#freaky freaky
powerful-niya · 6 months
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— (вσn αppètít.)
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚hαppч nαruhínα mσnth єvєrчσnє!
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚𝙳𝚎𝚌𝚎𝚖𝚋𝚎𝚛 𝟷: 𝙳𝚘𝚖𝚎𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚌 + 𝙼𝚊𝚛𝚛𝚒𝚊𝚐𝚎 (𝙽𝙷𝙼𝚘𝚗𝚝𝚑𝟸𝟹)
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Link to Oneshot below ↴
Wattpad | AO3
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Pairing˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚Naruhina
Synopsis˚ ༘♡ ⋆。Naruto arrives home from a long day at work to a nice five-star meal, juicy and succulent, all for him. 
And no, his main course had nothing to do with food in the slightest.
Content Tags˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ Ahegao Kink • Anal Play • Anilingus • Body Worship • Butt Fetish • Butt Flap Pajamas • Business AU • Creampie • Cock Worship • Cunnilingus • Dirty Talk • Dom/Sub • Domesticity •  Double Penetration • Dressing-up • Erotic  • Explicit Pajamas • Fall • Fall Theme • Freaky • Free Use Kink • Husband/Wife • Intimacy • Kinky • Kitchen Sex • Marriage • Messy • Modern AU • Multiple Orgasms • Naughty Dinner • Naughty Surprise • NHmonth • Nhmonth23 • No Panties • NSFW • Onesie • Oral Sex • Overstimulation • Praise Kink • Rimming • Roleplay • Spanking • Squirting • Surprise • Table Sex • Twerking • Unprotected Sex • Vaginal Sex • 2023 
Overall Word Count˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚11.8k.
Tumblr Post: Word Count˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚6.5k.
Preview ༘♡ ⋆。˚
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Transitioning from the vibrant greens of summer to the warm, earthy tones of reds and yellows in autumn provided a vibrant setting for his journey. As he walked, a weariness from the day's events and a building sense of eager anticipation converged within him.
Wearily, Naruto strolled along the leaf-strewn sidewalk as the autumn sun began its gradual descent, casting a gentle, golden hue over the vibrant foliage that adorned Tokyo's streets.
His destination? 
Home, where he knew a special someone was eagerly awaiting his return. 
His beautiful wife, Hinata Uzumaki. 
All day long, Hinata has dominated his thoughts, offering him the strength to endure the demands of his job. 
And now, with determination, he was taking steps toward reuniting with her, once again. 
Naruto let out a tiresome sigh. 
But he couldn't deny how fucking exhausted he was. 
His broad shoulders sagged, breath labored, and his mind cloudy, still ensnared by the remnants of his hectic workday.
His blonde, tousled locks swayed to and fro with each step, brushing against his sweat-drenched forehead. His grip on his briefcase handle was firm, causing it to sway in tandem with his stride.
Another weary sigh escaped the lips of the blonde man, which was merely carried away by the gentle afternoon breeze.
Days like this felt like a maelstrom to Naruto, an unending cyclone of chaos and stress, constantly churning him in its turbulent grasp.
From the first blink of dawn, Naruto's day unfurls like a tightly wound coil, each moment springing forth with urgency and pressure. It's as if he's thrust onto a speeding train, hurtling through a terrain of tasks and deadlines.
His days are always the same, continuously following a consistent pattern.
His schedule was just like this: 
Naruto experiences, every morning, the dissatisfaction of being woken up by the morning light piercing through his curtains, casting long, probing shadows in his bedroom.
Furthermore, he's jolted twice, next by the jarring ring of his alarm clock breaking the silence, signaling the onset of a new day. It's always a rude awakening for him to be so violently pulled from his peaceful sleep, wrapped in the warm sheets of his bed, and cocooned in the loving embrace of his wife, Hinata.
His bed, combined with the soft, welcoming embrace of his wife's arms, always exerts an irresistible pull, tempting him to stay just a bit longer. 
With reluctance, however, Naruto always faces the difficult decision, a big boy decision to tear himself away, knowing that his responsibilities await as he begins another workday. But even so, the warmth of his wife's presence, the affectionate cuddles, kisses, and intimate moments they share during their precious nights always linger, serving as a bittersweet reminder of the comfort he must leave behind.
Day after day, the blonde forces himself out of bed, showers, dresses in his typical formal attire, collects his paperwork to stow in his briefcase, all while trying not to disturb his peacefully sleeping wife. In those moments, she appears serenely beautiful in her most natural state, exhausted from maintaining the house while he's away. 
Unable to resist, Naruto finds himself compelled in the routine of leaning in and placing tender kisses on her forehead, whispering, "I'll be back, hime" or "have a good day, my love" before quietly departing.
But, there were times when his days were…
During those times, his wife naturally wakes, catching him in the midst of his bustling mornings, gracing him with her presence. 
Whenever she wakes up from her slumber just as he's getting ready for work, Naruto always gets a strong feeling that it's going to be a great day for him.
Hinata was undeniably the sunshine of his morning, and honestly, his entire day.
Typically, on these fortunate days, as Hinata is awake, she offers him a drowsy but much-needed greeting, prepares a small yet delectable breakfast for him to kickstart his day. 
