#fuck i might have been 15. god i hope not
theasianinfluence · 1 year
i was like semi involved with kinnie tumblr because I was in some kind of "everything is always valid" mindset bc i was a kid that meant well but then i saw how many people were hurting themselves and bullying each other and that, actually, freaking the fuck out and having a crisis everytime anything happens to even imply that you were not katniss everdeen in your previous life isnt healthy and then something clicked in my head and i went "ohhh some of you are insane, please get help"
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laundrybiscuits · 1 year
The officer leans close, jabbing a finger into Steve’s chest. “You’re damn lucky it ain’t ten years ago or one state over,” he growls. “You could be looking at a felony charge, serving 15 to life. We didn’t stand for this kind of thing in Hawkins when I joined the force.”
Steve just folds his arms and gives the officer a bored look. “Okay,” he says. “Good talk. Can I see my boyfriend now?”
The officer sneers, but he steps aside to let Steve through. They’ve got Eddie cuffed to the hospital bed with another gun-toting guard in the corner. 
“Jesus christ,” snaps Steve. “He’s not gonna escape, he can’t even walk right now. Why don’t you clear out and give us a little privacy, huh?”
“Sorry,” says the guard, not sounding all that sorry. “It’s for his own protection.”
Fuck. He’s gonna have to hope Eddie can follow his lead. All that practice pretending to be a wizard or whatever has to be good for something, right?
He perches on the side of Eddie’s bed and takes his hand. He can do this. “Hey, gorgeous. How’re you feeling?” 
“Uh,” says Eddie, eyebrows doing something hilarious. “Steve?”
“It’s okay,” says Steve. He rubs his thumb over Eddie’s knuckles. This is the most they’ve ever touched, he thinks—the most that was just skin, no layers of denim or leather in between. Not even a layer of blood and dirt. 
He swallows and keeps going, willing Eddie to develop freaky mind-reading powers all of a sudden. “I know you didn’t want to tell anyone about us, but I had to, baby. I’m sorry. I had to tell them you were, y’know, with me when…when Jason killed Chrissy.”
“You didn’t have to tell them about us,” says Eddie slowly. He’s giving Steve kind of an intense look. “Honey-pie. I’m sure there’s gotta be another way. One without as many consequences for you that you might not have thought all the way through.”
“There really isn’t,” Steve says. Thank god Eddie’s so quick on the uptake. Sure, he’s being a stubborn dick about it, but at least it doesn’t seem like he’s going to let anything slip. 
“Fucking hell,” sighs Eddie. “Don’t suppose we can put that pesky little cat back in the bag. Okay. Darling angel, light of my life, corndog of my soul, who else knows?”
Corndog of my soul, Steve mouths to himself. “Just the cops. And Robin and Nancy, obviously. And—oh, remember Hopper?”
“Do I remember Hopper, he asks. Oh, pudding-pop. The late Chief Hopper and I spent so, so much quality time together over the years; he was practically a father figure to me. And just as with my actual dear old dad, his departure was cause for great rejoicing in Casa Munson.”
“Sorry to break the bad news, then. Hop’s alive, and he—uh, he knows everything.” Steve tries to communicate the scope of everything by kind of tilting his head back and forth. “He’s been…helping.”
“Huh. No shit,” says Eddie. Steve can’t tell whether or not he’s getting it. To be fair, there’s a lot to get. “Okay, gallant knight errant of mine, any news on whether or not I’m getting sprung from this charmingly appointed dungeon?”
“We’re…Hopper’s working on it. That’s why I’m. Y’know. Here. To tell you that they know about us.” 
“Cool, right, understood.” Eddie closes his eyes, leaning back on his pillow. It’s so strange to see him in nothing but a hospital gown against white sheets. He looks like a wrung-out dishtowel. 
There’s a commotion from outside, raised voices saying something like you let him what and haven’t even interrogated the Munson kid yet and not a legal status you fuckin—
“Time’s up, sweetheart,” says Eddie, mouth quirking up into the ghost of a smile. “Anything else you wanna say before they decide to upgrade my security?”
“Uh,” says Steve. He’d mostly been focusing on getting the basics of Eddie’s alibi across in a convincing way, and he can’t remember if there were any other details Eddie should know. 
He hears the door slam open behind him, and panics. “Love you, bye,” he says, and ducks in to brush a quick kiss across Eddie’s chapped lips. The last thing he sees as he’s hauled bodily out of the room by a pissed-off detective is Eddie with his eyes gone enormous and shocked, lifting his uncuffed hand to his mouth, looking and looking at Steve like something is always going to be different from now on, forever.
(ETA: small continuation here!)
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atticrissfinch · 1 year
Gimme What I Want: A Fic in Texts
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pairing: joel miller x afab!reader summary: the wrong number that texts you ends up being a man much hotter than you’d ever expect… warnings/tags: [18+ MINORS DNI] no!outbreak, porn w/o plot i’m sorry but not really, dirty talk, daddy!kink, praise!kink and degradation!kink (we love duality), light dom!joel vibes, pet names/degrading terms (darlin’, babygirl, pretty girl, whore, slut, bitch, etc), age gap (Joel is 56, reader is 25), implied masturbation (m & f), mentions of cream pies, sexting a stranger but it’s ok cause he’s a dilf, really bad innuendos word count: ~2.2k | ao3 a/n: biting the bullet and posting my first fic in literal years because Pedro is just…an inspiration what can I say. So I’m going with something a little lighter (conceptually, not topically…this is just smut lmao). Pls be nice I am c r u s t y with my writing rn ty <3 (gif from ketokitsune on reddit)
Series Masterlist | Masterlist | Kofi
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[5:32 PM] UNKNOWN NUMBER: Hey Doug, this is Joel. Tommy gave me your number, he mentioned a build job you might have for us? Happy to chat whenever, just let me know. 
[5:40 PM] You: Good to hear from you Joel. Unfortunately I’ve vowed to never do work with a man whose name starts with the letter “J”. Nothing personal 
[5:46 PM] Joel: Uh…no disrespect intended…but are you jokin?
[5:52 PM] You: ‘Fraid not. J is reserved for our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Amen 
[6:10 PM] Joel: Well…I guess in that case, let me know if you change your mind. God bless, I suppose 
[6:12 PM] You: I’m totally fucking with you, man. You got the wrong number 
[6:12 PM] You: Sorry I couldn’t resist 
[6:15 PM] Joel: Wait, serious? 
[6:16 PM] You: As a heart attack. Sorry about that 
[6:18 PM] Joel: You got me good, I gotta admit. Head is still reeling a little bit LOL
[6:19 PM] You: I get my kicks where I can 
[6:23 PM] Joel: Well sorry to bother you. Thanks for the chuckle 
[6:27 PM] You: So you’re construction or something?
[6:30 PM] Joel: Yup. General contractor at your service
[6:30 PM] You: Your own business?
[6:31 PM] Joel: Is indeed
[6:32 PM] You: Damn, big bossman. Pretty hot
[6:35 PM] Joel: You’re silly. Im just an old man who’s put in too many years of work. Got achy bones
[6:40 PM] You: I know you’re not supposed to ask this on a first date, but how old are you, Joel?
[6:42 PM] Joel: HA! You’re a funny one! LOL
[6:42 PM] Joel: 56 very long years old
[6:45 PM] You: Oh, now, that’s not so old! 
[6:50 PM] Joel: Tell that to my knees. LOL
[7:03 PM] You: You lay a lot of pipe as a contractor, Joel?
[7:06 PM] Joel: Suppose I do. Gotta have plumbing. Why do you ask?
[7:15 PM] You: Actually been looking for someone to come snake my drain
[7:19 PM] Joel: I mean you’re probably lookin for more of a plumber in that case. I got some contacts if you need one
[7:25 PM] You: I prefer someone who knows how to lay pipe to snake my drain 😏
[7:36 PM] Joel: I feel like you may be talkin about somethin different than I am. Less appropriate maybe
[7:37 PM] You: It’s possible
[7:46 PM] Joel: if we’re breaking those rules I suppose I should ask how old YOU are. ‘Fore I say somethin stupid
[7:46 PM] Joel: or illegal
[7:47 PM] You: Well at least you’re careful. I’m 25. Safely out of “jail bait” territory 
[7:48 PM] Joel: Golly. 25. Jesus was I a hellion at 25. Hope you’re better behaved than I was 
[7:50 PM] You: I bet there’s still a little hellion in you 😉 
[7:51 PM] You: I could stand to have a little more hellion in me, if you catch my drift 😉
[7:58 PM] Joel: You’re a bitta trouble ain’t you
[7:59 PM] Joel: What you doing flirtin with a man over twice your age
[7:59 PM] Joel: A STRANGER at that
[8:00 PM] You: Oh I found you on google about an hour ago already. Not so strange anymore. 
[8:00 PM] You: Miller Contracting, right? In Austin? 
[8:02 PM] Joel: I’ll be damned. We got a regular Nancy Drew on our hands. 
[8:03 PM] You: Wasnt terribly difficult 😂 Already had your first name, area code, and occupation. 
[8:03 PM] Joel: Well shit if that ain’t a reminder to be more careful…
[8:05 PM] You: You’re a very handsome man, Joel Miller
[8:07 PM] Joel: Think you’re lookin at Tommy. He’s the face of the operation. I’m just the brains. 
[8:08 PM] You: Oh no, I see Tommy here. But he’s not who I’m looking at. There’s a couple pics of you on google. 
[8:08 PM] You: Salt and pepper hair. Scruffy beard. Nice sturdy build. Little scowl. Sound like you?
[8:09 PM] Joel: Damned if it don’t I guess
[8:09 PM] You: Definite silver fox 
[8:10 PM] Joel: Well I’m blushin over here. Thanks darlin
[8:10 PM] Joel: I’m sure you’re a beautiful young woman
[8:15 PM] You: How about you let me know
[8:15 PM] You: [Image Attached]
[8:15 PM] Joel: SHIT
[8:15 PM] Joel: Darlin you can’t just be sendin stuff like that!
[8:16 PM] You: I’m fully covered! 
[8:16 PM] Joel: Barely! 
[8:17 PM] You: I suppose I should have asked if you’re married
[8:17 PM] Joel: Might’ve been smart. But luckily no. Wouldn’t want to have to explain that shit to no one 
[8:17 PM] Joel: Wrong number suddenly sending me…pics like that
[8:19 PM] Joel: Not that it’s a BAD picture. You certainly are an undeniable beauty 
[8:19 PM] Joel: But you ARE trouble just like I said
[8:20 PM] You: Well then I have to ask. Do you like trouble, Mr Miller? 
[8:21 PM] Joel: Hey now don’t be callin me that…Mr Miller, that was my daddy 
[8:21 PM] You: Is that so
[8:21 PM] You: How would you feel about me calling you my daddy?
[8:22 PM] Joel: Jesus christ darlin…you are a forward little devil aren’t u
[8:22 PM] Joel: A little temptress
[8:22 PM] You: I tend to know what I want.
[8:22 PM] Joel: Seems like it
[8:25 PM] Joel: Ok. I’ll bite. In that pic…that really you? That what you’re wearin right now?
[8:25 PM] You: It is. You like?
[8:26 PM] Joel: Lord strike me down, but I do. You wear it real nice. Skimpy little top. Those wicked little daisy dukes. Like you’re right out of a fuckin dirty magazine 
[8:27 PM] Joel: What would your daddy say if he saw you takin pictures like that and sendin em to strange old men like me?
[8:27 PM] You: I dunno, daddy, what would you say?
[8:27 PM] Joel: Fuck me. You’re a naughty fuckin thing aint you  
[8:28 PM] You: VERY naughty. And I think you like that.
[8:33 PM] Joel: Goddamn it. Alright if you wanna be naughty who am I to stop you, darlin
[8:33 PM] Joel: Show me a little more 
[8:42 PM] Joel: Shit I’m sorry that was too much
[8:43 PM] You: [Image Attached]
[8:43 PM] You: Just wanted to get it right
[8:43 PM] Joel: Christ, you are…..
[8:43 PM] Joel: That is the finest pair of tits I may have ever seen in all my years. All pulled out of that flimsy little shirt. Absolutely perfect
[8:43 PM] You: Thank you, daddy. I’m glad you like them. 
[8:44 PM] Joel: I more than like em. God would I love to…
[8:44 PM] You: Love to what? Tell me, daddy. 
[8:45 PM] Joel: Goddammit somethin about you callin me that darlin
[8:45 PM] Joel: Got me all fucked up in the head
[8:45 PM] Joel: I want them in my hands. In my face. My mouth 
[8:45 PM] Joel: Bet they look fuckin exquisite bouncin up and down on…
[8:46 PM] You: On what, daddy? 
[8:47 PM] Joel: You got my filter all turned off babygirl. Thinkin some things that’ll send me straight to hell. Specially with a young thing like you 
[8:48 PM] You: Let me be real clear then. I like older men, Joel. Like how much they KNOW. All that experience. All that practice. 56 years, I know you know how to talk to a woman. So talk. 
[8:49 PM] Joel: Shit
[8:49 PM] Joel: Fuck it then. I certainly don’t aim to disappoint
[8:49 PM] Joel: Those gorgeous tits would look downright sinful if you were bouncin on my cock
[8:50 PM] You: Fuck yes daddy
[8:50 PM] Joel: You touchin yourself babygirl?
[8:51 PM] You: Just my tits right now. Imagining those big, rough hands of yours all over them. 
[8:51 PM] Joel: That’s good, babygirl. Squeeze those tits for me. 
[8:51 PM] Joel: Fuck. Sendin me dirty pics. Callin me your daddy. You’ve got this dick nice and hard. Might pull it out in a second
[8:51 PM] Joel: Would you like to see it?
[8:52 PM] You: Yes please daddy
[8:52 PM] Joel: Good girl
[8:54 PM] Joel: [Image Attached]
[8:54 PM] Joel: All for you babygirl
[8:55 PM] You: Holy fuck
[8:55 PM] You: I know every girl says this but I mean it, you are so fucking BIG
[8:55 PM] Joel: Haha believe me I know darlin
[8:55 PM] Joel: Had a lotta girls over the years have to take me real slow at first
[8:55 PM] Joel: But they all end up screamin my name just the same
[8:56 PM] You: Fuck I want it. Make me one of those girls. But don’t go slow. 
[8:57 PM] Joel: Yeah? You want it rough pretty girl? Want to be split open on this cock? want me to make you take it like the filthy fucking whore you are?
[8:57 PM] You: FUCK. Yesyesyes please keep talking to me like that i’m touching myself daddy
[8:58 PM] Joel: I know you are baby. Can’t fucking help yourself. Begging and drooling over this cock since you started talkin to me. Slutty little girl wants to get fucked and degraded by an old man 
[8:58 PM] You: Yes daddy I do I need your fucking huge cock in me PLEASE
[8:59 PM] Joel: Surprised a whore like you knows her manners so good, sayin please all pretty and nice
[8:59 PM] Joel: Matter fact when I put this cock in you, I better fuckin hear a thank you as well
[9:00 PM] Joel: That’s right babygirl take that fucking cock and touch that pretty clit
[9:01 PM] You: Im already close daddy please please
[9:01 PM] Joel: Fuckin right you are. greedy little whore throbbin for this big cock. cum all over those soakin wet fingers thinkin bout me. god such a slutty little bitch aren’t you
[9:01 PM] You: Yessssss daddy im a slutty little bitch youre gonna make me cum
[9:02 PM] Joel: Stop textin and take a video of that dripping cunt comin for me. That fuckin orgasm belongs to me doesn’t it babygirl. Im givin it to you so I deserve to see it
[9:03 PM] Joel: So fuckin pretty babygirl got my cock so fuckin hard let me see that fucked pussy
[9:05 PM] You: [Video Attached]
[9:05 PM] Joel: Shit baby you are the filthiest thing I ever seen. Sound so sexy those little whimpers when u came fuck
[9:05 PM] Joel: Gonna make me cum all over my fist baby
[9:05 PM] Joel: Gonna pump this pussy full of my cum take this cock and this huge fuckin load up your cunt babygirl
[9:08 PM] Joel: [Video Attached]
[9:13 PM] You: Shit. That was. Fuck. 
[9:14 PM] Joel: Not so quick-witted when you’re fucked stupid are you LOL
[9:14 PM] You: Shut up…
[9:15 PM] You: Goddamn you sure know how to sext I’ll tell you that
[9:16 PM] Joel: As you said. Had some practice over the years. Wink. 
[9:16 PM] You: Oh god, do you not know how to use emojis to wink? 😂 
[9:16 PM] You: Dinosaur 😝 🦕🦖
[9:17 PM] Joel: Yeah, well, if this “dinosaur” ever gets ahold a you, you’re gonna be real sorry for pokin fun at him, little girl
[9:20 PM] You: Well since you mention it…
[9:20 PM] You: It’s possible I might be in Austin too 
[9:21 PM] Joel: I may have suspected. The area code n all 
[9:22 PM] You: Wouldn’t it be REAL embarrassing if I did end up actually being that guy you were looking for? 😝
[9:24 PM] Joel: Shit, if Doug looks as fine as you I wouldn’t give a good goddamn LOL 
[9:25 PM] Joel: I ain’t givin out any dick discounts though 😉
[9:25 PM] You: *gasp* you do know how to use emojis!
[9:26 PM] Joel: Quick learner 😉 Gotta be if I’m gonna be your daddy after all 😏
[9:30 PM] Joel: Well I’m mighty glad I texted the wrong number darlin 
[9:31 PM] You: Me too 😊 Maybe someday we can try this in person…
[9:34 PM] Joel: I’ll bring the snake
[9:35 PM] You: 😂😂😂
Part 2
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mynameismckenziemae · 4 months
When the Stars Align
Robert ‘Bob’ Floyd x Reader
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This is my submission for the International Bob Floyd Fucks Month (hosted by @attapullman).
Summary: You (call sign: Stealth) find out your boyfriend’s been cheating on you for months the night before you’re leaving for a camping trip with friends. Will you act on the feelings you’ve been trying to ignore? The answer is yes.
WC: 3.1K
Warnings: 18+, MDNI, smut, oral (both m and f receiving), p in v, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it), being called good girl 🤤, one bed kinda trope, mutual masturbation, etc.
“What’s up with Stealth?” Bob asks, nodding in your direction as you walk up the driveway. Your eyes are puffy like you haven’t slept in weeks.
“She broke up with Tyler last night. He’s been cheating on her for months,” Nat sighs, “I hurt for her, but I’m glad he’s gone. He was such an asshole.”
Bob’s heart races but he places it cool as he murmurs his agreement. It’s too soon, but his hope soars as he realizes he might be able to take his chance after years of silently pining after you.
“Hey guys! Sorry, I’m late. But I brought coffee!” You smile, juggling the tray of drinks, your sleeping bag, and duffle.
Bob takes your stuff, packing it into the van as you hand out the coffees.
“Thanks, Stealth,” Nat says, squeezing your shoulder. “You okay?”
You give a small smile and nod. “Yeah, actually. I’m tired, but I just feel relieved now.”
“Good. Maybe you can act on that little crush on Bob you’ve been harboring this weekend…” she replies, wiggling her eyebrows.
“Shhhh! I’ve only been single for like 12 hours, so it’s too soon….right?”
Jake interrupts before she can reply. “Alright, let’s get this show on the road. Campsite is 3 hours away, we’re burning daylight-hey!”
Bradley comes up behind him and slaps his ass. “Calm your tits, it’s barely 7. We can’t even check in until 11.”
“Well we have to account for traffic and bathroom breaks and…” Jake trails off as Bradley pushes him to the driver's seat as the rest of you pile into the van.
Javy and Natasha take the bucket seats, which leaves the back bench seat for you and Bob.
Bradley does a final check, making sure the tents and kayaks are strapped down before hitting the tailgate button and getting in the front seat before it closes.
No one notices that your sleeping bag fell out as Jake drives away.
It was a fight to stay awake not even 15 minutes into the ride; you were exhausted. Your now ex-boyfriend had been blowing your phone all night and you’d only gotten about 3 hours of sleep.
You drift off and soon your head lolls onto his shoulder.
Someone’s running their fingers through your hair. Bob, you think as you get a hint of his comforting clean-laundry scent.
“Hey, we’re here,” Bob murmurs, rubbing your shoulder.
You startle, quickly sitting up. “Sorry! God, I’m so tired. Did I sleep on you the whole time?”
“Yeah,” he chuckles. “It’s alright, I don’t mind. You don’t snore like Bradley.”
“Hey! I do not!” Bradley turns back, offended.
“Yes, you do,” everyone replies in unison.
“It’s okay babe, it’s cute,” Jake says, pressing a kiss to his cheek before opening his door and getting out.
“It’s not cute,” Javy mutters under his breath, following suit.
It’s late afternoon by the time everyone gets back to the campsite after your hike and it’s nearing dark by the time the tents are finally set up.
“So uh…we really didn’t think this through, did we?” Jake says, scratching the back of his neck as he looks at the 3 tents in front of them.
“It’s fine, you and Bradley can sleep in one, I’ll sleep with Stealth, and Bob and Javy can take the other,” Natasha offers.
“No, I know you and Javy hardly ever get to sleep by each other. Bob and I can share one. We’re adults and we each have our own sleeping bag. As long as you’re okay with that?” You ask, turning to Bob.
