#losers club oc appreciation
b4adb4tcher · 1 year
Reddie Fic Recs
Okay so these are the ones I go back to and reread constantly!! All listed have multiple chapters, impeccable grammar/structure, and RIDICULOUSLY good characterization/dialogue. Theyre also all located on AO3. My obsession is too late for peak fandom interactions so these are what keep my hyper fixation alive.
1. In The Heat Of The Summer (You’re So Different From The Rest) by Kaboomslang
There’s a heatwave in L.A., the first time Richie sees Eddie naked.
One very hot year in the life of two idiots in love, working shit out.
It is so so so so fucking good I can’t stand it. It’s an Eddie Lives AU that is 15 Chapters and 109,525 words of pining and comfort and beauty. Eddie comes to stay with Richie in LA after the events of It Chapter 2. Literally my only complaint is that Stan stays dead however the characterization of everyone and the way the writer handles their grief more than made up for it.
2. A Strange Sense of Familiarity by Katranga
“So Eddie, what brings you to the bar tonight?" Richie asked. "Gonna rebound from the divorce? Pick up a hot young twenty-something to feel young again?”
“Fuck you,” Eddie said, jutting his chin forward. “What a terrible way to ruin the mood.”
“I’m sorry, all my moods are poorly cultivated. What mood were you looking for?”
A nervous lump grew in Eddie's throat. He threw back his drink to get rid of it.
Hand wrapped around the glass he’d just slammed back onto the bar, he said, “The mood that gets me leaving with a schlubby forty-something.”
Pre-chapter two, Eddie and Richie meet and don't remember each other, but have an instant connection anyway...
This may be my favorite fic of all time. This is a Canon Divergence AU where Richie and Eddie meet at a bar prior to the events of It Chapter 2 and start sleeping together. Eddie is divorced so there’s no infidelity storyline (which I appreciate) HOWEVER Richie is still famous and in the closet so there’s still the secret love affair storyline (that I love). The characterization is literally perfect, it has amazing dialogue, and my boy Stan is alive and involved. The OCs are so so good too and I’m beyond obsessed with all the thought the author obviously put into it.
3. Sweeter By The Hour by Katranga
rich. 25. i can be your angle 😇... or yuor devil 😈
Edward. 38. Please don’t call me daddy.
Richie’s a struggling standup comedian slash bartender with a side hustle of sexting rich guys for cash. Eddie is recently divorced, recently out, and reluctant to dive into either the dating or hookup scene. He decides to give Sugr, a 'dating app with no commitment', a shot.
Katranga NEVER MISSES. Even though the losers club is in a completely different universe, the characterization and dialogue is so them that it scratches every itch in my brain. This is such a funny and adorable AU I would recommend to anyone that needs a break from the high stress and extremely high stakes of the traditional It Universe.
4. Here In Your Arms by kaspbrak_kid
Richie had no idea what to expect when Stan and Patty asked him to be their daughter's godfather, but it definitely wasn't becoming the part-time dad to a newborn.
This fic makes me cry like a bitch in the best way possible. This is a several years later fic in a Eddie and Stan Lives AU where Richie becomes godfather to Stan and Patty’s firstborn. This is so so special to me because it perfectly preserves The Loser’s Club dynamics in a safe environment and gives me all the found family warm fuzzies I so desperately need. As usual the characterization is phenomenal and Richie and Eddie’s relationship throughout this fic is so so special to me.
5. Richie Tozier’s Five-Step Mission in Getting Over His Childhood Sweetheart by MissDinahDarling
Alternatively: five times Richie tries to get over Eddie and the one time he gets under him instead.
This fic is so so fucking funny I love everything about it. Its also a Stan and Eddie Live AU and thehe dialogue and losers club dynamics are so so funny. I love seeing little snippets of how the losers lives are moving on and especially appreciate that Bev and Ben didn’t move as quickly as some fics do. Richies denial and stupidity are so relatable and its an extremely comforting read.
6. River by Unicornpoe
The thing—the thing is that Eddie hasn’t seen Richie in nearly five years.
They’ve gotten good at avoiding each other. They alternate holidays and get-togethers, only showing up when they’re sure the other won’t be present. They’re still in the same fucking city but Eddie makes sure to shop on the other side of town from their old place where Richie still lives, makes sure not to go to any of Richie’s favorite restaurants or bars or cafes or goddamn park benches. Eddie doesn’t join in on the Losers’s group FaceTime sessions when he knows Richie’ll be joining, and Richie does the same for him.
They couldn’t make their relationship work, but they’re fucking experts at being exes.
Eddie goes to spend the holidays at Bill and Mike's cabin in Vermont, and is surprised when Richie is already there. Things get worse when they're snowed in alone. Things get even more worse when Eddie remembers that he's still in love with him.
This fic gives me the most acute sense of profound longing I’ve ever had in my life. The EXTREMELY angsty hurt/comfort au I’ve ever read in my life. Not extremely inclusive of the rest of The Losers Club, but it hits hard.
7. This Will Be (An Everlasting Love) by camerasparring
Just as the last car is passing them, Prince Charming makes a snuffling noise and Eddie freezes, still pressed on top of him. He’s suddenly aware of every single place they’re touching, and Eddie thanks the brutal Chicago cold - there’s no way he could pop a boner when it’s this freezing. God, he hates himself.
The man opens his eyes for a moment and looks directly into Eddie’s eyes. Eddie’s mouth hangs open. He tries to smile, but he doesn’t think he achieves it. Instead, he swallows and says:
“Merry Christmas.”
The guy passes back out without a word.
or, the While You Were Sleeping AU no one asked for. Set Christmas 1995 and the gang is late 20's/early 30's
I read this before ever even hearing of the movie While You Were Sleeping. While the movie is now one of my favorites, it is absolutely nothing compared to the hilarious romcom of this fic. Found family! Secrets! Drama! Stan the mother fucking man! It is so so good and gives me all the good feelings the holidays provide whenever I read it.
8. Scratch On The Moon by Vulcanodon
Eddie Kraspbak has put aside his old life for good. He drives a stagecoach now and keeps to himself- his days of running with the Denbrough gang are long gone. But when two old friends show up and tell him they have unfinished business back in Derry, Eddie can’t resist the chance to put a final nail in the coffin of the past…and maybe find out why Richie broke his promise all those years ago.
“I’ll take left if you take right,” Eddie calls out but when he looks over Richie isn’t even firing his gun; he’s looking at Eddie with a strange, unreadable expression on his face.
“What is it?” Eddie asks, panicking. “Are you hit?”
“No,” Richie says, “I just. I just wanted you know. That I…that I feel the same way.”
“What?” Eddie asks, totally lost. A bullet whistles past his ear.
“I mean I...” Richie says, as if he’s struggling to get it out. “I feel the same way about you. I mean. That I always did.”
“Could we maybe postpone this conversation?” Eddie says, having to yell over the gunfire. “To a time when we aren’t getting shot at?”
