#glad the extras confirmed my suspicions
yoongi3 · 2 months
initial post that went up around 12hrs ago (5am est): tiktok user @ kira.nites shares a screenshot of her message conversation with a friend of hers and includes a video clip of seunghan reading fan letters posted on a fan-bought subway ad showing support for him
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post explodes, everyone is excited, mass suicide is postponed, briize nation experiences happiness and joy for the first time in months
kira then starts responding to people on twitter and mentions that she is going to make a follow up video
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at around 10am est she posts the follow up tiktok:
the video is ~5 mins but the talking points are:
she asks for patience from people since she is on vacation in greece
yesterday morning (i imagine that means thursday march 28th) at 7am she receives the texts she showed in the first video and a call from her friend saying she met seunghan in the subway
the friend was in a subway station in seoul on her way to buy an nct album (album or subunit unspecified) when she noticed someone standing beside her as she read the fan letters
wasnt sure if the person was seunghan but then she saw other people approach him which confirmed her suspicion
she spoke to him and conveyed her well-wishes but didn't ask any other questions
with the help of google translate she said "hey it's good to meet you. me and my friend are waiting for you to come back. i hope you stay happy and healthy. take care of yourself. thank you so much"
he thanked her
the clip and photos were the only footage she took
the friend prefers to stay anonymous
the friend said he seemed well and happy and excited to meet fans and read the fan letters
along with the tiktok, she shares a clip and extra photos from a different angle on twitter:
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seunghan my bestie i’m so glad you’re well!!
ive been hearing other things here and there but i havent found the original posts so i will add onto this if i find out more info
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gamma-rae-bursts · 1 year
We Found Love Right Where We Are
The 5 times the BAU team had their suspicions and the 1 time you confirmed them.
Pairing: Alex Blake x Fem! Reader
Warnings: slight alcohol consumption, mentions of sex
Genre: Fluffy One-Shot
Word Count: 3500+
A/N: Written for @nightmarish-fae ❤️ my best simping bud that always fuels my obsession with CM ladies. I will also forever stand by the soft Alex Blake headcanon.
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It wasn’t love at first sight. Both you and Alex took your time to acknowledge the feelings you’ve developed for one another, and it took you even longer to admit them.
When she first joined the team, you thought nothing of it, after all why would you. And it wasn’t until months later that you finally admitted to yourself that you had a hopeless crush on the linguist. It was the way she spoke that gave you butterflies, the way she walked with such grace you’ve never seen before, every little detail about her started to seem absolutely perfect. But you didn’t say anything, you didn’t want to risk being rejected but most importantly, ruin the friendship the two of you have formed over the months.
And neither did she. It wasn’t until after one of the frequent movie nights at Alex’s place, when both of you had one too many glasses of wine to keep your mouths shut and you’ve finally admitted how you truly felt.
And it was perfect ever since, the two of you worked together in such harmony, understood one another like nobody else. At the very beginning you and Alex decided not to tell the team, you didn’t want to make it awkward for anyone in case you didn’t work out in the end. And above all, you didn’t want to hear Morgan’s snarky remarks at every point of your workdays. You were happy to keep it as a little secret, you knew how much Alex has valued her privacy as well as separating her personal life from her work life. You just happened to be a part of both.
5. Can’t keep my eyes off of you
You were sat at your desk, desperately trying to get any work done. It was one of the paperwork days for the BAU and as glad as you were that there were no psychopaths running around and murdering people, you couldn’t help but hope for some excitement to be added to your otherwise boring workday.
Your phone buzzed on the desk, driving your attention away from the file you’ve been working on. You saw Alex’s name across your lock screen and couldn’t help the smile that creeped on your face.
Alex: Darling, if you don’t stop looking at me like that every 5 minutes the team will start getting suspicious.
You must admit, it had become increasingly harder and harder to keep your eyes off of the gorgeous linguist, especially when her desk was right across from yours. Alex was completely aware of that, sometimes purposefully leaving extra buttons of her shirt undone, knowing exactly how crazy it drove you during work.
You started typing your message to reply to the older woman when you saw Morgan heading towards your desk.
“What was that about?” the man questioned with a curious smile, slightly raising his eyebrows.
“Huh? What was what about?” you said raising your eyebrows as well. Being surrounded by a team of exceptionally talented profilers had its downsides, being in situations like this must be on the top of the list.
“Oh, come on y/n!” Derek exclaimed “I saw that smile when you looked at your phone, is there anything you’re not telling us about?! Or more like anyone?”
“What no!” you said and nervously chuckled, the way in which Morgan looked at you made all your hopes of seamlessly getting out of this situation disappear, but you didn’t want to give in just yet, not without talking to Alex first. “It was just a cute cat picture my friend sent to me” you said as you stood up from your desk grabbing your mug and started walking towards the coffee machine.
“Mhm, friend…” he added with a chuckle and a shake of his head as you left the bullpen.
4. Clothes
“You look better in my clothes than I do” Alex whispered to you as the two of you exited the elevator and started heading to the bullpen.
“You better hope nobody notices, or it’ll be over for us” you whispered back, slight smirk on your face. You were, in fact, wearing an outfit that majorly consisted of Alex’s clothes, the only item that belonged to you were the shoes, which you have also worn on the previous day. The two of you have gone out on a little date the night before, which didn’t happen frequently considering the unpredictable nature of your jobs. The date has, unsurprisingly, ended in Alex’s apartment where you’ve stayed the night.
“Morning Everyone!” you hear Penelope’s high pitched voice roam through the bullpen as you enter.” Don’t get all too comfortable, we have a case!”
As everyone headed into the conference room Penelope stopped you before you managed to take a single step, with a big smile on her face.
“I know that shirt from somewhere” the eccentric blonde said, giving you that look of ‘I know what you’re up to’.
“What do you mean?”  you replied, trying to keep the expression on your face unchanged, slightly confused as if you had indeed no idea what she was talking about. You put in your best efforts trying to mask the inner panic this interaction has caused.
“I’ve seen Blake wearing it last week, and I know it was this exact shirt because it took me by surprise, it’s not something she would usually wear!” Penelope said, looking straight into your eyes, waiting for you to give in.
“Oh, we might have the same shirts then” you said, trying to mask the anxiety that almost caused you to shake “I guess it’s not as original as I thought it was when I bought it” you finished the sentence with a gentle smile, really hoping Penelope bought the horrible lie you came up with.
The two of you then headed to the conference room together and all you could hope was that Penelope could get the hint and not tell every other agent about the interaction you’ve just had.
3. Date
You didn’t get the chance to go out together often, either because you were away on cases, loaded with paperwork or so exhausted from the workload that all you wanted was to stay in your house. This week was different. There weren’t any cases that would cause you to leave the city and each team member was fully caught up on the paperwork. This was a perfect time for you and Alex to finally spend some quality time together. You knew Penelope planned a girls’ night for the evening, but both of you made up some excuses as to why you couldn’t come.
You told Alex you would pick her up at 5pm. You didn’t plan anything too fancy; you were completely aware this was not Alex’s scene and even less yours. Instead, you decided to take your girlfriend to one of the biggest bookstores in the area. After all she was a linguist with borderline unhealthy obsession about books. But you didn’t mind it at all. You loved how consumed by reading she got every evening; with how much passion she spoke about her favourite authors and how much she knew about every single one. This woman was truly amazing, and you adored every single aspect that made her, her.
“So where are we going?” Alex questioned with a soft smile as she got into your car.
“My word still stands, you’ll find out when we get there” you answered with a smile and pressed a gentle kiss to her cheek, trying to transfer as little of your lip gloss onto her skin as possible.
The drive was peaceful filled with silence between you two, but it wasn’t uncomfortable. Alex was in charge of the music so the whole way there you listened to Beethoven’s symphony no. 5. Her taste in music, although being the complete opposite of yours, was one of the things you adored about the woman.
When you got to the parking lot right across the bookstore you saw the way Alex’s eyes lit up. And this was all you could ever ask for.
“Come on, you can tell me all about your favourite books and authors and I’m paying for all the books you want!” you said with a huge smile that matched the one spread across Alex’s face “And after we go through the whole 3 floors, I’m taking you out for dinner.”
“You’re too sweet to me y/n/n” the brunette said softly, after which she proceeded to leave a gentle yet passionate kiss on your lips “I’m so excited for this!”
As you expected the bookstore was a huge hit. You and Alex spent a little over 3 hours wandering between the bookshelves, stopping at every single one to see what it had to offer. Alex told you a little about every book she picked up, about its origin, the author and how much of a historical impact it had. And you enjoyed every last second of it. There was something so special about seeing her fully in her element, something that made you truly happy.
You left the bookstore with a few books to add to Alex’s ever-growing collection. When you got to the restaurant you picked out, the conversation about books and linguistics continued. That was until you noticed JJ and Penelope heading into the same restaurant you and Alex were sitting in. And it was too late, before you could make up any sort of an escape plan the two women noticed you and your girlfriend. The good thing was that you managed to let go of each other’s hands before either of them noticed.
“Oh my God! y/n! Alex! What are you two doing here!” JJ exclaimed. You could tell from the way she was speaking that she was as least tipsy, borderline drunk. You could only hope that Penelope matched her level.
“You said you were busy and couldn’t make it tonight!” Penelope said with a pout “What the hell is this then!”
“Oh, it’s nothing, me and y/n bumped into each other after we’ve finished running the errands and decided to grab some dinner together” Alex answered. You really hoped the two agents were too drunk to properly put the two and two together.
“Ah, I see! Well, it’s not too late to join the girls’ night now ladies!” Penelope exclaimed “Come on we're going to the club!”
This one was too close.
2. Hickey
“It’s nothing, I burned myself with a curling iron a few days ago” Alex said with a sigh, trying to convince Morgan, silently hoping he wouldn’t make a big deal out of this. Unfortunately for the two of you he didn’t buy the crappy excuse Alex came up with.
“I don’t know Blake, it looks like a hickey to me” you overheard Morgan say with a grin plastered across his face.
The night before was eventful to say the least. You and Alex decided to stay at her apartment, cook dinner together and watch your favourite TV show. It goes without saying that the latter part did not go to plan, which neither of you complained about. You didn’t have time to yourselves for the past three weeks, as there was a case after another during which you were paired in a room with JJ and Alex with Reid. At the time neither of you wanted to risk anybody suspecting something, or even worse, finding out about your relationship. After one too many glasses of wine you could not keep your hands to yourself, ending the evening in Alex’s bedroom. The longing for her touch had become too much at that point. When you woke up in the morning you could see the results of the previous night’s activities on Alex’s neck.
“Looks like our Dr Blake is getting some guys!” Morgan exclaimed grabbing the attention of the team. Garcia and JJ, of course, joined him at the linguist’s desk. You decided to join the group to not seem any more suspicious than you already were, Spencer joined shortly after you. At this points the only team members not gathered around the desk were Rossi and Hotch, both of which were in their offices. You didn’t doubt they too would join the interrogation if they were made aware of it.
