#maybe something about climbing stairs or an elevator and X marks the spot
therealraewest · 2 years
Just remembered those creepy combination chant/scalp massage things that you'd do as a kid but it was always the girls who like proto-goth who would know how to do them, like the whole "egg on your head and the yolk trickle down" thing where at the end they'd push you and apparently whatever color you saw indicated how you'd die?? Does anyone else remember this or was it just a very specific trend within a group of creepy little girls at my school
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revengeisourlullaby · 3 years
Everything Happens For a Reason
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Warnings: 18+, smut, Cheating/mentions of cheating, “revenge” sex, arguing, dealings of breaking up, ex-partner being shitty, dom themes, hair pulling, dumbification, degradation, feelings of worthlessness, Thor being an asshole, Loki being an asshole sexually, sensual themes, some angst, some softness but mostly tough love vibes, this will take place around the time of Ragnarok for visual reference, kinda domestic but not really 
a/n: This is my first time writing for marvel characters! I previously was writing for mha, which I still do if you’re interested. Apologies to the Thor lovers, he’s an ass in this. Nevertheless, I hope you enjoy it and that I do a good job of representing characters that we all enjoy. :)  
Word count: 6.7k
Main: Loki x female!Reader Ex: Thor x female!Reader
You were on your way back home after ending a grueling shift at work. Everything around you left you in a sensory overload. The sound of your feet pattering on the sidewalk, the aggressive car horns of New York’s taxis, conversations you passed by all created a stinging buzz that roared in your head. Finally reaching the station, you walked down a flight of stairs, the horrific New York air filling your nose. A stench that made you feel at home but somehow could never get used to. Sighing you thought to yourself.
I just wanna get home.
The idea of having to mush yourself into the train in desperate hopes of not only being able to find a seat but to not be bombarded with the evening nonsense made the buzz in your head turn into an unfortunate headache. Waiting for the train to rush through the tunnel, you grabbed your phone and frowned, seeing that your boyfriend had yet to answer the text you sent earlier. He said he was free from any heroic duties for the next month so it was peculiar to not hear from him. You began to grow worried. 
Picking at your nails, you were thinking about all the possible “what ifs” that could have happened with Thor. You guys had been dating for some time now, almost two years. It had become common to be met with all the craziness that his job title of hero held. Truly anything could happen. So, of course, your brain was constructing all of the terrible things that could’ve possibly happened with him. 
You couldn’t fuss about it too long, the train came bustling through the tunnel, the air from up underneath it blasting you in the face with the trademarked scent of burnt rubber tires and gasoline smoke. You trudged your way into the train, squeezing your way to a spot closest to the door so you could make your way out quickly. Holding on to the railing beside you, you popped your AirPods in and dissociated. Trying your best to drown out the noise and the perpetual thoughts of what was going on with your boyfriend. You couldn’t help the aggressiveness of your worries so you pulled out your phone and gave Thor’s phone a ring.
You waited, and waited, and waited and the line went to voicemail. Your mind was running a mile a minute. It felt like you couldn’t breathe. You tried composing yourself, you were almost at your stop. When the PA system announced your stop, you rushed through the automatic doors and ran to your apartment. The sky, now overcast, and the slight smell of rain tainting the air, only adding to the tension. Running up the outside set of stairs, you headed to the elevator preparing yourself for the worst. Once the elevator dinged, you rushed down the hallway to your apartment. 
Fumbling with your keys at the door, you began to hear a slew of moans. Stopping in your tracks, you moved your head closer to the door to make sure that you were hearing the moans slip from the other side of your apartment door. Placing your ear against the door your suspicions were confirmed with a groan that seemed to billow from none other than Thor’s throat. Your heart began to shatter and become blanketed with the bitterness of winter, you slowly turned the key into your apartment. 
Conscious of your steps you tried your best to not cause creaks to squeak from the floorboards. The air wreaked of sex and was starting to become seasoned with rotten jealousy. Turning the corner to head down to your shared bedroom, you were acquainted with Thor pile driving into your best friend. 
She caught you in the doorway and to your dismay, she called out
“Y/N! Oh my god. Thor stop!”
With the mention of your name, Thor whipped his head around but you were already making your way towards the front door. He threw on his pants that were thrown on the floor and rushed his way over to you.
You turned around with a quickness and landed your hand right across his cheek. Leaving him with a scarlet mark to brand his betrayal upon him. You looked up at him through your eyebrows because you didn't have the strength to look at him in the eyes for the tears that were welling up would threaten to spill over. 
“Thor...why don’t you go finish your business with her. Since clearly, she’s the priority.”
“Y/N, it’s not what you think it is. She brought herself upon me.”
“Oh! And you just couldn’t resist right. Cause she was just so overbearing against yourself?”
His silence solidified your suspicions and you wanted nothing more than to just get out of that apartment. Not waiting for him to come up with another response you grabbed your bag that you dropped on the floor and turned on your heel to leave.
   “And when you release yourself of whatever leftovers you’re straining to hold, I want you to get your shit and leave. There’s nothing here to be salvaged and honestly, the last thing I wanna do is attempt to fix this.”
You slammed your apartment door and took the stair exit, not wanting to chance to have to confront him again while waiting for the elevator. Coming up on the last flight of stairs you held yourself up against the railing and felt the emotion in your throat bubble up and release itself. 
It hurt. A strangled whine erupted from your throat and you hid your face in your hands. Hoping that it would muffle your cries enough so that no one would hear you in the stairwell. All of your insecurities began to settle in and resurface. Why weren’t you good enough for him? What made your best friend better? It's not like she was otherworldly or something. You could maybe understand if it was Valkyrie, but this was some regular bitch. This was someone you knew and felt undeniably close with. It felt sour, like residual vomit on the tongue. 
You pushed yourself up from the stairs and slowly walked to the main door of your building. You were brought out of your haze with cold droplets of water that began to roll down your face.
“This is just comedic now.” 
You laughed to yourself. Not only did you just spoil your eyes by seeing your now ex-boyfriend inside of your best friend but now you're stuck out in the exordium of New York rain with no real place to settle. Not at least until Thor packed his things and left. You put your bag over your head and searched for the nearest station to just catch a ride on. Walking down the steps, you again waited in the queue for the next train. Leaning on the wall you were suddenly overwhelmed with the stench of your wet outside clothes and wanted nothing more than to curl up and go to sleep.
With the roar of the train coming through the tunnel, you got on. Unaware of where you were going just desperately wanting to get away from the drama currently suffocating your mind. Trying to forget about the world around you, were brought back into reality by the buzzing of your phone in your pocket.
Of course, you had a list of missed calls from Thor as well as your best friend. Lists of texts from Thor, but the notification that stood out the most was a text message from Loki. It was unlikely for you to hear from him and coupled with today’s events it felt like salt being rubbed in a wound. 
It can’t get any worse, honestly. Just open it. Fuck it.
Going against your brain and entrusting your gut, you opened his message.
Would you happen to be in the Manhattan area? 
You looked up at the sign above the train doors, flashing the streets of the next stop. Luckily for you, you were getting ready to be dropped off right in the heart of Manhattan. Sighing you swallowed the lump in your throat and straightened your shoulders. Replacing your previous weight of mourning with now a sudden spark of pride and revenge running through your veins.
Yeah, I’m actually on my way there now, why?
You rolled your head back and bounced your leg, sudden nervousness striking your body. You didn’t fear Loki, it was nothing like that. But rather you were intimidated by him. His presence demanded attention and you were one to give it to him. You couldn’t deny that he was incredibly handsome. Despite his condescending nature, you found him all too alluring. Yet, here you were awaiting a response from him to come through. 
Interested in some company while visiting your planet for personal business. Care to be that company? 
Your heart started to thump behind its ribcage, beating a rhythm that you hadn’t been familiar with. You were excited. Quickly you typed back, not wanting to wait too long. 
Sounds like a plan. The train is getting ready to stop, probably will be in central Manhattan in about 10. Where should I meet you?
I’ll be waiting outside the Baccarat.
The train doors dinged and you rose from your seat and maneuvered your way through the 5th Avenue-53 St. station. Climbing the stairs, you were met with the unfortunate luck of it still raining and now with nightfall completely draped over the sky, you were beginning to regret accepting the invitation of meeting Loki. Looking ahead you noticed a store on the corner. You bolted in there, desperate to find something to change your soaking top out for. You walked in and saw yourself in the mirror. Your hair was still okay somehow, not too damaged by the wetness in the air. Just a tad more frizz. Fluffing your hair, you walked away from the mirror and searched for the men's section. 
Wanting an oversized hoodie you felt you had your best chance to find what you wanted there. Coming across a graphic hoodie, you pulled it off the rack and walked to the checkout. 
You got into a fitting room before you left, taking off your soaked shirt and now bra, and slipped into the hoodie. Stuffing your hair under the hood, you placed your clothes into your bag, sprayed some perfume on, and walked back outside to head to the hotel. The rain had let up some but you weren’t trying to risk it considering today had been littered with bad luck. You quickly walked up the street and finally made it out to the front of the hotel. 
You went to pull out your phone from your pocket, but when you did you were tapped on the shoulder. You whipped your head around, an instant attitude flooding your body. You were about to mouth off until you looked up and realized it was Loki who had grabbed your attention.
“Tense, are we?”
You rolled your eyes, wondering why you showed up. His tone worming through your ear and rattling your brain with contempt. He seemed to be a bitter reminder of his brother and you questioned why you thought this was a good idea. Looking up towards his face, you remembered why you came. His features, absolutely tantalizing, and the cadence of his speech almost always put you in a trance. The suit he was in only added to your inner desire. This was a moment of revenge, a moment of sheer pride that you needed to take advantage of. Finally, you opened your mouth and looked up at him. 
“A little, the day has been quite rough, but I don’t think you’d want to hear about all that.”
You looked toward the entrance of the hotel silently wondering why you two were still waiting outside. 
“Shall we go in? Standing in the rain like this is quite puerile.”
You looked up at him incredulously, 
“I swear you can read minds.”
You both shared a chuckle while he guided you in the hotel, his hand resting upon your lower back. Once you were in, you were struck in awe of the decor of the building you were in. It’s not that you had never been anywhere nice before but compared to your day-to-day lifestyle this was something very unexpected. You soaked it all in, not wanting to ever leave the luxury. 
“Y/N? You in there?”
You finally came to and gingerly shook your head to settle back in your body realizing you were now standing in front of the elevators.
“Yeah, I just got distracted, my bad.”
The door dinged and you two stepped into the elevator. He pressed the last set of numbers on the pad and you waited to be dropped on the floor of what you assumed where his room was. Your stomach dropped when the elevator arrived on the floor, almost adding to the anxiety you were feeling being so close to Loki. Walking down the hallway you reached his room and he pulled out his room key. Wanting to cut through the silence you broke the ice by asking Loki a question. 
