#it got like a 26/30 and you need 25+ to get to state :]
navysealt4t · 1 month
hi blue :] hows it going ?
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OKG kitty next to the flowers :3 i’m doing good!! very bored in study hall (i should be working on my mini bang fic… but..…) also like mentally preparing myself for tomorrow bc i have to perform my solo at state and if it’s good enough i get to perform in a huge concert in the city!!! very nervous but very excited :3 how r u doing !!!!!
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soylent-crocodile · 2 months
Negator (Monster)
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(Phyrexian Negator by John Zeleznik)
CR16 NE Medium Aberration (Phyrexian)
(The negator is another iconic creature, although one whose card is simply not up to snuff nowadays- the balance of power has tipped so that its astronomical drawback is not worth the creature you get. Still, the obliterator is clearly a riff on it- and got its own, incredibly aesthetically boring riff later- and even then it's simply too fabulous a design not to use. Can you say "xenomorph"?
Lorewise, these explicitly saw most usage in the leadup to full invasion- perhaps, in a hypothetical Phyrexia campaign, this could be the final boss of the second act, before the REAL invasion force finally arrives.)
Negators are perfected assassins of Phyrexia, designed to eliminate key targets with compleat efficiency. They are singleminded in this pursuit- one infamous document stated simply "It exists to cease." Indeed, a negator's heart is terribly stilled- they are not known to experience any emotion but the satisfaction of a job well done and the desire to achieve so.
Negators, being stealth operatives and assassins, are rarely used once a full-scale invasion begins, although they are often deployed just in the leadup to it. Each negator is given all Phyrexia knows of its target, and is simply placed as close as Phyrexia can get it without garnering attention and sent to kill. Negators are surprisingly skilled at stealth and disguise, able to walk as a hunched figure through whatever streets it may need to to reach its target, and are surprisingly eloquent and skilled actors when they need to lie. Once it makes its kill, however, a negator rarely makes time for stealth. Such negators will begin a return to Phyrexia (such that they might possibly be reset, reprogrammed, and reused), but generally lack the precautions of one who has yet to make a kill. These assassinations are its purpose; it seems some higher part of it shuts off once it is done.
This wicked creature stands humanoid, with razor sharp claws and a smooth nubby head lined with tiny triangular teeth. Its body is dotted with glasslike hemispheres and wires arcing between body parts.
Misc- CR16 NE Medium Aberration (Phyrexian) HD24 Init:+11 Senses: Blindsight 120ft Perception: +26, Detect Magic, Detect Good Stats- Str:27(+8) Dex:33(+11) Con:20(+5) Int:30(+10) Wis:8(-1) Cha:24(+6) BAB:+18/+13/+8/+3 Space:5ft Reach:5ft Defense- HP:228(24d8+120) AC:30(+11 Dex, +4 Armor, +5 Natural) Fort:+14 Ref:+19 Will:+15 (+4 Racial bonus vs Emotion) CMD:47 Resist: Cold 20, Fire 20, Electricity 20 Immunity: Acid, Fear, Curse, Polymorph, Petrification, Death effects, Disease, Poison Weakness: Special Defenses: Evasion, Negative Energy Affinity, DR10/Adamantine, SR27, Uncanny Dodge, Mycosynth Flesh Offense- Bite +24(1d6+8), 2 Claw +25(2d6+8/19-20x2) or Negation +29(90ft ranged, 10d8 plus Negation) CMB:+26 Speed:40ft Special Attacks: Coronous Ambush, Sneak Attack +5d6 Feats- Iron Will, Multiattack, Power Attack (-5/+10), Dodge, Mobility, Spring Attack, Wind Stance, Vital Strike, Improved Vital Strike, Improved Iron Will, Quicken Spell-Like Ability (Bestow Curse), Weapon Focus (Claw) Skills- Acrobatics +38, Bluff +31, Climb +29, Disable Device +35, Disguise +31, Escape Artist +38, Knowledge (Arcana, Planes, Religion) +34, Knowledge (Dungeoneering)* +37, Linguistics +15, Perception +26, Sense Motive +23, Spellcraft +17, Stealth +38, Survival +26, Swim +29, Use Magic Device +31 Spell-like Abilities-  Detect Magic, Detect Good, Mage Armor, Deathwatch /constant Bestow Curse (DC19), Fog Cloud, Silence (DC18) /at-will Quickened Bestow Curse (DC19) 3/day Special Qualities- Compression Ecology- Environment- Any Languages- Necril, Draconic, Elven, Aklo, Abyssal, Infernal Organization- Solitary Treasure- Incidental Special Abilities- Coronous Ambush (Ex)- A negator’s erratic, jerky movements and mastery of anatomy give it the opening to strike at its enemies weakest points. A negator may make a sneak attack against any creature vulnerable to precision damage as long as it has moved at least 10ft since the end of its last turn. Negation (Su)- As a standard action, a negator can fire a beam of oblivion energy. This is a 90ft ranged attack that deals 10d8 untyped damage. Additionally, a negator may immediately make a dispel check as with the spell Greater Dispel Magic at +18 against all magical effects the target is under.
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cowboyjen68 · 1 year
Hi Jen, please forgive me if this sounds deranged. I understand if you don't reply, but I don't know any older women like me to go to for advice. Also, please disregard this if i forget to press anon (paranoid lol)
I never thought I wanted kids, my fiancé says she doesn't (sometimes she says things that make me think otherwise, but im going to say she doesn't because I have to take her at her word)
The thing is that recently it's been more and more in my head. Im in my early 30s so I don't know if it's a biological clock thing, I know I should say it to her but im not sure if I should either because I don't want to cause problems in our relationship, but also I don't even know if I understand how I feel about it (this is made worse by the fact that, while we live in the same city, we have temporarily had to live apart for financial reasons while saving for a mortgage)
The thing is, I feel like I'm starting to really want kids, which I know I should say to her
I feel like I only want kids with her if that makes sense? If I was with anyone else, I wouldn't want to
I'm not even sure if I actually want kids at all. It's more like (sorry if this is gross or anything). i have this increasing... need for want of a better word? To have with her what straight people have, I wish I could get pregnant by her somehow, I wish I could make a person who is made of me and of her, this makes me feel guilty and pained and confused (just to clarify this is not sexual confusion, I am and have always been exclusively same-sex attracted) I guess I just am at the point where I love her so much that I want something that I can't have, im not sure whether I actually want kids or whether it's some hormonal thing but (I know this sounds weird) i3 guess I wish I could express our love in that way? But I'm kind of in my feelings and confused about it, I dont know where to start or whether to tell her or what I would even say to her about it. Also most of my friends are either younger (wouldn't get it) or straight (and it would be humiliating to me to go to them over something that they could do without a second thought)
Anyway, i thought I'd come here because I know you have a lot more experience than me, and i was wondering what you would do in my position
I am one of those moms who never wanted kids. I am a realist and understood from a pretty young age that kids are a pain in the ass. They are expensive, a lifelong commitment, noisy, unpredictable and invasive. I was raised around nephews and nieces and younger cousins .I saw women my age get pregnant in high school. I grew up in the 80’s where half the “After School Specials” were about the hardships of teen pregnancy and a fair amount of books for teen girls and sitcoms aimed at my demographic featured young women having and raising unplanned kids. I very clearly saw the writing on the wall and wanted NO part of it. I wanted MY LIFE to be mine. 
     I have 5 kids all adopted from foster care and the truth is I didn’t want ANY Of them. I stated in my dating profile that kids were a deal breaker. I communicated over the course of my second relationship that kids were of negative interest to me and my life. My mind never changed and in all truth I just got tired of saying no and we became foster parents. MY ex loved the “IDEA” of being a parent but not the actual work. I understood this about her which was one reason I pushed back for years before giving in and agreeing. I know, based on my parents and my siblings I would be a decent mom, I just didn’t want to be. My kids are all grown except my 17 year old. They are 25, 25, 26 and 23. I have a pretty good relationship with them. My oldest daughter has a daughter who is 21 months. I am not a wonderful grandma. I work all the time and we live hours apart. I am focused on my life and home and future because for a 17 year marriage I neglected it. My kids all know I was a reluctant parent because we have a very open and honest relationship.
      Parenting with my ex was horrible. I worked two jobs, budgeted, did the majority of the homework, bedtime ritual, morning prep and house work and I spent years being exhausted. I partially stayed with her because until the final adoption we could not legally be married so I had NO legal right to the older 4 and was not about to abandon them to my wife. 
      I am telling you this background so you understand that I have a unique and possibly skewed perspective about parenting as a lesbian. It is totally normal to be unsure about wanting kids. I would say most straight people also go back and forth between the emotional idea of having kids as an extension of love and of a good use of their compatibility and partnership, to have and raise a happy, healthy child (ren) AND knowing the stress of money, unpredictable times, and the fact that, no matter how great parents are , kids are people and they very quickly for their own idea, personalities and who KNOWS what can happen given those facts. The difference is just that lesbians can’t accidentally become parents so we have to either overcome the fear and want the kids more than we don’t OR stay childless. Many great parents did not get there with careful planning, just one day they are thrust into the role and step up to the task. 
     My advice is to keep talking to your partner about your thoughts." I think I might want kids” is not the same and “WE MUST have kids or I won’t be happy”. Communicate your confusion and insecurities about it and also the good things you see about becoming parents.  I highly suggest volunteering for Big Brother Big Sisters, or even getting a foster care respite license. When you do respite you are essentially babysitting kids so adoptive and foster parents can get a break. These kids can be everything from charming and sweet to struggling with mental illness and trauma (which is why it requires training).. You can get a lot of fulfillment, experience and learning moments plus you are giving exhausted caretakers a break. Offer to babysit a friend's kids. See if the local Girl Scout needs volunteers, A lot of nature centers run kids summer programs or weekend programs like birthday parties and always need volunteers. Consider taking some childhood or first time parent classes. All of this is to give you a well rounded perspective of how kids can be, which is sometimes awful but very often wonderful and sweet and even when they are misbehaving you can feel joy in watching these tiny people learn and grow. 
You are correct about the idea of biological children vs adoption. They are not the same. I know a lot of people want to believe that they are exactly the same connection and bond but in my experience that is a lie people often tell themselves.  The fact is, parenting a child that is not biological does take a little more effort to bond and connect. Eventually it strengthens and can be wonderful but it is unique. Not better or worse, just different. My kids were all older, 4, 7, 8, 10, and 16 when they came into my life so they were already established in personality and habits and world view so it took time to align with each other. We are now all more like friends than a parent/child relationship but perhaps that just happens with age and maturity.  Adoption is by far cheaper with more available resources (through foster care) than using a sperm bank or asking a friend to donate so one of you can be pregnant but each couple needs to weigh what works for them. 
     I would suggest putting off major discussions until you can see each other but if not, do it over zoom or facetime so you can see each other’s expressions and have a nuanced conversation. I would not make any major purchases like a house until you are settled a bit and you both are at least on the same page with kids. That page might be neither of you are sure yet or that you both think it should wait until life is less up in the air to decide together. If you land solidly in the “i must have kids” camp and she says “NO”, you might have your answer. Then you must decide between letting go of the need for kids or moving on from the relationship. The worst thing you can do is push someone who is expressing that they don’t want kids into having kids. This is a bad deal. 
I know this is a lot. Kids are a big deal to both the relationship and to the kids who are brought into that relationship, no matter now that happens. I wish you the best and I hope, together, you can talk it out and get some clarity.
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angelichavenhasideas · 8 months
Age headcanons for the LU boys
So, for Gift Of Family I need to know all of the boys ages for when they're adopted and when the last of them is adopted. However, this meant that I had to figure out not only their age order but how close I could get the boys to their canonical ages as possible. So, I'm going to share with you my findings of not only how old I think each Link is in Jojo's comic but also how old I think they are in each of their games based on vibes, official nintendo art, Jojo's art, and Jojo's past QnA stuff. Let's begin.
Time is both the easiest and trickiest. To avoid the trickiness, I decided to ignore his mental age and just focused on his physical age.
For Ocarina of Time, I've put Time as 9/16. First of all, we know he's a kid, maybe the youngest of all the Links, though I doubt it. But most of my reasoning for putting Time at 9 when he starts his adventure is simply because, ever since I was a kid, I thought it was a canonical fact that Time was 9 when he left Kokiri Forest. I don't know where I got this information, I can't find any proof of this being true, but nostalgia is very good at her job and I haven't seen anything from Jojo disproving this fact. So Time starts OoT at 9 and travels seven years in the future, making him also 16 at the same time.
Majora's mask was much easier. I hadn't made Time age up from 9 to 10 during OoT and, when MM opens, Time is actively trying to hunt Navi down. So i don't believe Time can be any younger than 10 when he runs into the Skull Kid. In fact, I believe he is ten during the entirety of MM, seeing as it only takes three days and Time doesn't really look any different then he did in OoT except maybe a little bit more maturity in promotional art. So, Time is no younger then 10 but no older then 12.
During LU I'd bargain that Time is exactly 30 years old. Jojo has stated that not only is Time the physically oldest of the Chain but she's also stated that it's been around 20 years since the end of his last adventure. I took the 20 year limit literally and decided that it'd been exactly 20 years since MM ended. And since I figure that Time was 10 at the time, Time is now 30 years old. I can see an argument for both 29 and 31 but there's not much of an argument outside of that.
Canonically the comic's second oldest Link, Warriors is also one of the oldest heroes in his own game. Asuming that his only game inspiration is Hyrule Warriors, Definitive Edition not included, we can assume that Jojo's statement of Warriors being "about 6-7 years" out of his initial adventure is the only numbers we need.
We'll be basing Sky and Twi off of Warriors age scoring too but Warriors age actually came down to US military ages. While you can join the military at 16 (as far as I understand it) most people in training are 18 or older. While Hyrule is a fictional nation, we can assume that their age of maturity is either 17 or 18, seeing as BotW is very dependent on the Calamity arriving on Zelda's 17th birthday because she can only go to the Spring of Wisdom at the age of 17.