“I need to know everything now!” Garcia said staring right into the older woman’s’ soul.
“There is nothing to know Penelope, as I said I burned myself with a curling iron” Alex tried to convince the agents again.
“You know statistically speaking people who have sex on a regular basis are happier than people who don’t. This is due to the release of the hormone oxytocin during orgasms.” Spencer added causing Alex to roll her eyes.
“Come on everyone” you all turned your heads to Hotch, who was standing right outside his office “We have a case.”
Both you and Alex released a sigh of a relief, thanking any higher power for the perfect timing of Hotch’s announcement.
1. Slip up
During the lunch break you, Alex and Spencer decided to head out to a new café that was opened just a little over a week prior. It was conveniently located right outside your workplace.
As each of you ordered your meals, you enjoyed listening to the two of them discussing linguistic concepts you had absolutely no idea about. Over the months you’ve learned a few things from Alex, but you were far from the point where you would be able to join in on their conversation with any of your own input.
The two of them were now discussing human capability of producing sounds, which just happened to be the topic of the conversation you’ve had with the linguist the day before. You’ve always been interested in language, it just so happened that your life led you in the completely opposite direction resulting in you having a wider scientific knowledge rather than anything to do with your lover’s field. Nevertheless, the desire to contribute to the conversation between Alex and Spencer was greater than the embarrassment caused by your limited knowledge on the subject, so you decided to join in.
“And by meaningful sounds you mean, taking English as an example, the letters P and B produce sounds that allow us to form different words, like pat and bat or pet and bet, right?” you said as you looked up at the pair of agents sitting across from you.
“Yes, I would think so” Spencer said, with a confused but impressed look on his face “How did you know that y/n?”
“Well, just like last night Alex said…” you stopped yourself before you could finish the sentence, realising the huge slip up that fell from your lips. Alex looked back at you with eyes wide open.
“Last night?” the boy genius questioned with a raised eyebrow “What were you two doing together last night?”
“y/n stopped at mine last night to pick up some books I’ve talked about before, she said she would like to give them a go” Alex quickly answered Spencer’s question, causing you to silently sigh in relief.
0. Karaoke Night
Late night conversations with Alex weren’t uncommon, the job took its toll on both of you causing occasional insomnia. Other than that, you wanted to spend as much time with your girlfriend as possible, even if it meant sacrificing your sleep for it. You would lie if you said you didn’t enjoy the chats the two of you had, talking about the meaning of life, where your life was heading or the existence itself. You loved hearing Alex elaborate on all of the above, carefully listening to all her thoughts, everything and anything she had to say.
This night was no different, you were snuggled together in your bed, your head resting on the older woman’s chest and her hand making small circles on your back.
“I think I’m ready to tell the team” Alex whispered and placed a gentle kiss on your head. “I want them all to know how happy you make me.”
You raised your head to look her in the eyes “Are you sure honey?” you whispered back.
“Yes, I want everyone to know that you’re my girlfriend, I want to finally be able to hold your hand on our way to the office and show up in one car without being scared someone will suspect something” she said sternly, yet gently and smiled at you.
 You pressed a soft kiss on her lips, but you couldn’t help the smile that creeped onto your face as you did so. “I’d like that too”.
Penelope’s ‘Team Bonding Policy’ included an obligatory monthly night out for the whole of the BAU. This month’s activity took place at the bar frequented by all of you, everyone was enthusiastic about this as it wasn’t too far out of anyone’s comfort zone. What Penelope forgot to mention was that this was a Karaoke Night.
This didn’t stop the team from having fun, Morgan flirting with all the girls by the bar, Penelope and JJ dancing together like there was no tomorrow. Rossi and Hotch were sat together discussing the Italian man’s all previous marriages. Even Spencer found himself someone to impress with his magic tricks. You and Alex were still sat at the table talking about everything and anything. At that point of the evening everyone had had a few drinks, you included. You were by no means drunk, tipsy at most. That’s when you decided that this will be the night the team officially finds out about your relationship.
You leaned closer to your girlfriend, cupping her face in your hands when you pressed a passionate kiss to her lips. Alex sighed in surprise. “I’m going to sing the cheesiest love song for you” you said and quickly ran away from the woman before she could react in any way, leaving her speechless.
A few minutes later you appeared on the stage, holding the microphone. It would be an understatement to say that the agents were surprised to see you there.
The music of ‘Thinking out Loud’ by Ed Sheeran began to play and you started to sing, looking right into the eyes of the love of your life.
When your legs don't work like they used to before And I can't sweep you off of your feet Will your mouth still remember the taste of my love Will your eyes still smile from your cheeks
And darling I will be loving you 'til we're 70 And baby my heart could still fall as hard at 23 And I'm thinking 'bout how people fall in love in mysterious ways Maybe just the touch of a hand Oh me I fall in love with you every single day And I just wanna tell you I am
A soft smile spread across Alex’s face as she looked at you from where the two of you were sitting before. You kept the eye contact as you sang every word, hitting every note of the song perfectly.
So honey now Take me into your loving arms Kiss me under the light of a thousand stars Place your head on my beating heart I'm thinking out loud Maybe we found love right where we are
When my hair's all but gone and my memory fades And the crowds don't remember my name When my hands don't play the strings the same way, mm I know you will still love me the same
'Cause honey your soul can never grow old, it's evergreen Baby your smile's forever in my mind and memory
This was the point where all the agents noticed the non-stopping eye contact you and Alex have shared, the soft smiles you sent her between lines of the song. You didn’t care about the confused looks each and every one of them have sent you, Alex was all that mattered in that moment. The brunette slowly stood up from the table and started heading towards the stage, where you continued singing for her.
But baby now Take me into your loving arms Kiss me under the light of a thousand stars Place your head on my beating heart I'm thinking out loud That maybe we found love right where we are, oh
So baby now Take me into your loving arms Kiss me under the light of a thousand stars Oh darling, place your head on my beating heart I'm thinking out loud That maybe we found love right where we are
What came as an even bigger surprise to everyone was the moment Alex joined you on the stage. Although she didn’t sing with you, you were perfectly content with the turn of events. You wrapped your arm around her waist and pulled and older woman closer to you.
Oh baby, we found love right where we are And we found love right where we are
She didn’t hesitate to kiss you in front of everyone and you immediately reciprocated the gesture. The team started cheering from where they were sat, and you heard Penelope and Morgan yell “I knew it” at the exact same time making both of you giggle into the kiss.
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starsfic · 10 months
(The Stolen Prince au) Wukong felt genuine anxiety from that note, there was one being who wrote like that, someone he left a long time ago before he went on the journey
"Wukong you good?" Pigsy had a concerned look as Monkey King was sweating "is Xiaotian safe?" Tang nodded "Mei and him is having a slumber party"
Wukong felt relief as he got ready to go out "tell Mei to extra careful, and if she sees a golden eagle, a elephant or an Azure lion, Do not trust them"
"That's incredibly specific."
"Trust me." Wukong waved his hand. His enthusiasm for the party had dulled a bit, but he had been invited. It would be rude not to show up. "You guys have my number. Call if something happens."
"Wait, we have your number- HEY HEY WA-"
Wukong was already zipping away, over the volcanoes and the sea, to the neon lights of Wàn Qiān Chéng. Wind blew over him, but by now he was an expert at traveling via cloud. A few placed spells meant that not one single hair blew out of place. He pulled out the invite and looked it over, making sure the blue-decorated building he approached was the right one. It looked fancy enough to
By the time he settled down, nobody was around. Everyone was already inside. Excluding Shaoqing, sitting on top of her car in a nice suit, scrolling on her phone. "You look nice," he said as he hopped off the cloud.
"And you're late."
"By five minutes," Wukong offered his arm. "Trust me, nobody will notice." Shaoqing huffed and he chuckled. She knew he was right. They attended too many parties together for her not to know.
"So who is hosting this party?"
"Oh, I have no idea, didn't recognize the name." Wukong pulled out his invite so the butler at the door could see it. The doors swung open, allowing them entry. "All it said was that it was some kind of engagement party."
"Wait," Shaoqing stared at him. Her eyes narrowed. "You don't know who's hosting this party?"
"Nope. But look at this place." The ballroom was nice. It was done in beautiful shades of blue and gold with tables heaving with food lining the sides and waiters in fancy dress walking with platters of drinks. Demons and humans alike mingled in fancy outfits. The entire thing was lit by chandeliers "Aren't you glad I said yes?"
"To..." Shaoqing snatched the invite and eyed it. "Mr...Horn." She sighed. "I have no idea."
"Yeah, yeah..." Something pricked at his nose. Two familiar scents that niggled his brain were in this room. He pulled out a fan to hide his lower face as his eyes lit up with gold vision.
Shit. Shit, shit, shit shit shit shit...
Further away from the stairs they had paused on was Macaque. He was in his usual human guise- an attractive man with dark hair pulled back in a bun and stubble across his jaw. Closer to him only confirmed his suspicions about the roses- a tall, blonde man with magenta eyes.
"Macaque and Azure Lion are here."
Shaoqing's eyes went wide. "What?!" she hissed, looking around as if they were hiding in the plants or something. "Where?"
"By the stage and by the left table," he said, nodding to each. Slowly, they continued to walk down the stairs. "Why are they here?"
Shaoqing shook her head. "I don't know." she whispered. "Let's just try to avoid-"
Music began as they hit the bottom stair. In the center of the room, a space cleared and people began to clear. A pretty human man walked up, smiling at him. "Hello," he said. "I'm sorry, miss, I just saw you across the room. May I have a dance?"
"Uh...sure." Wukong pulled his arm away from Shaoqing. He pulled his fan away and the man's face lit up in pink. "Hope you're a good dancer."
Two pairs of eyes dug upon the seeming woman in gold.