“Fine by me,” he answers, thankful it’s dusk so no one can see his flush.
“Perfect. Now, let’s have some drinks!” You say, opening the cooler.
“Are you sure?” Nat asks as you hand her a beer.
“I’m sure. It’ll be fine.”
It wasn’t fine.
“What's wrong?” Bob asks as he rolls his sleeping bag out on the queen-sized air mattress.
“I can’t find my sleeping bag,” you sigh, zipping the door closed. “It’s not in the van, Bradley’s snoring and it sounds like Javy and Nat are…preoccupied. It’s okay though, I can just use the blanket I brought to put under it.”
“Won’t you be cold?”
Yes. “No, I think I’ll be okay.”
“You sure? You can take mine and I’ll use the blanket.”
“Yeah, I’m sure. Thanks though,” you smile up at him as you cover up.
He turns to set his glasses down and your mouth waters when his lean, muscular back is revealed as he takes off his shirt.
You look away, hoping he doesn’t notice your blush when he turns. He flicks the lantern off and climbs in, and you accidentally roll right into him. Damn air mattresses.
“Oof, sorry!” You stammer, scrambling away.
“It’s okay, my fault,” he replies, chuckling nervously. ‘G’night Stealth.”
You. Were. Cold.
Shivering, teeth chattering cold. It was only in the low 60s, but you’d never handled being cold well.
Bob unzips his sleeping bag with a sigh and stands. “Hand me your blanket.”
“What? W-w-why?”
“Because you’re shivering. I’m going to put mine over us both and then we’ll put yours over it.”
“O-o-okay,” you agree, gasping when the cold air hits you. But it’s only for a second before the fleece-lined inside of his blanket covers you. He drapes your thin one over it and then gets under them both, drawing your back against his front.
“Just until you warm up, okay?” He murmurs near your ear, causing a different kind of shiver to roll through you.
“Mhmm,” you answer.
After a few minutes you’re finally getting warm, but you’re too comfortable to move and you drift off wrapped in his arms.
You wake up to his quiet, breathy gasps and a sizable hard-on pressing into your ass.
Your nipples tighten as arousal shoots through you, settling between your legs at the sounds leaving him. He mumbles your name and continues to rut. He’s still asleep.
As much as you want to stay right where you are and see if he finishes, you wiggle from under his arm and stretch with a yawn.
You smile as he sleepily opens his eyes, a flush creeps in when he realizes what’s going on under the blanket but you act none the wiser. “Morning, I’m going to shower before it gets too busy. Wanna come?”
His eyes flutter close at your unintentional innuendo but he catches himself. “Yeah, sure. Uhhh…let me get my stuff and I’ll meet you out there.”
“Sounds good.” You reply, turning your back to get your clothes and shower bag together before unzipping the tent.
To your disappointment, he put his tee shirt back on. But to your amusement, he’s got his towel strategically placed in front of him.
It’s thankfully a short walk to the bathrooms.
“I wonder if you’ll hear me sing,” you say, giggling at his expression. “I like to sing in the shower. Look, the bathrooms are connected.” You point to the 12-inch gap at the top of the wall between the bathrooms.
You wink and step into to the women’s side.
Bob barely gets the shower curtain closed before he’s fisting his cock, biting his lip to keep from groaning. He jerks himself quickly, so worked up and trying to hurry so you’re not waiting but he freezes when he hears your soft, feminine moan. Was…was that you?
“Oh fuck,” he grunts quietly, gripping the base to stave off his orgasm when he hears you again.
On the other side of the wall, you’re already getting close, so turned after months of mediocre orgasms from your own hand while watching mediocre porn; you hadn’t allowed yourself to think about Bob while masturbating when dating another man. Not to mention that the other man hadn’t ‘finished the job’ in over a year. But now you were single.
You grind the heel of your palm against your clit, and your core tightens as you teeter on the edge. You hear his soft curse and that’s all it takes for you to fall over the edge. A soft whimper escapes as the pleasure flows through you.
His answering groan has you clenching again but you sigh in disappointment when hear footsteps approaching the bathroom.
“You’re up early,” Nat calls from the shower beside yours.
“Yeah, I got cold. Hey, have you seen my sleeping bag?”
You give Bob a nonchalant smile as you greet him outside the bathroom. “Nat hasn’t seen my sleeping bag. I’ll check with Jake and Bradley get too, but I’m guessing it got left behind somehow.”
“Gotcha. Hey, so-“ he starts but is interrupted by Bradley cooking breakfast.
“How do you guys want your eggs?”
The morning was spent hiking and finished the afternoon kayaking on the lake. You caught Bob checking you in your bikini out more than once, but you were just as guilty, it was just easier to hide under your sunglasses.
You realize you hadn’t felt this light in years as you laugh around the bonfire later, listening to Jake telling a story about when he was a kid.
“I feel gross, I’m gonna hit the showers,” Jake says, slapping his knees and rising.
“Me too, I’ve got sand everywhere,” Bradley agrees.
Javy yawns, “I think I’m gonna hit the hay, Nat?”
She doesn’t respond as she’s already fast asleep with her hat pulled over her eyes.
A few minutes later it’s just you and Bob and the crackling of the fire under the stars.
“I never get to see the stars like this in the city, it’s so beautiful out here,” you murmur, eyes on the sky.
“Sure is,” he replies, eyes on you.
It’s cold your tent. Again.
You fail to suppress your shivers as Bob slides under the blankets.
“Jesus Stealth, your feet are like ice!” He gasps as he brushes them with his own.
“Sorry. I don’t handle cold w-w-well,” your teeth chatter.
“I can tell. C’mere,” he chuckles, drawing you to him.
“Bob?” You murmur against his bare chest a few minutes later as his fingers trace along your spine.
“I like you…and I’ve liked you for a long time. I was already planning on breaking things off with Tyler in person next month when he was going to visit, but he made everything easier when I found out he cheated. I wasn’t even angry or upset. I was relieved…and kind of excited actually because that I could finally tell you how I feel about you and see if you feel the same way about-“
Bob cuts off your rambling by pressing a kiss to your lips. “I like you too, Stealth. I have for years.”
You smile and bring your lips back to his. He kisses you slowly and meticulously, memorizing every reaction he pulls from you.
Ever the gentleman, his hands don’t leave their position from the curve of your waist and the hinge of your jaw.
Time to literally take matters into your own hands.
He pulls from your lips with a gasp when you reach down and palm him.
“Oh my God, Bob. You’re huge,” you moan as you slip your hand down the front of his pants and grasp him.
You push gently at him and once he’s on his back, you trail kisses from his neck to his chest, smirking at the way he jolts when your teeth graze his nipples and continue your way south.
Your eyes widen at the size of his cock as it’s revealed when you tug his pants down.
That’s not gonna fit.
“Yes it will,” he chuckles breathlessly. You’re thankfully it’s dark as you blush, not realizing you said it out loud.
You bend forward and flick your tongue over the precum beading, moaning at the salty taste before licking him from base to tip, finally sucking his head into your mouth when he breathes, “Please?”
You get a little over half of him in your mouth before you’re fighting your gag reflex and have to let up.
You take a deep breath and suck him sloppily a few times, letting the excess saliva as lubricant for your hand to stroke what you can’t fit in your mouth. He sighs when you finally get into a good rhythm and pulls your hair into a makeshift ponytail to watch you in the dim moonlight.
“Ah! Wa-wait, wait, Stealth! I’m gonna cum,” he pants, tugging gently on your hair.
But you shake your head as you continue, tears leaking as you resist the urge to gag when his tip kisses the back of your throat. His body starts to tense and your teary gaze meets his as your free hand cups his sac and gently tugs.
His eyes squeeze close and he scrambles for your pillow, holding it over his face to muffle his deep groan as cums.
Your arousal coats your thighs and you rub them together to get some sort of relief as swallow it greedily with a quiet moan of your own.
You give him a shy smile as he sets the pillow aside and the next thing you know you’re pinned under him with your shirt rucked up to your chin. He’s working you into a frenzy by alternating between your breasts, his fingers pinching and pulling at your nipple while he laves and sucks the other.
You need more. “Bob? I’m ready,” you pant, fingers combing through his hair, gently tugging to bring him back up to you.
“You really think I’m gonna let you blow my mind and not return the favor?” He chuckles lowly before pressing a kiss between your breasts then lifting himself to tug your pajama shorts off.
He settles back between your thighs, but you stop him. “Wait! You don’t have to do…that. I-I mean I’m ready to go.”
“Do you not want me to?” He asks, causing you to shiver as his warm breath caresses you.
“I don’t…know? Do you want to? Tyler only did it a few times when we first started dating but could never get me off, then he kind of just stopped and said guys don’t actually like doing it. Gave me a complex,” you laugh awkwardly.
“Another reason he’s a fucking idiot. Yes, I want to. If you’ll let me?” He asks, pressing a kiss to your inner thigh.
You nod, hesitant, but any nervousness is forgotten with the first pass of his tongue. Your head falls back against the pillow as he licks into you with his tongue. “Fuck you taste good,” he murmurs against your clit, flicking it gently with his tongue before he grips your ass and pulls you closer.
He doesn’t hold back as he devours you; the perfect variation of sucking, licking, and nipping. A strangled cry is ripped from your throat when he presses his fingers in and curls them against your g-spot.
“Stealth? You okay?” Nat calls sleepily from their tent 15 feet away.
You clench around his fingers, trying to still them as you try to reply steadily. “All good, j-just a dream.”
“Mmkay, G’night.”
“Night,” you answer just as an intense orgasm hits you. You taste the coppery hint of blood as you bite your lip to keep from making noise.
“Mmm,” Bob hums quietly as he works you through it, slowly only when you start to twitch from overstimulation. You whimper when he places a light kiss on your clit before moving back up your body.
“I’m going to lay you on my bed and do that for hours when we get back,” he murmurs against your lips before pecking a kiss to your lips.
“I can’t wait,” you whisper, reaching down to rub the head of his cock between your legs and lining him up.
“Shit, I didn’t bring any condoms,” he sighs, his head dropping to your shoulder in frustration.
“I didn’t either. I do have an IUD though, and I was clean at my physical a few weeks ago before we deployed. I haven’t slept with Tyler in over 5 months and we always used a condom. We could go without if you’re okay with it?”
“I’m clean too, are you sure though?” He asks, arms shaking as he holds himself back.
“I’m sure, I want you to fuck me bare,” you whisper in his ear with a nip to his lobe.
A strangled noise leaves him at your words and he presses forward.
“You’re so fuckin’ tight,” he grits out, pausing to let you adjust halfway In.
You force yourself to relax, take a few deep breaths, and nod, “I’m okay, keep going.”
He groans in your ear when his hips finally meet yours; you whimper in his as he withdraws to push back in.
“Good girl, taking all of me,” he pants, groaning as you clench around him. “Yeah? You like when I call you a good girl?”
You mewl and nod, unable to form words as he angles his hips so your clit gets friction with each thrust.
You sink your teeth into his shoulder when your orgasm takes you by surprise. His jaw clenches and his rhythm falters but he manages to fuck you through it, not giving into his own release.
“You still cold?” He asks when you come back down, still thrusting into you lazily.
“Huh? Uh, no I’m good,” you reply, trying to catch your breath.
He kneels on the ground and pulls you to the edge of the mattress, flipping you onto your stomach. The air is pushed from your lungs when he presses back in; the new angle allows deeper thrusts right over your g-spot.
“Fuc-mmph!” You start, but Bob’s hand over your mouth cuts you off.
“Shhh,” he chuckles quietly. His other hand leaves your hip to dip between your legs, gathering your wetness and coming back up to circle your clit. “Be a good girl and get there again for me?”
Your eyes roll back and you can’t control the moan that leaves you as your orgasm slams into you, thankfully somewhat muffled by his hand.
He chokes as you clench rhythmically and follows you over the edge. He bites his lip to stay quiet and drapes himself over your back while he pumps you full.
He helps get your pajamas on and holds your hand as you walk to the bathroom on unsteady legs.
“I’ll wait for you out here,” he says, pressing a kiss to your forehead.
“Mmkay,” you smile.
Natasha walks in with a knowing smirk as you’re drying your hands.
“Must’ve been a good dream, eh?”
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hugshughes · 5 months
Headphones J. McCarthy
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JJ McCarthy x fem!reader
synopsis - He finally does it. JJ finally wins it all, and as always his best friend, his girl, is there through all of it.
wc - 2k
contains - if you haven't read Rose Bowl, Baby! do it before you read this!!!! the whole Headphoens thing won't make sense to you if you don't so. it's not a direct part two but there's def references to stuff talked about in it, it's the same universe so. established relationship! um cursing, kissing, hugging, touching(? JJ gets a bit handsy after his big win), crying, a bit of making out, the L word, uhmmm, OH TALKS OF MARRIAGE (awwwwwww ur joking). OH WAIT this has like the insinuation that JJ might declare for the draft, but he hasn't yet so that's not real (as of now).
an - UNEDITED! this one prettyyyy short but I wanted to get something out since the BIG WINNNNN yall don't get how much i cried. we were all crying, it was a mess. so proud of the team, GOD BLESS BLAKE. so fucking happy right now. well deserved win for the boys, they put me through an emotional whirlwind though. don't even start on having to watch penix after the game ended, it ruined my life. anyways, i hope you enjoy this.
read, Rose Bowl, Baby! first, if you havent.
The numbers shown above on the Jumbotrons the stadium was equipped with. The minutes were quickly washing away on this football game. It was the fourth quarter, this drive was make or break. If Michigan doesn't score on this drive, it gives Washington the perfect chance to tie the game up late in the fourth.
JJ could do it, you knew he could. He had proven himself time and time again, that not one thing anyone said about him, no matter it be by a famous reporter or a hateful person online, was true.
JJ had controlled this game. He knew exactly what he needed to do to get what he wanted, the College Football Championship. He was comfortable, and calm. JJ had been locked in on the game through all four quarters. He'd put his headphones on at the beginning of the game and hadn't taken them off.
You, along with Jay's family around you hadn't sat down since halftime, not during such a big game.
He looked perfect out there, everything was calculated. Every movement he made was thought out. JJ clapped from his huddle, and his teammates went to their places, moving positions to keep the Washington defense on their toes.
The ball was snapped perfectly, JJ stalled while his men moved across the field, the ball flew from his hands, soaring down the field and right into the hands of a jumping Colston Loveland. Huge first down! Yes!
The boys set up 40 yards down the field, on the Washington 30 yard line. After two more snaps the down was reset again, the boys lining up at the Washington 15. On the next play, JJ quickly handed the ball to Blake, who got a few yards out the field. The next play was crucial. JJ took a deep breath, clapping for the ball. He quickly handed it to Blake, who ran up the middle straight into the end zone! Oh my God, yes! Touchdown Wolverines! It was exactly what they needed, to get ahead multiple scores, so they could sit as comfortably as possible for the rest of the game.
You and JJ's mom, Megan, had started tearing up once he handed off another touchdown, making the score 13-34. You knew this was it, he'd done it. You hugged everyone near you when the clock ran out, crying while laughing with his family. All the families were escorted back into the stadium, and down the tunnel, out onto the field.
You watched JJ run around, talking to reporter after reporter, your favorite smile bright as the stadium lights. He hugged his teammates, and then we all got the go ahead to go out to the field. You hugged Colston, then Blake, and Donovan before you finally got to JJ, in the middle of the crowd. He turned from the cameras and saw his parents, his face lighting up even more. He hugged them so tightly, his eyes getting teary, he'd had everything he'd ever wanted, his family there with him after he won the CFC. He opened his eyes and immediately spotted you, smiling at him in your navy #9 jersey.
He departed from his parents after a few more seconds, saying a few words to them before he lightly pushed past them to about tackle you in a hug. You both stumbled back, brushing against others in the crowd, but it didn't matter in the moment.
"JJ! Oh my God, I'm speechless, really."
He squeezed you tighter, laughing in your ear, pulling back to see your face. You cupped his cheeks, not even noticing the eye black on your hands, that had also no doubt smeared to your neck when he hugged you. You both just smiled at each other.
"Couldn't have done this without you, baby."
He shook his head, emphasizing his sentence. You quickly disregarded it, he would've been great no matter what you were to him.
"This is all thanks to you, JJ. This is what you've worked for."
"'M serious, couldn't've done it without my headphones."
You smiled at him lovesickley, his mom was no doubt taking pictures of you two right now, along with all the cameras meant for JJ.
"I love you!"
You didn't get a chance to respond before JJ smashed his lips onto yours, pulling you somehow closer by your hips. I guess he wants to put on a show, you thought as JJ deepend the kiss. You pulled back from him when you needed air, your chest heaving as your smile stuck to your face.
JJ talked to another reporter, blushing when the man mentioned your kiss. JJ held your hand behind his back while he talked to the man, and you stood with your arm extended out, a few feet behind him, talking with other player's moms.
JJ took some pictures with you and his family before he had to go do media. His personal favorite photo was when you were both turned with your backs to the camera, so you could see the MCCARTHY on both of your backs, but he snuck his hand on your ass. The photo has him with his head turned laughing while yours is turned to him with a gasp framing your face. If you looked at the live version of the photo, you'd see the little video of JJ grabbing you by your waist right after you lightly slapped him.
JJ kissed you again before he ran back to the locker room, he had media to do. You waited with his parents for about an hour before you saw JJ again. You'd watched his live media from your phone while you sat on the ground somewhere inside of NRG Stadium.
Once you'd gotten back to the hotel the team was staying at, most of the team and some family members were all in the large bar and restaurant on the main floor of the lobby. It was almost completely empty other than the team, thanks to them taking up most of the space in the hotel.
"Baby, I can find someone to hang out with, you should celebrate with the guys."
JJ had kept right by your side since you'd gotten to the celebration area, which had now extended from the bar into the lobby of the hotel.
"I am, but I want you right next to me all through this. You've been with me through all of this, you're celebrating too."
You just told him you loved him with hearts in your eyes. He was the sweetest man you'd ever known.
You both stayed out with the group until a little after 1 in the morning, which was early compared to when everyone else would head up. JJ was sleepy, he'd been up for about 18 hours, so you decided it was time to head to sleep.
JJ had showered in the stadium, but you still had to after being in the stands for so long, you could've swore a chunk of your hair smelled like stadium beer.
JJ was passed out asleep when you came back out into the room, you smiled softly, turning off the lamp and plugging your phone in before slipping into bed next to him. He immediately reacted, pushing himself closer to you, wrapping his arms around, and tangling his legs with yours. He was clingy when sleepy.
"Y'know I meant what I said earlier, even though you don't think it's true. You're the only reason I'm still doing what I love, you've helped me through so much baby. I don't say thank you enough."
You were taken back. Tears formed in your eyes at his sentiment. You were sleepy too, so your emotions were on high alert. You tilted his head up towards you, kissing him softly, rubbing your thumb back and forth over his cheekbone.
"You are so special, Jay. No one's like you. You're the most gracious person I've ever known. I love you so much, you have no idea how proud I am of you."
"I love you."
He kissed you again, bringing one of his hands to lay on your hip, the other your neck. Your lips moved rapidly. You let JJ's tongue move against yours, moving your hands to his hair.
JJ pulled away from you first, his chest heaving as he smiled at you sleepily. He gave you one more sweet chaste kiss before laying his head back down against your chest.
"I know you wear my jersey to almost all the games, but somethin' about seeing you in it tonight made me feral."
You were shocked, you wouldn't have ever guessed that seeing his name on your back like you'd done dozens of times before would get him flustered.
"I dunno, it was like makin' me think about when we get married, when I make you Mrs. McCarthy."
You were completely dumbfounded. Of course you know that both you and JJ were it for each other. Neither of you wanted anyone else for the rest of your lives. You only saw yourselves getting married to each, having kids with each other. But still, hearing him say it, was hot.
"Oh yeah? Well it's been almost five years, sweetheart. I was thinking maybe in the next couple I might have a ring?"
"Definitely. Hundred percent chance, no way I wait that long, it'll probably be sooner than a few years."
You smiled, holding him tighter than before. You didn't care when JJ proposed, seriously. You knew he would when it was the perfect time. He was always calculated like that, he knew when to do everything, throw a pass, run the ball, kiss you.
"Doesn't matter when to me. As long as I'm the only one you ever propose to."
Jay nodded against your chest, giggling to himself. He was so tired, you knew you had to make him go to sleep soon.
"Who else could there be? It's only ever been you. You're who I think of when I do headphones. I think that it's just the team, me, and you. I know you don't care if I lose by twenty touchdowns or win by a hundred."
You could've melted. JJ was especially sentimental real late when you were both on the brink of sleep, the air full of love. Thick, sweet, syrupy love that seeped into every crevice of your beings until you were soaked in it.
You motioned headphones over his head still pressed against your sternum, just for good measure. He was your JJ, always.
"I love you, champ."
You whispered as you heard his baby snores leave from his mouth, his head subconsciously shifting to the curve of your neck. All you could think, feel, and comprehend was love.
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richiekirschs · 1 year
SHE’S MY BABY — Spider-Man!Lottie Matthews
and i hope you don’t save some other girl…
warnings— fem reader (she/her used), typical spider-man shenanigans, gun mentions, ooc lottie probably
[part 1]
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lottie: when did you want to get coffee
lottie: 11:15 at little collins?
you: isn’t that in the city?
lottie: yeah but i can venmo you for the ferry fee
you: no it’s fine i can take the bridge
lottie: ok see you tmrw
you: here
you: sitting in a booth towards the back
Lottie’s late.
