#jorge travels
renmoldovan · 1 year
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São Jorge Island, Azores
instagram: renmoldovan
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nobeerreviews · 5 months
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There is an hour of the afternoon when the plain is on the verge of saying something. It never says, or perhaps it says it infinitely, or perhaps we do not understand it, or we understand it and it is untranslatable as music.
-- Jorge Luis Borges
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brad--g · 8 months
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beforevenice · 1 year
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So you plant your own garden and decorate your own soul, instead of waiting for someone to bring you flowers.
// Jorge Luis Borges
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k-nayee · 14 days
Wife to the Winds Epic: The Musical | ii
wc: 3.5k a/n: yeah I'm sorry y'all. I'm, a slow updater/editor. But I'm getting faster and better! Here's the animation for this part
Traveler M.List
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"You truly believe you can ensure my safe passage home? After everything?"
"With all my heart..."
The salty tang of the sea clung to your hair as you followed Odysseus back to the creaking ships. The satchel against your hip jostled with every step, containing all of your life ever since the ambush of your village.
Midway through readying the ship for their long-awaited return, the men around fell silent as Odysseus approached.
Murmurs rippled through the crew as they watched their battle-scarred leader approach, a stranger by his side.
Reaching the center of the gathered crowd, Odysseus raised a hand for silence. A hush fell over, their gazes flitting between you and their captain.
"This one!" he boomed, aura carrying the authority of a seasoned leader, "is under my is under my protection. Do not lay hand upon her, show her the respect you may give to me."
Glances flicker towards you and stare intently, their faces etched with curiosity and a hint of something...more.
What it could be? You don't know, but you refuse to show it. Even riddled with fear and wary, you held your head high, posture radiating confidence.
That's when the whispers reached your ears: "A goddess, perhaps?" one muttered. "Sent to test us," another added, a hint of reverence lacing his voice.
'Wait...what?' You blink at this. Looking closer, you realize they are staring at you in awe, not lust.
You steal a peek at Odysseus, but his face remained impassive, any amusement he might've felt hidden.
'A goddess huh?' Your lips twitch, a snort of disbelief threating to escape your lips. Seems Odysseus initial shock towards you wasn't a one man reaction.
"Men!" attention is brought once more to the King of Ithaca.
"We have weathered storms. We have battled and sacrificed. Yet, victory lies within reach. Today," he brings a fist up to the heavens. "we begin our journey home!"
Cheers erupted from them, collective roars of relief and anticipation.
The rest of the day was a blur of activity: sails unfurled, oars readied for rowing—image of home ever the motivator.
Days bled into weeks, the endless blue horizon and rocking of the ship becoming your new normal.
The crew remained wary, interactions limited to curt greetings and exchanges. Your only solace came from occasional conversations with Odysseus and surprisingly, both Eurylochus and Polites.
Speaking of which, a tense discussion was brewing near the stern. Eurylochus, his weathered face etched with worry, was locked in a heated debate with the king.
"Six hundred mouths to feed," Eurylochus stressed, frustration coloring his voice, "and our supplies are dwindling! We may not make it far, we are running on fumes!"
Polites, ever the diplomat, step forth in hopes of calming the second in command. "We'll find a way, Eurylochus. Odysseus is a resourceful man—"
"Look!" Their conversation was abruptly interrupted by Odysseus himself, his gaze fixed on the sky.
You follow his line of sight, spotting a flurry of birds flying into the distance. Your brow raise at that, catching on to his proposal.  
"We watch where they go, and there we will hunt for food." Giving a firm nod, Eurylochus began giving new orders.
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Hours had pass, soon the Sun going down leaving the stars and moon as your only source of light.
"Captain!" Polities' cry breaks you out of your daily/night inventory checkup. "There in the distance: I see a light faintly glowing."
You quickly stuff everything back into your bag, rushing over to stand next to the Greek warrior and see for yourself.
He turns and gives you a bright grin, lightly bouncing on his feet. "Maybe it's a village lighting a fire? Who knows! They might even share some food."
"No." Odysseus shakes his head. "No, somethings not right. I see fire...but there's no smoke."
Eurylochus scoffed. "Let's raid the place and be done with it!" he barked, his hunger overriding caution.
