#i know even less about lightyear
cobbbvanth · 2 years
taika: *has a pixar movie coming out this week*
taika: *has a marvel film coming out in a month*
also taika: hey guys my buddy rhys and i did a lie detector test also i’m really into the soft-core porn that’s been made about our gay pirate characters on a show that stopped airing three months ago
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suiana · 1 year
✎ yandere! alien headcanons . . .
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✎ warnings . . .
― kidnapping, overprotective yan, obsessiveness etc.
(gn! reader x male yandere! oc)
✎ yandere! alien who is the leader of a group of researchers. and for their latest experiment, they need some humans. unfortunately you have been selected :(
✎ yandere! alien who abducted you along with some others for his experiment. don't worry, you'll be treated well, after all it's a waste of resources to go back and collect another group of humans! do you know how many lightyears away earth is from his home planet?
✎ yandere! alien who took a particular interest in you. I mean, the other humans are interesting as well but... something about you just... pulls him in, you know?
✎ yandere! alien who adores the size difference between you and him. it doesn't matter whether you were considered tall or short back on earth. this guy stands at 2.5 metres tall (8'2) so you'll be short next to him anyways. so if you're into manhandling...
✎ yandere! alien who conducts a multitude of experiments on you. ranging from how far you can split, your stamina and even to how intelligent you are. he also observes you and records details on your body. oh? you only have one reproduction organ? he has two! what a surprise! till the walls are all white and I'm permanently stretched out zaddy
✎ yandere! alien who just wants to keep you all to himself! you're so adorable and sweet after all, so precious, so...fragile... some other researcher could just snap you! he needs to keep you safe!
✎ yandere! alien who is absolutely smitten with you. of course he is, why wouldn't he?! you're perfect! even if you're from a less intelligent species you're still endearing in your own way!
✎ yandere! alien who isolates you from the other humans and alien researchers. he swears that it's because you're putting harm to the other humans but really, we all know it's because he's worried you might fall for someone else.
✎ yandere! alien who slowly becomes the only person you see. it started from the guards, to the female aliens who brought you your food... you're becoming suffocated with the amount of attention he's giving you. he doesn't need to be by your side 24/7 you know?!
✎ yandere! alien who has a slightly sadistic side that is in love with teasing you. he can't help himself, the reactions you give to him are too adorable!
✎ yandere! alien who is now your self proclaimed husband, as you humans call it. he didn't have that concept back on his home planet after all. he thinks humans are really romantic creatures, swearing loyalty to only one person for the rest of their lives... don't worry little one! he'll learn your human manners to help you adapt to your new home :)
✎ "what a cute little human you are. I might just... eat you up ♡"
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Carol Danvers x fem!reader Warnings: established relationship, long distance, fluffy times, explicit language, implied sex (let me know if I've missed anything!) Word Count: 1.2k
Summary: It's been nearly a year since you've seen your girlfriend and almost two months since you've heard from her. And you're beginning to worry that she's forgotten about you. After all, the universe is a big place.
357 days. That’s how long it had been since you’d seen your girlfriend. You tried to think of yourself like a military spouse. After all, Carol did used to be in the Air Force. And she did travel to far-away, dangerous places to protect people, with very limited communication for long periods of time. It’s just that her dangerous locations were in other galaxies instead of other countries.
You were used to her being gone or, well, as used to it as you could be. The longer her absence went on, the more used to it you got, but somehow it also became harder. When she first set off on this mission, she’d been in your galaxy, so communications had come faster and with more regularity. Less space and time for them to travel through. But the farther away she got, the longer it took her messages to get to you. You were lucky if you got one email a month.
It wasn’t personal. You knew that. She was far away. Even with the best technology S.H.I.E.L.D. could provide to a civilian, her communication with you was still slow and limited. But, god, you missed her. You missed her laugh. You missed the warmth of her next to you in bed. You missed the way she propped her leg up when she sat down, no matter what kind of chair it was. You hung on every word of her emails, going over them so often you’d memorized them.
It had been two months since Carol’s last email. It was a long time to go without communication, even for her. The irrational part of your brain was desperately worried for her. There’s no telling what kind of high-risk situations she got herself into out there. But you knew that if anyone could handle themselves against all the forces of evil in the universe, it was Carol. You also knew that S.H.I.E.L.D. would have contacted you immediately had anything happened to her.
Another part of your brain–equally irrational but much harder to talk down–worried that Carol had forgotten you. The universe that Carol traversed was huge. Infinite, even. She saw things no one else had ever seen. Met people and experienced cultures that were so different from ours on Earth that we’d never even dream them up. Who’s to say she hadn’t found somewhere–someone–more beautiful than here, with you? She saw entire worlds, the neverending canvas of space and time. How could it possibly be that, of all the things in the known universe, you were the one worth coming home to? You always worried that maybe, this time, you weren’t.
As you climbed into bed, missing, as always, the feeling of Carol’s arms wrapped around you, the rise and fall of her chest as she slept, you once again pulled up her most recent email. From 61 days ago.
Hi, baby. I hope all’s well on Earth. I’m sad I’m missing spring–you know it’s my favorite season. Are there apricots on the tree yet? Or just buds? I’d give an arm for an apricot right now. I’m farther out than normal, so you might not hear from me for a while. One of the Andromedas. 2.7 lightyears away, if you can believe it. It scares me a little to be so far away from you.
I know I’ve said it before, but it gets lonely out here. Sometimes I wish you could come with me, but I know your body wouldn’t handle space-time travel like mine does. Superhero probs. Also, it’s probably not fair for me to make you put your entire life on pause just because I miss you like crazy.
It’s so beautiful out here in a weird, quiet way. I wish you could see it. Yesterday, I passed a pulsar. A star carcass, as I like to call them. They’re these gigantic masses of spinning light that put out radio signals (which might interfere with how quickly you get this, fuck pulsars). You’ve never seen something so big. So big it’s almost hard to believe it’s really there.
Anyway. I’m rambling. I miss you so much. I always miss you, but this time feels harder for some reason. I miss the way your eyes crinkle when you smile. I miss the way your hair sticks up in the morning. I miss kissing you. I miss doing more than kissing you. I just miss you.
I’m not sure when I’ll get home, but I think about you every day, every second. Nothing in this galaxy or the next or the next compares to you. Please stay safe. Don’t be sad. Snuggle Goose for me.
I love you.
You fell asleep reading through the email, again and again, your phone going dark in your hand beside you as you drifted off. You dreamed of pulsars. You dreamed of Carol.
Hours later, you jerked awake, gasping, as you felt a hand on your shoulder.
“Hey, hey!” a voice said, calming, reassuring. “It’s just me.”
You’d know that voice anywhere. “Carol!” you squealed, grabbing her and pulling her onto the bed with you, holding her as tight as possible so she could never, ever leave you for so long again. “You’re home!”
You felt her smile against you as she buried her face in your neck, wrapping her strong arms around you. She smelled metallic, almost like gunpowder; you knew it by now–the smell of space. “Hi, baby,” she whispered, breathing you in. “I missed you so much.”
Still holding you close, Carol sat up a bit to just look at you, just take you in. She ran her hand along your cheekbone and pressed a warm kiss to your mouth. A kiss you’d been so desperate for, you thought you might die from relief. Her lips tasted like space, too, the way metal smells after rain. So uniquely her. How many other people could say they knew the taste of space?
“Are you crying?!” Carol asked, alarmed, as she brushed a few tears from under your eyelids.
You sniffed and mumbled, “I thought maybe you forgot about me.”
Carol pulled you to her chest, running her fingers through your hair, lightly grazing her fingernails against your scalp. You shivered at the sensation.
“Oh, baby,” she breathed. “I could never forget about you.”
“But there’s so much out there.”
“Mmhm,” she said, kissing your nose. “And none of it’s as beautiful as you.”
When she moved to stand up, you grasped her hands. “No, no! Stay here and snuggle!”
She laughed, grinning from ear to ear, as she pushed your hair back from your face. “I have to shower, Y/N. I smell like an asteroid.”
You leapt out of bed to stand next to her, looping your arm and hand through hers and leaning against her shoulder. You couldn’t get enough of her, couldn’t get close enough. You never wanted to let her go.
“Can I join you?” you asked, blushing a little. After all, it had been nearly a year.
Carol looked at you lovingly, smiling softly, a few of her own tears building. She squeezed your hand and dragged you after her into the bathroom. “God, yes.”
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bokutosmochi · 8 months
kinktober day two: praise kink!
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geto suguru x goth!fem!reader
what's it: smut
allergen warning/s: penetrative sex, pain play, hair pulling, choking, praise kink, reader becomes self conscious because of some kids they come across, reader is described as having a pale face because they're wearing gothic makeup which usually includes a pale foundation even when the person doesn't have pale skin
sugar level: 0.7k
regulars: @ventdavi154 @deobiforever @sugusshi @angelshub
parlor's note: kinktober is just me making my alt self happy, apparently
bon appetit!
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you could barely remember how you got into the situation you are in right now; not that you have a problem with it. you certainly had no complains about your boyfriend relentlessly thrusting his cock in and out of your abused hole. perhaps him ruining your makeup by making you tear up with how good it feels, but you couldn't get yourself to care. it all felt so good. suguru knew all your spots, how to touch you, how to angle his hips to make you cry out in pure pleasure. and more than that, he also was kind enough to remind you what happened for you to end up in this position in the first place.
you were outside a few hours ago to pick up a few things from the grocery store, dressed to the nines in gothic clothing when you came across some kids a year or two younger than you who were less than pleasant to deal with. you didn't know when it became socially acceptable to scream degrading names and throw things at a total stranger just because you did not like how they dressed, but you must have missed the memo.
most of the time, you simply shrugged it off, but for some reason, your brain was not cooperating today. you were plagued with thoughts of self-doubt.
suguru caught you unhappily staring at yourself in the mirror, nitpicking everything about yourself; from your natural physical appearance, to your style, and now you were here, being reassured by your sweet boyfriend in a special way that only he can do.
"c'mon princess," he grips your hair and tugs on it to make you look in the mirror in front of you. your back is arched in a way that does wonders for his dick, your eyeliner is running down your pale face, and your bold black lipstick is smudged all over the bottom half of your face. "look at yourself and tell me you don't look pretty as fuck." the words are panted out of suguru's lips, also having traces of your lipstick on when he kissed you hungrily moments before.
"say it, baby. give yourself a little praise and i'll give you what you want." suguru punctuated his sentence with wet kisses on your neck and a hand around your throat; he didn't squeeze though, not yet.
when you were unable to reply to him, your brain lightyears away from where you physically are, he bit at your shoulder, deep enough for it to hurt in the most delicious way possible. his eyes darkened as well. "tell. me." he accentuated the growled out words with stronger thrusts making his cock hit deeper inside of your spongy walls; something you didn't even know was possible because he was already so deep in before.
at this point, you didn't even know how you were able to hear his hushed whispers. the sound of sweaty skin slapping against sweaty skin was so loud, filling your bedroom with lewd noises.
