#he would also make a terrible harris hawk
crepusculum-rattus · 11 months
thinking abt 3rd life grian…. he would make a good harris hawk i think
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ganbaremidori · 1 year
cosmic feelings [iii] h.s
synopsis: after harry fell even deeper for the waitress he’s met only twice, he’s determined to get to know her better at another event, but something happens that changes both of their nights. [also might be shitty i havent rlly written for a while so sorry]
warnings: just a description of assault. 
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all this time, because this pretty, pretty waitress has been on his mind, harry had completely forgotten how boring these events were. god, he hopes whichever new up and coming business man there was, they’d never have to suffer through these fancy galas - unless of course, they fell in love with a waitress that works for one. then, harry thinks, then tolerating this ache would be justifiable. but when a particularly large group of men, all dressed in ridiculously expensive suits, walked past; all chuckling and no doubt talking crudely about the scarcely dressed women there - he was reminded of where he was, and how little he had spoken to his girl through the night. 
but he’s not complaining. my god, he’d never complain about this opportunity when less than two days ago, he thought he’d never see her again. but now, there she was, dressed in her waitress costume, buzzing around with trays serving everyone. 
his eyes constantly followed her figure around like a hawk, and at one point he worried that she’d notice him staring at her like a creep. so then he’d break his one-sided eye contact and take a sip of his drink. but less than 5 second later, he’d find himself searching for her again. oh how badly he wanted to scoop her up and tell her how he felt and never let her go. how badly he wanted to give her everything he has to offer, in the hopes that she’d let him stay by her side. 
he saw her disappear behind the bar for the nth time that night, and sighed. looks like he’s gonna have to wait for her to come back again. and then he decides: the next time she comes close to his table, he’s gonna make up some bullshit excuse to talk to her again. hell, he’d even stay in this stupid event until it ends so that he gets to properly introduce himself. except the opportunity never comes. usually from his observation his pretty little waitress would disappear behind the bar at most for 5 minutes, before she’d burst through the doors balancing new trays. but it’s been almost 15 minutes and she hasn’t come out. 
harry frowns. why hasn’t she come out yet? 
sighing and getting up, harry dusted off the invisible dust from his pristine trousers before deciding to go to the bathroom. instead of sulking like an old grump or being around these gaudy idiots, it’s better to spend time inside a bathroom until he comes out and finds y/n again. 
ah, y/n. such a pretty name. stunning, just like her. 
with a small smile at the thought of her, harry heads towards the bathroom. he’s near the mens when he first hears it. it sounds like a plea, a whine and then a lower, rougher voice saying ‘shut up’. he rolls his eyes. just another couple fighting in the hallways. but when he hears ‘please, please stop; i don’t want this’, he knows someone’s in trouble. and no matter how much of an asshole he is as a boss, he isn’t a terrible person - so like any other decent human being, he rushes to the source of the voices. 
he’s nearly brought to his knees with what he sees. his lovely y/n, pinned against the wall, with a balding man with a beer belly pressed against her body tightly - hands roaming, his face buried in her neck. y/ns sobbing and his hands drop lower, and harry hasn’t known a fury this hot. his anger burns through his body - tears it apart, and he doesn’t remember having any control over himself when he pulls the bastard away from the warmth of his heart and punches him in the face, his rings making a sickening but sweet crunch when it meets his nose. 
when the man falls to the floor clutching his nose, harry raises his foot up, and slams it down against the mans face - the glare of his expensive shoe against the shining of the mans wedding ring. harry thinks he’s gonna be sick; he’s absolutely disgusted. from the mans ruffled suit pocket, harrys eyes meet his card. works under the owner of the gala, some sort of a high end manager or summat. 
“you’re pathetic, honestly, y’know? forcing yourself onto women ‘cause you don’t get laid.” harry spits, pressing his shoe down harder. and then he crouches a little closer to the mans bloody face. “i’m gonna make sure you’re fucking jobless and out on the streets by this monday.”
harry’s about to raise his foot to hurt the man again when fingers wrap themselves around his biceps, and a soft voice calls, wet with tears:
“p- please, stop.” 
in an instant, harry backs away. and then he’s turning around and cursing himself for forgetting that his loves there in the heat of his anger. 
“are you okay? did he hurt you anywhere?” harry asks, forcing himself to keep his hands to himself. it’d probably freak the poor girl out even more if hes all over her. 
y/n shakes her head. “no, i’m fine. you got here before he could do anything, really. but thank you, so much. you saved me today.” 
with a gentle smile, harry shakes his head, his hickorey curls dancing atop. “men like him are disgusting and i’m so sorry you had to experience that. i know the owner of this place and i’m gonna make sure he never finds a job again.” 
y/n passes him a small smile. “thank you. but please don’t tell my boss about this. he’s gonna get really mad at me. and i cant afford that.” 
harry frowns. “if thats what you want. i wont take a name, but i dont really have to since i can have him fired anyways.”
with that, harry leads his love out of the hallway with a hand at the small of her back, with a growing satisfaction inside his chest - at being her savior. 
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what about cowboyrry post birth rambles? 🥺
I apologize in advance if I get off track I’ve got so many cowboyrry thoughts 😤
Okay once the baby is out he’s instantly caring for the both of them, if any family is there he is asking them if they can grab a drink or food for y/n while he stays with the baby and y/n (we really need a name for the little cowgirl 😢) and he’s sitting with y/n, pulling her hair back up since it fell out a little
And he’s holding her drink up to her mouth, kissing her head and praising her for doing such a good job and being such a good mommy
And once Edward comes to visit harry is being so protective but also understanding “you’ve gotta sit down if you wanna hold the baby, Eddie. And be careful with mama because she’s still really tired.” So Eddie is so gentle and sits next to y/n and gives her cheek a kiss before he sits there so steady and holds his baby sister :(((
And he’s so excited but doesn’t move an inch because he wants to be so careful
Harry is definitely the one to wake up in the middle of the night if she needs a diaper change or something
And when y/n is up nursing harry wakes up too, because he doesn’t think it’s fair that he gets to get a great nights rest but she has to wake up and feed the baby
And when she gets overwhelmed with breast feeding, clogged milk duct or something, or she just needs a break he sits with the kids, puts on a movie or reads to then so they will be calm while y/n is trying to relax
But I think that both harry and y/n’s family would be very willing to help out with the new baby
And since a lot of nights harry and y/n (and now the babies) go over to y/n’s family’s house for dinner (since they only live about a mile away from each other- their farms are sorta like right next to each other but they have huge yards for the farms and huge fields for crops) so sometimes after dinner they will take the baby or the kids will have sleepovers with their grandparents so harry and y/n can get alone time, or they can catch up on cleaning, laundry, anything like that
And if you think Harry’s family was excited about Edward (if you read the concept you know, if anyone wants me to link it lmk) just wait till they hear that they are having a second baby
Going all out again with the gender reveal, and so excited because Eddie is going to be a big brother and he gets to be there for y/n’s pregnancy
Always asking if she wants to go out with them and making plans for a spa day or get their nails done, anything to pamper the pregnant lady
And when Harry sees her getting ready to go out he’s like “I thought you were staying home today?”
“Sorry, babe :( you’re mom invited me out with the girls today. I’ll watch Edward tonight if you want to go out or have the guys over?”
And once they are home harry and Edward are sitting there watching the girls like a hawk
If y/n is on the couch trying to feed the baby Edward and Harry are sitting right next to them waiting to see if they need anything
But since I said she’d be a Christmas baby I think she would actually be pretty calm
Letting them get in last minute wrapping on Christmas Eve while she sleeps and she hardly ever gets fussy and she has a strict schedule for when she gets hungry and it’s always the same time
But since she’s such a good baby I definitely think once she’s in her terrible twos she gets really fussy, her terrible twos are exactly that
But even when she gets fussy and throws fits Harry never gets upset with her he’s just like “stop throwing the fits ms.grumpy, come sit in the barn with daddy so you can calm down.”
And when she takes a toy from Eddie or makes him upset in any way they don’t scold her or anything, they make her apologize and if she’s throwing a fit about apologizing they just sit with her until she calms down and waits for her to apologize about upsetting anyone or doing something she knows shes not supposed to do
But her terrible twos aren’t like her hitting Eddie and throwing big huge fits, breaking things, stuff like that, she’s not like Grey 😭
She’s more so just gets upset when she doesn’t get her way, has a hard time with manners kind of thing
And when she mouths off or gets grumpy face, bad attitude, anything like Harry or y/n just ask her if she can ask again but in a nice way or tell them why she’s upset before she gets grumpy and takes it out on them
But at the end of the day I think she’s so sweet and her and Eddie are best friends
Definitely sneaking into Eddie’s room once she’s old enough to do so, just because she missed him or she was scared
And she’s so cuddly and always follows harry and y/n around the house
Like her terrible twos are kind of bad but after that she’s the sweetest little thing
I definitely think her and Eddie are a lot alike
I still haven’t fully thought of her personality but I think she’s very shy around new people, grumpy when she’s tired, always has a little pout
And we need a name for her so badly 😭
Okay this was all over the place I’m so sorry
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murswrites · 4 years
Cheap Cigarettes ⎯ Thomas Shelby Drabble
Pairings: Thomas Shelby x Fem!Reader Fandom: Peaky Blinders MASTERLIST Word Count: 982 Warnings: Alcohol, smoking, cursing, mentions of smut SUMMARY: You’re the only one capable of ruffling Tommy Shelby’s feathers. Request from anon: Hello! For the music prompt "Kiwi" by Harry Styles Also, if I have to mention a character then Thomas Shelby. (edited)
A/N I wrote this in like half an hour and I love it??
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She worked her way through a cheap pack of cigarettes, hard liquor mixed with a bit of intellect
Thomas Shelby watched the woman with intent, he was intrigued to say the least. Her clothes didn’t look dirty enough to be from the black cobbled streets of Small Heath, but her eyes said she’s seen some things. Some sinister things, especially considering how much alcohol she downed in such a short amount of time.
Her cigarettes looked to be falling apart but she seemed to pay it no mind as she drank alone. A bubble of serenity seeming to surround the woman. John suggested that Tommy go over to her instead of watching like a hawk and despite not wanting to listen to his younger brother, Thomas was bored with their conversation.
Y/e/c eyes met his blue ones before he even said a word. Up close she looked even more tired, her eyes weren’t as shiny as Tommy expected them to be, and the lipstick on her lips was faded... worn. “What’s Tommy Shelby want with me?”
He hadn’t anticipated her knowing who he was, in fact, Tommy was sure he’d never seen the woman before in his life. “I’m curious,” He was well aware that the question he was about to ask could send him down the wrong path but he’s Thomas bloody Shelby, nothing bad could happen. “Are you a whore?”
She seemed to shift in her seat before a sour expression grew on her face as she scowled at Tommy, “No, I’m not a fuckin’ whore. If anyone is, it’s you.”
She's driving me crazy, but I'm into it, but I'm into it, I'm kind of into it
After their first meeting, it seemed Tommy couldn’t escape the woman. He suddenly saw her everywhere he went. The pub, the marketplace, hell, even the bloody library he saw her face. But it seemed every time he went to apologize she would disappear.
And it drove him absolutely mad. Tom wasn’t accustomed to not getting what he wanted... but the longer the chase went on, the more he found himself attracted to the idea of having to work for her attention.
When she's alone, she goes home to a cactus, in a black dress, she's such an actress
The last place he had expected to see her was the theatre. Ada forced the entire family to attend the play, going on about the main actress being someone ethereal.
As soon as Tommy saw her up on the stage, acting out a fake funeral, he knew he was done for. Something about the way the dark color looked on her skin made him question his very existence. 
Driving me crazy, but I'm into it, but I'm into it
Somehow, some bloody way Tommy managed to find her at the Garrison once more. She sat at the same barstool, smoking the same pack of cigarettes, drinking the same whiskey. The only difference was how she held herself. She seemed even more exhausted than their first meeting.
“If you’ve come to ask if I’m a whore, then leave me be.”
“Not here for that,” She seemed surprised by Tommy’s tone of voice, he sounded woeful, sad, pathetic. “I’ve actually come to apologize for that.”
Her eyes narrowed as she took a long drag from her cigarette. Tom couldn’t help but looked at the way her lips wrapped around the fragile filter before she pushed the smoke out through the corner of her lips. “Tom Shelby apologizing? Suppose I must be a bloody whore then if you’re sayin’ sorry for something.”
“Why would you be a whore?”
“You’re obviously apologizing for a terrible shagging.”
Thomas Shelby was in complete awe for what seemed the first time in his life, “I beg to disagree, you are a... thespian after all. I’m sure you could pretend to like me.”
“Make me.”
She sits beside me like a silhouette, hard candy dripping on me 'til my feet are wet
And make her, he did. It was a strange, erotic night of anger fueled passion. Tommy found it entertaining how she asked him to call her a whore again and again after her getting so pissed the first time. There wasn’t a moment when Tommy questioned her.
With each request, he happily obliged, admanent on proving that he could indeed shag well. Tommy didn’t want to admit it, but she truly bruised his ego and pride when she said he was bad at shagging... maybe that’s why he was so eager to please.     
And now she's all over me, it's like I paid for it, it's like I paid for it, I'm gonna pay for this
Tommy felt lost, in a constant daze. In between sleeping with Y/N and busting his balls for the family, he was losing track of time. Hours turned into days, days into weeks, weeks into months, into a year.
He felt himself becoming addicted to the taste of her lips, how sickly sweet they were. And how sinfully she used those lips... no longer did Thomas Shelby turn to opium and whiskey for release, he turned to the only woman he found himself trying to please constantly.
It's getting crazy, I think I'm losing it, I think I'm losing it oh, I think she said "I'm having your baby, it's none of your business"
It was shocking, truth be told, hearing that she was pregnant. Tommy—unlike his brother John—hadn’t knocked anyone up yet so when he heard the news during another drunken night, he was frozen. What does one do when they fuck up so monumentally?
Especially when the mother of his child was threatening to leave and never return. He had not a clue what to do... she fucked with his mind in the best (and worst) ways possible and he had no idea how to escape her clutches.     
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Uhm hey! I love me some Draco hehe... What about a slytherin reader that's deaf? Both of them knew each other already since she's from a rich pure blood family? And just Draco protecting her from mean people (even tho he is a bully) and just like their relationship throughout the years (without voldemort and those shenanigans pls... I want Draco to be a happy boi, also both of them have cheesy moments like every 5 seconds)
Cheesy and cute? UHM FUCK YEAH MY DUDE
Warnings: Swearing. Obviously.
You met Draco when you were nine.
Your parents introduced each other and Draco said something but you didn't respond to anything.
It confused the kid, why weren't you listening to him? At all?
"And this is Y/n. Our daughter... She's deaf." Your father finally said making it register.
Draco didn't know how to talk to you but you had this journal that you just whipped out.
"I can answer yes or no questions." You wrote down.
He nodded. Okay... "Have you enjoyed your time here?" He asked.
You gave a "meh" response.
"How can... How can you talk to me?" He asked.
You started writing again.
"I read lips." You wrote.
Draco could work with this.
So you two ended up talking all night and you had a ton of fun with him.
Your parents saw the excitement on your face after you left and set up more dinners with the Malfoys.
So Draco started learning sign language. He was able to learn that quick too.
The next time you came over Draco was able to sign his name, ask how you were doing, "slow down" and "I only know a little right now".
You and him became quick friends and Lucius was lowkey grateful to see his son open to up to someone who wasn't Crabbe and Goyle.
When you two were together you'd show visible happiness and your parents were psyched because you hadn't done that before.
They'd tell you "Hey we're going to the Malfoy's" and you'd smile.
Your next few birthdays were spent with them and Draco's were spent with you.
By the time Draco and you entered hogwarts Draco knew how to use sign language almost completely.
You were naturally nervous about going to a place with a LOT of people who most likely didn't know sign language. Draco kept close to you though.
Dumbledore did issue a warning about you that you were deaf so no one would just walk up to you and start talking and be offended by no response.
The sorting ceremony happened and you were sorted into Slytherin and Draco was naturally like "FUCK YEAH MY BEST FRIEND IS WITH ME!" And you were pretty psyched to be with him too.
However a lot of kids who knew Draco were surprised to see him use ASL and so quickly too.
You would sign back and everyone was literally the embodiment of the "???" Meme.
Students around you were confused on how this was a means of communication but went with it.
However there was the added challenge of the fucking passwords on the doors.
They had to basically assign a kid to always be with you so you could get back in to the common room.
Any guesses to who the kid was? If you said Draco then congratulations, buy yourself something pretty.
Draco was always with you and if he was for some reason unavailable, Snape actually would help out.
To everyone's surprise, Snape actually didn't hate your guts
He seemed to almost enjoy your presence and he knew sign language as well so if you needed something he understood.
Course, this gave Harry Potter the wrong idea about you at first.
He didn't get the memo apparently that you were deaf and he was alarmed that you got along with both Draco and Snape.
He watched your every move like a fucking hawk.
And then he saw Draco use sign language and uhm.
He felt fucking dumb.
Harry actually went off and learned it on his own time
Draco was sitting in the library and Harry asked if he could sit with you two.
In sign language.
This shocked both of you because Draco thought he was the only kid who could do that
You nodded and Harry told you he was trying to learn
So Draco and you became somewhat of a teacher for Harry
Hermione, to everyone's surprise, already knew sign language.
