#he never cried out when he found out about Quark
ihatebrainstorm · 10 months
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Late night Brainstorm grief thoughts...
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countessofbiscuit · 3 years
For the WIP game...I'd love to hear about Cargo Hold
:D i think you’ve heard me talk about my desire to write Din/Cara sex pollen and this is the WIP i’ve been sitting on for the longest time ‘cause i’m waffling between two different set-ups; but this one is the most complete and takes place sometime during s01e7. (sucks about Cara’s actor, but i still really love the character’s chaotic bisexual bestie vibe.)
A lesson in keeping the lid on: or, what happens when two hardshell softies get a faceful of Nevoota stim pollen. 
. . . . . 
“You didn’t tell me you had a side hustle,” came Dune’s voice from the hold. “I guess you need one, now. I’m just surprised.”
He was trying to extract a bad calcinator that showed no sign of coming loose. “What are you talking about,” he replied absently. 
“Smuggling. There’s more than just ammo and vintage parts in some of these.” 
He leaned down through the hatch, expectantly. Dune had begun stowing the crates; she flipped the loose lid on one for his benefit, lifted a brick of military-grade thermal he hadn’t purchased, and revealed a further surprise: plasti-wrapped packages of a purplish hue. 
He almost fell onto the lower deck. “These aren’t my crates,” he croaked. He crashed down the ladder and chucked open another one. It hadn’t been packed as carefully; his hands moved through a cloud of fine dust as he removed thermal plastoid—stamped Imperial, like it wanted to be doubly offensive. He found more purple bricks, broken in places, their powdery contents seeping into every crevice. 
Standing up, he stalked past Dune to scan the horizon. It was bare. A great beige expanse of nothing. His supplier had vanished.
“Glad someone was checking,” said Dune behind him.  
“Nir’s never messed me around before.”
“You’re so trusting sometimes. It’s one of your stupid, winning qualities.” 
“I’m not bringing the thermal onto the ship,” he began, steering both crates back out and down the ramp with a silent curse. “This stuff levels districts.” He’d seen it happen. 
Dune scoffed. “So, what? We loaf around here like sitting mynocks?”
“Nir will realize their mistake. They’ll double-back before disappointing whoever was expecting this delivery.” 
“You know, this could buy enough fuel to circumnavigate the Outer Rim. Twice.”
“Yes. But trying to fence this would be the opposite of laying low.” 
“Eh,” she shrugged, dumping herself onto one of the crates, “that depends—” 
“No, don’t tell me. You might spoil your enigmatic backstory.” 
That earned him a joshing kick to the shin. “You only want me for my backstory,” Dune grinned, in an easy mood for someone sitting on a box of raw explosives powerful enough to slag this plateau into next week. “You know I can’t be taken alive, and so can be counted on to die for your son.” 
He glanced at the sealed bunk, where the kid was—hopefully—sleeping. He never cried or whined or protested about being put down. Like an exotic pet, just like that piece of polished banthashit Mayfeld had said. 
“Let’s at least get it inside and out of sight,” Dune suggested. 
He instinctively tensed his arms before he shook his head. It gave him away. 
She threw her hands up. “Can’t you just turn it off, you cagey wrist-warrior?”
His gauntlets were either operational or not. There was no power button. He decided to remove them, the easiest and safest option. 
Dune smirked. “Mmm, the first act of a Mando strip-tease. Nice.” 
“We never drop our weapons first. We start with the thighs.” It was a strange thing to say, he reflected. Wasn’t even accurate—it was gloves, tasset, fly, since there was nothing sexy about vulnerable arteries. But Dune had a way of tickling his inhibitions loose, when it was just the two of them.
She let out a short, honking laugh. “I’m not spiced enough for that. Speaking of—are they all loaded?” she asked, toeing the lid off the crate in between them. 
They both squatted over it. Underneath the thermal was another powdery, purplish mess of mishandled packages. Dune fished out an intact brick from the under the broken ones and tossed it to him, dusting his front on impact. It weighed about the same as the kid, with about the same density, too—no, that wasn’t right. His perspective was becoming entirely skewed: they both—the spice and the kid—weighed about as much as one of the ‘Crest’s repulsor plates. “I have no idea what kind this is,” he said, flipping it over in his hands. 
“No, your people … don’t seem the type.” 
“Most spice is consumable via a straw.” 
Dune raised an eyebrow. “Backstory?”
“Sadly, yes.” 
Dune’s hands were covered. She rubbed a pinch between her thumb and forefinger, examining it closely. “Fine stuff. Either it’s been cut to quarks or it’s some premium pure shit I’ve never seen before.” 
“Should you be doing that?” he couldn’t help asking when she took a direct sniff. 
“Relax, Mando. We used to thicken our caf with stim and worse in the shocks.”
Of the seven crates, all but two were clearly for someone else, and three of those adulterated with spilled spice. He’d just dropped back into the hold with the calcinator, feeling a little funny and in need of some balmy, beige air, when Dune came plowing up the ramp, eyes wild and face flushed. She closed it behind her, pressing the button aggressively. “We need to move,” she declared. 
“Okay, but Nir—”
“Fuck Nir,” she growled, throwing herself up the gangway, pausing halfway to clunk her forehead against a rail. “And fuck me. Fuck.” 
“What is it?”
“We need to … to … to get somewhere.” She was almost panting and it was starting to freak him out. “Somewhere quiet. Remote.” 
The plateau was quiet and they were already in the back end of beyond. Din grabbed her calf, about to demand an explanation, only to be kicked backwards. 
“Not here, Mando!” 
He hit the wall, hard, but suddenly there was nothing more he wanted than to hold her supple leg again and ... open his pants?! 
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vortahoney · 3 years
Pick five of your ocs and answer all of the oc questions for each of them. Now.
Okay I’ll do the one that I’m pretty sure you specifically want to know the most
1. Her human friends call her Kit or Kitty because she hisses when startled
2. Brown eyes, light brownish orangish color, and she has no hair because she is a Ferengi
3. she is 4′6″
4. You could notice their smile across the room
5. I have already said that Iza wears Hawaiian shirts pretty much all the time, but she also wears large (and very stupid) graphic tees from all over the alpha (and eventually gamma) quadrant. She has plenty of Lurian-sized merch for Quark’s. Overall, it’s pretty much big shirt big shoes small pants.
6. Caffeinated 
7. They have a large scar on their right ear, as well as their right cheek, that reaches the corner of their mouth. They got it in an accident that they had when they were little.
8. Their voice is always chipper, even in situations that are not chipper, it isn’t reflective of their emotions, it’s just how they talk.
9. It’s just absolutely covered in knickknacks. They’re a collector!
10. A notebook full of jokes that worked for the crowd and a PADD full of holophotos of their parents.
11. Iza misses her mom a lot and is always very excited when she comes to the station
12. Iza also misses her dad a lot, but they aren’t on AMAZING terms. Her dad is just kind of an asshole, but he wasn’t horrible or anything
13. They had one brother who died in the accident that they had when they were small.
14. They latched onto Bashir pretty much immediately, much to the chagrin of Bashir and also Garak (they’ve never met a doctor that was so nice!)
15. It wasn’t bad! They spent a lot of it in the hospital getting various reconstructive surgeries, and their dad also gets really sick really often, but they had a supportive mom and plenty of friends!
16. I know I could say the accident (for angst reasons) but I’m going to say getting her first pet. It was Klingon Targ. She wants another one.
17. Iza has a pretty big imagination. They can end up jumping to conclusions really quickly, and they are often very VERY far off.
18. Her family had to move a lot for various medical treatments. Her favorite place to live, though, has been ds9.
19. She is SO SCARED that she’ll mess a kid up. 
20. Not a good parent, but a fun one. They’re a little immature, but they’ve got a lot of love to give. Maybe if they adopted a teenager at some point.
21. Her mother and her cool uncle (he’s a Ferengi that we know but you guys can guess which one)
22.  I actually do not know this one. Drop your ideas in the notes.
23. Usually very upbeat people who can match their energy.
24. This sounds bad but shy people. They do not like trying to get people to open up.
25. They haven’t found their soulmate yet, but they’re definitely looking.
26. N/A
27. N/A
28. N/A
29. N/A
30. They got the standard Ferengi education but then went to acting school on Earth
31. They were SUPER outgoing and joined a lot of extra classes and clubs. Botany classes, sewing clubs, carpentry clubs, you name it. They were trying to make up for the time they lost after they spent so much of their childhood in the boring, sterile environment of a hospital.
32. They were super good at Language Arts and acting
33. They were honestly more interested in making people laugh than anything at school.
34. Comedy!! They hope to really take off one day and become a famous comedian like John Mulaney or J’Tahs Tiroha (famous klingon comedian that I just made up)
35. They perform literally every night at Quark’s (or on Ten Forward when they decide stay on the enterprise for awhile)
36. They absolutely love it. They love making people laugh and just being entertaining in general.
37. To be a famous comedian.
38. She acts out when she gets stressed. Sometimes she ends up in a holding cell.
39. She doesn’t get angry very often, but when she does she closes herself off.
40. It’s pretty similar with grief, except she cries a lot as well.
41. Her biggest fear is dying in obscurity
42. Seeing people smile
43. Their sense of humor is really upbeat. They don’t really do self deprecating, only mild stuff in their anecdotes. They also do joke about their feelings and events in their life.
44. She hates it when people refuse to be happy. She also hates when people whistle.
45. Whistling, high pitched noises in general (their hearing aid picks up on a LOT of them so they can get annoying)
46. She regrets not doing more to save her brother when they were kids. She also regrets not taking more time to figure herself out.
47. VERY easily
48. They can be really passive-aggressive since they don’t like to show negative feelings.
49. The accident and the hospitals
50. They haven’t told anyone about their brother. They also had a girlfriend in acting school who left her for reasons she does not disclose.
51. They want to put good into the world no matter what. They are also VERY for the Ferengi feminist movement, but they feel that business is bad and earning money shouldn’t be the only goal. They also have very strong feelings about the treatment of the Dominion aliens. They’re also pretty anti-federation, they think it’s basically an empire masquerading as a democratic union of planets.
52. She’s really motivated by the need to find love
53. She’s pretty physically healthy, if a little scrawny. She does get sick super easily, though.
54. Heart 100%
55. They do not like to think about death.
56. They’re really good at improvising and they care a lot
57. They aren’t very good at interpreting other people’s needs.
58. They try really REALLY hard not to cry because they know that they need criticism to grow, but sometimes they canNOT help it
59. She likes to think of herself as someone who cares
60. If she could change something about herself, it would be how easy she cries or gets anxious
61. They tend to think she has no boundaries, which isn’t TRUE at all.
62. She bears her heart onstage, but almost never one-on-one
63. Physical affection
64. Nail biting and clacking their teeth together
65. Orange juice! She likes thinner liquids
66. Toasted tubeworms
67. Butterscotches, they ate so many in acting school
68. Spring! It’s rainy and it reminds them of home
69 (nice). Cold rain
70. Garak made them read the Never-Ending Sacrifice and once they got their attention on it, they really liked it.
71. A Bajoran sitcom about farmers who adopt a cardassian baby called “Fires in the North” (very loosely translated)
72. Things that are upbeat and very loud. Lyrics don’t really matter as much.
73. Comedy!
74. Blue
75. Plants. Anything outside. The opposite of a hospital
76. They’re actually really fond of Cardassian Voles
77. A cheering crowd
78. Early morning, when everything is just getting started
79. They really like pickle flavored ice cream
80. Those really tiny ones that spit venom in that one guy’s face from jurassic park
81. Make your own question: Did your OC have a favorite teacher?
One of their acting professors was Dr. Ren, a human woman who nurtured her talent for comedy when all her other professors either tried to get her to be more serious, if they didn’t just write her passion off as another Ferengi moneymaking scheme.
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devilbat · 4 years
A Little Tug
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Loki x reader
Warning: angst, fluff, pinning and a bit of bullying., Loki being mischievous.
@confessionsofastrugglingteen with Loki 11, 34, 37, 39... I hope you like it. 🙏
11 "Have you always been this beautiful?"
34 "Please shut up. I can't stand how appealing your voice is."
37 "I have got to get something inside me... Food, I mean."
39 "You're beautiful. Uh, u-um, I mean the weather. It's beautiful. Not that you're not beautiful, because you are. I'm just gonna shut up."
            "Loki, give it back." You whined Loki was older and always found it fun to pick on you to play pranks on you. As Loki held the doll just out of your reach with his magic, he laughed as you tried to jump for it. Tears start prick at your eyes, your face flushed, including the tip of your long pointed ears peeking out from under your long, curled white hair.
            "Go on, take it, little one." Loki chuckled as he held it from your reach. You huffed tears rolled down your cheeks when you tried jumping once more only for the doll to be pulled away once more.
             Loki giggled, watching you ran off crying your doll floating down into his hands, grasp on to it he held it tightly as he walks off sitting back down under the tree he was currently sitting down under reading when you showed up. He knew you would visiting from Alfheim. Your family visited ever another season. They said the light elves were to be the most beautiful creatures of all the nine realms said to be even more beautiful than the sun itself. Loki found that ridiculous you were odd. Your hair was always a mess, and you were annoying, even your voice drove him crazy high pitched and whiny.
                 "What's wrong, y/n?" Loki's mother found you crying under the window near the great hall. You doe eyes red and puffy from crying looked up.
            "It's Nothing Allmother." You sniffled, rubbing your eyes with the back of your hands.
            "Please call me Frigga." She smiled warmly at you taking your hand. "You can tell me it's all right."
            "My dolly was taken." You sniffle more looking over at the wide-open window from a crossed the hall.. birds chirped away as they passed by warming themselves in from the glow of the sun.
             "Who took your dolly." Frigga knelt beside you, her hand cupping your chin so you would look up at her. She smiled down at you. You shook your head, not wanting to tell her it was Loki. "Its all right, sweety. We can get your dolly back without a fuss." Frigga already knew it was her son.
       "It was Loki, but he will pick on me more if I tattle" You huffed whipping your nose along the sleeve of your light blue dress.
Loki had found you sitting in the courtyard chasing the birds. Loki smirked as he approached hands clasped behind him back. Using his magic, he made you trip over nothing falling to your knees. You cried when you hit the ground.
”Stop crying, only baby's cry.” Loki snickered you snapped you head over at him glaring.
“You're a meany, Loki.” You sobbed Whipping your eyes. You got up, tried walking away from him. Suddenly you couldn’t walk. It was as if you were cemented into the stone. Green mist surrounding your feet. “Loki, stop touching me.”
”I’m not touching you.” he shrugged as he walked around you. He was smiling to himself. You sniffled, still trying to move. ”Little one, if I were touching you, it would be more like this.” His hand moved to your hair and tugged hard on your braid.
”Ow!” You cried louder more tears fell from your eyes. When Loki finally released your hair, he was laughing hard hands on his chest. Anger was what you felt at the boy at that moment. With that, you pushed the laughing God flat on his butt.
”Y/n, Loki, what are you two doing?” Frigga Loki’s mother stepped into the courtyard.
”Mother, she pushed me.” Loki cried as he ran to her.
”Allmother, he started it. He pulled my hair. And pushed me down.” You pouted now able to move, your arms crossed around you.
”I never touched her.” Loki whined he held on to his mother's waist sticking his tongue at you.
          Loki had always found it fun to finding ways to tournament you. Whether it was taking your toys, pulling your hair, or pushing you around, he would do it. This went on throughout your childhood with the mischievous god. Soon the war came, and you never saw Loki for over a hundred years. The next time you would see Loki was when you were a young woman. The war had ended, and Odin wanted to Unite the family is once more. You were not that happy to go when you heard the news. You tried begged pleated to stay on Alfheim. Unfortunately, here you were back on Asgard. Though Luck would have it that the brothers were not due back for some time.
It was day four in Asgard; you found yourself in the Library the thousands of books from all over the nine realms kept you busy. Your father would have to pull you away by your ears to get you to eat. You were nose deep in a romantic book from Midgard. You never noticed anyone come in. Not until green mist surrounded the book, and it went frying from your hands. You groaned, instantly knowing who it was without looking up.
”Loki I was-” you stopped from speaking when you looked up. The boy that stood in front of you was no longer. He was now a Devilishly handsome man. His raven hair now longer. He was tall before, but now he was towering over you like a tree. His eyes a greenish-blue pierced right through you. His body broad and lean no longer a twig.
”Hello, little one.” Loki spoke a smug smirk on his face. And oh dear gods, his voice made you want him never to shut up like you once had when you were children, it was deep and smoother than silk. ”You just can't stay away from me, can you.”
”Still playing your little games, I see.” You looked down, avoiding eye contact with him. You wanted to hate him not find you overly attractive, making your heart flutter and your stomach flip. Let along setting your body on fire.
”Only with you.” He jester as he took the floating book into his hands to see what you were reading. ”What Rubbish, why would you read this.” Making the book disappear.
”Lady y/n.” Thor bellowed as he walked in arms extended out. Thor was always your protector when he wasn't training. ”Please tell me my brother is not taking his pleasure in tormenting you?” He snatched you up from where you sat in one of his many hugs that led to you not being able to breathe.
”Thor!” You managed to squeak out, patting him on his now-massive arms. Norse, could this man get any bigger.
”Have you always been this beautiful?” Thor looked down at you. His word actually annoyed Loki a bit, and that bothered him. Loki thought back at the time he said that you were not what they told Elvis would be. But he had to admit you were stunning nothing could compare to your beauty, not even the sun. ”Brother, what do you think?” Thor always knew how to make things awkward. You weren’t sure if you wanted to know what Loki thought about you. But Loki only rolled his eyes and walked away hands clasped behind his back.
“If you say so.” He muttered, walking out the door. Before the door shut behind him, you felt something tug lightly on your hair. ‘Great and, so it starts.’ You thought, rolling your own eyes.
A week had passed during your stay in Asgard. You had tried to avoid being around Loki though you would always find yourself around him. During any feasts, the only set would be next to him. He found it fun to find new ways to annoy you. You found yourself in the Library reading another Midgard book. You sprawled out on the chair, not very ladylike. Not a care in the realm.
”Back to reading that Rubbish. Little one, you truly need to read something more appealing. expand that lovely, little brain of yours.” Loki purred. You rolled your eyes. ”I could always read you something better.” Loki stopped a few steps from you. Eyes on the bit of skin of your legs.
“Loki! Please shut up. I can't stand how appealing your voice is." You huffed, straightening yourself out on the chair. Loki smirked wider his eyes on you. The tips of your ear turned a lovely shade of pink.
“Oh, really?” His hands behind his back. “I didn’t know you found my voice appealing.” He emphasized on the last word. That little tugging on one of your braids. Your hand grabbed ahold of the braid.
“I-I got to go. I have got to get something inside me....” You stammered out heat washed over your face as the words came out. Loki chuckled darkly leaned over you his gaze on fire. Your heartbeat faster. “Food, I mean." You brushed pasted him in a hurry. Loki was enjoying making you squirm.
You just had spent the rest of your time with Frigga. She had helped you with your hair and gown for tonight's gathering. The dress Frigga put you in was a gorgeous golden dress with green and black accents along the trim. Your hair pulled up in curls held with one large braid wrapped around your head. She asked how things were going with her sons. You blushed when she mentioned Loki.
You made your way into the grand hall. People laughed, mingling with others, dancing, and eating have a grand old time. You spotted Loki talking with his brother. Green, gold, and black leather Armor a golden horned helmet the brought out his eyes. He was quite a lovely display of a man. When your eyes looked with him, your ears and cheeks blushed for thinking that, so you ducked into the crowd.
”Brother, you should ask Lady y/n to dance. She does look rather stunning.” Thor patted loki on the shoulder. ”Don't deny it, brother, she is not that little girl you once picked on.” Loki rolled his eyes.
”She is still annoying.” Loki retorted through his eyes, still watched forever move. And those ears of yours always heating up in his presence. He did enjoy that cute little quark of yours.
”I've seen the way you look at her brother. Don't deny it.” Thor followed Loki gaze before Loki shook his head. ”If you won't, then I may indulge in a dance with her before someone else sweeps her off her feet.” Thor moved throughout the crowd. Approached, you talking with a few men.
”Lady y/n, may I have this dance.” Thor's hand extended out. You nodded, taking it. You couldn't deny the Prince of Asgard. Loki watched as Thor dance with you. This infuriated him.
“May I cut in?” That smooth voice purred from behind you part of you hoped Thor wouldn't, and the other part of you the was longing for Loki’s touch. Thor nodded and moved out of his brother's way, a knowing smirk. Loki took his place with you tightly pressed against his lean form. You dance with the raven hair prince; he was graceful, perhaps a better dancer than his brother as loki glided you through the room. ”Perhaps, we should get some air?”
