#i'm not afraid
andreafmn · 2 months
I'm Not Afraid | Chapter 17
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Word Count: 3.5K
Story Description: (Y/N) Argent arrived at Beacon Hills to put to rest her father’s sister, Kate Argent. For the first time, her family has decided to settle down and sustain a life in this interesting small town. After 17 years, (Y/N) has the opportunity to establish interpersonal relationships but will she be ready to face the complications that come with relating to her cousin’s, Allison, friends; especially, the infamous Derek Hale. She will face the adventure of being associated with the Derek and McCall pack, as well as being faced with the discovery of certain aspects of her life she never imagined.
A/N: uh oh, things are changing...
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There was a tense air between (Y/N) and Derek as they reached her house. He helped her off the bike and kept his hand on her lower back as they walked to her front porch but did not say a single word. His stare was a million miles away, and she could tell his thoughts had been running rampant in his head.
“Are you okay, Derek?” the girl finally broke the silence as she slid her key into the door. “You feel weird. Like, distant.”
“I’m fine,” he said, his stoic façade still plastered on his face. “I just need to make sure you’re home safe before I get my pack.”
“They’re fine. They’re hiding up in my room.” She pulled out her phone from her pocket and showed him Isaac’s text confirming that they had locked themselves in her house. “But I need to know what you’re hiding right now because I know something’s up.”
“Everything’s fine,” he huffed. “Why are they here?”
“I thought they’d be safe here,” she responded. “Don’t change the topic, Derek. You know you can’t lie to me.”
“I just… we gotta stay away from each other for a while, okay? Believe me when I say, it’s for the best.”
The answer took (Y/N) aback. She stepped away from his touch, as though suddenly it burned her. His words had seemingly come out of nowhere. They were in a good spot, she thought. They weren’t exactly in a relationship, but they weren’t not in one either. They had been speaking consistently for the past couple of weeks, they had seen each other when they could, and they had kissed. God, did they kiss. “I-I-I don’t understand,” she stammered as she blinked away her confusion. “I thought we were good. I mean, I know our situation isn’t exactly ideal, but I didn’t think it was going bad.”
“It’s just not the time to deal with feelings, (Y/N),” he sighed. “I have to focus on how to get rid of the Kanima and why Scott would betray us. I simply don’t have the bandwidth to focus on you too.”
“Oh, I didn’t know I was such a distraction,” (Y/N) scoffed, putting another step of distance between them. “You know, it was only a few weeks ago that you were saying you wanted this to work. No matter how long it took or what hurdles we had to go through. You said I wouldn’t have to go through life alone, not while you were here. Was that all just bullshit?”
“It wasn’t… It isn’t…” He ran his hands across his face in frustration, letting out an infuriated groan. “With everything that’s going on, I can’t risk being close to you, (Y/N). The more time that passes with the Kanima here, the more hunters will arrive. Especially now that I have a target on my back, thanks to your cousin. Being with you only makes that target bigger, and it puts it on my pack too. I have to make the right decision for them.”
“So, everything I’ve done to help you guys out means nothing?” she cried, biting down the tears that threatened to spill. “I’ve stuck my neck out for you on more than one occasion. I think I’ve proven to be an asset to you and your pack when it comes to my family.”
“You have and I’m grateful,” he said. Derek took a beat before continuing. It seemed he knew the next words out of his mouth would drive a wedge between them that he wasn’t sure would ever be removed. “I just don’t know if one day you’ll turn on us like Allison has done to Scott, or even like Kate did to me.”
If there was anything he could say that would drive (Y/N) away, it was that. Her fears of one day becoming like her aunt still haunted her to that day. It was a quiet but haunting rumble in the pits of her mind, fed by her insecurities and her fears, and very much alive.
“A-are you serious?” (Y/N) wanted to appear confident and confrontational. But she couldn’t help the way her voice broke. “Do you really think I’d be capable of doing something like that?”
“I can’t be sure, (Y/N). I want to believe that you won’t and that you and your father are truly on our side, but I have to take precautions. It’s not just my life that’s at stake.”
(Y/N) didn’t know if his words stung more than the unchanging expression on his face. There was no care, no compassion. She wasn’t talking to Derek, her sour wolf. She was speaking to Derek, the alpha. “What brought this on, Derek?” she asked. “What made you change your mind all of a sudden?” 
“It wasn’t anything specifically. It’s just… the situation we’re in is basically unheard of, and I need to make sure that I’m putting a hundred percent of my brain into resolving this,” he said. “And if Scott isn’t going to help, then I have to find a way to end this once and for all. I can’t be worrying about the hunters coming from your side too.”
 Words died in the girl’s mouth as she tried to conceal the hurt that coursed through her veins. It was a betrayal like no other. “Is that really how you feel?” (Y/N) asked, her resolve quickly coming undone. “You once told me that you knew that I would never be like Kate. That there was no way I could be that heartless. Does that mean you lied? Have you always felt this way?”
And with determination like she had never seen from him, he said, “Yes.” By then, she couldn’t hold back the tears, but she wouldn’t let him see her hurt. She couldn’t keep the drops from falling, but she could keep her sobs inside. “(Y/N)…”
“Go,” she said sternly, facing her door and giving him her back.