Are you gay? Is longing and the tragedy of wasted time your guilty pleasure? Did you read River by Unicornpoe and want more? Do you like westerns? READ THIS FIC AND COME TALK TO ME IMMEDIATELY!!!!!!
9. You Ain’t Nothing But A Hound Dog (And They Call It Puppy Love) by Fluffifullness
Okay, Richie, so you’ve just been Shaggy Dog’d, you’re either kicking it in the weirdest of all possible afterlives or you never died and the sewer clown is punking you. What next?
(or: Eddie makes it out of Derry, gets a divorce, and adopts a dog.)
Richie gets “Shaggy Dog’d” after he sacrifices himself for Eddie during the events of It Chapter 2. Grief, pining, and Richie’s internal monologue being fucking hilarious. And STAN LIVES!!!!!!
10. Thanks For Pudding Up With Me by Mooeydooey
Eddie Kaspbrak was once one of the most influential professional chefs in New York. After an unfortunate incident in his kitchen, he loses his job and most of his earnings. Down on his luck, with no where else to go, he accepts a job offer with the ragtag 'Prospect Test Kitchen' in Boston.
What starts as a small passion project, making cooking tutorials online, becomes a lot more complicated and bigger than they could ever imagine when Bill brings in a new addition to their team. A comedian with a shocking background and surprise talent for culinary arts: Richie Tozier.
Eddie's the only one who doesn't like the new recruit, but Bill bribes Eddie into giving Richie a chance. At the end of six months, Richie's contract will expire. Eddie will get to decide whether they offer him a contract renewal, or refuse to re-hire him.
Things are heating up in the Prospect street Test Kitchen! Will Eddie stick to his guns, and keep his dignity? Or will he get lost in the sauce?
SO FUCKING FUNNY!!! An absolutely genius buzzfeed-esque au that is exactly what I need when I want a laugh. My favorite parts are when they go into like a third person screenplay mode for describing the events in the videos. I cannot get enough of this enemies(?) to friends to lovers au and I’m so so glad it exists.
11. A Fistful of Coal Dust by Jay Auris (nighthawkms)
Eddie Kaspbrak usually works alone. For a bounty hunting mage, this is unheard of; dangerous, foolhardy. But for Eddie - stricken with a dangerous abnormality to his magic - it's the safest way to survive.
When a new bounty takes him to the backwater town of Derry, he's not expecting anything more than a hard job done right for good money. But Eddie's past is about to catch up with him, and Derry could face the consequences. He'll have to team up with a rag-tag bunch of misfits - a sheriff with too much on his shoulders, a tavern owner haunted by loss, and four other hunters with their own secrets and motivations - if he wants to survive.
And maybe, if he's lucky, he'll get an answer to the one question that's been bugging him since he got to Derry: Who is Richie Tozier, and what does he want from Eddie?
A super fun Steampunk-Western-Magic-Bounty Hunter AU that has the perfect ratio of action, drama, and intrigue. I have no idea how the author came up with such an amazing idea and how they were able to do so much incredible world building but I absolutely LOVE IT.
If anyone reads any of these fics I would love to talk about them and hear what you think! They’re all so so so special to me and stay on my fic rotation, so if y’all have any suggestions for me too I’m happy to check them out!
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deviantartdramanow · 1 year
Step brother inspired his ankle biter pants shitting OC huh? So he's really pulling a 'what are you doing step bro?" situation? Ewwww. Also club, I dont think your step bro would appreciate you fetishizing him and using him as bait to lure in naïve kids and rpers. If anything I'd bitchslap you into the next century if I were your step bro. You nasty club, feel ashamed for the shit you pull. Also Gelly stop suggesting romance rps with club, he aint into you unless ya shit in a diaper for him LMAO. Losers.
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vinsrambles · 1 year
THM Oc College AU Thoughts
I can see Terrie doing a double degree in agriculture and undergraduate medicine
He'd definitely run on pure caffeine with a triple shot of energy drinks just to keep themselves moving
Lives in the campus dorms
Plants EVERYWHERE. Or, at least on their side of the dorm.
She'd grow herbs primarily for medical use and name them different things
For example, Basil would be Bailey, Cinnamon would be Cindy and Ginger would be named Gallagher
Would definitely talk to them when their alone
Out of the whole group, Terrie is the most likely to stay indoors.
Would have those really aesthetic notes with a range of green shades
She'd also have multiple binders for her subjects and for her independent studies
Terrie would also study herbal medicine and regularly concoct their own homemade remedies
Also brews their own teas
She'd study hospitality relating to food and beverages
Is the one to organise study sessions for the group
She'd also frequently go to the campus' gym at least once every week
She and Jørgen would definitely be gym bros
Except they'd only talk to each other when deemed necessary, instead letting their actions convey their words
She'd also job around the campus late out at night whenever she can
I can imagine she'd use exercising as a coping mechanism for stress or worry
Julius also has a girlfriend in this AU, although she goes to another college
She'd also be a part of the martial arts club because I said so
He'd take a few courses in veterinary science
Rides his skateboard around campus
He'd be the one who stays up late at night to complete assignments at the last minute
Definitely goes out the parties at night, with the company of Livy and Fausta
And with that, he's usually the first to get drunk
He's a lightweight, much to his chagrin
Although, he doesn't get much of a hangover unlike the others
I guess that makes up for his inability to withstand alcohol LMAO
He and Livy would totally hold competitions of who gets the higher grade
The loser would have to go out and have to buy the winner snacks
And after that, they'd both watch a movie or game as they feast on the snacks
That being said, Livy and Torald are definitely the gamers in the group
Livy would study agriculture, as well as photography on the side
Though, after getting the degrees she'd move back home and take care of the family farm
She'd also be a part of the martial arts club as a fun side hobby
Because of her small stature, most members underestimate her which causes her to feel great complacency when she flips them over her shoulder
Like Torald, she's also completing assignments on the night it's due
Though the next day they're both laughing about it in a cafe located just outside the campus' main buildings
I can see her growing and selling fruits as a lil side business
That being said, she and Torald are probably the closest
Mostly because their backgrounds are one of the same
Oh, and when the group meets up for study sessions she always gets Terrie a present and gives much-appreciated advice on his plants
She'd definitely get a degree in fashion designs
Fausta would absolutely have an Instagram account where she posts images of her creations and of her friends
Dresses in fashion brands and clothes that she made only
And she knows how to style them accurately, making it easy on the eyes and not blatant bragging about her wealth
I feel like she'd dress mostly in whites, greys and light beiges
Ooh, and silver jewellery, like rings and bracelets
She's totally a popular girl in her class, raking in at least 5 confessions each week
Having said that, I don't think she'd be looking for a relationship anytime soon
Fausta would totally be a music nerd
I can imagine she can play multiple instruments, like the violin, piano and guitar
Achilles, Come Down would totally be the type of music that she'd listen to regularly
She'd also be able to do ballet, having done it when she was a child
I feel like she and Julius would be the closest about of the group
She's like the one who looks over the group
While also providing them with heaps of gossip!
