#listen. listen. girl needs a job and a duty she needs to feel useful but i want to gently take her hands and say NO!!!!!!!!
theriverbeyond · 2 years
tearing my hair out when will Gideon. learn she is valued not for what she can do or what job she can preform or what service her body may render but for just who she is. when will she be told she does not have to Preform A Duty in order to be loved. putting her body through the meatgrinder to make sure she qualified for cohort admission. offering her soul up for Harrow to slurp energy out of like a portable phone charger. dying on a spike. "always your sword, my umbral sovereign". the emperor's construct. anyway tearing my hair out someone help this girl thinks she is a border collie
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lovelybucky1 · 7 months
trailer trash!anakin
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this au was a joint effort with my bff @fuckmyskywalker 🫶🫶🫶
warnings: DEAD DOVE DO NOT EAT, alcohol consumption, smoking, mentions of drug use, age gaps, unprotected sex, mentions of pregnancy, anakin is objectively a bad person in this, 18+ minors DNI
Anakin and Padme divorced many years ago because he was a deadbeat father, an alcoholic, and she suspected him of an affair. Little did she know, it wasn't just one affair.
Anakin has three kids who are now all adults. He has an older daughter who's just like her mother and has no patience for her dad's bullshit, and a set of twins, a boy and a girl. His son has his temper, much to his mother's dismay, and his younger daughter is his little princess.
Padme and the kids stayed in the house, so he had to move to a trailer park across town. Padme always did all of the housework, which was part of the reason for the divorce, so Anakin's place is always a wreck.
There's beer cans and cigarette butts everywhere, laundry on the floor, dishes piled in the sink, playing cards scattered around. They're not all his, some of the mess can be attributed to his buddies he invites over on the weekends, but either way, he makes no effort to clean it up.
Since his wife, Anakin hasn't dated. He's brought home plenty of girls, all significantly younger than he is. Any time he's asked about it, he explains that he just prefers younger girls. He and Padme were only 19 when they got together, so he's used to being with a younger woman.
Anakin is in his forties now, but he doesn't act his age. He has a job at the mechanic's shop and he does what minimal dad duties are required of him, though now that his kids are adults, he isn't needed as much. In his free time, he gets drunk and high with his friends, goes to strip clubs, and gambles his money away.
You're a waitress at the diner near the trailer park. Anakin is a regular, though your coworkers told you he only comes in when you're working. He usually orders a cup of coffee and sits at the counter where he can flirt with you every time you walk by.
He's told you a lot about himself; you know what kind of guy he is. Borderline alcoholic, irresponsible, unfaithful. Maybe you should've listened to your parents when they told you to stay away from older guys because you've found yourself charmed by him.
Anakin showers you in compliments, especially when you wear your hair in pigtails. He tips generously even though you know he doesn't have much extra money to spare. He asks about your day and he really seems like he cares.
He knows you don't have a car and one day, when your shift was about to end, he offered you a ride home. You agreed like the naïve little thing you are and got into the passenger seat of his shitbox car. He asked if you wanted to stop at his place for a bit before he took you home. Said he had beer and he could scrape together something a bit sweeter for you if you'd prefer.
The two of you flipped through the stations on his TV until you found something good, but you didn't get to watch it for long. After the second commercial break, Anakin pulled you into his lap and grabbed at your ass greedily. You giggled and slapped at his chest playfully, and though he returned your smile, you could see the hunger in his eyes.
Anakin told you he's been obsessed with you since he first saw you. Said you're the prettiest thing he's ever laid eyes on. Said you make him feel young again. That's the kind of sweet talk that gets him all the girls that don't know better.
He drags you to the bedroom and he kisses you dizzy so you don't notice how the fitted sheet is pulled up over the corner of the mattress or the Baywatch poster on the wall. He gets on his back and sits you on top of him, ever the lazy bastard. He wants you to put on a show for him to watch eagerly like you're his personal porn star.
Your tight cunt grips him perfectly and your tits bouncing in his face mesmerize him. He loves how you're so eager to give yourself up to him. Loves that you're inexperienced enough that every tough feels electric. Loves that you're dumb enough that his promise to pull out is enough.
When you're finished, he holds you in his arms against his bare chest while he smokes. When he looks in your eyes, he knows he has you. You're gonna move in and make this place a home, you'll get pregnant and he'll promise to marry you once he has enough money for a ring. Maybe this time he'll stick around, but Anakin's never been good at breaking cycles.
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nicoline1998enilocin · 10 months
Oke Listen...
Bucky and Reader take care of a baby and Bucky holds the little toddler in his arms and takes care of that sweet little one. And the toddler is absolutely in love with Bucky and his metal arm like Reader is.
Please with sooo much fluff as much as you can?🥺🥺
Babysitting duty
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PAIRING | Bucky Barnes x Girlfriend!Female!Reader
SUMMARY | Andy has asked you to babysit for him while he is away on trial, and you couldn't be more excited about it. You didn't tell Bucky since it was such last minute, but he absolutely adores the little girl you're babysitting, and couldn't be happier to see how good you are with kids.
WARNING(S) | None.
A/N | Thank you so so much for this sweet request, I've tried to shove as much tooth rottingly sweet fluff in here as I possibly could! I hope it is everything you've thought of and more, and I can't wait to see what other ideas you come up with in the future! 🖤
Likes, comments and reblogs will be very much appreciated 💜
Divider is made by @firefly-graphics
Main Masterlist | Bucky Barnes Masterlist
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You're getting ready to go grocery shopping for Bucky's return from his mission when your phone suddenly rings. You look at it and see it's Andy Barber, your good friend, so you pick it up.
''Hi Andy, is everything okay?'' you ask, wondering why he would call you in the middle of the day.
''Hi Y/N, yeah, no, uhm… I know this is a little… last minute, but could you watch Ivy for a few days? I must go to trial with my client and can't take her. I'll pay you double what I would usually pay you as compensation,'' he tells you, and you just smile.
''It's okay, Andy, you don't have to pay me double. I'd absolutely love to watch Ivy. When do you need me to pick her up?'' you ask.
''You're a true lifesaver right now; I was honestly running out of options here,'' he sighs. ''If you could pick her up tonight, you would be a huge help,''.
''Alright, I'll see you around 6 PM, okay? That way, she can sleep at my house, and we don't have to wake her for transport,''.
With that, you change your grocery shopping plans; instead of buying food for 2 people, you're getting it for 3, so little Ivy can eat too. The shopping trip is going smoothly; before you know it, you're back home.
You already went to the attic to get the foldable bed you use every time you babysit and set it up in your and Bucky's bedroom.
Next are some toys you like to keep around, even though Andy always lets Ivy bring some.
When all that is done, the apartment is getting clean and tidy; when that's done, it's time to pick up the little girl.
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When you arrive at Andy's house, he quickly opens the door with his daughter on his hip, tightly holding her favorite stuffed animal in anticipation of who's ringing their doorbell.
''Y/N, please come in! You're an absolute lifesaver right now,'' Andy says as he lets you into the house.
''It's not a problem at all; you know how much Bucky and I love this little Munchkin right here,'' you say as you pinch her cheeks softly.
She reaches her arms out for you, and you take her from Andy's arms, so he can get all her things ready.
''Are you ready to come to sleep with me and Uncle Bucky for a few days? You say, "We have missed you so much!'' she nods.
''Sweep with you,'' she repeats.
''Yes, sleep with me! Good job!'' you praise her as you walk over to Andy, who is just grabbing some clothes for her.
''How long do you think you'll be gone for?'' you ask, eyeing the pile of clothes he's packing. ''You know we have a washing machine, right? You don't need to pack up her entire wardrobe,'' you chuckle.
''I'm sorry, it's just… It's so last minute, and I feel bad that I had to ask you like that,'' he says, but you reassure him it's okay.
''We don't mind, Andy, not even in the slightest.''
When everything is packed up, and Andy has said his goodbyes to Ivy, you head to your house. She is already sleeping in the car, so you transfer her to the bed when you arrive.
You turned on the baby monitor and grabbed a glass of wine in the kitchen, sitting down with your drink and a book, enjoying your evening.
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''Are you excited to pick up Uncle Bucky today?'' you ask her after you dress her in one of the outfits Andy packed.
''Unnel Buck!'' she says, not quite getting the hang of the word ''Uncle'' yet, but it is absolutely adorable.
You arrive at the Compound a little earlier than expected, and the Avengers aren't back yet, so you decide to wait in Bucky's room - which he barely uses since the two of you moved into your apartment together - with Ivy.
When FRIDAY showed that the Quinjet was about to land, you approached the hangar, ready to greet Bucky and all the other Avengers.
Ivy had spotted him before you did and was wildly waving her arms to be held by him.
''Hi, little troublemaker! It's nice to see you again!'' Bucky said after he picked up his pace a little and jogged over to where the two of you were standing.
''Andy had to go to trial for a few days, so I agreed to watch her for him while he's gone,'' you explain, and Bucky takes her out of your arms.
''Unnel Buck!'' she coos as she pets his long hair, earning her a big smile from the super soldier.
''Hi, little Ivy, I missed you! Are you ready to come home with me and Auntie Y/N?'' he asks, and she coos a yes at him.
When the three of you arrive at the car, Bucky puts her in the car seat before moving to the passenger seat, dropping into it with all his weight.
''Arm, arm, arm!'' she says as the three of you are back at your apartment, and you both know she's entirely in awe by Bucky's arm.
''Arm…'' she says softly as Bucky holds out his Vibranium hand for her to hold and to look over before her gaze moves over to the rest of his arm.
''I still think it's the cutest thing ever, how much she loves your arm! She has good taste,'' you say with a wink, making Bucky blush slightly.
''Alright, I believe it is time for a nap, troublemaker,'' he says before scooping her up with the metal arm and bringing her to bed.
He walks back into the kitchen when she's asleep and gives you a proper hello. He grabs your cheeks in his hands and brings your face to his, meeting in the middle for a deep, passionate kiss.
''I love you so much, doll. I can't wait to have a little one of our own one day,'' he says, pulling you closer and capturing your lips again.
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pathetic-sapphic · 9 months
Omg I saw the one with Viktor with a S/O struggling academically and now I'm curious. Could you maybe do the same with the milfs? If not that's totally fine!! Love your writing omg if I could inject it into my veins I would
Arcane milfs with a S/O who is struggling academically
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SEVIKA has never been one for academics. She found that most pedagogical teachings exempt educating and coaching skills which are actually useful in life. To live in Zaun, you need different skills and methods than those that are taught in school. But she finds it interesting to see how passionate you are about your studies and supports anything that makes you happy. However, she notices that your happiness and excitement have dimmed down. You're no longer as eager to attend lectures and you sigh heavily whenever you sit down at your study table. Eventually, she decides that enough is enough and calls you over to sit on her lap. She demands you tell her what's wrong and, as soon as she notices your lip quivering, pulls you into her arms. She caresses your hair and lets you vent, telling you how proud she is to have such a smart and witty girlfriend, how hard you've been working, and that everything is going to be okay. You're her smart girl and no amount of schoolwork can change that. She is more than happy to help you get your mind off of your duties and if you feel as if you need to take a longer break from your studies, she would gladly provide for you and take care of you. Sevika's only goal is to make sure you're happy, safe, and healthy.
''Oh babygirl, I hate seeing you tear yourself apart like this. Who cares if you got a lower grade? You'll get a better one next time, I'm sure of it. Of course you will! You're always working so hard, pouring over those damn textbooks and research papers. I can't even read those while you're over there writing them! There's that pretty smile! It'll all work itself out, baby, you'll see. For now, you deserve some rest, let me spoil you today.''
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With how absent she is due to her job, it'll take a while for GRAYSON to realize just how much you're overworking yourself and how low your mood is. At first, she'll brush it off, thinking that you're probably just tired and that you'll be back to your usual cheery self in no time. However, a week passed and nothing changed. It's not until she comes home late one night that she realizes how dire the situation is once she finds your sleeping form at the table. She thought you'd be in bed by now, but here you were, bags under your eyes and coffee mugs surrounding your exhausted form, papers strewn all over your study desk. Grayson gently lifts you up bridal style and carries you off to bed. The next morning, she has a serious discussion with you, she needs you to understand that your health comes first. Grayson is heartbroken when she sees how upset and stressed out you are, she holds you in her arms and listens patiently as you talk through your sobs, mumbling about how you feel like you're behind everyone else and not doing enough. She does her best to comfort you and make you realize that you can't compare yourself to others, everyone has different abilities and needs. And now, what you need most is to rest, and she'll see to it personally that you do so and replenish your strength.
''Darling, would you explain to me why I found you asleep at your desk late last night? I know you have work to do, but you can't keep doing this to yourself. I should have acted as soon as I noticed that something was off, but I thought it'd pass. I'm truly sorry, my love. I had no idea that you were struggling this much. I promise I'll be here for you from now on and help you learn to take care of yourself. You could never be a burden, you're my smart and kind girl and I love you more than anything. You deserve to rest now, just let me take care of you.''
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CASSANDRA considers studies and knowledge to be something of great importance and always makes sure that you're equipped with the best materials and best tutors. She often boasts to her colleagues about how smart her darling girl is and makes sure to be well-invested in whatever you're currently studying. Because of her status and intelligence, you have a big fear of letting your lover down. She is rich, smart, and capable, so everyone has big expectations that you must match in order to prove yourself worthy of her. However, you don't think that you're meeting those expectations at all. You have the best tutors the whole region has to offer and any book or research paper you could imagine is right at your fingertips. So why in the hell do you feel so burned out and stuck? You feel as if you've hit a wall, as if there is no more possible progression for you. You feel stuck in place, like something is swallowing you up and you can't for the life of you get out. It all becomes too much one night when you start sobbing over your work, tears soaking the inked paper. You jolt as you feel a gentle gloved hand on your shoulder, whipping around only for your teary eyes to meet Cassandra's worried gaze. You start apologizing as she shushes you and hugs you, gently rocking you and caressing your hair. You'll be okay, she'll make sure of it.
''Come here, darling, it's okay. Shh, don't apologize, you haven't done anything wrong. You've been working so hard lately, I know that. You must be so tired, but it's okay, you can rest now. Don't argue with me, please, my love. I can tell how exhausted you are, it's okay to take a break. Come now, let's have a bath and go to bed, let me pamper you for a bit. You've done so well, beloved.
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AMBESSA has had to go through many subjects and studies due to her status and duties while growing up, but that doesn't mean she's fond of them. She prefers doing physical activities over staying cooped up in a study all day. However, if you wish to pursue further academic education, she is more than happy to support it. Much like Cassandra, she financially supports you and tries to check in whenever she can, despite having no such interest in those subjects. But for you, she'd sit through numerous seminars and listen to you ramble about your research for hours with a satisfied smile. She loves seeing you passionate and showing off your wits. Ambessa is aware that everyone has their limit and has expected you to hit your own for a while now. Nothing is perfect and you are bound to struggle eventually, but she is prepared. As soon as she notices you're getting too frustrated with your work, Ambessa sweeps you away to her private chamber, making sure you forget all about your academic troubles. She has you take a steaming bath with her and then cuddles and attacks you with kisses once you're both in bed. She has you sit in her lap as you eat dinner and lays a kiss on the side of your head every once in a while, calling you her hard-working and clever pet.
''Oh, I believe that is enough of that. Come along now, love, there's a bath and dinner with your name on it and it's best not to waste our time. I'm not distracting you, I'm just merely making sure you get your energy back by resting. You've been at it all day, it's high time for you to take a break. Now, be a good girl and listen to me, hm? You know what happens when I get mad. Good choice, my clever pet. Let's go take that bath now.''
a/n: i apologize that my updates have been slow, i'm writing on a broken laptop and i'm a uni student who also works two part time jobs so i'm often too tired or busy to write every day :(( anyways i hope you like this <3 and thank you for the kind words anon!!
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malebodyexhibit · 1 year
A Second Chance (a Next Door Boy tale)
Do you think someone could do a better job at your life than you could?
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That’s my friend, Erik. We were best friends growing up, but slowly lost connection with each other in middle school. He was more sports oriented than I was. He tried out for football, hockey, and basketball (basically all the sports), and he became the star of many people’s eyes. He was the object of many girls’ affection and the goal most guys wanted to be.
I thought I wanted to be like him, but I realized I had a crush on him. This truth just drove a deeper divide between us as we moved onto high school. I became more bookish and defined myself by becoming the opposite of him. When he got a sports scholarship and became a star athlete in college, I got an academic scholarship and became an honors student. He got a fiance and body other guys only wanted. I struggled to maintain a long-term relationship and was a certified twink.
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No doubt I fit some’s idea of cute and sexy, but it never lasts. Everyone wants bigger. Everyone wants someone like Erik.
Because we were at the same college, I heard the news in class when it happened. He was rock climbing with friends when his hand slipped, but his gear (was it a belay?) failed to function and he suffered a fall.
The following weeks hung with a held breath as his fans waited to hear news of his recovery, but it released in a flood of sobs when it was found out he wouldn’t fully recover. There were loads of support, but also other athletes. He was respectfully replaced. The world had to move on.
So did his fiance after a year. “What he needs is a caretaker, not a wife,” she said when releasing a statement. “He won’t even be able to complete his marital duties.” Erik dropped from school shortly after. He didn’t feel like a real person anymore. Just a hushed tragedy why you shouldn’t take your health for granted.
I, on the other hand, failed a few classes, dropped from the honors program and did nothing remarkable for the past year. My last boyfriend cheated on me with his personal trainer. I walked in on them fucking on my bed.
But honestly, I’d cheat on me to if I had a chance with that hunk.
But what changed my life was finding the Next Door Boy agency. I fantasized living a life as some hunk getting pounded by older men. But alas, I was poor. When I wondered if I could become talent, the agent for Next Door Boy scoffed at me and said, “Who would want to be a scrawny gay nerd?”
I left pretty dejected and my thoughts went to Erik. He’d have no problem becoming talent before the accident Anyone would want to wear the skin of an attractive, undergrad athlete. But I doubt he’d do it if it was available then. He was honest and kind hearted. He worked for his goals and he would probably find the idea disgusting.
But now in his current state, would he consider leaving his life behind? The idea struck a fire in me and I finally looked him up all these years later. When I arrived at his family’s home, it seemed to be held in a state of quiet. After letting me in with smile that spoke of remembering her son’s childhood friend, she led me to Erik’s room. It was no longer an elementary kid’s room who loved card games or Tony Hawk. It was an almost hospital-clean room with him at the center.
It was hard to describe or be there. The reality of the situation hit me, but we spoke timidly. We reminisced about the old days, then he wanted to know more about my life. Each day, he’d pry a bit more as if wanting something from ‘real life.’ Finally it came out that I was depressed and the past few years flooded out. He listened intently and tried to comfort me. A good guy like him shouldn’t face this fate.
When I got the nerve to ask him about the Next Door Boy agency, his face twisted into a venomous and spiteful grimace. “Don’t mention them again.” It turned out that his ex-fiance had a series of arguments with him before she left about the agency. She wanted him to take all the donations, some loans, to find someone willing to house his mind in their body. She would even help him find the perfect body, but it was too much. He would rather not be a parasite and buy athletic performance and live someone else’s life. Then his parent’s brought up the idea a couple times, but he shot it down.
He then confided in me that he had thought about it. But there was just no money. The donations couldn’t afford it all and his adoring fans moved onto the next hot star. His parents would have had to take out so many loans. Imagine getting out of this broken body and falling into soul-crushing debt.
Also, who would give up their body for him?
“I would,” I said. I initially said it reflexively, but as I said it and saw the expression on his face change, I knew it was true. “We’ve been friends, Erik. You’ve always been someone I idolized even after we stopped talking. Especially since we stopped talking, because you kept doing your best and pushing yourself to new challenges. I can’t seem to even exist without failing. And there’s something else…”
I told him about how I felt growing up with him. About my crush on him and how I pushed him away because I was afraid of him rejecting me.
When I was finished, his eyes glistened with tears, we sat in silence for a moment, before I said, “If you’re okay with it, we can speak with NDB. This is something I want for you.”
And that’s how it happened. We spoke with the NDB agent and the process was available. Because we were providing the bodies (how morbidly put), the cost was vastly cheaper. As long as I could prove I wasn’t coerced into this decision, it was a go. We went through the procedure to place the implants and went over what to expect.
Unlike the usual subscription other clients get where one mind goes in and one mind goes out, we opted for sharing the same body. Erik wouldn’t have it any other way. “We’ve been apart long enough, let’s spend this together.” It was touching, but we also couldn’t afford a replacement body for me.
The agent mentioned that this was a proven safe method of co-habitation. It couldn’t be that we take turns in control. One of us would always be ‘watching’. Erik almost volunteered himself, but I interjected. I made him promise to live his life and let me experience it. The agent mentioned that this set up would lessen risk of something. I didn’t hear it.
When the procedure was finished, I watched as Erik as me stood up. He struggled for a bit orienting himself. He worked with a physical therapist to gain more confidence in his movements. When two weeks passed and he was able to spend an entire day doing normal activity, it was decided he could attempt strength training.
I could feel the effort he poured into the body as he lifted the dumbbell over his head (no longer can I call it my own). What had been my soft stomach was now glistening in sweat as he pulled himself up in a sit up. He gasped for breath and the start of a washboard stomach flexed with each exhale. After his workout, he stood in front of the mirror and flexed his biceps. What had been twig arms now bulged with muscle newly acquired from Erik’s training. He still wasn’t at his pre-injury form and probably won’t be for many years, but he taken a non-athletic body to such a piece of meat.
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“Thank you so much,” he said.
“You don’t have to thank me,” I said in his thoughts. “You thank me everyday, but this is all you. I could never have done this.”
“I will keep thanking you until the day we die. Well, it’s time to shower.” He walked to his gym locker and stripped his underwear off. His cock flapped down. Before he had been hesitant to touch it without apologizing to me, but now he absent mindedly adjusted it. He started his strut towards the showers when a guy exiting the showers glanced at him. The man looked at Erik’s package and was about to say something when Erik said firmly, “Sorry, dude. I don’t swing that way. Got a girlfriend back home” He continued on his way.
After lathering his body and drying himself off, Erik pulled on some clothes. He has a great fashion sense and it looks great on his muscular frame. If I tried to dress that way before with my twink body, it’d look embarrassing.