“(Y/N), I…”
“I said go, Derek,” she restated, raising her voice. “You can call your pack after. But you need to get out of here right now.”
Before he could say another word, (Y/N) slipped into her house and locked the door behind her. Shuddering cries threatened to break through, so she clasped her fist into her mouth and bit down. She did not want him to hear her. He’d been able to shatter her heart with a few words, but he did not deserve to know her pain. Not anymore.
As the tears fell, she remembered the cuts on her face. Every time another drop fell, it sank into the open wound, mixing blood and salty water down her cheeks. The sting was enough to subside the pain in her chest, but not enough to make it go away. And all she wanted was for it to go away.
Suddenly, soft steps on her stairs forced her head to snap forward to see a witness to her despair. Erica wore a sympathetic smile on her face, something that surprised (Y/N) out of her tears. It had been the first time she had even held a kind gaze toward the girl, always throwing sarcastic comments or unnecessary jabs her way. But at that moment, she came to her as a friend.
“Let’s fix up that face,” she said. “Where’s the first aid kit?”
“Uh, um,” (Y/N) cleared her throat. “There’s one under the kitchen sink.”
“Let’s go.”
The blonde helped her up from the ground and followed her quietly into the kitchen. She didn’t throw snarky remarks her way or make fun of the way her face was most likely a disaster. All she did was remain silent and try to help.
Once the first aid bag was on the counter, Erica patted a stool to instruct the girl to sit. Something she very much obliged to before the werewolf set to work. She put on a pair of black gloves and set to clean the wound with cleansing wipes, clearing away any debris or tear that might have mixed with her blood.
“This is gonna sting a bit, okay?” Erica announced as she uncapped the liquid stitch bottle. “Do you need something to bite down on?”
“No,” (Y/N) smiled softly. “Go ahead.”
The girl winced softly as the liquid touched her skin, but it was quickly replaced with the comfort of Erica’s soft hands pinching the slash closed. She repeated the step two more times before cleaning the area once more and covering it with a gauze bandage. “There,” Erica said as she finished bandaging her arm as well. “The wound should breathe during the night to help with the healing. Try to keep it dry or without direct water contact for about five days, and you should be good.” 
“Thanks,” she said. “You’re good at this.”
“I’ve had one too many falls not to be,” the girl chuckled as she put away the kit. “It’s actually the reason I’ve always wanted to become a doctor. I wanted to make sure no one else went through what I did.”
“Why can’t you?”
“At first it was because I was so behind in school, I’d never get the grades to get into a good school,” she shrugged. “Now, with the whole werewolf thing, I don’t think I could.”
“Why not? I think now it’ll be so much easier for you,” (Y/N) offered. “Now, you don’t have to deal with the seizures, and you can focus on your schoolwork. Later on, I’m sure any school would be begging to have you go there.”
“I don’t know,” the blonde sighed. “I guess, after seeing everything I have and going through what we have in such little time, I think med school seems stupid in the grand scheme of things. I would love to live a normal life, but I don’t think I was ever meant to. I mean, at first, it was epilepsy. Now, it’s the fact that I’m part wolf, part human, and I have yet to get that under control.”
Seeing Erica be vulnerable and sweet surprised (Y/N), and it was a welcome distraction to whatever it had been that had gone down with Derek. “You know this is going to end someday,” she tried to comfort her. “We’re gonna beat the Kanima, and the hunters will go back to their own lives. Life won’t always be like this.”
“How can you be so sure? Something tells me there’s always gonna be something in this town,” she chuckled dryly. “The only way to go back to normal is to leave.” 
“Is that what you want? To leave Beacon Hills?”
“I mean, it’s a plan,” she shrugged as she sat beside (Y/N). “I didn’t think it would be like this. The constant looking over my shoulder, the fear that I’ll be caught, the fear that I’ll be killed. I wanted the strength, the power that came with being supernatural. But I didn’t really measure the danger that came with it. Unfortunately, not every hunter can be like you.”
“I think that’s the first time you’ve ever complimented me,” (Y/N) chuckled. “Don’t know how I feel about it.”
“Don’t get used to it,” the girl grinned. “But seriously, you have no reason to protect us like you have. I mean, apparently, even lovesick Allison turned on lover boy.”
“Yeah, grief makes you do unthinkable things,” she sighed. “Especially when you have a monster like Gerard whispering in your ear.”
“And he doesn’t whisper in yours?”
“God no. I don’t think he particularly likes my family. At least my dad and I.”
“Ooh, family drama?”
“None that I know the details of, but I know it has something to do with me and some woman from my dad’s past,” (Y/N) explained, remembering the not-so-hushed words from her parents. “Also, my dad sort of sides with the wolves rather than the hunters. He thinks their methods are too extreme and cause more harm than good. He told me he wants to change the group from the inside out, but it’s hard.”
“And you believe him?” Erica inquired, biting the skin from her fingers. (Y/N) could see she hadn’t noticed yet. It was something she did before turning, a way to calm her senses when everything seemed too much. “Do you really believe he’s on our side?”
“He helped me find Derek tonight, and he covered for me about the rave. I don’t think he would lie to me about that. My mom on the other hand…”
“Can’t stand us?”