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moonshine-nightlight · 7 months
Being sick for the past week meant that I had nothing better to do today than lay in bed and refresh tumblr waiting for chapter 34, and seeing it at the very top of my dash was the highlight of my day! The wait was definitely worth it, my health for the duration notwithstanding lol
You made the right call taking the extra time to edit this doozy of a chapter—figuring out how to share Dale's exposition in a way that made sense and fit into the events of the story while maintaining tonal consistency must have been quite the process, between the restrictions of Sana's POV, regency genre conventions, and the story's (heh) natural climax being Dale's identity "reveal" followed by the wedding. I'm very curious if you currently have any ideas for how you're going to tackle this exposition in the novelization, or if you're inclined to handle it differently at all!
i hope you're feeling better! i'm so glad you enjoyed the new chapter!
i hav no idea if u can even put a read more in an ask anymore and i can't hide it now but my answer will be under the read more
thanks! i think some people really underestimate how helpful even self editing is to make things coherent, especially for a long chapter like this one that covered so much but also was literally just two ppl talking to each other (ppl lov to say they'll take any update, but lik, thats cuz they dont knooow lol and i dont just want it to b passable, i want it to b good).
with lore/backstory like this i also have to make sure it makes sense to readers who havent read any of it before nor know any of the even more info that I know because there's even more worldbuilding and dale backstory that wont end up in the story.
i'm glad u think i pulled it off to any degree because i was still pretty nervous when i was posting it that it did make sense, fit in the world, was followable, interesting but not just exposition monologue, etc
yeah, chapter 30 where they have the reveal convo is the primary climax of the story and that's also 'just talking' in a sense so its interesting to write this story in that sense lol
while i had the broad outline of the world and dale's backstory from the beginning (i did a little exercise where i sketched out a sort of Dale POV of chapter 6 to get into his mindset which was super helpful) as I wrote the story a lot more of that info became fully fleshed out/defined. so for the novelization, i'll probably try to work more of the info in earlier or have better allusions to it, which will make some of the info in chapter 34 more of a quick confirmation than the exposition itself
ie i might add a chapter with more detail on Sana researching with Dale's books that Bilmont smuggles and plant suspicions of what went wrong with the summoning; i might adjust the chapter after the attack to be more of a convo about the assassination that the grandparents interrupt where Sana can suspect more of Dale's past etc and generally spread out what i can so its more foreshadowed/natural - things like that
other aspects sort of have to be told to Sana because its POV limited, evn when it is updated to 3rd POV. i'll probably do a straight POV swap and minor edit ; then take a look at it as a whole, reassess things on my own, run those ideas by some writer friends/betas and get their thoughts, and finally my editors (who i used for DSM) are also very good with making sure worldbuilding fits in right and so their advice will be helpful - especially since they will only get the draft i giv them without knowing how it was and what changed etc
once chapter 35 is out (which i'm still writing because smut is a challenge to right and i write it more slowly than other things) i'll start slowly editing and passing along to betas the rest of the story (i've got thru chap 11 done and betas who only read those and who are chomping at the bit - u think u've had a long wait? lol) but it will be spring by the time i do any big edits/revisions and then i'll giv it to the editors, who i already lik, semi-lined up for that time period and idk how long they will take because its a long book and then i'll need to process their edits too so it'll be a lengthy process, but i hope everyone knows it will 100% b a novel and i hope they enjoy it!
now back to stabbing away at the smut writing ;)
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peaches2217 · 5 months
how would the bros' royal lovers feel about their post-partum bodies? of course, we all know they'd find peach/peas to still be beautiful no matter what, but would there be a level of self-consciousness there? this is the most wholesome stuff and you're giving me fictional baby fever, too!
Anon, I am so glad you asked! (And welcome to the club! 🥳)
TW: Body dysmorphia and related topics
Peasley doesn’t care. He knows he’s hot shit, no matter what he looks like. He’d dramatically strip naked for Luigi and say some shit like “Behold! This is the body which grew and nurtured our child, divinity itself!” and Luigi would be like “Hell yeah :D ” If anything, Luigi might end up worrying about his own appearance, since he’s normally so well-groomed; he’d lament that his hair and mustache look untidy because he’s just too tired from late nights with the baby to put as much thought as normal into his appearance, and Peasley would assure him that he’s just as handsome now as always.
“I don’t look quite the same as I did this time last year either, you know,” says the guy who, objectively speaking, looks way worse for the wear, “yet I’m still the physical embodiment of perfection. You’re no different, my love.” Luigi is one of the few people Peasley thinks of more highly than himself; there’s very little room for bodily insecurity. 😂
Peach is another story. I headcanon that she has insecurities regarding her body image, though it’s less to do with maintaining a certain physique and more to do with wanting to be healthy and physically capable (y’know that long-ass fic I keep talking about that I’ve got in the works? That’ll be one of the topics it touches on!). She does get self-conscious about her body sometimes during pregnancy, but it’s easily rectified with love and reassurances! Postpartum… not so much.
For whatever reason, the last month of her pregnancy takes a lot out of her, more so than expected, and it takes a few months to really gain her strength and energy back. She spends several weeks more or less confined to her chambers because she’s so frail, and when she tries to go for walks to get some fresh air and exercise, she gets winded and has to go back inside in like half an hour’s time. And by Toadessa’s assessment, there’s nothing they can really do to expedite the healing process — she’s doing everything right and is perfectly healthy otherwise. Some people just take longer to bounce back, and that process is complicated by the energy and resources needed to care for a newborn. The best she can do is rest.
And her frustration with her slow healing process ends up manifesting as frustration with her body as a whole. Like most people postpartum, she’s dealing with extra weight and stretched and sagging skin, and that coupled with the exhaustion of a new parent makes her feel like she’s some sluggish, disgusting creature that’s loathsome to even look at. She keeps expecting to see some sign of it reflected in Mario’s face, a look of pity or maybe even disgust that confirms her suspicions.
It should go without saying that that never happens. Mario knows how she feels, because this has happened before in another context (enter my long-ass wip!), and he knows “You’re still beautiful and perfect and I love you and (respectfully) want you to suffocate me between your thighs” ain’t gonna cut it when she feels so intensely about her body. So what’s a guy to do? Well, he knows it’s less about her physique and more about her vitality, so he helps her in regaining it.
He finds energizing exercises that are postpartum friendly for her to try and then does them with her, or he’ll join her for her walks, or anything else that will naturally build her back up, because she’s much less apt to get discouraged and call it quits when he’s there. It doesn’t matter how much physical activity actually gets done or if they spend more time taking breaks than actually moving. He gets her laughing and talking and thinking about things other than how inadequate she feels, and he makes sure she only pushes herself as far as she can reasonably go, and by the time Peach willfully puts an end to their routines, she already feels a thousand times better. When she feeds and rocks their baby, she spends less time staring in disdain at her figure and questioning how well she can raise a child if she can’t even take care of herself and more time reveling in the joys of motherhood, feeling on top of the world once more, and it’s a welcome change for all involved.
But above all, Mario makes it clear that, whether she becomes the buffest MILF on the planet or whether she wakes up tomorrow and decides she’s perfectly happy with where she’s at right now, he’s going to think she’s beautiful. He doesn’t care what she looks like so long as she’s happy with herself.
“You think my stomach’s finally getting a little flatter?” she asks one night, contentedly flustered beneath his touch.
“I think you look more confident than you ever have,” he tells her.
“You’re dodging the question, Mario.”
“Nope!” He kisses the tip of her nose. “Just focusing on what really matters.”
With time, Peach comes to agree with his sentiment.
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moonchildreads · 1 year
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small town
Chapter 1 - The Wild Boys
IN THIS CHAPTER: The world doesn't end during Spring break, a basketball ruins lunch, and Eddie threatens the freshmen [1.7k]
WARNINGS: very mild bullying, this is just an intro to the story so it's short and sweet, english is not my first language so i'm sorry if something sounds strange
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The wild boys are calling On their way back from the fire
Monday, March 31st - 1986
Spring break had come and gone in the small town of Hawkins, Indiana and, surprisingly enough, the world hadn’t ended. Yet, thought Dustin Henderson as he parked his bike outside Hawkins High School. He knew something had happened between Mike and El during his friend’s visit to California (and between Mike and Will too for that matter), but if their phone calls were to be trusted, everything had been smoothed out without the need for his intervention. For once, Dustin was glad he didn’t have to be the group’s self-appointed mediator; he already had enough with the guilt he felt for causing Suzie to lose her computer, he didn’t need extra problems on his shoulders. And he deserved a normal school year for once, goddamnit. Those hadn’t been common for any of them in a long time.
As he hurried to get to his classroom, he crossed paths with Lucas Sinclair and his Championship-winning friends proudly wearing their basketball team jackets over their regular clothes. If the newly popular boy had seen him walk by, he hadn’t given any indications as to it, not one look, not one wave. Dustin wasn’t entirely sure why anyone would enjoy hiding themselves behind a Tigers uniform but he sincerely hoped that once Jason, the captain of the team and current King of Hawkins High, graduated in mid June, Lucas would return to them from the dark side. For now though it seemed that he was perfectly content in his jock cult, and Dustin wasn’t about to give his new buddies a chance to throw him into a dumpster by walking into their huddle near the water fountains just to say hello to his (now former?) best friend.
The morning went by rather quickly for his tastes, and he could feel Mike’s anxious leg bounces next to him during Geography as lunch approached without any regard for their heart rates. Both teens had opened their lockers to find a folded black handmade card announcing the start of their next D&D adventure and they were painfully aware that a very uncomfortable conversation was about to unfold at the cafeteria. Their beloved Dungeon Master, for all his enthusiasm and kind-hearted nature, wasn’t very troubled by his social status as the school’s pariah and Mike’s suspicions that he hadn’t immediately considered Lucas a goner following recent events had been confirmed when he saw the subject in question throw his own black card into a bin at the start of their shared Chemistry class. His worst fear had also been confirmed when Lucas chose to sit at a different table than normal, forcing him to pair up with a rather dull girl with wild hair who was clearly not as interested in lab safety as she should have been. Her lab coat sleeve had caught on fire twice by the time the bell rang.
“I say we run,” Dustin proposed, clutching at his hard plastic food tray like it was a shield.
“Dustin. I am not having lunch in the bathroom again,” Mike countered, remembering their middle school days and having to hide from bullies.
“You know, it’s great that you mention that because I don’t think we are ever gonna be able to eat again after we tell Eddie Lucas is officially gone.”
“Come on, he’s not stupid, he knows how things work in Hawkins. I’m sure he was expecting him to leave anyway,” said Mike, completely unconvinced.
“Mike, this club is his baby and Lucas just spit in its face. In his baby’s face,” he said dramatically.
“We’ll be fine. We have Erica now. He’s not gonna care if we already have a replacement.”
“Great, we’re trading big Sinclair for little Sinclair. Fan-fucking-tastic.”
The curly haired boy trailed behind his taller friend on the way to their usual table where their fellow club members were already sitting, picking at their sad school provided lunches. Jeff said something to make Donny snort and choke on his can of Coke; a group of girls walking past them eyed him with disgust while Gareth cackled with glee.
“Hello, boys,” said Eddie, sitting at his usual spot: the head of the table. He looked up at them from behind his book. “Have a nice Spring break? Did you get enough smooches to last until summer, Wheeler?”
“It was alright,” Mike answered, wiping his palms on his jeans. He knew Eddie meant no harm, but his relationship would never be his favorite topic to talk about with the other guys of the Hellfire Club. He didn’t think anyone at the table except Dustin would understand him dating a literal human experiment with superpowers that had saved the world multiple times.
“You know, I’m starting to think your girlfriend isn’t real,” Jeff teased.
