#like why should I believe you when you're talking about going to like concerts and shit unmasked. why are you even bothering with this lie
antmimicry · 9 months
really funny how some people expect you to believe that they give a single shit about disabled people when they cannot even be bothered to wear a mask lol
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starryeyedjanai · 7 months
@eddiemonth prompt: first concert | read on ao3
The first concert of Corroded Coffin's that Steve goes to, Eddie's a nervous wreck beforehand.
His hands are sweaty and he's wringing them as he paces outside after they get their equipment inside.
Jeff takes one look at him and sighs.
He knows how Eddie feels about Steve and he knows how important it is that they make a good impression on him. He might not understand the whole Steve thing, but he gets having a crush on someone unattainable.
When Eddie first told him about it, he thought it was just an unattainable little crush. Just something that happened because they got close after the earthquake. Steve was a new friend, someone Eddie hadn't known long enough to get used to, and he's - Jeff's not going to pretend he isn't attractive.
So he understood it, kind of. And the thought that the crush would fade once Eddie knew him for longer.
But Steve hanging around them, making an effort to get to know Jeff and Grant and Gareth, being nice to Jeff's mom- that had Jeff pausing and taking another look at the situation.
Because Steve didn't have to do any of that. He could hang out with Eddie, maybe the one freak he could tolerate, and call it a day.
But he was trying, and he was being better than he was in high school. Which, if anyone asks, Jeff would say he actually wasn't all that bad in high school compared to the others.
So Jeff looked a little more closely.
And saw the way Steve looks at Eddie, his eyes tracking him as he crosses the room. He saw the way Steve laughed at all of Eddie's jokes, even the ones he didn't understand. He saw the way Steve was always looking for an excuse to touch Eddie, putting a hand on his arm, putting a hand on his back, his arm around him, hugging him at the end of the night and the hugs lasting longer than any hug Jeff's ever had with a buddy.
He saw that and saw that this isn't a passing fancy for Eddie. He saw the way Eddie leaned into Steve unconsciously, the way he always looks for him first when entering a room, the way he lights up when he sees him. He saw the way Eddie seemed to like him more and more, and subsequently talk about him more and more, the more he got to know him.
So it wasn't just a crush.
And it wasn't unrequited like Eddie thought.
But now Jeff is watching him pace a hole in the ground and he can't exactly tell Eddie that he's 99% sure that Steve feels the same because 1. he wouldn't believe him and 2. that 1% of doubt is enough to deter him. This isn't something he can be wrong about. Even if feels mostly sure, he wouldn't ever say that he should go for it when it could turn ugly for him. This isn't a crush on some girl where the worst that could happen is that she says no.
So, for now, Jeff watches.
And Jeff hopes.
He hopes that they'll be able to see it for themselves. That Eddie will catch the way Steve looks at him and realize that it's the same way he looks at Steve.
He hopes that Steve will make a move, put those rumors of his suaveness to good use and woo Eddie.
He heads inside when he sees Gareth talking to Eddie, trying to calm him down.
He sees Steve and Robin, talking at a table near the front of the venue, and he makes a beeline for them.
"Jeff!" Steve says, smiling at him when he sees him coming over. He waves at both of them.
"Hey, can I talk to you for a sec?" he asks and when Steve furrows his brow and nods, he leads him away from Robin.
"What's going on?" Steve asks, looking worried.
He says, "Just, Eddie's really nervous about performing in front of you tonight. So, like, even if we suck or you don't like this kind of music, can you not say you didn't like it? Not that I think you'd be mean about it, but like-"
Steve looks at him confused. "I've listened to your tapes before. I like your music. I wouldn't- okay, I mean I'd still be here even if I didn't like it, but I do like it. Wait- why's Eddie nervous?" he asks. And Jeff hadn't planned on Steve asking that. Shit.
He says, "Because you're his coolest friend and he doesn't want to screw up in front of you."
Steve's expression softens. "I'm not- you know what? Okay. If it makes you feel better, I won't say I didn't like it."
"Okay," Jeff says, nodding, relieved. "And don't, like, mention I said anything."
"'Course," Steve says with a smile. "You're a good friend, Jeff."
Jeff grins at him and walks him back to his table. That 1% is looking awfully less and less with every conversation Jeff has with Steve.
The manager waves him over and tells them they can start setting up on stage, so he goes to get the others.
The show is good, once Eddie snaps out of his nerves.
It's actually impressive, seeing him with shaky hands as they get ready to start and then seeing him turn it on seamlessly like he was never nervous in the first place.
They play and Jeff watches the way Eddie keeps looking at Steve, keeps looking to make sure he looks like he's enjoying himself.
And Jeff sees Steve smiling the entire time, singing along to the cover songs they do and also to one of their original songs.
At the end of the night, after they get their stuff back in their van, he sees Eddie and Steve talking, standing close, one of Steve's hands playing with the hem of Eddie's shirt.
And he knows they'll get there eventually, even without his help.
They'll find their way to each other and see what Jeff sees.
He's sure of it.
As he gets in the driver's seat and looks over at Grant, he can only hope he'll get that too one day.
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wonwoonlight · 4 months
finding love / kim mingyu
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a/n: mingyu brain rot bc i dreamt of him last night and ive never felt so loved 😭😭😭😭 first fic of the year! not proofread bc im too lazy. Enjoy🤍 do tell me if u enjoy this??? Hello???
wc: 1.1k // just some musings about love // fluff // super very soft // i dont think theres any warning except that i want him NOW.
[ ♤♤♤ ]
You don't know love until Kim Mingyu.
It's not anything as dramatic as you not believing in it. You just really haven't found the right person, nor have you been trying to look for one. Which is why it's a wonder that you end up with someone as wonderful as Kim Mingyu.
Your meeting with him wasn't anything special either. It's nothing out of a fiction; it's not exciting and it's not magical. It's just you, being Chan's friend and introduced to the members when he invited you to their concert and you visited the backstage once it finished.
It wasn't an instant click either, you just ended up talking individually somehow and the relationship progressed as time passed by.
You don't know love until Kim Mingyu.
He holds your hand when you're afraid even if you don't say anything.
He holds your hand when you're afraid even if he's afraid.
You both hate horror movies with passion, but once in a blue moon you two would challenge yourself just to see if it has changed. Every single time Mingyu would brace it and watch through everything just so he can tell you when to close your eyes and when it's okay to open them again.
You don't know love until Kim Mingyu.
He would listen to everything you talk about. From your complain about your coworkers, to your random ramble about some stuff you see on Instagram reels.
He listens.
He always does.
Because one day you're talking about how it's been quite some time since you've eaten lasagna and the next dinner Mingyu bakes lasagna for you himself.
He listens.
Because when you mention once in passing to your friend, to which Mingyu only listens partly to because you're on the phone and doesn't realize he's already awoken from his nap, that you've always wanted to try snorkeling, Mingyu arranges for it immediately once he finds a suitable date for you both.
You don't know love until Kim Mingyu.
He finds time to contact you in midst of busy schedules, and always tells you beforehand if he's going to be too busy to reach out in any way. You've told him plenty of times that you understand and that he doesn't need to reassure you everytime, but you've also told him once long before you started dating that you're the type to welcome words of assurance more than anything.
So he continues to reassure you everytime he can.
“What do you think about this?” Mingyu asks, yet again in another set of outfits.
You don't know shit about fashion, and you think Mingyu looks good in everything because he knows how to dress himself well. This is something that he's aware of, but he also likes your validation so you always try your best to say anything other that “You look good” and “I like this better than the previous one”.
“I think… you know I like it best when you're in black so I'm not sure if your current outfit is actually better than the black one or not.” You say sheepishly, to which Mingyu laughs at.
Your heart skips a beat at the sound of his laughter, something that hasn't changed despite having dated him for almost a year now. He makes his way to you and engulf you in a hug, whispers something that sounds suspiciously like “you're so cute” though he doesn't admit it because you don't like being called cute.
“Hmm.. Maybe I should go for the black one.” He says as he looks at himself in the mirror once again.
“What? No! Wear what you think is best. You know I have zero sense of fashion.”
“You like it, though.”
“I like you. You know you can wear the ugliest shirt out there and I'll still like it.”
Mingyu freezes and you see the tips of his ears turning red. You don't always say your feelings out loud, and when you do, it always hits a soft spot within him. And for all the cheesy comments Mingyu always parades to his fans, he's actually bad at receiving them himself.
You would usually jump at this opportunity to tease him, but you're feeling especially soft today, so you walk up next to him and tiptoes to kiss his cheek.
“I appreciate your sentiment, but don't trust me this time around, okay?” You chuckle and cup his warm face before dropping a peck on his lips.
“Alright…” He presses his lips together and goes for another kiss. “You'll really like everything…?”
And as much as Mingyu reassures you, you reassure him back.
“I like you. So you can wear anything, and I'll like it as long as it's not something weird like a dragon costume or something.”
Mingyu succumbs with a shy smile and hides his face in your neck.
You don't know love until Kim Mingyu.
He's brought you happiness that you didn't know existed. He always makes your bad days good and your good days even better.
You automatically look for him when something makes you laugh, a part of you always wishes to share your happiness with him no matter where he is. You also look for him when you're not feeling your best, because one look and Mingyu knows you need him beside you, his arms enveloping you to ground yourself to him, and his deep voice reminds you that things are going to be okay.
“Does it bother you?” Seungkwan asks one day. You, him, Mingyu, and Seungcheol are chilling in Mingyu's dorm.
“What?” You return his question, getting more comfortable on the sofa. You're leaning against Seungcheol's shoulder, as Mingyu is too busy playing something on his phone and you don't want to restrict his movement by leaning into him.
“The… you know. Whispers. What people say?”
“About me and Mingyu?” You make sure. Your relationship isn't public, but you know some people in his company doesn't exactly approve of his choice of a girlfriend even though their opinions don't matter.
You hum as you look at Mingyu, sitting comfortably on the floor near Seungkwan. He comments on how random the younger guy's question is, but doesn't seem too bothered by it.
Something pleasant settles in your chest as you continue looking at him, your smile growing when the answer to Seungkwan's question pops in your mind.
“Not really, no.” You turn to him with a smile, your voice firm with security. “I know Mingyu loves me and that's enough.”
You don't know love until Kim Mingyu.
Because he loves you with everything he has to offer and beyond, never once failing to let you know his feelings haven't wavered.
Because you want to do everything for him even if you're not able to, your heart always finding a way to be with him even when he's not next to you.
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its-vannah · 1 year
Last Forever | Eddie Roundtree x Reader
Request from anonymous: hii!! i love your eddie fics, you’re an amazing writer! i was wondering if i could put in a request where eddie and reader are both in the band and as they’re up on stage they look at each other while performing (kinda like billy and daisy i guess?). Karen and Camila notices this and they talk about it with reader and reader is in denial because her and eddie are good friends and she doesn’t want to jeopardize that (they became friends over their hatred of billy😭). but they end up together in the end though? thank you💕💕
Warnings: Angst, fluff, profanities, kissing
Daisy Jones and The Six Masterlist
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Everytime you walk out on stage, you instantly get high off of the thrill of seeing the crowd bursting with energy. The audience cheers as the band walks out onstage, jumping up and down while waving their hands in the air. You'll never get tired of this. To think you had once believed you'd never make it out of Pittsburgh—now you were performing in front of a sold-out concert in the heart of New York.
You thought back to your first performance, back when the band was called "The Dunne Brothers." It seemed crazy to you, now, that you were so nervous to go out on stage. There were, at most, thirty people who couldn't care less about what you guys were playing.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Holding your tambourine tightly in your hand, you peeked your head out from behind the curtains, tapping your foot against the wooden floor. You were nervous, anyone in the band could see that.
You felt the warmth of a hand on your back, an arm slinging over your shoulders. Turning your head, your eyes meet Eddie's.
A forced smile found itself on your face as he spoke, "Nervous?"
"Can you tell?" You asked, bowing your head.
"Only a little," He smiled, "Look, it's going to be okay. Just pretend they aren't out there. They don't give a damn what we're doing anyway. This is just practice for when we make it big."
Taking a deep breath, your eyes met his again, your foot going still, "Thank you."
