down and laid her on the floor, her neck was twisted in an unnatural way… and Brandon’s chest had been opened up and Kirsten was sitting next to the corpse, covered in blood and gripping onto his intestines. She looked back at me. Her jaw dropped, revealing dozens of needle sharp teeth.
“How the fuck are you not dead?!”  
I screamed before my stomach finally revolted and I projectile vomited all over the floor. I collapsed back on the couch, my throat burned as my eyesight flickered in and out. Kirsten got up, dropping Brandon’s guts and walking over. She pressed her fingers against my pulse point. “Holy shit. You’re actually still kicking, kid,” She murmured.
“Please,” I begged, “Don’t… don’t kill me.”  
“Relax, kiddo, I don’t kill. I just eat.” Kirsten plopped down next to me, shaking her head before she started chattering away. “… You know, the internet made this a lot easier. Finding corpses back in the day was a real pain in my ass. Nowadays, I get them delivered to my door. Internet’s a blessing and a curse, am I right?” She chuckled, shaking her head.  
I stared at the ceiling. I didn’t want to see Brandon’s shredded body. “… What are you?” I asked.
Kirsten shrugged. “Dunno, really. I’m not gonna give you numbers, but let’s just say I’ve been doing this song and dance a long, long time. The only thing I can eat is dead flesh. I’ve never had much of a taste for murder though, so I wait until someone kicks it. Or in this case, when someone chooses to kick it.”
I remembered at the diner that Kirsten only sipped away at a glass of water. “… I need more pills. I can’t do this,” I murmured, struggling to reach for my bag.
Kirsten grabbed my hand, her grip could’ve snapped my wrist with how tight it was. “You’re not dying today.”
I couldn’t believe it. This bitch ate people and she wasn’t going to let me kill myself. “Why?! Dammit, just let me die!” I snapped, trying to pull loose.
“I said no!” Kirsten snarled at me and for a brief moment I thought she might’ve developed that taste for murder. I was shaking. I was terrified.
She released me and shook her head. “Ya know, I don’t believe in many things. But I believe in fate. And fate says that for some reason, you’re not meant to die today. For some bullshit reason, you’re meant to stick around.” She chuckled and attempted to wipe her mouth off. “I don’t give up food without a good reason, so I gotta ask you something- you think you can drive?”
I drove out of that forest feeling numb and tired. The car didn’t stall out once. I got back to the diner and dropped it off, got back in my car, and drove on home. My parents were sobbing in the living room, they’d found my suicide note. My mom screamed when I walked through the door… dad held onto me so tight and begged me never to do that again.
And in that moment, I felt like I wanted to live again.
It doesn’t always work like this for everyone, but things… did actually get better. I spent time in a hospital. My parents got me therapy, medication. I could wake up in the morning and feel like maybe there’s a reason I’m here in this world. I can’t say there wasn’t pitfalls, I had to go back to the hospital two more times when I just couldn’t cope again. But recovery was no longer a fairy tale. It was real.
And here I am now. I got married about five years ago to someone I met while on a run, he’s a super great guy. We have a two month old daughter, her name is Sandra, we call her Sandy. I work from home writing for magazines and I’ve never felt better.  
As for Sandra and Brandon, their bodies were never found. But since both had left suicide notes and Sandra had made preparations for her death, they were treated as dead. I didn’t go to their funerals. I didn’t want to explain to their parents how I knew them. But I did visit their graves after the service. I wonder almost every day what would’ve happened if they’d chosen to stay.
But this isn’t why I’m writing this.
I was out with a few fellow writers last Saturday, having dinner and having a general good time. I don’t know why I felt like I had to look up, but I did.
There was about four young people sitting at a table. I didn’t know three of them, but I knew the last one.  
She’d changed. She was now a brunette with a pink sweater, no more harsh make up or mesh sleeves. She looked almost like a normal girl. But those blue eyes… they looked right at me.  
The girl smirked and raised her water glass to me before returning to the conversation with the other three.
I didn’t interfere. I only watched as they got up and got into that beat up van and drove away.  
I have no doubt if I interfered with Kirsten’s hunting, she might change her view on murder.
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bolbianddolanhouse · 3 years
BNHA self insert AU [Book 4]
Foo I dunno what to put here anymore... read here, then here and then here!
Chapter 1: Midsummer Madness by Joji
It’s a fine summer morning, and it was quiet in the Iida household....until the sound of dramatic groaning rose from the girl’s room. Which was routine for Hanaka Rosa, youngest twin and sister of the siblings. She was not a morning person and sure as hell wasn’t going to wake up early on summer vacation! And just down the hall, rose older twin Tensei Oro to greet the day. Hanaka and Tensei couldn’t be anymore different from each other! Gender aside, these twins were like night and day in personalities and intellect. There was never a quiet and normal day with them in the mix, which always starts with Tensei waking up his twin sister.
“Wake up Rosa!” yelled Tensei from outside her bedroom door.
Hanaka groaned “Why?! It’s summer vacation!” 
“Are you forgetting what today is?!” Tensei said before teleporting inside “Pendeja, it’s the school carnival!”
“Huh? School carnival?” Hanaka sat up and rubbed her eyes “It’s not Saturday yet.”
Tensei arm chopped at the calendar on the wall “Well maybe if you actually slashed the days, you’d remember!”
“Why do I even need that thing! I have a phone that checks the time and day for me” Hanaka huffed “Get with the times bro!”
“Okay then, check your phone right now” Tensei crossed his arms.
Hanaka grumbled as she picked up her phone and her eyes bulged out of her eyes “Oh FUCK! It’s Saturday!” She jumps out of bed “FUCK WE’RE GONNA BE LATE!”
“Hurry up because I am not waiting for you” Tensei opened the door to leave “I’m going to have my café in peace.”
Tensei slides down the stair railing to the waiting breakfast on the nook.
“Good morning mijo” greeted their mother “What were you scolding your sister on this time?”
Tensei hopped on his usual seat “I have a concert today at the school carnival and Hanaka volunteered to do a food booth with her friends. And of course she forgot and is now getting dressed.”
“I’ll take you both, no need to rush your sister” Their dad responded as he served his plate of breakfast.
“You spoil her too much dad” scolded Tensei “How is she ever going to do things for herself?! She needs to learn some responsibility.”
“Oooo he got you there Tenya” agreed mom “I think she should uphold some responsibility, when I was her age, I was always on top of my duties.”
“But you were middle class in public school, Hanaka doesn’t have to fist fight 3 people to get to her first class!” arm chopped Dad “I’m taking the kids to the carnival and that’s final!”
Mom rolled her eyes and brought her cup to her lips “Whatever you say dear, it’s not like we had two older children that are independent or anything.”
Tensei tried really hard to stifle his laughter as their Mom, once again, threw major shade at Dad. It’s just any other morning here in the Iida household.
“OKAY I’M READY!” Hanaka yelled from the base of the stairs, fists in the air.
“Come and have some coffee at least” Dad offered.
“No time for café dad” huffed Hanaka “I gotta go! They called me to hurry up because the barbecue pits aren’t lighting strong enough!” she bounced and pulled her twin by the arm “Cmon cmon cmon! Teleport us there!”
“We are not teleporting Rosa!” scolded Tensei “I’m taking my bike, you should’ve figured this out when you signed up to volunteer.”
“But Tensei!” whined Hanaka “it far! And I can’t run that fast without getting tired! Please, pretty please, teleport me?”
“No, and stop batting your eyes like that” her twin said in disgust “You look like Donkey from Shrek 2.”
“You take that back!” Hanaka got offensive “You look like pretzel stick!”
“Stop your fighting! I’m taking you both right this instant” Dad said sternly “I want you both in the car in one minute, no talking.”
“Yes father” said the twins in defeat before making their way to the driveway.
Mom chuckled “Ya know, I thought having twins would make them best friends. Turns out if they’re half latina, they have a built in hatred for each other.”
“I thought they’d get along better now that they’re older” Dad sighed and grabbed his keys “When will it end.”
It was silence and scowls from the twins in the backseat...also a normal thing now that Lili and Iwata don’t live in the house. Iwata is going into his second year of high school at UA, so he visits when he can. Lili is also in her second year at dance academy in France, she visits during Christmas time. Leaving the twins in their 1st year of middle school, everyone’s favorite school years! Tensei is one of the smartest kids in school with promise of being a lawyer due to his amazing debating skills. He’s also known for his musical talent along with his little band that sometimes plays some backyard gigs. So today’s their biggest gig at this school carnival, Tensei had to pull a few strings to get their band in, but it’s all about to pay off.
Once they got dropped off, the twins sped off to their places. Hanaka was weaving her way around some of her fellow student volunteers to get to the food stalls. She’s notorious for having a bad attitude and being short tempered, but she’s not alone! Her two best friends are the same way and band together to aid each other in school fights. The three of them are known as the ‘Squak’ and you don’t want to get on their bad side!
“Hanaka! Don’t tell me you forgot today we’re on grilling duty” cawed Petti as she fanned the dying fire “We need some serious fire power if we’re gonna be here all day.”
“Sorry! I didn’t set my alarm” Hanaka panted as she walked into the booth “Where’s Kyanka?”
“Here!” cried out their other friend, their paw hand in the air “No more coals or wood to burn, nya.”
“Oh shit, alright then ladies” Hanaka rolled up her sleeves and did a little stretch “stand back, I’m about to crank up the heat!” She sticks her arm in the glowing coals and ignites her hand to coax the coals to raise a steady flame “We got fire, time to get cooking!”
“Tensei! We were starting to get worried you were a no show” gasped their friend Tetsu “You’re usually the first one to gigs.”
“Sorry to make you wait” sighed Tensei as he put his guitar case down “My twin got her way again and I had to wait for her.”