You’re anxiously checking your phone screen over and over, trying to make sure you haven’t missed any rain-check texts.
11:28. Nothing.
You fidget in your seat, bouncing your leg, looking at the door with hopeful eyes whenever the bell chimes.
At exactly 11:30, the door swings open, a frantic Lottie rushing in from the other side.
“I’m sorry!” she immediately says, collapsing into the booth. “This guy stole an old lady’s purse, and then—“
“Lottie,” you interrupt, “calm down. I’m not mad, I just thought you forgot.”
“No,” she promises, still a bit out of breath. “No, I actually swung over here.”
“What, like, with your webs?”
“Would you lower your voice?” she hisses.
“It’s New York, Lot,” you deadpan. “I literally saw a man taking a shit on the sidewalk.” You lock eyes with a man at the counter, leaning back to stretch his arms. You jerk your thumb at Lottie as you say, “She’s Spider-Man.”
“Shut the fuck up,” he says before turning back to his phone.
You sip from your drink. “So how exactly did this happen? Is this your weird attempt at a fursona?”
“It’s not a fursona,” she mumbles defensively. “I got bit by a spider. I guess it was, like, radioactive or something.”
“Radioactive?” you repeat. “Like the dogs in Chernobyl?”
“Yeah,” she replies, “except I didn’t grow any extra teeth like those fish. I fell onto this lady on the subway the night after and my hand got stuck to her shirt, and I… ripped it off…” She flushes pink.
“How the fuck did that happen?”
“I’m, like… sticky,” she informs you, embarrassed as she flexes her hands. You wrinkle your nose at sticky. “And I get these weird tingles right before something happens.”
“Does the web come out of you?” you question, genuinely intrigued.
“Yeah,” she shrugs. “I don’t have extra legs, though, before you ask.”
“How’d you get out last night?”
“I put the suit back on in the shower, then went back out the window. I went down the balcony into your bedroom. Natalie came in, though, so I hid on… the ceiling…” As the words leave her mouth, she clearly realizes how weird it sounds.
“I’m impressed, Lot,” you admit. “It’s been a year, and I never would’ve guessed it was you. I thought you had some secret lover and that’s why you were sneaking around.”
It’s her turn to wrinkle her nose. “God, no. I felt really bad about always leaving you, though.”
You shrug. “It’s definitely not as bad as when Tai and Van coincidentally sneak off to go have sex. They’re not even subtle about it.”
Lottie laughs, but she shifts uncomfortably, like someone just licked their finger and stuck it in her ear.
You frown. “You okay?”
She looks up, but it’s almost like she’s looking through you. Her eyes track movement in the window at your back.
She grabs her backpack. “I have to go.”
You turn around, but there’s nothing there. You whip back around to face her. “What the hell, Lottie?”
“I’m sorry!” she insists. “I’ll—I’ll call you, okay?”
She doesn’t give you time to respond before she’s sprinting out the door of the café, chasing down whatever she’d seen behind you.
You’re upset, to say the least.
You walk back to the ferry parking garage where you’d parked, grinding your teeth. If it were a cartoon, you might have steam coming out of your ears.
You have to take three laps around the garage before you finally find your car.
But as you approach your car, you can see a figure yanking at your driver’s side door.
“Hey!” you shout. “What the fuck?”
“This your car?” he asks.
“I’m not shouting at you for fun,” you snap.
“Give me your keys,” he commands.
“No, I’m not gonna give you my keys!”
He shoves his hand into the pocket of his jacket and points it at you. “Give me the fucking keys!”
“I can see your thumb sticking out, I know you don’t have a gun! It’s a piece of shit anyway, just back off—“
He starts forward, but he only gets a few steps in before something shoots past you—you literally blink and miss it, and when you look back at the man attempting to carjack you his hand is stuck to the wall with a fucking web.
Fucking Lottie.
“I thought she told you to back off, man,” Lottie sighs.
“Why do you sound like that?” the man asks, which is the same thing you’re wondering.
You know it’s Lottie, of course. But she’s using some weird, Ghostface-esque voice modulator.
“Sound like what?” she bluffs.
“No, I heard you earlier,” the man insists, “when you were chasing me. I know what a girl sounds like.”
“I’m not a girl!” Lottie shouts. “I’m a boy! Fuck—a man!”
If you hadn’t just been a victim of an attempted carjacking (and possibly murder), you would’ve bust out laughing. Lottie’s voice sounded very Mickey Altieri—it’s time, girlfriend!
“Man, I really don’t care,” the man shrugs, defeated.
Lottie mumbles, “Interrogation mode, off,” before turning back to you. “Go home, okay?”
You nod, surprisingly relieved by Lottie saving the day. You get into your car and turn the key.
“That’s gonna dissolve in 2 hours, okay?” Lottie tells the man, who’s still stuck to the wall.
“What?” he exclaims. “No, I need to get home!”
She jogs off. “2 hours! You deserve that!”
You can’t help but laugh as you start your drive home.
KITTY MEOWS! I pray this was as good as y’all wanted it to be… the second half is very heavily based on the scene of Donald Glover in Homecoming I thought it would be silly for Lottie 😞
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ynbabe · 6 months
Fake texts au- pt.15 bffs with the rookies+ "come pick me up I'm scared"
Okay, I was in my feels when I wrote this one, sooo- it's sad as shit 😭, this is a CW, I think?
| Masterlist |
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"Well, I didn't ask," You responded to Logan, who kept you company as you walked from your dorm to your university in the UK, he had been struggling with jet lag as he was back home for the two-week break for the Vegas GP.
"Well, why didn't ya?" He called out, you told him to do jumping jacks to help go to sleep, you didn't know how it would help but the thought of him jumping around made you laugh.
"Mate, I've gotta call you back," you looked at the huge crowd of men and women with expensive cameras and microphones in front of her university's gates, "Bruv, there's gotta be a celebrity or someone dead."
"Okay," he said, panting, "I think it worked, imma go sleep," he cut the call.
"Scuse me, imma just pass through, to actually study here," you pushed through the crowd till someone grabbed your book bag and yelled, "IT'S HER- IT'S Y/N L/N."
And then, the chaos started.
The cameras began flashing till you couldn't see, mics shoved in your face making scarps and bruises as people pushed and pulled you, yelling questions in your face.
"How do you know the F1 drivers?" one yelled,
"Are you dating any of them?" came another,
"Is it true you're related to Fernando Alonso?" A woman asked, grabbing your hoodie.
The whirlwind went on for a few more minutes, you tried your best to get out of the storm without saying something that might negatively impact their reputations, but then came those questions.
"How's the cushy life since you've got baby Schumacher's pockets?" you heard someone yell.
You finally found an exit, that's it, just five more feet and you'd be free, you know you could outrun them, "Hey, y/n! Who fucks better?" Some guy called out from behind you.
"Your Mother," you yelled back, throwing a punch at the disgustingly proud-looking, fifty-something-year-old man. Shock rippled through the crowd where laughter had run at the question just a few seconds before.
You used the distraction to run back to your dorm room, only your phone in hand, your bag having been yanked off your back in the mess.
"What the fuck?" You panted as you saw your dormmates outside your room, cash in hand, you pushed them aside and ran in, only to find your laptop and iPad missing, along with the camera Lando had gifted to you, the signed 'inchident' from Max and Charles, the polaroid of you, oscar and Logan camping in when you were teenagers and the 'Build a bear' Arthur had gotten you with him saying an inside joke.
You felt your face warm as anger and tears pricked at you.
You turned around to find the unreadable faces of your dormmates, "Where the fuck is my stuff?" You asked, hoping it was all a joke like you hadn't just lost everything that gave you hope, that gave you happiness.
"WHERE THE FUCK IS MY SHIT-" You yelled, slamming your hand on the room door, making your friends move back, one tried to speak, trying to make excuses, "DON'T CHAT TO ME, FUCK YOU-" you could hear your voice breaking, "fuck you," you did your best not to cry but it was becoming tough to not.
You ran out of the building, and despite their protests, you made your way through back alleys and corridors that only locals would know of, pulling up your hood in case anyone recognised you.
You thought of who you could call, Logan was in America, god you wished Logan was here with you, he wouldn't have let this happen in the first place, you laughed to yourself. Oscar and Arthur weren't around either. Max, Charles and Lando were all in Monaco, and you definitely not going to let Mick, someone you'd known barely for a month see you like this, and he wasn't in the UK.
You wiped your hands down your face, and dialled on your phone, "Alex..." your voice trembled against his cheerful greeting, making him worry, "Can you come pick me up please," you tried not to break down. How did it get to this?
"Yes, give me a few, are you okay? Y/n? Hey-" You cut the call, sending him your location. How were you asking for Alex's help? The same man who'd pat you awkwardly on your head every time he saw you. Someone who'd begun treating you like a little sister, along with Logan, bringing you food from the cafeteria, sneaking in Redbulls. Someone who you'd tease calling your older brother, making him cringe about 'I'm not that much older', so maybe he was the right one to go to.
You saw a car pull up and you knew it was Alex, seeing him through the driver's side window. You got into the car, only phone in hand and the clothes on your back. "Hey, what are-?" Came a protest from George, who was in the passenger seat, but stopped as soon as he saw you sitting in the seat, you really didn't want this to be your first impression.
The car didn't move, like he was waiting for some form of explanation, "You'll see," you whispered, making him sigh and drive.
As he passed the gates of your university, they saw what you had been running from, and both their eyes widened. Alex looked into the back-view mirror at your face and decided not to say anything. George on the other hand, began cursing the crowd, calling some people on his phone.
You couldn't make out what he was saying, too tired and too scared.
"Hey, y/n wake up," Alex moved your arm, startling you awake, you saw you were in a car park and got out the car, following mindlessly, behind George, who was typing his code in. If Alex noticed it, he kept it to himself, but you could tell he was concerned about something.
You followed as they led to the apartment, you sat on the couch, if it were a normal, visit you'd be off the walls about the beautiful place, with floor-to-ceiling windows and plants everywhere, terracotta furniture to match the gloomy blue-grey sky.
"Um, George's place was closer, hope that's okay," Alex spoke, softly like it would spook you. He was right.
"I'll make tea, then," George nodded and walked off.
"M-My phone's dead, I think," you sniffled out.
"Y/n, that's not really-" He began,
"Can I charge it please?" I asked, if I tried to pretend this disaster didn't happen, maybe it would be like it wouldn't have.
He took the phone out of your half-stretched hand, attaching it to a charging cord, a small 'ding' telling you that it was indeed charging.
"Y/n, what happened?" He asked sitting next to you on the sofa.
"They took everything," you began, making him frown, George too, was out of his depth, placing the tray with three mugs of tea, "M-My frie- roommates, sold my laptop and iPad, and all the things I'd gotten from you all." You began, but this time you couldn't hold in the tears that pricked at your eyes.
You cried into the sleeve of your hoodie, curling into yourself on the sofa.
All those memories were lost. You had photos all the way from your childhood on that laptop and now they were gone.
"Oh, um," He went in to hug you and patted your head, making you laugh.
''See! There we go!" He smiled wide, making you laugh more, "Here," he passed you a mug of tea, it had cooled off a little, so you could drink it.
"You punched someone?" Came George's voice, it was the only thing he'd said to you.
You looked sheepishly at your right fist, the knuckles of which had turned a nasty red.
"No worries, I'll go get a first-aid," He said, walking to get it, when he was back he sat you on your other side, "You know," he poured some anti-septic onto a cotton pad, "I think, you handled it quite well, they were some stupid questions," He said as he moved onto your face.
You hissed, "Wait, what?" You asked, "It's already on the net?" You felt another wave of anger and tears.
"Yup," Alex said, moving his phone to you, showing a reel on Instagram, where the man was asking you that question, edited with the 'your mom' sound and a 'thwack' when the punch landed, ending with an edit of you in cat ears and a high-pitched fast-paced song.
"What... the fuck?" You didn't know where to laugh or cry.
"Mate, why the edits?" George asked scoffing.
"Wait, check Twitter," You suggested suddenly seeing the hilarity of the situation, "ARE FUCKING KIDDING ME?" You yelled, gulping the last of your tea, "YOUR MOTHER IS TRENDING??" it wasn't on top of the trending list but it was there.
"Y/n... I think you're going to love this," George showed something on his phone, they'd turned your voice into an audio, and there were already hundreds of videos being made on it on TikTok.
"Fuck my life."
.xX A few hours later Xx.
George had given one of his flannels, noticing how dirty your hoodie had gotten.
The three of you ordered takeout and watched The Walking Dead all afternoon, he genuinely reminded you of a posh London Mother.
In the middle of season 2, George got a call, "Hello-" He began but was cut off almost immediately and you could hear the man on the phone's voice till out.
"WHERE IS SHE?" Another voice yelled, "IS SHE OKAY??" All the sudden noise made George flinch and pull the phone away from him.
He quickly passed the phone off to you, and you were bombarded by three heavily accented Monganesque accents, "Hi, guys it's me," You responded making the call go silent for a second and then they all began screaming again, loudest was Arthur, then came Charlie's voice. Lastly, It was Lorenzo who got both the others to keep quiet.
You used the peaceful moment to excuse yourself to another room.
"Are you okay, y/n?" He asked and you replied with a small yes, he hummed and passed the phone.
"Y/n, oh my god, I saw the posts," Charles began, "Those people were stupid to attack you like that," He comforted you.
"Thank you, Charlie," You said, a small smile on your face.
You waited as words were exchanged in French and you heard footsteps on the other end of the line.
"I'm sorry Y/n, that should have never happened, it is all because of us," his voice rang sad.
"It's okay, Arthur, we'll talk about this when we're together okay?" You responded, and he kept apologising as he cut the call.
Next came Logan's call, just as you were about to call him, "What the fuck is wrong with people?" He questioned, his tone angry, "You could have gotten hurt. Like seriously hurt. This is bullshit." He yelled, but then his voice softened, "You aren't hurt are you?"
"No, not much, I've got a few bruises and cuts but all mint other than that." He hummed as you spoke, and began asking you other questions and you told him about what your roommates had done, you could hear that he was livid but kept trying to be calm for you.
And when Oscar called, that's when it finally hit you again, that feeling of losing everything that you held dear, "Y/n, please don't cry," came his voice from the other end, "Please don't cry while I'm away cause then I can't do anything about it," his voice broke.
"They took all our stuff, Osc, all the way from the first time we met to the last time we got McDonald's together, everything," you sniffled and you could hear the frown in his voice.
"I'm sure we can get it back, don't worry y/n, we'll figure it out, ya know, we've all got your back, speaking of which, you'd better call Max right away, he's with Lando, his bombarding my phone as we speak," He complained, returning some normalcy to your situation.
You cut the call and called Max, and it was Lando who spoke first, cursing at the media and complementing your punch and quick response and then Max took over.
"Firstly, are you okay?" He asked, making you say yes, "Secondly, I've got a lawyer ready, tell me and we'll fight this. We can find a way to get your stuff back." you didn't know what to say.
"Yes, yes, please," you spoke for a little longer before you had to excuse yourself. You had to call someone, someone you know who was going to be livid.
"Hiiiiii," You spoke into the phone, awaiting a response.
"Y/n, how are you, kiddo?" Your uncle's voice rang out. He had been taking care of you ever since you were a teenager, not that you needed much, a place to stay and school.
"I'm fine, it was bound to happen one day," you exhaled at the unfairness of it all.
"I know, I heard what your bastardas friends did," and you could hear the anger in his voice, "Names, and I will get it sorted," He asked making you giggle, he'd always been like this ever since you had showed up on his doorstep.
You told him not to do anything rash but that Max had gotten you a lawyer, he seemed proud of Max for that.
You told him you had to leave since it wasn't your phone you'd been using.
You walked inside, apologising for hogging the phone but George just waved his hand, too invested in whatever episode that was playing. He'd gotten out a bottle of wine (Of course he had,) and he and Alex were busy deep-diving into the show's lore.
He'd kept you a glass, which you gladly accepted.
As the day progressed, you took your leave, but not before George offering you the guest room, saying Alex would take the sofa, which made the other man kick the taller blonde, as you took your leave, having booked an Uber and hotel room for the week, you could still hear them play fighting.
As you were in the car, Mick called you, and you were surprised he had.
"Hey, Y/n! How are you?" He asked,
"Good, you?" You were good at pretending everything was okay, you got an A+ in coping mechanisms class in school!
"Can't be worse than, you know, punching someone," he laughed, you had realised, that the both of you had a sense of humour that really just clicked.
"Oh mate, that was the good part!" You made sure that your payment had gone through with the Uber driver and walked into the hotel. They already had your room ready (courtesy of George, you were sure,) and you only needed to show an ID to be led in, without any other questions.
"Yeah... I saw all the clips on Instagram," He sighed.
"It was kind of crazy, I can't even imagine how it must be for you guys!" You put the phone on speaker and looked through the room service options.
You were going to have lunch in your dorm's cafeteria but that loan had kind of fallen apart, and anyways tea and wine wasn't nearly enough to make you forget the shit show that happened today.
"Mate you won't believe what else happened," You told him about the laptop.
"What the fuck,"
"RIGHT- anyways, I hope they don't get into my drive 'cause I have some in there that is not for public eyes, like imagine they saw the video of your horrible Ghostface impression?" You laughed at him, making him remember the party.
"Oh, Please, it was amazing, I scared you!" He yelled,
"And then you shrieked when Logan did the same to you,"
"Well yes, but he was dressed as Anakin, y/n! I'm not competing with that!" He gasped, shivering at how the hair on his neck raised when Logan did the voice.
"Oh mate please, but that's not even the worst of it, I've got a video of Max and Charles, slow dancing, and literally everything Lando and Carlos do is incriminating."
"That is true, I didn't see them for half of the party," he insinuated.
"Well, you and Arthur were pretty busy seeing who could down more shots," You snickered.
"Well, it wouldn't have become that big if Oscar didn't egg us on!" He complained as he had for days after the party but all he got from Oscar was a smug smirk, with an evil look in his eyes whenever he did something like that.
You spoke till room service came in and then excused yourself to drown in pasta and Netflix.
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Taglist: @dark-night-sky-99 @cashtons-wife @i-wish-this-was-me @thehufflepuffavenger1 @eugene-emt-roe @fangirl-dot-com @landosgirlxoxo @aquangxl @sachaa-ff @tyna-19 @assholeinatrenchcoat @allenajade-ite @megatrilss1885 @squirreljoe @jsjcue @s4turnsl0ver @yl90 @elijahslover
352 notes · View notes
desert-fern · 10 months
A Gun Amongst Daggers - Jake “Hangman” Seresin X Fem!Navy Seal Reader
Part 15: Game of Survival
Summary: When Jake meets a woman at the Hard Deck, the last thing he expects is for her to be a Navy Seal. And not just any Seal, the Commander of Seal Team 3. She’s beautiful, smart, dangerous, and everything about her just makes him want to get close. Her name? Bear. When the Seals need backup, Cyclone puts the Daggers on their radar and now, Jake has to work with Bear and her team, all the while trying to stay professional. Can he do it? Or will he end up falling for the Navy sniper and mission Commander?
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*GIF is not mine*
A/N: Song title is from the song of the same name, Game of Survival by Ruelle
Warnings: mentions of death, mentions of torture (not described), blood, dissassociation, mention of injuries sustained by torture (very briefly glossed over ie. mentions of cuts, bruises, broken bone), fluffy bits, flashbacks, please let me know if I missed anything.
Word Count: 5.1k (I wanted to make you all less mad at me, but I might have done the opposite)
Masterlist >> Part 14 >> Part 16
Bear closed her eyes, tuning out the sounds of fist on flesh echoing through the little cell. Starbursts of pain splintered through her exhausted body, the fight trying to leave her with every screamed word in Urdu, every fist that was thrown, and every kick that landed against her already battered body.
Her gear had been stripped from her, discarded somewhere in the desert, leaving her in just her undershirt and pants. All her weapons were gone. Even the non-weapons that she could have used had been taken. Her belt had been used against her, she had open wounds to prove that. Her boot laces were also gone, having been shredded and thrown on the floor in front of her. She was defenseless, left hanging from her arms, toes just touching the now blood-spattered floor.
Bear was trapped. There were no two ways about it. Since her sacrifice for her team and Jake, she had been here, enduring the fists and curses of enemies that she had sworn to destroy. That sacrifice was 16 days ago. Five days ago, she had turned one of her boot laces into a garrotte, killing three men, before getting not quite a kilometer away. She had been hauled back by her hair, body bruised and scraped by the sand, being dropped in front of the man who had taken charge. He had been disorganized since the start, temper balancing on the edge of a knife.
He had screamed at her. Berating her. And thanks to the limited Urdu she knew, all Bear could figure out was that his boss was dead, and that she would tell them who did it. However, she had put the final bullet in their missing leader’s body as she and her team burst through the doors of the bunker in the basement of al-Hameed’s compound days ago. Not that she was going to tell him that. All she had said was her service number, over and over and over. 175-66-23. It had become a mantra that she repeated, frustrating him even more.
