#lemme know if you're interested in seeing it :O
nogenderbee · 3 months
♡˗ˏ✎*ೃ˚ 𝕀𝕟𝕧𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕠𝕣 ₊˚ˑ༄
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*ੈ✩‧₊˚ anon request: Hope requests aren't closed. Could I request Gepard, Argenti, Dan Heng, and Jing Yuan with a s/o who is an excellent inventor? Toys, machines, they can make anything.
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ They weren't when you requested so you're good! Also, I don't write for Argenti so hope you don't mind me changing him for Serval! She just suits here so well and I need more of the girlies so you can say I kinda took the opportunity there~ Anyway, hope it's still up to your liking!
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ fluff
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✧ Dan Heng probably knows both a lot and a little about subject of inventing
✧ he read about it and even saw few constructions due to adventuring from planet to planet, but he also never really did it himself
✧ you'll have to introduce him to all the shortcuts while inventing something because he knows just the long and boring way, like instructions said, he'll do the exact steps
✧ he doesn't really mind and find it actually quite interesting to help you around
✧ but if your workshop is loud... he may not be big fan... and if you're trabilazer like him and all the noise is coming from the next room? Yeah, he'd loose it...
"Y/N. How about we go grab some sweets and you finish your work later? I need a break..."
✧ don't get him wrong, he's happy you're working on your skills but he just doesn't like the noise and would much prefer go on a walk while you work
✧ but at least he helps you with cleaning and quieter parts of inventing!
✧ tho if you live on planet and he rarely visits you we it is... he may not mind the noise as much. He's simply more focused on spending some quality time with you than that
@miya-akane @toyaswif3y - come get your quiet but scary trabilazer!
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✧ Gepard is honestly happy for your achievements and you probably met each other through Serval
✧ but... let no one ask him who's better inventor... he's not gonna be able to choose between you and his sister so he'll end up with basic answer, simply saying you're both great which he's not lying about
✧ but if we can avoid that, he knows quite a bit about it so he'll often drop by and see how you're doing
✧ and if you need help, he wouldn't mind doing so we long as he's not busy
✧ if he won't know something... he can always ask you or Serval if you'll need some professional advice too!
✧ this boy is so busy and now he also has 2 inventors to help... he often leaves you or Serval mid day to go to another one, so he won't seem like he's playing favorites because he loves you both equally, just in different ways
"Hey love, I'll go see how Serval's doing, okey? I'll come back later so I can help you more since I know you're busy. I'll be back in 1 of 2 hours."
✧ but... Serval often kicks him out to help his partner, she's like tou cupid if you think about it...
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✧ Serval is too!! You guys either met through work and bonded OR became close and just later realized you're both inventors
✧ when you were far enough into relationship, she definitely wanted to combine your two workshops so instead of "competing against each other", you could work together
✧ and lemme tell you... if you do it, your business is going CRAZY since you're both one of the best inventors in Belebog
✧ if you ever struggle with idea, fixing or making something, she's the one you should go for!
✧ she knows you're a bit better than her and will often mention it, not because she had low self-esteem but because she's proud girlfriend and wants to compliment you
"Hehe~ C'mon, you're the best at it! You need to teach me your trick someday, alright? In exchange... I could take you on a date next week! I'll clear my schedule so we can spend entire day with each other."
✧ expect her to be a little flirty from time to time when you work, sneaking little notes between not important machines so you'll wonder why it's not working just to find love letter there, or send some flying little robot with hear or chocolates on it... many can happen when she's in the playful mood!
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✧ Jing Yuan most likely knows every citizen of Xianzhou Luofu, some worse some better... so he definitely knew you even before you got into relationship
✧ but your relationship either developed by him hiring you one day or him getting w little crush and visiting you often
✧ and when you're together, he'll often drop by to see how you're doing and he'll you around
✧ and when he can't come check up on you because of his work... he'll simply send someone to you! It can be either Cloud Knight on patrol or Yanqing passing by
✧ he loves seeing how much you can do with just the idea and materials. So he'll sometimes sit down next to you and watch you work
✧ his favorite thing is to see the project developed all the way from simple scratch to finished product
✧ he'll also remind you of breaks, taking you out for something sweet or to restaurant whenever you finish project you've been working for days
"It looks great, my dear. Now let's go eat something. My treat. Trust me, you deserve it for all the good work you did there."
@miya-akane - come get your soft general~
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magicpumpkin3 · 2 years
May I request HCs of the Dorm Leaders (Separately) with a [S/O] [Gender Neutral] (Romantic) who can curse out in their native language whenever they get angry? Like in one scenario: [Y/N] got so fed up with the One-Brain Cell gang (First Years) that they willingly cursed out in their mother tongue to the group, giving them an earful of a lecture like an angry mother who found their kids caused trouble at school. How would they react to their partner who can speak in another language? (Examples: Korean, Russian, Spanish, etc.)
(Note: Scolding in any language is lethal.)
(Note 2: Ignore @//swiftyangx12)
- @sanctum-of-ramshackle
Note: *laughing in bilingual* Oh dear, It's going to be such a delight to write
Note: It took almost a year...Well, that was something -
Riddle Rosehearts
I see Riddle as a person that thinks, that curse words are forbidden and that no one should use them well, at least not around him.
So, let's just say, when reader cussed out because of the stupidity of the holy trio, I think it was for the best that no one had a single clue what the hell they were saying, because otherwise Riddle would've collared them.
So, let's Imagen a scenario, where Riddle found out what the bunch of gibberish words ment. He is soo not pleased, the dorm leader really thought that reader was better, then that. Of course there was some scolding and ect, but at the end of the day, he kind of get's it, it's Deuce, Ace and Grim after all. But that's still not an excuse!!!
He's also really interested in learning some basic words in readers native language. Even those cuss words sounded beautiful.
Leona Kingscholar
So, like Riddle, he has no fucking clue what you said. Well, he gets that it's probably something like cuss words but he's not quite sure.
Now, let's clarify that he gives zero shit if you cuss or not. Like, he gets it, shit happens, let's move on. And to be fair, I'll lie if I say I don't think he's the type to use cuss words in he's day to day life.
So, when you let all your anger flow in the middle of an overbolt fight, he's all in for it, even the overbolt kid was stunned by the nonsense you said.
Does Leona want to learn the language? Fuck yeah he does, it would make so much easier for him to cuss and make fun of other people, omG. Overall, he thinks that you're hella cool when you speak your native language.
Azul Ashengrotto
So, I don't think I need to say it again, he has no idea what you said, he has some suspensions but he's quite sure. Azul new that sometimes your brain just glitches and some words happen.
To be fair, I'm not sure how he feels about cuss words. I think he's okay when there's some used, but not like fuck fuckedy fuck fuck fuck.
So, when you started screaming at the trio, he thought it was one of those days when your brain farts some words. He haven't even thought those could be some inappropriate words. Twins on the other hand...oh yeah, they knew-
When he found out, Azul was quite impressed. He hadn't heard anyone curse so passionately, so boy couldn't even be mad at you properly!
As for the language, he finds it mesmerizing. Does he want to learn it? Oh hell yeah! It could be your secret language that only both of you could talk on~
Kalim Al Asim
First of, this is a child. But in all honesty, I think he dislikes cuss words, but not as passionately as Riddle. But still, don't swear around him plz
He is truly curious about you knowing another language, especially when you speak it! It sounds so beautiful coming from you, he is definitely into learning some words. Lemme tell you, the way he was staring at you, when you rained hell fires apun the idiot trio, was something.
Now, we all know that he had no idea what you said, but let's pretend someone told him God help that poor unfortunate soul
He is shocked to say the least, I think he would just froze up with this face 0_0, like. He doesn't blame you, but at the same time it feels wrong to him to hear you cuss in your native language.
Vil Schoenheit
Okay, I feel like he's kind of like an Azul when it comes to the adult language, doesn't mind it, but when it's too much he'll ask you to stop.
Now, you speaking 2 languages is interesting, but at the same time he knows it's semi-normal to be so fluent He has Rook by his side, like c'mon
He would love to learn your language, but I feel he'd actually just learn the basic set of words and of course speak without accent bc perfectionism
Vil is no idiot and he sees with whom you're dealing. He understands, no judgement, yell at them all you want, he will just watch and might trow some disapproval glance in their director, just so they could feel the fault.
Idia Shroud
First of, he's a fortnighter. He's a gamer for crying out loud, I bet when he's comfortable he swears at least once in 3 sentences. So yeah, you can swear all you want, he's not amused.
As for the language, he's quite fond of it. It sounds very majestic when you start to talk on it so to speak. He simp-. And let's be honest here, the fist words that he'll ask to learn are the cuss once, we all know it.
So when he heard you scolding the trio he makes a few mental notes 1)Ask for the translated version. 2) Don't get on your bad side 3) That was hot-. Idia is really amazed how good everything sounded, almost got hypnotized there.
He wants to learn the language not only because he can then swear around people and be unnoticed or at least around himself, but he also wants it to be a semi-secret language between you too, so you can talk about whatever you want without being afraid of someone ears dropping.
