#i will take my moon designation and wear it with pride
navree · 11 months
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ambf (assigned moon by followers)
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sugusoneandonly · 2 months
Quixotic - STSG - ch 1
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satosugu x fem!reader . ft. model!gojo & designer!geto
!! do not repost/copy on any other platform !! if u do at least lmk where and give creds 😒 !! pls don’t tho <3
cw: power dynamics/imbalance?? ,, established!stsg (no cheating) ,, webtoon inspired & lwk self-indulgent 😞 ,, y/n may be unlikable idk ntm on her guys 🥰
exes to lovers (gojo) ,, one-sides enemies to lovers w geto ,, very feminine + slight meek reader??
a/n!! :: hi this is my first fic ,, have mercy <33
some prior info for now i will add more later (and clean it up)
- not much of an age gap, suguru is js very successful at a young age.
- takes place 2 years after their breakup (mc | satoru)
- y/n is currently a fashion major in her final year of college and fortunately lives near her college and the shadowing program.
- the general plot is y/n is shadowing (following around, studying, etc. not rlly working for him
- NOTTT really real life accurate 🥰
Had you known that coming across your biggest idol would come along with meeting your oh so beloved ex, you would’ve thrown away whatever dreams had clouded your ambitious mind. Yet lo and behold, in front of you stood one of the most renowned fashion designers in the industry with your ex-boyfriend hanging off of him as a price tag (a very expensive tag for that matter).
Suguru Geto stood with pride as his spine and extravagance as his feet, hair that could’ve been painted with the midnight sky half up while the rest cascaded down his back. With an arm on his shoulder, and hair that would make the moon had Suguru’s been the sky, stood Satoru Gojo, your beloved ex. Both men dressed to the nines, outfits that were worth your monthly rent each.
You had cursed the creak of the door that had announced your entrance when you saw them. Gojo however, remained unaware of the stress that climbed your body. Instead, his lifted his eyes to meet yours, blinking back yet letting a small grin tickle his face. “Y/N!” his voice had drawn Suguru’s eyes to follow his line of sight like a siren.
Now, you and Gojo hadn’t had a horrendous break-up (although it’s after affects on you weren’t quite so), in fact it was rather peaceful (while it lasted). Gojo had called your 2 years of love off when he decided that he wanted to pursue a bigger, grander, future, one that apparently hadn’t included you. While he had wanted to go out, meet new people, flitter about the industry, the strain of a relationship had left awkward stains on his work. Especially certain modeling gigs that made him some extra cash.
It was your final year out of college and as one of the top students in your major, you had been provided a shadowing opportunity with various fashion designers to mentor the new rising generation of fashion. However, the pairings were randomized and the last person you’d expect to be yours was one of the greatest and youngest designers, who was also rumored to be your exes lover. How romantic. You had come across Geto’s work originally in a magazine for your project, and had looked him up online. While doing your extended research, you had seen the bright face of Gojo on several of his posts wearing his designs. Immediately you fell in love with his success, ethic, and designs. Dresses so intricate and suits embellished, as if they had walked straight of the manhwas you read.
Geto’s brow had raised at the mention of your name, no doubt familiar with it and the story that may have came with it. His eyes pierced through you, a small hum and what appeared to be a shadow of discontent danced over his face before it went away. He had leaned closer into Gojo after a thorough inspection of you. the rumors hold true then
“Hi.” slipped through your lips at last, however, meek. You feel 12 again showcasing your painting to the old judges in an art contest. Not an ounce of professionalism. Perhaps it wasn’t to late to run out yet.
“Y/N? I heard lots about you” Suguru’s voice came out like silk drowned in a snakes hiss, anxiety bubbled in your blood. “Good things I hope..I look forward to working with you..?” His lack of facial response had you lost in which direction to move this conversation. Instead of a response he simply hummed at looked back at the paper in his hands. Gojo, just as awkward standing beside him.
I wanna go home
©sugusoneandonly 2024
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sarcasticscribbles · 9 months
I made a curious cat and people been asking about my designs so I thought I would share it here too If you have any question too you can send it here or over on curious cat!
Under cut is a very long monologue about some design choices regarding my s1 gang, Gerry and some avatars!
S1: Jon, Martin, Sasha and Tim
Right off the bat I'll admit I had seen TMA fanart before, but I assumed it was a game from how consistent designs are (Jon and Martin); however when I started I avoided fanart (but I am not immune to TMA fanon designs). I'll explain S1 gang, they are my favourites. I find fcs helpful to keep them consistence.
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Jon: I have a basic Jon design: short, brown man with long hair and glasses. Jon has a put together façade but, he wasn't qualified for the archivist position, and he doesn't know what he's doing. Therefore, I like him with longer hair he can't care for, therefore messy. It gets longer with the seasons and adding on all the marks he gains from the entities. I gave him half-moon, golden glasses with chains holding two eyes. I like to think it's a Beholding artefact, so Gertrude wore them before him. I used to have Dev Patel as a reference for him, but I've switched over to Riz Ahmed!
Martin: Very basic: fat man with fluffy hair and glasses. When I heard his voice, I thought of Harvey Guillén, who stayed a reference for Martin's body. I pictured him in a dorky attire; round glasses, ginger, comfy yet business appropriate clothing. I added eyes in the pattern of his jumper and added freckles. I've recently play around adding a beard, because I think he wants to look older than he is (re: CV; "I'm only 29!") but haven't found a style I like. I keep him fat throughout the series, instead of him losing weight s4.
Sasha: She has some canon traits: tall, long hair and glasses. I draw her hair up to stay out of her face. Contra Jon, I think she was more qualified for the archivist position, so Gertrude started preparing her for the role. She wears an eye necklace I draw Gertrude wearing that's in the same style as Jon's glasses. She has a matching bracelet with Tim and overall is one of my favourites. (notSasha): I took what was established and flipped it; short, short hair, no glasses. I imagine notthem could pass as cousins (since they still need traits to the victim's family?); no immediate resemblance but with a few traits of the original.
Tim: Canonically described as hot so I have my own bias. I started with general attractive traits: tall and fit. I think he puts a lot into his appearance. I use Keanu Reeves as a reference, and he works great for him. He’s a hair guy, gets it professionally cut and owns expensive products, skincare routine and dresses in fitted clothing. His standard is a shirt with an eye pattern. He takes pride in his appearance, so S2’s worm scars troubled him. He stops shaving to let it heal properly but they never go away. He never liked looking at them and they are a cruel reminder of the past (however, one scar splits his eyebrow to x2 bisexuality). S3 he stopped caring about putting in effort, the stubble grew into a beard and his clothes aren't fitted. He loses muscles, gains weight, and isn’t who he was in S1.
Gerard Keay
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I had just assumed Eric was hispanic (for some reason) and then I connected that he's Gerry's dad, and apparently I headcanon him half hispanic lol
But it was why I wanted to draw the Mama family portrait to play with genetics. Letting his dad be rather tall, tan with dark curly hair and Mary be ginger with paler skin; Gerry's pale, ginger with curly hair as a child. He grew up looking like Mary and started altering his appearance to be more like his dad; dyed dark hair and taking some of Eric's clothing (I also gave both a beauty mark under their eye he'll highlight despite wearing make up). Alternative scenes and goths tend to straighten their hair but I let Gerry have naturally wavy to still resemble his dad more. I tried to give him trad goth make up, mainly looking at Siouxsie Sioux in the late 70s. And a fun bonus to have his hair often cover one eye because, The Eye
Gerry cared for his dad, even if he died when he was a toddler (if I remember correctly). Gerry's chosen name is the nickname Eric referred to him as, which is also where my trans headcanon comes in (afab). I haven't thought it out fully, or how that reflects on other characters since everyone else calls him Gerard but I think there's some symbolising there having a chosen name relating back to Eric
(some) Avatars
Oliver Banks: "the Egyptians believed the most significant thing you could do in your life was die,"; I take inspiration from Ancient Egypt for my Oliver design! He wears an Ankh around his neck, but I want to look into more about Egyptian death symbolism (he has a cross too, but I'll probably remove it for future designs). I've also taken some inspiration from Nordic mythology, with Hel (Hela In English? Loki's daughter (not Marvel) ) as half his face is beautiful, and the other is a corpse (skull). I don't wanna mix too many cultures just for the sake of it, but it was a really fun design decision. And he's goth. Bonus death aligned I next time I draw Georgie I'll draw inspiration from the Death's-head hawkmoth
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The Distortions: Michael's 60s and Helen's 80s inspired, no reason, just vibes. I like to think of Michael as a spiral while Helen's a twist, if that makes sense, I've been meaning to draw them together to demonstrate, but I'll include a doodle of it
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Jane Prentiss: I looked into a lot of paganism, and fell into a rabbit hole. She's described as a modern witch, so I wanted a subtle alternative look with a shaved side and gauges. One of her breasts are exposed because (boobs) in old pagan traditions a lot of rituals were performed nude, to be closer to nature. A lot of pagan art has a very strong feminine force, I want for Prentiss. She has one eye, but I'll probably remove the other too, I've seen a lot of people do for more holes
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Nikola Orsinov: Drag king. Because we need more of those. I love drag so Nikola's has a mix of both male and female attributes since he's just trying to imitate a human. Their design is also inspired The Toy Soldier in the mechanisms (haven't listened? To it but a lot of people pointed me to that designing Nikola!) that's also her actor Jessica Law! I put all my gender into Nikola lol, and when I can sneak an IT reference in I will
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Breekon and Hope: Wario and Waluigi
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Annabelle Cane: She's described having web keeping her skull together, but for some reason I imagined it to be down her neck. So I pictured her head occasionally falling off and being restored by a web. So I gave her both lol. Her vintage style is old, goth Hollywood glam to me and I love looking at reference for her
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Bonus Agnes: I haven't drawn her fully, but I wanna take inspiration from Scandinavian culture, think Midsommar (both the movie and the tradition) and maybe Norse paganism. I love Agnes story and how it's only told by other people, and her relationship with Gertrude is so interesting!
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campbell-rose · 11 months
Helluva Rewrite: Millie
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Okay, i dropped my phone in water and was so scared i'd ruined it, but thank the gods it was fine. Though it's fucked so i'm going to post all the IMP redesigns in short order before it dies and i lose them forever. Onto Millie!
I wanted Millie to read as a country girl. I remember being like ‘oh, that’s her voice?’ when I watched the first episode, because for some reason it just didn’t match her design for me. I considered giving her back the white splotch in her hair, but decided to change imps and give fem imps white horns. I’ve got two guesses for why it was removed: 1) she was originally trans and it was changed 2) the dimorphism of imps was thought of after the pilot. Either way, I like it. I suppose the explanation for this version since her horns are fem is she might have been born intersex?
I wanted her and Moxxie to contrast in their designs, as such she’s wearing less while he’s fully covered, she’s tall he’s short, etc... Now, as a Wrath imp, she has a darker skin tone and has spikes on her body.
Now, as a character, i'll build off of what the show has given us.
Supposedly Millie is secretly very insecure? From leaks she’s like willing to die because she thinks she’s holding Moxxie back and in Unhappy Campers she had that whole breakdown. Now, I think this actually could’ve been built up a bit.  
In the rewrite, Millie is the youngest of her five siblings and the second girl. Now, from the bat lets make her a bit of a drain on the family. They hadn’t planned for her birth, and it was another child her parents had to take care of with limited money. She picked up on this when she was little, realizing that her parents often cut corners and struggle, and she perceives this as her fault. This ties into how she mentions her family going to Loo Loo Land, except in this it was once and was specifically for her birthday. She knows her parents had saved up for months to afford the trip and feels innate guilt for it. Boom insecurity explained. 
Now, in this Millie meets Blitzo first. They bump into one another once Millie moves away from the Wrath Ring to Pride to try and alleviate her parents’ stress. During this time Millie has been working as an assassin for a couple months and ends up bumping into Blitzo who was hired by a different person to kill the same target. This would be during Blitzo’s attempt to start his business in hell killing demons. They fight for a bit, then realize ‘oh wait... let’s work together!’ so Millie was the first to join IMP. 
Millie trains endlessly. When she isn’t doing her job, she’s at the gym. She is constantly striving to be the best because her parents pitted her and her siblings against one another (unknowingly, with things like the harvest festival). As a person she is very observant and emotionally intelligent. She is very kind and loves conversation. She also is very tight with money, and very appreciative of any gifts she receives because she grew up with little. She treasures things genuinely and is just all around a very genuine girl. 