“Yeah, you never talk about her, we don’t even know her name. Are you sure you didn’t imagine her?” Gareth narrowed his eyes, a light smile never leaving his face.
“Her name is El- Jane. Her name is Jane,” he quickly corrected himself. “She’s totally real, Dustin knows her.”
“Yeah, Jane is… awesome! She’s great,” he nodded, backing his friend up. “Total babe.”
“Dude!” Mike slapped his shoulder.
“What? I think Suzie is a babe. You don’t think your own girlfriend is a babe?”
“O-of course I do, what are you talking abou-”
“Children, children,” Eddie lifted a hand to stop the fight unfolding in front of him. “If Wheeler says she is real, she is real, alright?” he turned to look at Gareth, Jeff and Donny sitting to his right with matching grins on their faces. “It’s not like any of you three are swimming in ladies, so y’know, don’t throw stones if you live in glass houses.”
There were a few seconds of uncomfortable silence where everyone refused to look at each other and Eddie went back to his book: a very battered paperback with a lost cover that was probably hiding somewhere under the mess that was its owner’s bed. He was holding it with one hand, his other hand occasionally bringing a forkful of high school cafeteria mac and cheese to his mouth. It was clear to both Mike and Dustin that he was heavily invested in what he was reading; if they didn’t know him any better, they would have never guessed that under all that unruly hair and leather there was an excellent storyteller and magnificent Dungeon Master. For all everyone knew, he was reading something for his English class but the Hellfire Club boys could tell by now that whenever Eddie had a book around, he was planning something terrible for their characters to go through during their weekly session.
Dustin was trying very hard to focus on his peas and ignore Mike elbowing his side violently when a basketball bounced right in the middle of their table, startling everyone and sending soda cans flying, liquid spilling everywhere. There was loud laughter as one of the Tigers retrieved the ball that was stuck to Gareth’s mac and cheese; Jason, the captain, high-fived whoever was standing next to him as if he had just witnessed the biggest prank of the year. When he turned around, Lucas, sitting at the jocks’ table, sent them a half-assed apologetic glance and went back to his new friends. Wordlessly, Eddie pushed his tray in front of Gareth, who stopped trying to dry the table with the few napkins he had and went back to eating from his new lunch with burning red ears. As the elder leaned forward to steal back his unopened cup of pudding from the tray, he noticed a pair of eyes following him from a nearby table.
He didn’t recognize who it was, but the girl was staring at their table with a furrowed brow, something resembling sadness crystal clear on her face. She turned around to look at the basketball team’s table, shook her head, adjusted her headphones and went back to the textbook in front of her like nothing had happened. It wasn’t often that someone looked at their table like they didn’t deserve the disrespect they got. Making up his mind, Eddie put his book down and crossed his fingers, his rings clinking against each other.
“I think it goes without saying that Lucas Sinclair is no longer welcome in The Hellfire Club,” he said, resolute. “Guess that means you two will have to find someone to replace him. I’ll give you until Friday.”
“But we already have Erica!” Mike said, flinching at the shoe that kicked his shin from under the table.
“While I like the kid and she has more nerve than any of you combined, my newest campaign requires seven players. I’m not gonna rework it because Big Time Sinclair can’t grow a backbone.”
“Eddie, man,” Dustin started, trying to flatter him. “Six players is already too much to handle. Let us make this easier for you. We don’t need a seventh, right, guys?” he looked at Gareth across the table searching for support.
“Uh,” the teen glanced at his friend and leader, words dying in his throat as Eddie tilted his head towards him, sharp eyed and tense.
“Can’t you just ask the redhead you’re always hanging around to join?”
“We’ve asked, she’s not interested,” Mike deflated visibly.
“She has a lot going on,” Dustin said quickly, protecting Max’s honor. “Her brother died last year, she’s still processing.”
“Hargrove, right?” Donny said. “Man, that guy was a piece of trash but at least he kept Jason busy and away from us for a while.”
“I’m sure you two will find someone suitable to replace your little friend if you wanna keep playing with us. And no more middle schoolers. We aren’t running a daycare here,” Eddie smiled in a way that told everyone the conversation was done. “Now if you’ll excuse me, little lambs, I have business transactions waiting to happen.”
With that, the long haired leader disappeared from the cafeteria carrying the metal lunchbox where he kept his, ahem, products in one hand, the book he had been reading still open and the untouched pudding cup in the other one. The other members of the club scattered as they finished their lunch and went back to their routines, leaving Mike and Dustin at the table, heads in their hands, forgotten mac and cheese now sticky and cold.
“We are so screwed,” Dustin said, and Mike couldn’t help but agree.
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revserrayyu · 2 months
2.1 Penacony thoughts [part1]
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**Mild spoiler warning** until the first moment we switch to Aventurine’s POV in the story and I don’t think much has happened yet, but if you haven’t reached that point yet, then turn away anyway if you wish I’m just gonna ramble a bit here and toss my thoughts into the void for my own reference.
Firstly, the return of the odd yellow text and Aventurine calling us ~fuh-riends~ in that hilarious and exaggerated tone of his.
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Makes me wonder whom else has perished during their time in Penacony, and if it’s true, then the Family certainly has experience with covering such things up which raises many other concerns. Also gives me another reason to not fully trust Sunday.
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Oh teehee~ We got Aventurine’s number. And some extra credits due to my responses, HA. sugardaddy
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As we learned from a beautifully animated dance animation, Black Swan certainly knows how dangerous Acheron can be.
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he whole flashback with Duke & Acheron was pretty good. It at least gives us more context rather than us being told he was killed offscreen, but still confirms the dude is dead, though he mentions the kids are alive, somehow. Duke also guessed that Acheron’s an Emanator (though he’s wrong about which path), then there was some important music box that gets brought up later on, and Acheron speaks of her sword that has indeed been sheathed this entire time, even during the 2.0 story.
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At the very end of the scene it fades to black and Acheron full says: “May death be the end of your boundless dream, guiding you back to the waking world,” which I remember is the exact thing she said after witnessing Firefly’s death.
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Sweetie, you’re a big mystery but it does not surprise me in the slightest to learn that you’re wanted by the IPC after witnessing your power in your many trailers. Hearing her speak about the Stellaron Hunters though made me think back to her character trailer, since I wondered if she even knew who was attacking her in the first place, but perhaps she did, even if the trio was nothing but Sparkle’s tricky illusions.
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It was kinda funny seeing her get lost occasionally in the hotel during the previous story update, but now I feel bad knowing that she has horrible memory. Having to rely on your emotions seems quite challenging if you don’t have a good control of them, but she seems to be fairing well enough.
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Tell us your suspicions Acheron! I mean, I have my guesses as well, but I’d take your word over anyone else’s.
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It was at this moment where I had a real random idea and thought, “huh, could this be Boothill?” I found it strange how they revealed him to us when we haven’t even met the dude in game yet, like he really came in outta nowhere for me. But seeing Sam again and realizing how both of them have robotic bodies.. I dunno. I thought it could’ve been an extra set of armor or something.
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Of course it makes no sense, since Sam & Boothill have different voice actors anyways, but still, the way Acheron speaks so familiar to him, as if they were both truly galaxy rangers, gave me second thoughts for just a brief moment. Nothing more. Just a small silly idea.
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The return of the worrisome red text, capable of causing anxiety even through such a small word. With her horrible memory, I assume she’s not even sure what she’s supposed to be doing in life, so asking about Elio’s script and if she’s included made me think she’s trying to learn about her purpose and her own goals.
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Say it loud, mom! We shall NOT. TRUST. ANYONE! And at this moment I seriously don’t. If they ain’t from the Express then you’re sus. Case closed.
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Glad to see Danny boy lending us a helping hand from the train, but red text begone! First learning about how Acheron has terrible memory and now we can’t even remember her well? That can’t be good.
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I firmly believed that if you die in the dream, you would just wake up in real life, so thank whatever Aeon you fancy that we’re finally getting the idea to head back into reality to confirm if Firefly and Robin are still alive. Maybe we should check up on those couple npcs that passed away during side quests too.
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The way I held my breath.. I don’t even know much about HI3 but I’m aware our grandpa is more or less the same guy, so seeing him interact with some like Acheron, oh dear. The way Acheron still didn’t reveal her true name to him made me more wary too. I get she might not even remember, because poor memory, but hmmm.
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I can understand her having some Stellaron Hunter knowledge because she’s wanted just like them, but ma’am why do you know this?? especially since the Family doesn’t even know the truth about Welt’s cane apparently.
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Can’t lie, a fight between him and Acheron would be a spectacle. Who do you think would win?
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Again, how does she know this? Has she been chatting with Aventurine? because he figured out our stellaron last patch too.
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First thought: yay, she’s worried about us. Second thought: why would she be concerned about Black Swan? Shouldn’t it be the other way around after their dance? Third thought: What exactly is Black Swan capable of and how frightened should I be right now? Fourth thought: Acheron, why do you know so much about others??
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So this music box.. why exactly does Black Swan have it now? Didn’t Acheron snatch it from Duke Inferno? Was she planning to give it to BS, or did memokeeper steal it off her? I dunno.
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Is it me or does it feel like she’s talking to someone else? Another memokeeper? Or just to herself for dramatic effect? Either way, who exactly are we expecting to show up?
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I honestly was getting a bit creeped out during this scene, from the weird camera angles the game was giving is to seeing Black Swan not understand what was going on or who was speaking to her. I actually started fearing for her life and I made a stunning realization that if they killed off BS I would actually freak out. Surprisingly, I wasn’t too upset over Firefly (we didn’t spend much time with her), but it feels like we’ve know BS for longer you know? Ever since that trailer about all the Aeons.
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I can hear Luocha somewhere in the distance going “the dead return!” I tease, but actually hearing one of those from Ever-Flame Mansion call out to BS was a bit confusing? Duke said his kids were alive, sure, but BS is looking at past memories attached to the music box, right? So I’m still a bit on the fence regarding who out of the kids are actually alive. Maybe some, maybe all. Maybe I’m being played for a fool and thinking about it too much.
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How many of y’all got excited to see Ratio interact with Aventurine again? I know you people are out there. Anyways, hearing about how Robin had a stand-in leads me to believe her death was planned, which would upset me greatly because what did that precious lady ever do to anyone??
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It’s crazy this man has actually tried several times to end himself inside the dreams, like bro what if you actually succeeded?? At least this shod bring us some relief that Firefly and Robin are okay? Hopefully? I’ll believe when I see them.
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I freakin' knew there was something wrong with her voice!! The first couple times we meet her you can tell her voice sounded off, like it was glitching out or something. It’s not very easy to hear, but the difference between the real Robin and Sparkle impersonating Robin towards the end of the last patch sounded different. No wonder Sunday picked up on Sparkle’s trick so easily.