Malleus Draconia
Okay, so yet another child. It's like dealing with Kalim but this one is a bit sly. He understands that cuss words have their place in the world but Malleus doesn't feel the need to use them or at least around you.
Malleus has great interest in learning your other language, he thinks that's it's going to be your aristocratic language thing, which he also finds quite romantic.
When he overhead you cussing in your mother tongue at the trio he was amused. Malleus in all honesty found this hole situation hilarious and interesting.
And yes, even knowing cuss words in your language he will not use them just to make you a tab bit mad~
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bumblebeeig · 1 month
HI HELLO! I'm glad to see you're taking requests!
Can I have a Venture with an s/o who finds comfort in things traditionally meant for children? Things like Calico Critters, Bluey, coloring books, bubbles, etc.! Fem or gender neutral is fine!
I wanted to write this but I also wanted to see someone else's take on it as well!
venturelovebot ♡
btw yall go follow venturelovebot their fics r so cute and u should like totally read them
OK here we gooo
- GN reader x venture -
- TW: nothing! just very fluffy :) -
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- ok lemme just say it rn
- sloane thinks its sooo cute the stuff you’re into.
- all the stuffed animals you have of the different bluey characters, the collection of calico critters you have, the cute shows you watch… they love it all!
- and they’ll gladly indulge in it with you too :)
- whenever they’re on their way back home from work they’re always sure to get something they think you’d like
- “guess what i gottt… TADAA!!” they’ll exclaim as they whip out a new plushie they just bought for you
- seeing your face brighten up when they see the gifts they get you makes their day even better.
- will also totally color with you in your coloring books
- they just love you soso much, everything you like they like too 100% 🙏🏻
you held your teddy close to your chest, stroking its fur gently. you were sitting on the couch, while your partner was in the kitchen making pop corn. it had been a saturday, which meant you had sloane all to yourself. and that meant watching a marathon of your favorite kids show.
“It’s done!!” they exclaimed, skipping out of the kitchen with a bowl of pop corn, perfectly made for the two of you. “alrightt… we have blankets, you’ve got your stuffie, we’ve got the snacks… I guess now we just gotta get the show on, huh?” they said, looking at you with a large smile, chipped tooth and all.
“yep!” you said, smiling back at them. they then sat on the couch, scooting in close to you while draping the covers over the both of you. they wrapped an arm around you, holding you nice and close while planting a kiss on your forehead. they grabbed the remote, pointing it at the tv and turning it on.
you loved having moments like this with sloane. it made you so happy that they were so accepting of your interests, even your child like ones like this. you had been made fun of before for having these kinds of interests, and it brought so much comfort knowing someone out there was perfectly accepting of it. especially since that person turned out to be sloane.
“i’m so grateful to have you, you know that?” you say, looking at them with soft and gentle eyes. they look over at you as you begin to speak, “i’m just happy you don’t judge me for these kinds of things.. especially because you even participate in it with me. thank you, sloane. soso much.” you say, as you cuddle in close to them.
“hey… it’s no big deal, hun. i’d love you no matter what, you know? i don’t care what you like. as long as it makes you happy, i’m happy.” they said, stroking your hair gently. “and besides, you let me ramble on about my archeology! it’s only fair!” they said, smiling at you.
“hehe… yeah, i guess you’re right.” you say while resting yourself comfortably on top of sloane. they turn on the show, holding you nice and close after they put the remote down on the coffee table in front of you two, next to the popcorn. you couldn’t have this any other way, and neither could sloane.
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autistic-sidestep · 7 months
sidestep scar map
here's all the physical scar mentions of step's ive discovered so far that aren't choice dependent! (choice dep scars will be in another post). lemme know if i missed any!
edit: hi people from r/hostedgames o/
edit 2 (nov 8th): added some more i missed!
(cw for sh/sui mentions and graphic injury description)
"Have you seen me?" You don't bother to hide your sneer. Even with your clothes on, there are enough scars and marks that many people would pay dearly to remove them. (ch 22, argent meetup) Regenerate…the notion is a tempting one; could it work on your tattoos? You've tried cutting and burning, but there's just too much, you'd be scarred and mutilated before you were done, but this…this prototype, could it help you too? (ch 19, etc, regenerator discovery) "What?" A moment's confusion and then—finally—he adds up the dots. His frown deepens, and he looks between your face and your chest, marred by scars and brightly orange tattoos, marking you as other. As not human. "Are you saying that—" (ch 22, flystep apartment scene) "Do you like scars?" you tease, taking one of [Daniel']s hands, tracing it across one on your chest. An ugly one, a remnant from an angry attempt to carve away your tattoos until the drugs couldn't keep the pain at bay any longer. (ch 22, flystep apartment date) It's a slow, circling motion over the small of your back, palm against skin, warm fingers tracing the deep scars you both know are there. And a few that ${he} doesn't. (ch 17, hoots makeout) ${his} hands are running over your skin, over your back. You know ${he}'s tracing scars, the same as you, and having an easier time of it. No fancy hospitals for your body, just your own skills, and no need to make it look pretty. (ch 21, chargestep apartment nsfw)
autopsy (incision) scar(s?)
"I obtained…pictures." He lets out a sigh, rubbing his face. "Classified. Highly classified. I assumed they were from the autopsy." He focuses on you. "Your autopsy." […] "The damage from the fall was horrific…you looked dead. Opened up." (ch 22, steel bar meetup)
You remember that [Psychopathor] fell against the wreckage, and it moved and caused you to scream out loud as it dug into your leg. There's still a scar there somewhere. (ch 2, warehouse fight)
"Yeah, things changed. For me." You touch your face without intending to. The thin scars there are the most obvious legacy of your fall, of the window tearing into you like memories. (ch 21, hoots) "I'm not the only one with scars." He rubs the side of his face as he looks at you, and you have to fight not to do the same. You can feel your own face itch with the need to pick at your scars. "Yeah," you admit with a tired sigh. "Looking into the mirror is not fun." For more reasons than one, but you'd be lying if the scars weren't one of them. Bad memories imprinted on your flesh, a reminder of nightmares you can't ever forget. It's interesting, really, the way they see you as another vet. Are you looking out of place enough for that? A helping of scars. The nervous awareness. (ch 22, steel bar meetup)
"Does it say that the scar on your hand always itches when you're stressed?" (ch 22, flystep apartment date)
"I'm not sure about this," he says, looking down at your scarred hands as if he could read your mind. Soft. Human. He doesn't want to hurt them. (ch 25, post puppet crash step leg rights, chen apartment minddive)
You let Ortega take your hands in [theirs]. Warm. Calloused. Scarred. Just like yours. You can't help but trace the edge of ${his} mods where they break the skin, strangely cool to the touch. (ch 21, trans mc ortega apartment reveal)
You look down at hands so much cleaner than your own. $!{puppet_name} hides all scars. (ch 18, puportega stakeout)
"It feels like they do," you say, scratching one of the scars on your hand a little nervously. "I wish I could tell you, but I can't." […] Your hands are clenched. Hard enough that your knuckles are white. There are a few scars across them, memories of punching things you shouldn't punch. People. Armor. Walls. […] You press two fingers against your wrist, feeling your pulse, feeling the scars. It's a familiar sensation, but instead of the weight pressing against your shields, you feel like a balloon, ready to burst. (ch 17 - finch therapy scene)
tattoo removal attempts
You tried to get rid of them after your first escape. A specialist, suitably coerced. You still have the scar on the inside of your arm where the lasers didn't quite take. Too deep. Something she had never seen before, and she wasn't lying. Almost as if they were regenerating. (ch 15/ch 17, reader regenereveal tag )
You've tried lasers to remove them. You've tried dermabrasion. You even flayed off a piece of your own skin, and while that worked, it left another scar, a deep one. You know it's not possible to do that for your entire body. It's too much surface area; the process would kill you or leave you maimed. Not exactly the life you want. _(ch 15/ch 17, reader regenereveal tag / ch 19, puppet auction)
You tug at your sleeve; it keeps clinging to your sweaty skin. The small hairs on the back of your arm stand on end. The scars are visible now, the ones you made yourself. The ones where you tried to remove them. (chapter 19, argent regene reveal)
"I'm not lying anymore." You very slowly tug your sleeve up, rolling it past the scars, past the places where you tried to obliterate the tattoos, up to where they peek out beneath the fabric. Sharp. Orange. Inhuman. Like you. You look away, regulating your breathing, keeping a straight face as ${mhis} fingertips trace the edges of the design. There's a slight "tsk" at the burn scars that cut them off, no doubt ${mhe} is adding the clues together. […] "I tried to burn parts of them off," you say, […] so ${mhe} doesn't need to ask. "Didn't work too well. Needs third-degree burns, or they'll grow back." "Really?" $!{mhe} bends your arm, and you shift to allow it. "Fascinating." "Flaying works if you cut down to the flesh." Your voice sounds dispassionate even to your own ears, and Dr. Mortum takes a step back with a shocked look on ${mhis} face. "I'd hate to know how you found that out." "Other arm." You tug your sleeve down now that ${mhe}'s stopped touching you. (ch 20, "good" mortum mc reveal at the lab)
Holding your breath, you raise your arm in front of you, watching the pale green hospital robe slip back, revealing the intricate tattoos etched into your skin, broken only by scars. Neon orange. (ch 24, mccrash, revoked legrights)
dog bite
Some [dogs] were kept to guard the perimeter; you got bit once for straying outside. You still have the scar on your arm, a reminder that things that are hurt inevitably turn on each other. (ch 15, 1st boneyard scene)
general arm scars
It's so easy to feel human around ${him}. So easy to ignore the fear. Your sleeves are rolled up to your elbows. Anything more would risk revelations you aren't ready for, but even like this, the scars are enough for conversation. […] *if suitag: The bubbles hide most; you keep them buried deep in the soapy water to make sure ${he} doesn't look. (ch 21, ortega apartment dishes)
sh scars (suitag dep)
The scars on your arms are hidden under your sleeves, and maybe they would be something you could talk about. Something she would expect. A safe revelation of self-harm. *if suitag: Across. Not lengthwise. Your one deal with yourself. Not yet. You have things to finish first." (ch 17, finch therapy scene)
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0tt-3r · 2 years
hi! i hope youre well <3 i rlly like your work! i was wondering if you could write something abt the boys being wayyy over protective of their s/o (like something vance my beloved would do). if not that 100% okay :D
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The Black Phone's characters being overprotective towards their s/o:
Including: Vance Hopper, Bruce Yamada, Robin Arellano, Finney Blake
Tw: none, just them being overprotective
Author's note: Hii! I'm doing well thank you <3 Hwhshx thank you I really appreciate it!! Your idea is very interesting, that's actually the first request I answered so I hope you're satisfied!!