She has a deaf Aunt apparently.
Ron learned it too and suddenly all of the Weasley's were interested in learning.
Draco was excited to see you have a friend group.
Like yes: he loved being your friend. But he wanted the best for you and he wanted to see you interact with other people too.
Fred and George would never prank you because that's just a dick move, but my God did they go to you for advice and alibis.
You didn't mind it either
When you were all able to go to Hogsmeade, Harry wanted you to meet his Uncles
You were down but also worried that they wouldn't know sign language
But apparently Harry had wrote to them like "Hey uhm guys, I met someone cool but they're deaf, can you learn sign language"
James already knew how to do it because Sirius's go to excuse was "You're deaf and I'm blind" when he did something... Not so legal
Sirius learned it from Remus
Remus learned it before becoming a substitute for Quirrell just in case
Lily learned it because she wanted to know
Peter also learned it from Remus
When a group of adults other than the Malfoys and your parents started talking to you in sign language you actually cried
Draco was panicked and they were all worried until you signed "No one except Draco has cared this much before"
James is literally "I just met Y/n five minutes ago but if something happened to her I'd kill everyone in the room and then myself"
You loved hanging out with these adults and when they invited you for Christmas your literal response was "Only if Draco comes with"
So there you were at the Potter house, Draco next to you the whole time
He loved seeing you happy oh my God
He'd see your smile and it'd make his whole week.
You'd go to bed and sometimes Draco would stay up downstairs and read
Sirius talked to him one night though
"So. How long have you loved her?" Sirius asked.
Draco looked up from his book.
"...What?" He asked.
"How long have you loved Y/n?" Sirius asked.
"How did... You know?" Draco asked.
"Because James looks at Lily the same way you look at Y/n." Sirius told him.
So Draco vented a little bit and Sirius basically told him "Draco. Boy. Just GO FOR IT."
When you all went back to school you had your first wonderful experience with bullies
They tried to fuck with you
Bad choice.
Terrible choice really.
Ron nearly killed them, along with Draco
Fred and George pranked them later with some... Explosives?
Harry jinxed them
Hermione just did the normal thing and REPORTED THEM.
You almost felt bad for those two guys.
You felt glad though that you had this group of people who would go to the moon and back for you
Your parents suddenly had a very crowded house during the summer
But they didn't mind because they all made you happy.
Draco and you would take these walks in the garden though.
It'd just be you and him.
The whole group kind of shipped it and wanted you two to have some alone time.
Draco would talk to you and you'd smile and laugh at some of the things he'd say.
He seemed very happy with you.
Draco would have small moments with you where you'd be cold and he'd lend you his jacket or keep an arm around you.
Fred and George became DETERMINED to get you two together
When the Triwizard tournament happened Draco signed up as a "Meh. Why not"
And got selected...
He was wanting to die internally the whole time he was with the other champions
He was so used to being around you that he would sign when he spoke verbally.
Viktor and Fleur were very confused until they met you.
One day they strolled over to say good luck and there you were, signing.
Then it made sense like "OOOHH HIS GIRLFRIEND IS DEAF"
And the group had to correct them "No no, just friends... For now" "Wait what--" "Shhh Draco, look at the pretty girl"
Then came the first trial with a dragon.
That's the first time the group had heard Draco scream... Like a little girl.
You were on the edge of your seat, very worried though
When he managed to get the egg you were relieved.
He ran into the tent and literally collapsed.
The boy was COVERED in soot and dirt but you didn't care.
You hugged him and he was panting because he just ran a God damn marathon running from the dragon.
But you looked at him and he looked at you and... Well you kissed
Rita Skeeter ate it up and published an article and Draco nearly killed the woman.
She made it sound like he was with you because you were deaf and he pitied you
Like no. That shit does not fly with Draco
Guess what: his father did hear about that
You didn't care though, you now had Draco
He'd always be showing you some sort of affection, playing with your hair while he read, sleeping in the common room with you on his chest
Because you couldn't speak, he would write you little poems and you loved them.
Fun fact: Draco is actually really good at putting up hair.
Whenever you needed to have your hair up for something Draco was the one that did it.
He always had scrunchies on hand and if he noticed your hair bothering you in class, he literally does not care who's watching he'd pull it back and just do it then and there.
Well one day Mcgonagall walked up to you while you were with Fred and George and asked for your assistance
She basically told you that you were needed for Draco's challenge
And so Draco was very confused when you weren't there.
"Where's Y/n?" He asked.
"Mcgonagall said she needed her for something, we haven't seen her since." George answered.
Draco's heart DROPPED.
The second that that shot went off he had no hesitation jumping in.
He was the first one out of the water with you.
He was PISSED that they would do that to a student they knew was deaf
You assured him though you knew what you were getting into when you agreed to help them though and he calmed down a little.
Draco did not let you go though, he kept a arm around you the entire time he was out of the water.
He was scattering kisses across your face apologizing over and over again and you kept signing "Draco I'm okay"
Then Fleur came up empty handed and you were looking at the lake like "DRACO. BABE. DO SOMETHING. PLEASE."
And because Draco would literally go to hell and back for you he jumped right back in.
He came back up with the kid and you were so happy that he did that and almost tackled him right back into the water.
He was smiling and holding you close.
Warming up in the Slytherin common room with cocoa and talking to the group
Slytherins watching you all like "Gryffindors aren't supposed to be in here--" and then all of you plotting their deaths in your heads.
Slytherin just becoming used to them being there.
Try saying no to you. Like truly. Do you want to be that asshole?
Draco asking you to the Yule during the dance course
You nodding enthusiastically and making him laugh before pressing a kiss to your forehead.
Him seeing you and nearly dropping to the ground.
Him enthusiastically signing "YOU'RE BEAUTIFUL"
Your smile not leaving you the entire night
Draco signing "I love you" for the first time
You signing "I love you" back.
Draco going into his last trial and literally screaming like a little girl when that maze seemed to reach out and almost grab him.
Draco running and somehow finding the cup and winning.
You kissed him of course because CELEBRATION BIATCH
Slytherin celebrating but you and Draco slipping away and celebrating with the group instead.
Draco giving the money to Fred and George because he literally does not need more money.
Now that a bigger group knew sign language you were able to take other classes that wasn't limited to what Draco could do
Most of your classes were still with him though but you did enjoy herbology
You were literally the only student who didn't need ear muffs during the Mandrake lesson.
You actually loved herbology
You met your friend Neville there.
And then you met Luna
Both of which already knew sign language.
They were your buddies and you loved being around them
Your final year was approaching and you were taking an extra class but no one knew what for
You wouldn't tell the group, all they knew is that Dumbledore and Mcgonagall were both in on this.
Then there was one morning where the group was eating breakfast.
"Hi." You yawned and everyone didn't think anything of it until they realized.
You just spoke. Like... Verbally.
Everyone lost their shit and found out your were doing speech therapy.
You were a little insecure about your voice but Draco thought it was ADORABLE.
Your last year approached and while you rarely spoke it was still nice to see that you were doing things outside your comfort zone.
So graduation happened and Draco was talking about the future and something very unexpected happened.
You were watching this boy sign enthusiastically about how he loved you to James and the marauders and you just..
"Draco will you marry me?" You asked.
Everyone looked at you surprised and Draco smiled.
He said yes of course and so you got married
You, Fred and George all worked together.
You made their potions and grew whatever herbs they needed
Draco became a healer (I am absolutely convinced he does this after graduation) and starts a push for more accessible options for possible deaf students at hogwarts
You guys have a kid, Scorpius who is fluent in sign language (he's not deaf though)
James is the babysitter. You don't even have to pay the man
Just call him "Hey James we need you to watch our kid"
And he'll show up like "My daughter has called me"
Fred and George love seeing you happy when you work at the shop
Draco will occasionally pop in for a visit during the summer and he'll help out too.
You may have had a couple of mandrake accidents.
You kind of forget that the plants make noise and when you move the baby plants it knocks people out.
But it's okay because you never forget with the adult mandrakes for some reason.
Neville and Luna some times help out with you and you all have fun
Neville always faints for some reason.
"Didn't I give him ear muffs?" "He just fainted." "Again?"
You love to just look at your family when they're over.
Draco, Scorpius, Harry, Ron, Hermione, Fred, George, James, Lily, Lucius, Narcissa, your mom, your dad, Luna, Neville, Molly, Arthur, Remus, Sirius, Peter... All of them... You loved the crap out of all of these idiots
Yes. They're idiots
But they're your idiots.
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Where do we go from here?
Chapter 11 on ao3
Chapter 11: A peaceful Christmas
George was eventually let out of hospital on Christmas Eve, he wanted to go back to his small flat above the shop but had been overruled decisively by the rest of his family. He grumbled a bit about this but knowing how stupid and stubborn he had been he reluctantly agreed. He was more annoyed about the healers ordering him not to work, and having to leave running the shop to Ron and Percy at the busiest time of the year.
 Individually he knew both were more than capable, but they could be a little inflammatory towards each other when forced to work together. He desperately hoped the spirit of Christmas would keep them civil, and find a way to work together without him being there to manage the pair of them. Bill, Charlie, Ginny, and Harry had also offered to help out, it warmed his heart at how much his family was there for him, and made the empty space inside him feel a little smaller. He just wished he could have convinced his mother to let him at least be at the shop, but she had insisted on following the healer’s instructions.
Today had the potential to be the busiest day of the year for the business, and he wasn’t going to be there. They had done well with sales last Christmas but the atmosphere has been tense if nothing else, with customers in a rush to get a few things and get home as quickly as possible. But he would not be there to witness how different it would be this year. He  had to stay at the Burrow with his mother watching him like a hawk, and without his girlfriend.
“How am I ever going to see you now?” He complained to her as she helped him settle back into his old room. “I'll be surprised if mum even lets me go to the paddock without an escort.” He knew he sounded a little whiny but couldn’t help himself.
“You are telling me the legendary George Weasley can’t find a way to see his girlfriend whenever he wants?” She was arranging his toiletries on top of his chest of drawers and not looking, she glanced over her shoulder at him when he didn’t immediately respond.
“Not if the unstoppable force of his mother has anything to do with it.” He grumbled, setting the picture of him and Fred the day they opened the shop on the little table beside his bed sliding a finger across the glass. 
“And when has that ever stopped you before?” She told him making it sound like a challenge, he managed a weak chuckle. 
“And your father says I’m the bad influence.” She walked over to where he was standing with his hands in his pockets, and snaked her arms around his waist kissing him gently. 
“That’s when he thought the only reason I ended up in detention was because of you and Fred.” He loved the way she did not avoid his twin’s name around him, as so many others did. It was impossible for him to talk about his life without mentioning Fred. “Dad has liked you for a while now. Especially when I told him how many times you kept me from trouble.” 
“Well that’s good to know.” He smiled and kissed her softly. “I am sure we can figure it out. Now that we both know how we feel I don’t want to be apart from you any more than I have to.” He glanced at the bed then back at her. “When do you have to be at Holyhead?”
“I should be there already, but my boss told me to come a bit later so it’s ok.” 
“No it’s not.” He said firmly. “I won’t have you jeopardise your opportunity just because of my foolish behaviour.” He could not quite believe how much she was willing to compromise for him, but he was not going to create any more obstacles for her. “I promise I am not going to keel over as soon as you leave my side.” He took her hand and marched them back down the stairs. She turned to him when they stopped in front of the fireplace and placed her palm against his cheek. 
“You were, and still are grieving. We can all do foolish things when we are. I will come spend some time with you tomorrow evening I promise. Have a great Christmas, enjoy the time with your family.” They kissed again a longer deeper kiss, George loved the feel of her fingers tangling in his hair. He grabbed a handful of her ample behind and she squealed as he squeezed it pulling her in closer. 
“You could bring your dad here, you know mum wouldn’t mind, there will be plenty to go around?” He offered but she shook her head. 
“I know, and thanks, but we like it to be just us at Christmas. It’s something special we do for each other.” He nodded his understanding and she kissed him goodbye.
Molly found him still standing there and handed him a cup of tea. He tried to smile for her, she was hurting for him as much as for herself and he did feel terribly guilty about that, when he wasn’t annoyed at her hovering. She rubbed his arm.
“She is a lovely girl, I hope you are doing right by her.” 
“Of course mum. I love her.” Molly’s eyes sparkled with the unshed tears, but this time they seemed to be from happiness.
“It is truly wonderful for me to see my children have partners to share their lives with.” He considered his mother’s words and took a chance.
“So you are not going to scream at me if I stay over at her place when she’s home?” She crossed her arms and looked a little uncomfortable when she replied.
“George, as much as I would like certain ways to stay the same I know the world is changing. You are a grown man with your own business, your own life away from here. I cannot say I approve, but I can perhaps learn to accept, just promise me you tell me when you plan on not coming home so I don’t have to worry.”
“I promise mum,” he said bending over to give her a hug and feeling a little better about being back under his mother’s wing.
 Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes was absolutely crammed with people looking for last minute presents. It had been the same pretty much all week, but this was now the last day they would be open, Christmas eve and the feeling of panic had intensified. While George was under strict instructions to rest up and stay away, it was all hands on deck for the rest of them. As Ginny looked around the shop she realised there was probably more help than was actually needed, but everyone had felt like they had let George down and were determined to do this for him. 
Fleur had initially been on the till, but when a stream of adolescent boys had crowded around it, buying random products just so they could talk to her, making wild claims to impress her. Percy had decided it was not morally fair, and she had been given the task of cooking up some skiving snack boxes instead. Bill had then taken over the till, until his scarred face had frightened a small child, the parent of whom had apologised so much Bill had wanted to leave in embarrassment. They had both decided to go not long after that, Fleur promising to make more of the snack boxes at home and bring them over later. 
Now Ginny was on the till and she was enjoying being part of the team. Ron and Percy were rushing around restocking shelves and helping customers. Charlie was doing his best to help out where he was directed. When lunchtime came and went she realised she was starving and her feet were starting to ache. Hermione watched her bend over to rub her ankle and took pity on her, the girls shared a smile at the sight of Charlie surrounded by a group of giggling thirteen year olds, flirting with him outrageously, and asking about the love potions. Charlie seemed to take it all in his stride and dealt with all the attention with polite responses.
“Go and take your time with lunch, we’ve got more than enough people,” Hermione told her quietly during a break in the que. “Harry is still hiding in the stock room so you will probably have to remind him what time it is.”
“He won’t want to go anywhere busy.” She said with a slight sigh. Whenever the two of them went out together in the wizarding world they would always get quite a bit of attention. Harry always got the attention whether or not she was with him, but at least it had reduced to people staring more than everyone appearing to shake his hand and tell him well done. Those were the kind of days that had made Harry want to wear his cloak or not go anywhere at all.
There had been quite a crowd when they’d first opened that morning, and word had quickly spread that the golden trio were all working in the shop, but many of the visitors had not been interested in buying anything so they had been gently told to leave if they were just going to stand and stare. Harry had retreated to the stock room after that, and Hermione had spent most of the day in the office with the accounts, the only person both Percy and Ron agreed could do as good a job as Percy himself. 
She wondered where they could go for lunch without attracting attention. Harry had always been more comfortable out and about in the muggle world, and Ginny was slowly becoming more used to it herself. It tended to be where they went when out together.
“Then take him somewhere quiet.” Hermione told her in exasperation. “And don’t worry about hurrying back you two are the last to eat.” She quickly wrote down an address on a piece of paper. “Tell him to take you here. It's a little place that I think he’ll love.” Ginny looked at the address.
“A music shop?”
“It has a little café next door that's never overly busy. Go and have fun, I think Harry could do with some normal.” Ginny squeezed her hand gratefully.
“Ok but if you need us…”
“I know, but I honestly think we can handle it. Just be back before closing so we can all go to the Burrow together.” Ginny nodded her agreement as she left her friend to find Harry and take him out for lunch. 
 The music shop was colourful and loud as they approached, walking hand in hand. It had not been too far to walk from the leaky caldron, and it had been pleasant to spend time walking with each other despite the cold. Harry had kept his beanie hat pulled low over his forehead and his scarf wound around his mouth so all Ginny, or anyone else, could see were his glasses and nose. Ginny was wrapped up against the cold too, the sky was going from a pale to ever increasing darker grey, with a cold nip in the wind.
Stepping into the music shop was a welcome relief from the cold. It was true that it didn’t seem to be busy. Most of the muggle Christmas shoppers were concentrating on the main shopping centres so they could stay out of the elements, these tiny little back street vendors were a welcome haven from the chaos. She knew Harry would love to spend some time looking through the records, but the café beside was warm and inviting. It had a swept wooden floor and comfortable looking booths upholstered in grey wipeable fabric. There was a small bookshelf at one side of the room full of well thumbed novels. A little hand written card above said take on leave one. The air was thick with the aroma of coffee and warm bread.  
“I can see why Hermione likes this place so much.” Harry said pulling off his hat and ruffling his hair before unwinding the scarf from his neck and approaching the counter. There was a hum of voices as several of the booths were occupied, and the music from next door was drifting into here too. Removing her own hat and scarf she hung back slightly, reaching for Harry’s hand, still a little unsure in such places. The options for drinks alone were baffling, she never usually drank anything other than tea, and she didn’t want to ask what a Panini was in case they realised she had no clue. Harry sensed her nervousness and squeezed her hand before putting a reassuring arm around her waist. 