She even at times shares a cup of coffee with him, and lastly grants him a swift yet tender moment as he savors the indulgence of kissing her farewell—a promise of their reunion at day's end.
Afterward, he's off.
Unfortunately, though, the daily commute to his workplace frequently saps the small semblance of morning joy he might have felt, given that it (more often than not) turns into a consistently chaotic river of congestion. 
Ah, of course! 
There's nothing quite like navigating the bustling streets of densely populated Tokyo in the mornings. Good kami, that was one of the city's downsides. 
The traffic. 
The fucking traffic was a nightmare. 
Naruto shuddered upon the recollection. 
Nothing but horns blare, and engines roar—a dissonant symphony that truly works Naruto's nerves. It's a constant struggle to navigate through the traffic, aiming to reach work on time without succumbing to road rage.
But arriving at his workplace isn't even better. Not in the least. 
Once settled in the privacy of his office, behind his desk, the immediate demands of his job loom large. It's a realm of tasks and impatient adults that can at times make him want to pull his hair out. 
The routine of paperwork, the ceaseless hum of computers, and the unending flood of emails threaten to overwhelm him. 
The words of the digital realm and the physical one blend together, a swirling storm of information and requests. It's an uphill battle to keep pace, to remain afloat amid the torrent of rapid communication. 
Hours rush by in a whirlwind, meetings and memos blurring together like gusts of wind threatening to throw Naruto off balance. It's an unyielding onslaught, which always leaves him feeling weathered and drained.
The minutes slip away like sand through his fingers, each one a missed chance for respite.
Anticipation for his lunch breaks is a constant for him. 
It's during these cherished moments that he rediscovers happiness, unwrapping the perfectly packed bento boxes prepared with love by his wife. Each box is a treasure trove of deliciousness, neatly arranged in plastic rectangular containers that never fail to elicit envy from his coworkers by just a whiff.
Typically, Hinata dedicates her evenings to preparing these culinary delights for him, meticulously packaging them in the refrigerator for his quick morning grab-and-go's. His lunches often feature an array of delights, from bento boxes to poke bowls, housing an assortment of delightful medley of flavors.
In Hinata's customary arrangement, she would usually assemble a composition of protein over a bed of carbohydrates, encircled by an array of vegetables, creating a delectable mound of sustenance for him. 
Typically, she'd whip up a selection of his preferred dishes: miso ramen or udon noodles, onigiri, yakitori, tamagoyaki, gyozas, nikujaga, sushi, tempura, and an assortment of other delectable creations born from his wife's imaginative culinary mind.
His lunches were always a harmonious burst of colors, arranged with such precision that Naruto occasionally finds himself compelled to pause and simply marvel at the painstakingly crafted meal in all its splendor. 
His lunches always possess an exquisite beauty, as if fashioned by celestial hands, devoid of any imperfection in both appearance and, of course, taste.
Such dishes practically exclaim "Bon Appétit" by their sheer visual allure alone. 
And oh, how he relishes each and every bite.
During that time, Naruto demands that no one bothers him, no one enters his office, no one emails him, no one fucking speaks to him. 
During those moments, the only things that truly matter are his wife's cooking and the act of filling his empty stomach.
Naruto revels in those moments, devouring his lunches with gusto, regularly exclaiming "Itadakimasu" so loudly in gratitude for his beloved wife's cooking that his coworkers can hear him even behind the closed door of his office. 
He kicks his feet and playfully wiggles his toes under his desk, letting out contented sighs, and on occasion, even experiences a slight burn of the tongue from hastily devouring all of the piping hot dishes. 
Yet, none of it wipes the happy smile from his face.
These instances are precious, a time when the chaotic world fades away, and Naruto is reminded of the warmth and love he carries from home, all packed neatly within the plastic containers of his bento lunches.
However, once his lunch is devoured, and his bento box is empty, it serves as a stark reminder that it's time to return to work. 
It's such a pain…
Yet, Naruto perseveres, propelled by the knowledge that each passing hour brought him one step closer to the evening, where he could return to his loving wife, leaving the day's chaos far behind.
His thoughts are always consumed by one person and that is his beloved wife, Hinata. 
She occupies his mind every waking moment, the culprit that is responsible for his constant drive and motivation, the entirety of her presence an embodiment of joy. 
The depth of Naruto's affection for her is palpable, evoking a flutter of butterflies in his stomach with recalling any memory of her, be it her smile, her laughter, or the touch of her lips against his own.
Naruto's love for Hinata is boundless, to the extent that he often yearns to just stay home, to never depart from her in order to escape the monotonous routine of paperwork and social engagements.
However, if he were to do that, it wouldn't be very responsible of him. 
As the provider and head of his household, Naruto has a crucial obligation: to work diligently and secure the resources needed to ensure his partner's happiness and contentment. Therefore, he faces the trials of rising early each day and putting in long, tireless hours to earn necessary income.
This is precisely why he eagerly anticipates these exact moments, day after day, without fail: the end of his work shifts, and being back at home. 