Vance Hopper:
- Maybe one of the most extreme guy when it comes to your security 💀
- You see his pinball game? He'll force you to stand on one specific side of it while the rest of his friends will have to wait on the opposite side while he is playing
- Like seriously even when he's with you, he doesn't want his friends to be close to you in any kind of way-
- Will always wait for you at the end of your classes, bringing you to the next one. It kinda reassure him to know where and with who you are everytime
- He obviously knows that he has a sort of "popularity" because of his behaviour, so he doesn't worry much about other guys talking to you, but still--
- Will definitely warn you if you're the one talking to other guys 💀
Bruce Yamada:
- I don't particularly see him as someone who is overprotective, but listen--
- When you're at one of his match, he will a 100% try to notice you in the bleachers to see if you're here and with who
- If it's someone Bruce tolerates, he will not say anything about it, but if it isn't--💀 In this case, let's say it's someone that Bruce doesn't like
- At the end of his match, when you'll join him with your friend, Bruce will make sure to make them believe they're the third wheel. He will litteraly pull you into a tight hug, kissing you deeply while watching your friend. It's his way of saying "Too bad, they are mine"
- Bro will turn into a detective. Why were they here? Why were you laughing with them? Why did you invited them to go to his match? Why weren't you were cheering up on him?
Robin Arellano:
- First of he never let you go to school without one of his bandana's. Put it on your head, wrist, schoolbag, he doesn't care. He just want you to show indirectly that you're his and his only
- Like Vance, he will not let you breathe one second. He litteraly has an eye on you all the time-
- He knows where most of the kids he doesn't like to see you with sits during lunch time so he'll find an excuse just to eat at the complete opposite direction from them 💀
- If he has to fight someone because they fucked with Finn and he can't have an eye on you, he'll ask Finn to stay with you while he'll beat the fuck out of his bullies, it's like a deal between them 🤝
Finney Blake:
- Okay so y'all think Finn is a sweetheart and all, but LISTEN. If you're not behaving well, he will blackmail you, but in a subtle way
- Like really. You refuse to distance yourself from that guy who's just being nice to you? Finn will deadass say something like "Yeah but he's no match for Robin" or "Robin will end him in less than five minutes you know?"
- ( well idk if it's subtle but I'm trying okay?? 🥲 )
- Will bring you back home after school and go with you to school even when you tell him that you have plenty of time to see each other during school.
- To be honest he doesn't want you to go to school with someone else, he's scared that you'll bond with a new person and forget him 😔
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ithseem · 11 months
The Princes with a Gentle!Chubby!S/O
(because literally no one asked for it)
(warnings: none unless you're allergic to fluff, mentions of angst, or a lack of a beta reader)
(GN reader. Enjoy!)
Guy Avari
Oh, Guy Avari... The ever-so-cold man who claims he wants nothing to do with romance, weakened by the chubby person who came into his life
I dare you to tell me he wouldn't appreciate a chubby s/o
Bro's often overworked so he would find comfort in hugging you in private
If you're ever worried about crushing him when he asks that you sit on his lap, he'll just straight up say "balderdash" and sit you on his lap anyways
And if you're insecure about your looks, lemme tell you something: it does not matter to him what you look like. Your presence is comforting as hell
He'll also hire tailors through Jasper to make clothes that flatter you
And if his fan club or anyone else harasses, you, Guy will make sure they stay FAR away from you
Toa Qelsum
Overworked and often burnt-out mf electric boogaloo
I've said this in a previous post, and I'll say it again: I dare you to tell me Toa wouldn't appreciate his chubby s/o holding him in their arms and telling him that he's doing amazing and that everything will be alright
I cannot guarantee he'll know how to react at first, but he will grow more accustomed to this, so please, do it regularly 🥺 (bro's touched-starved asf)
His family and the people he grew up with were cold, to say the least, so someone as warm and caring as you would be a welcome change of pace
Also, if you happen to cross paths with these people, or if his fan club harasses you it won't be hard for your insecurities to resurface, so he'll make ABSOLUTELY SURE you don't feel unloved by him
Will also hire tailors to make you clothes that flatter you
Lynt Akedia
I dare you to tell me this skinny boy wouldn't find comfort in using you as a body pillow
Lynt's already affectionate as hell, and that's only gonna increase tenfold with a gentle and chubby s/o
Your thighs are definitely his favourite pillow
If he finds out you're insecure about your looks, Lynt would look at you like: Do you even see yourself?? You're literally so beautiful
His fan club will stay especially away from you since they've incurred Lynt's wrath. And lemme tell you something, a quiet person's wrath is nothing to take lightly
Roy Invidia
It's no secret that Roy is among the loveliest people when it comes to you
He appreciates you for your gentle personality and truth be told, he does find your huggable figure quite winsome
How couldn't he? You're simultaneously paramour- and friend-shaped
You accept him as the person he is and he appreciates that he doesn't have to be perfect all the time around you
He always transcends to cloud nine whenever you give him cuddles
Fenn Luxure
"People are just hot, man" (paraphrased, of course, lulz)
There is not a single person he doesn't see the beauty in, and you are no exception
If you happen to be insecure about your looks, you may or may not be a little suspicious about why he flirts with you so much, since a lot of the flirting aimed towards you may have been a joke
At first, it was nothing more than just some casual flirting and maybe wanting a hookup but nothing more
But as he got to know you and your sweet nature, he can't help but feel drawn to you
Man's been neglected for a lot of his life, and you giving him the attention just makes him feel all warm and fuzzy inside
It's not long before the two of you become paramours, and there isn't a moment where neither of you feels unloved
Expect lots of cuddling
Rio Voleri
Ah, yes. The resident Chubby Chaser Extraordinaire
It is, in fact, canon that he likes 'em big. He likes 'em chunky (source: Rio's book 1)
Rio never was all that interested in love, but not so much when it comes to you
Can you blame him, though? You're just too cute for words
And lemme tell you, he will ENJOY making food with you and, of course, eating with you
He also enjoys how happy you look when you eat
And if you're insecure in your looks and you bring it up, the poor boy will be SO baffled
How can you say such things about yourself??
In my headcanon, I see him built like Jotaro Kujo, so he would love to pick you up or have you as an extra weight on his back when he does pushups (He looks like a twig in the game's art style I'm sorry 😭😭)
Also, expect LOTS of cuddles
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darlingpassion · 9 days
Something just occurred to me that I dont think we've ever talked about. A very terrible one, so- trigger warning for sexual assault (the whole Lottie conception thing).
So Rena fucks black-out-drunk Smartass on a really bad night after a terrible fight with King. She was under the influence of hard drugs, but, still- she was more Aware, then he was. He resembled her husband, and in her fucked-up, drug-addled mind, gravitated towards him. Used him. Left early and got pregnant.
It was a fucked up situation all around but Rena was definitely the instigater and in a bad place head-wise; emotionally erratic and a loose canon.
Well... in the universe where they all know eachother eventually- does Shiny k n o w??? Does Poppy know??? If King found out about Lottie, Rena would definitely tell him the whole story. But I don't think she'd go around telling just anyone (or if she'd even care. Or think about it at all. Getting drunk and fucked up and doing 'fucked up shit' (little baby firefly reference for you to lighten the mood XD ) is an all the time kinda thing for her after all). And I doubt that Smartass would, either. So...