Now, other than fighting, she is fairly mediocre at anything else, due to the culture of Wrath mainly being kill or be killed and you have to be tough. One hobby and talent she does have and is working on is singing, something she shares with Moxxie and works as something they can do together. Millie loves to play guitar and sing and is constantly striving to improve. On the topic of Moxxie, Millie loves him deeply and wants only the best for him and some part of her feels like she isn’t enough. 
All around I want this Millie to come off as a very confident and genuine person, trying her best to push down the deep feeling within her that she is a drain on everyone around her. So when people start showing her with praise rather than screaming in agony she is enthralled. She loves the cheers of crowds, as it was often Sallie Mae getting cheered on during the Harvest Moon Festival while Millie was always second best. She wants that kind of adoration and acknowledgement. 
That’s it. Gotta work on finishing Blitzo and Moxxie rn
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allmyocsarebritish · 5 months
His blue hoodie
Pairing: Xavier x reader
What to expect: entirely self indulgent fluff :')
I have a hoodie exactly like his and this has been on my mind for over a year now haha
Nevermore was a school that heavily enforced its rules. This was entirely reasonable; seeing as the school housed students easily capable of mass destruction. Some of these requirements existed to prioritise safety, such as designated areas for werewolves on a full moon, but the majority remained in place to enhance the reputation of the academy. An instance of the latter was the uniform.
Of course, the dress code of Nevermore was not as strict as most uniform schools - for example jewellery had to be permitted, mainly down to the use of amulets to halt siren song. Beyond this, the individuality of students was the basis at which Nevermore was founded, rendering a lack of self expression entirely hypocritical. Thus, the rules were slackened. And, no-one seemed to complain when one of the boys' hoodies made its way beneath your striped blazer. Surely it was no more than a coincidence that the day it appeared was the last day Xavier was seen wearing one.
The rain hammered against the glass of your window on the second Tuesday in November. Condensation began to form on the inside, forming an entirely dismal scene, only enhanced by the miserable grey sky. The gloomy weather dampened your mood, and the temptation to hide away in your room, ignoring all of the day's classes, was steadily beginning to grow. Groaning dramatically, you heaved yourself from the excruciatingly soft, pillowy mattress.
Promptly after dressing in your own uniform, you reached once again into the wardrobe, pulling out a familiar navy fabric. The fabric was endlessly comforting, enveloping you in a warm, safe embrace as you were almost swallowed completely. The scent of oil paint and turpentine mixed with pine needles overwhelmed you, immediately distinguishable as entirely Xavier. It transported you immediately to long evenings in the art shed, soft breezes whilst practicing archery and loving nights spent cuddled together in eachother's dorms.
A smile immediately fixed onto your face; suddenly the day no longer felt quite so unbearable. You quickly pulled on your striped blazer and raven combat boots, leaving your room with a newfound sense of urgency. After all, who were you to keep him waiting?
Practically bounding out onto the quad, your eyes cast the area, scanning the surroundings. With the morning still being early- and therefore having few students around- It didn't take you long to make out a ridiculously tall figure. Paintbrush predictably in hand, he was continuing work on a particular mural, depicting a swooping raven amongst a background of featherlight clouds. It was nothing short of perfection, enhanced by the passion behind the artwork.
You knew how much this specific piece meant to him, especially after the destruction of his painstaking attention to detail by the normies last outreach day. This was the first mural he had painted since, after being borderline forced by Weems. Nevertheless, he seemed to enjoy it, and the labour was paying off.
"It's beautiful, Xav." He spun swiftly around at the sound of your voice, gaze immediately softening and a loving smile replacing the frown of concentration.
"You're wearing my hoodie." You couldn't hold back a small giggle at the expression he wore, a mix of pride and bashfulness.
"I love it," you leaned in to give him a quick kiss. "But I love you more."
Xavier's arms wrapped tightly around your waist, pulling you in. His chin rested on the top of your head, as you each sighed out a tiny huff of contentment.
"I love you too."
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royal-bubble-tea · 3 months
Ateez Headcanons
I have discovered a lack in Ateez x tall! Reader. I am a 1,80 m / 5'11 tall girl myself so this is going to be something more self indulgent.
So for all my tall people out there, this one is for you.
Ateez x tall! gn! Reader 🌻
I think that Hoongjoong would be amazed by your height. Have you seen him standing next to Yunho or Mingi? Our cute little captain would be so giddy standing next to you. He would blush regularly and just look up at you with heart eyes. He would love everything about you and your height. Maybe in the beginning he would be very shy around you, thinking someone as tall and gorgeous as you would not want to be with him. But as soon as you two admitted to your feelings for each other and started going out he would be over the moon. He would get such a confidence boost out of calling you his significant other and would use every opportunity to show you off. He would totally love to dress you up. He gets so much inspiration for clothing and designes by looking at you. He would definetly try to convince you to model for him and not being able to decide if he wanted to dress you up or take all of your clothes of right this moment.
I see Seonghwa as someone who is a bit more traditional and wanting someone smaller than him. So when he saw you for the first time you absolutely rocked his world. He loves to feel up your legs when lying next to him. Picture the two of you in his bed, him playing Animal Crossing and possessivly put your legs over his lap. Squeezing your thighs and just being happy to have so much of you to feel up and cherish. Being as tall as him also means that you two can switch clothes and go for a cute couple look. He loves to match outfits with you or swap clothes in general. Gets heart eyes seeing you in his Sweatshirts. Or was it yours?
He radiates big puppy energy. When he saw you for the first time he just had to come over and talk to you. He is absolutely amazed by your height. He loves how easy it his to kiss all over you face without having to hurt his neck. He gets so blushy and his ears turn a bright red at how easily you can lean in and kiss him on his cheeks or lips. He loves to tease the smaller members, especially Wooyoung, with your height. But he would also tease you, would hide snacks or other very important objects at high places that even you can't reach. So he can show of his little bit of extra height.
He started liking you for who you are. Your height does not bother him at all. He is more along the lines of "huh, they are tall, even taller than me, so what?" He would definetly ask to wear your clothes, loving how much more comfortable they are. Even if you argued that it was unreasonable he would shut you up by saying something along the lines that it must be because they were yours. Making you blush all the time but him being clueless why. When you would chill in the dorms he would put your legs in his lap, muttering to himself how long they are and that they seem to go on for ever.
San is pretty much like Yeosang. He loves you for who you are. Your height does not matter to him. On the contrary he would use every opportunity to show you of. But of course wearing some of his clothes. This man is possessive. Walking around in public with you and seeing just how many heads you turned, even if you did not noticed, while wearing something of his would make him puff his chest in pride. He would be super smug about it as well. He had this amazing partner at his side and they were tall as hell as well. He often felt like he found the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.
He would have started a conversation with you for the exact same reason as Yunho. With you being really close to him in height he would have made sure that he was still taller than you. He loves to lean over and smack a kiss onto you, it does not matter what you are doing or even of you were talking, he does it because he can without any struggle. Another one who would love to swap clothes, he sometimes would buy clothes with the thought that you both would like to wear it. Cuddling with him would often include him lying down on you and wrapping himself up in your legs. You know the Twin Tower head spin? He would try to make a new move including all three of you, but after some head bumping and full belly laughters you soon had to give up on that idea. You still appreciate his love and care to include you as much as possible in his life.
Wooyoung loves you more than anything. He loves how tall you are but would sometimes still bitch about how life is unfair. He often uses your height as a weapon against the other members. Like "Stop being mean to me or I'm calling my gaint partner". You still have no clue what to do if he says that so you often just stand there and try to look intimidating. He would also ask for piggy back rides. And you again have to remind him that height does not equal strenght. Being the little shit that he is he would hide things in very low places, so he can laugh at you for having to crouch down or even crawl around the room looking for them. But of course you would get your revenge, hiding his belongings in high places from him. Hearing him whine and seeing him jump around the place trying to find his things always makes you, Mingi and Yunho bow down in laughter. Tears streaming down your face from laughing to hard, hearing im screech curses at the three of you, you lean down to kiss him quite. Turning him into a blushing and rambling mess.
Much like Yeosang. He is like "Oh I really like this person!" .... "Oh, they happen to be tall as well" would be such an afterthought for him. He fell in love with your personality not your height. Would still love to lift you up and even give you piggy back rides. Having you on his back, carrying you around makes him so happy but blushy was well. Seeing how you legs seem to go on for ever, brings heat to his cheeks and the pit of his stomach. Would get angry if members tease you about your height difference to much and would always reasure you that you are perfect for him just the way you are and that he would change nothing about you. When asking his opinion about your height and going out in public he once felt bold and answered "I am an Idol and having a significant other as tall and gorgeous as you standing next to me, makes me look even more successful".
Well, this was very much self indulgent but I felt like writing it.
What are your thoughts on that matter? Would Ateez like someone as tall or even taller than them? 🤔
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strangercarla · 9 months
Her - Velma Dinkley x Fem! Reader
Genre: University AU! fluff 💞
Warnings: None
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Velma Dinkley is known for many things, being Coolsville University's top student as she is unbelievably smart, taking pride in her education & of course "monster hunting" as her friend likes to describe it.
What she is not known for is romance. That is not necessarily a bad thing, but most people just put it down to her dedication to her work.
On the opposite hand there is Y/N L/N, a good friend to Velma. She is the complete opposite to her, she is known to be the life of the party & less focused on her studies & more so on her music.
It is another day on campus, the sun is beaming so naturally majority of students decide to sit on the benches, or the grass.
Velma & the Scooby gang sat underneath a tree with just enough shade to keep cool. Fred & Daphne chat amongst themselves, Shaggy & Scooby are goofing around, whilst Velma has her head in a book.
Y/N approaches the group kneeling down to their level, throws her arms around Shaggy & Velma causing her to drop her flyers.
"Hello my monster hunting gang!"
A chorus of hellos echo eachother. Shaggy picks up the flyers about to hand them to Y/N when he notices something.
"Whoah check this out, Y/N & her band are throwing a gig in the campus park!" Y/N smiles, taking the flyers.
"Yup for one night only!" She winks. "We are raising money to keep our society running, apparently the University has ran out of funding & can no longer, she pauses. "fund it."
"Well that sucks, we'll be there." Fred nods, which was followed by hums & yes of courses.
"Velms I especially hope to see you there because I have a surprise for you!"
Velma blushes. "You know I'll be there, I love supporting your band." She pauses. "& well surprises are exciting."
Day of the gig -
It is the morning of the gig & Y/N was stressed, so Daphne invited her to the campus cafe for some breakfast.
"Daph, I cannot believe I am saying this but I have never been so nervous about performing. I mean what if she hates the song & I embarres her because she doesn't feel the same way?"
She places a hand on her arm & smiles. "Look, I have known Velma for a very long time & I have never seen her this, how do I put this? This giddy but also nervous with any girl before. She is crazy for you, she has to be."
"You think?"
"Of course! She couldn't hide her feelings if she tried. Now that we have cleared that up let's see what you're wearing tonight!"
Y/N pulled out her phone & shown her outfit for the evening. Daphne clasps her hands.
Gig Time -
The sun had gone down, the moon has risen & the band have set up. Now all that's left to do is wait until people arrive.
Now the Scooby gang are the first to arrive & mange to get front row, besides Velma she has friend of the band privileges. Not to say the gang aren't her friends, just she had always been the closet with Velma.
Y/N is sat backstage awaiting their entrance, she has her pink bejeweled mic in her left hand & a bottle of water in her right.
Velma approaches her. "Are you okay?" Y/N nods, thinking to herself that she's not okay knowing she's about to express how over the top in love she is with her best friend, with a song, in front of an audience. But there is no turning back now.
"Let's here it for Y/B/N!"
The four enter the stage & make way to their designated spots. Velma watches from the side of the stage, she knows she should be watching everyone but she can't take her eyes of Y/N.
They are halfway through the set finishing their current song & Y/N speaks into her microphone.
"How are we enjoying the show everyone?" Cheers & applause fill the air, Y/N can not help but grin. She then looks to her left to someone passing her an acoustic guitar in replace of her electric guitar which to no surprise are both pink.
"If you don't mind we're going to slow it down for you folks." She pauses. "This next song is dedicated to someone very special to me. She is very near & dear to my heart, she is my everything. She is my best friend who I have fell in love with."
Roars & cheers are even louder than before, Velma stayed in the same position but all she wanted to do was run on stage & kiss Y/N. But instead she stood still & grinned to herself.
Y/B/N finished their set with a bang & they exit the stage. Velma left her previous position on the side stage & waited elsewhere.