“So what are you doing back on Earth? Here to cause some trouble or just for leisure.”
“Leisure, more or less. I came back for my brother but he has yet to inform me of his whereabouts.”
Dropping your bag down at the door you felt your body become heavy. Like someone had just dumped an anvil on your shoulders and expected you to be fully prepared. It stung. You couldn’t escape the sour taste that lingered from the day's earlier events. You sat down on the bed and had become unusually short. You had spit back at Loki.
“Yeah, he failed to let me know as well. Had to stumble in on him.”
“What do you mean “stumble in on him”? Where was he?”
Expelling air, you puffed out your cheeks slightly. Silently expressing your disdain for the question asked. You suddenly became aware of your hair still being tucked under your hood when you went to trail your hands across the top of your head. Removing the hood and fluffing your hair, you stood and walked up to the mirror to fix yourself before sighing again. Tears of frustration began to well in the corners of your eyes. You pursed your lips into a tight pucker and had to look up toward the ceiling to prevent them from spilling. 
“I’d prefer to skip over the antics, darling-”
“-Your wonderful brother was fucking somebody I was once close with, but now that relationship is undoubtedly severed, and quite honestly thinking about the event makes me want to cry and vomit.”
You finally let your voice shake and a fat tear rolled down the left side of your cheek. Hot and stinging your lash line before it fell. Exhaling more air, you shook your hands in a feeble attempt to calm yourself down. You heard the springs of the bed squeak as Loki situated himself on the bed.
“No one ever listens to me about that brute. He may be my brother but he lacks the capacity of decent intelligence.”
Turning around to face Loki, your eyebrows furrowed wondering how in the hell you thought sitting in a room with the smuggest piece of shit to ever exist would be a good idea after being cheated on by none other than his brother. Sniffling you brought yourself together and smiled at him.
“You know, for someone to be baggin on someone else about decent intelligence, you sure are lacking in the emotional department.”
“Never said I was perfect sweetheart, just alluded to being better.” 
You laughed. You had to. It was all too much to bear. Your ex-boyfriend sleeping with your ex-best friend and now you’re stuck in a hotel room with his shit-eating brother. You wanted to peel off your skin and remove your brain from its confinements. You needed to leave, you could find somewhere else to loiter around until tomorrow. 
“Ya know, I’m still trying to figure out why I thought having you for some company would be a good idea. Think I’m gonna leave you and your better than average intelligence to fuck off together.”
You couldn’t even look at Loki because inside you didn’t really wanna walk away. You were just projecting because all day everything that could go wrong, went wrong. It felt like your legs and heart were going to buckle at any moment and it was becoming too much to lug around silently. You wanted to scream for hours on end. Walking towards the door, you picked up your bag. Too engrossed in your thoughts to hear the bed creek signaling Loki’s movement. 
“Y/N, wait.”
Loki grabbed your wrist and your heart stopped beating for a moment, almost forgetting what it was you were upset about because you had someone else’s warmth heating your tainted soul. You looked up at Loki, creases in between your eyebrows beginning to form from you trying to hold back the tears that were welling up once again. 
“What? Look, Loki. I don’t want to be the downer of the evening and I’ve surely already done that. The last thing I want to do is burden you fully with what’s going on. I’m not gonna dump it all on you.”
“Will you sit down, please. Don’t leave.”
Sighing you dropped your bag and flopped onto the bed. Leaning over and burying your face in your hands. 
“Let me apologize. I was not thinking about the severity of what you were dealing with, that was foolish of me.”
He sat next to you on the bed and once again placed his hand on your back but this time it was rubbing back and forth. An action that seemed to calm you down instantly. Taking a deep breath you looked at him and couldn't help but feel an overwhelming amount of lust pool in the pit of your stomach. It felt wrong but, so right. You hoped he wasn't looking too deep into your eyes because you could almost predict how blown your pupils must’ve looked. 
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to snap and be so dramatic.”
Loki chuckled to himself, a small smile dancing across his face as he unbuttoned his suit jacket and laid it on the bed.
“No need for an apology, I was being insensitive. As for your dramatics, I’ve grown used to them.”
Your face folded and your lips pursed, annoyance clear on your face. 
“Yeah, you would be used to dramatics, Mr. “I need to rule over Earth cause I can’t back home.”.”
Your eyes lidded, you had your lips rolled around your teeth trying your best to hold a snicker in. 
“You Midgardians never know how to let things go, do you?”
“Well considering you were demolishing half of New York with an alien army it’s kinda hard to forget....I forgive you though.”
“Do you now?” Loki raised his eyebrow smirking at your remark.
“Yup, kinda hard to stay mad at someone so easy on the eyes.”
It wasn’t until after you said your words, did you realize what just rolled off your tongue. Your eyes grew wide and heat rushed to your face. You breathed heavily out your nose and brought your gaze to his. 
“Easy on the eyes huh?”
“I-” you couldn't even get any words out you were so embarrassed. All you could do was laugh to yourself and decide to be a little bit bold. 
“There’s no reason for me to be shy about it. You’re obviously the more attractive one.” 
Grazing your hand across his knee, you trailed your hand up to the meatier portion of his thigh.
“Are you planning on plowing through every Asgardian you meet?” 
Mouth agape you couldn’t believe what he just said to you. But you realized quickly this was your time to go in and plant the seed.
  “Not exactly. You’re the one I really want. Your brother just happened to fall in my lap first. It’s always been you though. Honestly, I was just too afraid to say anything. I couldn’t fathom the thought that you’d look my way.”
In the moment of your ramble, you hadn’t realized Loki rolling up his sleeves, using his nimble fingers to expose his veiny forearms. Once you had looked down you noticed his now exposed arms and your eyes met Loki’s again, the tension between you two becoming so thick it created a fog. 
“Honestly, I have yet to meet someone as dense as you are. The verity of my liking for you I thought was terribly noticeable. Yet you still somehow ended up with my oaf of a brother. It’s quite amazing actually.”
You were astonished, to say the least. While Loki was sarcastic with you, he had confessed his liking for you. Not just an inkling for you but a liking for you in a romantic aspect. You were over the moon. You stood up not being able to contain your excitement. Walking towards the desk you stared in the mirror and composed yourself. Looking in the bottom right-hand side of the mirror you caught Loki’s blue eyes in the corner. He stood up and walked behind you, almost stalking you like a predator does prey. 
“Why didn’t you say anything sooner?”
“Truly I thought you were happy darling, it wasn’t my business to interfere. Although, if I knew your deepest feelings sooner, I would’ve acted with more haste.”
Hearing “darling” come from his mouth so freely made butterflies fly hoops in your stomach. It did something to you that you had yet to describe outwardly. Turning around to face him, you hooked your fingers into the loops of his pants and pulled him closer to you, all so nonchalant. 
“Shall we make up for lost time then, Loki?”
Lust dripped off your tongue when saying his name. Your tone penetrating through the fog of sexual tension and your eyes undressing him before the affair would begin. You heard his breath hitch while you looked back up at him, his blue eyes were now almost black. His breath heavy and waiting for the go-ahead to indulge in each other's desires. For a moment you saw his eyes flicker to portray something of uncertainty. Dare you say something of insecurity.
“Only if it’s true. I want you to want me in the purest form of carnal desire. Not as a pawn to veil what you want to erase from your mind.” 
You moved your hands from his belt loops and traced your hands up his arms and planted them upon his neck, playing with the hair at the nape. 
“ Don’t stop now, we’ve already started. I’m begging for you Loki. Always have, always will.”
With the quick reassurance, his lips found yours in a heartbeat. Intertwining with each other like flies in a spider’s web. It was intoxicating you couldn’t breathe properly and still you pressed yourself closer against his body. Your leg inching up on his side and grinding into his now hardening dick. Your hand that was resting at the nape of his neck, crawled its way into his hair and grabbed a fistful of it, fully giving into the moment of you and Loki getting lost in each other. Your fistful of his hair would soon be gone, being replaced with his hand buried in your mass of hair and craning your neck back to look up at him.
“I control things around here, Pet. Don’t forget your place.”
His voice seemed to drop in pitch. Your eyes glossed over fully with lust and the sheer need to be ruined. Dominance enveloped his being which instantly quelled the brat in you. The reality of sleeping with Loki made you dive headfirst into a subservient space. You wanted him, you needed him. In being completely lost in submissive thought you almost forgot who was in front of you. That was until he spoke again.
He grabbed your hips and pressed your body against his, eliciting a slight whimper from you while nodding your head.
“Yes, Loki, I understand.”
Your voice was so meager, a complete 180 from your previous behavior in the night. You wanted as much of him as you could get so you shoved your lips against his again. A fiery kiss that made you dizzy and warm all at once. He moved with such fluidity, it made you feel like you were floating. His hands snaked down your back and his large hands landed on the cush platform of your ass. Squeezing, you moaned into his mouth and he picked you up. Turning around and laying you down on the bed. Your lips dislodged from one another and you felt empty and needy without him on you. He preyed over you, his stygian locks falling down his face.
“If you don’t want this, tell me now and we’ll never speak of this aga-” 
“-Loki, there has been nothing I want more than you…I need you. Please.”
With that, Loki attacked your lips again, his hands wandering up your hoodie. You had forgotten you ditched your bra earlier until Loki’s hands found your pert nipples. 
“Expecting this, weren’t you.”
You went to respond, but Loki rolled them between his fingers and a breathy moan was all you could muster up. Your hips rolled upwards, aching for some type of friction to your core that was more than soaked. 
“Maybe I was. Have to be prepared for anything.”
To emphasize your tease you moved your hand down to the tent in his black pants and applied a bit of pressure. Loki sucked in air through his teeth and released a light laugh. 
“Careful, Pet. Make sure you can hold up this front you’re putting on for me. Not sure you can handle it all.”
It was a challenge and a challenge you’d be more than happy to oblige in. Smirking up at him you began fiddling with his belt and undid his pants. Fishing your hand into them you lightly stroked his cock. 
“Try me.”
The restraint in him broke and a sardonic smile adorned his face. You knew you were in for it and were entirely ready for everything he had to offer.
“Darling I hope you’re ready to feel what it’s like to be fucked by a real god.”
Your hoodie came off with one swift motion of his hand and they wandered over your body egregiously. He was taking his time with you and was determined on making you fall apart. You messed with his dress shirt buttons but couldn’t get them off fast enough for your liking. Catching onto your frustration Loki mocked you,
“Aw, look at you, Little one. Having some trouble there?”