??? What do you think? Maybe King tells them. How do they react? 🤔
(Oh god what of LOTTIE found out. She already doesn't want her mother, now she's about to kick this woman's ass)
This... I knew we had to confront it when we started to ship our OC's together, but I was afraid to 😅😭😅😭
Hooooooooo boy. Ok. Lemme break this down. I've been simmering on this ask for the past couple of days cause I wanna D I S C U S S this-
First off- whether or not Poppy and Shiny know what Rena did.
Hm... I feel like it's kind of yes, kind of no? And Shiny knows more than Pops does. Obviously, they don't know who the mother is, and if Smartass can't remember that night, then he's either blocked the memory out or he was that black out drunk. I don't think the darker side of this would really sink in for Poppy early on because, although she does know creeps exist, she imagines them being more confrontational; she did kind of grow up sheltered, and the only creeps she's encountered in Downtown are those who aren't subtle. So she doesn't think about the consequences of leaving your drink open in a crowded bar, or someone waiting until you're inebriated and not sound of mind to invite you over to their place (i really really really want to write Poppy getting drugged at a bar while hanging out with Greasy or Shiny, and they notice and take care if shit. Kind of like your Jim x Reader drabble). It took her a while to realize that how she and Henry met was also pretty predatory on his part, though.
Remember when I told you I imagine Poppy actually being there the night Lottie was dropped off on their doorstep? I also see her, after getting over the shock of a baby in this mobster house, trying to help Smarty retrace his steps so they can figure out where the baby even came from, "Ok, do you remember where you were nine months ago?" "Who the hell keeps track a'that!?" "Nobody, but in this case, we really need to figure that out-" Whether Smartsss remembers and tells her or not, after thinking it over, I think Poppy would suspect that Smartass was also taken advantage of and is scared and sorry for him. She'll ask him if he's OK and assure him it wasn't his fault, even if he tries to brush it off. As usual, Poppy would go into well-meaning-but-kinda-overbearing mode. She hopes that maybe the mother was also drunk- it's still bad for them both, but it's better than if she soberly saw Smartass in the state he was in and slept with him still. She wouldn't be sure if she should keep Lottie's hope up for her mother in this case since they only know Smartass' side, and will listen if he or Lottie says they aren't interested in the possibility that her mother may come back.
Shiny on the other hand, she's encountered nearly every type of fucker you could think of, especially now that she works in the adult entertainment industry. She's even fallen victim to some of them in the past. It's part of why she's so ready to square up and gouge someone's eye out if they give her the wrong vibe- hell, when she's out with her gals, especially Poppy, she's sniffing out for creeps while having fun. It's just second nature to her at this point. So when she was told about baby Lottie and heard that Smartass had no memory of that night, her alarm bells were already ringing in her head. Even if she annoys Smartass, she does see him as kind of like a little brother... A little brother who's a little asshole and got little man issues, but a little brother all the same (yes, that means she sees Stu as her little brother too. And he's a whole lot nicer than her other adopted brother XD), so she's also got that protective streak in her despite constantly teasing him.
She wants to find the bitch who took advantage of him, and tells him they should go find the mother- not for Lotties sake, but for his. Shiny is headstrong, so it'd take a lot for the guys to convince her to don't bother if Smarty doesn't want to go through all that trouble. Shiny wouldn't approve if Poppy tried to encourage Lottoe to be hopeful about her mother. Even if she wasn't such a monster like Shiny is imagining her to be, she still left her daughter. In Shiny's eyes, that's inexcusable. But maybe this is why Shiny hates Rena so much; she got the vibes from that woman without even finding out she was Lotties mother.
So even though Poppy and Shiny don't know the whole story, they both do end up suspecting and worried for him. Shiny would have no issues against telling Lottie that her mother is a bad person, and Poppy is trying to figure out what to tell Lottie when she asks (honestly they'd probably sit down together and go back and forth, especially if this is after Lottie asked Poppy if shes her mother and Poppy needs advice). If either of them met Rena after this?? And found out what she did???? Hoooooo boy.
Shiny is gonna start swinging, regardless if they've fucked or not. Enough said. Rena is a weapons expert, but Shiny inherited her dad's honey badger crack-head determination. It's anyone's fight at that rate.
Poppy? Ohhhhh ho ho ho, it depends on their relationship. If she just remained uncomfortable around Rena (which would happen in the Pocho, or any weasel ship, timeline. I don't care how alluring Rena turns it up, Poppy ain't cheating on her S/O), then this gives her more incentive to stay away from her. I can see her confronting Rena, even if it has been years at this rate. How could she have gone after a drunken man?! Even if she was having a bad day!? Don't even get me started on Poppy's thoughts about Rena only coming back into Lottie's life when she wants something. The mama bear in her would really rear to the surface if that happened.
If she and Rena started a relationship though??? Oh... Oh hell no. This is so much worse than Rena dropping Poppy for Henry. Poppy also confronts Rena here, but she's so much more angry and disgusted than she was with the topic of Henry. If Rena doesn't show some kind of remose for what she did, Poppy will break up with her... She might break up with Rena anyway- which is pretty big in and of itself because, as I'm sure you've noticed, Poppy has never been the breaker in a relationship. How do you think Rena would respond to that?
Now granted, Rena was also under the influence. But as you said, she was more aware. I think maybe this might make Poppy hesitate? She doesn't indulge in drugs (except that one time Wheezy got her high on weed by accident *cough*) and she prefers to drink on specific times, so she's not so in-tune with how inebriated someone can get and how in control they can be. Shiny, however, she is a hard drinker and smokes (she sticks to Marijuana herself, but she has had a few friends who indulged in more serious drugs. Her slasher self, though, indulges in them greatly), so she does know that there are various levels of sobriety and intoxication. And she's pretty sure Rena wasn't black out drunk like Smartass, especially since she actually remembers that night.
Poppy, conflicted and unsure: Shouldn't we... Aren't we supposed to take her condition that night into consideration, too??
Shiny: that's actually a good point, Pops.
Shiny: *turns to Rena* do you remember what happened that night?
Rena: Yeah-
Shiny: Then kindly go fuck yourself with a sandpaper wrapped cactus that's tipped with E. Coli.
Now as for King... Poppy would have mixed feelings. It's obvious he's not like Rena and doesn't agree with what she does, but why are they still together?? Yes, he loves her, but... *looks at Rena and her cheating hoe-ass* yeah... Meanwhile, Shiny is suspicious of him if he's still with Rena afterall this. What kind of skeletons does he have in his closet?? Other than the obvious. She would try to keep Poppy away from King if this happened in the Kingpop timeline.
As for Lottie. Poppy wants to protect her, so she'll try to stop her from kicking Rena's ass. Yes, she's got training from the navy, but she won't let her little neice get hurt! Let her take care of this, sweetie. You and your father need to get away from this woman. Shiny would jump into the fight first... But she'd let Lottie get her kicks in too. And they can go get a drink at the bar afterwards and either sit in silence or talk about it, whatever Lottie would want.
So, tldr, Poppy and Shiny may not be told all the details, but they would start to suspect on their own. And Riny and Renpop would be nonexistent in this AU.
Fuuuuuuucccckkkk this hurt my heart so bad, especially the part of me that loves the Rena ships despite how dysfunctional they'd be. But we needed this too. What do you think?
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yakuzacanons · 6 months
I'm playing through Ishin and every time I think of Okita my brain goes brrrrr at an alarming velocity. It might be a problem, tbh. I love that feral gremlin too much.
Inspired by the Saejima ask, could we have some HCs for Okita teaching his S/O so to defend herself? Would he just teach her the basics, or would he also have her learn some basic sword/dagger techniques just to be extra safe...and maybe it's a little bit of a turn on to see your girlfriend with a sword. (+ some NSFW if you're cool with it)
Thanks for all your work boss! It always makes my day when you post. <3
More Ishin posting let's fucking goooooOOO, yes you may have more Okita, we can never have too much, no such thing as too much! Headcanons below, mwah.
Unlike Nagakura who thinks it's kind of cool and hot that his S/O wants to learn self defense, Okita has the opposite reaction. He's like "Whaddya mean, protect yourself? That's what I'm for." Not that he wants his partner to be constantly relying on him but he does kind of like to be protective.
Once he sees that you really do want to learn this, he'll volunteer to do it, mostly because in his mind "If ya really wanna learn, then ya may as well learn to do it right. Lemme show ya."
Is it secretly a ploy to make sure no other guy is putting his hands on you while showing you the ropes? Maybe. Totally. He'll never tell!
Okita isn't actually typically that jealous but he does actually think that if you're going to learn, you may as well learn from someone you already know who also happens to be experienced. Plus, an excuse for physical closeness.
You might even get away with doing your training on Shinsengumi grounds, and he'd love to just show you off in front of all the others.