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Soooo, that’s pretty much everything I went through after the update hit. Unfortunately it isn’t much but adulting is a drag. Of course I’m looking forward to continuing the story later on. Starting with these men again will be a treat too.
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(originally written on 3/27)
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Grave Therapy {Larissa Weems}
Headcannon: that Larissa’s grave was never not decorated in different colour flowers, teddy bears and cards. There would always be at least someone at her grave talking to her and Larissa from the other side would sit next to them and respond even though she knows they can’t hear her.
Relationship: Larissa Weems x Nevermore Students
Warnings: angst, death & light talk of depression
Extra: stay safe and keep your mental, physical, spiritual and sexual health safe!
Each student of Nevermore held a special memory with the old Principal, Larissa Weems and each for a different reason. But Larissa knew and remembered all of them, just like she knew all of her students. But it became very hard to continue making those memories when Larissa had passed away, and a new Principal had taken her spot. Though she was gone physically, she was still with each and every student in their hearts, much to Principal Thornhills dismay.
It was forbidden to go to the grave that held her body, but somehow it was always decorated with a variety of flowers, teddy bears and cards. But other than the presents that laid there, you were almost bound to find a student there talking to Larissa about anything but it was mainly to vent about their new principal or mental health. The main visitor to her grave was Enid Sinclair, who other than talked to her she maintained the site by watering, replacing and organising it and perhaps it was because Enid was the most affected by the death.
"Principal Weems? I've come again." Enid had called that afternoon during her spare period.
"I know you can't hear but I just need to vent, and you told me that if I ever needed to, to come to you." Larissa had sat on the side of the dead, waiting for someone to come and talk to her but this wasn't what she was expecting, usually Enid would've come happy but clearly something had happened.
"It's Thornhill! No teachers nor authorities believe us students when we tell them that it was her that caused it last year." Enid sobbed leaning on the tombstone. Larissa moved closer to the young girl, wrapping her arm around her.
"Dear, Wednesday and you believing is all that matters. You're the only ones that have the most mental strength and endurance to defeat her" She sighed, Marilyn wasn't a normie after all, that suspicion was now fully confirmed.
"She's been going extra hard on Wednesday and I'm scared, what if something dangerous happens to Wednesday?? I wish you were still here.." Larissa knew she'd never let Thornhill hurt a student not even the most troublesome, she'd protect them from the dead, because thats where loyalty lay. Others before herself.
"We aren't even allowed to go to therapy anymore!" The young girl cried burying her head in her knees. "It's getting worse, I'm trying hard! But it's hard to be hopeful anymore, Principal Weems.."
Larissa closed her eyes, it seemed that everything she had built had been destroyed after she had died. The guilt was seeping into her slowly.
"My dear Enid, as long as I'm dead you will be alive. I won't let anyone get in the way of my Nevermore children because you are all mine to look after but for now stay strong, if not for you, for me.." She made a wish to the stars to look after her Nevermore children whilst she figured something out.
Enid looked over at the spot where the tombstone was and smiled slightly, "I'm glad we have you Principal Weems, I'm not sure what we would've done without, " She whispered getting up from her hunched position, stretching and looking down, "I love you nevermore mum."
"Love you too nevermore daughter, go show them what you're made of." Larissa laughed watching as Enid had returned to her 'happy, cheery' self before turning away to plan an intervention in Marilyn's works.
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bruinescence · 7 months
@call-2-arms cont.
As the darkness began to deepen around him within one of many throats that connected the stretched and left-wanting reach of Silvanus to the subterranean world below, he could not help but think of another child lost within a different brand of darkness he'd yet to find a ladder into. Perhaps it was misguided of him to chase that startled instinct of so desperately wanting to find his oldest friend within a century of lost echoes and shifting shadows? Kagha had said as much back at the grove when in her pestilence, she'd pointed out how the Archdruid could not, in good faith, put the needs of the grove first when he was far more concerned with chasing the ghosts of the past like they were simply memories best stored away in a safe along with a tattered journal and a halberd soaked in a brand of sorrow more potent than any snake's venom.
If Sornin did not already find the druid's actions misguided, Halsin could only imagine the drow's unrelenting displeasure at the very idea that the Archdruid of the emerald grove didn't just want to, but needed to save at least one child in duress from the dark to keep the heavy burden in his chest from causing him to sink yet again below the surface of shadows he'd been bobbing along all this time. Because if he were to go under yet again he feared, it might be another century or two than he had left before he gained a head above the water enough to make out the direction of a faint glimmer that would guide him to the spot where Thaniel lay trapped as a lighthouse in a heavy fog.
He felt the additional weight joining him on the ladder when it gave a few extra creaks, and a quick tilt of his head up to confirm his suspicion had a faint smile flicker across the tense expression he wore on the way down as he fully expected to find an awful sight for the surface that anyone else that lived below might not bat an eye over. "Of course... and I will accept your telling me so with grace and without further lip." The druid promised, halfway glad for the banter on the unnerving climb downwards.
Once his boots had hit rock bottom, Halsin swiftly turned and stepped out into the pooled blackness as his eyes adjusted to the darkness of the underworld. His elvish vision easily cut through the ink after a moment, and he only but waited until the brush of druid leaves upon his drow companion's shoulder brushed against his bicep when the other joined him before he set forth in the direction he detected a sharp whimper and the offputting sound of rocks shifting. Coming upon a cliff side that led to a steep drop down onto a lower level partially lit by flower beds of mushrooms, he took a moment to stoop and quietly observe the scene below.
"PlEAse!" A young drow girl stood her ground across from an older, male counterpart who showed no signs of engagement other than having brandished a double-edged sickle that he wielded along the length of his arm. Eyes as black as the surroundings seemed pinned solely on the girl who couldn't have been more than ten at best- her pale amethyst complexion a dirtier shade of crushed plum in the center of a wet, sniveling expression. "Please, Seldzar- I don't...I don't wanna hurt ya. They can't make me!"
"Tch." The older drow scoffed at the display, though he still remained poised into the proper battle stance. The only pity about him was that he did not advance again to send her shrieking angrily and backing away as he had earlier. "Stop this nonsense. Immediately! You are proving that Lolth chose right for this test. You must attack me, Nathrae. I will die either way...my purpose is to keep you from the fate of the Striders now. Now come, and prove your wroth to our goddess!"
"NO!" The girl stamped her foot, flinging the dagger she'd been given earlier at the foot of the man. "I won't do it-! I won't hurt you...you're my, my friend-...you've been with me this whole time! I can't lose you like my parents too- I can't!" With a wail, she backed up blindly, blotting the dirty tears out of her eyes.
A deep frown set in the druid's expression as he considered the scene, particularly when the older drow straightened out of his defensive posture in order to begin the ruthless stride into towards the child, brandishing the scythe with a furious flick of his arm. Giving a start like he was about to jump down between the situation, he felt Sornin's arm move in front of him like a blockade to which he had to swivel a furious if not confused glance to the drow. "You would let this progress?" Whatever 'this' was...the only thing he could recognize was the distress in the child's actions and the raw panic in her voice as she continued to beg the advancing drow until she had no choice but to dart towards the wall both he and Sornin were set upon, her nails bloodying as she tried to scrabble uselessly up the rock face. In an instant, Halsin's eyes flashed with a golden fury as he bared his teeth. "I won't stand for this barbarism! Let me through, damn you-"
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dotlilith · 2 years
FINISHED FUJIEDA'S ROUTE!! WHAT A RIDE!! i got the congratulations cg while still missing some cgs from the final interrogation because it apparently counts actual madness differently from presenting the second clue.
If i said that madarame was a good foil to towa, then fujieda made a really really good mirror. i LOVED seeing the comparisons between him and towa throughout the entirety of the route and how they were very similar yet still quite different.
The after credits scenes were fantastic too, and confirmed a few sneaking suspicions i'd had for a really long time which was nice!!
Major Spoilers Past This Point.
I can't readmore on mobile so i'm just going to hope that anyone who cares about spoilers scrolls past. Will still try to be vague like my other posts just in case.
Getting to see all of the cast once again and check in on them after the final interrogation was really nice. I was worried we wouldn't get to see eiji again! but right after inada said he'd left town he showed up immediately after the exploration and i breathed a sigh of relief. genuinely my favorite character. Inada's little backstory with him was neat too, and something i'd suspected for a while.
I would have liked to have a character art bonus section? like to see all of the different talksprites and their differences? but i understand why they didn't do that.
Towa's backstory with the ch1-2 cast was intriguing, i find myself wanting to know more about how that came to be and i'm pretty sure there's an extra story for ikuina's childhood in the tips menu somewhere but i'll have to get around to those later.
I think madarame's route was my favorite, but taku's route had the best madness end imo. i just like the whole vibe of it even though the other ones were also fantastic.
Reading through the last hour or so of content was really heartwarming to me, towa getting to essentially restart his life on his own terms with a good number of people there to support him and especially someone like fujieda who didn't mind when things would still get bad was!!! aaaaa
This has to be my new favorite n+c game just because the entire atmosphere feels perfect, and is exactly what i would have wanted out of a new n+c game, oozing flavor and flair at every single turn. I feel like dmmd had better character design, but the less flashy outfits eventually grew on me and i liked having a protagonist like towa, an artist without much direction. Eventually he gets that direction in every ending and it's just... nice. The plot was extremely dark at times, but that just made the good endings that much better and i would have expected nothing less of n+c.
The ending felt extremely bittersweet in maya's room. I tend not to enjoy media that involves people reconciling and forgiving those that fundamentally traumatized them, but i'm so glad that didn't happen here. him reading the diary and finding out that despite all of the stuff she did, she still thought she loved him with all of her heart HURT. him telling fujieda that the people that caused his trauma don't own his scars resonated really hard with me for some reason and echoed in my head a bit while the credits rolled here and it's the one time i cried during my playthrough.
On to the bonus content!
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junpei seems like he’s extra sensitive to things when he’s in more of an omega headspace. Can I request reader taking care of him and pampering him when he’s feeling like this?
My baby 😭❤
Care and comfort
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Omega!Junpei x Alpha!Reader
“Alpha...” Junpei said and snuggled up into your chest, sniffing at the scent glands on your neck.
“Baby please, i am busy...” You said as Junpei pressed his face into your back, you pushed him off.
“I'm sorry...” Junpei began to whine as tears filled his eyes. He looked down at him feet, wiping the tears from his eyes. You frowned and held Junpei's hand.
“Baby, I'm sorry...” You said softly, wrapping your arms around Junpei's trembling body. “No need to cry...”
“You're in headspace, aren't you...” You asked, Junpei definitely seemed to be in headspace right now. He was very sensitive at the moment.
Junpei nodded slightly, confirming your suspicion. It made sense, he always went into headspace when he was close to going into heat.
“You need some extra love?” you asked, cupping Junpei's face in your hands. Junpei purred softly and rested his hand over yours.
