#i’m a disability studies major
ladiesoftheages · 24 days
Someone remind me sometime to post my essay about the way people talk about Henry VIII
#i’m a disability studies major#and one of the most common topics of conversation in dis studs#is the relationship between disability and villains#and that people with disabilities are often made out to be villains#but villains are also made out to have disabilities#because disability is a manifestation of inner evil#shakespeare famously did this with r3#but it’s an idea that goes back pretty much to the bible#and this idea is so ingrained in our culture we do it withiut thinking#and people absolutely do this with h8#calling him a monster…guess what?#that’s a manifestation of this idea#harping on about his weight and using ‘fat’ as a perjorative?#that’s also a manifestation of this#for people that don’t like h8; it’s not enough for him to have just done bad things#he also has to be grotesque and deformed because that just proves how evil he really was#it’s funny the number of times people have talked about h8 in this way to me#and i’m like…girl if only you knew that i’m a disabled person whose academic career is literally dedicated to this very subject#and you’re just feeding me even more evidence that proves my point#but i digress…#henry viii#also don’t even get me started on the people who have gotten mad at me for saying h8 was disabled#because as well as people who villainize disability#there are also people that sanctify it#and think that all disabled people are perfect little angels who can do no wrong#(the overwhelming message you get from doing disability studies is that people’s attitudes on disability are just fucking WEIRD#and why can’t anyone just be NORMAL)#disability#disability studies#i wonder how many people actually read the tags…
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12-million-bees · 1 year
what are you majoring in
Majoring in sexy goth vampire shit, minor in cyber bullying
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I got high for the first time and had a horrible panic attack. I don’t really remember what was going on but all of a sudden I was age regressing and rapid switching. I’ve never age regressed before. I’ve never switched before. I’ve never even entertained the idea of having DID or another dissociative disorder. I have a special interest in psychology (im studying it in college right now) so that’s why I knew what was happening. But I have no idea what to do now. My friends are certain they talked to several different people. They are absolutely sure I have DID. But there’s no way. It’s not possible. I would’ve had more signs. Surely.
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phantom-of-the-memes · 9 months
Since I’ve been making posts about American/ British entitlement towards Ireland, I thought I’d talk about this video here.
I am a student at this college. It’s a big tourist attraction for many reasons, but the main one being that the book of Kells is kept here. I am also from Kells itself, but Dublin having the book and not Kells is a whole other issue.
So this protest that’s been happening over the the past few weeks is in response to the college once again raising rents for student accommodation to astronomical rates. That being when rent in Dublin (and Ireland as a whole) is already unliveable. You’d find cheaper rent off student accommodation, but it’s hardly easy to find places like this. As well as this, the majority of the student accommodation isn’t even on campus to begin with. Most are about a 45 minute luas journey away. So what the fuck are you paying for?
This protest is necessary. It’s been a long time coming. Time and time again they prioritise tourists over us. Buildings are old and falling apart, equipment isn’t functional, accessibility is god awful. I know this because I am disabled and use a rollator, but I can’t even use it on campus most days because there’s simply no ramps/ elevators in some buildings.
In one of my lectures last week we were in one of the old buildings. We had a lot of content to cover, but of course the projector wasn’t working. The professor spent fourty minutes trying to get the computer/ projector to work, but to no avail. So we have a whole lecture to catch up on! All of this while I was looking out the window at this atrocity:
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A new building for tourists! Yay!
They’ve been building new school buildings for years, but of course instead of finishing them, they’ll spend their time and money on the tourists. I’m not even having an exam in one of my modules because they told the professor that there simply isn’t enough room to host our class for the exam. And it would be “too expensive” to book a venue… it’s only a class of about thirty. He had written a whole exam and we were under the impression we’d have one, but now it’s just continuous assessment I guess!
So you have to understand why we’re not exactly jumping for joy for the tourists. There are hundreds on campus everyday, just generally being annoying and entitled. And yes DISCLAIMER; not all tourists, not all Americans/ British people, blah, blah. But from my experience, you do encounter some obnoxious people everyday.
So that’s why they blocked entrance to the book of Kells. That’s why it’s disgusting for the tourists to be arguing with them and demanding entrance. For once we just want our college to prioritise us! So yeah we will revoke your entitlement, because we are the ones who study here, we are the ones who have to LIVE here.
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auckie · 1 month
I think the things that offend me most nowadays in like, smaller interpersonal interactions rather than grand, sweeping trends in culture, are when people chose to not partake in a wide set of things. Like musical close mindedness, or refusal to try different foods from different cultures. Not watching an entire subset of films bc they’re ‘french’. Avoiding reading bc you say you have adhd and it’s too hard. Like dude I get it, I’m busy. I can be picky. Everyone can. But the willful ignorance of closing yourself off to those VAST portions of the human experience, and not having curiosity and a lust to learn and explore art that was made by someone worlds apart from you either in terms of their culture, era, whatever. I dunno man it just pisses me off so bad. I think it’s arrogant. Like oh you’re comfortable in your safe little bubble huh? And you’re enforcing its barriers with the excuse that you’re autistic and have sensory issues. With music made by black people?? lol okay. It is pretty presumptuous for me to assume malicious intent but I think those prejudices are borne from either the comfort of being someone who’s wealthy and probably white not feeling the need to learn past what they think is enough, or it’s a reflection of a society that’s taught you to prioritize what it shills— popular, current (white, depending where you live ig) artists who are making streamlined, easy to digest content. Often when I meet people with these issues they’ll have one particular ‘niche’, and it tends to be like. 70s music. Victorian literature. Anime and Japanese games. But they’re still not really investing beyond the media presented. Like there’s so much more to Japanese culture than liking some cartoons put out between 2010-2020. You don’t gotta become some sorta Einstein who learns the background of every little freak in FGO yeah. But don’t you wanna aim higher? Aren’t you interested in any of the historical figures? And nothings wrong with hopping onto a trend. You read Dracula bc of that Dracula daily thing. Cool! Read more. Some people will say they’re chronically ill or disabled and can’t get outside. That’s okay. The internet is full of things you can read other than fanfiction, YouTube has a shit ton of free music. There’s Wikipedia and free articles online if you have questions about things. Yeah nobody is spending four hours a day looking at the national archives website and studying art history but it’s imbued in the things around you, and youll absorb it ambiently as you go along. you dont have to be a jack of all trades and cover every major genre of every major medium, but it never hurts to try! I really love seeing ppl ask too. Bc it can be kind of humiliating to admit to what seems like some jackass hipster that you’ve never delved into, idk, Serbian films (lol not that one). And hopefully if whoever you’re asking will give you honest good recommendations and not berate you. I’m kind of berate a straw man rn I guess. The hostile tone def doesn’t lend to an atmosphere of sharing but I cannot tell you how many times I’ve rbed anything involving specifically jazz only to see someone rb and add the stupidest comment on the post, or in the tags, or go into my inbox to be like waaah I don’t like jazz bc it’s boring and old and for pretentious hypocrites who hate neurodivergent people! Like what are you TALKING about. Fine if you don’t like it but don’t try and rationalize that as a moral standing you shit lark. And just as they’re allowed to dislike jazz I’m allowed to not really enjoy people who don’t like jazz. Or country. Nautical knots. Knit wear. Watching urbex YouTubers get their shit rocked by squatters. Korean food. Pachuco fashion and stupid ugly low riders. Bollywood films. and they don’t want to try any of those things either yknow? The next thing I’m getting into is circuit bending.