"i-" you struggled with getting the words out. "i look pretty like this."
"there you go," suguru murmured. the pride in his voice rang clear as a bell and as he promised, he straighted up so he'd be on his knees with you bouncing on his lap and the hand that wasn't on your throat traveled to your clit, rubbing quick circles on it.
"i-i look so pr-pretty when- ah fuck- when i- uh- dr-dress up and i look pretty when i'm not."
from where his lips were softly pressed on your heated skin, you felt him smile and hum. "that's my girl." he rasped out, the praise in his deep, rich voice made your pussy tighten.
"who's the prettiest girl in the world?"
the room was so warm, and suguru was even warmer. it only made every so much more hot to you.
"i am."
"there we go, sweetheart." he laid you down on the bed with little to no effort and hovered above you. the hand that was around your throat tightened and the lack of air flow made your eyes roll to the back of your head.
"now lemme treat you the way you deserve to be treated, princess."
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i get: reblog
you get: the ability to draw your eyeliner symmetrical on the first try
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majaloveschris · 1 year
Let's sum up what has happened in the past few days.
Alba came back to Instagram on that day when the announcement of "Ghosted" came out and a day before its trailer should've come out. However, due to an error, it actually came out on the same day, and the photos she took, she posted later, after the trailer dropped. Justin was also trolling with him standing in front of a Buzz Lightyear figure and with that picture of two people who didn't even look like Alba and Chris.
Today Alba posted a photo, and after that, Lisa started following her. I can't even count how many times it was mentioned that it's strange she doesn't follow her, etc., and now voila. The picture was liked by almost everybody; we started with Steve, then Scott and Lisa, Chris, Chelsea, and let's assume even Tara is among those who liked her post, and this happened like in 20 minutes. This is the first post of hers that was liked by that many people from his side, even though she posted the WN trailer (which was only liked by Chris) on November 10, by which time everybody knew they were together. It's not like the fact that people didn't know about their "relationship" and it was supposed to be private was important to anybody because they were already following her and liking her pictures. I guess now everybody has been asked to like her post,you know because everybody "adores her". 
This whole thing just shows how coordinated and unnatural this whole thing is. Correcting every single mistake people find out about this "relationship" makes this even less believable. I don't believe for a second that this is real.
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mewmckenna · 3 months
Last night I was rewatching 1x03 and I noticed a parallel with another part of the series. In 1x03, which is the episode that focuses on the suffragists, the scene that takes place directly after Eliza slaps PC Honeychurch (slay) is her and William arguing over his treatment of her. William asks Eliza “are you a woman or a detective?” to which she replies that there should not be a distinction, as there is not one for William as a man.
This conversation is super interesting for me because later on in the show, at the end of 4x04, Patrick tells Eliza that she is “an exceptional detective, and a remarkable woman.” While he is mentioning her gender here, it is not to belittle her or her achievements. Unlike William, he understands that this is a part of her identity, and an important part. Patrick sees this and regularly acknowledges. She’s good at her job and she’s also a woman, full stop. I don’t know if William is ever able to recognize these two aspects of Eliza’s identity as being cohesive.
Patrick’s acceptance of this part of her identity is referenced in the next episode. It’s after she has accused their client of murder and Patrick goes to do damage control. He tells her that she has to be a businesswoman if she wants their agency to succeed. This was during a time when being a businesswoman was not really a thing. Most women did not own any property or have any position of power, and they definitely did not run a detective agency with a staff of twenty men. That’s why his offer to run Nash & Sons was so attractive to her. He understands how this is a big deal for her and doesn’t try to diminish that. He calls her what she is and even though he’s mad at her during this part of the episode, he’s not using her gender to insult her.
Basically, Felix Scott called Patrick Nash a Victorian feminist and he was right. William reflects the ideas of the time, and though he certainly gets less aggressive about it over time, he still doesn’t ever get over his distaste for Eliza’s job. Patrick, while certainly not a perfect feminist (lol), is lightyears ahead of where William is on that front. Because of this, Patrick’s relationship with Eliza is fundamentally different from William’s as it comes from a place of respect without any of the reservations that William has.
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fullstcp · 4 months
'Good Riddance' by Gracie Abrams Sentence Starters
"I was bored out my mind."
"When I could come to life, I didn't."
"You're the worst of my crimes."
"I never was the best to you."
"It was my little strange addiction."
"I destroyed every silver lining you had in your head."
"We were too different, you were so sensitive."
"I left you here."
"What if I won't?"
"How am I supposed to put that gently?"
"What if I'm not worth the time and breath I know you're saving?"
"Part of me wants to walk away 'til you really listen."
"I hate to look at your face and know that we're feeling different."
"Why won't you try moving on for once?"
"I know we cut all ties, but you're never really leaving."
"I'm thinking everything you wish I wasn't."
"You're better off, I'm being honest."
"Won't you stop holding out for me when I don't want it?"
"I'm a rollercoaster."
"You're a dead-end street."
"But won't you stay for a while?"
"I wish that you'd never leave."
"I almost lost it."
"I'm codependent but trying hard not to be."
"I'm better when you're next to me."
"I'm a shameless caller."
"You can lie to me."
"But do you think we could talk?"
"I'm a forest fire."
"I had a life here before you."
"It's just that I'll always choose you."
"A lot of that felt wrong."
"Like I miss you."
"But when I kissed you back, I lied."
"You don't know how hard I tried."
"Where do we go now?"
"You look hopeful."
"Can't you tell our light burned out?"
"Got a lot to cry about."
"There's nothing left here."
"All our best years are behind."
"What a brutal way to die."
"But you choose it every time."
"We could meet down the line."
"I can't promise you'll like it."
"I know I changed overnight."
"I'm half of myself here without you."
"You're the best in my life and I lost you."
"Guess the space was the thing that I needed."
"I wasted my breath when I tried to console you, didn't I?"
"We didn't happen the way we were supposed to."
"I know that I should hate you."
"You're not even here, but you're doing my head in."
"All I ever think about is where the hell you even are."
"I swear to God I'd kill you if I loved you less hard."
"Will you cry if I let go?"
"How'd we get stuck?"
"Now, I'm what you're bored of."
"Would it not kill you to say goodbye?"
"It's kinda funny when it goes from all to nothing."
"You have to laugh before you start to cry."
"I met a girl/boy once. She/he kinda ripped me open."
"She/he doesn't even know it."
"She/he doesn't know my name."
"Where did you go?"
"Why'd it feel louder when it all went unspoken?"
"All I can do is hope that this will go away."
"But she/he doesn't know that I'd let her/him ruin all my days."
"It's no one's fault."
"I really think sometimes there's something that I'm missing."
"I should probably go back home."
"I guess I'm just difficult."
"I meant to tell you."
"Was it something that I said that colored you blue?"
"I've been drinking."
"I thought eventually, my ranting her would fix it."
"This is what the drugs are for."
"Hopefully, the high works to change my mind."
"I haven't seen you in a lifetime."
"What am I supposed to do when you used to be my lifeline?"
"I've counted all the days since you walked away."
"I've gotten used to sleeping here without you."
"All I ever do is think about you."
"I'm still waiting by the phone."
"When I'm down, I fall right back to you."
"You could go and I bet I'd recover overnight."
"You feel lightyears away."
"If I met you today, I would run to the arms of another."
"I hope we've got a lot in common."
"What are you doing to me now?"
"You came out of the blue like that."
"I never could've seen you coming."
"I think you're everything I've wanted."
"You make me really nervous."
"I've never felt this close to someone."
"What if you're my weakness?"
"It's the best and a curse."
"Think I'm more alive somehow."
"I feel like myself right now."
"What if this is it for now?"
"I'll say whatever you want, but I've become such a liar."
"I used to follow my gut."
"I should be happier now, so why do I feel this quiet?"
"Now I only let me down."
"I've been thinking way too loud."
"I wish that I could block me out."
"I think I'm burning alive, but nobody sees the fire."
"Don't know how they see me now."
"I feel ten feet off the ground."
I'm getting tired of feeling delicate."
Every voice in my head is trying its best to haunt me."
"People freak me out."
"It's so hard when it feels like my fault."
"Someone pull me out right now."
"The girl/guy in the mirror's a stranger."
"I drove a hundred miles an hour to forget you."
"If I were to go tonight, I think I would regret you."
"You took the half of me that I needed."
"How'd you walk away so easy?"
"It's almost like you like to let me down."
"I hate the fact that I miss you around."
"Please, you won't even look at me."
"It's getting embarrassing."
"You forgot me overnight."
"You didn't even try to hide it."
"You've consumed, like all my nights."
"Now I know it's unrequited."
"Why does it feel like you don't even know me?"
"How are you looking at me like a stranger?"
"I loved you so hard for a time."
"We'll die anyway."
"Don't think we're above, might happen to us."
"You know everything that could kill me."
"Why am I clawing to you to survive?"
"Don't know what to say, two people can change."
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a-little-unsteddie · 5 months
wip weekend
hello! with the first chapter of stuck in your throat out, and the holiday season being more or less over for me, i have decided to do a wip weekend again! so force me to write and hopefully i can start posting chapter two before the end of january :D
to celebrate the end of 2023, i’ve decided to do something a little different than a regular wip weekend.
- send me an emoji and i will write 3 paragraphs instead of sentences in that fic and post it with your ask.
- there is no limit to how many you can send, so send as many as you’d like for whichever fic. i will stop taking asks at 11:00p CST on December 31st.
- i will post a snippet from both of the fics below the cut!
🎤 - stuck in your throat: rockstar alpha!eddie, nanny omega!steve, omegaverse obvi
🪐 - humans are space orcs au: human!steve, aliens!everyone else. steve is a stowaway on eddie’s ship.
snippets below the cut:
snippet from stuck in your throat 🎤
“How was work?” Steve asked, leaning against the wall as Robin shed her outter layer.
“Ugh, I swear, if Diana comes in one more fucking time, I’m gonna climb over the counter and stab her with a spoon,” she seethed, toeing off her converse.
Steve snorted, rolling his eyes, “What’d she ask for this time?” he asked, knowing that it was about to be the stupidest shit.
“She asked me if we served fucking Frosty’s,” she hissed angrily, which only increased Steve’s amusement.
“You’re not We—”
“I know we’re not a fucking Wendy’s,” Robin huffed, stomping towards the kitchen, Steve following behind to listen to the rest of whatever happened. “She knows we’re not a fucking Wendy’s, but her reasoning was that we serve milkshakes, and, really, how different from a milkshake could a Frosty be?”