"You're going to do great, Y/N."
"You are, too."
Sure enough, Eddie was right. Barely anyone in the crowd, except one woman who was drunk off her ass, cared about what you guys were playing. A few people swayed to the music, but few looked up on stage.
While singing backup, gently tapping the tamorine on your upper thigh, you looked over at him, a smile plastered on your face. He returned the sentiment, nodding his head as he played.
That was the first, of many, times Eddie Roundtree eased your fears.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Stepping up to your mic, you looked around at the band. Daisy and Billy were waving at the crowd, who's cheering only got louder as they do so. Meanwhile, Karen was laughing at something Graham was saying to her—and Warren was fiddling with his drumsticks, getting his energy from the audience.
Then there was Eddie. He was tapping on his guitar, a gentle smile on his face as he took it all in. New York City. Who would've known?
You looked over at him, as you had done before every single performance in the entirety of your career, and smiled.
He smiled back, nodding. This time, your eyes stayed locked on each other's for a second longer than they should have.
The two of you turned back to the roaring crowd, listening for the cue of when to start playing.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Things had been different since moving out to LA, especially after the first tour. Billy was more involved with Camila and Julia, only going to mandatory practices and opting to spend more time with his girls. Warren, Karen, and Graham were out doing everything and everyone under the sun. You expected Eddie to go with them, as he had before the band had gone on tour. But he stayed back with you.
You weren't exactly sure why, but one conversation stuck in your head as a possibility to him stopping his wild streak.
The two of you had been messing around with a melody when he looked up at you, asking, "Why don't you go out with us anymore?"
You had hesitated, initially unsure of how to answer, "How honest do you want me to be?"
"As honest as you can be."
Taking a deep breath, you leaned towards him, "I saw what drugs and alcohol did to Billy, what it did to the people who loved him. I don't want to make that same mistake. I don't ever want to put myself or the people I love in that position. When the right person comes along, I'll know. But that person won't be out being reckless."
Eddie was silent for a while before he excused himself, leaving his guitar propped up on the couch. You weren't sure what he was doing, but you did hear him rummaging in one of the rooms upstairs and then the toilet flushing.
He came back downstairs a few minutes later, his hands in his pockets, asking a simple question, "Want to keep practicing?"
You nodded, happy that what you had to say didn't ruin your friendship. As he played, you silently hoped he wouldn't notice your fleeting glances towards him.
Although you'd never admit it to him, you were aware of your feelings for him. Unbeknownst to you, so were Camila and Karen.
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Daisy knew how to work a crowd—it was first nature to her. Her movements were fluid, captivating everyone's attention as she sang.
"You found me in flames/it's the daylight of change," She and Billy began, "Baby, all that stuff is done."
Your part came in a split second later as you sand backup, "You're my morning sun/Aurora, you're the one/You're my mornint sun."
While the lead vocalists continued, you focused on matching the rhythm with your tamboruine, swaying as you shook it back and forth.
When you got to the chorus, you made it all of three seconds before looking at Eddie, "Oh, I kinda think I wanna make it last forever... Oh, I kinda think I wanna make it last forever..."
To your surprise, he was looking back at you, mouthing the words back to you.
"Oh, I kinda think I wanna make it."
In that moment, there was nobody else on stage except for the two of you, looking longingly into each other's eyes as you sang back and forth to each other.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
"Are you ever going to tell him how you feel?" Karen asked you, rather impatiently, as you set the table for dinner one night.
Camila looked up from her spot over the stove in the kitchen, as if she were wondering the same thing.
"What?" Your cheeks suddenly felt hot and you chose to look anywhere but in her direction.
Karen crossed her arms, "Cam, are you going to take this or am I?"
Camila came out of the kitchen, setting a dish towel on the counter, "Y/N, we've seen the way you and Eddie look at each other. It's before every performance, every practice session... Really, anywhere."
"Because we're friends."
"That's the biggest load of bullshit I've ever heard," Karen said, rolling her eyes, "I don't know whether you guys are head over heels in love or if it's just intense eyefucking—but you've got to take care of it one way or another."
Camila held back a laugh, "What we're trying to say is, what's the point in not telling him? What do you have to lose?"
"What? You won't lose us or the band. You know that."
You tried to stop the tears from falling, but that proved to be difficult, "No, you don't understand."
Camila moved towards you, rubbing your back as Karen pulled out a chair for you to sit down on.
"Then what is it, honey?"
"He is everything."
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Your eyes are locked with one another, unable to put your attention anywhere else. For once, you don't give a damn what anyone thought. All you care about is what happens after the concert.
"Where did you turn... When you needed tenderness..." You sing softly, chest heaving.
You saw, Eddie's breath hitch in his throat, biting his lip.
"Where did you turn... When you needed tenderness."
Your mind drifts back to all the touches you had shared over the years—his hand on your shoulder, your palm pressed on his chest while the two of you danced around the living room on Christmas. It was all clicking.
You kept singing, "When you reached out for my touch...and I couldn't give you much...Of all the time we lost..."
Eddie tilts his head, thinking about where the two of you would be now if he had manned up and told you how he felt four years ago.
"While I was running from your light..."
You had spent years running from your feelings—that wasn't an option anymore.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Your first performance in front of over a thousand people had you a nervous wreck all over again. You could handle a couple hundred—but enough to populate your hometown? It sent you spiraling.
Eddie found you pacing back and forth behind stage, your hands running over your face to try and calm your nerves.
"Hey, hey, it's alright," He whispered, gently taking you by the shoulders, "This isn't our first rodeo, right? We're the real deal now, Y/N/N. It's alright."
He pulled you into a hug, running his hand over your hair as you breathed into his chest, "Breathe with me, okay? Listen to my heart, alright? Listen to the beat."
His voice alone managed to calm you down—paired with his touch, you didn't know what to do with yourself.
The two of you pulled away from each other, and he looked you up and down, "Ready, sweetheart?"
You nodded, causing him to smile. He pressed a kiss to your temple, "You've got this, don't worry."
The both of you ignored the looks you got from the rest of the band while you walked on stage.
During the performance, it became too much. Your fists clenched up and your breath work wasn't quite right.
Taking notice of it, Eddie discretely moved towards you, passing it off as him being really passionate playing the bass. In reality, he just wanted to be there with you, reassuring you that you'd be okay.
He succeeded, too. Having him a foot away versus the usual six helped in ways you couldn't have imagined.
From then on, he always played a little closer to you.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
As soon as the band went on a short break halfway through the concert, Eddie made a beeline towards you behind stage.
He cupped your face, pulling you into a kiss the two of you had been waiting for the entirety of your careers.
Your hands found the collar of his shirt, pulling him as close to you as physically possible. His hands slid down to your waist, finally pulling back to catch his breath.
"I've been waiting to do that since the day I met you."
His forehead pressed against yours, relief washing over him, "God, I love you. Was that too soon? I'm sorry—"
You pulled him back in for a quick kiss, "Not soon enough."
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wannabelife · 10 months
telepathy – myg
paring: yoongi x afab reader
genre: smut
warnings: phone sex, fingering, handjob, descriptive, multiple orgasms, dirty talk
a/n: i missed yoongi on stage so muuuch!! like wdym tour ended?? :((( did u all watch the final?? also, i cant believe he's already leaving :((((( here's a lil something to help us cope :)
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and there you are again, screen in front of you while agust d performs live but far away from you. you dont really know why you summit yourself to this. you could just ignore it and go to bed, but you can't.
since tour, yoongi and you can not always call each other, because of schedule, work but especially timezones. being away for quite some time just makes you a bit more needy than usual. also, the way he's sweating on stage, hip thrusting to nothing, growling, and working his hands on the guitar doesn't help at all.
you decide to shut the computer screen since this lack of attention is getting you frustrated. there's nothing more you can do.
a hour fly by of you trying to sleep, but your mind just can't seem to leave you alone today. you turn around on the bed to light the lamp on your nightstand as you grab your phone, checking the time, it is already past midnight. you know yoongi's concert had already finished around this time. you stare at your phone contemplating if you should call him or not.
maybe you should, whats the real bad in that? at least, you could try. you disk the numbers and wait for an answer on speaker.
"hello" yoongi's voice echoes in the room, sounding lower and raspier than usual because of all the singing and shouting on stage. you cant put a finger on it but at the moment it hits your ears, you feel your stomach tingles.
"hi, its me" you reply hating that you sound weak.
"i know its you" he let out a giggle and you can sense he's smiling "how are you?"
"im fine, what about you? was the show tiring today? you looked excited"
"i dont really feel it since im just happy to be on stage" you nod at his words even tho he cant really see you. after a small time of silence, he adds "were you watching?"
"what? your show? of course i was"
"what do you think?"
"what do you mean what i think?" you laugh a little because why would it matter "i like it... i like it a lot... its quite frustrating tho, just watching, not able to act— hm, act on... i mean, its nice, i like it a lot"
you can hear him laughing out loud on the other side while you just want to hang up on him and ignore everything. why would you ramble and stutter like that? there's no real reason for it.
"act on what? you didnt finish"
"i cant really come up what i was going to say"
"i know you are lying, yn. just go ahead and say it what you were thinking. act on what?"
"act on... my thoughts"
"and what is it that you imagine?"
"why does it matter anyways? they are just thoughts"
"why cant you just say you miss me? aren't you enough needy to ask for me?" you blush at his straightforwardness, not so unusual but always surprising.
"i am. i am needy for you, yoongi. i miss you so much. i want you but cant have you right now, and its so fucking frustrating" you groan more to yourself but that affects him too.
"tell me what is it that you miss so much, maybe i can help"
"your touch, yoongi. your perfect mouth on me"
he inhales after hearing you, his cock threatening to get hard at just the thought of it. the thought of you. he misses your touch too, the way you suck him like no one else does, the way you know all his right spots. the pretty sounds you make when he's on you and the way you two can go from raw and needy to passionate and slow. he misses having multiple rounds with you.
"does my slut miss it that much?"
you whine at the possessiveness in his voice, its true, you're his little slut after all.
"come on, bring the toy i bought you to your side. let me help my baby cum"
you hate how excited you feel at his words, jumping out of bed in one montion to do what he asked you, taking all of your clothes off in your way back, staying spreed naked for him even tho he cant see you.
"im already naked for you"
"how needy" he smirks to himself "send me a picture just to make sure you're right for me"
you open the camera on your chat room with him, making sure to open your pussy with your two middle fingers so he can see it perfectly. as you send it, you can hear the notification ring on the other side.
"you look so beautiful. lay down for me" he hears the bed sheets making a sound as you get comfortable and when it dies down, he assumes you're just right to get it started "i need you to suck your fingers for me, understood? when you are done bring them to your beautiful nipples"
you do as he says and after you suck them wet with your saliva, you use it to carass your nipples. your eyes closing at the feeling.
"babe, tell me how many fingers have you sucked?"
"four" as you deliver your answer, he lets out a low moan at the thought of it, he always knew your mouth can take a lot "what you want me to do?"
"keep massaging your pretty titties" you keep going but this is not enough right now, like he heard your thoughts, he speaks again "now pinch your nipples for me" you moan at the amazing feeling hitting you "i miss biting your pretty nipples and getting those moans myself" you cant help your legs closing for some kind of friction, your core begging for attention.
"i need more, yoongi-ah" you whine.
"alright alright, you can touch yourself now, but you cant touch your clit"
you whimper, a bit desperate trying to reach the pleasure he's keeping away from you.
"what's that? are you complaining?"
"no" as you obey him, you bring your finger to your core, teasing your entrance.
"tell me, how wet are you?"
"not much" you slide your finger up and down your bare pussy, not reaching your clit as he asked.
"gotta prepare that tight cunt, right?" you are just able to babble a small hmm as an answer as you start to feel the tension building between your legs "you can get on your clit now since you're doing so good for me, such a good girl"
as you slide again on your folds, you finally get where you need the most. you start drawing circles on your clit in a small motion at first. the wet noises getting louder each stroke as you pick up your pace. feeling like he deserves more too, you get the speakers close to your core so it can capture the wet sounds as you masturbate "can your heart it, yoongi? it's for you, all because of you"
"you're doing so great, my pussy slut, getting me so hard"
you keep moaning, your pussy clenching and as if he was there with you, feeling you himself, he speaks up "can you enter a finger for me?"