Okita would start you out with the basics, although his teaching style is eccentric to say the least. He wouldn't hestitate to have some of his men step in for him to "show" you how it's done, which he gets a kick out of and they're mildly terrified by.
Speaks very bluntly, saying things like "When your back is against the wall, ya gotta slash 'em with everything ya got!" while grinning wildly. Hijikata thinks he sounds insane, but he keeps his mouth shut and just shakes his head as he passes by during a training session. Todo thinks it's really funny.
Once you have the basics, then Okita starts breaking out what he would refer to as "Soji Special Moves". No one else does these things except for him. He's kind of showing off a little bit at this point.
What surprises HIM is that you're an eager and quick learner. You needed some guidance on the basics but honestly he should've expected that you'd be able to handle it once you knew the bare minimum. After knowing him for so long and being so close to him, it was only natural that these things would seep into your own life.
The other captains think it's pretty cool that you can handle yourself, meanwhile Okita is busy thinking about the fact that he didn't realize he could find someone holding a sword attractive? His brain has stopped working now.
Nagakura notices this the most and will kind of poke him to snap him out of his stupor from watching you practice against a dummy made of straw in the back of HQ by yourself. Nagakura will kind of laugh, saying something like "Whatcha lookin' at? Must be real interesting."
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onippep · 1 year
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And I was just thinking, like, I actually don't know that much about you. And I admit I haven't been very open or, like, talkative to you about your interests or anything like that, because you're...
(Because I'm like you?)
Yeah, it's like, a preconceived notion that because you're some sorta replica of me, we're gonna have the same interests or whatever, and that's your whole thing. And it's not. It's not fair of me to think of you like that.
(I don't blame you for that, though. Honestly. My existence isn't exactly a one-sentence deal.)
No one's is.
Croak! (Not my point. B-but...) [chuckles]
Lost your point, didn't ya. It's not that big of a deal, anyway.
(Give yourself some credit, Peppino, I think you've done a very good job at caring about me and what I do. Just in different ways than you may be used to.)
Well-- yeah. It's the least that I owe you.
(Your care is not owed. There's no cycle to feed; my affection already has its unconditional catalyst.)
Stop gettin' philosophical with me, demon! Sheesh. I'm trying to be sweet here.
(If you want to be sweet, try actually flirting.)
Is that a challenge? Alright. I can flirt. And no, it's not croaking, I've already learned my lesson from that.
[Sighing] OKAY. So. "Cutie". Uh. You come here often? Nice suit. You look nice. Handsome even. Yep. Uh huh. Wow, tall too. Double whammy. You know, everyone's taller than me, and that's fine. I like havin' a tall nasty frog to care for me all the time. Oh and the WAAAY you SNUGGLE on up to me at night; fantastic. A+. Like a weird oversized housecat. And you know just what food I like and the shows I like and how I prepare my coffee in the morning when I don't have enough time to do that before opening the store and you carry me when I'm too exhausted and you cook for me and listen to me when I gotta just yell about shit and--
[Has dissolved onto the floor]
--Ah- Oni! [laughs] Hey! Come on! [reaching into the goop] Come ooon. Is that all it takes?? That was nothing! Get back up here, you coward!
(Your face is red.)
It's-- always red! And I'm sorta tipsy! [wheezes]
[stops] Hhah, wh-- playing along? [flabberghasted] Nah nah nah, hey...! I agreed to come out here because I wanted to-- like... humour it! Try it! Not just because I was feelin' bad, you know?
[slowly reforming] MMmmn?... (You're. Serious?)
Y-yeah! I think...! Hah..!
Do I whaaat! [grabbing at him] Speak to meee! [chuckling]
Yes! YES IT IS! IT'S A DATE! I'm on a date with you!
[ugly frog shrieking]
AAHHAHAHA...!! Jeez! What was THAT?!
(Wh-what's with the change of heart?? A-and there was the whole hiding it from your family thing--)
BECAUSE I DUNNO WHAT I FEEL YET! AND-- AND BEING HERE, WITH YOU AND GUSTAVO N' BRICK, and just having so much fun, I feel like I can finally-- think! And not have some fuckin' weirdos watching me from that askbox! Or my family breathing at me! It's-- it's wild! I'M FREAKING OUT! I'M FREAKIN' OUT ONI HOLD ME--
A--BBBUHH?? [gripping him]
Everything's gonna go back to routine tomorrow, and who knows what's gonna happen. [chuckles] I don't even wanna go. I just wanna stand here.
Rrrrr... (Can you... explain a little more why you're a little... hesitant about me?)
Ah... jeez, lemme... see if I can word it right. I... have a real hard time letting people in. You see how I live. I haven't even seen Gustavo since before our window got broken. I never have people over. I don't even like talking to customers that much.
(You've gotten better at it. I wouldn't say you have gone back in such a thing, just hitting a wave where it is more difficult than usual.)
Maybe you know me more than I thought. Either way, I... I've never really been a fan of dating. Just in general. All that romance-y garbage hasn't ever worked out for me. It's like a storybook moreso than a reality. Doesn't work the way I do. It's too... strict. Closed. Weird. Ruins friendships. I've lost some good men and women to dumb shit that either I've done or they've done. It crumbles too fast and doesn't feel worth it.
(Is... forging a bond like I have in mind considered... dating?)
I dunno. Is it?
(What you're describing sounds... torturous. Nothing like what I have in mind.)
Is that so. Mind tellin' me what you have in mind, then?
Aye, aye! Hey! [squishing his cheeks] Easy! One word at a time. Let's hear it.
RIBBIT. RIBBIT. RIBBIT. RI-- RIb--ribbit... (It's... it's... almost the same as what... we have now. Just... returned?)
That's it?
You're telling me this "bond" thing you've been wanting is just, what we kinda do already, but with me "returning" it? Like-- like how?
(LIKE. L-LIKE. IF. LIKE.) [sticks his tongue out]
I already "do the deed" with you.
NO NO-- [leans in, gently licks his cheek] TH-- (I DON'T KNOW THE WORD FOR IT.)
Kissing. You're thinking of kissing--
... [ponders]
... [gum click] Wow. That, uh, changes some things, actually. And here I was thinking you wanted some sort of enchanted frog prince and princess fantasy bullshit. That's what the askbox tries to make it out as, anyway.
(I'll be honest, I'm not 100% acquainted with the more mortal and human structures of that whole concept. I don't enjoy what you've told me so far.)
[more nodding]... Huh.
Well, uh, I got some things to think about now. [chuckles] Lotta. Things.
(Please don't let this ruin anything.)
I won't! I won't. Just forgive me if it takes a while. Heh. We gotta go into work tomorrow, and focus on that, yadda yadda... I'm gonna be a little private about it.
(Shy about it.)
Yeah. [rolls his eyes, smirking]
You look so nervous. Hey.
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It's okay. Remember what we've gone over.
We'll see what this is. Together. Got it?
(Y-YEAH... yeah... you'resocloserightnowI'mreally--I--)
Sorry. Even with some drinks in me I still can't seem to kiss you. [chuckles]
(You tease.)
Just kidding.
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bitchin-beskar · 1 year
If you are still taking requests for thot weekend, any thoughts on soap coming home from a long deployment. I feel like he’s the type to come home and just, completely wreck his s/o because he’s too excited tbh.
nonnie, not only am I still taking requests for thot weekend, I'm taking request whenever it strikes your fancy! I can't always promise a super quick answer, but I will get to it!!!
this is such a delicious thot, and you are absolutely right, I feel like Soap is an extremely tactile person, and his love language is absolutely physical touch. so when he's been gone for a long time, he's desperate for you, and your body.
Sergeant John 'Soap' MacTavish and Coming Home...
You shut the door to your flat behind you with a sigh, resigned to yet another night alone. Johnny had been on his longest deployment since the two of you had gotten together, and it was quickly coming up on a year that you'd had to live in the home the two of you made alone. You'd known what you were signing up for when you'd gotten together with him, known there'd be times he'd be gone for months on end with little to no contact, but that doesn't mean it doesn't still ache.
You're quickly startled out of your musings when you hear water suddenly shut off somewhere above you. Had someone broken in? It would be an interesting tactic, for someone to break in just to take advantage of your shower.
But as your eyes land on the military standard duffel and boots laying to the side of the entryway, your heartbeat quickens as you realize it's not a burglar at all.
You can't get up the stairs fast enough, your work bag being abandoned by the duffel, your coat, scarf and shoes all being shed as you rush towards the bedroom.
You're barely able to get through the door, a cry of Johnny's name on your lips when your body is colliding with another, warm from the heat of the shower and bare-chested damp from a rushed drying job.
His arms wrap around you, lifting you up and off the ground as he buries his face in the crook of your neck. Your own arms are wrapped tightly around him too, one hand clutching at his broad shoulder while your other hand tangles in the still-damp hair of his mohawk.
"You're home," you gasp out, unable to stop the tears of joy falling from your eyes. "You came home to me."