You nodded, unsure, really what to say. Loki offered you his arm, which you took all to giddy as Loki escorted you all too eagerly to the balcony. The dark sky was clear and blanketed by trillions of stairs. A light breeze moved throughout the leaves of the towering trees. A slight shiver ran down your spine, unsure if it was Loki’s hand on your lower back or the wind. The view was breathtaking as you could see the water that cascaded over into the vastness of space.
“It’s beautiful.” You muttered in awe Asgard always took your breath away.
"You're beautiful. Uh, u-um, I mean the weather. It's beautiful. Not that you're not beautiful, because you are. I'm just gonna shut up." Loki stumbled over his own words. Now his cheeks were heated. You turned to look at Loki, who did the same. Loki noted that those ears of yours gave you away so quickly.
”Did I just hear you, right. Loki Odinson, call me Beautiful?” You teased his eye bore into yours. Your head cascaded down, looking at your hands. Loki took a step forward, closing the gap between you two.
His hand brushed a stray hair behind your cute pointed ear. His hand lingering before his fingers tangled into your hair, tipping his head down, kissing your pink alway pink lips. You found yourself kissing him back. He pulled away slightly to look at you. His other hand cupped your cheek; his thumb brushed across your lips. Loki tugged at your hair a bit, but instead of a whine, you gasped in a shock of pleasure. Loki raised an eyebrow a smug smile tugged at his lips. Your hand clamp over your mouth that sound should have never escaped. Loki chuckled wickedly before removing your hand; his lips pressed firmly against your once more.
The noise from the party seemed to die out. Odin's voice a whisper. As he started his announcement. It wasn't until you both overheard. ”Today, we would like to announce the Union of our two realms in marriage with Loki Prince of Asgard is set to marry y/n Princess of Alfheim.” Odin's voice boomed over the crowd. ”Loki, Y/n!” he called for you both. You looked at Loki, both of you equally shocked at the announcement.
Permanent tags:  @kitkatkl @lokilvrr @instantnoodlese @drakesfiance @meyoko10 @miraclesoflove madleiine, @teageowen @scorpionchild81 @redlipsinkorea @mintzxi @it-jinxed-us @heylals
Tom/Loki Tag's: @theoneanna @graveyard-groupie @silverquartx @moonfaery @kcd15 , @moonlightprime @youveseen--thebutcher @shockwavee @sabine-leo @screw-real-life-i-pick-fandoms @vethrvolnir, @darkprincessloki92 @archy3001 @chaoticwithpurpose @paanchu786, @metalheadspider @myownviperroom @arosewithdaisies @jilldsumner @daughterofsunandmoon93 @too-cold-for-youhere @iamverity @sterwild @hiddlefan81 @matczvkv @desimarie12 @loser-alert, @cest-le-temps-de-lamour @lucantis @sherlokiholland @kryptonite2116 @justthatfangirloverthere @littleredstarfish @amore-p-siche @thathedonistgirl
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kuromantic · 5 years
Whumptober Day 12: Don’t Move
ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/20848466/chapters/49952669
warnings: non graphic self injury
The moment Kuroo lay his eyes on Bokuto for the first time, he felt the spark ignite an unquenchable fire deep inside his chest.
It burned hot, dripping something wax-like into every crevice inside his heart. He let it consume him, blazing embers of passion drawing him like an atom finding its soulmate from the Quark epoch.
“Hey-hey! I’m Bokuto! Bokuto Koutarou!”
Bokuto had introduced himself to Kuroo straight away, bonding with him as he rattled on about how much he loved spiking and volleyball.
“I’m a wing spiker! They don’t always sub me in, but I’ll be the ace next year.” He explains enthusiastically, eyes burning with excitement. “I’m good at spiking, but I can receive well, too! Wanna practice with me?”
Kuroo lets Bokuto jump up and down while gathering the balls from the crate, serving against the wall. “Why me, though? Like, out of everyone?” He finds himself asking.
“Well… The third years always make me the ballboy! I can’t spike, and I’m bored! Besides, it’s training camp! I gotta bond with you guys from other schools! So…” Bokuto takes Kuroo’s hand. “Will you practice with me, Kuroo?”
Kuroo doesn’t see why not. “Sure, man. Let’s do this.”
Kuroo can’t believe it. He’s practicing with the one he was drawn to, at first sight. And he seems to touch him more than necessary, high-fiving him and playfully tackling him.
“You’re great, Kuroo! I knew my instincts were right!”
“Uh,” Kuroo fans himself, “what instincts, now?”
Bokuto giggles, oblivious to how much Kuroo’s heart is pounding. “I don’t know why, but when I saw you, I felt like I needed to practice with you! It’s weird, isn’t it?”
“We have chemistry.” Kuroo mutters, failing himself in his attempts at being smooth. “There’s something like a magnetic pull between us. You take physics?”
“Nope,” Bokuto says, “I only study biology.”
“Actually, I don’t take physics either.” Kuroo shrugs. “But, y’know…”
I’m flirting with you, he wants to say. He doesn’t say it, but Bokuto gets it. Bokuto is magical, just like that.
Kuroo presses his hands onto Bokuto’s shoulders, and kisses him. Their eyes are wide open, wandering and settling on each other. Bokuto’s lips are softer than Kuroo ever imagined them to be.
His own name escapes Bokuto’s mouth absentmindedly, and Kuroo’s skin bubbles.
“Tetsu is fine,” Kuroo mutters, cheeks burning.
Bokuto smiles, his eyes shining like a porcelain doll’s. “You’re a good kisser, Tetsu. You have experience with stuff like this?”
“It’s… my first time,” Kuroo admits sheepishly, glad he hadn’t let it show. “You were my first.”
“We’re just made for each other, huh?” Bokuto grins. “Man, I’m sad I never got to meet you sooner.”
Kuroo nods. “Uh, crap. I gotta return to the bedroom soon. Catch you tomorrow morning?”
“Sounds good! See ya later, Tetsu!”
As Kuroo watches Bokuto go his separate way down the hallway, he can’t help reliving the kiss over and over.
“Oi, Bokuto! Pick the balls up, quit dawdling!”
Kuroo observes Bokuto being yelled at, from the other side of the court. He doesn’t really understand why he’s being forced to do ball duty- Bokuto is talented, anyone can see that with one glance.
“I’m sorry! I’ll be quicker!” Bokuto apologizes needlessly.
With every passing second, Kuroo finds himself getting more and more irate. Bokuto shouldn’t be picking things up and bending down on the floor- he should be soaring up high, spiking. He could take the team in his hands and rise even higher with the help of them all.
“Tetsu, can we kiss again?”
Bokuto practices with Kuroo every day, and pleads him for a kiss after each session. Kuroo worries vocally about being sweaty and gross, but Bokuto insists that it doesn’t bother him. So they share something passionate and hot, every night in the gym that’s their sanctuary.
But one night, Bokuto doesn’t ask for a kiss.
He’s not there. Kuroo arrives at the gymnasium, and waits for Bokuto to come. But Bokuto is nowhere to be found.
For a terrifying moment, Kuroo assumes that Bokuto suddenly doesn’t want anything to do with him anymore. But no, that can’t be it. Bokuto isn’t that type of person.
He heads down to Fukurodani’s bedroom, even though it’s not time for sleeping yet. There should be nobody there.
There’s sobbing coming from under one of the covers.
“Hey, Bokuto, you there?”
Kuroo calls from outside, before stepping inside slowly. There’s a sizable lump under the blankets, and he makes his way there, gently peeling off the fluffy blankets.
Bokuto’s thighs are bleeding.
“You’re hurt! Dude, what happened? Is everything all right?”
Kuroo wraps an arm around Bokuto’s shoulder, and notices the blood around his fingers and under his nails.
“I’m not good enough!” Bokuto cries, scratching at his thighs. “I let my team down! Nobody likes me!”
With every statement he makes, he slams his fists into his head, until Kuroo grabs him and forcefully stops his destructive actions. “Stop that, Bokuto!” Kuroo snaps, holding Bokuto’s hands in his own.
Bokuto’s breathing slows down eventually. He sniffles as Kuroo strokes his hair, wrapping his limbs around him.
“I’m okay now, Kuroo. You can go.”
“Idiot, you’re still bleeding. Don’t move.” Kuroo whips out some adhesive plasters from his pocket, placing them on Bokuto’s bleeding thighs. “Here we go. What made you do this?”
“I felt like I was ruining everything.” Is Bokuto’s answer.
Kuroo really, really doesn’t know what to say. But he doesn’t want Bokuto to look like an almost-extinguished flame.
“You’re gonna be the ace.” Kuroo states, kissing Bokuto’s cheek. “You’re gonna be Fukurodani’s ace, and you’re gonna kick everyone’s ass. And one day, we’re going to face off in nationals, so you better train hard!”
Bokuto lets out a cute, childish laugh. “You’re absolutely right! I’ll kick your ass, so watch-”
Kuroo ends Bokuto’s sentence with his own lips.
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calcipher763 · 5 years
Children of RWBY: Amber’s Arrival
5 years pass...
Outside the Xio Long-Arc home, Jaune and his daughter Jin practice her swordsmanship (or swordswomanship as she likes to correct people). Despite looking like her parents, the child has shown herself to have her mother’s personality, much to Jaune’s chagrin. However, he soon warms up to the fact that her interests lay with learning the sword and one day inheriting Crocea Mors from her father, something he’s more than happy to rub in his wife’s face.
Up on the porch Yang watches with pride as he husband and daughter spare while she tends to their newest addition. Just a couple months back she’d given birth to their son and Jin’s newest baby brother, Crimson Arc. Immediately Jin had gone into “Big Sister Mode” as she is never too far from the infant, protecting him with her wooden sword and shield that her grandfather Nicholas Arc carved for her. She loving rocks her baby in her arms, grateful to have been made a mother once more and this time with boy.
Unlike his elder sister, Crimson took on more of Yang’s family traits than she was bargaining for. Born with stark black hair and crimson eyes (from which he received his namesake) they soon faded to lilac, showing he was indeed his mother’s son. Still, the black hair was something which bothered Yang. It reminded her too much of her absent mother and, while she’d never allow it to diminish the love she felt for her child, she couldn’t help but feel some anxiety when thinking about Raven. While they’d come to something of an understanding years ago beneath the foundations of Haven Academy, Raven had still remained absent for most of her life. Occasionally she’d wonder what her mother was doing but knew that when Raven did choose to appear, she would have words with her.
Still, she would focus on her own family for the time being. With a daughter who was growing to be more and more like her with each passing day and now a son to add to the mix, she had a lot to occupy her mind as well as her time. She would later learn that, across the sea on the island nation of Menagerie, her old teammate Blake was dealing with her own family issues.
Meanwhile, in Menagerie...
Blake Belladonna considered herself someone who was very dedicated to her cause. Others, most notably her friends and former teammates, would have said she was more the obsessive type. She’d have argued that defined her husband more so than her but I digress. Ever since the fall of Beacon Blake had been determined to tear down the old White Fang institution, one that had been established by her parents and later corrupted by people Siena Kahn and Adam Taurus (and herself as well but no one needs to know that). After Adams defeat at the attempted destruction of Haven academy’s CCT, Blake’s family had established a new Faunus organization, one she’d thrown herself into as soon as Salem was defeated and their lives were once again theirs to control.
Despite the protests of family and friends alike Blake was determined to give the organization her all. She had a lot of responsibilities not to mention years of corruption and mistakes she needed to right herself in order to gain some sort of redemption. Sure, she’d taken a few breaks here and there to date and even marry Sun Wukong but her heart had always been set on the success of the organization. There was just so much to do and so little time left for her to do it all. She loved her family, she really did, but she couldn’t allow anything to distract her.
Sun: Blake, you need to rest *her husband said, standing next to her at her desk*
Blake: Sun, you know I can’t. I have too much to do *she replied, not even looking up from the paper work she was filling out*
Sun: Then ask your father or Illia for help. Hell, I’ll even lend a hand.
Blake: *quarks an eyebrow* The last time you helped it ended in a riot.
Sun: You call it a riot, I call it a party.
Blake: Uge, Sun, babe, I love you but I can’t. I need to get this done.
Sun: Blake, you’re eight and a half months pregnant with our child! You’re about ready to burst! If you won’t rest for yourself then at least do it for her!
Kali: *walks in with a plate of tuna fish sandwiches* Your husbands right dear, neglecting your needs also harms your daughter, my grandchild. Take some time off, I’ll handle things until you’re good an settled with the baby.
Blake: Fine, I’ll- *starts to get up when she buckles, catching herself on the table*
Sun: *catches his wife, a look of concern on his face* Blake, are you alright?
Blake: Y-yea, I’m just- *gasps in surprise* oh no, somethings wrong.
Sun: Kali!
Kali: I’ll call the doctor, you get her to your room. Gheira, call the doctor, our grandchild is on her way!
Several hours later...
To say it had been a rough pregnancy would have been putting it kindly. Well into giving birth Blake’s cries of pain had caused Sun to latch onto her hand in the only act of support he could manage given the situation. He’d quickly come to regret that decision as Blake’s grip on his hand was enough to put Yang’s legendary strength to shame. The young husband and father’s aura had crackled from the strain and Kali had done her best to focus on the situation at hand without bursting into laughter at the pained faces Sun was making. Her husband Gheira, on the other hand, hadn't been as sympathetic and laughed regardless.
When it was all over, however, silence tinged with an aura of calm and affection permitted throughout the room. Blake held their new daughter, Amber Belladonna Wukong, in her arms as she gently rocked the newborn. Sun, his hand now bandaged up from the ensuing chaos, sat with them gazing fondly down at his daughter. She was nearly a perfect copy of her mother having been born with dark hair and amber eyes from which she’d gained her name. Her only difference was her Faunus features, a detail which Kali found increasingly humorous, especially given her daughter’s opinion towards dogs.
Kali: You know, it seems fitting that the universe would give your daughter wolf ears as a means to spite you.
Blake: Mom, can you please stop saying that? *she whined* I dislike dogs for a reason, none of which will prevent me from loving my daughter with all my heart. So she has wolf ears, so what? She’s beautiful, that’s all that matters.
Gheira: The look on your face when we handed her to you said otherwise *he chuckled only to be silenced by a sharp glare from Blake*
Blake: Mom, can you take her for me? I need to get back to work.
Sun: Blake, no, you’ve just given birth. You need to take this time to rest.
Kali: He’s right dear. It took a lot out of you just to bring Amber into this world. Take this time to rest and bond with your new baby girl. The Brother’s know you could use the rest.
Blake: I can rest later. I still have a lot to do.
Sun: No, you’re going to stay here and rest with Amber. We’ll take care of everything. This was your parent’s show to begin with and I didn’t tag along simply to be another pretty face.
Blake: Sun, you can’t-
Sun: Blake, I swear to the Brothers if you don’t take some time for yourself and our daughter I will personally tie you to this bed for the foreseeable future. *glares at Blake with an intensity that leaves her speechless before marching off*
Kali: My, my, I liked him before but this just proves he’s your perfect match.
Blake: Mother *she wines, her cheeks red not from so much from embarrassment but from being turned on by her husbands surprisingly domineering side*
This is the second chapter in the series. For the most part Crimson and Amber will play larger roles in the story later on down the road but, for now, I wanted to shed the spotlight in them a little. I won’t be introducing the other characters in this manner as they will show up later. As for how frequent this story will drop, I’m looking to keep a schedule that revolves around a new chapter being dropped every Monday simply to give it a chance to gain some traffic. If anything prevents this schedule from happening I’ll be sure to let people know. Be sure to leave a like and comment.
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The prompt A finds B crying in a corner, in which A is Odo and B is reader + “The doctor ordered me to smoke”. Reader cries over his crush that don't share their same feelings them and Odo is there to cheer them up or help somehow. Odo can understand reader's feeling because he also loves Kira but she ignores his sentiment.
{ This one is very intense, long and a little angst, just how I like it. }
Share and like if you appreciate my job, please!
> Everyone can ask for a PROMPT, send only detailed requests!
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💔 ODO 💔
Love was a strange feeling.
A feeling that the changeling still did not fully understand and Odo didnot know how the humanoids could live with this feeling inside of them. It wasunbearable.
For a while, Odo had ignored it, it was impossible that he was in lovewith Kira, this was not his duty nor need. He had always lived withoutthe necessity to breed or fall in love. He was not made for this. He was nothimself.
His responsibilities were others, his job was the most important valuefor him and this irrational, primitive and frivolous feeling called love wasblinding him, destroying him from the inside like a deadly virus. Nevertheless,when his eyes met Kira’s, all his fears faded away and a feeling of joy invadedhis entire existence. Nothing was so terrible anymore, he felt satisfied, contentand relaxed but when Kira was not next to him, his heart drowned into the abyssof agony and regret over and over again. As if he wanted to rip his own heartfrom his chest, if he had a heart but the only thing he had was an emotion of numbness.
Alternatively, when Odo saw Kira in the company of Shakaar, a newfeeling took possession of his soul. A feeling of anger, hatred andnervousness. Simply, jealousy. He was jealous because he wanted to be in thatman’s place. To kiss her lips, caress her skin, smell her perfume and play withher hair. Things that Shakaar already did. Odo could only savour this realityin his secret dreams.
Odo did not want to think about Kira or Shakaar or his broken heartanymore. He did not want to think about anything and anyone so he decided totake a walk through the promenade, maybe checking Quark out would havedistracted him but the bar was about to close and no one was around anymoreuntil he heard a strange sound. Sounds of sobs accompanied by a smoke, grey andunknown.
Was something going on fire in the station? Perhaps the situation wasnot as quiet as it seemed and then Odo ran towards that smoke. But what hefound made him even more confused because he found no danger. On the contrary,he found you in tears. Were you smoking? He believed it was so, an old bad humanhabit, he had read about it in some of the crime novels that O'Brian had lenthim. Odo could not believe you had that terrible vice.
You were his colleague, a member of security, an honest, trustworthy andkind person who had never disappointed him. Odo, on the other hand, was yourboss and you had a great respect for him. Odo was your role model but not the reasonyou were crying. Perhaps the changeling was not the only one here to have abroken heart because you were crying out of love. Unrequited love. An ingrate love,as ingrate as this life and universe.
“Smoking is not allowed in the station!” Odo said withseverity.
“I haven’t read any rules about it. I’m sorry.” You answeredin a cold tone of voice, a tone Odo had never heard from you.
You blew a cloud of smoke from your mouth, observing how it vanished in theair.
“You should know the rules better than anyone.” He said, warybut also worried about your behaviour, too weird to be realistic.
“The doctor ordered me tosmoke.” This was your unrealistic and absurd answer.
Then you took another taste of your cigarette, you felt the smokeburning in your throat. It tasted good and warm, you almost forgot your painbut then you remembered it when you tasted pure oxygen.
“Really? You could have invented a better excuse.” Odo sighedand he started finding all this smoke annoying. Luckily, he could not taste orsmell it since he had no sensory organs but he still did not like it. He wouldnever like it.
“Actually, it’s relaxing; it helps me to get distracted. Not tothink of anything. I know this attitude is bad but not as bad as others…” yes,something different from the pain you kept in your heart.
There were worse addictions in the world and you did not think smokingwas the most dangerous. Maybe falling in love was one of the worse addictionsbecause it also killed you slowly and miserably. No choice. No escape. You feltprisoned and hopeless.
“I do not think the Doctor Bashir would agree with your opinion. I donot understand why humanoids like destroying their bodies this way. I know thatsmoking can cause so many diseases but they seem to forget about this littlebut not so insignificance detail. Maybe they do not have all that self-respect,or, simply, they are so selfish that they want to be the cause of their own destruction.Humans are really devious and extravagant creatures. I will never understandtheir way of behaving, it is so irresponsible but I would never have expectedit from you.” Odo explained his opinion, he did not hate humans but he justfound some of their behaviours so odd and irrational.
“I am still a human being. I also make my mistakes. I can also beirresponsible and want to destroy myself slowly.” You confessed withbitterness in your voice.
“You are not yourself! What is happening to you? Yesterday you evenarrived late at job but I decided not to pay any attention, I can make amistake on purpose as well but, obviously, something happened to you and I wanta reasonable explication now.” Odo’s voice was severe and his sentence lookedlike an order.
“Nobody can hide you anything, Constable. I have always admired youbecause you always manage to be professional, cold and serious even in theworst situations. I would like to have your determination. I am very sorry. Butit’s true, something happened and I don’t feel fine.” You confessed,taking the last breath of your cigarette and then you threw it away, steppingon the cigarette.
“And what would be the problem?” Odo asked.
“It’s not about work and I don’t know if you can understand. It’s ahumanoid thing, a matter of feelings. A nuisance.” You confessed, keepingon stepping on that cigarette as if you were venting on it because you wereangry, sad and confused.
“I have always observed and studied the behaviour of men so it ispossible that I can understand those feelings even if they are a nuisance. Onthis we agree.” Odo has always found emotions as a bother, an obstacle, itdid not allow people to performance their job properly. Sometimes, he hatedhimself because of those feelings. He continued to hate himself for loving Kirathat much, he could not do anything to stop it and this was unacceptable. Aweakness. Even now, he felt weak because that thought was still there and didnot go away.  