Erik took out his phone and dialed his girlfriend. They got together several months after the procedure. He already worked my body semi-presentable, plus with a good haircut and a great personality, he snagged an awesome girl. My sexuality never passed onto him and I watched on many occasions as he rode his girl to climax. I never knew my dick would be so awesome in the hands of another guy.
“Hey, babe,” Erik huskily whispered into the phone. “I’m headed home. I worked myself hard, but I think I still have energy left in me for tonight. Yeah, I’ll pick some up on the way home. I love you, babe.”
I thought I’d be hurt to hear those words, but as Erik hung up, we both released a sigh of contentment.
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galactic-cumslut · 2 years
bleed magic
this was originally titled heavy metal heart but anyways here’s some evil!rick bc i love men who are totally irredeemable,, i hope it’s not obvious i didn’t know where i was going with this..bc i didn’t
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rick is a mean dom, slave/master dynamics, afab reader, lots of degrading, cockwarming, exhibitionism , he just wants to show off his power be frl
you liked to think you had an ounce of pride in your body. it was just a thought though. in reality you had none left. he made sure of that.
“c-c-come to me pet. on your knees immediately”. he had said,long legs spread on his throne. his eyes bore into you daring you to refuse him.
instantly you fell to your knees, awaiting your next command.
“what an obedient slut, look at me a stick out your tongue”.
you wanted to resist. anyone could walk in at any time and see you in such a vulnerable state-being used by your lord. the teasing would surely kill you if the sheer embarrassment didn’t first.
a sharp smack to your face threw you back into reality. you hesitated. one thing rick doesn’t stand for is hesitation, once he gives an order he expects it fulfilled immediately.
“are you de-deaf or something, bitch? or do i need to s-spell every little thing out for you, jesus christ you’re stupid. tongue out. eyes on me”.
fear overcame you and you did as you were told. you expected him to insert his fingers inside your mouth but instead he leaned down and spit directly onto your tongue.
“swallow”. he commanded.
as shocked as you were you quickly swallowed. if wanting to be hit again.
rick seemed pleased with you eating up the fear in your eyes.
“there we gooo, all it takes is a little discipline with you huh”? he stroked your cheek gently and you willing lean into his touch. “you just want to be a good little slave for your master hmm”?
rick was almost never gentle with you so of course you were quick to answer. eager to receive more praise. “yes sir”.
“of course you do my darling little cum slut. on your feet at once”.
he offered you his hand as to help you up from the uncomfortable position between his legs.
“i’m going to explain what’s going to happen and you’re going to listen closely”.
you nodded, almost eager to hear what he had up your sleeve.
“the council is coming for a visit very soon and since you’re my most obedient servant you’re going to be shown off. it’ll asset dominance as well as keep attention on me”.
again you nodded, unsure of what he meant by his words. usually he didn’t allow the council anywhere near his lair. ‘what could have changed’ you thought.
“you have one job y/n. you’re going to sit still and stay quiet. your only duty is to look pretty”.
“welcome council of ricks. i trust you have all been briefed about the reason you are here”. rick bellowed , addressing the six other versions of him sitting in his court.
you in the other hand were in another world of bliss, sitting atop his cock infront of so many men.
less than an hour ago you were worried about someone walking in on you and your master. oh how things have changed. the many eyes locked onto your body-it gave you a feeling of power.
the feeling of his cock twitching inside you was enough to have you drooling. you did your best to sit up straight and smile.you didn’t want to disappoint your master after all.
as if he could read your mind he bucked his hips up slightly causing you to gasp in a mix of surprise and pleasure. “be a good girl infront of the other ricks and you’ll get a biiiig reward”. he whispered in your ear, nipping at your lobe.
“shall we conduct business”?
the group became silence and focused their eyes on rick…or they tried to as you stole their attention away from whatever brining speech rick had planned up.
“i understand that you’re all infatuated with my newest plaything” he started, a crazed grin spread king across his face. “give me what i ask and she is all yours”. fuck his speech, you were a much better bargaining chip.
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psiroller · 3 months
chilaios, laundry
Laios should have been on laundry duty; instead, he watched over Chilchuck’s shoulder as his needle punched between cords of tightly woven green wool. Chilchuck couldn’t help but feel like a bug being burnt up under a magnifying glass whenever Laios watched him do anything. It wasn’t exactly paranoia; Laios’ motivations were always weirder than outright malice, but his curiosity had been focused to a searing point, and Chilchuck was starting to sweat under it.
“What? You got something to tell me?”
“Hm?” Laios blinked dumbly. “No. I was just watching you work.” Somewhere along the process of folding Falin’s sleeping gown, holding it half an arm’s length out in front of him, he’d frozen in place. He put it down in his lap, finally, with a sheepish glance away. “It’s… kinda hypnotic,” he admitted.
“You know I hate that,” Chilchuck hissed, the tips of his ears hot. “I’m not a bard, I don’t need an audience.”
“Yeah, I know. But you’re diligent about patching that thing up, I was just...” Met with a long, terse silence, Laios shrugged. “Never mind.”
Laios returned to the Sisyphean task of rolling his sister’s laundry up with his own, the way they’d always done it before they were separated, as tightly as possible to save on valuable inventory space. Chilchuck continued mending the loose hem in his neck warmer. The gold thread glimmered in the low spellight, wound around his fingers in rings that gradually loosened as he pulled the needle through.  Laios kept watching out of the corner of his eye, and Chilchuck felt every glance like one of Marcille’s magic missiles whizzing past his head.
Chilchuck heaved a weary sigh and rolled his shoulders, trying to stretch his back out. “It’s uh. My girls. They… made me this thing,” he ground out, waving his knitted neck warmer like a white flag. “Before that whole thing with—y’know, they—"
“Left you,” Laios said, automatically. Helpfully, ideally.
“Before my wife—y’know what. Forget it! Forget it. Hah, yup. Last time I listen to an orc!” Then Chilchuck was muttering half-foot curses to himself; he stitched at a machine’s pace. Laios considered running to get Falin to salvage this wreck of a conversation, but he’d done alright while she was slowly dying in the dragon’s stomach and unable to rescue him from his own mouth.
“It must mean a lot to you,” Laios said. Chilchuck scratched at the fur on the back of his neck. “It’s—nice. I think they did a good job.”
Chilchuck snorted. “Yeah, me too,” he said, more softly. “As far as sentimental keepsakes go, it’s lightweight, so I can take it with me on the job. I just have to take care of it, but, y’know. It’s worth the effort.”
“So… they all made it together?”
“Yeah. Flertom came up with the design, Mayjack helped her with the pattern and cutting the cloth, and Puckpatti did the stitching.” He chuckled. “Which is why it keeps coming loose. She was still learning back then.”
Laios couldn’t see Chilchuck smiling, but he heard it. Falin would have been so proud.
“Does that thread you’re using come from home, too?”
“Oh, nah. This, uh… it’s Marcille’s hair?” He chuckled awkwardly. “It’s got defensive magic in it. She gave it to me a few floors ago to patch my vest, and I’m pretty sure that’s what kept that big frog from swallowing me all the way. Been using it for everything ever since.” Chilchuck’s grin turned wry and dark. “Though, knowing what kind of magic she does now, I might end up regretting that.”
Laios made a grim noise of assent, but couldn’t commiserate, having so recently profited from the dark arts. Chilchuck was content to let the conversation drop while his blood pressure was falling, though, and Laios could finally return to laundry duty. Of course, the roll had come undone for the fiftieth time. As Laios gathered up his shirts to try again, something caught his eye, made him pick up a tunic and fold it out—and there, an inch below the collar, was a ring of threaded gold.
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onmyknees4loak · 1 month
Teach me
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Lo'ak x Reader
Warnings: (Lowkey stalker and sub lo'ak) Synopsis : (Lo'ak cant seem to take his eyes off of the girl who teaches his nephew.)
Playlist I listened to while making this
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Reader's POV
"Good job muffin!!" Pxe'pe one of my youngest students finally gets her threading right. She runs off to show her mother.
I'm what Jake calls a babysitter but I like to think of myself as a teacher I mean that is what I do, people leave there kids with me while they attend to there duties and I teach them things like threading, scavenging, and even healing.
"miss miss miss" i hear a small voice from behind me and feel small hands on my leg, i turn around to be met with Kame'xar, one of my little ones.
"yes what do you need sweetie" i crouch down to be at his level
"i cut my finger" a little sob comes out as he holds his hand up, i see a small bright red cut nothing to serious but still it must hurt.
"oh no sweetie come on lets go fix that up for you" i extend my arms and pick him up, i start heading to the healing tent. i look down at his finger and as im looking away from in front of me i bump into a tall stiff figure. "Oh my eywa! I am so sorry" the figure turns around, i began to panic even more. The figure is Kame'xar's uncle.
"oh my goodness Lo'ak I apologize" i say hoping he wont notice the cut on his nephew's hand.
"oh no worries ...." he pauses trying to remember my name.
"y/n my name is y/n" i tell him.
"y/n... That's a beautiful name....Oh my god Kame'xar i didn't even notice you what's up bro, have you been crying what happened?"
He looks at me wondering what happened to his nephew,
"he cut his finger we were on the way to the healing tent to fix him up."
"oh well please let me walk you there its the least i can do" Lo'ak insists.
"I mean it is only right there but sure" we began walking to the tent which is already in sight.
Once we walk into the tent i set Kame'xar down on the floor and lower to my knees to grab the healing paste. I take his hand and gently rub the paste over his cut.
Kame'xar giggles "its c-cold!" he says in a fit of giggles.
"it is isn't it" i say laughing with him.
I can feel Lo'aks watching my every move. I stand up and turn around to Lo'ak.
"Well i should be getting Kame'xar back now." I feel Kame'xar put his now healed hand in mine and start pulling me to the opening of the tent.
"Thank you y/n, bye Kame'xar ill see you at dinner" lo'ak says waiting for us to leave.
"Bye" me and Kame'xar say at the same time.
As were walking I can't help but to keep thinking about Lo'ak everyone says he,s a bad influence and all he does is get in trouble but he seems so sweet and caring- ok y/n snap out of it he didn't even know your name and you got more important things to worry about.
Lo'ak's POV
'y/n.....y/n how have i never seen her around surly i would have noticed someone that beautiful. She's so different there's just something soothing and pleasant about her.
I walk out of the healing tent and start heading to our family tent,
Oh eywa i can't get that beautiful women out of my head. I need to see her again. I change my direction and start heading to where i know neteyam drops Kame'xar off every day. As i get closer i can hear the sound of children laughing getting louder, shes so good with kids. I hope to make her laugh like that one day.
I see my girl with kids running around her, there playing a game. I keep my distance and sit on a log where others are sitting and eating fruit.
I just sit there and watch her teach and play with the kids for hours. I turn away any time she looks in my direction hoping she doesn't realize that ive been sitting here for hours.
She would never want a guy like me an outcast.
Reader's POV
I finish putting up all the kids threading projects keeping them safe for tomorrow.
"Good Bye Vaylen! I'll see you tomorrow" now all the kids have gone home for the night, and i can start heading home. i turn around to start walking in the direction of my tent when i see Lo'ak sitting looking at me when he realizes I'm looking at him he turns his head the other way. Now that i think about it he has been sitting there since i got back from the healing tent.
'Should i go talk to him?' i ask myself 'I should.'
I start walking over to him with a smile on my face, he notices me coming over and i can see his body tense up.
"Hey Lo'ak what are you doing here?" i come to a stop in front of him.
"Oh i w-was ju-just uh chillin yk" he stutters over his words.
'my god, he's so cute, i want him stuttering over his words while i ride him' omg! what the fuck is wrong with me why would i think that.
I think he could tell i just got surprised with myself.
'y/n? Are you okay?" he asks as he stands up getting closer to me.
I can feel the tension in the air as his face is suddenly a few inches from mine.
"Yeah im good" i see his eyes move down to my lips as he licks his own.
He leans in intel our lips meet and he begins kissing me, i kiss back and start getting a little more aggressive i bring my hand to the back of his head and put my fingers through his hair lightly pulling.
"mMm" Lo'ak lets out a whimper/moan.
I pull away and bring my hand down " i cant do this Lo'ak im sorry" i look down to my feet.
"Why not baby?" he asks pushing hair behind my ear.
"What would people think if they found out, im not trying to be mean but your kinda know as a bad boy yk, and i dont want people to not trust me with there kids im sorry"
I turn around to leave and i feel him grab my hand and pull me back.
"Then Teach me, teach me how to be a good boy"
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starrgaziinggg · 1 year
chapter thirteen -> feelings and secrets (written, 4K words)
directory | next chapter ->
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"Okay, so that concludes the meeting?" Chan begins to wrap up, clasping his hands together. You take it as your queue to gently nudge Jeongin's side, forcing him awake after having dozed off halfway through your regular Friday afternoon student body meetings. It was safe to say Jeongin may not have been the best choice for the demanding role, yet here he was.
The sun was streaming through the large floor to ceiling windows of the meeting room, so you didn’t blame him for letting the warm sun send him to sleep. You were feeling hazy yourself, having to force yourself to stay awake through Chan’s words.
Jeongin smiles sleepily at you, leaning his head on your shoulder momentarily while the others conclude the discussion about the relevant topics, primarily the events of the charity week occurring at the beginning of the next month.
"You have until next week to choose the specifics for what you will actually do, but you've now chosen your teams for the events, right?" Chan asks, and you all nod your heads - bar Jeongin, of course, who just looks to you with a raised brow. You wave your hand, indicating you'd inform him of what he'd missed later.
The charity week was a week of events that ran once per semester. This year, your chosen charity was World Vision, and your collective aim was to raise a large sum of money to send off. It was known that most of the students that attended you university and their parents were well off, which meant it could hopefully be achieved.
There would be a multitude of events held throughout the week, and opportunities to donate constantly. It was your job as a member of the student body to advocate for the charity and push for as many donations as you possibly could.
Although it was difficult to balance the duties that came with being a student body representative with uni work and a social life, organising the dance course's activities for charity week was a great way to take your mind off of the shit show that was social media right now. Thankfully, Jisung's tweets were very well received, and he didn't get in too much trouble, but you dread to think of would could have happened to him if that weren't the case.
You were also dreading the inevitable next 'secret' that this awful account was going to expose next. It was as if you were constantly glued to your phone, refreshing Twitter like a fan girl on steroids with a constant lump in your throat. Nothing had been posted since last week, though, so you hoped it was going to be a one off.
"Excellent," Chan says, distracting you from your thoughts. Jeongin lifts his head from your shoulder to pack up his belongings, as if he'd used them in the first place. "I think we're taking a well needed break from alcoholic induced social events this week, so if I don't see you guys during the week I'll see you again, here, next Friday."
The way he switches so quickly from his head-screwed-on leader mode to his laid back, casual friendship mode never fails to crack you up. It's as if he has a split personality, and you commend him for being able to juggle everything as efficiently as he does. Once you finish packing your bag, Ryujin makes her way over to you. As the admin of the student body, she sits to the right of Chan in the school's meeting room, whilst Changbin - the vice president, sits to the left.
It was definitely an awkward hour, the two of them on edge with each other after their conversation over coffee the other day. Ryujin had come home and spilled everything to you and Hyunjin, sprawling on your bed beside you and delving deep into their conversation. Hyunjin had even taken a break from his art piece to listen intently to her, putting his input in and giving her advise when she asked for it.
Having Hyunjin over was a lot...nicer, than you'd expected it to be. He was quiet and pleasant and save for the hour he got bored and had a rush of energy, he kept to himself and worked hard at his painting. It was nice to have his company, the two of you not speaking and simply getting your work done in peace. His artwork came out beautifully, too, which left him heading home in a great mood.
That photo he'd posted was still on your mind, though you'd never admit that out loud. 
"God that was a drag," she drawls, flopping to lean on the table in front of you as you stand up, the others heading out the door. "I love Chan, but these things could be over in fifteen minutes if he kept it simple."
"He'll have an aneurism if you tell him to shorten them," you snort, walking out the room with Ryujin's arm linked in yours. Lia and Yuna had told you earlier they were going shopping after the meeting, so you watch them walk in the opposite direction to you and Ryujin after saying goodbye. They'd invited you guys and Chae too, of course, but you knew if you indulged in their shopping spree you'd spend far too much, and the cost of being a Uni student did not come cheap.
So, you'd arranged a quiet night in with some of the guys. Jeongin had just bought a projector, so the plan was to hook up Jisung's fancy laptop to it and set it up in your dorm. You would have gone to the guys dorm, except Minho's recent cooking escapade had not ended well, and he'd informed you that his dorm had smelt like rotting eggs for half the week. Decidedly, your dorm was the agreed upon source of comfort for the night.
Chan had some more meetings with some uni higher ups about charity week, so he'd bailed, and Changbin and Ryujin's awkward situation had caused him to give it a pass too. Seungmin said he'd be making an appearance after his classes. Since half of his double major was English, he attended lectures at your sister school, the mainstream Uni across the road, which meant his schedule was pretty jam packed.
That left Minho, Jisung, Hyunjin, Felix and Jeongin turning up at your doorstep holding various different items an hour after you'd gotten back to the dorm.
"What's all this?" You hear Chae ask as the raucous tumbles into your dorm. You make your way out of your bedroom to greet them, Ryujin following behind you after the two of you had scrolled on tik tok for the hour in between your meeting and now. The boys were all in their comfy clothes; hoodies and joggers, much like you girls.
"Jeongin's got the projector," Minho informs you as he gives you a smile and hands you a box. You'd barely seen him this week, since he was starting to skip classes more regularly. You were surprised he hadn't been reprimanded for it yet, but Minho somehow got away with anything and everything. "That's a cake."
"I've got snacks!" Felix says cheerily, showing you bundles of crisps and bags of chocolate in his arms.
"Why have you brought a cake?" You ask, smiling at your blonde headed friend as he sports his usual grin, turning back to Minho. He shrugs.
"It was my, 'I'm sorry your deep dark secret got posted on the internet, here's a cake' cake, but Minho and Felix somehow forgot that I don't like chocolate icing, so now you guys can eat my pity cake," Jisung explains, already flopping onto the sofa with his laptop, though he's smiling as he says it. He's received mostly praise and positivity over the internet recently, so he wasn't in all that of a bad mood about the whole ordeal.
Felix smiles sheepishly, dumping the snacks onto the table. The other guys start making themselves comfortable too, Hyunjin flashing you a grin as he flops down beside Jisung. Minho has to step in and help Jeongin set up the projector when Jeongin announces he actually has no idea how to work it, and it takes them a further twenty minutes to set the whole thing up.
You're not complaining though, since after a collective agreement to watch the second Shrek movie (arguably the best one), you're nestled in between Chaeryoung and Minho on the sofa with Ryujin between your knees on the floor.
Surprisingly, you all sit relatively in silence, save for some commentary throughout the movie. You pinned it down to the fact that everything surrounding your group had been nothing less than dramatic recently, and you could all use a chill night together to relax. Seungmin shows up halfway through the movie, taking a seat on the floor.
You're just about to choose a second movie to watch when Yuna and Lia turn up, their arms littered with shopping backs. Yuna sighs exasperatedly, dumping the bags on the ground when she comes in, whilst Lia says a hello to everyone before going into her room.
"Do the stores you went into have anything left in them?" Minho scoffs, raising a brow at his blonde haired friend. She sticks her tongue out at him. "But seriously, how much did you buy?"
"A lot," she replies, gleaming. You shake your head at her with a smile, loving her dramatics. She was an actress through and through. "The stores were giving today - I bought, like, twenty things in one shop alone."
Ryujin whistles, grabbing Yuna's bags and sifting through them. You were sure she'd give you a proper haul tomorrow. "This is some good shit," she says, nodding. "I'm so jealous, I wish I had money to splurge."
"What about the bee movie?" Jeongin interrupts absentmindedly, leaning over Jisung to watch him scroll on Netflix for a movie. Seungmin shakes his head, standing up to join them.
"We watched that last week, remember?" He says, and Jeongin nods with an 'ah'. Seungmin leans his hands on the side of the sofa before looking up at Yuna. "How do you even afford all that?"
Yuna shrugs, snatching the top that Ryujin was eyeing up and shoving it back in her bag. "Daddy's money. He's gonna cut me off soon though, I just know it."
"Your dad lets you buy all this?" Seungmin says, eyebrows raised. "Damn."
"He likes spending his money on me," she counters, collecting all her bags before making her way towards her bedroom. "I may as well take advantage, right?"
Seungmin rolls his eyes with a small smile as Jeongin points to the laptop screen. Hyunjin makes a face at you, mimicking Yuna and her shopping bags, and you can't help but to laugh with him.
"What's so funny?" Ryujin says to you curiously, turning to look up at you. You simply wave your hand in response, sharing another look with Hyunjin as if you two are in on some silly secret. It was as if you couldn't help yourself gravitate towards him recently.
"What about titanic?" Hyunjin perks up, looking towards Jisung. There's a collective squeal from you girls, and Yuna and Lia both thumbs up the movie as they join you, Yuna already having changed into her pajamas. They both squish up on the floor.
"Not happening," Jisung groans, and you remember how he'd told you it was the only movie that had ever successfully made him cry.
"Oh come on," Felix protests with a whine, finishing off a bag of gummies. "It's a phenomenal movie!"
"I'm in agreement with Jisung, here," Seungmin says, giving up on the movie search and slumping back to the ground. "It's so long."
"Yeah, but it's worth it," Chae tries to justify, pleading after having to put up with Shrek for an hour.
Hyunjin looks as you, as if he wants you to back him up, so you sigh in defeat. "It's one of my favourites," you say, feeling everyone's eyes turn to you. "Plus I'm injured. Injured girl rules all."
Jisung and Seungmin groan together, knowing they've been defeated as Jisung searches the movie and starts playing it. Yuna even goes as far as to turn off the lights, leaving the glare of the movie screen the only illumination in the room.
Three hours later, almost everyone is in tears after having sat through the movie in almost dead silence. The only noise that was heard from you was during the sex scene, when you laughed as Jisung attempted to cover Jeongin's eyes.