Impossibly, he squeezes you tighter, pressing kisses against the part of your neck he's buried himself in. He doesn't seem to want to let you go anytime soon, and you'd be happy to oblige, except you need to reassure yourself that he came home in one piece, that he's not injured or hurt. Logically, you knew he wouldn't have been discharged from base had that been the case, but logic is not ruling your actions right now.
You unwrap your arms from around him to push gently at his shoulders, trying to get him to let you go so you can make sure he's still alright, but he only holds you tighter.
Laughing softly, you stroke your fingers through his hair even as you try to coax him to look at you. "Johnny, Johnny, baby let me see you? Please? I need to see that you're not hurt."
"Mmph, 'm nae hurt, lass," he mumbles, fingers tightening on your hips as you shiver from the way his lips brush your skin when he speaks.
"Lemme make sure for myself, darling."
With an aggrieved groan, he finally emerges from the home he'd made against your throat, his eyes bright and suspiciously shiny even as he pouts at having to put any kind of distance between the two of you. Still, he sets you down, even though he keeps his hands on you.
Smiling up at him, you quickly run your eyes over his exposed skin, the benefit of catching him just out of the shower meaning he was dressed only in a towel around his waist. Your fingers flit across the golden expanse of his chest, prodding gently at the occasional yellowish-green bruises in their final stages of healing. There are some new scars, nothing too bad, but you know you're going to spend time mapping them out with your lips when you reacquaint yourself with his body in the early mornings in bed, needing to add them to the mental image you have of John MacTavish.
You step out of reach of his hands, ignoring his petulant whine as you turn him to inspect his back, your heart finally settling when you see nothing except a couple new silvery scars. You step forward, sliding your hands around his strong abdomen to rest your palms flat on his stomach as you press a kiss to one of the older scars that stretches along the back of his shoulder.
His own hands come up to press over the backs of yours, and for a moment, the two of you just stand there, pressed against each other.
But you knew he wouldn't be able to stand still for long, not with the excitement of finally being home. It's his turn to step out of your embrace, and when he turns to meet your gaze, you see his eyes are darkened with love and lust, pupils blown wide to hide the pretty blue of his irises.
"Yer wearin' tae much," he drawls, even as his fingers start to pluck at the buttons on your blouse, deftly undoing them one by one. "I dinnae like it."
You roll your eyes, but there's no heat in your voice when you respond, only fondness.
"Pretty sure you'd prefer it if I never wore clothes, Johnny, but that doesn't mean I'm just gonna walk around naked for the rest of my life."
He scowled at you, even as he worked your blouse off your shoulders and let it drop to the floor, his fingers brushing over your bra as he focused on the next target of his ire.
"We cannae have that," he mutters, cursing for a moment as the clasp eludes him. "Dinnae wan' anyone else tae see ye, jus' me."
He mutters a short prayer as he finally gets the clasp undone, pulling the offending garment from your body and tossing it to the side without a care. He's quick to strip you of your pants and underwear too, both of them finding their own homes on the floor of the bedroom.
Finally naked, you quirk an eyebrow at him as he grins lasciviously at you, giddy like a kid at a candy store.
"I suppose I should be grateful you didn't rip my work clothes," you say, stepping forward to tug at the knot that holds his towel up. "This time, at least."
"Wha' can I say?" Johnny says, smugly as the towel falls and he wraps you up in his arms again. "Mah self control 's impeccable."
You snort, opening your mouth to retort that his self control is anything but, only for his mouth to cover yours, tongue snaking out and taking advantage of your parted lips to plunge inside to taste you. Your words trail off into a moan as Johnny kisses you senseless, his hand cupping your jaw as he steals your air.
The two of you stumble back to fall onto the bed, staying desperately entwined, craving to be as close as possible. You pull Johnny on top of you, something deep inside you settling at the press of his weight on top of you, something you've been missing for far too long.
He quickly tugs you up the bed, laying you out on the sheets before he begins trailing kisses down your neck and towards your chest. You try to grab his attention, but he wraps his lips around your nipple, suckling and making you moan embarrassingly loudly.
You tug at his hair, but he only suckles harder, making your back arch. You breathlessly moan his name, but he doesn't stop until your nipple is swollen and hard, covered in his spit. Even when he pulls off of your tits, he doesn't listen, his grip on your hips lifting you further up the bed as he makes a beeline for the apex of your thighs.
God, you should've known.
You try to distract him from his goal, telling him in a breathless voice, "no, Johnny, no, want your cock, please!" but he doesn't listen, utterly focused on a single objective.
He quickly seals his mouth over your dripping cunt, his tongue stroking through your folds to lap at your essence as he re-familiarizes himself with the way you sound and taste.
Your head is thrown back, one hand twisting in bedsheets while the other tugs at his hair, your legs tossed over his shoulders as he devours your pussy. It's probably his favorite thing, and you know if you let him, he'll eat you out for hours upon hours until he's satiated and satisfied.
Embarrassingly quickly, you're approaching your peak, it's been so fucking long since you've had Johnny between your legs focused entirely on your pleasure, and you have little desire to deny yourself right now. You begin to chant, "gonna come, gonna come, gonna come," over and over, grinding down on his mouth as he flicks his tongue against your clit. You come with a loud cry, back arching completely off the bed as Johnny holds you down by your hips, still lapping at your pussy.
As soon as your mind clears and you're able to think coherent thoughts, you tug Johnny away from where he's still buried in your cunt, ignoring his disappointed whine as you pull him up your body to kiss him, tasting yourself on his tongue.
Still kissing him, you reach down to wrap your hands around his cock, warm and hard in your grasp. He groans into your mouth, finally getting the hint as you press his weeping tip to your aching core, the empty feeling in your cunt fading away as he presses his hips down, sinking deeper inside.
You could sob with relief when Johnny's hips finally press flush against yours, your cunt completely stuffed full with his cock. He's panting above you, holding himself up with his hands on either side of you as he struggles to adjust to being back inside you without coming immediately.
Clenching down, you smirk as he groans your name, his eyes squeezed shut as he tries to control himself, wanting this to last longer than a few minutes. You clench again, only for him to grip your jaw and kiss you harshly, furious and passionate, teeth clacking as he attempts to kiss the brattiness out of you.
It actually works a bit, you're so distracted by the movement of his lips and mouth against yours that the heavy weight of him inside you fades a bit to the background, at least until he suddenly draws his hips back and then slams back home. A cry escapes your lips as your head tips back, your hands clawing at his back as he starts a brutal pace.
The bedroom fills with the sounds of your coupling, the slap of skin against skin echoing off the walls as the wet sounds of Johnny's cock sinking into your cunt filled your ears. You'd fucking missed this, the passionate way he fucked you, the way it felt to be claimed, the feeling of him so deep inside you it felt like he was in your goddamn throat.
You didn't even try to be quiet, not caring if neighbors could hear you getting fucked within an inch of your life. They could complain all they wanted, you'd been without this for a whole year, you weren't gonna shut up for anything.
Still sensitive from your first climax, the second one was quickly rising, swelling up inside you and threatening to drown you in ecstacy. It felt like you were about to float out of your body, barely able to stay tethered to reality.
Johnny lowered his body down so that he was propped up on his forearm resting above your head, his other hand holding your face steady as he pressed a surprisingly chaste kiss against your lips.
To your shock, the kiss is what finally tipped you over the edge. The way he kissed you so tenderly, so gently, was such a contrast to the pistoning of his hips against yours, it sent you flying off into the abyss. Nails digging in to the muscles of his back, wails escaping your throat as Johnny panted against your shoulder, legs shaking as you saw nirvana.
His hips kept steadily pumping, continuing to work your through your earth shattering orgasm. Tears began to fall from your eyes at a mix of overstimulation and pure relief that Johnny was here, Johnny was home, Johnny was safe.
He kissed your tears away, even as he kept up the steady pace. You knew he'd be able to keep going for awhile. His stamina always seemed endless when he came home from long deployments, and this was the longest. You were just happily along for the ride.
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blueberry-pride · 2 years
hi hi 👋 can i have headcanons of deuce and his gn!s/o who has feelings for Deuce, but is really hesitant to get into a relationship with him since they're planning to go back home at the end? they don't want to break Deuce's heart and get all of his hopes up. can either be angsty, fluffy, or both! tysm and congrats on 100 followers 🎊🎈
Enchanted To Meet You
Deuce x GN! S/O
warnings: small amount of cursing, angst, grammatical errors
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Berry: Sorry for those who have been waiting for these since February! I still hope you enjoy this and thank you for your guys' patience. What helped me write this was listening to Enchanted by Taylor Swift, don't know why but it works *laughs*
In all honesty I could see this situation as a constant back and forth, for you as well as Deuce
"Hey (Y/N) could you help me with this?" He'd ask sheepishly. " I kind of zoned out when professor Crewel was discussing this..." His voice trailed but you couldn't help but form a small smile.
Hanging out with the rest of the first years was fun and all but often times it led to just the two of you talking endlessly about your guys' interests and many other topics. Which in turn amplified the growing feeling in your heart.
But as the two of you started to get closer, it also amplified that one nagging thought in your head
'You still have to go home...'