You huffed, the attitude in you not wanting to fully give in just yet. You finally got the top button undone and slid your hand back down to his pants in a feeble attempt to take the heat off of you.
“Ah ah, it doesn’t work like that. Let me help you out since you’re in such need of relief.” 
Finishing off the rest of his buttons, he pulled off his shirt and threw it somewhere in the room. Snaking his way down your body he undid your jeans button and peeled off the zipper with his teeth. Looking down at him you shuddered, excitement coursing through your veins.
“Easy now Y/N, I’ve barely even started.”
Removing your pants and underwear completely, you were now fully exposed to him and almost felt a bit of shyness envelop you. And of course, he noticed your legs attempt to cover yourself,
“Don’t hide from me darling, I want to see every bit of you crumble before me and show you how it feels to have your concupiscence satiated.” 
You let your anxieties fade away once his tongue placed a swipe across your aching cunt. A moan louder than you expected emitted from your throat, catching you off guard and a chuckle to release from Loki. The vibrations only added to the pleasure you were already feeling. Losing yourself in the silver tongue of the god between your legs, your hand found itself in his stark black locks. Your moans became more frequent and you were beginning to feel the coil tighten in the bottom of your stomach, heat spreading to your core. 
“Loki, please I-”
You hadn’t enough time to finish your sentence for Loki had wrapped his arms around your hips pulling you closer to him and making your back arch off the bed. Your moans becoming higher in pitch you could feel yourself coming to the precipice of your orgasm. Lifting his head for a moment he caught your eyes as you moved your head to look down at him.
“Cum for me Y/N, I can feel that you’re there.”
As Loki went back to devouring your pussy, you threw your head back into the pillow behind you, your orgasm finally washing over you. It was like none other you had before. Your legs caved in around his head and your body began to shake. Coming down from your high you reached for his neck to guide him up to your face, sharing a sloppy yet intimate kiss. The taste of yourself evident on his tongue and glistening on his chin. You felt the need to return the favor. Turning you two over you were now on top and you slid your way down to his basal regions. Undoing his pants you felt his hand upon your wrist.
“Not tonight, this is about you Y/N”
You shook your head, surprised by his actions. But, it wasn’t in your nature yet to fully comply. You went back to the hem of his slacks and went to pull them down. While Loki let you slip them off with ease, egging you on with a few hitched breaths, it wasn’t until you came back up and lined your mouth up with the head of his painfully erect cock that he took control again. You placed a kitten lick on the tip of his head, looking up at him while doing so. Loki then grabbed a fistful of hair, forcing you to stay stuck on his face and giving him full leverage of where he wanted you.
You crawled up his body because you had no other choice unless you wanted to continue to feel the slightly painful pull on your hair. Obeying his silent command you were brought face to face with him once again.
“You just don’t know how to listen, do you?” he chided
“Neither do you, but you don’t see me complaining.”
In an instant you were flipped over again, being towered by Loki’s body. Your breath quickened and you watched his blue eyes dilate once again. A lascivious smirk and energy cast across his body. Wanting nothing more than to feel him, you raked your hands down his back and dragged them across the sides of his ribs, only to let one of them begin stroking him again. 
“Ah~ Y/N”
It was at this moment that the last bit of power you had completely dissipated. Loki’s hand moved with such a quickness that it took you a moment to realize that his hand was now wrapped around your throat. Sending your eyes to roll to the back of your head in absolute euphoria.
“Such a dumb little girl you are. Can’t follow simple instructions yet here you are begging, for me to ruin you. Fortunately, you’re pretty. Otherwise this would be quite pathetic of you.”
Your walls clenched around nothing. It was becoming painful to not have some form of release. You just kept being pushed towards your edge with his words bringing you closer every time he spoke. He was dragging it out on purpose, you could see the sadism glint behind his eyes. Strangled you spoke, tears of desperation falling lightly from the side of your eyes.
“L-Loki, please. I need you so bad. I can’t take it anymore, please.”
“You may need me, but do you deserve it is the question at hand.”
“I promise no more games, I’ll be good for you” 
Removing his hand from your neck, he traveled them down the valley between your breasts bringing one hand to massage one while the other traveled further, landing on your soaking clit. 
“All this, from a little degradation...I expected more from you, darling”
Jutting your hips toward the hand currently nestled between your folds you begged,
“Loki, please I need you inside me, I need to feel you.”
He finally lined himself up with your entrance, teasing you with just his cockhead, reveling in your juices. You couldn’t help but whine the teasing was getting to a point of something almost unbearable. Your voice breathy and hot you whimpered one last plea,
When he fully sheathed himself inside you, your head rolled back, moans coming out of you at a pace you couldn’t control. He made you feel so full. You had yet to feel something so reminiscent of rapture. It almost made you dizzy. When you looked up at him there was a softness in his eyes that contrasted his tone of dominance a moment ago. It caught you off guard, but you were soon brought back to reality when his head brushed against the inflamed spongy spot within. 
“Oh! My god”
“Yes darling, I am your god-”
You couldn't help but roll your eyes at his comment. His cockiness always finding a way to rear its head. But in your moment of ecstasy, you didn’t think he’d be able to catch it. Wrong. In a second, his length left you, flipped you on your hands and knees, and slipped back into your drenching cunt. You settled into the position, propping your ass out even more so to give him better access. You heard him growl behind you, his hand coming across your ass check and without a doubt leaving a mark. You yelped, startled by the sudden action. His pace became unrelenting, pounding into you with a ferocity that would make angels weep. His hand slid down your back and rested and the bottom of your hairline, once again grabbing your hair and pulling you back so your back met his chest. Directing your head to the side to face his own, he got in your ear,
“Roll your eyes at me again and there will be more than just a simple punishment awaiting you.”
Your walls clenched around his cock, eliciting a loud groan to come from Loki. You couldn’t help it, the noises he made were beyond divine and each one had you one contraction away from being sent over the edge one more time. 
“Fuck, Loki, you feel, so good~fuck, please.”
You weren’t quite sure what you were pleading for; it just felt right leaving your mouth. 
“Yeah, you like it when I fuck you like this. Like the little whore you are.”
“Fuck! Loki, oh my god~”
You were in so much pleasure you couldn’t stop the tears from rolling down your face. It felt so good to have this instinctual release. Loki released his grip from your hair and pressed your face down into the mattress. Unable to truly control the noises that flew from your mouth, you were now whimpering in the mattress. The ravaging of your body sending you into a full-blown frenzy that you never wanted to be free from. Loki’s thrusts became more erratic and his moans and groans flew more freely from his mouth. Enjoying the moment of approaching his climax.
“You’re going to cum with me and I’m going to paint your pretty little insides my color. Wanna know why?”
You tried your best to be attentive, flipping your hair out from your face, you looked behind you facing the god above you.
“Why, L-Loki?”
Bringing his hand around your body to massage your clit, he gave you an answer that you weren’t prepared for. 
“Because you’re mine now. There’s no leaving after this. You belong to me.”
With one final clench, you tightened around his cock. Both of you reaching your peak at the same time, milking him of his seed. Both of your breathing was heavy, bodies sticky with sweat. Loki pulled out of you, his seed spilling out of you like donut filling. You rolled over on your back as he did the same and there was a comfortable silence that filled the room. 
With the distraction of reaching a climax now faded, you felt violently vulnerable under his gaze. You found your courage and looked back at him, his eyes still dilated but now with a different emotion swimming through them. Adoration? Wonder? Regret perhaps? Before you could let one more intrusive thought in Loki brought you out of your head.
“Stop worrying, you’ll make the wrinkle between your brow permanent.” 
Your mouth opened slowly in disbelief, slightly offended by his comment but also at a loss for words for him figuring you out so quickly.
“Is it that easy to figure me out.” you chuckled.
“Yes, in fact, you wear every single emotion on your sleeve. You couldn’t hide what you feel even if you wanted to.” 
You sighed, a smile stretching across your face as you exhaled. 
“Can’t fool you, can I?”
“It’s quite hard to fool someone who is the master of fooling others. I’m the creator of the ins and outs of mischief.”
You shared a light laugh but you couldn’t ignore the overwhelming feeling of guilt and disquiet swirl in your head. Did he honestly feel for you, or did he perhaps just indulge your desires because he had wants of his own. You were in the perfect state to be taken advantage of, heartbroken and needing something else to fill the hole in your heart. You rolled on your side, your hand resting on his chest, beginning to draw feather-light patterns on his skin. Your hand created a path up to his neck, your fingers guiding his face forcing him to have nothing else to focus on but you. You needed to quell the noise in your head, you didn’t want this to eat you alive as well. 
Worst he can say is no and we just move on Y/N. That’s all that can be done. Just ask him.
“I know you’re not one for sentiment, but did you mean what you said to me? About your liking for me.”
Moving a few coils of your hair away from your face he gazed into your eyes with an intensity you were unsure how to read.
“One thing about me darling is that through all my moments of deception, dealing with such intimacy is not something I take lightly. While not sentimental, I meant every word. I assure you of that. Now, dry your eyes.”
You hadn’t even realized the petal-soft tears slowly rolling down your cheek. You were too engrossed in Loki’s words of affirmation that you felt you left your physical body for a moment. Loki’s hand came up and wiped the tear streaks away from the bridge of your nose and under your eye. He made you feel at home. Warm and comforted even if he had his instances of sharpness, you didn’t want this moment to end. 
“Don’t worry, I’m not going anywhere.”
You chuckled and the light was restored in your face.
“I don’t care what you say to me, you can read minds. Now stop reading mine, you’re freaking me out.”
Your laughs echoed through the room, any remnant of tension long gone from the space. You stared at the ceiling thinking about how the rest of your days would pan out. You felt the waters would be rocky but they would calm eventually. The thrashing of emotional waves turning into gentle swells. You felt at peace for the first time in a while. Pulling you once again from your thoughts, Loki’s voice filled your ears. 
“Now, I am aware that we have done this quite backward, but would you care to join me for dinner tomorrow night? And do this the right way?”
Rolling back over onto his chest you smiled against him
“I’d love to”
Amiable silence fell over the room as your body began to rest. The beating of Loki’s heart created a rhythm that seemed tailored specifically to put you to sleep. Eyes growing heavy, you fell asleep, ultimately feeling secure within his arms. 
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Get Some - Tierna Davidson x Reader
Prompt: So I’ve got an idea for Tierna x Reader where they’ve just started dating after quarantined together in Chicago but haven’t told the team yet because they don’t want to mess up the dynamics right before the Olympics. Nobody really suspects anything bc they are both pretty tame at camps, and bc reader has severe baby face the team is always teasing her about being an innocent little fetus forgetting she is actually like 24. So when R shows up to Orlando camp in a bulky hoodie they think nothing of it assuming it’s from Chicago weather until they notice she refuses to take it off and keeps adjusting the hood to keep part of her neck covered. They let her be thinking maybe she’s just cold until she shows up ready for practice with her winter mock neck on under her practice jersey the next day. After they force her to take it off bc it’s 80° out they discover the hickeys she was trying to hide, along with the scratches on her back and freak out bc someone is “defileing the fetus” and grill her trying to figure out who it is while Tierna is just smirking to herself by her locker.