"It's so sad," Felix sniffles, wiping at his eyes with his hoodie sleeves when the credits roll. Yuna turns the lights on again, and turns to reveal her red puffy eyes. Ryujin laughs at her, but she's none better, tears practically streaming down her face. The only dry eyes in the room are Seungmin and Minho. Even Jeongin, who's always trying to keep up with a tough exterior has tear marks on his hoodie.
"Hyunjin, I hate you," Jisung bawls, unable to hold back his tears. "Do you enjoy making grown men cry?"
"Hey, I'm crying too!" Hyunjin defends himself, and when you look over his eyes are brimmed with tears. He wipes them away sheepishly as he smiles at you. You think it's so cute he gets so emotional at movies like this - you remember when you'd all gone to the cinema to watch something Felix suggested and he was sobbing beside you the whole way through. "Plus, you're hardly a grown man."
Jisung only scoffs in return, attempting to get his sniffles under control. "How are you two not crying?"
Minho and Seungmin turn to eachother, and Minho shrugs. "I've watched it a million times, I know the plot. Plus, when have you ever seen me cry?"
"True," you say, giving him a nudge with your shoulder. He chuckles at your tear stained cheeks and offers you his hoodie sleeve, which you take and use to wipe your eyes. "Seungmin? Jack Dawson's death didn't hit hard for you?"
He shakes his head with a brown, his dark brown hair flopping over his forehead. "Not really. Like Minho said, I know the plot, and it's expected."
"You're insane," Yuna gasps, unable to comprehend the fact that the saddest movie of all time hadn't been able to make him shed a tear. "You must be made of steel."
He only shrugs in response, standing up and stretching out his limbs. "Should probably head back; that movie went on for ages and I've got shit to do tomorrow."
That spurs a collective agreement from the guys, the ones on the floor repeating Seungmin's action. Jeongin shakes his legs out after having them cramped up to his chest to make room for Lia beside him. "It's a Saturday, have a rest."
Seungmin ignores the comment, picking up his jacket and putting it on. You stand up too to say your goodbyes to them, when Minho tugs at your arm.
"Help me up," he whines, so you pull him up with a roll of your eyes. You miss the way he winces as you do so, turning to give Felix a hug, the boy waiting patiently with his arms open.
"Why don't we go for coffee tomorrow?" He says when you hug him. "Dance crew study session, like the good old days?"
"I'd be up for that," you reply with a nod, since you hadn't had anything planned for tomorrow anyway. "We do have to have our ideas ready for our practical on Wednesday, so would be good."
"We do?" Minho questions with his arm slung round you as his goodbye, which makes Hyunjin laugh as he leaves his departing conversation with Yuna.
"Maybe you should start attending lectures," he says slyly, looking toward you with a smile after Minho rolls his eyes and removes his arm from your shoulder. Hyunjin steps towards you, bringing you into his chest momentarily. You're slightly startled by the action, since Hyunjin is never really physically affectionate with you like Felix or Minho are, but you accept the hug. Everyone else was hugging goodbye, anyway.
"Maybe you should hop off my dick," Minho retorts, sticking out his tongue as Hyunjin pulls away and picks up his jacket.
"Gross," Jeongin gags.
You shake your head, laughing, in an attempt to ignore the butterflies forming in your stomach. "So, study date tomorrow?"
"Sure," Hyunjin confirms, looking over to Chaeryoung who turns away from saying goodbye to Seungmin to give a thumbs up.
"I could use it," Minho admits, and Felix claps his hands.
"Great! Aw, we're getting the old gang back together!" He smiles, and he's so happy that you don't tell him your 'gang' talks regularly on your dance group chat and is with each other almost every day.
The guys all head off then, leaving the five of you girls alone with a pile of sweets and crisp packets strewn everywhere and a half eaten cake on your table. You start cleaning up instantly, not wanting to have to deal with it later.
"So," Ryujin says, slyly coming up to you and nudging your shoulder before starting to pick up the mess. The other girls begin helping too. "Mr Hwang hugging you goodbye? Now that's an unforeseen action if I've ever seen one."
You give her a look, but your facade cracks when you can't help but to sigh with a smile. "Am I reading into that too much? Or was that a moment."
"That was most definitely a moment," Ryujin confirms, taking the trash bag Lia hands her with a smile and starting to dump the rubbish into it. "He didn't hug any of us goodbye."
You smile inwardly, unable to help yourself. You wait until Lia is back in the kitchen before you say, “Is it bad that I kind of like him?”
Ryujin laughs - a loud, bent over hysterical laugh as you watch her with raised eyebrows. She steadies herself with a hand against the arm of the sofa as Chaeryoung comes through at the noise.
“What on earth is all that about?” She questions, clearly fed up with cleaning as she flops onto the sofa and puts her fear up on the table.
“She’s finally admitted she’s got feelings for Hyunjin,” Ryujin says, grinning at Chae like a mad woman.
Chaeryoung’s eyes visibly light up, and she turns to you with a smile. “You’re kidding!”
“I never said I have feelings for him,” you point out, though it’s futile at this point since your two friends are squealing together. Shaking your head at them, you finish clearing the last of the trash up.
“We called it months ago,” Chaeryoung sighs, a glazed look in her eyes. She pulls her long dark hair behind her ears. “I like to think this is all because of me.”
“It kinda is,” Ryujin responds, moving the trash bag so you can dump the remanence into it. “You cracked the surface, and they did the rest.”
“Can we stop talking like we’re in a movie, please,” you groan, flopping down beside Chae and letting Ryujin dispose of the trash bag. “I can’t believe I actually probably like Hyunjin. Past me would piss herself.”
“That she would!” You hear Ryujin shout through from the kitchen, followed by audible confusion from Yuna and Lia.
“He definitely likes you back, anyway,” Chae sighs excitedly, clapping her hands. “It’s so obvious. When are you gonna tell him?”
“Woah woah,” you say, putting your hands up. Chae frowns at you. “We literally just reconciled our differences a couple weeks ago - let’s not move too fast here.”
“Well you need to tell him,” Ryujin says blatantly when she returns to the room, standing with her hand on her hip. “Or else we’re gonna have to watch him pine after you all semester.”
You roll your eyes at her. “He does not pine after me, Jesus,” you say, though you watch your friends share an obvious look. “I’m just gonna see how things go for now, and if I’m still feeling this way in a couple weeks then I’ll think about telling him.”
Ryujin and Chaeryoung groan simultaneously, Ryujin throwing up her hands exasperatedly. “We finally get a bit of drama that doesn’t make me want to cry and you’re not even gonna indulge us?”
“Charity week,” Chaeryoung says with a shrug, making you both turn to her. “It’s two weeks away - if you still think you like him, that’s your deadline for telling him.”
“I have a deadline now?” You stress, thinking about how you’d only started to realise your feelings towards Hyunjin yourself not half an hour ago. Chae nods decisively.
“It’s the perfect time. There’s always the big party at the outdoor auditorium at the end of the week with fireworks and stuff - how romantic would it be to declare you feelings then?” She gushes, clasping her hands in front of her chest. Ryujin turns to you with a crazed look, nodding.
“She’s so right. Plus, if my relationship scenario is a shit show, I want to live vicariously through you,” she smiles.
You tilt your head at her, thinking about what she’s told you about her conversation with Changbin the other day. “I thought you said you were on good terms now?”
“Yeah we are, but this whole ‘just being friends’ kind of sucks. If he wasn’t all over the place right now I’d be with him. I dunno, I just…feel like I need someone right now, but he just can’t be that person,” you nod, placing a hand on her knee to comfort her.
“I’m glad you’re mature enough to understand that,” you say honestly, Chae nodding her head. Ryujin had always been such an independent person - her self sufficience and bold personality having slightly intimidated you when you’d first met her. After the shit show that was last semester, you’d seen her demeanour crack, and you’d sworn to yourself to try and not let that happen again.
“It will be so much better for you in the long run to have some time apart. You still like each other, you still want to be together, just not right now,” Chaeryoung says with a sad smile, resting her head on Ryujin’s shoulder momentarily. “Right person, wrong time.”
“I guess,” Ryujin sighs. “Doesn’t suck any less though. You know what we should do next weekend? Clubbing.”
You instantly groan at the idea, knowing clubbing was not your scene these days. Your group used to go clubbing regularly, but you’d decided the late nights and hangovers were just not worth it anymore. You would, however, indulge your sad friend if she needed you too.
“Fine,” you say after a second, which makes Ryujin smile. Chaeryoung agrees too, and after finishing your talk with the other girls when they come through to join you, you all go your separate ways and head to sleep.
The next morning, you wake up at a surprisingly reasonable time, the sound of Yuna practicing lines making you stir. She’s up earlier than you, for once, which is rare for her, but you knew she had auditions for the end of year show coming up soon, so she’d been practicing lines non stop.
You’re just about to grab your phone to check your messages when you hear her scream. It startles you, causing you to practically jump out your skin and rush through to her room. Lia is right there with you, sharing a panicked look as you both burst through the door, staring at the back of Yuna’s head.
“What the hell?” Ryujin says groggily, walking through in nothing but her underwear from the sudden commotion. Chaeryoung follows shortly after, her hair a riot and having obviously just woken up. You all crowd round Yuna who’s on her phone, watching her slowly turn around you with the colour drained from her face.
Chills run down your spine when she days, “That Twitter page posted about me.”
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@cursed-mars-bars @https-skzology @imasimplol @hyunverse @aestaeticous @dorisnumber1fan @tasteskz-sword @amnmich @detectivedoodle @amara-mars @end0rchans @raresevng @thementallyunhinged @nhyun @lixie-phoria @llavendarlilacc
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writingsfromhome · 1 year
The Ex-Text
Epilogue: what’s next
A/N: this isn’t so much an epilogue than a part two but it just fit better to call it one lol. But it’s the final instalment in the Ex-Text so make sure you read the first two. As always, ty for reading this far <3
Prologue (text) / Main (ex) / Epilogue (what’s next)
It was a bit of a wet morning but I was determined to have a good day. And it’s like the world listened because by the time I got my morning coffee the sun had decided to kiss my skin hello. It was a Friday, I had a weekend of bachelorette festivities—our last girls weekend before Taz officially married next weekend. And I was going to a job I loved after changing roles last year, and getting promoted to the position I’d been chasing after.
It had been a year and 7 months since the night I decided to change. It wasn’t linear by any means but I had a better sense of who I was and what I wanted nowadays. I stuck up for myself, and felt less end-of-the-world if someone didn’t like me. I wasn’t perfect all the time, but things were better.
I’m so excited for tomorrow, I read Taz’s text in the lift up. I’d set up a spa day for the bridesmaids, and then a potentially rowdy evening across a few bars with a scavenger hunt. As the maid of honour I took my duties very seriously. I was friends with most of the invitees either from childhood or through Taz—there were a handful of girls from high school that Taz and I were friends with who I hadn’t seen in a while. It was going to be an interesting weekend.
“So YN,” Taz’s cousin slides in beside me wiggling her phone. This was our second pub on the list and she had the lead for the scavenger hunt by two. The group had enough drinks that everyone was loud and comfortable even though not everyone knew each other well. “How far along are you?”
“I’m not playing,” I made the game. I tell her that.
“Oh c’mon!” She looks at the girls sitting near us. “You’re just trying to get out of some of these! Like kiss a stranger, or find a way to write your number on someone’s arm? You’re cheeky with these—find someone to do a musical number with—“
“That’s how I know I’m not winning the hunt,” Felicity says. “I’m shite at dancing.”
“No you was so good back in school,” Taz giggles as she catches up. “Dots was even better, remember when she went with that wanker to the year 11 dance and oh what was his name-“
“I heard my name,” Dots pokes her head through. “You lot are loud.”
“Have you heard them?” Taz’s cousin points to the other end of the table. Someone’s getting a shot poured directly into their mouth.
“Taz are you participating in the hunt?” Felicity waves her phone that has the app pulled up.
“I’m getting married in a week so…only the PG ones.”
“No one’s going to say anything if you do number 7,” Dots winks. I smile uncomfortably, remembering the grip the peer pressure these girls had in high school that lead me to some pretty bad decisions.
“Taz is too much of an angel to do anything like that,” I try to swoop in for her.
“Then you should do it for her.” Dots says, her eyes alight with mischief. “Since you’re not playing. That way the bride-to-be has a chance to win.”
“Yeah!” Felicity jumps right into the plan eagerly. “It’s not like you’re dating someone right?”
“I don’t need to win that bad,” Taz tries to come to my rescue but the plan is too enticing for these girls.
“Oh yeah YN you never got back on the horse after…Ethan?” Taz’s cousin mouths the word like he was going to appear if she said it too loud.
“No it’s…” I’m tempted to lie. To look good. Everyone leans in to hear the end of my sentence and I blurt out. “It’s complicated.”
“Ooh what’s that mean?” They move in closer and I feel crushed. I avoid Taz’s eye, she knew I hadn’t dated in forever. Not for lack of wanting, but I found opening myself up to new people was more exhausting than it used to be. Being in one long term relationship after the other, then taking a huge break, now dating felt like learning to walk again.
“Um,” I try to backtrack on the lie. “It’s just complicated but technically I’m not dating someone right now!”
“Wait so you’re not bringing a plus one to the wedding?” Someone asks.
“Well I-“
“You should invite the guy! If he comes you know he’s serious and if he doesn’t…”
“Yeah!” Felicity grabs my arm. “Invite him! I want to see Ethan’s rebound that manwhore.”
“It’s not really a rebound when it’s been years,” Taz says. I agree, but I’m also touched by the vehemence in Fel’s voice when she talks about Ethan.
“Well screw the guy. If he’s complicated, you can kiss anyone you want at any bar you want. So?”
“YN,” Taz’s murmur catches my attention. She shoots me a warning, I had to put my foot down. Not give in because I wanted to please. I should but with this many eyes on me I chicken out.
“Fine. But maybe pick number 7 at the next bar, this group looks uni aged.” I feel Taz’s disappointment beside me.
“So? I had a thing with a 21 year old last summer,” Fels shrugs.
“Ew. Didn’t you feel like his mother?” Taz asks and I laugh, a bit of the pent up energy releasing with it.
“No, he was a big boy. He knew how to take care of himself.” She grins. The topic shifts to her and I think I’m forgotten until the hour hits and we decide to move places.
“Okay YN I know you’ve mapped this all out but if we’re trying to get you a good number 7 I know a better place where I used to live. Last summer actually.” Felicity links her arm through mine as we walk out.
“We know how well that went,” Taz’s cousin teases.
“Exactly! May I? Girls! Change of location on the third cuz Taz has to win tonight-“
“I really don’t want the gift card that badly.” Taz says but it’s drowned out by everyone cheering. God we were all well on our way to drunk.
“That one,” someone whispers to me. She points to a tall blonde with a cardigan on.
“Mmm too bookish,” someone else says. Somehow the whole group was debriefed on the way over that I was to have the most epic kiss with a stranger for Taz’s sake. Because even though she had three other missing items on her list, doing this would make her win.
“Well that creep over there just bought me shots,” Taz slurs. We look to where she points, it’s a guy who had been a potential kisser. The group crosses him out as well as the line item on her list. Now she was down to 2 to win.
Felicity had led us to her old local area, one I hadn’t spent much time in but sounded familiar. Even though I’d planned the pub crawl to the detail I had to let go of the control and go with the crowd.
“Okay YN you have to do this now,” Dot says. “You can kill two birds, then Taz is free to win.”
“Doesn’t anyone else want to win?” I ask pathetically.
“No!” The group encourages me. “You need this too YN!”
“Him,” Fels points to a guy sitting at the bar. He’s talking with the bartender who’s laughing at whatever he’s saying. “Look, he’s funny and nice enough to talk to the bartender. He’ll give you a nice smooch.” She kisses my cheek with this statement.
“Oh he’s cute,” Taz says and I glare at her.
“You can’t even see his face.” I tell her.
“Yeah but his hair is nice,” she rubs my cheek where Felicity kissed me. “And his shirt stretches nicely over-“
“Okay bride-to-be,” she was such a traitor.
“What? A girl can’t look?” Taz asks. She wraps an arm around my shoulder and leans in. “You don’t have to do this.”
“I know,” but with all these girls waiting on me to I didn’t have another choice. I just had to get over it. Plus I hadn’t kissed someone in over a year so I wasn’t complaining if he was cute. And Taz was right, from the back he was cute. “Fine.”
I step away from the crowd and they all gasp. They get ready for the show and so do I. I clear my throat, push my shoulders back—my cleavage looked great in this dress so I’m sure it wouldn’t hurt, and head over. My stomach drops with nerves but I take a deep breath and tap the bloke on the shoulder.
My lungs deflate like a released balloon when the face looking back at me is Harry. Harry the ex-texter.
He blinks, then blinks some more. Meanwhile I stand there staring.
“YN!?” Harry turns the barstool to face me. His neck must’ve started cramping.
“I-uh,” I glance back at the girls and they’re all pretending not to stare but it’s a bad attempt. They’re staring.
“It’s you-I-“ Harry stands up, it seems like he was going in for a hug but he thinks better of it almost immediately. “What are you doing here?”
“Hi,” I say lamely. I feel the shame of the last time we spoke. That YN feels like someone else. Someone people manipulated easily. Like him.
“I don’t know what’s going on,” he laughs nervously and his eyes roam up and down my body. He runs his fingers through his hair and looks back. “I think there’s a massive group of women there staring at us? Have you rounded up a gang to kick my-“
“Ignore them,” I quickly take a seat beside where he was sitting. He takes one last glance at them and sits back down.
“Can I get you a drink?”
“No no,” my mind is occupied. I couldn’t kiss him. This was the worst person in the world to have picked, why was he here damnit?
Then I remember why this area was familiar to me. His address was only a street or so over, this is close to where I’d picked him up that day.
“Actually, I’ll do a a vodka soda.”
He orders for me while I try to sort out my thoughts.
“So are you in a cult? Am I some sort of blood sacrifice?” Harry throws another glance over his shoulder.
I finally look at him. He looked good, of course he did. He’d decided to do something about those razor blades—he’d thrown them out; he sports a mustache and stubble. His hair is styled, nicer than it was when I met him. His eyes are murky waters and I don’t look at them too long. I spot the gym bag by his feet, so that’s why his shirt fit so well…
“Actually,” I consider what he’d just said. “You’re not too far off.”
“Wait really?” His eyes bug out. “You’re joking.”
“Well the cult is actually a bridal party,” I say. “And the blood sacrifice is a number on our scavenger hunt.”
“Oh,” it dawns on him. “I’m fresh blood. You already have my number, wait is that why you came up to me?”
“No I actually didn’t even know it was you,” I say honestly. “They picked you out from the crowd.”
“Really?” Harry looks back, now intrigued that this group of women found him fit enough to pick out.
“Don’t let it get to your head,” I roll my eyes. My drink had landed in front of me so I take a sip.
“Well? You have my number right?” When I just nod he laughs. “Wait. You need something more.”
“Well obviously I’m going to lose this scavenger hunt,” I scowl. “Don’t worry.”
He chuckles and looks to the front, meanwhile I try not to squirm. Being around him wasn’t the best feeling, especially on my way to drunk. I felt hot with embarrassment and yet the intrigue of who he really was still stayed with me. And it stays because even now, despite not trusting him or liking him very much I felt like I had room to just be myself. He was an easy presence despite his baggage. Or maybe because of it.
It seems we were good at silences because we drink without saying a word. It’s like our brains are catching up to our sudden run-in.
“How have you been?” Harry asks quietly.
Fine, I’m going to say automatically. But I answer truthfully. “Alright. Life’s been better but also nobody’s tricked me into going to a cheating ex’s wedding so life’s been a lot worse!”
He laughs awkwardly and clinks his bottle against my glass. “Yeah. I deserve that.”
“Yeah. How about you?”
“Better. A lot better.”
“Good to hear,” I say genuinely. Despite my grievances it was nice to hear he was past whatever he’d been in when we first met.
“I think about you often,” he says while still looking forward. Oh god this felt like being in a car with him. I turn my body towards him and tap my knee against his. He looks at me, like we’re having an actual conversation. “I do. About what I did to you…I’m sorry.”
“Yeah you’ve said.”
“Yeah,” he grimaces. I wasn’t going to let him off the hook so easily. Being manipulated and lied to like that still stung. It was rock bottom for me in a way. “I was a dick. I’m deeply sorry and I’ve thought about how to make it up to you but I thought I should just stop texting you ever. Trust me that was rock bottom for me and you didn’t deserve to be dragged down with me.”
I try not to look surprised when he says it was his rock bottom, like I was thinking seconds earlier.
“You got one thing right,” I tap at his phone. I wasn’t going to tell him I forgave him, or that I understood even though I did. I didn’t like him very much, I didn’t trust him, but I knew he was sorry when he said it.
I remember the wedding—there was something I wanted to apologize for, “Well now that we’re unloading apologies, I am actually sorry for uhm, slapping you that night? That’s not me. And I don’t know where it came from! I feel bad about that.”
His laugh is quiet, to himself. “You shouldn’t be apologizing for anything. Anything at all YN.”
God, the way he says my name is addictive. He said it like everyone else, but in his voice…
“I know. But that crossed a line…”
“Nah don’t worry. Plus I don’t mind when a woman slaps me around a little,” his face splits into a grin when I give him the reaction he was looking for.
“Harry,” I scold. “You’re teaching children with that mouth?”
“That’s why I’m quitting.”
“You’re quitting!?”
“Yep. Phase 3 of my plan, to live the life I want. I’m finishing the school year and looking for a job in my field over the summer.”
“Wow,” I was impressed. “Wow Harry. Good luck with that.”
“Yeah I’ll need it thanks.” The way he looks at me makes me nervous. I think I’ve been single a bit too long. And right on cue he asks: “So YN how about you? Are you still doing your single thing?”
“I feel like you’re still talking about it like you don’t believe in it,” I tell myself to calm down every time he says my name.
“No I-“ he plays with his bottle. “I believe you. I’ve tried it, it’s been good for me. But I started dating again this year and I found I really love that too.”
“Yeah?” I ask him more about it. He tells me he’s dating knowing what he wants now. What kind of woman he’s looking for.
I felt like focusing on myself has helped me with that too. The only issue is I was finding it hard to open myself up to men again.
“I haven’t been dating much,” at all. “But I’m open to it now.”