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hookhausenschips · 2 months
Charles- Alpha Kappa Alpha
Soror Series
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Faceclaim: none, just beautiful black women
Credit to original owners
A/N: I’m so sorry it’s taken so long to post, I’ve changed so much because I hated all of them at first. Let me know what you guys think please!!
next; Max Verstappen- Delta
📍Jackson State University
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y/user/n: nothing to see here😁
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bffuser: mega slay🤩
y/user/n: I’m cringing for you
user: 👀
liked by arthur_leclerc, leclerc_pascale, charlotte2304, and others
tagged: y/user/n
charles_leclerc: congratulations mon amour🥳🩷
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francisca.cgomes: that’s my wife!!!
charles_leclerc: get out of here sewer rat
francisca.cgomes: I will pay a mechanic to ruin your car🥰
y/user/n: Thank you for coming Charlie🩷🩷
user: this is such a hard launch omg
user: I knew Charles was being too quiet
y/user/n added to her story!
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seen by charles_leclerc, riabish, lilymhe, francisca.cgomes, and others
lilymhe has replied to your story:
hand in marriage
Charles doesn’t have to know about us🫦
just a crumb ma’am 😭
francisca.cgomes has replied to your story:
It’s purring👀
Come home the kids miss you 😚
charles_leclerc has replied to your story:
You put too much trust into that top mon amour
I miss you so much
Why are Lilly and Kika asking me if we’re serious and if I can fight? They’re scaring me😭
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liked by leclerc_pascale, charles_leclerc, lilymhe, and others
y/user/n: You wish you had a nickel
You wish you had a dime
You wish you had an AKA
To love you all the time
You wish you had a quarter
You wish you had a dollar
You wish you had an AKA
To make you scream and holler🩷💚🐩
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charles_leclerc & y/user/n
📍Jackson State University
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liked by charles_leclerc, francisca.cgomes, pierregasly, and others
y/user/n: Alumni Gala🩷
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francisca.cgomes: Um momento para o vestido? Tu e o Charles estão a falar a sério ou? [A moment for the dress?! Are you and Charles serious or?]
y/user/n: if you’re proposing I say yes, see you at the altar bby💋🫦
charles_leclerc: back off🤺🤺
pierregasly: am I chopped liver?
y/user/n: pierregasly no just an alpine driver😭🤢
pierregasly: die☺️
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liked by charlotte2304, arthur_leclerc, pierregasly, charles_leclerc, and others
tagged: charles_leclerc
y/user/n: onto Junior Year🏎️🛫
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JSUAlphaKappaAlpha added to their story!
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seen by soror4624, sororalum, y/user/n, and others
[captions: 👀🗣️]
JSUAlphaKappaAlpha & y/user/n
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liked by charles_leclerc, leclerc_pascale, carlossainz55, pierregasly, and others
JSUAlphaKappaAlpha: I am thrilled to introduce our new chapter president for the 2025-2026 school year, Y/N Y/L/N, a remarkable individual whose dedication to excellence and passion for service have already made her a shining example within our sorority. Y/N Y/L/N is a Political Science-Paralegal Studies major with a heart for uplifting others and a vision for leading our chapter to new heights. Her commitment to our sisterhood and her leadership skills make her the perfect choice to guide us forward.
Together, let us embrace this opportunity to make a difference, to inspire change, and to leave a lasting legacy of sisterhood and service. With unity and determination, there is no limit to what we can achieve. Thank you for your support, and let us embark on this journey together.
Here is what she has to say;
Dear esteemed members of the AKA Sorority Chapter at Jackson State University,
I am deeply honored and humbled to accept the responsibility of serving as your president. As we embark on this journey together, I am filled with excitement and anticipation for the remarkable year ahead.
First and foremost, I want to express my gratitude for entrusting me with this esteemed position. It is a privilege to lead such a talented and dedicated group of individuals who are committed to upholding the values of sisterhood, scholarship, and service.
In the coming months, I look forward to fostering a culture of inclusivity and empowerment within our chapter. Together, we will strive to create meaningful experiences that strengthen the bonds of sisterhood and support one another in our personal and academic endeavors.
As president, I am committed to amplifying the voices of all members and ensuring that each one of us has the opportunity to contribute our unique talents and perspectives to the betterment of our community. Through collaboration and unity, we will continue to make a positive impact on campus and beyond.
I am excited about the potential for growth and success that lies ahead for our chapter. Together, let us embrace the challenges and opportunities that come our way with grace, resilience, and determination.
Thank you once again for placing your trust in me. I am confident that together, we will achieve great things.
President, AKA Sorority Chapter
Jackson State University.
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soror1: so proud of you Y/N!!!
soror2: no one more deserving!
charles_leclerc: Félicitations mon amour, tu es venu jusqu'à présent et je suis impatient de voir ce que tu as accompli d'autre ❤️ [Congratulations my love, you’ve come so far and I can’t wait to see what else you accomplish]
y/user/n: thank you for standing beside me through it all Charlie🩷
leclerc_pascale: Félicitations ma chérie ! Nous devons célébrer quand nous vous verrons ensuite🩷 [Congratulations darling girl! We must celebrate when we see you next]
liked by charlotte2304, arthur_leclerc, and y/user/n
y/user/n: Thank you Pascale! Your support means the world to me🩷🩷
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liked by bffuser, charles_leclerc, arthur_leclerc, and others
y/user/n: That’s a wrap baby, onto the next chapter😭🩷💚
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sororalum: congratulations!
soror735: going to miss you beautiful😢
y/user/n: I promise to visit!
charles_leclerc: so many words I could say❤️
y/user/n: Charles🥹
arthur_leclerc: so can I call you my lawyer👀
charles_leclerc: absolutely not
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mswyrr · 7 months
THG is the only pop culture story I can think of where the heroes (Katniss and Peeta) are disabled* and their happy ending doesn't require that they be "fixed" in order to be happy. IMO, part of why there's such controversy over the ending of the books in particular is that Collins wrote the pov of Katniss as a woman who is content and loves her life and her spouse and kids, but she's still very clearly mentally ill (and arguably somewhere on the spectrum). She has coping strategies and her life is good, but she will never be "normal" and Collins doesn't let the audience think that.