But her team. Shit. Was her team okay? Had they made it back after she blacked out? Had Jake survived? The only reason she was here was because he needed her to buy them time. God, if Jake was gone… no. NO! She couldn’t think like that. Not here, not now. “Think Bear,” she urged mentally, eyes seeing the knife that had been dug out from somewhere. “Think about Jake. What about that one night?”
Distantly, she felt the red-hot pain, but mentally, Bear was back in her office, pouring over files.
There was a knock at her door, making her glance up. It was late. Damn near 2100, everyone had gone home. So who was this? “Come in!” She called out, closing her folder.
The door opened and it was Jake, holding something? “Hey Teddy, hope I didn’t disturb you.”
She shook her head, smiling at him. “You didn’t. Why are you here, it’s late.”
“You’re still here,” he countered, smirking at her as he leaned against the doorframe. “But I brought dinner. Figured you hadn’t eaten yet because you are in the same position I saw you in before I left.”
Bear made a face. Come to think of it, she hadn’t eaten. Like clockwork, her stomach rumbled, making Jake chuckle. “…there might be some truth to that,” she admitted, taking in the sight of him standing in her doorway. She knew she shouldn’t stare, but the plain black tee and dark jeans were doing something for her. Bear gave her head a minute shake before gesturing to the chair in front of her desk. “You wanna sit? I don’t think I’ve spoken to anyone since training this afternoon.”
“Sure. Thanks.” Jake slid into the chair, crossing one foot over his knee as he leaned forward to try and sneak a peek at what Bear was working on.
“Hey!” Bear flapped the closed file at him. “Get your nose out of there! You don’t need to know that!”
Jake sat back with a chuckle. “Okay, okay. I won’t look at… munitions reports?”
Bear stared at him, one eyebrow raised. The look on his face made her burst out laughing. “I-I-I’m sorry!” she wheezed, one hand coming up to wipe her eyes. “God I pity Maverick some days. He only has 12 of you but the shit you pull?” She kept laughing, Jake watching in amusement.
“Okay, okay, okay. Here. Eat something before you pass out.” Jake slid the glass container across her desk, a fork sitting on top.
She looked at him curiously. “What is it?”
“Just eat.”
Bear opened the container and nearly moaned at the smell. The smell of oregano and melted cheese wafted out, filling the air around her. Digging in, she couldn’t help herself as a small groan slipped out. “What is this?”
“My mom’s pasta bake. Figured it was a safe bet since you devoured that pizza a week ago,” Jake replied, smiling at her. In his head however, he was struggling. The sound Bear made? God he wanted to find a way to hear those again and again for the rest of his life. “Plus, it saved my ass more than once.”
“Oh yeah?” Bear asked around a mouthful of pasta. Chewing quickly, she swallowed and repeated herself, making Jake laugh. “What?”
“Nothing. Nothing,” he told her. “You just look cute.” Jake grinned as the tips of her ears reddened, spreading down to her neck.
Bear was yanked from her memory by the sound of the cell door slamming shut. She felt the cuts on her body, miniscule in nature, but full of bright sparking pain. It physically hurt her to come out of her mind, but she was thankful for the reprieve it gave her.
The men had left, at one point letting one hand hang loose so she could eat. Someone must have pointed out that she was no use to them if she died because they didn’t feed her. She didn’t want to eat, but Bear knew she needed to. How else would she have enough energy to fight to free herself? So she grabbed the piece of flatbread that sat nearby, using her teeth to tear off pieces as she held it with her free hand.
Not even 20 seconds after she finished eating, one of the men came in and cuffed her wrist back up again before leaving as suddenly as he came in. Left alone to her thoughts once again, Bear felt her thoughts wandering to her team. She hoped that Priya was managing okay. Her second was a natural leader, but under the circumstances of her taking control? That was a whole new set of challenges. And she knew that. Bear had taken control of a spiraling operation after her Commander had been killed, and as the highest ranking member of the group, she became the boss. That had been the defining factor in her promotion to take permanent leadership as the Commander of Seal Team 3.
But was her team okay? Was Jake alive? What about the Daggers? She had more questions than answers right now and it drove her crazy. So like dimming the lights, Bear let those thoughts fade away into a kinder memory, chasing her doubts and fears back behind the curtain where they had taken up a near permanent residence.
In this memory, Bear saw herself on the beach, sitting on the sand and wrapped in a blanket. She had been unable to fall asleep after the day’s training. It had forced her to realize that someone was likely not coming home alive and that realization would always hurt. Operations were designed for minimal friendly casualties while maximizing enemy elimination, and none of the scenarios that she had run today created less than ten casualties on the breaching team. It was humbling, the realization. Her team was her family away from her parents. She had no one else.
She didn’t know how long she had sat there, lost in her thoughts, planning out possible drills and other tactics, until someone tapped her on the shoulder, startling her. In her mind, all she could think was ATTACKER and the other person soon found themself flat on their back in the sand with Bear’s arm pressed to their throat. “Teddy!”
Blinking, Bear looked down and saw Jake underneath her, his green eyes wide in a combination of what looked like fear and something she couldn’t quite make out. She jolted back, still straddling his hips but giving him room to sit up. “What the actual fuck?! Did anyone tell you not to sneak up on me?”
Shaking the sand out of his hair, Jake gave her a sheepish look. “Phoenix might have mentioned it once…”
She just shook her head in disbelief. “Unbelievable… You idiot! I could have killed you!”
Jake made a face before yelling back “BUT YOU DIDN’T!”
Bear just stared at him, before starting to laugh. She knelt back in the sand, her weight still resting on his lower thighs as she laughed until she cried.
“Jeez. Didn’t think I was that funny, Teddy,” he remarked, beginning to laugh with her. “Gotta admit, thought I was gonna die for a few seconds there.”
He was met with a flat stare in such contrast from the laugh that had come from her moments earlier. “If I was armed, you would be walking away with a scar at best,” Bear admitted with a wicked grin.
“And at worst?”
Bear shrugged. “At worst, I would be burying your body on the beach.”
Her nonchalant tone sent a shiver down Jake’s spine at the look in her eyes that accompanied it. Her brown eyes glimmered in amusement that seemed to shine in the moonlight, and Jake felt himself fall just a little more in love with her. “Good to know, Teddy. Good to know.”
Bear only winked at him, before realizing her position on top of him. “Shit. Sorry, I’ll move,” she said, her voice suddenly small.
“Teddy,” he said, catching her wrist, his large hand wrapping around her arm and squeezing once gently. “I don’t mind, honest.”
“But if someone saw us, I could lose my job, Flyboy.”
Jake chuckled at her antics. “Bear. It’s the middle of the night, and we are out in the middle of a random beach on miles of coastline. We’re fine.”
The soothing tone of his voice was enough for Bear to settle back down on his legs, shaking her head at him. “I’m blaming you though. If someone does see us.”
“I’ll take all the blame, Teddy. Jus’ keep sittin’ pretty.”
Suddenly, Bear was thankful for the darkness around them. Her cheeks flushed pink and she hid her face in her shoulder, trying to avoid the intensity in the green eyes of the man in front of her. It was a very significant change from the usual confidence she exuded, and it made Jake grin, having discovered this part of her. “So,” she finally spoke. “What are you doing out here this late?”
“Couldn’t sleep. You?” Jake still had Bear’s wrist in his hand and he let his thumb trace shapes over the back of her hand, reveling in the softness of her skin despite the job she did.
“Me neither,” Bear whispered, her breath hitching at the gentleness at which his hand touched her. It had been awhile since she had been touched with anything but aggression. The Seals weren’t a profession that believed in coddling and she had quickly abandoned hope at ever finding that gentleness again. But here was Jake. Fucking Hangman. An arrogant asshole that supposedly only cared for himself. At least that was the word on base. “Shit,” she thought. “I can’t be doing this.” But she stayed where she was, eyes drifting over to watch the ocean ebb and flow, taking with it her anxiety and worries.
Jake watched her, noticing the shift in her body language, how her shoulders lost the tension that always seemed to be resting there. “Whatcha thinkin’ about?”
He watched Bear shrug. “Everything, nothing,” she commented distractedly, still staring at the ocean. “Being in charge is hard.”
“That so?”
“Yeah.” She paused, shaking her head a little. “My mom always told me that I was too determined for my own good. That one day, if I wasn’t careful, I’d get hurt. It’s funny how it’s just settling in.”
“And what about your dad?” Jake asked softly, like he was trying not to disturb her. She was warm somehow in the cold night air, the skin under his palm radiating an unexpected heat.
Bear grinned at him. “I don’t have one. I have two moms, Flyboy.”
Jake blinked. “Oh.”
“Yeah. Oh,” she teased. “Surprised?”
“A little. But it makes sense,” he admitted. “They anything like Nix?”
Bear hummed. “I don’t know. My mama, yes to a degree. My mom, no. I don’t know how to explain it, but they always warned me that sometimes I flew too high. I just hope they aren’t right.”
Jake’s heart panged with sympathy. “There’s nothin’ wrong with being ambitious. Look at you. You’re incredible, the first female Seal Commander in years, 60 kills to your record. Plus you’re a nice person so…” he trailed off, watching her blush climb up to her ears.
“Stop. You’re just saying that.”
“Hell no. Look at me,” Jake let go of her wrist to turn her face back to his, catching how her face heated and her gaze dropped his, choosing to look at his collarbones. “Look at me. I don’t give compliments often, so this is a little out of character for me, but that voice in there,” he tapped his finger against her forehead, “That voice needs to learn to shut up, because you have done this, you can do this, and you will bring them all back. Trust yourself. I do.”
Bear finally met his gaze, eyes wet with unshed tears. “Fuck you for knowing what to say,” she chuckled, trying to play it off.
“I mean it.” Jake’s gaze was firm but kind, eyes trying to convey the feelings he had for Bear, whether or not they were reciprocated. She needed encouragement and he was more than happy to offer it.
Bear’s head was swimming, Jake’s words mixing with her thoughts. They felt like slipping into cool water during a hot day, a balm to a bruise she hadn’t known was there. “Thank you,” she whispered, stifling a yawn. “I needed that.”
His face split into a familiar cocky grin. “I told you,” he crowed into the darkness, heart seeming to swell as she laughed, head thrown back before she wobbled and placed a hand to steady herself against his chest. She was beautiful, mirth making her eyes sparkle. Then again, she was always beautiful. Even at 2 am in the darkness as the ocean wind whipped her hair around. “Now grab your blanket, my truck’s back there. I have a constellation I want you to see.”
And she followed. They had fallen asleep in the bed of his truck, woken by the sun’s first morning rays, the two of them having been drawn together in sleep. Bear had a glimpse of Jake at peace and it stopped her heart as she took in the gold threading through his hair, the slow rise and fall of his chest, and his warmth. The sun painted him in gold, wreathing his head in fire like a matching crown to the one that opened in her heart as she took him in.
It was simple. It was peaceful. Yet Bear vowed, swore with every fiber that she would make sure that both of them returned home. It wasn’t possible for her to survive without Jake’ gentleness, his kindness.
So in the ever-growing sunlight, Bear memorized every freckle, every detail of Jake’s sleeping face. If she couldn’t have him, then at least she could have the memories. She was drawn from her thoughts at the sound of Jake’s deep voice seeming to crackle through the stillness of the morning. “Y’re starin’.”
Bear only smiled, letting Jake grab hold of her and pull her into his arms. She hummed, wiggling a little before settling and dozing off under the rays of the new day’s sun, letting both its warmth and that of the man beside her lull her back into sleep.
The clanging of the cell door jerked her back to reality. A small child stood in the concrete room, his eyes wide in fear. He couldn’t have been more than eight. He held something out to her, but in the darkness, she couldn’t make out what it was. In broken English, the little boy spoke. “Is key. To the cuffs.”
“What?” Bear asked, confused as to why this child would help her, but even more so at what a child was doing here. If the light was better, maybe then she would have recognized him as the child from the compound that Flare had spotted and pointed out. But the limited light cast his face in shadow, obscuring that detail.
“Soldier.” He pointed at her. “Friend.” Then he pointed out the door where the sounds of drunken shouting echoed down the hall. “Bad men. They hurt my mama.”
Bear’s heart hurt for this little boy. He was too young to know the things he did. Too young to be here. And here he was, trying to save her. “Thank you. What’s your name?” she whispered, watching the entryway closely.
“Amir,” he said shyly.
“Hi Amir. You can call me Bear.” She smiled at him, unable to do much else. “Can you climb on that chair,” she told him, pointing at it. “And give me the key?” Amir nodded, scrambling quickly to the chair and passing her the key. Bear clutched it in her fist, giving him a nod. “Thank you.”
“I go,” he said, pointing at the door.
“Bye,” she whispered, giving him a little wave, which he returned before he snuck out the door and closed it behind him.
Bear began to plan. She had a key to the bars that caged her in, an unlikely and secret ally, and nothing to lose. Her team had no idea where she was. Hell, Bear had no idea where she was, all she knew was that she was getting out, hopefully soon, when the opportunity presented itself. For now though, she shut her eyes and tried to get some sleep to keep her strength up. She was going to need it.
Surprisingly, the men let her sleep. Maybe it was because they had been absolutely drunk off their asses the night before, but when they entered her cell, the sun was already high in the sky and her cell had begun to feel like a sauna.
“Who killed him?” One of the men demanded as Bear slowly lifted her head. She blinked away sleep, opening one eye against the brightness in the cell.
“I don’t know.” Bear had been saying those words for the better part of two weeks now. She was exhausted, infection was setting in and it had become harder and harder to fight back. “I don’t know.”
The man cackled, saying something to his friend in Urdu. The tone of his voice made her skin crawl and it didn’t take a translator for Bear to grasp the concept of which he was speaking to her so crudely. “He said you knew. He said the…” the man paused, stumbling over the English wording “…informant was right”
“Who said that?” Bear was intrigued and frightened. Someone knew her moves, her play. Someone had told these men that she knew something about who had killed al-Hameed, and considering it had been her bullet, this was a big problem. That meant that someone was a mole and since only her people had informants out of the teams, it had to be someone on her team.
Oh fuck. The realization was sobering. Betrayal, especially one of this caliber, was nearly unheard of. Her team was loyal and Bear would stake her life on that fact, except now she had and it appeared that she had no more moves to make.
“We ask the questions. Not you,” the man snapped, poking her in the chest directly over a cut and Bear struggled not to react. Her ribs screamed as the man put more and more pressure over the cuts and bruises that littered her torso. She was able to get her foot up, kicking him hard in the ribs and watching with barely concealed rage the look that flashed over his face.
This man wanted to hurt her. Wanted to hear her scream and she would not do him the pleasure. So when he stormed forwards, his fist raised to punch her, Bear slipped back through the curtain in her mind that replayed memories, drawing solace in the steady quiet.
It had been a random Tuesday when Bear found out that Jake hadn’t seen her favorite Marvel movie. “I’m sorry but that’s unacceptable, Flyboy. How can you not have seen it?”
Jake had shrugged. “I don’t know. I just haven’t.” Bear was giving him shit and yet he still had the biggest smile on his face. It was funny watching a Navy Seal lose her mind over the fact he hadn’t seen a movie. “But I’m sure I could be persuaded to watch it, Teddy.”
“I hope so. As far as I’m concerned, this is treason.” Bear was grinning like an idiot, but trying to remain serious. However Jake’s smirk and the sparkle in his eyes were forcing her to reevaluate her intentions. “Tonight. If you have nothing else going on, watch it with me.”
“What time?” The words flew out of Jake’s mouth as soon as Bear finished speaking, surprising the Hell out of both of them. “Sorry. Let me try that again. No, I'm not doing anything. I’d love to watch The Winter Soldier with you. What time do you want me there?” Jake said awkwardly, scratching the back of his neck in effort to regain his lost dignity.
Bear chuckled, her own blush rising in her cheeks at Jake’s eagerness. “What works for you?” she asked, shifting her weight to her other leg, before tugging at the straps of her vest, trying to pull it off.
“I can be over around 6?” She knew that he was staring at her, watching as her shirt rode up when she pulled off the gear and it made her smirk a little as she did.
She grinned, shuffling the vest off, and folded it over her arm. “6 sounds great. Bring snacks.”
Jake’s split wide into an excited smile. “Popcorn?”
“Nah. I’ve got some. Just bring whatever you want for snacks, I’ll get pizza,” Bear told him. She was trying to hide her own grin, but was failing to keep the excitement from dancing in her eyes. After their conversation on the beach, she and Jake had become closer, sharing inside jokes and stifled laughter as they met up for coffee on weekends and slowly grew to know the other person. The only thing Jake didn’t yet know was her actual name.
A cracking sound shattered the memory she was hiding in. The pain that erupted in her side told her that at least one rib was broken, but Bear knew that she would prove to be a useless captive. Unwilling and determined to keep her secrets. But that didn’t mean she wasn’t scared. God no. Bear was terrified. Terrified for herself, for Amir. Afraid and worried about her team, if they were coming for her or if they too had discovered this mole within their organization.
“Who. Killed. Him.” The man, she’d heard whispers that his name was Saif, was insistent, demanding answers from the woman who remained silent, eyes glazed over like she wasn’t present.
“175-66-23,” Bear wheezed out, a look of defiance filling her eyes “175-66-23.”
“I warned you.” And Bear watched him flinch as she shook out her leg, taking that fraction of a second to grip the key in her hand before sliding into her memories once more.
She found herself sitting on her couch with Jake, the two of them bantering over the best Marvel characters as the movie sat paused on the TV screen. “Nope. No way. I like Tony. But he is not my favorite!” Bear argued, eyes wide and blinking at Jake, who wore his signature shit-eating grin.
“Is that right?”
“Yes!” She stared at Jake, watching the amusement flicker across his face, noting the smirk and Bear gasped in mock horror. “You’re just trying to get a rise out of me!”
Jake leaned closer, wiggling his eyebrows. “I think I did get a rise out of you,” he told her. He had once again gotten lost in her eyes, watching humor sparkle through them. But he was too late to catch the flicker of smugness before a handful of popcorn hit him in the face. “Hey!”
Bear laughed, ducking as Jake tossed him popcorn at her. A piece hit the end of her nose, making her scrunch it up at the feeling. “Jake! You got popcorn everywhere!”
“And you didn’t?” He fired back. “You started this mess.”
“Oh sure, blame the host,” Bear snarked back, but the look on her face was playful and teasing. She loved the banter that she had with Jake, loved how his face lit up when she challenged him. Bear had gathered that not a lot of women did that right from their first meeting at the Hard Deck weeks ago.
“Well, if the shoe fits…” Jake trailed off, picking a piece of popcorn off of her shirt and eating it. He was having the time of his life and he watched as the look on Bear’s face went from amused to mischievous. She lunged at him, tickling her fingers into his sides, laughing loudly as he shrieked, trying to bat her hands away.
Bear had the upper hand for a good five minutes until Jake snuck his hand under her shirt to tickle her side, laughter rippling from him as the woman before him screeched. She tried to push herself from the couch, desperate to escape his torment. But all it took was Jake’s other hand to grab her hip and pull her back down half under him as he continued his assault.
Her pleas for mercy were broken up with wheezing giggles and Bear couldn’t gather herself enough to fight back against Jake, who was struggling to breathe due to his laughter at the look on Bear’s face. “Ooookay! Okay! Okay! Stop iiiiiittttt!” she finally managed to squeal, shoving her hand in his direction, batting away his hands.
Jake relented, watching as Bear took a deep breath, still giggling. “What?” She said, watching the look on his face soften.
“Nothin’, jus’ you underestimated me,” Jake replied. “You might be a badass Navy Seal, but I have younger siblings and nieces and nephews. I can and will win a tickle fight.”
Bear grinned from her position on her back. She was halfway off of the couch, her lower back on the armrest. The only reason she wasn’t on the floor was Jake’s hand gripping her hip. He was basically holding her in place, and Bear would be lying if that show of strength didn’t make her a little hot under the collar. But there was no way that that little detail would ever be realized. Jake didn’t see her like that. Why would he? So she pushed it away. “Guess I did.”
“Did I hear you right?” Jake asked, giving her a feigned wide-eyed look. “Did a US Navy Seal just say that she underestimated little ole me?” He pitched his voice up at the end, trying to get her to laugh. And she did. The sound seemed to echo inside his mind and Jake found himself wanting to record it. Just so he could treasure the laughter she gave him when so many people didn’t have the pleasure.
“Shut up,” Bear shot back, trying to curb her giggles. “God damn, I can’t remember the last time I laughed that hard.”
Jake just grinned at her, his thumb absentmindedly swiping softly along the small patch of skin that had been revealed when her shirt rode up. “You should do it more.”
Butterflies erupted in her stomach at his words and Bear knew that her cheeks had gotten pink again. Something about Jake just flustered her and she had been struggling to hold herself together since that first training session she’d organized. “Laugh?”
“Mmm.” The sound of his hum sent a shiver down her spine as Bear took note of their current position. She shuffled a little, trying to get back on the couch, but her foot knocked against Jake’s knee, sending him tumbling face first into her lap. “Shit, sorry,” Jake apologized, his words slightly muffled against her thigh.
“N-no you’re fine,” Bear stuttered. Internally however, she was screaming. Jake was in her lap. Jake. Hangman. That one blond pilot. Fuck, how long had it been since she’d been touched? “Based on that reaction,” she thought, “Too fucking long.”
Jake, on the other hand, was dying. He had practically thrown himself forwards into Bear’s lap when her foot had kicked his knee. If he had put a little more into the fall than necessary, he wasn’t about to tell. “You sure?”
