marveldcs · 1 year
cardio 25 min
leg extensions 4x15,10,8,6
barbell squats 4x10,8,6,3
lunges 3x8 EL
Kb front squat 3x10
calf raises 3x20
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somosriverplate · 1 year
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Quinta DIvisión - 1954
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demigods-posts · 1 month
the biggest thing thalia and percy have in common is not their being a child of the big three gods. but their unmatched adoration for annabeth chase. because listen. these two will fight each other any chance they get. but the second you speak ill on their girl. it's on sight.
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dadbodbensisko-moved · 6 months
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manuel31victor · 1 year
Las mujeres son menor fuertes y menos inteligentes que los hombres por naturaleza. Sino fueran inferiores no les harían caso a los hombres, porque no los admirarían.
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eve-was-framed · 9 months
you know what? normalize ruthlessly mocking men’s interests completely unprovoked the same way they’ve spent years mocking pumpkin spice lattes and pop music and animal crossing and the sims and every other completely harmless thing women often enjoy. I Love Revenge
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666appleschnappsfm · 2 months
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"A violin should be played with love, or not at all."
Considering how much diagetic music is integral to Hazbin, I just think it could be fun as hell for these two to learn different instruments/styles from one another! (And Luci would absolutely use 'coaching proper form' to put his claws all over Al and get up in his space)
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Hey I’ve been struggling with developing a character’s inferiority complex. Do you have any tips on ways to show not tell this?
How to write an inferiority complex
An inferiority complex can be described as a chronic low self-esteem, a consistent feeling of inadequacy.
a low status in the social hierarchy
specific aspects about themself (physical or something else) that are looked down upon in society
being talked down on a lot
a lack of parental acceptance
failing to live up to high expectations put upon them
not reaching a goal they decided on themself
How to show a character's inferiority complex:
People act differently with this diagnosis, sometimes also depending on the situation and the person they are with. Here are some ideas.
show them focussing on negative aspects a lot
not being able to see it when something did work out well for them
talking badly about themself
withdrawing from friends and family
not being able to take a compliment or criticism
demeaning other's as a way to make other's feel as bad as they do
trying to get attention and even pity
can be shown through perfectionism
and not being able to cope well if something does not fit into the standard they have
I hope this helps you out!
- Jana
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fanaticalthings · 1 year
I know Jason always calls Dick the "Golden child" and in comics tends to paint him as this unbeatable person in terms of morals/goodness in his head, which makes Jason feel inferior and not good enough..
but I think it'd be so fucking funny if instead of Jason thinking he'll never be as good as Dick, it's actually him just mocking his brother around others, because Jason 100% remembers Dick on multiple occasions offering his 12yo self weed while Bruce wasn't around, and he's the only sibling with the knowledge that Dick wasn't this "holier than thou, I make no mistakes and am perfect" child, which is why Jason keeps praising to the younger batfam members on how Dick is so perfect KNOWING that Dick was absolutely not that.
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cherryfull · 5 months
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To me she is THE tumblr it girl
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marveldcs · 2 months
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somosriverplate · 1 month
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buckleydiazmp4 · 11 months
no but the thing is. they KISSED. on screen. it was a real scene, not deleted, not removed from a script, it HAPPENED in front of the world's eyes. and AND the actors are normal about it and the whole cast and crew is normal about it and it's not vague and it's IMPORTANT. no matter the rest of it and what came after it, it happened!!
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barbiiebrat · 11 months
convince me you and your friends respect me and are feminists, then gradually turn me into the group’s free use fucktoy.
invite me over when you and all your friends are hanging out. it’s normal at first.  i get up to get a lemonade in the kitchen and 7 or 8 of the guys ask me to grab them a beer.  since i’m up.  so i take three trips to and from the kitchen, but that’s okay.  i was already up.  
one of the guys makes an off-handed comment about having me make him a sandwich, and i laugh it off uncomfortably until you’re all looking at me expectantly so i get up and go make a plate of sandwiches.  
i feel a little lightheaded as i make the food, so i’ll drink some more lemonade to stay hydrated.  i get back into the main room and brnig the snacks over.  in thanks, it seems like each of your friends brushes against me in some way.  my ass, my thighs, my tits.  god, there were a couple of guys who touched my tits to the point that i was no longer convinced it was an accident.  
all the while i’m getting more and more lightheaded so i keep drinking my lemonade. one guy pulls me down onto his lap, putting his attention on me instead of the game on tv, running his hands up and down my legs and into my skirt, up and down my top, groping my tits.  
god, what was in that lemonade? i feel so lightheaded as one of your friends dips his fingers into my underwear, where he finds me soaking wet.  another guy passes him a knife without even looking, and he cuts my panties off, full-on fingering me on the couch.  
soon enough, i have three cocks in my holes, two in my hands, and i’m covered in the piss and cum of the friends who saw me as an “equal”
make rules as time goes on. no underwear. no tops that conceal my nipples. no shorts with more than a half inch inseam and no skirts that cover my whole ass. i’m not allowed to wear shoes anymore. after all, where am i going other than between all of your houses?
from here on out, i don’t really talk to anybody outside of your friend group, and they seem to have forgotten what the word “no” means.  i love being “one of the boys”
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biological differences between men and women are inherently neutral. they do not indicate male superiority over female people. to suggest so is inherently sexist. to complain when female sports cater to female anatomy - such as the smaller balls in the wnba because women tend to have smaller hands - is what sexists do. they want women to be forced to prove ourselves according to standards designed for men because they want to see us fail. it is sexist to argue that women who wish to compete on their own terms are pronouncing themselves as inferior. nobody said that but you. because you’re a sexist that hates women
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creamybunnybullet · 3 months
Love when daddy and I are having a playful argument and he just comes over to me and pulls out my tits. He’ll start pulling and tugging, asking me if I like it. If this is my natural place. And I try to fight it sometimes because it’s so embarrassing to admit, but I always say yes. Because my place is underneath him, open to him, belonging to him.
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