“Show anyone your mean side lately?” He jokes but in there is a serious question.
“That’s only reserved for you,” I say, then realize how flirty it sounds and clamp down on my tongue. Maybe I should stop drinking. I didn’t even know Harry very well. But when I peek a glance he looks flushed.
I liked this version of Harry better. I wonder if he was like this before, before he had his heart broken, or even before he started dating Vanessa. But I don’t tell him that, I didn’t want him to think we were friends or anything.
We fall into silence again, not an uncomfortable one though. I look at him, he looked the same but different. Like a change had taken place underneath the surface. I imagine he’s studying me the same way. He smiles and I return it.
A body pushing into the side of me interrupts us. Dots is there with Taz and they wave the bartender down for a drink even though they could’ve ordered from the table. I roll my eyes and turn to them.
“Hi,” I look between them. Dots looks mischievous as usual and Taz seems curious.
“Aren’t you going to introduce us YN?” Dots asks.
“Oh, this is Harry,” I eye Taz when I say it. She’s a bit slow but when I introduce them to Harry it dawns on her. Her face darkens as she pinpoints who he is.
“Harry is it?” Taz asks. “I’ve never met a Harry I liked.”
Dots looks over at her like she’s grown another head, clued out and assuming I was still here to kiss him.
“Oh well…” Harry looks just as confused at her sudden intensity. “I hope I can change your mind about that?”
“Too late for that,” she nearly spits out. I watch his eyes widen and then go to me. I’m biting back a smile.
“Taz, right you’re Taz.” He sounds like he remembers her.
“And I’m Dots,” Dots repeats. Poor girl was clueless. “We’re just doing a bachelorette thing and YN seemed to think you were cute enough to ditch us right?”
“Really?” Harry takes pleasure in playing along.
“Well no I—ow!” Dots interrupts me by smashing her elbow into me. I sigh. “Right. Yeah. You were irresistible, I had to ditch my friends for a man like you.”
“Sarcasm,” Harry says just low enough for me to hear. He’s smiling.
“YN you should come back,” Taz tries to grab my arm but Dots is like a pro as she cuts that off.
“No we’re just doing the same thing back there. Talking and drinking. You two enjoy. You should give him your number here.” She drops a sharpie in my hand. “Let’s go Taz.”
I try to warn Taz with my expression, please don’t tell anyone I know him. None of these girls knew I went to Ethan’s wedding, it was an embarrassing story on my timeline I didn’t need to share. I didn’t want them to know the story of how I knew Harry.
“Your friends are scary.”
“I guess,” I turn back to him. My drink was nearly empty and I did think it was time to go back. “I should go back to them.”
“Oh,” he looks disappointed.
“I thought we were having a nice time.”
“Yeah well we were catching up. And now my drink’s finished and I’m-“
“I can buy you another?”
“I think I’ve had enough. This is our third place on our night crawl so…”
“Fair.” Harry looks at me like he has something to say. I stand there and wait but in the end he just sighs and sits back down.
“Oh yeah I’m going to write my number,” I grab his arm and pull his sleeve up. Holy muscles. “on your arm. If that’s alright?”
“Sure,” he smiles and his dimples make an appearance. It’s boyish, like we’re teenagers exchanging numbers.
I write it down even though he had it, cap the marker, and look up. We’re so close; his eyes flit to my mouth and away so quickly I almost miss it.
“I’ll get this tattooed,” Harry jokes.
“I’ll change my number if you do,” I warn him. He just shrugs like he didn’t believe me and I shake my head, turning back to my friends.
I get back to a group of disappointed women. They give me a hard time and tell me how upset they are that I don’t care about Taz winning. They try to tell me how good we looked together, how I looked with him.
“We’re not leaving until you kiss him,” Felicity says.
“Leave her alone! He smelled like bad news,” Taz says. She was well past drunk now so no one listens to her.
“Ethan was bad news,” Fels states. “This guy is just a random man you can kiss and invite as a plus one. Have some fun with him. Get back into the pool where all the fish are. C’mon YN we know your dating life is shite!”
“Remind me to never get drunk with you lot,” I stare at them. They were scary. “I gave him my number, at least Taz can cross that out!”
“Wait! Harry!” Everyone begins to shout his name as they spot him leaving behind me.
I catch him turning with a wary expression. He points to himself. The girls shout “Yes!” and earn some dirty looks from the other patrons.
He walks up to our table like a sacrifice to an ancient ritual. “You ladies need something?”
“Yes,” a few voices say but Felicity is the loudest. She points to Taz who has her head down on the table. I should check on her.
“See this beautiful creature here? She’s getting married! Married! And we have a scavenger hunt. And she can almost win! But she needs to kiss someone at the bar. But she’s getting married! And you look decent enough to help this bride-to-be! So YN her wonderful friend is helping out. And she chickened out up there. So she wants to kiss you. Does she have your permission?”
“Does she?” He turns to me. God I was helpless with the pressure around me. My eyes lock onto Harry and I hope he can read the help etched into them.
“This is silly,” I tell him. “We don’t need to do this. I don’t think Taz even cares.”
“I don’t!” I guess she was conscious because she lifts her head to answer me. But everyone crowds her out, her cousin actually guides her head back down.
“You owe her a kiss,” Dots says proudly.
“I owe her a lot actually,” Harry says to me. My heart races as we look at each other.
I would be lying if I said the idea of kissing him doesn’t intrigue me. He was attractive! And his facial hair made him more so. But I didn’t want to complicate anything.
What’s there to complicate? I ask myself. It’s not like he’s in your life. Plus maybe this will be the push to start dating again. Kisses are nice right?
“Okay whatever,” I take a step towards him. “It’s not like this means anything. It’s just a kiss.”
A cheer goes up with the group.
Harry drops his bag to the floor and takes the other step to me. “It doesn’t mean anything?”
“No,” I say more to myself. “It’s just a kiss with a guy.”
“Just a kiss with a guy,” Harry repeats. “If you say so.”
His hand reaches up to my neck and he pulls me gently to him, with his height I crane my face up and his warm lips come down on mine exactly how I imagined it would feel. That’s when I realize I had imagined how he would feel. But it’s too late by then.
It feels like hearing music live for the first time, I can suddenly hear every atom of the song. I can feel it, taste it, even smell the soundwaves pounding through the room. That’s what the kiss feels like. Ultrasonic and consuming as hell.
He’s gentle but I can tell he’s holding back with the way his hand grips the back of my head tight. And that sends my senses into overdrive. Even though his moustache is a bit tickly, he was a really good kisser.
When we part, I laugh because I’m nervous but also he has lipstick on his face.
“That was hot,” someone in the group says but we can’t take our eyes off of each other. I’m trying to remember how to breathe and it seems like Harry is doing the same.
“You have-“ I laugh nervously again and reach up to wipe the lipstick from the side of his mouth. This close his pupils are blown out and it only confirms to me that he was holding back. Because he looks like a man who can barely contain himself.
“Uhm,” he finally breaks his gaze to look at all the women staring. “I hope that was satisfactory enough.”
“That was movie worthy,” everyone begins shouting scores out. Some of then fan themselves with the menu. Harry clears his throat, picks up his bag, does an awkward half-bow, and stiffly nods to me.
“G’night YN.”
“Yeah…thanks.” I didn’t know what to say after having the most intense kiss of my life. To Harry. The ex-texter.
“I need some water after that,” Felicity climbs over me out of the booth and I slide in by Taz.
“I’m sorry,” she wraps her arms around my shoulder. “We have really shitty friends.”
“You have amazing friends,” Dots says. “We just broke YN’s dry spell. Did you see that? That was chemistry YN. That was wow. I hope you got his number.”
“I have it,” I sigh.
I decide I was going to drink more. I didn’t want to remember this night anymore.
It’s the Friday after and I’m at work, it’s a slow day so I’m scrolling through my phone when a notification pops up.
It was Harry.
Hi. I text back. I’d been thinking about him a lot this week, about the kiss, and about dating again. I wouldn’t admit it to my friends but it was a reminder that chemistry existed somewhere out there.
I don’t want our whole relationship to be wedding crashing so I want to run something past you.
Your friend Felicity invited me to Taz’s wedding. Tomorrow. She said you knew but you haven’t texted me all week so I think she’s setting you up?
I couldn’t believe it. I text Felicity and she responds immediately with a kissy emoji and a tongue sticking out.
I’m sorry I didn’t know, Fels just confirmed. You don’t need to come she’s just on this mission to get me a date.
She said you have a flaky boyfriend?
Oh my god the lie had spread. So embarassing, I was going to strangle Fels.
Really I’m alright. Sorry about that.
I would like to see you again. Even if it’s at a wedding. But I’ll only go if you invite me.
Wow. I read the message another time then put my phone away. What was I supposed to do?
I take my phone into the toilets and call Taz. She picks up, it sounds like she’s in a car.
“Hi you free?”
“Yeah I’m just getting back from the salon, what’s going on?”
I tell her. I tell her it all, the conversation Harry and I had and how I was feeling and what Felicity did.
“That one does not know how to keep her nose out of people’s businesses.”
“I know,” I groan. “I could not invite him and get a million questions from everyone who knows Fels invited him. And I keep him out of my life. Which is fine because I barely know him (even though that kiss felt like I’ve known him for all of eternity). But if I invite him, I’m telling him I’m okay with what he did to me. That we’re okay.”
“YN listen,” she sighs. She says something to someone on her end and I hear a car door close. “Look—sorry just getting in. You’re not that person anymore. I don’t trust him more than you do but just tell him that. So he knows you’re only taking him to get everyone to shut up. Like…use him as a date like he used you.”
“Hm,” that was a good point. “Yeah. That could actually work?”
“Really? I thought I was just saying shite,” Taz laughs. “Okay I really have to go my in-laws are here. Are you alright?”
“Yeah yeah you focus on your stuff. I’ll be by this evening.”
“Love you, bye!”
I call Harry immediately after. He doesn’t pick up so I go back to my desk and consider what to text him when he calls back.
“YN I was still in class sorry.”
“Oh god sorry I forgot!” I look at the time. “Sorry I just assumed you were free.”
“No it’s alright,” he answers. “Are you calling about tomorrow?”
“Yeah…” my mouth is suddenly parched. I get up and walk away from where people could hear me. “So, the thing is my friends are giving me a hard time because I don’t have a date and all that. So sort of the way you used me as a date at that wedding, I could use you at this one. Like if would be doing me a favour?” I cringe as the words come out.
“Oh. Sure…yeah if you want.” He sounds…offended?
“Like if we’re being honest we’ve not really spoken since that night. And I have no reason to trust you and whatever. So this is just…”
“Returning the favour.” He puts it simply.
“Yeah? Yeah! Right. Exactly.” Why was this coming out so horribly.
“I get it,” he says. “I’m glad we talked. I’d be happy to be your plus one tomorrow.”
“Perfect,” I find myself smiling.
Taz’s wedding is a dream. An absolute dream. I tell her a million times after the ceremony and I gush to her how much I love her and am proud of her during speeches. Her bridesmaids give their toast, and every person who was at the bachelorette makes sure to tease me about bringing Harry who had been nothing but supportive tonight. He stuck to himself when I was doing maid-of-honour duties, and squeezed my hand encouragingly before my speech because public speaking was not my favourite thing. I had to admit it was nice to have someone here just for me. It had been a while.
When Taz told me she got engaged a couple years ago I always thought it would be Ethan by my side. It was weird that Harry was here, because of Ethan, but also the way he came to be here.
“Hi!!” I shout at Harry after doing shots with the bridesmaids. I was officially tipsy but most of the major wedding traditions were over. We were waiting for the cake cutting and bouquet toss and the first dance. And then it was all fun.
“Hi,” he holds out an arm to guide me to my seat.
“I hate these heels,” I unstrap my feet and groan when I put my feet on the bare floor. “That feels sooo good.”
“Hi!” A chirpy voice says to my right. I peek an eye open and groan again, Felicity has joined the table.
“Hi, Felicity right?” Harry says.
“Fels,” she nudges me. “You glad he came?”
“Whatever,” I shrug.
“She’s happy you came,” Fels tries to make up for my rudeness. “She’s not usually this rude.”
“I find that hard to believe,” Harry says. I cut him a look.
“Oh no she’s very nice. She’s just a bit grumpy probably all the maid of honour duties,” she tries to convince a Harry that’s just sharing an inside joke with me. It does something to me.
“It’s okay,” I put a hand on Fels’. “He’s teasing. I’m allowed to be rude to him.”
Harry laughs and Felicity realizes too late she was sitting in on two people that didn’t need her help to get along.
“Well I’m going to find my date, play nice!”
“Nice suit,” I tug at Harry’s lapels once she’s gone. It was nicer than what he wore the last time we met.
“I borrowed it from a friend. I only have one suit and…well you’ve seen it.”
“Teachers don’t wear suits to work?” I tease.
“Thank god no.” His eyes roam over my bridesmaid dress, an off the shoulder sage dress that honestly reminded me of a folky tinkerbell. “You look beautiful.”
“Flattery won’t get you extra points.” I say whilst flattered. The dress had also reminded me of the colour of his eyes when he greeted me today. Now his eyes stay on me all evening.
The announcement for cake cutting goes off so I walk with Harry to watch. Taz looked beautiful in her embroidered dress and she glows even while narrowly missing cake all over her face. Everyone toasts and she readies for a bouquet toss.
“You’re standing here,” Taz’s cousin centres me. “Because there’s no way I’m catching that.”
“I don’t even have a boyfriend,” I say but the other girls crowd me so I stay put. The bouquet is tossed high and I don’t make much of an effort but it glances off the hand in front of me and lands on me. I squish it against me to keep it from falling.
“YN!” My friends tease me and I hold it up in mock excitement. Taz laughs from up front and I go up to hug her, I’m handed another flute of champagne and I toss it back with my best friend.
“YN’s next,” one of the bridesmaid says. “Cheers!”
I get another drink and down it with the girls. I can’t stop laughing about it. I try to look out for Harry to see how he feels about the bouquet but he must be in a darker corner. I don’t spot him.
I refuse the next drink pushed my way and move to my seat as the couple gets ready for their first dance. Harry’s not there but he sits down shortly after I do.
“Look!” I show him the bouquet. “I caught it!”
“I saw,” he smells the flowers. “I got a picture of you.”
“Let me see!” I hold my hand out and wait for him to find it.
“Oh my god,” I laugh as I zoom into my face as the flowers hit me. “Look at my face! And look at her! This is a great pic…” the words die on my lips. I’d accidentally swiped to the camera roll zooming out and I see dozens of photos of me.
“Oh,” Harry takes the phone from me. “Is that creepy? Sorry I was taking photos to send you since you’re busy having fun I-“
I feel tears threaten my makeup and I clench my mouth closed. Despite all the drinks I suddenly feel incredibly sobered.
I take his phone back and swipe through, he recorded my speech and took a million photos of me with Taz. My chin trembles.
“Hey I’m sorry,” Harry takes the phone back. “I didn’t mean to upset you I’ll delete-“
“No!” I stop him. “Don’t. I want all of them.”
“Why are you…” his confusion is all over his face. “Are you upset?”
“No,” I blink away any tears. “Sorry. No. I’m okay! I’m alright.”
It was stupid but Ethan never took photos of me. Even on important days like birthdays, Christmas, holidays. I had a million candid photos of him but I had to beg and remind him for photos of me. Harry took so many without even asking, just because he knew I would want to look back on the memories I was making. It was such a basic thing to do but it felt like the world to me in this moment.
“Thank you.” I say when he doesn’t make a move. “Honestly thank you. Sorry, ignore what my face is saying! But make sure you send every single one okay?”
“Yeah I will,” he promises. He swipes a fallen tear with a gentle smile. I draw back from his touch and use a napkin to dab at my eyes instead.
“YN you know I’m really sorry,” he says just as the first song comes on.
“No I’m fine!” I shift my chair to face the dancefloor. I position it slightly ahead of Harry so he leans forward to speak to me.
“I mean about the other wedding we went to.”
“Yeah I-“ he looks serious so I stop what I was saying. I turn slightly so I can look at him. “Can we talk about it later?”
“Yeah,” he shakes his head. “I didn’t mean to…”
“Okay,” I smile and turn back to admire the couple but I can sense the emotional turmoil beside me. I push my chair back enough to be side by side with Harry. I lean my head on his shoulder as I watch the married couple dance the first dances of many. When Harry puts his arm around me, his thumb rubs my shoulder. A finger pokes my arm and Dots face pops in beside me to waggle her eyebrows. Was everyone watching me with Harry tonight?!
When the DJ invites everyone else onto the dancefloor I pull Harry up.
“So what was it you were saying?” I ask as we wrap arms around each other.
“I like you a lot YN. A lot. Even when we first met, I started liking you right when you returned my bullshit with sarcasm. You rolled with all my jokes. It was a breath of fresh air.”
I don’t say anything; he had more to say.
“I wish I didn’t do what I did. I sabotaged everything because I was hung up over the wrong girl. And now I’m just a guy to you. A guy you kissed once, I’m just a favour returned.”
“Why are you telling me this now?” I ask.
“Just in case you felt anything, if you thought we could…”
“Harry you lied to me. Embarrassed me. You weren’t a very nice person.”
“I know-“
“I do like this Harry better.”
“Uhm,” he thinks. “Thanks. It’s old Harry, before my life went to hell. Old Harry mixed with some lessons learned. I’m telling you I was at rock bottom when I did what I did.”
“I believe you.” I did.
He sighs in relief. “Thank you.”
We dance quietly for a bit. Until I speak, “I’m trying not to date losers.”
He flexes his jaw, fixating on a spot behind my shoulder.
“I thought you were one,” I tell him honestly. “But I’m not so sure now. But this feels like asking a lot Harry I…”
“You don’t need to respond now,” he urges. “Just think about it.”
“I can’t,” I was terrified of agreeing to a relationship that would hurt me all over again. “I do like you Harry but I don’t know if I can agree to what you want…”
The truth was that Harry was showing me that the glimpses I’d gotten of him throughout the last week were more telling, more consistent than the guy he was when we first met. I was deathly afraid of getting hurt again, and I’m not sure I was willing to take the risk. If that kiss was any indication, I know Harry was telling the truth on his end but I didn’t want a relationship with a guy who started it off by lying.
“I’m-excuse me,” Harry stops mid-dance and walks away. I feel awful but I let him go, watch him disappear to the lobby, and I sit back in my seat. Dots tries to wave me by but I ignore her. The lump in my throat sits heavily and I feel like shit. Especially when a few dances later Harry returns and announces he was going home early. His face is splotchy and it feels awful.
“Are you sure?” I ask him.
“Yeah,” he holds my arm. “Thank you for tonight, and again I’m really sorry about everything.”
I just pull him into a hug, with no words equivalent to what I should say. He squeezes once and lets go.
“Tell Taz thank you for the invite. I’ll see you around.”
“Okay…bye Harry.”
That’s the last I see of him. I head right to the drinks and drink enough to feel okay. I dance with my friends and get as many pictures as my phone can handle in.
At the end of the night I go home to an empty flat and drunkenly download all the dating apps I swore off of. Swiping through like a catalogue, by the time I wake up the next morning I’m well on my way back to the dating scene.
I stare at the man in front of me. His profile on the app was exactly the kind of guy I was looking for. And he’d actually made me laugh a few times tonight which was a bonus. But something feels like it’s missing—they all have this last month as I became a serial dater. I was really putting myself out there but nobody made it past date two.
“So how about heading out?” He asks after the bill.
“Yeah! Sure,” I grab my purse and we walk out. He grabs my hand as we step out.
“Want to share a ride?”
“Are we going to the same place?” I ask.
“If you want,” he pulls my hand and places it on his shoulder. He was cute, I could kiss him.
And I do, but it’s just a kiss. Just two mouths kissing. I don’t feel the spark, or the passion.
“Actually,” I pull away. “I forgot I have an early morning meeting so I think I should behave and head home by myself.”
“Oh,” he looks disappointed. “Well maybe we can do something on Friday?”
“Yeah I’ll text you?”
He pecks my lips, “Sounds good.”
I get a car and as I drive away from the date my hands stray to my lips. I remember another kiss, and then I slam the door shut on it. You can’t keep comparing all your kisses to that one!
Except the thing about telling my mind not to think about something, I do. I think about Harry, and question myself like I have been ever since the wedding if I made the wrong choice. Did I push him away too quickly, out of fear? Am I protecting myself or just scared?
I open the text exchange between us like I do weekly and hover my fingers over the keyboard. What do I say? What could I say?
I scroll to the top of the conversation and find his address and plug it into my phone. I was 18 minutes away.
“Excuse me could I change the drop off?” I ask the taxi driver. “I had a change of plans.”
He asks me where and he knew the area enough to take the left and head in that direction.
That was very impulsive. Maybe I shouldn’t have done that?
Adrenaline courses through my body as I pray that he still lived in the same place. What was I going to say?
My leg bounces up and down as I stare out the window, biting down on my lip. This was stupid, I made him bloody cry the last time I saw him. Then again I cried the time before that. Were we equal? Was I twisted enough to think this could all work?
I nearly jump out of the taxi after paying and walk to the front door. Of course, you needed a key card.
With shaking fingers I call Harry.
I freeze. He was out, the sounds of people and music give that away.
“YN? Is that you?”
I was so stupid! Why did I do this?
“YN?” Now Harry sounds worried. I take a deep breath.
“Sorry! Wrong number. I meant to call som-“
“YN are you alright? Is everything okay?”
The background noise disappears. He must have stepped out.
“Yes sorry to worry you!” I squeak. “Everything’s fine.”
“Why did you call?” He asks as I ask “What are you doing right now?”
We laugh. Harry tells me, “You first.”
“It was an accident…”
“Oh well…a good accident.” I can hear his smile through the phone. “I was just grading final tests at my local pub.”
His local pub…that meant he was close by. I think. My heart picks up speed. “Oh! Is that something you do often?”
“Yeah some of these papers remind me why I’m quitting this job. So I drink to get through them.”
“Giving up on the youth of tomorrow?” I ask. I spot a bench a little ways away and head to it, next to a bike rack.
“Yes!” Harry laughs. “They’ve given up on me too. They’s all assholes nobody listens to me.”