“Do you want a hot sandwich or cold?” He asked her as the girl behind the counter smiled politely waiting for their order. “A pot of breakfast tea and a cappuccino.” He told her while they decided on food. 
“I don’t know, hot?” She murmured to him. 
“It’s okay, it’s not a test.” He chuckled at her, “go find a place to sit and I’ll order for us if you are okay with that?” She nodded, happy for once to let him take charge. She found an unoccupied booth by the window and slid into it. 
He smiled as he joined her at the table carrying a tray. “They even use loose leaf tea.” He exclaimed, taking the pot and sliding it to her along with a large teacup and tiny jug of milk, before taking the round cup of chocolate dusted foam for himself. Once she had poured herself a generous cup full she wrapped her hands around the bowl of it warming her chilled fingers. 
“When I considered ways I could get you alone again, this was not quite what I had planned,” she told him, she hoped he would mistake the flush in her cheeks to the cold outside.
“It’s not quite been the time together I had hoped for either.” He replied sympathetically. “I offered to look after Teddy tonight but Andromeda wants him with her, which is understandable. I really think it’s going to be hard for her tomorrow, much more than she would ever let me see.”
“Mum invited them to ours for Christmas dinner, they are coming aren’t they?”
“Yes they are. I couldn’t let them be alone at Christmas, and your mum feels the same.” He smiled that happy little smile he got when he thought about his godson. “He has grown so much already. I hope Andromeda doesn’t get mad at me for buying him so many presents, but I just couldn’t resist.” He looked genuinely worried about upsetting her.
“I am sure she’ll understand, it is his first Christmas after all.” She understood completely why he wanted to spoil his godson, he was determined to give the little boy everything he never had as a child. “What did you get for Kreacher?” 
“Some new pillowcases and bedding. Now that the ministry is repurposing Grimmauld Place as Auror trainee lodgings, Kreacher doesn't seem to be so attached to the old place anymore, he wants to look after me at the flat, he is very protective over me now.”
“Well of course he would be, you avenged the death of Regulus, and you have been very kind to him. I think it would make me happy to know you’re being fed properly. I remember how he kept bringing you sandwiches and watching you eat them, before we left Hogwarts.”
“Hey! I can cook for myself now.” He said in mild indignation. “Your mum’s been teaching me.”
“Then how come every time I stay at yours we have a takeaway or eat downstairs?” She replied, quirking an eyebrow at him. He put his hands up and shrugged.
“Okay so I can’t cook well enough to let others consume it, apart from Ron.” He conceded. “And you haven’t stayed that often. Not as often as I would like.” His eyes darkened as he looked at her and she felt that familiar swoop in her stomach. She squashed her rising want for now, something she had been forcing herself to do more often lately. There had been one embarrassing incident at St Mungo's where they’d almost been caught by a porter. Luckily they had still had all their clothes on when they had walked in on them, Ginny had blushed as red as Harry’s jumper that day.  They had both been behaving so inappropriately that she had not allowed herself to even kiss him at the hospital since. 
“Mum’s been so ill with worrying about George, the last thing I want to do right now is stir up more trouble. You are staying at the Burrow tonight?” He nodded slowly as she already knew this. 
“Then all you and Hermione have to do is swap rooms and we can all be happy.” She grinned into her teacup.
“Gin, that sounds perfect but there is some kind of spell on your stairs I’ve never made it to your room any time I’ve tried.” He looked truly puzzled as he remembered past experiences.
“I asked George about that.” She went on to explain further as he looked up a little horrified. “In a roundabout way so he didn’t know what I was actually asking about. And he said it works in a similar way to apparating, it is all about the intention.” He still looked a little unsure, “When you leave Ron’s room, it is with the sole intention to visit Hermione, think of a question to ask her or something. Nothing remotely sexual or inappropriate towards me,” He nodded his understanding, a leering grin creeping onto his face. 
“All my thoughts about you are inappropriate right now, especially since you banned me from touching you at the hospital.” She felt her skin catch fire again under his intense gaze and wanted to dive across the table and snog him silly, but the waitress turned up with their food and killed the moment slightly.
She looked down at her plate that held what looked like a squashed toasted baguette. “Mozzarella, tomato and basil Panini.” He explained. “Or mine is cheese and ham if you prefer?” She took a tentative bite of the hot, crispy, and gooey sandwich and could not stop a satisfied moan of pleasure. “That good eh?” He chuckled, his eyes still hungry for her. She pulled a stringy piece of cheese from the edge and popped it in her mouth. 
“We have to teach Kreacher how to make these so we can have them at school. This is the sort of thing that should be taught in muggle studies.”
“Sandwich making?” He snorted.
“No, prat! Shopping, muggle money, food shops and cafes. Instead of how muggles manage without magic, it should be teaching us how we can interact with their world.”
“You make a good point.” He said his eyes were bright with the idea. “You should write it down and submit it.”
“Me?” She squealed in disbelief.
“Why not? It is your idea. I could tell Kingsley about it but education is left to the head of Hogwarts, as it should be.”
“You want me to submit a change of curriculum to McGonagall? While I’m still at school?” she could not quite believe what he was suggesting.
“There is no better time, you’ll be too busy with your own career when you leave. There are so many other projects and ideas I wanted to have an input in before I started my Auror training, I’ve had to let others take them over.” She knew he was talking about all the misplaced and still missing muggle born witches and wizards, he had wanted to help but Kingsley had assembled a task force and they were making good progress. Harry had played a big part in helping them by providing them with his family’s home to set up as a shelter.
They finished their meal without much more conversation, she glanced out the window and noticed the weather turning for the worse, as icy rain was falling heavily. She doubted there would be many more people venturing out in this weather so felt no need to rush back. This was the first time she and Harry had been together away from her family since George had gone into hospital. She had needed Harry’s support, his strength, he had been there for her. She had been so angry at George, so angry at everyone else for not looking out for him better. She had wanted to give Ron both barrels until Harry had stopped her, seeing what she couldn’t, that he was already broken by what he had discovered. She had forced herself to calm down, Harry had shown her she had to. It was not fair to blame them, she had been just as blind. 
Ron had pulled himself together quicker than she thought she could have, but then again, it was not the first time her brother had to recover from a traumatic experience. The family were making quite a habit of it. Knowing that George was going to be okay, that he wasn’t going to continue trying to carry on without the support he needed, had surely helped them all.
“I don’t think they’re going to miss us at the shop, they’ll probably end up closing early if this weather keeps up.” She told him, looking out the slightly steamed up window.
“It’s Christmas Eve Gin, no shops close early. There will still be some fools leaving it to the last hour of the last day to buy their gifts. Regardless of the weather.” He sounded mildly irritated by the idea of leaving something to the last possible chance. She considered for a moment what he had bought her, it would be something thoughtful, and more than likely useful.
“It doesn’t matter anyway as Hermione said we don’t have to go back until they are heading to the burrow, so we have a few more hours before then, and I certainly don’t want to spend them in a café.” She told him, he grinned wickedly back at her.
“Well what are we still doing here then?”
                    As soon as they found an empty side street Harry took her hand and apparated them straight to his bedroom. She laughed deep and throaty as he started to unwind her scarf and kiss the revealed skin of her neck. She pulled his beanie hat off his head so she could grab onto his hair, the ends that had peaked out of his hat still damp from the rain.
                  “Oh Ginny,” He mumbled into her ear as he bit it gently. “I will worship you until the day I die, and beyond.” She could only hum her pleasure in response as his hands had managed to find their way into her coat and under her jumper, making her skin shiver where his cold hands touched. Her hands worked furiously to relieve him of his own clothes until he was standing in just his faded jeans and boots. It was his turn to shiver as she slid her hands across his chest and gently scratched her nails down his back, the moan that escaped him as she did this was truly delicious, and she felt her body respond in kind. He swore in frustration as he struggled to remove her jumper. He had lifted it above her head but somehow the wool tangled in her hair clip trapping her arms and obscuring her face. She could not stop the giggles that erupted from her at the ridiculousness of it, she laughed even more as his frustrated swearing intensified. He growled at her and pulled the neck of the jumper just enough to reveal her grinning mouth and bit her bottom lip gently. 
               ��  “You think it’s so funny perhaps I will leave you like this.”
                  “Just rip the damn thing if it’s stuck.”
                  “Really?” his voice sounded very deep, and rough, she could not see him but she knew his lips would be curling up in just a slight hint of a smile. There was definitely no longer any hint of frustration in his voice. “I quite like the idea of keeping you all tied up.”
“Please, just rip it off.” She told him trying not to let the panic that was building up in her show. She tried to wriggle herself out of the fabric but the damp weather had made the fabric stiff and inflexible. “I don’t think I like this Harry.” She said with a nervous laugh, without another word said she was free from the claustrophobic feelings, and her jumper now lay in shreds at her feet.
                  “I’m sorry Gin,” he said, “I was trying to think of a spell without hurting you.” His eyes were full of concern for her as he guided her to the bed where they could both sit down, she rubbed the feeling back into her arms and tried to bring her breathing back down to normal.
                  “That’s alright, I thought I could handle it, then it felt a little too much like being restrained.” She did not want to tell him exactly what it reminded her of, not right now anyway, the passion that had brought them straight to his bedroom had been diluted somewhat but she did not want to kill it completely.  She leaned towards him, deliberately brushing her chest against his arm as she kissed him, his arms wrapped around her as he responded pushing them down onto the bed. “Now where were we?” His hand slid under her bra and she pulled away despite herself at the chill in his fingers. 
                  “Why don’t we warm up in the bath together?” He suggested noticing the goosebumps and her shivering. She smiled and nodded remembering how large the bath was.
                    Ron gave the two of them quite a glare when they got back to the joke shop considerably later that afternoon. The rest of them were just finishing up putting preserving charms on all the perishable products and counting up the takings to take over to Gringotts. Percy walked out from the office a clipboard and quill in hand.
                  “Well I think we are in pretty good shape. Good job everyone excellent work today. I think all that’s left to do now is go home and enjoy Christmas.” Ron gave him a meaningful glance and nodded his head towards herself and Harry.
                  “What about these two? They’ve managed to skive off the whole afternoon.” Ron said, sounding extremely disgruntled.
                  “Relax Ron.” Ginny said, giving him an overly sweet smile. “Hermione said we were not needed so we went and had a lovely relaxed lunch.”
                  “Why is your hair wet?” Percy asked suspiciously, his eyes squinting at them.
                  “It’s raining.” Was her quick reply.
                  “Why are you wearing one of Harry’s old Christmas jumpers?” Charlie asked, with a glint in his eye. 
                  “Because my jumper got snagged and ripped so Harry kindly let me have this one.” She crossed her arms angrily noticing their sidelong looks at each other. “Stop it, stop interrogating me please. Do I ask you a million questions every time you spend time with your girlfriends?”
                  “What did your jumper get snagged on?” Charlie smirked. Harry, who had remained quiet as she had answered her brother's questions, looked a little uncomfortably at Charlie’s rather large and scarred arms, but he didn’t back down at the glares, instead he wrapped a protective arm around her waist. 
                  “I don’t think this treatment is very fair.” He told them. “I’ve hardly seen Ginny since she’s been back at Hogwarts. I don’t think it is right that you all force her to defend her actions, but if it was one of your brothers not your sister would you be asking?” His voice was very steady as he spoke to them. “We are a couple now, we are going to stay together, and the sooner you all get used to that the better. I have done enough of hiding how I feel for this witch, I love her, there is nothing more to be said. So why don’t we just lock up and go home.” Charlie raised his hands in surrender to his heated words but it was Ron who spoke.
                  “It’s not like that at all mate. I’m happy for you two, you know I am, and I‘m really trying not to be so protective, but it’s not exactly something any of us can switch off. I was just annoyed at Ginny for getting out of the work, nothing to do with the two of you. Not that I speak for anyone else” Harry looked to Charlie who nodded and gave a little shrug.
                  “I think only someone exceptionally brave could take on someone like our sister, and since I have never met anyone as brave as you nobody else would stand a chance.”
                  “Well I am glad you can see that.” She said dryly. “What about you Percy?” somehow she thought Percy was going to be the one to mention her age, how young they both were to be making such big decisions.
                  “Harry is part of the family.” He said like it was the most obvious thing in the world, she beamed at her brother, his simple acceptance meaning more to her than she ever thought it would. Just like that three of her brothers had acknowledged and accepted her relationship with Harry. “Now come on everyone or mum is going to worry.”
                   Ginny’s memories of the first Christmas after the war would be forever filled with the warmth of being with family and friends. The true and unshakeable peace of finally feeling that her family was safe from danger, she loved them all dearly, and Christmas had always been her favourite time of year. Fred, Remus, and Tonks were not with them in body but remembering them made her feel they were with them in spirit. She didn’t go with Harry to visit his parents' graves, although she had offered. He had left very early Christmas morning, while the house was still quiet, and nobody noticed him leaving her room telling her to go back to sleep. 
The joy of watching baby Teddy eating his Christmas dinner and getting as much of it in his hair as in his mouth was undeniable. But the most enduring memory of that Christmas came a few days later when Angelina took her to Holyhead.
 Ginny desperately wanted to keep her cool as they walked into the iconic Harpies stadium but knew she was going to fail miserably. She giggled despite herself as she walked past the entrance to the spectators stands, and further down the tunnel onto the actual greener than green grass of the pitch. She knelt down to run her fingers through the short blades, and smell the fresh special air of a professional Quidditch pitch. She knew she was grinning like a fool as she took in her surroundings. She heard Angelina’s soft chuckle as she walked behind her.
“It’s pretty special isn’t it?” She took a massive lungful of air and breathed out slowly. “I still can’t quite believe I get to stand here.” She offered her hand to help her back up. “Come on, the team are looking forward to meeting you.” She led them around the pitch, through the home team’s door, and along a white and dark green tiled corridor that sloped gently downward, the stone floor of which shone dully from the many feet that had polished it over the years. The air smelled of broom wax, leather, mud, and the unmistakable smell that was always around changing rooms. Murals of the current players decorated the walls and as they whizzed by her, the drawings were so realistic she could almost feel the whoosh of their movement as they scored goals, battered bludgers, and made spectacular saves. It felt special, it felt like coming home to her. They didn’t walk far before Angelina stopped outside of a green wooden door that had a large golden talon painted on it.
“We are going in there?” She squeaked excitedly. “That’s the players changing room!” she stared wide eyed at her former captain, all pretence of keeping cool gone. Angelina leaned against the corridor her legs crossed at the ankle, a very knowing smile on her face.
“Oh, didn’t I mention you are going to do some drills with the team today?” She had a gleam in her eye very akin to George, and Ginny tried very hard to control the butterflies now dancing around in her stomach. She desperately tried to order the thoughts that were running through her head. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath.
“Just so I am clear, I am going to change into Harpies gear?” Angelina nodded slowly thoroughly enjoying this, “I am going to fly out there, in the stadium?” she nodded again. Ginny was struggling to believe this was happening. “Wow. Why me?”
“Merlin’s sake Ginny I thought you were smarter than your brothers. I told Gwenog and the coaches about you, about your ambition, and she told me to get you down here so she could watch you.”
“But I want to get here on my own talent, I don’t want to be offered a space because of who I am friends with.” She exclaimed angrily, she was determined to do things without any favours.
“It’s only a trial Ginny, if you fuck it up there is nothing I or anyone else can do to change that. You are here on your own merit already. I’m a scout, it’s my job to tell them about you. I wasn’t doing you a favour, I was giving you the same chance I would anyone I found as talented as you. Now hurry up and get your arse on that Quidditch field and don’t let me down.” She opened the door and ushered her in leaving her to get ready.
                  The team was waiting for her inside the changing room. Already in their kit and full of welcoming smiles. These women were her idols, it felt surreal to be stood amongst them like it was nothing. Gwenog stood a little in front of the rest and offered a firm handshake, before introducing her to the team, who did not really need any introductions.
“It’s a pleasure to finally meet you Ginny.” Becca Fletcher the star chaser greeted her warmly. “We’ve all been looking forward to seeing you fly. I was at Hogwarts when your brother Bill played, how’s he doing?” She showed her to a space on the wall where a set of green Quidditch gear was already set out for her. 
“He’s doing good thanks. Still working at Gringotts.”
“I heard he got married.”
“Yeah, she’s okay, not a flyer but nobody’s perfect.” It was very odd to see the woman who’s poster image regularly scored goals on her bedroom talking to her as if she was just another player
 “We’ll see you out there.” she said clapping her on the back as she left leaving Ginny to settle her nerves and find her focus.
Stepping out onto the pitch again, this time in Harpie’s kit, with the reassuring weight of a broom resting on her shoulder she felt a little more comfortable. She quickly joined the team who were in various positions as they stretched their limbs on the pitch. They took her through a few training drills and manoeuvres that she was familiar with as warm ups, then she was matched up against Sandy Larson the Rookie Beater who was a solidly built American who grinned at her in a very cocky manner shouldering her bat.
Gwenog came over to them and handed her the Quaffle. “The play is to avoid Sandy, no bludgers involved just flying skills and don’t drop the Quaffle.”  She made it sound like it was easy. Ginny took the Quaffle and felt the familiar pre match focus as her fingers found a familiar grip on the ball and her mind calmed to the task at hand, this was going to be no trouble, it was just another match she had to win. Gwenog gave her a knowing look as she nodded her acceptance of the instructions.