The one part, where she talks about how she handles the darker days, when she's really struggling, never fails to move me:
I’ll tell them that on bad mornings, it feels impossible to take pleasure in anything because I’m afraid it could be taken away. That’s when I make a list in my head of every act of goodness I’ve seen someone do. It’s like a game. Repetitive. Even a little tedious after more than twenty years. But there are much worse games to play. (Mockingjay, 332)
It's hard to express how important that is to me. Someone doesn't have to be "normal" to lead a good life. Someone doesn't have to be "normal" to have a life worth living, to give and receive love in good ways.
And, so, when people look at the villain in the prequel and say "he's just crazy, that's why he's evil. He's just a psycho, he's nuts," it's so out of place, it's so dissonant to me -- I think that's absolutely not the kind of story Collins would tell, given her prior handling of disability.
I don't think she's suddenly turned into a Victorian writer where you can know someone is evil because they're disabled because the writer thinks disabled people are warped creatures incapable of doing anything but bringing evil into the world. And the way people assert this, as if it's the pure, wholesome, most politically advanced reading of the prequel, is just - it doesn't compute for me. I don't understand how people get there.
I studied (for years) the treatment of mentally ill people in the mid-20th Century US. It was horrific. US forced sterilization and eugenics laws actually inspired N/azi Germany's forced sterilization, eugenics, and mass murder campaigns against mentally ill and disabled people. Nice, normal people have repeatedly convinced themselves that torturing and killing disabled people is how they will "purify" their society - they've done great evil in the name of rooting out the people evil is supposedly located within biologically.
Is it so hard to believe that people with normal brains do evil? Is it truly so impossible? Even in a story where the Games are about how a lot of people, the majority of whom are neurotypical, can be brought, via media presentation and entertainment techniques, into taking pleasure in their participation in evil? It's so hard to fathom that evil can't simply be located in someone being "psycho"?
Ballad already has Dr Gaul, who is evil and clearly neurodivergent. If Snow is too then the message starts to get kind of worrying? IMO, Coriolanus is more effective as a kind of “everyman” as an 18 year old - an example of the incentive structures (rewards and punishments) and propaganda that motivate “normal” people to go along. Of course, he will later become something far worse than that, someone who takes control of this thing, who uses his intimate knowledge of it and his insight into other “normal” people to make it worse, but that’s not the part of his life we see the most of. The part the book focuses on provides what I consider a powerful depiction of how ordinary people are acculturated into corrupt societies.
It's fiction so there's all kinds of interpretations that the text can support and exploring those is good. It's a stronger text because it has ambiguities and can be interpreted more than one way. But the intensity of some of the rhetoric is an unsettling contrast to what I've thought, for over a decade, Collins' themes and pov are as a writer.
*Shame on the films for removing Peeta's physical disability, though; in the books he lost a leg during their first Games
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istudythestars · 10 months
tips for stem majors in math and science courses (spoonie + neurodivergent friendly)
hi y’all! my nameis lila and i’m a 28 year old physics and anthropology major who’s about 2 years through college (in the US)! as we’re coming up on the start of the fall ‘23 college semester, i thought i might share some really solid hacks for fellow STEM students taking science and/or math courses that i’ve basically built my college academic career on. and! these study tips are spoonie and adhd friendly! as a matter of fact, a lot of these are tips/methods that specifically work for me as a neurodivergent spoonie (i have pretty severe adhd, as well as POTS and ME/CFS), but that i think non-disabled/non-spoonie and/or neurotypical students could also benefit from using! so with out any further ado, here are my 7 tried and true study hacks for college math and science classes…
1) discover your learning style and tailor your studying towards leveraging it.
you’ve probably heard of visual, audio, and kinesthetic learning styles, but did you now there’s actually way more learning styles than just those three? i’m personally a “social learner,” meaning i learn best through discussion and socialization with 1+ other people to interact with. this could look like teaching other classmates concepts and methods that we’ve learned or discussing ideas with classmates and/or professors until i fully understand the concepts at play and how they connect and can reflect them in performing analysis and application, etc. honestly, figuring out my learning style was hands down one of the most helpful things i’ve done in college. it has allowed me to choose professors who i will mesh better with in terms of how they teach, as well as to adapt materials and methods to my style of learning in order to master them quicker and more effectively.
2) rewrite your notes after lecture, for the love of god.
this tip actually comes from my high school IB Math HL teacher, who told me to do this when i originally left high school for college. even if you think you’ve mastered the basics of the topic covered during the lecture, rewriting those notes after lecture helps really hammer in the knowledge that you’ve already established and also helps to get the wheels turning on pieces of information you might have less of a grasp on. try tp set aside at least 30 - 40 minutes after class to just rewrite your notes and try to really digest the information.
3) body doubling is one of the most beneficial things ever to be invented even if you’re not adhd, and i WILL die on that hill, thank you very much.
“body doubling” or “having an accountabilibuddy” are interchangeable terms in the adhd community that mean you have one or more consistent study buddy/buddies who you do all the homework and/or studying with in person on a regular basis, even if you’re just working next to each other in total silence. this does a couple of things. first off, it forces homework/assignments/studying to become a concrete social obligation you need to regularly show up for, rather than a nebulous obligation based on an invisible deadline. second off, it gives you 1+ partners to work out your problems concerning course topics with. third off, it allows you to build a network of peers where you feel comfortable helping each other with course material (this is especially great because it’s likely you and your classmates have different strengths regarding course content). tbh, body doubling is the other method that i, personally, have found most useful in college and i highly recommend trying it, even if you don’t have adhd.