“Well, you can tell her the feeling is mutual.”
“Hey,” (Y/N) exclaimed with a smile. “That’s my mom you’re talking about.”
“No offense,” Erica laughed as she threw her arms up in surrender. “But seriously, I don’t think I’ve ever said this, but thank you, (Y/N). I’ve unnecessarily been a bitch to you, and you don’t deserve that. So, I’m sorry.”
“Am I really getting an apology from Erica Reyes? I think I might be dreaming.”
“Oh, come on,” she chuckled. “I’m trying to be serious here—vulnerable. I am grateful for what you’ve done for me, even when I was horrible to you. You didn’t have to.” 
“Well, you got the bitch part down, I didn’t think I needed it, too,” (Y/N) grinned before she took Erica’s hand and smiled warmly. “But it means a lot that you apologized. Thank you. Maybe from here on out, we could be friends. I honestly need more in this town.”
“I think that would be great,” she beamed. “I’ve been needing a dose of estrogen after so many months surrounded by testosterone.”
As the girls laughed, footsteps came down the stairs and quickly joined them in the kitchen, followed by the pitter-patter of claws against the hardwood floor. “Well, look at these two fraternizing,” Isaac told Boyd. “Never thought I’d see the day.”
“I would be rude not to when it’s her house,” Boyd shrugged. “Which, again, thank you for letting us hide out here. We haven’t really received any other instruction from Derek.”
“Yeah, and I don’t think you will anytime soon.”
“What do you…?” Isaac’s words died in his throat as he noticed (Y/N)’s bandages and the smell of iron in the air. He was quick to rush to her side, inspecting her visible skin for any other wound. “What the hell happened?”
“Ah, just a small run-in with Jackson,” she shrugged as she knelt to pet Brody, scratching him on the spot behind his ears he loved so he wouldn’t worry about her. “I’ll be fine. I just don’t heal as fast as you guys do.”
“How serious was the cut?” Isaac asked Erica, knowing (Y/N) would only wave him off. “Was it deep? I knew I should have gone with you to the station.”
“It wasn’t deep enough to need stitches, Isaac. She’ll be fine.”
“Dude, calm down,” Boyd chuckled. “She’s tougher than she looks.”
“Thank you, Boyd,” she smiled toward the boy. “I really appreciate the vote of confidence. You should learn from him, Lahey.”
“Yeah, it’s all fun and games until you get seriously hurt,” he grumbled, crossing his arms across his chest. “I can’t believe I let you go there by yourself. I should have been there.”
“And risk getting caught by my grandfather? Absolutely not,” she reprimanded. “As a matter of fact, all of you need to lay low because while Jackson is still the Kanima, more hunters will keep flooding into town, and I don’t wanna risk any of you getting caught. If you need a place to stay, I think I can talk to my dad and help you guys out. Maybe tell my mom the basement flooded and keep you guys there?”
“Thanks, (Y/N),” Boyd smiled. “We’ll talk to Derek first. See what the next steps will be.”
“Yeah,” she scoffed lightly. “And if you can find out what the hell is going on with him in the meantime, I’d greatly appreciate it.”
The four of them spent the next hour in her kitchen, talking and laughing like normal teenagers until Erica and Boyd said they were too tired to still be awake and headed to (Y/N)’s room. But not before the girl turned and thanked Argent for giving her a night where she felt normal. After that, only Isaac and her were left downstairs.
They had moved into the living room, where (Y/N) rested her head on his lap, and Brody curled up right beside them. Henry had texted her that he and her mother would be staying over at Chris’ house and that he’d keep her posted on anything that would be going down.
“I don’t understand what happened, Isaac,” she sighed as she felt his hands running through her hair. “Everything was going great until just an hour ago. What made Derek change his mind?”
“Honestly, I wish I could tell you,” he said. “But Derek’s not one to really talk about what’s going on in his head. The only time he’s ever been nice to me is when you’re around. He’s quite a dick when you’re not around.”
“But he’s still your alpha.”
“It’s not like there are many options here,” he chuckled. “And I guess I feel a bit indebted to him. If it hadn’t been for the bite, I’m pretty sure I would have ended up in the hospital, or even worse…”
Isaac couldn’t bring himself to say the words, instead taking in a shuddering deep breath. (Y/N) could see his eyes getting cloudy with tears as fear overtook him. Even if that part of his life was buried, there was no way to repress the memories.
“I’m sorry you had to go through that, Isaac,” she responded quietly, taking his free hand in hers. “And I’m sorry you had to go through it alone. I wish I could have at least been your friend back then.”
“I think you came at the perfect time,” he smiled softly. “Just long enough to get my shy and adorable side and stay to see my resurgence into an amazing and confident werewolf teenager.”
“You know, some people would say cocky and self-absorbed.”
“Well, those people would be wrong,” he chuckled. “But you did come at the right time. Those last couple of months, you actually gave me hope. If we had spent more time together, I think I may have even refused the bite.”
“Would you have, really?” (Y/N) mused. “Would you have given it all up?”
“I think so,” Isaac shrugged. “I mean, people around us don’t seem disturbed by what’s going on in this town. All I would have to worry about is whether or not I could pass my classes, and well, social services I guess.”