You would get this random sting in your chest every time you hang out with Deuce especially when the two of you are laughing. Which in turn made your smile falter for a quick sec.
"-And Epel came running forward cuz Ace..." His voice would trail as he would noticed something off with you but continued on thinking that you might just be drained from the day.
Deuce is a smart guy just not academically but almost everyone can agree that he'd take note of people's expression here and there.
His suspicions would only grew as your behavior continued to falter each time he tries to get close to you.
He wouldn't confront you at first, perhaps in fear of being too invasive. no. He'd be more attentive, be more caring towards you in hopes you'd cheer up.
But you already know it does the opposite.
"Hey (Y/N) I remembered you said this was your favorite snack, I got some extra madol so here."
"Hey (Y/N)! all that studying we did at ramshackle helped me a lot, look!" He beamed.
"Feeling sore? lemme take a look." Deuce gently held your wrist and started massaging it. "Feeling better?"
You wanted to smile and enjoy the moment... but the thought of seeing him hold back tears as he'd eventually have to see you walk through the Mirror of Darkness one last time gutted you every time.
'All that effort and you're just gonna leave him?'
'Why take the risk if you'll know it'll just leave you both alone in the end?'
Your overthinking led you to isolate from him, distracting yourself from the pain instead of facing it head on out of fear that it would ruin that joyous smile of his. But of course, Deuce's confusion was stirring him like crazy for days on end to the point Ace had to butt in
"Dude... if you're that frustrated with (Y/N), go ask them!" Ace groaned. " You've been looking constipated about it for the whole day. If you think something's wrong, go do it before some classmate gets the wrong impression of your face."
Ace was actually worried about the two of you so
"It's nothing to be concerned about Deuce!" You yelled out.
"nothing to be concerned about??" Deuce snapped. "(Y/N) You still continued to help despite me asking you about the same goddamn question cuz I couldn't get it through my thick head."
"YOU helped me out when picking gifts when I wanted to send some back home. " And you always do this thing where'd you glance at me whenever Ace jokes about my shitty past. Do you have any idea what that does to me?"
"Of course I'd be concerned about the person that stuck by me, when they well...aren't there by my side anymore.
If tears weren't already there, there is now
Deuce would still hate himself for making you cry in that moment as he'd try to comfort you.
In that moment in between your sniffled cries, you explained yourself all the while Deuce held you tighter.
"Why not...take the leap?" He interjected. You looked at him confused. "I mean, gotta live with no regrets and all" He chuckled. "Even if...you still wanna go back home, of course I'll be sad but at least it happened-we happened y'know?"
"You'd be okay with that?" You look up at his teal eyes, the look of determination that made you fall for him in the first place.
Once the relationship is established, I could wholeheartedly see it as a bright one. Sure, there would be times where you or even Deuce himself would breakdown knowing what comes out at the end but there's always reassurance even some butting in from friends Ace.
Deuce would still have that small ounce of hope that you'd stay but he'll respect your decision no matter what.
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gren-arlio · 10 months
Back on schedule. Welcome to Part 2 of Waku Puyo Extras.
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Nice art aside, hello everyone, was supposed to post this yesterday but got busy watching EVO and Magic Kaito 1412. Welcome to the second part of IDK how many parts of Waku Puyo Extras, where I find videos related to the route I'm currently translating and looking at and add more to what's there, since I know I missed stuff. Lots of it.
AKA, if you have any specific screenshots you want me to translate, LMK. For any route.
For those who are confused, or are new, I translated Schezo's storyline (for the most part) in my blog. Now, I'm just finding bits I've missed and just adding onto those.
Post will cover 2 videos today:
Small bit I completely glossed over on accident between Episodes 5 and 7 (6 isnt real).
What happens if you become a heartless beast and say no to being Serilly's friend from Episode 4, given to me via @kirstenonic05 once again. Thanks for that again.
I have a feeling these Extras are gonna be fairly short compared to others, so have fun with that.
With that, the first video:
This legit is just a scene I missed. My work really is getting easier.
The video here is...interesting due to how the events are unfolded here. The introduction from 0:08 to 0:58 is on Episode 5 of me doing this, and 1:15 is the start of Episode 7. However, thankfully, there's one new whole area of text that my video didn't cover at 1:32, where we have an Arle and Carbuncle encounter.
For convenience sake, I'll just be doing that new part. The rest are already translated by yours truly on the designated episodes.
With that, the Readmore section will cover the translations and the Serilly stuff too. Hope you enjoy this.
Arle and Carbuncle Encounter: (1:32)
Ugh, that's...
...Something's bothering me about Schezo lately...
(You're worried about me!? What's going on...?)
Ah, Schezo! How long have you been there...?
N-no...it's not like I was eavesdropping or anything...
Well, you know...today, Schezo...
No, it's nothing, sorry! Let's go Carby.
... (What were you trying to say?
No, no way...)
Hey, Carby! Over here!
...Schezo, why are you blushing?
Whoa! Where did you come from!?
Schezo really has been acting weird today after all.
...Then again, he's always weird.
... ... ...
Huh!? I'm not a fool or a weird guy, Arle! (You kinda are bub)
I guess the Horror House is just the Land of Misunderstandings. I dunno, maybe it's just me.
With that small thing outta the way, lets begin with the other part: Becoming evil and not being Serilly's friend.
For those unaware, lemme give context:
Serilly... doesn't exactly have a boss fight. She's on the floor where you're supposed to have a fight, but she just... doesn't fight. You're given the option to be her friend or not instead, posted below.
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(Top is No, bottom is Yes.)
The route I went said yes, posted in the episode count. Today, we're gonna see what'll happen if we say no via this video.
I'll be translating this entire section. It'll be fun.
Saying No to Serilly:
Ah, you're here... Do you want to pick on me that badly?
Well, why do I seem like that sort of person?
Because...you look scary...
(Hm, I thought I was cool, but when you mention it, you're not wrong...)
...You really did come here to bully me, didn't you?
Of course not. If you're not the enemy, I won't fight you.
O-oh... so, you want to be my friend?
Eh? No, that's not...
...Is that a no?
(Err...what should I do?)
[We pick no and cry like men.]
...No, sorry, I can't get along with women well. (Ehhh...valid point considering you hang around Arle and Co. a lot?)
Oh no...is it because I don't have legs...
(I made you cry!? Out of all the things to cry over...)
That's right. You don't have to be friends with someone like me after all...
...Don't talk about yourself like that.
Don't say "I don't care about myself," in such a self-deprecating way.
In life, there's routes you can take.
2 routes, to be precise. One is to always look down like you're doing right now.
The other way is to be like me, always moving forward.
Yeah, as long as you give up on always being unhappy.
If not, you'll never move on, never change, and never be happy.
... ... ...
You should really try to be happier about things.
That's how you make friends.
Well, if I try hard enough, will you be my friend?
Yeah, alright. So just keep moving forward.
(Sorry, I shouldn't be preaching...
Wait, what in the world am I saying? I don't care if this girl is happy or not...)
Um...Well, excuse me.
(She leaves and chest appears.)
Even if the treasure is right there, I can't get it! Hey, go get it for me...
...There's no one here! What am I gonna do now...
In the end, you'll always become her friend. Guess Schezo doesn't exactly have the heart to fully say no. You Are Not Immune to Serilly Propaganda.
Amazing scene overall though for both characters. And with that, I think that'll be all for this week.
Cya next week, guys.
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aceymazy · 1 year
Okay okay okay WHAT IF: reader esper that can fight with any weapon and they can just pull it out of thin air
For example:
Walking through the woods with (character) for a mission and they have a bag but only food and other items are in there
And they look completely normal so how?
Then miramon pops up.
Oh you need a bow? Lemme just-
Axe? sure gotchu
Lemme just pull a Raiden and get me a sword-
For more details the characters find out during training because they are a new member and aren't expecting much because not much is on their file but then they absolutely dominate the arena
Even better if they/reader learned how to use the weapons and the only true thing that makes them an esper is that they can poof the item into existence
I don't know of any god/goddess that has this it's just an idea I had-
With whoever you're comfortable with/favorite characters- thanks!
Character's: Jacob, Long Mian, Clara, Raven
~~Dislyte cast w/an S/O who can pull weapons out of thin air~~
-Boy would really stare at you like 0.0
-Like he for real got scared of the random bow and arrow you just summoned
-He got caught off guard and got attacked by a miramon
-And guess what?
-Another weapon pulled from thin air
-You better explain to him how you're doing this
-When you explain to him that this is your esper powers
-he would be quite intimidated
-you could do this even before you two dated? you could pull out a weapon and point it at him anytime you wanted depending on your mood?
-yeah that thought kinda scared him
-but he's not going to show it
-in conclusion he would be intimidated (only a teeny weeny bit) but he finds it interesting
Long Mian:
-Bro finds it so fascinating he low-key wants to experiment on you
-test your limits a bit yk
-Sometimes might ask you to use your powers to his advantage
-asks you to summon random weapons you never even heard of
-"Hey, love, could you summon a *xy weapon*"
-"a what"
-Youre one of the people who he lets in his secret little "lair" thing
-When you walk in unexpectedly you see the weapons that you summon in ice, half ice or just little ice
-When you asked him about it he blushed slightly but as fast as that came as fast as it went.