“Well, it’s about *your crush name*. And I don’t even know how toexplain it.” you snorted.
“Do you like them?” Odo got to the point, he did not likewandering around things.
“Yes, but I have no hope or courage to confess my feelings to them.”
“A quality that I noticed in humans is their innate determinationand therefore you should not give up without even trying.”
“Reality is not so simple, constable Odo. They already love someoneelse and I’ve been so idiotic to give them a good advice. Since I’m a goodfriend, I told them to try and ask that person to go out to dinner. For amoment, I was deluding myself that they were talking about me. That I was theperson they were in love with but these things only happen in movies. I justpushed them into each other’s arms and I’m alone now. They’ve said that I amthe best friend of the universe. Such beautiful words.”
At that moment, Odo felt suddenly uncomfortable as if theblade of a sword had hit him. It was a lightning out of aclear sky. A realization. He hadalready heard this story and had already lived this experience on his own skin.He remained silent, unable to speak; he did not know what to saybecause he had not found the solution to this problem nether.
You sighed, giggling nervously, “I’m sopathetic. There are so many problems I should think about, like the security ofthe station, the threat of the Dominion but I’m still here crying like ateenager over stupid heart problems. You have the right to pity me because I ampathetic, a stupid sentimentalist.”
You just felt so miserable and you did not want to appearso weak, not in front of him. Not in front the person you estimated.
“You are not stupid or pathetic at all. You are onlyhuman and I do not believe that loving a person makes you a fool. Certainlylove makes people do silly things and in fact you were poisoning your body withthat cigarette’s smoke.” Odo said, his tone was calm and he actually didnot blame you because he knew the feeling, he understood you very well becausehe lived and was still living the same your sorrow.
“And doesn’t that make me miserable?”
“No, just human.”
“Thanks, constable Odo.”
“I know that my words will not cheer you up, but Iassure you that you are not the only one with a broken heart. Maybe workingharder can help you get distracted and use the energy you got inside forsomething useful instead of hurting yourself in that atrocious way.”
Odo did the same, he worked harder than his usual sincehe had realized the feeling he felt for Kira and how he also comprehended howhopeless and pathetic he was to keep thinking she could consider him more thana mere friend someday.
“It’s true. I understand, I’ll do my best. Thank youso much Odo.” You smiled, softly.
“Do not worry.” Odo nodded, proud as always.
“Odo, would you like to have lunch with me one ofthese days? I know you don’t eat but I also know that you are reading *your favoritebook’s title*. I would like to discuss with you about it. What is the point inreading a book if you can’t argue with anyone?”
After the conversation you had with Odo, you decided youwant to know him better and you were sure it would be worth it, even if he wascold, austere and severe, you knew he was also understanding and opened-mindedin his cynical way. You could learn a lot from him and maybe even Odo needed alittle company, a new way to distract himself and not to think about his brokenheart and illusions of love.
“Sounds reasonable. You humanoids care a lot aboutthese social rituals; you are able to discuss about every kind of topic.Impressive, a bit useless, but I may find it interesting.” Odo commentedyour idea in his usual skeptical way, but it was his way and he accepted afterall.
“You said you were an observer of the humanoids andso this is also an aspect that is worth studying.”
Then you and Odo decided to help each other, not to fall apart, not now, not until you could count of each other's friendship. 
Better days would come on DS9.
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zecretsanta · 6 years
To: @larvaloverlord​
From: @kiichu​
Here’s a small Bonus Round gift for my Zecret Santa, @larvaloverlord! :)
“This is… a Christmas tree?” The GAULEM’s eyes practically glowed as she studied the frame of the fir towering well above their heads. The needles were a glittering emerald, brushed with the illusion of fresh frost in the form of some simple paint. A large, red contraption hugged itself around the trunk, the holes in the mechanism showing the water that pooled inside, seeping into the tree when it needed to drink like an IV.
The tree probably looked the same as any other in the forest, but Luna concluded that this was the most beautiful one. According to her, at least, this one was the best and most perfect choice for their makeshift family.
Beside her, the other participants of the Ambidex Game stood as firmly as the tree itself, most of their faces showing a bright expression. Sigma assumed the leader position once more, positioned at the front of the group. The soft wrinkles on his face gently shifted as he smiled, eyes twinkling as he nodded.
The details of how they all made it to earth - even Luna, who shouldn’t have been able to function out of Rhizome-9 - were a complete blur. She recalled the Ambidex Game ending, all of the players surviving, and the truth being revealed to most of them. Dr. Klim’s consciousness returned to his body, and she helped him return to his room to rest. The moment she did, she felt her insides shutting down, a familiar buzzing creeping through her mind. This had happened a few times before, for maintenance and other routine reasons, but she remembered feeling quite unsure, terrified that after she was shut off that final time, she wouldn’t wake up again.
However, that couldn’t be further from the truth, as she’d somehow woken up on an earth none of them recognized - an earth that was clean and healthy.
Dr. Klim, Ms. Kurashiki, and all of the Ambidex Game players had ended up SHIFTing to a world where Radical-6 was never released, and Luna had never seen such a wondrous sight. She didn’t even know it was possible to ever see such a world, one that the AB Garden severely paled to in comparison, much less live in it. Somehow, somehow, they had brought her with them when they SHIFTed - and she didn’t ask the details.
She didn’t want to know how those that did not have a consciousness in this timeline, like Quark and K and Dio, were able to arrive here. She didn’t even bother to wonder if she was still hooked up to the same computer system - the details no longer mattered to her. All was well, and she would be a fool to question things.
Some of the consciousness the humans all SHIFTed into did exist in this world, so it was easy for them to jump. Tenmyouji, for example, had a large furnished home - the Tenmyouji from this timeline had been happy and successful, and dissolved away in favor of the newly-SHIFTed consciousness. Regardless, Tenmyouji still had a house, and let everyone stay in it, citing that he’d be “a bitter old man” otherwise.
She had been more than happy just to be here on earth with everyone, but humans always did want more than they had - not that that was a bad thing in the least for this case. Yes, now they wished to bring their happiness to another level - and take Luna with them.
They proposed they celebrate Christmas, albeit a month late.
Quark was positively ecstatic. The child clearly hadn’t celebrated a proper holiday like this before, as he lived a junk collector’s life with Tenmyouji. Luna felt a comforting sort of warmth in her chest at the thought of Quark being so happy - perhaps it was her motherly programming, but she couldn’t help but want to try in any way possible to get that boy to smile just a bit brighter.
In the end, Tenmyouji and Quark decided to dig through the attic, to see if they could find any decorations.
Clover looked rather melancholy, recollecting all the Christmas traditions she’d done as a child with her brother, but decided to help collect a tree with Alice as a way to honor him. K decided to join them, most likely the strength to carry back any tree they found outside.
Ms. Kurashiki decided to make some tea, and Phi dug through some old Christmas CD albums. Dr. Klim sat quietly, keeping an eye on Dio. Their “unwelcome guest” (Dr. Klim’s words, not Luna’s) had his wrists bound for now, looking very wide-eyed and lost in a world he’d never known. Gone was the rage and hatred he showed in the Ambidex Game, in its place a look of desolation and utter confusion. If she had a heart, the sight of him like that would have twisted it.
An hour later, the group of three had returned with a beautiful fir tree, and placed it in the center of the room in a stand filled with water.
A voice snapped her out of her reminiscing, turning to glance at the others standing nearby. Everyone looked rather pleased at their find, and were looking at her expectantly.
“U-um, yes? I’m sorry, I spaced out…” she murmured, folding her hands in front of her face timidly.
Dr. Klim smiled warmly - a smile she wanted to keep on his face as long as possible - and handed her a glass star-shaped item. She held it up in front of the tree, watching the green of the needles sparkle through the clear shape of the star. The sight dazzled her, sending another spark of warmth through her circuits.
“It’s beautiful…” she whispered, still in awe.
“Isn’t it?!” Quark cried, shoving Tenmyouji aside to stand in the front of the group. “Me and Grandpa found it upstairs in the attic! I think it’s the prettiest ornament he owns!”
Ah, an ornament - that was right, according to the customs she’d read in books, these were hung from the branches of the Christmas tree. But why was she given the honor of holding Quark’s obviously favorite ornament?
“You should put it on, then,” she insisted, attempting to give it back.
“No, no,” Dr. Klim’s voice was kind, but firm - she retracted her hand, giving him a curious look. “We all agreed to let you put on the star of the tree, Luna. We’ll all put up the lights and more ornaments first, but you can place the star on at the very end to complete the look.”
Luna’s eyes glittered, her ‘heart’ thumping against her chest. The blissful, merry feeling completely overwhelmed her; was this what people meant when they talked about Christmas cheer? Was it really the time of year that brought out such sentiments, or just the selfless deeds of others that created a peaceful atmosphere?
Whatever the case, Luna felt it - she’d never felt anything like it before, and she didn’t want to ever not feel like this. Her breath caught in her throat as she stared up at Dr. Klim, a film of artificial tears pooling under her eyes.
“Thank you. Thank you,” she breathed, stepping forward to wrap her arms around the doctor. He stiffened at her sudden touch, but ultimately relaxed and patted her head like a child. She didn’t care that she was probably staining his shirt - she was just so happy.
When she finally pulled back, she gazed up at the doctor, matching his smile with her own.  
A dry tone sounded from beside her. “Um, wow, Luna, way to thank the rest of us,” Phi muttered, and Dr. Klim shifted and gently grabbed her arm; Phi gave a surprised yelp as she was pulled in beside Luna. The two made the structure of an enclosure around Luna, making her feel like a protected child.
“Oh, oh! I want in!” Clover squealed, her pink curls bouncing as she hopped over to join them.
Alice gave a chuckle and casually strolled up to the group next, her heels clicking on the wooden floor. “I suppose there’s no reason not to. Everything seemed to work out, after all.”
Luna smiled and nodded - yes, this timeline seemed to be perfect for everyone, didn’t it? Her pulse sped up as she could feel two new pairs of arms encircle her, the two young women each giving her a wink.
“C’mon, Grandpa!” Quark cried, pushing his way into the group.
Tenmyouji gave a loud sigh. “My, my, we’re awfully huggy today, aren’t we… well, like Alice said, if you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em, I guess.”
Two more bodies joined their circle, Quark’s wide smile enough to brighten everyone else’s expressions just that much more.
A muffled chuckle sounded nearby, K’s analytical tone following it. “Ah, I believe this is called a group hug, yes?”
And Dio’s rough hiss: “No shit. Like fuck I’m getting in on that, though.”
“Don’t be like that, Dio - Christmas is supposed to be about love and joy, or so I’ve heard. Come now,” K said, and dragged Dio by the wrist towards the group.
“H-hey! Let me go!” Dio squirmed, trying to pry the metal fingers off him. Luna softly smiled towards him as they approached, trying to get him to relax a bit more; when the blond noticed her smile, he merely grimaced and broke eye contact, but didn’t protest anymore and let himself be placed in the circle.
K stretched his large, mechanical arms around the group, squishing their bodies together in a tight embrace. He was strong enough to lift everyone off the ground as well, the eyes of his mask lighting up as he merrily chuckled. Everyone else laughed, albeit a bit nervously due to the closeness (except Dio, who grumbled), but the atmosphere felt warm and inviting.
Here were a group of people that probably had never celebrated Christmas, much less together, all hugging one another like they were close.
As they parted, Ms. Kurashiki’s raspy voice sounded from behind Luna. She glanced over her shoulder to see the woman with a gentle smile of her own. “We’ve never celebrated Christmas on the moon, so you have much to learn.”
Luna softly giggled. “Yes, I suppose I do. There are so many interesting traditions around this time of year.”
Ms. Kurashiki nodded to herself, as though she was recalling her own traditions of Christmases past. “Indeed. The tree should be decorated, of course, and the star placed on top at the end. Those are all fairly popular customs, but Luna - what do you think we need to have here?”
Tilting her head, the GAULEM asked, “What do you mean, ma’am?”
Dr. Klim stepped in. “Perhaps I can clarify. I think Akane wants to know if - despite the vast amount of traditions across cultures - there’s anything that needs to be present at Christmas. In other words, if there’s something that we can’t afford to forget, no matter what we’re doing.”
“How about a gallon of eggnog…” Tenmyouji muttered, only to get elbowed by Phi.
Blinking, Luna thought about the answer for a moment, her gaze sweeping across those nearby. Nine sets of eyes stared back at her, each holding their own lifelong story.
Quark’s excitement, Tenmyouji’s joy, Clover’s enthusiasm, Alice’s satisfaction, K’s curiosity, Dio’s reluctance, Phi’s acceptance, Dr. Klim’s warmth, Ms. Kurashiki’s approval… everyone had a distinct piece of their personalities - some mixing together well, others clashing, but every piece adding something unique to the group as a whole. It was honestly amazing that they could get together like this, and choose on their own to spend time together recognizing a holiday that was a month late.
They may not feel the same, but Luna could definitely see for herself: their group had the foundations to become something much greater, much closer.
So Luna answered without hesitation.
“Well, Christmas celebrations would need a family,” she murmured, feeling the smiles of the others warm her like a blanket on a cold winter night. “It’s a good thing we have one right here, isn’t it?”
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ameerawritesstuff · 6 years
know-better tag-game^^
I was tagged by @nooneknowiblogthis
Rules: tag 10 people you want to get to know better. (idk if I’ll tag that many)
NAME: Anna
SIGN: Taurus
HEIGHT: 5′4″
1. Soul of a Man - Kinky Boots
2. Raise Your Glass [Explicit] - P!nk
3. Take Me As I Am (LP Version) - Jekyll & Hyde the Musical
4. We Dance - Once On This Island 
5. Stars - Les Miserables
6. Song of Love - Once Upon a Mattress
Wow... lot of musicals. I mean, I swear I have non-musical songs XD
“Under those conditions, allegiance between adjacent quarks could not be unambiguously established,” -Astrophysics for People in a Hurry (Neil DeGrasse Tyson)
Yes! Twice actually! My friend was really high and I texted him saying I had cookies waiting for him so he started to rap about me, lol. Then, when I was on medical leave and honestly in the worst place of my life mentally, I found out my dad wrote me a song about my depression and how he wished he could just wish away all of my troubles. I had him play it for me and I cried. I love my dad <3 
The last time I can actually remember playing air guitar was when they talked about air guitar on an oooolllllld episode of NCIS and Ziva was like “what is the point??” And young me was like, “yeeee! Air guitar!” But I can’t remember another time since.
There are too many tbh so I’m just gonna name one:
Not only was he instrumental in revealing the Harvey Weinstein scandal, he’s the son of Mia Farrow and Woody Allen and he has publicly denounced Woody Allen MULTIPLE TIMES. Like, the man is incredible and even worked for Obama. He’s only 30, still unmarried and pretty easy on the eyes. Just saying ;)
There was this certain way of saying “um” that my first roommate would do. If she began with that, you knew she was about to be super condescending and nasty. I heard her do it to someone else months ago and I literally cringed at just the sound of it. 
I definitely don’t believe in ghosts, sorry. Alien lifeforms 100% exists. Intelligent alien life? No idea. But totally some single celled organisms and such.
Yes I do! Finally got my license! I haven’t ever crashed but I was crashed INTO on an awful merge literally the day I got my own car. We had to replace it. Ugh. Now I’m afraid of merges.
Still reading Astrophysics for People in a Hurry since I just started it and I’m slowly perusing through Fire and Fury just because it’s such a big deal in the news and everything. Last book I finished was The Last Black Unicorn by Tiffany Haddish. READ IT. It’s hysterical.
Just watched The Producers (the musical version) again with friends who had never seen it before.
My ankle got sprained (right after my class ran the mile in gym so I didn’t get to get out of it XP) really bad when I was in sixth grade and I was on crutches for at least two weeks and then needed physical therapy.
I mean, obviously Star Trek. Peaky Blinders and Hannibal are pretty constant obsessions too tbh. OH! Brooklyn 99 is definitely an obsession.
It’s very hard for me to and I’ve learned that I actually have to hold grudges to keep myself safe. A mistake is a mistake, but when someone purposefully screws you over? The trust is gone by that point. I often have moments of “you know, they weren’t that bad” or “I miss them” but I have to remind myself that these people really hurt me, show no remorse, and can never be allowed back into my life again.
Nope. I’d like one, but I’m not gonna rush or force anything. If it’s meant to happen, it’ll happen.
I tag @little-vulcan
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nihilismbot · 7 years
Brainstorm x Perceptor for the ship meme
How do much do I ship it?: Never heard of it/ Notp / Dislike / used to ship / maybe / ship it / aww / otp / IS IT CANON YET?I would love if this became canon. They’re getting along better now and I think Brainstorm is out of world-destroying secrets now. And, while it would sorta be a replacement goldfish situation, it would be a form of resolution for Brainstorm and Quark. What non sexual activities do they like to do together?SCIENCE! Though Brainstorm prefers the types of science that explodes.Who does chores around the house?Perceptor. Brainstorm is the type to work in organized mess piles and Perceptor likely prefers organized no-messWho’s the better cook?Brainstorm. Perceptor is more concerned about nutrition than taste.Who’s the funniest drunk?When they’re together, they’re both incomprehensible. They angry slur scientific theories at each other and no one knows what’s happening.Do they have kids?Perceptor will not like Brainstorm near kids.Do they have any traditions?Brainstorm keeps to himself on the anniversary of the last time he saw Quark :DWhat do they fight about?SCIENCE! Because Brainstorm prefers the types of science that explode.What would they do if they found their paring tag on tumblr? (If they have one)Perceptor would be indignant. Brainstorm would find it hilarious.Who cried at the end of Marley and me?Neither. Perceptor wasn’t paying attention and Brainstorm just didn’t get invested.Who always wins at Mario kart?Brainstorm because he’s better at knowing when/how to use the powerupsOne thing I like about this ship?I gravitate towards less fun/more fun ships so that’s one reason. I think they both have immense respect for the other and value each other’s opinions.One thing I don’t like about the ship?It’s not a realistic outcome. BUT MAYBE!The song I would say fits them?She Blinded me with Science - Thomas Dolby (Note: I think I’m hilarious)Another headcanon about the paring? (Free space)Brainstorm likes when Perceptor shoots his rifle.
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elsewhereuniversity · 7 years
Tears Are What Makes You Human
I’m the one they tell stories about.
Never more than a hushed voice, or a hurried whisper in passing, but I know. In my classes I always have at least one spot open on either side of me. In line at the cafeteria the older students look back to make sure they aren’t taking the last thing they think I might want. I know no one’s birth name, not even those I might consider a friend.
I know exactly when the change was too, in how my fellow students view me.
My dormmate had disappeared for a night before returning, pupils a little too slitted to not be like Them, but who was I to say anything? The change was not unusual at campus, and Hay had been more depressed than before anyway. Staying out late, carrying more candy than iron or salt.
No one said art majors weren’t already a little Lost.
We had never really gotten along greatly, but he had been a grounding presence for me, an easy source of chatter to draw me out of the math calculations that consumed me. I don’t know why I chose Elsewhere U as my university, seeing as I had planned on being a civil engineer, but I had been drawn into the beauty of it when I toured the campus. Our group of 15 had returned as a group of 16, but details.
After Not Hay had taken over, I noticed small things. Batteries missing from my calculators, thrown in the waste bin and covered with crumpled papers. All the fruit gone from our shared mini fridge, replaced with food that looked a little too ripe for the season. I started eating at the cafeteria more often after that. My side of the room was always left untouched, but I still left more ramen seasoning packets under my pillow and in my dresser. July had told me it was better to be safe than sorry, words that campus lived by.
Not Hay would try and help me with my homework sometimes in exchange for me playing a small tune my Nana had taught me on a fiddle that had been passed through generations, but they weren’t much help. I always told them I appreciated the effort though, a small nod of my head that could be interpreted as a bow.
But that’s not why I’m the one they tell stories about.
The finals for the first semester of the year had creeped up on me, resulting in many nights staying awake on at my desk fueled by nothing but energy drinks and cafe mochas as I worked on advanced quantum physics questions. I had just wanted to build bridges, not understand how the universe worked on a quark scale. I could tell I was upsetting Not Hay by the icy looks I felt on my back. Not that Not Hay slept.
I don’t remember how long I was in the library before, or how I got so far back in between the shelves of books whose names I couldn’t pronounce, but I had found a desk and an outlet, and honestly what more did a university student need as they crammed for their final that was worth 75% of their grade.
I had been working over the same problem for over an hour, several steps needed to find the final value but I was stuck on the very first one. I could have been muttering to myself, or maybe They had just sensed my panic. I hadn’t spoken to anyone in several days, even if I had seen Not Hay most of the time. Not Hay never seemed to speak while I was in the room, something I had been thankful for at the time.