Due to his excitement, Naruto's steps quickened along the sidewalk with the promise of home just down the end of it, his leather briefcase swinging rhythmically at his side, occasionally bumping against his formal slacks. 
His pace was brisk and determined, his oxfords clicking against the stone steps, his legs kicking through bundles of colorful leaves, as he advanced with a lively pep in his step. 
He even let out cheerful whistles.
There was no doubt about it–he was eagerly looking forward to reuniting with his wife.
Usually, as he steps though the threshold of his home, he's greeted with a warm welcome from Hinata, a loving hug, and a hot plate of food to fill his empty belly. 
Yesterday evening, he was surprised to be met with a tantalizing aroma wafting through the air of his home, as soon as he stepped inside. Only to later be surprised to find that Hinata had prepared a special Japanese dish for his dinner, a beautifully presented bowl of Pork Teriyaki Donburi. 
Naruto still remembers that dish, (even now), given how goddamn good it was. 
Such a dish was a masterpiece in the blonde's eyes—tender grilled pork chops, glazed with sweet teriyaki sauce, atop fluffy Japanese rice. On top of that, the dish was adorned with scallions, sesame seeds, and a medley of colorful, fresh vegetables. 
Each bite was a revelation: juicy, flavorful pork; saucy, balanced rice. The crunch of vegetables complemented the savory meat, taking him to another world. It was a symphony of flavors that captivated Naruto. 
The care and love in every bite made it an unforgettable meal for him.
Now, Naruto can't help but wonder what he'll be eating today. 
His stomach growled on cue. 
It's these indulgences that constantly make him thank kami that he has someone to return home to, particularly someone like Hinata. 
Without fail or hesitation, she tends to all of his needs, whether it's his hunger with her delectable cooking, the tension in his shoulders that she skillfully massages away, or even his manly urges, allowing him to unwind in a more intimate manner.
Indeed, he was in the mood for a nice, hot meal or perhaps something a bit spicier to conclude his evening on a high note.
A mischievous smirk graced Naruto's lips as he at last reached the entrance of his very own humble abode. Following the stone path, he was led up to a wooden porch that encircled the front of the house, cradled within the embrace of the surrounding trees. 
The sight before him was a true idyll, a snug little house that embodied serenity and peace for him.
His home was his safe haven. A sumptuous delight.
There, before Naruto, stood the two-story house he shared with his wife, its structure emanating a serene elegance that seamlessly blended with the autumnal hues of the dusky natural surroundings.
Smooth, warm-toned wood formed the walls, intricately designed. Sliding paper doors adorned the front, showcasing delicate patterns in various shades of brown, offering glimpses into the serene interior.
The roof, elegantly curved and topped with wooden shingles, gently descended to form a sheltering canopy over the structure. 
Traditional lanterns graced the exterior, suspended from the porch ceilings, their gentle illumination casting a warm radiance during the evening hours.
A meticulously tended garden framed the entrance, featuring carefully pruned bonsai trees and lively blossoming plants, all thanks to his wife's passion for gardening. Hinata's diligent care infused the surroundings with a touch of natural splendor, enhancing the overall beauty of their home.
Naruto looked up at the house with admiration, his gaze following the elegant lines of the eaves and the graceful arch of the roof. It was a truly remarkable sight, showcasing the skill and artistry of Japanese architecture. The house exuded a peaceful aura, inviting anyone who approached to enter a realm of love and serenity. 
Finally standing before it, Naruto was overcome with a wave of gratitude and contentment. 
This was their home, a sanctuary where he and his wife could forge a life filled with love and treasured moments. 
A place where they can build a family together.
Grinning, Naruto finally took the necessary steps to advance, eager to step through the threshold and immerse himself in the welcoming embrace that awaited him.
Without delay, Naruto took hold of the front sliding door, or more accurately, the fusuma door, swiftly initiating its opening to step inside his home. As he slid the front door of his home open, the burden of his responsibilities and the pressures of adulthood seemed to dissipate altogether, replaced by a growing sense of excitement.
Stepping into the welcoming warmth of his home, the familiar scent of the space enveloped him, instantly easing his mind. 
The gentle, warm illumination from the lighting fixtures bathed the area in a soothing glow, conjuring an atmosphere that felt like heaven, beckoning him to venture further inside and desert the outside world. 
"Hinata-hime, I'm home!" 
Without hesitation, Naruto called out to his beloved with a voice that bore a blend of weariness and anticipation. He yearned for Hinata to be aware of his return, to experience the joy of him being back home and in her company once more. It was a cherished routine, this moment of calling out to announce his arrival and reuniting with her.
The blonde man always found himself eagerly anticipating these very moments, where he'd step through their doorway and find himself welcomed by the presence of his wife. 
Naruto could vividly picture Hinata's smile, the soft arc of her lips that never failed to brighten his mood. 
He could almost foresee her launching herself at him, eager to wrap her arms around his terribly weary body. The thought of her waiting for him, her presence filling the space with warmth and affection, was something that never failed to fill his heart with a rush of gratefulness.
However, his smile faltered as his call was met with a haunting silence that seemed to permeate every corner of the house like an deadly chill. In an instant, his heart sank, replaced by a gnawing worry at the absence of his wife's familiar response to his usual greeting. 