Y/N took a huge gulp of water & looked around for Velma. Did she scare her off? But before her mind could wonder she appread.
Before Y/N could utter a word Velma placed her lips onto hers & kissed her gently. She kissed back smiling into it.
"I love you."
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hwaightme · 1 year
Wilting to bloom
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🍃 pairing: soldier!san x reader (told in first person) 🍃 genre: angst, a smidgen of fluff, warrior/royalty, battle 🍃 summary: we were meant to remain in the meadows, living under the sun and blessed by joyous unity. no eyes were made to witness what you had seen, san. these letters and dreams are a recollection of all that is to never be, and all that we have to bear. 🍃 wordcount: 5.0k 🍃 warnings/tags: nightmares, discussion of trauma, side character death, waiting for san to come back, cottagecore, military, ptsd/trauma, paralysis, told through the eyes of mc ('you' is an address to san), a dog, hoping for a better life, nothing will be the same. let me know if anything else. 🍃 taglist: @doom-fics @layzfeelit @acciocriativity @izuijin @justhere4kpop @honey-lemon-goose @byuntrash101 🍃 a/n: a chaotic experiment, bear with me; much love <3
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Wearing the purest white, chasing the freedom of being young. Hot summer rays kissing bare skin, the wind cheering us on until we collapse on the ground with breathless, airy laughter. Hiding among the lilac, lavender, and black locust. Those carefree days. Nobody thought that this could ever change. Our life was that of a mayfly’s, existing entirely in the present – the reason for our happiness. We lived in blissful stagnancy, with our guardian angels watching over us, hand in hand, from the heavens above. We were free in the groves, free to do whatever we wanted.
The clover and chamomile crowns we would make for one another – yours were always much better than mine. Sorry I could never give you something you truly deserved. But you smiled anyways and took my collection of withering leaves and put it on your head with pride, dirtying the perfect locks that turned to rich chestnut and mahogany hues in the sun. Pollen would stick to your tousled strands, and yet, you would wave off my hands, saying that this was a blessing of nature. I did not argue. You managed to make the floral grains take on the appearance of magical fairy dust, or glistening gold. We went out during daybreak into the meadows to pick the marvellous beauties – second compared to you, but nevertheless wonderful.
You brought me flowers – whichever were in season. By the bouquet on my windowsill, I could tell what time of the year it was. You were my messenger, my sun and moon. You knew how to make me blush and how to tease me painlessly, peppering kisses in a playful apology after a joke that would make me tear up from laughter. You learnt how to braid hair, just so you could tame my unruly curls on the days when the air hung low and stuck to the skin. A simple braid had turned into gorgeous designs, ones which I had never seen on any other lady, even on those aristocratic dames that had taken to visiting our lovely part of the kingdom.
Whenever I went out into the world, the market mainly, with your gentle touch having moulded me into what you called a goddess, it was a reminder that you were unparalleled – the girls would give me long side glances, obviously trying to spot a mistake, cursing me over and over. Little did they know, you, and everything you do, defined faultlessness. You have marvellous hands – not too delicate, not too rough. Just right. Those hands still linger on my skin in the echoes of caresses, yet another reminder of your irreplaceable presence. A man’s marvellous hands, your hands, which I could rely on holding me up to greatness. I wonder how they are now and if you are managing out there. Those hands were never meant for bloodshed and violence.
‘A musician’s fingers’ – that is how they are called; I found out recently. It is a shame that I could never put it into words for you then, so you just laughed whenever you caught me admiring them. You brushed me off, saying ‘they are just hands’ and continued doing what you were doing. Sometimes, your fingers would intertwine with mine and we would amble in the verdant grass together and collect gifts of the earth. Walking at the same pace, side by side. We were one another’s world. At least, you were definitely mine. You still are. The moment I wake up, right up until I fall back into a restless slumber, you greet me in my memories, with that gorgeous smile of yours. Do you still gleam like that, my love?
I have a particular scene ingrained in my mind, moment for moment. How we sat together watching the sunset, tired but still elated after ambling across the endless expanse of fields for far too long. How you glanced over at me and grinned wide. I was stunned then. What had I done to deserve to have such an angel beside me? Your features – a divine perfection, accompanied by wit and charms unlike anybody else’s. If only I could eternally live in that evening when we whispered sweet nothings to one another with our berry-stained lips, embraced by the corals, pinks and dusty ultramarines of the sky. The present would not be so terrifying if I had the ability to go back with you, to that small fragment of heaven.
How are you out there? My apologies for getting so sentimental – it seems that I cannot control myself when it comes to this… I miss you terribly. If only you could come home this instant. We could check on the honeysuckle in your mother’s garden – she gave me some to plant in mine! Just you wait, we will have the best garden in the village! Come home soon, I will have your favourite dinner ready, and we can chat about anything except the world out there, and laugh, and love.
Get back safe, San.
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You came to me in my dream last night. It was so real that I could almost feel the breeze and taste the pungent odour of ripe fruit coming from the orchard. It was the middle of the night, and I was resting, embraced by rolling waves of linen. You had knocked on my window. Gave me quite a fright, you know!? The moon that enveloped your form and climbed into my room with its ashen rays had made your complexion pallid, washed out, ghostly, rendering me terrified and unknowing of who had awoken me from my slumber. A part of me had expected it to be father – you know how he is - a skilled carpenter, loves to work into the night, cutting and shaving away.
With one pull of the curtains, the white light had turned into a halo, and your skin had been covered by a silvery sheen. You beckoned me, and despite my initial hesitations I went with my calling, and in my nightgown, carefully opened the window and slid out. My family home only has one floor, however you were protective of my and were prepared to catch me as if I was about to perform a death-defying stunt, jumping from a cloud straight into your arms.
Not too far from the truth. That was what falling for you felt like. Though the best, unforgettable element was that you were there for me, reciprocating what had been building in my heart for so long. I only realised it when the beating got so loud and strong that it was about to burst. You told me you had loved me from the very beginning and had already sacrificed yourself to being by my side regardless of whether I returned your adoration or not. You were not afraid of any legends of unrequited love – nothing would turn your ribcage into a garden of flowers, for you had told yourself to live on, if not for yourself, then for me.  Are you still living for me? Are you still out there, blood coursing through your veins reciting the vows we had made to one another under the moon?
A memory turned mantra had come forth to me in that dream. Of that night. How we were sat on our favourite hillside, overlooking the meandering river turned moon path, the world holding its breath for us. We promised to one another to be there until time itself would give the universe up to us. A destiny unbreakable by reality. We had tied all our strings of fate together, with you braiding them into an unbreakable union. Or so we thought. For the time being, you are not here. We cannot repeat that moment like we had done every anniversary. I had spent the third one without you sleepless – a wolf soundlessly howling at the glowing orb in the sky with a pitiful expression on my face. You would most certainly have poked me in the cheek and told me off for being so down.
Is the moon the same where you are? Did you think of me? Did you rest underneath the blanket of spectacular constellations, drawing lines between stars, your inhale and exhale being the only thing audible for miles? The nights are getting cooler now, I hope you wrapped up warmer. You had that one trench coat, remember? The hand-me-down from one of your friends who… oh, never mind that. It is not relevant. Didn’t you take it with you? Yes, yes you did! I can see your silhouette drifting away into the distance, becoming a dot in the horizon. You had that trench coat on. It suits you so well. Better not go around stealing the hearts of naïve young ladies wherever you are.
I wonder if you are stationed in a town like the one to which we used to go to for school. Or maybe... you are in a city! A giant city with sky-high walls and a dizzyingly colossal castle, with bustling taverns and busy squares, luxuries spilling over from baskets and intricately woven into the locals’ drapes and… just the musings take my breath away. Last month I went to a city like that. No, even better. I went to the capital of our country – it was even better than in the pictures and textbooks. I was pleasantly overwhelmed by all of the activity and people rushing back and forth. In our village, you know almost exactly where a person is going by their facial expressions, by how they are dressed and how they are walking. Be it the market, the cemetery, the orchards, somewhere further out. We used to sit on a bench next to the main road and make our, nearly always correct, guesses about a fellow villager’s path. In the city, in the security of its grand gates, that was virtually impossible, and yet in the thousands passing me by, I had somehow managed to imagine I spotted your face.
There had been no silence in the night either. Always, there seemed to be something going on, and lights were never put out. Never was there a total somnolence, unlike in our quaint home. I bet that when one falls asleep, another wakes up – a cycle of the day and night. Would our moonlit walks have the same feel if we had been in the city? Probably not. Reality would constantly interfere and mute our true sentiments. I hope you are in a place where you are free to think; it seems to me that that is exactly what those who I shall not dare mention are trying to control lately. The posters clinging to stone walls have become wallpaper, dirtied by the sediment left from horse-drawn carts going to and fro. The announcements and misleadingly fun, inspiring songs boasting glory and promising a brighter future, tailored by fiendish composers to convince impressionable citizens that aggression is the answer. The horror of manipulation did not seduce you – you had cupped my face and whispered your hatred for the game where you and I were crafted to be pawns. But, somehow, the claws of the devilish puppeteer, searching for a fresh sacrifice, had made it into our paradise, ruining the safe haven and ripping you away to a foreign land.
I cannot begin to imagine where your feet are taking you at this very moment. Whether you are in a cheery stride singing at the top of your voice or burying yelps of fear and pain while staying crouched in the dirt. You would probably explain to me that it is better that I cannot see the present you. Before you left, you had told me that once you appear in the horizon once more, liberated from your unwanted service, we will be able to live with even grander joy, grateful for the time that we would still have together. All smiles, you promised to return with your arms wide, ready to embrace me. We could return to the same patterns, the same legend of our love.
Are you keeping your word? Does the promise stand?
Frankly, it does not matter, as long as you come home safe and sound.
San, my love, please return soon, so our hearts can beat in unison once more.
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For the nation, for the glory, for the power.
You never understood why you had to leave. The slogans were obviously manipulated, the encouragements were laughably weak, and yet you left. You had seen through the façade immediately and yet, with pursed lips and tears in your eyes that you were never going to allow to fall, you marched away, so far away from home, from love, from life. We all wanted peace. However, unfortunately, those who had the power to decide thirsted for a good share of the riches that came with a catastrophe. The country, not the people, are struggling – that is what the flyers say. Fight for the greater good. For the big message. From crusades to conquests to battles to wars, there was always, supposedly a greater good. The country: a united front, a body that was the only one allowed to forget the names of those who make it, providing the individuals in control with beautiful ignorance, and the ones beneath them, sacred anonymity. You were called to work and fight for the country, not knowing what the country was. It is said that the country needs your help, but it is the people who have to fall in the end. The same people who fell into delusions that they would be saved by their glorious rulers, by their nation... Crumble like fortification, or rattle on forwards like heavy artillery.
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No way back. You are an automaton. Keep your head down. Left right, left right, left right… A blank stare trained on the muddy path. There is no choice but to continue walking forwards. Those who fall do not get up again. Once you are taken to serve, you lose all sense of self. You forget about who you have been before this moment. Before the higher ups began to shout you down for breathing too loud, for having a foot a millimetre out of place, for blinking at the wrong time… You lose your feeling of being human, praying to become a machine. There is no place for humans out there.
You cannot recall what you have done after charging, spurring yourself on with an earsplitting scream. Your mind draws a blank. It is blocking you from returning to what you have seen and heard. But sometimes, on nights when you are restless and cannot fall asleep, lying on the side and staring at light coming into the room through the line between the curtains, your thoughts begin spiralling out of control. All the shards are recollected at once. You can smell the fear of your comrades, the despair and the lack of willingness to accept that it is all over.
You are holding your friend in your arms, practically lying down beside him in an attempt to avoid the barrage above you. You have known him since childhood. From the age of five years old you have supported one another and have shared one another’s joys and sorrows. You have watched one another grow up, learn, and fall in love… A part of your soul is being torn away from you. He is bleeding out too fast. Shrapnel is stuck in his body and bullet wounds pierced it right through. There is nothing you can do, and yet you keep on uttering that ‘it will be fine, you can survive, you will survive, do not go’. There is horrifying acceptance in his eyes. A gentle, holy smile. The only serenity on the battlefield. You find the actions of the rest of the soldiers around you to be sordid. They are not stopping, those fools. They are running to their own deaths. Your friend is rapidly departing. He gestures for you to lean closer. With tears making rivers down your cheeks, stained with dirt, you obey. Stifling a cry of mourning you hold him in an embrace. He whispers ‘it has been a good life’ into your ear, weakly. There is almost no spirit left in him. You could sense Death lying in wait – standing outside of the action, observing and calculating the work cut out for it: here goes another one, and another… How many guided tours would it have to make to the place of Judgement?