It didn’t take long for her to wipe the cocky grin from Sandy’s face as the beater struggled to stop her going where she wanted. The broom she was using was a little twitchier than what she was used to and it kept trying to oversteer, she quickly realised how responsive it was and tried to reduce the strength of her movements. It was almost like the broom knew what she wanted to do, it soon became as natural as breathing allowing her to concentrate on getting the better of Sandy.
When Gwenog blew the whistle for them both to land she was full of the flush that flying gave her, she had always felt at home on a broom, and being here had made it extra special. Sandy gave her a massive hug when they landed full of the thrill of the flight too.
“You were awesome.” She exclaimed. “I had a pretty hard time keeping you in range.” Ginny beamed at the praise. “It’s going to be interesting to see you play in a real game.” If that was not a ringing endorsement then she didn’t know what was.
Gwenog and the team coaches had been standing off to one side as they flew, watching them closely but nothing gave away what they were thinking. She re-doubled her efforts for the remaining drills hoping that she was good enough. When the team finally called it quits for the day she was worn out. She just stood in the showers letting the heat of the water relax her tight muscles, dreaming about the giant bath in Harry’s flat. When Angelina found her she was on the bench back in her own clothes, her head leaning back against the tiled wall a look of wonder on her face.
“Did today just happen?” She breathed.
“You bet your Bertie Botts it did.” Angelina replied. “And not only that, the head coach is very excited about you. You might be offered a spot on the team before you even finish school.” Angelina’s voice was full of fierce pride for her, Ginny tried to be excited about it but she needed to keep herself from dreaming too big too soon.
“I have to finish school. I don’t think my mum could cope with another of us not finishing our education.”
“Don’t worry they would never ask you to do that anyway. It would only be to stop another team signing you up before they could.”
                  “The Harpies are my dream. I would never play for anyone else.”
Harry gazed upon the sleeping perfection of Ginny lying in his bed, despite her small frame she still managed to take up nearly all of it, her arms spread wide and one leg hooked over a pillow in imitation of how she usually lay against him, she managed to make his baggy faded t shirt look sexy. Towelling his hair dry he wanted nothing more than to slip back into bed with her, but instead he dressed quietly, and kissed her head. Her eyes snapped open at his touch and grabbed his wrist.
                  “You’re not going anywhere without giving me a proper kiss.” She told him rolling over so she could pull his head to hers. 
                  “I thought you were sleeping, I didn’t want to wake you.” She attempted to pull him back into bed. “I can’t Gin, I’m sorry.” He took a controlling breath as she kissed his neck, her body felt so hot against his. “I swear Ginny Weasley you are going to kill me if you don’t stop. I have to be in court today” Her chuckle was deep and throaty but she pulled away letting him stand up.
“Just remember when you’re stuck in that stuffy courtroom, I’m in your bed. Waiting.”
“I don’t think those kinds of thoughts will help my day pass by any easier. Do you have any idea how much you are torturing me right now?” He closed his eyes and tried his best to recall the last training manual he had been reading instead of his red headed siren. “Today is important, I have to be focused.” Her wicked smile faded at his serious look.
                  “I understand, I’m sorry, but you make it too easy.” She sat up on her knees and reached out to take his hand kissing the palm. “I’ll see you when you get home, love you.” He leaned down and gave her one final kiss. 
                  “Love you.” He murmured before disapparating with a loud crack.”
                   There was the usual busy rush of employees arriving at the ministry that morning, Harry did his best to blend in with the rest but he still thought a few people noticed him, but thankfully nobody approached him today. He spotted Ron’s mop of red hair above the rest of the crowd waiting for him at the newly created memorial. They greeted each other warmly before continuing to Auror headquarters together.
“You ready for this today mate?” Ron inquired gently, he knew better than anyone how much today mattered to Harry, it had to go well, and they had to see the importance of correcting past mistakes. 
“They may not even call me to testify, Kingsley said my written testimony might be enough. It feels like it has taken forever to get this far. I just want it over with now, and it’s only the beginning.”
“They updated the list. Five trials are scheduled for today now, not just Sirius’ hearing.” Ron informed him realising that Harry hadn’t been told, even though this would increase his chances to be called. Harry grumbled and muttered under his breath as he took this in, scrubbing a hand through his hair.
“Who are the five?” Harry asked, Ron gripped his shoulder in a consoling way as they entered the lifts and had to end their conversation. They did not pick it back up until they were stood at Harry’s cubicle.
“I didn’t recognise four of the names, it appears to be those accused of collaborating with the death eaters but Narcissa Malfoy’s name is on the list.” Harry rummaged through the pile of internal memos that littered his desk. He had not had much opportunity to clear the backlog from his time in the field and his enforced time off over Christmas.
“I want to be there for all of it. I owe it to those who can’t speak for themselves.” Ron did not look happy about his answer.
“It’s not your responsibility mate. You have enough to do without adding to it. I need to go and report to Hestia, you should go find Robin. They’ll call for you if you are needed.” Harry nodded to his best friend letting him think he was agreeing, but as soon as he found the papers he was looking for he made his way down to the courtrooms where he knew Robin would already be.
  Courtroom Ten was already quite full as he arrived, even though the hearings were not due to start for another half an hour, there was a buzz of excitement in the air for the start of the trials. A lot of witches and wizards wanted to see justice being done, and plenty of others wanted to be seen wanting justice done. Harry joined his mentor by the door to the holding cells, the murmurs of the people sitting waiting intensified slightly at his arrival but he tried to ignore it. Robin’s face was an unreadable mask in front of so many people, but Harry heard him mutter under his breath some choice words. Harry took up a position to his other side assuming the same expressionless mask of just another Auror doing his job.
The whole assembled crowd stood as minister Shacklebolt entered and took his seat at the head of the wizengamot, his assistant right behind him with a large stack of papers.
“Good morning everyone. Let us get straight to the task as hand shall we?” He looked to the man to his immediate right, who had remained standing as everyone else had sat down. 
“First order of business is the acquittal of the late Sirius Black.” He announced, “In light of the evidence, that Peter Pettigrew was not murdered by Black, did not die at all but instead faked his death. I have confirmed testimonies from several members of the Order of the phoenix that Sirius Black was working for them in the fight against Voldemort upon his escape from Azkaban. He never had any dealing with death eaters or Voldemort at all.” The room was filled with the sound of rustling papers as the members of the court read through the notes and testimonies they had been provided with, once the noise died down Kingsley spoke up again.
“All in favour of acquitting Sirius Black of all charges.” The majority of the council raised their hands. “Those against?” Harry scanned the faces of those who still could not bring themselves to admit their mistake.
“Keep calm lad.” Robin’s voice was low and pitched just enough for Harry to hear. “You’ll get your chance. Don’t start giving eye daggers to members of the Wizengamot.” Harry tried to school his features back to a more neutral. Internally he was elated to see his godfather’s name finally wiped clean. He hoped it would help him rest a little more peacefully.
“Motion carried,” Kingsley’s voice boomed, he caught Harry’s eye for just a moment and nodded, before everyone moved on. “Next order of business?”
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ghostspideys-moved · 4 years
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chasing visions of our futures: chapter two
a/n: I meant to have this done much earlier today, but at least I got it finished!
word count: 2k
pairing: barry allen x oc
summary: River Matthews decides to cause some chaos in Central City, mostly for fun, but also for the attention she knows she’ll get from The Flash. When he catches her, and she gets a second chance, she has to decide whether she should take it or if there’s no changing for her. There’s a lot more to her the more Barry tries to dig, and the more he does, the more River’s afraid he won’t like what he finds out.
chapter summary: Team Flash has to decide what to do with River, and with Hawthorne’s help, things might start looking up for her.
Being stuck in the Pipeline for this long was already driving River insane. Maybe not literally, but she was extremely bored, and she didn’t handle her boredom well. Not that she could do much about it if she wanted to. Cisco really had done a good job of designing the cells. 
While the rest of Team Flash - Hawthorne included - was deciding her fate, River was left to hope she wouldn’t be kept here forever. Yeah, so she’d been causing them a lot of trouble for several days now, but they couldn’t just keep her in here forever, right?
Luckily, Hawthorne came back eventually. She held onto the hope she had that maybe they’d let her go. After all, she could have done a lot worse, and River could be fairly persuasive if she tried. Not that she thought it would matter. Whatever they decided, they’d probably be set on it.
“So, I have some good news and some bad news,” Hawthorne said. “The good news is, apparently, they’re willing to let you out of here." 
River, who’d previously been splayed out on the cell floor, shot up to her feet. "Seriously?” Honestly, she hadn’t expected them to actually do it.
“Yes, but on one condition.” That made her pause, the smile she’d had on her face dropping. “I convinced them to give you a chance as long as you try turning a new leaf.”
“What?” River exclaimed. That was practically impossible for her, and she already knew she’d just let them down if she even tried. “What even makes you think I could do that?”
Hawthorne sighed, crossing his arms. “I think you could if you actually tried. You’re not a terrible person, River. Maybe just a bit…misguided.”
That felt like the understatement of the year. She might be worse off than he thought. 
River groaned and pressed her forehead against the glass of the cell. This was a lot to process. “Okay, so let’s say for a second that I even entertain that idea. What have I ever done to make you think I can even change?” Even she had her doubts, and she could imagine it would take some time before the team even trusted her if she went along. On the other hand, it might be a nicer alternative to being kept in the Pipeline for however long. 
“Not much, but I care about you enough that I did what I could to convince them to give you a chance. Because I know what you’ve been through, and I think you at least deserve that chance.” It was clear that Hawthorne meant it, but she was still having a hard time wrapping her head around his words. 
“They’re just stressed out with all the metahumans that are constantly popping up, and they’ve been through a lot, so it might take them some time to warm up to you,” he continued. “But if you just give it a chance, I think you’ll like it a lot better than being stuck with dad for the rest of eternity.”
River sighed and looked away as she let it all sink in. Realistically, she knew he was right, and squandering this chance might be her worst decision ever. “And what happens if I don’t go along with it?”
Hawthorne shrugged, feigning a casual expression. “More than likely, you go to Iron Heights with the rest of the metahumans. Which is just as hard to escape as this cell.”
The odds were stacked against her, and while River could be stubborn and unwilling to cooperate in the worst of circumstances, it was clear to her what her best option was. She’d have to play along.
“Alright, fine. I’ll give it a shot,” she decided. “But I’m not guaranteeing you this will even work.” In fact, she had a very good feeling his misplaced faith in her was only going to bite him in the ass eventually.
“I only ask that you try.”
Hawthorne relayed her decision to the rest of the team, and he came back with Caitlin to let her out. Of course, they were going to watch her like a hawk now that she was free, but River much preferred it to the boring cell she’d be stuck in otherwise. 
“Are you ready for the bad news?” Hawthorne asked once she was free. In her eagerness, she forgot there even was a bad end to all this.
“I suppose.”
“I have my own team to work with, so I won’t be around much. So, as much as I’d love to have you stay with me, I won’t be in Central City to keep an eye on you. I’m a little busy with the Legends,” he explained. “But Caitlin’s agreed to show you around while I sort out everything else I need to.”
Admittedly, the thought of exploring a little was exciting. S.T.A.R. Labs seemed like a pretty big place, and to say she didn’t think it could be cool to look around would be a lie. “Sounds fun,” River said. 
Hawthorne patted her back, giving her a reassuring smile. “I’ll be around for a little longer before I have to head out." 
With that, he left her with Caitlin. River followed her around the building, curiously looking around. Already, she could tell she was bound to get lost on her own, at least for a while. She tried to create a mental map, which was easier said than done. Still reeling from the fact that she was even here, she’d only caught half of what Caitlin was saying in her tour of the lab. Part of her felt bad for not totally listening, but another part of her wondered why she even felt bad at all. Really, her thoughts and emotions were all over the place, but she made a mental note to thank her brother sometime for getting her out of the Pipeline. From what she could tell, he was pretty good friends with everyone on Team Flash, which was probably the biggest deciding factor in her release. Otherwise, she was sure she wouldn’t be following Caitlin through the halls. 
River snapped out of her thoughts as they stopped in Cisco’s workshop. The only other person in the room, though, was another man who was definitely not Cisco. And he was throwing things out of frustration.
"This is Harry,” Caitlin explained, seemingly not even fazed by his behavior. “Don’t worry. This is normal for him." 
It was almost comforting how strange everyone on the team was. At least from her perspective. While she still had her doubts about this working out, she felt a little better knowing she probably wasn’t much stranger than them, or at least that they’d probably accept how different she was if they could accept Harry’s weird outbursts. 
"I can tell,” River said. Not the strangest thing she’d seen. 
Caitlin pulled her away, letting Harry work through his problem as they finished up the tour. “Don’t worry if you get a little lost right away. It take a little adjusting to this place for everyone.”
“Yeah, no kidding. It’s bigger than I thought.” Though she didn’t say it, it was kind of exciting. She could definitely get used to this. And, if she was being honest, she kind of enjoyed listening to Caitlin, at least for as much as she’d listened.
“Well, I’ll be here if you ever need help,” Caitlin assured her. “We’re all supposed to make sure you’re supervised until we can fully trust you, but that wasn’t my idea.”
River wasn’t too surprised, and she wouldn’t have expected otherwise. It was probably a fair call, though. A smart move on their end. No doubt they knew better than to trust a stranger right away, especially someone they’d been trying to catch for a few days now. 
“Speaking of which,” Caitlin continued, “We figured, since Hawthorne’s usually busy, you probably need somewhere to stay. So, I volunteered to let you stay with me for a while.”
Of all the people River could have ended up with, she seemed the most tolerable. Caitlin hadn’t been anything but kind so far, which kind of threw her off guard, admittedly, but it was kind of nice. 
“You’re really sure you want me around?” Caitlin nodded, a smile still present on her face. “Alright, but I’m a lot to handle being around for that long.”
She didn’t seem too dissuaded, oddly enough. “Trust me, I’ve dealt with worse,” Caitlin said.
Seeing as it was getting pretty late, Caitlin wrapped up and let everyone know they were heading out. Everyone seemed worried about leaving her with River, even if they didn’t say. And surely Caitlin knew her friends well enough to see it, too, but she didn’t seem to carry the same unease as the rest of them. She simply dismissed it and lead the way to her apartment.
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Caitlin’s apartment seemed nice than anywhere River had ever lived, though her standards weren’t very high. Hell wasn’t exactly a great place, so anywhere might have been nicer. Just from looking around, she could tell Caitlin must be a neat person. Nothing was really out of place, and she didn’t seem to leave many messes, if any. 
Figuring River must be hungry, Caitlin found something for them to snack on in the meantime. Though she’d eaten a little while in her cell, she would never turn down food, and she did often found herself hungry quicker than she knew was probably normal. So the thoughtfulness didn’t go unappreciated. 
It really was strange having someone actually being kind and concerned for her, even if it was just small things. It was just new and different, in a good way. 
Caitlin made sure River was set for the night so she could sleep well. Tomorrow, they’d work on some training and getting her used to working with everyone else, so she’d need as much sleep as she could get. River knew that would be hard with how much difficulty she had sleeping, as if her brain refused to shut off, but she didn’t worry Caitlin with that. She could deal with it herself. 
Once River had a decent layout of the house in case she needed the bathroom in the middle of the night or anything else, Caitlin let her be and went to her room to rest. As she’s expected of herself, River couldn’t sleep right away. Which was fine. It was normal for her. But now she had so much time to herself, and therefore more time to think.
Today had been so strange. Such a whirlwind as everything changed. If it hadn’t been for her brother, she wouldn’t be here right now, and though they had a lot of problems to sort out between each other, she greatly appreciated his help. And Caitlin was probably the first person to show her any kindness in a long time. As strange as it was, River welcomed it. And though she had some concerns and doubts about joining a team of heroes, she was kind of glad they’d even given her a chance. They certainly didn’t have to, though she knew it was mainly to do with Hawthorne. 
This could be the start of something much better. And if she had anything to say about it, she was going to make the most of it while she could. River thought back to what Hawthorne said about her being misguided. By all means, she knew he was right. She might have done some horrible things - things she often regretted when she stop to think about it - but it wasn’t the end of the world for her. There might still be a chance for her after all. 
It was with that small shred of hope that River actually found herself growing tired. It had been a long day, and she was far too comfortable not to feel sleepy. Her last thought before letting sleep take over was, I hope I don’t let them down too much.
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birdlord · 3 years
Everything I Watched in 2020
We’ll start with movies. The number in parentheses is the year of release, asterisks denote a re-watch, and titles in bold are my favourite watches of the year. Here’s 2019’s list. 