“Not funny,” she reprimanded, slapping him softly on the chest. “But the supernatural does suit you.”
“It does, doesn’t it?”
“Oh, calm down, Lahey.”
“I’m just kidding, Argent,” the boy laughed. “As for Derek, all you have to do is give it time. He can be a moody one.”
“Something feels different this time, though,” she sighed. “I don’t know what it is, but something’s just off.”
The last thing Derek had wanted was to make her cry. Hearing her sobs through her door made his heart wrench in his chest, and all he could do was get as far away from her as he could. His legs took off in a soft run at first but quickly turned into a supernatural sprint that had his lungs aching for air. All he could do was run.
Soon enough, the scenery of houses and cars turned into trees and bushes. Leaves crunched under his feet, and branches snapped as he stepped on them. Even when a rock stood in his way and threatened to make him lose his balance, he simply kept running.
He wished (Y/N) knew that what he did had been for her own good. If she wasn’t by his side, there was no way she could be used as a bargaining chip. Especially not with Peter back. He didn’t trust his own life in the hands of his uncle; how could he entrust him with (Y/N)’s?
By the time he had reached his family’s house, his body ached all over. Frustration filled his veins, and his limbs ached with the need for violence. He let out an exasperating scream before his fist went through a wooden board. He didn’t know if he wanted to keep breaking down the house or just sit down and cry. As much as he wanted to be by (Y/N)’s side, he knew that the best thing for her would be for him to stay as far away as possible. He had lived long enough with loneliness, though none as hurtful as this one for a long time. (Y/N) would soon enough move on from him, and he’d be the one to carry the hurt. As long as Peter was in town and her family would punish her for her affiliations, he’d just have to stay away.
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눈 감은 채로 느끼면 돼
흐르는 대로 따라가도 돼
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Out of everyone to be afraid of a smile....
Lis t E N
If there was scale of "smiles to be afraid of" their's is above mine.
Far above.
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andreafmn · 3 months
I'm Not Afraid | Chapter 16
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Word Count: 4.3K
Story Description: (Y/N) Argent arrived at Beacon Hills to put to rest her father’s sister, Kate Argent. For the first time, her family has decided to settle down and sustain a life in this interesting small town. After 17 years, (Y/N) has the opportunity to establish interpersonal relationships but will she be ready to face the complications that come with relating to her cousin’s, Allison, friends; especially, the infamous Derek Hale. She will face the adventure of being associated with the Derek and McCall pack, as well as being faced with the discovery of certain aspects of her life she never imagined.
A/N:  my brain broke trying to figure out the Sheriff Station's layout, and I'm still not sure how it works. I swear, continuity and timelines are Jeff Davis' downfall 🫠🫠
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The drive hadn’t been long, and it had been just what (Y/N) needed. After feeling like she was suffocating in the hospital, telling her uncle and cousin how sorry she was for their loss and if they needed anything just to ask her, she told her father she’d meet him back at the house and all but sprinted out of the building. The fluorescent lights had birthed a pounding headache into her head, the cries only working to see it further into her brain. She needed to get out before her lungs were soon to follow in the malfunction.
She killed the engine and the light of her motorcycle when she saw him waiting for her outside of the building, his arms already outstretched for the hug she desperately needed. “You okay?” he asked as she crashed into his body. “You don’t look so good.”
“I fucked up, Isaac,” she sighed into his chest. “And you don’t look good either.”
“Yeah, well, I just went through a gruesome transformation under the full moon,” he chuckled softly. “What’s your excuse?”
“My aunt just killed herself, and it was, in part, because of me.”
“Well, okay. You win.” He released her from his hold to find sorry strewn across the girl’s face. Dry tears cling to her skin in lines of grey and fresh ones threatened to spill from her reddened eyes. “Tell me what happened. Why do you think it’s your fault, (Y/N)?”
“The night of the rave, when Derek and I left to get Scott, we found my aunt Victoria slowly killing him with a vaporized version of wolfsbane,” she started. “I thought about fighting her for a second. I’ve been trained well enough that I could have possibly come out alive from that fight, but Derek told me to get Scott —make sure he was okay and, most importantly, not dead. They fought for a bit as I got Scott off the floor, and then, all of a sudden, she was gone. After that, when we were in the vet's office, he told me he bit her deep enough that she would turn on the next full moon.”
“Tonight,” Isaac affirmed. “I haven’t heard either of you do anything wrong yet, (Y/N).”
“A hunter being bitten or scratched deep enough to trigger the transformation is essentially receiving a death sentence,” (Y/N) explained, her voice trembling under the force of her worries. “Argent hunters don’t turn into werewolves, Isaac. They kill themselves before it can happen—that’s part of our code. And that’s what my aunt did tonight. My cousin lost her mother because I wasn’t strong enough to fight her.”
“Hey, that’s not your fault, (Y/N).”
“Why does everyone keep saying that?” she exclaimed. “I had the chance to make things different, and I didn’t. How is that not my fault?”
“Let me ask you this, did you bite here?”
“Did you?”
“No,” she grumbled.
“Did you force her to go and kill Scott?”
“Of course not.”
“And did you kill her tonight?”