"yes– yes, oh my god... thank you, thank you" you enter with your middle finger, going in and out slowly to ajust. as you're fingering yourself, you get your thumb on your clit again doubling the feeling. you add another finger whimpering at the sensation inside you.
you're able to hear yoongi's bealt getting undone "baby, you are doing so good, keep going for me" you hear muffled sounds of movements on the other side of the line as a spitting sound hit your ears. yoongi spits on his hands, getting it to stroke lazily at his hard cock.
"curl your fingers, baby, make yourself cum"
you curl your two middle fingers inside you "its not enough" you grunt.
"i know, i know. my fingers and cock can reach so much more, make you feel so much better" you whimper, not able to stop the moans because you cant have him right now "just keep going, you're doing great" you fasten your fingers, moaning louder when your other hand start to work faster on your clit.
"who's cunt is it?"
"yours, yoongi. only yours"
"that's right. mine. mine tight beautiful cunt, fits me so perfectly" you can start to hear yoongi working on his cock, the sound getting louder, him leaving low gasps every now and then.
"im close" the built on your stomach getting closer to the edge each minute as your head is thrown back and eyes shutting.
"cum for me, yn" and you do. after his command, you let it go. goosebumps spreading all over your body as you mewl.
"get the toy i asked you" his voice sounds out of breath compare to before. your mind going blank, having a hard time to process his words after your high, but you get the sex toy either way. bringing it to life, the buzzing sound being easy to be heard "good girl" he praises you for obeying so nicely everything he asks.
the screen of your phone lights up, and you can see yoongi is facetiming you. you answer fastly, placing it on the desk in front of your bed, so he has a great view of it and you. he's half naked, his cheeks a bit rosy and his hand on his cock. he grazes his thumb on its head, collecting more precum from it as he sighs in relief.
you spread yourself in front of the screen, finally bringing the toy to your clit. feeling sensitive post orgasm, you whine at the slight pain it brings you that it's not bad at all.
"get another finger inside, i know you can take it" you moan and slowly add the third finger inside you, curling it up, making you see stars "fuck, look at me, yn" he pleads.
you do. he's faster on his length as he brings his other hand to caress his balls. yoongi moans audibly now, watching you without blinking, nipples hard, your fingers working on your cunt, and he can see it clenching around them too.
you fight the urge to close your eyes to keep the eye contact, the overstimulation hitting you as you circle the toy on your clit. your legs threatening to close as the built starts again "that's right, my babe is going to give me another one"
"cum with me, yoongi, please" he hears you, swearing at the view, at your words, at the feeling. your body goes stiff for a second, your legs trembling and a whine coming out in high pitch as you are cumming again. the toy leaving your hand hitting the floor with a sound, just the three fingers fighting to prolong your orgasm.
yoongi cant stop staring at your form, your pretty sounds and your eyes rolling back from the pleasure "fuck, im close" he says and you finally start to relax, all the cum dripping from your core weting the mattress as he cant help it anymore. he's coming undone with a moan.
both of you breathing loudly and fast, as your chests goes up and down, waiting for the comedown.
"you are amazing" he sighs.
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itsohh · 4 months
Popstar MK1 Intros
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A/N: Now I've finished off Electra Heart heres some intros set after it. This focus's on popstar reader being in costume when they come to fight + them still being in their relationship with Johnny.
Fighters: Johnny Cage, Kenshi Takahashi, Smoke, Liu Kang, Shang Tsung
Warnings: None
Intros Part 1 Electra Heart
Johnny: Oh ho-ho-ho gotta say babe that is a great look on you. I always said that the big screen never captured how truly hot I am but I think it also applies to you.
You: Eyes up here Johnathan. I'm not a doll for you to gawk at.
Johnny: Oh fuck that's hot.
Johnny: After this can I eat-
You: Not another word.
Johnny: Ooo you're so dominant in character, should wear that to bed. I might even leave a little bit on you at the end of the night.
You: Hmp.
You: Wait-wait-wait. Ah fuck lemme take these heel's off I can't keep fighting in costume. This was made to sing in no fight.
Johnny: Hey, hey if your feet are hurting go for it. There's no rush, I can wait. Last thing I want is you hurting.
Johnny: Have you written any songs about me perhaps?
You: Oh this is kind of embarrassing, but try an album.
Kenshi: Flashy.
You: And impractical.
Kenshi: When I see you like this it really makes me realize how much you and Johnny are a match made in heaven.
You: Kenshi you're literally blind.
Kenshi: I think any blind man can see how bright the sequins are on that dress.
Kenshi: Why the name Nightingale?
You: It's a long story.
Kenshi: You always say your stage self is a character you play but I've yet to hear any difference.
You: That's ‘cause that shits embarrassing off stage. I can get away with Johnny because… I mean look at him.
Kenshi: Johnny said you wrote an album about him. He hasn't shut up about it.
You: Yeah might have dropped the ball confessing that one.
Smoke: Woah I can't believe your- woah.
You: I'm surprised you're familiar with my work actually.
Smoke: Of course, it's a bit of a guilty pleasure but I loved your second album.
You: You know if you're ever free your welcome to tag along to one of my concerts and hit up backstage or front row whatever you prefer.
Smoke: Really?
You: Anytime! I always let my friends hang out.
Smoke: Your outfit is more stunning in person than I could have possibly imagined.
You: Yeah but the glitter gets everywhere.
Smoke: I remember your fourth album got scrapped, how come?
You: My fucking manager rejected it. Too off brand.
Smoke: Johnny's always talking about bad managers, have you tried talking to him about your situation.
You: ...I haven't. My manager isn't terrible but maybe I should.
You: The timeline you come from, was I like this?
Liu Kang: Admittedly I didn't know you very well.
You: Were we not friends in your timeline? Is that why titan me didn't answer your summon?
Liu Kang: You died man years prior, you were forced to come back only to see Johnny mourning his second wife.
You: So me and Johnny have always been together?
Liu Kang: That I don't know.
You: Am I destined to die again? So that Johnny can remarry?
Liu Kang: That is not what I have planned for you.
Liu Kang: In my timeline you were always in costume. You fought dressed like this all the time.
You: Fuck that. I can barely get through one fight in these shoes.
You: Why change up my destiny? Why not make Johnny happy with his second wife?
Liu Kang: I didn't decide on who you should love. I might have put you in the right place at the right time but that was all you.
Shang Tsung: Well well, this is certainly a change.
You: Don't worry, you're still the king of costumes you fucking snake.
Shang Tsung: You wound me dear.
Shang Tsung: It's a shame you chose to work with these imbeciles-
You: Don't even bother trying to manipulate me. I've been in Hollywood long enough.
You: At least I'll look good, at least I'll look good-
Shang Tsung: What are you mumbling? Don't be afraid to speak up. I don't bite- hard.
Shang Tsung: It's curious the way your people worship you, for music alone…
You: You could always give it up and come a musician instead of the whole ‘murdering everyone with souls’ thing you do.
Shang Tsung: Hahaha, you truly are an entertainer aren't you?
You: Let's get this over and done with.
Shang Tsung: So eager to meet your demise?
You: Had a long concert today- kinda wanna go nap.
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mrsnancywheeler · 1 month
dude my billy brainrot is so bad rn!
anyways, ok so the band and muse go to a party, and this time billy is in a good mood and is obsessed with her. hes being really clingy and is just so in love with her. but then eddie starts flirting with her and says "you could do so much better than him". billy finds out and him and eddie almost get in a fist fight. but after eddie and billy almost fight billy goes to his muse and is all like "im sorry baby, i couldnt handle what he was saying, i really hope you know that i love you" and they fuck. but then the next day he is avoiding her a bunch and getting touchy with the other groupies and she is like "should i have listened to eddie?" i feel like this would happen earlier in their relationship before muse knows the cycle her and billy always go through
billy dunne is literally my life
you're basically wrapped around billy the entire night, you both do a line off of each other, share drinks, it's like he's in a haze of just being entranced by you. he cannot stop kissing you, his arms wrapped securely around you, you're basically on his lap all night.
"I'm gonna write you a whole album, baby." and the feeling of his voice so near your neck makes you giggle which just makes him smile, "what?"
you shake your head smiling, "nothing." he keeps looking at you expectantly which makes you laugh again, "nothing! billy, I just-"
"you don't believe me? oh, that's what this is, you don't think I'm telling the truth!" somehow he's holding you tighter, his smile, the way he jokes makes your head fuzzy, well so does the drinks, but he does a number on you. the way he laughs, smiles, it's addictive.
"no, no, no, I do, I swear, scout's honor!"
"I think that only applies to actual boy scouts, baby."
"shut up" you kiss him and his lips make you dizzy, just as yours make him. when you finally pull apart he's just holding your face for a while.
"god, you're stunning, do I tell you that a lot? because you're so pretty. can I do another line off of you?"
you just rasp out a, "yes" and you've forgotten how public you are really at a party when you let him adjust you enough to do a line of your cleavage.
"let me go get us another drink, baby, I'll be right back."
"okay." you're smiling, adjusting your shirt as he squeezes your hand before he's off. no sooner is he gone then eddie is appearing
"he's only being that way for now, you know" he's drunk, you know he is to be so openly digging at billy like that.
"two weeks ago he was doing lines off of some other chick's rack-"
"he didn't mean that eddie."
"he didn't mean what he did?"
"he fucked up, it was a mistake, eddie, it doesn't change anything."
"you don't deserve that." eddie is leaning closer over the couch rest, "you deserve better than him, the first guy you saw at the concert."
you stare back at him for a while, "eddie, if you think you could treat me so much better, you'd let me enjoy my night. which I was."
"one night is all he'll give you before he decides you're not that special anymore-"
"what the hell are you talking about, man?" billy is making his reappearance and you know eddie must be even more drunk when you thought when he doesn't even really try to cover.
"use your imagination." and eddie's words have barely escaped his mouth when billy's punched him in the face. eddie stumbles back for a second, but punches billy back and you've leapt up to get between them. and eddie's looking at you, shaking his head like he's done, and walking out. "whatever, man"
"eddie!" you're shouting, but he's gone, and you have other things to worry about. "billy, oh my god are you okay?"
"I'm fine, god, we need to find a new fucking bassist"
"don't do that, gimme your hand." you're looking at his knuckles and he's entranced by the way your brows furrow. "you can't just punch someone everytime they bruise your ego." his hand is suddenly moving to tilt your chin up, where he's smiling in disbelief.
"baby, that's not why I punched him." you're unamused by this. "I'm serious! baby, I did it because he was talking about you. acting like I didn't care about my girl. the girl I love."
"you love me?"
he looks dumbfounded by the question, "I just write all my songs about you, you basically live with me, I need you like air, so yeah, I do."
"that's good because I am so in love with you."
"this would be pretty awkward if you didn't." and next thing you know he's got you back at the house, laying on his bed as he proves it to you, it's really not fucking, it's raw, it's love making, and he makes you feel so appreciated.
that's until you wake up, and he pulls himself away just when you try to put an arm on him when you've woken up. he gets up, showers without a word, gets dressed, only says morning back when you say it, and walks out of the room. suddenly you feel like a one night stand, someone he never wants to see again, and there's a pit in your stomach. he knows it's because saying love has scared him, but he can't communicate that, he's just got to be destructive.
breakfast is him laying out instructions for everyone, moving away every time you try to get close, at some point you try to take a drag off his cigarette and he looks unbelievably annoyed which just shuts you down. and the ride to the studio is unbearably quiet, it makes you want to cry the way he doesn't acknowledge you.
it's gets worse at the studio when he doesn't acknowledge you at all and during a break is talking to the groupies, laughing, doing lines, having a drink, hands on them, and you do a line to deal with it before sitting back in the emoti studio so you don't have to deal with it. it's so fucking confusing. you're laying on the studio carpet when eddie walks in, looks at you, and lays down too.
you feel the energy of 'i told you so' radiating off of him, "eddie-"
"are you okay?"
there's a beat, "he told me loved me last night." another beat, "is this what it feels like to be loved?"
and he's rolling onto his side to look at you, "no."
you wish you didn't start crying, "then what did I do wrong since then? why is he doing this to me, I don't know why I'm not good enough."