He'd be a Youth Services Administration Major
Is definitely a part of the football club, although he's usually benched
I can also imagine him being part of the drama club
He'd also volunteer at various charities and academy programs
Definitely closest with Jørgen, having met him first through orientation
I feel like he'd be the most popular in the college due to him helping basically anyone with tasks
Would arrive at class 15 minutes early and mull over poorly written notes taken from the previous lesson
I can imagine he has the worst handwriting in the entire group
The letters aren't even on the correct lines and it's all smudged
Even he has trouble reading his writing LMAO
Can't cook so he bothers Jørgen to go cook his dinner
If that doesn't work then he eats out or just orders takeout
I can see him also joining Julius and Jørgen going to the gym occasionally, or during her late-night runs
Taking a degree in law enforcement
Has a girlfriend in this AU
Best father of the year fr
Is part of the college's football team
Gonna say he mostly hangs out with Ziya and Xipil with Julius in a close second
He'd definitely check in on Ziya and Xipils school work
Stuff like, "Your assignment is due in 2 days' time. You finished?" or "Better have done the part A this Friday. After that take a one-hour rest and get back to it."
Probably studies to specific things like Swedish radio or a tutorial on shaving someone's eyebrows
Deff takes boxing classes on off days
Probably has a Muhammad Ali quote as his lock screen
Taking a degree in art
He'd work part-time at this tattoo parlour that's a few blocks away from campus
Rides a motorbike
Probably has the most flings out of the entire group- let alone school
The walls on his side of the dorm would be covered in sketches
Definitely dresses in dark colours with neon accents
If not that then floral, airy shirts with almost all the buttons undone
Fausta's party buddy
In fact, he totally models her clothing
Would totally make fun of Ziya for staying up at 3AM finishing assignments as if he himself didn't do the same thing the day he got it
I feel like he'd get agitated if his assignments weren't finished a week after he received them
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Side Note: I have a side blog @we-all-float-ocs​ where I post all my edits for them there.
UPDATED: 06/24/2022
In alphabetical order & Pinterest links!
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Name: Jennifer Renee
Title: Silent Fears
Faceclaim:  Millicent Simmonds(Young) Emily Blunt(Adult) 
Love interest: Mike Hanlon
Pinterest Board: Link
Summary: Jennifer is hard of hearing, near deaf, since she was born, she had a cochlear implant surgery when she was just two years old. Her older brother Jonathan was her only friend until one day she found his dead body hanging in his bedroom after returning from school. Jonathan had committed suicide because he was found out to be gay in their town and he couldn’t take the abuse from the townspeople or their parents anymore. Then she was forced to move to Derry, Maine where she becomes neighbors with the Bowers family, making Jennifer’s life even more miserable than it had been. She knows a little bit of sign language because Jennifer checked out books and reads through them over and over. Her worst fear is seeing her brother Jonathan’s dead body and blaming her for not helping him. As an adult, Jennifer was on her way to becoming a successful baker until she got a call one day that she needed to come back to Derry and take care of her mother. So she dropped everything and returned to her old town five years before Pennywise came back. She works at the Falcon Bar and is helping Mike with his research on how to destroy him once and for all.
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Name: Melissa Tozier
Title: Lullaby of Woe
Faceclaim:  Abby Ryder Fortson (Young) Rose Byrne(Adult)
Love interest: To Be Determined{TBD}
Pinterest Board: Link
Summary: Melissa was the only daughter of Maggie and Wentworth Tozier and was the little sister of the infamous Richie “Trashmouth” Tozier. When she was little Melissa was best friends with little Georgie Denbrough since their older brothers were good friends up. But then when Georgie died nothing was ever the same because the clown that gotten Georgie was now after her, She sees him under her bed...outside her window...at her school and playground. Others brushed it off as stress after dealing with a sudden loss. Melissa was to scared to be alone so she always stuck by her older brothers and his friends side so the ‘boogeyman’ wouldn’t get her. Then her brother and his friends start seeing the same thing and later on they ended up saving her from IT. But 27 years later, now a world famous photographer, Melissa was being called upon by something wanting her to return to Derry and it wasn’t Mike Hanlon.
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Name: Misty Charleys
Title: Show and Tell
Faceclaim: Dafne Keen (Young) Karla Souza (Adult)
Love interest: Bill Denbrough
Pinterest Board: Link
Summary: More to be added...
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Name: Theodore Warren
Title: Lay me down to Sleep
Faceclaim:  Ty Simpkins (Young) Patrick Wilson(Adult)
Love interest: Richie Tozier
Pinterest Board: Link
Summary: More To Be Added...
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Name: Thomas Rain
Title: Deadly Secrets
Faceclaim:  Noah Schnapp(Young) & Matthew Gray Gubler(Adult)
Love interest: Stan Uris
Pinterest Board: Link
Summary: Thomas Rain grew up being an awkward and shy kid with a lot going on with his life. He was a kid dealing with the death of his mother, a kid struggling with his sexuality. He watched his mother slowly die of cancer, her body becoming sick and skeleton-like, so he became afraid of her. So he avoided time with her and spent it with friends but then she had died from cancer and Thomas attended the funeral, which was an open casket. Her body and the guilt haunted the young boy, graves and dead bodies made him instantly clamp up in fear. Thomas Hates being alone in his house when he was younger. Especially going into the room at the end of the hallway in his home. Because in that room, his mother Carol Ann, spent the last few remaining months of her life in that room and died. With his dad being gone all the time he invites his friends over for movie nights so he doesn’t have to stay alone. Pennywise definitely uses the fear of his mother’s dying body against him since Thomas was too afraid of how she looked when she died and didn’t spend time with her. As an adult Thomas’s occupation is a crime scene investigator.
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Name: William Denbrough
Title: Left Behind
Faceclaim:  Noah Jupe (Young) Luke Evans(Adult)
Love interest: Eddie Kaspbrak
Pinterest Board: Link
Summary: More To Be Added...
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sheofthegarden · 5 years
Hey Guys!
I wrote a new fic! For the It movies! If you're at all interested, give it a read and let me know what you think! 🤡🎈❤
Summary: Two Aspiring Paranormal Researchers Head To Derry, Maine To Uncover The Town's Secrets. They Find It...And So Much More.
Pairings: Pennywise/OFC1, Richie/OFC2/Eddie
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The Unexpected Glee Revival 2022
To conclude my week-long(?) re-obsession with Glee, I want to post how I would re-write seasons 4 to 6 to make this all less of a mess. I have read several posts on here and I agree that a spin-off for the NY characters could have also been a great way to handle the ever-growing cast. Any other input is much appreciated - but be kind!