“Yeah,” Bear’s voice was considerably less shaky than it had been moments before, but she knew that her face was bright red from what had just transpired. “I’m sure. We should uh… probably finish the movie.”
He turned his head, from where he’d been facing the TV, to look up at Bear. “You aren’t going to let this go, are you?”
They had finished the movie in that position, Jake laying with his head pillowed on Bear’s thigh as he lay between her legs, while Bear ran a cautious hand through his hair. Unbeknownst to her though, Jake had melted the moment Bear’s hand tugged gently through his hair, carefully picking through the knots that had dried in while they had been goofing off. He was absolutely, irrevocably in love with her. There were no two ways about it. Jake promised himself at this moment, if Bear wanted him, he’d be hers.
The clanging of the cell door pulled Bear once more from her reverie. This time, her breath punched out of her chest as the pain she’d avoided hit her in full force, nearly making her puke. They had been rougher than usual. Something wasn’t adding up, and if she were a betting woman, she would place her money on whoever it was funneling information to them. But she knew that she couldn’t take much more of this. Her palm hurt from the key’s teeth digging into her skin and she vowed to free herself tonight.
A/N: Do I need to hide or am I safe? Big big thank you to @startrekfangirl2233 @sarahsmi13s for proofreading and all the love to @dakotakazansky who helped me do some restructuring!
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Taglist: @horseshoegirl @roosters-girl @lovinglyeternal @lavenderbradshaw @roosterforme @bobby-r2d2-floyd @bradleybeachbabe @footprintsinthesxnd @twsssmlmaa @fandomxpreferences @dempy @gizmodear @fighterpilothoe @chaoticassidy @eli2447 @iwantmyredvelvetcupcake @djs8891 @rhirhikingston @sisterslytherinog @impossiblebagelcowboyfreak @sgt-barnesveins @taytaylala12 @urmom-999 @formulapierre @pinkpantheris @havlindzk @a-beaverhausen @killcomet @buxkybarnez @topgunruinedme @hangmanscoming @smoothdogsgirl @a-court-of-roscoe-and-baby
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alright, let's keep moving with that DCEU watch bc i have the time today. time for David F. Sandberg's Shazam! Fury of the Gods (2023). here's to hoping this has retained the spirit and heart of the original and improved the superhero aspects because they were the worst part of Shazam! (2019).
i've been trying to get a more accurate video player setup working for like 2 hours, i was using basically stock MPC-BE for the most part but some of the images looked a little soft to me even compared to something basic like a VLC (which i only really keep for its subtitle downloading feature bc it's the easiest to use, and tbh it could've been using sharpening filters, i didn't really check) and Potplayer (which is the only way i can get two subtitles to display simultaneously for media with multiple subs like fansubs or different translations or something, and also it's got like pretty good video output). i tried to look into MPV and the amount of work and scripts everyone was recommending kind of broke me, so i'm just using like the base form of mpv.net bc it's got a GUI, with like GPU decoding turned on which was the one common thing everyone recommended from my research.
hopefully this is better image quality then like standard VLC stuff and my previous MPC-BE setup though i obviously haven't sat through entire movies to compare frame by frame, so beware that if i say anything about the visuals it might not be the most accurate. MPV is supposed to be the most accurate and flexible option around but i don't know how much futzing around people do with it and there's a lot of like upscaling and downscaling scripts for no fucking reason, which is kind of antithetical to the entire point of accuracy to me, but it's fine. i'm just sticking to the base options and hoping it's good and better than what i had. the image does look just a tad sharper to me than in VLC and MPC so i don't know if they have sharpening filters on or something, but this is like the most base form with nothing changed (except the subtitle font) so i cannot imagine they are messing with the video signal with too much filtering. i tried to look into madVR and MPC-HC and got them installed and almost lost my mind trying to get it set up bc there's no real guides anywhere so don't fucking tell me to go look up madVR bc i will kill you. maybe some other day when i have 15 hours to dedicate to going through forums to try to find something that works for me and get enough knowledge to understand what the fuck everybody's talking about, maybe i'll check it out. i cannot believe there's not like some fucking guide for some anime noob because you know those anime people are on the cutting edge of video tech and playback for accuracy, that there's not some fucking guide for people that don't know what they're doing. i mean it's not that i don't know what i'm doing, it's that there's so much fucking shit to sort through that it would be nice if somebody narrowed it down for me. there's nothing even on YouTube or like some shitty github page or an old reddit comment or something, trust me i've like checked fucking everywhere i could think of but if i missed something, please feel free to link it somewhere in the comments or something, i don't know.
anyway, that is entirely an aside, that's just a forewarning that if i do say something about the visuals and you think it's not accurate to what the movie looks like or is not properly representative of the movie, feel free to take it with a grain of salt. i'm trying out something new.
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Anytime (bangchan)
"HEARTS ON FIRE TONIGHT FEEL MY BOOONES IGNITE LOVE FEELS LIKE WAAR WAAR FEELS LIKE WAAAR WAA-". You abruptly stop your tone deaf singing over old all time low songs and gasp when your car suddenly starts slowing down by itself, all the little warning lights on your dashboard turn on simultaneously and a screeching sound starts blaring out of nowhere.
You act in no time. Slamming your foot hard on the break you turn on your right blinker and veer your vehicle on the side of the desolated road by using pure engine inertia until the car just shuts down on its own, leaving you in a stunned silence, bleary eyed and slightly panicky as to whatever the fuck just happened.
You look in your rear view mirror and make sure the road is actually empty and thank whatever god up there for allowing you to pull to the side relatively safely, considering you could have just caused a mass chain rear end collision if it wasn't for your fast instincts. And just the general desolation of this side road you always drive down on your way back home from work when avoiding the worst of traffic is your main priority. Except that it is quite a dark, scarcely illuminated, less than safe road. And you are alone. And your car has most definitely just broken down. And it's almost 9pm on a winter night. Crap.
You swallow down that slimy, unsettling felling creeping up in your throat and try to revive the engine a few more times to no avail. OK. It's fine. It's going to be fine. I'm definitely not just stranded here in the middle of nowhere am I? You talk to yourself out loud, desperately trying to keep your sanity as you finally decide to fish your phone out of your bag and dial up the emergency tow truck number. After a couple rings a dispatcher picks up and you try your best to remain calm and explain the situation you are in as thoroughly as you can: "right, an operator is on its way but it might take up to an hour and half m'am, we suggest you keep safe and display the emergency triangle tripod roadside while you wait".
Once the dispatcher hangs up you sigh in frustration, "now what", you mumble, a shiver already trailing down your back from both the cold and the slight panic threatening to build up in your belly. You do as instructed and then quickly get back in your car, now fully shivering from the cold: how the hell am I gonna wait here in the cold for an hour and not freeze or get robbed in the mean time? Acting merely on impulse you unlock your phone once again and click on the emergency contact icon, silently praying Chan is not currently wearing his thousands dollars noise cancelling headphones in the studio.
"Hello? Y/n what's up?". You exhale loudly, a little silver of hope twinkling in the progressively darker night, "hey Channie… Sorry to call you at this hour…", Chan giggles on the other end of the line and you can almost imagine the way his eyes are crinkling and his dimples are showing, "I've literally just started working, not even 30 minutes ago. I'm a night owl you know", "hahaha yeah… So I uh… I'm kinda stranded on the side of the road? I'm like.. I think I'm like a little under 15 miles away from home but my car broke down… And the emergency truck won't be here for another hour or so", "WHAT? oh my god are you okay?".
You can basically hear Chan springing to his feet so fast his spinning chair rolls away from beneath him, the concern and slight alarm in his voice something you rarely get to hear from him. Chan is and has always been your rock. Through heaven and high water, you knew you could rely on him ever since second grade when one day you had forgotten your lunch box at home and found yourself sitting alone in the school canteen, your stomach grumbling as you watched all the kids eating their meals so enthusiastically, and this little boy with short dark hair and the cutest dimples stepped away from his friends table and offered you half of his sandwich and half of his apple.
That simple, kind gesture had become the start of your almost 2 decade long friendship, he went from always stuffing his lunchbox with extra food for you just in case you forgot again to holding your hand in the ER at 15 when you had the most painful appendicitis to helping you move in into your first big girl apartment, carrying all the heavy boxes for you without you even asking, him being the true gentleman he was. No wonder you loved him to pieces.
"I'm okay, just a little cold", you mumble, trying to mask the uncertainty and panic in your voice, "I'll be right there. Please send me your location. And lock yourself inside. Is the engine totally dead? Can you turn on the radio without starting the ignition?", Chan asks, his voice now more even and calm, his natural care taker mode activating instantly once he assessed the situation.
You try to turn on the radio as he suggested, and to your surprise, it works just fine judging by the sudden blasting of guitar riffs on the very same Love Like War track you were listening to earlier, you flinch at the volume that seems ridiculously too loud now that your basically parked and alone in the dead of the road, and press your button down to lower it a bit.
"Yeah the radio is working fine", "okay, great. Keep it on until I get there, and turn on your mainlights and all four of your blinkers as well". Once again, you do as you're told, you quickly send him your geolocalisation and double check all the lights are still fully functioning while you hear Chan scrambling to grab his keys and jacket and heading out the door, "done. I'm twinkling like a Christmas tree right now", you joke half heartedly, your breath starting to condense from the cold when you speak, "great, santa is coming!", he giggles and the pauses, "do you want me to stay on the line with you?", he asks more seriously, and something pleasant, unexpectedly warm settles in your heart and you smile to yourself, "it's okay. I don't want to risk distracting you while you drive. I'll be here, listening to my emo playlist, you drive safely please", "that's a good idea. It's going to be alright ye? Just hang in there".
You think 15 minutes cannot last an eternity. But that's exactly how long it feels like you've been freezing in the cold for until you see Chan's car pull up. As soon as you see him turning off his headlights you leap out of your car and fly into his open wide arms, instantly crashing into his chest as he lifts you off the ground, hands already vigorously rubbing your back, trying to warm you up:"I don't think I've ever been so relieved, I'm so happy to see you oh my god", you chuckle, your teeth chattering as Chan envelopes you into his arms, even unzipping his jacket and pulling it over your arms to warm you up, and you have to admit…. His jacket smells divine. He smells divine. Signature vanilla and musk and… Manly.
It's inexplicable but Chan has been smelling the same, musky but sweet, fresh, manly scent ever since he was like 19 or so. "Likewise, I'm so happy you're safe", he giggles, patting your hair, "now get in my car and warm yourself up a bit, I turned up the ac and left an extra jacket on the passanger seat for you". There it is. Again. That fuzzy, warm feeling in your heart that makes your cheeks flash red for no reason. "What about you? Are you not going to wait in there for the tow truck with me?", you ask confusedly and he giggles, his deep dimples on full show as he squeaks, "of course I am, I just want to check your car real quick. Maybe push it slightly to the very edge of the road some more so it'll be out of the way should cars drive down here".
You let Chan do his thing and quickly get in his car, just eager to warm yourself up, to finally feel like you have hands again. The night feels so cold your fingers had slowly started to become numb from the low temperatures. Once you're wrapped up in your best friend's spare jacket and huddled close to the air vent, you take a deep breath and stretch out your hands, allowing yourself to relax and soak up the relief running through your veins.
Chan had this power, this ability to make everything feel fine again. You had know him basically your whole life and could recall each and every time he managed to make everything better, each and every time he was there for you, reliable and strong and supportive like no one else you had ever met.
"Ffuck it's cold!". As soon as Chan climbs back in the car he lurches for the air vent, turning up the warm air setting to the maximum and you giggle at his poor state, offering your arms the same way he did for you just a few minutes ago, "aww thank you, sweetheart", he says over your shoulder, thick aussie accent and giggles and all as he squeezes you, a thin layer of sweat from the exertion of having to manually push your car to the side, his still persistent, scent travelling up your nostrils.
You swallow down whatever stupid funny feeling in your throat and sigh happily, "thank YOU for rescuing me, as per usual", you confess, suddenly not feeling like letting go of him just yet, kind of enjoying the way his back muscles feel underneath your palms, the way his arms are tight around you, cocconing you. Chan giggles again and pats your back, his chin digging into your shoulder, his little silver hoop earring getting stuck in your hair, "anytime",he replies and you can tell he's about to pull away from you but something tugs at your insides and before he can even move you're clamping down his back, stretching yourself out of the passanger seat just so you can reach out even more to him and hug him even titghter, "not yet, please don't let go just yet", you murmur.
You're not entirely sure if it's just the adrenaline dying down or the fact that you had tried to power through all your fear and freezing bones and now yuur body just physically needed to be held but you hold on onto him for just a little longer. He goes quiet. He silently pushes back his seat away from the steering wheel and hoists your body up until you're sitting in his lap, your chest firmly pressed into his, his cheek pressed onto the side of your face as he rubs his hands up and down your back.
You smile to yourself at the feeling of being this close to him, this comforted, the warm hair hitting your back, the quiet stillness of this moment that feels slightly surreal. "You are safe now, you know that right? I've got you, nothing bad's gonna happen", Chan speaks softly and you nod, now finally letting go of him while still sitting in his lap, his hands resting tentatively on your hips until you place your own on top of his, silently reassuring him it's okay for him to keep them there: "not a single day goes by where I don't feel safe with you, Chris. You... You are my safe place". You smile at him. A very assured smile too.
You don't even know where all this confidence came out from but you feel calm. Unusually calm and confident and secure, as if you're wrapped up in a warm blanket that'll shield you from all harm. "Really? I'm your safe place?", the young, beautiful man looks at you incredulously, his lips twitching into the biggest grin, and you nod sincerely, "yeah. I figured it's high time I let you know. Though I do fear sometimes you're way too mature for your age and you probably feel like you carry enough of a burden on your shoulders and me adding more responsability on that really isn't ideal but - I mean - like... Yeah like-".
You feel your cheeks heat up and your tongue twisting on its self but you keep at it, you screw your eyes shut and purse your lips together, recollecting your thoughts more coherently before continuing,"what I meant to say is: I'm so grateful for you. You make me feel safe. And secure. Always. And I wish I had told you this sooner but more times than not I think you're already so preoccupied with being this awesome leader and role model and just overall wholesome guy that-that you don't need someone else to take care of and add to the pile of things and people that have put you in this spot. I wish you could be your age and act your age freely, enjoying being young and successful and not just having to always be a fort for everyone".
You catch yourself panting a little from your whole speech and when you finally open your eyes again you find Chan smiling warmly, gazing at you with the gentlest look in his eyes, looking at you as if he's mentally hugging you like he always does with anyone and you just never noticed he did with you too.
He sighs contently and wraps his hands around your fingers, bringing your knuckles up to his chin, stopping just short of his mouth, never breaking eye contact with you, "thank you, y/n. I'm not-I'm not great with taking compliments but...you... I really appreciate every single thing you just mentioned. More than you could ever know. But please don't worry about me, I chose this, I enjoy it. You're never going to be a burden, never going to add to any pile",he pauses, taking a slightly deeper breath before continuing, "you're actually that one thing that makes my heart feel very light, very airy".
You let your fingers slip out of his gentle grip and cup his face, your body moving faster than your mind, your actions preceding your own thoughts as you lean closer and kiss him in the spur and of the moment. His hands immediately flying to your hips, pulling your body closer to his as he enthusiastically kisses you back. And God does it feel good. Does it feel right. Just so right. Unexpectedly but so inevitably right.
"Sorry,mmh I'm sorry", Chan mumbles, his lips still attached to yours as he tries to contain his giggles, "what are you sorry for?", you ask, breathless, and he circles your waist with his arms, resting his forehead against yours, "I should've asked. I definitely should have asked if it was okay to kiss you".
You burst into the happiest giggles and tilt your head back, "Christopher I kissed you. I should have asked. If anyone should be sorry it's me", you admit sincerely but he shakes his head, "I kissed you back. Straight away", "yeah! please do it more", you reply boldly which makes him giggle and giggle and squeak out of pure joy, "does this mean I can ask you out sometimes? And have more kisses?", he teases and you play with the collar of his shirt, pulling at it so he has to speak one inch away from your face, less than an inch away from your lips, "anytime. Any day of the week. Any time of the day or the night", you reply eagerly and this time around he cups your face and pulls you to him, kissing you so sweetly yet so passionately you momentarily forget you're both still in his car, all lights on, alone in the dead of the night until you feel something tapping impatiently on the driver side window: "uhm sorry to interrupt .... This is Ted. Emergency tow truck service, did you guys call?".
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wumblr · 1 year
vanilla production facts
it is an orchid
the flower blooms one day per year and must be manually pollinated. pollination causes the base of the flower to swell almost immediately, from there it takes weeks to develop into a seed pod
vanilla costs about $300/lb. this being the pulp of the fruit itself, the extract we are familiar with is dilute. second only to saffron for expense. the price also tends to fluctuate greatly depending on the abundance of any given year's crops
there are three strains of cultivated vanilla. cultivation dates as far back as the totonac people in the 12th century, who live in present day veracruz, on the eastern coast of mexico. the olmecs may have also used wild vanilla in cooking thousands of years earlier
vanilla was cultivated in european botanical gardens but not really used much for 300 years after the colombian invasion of mesoamerica until finally some idiot realized the melipona bee doesn't live there, which may not have even been the correct type of bee (possibly euglossine)
five years later (1841) a 12-year-old slave named edmond albius on the island of reunion figured out how to manually pollinate the flowers, which is an extremely delicate and difficult process. some french botanist claimed to have invented this process, and people believed him for over a century
the aroma doesn't develop until after the seed pod is harvested and processed. it must be sorted, graded, blanched, then alternately sweated and dried for 15-30 days. the blanching halts fermentation, which makes one wonder, what is a fermented vanilla seed pod like?
synthetic vanillin is derived from eugenol, from clove oil, and lignin, from any number of sources. the vast majority of synthetic vanilla is made from wood creosotes which occur as a product of lignin pyrolysis (fire). its major source is, like anything, the petrochemical industry, which requires heat to fractionally distill oil into several byproducts (kerosene, naphtha, gasoline, etc). which is to say, 85% of synthetic vanilla is made from the wood smoke of the oil industry. you might be inclined to ask "doesn't this pollute" which, if you recapture the smoke to sell its particulate creosotes to synthetic vanilla producers, no, i guess not really, or "why don't they use oil to heat the oil" because it is more profitable to sell the oil and burn wood to make it, obviously
it is difficult to tell the difference between natural and synthetic vanilla in baked goods, because the baking process burns off the distinctive notes, most of which differ by growing region (tahitian vanilla is floral, indonesian vanilla is smoky, mexican vanilla is woody or spicy, bourbon vanilla from reunion has an alcoholic richness)
price markup occurs not at the point of farming, but after the point of curing. there is no set price for green vanilla beans, but there is a set price for dried vanilla beans, after they have passed through several middlemen from farmer to broker to curing. after this point, they are marked up several more times before finally making it to grocery store shelves in the form of bottled extract
in 2017 a cyclone destroyed maybe 30-80% of madagascan vanilla crops, where possibly as much as 60-80% of the global supply of vanilla is grown. in the 5 years since then, the price has not recovered, but boy howdy, have the labels gotten more fancy in specifying when it's from madagascar, haven't they?
70% of madagascar lives below the poverty line, despite the island producing the majority of the world's supply of the second most expensive spice
by volume, the number of vanilla beans imported to the united states every year is nearly two for every single member of the population (~640m, for a ~330m population)
anyway stop pouring a whole bottle of it into a cup for a joke what the fuck is wrong with you people i hope to god that ibuprofen potion post was staged with some vaguely brown liquid. also the word vanilla etymologically derives from the latin vagina meaning sheath ok bye
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hyewka · 11 months
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୨୧ things i plan to write, currently writing, and all other similar updates.
status: all wips listed under are on pause (08/3/2023)
๑ full fics.