“Y–Yes...” Junpei whimpered, burying his face into your chest. “I w–want some love...”
“Alright...” you said, setting your paperwork aside, Junpei needed your full attention, paperwork could wait.
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“Is that enough?” you asked, handing Junpei another plushy.
Junpei sat in the corner of his nest, surrounded by stuffed animals and wrapped like a burrito in blankets with a cup of warm tea and small finger sandwiches sitting on a plate beside him.
You nodded and sat beside Junpei, opening up a thick book. Junpei rested his chin on your leg and scrolled on his phone while snacking on his sandwiches.
After a while, Junpei because restless, hungry for more affection from his Alpha
“Alpha...?” Junpei called to you quietly, tugging on your shirt.
You pulled your attention away from your book and looked over at your Omega, who was resting his head on your hip.
“What do you need sweetie...?” You asked, petting Junpei's head.
“Hug...” Junpei muttered, reaching out to you with grabby hands.
You smiled and sat your book down. “Alright then, come here...”
You slipped under the blankets next to Junpei, gently wrapping your arms around your mate to share your warmth with him. His scent of honeysuckle filled the confines of the large closet, putting the both of you at ease.
Junpei laid on your stomach, resting his chin gently on your chest. You leaned and pressed a gentle kiss on his nose.
“Happy now?” you asked, Junpei purred softly and nuzzled his cheek against your chest and smiled.
“Yes... I'm happy...” Junpei smiled warmly, pressing his slightly cold nose into your neck.
“Good... I'm glad...” you said, pressing a gentle kiss against Junpei's forehead.
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A.J. surveyed the hall coolly. Part of her didn’t want to be here at all, wanted – craved even – the comfort of Gotham. But even that was changing. With the growing chasm between Dick and Bruce, with her need to finally stop avoiding the past in the hopes of letting it go to a certain degree, this had been the only choice. Yet the room full of people made her feel slightly sick. All of them would want introductions, hugs and handshakes and answered questions. Three of her least favourite things.
The surprise, the voice that was oddly familiar, caught A.J.’s attention quicker than the nickname itself. She turned, ready to question, but the confrontation caught in her throat as she spotted a scruffy blond haired young man. The smile was the thing that confirmed her suspicions though, it hadn’t changed at all. Probably never would.
‘Billy?’ she asked.
The grin grew as he easily weaved his way between some other freshers. He patted backs, greeted with a confidence she’d almost forgotten. A confidence that seemed to create a kind of protective bubble around him.
‘Most people call me Will now.’
‘Too old for Billy, hm?’ she asked as he stopped in front of her. The ease of contact he’d used to leapfrog his way closer fell away as he gave her a little extra space, unsure with how much things might’ve changed.
He shrugged. ‘Just kind of happened. What’re you doing here?’
A.J. shrugged, glanced around the room. ‘You know, just thought I’d drop by a social gathering and soak up my favourite atmosphere,’ she teased, completely deadpan.
A gentle nudge with the shoulder, a tentative gesture that she forced herself not to shy away from. ‘You know what I mean, Kane. Last I heard you were off gallivanting in America.’
‘Not exactly “gallivanting,” Billy,’ she said, folding her arms protectively around herself. The reason for the childhood move hung heavily in the air between them.
‘Why this Uni of all of ‘em?’ he asked, switching tact, careful to avoid the memories they’d called forth.
‘And miss out on the thrills of Essex by going elsewhere? I can fully appreciate them now I’m older,’ she countered easily, glad there was at least one vaguely familiar face amongst the crowd. Perhaps it might just make facing the ghost of her mother that little bit easier.
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codenamesazanka · 3 years
Happy Birthday to the beautiful Tsutsumi Kaina, aka Lady Nagant!
Here was something i suspected when I first read Chapter 314, and now confirmed by the extras of Volume 32: Kaina, as a child, was insecure over her quirk.
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Horikoshi once again reveals his talent for visual storytelling, for cramming whole personalities and backstories into the details of his character. Young Kaina here has her arms close by her side. Tellingly, there’s also a bandage over her gun arm.
Rifle, the quirk, is literally that: a rifle. Guns are notoriously highly illegal in Japan for civilians - and it doesn’t seem like that has changed even 200 some years into the future that is the HeroAca world. Kaina having that quirk… pretty much makes her arm and ability illegal??? Which would be no wonder she hides it: wrapping it up her elbow, curled up tight against herself. No taking up space, gotta fit into the norm. Suppress this part of herself.
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Turns out, that could very much be true The notes on in Volume 32 says as much, outright: “She had a complex about [her arm/quirk].”
She must have wanted to be a Hero - there’s only utter, incredible joy when she is presumably asked by the Hero Commission President. Later, back home, at night, her face is still flushed with excitement, smilingly dreamily at the stars.
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Before then, though, I think she might have told she can’t be a Hero, not with that quirk; not with that dangerous weapon, that illegal right arm. And she abided by that, until the day someone told her: You can become a Hero. And the Hero Commission used that to their advantage, I bet; her insecurity, her hope, her sincerity.
We know the effect those words had on Midoriya Izuku. It was probably the same for Tsutsumi Kaina. And she believed in it.
(until the day she anymore couldn’t.)
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dooppooo · 2 years
mdni - nsfw content, cheating, oral (f receiving), creampie, themes of emotional neglect, relationship issues, alcohol consumption, written at 3am and barely proofread
Happy birthday Jean - you'll always be the hottest male fictional character I know <3
"I'll be back Monday," Connie informed last minute with his hand on your hip and a lazy kiss on your cheek, "Love you bye."
You wanted to protest as he shut and locked the door behind him, but why waste your energy?
It was like this every week. Connie would get 'emergency calls' from his supervisor asking him to come in because they were short staffed. How many men does it take to pave a road or do some masonry work? Half the time you saw them working, there were more men standing around than actually contributing to the project, Connie confirmed this himself. Sure - his work as a mason brought in a decent living, you were both comfortable, but he'd work twelve hour shifts and then run off on the weekends to 'work more.' The rare occasion you did see him, he was on his phone or talking to you about this new chick who was always eating and had a thick country accent.
At this point being devils advocate was out of the question because what was there left to advocate for? A boyfriend who ignored you and worked extra hours just to avoid you? You deserved more than that. Instinctually, you snatched your phone from the counter and texted Jean.
You: This is like the fifth week in a row he's worked the weekend.
Jean: I'd understand one or two...things aren't looking good. I'm sorry.
You: Don't be sorry, if anything thank you for listening to my constant complaining. I know he's your best friend and you probably don't want to hear about how upset he makes me.
Jean: No problem, I'm glad I could be here. I should thank you for always confirming some of my suspicions toward Mikasa.
You: How've things been with you two anyway? Last time we talked you weren't very happy :/
Jean: Honestly, not good, I feel like I can't have a conversation with her without us fighting about Eren. She's doing that thing again where she storms out and disappears for days.
You: I understand how you feel...hopeless.
Jean: You seem to be the only one who understands.
You: Is she home now?
Jean: No, and I don't think she'll be back anytime soon, last time she left she was gone for almost a week
You: I'll be there in 15
It only seemed right for you and Jean to get together and comfort each other. There had been so many nights of you two texting away your problems and bouncing relationship advice off of each other that it was finally time to spend some time together in person. Besides - who would be there to stop you? Not Mikasa. Not Connie.
You arrived with a pizza and some of Jean's favorite whiskey. Once he spotted you with your hands full, he smiled and you saw tears brim his pretty amber eyes making a few of your heart strings snap. He welcomed you in without a second thought and you both plopped on the couch to binge watch some shows and indulge.
"Thank you." He spoke before taking the first sip of his drink, just finishing his last slice of pizza.
You shook your head, "Don't worry about it, I'm sure you would've done the same for me."
"Yeah but..." he swirled the whiskey in its glass, "I don't know. Just thank you. It's nice to know someone cares."
Your gaze found his profile, lit up by the flashing colors on the TV and a faint light from the moon outside, "Of course I care about you. How could I not? I know you won't like me saying this...but Mikasa is taking advantage of one of the sweetest people I've ever met."
"I guess I could say the same about Connie, bastard." He chortled, his expression growing disappointed before throwing back the rest of his drink.
You leaned against the arm of the sofa and let your legs cross over Jean's lap, one of his hands casually resting on your shin. Maybe it was the whiskey, but something was making your cheeks burn and your stomach flutter with the occasional butterfly. More time was spent watching Jean glow in the moonlight than on the show mumbling on the TV. You weren't staring of course - just a friendly check up every so often, you'd be damned to let him quietly cry to himself while you sat next to him.
Or maybe that was an innocent excuse.
Truthfully, it was hard not to stare at Jean. He was a tall, strong man with a charming smile and hair just waiting to be combed by your fingers. Whether you were looking him straight on or from the side, he always had you doing a double take, just to get a second serving of his handsomeness.
It made you wonder: If Mikasa was taking advantage of his looks and tender personality, then what else was she taking advantage of? Jean didn't talk much about their sex life, much like how you didn't mention yours, but surely it couldn't be much different right? You both already had so much in common in terms of relationship struggles that asking about his sex life wouldn't be a stretch.
"How are things in the bedroom?" You blurted out, cutting through the comfortable silence that had settled between the two of you. Certainly you would've approached it more casually if not for the alcohol, but Jean seemed past the point of formalities.
He took the question fairly well, replying with, "Eh, not good not bad. It's nothing exciting though. All I want to do is satisfy her, but she just wants me to hurry up and finish so she can roll over and go to sleep."
"I can see why it's not exciting." You empathized. He rolled the question back to you, "I'm not having fun either. I want Connie to be more intimate with me and try new things, but convincing him to even get in bed with me takes up so much emotional energy that I don't even want to do it anymore."
Jean's arm was over the back of the couch and he faced you, both of your tired and tipsy eyes meeting, "I wish we had other things in common besides how much our partners treat us like shit."
Once again, you were blurting out your thoughts before considering the weight of them, "Well, we both like the same pizza and whiskey, and some how found scummy lovers, I wouldn't be surprised if we had the same kinks."
Jean laughed and let his head loll back against the sofa before agreeing. Another blanket of silence was tossed over you two and the banter on TV resumed, only for Jean to snatch the blanket away.
"There's only one way to find out."
He smirked and watched you from his peripheral vision. Whether you responded with a sarcastic comment or flung yourself at him, he didn't care, he was just enjoying the genuine company.
"Well...for starters my favorite place to fuck is on the bed."
He had to bite back his devious smile. Once he stood, he scooped you up in his arms bridal style and stumbled back into his bedroom, both of you laughing the whole way there. You both fell onto the sheets in a drunk tangle, stomachs exploding with the thrill.