So with the numbers 17 and 18 to work with, my new moto was established. "When in doubt, go for the higher number." With this moto in mind, I decided that, as a recruit/trainee/whatever Warriors is at the beginning of his game, he's probably 18. And, with the idea that HW took around a year to finish, if not longer, then Warriors would end his adventure at 19.
So with Warriors at 19 by the end of his adventure, we can take Jojo's higher break number (BN for short), Warriors would have had 7 years between HW and LU. So one simple math problem later, I've figured out that the most likely age for Warriors to be is 26. I would have personally liked him to be a year older so he can be even closer to Time's age but he's more likely to be 25 than he is 27, so 26 it is.
The third oldest, this is the first big age gap of the Chain (not taking Time into account because there was always going to be a large gap for him). Now, despite how old he seems in TP, I don't actually think he reaches the age of maturity, which, for the context of the Chain in particular, we will not be counting as anything younger than 19 because of Jojo's words early on in LU's existence.
I don't believe it's Nintendo canon but when I was younger I'd heard somewhere that Twi's age was 16 and, later on, learned that he was more likely 17. So I decided that 17 was the number I would be going with. Twi's BN was 4-5 so I took the 5 and made 17 into 22. Therefore, Twilight is the easiest Link to figure out and sits as a young adult which, yes, contradicts some of Jojo's earlier statements but I've taken Jojo's latest QnA as gospel for most all of my headcanons and anything that contradicts that is free game to be thrown out the window. Besides, it's not all a contradiction for Twi because...
Sky was another big dictator for the Chain's ages as a whole for one big reason. Early on, Jojo had considered Sky and Twi to be of similar age but Twi was probably older because he acted more mature. So, for a long time, I just considered them being the same age but, after doing the math, I have come to realize that Jojo has a little more grounds in saying that Twi is not part of the young adult gang. Not a lot more ground, but still more.
My first clue to this was that Twi's BN was 4-5 while Sky's was 1-2. This seemed like a large problem but then I remembered that Sky is one of the oldest canonical Links, if not the oldest in canon games (not counting Wild in TotK, who is an actual adult).
My next clue for Sky's age was the Knight's Academy. Though I could have gone with military age like I did with Warriors, as Sky is a newly minted knight, I decided to go by the educational system. In the US, high school ends at 12th grade, which makes most every student 18/19 when they graduate. For the Knights Academy I compared it to your average boarding school with high school grades. So that would make Sky, at youngest, 18 at the start of his adventure. And, to stay with my moto, I decided he could age to be 19 during his adventure.
With Sky now at 19, we can now add two years to make 21. Not as old as I would like Sky to be, as I love thinking about Sky and Twi being twins, but it's a lot closer then I could have hoped for in any form of canon.
The Chain's perpetual middle child, he is both, very technically, the youngest and the oldest of the heroes depending on how you look at it and how you count his age. However, since we're going for physical age, it's actually easy to figure out Wild's age.
Though there's an argument for everything from Wild being 16 during BotW all the way to being around 20, I believe he's actually 18 when he wakes up in the shrine. This is for three reasons.
The first is that Wild can't get a noble pursuit, so at the very least he is not past the age of maturity.
The second reason is that he is allowed to go to the Spring of Wisdom with Zelda. While he doesn't go into the spring himself, I doubt he would have been allowed near it if he wasn't at least 17. We've seen that Zelda had other people to travel with when Link was unavailable, as seen whenever she's in Gerudo Town without enemies pursuing her. It's clear no one was expecting the Calamity to start on Zelda's birthday, so there wouldn't be an immediate need for Link to break tradition just to protect Zelda.
The third reason is that adults flirt with Link after he wakes up. This may seem strange to point out because flirty characters are in many Zelda game but in BotW it's almost like there are no weird connotations, it's just adults interacting with each other. Still suggestive but it's silly and relaxed in most cases instead of a gross joke or something to appeal to teen boys. This implies that Link is at least recognized as an adult. And since, in BotW, the age of maturity is 17 at the youngest, I went a year higher and decided Wild was probably 18, maybe being 19 by the end of his adventure.
With the added fact that LU starts a handful of months after BotW, Wild can be no younger than 19 in LU. However, as the moto goes, older is always better and, because I think BotW takes nearly two years for Wild to finish, I decided that Wild was more likely to be 20 by the beginning of LU.
The last of the young adult squad, this guy was a challenge to pin down. He's done so much and it's so tricky to just choose time periods for him, it was nearly impossible to decide where to start or end. However, to make things simpler, I decided that each adventure takes a year to complete and the next adventure will only start around a year later. the exception to this is me mixing OoS/OoA/LA together for one long year of crazy adventures.
First thing's first, let's start going backwards. Jojo says it's only been around a year since Legend's last adventure, which is where I took the 1 year BN rule from. So, with that in mind, I wanted to find a number that kept him as young as possible while still making him undeniably an adult in the LoZ canon. So, 19 was my ending number for his age in LU.
After that was ALBW. Subtracting one year, he would be 18 by the end of that. And because of all that goes on in the story and that fact Legend is still very close to Ravio, I decided they knew each other for at least a year during that adventure. That puts Legend at 17 when he first encounter's Yuga and Ravio.
Subtracting a year from that, we get LA and Legend is now at sweet 16. This was honestly a surprise because I thought for sure Legend would be too young at this point to feel genuine feelings of romantic love but when I did the math I got 16 and it finally made sense why Marin would have such a big impact on him. As a person who struggles to have an understanding of romance, 16 was when I started understanding why people got crushes in the first place. So this makes perfect sense to me and matches Jojo's Legend sketches from this time period, as well as Jojo's design of Marin.
Now subtracting a year, which I will explain in a moment, we have Legend at 15 for the Oracle games. This came as a relief to me because seeing Din and Nayru for the first time, I immediately thought they looked too old to be shipped with Link. However, this feels slightly less creepy, but only slightly. Now, I subtracted a year because I had lumped these games together, and combining that with the two ocean travel times, decided that the ocean trifecta games had probably passed his birthday before he ever got back to Hyrule. So Legend is 15 when he lands in one of the countries.
Subtracting a year, we're all the way to the beginning with Legend being 14 when he defeats Ganon for the first time. However, I wasn't satisfied with him starting at the age of 14. Despite Nintendo's official art having Legend look like a teen in ALttP promotional material, art for later games in his story have him looking vaguely, if not noticeably younger. So I decided to play it safe and hack off one more year from the poor guy, making him unlucky 13. I honestly thought he would be twelve but him landing on a notoriously unlucky number just felt right and, honestly, it felt like it was destiny. Legend probably hates the number 13 now.
Before you ask me where Triforce Heroes comes into this mess, please don't. Not only does that game have three Links, not just Legend, Jojo has confirmed that Legend is not one of the heroes from Triforce Heroes. So let that mess stay in it's own little corner of the universe. We can question it another day.
For Hyrule, I actually have a semi-canonical age to work with. I can't find the evidence anymore because I forgot where it was, but in AoL, Hyrule is 16 when he saves the sleeping Zelda. And with Jojo's confirmation that LU takes place around two years after his adventure ended, that makes Hyrule 18. Hyrule is the entire reason I have such a weird maturity line, because Jojo categorized him as a teen but he's more likely to be considered an adult in Hyrule by now. Whatever.
The tricky one is the original LoZ. In promotional art he looks significantly younger but there's no way to cross reference this with Jojo's work because all of her Hyrule art is from AoL and after, as far as I can tell. So I had to get creative.
The age I think of for most Links in the LoZ universe is 12. This is for a specific reason I won't get into (Wind) but essentially all of the Links look like kids and teenagers, especially the toon Links and the pixelated Links. So I debated putting him at twelve but, when comparing the official art to the 12 year olds in my life, I decided he looked slightly older and settled on him being 13.
Our next age gap, Four is a tricky one. He acts super mature and confident for his age but he's also super small for his age. So literally any age could be argued for him. In fact, I've seen arguments for everything from 12 to 30. So I had to start from the canon.
Jojo has stated that it's been two years since Four finished his last adventure. From this point forward, because Four knows who Ganon is, we'll be assuming that FSA is one of his adventures. So, assuming Four took one year between adventures, Four starts adventuring at 14. This is the oldest Four could be when he started his first adventure, not considering the times it took to complete his adventures and considering that out maturity age line is 19, Four being categorized as a teen with Hyrule and Wind.
Moving on with the number 14, I decided to start adding the adventure times. MC canonically takes a day, so that was out of the equation already. I don't know the canonical time progression of the FS games so I decided that they would each take half a year because they're rather short games. This now leaves our highest number at 13.
Now, unlike Legend, a one year break between games doesn't make sense for Four. He's more relaxed then Legend, with his confidence coming from him working on himself rather than from experience like Legend. So Four probably had a little more free time. So I added another year for each of our two free break periods. This now brings our biggest number down to 11.
Still, I wasn't satisfied. Four didn't strike me as being 18 when reading LU and he didn't strike me at 11 when studying MC's promo art. He looked younger. Much younger than any other Link, even considering the toon style and naturally short figure. So this was when I decided he was around Time's age when he started. But, to make things funny, I decided Four was 8 during MC.
Now with a starting age and two year BN rule established, my job became simple. Four would be 10 at the start of FS and, for the fun of it, I said he could celebrate his birthday halfway through, making him 11 by the end. Then, for FSA, Four would be 13 at the beginning of his journey. That leaves him at 15 by the time of LU. Maybe if we push he could be 16 but I'm not going to because I've already fudged his age enough for the hell of it.
Absolutely easiest of the bunch, we already have all of his canon ages. In WW and PH he's 12 years old, Nintendo certified and everything, seeing as WW happens on his 12th birthday. By the time of LU, Wind is canonically 13, going on 14. He is the last and smallest age gap for the chain but that just makes him even younger in all of their eyes. No wonder the chain tries to baby him. He's nearly a decade younger than Twi and nearly two decades younger than Time. Geez kid, slow your role! You don't need to keep defying the laws of the universe to show the other heroes how cool you are!
And that's the list. Honestly, I have more ages I could share, specifically the two Links we haven't met yet that I think I already know the identities of, including which hidden Link is which of the remaining Links in the timeline. But I'm not gonna do that because those two have little to nothing confirmed about them and trying to give you anyone else's ages without any Jojo support at all would have me pulling my hair out within seconds of researching. Therefore, this is where I end it until more information is available. Though I can tell you that Legend and Ravio are basically twins in all but blood and Malon is likely to be a year or two younger than Time because of her in game models in OoT. That's all I've really got though.
I hope you enjoyed this rant and have a lovely day!
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scuderiahoney · 5 days
1. in motion alex and lily ( and alex and lily in general) have to be roman empire cuz THEYRE LITERALLY SO CUTE I CANT
2. they called bunny first omg shut up.
3. have you watched red white and royal blue? cuz the 'osc' and the relived bunny is so alex and henry saying "alex" "baby" coded
4. oh i just know sebs gonna be kicking his feet and shit (figuratively) when he finds out about bunny and osc
5. rip bunny and lily you would love taylor swift
6. Oooh back story time.
7. "ive always got time for you" SCREAMING. CRYING.
8. well thats a traumatic backstory. Im sad now, and oscar's response??? Its not giving unwanted pity or sympathy and its not completely dismissive because she has "gotten over it", because you don't really get over that you know. And he's reassuring her not in a way that feels like pity but empathy
9. OSCAR PIASTRI HAS 3 BRAIN CELLS 1 is for his chosen sport, one is for his sense of humour, one is for emotional intelligence.
10. He's so real for the max comment 😭😭 reminds of that vid where max goes "my dad did that a mechanic once witha fork" and daniel just goes😃🧍wut
11. oscar encouraging bunny to try football (I can't use soccer for the LIFE of me lee im SORRY thats just not right) makes me so SOFTTTT
12. Lily and alex stop being couple goals challenge FAILED
13. i mean bunny its not really that hard figure it out unless you're max and lando (completely fuckin oblivious)
14. I have no clue how hockey works BUT AHHHH THEY WON AHHHH
15. one more game. One last data point. what if i cry huh? What then?
16. List of things to hold against lee 1) lando's plot line in motion 2) strawberry wine chap 3. 3) the CHARLES APOCALYPSE FIC (basically any angst cuz im a wittle baby)
17. Stairs why stairs huh what. OH HI OSCAR (its 2 am forgive me)
19. Carlos oscar beef persists in every universe (except in that one fic cait wrote.. but that was also sorta beefy with sexual tension)
20. MAX YOU BETTER GET YOUR ASS TO THE HAIR COLOUR AISLE AND BUY THAT BLUE DYE. Oscar is about to dye laughing (get it) his zendaya laugh when he finds this lore
21. DID NO ONE BET ON THEM? i was expecting a "you owe me a twenty" somewhere
22. Lando you stupid stupid fool,(yes sir id like this one for my self please)
23. "Eachother apparently" lee i love the way you write stories but i lOVE your dialogues even more 😭😭😭
24. Imagine oscar being like "charles. YOU NEED to switch seats with me." esp if he's sitting in the dead centre between max and lando
25. Honestly i totally get bunny cuz i was crying all over when out volleyball team one the state level and this is like NATIONALS
26. logan 😭😭
27. nooo max, pookie noo (this is me adding to this after monaco., it was indeed pookie no but osc podium charles win yay!)
28. jos verstappen couldn't be half the person max is.
29. Hey Mr. bartender? can i get two "your happiness is more important than some stupid trophy." With some extra unconditional love on top thanks.
30. lee a question why is max doing "sappy stuff later, we should celebrate", "angry on bunnys bf later, we should celebrate" . Like i get half of the reason but their seems something a lot more deeper than just wanting to celebrate hardwork and "last time" thing
31. Max and lando are so done w their bullshit (they only know a few hours) and charles is done w max and landos bs cuz he's known MUCH longer and HE ISNT COMPLAINING AS MUCH AS THEM
32. Bunny the mother hen ahhh
34. oh they remember the kiss, i thought they would be hungover enough to forget all the best osc bby
36. Long live carcar beef 🫶
DONT APOLOGIZE I LOVE YOU FOR THIS. my response got long so it’s under the read more:
1. Alex & Lily guest starring in every fic bc they are the blueprint
3. i have not but i did read the book & yeah. That’s the energy.