“No, but…”
“There are no buts,” Isaac affirmed, grabbing her shoulders and shaking her out of her head. “You didn’t do anything wrong, (Y/N). You were in the middle of a difficult situation and made a decision. That’s it. Just like Victoria decided to kill Scott, you decided to save him. And have you ever thought what would have happened if you had been the one to fight her? What if your training isn’t as good as you thought, and hers was better? Maybe there would have been two bodies in the morgue rather than one.”
“It’s just… seeing Allison and my uncle break down in front of me broke me, Isaac.” The breath she took stammered as the weight of the night fell on her shoulders. Guilt and sadness gripped her body, sinking their claws into her skin and digging themselves a home in her body. “And for some reason, Victoria protected me. She didn’t tell anyone that I had been in the room that night.”
“How did you know she didn’t?”
“Well, firstly, I doubt they would have allowed me to still be here,” she sighed. “And, somehow, I just know. Like I can feel it.”
“Then why are you still feeling guilty? You did absolutely nothing wrong.”
“And yet, Ali now doesn’t have a mother.”
“Because your family goes by really fucked up rules. I mean, sure, being a wolf isn’t all it’s chucked up to be, but it’s not enough to Jill yourself over,” Isaac retorted. “Whatever happened tonight was your aunt’s decision and hers alone. You saved someone she was killing. No one’s punishing you for that.”
(Y/N) dropped to the ground and crossed her legs under her, leaning her back against the concrete wall of the abandoned building. “Sometimes I just feel like every decision I make sets off a domino effect that I can’t control,” she said as Isaac sat beside her. “I’ve made some bad choices in my past that rippled into some pretty awful consequences, and it seems that things aren’t much different here. I just don’t want something worse to happen. I don’t want anyone else to get hurt because of me.”
“No one’s gotten hurt because of you, (Y/N). People make decisions. They make their own choices, and consequences follow. Whether good or bad, something will happen. And just because you are somehow involved in their lives doesn’t mean it’s your fault.” Isaac took her hand in his, running his thumb across her knuckles in a soothing manner. “You know, I found an anchor tonight. Something to tether me to my humanity during the full moon. I told Derek I used the thought of my father as my I don’t know anchor—the father he was before he became the thing of nightmares.”
“Why did you lie?”
He chuckled softly as she rested her head on his shoulder. “I’m pretty sure if I told him the truth, he’d probably kill me,” he said. “It was you, (Y/N).”
“Me? Why me?”
“You’re the first person that ever saw me, (Y/N),” he smiled. “I mean, before you, I went through life just existing. I had no friends, I barely played in the team, and well, nothing at home was good. Without knowing me, you offered to help me with Chemistry and Math, and you even gave me some of your lunch—which you kept doing without giving it another thought. And the more time we spent together, the closer we got. I mean, you let me stay at your place, no questions asked, after my dad died. Even after I shifted and started acting like an ass, you still cared about me. I haven’t had that in a while.”
“If it’s any consolation, I haven’t had a friend in a very long time,” she chuckled. “But, honestly, I’m very glad that it’s you. Not that I have anything against anyone else, but there’s something about you, kid.”
“I’m only a year younger than you,” he laughed, bumping her with his shoulder. “But I am glad I met you, (Y/N). Beacon Hills would have never been the same without you.”
“Well, I’m glad my parents chose this to be our forever home,” the girl smiled as she hugged Isaac’s arm. “I don’t know what I would do without an Isaac Lahey in my life.”
“Thankfully, we don’t have to know,” he chuckled. “And not that I’m ungrateful or anything, but why are you here? I thought you’d be with Derek.”
“Well, not to make you feel bad, but he wasn’t picking up his phone,” (Y/N) shrugged. “I honestly thought he’d be here with you.”
“No, he left a little after tying me up. I thought he left to go see you.”
“He hasn’t even returned my calls,” the girl worried. She lifted her legs slightly and pulled out her phone from her pocket, confirming that Derek had not even texted back. With Isaac not knowing where he was either, worry built inside (Y/N). She chewed on her nails as she let the phone ring and ring, screaming out of frustration when he did not answer. “Something’s wrong. It has to be.”
“Don’t go there. Just keep trying his phone.”
She kept calling his number, getting missed call after missed call, until finally, the call went through. “Derek?” she exclaimed. “Are you okay?’
“Oh, this isn’t Derek,” a voice she sort of recognized answered. “He’s sort of unable to get to the phone right now. But the constant ringing was making me very irritated.”
“Matt? Why do you have Derek’s phone?”
“Well, he’s sort of my hostage.”
(Y/N) wanted to gasp, let fear take over her actions as she received information. But she couldn’t. Not if what she believed was true. “You’re the one controlling the Kanima,” she said. “You’re the one that’s been killing people. Why?”
“Ugh, I would hate to have to repeat the story,” he groaned. “Why don’t you come here, to the sheriff's station? We could all have a little chat.”
“Leave her out of this,” she heard Scott grumble through the phone. And if he was there, (Y/N) didn’t want to know who else he had taken hostage. “Don’t come, (Y/N).”
“Come on, Scott. The more the merrier,” Matt taunted. “Maybe you could bring your cousin here. I really need to talk to her. She broke my heart, you know.”
“What game are you playing, Matt? What do you get out of all of this?”