“Are you alright?”
The voice had started me so badly I had marked up my paper with a twitch of my pen. I remember trying to find my voice, knowing it was rude to leave a question unanswered. The girl in front of me seemed to take my silence as an answer anyway. She had looked over my station of worn down pencils, crumpled up papers, and my long empty coffee mug I had taken to stabbing in distracted worry, intelligent eyes scanning my notes before looking at me again. Her freckles reminded me of constellations, the way they appeared and disappeared across her pale skin like stars.
“Are you happy?”
Her voice seemed to come from behind me, even as I was facing her. Looking back, she could have been trying to get me to make a deal with her, but at the time all I could do was cry. No one had asked me if I was happy for years, my family pushing me to follow the lineage of engineers before me and my classmates too caught up in their own studies to notice.
I didn’t answer again, instead letting my head fall to the desk as I sobbed. A cold hand was placed on the crown of my head cautiously. That was all the invitation I had needed before I had thrown myself at the girl and sobbed in her arms.
I missed my final.
Not that it would have mattered.
I had cried myself to sleep, for once not dreaming of failing out of school, but instead of a tall and spindly creature with hair as fine as spun silver and eyes as white as snow. They soothed me, the same voice as the girl from before ringing through my ears. When I woke up I was much closer to the entrance of the library than I had been before, my textbook and notebooks stacked neatly and my coffee cup gone.
I looked at my notes, unable to read anything.
I don’t know if it had been a curse for dirtying Their clothes with my tears, or a pitied gift meant to free me in exchange for my tears, but either way I grew to be grateful for it.
I switched majors after a brief conversation with a guidance counselor. I could still do everything up to basic calculus, and so decided I’d look at teaching careers instead. I had always liked children, and the small town at the bottom of the hill had opened a new primary school suddenly.
But that’s not why I am the one they tell stories about.
They tell stories about me because I had been given the Sight when the Fair One had taken my ability to cry.
I have been having lovely conversations with Not Hay lately. About riddles and dances, all smiles and twisted words as students hurry by us, pretending not to hear the hiss in our voices.
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tenkohime · 7 years
Zero Escape Headcanons & Crack Theories
One of the things I like about this series is that since the Multi World Theory is true in it, it’s really fun to come with theories for it. I have a buttload of them, so I’m going to organize them by character.
Gentarou Hongou
He’s a member of Free the Soul of Y. Actually, everyone responsible for the Nonary Project was a member.
Light Field
While modern technology could restore his sight, he never feels the need to do so.
He’s really upset and disappointed that Clover made fun of Sigma for only having one eye.
He will kick Sigma’s perverted ass for being a scumbag to Clover.
He dies of Radical-6.
Crack Theory
One of his groupies is the religious fanatic that killed eight billion people.
Aoi Kurashiki
He dies of Radical-6.
Clover Field
Part of the reason she acts so strangely during the AB Game is that she can’t access her brother’s morphogenetic field. The other part is obfuscating stupidity. Her act would have worked if the situation was as she believed it to be. Since it’s not, she comes off as an idiot instead of cunning.
She is fine with older men. Her hangup with Sigma is that he is a perverted piece of trash. OTOH Junpei is her type.
Junpei Tenmyouji
Sudoku is his hobby. After he finishes his coursework, he lays down in bed and solves puzzles until he falls asleep.
During the AB Game, he is still able to SHIFT, but he does it instinctively instead of aiming for a certain time and place like in the Decision Game. During the AB Game, when Sigma trips out when Tenmyouji voted differently in one history than in another, and Tenmyouji begins to ask Sigma questions, if Sigma had answered Tenmyouji’s questions instead of dodging them, then Tenmyouji would’ve told Sigma. He doesn’t remember it being called SHIFT, though. He just knows he can do it.
The Free the Soul HQ he and Seven busted was the real deal. Not a decoy. Brother was salty AF about it, so that’s why the AB Game puzzle makes his team mates microwave his hand, like it’s a fucking Hot Pocket or some shit.
Akane Kurashiki
Akane is a cat that like rabbits. She’s the cat in all of the Nonary Games and in the Decision Game, her avatar is a knock-off Nendoroid cat girl.
Cats normally eat rabbits. Sigma is the rabbit. So, it’s natural she kidnaps him, but she likes rabbits, so she is doing what she thinks is best for them.
Following the second Nonary Game, most of the members of Cradle Pharmeceutical’s board of directors died or went to prison. After that, Crash Keys, under a pseudonym, became the majority shareholder, but they do not control the corporation. They do make money off of it, though, and they access to all kinds of “toys”. Wonderful, wonderful “toys”!
She makes an unusually large amount of money off of licensing Lagomorph’s design to companies. Post-apocalyptic businesses just think it’s the cutest thing. Sigma gets a cut, of course.
Part of the reason she’s so inhuman in the future is that so many of the people who grounded her are dead. She could have prevented their deaths, but if she had, then she would not know how to prevent even more people from dying, since the only future she knows where two billion people are alive is the one where the AB Game takes place.
Her password is on her ID, because she keeps forgetting it. She’s a klutz like that.
Crack Theory
She and Carlos are Quark’s grandparents. After the Decision Game ended and Radical-6 was unleashed upon the world, she found out everything about the future. Since she then had to recreate that future in order to close that time loop, Quark has to be alive in the future to be in the AB Game and Junpei has to find him with his dead birth parents. Carlos and their children all died of Radical-6. Carlos knew this was going to happen, but was on board with it, because the alternative sounded even worse. 
His real name is embarrassing. Like Nana. His name is Nana.
Hazuki Kashiwabara
She was on the verge of finding out everything. Every fucking thing. Her kidnapping was very much a thou knoweth too much sort of thing.
Sigma Klim
Sigma is a rabbit that likes cats. He’s the man on the moon, like the rabbit of the moon. According to Chinese folklore, the rabbit of the moon is making medicine and he’s a doctor and he really does have medicine. He has the most children, one of them is a rabbit, and another is known for jumping and kicking like a rabbit. He is tied for having the longest legs with his sons. His 67 year old body and his daughter both have white hair, like a stereotypical white rabbit. One of his sons has pink hair, like a pink bunny rabbit, though it’s really from his gray and red hair making it look pink. Heck, even Sigma being a pervert when he was 22 is rabbit-like. Screwing like rabbits, anyone?
Cats eat rabbits. If Akane is a cat and Sigma is a rabbit, then is it surprising he ends up kidnapped by her?
The cats that granted him the ability to talk to cats, cursed him to speak only in cat puns, and cursed him to speak in cat puns whenever he talks about cats were the cat version of espers. They gave him access to the cat morphogenetic field. Since there aren’t many human minds with access the cat field, this is how all cats can understand him and he can understand all cats. The curse was transmitted to the field and specified Sigma. This is why it only affects him and not Kyle. It would affect transporter clones, though, since it copies the mind too.
He was originally studying to become a veterinarian. This is how he was able to give Diana an answer about how much the food in the bar would last them. One of the puzzles in Rhizome-9 was about human nutrition, so it stands to reason that he knows that from experience. But dog nutrition? One of his skills is the ability to memorize all kinds of shit. That’s an invaluable skill for a student trying to get a DVM to have. He probably memorized that. Also, he loves animals. Not just cute and fluffy ones either. During the AB Game, he actually felt bad about the dead frog.
As fucked up as it is, he was happy about not having to pay back his student loans after the economic collapse brought forth in the wake of Radical-6.
67 year old!Sigma finished all of his coursework early before going to DCOM, because in the worst case scenario, he had to maintain the timeline of turning everything in on time. In the best case scenario, no more coursework! Yay!
He has contracted every cat zoonotic disease, even the fatal ones.
His 21 year old body has Toxoplasma gondii. His 67 year old body does not, because he sought treatment for that a long time ago.
He wants to have a cat, but the universe keeps conspiring against him to not let him have a cat. His parents won’t let him have one and cats don’t take well to the low gravity of the moon.
He relates to that Can’t Hug Every Cat video too damn much. He watches it and cries.
He LHAO when he watches videos with trained cats that having people overdubbing them, because it sounds like bad lip syncing to him.
He cries when he watches those ads with the sad cats, because he can understand him. If he couldn’t, then he’d still be really sad. Because, come on, they’re just so sad.
He has no reason to believe dogs can’t be understood as much as cats can. When he talked to Gab, it was less a man talking to an unthinking thing than it was as a person talking to a being speaking a language he couldn’t understand.
All of the books in his library that aren’t used to do AB Game puzzles are about cats. All of them. Every single fucking one.
He could’ve picked any damn book about quantum mechanics to use for the AB Game. He picked the one with cats on the cover, because kitty.
Akane had to work really hard to convince Sigma not to make a cat AI.
Akane: Like, I saw the future and it was a rabbit.
Sigma: But kitty. 
He can’t die of old age. His children can’t either.
He told his parents everything. They believed him. They weren’t even surprised. They were just, like, oh, of course, things like this always happen to you. Then, his mom was, like, yay, grandkids!
His parents are untrained espers around Light’s and Clover’s levels. They knew something bad was going to happen to Sigma around Christmas, but they weren’t sure what. That’s why they were trying to convince him to come over for the holiday.
67 year old!Sigma is rich, but he has Lagomorph keep track of his finances, so he doesn’t know off of the top of his head how much money he has.
He doesn’t know Akane made Lagomorph licensing deals. He know he’s making money off of something, but he never cared to ask what.
His prosthetic eye can take photos. The feed can also be changed to any camera in Rhizome-9.
You could have sex with the GAULEMs. As perverted as 22 year old!Sigma is, I’d be more concerned if you couldn’t. He’d explain it as that if he wants to replicate the reality of the human condition and sexuality is a part of that, then he would have to include it to get accurate results. He had sex with only the chassis from Hephaestus Systems used as the base for all of them to make sure it worked.
During the AB Game, he didn’t notice he was a young man in an old man’s body, even though there were reflective surfaces around, because he’s a pervert and whenever he’s around water or something, he’s also around women. Why would he want to look at himself when he look at ass and titties instead?!
Sailor Moon is his favorite show. It has everything. Women, talking cats, magic, swim suits...
1904!Phi and Delta weren’t raised together. One of the researchers already had a baby and didn’t feel they could take care of them both, so they took in Delta and the other researchers raised Phi.
The researchers had no idea how the transporter worked. They put Phi in there and pushed random buttons. That’s why she was sent to 2028 instead of some time more practical for the researchers to research how the transporter to work, such as seconds into the future.
2028!Phi still keeps contact with the researchers who raised her. Heck, she’s even friends with the ones who use social media. She has a feeling that old pink haired lady with impeccable fashion sense would like to know what she found out during the Decision Game.
There’s no reason the Phi and Sigma on the moon can’t SHIFT to different 2028 histories. Otherwise, the anagram The Man on the Moon Rules Infinite Time wouldn’t make sense. It would have to be The Man on the Moon Rules Some Time, which is not as impressive. The problem is they have to figure out what those histories are and neither are extremely good at receiving from the morphogenetic field. So, they’d have to train to get good enough to receive the information that a different past history existed.
Crack Theory
1904!Phi is Aoi and Akane’s ancestor. That’s why Aoi looks like Phi and why all of them are espers.
Kyle Klim
If he were allowed to dress himself, he would dress like weeaboo trash.
He’s an esper in the same way all humans are espers. He’s not strong enough to be considered one like Clover. Because the morphogenetic field is real and because danger and epiphany make it easier to access it, when he was about to commit suicide while infected by Radical-6 during the AB Game, he started talking about Free the Soul, because he was receiving that information from the morphogenetic field.
Crack Theory
Akane and Carlos are his biological grandparents. A Myrimidon is his biological great grandfather. That means no matter what, he’ll end up teamed up with a relative during the AB Game. Since relatives are shown to form receiver-transmitter relationships more easily, him talking about Free the Soul could be because he’s getting information from them.
Dio’s only bald faced lie is that he was kidnapped at a gas station. All of his other lies have a grain of truth to them. Free the Soul of Y really does own a circus and the leader of the Myrmidons is its ringleader. When the leader gets killed on a mission, his successor becomes the next ringleader. The circus’s employees just think it’s a family business and that the ringleaders just have a strong family resemblance. A Myrmidon is Carlos and Maria’s father, so he really did have a baby daughter. He really is interested in space. He likes cats and dogs equally, because he had a pet cat and Brother had a pet dog. He told the truth about killing Akane for the bracelet and not killing anyone else. The penalties technically killed his other victims, but they could’ve avoided the penalty if they were okay with going through severe physical pain. Everything he said about Free the Soul was true. He doesn’t lie in any of his in character puzzle hints either.
He has three jobs, assassin, ringleader, and geneticist. The geneticists who were kidnapped and tortured to death taught him everything they knew.
His gentlepoints really are high. Gentleman assassins exist.
The password to Sean’s helmet is Left’s birthday backwards. It’s also the date Sigma sent his twins to. This is why the researcher couldn’t take both of the twins in. Only one. That one was Delta. Since they didn’t take Phi, this is why she was used to test the transporter.
Left is not a code name. That’s his real name. His parents had tons of names in mind, but after his mom saw him, she was, like, “Left. He just looks like a Left.” But in German. And the rest was history.
His knife has his title on it, so he doesn’t forget it. Otherwise, he’d be, like, which knife is my knife? This one? That one?
He doesn’t know Delta isn’t his biological brother. He also doesn’t care.
He doesn’t know Delta is a mindhacker, because he never told him. He just thinks he has some sort of divine power.
A Myrmidon is Diana’s ex-husband. He was ordered to abuse her to make sure she signed up for DCOM.
He thinks Luna is beautiful, because she unconsciously reminds him of Diana.
A different Myrmidon is Carlos and Maria’s father. Yet another Myrmidon is the arsonist who killed their parents and caused Maria to get Reverie Syndrome. The arsonist being a Myrmidon is also why he was never caught. Free the Soul would’ve swept that under the rug. Brother needed Carlos to join DCOM, but for that to happen, he had to be born, his esper powers had to be awakened, and he had to have incentive to join. This was the surefire way for this to happen.
Brother had sent Left on a mission to conceive his children, but didn’t tell him that using any words that could possibly be interpreted that way. Since Brother can read minds, he just set things up, so it would extremely likely that Left would succeed at that mission. So, Left went out of his way to hide the fact that he had kids from him, since he knew he’d be super-duper mad at him, since he was supposed to stay a virgin forever. Little did he know that the whole reason he told him that was because he didn’t know which random jizz was the one he needed for his plans, so it was easier to tell him to abstain from sex.
He’s a literal hive mind. Going by the game’s computer analogy, he’s many monitors controlled by one computer. You can destroy one monitor, but there are more where those came from. This also means when Left got cloned the first time, 1904!Left’s mind was in that body.
When Free the Soul began its cloning projects, the clones were produced the old fashioned way using its members who volunteered as surrogates. Because of this, there’s an age range between the clones and the older ones have to raise the younger ones.
He got his ass whooped while on a mission and was taken to a Cradle Pharmaceuticals backed hospital. While he was there, he saw a beautiful nurse and fell in love with her on first sight. When he recovered, he returned and struck up a conversation about the universe with her. She was not only genuinely interested, but she followed the conversion. He thought, “Wow, she’s this beautiful and has brains too. She must be the one.” And married her. It was not to last, though. Brother ordered him to convince her to join DCOM by any means necessary, but he couldn’t tell her to join, because that would just be suspicious. This is also why Q used robots instead of Myrmidons, since it would be stupid to order a Myrmidon to convince someone to go somewhere with more Myrmidons and because she would’ve recognized them.
Left’s parents gave him and Delta crossbows to play with. He was an adult before he found out crossbows aren’t normal playthings for children.
Crack Theory
A Myrmidon is Quark’s biological great grandfather.
She is either a SHIFTer or a regular human who is as much of an esper as any other human who took a ride along with Sigma and Phi when they SHIFTed. If Sigma had told her he was an esper or that he was time traveling, then she would’ve told him the truth.
How quickly one succumbs to Radical-6 depends on how their perception of time relates to that of reality. Perception will always lag behind reality, but if it’s close enough, it’s no problem. Some people will lag less than others, which normally isn’t a problem. After you become infected with Radical-6, though, the difference of milliseconds starts to become noticeable in real time and it will drive you batshit insane. Quark and Alice commit suicide first, because their normal perceptions are closest to reality. Quark, because he’s young, and Alice, because she unconsciously did the math and realized something wasn’t adding up.
Crash Keys ends up on her shit list after the AB Game.
Carlos and Maria’s parents were both members of Free the Soul of Y. Their father was a Myrmidon and their mother was a devout follower who had no problem doing whatever Brother said and was fine with Dio’s occupation.
Carlos and Maria were given name to match their parents. Carlos’s mother has a name that matches him, while Maria has a name to match their father, Dio.
There are two Carlos. He is the only character who could pull this off without going nuts. His future and present self had a good, long conversation and now, he’s chilling on his couch and eating Hot Pockets.
His father’s clothes fit him.
Crack Theory
He’s Quark’s grandfather. After he broke Akane and Junpei out of bomb shelter, Akane chewed him out, drugged Junpei, and told Carlos everything, even the fucked up shit. Carlos was heartbroken, because he knew Akane and Junpei loved eachother, but that they wouldn’t be able to be together; he’d die before he could see his children and grandchild;  Akane would have to shoulder this burden; and he felt partially responsible.
When he used the transporter to go back ten months into the past, he ended up at a Free the Soul HQ, but everyone thought he was Left, so they let him do whatever he wanted. He just thought they were really amiable researchers.
He’s gay.
He’s sex repulsed.
His eyes are purple, because of partial albinism. They’d be blue, like his mother’s, if he had more melanin.
I thought this was canon, but I don’t see anything confirming it, so I’ll post it here. Mindhacking works via the morphogenetic field. Telepathy is receiving from the field and controlling a person’s action is sending to the field. He can still send and receive, like a vanilla esper can too.
He set the CQD teams up on purpose to have members be interested in eachother sexually, because he wanted to know if nature or nurture was more important when it came to breeding espers, SHIFTers, and mindhackers.
He’s a shipper on deck with an agenda. Since he can read minds, he plays matchmaker with people who are interested in eachother, so that they can benefit him. This was the case with Carlos and Maria’s parents.
He has a shipping chart. A motherfucking shipping chart.
He has a hate-on for Left, because he had sex with Diana. That wasn’t part of the plan! He will never tell him that, though.
Gab is his pet. He lives with him. He is a good boy who goes bork.
He sent Dio to the moon instead of going there himself, because he has the same heart condition as Diana.
The mission from God is real. His future self gave him the mission, but he didn’t know that until he became him.
God gave him that mission to prevent him from ending the world. He also told him to raise Left to be the Myrmidons to prevent Left from dying the same way he did before, because Left is naturally inclined to be a nice gentleman, which is how he died in the first place.
The god of Free the Soul of Y he was going to tell Akane about are the people playing the game/?. This is why Akane knew who ? was when they met. Akane was, like, LOL, when he told her and then, she was, like, are you SRS?!
There are as many clones of Delta as there are of Left and they were produced the same way. Since he can’t SHIFT and because he’s not a hivemind like Left, the clones mindhack to get information on how to be like Delta and are groomed to replace him if something should ever happen. This is how Brother is still able to give orders in the future, even though he died in an explosion before Radical-6 broke out of the bomb shelter.
If Junpei and Crash Keys didn’t fuck with Free the Soul, he would not have known who they were.
The reason he participates in DCOM, even though he can mindhack remotely, is because the third reason for the Decision Game was to entertain him. When he said he found mindhacking SHIFTers enjoyable, he meant it with all his heart. This is the most fun he has had in decades and he’s not going to spend it holed up in a box seat when he can be there on the field instead. He's going out of his way to produce scenarios that would be most entertaining to whatever Delta finds this out in another history. The Delta in the golden ending was probably LHAO when the SHIFTers shifted to where he was. Like, really, you thought I was blind, deaf, paraplegic man?! LOL! Junpei’s hand got microwaved like a Hot Pocket! This is some good shit right here! Mira is just running around stabbing people instead of helping them by telling them all the shit she found out? Glorious! And so on and so forth.
The reason he gives Carlos the gun is because he’s the only team leader who can make a choice. He is Team Q’s leader, which rules him out. Diana is his mother, so she won’t choose to kill him. So, that leaves Carlos.
The nautical theme naming of the teams, C, Q, and D, is meant to be a callback to The Titanic, because Lord Gordain came up with the original Nonary Game and Delta intends to end these games with the Decision Game.
Delta knew Lord Gordain personally. He uses his robes for Free the Soul of Y’s members, because he thinks they look cool.
All of Team Q’s members are sources of Axelavir. In the history that leads to Virtue’s Last reward, he purposefully sets Team Q up to die to destroy the hope spot anyone could’ve gotten from extracting Axelavir from them. Since Delta has clones, Axelavir could be extracted from them after the virus already got out. I wouldn’t be surprised if Axelavir was a Cradle Pharmaceuticals product.