7. it’s all i want tbh why can’t i find a guy like the fictional ones i write
8 & 9. emotionally intelligent osc my beloved!!!
11. you should see the arguments cece and i have had while i was asking for help workshopping this fic. there’s a lot of *soccer *football. i still have not convinced her but in my defense they’re at an American uni they would call it soccer
16. i will NEVER escape the wrath of strawberry wine part 3 no matter how much fluff i write. still in @theemporium ‘s doghouse months later
17. oh hiiiiii osc!!
19. omg @leclerced ‘s carcar fic my beloved 😵‍💫 ty for the reminder i should rlly go reread it
20. Oscar just wakes up to blue haired bunny & nearly died of shock
21. tbh i just didn’t think of it but George and Alex definitely did!! they’ve had a running bet going since before spring break i feel like.
23. THANK YOUUUUU dialogue is so hard to get right so i am kicking my feet over this
24. 👀👀👀
27. biiiiiig mood
29. hi bartender me too pls
30. i think i get what you’re saying but it’s really not meant to be him avoiding it or anything- he just knows they have a flight home to bug Oscar and a few weeks left to be sad about things ending, and events that they’ll get to be sentimental at. but this is the only chance they have to be at a bar after they win the championship so he wants them to have fun!! (and then he himself gets sad but. he’s trying to make sure they all have a good time)
31. Charles is so so over it he’s caught them making out already, this is old news to him. max & lando are scandalized
34. poor oscar. godspeed dude.
35. supportive seb!!!
36. carcar beef always & forever
thank you SO much for reading & letting me know what you thought ily!!
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bratshaws · 2 years
goodness gracious 48. brb x oc
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a/n: glad to say im happier with this chapter :)
check out the fic's playlist made by the sweet @wiipes !!
pairing: plus size!oc x rooster
warnings: FLUFF, Bradley being horny but it's not smut is just a dab of suggestive really
(pls let me know if you want to be added to the taglist!!)
taglist: @mirandastuckinthe80s @roosterschanelslut @wiipes @lcahwriter @shrimping-for-all @gretagerwigsmuse @frenchtoastix
@lizzie-rdj @fanboyluvr @atarmychick007 @comebacktoearthpls
@peachiicherries @mak-32 @lizziespidiepridie @roosterswifey @ollyoxenfrees @piceous21 @sqrlgrl22 @hofficoffi @lexhalstead3 
@lorilane33 @legendarydreamersharkparty @luckyladycreator2 @emilybradshaw @j-6o @louisahale @leobabbyyy @kulicny @winter-run
“So,” he begins watching Beatrice place the ornaments on her tree, which wasn’t that big it barely reached his chest, “Your aunt Martha and your father are twins.” she nods, smiling, ripping a box of christmas balls open and turning the small tree around to expose the other side, “And they are the oldest.”
“Yes, then you get my uncle Roberto, then my uncle Elia, my aunt Yvette and my aunt Regina, who’s the Bitch Trio’s mother.” she scoffs, shaking her head, “And my mom has my aunts Fabrizzia, Fernanda, Maria and my uncles Luis and Marcelo. So both sides have a lot of siblings.”
Rooster arched his eyebrows with wonder, trying to figure out how the hell was her childhood like since she had so many aunts and uncles. He doesn’t know how the subject of her family showed up, maybe it was because she was talking about how Christmas was the time they’d all spend together. He knew some people had a lot of relatives, but honestly, he never met one until Beatrice. 
“That’s…a whole lot of people.” she nods while laughing, still arranging her ornaments and thanking him when he hands her another box, “Were they at the wedding? Your mother’s siblings I mean.”
“Some of them were.” Beatrice explains, “Some lived out of state and couldn’t come. They all know my paternal family from childhood, my parents grew up in the same street.” she smiles, adjusting herself on her knees so she’d get a higher branch “And my dad’s move, if you want to call it that, was during a basketball game against the girls from the neighborhood was to steal the ball from my mom’s hand. They started dating soon after.” 
Bradley smiles seeing how her voice softened when speaking about her parents, he knows the feeling, he does get the same way talking about his own, “That’s really sweet.” he doesn’t know much about how his parents met, he didn’t ask his mother especially since it’d bring back painful memories, but Mav always said it was very sweet no matter what. So he accepted that instead of questioning her about it. “And they’ve been together ever since.”
“They have. I mean, they are both sixty-five so…” she counts on her fingers, muttering the numbers to herself, “Forty-eight years? If you count the time they started dating.” 
“That’s a long time.”
“It is, my dad always said he knew they’d get married.” she smiles, shrugging her shoulders, “I always thought it was very romantic.” but before she could complete her sentence, she winced in pain, one of her hands touching her womb with a frown, “Ah, damn it.”
Rooster straightened immediately, “What’s wrong? Everything okay?”
“Yeah,I’m on my period.” she groaned, slowly pushing herself to her feet so she could walk to the kitchen, “My period cramps can be really strong sometimes. I’ll be fine, it’s just a matter of getting something warm.” 
Ah, that explains why she was so tired yesterday when he came over and just fell asleep the second they got back from the Hard Deck. Bradley followed her into the kitchen, frowning when she just held her middle and pressed her forehead on the sink’s cool countertop, “What do you need? I can get it for you.”
“No,no, it’s okay.” she says quickly, “I can do it.”
But he wasn’t convinced, he just stepped closer to her, “Bea,” she groaned again, biting her lower lip, “Maybe you should lie down, I can make you some tea or whatever is it you need.” his girlfriend makes an annoyed noise “How bad is it?”
“It’s like a baby t-rex chewing my insides, Rooster.” her tone was a bit snappy, but he knew she wasn’t mad at him, she then whimpered, turning her body towards him and hugging his middle to which he reciprocated with his arms around her shoulders, “Having a uterus really sucks.” he chuffed out a soft laugh, biting his lip when she glowered up at him with her eyebrows low and lips furled down into a scowl, “Don’t laugh at my demise.”
He held his hands up defensively, “Sorry, sorry, you are right. I shouldn’t do that.” he then leaned down to pick her up by the back of her legs, which immediately wrapped around his waist and her arms around his neck, Beatrice sighing in relief when he did, “You okay?”
“You are very warm.” comes her muffled voice from his shoulder, pressing herself even tighter against him, “It helps.” well, if it helped he already knew what to do. He took the two of them to her living room and settled onto the couch, still holding her in his arms. Jolene’s sleeping form peeks one eye open when she feels movement in her favored furniture, but relaxes when she sees it’s her two favorite humans who sat down.
He wasn’t the type of guy who wouldn’t understand how painful these things are. His mother raised him to know, respect and understand what a period was. Rooster grew up knowing more than half the guys of his class just because his mother made sure it was something everyone should know. He knew some women had stronger flows to the point they had to go to the hospital, but he wasn’t sure if that was Beatrice’s case, she just seemed to be in a lot of pain but not enough that it was dangerous.
And if he could be her own heating pad, he wasn’t complaining.
Every now and again she’d moan out a soft complaint and hold herself closer to him, curling onto a ball against his chest as the cramps pulsated through her body but then she’d relax and sigh heavily, warming his skin when she did so. Bradley just kissed the top of her head, rubbed her lower back in slow circles knowing it could be helpful “That’s nice.” she mutters, turning her head to look at him from his shoulder.
He smiles, facing her with his hand still moving, “Good, I’m trying my best.” He says, “Is it helping?” she pauses a minute to think, her face scrunching in pain briefly but she nods, “Do you need me to do anything else?” 
“No, just stay here.” she murmurs,tucking her arms between his chest and hers, breathing in his cologne deeply and easing out the breath through her lips “That’s good enough.”
“You sure?”
“Roos, I can’t really understand what you are asking me because I’m trying not to die. So please just, just stay there.”
Bradley couldn’t help the soft chuckle that made its way past his lips, but he kept his hands on her either way. He doesn’t know how long they stay there, just sitting on the couch listening to the sounds from outside and Jolene’s quiet breathing next to them. But Beatrice eventually relaxed completely, rubbing her face with both hands and breathing hard against her palms, dragging them down her face so her eyes could blink up at him, bleary and a bit unfocused.
His brown eyes soften once they meet gazes, tucking a few strands of brown hair behind her ear, “Hey, gorgeous.” she smiles sweetly, leaning into his palm when he cups her cheek, “How are you feeling?”
“I’m better, thank you.” comes her quiet reply as she gives him an apologetic look, “I’m sorry for snapping at you.” it wasn’t even that bad, he thought, but she thought she probably hurt his feelings by lashing out because of the pain.
“Bea, it’s okay. You are in pain and you don’t know how to deal with it.” he shrugs, “So you have some anger because of it. That’s fine?” she makes a quiet noise, furrowing her eyebrows with a look that clearly meant if he was really sure. Bradley tsks, leaning his lower back deeper into the couch and unwrapping her legs from his waist so she could sit sideways on his lap, “It’s fine, Bea. I promise, you didn’t hurt my feelings.”
Beatrice chews her lower lip, dropping her temple on his collarbone as she sighs, “Okay…if you are sure.”
“I’m more than sure.” he chuckles, kissing the top of her head, “You’d need to do a lot more for me to get upset at you. This isn’t something you plan, baby. You can’t plan when it’ll hurt a lot to the point you’ll get too angry and will tell someone to fuck off.” Beatrice giggles gently when he says it, making his chest swell with relief “So, you don’t have to worry. Okay?”
“Okay…” she replies, pressing her cheek to his collarbones, smiling sweetly as she plays with the buttons of his Hawaiian shirt, “You are so understanding.” she comments casually, “Not a lot of guys are.”
He purses his lips, rubbing his thumb on the outer side of her denim covered thigh,” Well, not a lot of guys were raised with a mom like mine.” he laughs, “She set me up for what I’d encounter when I got older, so, “ he finishes his explanation with a shrug, “It’s easier to understand.”
Beatrice looks up at him with hearts in her eyes, her cheeks reddening with a little smile forming over her lips as she stares at his face, not being able to contain how her chest warmed up whenever he spoke. How the hell did she get so lucky? Beatrice leans up to kiss his chin, right on top of the tiny scars he had there, making her way up to his lips, humming happily when they touched, “I still appreciate it.” she says sweetly, “It means a lot to me.”
He knew what she meant, he knew that the reason why she appreciated it so much was because she had a shitty ex who wouldn’t help her out. She never voiced it, but he knew - especially considering what he managed to find out about him- what that piece of shit had done to her before. 
Speaking of which, he also explained to Shells that the red truck had nothing to do with Eric. She was very surprised and confused, as he was when he found out about it, but said that even if it wasn’t related to Eric it was still weird he was trying to win Beatrice over. Of course she used a more colorful language when referring to his antics, repeating she wanted to beat him up and that it was part of their deal.
He hoped that Eric wouldn't show up for a while,Damon said he’d be in the Bahamas or whatever was that he left, as long as he stayed away from Beatrice he’d be fine with it. 
He helped her finish decorating her house, always close to her in case she felt too much pain or just needed a pause. He actually had a lot of fun and since he was taller than she was he could reach areas she had issues with, like above her doors and the windows on the loft.
Beatrice’s soft gasp and clasped hands as she looked around made his heart flutter with affection, she looked so happy, the complete opposite from a few minutes ago and even if she was in pain she didn’t seem to care, “Gosh, it looks!! So good Roos!” she claps her hands excitedly, “Oh I’m so, so happy! Thank you for helping me!”
Bradley just smiles, approaching her from behind to hug her waist, kissing her cheekbone with a soft smack “Anytime, gorgeous. I’m happy I could help.” she’s gently touching her Christmas tree, watching the transparent ornament with the rooster inside move after she nudged it. She leans into his embrace when he drops his chin to her shoulder, moving some hair out of the way so he could kiss her lavender scented neck.
“You did more than you know.” she smiles, turning her head to meet his lips halfway, pulling back when he tries to deepen it, stepping away from his grasp so she could walk back to the kitchen, “Stop looking at my ass.” she calls without turning back, but her boyfriend indeed was looking without any remorse.
“It’s not my fault it’s so nice.” he tries to explain, leaning on the kitchen’s door frame with his hands in his pockets, biting his lower lip with his eyes following her movements around the kitchen, “And just out there for me to look.” Beatrice’s eyes narrow in his direction but her smile is still present as she warms water in her electric kettle, grabbing a tea bag from the cabinet. 
Beatrice shakes her head amusedly, smiling more when his arms return around her waist and he watches with interest as she prepares her tea, “You are terrible.” she says softly, “But I guess that’s why I love you.”
He grins, pressing a kiss to the side of her head, then another to her cheek, “I thought it was because of my breathtaking good looks.” oh he’d never let that live down would he? Beatrice laughs quietly, trying to ignore him the best she could but he was never one to be easily ignored, no matter what, “Or was it something else?”
“I think…I don’t know,” she shrugs, “You are really handsome, and musically talented…but I don’t know, I really liked how you were with your friends I guess. I really liked your smile the first time I saw it.” Beatrice’s cheeks return to it’s usual crimson color as she remembers the scene of him showing up and hugging Payback with a laugh leaving his lips, “And I don’t know, everything else that came after…I really like your hands too.”
“My hands?” she nods, grabbing the said limbs from around her to hold them up, running her fingers on the back of his hands, following the tendons until it reached his wrists. 
“They are very nice.” she says, still drawing random lines on his skin, “And I l-like how um…” she placed her hand on top of his, the size comparison was enough to make her whole body shudder “H-How….. big…..they are.” she said the word so silently he almost didn’t hear her. But he did and he couldn’t help the smirk forming over his lips.
The said big hands returned to her waist, following the tapered part down the flare of her hips, squeezing the meaty part there enough to make her squeak, “Do you?” Beatrice nods mutely, chewing her lower lip with her face red, “That’s news to me.” but he wasn’t mad about it, not at all, this new information could be very useful in the future even more than it already was. The brunette just busies herself in pouring the hot water inside her mug instead of her boyfriend’s known teasing nature. “What else is it that you like about me? I’m so curious now.”
Bea scoffs with a grin, rolling her eyes, “You already know I like everything else about you.”
“Yes, but be specific.” he smiles, “If you could.”