01 Little Women (19)
02 The Post (17) 
03 Molly’s Game (17)
04 * Doctor No (62)
05 Groundhog Day (93)
06 *Star Trek IV - The Voyage Home (86)
07 Knives Out (19) My last theatre experience (sob)
08 Professor Marston and his Wonder Women (17)
09 Les Miserables (98)
10 Midsommar (19) I’m not sure how *good* it is, but it does stick in the ol’ brain
11 *Manhattan Murder Mystery (93)
12 Marriage Story (19)
13 Kramer vs Kramer (79)
14 Jojo Rabbit (19)
15 J’ai perdu mon corps (19) a cute animated film about a hand detached from its body!
16 1917 (19)
17 Married to the Mob (88)
18 Klaus (19)
19 Portrait of a Lady on Fire (19) If Little Women made me want to wear a scarf criss-crossed around my torso, this one made me want to wear a cloak
20 The Last Black Man in San Francisco (19)
21 *Lawrence of Arabia (62)
22 Gone With the Wind (39)
23 Kiss Me Deadly (55)
24 Dredd (12)
25 Heartburn (86) heard a bunch about this one in the Blank Check series on Nora Ephron, sadly after I’d watched it
26 The Long Shot (19)
27 Out of Africa (85)
28 King Kong (46)
29 *Johnny Mnemonic (95)
30 Knocked Up (07)
31 Collateral (04)
32 Bird on a Wire (90)
33 The Black Dahlia (05)
34 Long Time Running (17)
35 *Magic Mike (12)
36 Before the Devil Knows You’re Dead (07)
37 Cold War (18)
38 *Kramer Vs Kramer (79) yes I watched this a few months before! This was a pandemic friend group co-watch.
39 *Burn After Reading (08)
40 Last Holiday (50)
41 Fly Away Home (96)
42 *Moneyball (11) I’m sure I watch this every two years, at most??
43 Last Holiday (06) the Queen Latifah version of the 1950 movie above, lacking, of course, the brutal “poor people don’t deserve anything good” ending
44 *Safe (95)
45 Gimme Shelter (70)
46 The Daytrippers (96)
47 Experiment in Terror (62)
48 Tucker: The Man and His Dream (88)
49 My Brilliant Career (79) one of the salvations of 2020 was watching movies “with” friends. Our usual method was to video chat before the movie, sync our streaming services, and text-chat while the movie was on. 
50 Divorce Italian Style (61)
51 *Gosford Park (01) another classic comfort watch, fuck I love a G. Park
52 Hopscotch (80)
53 Brief Encounter (45)
54 Hud (63)
55 Ocean’s 8 (18)
56 *Beverly Hills Cop (84)
57 Blow the Man Down (19)
58 Constantine (05)
59 The Report (19) maddening!! How are people so consistently terrible to one another!
60 Everyday People (04)
61 Anatomy of a Murder (58)
62 Spiderman: Homecoming (17)
63 *To Wong Foo, Thanks for Everything, Julie Newmar (95) Of the 90s drag road movies, Priscilla is more visually striking, but this has its moments.
64 Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me (92)
65 *The Truman Show (98)
66 Mona Lisa (86)
67 The Blob (58)
68 The Guard (11)
69 *Waiting for Guffman (96) RIP Fred Willard
70 Rocketman (19)
71 Outside In (18)
72 The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (08) how strange to see a movie that you have known the premise for, but no details of, for over a decade
73 *Star Trek: The Undiscovered Country (91)
74 The Reader (08)
75 Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker (19) This was fine until it VERY MUCH WAS NOT FINE
76 The End of the Affair (99) you try to watch a fun little romp about infidelity during the Blitz, and Graham Greene can’t help but shoehorn in a friggin crisis of religious faith
77 Must Love Dogs (05) barely any dog content, where are the dogs at
78 The Rainmaker (97)
79 *Batman & Robin (97)
80 National Lampoon’s Vacation (83) Never seen any of the non-xmas Vacations, didn’t realize the children are totally different, not just actors but ages! Also, this one is blatantly racist!
81 *Mystic Pizza (88)
82 Funny Girl (68)
83 The Sons of Katie Elder (65)
84 *Knives Out (19) another re-watch within the same year!! How does this keep happening??
85 *Scott Pilgrim Vs The World (10) a real I-just-moved-away-from-Toronto nostalgia watch
86 Canadian Bacon (92) vividly recall this VHS at the video store, but I never saw it til 2020
87 *Blood Simple (85)
88 Brittany Runs a Marathon (19)
89 The Accidental Tourist (88)
90 August Osage County (13) MELO-DRAMA!!
91 Appaloosa (08)
92 The Firm (93) Feeling good about how many iconic 80s/90s video store stalwarts I watched in 2020
93 *Almost Famous (00)
94 Whisper of the Heart (95)
95 Da 5 Bloods (20)
96 Rain Man (88)
97 True Stories (86)
98 *Risky Business (83) It’s not about what you think it’s about! It never was!
99 *The Big Chill (83)
100 The Way We Were (73)
101 Safety Last (23) It’s getting so that I might have to add the first two digits to my dates...not that I watch THAT many movies from the 1920s...
102 Phantasm (79)
103 The Burrowers (08)
104 New Jack City (91)
105 The Vanishing (88)
106 Sisters (72)
107 Puberty Blues (81) Little Aussie cinema theme, here
108 Elevator to the Gallows (58)
109 Les Diaboliques (55)
110 House (77) haha WHAT no really W H A T
111 Death Line (72)
112 Cranes are Flying (57)
113 Holes (03)
114 *Lady Vengeance (05)
115 Long Weekend (78)
116 Body Double (84)
117 The Crazies (73) I love that Romero shows the utter confusion that would no doubt reign in the case of any kind of disaster. Things fall apart.
118 Waterlilies (07)
119 *You’re Next (11)
120 Event Horizon (97)
121 Venom (18) I liked it, guys, way more than most superhero fare. Has a real sense of place and the place ISN’T New York!
122 Under the Silver Lake (18) RIP Night Call
123 *Blade Runner (82)
124 *The Birds (62) interesting to see now that I’ve read the story it came from
125 *28 Days Later (02) hits REAL FUCKIN’ DIFFERENT in a pandemic
126 Life is Sweet (90)
127 *So I Married an Axe Murderer (93) find me a more 90s movie, I dare you (it’s not possible)
128 Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner (67)
129 The Pelican Brief (93) 90s thrillers continue!
130 Dick Johnston is Dead (20)
131 The Bridges of Madison County (95)
132 Earth Girls are Easy (88) Geena Davis and Jeff Goldblum are so hot in this movie, no wonder they got married 
133 Better Watch Out (16)
134 Drowning Mona (00) trying for something like the Coen bros and not getting there
135 Au Revoir Les Enfants (87)
136 *Chasing Amy (97) Affleck is the least alluring movie lead...ever? I also think I gave Joey Lauren Adams’ character short shrift in my memory of the movie. It’s not good, but she’s more complicated than I recalled. 
137 Blackkklansman (18)
138 Being Frank (19)
139 Kiki’s Delivery Service (89)
140 Uncle Frank (20) why so many FRANKS
141 *National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation (89) watching with pals (virtually) made it so much more fun than the usual yearly watch!
142 Half Baked (98) another, more secret Toronto nostalgia pic - RC Harris water filtration plant as a prison!
143 We’re the Millers (13)
144 All is Bright (13)
145 Defending Your Life (91)
146 Christmas Chronicles (18) I maintain that most new xmas movies are terrible, particularly now that Netflix churns them out like eggnog every year. 
147 Spiderman: Into the Spider-Verse (18)
148 Reindeer Games (00) what did I say about Affleck??!? WHAT DID I SAY
149 Palm Springs (20)
150 Happiest Season (20)
151 *Metropolitan (90) it’s definitely a Christmas movie
152 Black Christmas (74)
THEATRE:HOME - 2:150 (thanks pandemic)
I usually separate out docs and fiction, but I watched almost no documentaries this year (with the exception of Dick Johnston). Reality is real enough. 
TV Series
01 - BoJack Horseman (final season) - Pretty damned poignant finish to the show, replete with actual consequences for our reformed bad boy protagonist (which is more than you can say for most antiheroes of Peak TV).
02 - *Hello Ladies - I enjoy the pure awkwardness of seeing Stephen Merchant try to perform being a Regular Person, but ultimately this show tips him too far towards a nasty, Ricky Gervais-lite sort of persona. Perhaps he was always best as a cameo appearance, or lip synching with wild eyes while Chrissy Teigen giggles?
03 - Olive Kittredge - a rough watch by times. I read the book as well, later in the year. Frances Mcdormand was the best, possibly the only, casting option for the flinty lead. One episode tips into thriller territory, which is a shock. 
04 - *The Wire S3, S4, S5 - lockdown culture! It was interesting to rewatch this, then a few months later go through an enormous, culture-level reappraisal of cop-centred narratives. 
05 - Forever - a Maya Rudolph/Fred Armisen joint that coasts on the charm of its leads. The premise is OK, but I wasn’t left wanting any more at the end. 
06 - *Catastrophe - a rewatch when my partner decided he wanted to see it, too!
07 - Red Oak - resolutely “OK” steaming dramedy, relied heavily on some pretty obvious cues to get across its 1980s setting. 
08 - Little Fires Everywhere - gulped this one down while in 14-day isolation, delicious! Every 90s suburban mom had that SUV, but not all of them had the requisite **secrets**
09 - The Great - fun historical comedy/drama! Costumes: lush. Actors: amusing. Race-blind casting: refreshing!
10 - The Crown S4 - this is the season everyone lost their everloving shit for, since it’s finally recent enough history that a fair chunk of the viewing audience is liable to recall it happening. 
11 - Ted Lasso - we resisted this one for a while (thought I did enjoy the ad campaign for NBC sports (!!) that it was based on). My view is that its best point was the comfort that the men on the show have (or develop, throughout the season) with the acknowledgement and sharing of their own feelings. Masculinity redux. 
12 - Moonbase 8 - Goodnatured in a way that makes you certain they will be crushed. 
13 - The Good Lord Bird - Ethan Hawke is really aging into the character actor we always hoped he would be! 
14 - Hollywood - frothy wish-fulfillment alternate history. I think the show would have been improved immeasurably by skipping the final episode.
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makeste · 4 years
BnHA Chapter 265: Tamaki What Did You Eat
Previously on BnHA: The heroes began their invasion of the Ol’ Villain Marriott. Down in the basement, Re-Destro was all “what’s going my fresh villain citizens, what a beautiful day, well I guess we should start that meeting” and they were all “WE’RE UNDER FUCKING ATTACK” and he made a face and I laughed. Class 1-B, Edgeshot, and Midnight then jovially killed some people, and then we cut to Dabi and Hawks! Hawks was all “sorry it has to be this way Bubaigawara but I’m gonna have to arrest you” and Twice got all Harry Potter in that one scene from the Prisoner of Azkaban movie, and then he did the thing, and fucking Hawks just fucking stood there and DID NOTHING. So now he’s gonna have to fight 100,000 Twices I guess, and meanwhile Dabi is running up the stairs on his way to intervene and somehow make things even more chaotic. Also either Hawks or Dabi thinks heroes are scum, and I’m still not clear on which. But basically it’s safe to say that angst is on the way, friends.
Today on BnHA: Tamaki turns into a horse. I have questions. Dark Shadow fights fucking Re-Destro and fucking destroys him in like two seconds flat, like holy shit whaaaaat. Then Tokoyami just hops on inside of Fatgum like a goddamn marsupial, and spends several pages like this, during which I completely can’t focus the entire time but I do remember that we learned that Machia won’t be joining the fight because he apparently only listens to Tomura, so that’s convenient I guess. Then we cut to Twice and Hawks (I literally typed out “Dabi and Hawks” just now and had to go back and change it, so you can see where my mind is at), and Hawks defeats Twice and is all “guess I’ve got no choice” and is seriously going to kill him (hahaha what the fuck), but then DABI FUCKING BURNS THE ENTIRE ROOM DOWN WITH EVERYONE IN IT WHILE LAUGHING AND THEN THE CHAPTER JUST ENDS. I feel like I just got slapped in the face.
so before we start, let me just mention that I got a ton of asks and messages about the whole “HERO SCUM” line, and I appreciate everyone keeping me up to date on the twists and turns of our wild little fandom lol. so as you all probably know, in Viz’s translation of the last page they had Dabi saying the line (“Twice, this isn’t your fault. as always... scummy heroes are to blame”). so naturally everyone was either like “whaaaaat!” or “I KNEW IT!!”, but then Caleb went and deleted his original tweet saying that it was Dabi, and replaced it with a new tweet, the gist of which was basically “I don’t fucking know either” and admitting he wasn’t an authority on the matter. so to sum everything up, we basically don’t know and will never know until the anime airs this in about three years’ time, or until the only man who can actually clear this up decides to stop drawing weird mushroom men for five goddamn minutes so he can clarify for us
anyway, so in the meantime it’s time to see who’s having angst this week! probably everybody! let’s just assume it’s everybody and save some time
ohooo so we finally get to see why they had Tamaki and Tokoyami in the vanguard, eh?
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(ETA: gotta say, “you” is an awfully impersonal way to address someone whose entire body you are shortly going to stuff inside your little quirk papoose and tote around like a fanny pack.)
honestly this isn’t much of a mystery though lol. Tokoyami is obvious, and with Tamaki it’s probably because of his kraken thing if I had to guess
...excuse me sir is this leading where I think it’s leading
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sir. Mister Gum, sir. please do not tell me you are actually about to lead these children into the building and down into the basement. first of all the thought of you and Tamaki in yet another basement is already giving me PTSD so no thanks. and second of all, ???!?!?!?!?! [gestures incredulously to the two children] ?!?!?!???? [emphatically taps my computer screen with the wiki page showing their respective ages] ???!?!?!?!?!?! [gestures wildly toward a picture of Gigantomachia I pulled up just now in a google search. yeah that’s right. Gigantomachia!! you all forgot about him didn’t you!! well guess who didn’t forget about him?? that’s right. so you’d better explain yourself right the fuck now, Fatgum. oh wait I’m still talking in action brackets whoops]
holy crap is Tokoyami giving orders lmao
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well look at you. a general, huh? somebody must’ve told them about his little maneuver at the Battle of Taanab
so now some generic villain guys are all “HOW’D THEY FIND OUR SECRET PATH” and “WE MUST DEFEND IT” and I sure can’t wait to watch them get their asses kicked three panels from now
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lol and the cow horns too. why though. just completes the look I guess
loooooool he’s all “apologies, but please remain still” who are you, Tuxedo Mask??
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by the way, I almost skipped right past this, but the text says Tamaki will be a sidekick at the Fatgum agency starting “next year”, which presumably means “in a couple of weeks because the school year is about to end.” our boy is graduating! I’m so proud, and also really pissed off about Mirio all of a sudden, just throwing that out there. how much longer must his dreams be put on hold. where is the justice. man I need a minute
okay! anyway so now Tokoyami is just running into the basement alone!! hooooo boy. I know it’s dark down there and that’s presumably why they’re sending him of all people, but still. hooooooooo boy
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*except he didn’t, let’s be real. didn’t even come close. but still, on paper the hype looks real good!!
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by the way, check out that one guy in the bottom right corner who just totally doesn’t give the least of fucks. he’s fresh out. he wants to know how much longer this is gonna last so he can go home and get back to playing the new Animal Crossing. did you know they added a new crafting feature. can’t believe he’s stuck here at this boring meeting. this man genuinely doesn’t seem to be at all aware of anything that is currently happening around him and it’s amazing. added to the box of questions
oh man. I don’t quite understand what is happening now but I keep expecting Gigantomachia to just pop up out of nowhere any second and I can’t fucking stand it. Horikoshi please stop showing us these close-ups of destroyed walls
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(ETA: what a casual fucking line implying that Tokoyami genuinely believed that there was nobody in THE ENTIRE LEAGUE OF PLIFF who stood a chance against his latest super move. don’t mind him everyone, he’s just been lowkey biding his time to become the strongest member of class 1-A offscreen while his loser classmates were having dramatic family dinners. how many High Ends could Dark Shadow take out I wonder. why did I suddenly get a mental image of Toko losing an arm only to sigh and nonsensically quote Shakespeare or some shit before wrapping Dark Shadow around the stump and getting back to the asskicking.)
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:) :) :) can we maybe get my solemn bird son out of this fucking DEATH BASEMENT right the fuck now. can we do that, please
holy shit!?