Odysseus narrowed his eyes. "No," he countered, his voice firm. "There must be another way, one that doesn't involve bloodshed."
"Captain you can't be serious, we don't know of the danger's ahead! A—"
"Just!...just give me until sunrise," Taking a glance at the awaiting crew, his voice lower in attempt to quell their bloodthirst knowing just speaking of potential fighting would set them off. "And if we don't return, burn this place to the ground."
Odysseus turns to Polities, gesturing towards the approaching island. "Polites, gear up. We'll scout ahead."
"Yes sir!"
"I'm coming with you!"
The mortal king's head snapped towards you, frown creasing his brow. "Absolutely not."
Your voice rose in protest. "B-but I can help! I'm a fast learner. My skills..."
"There will be no debate," he states, voice leaving no room for argument. "The men are weary. They need their rest. You will stay and watch over little Ajax."
Anger welled in your chest as your teeth gritted. You storm off, the sting of rejection burning in your eyes.
Being reduced to babysitting(once again) felt like an insult to your abilities. You couldn't help but pout in disappointment as you watch the two sail step off the ship, crossing your arms with a glare.
The rest of the night crawled by, the time made longer from your simmering resentment.
It was sunrise when Odysseus and Polities returned, their faces were painted with apprehension.
"We've been told of a cave with food in the east!" he said "enough to last us on our journey back to Ithaca, even extra to spare."
You perk up at the news as men were called to arms. Pushing your way into the forming group, you stand before Odysseus who releases a heavy sigh upon seeing your wide grin. 
"Perhaps I can help assess the situation? My knowledge of—"
"We have enough help," he holds up a hand, silencing you with narrowed eyes. "You stay here with Ajax. Guard duty."
You bite your tongue to keep your anger from saying something disrespectful.
Taking a deep breath, you clasp your hands in a pleading motion. "Please. Just let me help. I-I can gather herbs, o-or even tend wounds..."
"There'll be no wounds," Odysseus says curtly. "We'll be in and out, quick and quiet."
And with that, he and his newly gathered group of men began venturing east in search of food.
Though your fists clenched in fury, you knew better than to disobey Odysseus directly. Instead, you waited, a plan forming in your mind.
It was then upon spotting the ever-cautious Ithacan Eurylochus right as he prepares to leave and catch up with the main group, an idea sparks.
You quickly approach him in determined strides. "Eurylochus, there isn't any proper medical supplies on board. I'm sure the men will gain injuries on their quest for food. And for that, I will need to go and get more herbs." 
Eurylochus barely glanced in your direction, more focused on ensuring his weapons are tied on correctly as he gives a dry chuckle. "Injuries huh? I'm sure medicine won't be needed for a little wound."
"You sure about that?" Offput at the chilly tone of your voice, he looks up only to be taken aback at the emptiness of your gaze. "Even the mightiest of warriors have fallen, crossing the River Styx from a mere scrape."
A tremor of unease ran through Eurylochus. He cleared his throat, the bravado gone
"Alright," he conceded, "but if anything goes wrong..."
"There won't be anything wrong!" you assured him quickly, smile bright and innocent as if you hadn't just traumatized this man.
Gesturing two nearby men to come over, Eurylochus gives you one final look. "Now, I'm trusting you to get what you need and get out. This is Lycus and Alexander; they will watch over you, so stay close. Understood?"
You bobbed your head enthusiastically, already launching into a flurry of excited instructions for your temporary bodyguards.
Eurylochus couldn't help but shake his head and sigh as he turned to leave. "Gods...Odysseus is gonna kill me..."
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The moment your feet touched the shore, a thrill shot through you. The air hummed with an unfamiliar energy, and the vibrant foliage swaying in the gentle breeze.
Years of training under your mother's watchful eye kicked in: You recognized the landscape instantly—the lush vegetation, the specific types of trees—everything she taught echoing in your mind.
Unlike Odysseus and his men trampling path, or the impatient stomping of your guards, you carefully navigated the undergrowth with practiced grace; steps light and sure.
Awe filled you as you surveyed the diverse flora. You stopped every so often, meticulously collecting samples in your satchel, murmuring a silent thank you with each pluck.