She looks towards him over her shoulder, squinting her eyes playfully at his boyish smirk and amused face, sighing in defeat, “Well…I like your eyes too. And…your neck.” her green irises drop to the column of his throat that was never hidden from her hungry eyes “I really like your neck.”
He was reminded of their first time when she bit his trapezius, the perfect indentations of her teeth were deep on his skin. Clearly not enough to break it, but the bruise stayed there for a good month before it disappeared for real and God it was such a nice souvenir to have when he was gone. Bradley makes a sound deep in his throat, pressing little kisses to her jawline, “Hmm, yeah,I remember it.” he chuckles, nosing the curve of her neck “Anythin’ else? I’m all ears.”
“You are a menace no matter where I look at ,Bradley.” she giggles softly, earning a laugh from him as well and another series of quick kisses to her jawline.
“Do you want to know what’s my favorite part about you?”
“My ass?”
“That too, but,” he taps her ass cheek gently, “I really love your eyes.” The said eyes turn to look at him, long thick lashes fluttering when she blinks, “Yeah, “he whistles low, “Look at those emeralds.” Beatrice gasps out a laugh, repeating the word as if she couldn’t believe it, her cheeks turning into a deeper shade of red than before. “I meant it when I said all you had to do was look at me and I was a goner.”
Beatrice’s gaze mellowed when he spoke, her heart fluttering with butterflies like always, “...yeah I remember.” she whispers, thumbing her mug’s ring over and over as she looks down at her tea, “No one…ever called them that, you know? Emeralds. They always said they were pretty or…” she shrugs “I don’t know it’s…it’s really nice to hear.”
Bradley’s smile softens and he hugs her closer to his chest, closing his eyes as he buries his nose on her neck, “I have a lot of these saved, just for you gorgeous.” he mutters against her skin. He meant that too, if he could tell her all the compliments he had saved up for her he’d never stop talking. Beatrice was sweet, so incredibly sweet and it hurt him to know she hasn’t been complimented or shown that sort of affection before, he knows sometimes she feels awkward when receiving them, her blush is stronger and she tries to play it off but she needs to hear how truthfully beautiful she is.
He waits for her to take a sip from her tea then set the mug back down, “Alright, now.” he picks her up bridal style without warning, making Bea squeak out a yelp of surprise, holding herself up by hugging his neck, “Grab your mug,” he leans close enough for her to get it while still smiling, “And we are going to watch some more Drag Race, how’s that?”
“Sounds perfect.”
Beatrice was surprised when she saw Evelyn’s tall frame walking inside the Hard Deck, casually, hands in her jacket’s pockets as she strolled in with her face in a neutral mask, “Ev?” the other woman smiles, lifting her hand in a greeting, “Well, that’s a surprise! What are you doing here?”
Evelyn settles herself on the stool in front of the bar with a soft sigh, then interlaces her fingers on the bartop, “Was in the neighborhood.” she says, giving Penny a nod as a greeting. Beatrice stares at her while she’s wiping a glass, then back to where Rooster and the others were sitting, Jake hasn’t noticed her yet - if he did he played it off really well.
“Yeah?” the brunette smiles, grabbing a water bottle for her friend who immediately opened it to take a sip,”It’s just you’ve been coming…a lot, you know? Shells told me you’ve showed up…um a lot more than you usually would, which was…never.” her friend just sipped her water in response, not answering. Beatrice could see it, even if Evelyn didn’t, that the sudden interest of her coming to the Hard Deck had anything to do with the atmosphere or how she was ‘in the neighborhood’ as she said.
It was all about Jake and herself. And Beatrice’s romantic little heart couldn’t handle how happy she was for her friend. She hoped really hard that whatever this thing with Jake that was currently being developed worked, because he really seems to like her and Evelyn, even in her cool façade, seemed to like him too even if it was a little bit.
“Actually, there’s a reason I came here.” Evelyn says when Shells approaches the bar top, setting the tray down so Beatrice could place the glasses, “We wanna go to the Shootout tomorrow.”
Shootout was a paintball arena close to Northride and one of their favorite pastimes during the weekends if the volleyball practices weren’t available. It was probably the wildes, craziest fun any of them had together, not to mention that the Shootdown was close to The Den so that meant they’d always leave and have a snack before going back to the dorms.
And they would be open until nine pm during weekends.
“Oh, I’m in!”Shells says with a huge smile, bouncing on the spot, “Are you kidding me? How long has it been since we went to Shootout?”
“They were expanding the arena during our final year,” Beatrice adds, “It seems super fun.Is everyone going?” Evelyn nods and Bea looks back at Shells with a little smile, “I’m in too. I’ll just have to talk to Roos about it.”
Shells looks back at the officers, jutting her thumb in their direction, “They could join us,” she suggests, ‘Hey the more the fucking merrier, right? Plus it’ll be amazing to have so many people in a team.”
Beatrice hasn’t considered it, but thinking about it it really seems like a cool idea, she turned her head towards Evelyn to check her reaction and her friend just seemed…neutral. No anger nor surprise, just a neutral cool façade as she took in the news and then she nodded. Wow, she must really be liking Jake because she wouldn’t say yes otherwise. Bea bites her lower lip, letting Shells know she’d tell them she had to take their drinks there anyway.
Once she walks out from behind the bar, Rooster immediately perks up, “Hi,” he coos as she walks past him, his body leaning closer as he holds on the pool cue, trying to follow her with his head, “Aren’t you a sight to sore eyes?”
Beatrice just gives him an eyeroll before giving everyone else their drinks, completely ignoring his antics the best she could, “Evelyn is here,” Jake’s head immediately turned to the bar counter where she was, sipping her water and talking to Penny, “She invited us to go to the Shootout, are any of you interested?”
It was Fanboy who answered, his eyes widening, “Wait, the paintball arena?!” Beatrice nods, smiling at the pilot’s enthusiasm, “I’ve always wanted to go there!” Soon enough it’s a cacophony of supportive answers and positive reactions, they all were game to join. Beatrice sent Shells a smile and a nod, to which the blonde pumped her fist in the air with triumph.
“I’ll let you guys know what time we plan on going,” she says grinning, “It’ll be a lot of fun.”
When the brunette turned to Bradley, who was still looking at her with his eyes low and mouth curved into a little smirk, putting the cue away to follow her back to the bar, “Those pants should be illegal.” she hears him say, quiet enough that only they could hear and Beatrice rolls her eyes again, setting the tray down the bar top.
“If they were that means I’d never wear them again, is that what you want?” she asks casually, but seeing how he just dropped his eyes down the length of her legs she already got her answer. She chuckles, walking around the bar as Rooster sits down in the usual stool he always chose when he wanted to be closer to Beatrice, Shells and Evelyn talking not too far from them.
“So, when were you going to tell me,” he begins, leaning on a hand, “That you liked paintball?”
Beatrice laughs, fixing the bun on top of her head with a shrug, “Oh,I don’t know, I guess it slipped my mind, you know?” he hums, not believing, “I mean, it’ll be fun, we all will have a lot of fun there. And then we can go to The Den, you guys will love it there. It’s the food joint I told you about, it’s right in front of our college.”
Bradley arches his eyebrows, “Really? I didn’t know that.” he was curious now, he had only seen her college’s colors at the game, and the obvious hyena mascot, but he had never seen the actual college itself. Plus, Beatrice seemed very excited, why wouldn’t he be excited too, “So…” he looks around the bar conspicuously, leaning on his forearms, “Shall we make another prize ticket, gorgeous? I could be wrong but I don’t think you’ve used yours yet.”
His girlfriend stilled momentarily but she bit back her smile the best she could, “I’m saving it up.” she explains with a shrug, “Plus what if I win again? Would it be fair to have two tickets in my power?”
He chuckles, dragging his eyes down her body with a soft whistle leaving his lips, “Maybe I’ll win this time.” he says, shrugging, “Make it a bit interesting you know?...but I won’t use it now, I know you are,” he makes a gesture with his hands, referring to her obvious cramps “But I can save it up, just like you are.”
Beatrice’s eyes soften and her smile widens, “You are too sweet, thank you Roos.” he smiles back, his cheeks flushing just the tiniest bit,”But…I’ll think about it, you know? We'll see how it goes tomorrow.” she explains while filling a glass and handing it to Penny who walks out from behind the counter leaving her and Shells to take care of it.
He leans on a fist, following Beatrice with his eyes as she moves about, “It’s just because I still have that idea,” he taps his temple, “Deep within you know? Can’t get it out of my head…I can give you a hint if you’d like, maybe it’ll make you think that winning isn’t that important–”
“Bradley Bradshaw,” she says quietly, feigning offense, “You will not bribe me with whatever it is you are planning, we’ll have to do this the old way, following the rules.”
Evelyn and Shells watch the scene from the other side of the bar, smiling at the interaction with the blonde shaking her head, “God, they are disgusting.” she chuckles, “...but she looks so happy.”
“She does.” Evelyn smiles, her eyes traveling from the couple to a known Texan pilot who was already looking her way, which makes the black haired woman snatch her eyes back in a panic. But Shells sees it and she just smirks down at her.
“You know, you can come up with a lot of excuses as to why you are suddenly interested in coming to this Navy bar,” Shells begins, grabbing another water bottle for Evelyn, “But I know that you know that I know, that it’s because of Hangman.”
Evelyn freezes up, her brown eyes narrowing menacingly towards her friend who looked like the cat who just ate the canary. She parts her lips but nothing comes out, which makes Shells look so infuriatingly pleased that Evelyn feels even more annoyed, “I don’t know what you mean.”
“Oh, come on Simpson, admit it,” she grins, leaning on a fist, “You like him.” Evelyn’s eyes widened again, panic returning as she stares up at the blonde woman, the hold on the water bottle so tight the plastic creaks under her grasp, “Or better yet, let’s make it interesting…we’ll both be in the same team tomorrow but the first one that reaches twenty hit points against the opposite team gets to snatch an answer from the other.”
“What would I even know about you?” Evelyn asks, narrowing her eyes when Shells shrugs.
“I don’t know, I have some skeletons in my closet that not even my aunt knows about.” she holds out her hand wiggling her fingers, “Come on Simpson, is that fear in your eyes? Huh?” Evelyn looks from her hand to her face, jaw moving as she considers it before she sighs heavily and clasps it tightly, holding it for a few seconds then letting it go.
“Deal.” Evelyn mutters, “Best of three rounds?”
Shells smirk only widens, “Best of three.”
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s0ulsniper · 1 year
Requests !!
For all of my fanfictions all of these I state can be requested.
- one piece (live action characters until I finish the anime)
- spiderverse (literally anyone)
- deathgasm
- metal lords
- Scream (any except for 5&6, will add when I've watched them Ó⁠╭⁠╮⁠Ò)
- The umbrella academy (+cast)
- Marvel (most characters to an extent.)
-Wednesday (+cast, characters mostly only the students.)
-TMNT (please tell me which version)
-Avatar the last Airbender
-Albert aretz (Flamingo)
-Criminal minds (maybe cast also, depends on who.)
-Haikyuu (almost everyone.)
-Guns n roses, Metallica, Megadeth.
-Your boyfriend / girlfriend / crush.
-Death note (almost everyone)
-Moon knight (+Oscar Issac if just saying marvel wasn't enough to so specify) 
-Arcane (almost everyone)
-Hunter x hunter
-Cobra Kai (modern and old.)
Please tell me if there are people you would like but you don't see on the list ! I'm sure I was stupid and forgot a couple, but I'll try to get everyone.
If you would like me to add any more prompts, please comment.
‼️ You do not need to use the prompts to request! But please at least give a brief description of what you want. ‼️
1.) "I will never stop protecting you"
2.) "It's so hard to sit here close to you and not kiss you."
3.) "I can braid your hair for you- I mean only if you want to."
4.) "Dance with me, please?"
5.) "How mad would you be if I kissed you right now?"
6.) "You are worth waiting for. So when you're ready, I'll be here."
7.)"I promised I'd love you forever, and that is a promise I intend to keep."
8.)"If there was anybody meant for me, it's you."
9.) "Close your eyes and hold out your hands."
10.) "Did you just tell the person I was gonna go out with that were dating?"
11.) "You got me breakfast?" "Well you said you always forgot to eat before work so I thought I'd make sure you ate something."
12.) "No no– it's alright, come here."
13.) "What? Does that feel good?"
14.) "Nope, I'm not letting you go. It's too early to get out of bed."
15.) "Your hair is so soft…"
16.) "C'mere, you can sit on my lap until I'm done working."
17.) "It's too cold ! Come back !"
18.) "I'm not going to stop poking you until you give me some attention."
19.) "Shh, you're safe. I won't ever let you go."
20.) "Just pretend to be my date."
21.) "I think I'm in love with you and I'm terrified."
22.) "It's not a double date, we're just third and fourth-wheeling."
23.) "Close the door."
24.) "You're never going to let that go, are you?"
25.) "Watch me."
26.) "We could get arrested for this."
27.) "Why are you helping me?"
28.) "I thought you were dead."
29.) "If I could, I would kiss away all your scars."
30.)"Mmm. You're warm."
31.) "I think I might be falling in love with you."
32.) "You're so cute when you're half asleep like this."
33.) "Shh… it was just a bad dream. None of it was real, I'm here with you."
34.) "No, you can't get up! You're my prisoner for today."
35.) "It's not bad to cry, in fact I think that makes the person stronger."
36.) "Touch them, and you're dead."
37.) "Put the knife down, I'm not going to hurt you."
38.)"We're not alone."
39.) "Keep your eyes closed and don't make a sound."
40.) "How many times have I told you already? Sit still !"
41.) "Is that my shirt?"
42.) "Is that a drawing of me?"
43.) "Quick, kiss me!"
44.) "They're not you."
45.) "You look better in my clothes than I do."
46.) "You sure you wanna do this?"
47.) "We can take things slow."
48.) "I'm gonna remember this for a while."
49.) "You're doing so good."
50.) "Do you wanna make out?"
51.) "Teach me how to do it."
58 notes · View notes
justplainwhump · 5 months
Just A Fling: Distraction
Because @wildfaewhump has amazing (hot!) characters and Dany just can't keep her hands to herself, here's another spicy AU. In which my Dany and Vic's Peyton have had nothing bad happen to them and are successful rich kids working in their parent's companies. They also happen to have insane chemistry.