Steve watched fondly as Robin ranted, knowing she needed to before she could let it go and move on with her day. He was content to wait her out, even as she moved on to rant about a different customer that had annoyed her.
snippet from humans are space orcs au 🪐
“What’s new?” Eddie asked, sitting at the bar. “Why is it so empty? Usually by this time in the day, the market is filled with people.”
Chrissy’s happy demeaner faded at the reminder, her gaze sliding behind him to peer out the windows at the front of her shop. Eddie’s ears twitched in concern, lowering slightly.
“What is it?” he asked warily, feeling his wings shudder at the sudden unsettled feeling.
“A human was spotted just east of the village,” she told him, body stiff. She focused single-mindedly on the batter, adding the next ingredient.
Eddie froze, eyes wide as she stared at the back of Chrissy’s head, convinced he had misheard her. She definitely didn’t just tell him that there was a human all the way out here. They weren’t over a lightyear away from the planet that humans called ‘home’, but they were definitely far enough away that humans were something of a legend.
“Tell me I did not just hear you tell me there is a human on L’idxa.” Eddie said flatly, staring a hole through the back of Chrissy’s head, willing her to make the amused chittering noise she had been making before he’d asked.
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ladyvaderpixetc · 4 months
your top 15 favourite tv shows can say a lot about your personality
Tagged by the epically fab @lolahardy
this genuinely kept me awake a bit last night until I realised what was happening and stopped trying to recall every show that ever struck me right in the feels or shaped me lol and yes, I know no one asked for any reasoning behind it but when you've mulled it over all bloody day long, you feel like sharing :P
M*A*S*H - used to be on everyday at 7 and my mum had adored it when she was younger so brought me and my sister up on it, still makes me laugh and cry to this day.
Star Trek TNG (& Picard which might be cheating but really is just an extension all told) - loved all the Trek's, Honourable Mention goes to ToS because kid!me loved it so much, only to have TNG blow the roof off my head. Lt Cmdr Data was my first love and I am unashamed ;)
Red Dwarf - for many reasons but mainly Arnold Rimmer (more reliable than a garden Strimmer, he's never been mistaken for Yul Brynner - he's not bald and his head doesn't glimmer...) who my teenage self was certain could be redeemed with the power of love, or a very determined snogging if nowt else.
The Good Place - because I (and many of us) needed it as a concept, whether for personal growth, coping with grief or just cos 'forking shirtballs' never gets any less funnier for me.
Firefly - the best show to ever be cancelled before it's writer could ruin it. I adored the show and the ensuing film, mourned its early cancellation for YEARS until I heard about Whedon's general twattishness and what had been his intentions for the series and characters, now am happy it exists as it is, still problematic but so worthy in so many ways, and on that awkward note...
Buffy the Vampire Slayer - problematic on 800 gazillion levels in this day and age but still a forerunner of many awesome things to follow and I'd be lying if I said I hadnt been glued to it, obsessed with it, shipping folks, dling the soundtrack, buying the jewelry etc and even now if I see a reaction vid on YT for S5 I can't help myself but watch and weep along with them.
Merlin (BBC) - Umm'd and Ahh'd over this for bloody ages lol but it was my happy place (literally, had a run of bad years as have we all, so I'd watch an ep before bed every night to make me smile) and it got me through the difficulties I had right up to the finale where they took me and my happy place out back and shot it in the face in front of me lol. Despite my escapism route being put down in those heinous raw weeks immediately following a parents funeral, I'm still listing it here for being wonderful, silly, heartening and heartbreaking, whilst giving every last Fuck You to the writers for their surprise, abruptly canon-compliant ending.
Stargate SG1 - daft sci fi with it's heart trying hard to be in the right place plus eminently shippable characters in almost every combo going? Yes, please.
Heroes - because I was OBSESSED. It picked me up out of my OTP in a diff fandom (sorry drarry, I still love you honest) drained me of any and all urge to write for anything but them ever again until it got shat on by its own writers, breaking the spell.
Brooklyn 99 - NINE-NINE. *sadly doffs cap to Captain Holt*
King of the Hill - from a show I used to avoid when I was younger to one I ration myself viewswise so it won't lose it's impact. Superb.
Schitts Creek - only watched due to encountering a clip on tumblr of Moira's stonefaced manaical laughter and ended up crying with happiness over the finale, am an easy crier sure, but not normally because something is just so lovely.
Cheers - was only a kid when it finished but I bawled my face off when Sam said 'sorry, we're closed' (was too young to know it'd be repeated ad infinitum lol) and the opening theme still feels like coming home.
Golden Girls - sole reason D+ gets any money from me, the bastards, it was my only access for a bit there but it was worth it, lightyears ahead of it's time and just wonderful to boot.
Parks & Rec - somewhere my sister is elated with no clue why. Took her years to talk me into it, but having watched it on repeat a few times, I now can't live without Leslie, Ben & Ron.
Other honourable mentions (sorry I know, longpost, my bad) go to Quantum Leap for being a daily delight growing up, What We Do in the Shadows which would have made the list but I've only just got around to watching it and am only on S3 so have yet to find out if it's going to rip my heart out, Eerie Indiana for getting me started hyperfixationwise, Caroline in the City (S1-S3... S4? I don't know her - no seriously, I didnt realise for YEARS it didnt end at S3 and as this purported S4 fucked that up [supposedly] yeah I don't know her), The XFiles for my first actual foray into fandom & fanfic, and I know am missing another gazillion shows I'll remember later that seem much more worldshaping than these and I'll gnash my teeth lol so yeah *waves hand vaguely towards future me's frustrated rememberings* them too ;)
Tagging a) anyone who fancies a go should they feel like it, and b) [no pressure natch] @theangrykimchi @amazinmango @thesaltofcarthage @buckydunpun @kalika999 @gracerene @helaheim @dls-ao3 @emorgan5061 @bananaempanada
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confusedandzalgofied · 3 months
Some headcannon about zalgo?
Zalgo headcanons? Zalgo headcanons! I̡̤̞̱͈̋ͥ̔̈'̽̎̂̂͐m͎͇͇̘͎̠ ̺͓̦͉̟͖͢s͖̬̱̱͖̖̳o ͤ̒͛g̮ͥla͇͈͖̎ͨ͋͝dͭ̎̏̍ ̵̍ͫ̍yŏ̖̭̘̠͓̺̿̆ͯ̽ͣu ̧̅͆ͯ̑͆ͮas̗̰ͦ̓k̶ͥed̺̹̳̤̦̜!ͥͦ̂ Here, have a few from my little... alternate universe or whatever.
The less you know, the safer you are. The second you hear of him, even in passing, it's over. You'll start to notice things that seem odd once in a great while. They'll be few and far bet ween, but every time it happens, that's a bit more exposure to Zalgo. The same goes with mentioning him, or even thinking of it.
He doesn't necessarily directly influence humans himself, but rather the world around them. Just because he finds it amusing. The corruption of biological life is just a side effect of his actions, but he doesn't really care and if anything uses that to his advantage, spreading more chaos and carnage in his wake.
If someone or something were to become Zalgofied, it's actually a quite slow process as it's usually the result of cumulative exposure to the corruption. It's like… One would go from being relatively unaffected and only noticing a weird drawing or two or some corrupted text, to seeing it more often and thinking "Heh, Zalgo" and being a bit confused after the fact, to… full-scale something being noticeably wrong. Only after that point is when the physical effects start to set in, such as the blackening of eyes, warping of flesh, etc. Eventually, you b̶ec̵om̵e̵ o̴̓n̸̮̈́e ̶͍̳͗̋w̸̛i̴̙̤̽t̷͉̓͒ͅh̷͈̀ ̷̫̑t̷̕͝ͅh̴̡͝͝ȇ̸ ̷̭̠͐H̵̞͐̎ï̵̗̯ṽ̴̰͛ë̴̺́́ ̵̼̼͂̃M̶̜̒ĩ̵̱̚ņ̵̣̈́̐d̶͉̈́͐.̵̻̿
If he were to take on a human form, it wouldn't seem... Correct. There would be some major unplaceable uncanny valley energy, despite looking and seeming completely normal. He'd wear either a t-shirt and sweatpants and not give a shit, or the fanciest, nicest looking suit he could. There'd be no in-between. He also speaks every language, except he has a completely different voice for each language as well. Each different voice used to belong to something or someone that became part of the Hive Mind.
He doesn't need a Costco membership card. He'd just be able to go in if he felt like it, convincing the workers due to funny mind control that he DOES have one, despite clearly not having one.
Zalgo defies the laws of physics, holding quite literally a dead star / black hole. Somehow, he is completely unaffected by it. He's everywhere, yet nowhere. Just some eldritch, cosmic entity.
He also resides in some alternate dimension beyond our known universe. Despite this, he is able to see and interact with everything, the "glass" walls of his realm acting as a touch-screen window to anywhere, should he choose to do something.
He once corrupted an entire planet lightyears away from Earth. It ended up in a similar state to the planet TrES-2b, except it constantly emits a radio signal that if tuned into sounds like the agonized screams of the damned. Not much else is known about it though, as the scientists who discovered this began to experience the symptoms of an unknown illness, their ears bleeding, and starting to ramble on in seemingly gibberish. Only a few of them were able to remain coherent enough to report their findings, although shortly after they too fell strangely ill.
This is a silly one, but strangely enough, pizza rolls in a large enough quantity can be used as an offering to buy yourself just a bit more time. For reasons only known to him, he likes them.
Another silly one, but he thinks that human souls taste exactly like marshmallows when consumed.
I don't typically write out my headcanons so I'm not entirely sure what to share, but it'̧̹s̰̥ͅ ͛͆͏n̐̽i̗͖ce͡ ̩̘̃͗h̖̤ͯ͆a͜v̟̐i͚̱ͣ̽n̐̽g̐̈́ͫ͏ a ̅re̮͖͓͑̑̈́͢ả̽͏̻͓sͅo̤͈͡n̎ ̇tö͎̱́̈́̈́͜ sh͇ͣ̾a͕̍ͭ̃́ṙ͍eͩ͗̓ ̰̰t̼̱̻̑̏̀ȟͯe̗̱̹̓ͩ͂m̱͔͔͒̏̉͢!͉͈̑̃
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jpitha · 11 months
Dreams of Hyacinth 28
First / Previous / Next
While Tink docked to the Xenni station, Nick and Eastern got dressed.
"Do we need to wear anything special? I don't know the Xenni very well." Eastern was pulling on clothes and talking with Tink through one of her support frames.
