#it's hard and it makes you more vulnerable and sometimes it hurts so so much but it will also save your fucking life!
cuubism · 2 days
Hurt/Comfort -- there are so many dumb human hurts, that always surprise.
First time Retired!Morpheus has a silly human ouch -- burned tongue from drinking too hot tea, stubbed toe on his favorite chair, misjudged a distance and bumping, hard enough to bruise, into a pointy household surface, sweats from spicy food.
Hob's sympathetic giggles.
I made it a BIT more sad 😔 ok maybe a lot more sad
Hob had expected, given he was used to being a king and all, for Dream to be more prissy about the small indignities of human life. How dare the rain wet my hair, Hob, he'd expected. This railing gave me a splinter, you must kiss it better.
In reality, Dream has borne it all with a stoic, grave acceptance. Like one receiving a doctor's solemn pronouncement: yes, you will live, but. Each tiny injury, each failure, each confusion and moment of tripping and falling, he simply straightens his regal shoulders, thins his lips to a hard line. Simply accepts it grimly. Sometimes, Hob will catch him staring off into the distance for a moment, the way he used to do when he was searching for information among the minds of his dreamers, to know if what he is feeling is serious. Then he'll blink hard, and look down as he realizes it's no longer accessible to him.
Hob doesn't know what to do to help him in those moments. He can't fix it for him. He just rubs the back of his neck and kisses his temple, and that seems to soothe him somewhat.
Mostly, Hob just tries to reassure him that whatever he's feeling is normal. Ordinary human indignities, small aches and pains. Nothing to worry about, love.
So Dream's reaction to these things is unexpected--Hob had really expected more complaining--but ultimately doesn't trouble him too much.
Until he comes home one day to find Dream slumped under the covers in their bed, face mushed in the pillow, staring blankly at the wall.
It's not unusual to find Dream asleep. He seems to need a lot of it, ironically. But he's not sleeping, now, just kind of... still.
Hob crouches by the bed in his line of sight. "Hey, love. Everything alright?"
"I do not feel well," Dream says, with his characteristic seriousness around these matters. He sounds hoarse. His eyes look bleary, like he's been sniffling and rubbing at them. Hob lays the back of his hand on his forehead. He feels a bit warm, nothing too terrible.
"Just a cold, I expect," he says, and tries to offer a comforting smile, even as he hurts to see Dream looking so despondent. "Feels gross, but I think you'll live."
"I know," Dream says solemnly. Resignedly. As if he cannot imagine a worse fate in this moment but will stoically bear it as he has all things.
"Sit up for me for a sec." Dream groans as Hob lifts him up to lean against the headboard. "I know, but it'll help your sinuses clear. And I'll make you some tea, for your throat."
When Hob comes back with the tea, Dream is sitting exactly as he left him, head tipped back against the headboard and looking utterly miserable.
Hob passes him his tea and, while Dream sips it, goes to pet his hair, but Dream subtly shifts his head away. Must be feeling too tender even to want to be touched, then. Poor thing.
When Dream's finished his tea, Hob fetches some vaporub from the bathroom and perches by Dream on the edge of the bed. "Think you can cope with being touched just for a minute or two?"
A look of regret flashes briefly across Dream's face. "Hob..."
"Shh, it's alright. I just want to put some of this on your chest, that's all."
Dream undoes the tie on his silk robe and lets it fall open over his chest. "What is it?"
"Like a salve to help your congestion." He rubs some in over Dream's sternum, careful not to press too hard when he's feeling fragile while still rubbing it in well enough that it won't feel sticky on his skin, then massages some into his neck, fingers light on his vulnerable throat.
Dream wrinkles his nose. "The scent is strong."
Hob laughs. "I know, that's the point."
"It is not wholly unpleasant, though," Dream concedes. He looks down at Hob from under his lashes, and for a moment he does look regal again, and Hob his humble servant. "Thank you."
"Anything for you, my dear heart. If you want a cuddle you can let me know, but it seemed rather like you didn't want to be touched."
"My skin feels like glass," Dream says, chagrined.
"I Know. Promise it'll all clear up in a few days and won't hurt so much anymore."
"Won't hurt anymore," Dream echoes, brow pinched. "Is not this human fate constant maladies and pain?"
It could be one of Dream's rare dry jokes but something about the way he says it makes Hob's brain ping in alarm. "Well," he says, trying to laugh it off, "sure, it's a parade of minor torments, but no, it's not all pain, it'll pass."
Dream looks down at his hands. "I see."
A terrible suspicion starts gnawing in Hob's chest. "Dream, how much pain are you in? Not right now with the cold, I mean usually."
Dream tilts his head in thought. "Upon what metric is the scale?"
That's not, 'none, Hob, why are you asking?'
"Um," Hob says, in growing concern, "between none and the worst physical pain you've ever felt, I guess?"
Strangely, this makes Dream relax. "I have experienced far worse," he says. "Human life pales in comparison to the agony of fighting the Morningstar, to name but one example." When Hob keeps staring at him, horrified, because "it's not as bad as when I was nearly killed in Hell" is no comfort at all, Dream concludes, "This is normal, then." He seems satisfied by that, if not happy. Resigned, in a way, to what he feels he must cope with, now that he understands what it is. Dream is altogether too good at coping. "I had thought as much but had not the frame of reference to confirm."
Dream flinches at the sudden outburst, and Hob regrets raising his voice. He lays his hands on Dream's blanket-adorned thighs, softens his tone. "No, Dream, it's not normal to be in pain all the time."
"...Oh." Dream's face falls, confusion overtaking the calm acceptance that had preceded it. Hob bites back a 'why didn't you tell me!' because the answer is obvious. He thought it was normal.
"Where are you in pain?" he asks instead, steadying his voice. "Normally, I mean?"
Maybe he just means that he's been getting a bit stiff like any other person in their thirties--fabricated though those 'thirties' might be. Maybe Hob just needs to get him into yoga.
"My joints," Dream says, lightly touching his wrist as an example. "My head hurts. Constantly. And I am very tired."
"Okay, no, love, that's not normal," Hob says. He doesn't know how he didn't notice. Then again, he hadn't noticed the first time Dream was suffering. Or at least, he'd noticed, but he hadn't grasped the depth of it until it was nearly too late. Damn Dream's self-sufficiency.
"I am dying, then," Dream declares, with finality.
"You're not dying. You can't die, remember?" Not unless you choose it, the back of his mind whispers. A new fear that lingers constantly, always chewing on him. "But you shouldn't have to just suffer either without us trying to do something about it. I'm sorry I didn't notice."
"It's of no consequence," Dream says, contemplative now, perhaps thinking through the concept of not having to suffer wordlessly. God, this creature.
"There is something you can do to fix it, then?" Dream asks then, hopeful.
Hob would give anything to be able to just solve all of his problems. "I don't know what yet, but I'm sure we can do something more than literally nothing at all."
Dream cracks a small smile, and tips toward him, like he'd really like to lean on Hob's shoulder but is being prevented by the fact that he currently feels made of glass. Poor thing.
"You should rest more," Hob says. "Will help the cold clear up quicker. I'll get you more pillows."
When he's gotten Dream propped up against what feels like all the pillows in the house, he sits beside him in bed, laptop open. It's only seven p.m., and he's still got marking to do, but hopefully Dream won't mind the company.
Lying on his side again, Dream watches him as he types, gaze piercing and solemn. "You need something else?" Hob asks.
"Conceptually, I would like a hug," Dream says gravely. "But I am aware it would not feel pleasant at the moment."
"Poor darling. How about this." Hob takes off his sweatshirt and drapes it over Dream's shoulders.
Dream pulls it close and tucks his nose into the collar. "Thank you."
"You want the TV on?"
Hob only even has a TV in the bedroom because of Dream. Dream never spends any time actually watching TV, but the background noise of the stories seems to soothe him and lull him to sleep. Hob wonders if it reminds him of the background noise of the Dreaming.
Dream nods, so Hob turns it on low, paying no real attention to what's even playing. Whatever it is, it quickly puts Dream to sleep.
Hob looks down at him. He looks peaceful now, all that seriousness melted away from his expression. Hob should probably have known that he would approach human life with the gravity with which he approached all else.
He lays a light hand on Dream's dear forehead again--still no fever--and then ghosts it over his hair. Dream is so much more resilient than he gives himself credit for. So much more resilient than he should have to be.
Hob tucks the blankets in tighter around him, and lets him sleep.
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essektheylyss · 21 days
One thing that I feel is really interesting and often forgotten about Essek is that fundamentally, his characterization has been from the start based upon his desperation for external perspectives and connection, which, along with much of his narrative and mechanical positioning, means that he actually has an extraordinary and almost (but not actually, as I'll show) counterintuitive capacity for both growth and trust.
(Buckle in. This is a long one.)
In particular, I would argue, knowing now that many places where the plot touches Ludinus have long been marked for connecting back into the current plot, that he was quite possibly built as a prime candidate for radicalization by the Ruby Vanguard. He felt isolated from his culture, he was desperate for other connection, and he was certainly of the type to believe he was too smart to be drawn into such a thing, given his initial belief that he could control the situation and the fallout. If things had gone any other way, he easily could've been on the other side by now.
As such, he has been hallmarked by being fairly open to suggestion, perhaps for this reason, but the thing about that kind of trait is that it is both how people are radicalized and deradicalized. This is certainly true of Essek, who experienced genuine kindness and quite frankly strangeness from the Nein and was able to move from the isolation the Assembly had engendered to meaningful and genuine connection, largely propelled by his own internal reflection. By the time Nein are aware of his crimes, he's already begun to express regret to an extent and, furthermore, doubt in the Assembly, including explicitly drawing a line against Ludinus, even in a position where he was on his own and probably quite vulnerable.
Similarly, when the Nein reach the Vurmas Outpost some weeks later, he has moved from regret for the position he's ended up carrying a heavy remorse. This makes sense! He's fairly introspective, seems used to spending a lot of time in his own head, and was left with plenty to mull over. It's not some kind of retcon for him to have progressed well past where the Nein left him; it just means he's an active participant in the world who has done his own work in the meantime.
This is another interesting aspect to him. I've talked about this a bit before but I cannot find the post so I'll recap here: antagonists in D&D have significantly more agency than allied NPCs. Antagonists are active forces, against which the party is meant to struggle; allies are meant to support the PCs, which means they tend to be more passive in both their actions and their character growth. Essek was both built as an antagonist, in a position that gives him significant agency, and also was then given significant opportunity to grow specifically to act as a narrative mirror for Caleb's arc. Even when he becomes a more traditional D&D ally, he still retains much of that, though he occupies a supporting role.
I believe that this is especially true because of the nature of Caleb's arc, which I've already written on; the tl;dr of this post is that Caleb is both convinced that he is permanently ruined and also desperate to prove that change is possible. Essek is that proof, because he is simply the character in a position to do so. But this also means that his propensity for introspection and openness is accentuated! He has to do the legwork on his own, for the most part, because that's where he is in the meantime.
But he still ends the campaign necessarily constricted; he is under significant scrutiny, he's at risk from the Assembly, and he goes on the run fairly soon after the story ends. He spends most of the final arc anxious and paranoid, which is valid given the crushing reality of his situation. It would be very easy to extrapolate that seven years into this reality, he would be insular, closed off, and suspicious of strangers, even in spite of the lessons he's learned from the Nein and their long term exposure.
So seeing his openness and lightness now is surprising, but at the same time, given this combination of factors in his position in the narrative over time and his defining traits, it's not by any means unreasonable.
But one thing that I found so delightful is how much trust he exhibits, which is obviously a wild thing to say about Essek in particular, given much of what he learns is both earning and offering trust, which was something he says explicitly in 2x124 that he's never really experienced: "I've never really been trusted and so I did not trust." It makes up much of the progression of his relationship with Caleb, and the trust that he is offered by the Nein in walking off the ship is the impetus he needs to grow.
But I think it's easy to talk about trust when it comes to people who have proven themselves to you or to whom you've ingratiated yourself, and that's really the most we can say about Essek by the time he leaves the Blooming Grove. There is this sense in a lot of discussion of trust (not solely in this fandom) that it is only related to either naivete or love, but there's far more to it. Trust at its best is deliberate—cultivating an openness to the world at large is a great way to combat cynicism and beget connection instead. It allows a person to maintain curiosity and be open to experience, but it can be incredibly difficult to hold onto.
It is clear that the Essek we meet now is a very pointedly and intentionally trusting individual. He trusts Caleb and by extension Caleb's trust in Keyleth, as he shows up and picks up a group of strangers from a foreign military encampment and walks in without issue. He trusts the Hells to follow his lead moving through Zadash and to exhibit enough discretion so as to avoid bringing suspicion upon all of them. He trusts that Astrid will respond well to his entrance, but he also trusts himself and the Hells enough to execute a back-up plan in the case that she doesn't. In the end, he even trusts them enough to give them his name and identity.
He doesn't scan as someone who has spent half a dozen years living like a prey animal, afraid of any shadow he runs across in an alley, withdrawn into himself and an insular family, which would've been an easy route for him to take. He scans as someone who has learned the kind of trust borne of learned confidence and a trained eye for good will and kindness, which are crucial weapons one would need for staving off cynicism in his circumstances—as if he has survived thanks more to connection and kindness than paranoia and isolation. (If we want to be saccharine about it, he scans quite poignantly as a member of the Mighty Nein.)
So it is easy to imagine this trust and openness as a natural progression of his initial search for perspectives external to his own cultural knowledge. Though he makes those first connections with the Assembly to try to vindicate his personal hypotheses, he finds in them exposure to the deepest corruption among Exandrian mortals, which could've—and did, for a time—turned him further down that same dark path.
But it's also this same openness to exposure from the wider world that allows the Nein to influence him for the better, and in spite of the challenges he's certainly faced simply surviving over the past seven years, he seems to have held onto this openness enough to move through the world with self-assurance and a willingness to extend the kinds of trust and good will that he has been shown.
(I would be remiss not to mention that I was reminded about my thoughts on this by this lovely post from sky-scribbles and their use in the tags of 'light' to describe Essek's demeanor this episode, which is really such an apt word for it.)