A memory flickered from your childhood's countless foraging trips; your mother kneeling beside you in a sun-dappled meadow as her hand gently guides yours. "Plants are lives of their own...they are deserving of respect, as would any other being."
Too caught up in reminiscing the past, you miss it when your small group stumbled into a clearing.
It wasn't until you noticed the men behind you stopping themselves did you pay attention to your surroundings.
There, in the center of the area was a group of figures. Their faces were serene, eyes filled with an otherworldly light.
You couldn't help but look at them in awe, tales heard over the years could never measure up to the—
The sound of drawn weapons snap you out of it.
"W-wait!" you cry, darting forward and placing yourself between the armed men and the peaceful Lotus-eaters. "Lower your weapons! They mean no harm."
Lycus, a gruff soldier with a gnarly scar on his cheek to match, scoffs. "They could be a threat, best get rid of them while we can" he grumbles, grip tightening on the hilt of his sword.
Undeterred, you squared your shoulders and met his gaze.
"And as I said, they mean no harm. Pose no danger Look at them!" You gestured towards the Lotus-eaters, some of whom were staring at you with wide-eyes, others seemingly lost in a blissful daydream. "They wouldn't hurt a fly."
A tense silence hung in the air. The men exchanged uncertain glances, unsure of how to react.
 You pressed further, lowering your voice conspiratorially. "Besides. I'm not moving, and Odysseus wouldn't be too happy if I got hurt...now would he?"
The mere mention of the formidable leader caused the men to flinch, images of Odysseus' fearsome wrath flashing in their minds.
Lycus grunts in defeat. "Fine." Reluctantly sheathing his weapon, Alexander follows suit in a mixture of annoyance and grudging acceptance.
The Lotus people seemed captivated by the scene unfolding before them. Their gaze remained transfixed on you, faces filled with a strange mix of curiosity and wonder.
You turn and offer them a warm smile, disarming the Lotus-eaters completely. Their gaze remained fixed on you, captivated not just by your courage and kindness, but also by your beauty. 
Unlike the warriors who had come earlier, bristling with aggression, you approached them with an open heart of respect and curiosity.
And they knew this...from the moment you stepped into the forest, you were being watched after all.
So watchful of those who arrived on their island, the Lotus-eaters had seen everything: your reverence for the plant life, your gentle touch as you collected herbs—it spoke all that was needed.
They felt—no, they knew your heart held no malice. So that's why they had no problem answering any question you asked.
Meanwhile, the men assigned to guard you grow bored from the lack of conflict. They began to talk to each other, attention drifting away from their assigned duty.
After all, you seemed perfectly safe surrounded by these serene beings.
Encouraged by your gentle demeanor, one of the Lotus-eaters hesitantly approach you. He's tall, a crown of woven leaves sitting on top of his curly-hair.
Shy and gentle eyes meet yours. A tranquil smile is etched on his face as he holds out a strange bulbous fruit within his cupped palms, its surface pulsating with an otherworldly glow.
You recognize it instantly for its legendary intoxicating properties, accepting the Lotus fruit with a grateful smile.
Knowing the dangers of the Lotus and its ability to induce a blissful forgetfulness, you carefully stow it away in your satchel.
The Lotus-eaters trill in content, their voices all speaking at once in a wave of pitches.
Straining to hear what they were saying, you slowly make out some of the words drifting through the air.
"...giant..." one voice rasped, low and conspiratorial. "...big as a mountain..." another chimed in.
You pause, a flicker of unease taking root in your stomach. 'Did I just hear that right?...'
"Excuse me," you began, your voice dropping to a hushed tone, "but I couldn't help but overhear something about a... giant?"
They eagerly nod, their excited chatter confirming your worst suspicions.
The Lotus-eater from earlier locks eyes with you. You sense a flicker of concern flash across his glazed eye before murky sereness takes place once more.
He spoke, voice deep and whimsy. "The one-eyed giant in the east? He owns most of the sheep,  calls himself Polyphemus..."
'Giant...sheep...cave...east...that means—' when the pieces clicked in your mind, dread coiled in your gut. Odysseus and his men...trapped with a monstrous cyclops?
This was a disaster.  You needed to get away, and fast.