After coughing up the mucus that has blocked up his throat, your friend says: ‘I love you, brother. Thank you for being by my side… until the very end. Tell my wife and daughter that I love them. Yes… it has really been a good life.’ With one final push he grips your hand and squeezes it. The last handshake you will ever share with him. He shuts his eyes and lets out his final breath. His everythings will never see him again, only his name on a letter marking his end. They will never get to have a family breakfast beneath the birch in their garden. ‘Papa’ is gone. ‘Darling’ is gone. ‘Brother’ is gone. The least you can do is clean his fatal wounds and cover his body in tarpaulin to provide the bare minimum protection from the elements. Honour him by letting him go in the right way. He must have a name. Even after his death. The least you can do is to find a place which his ‘everything’, the two women in the photograph he carried in his pocket, could visit.
You scream. You cannot stop yourself. Grief overtakes you and you look up to the gloomy grey sky. Permanently overcast, looming. It is about to rain. You could smell it over the stench of raw and rotting wounds and destroyed earth. The Heavens are preparing to cry for the loss of so many innocent lives. So many guardian angels looking down on the regular civilians thrown into a war that was not meant for them. It is the people who fall, not the country.
The scream permeates dreams and reality. You jolt yourself back. Covered in cold sweat you find yourself shivering. Hair clinging onto the back of your neck and your forehead, you are lost. But it was… so real? Where did it go? You can still hear the gunfire, the sabres cutting flesh and bone, the yells. The sound of utter demise all around you. Your hands fly up to cover your ears. There is no way one can bear this. The noise spreads through you. Your heart is beating to the rhythm of the brutal march you were trained to follow.
You are home, but your inner turmoil cannot let you fully acknowledge it. Stuck in a limbo between past and present, you are trapped. The gunfire fades back into the rustling of the orchards, and the sirens dissolve into the hooting of an owl. You sit in silence, your breathing agonal. Vision swimming, it is impossible to focus. Drifting in and out of consciousness. After staggering from your bed to the windowsill you lean on it with both arms, which now bear a multitude of scars – majority of which you do not remember getting. The curtain obediently slides away revealing the night scene.
The rolling hills that go down to the river; the groves and meadows lining them at the tops. The forest in the distance. The moon. The wondrous, miraculous full moon. Untainted by the sorrows of the world it has to orbit. Forever young and beautiful. It has watched over you. Seen you at your worst and is praying for you to be able to return to your best.
The grass seems to shine in the silvery blue light. Dew has already built up, readying itself for flight in the dawn. Last echoes of grenades disappear, replaced by crickets that are giving a concert in the fields. It has been a pleasantly warm September, surprising the majority of the villagers. They rejoiced and happily spent their days working and then relaxing on one another’s porches.
Now new colours are taking over. Once the sun rises, the yellows are going to stand out against the greens, multiplying and spreading, until they will give way to oranges, reds, and browns. Birds shall migrate to a warmer place. You ponder as to where. What place could be better than this?
It was almost two hours until all symptoms and aftereffects of the attack have faded away. The tremor in your hands halted until another time, and the shallow breathing has finally levelled out and you could fill your lungs. You open the window to allow the fresh, cool night air in. Drifting into the room along with it is relief. You are thankful for the tiredness that washes over you. A welcome fatigue greets you and guides you back to bed.
Snuggling into the white sheets you curl into a foetal position and inhale the night air. It lulls you and comforts you. For now, all that haunts you is forgotten, and you are back to how you were. You are back to racing through the lilac, the lavender… Back to lugging heavy baskets full of fruit. Back when you knew of nothing that could harm you. In less than a second, you enter the land of dreams.
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To this day we do not talk about what had happened. I do not want for you to suffer, nor do I want your present to be tainted with such darkness. We are now focused on what we love, and live to seize the best moments. Perhaps if I were to give my reasons for not mentioning anything, or asking you after what you had done, you would say I pity you and see you as a weakling, but that is not the case at all. I see you as the strongest person alive. You have survived through terror. You have faced phobia and apocalypse and did not cower in its presence. You have come back.
It was on a bright August morning that you have returned. The sun was shining, the nature was gleaming and a sense of victory was still hovering in the air. I had just finished preparing myself for a day of work at the farms and helping out with some resource gathering, when I see a limping figure in the distance. My heart was leaping. I did not want to bring my hopes up, but something was telling me that it was you. Perhaps it was the way your shoulders were outlined against the sky. The way you walked on without the need to check where you were going. You avoided the bump, the dips in the road without a single glance at them. It was you, my love.
I stepped outside and carefully chose my steps. Since our house was fairly close to the outskirts, I did not have to pass through the main roads to greet the mysterious, yet so familiar a figure. I slipped through the gap in the fence that has been there for as long as I can remember and quickened my pace. I strode past the field and followed the meandering path between the shacks and houses. Perhaps my wait was over, I thought. When I stopped at the road, I was sure. It could not be anybody else. But I was still tentative to rush ahead, letting me be carried by my intuition.
My legs moved on their own accord, leading me to you. We took our time. Our eyes were fixed on one another. I could not read your expression. Deep in contemplation and solemn, you trudged on, and we reunited on the golden, gravelly road to the village where we grew up. You were in uniform – had gone up in the ranks, look at you! You took off your hat, and your shabby rucksack fell to the ground, bringing up a cloud of dust with it. You leaned down to place the hat down on it, and then straightened yourself. Your eyes travelled up and down my body, as if you were trying to memorise me. I still could not begin to comprehend what you were feeling. I did not say anything. Were you disappointed? Did you expect to see somebody else?
My doubts dissolved as soon as your powerful arms wrapped around my waist, and you pulled me close. You held me in a tight embrace, whilst my hands snaked around you, recalling just how much I missed you. It was you. It was definitely you. We stood there for an eternity. We were as still as statues, even when a distant shout of ‘he returned’ had travelled to us. There was bound to be a commotion, a celebration. The biggest one after the news that the war was over. But we did not move. You did not look up. You hugged me tighter and let yourself melt into my caresses. Whispering my name, over, and over again, you were misty eyed as you removed your head from the crook of my neck and gazed at me. Tenderly, I guided you into a soothing kiss, reminding you that it was all over. You were here. You were home.
A month later, we said our real vows. We got married in the tiny church that was central to the village square. It was meant to be. The sun blessed us, shining down and giving us a shimmering peck on the tops of our heads. After the celebration, at dusk, we escaped to the hillside and gazed at the stars, drawing those same constellations with our fingers. We had been craving these quiet moments together. Now we always dedicate sometime to ourselves, in unity. Sometimes, we sit on the porch or at the table in the garden, drinking freshly made juice or tea. We do not have to talk. We just exist together. We understand what the other wants to say without it being voiced. Nodding and a knowing smile is plenty.
I will always be there. I hold your hand through your dark times and pray for it all to get better. Whatever it is. Perhaps there is no diagnosis – there are no physical symptoms for what you are feeling, and yet, you experience unbearable agony. I do not know where it comes from, so I can only assume it is in the mind. If only emotion and memory was built up of bricks or was a jigsaw puzzle. Then I would remove the pieces that hurt you so and you could go back to being a young boy with a dream.
You have matured in a way that nobody should. Far too early you have seen the evil of society and had to grow up into a stoic man. Now that you could, technically, return to how you were, the demons have stuck to you, and haunt you wherever you go, attacking you when you least expect it. Once, it happened at the farmer’s market. A loud bang from somebody dropping pots and pans resulting in us hiding in an alleyway where you collapsed with your back to a wall and curled into a ball. I dropped to my knees beside you, and counted out loud, diverting your attention, calling you back. It was always a challenge. There was nobody we knew who could give us a helping hand; we had to combat the invisible on our own.
So here we are two years later. Getting by. Living in small steps. That is enough. We try to stick to routines and use that as a comfort. A year ago, by coincidence on the anniversary that you have returned from the land beyond, we have stumbled upon a spectacular companion – an adorable mutt with wagging tail. He senses your pain and knows when to alert you. He knows you trusted him, and gave him the name ‘Haneul’. Suits him nicely.
He was the runt of the litter, and the owner thought to ‘let him go’, as they had put it. Your heart had ached for him and soon enough, the tiny puppy was wriggling in your hands, snuggling into your warmth. You fed him and cared for him night and day. The new responsibility swept you away and let your mind rest for a record amount of time.
Now, Haneul is always by your side, even when I cannot be with you. He follows you around with unbeatable persistence, protecting you. He allowed you to try and step out into society on your own, with success. Of course, it would not be life if there were no setbacks, but even when you could not leave the house, Haneul is right there, with you. He rests his upper body on your chest, right above your heart, and looks up at you with concern and adoration.
We are a happy family: you, Haneul and I. At least, we are managing with the happiness that we are provided. Long gone are the days when we would dance with the breeze, and bathe in the sunshine; white shirts fluttering like butterfly wings. It will not come back, and for the better. We would not give that time the love it deserves – our souls and will has dried out, and the time of our youth is distant. What is left is to sit in the garden, with Haneul at our feet, holding hands and recalling the time when we had made flower crowns – king and queen of a pretend world, accessible only through a child’s imagination. Too soon we have lost it. Too soon. Without a chance to say goodbye. We are two shells, together out of habit, waiting out the days and seasons. Living in perpetual motion until we live our peaceful last.
Once, in half slumber, you told me about your friend. Yes, the one who said that he has lived a good life. All I can pray for is that when the time comes, we would be able to say the same.
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rainisawriter · 8 months
The Sun & Moon – Bernie (PSF #6)
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Genre: Fluff, angst, halloween
Prompt: Corn Maze (@flufftober)
Word Count: 6,105
Pairing: Reader x Bernie
World: High&Low
Warning: Spider warning ⚠️ for my arachnophobic brothers and sisters.
A/N: This fic started my “hopelessly in love with Ice” phase *sobs
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“Babe!” Bernie threw his arms around you from behind, a bright grin on his face. “Guess what.”
You hummed, leaning into his hold. “Do you actually want me to guess or is it rhetorical?” 
You tapped your chin in thought. “You finally decided that it’s time to get a pet cat.”
He groaned at the guess, pulling away with a pout. “Not even close.”
The subject of getting a cat had come up on more than a few occasions. You absolutely adored cats and wanted one desperately. Your boyfriend was a bit harder to convince than you had originally anticipated.
It’s not that Bernie didn’t like cats, he just didn’t trust them around his things. Every time he considered getting a cat, he would picture his designer clothes covered in fur or his albums being destroyed. He had worked hard to earn the things he had and he would be damned before he let an animal ruin them.
You chuckled, leaning back against the counter. “Tell me.”
“A celebrity hired the Mighty Warriors to perform at his Halloween party!” He grinned, excitement dancing in his eyes. “We got to see the mansion before taking the job and it’s huge. He even has a corn maze set up out back.”
“That’s great, Bernie. I’m proud of you,” you offered him a genuine smile, taking his hand in yours. “I hope you have fun.”
“You’re coming with me, idiot~” He sang, bringing you closer so he could give you a peck on the lips.
Your brow furrowed, body tensing. “I really don’t think that’s a good idea…”
“You have to go,” he pleaded. “You’ve never seen us perform before and I even remixed one of your favorite songs for the party.”
“Which one?”
“It’s a secret! You’ll only know if you come with me.”
“Can I have a hint?”
He hummed, a smirk on his lips. “I don’t know. Do you deserve a hint?”
You knew what he wanted and you chuckled, pulling him closer until your lips met his, dancing in a slow, passionate embrace that left you both breathless. “Happy?”
“When I’m with you? Always,” he breathed out, rubbing your side with his thumb. “Fine, I’ll give you a hint. It’s a Bad Omens song.”
Your eyes lit up, excitement filling you. “Really? Ah, but that doesn’t narrow it down at all. They have so many good songs!”
Bernie nodded in agreement, feeling pride settle in his chest when he saw how happy you looked. “You gotta come with me to find out.”
You bit your lip, knowing you were going to regret this. “Okay.”
“Yes!” He threw his arms around you and lifted you up, spinning you in circles until both of you were dizzy. Laughter filled the room as he stumbled into the counter. “I love you so much, baby.”
“I love you, too. More than anything else in this world.” You cupped his face, bringing your lips to his once more.