4) teach others/your classmates the analysis and application methods you’ve learned, even if those methods aren’t 100% solidified for you (trust me on this).
the goal of stem courses is never memorization, but rather being able to understand a topic well enough to analyze a similar situation and apply the what you’ve learned creatively. this is where teaching others comes in. in order to teach others a concept and its related analysis and application well, you have to have at least a fraction of a decent understanding of these things yourself, and, further, often time in teaching these things you also learn to grasp the concepts/aanalysis/applications even better than you did before with each new teaching session. basically: teaching others is a creative way of also teaching yourself. you get the benefits of repetition, of thinking about a concept/technique/analysis and application in a new way, and of getting to apply the concept/technique/analysis and applicatioin to a new scenario each time. plus, you’ll typically make friends quickly in the process! there’s really no downside to this tip imo ;-)
5) utilize your college’s tutoring center/program(s), even when you don’t think you need to.
usually colleges have either set up a general “tutoring center,” on campus where you can find tutors for all different kinds of topics and courses available during regular hours for walk-in sessions and/or appointments free of charge or departments will hold regular weekly (or twice weekly) free on-campus tutoring sessions for specific courses. regardless of which of these options your college has, i highly recommend attending at least one tutoring session/appointment (ideally with the same tutor if/when you eventually find one you click with) every single week, even when you don’t feel like you’re struggling with the topic(s) covered in that week’s lecture. this will help you review topics and techniques covered in lecture, deepen your understanding of them, and, if nothing else, it’s an excuse to get homework out of the way while having someone else there who can help you if/when you get stuck. attending at least one session weekly also helps you get into a habit and routine of keeping up with your assignments, so you’re not left scrambling at the last minute before they’re due.
6) if you have accommodations, request access to record lectures. if you do not have accommodations, ask your professor if you are allowed to record lectures. IF YOU RECORD LECTURES, DO NOT FORGET TO REVIEW THEM!
okay, so first up for my fellow spoonies and neurodivergent peeps: when you apply for/renew your accommodations, make sure that “recordinng lectures” is on your MOA (memorandum of accommodations), because so long as it is, your professors legally cannot deny you permission to record lectures without risk of themself and the college being sued for an ADA violation. also, make friends with a classmate and ask them to record lectures and send them to you if/when you are absent (let the professor know that you’ve asked this classmate to record and send you the lecture if you are absent)
now, if you aren’t disabled, a spoonie, and/or neurodivergent, you aren’t guaranteed permission to record lectures. however. ask the professor if you can have their permission to audio record lectures (be sure to also let them know that such a recording would be for personal use only and that you don’t plan on distributing the recordings). i’ve found that many professors don’t mind you having an audio recording.
even if you aren’t an audible learner it can be really useful to have these recordings to review at a later point. oftentimes reviewing lecture recordings can be useful if you glazed over and missed a section of the lecture and/or if you can’t remember what a professor taught during a section of a lecture.
7) last but not least, on a related note, if you have accommodations, also request access to your professor’s lecture notes. if you don’t have accommodations, check if your professor posts their lecture notes for students to use.
having your professor’s notes can be extremely useful for review purposes, but they can also help you understand where your professor is going with course content and what they want to stress as important.
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crippleprophet · 1 year
hey, would you be able to give a brief description/explanation of cyborg theory in disability? I tried looking it up but didn’t find anything
absolutely! been struggling a bit with cognition so i’m just gonna paste the relevant section from my essay on disability & technology from about a year ago + the full citations of pieces i reference. hope this helps - feel free to send me a follow up ask if there’s anything else you’re looking for or with your thoughts, & folks are welcome to dm me for the full essay if you want!
One key concept employed by disability studies scholars to explore the relationship between humans and technology is that of the cyborg. Originally developed by Donna Harraway in the 1980s, the cyborg is a figure which “[blurs] the boundaries between human and animal, machine and organism, physical and non-physical” (Kafer, 2013, p.103) and in doing so allows for nuanced discussions of technology beyond the common dual responses of uncritical praise and unlimited fear. Though Harraway’s initial theorization positioned “disability as the site of spectacular technological fixing” (Kafer, 2013, p.112), feminist disability studies scholars have expanded the concept to more fully reflect disabled people’s experiences.
At their best, cyborg subjectivities prompt us to recognize—rather than dismiss—“the inequitable ways in which many people come to disability” (Hamraie and Fritsch, 2019, pp.19-20). War, poverty, pollution, and other consequences of colonisation and exploitation are major causes of impairment among marginalised communities (Meekosha, 2011; Erevelles, 2011), making concepts such as disability culture and pride difficult or undesirable for many people. Not only are the bodies of workers in the Global South disabled by the production of “assistive technology,” as discussed previously, the bodies of marginalised people, especially poor women of colour, are disabled by medical testing (Hans, 2006). While Erevelles questions the value of cyborg subjectivities in the face of these harrowing realities (2011), Kafer argues that their power lies in this very tension (2013). The cyborg, she writes, “refuses easy celebrations of human/technology connections” (Kafer, 2013, p.118) and rather encourages us to confront our complicity in the structures of oppression we seek to resist.
Erevelles, N. 2011. Disability and difference in global contexts: enabling a transformative body politic. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
Hamraie, A. and Fritsch, K. 2019. Crip technoscience manifesto. Catalyst: Feminism, Theory, Technoscience. 5(1), pp.1-34.
Hans, A. 2006. Gender, technology and disability in the South. Development. 49(4), pp.123-127.
Kafer, A. 2013. Feminist, queer, crip. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.
Meekosha, H. 2011. Decolonising disability: thinking and acting globally. Disability & Society. 26(6), pp.667-682.
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sophieinwonderland · 1 month
The problem isn’t plurality. The problem is the language around DID from plural communities and even the DID community. People who have DID but are in denial may take much longer to accept the diagnosis and work to better understand themselves because they may not be able to relate to how it’s spoken about in online spaces. Particularly people who do not feel comfortable viewing themselves as multiple identities in one. Although that is the most popular representation in both media and online spaces, more often than not that isn’t actually the lived experience. You just don’t see that representation as much because people with it are much less likely to talk about it due to the shame they have around it. Shame is often a major component of surviving trauma. Shame and dissociation go hand in hand. Nuance and awareness are both so important in these types of conversations. It’s sort of similar to how in the autistic community there’s a major lack of representation from nonverbal autistics, despite them making up at least 25% of the total community. The lack of representation doesn’t mean we can pretend to lack awareness of their existence.
I know you don’t believe you’re causing any harm but I’m sorry to say that you are. Which isn’t to say that no harm isn’t also being done to you. It’s just not such a black and white matter. I’m not speaking on behalf of anti-endos. I agree- it’s stupid to hate on a group of people for how they identify. I’m speaking on behalf of highly traumatized individuals who may be looking for answers and wind up getting lost and more confused.
I’m sorry if my intentions with messaging got lost in translation at all. I have a learning disability that affects my ability to process and organize language.