"you are, he's too fucking stupid to notice what he's got right if front of him." and he's lighting a cigarette, handing it to you, "let's go to the record store, find something to listen to later. we can use my record player, you know it sounds better on mine."
and you do exactly that and wonder if maybe this is what it feels like to be loved, but it doesn't take away the desire your soul has for billy dunne. even if it makes you think that eddie could love you better.
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atalossofwords · 1 month
Somehow, these two last POVs turned out bigger than I expected. I think I can keep up the one POV change per day here before I post the full chapter on AO3, but I don't promise anything.
Also, I have plans for how many chapters it'll be! Yay me.
ON AO3 - part one - part two - part three - part four - part five&six
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Till was... nervous. For more than one reason.
Firstly, he was getting ready for Mizi's concert. He'd be nervous enough to go to any show, since crowded places made him antsy, but this was a meet and greet. He bought a new jacket exclusively for this, and was trying very hard not to be weird about using perfume and generally dressing up for the occasion.
Secondly, he had Navi's number. He hadn't said anything after that first exchange, too awkward to try and make small talk but he found himself... wanting to.
He refused to let Hyuna send the messages, since she was halfway ready to demand to see Navi's ID. It was awkward but then... Then Navi had said all those things, about how much he liked Till's music, how Till deserved more recognition than what he got...
It made Till's stomach swoop, his cheeks colored red.
It reminded Till of those days when he had only 100 followers, when Navi would send 100$ donations solely to max the character limit as he talked about how much he liked Till's lyrics, how his mixing made him feel, how he couldn't believe Till didn't have a record deal yet.
After that short text conversation, Hyuna had changed her "bored office worker" theory to a "disillusioned producer", and for once Till was inclined to agree.
Still meant he was far from understanding why Navi would send him so much money.
"Till, are you ready?" Hyuna calls out, startling Till out of his thoughts. He gives a last once-over to his outfit, deems it ready, and goes to greet her.
Hyuna is wearing a black tank-top, cargo pants, hiking boots and a leather jacket he's sure once belonged to Dewey when he still ran with a motorcycle gang. She rolls his eyes at his face.
"Ready to go? We need to be in the venue in half an hour if we want to get in at a good time." He nods, checking that the clear bag he's bringing has all his necessary documents.
Tickets? Check. ID? Check. His first Mizi album and custom photocard binder? Check. A handwritten letter for Mizi? Check. Extra pens in case he or other fans need it? Check. A truly unholy number of phone charms he made himself the night before to exchange with fans? Check. He makes grabby hands to Hyuna, waiting until she puts all her stuff in the bag as well before shouldering it.
"You're such a mother hen." She says, grinning. "I heard we might not be allowed in with food, so I sent Isaac to get something from the convenience store we can eat on the way."
"Oh, good idea. He's meeting us there?" He asks, perking up. He really wasn't looking forward to surviving on granola bars for the day.
They end up meeting Isaac in the car, since he and Dewey are driving them and Hyuna wanted to re-touch her makeup. Isaac gets them both sandwiches, as well as a pack of chips to eat in the queue. He also gets two starbucks packaged drinks, black coffee for Hyuna, and caramel frappuccino for Till.
Luckily, the queue isn't too big; the meet-and-greet isn't open for a lot of people, so Till spends his time waiting by chatting with fellow fans, discussing the new album, and even meets one of his own fans, Mizi's Boots, who he remembers as an occasional chatter who mostly comes for his mixing streams.
She's very flustered that he remembers, but eventually they settle into some more normal conversations, Hyuna teasing them both about bringing so many phone charms to trade. He makes sure to put hers on his phone right away, since she takes care to pick one that matches his streaming set-up.
It also reminds him that... he has Navi's number.
He should send a message, right? Just to say he's at the venue. He did a few lives since getting the tickets, and only commented that he'd be going on the last one, so as to not give his fans any time to buy tickets to search him out instead of Mizi.
Navi had said nothing to indicate he was the one who sent the tickets, a simple "I hope hyung has fun!!" was all he sent.
He decides not to overthink it, and takes out his phone to take a selfie of him, with Hyuna in the background talking to a fan of hers. He hunts for Navi's contact.
You [ 4:44 ] On the line to see Mizi. Thanks again for the tickets. [IMG.7347]
He closes his phone, ignoring the flutter in his stomach to focus on the experience at hand. It's almost time to go in.
The queue moves forward,
"Chill, Till. You've watched these events like a thousand times on livestreams, it's going to be fine." Hyuna says, after they're already seated in the auditorium. He's glad his fan was seated far away from them, since he'd feel awful if she watched him losing his cool like this.
"Okay, but what if I trip and fall right in front of her? What then?" Till frets, combing one hand through his hair. Hyuna rolls her eyes, opening her mouth to tease him some more when the lights dim and a manager comes on-stage to announce Mizi.
Till immediately forgets his nerves, leaning forward to watch better. Mizi walks on-stage already waving, a radiant smile on her face. She's dressed more casually than she usually is for shows, with her glasses on. Her long pink hair is left free, bouncing as she moves to say hi to everyone on the first roll.
Till doesn't even see Hyuna settle down, focused on Mizi. She does a little QNA, pointing at people to answer. Most questions are pretty simple, like how's Mizi's doing, what's her favorite song from the newest album, favorite snack, and so on. She even calls on Hyuna, who asks if Mizi likes video games.
(Apparently, she's an Animal Crossing player. Till is so endeared, he loves her, oh god.)
After that fanfare, she sits on the stage, legs dangling closer to the first row, and sings My Clematis with her guitar. She thanks everyone, asks for five minutes to get some water, and the fansign begins.
Till has... a vague idea of the hour or so that happened between then and his turn. He knows Hyuna leans in to talk to him, mindless chatter about their streams and their next collab, about how Luka's workflow is increasing so she's thinking of paying for another chat mod.
In the blink of an eye, he's sliding on a chair in front of Mizi, and out of the hundred times he's imagined this meeting, he'd never have though of this.
She squints at him, tilting her head to the side, and says; "Oh, you're Till, right? The streamer?"
Till's face is so hot he thinks he's going to die.
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mrs-monaghan · 8 months
They click each other....after the concert when their eyes meet they can understand each other's feelings.
Its about their bond that we are talking....how many time everyone debunks it, jungkook will take jimin's side no matter what. There is history of his defending his hyungs for his jiminie hyung. If everything is still a fan service for you then i have no words. Some anons are getting on my nerves. If you're insecure about jikook please leave and believe whatever you want. We here talks about jikook and their bond.
To believe in jikook we don't want 'proofs'. They didn't said you about NY trip didn't mean that they ain't together. They didn't said you about jeju trip doesn't mean they ain't together. Let tme leave alone.
But are you ready to take another GCF ft NY??? I don't think releasing (if there is any) it during this time is that so easy for jeon. Pjms might go wild and dragging jk for using j/m for covering those so called 'shits' which happened yesterday too.As usual tkkrs calling it as fs. I won't be surprised. But that is JK we are talking about. The man who give idgaf attitude and hot af.
So jikookers ain't getting contents doesn't mean that we were jokers who believed in our imagination. They are closer than anything in this world. If not please explain Letter and his little secret jungkook in that song. They never uttered a single word about it. Jungkook has listened to it in his live too...never he went like " oohh jiminie hyung asked me to sing this last part or oh jiminie hyung skjsjsjjs" upto that song he was literally 'jiminie hyung this jiminie hyung that' He never talked about it because it was jimin's story. If jimin is not ready to talk about it why should jungkook do it ? How can jungkook do it ?
If he is having some other person in his life , why would the presence of jimin is calming him down? Making his feel comfortable? Do you think he is such a shity bf? That man has showed most of his sides... atleast just trust him.
Mount Everest is the highest mountain in this world..but I haven't seen it. Just because I haven't seen it doesn't mean there is no such thing. Some anon need to calm down and some may leave as a fandom cleanse.
I'm just pouring out my heart here. Thankyou shaz for always being a comfortable person.
Oh wow... I love this anon. Great read. Excellent points.
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bloodyshadow1 · 6 months
wishlist for Junior year
Since Junior year is happening in January I thought I'd make a quick list of a few things I personally want to happen next season. You're free to tell me what you think, disagree, agree, hell add more if you're interested.
I want the maps back- I completely understand why they did the show like they did for their live show, but I miss the Rick Perry maps that were so cool. Also Brennan has a lot of epic battles that are kind of hard for me to visualize because I have adhd and missing one thing he says can confuse me for the whole battle. Seeing mini's really helps me keep things straight
less NPC interactions- the NPC's are not bad, by any means, I love the hirelings and the romance partners, but I feel like including them on the adventure lessened the interactions between the Bad Kids. Like Tracker and Kristen for a large part of the adventure were attatched at the hip, and other places, Gorgug spent a lot of his time trying to patch up his relationship with Zelda, Ayda gets a lot of interactions with Fig and Adaine, but there isn't a lot of time for the three of them just one on one leaving the other out more. Just me personally I would like if the season focused more on the party and their relationships
(I want to be clear, I don't want no interactions with our beloved NPC's just less them being part of the adventure and more them being NPC's that help and exist but aren't the DM's Player Characters)
I hope they stay in Elmville or at the very least Solace- I loved Sophomore Year, but a lot of the charm of the first season of Fantasy High was the unique setting they were in. An urban fantasy world where a large part of the population were adventurers. It felt more unique compared to Sophomore year's more high fantasy, but with people who know modern technology. Even if they leave Elmville, I wouldn't mind them exploring Solace as a whole to see what their country is like outside of their small town. (I want to more campaigns exploring Spyre too, but even with the Seven they leave Solace by ep 3 and spend most of their time in other countries in Spyre, I want to see what a modern urban fantasy setting is like)
Adaine using the Sword of Sight, wizard or not, as a high elf she's proficient in swords and with her boosted strength and her desire to punch/hit people it's perfect. I know cantrips will still be the better option, but when has Adaine, I punch my sister in the face, Abernant done the more efficient option. Adaine is my favorite character so I'd just like to see her being the terrible chaos gremlin that I know she's capable of being.
Hallariel- I'd like to see her in battle if only once. I know I said I would like the NPC presence lessened, but I still want to see what Fabian's hot mom can do in a real fight. We've only seen her talked about as the best swordswoman in the world by Bill who himself is fearsome with a blade, but we only see her train/threaten her son. Even if it's a possession or mind control situation I'd like to see her in battle, even if it's against the Bad Kids.
For some reason I want a battle at a Fig and the Sig Figs concert- I don't really know why I want this, but I really liked the Broadway brawl ep of Unsleeping city, it made for some cool rules and the like and I would like, a less stressful, but still fight in the crowd of people while Fig and Gorgug are on stage.
Consequences for the Bad Kids and their friends/family- I don't really know where I'm going with this, but I just feel like the Bad Kids get away with a lot of stuff because that's how Elmville works, but I kind of liked how they suffered consequences near the end of Freshman year, even if I think months in Jail was a lazy way for Brennan to do a time skip until the finale battle. (I love the guy, but I believe what I believe). But specifically about YES! the god Kristen created and abandoned, creating a god and orphaning it should have more consequences than throwing out a sweater that you don't like any more. Are Adaine and Aelwyn treated differently given that their parents started a war over Aelwyn and wars have consequences, people died and have people to mourn them who probably aren't too keen on the two abernants in their country after that.
I'd like cameos by the Seven, not just Zelda.- again, I know I said less NPC presence, but still, they don't necessarily have to be NPC's just saying if someone wanted to drop by and play for an episode or 2. The Seven is probably my favorite D20 season and I would love to see what my girls are up to.
There's more that I might add, but this is it for now
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ghost-of-you · 8 months
Ima hop in talking to throw my two sense about this major break that’s coming up for 5sos, anonymously as someone who runs a anonymous 5sos confessions blog.