Seasons 4 and 5 only contain the episodes from „The New Rachel“ (67) to „City of Angels“ (99), with the finale of season 4 being „Feud“ (82). „City of Angels“ is the new finale of season 5, with Tina, Artie, Blaine, and Sam graduating. We still see what happens in New York alongside it.
In season 6, all the remaining glee club members (Jake, Marley, Ryder, Unique, Kitty, Joe, Sugar) are now seniors, with the new kids (Mason, Madison, Jane, Roderick, and later on Spencer and Alistair) being juniors and/or senior transfer students from different schools.
The remaining episodes of the original 5th season concerning life in New York are now the first part of season 6, with „The Untitled Rachel Berry Project“ being the last episode before the fall hiatus. When the show resumes, we start with „Loser Like Me“, the previously first episode of season 6.
In the first half of season 6, while the alumni try to navigate New York, Sue had no choice but to abandon the glee club because the school board said so due to them losing Nationals and it’s now cutting the funding for it. That also means that Will transferred to Carmel High because salary there is higher, and he needs the money, now that he has a child.
Still, the remaining seniors run an underground glee club, meeting in their homes or in empty school rooms. Sue every once in a while, when it’s safe, enables them to use the auditorium at night. When somebody questions why there’s light in the school in the middle of the night, Sue covers for them, on the outside still upholding her love-hate relationship towards the glee club.
When Rachel comes back and puts the remaining money from her TV project in it, the glee club is reinstated. To present them to the other glee clubs, Sue throws her infamous Invitationals, and the New Directions thank her by performing her emotional trigger songs favourite songs.
They enter the Regionals competition shortly after being reinstated due to a loophole, having missed Sectionals as that competition happened during their underground phase. The second-to-last episode then is Nationals, where they perform their original season 6 Sectionals setlist.
There is no „2009“ episode, instead we have a 90-minute-long series finale that features what happens in „Dreams Come True“, additionally to what happened to the remaining glee club members since then. Marley becoming a successful singer-songwriter in the style of Taylor Swift, Jake opening his own dance academy, Unique killing it on a TV show a la „Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist“, the show being directed by Artie and so on. (Especially this part can be expanded by your headcanons!)
There’s also a transfer student from Germany, ehem, my OC. Connie, a junior who decides to graduate at WMHS, so stays for all three seasons. She’s a fat asexual metalhead, is a good student but bored to death with American high school life and sometimes just downright shocked at how intolerant it is.
These are just a few bullet points. I didn’t want to go too much into detail because, ultimately, Glee is part of my past self and merely a coping mechanism for my current situation. 
(I also added some songs though I’m not sure if you’re interested in them as well.)
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doodleybugg · 2 years
Tagging System!
#loser!rambles - my ramblings about things nobody asked for
#loser!reblogs - my reblogs of things that interest me, non-fandom/writing related, such as quizzes or art
#loser!nsfw - my nsfw works, soft 17+
#loser!dark - dark themes, hard 17+
#loser!vents - my vent posts
#losers!moots - my lovely mutuals
#loser!answers - answered asks
#loser!directory - my posts such as bios, disclaimers, updates, or tagging systems
#losers!blurbs - my shorter writing pieces
#losers!works - my average length writing pieces
#losers!fics - my writing pieces that are on the longer side, or that i plan to give more parts too
#losers!recs - fics or blurbs that i recommend you read, because they’re AMAZING
#losers!chara - my own ocs that i absolutely adore and wanna hit against cement at the same time (lynne marie appreciation club officiant)
#losers!edits - my video edits (mostly stranger things based)
and finally, #losers!events - my events such as celebrations, or ask games
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prettyboigenius · 3 years
Hi! I’m a new writer to tumblr and I know I only have a handful of followers, by that I mean four, but I want to get into writing fanfics but need ideas because my mind is void of them. I know I have no other writings for people to gauge my talent or lack there of but I’d appreciate some ideas to get my writing muscles working.
I’ll write pretty much anything except smut, because I’m an asexual and it makes me uncomfortable. I’ll write for these shows/movies/characters.
-Criminal Minds (anyone but my favorites are Spencer and Emily)
-Julie and the Phantoms (anyone these characters have my whole heart)
-Supernatural (anyone)
-The Walking Dead (pretty much anyone but I’m particularly fond of Carl, Daryl, Tara, and Enid)
-The 100 (Belamy, Murphy, Octavia, Clarke, Raven)
-Stranger Things (any of the kids and Steve and Robin mostly but I’m not against writing for Nancy or Johnathan)
-The Society (anyone)
-Harry Potter (I’m particular to the marauders era but I’m willing to write for characters in the golden trio era)
-Once Upon A Time (anyone but I think I’ll put the most heart into Henry, Hook, and Peter Pan)
-Marvel (anyone)
-Star Wars (anyone but I’m more well versed in the new trilogy)
-The Maze Runner (anyone)
-IT (anyone in the losers club)
-Jurassic World (Zach or Owen mostly but I’m not deterred to writing for others)
I will not under an circumstances write a romantic relationship between an adult and a child, any adult characters will be written with appropriately aged readers or characters. I am willing to write xreaders with the pronouns being anything. Pairings can be mxm wxw mxw or any other form of relationship like a poly relationship. I’m not the biggest fan of au’s that leave universe but I may give it a try if the prompt intrigues me. Again songfics aren’t my favorite but I may give them a try to see if I enjoy writing them more than reading them. Again I’ll write fluff and angst but will not, under any circumstance write smut. Also canon gay and other LGBTQ+ characters will remain their canon sexuality and thus be written that way. This is a lot of words so thanks to those who have made it to the end of my word vomit. I will in the future do some rewrites with my oc’s but I’d like to try this before I dive in head first.
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hoodoo12 · 4 years
Stiffed (1/?)
A small story, based an idea tossed around on the discord server that maybe, sometimes, Beetlejuice receives services but then stiffs (pun totally intended) the workers at Dante’s Inferno. Starts swf. May end up nsfw . . .
A few people’s OCs are mentioned in this first part. @memedemonhours‘   Lyra @humanransome-note‘s Niphera @jeuchrit‘s Ivan
Enjoy! ~
Madame Bouriseau listened to her girls’ complaints with a calm expression on her face. She’d learned through the years that letting emotion show gave fuel--positive or negative--to the other person, and that allowing silences to stretch instead of filling them could be a good tool. 
When the group gathered around her said their piece, she repeated it back to them to make sure she understood the situation fully. Then she assured them it would all be taken care of; she’d see to that personally. Once the little displeased discussion was concluded, she approached Ivan and spoke quietly with him, telling him her plan and what may be needed from him. The bouncer agreed, and she even got a rare smile from the usually taciturn Russian. The next time Beetlejuice showed up, all jittery energy and smiles that showed too many teeth, Ivan intercepted him. Knowing the patron could speak Russian, he used his native tongue. 
“Пойдем со мной. Мадам увидит вас в своем кабинете.” [Come with me. Madame will see you in her office.]