Whoever is the acting leader of Free the Soul has the blue bird music box on his person.
The early 20th century was such a crapsack world that he awakened as an esper early and didn’t realize mindhacking wasn’t normal until he told Left about it nonchalantly and Left was, like, no, not everyone can do that.
After their parents died, he had to raise Left, which was hard, because they’re the same age. Then, Left died and Delta was, like, fuck the world like Tupac until God gave him a mission.
He didn’t know he had a twin sister until he was much older. By that time, they had grown far apart, so he didn’t attempt to contact her. Because she would’ve kicked his ass after she found out what he did.
He has a crew cut, because he’s embarrassed by his pink hair.
The toys used for the Decision Game’s players’ avatars exist. Children are playing with them at HQ.
Crack Theory
Delta was the religious fanatic, but SHIFTers changed history so much he isn’t anymore, but he doesn’t have any way to know that.
If timey-wimey shenanigans and the snail didn’t interfere, 2028!Delta would’ve ended up with Sean.
Diana grew up amongst hunting culture. Her family had hunting dogs and she has gone bow and gun hunting, herself, but she has never used a handgun. After the Decision Game, she never wants to use a gun again.
She met her first husband at work. He was not her patient, but he was apparently a patient there in the past and he fell in love with her at first sight. He wanted to talk to her about the universe, which is something that legitimately interested her. They hit it off. He was a perfect gentleman, but as time went on, he got creepier and creepier and more and more abusive to the point where she feared for her life. Even though they divorced, which he handled unusually well -- she didn’t think he’d sign the paperwork -- he kept harassing her at work.
The hospital she works at is owned by Cradle Pharmaceuticals.
Rebecca was not set up to tell Diana about DCOM. She remembered she was interested in space, so she told her about it, herself.
She’s a source of Axelavir. She always dies of something else before she can contract Radical-6, though.
Mira is a virgin. This is canon, but bears repeating, because I keep seeing people saying it’s symbolic, even though all the other X-Passes are literal and hers isn’t even the only one about sex. Delta is just creepily interested in other people’s sex lives.
She saves the world when she goes back in time and chooses not to become a serial killer. The events the snail put into action stopped when she chose not to kill Eric’s mom.
I thought this was canon, but I guess it’s really fanon. Anyway, Mira is able to smile a real smile at the end of the game, because SHIFTing re-installed whatever was missing in her morphogenetic field.
She thinks Zero keeps forgetting to drug her and she doesn’t want to say anything, because she thinks she’ll end up reminding him to drug her. She just keeps pretending to be drugged and when no one’s looking, she runs around and stabs people for funsies.
She doesn’t have a consistent MO during the Decision Game, which means she may have killed more people, but no one knew, because they didn’t match the Heart Ripper’s MO.
All the BS Mira says is true, because the danger and epiphany of the Decision Game is turning up her connection to the morphogenetic field to the max.
He grew up in hunting and gun culture. He normally isn’t such a bad shot, but his team leader keeps fucking with him.
Since the reality in the quantum computer is meant to be indistinguishable from reality, Sean is able to age in real time. Delta only has the one body for him, because he didn’t think he’d need any others.
This is another fanon I love: Sigma made him a head.
If he ever needs a sex bot body, he knows where to turn. Sigma’s got this.
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To Cry Is To Be Human
For anyone following my blog you know I’ve become obsessed with @charminglyantiquated ‘s Elsewhere University and look!! I actually wrote something! Tbh the Otherness vibe makes my mind go straight to 2nd person, so 1st was a bit, and I hope I was able to capture the feeling off something just a little bit off. 
I’m the one they tell stories about.
Never more than a hushed voice, or a hurried whisper in passing, but I know. In my classes I always have at least one spot open on either side of me. In line at the cafeteria the older students look back to make sure they aren’t taking the last thing they think I might want. I know no one’s birth name, not even those I might consider a friend.
I know exactly when the change was too, in how my fellow students view me.
My dormmate had disappeared for a night before returning, pupils a little too slitted to not be like Them, but who was I to say anything? The change was not unusual at campus, and Hay had been more depressed than before anyway. Staying out late, carrying more candy than iron or salt.
No one said art majors weren’t already a little Lost.
We had never really gotten along greatly, but he had been a grounding presence for me, an easy source of chatter to draw me out of the math calculations that consumed me. I don’t know why I chose Elsewhere U as my university, seeing as I had planned on being a civil engineer, but I had been drawn into the beauty of it when I toured the campus. Our group of 15 had returned as a group of 16 and we had been warned to take campus traditions very seriously, but details.
After Not Hay had taken over, I noticed small things. Batteries missing from my calculators, thrown in the waste bin and covered with crumpled papers. All the fruit gone from our shared mini fridge, replaced with food that looked a little too ripe for the season. I started eating at the cafeteria more often after that. My side of the room was always left untouched, but I still left more ramen seasoning packets under my pillow and in my dresser. July had told me it was better to be safe than sorry, words that campus lived by.
Not Hay would try and help me with my homework sometimes in exchange for me playing a small tune my Nana had taught me on a fiddle that had been passed through generations, but they weren’t much help. I always told them I appreciated the effort though, a small nod of my head that could be interpreted as a bow.
Looking back I suppose I grew to prefer the unnatural presence of Not Hay over other people.
But that’s not why I’m the one they tell stories about.
The finals for the first semester of the year had creeped up on me, resulting in many nights staying awake on at my desk fueled by nothing but energy drinks and cafe mochas as I worked on advanced quantum physics questions. I had just wanted to build bridges, not understand how the universe worked on a quark scale. I could tell I was upsetting Not Hay by the icy looks I felt on my back. Not that Not Hay slept.
But it was always better to be safe than sorry, so I packed up and made my way to the campus Science Library. It was the best place to be left alone, after all, not many of Them were interested in chemical equations or could understand math proofs. Not that many people were all that interested in them either.
I don’t remember how long I was in the library before, or how I got so far back in between the shelves of books whose names I couldn’t pronounce, but I had found a desk and an outlet, and honestly what more did a university student need as they crammed for a final that was worth 75% of their grade.
I had been working over the same problem for over an hour, several steps needed to find the final value but I was stuck on the very first part. I could have been muttering to myself, or maybe They had just sensed my panic. I hadn’t spoken to anyone in several days, even if I had seen Not Hay most of the time. Not Hay never seemed to speak while I was in the room, something I had been thankful for at the time.
“Are you alright?”
The voice had started me so badly I had marked up my paper with a twitch of my pen. I remember trying to find my voice, knowing it was rude to leave a question unanswered. The girl in front of me seemed to take my silence as an answer anyway. She had looked over my station of worn down pencils, crumpled up papers, and my long empty coffee mug I had taken to stabbing in distracted worry, intelligent eyes scanning my notes before looking at me again. Her freckles reminded me of constellations, the way they blinked in and out across her pale skin like stars.
“Are you happy?”
Her voice seemed to come from behind me, even as I was facing her. Looking back, she could have been trying to get me to make a deal with her, but at the time all I could do was cry. No one had asked me if I was happy for years, my family pushing me to follow the lineage of engineers before me and my classmates too caught up in their own studies to notice.
I didn’t answer again, instead letting my head fall to the desk as I sobbed. A cold hand was placed on the crown of my head cautiously. That was all the invitation I had needed before I had thrown myself at the girl and sobbed in her arms.
I missed my final.
Not that it would have mattered.
I had cried myself to sleep, for once not dreaming of failing out of school, but instead of a tall and spindly creature with hair as fine as spun silver and eyes as white as snow, limbs bent at unnatural angles and too many teeth hidden behind pale lips. They soothed me, the same voice as the girl from before ringing through my ears. When I woke up I was much closer to the entrance of the library than I had been before, my textbook and notebooks stacked neatly and my coffee cup gone.
I looked at my notes, unable to read anything.
I don’t know if it had been a curse for dirtying Their clothes with my tears, or a pitied gift meant to free me in exchange, but either way I grew to be grateful for it.
I switched majors after a brief conversation with a guidance counselor. I could still do everything up to basic calculus, and so decided I’d look at teaching careers instead. I had always liked children, and the small town at the bottom of the hill had opened a new primary school suddenly.
But that’s not why I am the one they tell stories about.
They tell stories about me because I had been given the Sight when the Fair One had taken my ability to cry.
I have been having lovely conversations with Not Hay lately. About riddles and dances, all smiles and twisted words as students hurry by us, pretending not to hear the hiss in our voices.
Sometimes I see Their shadow as I walk from one class to another. I always bow my head with a small smile, and She returns it from the corner of my eye.
She looks a little more human, eyes not quite as sharp and a healthy flush to Her cheeks.
I do not miss my tears.
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fableweaver · 6 years
Arc of the Blind Warrior
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Arc of the Blind Warrior
The wagon stopped, and Ian strained his ears for voices. Hidden in the bed of one of the wagons in a secret compartment Ian lay with Will on his chest. The space was like a coffin and Ian would have felt closed in if his sight wasn’t already dark. It was too early for them to stop, and he worried they were going through some sort of check point.
He heard voices muffled so he couldn’t catch any words. He heard the wagon door open and held his breath. Will was luckily asleep and wasn’t woken by the sound. The door closed, and Ian let his breath out and continued to wait. The wagon at last lurched and continued down the bumpy road. Ian was glad of the pair of pillows and bedding under him as the wagon bumped along. He could almost sleep accept for the occasional sharp bump. Will however slept soundly, Ian enjoying the feeling of his little heartbeats against his ribs.
At last the wagon stopped, this time for camp. The door opened, and the hatch was pulled open. Ian felt light on his face but could see nothing.
“We’re past the boarder,” Taras said. “Do you need help getting out of there?”
“Aye thanks,” Ian said holding out a hand. It was a bit hard pulling himself out of the compartment, the hatch only large enough for his head and shoulders to get out first. He handed Will to Taras, the babe starting to fuss now that they had stopped.
“You looked quite cozy in there,” Taras said after Ian got out. He handed Will back almost distastefully, Ian cradling his child.
“I hope I can ride now,” Ian said, he had been comfortable in the compartment but cramped. It was long enough for him to lay out in but narrow and shallow.
“Maybe,” Taras said darkly.
“He just did what he kenned were right,” Ian said. Taras had been hard on Glen, and because of him the High Sect had spread word of their escape. Taras didn’t answer, he just took the lamp and left. Ian sighed and followed him; once again as he set foot on the ground he felt the change.
Ever since he had let the gnome possess him Ian’s sense of the world had changed greatly. Shapes dotted the darkness he had lived in since his vision was ruined. The shapes appeared like spots before one’s eyes when they looked into a bright light, yet they had shape. Yet he knew his vision was not coming back as he could ‘see’ things behind him as well as before him.
The shapes were all living things, but none with definition or detail. Mostly everything was gray of various shades except for those with the Elder Magic or the Wild Kin. The Wild Kin’s color depended on what they were, gnomes were earth tones, sylphs warm pastels, salamanders bright red, and undines blue (he guessed since they had not passed any streams). Old trees had the Elder Magic he found, some a dark steady green in his ‘vision’.
It seemed connected to the ground somehow too; in the wagon he saw nothing until his feet touched the ground. He could ‘see’ gnomes clearer than other Wild Kin, and trees and plants better than people. The gnome that had guided him before had not returned, but Ian didn’t really need it. Movement was strange to process, and Ian was still getting used to this new perspective and to understand everything he perceived. Dead things were black to him, the wagons holding no color or form in his perception.
“Ian.” He turned at the sound of his name, ‘seeing’ Bailey. She was much brighter than the Wild Kin, with more color of shifting hues. He could also ‘see’ Will and Matt, though they were more like muzzy shadows of color.
“Bailey, I ken Will wants ye,” Ian said, and they switched children. Bailey had been in another wagon, hidden in another compartment like Ian. The Rhodin knew the most about smuggling, their wagons having thousands of hidden compartments and caches. They had known what roads to take avoiding the main highways.
“He slept well,” Bailey said as she rocked Will. Matt was wide awake, his hands reaching for Ian’s braid and tugging on it.
“Matt will be out in a blink,” Ian said sure that he had been up the entire ride.
“Aye,” Bailey said somehow managing to sound both tired and happy at the same time. They went to sit by the communal fire, Bailey leading Ian. It was strange; he could ‘see’ the salamanders in the fire, but not the fire itself. Glen was already there, Ian could ‘see’ him as a blueish blur. The rest were gray blurs that Ian couldn’t tell apart unless they spoke, he couldn’t even perceive gender.
There were about twenty other Rhodin, six wagons were their homes. Ian hadn’t gotten to know any of them; it was hard when he couldn’t see them. They had been traveling for ten days, most of that time Ian had spent in the compartment. As they sat around the fire one of the Rhodin started to make a stew. Another began to play a tune on a flute, a pattering song of wandering notes. Ian leaned against a tree and with Matt in his arms he was soon asleep, Matt dropping off with him.
The next few days were once again spent cooped up in the compartment of the wagon. Taras had wanted to be safe, but on the fourth he relented and let Bailey and Ian ride out in the open. They were riding through the Holt Forest now, Ian’s senses absorbed by the confusing array of trees and plants. This place had Elder Magic permeating everything, not in great amounts but everywhere. It was hard for him to sort through all he was sensing, but he was learning.
He rode a donkey tied to one of the wagons, Ian just glad to be out of that box he didn’t complain. Will usually rode with him swaddled to his chest. Other than a few quarks the two babes seemed no more complicated than pooping and eating. Ian imagined though they would be much different when they got older; if they got older.
The Autumnal Equinox, known as Fhómhair in Daun, came and left unmarked on the road. Ian missed the feast and celebration that went on to honor the harvest. In Daun there would have been feasts and games out on the moors, a gathering of people from leagues around. On fruitful years the festival sometimes lasted days. Ian couldn’t help but muse over past festivals, especially the most recent a year past.
He and Bailey had been married half a year then, and still getting used to each other. For the first time Ian got fully drunk at that festival. His father often drank and when he drank he became angry. So, Ian had never gotten drunk in fear of becoming like his father. Yet that time he had wanted to feel at ease with Bailey after months of discomfort between the two. It turned out Ian was a happy drunk; he had sung off key tunes most of the night and Bailey laughed over it for days after. That night had been one of the things to ease some of the discomfort of their arranged marriage.
The festival went by unmarked and Ian mourned the loss of those they had spent it with. His sorrow was quickly forgotten because two days after they had ridden into the Holt Forest, Matt fell ill.
“What be wrong with em?” Ian asked as they sat by the fire. Matt was wailing, and Ian could feel something wrong with the babe.
“He has a fever,” Bailey said worried as she cradled Matt. “Best keep Will away, we baint ken ifn it’ll spread.”
“Will he be alright?” Ian asked worried, but Bailey didn’t answer. He couldn’t ‘see’ enough detail to read her expression, but her body language and silence spoke her worry. Twins died easily, often because they were small, and the mother couldn’t care for both.
“Ye n Pepper be fine,” Ian said encouragingly.
“We baint travel across the Kingdoms when we were wee,” Bailey answered. “N Muriel said we came close sometimes.”
“Ye be Aldan Bailey, n sos be the boys,” Ian said, Bailey needed hope. “They be hardy.”
She didn’t say anything and just sat cradling Matt. Ian let her be, taking Will away so he didn’t get sick too. The next day Matt’s fever was worse, Bailey refusing to ride out.
“We don’t have time to linger around here!” Taras shouted at Bailey as Matt cried.
“The throne goin anywhere Taras?” Bailey asked her voice low. Ian shivered, Bailey only ever yelled at Pepper when she was angry, to everyone else her voice got dangerously low. “I baint movin til Matt’s better, ye can move on without mine if ye have such a bee in yer pants.”
“I’ll move you…”
Taras was cut off as Bailey kicked him, Ian barely following the motion, but by Taras’ grunt he guessed she got him right in the nuts. He heard a few of the other Rhodin snicker, and camp went back to normal.
“Looks like we’re staying here for a few days,” Kree said humorously. “I could use the rest; those border guards were rough.”
Bailey’s mood didn’t lighten as she tended to Matt. Ian couldn’t help as he had his hands full with Will. Bailey only spared a few minutes to nurse him, so Ian was left with caring for Will by himself.
“H-how are you h-holding up?” Glen asked that night by the fire.
“I be fine it be Will who be upset,” Ian said. Will had been crying for most of the day and now only managed a weak whimper. “He misses Bailey.”
“He f-feels Matt’s p-pain,” Glen said, and Ian turned to him. He found he could almost guess where someone’s eyes were by the darker shades of their aura. “They’re t-twins after all.”
“Aye might be that,” Ian said never having considered that. He had little energy to think over how his children were something he couldn’t quite understand.
They camped for two days, Bailey isolated with Matt in Kree’s wagon. Ian slept in one of the other wagons with Glen in another bunk, most of the other Rhodin shared tents if they were displaced from their beds.
“Ian!” Bailey shouted waking him. Ian sat up so suddenly he hit his head on the low ceiling of the bunk. “Ian his fever broke!” Bailey said excited as she shook him, and Will cried as he was woken up. Bailey took Will and handed Ian Matt. Matt was limp and asleep in his arms, but his aura no longer looked wrong. Bailey happily calmed Will who quickly settled in her arms.
“I baint ken hows ye do that,” Ian said holding Matt tenderly.
“Do what?” Bailey asked sitting next to him on the bunk.
“Get him ta calm so easily,” Ian said. Will was already quiet, rooting against Bailey’s breasts. He heard more than saw her open her shirt, so she could nurse.
“I kennin it be cause I have tits,” Bailey said lightly. Ian laughed a little and Bailey rested her head on his shoulder. Her breathing steadied, and she was asleep even as Will took his fill. Ian sighed and laid Bailey down, nestling Will and Matt in her arms before lying out on the floor of the wagon.
The next day Bailey still insisted on resting at least one more day to make sure Matt was alright. Taras didn’t argue this time; he was still walking a bit tenderly from Bailey’s last kick. Ian woke from a nap in the wagon to find Bailey gone.
“Where be Bailey?” Ian asked Glen who was sitting by the fire. It was cold out, frost on the ground and the smell of forest mold strong and heady. Glen held Will, Ian had left Matt in the warmer wagon.
“She w-went to l-look for h-herbs,” Glen answered. Ian didn’t need to ask why she went alone, Bailey was like that.
“Can ye go ta our wagon ta watch the babes?” Ian asked, and Glen nodded.
“Y-yes, s-sorry I forgot you are b-blind,” Glen said as he stood.
“Nowt as much anymore,” Ian answered as he turned and left before Glen could question him. The woods proved to be a confusing array of colors to Ian’s sense, but he noticed that day by day the colors were dulling. He guessed it was because He Who Reaps was asserting his power and the trees were beginning to go dormant. Not all were like that; those that still had color Ian guessed were evergreens.
He walked following no path as he couldn’t see any path. He was following a general sense he had of Bailey, hoping the sense would lead him true. Sure enough, as he rounded a bend past a great evergreen he saw Bailey’s familiar aura bent gathering herbs. He walked up to her and just as she straitened he wrapped his arms around her hips and kissed her cheek.
“Ian, ye scared mine,” Bailey said as she jumped and dropped her herbs. She smelled of crushed rosemary and other scents Ian didn’t know the name to. “What ye be doin out here?”
“I followed ye,” Ian answered whispering in her ear. “Been awhile since we’ve been alone like.”
He moved his hands up her hips, along her belly, and towards her chest.
“Ian,” Bailey gasped, moving against his hands trying to get away.
“What? What be wrong?” Ian asked puzzled, but she wouldn’t look at him.
“I be fat,” Bailey whispered, and Ian sighed in relief. He gripped her around the belly then, feeling her flesh under her clothes.
“So? I like it, especially this part,” He whispered in her ear as he reached up to grasp a breast. He kissed her behind the ear where he knew she liked it and she gasped.
“Aye ye wicked man,” Bailey said humorously and turned to wrap an arm over his shoulders. They found a dry spot under a pine tree, the ground soft with a fragrant bed of needles. The day was cool still with He Who Burns only warming the air slightly. They kept their clothes on mostly but took their time together. Ian savored every moment, knowing they would have little time together alone now. When they finished Ian leaned against the trunk of the tree catching his breath. Bailey sat in his lap, her head resting on his shoulder.
Ian sensed someone out in the woods, movement of a living thing drawing his attention. Turning his attention to it he realized it was human, and in a moment,  he recognized Taras’ aura.
“Bailey, Taras be out there,” Ian said tracking him with his mind. He was surprised how far he could sense, Taras was moving towards them with purpose. “He be comin now.”