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You watched Bernie as he walked up and down the seemingly endless aisles in the Halloween store, muttering under his breath as he searched for the perfect costume. This was going to be your first Halloween together and he wanted it to be perfect. That started with the perfect costume, but he was struggling to choose a good one.
To him, they were either too gaudy or just downright ugly. Most of them were skimpy, too, which he had no intention of wearing or letting you wear. A vampire, perhaps? No, that was far too basic. Pirates, maybe? It was another basic choice, though he was confident he could rock that eyepatch.
Peanut butter and jelly couple costume? Dumb.
Ghostface was cool, but then you wouldn’t be able to see his beautiful face and he couldn’t see yours.
Hogwarts uniforms would look cool, but he knew it was a popular choice.
Could he convince you to go as a Mortal Kombat character? He doubted it since you weren’t fond of fighting games.
He figured he might be able to convince you to go for Apex Legends, but the store had no costumes for the game.
Bernie scowled, removing his hat so he could run a hand through his hair. “Baby, what if we -” he paused when he realized you were no longer following him. “Babe?”
You had wandered off to the opposite end of the store, hands buried in your pockets as you looked at all of the costumes on display. There were hundreds of them lining the walls, from floor to ceiling. Most of them looked pretty cool, though there were a few that were questionable. 
You loved SpongeBob as much as the next mostly functioning adult, but an inflatable SpongeBob costume? You couldn’t be paid to wear that. Just the thought of how hot it must be inside that thing made you uncomfortable.
Arms wrapped around your waist from.behind, the scent of your boyfriend’s cologne filling your nose as he rested his chin on your shoulder. “Did you find anything, baby?”
“Nothing that really stands out,” you commented, leaning your head back to get a better look at the costumes at the top of the wall. “You?”
“Nope,” he frowned. “I don’t remember it being this hard to choose a good costume.”
“It’s always been hard for me. Way too many choices.”
“It’s a good and bad thing. I’m determined, though. I’ll stay here for a week if that’s what it takes.”
You laughed at the comment. “I’m pretty sure this store isn’t open 24/7.”
“You’d be surprised what people are willing to become for the right price,” he grinned.
You were about to retort when a costume caught your eye. “Can I suggest one?”
“Of course! You don’t even have to ask.” He released you, giving you an expectant look. “Lay it on me.”
“Would you consider… Harley Quinn and the Joker from Suicide Squad?” You glanced at him hopefully and he frowned.
“Are you sure? Harley’s outfit is pretty revealing…” Bernie didn’t consider him to be a jealous man, but he also didn’t like people staring at you, especially knowing that you didn’t like attention.
“I was thinking I could modify it to be more personal, ya know? I thought I could wear basketball shorts since they’re longer and if I get a bigger sized costume, the shirt will be baggy…” you thought about it for a moment, trying to picture it in your head. “Ah, I guess that would be weird, though… nevermind, we can keep looking.”
Bernie grabbed your wrist when you tried to walk away, tugging you closer. “You’re going to be the most beautiful Harley Quinn in the world. Everyone’s gonna be jealous of your originality.”
You knew he was full of shit but it brought a smile to your face anyway. “Thank you.”
“I’m getting excited,” he grinned. “This is going to be the best Halloween of our lives. I promise.”
“As long as you’re there,” you started, wrapping your arms around his neck. “Nothing else matters.”
He pouted, hands finding their place on your waist. “You always take the cool lines. You’re supposed to share in a relationship, ya know.”
You laughed, patting his cheek. “You can have the next one.”
“I promise.”
───── ⋆⋅🍂⋅⋆ ─────
You were filled with nervousness as you stood outside the large mansion where the party was taking place. Loud music filled the night air, accented by the laughter and cheers of the crowd. There were people everywhere, filling the house and surrounding the underground pool that sat on the right side of the property.
It wasn’t the people that had you on edge, though, it was Bernie’s friends – the Mighty Warriors.
They hated you and rightfully so. To them, you were the enemy because you were part of Sannoh and best friends with Murayama. They didn’t trust you at all and fully believed that you were using Bernie. It didn’t matter that you hadn’t know who we has when you first met. It didn’t matter that you fell in love with him before discovering who he hung out with.
When he was around, the members either completely ignored you or attempted to kill you with kindness that was so fake, it made you feel ill. On the rare occasion when you were left alone with them, they didn’t hold back, cutting into you with insults and threats and dirty looks.
Maybe you should have told your boyfriend this, but you didn’t want to cause problems. They were his family, his best friends, the people that were there for him when no one else was. If you ended up being the reason that he lost them… you wouldn’t be able to live with yourself.
So, you accepted their abuse. You didn’t see them that often so you knew you could handle it. You would be nice to them even when they weren’t nice to you because you were doing it for Bernie. 
Taking a deep breath, you headed up the stone path and into the house, squeezing through the throngs of people in search of your boyfriend. You found him in the kitchen, speaking with Pearl as he poured himself a drink. He looked absolutely gorgeous as the Joker and you found yourself staring at his exposed chest for longer than intended.
“Like what you see, baby?” Bernie wiggled his brows at you, a smirk on his lips.
“You look amazing,” you complimented with a smile, well aware of Pearl staring at you.
“You do too~” He pecked your lips. “Want a drink?”
“Maybe later.”
Pearl folded his arms over his chest, looking you up and down. “When did Harley Quinn wear that?”
You shifted uncomfortably, forcing a smile. “I wanted to customize the look. Make it unique, you know?”
“Ah.” His lips pursed, clearly biting back whatever mean comment that lingered on his tongue. “We should get ready, Bernie. We’re performing soon.”
“Right, right.” Bernie pecked your cheek, giving you a loving smile. “Enjoy the party, baby. You better watch us when we take the stage.”
“You know I will. Good luck.”
Pearl rolled his eyes. “We don’t need luck. We have talent.”
Your smile faltered as you nodded. “Yeah… you’re right.”
He scoffed, turning his back to you as he left the kitchen, Bernie close behind.
You made your way outside where the stage had been set up. You hung out near the back, close to the house as you watched your boyfriend get on stage, taking up his place at the DJ booth. Ice, Pearl and Nine walked around the stage, hyping up the crowd before beginning their set.
Bernie searched the crowd for you, a bright smile coming to his lips when his gaze met yours. You smiled back, forming a heart with your hands. He pretended to catch it, pressing it against his chest with a wink that had you giggling. 
‘What a dork,’ you thought lovingly. ‘My beautiful little dork.’
Halfway through the set, you felt a looming presence beside you and your body tensed up. Pho was beside you, easily towering over you due to his large size. Although you felt weary around all of the Mighty Warriors crew, Pho and Jesse were especially terrifying to you. They were much crueler than the other members and you knew they had spent time in prison.
You swallowed hard, trying to focus on your boyfriend who always provided you comfort even in the most stressful of situations. He wasn’t looking at you, though, focused on the music he was creating.
“Bernie prepared something for you,” stated Pho, right next to your ear so he could be heard over the music.
You shifted nervously, forcing a smile. “Yeah, he told me. I’m excited to hear the song.”
Pho resisted the urge to roll his eyes, giving you a deadpan look. “He prepared something else for you.”
“Oh? He… didn’t mention that.”
“Supposed to be a surprise. He wanted me to bring you to it.”
“I… shouldn’t we wait for him to finish?” You looked at Bernie nervously, wishing he would look up but he didn’t. 
“He wanted you to see it while he’s on stage. Said he would be too embarrassed if he was there.”
That didn’t sound like your boyfriend at all. Bernie was a dork but he was a confident dork. You didn’t even think embarrassed was in his dictionary. Alarm bells were ringing in your head, fear gripping your heart as you scrambled for an excuse to not go with this man.
“I… I don’t…”
His large hand came down on your shoulder, squeezing hard. “We should go before he gets to your song.”
It wasn’t a request, you knew, as he started to steer you back inside. You should have screamed, pushed him away and ran, but you didn’t want to cause a scene. He hadn’t done anything wrong, either, and you knew they would spin it as if you were overreacting.
The Mighty Warriors were nothing if not cunning.
He led you toward the back right of the mansion, stopping in front of a white wooden door at the end of the hall. “Go on. Your surprise is waiting.”
You swallowed hard, lifting a shaking hand to the knob. Goosebumps rose across your skin when your fingers wrapped around  the cold metal, but you doubted it was the cause. A feeling of dread had settled in the pit of your stomach, growing with each minute that passed. The door clicked when the knob was fully turned, the hinges creaking as you pushed it open.
It was a clean looking bedroom.
Your brow furrowed in confusion. “What -“
Pho shoved you hard and you stumbled forward, only staying on your feet because you managed to reach the desk opposite the door. You whipped around, heart sinking to your stomach.
Jesse was standing behind the door, a smirk on his lips as he pushed the door closed, flicking the lock. “Hey, there. I was hoping Bernie would bring you.”
You pressed yourself back against the desk as far as you could, fingers gripping the wood. “W-What’s going on? What are you doing?”
“I don’t trust you,” he replied simply, taking slow, small steps toward you. “And I don’t like you.”
“I’m not a spy!” You snapped, hating how your voice shook.
He quirked a brow, head tilred to the side. “I didn’t say you were. Sounds like you have a guilty conscious, hm?”
You sputtered, trying to find the right words to explain yourself. He may not have said it, but the others have multiple times.
“You may have fooled Bernie, but you can’t fool me. I can see right through you.” He pointed a finger at me, dark eyes glinting dangerously despite the playful smirk on his lips. “It’s time I teach you a lesson. Scare you so fucking bad that you won’t ever go back to Sannoh.”
“Don’t do this,” you begged, even though you weren’t sure what he had planned for you.
He hummed, tapping his chin in false thought. “Nah, I think you need this. You’re dumb, but you’re not that dumb. You know that you’re either part of Mighty Warriors or you’re against us. It’s not complicated to understand.”
Your eyes followed him as he slowly made his way to the left side of the room. There was something square sitting atop a large table, covered by a black sheet.
“So tell me. If you truly love Bernie, wouldn’t you leave Sannoh and join the Mighty Warriors?” He quirked a brow at you, fingers curling around the end of the sheet. “If you ask me, it sounds like you have commitment issues.”
“I didn’t ask you,” you spat, the anger swirling with the fear as the two fought for dominance within you. “Our relationship is between him and I. What you think doesn’t mean anything.”
“Wow, you really are dumb. Can’t you see how he’s suffering?”
That caught you off guard. “I – huh?”
He clicked his tongue, giving you a pitying look. “Do you know how many times he’s come to us, scared that you don’t love him simply because you stay with Sannoh? He’s asked you before, hasn’t he? To join us.”
Your lips parted but no sound escaped. Bernie had, in fact, asked you on multiple occasions to join the Mighty Warriors. That had been at the beginning of your relationship, though, and he hadn’t mentioned it since Sword had its big battle against Kuryu.
Had you been causing your boyfriend to question your feelings this whole time? The thought made your heart ache.
“So, for making one of our members suffer, you have to pay. It’s only fair, right?” He paused in thought for a moment. “Of course, if you leave Sannoh now and pledge your loyalty to us, I might reconsider.”
You knew you could never do that. Sannoh was your family just as the Mighty Warriors were Bernie’s. Though not related by blood, Cobra was your brother, the person who had always been there for you no matter what. 
Even when he found out about your relationship, he eventually came around and supported you because he knew how much you loved Bernie. As long as you were happy and safe, he could accept it.
You could never turn your back on them. Did that really mean you were betraying your boyfriend?
Jesse clicked his tongue. “How disappointing.”
With a sharp tug, the sheet slid off, falling to the ground in a pool. Your eyes widened as fear gripped your heart. You scrambled back to the other side of the room, trying to get as far away from the table as possible.
Sitting atop the table was a large glass tank, inside which was dozens and dozens of black spiders in varying sizes. You were terrified of spiders, to the point where you could barely look at them without wanting to cry.
“P-Please,” you begged, tears welling up in your eyes as you stared at the chair beside you, unable to even look in that direction.
Jesse snickered at your fear, pulling the lid off the top of the tank. “Last chance~ Are you gonna leave Sannoh?”
“I-I can’t!”
“What a shame.” He gripped both ends of the tank, lifting it up off the table. With a wicked grin, he flung the tank forward without letting it go, sending the spiders flying through the air toward you.
An ear piercing scream ripped from your throat as you dropped to the floor assuming the fetal position with your arms covering your head. Your body trembled, tears flowing down your cheeks. “Please please please,” you sobbed. “I’m sorry! I’m sorry just please take them away! I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry!”