Beetlejuice immediately backpedaled, as expected, but the faux friendly hand the bouncer had put on the nape of the ghost’s neck tightened.
“Прекрасно! Хорошо! Пусть вверх, мудак!” Beetlejuice replied peevishly. [Fine! Okay! Let go, asshole!] Ivan didn’t respond to the request or the name calling. He escorted him up the stairs to Madame’s office, which had windows that overlooked the floor, and unceremoniously shoved him through the door. As Beetlejuice stumbled and caught himself, he continued to mutter unflattering things in Russian about the Russian. He was continued to be ignored. “Спасибо, Ivan. I appreciate your assistance.” [Thank you, Ivan . . .] The bouncer stared at Beetlejuice for a moment longer, then dipped his head to Madame and took his leave. He made it obvious he was going to be standing on the landing literally right outside the closed door. “Lawrence. It is nice to see you again.” Her accent made her sound sophisticated here, even if back in London it was considered coarse. Beetlejuice tugged on the hem of his jacket to straighten it. The flash of red in his hair, just visible at the roots, morphed deeper to a purple before he could collect himself. Putting on a good front, he grinned and took her hand, bowing as he brought it to his mouth like a proper gentleman. He pressed his lips to her knuckles as he said,
“Madame, it is always a pleasure to have a personal escort to the most beautiful lady here!” She accepted his kiss, even as he looked up from his inferior position. She didn’t miss that his eyes lingered on the exposed skin of her tits over the top of her corset. He was predictable.
“Thank you,” she replied, then extracted her hand so she could run her fingers along the scruff of his jawline. His smile widened as he straightened again. “You can be sweet.” He nodded, pleased with the compliment. With a light slap to his cheek, she continued. “Now to business.” In an instant, he shrunk. He never liked it when she was sharp. Bad memories.
Madame ignored his kicked-puppy expression. “You’ve run up quite a tab, I’ve been told. You’ve not paid several of my girls for their company, and have made vague promises of future compensation.” His lips became a thin line, and his pale complexion managed to become more pallid. 
“Do you have the monies now?”
He licked his lips. Answer enough. “And yet you are bold enough to return, expecting more entertainment and company for the evening.”
Now he glanced at the door, as if judging his ability to scamper through it. Ivan’s shadow shifted, as if the bouncer had read his mind about the thoughts of escape. 
“That is unacceptable,” Madame said. Beetlejuice flinched. She’d learned that he was very sensitive to her disappointment, even if it was spoken quietly. Again, bad memories that he projected onto her. “Typically Ivan and Lyra--as well as a few others, I’d imagine--would like to take care of your shortage of funds in a much more physical way. Not pleasantly physical, I’m sure you understand. However, you are a long standing client, and many are fond of you, so an alternative arrangement may be found.” She raised her eyebrows and waited to see if he could connect the dots. Beetlejuice, always willing to look for an out, smiled again. “Of course! Of course! I’m no professional, like your bouncers, but I’m scrappy and can take care of losers too! You need me what, a couple shifts a week?” Madame smiled and shook her head. “No. Our security at Dante’s is quite adequate, thank you.” “Oh!” He thought fast. “Behind the bar then! I hope people like shots, because those are easiest to pour!”
She continued to smile. He slowly came to understand that was incorrect as well; Niphera always seemed to have the bar well tended.  His brow furrowed. “Helping the girls between sets? As a dresser?” he asked, a tad hopefully. Tired of the game, Madame Bouriseau shook her head again. “No. I’d rather have you in a more active role. Center stage. Under the heat of the spotlights, as they say. You do like attention.” She gave him a moment to finally put two and two together. When his silence stretched, she broke her own rule and continued.  “I hope you’re wearing underwear tonight, Beetlejuice. Otherwise, you’ll be giving away the finale far too soon. A bit like premature ejaculation, isn’t it? Not allowing anyone else to get a chance to enjoy themselves? That just wouldn’t be fair.”
She patted his pale cheek--sweetly, with no slap this time!--and took his elbow to escort him back out to the main floor of the club.  tbc . . .
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twofacedharveydent · 4 years
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Look into his angel eyes. One look and you're hypnotized. He'll take your heart and you must pay the price…Mandy Marsh, twin of Beverly, somehow finds herself a member of the Losers Club and fighting for her life against IT. Angel Eyes → @ocfairygodmother  (read here)
I wanted to say thank you for all of the nice comments you left on my recent aesthetic posts! Wanted to go through each one and thank you, but haven’t been on here much due to not being in the best head space lately... So thought I’d show my appreciation with an edit for your IT oc.
Hope you like this! *hugs*
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cardiganloser · 4 years
Avengers Adopting the Losers Club
TW: Mentions of abuse
Okay, so Pennyhoe doesn't exist here, so by extension the protective bubble Derry had that meant everyone ignored it also doesn't exist
So of course, CPS finds out about all the abuse going on, and is like "Wait a damn minute" and takes the Losers away.
I'd just like the clarify the abuse here, as the lines can be blury sometimes
Bev: Sexual and physical
Eddie = Phsycological and Emotional
Bill = Parental neglect
Stan = Emotional and physical
Ben = Parental neglect
Mike = Physical and parental neglect
Richie = Dead parents
And it just so happens that over in NYC, the Avnegers were looking into adoption
Why you may ask? Because it was very clear by this point that for most of them, pregnancy was wayyy to stressful with their jobs, or it's a same-sex couple.
So anyways, they all hear about seven kids who want to be adopted together, and they're like "Ooh, this looks good."
And they adopt the Losers Club, plus an OC of mine, Allison Yates.
I've never used her, unlike my other two IT OCs, so I'm putting her in here.
Anyways, nobody is adopted by a couple specifically.
This is the Avengers okay, nobody has trouble with making an exception
Losers + Ali are adopted age 13, and are trained in combat and self-defence once a week so they can fight off a kidnapper or something
They are the Avengers' kids after all, a huge target for ransom or something
Anyways, it's a happy two years until the kids are fifteen
By this point, everyone is on first-name basis, like everyone is an uncle and aunt.
Bruce has taken blood samples from the superheroes, and is trying to work out how to replicate superpowers under the direction of the government.
Disaster strikes when the tower suffers a break-in. The intruders, HYDRA agents, try to steal the samples, but are met by a few very pissed Losers.
The vials containing the blood break in the following fight, and the blood hits the flesh of the kids.
The blood gives them the superpowers of the person it was taken from, as it leaves DNA traces on them.
Also someone probably swallowed some of it as I think it back.
Anyways, into superpowers.
Bill = Super soldier serum
Stan = Wanda's magic (is there a name?)
Bev = Carol's flight, blasts and durability
Ben = Thor's lightning powers
Mike = Black Panther powers (name?)