There’s a lot of new people in this fandom who’ve never experienced a 5sos break, and still have trauma from either 1D or other bands who took a break and then disbanded before the reunion. Or are fans of bands who are also in a limbo and are worried about what’s going to happen. (Looking at 1975 fans, I wish the best for yall)
And I’m a mixture of both! I was here for the first break, but drifted into other music genres during it, and kinda forgot about 5sos for a while, but came back within the last 3 years.
Plus for those who were here for the first break - there’s a lot of different factors that add into the uncertainty this time, like Michael becoming a dad!
There’s a lot of feelings being thrown around in the music industry of what happens before/during breaks that adds to what a break means now vs when the first break happened. It’s just… a lot.
Okay, look, I'm nice and I'm understanding but right now I'm gonna sound like a bitch and I don't care. Whatever experience anyone has with any other band doesn't matter. What happened with one direction is different from what is happening with the 1975, that's different from what happened with big time rush, that's different from what happened to why don't we, that's different from what happened to the Jonas brothers, I can keep going but you catch my drift. They are different bands, formed by different people, in different ways, with different believes and way to make music. No one thought backstreet boys were ever gonna come back and they just did a world tour, NSYNC was seen together just last month for the first time in YEARS, bands can take breaks and reform and regroup and move on if they want. I think this expectation that you're owed content all of the time is crazy. Album cycles shouldn't be just month long things. They should be allowed to work on something for longer. They should be allowed to not tour every 6 months. 5sos released 5 album in 10 years. An album every 2 years is a fucking good number. But even if it takes them another 2, 3, 5 years, it's their right as humans to take as much space as they want. I understand why people might be scared, but no one has the right to demand anything from anyone. Maybe Luke and Ashton will release more solo music, maybe they'll go on a tour, maybe Calum will drop a poetry book, maybe we won't see them for 5 years and then they'll announce the announcement of a new song. They can do whatever they want. You can't honestly expect to have access or content or tour at all times. They are grown men with lives and families who worked hard to learn how to exist outside a band they started when they were teenagers.
And yes, Michael is gonna be a father, but one, he's not the first musician ever to have a kid so that doesn't mean anything, but you also can't expect him to not be there for his daughter. Baby girl Clifford should be his priority but in nowhere is stated that you can't be a father and a musician.
And to compare 5sos to one direction is not a fair comparison, one direction was formed in a reality show by people who only wanted to explore them. 5sos were friends first and they are still friends first. Maybe they won't drop an album every year anymore. Maybe they won't make a tour with 101 concerts in less than 8 months. But that doesn't make them any less of a band, it they are doing shorter tours and longer album cycles.
Also, if they break up, they broke up, we can't force them to stay a band.
But I stand by the fact that these men went through quarantine, lost a whole record with calm due to an internal error, dropped their label, their management, both Ashton and Luke released solo albums, with Luke signing a 3 record deal if I'm not mistaken , Michael got signed as a dj and a producer, and they still released a whole album independently that was made the way they wanted. If they were gonna stop being a band they would've done in it in 2020. They're allowed whatever breaks they want or need. They are real humans. And they are not one direction.
But this break they are taking is something that they planned around it, or do you think it's an accident the tour ended just in time for Michael to be back home for the birth of his daughter? This tour wasn't scheduled, they could've not done it. But they chose to do it. But to look at them and accuse of being about to breakup and lying about it because they are taking a break for a very specific and unbelievably valid reason is bullshit.
I don't care about whatever trauma you may have about other bands. What happened to other bands happened to other bands. You can't make a different situation about them because it's never gonna be the same because there's different people involved.
Is their life. Their choice. We're just along for the ride. It's a hell of a good one so far and if this is it so be it. It's their choice.
And honestly, if you're actually this affected by one direction breaking up and this is not just some exaggeration for the bit or a joke, get help.
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request: jack is exhausted and getting sick so the reader basically forces him to postpone the rest of the tour
"i don't want to disappoint them"
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A/N: thank you for you request <3
warnings: angst
You were worried, more than worried, if you were honest with yourself. Every time Jack had gone onstage for the past two weeks, you'd clung to the bar that separated the stage from the backstage, watching to see if he was okay, if he drank water from time to time, that hopefully, hopefully, he wouldn't break down or fainted.
Jack had been overexploiting himself, adding dates in between his days off because arenas sold out fast, doing interviews in the mornings, rehearsing all afternoon, then moving on to soundchecks, the concert itself, and then showering and falling asleep in the bed to repeat the same thing the next day.
You could see the exhaustion in his eyes, not even the adrenaline of the moment was enough to keep him energetic. His steps were slow, his movements were limp, and his interaction with the audience, something Jack adored so much, was now kept to a minimum.
Once the concert was over you could breathe a little more calm, but once Jack got out of the shower and fell next to you on the bed, you felt it was time to talk seriously.
"Jack, can I talk to you for a moment?"
"hmm?" he replied, with half of his face buried in the pillow.
"I know you're very tired, and I don't want to keep you awake much longer, so that's why I need you to pay attention to me"
“ ‘kay” he said, like a little child, sitting on the bed and you smiled for a moment.
“I have been with you throughout this tour, and I have seen the satisfaction and happiness you feel when go on stage every night, but I have also realized how everything has changed in the last few weeks, you don't even have time to sleep eight hours, you are working all day, and you do concerts with what little energy you have left. the last two weeks I've watched your shows hoping you don't pass out, and I know you know I'm not exaggerating, I think you've even lost weight, Jack, you’ve been feeding on energy drinks and coffee... you don't even like coffee” you said the last part trying to prove your point. Jack frowned at you.
"what are you trying to tell me, y/n?"
"I think…" you started, a little apprehensive, "I think you should put the tour on pause"
"You're kidding, right?"
"You can't be suggesting this, you know there are contracts and most importantly, I can't disappoint my fans" he said, getting up abruptly from the bed.
"I know jack, but they would understand… they would understand that you should put your health first"
"I don't want to talk about this anymore, y/n, I hope this is the last time you bring it up" he replied, entering the bathroom with a slam.
Your eyes filled with tears, you knew how professional Jack was and how committed he was to his career, but you couldn't believe he was in such denial.
you opted to simply fall asleep, turning your back to his side of the bed. In addition to being worried, now you were furious, you couldn't understand why he would get mad at you for worrying about him. you were tired too, so you fell asleep without much trouble, even with your heart heavy with anguish.
The next morning you woke up alone, and you snorted, you weren’t surprised at all. The truth is you didn't even want to see Jack, you were still mad.
You knew there was no trip today, because it was the second date in the same city, so you could stay all day in your hotel room. you chose to shower and put on something fresh, order room service and stay in bed watching series.
But at about 5 p.m., you got a call from Urban.
"hey" he said first
"Hey, what's up?" Urban only called you when something happened involving Jack, and if it was urgent. otherwise, he would send you a message.
"I don't want to scare you, they are already taking care of him..."
"Urban" you said his name as a warning.
"Jack had a drop in blood pressure, we had to bring him to the hospital, but he's fine, it was just a scare"
"oh my god"
"y/n, don't panic, please, he's fine now, just come to the hospital, there's a driver outside the hotel waiting for you"
In less than 5 minutes you were taking the car outside the hotel, and in the 15 minutes of travel your leg did not stop moving due to anxiety. After asking in the information desk where you could find him, you ran through the corridors, although you waited to calm your breathing before entering the room.
Jack was sitting on a stretcher, an IV in his arm, while Neelam and Urban sat in chairs across from him. The nurse gave you a small smile before leaving. You looked at Jack, and he looked back at you with guilty eyes.
"You don't have to say it" he said almost snorting.
"Jack," you said, frustrated, your throat tightening, "do you think I ran all the way here to look at you and say 'I told you so'"?
he was silent for a few moments, "sorry"
At that instant, you looked at neelam, as if she could read your mind, she started to speak.
"It was a drop in blood pressure due to stress, lack of sleep and dehydration, but it's nothing serious, the intravenous is serum and the doctor's recommendation is, basically, rest"
you nodded, "thank you"
"let's give them a moment alone" she said afterward, looking at urban
"Yeah! Sure" he got the hint quickly and they both left the room.
“I’m sorry” jack repeated after a few moments, you didn’t know what to say, "The doctor said that the irritability was also a consequence of stress and lack of sleep. besides, I'm angry with myself for not being able to handle all the obligations that I have" he said, and you saw how his eyes turned teary, " I brought all this out on you last night and now, and I'm sorry... I'm just..."
"I know" you said, approaching him, and hugging him. your hands caressing his hair.
"my fans, I don't want to disappoint them"
"you won't, they love you and they will understand"
he hugged you tighter and then pulled his face out of your chest to look at you, "thank you" he said, his cheeks wet, "for being the first to love me, and understanding me"
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spade-riddles · 2 years
Submission: Kaylor TED Talk 💘
Okay, hear me out. I think the Midnights album is a 13 track love letter to KK and the evolution of the Kaylor relationship, looking back reflectively. I think there's other little things splattered in the songs but for me, it all screams Kaylor. For this to apply, you have to believe they're still together, in secret. I've only listened to the album twice so I'm sure there's so much more I've missed, but I just had to get my initial thoughts out of my brain! Sorry if it's not too cohesive.
1. Lavender Haze: the beginning of meeting KK and the bearding. Taylor just wants to stay in the lavender Haze with KK and ignore the media saying she should marry whichever beard she has at the time
2. Maroon: living together in NY in the height of the Kaylor days ("my roommates rose" - they were "ROOMMATES", sounds like something two roommates who were also together would joke about)
3. Anti-Hero: Taylor admitting dating her is a problem because of her very squeaky clean marketed image and she's worried she'll lose KK because of this ("I'm the problem, it's me")
4. Snow on the Beach: Big Sur Trip, Taylor & KK falling hard for each other, the VS performance together ("stars by the pocketful" - you drew stars around my scars)
5. You're On Your Own, Kid: Taylor realising she's on her own with the bearding situation, and the only person she searches for who understands, is KK whose in the same position, but perhaps Taylor doesn't like KKs Beard of choice ("we're the best of friends", "there's just one who could make me stay" - KK convinced Taylor to move to NY)
6. Midnight Rain: Taylor reflecting on all her beards that she's had to protect her and KK ("my boy was a montage' - this made me think of how the media always have slideshows of all her "Boyfriends")
7. Question...?: Kissgate! 💋 (There's a part of the track that sounds like massive applause at a concert)
8. Vigilante Shit: Taylor and Karlie, 2022, preparing to give up their beards and claim their revenge on JK ("so on the weekends" - reminds me of "giving me your weekends", "lately she's been dressing for revenge" - Taylor and KK have both worn revenge dresses recently, "thick as thieves with your ex wife" - like Kaylor always used to be)
9. Bejeweled: Taylor has to still shine in public, with her polished image that she didn't want to ruin in Anti-Hero, is still "required" to protect her and KK, but she can make sure she owns the story when she goes out in public. I feel like she sings this song with a bit of a wink, like only she knows when she shines in public why she does and its not what most people think ("they ask do you have a man, I don't remember" - could this be any louder?)
10. Labyrinth: This song convinced me Kaylor are still together, they've navigated the labyrinth of their whole relationship in the public eye and then in secret. It talks about someone who knows her so deeply, and I think it's the most beautiful song on the album, talking about how she's falling in love with KK again, even after so many years. It gives me Daylight vibes ("I thought the plane was going down, how'd you turn it right around" 🥺)
11. Karma: I think this is about bearding again, ("Karma is my boyfriend", - he's the reason she gets what she deserves in KK "I keep my side of the street clean" - she's kept Kaylor secret for years now, "Karma is the wind in my hair on the weekend" - another weekend vibe like in Cardigan)
12. Sweet Nothing: Sounds like a lullaby 🥺, maybe Taylor reminiscing on early Kaylor days and Big Sur again and how Karlie has always been there for her despite the pressures of Taylor's career ("I wrote a poem on the way home" - YAIL vibes, "you're in the kitchen humming" - barefoot in the kitchen vibes, "I run home to your sweet nothings")
13. Mastermind: Now we get to the closing song which cemented this theory for me. How Taylor orchestrated her whole meeting with KK at the VS show, and how that led to the dominoes falling into place for them to blossom in to Kaylor. And how Karlie knew all along ("none of it was accidental", "saw a wide smirk on your face, you knew the entire time" - just go and watch the VS backstage meeting with them)
Thanks for coming to my Kaylor TED Talk 💘
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silent-raven13 · 4 months
I finally got to see you, again!