"They breath a mix that's similar to yours and the K'laxi. You should be fine. You might find that it smells odd. They have more sulfur in their home planet's atmosphere than Earth, but the concentrations they have won't hurt you. There's a touch less oxygen and more xenon too, but not enough to worry about, especially for the time we're going to be there. They like it warm too, so short sleeves will be fine."
"Thanks Tink." Eastern looked over at Nick. He was busy pulling his pants back on. "Ready to go meet the Xenni?"
"No, but I guess we're going to do it anyway." Nick sighed as he finished putting his clothes on.
"What's wrong, hon?"
Nick looked up at Eastern, worry on his face. "Eastern, we're two criminals from Hyacinth. Small time crooks who - until two weeks ago - used to con people out of their valuables and effectively shoplift. Now, we're lightyears from home, on the run from an Empress who has a Voice that can make people do what she says, and we're going to talk to another sapient species about touching a magic stone in a warp gate to do... something. We're not even sure what's going on. Why would I be okay?"
Eastern strode over and hugged Nick tightly. "We'll be okay because we're doing it together."
Nick melted into the hug. "I hope so Eastern. I'm way out of my element. I've been trying to hold it together these past few days, but... with all that's going on... and Selkirk..." Tears welled in Nicks eyes and he didn't say anything else.
Eastern held Nick a long time until Tink made a throat clearing noise. Nick started and looked up at Tink's support frame. "Sorry, it's just that we're docked, and I can see that some Xenni are waiting outside the airlock. Do you need a moment?"
Nick broke off the hug. "I'll be okay Tink, it's just... been a lot for me."
Tink's support frame nodded. "I get that. I'll go do some final checks and meet you by the airlock in a few."
Nick washed his face and took a few breaths. He came out of the bathroom looking much better. "I sure hope the wild surprises end soon. I could use a vacation."
Eastern smiled. "I'd like that. Take me to Parvati."
"It's a deal. When this is all done, we'll go spend a month on Parvati. I'll show you all my favorite places."
Nick and Eastern found Chloe, Hat and Tink's support frame waiting for them down at the airlock. "Everyone is here. Let's get this over with." Chloe sighed and reached for the airlock cycle.
Eastern narrowed her eyes. "Wait. Chloe, Nick and I plan on telling them the truth. We want to examine the Gate, and touch the stone inside. Were you planning on..."
Chloe's hand reached back from the airlock cycle button. "Honestly? If it was just us-" she gestured at Hat and Tink "-I wouldn't tell them a thing and just request to see the gate and examine it."
"Bully them you mean." Hat crossed his arms.
Chloe glared at Hat but said nothing. "Since twice now I have told you something that... didn't quite happen the way I expected it I am willing to try and do things your way. We will not hide anything from them. But I don't think we should come clean with everything all at once either."
Hat shrugged. "For once, I agree with Chloe. Telling them everything might be a bit... much. We don't know how much they know about Empress Melody - if anything - and her and Raaden's Voice. Without seeing it, it's kind of tough to accept."
Eastern looked at Nick and he nodded once. "That's fair. It is pretty wild what they can do."
Chloe looked at everyone one more time, and pressed the airlock cycle. The airlock hummed and hissed for a few seconds and the inner door opened. Everyone stepped inside, and the door shut.
After another moment, the outer door opened and Nick's nose was assaulted with the smell of the sea. It's smelled like low tide at a beach back on Parvati. He knew that the Xenni were much more aquatic than humans were, but this was surprising. Did they live on a water world?
As the party stepped out, they were met by three Xenni. They were shorter than humans, but wider. Their bodies had a glossy carapace that shone under the artificial lighting. Nick noticed that at the joints of their limbs, the carapace was segmented almost like armor. They walked on two large legs with two more behind, and they had two arm like appendages that were more or less where human arms where. Their heads were large, with visible mouthparts that looked like they helped put food into their mouths and two eyes on short stalks above their head.
Crab people. Nick realized with a start. They looked like crab people.
One of them, whose carapace was a deep dark bluish red had colorful badges on their chest. It looked like an indicator of rank. "Greetings, and welcome to Xenni Station 73. My name is Coreanth and I will be your guide, assistant, and liaison while here."
Eastern stepped forward. "Thank you Coreanth. My name is Eastern, this is Nick, and Chloe, and Medicine Hat, and the support frame is Tinker Toy, our ship. We are pleased to meet you."
One of the Xenni next to Coreanth raised one of their arms and a device whirred and beeped. They made a noise at Coreanth and moved their arm such so that Coreanth could read the device. "Ah. Two of you are human, and the rest are-" they struggled for words "-not."
Chloe smiled thinly. "That is correct Coreanth. Nick and Eastern are biological humans, the rest of us are not."
To their credit, Coreanth seemed to recover quickly. "Welcome, welcome! Please, accompany me, and we can lead you to the Gate. We have added atmosphere to it, and connected it to our station. You can breathe there easily, there is no need for suits." They turned and gestured for them to follow.
As the group walked down the hall, the two Xenni with Coreanth took up station behind them. They seemed to carry no weapons, but their purpose was clear. They were guards meant to make sure nobody strayed from the group.
Coreanth sounded jovial though. "Tell me, it has been many years since we have met any humans outside of our standard meetings and exchanges of information. What brings you into our empire?"
"We're interested in the Gates. We would like to examine one, and try and learn more about it."
"Are you a part of the expedition that came through about 10 of your years back and explored the Gate system? I was not part of the group that gave access, but I remember reading about the expedition as they passed through Xenni space."
"Not... exactly, no." Eastern was careful "But we are trying to further the knowledge they gathered. They learned some interesting things about the Gates, and we're looking to build upon that knowledge."
"Oh? That is fascinating. We have had the Gates in our empire for as long as we have had an empire. We have examined many of them very thoroughly. Maybe we know the information you seek already."
As Coreanth took a few steps further down the hall, Nick looked around. The hall had rounded walls, and while it was brightly lit, the color was different than he was used to. It was bluer, harsher. He wondered if the Xenni evolved under a brighter, bluer star than humans. It might explain their carapace too, if they were exposed to higher concentrations of ultraviolet light.
Eastern nodded quickly. "We'd like that Coreanth, you probably do know far more about the Gates than we do, we'd like the opportunity to learn from you."
Coreanth's mouthparts clacked. Nick realized it was clearly a body language gesture, but he had no idea what it meant. Nick was kicking himself for not bringing a translator module. It would have told him things he can't pick up about Xenni body language. At least Coreanth speaks Colonic very well.
Coreanth's mouthparts clacked again. "I will tell you a surprising fact about the Gates right now in fact. Did you know that there is a distributed intelligence that lives inside the Gates? They manifest themselves as nanoscale machines on this side of the gates, but exist almost wholly in the liminal space where the main Gate is?"
Eastern, Nick, Chloe, Hat and Tink stop walking. Nick and Eastern look at Coreanth with wide eyes and Chloe looks around the hall worriedly.
"You did not know this, yes? It's very surprising is it not?" Coreanth's mouthparts clack again. Nick wonders if it's a Xenni smile.
"Coreanth... are they called Nanites?"
Coreanth's eye stalks wave back and forth. Another Xenni body language. "They are, Eastern! I am very surprised you knew this. Where did you learn it?"
Eastern takes a step and then stops. She looks back at Nick, her eyes wide. She's almost ready to panic. Nick steps foward. "Coreanth, did the Nanites tell you about... an Empress?"
"Empress Melody? Yes, we know about her. The Human who took up the mantle of the Old Empress and is attempting to rebuild their empire. The Nanites said that she has made a few personality backups. We've spoken to her a few times now."
Eastern's head swivels over to Coreanth. "Coreanth, Melody is dead. She died ten years ago."
Coreanth's mouthparts clack. Nick is sure it's a nod. "Her human body is dead yes, but like I mentioned, she made a few backups to the Nanites. We can speak to her if you'd like. All of the previous Empresses are there too. It can get quite noisy if they all want to speak." Coreanth starts walking again. "Come! We can go visit them now if you'd like. I was going to give you a tour first, but it seems like you would like to meet your Empress. We can do that first, and take a tour after."
Coreanth took them through the long, winding halls of the Xenni station and down deeper. Soon, they reached another heavy door, and the fourth Xenni they've seen this entire time was standing guard. This one was carrying a rifle. It was like nothing Nick had ever seen. It was a similar color to the Xenni's carapace and was rounded and seemed to mold into their arms and hands perfectly. As they approached the guard straightened up, and said something in their whispering, chittering language. Coreanth gestured at them and replied. Satisfied, the guard stepped to the side.
On the other side of the door, the hall was much different. Made of stone, or a stone like material, it was much wider and cooler than on the Xenni station. The light was more yellow as well, closer to the light Nick would expect to see. After a short walk, they came to what looked like the end of the hall.
Coreanth's mouthparts clacked again. Nick had a hunch they were having a great time. "Humans, would you please approach the wall here? I have a feeling that when you approach it will open."
Nick and Eastern approached the wall. When they were about a half meter away, there was a rumbling, and the wall slid down into the floor, revealing a large, airy chamber ahead of them. Nick looked over at Coreanth. "If it opens for us automatically, how did you get in?"
"At first, we forced our way in. After we met the Nanites and talked things over, they added our signature to their memories, and allowed us to operate their machinery."
"But why does it work for us without that?"
Coreanth pointedly did not clack their mouthparts. "Because you are Builders. You already have access." They stepped ahead. "Come, I will show you the Directory Stone."
As they walked further into the Gate, Nick and Eastern looked around. It was almost like a temple, or a mausoleum. It was clearly made for a ceremonial purpose. People never lived here. It appeared to Nick that there were places for people to gather in this main room, and they all faced towards a very large door at the other end of the room.
Before the door, was a dais. A half meter tall, it was a circle nearly in the center of the room. As Nick and Eastern approached, there was a flash of green light, and appearing on the dais, was... a hologram.
Chloe gasped when she saw it. "Nick, Eastern, look. It's a map."
Nick and Eastern stopped and looked at the map. It spun genly in front of them. "Where are we I wonder?" Nick looked at Chloe.
When he spoke, the map spun and whirled until one point was in front of them. symbols flashed in front of the point. Words, most likely. "Chloe, what was the name of the huge station that Melody was on when she became Empress?"
"Reach of the Might of Vzzx, I think."
Nick looked at the map. "Where is Reach of the Might of Vzzx?"
The map spun and the points became very small and the view backed out until Nick could make out the entire galaxy, and then quickly zoomed in to another point. Here more text flashed, and there was a different symbol, yellow that was flashing, almost like an error.
"Look, that's where the Reach is supposed to be, but that symbol is flashing."
Coreanth looked at the map with them. "It says that the station is not where it is supposed to be."
Eastern turned to Coreanth in shock. "You can read it?"