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suguru-getos · 10 months
࿐ husband neuvillette nsfw hcs (f!reader) ࿐
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you didn’t know when you got married to the chief justice that he was that good in bed. like? how? where do you get the time? :// honestly — it’s insane. the way he knows your sweet spot as if it’s what he’s been searching for all this time. when the first time you two did it, it got you dizzy and you cried at the overwhelming love & affection he showered you with.
peppering sweet kisses everywhere, your forehead, your cheek, your chin, right below your ears until he reaches your collarbone !! neuvillette loves to nibble onto your supple skin. gently suckling at the sweet spot on your neck until you get used to it, then switching to a harsher suckle, maybe a little teeth. it’s the territorial instinct inside him which gets him hard and turned on the moment he sees you all vulnerable and marked up.
he loves toying with your titties, he’d literally spend a lot of time on them. massaging them, kneading them with his large, powerful hands and marking them his. the way his tongue twirls into your aching bud and makes you gasp for more. yes, he has made you cum with just your titties alone. you didn’t know it was possible until neuvillette decided it is.
neuvillette is a dom inside out. a pleasure dom who gets off to seeing you writhe under him. you’d always be told to moan out. “come now darling, don’t try to hide your moans. i want to know how it makes you feel.” he’d slowly yank your palm off your mouth. “sing for me.” he cooes as he thrusts inside you, watching your eyes roll back in sheer pleasure.
breeding kink 101. i think he uses a lot of words and phrases like, “going to look so cute with your belly carrying our child”, “going to breed my little angel full of me, she can take it right? of course she can. tell me — tell me you want to be bred full of my seed.”
size kink -> it’s always hard for you to fit him inside, he’s especially huge and girthy, veins decorating his thick cock while he lubes your cunt with his pre. he loves when you get a little intimidated by his size until he has to assure you that he’d always take care of you & never hurt you.
despite him not being too harsh most of the time, he still insists on there being safewords. “don’t want this possibility to ever come true, but still, no harm in being prepared darling.” he’s fine if you make up your own safe word or he is happy to follow the traffic light system for ya.
sometimes though? you want him to snap. best method is to make your territorial dragon jealous. there are often events like banquets held in fontaine & as the chief justice; he mostly attends those. it’s more than easy for you to rile him up by being a tad too nice with others 🤷🏻‍♀️ he’d pin you against the wall, the same stern glare that he carries in court now attacking you. “seems like you’re purposely getting on my nerves darling.” he hums, leaning in and inhaling your scent. “going to make sure to take proper measures so this isn’t repeated. you’re going to like that too much won’t you?” oh yes you will —
he doesn’t do punishments, just funishments. you’d have to ask him to partake in those because let’s be real, you can’t possibly expect the man who’s simping for you so hard to think of the possibility of hurting you. you’d have to tell him you like the pain. 😏 impact play, edging, he’d be partaking in all those for his little darling.
he likes to particularly cockwarm you though. it’s the whole power play high of it and the desperation in your eyes which makes it exhilarating for him. “stay still for me yes? i don’t want you to not cum now. just because you’re greedy.” oh you love it when he gets all in control like that.
whenever he decides to spank you, it’s always going to be over the knee. he wants to feel you close, it comforts both you & him. the impact precise and calculated, watching the color of your ass change with a soft smirk. “you love this too much don’t you? ah~ i can see it.” fingers languidly touching your needy, wet pussy as the spanks push you over the edge.
aftercare king and he’s almost apologetic after every harsh scene. “you okay? sure? i want you to know i love you & you did so well for me. i’m so proud of my wife.” words of affirmation king 👑 along with a clingy cuddle bug. 🤭
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frogchiro · 8 months
Okay so I read that gladiators could sometimes be hired to be body guards for nobel ladies and all I can think of is Gladiator! Price and a sweet little Nobel! Reader
Like imagine big, burly, hairy price following reader everwhere?? :(( even watching over her in her bedroom and the bath to "make sure she is completely safe". But really he just wants to see readers pretty soft skin in her nightgowns and smell her sweet scent after her baths.
Gladiator!Price who got hired by your father, a noble, who is incredibly protective over his youngest, only daughter. You're a young lady, just turned 20 amd he knows that the world is a dangerous place especially for someone like you so every extra step is justified in his mind.
He has seem the gladiator before in the coliseum, a magnificent warrior despite his age but this is something that only fueled his decision to hire him, a young buck would surely be a perverted degenerate who will try and rob his darling daughter's innocence and might even hurt you, so someone like John is perfect. If he only knew :((
You were kinda scared of John at first when your father introduced him as your new guard. He was a huge man, larger even than your father and much broader, his bulky body standing with his arms crossed over his strong chest, but what really got to you were his eyes. Those intense gray eyes which seemed to be fixated on you made a shiver run down your spine and made appear a shameful tightness in your belly.
You were really timid at first around the gladiator; he was mostly silent, occasional gruffy words left him but they were few and far in between. Pity. His voice was deep and low, a perfect amount of husk and growl in it to make your breath quicken but you pushed those thoughts away as quickly as they came. You should be ashamed! What would father think, what would John himself think about the fact that you have such lusty thoughts about him! All he probably sees is a naive, young noble girl with nothing better to do than go to the market to shop for luxurious fabrics and jewelery with your father's money and sew pretty patterns at home.
Well...that picture of a noble and stoic guardian fell pretty quickly the moment you stepped inside your home's private bath, a beautiful place you always liked to sit and think...but what was Price still doing here? His answer was curt: to protect you at all times. Didn't you know that while bathing you're more vulnerable than ever besides sleeping? He's your guard appointed by your father and it's his sworn duty to protect you.
Sounds reasonable and noble right? Well the feeling of his cock stirring against his armored tunic wasn't all that noble for all the shit John't is spewing. But at the end of the day John is just a man, a man with needs and urges and he can't help the fact that he got assigned to protect the prettiest little nymph he ever saw :((
Good gods what wouldn't he give to touch that beautiful, glowing skin of yours, squeeze your soft tits and suckle on your nipples, grab at your broad hips and- John's trail of thoughts was interrupted by your whining at him that it's embarrassing to undress before him, you're an unmarried lady, it's indecent! But John just scoffs and tells you in that hard, gruff tone to either get naked and hop into the milky, opaque water or go without a bath so he left you with little choice, he's so cruel :((
But on the other hand you couldn't help but decide to tease the older male a little bit, making s bit of a show of you undressing, letting the luxurious fabric of your dress slip deliciously down your body and entering the water step by step, all nice amd shy and demure and you could feel your nipples harden and your cunny get wet when you heard a low growl emanate from the gruff gladiator♡
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Realising they accidentally hurt you while making out - 141 + König
Requested by Anon
some angst, fluff, mentions of sexual themes but nothing explicit.
Simon "Ghost" Riley
Gentle isn't really in his vocabulary - he's six feet of pure muscle and strength and while he tries to make a conscious effort to reign himself in, he can sometimes get a bit carried away in the moment.
For him to be physically intimate with you on any level, you'd have to be close to him; in this scenario, you'd have worked your way into his heart.
Doesn't like being vulnerable, point-blank.
But once he realises that he'd hurt you, someone he cares so deeply for, he feels guilty. Beyond guilty.
Notices the bruising on your wrists from his solid grip, when he'd been holding them above your head during a passionate kiss, and feels his stomach drop.
Even as you insist to him that you're okay, he'd be distant.
With all of his past experiences - with his Father, his Mother, and his childhood as a whole - he internally and solemnly swore that he would never lay a finger on you or hurt you, in any way.
And now? He feels like he's done just that.
Would probably take him a while to get out of that headspace - you knew that trying to push him wouldn't help but still checked up on him; which in turn made him feel more guilty, you were so kind to him and deep down he felt like he didn't deserve such kindness.
You would be cooking a meal for the both of you, when he would wrap his arms around your waist from behind, wordlessly pressing his head into the crook of your neck.
"'m sorry." He was apologising not just for the bruises, but for everything - he had been hiding himself away, and the lack of intimacy was borderline painful for the both of you.
You turned around in his embrace, wrapping your arms around his neck, pulling you to him in a hug. He stiffened, before his arms tightened around you slightly, as if he was making sure that you were still here with him.
You were, and you silently promised that you weren't going anywhere.
Johnny "Soap" MacTavish
Johnny is your typical 'class clown' - he's charismatic in such a way that you can't help but laugh along with him, and his energy just makes him fun to be around.
The only time he really gets serious is when he's working but even then he's always one to crack jokes with the Team - namely, with Ghost (who 9/10 pretends to be annoyed at the Sergeant, rather than admitting he enjoys his company).
He always misses you so much when he's deployed - to be honest even if you were also in the military, if you both got sent on different missions or were even apart for a day, he'd still feel like he hadn't seen you in forever.
So when he does see you again, he's very passionate in showing you just how much he missed you.
It wasn't until you winced from how hard he was gripping onto your hip during a make-out session that he pulled away, panicked eyes searching your form for the source of the pain.
His eyes fell onto the slightly discoloured blotches on your hip, and he instantly frowned, scooping you into a hug.
"Aw I'm so sorry, Darlin', I didnae realise I was hurtin' ye."
The make-out session was completely abandoned, as he rubbed your hip gently, kissing your forehead.
Makes mental notes to keep his strength reigned in in future, and feels absolutely awful when he sees the finger-shaped bruises forming on your skin :(
Definitely would turn up with a bouquet of flowers for you, orders your favourite food and dotes on you for days after it - no matter how much you may protest, he's going to treat you the best he can.
Kyle "Gaz" Garrick
Another guy who's very passionate when he's been away from you for a long period of time.
He misses you more than you'll ever know - he even carries a little photo of you in the pocket of his tactical vest.
Can get a bit excitable when making out, picking you up under your thighs, pushing you against the wall - a little bit too forcefully.
He notices your breath hitching and it takes him a second to realise that it wasn't sexual, but he had in fact accidentally knocked the back of your head against the wall with the momentum.
Immediately places you down on the bed, apologies continuously flowing out of his mouth as he pulls you to his chest, cradling your head.
It didn't hurt that much, more of a dull ache, but in his eyes he might as well have fractured your skull.
Like Soap, he dotes on you for ages after it, promising that in future he'll be more careful with his strength.
Captain John Price
He's been in the military for a long time so he likes to think that he has a good awareness of his strength, and is always mindful around you.
He doesn't treat you like you're fragile, but he's never rough with you - unless you ask, that is.
I reckon that he's incredibly good at reading people, so if he noticed even a slight hint of discomfort or pain on your features during a make-out session, he'd immediately stop and ask if you were alright.
If you voiced your discomfort or pain, he'd feel guilty for hurting you in the first place, hands delicately massaging any sore spots.
He treats you like royalty anyways, but after this? He'd practically on bended knee, would do anything you asked.
Wouldn't ask to continue with your make-out session, waiting for you to be comfortable first; he'd never want to make you feel pressured or uncomfortable with him.
All in all, he's very mature about it, apologising profusely - your happiness and safety is paramount to him.
König is always hyper aware of his sheer size and strength - he knows he's big and strong, it's what makes him so good at his job in the first place.
It's also why he's always so cautious around you, he practically treats you like you're made of glass.
Even if you're in the military or part of KorTac, he's still going to be hesitant to spar with you for fear of hurting you in the process.
If he hurt you while making out, he'd honestly want to curl up in a ball and cry.
Doesn't matter if it's a tiny bruise or a scrape, he's going to completely shut down; it'd be like how he was when you initially met him, the closed-off mercenary who doesn't speak to anyone and keeps to himself.
He tries to make it clear that he's not angry at you - quite the opposite, he's livid with himself for not being able to control his own strength.
Like Ghost, it would take him a while to come around - but you would have to make the first move.
He would be sitting on your shared bed, head in his hands as he licks his wounds, inwardly cursing himself; his sniper hood would be back on, as if he was trying to hide himself away from the world.
Coming to stand between his legs, you'd gently place your hand over his, encouraging him to lift his head up to look at you.
"It's okay, I'm alright."
He said nothing, hands coming to rest on your hips, as he pressed his forehead to your stomach. You encircled your arms around his broad shoulders and his tentatively wrapped around your waist.
He'd eventually come around but it would take a lot of convincing to get him out of the mindset that he was going to end up hurting you again.
Poor guy just loves you so much :(
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crucialplayer · 8 months
Thoughts on Mars placements 
!! everything is based purely on my experiences with signs, written with no other purpose than to share my observations and be unserious.
Aries mars. Practical jokes lovers, gentle touch haters. Hit u while laughing. Love the banter, sometimes a lil too much. Go for it (whatever it is) fiercely and without a single backthought. Explosive in conflict, but in a sense of crying screaming throwing up banging against the wall. 
Taurus mars. Life could be on Mars but they still be going on and on about that one thing. Sudden outbursts of anger. It might seem out of the blue but they’ve probably been brooding some hurt for a long time. They just hoped it’d go away… naturally. Also surprisingly horny. 
Gemini mars. Mind fuckers. That one guy defending polygamy «as a concept» rather too enthusiastically. Can talk their way out of hell with one leg already in the hottest boiling cauldron. I suppose it’s a placement most people will find charming at some point (says a lot about society…). 
Cancer mars. Rumors are true, the sky is blue, and they are manipulative. Watching anybody else display vulnerability is the same as watching a children’s play to them. Ur rawest and most disturbing moment? To a cancer mars its a chill Tuesday morning. Humanization of a silent treatment. 
Leo mars. You’d gather that its serious by the sheer scale of their reaction but I promise its not. 9 times out of 10 will cause a huge scene and won't be able to remember it 2 days after. Very defensive. Won't put themselves out there if they’re not guaranteed a 10-minute standing ovation. 
Virgo mars. They believe that they make sense but usually they don't. They’re calculating but it’s like they do it backwards resulting in some of the most unhinged decisions made. Want to be praised for… um… existing as they are. Kind of a menace in conflict. 
Libra mars. If u think it's hard for you to wait for them to make up their mind imagine how they feel. It’s similar to watching a plant move without a time-lapse. Cry when they’re angry. Go with the flow not because they’re chill but more cause it's easier for them. 
Scorpio mars. They ARE vengeance and I'm scared. Slash 3 tires after one fight mars. Not the person you’d try to make jokingly jealous. For further information read the lyrics to… really any Taylor Swift song. 
Sagittarius mars. Don't think before they do and think after they’ve done smth only if u make them. The kind of people that will try everything once just to know how it feels (and then present that to everyone as if they’ve found god by bungee jumping one time). Very easy to dare. Also are always checking someone out. 
Capricorn mars. Blood is cold, the heart is beating twice per minute. ISN’T IT lonely on top of the world fellas??? If u get them to like u your love language better not be words of affirmation. Instead of arguing chances are high they disappear for a while or just go into a rock regime. 
Aquarius mars. Are only attracted to intellectuals so naturally in a room full of sweet gentle people will go for the most narcissistic motherfucker out there. They’re sorta very patient but I feel maybe it's just them dissociating… Ponder a lot before making a move. 
Pisces mars. I'm afraid no one knows whats going on there. It's like they’re never actually present. Therefore often times can have a delayed reaction to smth, which people might read as passive aggression. Very sentimental, will write u a song or a poem on a second date. Also low LOW energy. 
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Prewar!Cooper Howard has a breeding kink because he loves being a dad. He and Barb married and started trying for kids later in life than most folks around them, so much of the sex they had, especially early on, was focused on getting Barb pregnant. If he'd had his way, they would have had a whole litter of children, but hey, sometimes life doesn't work out the way you want. Still, there's the fun of trying, and there was a lot of trying. After the divorce, he's shocked when he meets someone else, and even more shocked when he feels those same urges with you. He's been trained to try and knock one in basically every time, he jokes.
At least, that's what he tells himself.
He's also incredibly possessive, and it drives him wild to think about getting to see you all swollen and filled out with his child. Particularly with you being younger that him; the ugly part of his brain is barking at him to stake a more permanent claim on you every time a guy your age so much as looks your way. Personally, he thinks he's too old to have more kids, but between his secret urges, your forgetfulness when it comes to your pill, and your twin high sex drives, well...sometimes accidents happen.
He'd be over the moon, once he knew you were happy as well (he would also worry about the news potentially being hurtful to Barb, but that'd be an issue for tomorrow). Showing you off in public, knowing that other people see how gorgeous you are and know you fully belong to him, it really gets him going, and you certainly take notice of how amorous he is when you're out together (combined with how vigorously he fucks you when you get home). Thinks you're insanely sexy pregnant and likes to watch you ride him with a big belly. You'd both better be a lot more careful about your contraception after the first baby if you don't want another, because getting to see you that way only makes his kink worse.
The Ghoul has a breeding kink because he's incredibly possessive. It's been literal centuries since he's come across anything in this world that he cares for enough to want to claim it, and you're officially claimed. He wants everyone, including you, to know that you belong to him and only him. Other ghouls can smell him on you much more strongly if he cums inside you, and he enjoys the way filling you full scratches his most primal itch. It's just an added benefit that he's almost positive he can't actually get you pregnant, but...there are records of ghouls reproducing with other ghouls. Haven't stranger things happened?
The little thrill he gets at the idea is just nature trying to take over.
At least, that's what he tells himself.
You'd be hard-up to get him to admit it, but he wants you to need him. He wants an excuse to baby you and pamper you and force you to let him do things for you without the vulnerability of admitting that he wants to do those things for you anyway because he's deeply in love with you.
You complain that your feet hurt during your journey for the day? He'll carry you everywhere you want to go from now until the end of time, if that's what you want. Stomach and appetite troubles? Name whatever you want, he'll find it for you, no matter how many caps he has to pay. Tired? "Of course you're tired, sweetheart. Let's stop for today. Here, sit down. Do you need some water? Eat this, you need some calories. Let me rub your legs and feet for you." It is endless and sort of surreal for you to adjust to.