Glancing at the warriors, still lost in their own world of boredom, a devious plan began to form in your mind.
You turn to the group of Lotus-eaters and lower your voice further.
"Listen," you began, urgency lacing your tone, "there's something really really important I need to get from the cave in the east."
You give a nudge towards the lounging duo guards. "Those men who came with me wouldn't understand. Plus they're not very nice...they've been nothing but mean and unhelpful!"
The Lotus-eaters exchanged glances. Even with their peaceful demeanor they could sense your worry.
"What do you want us to do?" the crowned Lotus-eater asked, his voice laced with alarm.
A large grin stretched across your face.
"Pretend to kidnap me!" you declared, barely able to contain a giggle. "Take me to the cave. There, I can handle the rest."
Their faces broke into wide smiles. Now this was a game they understood.
A Lotus-eater with eyes the color of the sky, clapped her hands in delight. "Oh that sounds fun!"
Before you could even blink, half of the group erupted in a playful ruckus of shouts and laughter; hurling small rocks branched leaves at the warriors.
The men sputtered in confusion as nearby plants and vines creeped down and snatched their weapons, leaving them flabbergasted and unarmed.
"What in Hades—" Alexander exclaims, eyes wide with confusion as his sword was yanked from his grasp by an unseen force.
Now for your part.
Taking a deep breath, you let out the most dramatic, exaggerated scream you could muster. "Help! Oh no! They are taking me! What ever shall I dooooo!"
The distracted guards turn in time to see the other half of the Lotus-eaters scoop you off the ground. You kicked your legs playfully, still crying out in mock distress. "No! Oh no! Let me go! Someone, save meeeeeee!"
As Lotus-eaters began moving to the cave, you grimace when realizing a little too late of your lack of fighting back and reaction to being taken. 'I hope they didn't see right through me. Probably should've acted a little more afraid.'
"H-hey!" You turn back to see Lycus' stressfully looking in your direction as he tries to dodge the sticks and stones, "They're kidnapping her!"
"We must save her!" Alexander chimed in, his panicked filled voice reaching your ears before you disappear into the foliage.
You blink in disbelief at their gullibility. 'Nevermind...'
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The further you were carried away from the clearing, the more the sounds of chaos faded into the background.
When you finally reached a safe distance, they gently set you down.
Once brushing off your clothes and looking around you immediately notice the Lotus-eaters brought you to the side of a mountain.
'Where's the cave...?' Confusion flickered across your at face as you try to understand why you where there instead.
Seeing your puzzled expression, the crowned-Lotus eater stepped forward with a gentle smile.
"We brought you to a secret passage," he explains softly, "It's a hidden way that leads to where the sheep are kept. The giant one may find you at the entrance, but this path is safe."
He gestures towards a cluster of branches and vines. Pushing them aside, he reveals a human-sized crack in the mountainside before letting dense foliage fall back over the cleverly concealed hole.
A warm smile spreading across your face at their concern and attempt for your safety. "Thank you!"
Leaning forward, you stand on your toes to place a soft kiss on the forehead of the crowned-Lotus eater who's been your main communicator of the time.
His cheeks flushed a deep scarlet red as he giggled, his companions joining in with flushed faces and shy smiles of their own.
"Good luck," he whimsically mutters, still blushing.
With a nod, you turned towards the secret passageway. Your heart pounds as you carefully push aside the branch and vines and squeezed through the opening.
The rough stone walls loomed around you as distant noises faintly echo in the background.
Air growing cooler and damper with each step as you ventured deeper inside, it wasn't until then did the faint sounds became clearer—multiple voices talking and sounds of sheep scuffling around. 
You pause at the edge of the cave, listening intently.
"Over here!" At the sound of Odysseus' commanding and calm voice, you immediately peek around the corner.
The first thing you're met with is an abundance of food and resources scattered all around: Jugs of wine stacked neatly against the walls, expensive cloths rich in color and texture, to even golden chalices and cups that gleamed in the torch-light cave.
And the sheep.
There were so many! So much, a few roaming ones were so close that you could feel the softness of their wool if you just reach out to tou—
Your nose scrunch up in disgust as a pungent wave of musk, grass, and a hint of manure hits you. 'Ugh...don't smell as cute as they look. That's for sure.'