"Yes. Those of us who spend a long time with the Nanites can take on a small measure of their skills. We are not Builders, but with high enough densities of Nanites - and their permission - we can leverage their abilities. It is why I am able to be speaking to you. I don't actually know Colonic, but I can speak it to you thanks to the Nanites. I can also read their text readouts."
"Will that happen to us?"
"I do not know. It is up to the Nanites, I suppose." Coreanth turned and stepped away from the dias. "Come, they're just through here."
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k-evans-reads · 1 year
In Living Color
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Chapter 11
Summary: When Natalie Marton, lead character designer for Buzz Lightyear, meets the voice of Buzz, Chris Evans, the sparks are undeniable. But when their work pushes them away from each other, both physically and emotionally, will the sheer differences between their worlds be enough to force them apart?
Pairing: Chris Evans x Pixar Animator OFC Natalie Marton
Word Count: 4,512
By: @k-evans-writes and @ourfinest-hour
We do NOT give permission for our works to be reuploaded, translated, or reposted on any other site. Our work is our own.
Warnings: None.
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Previous | Main Masterlist | In Living Color Masterlist
August 2021
Nat’s eyes moved over the paper in front of her, watching as she sketched a scene for a meeting later in the week. She stopped, comparing the current sketch to one she’d tried earlier, noting where the lighting on Buzz’s helmet was wrong in the previous version. 
With that in mind, she got to work on doing the correct lighting on the newest sketch, but she was soon distracted when the door to her office suddenly opened and Chris walked in with a huff. She lifted her face up, pushing her curly bangs off her forehead while watching him go straight over to her light pink velvet couch, plopping down with his head on the decorative pillow and his legs up on the armrest on the opposite side. 
“What’s wrong?” Nat asked quietly, pushing herself out of her desk chair to shut the blinds to her office. They didn’t necessarily have to hide as much here, where everyone was discreet and respectful, but it didn’t mean Nat wanted to have onlookers for every conversation with Chris, especially when he evidently wasn’t having the best day. 
He shrugged, his eyes shutting as he sighed on the couch. “Oh, nothing,” he muttered. 
“Yeah, you coming in without a word and with a grumpy look on your face totally says there’s nothing wrong,” she retorted, crossing her arms over her chest as she leaned against her desk and watched him carefully. 
Chris sighed again, eyes opening as he clenched his jaw and shrugged again, meeting her gaze. “I don’t know, I’m just tired I guess,” he whispered.
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Nat dropped her arms to her sides before she stood up to cross the short distance over to the other side of her office. She ran a hand behind her, tucking her rainbow striped dress underneath her as she sat down on the edge of the couch and looked down at him with a soft smile. Instinctively, he reached out and rested a hand on her lap, Nat’s small hand coming to rest right on top of it while the other rubbed across his chest over his soft black tee shirt while she asked, “Are you sure there’s nothing more?” 
His jaw was still set tightly but he relaxed under her touch, shoulders slouching as he shook his head. “I don’t know… I think I’m just having a rough day,” he admitted. Even if he hadn’t, she knew he’d been running himself ragged the last several weeks. It’d been over a month and a half since he’d returned from Massachusetts and Europe, and he’d had a few days to himself to get back into a routine before he was thrown into recording the remainder of his Lightyear lines. He’d been in the recording booth almost all day the last several weeks, and Nat knew the toll it took on anyone, but especially him. 
“I’m here to listen if you want to talk about it,” she whispered, one of her hands working its way into his hair comfortingly. She’d seen how wound up he’d been, his patience wearing especially thin over the last few weeks, evident in the way he’d been less talkative than normal every night, hadn’t wanted to do much, and was inside his head more than ever. It broke her heart to see how much it was affecting him, how much it seemingly had pushed him to the edge. 
“I just feel like today all I did was just stay inside that booth saying the same shit over and over again,” he began, voice quiet as he stared up at the ceiling before he looked up at her, from where she was sitting above him. “I’m so used to being able to play off of other people and this I literally just am by myself in a fuckin’ dark room all day long. When I walked over here, I almost forgot the sun was out.” 
“I’m so sorry, baby,” she whispered, knowing how incredibly lonely it must feel. She thrived on how communal her work was, between the different departments, coworkers, and working with the voice actors, but to have none of that and be responsible for building a scene with no one else to play off of must be incredibly challenging, especially for someone whose career was built on live action films. “I’m sure it is hard to have to carry everything yourself in terms of acting.” 
“It’s a lot harder than it seems like,” Chris admitted, shrugging before he sighed and ran a hand through his beard. “And honestly… I’m just fuckin’ exhausted.” 
She watched as he attempted to work through everything in his head, but before long his jaw was clenched again as he stared out the windows overlooking the vast campus. Her hand rubbed along his shirt, and before long Chris placed his own on top of it, squeezing gently. “Why don’t I text Mark and tell him we’re not going to game night?” She finally asked quietly, knowing they’d had plans to get together with Mark, his partner, James, and Lauren at Mark’s place for dinner and games. 
Chris shook his head, stubbornly insisting, “We don’t have to. I’ll be fine.” 
But Nat shook her head back, giving him a smile as she reached into her pocket for her phone. “I’m going to text him and then we can just go back to my place and relax,” she told Chris as she opened her text thread with Mark, typing out a message quickly. 
He was quiet for several moments, long enough that she almost thought he’d try to dig his heels in further, but finally he quietly admitted, “...I’d love that, Nattie.” 
Once she’d texted Mark, Chris headed to his place to get Dodger before he eventually met Nat at her apartment in San Fernando. She finished up what little work she had before she grabbed her things, shut off her office lights, and poked her head into Jamie’s office, telling him she was heading out for the night and wouldn’t be joining them at game night. 
The drive home took less time than normal, and Nat had just gotten changed into a two-piece lounge set and was digging around her fridge, pulling out pork chops and some vegetables, along with some orzo from her tiny pantry. She was desperate to find anything to cheer him up and although she was at a loss for just how to help him, she knew that a good dinner would help.  
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Just as she preheated the oven, her phone rang. Nat blindly answered the call, expecting it to be Chris, but when the screen suddenly showed her nieces and nephew, she couldn’t help but nearly melt. 
“Hi Aunt Nattie!” The kids cheered as the phone jerked around, Lily and Carson laughing as they tried to take the phone from Ella, the oldest. 
Nat grinned, turning and resting the small of her back against the counter. “Hey, there’s my favorite nuggets!” She replied, laughing to herself as Carson nearly commandeered the phone by moving closer to the camera, his little body blocking her from seeing her older nieces. 
“What are you doing?” He asked her, his sweet little voice curious. 
“I just got home from work and now I'm making dinner,” she explained, turning her head as she heard her front door unlock and suddenly Dodger came walking in, heading right to the bowl of water she’d left on the ground for him. She shot Chris a smile as he rounded the corner to the kitchen and living room before he sat down at the island quietly and she asked the kids, “What are you doing?” 
Lily beat the others to the punch, getting to explain, “Mom said that we could Facetime you, but she said we couldn’t talk for a long time because it’s almost Carson’s bedtime.” 
Nat just scrunched her nose up while she leaned in closer to the screen, playfully whispering, “Don’t listen to your mom, you can talk to me as long as you want.” 
Chris smirked as he listened to her, pulling his own phone out of his pocket and tapping quietly as he listened to the call. But Heather’s voice quickly interrupted Nat’s thoughts as her oldest sister yelled, just loudly enough to carry through the phone, “I heard that, Nattie!” 
“Auntie, guess who’s at our house?” Ella loudly announced while pointing to the little boy next to her as if Nat hadn’t already both talked to and seen Carson just moments earlier. “Carson! He gets to spend the night with us because Aunt Alex and Uncle Zach went to a concert tonight and Carson gets to have a sleepover in our room.” 
“Uh oh, that sounds like a bunch of trouble,” She smiled as she saw the three kids piled together, all trying to get their faces on the screen. Nat glanced up momentarily when she heard Chris’ soft laughter from her comment, loving that she got to see a glimpse of that grin on his bearded face that had been missing lately. She smiled softly before looking back at her screen, telling the kids,  “I think there’s going to be a lot of monkey’s jumping on the bed at that sleepover tonight.” 
“We’re not monkeys!” Carson insisted through overtired laughter. 
Nat raised an eyebrow at the kids as she watched them, a smirk on her face. “Really? Because I seem to remember a lot of jumping on the bed when I tried to tuck you in when I was home for your birthday,” she reminded them, looking pointedly at Ella. 
Ella pouted, but then smiled and replied, “That’s only because you were the one who jumped on the bed first!” 
Nat couldn’t help but catch Chris’ eyes, shaking her head as she muttered to him, “I’m in trouble, these kids are on to me now.” 
He chuckled, shaking his head knowingly as well as he patted Dodger, pointing to the couch and watching as the dog got comfortable up there, the pet blissfully unaware of the mania happening on Nat’s phone. 
The phone shook as Carson all but rammed into Ella, excitedly holding a toy in his hands as he loudly said, “Auntie look! I got a new train!” 
“Wow, that’s cool buddy!” 
But her praise of Carson’s new toy only caused a chaotic uproar on the other end, the kids all trying to show the toys they were sure their aunt hadn’t seen or their latest drawings. These were the conversations Nat treasured and missed out not getting to have as often as she would if she lived nearby. But any time she got to spend with the kids she loved to no end, whether it be virtual or in-person was time that she loved and couldn’t seem to get enough of. Nat had turned away from the camera momentarily to look across the kitchen island to where Chris was still sitting, asking him if he heard the sass that Ella was giving her but that only made Ella want to know, “Who were you talking to?” 
Lily then chimed in, looking nervous as she wondered, “Who’s at your house, Auntie?” 
Nat bit her lip, looking at Chris as she told the kids, “My boyfriend is.” 
“YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND?” Ella’s loud voice shouted through the phone, her eyes comically wide as if Nat had somehow betrayed her by not telling her about Chris. 
“Yeah, do you want to say hi to him?” She asked, watching as the kids nodded while she made her way to sit down next to Chris, holding the phone so they could see both herself and Chris’ smiling faces. “Tell Chris hi!” 
Ella – the all-too-mature eight-year-old – grinned at them, saying, “Hi Chris.” 
But Carson was unphased, simply holding his red train back up into the camera. “Do you want to see my trains?” He asked excitedly.
Chris chuckled, his hand landing on Nat’s thigh below the island countertop. “Sure, I’d love to see them, they look pretty cool!” He told the three-year-old.
Just as he launched into an explanation about his trains, Heather walked into frame, gently taking the toy out of his hand as she told him, “No, sorry buddy, it's bedtime and you know it.” 
“But I wanna show him!” Carson pouted, unaware at the laughter Chris and Nat were holding in. 