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:) :) :) I can’t decide whether I trust these panels or not. why is he so confident. does this mean Machia really will be sitting out the arc, or is a trap. help
(ETA: I guess it’s okay for now. ... dammit I’m still suspicious sob.)
also, Tokoyami’s “?!” face is the funniest thing I’ve ever seen though. the fact that he’s physically incapable of altering his expressions no matter what is true comedy gold here
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dfkjkjk oh noooo
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“does this young man amuse you,” Horikoshi says as he darkly pencils in the disturbingly concave shadows of Fatgum’s ridiculous fucking quirk. “are his ‘magnificent fellow’ bird antics pleasing for you to watch. I guess it sure would be a shame if I gave him some... angst”
but for real y’all I genuinely can’t take this at all seriously when Tokoyami’s head is still stubbornly and persistently poking its way out of Fatgum like a goddamn baby kangaroo in every fucking panel
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we are entering another Tokoyami+Hawks mentor flashback and this is still all I can think about. why is he even in there. why is any of this happening. Tokoyami really just flung Re-Destro into a wall and then climbed inside of Fatgum feet-first so they could run along to freedom. just fucking ensconced himself. do you think it’s cozy in there. do you think Aizawa would fall asleep
hey Toko please stop having ominous thoughts about my other bird son
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have you ever heard of an announcer jinx. “now here’s a guy who the fans have loved since the moment he was first introduced. and if you look at the stats, fourth place in his first popularity poll, which was taken only ten chapters after his introduction. heck, he’s so popular they even went and gave him a role in the second movie even before he appeared in the anime! it’s undeniable that this young man has a bright future ahead of him, Al.” now you listen here. I don’t at all like where this is headed and it needs to stop right now
anyway so of course on that note we are cutting back to Hawks
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so we’ve confirmed that Hawks has his hands full just melting all of the new clones as they come, and doesn’t have the speed or the excess feathers (or the conviction? :|) to go after the original and put a stop to all this
or you could just ignore everything I say ever because immediately on the next page Horikoshi is all “actually he’s winning lol”
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anyway but it sure would be a shame if someone were to run in and set you on fire right about now. that probably sounds sarcastic but it actually would be really bad lol please don’t set Hawks on fire
(ETA: motherfucker. goddamn. fucking --)
and now Hawks is making clones of his fellow League buddies oh shit!! but right when I was about to scroll down I noticed that Hawks is carrying some sort of recording device?? or communications device?? in his hand very conspicuously in that last panel? and so what is going on here, exactly?
oh shit and never mind about those LoV clones
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that’s all well and good Hawks, but I need you to please just be very cautious and aware and proactive about not catching on fire okay. watch your six
oh my god oh my god
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“now here’s a guy whose rise in popularity was unexpected but just a real pleasure to watch. he just really cares about his friends.” “you said it; he really came into his own a couple arcs back. twenty-third in the most recent poll, and the fans all love him.” fffffff Hawks isn’t a killer Hawks isn’t a killer, I can’t hear you lalala
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maybe... he’ll just... punch a small hole through one of his lungs... ...
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or... a large hole... ... ,,,
oh THANK GOD he’s jumping on top of him. so clearly he’s fine because Shounen Rules. that’s right, this is a manga where Toga survived blowing up from the inside out and Jeanist survived being murdered and stuffed into a tote bag. (right??) why am I so tense I hate this!!
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or you could just KNOCK HIM OUT??? ?????!??! did they not teach you that in peewee assassin league?! Hawks
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supercasey · 4 years
This may be random, but if the tf2 mercs were animals, what animals would they be?
Don’t worry my pal, I’m all for answering an ask like this (though be warned, I’m sure a lot of these are popular headcanons for such AUs, so I’m gonna try to come up with at least 3 for each character) (Also, sorry for the late response)!
Scout: Gotta start with my fav, ya know? My top three picks for Scout are an Eastern Cottontail, a Kit Fox, and an Egyptian Mau. I like the Eastern Cottontail for Scout because I’ve always imagined him as a rabbit, what with them being very fast and having a reputation for driving people mad (mostly in cartoons). The Kit Fox could be a good fit as well because I hardcore headcanon Spy as a fox of some kind in Animal Crossing/Furry AUs, and I thought it would be nice if Scout was one too since Spy is his dad and all, so he’s a Kit Fox, which is a very small breed of foxes. And finally, I thought the Egyptian Mau would be a good fit, as it’s the fastest house cat in existence, plus I think Scout can act very cat-like with the others by teasing them so often.
Spy: Now for the dad in question. My top three picks for Spy are a Red Fox, a Fallow Deer, and a British Columbia Wolf. I like the Red Fox for Spy for pretty obvious reasons, seeing as Spy is very sneaky and tends to catch you when you least suspect it, all while still looking quite elegant and put together. Now, the Fallow Deer may seem like an odd choice, but I see deer as very regal and reserved, something I think fits Spy very well, even if the deer isn’t a predator (also, Fallow Deer are found in Europe). Finally, I like him as a British Columbia Wolf because, ya know, Spy makes for a great predator animal, and this breed of wolf has a very dark coat, which would be ideal for hunting at night.
Soldier: Oh boy, I freaking love this wild motherfucker! My top three picks for Soldier are a Rottweiler, a Red Squirrel, and a Bald Eagle. For those of you who are curious, Rottweilers are actually a pretty popular choice for military trained canines, and although I thought of making him a German Shepard, I though Soldier looked more like a Rottweiler (also, Soldier acts a bit like a dog when he’s excited, so who can blame me for making him one in an animal AU)? Next is a Red Squirrel, which sounds like an odd choice, but I thought it would be cute, seeing as I headcanon Soldier as pretty small and quick, so a squirrel might fit him well. Finally, I think a Bald Eagle is a very obvious choice for Soldier, seeing as he loves America so damn much!
Sniper: Let’s see how stereotypically Aussie this is gonna be. My top three picks for Sniper are a Red Kangaroo, a Harris’s Hawk, and a Desert Dingo. The Red Kangaroo is an obvious choice, as kangaroos are heavily associated with Australia (also, in this instance, I think Mundy’s folks would be koalas). I like a Harris’s Hawk for Sniper because hawks are very fast birds of prey, and attack with sniper-like precision and efficiency, so I really liked this idea for him. For my final choice, I chose a Desert Dingo, as dingos are yet another Australian animal, and lbr, dingoes are known for cleaning up other predators messes, much like every team’s sniper is.
Pyro: This is gonna be full of cute/scary answers. My top three picks for Pyro are a Holland Lop, a Siberian Tiger, and a Crow. I feel like a Holland Lop would fit Pyro because I see Pyro as a bit of a gentle giant, and a big ol’ bunny rabbit sounds like it would be right up their alley. Siberian Tigers, in all honesty, are my favorite animal, so I couldn’t resist using them for Pyro; plus, tigers are apparently associated with fire, much like Pyro is! Finally, I chose a Crow for them, as they’re closely associated with death, and seeing as Pyro is widely feared by their teammates in the Meet The Team videos... yeah, the shoe fits.
Medic: I am gonna struggle with this one, lads. My top three picks for Medic are a Peacock, a Black Rat, and a Siamese Cat. I like the Peacock for Medic because he’s gay and dramatic because I wanted a beautiful, sophisticated bird to be associating him that wasn’t just a dove. The Black Rat I thought would be cool, seeing as rats used to be used so often for medical experiments, and I think it would be ironic of Medic was one. For my last pick, I chose a Siamese Cat, which I think is a very regal and beautiful breed of house cat, something that I think would fit Medic (even if his doves are now in danger, lol).
Heavy: He’s such a gentle giant, I hope he won’t be as hard as Medic was. My top three picks for Heavy are a St Bernard, a Polar Bear, and an Elephant. The St Bernard was a pretty easy choice, because big dogs are such a Heavy-like animal, it’s hard not to imagine him as a big, lovable puppy! I think Polar Bears are a good choice too, and while I could’ve chosen any bear for Heavy, I chose the Polar Bear, seeing as it would probably do well in such a cold place as Russia. For the finale, I thought an Elephant might be good for Heavy, what with it being such a gentle giant and all, plus they’re known for being quite sweet, even to other animals!
Engineer: It’s time to use the power of my southern roots and terrible taste! My top three picks for Engineer are a Miniature Horse, a Border Collie, and a Beaver. The Miniature Horse was a fun thought, seeing as Engie is very short in canon, and he’s also a bit of a farm boy, so I thought a horse would be perfect for him! I’ll be honest, the Border Collie was just to please me, as my dad had a very loving one as a kid that was also very loyal, and his dog reminds me of Engie (plus, Border Collies are great for herding). Finally, we have the Beaver, the dam builder and repairman of nature!
Demoman: Watch as I make the worst decisions because I am unfortunately not as knowledgeable about Demo as I want to be. My top three picks for Demo are a Kudamundi, a Greyhound, and a Gray Wolf. For those of you who have no idea what a Kudamundi is, they’re a type of lemur found in Panama, where my dad was stationed in the military when I was a baby; the reason I chose this animal for Demo is because my dad usually saw these Kudamundi drunk af, as they would eat fermented fruit to get intoxicated... sorry for stereotyping, y’all. The Greyhound I chose for fun because apparently it’s one of the only animals to ever be knighted, and seeing as Demoman is apparently of royal descent (is this true or just fanon) I had to. Finally, there’s the Gray Wolf, another animal from Scotland, and seeing as I really like an AU I saw where Demo is a werewolf... I’m sorry, all my choices for him suck, don’t they?
And there we have it, a very long post of my terrible animal opinions. Again, sorry this took awhile, but I kept getting called away to do shit while working on this yesterday (plus, I wanted to do a bit of research on these animals)! I hope this was satisfactory. ((Not gonna lie, now I want an AU where everything is the same, but the mercenaries can change into these animals at will. However, seeing as there’s an Overwatch AU like that... oh well, not like I don’t already have way too many AUs on my plate to deal with rn.))
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imagitory · 4 years
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Just thought I’d share a little of my progress in the game Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery! Right now I’ve just started year 5, and yeah, while the game definitely isn’t perfect, I’m having fun! If you want to read more about my character, I put in a cut! (Sorry about my character holding hands with your character Alana’s bae, @weasleyismyking540​ -- if I could’ve picked Chiara as Carewyn’s other half instead, I would have!)
My character, Carewyn “Cursebreaker” Cromwell, although she resembles me quite a bit visually, isn’t exactly like me, but one thing that she and I do share is a love of fashion! She changes outfits all the time depending on what she’s doing, from wearing all black when she was tailing Rakepick to wearing the Weasley sweater she got from Bill when she was trying to become Prefect. The outfit she’s wearing in her screenshots and in the biggest sketch I did is her usual “adventure” outfit, though she will break out the black version when she needs to be stealthy, like when she sneaked into the Forbidden Forest in fourth year. She also managed to become a Prefect, despite her disregard for the rules! In my head, I imagine it’s largely due to her maternal streak, rather than any astounding respect for rules and regulations: even if she’s a Slytherin, she likes protecting and looking after other people, especially social outcasts, since she herself has had to deal with a decent amount of people misjudging her. 
Backstory -- Carewyn is the second child and only daughter of the half-blood Cromwell family. Her father, Evan Bach, was a Muggle who left his family when his son Jacob received his Hogwarts letter and his wife, Lane, revealed her magical ancestry to him. After that, both Jacob and Carewyn took on their mother’s maiden name, Cromwell. Carewyn was a late-in-life surprise for her parents, being born only two years before Jacob started at Hogwarts. Jacob disappeared when Carewyn was eight years old, and ever since, Carewyn has been starved for news about her lost brother. Part of her worries that Jacob -- a Ravenclaw who was kind of obsessed with learning and achieving every single thing he could -- has gotten roped in with some bad people or, worse, that he might not even want to be found, so as to not shame her or their mother or to keep them from harm. Whatever his reason is, though, Carewyn knows she has to find out what happened to Jacob and remove the shadow of the Cursed Vaults looming over her if she has any hope of living her life the way she wants. Carewyn is close with her mother, Lane, but has greatly downplayed her involvement with the Cursed Vaults so as not to worry her.
Carewyn’s biggest flaw is her pride. Although she’s made a lot of friends at Hogwarts, she has difficulty showing vulnerability and tries to be perfect in absolutely everything she does. If she doesn’t think she can do something, Carewyn tends to ignore it and/or pretend it doesn’t matter. To complicate matters, when she started at Hogwarts, she actually dreamed of doing all of the normal things Hogwarts students do, like joining clubs, the Quidditch team, and the Frog Choir, but because of her brother Jacob and the Cursed Vaults, she’s had to basically put all of her more selfish ambitions on the back burner. After writing to her mother for advice, Carewyn selflessly gave up her spot in the Frog Choir -- something she really, really wanted -- to Merula with the thought that since she earned the spot once, she could always get it back the following year when there would be room for both her and Merula, but even that ended up having to be put off because of her quest to find the Cursed Vaults. Carewyn enjoys watching and playing Quidditch, but is reluctant to commit to the Slytherin team because she’s afraid of letting them down. Carewyn is actually kind of a stick in the mud too! Unlike her brother Jacob, Carewyn is a meticulous organizer and planner who believes everything has its place, and despite liking Tonks and Tulip quite a bit personality-wise, she can’t stand the idea of most pranks, thinking they end up really mean-spirited and kind of stupid rather than anything funny. (This of course only makes her a fantastic target for pranks among her friends, who think she needs to lighten up!) Appropriate to a Slytherin, though, Carewyn can also be a little manipulative -- despite having a very strong moral compass, she isn’t above putting on an innocent face, playing mind games, or out right lying if it’ll help her reach her goals. She likes to look her best around everyone, both in her fashion sense and in how she behaves, and she hates it when her more negative impulses or insecurities peek through. Her biggest insecurity is her lack of control about her own life. Because she feels like she’s the one with the most drive to find the Cursed Vaults and break their enchantments, Carewyn has subconsciously assumed all responsibility for the fall-out and blames herself if anyone else is put in danger because of her search for her brother or because of the Vaults. She wants to control absolutely everything in her life, but the most she can control nearly all of the time is her attitude, her workspace, and how she presents herself, so she does so. Her greatest fear would be a threat she’d have no hope of controlling or overcoming -- namely, Voldemort.
Relationship-wise, Carewyn’s closest friends are Chiara, Bill, Talbott, Charlie, and Barnaby. She also really respects the eccentric Captain of the Slytherin Quidditch team, Orion, and fancies Ravenclaw’s own “Style Wizard,” Andre Egwu, who shares her love of Quidditch and fashion. The thing Carewyn likes best about Andre is how passionate he is about his interests and therefore how much fun their conversations are. Fortunately Carewyn’s interest is reciprocated -- Andre and Carewyn attended the Celestial Ball together and have now been on two dates, one at Madame Puddifoot’s and one in one of the Hogwarts Greenhouses after a Valentine’s party hosted by Gilderoy Lockhart that neither of them remember very well. (META NOTE: As mentioned, I probably would’ve paired Carewyn with Chiara if ANY of the dating events would’ve let me, but I really like Andre too. And after choosing him for the Celestial Ball, it only felt right for Carewyn to stick with him, as I see her as a very monogamous sort, relationship-wise.)
Carewyn latched onto Chiara very quickly because of her “outcasted” status as a werewolf, and since then, she’s sort of become Chiara’s own personal Sirius Black, using her hawk Animagus form to keep Chiara company when she transforms. The Weasley family (Bill especially) sort of filled the hole that Jacob left in Carewyn’s life, but because Carewyn loves magical creatures, she really enjoys talking about dragons with Charlie and everything else with Barnaby. (Barnaby really enjoys whenever Carewyn sings to the creatures she’s working with to try to calm them down.) Carewyn was also pleasantly surprised to find out that Talbott enjoys poetry, given that she loves the arts (music especially), so she encourages him wholeheartedly in his writing, even if her enthusiasm kind of weirds Talbott out a bit. (He likes it, though.) Carewyn clashes most with Tulip (largely because of Carewyn’s aforementioned dislike of mischief), Ismelda (her sadistic streak turns Carewyn off big time), Skye (Carewyn was really upset when Skye started telling rumors about Erika Rath without any proof!), and Professor Rakepick (who Carewyn at present doesn’t trust at all, but will be play nicely with if it’ll help her find out what happened to her brother). (META NOTE: I also adore that Carewyn and Rakepick have some physical similarities, even though that wasn’t on purpose -- it just makes for great visual symbolism, considering that Rakepick is clearly trying to groom Carewyn as one of her apprentices!) Carewyn is also pretty protective of Ben and now Penny, since her younger sister Bea has gotten trapped in a portrait thanks to the Vaults’ most recent curse.
Although the so-called “Most Powerful Witch at Hogwarts,” Merula Snyde, would love it if she were Carewyn’s main rival at school, Carewyn’s kind of gotten tired of the old song and dance Merula’s done with her these last five years and now tends to just ignore her terrible behavior. When Merula is willing to play nice, Carewyn’s glad for her help, but she honestly just isn’t interested in indulging Merula when she’s being awful anymore (which is often). And as much as Carewyn may think of Merula as immature and irritating, she knows that Merula had it rough growing up and that the two of them have a few things in common, like their love of music, and her mother (who was a Ravenclaw like her brother) would counsel her to choose the more peaceful route over active hostility. Carewyn wouldn’t call Merula a friend exactly, but she’s more of an ally of an enemy purely out of necessity, and for that, Carewyn shows Merula the base level of compassion and respect, but nothing more.
Carewyn’s favorite professors are Flitwick -- who taught her about Wizard Dueling and teaches her favorite class, Charms -- and McGonagall -- the one teacher who she respects above all others and would never have the heart to lie to. Being a Slytherin, Carewyn also trusts Snape’s judgement, even if she gets little of the standard favoritism from him: she was all too eager to try to help him spy on Rakepick. She also adores Care of Magical Creatures and probably would enjoy History of Magic more if Professor Binns didn’t teach the class, since her mother Lane works as a magical historian.
Carewyn’s love of magical creatures has prompted her to adopt several pets and magical creatures on the Hogwarts grounds. Her most constant companion is her orange tabby cat Mimi (named for the halfhearted “meows” she gives), but Tulip also gave Carewyn a toad she named Sir Robin the Brave, or “Robin” for short (kudos to anyone who gets the reference!!). At the magical creature preserve, Carewyn has trained a Niffler named Wicket, a Fairy named Belle, a Welsh Green Dragon named Esmeralda, a Porlock named Tumnus, and an Abraxan Winged Horse named Arjuna. Carewyn’s connection with her Abraxan is also beautifully reflected in her Patronus, which is also a Winged Horse.