Speaking of journeys, I think he also secretly wants to settle down a bit. He does already after he meets and falls for you, seeing how much the constant trekking back and forth across the irradiated desert takes out of you, and he definitely would want to do so expeditiously if you were pregnant. It's not like secure places don't exist in this world. He can keep you, and anyone else who may come along, safe just fine.
He'd be afraid to fuck you if you were pregnant, worried that he'll hurt you or make you sick or make something bad happen with the pregnancy. But if you reassure him, maybe beg a little, he'll do his best to make sure your urges are satisfied. Sit on his face and let him slide his tongue through your insanely sensitive folds, lie back and let him fuck you with those agile fingers while he jerks himself off. You'll miss being properly penetrated, badly, but you won't go without.
He wants an excuse to be even more protective of you than usual. Give him a reason to literally pluck men's eyes out for daring to so much as look at you, a reason to never let you out of his sight ever again. If you thought he was ready to commit violence to keep you safe before, you haven't seen anything yet.
I can't imagine it would be easy to have a big family in the Wasteland, but reminding him how much he loves being a dad would certainly have the thought on his mind.
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rene-darling · 16 days
TAKING- advantage of the strongest
He's been having a hard time lately, he's lost Suguru, his one and only, of course- you on the other hand are overjoyed at that fact.
It's annoying, after all, you've done for him, he calls out his name instead of yours, it's time you taught him a permanent lesson on manners.
P.s I TOLD YOU ITS NEVER GOJOVERRR RAHHH- [credits- __3aem on insta]
Also, follow my insta r3xni3 n text me, let's talk, im bored!!
...gojo Satoru...
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Seeing Gojo with his head in his hands sitting at the edge of the school stairs wasn't a new sight for you, in fact for the past week you've been seeing him sitting there.
Crying, sobbing, or simply sitting in misery. He's always thinking of that damned suguru. Honestly, it was hard to get him to show you any affection with suguru around, and now that he's gone it's gotten even harder!
It's not that you hate suguru, you just love gojo, and seeing your gojo in pain annoys you, but. It also makes for the perfect opportunity to shove yourself in his life, when he's most vulnerable and make him rely on you
"what up 'toru?" Sitting down next to him gently touching his shoulder, you can't be too forward now. "..mhm, it's nothing." Hmm, well you knew it wouldn't be that easy, of course he wouldn't open up to you just yet! So you'll just keep trying- "come on satoru, this isn't like you, you're the strongest-"
"Can you leave? I'm not in the mood y/n." Running his hands through his hair he groaned as he hid his face. You got up without a word, it's fine, if he pushes you away you have many more ways to push back harder.
The continuing weeks during classes you would always make small talk, distracting his mind from geto. Then you'd buy him sweets saying that there was some buy one get one free offer, which is why you had brought one over for him there wasn't
You occupied him on the missions he'd usually go to alone, keeping him from feeling lonely. No matter how hard they were and no matter how much strain they put your body through you'd reassure him, you're fine!
He'd notice how you'd push yourself for him, it made him- feel. Feel something other than the constant sorrow due to Geto's absence.
He started reciprocating your 'kindness'. he would let you rest your head on his lap after a stressful mission and sometimes..he'd rests his own head on yours.
Shoving yourself in his life to replace the sorrows he felt didn't only include platonic relations. Every once in a while, whenever the feelings of loss came back too harshly, all he wanted was to forget. Get lost in pleasure, in anything, just- just please make him forget.
His tears which usually stained his face due to sorrow, now stained his face due to mind-numbing pleasure, his body was yours for the destroying, just please, please make him forget. Even if just for tonight!
" 'toru, use your words now, tell me what you want, hm?" You moved your hand ever so slowly, it hurt. "Just- just please, touch me, ruin me, do whatever you want. I'm yours, yours all yours- Suguru please.
Hah- fuck. He's so lucky he's Gojo Satoru. your gojo Satoru. You can feel yourself growing numb as you let out an unhinged chuckle "Sure Satoru." You try pronouncing his name with that same softness, to replicate that tone of pure love and kindness geto had, but alas, you never truly get it right.
Still, it's close enough for him. as he whines, bucking into your hand. You have half the mind to leave him like this, writhing on the bed, but you never do. This isn't the first time, and certainly isn't the last. You're sure every single fucking time you've seen satoru he's called out his name,
But, as you gaze down at him and as he stares up at you with his pretty blue eyes which spill with tears by the second, you can't help it. Perhaps you pity him, or perhaps you simply don't care if he's using you as a means to an end, since in return, you get to be the one fucking him dumb. And not Suguru, 'cause he's dead. But that's beside the point.
Rocking his world as his vision blanks, eyes rolling back as sweat covers him. You don't mind the pain of when he bites into your shoulder, you don't mind the fact that Suguru's name slips out of him more than your (can be fake) cock
But, for some reason you just can't take it today. Something takes over you, you swear, as you grab harshly onto his neck, gasps leave his throat as he huffs for air. "Wh- Ah pl- EAse- hah."
"say my name." "Wha- AHh-" pressing your hand down harder you're sure it'll leave marks. "Y/n. Fucking say it you dumb bitch." Tears fall down from his cheeks and onto your hand but it only seems to egg you on "Ah- mhm y-y/n please?" As you let go gits of his coughs fill the air as his pink chest rises up and down for air
Suddenly he gasps once more as you push against his prostate, you're far too pleased with him saying your name to let him rest, even to catch his breath.
His cries ring in your ear as his hands scratch onto your skin, leaving deep bloody marks in their wake he stares up at you with his tear stained eyes, mumbling only your name for the rest of the night.
You hope he's learned his lesson, and if not. You wouldn't mind teaching him another one.
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prettygiri222 · 1 month
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Summary: Onyankopon’s tired of hearing you complain
Onyankopon x Black Fem Reader SMUT
just a little smth so yall know i’m alive
“O-onya,” you cried out. he had you perched on the bathroom sink with nothing to hold on to but his arms. your quivering legs struggled to wrap around his waist as he kept you stable with a strong grip on your ass. you were completely at his mercy, “too much!”
Onyankopon frowned looking down as you furrowed your eyebrows. he had just started and you were already a beautiful mess. it took him only a few neck kisses while you were brushing your teeth before your thong became a soaking wet mess he was more than happy to help you with. he had you stripped bare in seconds, just barely lifting his wife beater and shorts when he sunk into your needy pussy. 
“is that better?” he asked. Onya hated seeing you in pain so he slowed his pace. but he couldn’t lie, something about seeing the way you cling to him like a lifeline when he went just a little too deep or too fast made his dick jump.
“yea, sogood sogood” you babbled out.
the bathroom was filled with the sounds of skin slapping against skin, the squelching sounds of his dick going in and out of you alongside your high-pitched moans and Onya’s deep groans. he had found a pace that both of you enjoyed. you held your head up to keep eye contact with your boyfriend but sometimes your gaze drifted to where you two were connected. you loved seeing how your tiny hole accommodated Onya’s massive length and girth. 
only the upper half of his dick coated by your wetness. the lower part of his shaft was neglected due to your complaints about his size. luckily, Onya’s tip was the most sensitive part of his dick. he loved feeling your tight walls squeeze around it, “shit.”
“oh my gosh,” you moaned. you knew you were close to your orgasm when everything suddenly felt like it was too much. you tried to keep it together you didn’t want to ruin the impending feeling but it was driving you crazy. you could feel the way Onya’s mushroom tip scraped against your walls paving way for his even thicker shaft. it felt so good that it was starting to hurt.
you bit your bottom lip to try and distract yourself but all it did was muffle your moans as they turned into cries. your toes clenched around his back and your nails were starting to dig into his arm. all it took was one look for Onya to know that you were close. he kept the same pace knowing you were close and he wouldn’t be too long after. the feeling of your gummy walls practically suffocating his dick was enough for him to ignore the pain of you digging into his skin.
that was until you started trying to squirm away. wriggling your hips to avoid his strokes hitting your soft spot.
“where do you think you're going?” Onya watched as you furrowed your eyebrows and avoided his eyes. ‘not this again’ he thought to himself. he barely had his dick inside you at this point, there was no way that you were so sensitive.
but you were. “‘s to much Onya!” you cried. you finally looked up at him again, a fresh set of tears visible on your waterline. there was nowhere for you to run, you were stuck between a hard place and a set of rock-hard abs that was pretty much the only thing keeping you up. you could only plead for mercy.
“hm? it’s too much?” Onya mimicked. seeing you so vulnerable made both his heartbreak and turned him on. he would’ve listened to your pleas had you not forcefully tried to stop him, placing a hand on his exposed midriff hoping to slow his harsh pace.
“uh huh”
“yea? well now I’m gonna make it hurt.”
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stxneflxwers · 1 month
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⋯⁂ summary. he's a little bit needy first thing in the morning, and he finally feels safe enough to entrust you with it.
⋯⁂ a/n. short and sweet, barely edited, etc. brain is on some bullshit fr (again.) + i wanted to include ratio for this, but then the aventurine one got pretty lengthy (heh) for how tired i am. so i'm just gonna save the ratio one for later, lol.
⋯⁂ characters. aventurine. afab reader (neutral prns).
⋯⁂ cw. sleepy eepy sex. soft sex. spooning. morning sex. implied first time. lowercase.
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you both love to spoon – regardless it's you or him as the big spoon (usually it's him being the big spoon since he refuses to admit he loves being the small one and how safe it makes him feel to have you embrace him.) but sometimes, you swear you can feel his morning wood poke against you – but it's not like he ever really brings it up to you, he's said himself that he prefers taking care of his "little problems" by himself.
this morning was different, though – you woke up to him all whimpering and needy, his soft bare hands languidly groping at various parts of your body. who knows what was going on in his head at the time – perhaps he finally feels secure enough to indulge himself, maybe he was merely vulnerable and truly desperate for relief. you can never tell what's going through his head, anyway.
you were thrown off by the sudden amount of sexual intimacy he begged for, but that didn't stop you from taking care of him (for the first time who knows how long).
after bringing him to the edge with just your hand alone – all while his hands roamed and squeezed at your softness – you guide his still hard shaft between your legs. you shift one leg so he has more access to where you both ache for him to be.
he's nervous, though. exceedingly so. his hands tremble over your skin, his grip loosening like he was ready to get up and run away into the restroom. but, you stopped him before he could even think about it twice – grabbing his hands with your own, leaving gentle squeezes that bring some reassurance to his weary heart.
with that said – when you began rubbing your wet slit up and down his length, he groaned weakly and wasted no more time in taking you then and there. he entered you a little too eagerly, but you're lucky you were so wet for him that it hardly even hurt.
when he's fully sheathed inside your hot, welcoming walls, he pants and holds you closer than before. he moans softly when you grind against him little bits at a time. the next thing that comes from you is sweet reassurances and praises – and that's all he needs to start thrusting. he's a bit slow and sloppy, but you both enjoy it much more than anticipated.
he holds off on cumming inside you – regardless of any requests and offers you give him – he's already so satisfied with what you allowed him.
...and also because he promptly fell asleep after a while.
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keypaa · 6 months
Astrology Observations No.4
<3 TW
I use the whole sign system
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Mars-Saturn hard aspects struggle with sexual encounters at first and have a poor relationship with intimicy.They may loose their virginity later than others and that‘s good yk never loose sahahah
Mars in leo/degrees can be known for their drive (that one girl in my class is super intelligent and everyone knows that) Since leo rules fame it makes more than sence✮⋆˙
Moon in cancer (if developed) can talk about that they just cried over an quite little duck running around without being ashamed of pointing out their own vulnerability (ma sweethearts) That is because cancers ruler is moon
Venus in aquarius always have something to do with animes and they live for video games and their friends. Nevertheless you can be their partner but sometimes they put their friends first 𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ𐀔
Mercury in taurus thinkkkk before they talk, might talk slow and come of as seriøs
Wait jupiter in 3rd house just get a lot of money from family members $♡
Venus in 11th house post their favorite things online ( your pets, your playlists…) 💋
4th house in aries: your home environment is wild, full of chaos and passion at the same time ✮⋆˙
Saturn-Pluto: The relationship to your father changed or transformed you. Some people with this placement are not in contact with their father anymore or just see him once in a while
Moon-Jupiter individuals get lucky if they show their emotions (others try to emphasize with them or they get help) also depends on other aspects ☼
Trust me libra mercury knows how to charm others or themselfes out of uncomfy situations with their words
Mercury in aries try to help you through telling you the solution to your problem (you might get mad but they just wanna help) lovely cookies of mine
Lilith-Mc no one believes that you are innocent. Oh you are a virgin,they will assume you have stds because apperently they assume that you fucked around the town and bānged your friend friends their exes and boyfriends/girlfirends plus their grandfather-mothers
Uranus-Venus positive =tip try to work if problems in relationships accure
How Uranus-Venus hard aspects behave= They may jump to the next person and think that working on relationships are not worth it if you have serious problems or if they don‘t see growth quickly. But that doesn't mean that they will leave you just that they do not have time for bullshit
Venus in pisces need a lot of time to recover if they get hurt but they will die for you
Sag moon have the opinion that getting distracted is good (especially with friends,loved ones). These folks don't believe in telling you their feelings that much
Specific but scorpio pluto in leo degree are known for their dark deep feelings and pain
Jupiter in libra generation loves money, some more others less ˗ˏˋ✩ˎˊ˗
Please listen Mercury-Asc people in combinition with Venus tense aspect with Mars, you are not ugly people always talked about your appearence and that makes you always think about how you look. Mercury=thoughts,Asc=Appearence. TW! Body dismorphia can be the case, if so I hug you and advice you to get help¡
Why do aries individuals often have some type of allergy it isn't normal anymore hahaha
TW! Most borderliners have intense aspected moons or gemini, leo or aries moons. Gemini moons have a maze of mind and will overthink everything and then turn into an empty minded person in one split second (typical for BPD), leo moons suffer from people pleasing and having a high opinion of themselfes turn into low low self esteem issues, and them aries moons show their emotions impulsifly or act on them impulsifly. I am not a professional but I am here to make you aware, I observed it in soo many charts, you know best if you show signs! It is more than important to get help :)
Neptune-Asc everyone seems to guess your age differently
Let me know if you would like to have a more dark astro observation next time
Luuuuuv muah
03:02 PM
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Leonardo (NSFW Alphabet)
Bayverse Leonardo x F!Reader
First of four instalments of my NSFW Alphabet series. Word count: 2500. Some warnings of bondage, overstimulation, breeding and trauma.
Leonardo’s nature is leadership and taking charge, and that would reflect in the bedroom, despite his initial inexperience. Moment’s when he’s willing to let you take the lead or let you treat him are super DELICIOUS- but he prefers to serve and command your pleasure. Very dominant. 
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A - Aftercare (What they’re like after sex) - Chemical rush hits him particularly hard. He’s a lot more relaxed and often smiles and laughs and asks if you’re okay, even if he was in a grumpy mood previously. Will press kisses everywhere. Learned very fast he hates feeling dirty, so he’s usually up and about very fast. But he also loves the intimacy of cleaning his partner. Fetching you water and getting you into a comfortable resting position, manhandling you over a towl and giving you kisses and nuzzles all comes naturally to him.
B - Body Part (Their favorite body part of theirs or partner) - He loves your back and neck and collar bones. He could pet and hold and trace them all day. 
C - Cum (Anything to do with cum) - He isn’t relaxed about it. Will almost always stiffen up and go quiet. He’ll grab something, like the pillows or blankets and squeeze there. He knows he can hurt you. If he makes any noise it’s always on that first exhale when the orgasm releases him. Something choked and sometimes a little loud before he starts to catch his breath and relax. 
D - Dirty Secret - When he was young, he came across a shibari magazine. He still has it to this day. He thought he was into hard-core dom stuff, but then when he got an actual partner he would realize how not happy he is when his partner isn’t feeling incredible. Becomes much more of a soft-dom type. Lots of petting and kissing you while he holds you down and takes care of you, type stuff. But yunno, he was suspiciously very good at shibari in the beginning.