— ★ camboy! [c.sb]
catching your innocent, sweet naïve best friend in a compromising position…in front of a camera is not how you thought you’d be celebrating his birthday.
warnings: sub soobin, femdom, anal play, nipple clamps, soobins a virgin, tears, degradation kink, centers around purity culture
progress: 30% [1.4k]
— ★ can i be your boyfriend? [c.bg]
you think after giving beomgyu the most emasculating, humiliating sex known to mankind, he’d know his place and leave you alone. to your dismay, it’s the complete opposite and now he seems to be ten times more obsessed with you than he already was. [part two to boyfriend]
warnings: bratty sub!beomgyu, soobin & reader have a thing, mentions of infidelity, pet play (barking, going on all fours, collar), degradation, mean femdom, praise kink, nipple play (m receiving), use of a flesh light, dacryphilia
progress: 65% [3.2k]
— ★ untitled [c.bg]
it's been a year since you've properly talked to beomgyu, distanced from him due to being in a relationship. now, you're single, broken up with your boyfriend a few weeks back and the realization dawns on you— you painfully, and utterly miss your best friend. striking up a conversation with him at a mutual friend's party in hopes of rekindling your relationship shouldn't have taken such a weird turn.
warnings: tipsy gyu (overall drunk sex), sub leaning switch!gyu, sloppy makeout, blowjob, angst, reader isn't usually dom and gyu isn't usually sub so there's that background info, pull out method, quickie
progress: 10% [0.7k]
— ★ love me p. 2 [c.bg]
progress: 3% [0.4k] — scrapped and restarted 😭
— ★ white t’s [c.bg]
stoner sub beomgyu. piercings. and a goody two shoes mc.
progress: 20% [1.1k]
— ★ possibility of a million (and its consequences) [c.bg]
unreasonable ego and a pain in the ass smartypants, mansplaining asshole is the only way to describe beomgyu from psych 101. you’re not too surprised he’s a prude and also the most virgin-virgin you’ve had the (dis)pleasure of meeting. but like how all beginnings begin, one drunken night and you find yourself in a bed with the person you truly cannot stand for more than thirty unsupervised minutes— and holy fuck does the events from last night hit you like a brick with a dooming realization. you took the virginity of choi beomgyu.
progress: 87% (4.6k)
— ★ night after night (ibfyr) [c.bg]
the number one rule of having a hot roommate is to not fuck them— and well, you’ve broken that rule more than you could count (high libido call for desperate measures). but at least none of you have feelings, and don’t have to go through the mess that is dating the person who shares the same lease as you. too bad a confession during a fuck flips everything on its back. just give him seven days and beomgyu swears he can convince you to give dating (him) a try.
warnings: soft dom gyu
progress: N/A
— ★ younger, hotter [k.th]
you’re convinced that the new (younger, more efficient, more charismatic) hire at your division is there as your replacement due to the numerous layoffs your company has been officiating. it takes one wrong misguided initial impression to conclude that kang taehyun might just be the first person you’ve ever considered a mortal enemy.
warnings: sub!tyun who usually doms, noona kink, semi public…sort of (sex in a public bathroom’s stall), fingering (f receiving), desperate simp tyun for pussy bcs yes, unsafe sex, pullout method, just the tip trope, mc’s a complete bitch unprovoked, heavy degradation kink, use of ‘boss’ during sex, specific age difference not mentioned
progress: 15% (1.2k)
★ number of fics: 8
๑ series.
— ★ intro to love 101 [c.bg + c.yj]
you don’t believe in the concept of love. someone you consider your other half is the complete opposite. beomgyu falls in love every other week, and god does he love hard. with that comes a million heartbreaks, boxes of tissues, and your hoodies drenched with his tears and gross snot. you cannot bear to see your best friend hurt again so, you do the genius thing and create a step by step guideline on how to not fall in love the minute he's provided with attention. it should be easy, you are his best friend and practically the number one pessimist when it comes to romance. all he has to do is strictly follow through.
parts: five
— ★ to stardom [ot5]
managing your fuck buddy’s band and all its complications.
parts: six
๑ drabbles. (includes asks)
— ★ perv gym rat taehyun
— ★ spitroasting with soobin and kai
— ★ yandere bsf!yeonjun
— ★ beomgyu first time (anal play)
— ★ switch hybrid yeonjun
— ★ freshman!taehyun x junior TA!reader
— ★ sub taehyun
— ★ childhood friend sub!hyuka
— ★ expansion on perv!beomgyu + perv!soobin
— ★ beomjun threesome (might be a full fic)
— ★ sub! yeonjun + oral fixation
— ★ enemies to ??? w/ secret femboy!yeonjun (might be full fic)
— ★ best friend taehyun with virgin reader (might be full fic)
— ★ phone sex w/ beomgyu
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wordsinhaled · 2 years
god, i'm just yelling, this is SO QUEER, this fucking story
the way you see dream, imprisoned, reflected in hob's glass in 1989
the METAPHOR of that. hob in '89 pushing the envelope of social perception to talk openly about his relationship with dream to the bartender at this pub??? while dream is imprisoned in a physical prison, and kept imprisoned there by his own pridefulness and inability to ask for support??? fuck
paired with the quote from the comics of dream having revelations about his imprisonment -- "The problem, he realized, was that those who had power enough to help him, he had not furnished with motive. While those who might aid him willingly, he had not provided with means. It came to him that if he had merely trusted more freely, his captivity might have been short indeed. But then... whom to trust?"
something something metaphor for self-isolation and lack of community and internalized homophobia
AND just... the visual transitions in these scenes -
dream's prison taking the shape of hob's glass—this last glass of liquor hob thinks he might get to drink in this memory-steeped space that has been their meeting place for six centuries. this glass of liquor that the bartender offers him as a silent sign of solidarity—the glass, symbolic of freedom and connection, the two things that dream in that precise moment utterly lacks, cut off from the dreaming as he is, but both things he could find in hob when he is ready, because hob is determined to wait for him
the subtext with the bartender—hob in conversation with queer elders, the glen grant, "old enough to be [hob's] father," "i'm older than i look," "in a hundred years"—speaking to longevity, to living beyond adversity, to surviving in the AIDS crisis
the visual transition from dream in his prison to dream's face reflected in the barrier as he stands in front of the barricade and hob's spray painted sign. he's free, he's ready to accept the love hob is offering him. and the momentary heartbreak in his face when he thinks he might be too late, before he sees the spray-painted sign - god, just the absolute revolutionary queer energy and malicious compliance of hob using his queer buying power to secure the new inn and breaking the law by doing graffiti so that dream will find him
the fucking hopeful, heartfelt, tender music that plays as dream follows the sign to the new inn??? the way he walks so slowly, so deliberately as though he's bracing himself for hob not having waited. the way he moves through the grass almost wistfully, like he's walking toward a dream he's had for more than a century. the way he looks around the bar and zeroes in on hob.
history professor hob!!! radical queer elder hob gadling, who looks mid-30s but has seen and felt his community's pain and loss and can bridge the gap between queer past and queer present. hob unlearning his biases and learning and growing to understand and fight against the structural inequalities and systems of oppression he perpetrated in his own past! fostering future generations of loving, caring, compassionate humans. giving people a safe space
the new inn as a Queer Safe Space, the MEANINGFULNESS of that, when queer-specific spaces are dwindling in UK, US, and other worldwide cities—this article from july 2022 states, "Take London, for example. In 2017, a pivotal audit by the Urban Laboratory at University College London revealed that since 2006, the number of venues for LGBTQ Londoners had fallen from 124 to 47, a loss of nearly 60 per cent." as of january 2021, only 15 nightlife spaces for queer/gay women were left in the US and there are literal community projects in place to try to preserve queer safe spaces
the idea of this carving out of space, calling to mind the queer chosen family, the importance of community
the way dream and hob smile at each other at the end. open, so open, so full of genuine warmth. together again and not to be parted. in the place that was meant for them, this place that is a reinvention of an even older place they had made their own - in the new inn that exists simply because of their love for each other
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fanficonly · 8 months
Wenclair X Reader- What Are You? - Chapter 7
Yeah at this point I don't even think I know why it takes me so long to post... sometimes the drafts are just sat there and I spend a week trying to figure out what it's missing before I can post.
But either way, apologies for my lack of posting, working on some one-shots still aswell which I never posted ... shocker
Hope y'all enjoy😋
After pacing towards the foyer and turning back every few seconds to ensure you were not followed by the two persistent girls, you finally reach where your bags are situated and breathe a sigh of relief.
All here. All in tact. So you grab the jacket, your favourite might you add, out of your rucksack and pull it over your shoulders to cover the blood-stained white shirt beneath it.
Now ... If you take your stuff to your room will they be gone... That is the question.
You give it a few minutes, deciding to sit on your suitcase a observe your surroundings for a while, now that you no longer have a suspicious red patch on your back visible to the public view it seems safe enough. Besides, you need to give Wednesday and Enid time to leave your room, atleast you hope that's what they're doing. Leaving.
The odd student passes by you, some giving you light smiles or nods, others too wrapped up in drama or conversation to pay a random student the time of day, understandably.
But one. There's one student who, although you had been sat here for 10 minutes hasn't said or done anything and instead opts to stare at you from across the room.
"For God's sake" you curse quietly to yourself, rather disturbed at the amount of stalker-like attention you seem to attract from these outcasts.You flit your eyes back to him every once in a while and nothing about his stance changes. Creep.
He's a rather tall looking guy with long shaggy hair, sitting on one of the lounge chairs, a note book in hand and no sense of privacy it would seem as he makes no attempts to hide the fact that he is watching you.
You're painfully aware of his eyes on you but it would seem every time you look directly at him he flits his eyes back to the notepad Infront of him jotting down god knows what.
Another 5 minutes go by and you become lightly frustrated with the uneasy feeling of being watched so this time,when you feel his tortured eyes watching you, you whip your head around to stare directly at him giving him a "what the fuck are you looking at?" Kind of look.
He finally smiles, seemingly unfazed by your looks of judgement. You watch as he chuckles to himself looking away from you and gliding his pencil across the page again before standing up to approach you.
"Hi" he says,now stood Infront of you he looks even taller up close which for some reason annoys you. The audacity to just be like 'Hi' was enough of an annoyance that you're mind quietly screams at you to settle your emotions before someone gets hurt ...or worse.
But you won't get very far unless you reply so all you say is "Umm Hi can I help you?" standing up as you do, so you're not craning your neck so high just to look at him.
"Sorry I just- I was watching you and-" something in you snaps a little, the feeling of uncomfortable subsiding and being replaced with more annoyance that he had so casually stared at you for 15 minutes straight without any thoughts to how it would make you feel.
"Yeah I could tell you're not exactly discreet" you spit, raising your eyebrows in complete disapproval of his invasive actions
"Woah woah I'm sorry, sorry" he repeats raising his hands in defense. "I just- you looked so-" he squints his eyes shut and practically face palms at his own idiocy before taking a breath.
He shrugs and awkwardly rubs the back of his neck doing everything in his power not to make any unwanted eye contact with you. Suddenly, he no longer seems threatening and instead an intense vulnerability emits from his entire body.
"Sorry I didn't mean to snap it was just a bit weird, I don't like being stared at" you scold him but also try to settle the awkwardness.Not a lot you should be apologising for but you wanted to avoid unnecessary confrontation. I mean you don't even know what this guy is or who for that matter.
"No no you're completely right" he interjects " It is weird and I am really sorry for making you feel comfortable" he continues and seems genuinely annoyed with himself and almost ridiculously apologetic now "Let me explain?" he asks clearing his throat and looking to you for confirmation which you grant with a slight nid of your head. He doesn't speak though instead he just turns the notepad towards you.
"Holy shit" you mutter earning a step back from him and another laugh. His eyes widen at the curse not expecting that reaction of course but after shaking it off he smiles with pride.
The notepad you had earlier thought him to be writing in was actually a sketch pad. The image staring back at you was ... Well you, in the exact position you were only moments ago, perched on your suitcase staring off into the distance.
The sketch was incredible for a quick 15 minutes drawing, which is why it deserved the shocked reaction you had just given, it looked exactly like you. The hair, the eyes, the shape. It was like looking at a photograph.
"Thanks" he says smiling again "Sorry again I just saw you and it was like this perfect moment, you weren't paying attention to me but you were so engrossed in the world around you, I'm an artist so I just- I can't really control the pencil when it hits the paper you know" he explains further. A little cliché you think to yourself but at the same time you were no longer mad, the explanation was good enough and you more than anyone understood bad first impressions and hoping for second chances. It was basically your whole life
"No no I get it that's fine that actually- like wow you're really talented" you compliment his work, trying to move past the once impending altercation.
"I'm Xavier" he finally introduces himself holding out his hand for you to shake. Instantly you worry, again not really wanting to initiate any kind of physical contact especially from a stranger. So instead of out right offending the nice student who had offered you his hand you make a joke of it.
"And I'm a Germaphobe hehhh" you step back slightly holding your hands up and laughing a little.
He once again holds up his hands, one still grasping the notebook tightly between his boney hands "No problem uhhh" he points to you this time awaiting a telling of your name.
"Oh right yeah I'm Y/N I'm new" you state the obvious and he smirks slightly but before he can say anything, a loud " Yo Xavier!" Is yelled from somewhere in the near distance. The Lanky dude waved at his friends and looks back to you
"Well it was nice to meet you Y/N hope to run into you again" he walks off joining the boys and as he talks to them he looks back at you. You can only imagine the questions he is being asked right now as he ushers his friends away pushing them playfully into the halls and leaving you to get back to your quiet observing.
Eventually you find the strength to drag your bags to your room, mentally commending yourself for having a very small amount of belongings as you finally reach your door with one last huff.
While reaching for the handle you have a spine chilling feeling of someone's eyes on you and instinctively dart your eyes around in search of any immediate threat.
A few seconds go by and you roll your own eyes at yourself. God you were really on edge today, understandably, so you just shrug it off and make your way into your new quarters.
Wednesday and Enid had been left in your room
"That waaaaas-" Enid drags out the word, desperately racking her brain for the right adjective to describe the entire interaction between the 3 of you.
"Odd" Wednesday finishes, staring after Y/N for a brief second and then turning toward Enid.
"Very kooky" Enid smirks at Wednesday with pride as if she had just dropped the smartest quip of all time.
""Very amusing dear" Wednesday's eyebrows jump up as she turns to look at Enid with a somewhat tired look.
"You love it really" Enid giggles and skips over to her girlfriends side, squeezing her upper arm and inhaling her sweet scent.
"Not as much as I love you ma Cherie" Wednesday cooes, still reeling from her encounter with Y/N, she awards Enid a quick but lingering kiss and reaches for the wolf's hand for comfort.
"Soooo do we wait here orrrr..." Enid smiles deviantly at her bloodthirsty paramour. She would never admit it but seeing Wednesday get all worked up gets Enid all worked up and now because of this she was buzzing to retreat to the privacy of their dorm.
Wednesday, having become used to Enid's 'Hints', just squeezed her hand lightly and pulled the smitten werewolf along behind her. She stopped at the door and glanced back at the room, Enid's playful bliss still in full swing but her face contorting in confusion as to why they had stopped moving.
"Me amore this feels like a missed opportunity" the darker haired girl scans her eyes across the room with curiousity.
After a moment of thought Enid understands what her girlfriend is getting at
"We are not going through her room Wednesday!" She scolds tugging at her arms like a whiny child wanting to go home after a long day out.
"Why not? It doesn't seem like she has much here anyway" Wednesday defends, a glance of a hopeful smile fading across her lips.
Enid bites her lip, nawing at it in contemplation, taking a quick glance down the stairs then back at Wednesday, who takes the opportunity to stare deeply into the wolf's eyes. She caresses Enid's face, whispering against her lips
"Cara Mia" before connecting their lips once again then pulling back to gaze into Enid's eyes again. The blonde goes weak, in the knees, hazy from Wednesday's intoxicating scent and she hums in contentment.
When she pulls back and opens her eyes, Wednesday is staring at her in what can only be described as mischievous hope.
"Urgh fine" Enid concedes and Wednesday smirks and turns to re-enter the room.
"Works every time" Wednesday mutters, a sinister smile playing across her pale lips, while she starts scanning the small room.
"Not every time!" Enid follows behind Wednesday, in denial of the power of persuasion the Seer had over her.
"Hmm I seem to forget you have inhuman hearing abilities piccolo lupo" Wednesday hums again, flicking her dark eyes towards Enid before continuing on
"And don't you forget it" She hugs Wednesday from behind and the Ravenette takes a moment to inhale Enid's stimulating perfume before removing herself from her warm arms and getting down to business.
10 minutes go by and the once calm and calculated Wednesday was now back into full frustration mode.
"Baby I told you there's nothing here" Enid had watched Wednesday search the draws,wardrobe and surrounding area but to no avail and commended herself privately for remaining an innocent bystander.
"She must not have had her belongings sent to her room yet nobody is this minimal" Wednesday narrows her eyes "How unfortunate" she all but mumbles before pinching her chin in deep thought. After deliberating with the voices in her head she makes a decision
Wednesday runs her hand along the bed sheets, then stares hungrily at Enid, awaiting the werewolf's eventual realisation of what she was proposing. Look, If she wasn't going to get anywhere with their investigation she might aswell get somewhere else with her beautiful and inviting confidante
"Not here!" Enid almost immediately stutters out after letting her mouth fall open in surprise. Wednesday's ability to bewilder Enid to this day with her unpredictable advances is something the werewolf would never get over.
"I am sure she would not mind" Wednesday shrugs, raising her eyebrows suggestively.
"Who are you?" Enid narrows her eyes at her girlfriend suspiciously. Don't get her wrong, she had seen this side of Wednesday before but the occasions were very few and far between and usually she wanted something or had done something wrong which she was trying got make up for or was about to do something that she couldn't make up for.
Enid giggles though and Wednesday throws back the quilt to playfully entice Enid. But Wednesday notices Enid has pulled her attention away from her and is staring at something on the bed.
"Mon Chiot I am trying to do the whole 'hint' thing am I performing it incorrectly?" Wednesday asked a twinge of vulnerability escaping her tone.
"No no!" Enid fumbles her words "Great job babe but umm what's that?" She points towards the item in curiousity.
Wednesday follows Enid's colourfully painted, pointed finger to see that a piece of paper that had flung from the bed as she had thrown the covers back.
In one swift move Wednesday swipes up the letter and reads aloud "Y/N" before smirking and looking up at Enid with mischief in her eyes once again. "Finally" she deadpans, happy that her efforts to uncover more about Y/N were not entirely in vain.
"Baby I don't think we should read her mail it's private" Enid somewhat whines at the idea of being so intrusive but Wednesday just hums in response, still staring at the letter as if fighting an inner battle between right and wrong
"Wednesdaaaay" she eyes the shorter girl disapprovingly
"Calm cucciola, you will not be implicated in my federal offense I assure you" Wednesday holds her hand up to settle her girlfriend and begins to open the envelope. As if any part of that sentence was suppose to make Enid feel better... It didn't, of course, and she was unable to stop her impulses from taking control in order to stop her Girlfriend.
"Wednesday!" Enid jumps across the bed practically pouncing, arm out stretched, attempting to grab the letter from the Seer tight grasp. Her efforts were thwarted when Wednesday swiftly turns to the side in one quick move, only craning her neck down to watch her incredibly clumsy little wolf fall over herself and land at her feet.
"Enid this might be what we are looking for?!" Wednesday reaches out a hand to her beloved and smiles slightly when she clumsily clambers to her feet. "Why search if I'm not going to investigate what I find?" Wednesday speaks logically
"It just feels wrong" Enid Huff's out, swiping at her clothes.
"Everything I do feels wrong darling because It is, in fact, rarely do I do what society deems correct" she states fact and then insultingly remarks "honestly it's like you haven't known me for the last 2 years" Wednesday fights the urge to roll her eyes and steps back from the blonde and attempts to once again open the letter.
"No Wednesday" Enid's morality gets the best of her and drives over her curiousity as she attempts to grab the letter a second time. Naturally, Wednesday had done far worse and Enid had actually been implicated in her criminally and somewhat irredeemable behaviours but that didn't matter because she loved Wednesday and something about it all excited Enid. Plus, no matter what, her Girlfriend always found a way to protect her and bypass the law.
"Your efforts are futile my dear" Wednesday states bluntly as Enid claws at her girlfriend, playfully of course, to avoid her criminal intent.
"My efforts are not-" amidst the struggle both Girls freeze as they hear a loud bang and some fumbling coming from the bottom of the stairs.
"She's back!" Enid whisper screams at Wednesday letting out a small squeak in her panic state and Wednesday's eyes widen still gripping the letter tightly in her hand, her knuckles turning an even more pale shade as she does this.
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jreads · 1 year
Unexpected Constellations (Part 15)
Rating: M (18+, Minors DNI)
Word Count: 9K
Warnings: Foul language, Fluff oh my god so much fluff can you believe it, Smut, Angst if you squint
A/N: The end. AAAAAHHHH?! I started this fic in the depths of my illness and it's been with me as I navigated my way through a horrible horrible time in my life. But good god does it hold such a special place in my heart, especially as my first piece of proper fic writing. Thank you and I love you to all the people who have joined the journey along the way and left comments and support, you guys are the best. I might go cry now, but please keep an eye out for more of my work in the future! 🩶🤍 masterlist.
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“Entering the Adega system.” 
The navicomputer’s sudden robotic timbre jolted you from where you sat, straddling Din’s lap in the open cockpit. Contrary to your behaviour, he barely even flinched, licking a stripe up your neck before kissing back down and pulling the strap of your top off one shoulder. Things were not going according to plan. How fortunate.
“We should… We’re going to be… there soon… we should—oh, stars.” Your head lolled back, granting him easier access; he took it greedily. One palm had a handful of your hip, the other scaled up your back to cradle your neck.
“Need you,” he grunted into your chest. Animalistic almost.
Oh, fuck. Yes. 
You fumbled with his belt as he unhooked the button on your trousers. There was no time to undress, to do anything past the minimum. But neither of you cared much in the moment. You had come into the flight deck to ask him if he wanted caf; what the hell had happened? Not that you could find it in yourself to complain, especially as you raised your weight just a fraction so he could tug your pants down, pull your panties to the side, line himself up easier and—
Your moan was embarrassingly loud and he—ever the strategist—tried to silence it with a sloppy kiss. He bottomed out, hitting something unfathomably deep inside you.
“Quiet.” His eyes were squeezed in concentration. “We can’t wake Grogu.” 
Shit, Grogu. He was still asleep in a closed pram, but of course the cockpit door didn’t shut. You would both have to be very quiet. But as Din drove his hips upward, unable to keep still, you realised it might be more of a challenge than you had bargained for.