“Geez, we aren’t children anymore” responded Ashido “Hana-chan is still having tantrums?!”
“Tch, be thankful he didn’t show up scorched again” said Huei as he rolled his eyes “Anyways, sensei wanted to see you. They’re at the soundboard.”
The carnival went without a hitch thankfully. Everyone liked Tensei’s little band that they’re invited to more school events. His band doesn’t have any particular sound, they just cover some alternative songs and pop radio stuff. To be honest, if Tensei didn’t look so plain and clean-cut, he’d be the handsome frontman and popularize his band. 
“How was the carnival kids?” asked the twin’s mother as the two staggered their way in the house.
“Wack” said Hanaka, on the verge of crying “I didn’t get a chance to eat my free food!”
“I had fun, the boys and I are going to be doing more school events!” Tensei responded with a big, dumb smile “I’m just so excited for the upcoming school term!”
“Wait- school term?” Hanaka muttered under her breath as she counted on her fingers “aww man! Schools starts on Monday huh?!”
“Better get your summer homework done Hanaka” warned their mother.
Hanaka huffed “How come you never tell Tensei to do his homework!”
“Tensei is on the honor roll at school” their mother crossed her arms “Far as I know, he probably finished it 3 days after break started. So you best wash up and crack those books open.”
-Fast forward, beginning of second year-
“Where’s Tensei?” asked Petti as she sat in the back corner desk of homeroom.
“Where he belongs” Hanaka propped her legs up on the desk “In the honors class.”
“Owo does that mean no more scolding?” Kyanka perked up her tail.
“Yup, no more nagging nor teacher’s pet Tensei to bug us” Hanaka leaned back on her chair “We’re sensei’s problem now!”
Petti slams a small bag on her desk “CAW! Time to put on makeup in class!”
The girls quickly do their goth eyeliner in their little corner of the classroom. These three have been friends since they were in pre-school, Petti and Hanaka go back farther to their infant days. Petti is Tokoyami’s daughter, full name Peregine Tokoyami. Kyanka is Ojiro’s daughter, in fact, his only daughter as they have two older sons.  
“Class, please take your seats” the teacher announces “Welcome to your 2nd year, I’m sure you all had the same homeroom as last year and know each other. But we have a new student this year” they motioned for the person at the door to come in “I’d like you be nice to your new classmate. Would you like to introduce yourself?”
“Hi, my name is Lumi Aoyama” said the girl “and I’m from France, and no, I will not say anything in french for you.”
“Oh that’s...lovely!” the teacher was trying really hard to say something positive “why don’t you take the seat over there in the back?”
The three girls eye the new girl as she briskly walked to the seat next to Petti. She takes notice and gives Petti the side eye.
“You wanna fight?” the new girl spat with hostile energy.
“Excuse me?” responded Petti, matching energy.
“Hi, I’m Hanaka” intervened the Iida twin “I like your highlight, what brand is that?”
The new girl darted her eyes onto Hanaka “I’m not wearing makeup, it’s my skin.”
“Nya, it hurts my eyes” said Kyanka, squinting to see.
“Humph! Then look away cat girl!” the girl said in a stuck up manner “before I fight you too.”
“Hey, you don’t talk to my friends like that” Petti got defensive “If you wanna fight, then we gonna fight.”
“Oh yeah? Then it’s you and me, after school at the sports shed.”
“You’re on new girl!” growled Petti.
The rest of the day was full of tense glares from the two girls. Hanaka and Kyanka not doing much but watch and wait. The final bell rings and the new girl dashes ahead.
“Petti you aren’t going to fight her are you?” asked Hanaka “Let’s patch things up and be friends with her, it’s the first day!”
“I’m gonna fight! I don’t care if it’s the first day” Petti defended herself “She was being rude to you two and I don’t like bitches that think they can talk down to my friends!” She turns to Kyanka “You record it, I want this bitch to know not to mess with me!”
Begrudgingly, Hanaka made her way to the sports shed to watch this fight. Might as well right? It’s not like her twin knows where she is...wonder what he’s up to.
“Iida-kun, may I speak with you?”
“Yes coach?” responded Tensei before leaving the classroom “is there something the matter?”
“Nothing is wrong, I just wanted to ask you if you’re doing debate this year” 
“I am, I had such a good season last year that I want to do it again” Tensei beamed “I’m thinking about getting onto the Junior Varsity team.”
“Oh! That’s great because I was going to ask if you wanted to move up to JV” the teacher said in relief “One of our JV debaters graduated and we’re short a member. Plus with all the amazing work you’ve put in last year, how would you like to go to Nationals in the spring?”
Tensei’s eyes widened and jaw dropped “I’d be honored to! I won’t let my team down coach!”
The teacher opens a manila folder “Perfect! I’m going to send you home with the paperwork for your parents to overlook and sign. Bring it back to me by Friday.”
Tensei could hardly contain his excitement as he gleefully skipped down the empty school hall. He couldn’t wait to tell his parents, because his twin doesn’t care about his ‘silly little hobbies’ as she puts it. No matter, he’s happy and nothing can ruin this for him...until he got outside and saw his twin and her friends in a fight.
“STOP! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!” Tensei dashed to break up the fight “Are you three crazy?! It’s the first day!”
“Fuck off Tensei this is my fight!” yelled Petti as the male twin blocked her target.
“You leave me no choice but to go get an adult.” Tensei said sternly.
“Whatever Tensei, you’re ruining the shot nya” Kyanka said out of annoyance.
“Yeah Tensei, go kiss ass to the principal why don’t you?!” spat his twin.
“What is going on here?!” said a loud voice behind them “A fight on the first day?! Everyone in my office NOW!”
All five of them where in the principal’s office, awaiting for their parents to come. Which is something the three girls were used to, but Tensei was very stiff and nervous to what his mom is going to think.
“I’m here, what happened?” bust in the twin’s mother “I got here as fast as I could.”
“Mrs Iida, good to see you again” greeted the principal “We’re awaiting the other parents.”
“I’m here on the behalf of Mr Tokoyami and Mr Ojiro as well” the mother explained “They’re both on duty.”
“Of course they are” said Petti and Kyanka in unison.
“Hey, you know they work hard for you” the mother snapped “I would appreciate it if you showed a little understanding that they’re doing important things right now.” 
“Sorry Mrs Iida” they apologized.
The mother sighed as she took a seat “On the first day? What prompted it this time?!”
“I suggested to not fight for the record” Hanaka spoke up “And Tensei ran in to break up the fight.”
Tensei nodded vigorously “That’s right, I didn’t want the girls to get in trouble on the first day.”
“The new girl challenged me and insulted my friends” Petti explained “I was willing to be friendly but she just started to be rude to us!”
“That’s not true! You’re just saying that” out-bursted the new girl “You guys were staring at me and made comments about my skin. IT’S MY QUIRK YOU ASSHOLES!”
“Young lady watch your language!” demanded the principal “It seems like you were off to a rough first day. I know you didn’t have much time to settle in the area, so we’ll wait for your father to come and talk things out.”
“Ugh he doesn’t care enough about me to come” grumbled the new girl, arms crossed “He’s probably looking at himself in the mirror and forgot.”
A few minutes passed and a man ran in the room.
“Bambina! On the first day?!” cried out the man “You promised.”
“Wait hol up- Aoyama?” stood up the mother “No way! You’re back?!”
“Mrs CEO herself?!” responded the man “Your kids attend this school?”
“Yes, mine are the mini Tenya and the curly haired one” she gestured “And those two are Tokoyami’s and Ojiro’s, don’t they look so much like their fathers?”
“Nya I don’t look like my daddy” huffed Kyanka, tail standing up at attention.
“How do you know each other?” asked the new girl.
“I went to UA with her, her husband and their fathers” Aoyama put his hand on the twin’s mother shoulder “She’s saved my hide a few times in those days and I went to her wedding. It’s been so long my friend, and may I say, you look so good for being a mother of 4!”
“Oh stop!” the mother put her hands on her cheeks “You flatter me too much! And you’re still very shining.”
The kids were looking at the display in shock. Never have they seen a reunion in such an unlikely situation.
“Ahem, if you don’t mind Mrs Iida and Mr Aoyama.”
“Oh right, of course!” the mother cleared her throat and sat down “What are the disciplinary actions? Since it’s so early in the school year.”
The principal folded his hands “We have clean up duties for a month or have them go with the district behavioral specialist for evaluating.”
“Now just wait a moment, a behavioral specialist?” the mother spoke up “They got into a fight after school, you send students to a behavioral specialist if they show signs of a sociopath. And this isn’t sociopathic, clearly the lack of parental guidance and teenage angst.” she shot at look at the girls “I believe the month long clean up duty will suffice.”
“I take full responsibility!” Petti spoke up “Hanaka and Kyanka didn’t do anything wrong, it was all my idea.”
“I will admit that I challenged her to fight me” said the new girl with guilt.
The principal looked perplexed “That’s a first. Owning up to your mistakes?” they gathered themselves quickly “Then it’s settled, Miss Tokoyami and Miss Aoyama will be serving a month of cleaning duties starting tomorrow.”
Everyone left to their respectful households after that. Hanaka felt the change in the air and it kind of scared her. What the hell is going to happen now?
-Two weeks later, after-school-
“Nya! It’s finally Friday” cried Kyanka out as she stretched out her paws “My stinky brothers aren’t home if you guys wanna come over.”
“Sounds like fun” groaned the new girl.
Hanaka cringed “Right, cleaning duties punishment! Sorry.”
“Man, I wanted to get a new choker today at the mall” sighed Petti “And my dumb dad wants me home by 6 until my punishment is up. Not like he’s gonna be home to uphold me to that.”
The two girls got up to leave “Well, hope things go by quickly!” waved Hanaka “Bye Petti, Aoyama-san.”
The two punished girls went on to do their sweeping.