-He told you its research purposes
-you were skeptical but decided to trust him
-so you just summon more weapons for him because why not
-Shes really curious
-Also worried
-What if you hurt yourself with tge weapons you just summoned? what if you summon too much weapons and you lose control?
-Shes curious, worried AND scared.
-She does let you use it tho
-Also thinks that its a really good power since if someones weapon broke you can just make an entirely new copy and its as good as new
-would like to know any details about your powers for safety measures
-she is a doctor so, its understandable
-Overall very supportive and helpful
-Like you couldnt do that before??? how did you do it now???
-But she LOVES your power
-she asks you too summon weapons for her, training etc.
-also gives you targets so that you could practice aswell
-Isnt as harsh on you during trainging like with the others, but you still have wobbly legs and shaking arms after training with her n her group
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candykamikun · 2 years
This big boy here doesn't get enough love so my job today is giving him sum
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for those who don't know, an elastic man is a "fuckass" kind of man. to attract them you have to pretend not to be interested, for example Sully:"Wanna hang out" Y/n, kinda teasingly:"Yeah uhmm.. no-" Sully"Well, my bad.. that wasn't a question" YOU SEE ??
I think that in the apartments (because in my AU it would be apartments with a large hall that serves as a bit of a "welcome entrance"-) Sully is very seen, at least he does prefer to keep control if they (him and Liu) are not alone / not with trusted people, unless Liu tells him he'll be careful.
Sully is not (THAT MUCH) a cuddly boy
when you're alone he doesn't really mind, he can even touch you lovingly- BUT
But but but but he's not a softie, yk? like he will hold your hips or hold you if you ask but he prefers kisses-
Kisses ! Kisses you often, but not in an abusive way-
he's an pro surprise kisser! Kisses you when you two have good moments, when you're laughing cuz he thinks your laugh is priceless (it is !) Aaand when you make him feel randomly happy, even by doing nothing like just him thinking about you ! He gives you more pecks than kisses- kisses you on the cheek or forehead because this jackass is kinda embarrassed to kiss someone he REALLY LOVES ! Like he's a flirty boy but in reality he's embarrassed easily with his lover ! (You won't see it tho, he desn't show it)
He likes neck kisses :) like when you two are sleeping together or cuddling hello just kiss your hair or your neck ! <3 BUT ONLY IF YOU'RE ASLEEP THO
Holds you in public when he's jealous
Don't get jealous often, but when he is he's really angry ! if someone flirt with you he couldn't care less, if they hug you ? whatever..
Gonna :
Yell at the person things that don't make sens just insulting them and then holds your wrist to get out of here and just tells you "YOU CAN'T DO THIS-" and you're like confused like :What do you mean" and he can't tell you ! Because he's embarrassed-
He's kissing you in front of them, blood boiling, but he tries to look calm and confident
Tells you he want to go and somehow force you to get out of the place you were in-
He'll like an bimbo/himbo S/O or a very clever s/o, not really in between
He'll rather like someone who's kind of super expressive and a ball of good energy, kinda helps him, empathic.
He really like to be alone, WITH HIS S/O ! Like.. he doesn't like people :c.
Pet names for you are : "[your nickname], Babe, Idiot or Smart mouth! Dear, Honey and he has funny ones too- like : Bitch, Dick face, miss/mister pillow, BOTTOM 💀💀"
He WILL call you "HEY, YOU BOTTOM" in public and SCREAM it
And uuuhm idk what to add ! So here's a very small drabble cuz i want to
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Under a beautifully degraded setting sun there was a couple who had gotten lost. On the top of a mountain, above the forest, they admired all the spectacles which were offered to them.
"Babe?" Did you whisper he only hummed "we did really well to stop actually." Sully didn't answer. He was already lying on the grass for about ten minutes, you swung your body to join him in the heart of the greenery. Clinging to him and clinging to his clothes, your pretty eyes began to close charmingly and slowly, and that's how wonderland had taken you with it for a little while.
Feeling you very relaxed glued to him, Sully put a hand on your back, pulling you closer to him before taking a deep breath, letting out a small smile in spite of himself and closing his eyes to join you. He really hoped that forever you accompany him, you and the way you breathe, act, love him, move, smile, laugh, jump and are. Oh dear.. he loves the fucking way you are.
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tasteofgummies · 1 year
Hi, I was wondering if the relationships ask are still open if so can I request one with Dio or Jonathan or both if you don't mind 😳
My pronouns are she/her and i'm an Aquarius. My personality is a bit of a mix, between being an angle and a devil. It depends on my mood and the people i'm surrounded with lol. My personality is basically just a mix between Dio and Jonathan. I don't really have any hobby's back in the days i used to draw a lot but i kind of lost interest in it. What i usually do in my free time is collecting manga's and reading it or playing games and watch k-drama's. The drama's i like the most are about crime, somehow I find that genre really interesting. Since i have never had a s/o before i can't really say how I would behave. Maybe i'd just be obedient a simp or yea idk i have no idea 😂
If you need more information lemme know.
Cw: nothing, sfw
Jonathan x you ✨
>I'm going to assume you're not as evil as Dio (in the sense that you wouldn't burn a dog alive 💀)
>Jonathan pretty much assumes the best out of everyone, so he may be surprised with your more devilish tendencies with other people
>But as soon as you're by his side again, you're just such an angel! So he guesses you must have a reason for behaving that way around others
>But if you ever feel like you need protection, you should tell him! He can't call himself a gentleman if he can't even protect his girlfriend!
>Pretty obvious, but Jonathan probably would like shoujo manga, so if you have some of it in your collection, you could lend him a few to get him interested
>He would be interested in seeing your art, but will just wait for you to bring it up
>If you express wanting to retake your hobby, he'll buy you new art supplies and even accommodate a room in the mansion for you, he's a simp, so pretty much anything you want is an ask away
>He's so bad at videogames it's just not even funny
>But he's your personal cheerleader whenever you game <3
>He wouldn't really enjoy scenes of shocking crimes, but he likes the mystery, and likes trying to guess who's the culprit, he's right 50% of the time
>No matter how you act towards him, he loves you, and is happy to have you near
Dio x you ✨
>He probably thought you were easy to manipulate
>So he was polite in case he ever needed something from you
>Boy, was he wrong
>Totally charmed by you when he realized how wicked you could be
>Was flabbergasted that your personality was naturally that contrasting, and that you weren't faking neither of them
>Once he was sure that you weren't some manipulator genius who was there to spoil his plans, he informed you (yes, informed you) that you two were dating
>"I'm sure you're honored to be dating me"
>He left, mostly to hide the blush creeping in his face at the worst time
>He isn't bad as a partner, but he is kind of a tsundere
>Teases you lovingly while he takes you on picnic dates
>Doesn't let JoJo get close to you, he's very possessive (because he's scared you'd like a gentle loving guy rather than him)
>I think his taste in manga would be seinen, he strikes me as an anime elitist who would secretly watch cheesy mahou shoujo
>He thinks that if you lost interest in something then it isn't as exciting anymore at all, so he wouldn't bug you to try again, and instead introduce you to new hobbies
>He gets super into k dramas, and gets pissed when he his deductions end up being wrong
>"Oh, but that was my second option- no, I'm not a sore loser, of course you need a multitude of options when you're investigating"
>Says your more hero-like side is a bother, but in reality, he likes that you're more noble and trustworthy than him
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evansbby · 2 months
Now I'm wondering & imagining how POYT would've gone down if Bucky was Omega's mate,alpha or main love interest instead. You get my point. I'm new to this A/B/O genre and still trying my best to understand it. How would the whole thing look like? I'm guessing it would've gone down much uglier for her. Or vice versa? What do you think as the writer? Is Bucky is even capable of development or "redemption"? If he was Omega's main love interest instead? I know everyone treats her like shit but I don't think Bucky is capable of any of that with Omega. He'll probably have zero empathy for her and won't ever love her in any way. Just lust. But do correct me if I'm wrong cause writers know their story and the characters best 🤝🏻🙏🏼 And will there really be a POYT Bucky spin off? (And yeah,I know it'll be with a different Omega & not an alternate what if of Bucky & POYT omega because POYT Omega is Steve's Omega and her story & relationship is already established here). I mean,if you're actually thinking of the possibility of a Bucky spinoff then are you saying he's actually is capable of development & "redemption" similar to Steve? Would be interesting to see & how it would play out and how the new developed "better" him would act. Sorry if my questions are dumb.
omg I REALLY need to update my masterlist 😭
bestie I already wrote and posted the poyt Bucky spinoff almost a year ago!!
All I’ll say is that it’s quite a wild ride! And Bucky has not yet become the awful person we know him to be in POYT! Lemme know what you think!!!
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