Looking past the sheep, your body almost instinctively relaxed as you saw no signs of dead bodies or a murderous Cyclops.
Instead, you spotted the King of Ithaca standing alongside his 2nd of command and friend, onlooking as the other men got to work.
"Odysseus! Look at all this food...a-and all of these sheep!" Polites exclaims, you could even make out his bright smile all the way from here. "I can't believe it! This cave, it has all this for us to keep."
Eurylochus stood a few feet away, a begrudging nod of acceptance as he keep watch of the soldiers as they slaughter sheep and prepare to carry them to the ships. "I've gotta hand it to you both, this is quite the treat. More than enough sheep here to feed the entire fleet."
"Hmmm. I'm not sure. Looks too perfect, too good to be true." Odysseus seemed unconvinced. He shifted on his feet, glancing around as unease began seeping into his bones. "Why would the Lotus-eaters pass up on all this food?"
'Okay!' You take a step back, readying yourself for the potential scolding you most definitely were going to get for leaving the ship. 'You can do this...'
He sounds worried enough, so maybe he won't be too mad?
Taking a deep breath, you straighten you back and take a step out to greet the— 
"WHO ARE YOU?" A deep, rumbling voice echoes through the cave, making everyone freeze in their tracks.
Popping your head back around the corner, the blood drains from your face once you see the Cyclops.
Odysseus steps up with a confident smile. "Hey there! We're just travelers." He waves to the giant and motion to the others. "We come in peace."
The cyclops says nothing at first. He's monstrous, frame towering above so high you could barely make out his features—a single eye glowing menacingly in the darkness as it glared down at the Spartan warriors.
You stumble back with a soft gasp and try to calm your racing heart. Your mind raced as you tried to figure out what to do.
Recalling the tales and stories of the cyclops' favored weapon (a massive club), you knew it was only a moment of time...
Your hand flickered down to the weight in your satchel. With trembling fingers, you rummaged through it.
A Lotus fruit and bundle of dried Nepenthe and Poppy herbs are pulled out the bag, now in your hands. 'Please Gods....please. This has to work...'
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mensministry · 3 months
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Lo Sereno Casa de Playa Boutique Hotel,
Troncones, Guerrero, Mexico,
Architectural project led by Jorge González Parcero,
Photography: Leandro Bulzzano
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travelbinge · 5 days
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By Jorge Sá Pinheiro
Morro da Luan, Luanda, Angola
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batsplat · 13 days
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yes yes the final corner overtake is great and all but I'm always very endeared by valentino getting so close to jorge while out-braking him down the main straight into turn one that he has to retract his knee for a moment
different angle:
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A man sets out to draw the world. As the years go by, he peoples a space with images of provinces, kingdoms, mountains, bays, ships, islands, fishes, rooms, instruments, stars, horses, and individuals. A short time before he dies, he discovers that the patient labyrinth of lines traces the lineaments of his own face.
-  Jorge Luis Borges, The Aleph and Other Stories
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renmoldovan · 1 year
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São Jorge Island, Azores
instagram: renmoldovan
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m4ruk4ts · 6 months
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since they met in the 70's, i wanted to try and draw how they looked like back then (i know nothing about fashion ;v;-)
for some reason i always end up mixing or forgetting the year their bilateral relations started (1972). maybe its bc i dont like history. Specially when it comes to remembering important dates lol
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viagginterstellari · 7 months
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Jorge Amado's darkroom - Salvador, 2023
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sunset-bridge · 18 days
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k-nayee · 3 months
Wife to the Winds Epic: The Musical | i
wc: 1.7k a/n: currently obsessed with anything Ancient Greek right now - ESPECIALLY Epic lol. it technically picks up after the song, but if ya wanna here's the animation to it!
Traveler M.List
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You felt nauseas, sick with fear as you cautiously made your way through the stone corridors.
Distant clash of swords and muffled shouts of Greek soldiers rummaging the palace heightened your urgency. 
With every turn, the looming threat grows: facing an enemy and their weapon stained with the blood of those you've grown to know.
"Lord Apollo...Please...let me be there in time..."you prayed silently, the image of Astyanax's sleeping face urging you forward.