[Just A Fling Masterlist]
(Don't worry though, there's plenty whump on the horizon. Peyton isn't exactly a nice guy.)
(This is technically aligned with the "Everything and Nothing" AU of Vic, focusing on Valerian as Peyton's spouse)
Content: (Very) Spicy flirting. A lot of innuendo.
Night has long fallen, and Dany leans back in the leather chair of the hotel bar, staring at the city lights far below. Young Leaders in Management, the conference is called, and it's an honor to be there; chances are a bunch of them will be in next year's "30 under 30" list of top managers. It's hard to truly believe in it, when most of them work for companies that have their parents' name.
People like Peyton Montgomery, 29, CFO of Montgomery Capital. Charlene Lennox, 26, CFO of Baxter, Lennox and partners. Orville Roscoe, 25, whose grandmother put the R in WRU. And herself, Danielle Hammond, 29, COO of the Hammond Group.
Charlene had invited her to dinner over their joint venture building up a freight airline; and as always she'd been a strenuous and utterly un-fun conversation partner, leaving Dany in desperate need of a drink after their meeting had finally ended.
A drink, and a distraction.
She pulls out her phone with a sigh, scrolling down to find the respective apps.
"What are you doing?", Kate asks, suddenly alert. Shes been half asleep before, and Dany almost feels the pang of a bad conscience. Kate is second shift of her security detail, but that still means she's been working all night.
"Bumble." Dany turns her screen for Kate to see. "I need a fuck."
"Dany," Kate groans. "Please, give me a break. You know how hard it is to vet random strangers on the internet? For all I know, any of the men in that app could be a serial killer."
"Well, what else do you suggest?"
"Look at what's right in front of you. How about..." She makes a vague gesture. "Peyton Montgomery? He's sitting at the bar and he checked your ass out twice in the last five minutes alone."
Dany glances over her shoulder through the dim light of the half empty bar, easily spotting Peyton's dark curls. He's sitting at the bar. Alone, it seems - a state that seems entirely wrong for him. At home during any social events, he's the heart of the party; him, his spouse and their elitist circle of old-money friends. She'd never felt any need to belong.
"Pretty sure your line of arguments is flawed," she notes. "Rich boys can be serial killers, too, you know."
"At least I can be sure that he isn't in it for your money." Kate shrugged and pushed her glass of water from one side of the table to the other. "Plus, he lives in the same hotel. Neither of us has to get out in the cold."
Dany sighs and looks at him again. She's attended a panel with him, earlier today, 'Cost cutting by Process Automation'. Arrogant, spoilt, pumped with the casual confidence of those who always got whatever they wanted. He's also got a pretty smile, dry humour, and a way with numbers. And she really likes the way his shirt emphasises his shoulders.
Maybe it's worth a shot.
His head goes up to the mirror over the bar and he smirks, acknowledging her stare. Slowly, not breaking eye contact, he raises his glass to his lips and takes a small sip.
Just for that smirk, she'd swipe him right in any app.
She breaks their eye contact and looks back at Kate, half defeated. "I'll talk to him."
Kate grins and raps her knuckles on the table. "Good luck."
"Dany Hammond." Peyton smiles as she steps up next to him. "Really enjoyed that debate with you today. You're up late."
"Thanks. Right back at you. Still not over your cost efficiency argumentation, though. These numbers are obviously -" She bites her lip and shakes her head. Focus. She's here to find something else entirely. "Well you're right with one thing. It's too late to talk business."
"It is." He tilts his head at the empty bar stool next to him. "Let me buy you a drink?"
Dany raises an eyebrow, stepping back to look him down slowly. His shoulders and arms under that expensive shirt look even better up close. He really is her type. "Depends on what your intentions are with that."
He chuckles and returns the favour, taking her in head to toe. "Well... I could certainly come up with some ideas for my... intentions." Peyton glances over her shoulder and raises his glass towards Kate. "I guess it all depends on what your bodyguard back there will let me do to you."
"Ah." Dany clicks her tongue in fake disappointment. "Wrong answer, rich boy."
"Oh?" He narrows his eyes, a hint of a challenge sparking in them. "Depends on what... you'll let me do to you?"
She takes a sip of her drink and tilts her head. "Better."
He's not moving for a moment, simply assessing her, and she wonders if Kate's been wrong.
"Let's say..." He begins, and something to his tone makes a warm shiver run down her spine already. His eyes are firmly on hers now, very carefully observing any reaction. "Let's assume my intentions were to fuck you over every horizontal surface of my suite?"
Dany's heart is racing with anticipation. "Hmmm." Her lip twitches into a smirk. "Then I guess you should order these drinks to go."
Peyton snaps his fingers and signals the bartender without taking his gaze off of her. "You should just know, Dany," He gives her an almost boyish grin, as the bartender scurries back to pick up a bottle. "I was prepared to properly seduce you. I'd have given you the whole nine yards. The words, the smiles, the body language, the touches. People tend to admire my effortless charm."
Dany slides from her chair, their bodies almost touching, but just not, close enough to feel the heat radiating from each other. "Oh I don't have a doubt you're a good actor", she admits, and reaches out, fingertips resting on his chest. "But haven't we found on in that debate that we both rather share a passion for..." She leans in, acutely aware of how her hair falls over his shoulder, how her breath must feel on the skin of his neck. "... efficacy."
He moves faster than she expected, his hand on her hip spinning her around, and then she's pinned between his body and the bar, and it's his mouth that is on her neck, his teeth grazing over her skin.
From the corner of her eye, she sees Kate jump to her feet.
Peyton chuckles, holds out his hand, and a cold bottle of champagne is handed to him.
"Make sure your bodyguard knows not to disturb us," he murmurs into her hair. "We're going to be making a lot of noise."
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shy-bee · 2 months
saiko family
notes - to keep track
father Sumio 39 <- stepfather
previous husband Ura (went missing)
mother Tsukasa 45
2 daughter Mikan 24 (works as a nurse)
2 son Ryuta 17
^poured food on Sumio’s face
^probably into something pervert (prediction had before 20:20)
3 daughter Rie 16
^beats up Sumio
4 daughter Remon 13
4 son Dan 12
5 daughter Sumomo 6 (Sumio’s)
5 son Raichi 5 (Sumio’s)
(prediction at 10:28 the new husband killed the first husband and forced his way into the family)
(prediction at 13:28 the not-husband-husband does something creepy behind close doors that it creeps the children out but they can’t say. the mother can’t say any since she needs his help to pay for the kids)
1 son Gouki 23
(prediction at 15:04 something sus is up with the 1st son. maybe possessed, is the ‘real’ man of the house that the younger ones look up to)
???? Ringo
^maybe the oldest sister? she’s ‘missing’
1 daughter Ringo 25
^left hole after graduating from high school to go to university
^found work in Tokyo (3 years ago)
^stop contact 6 months ago
^she was against the marriage
^maybe works at a brothel (22:26)
(prediction at 22:56 Sumio probably did something to the oldest daughter so she runs away from home to get away from him, traumatised. he -Sumio- gets caught on a ‘dirty’ site and pretends it’s a lead on the oldest daughter)
(24:50 i don’t want to watch this 😭😭😭 this is so weird!! why would you book a from, at a brothel house, with your supposed daughter??? that’s so wrong, if you where worried try contacting the place or wait until her shift is over and try to talk to her!! don’t book an appointment!! 🤢🤢🤢!!!!)
(26:02 this is so awkward i wanna die, what the hell 🤢)
(prediction at 33:16 is he going g to slowly ‘kill’ off the other kids until is only his two kids?)
(prediction at 35:24 he hurt the 2nd son you be able to get the 1st daughter back)
^got scammed into the industry
(prediction at 38:58 he’ll kill the boyfriend to bring her home?)
(40:46 i hope they expect her!! QAQ!!)
(41:41 please give her a hug!!! QAQ)
(43:56 …… no surprised)
(46:48 .. somethings fishy..)
(prediction at 46:50 i don’t think the mother wanted the marriage, maybe she agreed because or the film crew… she doesn’t seem happy, or he told her to shut up and stop talking)
(46:51 … or am i being too harsh on him. sure going to a brothel to see you step daughter is weird, very weird, but maybe he’s a good person….? we’ll see)
(48:54 not cookie… oh gosh, don’t say that infront of the kids, when they’re eating!! 😭)
(49:49 reminds me of that case where everyone was scared/revered the oldest daughter and they turned a blind eye to her madness and even put lotion in her even after she died)
(50:30 not the children crying 😭😭😭😭!! what a background noise to see hands gently caring for the planets!)
(52:14 aren’t you over spraying that plant?)
(54:14 did his tell his wife that? was he hoping the 3rd to leave? you just got back the eldest why ask is they want to leave?)
(prediction 54:56 the 3rd daughter is possessed)
(prediction at 55:22 or the oldest son?)
(prediction at 55:38 maybe something bad happens every year? like a once a year curse? but the children brought up a ghost so i don’t know what specifically it is)
3rd Son with first husband Tuakaharu (don’t know if i spelt that right) died at the age 9 (in 2001, don’t know when this is set but was made published on youtube in 2015 so give or take a year)
(57:16 oh sh!t i think it is something once a year!)
2001 - son dies
2002 - husband goes missing
???? - Ringo being tricked
???? - Gouki’s mental state
???? - Rie’s hostility/domestic violence
???? - Remon’s (?) bike accident
^one year the cat dies
Present - Ryuta’s fall from roof
(01:01:32 maybe the photo he wanted was the ‘ghost’ photo? he seems to be more down on the ground about that’s possible)
(01:01:46 oh!! maybe the head injury ‘cleared’ his head so he can think more clearly?)
(01:02:24 a g-g-g-ga-ghost! hahahaha… sorry)
(01:02:28 hopefully we can see the photo, or the spooky of the ‘unknown’ is scarier. allowing us to imagine what scary thing is shown in the image, because everyone has different tolerances to different things)
(01:02:40 never-mind 😭 spoke too soon!)
(01:02:46 pffftttt! hahahahaha, hahahahahahahahaha!!! thanks to that zoom hahhahaha i thought it was a normal photo pffft so thanks! hahahaha)
(01:03:00 oh lord she’s become a ghost hunter hahaha! with that look maybe she’s the one behind it! hahaha! her voice suits the lazy fill of how this documentary would’ve been made if it where a real one!
… i fill a bit bad. i keep pausing to type, it’s probably keeping from getting sucked into the story! sorry! but i’m going to continue doing this!)
(01:03:08 burn the photo?)
(01:93:14 hahahhaahahahHahahHhHhhaahahah a omfg hahahahahahaha)
(01:04:48 a nice homely vide it wraps you up in a nice warm blanket!)
(01:05:44 hehehe sneaky cameraman!)
(01:06:18 👀☕️)
(01:07:08 it is nice to see that the children are more happy! but i have a feeling Rie is about to rock the boat. maybe the older siblings have a plan or something to mess with the new dad?)
(01:07:30 … what a waste of food. and i was right)
(01:08:02 i feel like i shouldn’t be watching this…
since it’s real acting though these fight seems are a bit funny looking since the kicks/punches look weak but the father is good at acting hurt)
(01:08:37 EYH!! oh my… that one he definitely didn’t actually touch her, but still bloody hell!)
(01:09:12 …pfft… sorry i just can’t help but think about the cameraman standing up close a personal at this scene through his camera lens being like ‘good sh!t’ while his face stays in moved)
(01:09:22 …hmmm oof line… i’ll keep watching but i do think this father isn’t as innocent as he seems)
(01:09:44 …. now i feel bad QAQ)
(01:11:00 how much do you how much do you bet that she’s gone missing just poped out from existence like the father?)
(01:11:18 maybe call the police or something?)
(01:12:28 don’t push her of the bridge! don’t! i see you! don’t you dare!)
(01:012:40 i was about to say you don’t need to apologise… but they both should really, neither are really in the right here.)
(01:13:18 wow “you are… Nothing.” wow! i should get that tattooed one me pffft)
(01:14:09 what does this mean?)
(01:14:30 (?) good question)
(01:16:22 awh 😭😭😭)
(01:17:50 i guess she needed the slap of reality? there is still 20 minutes so i’m uneasy)
(01:18:14 MISS!!! it’s not you place! it’s bad enough you’ve filmed all of this, don’t poke your nose into who’s calling who father!!)
(01:19:04 with what money??? you can afford a house but a nice van for a camping trip??
what are you kidnapping them???)
(01:19:22 oh my! that sure was a jump-scare!! was not expecting to see him outside of that room!)
(01:19:30 … wait why does he has his bat with him? does it bring him comfort after facing a traumatic experience so he brings it around with him to feel safe? i don’t know… i feel uneasy again, sorry big brother!)
(01:20:07 so cute!!! heart is melting!!!)
(01:20:28 eh! put both poles in before you bend it! you’re making it harder for yourselves!!)
(01:21:56 omfg lady!! don’t ask such a question! they are two different people, two different fathers! they’d be different so don’t compare them! ehy!
before she asked that though it’s nice to see the children except him! they have seen him put his foot down, so i can see how that gave them some reassurance!)
(01:22:20 awh her smile!! QAQ!!! so precious!)
…. that poor gosh!! 🤢😭 sorry had to skip that
(01:23:24 awh..! to have them all day that T^T i’m not crying you are!)
(01:23:42 pfffft hahahaha then it just pans to her awkwardly/creepily watching from a distance… ha…
maybe she should had a series where she stays with a family for a month and buy the end of the month they are all sawn together with her magic hands)
hehehe!! ✨fire✨
(01:24:08 are they really a family? i feel after all this they’ll be close together and have a bond no? a bit like the weasley family. to act like a family for so long you’d have an emotional connection to them so maybe the joy they’re showing is real?)
tbh i thought the announcement was going to be another child lmao
(01:24:24 maybe the oldest son did have something happen, the way he’s acting makes me think maybe he has something, not in like a mean/bad way.
it nice that he’s being included into the family’s things now :D)
(01:24:55 protect the fire from the rain QAQ)
(01:25:33 i wonder if they planned the weather)
(01:26:15 oh gosh 😭😭😭😭 so precious)
(01:26:27 why am i waving goodbye?)