TL/DR: Tierna x Reader trying and failing to hide r’s “love marks” featuring Proud!Tierna and BabyFace!Reader
Note - this awesome human, pretty much wrote this me. 
“Cold munchkin?” Alex teased the forward as she sat next to her in the team meeting. Her hood up, sweater strings tied.
“Not all of us live in constant heat and humidity Morgan. I bet you’re jealous of my lack of tan too,” Y/N winked back, tugging the sweater tighter around her neck.
Tierna grinned behind them, struggling to stifle her laughter.
“Of course she’s jealous! Who wouldn’t want to look like this?” Rose slid in on the other side of Y/N.
“Yea Alex, pale is the new tan,” Sonnett squeezed Alex’s traps from behind as she sat down next to Tierna.
Alex rolled her eyes at unexpected turn.
Vlatko called attention to the rest of the room, starting the meeting for the start of camp.
Tierna kicked the back of Y/N chair while she continued to try and hide her grin from everyone around her. Lindsey giving her a strange look.
At the end of the meeting, everyone made their way to the banquet room for supper, still all separated until everyone’s test results came in.  
“Hey kiddo, you need someone to cut up your food at supper?” Kelley teased, nudging the forward as she made her way to her own seat.
“Ha ha,” Y/N fake laughed, rolling her eyes, “because I’m not old enough to have my knife.”
“You got it,” Kelley winked, shooting her air guns across the table.
After that conversation flowed easily, the players all talking to each other from a distance, making the room busy and loud; everyone eager to catch up.
After supper, Y/N and Tierna attempted to stall, hoping to steal a brief moment together before they all had to spend the night alone in their rooms.
“We should just tell them we had been quarantined in Chicago together, then we could be together,” Tierna tugged on Y/N’s sleeve, swinging both their arms back and forth.
“You need T to walk you to your room, so you don’t get lost?” Ali teased as she walked by.
“Where the hell does everyone keep coming from,” Tierna grumbled quietly, while Y/N rolled her eyes for what felt like the thousandth time that day.
“I’m not a child!” Y/N stomped her foot.
“Great argument kiddo,” Pinoe held a thumbs up as she walked past to the elevator.  
“I can find my own room!” Y/N called after her, starting to walk away, only to feel another firm pull on her sleeve. She glanced down to see Tierna still holding on, looking up to see the smirk on her girlfriends face.
“Don’t worry, I’ll make sure to tuck our kid into bed.” Tierna started to pull Y/N towards the stairs by her sleeve.
Once out of site of the rest of the team, Tierna pinned Y/N against the wall, untieing the strings to her hood. Nosing it out of her way, Tierna started kiss along her jaw line, placing a firm bite to her ear.
“I am addicted to you,” Tierna pulled the collar out of the way, moving her lips to Y/N’s collar bone, scrapping her teeth on it, then soothing it with a gentle kiss.
“Fuck T,” Y/N tilted her head back, giving Tierna more room to kiss. Her hand gripping the back of Tierna’s neck, other sliding under her shirt, scrapping her nails across her ribs.
Tierna sucked harshly Y/N throat, pulling back to see the result, a deep red mark already beginning to turn purple. “You’re going to need to ask the staff for a neck warmer tomorrow,” she whispered into Y/N’s throat, scrapping her teeth across the bruise.
Y/N pulled her hand out from Tierna’s shirt, placing her palms on her chest, debating if she should push her away. She loved what was happening, but knew they needed to stop before things got carried away, or Tierna left any more marks.
“Fuck T,” Y/N groaned out, beginning to push the defender away, “we aren’t in quarantine anymore, people can actually see us now, more importantly, our team can see now.”
“Hmm that would be unfortunate if someone saw these,” Tierna smirked as she leaned back in, attempting to place more kisses along Y/N’s neck. Only for Y/N to push more firmly against her chest.
“You’re killing me babe,” Y/N bit her lip, trying to hold back her smile. Tierna looking completely unashamed, bit the air in front of Y/N, beginning to slide her hands up the front of Y/N’s shirt, digging her thumbs into her hips. Y/N moaned at the pressure, hips pressing out for more contact.
With a brief kiss to Y/N’s lips, Tierna pulled away completely, taking three large steps back and holding her hand out.
“Come on, I promised to make sure you make it to bed safe,” she winked, wiggling her fingers to encourage Y/N to grab.
“I hate you,” Y/N said gruffly, stepping forward to take Tierna’s hand.
“No you don’t,” she sung back, swinging their arms back and forth as they began walking up the stairs.
“I do a little bit,” she mumbled, looking away from the brunette, knowing her faux seriousness would crack as soon as she saw the large smile her girlfriend had on.
“Nope!” Tierna accentuated the ‘p’ at the end, swinging their arms higher, finally earning a giggle from her girlfriend. Her ability to go from pinning Y/N to the wall and leaving hickeys across her neck to innocent and childlike was incredible.
Y/N finally gave in completely and burst out laughing as they climbed the stairs, pushing her shoulders into the taller soccer player. The two gently wrestling the rest of the way up the stairs, separating as they made it to their floor.
Tierna walked Y/N to her door, making a show of it, “I’m just down the hall if you have any bad dreams,” she ruffled her hair and began to walk away. “Don’t let the bed bugs bite!”
Several loud laughs could be heard from the doors that still remained open.
The next morning players prepared for practice on the side lines, tugging on cleats and debating on long sleeves or short sleeves, Y/N tugged her neck warmer on, tugging it all the way up to her ears.
“Yo, Chicago, shouldn’t you be used to the cold?” Kristie teased as they made their on the turf to warm up.
“Rude! I’m delicate!”
“Yea Kris be nice to the little kid,” Alex came from behind, rubbing her hands up and down Y/N’s biceps. “you cold? Do you need a sweater? Gloves?”
Y/N pulled out of Alex’s hands, rolling her eyes, “I’m fine, just a little chilly this morning.”
Everyone left it for the rest of the morning training.
Y/N was not as lucky that afternoon. Everyone offering warmer items of clothing when they saw her wearing the neck warmer again in the afternoon.
“Are you sick?” Christen reached up, attempting to feel Y/N’s forehead. Y/N was quick to duck out of the way, swatting Christens hand.
“Seriously guys, I’m fine, just not adjusting well to the climate change or something,” Y/N tried to avoid glaring at Tierna, knowing the defender would a smirk on her face throughout it all.
“Are you sure Y/N/N? Should we get the trainers?” know Tierna decided to join in the conversation. Y/N looked sharply at her girlfriend, clenching her jaw, she was the reason for the interrogation.
“I’m fine,” Y/N snarked to the group, “It’s a neck warmer, just drop it.”
“It is way to humid put here right now for you to be chilled,” Ali came over, rubbing her hand on Y/N’s shoulder, sensing the forwards discomfort at being put on the spot. But also concerned for the younger woman, no one should be chilled in the mid-afternoon Florida heat.
The entire practice everyone kept an eye on the younger soccer player. As the intensity of the practice increased, Y/N continued to tug at the neck warmer she was wearing. The hair at the base of her skull soaked with sweat, the collar of shirt drenched the entire away around, face flushed as she heated up.
At the end of practice, Y/N attempted to pull her hoodie over head after she had pulled the neck warm off. Unfortunately, she was not quick enough her movements, the hem getting caught on her sweaty, tangled bun.
“What in the actual fuck happened to your neck?” Pinoe explained, stopping Y/N from pulling the sweater on, gaining the attention of the rest of the team.
Kelley quickly bounded over, pulling the collar of her practice shirt out of the way. The rest of the team now all looking on.
“What happened to your neck?” Alex came over as well, thumb and forefinger holding Y/N’s chin, moving her head around, inspecting the now very prominent hickeys spread across the neck, collar bone, and upper chest.
A loud cat call whistle was heard from behind and “Oh damn” thrown from someone else, follow up with “get some!”
“No! Don’t get anything!” Christen shot the group of young players a hard look, eyes sharp when she looked back to Y/N, “who did this to you?”
“What? This?” Y/N motioned to her neck, “I, uhh, got a tour of the aquarium. They let me hold one of the octopuses.” She finished with a firm nod, satisfied with her answer, smiling to herself.
Tierna remained on the bench a few feet away, coughing to cover her sudden laugh at the terrible story.
“Bullshit!” Alex challenged, still holding Y/N chin firmly. Y/N attempted to pull away, Alex adjusted her grip, palming her jaw.
“Who did this to you?” Christen asked again.
“You’re like 12! No one should be doing this to you!”
“I’m 24,” Y/N rolled her eyes, attempting to pull away, only to be pulled back in.
“You are far too young to young to have hickeys!”
“I’ve had sex before.”
“No! you are not old enough to have sex!”
By now, Tierna was leaning back on the bench, watching as all the older players harassed her girlfriend, all unaware she was the cause of the marks on the young forward. She spread her arms on the back of the bench, leg casually crossed over the other, smug smile.
“Welp,” she popped the ‘p’, “I’ve kissed people, given hickeys, been hickied,” she motioned to her neck again, “and even had sex. Really good, mind blowing sex.” With a wink, Alex finally let her step out of her grip.
“Eww! No!”
“Y/N! Enough, tell us who did this to you? We obviously need to talk to them if they are doing things like this to you.”
“Guys, quit being so dramatic,” Y/N rolled her eyes, attempting to take another step away from the over protective players.
“No no no, come back here,” Tobin stepped forward now. “That ones fresh!” she copied Alex’s motion earlier, gripping her jaw and tilting it up to the expose the fresh hickey on the side.
This caused them all to step closer and inspect the hickey for themselves. Tierna uncrossed her legs, sitting up a little straighter, smile slipping slightly.
“That means its someone at camp!” Kristie called from behind all the veterans.
Y/N eyes went wide, smile fully dropping from Tierna’s face. The overprotective players all looking around, scanning each player, trying to determine who it could be.
“Is it a player? Staff? Coach?” Alex looked firmly at the younger forward.
“Gonna go save your girl?” Alyssa slid onto the bench next to Tierna on the bench, smirking at her.
“What?” Tierna whispered, shocked, eyes darting quickly to the keeper.
“Well,” Alyssa started slowly, “most of those are old, so they happened in Chicago, and you, me, and Y/N/N were the only ones there together. And there’s a fresh one since we got here. And since I didn’t do it, that only leaves you.” She firmly poked Tierna in the chest.