Jesse laughed, amused by what he believed to be an overreaction. “Let’s make a deal, then. Break up with Bernie and I’ll let you go.”
You shook your head, fingers curling around the ring hanging from your neck. It had been Bernie’s ring, given to him by his grandmother when he was a small child. He had entrusted it to you, promising to always be with you and love you forever. 
His eyes narrowed at you, growing annoyed that you were refusing to break despite the intense fear and stress that you were currently experiencing. He grabbed a large spider off the ground, stepping closer to you. You didn’t realize what he was doing until you felt something crawling across your arm.
You screamed again, flailing your arm wildly to get the creature off of you. Jesse didn’t move in time, your hand hitting him hard across the face. You were so consumed by fear that you didn’t even notice it had happened. You kicked your feet against the ground, trying to press yourself farther into the dresser as the hoard of spiders slowly made their way across the tan carpet toward you.
Jesse’s eyes flashed with anger, nostrils flaring as he grabbed you by the back of your hair, squeezing hard until you cried out in pain. He grabbed the largest spider, bringing it toward your face.
“P-Please, stop!” You sobbed, vision blurred by tears. “P-Please, J-Jesse!”
“Break up with Bernie or you’re gonna be making out with this spider. I hear his venom is quite potent.”
You trembled beneath his grip, squeezing your eyes shut so you couldn’t see the spider getting closer. When you felt the tips of its hairy legs touch your nose, you cried out, “Fine, fine! I’ll break up with Bernie just please, please let me go!”
The door had been flung open as you said this, Bernie standing there in shock. Anger flared through him when he saw the state of you and the words registered in his brain. “What the fuck are you doing?!” He rushed over to you, shoving Jesse away before kneeling in front of you. “Baby, it’s okay. I’m here, I -“
When he tried to wrap his arms around you, you shoved him away, shaking your head.
Hurt flashed through his eyes but he pushed it away, more concerned about calming you down. “It’s okay, you’re safe.”
“No,” you sobbed, hugging yourself tightly as you continued to tremble. “I’ll never… never be s-safe with you.”
“What? That’s not true-“
“I’m s-sorry, I… I can’t d-do this anymore!” You tugged hard on the ring, breaking the chain before shoving it against his chest. Before he could reply, you stood up and ran, jumping over the bed to avoid the disgusting creatures on the floor.
He cried out your name, heart clenching painfully within his chest as he chased after you. “Please, wait!”
You urged your legs to run faster, shoving through the crowd until you broke out into the cool night, nearly knocking over the couple in front of you. The commotion grabbed Ice’s attention and he glanced over, brow furrowed at the state of you.
You looked around frantically, breathing heavily at the attention that was now on you. Bernie screamed your name again, shoving through the crowd that had gathered in front of the door. You cursed, making a split second decision before you took off into the corn maze, your boyfriend hot on your heels. Ice downed the rest of his drink, shoving the cup into Sarah’s hand before taking off after the two of you.
You ran as fast as you could, resisting the urge to look over your shoulder because you were afraid he was right behind you. With your emotions threatening to drown you, you simply couldn’t face him right now. Your heart was aching and the adrenaline from your fear was still pumping through your veins, activating your fight or flight. 
Everything felt overwhelming to you and you just wanted to get away, to be alone.
Your foot caught on a root sticking up out of the dirt and you hit the ground hard. This was it, you thought. Bernie was going to catch up to you, to confront you about the breakup and about what Jesse had done. He’d tell you that Jesse had been right all along.
But Bernie didn’t seem to notice you among the thick stalks of corn, rushing past you without stopping as he cried out your name, begging for you to stop. A second pair of boots thudded against the earth but they, too, passed without noticing you.
As soon as you were sure they were gone, you started to sob again, fingers clutching at the dirt beneath you. You didn’t want comfort or pity. You didn’t need to be told that everything would be alright. All you wanted was to cry, to wallow in self-pity until there was nothing left for you to feel.
You stayed there for hours, long after the sounds of the party faded and the sun started to rise. Your phone had been vibrating non stop with calls and texts from Bernie so you had turned it off some time ago.
Your tears had finally stopped, dirt stuck to your face in the tracks they had left behind. You rolled over onto your back, staring up at the morning sky and the group of birds that were flying overhead. You wanted to call Cobra but you didn’t want to turn your phone back on, not wanting to see the flood of notifications that were sure to come.
With a sigh, you slowly pulled yourself up and started to trudge in the direction you had come from. Several people were asleep outside, snoring in lawn chairs or inflatable pool chairs. A large dog lifted its head when you got close, looking at you curiously and you sent it a pleading look not to start barking. You were still embarrassed and emotional and the last thing you needed was everyone to wake up and look at you.
You knew you must be a sore sight.
Thankfully, the dog just lowered its head and returned to its nap, allowing you to escape the property without issue. The problem you now faced was that the mansion was far from Sword district and you didn’t want to turn your phone on to call for a ride. 
It was a long walk in an uncomfortable costume, but it seemed like the better alternative at the time so you started walking, head down so you didn’t have to see the judging look of the people you passed by.
It took about twenty minutes before the city came into view, the tall buildings offering you comfort and familiarity. The roar of an engine bounced off of them, sounding angry in the early morning hours. You thought of Cobra and frowned, running a hand through your hair, the wig having been left in the maze.
If he found out what had happened, he would be pissed. You didn’t want to be the reason that Sannoh fought the Warriors again. You didn’t want anyone’s blood on your hands, but there’s no way he wouldn’t know that something had happened.
The apartment you lived in was Bernie’s. His name was on it, he paid for it every month. It was his, you just lived there because he insisted on it despite you telling him that you didn’t want to be a freeloader. You still couldn’t face him which meant you couldn’t go home.
You squatted down with a groan, clutching at your head in frustration. What were you going to do? It was the first time in a long time that you felt as if you had nowhere to go. You felt lost like the first time Cobra had met you.
“Go away,” you muttered, not interested in fighting with thugs at the moment. The footsteps got closer and a surge of annoyance shot through you. With clenched teeth, you shot up, glaring at the person. “Are you stupid or what? I told you to… piss… off…” your words died when you realized who was standing in front of you.
Ice quirked a brow at you but it was the only emotion he showed as he stared at you.
You swallowed hard, losing all will to fight as you slowly backed away from him. “Please… just leave me alone. I didn’t mean to hit Jesse, it was an accident…”
“He deserved it,” replied Ice, shrugging a shoulder.
You were surprised by the words, having expected him to be angry for attacking one of his men, even if it had been just a single slap.
“Get in,” he ordered, jabbing his thumb over his shoulder. His car sat against the curb, looking seriously out of place among run down buildings and graffiti painted walls.
You wanted desperately to tell him no, but you were tired, both physically and mentally. You didn’t have the energy to fight or run so you accepted your fate, following him to the car. When you opened the passenger door, though, you paused and looked down at yourself. You were still covered in dirt and leaves. The seats were made of expensive looking leather.
He climbed into his seat, sending you a look as he repeated the order, unbothered by this fact. Carefully, you slid into the seat, pulling the door closed. You honestly felt scared to breathe in case you broke or ruined something inside the vehicle. You sure as hell couldn’t pay for it.
You expected him to take you back home or to the club but he didn’t. He pulled up to a penthouse on the opposite side of town, not far from the club they owned.
“Where are we?” you wondered, glancing at him as he got out of the car. You followed hesitantly, glancing around.
“My place,” he replied simply. 
“Why, um… why are we here?” 
He quirked a brow at you, pressing the call button for the elevator. “You got somewhere else to go?”
A frown tugged at your lips as you shook your head no, gaze falling to the ground. “I can’t face Bernie. I can’t go to Cobra because he’ll get upset. Murayama is still M.I.A… no, I don’t have anywhere else to go.”
Ice hummed. “There’s your answer then.”
You followed him onto the elevator, glancing at him curiously. You still felt cautious because he was the leader of the Mighty Warriors, but he had never been abusive to you like the others had. “Why… are you being nice to me?”
“God, you ask a lot of questions.”
“You’re important to Bernie,” he answered honestly, hands in his pockets. “He’s our family and if you’re important to him, then you’re important to us.”
You scoffed at that. “I don’t think the others got that memo…”
“You and me are gonna have a long talk about that.” 
“Eh?” You blinked at him in confusion, his dark eyes intense when he looked at you again.
“You’re gonna tell me everything.”
───── ⋆⋅🍂⋅⋆ ─────
Nearly a week had passed since the party and you weren’t feeling much better about the situation. You kept having nightmares about the spiders crawling all over you and you’d wake up screaming. You apologized profusely to Ice for this when he came to check on you but he didn’t seem mad.
He wasn’t the type to comfort someone when they were upset, especially since you were dating someone close to him. He basically just left you to yourself, though he did make the occasional comment about how you couldn’t avoid Bernie forever.
You knew he was right, of course, but you were scared. Of what, you weren’t entirely sure. You just knew that anxiety flooded you every time you reached for your phone, which you still had yet to turn on.
You sighed, resting your head on the kitchen table as you stared at your phone. It sat in front of you, the screen black. How many times had Bernie called you? How many texts were sitting there unread? Was he angry at you for ignoring him? 
What if he stopped trying? What if he had decided breaking up was the right choice, after all? Maybe you should have listened when Cobra first told you that the Warriors were trouble.
The front door opened and closed from behind you and you hummed, not lifting up from the table. “You’re back early. You’re out of milk, by the way, and not because I ate all the cocoa puffs. In my defense, I warned you when I saw them.”
You expected a sigh or a smart remark but all you got was silence.
Curious, you slowly sat up, turning in your seat to look at Ice. Only, Ice wasn’t who was standing in front of the door. It was Bernie and he looked terrible. His clothes were wrinkled, his hair a mess and dark bags prominent under his eyes that lacked their usual luster. There was a bruise on his left cheek and his bottom lip was split, but they didn’t look fresh.
You stood up, whispering his name. That seemed to wake him up because he darted across the living room, his body slamming into your own with such force that the table scraped across the floor. His arms were tight around you, face buried in your neck.
“God, I missed you so much,” he whispered against your skin. His voice was so soft, almost as if he were afraid this was a dream and he would wake up if he spoke too loudly.
“Bernie…” you whispered back, clutching onto him as if your life depended on it. Tears filled your eyes. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.”
He quickly shook his head, pulling back so he could cup your cheeks. “You did nothing wrong, baby. I… I’m sorry for not realizing. I didn’t know… I didn’t think they…” He shook his head again, bringing his forehead to your own. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“I didn’t want to cause problems,” you admitted. “I didn’t want you to fight with your family.”
“I would fight the world to protect you.”
“I know. That’s why I couldn’t tell you.” You focused on the hem of his shirt, tugging softly at the fabric. “It wasn’t anything serious, just the occasional rude comment or dirty look. I could handle it, but then Jesse…” you couldn’t suppress a shiver as you thought of the spiders again, crawling toward you, touching your skin.
“Hey,” he called softly, thumbs brushing against your cheeks. “You’re okay. There’s no spiders here. They won’t hurt you.”
You slowly nodded, taking a deep breath to calm yourself down. “I didn’t mean to hit him…”
Bernie scoffed. “You should have hit him harder.”
You gently traced your thumb around the edge of the bruise, a frown tugging at your lips. “I’m guessing you did that for me.”
“I beat his ass,” he scowled, anger flashing through his eyes. “I wanted to kill him for what he did to you.”
“I’m glad you didn’t. I hear maintaining relationships in prison is hard.”
He hummed, leaning toward your lips but not quite touching them. “If I recall correctly, you broke up with me.”
Guilt and pain filled you. “I’m sorry…”
“Be honest with me. Did you only break up with me because Jesse made you? Or do you really not want to be with me?”
The heartbroken look on his face snapped something within you and you closed the distance, claiming his lips. He didn’t hesitate to kiss you back, acting as if he were starving and your lips were the only thing that could feed the hunger. Neither of you pulled away until your lungs were screaming at you.
“I love you so much, Bernie,” you whispered honestly. “I’ve never felt this strongly about anyone before.”
His lips ghosted over yours. “You are the sun in my sky.”
“And you are the moon in mine.”
Bernie smiled, reaching into his pocket to pull out his grandmother’s ring. “Here, this belongs to you.”
Your fingers ghosted over the metal, warm from having been in his pocket. “I promised to never take it off, but I broke that promise.”
“There were extenuating circumstances.” He unclasped the chain, bringing it around your neck before securing it.