“Hey, you’ve been here your whole life” new girl broke the silence “How is like living in Japan? What is there to do?”
Petti stopped sweeping to answer “Hmmm, I guess it’s fine? There’s lots of shopping and hang out spots in this area. And the beach this a short commute from here.”
“The beach!? I’ve never been to a beach!” new girl beamed “It’s is fun?”
For the first time since the first day, Petti and the new girl had a long conversation. Anything was better than cleaning in silence.
“Hey, what do you like to be called by?” asked Petti as they walked to the front of the school.
“Oh, I guess my first name?” new girl paused to think “I don’t like my name though, I was named after my grandma.”
“I don’t like my name either, my dumb dad named me Peregrine because of my feather pattern” Petti pointed at her face “I hated being a bird of prey, so I gave myself the name Petti. Because I’m petty as hell and it’s kind of my quirk.”
“That’s so cool! Lumi is short for luminescent” she giggled “Then I guess you can call me....Twinkle. Because of how I shine.”
“That’s a cute name, I like it” Petti stopped at the front gate “Well Twinkle, I’m going this way. See you Monday!”
“Bye!” Twinkle waved Petti goodbye before turning toward the waiting car in the pick up area.
“How was school bambina?” asked her father as she opened the car door “Did you make a friend?”
Twinkle rolled her eyes “Not like you care.”
Her father sighed “You know I care about you Lumi, I want what’s best for you.”
“Whatever, lets just go home” she said as she put on her seatbelt.
They drove in silence for a while.
“Your mother called earlier, she misses you”
“I miss her too” Twinkle said meekly “Dad, are things really better out here? Or are you homesick?”
“Things are better here in Japan, look how much safer and cleaner the cities are. And I’m sure you can see how much better this middle school academy is to private school in France” her father looked over to her “And I can tell you’re happier here.”
“How am I happier here?”
“Your smile right before you got in the car” he explained “You didn’t fight with that girl you waved bye to. I haven’t seen you smile like that in so long, not since your sister moved out. It’s okay to feel better in this new place and let your guard down a little.”
Twinkle relaxed her shoulders “I do feel a little bit comfortable at that school. And the people here have good hygiene” she laughed “But you still haven’t shown me around!”
-The next day-
“Tensei-kun, when are you going on your nerd trip?” asked Ashido-kun as he tuned his bass.
“It’s called Debate Nationals, and I’m going in exactly one month” responded Tensei with an arm chop “Debate isn’t a nerd thing!”
“Sure it isn’t, that’s why you’re on the top team at a top school” sarcastically spoke Huei.
“We go to the same school Huei-kun” Tensei crossed his arms “Don’t act cool like you don’t have good grades either!”
“Oooooh he told you!” laughed Tetsu.
“I wish I had grades like yours” sighed Ashido-kun “So I can be a top choice for hero school.”
“You want to go to hero school? Does our generation still want to go into such things?” Tensei questioned “Like, yea your mom, my dad and Tetsu’s parents are heroes. But should we? There’s already so many in the hero career, Japan is overflowing with heroes!”
“Don’t be such a buzzkill dude!” Ashido-kun retorted, putting his bass strap over his shoulder “What’s your career choice?!”
“I want to be a lawyer” Tensei said proudly.
The other three boys busted into howling laughter. Quickly turning into tears and gasping for air type laughter.
Tetsu fell off his drumming stool “Oh man, you’re such a nerd Tensei-kun!”
“Being a lawyer isn’t nerdy!” Tensei crossed his arms with a scowl “Theres a whole untapped career market for Hero Law Practice! Imagine all the accountability for those heroes that don’t follow their ethics code? Agencies that don’t pay their lower ranked heroes the minimum wage can get sued. Justice for the justice keepers!”
“Oh I can see it already! You in your little suit, carrying one of those fancy briefcases with your name embossed on it” belittled Huei “Going in the courtroom with an arm chop and going ‘OBJECTION YOUR HONOR!’”
That made the boys start laughing again, irritating Tensei even more.
“Whatever! Lets just start yeah?” Tensei rolled his eyes, regretting opening up to his friends like that “Can I get a count off to Strangers in a Dream.”  
The boys gathered themselves to start playing. They haven’t practiced in a while since school started and they had a gig coming up. So they had to get back to the groove of things in Ashido-kun’s garage.
Fast forward to after Tensei’s Debate trip...he bombed it so badly that he was barred from going to another competition until he redeems himself in the mock trials. Hanaka gets suspended for a week but what else is new? So both of the twins are brooding in their rooms on a Saturday afternoon, this called for some parent intervention.
“Mijo? Are you okay?” asked their mother outside the door “may I come in?”
“Sure, come in.”
Tensei was face down on his bed, completely stiff and straight.
“Aw honey, not the coping mechanism” his mother sat on his bed “I thought we grew out of that.”
Tensei lifted his head slightly to respond “I’m so disappointed in myself mom, debate was the one thing I had going for me! I took my one chance to get noticed by my choice of high schools so I can debate for them AND I BLEW IT!” He slammed his face back down “I’m just a nerd that tarnished the school’s debate reputation. My career is ruined!”
“Tensei! Life doesn’t end when you lose a few arguments” his mother comforted “You’re 13 years old, you don’t have a career yet! You’re not even done with puberty, there’s so much more to explore and create. Come on, get up.” Tensei sits up “Good, now go and do something that makes you happy. Whenever something flops for me, I go take a trip to the cafe and buy myself something nice.”
“I don’t know if strumming will make me feel any better” Tensei sighed as he looked at his guitar “I still have to go to school and face my peers with my failure.”
“Ya know what’s nice about hitting rock bottom?”
“What?” asked Tensei with curiosity.
“There’s nowhere to go but up” she smiled “You can build yourself back up, prove it to everyone that you’re worthy of a second chance. Or who knows, maybe this is your chance to move on to another thing that you like and change image.”
Those words lingered with Tensei for what seemed like weeks. Yeah debate was everything to him but was it really time for a change? Every now and then he gets hit with an identity crisis because of getting compared to his dad and twin sister. He’s a little too much like his dad and not as naturally gifted like his twin in terms of quirk. There’s no competition in Tensei’s mind, everyone is going to favor Hanaka over him anyways! It’s always been like that, but at least he has his mother on his side. She’s his biggest inspiration in life, the reason why he wants to go into law and music. She’s encouraged him to use his voice for good and that hard work will always pay off.
-Late Spring, after school-
“Hey Hanaka, how come you don’t use your engines?” Twinkle asked as the group of girls walked to the shoe lockers “My dad says you have the same quirk as your dad and he can run really fast. And it seems like with your fire quirk, you can run even faster.”
Hanaka looked at her engines then shrugged “I dunno, sometimes when I’m in a pinch I use them. But I don’t really have a reason to train myself to use them to their fullest” she takes her shoes out of the locker “Tensei is the one with the cooler quirks, he can teleport and bend metal! All I’m good for is being a heat source.”
Twinkle paused to think “It seems like all of us have our dad’s quirks.” She jumped up on the bench and struck a pose “What if we became heroes?”
“Nya? Us?” Kyanka questioned “I don’t think being a cat girl will get me through hero school.”
“I think it’s a good idea” Petti said, tying her shoe “I don’t really see myself doing anything else to be honest.”
Hanaka opened her mouth to protest, then paused to think it some more “You know what...I don’t see myself doing anything else either.” she put hands on her hips “That’s pretty wack, I don’t wanna be like my daddy and uncle!”
“We’ll brand ourselves differently!” Twinkle suggested, striking a different pose “Lets be gothy girl heroes, fighting by night!”
The four girls exchanged looks of agreement. 
“Alright then, we’ll do that” Hanaka caved “But we gotta start training somehow.”
“Oh! Beach training!” jumped Kyanka “Summer break is coming up, lets do beach training and summer assignments together!”
The girls walked together to plan out their training...meanwhile, Tensei was getting whipped into shape verbally.
“...and my closing statement is that quirk suppressant medicine is an attack on human ethics.”
The debate coach quickly scribbled on his paper “Alright, the winner is all for the opposition. Nice work Iida and Tanaka.”
Tensei loudly sighed out in relief, slumping back on his chair “Oh thank the lord! I didn’t know if that ethics line was going to work.”
“Iida-kun? Are you okay?” his debate partner turned to Tensei “You don’t look too good.”
“I’m fine. Just a little strung out” Tensei responded “I can’t lose these next few cases, mock trials are right before summer break.”
“Please get some rest and don’t worry” one of his teammates added “you’re sweating so much and you look pale! We don’t want you to get sick before the mock trials. It’s okay to sit out the next case or two.”
Tensei stands up “Thank you for your concerns but I’ll be fine” he wipes his sweat “Besides, I have the next 5 cases written out and ready to go.”
“No seriously Iida-kun, we’re worried about you” said the senior member “You still have another year of debate to go. Relax and see how you do in the mocks, nationals doesn’t mean anything after October!”
“Alright team, listen up” the coach spoke up to get everyones attention “for this years mock trials, not only are we having those two school’s teams join us but some high school coaches will be spectating. Seniors, I presume you’re going to be at your top game to get scouted.”
That statement made Tensei’s heart drop. This IS his one shot to redeem himself and be scouted as a second year! Theres no room for error now, he needs to bring his A game in two weeks.
Twins, like night and day, couldn’t be any more different! Until a twist of events closed the gap and changed the course of their fate...
-Book 4, Chapter 1 End-
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ellstra · 7 years
Here’s another fic rec because why the hell not
I posted my first fic rec exactly six months ago, so why not celebrate with another of these? They’re in no particular order (or rather, in the order I read them in, which is very unimportant), please check the ratings and warnings on each of them.