Furrowing his brow, he proceeded deeper into their home, not before taking a moment to carefully shift the front door closed behind him.
Naruto turned back around, determined to explore further.
He called out to Hinata again.
"Hey, Hinata-hime! I'm back!" 
Yet again. 
Naruto's nose wrinkled, the scent of Hinata's favorite vanilla candles lingering in the air. 
His ears strained, eager to catch any familiar sounds within the house. He longed to hear the usual clinks of utensils in the kitchen, the soft sizzle of the stove, or the gentle rustle of fabric as Hinata moved about in her adorable socks.
But nothing.
Naruto heard nothing.
He wrinkled his brows, 'What the hell is going on-?' 
But just as he thought that, he suddenly heard a sudden shuffle within the diner area of the home, a confirmation of other life within the quiet space. 
"In here, my love!" 
Naruto's ears perked up.
And there it was, precisely what he had been seeking.
His wife's voice. 
Her melodious voice exuded tenderness and warmth, instantly alleviating the concerns he felt earlier. Hinata's angelic voice held a soothing rhythm as it echoed through the entire house, a harmonious familiarity that resided deep within him.
And in that instant, the world around the blonde seemed to blur, leaving only the enchanting allure of his wife's voice, guiding him toward its source.
The dining room. 
A smirk slid across his whiskered face before he took a step forward, but he didn't do so, not without kicking off his formal shoes and placing them on the shoe rack beside the entrance door.
Naruto bit his lip.
"Alright, hime, I'm coming." 
"Hurry, my love!" 
A chuckle escaped his lips as he sensed the enthusiasm in his wife's tone, a rather peculiar detail that piqued his interest. He clutched his briefcase firmly and began to venture across the hardwood floor, each step echoing as he went.
"Alright, alright, I'm hurrying." Naruto exclaimed with another chuckle, rocking his briefcase through the air, back and forth by his side.
"What's got you so excited, hm, Hinata-hime?" 
Naruto raised his voice, calling out in an attempt to reach his wife from a distance.
However, as he inched closer to the dining room, he couldn't ignore the fact that Hinata's voice gradually intensified, solidifying his suspicion that she was, in fact, situated in the area he had assumed earlier: the dining room of the house.
"Oh Naruto-kun, I've got a surprise treat just for you!"
"Oh? A surprise treat, eh?" Naruto retorted in amusement, and instantly, his thoughts veered towards food—or rather, a succulent, piping-hot meal of his utmost liking to devour.
'Mmm, it's gotta be ramen'. Naruto's thoughts were consumed by hunger, distorted by it, and on cue, his stomach let forth a growl.
"Mmm, that sounds delightful, hime," He murmured incoherently, as if in a trance brought on by none other than starvation. Gently, he gave his empty belly a rub, doing so with his free hand.
And on that note, Naruto's speed increased. 
In a matter of seconds, Naruto closed the remaining distance to the sliding entrance of the dining room with eagerness, now mere inches from where his wife was waiting.
Naruto smirked. 
He didn't wait. 
He instead, reached his free hand forth to grab the handle of the door tight, and without a second thought, he swung it open. 
"Does my surprise happen to be food, Hinata-hi-?" 
His words were almost instantly silenced, caught in his throat, as he laid eyes on his wife upon returning home for the first time. 
However, what he witnessed, what Hinata had hinted at earlier, was certainly not what he had expected.
Yes, a treat was certainly presented in front of him, but such a treat certainty didn't have anything to do with food.
Not in the slightest. 
This was a different type of treat. A treat that no doubt caused his interests to pique skyhigh. 
"Well, well. Now what do we have here, hm?" Naruto's inquiry escaped his lips mischievously as he approached his wife in the dining room. The table was surprisingly bare, void of any food, but instead, Hinata herself occupied the space. 
A sight he was certainly not expecting.
She was perched on the dining table, near the far end, closest to the room's entrance, or more specifically, facing where Naruto currently stood. Hinata sat on the table as if it were a chair, her legs playfully but adorably swinging back and forth off the edge, her focus directed entirely on him.
She playfully waved, giggling, "Konbanwa, Naruto-kun."
"Konbanwa, Hinata-hime." Naruto replied with a charming smirk, watching her as she gracefully hopped off the table and landed on the floor with a soft thud. However, her movement drew notice to the cute white socks she had on, which served as soft padding with her steps.
In a hurried motion, Naruto's eyes eagerly drank in every inch of his wife, his mind swiftly spiraling into some rather naughty musings. He couldn't help but recall what Hinata had hinted at earlier, that a delightful surprise awaited him.
Naruto clicked his tongue. 'No fucking way.' He thought with a devious smirk.
'Hinata couldn't have planned what I think she has, could she?' Naruto thought once more, absorbed in his naughty thoughts as he went about further inspecting his devious wife. 
Hinata giggled at the shocked reaction of her husband, standing at the entrance door with his mind churning, his mouth gaping, and his interests piqued. 
It was just the reaction she was hoping for. 
Naruto hummed, biting his lip, "Heh, you certainly look... cozy."