“Come here and find out.” She could see the devilish smile spreading across his face, his eyes roaming over everyone who was in the station. Scott was there, which could only mean that Stiles also was. With Matt came Jackson. And Derek. But she couldn’t help but feel there were more people there. “Say bye, everyone.”
“(Y/N), don…”
Derek’s strained voice was the last thing she heard before the phone went dead, the hang-up tone filling her ear. She scrambled to her feet as she pulled the keys of her bike from her pocket, hurrying toward her motorcycle as she spoke to Isaac. “Okay, you need to stay with Boyd and Erica, make sure you guys are safe and have a way to communicate,” she instructed, her mind running a million miles a minute. “You need to stay far away from the police station, but you need to make sure your phone is still on.”
“You’re not going there by yourself, (Y/N),” Isaac argued. “Erica and Boyd can hide. I’m going with you.” 
“Absolutely not, Isaac. I’m the only one that can go. I’m immune.” 
“But you’re not invincible. You still bleed and hurt like everyone else. You can get hurt.” 
“And you can get paralyzed.” The rest of her words died in her throat as her phone vibrated with a text from her father. The hunters knew who was inside the station and they were going in for the attack with Allison leading the way. “Look,” she said, showing him her screen. “You need to stay hidden, Isaac. If you get in the way, Allison is sure to kill you. She’s on a rampage.”
“And what do you think will happen to you?”
“She doesn’t know I was there.”
“But she will know when you protect Derek. Even your dad told you to stay away.”
“Allison wouldn’t kill me.”
“How do you know?”
His words swam through her head, and, truthfully, she had no way of knowing if Allison would turn on her. She had seen firsthand how her cousin was fine with being passive-aggressive toward her, and she knew the sting of her words. But could she ever go as far as to hurt her? She had just lost her mother, and (Y/N) couldn’t have a single clue what was running through her head.
She could bide the words of Derek, Scott, and her father. They were worried, she knew that. But people’s lives were at stake, and she didn’t think she could just sit idly by. Especially not with Allison having an open season for Derek. If she could at least help him, she had to try.
“Think about it, (Y/N),” Isaac tried to reason one last time. “You have no idea what you’re walking into here. And you shouldn’t be going alone.”
“I have to help, Isaac. And you need to hide,” she restated. “If you guys need a place to lay low where no one will think you would be, lock yourselves in my room. The window is open, and no one would expect you to be there. I’ll be there as soon as I can.”
“I promise I’ll be careful, okay? I just need to know that you’ll be safe.”
“Do you at least have a weapon on you? You’re sort of facing a lizard person and a killer, so I don’t think your fists are gonna be enough.”
With a grin on her face, she lifted the back of her shirt, exposing the gun that had been tucked away in the waist of her jeans. Then, she lifted the leg of her pants to show the knife holster on her ankle. “I never leave the house unprepared, Isaac,” she said. “And well, my dad gave me the gun before I left the hospital. Just in case. You do know there’s a lizard man running rampant around town.”
“Just be safe, (Y/N),” Isaac sighed as he wrapped her in a hug. “And let me know as soon as you’re out of the police station.”
“I will,” she assured. “Get to my house. Lock the door to my room. If Brody gets angsty just get him a treat from my bookcase. I’ll knock three times so you know it’s me, okay?”
“Stay safe, Lahey.”
“You too, Argent.”
(Y/N) sped as fast as she could toward the station, thankful that she had beaten the hunters there. Just not for too long.
As she killed the engine of her bike and hid it from view, black SUVs rolled into the parking lot. Hunters jumped out of the cars, guns strapped to their chests. Two of them rounded the building, probably to kill the power, while two more stood with Gerard, aiming at the station’s windows.
There were only two things (Y/N) could do. She could remain hidden and somehow sneak past the hunters and into the building, or she could pretend that she was meant to meet there with them. For some reason, she chose the latter.
“Ah, (Y/N),” Gerard was the first one to see her as she neared the group. “I’m glad to see you here. I assume Henry has brought you up to date.”
“Yeah. That’s why I’m here.”
“And where were you? I assumed you would meet us at Chris’ home.”
“I was almost back home when dad texted. Figured I’d come here where I was needed.”
“A true Argent at heart,” he smiles. The way the corners of his mouth extended sent shivers down her spine, and she thought that maybe he knew everything that had happened. But there was no chance… right? Victoria wouldn’t have confided in him… right? Those were things she could not know. “Well then, you’re with us. I assume you have something other than yourself to protect you.”
“Of course,” she replied, pulling out her gun. “A hunter is always prepared.”
“Very good,” he chuckled proudly. “Now, we are going for Derek Hale. If anyone stands in our way… well, so be it. That’s Allison’s plan.”
“So be it,” (Y/N) chorused, swallowing the fear that threatened to strangle her. “I’m ready.”
“That’s good to hear.” Suddenly, the sound of electricity being killed filled the air. Gerard turned toward the pair of hunters and instructed them to start shooting the second the power inside turned off. They let their weapons run without caring who or what they were hitting, their one goal was intimidation and fear. "Shakespeare wrote that love is a smoke made with the fume of sighs. Let’s show them some love.”