(A different take on "It's Great to see you!" A more happier ending! Beginning part is the same from the other one-shot.)
Miles had a lot to think about. The two were have more fights, they were distant and unhappy. They seem to talk about the future but ending it without no resolution.
When the two decided to go to this burger joint, Miles knew what he had to do. Hobie came by to pick him up, they weren't making any conversation.
They ordered milkshakes, burgers and fries. Hobie casually said, "I'll be going to a national tour, luv. I won't be able to see you for a while."
"It's really happening, huh? You're famous." Miles softly spoke.
"Hahaha, yeah. Hopefully get bigger than simple 'Hey, I know you'," He chuckles, "I hope you can see one of my concerts. I can book you to California, that's the last stop. You and me, we can spend time and look at the apartments."
Miles giggles, "Long distant relationship?"
"Yeah, you know you're only for me." Hobie stares at him with loving eyes.
"Hobie... I have to tell you something." Miles gulps being nervous, "You know, I love you and what we have it's pure, Special! You're my other half, mi alma! Mi amor!"
"Yeah?" Hobie looking concerned, he sat up straight from the booth he's sitting on. Across his beautiful partner.
"You know, we are having a drastic change in our lives. I'm finally gonna graduate and I got three schools already accepting me. Another one on the way," Miles sighs being so shaky, "I know, I'm going to be super busy with school. I know you are doing all these tours, making music, and seeing and meeting new people. Heck, I'm sure at times you're holding yourself back because of me, the same with me to you."
"What are you saying, Sunflower?"
"I think we should break up." Miles finally said.
It went silent, Hobie's eyes widen in disbelief. "Hahaha, funny Sunflower. Don't joke like that." His voice forced into laughter sounding joyful then his hand touches his face getting worried. "You got me." A weak tone.
Miles finally look at him with those serious honey-brown eyes and pout. "You're not joking? You really want to break us up?" His boyfriend in shock being panicked, "Why? Is that fucking Ben bloke?"
"Hobie, no. You know, this is more than just Ben." Miles finally said, "I think we need to separate. We won't be able to survive if we keep going. We keep arguing, distant- I... We need to be single."
"Need to be single. This sounds like you want to shack up Benny boy, eh?" Hobie getting mad.
"Hobie, you are going on tour! You're telling me you're not tempted with all those pretty girls and hot guys? Hobie, I know you want to go crazy and party to your fullest."
"I love you!"
"I love you, too and it's not enough! Where we're at is not enough and if we go down this path- I just know we'll regret it." Miles hugs himself, "I wanna have fun, too. Go to college parties, make friends but I don't want to be your boyfriend then all of sudden, I catch you cheating on me."
"It won't happen. I swear!"
"What about the concert? The VIP? If you really cared about me being there you would've answer my phone call and be there." Miles sighs, "Hobie, it's the little things, too. I miss you and I don't want a long distance."
"Okay, so you're blaming me? What about you? You got mad for every moment about your study time and I can see why, because of Ben!" Hobie scowls.
Miles sniffs going to grab a napkin, "How can you be so fucking mean?" He wipe his eyes, "Why can't you see the truth? I'm eighteen. Your nineteen! You're going to be a famous rock star while I'm going to college! We keep fighting and fighting and I'm tired of this. It's not fair. Okay! I can't even have you at prom because you're busy! I want to have fun, have my experience! I know, you feel the same way."
Hobie held back his tears, "I can't believe this is over. What happens to love conquers all and this bullshit of being together in the future."
"So you're telling me, you'll be fine giving up the partying, the sleeping around, while focusing on me? What if I have a special event on your important concert or you win an award? Or we make plans and it's always push aside! You know, this is a lot?" Miles wipes his final tears. "Hobie, I love you so much. You don't know how much I love, you're my Moonflower, mi amor. I want you to be happy, but I know I can't make you happy- not right now." He grabs his boyfriend's hands, "You will always be my soulmate."
He looks into those dark eyes seeing his Hobie filled with hurt. His punker sighs looking exhausted, "I know. I'm sorry, Sunflower. Things haven't been well with us." His hand gripped tightly on Miles's hands, "I thought I was being selfish... I wanted us, I love you. You are my everything. You're my Sunflower- fuck, I even wrote that song of you."
"Sunflower became your hit single." Miles giggles, smiling at him. "Hobie, I know. I know. But we'll be fine."
"What if we never see each other again? Or we just... never got back together?"
"Only time can tell." Miles softly said, "Even if all that happen, your still my soulmate."
"You're mine, too." Hobie nodded, "I fucking love you so much."
"Me too."
Hobie saw their food on the table, "Let's go back to my place and I wanna show you how much I love before... before we officially end it."
Miles giggles, "Alright."
The two left the burger joint with their take-out. The two spend their times in Hobie's bedroom kissing, touching, feeling each other one last time. Hobie pulls away from their kiss, he smells his boyfriend's scent, "You smell good... sweeter."
"Heh, really?"
"Yeah, you're so soft." Hobie worries Miles was stressing over his classes, maybe gaining weight because his muscles were much leaner. He feels so soft.
"No, never. You're always beautiful to me." He purr kissing him back.
Miles let out a purr with his arms wrapping around his boyfriend's neck, the bed sheets semi-covering them. They were in love, in passion, it was bittersweet. It was the last time they share their bodies, showing their love.
After that, Miles graduated from high school, Hobie had sent him a bouquet of Sunflowers with a letting saying, "I'm proud of you, Sunflower. XOXOXO Hobie." Miles smiles happily at the gift that he had the sunflowers dried up and made it into a necklace. He got a full ride to Princeton University.
As for Hobie, he went on tour, soon his popularity sky rocket with a much large fanbase. His charms, his looks got him into modeling, and movies. He was involved in a lot of collabs with famous artists, celebrities and talk show host. His band had reached the top Billboards, winning many awards.
Yes, the two had achieved their dreams, over time they forgotten about each other. Life, new friends, new drama got them so focus that anything about high school became a memory. Yet from time to time, they feel they lack in the love compartment. They would think back wondering the 'What if?'
-Ten years later-
The Punk star was busy walking in a mall being twenty nine years old, a tall man wearing leather jacket and pants, thick combat boots, and shredded crop top. His hair long in dreads and gold cuffs. New piercings on his face and ears. Wearing thick Sunglasses, "Oi, what does Manny want? I'm at the mall I'll buy him- what do you mean no? Don't be like that, Mindy! Ugh, ain't you a peach, darling." He scowls at his Smartphone, "Oh, so it's about the check, huh?"
The Punker was getting looks here and there, luckily there was barely anyone in the mall. It's a school day and it's morning, Hobie kept walking still on the phone. Then without a thought, someone passed him, with a very familiar scent.
A scent of fresh tropical shea butter, coconut and floral perfume. It took him a moment trying to figure out where that scent came from, or who does it remind him of someone. Hearing his baby's mama on the phone, he said, "No, 'am listenin'."
Once he speaks, the person that pass him by quickly turns over, "Hobie?" An odd feminine voice, he never heard before yet it felt familiar.
The Punker turns around, his eyes on the female figure. She had long box braids hair, wore a mint green long sleeve, and blue jeans with some white shoes. She looks at him with a kind smile as she hold the brown strap of her purse. "Long time no see." She had this big beautiful smiles with those gorgeous big honey-brown doe eyes.
Hobie's eyes widen from shock, he stares at the figure as if time was froze. No words came out of his mouth, the voice of his baby's mama ring his ear. The female figure gave a weak shrug. He quickly hung up his Smartphone slowly going up to the woman, "Sun-sunflower? Oh my god... is that really you?" His mouth opens before thinking.
"In the flesh." She giggles.
Hobie hugs her tightly having to twirl her around, "SUNFLOWER! It's fucking good to see you!" He could smell her scent, delicious tropical coconut scent!
"Ahh," She squeals being picked up and twirl making her laugh, "Moonflower! You causing a scene!" Some people had their attentions on them.
"So-sorry." He put her down, his hands on her shoulders, "Wow. Just wow!" HIs Miles... is a woman! "Luv, your-your a bloody lass?" He asked out loud still in shock, "I hardly recognize you."
Miles giggles, "It's Mimi, now. Actually, I'm a trans-woman, Hobie."
"What? Since when?" Hobie gawks at his Miles completely look like a woman.
"Um..." She bites her bottom lip, "After we broke up, I think? I actually started taking hormones at the end of my senior year. I didn't tell you because I was still figuring myself out."
"You know, I would accept you, Sunflower. I would've been supportive." Hobie frowns at this, "Is this why you were wearing make up, tight clothing, dresses?"
"Yeah! You're a fast thinker, Hobie Brown." She smiles at him with her honey-brown eyes gleaming with joy.
Hobie felt his body going pink, his beautiful Sunflower. "You're gorgeous! As a man and as a woman."
"Awe, you're making me blush." Mimi could feel her heart pounding against her chest, her hands sweaty. It been so long, she did miss her Hobie.
"You're so beautiful, I knew I smelled you when you passed by me," Hobie's eyes can go heart shape, his heart beating against his chest. His stomach filled with butterflies. Old love rising again. His soulmate is right here.
"Ohh creepy," She teased when she raised her left hand. That's when Hobie saw an engagement ring.
"Wait... you're married?" Hobie asked, his eyes squinting at the ring. Looks cheap. He felt upset seeing that. Not when his Soulmate was finally here. His hand quickly took Mimi's left hand to have a good look at the ring.
"Oh, this." She forced at smile at her ex-boyfriend, "Um... actually it's a long story!" Then rubs her ring being content with it.
"Well, there's a cafe over there and you can tell me all about it, hmm?" Hobie put his arms around her shoulder, he noticed at Mimi gotten shorter, and her shoulders weren't broad like when she was Miles in high school. "How 'bout it, luv?"
"Alright. A cup of coffee would be nice." She giggles, as she walks with him close.
Hobie wanted to know if she was married or engaged. He didn't know what to do if she is. What if she is in- "I'm divorced, y'know." She finally said as the two waited in line to order coffee.
"Huh?" He asked.
"After all these years, I can still know when you're anxious. Hehehe you're so funny, Hobie." She giggles, "I'm giving you a peace of mind."
"Divorce, you say?" He gave a small smirk, "So single?"
"Very." She added with her eyes on him. "I'll pay for-" He took out his black card with a big grin on his face, "I got this, Sunflower." He saw her putting back her wallet into her purse. "What do you want?"
"Iced Americano." She tapped her bottom lip seeing the menu. "I'll have a danish pastry, too."
"Alright." Hobie put his shades on the collar of his shredded white crop top. The tall punker got in front of the barista, "Ello luv, I'll have two iced Americanos, large and one danish pastry and a blue berry muffin."
"Alrighty, coming right up. It'll be fifteen, seventy five." The barista said, putting up the price on the register.
Hobie pays for it through his black card, and got his receipt. The two went to find a table to talk, they were sort of the only ones around. There was one student doing homework in the corner. Another side is an old man sipping his coffee while reading the newspaper. Then, two young adults talking about a movie.
The Punker chuckles as he lay back on his seat, "Does that remind you of any one?" He moves his chin upward to mimic pointing at the student in the corner.
"Oh gawd, not your throwing shade on me." She rolled her eyes, "But that was so me when I got my Masters."
"Oh look at you, being a scholar." Hobie chuckles with a smile on his face, it felt like he was happy, again. All this time, he was on autopilot with his emotions. "Not going for a PHD."
"Uhhh, maybe. Who knows." She had her fingers rubbing her wedding finger, the ringing move side to side. She's nervous. "Heh, my divorce was a bit expensive. My wallet was crying paying for my lawyer."
"Oh? What did the bloke do- More so, who is this bloke?" Hobie asked then he frowns, "Don't tell me, it's Benny boy."
"Oh my gosh," She burst out laughing while tucking her box braids behind her ear, "You remember him?"
"After all these years you're still jealous?"