Hey baby, can you bleed like me? by @kyluxtrashpit, 11.5k, E; Kylo is no stranger to being a fuck up, but he never expected to fuck up killing himself. Trapped in a mental health ward with the full belief that there's nothing they can do for him, he finds unexpected solace in his asshole roommate.  Heed the warnings if you get triggered by such topics but oh dear lord, it’s so therapeutic and calming to me? There’s a quite complex, vivid backstory to it and I love it.
Observations on Treachery, In Which The Charge Against Maj. Armitage Hux is Fully Refuted, Written by Himself. by @irisparry, 5.5k, M; The charge against me is a connection with one Luke Skywalker, for the purposes of delivering classified First Order intelligence. My real crime is an amorous connection with his apprentice, for a considerable time while our true identities were concealed.
Major Armitage Hux writes his way out of hell. Hux's hilarious proclamation that he wasn't guilty of selling information to the enemy, because he was busy having sex with Ben. The language alone is wonderful, and Hux's is so spot on convinced of his own brilliance, it's hilarious.
I tell you miserable things after you are asleep by @huxes, 7.5k, T; Hux and Ben are falling apart. Modern AU. They hurt each other so much and yet they keep getting back together, and it's all fucking beautiful. And sad. Not to be read when you're feeling down.
Swipe Right for Slow Burn Regret by @jinxedambitions, 55.5k, WIP, E; Workaholic Hux doesn’t have time for relationships. He barely has time to grade all of his assignments while also ensuring that his students are the highest achieving in the school. When his friend and fellow teacher, Ms. Phasma, suggests he just needs to get laid, he’s skeptical. She decides some no-strings-attached sex is just what he needs, and no better place to find it than the internet. It’s all fine until he accidentally swipes right on Ben “Call me Kylo” Solo, and they’re a match. With more tattoos than teeth and a profile proclaiming him a "seminary dropout," what could possibly go wrong? Hux is certainly going to find out.A romance about awkward dates, bad sex, miscommunication, and finding love despite one’s better judgment. This fic is...messy. They keep trying to have sex, and something always goes wrong. And it’s as frustrating as it is hilarious, but of course there’s the side-dish of them being perfect for each other oh no. A delightful read.
Laeti Vescimur Nos Subacturis by @generallyhuxurious, 69.5k, E; In order to complete his training, Kylo Ren has been absent from the Finalizer for over a year. Hux considers their relationship to have ended as a result of this separation. When he receives his first direct communication from Snoke since the Starkiller debacle, he expects to be informed of Kylo's return and his own impending execution for daring to touch the Supreme Leader apprentice. Sadly, Hux' life is never simple or straightforward. Snoke ships it. Hard. This is a rather lovely fic that I would categorize as a fairy tale with explicit sex, although there's so much more to it. I recommend this fic if you're in need of some good old fluff with a side-dish of humour and a dessert of smut. Best served with a cup of cocoa snuggled in a blanket fort.
Effective Human Copulation: A Perspective by @moonwalkingcrab, 23k, E; Trying to start a new relationship with your hated coworker is hard at the best of times, nevermind when your slightly senile alien boss seems to take it as his personal science project. You've heard of Snoke's fascinating research log, now get ready to hear the story from Kylo and Hux's POV! This is one of the healthiest kyluxes I read, if I may say so. They even go on actual dates, you won't believe it. Truly enjoyable read that works even better if consulted with Snoke's research.
Mr. June by @nerdherderette, 4k, E; A fill for this Kylux hardkinks prompt: The First Order releases an annual spicy pinup calendar featuring stormtroopers, officers, pilots etc. Hux thinks it's stupid until he hears that Ren is going to be featured in it (bonus points if Hux has never seen Kylo without his mask and robes) [excerpt]:A simple loincloth barely covers the outline of his mouth-watering length, his stomach ripples with muscles Hux never knew even existed, and his chest and biceps are deliciously thick.  His hands are enormous and strong—meat hooks that look like they could span Hux’s waist.  A simple gold collar encircles the man’s neck, connected to a thin, gold chain. In short, Mr. June looks like someone who had stepped out of a holoporn, and into Hux’s wet dream. Hot, hilarious and a tad bit cute. I don't want to spoil anything so I won't tell you what the best bit is but trust me, you'll not regret reading this. It has Hux so horny he can't function and there are parts written like a really bad erotica, and I don't know why the cringeworthy words sound so great but they do. A delight. 
Summer by @eralkfang, 2k, E; It still feels like summer outside.Still is summer, technically. But to Hux, summer is home and London and holding himself carefully above the fray, not letting his father’s moods or his mother’s drinking or the people he went to secondary with grab him by the ankle and drag him down. Whereas here, in America, in September, he lets his metaphorical ankles dangle, low enough for American boys to grab at.Although Ben Solo’s the only one who’s managed to grab them and pull him down, like an anchor. Very sweet short College AU smut with nipples and cigarettes and open window and longing. A+ for atmosphere
Ex Machina by sual, 32.5k, E; An AU inspired by Ex Machina where Ben Solo never became Kylo Ren, General Hux is a droid that used to be human, and they might just be what the other needs.Warning for a whole lot of robophilia and cruel and unusual uses for droids. Ben never becomes Kylo, deciding to give his Force training and it's so beautiful. He's friends with Rey and their relationship is so very sweet. And then there's Hux with a marvelous tragic backstory. There’s also a great podfic for it if that’s your thing.
Off Limits by @verybadhedgehog, 4.5k, E; Military man of twinky appearance, previously stereotyped as a bottom, meets annoying xeno-experienced frot evangelist telepath, is persuaded to be less sexually self-denying. Jizz everywhere, job’s a good ‘un.A fill for the Kylux Hard Kinks blog prompt: “For medical reasons Hux can't engage in anal sex but his build always seems to attract guys who expect to fuck him. He's pretty much given up on dating when Kylo is transferred to the Finalizer. Years of interspecies experience has proven to Kylo that there's so much more to sex. Now he just has to bring Hux around to his way of thinking” Hux has given up hope for sex and then Kylo comes and is so considerate and so sweet and so generous. It's about sex, but there's an underlying level of affection and care and it's so beautiful. 
Sunny Side Up by @longstoryshortikilledhim, 7k, M; It was supposed to be a fun chef AU but then things escalated. Chef!AU with so many feelings I can't begin to list them. It's Johanna's impeccable sense of humour mixed up very thoughtfully with drama and I'm here for that. Let it be known I needed three comments to fit all my screaming, so you definitely should go check this out. I really can’t rec this fic enough.
Falling in Reverse by @slashedface, 4k, E;  Hux and Kylo awake in a pitch black cell. They have a choice on how they meet their fate...but not much of a choice. MCD. Kylo and Hux get trapped in a cold small cell and it's just as angsty as you'd expect, with the delicious side meal of regretful late love confessions.
I Write Siths Not Trajedis by xXDarksideXx (I’m sorry, I have no idea who’s behind it lol), 3k, WIP, M; Hi my name is Kylo Ren I'm 1.9m tall and have an eight-pack (I’m shredded). I always wear all black, usually goth robes with a ripped cape that I got from Hoth Topic and I always wear a mask to obscure my face and voice because otherwise everyone would be distracted by my beauty. Original fanfic about my OC Kylo Ren set after the Original Trilogy!!!1 My Immortal kind of fic, that will make you hate yourself for liking silly things. And laugh. No knowledge of My Immortal necessary but it will make it better.
Starfucker by @agent-nemesis, 2k, E; Kylo Ren follows a suspicious noise and finds a secret room. When he makes it inside, he can't quite believe his eyes. Short but very intense porn. Kylo is not nice at all.
Darkest Temptations by @solohux, 4.5k, E; A vision sends Kylo to see a troubled Ben Solo, and things become complicated. Selfcest fic that is surprisingly...eh, spiritual? It's sweet and gentle and hot and dark and it shows the difference between Ben Solo and Kylo Ren and blurs it by accentuating it. I'm not making sense because the feeling is indescribable, you'll have to go read it yourselves.
293 notes · View notes
My Life Story - Part 41
For my fifteenth birthday, I received the guitar I would learn to play on. It was a black and white fender stratocaster knockoff. My father taught me E,A,C,D,G, the minors and a few of the 7ths, how to play the chords on neck, how to play power chords, how to tune a guitar to itself, and how to pick around certain chords, to get the feeling of the sound of that chord without necessarily playing it outright. Everyday after 10th grade I would rush home and play my guitar for several hours before I did anything else. I eventually was able to tune the neck simply by listening to the sounds of the strings.
At school, I was now the official school goth. For years they had been calling me a hippie-goth – whatever this happened to mean, and for years they had been mostly wrong. I would have loved to dress that way, but I simply never had nice clothes. I was usually stuck with t-shirts and jeans. I had been called goth frequently simply for wearing a black hoodie that had the Nike symbol on it which was silly and telling of what a small town Kendrick is. I could probably sort of understand by 10th grade though that I might fit in some superficial idiot's version of what a goth might mean. I threw away all my shirts that were not band related t-shirts. I dyed my hair black, wore enormous amounts of black eyeliner, and lined my eyes in red. I refused to smile at the camera in school, or at all really. I was no longer the gullible silly girl they had known before. I was outwardly passive aggressive and didn't take kindly to being made fun of. Of course, under the tough exterior, I was every bit the timid person I had always been, but I wasn't about to let them know that.
Football games no longer excited me. The smell of bad nachos and the night air no longer seemed made for me. I used  to be able to hide from this painful feeling of emptiness when I went to the school events, but it seemed like that no longer worked. I was not distracted by anything. And at the very most, I would look at a specific spot at the school, and I would have these vivid recollections of Zack the previous year, and that mostly hurt. I was also approaching school with the idea that I was going to make it work. I didn't want to do this, and I still was not willing to do homework. But I wanted to see if I could at least become a D student. This might sound like failing to most people, but when you have brought your grade up from 15% to 60%, then the improvement I was looking to make was actually quite a lot.