(01:27:40 what’s going on??)
(01:27:55 oooo that neat! to have the ‘open door’ button on the floor, stops the germs from getting in the hands!
but what about escapees who scroll on the floor and people with no legs/in a wheelchair)
(01:28:30 …. that sight brings back memories)
(01:29:24 … sus … did he push her down so he could get her and her husbands life insurance?)
(01:31:26 maybe that was the ghosts plan, to now keep sending you to the hospital to make you stay in the house. the injuries becoming -worse?- so it’s gets more power and causes you to stay longer and it continues)
(01:31:51 ah! the eldest boy! eating with the family! very proud!)
(01:33:02 awh he’s also out there with the father!
i’m just worried the reason why i watched this was because another youtube video said that there was horror, or something like that and to watch it before the video, maybe i missed something in all this.. if so, oof!)
(01:33:19 pffft nothing to the actor, her dead eyes as selling this… well
01:33:22-24 i guess you could say there is warmth her looking at a family endearingly)
(01:33:28 the deadpan voice- so i’ve tried not to talk about it much- pffft-)
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keef-a-corn · 1 year
Dat’s right, People, it’s time for ‘Keef watches TFP and you just get the notes!’
This is for season 1, episode 23: One Shall Fall
Please reblog or comment on this with your thoughts! I really want to know what your opinion of the episode was!
I write down the timestamps, but I watch Transformers Prime on Stan (an Australian streaming service) so they may be slightly off.
ALSO! I try my best to note points for every character, but tend to get a little caught up by Bee (although I think I do a pretty good job with the notes regardless) so do be warned.
Some of the notes for One Shall Fall was formed from an incredible fanfic I’ve read (I’ll link it at the bottom! I HIGHLY RECOMMEND READING IT IF YOU LOVE BEE.) so if you think I‘ve gone insane, and a little off track, you're probably right.
00:03 - does ‘One Shall Fall’ really started with ‘and it was written in the covenant of Primus’? It’s very jarring.
00:11 - perpetual: never ending or changing.
Culminate: reach a climax or point of highest development. [or: reach or be at the meridian.]
00:27 - why is this shot so pretty?
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00:38 - The angle of the shot makes Optimus look like a child trying to hid behind a blanket.
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00:42 - they were in sync.
00:54 - so why not mention it a little earlier?
01:13 - *throws to Optimus fans* FEAST!
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01:34 - My dude has perfect timing.
01:43 - Knockout has a growth mindset.
01:57 - he must constantly be seeing the future then, huh?
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03:03 - It’s funny to see that every other post give so much more context and whoever uploaded this was just like ‘location, date and time, literally anything else? Nah.. who needs that!’ + Bee can’t even hide when in a alt form.
03:12 - amazing how he can see that far and from that angle.
03:25 - wow! It changed the text and everything!
03:31 - he looks so insecure ;0;
03:37 - Best interaction to ever exist.
03:40 - as was established by the statement ‘Prime’s don’t party’.
03:44 - foreshadowing.
03:49 - the way he specifically looks at Arcee like she’s made that claim before.
03:53 - Foreshadowing. + Optimus shaking his hips slightly while Ratchet talks about him is highly amusing.
04:09 - a little bicth. Got it.
04:11 - Yes. That’s true. No one said he was. Ratchet said Optimus used to be like Jack.
04:16 - My captions said ‘Meg’ instead of MECH
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04:25 - Soundwave, the sneaky lil’ con.
04:38 - Not the captions saying ‘Cap’ instead of ‘Cat’
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04:30 - No need for the description. They all know what Soundwave looks like.
04:36 - Raf looks like their child.
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04:40 - what is the purpose of the ‘Top Secret’ part?
04:51 - Knockout bowing and Soundwave, in the same shot? It must be Christmas.
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04:55 - ‘What Soundwave said—‘ that’s just cruel wording.
05:11 - she is so short
05:15 - this short was brought to you by ✨fade transition✨
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05:16 - Collecting all the scenery shots.
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05:35 - Damn, Prime getting tense.
06:05 - the shot makes them look like they’re throwing lightsabers.
07:09 - ain’t Megatron lucky that was Bee.
07:12 - how does he have such bad aim?
07:24 - let us be clear.. that is horrifying.
07:42 - that looked cool
07:53 - Someone was a theatre kid.
08:00 - folly: lack of good sense
08:02 - Fruition: the realization or fulfilment of a plan or project. + A stressed Optimus as a walking Thesaurus.
08:13 - I think Megatron needs to reevaluate who is true enemy is. Optimus or Bumblebee? Because I think, at this moment, he’s got more reason to want Bee dead than Optimus.
08:21 - O0O
08:23 - She’s calling out to get a response from him, but it also looks like she’s just stating who it is.
08:32 - Megatron admits he was trying to kill Bee but failed. How the frag do you fail like that then try to seem so smug? Although ‘and’ implies that he did inflict harm onto Bumblebee. Honestly, wouldn’t even be surprised if this episode was secretly going to have plot B involve Bumblebee actually having gotten hurt, but it was scrapped.
08:35 - that rattling sound was a very good choice.
08:37 - WHY NOT THOUGH?? What is the harm in letting Bee try to kill Megatron? + that’s the way a dog acts when you’re trying to stop them from barking.
08:44 - Bee was still fighting against Bulkhead, how could he not have gotten free? Granted, there isn’t much experience to go off with how strong Bee is when he’s angry, but it would be a safe assumption that Bulkhead’s weak grip on Bee’s shoulder’s would’ve been ineffective in restraining him.
08:47 - Doesn’t Optimus say if someone’s been hurt?
08:57 - no, why did they give Bumblebee the same personality as my dogs? He forgot to be angry for a second, before turning around
08:59 - Arcee looks like a mother.
09:00 - As Arcee pushes Bee to turn around, you can see that he’s eyes go back to normal and he’s looking all innocent.
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09:01 - but then he quickly arches his eyes rows. His angry, but he’s not gonna murder anyone.
09:02 - then she puts her hand on his back and right before they fade out, he’s leaning forward, most likely to check Raf. (It happens too quickly for any screenshots)
09:39 - why would Bee have come up from beside Arcee?
09:41 - ‘into’ implies that it’s in a seperate room.
09:46 - How did they do that so quickly?
10:08 - Oh cheez… Ratchet, you needed that-
10:09 - as soon as Ratchet started freaking out is when Bee expressed being upset.
10:10 - to note is that Bee curled up his hand, which is what Optimus does whenever he’s not totally calm.
10:17 - Was about to point out that Ratchet just called Raf weak, until I realised that it’s what Megatron was doing. Megatron deemed Bumblebee the weakest of the autobots, which is why he attacked him, but wasn’t bothered by Bee not having suffered because he still harmed someone weaker therefore still fulfilling the prophecy.
10:46 - heavily animated Megatron.
10:55 - his eyes do be purple… and lined up correctly.
11:20 - they’ve become aware.
11:27 - I’m embarrassed to say I thought that was a transformer at first.
11:35 - I mean.. maybe??
11:39 - How would June intend to stabilise him if she doesn’t know the severity of it.
11:56 - this would be a more effective speak if we haven’t seen her act super recklessly in honour of Tailgate and Cliff.
12:01 - AIN’T THAT RICH! + Seriously though, whatever he had said was probably a threat and he punched a wall, expressing emotions when they become overwhelming is a way to manage emotions and keep them in check. It was better he yell and do repairable damage than suppress it and let it build up over time until it becomes too overwhelming and he hurts someone.
12:37 - Ya know, Ratchet could’ve used that free time to check on Bee. May have given him a hint to work out what they could do to help Raf, or, at least, have kept both of them occupied for a bit.
12:39 - damn.. not the Cybertronian Pride.
12:46 - because he didn’t actually need to. As much as they’re taking care of the children, outside of surface level health (like getting cuts/scratches), the health of the children is not the bots’ responsibilities.
12:48 - Optimus said two lines and totally obliterated Arcee’s trash calming down speech.
12:51 - Ratchet acting all calm while Bee’s at the back having a breakdown so intense that he needs to squat.
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13:07 - one of the best deliveries ever.
13:13 - For all purposes Optimus could be talking about literally any other thing Megatron has chosen to do. However, I chose to believe that he’s specifically talking about going after Bumblebee./hj
13:22 - Thesaurus Prime.
13:34 - woo!
13:54 - His willing to spare those willing to be spared.
14:03 - I think there’s a volcano.
14:05 - heh, it farted
14:10 - translation: I dreamt about that!
14:46 - the way he said ‘Soundwave’ more relaxed and twinge of boredom is hilarious.
15:11 - How does she not understand that he is saying the doctors cannot help him?!
15:15 - …………..
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If that's true, then why wouldn't he have suspected that it wasn't energon when Bee was showing no signs of being affected by an energon blast.
15:23 - I refuse to believe that Bee wouldn’t have been affected by the dark Energon too. There is no way that Megatron would have a type of energon and use it to fight the Autobots if it does not hurt them. Megatron would have had no reason to believe that Bumblebee was hurt if he knew that dark Energon had no effect on bots. The plot hole that is Bee not being affected by the energon could’ve been avoided had Bee pulled over, let Raf out, then Megatron attack, completely missing Bee, but hitting Raf.
15:49 - GOT ‘EMMM
15:52 -it’s the intro
16:17 -that’s a metaphor for Optimus fighting Megatron.
16:18 - that looks so dumb.
16:50 - Megatron’s trying to get into Optimus’s head.
16:56 - wise words, Prime. + If I had a dollar for every time a bot didn’t fall victim to the decepticon trick, I’d have two dollars. It’s not a lot and shockingly so.
17:04 - Because Optimus isn’t exactly winning, Raf is dying.
17:07 - Mmm but like how isn’t Bee’s energon tainted? Don’t they have energon to spare?
17:08 - He looked worried until he looked at Ratchet. Bee’s emotional restraint comes from Ratchet in this episode.
19:33 -that’s what ya gotta leave your monologue for after the stab.
19:41 - she’s moving so much.
19:43 - Bee’s oblivious to the conversation and I love that.
19:46 - Ratchet’s heavily animated too.
20:05 - he broke the sword, tf dude??
20:07 - Didn’t even realise that he stabbed Optimus with apart of the sword.
21:20 - the prophecy shot!
So that was One Shall Fall.
It’s a good episode, don’t get me wrong, but that plot hole in the B plot is annoying and makes no sense. If normal energon hurts a bot, dark energon would too. As I said, they should’ve had Raf already out of the car, then Megatron misses Bumblebee, but hits Raf. Instead he hit Bumblebee directly. No way could the energon have gone directly to Raf and not have effected Bee. (This is the fox I mentioned: Not The Only One by Princess Loveless)
As for the A plot, it certainly carries the episode and is a lot more action packed. Towards the end it became more seperate to the B plot, but contrasts a fair bit, so they feel like two different episodes, rather than just the one with a distinct A and B plot.
Honestly I dunno if I’d watch it in a select binge. In a general binge? Absolutely!
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yourlocalpurplekinnie · 9 months
How long did it take Cody to recover from getting mauled by a bear?
Okay so Cody gets mailed by the bear in episode 9 and the next time we see him in episode 22 he’s completely fine. There’s no signs of scarring or anything.
(This is my 4th hour on this and I’m just writing up all my thoughts so far)
First I tried to watch the episodes (very very quickly so I skipped ahead on ones I knew how much time has passed because in them they didn’t really go over multiple days except basic straining.
However, Chris says at the start that every 3 days they would have to participate in a challenge.
I used that logic and got no where because I tried to find out the amount of it was from ep9-ep22 and I ended up getting 7 weeks which is the total amount of time from ep1-ep22 so I fucked up somewhere- I think it might have something to do with my assuming that 3 days passes in between each challenge which couldn’t have happen if we are talking ep9-ep22.
I know for certain 7 weeks had passed from the first episode to the 22nd because Chris spefically states it in that episode so that helped me narrow that down.
There’s 22 episodes since then so all I did was 49/22 which I got 2.2272723 which I rounded it down to 2 days for simplicity.
And then we have the first 9 episodes where I believe it’s been 18 days if I use the same logic.
Then, I do 49-18=31 so it would be 31 days right?
I don’t think so. I believe it would be even a little less than that.
Cody says this:
“After I got my body cast off and the stitches removed I started to realise this place is pretty sweet” - episode 22 - 3:52-3:57
This stuck out to me for some reason. Im not sure why but I decided I needed to research the average temperature it was around 2007 in Canada at that time and how long it takes to get a sunburn in that time (as Cody was shown with one). I also needed to know how long it should take before you suntan after you got your stitches removed.
Sun can actually cause scarring to occur and for you to get burns easier when it comes to stitches. It can make them more visible and darker so it’s recommended to wait 3-9 months before doing so.
Like I said before I’m assuming it’s only been a month since this has happened.
For him to be able to have a tan, have no scars, and not have to have his body cast or anything on him would have to be a miracle.
Also from what I researched to be able to have redness and pain from a sunburn it would need to be around 25-35 minutes (I believe so anyways) in 30 degrees Celsius.
And it would be around 25-30 degrees for them since it’s summer and all that (I believe so anyways (I was talking about this with some people and the person I brought this part up to got this information for me)).
The bear would probably be around 400 pounds because Owen mentions that his is 296 pounds and the bear is a decent amount larger than him.
We also know that it’s a grizzly bear because the same kind of looking bear is shown in the first merge episode where Eva and Izzy came back episode 15 “no pain, no game”. Leshawna was on the rolling log against it and it’s mentioned it’s a grizzly bear.
The average weight for male grizzly bears is between 400-600 (so there’s a possibility that it weighed anywhere between that) and a female grizzly bear weighs around 250-350. I assume that it’s a male grizzly bear due to the size.
They have a bite that’s able to crush a bowling ball of a human skull without any trouble.
There is a chance for him to survive if he plays dead but he wouldn’t be able to without a lot of injuries (shown by the amount of casts he had gotten) which would take a long time to heal even with a very fast healing time.