Thoughts racing almost as fast as your feet, you nearly miss a group of men around the corner.
"Imagine the glory we'll have after this!"
Too caught up in conversation, they miss the sight of you slipping into a dark alcove.
"Praise? Forget that! I'm claiming the prettiest whore out of the bunch. You seen all we captured? Deserve some softness after all this."
Hidden in the shadows you're able to take in the blood splatters and dirt on their passing frames.
"You got that right! One thing I'll admit about Troy, they have some nice women..."
You shiver at their crude remarks and wait until their laughter fades into the distance before moving once more.
After a few more dodges and turns, you find the narrow passage and squeeze through.
There, you travel the secret route you'd discovered months ago having spent years exploring every hidden nook and cranny.
The weight of the glass feeding bottle in your hand is a constant reminder of the innocence you're desperate to protect, even as the world around you crumbled. 'I'm on my way Astyanax...'
Inside the walls with only the sound of your heartbeat and the distant chaos; a haunting, pain-filled voice echoes through the air as you near the babe's chamber.
"...I'm just...a man..."
Compelled by the unexpected softness, you peek through a sliver of space at the ornately disguised door (its decorations masterfully concealing its true nature).
There, at the balcony, you're met with the view of Odysseus. And in his hands he drops—
Your heart stops.
No, it shatters.
The baby prince, your charge, your little Astyanax, is...
A heart-wrenching gasp escape your lips, the forgotten milk bottle slipping from your hands to shatter against the stone floor.
Odysseus's head snaps around.
The warrior within him awakened instantly, his eyes narrowing and scanning the shadows.
"Who's there?" he demands, voice sharp and commanding as it sliced through the quiet.
Hand already on the hilt of his dagger, he draws it with a sound that promised death and begins the search.
His feet echoes on the stone floor, each step feeling like a countdown to your end.
The air around you thickens with tension, you struggle to breath against the fear that threatens to overwhelm you.
In hopes of blending in the shadows you press your back harder against the cool wall.
'Be still...Be silent,' you chant even as your heart frantically beat against your ribcage.
Not even daring to breathe too loudly: your inhales and exhales are measured and deliberate despite the panic clawing at your throat.
Memories of Lady Andromache's warnings swirled through your mind—of men turned monsters in the heat of battle, their souls stained with the bloodlust of war.
"The taste of blood...changes a man." Dark brown eyes, somber and knowing, stare into your own. "Leaves him with a hunger for violence that's never fully sated..."
Her words, a distant and cautionary tale you never understood, now rang with terrifying clarity.
With Odysseus so close, the fear becomes so palpable it wraps around you.
Your eyes clamp shut when his footsteps nears, a feeble attempt to shield yourself from the impending horror.
Tears cascade silently down your cheeks in hot paths. There, you mourn not just for the young prince but for yourself and what may come of you.
Suddenly, the footsteps began to fade, leaving a silence so profound it feels like a scream in the void.
Minutes pass, each second an eternity spent in the clutches of fear. Then, there's a sound: the door closing—it cuts sharply through the stillness.
He left...
Relief washes over you, albeit tinged with the sorrow and shock of witnessing your charge's murder.
You wait. Counting each breath, allowing the minutes to stretch until it feels an eternity has passed.
No sound follows, no sign of his presence remains.
Emboldened by the silence and finally convinced, you allow yourself to move.
With cautious steps you emerge from your hiding spot and move toward the center of the room.
The need to escape, to distance yourself from this nightmare of death and close calls pushes you forward.
It's a relief short-lived.
Realizing the silence was a trick, it's already too late: arms encircle you.
The cold kiss of his dagger at your throat shatters any illusion of safety.
His body is pressed against your back, a wall of muscle and tension. You're acutely aware of him—the heat of his breath, the controlled movements, the slight shift as he adjusts his grip on the knife.
Your breath hitches from the terror and despair mingling in your throat, choking you.
"Not a sound," Odysseus whispers, his voice a lethal calm that contrasts the violent actions. "Now tell me: who are you?"
For a moment, neither of you moved.
Your life...choices...everything you had or could have depended on the mercy of the man who had just taken a child from the world.
Fear wars with desperation in your heart. 'Please...let this not be my end. I have so much left to live for...'