E - Experience (How much experience do they have) - He doesn’t know shit and he HATES it. So it take forever for him to actually want to have sex for real. Him not knowing what to do is very vulnerable and frustrating for him, especially when you get hurt. Communicating to him at first is like walking on egg shells. So when his dick is stretching you a little too far too quickly, you making a hurt noise or yelping out 'stop' it horrifies him. You gotta keep him on track and out of his head a lot in the beginning.
F - Favorite Position - Positions are one of those things he loves to experiment and mess around with. Even the crazy goofy looking ones. His superhuman flexibility, strength, and love for physical fitness will do nothing but assist. But if he HAD to pick a favorite; Missionary. But the kind of missionary where he has a thumb in your mouth and his lips against your temple while he holds your legs where he wants them while he grinds hard into you. Loves the power and intimacy there, and it gives him easy access to talk or bite. 
G - Goofy (How goofy are they?) - At first, not silly at all. Then even with experience he still appreciates the seriousness and intensity of sex. But Leo actually smiles and laughs a lot during sex. Lots of firm kisses and nuzzles, even if things are getting intense for you. His job is done when you can't stand on your own, have tears all over your face from how good it felt; but you're giggling and hugging him. Loves to flirt and joke with you, in and out sex. Very boyish about it. 
H - Hair - Beyond his desire to have things clean, he doesn’t care.
I - Intensity (How are they during the moment) - Outside of the first several times he has sex, he usually has his wits about him, so it is almost always intense for you. Sex becomes an easy outlet to release energy and strong emotions. That means you are the sole receiver of such things, and he likes it that way. Leo doesn't experience emotional sex until later in a relationship, and it will affect him very deeply; so be prepared to handle a very needy, clingy, and tired Leo for at least an hour or so. 
J - Jack Off (Masturbation Headcanon) - He hates masturbating. He’s too paranoid and he always feels that he’s doing something wrong. He hates it, but he needs it. He knows it will take the edge of frustration off. So when he does; it is ALWAYS in the shower. He needs privacy and it’s easy to clean and forget about. It’s almost never on his mind until it’s in the middle of the night and he CAN’T. Makes it extra hard to sleep sometimes. 
K - Kink (One or more of their kinks) - One time he had you in doggy, and he was getting close. He had huddled all around you and had bit your shoulder when you whispered, “Breed, that pussy Leo. Give it to me, give me a baby-” His brain rewired that day. Knew kink unlocked.
L - Location (Favorite places to do the deed) - He REALLY needs privacy. And familiarity. He struggles to focus on anything other than your safety when you are in a new or public place; and sex is (almost) never on his mind when his family is around. Even if you got hands all over him. If he gets familiar with your apartment, he might venture out into odd spots around there if you live alone. But- he IS kinda into the thought of having outdoorsy sex. He loves the sun. Anddd he loves the water. So If you SOMEHOW convince him to stay in a lakeside cabin, or a super pimped up apartment with a private outdoor pool, with no one around, just saying…perfect anniversary/birthday present for him.
M - Motivation (What turns them on) - Like I said, if you get him some safety and privacy (usually your bedroom or apartment with the door locked) Leo will suddenly want sex with you like- ALL THE TIME.
N - No (Turn OFFs) - Don’t hit him, don’t degrade him, and the instant you say stop or no- he’s done. It’s actually a struggle (especially in the beginning) to get him back in the mood if he actually hurts you. It made teaching ‘what hurts and what doesn’t’ a little rough. He would greatly benefit from the ‘color system’ technique over a safe word. It allows him to check in and get assurance and feed back and much as he needs to- instead of having to wait for your explicit ‘no stop’. Also allows him to remain confident even if you’re ‘struggling away’ or shaking uncontrollably or making really, really sexy overwhelmed noises. Yunno...
O - Oral (Preference in giving/receiving) - Leo gives regularly (constantly). He takes pride in being…really good at it. However he LOVES receiving. He rarely - if ever - asks for a bj. But fuck, it’s one of his favorite things. He loves looking down at you and making eye contact with you while you stare at him and love on him and (struggle) to suck, touch and please him. It blows his mind and he thinks about it constantly. But he’s also aware he gets a little more reactive like this. His noises get a little louder and higher, his eye's roll back a lot, he twitches and shakes a tad bit more than he usually allows himself to. He thinks the loss of control is a little embarrassing. You think it's hot as fuck.
P - Pace (Are they fast/rough or slow/sensual) - This boy LOVES to drag sex out. He’ll slow down or speed up when he sees fit. Especially if it drags out your finish. Or gets you to finish multiple times. He will rarely get physically rough during sex beyond some hair pulling and manhandling. The roughest he gets is when he’s close, when he needs to speed up or grab/bite you. The bruises are always worth it. 
Q - Quickie (Their opinions on quickies) - His need for privacy and you’re safety make quickies difficult if not outright impossible. Unless it’s his season or ya’ll haven't had privacy in days- yeah, he’s taking you to the bathroom and you’re going to be very quiet for him, you understand?
R - Risk (Are they game to experiment? Do they take risks, etc) - Leo doesn’t like to actually be restrained. So beyond public/indecent acts and something that can ACTUALLY prevent him from rising to an emergency situation - he is down to try everything once with you. You sometimes have to beg him to be on the receiving, submissive side of things. But it doesn’t take much effort at all if he’s in a good mood. He will desire at least some research into some topics, but he’s already big on communication, so that would make navigating new things much, much easier.
S - Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last) - All of the turtles have superhuman stamina. With practice, Leo could have sex all day if you allowed it. 
T - Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them?) - Leo was never ever opposed to toys. He’d be awkward about things being placed on him. Doesn’t really use them on himself. But he’d master toys very, very quickly, and would see them as the tools (torture devices) that they are. I also see him (with age and experience) owning his own small collection eventually. Mainly vibrators and rope, and I see him liking glass things. He thinks they are beautiful and easy to clean. 
U - Unfair (How much do they tease) - In the realm of PDA, when he’s trying to tease you sexually he actually goes the opposite than physical touch? His teasing comes in the form of super SUPER intense bedroom eyes. All while he’s got some ‘grumpy’ almost prowley body language. It would look like he's kinda irritated, like he’d be in a chair with one hand on his face while bouncing his leg. Then he’d look up at you and you’d just KNOW. Or he’d be walking somewhere on the other side of the room and he’s walking all slow and intense and he's giving you LOOKS to the point where you don’t want to look at him. It’s JUST subtle enough that no one seems to notice, but it’s hot. The type to duck down close enough to whisper, "I need you naked and on the bed as soon as we get home, you hear me?"
V - Volume (How loud they are, what sounds?) - Okay, if you ask Leo this question, he’s gonna deny he makes noises. He’s one of THOSE guys. Thinks it’s embarrassing. But he’s a liar. He is very noisy. He wasn’t at first, given his background paranoia around sex and masturbation and how ‘unprivate’ his life has been. But during sex, when he’s out of breath he makes growly, frustrated sounds. But on days when you treat him, when you’re riding him or giving him a bj and he’s 'not allowed to touch'- his moans get a little desperate and almost emotional. It’s rare but it’s SUPER hot when he whimpers. He won’t make a peep in the middle of orgasm but depending on it’s strength, his next noise can be pretty loud. Sometimes he bites something or buries his face in you in an effort to avoid letting anything out. While his noises are super sexy, watching Leo try to hide them is also kinda hot too.
W - Wild Card (Random) - He’s always secretly dreamed he could get married. Have a house, a wife and kids- His fantasy of having you married, barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen is something that will take him years to admit to you. Sex gets extremely vulnerable and intense for him very very quickly if you two start dirty talking about getting you pregnant. He will need an hour of recovery and closeness after, and if he doesn’t get that (if you two get interrupted or pulled away), anything that prevents him from recharging in your arms- he won’t be okay for a while. Leaves him in a dark mental space. 
X - X-Ray (what’s going on in those pants) - I am team cloaca. Leo's still pretty big, proportionate to himself, and that means MASSIVE for you. Despite the extra lubricant and smoothness of his erection, he takes great care to prepare you always for his size, if it even gets to that point. He’s not the type to think penetration is the best part of sex, and is happy to let it go for the sake of earning you and/or him a fantastic orgasm (or several).
Y - Yearning (How high is their sex drive) - He can go weeks without having sex, but that does not mean he doesn't want it.  The frequency of sex is not as high on the list as a lot of other things, but he craves it daily with you. His drive is very high, and he will pounce on every opportunity you allow. His self control, discipline, and life-long experience SUPPRESSING his sexual drive assist in keeping his yearning under control. 
Z - Zzz (How quickly they fall asleep afterwards) - Leo is huge on clean up, and he’s instinctively a provider so he is quick to hand you water, manhandle you on top of a towel, then curl up for cuddles and kisses and laughs. Sleep (especially deep sleep) is difficult for Leo. But if you provide him with a long, physically exerting session, a strong orgasm, your arms and legs around him and lots of cuddles and kisses, suddenly everything is right with the world, everything is going to be okay, and he always finds the best sleep like this. Always. 
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xrollingmyeyesx · 1 year
⌯Innocence (1)⌯
⌯As the youngest daughter of Olo’eyktan Tonowari you live a very sheltered life. When the Sullys arrive on Awa’atlu a certain son guides you to escape the bounds you’ve been kept in. But is everything as it seems?
↝🌸 pairing: Neteyam x fem!Metkayina Reader. ALL ARE 18+
↝🌸 warnings: mature themes, suggestive language, heavy petting but doesn't go all the way, thigh riding???
↝🌸 notes: This started out as fluff but...Stuff happened. Also, this is the first time I've ever tried writing, so pls point out any errors I need to fix. This might be too long? I didn't know how much was too much. Might write a part 2.
Part Two
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As the youngest daughter of Olo’eyktan Tonowari, you have always been sheltered.  
At first because you were the youngest, but then your partners began to notice how sensitive and vulnerable you were. You didn’t seem to have the same aggressiveness that most Metkayina were born with; You were soft where they were hard. 
Your passiveness and trusting nature often got you hurt, sometimes physically and emotionally. You trusted other kids who would trick you into doing dangerous activities with the promise of being your friend. As you aged, other teens would befriend you to get to your more popular siblings, and your parents worried others would take advantage of you to gain favor with the chief. 
So they protected you. 
They did as much as they could to shelter you from the world, keeping you under close watch in the village. You were constantly watched and forced to have a chaperone, usually one of your siblings. As such, you were forced to spend most of your time with your family. They didn't let you leave the village unless it was to visit the Cove of the Ancestors or for clan ceremonies. You didn't go out and make friends, and you definitely weren't going on any dates. Your father and brother had all but banned any suitors from coming anywhere near you. 
You thought you would be free after your iknimaya, after finally proving yourself as an adult. You were a woman now and you had hoped your parents would loosen their hold on you. Of course, Olo’eyktan Tonowari and Tsahik Ronal did not agree. 
Overtime, sheltered away from the rest of the clan, you became lonely, You yearned for freedom from your caring but overbearing family. 
You were lying on the beach daydreaming when the Sully family arrived.
The sound of the conch horn boomed across the island of Awa’atlu. You followed your sister, Tsireya, to the northern beach. The two of you took your place beside your family, your mother and father at the head. A small crowd had gathered. 
“Uturu has been asked.” 
The voice came from an Omatikayan woman holding the hand of a small girl. There were six of them, a family with four children. 
They looked very different from you, and you eyed them curiously. They were darker than you, their skin a deep blue that resembled the night sky. Their tails were skinny with tufts of hair at the ends, and their eyes were a startling gold. 
As usual, you became distracted easily, taking in every little detail about the foreigners in front of you. Your fathers voice faded into the background. It was hard to focus on him with the strange, piercing eyes of the oldest son focused directly on you. 
He looked to be the oldest of the siblings, and he held himself with a strong air of confidence. He was tall, taller than his father even, and strong, with broad shoulders that narrowed into a muscled chest and a slim waist. He was lithe like one of your clans dancers, but had the confidence of a trained warrior. He had long hair braided back and a riding mask sat on his forehead. 
He looked straight at you, as if he felt the same pull that had you wanting to reach out and touch him. It would be completely inappropriate to do that, but your fingers twitched at the urge. 
The Omatikayan boy smiled at you, dipping his head forward slightly in acknowledgement. Your skin flushed. 
Your brother, Aonung, huffed under his breath and stepped in front of you, blocking the other man's view. 
He was such an ass sometimes, and way too protective. What could the other man possibly do to hurt you here, in the middle of your family and surrounded by your clan?
You pinched Aonung in the side, and he hissed at you sharply, smacking your hand away before he turned back to your father.
“My children, Aonung and Tsireya, will teach your children the way.” Your father announced. He then addressed the clan with an air of finality. “You will treat Toruk Makto and his family as your brothers and sisters. Teach them the way, so they do not suffer the shame of being useless.”
The man, Jake Sully, thanked your father before Tsireya ushered them away to their new home. You watched, enamored, as the son packed up his stuff and followed after his family, shooting you a quick glance over his shoulder. 
You turned to your dad, hope bubbling inside you. “Dad? Do I get to help teach too?”
Tonowari gave you a hard but wary look. “No, these people are strangers and I do not trust them yet. I do not want you anywhere near those boys Y/n. Go home, I’m sure your mother could use your help.”
And just like that, your hope was crushed.
You rolled your eyes as you turned your back on him, your ears pinned back in irritation. You loved your dad, but sometimes he spoke to you like you were a soldier, like you were meant to do exactly as he said and never disobey. But that's exactly what you did, wasn't it? He and your mother told you what to do with your life, and you followed because it was what you had been doing for 21 years. You were so tired of everyone trying to “protect you” and telling you what to do. You were perfectly capable of taking care of yourself. But your dad would hear none of it.
“Yes, father.” You stomped home, pouting like the child they accused you of being.  
You didn’t see the Sully kids again for a while. 
They were busy with training and you were doing your best to obey your father and stay away. You avoided them at all costs and tried to ignore their presence, but the strange family had piqued your curiosity. You found yourself watching them from afar, especially the eldest son, Neteyam. 
Tsireya would come home at the end of the day and tell you stories about her training with them. She tended to talk more about Lo’ak, but you devoured every bit of information you could get about his brother.
She told you that Neteyam was a warrior and a good hunter. She said he was protective of his sisters, and had an adorable relationship with the youngest, Tuktirey.
From the stories she told you, he sounded like a good person. A noble, caring man. It made no sense to you why your father was so adamant that you stay away from him.
A few weeks later, you sit on the beach with your mother as she discusses your healing lessons. You weave ropes of netting absentmindedly, humming under your breath and paying her little attention. You are the youngest in your family, the least likely to have any kind of leadership role, but still she insists on teaching you everything a Tsahik would need to know. 
“Tsahik.” A harried voice calls from further down the beach. A man runs towards the pair of you, his chest heaving with effort. “Atexo has been injured in the hunt.” 
Your mother straightens, eyeing the blood smeared on the man's shoulder. “Badly?”
He nods his head vigorously. “Very badly. He got caught in a swarm of hakora.”
Your mother sighs, glancing at you contemplatively. You are supposed to stay with her today, but you know she is hesitant to involve you when there are severe wounds. She thinks you are too delicate to handle such a violent scene. 
She gives you a hard stare. “You will stay here, ma’ite. I will be back quickly.”
Surprise blossoms in your chest, and you do your best to keep it from showing on your face. She may not want you to see severe wounds or injuries, but she likes leaving you unchaperoned even less. But you won’t question her choice, not when it's the first bit of freedom you’ve had in a long time. 
“I will be here.” You smile softly at your mother, and her eyes soften. Brushing sand off her legs, she follows the man towards the healing tents. 
You’re not sure how long she’ll be gone, so you give up on weaving and sunbathe instead. You lay outstretched, your hands buried in the sand at your side. It’s warm, and you wiggling your fingers as you bask in the soft rays of the sun. 
You sing to yourself as well, the soft melody of an old lullaby falling easily from your mouth. You’re about halfway through the song when a sense of awareness washes over you, your skin prickling in the warm sun. Your mother has returned much quicker than you anticipated. 
“You sound amazing.” A deep, baritone voice says softly. 
That is definitely not your mother. 