Thanks for the clarification, and sorry for misunderstanding your earlier post.
So let's address this.
Is this a problem?
A problem with this whole topic is, first, that I think we need to see some statistics.
And preferably recent statistics because I think identity has changed a lot in the last 40 years. Maybe there's a silent majority of people with DID who don't view themselves as multiple identities/people offline and are getting spoken over. But I would want to see evidence of that.
Even if some studies from the 80s or 90s showed that most people with DID didn't view themselves as separate people/identities, the advent of the internet age and ability to find community with others with DID likely impacted the culture around the disorder.
Even if this is the case...
Is this our problem?
End of the day, I'm a tulpa identifying as a tulpa. It seems kind of silly to me to think someone with DID would see me, a tulpa who is also plural, decide that because I'm a plural tulpa and people with DID are plural and they don't relate to me, that they can't have DID.
There are a lot of leaps there and most don't make much sense.
And all while the presentations you say are harmful are just as common in anti-endo spaces. Seriously, look at DID TikTok. Almost all anti-endo, and all presenting the way you say is a problem. And with much larger influence than myself.
So this issue, if it is an issue, isn't because of the inclusive plural community, and would clearly exist without it.
I don't think the plural label has anything to do with it.
Community Comparisons:
One of the main mantras you'll find in the plural community is that if you feel plural, you probably are plural. Every system is valid, no matter how distinct your headmates feel. Terms like "median system" were coined to denote systems who feel in between multiple and singlet, and still fall under the plural umbrella.
Meanwhile, the DID community is rife with fakeclaiming and gatekeeping of anyone who doesn't meet whatever arbitrary criteria armchair psychologists made up. All while, again, exhibiting the same types of traits you point to the plural community for. (And yes, you do say "even the DID community" does that. I just think you're underselling it a bit.)
Hard Truth: There will always be DID systems who won't relate to presentations of DID
DID, while having core traits in the way that there will be other agents or parts that can takeover, and there will be some sort of amnesia (under the DSM) is incredibly diverse in presentation.
Kluft wrote a paper outlining about 20 common presentations of DID he identified back in the 90s.
And it can only be assumed that more presentations have been identified since.
The reality is that not every presentation will be represented. Not everyone will be able to relate to every single person with their disorder. And there are going to be some people with rarer, or at least less popular presentations online or in pop culture, who are going to feel underrepresented.
Personally, I think starting from a place of "if you feel plural, you're plural" is going to benefit far more DID systems than it would harm, giving them space to explore their connections with their headmates regardless of how similar or how distinct those headmates feel.
It doesn't matter if they're people, parts, facets, voices or whatever else they decide to identify them as.
There are a lot of things that we don't relate to the majority of other plurals about. But I think the solution is to normalize being able to identify with something without necessarily having to relate to every experience under the umbrella.
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phoenixyfriend · 3 months
This is a bit of a silly question, but you honestly seem to know a lot about political, business, and economics, so I thought I would ask.
So I’m seventeen, soon to be applying to universities, but I’m already so disillusioned with the world. Like, don’t get me wrong, I still have hope in collective action and volunteering and voting and all that, it just makes me sad that the entire world has kind of gone to hell. I like english literature and I like history and I like studying them, so I used to hop to study both at uni. I wanted to get a job as a teacher, because I want to make a difference in the world and have more variety than a typical desk job.
However. Being on Tumblr since the age of thirteen has taught me that no matter how kind or good or hardworking one person is, or even a lot of people are, one politician can still screw things up for entire groups of people. I mean… a few politicians overturned Roe Vs Wade and that sort of thing. The disability benefits bank account thing. Politicians have an enormous amount of sway over the world, and that area seems to be where someone could make the most difference.
From what I’ve seen of a political science degree, I genuinely don’t think I would enjoy it much, but I could get through it. I want to make a difference in the world very badly — it’s the only sort of legacy I care about leaving behind. And I thought being a teacher could do that for me, but the scale of being a teacher and a politician are on entirely different levels, and Tumblr has really shown me that.
So I guess I’m just asking, since you seem to be passionate making the world better too. Do you think I should study politics, so that I can try and change things on a large scale? Or study what I love and make a much smaller impact.
I honestly don't think I'm the best person to ask this question. A lot of how I ended up where I am was a matter of luck, including the luck of having parents who let me live with them rent free while I put together some savings (and even while I was unemployed).
I don't know a whole lot about polisci. I was a business major and, honestly, that major did not come in useful when hunting for a job after college... partly because all the jobs it was a foot in the door for were uhhhhhh let's go with Not The Right Fit. Most polisci majors are... I guess probably pre-law and intending to become lawyers, and lawyers do in fact often become politicians, so there's that.
My first instinct is actually 'learn a trade and join a union.' The last few years have been pretty evidential of the impact that unions can still have on both the business world and politics in general: see the impact that UAW is having, at least in the media, on the presidential election. Unions are also a pretty solid option for local networking, which is pretty key when it comes to having an impact on local or regional politics. A trade job is also something that is in high demand, stable, and pays reasonably well in most places, including paid apprenticeships, so it would give you the financial stability to focus your free time on what you want instead of on stretching to pay the bills, or having to worry about student loans. It also gives you an expertise or specialty that you can then leverage as 'evidence' of understanding the working class as a unit when engaging in something like a town hall.
Being in a union or other local organization will also give you a more hands-on understanding of how politics and things like that work, as you'll have things like contract negotiations, union votes, and policy debates going on regularly.
If you aren't the kind of person who thinks they're a fit for trade work (I'm definitely not), then college might be the right fit! But I'd definitely consider going into it with a plan for how you want to impact the world. Look up some charities or impact organizations and see what it is that they need. A lot of places are looking for grants writers or financial coordinators, or just someone who can do the accounting. It's not glamorous, and it's not like you'll be held up as a hero the way a doctor in a warzone is, but keeping track of funds or writing letters requesting funding from the government, for something like Doctors Without Borders or Planned Parenthood or Coalition for the Homeless is still an important part of the process.
Local volunteer work is also often a lot more personally satisfying and requires less overhead, so more of the money goes directly into the community you want to help, e.g. the grant writers and accountants do need a salary in a huge organization, but a local soup kitchen can probably just hire someone from the local tax office once every few months and call it good. Doing volunteer work once a month, for a soup kitchen or a homeless shelter or summer childcare program, can make way more of an impact than maybe getting a position as a staffer for a politician you may not even like that much.