Eddie = Spiderman powers
Richie = Quicksilver's speed (he's alive)
Alison = Mantis' emotional manipulation
Anyhow, they are taught to control their powers (obvi) and eventually start going on missions
And fight Thanos in IW/Endgame
When the snap happened, they all lived, miraculously
It also made them realise how precious life is. Richie confessed to Eddie and they started dating, Allison admitted to being a lesbian, (lots of support), Stan, with his boyfriend Bill's help, got the therapy he needed, Mike moved to Wakanda like he had wanted to do for a while now, Ben and Bev also spent a lot more time together than usual (even though they were dating anyway)
Now, over the course of the years spent together, Ali had been accepted as one of the Losers.
So when she takes Natahsa's place in Endgame and dies, the team is left in a state of grief.
She went to Vormir with Mike, who was her best friend, and sacrifices herself so he could survive.
Nat survives, but as she was originally going to go on that mission with Clint, feels responsible for her death.
Same with Clint and Mike.
During the final fight with Thanos, Eddie loses his arm. Richie is amazing during his recovery and adjustment to the robo arm, and Eddie very much appreciates it
They love each other what can I say
Stan almost dies when an enemy puts a spear through his wrists, hitting an essential nerve, but he pulls through.
Tony and Alison are ressurected by the infinity stones. Tony retires from hero work to take care of his family, while Ali goes to Wakanda with Mike and the ressurected T'Challa to run the country with them and help form a diverse, accepting government.
So, the endgames are as follows:
Mike and Alison: Helping T'Challa run his country through the government, stay lifelong platonic soulmates. They aren't official Avengers anymore, but they can be called on to help when needed.
Ben and Bev: Stay official Avengers and mentor new heroes into the business. They get married two years after Endgame, age twenty-two. Baby makes three age twenty-seven. Once the baby is born they retire from hero work, but same as Mike and Alison, can be called on to help from time to time.
Bill and Stan: Okay, this is crazy but hear me out. Stan's mental health is shaky, and a life in the public doesn't work for them, even if they retire from hero work. So, they fake their deaths, and go off to live a happy, domestic life. The Losers obviously know they're actually alive, as does the Government. Won't do any kind of hero work physically, but always happy to offer heroes shelter at the farm they buy and work on. They adopt one kid, their daughter Georgia. She's a tech genius, and knows about her dad's old lives, and why that's no longer their lives.
Richie and Eddie: Stay heroes right until the get married, aged twenty-seven, and after that. They have three kids, Gracie, Oliver and Harry. Gracie is looking to be the next Black Widow, Oliver the next Tony Stark, and Harry the next Hawkeye.
They all meet up for Shwarma once a month and catch up.
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magpie-scribbles · 4 years
Gasoline (Rappa x OC Hoshi)
Chapter 1: Little Trouble
Rating: M (Whole story rated E)
Warnings: Drinking, stripping, violence, unsolicited attention
Word Count: 2.7k
Wowwie! It’s the first chapter of Rappa and Hoshi’s Origin!
Once again his scheduled fights had been a let down; squirming little pricks begging for their lives, for him to not beat them into a pulp. If they couldn’t dish it out or take it they should fuck off. The past few weeks had been like this…maybe the past few months, uppity little shits trying to show off their quirks and their power. Doesn’t do you much good when you’re gargling on your own blood and begging your opponent for mercy. His knuckles didn’t even hurt after that last fight, and they had dragged the guy outta the ring, cause he couldn’t even stand up after the beating he took. 
It wasn’t much of a rush when your opponents sucked…So after a lousy couple of fights and a less than ideal payout, he sticks to his usual routine.
He’s pretty certain the door’s on it last legs as he shoves it open; maybe because of him, but it wasn’t like he was the only restless and riled up person that came to this seedy little club. Hell he probably wasn’t the shadiest or the rudest either; though he had started a few fights here, some had been better than his matches. 
The bouncer that does jack shit, nods at him in greeting; guy probably didn’t get paid enough to take care of half the riffraff that dragged their troubles here. Most the time Rappa just watched as he hauled piss drunk sobs out, or waited until a fight ended with someone unconscious; the loser getting kicked to the curb. The only time he had ever really seen the man do anything was when someone got too handsy with the dancers or threatened one of the bartenders. 
It wasn’t like Rappa was complaining, this place was a little slice of heaven in it’s own rough way. Besides the beer was cheap and wasn’t too watered down; and it was nice to see some ass and tits after a night of beating the snot out of people. 
A drink girl passes him on his way to a seat and he orders a pitcher, she looked  him up and down for a moment as if trying to decide if she should give him one to himself before walking off agreeably. There was no way one pitcher was going to put him on his ass, especially since he downed a few burgers and nearly a whole bag of fries before he got here.
He doesn’t have a usual spot, he’s not the kind of guy that would waste time marking his territory in a place like this, where ever has a decent view is good enough for him. 
He should be grossed out by the tackiness of the chair or the grittiness of the floor as the legs scrape as he pulls it back, but hell if he was; slumping into the seat and propping up his feet on the table, completely relaxed and content.
One girl is working the stage, circling the pole with practiced ease, almost looking bored, another was giving another very overzealous patron a lap-dance. A light tap on his shoulder and he turns his head; drink tray, with a very full pitcher angled towards him. The pitcher almost looks like a normal sized mug of beer in his hand, the drink girl doesn’t even wait for him to respond, just walks off; at least she didn’t tell him to get his feet off the table.
Taking a swig he watched the show on the small poorly lit stage; he wonders if others could see it, the raw energy below the barely there clothing as the woman worked the pole. True he was a man and thought with his dick but he could also appreciate the power behind it, if anything the power was just as sexy. 
As he nurses his drink bickering piqued his interest and another patron was trying haggling the price of a lap-dance from one of the other dancers and he snorted when she pressed her foot too harshly against his nuts; daring him to try further bargaining.The man quickly paid up; too bad he was hoping for a scrap; Rappa doubted the squirrelly little businessman could have taken her.
He drains the rest of his drink, not even a buzz running through his system yet, he stared down at the foam at the bottom of the pitcher wondering if they watered it down, usually he at least felt a little relaxed. He looked around for the drink girl; the place had gotten busier, he gazes at the flickering clock on the wall they still hadn’t fixed the stupid thing. 9:12pm…at least he thought it was a 2 on the end. The business men were crawling out of their holes or away from their boring family lives, general riff raff and scum, looking for a place to get smashed. And Rappa could only hope this meant some action, this place usually saw some good tumbles after 9 and fuck where was the drink girl?
Growling he knew his seat was going to be taken if he got up to go to the bar, but maybe that meant someone would fight him for it and if that didn’t get his blood pumping. Hauling himself up and rolling his shoulders, he didn’t bother pushing his seat in. 
The place is already crowded enough that he needs to physically push his way to the bar, not that it’s hard, but he just wants a fucking drink. One guy is loudly boasting, standing right in his path and paying no attention to the behemoth seeking to get passed him. So Rappa does what he always does and lays a large hand on the mans back and shoves. There’s a scramble and some concerned gasps as the man is catapulted over a nearby table, but no one dares reprimand the beast that shoved him, especially not after they saw his sheer size.