"I'm telling you, he had a thing for you."
"Oh yeah? Well, the reason he was around me so much, he's trans!"
"He's a transman and he was giving me advices about what I should expect and stuff at the time." Mimi giggles at Hobie's facial expression, "He's living his best life, right now. I work with his cousin and my ex-husband."
"Wait, you're telling me a lot of stuff right now. You work with your ex?"
"Oh sorry, I-" The barista called out, "Number 38!" Hobie check his receipt then turns to his ex-partner, "Wait just a moment, luv. I gotta get our order."
Mimi nodded, before going to check her phone. A text from her ex-husband appeared on the family group chat.
Miguel: Are you going to take Gabriel for the weekend?
Mimi: Of course, we had plans to go to a cat cafe. ☺️
Gabriella: WHOA! I wanna get the choco-cat cake! -sends a cute photo of a chocolate cat with a frosting shape of a black cat sleeping on it.-
Miguel: Alright. Are you home safe?
Mimi: I'm meeting with an old friend.
Gabriella: Is someone we know?
Miguel: Send location, plz. Need to know your safe.
Mimi: -send location- No, he's an old high school ex of mine.
Miguel: ??? How did this happen?
Gabriella: 😲 Are you on a date? See, old man! You should start dating, too.
Mimi let out a giggles from her mouth seeing how her step-daughter likes to poke fun at her dad. They were married for three years and dated two years, overall five years of history. Shame how their love wasn't the same as the beginning of their relationship. Thus a divorce happened. Don't get her wrong, she loves her step-child as her own, this is why she has partial custody. Only every two weeks on the weekends.
Hobie came back with their drinks and snacks, "Hey, what are you laughing about?"
"Oh," She set her phone down on the table with a smile on her face, "My step-child, she was scolding her dad."
"So you married with a kid in the fam?" Hobie sat back down as he handed her iced Americano and pastry. "Who is this bloke that let you get away?" He flirted at his Sunflower, because what kind of idiot would let her go. HIs Miles, His Mimi that is so beautiful so perfect.
"Awe, Hobie." She shyly tuck her box braid behind her ear, she does this when she's flustered. Hobie's lips slowly turning to wide smile, seeing her like this... it makes his heart flutter. "Well, I've been with Miguel for five years. We dated for two and married for three. Um... we met at work. Turns out Ben has this cousin name Peter that got me a job at Alchemax, while I was trying to finish my BA. I had trouble finding internships because you know, me being trans and getting discriminated. Luckily, Peter being so kind to me got Miguel to hire me."
"So you married your boss?"
"You can say that. We work in genetic engineering, and I helped him with getting the reports handed out and check on our projects. We kinda clicked and dated." She felt so nervous talking about this. It's like she was caught cheating from her Hobie, and now she has to speak the truth. It felt weird. "Miguel is a great man, husband, and dad. He helped me through my transitioning." She finally said.
"So you actually... cut it?" Hobie asked being curious. "Sorry if that sounds rude, luv."
Mimi nodded, "Hehehe, your good, Hobie. I have a vagina now. I never felt so happy being me!" She smiles at him. "I feel complete like this is what I always yearn for."
"Well, you look beautiful, luv. You are glowing." His eyes on her, "I wish I was there to support you. I can't imagine going through that. Wasn't it traumatic?"
"Well, I had at the time my husband supporting me, our friends, his daughter... I went to therapy for it. There's times where I do think about my organ being cut and if I didn't go along with it. But my surgery was fine, Miguel made sure I had the best doctors and so far, I'm at peace with myself." She sips her Iced American through a straw. "Mm. So, what about you, Mr. Punk Star? You been making waves ever since?"
"OH me? Nah, nothing is interesting." Hobie scoffs, "Same ole' Same ole'." he didn't want to talk about himself. He wanted to hear more on Mimi's life, her journey. His Soulmate is here and he didn't want to blabber about his stupid years.
"Ohh, come on, I've told me my story."
"Mmm?" He hummed thinking about it.
Mimi did her cute puppy eyes, "Please, Moonflower?" She's so curious to know.
Hobie couldn't say no, his heart burst with love. "Alright. Alright. You still have a hold on me, Sunflower."
"Hehehe. I can see." She snickers.
"Well, I am a dad... got a little sprog named Manny if you haven't follow those nosy podcasters about me life." Hobie finally admits, he pulls out his phone.
She gasps being surprised, "OMG, Hobie Brown, you're a dad? I don't believe it!"
"Here. My lad." He handed her his phone to show his photo of his three year old son.
"Oh my god, he does look like you," She smiles happily. "And the Mrs.?"
"Baby mama, and no we're not together. We been on and off, she just always seems to care about the child support." He rolled his eyes.
"Oh, I'm sorry. Are you planning to stay with her?" Mimi asked having to feel envious for the woman, she got her Hobie.
"Nah, we never work out..." His eyes yearning for her instead, "besides, I think I'm interested in this one specific person."
"Oh?" Her heart pounds rushing all the blood through her head being excited, she kept calm, "Who is this specific person?"
"A beautiful Sunflower." His hand touches her, "You know, not a day goes by when I don't think about you."
"You're such a flirt. You couldn't possibly think of me while you're out partying and being famous." She giggles.
"OKay, that might be cheesy. But luv, I never met anyone like you. You are my Soulmate." Hobie explains, his hand holding on to her, "Its not the same. What we had? I could never found anyone like that- these feelings- Even right now, I'm taking all my will power to not kiss you, hold you, feel you." His hands started to do more than hold, he's massaging her feeling her soft skin.
Mimi's eyes sparkle with love, it felt like she was in high school all over, again. "Hobie..."
"Luv, let's try again. We're older, and free. Your single. I'm single. What could go wrong? You miss me too." Hobie's voice low, deep with a certain charm.
"Mi amor, your famous and I'm... I'm trans, you would get hated and-" Hobie snorted, "Fuck it. I finally got to see you, again and I'm not planning to let you go."
Mimi couldn't help but let a flustered smile, her cheeks warm, "You wanna take that leap, again?"
"I do." Hobie felt her hand holding onto his a bit tighter this time.
Later, the Punker walks with Mimi back to her apartment. He wanted to be with her till she got home safely. The two took their sweet time getting there. They stop at old places they use to date, ate lunch, heck they even took a stroll in Central Park. They were holding hands, and cuddling feeling like nothing has changed, their love felt so fresh.
Mimi got to her apartment in Brooklyn, "Well, here we are!"
"Heh, you don't live too far from your parents."
"Hey, Billie have to go somewhere else than stay at home." She mentions about her little sister. Billie is only ten years old, "and she always have my dad dropping her off here and Gabi is always coming by whenever her dad is so busy." She got to the top steps while Hobie stood along with her.
"I guess, this is it, eh?" Hobie finally asked.
"Wo-would you," She felt his hands around her waist, "like... if you want, since you must be busy... and it's cold today- would you like to come inside?"
"Is that because I'm cold or something else?" He lowly asked with his lips getting closer to her mouth. Eyes slowly closing as he felt sweet tropical scent.
"Maybe something else." Mimi's eyes slowly closed as she felt Hobie's lips on her. Her arms wrapping around his neck, pulling him into a heat passionate kiss.
Hobie swept her off her feet as he felt his old love burning like a dim candle suddenly burst into its bright flames. He never felt so in love. They share tongue, feeling every part of their mouth. God, it felt so right. It's like they were the missing piece into their puzzle. Mimi took her keys struggling to open the front door, being so busy kissing her ex.
Hobie helps her unlock her apartment door, they went in. Somehow they made it to Mimi's floor and her apartment. The doorknob struggles to open, while Hobie chuckles. "Someone is eager."
"Oh hush you too." She felt her lips swollen, "Unless you don't want too-" Hobie quickly kisses her like a hungry beast, "I do! Luv, don't be cruel. I was joking." They had their sloppy kisses when they enter Mimi's apartment. Hobie kick the door shut when she got her keys out.
The next thing happens, the two fell on top of the couch with clothes being tossed around. Mimi's wearing a b-cup size laced pastel cream bra. Hobie had no time kissing those beautiful breasts, her neck... every part of her body. Same did Mimi, she kisses Hobie's pierced nipples, his six pack, and belly button. They were in love, their passionate sex was gentle, romantic, holding hands to the point they refuse to let each other go. It felt like their love for each other never went away but became like an addictive drug.
When their passion ended, Hobie kisses his beloved's shoulder as the two were wrapped around a thin blanket, "Mmm, that amazing." He mutters.
"Mm, it was." She kisses his lips feeling his hands wrapping around her waist, "I love you, Hobie."
"I love you, too, Mimi."
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upbeatpeekos-blog · 4 months
Prompt by @that-one-dumb-non-binary
Sorry if it's bad it's my first fanfic.
Spoiled Milk
"Mista, is this milk expired?" Narancia says, peeking inside the milk
"I don't know, ask Fugo. He's the one that used it last."
"What about me?" Fugo replies as he walks in the kitchen
"Is the milk expired?"
"You sure? It smells weird"
".....Milk doesn't expire....."
Mista looks at Fugo like he had 3 heads
"Uhh yeah...it doesn't expire.." Fugo's face is flat as a board
'Crap....what am I saying..this is embarrassing...welp too late to go back now..'
Mista lets out a concerned sounding laugh. "Haha, Fugo... you're so funny."
"So, is it expired?" Narancia looks at both confused
"Ye- No!...."
Fugo cuts off Mista. Mista glares at Fugo.
"Erm, what's going on?.."
Giorno stood in the kitchen entry.
'Barnacles...' Fugo thought to himself, frustrated.
"Giorno, is the milk expired?"
Narancia has a impatient look on his face
"I don't know?" He shrugs as he sits down groceries
'Wait I could use Giorno as an advantage.'
"Hey, Giorno...Can I speak with you for a moment."
"Sure?" He walks out of the kitchen with him
"So..." Fugo pinches his nose.
"This is an odd request, but...can you please follow through?"
"What is it?"
"Can you convince them that...Milk doesn't spoil..."
'He won't do it...this is so stupid'
"What? Why?"
Fugo sighs. "I said it didn't spoil...I-i don't know why,...and I'm embarrassed about it...."
Giorno stares at him
"Just tell them that it was a joke?"
"Please, Giorno.. just think off it as payback from when they put red dye in your shampoo last month.."
Giorno thinks for a moment...
"Fine...I'll do it.."
"Thank you, thank you."
Fugo lightly puts his hands on Giorno's face
"I knew I could count on you.."
They go back to the kitchen
"Fugo....way were you saying milk doesn't spoil?" Mista was tested
"Cause it doesn't.."
"Yes it does"
Yes, it does? I thought you were the smart one of the gang?"
"Mista, he's right," Giorno says in a monotone voice
Mista stops talking
"Giorno, not you too..
"I thought milk spoiled? Does it not? Doesn't it mean its spoiled when it smells bad?"
Giorno leans on the island counter
"Milk doesn't spoil..."
"What are you guys saying!? Have you two gone mad!?"
"Mista, you always have these odd conspiracies. Are you sure it isn't one of those?" Fugo kept his cool.
"It's not a conspiracy! It's a fact!"
"Mista, it's true. Milk does not spoil."
Giorno says, staring in Mista's dark brown eyes seriously.
"You guys are right, Mista. You always have those dumb theories...how am I supposed to believe you?" Narancia puts back the milk, not wanting it anymore.
"What...what!...WHAT! No! Ughh it's not a conspiracy!"
"Yes it is, your just too embarrassed to admit that your wrong!" Fugo yells back
"Nuh, uh! You're lying it does go bad!"
"Mista, stop yelling your making scene...it doesn't spoil.." Giorno interrupts not wanting a violent fight to break out over literal spoiled milk.
Mista stops talking...he put his hands on his face...
"Ughhhhh! Oh my gooodd," he uncovers his face.
"Please tell me this is a joke."
"No, it's not.."
Narancia got tired of their bickering
"Mista, just except the truth. Fugo is smarter than you and me."
"...Fine...it doesn't spoil... But don't come running to me when you get sick!" Mista gets up, walking out the kitchen..
"Jeez, what a pushover," Narancia sighs. Then he walks out, probably just to go play on his game console.