There, Naruto witnessed a grand sight, a definite treat he had the luxury of witnessing. 
With delight, he traced his cerulean eyes from the crown of his wife's head to the tips of her toes, marveling at an outfit he'd never seen before, one that he hadn't imagined Hinata would ever have in her possession.
She was dressed in a onesie.
But it wasn't just any onesie.
Hinata was presently adorned in a cozy and alluring white onesie, perfect for the fall season. But it was adorned from head to toe with a delightful pattern of ripe, juicy peaches scattered across the fabric. 
The soft white background of the attire served as a canvas for the vibrant, cheerful fruit motifs. The peaches were embellished with small speckles and gradients, mirroring the authentic texture of real fruit.
The garment was not only visually appealing but also exuded a sense of comfort and relaxation, making it a perfect choice for a cozy day at home.
But from a man's perspective, from Naruto's perspective, the onesie worn by Hinata exuded a subtle yet undeniable sense of sensuality. The fabric, caressing her form with a gentle embrace, hinted at the contours of her body underneath, allowing him glimpses of her natural grace and feminine allure. 
The peaches, scattered strategically across the fabric, no, across the body of his slender, and luscious woman, drew attention with their luscious color and playful arrangement. 
The peaches, with their warm hues of orange and red, seem to dance across the onesie, inviting Naruto's eyes to trace their path, and come to grasp with their sensual design. The peaches decorating Hinata's onesie was a vivid and luscious shade of coral, each one boasting a plump and juicy appearance similar to that of a woman's buttocks. 
It was certainly a sight to behold, a sight that instantly caused Naruto to salivate, his mouth watering in response to witnessing the delectable treat in front of him.
Hinata chuckled as she noticed her husband's blue eyes immediately darkened with arousal, fixated on her—exactly as she desired.
She hummed, wiggling her hips a bit, "Mmm, you like?" 
She observed her blonde husband nodding, his grip on his briefcase handle growing tighter.
"Heh, like?" He shook his head, better emphasizing his adoration for her attire choice.
"No, I love it, my darling. Opting for such a onesie is a bold move, but an excellent one. Heh," 
Naruto chuckled, "it accentuates those gorgeous curves of yours, just the way I love Hinata-hime. But I'm curious..." The blonde cocked his head, studying how the snug onesie she wore highlighted the contours of her hourglass figure so well, he couldn't help but mutter a short but sweet…
Naruto found himself utterly captivated by the sensuality as well as the confidence radiating from his woman, intrigued by this… delightful surprise she had in store for him.
Instantly, his mind ventured into naughty territory, entertaining a few racy ideas about what might be on his wife's agenda for tonight.
However, Naruto opted to feign innocence. He wanted Hinata to reveal her plans to him in full, to share what she'd been plotting. To his utter delight. 
So, he let out a playful chuckle, "So, where's this... treat of yours, hmm?" Naruto glanced around the diner room, feigning a perplexed expression, "Where might I find it?"
Hinata bit her lip, to hold back a giggle. She knew exactly what Naruto was doing. 
That mischievous glint in his eyes was unmistakable as his gaze lingered over her,  a seductive grin slowly but surely unfurling across those fox-like, whiskered cheeks of his. 
He was well aware of her intentions, as well aware of the naughty endeavors that crawled around in her head, and danced around on her face. 
He knew her well anyway. 
But Naruto was so intrigued, he wanted her to reveal her plans to him step by step.
Hinata had no problem with that. 
In fact, she responded with an amused giggle, her chest rumbling, which caused strands of her midnight blue hair to escape their confines and gently graze her cheeks.
Her long hair was gathered in a messy, high bun, keeping it out of her face and revealing every bit of her delicate facial features. 
The midnight blue-haired woman hummed thoughtfully, running her free hand along her clad form, just along her right hip.
"You know, Naruto-kun, I've been giving a lot of thought to what I should prepare for you this evening." 
"Yeah?" Naruto breathed, absolutely loving where this was going.
Hinata sent a charming smile his way, her lavender orbs glistening in the light. Her left hand tapped the diner table beside her, "I wanted to offer you something different, something special for you, Naruto-kun. Something that is tailored precisely to your needs, to provide the satisfaction a hard working man such as yourself so rightly deserves."
Hinata gave a tender smile, "I've noticed your dedication, Naruto-kun. I've noticed all the challenging mornings, the rough workdays, and the constant stress you endure every single day." 
She paused her words to nibble her lip gently, her eyebrows furrowing,  "You've been pouring so much of yourself into taking care of me, making sacrifices everyday to ensure we both attain the happiness we've always yearned for."
Hinata nodded, her bun swaying with her motion, "So, I considered this for you, my love; an opportunity to completely indulge tonight, as much as you want." 
Naruto's eyes shot wide, his heart skipping several beats by Hinata's words which resonated deep within him.
Hinata giggled once more, "So, I have figured out just what you should eat tonight, Naruto-kun." 
And in that moment, Hinata turned her body, turning her body in a graceful pivot, so he could see even more of her. As she moved, the onesie moved with her, displaying a fluidity that highlighted the gracefulness of her gestures. 