You had felt lost without it, honestly, like a piece of you had been missing. With the ring back around your neck, you felt as if that piece had been returned to you. A smile came to your lips as you rested your hand over it.
“Even if the world is against us, I’ll always choose you,” he told you seriously, pressing a kiss to your forehead. “You’re my family, too.”
You threw your arms around him, burying your face in his shoulder to hide the wide grin that overtook your face.
“It’s about damn time.”
Both of you jumped in surprise, whipping around to see Ice standing in front of the door, a smirk on his lips. 
You bowed to him, offering a grateful smile. “Thank you for everything.”
“Sure,” he nodded. “Now go back home before you end up seeing me naked again.”
Bernie’s eyes widened, shifting between the two of you. “Naked? Again?!”
Ice just shrugged, falling onto the white sofa. “I’m not used to having house guests.”
You rubbed the back of your head, looking away and feeling embarrassed. 
Bernie pouted at you, nudging your shoulder with his. “I’m the only one who you’re supposed to see naked.”
“It wasn’t on purpose,” you laughed, nudging him back before holding out your hand. “Let’s go home?”
His hand slid into your own, fingers intertwining as if they were made for each other. “Yeah, let’s go home, baby.”
───── ⋆⋅🍂⋅⋆ ─────
-> High&Low/Rampage Taglist: @kiraaaeon, @simpforchuchu, @star2fishmeg, @thatpoindexterpixy @manhwabtch
-> General Taglist: @asterhaze, @mrskenpachizaraki
@meridele473 Bernie! c:
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captainblou · 2 days
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. spread the self-love ❤
Thank you Sam!!! Time for some self-love, lets go!!
Thank you for the thorns - rated E
There's a few things you should know about Anthony: first, only his dad calls him that, you can call him Crowley. Second, he owns the Queen of Thorns, the best flower shop of Mayfair. And third: he doesn't date. The first two points are unlikely to change, but the third? Maybe we should stick around to see how it goes…
This one was unfortunatly never beta'd BUT it's still my absolute favourite I've written, I would die for those two and their stupid bet.
Roses don't wear freckles like you do - rated E
“Do you have a safeword?” The angel asked suddenly, tearing his eyes away from his candle. Strategic question. Crowley had one and he knew it. They’d used it a thousand times already. “Armageddon. Do you?” The bastard chuckled. “Never needed a safeword.” Crowley hissed, his serpentine tongue flicking, eyes fixed on the melted wax dripping from his hand. “Well, think of one.” His palm had long grown insensible to the light burn of the wax, but that was the easy part. His arm, stretched in front of him without support for the last hour, was starting to shake. His shoulder was screaming in pain. Aziraphale’s hand remained steady and his lips stretched in a smile. Crowley relaxed his stance and stared into his eyes. The angel was playing a mind game with him, pretending it didn’t hurt at all.
A PWP where Aziracrow switch their usual roles. I had a lot of fun with this one !!
Touch of a feather - rated T
Berlin - 1889 “Well, if you must know,’’ the angel started, fidgeting with the lapels of his coat. “Have you heard of this lovely invention called a gramophone?’’ Crowley had, but still shook his head, happy to let him explain. “It’s a device that allows you to play music! Isn’t it brilliant? They engrave the music on large discs, apparently, and the machine plays it, which means you could technically listen to symphonies directly in your home!’’ Aziraphale was literally buzzing with excitement. Crowley could feel the way his body was heating up, positively shivering as he explained. He steadied his hand on his cane and looked at him with an encouraging smile, waiting for more. This time, the angel’s blush was more frank, going all the way down his neck. “Anyway, the company that produces the device is currently designing their logo, and they called for, erm- well, models.’’
My latest little one shot, it's sweet and cute and I love it <3
Undercover - rated E
After Aziraphale becomes the Supreme Archangel, Crowley is appointed as Prince of Hell. Some may think they aren't talking, but that's only true when they're busy with more pressing activities. (A collection of sexy times between our favorite angel and demon, trapped in an office hell/heaven scape, where the second coming that matters is not the Jesus one)
A collection of PWP written with @eybefioro, we have so much fun writing this!! It's still ongoing, I just need to get my head out of my ass and actually write my next part!!!
Drive me to the moon - rated E
At GOMENS, world-renowned sports brand and sponsor, one takes pride in endorsing the UK’s most talented athletes. On the other hand, one would like to ignore the fact that their two top of the bill, Aziraphale and Crowley, have heartily hated each other since the day they met. But what should be expected, when one knows these two?Aziraphale is a professional dancer, Crowley a rally driver. While the former switches between fierce competitions and prestigious stages, the other goes from one track to another across the world, clearing out every prize from behind the wheel of his racing car. Two beings, two worlds, two universes that everything should keep apart. But an unprecedented charity event is getting set up at GOMENS, and quickly, their own athletes will have to compete with and assist each other in turns.Two worlds, two personalities. But if they want to run for a cause that matters to the both of them, Crowley and Aziraphale are going to have to find an Arrangement. 
I'm cheating for that last one!! Publishing begins June 16th with @searchingforakeythatdoesntexist's illustrations!!!! When it's out it will go all the way up on that list!!!!!
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theblacktiecacti · 1 year
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a while back i drew some riptide designs when the new ones came out, so it’s only fair i do a grandberry addition with my take on their new designs, combining them with my old ones
details and bonus under the cut :D!!
info about john design:
wears compression sleeves and knee braces since the block cause the ice messed up his joints
he can slap the screen of his gloves and they’ll transform into gauntlets
his navy jacket is all torn up because a) boooo navy and b) he uses the fabric to patch up his other clothes and bandage his crew
info about caspian design:
the water whip has a sun and moon chain on either handle because it’s from gillion
he has beads in his hair to represent lizzie and she has beads to represent him
he’s a lot less damaged and keeps the callnch shell by his side because he’s a magic user, so he isn’t as close range as the others
info about lizzie design:
she has small golden birds sewn throughout her outfit to represent ava (this was done as a gift as caspian’s idea and john’s sewing)
she has a black rose charm on one of her necklaces for shay
her outfit, specifically the jacket and bandana, mimics chip’s!!
and!! some bonus queer headcanons for pride month!! <33
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smileymoth · 10 months
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This is Daniel!! He is my pride and joy, and drawing him truly makes me feel really happy ^_^
Under cut is a whole lot of information about him!!!
I originally created him in April 2013, but he was a girl named Kristina back then. I feel like I have to acknowledge the mess that was Kris the Cat before I get onto more relevant information: She was THE scene kid, THE evil girlie who wanted to poison everyone. THE one with dark blue wings and awful lot of make-up even though IRL I couldn't dream of putting make-up on ever (Repressed emo kid with "grr tomboy" mentality). She stayed with me for a whole year until 2014 June when I decided... hmm what if I Genderbend Her since I had seen some artists who I liked genderbend their own ocs. So I did. (That artwork I made is lost in the sauce forever, i think i deleted it off the web and then my dads computer got fucked so its gone permanently.) And that design of him kind of stuck with me more for unknown reasons so I made him my main sona.
Here's the timeline of his designs that I made back in 2020:
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The reason why his name is Daniel is mostly due to Danny Murillo and Danny Worsnop, the lead singers of the 2 bands I was extremely in love with at the time. Hence my own name too. At the time I was 12, and because me and my bestie (hi Evan!!!!) were playing toys with our ocs on DeviantArt and wanted to make a band, we came up with 3 extra characters (he made Ethan and Aiden, I made Jack) and Danny became the lead singer of Fallen Soldier (epic cringey band name from cringey teens!!! I even made a failgirl logo for them!!) (The name originates from them probably listening to too much Rise Against and 5FDP)
I haven't changed his backstory too much from since we made it up the first time, since there's really no need to. When I say that my best friend is very intertwined in this world, I mean it. We built the world for these furries together and I will cherish it forever :3
ANYWAY let's get to the character info
Name: Daniel Varing, stagename Danny Smileymoth. (when I gave him that last name I was 12 so do not bully me for it literally meaning 'avalanche'. it would be an excellent scene kid name on myspace. danny avalanche. lol)
His friends call him Danny or Dan Dan sometimes.
Birthday: 1. February, (aquarius sun, libra moon, cancer rising) <- this part matches w me too
Gender: non-binary, he/she pronouns. (he doesn't care about gender since he doesn't understand it's importance)
Personality: He's very sweet and kind, and enthusiastic about the things he enjoys. He gets attached to people quickly, that also means he can be quite possessive over them, sometimes feeling unnecessarily jealous when his friends don't pay as much attention to him as he'd like. He understands that this is a personal flaw and doesn't act upon it. His social battery drains real fast when he's out in crowded places, and mostly just enjoys spending time alone or in a small circle of friends. He enjoys art and music greatly. He needs a little bit help sometimes understanding social cues and such. She hates the Sun and tries to stay in the shade as much as possible, it makes her overheat. He likes to purr and knead when he's happy... he sometimes forgets to retract his nails so umm yeah. Meow. He likes people watching. He's normal I promise. (lie). He likes taking care of his friends.. he will make them gifts, buy them clothes or treats. He does have a bit of a short temper but he feels guilty about it, and tries to not lash out over stupid things that have no importance.
I mostly draw Danny wearing feminine clothes that can be related to emo/scene/goth/just alt fashion. Aka a lot of black. He does really like velvet and skirts though!!! Unlike me he does actually wear jeans too. :3 he just doesn't like them to be ripped, is all. He almost always keeps his hair down.
He loves the paisley pattern, velvet, corduroy, leather jackets, lacey skirts and shirts, leather shoes... you get the drill. He also always wears the metal bracelet on his right hand and the 2 necklaces around his neck. (just like meee)
Backstory Factoids:
As of right now he lives in California. He grew up in Estonia. He has been best friends with Jack since early childhood. He met Kratis at a local library where the mans was working. He got introduced to Kratis' friends, Ethan and Aiden. They had been planning on starting a band, and since Danny could sing, they just took him and made him the lead singer. Jack joined the band later on after Danny introduced him to the rest of his new friends.
He found Inbawez (weird freak of a pet) when wandering around a nearby forest, Inba took instant liking to him and never left.
Beside being in a band, he goes babysitting every now and then. He is also a freelance illustrator who does cute art commissions on the web.
The "California" they live in is not a representation of the actual USA Cali since I have never been there and we refuse to change their living location. All we know is that Daniel lives in the middle of the forest in a 2 story house with his boyfriend.
pre-danny lore Kristina lived in a hollow tree with her shadow pet Inbawez. She was obsessed with Kratis and due to forgotten circumstances she and Kratis are blood bound. lol
I think this is about it? I am definitely missing something but I want to post this since IT'S BEEN A MONTH SINCE I FINISHED THIS REF AAHH!!!! my pride and joy. feel free to draw her if you want :3 :3 :3 meow
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froggyfriendart · 1 year
If you want could you possibly. Tell me about your ocs
:O Hey hey I just saw this!! Thank you for taking an interest in them :)
So, my Sky:Children of The Light OCs
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These three are Mercymorn, Arcadias, and Ariadne. They're all three of them rogue actors in whatever world they find themselves in, you can't usually figure out what the hell they're doing or why they're actually there. Do not separate them.
Mercy is a fighter, and one filled with pride at that - they can and they will pick fights to prove a point and they get very petty when they don't win. They're 75% sick moves and 25% gremlin bastard. They'd be the type you see standing in the center of a coliseum or acting all heroic with their cape fluttering in the wind, but they're rather silly actually.
Arcadias is a musician, and a traveler. They play the lute. They're extremely curious at heart and though none of them can actually talk, they love asking questions through mimickry and wide gestures. Behaves like a bird. Actually really sweet, prone to playing pranks, sometimes acts rather childish. The cape they have shapeshifts into wings whenever, they think it looks cool. So do I.
Ariadne is a circus performer. They're the one taking the stage, they're the one spinning the stories and making shadow-puppets against the walls. They will strangle you if you talk slander about their performance. They're also really into fortune telling, but will lie (well, lie through gestures and implication) for shits and giggles.