“I would’ve liked to have you as a teacher,” I go for flirting. “None of my grade school teachers were good looking. I could’ve used a distraction.”
“So you’re admitting that I’m good looking,” Harry says just as I spot him heading to his door.
“Yeah in your grey t-shirt, I think so.”
I watch as he whips his head around and scans the area until he spots me.
“I lied,” I get up and wave at him. “I came by to see you but I was embarrassed when you weren’t home.”
“Why-“ his voice sticks. “Why did you come to see me?”
“Well,” by now we’re close enough that I could shout to him but I still use the phone. “I thought about what I said that night and I think I was too harsh.”
“And?” Harry stares at me as I walk up to him.
“And I want to believe that a second impression can be just as important as a first.”
He’s alight in a second, hope injected into his features. I stop a few feet away from him.
“I’ll take that. I’ll take it.”
“Okay,” I move in closer, lowering my phone. My eyes are on his lips and I don’t care that how badly I want to kiss him is plain as day. Because in the moment he reaches for me I know he wants this just as bad.
My mind is wiped clean when he kisses me—I kind of hate myself of a month ago for denying me of this all this time.
It’s indecent, the way we kiss out there. When my mind returns to my body I push him away, flushed and nervous.
“Should we take this up to your place?”
“Why? Are you getting shy?” He teases.
“Your neighbours are getting free entertainment,” I’m out of breath as I talk and this seems to make Harry smile even harder. He presses a hard kiss to me and then leads me by the hand up to his flat. We’re on each other with every pause we take, it’s gross and unlike me but I’m just too happy to stop. The spark, the passion, everything I’d been looking for is here.
“Can I uh,” Harry closes the door behind us as I continue kissing him, my lips finding any part of him. “Can I get you something to drink?”
“Sure,” I watch him unbutton my cardigan. “I’ll take a tall glass of whatever you’re serving.”
He smirks and pulls me back in. I jump when he tells me to and he carries me to wherever his bedroom is. I’m barely in the right state of mind to notice anything as I get lost in us. In the way his hands hold me, and the way his moustache feels on my skin. Maybe it’s been a while or maybe it was him but having this after so long makes it taste sweeter than it ever had.
“Happy six months,” Harry wraps his arms around me from behind. I’m making us coffee, we were up especially early because we were making the trip to see Harry’s family for the holidays. Usually this is when I went to Taz’s but this year she’d urged me to spend the time with my boyfriend’s family.
She’d been suspicious when I first told her about Harry. But when she saw how happy I was she’d given it her blessings (and I’m pretty sure threatened Harry with some dismemberment). I hadn’t had a big Christmas in a while, and Harry said he had more family coming into town. I was nervous to meet so many new people, people that meant a lot to Harry. But he assured me everyone would love me.
“Happy six month,” I reach up to peck his lips and settle against him. He hums as he tightens his arms around me. I couldn’t believe this was my life now, I was happier than I ever dared to think I could be. I never knew a relationship could be so complementing, so grounding.
Despite our rocky start, that Harry and I had discussed in depth when we first started dating, we were mostly smooth sailing. The way I saw it we met as two damaged people. Somehow we parted from there and ran like parallel lines until we were straightened out enough to meet again. And now we ran together as a pair of lines.
“I’m so lucky,” Harry presses a kiss to my temple, thinking the same thing I had been. “I’m the luckiest guy in the world YN. You make me the luckiest guy in the world.”
“Then that would make me Mrs. Luckiest-Guy-in-the-World,” I joke as I turn in his embrace.
“I’d like that,” he strokes my cheek. “I’m excited to introduce you to everyone tonight.”
“That makes one of us.”
“YN I promise there’s nothing to be nervous about. They already love you because they know you’re the reason I’ve been so…me.”
I swallow the ball of emotion in my chest. We were both just us around each other. No fuss, no pretending. Just us. It wasn’t something I could share with my own family, they barely knew what I was really like. Harry had met my parents separately when they were in town a couple months ago. They’d liked him, but they also liked Ethan so it wasn’t saying much.
“I trust you,” I hold his face in my hands. “Fine.”
“Good,” his hand rubs my back. He pulls me into his chest, crushing me against him until the coffee goes off.
“Thanks love,” Harry says as I hand him a mug.
We chat about nothing as we take our coffees to the couch where we sit snuggled. I feel safe here, it’s a good feeling, a feeling that felt so overwhelmingly new sometimes that it made me want to cry. Which always made Harry laugh.
“I can’t wait to spend this new year together,” I tell him.
“Me too,” his lips press softly onto my temple. “I’m finally excited about the future. I’m doing a job I like and dating a woman I love.”
“I’m happy for us.” I smile up at him.
We sit snuggled on the couch as we sip our morning coffee. I savour everything about this moment.
With Harry life was stable, it was good. I knew I would never pick up my phone and find a text so life-shattering like the ex-text had done to me; I know it was impossible to predict the future but somehow I could tell you that I had a good feeling about it.
TAGLIST: @tiaamberxx @cherryshouse
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judesmoonbeauty · 3 months
Ellis Twilight Chapters 1-5 Summaries 🗡
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Fan translation only. Not 100% accurate. Please expect grammatical errors. This is an extremely pared down SUMMARY of each chapter. Cybird owns everything. Feel free to re-blog, but please do NOT post my translations elsewhere. The summaries will be uploaded in groups.
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Chapter 1
Kate is nervous and tense to start her first day at Crown, she tries to prep herself to be ready and when she leaves her room she runs into Ellis who was about to knock on her door. At first, she is scared because the night before, he offered to kill her, but then changed his demeanor to someone who'd make her as happy as possible during her stay. It almost sounded like a proposal to Kate. Well, they apologize for bumping into each other, and Kate ends up telling Ellis that she is nervous about her new duties. He tells her to follow him for her first job which ends up being breakfast in the garden under the gazebo. They chit chat and she takes notes about the other members of Crown. Victor ends up visiting hoping that he finds a now relaxed Kate, since it was his idea to have her enjoy a breakfast to help put her at ease, to which Ellis volunteered to help out Victor with.
He tells Kate that her only restriction is that she can not leave the Castle without an escort, and she has the option to work with one or more Crown members. He leaves the two behind, but soon Jude shows up next angry because Ellis is slacking off and late for work. Ellis is about to leave for work when he notices Kate is sad. She secretly wanted to work with Ellis, so he tells her to follow him to work. Kate then watches Jude & Ellis in action as she learns about his successful business called – Raven. After a busy day with Jude and Ellis, Jude tells them to take a hike.
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Chapter 2
After an annoying time at the post office where her co-workers mistake Ellis as her boyfriend simply for helping her carry all the gifts they loaded her down with they leave. It's twilight time and Ellis tells her they need to head back to the Castle. Kate notices his attitude is slightly more nuanced now than before. She suggests a short cut she knows from her time at the post office, and when they enter the alley they end up getting attacked some enemies of Jude who think she's Jude's girl.
Ellis knocks everyone out and uses his ability which is: When he touches the top of their heads, their wrists snap together as if praying. Kate is impressed at his ability and praises him. He then apologizes that Kate even had to be in such a situation because he selfishly invited her to his job, but she tells him not to apologize. Back at Crown Victor tells Jude and Ellis to escort Kate from now on in order to keep her safe and not risk information about Crown being leaked.
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Chapter 3
Ellis tells Victor he'll do it if Kate is okay with it, and she readily agrees. Jude agrees reluctantly telling her not to cry during missions, and she says she won't. Their first assignment is about serial kidnappings which range from toddlers to adults, with the only connection being that they are people who're from the entertainment district – prostitutes and street performers – people with no place to call home, so they don't get reported missing or investigated. Victor asks the three to go to an art festival being held and gather information. It's important to note that Kate thinks somehow Victor must have insider information about this. Jude complains about why he must go, and Victor tells him that it's because it may be involved with a human-trafficking ring he just took down. So, they all go there and Jude splits from the two when they arrive even though they should stick together.
Ellis says that it may be to keep Kate from being attacked again, which makes her say Jude must really be nice. Ellis says that doesn't know about him being nice since he enjoys torturing people and listening to their screams if he hate's them. Kate wonders - if Ellis is being greeted and thanked by everyone they run into at the festival – why he is with Jude and part of the Crown? Long story short, an entertainer is short staffed and they volunteer to help him out in exchange for information he has about the kidnappings. Kate is afraid to help as it is a sword throwing act, and Ellis tells her she doesn't need to do it, but the entertainer has information they need, so she agrees to help.
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Chapter 4
Apples were used atop their heads as the performer – Bill- threw his blades at them multiple times causing the crowds to applause, but the finale includes Ellis' and Kate's hands being bound together in chains. Bill says that it's a magic chain that entangles the lovers, and asks the crowd if true love will be born from them once the spell is broken? With a snap of his fingers, the chains fall off and between the pair's hands is a beautiful light purple rose – it seems the flower of true love is blooming between them – and even though the chains were released, Ellis still holds her hand. Backstage Bill is raving about how happy he is for the performance turning out so well that he could die.....Well, Ellis just stares at him. Bill tells them that they've lost touch with some of their people including the two that had disappeared that day.
The kidnappings are sporadic over the last few weeks, with nothing known to be in common, but Bill says he had an odd conversation with one abductee previously who mentioned that he'd been recruited by an older man from the circus. Apparently, 20 years ago the older man had a huge box-office hit that made him very rich, but a part from that he didn't know anything else. Ellis & Kate leave and she can't get over how kind he is, and she's even bothered by how his actions can be mistaken by young ladies, so she tries to ask him to tone it down a bit, but she fails. She surprises her with two tickets to the theater to see the play she wanted to see on the night she witnessed Crown's crime.
After the play, Ellis goes DARK, and asks her how happy she is. She tells him she's so happy that she could die, so he asks then shall I end it for you? She becomes scared and tells him that it's just a figure of speech since tomorrow she could be even happier than she was today. He snaps back to his kind self and they walk home together. He wraps his fingers with hers and when she asks why, he says it's to help her feel safe........Anyways, she she holds his hand and noting the contrast she saw from earlier, they chat away like they had at breakfast.
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Chapter 5
The next morning, Kate found out that Jude had reported the same information that he had. Jude says that he learned the circus troupe had long since disbanded. The troupe was called: Grace Circus Troupe”. After a successful run in London, the owner of the troupe was cheated out of his money, put him in debt and ended his business. Kate asks how can the one whom Bill spoke to be recruited by a disbanded circus troupe and Ellis suggests they were lied to in order to be lured in. Since it's not clear if some one from the disbanded troupe is responsible for the abductions or if some one is just using their name, Victor tells the trio to do further digging and thanks them for their work and leaves. Kate wonders how to write up her report on the mission as neither Jude nor Ellis committed any sins. In fact, she wonders if Ellis could ever commit any kind of sin, and then thinks it'd be easier to write about Jude since he has so many who resent him. Jude says that she looks like she's thinking rude things, but she quickly denies it.
He compliments (?) her for having the guts to be a part of the show the day before, and tells her that if she wants to come along on missions, then she can, but since Ellis is the one who got involved first, then he can carry her weight. Ellis congratulates Kate for Jude's approval. Thus, she spends her days with them at work and about every three days she gets attacked by thugs. A part from that Ellis does so many kind things for her that it's beyond spoiling her in the meantime, still the one odd thing he often asks Kate is: How happy are you?
The next day, Kate asks Jude why Ellis is obsessed with happiness, he asks why she wants to know, and she tells him that his kindness towards her is overflowing and that he cares for others a great deal, but doesn't desire anything himself. Jude is impressed (?) that she picked up on that, and asks her if she thinks he has an ulterior motive due to his kindness. He tells her that he's sure his kindness isn't just because of something like a simple favor, but if he isn't particularly attached to her then she will be fine. She picks up that he's saying it wouldn't be okay if he was attached to her, and he tells her she's smarter than he thought, so if she knows that much then she knows what she needs to do.
Ellis arrives and asks what they're talking about and Jude says she was complaining about what to eat. After she eats and leaves the dining rooms Ellis asks Jude if he thinks there's anything that will make Kate the happiest of her life before the month is up. He says he doesn't know and tells Ellis that he's as crazy as ever, and Ellis says that he just wants to make sure that those whom he cares about are the happiest they've ever been. Later, William approaches the trio with information about the abductions from Alfons.
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saikokirakira · 11 months
Part 2 of 2: Pagtingin (Feelings) [Steve Harrington x Reader]
a/n: hello. it me. i definitely did not forget to post part two. if you would believe it, i was actually getting sick every week the past month because of the insane hours and workload of my new job. so, umm, probably not lasting long there... i wanna be pretty again and lose all the stress hives all over my body.
summary: based on this blurb on a hanahaki au/flayed!reader
word count: 12k words (big boi over here; i definitely bullied our girl throughout this entire chapter)
warning: barely proofread, only edited twice; no use of y/n; steve is an oblivious himbo (but i'll excuse it because he was the ultimate bbg in s3); ANGST TRAIN, hurt no comfort; moms of hawkins summer '85 (i have 911 on standby); billy "walking red flag" hargrove; unrequited feelings / pining; minor violence; body horror (it's hanahaki, what'd you expect?); writer's torture of a self-insert character; stranger things season 3 canon, but Alexei lives fyuck canon actually; metal goodboi cameo
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You despised summer. You didn’t used to hate summer, but working in the summer heat when your recently recurring childhood asthma gets triggered by intense heat wasn’t the best option for you. While you couldn’t pass off as a lifeguard at the Hawkins Community Pool, your neighbour and acquaintance, Heather Holloway, pulled some strings to have you manning the snack bar.
It wasn’t ideal, but it certainly opened up the opportunity to listen in to a lot of gossip all around town. Not your favourite pastime, yet Heather enjoyed the very juicy ones, something you noticed she most likely inherited from her father, the chief editor for the town’s paper. Every time her shift ended, so did yours and either you share interesting stories of the day while you drive home or to the newly opened Starcourt Mall.
“Ew, those women are either married or divorced,” your nose wrinkled in disgust at Heather’s favourite gossip topic, Hawkins group of moms. Specifically, their scheduled visits to the pool whenever Billy Hargrove would be on duty as lifeguard.
“He likes the attention, I guess,” Heather shrugged, “and the moms get to ogle eye candy.”
“Still a minor, Heather.”
“Uh-uh, he turned 18 a few months back,” Heather argued, though the distaste was apparent on her face. “The term is barely legal.” Then she suddenly giggled. “I’m still calling the police when they make a direct move,” she half-joked. “I know they call me a bitch behind my back.”
“You’re a menace.”
“And you’re a sissy,” Heather shot back. “When are you going to ask Steve Harrington ou— JESUS!” She clung at the grab handle when your foot landed too much on the gas pedal. “No need to take me with you to hell just because you can’t get a date.” Then with a cheeky grin, she added, “I heard Steve can’t get a date either, and he talks up anyone at that ice cream place.”
You slammed the brakes. “That’s it!” you exclaimed. “You’re walking the rest of the way to Starcourt!” The only reply you had was Heather’s maniacal giggles at getting you so riled up.
You and Heather parted ways when you arrived at Starcourt after telling you that she’d be getting a ride home with her date. You waved her off and headed to Scoop’s Ahoy. A group of girls were giggling as they were leaving when you got there. You also noticed the whiteboard that Robin, Steve’s co-worker, held up, adding another tally on the “You suck” scoreboard.
“See what I have to deal with?” Steve immediately ranted, jerking a finger at Robin’s direction. “If you worked with me, I don’t have to be subjected with workplace abuse.”
You and Robin snorted in sync. “You poor baby,” you cooed teasingly while pinching Steve’s cheek. “How can I ever live without the longer shifts, ridiculous uniform, and being your wingman?” You earned another laugh from Robin while Steve scoffed before shooting you a pout.
“Well, you certainly miss me since you constantly visit as soon as your shift ends,” Steve shot back.
“Sure, I’m definitely not here as Heather’s chauffer to her movie date,” you said, “or just hanging out at the comic book store.”
“You want me to come wi—?”
“Bye, Robin!” you ignored his offer yet still blowing Steve a raspberry to which he rolled his eyes at. Exiting the ice cream shop, you made you way to the pharmacy first before the comic book store. It was mostly empty when you got there, so it was a breeze in getting your prescription inhaler.
It’s been forever since you had asthma, the last one during your elementary days. Your wheezing fits had only come back since that occurrence in those tunnels that you still see in your nightmares. However, after the countless tests and screening from military scientists, they cleared it to just “your body shifting from all the trauma.”
You’d think after opening gates to other dimensions with monsters, they’d be able to create a cure for asthma.
The thought was highly amusing to you that you almost missed the fiery redhead that just entered the pharmacy. Your eyes watched Max Mayfield carefully as she walked through the aisles with her head low, trying to be inconspicuous. Grabbing your bag of prescription, you slowly followed where Max wandered off, which happened to be a shelf of bandages.
You almost let it go, knowing that her skateboard hobby always led her to a number of scrapes and bruises. But when she reached for the bandage wrap on the high shelf, her shirt sleeve revealed a hand-shaped mark wrapped around her pale wrist. Trying to be nonchalant as possible, you approached her and grabbed the bandage for her, ignoring how Max quickly put her arm down and tugged at her sleeve.
“Skateboarding mishap again, red?”
Max’s signature cocky smirk covered the surprise on her face. “It’s one of my better falls,” she said. Then her eyes wandered to the prescription bag in my hand. “Still have those? They said you’d be better in a couple of weeks since the incident.”
“Well, I didn’t, so here I am,” you shrugged. “Hey, listen, I’m heading out to the comic book store if you want to tag along. My treat.”
Once you were at the community pool. Though you resorted to buying your carefully as she skimmed through the new arrival stack. You didn’t really have anything worth buying since most of the comics you read are from Dustin’s collection that he recommends and lends to you every other week. Sometimes you get the appeal, sometimes you didn’t. Still, it was a great way to pass the time when things are slow from working the snack bar at the comic book store if you want to tag along. My treat.”
Maybe you should’ve offered to buy Max a cone from Scoops Ahoy instead.
“You got any good recommendations?” you randomly asked the guy who just walked in. You seem to have caught him off-guard, the look of surprise that you were talking to him. “Munson, right?”
“Yeah, Eddie,” he said after a brief pause. “Didn’t think you’d be the type to read comics.”
You thought so too. But you also didn’t think that monsters that live in an alternate dimension exist.
You shrugged. “I read almost anything to pass the time,” you said. “Henderson lends me a lot of X-men.”
Eddie was about to reply when Max approached you with two Wonder Woman comics. “I can pay for the other one,” she offered.
You scoffed lightly and ruffled the top of her head. “Don’t be ridiculous,” you said. “Didn’t I say it was my treat?” Before she could argue, you snatched both copies from her hand and headed to the counter with her trailing behind you. “See you around, Munson.”
You and Max wandered aimlessly around the mall. You offered to go watch whatever movie was in the cinema, but Max turned you down, saying that she had plans with the party later that week once their campaign planning was through. After you ran out of things to do, you offered to drive her home, which she sheepishly accepted.
Before you could even pull out the parking area, Max said, “I know you saw the bruise. You didn’t have to do all that to make me feel better.”
A surprised smile tugged at your lips, impressed on how quickly she caught up on your intentions. “I don’t really have any sisters to dote on,” you said, “so it isn’t entirely on pity. I know you can stand up for yourself, red.” You continued, “But promise me one thing?”
Max nodded.
“You tell me when anything gets too much, okay?” You held her hand to show your support. “I’m always going to be here for you.” Trying to lighten up the mood, you added, “Billy is a prick anyway.” Then you pulled the car into drive.
“He has it worse than me.”
You tried to hold in your composure, but you couldn’t help your eyebrows rising up at the unexpected information. You always suspected something going on with Billy. No one suddenly becomes an asshole overnight. That you knew from being friends for a long time with Steve. Aside from the horrible friends he used to have, Steve grew up with his parents barely around, and even if they were, his father was always either hard on him or emotionally absent.
“Well, it doesn’t give him the right to take it out on you.”
“I know.”
Later that week, you were at your usual spot at the snack booth. The heat was especially brutal that day at it almost felt that your lungs were constricting every time you tried to breathe out. Not even ice water seemed to help, and when the thin clouds cleared, the blaring sunlight only made it worse, even though you were under the shade of the booth.
“Hey, watch the stand for me?” you said to your co-worker who mostly just tried to look busy by restacking cans of soda and rearranging the chips as a way to avoid kids yelling out their orders. He sighed but nodded, getting up to man the counter. On your way out of the booth, you pulled out your inhaler out of your backpack and staggered into the searing sunlight to make your way to Heather.
As you took a blip of your inhaler, you didn’t notice the person near you and collided into them, sending your inhaler flying. “Shit,” you muttered, picking up the plastic case. “Sorry about that.” You looked up and paled upon the realisation that you bumped into Billy Hargrove.
Billy didn’t seem to mind and just grunted before brushing past you. If anything, he looked as disoriented as you, dishevelled and profusely sweating. He had an obvious stumble to his step on his way to the locker room to what you assumed was to get ready for his shift.
You had half a mind to approach him when you heard “Hey! No dunking, Curtis!” from the pool area. You were suddenly reminded of your current task and shrugged off the Billy’s concerning state. For all you know, he was still probably drunk from whatever party he was at last night. It was summer break after all.
You carefully avoided being splashed near the poolside as you circled over to where Heather was stationed at the lifeguard post. Unfortunately, you almost tripped from another dizzy spell again and collided with another person. Just your luck.
“Oh, dear,” a woman this time voiced her concern. “Are you okay, hon? Maybe you should stay out of the heat.”
You steadied yourself and stared into the eyes of Karen Wheeler. “I’m okay, Mrs. Wheeler,” you wheezed. “Sorry ‘bout that.”
“Drink some water!” Mrs. Wheeler called out before walking off.
Finally, you were able to tell Heather that you were cutting your shift short and that you couldn’t drive her to her dad’s office as you agreed on earlier that day. She waved you off and told you to drive carefully, assuring you that she could always call her mom to pick her up later.
On your way out, you noticed Mrs. Wheeler coming out of the locker room looking distressed and teary-eyed. She didn’t seem to notice you staring at her as she made her way back to the pool area. A few moments later, Billy came out of the same room, still looking as physically uncomfortable as before.