You sit up quickly, fumbling as you attempt to turn and back away from the strange voice all in one go. You are in full defensive mode, reaching for the knife at your side, but relax when you see Neteyam. 
He stands a few feet away, keen eyes taking you in. It’s in that moment that you realize that, for the first time in your life, you are alone with a man who is not family. You have no chaperone. 
“You shouldn’t sneak up on people.” Your voice is soft, and he tilts his head as if he can’t hear you. 
Neteyam had seen you that first day on Awa’atlu and instantly thought you were beautiful. Your hair was long, almost to your waist, and curly, so different from his own. He had liked the way your eyes wandered over him. More than that, he liked the pretty blush that decorated your cheeks when he caught you. He had no intention of pursuing you when your father had so clearly declared you as off limits, but goading from his brother and a few other guys had encouraged him to seek you out.  
After that first day, Neteyam had watched you as discreetly as he could. You never seemed to be alone, always with your mom or dad or a trusted healer. He was curious about the hidden Metkayina princess. It only piqued his curiosity more when he realized you had been watching him too. He had felt eyes on him more than once, and each time he would see you quickly dart out of sight. 
“Y/n, right?” He steps closer to you, and you instinctively take a step back. “Please, sit. I didn’t mean to disturb you.”
Well. You glance back towards the healing tents, but there's no sign that your mother will be returning any soon. You sigh and sit back down in the warm sand. Neteyam follows, though he sits much closer than he needs to.
You fiddle with a shell in the sand, not quite knowing what to say. You feel nervous this close to him. You feel his eyes on you, those big yellow orbs watching you. The silence is incredibly awkward, and you have no idea what to say to him. He’s practically a stranger, and you don’t really hang around anyone but your family and their trusted friends. 
“I am Neteyam.” He offers, giving you a small smile. 
You turn your head to face him, and again are startled by those eyes. So strange, but kind of… nice? “I know.”
Neteyam grins, his sharp teeth bared at you like he thinks you said something funny. “I never see you around, and you don’t train with your brother and sister.”
He phrases it as a statement, but really he wants to know why you avoid his family. The pretty girl, who he’s been watching for the last 2 weeks, refuses to even acknowledge the Sullys. You even go as far as avoiding them at meal time. 
“My parents want me to stay away from you,” You mumble. “My father thinks you will get me into trouble.”
He raises his eyebrows at you, and the surprised look on his face makes you wonder if you were supposed to say that or if it was some kind of secret.
“Get you in trouble? Why would I do that?” Neteyam tilts his head. 
“Well, I'm not sure actually, but Aonung and Tsireya say you will ‘corrupt me.’” You don’t know what the phrase means, but it sounded bad. Aonung had drilled into your head that the Sully boys were nothing but trouble and would only put you in danger. He said they were violent and had become too used to war. 
The laugh that spills out of Neteyam’s mouth startles you, and you peer at him, your face scrunched up. So far he doesn’t seem so bad, but he is very confusing. 
Ah so this is what it’s about, Neteyam thinks to himself. You look at him with those big, innocent eyes, clearly not understanding the lewd undertones of the statement. He had originally thought you were shy, but from talking to you it seems as if you’re just very sheltered. 
He leans into your space, his woodsy scent invading your senses. You inhale sharply, and let the scent settle in your lungs. You should back away, shouldn’t be so close to an unfamiliar man, but you can’t. He smells good, really good, and your heart beats frantically in your chest. 
“And how will I corrupt you, Y/n?” His mouth quirks up, almost as if he knows something you don’t. Why was it that everyone seems to know more than you? He’s joking, clearly, but you have no idea what about. It always seems like you're one-step behind everyone else.
It’s hard to think with his eyes on you, and you can’t help the blush that spreads across your face. “I- I’m not sure.”
You go back to avoiding his eyes, fidgeting with your hands. You can feel the warmth from where his leg is almost touching yours, and fight the sudden urge to press your skin against his. Despite your shyness, he continues. 
“I should tell you, I really came over here to see if you wanted to hangout? You seem lonely and I would love the company.” He taps your leg to get your attention, his hand warm against your skin. “Do you want to come with me? We could go out to one of the islands.” 
You immediately want to say no, to tell him that you’re not allowed to leave the island without one of your family members, but a new thought crosses your mind. 
Neteyam doesn’t know your parents' rules. He doesn’t know you aren't supposed to leave the village. You’ve always wanted to be able to explore on your own, and even more you want to keep talking to the handsome guy next to you. 
Going with him is the perfect opportunity to get away, even if you might get into trouble later. You may never get this chance again, not with how strict your parents are, so you nod in agreement.
“Yes, please. I would like that.” Your heart races at the prospect of leaving, but it’s dampened a bit by guilt.
You know that lying and tricking him is wrong but your desire to get away is stronger. You’d always wanted to escape from your overbearing family but you’d be lying if you said that was the only reason you wanted to go.
Neteyam… everything about him calls to you. His smell, his smile. Maybe he was just charming and was always this kind to strangers, but something made you want to latch onto him and never let go. It helps that he seems pleased that you agreed to go. 
Neteyam, always the gentleman, offers you his hand. “Come on.”
You hesitate for a second but then slide your hand into his much bigger hand. You expect him to let go after you’re standing, but he keeps hold of your hand as you walk towards the waiting ilu.
You know how to ride an ilu, of course. Every Metkayina child learns to ride, but Neteyam still insists you sit in front of him “just in case.” You remember what your sister said about how he’s protective of his siblings. He’s protective in nature, so it makes sense for him to be protective of you too. 
And Neteyam really does want to keep you safe, but he definitely has ulterior motives. Ever since he saw you laid out in the sun, he couldn’t get the images of you out of his head. You had looked ethereal then, splayed out in the sun like a tempting meal. You were curvy in all the right places. Muscular like all the Metkayina, but smaller than most too. 
As the two of you glide through the water, Neteyam’s focus begins to shift from steering the ilu. He tries to pay attention but he’s hyper aware of all the places where your skin is touching his, particularly where his hand rests on the curve of your waist. 
You’re so much smaller than him, and his one hand wraps nearly halfway around your waist. His mind wanders to other ways in which your size difference might matter, much more tempting ways, but quickly shakes his head to get rid of the totally inappropriate thoughts.
“Have you been out here before?” You turn your head to look back at him but freeze when you realize just how close he is.
He’s only inches away, his breath warm against your face and suddenly you can’t breathe. You don’t know what you’re waiting for, for him to say something maybe, but his eyes aren’t on yours anymore. Strangely, he’s focused on your lips. 
His eyes darted between your mouth and your eyes, and your brow furrows in confusion. Neteyam was acting very strange. 
When he finally breaks the tense silence, his voice is but a whisper. “Y/n? Have you been courted by anyone yet?”
You reel back in surprise. You have no idea what you expected him to say, but that was not it. “Um…No. My parents haven’t approved of anyone, and they say that I’m still too young anyways.” 
You know courting is when two people wish to be mated, but you’re not entirely sure of all the details. Every time you ask your mom she brushes it off and says you don’t need to know yet. It’s frustrating, being so ignorant of such natural things, but you trust your mom would tell you if it’s really necessary. 
His forehead scrunches, his eyes squinted in confusion. “That doesn’t make any sense, Y/n. How old are you?”
“I’m 19 seasons, why?”
He purses his lips. “I was just wondering.”
Neteyam’s thoughts are confirmed. You're 19 years old, a mature adult, and yet your parents have convinced you that you’re not at the age to be courted. He’d known you were sheltered when you didn’t understand the innuendo he made earlier, but he hadn’t realized how far your innocence went.
While he doesn’t think your parent’s should keep you in the dark, a part of him is pleased to know that you're untouched. Never been kissed. And now he has the chance to be your first.
The rest of the ride is spent in comfortable silence. You enjoy it more than you probably should but the feel of him behind you is nice. His warmth sinking into your skin is comforting in the best way. When you finally get to the island, you slide off the back of the ilu and let him lead you to shore. 
“Tsireya showed us this place a few days after we got here. She said it was the best place to watch the sunset,” He informs you.
The island is familiar, but so different at the same time. It has a similar landscape, but there are some plants and animals that you don’t normally see on the mainland. The brush here is much more vibrant and the air feels less tamed. 
“It’s amazing,” You gasp, taking in the view, a little in awe. 
A shadow passes overhead and you tilt your face up to gaze at the swarm of fkio. The pack of bright purple birds squawk at you, their four wings fluttering gracefully. One of the younger ones swoops low to circle over your head, and you lift your hand up towards the creature, laughing. It dances over your head a couple more times before flying up to meet its mother. 
You spin around to watch it fly away, only to find Neteyam staring at you with a small smile. You instantly feel self-conscious under his eyes and your laughter dies down. 
“What are you staring at Neteyam?”
“I’m just enjoying the view, Y/n.” 
You blush at the flirtatious lilt of his words. You turn your back to him as you walk, hiding from his gaze, but he catches up quickly. “Yes, it is nice out here.” He falls into step next to you. “Much quieter than in the village.”
He glances down at you as you reach out to brush the petals of a flower. “I’d be happy to bring you out here again.”
You immediately feel bad again for not telling him that he’d probably get in trouble for being here. You try to mask the guilt as you shoot him an appreciative look. “I would love that.”
The two of you continue to walk around the island, venturing between the warm sand and the canopy of mangrove trees. He challenges you to a race and the two of you chase fan lizards as they spin in the air. After losing two rounds of that game, you dare him to race you in the water. Of course, you are much more used to the water and beat him several times. Hours pass but neither of you notice the passing time as you explore together. 
He tells you stories of his little brother, Lo’ak, who constantly gets him in trouble. He talks about his sisters too, his voice full of adoration. He even tells you that he considers Tuk to be one of his best friends. 
In return, you tell him about your family. How you're the youngest and how you’ve always looked up to Tsireya and Anoung. You tell him how you were always closest to your sister and that she does your most days. You even tell him about your iknimaya and how you were terrified of the skimwig on your first try and immediately fell off. You love hearing his laugh as you recount the scary tale. 
“Don't laugh at me! Those things are huge.” He only laughs harder, boasting how it was so easy for him.
“I conquered the skimwig on my first try!” 
You shove at his shoulder as he teases you, and he splashes water at you in return.
Then you tell him about your spirit sister, Rayol, and your adventures with her. He seems to like the story about your first meeting and how Rayol saved you from a hungry akula fish. 
You sit him down to show him your iknimaya gifts, proudly showing off your tattoo. Soft waves brush your legs as you sit in the shallow water. 
“This is my marking.” 
You stretch your leg out in front of you as you point to the black ink adorning the side of your thigh. The black curls over from the back of your thigh to the front in an elaborate design. 
When he first reaches his hand out to trace the lines, you pull away. But you decide that, since you've spent hours together getting comfortable in each other's presence, letting him touch your marks can’t possibly cause any harm.
His fingers brush over the lines softly, a light caress on your skin. Your eyes close as you relax into the feeling. He traces the line that dips into your inner thigh, your skin heating under his touch, and your breaths come out a little harder. You try to keep still but a strange feeling settles low in your stomach. 
Neteyam watches your face, far more interested in your reaction than the actual art. He takes in the way you start to breathe harder and how your hands clench in the sand. You’re so sensitive to his touch. Just a few soft caresses, not even anywhere indecent, and you’re practically putty in his hands.
You open your eyes at the loss of heat from his hand,  the ghost of his touch fading. The day had been so fun, so carefree, up until this point. Tension builds between you and Neteyam, and you wonder how he must see you. 
He must think you're weird, reacting to his touch like that. You’ve never spent time around any unmated guys in the clan, let alone spent time with them alone. The strange urge to curl into Neteyam’s side and inhale his comforting sweet was all new to you. All strange, but exhilarating too. 
You breathe out softly, your skin flushing as he watches you.  “I also got my clothing piece. For my iknimaya, I mean.” 
You cross your legs, hoping to appease the warmth that’s been growing steadily in your belly. Odd. 
He leans back on his hands, his lithe body splayed out in the shallow area where you’re resting. He nods, gesturing for you to continue, and doesn’t take his eyes off you for a single second. You have his undivided attention. 
“My mom and sister made it,” You point to the small white beads that hang below your chest. “They sewed pearls into the strands so that it would sparkle. I like the color of the cords most, the oranges and brown remind me of sunset.” 
You point out each piece to him, explaining the significance of the type of pearl and the painted beads. You get so involved in telling him all the little stories that go with each other, you don’t even notice him moving closer. Much closer. You nearly headbutt him when you finally look up from your chest piece. 
He’s so close you can see the small white freckles painted across his cheeks
Much like earlier, your breath catches in your throat. His eyes are hooded and narrowed on you, as if stalking his prey. You wait for him to speak, but he doesn’t. His eyes roam your body, drinking you in. You aren’t sure what caught his attention or caused him to react like this. Maybe he was just really interested in your clothing?
“Neteyam?” You ask, barely above a whisper. 
He reaches out to you, his nimble fingers brushing against the beads that hang off your chest piece. His hand grazes the skin there and you shiver against the feel of a calloused hand. 
His eyes flit up to yours, and a cocky grin spreads across his face. He slides his hand up one of the braided cords of your top, just barely ghosting a touch over the peak of your breast as he goes. 
You inhale sharply, frozen. The Navi were not modest people, not in the slightest, but it was one thing to be looked at and another to be touched. And no one had ever touched you in this way. 
In his head, Neteyam wages war with himself.  If this small touch could affect you so much, he couldn’t begin to imagine how you’d react to more. He wants to touch you more and in so many different ways. He wants to taste you, to feel you against his tongue. He wants to know if you’ll taste as good as you smell. He wants to hear your moans, to hear his name on your lips. He wants so much. 
But he has to wait. Has to go slow.
You're innocent, in the most tempting of ways. So sweet, and so trusting of a man you’ve only known for a few weeks, and only spoken to once. He’s got to take his time with you. He’s got to teach you because it’s clear you have no idea what a courtship or a mating entails, and the last thing he wants to do is hurt you. 
And to add on to all of that, you are his new Olo’eyktan’s precious, guarded daughter. 
He really should stay away. 
But the more he thinks about it, the more your innocence makes him want you more. You respond so nicely to his advances, and he’s seen you lean in to scent him more than once today. He’s also noticed the way you shift in your spot when he touches you. It kills him to know that your body wants him back, but you have no idea what any of it means. 
“Neteyam?” You ask again, leaning over to tap his arm. The movement pushes your breasts up and out, and you pull back in embarrassment when his eyes dip lower. 
“It's a pretty piece,” His voice is rough, scratchier than before. “For a pretty girl.”
A warm flush spreads from your cheeks, and warmth floods your body again, an ache blossoming under your skin. The way he looked at you was doing strange things to you, making you buzz with anticipation. 
“Irayo, Neteyam.” You slide your hand into his. He engulfs yours entirely, his palm slightly rough but his grip gentle. “And thank you for bringing me out here. I don't get to leave the village very often.” Or ever.
Nausea curls in your stomach. Lying is wrong. Very wrong.
Little did you know, Neteyam was very aware of what he was getting into. When Lo’ak had goaded him into talking to you as some kind of joke, he had no idea he would become so infatuated.  
“Anytime, Y/n.” His finger gently caresses your hand. “I actually picked this spot because your sister said it was a good place to see the stars.”
You stiffen. “You talked to my sister?”
Of course he had, she was training him. A voice in the back of your head warned you he might just be using you to get to her. It’s not a stretch. She’s the tskarem, the future Tsahik, and others have tried to use you to get to her before.
“No, but she told Lo’ak and he told me.”
“Oh.” Right. His brother told him. No need to be jealous of your sister. 
He chuckles, and you look away in embarrassment. How stupid of you to be jealous over a guy you just met. 
A warm palm snakes around the back of your head, and Neteyam turns your face toward him. Once again, you take notice of how much taller he is than you. You barely come to his shoulder, having to turn your head up to face him. 
“Hey, what’s wrong?” He coos as the heat of his palm seeps into your skin. His hand is big enough that his thumb brushes over the junction of your chin and neck, and the skin there prickles. 