At his instruction, the same hunters released gas bombs through the shattered windows, making it easier to conceal them as they walked inside. If innocent bystanders got hurt, then so be it. It was war, nothing else mattered.
“(Y/N) and I will walk in through the front first,” Henry said. “You three follow through the back. We have no idea who else is in there right now/”
“Okay,” Allison nodded. “Be careful.”
“Of course.”
“And Derek? He’s mine.”
The words made (Y/N)’s veins burn. Allison wasn’t there to defend anyone, or even coming in to save her own boyfriend and her friend. She was there for blood. (Y/N) could see it in her eyes.
She walked alongside her father as they snuck in through the dark back door, trying their best to keep silent, her hands extended before them as they cleared the area they walked through. Her chest heaved in anticipation, and nerves ran inside her like a rampage. There was no way to know what they were walking into, but she did know who she had to walk out with.
“You go get your friend,” her father whispered. “I’ll keep moving to the back exit to join them.”
“What if they figure you out, dad?”
“I’ve been doing this for far longer than you have,” he chuckled quietly. “You don’t have to worry about me, kid.” 
With a soft smile and a nod, they walked into the fog. As soon as they were out of view, (Y/N) took the front position, blinking away the sting from the smoke. “Derek?” she called out as quietly as she could. “Derek, where are you?”
Doors slammed shut and broke right after, glass and wood bursting through the ground, and all (Y/N) could hope was that none of it was masking the sound of anyone getting hurt. Well… at least not anyone she cared about.
“Derek,” she continued to call as she cleared the reception area and the front offices, trying her hardest to see through the darkness and the cloudiness. “Please, where are you?”
“Over here,” she finally heard him croak out. “I’m here.”
She followed the sound of his voice until she found him trying to lift his body with a chair. He struggled under his own weight as his limbs came back alive slowly, too slowly. “Oh god, Derek,” she said as she ran to help him up. “Your leg is bleeding.”
“I’m fine,” he groaned slightly. “Do you have a knife?”
“Excuse me?”
“I need you to stab me.”
“Are you crazy?!”
“I already triggered the healing process in my body,” he said. “I just need something to make it work faster.”
Without giving it much thought, (Y/N) slid to her ankle and pulled out her knife. “Where?” she asked before Derek pointed to his leg. “Please don’t hate me.”
She drew her arm back and punched the blade onto his thigh, her cut joining the five smaller ones he had created. A growl left his body as she pulled out the knife, his face transforming and his eyes glowing red. He breathed heavily as he steadied himself, swallowing the pain from the stab as feeling returned to the rest of his body.
“We need to get you out of here,” she said. “My family is here to kill you tonight.”
“I can’t,” he said. “I’ve gotta get to the holding cells. “There’s people that need help.”
“If Allison finds you, she’ll shoot to kill, Derek,” (Y/N) stated. “Her mom killed herself tonight, and she knows it’s because you bit her. Allison blames you for Victoria’s death.”
“I’m not leaving until they’re safe,” he retorted. “And your cousin is the least of my worries.”
“Fine,” the girl relented. She knew there was no fight to be won. The faster they rescued whoever else was in there, the faster they could go. “Lead the way.”
He took off in a fast walk down hallways and doors, keeping an arm behind him to shield (Y/N). “I’ll go for Jackson. You go for Matt,” he whispered. “Maybe we have a chance that way.”
“Jackson can’t paralyze me.”
“But he sure as hell can hurt you. Or…”
“Okay,” she stopped him. “I’ll try and get Matt.”
As they neared the cells, she could hear Scott’s mother begging for her son’s life, and all Matt could do was chastise her for not knowing what her son was. But his words soon died in his throat as Derek growled menacingly.
For a second, she believed she had him. With her gun outstretched in front of her, she walked tentatively toward Matt. His eyes flickered from side to side until, finally, they stopped beside him. Out of the darkness, the Kanima appeared and sank his claws into her arm, sending her flying against the wall. The air got knocked out of her lungs, and pain shot through her entire back.
Derek grabbed Jackson and slammed him on the desk, the distraction allowing Matt to escape. But not without (Y/N) shooting his right shoulder. Or maybe his arm. Her vision had been blurry, but she knew she had at least grazed him. The groan that had left his mouth told her so. But (Y/N) couldn’t dwell on him any longer, by the time she’d be able to work up the strength to run, he’d be long gone. What she could do was help the people in the room she was in.
Wolf and Kanima battled as they each fought for dominance, but Jackson was just too strong and too fast. His body was too close to the cell, and the girl knew she couldn’t risk shooting him. One wrong move, and she’d hit Melissa or the sheriff. All she could do was fight him head-on and hope for the best.
She slipped the knife out of her ankle once more and rushed Jackson from the back, digging the knife just below his ribs and pulling up. But all that did was anger him more. With extended claws, he slapped her across the face, sending her barreling to the ground once more. The sting from her arm didn’t even compare to the sting on her face and the bounce her head did off the ground. It was stupid to fight him hand-to-hand, but she had to at least try.
An angry growl escaped Derek as he got off the floor and saw (Y/N) holding her head. Without thinking, he ran toward Jackson, with all the intent of knocking him like he had done to her. But he used the bars of the cell to lift his body and kick Derek straight to the chest and across the room.