Jean crawled over you, his thigh slotted between yours with a hand on your hip and the rest of his weight being held up by his forearm beside your ear. Your heart was like a grand orchestra, pounding in your chest and ringing in your ears. Even your hands had a small tremor to the them as you felt your way up Jean's torso.
"Do you think this is right?" You whispered.
Jean considered your question, to which he whispered back, "No, but to me it's justified."
"What's the difference?"
His fingers slipped under your shirt and warmed your hip, "How others view it versus how I do," his touch left a hot path as it slithered toward your chest, "To everyone else, this is the worst thing you can do to someone you love. But there's no love between Mikasa and I, so it only seems fair to make love to you instead."
If not for the alcohol, you were sure Jean wouldn't be so poetic and driven by pure emotion, and you wouldn't be so awestruck by his words; you wouldn't even be in the same bed together. Or would you?
Your lips captured his in a whiskey flavored kiss that set your body aflame. The symphony in your chest played louder and with more passion, fueling the desire to find out exactly what Jean labeled justified.
Was justified the way his tongue slipped past your lips and swirled with yours? Or perhaps justified was the way he littered purple marks down your neck and across your collar bone. Did he wonder what justified was to you?
His knee pressed into your heat and stuck your panties to your slick core forcing a gasp from you. A deep chuckle rumbled against your chest as he continued his journey down your body, reaching his first milestone and taking one of the stiffened peaks into his mouth. The feel of his tongue flicking and swirling around your bud made your core clench and a longing sigh sound from you. Annoyed with one side of your chest being exposed, Jean slipped you from your shirt and bra then continued his work with one hand drunkenly massaging while the other was kissed and licked. Below you shamelessly ground yourself against his muscular thigh in an effort to alleviate the hungry ache Connie had never awakened.
"Jean please," we're the only words able to form and work their way past your lips in your haze. Your fists had his shirt clenched tight, hips rocking and chest pressed into his mouth.
His response was to travel lower, his large, rough palms groping at your mounds while he left more purple on your skin. Frustration and eagerness had you squirming and whining impatiently, twisting your fingers in his soft locks and pushing him further down toward your core. Between your legs he flashed you one of his charming smiles that were now laced with lust and pride. Soon your pants were on the floor along with your panties for him to see and access you fully, leaving nothing between him and you.
Jean groaned at the taste of your slick on his tongue, and you groaned with your head pressed into the pillow at the feel of his muscle against your nub. Surely he'd be sharper with his work if done sober, however, he still had your hips mindlessly bucking and nails digging into his scalp. The thin, dark hair on his chin dripped with the elixir made with your essence and his saliva and seemed to only make him more ravenous. Even after your thighs shook and your walls pulsed around his long digits, he didn't pause his ministrations, in fact he multiplied his speed. How hard could you shake because of his tongue and fingers? How many times could he make you sob his name?
Only two more snaps of your searing coil and you were weakly pushing Jean away, now pleading that he'd give you time to breathe and return to Earth. He didn't wait long however, using his few moments to slather himself in your wetness and offer friction to his length that had been straining in his pants. Seeing his size through your shaky, honey coated vision revived your ache for him and the orchestra began to sound again thumping against your ribs. You wriggled toward him and reached for his cock, earning something between a hiss and a moan from him at your eager touch. His torso hovered above yours again, both arms propping him up as to not collapse his weight onto your smaller frame but close enough to where the sweat making your chests and abdomens shine was colliding. With the help of your palm and his hips, he slipped into with ease, him twitching and you throbbing once the base of his length met your hilt.
Jean was far more noisy than Connie, unapologetically moaning into the crook of your neck while you hummed at the satisfaction of being full. Some seconds were spent to allow you both to adjust and familiarize yourselves with the feel of the other, Jean tracing his tongue along your jaw and gathering your lips in a sloppy kiss during this time. There was a sweetness to his kiss now that diluted the potency of the whiskey which was quickly identified as your doing, and had your tongue tasting within his mouth in search of your nectar.
Those same arms that had carried you to this very bed were once more wrapped around you and situating you so you were sheathed onto his lap and his chest slipped against your belly. Your nipples were cared for by Jean's lips and tongue glossed with a mix of spit, sweat, and your wetness, the stimulation settling deliciously in your groin as you rolled your hips. His broad, sturdy shoulders mimicked a head board in that you used them for stability as you rocked yourself against him, letting the tip kiss the sensitive, spongey flesh within you. Hisses, sighs, and moans were all echoing off the walls or preserved for Jean's ears, and more often than not he'd return them.
Then your thighs grew hot and tired, and Jean could feel your exhausted pattern slow until you were huffing and whining at your muscles poor endurance. To remedy this, the gentleman leaned back on his elbows with you still in his lap and planted his feet onto the mattress to thrust up into you from below. Your grip shifted from his shoulders to his chest, then you grew too weak and worked up from your rapidly approaching orgasm to hold yourself, opting to lazily suck and moan into the crook of Jean's neck with your nails carving into his back.
"Fuck I'm gonna cum-" Jean gritted in your ear barely a second before you were releasing onto him as he painted your core white.
Your pelvis developed a mind of its own as it pathetically humped against his cock, milking what you could of your orgasm and draining every last drop from Jean. The man shuddered below you and swore lowly, throat exposed as the rest of his head dipped between his shoulders and his eyes sleepily closed from the intensity of his bliss. Finding it foolish not to, your lips latched onto his skin and left patches of blue and purple on his neck and nipped at his sharp jaw.
Both spent and messy, you collectively separated and took to the shower, snail like in your approach. Your poor, exhausted thighs barely carried you there and your womanhood was sore and sure to hurt tomorrow, but at the expense of Jean moral justification, you deemed it tolerable. Not much was said as you two shared the water and lazily lathered one another up, counting the number of hickeys the other left and sleepily grinning. You helped Jean toss on a set of clean sheets and he even offered you one of his shirts to sleep in, secretly sniffing the fabric when his back was turned and finding yourself a differently level of intoxicated at the musk he left behind. Back in the bed he tucked a pillow beneath your head and snuggled close to you with his glossy eyes crossing paths with yours.
"Maybe next time we can try something new." He commented, voice raspy.
With what little energy you had left you wondered, "Next time?"
"Yeah," he answered as if it were obvious, "If Connie and Mikasa get to have fun on the weekends then we should too."
You lightly giggled, "I think we had a little bit more than fun."
"Fucking, having fun, it's all the same."
You playfully rolled your eyes and nestled into his chest, letting him engulf you in the sheets and his limbs. The idea of spending your weekends with Jean instead of alone sounded lovely, even if it meant that some day Connie or Mikasa would discover it and have your relationships crumbling.
Maybe that was the whole idea: have the rough dynamic with the one who you were to love loyally and the exhilaration of piecing back together your emotions with someone else as neglected as you. No matter the end result, surely you'd return to Jean.
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etherealyoungk · 2 years
seventeen's reaction when you're sick
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❝ seungcheol ❞
➸ omg he would be so sulky because you’re sick and he hates that you’ve fallen sick 🙁the moment you called and told him you were sick and told him not to come over because you didn’t want him to catch it, that’s exactly what he does. he would buy you some medicines and ask you how you’re feeling. he’s got you whatever you wanted and check up on you. he’d sit next to you and gather you in his arms, rubbing your back to soothe you. if you complained about how he was gonna catch your cold too, he would simply shush you by saying it didn’t matter and that he wouldn’t get sick. and even if you tried to put a pillow between you both so he would keep a distance because you really didn’t want him to catch it, he’d simply give you a pout mumbling, “nothing can keep me from taking care of my baby”, as he removed the pillow and pressed a soft kiss to your forehead. the next day he falls sick though…
❝ jeonghan ❞
➸ it was probably one am and you kept tossing and turning in bed, you’re head burning. you let out a small whimper and jeonghan stirred beside you. “hey you okay sweetie?”, he asks but one look at your face and he knows you're not because you’re tearing up because of how bad your head hurts and he comes closer, pulling you into his arms. “hey hey, it’s gonna be okay”, he’d gently say. he’d fetch a cold cloth and put it to your forehead to help bring your fever down, staying up with you, making sure you were comfortable and okay. and if you apologized for keeping him up, he'd tell you that it's okay and if you kept apologizing he'd shush you by kissing you.
❝ joshua ❞
➸ you’d maybe have overworked yourself and now ended up with a cold and small fever and you wouldn’t even have realized it. it was Joshua who noticed it when you were cuddling together and the unusual amount of warmth radiating off you was enough to get him worried. he would gently press his palm to your forehead, confirming his suspicions. “hey you feeling okay?”, he asks, and when you shrug and let out a weak “i don’t know”, he’s frowning. “i think you have a slight fever baby”, he’d tell you, which for some reason made you tear up. he’d pull you closer to him and hug you, telling you it’d be okay and that you’d recover soon and that he was here for you. he'd pamper you so much and make sure you're well-rested.
❝ junhui ❞
➸ he'd noticed how you’ve dozed off on his shoulder when you guys were watching a movie together and when he brings his hand to gently caress your cheek out of affection, he feels how warm and hot you are and goes into panic mode. he’d gently lay you down on the pillow, making sure you're warm as he pulls a blanket over you, while he goes and makes you something soupy to have. but when he sees that you’ve come out of the room and waddling into the kitchen after a little while, he’s lightly scolding you with the wooden ladle in his hand, telling you how you should be resting and not walking around. “but i didn’t want to be alone”, you’d softly mumble. you’d sit on the dining table and watch as he finished the dish he was making for you and he’s served you some, bring it to you, happy that you had an appetite and he watched as you ate slowly, savoring what he made you.
❝ hoshi ❞
➸ he would be so sweet and attentive, asking you if you needed anything, making sure you were comfortable and warm, literally drowning you in blankets because you told him you were cold and he wants to make sure you’re really warm. he would give you his oversized hoodie for extra warmth and comfort. i feel like he’d also be pouty and just be sad that you’re sick and not feeling your best, so he’d do anything to cheer you up and bring a small smile to your face. he would probably feed you too if you didn’t really have an appetite, but he’d sweetly coax you to eat a few spoonful's so you can have some energy. he'd do horanghae's for you, which make you smile and he's glad.
❝ wonwoo ❞
➸ i feel like he’d look calm but on the inside, he’s really worried about you. you’d look pretty sick and tired so he’s got you some medicine and he’d gently wake you up, telling you to eat something so you could take the medicine. he sit with you as you slowly ate, telling you that you should rest and he’d take of the house. and when you looked at him with teary eyes, his eyes would soften and his heart would ache as he pulled you into his arms, giving you a hug whispering in your ear that it was going to be okay and that you’d be okay soon and that he was right here.