“Nothing.” You blurt. You breathe in softly. “Just happy to be here with you.”
He grins, those sharpened fangs glinting in the darkened night. “Come on.”
He drags you towards the beach again and pulls you to lay with him in the sand. Then, Neteyam points to the stars and names them for you, telling stories about his father and how he came from the bright orb in the sky. It’s so strange to you, so alien, that there’s a whole world out there that you’ve never known.
You stay like that for a while, laying nesting to each other. The sand is cooler now that the sun has set, and a cool breeze grazes your skin. The wind picks up, ruffling the leaves of nearby brush, and you wrap your arms around your torso to fend off the cold. 
“Hey.” You twist your head to the side to see Neteyam watching you, his hand outstretched. “We’ll be warmer closer together.”
The temptation of warmth is too hard to ignore, so you maneuver your way closer until you’re pressed against his side. He wraps his arm around your back, your head nestling into the crook of his arm. His skin is hot, nearly burning. 
“You were right, this is warmer.” You sigh contentedly, gazing up at the twinkling stars. 
Neteyam passes his hand over your side soothingly, leaving goosebumps along your exposed skin. His heart beats quickly under your head, and you sigh at the comforting rhythm.
On the next pass of his hand along your waist, the tips of his fingers brush the cord of your skirt. You stutter, stumbling over the story you’ve been telling. How can you possibly focus with him touching you like this? It’s nothing but a friendly touch, but… everything about him screams more. Intimate. His hand rests there against your hip, its warmth laying heavy against your skin. 
You do your best to sound normal as you recount the childhood story to him. It’s a simple tale about two friends and how they came to live amongst the stars, but the story becomes harder to tell as you become more aware of the man next to you. 
You continued to stutter over the story, but your stomach kept clenching with this unknown need. You were beginning to think you were sick or something. And when his fingers dip towards your navel, you forget about the story completely. 
“Y/n, why’d you stop?” He asks cheekily. Goosebumps rise along your skin as he strokes the skin just above your skirt. 
An uncomfortable tension had been growing under your skin all day, but in this moment it all seems to come to ahead. Something is wrong. Very wrong. The tingling against your skin and the tightness in your chest are new. But you know that something is very wrong because there is something decidedly wet between your legs. 
“Neteyam? I don’t think I feel very good.” You admit breathily, leaning a bit back from him. You’re sick. That must be it. 
“What is wrong?” Neteyam watches you, those keen eyes drinking you in. Maybe… maybe he’ll know what's wrong and help you?
“I-I don’t know. I feel weird. I think I’m sick.”
“Weird how?”
You grab the wrist of the hand lying against your stomach, holding him still. “Here. It is like….Like when you are hungry but do not have food,” You paused to think. “But I am not hungry. And…” Should you tell him? You’ve never talked about anything down there with anyone except your mother. 
He sits up, leaning his broad form over you. “And?”
“And I feel,” It feels shameful to speak about. “It feels wet, or something. Down there.”
Neteyam laughs, and you frown. You’re sick and he thinks it's funny? You never should have told him. 
“Don’t laugh at me!” You huff, glaring up at him. “I am sick or something. I need to see a healer.” 
“Oh, pretty girl.” He moves quickly, adjusting himself so he’s above you completely. His broad form blocks out the moon and the stars above, demanding all your attention. He cages you in, his arms on either side of your head and his legs bracing yours. “You do not need a healer, Y/n.”
He rests his weight on one arm and palms your cheek. Instinctively, you lean into it. 
“I don’t understand. What are you doing?” The question is like a whisper in the wind, floating between you. 
“You’re not sick.” He smiles kindly. “This feeling, down here,” He moves the hand from your face and presses gently onto the area below your navel. “It’s your body telling you that you have found a potential mate.”
You reel at this new information. How could you not know this? How come nobody has told you? And did this mean Neteyam was a potential mate? You have so many questions and so few answers. 
“Why does it hurt?” If this is supposed to be a good thing, a signal that he would make a good mate, then why is it so uncomfortable?
Neteyam grins, leaning down to nuzzle your cheek. He lowers his body to rest his weight over you fully, pressing his body right up against yours. He eases one of his legs in between your thighs and settles. 
“I can help you, Y/n. Make it less painful.” He kisses your cheek softly, and you nod. He’s been so kind and you can't help feeling safe with him. You want him to help relieve the ache, no matter how he does it. 
“Say please.” He reprimands sternly. 
He smirks down at you. “Be nice and say please,” He kisses the tip of your nose. “And I’ll make it feel better.”
You don’t want to be rude, especially not when he’s helping you. 
“Please Neteyam.” The plea is more of a whine than anything else. 
He presses his thigh up against your center, the cloth of your skirt the only thing between your skin and his. You moan softly at the foreign pressure, pressing your hips down to meet him. It feels….Good. You roll your hips, searching to replicate the sharp spike of pleasure it elicits. You clutch at his arms, closing your eyes as you revel in the new sensation. 
“I’m going to kiss you, okay, pretty girl?” The only sound you make in response is a soft whimper, nodding your head again.
He kisses you softly at first and then harder, slotting his mouth against yours and drowning out your gasps. He laps at your mouth, sliding his tongue against yours expertly. Neteyam’s hand cups the spot where your neck meets your jaw, holding you still as he devours you. 
You wrap your arms around him, latching onto him hungrily. You had no idea kissing could be like this. Could be so all consuming. Neteyam was all but claiming you with his mouth, declaring to you that you were his and his alone. You would never want another after him.
You writhed against him, circling your hips as you sought an ending to the aching throb in your clit. Neteyam slides his hand to your hip and guides you, taking control of your frenzied movements. You give in to him easily, allowing him to mold your body against him and melting in his hands. 
He kisses down your neck, nipping and sucking at the sensitive skin there. You moan out, gasping for air. He bites down softly, sharp canines digging into your skin. 
You gasp out his name. “Neteyam—“
You’re cut off by the sound of a conch horn nearby. It shrills loudly through the night sky and you freeze all movement. It sounds again, this time closer, and icy fear runs down your spine. 
 “No, no, no!” You push at his chest hard, and the man rolls to the side immediately. 
“Y/n? What’s wrong? What are those horns?”
You sit up off the ground, eyes wide in fear. You huff for breath, pushing up from the sand. 
“They sound those horns when someone is missing,” Your voice wobbles as tears well in your eyes. 
While you knew you would be in trouble for leaving, you hadn’t really thought about it. Going with Neteyam had been spur of the moment and you had just pushed the consequences aside. And now? Now you would actually have to face those consequences. 
There was a moment of silence.
“They are searching for you.” Neteyam says, realization dawning. “I didn’t realize they would send people out if you left.” 
“My parents are going to kill me.” Your hands start to shake. You were gone all day. Mom and Dad were going to kill you. The tears start to flow harder as you realize the extent of the trouble Neteyam will be in as well. 
“I am so sorry, Neteyam. Please, do not be mad at me.”
He grabs your shaking hands, pulling you into his chest. “Hey, I could never be mad at you.”
Your voice cracks. “My parents never let me leave the village, it is their biggest rule. They keep me with a chaperone all the time.” You take a deep breath. “I cannot handle being locked away in that village until the day I die. So, when you offered to bring me here today, I didn’t mention that it could get you in a lot of trouble. I am so, so sorry.”
He softens and pulls you into a tight hug. “Do not cry. I knew that you were a bit sheltered. I would have done anything to spend the day with you, pretty girl.”
You hiccup. “You are not mad at me?” 
“Of course not!” You relax into his hold, leaning your head against his shoulder.
Another horn sounds.
The two of you sit there silently for a moment before he leans away. “We have to go back. I will explain and tell them that I insisted on bringing you here.” He says surely. 
He would sacrifice himself, face your father’s wrath, just to protect you from punishment? The gesture is so sweet you can't help but kiss him again. No one had ever done anything like that for you. 
He kisses your forehead and takes your hand. “Come, we will ride the ilu back.”
You let him drag you to the ilu, all the way dreading the coming punishment. There is no way you are going to let him take the fall for this. 
Your parents are going to be furious that you left the village. They are going to be even more angry when they find out who you were with. And if they find out what the two of you did while you were alone on the island…..
You don’t want to think about it. Instead, you focus on holding your breath as you ride towards the island, ready to face the wrath of the Olo’eyktan and Tsahik.
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Part 2 
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stuckysbike · 4 months
More Than One Valentine
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A/n: All mistakes are my own. Written on my phone.
Stucky x Reader, Bucky x reader, Stucky, Steve x reader
AU: you finally get Steve and Bucky together- now you need to work out what to do with yourself abs your broken heart.
Warnings: angst, smut, 18 plus only please, fluff, FWB situation, presumed unrequited love, polyamory, MMF, bisexual Stucky, Dom!Bucky, sub!Steve, switch!reader
Bucky and Steve finally shared their first kiss on Valentine’s Day.
It was a bittersweet moment for you; you’d been trying to get them together for too long and now you had nothing to do, nowhere to go.
In a twisted and complicated situation you’d ended up as a FWB to both of them. It started with Bucky, a wet night with only his leather coat for shelter turned into desperate kissing and more. Then three months later he was on a mission and Steve had come in from a date in a terrible headspace.
You called Bucky because you didn’t know what else to do. Bucky’s advice was to screw Steve’s brains out.
“What?” You stuttered.
“He gets too into his head, you gotta’ help him clear it out doll,” Bucky said in that gruff tone.
“I - but - we-“
“Go ahead. I don’t mind sharing our arrangement with Stevie. Always shared everything with him anyway, you’re no different,” Bucky said as if you were an old coat or a favourite book.
It hurt, deep in your gut like a hand twisting it savagely, but you brushed it aside. You were just a couple of friends who tamed an itch. Bucky probably did it with lots of girls and guys. You weren’t his only one. You couldn’t be.
So you fell into a routine with them. If Steve had any reservations he didn’t share them and his mood changed, not just that night but overall. He was lighter, different like he had a plan again.
It was obvious they were in love, that they wanted each other. Everyone could see it, especially you. You spent most time with them, you saw the subtle touches, kind words and gentle gestures. You would find them making each other breakfast, or always making sure the other one was drinking enough water.
And the sex was …even? You never spent more time with one over the other. You went from one to the other than back.
Sometimes you didn’t even get to shower; after a night with Steve Bucky would drag you to his room in the morning to taste you while Steve went on a run. Sometimes Steve would come in after a long stint of being Captain America and bury his face in you pussy moments after Bucky had went to his own room.
“I can’t take it. They’re ruining my vagina,” you complained to Nat one evening after too many cocktails. The and my heart was left unspoken but you both knew it.
Nat had laughed anyway because in that moment you both needed to laugh. “Set them up.” She poured another drink. She wasn’t even following recipes any longer. It was shots of hard liquor that burned in the best way.
So you did, you made sure the floor you all shared was off limits, you lit candles and played soft music, dimmed the lights. You got your hands on some Asgardian Champagne, scattered rose petals and made sure both their bedrooms had ample supplies of lube and toys.
You made sure your own room had noise cancelling headphones, snacks and a queue of your favourite shows all lined up to make sure you didn’t think too much. Or hear too much.
You should have prepared for a broken heart.
Here they were after confessing their love and finally kissing as they stood in front of the massive windows. You were on the couch, you needed to start them off, convince them to take the leap, but as soon as they got lost in each other you stood and slipped away.
At least you tried to.
“Where are you going?” Steve asked, his voice small and vulnerable.
You froze and looked over your shoulder. They were both looking your way, faces unreadable.
“To give you both some privacy,” you said quietly.
“But we need to thank you,” Bucky’s voice was equally soft.
You offered them a smile, it was genuine because you were happy for them, you just realised too damn late that you’d fallen for both of them.
They walked towards you, a pair of supersoldiers, one beefy the other sculpted. One dark the other light.
Two pairs of blue eyes burned into your skin. You felt like crying, because it was the sexiest thing you’d ever seen and all they were going to do was hug you then get on with their lives.
Bucky caught your hand and pulled you towards his body but he turned you so your back was to his chest.
“Say thank you Stevie,” he growled.
Steve immediately dropped his mouth to yours. The kiss was gentle, just a brush of his pink lips as they pressed into yours. He pulled away after the kiss that was not just friendly. “Thank you.” He had that sincere look, the honest voice.
Your heart broke a little more.
And then Bucky was turning you in his arms and looking down at you. Steve’s big hands rested on your hips as he held you in place for Bucky. Bucky was rougher than Steve, his lips pressed you harder more demanding making you weak at the knees.
Where Steve asked Bucky took.
“Thank you,” Bucky said, a tiny smirk at the corner of his mouth. “Now where were we?”
And they started kissing over your shoulder. They moved close crushing your body between theirs, hands holding you still as they explored each others mouths.
You gasped and tried to slip away but you were trapped. You tried harder only for them to part and Bucky looked at you with hard eyes.
“Stop squirming doll, I’m kissing on my fella and you’re distracting me. You’ll get your turn.” You gaped up at Bucky but his focus was back on Steve. “Come ‘ere you.”
You could hear the wet noises of their kisses, could feel their physical reactions as you stood trapped between their hard bodies.
When they pulled apart for air you found yourself turned back to Steve and he was kissing you, desperate now as he licked into your mouth. He let out a needy moan as he lifted you and you had no choice but to wrap your legs around him.
“So fuckin’ sexy,” Bucky growled. His hands were on your hips and ass and it took you a moment to realise you were moving towards Steve’s bedroom.
Steve fell back on his bed and looked up at you with doe eyes, lips parted and pure trust. And something else you couldn’t place. You were straddling his waist when the bedroom door clicked shut.
“Don’t mind me,” Bucky sat on the chair in the corner, and you looked between them. Maybe this was one last night with them, and you would make it count before they got on with the rest of their lives without you.
In the bedroom Steve was submissive. It had surprised you at first; but it made sense. Steve carried the universe on his shoulders sometimes so it was natural that he’d want to forget. So you were what he needed you to be. You took charge, took care of him, made it so that he didn’t need a plan or a rousing speech in the bedroom.
Bucky was dominant, that didn’t surprise you at all. He needed control, where he’d been tortured before now he thrived in giving pleasure in making decisions, on taking care of his lovers. You let him take care of you, you basked in and enjoyed it. You loved the attention.
And you were the perfect switch between them giving each of them what they needed.
You bit your lip, nerves running through you but you pushed it aside to try and enjoy one last night with them both.
“Colour?” You asked.
“Green!” Steve said urgently.
“Steve, take your clothes off,” you said. Steve immediately sat up and unbuttoned his shirt slowly, looking between you and Bucky but you clicked your tongue and Steve’s eyes flew to you. “Eyes on me baby, you have him all to yourself soon enough.”
Steve’s eyebrows scrunched and Bucky shifted in his chair but you stayed still watching Steve. He folded his shirt then toed his shoes off, and as he unbuckled his belt and pulled it from the loops he looked down at you, holding it between big hands.
Bucky sucked in a breath as you nodded and Steve set the belt on the bed for later. He sat and removed his socks then his pants.
Once upon a time his cheeks would have been red by this point but Steve had gotten past that, he trusted you and with his attention on you the fact that Bucky was sitting right there didn’t even phase him.
His boxer briefs were navy blue, and it was obvious he was aroused by the whole situation. He looked at you as he thumbed the waistband.
“Won’t be much fun with them on will it Soldier?” You teased and his cheeks flushed a slight shade of pink before he started to push them down. “Eyes on me.” You reminded him and his confidence returned.
And then Steve was naked, standing tall and proud and fully erect. You looked at Bucky and he was watching the two of you with something that looked like pride.
“Why don’t you get your ring, plug and the lube?” You suggested to Steve.
Bucky groaned and you glanced over at him as Steve scrambled across the bed to grab what he wanted from underneath. “Do you want to cut in?”
Bucky smiled, warm and genuine and for a second your breath caught. “Yes,” he said softly. “But not yet. I’m dying to see where this goes.”
When you turned back to the bed Steve was kneeling in the middle, eyes wide and wet lips parted. “You look like a horny puppy.” You told him and it made him laugh.