That said, if you think you're good at polisci, that you'd be good at law, or that you can get a different degree with polisci as a minor that would then help you enter politics directly... maybe college for polisci is the right choice for you. Maybe you have the finances to not worry about loans, you have parents that would be supportive, and you can find an effective position after you graduate.
I can't make that decision for you. If you have a guidance counselor and they're any good--not a guarantee, but let's hope--talk to them. If you don't have a guidance counselor, maybe find a trusted teacher, or a local librarian, something like that. I don't really know you or your situation well enough to tell you what to do, but hopefully I've given you something to think about.
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AITA for not wanting to move back in with my family?
The lead up to this is a bit long, but I feel like the context is necessary. After my first year of college, my (then20, FTM) father (40s, M) was diagnosed with a brain tumor, and could not work anymore. He also could not be left to his own devices, so I had to take time off school and come home to watch him and my younger sibling (then 11NB) while my mother (40s F) would work. That sucked for multiple reasons, including being responsible for all the asshole bullshit he’s pulled (when I say asshole, I mean it. He used to fake - by his own admission - epileptic seizures to get out of doing the most minor chores or exercises recommended by his doctors), my mothers violent transphobia (to the point of driving me to a mental breakdown when I asked about starting HRT) and emotional abuse towards myself and my sib. She never believed my complaints about my father and was convinced I was being lazy and irresponsible with his care. In addition to that, they moved to this area after I started college, so I was in a completely unfamiliar (and not particularly queer friendly) place, socially isolated, and so on and so forth. This shit sucked. I was promised I’d be able to go back after one semester, but after a few months it has been made painfully clear to me that this is not an option. Then COVID happened, and next year my college was fully remote. This way I was able to complete my sophomore year online. I was finally released for junior year and have not come back home since with the exception of one short-term visit, when my mother went abroad to visit our extended family. (We’re immigrants.)
I graduated this year. When I started my job search, I was planning to stay in the area and applied to jobs accordingly, with the exception of one position advertised by my college. This one would be in a major city very close to my family, so I’d be able to live with them. I was idiot enough to mention that to my mother. The gig didn’t pan out, so I settled on staying where I am and continued to search for a job, a place to live, and so on. I secured a place to live recently and was again dumb enough to share that with my mother. (Yes, I have a pattern. I’m working on it. ) The next day, my sib contacts me and asks if I could come live with them. Sib got into a really good high school with a focus on a field of study they want to go into for a career and have a real knack for. It’s kinda far from where they live right now, but they found an apartment much closer to it. Rent is a lot higher than they can afford, though. My mother lost her job when she refused to get vaccinated nearly a year ago (she used to work in healthcare), and since then she hasn’t been officially employed. She’s been getting by with instacart and my father’s disability payments.
If I lived with them and found a job there, they’d definitely be able to afford rent. Moving there, while undesirable, is not out of the realm of possibility, and my mother has been a lot better about treating me like a person and not being transphobic. Not perfect, but better. They also would not be living with dad because mom is at the end of her rope with him and is looking into a nursing home his insurance would cover. I would also be saving up money by living with them, I’d definitely have reliable health insurance, a roof over my head and so on and so forth. My personal autonomy, personal space, and most likely mental health would be absolutely out the window. I’m still traumatized by these 2 years I spent with them. Not to mention nearly complete social isolation. I wouldn’t even be able to see my boyfriend properly, there would be about 8 hrs’ worth of a drive between us.
So. Will I be the asshole if I leave my family to struggle on their own? I already sacrificed a lot for their sake. I don’t know that I can keep doing that to myself.
What are these acronyms?
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kakiastro · 9 months
Pluto Aquarius : The Abstract Era
Photo by unknown
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Hey y’all I’m back with another post! This is a good one because this transit is a major one that’s going to impact us all! To see how it’s going to impact you, check your natal and progressed chart. Look for the house Aquarius rules over. This house represents that particular area in your life. Ex. Aqua 4h, so your home, mother, family will be going through huge changes during this time.
Disclaimer: these are just my own predictions based on my years of studying astrology and applying the archetypes of the planet and sign. the future is unknown but that doesn’t mean we still cant predict the themes of what to at least be aware of. Remember this transit will effect everyone differently because we all have different birth charts. Read this post as a collective reading than individual reading.
Pluto entered Aquarius March 24 until June 12th before it goes back into Capricorn until January 23. It will then stay in Aquarius for the next 20 years! Yes 20!! If you’re in your 20s that mean your Aquarius house in your birth chart will go through massive transformations until you’re in your 40s. Aqua placements, this is a huge time for you!!
If you need a reminder on what rules what, then here’s a list. Feel free to write it down in your own notes.
Pluto rules over: death/rebirth, birth, transformations, exchanges, debt, occult, cult, taboo, horror movies, power, wealth(Pluto means wealth), sex/sexuality, reproduction system, legacy, inheritances, heirs/heirlooms, partners money/joint finances, psychics/psychic gifts, psychology, therapist, , surgeries writers(crime, or dark themes), mortality, funerals, memorials, graveyards, secrets and hidden things, disappointments, deep fears, our experiences.
Aquarius rules over human/humanity, society, social groups, friend group, acquaintances, clubs, large groups of people, community, supporters, “stans (loyal fans), astrology, wish fulfillment, Social Media/content creators, technology, sciences, aviation and speed, projects, innovation ideas, ankles and calves, uniqueness, outcast, disabled people, adoption, step siblings. Chimps/Apes
What does this mean Globally? Well let’s look and see how this will “probably” play out. I put those words in quotations because as astrologers we can only predict what might happen. We sit back and watch the show just like you😂 but that’s what make astrology fun and enlightening.
These are my personal predictions that I believe will be the themes. Remind you, this is a 20 year transit so some of this won’t happen overnight. I live in the US so a lot of the predictions is based on what’s happening here but it can still apply to other countries because we’re all connected some way
-Ai. It’s everywhere, and I’m just going to be honest I don’t think it’s going anywhere and I believe it will advanced. Good news is that we are fighting as a collective to not let it replace us. Ai is suppose to help assist us not replace us. I think their will be some government control over it. I think we will eventually have robot type teachers, holograms, hologram type traveling, will assist doctors and medical discoveries. Ai is going to be used in everyday life for mundane things, AI use in airplanes and Cars. Faster trains.
-the Aliens 👽. The government has finally acknowledged other life forms even though we all knew this lol. Aliens have and will be a continuing topic.
-Government. I do believe there’s going to be new laws or even a constitution that will fit with this century standards and not our forefathers. Pluto rules over extreme changes. Aquarius rules over the government just like Capricorn. Remember Aqua is also co-ruled by Saturn. The difference is that Capricorn creates laws to maintain order and structure while Aquarius breaks and create new laws that can be beneficial for everyone.