“You can some other time.” Heather placated, grabbing the phone. She let it linger on the kids, urging them, “C’mon guys, say goodbye and let Auntie Nat have her dinner.”
Nat heard the chorus of loud ‘Bye!’ and the kids waving before the call ended, a warm smile on her face as she dropped her phone down on the counter. 
“You’ve got some cute nieces and nephews,” Chris spoke up after a long moment, once Nat had gotten back up and walked around the counter to start working on dinner. “You weren’t kidding when you said that Ella has a lot of spunk.” 
“Oh you haven’t even seen the half of it,” she chuckled, smirking to herself as she reached for a pot and pan, then into her spice drawer. “It’s a good thing Lily is quiet because if she was as sassy as Ella, then Heather and Ryan would probably pull their hair out.” 
As she filled the pot with water from the faucet, she heard Chris murmur, “Carson was so cute wanting to show me his trains.” 
“He’ll talk to anyone who will listen to him,” Nat laughed softly, her eyes fixed downward as she turned off the faucet, a sudden sadness in her heart as she commented,  “God, I miss those kids.” 
“They’re still coming in a few weeks though, right? That’s when all of you guys are going to Disneyland isn’t it?” Chris recalled, and Nat could feel his gaze on her as she put the pot on the stove, then began seasoning the pork. 
“Three weeks from tomorrow,” she could feel her smile beaming at just the thought of getting to be with her entire family so soon. 
“I still wish I could go with you guys,” he nearly muttered, and Nat frowned to herself as she washed her hands, then put some oil in the pan and turned the burner on below it. Chris had been invited by everyone, and while he and Nat both clearly appreciated the gesture, they knew instantly it wouldn’t be a good idea. They’d gotten lucky with being able to keep things relatively private minus the one tiny blip in June, but they had no desire to go parading through Disneyland together on her family’s vacation only to inevitably end up on every social media site, not this soon, and certainly not when the kids were involved. “Sometimes I just hate that I can’t do anything without it being put under a fuckin’ microscope… or have it put you plastered all over the internet.” 
“Hey, don’t go down that road, especially when you’re already feeling a little beat down,” Nat had come to know Chris well enough that she knew when he was already feeling down, he seemed to heap more emotions on top of it, only making his self-loathing even worse. She stopped what she was doing and looked across the counter at him, holding a long look with his beautiful blue eyes before assuring him, “We’re going to have a great time all having dinner together at your house when they come. Everyone is really looking forward to meeting you, I know they’re going to adore you.” 
“I hope they do, because I know how important they are to you,” Chris replied, but she knew there was a lot more behind that one simple sentence of his. She knew that he was wrestling with so many emotions right now and wanted to do everything she could to put all of them to rest. 
“They will,” she assured him, smiling softly. She had no doubt it would be the case, not with how her dad asked about him in every phone call they shared, or with how her sisters were genuinely invested in them, trying to involve him in their upcoming trip. “Try not to worry, baby.” 
“I know, I’m sorry,” he sighed, running a hand through his short hair and admitted, “I just can’t seem to get out of my own head lately.” 
Wanting to help make some of his emotional turmoil melt away, Nat came around the counter to rub her hand up and down his back, leaning in to kiss his cheek softly before she told him, “Go lay down and read that book you left here the other day. I’ll make dinner, okay?” 
Chris nodded, pushing the barstool back and standing to his full height. “Okay,” he whispered just before he turned, heading to join Dodger on the couch with the book. 
She turned back around, going over to the hot pan to keep preparing dinner, knowing that once Chris had eaten and decompressed that he’d be feeling much better. Although anxiety wasn’t a struggle Nat had endured, she certainly knew what it was like to have such deep emotions that affect so many areas of life. She knew that although it could be such a beautiful thing, it also could be incredibly difficult at times, and she wanted to be there for Chris in any way she could to help him even if it was in the form of just bringing him a plate of warm food on the couch. 
They sat curled up on the couch, slowly eating their dinner together while Nat told Chris all about the scene they had worked on that day for Lightyear, getting him to perk up a little bit before they finished dinner and headed out with Dodger on his leash for a walk in the warm California evening. It was quiet the whole walk, Nat holding Chris’ right hand and his other holding Dodger’s leash. She held his warm hand firmly, feeling him squeeze it every now and then to silently give her that little non-verbal movement that warmed her heart from the inside out. 
Even though it still was fairly early when they got back to Nat’s apartment, she had seen just how exhausted he got when his anxiety was plaguing him and suggested, “Why don’t we just go to bed, baby?” 
Chris just nodded in agreement, unclipping Dodger’s leash and taking his collar off before following Nat into the small bedroom. She told him she was going to take a shower quickly, but he brushed off her offer to join her and said he’d find a show instead for them to watch once she got out. It wasn’t long until Nat stepped out of the bathroom, her curls tied up in a bun after she’d dried her hair, and her frame covered in one of his t-shirts that she’d since claimed as her own. 
She made her way across the hallway and into her bedroom, turning off the hall light behind her and smiling as she found Chris’ bulky frame laying in her bed, a slight frown on his face, with Dodger curled up by his feet. 
“I’ve been wondering where that shirt went,” his low voice began, his frown turning into a smirk as his eyes moved over her. “I should have known that it was stolen.” 
She raised an eyebrow as she closed the door behind her, looking at him with a smirk. “Excuse you, you’re the one who left it here so it was fair game,” she reminded him as she reached for her moisturizer, applying it on her skin while she stood in front of her mirror. 
Chris laughed loudly, the sound making Dodger’s eyes fly open, but Nat was smiling so wide from getting to hear that laugh that had been much too absent lately. Chris kept on chuckling as he asked, “Oh is that how it works?” 
“Who’s the one wearing the shirt?” She shrugged and smirked, meeting his eyes in the reflection of the mirror. 
Chris rolled his eyes, shifting against the pillows with a sigh. “I’ve got bigger problems right now anyway,” he told her unhappily. 
Nat frowned, putting the container of moisturizer back onto her dresser as she turned to look at him curiously. “Like what?” 
“Like the fact that I’m pretty sure your bed is miniature size,” he complained, gesturing at the – admittedly – cramped bed. It didn’t help that her room wasn’t anything comparable to his own in terms of space, but the queen sized bed had always been plenty for her… until she’d ended up with him. They had spent more time at his place than her own due to the privacy, along with Chris having Dodger and it being more convenient for Dodger to have a yard, but Chris always had been more than willing to spend a night or two at her place. “Seriously Nat, I don’t know how the hell you fit in this thing!” 
“I’m not six feet tall so that helps,” she smirked, reaching behind herself to take off her necklace. 
Chris shook his head, watching as she hung the jewelry carefully. “I’m buying you a bigger bed tomorrow,” he told her quietly.
Nat turned to look at him as she rolled her eyes, asking, “And where do you suggest that this big bed fit in my bedroom?” 
“Well then we’re spending more nights at my place because having my feet nearly hang off the bed is not my idea of comfort,” he emphasized, pointing at the foot of the bed. Nat did have to admit the image was almost comical. He barely fit on her bed as it was, but add in Dodger and herself and they were completely maxed out for space. 
She walked to her side of the bed and paused as she reached for the duvet, sarcastically asking him, “So am I allowed to get in or are you going to riot because I’m taking up too much space?” 
“Depends how much you spread out,” he smirked, but he moved over as much as he could to give her some room, sighing happily when she slipped into bed next to him. 
She shuffled next to him, leaning against his broad frame with a yawn. They were both silent for a bit, watching the rerun of Friends he’d found, until Nat finally asked, “How are you feeling, baby?” 
“I’m feeling a little better,” he admitted, shrugging a bit before he moved his fingers up and down her bare arm slowly. “I always feel better when I’m with you.” 
“Are you sure? Because I certainly heard a lot of complaining just a minute ago,” she pointed out, smirking to herself. 
Nat smiled when she saw the way his face scrunched up, his loud laugh barking out as his body shook with his laughter. She loved getting to hear that laugh, especially when it had been a little bit more absent lately and just smiled as she looked at him, wanting to etch the image of his eyes scrunched up as he wildly laughed into her memory forever. 
She watched as his laughter died down and his long eyelashes fluttered open. His blue eyes landed on her immediately and Nat saw the way he gazed at her, a soft smile on his face while his eyes flickered across her face without a word. Nat’s hand rubbed across his soft tee shirt, feeling his firm chest underneath it and was happy to feel so much of the tension gone from his body before he leaned in to kiss her softly. 
Moments like this always made Nat feel so… happy. Just to be here in the quiet evening with Chris, nothing on their minds and just enjoying their time together. Being with him just made her feel good and the closer that they’d become, only deepened that feeling. When he finally pulled away, Nat saw the tender look in his eyes before his hand came up to rest on her cheek. 
His thumb rubbed softly along her cheek, his blue eyes gazing deep into her as he tenderly told her for the first time, “I love you, Nattie.” 
And there were those three words that had been inside Nat’s heart for so long now. She had wanted to tell him that she loved him so long ago, right after he’d returned from Europe, but she had been so afraid and unsure where this was going. He was Chris Evans, the guy who was in movies and on covers of magazines at the places she shopped for groceries, and because of that she couldn’t help but wonder if this truly would last… if he would care for her the way that she did for him. 
But over the past month and a half, so many of her fears had slipped away. She had seen time and time again just how real their relationship was and that it wasn’t going anywhere anytime soon. It still hadn’t given Nat the right moment to tell him how much she loved him, and with him struggling a bit in the past few weeks, she just couldn’t seem to figure out when to say it. 
Now Chris had beaten her to the punch, impulsively saying it at what seemed to be an inopportune moment which only made it that much more meaningful and honest. The words he spoke went straight to her heart, tears immediately bubbling in her eyes because she knew in her heart and had felt just how true his words were. She had felt loved by him for a long time now and having him say it was just the final piece to solidify it inside her. 
As Nat’s brain started racing, she realized that in all the years she had been with Shane, it had never felt like this. It wasn’t as if all her time with Shane had been bad, and in fact a lot was quite the opposite. They had shared a lot of good times together and she knew that Shane had loved her in his way, but it hadn’t been like this. It hadn’t made her feel like this. It hadn’t made her feel so valued, so treasured, so adored the way she felt now. 
But the best part of it all was that she loved him too. 
“I love you too, Chris,” she told him, without a hint of hesitation or doubt. She couldn’t imagine not loving him, not loving the way he scrunched his nose when he laughed, the way he could only really grill, despite giving her shit every time she cooked, or the way he jumped into everything and gave it his all, even if he was scared. He didn’t let anything hold him back, and when it came to the people he loved, he did everything he could for them. And now… she was one of them, one of those people he held so close to him and his heart.