But as she turned around, Naruto's mind no longer took in the way the onesie looked on his woman's body but rather the makeshift of the fabric piece itself. 
What he saw, made his mouth drop even farther, and his massive friend buried within his slacks instantly spring to life. 
There, Hinata presented once more his meal for the night, a grand meal meticulously prepared to damn near perfection. 
There, Hinata revealed her backside, where a highly surprising detail was revealed, a detail that if Hinata didn't turn around, he would still completely be oblivious too.
Her onesie possessed a butt flap. 
Naruto's eyes shot wide at the sight of the white buttons that were engraved into her seductive lounge choice, which seemed to follow an oval path right around his wife's buttocks, the fabric merely covering up the space where the crack of her pussy lips was located.
The flap was currently closed, but thanks to Naruto's patience, or moment of shock rather, he witnessed his wife reaching behind her luscious frame to pry the fabric open, to snap it loose from the buttons that held it close. 
"Mmm, that's right. You can have me for dinner, my love."
Hinata bit her lip as she went about pulling her onesie's butt flap open, to give Naruto an even closer look at the meal he will be eating tonight. 
"I figured it's the least I can give you. And besides," Hinata shrugged her shoulders, looking back at his shocked frame over her shoulder, "I just wanted to be creative tonight, maybe even a little spicer."  
And with that, a loud pop was heard from the buttons of Hinata's onesie and finally, his surprise awaited him.
A grand sight of Hinata's creamy buttocks.
Hinata wore absolutely no panties underneath her onesie. Her two asscheeks seemed to peek out at him through the opening of her onesie, a onesie, by the way, he never knew existed until now. 
Hell, a onesie he never knew that his wife knew about.
It was a onesie that forsaken the essence of comfort and innocence, but now took on a different approach, one of seduction and all right naughtiness, and it now inhabited the body of his wife, his sexy fucking wife.
Naruto growled underneath his breath, trying his best to hold back his restraints but he felt them slipping. Dangerously so. 
It was always a pleasure to observe his wife transition from her innocent, wholesome demeanor to a more confident, seductive version of herself. 
It almost felt like Naruto was witnessing a different side of his wife emerging, brought forth effortlessly and presented to him without hesitation—a method to fulfill his desires in a way she knew well.
Now, with her adorned in such a onesie, revealing the plan she had dedicated the entire day to bring to fruition, he knew that she meant business.
Even down to her voice, he knew she was just as horny as he was. Her tone had transformed into a sultry symphony, draped in velvet and laced with subtle allure. Low and smoldering, her voice revealed a seductive side she reserved for him and only him.
Each word she spoke unfolded languidly, bathed in a sensuous cadence that seemed to caress his ears, and cause his dick to rise more and more in his slacks. 
There was an intimate confidence in her delivery, a knowing inflection hinting at hidden desires. Her words lingered, leaving a tantalizing trail of anticipation, weaving a spell of temptation that invited him to lose himself completely.
Naruto felt his arousal growing exponentially, every second his manly urges rising up that peak to a place of no return, especially as he witnessed his wife begin to climb on the diner table, the very same table he always ate her home cooked meals on but now…
She was his meal for tonight.
And Naruto surely didn't protest that. 
His erection, in fact, twitched in delight in his formal slacks, brushing against the zipper, eager to be unleashed.
His stomach was no longer the recipient that will be in the spotlight today, but instead his dick was. Just as his stomach growls when it wishes for fulfillment, his dick twitched and hardened, yearning with all of its might to reach for its meal.
Naruto's blue eyes darkened even further, 'Mmm, what a turn of events.'  He thought with a lick of his lips.
It was always like Hinata, always going the extra mile to be considerate, presenting precisely what he desired, as if she could read his mind. She always knew how to brighten his day and cater to his needs with utmost expertise.
And once again, she hadn't failed to impress him, displaying her talents once more.
And Naruto was pleased. Deeply. 
He licked his lips yet again, a curse slipping past his gaping lips, "Mmm, fuck yeah, sweetheart. I got to say, you've really done something that I never thought possible." Naruto trailed off before he began to take a step forward, deeper into the diner room.
"Mmm, and what might that be, my love?" Hinata purred, her sweet voice filling the entirety of the room, imbuing it with her loveliness. 
Naruto huffed, closing the dining room door behind him with a thump before continuing his journey forward, drawn closer to his delectable meal.
He hummed, his spiky hair tousling with every step, "You've outdone yourself with my meal tonight, Hinata-hime. Out of all of them, this has gotta be the best one yet." 
Hinata couldn't suppress a giggle in response to her husband's compliment. And as a playful treat, she began to shake her ass for him, firmly placing her hands on the wooden table to maintain her position, bent over, providing Naruto with a little show.
Hinata truly relished hearing that. It boosted her confidence, reassuring her that Naruto was genuinely pleased with the meal she had conceived, prepared, and served to him tonight. 
She was certain he would be anyway. 
Hinata lowered her head a bit, as she continued the action of wiggling her ass, her visible cheeks swaying left and right, their performance presented clearly through the round hole in her onesie.
"Oh? I'm your best meal, hm?" 
"Hell yeah you are, beautiful." 