Tierna opened and closed her mouth. “Umm, uhh, fuck.”
“I won’t tell, but you might want to go save her over there. You know none of them are going to drop it until they figure it out,” Alyssa shrugged, “besides it’s your fault really. You are the one that put those one there.”  
Tierna continued to open and close her mouth, then watched as the veterans continued to ask Y/N who It was and beginning to call out several of the younger players who were all enjoying the small interrogation.
“Fuck,” Tierna sighed out, she slapped her thighs and pushed herself to stand. “Kell, Stanford should take your degree away.”
Kelley whipped around to glare at Tierna as she walked toward the group, “what are you talking about?”
“You’re really not very observant,” Tierna smirked at her, “I’m going to let you guys think on this a little more, Y/N/N and I are going to head back to the hotel for supper.”
Y/N smirked and skipped toward the defender.
Everyone watched them walk away, mouth open, eyebrows creased.
“Wait,” Lindsey perked up, smile growing as she figured it out, “weren’t they both in Chicago together?”
That brought all eyes over to the midfielder.
“Yes!” Kelley pointed at her, “they did! Baby T defiled baby Y/N!”
“Shit, I thought we would get further away,” Tierna tugged Y/N’s hand encouraging them to run towards an available van.
“We aren’t done with this!” Alex yelled after them.
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doyumacy · 3 years
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ʏᴜᴛᴀ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ x ᴍᴀʀᴋ ʟᴇᴇ
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ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ: 2,4k
ᴛᴀɢʟɪꜱᴛ: @coffee-prince-kyungsoo @xcharlottemikaelsonx
6, 7
you groan and get off your car, slamming the door. it’s been two weeks since you started racing against the famous ‘jwi’ and you still haven’t won. you are frustrated and doyoung is upset and desperate.
how come no one hasn’t beat the guy? maybe he’s too good. and maybe you’re not that good.
the streets are saying who the famous ‘jwi’ might be and they are betting on some people you know they’re not capable of doing what he does.
as the finish line begins to empty, you see doyoung staring at you. you know what he’s thinking: ways of murdering you and chopping your body so he can feed his dogs. he takes his middle finger to his thumb, snapping them. you sigh and approach him. “what?”
“i still haven't seen results,” he cocks an eyebrow. “it seems you’re not as good as they say.”
“then fire me.” you spit back.
“i could,” he nods. “but i’m way too invested in this, so you’re gonna finish what you have to do.”
“okay, then give me more t-”
“no more time, y/n. next race, if you don’t win tell your brother to dig a hole next your beloved yuta,” he mocks.
you clench your fists. “fuck you.”
when doyoung is gone, you return to your car and sit there for a couple of minutes. you don’t want to go home. johnny will bomb you with questions and the last thing you need is him giving you a lecture. you turn on the car and start driving to mark’s place in glendale. you excuse it by saying is the closest place to your location.
when you arrive at his building, you park your car behind mark’s and get off it. you see a girl leaving the building and you hurry so the door won’t lock. you get into the elevator and press the 3 button. as the door opens, you make your way through the hallway until you’re in front of mark’s door. you slightly knock twice.
you hear footsteps approaching the door and you quickly fix your hair. the door opens, showing a red haired wearing a big shirt. mark’s shirt. it’s the same red haired he was flirting with weeks ago.
“can i help you?” the red haired aks.
“sorry. i got the wrong door,” you murmur and turn on your heels.
“so you were not looking for mark?” the red haired leans against the doorframe.
you frown as you turn to face her. “you know me?”
“how will i not know the whore my boyfriend is banging?” she cocks an eyebrow.
you giggle, nervously. “i got the wrong door.”
and you leave. as you leave the building, you feel your eyes tearing up. why are you crying? men do that all the time. they get you and play with you until they’re done and ready to get someone else.
fucking stupid mark.
you feel so fooled and you can’t believe mark played with you all this time. you want to cry, and you don’t know if it’s because your heart aches or you’re just angry at him.
mark gets out of the bathroom, drying his new dyed hair. “who was it?” he asks.
“they got the wrong door,” yves shrugs.
mark nods. “thanks for dying my hair, yves. and sorry for ruining your clothes.”
she smirks. “it’s okay. i look sexier like this anyway.”
mark frowns. “when did you take off your jeans?”
“a minute ago,” she walks to mark and wrap her arms around his waist. “i was thinking of having fun tonight.”
mark yanks himself free and shakes his head. “not today. at least with me, not anymore.”
yves knits her eyebrows together. “why not?”
“because… i just don’t want to.” mark puts a hoodie on.
“is it because of that whore, right?”
mark’s eyes darts to her. “don’t call her like that, yves.”
“why not?” she rests her hands on her waist. “she’s a whore.”
mark clenches his jaw. “get the fuck out of my apartment.”
“what?” yves stares at him. “you’re gonna put her over me? are you fucking insane?”
“yes, yves.” mark throws her her jeans. “leave.”
“you’re gonna regret this.” she groans as she puts her jeans on. “i’m way much better than her and you know it.”
“whatever you say.” mark opens the door for her.
yves grabs her purse and walks to the door. she stands in front of mark. “you’re wasting your time if you think she’s gonna like you back. she’s too busy thinking of his dead boyfriend.”
when you arrive home you groan. johnny is throwing a party. again. but maybe some buzz will help you tonight. you enter your house and make your way through the crowded living room. you need a drink. a strong one. or maybe something else.
you spot taeyong walking to the bathroom and hurry walking to him. when you finally approach him, you take his hand and he looks at you. he knows what you want and he can give it to you. but instead of getting into the bathroom, you take him to your bedroom upstairs.
“what are you trying to do to me?,” taeyong jokes, the whiskey in his system.
once you’re inside your bedroom, his hand reches playfully snatching the bags out of his pocket and examining them a bit. you look up and smile. “sharing is caring.”
taeyong smirks. “what will i get in exchange?”
you shrug. “i’ll think about it.”
taeyong sees how you sniffle, and then your shoulders twitch forward in a stifled giggle. “oh man. that shit’s strong.”
“just the best.” taeyong smiles and he’s the nex to sniffle a line.
you realise you’re starting to feel hot. so you start to strip your clothes and are standing in your underwear and when you realise taeyong’s eyes are on you. coke has never made you hard before, but tonight it is. maybe is because you want to get revenge.
“should i leave?” taeyong asks, his eyes still on your body.
you get close to him and take his neck from the back and kiss him. taeyong’s hand rest on your waist, pulling you closer to him. one warm hand finds your jaw and holds you steady as taeyong and sticks his tongue inside your mouth. his fingers urging you to open your mouth. you do so and now your tongues are swirling together.
taeyong breaks the kiss and you bite his tongue when he drags it out your mouth. “this is wrong.” he mutters.
“i don’t care.”
you kiss him again, slipping your tongue into his mouth. taeyong groans and pulls away. "yuta was my best friend."
"yuta is dead!" you growl, clenching your jaw.
taeyong is looking at you and you shake your head. "just... leave."
"y/n..." taeyong tries to approach you but you wave him off.
"we'll talk tomorrow," you say.
taeyong leaves your bedroom and you groan when he shuts the door. why are you so mad? clearly not with taeyong but with mark. and yourself.
yourself mostly. why do you even care if mark is fooling around with some other chicks? it’s not like he’s your boyfriend or anything, and you haven’t discussed being exclusive. then why do you feel betrayed?
“fuck it. fuck you, mark lee,” you mumble.
you put your clothes back on and join the people in the party. you’d find someone to fuck eventually. and you do.
jaehyun spots you sexily dancing alone, holding a red cup with your right hand. he knows you're high, because you wouldn't be dancing alone in front of other people. and he's high too.
he approaches you and takes you by your hips. "where have you been?"
"everywhere," you reply.
jaehyun smirks and grips at your hips. "i like your skirt, you look hot."
jaehyun and you constantly flirt, everyone knows it. but never in a million years you think the thought of him fucking you would cross your mind. and to be honest, it doesn't sound bad at all.
you turn and wrap your arms around his neck. "would you like it to take it off?" you stare at his lips. "I'm not wearing any panties."
jaehyun grins and nips at your lip. "i will take it off with one condition."
"let's make a threesome."
the cocaine is making the men's talk even more grating. you don't care about anything they're saying. you only care that they’re good looking enough for a casual threesome, and you are already planning out the sexual acts that will keep their mouths occupied and make them shut the fuck up.
jaehyun invites his good friend jaemin. you don't remember much but arriving to jaehyun's place, drinking and doing more coke before the action began.
and you can tell it was nice fuck since you could barely move the next morning. and then the flashbacks: jaehyun taking you from the back and you sucking jaemin's dick.
oh my god.
you try to be as much silent as you can be when you get home, hoping johnny is stil sleeping and jisung didn’t even see you leave the party with two men. as you’re taking the stairs, a loud noise makes you turn. it’s johnny holding a cup of coffee. you curse yourself internally.
“brother!” you smile at him. “good morning. did you do something to your hair? it looks really good today.”
johnny doesn’t even blink and you know he’s mad. you sigh. “are you upset at me?”
johnny presses his lips together. “are you an addict?”
“what?!” you laugh. “no! what the fuck is wrong with you?”
“then why in the fucking hell you keep sniffling that shit, y/n?” he starts climbing the stairs. “you wanna die? you wanna od like your mother did?”
you stare at him. “you don’t have to bring her up. i like having fun, what’s wrong with that?”
“what’s wrong with that?” he mimics your tone. “everything! are you stupid? you left the party with two men!”
“if you are going to slut sham-”
“i don’t care who you fuck, i’ve told you that,” johnny clenches his jaw. “you can fuck as many guys and many girls you want, but you don’t leave a party with two men, especually with men you don’t know. what if they killed you or something?!”
you rub your forehead. “i did know them… sort of, just one guy.”
johnny groans. “if i hear you do coke again, i swear to god y/n that i will take you to a rehab center by myself, do you hear me?”
you squint your eyes. “i am not an addict.”
“then fucking prove it,” johnny glances at you.
the next night, you run into mark when you’re leaving your house to meet with doyoung. he has a different hair color and you want to slap yourself for wanting to throw yourself at him. he looks so good.
“hey,” hey smiles at you. “where have you been? i’ve called you all day.”
“i was… busy,” you shrug, without making eye contact.
mark nods and wraps an arm around your waist, you push him away. mark frowns. “what’s wrong?”
“i don’t want your girlfriend to get upset.”
“my girlfriend?” he looks at you. “i don’t have a girlfriend. i told you.”