A/N: WE LOVE THEM AND THEY LOVE EACH OTHER! We can't wait to hear your thoughts, so feel free to drop a comment, reblog, or ask for us! Thank you for all of your support! We will be having honesty hours for all of our characters every WEDNESDAY so please feel free to drop some asks! PLEASE KEEP READING- we are doing some housekeeping and wanted some opinions on things! Please reply to our form here!!
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bettsfic · 8 months
I think the world is in desperate need of your analysis on ZoLu (and perhaps write a lil fantastic fic while you're at it teehee)
FIRST of all, having seen nearly mackenyu's entire filmography (he doesn't have a ton of stuff and some of it is unwatchable but god i tried), i can confirm that he's always typecast as some kind of angry/sardonic brother figure. that's the key: he is always a brother whose conflict has to do with brotherhood. in one of the very few things where he plays a romantic part, it is with that character's sister figure (but who is actually a cousin).
so here i was, innocently expecting more of the same. but instead i get
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i have no frame of reference for the canon material, but i do have a frame of reference for mackenyu's Range, and i can assure you this expression hasn't shown up anywhere.
their dynamic is my kryptonite. goofy boyishness meets unwavering loyalty and reverence. i'm doomed.
unfortunately, i ship them in a very fucked up way no one will enjoy, and i'll probably end up walking into some kind of decades-long fandom discourse i wasn't aware existed.
i started writing a modern AU where baratie is a pseudo-fancy franchise steakhouse. the first part is sanji/nami. the second part is zoro/luffy (zoro is a bartender, luffy is a dishwasher; they're also roommates). i don't know if i'll finish or post it but here are some highlights from the zolu fic, which branches off at the halfway point of the sanji/nami fic. so we see this same scene from sanji's pov earlier.
note this is a very early draft, and it's only in reference to the live action. tw for alcoholism.
It’s Employee Appreciation Day at Baratie. Having been offered an open bar which he does not have to tend, Zoro feels amply appreciated. Luffy is on one side of him, crawling over him to talk to Usopp. Across the table, Sanji has just joined them. Nami, shit-faced, leans against him, and if Sanji doesn’t do something about this tension soon, Zoro is going to kick his ass. Fucking coward, he thinks, but the thought is cut short by Luffy crawling back to his seat, pointy knees and elbows digging into Zoro in the process, like a giant puppy that has no idea how heavy it’s gotten. Luffy’s leg remains crossed over Zoro’s thigh. They’ve been living together so long that Luffy no longer smells like anything. They share the same detergent, soap, shampoo. Zoro’s pretty sure Luffy even uses his deodorant. They have separate toothbrushes though. At least there’s that.
Zoro is less a roommate and more just a piece of playground equipment for Luffy to climb on. At some point these past three years, Luffy’s perspective of where his body ends and Zoro’s begins became skewed. What’s frightening is that Zoro doesn’t care. In fact he enjoys being Luffy’s plaything. He doesn’t have to bear the brunt of existence when Luffy is carelessly snuggling him like a beloved stuffed toy. 
[took a few paragraphs out]
The truth is that he can’t be alone. Doesn’t want to be alone. Those years of his life after Kuina died, wandering through life just trying to make enough money to get blitzed every night, he’d managed to convince himself he was a loner. He doesn’t remember much about that time. It might’ve been the next day or the next year that he downloaded a hookup app. He’d never liked sex—men, women, didn’t matter—but if he could find some sweet shy girl to fuck or a pretty twink, he’d do his duty and then he’d earn his place beside them in bed, hold them, fall asleep with them, maybe even wake up with them. Some of them liked him, wanted to see him again, but he never fucked the same person twice. He needed to be surrounded by people but he couldn’t be close to them. 
Luffy was kind of perfect in that regard. He was physically affectionate to the point of being literally clingy, but emotionally he stayed lightyears away. He was capable of meaningful conversations but he never made himself vulnerable. It was an admirable act. He could look you in the eye and convince you to follow your wildest dreams, could listen thoughtfully as you gutted yourself open in front of him, spilled your darkest secrets and greatest fears. But he’d never reciprocate. In fact, you'd think he didn’t have any at all. That he was living one step to the left of reality, and you could be there too, fearless, if only you followed him.
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thought-42 · 2 months
It gets harder every year
Star Wars, 2050 words, Luke Skywalker, Ezra Bridger Luke has acquired a Mandalorian and is maybe panicking a little. It's fine. He nows a guy. Set in a universe where Ezra wound up in the Chiss Ascendancy post-Rebels and eventually he and Luke became like. Space internet friends. Don't worry about it. *
Luke Skywalker, pinnacle of Jedi calm and patience, only does four laps around the school while he waits for his comm signal to work its way through seven layers of encryption and a long string of relay nodes stretching across lightyears, vast and unknowable, between his current location and his target.
“No,” Laezra says as soon as he picks up. His little hologram is blurry and half a second out of sync with the audio, but Luke can still see the way his hair is flattened on one side and standing straight up on the other, and he's holding the comm in such a way that his (probably bare) chest is out of frame. There is, perhaps, a timezone issue Luke should have taken into account.
“You're so rude,” Luke says. “This could be an emergency.”
“Is it?”
“The point is that it could be. And you, my only peer, my only fellow Force user, you who stand in brotherhood with me against a harsh and uncaring universe–”
“Your sister exists and is literally a princess”
“What value does the royal title hold within the forced diaspora, really? Also the last time I asked if she wanted to meditate she threatened to tell someone I don't pay taxes.”
“That's an actual criminal crime, for the record. What kind of example are you setting for your students?”
“I have two students,” Luke says. “One of whom I'm related to. Besides, didn't you meet your master in the middle of a criminal crime?”
“It's not a crime if it pisses off the Empire,” Laezra says automatically, then, “Luke, please. I am so tired. There was a whole... thing. I haven't slept in my own bed for three weeks. My student had to use her lightsaber in actual combat for the first time. I had to side with my commanding officer against my mentor, even though the asshole was absolutely in the right, and I'm feeling some kinda way about it. Sometimes preemptive action is good, actually, but don’t tell anybody I said that.”
“Sorry,” says Luke. “Is she ok? Your student, I mean.” Laezra still refuses to tell Luke the name of his or his fellow Navigator Jedi's student, and wierd trust issues aside, it makes conversation grammatically difficult sometimes.
“Yeah. We're ok. We were both doing twelve hour shifts on the way home, though, because I guess ‘we aren’t Sky Walkers’ doesn’t mean ‘we aren’t Sky Walkers’ when the ship’s actual Sky Walker is made of germs and fever and barf. Then it becomes ‘jump-by-jump is so inefficient, this information is so critical, everybody’s so tired. Have you ever had the experience of getting nosebleed blood crusted in your beard? BecauseI don’t recommend it.”
Between Leia and Laezra, Luke knows enough classified information to sink two major governments. Or at least inconvenience them a lot. 
"Ok, ok, ok," Luke decides he's going to sit down on the grass,and only realises it’s still wet from the afternoon rainstorm once his pants are already soaked. “So. Listen. You know things.”
“Wild,” Laezra says flatly. “Is this how you write report cards at your school?”
Luke glares down at the little hologram. “You know things about Mandalorians,” he clarifies. He decides he's gonna stand back up, and while he's at it he may as well do a few more laps.
“I-- Luke. Luke you can't tell me I'm the only person you know who knows a Mandalorian. Who I am, just so we're super clear, still on pretty shaky footing with, given my whole... everything.”
Luke waves this off. He is very over Laezra having fucked off on actual Purrgils, never to return, less than a year before Luke discovered he was a space wizard and could have really desperately used some support in that from someone who wasn't a hundred years old and a friend of his father's. It's so fine. He definitely doesn't lie awake imagining being one half of a pair of Jedi, back when the Rebellion had felt huge and overwhelming and kind of terrifying. Some people blow up a massive space station/doomsday weapon full of living beings (twice) and hold their evil dad in their arms while he dies. Some people ride away in a burst of martyrdom on their bffs the legendary space whales. Some people live alone but for two little kids in the ruins of a temple that they call a school, desperately trying to rebuild an entire religious and cultural institution from barely legible texts and ghosts. Some people live in another galaxy and embark on exciting new projects for an alien government where they get to research brand new Force techniques and go on adventures and live in an apartment where they can just walk across the street and buy fresh pastries whenever they want to.
Jedi do not feel envy. Jedi do not feel resentment. Jedi are always well aware that the grass is perpetually greener.
“I have a Mandalorian now,” Luke says, instead of any of this.
“Like, you... have obtained one? Are you feeding them? They need so much exercise, I cannot emphasise this enough.”
Luke puts his comm on the ground so he can drop his face into his hands. “He gave me? His kid? But also I think he's the king of the Mandalorians, and he keeps stopping by for visits, and I don't want to mess up.”
“This is so much,” Laezra says. “This is so much. Luke Skywalker, are you crushing on the Mand’alor?”
“Calling you was a mistake,” Luke says.
“Calling me was the opposite of a mistake, oh my God. What House? What Clan? I ask like the answer will mean anything to me, but like..... it might.”
“His name's Din,” Luke says. “I don't know if I'm supposed to tell people that.”
“And have you and Din..... you know?”
“He doesn't take his helmet off,” Luke says, helplessly. “Except once, and I think that was... not ideal. For him.”
“But was it ideal for you– sorry, sorry. Ok. Was he an Academy kid?”
“I don't think so,” Luke says. “He barely knew anything about the war. He didn't know who I was. He has a lightsaber that he really doesn't want to have, though.”
“Wait. Wait. So he's like.... the real deal. You're having sexy parent/teacher interviews with the legit Mand’alor.”
“I'm not having sexy anything with anybody,” Luke says.
“That's so sad, my guy. But hey, keep on trucking. I bet you can seduce him with your farmboy charms.”
“His son eats frogs,” says Luke. “I caught him a whole bucket full to take with him last time Din came to take him on a trip.”
“You just. ...handed the Mand’alor a bucket of frogs and his kid? ‘Have a good time, gang!’ You’re my very favourite little guy, Luke.”
“I think most of them escaped inside his ship,” Luke admits. “Which, actually, let me tell you about his kriffing ship–”
“Why am I perpetually surrounded by pilots? Luke, look at me. Look me in the eye. I don't care about his ship. Tell me about his cute kid or his dick or the actual ass Darksaber. Do not tell me about his ship.”
“It's very bad, though. It’s a bad ship and he should feel bad about it, he lets his child ride around in it, and I know for a fact his fuel injectors were recalled–”
“So were you hoping I'd... know the Mando dating cheat codes, or something?” Laezra says loudly.