Hinata giggled once more, before she brought  one finger up, doing so to beckon him over, "Mmm, oh, my sweetheart, just wait until you get a taste of me." 
She shook her ass once more, her creamy buttocks rocking side to side in a steady but enticing motion, "Come, sit down. Your meal is all ready and prepared for you, my dear husband." 
On that note, Hinata rotated her body, ensuring her back was no longer facing Naruto but his designated chair at the table, the one he sat in every single day. 
She then turned her head back to her husband. 
She brought her tongue forth and swiped the pink appendage along her plump lips in a circular motion, enticingly slow. It was a display that gave off an irresistible effect, one that made Naruto's dick fully erect. 
"Come, enjoy your meal." Hinata squinted her lavender eyes at him, "Taste me. Eat me." 
Those enticing demands were all it took for Naruto to finally advance in an effort to enjoy the meal his wife had offered him for the night; her. 
Naruto quickly made his way over like the starving man he was, ready to enjoy the fruits of her.
His mouth was fucking salivating, watering in a desire to get a taste of the delicacy that resided right within the gape of his wife's onesie, in the gapes of her now visible asscheeks. He was ready to devour her whole, to consume all that she had to offer, and even afterward, go for seconds. No thirds. 
He rushed over to her like a dog would to a treat, electing several giggles to slip out of Hinata's mouth at the sight of her husband’s visible enthusiasm. 
With a clatter, he placed his briefcase on the diner table, just beside her bent form, removing it from his hands, and momentarily getting it and what it stood for out of his sight and mind.
His blue eyes were rooted on his meal, and only his meal at the moment, once more with his usual desire to not be bothered by other matters as he attends to it. 
Now front and center, he was able to see the significant gape in Hinata's peach onesie, where it gave sight to her own natural peach, revealing her succulent, juicy core. Her pussy lips. 
Her pretty pink pussy lips were presented in between her plump asscheeks, fat, puffed, and glazed with a symphony of nectarous juices, a sight so delightful to Naruto's eyes, he couldn't help but stand back and marvel at it.
No matter how many times he witnessed the private delicacies of his wife, Hinata was still a meal unlike any other he's ever seen or eaten before. She was akin to a treasure trove of hidden delights, a treat within a treat that should be ravished again and again. 
At first glance of her backside, it appears to hold just one prize, her delectable ass, but when he looks deeper, there lies a cascade of additional treasures waiting to be discovered. 
Each layer of her present yet another gem, creating an escalating sense to arise for him to explore all that she had to offer. 
After all, he never grows tired of doing so. 
Naruto licked his lips for the umpteenth time it seems,  "Oh, my beautiful hime, you always just know how to please me." He breathed, as he centered his body directly behind Hinata, causing her to turn her head even further over her shoulder to keep an eye on him.
Hinata watched with hooded lavender eyes as Naruto slowly reached up and deftly pulled the knot of his tie loose. The fabric relaxed, unwinding from its formal embrace in response to his yank. 
As Naruto loosened the fabric, he immediately felt a palpable sense of freedom, free from the restraints of his formal display and now transiting into a more relaxed one, a relaxed form ready to eat his meal in peace. 
The black silk slid through his fingers, cool and smooth, just as his blue eyes slid across the delicacy of his wife bent and spread for him, his heated gaze never drifting off of her as he went about removing a piece of his formal wear. 
His actions were deliberate, each movement executed with an unhurried pace, his narrowed blue eyes focused and intent. 
Now, it was his turn to provide Hinata with a spectacle, and he observed as he made her shudder. The way he smoothly worked his tie off, coupled with his intense gaze, caused more of those enticing juices of hers to slip from her opening. 
She moaned, batting her eyelashes back at him, "Oh Naruto-kun." She moaned. 
"Heh," Naruto scoffed playfully, before he gave his tie a final tug before easing, allowing it to hang more casually around his neck.
He then let out a growl, low and deep, "Mmm, I am going to enjoy this, hime." He whispered out seductively, before plopping his ass right upon his usual diner seat. He scooted his chair forward, so he could be up close and personal with his meal.
Hinata hummed before giving her ass a sensual rock, "Yes, Naruto-kun, it's all yours, my love. Eat until your heart's content." She moaned, her loose strands of midnight blue hair fluttering in the air, keeping pace with her movements.
She gave him one last wiggle of her ass, "Bon Appétit, my love." 
Naruto gave Hinata an amused look, one of furrowed brows, narrowed eyes, and a playful smirk. 
Instead, he clasped his hands together, pressing his palms firmly, creating a seamless connection of skin against skin. 
Bowing his head, he expressed gratitude to Hinata for presenting him with a meal before partaking in it.
"How about…" Naruto lifted his head to smirk naughtily.
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tunnabeat · 2 months
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itaat edersen kazanırsın. | obey and you win.
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nouverx · 3 months
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"I want to eat you" is their love language and you can't change my mind
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luminixx · 4 months
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“Your mom” gone wrong. Not the right person.
this is lowkey so unserious don't kill me. it's a reference to all that stuff about his mother that I am seeing.