He drew back down before thrusting again. “I don’t think… I can’t… Din!” He slapped a hand over your mouth then, and something about it was so hot that you clenched around him, hard. It was his turn to make too much noise.
It turned into a game of reckless abandon, Din’s movements sharp, the circle of your hips deliberate, a test to see who could keep it together. And you were both losing.
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Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck. He had reprimanded you for being too loud, but he wasn’t faring much better. You were pulsing around him, eyes rolling back, and he could feel your mouth agape under his hand. You had liked it when he covered your mouth, he had felt it. He wondered if you would also like his hand around your throat, your hands tied behind your back. He wondered just how dirty you could get.
The green circle of Ossus loomed closer in his periphery, but what really mattered was the way your body jerked with each drive of his cock. The choked whines that managed to escape his muffling. Din gripped you by the waist, practically pulling you down onto him.
He had wanted you to himself—just for a little bit—before Skywalker inevitably stole you away. It wouldn’t be forever, he hoped it wouldn’t be for very long at all, but any minute spent far from your side suddenly felt unbearable. He’d stay inside you forever if it meant you never left him.
‘Learn to be selfish sometimes, Djarin. It’s the one thing you’ll never regret.’ Maybe the man had a point because holy shit this was amazing. You were amazing.
He was getting sloppy, nearing that dangerous edge that seemed to come all too quickly when he was with you. And you opened your eyes, refocusing on him, as if you could feel it too. You looked fucked out, drunk, eyes hooded and so dark he could see his own reflection in them. He hoped Luke Sykwalker was a merciful man.
You both came at the same time, and he struck deep, turning his own moan into a gasping exhale instead. You whispered a quiet ‘Oh’ beneath his palm before succumbing to the tremors of your orgasm. 
Moments passed, and when he finally uncovered your mouth, he realised that you were laughing. Breathless and giggling. 
“What just happened? I came in to ask if you wanted caf.” And then you were collapsing again into a fit.
He chuckled with you, suddenly sheepish. “Sorry.”
“No. Don’t say sorry. That was… fuck.” Another shaky giggle. Stars, it was so good to see you laugh. He brushed a stray hair back from your face, trailed a thumb over your cheekbone and your features cleared, going soft. “What is it?” you asked, as if his thoughts were written in the creases between his brows. Maybe they were.
He whispered. “Don’t leave me.”
Your eyes widened, mouth parting. “What?” Hands cupped his face. So smooth against the roughness of his stubble. “I’m not… Din, I’m not leaving.” 
He said nothing, afraid his words might betray him.
Understanding passed over your face. “You thought I wanted to go to Ossus to ask him to train me?”
He couldn’t look you in the eyes. Because yes, that’s exactly what he had thought. You lifted his chin.
“He won’t.” You said it with such surety, as if anyone wouldn’t kill to keep you close. “And even if he would…” You were shaking your head. “…I have something much more important right here.”
It was dizzying, this relief. 
“I just need some guidance… a few questions answered. That’s all.” You leaned in to kiss him, sweet and innocent and far too chaste. “I would never leave you.” 
The two of you sat there for a moment, the Razor Crest gaining steadily on the planet, his cock softening inside you. Your presence so permeating that he forgot, just for a moment, that he actually had to land the ship.
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Luke was waiting for you as the Crest touched down, dressed in immaculate black, as if he was expecting you. Grass swayed in the ship’s wake, but you had little time to focus on the flora. He captivated your attention immediately; your preparation having done absolutely nothing to assuage your anxiety. In addition, the wisdom that emanated from him only served to remind you of your own training, your inferiority. But Din was just behind you, and Grogu, squealing at the sight of him, launched his small body down the ramp.
“Well, it’s very good to see you too, Grogu,” Luke addressed the child before regarding you. Grogu had already busied himself with a passing butterfly, easily distracted. He extended a hand. “I was wondering when I would get to meet you.” You were hyperaware of the clamminess of your palms when he clasped yours in his own. However, he only offered a smile. You were a bit starstruck.
“Mandalorian.” He inclined his head in greeting towards Din. Din returned the gesture. “When I saw the ship circling, I thought perhaps Grogu had reason to return. But I sense that I was wrong.”
For hours you had pondered over what to say, picked apart the small meanings of each specific word, but suddenly it seemed your entire vocabulary had emptied from your mind. You started to speak and then trailed off, suddenly unsure of how to word your reasons for coming. What if he couldn’t help? Was this stupid? Were you stupid to come here?
“It’s all right. Conversation is only a formality, really. I know why you’re here. I can feel it.” You noticed the lightsaber hilt at his side, the way it caught the light. He seemed to track your gaze. “I’m not sure if I can be of much more help, but I’ll certainly try my best.”
You hadn’t expected him to be so… kind? Willing? Maker, what a relief. “Thank you.”
But Luke only motioned to the treed hills behind him. “Walk with me.” To Din he said, “There’s a lagoon just beyond those saplings. Grogu is well acquainted with the aquatic life there. We will rejoin you soon.” There was little room left for discussion. But still, before you parted ways you cast Din a heavy look, one you could tell he returned. It said don’t worry and I love you and I’ll be back soon. You could imagine his eyes under the visor, firm and yet understanding. You loved him so much that the force of it might cleave you in half.
He angled his helmet toward where Skywalker was already walking, a way of saying get going. And so you turned, rushing to keep up with him, noting the calm posture of hands clasped behind his back. And the way the impending forest seemed to part and whisper around him.
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You ambled for quite a while, in silence through the greenery. The air of the planet smelled sweet, buzzing and alive, quite like Rishi. But more powerful.
“What do you feel?” Luke’s voice broke the quiet, soothing although sudden.
He seemed satisfied with the vague answer. “Good. That’s the Force. It resides in all living things, and you recognize it. That’s why you connect the way you do.”
“It’s strong.”
He nodded. “Yes. Ossus has a rich history with the Jedi. The power of it resides in the very soil of the planet. That’s why I chose to stay here. To teach.”
So much power. Such potential. But pure, uncorrupted, all of it.
“Something troubles you.”
You hummed at the ground. “It’s hard to explain.”
It was silly of you to think that he might resent you, cast you out. Because he stopped you in your path, a look of real comprehension on his face. “I can imagine.” Luke gestured to the side, a pile of flat rocks arranged in a circle. “It may be easier not to talk.”
Nerves gripped at you again, sending pins and needles down your legs. “I… I’m not trained in Jedi meditation—”
He had already lowered himself and crossed his legs atop one of the makeshift seats. “That’s alright, I will guide you. Sit.”
He seemed so sure. Momentarily, you were glad for his assertiveness. Especially as you fumbled for words and picked at your fingernails, fumbled with your beskar vambraces. You followed his direction, mimicking his own body language. 
“Don’t dwell on what you were taught before. Listen to my direction and don’t try to force it… it should come naturally.” Luke’s posture was commanding, and you found your own spine straightening in self-consciousness.
He had already closed his eyes, seemingly oblivious to your inner dialogue. “Let yourself drift. Feel the nature around you. The leaves… the way they move. The animals, the insects. Don’t worry about me; I’ll find you.”
Connecting with the planet was easy enough. You had done it before on Sorgan. Though you felt you were the clunky, uncoordinated counterpart to Luke’s polished and refined technique. When you meditated with Grogu, sometimes you could see things, images, memories that belonged to him. Was Luke going to be able to see those things? You suddenly found yourself racking your brain for moments of guilt, embarrassment, things you would rather he didn’t witness—
“Focus,” he reprimanded, a hint of humor beneath his words.
You shrunk a little, mumbling a quick sorry under your breath. Okay. Whatever. You were here for guidance, and it could only be effective if he understood what he was dealing with. Who he was dealing with.
The sun was peeking through holes in the forest canopy, dappling your skin and the surrounding bamboo shoots with glowing warmth. The flowers, hidden within tall grasses, seemed to rise on tiptoes towards its light. A fat insect swooped low over their vibrant colours before shooting up, up, up. You went with it, feeling the ground fall out from beneath you. In the distance there were shimmers of light off the reflection of a calm pond. Ripples disturbed its surface, caused by a devious little green hand… a shriek of delight. Behind it, a gruff voice, shining silver, weapons laid in a pile on the ground. Love. Oh, such love. I radiated from them, so strong that it seemed to emanate from all around. So strong that it emanated from you.
You felt the moment that Luke joined you, distantly aware of his consciousness. He beckoned to you, and you turned from the scene, toward something much more serious. It was as if he opened himself to you, willing you to imitate his own action. The connection was so strong that it caused your pupils to flicker beneath closed eyelids. His life passed in flashing images.
Endless sands of the Tatooine desert, Jawa Sandcrawlers, an astromech unit, black smoke from a scorching fire. A hooded figure, the blur of hyperspace stars, a loud and affectionate Wookie, the cozy interior of a rounded ship. A beautiful woman with long brown hair. Headstrong and fearless. The Cloud City, dazzling in shades of white and gold. Memories began to overlap, and you gasped both in shock and familiarity. The Death Star, its ghostly halls, a black cape sweeping over them. The sound of heavy boots. Lightsabers, blue, green, red, yellow eyes and cracking skin. Explosions. Death and sorrow and jubilation and fear and loss and learning. Grogu. No, that couldn’t be right. An older Grogu, wrinkled and hunched over in a house of mud and sticks. A planet of brilliant white snow. War and hate and redemption and love and family. The legends, the stories you had read about on the web, they were nothing compared to this. You could feel what he felt, the complication of it all. You were barely aware of the cool slide of tears down your cheeks. Your physical body felt a whole planetary system away. Months could have passed, and you would have been none the wiser. Some time later, there was a phantom hand on your shoulder, Luke’s voice steady behind you. 
“Come back.” 
You tried, but it was impossible. Like grasping at clouds. At dispersing smoke. Who were you in comparison to this vast existence? Irrelevance. No one. Nothing. 
“Use my memories. Find yourself.”
You floated through his consciousness like a wraith, searching desperately for a sense of belonging, pulling at threads on a tapestry. There was a particularly strong one down a darkened hallway, littered with fallen droids. They were felled by lightsaber strokes, the melted metal still glowing from the heat of the blade. Shouldn’t you be afraid? 
But you weren’t, not at all. Because somehow, impossibly, you knew that at the end of this hall was home.
The door of the ship’s bridge slid open smoothly and you saw the back of Luke’s cloak, the dirty blonde of his hair. But then he stepped to the side and looked at you—really looked at you. But you weren’t there. This was his memory. 
In that moment, you understood why you were drawn to it.
Helmet held at his side, Din held Grogu, the beginnings of silvery tears lining his beautiful eyes. “It’s time to go,” he said softly, and the child’s ears drooped. “Don’t be afraid.”
You opened your eyes, lashes clotted with tears of your own.
Luke was smiling at you faintly. “Interesting… that out of all my memories you would choose that one. That should answer your question, shouldn’t it?”
“My question?” 
“You could have chosen a memory of the Empire… of the Death Star… of Palpatine… but you didn’t. You shied away from fear or anger as a tether and moved towards love.”
Huh. It had seemed such an obvious choice that you hadn’t even bothered to frame it that way. “But, I thought that attachment was forbidden for the Jedi.”
Luke looked pensive. “It’s been written that way in the texts, but I’ve been giving it much thought lately.” 
“How do you mean?”
“Well…” He clasped his hands in his lap. “I don’t think it’s so black and white. I think the volatility of attachment is what made the Jedi implement the rule and enforce it so vehemently, but that doesn’t mean it’s innately bad.” Luke seemed lost in thought for another moment. “My father… attachment to my mother is what drove him to the dark side of the Force.”
Oh. You hadn’t known that.
“…But attachment to me is what brought him back.” He lifted a pebble from the ground, spinning it. “It’s a complicated concept.” Then, he laughed lightly to himself. “I can’t train you.”
“I figured you would say that. I didn’t come to ask to be trained.”
“I know.” He nodded. “But I want you to know all the same. It’s not because of what you were taught, or how you were taught it. It’s not even really about attachment either. It’s only because, in a matter of time, I would lose you for the same reason I lost Grogu.”
To Din.
“He seems to attract force sensitives,” Luke said, a handsome smile gracing his features.
You shook your head. “No… No, he just attracts trouble.”
“I can feel how much you love them, and how much they love you. Something like that… it’s rare.” He stood, extending a hand to help you up as well. 
You took it, knees aching. How long had you been sitting there? Hours maybe? The sun was much lower.
“I understand you have a crystal in your possession.”
“Yes, I do.” You were surprised by how little it bothered you now. 
Walking with you, Luke offered: “I could help you with it, if you’d like?”
“Yes. I would like that.”
The walk back through the forest was one of renewed peace, Luke’s insights having soothed some long-jagged edge inside you. You could hear Grogu’s voice echo through the treeline as you finally approached the Crest. How you longed to go to them.
“Your apprehension has waned,” Luke noted as you climbed the ramp. 
You nodded. 
“I only told you what you already knew. What your family has already made clear.”
“It helps to hear it from someone like you.” The storage compartment opened easily, and you found the box that Din had referenced, the same old wood, the same paranormal feel. Though it wasn’t nearly as intimidating anymore. You reached in to retrieve it, standing and turning back to Luke.
“Don’t doubt yourself. Internal conflict can lead you down a darker path. No one decides who you are… only you.”
His words reminded you of similar ones heard only days before. They think they know who I am, but they won’t give me the chance to show them who I want to be. A Twi’lek surrounded by swirling fabrics.
He led you to a rounded stone hut atop a steep hill. The interior was cool, simple. He sat once more and you followed, placing the box on the soft ground beneath you. You flipped the lid.
The red of the crystal was angry, the fissured lines etched into its surface somehow impossibly deeper. It seemed so at odds with the soft green of this planet. But nestled beside it was that small piece of piping, bent in at one end from where you had clutched it. Din must have pried it from your grasp while you were unconscious.
Luke smiled at it. “Thoughtful,” he mused. “It will be useful.” Fingers fluttering through air, he lifted the crystal, turning it in the dim light of the den. “Did you know that no crystal is naturally created red?”
No, you hadn’t known that.
“In the presence of a Sith, particularly a powerful one, it becomes corrupted… it bleeds. That is why the blade becomes scarlet. Sometimes, because of the unstable nature of it, the saber will flicker, whereas those of the Jedi are often still and calm.”
“What about D— The Mandalorian’s saber?”
“I’m afraid I don’t know much about the creation of the darksaber. I feel that is a story better told by the Mandalorians.”
The kyber crystal came to rest back in its box, and Luke rose to retrieve a bundle from across the room. Within it were a number of strange pieces of metal, each of varying shapes and sizes. 
“Your piece will make most of the hilt, but you will need a power cell… stabilizers… an activation lever. Pick what speaks to you; I will supply the rest.”
You moved—comfortably quiet—in tandem, similar to the arts and crafts you had done with the children on Sorgan. I made you want to laugh, comparing the creation of a weapon to such innocent fun. But before long, you had a line-up of materials in front of you, springs and screws and things you couldn’t even name, spaced out and flat on the ground. In the center of it all was the crystal, glowing faintly as if in anticipation.
“When you’re ready…” Luke began, “…close your eyes and connect. You’ll feel all the components around it, the way they interact. It will feel a bit like a puzzle.” He looked wistful. “All you have to do is solve it.”
He said it as if it was easy. Maybe it was. Didn’t you want to find out? 
Your eyes fluttered shut, and the room around you faded to black.
It was similar to the dream you had had of the crystal before, a sort of limbo. Except it didn’t speak to you anymore. It beckoned as always, but seemed to heave with effort, giving the impression of being sick or injured. When you reached out to it, it sighed. 
The parts of the saber came into focus, making an odd sort of mental sense. Like trying to chart a hyperspace lane, careful of obstructions and aware of where all the stars fell. Clicks and twists. Overtop of it all, the casing of metal pipe fit into place. Like it was made for this. The surface puckered and folded, and you let it do as it pleased. The was a final pop, a miniscule hiss, and the work was done. A bead of sweat was traveling its way down your brow.
Luke was assessing you with a look of satisfaction. “Very good.” You took in your creation.
Interesting and perhaps symbolic, that a piece of your captivity would be used for this. Reclaimed. It had bent itself into creases as if it had been squeezed.
“It’s quite unique. Representative of its owner.” He cast a glance behind you.
Was it? 
“Ignite it.”
The command had you looking at Luke. The nervousness must have been evident in your eyes because he nodded once in encouragement.
You felt around for the activation lever. Felt, because your eyes had squeezed themselves closed. Each heartbeat reverberated through your bones; each breath was too loud. There was no doubt anymore, no fear, and yet a kernel of hesitation still crawled its way into your stomach.
Fuck it. You had what you wanted. This wouldn’t change anything.
The blade hummed to life.
Its searing light burned the backs of your eyelids. 
Luke was silent. 
Oh, stars.
But when you finally gathered the courage to look, what you saw stunned you to silence as well. Parted your lips and somehow forced an exhale from already empty lungs. 
It was white. Pure white, like starlight.
“How is this even possible?”
Skywalker was smiling in a way you hadn’t yet witnessed. “I’ve seen it once before. With a close friend. A great warrior, and a good person.”
You swung it experimentally, low and then high, angled perpendicular above your forehead. It was lighter than Din’s and the handling was different. It moved in smooth arcs, cutting through the resistance of air. The crystal within felt sated; it hummed in synchronicity with the blade… contented purrs. You laughed, carefree and airy.
“You’ve been given this to protect and defend. Use it wisely.” You wished there were words to convey your level of gratitude to Luke. As you extinguished the blade, all you could do was thank him and assure him that you would.
A squeak of excitement sounded from the archway behind you. Din was there, a fascinated Grogu in his arms. 
You felt like a child, running into his arms. “Did you see that?” Someone needed to clarify that you weren’t just hallucinating.
He smoothed your brow, the child clawing at the folds of your clothing. “I never doubted you, cyar’ika.”
He hadn’t, had he? Since the beginning, since bringing you aboard the ship, in matters of life or death, even since learning the truth about your past. What a magical thing it was to have someone see all of you, every dark and twisted crevice, every scar you tried so hard to hide away, and still find such beauty in it.
Luke had to clear his throat. “I won’t keep you. But I would like to thank you for gathering up the courage to come here. I know it was not an easy feat.” He surveyed Din. Despite being much shorter, Luke stood with a poise that exuded power. “I know that I’m in no position to ask you for anything, but I will ask that you take good care of them. Such power attracts attention… and danger. I hate to refer to your family as such, but in the eyes of many… they are weapons. It is imperative that they stay protected.”
“I’d sooner fall on my own blade then let anything happen to them.”
Luke’s seemed to share an unspoken thought with Din. “I know.”
Something about the way he said it was unnerving. Because you knew he meant every word.
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The place Din had picked was shrouded in darkness by the time the Crest landed. Miles away from the closest tourist spot, it was secluded and quiet. Breathtakingly beautiful.
A sprawling lake sparkled with bright moonlight, stretching far into the distance, where it was lined by tall trees of the lushest green. The ship’s ramp descended just a few metres from the shoreline, soft sand and small pebbles that shifted with the light lapping of the water. Aside from the comforting noises of nature and the small ticks of the cooling Crest, all was quiet.
Grogu had drifted off hours ago and would likely sleep until morning. Din had tucked him in to the pram with gentle movements, smoothing the small bit of hair that was starting to appear on the top of his head. Such tender care. He was a good father. Though he’d likely never admit it.
“You’re staring,” he remarked as he closed the pram lid.
“Am I not allowed to?” You rose from where you leaned against the ladder, saber hilt hitting your thigh. Its weight would take some getting used to. “You get to see me all the time. I have to look at you far longer to read you beneath all the armour. It’s hardly fair.”
He motioned to the open ramp and the world that waited beyond it. “You want to even the playing field?” Din offered you his arm.
The night was clear and the air was warm, alive with a breeze that felt almost like a caress. There was no need for a fire, and so you sat on the sand, bare feet flirting with the fresh water of the lake. Din had removed his helmet, and you had helped him with the armour plates so he could lay back on the sandbank, stretching out, arms beneath his head.
“The stars look different from here,” he mused. You took in his features, bathed in cool light, and the sparkle of constellations in his eyes.
“How so?”
He dragged an arm through the sand and around your waist, pulling you down and into his side. Took your chin between his fingers and tilted it toward the sky. “Look.” 
Colours bled like a watercolour painting across the dark night, the auras of each star so bright that it reminded you fleetingly of the halo of your lightsaber blade. A rippling curtain of turquoise green floated from horizon to horizon, ghostlike in its movements.
“Woah.” You couldn’t help the breathless exclamation, the laugh, and the smile that it left behind. Never before had you seen anything like it. It was stunning. 
Naboo was everything you had hoped it would be. Otherworldly allure. A sanctuary in the midst of a dangerous galaxy. Somewhere the three of you could come to just relax for a moment. Be no one beyond yourselves. No responsibilities, no judgements.  
The wave of heartache was unavoidable. “He would have loved this.” Your father. Who talked of coming here over and over and over. An unreachable dream encased in four walls of dark durasteel. Who talked of wishes and magic and fairy tales of brave knights in impenetrable armour. He had been right about so many things. “I think he would have loved you.”
Din turned his eyes away from the sky, his shaky breath unmissable. “I wish I could have met him.” He pressed a kiss to your hair. “…thanked him for raising such a strong woman… wish I could tell him that I’ll take care of you now.”