“that's not what it looks like,” your murmur, staring at your nails. “she seemed very comfortable wearing that white shirt you like.”
mark keeps frowning and then he gets it. he giggles and that makes you groan. “i’m sorry, i just… you knocked on my door yesterday, didnt you?”
you nod and he sighs. he holds you hands, tugging you towards him making you wrap your arms around his waist. “yves is not my girlfriend and i wasn’t doing anything with her.”
“i don’t believe you.” you say as you try to pull away. he doesn't let you.
with his one hand free, he cups your cheek. “he dyed my hair and her shirt got stained so i gave her the first one i saw.”
“she was in her panties,” you mumble.
mark nods. “yes, she was. but still, i didn’t fuck with her that night. i haven’t since i started fucking you.”
you squint your eyes. “really?”
“okay, maybe the night after we fucked for the first time, but nothing since then,” he gives you a peck.
you hum and when mark’s lips reaches to your neck, he pulls away when he sports a hickey. “i didn’t do that.”
“i know.”
“who did it?”
you shrug. “not sure.”
mark frowns, looking at you. “what do you mean?”
“two guys were with me last night, i wouldn’t know who di-” mark shuts you by kissing you, crashing his lips violently against yours.
he cups your face with his hands and starts walking backwards where your car is parked. he pushes you against the door without breaking the kiss. he grinds himself on your and you moan. “i will have to fuck the shit out of you now,” he bites your lip pulling it. “until you can’t take it anymore and cry.”
“do it,” you dare him. “let’s see if i have a good time with you as well.”
mark groans and presses his hips against yours. “you’re mine, y/n.”
“i don’t belong to anyone.”
“yes, you do.” mark kisses you. “you’re mine.”
johnny’s whistle interrupt you two and mark sighs. “tonight. my place.”
“i might go.”
“you better be there.” mark warns you.
you smile sideways and see mark and johnny getting inside your house. you get into your car and start driving to doyoung’s secret location. just when you’re about to take the freeway, you realise you’ve forgotten your phone. you sigh and make a u turn to go back and get it.
you park on the sidewalk and get off your car. you take your keys out and unlock the door entering your house and go to your bedroom when your phone is charging. you unplug it and as you’re about to leave your house, a known voice calls you.
you turn and freeze when you see who’s standing in front of you.
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thatesqcrush · 4 years
Fall From Grace, Pt. 6
Brian Kneef x Reader. Fandom: The Good Fight. Reference: S4, E.4, ��The Gang is Satirized and Doesn’t Like It.” CW: Smut, angst, language. I was in a mood. 
AN: Our lovely REE was on The Good Fight for all of 3 minutes so I am taking lots of liberties. I am obsessed with the anti-Barba. He was just delicious. 
AN2:  Brian remains my favorite a snarky lawyer asshole. Shh, don’t tell Barba.
WC: 3106
The sounds of the city coming to life filled the bedroom. Sunshine poked through the curtains of the half-open window. You rolled over and came face to Brian’s sleeping form. Brian let out a soft snore and you giggled quietly. He rolled in his sleep and you were face to his well defined, muscled back. Two large colorful koi fish encircling each other graced his back. You reached out and softly traced the tattooed scales. Brian began to stir, and he shifted again, now back on his back. You crept out of the bed and made your way to the bathroom, shutting the door with a quiet click. Relieving yourself of your ablution, you washed your hands and made way back to the bedroom.
You jumped slightly seeing Brian awake. His arms were folded against his head and the white sheet that had covered him was now resting just at mid-thigh, exposing his morning wood. You felt a jolt of pleasure shoot through you. “Good morning.” “Good morning.” Brian replied, his voice warm and inviting. “Coming back to bed, I hope?” You nodded and reached over to whip off the light pink cotton tank you had been sleeping in. You climbed over Brian and dipped your head to capture his lips with yours. Brian’s large hands made their way down the slope of your back to your ass where he grabbed and squeezed. You broke the kiss to catch your breath and leaned up so your tits were in his face. Brian took a nipple into his mouth, swirling his tongue over the pebbled flesh. You moaned his name softly as he turned his ministrations to your other breast. You reached behind and stroked his cock, which felt heavy in your hands. Brian kissed you once more, his hands wrapping into your hair, bringing you close to him. You pulled away slightly and slowly shimmied down his body, marking a trail of kisses down his chest. Having been with Brian enough, you knew he enjoyed it when you grazed your teeth against his own nipples. Your eyes flitted up to his and you sucked a mark right below his pecs. “Marking your territory?” Brian groaned. You ignored his comment and ignored that flopping sensation in your gut. Instead you continued to kiss down hist stomach before settling in between his legs.
“You are so fucking cocky.”
“I call it confidence… and I’ve got your cocky right there.” Brian winked.
You rolled your eyes and then blew your breath over his weeping cock before flattening your tongue along his impressive length. Brian hissed as you continued to tease him, running your tongue up and over. His chest rose and fell, as he tried to get in deep breaths. You sucked just the head - the salt of his pre-cum filled your mouth - before releasing him. He took his cock in his hand and tapped it against your cheek. You winked and moved lower to take one of his balls into your mouth, lightly sucking. You released one to spit onto your hand before reaching up to stroke his cock. “Oh fuck, Y/N! You’re such a good cock sucker.” Brian grunted. You keened at the praise. The wetness in between your legs grew and you could feel how damp your panties were becoming. You released his testicles to suck on his cock, taking him deeply. Your nose brushed against his pubic hair which was neatly trimmed. “That’s right, take that cock all the way. Such a good girl.” Brian grunted some more. Your eyes watered as you gagged on his cock, swallowing more until he reached the back of your throat. From there, he began to fuck your face with gusto. You sputtered and gagged some more, saliva drooling out of your mouth and along his cock. His hands were firmly planted in your hair as his hips hammered into your mouth. After a few minutes, you tapped his thigh lightly, a silent request for Brian to ease up which he did. You gasped for air, coming up and sat back on your haunches. A tear rolled down your cheek. Wiping your eyes, you smiled and took him once more in your mouth. Brian groaned loudly. He could never get over how much you enjoyed sucking his dick. “Can’t get enough, hmm?” Brian asked huskily. Truth be told, he could not get enough of you. He wanted you in every way – and that shook him to his core. Anytime he swung by your office, or you his, or he saw you walking about at the firm, his heart skipped a beat. You came off - a string of saliva connected you to him. You used the back of your hand to wipe it off and then spat in your hand again. You stroked his length with one hand and used your free hand to touch yourself. You were soaking, arousal dripping down your thighs. To your surprise, Brian responded by pulling you onto him. He kissed you softly, slowly. The kiss was intimate and sensual and it surprised you, causing your stomach to knot and your breath to hitch. You both paused, your lips were barely touching and you breathed in each other’s air. Your skin prickled and you felt your heart swell. It was almost as if time stopped. You knew you were in deep. And your gut told you Brian did too. Finally, you gave into the kiss again, claiming his mouth, hungry and intense. Brian returned the kiss with equal fervor. A rumble emanated from him, deep and guttural. Brian rolled you so you were back to his chest. He pressed kisses along the nape of your neck and slope of your shoulder, before hooking your leg over his. His fingers deftly pushed your panties to the side. His fingers teased and stroked your sopping wet cunt. Your eyes fluttered close in anticipation. Brian removed his fingers and rubbed his cock along your slit. You bit your lip as he pushed the head of cock in slowly. You moaned and Brian pushed in more slowly, until he was fully sheathed. He pulled out, until the only the head of his cock remained and then slowly pushed back in. You relished in how you both fit so perfectly together. Brian began to slowly thrust in and out of you, testing out a rhythm. Your head lolled back, resting on his shoulder. Moans from both of you and sounds of skin smacking skin filled the room as Brian increased the tempo. “Oh God Brian, yes, give it to me!” Brian pistoned into you harder, he pulled your leg up higher so he could penetrate you deeper, hitting your sweet spot. Your bodies were covered in a thin sheet of sweat. You started to clench around his cock. Brian took the cue to reach down and around your body to roughly rub your clit. Finding your release, you arched against him and came hard, screaming Brian’s name. “That’s my girl. Cum for me.” Brian grunted as he quickly followed. Brian stilled and cursed as he gripped your hips, shooting streams of his hot cum inside you. He came so hard, that it leaked out of you and dripped down his cock. Your panties were ruined. Your bodies came to a still and he pulled your leg down. Brian withdrew and you flipped over to face him once more. You were just about to press a kiss when his clock caught your eye and you jumped. “Shit! I didn’t realize it was so late!” you all but yelled as you gathered your remaining belongings into a makeshift ball. “I need to get home and get ready for work.” Brian looked at the clock and swore loudly. “I have a meeting with Diane Lockhart in an hour.” Brian shifted once more. “I’ll have Gianni pull the car around and get you home.” He reached for his phone and sent a quick text message.
You quickly dressed and took the hair tie from your purse and made a makeshift bun. Brian slipped on some boxers and went to the bathroom to turn on the shower. You hopped along the hallway, trying to get your shoes on. Brian reached for the door and opened it. “Dinner at Bavette’s tonight?” you asked as you turned as to give him a kiss goodbye. The look on Brian’s face made you freeze. You turned around and came face to face with Diane Lockhart and Lucca Quinn – and while they weren’t Brian’s bosses – they were your superiors.
“Diane… Lucca…”
 “Ms. Y/L/N.” Diane replied curtly. Lucca raised a brow at you. You felt your cheeks burn.
“Diane. Lucca. Good morning.” Brian gritted.
You turned back to Brian, no words coming from your mouth. You were utterly horrified by the turn of events and you pushed past the three, and made way for the stairs, not even bothering to wait for the elevator.
An hour later you were walking into the office. An iced latte graced your hand and sunglasses donned your face. The office was busy, everyone was chattering. You wondered if news had already spread about your torrid affair with Brian Kneef.
You had sunk into your cushioned chair when Marissa popped in your doorway. “Hey, are you ok?”  
You shook your head. “No. I don’t want to talk about it.”  
Marissa arched her brow. “Want to hear something crazy?”
You removed your glasses. “Always.” You needed the distraction.
“Diane and Brian got into some kind of heated argument this morning. Apparently he’s screwing someone in the office. Diane was like ‘She’s a young woman – you’re taking advantage, blah blah. My money is on Gemma the new intern. She was flirting with him from day one.”
“It’s not Gemma.” You muttered.  
“If it’s not Gemma, then who is it?”  
You stood and walked to the door. You poked your head out and then shut the door. You leaned against the door and let out a large sigh. “It’s me.” 
“You! Since when?” Marissa exclaimed.
“Shhh!” You hissed. “Since the Statler case. But it’s just sex – nothing more.”
Marissa furrowed her brow. “Are you sure about that?” She watched you carefully.