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freakxwannaxbe · 4 months
The Alastor delusion on tiktok is actually bewildering, like this comment on a video about how sweet and fatherly Alastor is to Charlie
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Oh yeah?
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This guy?
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This guy right here? He's the one singing about guiding her with pure intentions???
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Oh this is the face of a man with no nefarious intent to you? An honest, well meaning, all around swell fella??? This is your non-manipulative guy??????
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genenatic · 3 months
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freaky losers ….
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transmascmikey · 1 year
she lets me hit because i use his pronouns interchangeably
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naomistares · 5 months
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harrowhark gets her lobotomy at claire's: the aftermath comic
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nikel77 · 1 month
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tunnabeat · 3 months
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me and ?
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punkitt-is-here · 1 year
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a rare sighting
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defnotkanyewest · 2 months
So this mf was friends with Sukuna in the heian era
Found out that Sukuna ate his twin in the womb
Decided to get railed by Sukunas Twins Reincarnation
Gave birth to an absolute unit
Then plotted to put his Son up against his Brother in Law?
What the fuck is wrong with him
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teaboot · 3 months
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Not to be absolutely unhinged but I think that if I buy enough tiny plastic tubs to continue breaking down every possession I own into discrete categories then eventually I will live in a home where I don't constantly have a large pile of completely miscellaneous nicknacks in the middle of the floor constantly and forever until I die
Current box count is 56
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fishofthewoods · 2 months
I see a lot of people clowning on the people of Pelican Town for not repairing the community center themselves or clowning on Lewis for embezzling and. like. Those criticisms aren't entirely unfair. But I think instead of coming at it from a perspective of "why can't the townspeople do this" we should be asking "why and how can the farmer do this?"
Like. Think about it. The farmer arrives in Stardew Valley on the first day of spring. By the first day they're obviously different. By day five the spirits of the forest who haven't been seen by the townsfolk in years or generations are speaking to them. By the second week they've developed a rapport with the wizard that lives outside town.
In the spring they go foraging and find more than even Linus, who's spent so many years learning the ways of the valley. Maybe he knows, when he sees them walking back home. Maybe he looks at them and understands that they're different, chosen somehow.
In the summer they fish in the lakes and the ocean for hours on end, catching fish that even Willy's only ever heard of, fish that he thought were the stuff of legend. They pull up giants from the deep and mutated monstrosities from the sewers.
In the fall, their crops grow incredibly immense; pumpkins twice as tall as a person, big enough that someone could live inside. The farmer cuts it down with an axe without even batting an eye. Does Lewis wonder, when he checks the collection bin that night and finds it full to the brim with pumpkin flesh? What does he think? Does he even leave the money? Does he have the funds to pay the farmer millions of dollars for the massive amounts of wine they sell? Or is it someone--something--else entirely?
In the winter, the farmer delves into the mines. No one in Pelican Town has been down there in decades. No one in living memory has been to the bottom. The farmer gets there within the season. They return to the surface with stories of dwarven ruins and shadow people, stories they only tell to Vincent and Jas, whose retellings will be dismissed by the adults as flights of fancy. People walking by the entrance to the mines sometimes hear the farmer in there, speaking in a language no one can understand. Something speaks back.
The farmer speaks to the the wizard. They speak to the spirit of a bear inside a centuries-old stone. They speak to the shadow people and the dwarves, ancient enemies, and they try to mend the rift. They speak to the Junimos, ancient spirits of the forest and the river and the mountain. They taste the nectar of the stardrops and speak to the valley itself. They change Pelican Town, and they change the valley. Things are waking up.
And what does Evelyn think? She's the oldest person in the valley; she was here when the farmer's grandfather was young. (How old *is* she, anyway? She never seems to age. She doesn't remember the year she was born.) Does she see the farmer and think of their grandfather? Does she try to remember if he was like this too, strange and wild and given the gifts of the forest?
And does their grandfather haunt the valley? He haunts the farm, still there even after his death; his body died somewhere else, but his spirit could never stay away for long. Does Abigail, using her ouija board on a stormy night, almost drop the planchette when she realizes it's moving on its own? Does Shane, walking to work long before anyone else leaves their house, catch glimpses of a wispy figure floating through the town? Does the farmer know their grandfather came back to the place they both love so much?
Mr. Qi takes interest in the farmer. He's different, too; in a different way, maybe, but the principles are the same. They're both exceptional, and no matter what Qi says about it being hard work and dedication, they both know the truth: the world bends around the both of them, changing to fit their needs. Most people aren't visited by fairies or witches. Most people don't have meteorites crash in their yard. Most people couldn't chop down trees all day without a break or speak to bears and mice and frogs.
The farmer is different. The rules of the world don't work for them the way they work for everyone else. The farmer goes fishing and finds the stuff of fairy tales. The farmer goes mining and fights shadow beasts and flying snakes. The farmer looks at paths the townspeople walk every day and finds buried in the dirt relics of lost civilizations.
The farmer is a violent, irrepressible miracle, chosen by the valley and destined to return to it someday. Even if they'd never received the letter, they would've come home.
They always come home eventually.
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asspinkie · 3 months
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durge accidentally double-booked the boys
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Michael has a hard time retelling FNAF sister location
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