-Fashion. We are entering the Cosplay everyday era. What I mean is that people are going to dressing up in the abstract clothing and it’ll be the norm. Comic con is going to be an everyday event because people are going to dress like their favorite characters just because Lol. I feel like more people are going to entrepreneurs and create a more chill vibe and have less corporations rule setting. It’s giving the office vibes lol. I also feel like more people are going to be wearing comfortable clothing than trying to “fit in.” Sustainability/Recycled clothing will be a huge fashion trend. Blues, dark reds, silver, dark yellows may be popular colors.
-protest and strikes! We’re already seeing it with Hollywood. So many actors and writers have come out and said their not making hardly nothing! Only 2% of this industry is wealthy, which means most are broke asf. Then I remembered Hollywood is Pisces energy. (Illusions & lies) what does this mean for HW in the future? Theyre not going anywhere lol. Aquarius is Leo sister sign, it’s also a fame sign. There’s always going to be famous people, however; I believe independent movie studios will be on the rise such as A24. More celebrities getting involved in activism and humanitarian projects than movies/tv. More celebrities connecting with non celeb people. I actually think a lot of them will help regular people kickstart their non-profits. More celebrities becoming entrepreneurs. This isn’t going to just be happening in the entertainment industry, this is going to happen in every industry. It wouldn’t surprise me if we see more airline protest and strikes. Moral of the story, people are going where theyre actually appreciated.
-Sex. I believe people are going to be more open when it comes to their sexuality. Talking about sex will be a normal conversation. I truly believe we are entering “let your freak fly era.” People may start to get into some crazy kinky stuff (no judgement, you do you boo!) lol
- community. Here’s the thing, I do feel like people will find their “tribe” “community” “soul group” whatever you call it but it won’t happen until you know who you are as a person first. What can you bring to the group? How can you help if you don’t know your own strengths and weaknesses? Even better question, how you gone join a community when you don’t even know what community you should join because you don’t know who you are? This is what the current North Node Aries transit will teach you! When you figure out who you are is when you will find your people.
-marriage and family. I believe we are going to start seeing more diverse families and couples. People are going to find love away from their home/culture. You may see lots of stories of people finding love overseas while traveling. People may meet their partner at random places or at a random time in their life. I feel like adoption will be a focus such as affordability, people finding out their adopted, people adopting. I believe tough conversation around adoption will rise such as people who adopt children for selfish reasons such as exploitation, adoptees talking about how hard life was for them. Remember Pluto reveals the dark side of things. I actually feel like people will start marrying more for stability then the traditional “I love you” romantic way, I also feel like people will marry their best friend(non romantic) to get by. Pluto aqua rules over USA 2h/3h (placidus)
- the outcast. more women/minorities will be entrepreneurs and working in the communication media, maybe more women(especially black)influential content creators. You may see more Poc and women working in the tech industry and more in the entertainment industry such as more award winning directors, screenwriters etc disabled people especially physical will start to be in different industries getting noticed, becoming well known activist.
-money and transportation. I do feel like there’s going to be a huge shift in our economy. I feel like crypto currency or some form of a digital banking will become our norm. Physical dollar will start to become a thing of the past. I just read an article a few months ago stating the first flying car will be released in 2025. Phones, computers are going to be more advanced than they are now. I don’t know how but it will be. We may end up having full on digital libraries that’s more advanced than kindle and others. In the USA chart, Pluto Aquarius will be in the 3h.
-health and sciences. The medical industry is going to have lots of breakthroughs. Lots of new discoveries on surgery equipment. We are going to be seeing a lot of impossibles become possible. We’re already seeing it. I just saw a surgery where they can adjust your height. Who would’ve thought that was possible 10 years ago lol. Buts that’s where the medical field is going. Pluto rules over extreme changes. I’m personally curious on the technology that’s going to help physically disabled people and what type of advancements will be discovered there.
-Animals. More People are going to start having all types of pets. The classic I have a cat, dog or goldfish won’t be your only type of pet. Instead we’re going to be hearing I have a dog and 2 raccoons lol. Aquarius rules over Apes, i wonder if there’s going to be some planet of the apes scenario. Not them taking over but studies may come out showing they’re more evolved then we realize👀
-internet. I’m going to be real honest with you and I’m not trying to instill fear or none of that but we all need to start being more private on the internet. Don’t post where you are until a few days after you’ve left. If you can, make your page private. Pluto rules over stalkers and aqua rules the internet. If you can avoid it, please don’t have your young kids on the internet without your supervision. Make their pages private too. If you have teenagers, please have a thorough conversation with them about the dangers of the internet, especially when it comes to weirdos asking them for nudes. Listen I grew up when having these talks about the internet wasn’t a thing because our parents didn’t have this growing but we can help the next generation from our mistakes. Like I said I’m not trying to scare anyone. We live in a digital world now so I want you all and your families to take safety precautions.
Thank you for taking the time to read. I know this post was long but I wanted to cover a much as I could. Please feel free to reblog and write your own predictions.
Rex E. Bills book “the rulership book” (highly recommended)
USA Sibly chart on astrodienst website
Derivative houses(advanced astrology.
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enbycrip · 3 months
I spent the entire weekend in bed there. Literally just got up for a 15 minute conversation we had about potentially going to IKEA to get some stuff for Plan Turn Spare Room Into A Usable Space Instead of a Giant Cupboard With a Window, got a tape measure, measured one bit of the room, got dizzy, had to lie down on the floor and then crawl back to bed.
I spent big chunks of Saturday asleep because I literally couldn’t keep my eyes open. I got a small bit of writing done for Against the Dying of the Light (queer post-apocalyptic zombie larp I’m Co-running in under a month now argharghargh) and sewed half a patch on some dungarees. Otherwise I listened to a lot of podcasts, played a bunch of mobile games and cuddled my OH a lot.
I mean, I clearly needed it. I’ve managed to get up, get dressed, clean the bathroom and dust the bedroom already today, which is more than I achieved the entire weekend.
One of my podcasts, The Constant, which I was bingeing this weekend, did a bit of a deep dive into Darwin on some of the episodes I was listening to. It was talking about his deep study of barnacles - Darwin was instrumental in discovering they were crustaceans rather than molluscs.
But it went into Darwin’s letters while he was discovering this and how frustrating he found the process because he was chronically ill with Chagas’ Disease and never had more than a couple of hours a day when he was capable of working. Sometimes much less.