"P—please..." you stammer, the words barely escaping your lips. "I won't tell anyone, I swear it. Just let me go..."
"I said," he ignores your pleads, choosing to press the dagger closer for emphasis, "who are you?"
In a flash of desperation and unexpected courage, you act.
With a swift, practiced move born from hours of watching the palace guards train, you suddenly shift your weight.
Pivoting on your heel you wrench his arm away from your throat and use the momentum to twist his wrist; forcing him to drop and send the dagger clattering to the ground.
You jump back, chest heaving with exertion and the shock of your own audacity. You lock eyes with Odysseus who stares at you in stunned silence.
For a moment, he is visibly taken aback; eyes widening not just at the loss of his weapon but at the sight of you.
"By the Gods..." he murmurs, the edge of his battle-hardened demeanor softening as he truly sees you for the first time.
The fire of the torches cast a soft glow on your brown skin, making the stone of the palace around you seem even more dull.
Your hair is nothing he had seen before. There amidst the curls that frame your face, lays a bold streak of white that runs into the mass of hair.
However, it's your eyes that truly captivate him—they glimmer, a striking violet filled with an intensity of deep grief yet unwavering determination.
For a fleeting moment, the fierceness in his eyes dims as a cascade of thoughts sweep through.
Odysseus, a man who faced gods and monsters...
...a man who has navigated the treacherous whims of fate...
...finds himself lost in the mere mortal beauty before him.
In another life, he might have allowed himself to be drawn in; to explore your being and the depths of those violet eyes. 
The fantasy flickers through his mind of what could have been, momentary indulgence if you will.
Yet, as quickly as it arrived, it is quelled by his love and loyalty for Penelope. The memory of her steadfastness and unwavering faith in his return casts a shadow over any fleeting desire he might feel.
Taking advantage of his internal conflict, you find your voice and interject. "W-wait! I mean no harm nor am I an enemy! I was just trying to survive."
Curiosity piqued, Odysseus gestures for you to continue.
"I come from land that's oceans away, taken against my will. Here, I became a servant for Lady Andromache out of exotic curiosity," Your voice steadies as you speak, gaining strength from the truth of your words. "But then my purpose evolved and I became the caretaker for the prince—a child now dead, through no fault of my own."
The Greek king could only narrow his eyes at you in assessment, voice regaining some of its earlier edge. "And why should I spare you? You are, after all, of Troy."
"Not by choice!" you counter quickly, the words tumbling out, "I am no citizen of Troy, bound by loyalty nor blood. My life here was never of my choosing. My only wish is to live a life beyond wars, serving as a pawn in the games of Gods and Kings."
A smile wry of acknowledgment touches Odysseus' lips.
"You're clever," he admits as the tension in the room shifts, becoming less hostile.
"But why should I trust you?" he probes further, bending down to retrieve his dagger yet making no move to use it. "You, who managed to disarm me?"
Your gaze held a weariness it almost felt bone-deep,, "I have nothing left. The same ambush that brought me here as a servant...massacred my family. The only wish I have now is to live a life of medicine, as my mother was and hers before her. My hands are meant for healing, not for war. Let me serve in your kingdom, and I promise, my loyalty will be yours."
Silence hangs between you two, thick with possibilities.
Then, slowly, a smile begins to form on Odysseus's lips; the first genuine smile he's probably shown in years.
"A barter, then. You propose your freedom for my journey home?"
"Yes!" your voice is firmer now, pushed by his response. "I have skills, knowledge that can aid you. Take me with you, and I swear to devote myself in ensuring your safe return to Ithaca without further misfortune."
Odysseus studies you for a long moment, weighing your words and the sincerity in your eyes. "You truly believe you can ensure my safe passage home? After everything?"
You keeping eye contact with him, the intensity of your gaze unwavering. "With all my heart..."
The quiet that follows is heavy with contemplation, with the unspoken thoughts that flicker behind his eyes.
Finally, he nods, a decision made.
"Very well. But know this," he adds, his tone leaving no room for doubt, "any betrayal, and it will be the last thing you do."
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This photo basically sums up the whole trip’s vibe.
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travelbinge · 11 months
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By Jörg Wanderer
Guangzhou, Guangdong, China
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