Ava was gone – to the nice big school up in Moscow to make new friends and then destroy their lives, Katie had new friends in her own class, Jason was gone from school forever – was employed by the elderly to do gardening and physical work on people's homes. Justin and Cody were both gone – I don't recall where the Smiths moved, but they did. It really was just Sam, Zack, Sarah and I. It is worth noting that a boy in the grade above, this mousy forgettable fellow with blonde curly hair, cheap clothes and glasses sat by us too. He was incredibly shy and talked with a strong lisp. He didn't really fit in anywhere, and I guess we were that group of mismatched individuals that had nowhere else to sit. We would all sit together at lunch. It was just this default group. I knew that Zack was probably thinking about quitting altogether, as his sixteenth birthday was that September. And every fiber of my being was totally possessed by his very existence, but I had acquired this cold dignity about me. I wasn't about to let him know that I still cared, or myself when it came down to it.
Now that we were proper high school students, we ate with the juniors and seniors. There was this especially odd looking senior that had just moved to the area. His name was Daniel, but I renamed him Noah for some reason when I first met him, and he was by far one of the strangest people who ever came to Kendrick high school, he had long black hair down to his lower back, glasses, and he was the tallest person I had ever seen – 6'8. He seemed to lumber more than walk, and he reminded me a bit of one of the trees in LOTR. He wore all black clothing everyday, and seemed to struggle with decent clothing that fit. And he had a very friendly demeanor, and a very dry sense of humor and seemed somewhat intelligent. He saw us on the first day of school and decided to sit with all of us. I guess he figured that he might fit in with us the best. At first, I was rude to him because I was anxious and was at this point in my life where I was beginning to feel very defensive and inclusive. But then he must have said something sort of funny, and I laughed. When I laughed, I happened to notice that Zack got this dismayed sad look on his face. I think he had tried to say something, but I had ignored it. It hurt me to watch Zack become sullen and deflated, but also felt kind of good for some reason. I had felt abandoned and betrayed, and now I wanted Zack to realize that I was not simply 'his person'. So I started talking to Noah at the lunch table more frequently. I started debating him about everything he did and said. He didn't seem to mind at all, and took on everything I said with a great bit of care to respond back equally as questioning. While I did this, I was often actually gauging Zack's reaction to the attention I gave to Noah. I could tell it was bothering him a lot. I reveled in his sad blue eyes looking down at the table.
I had to take 9th grade algebra over again and I was the only 10th grader that had been held back. I was quite uncomfortable being in a class of younger students, many of whom I couldn't stand, but this discomfort actually made me pour into my math lessons more so. This was the first class I didn't have any of my friends around me, all there was was me, the lesson and the bookwork. And it was strange, but in the absence of anyone who really knew me, I felt prompted to do a better job. It was almost as though some of my poor attitude had been showing off. I started getting all my assignments done, and I started really trying. Mrs. Rush was at first incredulous and surprised, but eventually after a month or two of this, she called me to speak to her after class. She told me that she was very impressed and surprised by my improvements. She hadn't seen it in me honestly, and though I was not naturally good at math, I was of reasonable intelligence in the subject if I set my mind to it. This was probably the first honest schoolwork related compliment I had received in several years, since 5th grade, and coming from a teacher who couldn't stand me the previous year, this meant a lot whether I wanted to admit it or not.
I was also doing better in my science class. I started paying attention to the lessons, and found that I really enjoyed science. I instantly understood chemistry. It wasn't actually too hard to understand how atoms worked, how they created elements, and how elements formed together in this equation. I liked looking at the world around me and imagining it not as whole things, but as several atoms all working together. In a sense, I remember feeling like this new realization took the magic out of everything. I looked at Zack's eyes and realized that perhaps they were just a bunch of tiny fragments. How could an element found everywhere explain the existence of so many things I loved. How could science explain why Radiohead was so beautiful, why I felt contradicting emotions towards people? I was very puzzled, and didn't know how I should feel about ruining my religious faith in art like that. Science killed the mystical. But I paid close attention nonetheless because it was valid and interesting, and I really started to care about my education. Other classes, I still failed. I didn't like our new English teacher. So I didn't often times do her assignments. And history was still too boring to stay awake for.
I was listening to a lot of Smashing Pumpkins around that time. I am not terribly into them now, but whenever I hear the song 1979, I get this sickly strong remembrance of this time in my life, the way my converse looked in the grass, Zack trying to get my attention, the way my locker smelled, the way Sarah walked down the hill, and the way the sun looked to me in those days.
After a few weeks of intentionally ignoring Zack, I grew deeply sorry. I had pushed him too far away at some point, and he stopped eating at our table suddenly one day. As Noah continued to talk to me, I watched Zack walk away. I felt sick to my stomach, realizing what I had just done. Was I about to get real with myself and just admit I still had feelings for the guy? No, I wasn't about to do that, but I wasn't going to lose him either. However, I never did get much of a chance to coax him back. The next week, as I was going about brainstorming whatever it was I had to do to be his best friend again – the one he used to sing Best Friend by Queen about, I discovered that Melissa had decided to come back to Kendrick high school again. They were dating, and it was easy for me to sometimes forget that. I think her return was some kind of temporary thing they did for fun, but it completely ruined my attempts to make up for my betrayal. Watching them together was strange. They seemed to have their own world, and when Zack was around her, I no longer existed, and I felt very strange about that. I would silently mope, but I could never tell anyone what was actually wrong. Eventually after several weeks of personal despair and this vague annoyance at myself that extended to Noah, since I had in some strange way intentionally used him to put him between Zack and I, Melissa and Zack skipped together and got caught doing it. Rather than face detention, Melissa split school altogether. Zack took the detention. All was well again.
The detention room was extended off the main school office, and it faced a window. For some reason I could never figure out, it was the same room where they kept stocked up sodas for the pop machine. They literally put the bad kids in the room with endless amounts of soda and candy for the venting machine. Why they did this, I will never know. At first, I thought it must have been some kind of test, to see what kind of virtue the detention kids had, but there was no test to it. Zack filled up an entire backpack with soda and candy. We also visited him at lunch break through the window. We had to continue to duck from the office ladies, who sensed someone was looking into the room and through the window and at one point I had to take cover right below the window, as an angry office lady, sure of her intuition gazed out with clueless suspicion.
That Friday, Sarah and I decided to skip as well. I felt I was doing a really good job at school, and I needed a break. It felt right for us to skip, and it felt like my personal right to do so. I urged Sarah to skip with me. Sarah came down to my house that day. I wanted to do things that were constructive and fun on our day off. It would be like a more personal extension of our education, the way I saw it. Anybody worth knowing, as I figured it, had never skipped a day of school. My father was playing music again, and he had bought some speakers and set them up in the 'other room' (I had moved my bedroom upstairs again and this was now what we called one of the rooms I had had when I slept downstairs) with his bass guitar. Sarah and I went in there, and we tried to write a song. I played two chords back and forth, with no particular style or speed. Sarah tried to find the notes on the bass that went with the melody I was strumming. It never sounded right, nor could I really get into what I was doing. The song was beyond lame, but we tried to make something out of it, playing it for about half an hour before giving up.
We were then hungry, so I decided to make a cake. The problem was that we had no eggs. If I had been savvy and had known what I know today, I would have went down the the pop machine down the road to buy a can of pop, which works as well as eggs do in making cakes rise – a little trick you learn when you are vegan. But I didn't know this. Instead, I got frustrated and decided to add way too much sugar and way too much oil, which I thought might somehow make up for the eggs in some way. What came out of the oven forty minutes later was the most disgusting cake that I have ever tasted. I couldn't even eat cake for about a year after that gross creation, and the mere thought of this cake used to make me gag. All in all, the day was depressing and gross. The sun was going down, and there was this existential empty feeling we both had. We never made a delicious cake, and we never wrote a good song. I started getting this sick empty feeling, like there had to be more to life, but in the end everything was pointless like this. Had Ava been there, we might have had a great time. Those days were over, and I had a greater love for Sarah than Ava, but still. Sometimes you need that freaking nutcase to make your days go by. This was such a lame day, perhaps the lamest day of my life. I was trying to heighten life somehow by skipping school with Sarah, but in the end it made me sick to my stomach.
I was more than certain that Sarah and I would get away with skipping school. We hadn't actually been caught, and though it seemed suspicious, it wasn't out of the ordinary for us to catch the same cold at nearly the same time, seeing as we were close friends in a small school. The weekend would pass, as it had for years, and I knew that the teachers and office women would forget about it over the course of the weekend and we would be free to go on as if nothing had happened. I had literally gotten away with skipping school over one hundred times, and I had very little fear of anyone catching me and punishing me accordingly. So when I walked into school and casually checked into the office to confirm that I had been sick on Friday, the office lady said something blatantly rude and knowing that she knew that Sarah and I had skipped school together. I told her that she couldn't prove it, and she should mind her own business. I probably shouldn't have said this to the feisty mean redheaded office woman, because she immediately went to the principal and they set out to get Sarah and I into trouble.
This event really got out of hand. My father showed up, Sarah's mother Carol showed up. The principal explained what corrosive and futureless bums Sarah and I were getting to be. Even though my father and Carol both couldn't stand one another, they seemed to form a sort of bond around punishing Sarah and I in this one specific occasion. I didn't get it at all. I had always thought Carol to be more or less looking out for me. She knew my dad beat me up no more than a year ago. Why was she working with him? I personally felt betrayed and incredibly mistrustful of all of them. They talked about how Sarah and I had changed over the summer. My father's suspicions of my drug use had been renewed.