You didn’t say anything else as you removed your clothes and Steve settled down to watch you, waiting patiently with his hands in his lap.
When you got to your bra and panties you hesitated but Bucky’s soft voice rang in your ears. “All of it.”
You looked over at him, making eye contact to acknowledge you’d heard him then nodded, holding his gaze.
You removed your bra, then panties and Steve let out a gentle moan.
“On your back baby,” you told Steve. He complied immediately and lay back, spreading his long legs so you could settle between his thighs. He handed you a pillow and you thanked him with a kiss to the lips then helped him place it under his hips. “Do you want your belt?”
Steve nodded eagerly and you handed it to him. Steve lay back with his arms stretched above his head holding the belt in his hands.
“Colour?” You checked.
“Green,” Steve said.
“Steve is such a good boy that he stays like that until he’s told to move,” you told Bucky. “Well, most of the time.”
Bucky laughed softly and you drew your focus back to Steve. Bending you kissed his thighs, nipping at sensitive skin. As you moved closer Steve moaned and gasped until finally you were pressing a chaste kiss to the base of his cock.
You kissed lower until your tongue reached his tightly furled ass, and then with wet licks you proceeded to help him relax. You didn’t notice Bucky get out of his chair, not until you saw the black vibranium hand resting on Steve’s knee.
You pulled away and looked up at him. “Too much for you?”
“Christ Dolly you’re killing me,” Bucky’s voice was rough with arousal.
You giggled and got back to your task. It wasn’t long before you were sitting up and drizzling lube on your fingers. You warmed it up then pressed two against his puckered hole.
“The lube is edible and flavoured. Steve likes his asshole eaten,” you said conversationally to Bucky.
Steve whined and you grinned up at him. You shuffled closer and took the tip of his cock into your mouth, licking the pre-cum and sucking the skin as you curled your fingers. Steve cried out and you took him deeper, breathing through your nose as he filled your throat. You loved this, Steve at your mercy as you pleasured him.
When you finally felt the hairs at the base of his cock tickle your nose you pulled back and reached for the cock ring. “He doesn’t really need this, he has a refractory period just like yours but sometimes he’s over eager. He can get…messy.”
Steve moaned softly, hearing you talk about him as if he wasn’t there was driving him insane in the best way.
“You know him well,” Bucky praised. He was right behind you now looking over your shoulder, still fully clothed apart from his shoes and socks. You hadn’t noticed him taking them off.
You reached for the plug next, it was a smaller one, black, with a flared base. It slipped in easily but Steve moaned and arched his back. You turned it slowly and watched his chest heave.
“How do you feel?” You asked Steve.
He nodded and met your eyes. “I feel yeah-“
“Colour?” You asked.
“Green,” Steve practically slurred.
You chuckled and then settled back onto your haunches. Bucky looked at you curious for your next move.
“He’s all yours,” you whispered looking up at him.
A big hand cupped your cheek and he kissed you softly. “He’s all ours Doll.”
Your heart skipped a beat and you wished that were true but you pushed the hope away. This was about getting them together. Nothing else.
Bucky kissed you, his movements lazy but dominating and he gripped your soft skin. His hand slipped between your legs and you’d been able to ignore your needs until now but as soon as his fingertip brushed your slick puffy lips you sighed and leaned into Bucky. His other hand moved to your hair and he fisted it just enough to pull your head back. “I’m so proud of you. Watching you with Steve, so proud of both of you.”
You felt the blood warm your cheeks at his praise and snuggled against him.
“Now, I’m going to undress. I want you to get a reward for being so good to Stevie, what do you say Steve?” Bucky asked easily taking over the room.
Steve nodded eagerly. “Yes, please, baby, sit on my face?”
“Yeah, I want to see that. Go sit on his face baby,” Bucky kissed you again. You did as he asked, turning so you could watch him. Steve didn’t let go of the belt as his tongue dove inside your folds, lapping and sucking at your juices.
Steve moaned and Bucky’s sharp eyes zeroed in on you. “Hovering baby girl? That’s against the rules,” Bucky warned.
Steve moaned again and you chuckled, giving Bucky a bright smile. “I know he’s been good, but he has to earn it,” you teased.
Bucky smiled softly and removed his black boxer briefs and then he was kneeling between Steve’s spread legs. He skimmed his fingers along the sensitive skin on Steve’s thighs and you could see Steve tremble. You close that moment to rest your full weight on him for a few seconds, knowing he needed it.
His moans vibrated through you and then Bucky was kissing you. “Good fuckin’ girl.”
Bucky touched Steve and every time he cried out or trembled you rested your weight onto him, calming him.
And then Bucky was bringing the plug out, replacing it with his fingers. His eyes flicked up to you as Steve sucked on your clit.
“Cum baby,” Bucky said. You didn’t even know you were waiting for permission. You cried out as your release washed through you, making your toes curl. As you came down from your high Bucky kissed you. “Now go clean him up.”
You moved fast, straddling Steve’s tummy and kissing over his face, licking into his mouth. You were so busy kissing Steve you almost missed the deep groan he let out. Two hands, one warm and one cold lifted your hips and then Steve’s cock was sliding snugly into your soaked cunt.
“I’m going to fuck both of you now,” Bucky warned.
“Please Bucky,” you whined.
Bucky’s hand slid into your hair and he grabbed a thick fistful as he pulled you back against his chest.
“Look at you,” Bucky growled in your ear as his other hand slid around your throat. His nimble fingers trailed your body, plucking at your nipples, squeezing soft flesh, tickling your hips and exploring the area where you and Steve were joined. “Our perfect girl.”
“Bucky,” you turned to him squeezing your thighs. Beneath you Steve grunted as you squeezed his cock, his eyes never leaving you and Bucky.
“Colour?” Bucky asked you.
“So fuckin’ green!” You said.
“Stevie, baby I need you to hold onto her, make sure she has some support. Hands up,” he said.
Steve let go of the belt and raised his hands, palms up and fingers wide. “Good boy baby,” Bucky praised. You reached out and pressed your palms to Steve’s, let your fingers tangle and lock together.
Steve tested the pressure, moving you slightly and you couldn’t help but giggle as he practically used you as a weight, lowering you to kiss his lips then pushing you back to Bucky’s chest.
Bucky let out a soft laugh at the two of you and hooked his chin over your bare shoulder. “Show off,” he said to Steve. Steve, in a happy headspace blew him a kiss.
Bucky started off gentle, his thrusts going through Steve and into you. Bucky was taking his time, working out this new position as he managed both of you.
His hands returned to your body, his fingers strumming over your body. He knew every nerve, knew what made you sigh and squeal, what relaxed you and what wound you up.
With a palm on your back he pushed you forward until you were lying on Steve’s chest. His right hand gripped your butt cheek, moulding the flesh and you knew it was coming but you still yelped.
Steve grunted, you were squeezing his cock again. “Do you know why I’m spanking you?” Bucky’s voice cut through your brain fog and you nodded.
“I broke a rule,” you slurred. Steve kissed your cheek and forehead as he simply observed. “I hovered.”
Bucky grunted in agreement and a few more slaps landed on you. “You had a good reason though so I think that’ll do.”
Bucky’s hands moved over your back as he curled over you both. His right hand cupped Steve’s cheek. Kissing each other in this position would be impossible so he ran his thumb over Steve’s lips. Steve opened his mouth and sucked Bucky’s thumb in. Bucky groaned at the sight and the sensation.
“You good there Sweetheart?” Bucky asked him.
Steve’s smile was dopey, despite Bucky’s digit in his way and he nodded, his eyes shining. “Never better.”
The words were garbled but easily understood none the less. As Bucky pulled away he kissed your cheek.
Bucky started to thrust again and you moved back to sit on Steve, that’s when you realised you couldn’t feel the cock ring. Bucky must have removed it from Steve and you were grateful because you didn’t think you had the ability to remove it at this point. You were a soft Dom, you didn’t like delaying or preventing orgasms, you were too needy yourself.
You kissed Steve’s chest and face as Bucky fucked him and Steve sobbed into your mouth when your lips met. Bucky’s movements were getting more aggressive and Steve was gasping and thrashing in pleasure.
“Is he good?” You prompted.
“So good, I’m - it’s - he’s amazing,” Steve said.
“Shush, baby hush, he’ll hear you and his ego will be insufferable,” you teased.
Bucky laughed, his hand sliding around your throat and pulling you back to his chest. “So rude,” he grunted as he kissed you, his fingers finally brushing over your clit.
Steve came first after you clenched around his cock, your body chasing Bucky’s fingers, and you followed a few moments behind him. The familiar stutter of Bucky’s breathing told you he’d found his release too.
“You two will be the death of me,” he said as he kissed your neck and shoulders and helped you untangle yourself from Steve.
A warm cloth was cleaning you, hands were moving you and you realised Steve was getting the same treatment as he sighed in contentment.
Bucky got into bed on the other side of Steve and smiled softly at you both.
“I should go,” you said suddenly.
“No!” They both said at once.
You shifted. “But I- this was about you two.”
Steve pulled you on top of him then rolled over, pinning you between him and Bucky. “Going nowhere.”
Bucky chuckled. “Darlin’ we’re crazy about you, if you haven’t noticed. I know you like to talk about feelings and stuff but we’re doing this my way. You’re my best girl, he’s my best guy, we’ll work it out from there.”
You opened your mouth but your words betrayed you so instead you snuggled into their arms and enjoyed their warmth. Maybe this could work, maybe the three of you could find peace.
“Besides,” Steve yawned, “you negate our stupid.”
You giggled. Bucky slid a leg between yours and rested his hand on Steve’s chest.
Meanwhile deep inside your own chest your heart sang.
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haykawas · 6 months
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this is one of the possible endings to a story! lost yourself? begin here! You've chosen to proceed with our favorite long haired beauty! You love to hurt yourself, don't you? Enjoy <3 – wc : 4.4k
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It’s Suguru.
You don’t acknowledge his presence, and instead just try to quicken your pace so you can get home faster. It’s a good thing you live so close to his house, because it’s freezing and you’re only wearing a shirt.
You’re fumbling with the keys of your apartment, your hands trembling when you hear him clearing his throat a few steps down. You can clearly imagine the expression that would be etched on his face if you were to turn around and take a look at him.
Annoyance, impatience, confusion even. And he would be right to feel that way.
The click of the lock echoes in the dead of night, and you immediately try to shut the door to block out everything. 
But Suguru’s foot shoots out, wedging between the door and the frame and preventing it from closing completely.
“Are you going to hear me out, now? Or do I need to blow down your door?” He asks with a slight frown.
“What more is there to say? It looked pretty clear to me.”
“So running out was the best option to you? At least hear him out.”
“Why are you always so optimistic? He doesn’t like me, Sugu’, end of story! Can you leave me now so I can go cry in my bed, or is it too much to ask?” You exclaim, and the look in his eyes tells you he won’t be letting this go anytime soon.
“Alright, fine, I give up. Do whatever you want.” You let out a frustrated groan, releasing the door so he can get inside. He closes the door behind him and follows you to your room, but you act as if he isn’t there.
“I think you should get back.”
You press your lips in a thin line, ignoring him even as he keeps following you like your shadow.
Irritated, you finally turn back to face him, a mix of frustration and anguish on your face. “You know what I think? That he would be there if he cared like you said, but is he?” You ask, voice laced with the weight of disappointment and hurt. “Why are you here when he’s not, Suguru?”
You feel like you know the answer before you’ve even asked the question. And he knows you do too. Yet you refuse to open your eyes and see what’s been in front of you the whole time.
“Because I care about you!” He blurts out. “I care, alright? Even if you have a hard time believing it.” His words hang in the air, and you can’t ignore the way your heart skips a bit at his admission.
“I know you do.” You reply softly, your voice barely above a whisper. Because you do know. When Suguru cares, he cares deeply. You always felt like he constantly tried to protect you from whatever came your way, and the realization makes your chest tighten.
“Now that’s the thing, I don’t really think you do.” He lets out a humorless laugh. “God, sometimes I just…” He trails off, the hesitance shining in his eyes reflecting the vulnerability of what he’s trying to tell you. 
“I just wish you looked at me the same way you look at him.” He breathes out.
And you don’t know if it’s the way he looks at you that prompts this reaction out of you, or something else entirely, but you can suddenly feel the need to get closer, to feel the heat radiating off his skin and smell the scent of his perfume.
You’re torn, you don’t know what to say to him nor do you really know what he’s trying to tell you. – Yet you do.
And as his stray locks brush against your shoulder, making your skin tickle, a strange sense of intimacy unfurls between you.
You both know it’s wrong. So why are you leaning forward, wondering what his lips would taste like against yours?
Yet Suguru moves away before it can happen, and he takes a few steps back. You can’t help but feel disappointed.
“We can’t do this.” He says, just like you knew he would. He’s right, and you know that. Yet you want payback, you want to hurt Satoru as much as he’s hurt you all this time. It’s stupid, and petty. You don’t care.
You scoff. “Oh, we can’t now?”
“I can’t do this to Satoru.” To you. 
Your laugh is bitter, “Ah, Satoru. Well, considering what just happened, I think he’ll be fine.”
He whispers your name, pleading, almost begging, and your heart clenches at the sound. “You’re upset, it wouldn’t be right. Wouldn’t feel right.” He adds, but he’s lying through his teeth, — Anything would always feel right if it was with you.
You turn your head toward Suguru, locking eyes with him, “You’re really gonna make me say it?”
You lick your lips, and Suguru’s eyes can’t help but flicker up and down at the motion, before swiftly looking away, almost in shame. “Make you say what?”
“That I want you, Suguru.” You plead, “I need you.” His gaze flicks back to yours, and you can feel his hesitance. It’s thick like butter, but so is the tension between you. So you step forward, slowly as to not startle him, because you’re scared he’ll disappear if you aren’t careful enough. You add, your voice a little raw, “Please.”
It’s the last straw. 
Something breaks inside of him. 
Because he has you there before him, telling him you crave him, practically begging for him to do something about it. And Suguru tries, he desperately does. He tries so hard to hold back, because you’re in love with his best friend, and he’s practically sure Satoru might also have a thing for you — although he’s been pretty shitty at showing it. 
But you’re there. You’re real, and you’re so, so close. You’re looking up at him with lidded eyes, and you’re so beautiful he feels himself blush. 
He knows that if he starts this, and does as much as lift a finger, he won’t be able to stop. And you know that, because eyes don’t lie. You see the little restraint he had falter and crumble, like a card castle in the wind. 
The way he looks at you is unhinged, almost primal, and it’s making you dizzy. It’s like he’s peering inside of you, probing at every corner of your soul and seeing the deepest parts of you, waiting for the right moment to pounce.
He’s the Apex predator, and you’re prey.
It’s dangerous. You can’t get enough of it.
“Yeah?” He says, and the way his voice drops down an octave makes your heart quake. “You want me?”
Yeah. Your lips part to answer his plea, but your breath catches in your throat when you see him walk up the rest of the distance to you, his deft fingers rising to his ponytail to yank out his hair tie, freeing his long hair. It cascades down his back, and you feel it tickle the side of your neck when his mouth finally meets yours. He swallows the words you want to say, sucks them out of you with the swipe of his tongue and the bite of his teeth. You gasp in surprise, your fingers trembling as they instantly find him, and you harshly tug on his shirt to pull him closer. 
And oh, how his lips are sweet. They taste like honey and sugar, so exquisite you feel yourself drown in the depths of him. His distinctive scent of rose and sandalwood invades your senses and you drink him in like a parched traveler.
If someone had told you this would happen, that you would be here, kissing Suguru Geto of all people, you would have just laughed in their faces. He’s always been your best friend, one unlike Satoru was to you. While Suguru was more like earth — calm and grounding, warmhearted and dependable, Satoru was like ice — impulsive and passionate, carefree and unpredictable. While Satoru was like an adventure, Suguru felt more like home.
You’ve always seen him as nothing more than one of your best friends, your brother from another mother, but now?
Now he’s undoubtedly there, holding you, kissing your lips with so much hunger you feel like you might fall apart under him. 