I *really* needed to hear that this weekend.
Trying to study when you are just so fucking ill that you are capable of Doing Stuff so few hours in a day is so bloody heartrending sometimes. The level of sheer frustration in “I have SO FUCKING MUCH TO DO AND YET APPARENTLY I’M NOT EVEN CAPABLE OF SEWING A SEAM OR WRITING IN A STRAIGHT LINE WHILE LYING FLAT” is almost impossible to convey.
I *really* hate how much the experiences of disabled people who do manage to achieve stuff (usually because of class/wealth privilege) are absolutely erased. The way “if you can do something you obviously were never disabled at all!” is so baked into our society really gets to me.
How many people think of Darwin as a disabled person? Or Frida Kahlo? How much of the vast majority of their life experiences are flattened out into nothingness because they achieved things that made it into the public consciousness?
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stargazer-sims · 5 months
1. Introduction (Video #1)
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Hey everybody!
My name is Caroline Okamoto-Nelson. I’m seventeen years old, and I live in Willow Creek. I like horses, cooking, shopping and J-pop. I really love swimming. I guess you might even say I'm obsessed with it. I'm really good at it too, and I have the medals to prove it.
People often comment that I look like both my parents, which is super funny to me since I’m not actually biologically related to them at all. I guess people say I resemble them because I have pale hair and blue eyes like Victor, and I have Japanese facial features like Yuri. Honestly, though, I don't mind if strangers assume I'm literally theirs. I am theirs in every way that matters, and being adopted is amazing because I know they love me enough to want to make me part of their family forever. I love them a lot, and even though I think about my biological parents sometimes, Victor and Yuri will always be my real parents.
Yeah, I have two dads, and to avoid things getting confusing I should let you know that I usually call them by their names. Some people think that's weird and a few people think it's disrespectful, but it's not weird to me. I started out as Victor and Yuri's foster child when I was six years old, after my biological father passed away, and I didn't want to call either of them Daddy or Papa or whatever. They were okay with that, and when they officially adopted me about a year later, the habit had already stuck.
I do call Victor 'Dad' sometimes, probably a lot more often than I call Yuri 'Papa'. Yuri says I only call him Papa when I really want something, which... is kinda not inaccurate. Luckily, he has a good sense of humour about it.
Let's see... Another important thing you should know about me straight away is that I'm blind. Before anybody starts demanding to know how a blind person can use a camera and make a video, remember blindness is a spectrum. Most people who fit into the category of blindness can see at least a little bit. There aren't that many people who're totally blind.
As for me, I was born with something called oculocutaneous albinism, which is why I look the way I do even though I'm one hundred percent Japanese. My condition means I have no pigment in my skin, hair and eyes, and it's why I have low vision.
I can see well enough to get around, but I do use my white cane at night or in unfamiliar places. I'm able to read large print, and I can see enough to use my computer and phone if I wear my glasses. I can do most normal things, actually. The only things that are really off-limits are driving and anything that requires good visual acuity, like cutting in a straight line, putting small objects together or sewing. Unfortunately, this means I'll never get to be a nurse like Victor. That's what I originally wanted to be, until I got older and started to understand my disability and finally realized that I don't see the same way everyone else does.
I don't want anybody to feel sorry for me because of my disability. I'm not unhappy or bitter about it and I don't need anyone's sympathy or pity. As a matter of fact, I have an awesome life, and I wouldn't want to change a thing.
On the subject of my life, that brings me around to why I'm making this video in the first place. I just started twelfth grade last week, and my best friends Forest and Camellia and I decided to sign up for media studies as one of our electives. The course runs for the whole school year, and we have to do one major project as well as some small assignments. Camellia and Forest got permission to work together — they're twins and they seem to want to do practically everything together — and they're making a podcast. I decided my project is going to be a documentary about myself. A video autobiography, I suppose you could say.
The plan is to chronicle my life from now till June, but it's not just going to be a video journal about random stuff that happens to me this year. I want to tell the story of my life so far, about how I went from being an unwanted baby in Japan to being the loved, talented, cute and successful person I am today.
These videos aren't going to be only me talking in front of a camera, either. I'm planning to interview my friends and family, and maybe also to give them the camera so they can record some thoughts of their own. Then, I'll edit everything and get it ready for the final presentation.
I've decided to call it Caroline & Company. I may be the main subject of this story, but nobody can exist alone. We all need company. I don't think it'd even be possible to survive without the guidance and support of family and friends, not to mention teachers, coaches, therapists, doctors and all the other people we interact with on a daily basis. Every person in my life is important, so I feel like they need to be acknowledged in some way.
Our teacher, Mr. Blanchet, is going to help our class design a website so that all our projects will be available for everyone to see at the end of the school year. Maybe it's nerdy of me to be excited for a school project, but I"m really looking forward to doing this, and I can hardly wait to see what my classmates come up with as well.
I think it's going to be an incredible year!
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a-dinosaur-a-day · 1 year
Man somehow I never realized you were a full on paleontologist, that’s really fucking cool! Have you been on any digs/plan to go on any? What kind of paleo-work do you want to do, I’m pretty sure there’s like, a bunch of different things paleontologists do besides dog haha! (P.S. this is the runner of battle of the birds, p.p.s. Here is a picture of my pet parrot, Oliver!)
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Haha I haven't been on digs because of my physical disability (I still want to do one, but its just not a priority), I do more work on the museum and lab side of things! I study the birds that survived the end-Cretaceous extinction - those birds that we see on the other side of that boundary, the only dinosaurs to survive. Specifically, I study how birds diversified during the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM), a period of rapid global warming similar to today! What's weird is it seems like every major group of birds actually originated during this event! I want to find out how, and why.
I've only published one paper because my scientific career has been an adventure, but earlier this year I actually helped to describe a few new species of bird from this time period! Anachronornis and Danielsavis are two new birds from the PETM that show how ducks and screamers evolved during this time!
Most of my work involves prepping fossils - cleaning them, removing them from the rock, preserving them - and studying the traits they have. I also do a lot of database research to look into paleoenvironments and the ecological context for different sites from the time I'm interested in. I also run phylogenies - so computer programs that show how these animals are related to one another based on the total evidence - and think a lot about the best way to figure out evolutionary relationships.
So I'm part paleo-ornithologist, part paleo-ecologist, part paleo-behaviorist. I tend to wear a lot of different hats.
My goal is to someday run my own museum. Or make educational video games. Or both. Provided the world doesn't end.
Oliver is such a handsome lad!!! Such a good bird!!!! thank you for sharing him with me :D
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