Ultimately, I think it took him a little over 3 weeks to heal (probably around 26 days?? So he is able to experience Playa De Losers a little while as well).
All this is just a lot of assuming and approximation but this was just my thought process.
My guy must be an alien with his recovery time.
In the end, it’s a cartoon so of course he’s gonna have a quick recovery time but I thought it would be fun to try and find out how long it took and everything.
I spent literal hours rewatching some episodes and researching about topics to try and make it so I know the amount of time it would take and how little sense it does have to be real life consequences of it happening.
I spent 5 hours on this time to sleep /j
(I didn’t reread this so sorry if I repeated anything or didn’t go into enough detail or have misspelling or sentences that don’t make sense :3)
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zoeykallus · 2 years
Crosshair – My Beloved Enemy 37 – Blowing Off Steam
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Crosshair x Female!Reader (FF)
Everyone is tense, you are not out of the woods yet _____________
Warnings: Violence / Fight /Hurt / Angst
What Happened Before:
Part 1 - Crash Landing
Part 2 - Hot And Cold
Part 3 - Hello Kitten
Part 4 - Look Who’s Back
Part 5 - Rebel Darling
Part 6 - Burning Anger
Part 7 - Love And Pain
Part 8 - A Difficult Reunion
Part 9 - The Bitter Taste Of Blood And Failure
Part 10 - Where The Dead Ships Dwell
Part 11 - A Lonely Firefly In Space
Part 12 - Broken Wings
Part 13 - A Helping Hand
Part 14 - The Justifier
Part 15 - The Bounty
Part 16 - Trapped
Part 17 - I Love You Too
Part 18 - When The Past Catches Up With Us
Part 19 - I’ve Never Been Good At Goodbyes
Part 20 - Unexpected
Part 21 - The Question
Part 22 - Sleepless Nights
Part 23 - Sleepyheads And Making Up
Part 24 - Crosshair’s Conclusion
Part 25 - Good Soldiers Follow Orders
Part 26 - I’m Sorry Kitten
Part 27 - Bracca
Part 28 -Rampart
Part 29 - It’s All Tactics
Part 30 - CT 6116
Part 31 - Of Wolves And Sheep
Part 32 - Dying Hope
Part 33 - Hero Of The Day
Part 34 - When The Wolf Eats The Sheep
Part 35 - The Shepherd
Part 36 - The Toll It Takes
Part 37 - Blowing Off Steam
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You showered longer than usual for a good while, trying to catch your breath and get the tension out of your muscles. You felt awful, not only tired, but exhausted. You hurt all over, mostly because of Wolffe, but you knew it wasn't his fault. You weren't mad at him, not at all, but the pain was there and somehow the shock of the whole situation was still deep in your bones.
You had to keep reminding yourself that you had all escaped together. Everyone except Kix and at that thought tears began to flow again. You had to breathe deeply several times, wash your face again after the shower and cool it down to fight the redness, then you started to get dressed.
However, you suddenly heard commotion outside the refresher. That sounded like a real fight. Suspecting the worst, you burst out of the refresher in your underwear and saw that Wolffe and Crosshair had gotten into each other. They hit each other, repeatedly ramming into objects or the hull of the ship. The rest got out of the way. Hunter stood to one side, looking serious and tired, keeping an eye on things but not interfering.
You quickly scurried back into the bathroom to put on the rest, at least a pair of pants and a shirt, and came out again.
"That's enough!" you raised your voice.
Of course, the two didn't really listen, they were too busy attacking each other.
Wolffe let go of him, or rather pushed him away and growled: "Your wife called for you"
Crosshair stared at him indecisively for a moment, then finally turned to you. You knew he was hot, still full of adrenaline and angry, but you didn't care about that now.
"What was that about?"
He looked at you and said, "I think you know that"
you sighed
"Cross, it wasn't his fault, that was the chip"
Tech reported from the background: "Which we should remove as soon as possible, by the way, we don't know if it's really inactive. It could also be equipped with a tracker like Crosshair's was"
Crosshair growled: "That's why they found us on Bracca, we have to change course immediately"
Hunter woke up from his paralysis.
"Otherwise we might take them straight to Omega," he stated, startled.
"Correct," Tech said.
"So we need to get rid of the chip first," Wrecker said.
Crosshair snorted, "Or Wolffe"
You nudged him in the side: "Stop it. He came here to help save you and he went through hell with us for that, maybe you should show a little gratitude."
Crosshair stared at you, anger burning behind his eyes, but of course he knew you weren't entirely wrong, yet he couldn't put aside what had happened to you, Chip or not.
Echo murmured, "Get a grip, we're clearly not out of the woods yet."
"We need to interrupt the hyperspace jump and program a new one to lead the trail away from Omega," Hunter said.
Tech nodded, "I'll take care of it."
You looked at Wolffe who looked at least as upset as you. You felt sorry for both men because of all they had been through, but now you had other things to worry about, as Echo said, it was far from over.
You felt Crosshair's hands on your shoulders, then he turned you around to face him and looked at you urgently, but also gently.
"Seeing what happened to you, the way he beat you up, that was just too much. I know how much control the chip has, I experienced it first hand.... but I had to blow off steam. It was probably unfair that Wolffe took the hit."
You caressed his face and said softly, "Don't tell me, tell Wolffe. He's blaming himself for what happened anyway."
Crosshair shrugged his shoulders uncertainly and said, "I don't know if he wants to listen to me right now."
"Maybe you should at least try"
Crosshair nodded with a sigh and walked up to Wolffe, who had just sat down next to Echo on his bunk, holding his ribs. He looked up with a sharp glare and even Echo tensed to possibly intervene.
"Hey Echo, will you give us a moment".
"If you promise me you won't go after him again," Echo grumbled.
"I won't, I promise."
Echo nodded to Wolffe, „It's okay, we can talk later“
You came at Echo's side while Wolffe and Crosshair retreated to the back of the ship.
"Do you know what your future husband is up to?", Echo asked you.
You smiled and said, "I think he wants to do the right thing."
Echo said with a grin, "That would be something new."
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Wolffe sighed softly and asked growling, "What now?"
Crosshair said after a moment's hesitation, "It wasn't your fault. I overreacted. Rampart made me watch you beat her up on a monitor and there was nothing I could do about it. I felt like an IED, I wanted to explode and take everything with me, that was a horrible feeling to watch. I didn't really think about whether it was your fault or not, I.... I'm sorry. That must have been awful for you too."
Wolffe looked at him in surprise, but then nodded and said, "Yes, indeed. I promised her I'd help free you and the others, promised to protect her. This feeling I have now... it's indescribably sickening, almost like the time Rex removed my first chip and I realized I was ready to kill the Jedi, that Master Koon had fallen."
Crosshair nodded slowly, "I have heard other clones say similar things. I was not even aware of this extreme effect until recently. My first chip never worked properly, most of the time I didn't know what was my decision and what was the chip's, but just before I ended up in Rampart's hands I had a new chip... the part that was controlled by the chip was ready to kill them, all of them and the rest was desperately but pointlessly fighting back"
Wolffe murmured, "Look, we'll just forget about the fight between the two of us. We both needed to blow off steam, that's all it was, okay?"
Crosshair nodded.
"Sounds good, I can live with that".
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@ladykatakuri @inthemoshpitt
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inkribbon796 · 8 months
Egotober 2023 Day 12: Things Unsaid
Summary: Séan and Marvin have a lot of talking to do, but still manage to leave things unsaid.
A/N: Let’s check. Green park, yes. Septics are green, yes.
Prompt: Green
Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31
This park was rather special to Marvin and Séan. From a time before they were superheroes, or even teens. They were kids, just running around the Althone woods and every once in a while they returned to it.
Today was one of those days.
The two of them had coffee cups and a takeout bag with sandwiches in between them. Both of them were in costume and had to deal with the occasional people wanting to talk to Jackieboy Man and Marvin.
But as their visits were regular, most of the locals let them be.
Jack sipped on his coffee, “You sure you’re up to the move.”
Marvin shrugged, “Not looking forward to taking new pictures for his passports. All my old pictures have me without the scars. And it’s about to run out anyways.”
“I know the lads will miss you,” Séan said.
“Yeah, sure,” Marvin said as he sipped on his coffee and grabbed his sandwich out of the bag.
“I mean, who will Daithi and Rumble ghost hunt with?” Séan tried to joke.
“I mean, Chase could use a good scare, and you guys will be fine, it’s the dipshits in Egoton that need help. I just teach one of them how to read aura and then I’m back.”
“Hope you have fun, hear Egoton can get a bit crazy, especially when Wilford gets involved,” Séan smiled.
“I’ll be fine,” Marvin smiled, lifting his mask up a bit to eat.
“Yeah,” Séan said. “If anyone on this team can take care of themselves, it’s you. Even if you love trouble.”
“Trouble loves me,” Marvin said around his food.
Séan nodded, “Yeah, but you got this, I know you.”
“Yeah,” Marvin said.
They sat and ate before meeting up with the rest of the Septics, Jackieboy Man was in high spirits but Marvin was less so.
He was good at pretending, masks and brightly colored outfits helped hide.
Marvin couldn’t help but feel awful and resentful about the whole mess. He and Jackie had gotten into a huge argument over that damn stone that Marvin had just been trying to research. He needed every opportunity to improve his magic.
Marvin wasn’t like Jackie or J.J who seemed to get their powers and be good at them all at once. When Marvin’s magic started he was little, maybe five, and he had sucked at it for a long time. Couldn’t even do lame faux magic card tricks. Everything Marvin had he had to struggle and work for it.
Any source of real magic was another opportunity and so what if he got a little excited? And so what if he got a bit careless when he was excited?
He needed to get better, he needed it badly. And the one thing Egoton had was a surly demon and his magical, absolutely mad boyfriend. Lots of time to study and learn and get better. Then Marvin could come back ten times more powerful and he could solve any magical problem they had.
All Marvin needed to do was prove he could handle it. And he could, Marvin knew he could. He would handle it, not only would he be able to get better he would make Dark remember his time in the States.
While Marvin was out walking through the streets and the parks he was making a mental note of magical research he would do. He would get his hands on anything that the Egoton Branch had on magic and teach the hell out of whoever was most capable to do it.
Marvin would do the best job ever, or he would die trying.
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lt-wolfpack · 1 year
70 things ALL Police rookies should know...
1. Out here, everybody lies.
2. They lied to you during training.
3. Never take the word of a drunk person over that of a sober person.
4. Civilian ride alongs are not your friends.
5. Sit back and listen to the veterans.
6. Some night, someone will try to kill you. You do not know when, who or where. Therefore, consider everyone with whom you come in contact to be a potential threat.
7. If you need help, ask for it.
8. NEVER, EVER lie.
9. Have fun with the job and don't take yourself too seriously.
10. If you think someone is watching you....they are
11. Go Home At The End Of Your Shift
12. Pick A Secret Mentor
13. Develop A "Hand Fetish"- Watch everybody's hands
14. Report Writing IS "Officer Survival"
15. Wash Your Hands!
16. Wear That Geeky Traffic Vest
17. Have A Life Outside The Job
18. Trust Your Instincts
19. Handcuff EVERYBODY / "Search For The BB"
20. Be Professional And Courteous, But Never Forget The Next Person you Meet You May Have To Kill.
21. Trust Your Instincts
22. You've got 30 years to be the Police (depending on your state)...don't try to do everything the first year.
23. Know where the hell you are in your town/city
24. Don't let the bastards get you down...the department is probably full of people that like to complain.
25. When it comes time to lay hands on somebody (and that time WILL come), let your violence be swift and merciless.
26. Don't talk bad about other officers EVER.
27. Listen up to the radio and know where the other officers are.
28. When everyone else in the jurisdiction is shagging paperwork calls, DO NOT stop the car with a out tag light that is being driven by a 60 year old woman who has never ever been stopped by the police before just because you are a little bored.
29. Murphy was a cop and he likes to do ride-a-longs. If it can go wrong it will.
30. NEVER eat where you can't see your food being prepared.
31. Don't hold your flashlight in your weapon hand.
32. Don't ever tell back-up there not needed even if there from another agency.
33. Look Good/sharp in uniform
34. Attitude is everything-
35. I highly recommend not purchasing expensive writing utensils for patrol work. You will eventually lose them.
36. You must be alert.
37. Never let anyone you are questioning or about to stop get in a better position than you and your vehicle.
38. Is your firearm clean? Will it fire? How about the ammo? When did you last fire so that you can hit a target in combat conditions? What's the sense of carrying any firearm that may not work?
39. Remember to look up when your out on patrol
40. Have a SPARE key for every car you THINK you might drive...and keep it ON YOUR PERSON.
41. Sometimes the bad guy will get away. Sometimes you just can't connect him to the crime. Sometimes he will be out on the street before you report for your next shift. Sometimes prosecution will be declined. RELAX, THERE WILL BE A NEXT TIME.
42. Think about worst case scenarios, then have a plan to respond. Have a backup plan in case the first one fails. Always leave yourself a way out. There is no such thing as retreat. However, there is nothing wrong with fighting in the opposite direction.
43. Be nice to everyone you meet. Have a plan to kill everyone you meet
44. Pay special attention to people who don't want to make eye contact. The ones who give you the "fuck you" looks are the ones who probably don't have anything going right then.
45. Learn to look around at everything quickly and not staring in one place hoping something happens there.
46. Get out on foot and walk. Perps expect us to be lazy. They never expect us on foot.
47. When asking for consent to search, watch their eyes. If they have something, the eyes will automatically look at it before they respond.
48. Be nice to your dispatcher!
49. NEVER walk up to a vehicle on a traffic stop with a ticket book in your hand. I don't care what your FTO says.
52. Stay in shape.
53. Keep learning/going to schools/college.
55. Buy a bag of chewy dog treats in the resalable bag. Great for coaxing a pitbull out of the house you need to get into.
56. Check the backseat of your squad before you leave the station, and every time you take someone out. You'll be surprised how much dope you find.
57. Pretty girls have gotten breaks all their lives, so stroke 'em.
58.Wear your body armor every single day. No matter what, no matter how hot or uncomfortable it gets, or if the other guys tease you. The day you don't wear it could be the day you need it.