I’m looking forward to seeing where my curse-breaking baby goes from here! For those of you who have advanced further in the game than me, I can’t wait to catch up with you!
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mobius-prime · 4 years
282. Sonic Universe #9
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Knuckles: The Return (Part 1 of 4): Echoes of the Past (Part One)
Writer: Ian Flynn Pencils: Tracy Yardley! Colors: Jason Jensen
Man, I almost forgot how much I kind of miss the Knuckles-centric arcs. Say what you will about Penders and his writing, but I still stand by the fact that the KtE series was genuinely enjoyable for the most part. We open with Knuckles, Julie-Su, and Mighty taking a warp ring to General von Stryker's camp in the Sandopolis desert after having received a summons from him through Catweazle. Stryker gets right to business, accusing Knuckles of having lied to him. While that sounds bad, it turns out some of his scouts have found Finitevus' lab on the island and recovered a full documentation of his Enerjak project, meaning Stryker has found out that Knuckles wasn't actually in control of himself during the Enerjak fiasco.
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You know, time and again, every writer that comes along still wants to make the dingoes these inherently bad individuals who are constantly looking for new ways to oppress and betray. If you ask me, Stryker should have begun his journey to redemption alllll the way back when he was captured by the Dark Legion along with Knuckles and Julie-Su in KtE#24. I mean, overall, Stryker himself actually hasn't done too many bad things - the biggest beef he had with the echidnas for the longest time was simply the fact that they were procrastinating on building basic goddamn housing for his people, which is absolutely something he had the right to be angry over. And while a lot of the other dingoes I wholeheartedly believe don't deserve to be redeemed - running concentration camps, and all - Stryker wasn't the one in charge of that, and ultimately never came across to me as a terrible person, just overzealous in looking after his people. I just don't understand why, after all of that, Ian has gone right back to portraying him as a bad guy, eager to take over the island or whatever and only looking out for number one. The dingoes could have been so interesting, man. So much wasted potential for gray morality there.
Anyway, Knuckles has left Vector and Ray in charge of Shrine Isle for the time being, and Ray gets excited when he looks over the edge of the island and sees that they're passing over Downunda. Vector offhandedly mentions that he got out of there as quick as he could when he was young, and Ray immediately latches onto this, asking again and again to know Vector's history in Downunda despite Vector's obvious discomfort at this line of questioning. Funnily enough, the two of them make mention of Vector apparently teaching Ray about how "fact-gathering is an important part of being a detective," even though there's been literally no hints whatsoever in this universe of Vector or any of the other Chaotix members being involved in detective work. They're detectives in the games and anime, sure, but not in the comics. Eventually, with enough prying, Ray convinces Vector to begrudgingly give up some info about his past.
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There's silence after his little tale, and Vector initially thinks Ray is irritated at his ending the story so quickly, but then a scream for help alerts him to the fact that out of nowhere, a massive swarm of wing-dingoes (oh boy, remember those from the Tails Miniseries #2?) has swooped down and grabbed Ray to carry him off. Vector rescues him, but they find themselves surrounded and vastly outnumbered. Meanwhile, one of Stryker's soldiers has just finished taking Knuckles and his backup on some kind of sand worm to Finitevus' hideout, which turns out to be inside some dusty old ruins at the very edge of the island. Knuckles and Julie-Su head in amongst the buildings, while Mighty stays behind to talk to their driver, whom only he recognized - it's none other than good ol' Harry! Unfortunately, he seems quite downcast when Mighty asks him how he's been doing, and reminisces on how he always hated being in the military, but didn't have much of a choice when he was stuck in the pocket zone with the other dingoes, before Hawking restored them to the Prime Zone. From there he quit and enjoyed the simple life as a cabbie, even though he was always caught up in the schemes of the heroes.
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…ouch, man. It's true that Harry was pretty much forgotten about during the whole Return to Angel Island plotline, being little more than a plot device for the heroes, but you'd think they would have given enough of a damn to take him with them, y'know? Mighty tries to apologize, stricken, but Harry just tells him that while he's not angry he's also not interested in dealing with the heroes' messes anymore, and after confirming they have a warp ring with them, heads back out on the sand worm, leaving Mighty feeling awful. He joins Knuckles and Julie-Su in the ruins, where Knuckles is busy musing about the architectural design of the huts and how it doesn't match usual echidna architecture. Julie-Su is annoyed with this preoccupation and tries to get him to focus on finding Finitevus, pointing out that echidnas aren't the only species that have settled on the island, but Knuckles stubbornly presses on, pointing out the pyramid in the center of the ruins and how it matches Albion's architecture, but not that of the surrounding huts. At this point, Mighty agrees that they should focus on Finitevus, so Knuckles reluctantly leaves his thoughts behind and follows them to the pyramid, which they break into.
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It's easy to miss given how far back it's been, but the interior of the pyramid is nearly identical to that of the one Archimedes led him to in the Sonic & Knuckles special way back when. Mighty makes a thoughtless comment about how he'd thought that after Knuckles met his ancestors he would have learned everything about his history, and this pisses Knuckles off, as he now feels like even more secrets have been kept from him that he wasn't aware of. As they march on, back at Shrine Isle Vector and Ray continue to struggle against the wing-dingo attack, severely in need of backup.
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Seems Vector is taking Espio's betrayal especially personally. Knuckles marches on quickly through the ruins, and right as Julie-Su tells him to slow down a bit and be cautious, the three of them fall through a false floor into a small chamber that immediately seals them in with lasers. Oh, also, the walls grow spikes and start closing in on them. Good luck, guys!
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elejahfanfic · 4 years
The Vampire Files/7
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Part 7
AU story with tvd/to characters, but also with many others from different fandoms like Nick Amaro _Law&Order svu, that I am borrowing here. And Joel Goran from Saving Hope etc.
Main pairing_ Nick Amaro and Elena Gilbert
Nick and Elena are FBI Agents investigating supernatural activities and homocide caused vampires and demons.
Expect witches, demons, vampires. Inspired by X-files, Twin Peaks, and many other shows
✽-( ˘▽˘ *:)/✽
tag_ @miguelsbrat​
* thanks for reading, xoxo ✺◟(*❛‿❛)◞✺
Back in the city, Elena took her phone and dialed Jenna.
"How is New Orleans?" Jenna said as she picked up the call.
"Bustling. What is the connection of a Bloodborn with the Harvest?" Elena asked without any innuendos.
"I can hear you are in a bar?! Why are you not having a normal drink? Talking of Bloodborn means you ditched Nick or he found something better to do?!"
"Jenna!!" Elena raised her voice, which meant I need answers now.
"I need to look. Get back to you in five" Jenna said and hung up.
She then dialled another number, a person she swore she would never call as long as she lived, but she was desperate.
"Hello Agent" a female voice said picking up.
"Tess." Elena uttered as a hello. The witch knew Elena needed something major if she had given her a call.
"Tell me all about the blood of a Bloodborne" Elena then asked.
The witch was quiet for a second, which meant something terrible was about to come out. Tessa then continued-
"To get the Spirit of the Ancient One! There are no Bloodborns- or?"
"Thank you" Elena said hanging up. “Damn!” Suddenly, all was clear. Davina Claire's death had nothing to do with any of the other cases. She now ran back to the hotel to fetch the SUV and get to the Bayou. Her phone rang. And the display showed Jenna and an unknown number simultaneously.
She answered the other number,"Agent Gilbert? This is Agent Stavros"
“What's up?"
"A cousin of Davina Claire's has come forward  with some new info"
"Listening" Elena said as she now got into the SUV and started the car.
Flashback Twin Peaks
A week after Elena and Dale Cooper had arrived. He had disappeared in the woods.
"He entered the Black Lodge again,” Elena said to Sheriff Harry,"and you cannot follow me in there"
"Tell me what I can do?"
"Nothing. Just wait for us here. I will do my best to get him back. And- this is really very important- whatever you hear and see- STAY WHERE YOU ARE. The evil in there will completely consume you."
Hawk Hill, once the deputy of the Twin Peaks sheriff's department now approached them.
"Angel Heart" the former Deputy said to Elena, who was startled a bit as he called her that and looked at the man slightly wide-eyed waiting to hear why he had come, handing her a bracelet,"this is for you"
Elena took it. And then walked through the trees and she vanished like she had entered some other alternative universe.
Agent Stavros now met Elena in the Bayou at the Pearl Cottage.
Agnes, the voodoo priestes and Jane-Anne now approached the two Agents.
"Why did you wait?," Dean blasted at Agnes,"you knew, didn't you?"
From the Agent’s behaviour, Elena quickly put together that Dean not only knew the woman, but he was close to Davina.
Agnes to explain that the evil spirits didn't allow her to act, and that she tried to save Davina from them. Dean stepped forward got hold of the woman by the neck shouting that she was not telling the truth. Elena jumped and pulled him away from the woman, telling him to calm down and get a  grip.
"This is not helping!"she gritted with her teeth staring into his eyes still holding him tight. He clenched his teeth and tried to collect himself. She could feel his heart wanting to jump right out of his chest with all the anger and pain it was harbouring. His eyes watered."She is dead because of them"
"I know. But now you have to," Elena shot a stern look at him,"remember that you are an Agent of the FBI!!"
Dean ripped himself out of Elena's grip walking away for a second to catch his breath and try and focus. This was not an easy night for any of them.
"Another Special Agent of the FBI, my partner was taken tonight. If you know anything about what is going to take place you have to speak now, before this gets any worse. You all are implicated in the murder of Davina Claire, but if something happens to my partner, thing can get really bad. Death row is knocking at your door."
Elena's phone was ringing again and she knew by the alert tone it was Jenna. She had to take the call.
"Something tells me things are really bad. I left the voice-mail with the data, but - something is not letting me rest, so-"Jenna said.
"Call you later, I am in the middle of something" Elena replied and hung up. At that very moment she could not speak to Jenna. The time was ticking. She looked at the big harvest moon, then at the women.
"Talk!" she said in a low but stern voice.
The voodoo priestess could see a flicker of darkness from Elena's eyes and all she had felt about her as she came out of the SUV now made her shiver slightly.
"Move lespri yo ap chèche pou ou (The spirits are looking for you)" the woman said to her.
Twin Peaks, Black Lodge
Elena walked through a long  red curtain into the room with a strange black and white zigzag floor.
"Cooper" she called.
Suddenly there were strange hollow screams coming from everywhere. The light flickered as if the bulb was faulty. She walked across the room and through the red curtain yet again. It seemed like she was in the same room. But there were no screams anymore. Then Dale Cooper got through the red curtain from the opposite side. He looked at her and smirked at her and then went all serious.
"Let's rock."
"Oh, I don't think so!" Elena said and got hold of Cooper's neck. And then he screamed as if thousand banshees came bursting through him.
In the Bayou, Elena was losing her tether with the voodoo witch.
"Seriously, you telling me something I don't know!? And I really don't care at this very moment! There is a ritual right?"
Agnes nodded.
"Where exactly????" Elena asked narrowing her eyes at the woman.
The woman was now agitated and suddenly pleaded with Elena that she needed protection if she was going to divulge where the ritual was taking place.
"What is this? She is trying to make a deal?" Dean spat.
Elena gave him one of those looks that said not now. I know that you are hurt and you are not thinking straight and everything sucks right now, but we have to deal.
"You have a deal. You'll get protection." Elena said trying still to keep her calm- "now show me where it is!" Inside her, her heart was clumped up. All the images of Dale Cooper lying in the woods stone cold as she pulled him out of the Black Lodge, Jackson, as she found him lying lifeless by the river. She could not go through it again. Like in a haze she followed Agnes deep into the Bayou, not letting Dean go with them.
In Washington, DC
Rebekah called Caroline to come to her house. And as she waited for her friend, she tried once more to get hold of Marcel, but no one knew where he went.
Angrily, she tossed her phone on the sofa, running her hands nervously through her hair. How did life get so upside-down? she wondered.
Flashback A year ago
Marcel walked a blindfolded Rebekah into the apartment.
"Come on Rebekah laughingly pleaded her husband to be to take the blindfold off and show her the grand surprise he had prepared for her.
"Here" he said undoing the blindfold.
Rebekah looked at the place smiling from ear to ear, gasping with happiness, "You got it!!"
"This should have been the wedding present, but now it's my engagement present to you"
"To us!" Rebekah corrected him dearly walking around the lounge all happy then running to him wrapping her arms around his neck kissing him.
"I love you so much!" Marcel said dearly as they broke away from the kiss.
"Forever!" Rebekah said her eyes gleaming with happiness.
"Forever!" Marcel said placing another kiss on her lips.
Rebekah wiped away the tears brimming in her eyes, gazing out in the night. The buzz at the door broke her thoughts and she went to open the door. Caroline stormed in asking what was so urgent that she had to come immediately. Rebekah ushered her in.
"Something's not right. What now?" Caroline pressed on seating herself down on the sofa.
Rebekah sat down as well making a small mimic of a smile- "It's not that bad. It's actually good... but -"
"What?" Caroline was baffled.
"I am pregnant! It should be Marcel first I tell, but- I needed someone close to me"
"Oh, Bekah, this is great" Caroline now exclaimed relieved that it was not something dark.
"It is great," Rebekah smiled,"and I am happy, I really am. You know that I so wanted a baby, a family"
"Yes, I know." Caroline said full of empathy, and she also knew how much it pained her friend that it all came now when Marcel broke it all off.
"I can have the baby on my own. It will be so loved. I won't be the first, but I wanted us to be a proper family. It's not like we didn't love each other. The kidnapping changed him so much" Rebekah took a deep breath.
"He is not answering your calls?" Caroline then asked knowing Rebekah would have tried to get in touch with him.
"No. His phone is off. Not even going to voice mail. Nobody knows where he had gone. I feel that something is not right. I am so afraid that he would harm himself."
"We will find him!”Caroline reassured her friend."I know a very good PI Will Kinney"
"Why would I need a PI? He has maybe just switc hed his phone off." Rebekah was suddely in in disbelief.
"Mabybe” Carolie said,"but if you or Thierry don't hear from him - then try Will."
"I hope it doesn't come to this," Rebekah said and then looked at her belly," I still can't believe it”
"How far along are you?"
"12 weeks" Rebekah replied.
"Soo happy for you. I get to be aunty Caroline"
"Godmother. I know it's early, but I want you to be her godmother"
"I feel it's a her"Rebekah said.
"I'd love to be a Godmother" Caroline went all proud that she was bestowed with such special request.
*** In the Bayou, NOLA
Elena got into a small boat with Agnes. She didn't take her eyes off of the woman nor her helper, who was rowing the boat to the place of the ritual, which was to take place in a little while. She never trusted anyone like Agnes. In her experience deals made with those who dealt in dark magic could turn in a heartbeat and all would dimminish.
Strangely, the voodoo priestes now asked Elena to stop staring at her.
"What? I make you unconfortable?" Elena said with a ironic whiff in her tone.
"Ou gen dife nan je ou. (You have fire in your eyes). Eyes of thousand suns blazing." Agnes said.
Elena was told something like very similar like that once before and now narrowed her eyes at Agnes saying, "They can burn you alive, so I suggest you keep the end of your deal"
"Nan kou te chwazi a (Of course, chosen one)"
The morning after the police found Davina's body
"Agnes, you have to help us," Jane- Anne came to the woman completely distressed,"what if they come for Monique?! I can't lose her"
"The spirits showed me the one with the heart of an angel with powers of great obifyo."
"Someone possess that great magic? If only I could get Sophie back"
"She gave up her witchraft," Agnes said,"but we will win this"
"I don't know. Look what happened to Davina"Jane-Anne said sadly.
Elena's feelings of despair were vanishing by the minute as it was apparent they were approaching the supposed place of the ritual. She had to focus even though her heart continued being in the state trepidation for Nick. They didn't have the greatest start and she treated him badly, but not because she wasn't respecting his efforts, on the contrary, she liked him. She liked him a lot. More than she thought she would. And if she found him dead her heart would explode. 
A week or so after Elena got out of hospital.
One evening Nick came to her apartment announced. As Elena opened the door he put two boxes one on top of the other right in front of him saying,"They had this pie and I thought you could need some"
Elena smiled a little showing him in.
"And no talk of vampires or any supernatural occurrences"
"OMG. I should get monopoly out!?"Elena joked a little.
"I have not yet been beaten at monopoly!"
"Right! Be ready to have your ass whipped!" Elena went to look for the game.
Her heart was beating fast and she grabbed hold of Agnes, before she knocked Agnes' helper unconscious. She had already sensed two vampires near by. This was no time for pleasantries, and she dragged the priestess to the place lit up with torches.
"Tanpri chwazi yon sèl, pa fè m ' ale la (Please, chosen one, don't make me go there)" Agnes pleaded, clearly terrified of the creatures. Elena now looked at the woman with her eyes gleaming like amber.
"Go!" Elena then said to the old woman.
The woman was not clear if she meant it. Elena now shoved her back to the direction they came from. Whatever was to happen next Elena had to face it herself, she alone had to deal with whatever was coming. And to her horror she now saw Nick being dragged out of the cabin and taken to the ritual spot being pulled up by his legs on a tree. She could see that he was not conscious and that the blood was dripping from his neck.
She closed her for a split second, her blood roared with anger, flooding her heart.            