“Aye,” Bailey said as she got up to straighten her clothes and gather her herbs. Ian started to do the same, but Bailey fixed them for him since he could hardly tell. “Ye have pine needles in yer hair,” Bailey whispered lovingly as she brushed the needles out of his hair. He couldn’t help, but smile back to her, but Taras’ footsteps broke the moment. Bailey turned from him to leave the shelter of the pine boughs, Ian close behind her.
Taras came into the clearing just as they left the pine tree, Ian unable to read his expression.
“I’m surprised you forgave him so quickly,” Taras said. “After all he and Kree have been shaking her wagon for some time.”
“Shut it Taras,” Bailey said, her tone low and dangerous again. “I ken ye’ve been lyin bout Ian n Kree. I talked ta Kree, she said ye been the only un ta shake her wagon.”
“Irrelevant,” Taras said callously. “You swore to sire the next heir to the High Throne, which means marrying another man and sharing his bed.”
“I swore nowt,” Bailey said calmly. “Ye ken that, ye be the only un ta swear an oath ta mine that ye’d let Ian n mine babes come with mine.”
“I never said I’d sit by and let you get pregnant again!” Taras snapped.
“I baint plan ta,” Bailey answered, and Ian gathered Taras was caught off guard. “I been gatherin herbs ta prevent gettin with child gain. Mine babes still be young n twins, they need all mine power n milk ta stay alive. Gettin with child gain be too dangerous.”
Ian felt her turn to him and he smiled back at her. He didn’t mind, she was right, and he agreed it should be that way. Taras didn’t seem to know how to respond, probably because Bailey had just stolen every objection he had.
“Ye’ll leave mine and Ian be,” Bailey said. “We’ll go along ta Alda with ye.”
With that Bailey marched back to camp, Ian about to follow her when Taras stepped in his path.
“I’ll have a word with you,” Taras said and Bailey stopped, turning back about to argue.
“Go on Bailey,” Ian said. “I’ll be along shortly.”
Bailey reluctantly left, Taras waiting for her to go before turning back to Ian. He could only ‘see’ Taras as a gray shape as he had no Elder Magic, but the shades were shifting in ways Ian didn’t understand.
“You’re awfully calm about the fact that Bailey will soon be married to someone else.”
“Cause it baint gonna ta happen,” Ian answered. “Bailey baint gonna ta do what ye say.”
“You’re so sure of that,” Taras said, his voice suggesting he was grinning. “You two may be young lovers, but your marriage was arranged. Just wait until Bailey meets her kin, and the noble men of Alda. Few women could resist the lure of an Aldan man.”
Ian was unwilling to admit how uncomfortable that thought made him. He trusted Bailey; it was himself he had doubts about. How could she love someone like him? He ‘looked’ back at Taras and knew he was overjoyed at his score against him.
“N what o ye?” Ian asked catching Taras off guard. “Why ye goin ta such extents? Ye traveled half the kingdoms, dragged a woman with two babes in her arms with ye, n even tried ta kill a Grand Sect. Fer what?”
“For my Kingdom,” Tara answered flatly.
“All this fer patriotism?” Ian asked skeptically. “I baint believe that. It has ta be personal this grudge o yers.”
Tara was silent, so long Ian thought he wouldn’t answer. Then he sighed almost wearily.
“I’m nothing, no family, no name, just a ward of the Mark,” Taras answered. “In the Mark orphans are given the surname ‘Law’ until they claim a trade or a family of their own. I never gained a family, and my trade is one that cannot be claimed as I am a servant not a man of my own. You said it has to be personal, my only family is the Mark.”
Ian realized he spoke the truth, for Taras all he ever had was his kingdom. He had fought in the King’s Wars. Ian hadn’t been alive for the wars, but he father has spoken of them. Daun, Nyrgard, and the Mark had gathered behind the house Sinistra as their King. His father had said it was a chance for the northern kingdoms to set apart from those of the east and south. Land had been taken from the north for a long time, and trade agreements often were skewed to the south. Many men had desired to gain freedom in those wars.
The bitter loss had been worse by the many deaths, but it was the Mark that had suffered the most. Warren had been breached and thousands of innocents had died in that battle. Ian didn’t need to see to know Taras’ pain. He had been in the thick of that battle; he had seen his people die.
“I be sorry,” Ian said remorsefully.
“Never assume passion has only one face,” Taras said before he turned away to go back to camp, Ian following him silently.
They set out the next day, once again traveling at a slow pace. Ian rode behind Kree’s wagon, so he heard when Taras rode up to Kree to speak with her.
“We can go faster,” Taras said to her from his horse.
“We can but I thought you wanted to stay hidden,” Kree answered. “No one knows you left in a Rhodin caravan unless they guessed it, which isn’t too hard to infer in the first place. We Rhodin live our lives on the road, there is no destination for us, so we travel at our own pace. If we go faster it will seem odd.”
“Only to other Rhodin who know your ways,” Taras objected. “And there is no one around to mark our pace.”
“We are not traveling alone Taras,” Kree objected. “You will have to get all the waggoneers to agree, and I object to a faster pace as well.”
“We need to…”
“Do what?” Kree asked. “The throne isn’t going anywhere as Bailey said. And she would still have to get with child and give birth before your revolution can even get started, not to mention gather the support of other lords and kings. Why are you in such a rush?”
“I’ve been away from the Mark for a long time,” Taras answered. “I made sure the Rangers could run without me but not indefinitely. I’m needed in the Mark.”
“Then you can ride ahead,” Kree answered pertly. “I’ll see Bailey to Alda.”
Taras didn’t answer but neither did he ride ahead, Ian sensing his divided loyalties. He kept with them for the next four days until they reached the village of Dramund. Ian sensed many people here, and less permanent buildings. There was a flood of people to towns like these in the change in season, men all getting ready for the hunting season. Ian was overwhelmed by the scents, sounds, and the strange ‘sight’ he had.
He guessed there was a village proper surrounded by a veritable village of tents and wagons. Many were Rhodin and as they rode through the traffic their caravan headed for the northern part of town. A Rhodin camp was here, telling by the music and welcoming calls from the people there. The donkey Ian rode stopped when Kree stopped her wagon and he dismounted. Ian was able to ‘see’ better with his feet on the ground so he walked around Kree’s wagon to find Bailey.
He found her not far away handing her horse over to another Rhodin. She turned at his approach and took his hand. She seemed about to speak when Taras’ shout stopped her.
“A week!” Taras shouted. “We already stopped for three days before.”
“We need rest and to resupply,” Kree said levelly. “This is our way Taras, if you don’t like it leave.”
“You can move faster than this Kree I know it!” Taras shouted. “You’ve been dragging your feet all this time and I demand to know why!”
“Yes and I won’t go where you plan to!” Kree answered her volume reaching his. They had gathered a crowd, but in the middle of a Rhodin camp they were all Rhodin. Ian wondered what they were talking about but dared not ask.
“Fine, I won’t ask you to then,” Taras said lowly. “I’ll buy horses and be on my way with Bailey.”
“Pass along my words to Greng,” Kree said. “You can stay in camp until you leave.”
“Where will you go?” Taras asked. “Just so I know where to reach you.”
“I’m going to winter in Hólmsted,” Kree answered. “It’s safer there surrounded by mountains.”
Taras just nodded and turned to leave.
“Take Will,” Ian said to Bailey. “I should go after him.”
“Aye,” Bailey said as she untied Will’s swaddle. Ian started off after Taras and was surprised when Glen followed him.
“Ye comin too?” Ian asked.
“I owe h-him,” Glen answered and took Ian’s elbow. With Glen’s guidance they followed Taras. While Ian could sort of see he couldn’t keep up with most of what he perceived. Not only that but he couldn’t see wagons or fences as well and nearly ran into them if not for Glen. Glen though was proving a poor guide as several times they walked through mud puddles and were nearly run over by carts.
Taras went to a tavern in the village, Ian and Glen hot on his heels. Entering the tavern Ian was greeted with the sour smell of ale and unwashed bodies mixed with the warm smoky scent of roasting meat and cooking food. Glen led him to a table through the maze of people and sat down.
“Why’d you follow me?” Taras asked as they sat. A bar maid came over set down three tankards. Ian took a drink to find sour ale; he drank anyways though he preferred Daunish cider.
“W-we wanted to m-make sure you w-were alright,” Glen answered sounding worried. Taras didn’t answer, Ian hearing him take a long pull from his tankard. Ian knew to say nothing, and so just let his sense wander over the room trying to sort out everything he sensed. He was getting better at discerning shapes, and he found the more practice he had the clearer things became.
The door to the tavern opened and someone new walked in. Ian turned surprised as the person appeared in color to him, they had the Elder Magic. Other than that, he couldn’t be sure who they were or even their gender.  
“I be right back,” Ian said as he stood and made his way cautiously through the room to the person. They were talking to the tavern keeper, but Ian couldn’t hear until he was close.
“…a Daunish family with twin babes, they would be traveling south. The woman would look just like me.”
Ian hurried forward having recognized the voice and grabbed Pepper by the elbow. She pulled away, and Ian felt her land a solid blow to his jaw. He stumbled back a step but kept his feet.
“Ian!” Pepper said surprised.
“Sorry fer startlin ye,” Ian said holding his tender jaw. “Ye’ve gotten stronger.”
“Where be Bailey?” Pepper asked eagerly.
“Back in the Rhodin camp,” Ian answered. “Best get Glen n Taras n go.”
“Glen n Taras?” Pepper asked puzzled.
“Aye,” Ian said and turned. “Taras! Come ere!”
Ian sensed Glen and Taras rise from their table and come over.
“Don’t just call me over like…” Taras started to say but stopped when he saw Pepper. “Bailey you should stay in camp.”
“I be Bailey’s twin sister Pepper.”
“Pepper this be Taras Law n Glen De Modeste,” Ian said past Taras’ stunned silence.
“Grandmother Meadhbh?” Pepper said surprised when she saw Glen.
“Yes I g-guess,” Glen said. “Bailey s-says I am your g-grandmother r-reborn.”
“But how?” Pepper asked amazed.
“Let’s go back to camp and talk things over with your sister,” Taras said about to take Pepper’s arm, but she smacked his hand away. They left the tavern and headed back to camp. Ian nearly walked into a wagon, but Pepper pulled him away in time. She took his arm almost reluctantly.
“Ye really be blind,” Pepper said as they walked.
“Aye but mine powers be tryin ta work through it. I can sort o see, just vague shapes n some colors ifn someun has the Elder Magic.”
“Powers? Ye have the Elder Magic?”
“Aye, ye kenned I were a seventh son.”
“Aye just didn’t ken ye’d actually get any o the powers,” Pepper muttered seeming irritated. Ian smiled at her and took her hand on his arm in his own.
“Bailey ’ll be glad ye be here,” Ian said but Pepper said nothing. They arrived back in camp and Ian saw Bailey walking near a fire pit. She stopped dead when she saw them, and Pepper raced forward. Ian wished he could have seen Bailey’s face as she and her sister embraced, pressing their foreheads together and laughing.
“Pepper, what ye doin here!” Bailey asked at last.
“I came back ta help ye,” Pepper answered. “Be this yer son?”
“Aye this be Matt,” Bailey said with such pride Ian felt warmer. “O’er there be Will ifn ye want ta hold him.”
Ian sensed Pepper’s apprehension, but Bailey handed her Matt and picked up Will from the basket he rested in. They bent over the children like women did and laughed.
“Ian,” Bailey called. “Ye should see the looks on their faces. Will n Matt be confused there be two o mine now.”
“Aye,” Ian said walking over to stand next to them. He wished he could see the look on the babe’s faces of confusion from two of their mother before them.  
“I’d like to know why there are two of you now as well,” Taras said dryly.
“Aye well it be a long story,” Pepper said. “Let’s sit.”
They all sat by the fire pit on various camp chairs or seats that were common in a large Rhodin camp. Pepper started with her story: travel through the mountains, meeting the dwarves, the choosing of their king, the forging of Melanthios, the sacrifice of her breast, her decision to leave, and what she learned from Arnor. Ian looked to the sword that Pepper carried and sure enough it burned in his vision nearly white. He didn’t want to touch the dragon blade; he was still afraid of the black dragon.
“Sos we need ta find Hors as well as the song n Eileen reborn,” Bailey said when Pepper finished. “Melanthios be sure?”
“Aye, but why did ye leave Daun?” Pepper asked.
“That be another story,” Bailey said and told her sister about their mother. Ian couldn’t see Pepper’s reaction, but he guessed it wasn’t good.
“A princess o Alda?” Pepper said when Bailey finished. “Bailey I kennin this Taras be fibbin. Ye baint really believe our ma were a princess?”
“There be the ring Pepper,” Bailey said. “N our ma died givin birth ta us, we baint ken anything o her. I believe Taras be right, n ifn nowt we’ll learn the truth in Alda.”
“Ye really ken that be the best place ta look?” Pepper asked.
“It be the safest in the least,” Bailey answered. “Alda’s boarders have been guarded since the King’s Wars.”
“There is more though,” Taras said urgently. “Since you are of the royal line both of you can bear the heir to the High Throne. We can finally be rid of the Regarian rule.”
“I baint ken any un will follow a half Daunish King,” Pepper said. “N Bailey’s boys be twins, baint that bad fer succession?”
“Bailey’s boys are bastards,” Taras answered. “Since she never married in a Sect they are bastards and she can marry legitimately now.”
“She be married already!” Pepper said shocked.
“Well there is an easier solution,” Taras said. “You never married at all I take it?”
“Nowt!” Bailey said forcefully. “Pepper ye baint have ta marry at all.”
Ian though guessed what was going through Pepper’s mind. Bailey had agreed to marry so her sister didn’t have to, now it was Pepper’s turn to do the favor.
“We can decide later,” Ian said, and they turned to him. “After all neither o ye even met the man Taras says ye should marry.”
“Aye, ye be right,” Bailey said sounding relieved. “Who do ye intend any hows Taras?”
“There are many possible matches,” Taras answered.
“Ye baint even have any un in mind do ye?” Pepper asked laughing. “This plan o yers seems half baked at best.”
“It baint matter,” Bailey said. “It be a long way ta Alda.”
“Aye,” Pepper said soberly. Glen suddenly sneezed and Ian looked at him as he shuffled his feet shyly. “What o him? I see Grandmother Meadhbh in him.”
“I am Meadhbh r-reborn,” Glen said.
“But she died only six n ten years back,” Pepper argued.
“We baint ken why er hows, but Meadhbh were reborn early,” Bailey said. “I kennin it might o been un o the Elder Phay behind it.”
“I see,” Pepper said. Ian saw her reach for Melanthios and saw their aura change as they communicated silently. “Melanthios says he kens ye Glen.”
“H-how?” Glen asked surprised.
“Ye be the reborn spirit o Lailoken the Oracle,” Pepper said. “He kenned ye when ye were Lailoken, met ye only unce. He heard though ye were the lover o Arke the Color Weaver.”
Glen’s aura shifted suddenly, and Ian realized that all this time his spirit hadn’t been sitting right in his skin. Now he was right for a few heartbeats and Ian could almost feel the power of his spirit. Then he lost whatever peace he found and his spirit faded to the way it was before.
“I h-have to be alone n-now,” Glen said as he stood and left. He tripped over a dog on his way out of the camp, nearly falling on his face and the dog growled at him.
“He be un awkward duck,” Pepper said shaking her head. “Come on Bailey, I want ta talk ta ye more in private like.”
Bailey and Pepper went off to Kree’s wagon with Will and Matt to talk probably in more detail of the time they had been apart. Ian was left alone with Taras by the fire.
“So you think that Pepper will marry to bear the heir for her sister?” Taras asked Ian.
“I baint be sure,” Ian answered. “It’ll depend on the man.”
Taras sighed wearily and Ian could feel his worry in that sound. “I’m going to go buy horses, we leave tomorrow.”
Taras stood and left, Ian sitting by the fire and watching the shadows of salamanders dancing in the fire. Bailey and Pepper spent the whole night together and Ian was left alone to sleep in one of the tents. He didn’t mind so much since he got a full night’s sleep for once free of Will or Matt’s crying. The next morning was cooler than usual, Ian feeling mist on his skin when he left the tent.
He found a Rhodin frying some bacon and eggs, joining the man at the fire and sharing the meal. The man didn’t say anything, but Ian felt his stare as they ate. Ian nodded his thanks and went to look for the others. He found Taras saddling the horses near the horse coral. Ian counted eight horses, guessing three were pack animals.
“Ye need any help?” Ian asked.
“Not from a blind man,” Taras answered mildly. “You could go get your wife and her sister. See if you can find that wayward holy man too.”
Ian just nodded and went over to Kree’s wagon. He only knew it was Kree’s because of the location, he couldn’t see any details of the wagons to tell them apart. He knocked and waited, Bailey and Pepper emerging shortly already ready.
“Ye take the babe,” Pepper said handing over Will. She helped swaddle him onto Ian as Will reached out to tug on Ian’s beard. Ian laughed a little and made a face at Will who laughed as well. “Ye be good with em,” Pepper said.
“Aye well it be easier when they be babes,” Ian answered. Pepper didn’t respond verbally, turning away to grab a quick breakfast. They returned to the horses to find Kree there with Glen as well.
“I didn’t want you to forget him,” Kree said as they came up.
“Thank ye,” Bailey said. “Fer everything.”
“Glad to see someone is grateful,” Kree said loudly over to Taras who didn’t answer this gibe. “Walk well green witch.”
“Fair travels ta ye Kree,” Bailey said and Kree left with a wave.
“How’d ye find my horse?” Pepper asked.
“There are few stables in a town like this,” Taras answered. “A big lug like this was hard to miss and I asked the stable master if he was yours. Now mount up, we have a long way to go and I’m not going to drag my feet anymore.”
They mounted up, Ian needing a bit of help to get his foot in the stirrup. This time he had the reigns to his horse, but it followed the others without his prompting, so he let it have its head. They rode out of town, Ian glad to be back to the more peaceful woods. Taras seemed to know the back roads as well as the Rhodin because he quickly led them off the main highway and into the woods.
They rode for some time in silence, their pace a steady walk. Ian wasn’t surprised Taras rode ahead a little, no doubt to seek out danger or a better path. He was surprised when Pepper pulled her horse up next to his.
“Can I ask ye somewhat?” Pepper asked.
“Ye just did,” Ian joked and felt Pepper glare at him. “Aye go ahead.”
“When did ye ken ye loved Bailey?” Pepper asked Ian surprised by her question. Bailey was far enough ahead that Ian knew she couldn’t hear them.
“I guess it were when I were bout ta lose her,” Ian answered thinking it over. “It were more like I realized then I loved her all along.”
“What bout when ye first saw her?”
“Like in the tales?” Ian asked with a laugh. He though over when he had first saw Bailey, at a festival three years ago. “When I first saw Bailey she were with ye. I couldn’t tell ye two apart.”
“What did ye think o us?”
“That ye were gorgeous,” Ian answered. “Then I realized ye two were inseparable, any man that’d marry un o ye would always be second place.”
“Sos why did ye agree ta marry Bailey?” Pepper asked.
“Ta be free o mine father,” Ian answered simply. He had agreed because it got him and his mother away from his father. He still remembered that argument, it was the first time his mother had stood up to his father. She had threatened to tell everyone about Ardal’s abuse if he didn’t let her go, he agreed because Norah had gotten old. With her gone Ardal could sleep around as much as he liked.
“Then what did ye ken when ye met Bailey on yer weddin day?” Pepper asked.
Ian wasn’t sure he could answer her, not because he didn’t know but because Pepper might take it the wrong way. Ian had been elated to be free of his father and have his mother safe. He also gained standing as Fergal’s heir since Fergal had no sons to inherit. He had been so happy at the idea he hadn’t even thought of the marriage until the day of the wedding. Then he had been faced with a scared seventeen-year-old girl who was to be his wife. He hadn’t considered what it would have been like for her until he met her. Bailey had seemed calm and serine in public, but when it had been time to take to their wedding bed her calm vanished.
Ian couldn’t tell Pepper how Bailey had wept when they were alone, how terrified she really had been. It had been his first time as well, though he had been excited about the whole thing rather than scared. Out in the moors a marriage wasn’t complete unless it was consummated, so despite Bailey’s fear Ian had to procced. That night he admired her courage to face what she feared. He had promised her that night that he would never touch her again; he never wanted to hurt her like his father hurt his mother.
“Tell mine,” Pepper said lowly and Ian sighed.
“I kenned her be a scared seven n ten girl married ta a man she never met,” Ian said. “I felt guilty.”
“Ta rape her,” Pepper hissed, and Ian felt like she had slapped him.
“After our night tagether I promised her ta never touch her gain,” Ian said, not denying Pepper’s accusation. “I swore she could have her space cause I kenned she baint ever love mine. Ye ken what she said?”
“Nowt,” Pepper said softly.
“She said hows could we ever grow ta love each other ifn we baint try,” Ian said. “She said I made her realize that but I baint ken how.”