Sarah and I were both pulled out our last hour and sent to the office. Everyone looked at us with cold stares. Redhead looked into my eyes and smirked viciously. I built myself up and got ready for a battle. The old principal was gone, and in his place there was a new principal named Mr. Conover. He looked an awful lot like Hoggle from Labyrinth. I was taken into the office, and between my father and Mr. Conover, I was asked questions about what I thought I was doing and what I wanted to be when I became an adult. Every time I tried to answer the both of them would shout right over me that I was wrong. It wasn't terribly loud, but it was useless trying to explain myself. I tried to explain that I couldn't imagine a life that would be meaningful unless I served music or art and that I didn't want to go to college at all. I wanted to form a band and travel the world. My father and the principal told me my dreams were stupid and couldn't happen. They told me I wasn't good enough to be anything like that, and I needed to be realistic. The principal explained to me that he played bass guitarist for decades and he had never become famous. I tried to explain to him that I wasn't interested in MTV, or having a hit or anything like that. I didn't care if I had more than a few thousand loyal fans, I just wanted to be a part of music.
Basically, they both just tossed me back and forth, knocking me down to size, until I just started saying empty rebellious things like they wanted me to. I didn't want to admit it, but they had succeeded in making me semi ashamed of myself and I really wished that I had said nothing. I promised myself never to tell people openly what I wanted. It seemed like everyone was a fucking expert ready to tell you what you could and could not do. And I knew my night was going to be a bad one. This little ordeal was only the beginning. Carol angrily took Sarah home. My father was in a rage when we left the principal's office and I tried my best to hold my head high. Redhead gave me one more mocking smile, before my father insisted that we go talk to some of my teachers to ask them what my grades were like. Nobody was in their classes anymore, since school had gotten out while I had been trapped in their little shame game, and this made my father even angrier. I was actually half hoping my math teacher of all people could still be in her class. She of all people might actually vouch for my improvements in her class, which was really quite extraordinary since I hadn't had a decent math grade for nearly five years. I tried to explain this to my dad, but upon hearing it, I realized that he actually was not happy to hear this. The look on his face actually was more angry. He wanted me to fail, so he could knock me down.
When we got home, he shouted at me as loud as he could for nearly an hour. He attacked everything about me. He shouted at me for doing drugs, said I was lying. I tried to scream back, but my voice was nowhere near as loud as his was. He told me I looked ugly and like a goth freak who slits her wrists. I tried to explain to him that the only differences I had gone through in the last year was that this had been the first time in my life where I actually had built up a sense of self worth, and the first time I had ever had a goal in my entire life. He continued to verbally and emotionally abuse me, till basically it just became the same as it always had been. My covering my head crying and shaking uncontrollably doubting everything I said and feeling worthless and weak, while he leaned over me screaming at my head, the same old picture we had been posing for for years. He took my cd's from me as an attempt to punish me further, and told me I wasn't allowed to be a 'goth' anymore.
Sarah's mom had also thought that perhaps music was making Sarah into a bad student, so she attempted to take Sarah's music away, but Sarah looked at her straight in the face, with the look of 'Really Mom?', and she had taken a step back. What we had done was probably worthy of getting maybe a few detentions, but they gave both Sarah and I three days of in school suspension each. I didn't get my cd's back for several months. My father tried to make me change my make up when I left for school, saying I looked like an ugly clown. I actually refused to take the make up off, and told him that even if he made me, he really couldn't control how I wore my make up as soon as I got to school. He threatened that he could, but I knew that was probably one of the emptiest statements he had ever made.
When Sarah was in detention, we visited her in the window. And at the end of the day, she probably walked out with fifty dollars worth of candy and soda. Then it was my turn. Sitting in the office, I got to listening to the office women talking. Adults really weren't all they were cracked up to be. They gossiped about other teachers. They talked about one of the teacher's weight. They then moved on to the football stars in the school, talking about which ones were 'fine looking'. I listened around midday as April, the girl in the class below who had often hung out with Jason, came in because her drunken father had stumbled in insisting that April had stolen cigarettes before school.
April screamed at her good for nothing and clearly drunken horrible father denying that she had taken the cigarettes. I had a feeling she had stolen her good for nothing dad's cigarettes, and even though April and I were not friends at all (she had walked up to me on the first day and told me that my new look made me look like a clown as well), I sort of rooted for her and felt bad for her. The office women were eating this altercation up, siding with April's dad, even after he threatened to beat the shit out of her and called her a worthless little bitch. The office women were sick. They were getting into it the way dumbasses get into wrestling. They wanted to see someone get taken down, and they didn't care if it meant facilitating abuse within the actual school in their own office. April was sent to another room to calm down.
April, though a crude and unfriendly creature whom I had little in common with, she being into ICP and fart jokes, really did have it rough, and I had to respect that she was doing the best she could to get through life, same as I was. She suffered from bipolar disorder, and these kinds of situations were brutal to her ability to function – I could recognize that she had been intentionally antagonized until she snapped. And that's what the institution of education wanted to do to people like her and I, make us snap and cause us to wreck our own lives. That way, we never would have any credibility and the social order would have 'the other' to look down upon and nothing would change. The office women were beaming with excitement for the rest of the day. It made me want to gag, just thinking about what horrible people they both were.
I got ahead in my math lessons, and managed to get sixty lessons done in advance. That way, I wouldn't have to do any math until late November. Why I had never thought to do my homework this way was beyond me. It was actually quite relaxing and enjoyable. I realized how much I enjoyed doing my homework in this nice little room, with a window before me open to nature. It was quiet and I could be alone. I failed to really understand how this was a punishment for me.
At lunch break, Zack came to visit me. He and I put our hands together through the window. We made faces at one another like children. He picked flowers and set them in the window ledge outside. And whenever the office women came to look in, he would duck. When they weren't looking he would come back up again, and blow me a kiss, before rattling something outside so they were compelled to look for him again, in which case he would drop to the ground again so they couldn't see him. I couldn't believe that these women could not understand that they were not able to see a good portion of the window area. It was a poor man's version of the ending of Benny and Joon.
Naturally I walked out of the class with fifty dollars worth of soda and candy same as my fellows before me. Anyway you could rob or fuck over the establishment, it was your solemn duty to do so. And for some reason, nobody ever followed up or accused Zack, Sarah or I of stealing. Jason had done it last year, and we couldn't possibly have been the only ones. I felt nothing but good since I now didn't have to do math for the rest of 2004 just about and I had Reece's Pieces to eat galore to eat and wash down with endless cans of Cherry Pepsi.
PART 40 - http://tinyurl.com/y8aj6kmq
PART 39 - http://tinyurl.com/y97vprft
PART 38 - http://tinyurl.com/ycr7la8q
PART 37 - http://tinyurl.com/y8trssqd
PART 36 - http://tinyurl.com/y9ygq9q8
PART 35 - http://tinyurl.com/ya5xhe2f
PART 34 - http://tinyurl.com/yc6y4p69
PART 33 - http://tinyurl.com/y87449dz
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PART 6 - http://tinyurl.com/kbc9dwu
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PART 4 - http://tinyurl.com/k9x8esg
PART 3 - http://tinyurl.com/mwp9atx
PART 2 - http://tinyurl.com/lbt6xq2
PART 1 - http://tinyurl.com/l8xbvg8
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lifeonashelf · 4 years
Since we’ve already tackled a fairly diverse musical sampling in this tome, it may not shock you to learn that I sincerely think Kelly Clarkson is awesome-sauce. And I’m not just referring to her talent (which is obviously abundant) or her register of great songs (which is also obviously abundant), I’m referring to her essence—the authenticity she embodies, and how much more fundamentally likeable she is than any other pop star of her stature or epoch. I have not met Kelly Clarkson, yet her entire vocational ethos has been so blessedly free of pretention that I kind of feel like I know her, even though the only thing I know for a fact about Kelly Clarkson is that she is a singer named Kelly Clarkson.
I never viewed one episode of the American Idol season she won and I have never seen her interviewed as far as I can recall. The impressions I have of her character are intrinsic, based on nothing more than the calmative sound of her voice and the traits I instinctively suppose a person whose voice sounds like hers must surely possess (certain voices are just like that—I don’t think anyone on the planet assumes Morgan Freeman is a dick, for instance). By that criteria alone, I am led to believe Kelly Clarkson is a kind human being, the sort of gentle soul who gleans authentic happiness from making other people happy. I am led to believe she is a humble human being, the sort of grateful and unaffected luminary who lends her resources to numerous charitable causes without requiring any fanfare for it. I am led to believe she is a wonderful mother, although I am merely presuming she has kids since I don’t actually know anything about her personal life. And I am so innately certain of these things that if someone told me they have it on good authority that Kelly Clarkson bathes in the blood of kittens to preserve her youth, I wouldn’t believe that person for a second, even if they had pictures (conversely, if someone told me the same thing about Taylor Swift, they wouldn’t even need photos to convince me).
I have an anecdote which supports my hypotheses, even if the anecdote isn’t my own. My cousin Lauren worked at a restaurant in Hawaii for a few years, and on her last day at this café, a vacationing Kelly Clarkson happened to stop in to eat there. Since it was Lauren’s final shift, her co-workers were scribbling farewell messages on her uniform with magic markers throughout the day, inscribing it like the pages of a yearbook. My cousin’s engraved vestment drew the notice of the eatery’s eminent visitor, who amiably asked about its significance; when Lauren explained the circumstances to this world-renowned superstar in her establishment, Clarkson proceeded to gush about how delightful she thought the gesture was and asked if she could add her signature to the shirt. As a result, my cousin is now the proud owner of a decidedly unique piece of apparel which is autographed by a slew of her former hospitality industry peers… and Kelly Clarkson. When Lauren told me this story, I was acutely charmed and—yes, I admit—a little envious. But I was not a bit surprised, because that is exactly the sort of genial exchange I imagine everybody who meets Kelly Clarkson probably has with her (conversely, if Lauren told me that Taylor Swift came into her restaurant, wrote “fuck you” on her t-shirt, then defecated on the floor, she wouldn’t even need the signed garment to convince me).    