When the silence breaks with a thunderous roar Seasons change and I transform Oh oh oh, my heart is a storm When the time has come, I'll fly away On wings of a silver hurricane Eh eh eh, my heart is a storm My heart is a storm I shed the skin I need no more Reveal the colours I have never shown before And it spreads like particles of light Like particles of light You'll see me shimmering like crystals in the stars
My heart is a storm
The two vampires and the hybrid didn't see her coming and Elena's attack was like a unexpected storm, unstoppable and swift. Tossing the bodies in the depth of the Bayou waters, she ran back to her partner.    
Untying him, she slowly laid him down on the floor. She checked his wound. The bite was not deep. It was done purposely as they obviously needed it to drip slowly. She now pulled a small tube out of her jeans pocket and applied the ointment on the wound that had magical properties. It sealed the wound and as it got into his blood stream it acted like a booster and Nick opened his eyes, looking at her drowsily, transpiring a joyful so happy to see you.
"You will be fine" she whispered to him taking him up under her arm and they walked to the boat.
_to be continued
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ablackmoonrises · 4 years
Ok so a bit of explanation just so some of the things here would make sense to someone looking from the outside.
We are a disabled queer couple who use roleplaying and creating fanart as a means of therapy. Through our characters we get to experience emotions and express ourselves in ways we otherwise have a hard time doing.
Currently, we are doing about a million AUs and a million iterations of Sirius and Remus, meeting in different worlds just to fall in love over and over again.
In our version, the timelines, events and circumstances vary vastly, but the two characters remain largely the same in appearance and personality, albeit a bit shaped and changed by their respective histories in the given universe.
The world these stories take place in is loosely based on the wizarding world of JKR, and both the characters and the story have been altered to a point of non-recognition. This is a choice we made because through these characters we are telling our own stories, dealing with issues that are relevant or parallel to our own life challenges, and because we don't necessarily want to cater to any particular audience other than ourselves.
A word of warning. Since we are a couple and sexual intimacy is part of our relationship, this is also somewhat true to our characters. There will be explicit sex scenes in both our writings and visual art, and even though Tumblr doesn't allow this type of content anymore, we are going to link to images and stories that do contain explicitly sexual content. We are going to attempt to appropriately tag all sexual content, but we won't remove posts or stop posting these. Please, be advised.
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Sirius is strong, firm, reassuring, a well-meaning buffoon, a bit thick in the head and thick in the ass. He is haunted by his family's legacy and in some worlds, the loss of his brother. Sometimes a pervert, sometimes a sex worker, often a queer biker wet dream... He's funny, and charming if you can see past the absolute cluelessness and the speak-first-think-never attitude. He might pretend that he's all that but deep down he's convinced that he's just not Good Enough for Perfect-Beautiful Remus. He's a lovesick puppy but he can pack a hard bite. He's the first to jump to catch Remus and hold him, steady him, ground him and help him come back from the edge of a breakdown, but more often than not, he's also the one that ends up crying on his boyfriend's lap.
He's a natural top, although he definitely is bottom-curious (albeit massively embarrassed about it). People assumes he sleeps around but in fact in most worlds he's a total virgin.
Visually, he's a gorgeous hunk with a dark complexion, ethnically ambiguous, but certain features of him point to native American origins. He has long hair, dark eyes, a hawk nose and a mass of tattoos, mostly commemorating his fellow marauders.
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Remus is a quintessential cinnamon bun. He's a ball of guilt and angst, but he also carries himself with immense dignity and he's proud to a point of self-destruction. He wants to be seen and recognised and held and taken care of, but at the same time he's unable to receive the love and compassion of his peers... Except, maybe, for Sirius. He cares deeply about the injustice of the world, he's bookish and brooding, with stormy moods and fancies. He has a tendency to always jump to the worst conclusions, which can barely be balanced by Sirius' easy-going always look on the bright side-attitude. He has terrible self-esteem issues and he's given up on any chance of romantic connection due to his condition... That is, until he hasn't.
Secretly, Remus is a huge perv with very particular, very kinky fantasies, he's a power bottom who doesn't shy away from shamelessly going for what he wants. He's openly gay and a huge proponent of transparent communication, which is definitely definitely needed to compensate for Sirius' utter inability to verbalise feelings or desires.
Visually, he's the opposite of Sirius. He has a slight build and a frail frame. He's pale-skinned, brown-eyed, freckled and lean. He also has long hair, originally auburn, but by his early twenties, he's gone completely grey.
About the world.
Generally speaking, most of the stories take place in the characters' late teens and twenties. Regardless of the specific AU, we've established a world where neither Voldemort nor Harry has ever happened, and instead the story focuses on the characters' personal development, life events, etc. Furthermore, the Marauders include Lily as well, while Peter slowly drifts away from the group by the end of their time in Hogwarts. They don't part on bad terms, but they mutually let the friendship fade away.
Further Characters:
James Potter - he's a black transman with ADHD and a family who just doesn't have it in them to really care about him. It's not that they disapprove of him as much as they are just too busy making the family fortune.
Lily Evans (Potter) - a spunky redhead punk with a huge heart. She started dating James before he came out and helped him through the rough of transitioning. She is an amazing friend and a vicious advocate for social justice and equality. Her family is overly supportive, almost annoyingly so, and while they can be overly enthusiastic and miss the beat sometimes, they have also taken care of James as if he was their own son.
In some of the dark AUs James and Lily plan to have a baby and undergo fertility treatments, but Lily miscarries the baby.
Severa Snape - Zhe is a non-binary nerd with a beautiful redemption arc behind hir back. Zhe started out as a pure-blood supremacist but later came around and today zhe is a strong ally to the marginalised minorities. Regardless, Sirius hates hir and he can't get past some of their earlier confrontations over Severa's treatment of James and Regulus, while he's also deeply ashamed of his own treatment of hir.
Regulus Black - They are a gorgeous sunshine child with a larger than life personality. Originally planning to become a professional dancer, their life comes tumbling down when an accident leaves them in a wheelchair. Instead of crashing and burning though, Regulus decides to channel their energy into finding another artistic pursuit and showing the world how nothing can ever bring them down.
In some of the dark AUs Regulus dies in the accident that crippled them.
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noona-clock · 5 years
A Very Dreadful Shade of Orange
Hyungwon??? Whatever you want, I'm not picky but tooth rotting fluff is acceptable 💕💕💕
Of course, @nocommitment-17! I hope you like it!
Genre: Harry Potter!AU
Pairing: Hyungwon x You
Warnings: None
Words: 1,802
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“Oh, blast,” you murmured to yourself as your potion turned a very dreadful shade of orange.
Since Potions was your absolute worst subject, you’d taken it upon yourself to practice during your free time. Your marks in all of your other classes were fairly good -- some even quite spectacular, if you did say so yourself -- but Potions...
That was a whole other story.
So, like the stubborn and hard-working Hufflepuff you were, you were in Professor Flitwick’s Charms classroom stirring magma cream and fermented spider eyes into a small cauldron. 
Professor Flitwick had graciously allowed you the use of his classroom since it was the weekend, and also because Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws were usually paired together. He was the teacher you trusted the most after Professor Sprout, but you knew she would never have given you permission to brew potions in her greenhouse. She was far too protective of her plants!
You’d flipped through your potions textbook earlier that morning, trying to find an easy potion to practice and finally deciding on a fairly basic love potion. 
Well, not a love potion because no sort of magic, potion or not, could actually make another witch or wizard fall in love with you. Even Amortentia, the most powerful love potion known to man, couldn’t do that.
The potion you’d chosen, Admirorlius, wasn’t even close to Amortentia. Rather than creating an obsession, the one you were currently brewing would only produce a slight crush. A more-than-friendly admiration.
Which was exactly what you were going for.
Because... to be quite honest, you hadn’t chosen this potion just because it was easier.
You’d chosen it because you wanted to test it out.
On Hyungwon.
Hyungwon was a Ravenclaw, in the same year as you, so you had most classes with him. You saw him just about every day. You weren’t friends exactly, but you were acquaintances.
And you had a really, really huge crush on him.
And you would feel really, really guilty if you gave him a full-blown love potion without telling him.
But like, just a tiny one wasn’t bad or weird.
It really wasn’t!
But even if it was bad and weird, it didn’t even matter anymore because, as I said earlier, the potion was now a very dreadful shade of orange. And it was supposed to be a very lovely shade of pink.
So... obviously, you hadn’t brewed it correctly.
Of course.
At least you hadn’t told Hyungwon you were attempting to brew Admirorlius. He was kind of a potions master (and an everything master because he was Hyungwon, and he was just perfect), and if he had known beforehand you would be practicing, he most certainly would’ve offered to help.
You continued to stir the rusty concoction, throwing in some raspberries to try and make it pinker... but that only made the goopy liquid sputter and emit a... somewhat foul stench.
A very frustrated sigh escaped your lips, and you were just about to drop your wand on the table in surrender when some shuffling footsteps entered the classroom.
“Oh, god -- what is that smell?!”
Your gaze snapped over to the voice, your heart and stomach dropping down to your feet when you saw...
“I -- “ you gaped, immediately stepping back from the cauldron. “I was --”
“You’re trying to brew a potion? In Flitwick’s classroom?” he asked, craning his long, elegant neck to try and get a better look at which potion, exactly, you were trying to create.
“Well -- I -- yes,” you answered. “I wanted some practice, and Professor Flitwick let me --”
“Which potion is that?” he asked as he approached the table. His brow was adorably furrowed, and you could not even begin to take your eyes off him as he stepped closer to you.
“It’s -- it’s nothing,” you stammered, trying to cover up the cauldron with your arm.
“Looks like Oculus Potion,” he murmured. “Doesn’t smell like it, but it sure looks like it. Do you mind if I try it? My eye has been bothering me lately.”
“No!” you cried as he reached for a wooden spoon you’d used earlier in the process. Back when your potion was still fine and not unrecognizable.
Hyungwon paused, a confused smirk pulling at his beautiful lips. “Why not?”
But instead of waiting for you to answer him... HE JUST KEPT ON DIPPING THE SPOON INTO THE POTION.
“Because it’s not --” you rushed.
But it was too late. He had already brought the spoon, with some of this admiration potion gone wrong on it, up to his mouth.
And he was sipping it.
Immediately, he started coughing and sputtering, letting the spoon fall back into the cauldron.
“That is not Oculus Potion,” he chuckled.
“No, it’s not,” you agreed with a sigh, closing your eyes.
“...So what was it, then?”
“It was supposed to be...” You gulped nervously, keeping your eyes shut so you wouldn’t have to look at him as you spoke the next word. “Admirorlius.”
“Admirorlius?” Hyungwon asked with slight confusion. “Why --”
“I just wanted to get better at potions, and that seemed like an easy one, but obviously, I’m terrible at brewing potions, so please just leave, and I will clean up and never talk about this ever again.”
You began to gather up all the materials and ingredients you’d used, avoiding eye contact like the plague. But then you heard Hyungwon’s soft, casual voice.
“You could’ve just asked me.”
His words gave you pause. Because... well... you hadn’t expected him to say that.
Hyungwon had always been one of the quieter Ravenclaws. Popular but not because of his outgoing, magnetic personality. Popular just because he was so tall and had model good looks and was weird in a mysterious, cool way.
The two of you had talked only a few times, and those few times had mainly just been when you’d been paired together for an assignment.
“Why -- I don’t want to bother --” you said, almost in a whisper.
“I would be glad to help you,” he interrupted gently.
You finally shifted your gaze to look at him, your eyebrows raised in disbelief. “...You would? Be glad? To help... me?”
Hyungwon shrugged casually as if it were no big deal. Which, to him, maybe it wasn’t! But to you...
“Yeah, of course,” he assured you with a barely-there grin. Some might even call it his signature grin. “Should we start over?”
“Oh! Oh, no, we don’t -- we can brew something else,” you said quickly. If Hyungwon helped you brew something you had been brewing with him in mind -- a love potion -- that would just be too embarrassing.
“Why not? Admirorlius is pretty simple, it’s a good one to start with.”
Oh, god. What were you supposed to say?!
“I just -- I mean, how would we test it?” you asked with the most awkward chuckle in the universe.
Hyungwon didn’t answer you right away; he simply stepped up to the table and waved his wand over the cauldron to empty it.
You watched him like a hawk as your heart pounded inside of your chest.
“...Well,” he began, not quite looking at you. “I couldn’t try it out because it wouldn’t work on me.”
His gaze flitted up briefly, and you could’ve sworn he seemed nervous. But that was impossible. He was Hyungwon. Did he ever get nervous?
“It wouldn’t work on me because I already like you,” he said with a small shrug.
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Did he...?
Did he just say that?
“I’m sorry?” you asked breathlessly.
“I guess you could test it out,” he continued.
“You -- you like --” There were so many thoughts in your head, you had no idea what to say. Except you heard more words coming out of your mouth before you even realized it. “I couldn’t test it out either because I like you, too.”
Now it was Hyungwon’s turn to pause.
His eyebrows raised underneath his shaggy (but still neatly-combed) black hair, and he slowly looked up at you.
Before he could say anything, though, you decided to just be completely honest.
“I was trying to make this potion for you. Which sounds kind of sneaky when I think about it now, so I’m not really sure why I had this idea in the first place. I’m a Hufflepuff, after all. Not a Slytherin. We’re supposed to be patient and true, but I just wanted to know what it felt like to have you like me, too, because I never -- I never thought --”
“Why didn’t you ever say anything?”
“...Why didn’t you ever say anything?”
A smirk tugged at Hyungwon’s lips, and he nodded. “Fair point.”
The two of you stood there in somewhat comfortable silence for a few moments before he spoke again.
“I really can help you out with your potion, if you’d like,” he offered.
You couldn’t help but let out a soft chuckle, resisting the urge to roll your eyes.
What a Ravenclaw he was.
“How about... a walk around the lake instead?” you suggested as a soft blush crept onto your cheeks. “I think I have to just give in to the fact I will never be good at Potions.”
Hyungwon let out a sigh, his facial expression changing to one of slight disdain.
“Do I really want to date someone who’s terrible at Potions, though?” he asked kind of to himself.
“Hey!” you chuckled
But also -- he’d just said the word ‘date.’ In reference to you. That would deserve a squeal once you returned to your dormitory later.
“I’m just saying,” he shrugged.
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“I may be terrible at Potions,” you admitted, reaching for your wand. You held it above the mess you’d made and declared “Scourgify” as you waved it around deftly.
In just a few seconds, everything had been righted and cleaned, back to the state you’d found it before you’d made this mess. You lifted your gaze to look at Hyungwon with slight smugness, one eyebrow raised.
“But I’m bloody good at spells.”
Hyungwon couldn’t hide that he was impressed by your skill, but he still said, “A Hufflepuff who’s good at spells. Who would’ve thought?”
As the two of you began to make your way down and out to the lake, you couldn’t help but imagine what lay in store for you and Hyungwon.
Would you two actually end up dating? Would he ever break down and insist on teaching you how to properly brew a potion? Would you stay together even after leaving Hogwarts? Would you always think about this day whenever you saw that very dreadful shade of orange? Would he always tease you about being a Hufflepuff?
You hoped the answer to all of those -- even the orange and the teasing -- was ‘yes.’
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runexxknight · 4 years
Can be used for RP and non-RP blogs to get to know a bit about the person behind the screen!
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1. FIRST NAME: Samuelle
2. STRANGE FACT ABOUT YOURSELF: I run in my house instead of walking for absolutely no reason.
5. A FOOD YOU HATE: I’m really not fond of beef in general.
6. GUILTY PLEASURE: Chocolate for sure ♥
9. IF YOU COULD GO BACK IN THE PAST AND CHANGE ONE THING ABOUT YOUR LIFE, WOULD YOU AND WHAT WOULD IT BE: I don’t think so. I took the decisions I wanted to make at the time so it’s not necessary to look back.
11. A MOVIE YOU COULD WATCH OVER AND OVER AGAIN: All the Harry Potter movies ♥
12. FAVORITE BOOK: The Harry Potter books will always have a special place in my heart, and also The Handmaid’s Tale and Wuthering Heights.
14. TOP FIVE FICTIONAL SHIPS [IF YOU ARE AN RP BLOG, YOU CAN USE YOUR OWN SHIPS AS WELL]: It’s absolutely terrible to choose. Locke/Celes (Final fantasy VI), Kaidan/Shepard (Mass Effect trilogy), Hawke/Fenris (Dragon Age 2), Arno/Élise (Assassin’s Creed Unity) & Geralt/Yennefer (The Witcher 3). I just picked one ship per fandom so these are not all my faves xD it was just too hard to choose :P
15. PIE OR CAKE: Pie.
16. FAVORITE SCENT: Coffee ♥
17. CELEBRITY CRUSH: Nick Carter ♥
23. DREAM JOB: Writer
24. WHAT WOULD YOU DO WITH A MILLION DOLLARS: I’m pretty sure I would donate or help people around me who are in need.
25. FICTIONAL CHARACTER YOU HATE: Cait Sith from FFVII. He’s just annoying and it’s kinda sad.
TAGGED BY: @xdetruo​, thank you dear :D ♥
TAGGING: @golden-heart-knight @fabullisnova (Shadow) / @ragingfists @stcrprism @featherskyhero @onuscientia @heavnlyfists​ @adventurouswind​ @earthmaiden​ & YOU ;D
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