“Cause ye were gentle that night,” Bailey said, and Ian jumped not having realized she had come close. “I could tell ye didn’t want ta hurt mine n I realized ye were kind. I wanted ta get ta ken ye n when I did I fell in love with ye.”
Ian felt his face burn and a smile tug at his lips. He cleared his throat and turned to Pepper.
“Why did ye want ta ken this?” Ian asked.
“Cause she baint ken ifn she be in love er nowt,” Bailey answered, and Pepper cried out at her sister.
“Ye swore ye baint tell!”
“Love? With who? She went ta the mountains n…” Ian trailed off as he made the connection. “A dwarf? Ye be in love with a dwarf?”
“Nowt!” Pepper shouted embarrassed. “Baint mock mine!”
“Sorry,” Ian said trying not to grin. He wanted to meet this dwarf who had won Pepper over; he had never thought Pepper would fall for someone. He knew his marriage to Bailey had been hard on Pepper; that was why he had never blamed Pepper for all her insults at him. He had also feared Bailey growing to hate him if Pepper hated him. He had never wanted to get between Bailey and Pepper.
“His name be Darin,” Pepper said lowly. “He be a warrior n the captain o Donar the chief o the Emir clan.”
“I’d like ta meet him,” Ian said.
“I left him,” Pepper said her regret obvious. “We had different paths.”
“Ye’ll meet again,” Bailey said knowingly. They rode in silence then, Pepper seeming to brood. Ian let the silence be, nearly dosing off in the saddle until Pepper once again spoke.
“Ian, Melanthios wants ta talk ta ye,” Pepper said nudging him with her knee.
“How?” Ian asked puzzled and not entirely sure he wanted to talk to the black dragon.
“Just hold out yer hand,” Pepper said, and Ian complied. Pepper put the hilt of a sword in his hand and Ian instinctively took hold.
:Greetings blind one: the voice seemed to ring in Ian’s head, deep and penetrating like the reverberation from a drum. :I offer my condolences and apology on your lost sight. I cannot ask for your forgiveness, but I ask for your aid for my kin. I offer you power in return for your suffering, power in the Elder Magic that may aid you in repairing your sight.:
Ian was shocked, and he had no doubt that Melanthios could heal his sight. However, he still felt the innate fear of the dragon, memories of burning people and a giant dragon hard to forget. He knew Melanthios made the offer out of guilt, not some way to force Ian into aiding the Phay. He knew this because Melanthios let him feel as he felt.
“Nowt,” Ian said at last. “Forgiveness may come in its own time Melanthios, but I baint ask ye ta change mine any more than ye already have. I wish ta remain mine own man.”
:Very well,: Melanthios said. :I made the same sort of offer to your wife, she refused as well.:
“N Pepper?” Ian asked lowly.
:She only has me do what needs to be done, I could give her much greater power but she refuses to accept that. Those who seek power for power’s sake should not wield it.:
“Here Pepper,” Ian said holding the blade back over to Pepper who took it. “Thank ye.”
“Thank ye fer listenin,” Pepper said. “He really baint be all that bad.”
“I baint hate him Pepper,” Ian said. “I fear him.”
Pepper didn’t answer, and Ian couldn’t gage her mood from what he perceived of her. He still wasn’t sure he had done the right thing, but he knew that had he accepted Melanthios’ offer he would be a much different man for it. They rode on, everyone brooding over their own inner turmoil and the road ahead.
0 notes
loosecatspen · 6 years
RP.2 Ch.2 The island
Tread lightly, this one is dark
Ice faintly heard someone walking around. Strange, she didn't remember falling aslee-she got up with a start and winced when her head protested. The world was a blurry brown and green as if she was racing in the forest back in Maine while sitting down. She was off balanced and not the only one there. Zolotoy boy walked-stumbled around while trying to get a feel of the land and Ike was also on the floor but looked to be unconscious.
Is this the work of reality benders again? Or did we actually get to the mission and I just spaced the travel again? Ice wondered as she tried to focus her eyes.
The blurriness stayed to spite her. She looked up and saw the edges of a thick canopy that could only belong to a jungle. Now that she thought about it, the air did seem thicker but this was still cooler than Arizona.
Yep. Must be reality benders. Information did not detail this level of- either Zolotoy is unsatisfied with the way that he’s seeing things or he's actually losing it. Ice observed him punch a tree. He shook his hand off and went to another and punched it.
“What are you doing Zolotoy?” she finally asked.
The russian paused. “Lines are blurry, this helps.”
That doesn't sound right. Ice thought as she moved so that she was sitting upright. So-wait, why the f*** does my mouth taste like earwax?! Ice tried to get the taste off of her tongue and onto her shirt collar, but the taste persisted.
“Zolotoy I think we’ve been drugged.”
“No kiddin,” Ike grunted behind her.
She turned around. “Hey there sleepy stud,” Ice teased.
He sat up and rubbed his face with both hands. She stood and walked over to him. He kept rubbing his eyes with the heels of his hands.
“That tough eh?” she asked.
“Kind-” he looked up and past Ice. “A-are those trees?!”
“Yeah, have you not seen a tree before city boy?”
“Call me a city boy all you want but, I didn't know they can get this big!”
And I didn't know that people could get as big as you until I met you. “Have you never been in the woods?”
“There's no woods in Chicago or Normal. Tallest tree was a standalone and it was twenty- but holy f***ing quarks. I've seen tall trees in text books but I just never-” Ice had never seen this much astonishment at trees before.
“This is nothing Ground. Where I’m from you can't walk through the woods because of how big they are,” Zolotoy stated while walking to him.
“Are you serious?”
Ike looked like he didn't believe him.
“Obviously since you’re feeling better, you take rear. I found a path,” Klesmolv stated while pointing to a opening in the trees. He started walking towards it when he stumbled and nearly fell on his face. Quickly righting himself, he kept going but with a rapier pointed at the ground like a cane.
How does he even store that? Ice thought as she followed.
“What are the chances that this is some reality bender’s forest?” Jo asked Molotov.
“High,” he responded curtly.
It's not. The monster’s thought rumbled through Ground’s head.
There you are you piece of s***. The f*** do you mean?
It's the work of Myunchers. You aren't even in the same dimension anymore.
The f*** do you mean by that?!
He was hit with a familiar anger and frustration from it.
Don't walk away you-!
“Cmon already Ike!” Jo shouted.
He blinked and refocused on the path that his team was walking down. The large trees surrounding the path were oddly welcoming. Their leaves coating the path in pleasantly cool shade. Which just made it more suspicious in Ground’s book. His hand fell to his side and brushed against the compact stock of his shotgun. He turned around, unfolded it, and walked backwards with it facing the way they came.
He heard a branch rustling. It increased slightly and a familiar scent caught his nose.
Smells like trouble. “Scatter check,” he ordered. He collapsed his gun before going into the brush. He paused and took in his surroundings, thankful for the uniform switch to a dark blue instead of white. The forest was much darker here. Forcing him to squint. Thick brush pressed up against his sides. Making moving stealthly difficult. Ground could just barely make out some of the bushes around him, and a female figure backing up slowly and quietly.
“Hi. Ground right?” She whispered.
Even though he had been identified, he decided to not answer and got close and personal with the earth.
“Ground? Grou- oh crap!” She backed off and started running. “Guys we have a hostile situation!”
She has friends. Need to cut her off. He thought as he charged after her. He zeroed in on her yellow skirt, the world around him falling to darkness. It ducked and weaved, trying to shake him off but, it's hard to be yellow when everything around you is brown.
At one point it went out of sight. Damnit no! He thought he tried to stop. But his speed was too great and his head collided with a tree, knocking him out.
Marina skidded around and scrambled up a tree. She hardly risked a look back as she heard him hit. Gotta get to the others. Gotta get to the others. She broke into the sunlight and headed towards the path. “Annilyse have you-”
“We’ve made contact. Where's Ground?”
“Rammed his head into a tree. Don't know what's going on with him.” Marina jumped onto another tree branch. She dangled from it before pulling herself up. “I’m heading back.”
“Okay. Keep an eye out.”
“Go shoo!” Marina shouted at a horde of monkeys. They shrieked and scolded her as they jumped away. “I will.” Marina headed down towards the base of the tree, then remembered that one one the trees had fallen. She sighed and went in the opposite direction. Hoping to find a way around. Two trees over, and she found a set of trees going where she needed.
“Annie get the others to the village. I’ll see if I can meet you there.” Marina radioed.
“Roger that. Any sign of hostile?”
“No. I’ll -”
The screams of several monkeys erupted and stopped from behind her.
“Never mind!” Marina jumped to another tree and started climbing. “I need a strike squad over here stat!”
“Melody is organizing.” Candice replied immediately. “Keep broadcasting location.” Marina felt the bottom of her earpiece detach and settle in deeper in her ear.
“Will do.”
The trees to her right started to shake and she could hear a thudding coming up behind her. Marina risked a glance under her arm to see a large, clawed hand grab the lower branches of the tree next to her. She didn't have any time to react as another hand appeared on her midsection. Marina cried out as she was yanked down through the tree top. The world spun and she was faced with a large open maw.
She shouted and splayed her hands. A large expanse of crystal sprouting between them and wedging the mouth open. The hand grew another finger and pinned her arms to her body as the head shook the crystal mass out of it's mouth.
Marina took the moment to breathe and clear her head. She didn't have long. Magic swelled around her forehead. The head snarled and the hand thrusted her into it's mouth. She screamed and lashed out at the wet flesh with a pair of crystal knives. Kicking at the top of its mouth in hopes of hitting its nasal passages. There was no effect and the hand pushed her into the throat of the beast.
There was a love-hate relationship with incidents. Love because at least something exciting was happening, and Hate for when someone got hurt. Like Marina.
“Talk to me, what are we dealing with here?” She asked, quickly handing Wolverine a metal vest.
“High intelligence, adaptability, and impossible to destroy by all current efforts. Now the last doesn't mean we can't kill it, it just means we can't keep it dead,” the russian hacker explained.
“And it took over one of your people right?”
“Correct unfortunately. Had a solid month without it intruding but...” She could tell that he was shrugging on the other side of the line.
“How do we break its grip. Wrong way Quinn.” Falcon blushed and turned his vest around.
“Prior data suggests that we have to terminate it while causing massive damage to it's body.”
“Looks like we’ll have to kill it before it can kill us. Annilyse that means you’ll have to be part of the team. Ace, how’s Marina's bio?”
“He’s whittling away at her ma’am. Doesn't seem to have an issue breathing though.” Candace reported.
“Keep me updated. Alright we have a limited amount of time.” She addressed the hastily assembled team. “We have a victim and a hard to kill reptile on the loose. Starfire, I want you and Wolverine to stall as much as you can. Help Annilyse to rip out as much of its head and upper body as possible. Falcon, keep tabs and snipe from the air. Cyborg, Phineas, Ferb. Set as many traps as you can. Just make sure they don't hurt the victim. Understood?”
“Yes Ma’am.” They all saluted.
“Alright now let's go!” Melody ran out with them. “Alright what can you and your friend do?” She asked the hacker.
“Seeing that we have our weapons limited drastically...But, I have rapier, AK-12, and dual 50 pistols. Companion has a 7.56 mm bullpup,” he reported.
“How about in way of abilities?” Melody started climbing a tree.
“Companion has decaying skin, I…” Melody could hear a muffled argument. “Have sharp shooting.”
“Alright. Tell her to go with Annilyse. I want you sniping as best to your ability.”
“Ten- vhat do you have?”
“We have an Angel who can heal and shoot fireballs. An alien who has an array of abilities such as invulnerability and immense strength. We have a cyborg, a mutant with swift regeneration and dangerous claws, finally two boys who are ingenious with machines.”
“You are planning to sacrifice children? We already tried that.”
“Actually we are quite skilled in fighting monsters. And no one will die under my watch.” Hopefully.
Slowly, the pain stopped. Marina tried to move her limbs again, only for them to feel numb. Probably not even there. She thought. Gasping as hot, fresh air was blasted in her face. Again. Why did he even preserve her like this? Surely-
Just focus on breathing Myuncher B****.
Marina cringed. That would explain why she wasn’t so hot anymore though. You’re in my head.  
She felt it's claws close around her chest. Holding her delicately between the tips. She was no longer trapped in a sac, but unfolding to float limp in the darkness. It's claws holding her up above an empty void.
Where are you? I can't…
All energy left her. She watched the claws through half closed eyes. So big, so dark. Holding her light enough to be only uncomfortable. Her arms and legs weights on her shoulders and hips. How long? How long had she been-
The world jolted and suddenly the claws held her in a tight fist. Marina gasped as breathing suddenly became difficult. Hot, useless air. She clawed futilely at the talons as she choked. Slowly, they disintegrated around her and she was free falling.
We will meet again life Myuncher… it's voice was like a villain's caress on her cheek. Sooner than you think…
The darkness pulled away and she was surrounded by blinding whiteness.
When Marina pushed herself off of the ground and looked around she saw a dark land covered in dark metal and fleshy cones. Strange, lizard like creatures paced back and forth the area she stood in. A long path wound before her. One of the lizards stopped and looked at her, cocked it's head, and bounded down the trail. Slowly, she followed it. The path eventually became lined with teeth and fingers. The metal platforms seemed to be at war with their fleshy counterparts as they overlapped on innumerable occasions.
Someone is having a really hard time of it. Marina thought. Either that or he has a very dark side.
Whispers started around her. They were mostly unnerving babble that sounded similar to people she knew that Ground knew. Her own voice coming out in the noise. When she focused on it the words “No, please no” and “Why did you do that” repeated often and ran over each other at times.
Surprised, Marina focused on other voices she recognized. There was a few of the planetary crew saying “Monster” and “Take him down.” Dr. Gore was there, and said “Prepare to euthanize.” Marina also heard the raspy voice of Chartreuse, that bastard, order many scientific things along with devastating insults. Klesmolv was more of the same but more personal. And Ice-
“What are you doing here?” Ice asked behind Marina. The whispers quieted to a dull background noise.
“Are you real?” Marina replied, Stepping back.  
“Why wouldn’t I be? Well, I guess I should ask how you got here because the gorgon, Melodi I think?, gave me an amulet that she said would let me into Ike’s ‘Mindscape.’ And I’m guessing that this is it?” she asked while looking around. “Why do I have the feeling that this shouldn't be it.”
“Well one part depends on Ike, the other on life. So it goes.” Marina shrugged. She lowered her fists and extended a hand. “I don't think we’ve had a proper introduction. My name is Mari.”
“Frankie,” she shook. “Well he sure did get rass helvíti by life. You still haven't said how you got here.”
“Well, the giant lizard swallowed me. Great way to get me to trust you guys.” Marina muttered as she turned and led Ice down the path. “He must have ‘eaten’ into me as there was this intense burning all around except my face. Kept blasting air into it so he probably wanted me alive for some reason. Anyway, he got into my head and forced me to breathe. Shown by his claws holding me by the chest. Then he took full hold of me, disintegrated, and told me “we shall meet again” before I landed here.” Marina dropped as the path wound to the right.
“Not to freak you out but, your back is missing.”
The teen paused, and twisted around to see it. Sure enough where her spine was supposed to be, there was a emptiness. The surrounding tissue was burned but it was just gone.
“Yes it is.” She observed. “Crap. That thing might have a hook in me. Be fun riding that coaster again. You had a look at my file?”
“Girl, I’m a mobile task force member, I don't have access to that. And speaking of coasters, before I got in here I was on the lizzard’s bucking spine.”
“Yeah, you haven't seen anything yet.”
“I would argue that I’ve seen a lot since I’ve joined the force.”
“Yes, but have you- have you ever been connected to a killer? One that reduces your body to a mere puppet, and replays its deeds before your eyes?” An image of Lightning appeared next to her. Code covering her as she shifted to look like Marina. The cruel, cold smile remaining. A knife held obscured in her hands.
“No and I think we should keep moving as the guy I know with the same problem feels like he’s just up ahead,” Ice said as she grabbed Marina’s left wrist and marched forward. Flipping off the illusion as it faded.
Marina allowed herself to be dragged, feeling foolish. Why was she so worried about proving herself right? It was childish and stupid. There was no reason…
She let the thought drop. “I’m sorry.”
“Look, we all have our issues but comparing them won't do anyone any good,” Ice stated as they came upon a clearing.
Strangely there was Ground laying on a sheet of metal underneath a flesh spire and another thing watching them from behind it. Ice’s pace quickened until she stood over him. He was missing his left arm and part of his chest. Ice kneeled and put a hand on his chest.
“While I try and get him up, check out that thing out back will you?” she asked.
“My pleasure.” Marina summoned a bo staff and headed towards the figure. It shrank back and hobbled away as fast as it could.
Marina relaxed her posture and expression. Using the staff as, well, a staff. “Hey, hey I’m not going to hurt you.”
It winced and tried to go faster. It tripped over it's bum leg with a yelp. Marina thrust her left hand out and it stopped in midair. “Easy. Easy…” she said. Gently lowering it to the ground.
It whimpered and Marina could get a good look at it. It was a sickly shade of grey with skin meshed with scales. It's gangly limbs were uncoordinated as it tried to crawl away from her. It was bleeding from it's open wounds on its left side. Multiple lacerations across it's back and tail festered with green puss. The right half of the head looked to have been caved in with a metal baseball bat.
“Oh...boy…” Marina approached it with her hands extended. “Uh, Ice? I think you're trying the wrong Ground.”
“The hell do you mean by that?”
“Well, in my mind there is not one me, but several. Each representing a different aspect of my personality. No matter how small. Raven’s and Melody’s are the same. Who’s to say Ground’s would differ? Besides, I distinctly remember being catlike one time.”
“What the he-”
The creature suddenly shuddered then dissipated.
“OW F***!” Ground shouted shortly after.
“Shite are you okay?”
“No, f***, the f*** did you do?”
“I, ah, accidentally slipped into your empty socket. Why is that anyway?”
“That would explain that.” he grunted. “It's hard to explain actually.”
“You can tell me later anyway, the gecko went rampant but it seems like the guys outside chased it off.”
Marina walked back around to where the couple sat.
“Really? All I remember was I ran into a tree.”
“Yeah about that. Why were you chasing me anyways?” Marina was tempted to fold her arms but decided against it. “Before you hit the tree I mean.”
He opened his mouth as if to replay but shut it in confusion. “I...really don't remember. I was walking 6, then I smelled something funny then it just… too hazy. I haven't killed anyone have I?”
“Walking 6?” Marina cocked her head.
“Rear guard, walking 6, same thing,” he explained.
“Ah. Also you might have killed me but only time will tell. Especially since Mel is involved.”
“S***, but wait. How are you here then?”
“All-destroyer gave me air for some strange reason. Fused with my spine, practically gave me life support, probably devoured my limbs but a literal bloodbath should heal that.”
“Well, it did have some pink armor this time around that was hard to get through. Gecko must’ve used you as a shield generator,” Ice nodded.
“I can- it can do that?”
“Ohhhhhh. I will probably be drained then.” Marina bit her lip. “D***. I really will need Gorgon blood.”
“Language,” Ice reprimanded. “How can blood have healing properties outside of transfusion?”
“Ask Melody. She knows all the bio stuff that goes with her abilities. I think it's part of the Medusa mythology though.”
“I haven't read any-” Ground started before the mindscape violently shook. Ice disappeared and Marina felt hands tearing at her limbs. He looked up at her before her vision went black.
I am not looking. Jack purposefully watched the upper body shrink and become more like that of a man. A large lump formed below its-his- chest. Making him look extremely pregnant.
Melody approached it with her shield at the ready. She pulled a hidden lever and blades popped out at its rim. Jack barely looked away in time, but couldn't help but cringe at the sound of tearing flesh.
“This is not good.” Melody said. Jack wandered away from the rescue group to where Klesmolv and the unconscious Ice were sitting.
“So, where are you from?” He asked cheerfully. I am going to be so busy tonight.
“Near Yekaterinburg, Russia,” he answered.
“Oh! Same country as Santa.” Jack lightly swung his staff and leaned against the tree. He glanced back at the others, and swiftly back to the Russian guy. “What's it like? I know it's cold, but how are the people?”
“Isolationist at best, wood chip at worst. Who is Santa?”
Jack sensed Pitch Black level of Emo from this guy. Not good.
“He’s a big guy who brings presents to kids every Christmas. He's a nice guy. You should meet him. Really fun to be around,” he offered.
Klesmolv looked at Jack like he was the weird one for knowing what it is. Sheesh, what a hard case. Maybe a magic snowball would- nope! Guy was blind. There went that option.
“Sheesh, are you sure you're from the same country as Nick?”
“It is very large country,” Klesmolv stated.
“Well I guess that's true. Hey how's it-” Jack caught a glimpse of Marina's mutilated body. “Ah, soooo… what do you like to do for fun?”
“Solve possibilities of interest.”
“What kind of possibilities would those be?”
“Oohhhhkay. Anything else?”