Finally he wades through the sea of other patrons to the bar, the music is getting louder and he’s glad to at least find a seat at the bar, even if the backless chair looks comically small under him. He slams the pitcher on the counter, loud enough that it could be heard over the sound of the environment. 
“What’s a guy have to do to get a fuckin’ drink around here?” he rumbles. 
It’s almost too quick for his eyes to catch but then there’s a small head of pink hair popping up from behind the bar. Bright eyes staring him down. He had never seen her here before.
“It’s called waiting your turn!”  she quips, grabbing one of the drafts and pulling into a regular sized pint.
For a moment he wonders why she’s still kneeling and then he realizes she’s just a tiny little thing…and she’s telling him off. He’s caught off guard for a moment, most people are intimidated by him immediately but she’s…oh, well now she’s ignoring him. 
Slinging the drink down the bar towards another patron, another calls out their order and she rolls her eyes. She turns to face him, still nonplussed by his size.
“Ok, what’cha want big guy?”
He grins and goes to say something when he hears a wolf whistle.
“Look at you, you little thing!” 
She’s already bristling as she looks over her shoulder for the offender.
“Surprised they don’t have workin’ the pole up there; well why don’t you come over and sit on daddy’s lap and work somethin’ else.”
Rappa looks over, a skeevy man with slick back hair is eyeing her up and patting his thigh.
The little pink haired bartender looks back over to him, and fuck if she was directing that feral smile at him he might be a bit cautious about bite behind those teeth.
“Excuse me for a moment.” she says sweetly and bats her eyes.
She moves achingly slow towards the cat-caller, swaying her hips side to side, and, well he’d be lying to say he wasn’t watching the curve of her pretty little ass as she sauntered. 
Casually she leans on the counter, back curved enticingly and chest out as she gazes at the sleazebag that had been talking to her. Slowly she reaches out and grabs his tie, fingers gently pulling on the material. He lets himself be pulled.
“Well look at you, what a good little girl.” he growls at her, or tries to.
Rappa is very curious at this point, wondering if she’d just go with the flow and get some extra cash from the guy by taking him out back but then…
“You don’t look like a daddy.” she tilts her head, and if Rappa had a drink at the moment he’d be doing a spit take because she’s full on sucker punching the guy square in the face. The only thing keeping the man from falling backwards out of his seat her iron grip on his tie. And then she tugs him back, slamming his head into the counter before finally releasing him.
The man whines pitifully hands coming up, getting ready to catch any blood, when he finally decides to sit up.
“And ya sure don’t sound like a daddy.” she huffs, rubbing her knuckles on the back of a drink cloth. The guy is still refusing to look up at her, but he whimpers when she leans down, hand going under the bar, reaching for something Rappa can’t see. “And I ain’t a good girl.” the hand below the bar, pops up and she’s placing one of those little overly sweet, dyed cherries on his head.
She stands back up and smiles.
“That one’s on the house!” she says in a sing song voice. 
She practically skips back over to him, mood seemingly unsoured.
“Now, let’s try this again.” she leaned her elbows on the counter in front of him and rests her chin on steepled fingers. “What can I get for ya big guy.”
The smile she gives him is genuine and he can’t help but smile back and release a bellowing laugh, nudging the empty pitcher towards her.
“A refill.” he settles on his forearms, now that the commotion has settled, or at least it appeared so for now. The little bartender picks up the pitcher; where it looked comically small in his hands, it looks comically big in hers.
“You drink all this yourself?” she looks into the bottom like it might hold a clue. “Wowwza! You can pack it!” 
She seems almost excited about that, and he can’t help but find her more and more amusing. He eyes down the bar, the man she had punched is still nursing his wound, bloodied napkin pressed to his nose. Rappa sneers when the man caught his eye. 
“Whatcha havin’?” she grabs his attention as she moves over to the drafts.
“Triple IPA.” 
Immediately she recoils, wrinkling her nose and sticking out her tongue.
“That stuff’s so bitter!” still she turning to pull more of the deep amber liquid into the pitcher.
“It’s gotta good alcohol content.” he replies smartly.
“So do Martini’s and Pimm’s!” she shoots back.
“I ain’t drinkin’ pussy drinks.” he drums his figures against the bar, maybe that would get a rise out of her, he was interested to see more of her reactions.
“I Ani’T DrinKIn’ PuSsy DrINks.” she mocks, slamming the pitcher back down on the counter dangerously close to one of his hands, some of the beer sloshing over the side and onto his fingers. “At least they don’t taste like piss.”
He grabs the refill and takes a long swig, watching as she pops and few cherries into her mouth…and a few green olives…
“And how would you know what piss tastes like?” he arches his eyebrows after as satisfying swallow and foul smirk pulls at his lips. He wonders if she’ll punch him.
She observes the lemon wedge in her hand for a moment before biting into it.
“And why would I tell you? Maybe it’s a dirty secret.” she says around the wedge as she continues to suck on the sour fruit.
He nearly spits out his next gulp of beer. 
“Sakuretsu!” someone calls from behind him, and he watches as the drink girl pushes her way through the crowd, looking rather annoyed. “Stop. eating. all. the. GARNISH!”
The small bartender, no, Sakuretsu sags dramatically and throws the lemon away. That’s a mouth full of a name for something so small. She starts removing empty glasses from the other woman’s tray and putting new ones on. 
“So, Sakuretsu-” he begins when the drink girl walks off with her orders.
“Ugh, no.” she whines and he cocks his head. “Hoshi, my name is Hoshi.” she says something else under her breath but he can’t make it out. 
“Well, Hoshi, you won’t tell me why ya know what piss tastes like, will ya tell me why I haven’t see ya here before?” he’s already halfway done with his pitcher and he’s finally starting to feel the buzzing through his body.
“I got some friends, pulled some strings.” she’s not shy in her answer and he has a feeling her friends probably aren’t good people. “Guess you can’t exactly go around nicking people’s wallets for all your chump change. So a real bonafide job is the way ta’ go, it’s a lot less fun though.” so she was a little pickpocket.
“Awfully honest.” he rumbles leaning closer. She works fast, seemingly already good at the job she had just gotten.
“No point in lyin’, it’s beatin’ around the bush! ‘Sides you don’t seem like the type to be an undercover boy.” she waves him off almost boredly, and then suddenly she’s in front of him smiling. “I bet’cha you’re one of them underground fighters!” 
He can smell the citrus from the lemon she had been eating, and fuck she’s a cute little thing; with the alcohol thrumming through him he can definitely feel his dick twitch.
“And you’d be right.” he rumbles, leaning a little closer wondering if he’d scare her off.  
“You probably knock the snot outta them!” she says excitedly, fuck the fact that she seems into it definitely has him even more interested.