59. Never, never, ever trust ANY member of the news media if you want to stay out of the trick bag.
60. When on the radio always use your normal tone in your speech! It helps when you call out on traffic or anything and your fellow officers can tell that there is a concerned/excited tone in your voice they will know that something may be up and can start your way.
61. Personal hygiene is a must. First, you're dealing with the public and they don't need to smell your stinky ass.
62. Remember, two is one and one is none. Always have at least two flashlights, two pairs of cuffs, two radio batteries because when you need that particular piece of equipment most, it will crap out on you.
63. Practice, practice, practice. Because the bad guys sure are. They study your holsters and probably know how to get your firearm out quicker than you do.
64. When you make a traffic stop, don't just give a tag number thinking your dispatcher will get all the pertinent info. from the return. Give a vehicle description. What if that tag doesn't belong on that car? When the driver gets though shooting you, I'd like to be able to at least be looking for the right type of vehicle.
65. For the love of God, please take all the crap that jingles out of your pockets. I don't want to clear a building with a guy that has $15.00 worth of pennies in his pocket and something resembling a janitor's key ring hanging off his belt.
66. If you find one weapon always assume there is another
67. Remember that this is people business. The more details you can recall about people, their families, what they drive, where they work, who they hang with, where they hang, will be so vital in your every day contacts.
68. Don't let the prospect of a citizen complaint keep you from doing your job. If you're right, don't worry. Some people just love to complain.
69. Take a bathroom break whenever you can...you never know when that long drawn out call or arrest is going to prevent you from going.
70. NEVER trust anyone from Internal Affairs
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chaoscriess · 2 years
writing prompts !
𝐀𝐁𝐎𝐔𝐓! a list of my writing prompts! I originally got this list from @lovelyyy-luna but I took some out and put some in! still felt like I needed to give credit :) there are 222 here, but I'll probably be adding more. you can send in an ask stating which ones you want (minimum of 2, maximum of 5) and who you want it for :) you can also give me specifics about what you want the fic to be about :)
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1. It's alright, I'm right here.
2. Why did you choose me? / You know very well why, Y/N.
3. I can do it myself!
4. I'm a monster! / no you're not.
5. Please hold me
6. I'm begging you, please don't lock yourself in your room
7. Give me one single fucking reason why I shouldn't leave.
8. That wasn't a question.
9. Don't listen to them.
10. Hear my heartbeat? Just focus on that.
11. I don't care what they think, to me, you are perfect.
12. You don't have to be alone.
13. This is illegal!
14. Your tutor is pretty hot.
15. Why have you been so secretive lately?
16. I think we should take a break.
17. How come you're the only one that can see me for me?
18. I just wanted to hear your voice.
19. I'm not helping you babysit.
20. Did we sleep together?
21. If you don't do it I will!
22. You're scared? Really?
23. This place is abandoned, don't worry.
24. This was a stupid idea
25. This is crazy..none of this is real!
26. You need to believe me, please!
27. Close the door.
28. It's three in the morning!
29. I should have told you a long time ago.
30. Why are you helping me?
31. You're in love with her!
32. We could get arrested for this.
33. Love is overrated.
34. Watch me.
35. I've missed this.
36. Was it all a lie?
37. This is all your fault
38. Are you happy now? Huh? Does this make you happy?
39. Maybe I'm meant to be alone.
40. Did it ever occur to you that I'm hurting too?
41. You said that you'd always be there for me. What happened?
42. I'm sorry what are you saying? I keep getting lost in your eyes.
43. If I ever see you anywhere near her, you'll have to deal with me.
44. Is that a challenge?
45. Get behind me now!
46. Here, I have an extra weapon.
47. You scared the shit out of me, I'm never letting you go.
48. I am not jealous!
49. I think I love you.
50. Don't be silly, I want to stay up with you.
51. How about a kiss?
52. Dance with me!
53. We'd make a cute couple.
54. Do you trust me?
55. if you don't want to talk about what happened, then say so. Don't just lie and say it's fine.
56. Stop staring at me!
57. I said I don't know anything!
58. You don't think its a bit much?
59. Call me one more time and see what
60. Put some clothes on for the love of god!
61. Can you just give me a hug? Just once?
62. That was the last time. Im serious.
63. It's pitch black in here and I can still see that you're blushing.
64. Am I supposed to be scared of you?
65. I'm going to take a shower so you should probably join me. It'll save water.
66. You're just not the same anymore.
67. It's midnight, where the hell are you?
68. What the hell is your problem?
69. Why do you run away from all your problems?
70. You can't keep it all inside, you know? Bottling it up won't do you any good.
71. Hey, I know you're hurting, but you're not alone, okay?
72. I'm sorry I gave you the wrong impression.
73. You can't just lose your temper like this every time you get a bit upset.
74. Calm down, you're scaring me!
75. Don't look at me like that.
76. Were you ever going to tell me?
77. Sorry doesn't fix everything.
78. I've loved you since before I could read and you chose her instead.
79. You broke my heart.
80. I was alone.
81. We have to stop.
82. You left me.
83. I can't do this anymore.
84. Your hair is really soft after you wash it.
85. stop moving, I'm trying to braid your hair!
86. Would it be alright if borrowed your sweater? It smells like you.
87. If you steal the blankets Im going to put ice down your pants.
88. Here, let's share the blanket.
89. You're comfy.
90. You're my new pillow.
91. But I want to hear you sing!
92. We can talk over dinner.
93. Don't get up, I'll do it.
94. Stargazing was a good idea.
95. I'll be here to protect you.
96. It's okay, I couldn't sleep anyway.
97. I heard you talking in your sleep!
98. Your bedhead is really cute.
99. I love your hugs.
100. You fuck with them, you fuck with me.
101. I don't want to sleep alone tonight.
102. I love you, you know that right?
103. I'm coming to get you, stay there.
104. Okay so don't freak out, but I got flour everywhere.
105. Woah, I never knew you had a tattoo!
106. Stop moving.
107. Im worried about you.
108. What happened to you?
109. You can't stay in bed all day!
110. You're a terrible liar.
111. Don't act so innocent!
112. Do you believe in soulmates?
113. What if something happens to you?
114. Are you sure about this?
115. I gotta say, I'm a little surprised.
116. I'm not a child!
117. You're screwed!
118. You called me, remember?
119. Do you need to go to the hospital?
120. Sleep is for the weak!
121. I don't like the way they look at you.
122. I don't want to be friends.
123. Let's get out of here.
124. Maybe you should sit down.
125. You're burning up!
126. I've got your back.
127. Walk it off.
128. I cant sleep. help me get rid of some energy?
129. I'm going back to bed.
130. Your heart is pounding.
131. It's too early for this.
132. Get on your knees.
133. I thought you said you knew where you were going? Yeah I lied.
134. Shit you're freezing, let's get you inside.
135. What happened to us?
136. Im not letting you sleep on the floor, get up here.
137. you're the only thing in the world that matters to me.
138. Feel like another round?
139. You were great last night.
140. Wow, you look even better in daylight.
141. My clothes look better on you than they do on me!
142. I had no idea you were into that stuff, glad I found out.
143. You should play with my hair more.
144. I don't remember ever having this many hickeys but I don't mind.
145. I don't know your name, but maybe you can share it with me so I know what to scream tonight.
146. The fun doesn't have to end.
147. I think I can convince you to stay.
148. Are you even listening to me?
149. Leave. Now.
150. What more do you want?
151. I hate you.
152. Can you just shut the fuck up already?
153. What the hell is wrong with you?
154. I can't do this anymore.
155. Oh my god, I don't care!
156. That hurt, you son of a bitch!
157. Pack your shit and of my sight. Go! Get the fuck out!
158. I could break your nose if I wanted.
159. Meet me on the bridge in an hour.
160. No one needs to know.
161. No one will ever hurt you again.
162. None of that matters now.
163. Oh my god! You're in love with them!
164. Please don't cry.
165. Please don't leave.
166. Please listen to me!
167. Please say something.
168. Promise me you won't let anything happen to them.
169. Promise me you'll stay.
170. Shit, are you bleeding?
171. Shut up and kiss me.
172. Somebody's in love!
173. Sorry, I thought I was alone!
174. Stop talking about love for a minute and help me kill this bitch!
175. Tell me a secret.
176. You said you'd always be there for me, so how did this happen? why weren't you there for me?
177. it hurts to watch you kiss her.
178. We can be friends instead.
179. I tried to move on but nobody is like you.
180. Does it look like I moved on?
181. why did we even break up?
182. Can I at least buy you coffee? for old time's sake?
183. I can't take this anymore!
184. What are you talking about? you're married.
185. I feel like everyone is forgetting I exist.
186. I gave you a chance and you used it to stab me in the back.
187. I've been alone for so long.
188. But you promised!
189. I think you'll be happy to know I'm not wearing any underwear.
190. I want you. right here right now.
191. Isn't this illegal? / probably!
192. You're really drunk right now. I don't think you're gonna remember any of this. / No, im not drunk, you're just blurry!
193. I have a feeling we should kiss. / Is that a good feeling or a bad feeling?
194. I love the way your hand fits in mine.
195. You can call me whenever you want. Even if you don't have a reason to.
196. why do you only call me when you're high?
197. Wait! don't pull away, not yet.
198. You look really cute in that sweater!
199. No I like it! I just can't believe you're actually wearing my clothes.
200. just call me yours already!
201. why dont you ever kiss me?
202. The first tome I saw you, I couldn't get over how beautiful you were.
203. Are you fucking her?
204. Can you hold my hand?
205. You can't leave without letting me hug you first!
206. You've got to be fucking kidding me.
207. You're more red than a tomato!
208. Your lips are really warm.
209. A few months ago I thought I was in love with you. Now, I know I was wrong.
210. My friends get so annoyed by how much I talk about you sometimes.
211. Wanna, like, I mean if you're not busy, we should get lunch! Or even just coffee if you don't have a lot of time.
212. Your hair is so soft!
213. It's too cold! come back!
214. you can sit in my lap until I'm done working.
215. I think I'm in love with you and I'm terrified.
216. I'm not going to leave you. You're never going to have to suffer by yourself again, I promise.
217. If I could, I would kiss away all your scars.
218. I think I might be falling in love with you.
219. Your lips are soft. I could kiss them all day.
220. Ugh, you're so warm!
221. Dont run away from me, Bitch!
222. Please talk to me about this.
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disastardly · 1 year
characters out of context game
Include one character quote — of your choosing ⁠— from each chapter of your WIP (or as many chapters as you'd like)
Give absolutely no context, save for what's between two parts of an interrupted sentence, should that occur. You may mention who said it.
Have fun, no pressure!
@eriquin​ tagged me, thank you!!
Gonna do Emergence just because that’s the only WIP I’ve got right now with more than one chapter remotely written, haha. Buckle up, it’s a long’n, so it’s going under the break.
Chapter 1:
The apprentice added, voice squeaking, “What does this mean?”
Chapter 2:
“It’s all the magic,” he stated matter-of-factly. “Totally interrupts typical radio waves.”
Chapter 3:
“Good luck with your war.”
Chapter 4:
“Can you hear them too? The trees?”
Chapter 5: 
“So what are you gonna do now, knowing what’s out there?”
Chapter 6:
“So I guess you see us in that future, huh?”
Chapter 7:
“Nick, jesus, did you forget how keys work?”
Chapter 8:
“No comments on my skanking, got enough of that in middle school.”
Chapter 9:
"Listen, I'm not saying plants aren't great. Love the stuff. Can't get enough. But isn't botany kind of, you know… slow?"
Chapter 10:
“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner. It all just happened so fast and I was worried what people would think.”
Chapter 11:
“No, but Xander and I had a great talk. Really aired out how I’m not wanted here.”
Chapter 12:
“They’re dating, ya ding-dong.”
Chapter 13:
“Do you even know how to drive one of these things?”
Chapter 14:
“Still can’t believe you, Madison Rocca, conned me. No one cons me. Was all that before, was that a ploy? Lull me into a false sense of security?”
Chapter 15:
Chapter 16:
“How many ‘maybe a dingo ate your baby’ jokes did you get?”
Chapter 17:
“Oh cool, it’s dirt, just like all the other dirt.”
Chapter 18:
“And yet, against all odds, you have survived, when the Darkness kills most it touches. It is a truly remarkable feat for anyone, let alone a new practitioner.”
Chapter 19:
“Toby thinks we’re getting ice cream from that fancy truck round the corner.”
Chapter 20:
"Is it still leering if we're all naked?"
Chapter 21:
“Okay, so, dark magic.”
Chapter 22:
"Hey, I think if you hit them in that big Z on their chest, they explode!"
Chapter 23:
“Hey Xan? Good catch on this one. Having a heads-up isn’t a luxury we’re gonna get often.”
Chapter 24:
“I’m gonna find that monster and I’m gonna tear it to pieces with my own hands,”
Chapter 25:
“You flaunt your power and yet it slips through your fingers so easily,”
Chapter 26:
"Very little goes on in Root Core that I do not know about. And," she added, leveling a wily smirk at them, "I too was young once. You would not believe some of the tomfoolery we engaged in at your age."
Chapter 27:
“Filled with life, joy, and power, we now declare our wills for the next year. Jump the coals, pass through the smoke, and send your will into the greater universe.”
Chapter 28:
(this chapter is all internal monologue!)
Chapter 29:
“If we’re not duly impressed, guaranteed he’ll sulk all day, so prepare yourselves.”
Chapter 30:
“You’ll have to go through me if you want them, you sick fuck.”
Chapter 31:
“My magic doesn’t work, your magic doesn’t work, there’s no way out. Good job, Dad, we’re going to die here.”
Chapter 32:
“Least this narrows down where we need to look. ‘Torture dimension’ is a lot more specific than ‘anywhere, ever.’”
Chapter 33:
"Haggling with a dying man. How noble. What would your White Witch think?"
Chapter 34:
"If it is not, it is something wearing his face,"
Chapter 35:
“Yeah, anyone else want to come out as my parent today?”
...and that’s as much as I have written right now! Currently 50 chapters on the docket, so I’m inching closer to completion (and therefore, actually posting this behemoth.)
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