“Drag racing.”
“Cool. How do they usually go?”
“Go as long as possible until run out of gas or too many police show,” he shrugged.
“So it’s a regular race. Cool.”
“We got her!” Melody called. Jack risked another glance and saw with his relief that Marina was bound up in a sheet and the big guy had been put back together. No longer looking quite as pregnant.
Ice’s eyes slowly opened, then blinked a few times. She sat up and ignored Klesmolv’s attempts to help her.
“Alright we have to move.” Melody moved quickly, Wolverine right behind. Marina in his arms. Jack followed right after, as did everyone else. He spotted Starfire beside him, carrying the man over her shoulder like a sack of potatoes. Somehow, she looked furious and disturbed at the same time.  
“How are you doing?” Jack asked quietly.
“Bad,” she replied. “We will talk when I don't have to carry him,” she spat the last word.
Oh boy. Jack drifted towards Raven. “What’s going on with you?”
“I’m fine.” Raven replied nonchalantly.
“Okay.” Jack held his staff over his shoulder with one hand and put the other in his pocket. He cast a quick glance at the sun, which was obscured by the trees. They broke through the underbrush and onto the dimly lit path. Melody led them to the fork and took them to the safe house.
Phineas, Ferb, and Cyborg looked up as they came into the building. Jack waved at them as Melody crossed the room. Not too beat up. Nice. Jack gave Phineas a high five before sitting next to Ferb. Boy, what a long day. He closed his eyes and relaxed.
Klesmolv followed the redhead who was burdened with his subject into a side room filled with hammocks. She unceremoniously dumped him into one of the lower hammocks and stormed out. He walked over to the hammock and noted his condition. He was lightly bundled up in thin white sheets soaked with his blood. A particularly nasty set of gunshot wounds on his shoulder knitted themselves back up.
The palm leaves rustled and Melody came in, a cup of blood in her hands.
Peculiar, do they know that he can do that or are they just guessing? Klesmolv thought as he stood to the side. “What is that made of?”
“It's my blood, from the right side.” The Gorgon answered. “It has hyperactive healing abilities.”
If only I had my suitcase. He thought as the gorgon held Ground’s mouth open and tipped the cup. The blood flowed thickly and Ground choked a bit. He shifted uncomfortably, then began to cry out in pain. The wounds knitted up faster, leaving small indications that they were even there. He underwent many body wide muscular spasms as his healing was accelerated. Klesmolv lifted up the sheet to see that even the scales on Ground’s chest were receding.
Not only does it have healing properties, it is potent enough to counter that? Interesting. He thought as Ground fell limp. The fissure where the spliced, parasitic, scales met human flesh started to form blood blisters. They bursted and blood shot out of the many openings.
Melody brought out a cloth and quickly wiped it up. The cloth left no smudges. Melody straightened and waited. The spouts weakened then stopped completely. The arteries carrying the blood came to the surface by scale growth underneath them.
“Probability that this is an adverse reaction to the blood?” Klesmolv questioned.
“Or the the lizard reclaiming its property. That’s not good. I’m going to check on Marina.” She slipped off.
“Well that would be an adverse reaction,” he stated after she left. He felt around his torso until he found a familiar bump. He opened the small pocket and pulled out a scalpel.
“AND NO DISSECTION!!!!” Melody shouted.
“I am just removing the exposed arteries,” he stated as he preemptively touched the arm. The hand flexed but nothing above that. Good. He thought as he started on a thin artery on Ground’s pectoral. The blade went through easily and he placed the tissue onto the cloth. He repeated this process with additional looks at the vile hand to make sure that it wouldn’t kill him like all those other times. He got to the shoulder when the hand made a fist. Klesmolv stopped and watched expectantly. It opened and closed a few more times and Klesmolv took it as the chance to leave. He grabbed the material that he had removed and calmly walked out of the room.
He walked out of the hut a small ways, made a small hole with the heel of his shoe, and dropped the material inside. He covered that up with the displaced dirt and walked back inside.
No one spared a glance. Frost was still resting. Ice was explaining Ground to the redhead. The purple girl, cyborg, and the angel were talking softly among themselves. The brazilian was probably with her fallen friend, and Melody was in the large kitchen. Frying something.
“How do you feel about Tacos?” Melody asked.
“I’m fine for right now.” Not sure in a few hours however.
“I’ll make you some just in case. How do you like it? Extra lettuce? Olives? Tofu?”
“Anything else?”
“Alright. Tofu and lettuce it is then.” Melody pulled a square of Tofu out of her pocket and began slicing.
That can't be sanitary. He thought as he left to look for a sink.
Ground woke up with a grimace. His shoulder stung and he had a nasty case of heartburn. But besides that, he was missing the usual soreness that comes post possession. Strange. He heard faint conversations from somewhere nearby.
Maybe one of them can tell me what happened. He thought as he tried to move in an upright position. This caused the thing that was holding him to flip over and dump him onto the hard floor with a ungraceful thud. He groaned and pushed himself up off of the floor with his right hand. Aand I can't use it again. Great. He thought as he got on his knees.
The conversation in the next room stilled. He moved to a lunge when he heard people moving towards him. Hopefully these aren't tribals. He thought as he faced the doorway.
The palm fronds separated and a red headed girl in purple clothing looked down at him. Her clothes and especially her boots looked fairly modern. “Are you alright?” She asked. Her voice was sweet and ponderous.
Well she ain't tribal. “Somewhat. Bad case of heartburn though.”
“Oh. Like the kind Robin sometimes gets?” She offered her hand.
He took it. “Not sure who that is but probably.”
The girl had a surprisingly strong grip and hauled him to his feet with ease.
“Woah okay. Uh, you are?” he asked as his hand brushed the side of his thigh. And I’m not wearing pants. I’m fine with that. He thought as he readjusted so that his hand rested on his hip.
“Starfire. Ice told me you were Ground.” She deliberately focused on his eyes. “Are you...you?”
“Considerin I can't move my left hand now, yeah. Bastard always does that after I come to.”
She nodded innocently. “There's clothes under your hammock. Dinner’s finished. There are still some leftovers of you like.” With that she turned and left.
Clothes under- f*** they're covered in blood. Ground thought as he crouched down and pulled out the soaked garments. The looked like they were supposed to be white or light grey sweatpants and t shirt. He looked behind him and saw a thin sheet that wasn’t covered in as much blood. If he wanted to, he could tear off the bloodiest section and make a loin cloth out of it.
Or I can just ask for some new clothes. “Ay starfire?” Ground called. This better not be the only set they have.
“Do you have another set? I apparently bled all over this one.”
“Hang on. Melody!” Ground heard cloth thump and Starfire’s gloved hands stuck through the fronds. Holding a fresh set of clothes. He stood, wiped his hands on the sheet, and walked over to the entrance. He took them and walked back a step and a half. It was a white t shirt and very light grey sweatpants. He put them on, making sure to tuck in his shirt, and walked out of the room.
A girl in all black and a purple cloaked girl looked at him. As did two boys. One with red hair and a triangular head. The other with green hair, trousers pulled up to his chest, and a face that looked a bit like a fire hydrant.  
The redhead boy waved. “Hi! I’m Phineas, this is my brother Ferb.”
“My names Jack.” An icy blonde boy waved his hand tiredly. He sounded more awake than he looked. “Metal guy is Cyborg.”
“That's Raven.” Blue and black pointed at purple cloak.
“Hi.” She said monotonously.
“I’m Annilyse.” The black clothes girl said. Ground noticed a pink and purple stripe in her left bang, and a blue stripe in her right. “Melody’s in the kitchen.”
There was a collective hiss from the kitchen. Though that could have been a frying pan.
Ground spotted Molotov at a chess board, moving the pieces in tandem with his thoughts. Moving a bit too quickly to get out of the central gaze, he sat across from his friend.
The majority of the people went back to their business. A boy wearing a blue hoodie, however, got up came over to the chessboard. He had an easy demeanor and a bounce in his step. His Shepherd's staff balanced casually on his shoulder.
Why does he have one of those? Ground thought as he opted to stay quiet.
He must’ve caught where Ground was looking as he playfully swung his staff. A swath of intricate looking frost covered the floor. “Ah, I didn't introduce myself fully. My names Jack Frost. Guardian of fun. Ground, right?”
For some reason, the teen struck oddly with Ground. “What’s it to ya?”
“Well just about everyone is going to be asking your name at some point or another. Figured I’d better get mine outta the way before it's drowned out.”
“Hmph.” He rubbed his chest. Man, this hasn't dulled a bit. “Do you guys have anything for heartburn?”
“I’ll che-” a pill bottle hit Jack in the side of the head. “Yes we do.” He said as he effortlessly caught it and handed it over. His hands were freezing under Ground’s.
Knowing his weight, he took three. He crushed them on his molars so that the medicine could work faster. Relief came in small waves after a minute. He relaxed as the burning sensation ebbed away. Half of him wanted to know what was going on and what had happened, the other just wanted some food. The food wanting half won with a loud complaint from his stomach.
“Alright geeze,” he breathed as he got up and headed toward the kitchen.
“He’ll get it sorted out eventually.”
The kitchen was large and smelt like taco meat. Jo was leaning on some counters facing the other person in the room.
“Hey babe,” Ground greeted as he walked over to Jo.
“Hey stud,” she smiled and got off of the counter. “Want something to eat?”
He chuckled. “You know me too well, what is there anyway?”
“Plain hamburger meat, taco sauce, chicken, and tofu. Lettuce, tomatoes, olives, white onion, green onion, and sour cream. Condiments are a variety of sauces.” The girl said. Her black hood rippling oddly.
“Do you have any large tortillas?”
She pulled a box of them out of her pocket. It was so big she could barely
hold it in one hand. “There's a lot more where that came from but it's a good start just in case.”
He took them and put them under his arm.
He gave Jo’s hand a squeeze. “Help me with the meat?” He asked.
“Sure.” She went over to the cook and got a bowl of hamburger meat. They walked out of the kitchen together.
“Clean up any messes you make.” The cook called after them.
“Got it,” Ground called back.
The table was large enough to fit twelve people easily before feeling crowded. Two of each dish was laid out, and sauce packets were in little piles all around the table. The plates were all missing with the exception of one. He set the box down next to the lone plate and gathered toppings. Jo sat across from him.
“I swear if you're going to deep throat the burritos-”
“Only one of them!”
She stared at him.
“Aw cmon Jo.”
She continued to stare.
There was a loud thumping from one of the rooms nearby. Something splashed and a door creaked open. He turned to look at the source. A side door had opened. Revealing a young girl peering out. Blood running down her black and white hair. Her face, remarkably, was clean. Her neck was far better than it appeared in the dreamscape. She peered around before the goth rushed up with a set of clothing. She passed the clothes and shut the door in one fluid motion before pressing her back against it.
“Looks like she wasn't kiddin about the bath,” Ground noted.
“She looked like the Grudge,” Ice compared.
“I can see the resemblance.” He started making his first burrito.
It was only after his sixth burrito he thought to ask, “What happened after I went into the brush?”
He heard shuffling around in the background.
“Zolotoy went right and I continued ahead. He got himself captured and I made acquaintance with Annylise. He was brought out with Raven and the Frosty teen.”
Marina sat down at the table with a large plate of chicken. She started pouring the pieces into a taco shell and loading it up. Meanwhile the cook frowned at something exposed on her back. She wore dark shades and appeared to have dreads hanging just under her hood.
“Ana heard Marina over here start to have some trouble with the gecko so we joined up with them to take it down and you up again. We were joined by Melodi and her crew. She gave me an amulet that let me into your mindscape while the others blasted away at it. I'm not sure what happened after the first trap because that's when I got into your head. So, why are there metal spires and flesh cones in your head hon?”
“I don't know, it's just been like that for the past while. I was only made aware of that particular place recently.”
“Hey Ground? Do scales replace any flesh absorbed when you turn?” The cook asked. Looking at him with some concern.
“I'm not sure what you mean. It covers more area on me if that's what you were wonderin.”
“Well, I think I need a second opinion on this.” She waved her hand for him to look. Marina's eating slowed, but she kept her gaze determinedly on the wall opposite.
He followed her and noticed for the first time that Marina was wearing a scarlet dress, which tied in the back. Revealing the majority of her spine. Through the crossing cords he could see black veins surrounding her spine.
It looks awfully similar to the first month. “You sure that it isn't just some weird brusing?”
That's odd. It kinda looks like- He compared her back to his arm after he got the splice. The patterns were similar enough to warrant concern.
“That has never happened before. Course this is only what, the fourth or fifth time this happened outside? So there is room for weird s***,” Ground stated after turning to face the cook.
She put her hand on her chin. “So he’s taking her over.”
“That greedy-” Jo started.
“Now let's not jump to conclusions! It could just be a weird reaction that goes away soonish,” Ground defended. It has to be that. It would nice to not be alone but, no one should go through this s***.
“And if it doesn't? What do you recommend doing then?”
“Pick a false god and to pray to that that it doesn't have her. And or we both don't get possessed at the same time.”
A small smirk twitched the cooks lips. “That's mighty presumptive of you to call another's gods false.”
“They’re all just superficial constructs made by people of old to explain the world around them,” irritation started to creep in.
There was a hiss from under the cooks hood. One of her dreadlocks moved. The light shining off of what was supposed to be hair. “Clearly you were unaware that you were just speaking to Jack Frost. The boy that heralds winter.”
Are we seriously having this conversation already? Ground bristled at the thought. “Look-”
“Hmm. It's using your anger as a leeway. Marina be mindful of your emotions.”
“Yes Melody.” The teen sat up and stretched. “Are you guys done yet? I’m not comfortable being stared at.”
He leaned back on the table. “Yeah. Wait, be mindful of back scratches. If it is bein a greedy a**hole.”
“Alright.” She took her plate to the sink. “It's going to be fun watching you figure it out though.”
Melody joined her at the sink. After a few soft words Marina went to the living room. The girl took a sponge and began cleaning. Her hood still rippling like before.
Ground leaned over to Jo. “Ay, is it ripplin to you?” he whispered.
“Are we still drugged?”
“I don't think so.”
“Well s***. And I don't feel a breeze that could make it move like that.”
“Possible anomaly?”
“What the hell would that look like. Snakes?”
“You're on fire.” Melody replied. “I’m not from your dimension though. Keep going.”
The adults shared a look of “f***” before getting up. They walked together over to their last team member who was looking at the chess board with minor contempt.
“What's not computing Molotov?” Ground asked.
“How I don't have the time and the limited reports of others,” he replied.
“How do you not have the time?” He took the seat next to him and Jo sat on the other side of the board.
“Under review.”
“Apparently we got mugged along with being drugged,” Jo bitterly stated while resetting the board.
“That would explain why I don't have my- wait. Did anyone grab my shotgun?”
“Same boat.” Everyone in the room said in unison.
“Well f***.”
“Didn’t think to grab it,” Jo sighed.
“An’ I’m assumin that I can't go back to grab it. Great.”
“Well do you have any other weapons?” Marina asked. Sitting down next to her goth friend.
“Once its awake yeah. ‘Member the fire?”
“I think so. Whoever kidnapped us could have thought that counted so you might not have a gun at all.”
“No, I remember havin it.”
“Then you can go grab it in the morning.” The winged teen across the room yawned and stretched his wings. “Night all.” He headed into the room separated by palm fronds.
Wings aren't weird. He thought as he watched him go.
“I think I’ll follow Falcons example. Night.” Marina got up and headed out. She was soon followed by purple cloak, Starfire, Phineas, and Ferb.
Molotov’s head jerked slightly forward. He made a small coughing sound before sitting upright.
“When was the last time you slept doc?”
“Today was twenty first, correct?”
“No doc. You need to go to sleep. An’ just in case, because I know you, gimme your visor so you actually sleep with your eyes closed this time,” Ground held out his hand. The russian tensed in thought, then sighed and handed it over. He got up and walked over to the separating leaves. He walked with confidence into the wall next to it.
“It's to the left Doc!” Ground called.
He stuck his left arm out along the wall. He found the entrance and walked inside.
“Sooo…” Jack asked, still lounging with his head dropped behind the couch. “How are you holding up?”
“Good enough to not need sleep.”
“I’m fine,” Ice yawned. She got up from her chair and sat on Ground’s right side. He shifted so that she had more room.
“So how long have you been a reality bender?” Ground asked pointedly.
“A bit over three hundred years.” The teen shrugged, the frost on his shirt glittering as he did so.
Melody roped in Jack and Anilyse to help her with setting up the table. Once all was set in the modern European fashion, she put the divided meats and toppings on the table. Melody: evening meal is ready! The teenagers looked up and headed for the kitchen. Klesmolv and Ice followed slowly, sitting next to each other at the end closest to the living room. Jack simply went to the chess board game and watched the white Queen nag her King.
Melody noticed the adults position and placed a bowl of tofu in front of Klesmolv, then she took a seat at the middle of the table. She bowed her head and muttered softly in Ancient Greek while an amiable conversation started up between Raven and Anilyse.
0 notes
✩ STAR TREK DS9 SCENARIO: Odo x Reader ✩
{ Sometimes, I like to use this scenarios generator and so I got these, I put them together because it makes sense. Anyone can ask if you find some interesting scenario, it’s a good thing.
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PROMPTS: Odo and Reader go to a bar. Reader gets too drunk and Odo has to take them home + Reader is cornered by a bully, but Odo comes to the rescue.
❃  ODO  ❃
Odo wondered why he still was losing his precious time with you, sometimes he just did not understand your behaviour.
You were not a bad person, he would define you as reckless and irresponsible but not evil, maybe you did not know the definition of discipline or maybe you did not care about your health and you often got yourself in useless troubles. It seemed it was time for another trouble.
It was dark and Quark’s bar was quite empty but not totally empty because you were there, drunk and lost and you were not alone. Two ferocious Klingons surrounded you and they did not seem friendly, they were mad and hostile and you were even unable to be on your feet.
Liters of alcohol flowed in your veins but maybe it was not the worst thing.
You laughed and cried at the same time because you knew it was over and those Klingons were about to break your bones but you wanted to be positive and hope you could faint before feeling the pain. Dying in your sleep: it was the most positive thought you had.
“You dirty human, are you laughing at us or at your stupidity?” one Klingon said, getting closer to you, he grabbed you from the choker of your jacket, and he raised you as if you were a lightweight, as if you were made of air.
“He’s too drunk they can’t even move or stand. They have even drunk the last drop of honour they had.” The other Klingon said and he started laughing and the other Klingon followed his friend and both of them started laughing about your lost honour and your miserable state.
“Hey, what’s happening here? Shouldn’t Quark’s bar be closed at this hour?” an austere voice came from the dark and then even his possessor appeared out of nowhere. It was Odo, the security officer, the most serious, diligent and fascinating person you knew. He was your hero but he considered you as a bother since it was not the first time he came to rescue you. Or maybe you put yourself in troubles only to meet him, it was another reason but he never laughed at your joke and so you were afraid Odo could get mad at you even this time.
Then the Klingon went away because they did not want troubles with Odo and then he glanced at you, his expression severe and cold as always.
“Odo…Thank you…” you said and suddenly, you stopped laughing, an unexpressed feeling of sadness took possession of your body, “I’m sorry…” your voice sounded low and distant, Odo looked at you with eyes filled with concern, and he sighed.
“I accompany you in your quarters and then you go to sleep, are we clear?” Odo spoke with calm and he motioned to follow him and his voice was not angry, his expression was serious but not cold, not irritated and then you nodded and followed him to your quarters.
You felt truly guilty because he always came here to rescue you, this was his job but you felt so stupid, useless and inadequate, maybe you should stop living this way and take Odo as your role model.
Yes, you had to become like him so he could finally be proud of you and he would be proud of yourself as well.
“Odo…” you said and then he turned his head to you.
“Yes, Y/N?” he asked, nodding seriously.
“I thank you a lot…” you thanked him again, looking him in the eyes and you kept back your tears.
“You don’t need to thank me. My job in the station is to maintain order.” He talked, proudly.
“You’re always here to help me, I didn’t mean to cause you troubles or give you further job to do. I promise… I really promise that I’ll try to be better in the future.” You said, even if you were still teetering and you smelled of alcohol but it was a first step, you have never said something like this before.
“This is a great decision.” Odo said and the two of you came to your quarters.
“Can I ask you another favour?” you said and he nodded, “Probably tomorrow I won’t remember of my promise but I want you to remember me, be severe if it’s necessary. I really want to change for you and for myself.” You said and your cheeks became red but not for the alcohol because you only wanted to impress him but he just thought you found the determination you needed.
“Yes, I truly will recall you it, have a good night, Y/N.” he said and then he came back to his job.
“Thanks… Good night, Odo.” You answered smiling and running through your bathroom for vomiting because you needed to get rid of the alcohol in your body if you wanted to become a better person and have the energy to show to your role model that even you could be a responsible person when you wanted to be.
For him, just for him.
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