“Make me forget, please.” That’s all you can say when you finally part, out of breath, your chest heaving heavily. 
It’s all in the eyes. It’s always been this way with Suguru, and you’ve learned to read him like an open book with time. It’s there, hiding behind his chocolate hues, this bundle of emotions he’s been suppressing for so long that is now threatening to crack, break, and spill out all over the place without restraint.
And it is raw.
He wants to eat you alive. And if this is the way he simply looks at you, you can’t help wondering what he’s even thinking about you. 
His gaze is like a drug. It is so needy, so desperate you feel goosebumps rise on your skin. It is undeniably making you shy despite your eagerness, but it feels so good. 
You feel seen.
Even though he might seem in control to the foreign eye, that’s not quite the case. Suguru’s eager and greedy, he’s kissing you like a starving man, but his body cannot lie. Not to you. 
Never to you.
It shows in the way he complies and obeys your every whim like it’s easier to do so than it is breathing. In the way he shivers when you do so much as rap your nails against his back, and kiss your way down to his neck.
You are in charge, and he lets you be. He likes it that way.
He lets himself fall on the mattress, pulling you down with him and gripping your thighs as you settle down on his lap. His breath hitches in his throat and he has to hold you in place before your squirming causes an unwanted accident.
The sounds he makes prompt a smile out of you, and you take a moment to detail him. He’s sprawled on the bed, his long black hair spread on the sheets and framing his face so beautifully.
His plump lips are slightly parted, and his naked chest slowly rises and falls to the rhythm of his breathing. And under the moonlight, you swear he looks like an angel.
But you don’t need an angel now. You need your best friend to rise, grab your neck and  ̶m̶a̶k̶e̶ ̶l̶o̶  – fuck you senseless. So you go for it. You lean down and reach out to grip his collar, and he has to prop himself up on one elbow to keep up with you.
“Will you, Suguru?” You bat your eyelashes at him, and he swoons, “Make me forget?”
His face is a few inches away from yours, his hair disheveled as he looks up at you through his eyelashes — he is so close they tickle you when he blinks.
“Anything.” He whispers tenderly, as if breaking character for a moment, “Anything for you.”
And he means it. Although you can’t possibly know that, Suguru has always been yours, and he’ll always be as long as you’ll have him. But you’ve always been Satoru’s.
He’s long accepted that fact.
Your hand moves to rest against his cheek, while the other desperately fists the fabric of his shirt to bring him even closer. He’s still looking up at you, your position giving you the advantage, but he doesn’t seem to mind. 
“Kiss me again — like you mean it.” He implores and you comply. You do not have it in you to deny him when he looks so desperate for you. He immediately angles his head so you can kiss him better, and the scrape of your teeth against his bottom lip prompts a groan out of him.
The way you make him feel drives him insane, and he’s utterly ashamed of the amount of power you hold over him without even being aware of it. Suguru feels like a virgin all over again, with the way the simple brush of your fingers makes his heart jump, and his body shiver. He’s daydreamed about this moment for so long to the point it almost feels natural to be with you like this, and he’s afraid it might be his mind playing tricks on him. It’s selfish, but it feels so good. It’s like scratching an itch that’s been bothering him for years. He feels alive. He’s never experienced anything like it, and it scares him. 
But you know nothing of his inner turmoil, and while he’s focused on the way his heart soars, you’re more focused on the sensations and the pleasure it’s bringing you. On the way you can feel your mind slowly ease as he keeps worshipping your body.
You don’t care that you’re using each other. You want him, and he wants you. It doesn’t matter that you still have Satoru on your mind when it’s his friend, your other best friend, who is under you. It doesn’t matter to Suguru either, because it’s him with you, him that is making you gasp and squirm under his touch. 
It is enough for him – he has never thought he would get there with you in the first place. 
Your hands are busy as you fumble with the last buttons of his shirt, having just discarded yours on the floor, and Suguru can see how eager you are.
“Fuck,” He swears, but his voice remains soft as he gazes at you, detailing your almost naked form. His eyes find yours again, and they’re sparkling with an emotion you don’t seem to recognize. “You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.”
He smiles at the way you turn your head, breaking eye contact with an impish smile. You’re flustered.
How cute.
And this moment is perfect. It’s perfect and yet, he has to ask. Before you go further and completely free him from his pants, your hands making quick work of his belt, he has to know that you’re as sure about this as he is. 
He doesn’t think he could bear seeing the regret on your face come morning. The disappointment in your eyes when you would wake up, only to find him and not his friend in your bed. 
It would destroy him. It would destroy you, and everything in between.
So as difficult as it is, he halts you with a finger on your lips when you lean in for another kiss. 
He asks, “Are you sure you want this?” 
It is innocent and full of good intentions – and you know it is in the way he strokes your cheek with care, his eyes giving you his undivided attention. 
Yet you’re stupid and frustrated, and your heart aches so badly you just need someone to make it stop. So you can’t help but scoff, and say, “It’s like you want me to crawl back to him.”
The look he gives you makes you want to crawl into a hole, and you immediately want to take it back. 
Because if there is one thing Suguru doesn’t want, it is seeing you desperatly running after his best friend the day after you’ve shared all of this. After he got to taste your lips and map out the curves of your body.
Gone are the caring gaze and the gentle touch – his eyes darken considerably, the hand that has been caressing the skin of your thigh ever so softly tightens around it, and it’s sure to leave imprints by the time you two are done. You can tell by the way the muscles of his jaw clench that he is pissed. Your heart thuds in your ears.
You are not used to this version of your best friend.
You can’t say you dislike it.
You wince at the way he says your name. Slowly, voice soft as it always is. Yet it’s different this time. It’s fueled with new emotions – frustration, annoyance, jealousy. 
And oh, it looks so good on him, you can’t help but smirk.
That is your second mistake.
“Do you think it’s a game?”
Your smile falters, and you can’t seem to hold eye contact. Your cheeks flame, body tensing with apprehension. You lick your lips, wanting to answer honestly, but your brain feels too full of static for any sense to come out of you.
What isn’t a game? You think, but nothing comes out of your mouth. Your brain gives out and abandons you, like it sensed a predator too strong for him to defeat.
You feel chills run down your spine. A mad Suguru is an uncharted territory, that is undeniable, as he’s always been the reasonable one of your little trio of friends.
Suguru grabs your jaw so he can look you in the eyes, and growls, “Look at me.” There’s something like a warning in his tone, and you hate the fact that you absolutely love it. 
He just stares at you, and you want to squirm. Your cheeks are hot, and he can definitely feel your excitement. It’s seeping through your underwear, and it’s obvious you feel self-conscious about it in the way you try to squeeze your thighs together, worried he might uncover your secret. 
You seem to forget he knows you by heart.
“You want to forget? I’ll make you forget everything.” He pulls you further into his lap, and  the hand cradling your thigh slightly tightens, while the other one reaches into your hair. 
“I’ll make you forget his name.” He kisses you, hard and deep as the hand on your thigh rises ever so slightly to rub circles on the sensitive flesh. 
“The color of his eyes.” He nips at your skin, tentatively licking and sucking on your neck, just below your jaw, and you can’t help but whimper. Your head instinctively lulls to the side to grant him access—  And you can’t think, you don’t need to when he’s willing to do it for you. He knows what you’re thinking, what you want. What you like.
After all, you’re best friends. And best friends know best.
He would take all of your pain away, if you would just trust him.
“The sound of his voice.”
The pressure of his hand leaves imprints, all of which make their presence known the minute he pulls back. You whine at the loss, wanting to grab his hand and drag it back, but he’s got something else in mind.
Your voice is lost as he steals your breath, his words still ringing through your mind as he slowly moves down, kissing your throat, your collarbones, your chest.
You arch your back. It feels good, but this isn’t enough. Greed possesses you, clouds your mind entirely and makes you want everything all at once. His movements are slow but deliberate, and you quickly realize what he’s doing. You want more, you want him everywhere, and he’s making you wait for it.
He is teasing you. He is torturing you for having the audacity of bringing up the man you’re in love with in a moment so intimate, so pure. For making him ache for you when he knows your heart will never beat for him the same way it does for Satoru.
You can’t blame him. It doesn’t mean you can’t retaliate, though. In a surge of confidence, your eyes snap open, and you fist his hair with one hand to pull his mouth back to yours, hard. You decide he won’t get to mess with you, play you like an instrument, as you start grinding on him. And it’s hard, it’s throbbing beneath you, unlike anything you’ve ever felt.
Suguru doesn’t let your game last, though. He grabs you by the waist, lifting you to throw you on the mattress. Your back arches as you fall on the sheets, and he swiftly gets ahold of your wrists to pin them above your head. You gasp as he climbs over you, and your eyes meet his only to find him grinning at you.
He’s enjoying this way too much, it seems. You want to wipe that smirk off his face. – But you cannot deny his smile warms your heart.
His hand runs over your ribs, your thighs, until it stops at your lower belly. It is clear he is taking his sweet time, and although he doesn’t say a word, his silence speaks volumes. His eyes speak to you, telling you to beg. Ordering you to.
You do. You give in, pleading for him to touch you, to give you a taste of him like nothing else he’s ever gifted you with. 
Satoru’s always said that Suguru’s love language was physical touch, and you’ve never believed that. That’s when you change your mind.
In one swift motion, his fingers slip under the waistband of your pants, and he enters you with one, then two broad fingers. You are impossibly drenched. So much that they slip easily, so quickly you can’t help but let out a strangled cry at the sensation.
You whimper against his shoulder, and you wish you could just reach out and grab onto him. Instead, you strain against his grip, hips desperately bucking against his hand. 
Everything becomes about Suguru. About his smell, his touch, his voice.
His voice is but a murmur, it is saccharine when he whispers in your ear, his lips brushing your lobe, “Did you forget already? The way your heart beats faster when he’s in the room?” He rhythms his questions with quick thrusts, curling his digits so that they hit your sensitive spot. Your arousal pools over his palm, and the sound of your squelching makes him even harder.
“I’ll ruin you until he’s nothing more than a fleeting memory.” He growls, and the sound has you mewling and clenching your thighs.
That’s when you feel it rise inside of you. It rises and spills out, and suddenly he’s all you can think about.
You’re drowning in your essence, coloring the sheets a shade darker and it is all because of him. He releases your arms and lifts you easily, pulling you on his lap once again.
Your legs slide up, clinging to his waist as he shrugs down the last piece of clothing that still separates the two of you. It springs out, free, hard, and pulsing, and your mouth waters at the sight.
It is burning hot, pink, and throbbing and you’ve never noticed how beautiful your best friend was until now.
You bite your lower lip, eyes wandering over his face. You nod into his chest when he silently asks you if it’s okay, and of course he does. He’s always been so gentle.
Your fingers bury themselves in his locks, fisting his hair when he finally lines up with your entrance and fills you full of him, and your teeth bite his shoulder at the intrusion. It is sure to leave a mark, – he wants it to. 
He’s burning his way inside of you, marking you up from the inside, and you don’t think you’ve ever felt this full. He pulls you taunt against him, hauling you up by your thighs and thrusting hard and slow like he’s disciplining you. He holds eye contact, of course he does, and although his movements may be harsh, his eyes… His eyes are so gentle, so full of…. 
You mentally laugh at yourself. You’re dreaming, he could never… 
You cry out a moan when he hits the spot, and processes to abuse it repeatedly. He takes you like you’ve never been before, it feels so… Different. The fact it is Suguru you’re sleeping with makes all the difference. Everyone knows how close the two of you are, how complementary, and even Satoru keeps saying how you two are so much alike. You used to think he was exaggerating.
You’re not so sure he was, with the way Suguru seems to know what you need before you even formulate the thought.
Yet he’s always known. He knows what you like and dislike, what you want and don’t want.
He knows which expressions you make when you’re happy, sad. When you’re excited.
And now, he even knows what you look like when you’re close. Your lips are parted, your eyes a little glassy, and with the way you clench around him he has to do mental sports to not burst inside you.
You’re driving him insane. 
And while you’re bouncing on him, his hand starts rubbing at your clit, the combination turning you into a blabbering mess. It’s all too much. Your foreheads are pressed together, your hand still buried into Suguru’s hair and you close your eyes when your whimpers turn into full-blown wails. He pulls you into a deep kiss and swallows your moans as you burst.
He feels it coming too, and you see it. You nod at him, giving him your okay to come within you, to paint you with the white of his release and the red of his bleeding heart.
Yet he objects and pulls out before it happens. You’re confused, he sees that, – but you’re still in a daze. 
He won’t allow his feelings to take this away from you. Maybe someday, in another universe, he would allow himself to finish with you, to paint you with his colors like you did with yours.
Maybe on the day you’ll finally be his and his only, on the day he won’t have to be ashamed of feeling so strongly toward his best friend. This isn’t the day.
And when you go back to your senses, you can only see him looking at you with a smirk. It seems forced, a little sad even. But maybe it’s just your daze that is making you see things that aren’t there.
And just like that, he asks, “So, what color?”
“What color are Satoru’s eyes, sweetheart?”
“I…I…” You try to pull yourself back to reality, but you cannot do it. You can’t seem to remember the color of your best friend’s eyes.
Suguru grins, and his voice sends a tingle down your spine when he says, “Good girl.”
Satoru Gojo 1 - Suguru Geto 1. Now, they are even.
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So, are you happy to have ruined your chances with the love of your life? Or did you really?
secret route (coming soon!)
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beautiful evil man with long hair save me
rbs are much appreciated <3
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halbravd · 1 year
aib characters and how they fuck you.
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characters: chishiya shuntaro, ryohei arisu, kuina hikaru, niragi suguru, sunato banda.
content warning: don’t read if you’re under eighteen, gender neutral reader.
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chishiya fucks you with passion. it’s hard for someone like him to fall in love, but when he does, he does fall hard. it’s sometimes agonizingly slow and deep, sometimes fast and rough, but never brutal. he’s not a vocal type of guy but all you need to know can be seen through his eyes — always on you, one of his hands gently pinning your hips down while the other is wrapped around your shoulders to keep you as close to him as he can. it’s his own personal way to express his love and admiration for you, his lips travelling from your closed eyelids to your lips, swallowing your moans as he keeps pleasuring both you and himself. 
arisu fucks your with all the love he has to give. he worships every inch of your body, always reminding you about how gorgeous you are. he kisses your insecurities away, holds your hands in his, making sure your pleasure comes first at all time. ‘is it okay if i do this?’ — always asks for permission whenever he’d like to try something you, his eyes glued on yours to find the smallest bit of pain or discomfort. his biggest fear is to hurt you so he’s always very careful, handling you like you’re a porcelain doll. 
kuina fucks you with devotion. it’s always painfully sweet and gentle, her hands all over your body from cupping your face to caressing your lower back, tracing imaginary patterns all over the skin. there’s no such things at not taking her time with you — you’re the canvas and she’s the artist, painting your body with the marks her teeth and lips leave behind. kuina talks a lot: tells you how pretty you look today, about the things she’d love to do to you, how good you make her feel. communication is always on top of her list and it makes things so much more enjoyable. 
niragi fucks you like it’s his last time. there’s nothing sweet, nothing gentle in the way niragi pins your hands above your head, biting your shoulder and your neck, venomous words dripping off his lips like venom. but somehow, there’s also desperation and need, and it’s almost painful to notice. he hates being vulnerable, and he hates it even more to feel something other than hatred and disgust for someone. so he fucks his own frustration out of you, desperately hoping to be freed from those feelings that make him despise his own self when in fact, it brings him closer to his downfall. 
banda fucks you just to feel something. he craves for this — to finally feel that euphoria pumping through his veins, to see his body reacting so easily every time you touch him. don’t get him wrong though, he’s not doing this for you and he doesn’t care if he hurts you in the process: he won’t stop until his mind is filled with satisfaction, and that, most of the times, takes a lot of time and rounds. he’s rough, he manhandles you like you’re nothing but a rag doll made to satisfy his needs, and he doesn’t even care if you didn’t get to enjoy the moment as long as he did. 
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