❝ woozi ❞
➸ you had caught a cold and with that came a nasty cough so you were basically coughing a lot. he would tell you to rest, bring you lots of warm water, tea, anything to help soothe your throat and help ease your cough. he’d make something simple and easy to eat like porridge. and if you got into a coughing fit in the night, he’d sit up with you, gently rubbing your back to help soothe you. he would feel so bad that you’re going through this and hope that you’d recover soon because he hated seeing you like this 🙁
❝ dokyeom ❞
➸ he would sense something was off with you when he notices you’re wearing a hoodie and socks when the weather was fairly sunny and warm outside. when he asks you if you’re feeling hot? you shake your head, crossing your arms across your chest because you’re shivering almost. “i’m so cold”, you say through gritted teeth and he’s going into concern and protective mode. he’d guide you to the bed and wrap you up in a blanket, making sure you’re warm. he’d even get a hot water bottle and give you to help you warm up. he’s worried because he’s not sure what do to but he'd stay calm and get you something warm to eat too. he's check up on you every minute and tell you to sleep and rest.
❝ mingyu ❞
➸ the moment he finds out you’re sick, he’s worried. and when you tell him you haven’t really eaten anything all day and had no appetite, he’s even more worried. so he immediately goes to fix that by cooking you some chicken soup. he would gently tell you to eat a bit so you could gain some strength and recover faster. the soup he made was so good, you couldn’t help but polish off the whole bowl, a proud and relieved smile on his face. he would kiss your temple telling you that you were going to recover faster now once you had his soup because he put special love in it, which brought a small smile to your face. he's hug you and lets you fall asleep on his shoulder.
❝ minghao ❞
➸ it wasn’t until he came to check up on you and saw that you were still sleeping and in bed at 10 am that he sensed something was wrong. because you usually would be up by 8 am. so, when he sees that you’re still in bed, he comes over, to check if you’re alright. “hey, is my girl okay?”, he softly asks and when you nod your head, telling him no, he’s gets concerned “i think i’m sick”, you weakly say. he’d let you sleep more and when it was lunchtime he’d gently wake you asking if you wanted to eat something and his heart does a little dip when you day whisper that you don’t really feel like eating. “but you need to eat a little okay love”, he’d tell you gently. he’d watch as you ate a few spoonful's of porridge and he’d be so proud of you. “you’re going to get better soon”, he’d say, giving you a small smile.
❝ seungkwan ❞
➸ he would panic and bring the whole house down. he’d keep asking you if you wanted to go to the hospital but you just told him it’s a viral flu and that you’d be okay in a few days. but when he checks your temperature and it’s 101, he’s really panicking. so he gets a small cloth and dips it in water, putting it on your forehead to help bring your fever down. he would probably scold you if your foot even touched the ground and would not let you get up from bed. even if he was maybe a bit too protective, he’s really sweet and you were just grateful at how he was taking care of you.
❝ vernon ❞
➸ i feel like he’d not really panic but he stays calm and collected, even though he was worried about you. he’d make sure you stay in bed and rest. he’d come and check up on you, sitting next to you, taking your hand, rubbing gentle circles in your palm to soothe you as he asked you how you're feeling. he’d give you anything you asked for and he would gladly make you some french toast if you wanted to eat something.
❝ dino ❞
➸ you’d have come home early from work because of your throbbing headache and when you reach home, you’d just burst into tears seeing dino’s face. he’d be so worried and concerned and immediately wraps you in his arms, gently rubbing your back to soothe you while you cried and once you’ve calmed down a bit, he’d ask you what happened, while he wiped away your tears with his thumb. once you told him you didn’t feel so well, he’d literally carry you to bed and get you some change of clothes so you can be more comfortable. he’d then tuck you in bed and ask if you wanted anything. he’d be really attentive towards you and constantly check up on you.
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vigilvntes · 2 years
heyyy, it's your girl! back at it ONCE MORE with thoughts because....it has a chokehold on me and I dont have a firm grip of stopping lol. (serisouly, I feel like I need to slow it down a bit)
so I know we talked about how riddler/edward would be teasing the life out of y/n (hero!reader) about "future children" and she's like....not anytimesoon!! BUT, but, let's just imagine for a quick second what would happen if she ended up with his kids. for one, itd would be very chaotic, no slowing down. on one hand, kinda gotta take it seriously because the father of her own children always winds up in arkham but he does manage to break out to visit because he does have a sweet spot for them. on the other, it's a little funny because as they got a bit older, people would ask "well, what do your parents do" of course they'd go on about their mom being a hero and fighting beside batman. however, as soon as Edward enters the picture, it's downhill! the kids just say "wellll....our dad tends to fight mom alot and has a thing about riddles. sometimes he ends up in arkham too but he manages to see us in secret ways." hahah, like imagine parents day where maybe kids bring in their parents and edward shows up with y/n. the teacher is just like "😐 uhhhh....that's a criminal you're with" and y/n's saying "yeah, about that!"
I just KNOW though that edward is a bit giddy when coming into the classroom or even if he's the one who has to pick up the kids because people know who he is and he's thinking "yea! I have kids with a great and gorgeous hero who's also my enemy....walk away! but also thanks for recognizing me ✌✌" in the end, it's all so so chaotic.
tw for pregnancy!!!
these two are most definitely not trying to have a baby like 1000% no way are they going out of their way to have a child with each other. sure, they might have spoke about it in their past but that's exactly what it is, the PAST. and with the lifestyles they both lead they probably wouldn't even think that it's possible to be parents at all, y'know since he's always doing villain shit and she's always kicking his ass for it. so if she gets pregnant it'd be an accident
NOW. imagine if she gets pregnant just before he gets taken back to arkham, and maybe she put him there thinking like it's fine i'll see him again soon anyway. like ugh angst okay.
i feel like she would probably just ignore all of the signs to start with and go about as normal, because she'd be kinda in denial about the whole thing. there's no WAY she's pregnant with edward's kid. no way. but also,, yes way because she IS. but she's just like yeah im gonna ignore this because i've literally put the father of my child in arkham and i can't deal with this.
bruce would definitely notice, though. like i know that he would know that somethings up. the lil bit of extra weight (which he would never bring up but he sees it and he know it's there), cancelling plans they have to take down some criminal due to sickness, loss of appetite, feeling lethargic or overly tired. and then the final straw is when he mentions edward to her and she just bursts into tears on the spot and he's like yeah. i gotta go talk to alfred. like i KNOW he would ask alfred for confirmation of his suspicions and advise on what to do, and then the next time she sees him he just slides a couple of pregnancy tests over to her and he's like "you should take those" and she's like sighs. yeah :// and he'd help her a lot too like he's kinda awkward about it but he's there <3
ugh. like. okay. so she'd want to tell him. like desperately want to tell him that she's pregnant and that it's his but she'd just keep putting it off. everytime she builds the confidence to go to arkham or call and ask to speak to him she chickens out because she has no idea how he'll react. so when she tells him, it's pretty much because he's forced her hand.
like IMAGINE he manages to break out of arkham when she's like 4 months along, and he turns up at her doorstep and he's so prepared to tease her about it and be like "ha! better luck next time" and maybe fuck her if she's down but when she opens the door in just a shirt five times too big for her she looks fucking terrified and he's never seen her look like that before, at least not in reaction to him because he's and would never actually hurt her. so he's like what. the. fuck. whenever he breaks out she's like 'yeah, yeah i get it you have brains now kiss me' but this time she lets him in and she's just. eerily quiet. and he hates it. so he'd probably start asking all sorts of questions. "are you mad at me?" "did someone hurt you?" "are you seeing someone else?" and she'd probably break down and be like no please shut the fuck up and she'd shove him away when he tries to pull her to him, and eventually after like 5 minutes of arguing she'd just be like "IM PREGNANT OK?"
"honey, if i would have known i would've broken out a lot earlier"
i think he'd be scared, because she's already so far along but i also think he'd be thrilled because there's no one he'd rather have a baby with. so he'd hold her as she cries and reassure her that everything's gonna be fine and that it'll all work out.
i do think he'd be on his best behaviour while she's pregnant, like i think he'd try very very hard to not have to leave her again because he worries about her and he's protective anyway but now she's having his baby it's amplified. and like, she'd definitely be like "i know i'm in no state to kick your ass but i will call batman do not test me"
he'd low-key move into her place without telling her but she'd be like . i know what you're trying to do. because he stays there every night so he might as well right?? plus the pregnancy makes eddie look fucking delicious and although fucking him is what got her pregnant in the first place ,,, she's already pregnant so it wouldn't hurt. so that's handy.
he'd still do his livestreams though and i think he'd try and keep it quiet, but then she'd be in the background very obviously pregnant and word gets out and spreads very very fast and she's like . i am going to murder you. it'd be a scandal but i don't think it'd be that shocking to most.
type of mf to pass out at the birth i ain't even gonna say anything more.
he'd be absolutely smitten with your baby, and i think he'd still be on best behaviour after the birth but old habits never die hard and soon enough he'd be back on his bullshit because he just can't stop himself. he loves her and their baby but like . come on, she knows he's never gonna change.
so he's in and out of arkham, but he would 1000% break out OFTEN to see her and the baby because he misses them and he grew up without family and he would never ever want that for his own family so he's there when he can be although he could probably be there all of the time if he stopped being a shithead <33
"if you miss us why don't you stop getting arrested" "*shrugs* you know me" "yeah, unfortunately i do"
i think she'd be very transparent about who he is and the whole villain thing, but i don't think she'd ever make him out to be a genuinely bad guy because she doesn't think that and she wants her kid to grow up with both parents, as inconsistent as he is
she'd still kick his ass, like 100% she'd still knock ten bells of shit out of him if she really has to.
also like. uncle brucie. she probably knows his identity so like. he assumes the position of uncle and he's kinda awkward and doesn't really know how to interact but the kid LOVES him so much. eddie probably doesn't know his identity because like ,,, what a kick off that would be so when he's out of arkham it's uncle batman although he definitely wouldn't be happy about it "uncle batman? when did this happen?" "oh, i don't know. maybe while you were in a cell."
involved. parent. eddie when he's actually out of arkham. he'd want to know EVERYTHING. like every single detail or thing he's missed. and he'd want to be there for every parents day and every meeting and every recital or practise he'd want to be there and be involved. maybe a bit of that is because he gets a kick out of people being like "holy shit it's the riddler at the dance recital" but it's mostly just bc he loves their kid so badly.
when he gets out of arkham every-time it's like "look daddy's back!" as if he's just returned from a fucking business trip or something and there's nothing he'd love more than seeing his kid's face light up and having them run right into his arms. and he'd be so good w his kid too :(( like i bet they'd have so much fun and he'd be kinda natural at being a dad despite uh. everything.
and like. imagine if they have another one. god. everyone would be like 'we get the first time was an accident but like .... come on now' and she's just like well 😬😬😬😬😬😬 and he just finds it funny </3
overall it'd be dysfunctional to anyone looking in on their family dynamic but it's functional for them and they make it work so </3
dilf eddie 🙏🙏🙏🙏
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