He has to pull away to to clear his head, which he completely ruins by finishing off the rest of his beer; dammnit and he needs another, especially if this little bartender was going to keep toying with him, he wonders if she even knows what she’s doing. Pushing the pitcher back he taps plastic with a blunt nail, his eyes hooded, the lopsided smirk pulling at his lips dangerously close to something he might wear in the bedroom. She doesn’t seem to notice his primal look.
“Wow, you’re a fuckin’ BEAST!” she grabs the pitcher in awe. He’d definitely like to hear those words again.
She turns to fill it up again and he takes the chance to dig the heel of his hand roughly against his dick. Fuck… true he’s gotten hard from the girls here before but that was the strippers; maybe getting another drink wasn’t a smart idea, but Rappa wasn’t a smart man.
She gives him the refill but it’s hard to pay attention to beer because she’s crooking her pretty painted finger at him and he leans in. She glances around quickly before pulling a card out of her top. 
“Took that sleazebag’s card.” she looks very happy with herself. “And!” she flicks it. “I’ll pay off your tab with it if ya get me into watch one of the fights for free.”  
He still had enough brain power to consider her deal. True the entry fees went to pay the fighters, but his prize money was going directly into the pitcher in front of him. It honestly wasn’t much of a decision at this point with a good portion of his blood running straight to his dick rather than his brain and the rest singing with alcohol.
“Yes! bloodbath! “ she pumps her fist and grins at him. “This is gonna be fun!”     
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shit-she-wrote · 4 years
OC Challenge: First Meetings
Tagged by @ajbrooks-writes - thank you so much!!!
How did you meet??
Pamela and Evan:
Evan: She threatened me and then proceeeded to tell me her life story
Pamela: Wait, what? I didn’t threaten you.
Evan: You were going to. But I ended up being too loveable.
Pamela: *sigh* I still don’t understand how we managed to become best friends.
Pamela and Shen:
Shen: We accidentally bumped into each other in a club.
Pamela: You make it sound like you weren’t there just to stalk me while I worked.
Shen: You were killing a woman!
Pamela: A child molester. She was barely a person.
Shen and James:
Shen: We became partners when I started out as an agent. Then he pulled me into a conspiracy to bring down Sector NEX. You know, as friends do.
Pamela and James:
Pamela: He shot me.
James: In the shoulder. It was an intentional flesh wound. I was really saving your life.
Pamela: You still shot me.
Pamela and Kane:
Kane: This really hot redhead walked into the bar and started flirting with me.
Pamela: Keep dreaming. I came in looking for my uncle.
Kane: And the sight of me left you speechless.
Pamela: Because I thought you were dead!
Kane: Oh, right. Because you shot me in the head nine years ago. My memory is kind of foggy on that fact.
Pamela: No, it’s not.
Kane: No, it definitely is not. But I definitely had you believing me for a second there.
Maya and Lucía (+ Pamela)
Lucía: Oh, we were high school sweethearts! Best friends turned into very awkward and stupidly in love losers.
Maria: And then we were torn away from each other by our homophobic parents. And now we found each other again by fate.
Pamela: You mean because of me.
Maya: You literally just did it for your own benefit.
Pamela: The fact that I needed both of you to help me find dirt on the government had very little to do with it.
Maya and Lucía: Sure
Evan and Shen:
Evan: He came to my work asking questions about Pamela. He was kind of scary, but also cute so I kind of ended up asking him out on a date and sleep with him in the same day.
Shen: I was supposed to kill him. Sex seemed like a better alternative.
Evan and Lucía and Maya:
Lucía: He came bearing government secrets and friendship.
Maya: And we only appreciated the friendship.
Evan: But the friendship wouldn’t be possible without the government secrets. Maybe the real government secret was the friendship we found along the way.
Tagging: @trevorparece @raevenlywrites @renee-gracie @carrotgirl-1 @jonahwrites @yuutfa @sleepy-and-anxious @expositionpreposition @writersblockandapotoftea @peachblossomwrites
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ill-skillsgard · 5 years
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MUST be over 18. No exceptions. 
All submissions must be made by October 25th, 2019.
Must be following Ill-Skillsgard.
No burner accounts.
Submission must be filled out correctly or risk disqualification. 
Must be willing to give me your shipping information (I’ll keep your info safe/feel free to use an alias).
Your submission will not be posted publically, but a shout out will be given to the winner on my blog!
Submit your completed template to Ill-Skillsgard via the submit option and not the ask option 
Only 2 submissions per individual so choose only your best ideas!
。・゚゚・THE CHALLENGE!・゚゚・。
Use the included template to submit a unique Halloween-themed short story idea to me!
Your creativity and imagination will be taken into account, so take your time thinking up the most astounding spooky Halloween-inspired concept possible!
Submission closing date is October 25th, so don’t rush to submit! 
The most compelling concept(s) will be selected and turned into a 5K fic written by yours truly and you WIN a HALLOWEEN CARE PACKAGE FROM ME! (in the event of a tie, I will randomly select a winner!)
The fic inspired by your submission will be posted on this blog!
Disclaimer: I reserve the right to disqualify any entry at any time at my own discretion.
feel free to copy+paste this template to use
Title: (Insert the title of your story)
Characters/Pairings: (Any of my muses/Pennywise/Bob Gray/Adult Loser’s Club) - Please DM me about muses if you’re unsure who I write for. Use whatever OC you want or request ambiguous reader insert.
POV: (choose between 1st person -I carved the pumpkin-, 2nd person -you carved the pumpkin-, 3rd person -he/she/they carved the pumpkin-)
Themes: (Smut/Fluff/Angst/Horror/Whatever you want in any combination)
Concept: (This is where you can flesh out your idea for a short story. Don’t be shy! You can include any kinks if you choose smut -except non-consensual, underage, illegal fetishes and anything else of an overly distasteful nature- Make sure your idea is clear and keep it between 150 - 1,000 words) 
Some of you may already know me from my blog here on Tumblr, and for those of you that do, it should come as no surprise that Halloween is my favourite time of the year! It’s a magical time to cozy up and appreciate all that is dark. Since I’ve received an enormous amount of support lately, I wanted to give a little back to the people that I write for. I hope you enjoy putting together some spooky ideas! Have fun! PS, not all goodies are pictured! ;)
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OC Halloween Challenge
Day 22: Soulmate AU
“An invisible red thread connects those who are destined to meet, regardless of time, place, or circumstance. The thread may stretch or tangle, but will never break.” -Chinese Proverb- 
Jennifer Renee with Mike Hanlon from Stephen Kings IT
Forever Tag List: @bravelittleflower @kendelias  @randomfandoming1 @myocmultiverse
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mxwellsa · 5 years
just dropping by to smack you with some hardcore appreciation. reggie is a delight, and there is no mistaking how much thought you put into her. she reads like an incredibly realistic addition to the losers club, and i think that, in itself, says so much??? idk, i'm always in awe of people that can whip up such detailed ocs.
i think i got this a few days ago and then i put it in my drafts and lost it ?? but hi hello you’re amazing ily
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