For the past weeks of working at the pool, it was no secret that one of Billy’s favourite moms was Mrs. Wheeler. But was there really some illicit affair between them? You probably wouldn’t put it past Billy, but the woman had three kids, for goodness’ sakes. You made a mental note to ask Heather what she knew about it tomorrow.
After a gruelling half hour drive while cranking your A/C up to full blast, you finally got home. You barely got a mouthful of ice water when your door rang. You wondered who it could be when the neighbours knew that you and your parents were usually at work during the entire day.
“Hey, can you drive us to Starcourt?”
You stared into the wild grins of El and Max, standing excitedly on your doorstep. Fifteen minutes later, you were back in your car, playing chauffeur for the two girls giggling from the backseat of your car.
“I’m telling you, El, boyfriends lie,” Max insisted. She poked you. “Tell her.”
You chuckled dismissively at their tween antics. “I wouldn’t know.”
Both El and Max paused and focused their attention on you.
“You haven’t dated anyone?”
“I’ve been on dates,” you clarified, “but I never really dated anyone.”
“Why?” El asked. It was more inquisitive than mocking or accusatory. She was very curious, that one.
“Because she has the biggest crush on Steve.”
“Oh, my God!” you exclaimed. “Does everyone just know about that?”
“Well, anyone with eyes, yeah,” Max said, rolling her eyes for good measure. “The only reason why he hasn’t caught up is because boys are dumb.”
That made you laugh out loud despite the discomfort in your ribs.
When you arrived at the mall, you expected to have them run off to who knows where while you hung out at the waiting area, taking advantage of the air conditioning, but those two dragged you to every clothing outlet at the mall. You tried to not exert yourself, but it was hard not to match their energy when they were clearly having so much fun. It was even so endearing to see El emerging from her shell, trying out outfits that she genuinely liked and not those lumberjack fits that Chief Hopper had her on all the time.
By the third store, you insisted to sit that one out and merely watch them try on a bunch of different hats. You giggled at them posing at the mirror as if they were at a fashion show. However, you only had a moment of peace before Max approached you with a sundress that looked way too close to your size.
“No,” you stood your ground.
“Yes, then we’re going to Scoops Ahoy to get cones after this.”
“Ask Steve out on a date,” El urged, smiling encouragingly.
“What happened to ‘boys are dumb?’” you said, raising your brow.
“He’s not going to ask you out first, so you will do it for him!” Max said. She and El both grabbed each of your arm and pulled you to your feet and into the dressing room then tossing in the dress and pulling the curtain shut.
You stared at yourself in the mirror and the dress you held in front of you. You hated to admit it, but it was a pretty dress. Even if you couldn’t score a date with Steve, at least you had a great addition to your wardrobe. With that positive thought in mind, you pulled your shirt over your head and hung it on one of the clothing hooks.
You carefully pulled down the zipper on the dress when you noticed something odd on your reflection. Peering closer on the mirror, you stared at your ribs, noticing the almost black veins that almost seemed to be moving underneath the skin. What the…
“Are you done?!” Max called out from behind the curtain.
You snapped out of it and quickly pulled on the dress. All your initial worries faded once you saw yourself in the mirror. For good measure, you pulled your hair out of your scrunchie and let your tresses fall out in waves over your shoulder.
“Wow,” El and Max chorused.
You didn’t even notice them pulling the curtain open.
When you made your way to Scoops Ahoy, Max and El apparently had already made plans that you don’t come in with them. “Let it be a surprise,” Max had said. It was almost ridiculous that you were letting 14-year-olds dictate you on how to get a date from your crush.
“Okay, here you go, you got a strawberry and then a vanilla with sprinkles, extra whipped cream.” Steve paused and looked at the two girls suspiciously, especially at El. “Wait a second,” he thought out loud, “are you even supposed to be here?”
The two girls giggled, and El said, “A pretty girl drove us here.”
The words ‘pretty’ and ‘girl’ caught Steve’s attention. Predictable. “Yeah?” he grinned, leaning forward as if asking for more details. “She still with you?”
“You know her, silly,” Max giggled before running off with El. On their way out, they both flashed you a thumbs up and mouthed, “good luck.”
You stepped inside Scoops Ahoy with a newfound confidence. It was definitely the dress, and you hope it paid off. When Steve caught sight of you, his eyes brightened up and flashed you his charming smile.
“Hey, stranger,” Steve greeted. “I see the girls made you their babysitter and chauffer.”
You tried not to let your smile falter when you didn’t get the reaction you hoped. You laughed, trying not to give off the fact that your confidence was quickly crumbling. “Yeah,” you said, “my shift ended early at the pool.”
“That’s great!” Steve cheered. “Listen, Dustin just caught Russians on his new radio thing, and we’re trying to translate it. Spy shit and all.”
You blinked. “Dustin’s back?”
“Yeah,” Steve nodded animatedly, “he’s at back with Robin translating the tape. Well, mostly Robin. Didn’t even know she’s amazing at languages.” He continued, keeping his excited energy, “She already knocked down a couple phrases. Isn’t that cool?”
Then it clicked.
Steve liked Robin.
Too late again.
“Listen, we can use your help because there’s this music at the end that I couldn’t remember where it came from,” Steve said. “Robin and Dustin say it’s stupid, but you can back me—”
“Um,” you breathed out. You cleared your throat, wondering why you started to get out of breath again. “I still have to drive the girls home before dark,” you said, gently turning him down.
“Um, call me if you find something cool?” You didn’t wait for him to reply and turned your back on him. As soon as you left Scoops Ahoy, you pulled your inhaler out your pocket and took a blip, but it seemed to only make your lungs angrier and cramp even more.
As agreed upon earlier, you found the girls at the main doors of the mall, but they were in a heated conversation with Mike and the rest of his party. You sighed and quickly approached them before it turned into a full argument.
“I dump your ass!” El declared, making you stop in your steps. Lucas and Max were flabbergasted at the outburst, except Max looked somewhat proud. Mike just looked lost and was clearly at a loss for words. Will just looked uncomfortable enough to be witnessing the entire thing.
“Okay, that’s enough,” you interfered. “We’re leaving, come on.” You looked at Will who seemed to be the most aware among the boys at the moment. “You guys need a ride?”
He shook his head.
“You take care, okay?”
Will nodded.
The walk to your car between you and the girls was quiet. Though Max decided to break the silence when you pulled out of the mall compound. “What happened?” she asked.
You simply shrugged, ignoring the burning in your ribs from the simple motion. “Boys are dumb.” Then the car ride was silent again.
Later that evening, you laid in your bathtub in cold water, finally relaxing when you can breathe easily again. The summer heat fatigue really got you today, you thought. Suddenly remembering what you saw in the fitting room, you looked at your ribs again and was relieved when all you saw was nothing but your usual skin.
You were pulled back to your thoughts and remembered the beautiful sundress that was now laid discarded on the bathroom floor. You groaned at the memory of what just occurred this afternoon. You sighed and slid down to submerge the rest of yourself in the almost freezing water, leaving all your worries for the few seconds you had underwater.
Don’t be afraid. It’ll be over soon. Just stay… very… still.
You were scared. You couldn’t open your eyes, and the water suddenly felt too thick. The searing pain that was becoming too familiar in your lungs felt like it was begin to crawl out of your chest and into your throat.
But it was all gone in a split second.
Panicked and scared out of your wits, you immediately crawled your way out of the bathtub, not caring if you were curled up naked on the bathroom floor. You reached for the first thing you could grab to cover yourself, until you realised that it was still the same damn sundress. Suddenly, all the air just left your body, and you were starting to wonder if it was still an asthma attack.
You hoisted yourself up on the sink, both coughing and wheezing, trying to do everything you can to get yourself some oxygen.
“Sweetie? What’s going on?” the familiar voice of your mom came muffled from the other side of the door. When you replied with nothing but aggressive and painful coughs, the knocking became incessant, and her calls turned to worried cries. “Open the door!”
The same sensation of something crawling out of your throat came back. This time, you were more aware than your paralyzed state a few minutes ago. You stuck your fingers in your throat, feeling for any obstruction.
And you did.
With one forced cough, you were able to pinch out something smooth but foreign. You yanked it out, clenched it in your fist, and spat whatever fluid it brought out. You were initially worried that it was blood, but as you looked at the white ceramic of the bathroom sink, it was black.
When the bathroom door burst open, you quickly opened the faucet, flushing down whatever it was. Your mom rushed over to you and covered your hunched figure with a bath towel before pulling open the medicine cabinet behind the mirror to fish out your emergency inhaler.
“Come on, sweetie,” she carefully urged the inhaler in my mouth, pressing down to dispense a dose, but you could barely bury it down. “Let’s go to your room. You’re freezing.” She led me step by step to my bed and laid me under the covers, but the warm blankets only made me feel worse. “Your dad is coming with the nebulizer. Don’t worry. Just careful breaths.”
You didn’t remember how long it took for you to fall asleep that night, but you woke up the next day to your mom entering your room, already dressed in her office attire. She must’ve seen the panic on your face when you realised that it was way past your alarm.
“I called you in sick at the community pool,” your mom said. “Your dad will be picking you up after work to bring you to the hospital. In the meantime, just rest, okay?” She pressed a kiss on your forehead before she left the room, and you were alone again.
Then you felt the soft thing that you had in your fist the entire night. You raised your hand and held the foreign object over your head.
A black petal.
Panic bubbled up at the base of your spine, and you wasted no time in getting out of bed and getting dressed. You needed to tell Chief Hopper or Mrs. Byers. Or even just any one in Mike’s party.
And Steve.
Suddenly, it hit you. Dustin would still be around Steve decoding whatever Russian code they were on. The kid can easily call a code red for your situation. You grabbed your keys with the intent of going to Starcourt.
Just as you locked the front door, Max and El came rushing in their bikes, looking as alarmed as you are. They rushed to you, especially El who gave you a pleading look.
“It’s Billy.”
“As much as I appreciate you calling a grown up to investigate, this seems highly unnecessary.”
You were clearly uncomfortable as you turned the corner to Cherry Lane. You already gave them an earful when they admitted that they were spying on random people during their sleepover last night. Personally, you didn’t think that Heather would suddenly go for Billy when she just went on a date with someone else the other week, but maybe Billy was just that convincing.
“But the screams,” El reasoned.
“When Billy is alone with a girl, they make, like, really crazy noises,” Max argued, making you laugh at her words. Case in point.
“That’s surprising,” you noted. “I assumed that because he’s such an asshole he doesn’t…” you trailed off when you caught El’s clueless look from your rear-view mirror. “Never mind.”
“They scream?” El voiced out her confusion.
“Yeah, but, like… happy screams.” Then Max turned to you. “Oh, just that house right there.”
Your laughter came out in breathless snorts at this point. You pulled the car in park around the curb. “Okay, that’s enough,” you interrupted. “You don’t need to know about that yet, El.” You watched the house and hummed in thought. “His car’s not there. This’ll be easy.”
The three of you went inside the house and headed to his room. You knew that their family was very far from a loving one, but you tried to wrack your head for a reason as to why Billy’s bedroom door had a hinge lock from the outside. You barely had any thoughts about that little detail before Max pushed the door open.
“Why do I get the feeling we’re gonna find all sorts of wrong here?” Max said.
“Well, his tastes in music aren’t half bad,” you commented, flicking through his stack of cassette tapes by his stereo. You pulled open his bedside drawer and laughed at its contents. “Jackpot.”
Max rushed over to peek, only to see his collection of ‘printed ladies.’ “Ugh!” she exclaimed. “Gag me with a spoon.”
Then we heard El calling us from the bathroom.
We followed her to see empty ice packets around his tub. The unsettling feeling crept in again as you remember that you were also trying to keep yourself cold last night. But you weren’t the only one who was unsettled.
El, who was breathing heavily, stared off into the corner, and when Max and you followed her line of sight, there it was. Blood. You carefully opened the trash bin and pulled out a utility bag from Hawkins’ Community Pool.
“Let’s go.” You didn’t waste any time leaving the house and getting into the car.
Despite the darkening skies and thunder rumbling, you got there in record time. You ran to see a co-worker of your closing the pool area. Protocol. But he definitely wasn’t pleased to see you.
“Didn’t you call in sick?” he said, sounding annoyed. “You’re the second person to bail today.”
“Heather didn’t come in?” Max asked.
“Obviously. Otherwise, I wouldn’t be doing thi— Hey!”
The three of us ran back to the car to figure out what to do next.
“We can go back to my place,” you suggested. “Wait out until Heather comes home next door.” Then you remembered. “Shit,” you cursed, turning on your car before the girls agreed. “My dad is supposed to pick me up for a doctor’s appointment.”
Luckily, your dad wasn’t home yet when you got back. Probably due to the storm. However, the girls already had their own plans in mind when they walked over next door to the Holloway’s.
“Shit, shit, shit,” you hissed, jogging over to them. “Don’t go running off without me.” You looked at the now open front door. “Did you just unlock the door? This is trespassing!”
“She’s inside,” El whispered. She and Max entered the house, and you had no choice but to follow.
The three of you carefully treaded towards the voices in the dining room. There you found Billy with Mr. and Mrs. Holloway chatting away. The sight of your three by the hallway halted their conversation.
“Um, hey, Janet, Tom,” you greeted. “We tried to knock, but you probably didn’t hear us over the storm.”
“What on earth are you doing here?” Billy cut in, his eyes trained on Max and El.
“Where is she, Billy?” you asked firmly, staring straight into his eyes.
“Where is who?” Billy smiled innocently, but it didn’t give you any ease.
“Well, they’re a little burnt! I’m sorry.” Heather walked in from the kitchen, carrying a tray of cookies. “Oh, hey, girl! Is your shift over?”
“Heather!” Billy called. “This is my sister, Maxine.” He gestured to Max before his eyes landed on El. “I’m sorry. I did not quite catch your name.”
“El.” Eleven responded with her eyes pointedly trained on Billy.
“El,” Billy echoed, his polite smile turning into something menacing.
It definitely unnerved the three of us. Your hands held onto their shoulders and pulled them behind your back, leaving you to face Billy. “You guys weren’t at work, so we got worried,” you said, trying to keep your voice steady.
“Heather wasn't feeling so hot today, so we thought we'd take the day off to nurse her back to health.” Billy turned to Heather. “But you’re feeling just fine right now. Aren’t you, Heather?”
“I’m feeling so much better,” Heather smiled, but there was something about it that didn’t seem right to you.
Max and El tugged at your hand. You looked at them to see them silently pleading at you with their eyes. You gave a brief shake of your head before turning back to Billy. “I’m sorry to disturb you,” you said carefully. “I’ll take the girls home.”
“Thank you for looking out for my sister and her… friend.”
You made sure that the girls walked ahead of you, and right before you passed the front door, Billy pulled you to him. You barely could get a noise out as he pressed his hand over your ribs.
“You’re one of us,” Billy whispered before he shoved you out and shut the door.
It all happened in a split second that the girls didn’t even notice the exchange. The fear stabbed you deep in the gut that you basically dragged them back to your house, forcing them not to look back. Only when you got inside your house that the tension released from your body but only just.
“I’m taking you guys home, and tomorrow, we’re meeting up with the party, okay?”
“You’re not going anywhere, young lady.”
You winced and found your dad staring you down with his arms crossed.
Damn it.
“As soon as we’re done here, you’re grounded for a week.”
You groaned and held back the urge to roll your eyes. You were in the hospital waiting area for your family physician, but because there were a handful of minor accidents because of the storm, the wait was a bit long, especially when you were not priority. It was fine during the first ten minutes, but after half an hour, you were starting to get cranky.
“I’m going to the restroom.”
Your dad made a move to get up, but you stopped him. “There’s literally a storm out there, and you drove me here,” you pointed out. “Where else can I go?”
Your dad just scoffed but leaned back in his seat, waving you off. “Bring me back a coffee then,” he said.
You walked down the hallway but turned to the payphones instead of the restrooms. You dialled in the number you were so familiar with and hoped that he’d be home by this time.
“Hello?” Steve’s voice rang through the speaker, sending relief through your body.
“Pick me up at the hospital,” you said.
“Wait, what?”
“Oh, and do it in half an hour.”
“There’s literally a storm outsi—”
“I’m also staying at your place tonight.”
“Hey! What is going—”
“Thanks, Harrington.”
Steve arrived at the hospital in twenty, still dressed in his sailor uniform. With your dad still busy with his coffee and a random medical pamphlet, you cocked your head to the side and sent Steve a signal where to wait while you made your escape. For the second time, you got up to your feet.
“I think I want a coffee actually,” you said. “Be right back, daddy.”
Your dad hummed, not even lifting his eyes from the pamphlet.
For a split second, your heart seized at the sight of your clueless father. You wanted to tell him and mom about the monsters and how they were this close to taking you, but they were better off not knowing. It wasn’t worth risking their lives when it could be just you.
With a heavy heart, you kissed the top of his head and walked down the hallway, heading for the exit and into Steve Harrington’s getaway car.
“Okay, but what the hell is going on?” Steve asked, pulling the car in drive.
You didn’t answer and just hugged your knees to your chest while crying silently. You’re one of us. You squeezed your eyes shut and tried to level your breathing, which now felt like such a laborious task. Now that you knew the truth, it was almost like you could feel it all inside you. Taking every piece of you.
You were quickly pulled out of your thoughts by a warm hand clasping yours. You raised your head and looked at Steve, who kept his eyes on the road, but continued to squeeze your hand. You managed to stop crying and thread your fingers through his and bask in his warmth.
You knew it was just temporary. You knew who he really liked. And as if the universe was aware of your feelings, they decided to cut the moment short by sending your chest squeezing and blocking your airways again. You dropped Steve’s hand and clutched at your chest as you exploded into another coughing fit.
Steve panicked and quickly glanced between you and the road. “What’s happening?” he asked frantically. “Should I take you back to the hospital?”
You violently shook your head. “N-no,” you managed to wheeze out. “Dr-drive.”
“Where’s your inhaler?” Steve asked to which you left unanswered.
Finally, you managed to cough out a chunk of something, freeing your airways. You quickly shoved it in your pockets without checking before Steve noticed it. You exhaled in relief and leaned back in his seat.
“It didn’t use to be that bad,” Steve pointed out.
“Was that why you were at the hospital?”
“We should go back.”
“Doesn’t matter. We’re near your place anyway.”
By the time you got to Steve’s house, he rushed to his parents’ room to find you something to wear from his mom’s closet. “Go take a shower and warm up!” he called out from the second floor.
You dragged your feet into the downstairs bathroom and rinsed your mouth. As you spat out the water, swirls of blood and black goo circled around before disappearing down the drain. You pulled out the clump that you hid in your pocket and teared up at the sight of a fully formed flower.
It was cruel that something as hauntingly beautiful as this was killing you from the inside.
When you flipped the flower over, you noticed thin tendrils from where the stem should be. You were horrified that the tendrils were actually moving like tiny tentacles. It reminded you of that day when you were in the tunnels under the pumpkin farm.
Without any more thought, you dropped the flower in the sink. Remembering that they were susceptible to heat, you immediately turned on the faucet to its hottest setting. As the water hit the flower, your lungs were suddenly set on fire.
Out of instinct, you turned the faucet off, relieved that the flower immediately dried out and broke off into ashy flakes. The burning stopped as well but still lingered under your skin. Almost tripping over your own feet, you staggered over to the shower, stripping yourself of your drenched clothes and turning on the water to its coldest setting, and only then did you find relief.
You’re one of us.
It took over almost half an hour to compose yourself and figure out what to do from here on out. You put one of the fluffy robes in the bathroom and headed out to the living room where Steve was already lounging on one of the sofas, shirtless but with a towel hanging over his neck. He only seemed to notice your presence when the sofa dipped beside him under your weight.
“You okay?” Steve asked when you rested your head on his shoulder, not minding that his hair was still dripping wet. “Jesus, you’re freezing.” He moved to grab the throw blanket and pulled it over both of you then rubbed his hands on your arms to warm you up.
Meanwhile, you wrapped your hands around his waist and just closed your eyes at the sound of his heartbeat. You were mad that his was steady when you couldn’t even control the fast drumming of your own heart whenever you were near him. Still, you held Steve as if you were afraid to let go, as if he was your only reminder that you were still you. But why did it hurt, even physically, so much to hold on?
“Are you sure you’re okay?” Steve whispered, stroking the back of your head. “I don’t think we held each other like this since middle school,” he chuckled to himself at the memory. “When Vicki Carmichael took stole your partner for the Snow Ball and kissed him in front of everyone? You slept over and cried in my bed, telling me you hated her for it and me for going with Tammy Thompson.”
You wracked your head trying to remember what Steve was talking about. Maybe because it was a long day, but you couldn’t remember him holding you like this in middle school. Still, it must have been a beautiful memory if even Steve remembered it.
Sometimes it felt like you were the only one holding on so tightly in this relationship with him.
“Don’t you remember?”
You just hummed and snuggled closer to Steve.
“Okay, how about when Lewenski and I got into a fight because his girlfriend tripped you up and you skinned your knee pretty bad?”
This one, you remembered. “Your dad grounded you for a month, and you got benched for two games,” you chuckled softly.
“And you still cheered for me in the sidelines,” Steve said, sounding relieved that you were finally talking. After while a long pause, he said, “What happened? You used to tell me everything.” He continued, “I know I joke about it a lot, but I was really worried when you didn’t sign up with me at the mall. And you being sick all the time now?”
“Steve, just drop it,” you said, almost in a plea. “We’re okay. You never have to worry about me.”
Steve scoffed playfully. “That’s never going to happen,” he argued. “I’m always gonna worry about you. You don’t even notice how much trouble you get yourself into without realising.”
You tried not to think about it, but for the rest of that night in Steve’s arms, you almost felt like the vines were moving inside you, growing and taking up what was left of you that you haven’t already given to Steve.
“So, basically you’re a fugitive now?”
You chuckled and tiredly patted Dustin’s back. “Man, I missed you, kid,” you said. “And to answer your question, technically yes. I’m facing a lifetime of being grounded if I’m caught.”
“Let me get this straight,” Dustin began, his eyes trained on your plain black shirt that obviously belonged to Steve, “Steve snuck you out of the hospital, and you stayed in his house the entire night?” He leaned close to you. “And nothing happened?”