You nodded. “Absolutely. We’re adults. He scratches my itch. I scratch his. People can just have sex and it not mean anything.” You replied.
‘Liar!’ your conscience screamed at you. 
“I don’t know. Maybe.” Marissa crinkled her nose. “You need to be careful.”
Your afternoon was spent in a large meeting. Diane was pacing the floor, rattling off directives and you were taking notes. You found yourself unable to meet her eyes. You could almost feel Lucca’s eyes boring into you. The door swung open and you looked up – it was Brian. He paused mid-stride as your eyes met. Turning to Diane, he nodded and made his way up to the front of the board room.
The upcoming litigation the Firm was handling was going to be an intense one. It was all hands on deck. Diane and Brian literally split into teams of two, picking who they needed. You had hoped Brian would pick you, after all, why wouldn’t he – but he didn’t. You were chosen last – and really it was just down to you left. Everyone was given their marching orders and the boardroom emptied out slowly. It was just you, Brian, and Diane. You finished your notes and opened your mouth to say something but found yourself at a loss for words.  
“Come Y/N, we have a lot to do. I am going to need your undivided attention.” Diane barked. You nodded and followed her out. You looked at Brian wistfully as you left.  
Brian’s face was stoic and unresponsive.
Dinner that night was planned for 6pm sharp at Bavette’s. Brian didn’t show. You felt a pit in your stomach emerge.
“Miss? Can I get you anything? An appetizer while you wait?” the waiter asked as you polished off your third glass of wine.  
“No.” You replied, swallowing the last of your wine. You could hear the shake in your voice. “Just the check please, thanks.”  
The case ate at all of your time – including any free time you had. Your billables exploded and you found yourself working at all hours. You had attempted to reach out to Brian, but he didn’t respond to any of your texts. Weeks went by.  You tried going up one early afternoon to his office when you saw him walk by, but the STR gatekeepers made you turn back. “Mr. Kneef is very busy and he shan’t be interrupted!”  
You paced your office one evening - you had tried to finish up a motion but you could not focus. Brian had gotten to you – or rather, his lack of response had. “Fucking feelings.” With a groan, you gathered your belongings and decided to call it a night.  
You approached the elevator bank just as the doors were about to close. “Wait, hold it!” you shouted and foolishly, stuck your hand in between the doors to keep it from closing. It worked and the doors opened again.  
And you came face to face with Brian.  
“Ms. Y/L/N.” He acknowledged you quietly.  
“Oh, it’s Ms. Y/L/N, now? That’s not what you were saying when I was in your bed.” You snapped.  
“Now is not the time or the place.” Brian replied, his eyes firmly planted on the floor numbers marking the descent.  
“When will it be then? Hmmm – since you don’t answer my calls?”
Brian turned to you. He set down his briefcase and crossed his arms. Taking a deep breath, he began.  
“Whatever this is… it was what it was. Nothing more.”  
“Is this about Diane and Lucca? Who gives a shit? I thought-”  
“You thought nothing.” Brian interruped. “Want me to spell it out for you? I don’t do stage 5 clingers – I don’t do the boyfriend thing. I told you that from the beginning. We had our fun and we got caught. It’s not fun anymore. Now you need to move on. I already have.”  
The elevator dinged, signaling it’s arrival. Brian raised his brows and walked out. You trailed behind him, the distance between you two growing larger and larger.  
Brian’s car came around and it whisked him away. But not before he saw your resolve break down in front of the office building.
Yet another meeting was occurring. ‘Another meeting that could have been an email.’ You thought to yourself. You stifled a yawn – pulling all nighters was starting to catch up to you. You wanted to murder whoever decided a meeting at the end of the day was a good idea.  
You leafed through a brown box of random files. All of it looked like miscellaneous junk but then something caught your eye and you perked up. You scanned the room – Brian was across the way, talking to an associate.  
“Uh – Diane?”  
Lucca looked over at you. “What did you find?” Lucca asked, walking over. She snatched the paper from you.  
“Holy shit – this is an internal memo showing that our client knew about engineering defects.”  
“We’re on the wrong side of this.” You sighed. Diane came over and put on her glasses.  
“Is this what I think this is? Brian!”
Brian came over. Diane shoved the memo at him. “I never saw this thing in my life.” Brian snapped. 
You arched your brow. “Sure looks like you did. That is your signature on the receiving end. And statute of limitations doesn't apply to fraudulent concealment.”  
“I didn't conceal jack shit.”  
“Then who signed it? Hmmm?” You shot back, rolling your eyes. “This looks so fucking bad.”  
“I don’t care how it looks!” Brian snarled. “It’s bullshit.”  
“Then tell me what’s exactly bullshit here because I'm looking at a document that undermines our entire defense. An anonymous memo with names and dates blacked out. It's damning, and it implicates you – this firm - in a cover-up.”
Brian stared at you, his eyes furious. “I don't know what crawled up your ass today, but I take care of my business!”  
You were taken aback. “Don’t bite my ass since I happened to find it. It’s not my fucking fault.”  
“Enough you two.” Diane snapped. “What are we going to do about it?”
The next morning you returned to the office bright and early. Marissa slid into the empty space on the elevator next to you. “I have it on good authority that there are roses on your desk. And a card.” She reached into her top and whipped out a small white card that had your name scribbled on it. You recognized Brian’s handwriting.
You carefully opened it and took out the small card: Let’s meet.
That night Brian bounded down the steps to the main floor. He went to drop off a file at reception when he noticed a dozen red roses on the end of the receptionist’s desk.  
“Where did those flowers come from?” Brian asked, his eyes narrowing.  
“Oh! Y/N gave them to me. She said she was allergic. Such a shame – they’re gorgeous flowers.”  
Brian felt his blood pressure go through the roof. He bid the receptionist well and made his way to the elevator. By the time he made it to the main lobby, he was seething. He reached into his jacket’s breast pocket to call you, when he realized he left his phone in his office. With a groan, he pivoted and returned to the elevator bank.  
After a minute, the elevator dinged, signaling its arrival. It was Brian’s turn to come face to face with you.  
You looked up at Brian. ‘Fuck.’ You stood straight and stuck your chin out. “Have a good night.” You went to move past him and he grabbed your wrist.
“Like hell – you’re coming back upstairs with me. We need to talk.”  
You yanked your wrist from his grasp. “No. You have made it quite perfectly clear that we are nothing.”
Brian grabbed your wrist again and pulled you flush against him. It was clear you were angry. Your skin was flushed and your jaw was clenched. You licked your lips subconsciously. ‘Fuck it all.’ Brian thought as he crushed his lips against yours, kissing you roughly. His lips mashed against yours, teeth clashing. The kiss was intense, with one of his hands on your ass, the other wrapped in your hair. His beard scratched against your skin and immediately you felt your panties dampen.  
Your mouths parted and you both stared at each other. You both breathed heavily. And without hesitation, you slapped him across the face. 
Your eyes widened at the realization and horror of what you had done. You took off, your heels clacking against the floor, the sound echoing throughout the lobby. Brian rubbed his reddened cheek, his skin stinging at where you slapped him.  
“I deserved that.”
Tags: @madpanda75 @tropes-and-tales @delia26 @mgarner1227 @beardedmccoy @youreverycolor @neely1177 @the-baby-bookworm @mrsrafaelbarba @skittle479 @ottosuricato @delia26 @sass-and-suspenders @mommakat32 @dreila03 @beccabarba @garturbo @lovebennycolon @imjustreallynosy @sweetsummertime99 @whyissvuruiningmylovelife @annabelleb49 @scarletsoldierrr @cesarofangirl78 @redlipstickandplaid @redlipstickandblacktea @zoeykaytesmom @differentshadesofgray @misssirenlove @esparza-army @bananas-pajamas @mishaissocoolike @thefanficfaerie @theenchantedgalleryofstories @catnip987 @choppedgalaxynerd @pieceofshittytitty @ktiz90 @evee87 @itsjustmyfantasyroom @blk0912 @detective-giggles @rampantmuses @jazzyjoi @caked-crusader- anyone else, just ask! xo
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amethystpath-writes · 4 years
Part 5 (version 2) Hero x Caretaker X Villain
You guys didn't ask, but here's a little something solely from Villain's perspective ;)
@silverwhisperer1 @whump-me-all-night-long @whatwhumpcomments
Excerpt from v1
""It was a hoodie, if you were curious. Navy blue, white writing. He took it and left, wouldn't look at me, didn't bother asking why I was there, didn't ask about you.""
And onto v2:
The apartment complex was dirty on the outside, brown and yellow stains marking almost every inch of the- well, Villain assumed it was supposed to be- white building. Other than that, he swore he saw mold growing in creases, between walls and decorative arcs. There were vines climbing onto the building from a too-close tree. If there were ever a terrible storm, Villain observed, it would fall into that person's balcony and crush whatever was within reach.
Shaking his head, he sighed. And Hero lived here. He debated changing 'lived' to 'lives'. Villain knew that keeping her captive in his home was a terrible idea. It was...rather villainous of him to do and he wasn't a villain. He did everything in his power to make sure he wasn't a villain. The destruction he wrought was never real; only an illusion created by Brother and some expensive materials. The kid was a genius. Villain sometimes considered that his little brother might have abilities after all, even if only in the mind.
Villain was getting off topic.
He knew keeping Hero was horrible, but eventually he believed it would be okay. As long as she was at her apartment, the longer life would eat at her, the more she would think about Caretaker deserting her, the more she would think about money- or her lack thereof- the more she would think about this shitty apartment she lived in. And by the looks of it, the landlord didn't care. Why in the world was Hero living here?
The elevator was out of order, so Villain was forced to take two flights of stairs. At least it wasn't any more than two, though he wondered about the occupants that lived on higher levels. Carrying groceries would be a greater chore than anything.
Hero's apartment was unlocked. She must have forgotten to use her key when she left to fight Villain. Either way, at least Villain didn't have to break in.
Everything, for the most part, was in order. Hero seemed fond of decorating as there were wreathes hung up on almost every doorway, ceramic and polished pumpkins placed all about, on tables, counters, and shelves. It was surprisingly nice in the small apartment, given what the outside looked like. Villain couldn't help but wonder how Hero could afford such pleasant looking things. He didn't think she stole anything- that thought never crossed his mind, but seeing the rest of the building, he didn't know how anyone afforded anything. With a building as poor looking as this one, Villain could easily assume the owner made renters take care of their apartment themselves.
Gritting his teeth, Villain stepped in further. What would Hero appreciate having? It was the goal of the visit. Since he couldn't let Hero return to her apartment, he could at least bring her things that made her feel more at home in his. What made it difficult was that Villain refused to step foot in her bedroom. That was crossing a private line, and he wouldn't do that. Instead, he searched the living room and kitchen. Villain thought about the bathroom, but that was...he didn't want to walk into a female's bathroom. It sounded...less than pleasant.