Simple words… but a galaxy of meaning.
“I’ll take care of you,” he murmured again. 
Din kissed you, and it felt like a thousand words melded into one moment. Breaths mingled, hand wandered. There was sand in his hair, and probably in yours too. Once you broke away you said just that, brain short-circuiting.
He said it was easy enough to wash out. He wasn’t referring to the fresher.
“You’re kidding.”
“Am I?” His smiled turned to a stupid grin. “Want to go swimming?”
Drunk on him, you agreed. How would he feel in the cool stillness of the water? You wanted to find out. Stars, he was unbuttoning your shirt with talented fingers and your mind was going a pleasant sort of fuzzy. He pushed the sleeves off of your shoulders. Threw your top to the side. Unhooked your saber hilt. Dove into the soft part of your neck. 
“Not sure if your father would have approved of this,” he mumbled into your shoulder and you giggled, giggled, like a little girl. His hands were hot on your bare skin, sliding down to the waistband of your pants. You hadn’t even started on his flight suit yet.
“I do want to go swimming,” you admitted to him. “You’re distracting me.”
He continued his ministrations. “Focus then.”
Fine. His zipper slid down with little resistance. Every time you undressed him it felt so thrilling, erotic. A memory floated back, Omera’s whispered words on Sorgan, like some forbidden secret. 
‘He’s so hot.’
You had found such a sentiment silly at the time, especially in the face of such violent conflict. But even then—just a little, maybe a lot—you had agreed with her. And even more so now. He was.
Din had managed to work your trousers down just as you slid the top of his suit off. He was smiling at you, cheekily before standing, shucking the rest of it off and offering you a hand.
The water was cold. Not enough to change your mind about going in, but certainly enough to elicit a sharp squeal. Din seemed unfazed, wading a distance in before diving under the surface. 
“It’s nice,” he said upon emerging. Appalled, you could only gape at him. “Come on.” He splashed you once and you sent a loathing glare back. One which he only laughed at. “I’ll pull you in…”
“You wouldn’t dare.” You sent a flicker of Force outward, enough to make your eyes glow, just for theatrical effect.
Din smiled, wading up the shore to where you stood, dripping lake water. “I’m not scared of you.” He looked like a god.
When he lunged for you, you let him.
The water felt like sharp, cold silk. You were gasping down gulps of air to overcome the shock and he held you through it, chuckling lightly at your dramaticism. “See?” But after a few short-lived seconds of crisp panic, you began to adjust and found that—temperature aside—he was right. Though the night was dark, the moonlight only just enough to highlight the chiseled angles of Din’s face, you could feel that the water was clear. Fresh and glassy. But you weren’t letting the sudden assault go so easily. You splashed at him playfully and watched the water drip down the muscle of his jaw. The way he looked at you… it might as well have been a kiss.
It was your first time swimming, or at least fully submerged in water that wasn’t a tank. What a marvel, the way it made your body feel so light. You hadn’t even considered to be afraid of the lake, not with Din right beside you. “I’ve never done this before,” you confessed, suddenly giddy.
Din placed a hand under your back, tipping your legs up. “Watch this.” You were falling onto your back in slow motion, the water and Din’s arms supporting you to stay above the surface. As the sky became visible you realized that you were floating… like an idle ship in space. Suspended in midair, water tickling at your sides. You laughed, eyes full of multicoloured stars. Such a wonderful feeling. “They should make bacta tanks like this.”
You didn’t have to look at him to tell that he was smiling. Grinning. Again, that whispered utterance of Mando’a syllables that was becoming increasingly familiar yet still remained a mystery.
Curiosity got the best of you. Without looking him in the eyes, you dared to ask, “What does that mean?”
He didn’t hesitate. “It means beautiful… means you’re beautiful.” 
“Will you teach me?”
“Mando’a, or how to swim?”
“Of course.” He was supporting you lightly by the waist. “How about I teach you one right now.”
You smiled at the night sky. “Okay.”
“Close your eyes. Listen to the way the words sound.” His mouth was by your ear then, and the phrase he uttered sent goosebumps along your skin. 
“It sounds familiar.”
“That’s because I’ve said it to you once before.”
“What does it mean?”
“It means I love you. Literally, it means I will know you forever.” His fingertips tapped along the length of your spine, under the water. He was barely even touching you anymore and yet you were still afloat in serene stillness. 
You tried it out, tongue stumbling over some of the pronunciation. Despite what was probably a butchery of the sentence, Din leaned over your floating figure to press his lips to your forehead.
“I love you.” You righted yourself, moving closer to him. “I love swimming… I love the water.”
“I wanted to fuck you in that pool on Rishi,” he admitted.
Oh. Holy shit.
“I spent way too long in there thinking eventually you’d say ‘to hell with it’ and come and join me.” His hands were frictionless under the surface, sliding up your thighs. “Rishi was torture. Your fucking shirt, your hair…”
You thought back to it, the stifling weather, the meeting with Castann, the way he had fallen so sternly silent afterwards. Ah. “That’s why you were so quiet. In the cantina… you were jealous.” Your words had held a hint of humor, but when he dragged his eyes up to yours there was only dark seriousness there.
You softened. “Oh, Din.” The water rippled as he adjusted his hold on you, bringing your bodies impossibly closer.
“It wasn’t anything that you did, just…” He paused, and you brushed a wet curl back from his face. “…with him, with the Marshall, there’ve been others too… I could never touch you the way they could, I couldn’t connect with you that way. It just frustrated me.”
“That’s not true.” The sparkling glare off the lake lit up his skin, the broadness of his shoulders. “I didn’t need to touch you or kiss you to know how I felt. Maker knows I wanted to, but that wasn’t what did it. It was just you.”
“And if I couldn’t have given you anything more?” There was such vulnerability in his voice. In the question.
You cupped his face, drops of water falling from your wrists to his collarbones. “You’re enough. You’re so much more than enough.” When you kissed him, you could have sworn that a tear mixed with the lake water running down his face.
It was sweet. Sweet and soft and lazy and he smelled like the trees. You felt weightless in the water, cocooned in his arms and the warmth of his body heat. He took his time against your mouth, moving like the soft ripples of the lake before nipping lightly at your bottom lip. Hiking your legs up to wind around his hips.
It felt like fireworks every time he touched you. Like you had dared to move too close to a flame and caught alight. But you would be happy to burn like this. The water didn’t feel cold anymore.
“Can I?”
You nodded. He always asked. As if he expected the answer to suddenly change.
Din unclasped your wet undershirt with deft fingers, throwing it as far as he could onto the sandy shore. Your chest rose and fell against his own, lake water swirling in the space between.
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You felt surreal under his palms. Powerful and alive and thrumming with energy. He wanted to make this good, really good. It was something he had discovered with you recently and was still learning to take advantage of. It drove him crazy to make you feel good. He had to see it, to hear your moans, to soak up your praises shamelessly. Stars, it made him hard.
And he was starting to learn what you liked. But there was such opportunity, so many doors he had yet to open. He couldn’t fucking wait. You were kissing along his jawline and he was trying to remember all the things he wanted to try but dank farrik it was difficult especially since he was kind of still staring at the way water trickled down the valley between your bare breasts.
“Stop thinking so hard,” you whispered against his neck. So you could read minds. “Just let go.” Your hands were roaming over his pecs, and he was forgetting which way was up and which way was down because the sky was reflected so perfectly in the water’s surface and all he could feel was you.
He strode up the sandbank, out of the water, the chill of the breeze making you shudder as you clung to him and lay you down on your pile of discarded clothes. Your skin was glistening and on impulse alone he licked up the center of your chest, tasting saltwater and desire. Gasping, you lifted your hips up, searching desperately for some sort of friction. Needy, always.
Din went to pull at your underwear, but the water had stuck them to you like a second skin. Usually he could take his time, but right now… 
He reached for his weapons belt, withdrawing the blade. Watched your eyes widen. Not with fear, though. Shit. He slid the edge under the fabric at your hip and sliced—hearing it come away with a clean rip. You hissed, arching needily toward the blade’s edge.
“Careful,” he chided.
Your eyes had darkened. “I trust you.” Oh, you liked it. You fucking liked it.
“Do you?” He was going to combust. Because as he pressed the flat length of the blade to your neck, you bared it to him. “You know I would never hurt you.”
“Not unless I asked you to?” The innocent tone of the question made his cock twitch. For just a moment, he was robbed of the ability to speak. “Or not unless I begged you to,” you urged him. Buffering, reloading, knife still at your neck. 
“Come on, Mando.”
Mando. You lay your hand over his own, tilting the angle of the blade until its sharpest edge rested over your skin. You were breathing heavy, but he was breathing heavier. You arched further into him, a desperate sound escaping you, and something in him snapped.
He had your hips pinned in an instant, trailing the knife over the rise and fall of your chest and down, down, down, through your breasts, past your navel and back to where your underwear sat, half torn off your body. “This what you want?” He cut the fabric around your other hip and pulled the ruined garment free. You gasped. “I was going to be gentle tonight.” Farrik, he could see the sheen of your arousal and it was making some primal part of him go a little feral. 
Your hands were wandering, grasping aimlessly at him. But a hunter’s instinct had taken over, a strange combination of a need to capture with a desire to please. He had your wrists trapped in one palm, winding the wet material of your panties around them, and tying them off before raising them up above your head. There was a rock to the side of him and he retrieved it, placing it in between your hands, over the knot of your bindings digging into the sand. It would hold if you didn’t strain too hard. He pulled back once the work was done just to look at you, completely bare before him, writhing and completely at his mercy. And stars, he was focused. So hyperaware. On the clench of your trapped fists, the peaks of your nipples, the softness of your skin, the way your scars seemed to glow in the light, the way your thighs clenched together.
“You want me to fuck you, pretty girl?” A broad palm travelled up from your waist to cup your breast. He rolled a nipple between his fingers and watched the way you panted. Would you like it if he put his mouth there?
You did like it. You liked it a lot. 
“Oh. Fuck.” Your moans were music to his ears, and he alternated sides, keen to keep them going.
“I should tie you up like a bounty…” He was blabbering, almost incoherent, drunk off the feel of you. “…let you loose in the forest and hunt you down. Would you like that?” Judging by the mess he found between your legs, he figured the answer was yes. “Lucky for you, I’m not feeling very patient.”
You choked when he slid two fingers inside of you. How fast could he make you come? He was getting awfully good at it. The movements of his hand were sharp, deliberate, the heel of his palm brushing up against your clit with each repetition. You started to tug at your makeshift binding but it held, mercifully. You were getting loud, trying to muffle the pleasured cries in the flesh of your shoulder. Oh, this was fucking addicting.
Sliding his free hand up your torso, he tested a flex of his fingers around your throat and felt you tighten around him in response. “You’re mine.” Tighter. “Only mine.” Faster. You were seconds away, bucking your hips up into his hand, chanting in agreement.
“I’m yours. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes.” Din slid his hands free at the last moment. “No.” It felt evil to laugh at your groan of anguish, but he couldn’t help it.
Your hands had come free, but it didn’t matter. He flipped you by your waist to lay on your stomach, arching your hips up and flattening himself over your spine. Reaching down to line himself up and pausing… just long enough for you let out another desperate whine. “Didn’t you say something about begging?”
You pushed your ass back against him and he almost lost it. Almost. But you were just as stubborn, refusing to give him the satisfaction. That wouldn’t do. “Beg me, cyare.”
You caved so easily that it broke his character, made him smile. “Please… Din please.”
“Please what?”
“Please, fuck me. Please.”
“My wife. So polite.” He pushed in, all the way, in one powerful motion, stealing the air from both of your lungs. It’s like you were made for him, greedily taking everything he was willing to give. He was punching sobs out of you with each thrust and your bound hands were grasping for purchase on the beach, handfuls of wet sand. “Never going to get enough of you.”
Din snaked both hands around your body, one up to circle around your neck and one down, past your stomach where he could feel the blunt head of him poking through, all the way to your clit. The vibrations in your throat traveled through his palm as you moaned and cried out, and each circle of his fingers had you clenching down on him, so tight that the pleasure was burning hot.
He had used to fist his own dick thinking of taking you from behind, yet his imagination had done it no justice. Every arch of your spine, every tremble, every kriffing pulse of your cunt had him reeling, desperately trying to keep a hold on the brutal pace he had set. He wanted to mold you to the shape of him, selfishly, so that you fit him—and only him—for the rest of time. Imprint his name down your spine, leave purple marks on your neck that would last for days. This sort of love was brutal, possessive, like a wild animal. Oh, he wanted you to be able to feel the ghost of him between your legs when you walked.
You met him, thrust for thrust, mumbling words between every sharp breath. “Feels… so… fucking… good…” It felt better than good. It was the most blinding sensation he had ever experienced. “So… close… don’t stop.” He could tell. From the way every muscle in you was tensing, from the way you were gripping him. And thank the stars for it because he certainly wasn’t going to last much longer. “Want you to… come inside and… watch it leak out… then… fuck it back… into me.”
Din collapsed, spilling into you with a low groan. It felt never ending, wave after wave after wave and just as he thought he was coming down, you clamped down on him like a vise, whimpering and shuddering through your own orgasm and only prolonging his own. It was all he could do to prop his weight up and keep from crushing you.
For a long moment, the only sound was lapping water and the uneven heaves of breath as you both fought to recover. He released your neck, watched your head slump forward, trailed a palm over the dips in your back. Did as you asked, leaned back and watched pearls of his own come drip into the sand. With two fingers he swiped up the excess and pushed it back into you, soaking up your weakened whimper like music.
“You okay?” Because he had been hard, unforgiving. If he had hurt you…
“Am I oka—” You huffed an exhausted laugh. Din flipped you over onto your back and drank in the disarray of your hair, the softness of your eyes, the satisfied smile. “That was… wow.” You lifted your hands to him, bashfully. “Can you untie me?”
It was his turn to laugh as he reached for the panties around your wrists, still damp and now coated with sand. You were watching him as he worked, eyes trailing from his face down his chest and stomach, lower. He stared back and you looked away sharply, as if you had been caught doing something you shouldn’t. Adorable.
“Don’t get shy on me.” The knot on your wrists came free.
He leaned down to whisper at your ear. “Especially not after you told me to fuck my c—”
“Okay!” You slapped him playfully on the chest. He liked to tease you, if only to see you flustered and melting. Din was suddenly overcome by the urge to hold you. And in doing so, was struck dumb just by the fact that he could.
Under the stars, in the sand, between a copse of trees and the expanse of lake, you curled into each other.
“I might fall asleep,” you warned.
He traced the vertebrae of your spine with a fingertip. “I can carry you.”
“Kay.” When your lips met his shoulder, he smiled. “Do you think Grogu will want to swim? Tomorrow?”
The idea was laughable. “He’d probably much prefer to terrorize the tadpoles.”
“Poor things.”
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You stayed along that lake for 5 days, adventuring and playing with the kid during the day and fucking like wild creatures at night. One evening, skin still slick with sweat from riding him for what had felt like hours, you asked what he wanted to do next. Never before had the galaxy felt so open, so full of possibility. And never before had you had someone to explore it with. A family.
“We need to visit the covert. Thank the Armourer and…” Din trailed off.
“You want to go back to Mandalore.” He had spoken of a plan to redeem himself, to rediscover the mines below his people’s home world. You refrained from recalling what the Imp had said, he did too. But the curiosity, the need to know, it was palpable. 
His fingers threaded through your hair. “Only if you’re okay with it.”
“Of course. I know it’s important to you and I want to help. In any way that I can.” 
Din struggled to ask you for help, or for favours, and that was something that only got slightly better over time. But you were by his side anyways, as he wielded the darksaber as a symbol, united long-estranged factions of Mandalorians, and eventually retook the planet.
It hadn’t been easy; in fact, it had been terrifying. Moments when you had been separated were torturous, so much more frightening because now you knew the depth of what you stood to lose. But against all odds, and yet another run-in with the Empire, you and Din and Grogu had mercifully made it out unscathed. 
Victorious and now hidden away on a small parcel of land just outside of Nevarro City, a generous gift from Greef Karga. Or rather, a piece offering after Din threatened to kill him for sending you into the jaws of your captor. He had claimed to have no knowledge of the supposed ‘buyer’ and you believed him. But Din had not been so quick to forgive.
The Clan Mudhorn cabin was a quaint place, small, but somehow the perfect size for your peculiar little family. There were frogs for Grogu to play with, and the sun rose and set every day. And thank the maker, there was finally a proper bed. Just the one, but the three of you had made it work. A hammock had been fashioned just beside the kitchen for Grogu to sleep in, though more often than not, you would wake to find him snoozing happily between you and Din. On those nights, neither of you would have the heart to move him back.
It was so easy to fall into domesticity with them; to hide away the weapons for a time and just be. But the past was not so easily forgotten. And the future was imminent.
You woke from the dream with a choking sob, hand covering your mouth on instinct to keep from waking them. But it was too late. Din brushed a lock of hair back from your face, brown eyes concerned. “I thought they were getting better.” You hadn’t found your voice just yet. “It’s okay, take deep breaths.” He breathed with you until the muscles in your body slowly started to release. “That’s it. Good girl.”
“Sorry. I didn’t mean to wake you.”
“Shh. Don’t apologize.” Having his arms around you was easing the lingering panic better than any medicine. “You want to talk about it? One of the usuals?”
The usuals referred to dreams of captivity, of your father’s death, of the buried traumatic memories associated with your upbringing. But this… this had been different. It came trickling back in bits and pieces.
“No, I… I saw Skywalker. But he was older, much older.” How strange. “His hair was turning grey. There was a boy, young, with raven black hair.” Din was rubbing comforting circles on your curved spine. “I don’t understand, it was all just disjointed images.” But you knew what had roused you from the dream with such urgency. 
The master needs an apprentice.
Din knew better than to discount your visons. Even so, part of you wished he would. Wished he would tell you it was just a dream and to go back to sleep.
“You’re safe. We’re here.” As if he sensed himself being referred to, Grogu’s green claws fought their way up the bedspread. “We can stay up if—”
“No, no, it’s alright. It’s probably nothing.” Din’s eyes looked sad. “Just… can you… hold me?”
“Come here.” He pulled you down and tucked your head under his chin, arms winding securely around your back. The child managed to wriggle his way under Din’s elbow, collapsing with a satisfied sight between your chests. You kissed him on the head.
An ex-Sith, a Mandalorian, and a very small, basically Jedi. The stars must have a sense of humour. But perhaps they were also merciful. You clung to that hope, almost as hard as you clung to Din, Grogu sandwiched between the two of you.
The galaxy was loud, but Nevarro was quiet. People were suffering but now, for this fleeting moment you could be ignorantly happy. 
In your secluded constellation, safe from the rest of the supernovas, you could breathe and succumb once more to a peaceful slumber. If only for just a while longer.
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thank you for reading ❤️‍🩹
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I added some tags that slipped through the cracks too (totally my bad)
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I was feeling angsty tonight, and I haven’t done a prompt list in a while, so I thought I’d do some enemies-to-lovers type prompts. Feel free to use any you want, in any way you like! Just a warning — a couple of them are a little suggestive!
| Fifteen Enemies-to-Lovers Prompts|
1. “You might just be the only real friend I’ve ever had.” // “We’re enemies.” // “Eh. Semantics.”
2. “I know we hate each other. And that’s more than fine. But just for tonight, can we pretend that we…don’t?”
3. “You’re absolutely fucking insane if you think I’m going to that ball with you.” // “Oh, you so want to. I can see it in your eyes.”
4. “Last night was a mistake.” // “Huh. That’s funny. I don’t recall you ever saying no. Said yes a lot. And god, yes. Oh, fuck, yes—” // “So you’re a great lay. It was still a mistake, and it’s never happening again.” // “Until next time, then.”
5. “You look like shit.” -pause- “what, no comeback?” // “I almost died tonight. And the last person I thought about was you.”
6. “Sometimes the way you look at me makes me think that perhaps you don’t hate me that much.”
7. “What happened to your hand? Let me see.” // “I’m fine.” // “You’re hurt.” // “Why do you care?” // “…I don’t know.”
8. “Nobody gets to hate you but me.”
9. “We could have been friends, once upon a time.” // “No, we couldn’t have.” // “Why?” // “Because when I look at you…I know it’s either hate or love. And I choose the former. It hurts less.”
10. “Having sex crossed a line that we can’t uncross. Do you even realise that?” // “You have no idea how much I realise it. I’m fucked. Now that I’ve had you, I can’t bear the thought of anyone else having you.”
11. “You don’t get to pull the possessive, territorial bullshit when you can’t decide for five fucking minutes whether you hate me or want me.” // “I want you. And that’s why I hate you. I’ve never wanted somebody so much and you drive me insane.”
12. “One of us is going to kill the other one day.” // “Kind of hope it’s you killing me. That’d be pretty hot. // “There’s something incredibly wrong with you.”
13. “Here for another fight?” // “I’m here because I need to be in the company of somebody that treats me like an actual person.”
14. “Tell me. Be honest. What did I even do to make you hate me so much?” // “You smiled. And I knew that god damn smile would ruin me if I didn’t ruin it first.”
15. “Don’t you dare fucking die on me.” // “Got anything you want to say before I go?” // “Yes. I love you. Now live and punch me for saying it.”
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