While artists like Lady Gaga and Nicki Minaj have allocated periods of their careers to embodying post-apocalyptic femme-bots or community-theater sorceresses or whatever-the-fuck, Kelly Clarkson has exclusively devoted her career to embodying a performer named Kelly Clarkson who doesn’t come across as markedly different than the self-effacing lass named Kelly Clarkson who curls up on her tour bus after her concerts to watch old episodes of Friends (granted, I have no idea if Clarkson is a fan of that particular show, but she sounds like she must be). The only way I would ever recognize Lady Gaga in the wild is if she walked up to me and said, “Hi, my name is Lady Gaga”—and after I nodded and remarked, “oh, that’s kinda neat for you,” I can’t imagine I’d have much else to say to her. Yet if I happened to be at a craft store and I spotted Clarkson browsing the yarn aisles (for some reason, I also presuppose she knits a mean sweater), I would instantly know who I was spotting because she would probably look exactly like Kelly Clarkson always does, and I’d feel duty-bound to approach her, shake her hand, and thank her for being all of the things I assume she is. And if she wanted to hang out for a little while and chat about patterns, I would totally hear her out, because listening to Kelly Clarkson extrapolate on the textile arts sounds like a perfectly pleasant way to spend an afternoon. I have a strong sense that if I were to meet up with Kelly Clarkson for coffee—actually, now that I think about it, she probably prefers tea—we would totally get along; I also have a strong sense that Kelly Clarkson is precisely the kind of celebrity who actually would meet up with a fan for tea (not me, obviously, because I clearly sound like a lunatic right now).  
“The Girl Next Door” is such a tired trope (especially in my case, since the girls who live next door to me are a Goth lesbian couple), but that is indeed the model Clarkson educes: an ingenuous small-town gal-done-good who spent her teenaged weekends canning homemade jam with her grandmother and reading YA romance novels on her porch with a glass of fresh-squeezed lemonade beside her (again, I’m not sure Kelly Clarkson did any of these things; regrettably, my insights into small-town living are limited to the saccharine tableaus represented in the Lifetime Original movies I’ve watched over the years—which, consequently, I presume Clarkson also enjoys). Her comportment evokes a high-spirited yet enduringly sweet kid sister you impulsively want to protect from the leering eyes of the world, and while she is certainly a beautiful woman, my attraction to her has never ventured anywhere near the realm of the erotic (my pop chanteuse crush is Demi Lovato, whose open struggles with bi-polar disorder, depression, and substance abuse—perhaps unfortunately—make her way more my type than Clarkson is). Honestly, I can’t envision making out with Kelly Clarkson; any fantasies my brain might entertain about her would be more likely to involve tracking down whatever scoundrel inspired the fervent pathos in her performance of “Behind These Hazel Eyes” and defending her honor by punching that fucker in the face.
I guess the word I’m really looking for here is “refreshing.” While Clarkson built her renown in a realm of play-acting, her career has been defined by an absence of artifice, which is ultimately a much more substantive thing to define oneself by than prowling around in spangled booty shorts. At her peak, Clarkson’s implicit message to the young women in her fanbase seemed to be, “you don’t have to pretend to be something you’re not; just be who you are and great things will happen.” I’m certainly no prig, but if I had a music-consuming daughter who looked to pop idols for guidance, I’d much rather her absorb that philosophy than the one proffered by, say, Rihanna—whose well-publicized turbulent coupling with Chris Brown would instead tacitly edify my fictional offspring that “ride-or-die” means sticking by your man even after he beats the absolute fucking shit out of you.
Of course, Kelly Clarkson’s ascent was predominantly reliant on her faculty—I doubt millions of people bought her records solely because she’s a nice person—yet in that respect also, she handily outshined her contemporaries. While most of the circa-aughts female pop icons were essentially sonically interchangeable, Clarkson’s soaring vocals always had enough distinctive character to render them unmistakably hers—surely, no amount of Auto-Tune could have endowed the bottom-scraping likes of Fergie with enough juice to do “Because of You” justice. She was also savvy beyond her years, and it was her refusal to let her handlers dictate the course of her career that ultimately allowed her to flourish when so many of her fellow American Idol graduates floundered.
Clarkson’s sophomore album—2004’s Breakaway—turned out to be the best-selling entry in her discography, and will likely forever remain her most iconic opus. But she had to fire her manager and battle just about everyone else in her camp to make that disc happen on her terms. After riding the wave of Idol worship which lifted her safe and satisfactory debut Faithful to its logical ceiling, she was tenacious in her resolve to transcend that threshold and announce herself as an artist capable of achieving far greater heights than triumphing in a televised popularity contest. As preparations for Breakaway began, Clarkson insisted on being heavily involved in the songwriting process—disregarding the protests of her mostly-male producers, who myopically deemed that a twenty-something woman couldn’t possibly possess any insight into what the twenty-something women who comprised the largest audience for the record they were making wanted to hear. She was also adamant about integrating more diverse and dynamic elements into her sound instead of simply settling upon another cycle of tepid pop-contemporary numbers. The result was a monster of a record that offered up five chart-igniting classics and a supporting cast of remarkably strong deep cuts. As evidenced on Breakaway, Kelly Clarkson’s vision of her craft encompassed something much weightier than a series of Pez-dispenser singles and shark-costume dance numbers. She clearly wanted to make a cohesive album that never gave the listener occasion to reach for the Track-Skip button, and she succeeded brilliantly. Commencing with the anthemic title cut, the feisty “Since U Been Gone”, the masterful “Behind These Hazel Eyes”, and the show-stopping apogee “Because of You” in immediate succession, Breakaway is surely a front-loaded disc, but it’s nevertheless one that continues delivering gems long after it exhausts its radio bait: “Addicted” is as solid as anything else on the record, “Walk Away” brims with irresistible quirk, and despite being buried near the tail-end of the track listing, “You Found Me” is more indelible than most other artists’ biggest hits.
This, too, illustrates a refreshing component of Clarkson’s mien—she made an entire record worth listening to, a feat which regrettably few artists on the pop landscape ever seem to bother themselves with. None of the tunes on Breakaway resonate as throwaways; each has something to offer beyond a hummable chorus, and each is solely Clarkson’s domain, firmly entrenched in her esthetic wheelhouse and blessedly devoid of any posturized pandering or blundering Ja Rule cameos. Even at this early stage of her artistic development, she possessed a seasoned understanding of the clear difference between making a song marketable and making a song memorable, and a keen awareness that those two things are not mutually exclusive. Surely, Clarkson was just as aggressively promoted as any of her peers, but her product wasn’t aimed at the audience hungry for gyrating, hypersexual caprice—peddlers like Christina Aguilera already had that demographic covered. Kelly Clarkson wasn’t selling her navel, she was selling a much more durable commodity: fantastic songs performed by an exceptional singer. And the grandeur of her vocal acumen elevated her wares beyond the disposable and into the timeless—indeed, as of this writing, Breakaway remains a thoroughly satisfying listen; meanwhile, nobody would bother spinning an Ashlee Simpson album from start to finish today, not even Ashlee Simpson.
And unlike far too many of her colleagues, Clarkson didn’t require a force-field of studio trickery to bolster her transmission. The organic nuance and passion in her voice floated atop the reverb rather than drowning in it, and the intricate, exquisite descants she conjured revealed hours spent mining her soul for the best way to communicate the emotion each track called for instead of pondering what shoes to wear in the eventual video. Which is probably why “Since U Been Gone” still makes me pogo around my apartment every time I put it on, while every Katy Perry song sounds like it was specifically written for a lipgloss commercial.
Clarkson’s output has waned in the last decade or so—though “Stronger” is a notable high-point—but even if her most significant work is destined to remain behind her, the legacy she built for herself transcends her standing as the first and most successful American Idol victor (at press time, that is; I’m willing to entertain the possibility that Lee DeWyze or one of the seven other winners whose names nobody remembers might still create the most amazing record ever made). After weathering an era replete with shameful moments like the skinhead meltdown of Britney Spears, The Pussycat Dolls pledging the drooling males in their litterbox echelons of filthy sluttery their lowly mortal girlfriends could never aspire to, and Lindsay Lohan being Lindsay Lohan, Kelly Clarkson emerged with her class, her dignity, and her career intact. The reality-TV platform that introduced her to the world is now a footnote, but her catalog continues to stand the test of time. And even though I actually shook Randy Jackson’s hand when he ate at the restaurant where I work (take that, Lauren), Clarkson will always be the American Idol alumnus I feel most closely connected to.
Speaking of… Kelly, if you’re reading this: my last shift at Eureka is on Monday, January 28. If you happen to be in the vicinity of Claremont that night and feel like swinging by, I’d be honored to have you sign my shirt. Just don’t invite Taylor Swift, please; I heard she does some really gnarly shit to kittens.
 January 17, 2019
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homosexuallmost · 5 years
Tagged by @radical-eirini​
‘Rules’: Answer all the soft questions and tag 5 of your most recent followers and 3 of your biggest fans, fave blogs/users
1. What’s the smell of your shampoo?
I’m pretty sure it smells like soap. It’s dye-friendly so it’s not really a specific scent I don’t think. I use dry shampoo that smells like coconut tho.
2. What’s your aesthetic?
Mm I’ve been trying to go for a cute goth gf look but it’s hard to find clothes that fit that aesthetic that, well, fit me. Oversized stuff is great but 6′2″ don’t help that well. But yeah, mostly just ripped black skinny jeans, flannels, black witch-y hoodies and cardigans, chokers, converse. Overall, just a no-titty goth gf aesthetic ig.