“Jesus, Dustin,” you wrinkled your nose at him. “People serve food here.” You gestured at the small cup of ice cream you were eating as breakfast slash brunch. Though you were wallowing your sorrows in cold, cold sweets, it did make you feel like a kid again.
“Steve is so stupid sometimes it amazes me,” Dustin thought out loud.
“I’m surprised you caught on. Seems like everyone in the world knows except him.”
“That’s because I’m me,” Dustin grinned proudly. “I bet the rest of the party doesn’t even know.”
“Who doesn’t know?” Steve entered the backroom with Robin in tow.
“Probably that you’re a dingus,” Robin snickered. Then her eyes trailed over to you. “So, we have another addition to the team,” she pointed out. “Who’s bringing her up to speed?”
“Dustin,” Steve said the same time that Dustin also said, “Me.”
Of course, it was Dustin.
While Dustin explained to you that the Russian military was most likely running a secret base right in the Starcourt Mall, you worried about El and Max, especially with not-Billy on the loose. Though they probably were already with the rest of the party right now and alerted Chief Hopper and Mrs. Byers. There was absolutely nothing to worry about.
“Got it?” Dustin finally said before narrowing his eyes at me. “Were you just zoning out the entire time?”
You snorted. “What do you take me for?”
“Fine, what did I just say?”
“Okay, I probably zoned out halfway through,” you admitted. “But your problem is pretty simple.”
Steve, Dustin, and Robin waited for you to continue.
“You just need the blueprints for the mall.”
“Why haven’t you called her the moment we were cracking the code?” Robin said, rushing outside and grabbing the tip jar. Ignoring Steve’s calls for her, she was off leaving us three at Scoops Ahoy.
“Touch my butt! I don’t care!”
“Can we keep it PG in here?” you frowned at the ridiculous show Steve and Dustin were putting by trying to get into the air ducts. “Just pull the boy down before someone gets hurt.”
“He can’t get hurt. He’s missing bones like Gumbo.”
“Like what?” you tilted your head.
“He means Gumby,” Dustin corrected, grabbing hold of Steve’s shoulders as he got hoisted out of the vent, “and that’s not how cleidocranial dysplasia works, Steve. I’m missing collarbones, not nerves.”
“Whatever,” Steve said. “We just need some else who could fit in there.”
Just as Steve said those words, Robin burst in the backroom, looking like she had an epiphany for the second time today. You were beginning to think she was the reason how Steve and Dustin had gotten this far. Behind her stood Lucas’ younger sister, Erica. Ah, the epiphany.
It only took the rest of the day of convincing her. The kid knew how to play hard ball. You’d give her that. She wouldn’t take anything less than ice cream for life. Frankly, you’d do the same.
You waited until the mall closed, though Robin and Steve cleared up Scoops Ahoy a few minutes early. So far, your parents were a no show, though you assumed that they didn’t think you would be hiding in the backroom of a very crowded mall. Frankly, they probably wouldn’t even believe you that you were infected with a monster from an alternate dimension and would rather help your friends with a Russian invasion than go to the hospital.
“Free ice cream for life,” Erica smirked smugly as soon as the thick sliding doors – actually odd for a simple storage room – slid open for us.
It didn’t take much snooping to find vats of glowing neon green vats of unknown substances hidden in regular delivery boxes. Without much thought, you grabbed one and made your way to the door. “Let’s just go before someone catches us.”
Again, the universe… just hated us.
“Uhh, which one do I press, Erica?” Dustin asked, insistently pressing the “OPEN” button.
Panic began to rise among all of us as mechanical whirring buzzed between the walls. Between that and the fact that we were trapped, we definitely knew we were screwed. While all of them fussed over the buttons that were no longer working, you stepped back, feeling something prickle under your skin.
“Just open the door!” Robin cried out, echoing into someone… something different.
Open the door.
Open the door!
Open the goddamn door!
Suddenly, you were on fire. You barely noticed your screams rising over everyone else’s. You fell to the floor, convulsing in agony as flashes of different people appeared in your head as if you were them. An old lady in a hospital bed, Heather, her parents, so many people who barely even knew in Hawkins… then Billy.
It was quiet with him. You saw flashes of a beautiful blonde woman calling out to him, her face concealed in a sunhat, then the beach with sand in between your toes. There was a moment of peace and tranquillity, and like someone playing a sick joke, you were in a dark place, standing in Billy’s place in front of people who were lifelessly standing still right in front of something. Something that you didn’t recognize but was so familiar to you, inside you.
He made me do it. It’s like a shadow, like a giant shadow. Please believe me, Max.
“Billy, it’s gonna be okay,” Max’s voice echoed in his head as if it were yours.
“It’s gonna be okay,” a different voice filtered through from all the noise.
“She’s unconscious. How is her inhaler going to help?” “I’m pretty sure that’s a seizure, nerd.” “Check for a pulse, Steve.”
Your consciousness fell right back on you like a pile of bricks. Your eyes fluttered open to see Steve hovering over you with your inhaler tucked between your lips. Once your eyes locked with his caramel ones, a huge wave of relief washed over his face as he pulled you into his arms.
“Oh, my God,” Steve gasped, clutching on to you for dear life. “Don’t scare me like that.”
“Get… out.”
Steve tensed and pulled away to look at you. “What?”
You weakly pulled up your – actually Steve’s shirt up to your ribs, revealing angry black veins that were now crawling over your torso. You cried out and clutched at you. “Get it out!”
“Holy sh– what the hell is that?!”
You rolled to the side and fell into a coughing fit, your back hunched over. Your nails clawed at your throat, feeling something trying to crawl itself out. Whatever happened somewhere in Hawkins pissed off the plants inside you, and you can feel them twisting and curling throughout your torso.
With much straining and the remaining oxygen in your lungs, you managed to pull out the parasite from your oesophagus. The action made Dustin and Robin gag in the corner, while Steve and Erica warily looked at the slithering vine with a fully bloomed flower you dropped on the floor, leaving a trail of blood and black goo.
“You guys, by any chance, have a lighter?” you panted, pressing your cheek against the cold metal floor for any cool relief you can take.
Silence told you no. You hoisted yourself up with much difficulty and leaned back into the crate then immediately had an idea. Albeit, a bad one. With shaky knees, you got on your feet and lifted the vat of green goo that rolled away when you dropped unconscious. You looked for the right twist to open the container when Dustin stopped you.
“What are you doing?”
“We have to kill it,” you said nonchalantly. “I mean, I could just drink this to get it over with, but I don’t want to die that quick.”
“Are you…?” Then Dustin’s eyes widened. “That day. You were… because you saved me.”
“Wait, wait, are any of you nerds explaining what’s going on?” Erica interrupted.
You sighed. “Monster,” you pointed at the vine. “Infected,” you pointed at yourself. “Must kill monster with something. Preferably fire.”
“You killed one of those before?” Robin asked.
“It was smaller last night,” you shrugged, finding the latch to open up the vat. “Hot water took care of that sucker easily.” Twisting the lid a certain way, it clicked and released. “Aha!” you exclaimed. “This is gonna hurt.” You eyed the goo apprehensively.
Then Steve snatched the lid and sealed back the vat. “There has got to be a way to do this without you in pain,” he said.
“We don’t have time, and we’re stuck here in a metal box with a monster crawling towards Erica’s sneaker!”
“Why are you yelling?!”
“I’m not yelling!” you shouted. Then you turned to Dustin with a much softer voice. “How did Will get rid of his the last time?”
“Space heaters, a lot of them,” Dustin answered. “Anything from the Upside Down hates the heat, including D’Art.”
“Well, we’re not waiting until you cough all the flowers out, so I say we dump you into a hot tub and crank the heat to full,” Steve suggested, keeping the vat out of reach. “Once we get out of here, of course.”
“Boiling her alive,” Dustin scoffed. “That’s genius, Steve.”
“Or,” Robin interrupted, “we just use the same space heaters. It worked before, so it might work again now.”
“Thank you,” you said, pointedly looking at Steve. “At least someone is trying not to kill m—” Suddenly, your lungs were set aflame as you dropped into a heap on the cold floor, convulsing in agony with your mouth open in an open scream. You briefly heard Erica speaking before ultimately passing out.
“What? You only kept one of that green acid away from us. At least the monster’s dead.”
After passing out for the second time that night, you seemed to be sleeping much longer, but when you woke up, it wasn’t much of a surprise to hear Dustin and Steve still bickering. You opened your eyes to see Steve’s legs hanging from the ceiling. Again, not a surprise.
Probably nothing else would surprise you at this point.
“Shh! Jesus Christ!” Steve hissed before disappearing entirely to the top of the elevator.
Now that spiked your curiosity.
Robin was preoccupied with Erica, and both of them didn’t even notice that you were awake. You sat up and climbed on the stacked boxes leading up to the opening on the elevator ceiling. The burning in your ribs and your shortness of your breath was easier to ignore now that you were too lightheaded to actually feel the discomfort. Still, you managed to poke your head out the opening, accidentally ending up eavesdropping.
“I heard you guys talking all night,” Dustin whispered to Steve before his eyes landed on you. He winced and shot you an apologetic look.
Steve turned and saw you by his feet, making him jump in surprise. “What are you doing up?!” he scolded. “You scared all of us last night. I thought Erica killed you.”
“Gee, your welcome!” Erica called out from inside.
“’Last night’? It’s morning?”
Dustin smiled emptily. “Yeah,” he said, rubbing the back of his neck. “I’ve been trying to reach anyone on the radio since the mall is open. I think we’re too far down though.”
“Okay, take Dustin down with you please,” Steve said, facing the wall. “I’m gonna take a leak.”
“First of all, ew. Second, good morning,” you said, hopping back down with Dustin right behind you.
“This is one looong sleepover,” Steve called out before the sound of a stream hitting the ceiling echoed inside the elevator. “Two nights of being your personal pillow!”
“Two nights?” you muttered to yourself. “Was I with Steve the other night?” you turned to ask Dustin, who gave you a weird look.
“You stayed over his place, and he drove you to the mall, remember?”
“He did?”
“Hey!” Robin called out. “We have company.”
One fight with a Russian later, which Steve won – finally – you and the rest of the group snuck into the comms room of the secret Russian base and found out why your lungs had been reacting different once you walked further down that tunnel.
“The gate.”
You, Steve, and Dustin looked at each other in horror before turning back to the machine that was trying to pry open the gate that El had shut down last year. It was your first time seeing it, but the same dark familiarity was tugging from the deepest part of your mind. There was no reason to dwell on it, so you tugged Dustin and Steve, urging them to leave and quickly warn the others as soon as possible.
Unfortunately, leaving was harder than getting in. Guards were alerted, and all of us were sent into running. It ultimately sent us to the direction of the gate itself with Dustin almost running into the laser machine that was opening the gate if it wasn’t for you tugging the back of his shirt collar.
You didn’t like being that close to the gate. Between the soldiers yelling and Steve barking which way to run, a louder voice was whispering crystal clear voices inside your head. You surrendered to the voices for one second to try and understand what they were saying, which proved to be your mistake.
In that one second, you were teleported to an incredibly vivid memory of meeting Steve for the first time.
“Sweetie, say hi to Mrs. Harrington and Steve.”
Your hand curled into a fist on the hem of your mother’s dress. It wasn’t the first time you saw Steve Harrington. Your classmate pointed who Steve was when he passed you at the hallways of Hawkins’ Elementary. She boasted that her older sister was Steve’s “girl friend” after he kissed her during recess yesterday.
You didn’t know what any of that meant, but when you glanced at Steve Harrington, you thought he was the prettiest boy you ever seen. Steve Harrington was exactly what you imagined the princes looked like that your mother read to you at bedtime.
And now, you were at their front door because your mom worked with his mom, and Mrs. Harrington thought it would be nice to have her and you over for tea.
And Steve was still the prettiest boy you ever seen.
You were catatonic while staring up into the gate opening.
While the rest of the guards were chasing after Steve and the others, the scientists urged that the guards don’t touch you, seeing that your pupils had turned entirely black. Your exposed neck revealed raised veins that they could tell were black even under the dim, unsteady lighting in the lab.
Your blank state was finally broken when the Russians took you in a secluded room, further away from the gate. Your mind was wildly fuzzy as if you were in the middle of sinking badly in your own subconscious. You inner daze didn’t last long when the door opened again, and Steve and Robin were dragged in and also cuffed like you were.
“What happened to you there?” Steve said in a low tone. “You just froze.”
The soldier didn’t like the chit-chat and struck Steve across the face. The sound was loud enough to echo in the room that you winced upon impact. “No talking!” he spat in a thick accent. “Now, who do you work for?”
“I’m confused,” Steve said, trying to sound unphased from the hit. “Do I not talk or do I tell you who I work for?”
That earned him another hit.
“We have many stories of monsters from where I’m from.”
“So do we,” you groaned at the man pacing the room. “You’re not that special, dude.”
Robin and Steve were taken away over half an hour ago, mostly likely for their own interrogation. So far, on your end, this soldier has done nothing but talk your ear off about stories from where he grew up while you were strapped in an examination chair.
“I suppose you know about flowers that grow on lungs?” The surprised look on your face told him everything he needed to know. “No one knows where they come from,” he said, “… until now.” He leaned in close to you. “You are very important test subject.”
“Not for long,” you said spitefully. “I’m dying anyway.”
“Well, I suppose you will be buried in Russian soil by then,” he said, sending chills in your spine. “But now, I need to see the flowers itself.”
Your breathing quickened at the thought being sliced open.
They wanted you alive enough to bring you to Russia. That meant…
“Steve!” Your eyes widened at the sight of him as they dragged him inside the room and dropped him in a heap on the floor. Your heart clenched at the blood streaked all over his mouth and his eye swollen shut. “What did you do to him?”
The soldier and the rest of the guards merely looked at you struggling from where you were restrained while Steve remained unresponsive on the floor. The soldier looked displeased at the results before him and barked out another order. Soon enough, Robin was also dragged inside the room, and similar to you, she was as distraught at the sight of him beaten up.
Then… they just left the three of you in the room alone.
“What do they want?” Robin asked. “We told them everything, and you’re the only one not strapped with us.”
You gulped. “They, uh, they know what’s wrong with me.”
That gained Steve’s attention. With much difficultly, he raised his head and slurred out, “They’re not taking you, and we’re getting out of here.”
“Right,” you snorted. “Unless you have a way of getting to those scissors and cutting yourselves free, I’m on the next flight to Russia by the end of the day.”
“Those morons. They left scissors here?” Steve scoffed.
“I think that if we move at the same time, we could get over there, and then maybe I could kick the table and knock them into your lap,” Robin said, her voice rising with desperation. “So, on the count of three, we’re gonna hop.”
You smiled as hope bubbled when they succeeded the first two swivels. But on the third, the chair legs slid, knocking them both on the floor. Robin, who had her back to you, began shaking. At first, you and Steve thought she was crying, until her quiet giggles turned into full-on laughter.
“I’m sorry,” Robin laughed, trying to contain herself, “but I just can’t believe I’m gonna die in a secret Russian base with Steve ‘The Hair’ Harrington, while his girlfriend gets shipped off to another secret lab in Russia.”
“We’re not gonna die,” Steve huffed, “and she’s not my girlfriend, okay?”
“Gee, we’re tied up and have no hopes of escaping, and you choose to correct that?” you snarked at him.
There was a moment of quietness, mostly just to collect our wits, but Robin was the one to speak up again. She talked about Mrs. Click, our history teacher. Turns out she had been in the same class as Steve for the longest time, remembering every detail about him.
Just like you.
“Do you even remember me from that class?” Robin said, her voice lowering into a whisper. “It didn’t matter that you were an ass.”
And her next words just crushed you.
“I was still… obsessed with you.”
There was nothing else to do but watch as Steve’s eyes — well, eye — softened. In that moment, you felt like you were in someone else’s moment, just an audience. But wasn’t that what you always have been in Steve’s life?
“You know, I wish I’d known you in Click’s class,” Steve said, a fond smile growing on his lips. “Maybe instead of being here, I’d be on my way to college right now.”
Last semester, you wrote two of his history papers just so his grades would be high enough for him to play during the basketball playoffs.
“And I would have no idea that there were evil Russians beneath our feet,” Robin chuckled, “and I would be happily slinging ice cream with some other schmuck.”
“Gotta say, though, I liked being your schmuck.”
And there it was…
The burning in your lungs intensified, sending you in a painful fit of coughs. It was hard enough not to curl over because of the restraints on your chest. There was no way to claw at your throat or to grasp at your chest from the twisting pain.
You were too engrossed in trying not to choke from blood and black goo that you didn’t notice the door open. A different scientist came in, this time more sinister-looking, and leaned over you. “I knew it,” he smiled. “He feeds the flowers inside you.”
“W-wha…?” you managed to gasp out. “P-please… can’t… br-brea-eathe… In.... inhal-er.”
In the midst of the black spots tinting your vision, you barely made out a jet injector and something bright blue before you heard Steve yell out and everything went dark.
“… up. Wake up!”
You opened your eyes to see Dustin’s face. “Am I dreaming?”
“Come on! We have to go!”
You were so groggy that you followed Erica and Dustin to a hijacked mini-truck with Steve and Robin giggling along. Both their antics only heightened when we finally ascended back up to the mall. Steve couldn’t stop booping Dustin, while Robin was saying stuff about food and death.
“Did they give you something too?” Erica asked me.
“They probably took something instead,” you rasped out, feeling your throat. “They baited one out and pulled it out while I was trying not to choke to death.”
“Where is it now?” Dustin turned to me, smacking away Steve’s finger from booping his nose again.
“How the hell should I know? I was tied up!” you scowled at him.
“We just saved your asses!” Erica and Dustin chimed back at your tone.
The bickering didn’t end until you were all forced to be quiet as you hid in a cinema that was showing ‘Back to the Future.’ Once upon a time, it seemed to be a fun movie to watch with the kids, maybe even with El, but now, you could barely keep your knees from fidgeting as your eyes constantly watched between Michael J. Fox and the cinema doors for any evil Russians.
It wasn’t long when your lungs began burning again. You didn’t feel the need to cough this time, but it didn’t stop for a metallic taste bursting in your mouth. You grabbed an empty popcorn bag nearby and spat into the paper. Even under the dark theatre, you could see that it was mostly blood now.
You were out of time.
“Jesus, you look far worse than El.”
You shot Max a very unfriendly look. “The girl who just pulled a monster out of her leg using your mind powers?” You glanced at El who was cuddled up with Chief Hopper while Mrs. Byers attended to the open wound on her leg.
“Well, both you are bleeding out of your noses, and you are also growing monsters inside you.”
“ERICA!” you screeched while furiously wiping your nose.
“Just the facts!”
“What?!” Everyone else in the party, including the adults, chorused.
“You’re dying,” Will said as if he could still tell. He gave you a look of empathy and a little bit of familiarity. You knew he went through a similar thing last year, and it somehow made you less scared that he was here with you.
You nodded solemnly. “I don’t have much time,” you admitted. “It grows faster the closer I am to the gate… or when I feed it.”
“’Feed it’?” Max asked.
“We don’t have to talk about that,” you waved her off. At this point, you were just desperate to stay alive. All of you were so, so close. “If we close the gate, we can cut off all connections, right?”
“Theoretically,” Lucas added.
Since there was no other option but that, we all based our plan on that ‘theory.’ A man named Murray, who also got into a tiff with Erica, came in with a map of the underground Russian base from a guy named Alexei. With the goals in place, everyone began splitting off into groups.
“You’re coming with us, right?” Steve asked.
You bit your lip as you shook your head. “I’m staying with the girls,” you said. “You go with Dustin and Robin to Cerebro.” At the sight of his worried look, you added, “I’ll be okay.”
Steve shot you a scowl. “Don’t die without me.”
“Hard promise to keep,” you smirked, smacking his hand away from ruffling your already messy hair. Your fingers tangled with Steve’s, and he ended up holding your hand completely. “Don’t die first, Steven.”
Steve chuckled and was about to pull away when you tugged his hand back.
“Hey, Steve.”
“I know you and Robin…”
When you trailed off, Steve raised his brows at you, urging you to continue.
You shook your head, waving it off. “You guys just got drugged,” you reminded him. “Drive safely.”
“You say that as if I don’t have any experience from partying.”
“That isn’t comforting at the very least.” Then... you let go.
Turns out that it wasn’t just the gate that was triggering the growth.
When the Spider Monster burst through the glass ceiling for Starcourt Mall, the flowers in your lungs reacted the same way when Billy had grabbed you at the Holloway’s. It was one thing to lead the monster away from El, but it was another thing to be hunched in the trunk space of the Wheeler’s hatchback with said monster chasing you down the road.
“The answer to a never-ending story…”
You laughed at the song number from the radio in between coughs. “That definitely takes the sting out of dying,” you said. You can only imagine Erica’s face during this whole ordeal.
“Don’t say that.”
You looked at Steve in deadpan. You kept eye contact as you spat blood and body matter into an empty soda cup you found discarded in the car. It was a low-blow towards him, you knew that, and he didn’t deserve it.
But you were so tired, and you were so mad at yourself for always being late, for being cowardly.
So, when Jonathan turned the car to follow the Spider Monster that turned back to the mall, you immediately hopped off and went looking for El instead of going with them to set off the fireworks. Steve, as expected, put up a fight, insisting that you all stick together.
“I won’t go near it,” you reasoned. “I’m finding El and getting her out of here, while you keep it distracted.” When he looked unconvinced, you added, “The fireworks will also distract Billy. It’s going to be okay.”
“That isn’t comforting at the very least,” Steve said, making you laugh at your early words being thrown back at you.
You turned to see Nancy Wheeler toss a bundle of fireworks at you. At your raised brow, she shrugged, “Just in case.”
Following a broken gate not too far from where Steve rammed Billy’s car, you found an employee’s corridor where Max and Mike passed out nearby with angry bruises on their faces. You rushed over for Max and shook her awake. Her eyes immediately shot open.
“Billy, it was Billy,” Max said, panicked. “He took El. You have to go. I’ll take care of Mike. Go!” She staggered to her feet, gripping the pipes for stability.