There was an odd silence.
"So,...what are you going to do if he brings it up again?"
Giorno walks next to Fugo.
"Act like it never happened."
"Pfft, I figured."
Giorno smiles
"Well, I'm gonna go help Trish pick out a dress for her concert. Wanna come?"
"Sure...I should probably stay away from Mista for the time being."
They give eachother a smooch before walking out the kitchen.
The end
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crystalsnow95z · 10 months
Can you do Hobi with a scratchy voice the day of a concert and he gradually feels worse until he completely loses his voice right before the concert?
(Sorry its not right before the concert it ended up in the beginning of it. Hopefully you won't mind)
"We're drenched, drenched, drenched
In sweat, in our practice room. Look, my great, great, great dance mo..." J-hope's verse was cut off by a cough, sighing loudly to his reflection in the mirror. "This isn't good.. my voice is in bad shape.."
"Hoba! Are you up? It's time to leave practice." Namjoon calls from the hallway.
J-hope goes to call back to him, but stops himself. He needed to save what he had left of his voice for tonight.
"Hoseok-ah?" Namjoon knocks again.
J-hope goes to the door, opening it. "Hey, good morning. Yeah, I'm ready. I was just finishing up brushing my teeth."
"Are you feeling okay, Hoseok-ah? Your voice sounds off. Did you catch a cold?" Namjoon reaches to touch J-hope's forehead with the back of his hand, relieved when he doesn't feel anything out of the ordinary.
"No, I feel fine.. my throat is just a little sore." J-hope slides on his shoes, leaving his hotel room.
"Alright, but if it gets worse, you tell me, okay? I'll get staff to get you some hot tea ready when we arrive." Namjoon leads J-hope to the van where the other members were waiting.
"Morning Namjoonie hyung, Hoeseok-hyung." Jungkook greets them with a smile. "Did you sleep well?"
"I probably got three hours in. I'm nervous about doing Dionysus. It's been a while.." Namjoon answers honestly.
"We've been practicing it for weeks, and we did it perfectly yesterday.." Yoongi says, reaching to touch Namjoon’s thigh. "We'll be fine."
J-hope stays quiet, relieved that Namjoon took over the conversation. He stays quiet as the others talk about the set list, making sure they have everything in order.
The urge to cough was getting worse, but he ignored it, sipping on water every time the itch started becoming unbearable to try to sooth it, choking on the water when a cough forces its way out.
"Hoba, are you okay?" Jin pats J-hope's back lightly.
"we just hit a.. a bump while.. I was taking a drink... It's fine." J-hope avoided his question between coughs, but Jin believes him.
"Be careful.." Jin rubs his hand across J-hope's back until the coughs stop completely. "You don't want to hurt your throat before tonight.."
It may be too late for that..
"Hyung you're moving too slow." J-Hope tries to lead the members through the choreography, but his voice doesn't carry over the music like it usually does.
Namjoon motions for staff to turn the music down when he sees him struggle, tapping Yoongi. "Hoba was trying to talk to you."
"Oh, I'm sorry. I was too focused. I didn't hear you. Was I doing it wrong?" Yoongi says, giving his full attention to J-hope.
"You didn't get in your position quickly enough.." J-hope repeats, feeling his throat itch with a cough. It's getting harder to talk without coughing. What am I going to do?
"Here Hyung, why don't you use a mic so we can hear better?" Jimin rushes to the table, picking up J-hope's mic and handing it to him.
"Thanks, Jiminie." J-hope powers it on, keeping the mic close to his mouth so he hardly had to raise his voice.
"Hyungie doesn't sound very good.." Jungkook whispers to Taehyung.
"We'll just have to be sure we do it right so he doesn't have to correct us." Taehyung whispers back.
Everyone had the same idea, hyperfocusing on getting it perfect. J-hope thought he had everyone fooled, but they were all aware that he wasn't okay. Even with him only coughing when he wasn't facing the other members, they all knew it.
"Let's take a break." J-Hope calls halfway through the set list, feeling his voice straining with effort.
"Here, Hoba. Try this..." Namjoon gives him a small handful of cough drops and a cup of hot tea. "It sounds like it's getting worse.. maybe you should let someone else lead dance practice."
"Huh? I'm fine. I can do it." J-hope tried to control his voice, smile dropping when it cracked at the end.
"Hoseok-Ah, you need to save your voice.." Namjoon drops the suggestion, using his leader role to make him step down.
J-hope goes to argue, but the tickle in his throat becomes unbearable, a bout of coughs coming out instead of words, taking a drink of tea to try to ease the pain.
"Just do the dancing for now, okay?" Namjoon puts his hand on J-hope's shoulder.
"Alright. Just the choreography.." J-hope agrees, knowing he was right. He couldn't keep pushing it.
One of their dance coaches leads the rest of the practice, J-hope staying quiet until it was time for the sound check.
Even while resting his voice and drinking only hot drinks, he found it harder to control his coughing, his throat now just constantly feeling irritated.
"Hyung did you take any medicine?" Jungkook asks. "Maybe you should see a medic.."
"I saw one yesterday. They said it was just laryngitis.." J-hope admits softly. "It's just from over using it, there's no infection.."
"But you could damage your voice if you don't rest it.. Did you tell Namjoonie hyung?" Jungkook knew the answer. Namjoon would've told him he couldn't do it tonight.
"No, but I'll rest it after this concert, and I'll be careful. Please don't tell anyone. Just let them think it's a cold.. please Koo?" J-hope forces his voice to sound stable, keeping his voice quiet.
Jungkook knew he'd regret his choice to stay quiet later, but he saw J-hope's pleading eyes with his smile gone, he caved in. "Alright I won't say anything.."
But the others could find out on their own...
He clung to that hope as practice continued.
"Army are you ready?" Yoongi gets the crowd going by just his voice, Army screaming for them.
Everyone gets into position to do I need U, the song Army voted for them to add to the set list, laying on the stage. J-hope felt his heart pounding in his chest, the nerves making him feel sick to his stomach as he heard Yoongi sing his verses, pressing the cough drop to his cheek.
I can do this..I only have a short solo part..
"All of the words you have said are a.."J-hope voice cracks as he tries to sing, being followed by a cough, Yoongi quickly taking over his verse.
I messed up...
J-hope swallowed back the tears, feeling Taehyung hugging him from behind, walking to his position, gently pushing him toward his. "Focus on dancing.. it's okay.." he whispers.
J-hope's vision blurred with tears, moving just by instinct. I can't stop now, even if I messed up my part I need to do my best..they spent hours waiting and paid good money to see a good show.. I have to do this..
Every member was watching J-hope, taking every chance they could to touch his back or make a heart towards him to try to cheer him up. They left the stage right away after the song, bowing in apology to the army as they dragged J-hope to the back, tears still rolling down his cheeks, his crying only making the coughs worse.
"Hoseok-Ah, look at me. Look at me, it's okay.. it's not your fault.."Jin strokes J-hope's hair, hugging him to his chest. "Don't cry..Don't cry.."
"I can't.. this..my..throat hurts..so m..h.." j-hope sobs, but Jin could only hear half of what he was saying, his voice cutting in and out. His whole body trembled with as he broke down, squeezing Jin tightly
"Baby, you got to breathe.. you'll only make yourself worse. Please don't cry.." Jin rubs J-hope's back.
"He's really upset.." Jimin hugs J-hope from behind. "Hyungie.."
J-hope sniffles, coughing into Jin's shoulder. "It..it's not okay.."
"We'll figure this out. Don't cry, Hobi-hyungie.." Jimin squeezes him.
"How...? We're... time..." J-hope's voice continued to come out unclear, making him sob.
"Well, crying will only make it worse.." Yoongi puts his hand on his head. "Stop crying Hoba.. even if you can't sing Army will be happy to see you out there.."
The idea of not being able to sing at all only made J-hope feel worse, another sob escaping. Can't sing at all? No, no, that can't happen. Not when we have four concerts this week..
"Hyung.." Jimin narrows his eyes at Yoongi. "Don't listen to him, we can think of something.. maybe gargling salt water or using a humidifier, but hyung is right about one thing..you need to stop crying Hyungie.."
J-hope nods, sitting up and wiping his face with his hands. Namjoon hands him a tissue. "Thanks.."
"Seo-sii says he wants to check you over." Namjoon tells him. "See him when you calm down a bit."
J-hope nods, trying to wipe the snot from his face, then goes to the staff member.
"Yoongi, I know it's a good possibly, and you were trying to cheer him up, but you could've at least waited for him to calm down before saying something like that!" Jin scolds him.
"I didn't think it would make him more upset. I just don't want to give him false hope. His voice has been getting worse.." Yoongi looks over at J-hope, the medical staff checking out his throat. "He doesn't seem to be sick because if he doesn't try talking he doesn't cough.. I think his voice is just gone.."
"This is a nightmare.." Jungkook says, looking at J-hope helplessly. "Is there really nothing we can do?"
"They'll do whatever they can to help Hobi-hyung.. all we can do is get ready for the concert." Jimin sighs, going to get changed, everyone following suit. Only time would tell if J-hope's voice would make it.
Staff tried every treatment they could in such short notice, and Namjoon got staff to set up the backing vocals for J-hope just in case, but at least for the moment, he had his voice mostly normal.
"We got your mic up as loudly as possible, so don't try to push your voice too much. It should carry, okay?" Namjoon warns J-hope, putting his arm around him.
J-hope nods, trying to rest his voice until it is time to sing. They went into their positions, the stage lift raising them to the stage, army cheering loudly even with the lights not even turned on yet.
I can do this..
The members jump right into the first song, DNA. He was relieved he didn't have any major parts, but he knew next was going to be one of the first voices heard, making him nervous. He curses himself for moving stiffly in the beginning, the anxiety caused by waiting to see if he can sing knotting his stomach.
Everyone gets into position for Idol, Namjoon starting strong, J-hope forcing his voice to come out. It still sounded off, but he was just happy he didn't cough..
I did it...
J-hope sighed with relief, but that was just one hurdle. He still had the third verse with Yoongi and this time he was going to start first.
"Face off..." J-hope's voice was came out breathy, not even picked up by the mic even with it right by his mouth, only the soft back track being heard along with a fit of coughs.
"Oh no Hoba.." Jin leaves his position to quickly grab some water for him, and Jimin hugs him from behind.
J-hope pushes Jimin away. "No, we have to keep going.." He knows he was trying to speak, but nothing comes out, so he just points to Jimins position, taking the water from Jin. "Keep going.." he mouths the words, taking a quick drink, turning off his mic.
Jin goes to argue, but a nudge from J-hope was enough to get him to get back into line, everyone falling back into position as if nothing happened.
I can't use my voice.. this is a nightmare. No. No I have to focus..
J-hope felt the tears trying to come back, but he didn't have time to be upset. He had to perform. Dancing is my specialty anyway.
Everything was fine until they reached the intro ment. Namjoon, Jin and Yoongi do their introductions, but when it came to his turn he looked at the sparkling mic in his hand, switching it on to try to get his voice to work again, but before he could even try to speak he heard thousands of voices answering for him.
"I’m your hope. You’re my hope. I’m…” Army pauses.
“J-HOPE!” the other members answered for him.
"Hobi is really Sorry he can't sing for you, but he's lost his voice.." Namjoon apologies for him.
Tears swelled in J-hope's eyes, getting into a bowing position.
"It's okay.."
"I love you!"
"Just focus on getting better.."
J-hope feels Jimin rubbing his back, pulling him out of his bow. "Don't cry, Hobi-hyung. You're gonna make me and army cry, and Jungkookie already started.."
I can get through this... I have my members with me.. and thousands of army..
J-hope rushes to see the mankae, hugging him. "Don't cry.." A hoarse whisper comes out.
"I'm sorry, Hyung.." Jungkook sniffles.
J-hope wipes his thumbs across Jungkook's cheeks. "I'm okay now.." He mouths the words, gesturing for the show to go on.
"I love you, Hyungie!" Jimin yells into the mic, then pretends he did nothing, introducing himself not even a second after, getting a giggle out of J-hope.
I can do this.. I have army to be my voice...
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