3. What’s your favorite time of the day?
Probably as soon as the sun starts setting. I have a really nice view of the ocean from where I live so I absolutely adore the sunsets. Also, it’s usually around the time I completely wake up and turn online.
4. What do you like most about the beach?
THE FUCKIN’ DOGS!! They’re everywhere at my local beach and I fucking love it!!! SO MANY DOGGO!!!!
5. What do you worry about constantly?
Unless I’m around fellow gays, I’m usually worried about whether I’m looking as cute as I feel. I worry about getting out of this house, about getting to a place where I can be me. I worry about whether or not my friend is trying to kill himself or not. I worry about whether a mind reader is reading my thoughts and learning my porn preferences. I worry about if I’m about to be a victim of the next hate crime. What went wrong? What could I have done differently? Is G2 Esports gonna actually do the 18-0 split are they gonna fuck it up somehow by being too cocky? Are people making fun of me in their heads because I’m wearing AirPods? Why won’t she respond to my texts? It sounds weird, but I constantly worry about a window popping up at the back of my head playing the last porn video I watched. It’s a whole lot of things I’m worrying about.
6. What are some relaxing tips for your followers?
weed dude x2
7. What are some things that tear you up?
I feel like I’ve gotten significantly more emotional in the past year or so. I try to avoid thinking of family stuff concerning my mother, because that makes me extremely sad to the point of tears. I’m constantly reminded of my past whenever I do things, and that’s a whole rabbit hole that I try to avoid, lest I go too deep.
8. What are some troubles that you face on daily basis?
Loneliness, mostly seeing all the cute couples/cute girls and trying to come to terms that it’s pretty hopeless rn lol. Keeping my emotions under check, trying not to flip out or cause a scene, or a fight. Restraining myself from being an asshole or going off on a self-destructive rampage. Being trans and hoping one day I’ll be able to pass as a girl. Trying to convince myself to stop drinking so many energy drinks it absolutely destroys me at the end of the day Jet stop it please we need to get things done
9. What is one scene from a book that made you?
I read so many books as a kid (like one a week, I was that fast) that I can’t really pick one particular scene. Ever since I lost most of my books (I only have a small fraction of my old collection, and that’s a lot as is), I can’t even remember what I have read and haven’t. I’d need to think this over.
10. Say something to your followers?
Sorry for being horny on main so much.
tagging: @feltreserved​, @g-r-a-v-e-y-a-r-d​, @spider-luke​, @strangeauthor​, @rosecoloredgirl​, @moonvevo​, @lovelylinkle​, @lunarjackal​
0 notes
amorremanet · 7 years
6 & 7
oc relationships questions meme
6. What OC is the Mom Friend?
Well, there are a few in-story factions with different respective Mom Friends.
Among the main ragtag band of misfit heroes, Josie is definitely the Mom Friend. Maybe not at the beginning, exactly, since the main cast’s team needs to come together and get their dynamics going… but Josie will emerge as the Mom Friend among the main cast and they’re going to have very mixed feelings about it, because they don’t particularly want to be the Mom Friend on their free time when that’s also largely their role on the team at S.T.R.O.M.A. (the FBI off-shoot that is basically the Division of Mutant Shenanigans), but okay fine, Josie will do it.
If they need time off, then Margot would be the backup Mom Friend, but she’s more the Wine Mom Friend or the Vodka Aunt Friend than the actual Mom Friend, so that could be messy.
Among the main villains, Joanie and Margaret are the Mom Friends, with Margaret being the Mom Friend who’s more likely to make you dinner or cookies or something and actively push you to open up to her and will always be there for your soccer games and your dance recitals, and try to shelter you from everything she deems potentially inappropriate (and will insist on using euphemisms about it, even if she’s speaking to fellow adults), while Joanie is like a mix of power-suited working Mom Friend who’s got everything handled and wants to support you while also keeping everyone on track, and of, “I’m not like a regular mom, I’m a cool mom! Right, Regina?”
But as nice as that sounds, Margaret is a Far-Right Born Again Christian self-appointed moral guardian who wants to enforce her views of how everything should be on everyone and is okay with using superpowers to do so (and if she had ever read The Handmaid’s Tale, she would think Atwood’s Republic of Gilead had the right idea in their totalitarian white Christian theocracy)
…while Joanie wouldn’t exactly call herself a fascist because, see, that is some very aggressive, loaded language with a lot of baggage attached and she doesn’t want to censor anyone, of course not, but she would prefer that we use a more diplomatic equivocation that doesn’t confirm or deny anything and sounds more like a Craigslist ad than a statement of her sociopolitical beliefs or an answer to whatever question you asked (unless the question is about her love of Ayn Rand)
So, them being the Mom Friends doesn’t make anything better about them; it means that they are the Mom Friends of their group and also pretty terrible people (which doesn’t make them any different from most of the people on their so-called “team”)
Among the All-Stars, you have Ruby Marvel (who would say she’s more of the Dad Friend, because she tries to be the Mom Friend but is sometimes really bad at it) and Darkshroud (whom most people would peg as the Dad Friend, because he projects an image that is in the brooding, emotionally distant, vaguely anti-heroic model and supportive but distant and Not Good at emotions, but that is largely an act and he’s very different when you really get to know him. Still given to periodic bouts of brooding, though).
The All-Stars are basically the in-universe equivalent to the Justice League or the Avengers. They’re the most recognizable U.S. superhero team, arguably the biggest and most notable team in the world, and they’re regularly touted as the Face Of Heroism. They have lunchboxes, they have a Saturday morning cartoon, some of the big members or former members have Oscar-winning biopics directed by the likes of Oliver Stone and Steven Spielberg.
But since 1986, they’ve been doing less and less hero work, to the point that most of the current lineup is more concerned with their reality show and “their brand” than actually acting like superheroes. Two of them (Red Queen and Prince Nebula) are failed pop stars who happened to have mutant abilities, so when their albums weren’t selling, they decided to go BS their way through getting superhero licenses and put in to be new sidekicks to Captain Firebrand and The Myrmidon, and broke out as heroes in their own right in 2012.
and one last team: among the Wardens, Yael is the Tough Love Mom Friend/Mama Bear Mom Friend, Lucien is the, “Let’s go to my office, have tea, and talk out what’s bothering you” Mom Friend, and Elizabeth is often misidentified as the Mom Friend because she has more chill than her wife/co-founder of their team/co-principal of their school, but having more chill than Yael doesn’t really mean much.
7. What OC really needs the Mom Friend around?
On Josie and Margot’s team…… well. Sebastian and Lucy are likely the worst offenders in this regard, followed by Pete in a distant third place, because:
Lucy is young, inexperienced, eager, and more of a doer than a planner so she’s the one who’s most likely to need a chill down talk lest she run headlong into an obvious trap or something;
Seb is a Mess, a complete human disaster, Pete has more than once rightfully likened his psyche to a bag filled with wet cats, and to be fair, he’s trying his best……… but he’s still a Mess, though, and a mess who can turn into a nine-foot-tall wolf-man and is nearly 30 before doing so for the first time and has rather an uphill struggle about learning to control it;
and Pete is young-ish but experienced, and a Mess but he’s a better adjusted Mess who’s been putting more work into his therapy sessions than his abruptly a werewolf best friend up there and consequentially getting more out of them, and in lieu of a Mom Friend, you can generally rely on him to be like the Cool Older Brother friend, or something
……except he doesn’t always think before running his mouth off about something, or before starting shit with someone, or before agreeing that it’s totally a good use of team time to go to the mall with Lucy and sit on a bench outside the Hot Topic and make judgmental comments about all of the little Hot Topic goths because, “You never know! Observing the current social climate in that environment might help us figure out some of the things we can’t currently make heads or tails of,” which is a cute way of saying, “Because I want to make fun of the Hot Topic edgelords with Lucy, this sounds fun”
So it’s less that he needs the emotional support of a Mom Friend and more that he needs the impulse control of a Mom Friend.
And okay, he and Seb often play each other’s impulse control, and Pete is more willing to listen to his Princess than to most other people… but sometimes, they both fail at impulse control and enable each other in questionable things that could be as small as, “Okay, I get that you two wanted to win a silly bet but did Pete really need another pair of lime green hot-pants?” or it could end in a trip to the emergency room, so.
Having someone as backup impulse control for Pete isn’t a bad plan.
On the villain team: Julian and Annie, hands down, need a Mom Friend — but considering that Margaret is one of Annie’s abusers and only tolerates Julian under the condition that he, “acts less gay” in her presence (and maybe listens to her “theories” about conversion therapy and lets her “help save him”), and considering that Joanie may not outright abuse Annie but she definitely enables the people who do and still doesn’t treat Annie very well, while not just enabling Julian’s substance abuse but actively giving him whatever he wants and then some, as part of an official plan that she helped come up with, designed to keep him dependent on the higher-ups in their so-called, “team”…?
Uh, yeah, “Julian and Annie need different Mom Friends” is a massive understatement.
On the All-Stars: Knightshade II and Zephyr Haze need a Mom Friend most often (the former because she’s the youngest team member and technically still a sidekick [to Darkshroud, though she sometimes teams up with Grimm, who was the first Knightshade], and the latter because he’s a Mess and, like Seb, he’s trying, but still, he’s a Mess), and unfortunately for Ruby Marvel, she’s often in need of a Mom Friend herself, despite her being one of the Mom Friends. At least Darkshroud is usually there to rely on.
And on the Wardens, well. Most of the characters who need a Mom Friend most aren’t technically on the team yet because they’re the students who came to Yael and Elizabeth’s school from particularly awful circumstances, or whose powers are harder to learn to control and/or ostensibly more of a curse than a blessing, and most of them are under the age of 18. That said, Yael is Josie’s Mom Friend, even if Josie isn’t officially on her team.
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