Luke frowns. “I want to get to know him as a person. I'm his son's teacher. It'd be inappropriate for me to ... do anything. I'm just hoping I can maybe be a bit more culturally sensitive.”
Luke's only ever seen one propper, full-colour picture of Laezra that isn't a blue light holocall; there’s a holo on General Syndulla’s desk of a grinning teenager, limbs gawky and eyes that reminded Luke of the feral tookas he was never allowed to take home during trips into town as a kid. Even so, it's easy for Luke to picture the other man sitting in the dark of his bedroom, shoving his hands back through his hair as he groans. Luke wonders if he's the kind of person who needs to have everything unpacked and in its place when he comes home from a mission, or if he's more the 'dump bag and clothes on floor, fall face first onto nearest flat surface' type. It's probably a weird thing to wonder, but it's the sort of thing Luke knows about all his other friends.
“Ok. Luke.” He drops his hands from his hair and leans in close to his comm, so the top half of his face is all Luke sees, weird and disproportionate as the camera tries to compensate. “I bet you've probably been reading a bunch of old Jedi books or scrolls or cave paintings about the danger of attachment. Maybe your ghosts have lectured you. But that's what they are. Ghosts and old writings. You're starting something new. And-- Kanan. My Master. He loved somebody very much, and she loved him back. And he was the best Jedi I can imagine.”
“You can just say it was General Syndulla,” says Luke, who has only ever seen one mention of attachments in the documents he’s recovered, but doesn’t want to devalue what Laezra is trying to tell him.
“Ok, yeah. They loved each other so much, and I never once saw it interfere with Kanan’s dedication to helping others. To making the galaxy a safer, kinder place. If anything I think she made him better. And vice-versa.”
“I just meant,” Luke says carefully, “that I wouldn't want to risk things not working out and Din not wanting to leave his son here anymore. There's nobody else who will train him. But I’ll keep the other stuff in mind.”
“I have so many things I definitely  don't actually want to say to Ahsoka,” Laezra mutters. “But oh boy am I thinking them.”
Luke presses his lips together. He doesn't know if Laezra knows who Vader was when he was a Jedi. Doesn't know if it'd mean anything to him even if he did know. “She's got some pretty compelling reasons for the choices she makes, he says. "I don’t agree with her, but… I mean. Anybody can become dangerous if attachment gets possessive, but you've gotta admit Force users are especially risky.”
“People just keep making bigger guns,” Laezra points out. “How are they any less dangerous?”
“A gun can't get inside your head and change how you feel. It can't make you do things you wouldn't normally do.”
“Ahahaha,” says Laezra, and his hands go back over his face as he leans away from the camera. “You don't need The Force for that one, either.”
Luke winces. “Anyway,” he says, because he knows most people don't actually want to talk about their feelings, even if that seems super counter-intuitive. Whatever. “How do I become friends with the Mand'alor?”
“You keep saying it and it doesn't get any less unhinged. I don't know. You're already taking care of his kid, and you value family. You're highly skilled in combat. There's really no secret trick to it, just... be a person.”
“I've tried that,” Luke says. “I'm so bad at being a person around him though.”
“Does he like art?” Laezra asks, with a sudden burst of gleeful intensity. “Luke does he like art, this is important. I can tell you so much about art. Do you want to know which chemical combinations are the best for neon colours and also timed explosions? Do you want to know about historical graffiti culture throughout the Outer Rim? Do you want to know how to use the remaining art from the various Mandalorian factions to construct a sociopolitical thesis on their people with a focus on military tactics?”
“You know what," says Luke, "I think I hear the kids calling me.”
“Coward,” Laezra says immediately
“Go back to bed; say hi to your student for me; may The Force be with you bye.”
Laezra is still swearing at him, laughing,when Luke clicks the channel closed.
Luke, with all the dignity befitting the last Jedi Master, opens his notebook and writes 'Ask if he likes art.'
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nancydrewwouldnever · 11 months
I’d like to vent. The crazy ‘fandom’ narrative is disgusting. I see it on Buzzfeed too and it’s just belittling to anyone who is actually a fan. Like people are just digging for it now and are reveling in calling Chris Evans fans crazy.
I agree a couple certain blogs are ‘insert word choice’, but that’s not as big or as awful as it’s made out to be. Are like 4 or 5 blogs doing unbelievable things? Yes. Are thousands and thousands of fans commenting, harrassing, etc. No. Like let’s keep perspective here. He got called a pedo more times for his comments during Lightyear press than Alba has gotten attacked by fans. Is it horrible the comments left? Yes. I’m not excusing them. But this narrative is acting as if it millions of people, when it’s like less than 10.
It’s gross of anyone who works with Chris to push this narrative. I don’t know why it bothers me, but it does. I’ve been caring less and less about him, I stopped rewatching his movies. He’s just blah now. I don’t care to be labeled as crazy for being a fan before, so now it’s unlikely I’ll be a fan in the future. I just want to see if they break-up or get married now. I feel like this is just a bad movie I’m watching and I just want to see how it ends. I wish I could just go on Wikipedia and read the plot section so I could turn this off already 🤣
I think I see it has sexist. So many see Chris Evans as this victim who needs to be swaddled in a blanket.
The problem comes in all fandoms being seen as monoliths by outside viewers. This misses that all fandoms are actually loose bundles of many different subset groups with different priorities and aims. Even Swifties all together at a concert are not all alike in how they participate in the TSwift fandom. Fandoms are beautiful melting pots of the people within them. One bad apple shouldn't spoil the bunch, but it does seem to spoil how observers see the bunch.
I think what I'm not liking right now is this perceived feeling that Chris and his team think of his fandom as expendable when we're not actively putting money in their pockets. There's only so many times you can scapegoat and throw away fans. Already a huge subset has left. I suppose if he is looking to fade away from his career, then it won't matter. But if he ever needs to sell a film again (like, I don't know, later this year?) then he might think better of it.
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it's fine to keep dreaming. earth year 2005 a.d.
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What I ate this morning… Right. I stole my brother Raj’s junky chocolate éclair for his own good. He tried to kill me, but Fernando held him back. After that, I went and spoke with Layla. She told me she couldn’t save me from Alejandro Caldera-Altaha. She’s so dramatic. All I wanted was a little hint for how annoying our exchange might be… Gatekeeping-ass seer.
I went to where Alejandro was—simply standing by the seashore! We are still vacationing by the City of the Starry-eyed, and much too close to the father I cannot stand. Why always this city? Not that I care for the plans of adults, even our fabled mentor’s, Kiyotaka Miura.
I didn’t wait. >:( I told Alejandro I’d throw his prize into the sea!
Do you know what he said? He smiled at me as he said it— “I fucking wondered if you would.”
I obviously—I obviously had to open my damn trap and say, “If you put it on my wrist for me, I’d have to wear it.”
“Why?” The one he names Alejandro—the one I have known for eras as Shakir—asked. “Because it’s something everyone expects.” “But would you suddenly want to?” Shakir sounded so curious—he is that kind of young man. “You just said you were going to drop it in the sea.” “Something like this… I’d hate it. You’re such an idiot. Still, if you—”
He said, “I would never do that.”
Alejandro Caldera knows, you see—we’re supposed friends, and nowhere near lovers. The world knows. Through our streams, those million eyes always… They’re always waiting for him to announce his beloved—Alia, or Khalida, or… Diego… No.
Anyway, I was an idiot and had to go and yell, “So what do you want me to do?”
He said, “I really thought you’d throw it into the sea. I feel like the girls—Alia or Konna or someone—would challenge me to a duel for daring to insinuate anything. Honestly, they’d just have killed me. Those journos really wouldn’t stop talking about them earlier during the interview… I couldn’t give it to Diego. It’d be way more awkward, considering how much they talked about meaning. I couldn’t—”
Alejandro really wouldn’t shut up. I can’t even inscribe half his ramble—I only memorized that much, and the rest was worse yak. He brought up Leo being unreachable and Fernando and how they’re not even close anymore and how he barely knows Maria—why are you even bringing her up, then!? What is wrong with you!? I had to yell at him—
“You’re seriously acting like you have no real friends! Anyone in the world would’ve accepted the bracelet from you—”
He said, “You already know they made it something so meaningful. Diego or Fernando or Leo would’ve just gone along with it, but my entire life would be upturned. Does it mean what we’ve all been waiting to know? The elemental potential of the era! Anyway, I wasn’t sure what you would do. I thought you’d throw it into the sea.”
In truth, Alejandro Caldera-Altaha doesn’t care about being a proper mage. He’s just as simplistic about our magecraft as you unfathomably old Earthians. If I look at the skies in my world, maybe I could see your star, the Sun, 100,000 lightyears away… Or maybe not.
I could care less.
I never paid enough attention to how far away it was in my classes.
I told him, “I won’t wrap the bracelet on your wrist.”
Alejandro said, “I never expected you to.”
“You want me to throw it into the sea.”
“I thought that you would.”
“You really wanted me to give it away, didn’t you? Start a drama with your whiny-ass brother.” I thought I might as well have said it.
Like an idiot, Alejandro said, “After you threw it into the sea, I thought I’d push Diego into a dramatic retrieval mission together with your brother. Since Diego is the one who still talks to Fernando. I was wondering how Fernando’s been.”
I was…
Close to—
He was close to brea—
I was…
So infuriated. Seething, even. So mad.
I just said, “You didn’t need me to start your stupid game with my brother—”
He sounded upset too, by then. Over what? He said, “You could’ve just pretended you didn’t open the damn book!”
I… Well, I finally paused.
I mean. I just told him, “You fucking know I wouldn’t let you think I couldn’t solve a puzzle that you gave me. Like duh I solved it. Hello?”
The idiot burst out laughing so soon after looking unhappy. He laughed for a while. I don’t know why he found it so funny.
“You never would be able to resist! It really is so like you, Antonio.”
>_> WTF.
Why did he find it so funny? He went back to smiling like the idiot he is.
He said something so stupid. He said, “Give me back my family’s book, too.”
I told him, “No way. That’s my real damn prize from you. My pillow now, even.”
He turned to me and said, like he might as well be talking to Alia or Konna or Diego or Fernando or Leo, “That’s such shit!” Though around them he would’ve been so much cuter—for the streams and all that, just, “I can’t believe you!”
He is a man of respect. ( <_< )
I told him, “Don’t give me things you don’t want to lose.” I am a man of respect too, of course.
He said, “I imagined you might find it interesting. I can’t parse some things I was hoping to, in the end.”
I think he needed me for it, and so the book wound up more important than the magical Alejandro-fetching bracelet in the end.
We wound up less caught up in our bullshit. He finally lightened up, and the seashore was my home again. I'm sure I won’t remember what made me mad soon enough—an Alejandro whose goals I understand is all I will ever need. I know it.
I know.
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