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Now, this is Eurwen, she's really cool, she's not with those three but she knows them and tolerates them. This artwork is actually a bit older than most of them but it's one of my favorites. Deadpan, ruthless, I literally made her so I could be gay over her muscles and overly serious butch charm. She's everything to me. Other than Arcadias she's the only character I've ever drawn more than once, because I was working on her character sheet which is as of yet incomplete (like. a lot of my art)
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now THIS GUY. he's my specialest little guy, this guy. His name is Lucien Lyfrassir VI. He's in my brain at all times. Fucking shit up and spray painting the walls neon. He wears a cool jacket absolutely covered in neon graffiti-like designs, he wears a cool LED mask/helmet that hides his face, not pictured here. Does Testosterone injections (like. 60% of my characters are transgender. I do make the rules.), his supply is literally a replicator machine that's been replicating the same stuff from centuries ago because it's a pain to hope every new civilization produces it. He jumped into a black hole for fun. Explosions! Mad cackling! Cinematically standing on lamp posts, leaning against walls with dark and dramatic lighting. Fights with gauntlets he built himself. He is also immortal. Absolute vibing. He's just My Guy. AND he's hot. Him and Eurwen are, anachronistically, best friends. God. I fucking love him. His partner is unfortunately not pictured because I haven't drawn him yet. God i care about him.
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This is Dreamer. Their flute is named Lullabye (sic), they were first designed to be a bard in DnD and then they sort of morphed into a different kind of character. They're the man in the moon.
There's a lot more but I haven't got any art for them yet and anyway, you're welcome to ask me about them at any time :) I really appreciate you taking the time to let me talk about these guys. I love talking about these guys. I can do it forever.
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shytastemakerthing · 2 years
hii can i have a romantic twst matchup pls ?
im 5'6" so like around kalim's height, and im pretty sure im an INFP & im a sagittarius sun, pisces moon, and virgo rising. uhh i have a lot of hobbies but my main ones are like creating clothes, singing, and dancing. i make my own music and clothes actually lol. i also like astrology and psychology and im pretty good at playing piano and violin ! i had to ask my friends for this but they all said im "cheeky" ? and im blunt but not in the way that i don't care for your feelings, more like i just say whatever's on my mind lol. im very honest and find it hard to lie most of the time and apparently im quite dense too😅 i like talking to people but i am pretty introverted so i always need time to myself after hanging out with others to recharge lol. im an only child, my dad adopted me when i was like 2 or 3 ! my favorite colors are all shades of blue since they look the best on me. im trying to learn more languages but right now i have english and ASL.
i hope this was enough information 😅 good luck!!
A/N: Thank you so much for your request, I hope that you like it! I'm sorry this took longer to get out, I just finally finished up with finals.😊
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I match you with........
Vil Schoenheit
• Personally, I can see you guys vibing pretty wewell. After all, with your love of singing and dancing, and his acting and modeling career, you are both able to fuel each other on your goals and passions to an insane degree.
• Takes your love of designing clothes very seriously! After all, he is a model, he is very keen on both looking his best, and everyone around him as well. Seeing you being able to create beautiful designs stirs something inside of him that makes him smile.
• If you need a modem for any outfits, call him! As stated above, he is a model, he knows just what to do, how to pose, not to mention, remaining in such positions for long amounts of time. You will have no better person that can put up with such actions.
• Again with the modeling, because I think the fact of making your own clothes is like the coolest thing ever, he will absolutely want to show off your designs! But only with your approval. Showing up to modeling gigs and performances and fashion shows wearing something that you designed causes a rush of pride to surge through him.
• Please sing to this man! After such a long and tiring day between his career, schoolwork, club activities, and his housewsrden duties, ne is beyond tired at the end of the day. As he goes through his nightly routine, sing something soft and soothing for him, whether it be your own creation or not, by the time he's finished with his routine, he's ready for sleep and your voice only helps relax him more.
• He could sit for hours at a time listening to you play your violin or piano. But, while he may not have countless hours of free time, he makes the most of whatever time he can have with you.
• Vil is also a very blunt person. He doesn't beat around the bush, but his intentions are good (mostly post OB), wanting everyone to be their best self. You two get along on that note, especially when it comes to each other. You don't sugar coat anything or say what they may want to hear, you're both honest with each other even if it is a bit brutal. It's better to be honest then give half truths.
• He has connections! You want to know and learn more languages? He knows just who he can call, all you need to do is give him a good time frame and he can get you the needed information. He finds it rather humble of you learning and wanting to learn more of them and about them.
• I feel like this js common with Vil, but Rook is the biggest supporter of your relationship him, it's insane. His queen with someone of stunning knowledge and beauty. Epel js just glad that Vil isn't harping on him as much since the two of you got together.
• Astrology makes me think of stargazing, I know there's more to it than that but it was cute, and thus, Stargazing dates. While he may not want to stay up super late, rest is important after all, he will take you put to a proper clearing, a blanket laid down for the both of you, enjoying each other's company under a blanket of stars.
• Overall, you're both very honest with one another no matter how blunt. He loves you for everything that you do, who you are, how you wish to expand your knowledge. He is a gentle boyfriend who listens to you when you need someone, who isn't afraid to let anyone know just who the wonderful person was thay captured his heart.
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rjalker · 1 year
Hi we still can't get foodstamps so please consider buying some pronouns pins from---
Update August 11th 2023: You can now buy these from my threadless store! Uploading takes a while, so if you don't see a design you like here uploaded, let me know and I'll add it!
So these are all just free icons or whatever the hell else you want to use them for.
Here's some of the designs, and you can request any set of pronouns (or multiple, I can usually fit at least four per pin and have it still be legible) for these backgrounds, on my sideblog @custom-pronoun-pins :)
You are also encouraged to download these (and any other designs on the sideblog) to use as icons, headers, ect!
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[ID: Thirty pronoun pin designs.
01: "My pronouns are ae/aer", in a circle in the colors of the xenogender pride flag.
02: "Ask me about my pronouns" in black and white showing a cat sitting under a tree looking at the camera.
03: "Behold! A bun/buns!" with a hand holding up a small rabbit.
04: "My pronouns are byt/byts/bytself", in a background like splashed paint in the abro-gay flag colors.
05: "My pronouns are dey/dem", with a black cat in front of a circular rainbow.
06: "My pronouns are fae/faer", with a rabbit crouching in the grass.
07: "My pronouns are he/it", with the bi flag in the background.
08: "he/she", with the aroace flag in the background.
09: "he/she", with a cute cartoon bat hanging upside down.
10: "he/they", with a collection of spring flowers.
11: "it/its" with half yellow and half black in the background.
12: "ith/kir", on a photo of the almost full moon
13: "My pronouns are: it/its" with a photo of a mockingbird.
14: "My pronouns are leaf/leafs", with fallen leaves.
15: "My pronouns are ne/rix" / "Ne is wearing a pronoun pin. I should ask rix where ne got it!" with a painted rainbow in the background.
16: "My pronouns are pe/per", with a photo of a mourning dove.
17: "My pronouns are rot/rots", in neon lights against a brick wall
18: "My pronouns are rot/rots", with a background of purple stars.
19: "she/her" in green neon like text with a figure wearing Matrix-style clothes and sunglasses.
20: "My pronouns are star/stars/starself" against a photo of the night sky
21: "My pronouns are they/them" in blue neon lights against a brick wall
22: "They/them" in black text against a photo of ocean waves from above
23: "they-vee" on the genderfaer and omni flags
24: "vey/vem", with a photo of a maned wolf
25: "my pronouns are wolf/wolfs" against a photo of the aurora borealis
26: "wolf/wolfs" against a blue sky with fluffy clouds.
27: "My pronouns are wolf/wolfs" against a pink and blue sunset
28: "my pronouns are wolf/wolfs" with a photo of a black wolf standing and looking at the camera
29: "Hello! My pronouns are: xey/xem. Xey are wearing a pronoun pin, xeir pronoun pin is really cool". with a wine-colored nametag design.
30: "My pronouns are zy/zev: example: 'zy has a very cool pronoun pin'". in a gradient from orange to red on a black background.
End ID.]
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theres-a-bea · 2 years
Dimonds are a (material) gworl's best friend pt. 2
a.k.a. even more engagement ring slander with the tot boys ft. the round brilliant diamond cut and the slander it DESERVES
tw!: swearing! very hot takes on how the rings should've looked like, because i've seen thousands of engagement rings to keep my mouth shut about the rings mihoyo just gave us + swearing!
link to pt. 1 - here!
Oh boy this is going to be controversial because these two rings slayed a little more than the first two.
They might've slayed but they didn't slay as much to me. 😈 Compared to the other two, I genuinely do not have much to say about them in terms of design slander because I'm probably not as angry about them as I was with Vyn's and Luke's.
But hear me out anyway
note: based on personal opinion, i am no design expert, this is simply just a hot take because i'm TIRED of seeing beautiful designs being fucked up by the round brilliant cut when there are literally 108302840293 ways to cut a mf diamond like okay it's classic, sure, but that doesn't mean it looks good with every single design there is.
Marius Von Hagen
Personally, I do not have beef with the centre stones, but I will slander the ring anyway because we're here to talk shit and not praise it.
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I am a firm believer of "if it's not broken, don't fix it." but the problem with this one, is that my beef is with the band itself, and not with the stones. This honestly slayed.
Okay Maybe it's a little Broken:
I can't call the mount uglee, but I HATE it. It's doing too much, with the beaded-type squiggly line running along the middle? If you're gonna do a filigree ring, do it RIGHT for fuck's sake, don't give us this lazy ball chain looking thing down the middle. Literally that's all that's wrong with it, because it looks like it's gonna be a bitch to clean and get caught on things. Small price to pay for beauty ig.
Also what the fuck is holding that giant ass rock to the goddamn ring bc I know DAMN WELL not a single jeweller will let a stone, let alone a pear cut that big be held up by four fucking prongs only??? Where is the support? Without it nobody can wear this bitch ANYWHERE. That jeweller's almost as bad as the bitch who invented tension mount rings.
The back is a little too wide, and should be tiny-fied, so it's not uncomfortable once it's worn with a wedding band. I have no issues with the front design, the centrestones are cool, sparkly, pear-cut, hitting us with the lil marquise cut sidestones (also lowkey reminds me of rapunzel's tiara?? for some reason) and the little amethysts to the side, but the back has to be sealed off and shouldn't be left as a blank ass gap? maybe merge the two bands together? That's literally it. Aside from the band itself, Marius slayed with this one.
note: all middle finger emojis from here on are directed to the Brilliant Round and to the Brilliant Round ONLY.
Artem Wing
I usually do not give in to bias, but listen, hear me out, he slayed.
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Design that won't piss me off if i wore it? Slay. Sun and Moon theme with a lil star that was clearly taken DIRECTLY from his logo? Slay. Practical and pretty? Slay. Centrestone and metal choice?
Did not Slay.
(Hotel? Trivago.)
Undoing the Naurifications:
One of the naurificating factors of this ring is the size of the stone against the four tiny fucking ass prongs that are holding that diamond. Baby, that bitch is hanging on for dear life.
We're going for the sun and moon concept, right? The prongs could be the sun's rays. Why not add two more? why not make it EIGHT? the sun in artem's logo has EIGHT. We're going subtly referential AND functional, okay? fuck whoever designed this ring with four goddamn prongs ONLY. This bitch needs SIX to EIGHT or that motherfucker is falling the fuck off.
Now for the stone, in this case, I am a Round Brilliant Cut (🖕🏻) Hater first and an Artem girlie second. However, I almost had to swallow my pride here because the design's whole point is having a round stone. This is literally THE one design out of all 4 that could get away with the Round Brilliant Cut (alkslwmslslams 🖕🏻). BUT, as a good lawyer should, I found a few loopholes.
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Introducing my two besties the rose cut (l) and the jubilee cut (r). Look at them. Gorgeous, gorgeous girlies.
The jubilee cut doesn't have a flat surface on top, so, ✨maximum sparkle✨ in the sun. I mean, isn't it what it's supposed to be? The Sun? The jubilee cut is designed to be for bigger stones, and since there's a little space between the original stone and the moon, you can switch it up with a jubilee cut so they're snuggled together. The downside of the jubilee cut though, is that it's HUGE huge, which means it's going to stick way out of your finger. However, the answer to that is my girl the rose cut.
But Trixie, where's the sparkle?
Nobody is allowed to slander my girl the rose cut, because she may be a little flat, but she is designed for lowlight conditions, which means she sparkles best in the night, especially in candlelight. Baby, she is the sun at night. The rose cut is also a bigger cut, since it's supposed to be a little wide, so it could also do the cute lil sun-moon cuddle that I mentioned earlier.
As for the metal choice, we could just switch it up: gold band, silver moon. The round brilliant (🖕🏻) lil star to the side can stay. It needs to sparkle. Although, it should've been a sapphire, like his favourite cufflinks.
this was fun, but i need to go to bed now. if i got a little crazy that's because i was probably a little delirious ok love you bye mwa !
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