Suddenly, as the Kanima hissed in Melissa’s face, Scott appeared and stuck his claws into the creature's ribs and pulled him off the bars. After being unhanded, Jackson slithered out the door, possibly in search of his fleeing master.
Derek jumped over the desk that kept her from (Y/N) and helped her up before signaling to follow him. They ran through the halls, but if there was any sign of Jackson before, it was gone. “Fuck!” the man grumbled. “He’s gone.”
“I’m sorry,” she croaked. “I shouldn’t have gotten in the way. I…”
“Shh,” he interrupted.
“Derek, I…”
“There’s someone there.”
He pressed them flush against the wall, his arm draping protectively in front of her. They didn’t know who it was, but it wouldn’t take long to find out.
“What are you doing here?” Scott’s voice echoed down the hall. “It wasn’t supposed to be like this.”
“Trust me, I’m aware of that.”
Gerard. A gasp threatened to escape her mouth, and (Y/N) clamped her hands on top of her mouth to muffle any sound. The last thing she would have ever guessed was that Scott was working with her grandfather.
“I’ve done everything you asked for,” Scott continued. “I joined Derek’s pack, I’ve given you all the information that you wanted, I told you Matt was controlling Jackson…”
“And leave him to us,” Gerard interjected. He told Scott everything he wanted to hear but gave away just one crucial thing. He would be the one to handle Matt and Jackson. Not the hunters. Gerard. “Go!”
Scott ran past the pair, unaware they had heard everything. Derek’s face had fallen in shame, his entire demeanor dropping as he realized he’d been betrayed. But the defeat only lasted a second as his attention turned to (Y/N).
“Are you okay?” he asked as he looked her over. Blood dripped down her cheek and her arm, and some stained the hair on the back of her head. “You’re bleeding.”
“I’m fine,” she sighed. “I’m sorry. About all of this. I…”
“Not now, okay,” he said softly. “You need to get home. Clean those wounds up. Do you feel dizzy? Nauseous?”
“No, I feel fine,” (Y/N) grumbled. “Listen, Derek.”
“I need to get you home,” he continued, still interrupting everything she had to say. “You need to go.”
 “What’s going on, Derek? Is it about what Scott said? I mean…”
“No. I just…,” he sighed, but the words seemed to die in his throat as he tried to get them out. “Let’s just get you home. Did you come here on your bike?”
“Give me the keys,” Derek said, extending his hand. “I’ll drive you home and come get my car after. Are your parents there?”
“My dad’s here, and my mom’s waiting at my uncle's house.”
“Good. Let’s go.”
(Y/N) followed without much fight. Her body was filled with exhaustion, and she barely had the energy to walk to her bike. But she couldn’t help the dread that slipped into her as she clung to Derek’s waist. He wasn’t just saddened by Scott’s actions. There was a fear inside him that ran deeper than betrayal, and it scared her to think that it had anything to do with her.
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31 notes · View notes
guardsbian · 2 years
been flipping my art a Lot more recently (I did before, but didn't actively work in reverse as much) and. if anyone ever tells you "oh don't worry about flipping your art" do NOT listen to them. ABSOLUTELY flip your art. work in reverse. make things look good both ways. it literally does wonders and it's soooo good to flip your art and it still looks nice
6 notes · View notes
howifeltabouthim · 2 years
He didn't feel afraid at all anymore. Only furious—and glitteringly hopeful.
Katherine Arden, from Dark Waters
4 notes · View notes
i-wanna-hug · 6 months
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
fellas is it gay to um uhhh.. um.... uhh hhhhh ?????
12K notes · View notes
thetruejerrycan · 6 months
“This world is spinning around me The whole world is spinning without me and Every day sends future to past Every breath leaves me one less to my last”
0 notes
inkskinned · 7 months
hey btw if you're in the USA at  2:20 p.m. ET on Wednesday, Oct. 4, they're testing the emergency broadcast system. your phone is probably going to make a really loud noise, even if it's on silent. there's a backup date on the 11th if they need to postpone it.
if you're not in a safe situation and have an extra phone, you should turn that phone completely off beforehand.
additionally, if you're like me, and are easily startled; i recommend treating it like a party. have a countdown or something. be surrounded by your loved ones. take the actions you personally need to take to make yourself safe.
i have already seen mockery towards any person who feels nervous about this. for the record, it completely, completely valid to have "emergency broadcast sounds" be an anxiety trigger. do not let other people make fun of you for that. emergency sounds are legitimately engineered to make us take action; those of us with high levels of anxiety and/or neurodivergence are already pre-disposed to have a Bad Time. sometimes it is best to acknowledge that the situation will be triggering for some, and to prepare for that; rather than just saying "well that's stupid, it's just a test."
"loud scary sound time" isn't like, my favorite thing, but we can at least try to prevent some additional anxiety by preparing for it. maybe get yourself a cake? noise cancelling headphones? the new hozier album? whatever helps. love u, hope you're okay. we are gonna ride it out together.
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yinjiyang · 9 months
The shadows are falling, they're falling, they're falling around me I'm not afraid, not afraid
The wolves are closing, they're closing, they're closing in on me I'm not afraid, not afraid
Everything changes when the sun goes down...
0 notes