“I can’t go near him or that thing.” You hesitated leaving Max, but when she yelled at you again to go for El, you turned your feet and broke off into a run. Then the fireworks began…
“Fuck!” you screamed, falling to your knees. Every corner of your body was set ablaze. You cried out as the flowers inside you constricted with every blast.
Max and Mike quickly caught up to you, pulling you to your feet. Suddenly, it was quiet, and a wave of calm washed over you. You saw a beautiful woman in a sundress and a hat by the beach. It wasn’t your memory, but it was being returned to someone after being taken away. Billy.
“She was pretty,” you could hear El cry in your head. “She was really pretty.”
Taking advantage of the situation, you sped through the corridor and into the mall. You found Billy beginning to stand up to the Spider Monster. “When I make a run for it, you grab El and get her out of here, okay?”
“What? You just said you can’t face that thing!” Mike told you.
“Just do it!” You pushed your feet as fast as you could to face the monster.
“No!” Billy roared, grabbing the monster’s tentacle mouth to stop it from reaching El.
Seeing your opportunity, you quickly pulled the taped matchstick from the bundle and ignited the fireworks. Swinging your arm back, you flung it as hard as you could into the monster’s mouth. Right as soon as the explosive left your hand, you caught incoming smaller tentacles headed for Billy’s side, slinging two of them to your side from the crook of your elbow.
“I got you,” you said out of breath, seeing Billy’s surprised face. However, your fight had the monster targeting you, sending two other tendrils to your side instead. You barely felt it, even as its sharp tongue stabbed into your abdomen.
Touching the Spider Monster was as worse as looking straight into the Gate. You cried out as flashes of memories of you and Steve, growing up through the years, bombarded you, while the flowers inside you began crawling outside your ribs instead. You barely heard the last firework go off as you felt the vines throbbing under your skin.
An arm wrapped around your waist and pulled your unmoving feet, dragging you away. Your spotted, blurred vision could only see a head of dark blonde curls with a massive dark mass in the background screeching in agony.
“It’s over. It's supposed to be over!" you heard Max’s muffled voice say. “What’s wrong with her?!” You felt hands on your shoulder, shaking you to snap out of it.
“Steve,” you breathed out. You tried to focus on Max, but with a blink, you were trapped back in your memories. Steve telling you to go home every time as he led a different girl up the stairs to his room. Steve dropping you off while thanking you for picking out a gift for Nancy. Watching him smile ever so fondly at Robin. Seeing the smile that you so desperately desired every time.
All the memories of Steve breaking your heart, you felt all at once.
You continued to unconsciously call out Steve’s name. Even when the paramedics began wheeling you out in a stretcher. You vaguely saw them cutting your shirt open, exposing the gore that was concealed by the fabric.
The black vines had reached out on the surface of your skin. The outline of your ribs was exposed, threading black and purple angry bruises over your torso. The right side of your ribcage had completely sank, one rib twisting outwards and leaking a mix of blood and black goo. The damage was extensive, but the monster you grew and fed inside you seemed to be finally lying still, only remaining dormant once the gate was sealed once again.
“… -eral broken ribs and possible internal bleeding!” a paramedic called. “One of her lungs has collapsed. She's in shock!”
Then Steve was there. You couldn’t tell if it was a memory or if it was happening at that moment. He was struggling against two firemen, trying to get to you with one hand reaching out. With the last bit of energy left, you raised your hand, reaching out towards him too.
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dreamcatcher92 · 4 months
Coercion Chapter Four
So this is my second smut story that I have been working on. I am hoping you all enjoy!
It is a bit dark. Yes, Billy Russo is of course our main character aside from a girl named Cassidy. Who is completely made up and meant to be played by the reader. The other characters that are mentioned in this story are made up as well and not based on anyone in particular. I did this one differently than my first story, but I wanted to switch up my writing style a bit. So you may see more differences in other stories to come. Things that are bold and italicized are thoughts.
Now for some warnings for the entire story but necessarily in the current chapter you read: dark Billy for sure, non-con, dub-con, kidnapping, NSFW, 18+, smut, sex, rape, attempted rape, physical violence, abusive behavior, language. I think that covers it, but sorry if I missed something.
Read at your own risk.
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Days had passed and each day, things seemed to get better and better. Cassidy kept thinking that this was so strange because here she is living with a man that she does not know and who literally bought her from her kidnappers, yet she feels somewhat comfortable around him. Could this be some sort of trick? But what would he be tricking her to do? So many thoughts raced through her head at lightning speed.
She snapped out of her thoughts suddenly because as she sat up in bed, she could smell the scent of bacon in the air. Eggs and toast too? Her mouth started watering and a childhood memory began to flood her brain. 
Every morning when she was a little girl, her mother would always have a huge breakfast spread ready for Cassidy and her sister Olivia to devour before starting their day. She had an amazing mother who did everything she could for her girls and a caring older sister that always watched out for her. Even though Olivia was only two years older than Cassidy, she felt like it was her duty to make sure nothing happened to her sister. 
Cassidy’s father left when she was three and was never really in her life. He would send cards and letters, but never came around or made the effort to spend time with his daughters. Cassidy didn’t know much about him other than he was an alcoholic, used drugs, and left her mother to be with another woman he met one night at a bar. 
All was well until one day when Cassidy was fourteen. Olivia had stayed home from school sick that day, so Cassidy was stuck walking home alone from school. She was listening to her portable CD player, singing along to the songs on Avril Lavigne’s new album. 
She was in her own little world, when two police cruisers and an ambulance went rushing by her with sirens blaring. She didn’t think much of it because she didn’t live in the nicest of neighborhoods. Being that her mom had to work two part-time jobs just to make ends meet, she found the safest place she could to raise her daughters alone. However, as years passed and the girls grew, the neighborhood began to get worse and worse.
When she turned the corner onto her street, she saw that the police officers and ambulance were at her house. Mom?! Livvy?! She took off running as fast as she could toward the flashing red and blue lights.
“Woah, woah, woah! You can’t go past the yellow tape hun.” an officer said to her as he grabbed her and held her back.
She fought him hard, “I live here!! Where is my mom?! Where is my sister?! Please! Let go of me!”
“Shit.” the officer looked at her tearfilled eyes and looked around to find someone to help him with her.
“WHAT HAPPENED!” she screamed.
A female officer came sprinting over to help her partner. She spun Cassidy around and gripped her shoulders. She couldn’t help but to tear up when she saw the fear on Cassidy’s face. 
“Sweetie, you need to take a breath and calm down just a bit, okay?” she said as calmly as she could.
Cassidy shook her head, “No! Tell me what is going on! Please ma’am! I just want my mom!”
Officer’s ended up taking her down to the police station to get her away from the crime scene. They did not want her to see the gruesome scene that was left behind in the house. Eventually, two women walked into the room where Cassidy sat hugging her knees. One woman was the police officer from earlier and the other was a state social worker with Child Protective Services.
They sat down with Cassidy and explained to her that her father, in an impaired state, broke into the family home that morning just before her mother had left for work. He shot her mother and sister to death and then turned the gun on himself. He left behind a note explaining that all he wanted was for his family to be together again forever, and that he was sorry to Cassidy that she wasn’t there to go with them to Heaven. 
“Cass?” Billy said, causing Cassidy to jump and come out of the horrific trance that she was in.
“Billy! I’m s-sorry! I was…I was..”
“Hey, hey. You okay?” he said as he sat down on the side of the bed with her and wrapped an arm around her waist.
She couldn’t look at him, “F-fine. I’m fine. Just thinking of something from when I was little is all.”
He pulled her closer to him and brushed a tear from her cheek, “Whatcha thinkin’ about?”
She told him the story and how the smell of breakfast made her remember. She explained to him that it was nothing that he did, and that she would be okay. He smiled after hearing this and hugged her tight. 
“How about we go eat before it gets too cold, huh?” he said, still holding her tightly against his chest.
She grinned, “Okay.”
As they ate, she couldn’t help but think that maybe this whole situation would be okay. They finished eating and Billy explained to her that she would need to do chores today. Dishes, laundry, and dusting were on her list today while he worked in his office for a while to get caught up on some things. 
Cassidy placed the dishes into a sink full of hot soapy water to let them soak while she loaded the washer with Billy’s clothes. After finishing with the dishes, she checked to see if the washer was finished, but it still had two more cycles to go through. So, she decided to start dusting things in the living room. This was the first time Billy had asked her to do this chore in the almost two weeks that she had been there. 
While dusting, she hummed a tune and focused on getting everything spotless for Billy. She was going down the items on the fireplace mantel and was not paying attention like she should have been. After wiping off what looked to her like some sort of small ashtray with writing inside in a language she didn’t know, she sat it back onto the mantel. However, the rag caught on the tiny ashtray and it fell to the ground shattering into shards of glass. 
The entire house was completely silent, so when the ashtray crashed to the floor, it echoed throughout the rooms. Cassidy began to shake. What have you done!? She began to shake even more when she looked over to see a very pissed off Billy Russo standing there staring daggers into her. 
“B-Billy. I-I…” was all she could mutter. 
Billy said nothing as he swiftly walked over to Cassidy and backhanded her across the face causing her to fall hard to the floor. She let out a gasp as she felt the blow and fell. She began to cry and looked up at Billy in complete shock. 
In a low devilish voice he said, “Do you have ANY idea what you’ve just done?”
“Please Billy! I didn’t mean to! I swear! It was an accident!” She cried out. 
“I got that when I was fighting in Afghanistan.” He said as he pulled her off the floor and to her feet by her hair. 
She grabbed his hands that held tightly onto the fistful of her hair and begged, “Please, I’m so sorry! Please don’t hurt me!” 
“Did you think just because we had a few good days that you wouldn’t have punishments anymore?!” 
“No! I didn’t think that at all! I swear!”
“Clean this up. NOW!” He screamed into her face. 
He released his grip on her hair and slapped her once more before beginning to walk away. 
He paused at the start of the hallway, “When you’re done cleaning up the glass, come to my office. Understand?” 
“Yes, Billy. I understand.” She said in a shaky voice. 
Cassidy quickly cleaned up the mess and rushed down the hallway. She came to a grinding halt when she stood just outside Billy’s office door. She was so terrified of what could be coming for her once she walked inside the room. 
Taking a deep breath, she knocked on the door. She heard Billy tell her to come in. She gently opened the door and stepped inside to see Billy standing beside his desk sipping on his favorite whiskey.
“Come here.” he said as he sat his cup down on his desk.
Cassidy obeyed his order and slowly walked over to him. She gradually lifted her head and looked into his dark eyes. He met her gaze with a scowl.
“Go over to that wall and place your hands flat against it above your head as high as you can reach.” Billy snarled as he gestured with his head where he wanted her to go.
Cassidy sheepishly looked at the wall, “Yes, Billy.”
She went over and placed her palms onto the cold wall. She reached her arms as high as they would go without being on her tiptoes. Tears began to flow down her cheeks as she waited for Billy to give her instructions on what else she needed to do.
He creeped up behind her, placed his hands on her hips, and whispered into her ear, “If you so much as lift a finger off this wall before I tell you to, I’ll cut them off one by one. Got it?”
Cassidy felt a wave of nausea sweep over her and she felt like she was going to pass out from how afraid she was right now. Would he really do that? She had no idea, but she was not about to fuck around to find out.
“Y-Yes Billy.” she whimpered as she frantically nodded her head.
Billy kissed her cheek and went back over to his computer. Cassidy was so uncomfortable and her arms began to go completely numb. She could no longer feel her fingertips after a few minutes. Billy would take breaks and sit back in his office chair. He would sip on his drink and watch Cassidy struggle. 
After about thirty minutes, Billy stood up and began to walk over to where she stood. He grabbed Cassidy’s arms and gently lowered them. He turned her around to face him, but she was too afraid to look at him.
“Look at me Cass.” he demanded in a low voice.
She cautiously raised her head and met eyes with Billy. Tears flowed down her cheeks, but she didn’t dare break eye contact.
Billy grabbed her chin with force, “That’s just a taste of the kind of discipline that you’ll have. That was just mild compared to what could happen if you act up or disobey me. Do you understand me?” 
With her bottom lip quivering, Cassidy answered, “Y-yes Billy, I-I understand.”
“Good. In a few weeks, we’re going to be going into the city for a work party. I want to trust you, so you’re going to have to be a good girl for me and show me that I can trust you around people and going out in public. Think you can do that?” He asked while loosening his grip on her jaw.
“Yes! I can be a good girl Billy, I promise!” She said enthusiastically. 
Cassidy wanted to prove to Billy that he could take her places. She wanted the calmness to come back into the house. She was going to do whatever it took so that Billy would trust her and that things could smooth back out.  
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prodbyblush · 2 years
hello again i was wondering what kind of girl s.w.o.r.d leaders would be in love with? And you answered the question I asked, it was very nice, you are one of my favorite accounts
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・❥・ requested
→ fem!reader
Though he is calm, collected and mature on the outside, COBRA is also soft hearted and understanding to those very dear to him on the inside. Respect is everything to him. As a leader of Sannoh, he does not only look out for his guys, but also to the area that they are scoped in.
The kind of girl that he would fall for is someone who isn't afraid to speak her mind yet is a soft hearted person at the same time. Someone who can take care of him and put his mind at ease when things at SWORD get a little too overbearing for him. Someone who is open minded, can relate to him and listen to him.
Keeping the streets safe for women at night is not a job, but a duty for ROCKY - making sure that no idiotic man would attempt anything stupid in the streets of their turf or in SWORD in general. As a leader of White Rascals, it's thanks to his number one moral that women actually feel safe in the night.
The kind of girl that he would fall for is someone who is in the same level as him as is organized in thoughts, actions, things and words. He would find it so sexy when his woman would be focused on a certain task and he would just sit back, relax and admire her do her work. A girl who knows what she wants and knows how to get it.
A transition of child into adult is a narrow, lonely and confusing path that almost all of us can relate to. Though you walk alone, you're never alone as you'll meet a lot of people along the way. Some will guide you towards becoming a better person and some will astray you. And that is the case for Oya's leader, MURAYAMA.
The kind of girl that he would fall for is someone who is bubbly, friendly with a positive attitude and can be playful with him. There are a lot of things that he does not know and so a girl who is capable of leading him will capture not only his eyes but also his heart.
Not only is he kindly and compassionate to his team, but his kindness extends to those whom he calls his family. Lay so much as a finger against his family, you'll never see the day light in Nameless City nor in SWORD anymore. As SMOKEY is more than ready to destroy anyone.
The kind of girl that he would fall for is someone who is the complete opposite of him yet finds beauty in a world that is filled with greed and corruption. Someone who is easy to communicate with and is not fond of engaging in dramas and gossip. Someone who does things out of pure genuine and happiness is the kind of girl whom he'll fall for.
Though reckless and aggressive in nature, he does have a considerate and caring trait in him. A bit difficult to be persuaded at first, you'd need more than conviction to let him in. But that's just how HYUGA is. As the leader of Daruma Ikka, he maybe show his obstinate side at first but overtime, you'll actually find yourself having a pleasant conversation with him.
The kind of girl that he would fall for is someone who innocent on the outside but bold on the inside - "I'm baby" on the outside but a "yes daddy" on the inside. Finds determination very sexy, would love it if the girl knows how to put him in his place yet adventurous at the same time.
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lifblogs · 2 months
Tagged by: @sindar-princeling
Are you named for anyone? Nope, not really. I have a name I might switch to irl, which is my name here, Lif. So really I just named myself after the human woman who survived Ragnarok by sleeping through it.
When was the last time you cried? Last night at midnight. I had to hold in my sobs so hard, and it was literally just over a character death. It really hits me.
Do you have kids? Does a very needy kitty boy count? I'm on mom duty with him for hours every day, and I lost sleep in high school doing all the mom stuff: feeding him, burping him, giving him medicine, giving him baths, reading to him so he could sleep okay, singing him to sleep (these were all vet recommended, and they helped his temperament a lot [he's mentally ill]). I do want kids someday. Almost had one in 2020. I still think about her, especially as May is coming up, and she was supposed to be born then. I don't bring this up to make anyone sad, or feel pity. It's just, part of my life, you know?
What sports do/have you played? Archery!! I haven't been able to do it since an injury in 2013 (yes, I realize this happened forever ago at this point), but it was fun. I should maybe try getting back into it. The lanes are expensive though, and I would need a lot of good places to sit down in between shooting.
Do you use sarcasm? That I do.
What's the first thing you notice about people? Same as sindar-princeling, I think. Probably the facial expressions. Next I look for something to compliment them on.
What's your eye colour? Really dark brown.
Scary movies or Happy endings? I feel like these are not opposite ends of a spectrum or anything. I want to say happy endings, but my favorite Star Wars movies are the tragedies: Revenge of the Sith, Rogue One, The Siege of Mandalore.
Any talents? Oh heck yes! I can play the clarinet, sing, compose, act, write, cat photography (trust me, it is a talent and a skill), edit pictures, and bake (I'm better than average at decorating though, but still kinda suck at it).
Where were you born? New England, USA.
What are your hobbies? Right now it's mostly reading, watching TV and movies, listening to music, playing video games, and writing.
Do you have any pets? I have 2! A maine coon girl named Alley Cat who will be turning 17 this Saturday! She's so silly, and a sweetie, and just full of love. Sometimes she annoys me because she thinks I'm her littermate (we were kids at the same time). She also still snurgles (suckling while kneading at the same time)!! And she loves food. She’s just so stunning and adorable. And then there's Loki! That's my baby boy. He picked me to be his mommy when I was 15. I've been there for him through almost everything (sadly couldn't be there for a scary hospitalization when I was in college a few states over). He's silly, he's lovable and loves giving love, he loves kissies, he likes to be brushed, he loves making biscuits. He loves playtime, and he loves getting into trouble. I have the best kitties.
How tall are you? 5'4 (I still want to cry about somehow growing an inch in my early twenties)
Favourite subject in school? PHYSICS AND BAND!!!
Dream job? I really don't know anymore. I wanted to be a professional clarinet player, but that couldn't happen, I wanted to be an actor, but that wasn't able to happen, I wanted to be an editor: again, nope. Screenwriter? Maybe? Author? I don't know anymore.
And here are my kitties!
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Alley is on the left, and Loki is on the right. I forgot to mention that he’s an American Ringtail.
Tagging: @miss-mouse99, @feeling-uncomfy, @evilwriter37, @cascigarette, @knowerofuselessfacts, @err404r, @poisonedyouth, and @vanillachip101.
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archiveikemen · 26 days
Morganatic Idol Prologue: Chapter 10
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This is a fan-made translation solely for entertainment purposes with no guaranteed perfection. All original content and media used belongs to Cybird. Please support the game by buying their stories and playing their games. Reblogs appreciated.
Warnings and FAQ
Rina: I understand… please hire me!
Sakura responded to the members of exe Creed, who wore sullen expressions on their faces.
Sakura: I’ll properly teach her about the work at the office.
Sakura: The housekeeping part of her duties shouldn’t be too big of a concern.
Sakura: I mentioned earlier that she’s very sincere in her work, right?
Sakura: With her level of understanding of each member’s tastes, I think she’ll definitely do a perfect job.
Rina: I’ll do my best!
The members of Gem Cuddle who were listening from the sidelines joined in the discussion.
Nagi: We’re just adding on one more housekeeper. I don’t have any problems with that.
Hitaki: I’m very interested in your observation skills that can even see through exe Creed’s weakness. You can approach me if you have anything.
Miu: Oh~kay~, I approve too. Good luck! 
Miu: … With this girl around, things will get much more convenient.
(There’s something chilling about this person’s smile. … Or am I just overthinking?)
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Ivy: *sigh*... I guess there’s no other way. Sorry, it’s impossible to talk Eito out of something once he’s set his mind on it. Feel free to let me know if you run into any troubles. 
Ivy sighed with a wry smile.
Finn: Are you serious… you’re such a busybody. There’s nothing else I can do since it’s already come to this, but just make sure you’re not a hindrance to me.
Finn said in an exasperated tone.
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Jace: The presentation aside, I’m very welcome to girls. Let’s get along well, Aegis-chan.
Jace was smiling, but he had a flippant attitude. 
Hugh: … I’m not good at talking to people… ignore me…
Hugh said in a low voice with his head down. Also…
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Xeno: … Whatever. Do as you wish.
Xeno spat out.
(Being unwelcomed is unavoidable, but I feel like I’m already losing heart even before starting work here…)
Xeno continued while keeping his eyes fixed onto me.
Xeno: However, the moment it’s decided that she’s not doing a good job, have her resign immediately. … Got it?
His voice and gaze were cold enough to make a person shiver. I clenched my fists tightly, not wanting to chicken out.
Rina: I’ll definitely make sure that my work and housekeeping will meet everyone’s standards!
(Besides, I have to successfully talk them into accepting my project plan. This whole thing concerns my dreams....!)
Sakura: Then it’s settled! I look forward to working with you starting tomorrow.
Rina: Got it! 
(I’ll be juggling work as an office assistant and housekeeper, and there’s also my job at the company. I need to pull myself together and give it my all.)
Rina: By the way, I was told earlier that I can take it easy on weekdays, but… will it be alright if I only come over after work at the company?
That didn’t seem to make my situation any easier, but just as I was thinking about it… Sakura said something that sounded outrageous.
Sakura: Oh, that won’t be a problem. We’ll be living together.
Rina: … What did you just say?
Sakura: Therefore, I’m letting you live here in this condominium.
Sakura: After all, it’ll only be for a month. I’ll prepare the furniture and luggage, so all you’ll have to bring is yourself. 
(You’re saying that I’m going to live with these people!?)
Sakura: That way, you’ll have more interactions with them. I think it’s better like that.
Rina: W-Wha…!
I looked at everyone else to see them staring at Sakura in disbelief.
(This person is awfully eccentric.) 
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Sakura: You can resign if you don’t like it.
Rina: N-No. Since I’ve already accepted the job, I’ll do it! I’ll definitely succeed!
Sakura: Mm, that’s the spirit.
Sakura: I have good expectations of you. Actually, I’m excited to see how you’ll do.
That was how I ended up living under the same roof as super idols.
(I’m so anxious, but this is all I can do…!)
The idols were brimming with charm and personality, and yet they lacked human touch.
I wonder what the days I spend with them starting from now will be like?
What kind of changes will happen to these cold and robotic idols…?
… Right now, no one knows the answer yet.
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