By the time Villain finished searching the kitchen and living room, only finding two little ghost decorations to take back, he heard two voices out in the hall.
The first voice said, "The door's cracked open."
"Yeah?" The other clearly thought nothing of it.
"Hero would never leave the door open."
"Maybe she did this time. Just go in and get your stuff, dude."
"No," the first said, "no way. I'm not going in. You know what it looks like. Just go in and get it for me. Please. If she is in there, she-"
"Yeah, whatever. I'll go get it for you."
Villain didn't know whether to roll his eyes or smile. He was almost certain that the first voice belonged to Caretaker, and it sounded as if they were scared. They must have known it was Villain inside. It'd have been smarter to come inside and collect whatever it was they came for instead of sending in a friend. Either way, Caretaker would step in; Villain would be sure of it.
"Oh! Hero-ooo. You're not-you're not Hero." Villain turned with one corner of his mouth lifted, his chin tilted to the side as he peered at Caretaker's friend. "I was- well Caretaker, they- I'm gonna go. If that's, you know, if that's alright with you, because this is more their-"
"-Tell your friend to come in here."
The friend walked out with their head ducked and Villain listened as they told Caretaker that, "You better get in there."
Soon after, Caretaker stepped in, sucking in a breath as they took Villain in. His arms were crossed and he looked...amused. "Look, if this is about Hero, I-I don't know where she is. I just came to- I left my hoodie and it's the only one I've got."
Villain hummed, uncrossed his arms, then laid both elbows on his knees as he sat down on a wooden chair in the kitchen. Caretaker remained in the living room. Fortunately, there was no wall dividing the two rooms. "Interesting," Villain said, "I thought you would have been looking for Hero."
They went rigid. Villain swore he already knew what Caretaker was thinking, in order to please him; Should I say I was hoping she was here? Villain hated to take advantage of what the news made him out to be, but it was coming in handy right now. "I assumed she was with you." Caretaker glanced at him before looking at their feet.
"Oh, she is. Don't you care?"
Still, they watched their toes. "Listen, man, I just came for my hoodie. Navy blue, white writing, seen it anywhere?"
Villain bit the inside of his cheek, drawing a spot of blood. "Tucked between the couch cushions."
Caretaker nodded, dug his sweatshirt out, and walked out without another word. Villain never wanted to hit something, someone so badly as this. He came back for a damned hoodie, not Hero, not to check on her, or to console her, but for his hoodie.
If there are any other parts you would like alternate versions of, I might be able to scrap something up ;)
Hero's POV here
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daddystevee · 4 years
Crashing Down
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(eventual steve harrington x hopper!reader)
Hah I’ve changed it to just being a Steve x reader fic 😅 Cuz Billy’s not really part of the picture anymore. Anyways hi I’m alive I just haven’t had the motivation to write. Idky. But uh this took me three days to write because I didn’t know how I wanted to write it. I also thought I was gonna be able to get more than one episode in here. I’ve also learned what a ‘slow burn’ fic is and this is indeed a slow burn fic. Anywho enjoy this chapter and I hope you guys enjoy ittt. And as always lmk if you wanna be tagged ;p also I’m sorry that there’s no keep reading mark im uploading from my phone at work and don’t know how to put it there. So I’ll just do it when I get home. Xx
catch up here
Warnings: none really?? Cursing?
Part 7/9?
Word count: 2.3k
Summary: Sometimes things just don’t go as planned and your world just come crashing down, but it’s a good thing that you have people in your life to be there to catch you when you fall.
You wake up to the sound of your alarm clock going off, signaling that it was time for you to go to work. Rolling over from your stomach you slam your hand down on the noise maker, turning it off.
Not really wanting to get up and go do anything, you lie there in bed for a few extra minutes with your eyes closed. Hoping and praying that today will be a good day.
The thought of working with Steve during your shift makes it a little easier to get out of bed. Finally after procrastinating for what felt like forever you climb out of bed and make your way out of your room.
Upon walking in the kitchen you notice that your dad isn’t asleep on the couch like normal. You walk over to his bedroom door and knock a few times calling out to him. When you receive no answer, you push upon the door to reveal an empty bedroom.
You hum to yourself in annoyance and go to ask the girls if they want breakfast or if they wanna ride to the mall when you head off to work. You’re once again met with silence, so you carry on with your morning.
When opening, Steve usually gets there a little bit early, so he can prep everything so before you get there so you aren’t so stressed out. But when you finally get there you notice that all of the lights are still out and the gate is still down, meaning Steve wasn’t there yet.
You lift the gate and go straight to the back to turn the lights on and get ready for the day. After an hour of working alone you start to wonder if Steve was ever going to show up.
‘Maybe he’s just running late..’ you say to yourself quietly and carry on with prepping.
Once it got closer to opening time, and Steve still wasn’t there you decided that it was probably time to give him a call and check on him.
The phone rings and rings and rings a few more times before you hang up and try again. After he doesn’t pick up the second time you call you decide to try Robin.
You call and the phone rings a few times and there’s no answer.
“What the hell?” you say aloud to yourself and you slam the phone back onto the receiver and go back out to the front.
After working almost your whole shift on your own you slowly begin to feel overwhelmed.
“I can’t do this all by myself!” you say rather loudly and a few customers turn to look at you but aren’t too bothered by your words.
It was almost closing time anyways, so you did what you needed to do.
You walk over to the window and turn off the ‘OPEN’ sign and go back into the back and start cleaning up while the few people in the store finish eating and leave. As the last customer leaves you run over to the front and pull the gate down before anyone else can wiggle their way into Scoops.
As you walk back into the back room, you start to feel tears form into your eyes due to all of the stress. You brushed them away with the back of your hand and continued cleaning up so you could hurry up and go home.
As you were headed to go locked the gate for the evening you thought about what El was up to since she or Max weren't home earlier that morning. You turn around walk back into the back to use the phone to call around and see where they might have ended up.
After a few phone calls you find out that all of the kids along with Nancy and Jonathan are at the Wheeler’s house. But are headed to the Holloway’s house. Instead of going straight home you decide to make an appearance at the Wheeler’s.
Just as you pull up to their house they were all walking out of the house and getting into Nancy’s car.
“Hey guys wait up!” you yell as you jog over to the car and climb into the back with Will and Mike.
“So why exactly are we going to the Holloway’s?” you ask as Nancy begins to drive trying to catch up.
“To figure out if Heather and her family are flayed like Billy.” Max says turning around to face you.
“Holy shit..” you say in response.
There you are standing in the exact same spot that you were standing in when you broke it off with Billy. You kind of feel bad knowing that the Billy you broke up with wasn’t ‘your’ Billy, but that doesn’t make up for how he had been treating you over the past few weeks.
You wait as Nancy rings the doorbell a few times, then when no one answers El uses her powers to unlock and open the door.
Upon walking in you notice how freezing cold it in and the insane smell of chemicals fills your nose.
“My god, what kind of shits been going on around here?” you ask but mostly to yourself.
You follow as everyone walks into the kitchen, but instead of staying you move on to the dining room.
“Guys!” you say as you notice how the dining room table still has food on it from the other night.
Everyone comes walking through the door and starts examining everything, but notice you crouched down looking at the carpet.
Nancy appears next to you and touches a spot on the carpet,
“Blood” she says softly and turns to look at you before turning to Jonathan.
“Yesterday, Tom had a bandage on his forehead.” Nancy says as you both look at the wine bottle with blood on it. “He was attacked.”
You all walk over to where it looks as if someone had been dragged away and follow the tracks out to the garage where you see the clear signs of someone being kidnapped. After some talking and brainstorming, you all head back out of the house and go to the hospital to somehow get Ms. Driscoll and ‘take her home’.
After trying to get everyone upstairs and failing you decide to let Nancy and Jonathan go up to the room and you stay downstairs with the kids.You start to get this feeling that something about being here isn’t right. So you try to figure out a way for you to get upstairs to check on them
It took you a little while, but you finally notice that there is a bathroom down the hall where the elevators are. So you get an idea, and decide to ask where the receptionist where the bathrooms are, you're then on your way upstairs.
As you stepped out of the elevator, you noticed that the hallway was rather empty and awfully quiet. You then saw that some of the lights on patients doors were still flashing red, meaning that there were people who needed to be tended to.
As you carried on down the hallway you heard the sound of running and a loud slam that sounded like someone had slammed a door shut. You sped up and rounded the corner , you saw a man in a white shirt and black pants walking towards the stairwell.
“Hey! Excuse me sir! Is everything okay-” you said but as soon as you started yelling Heather’s father stepped out of one of the rooms and stopped you dead in your tracks as the other man carried on down the stairs.
He had black veins on his forehead, very similar to the veins that covered Billy the previous night in the sauna.
“Oh shit.”
“Oh shit is right gorgeous” Tom says as he starts walking towards you in a quick manner.
You turn on your heels and run the other way, heading back to the elevators. You push the button to close the doors as much and as fast as you can as if that will make the doors close faster. Just as Tom comes into sight the doors finally close and you're headed down to the next floor.
The doors open and you step out to see a dead patient and doctor on the ground, soon after you see Jonathan and Nancy run by followed by the man in the white shirt.
You decide to stay put until you hear the elevator doors close and it starts to move. You followed after the three and heard Nancy calling for help coming from one way and loud bangs followed by groaning coming from the other way. You know that Nancy can handle herself well but decided that Jonathan might need some extra help in that moment.
As you slowly and quietly make your way down the hallway you finally come to the room where Jonathan and Tom were. You almost walked directly into the room but quickly slipped back out of the room and peered your head around the corner to watch.
Tom was standing looking over Jonathan before he picked him up and slammed him up against the wall, making him fall down in pain.
You moved back out of sight and covered your mouth with your hand to prevent yourself from gasping too loudly. Tears formed in your eyes and spilt over before you could even register what was happening. You cried quietly into your hand as you looked around the hall to see if there was anything useful.
‘What would Steve do?’ you thought to yourself.
Eyes darting around the hallway until you see one of the IV carriers and run over to it and pick up holding it upside down so the wheels are the point of contact.
“Yeah, this’ll do.”
You backed up against the wall and tightened your grip around the pole, closing your eyes as you took a deep breath in.
Just as you poked your head into the room Jonathan had his head slammed into the ground, knocking him out. Toms back was to you, so you took this as the opportunity to shoot your shot. You held up the IV pole and swung with all your might.
“Eat shit asshat” you spat at Tom.
He turned to look at you but was flung the other way by some force.
Just as you were getting ready to swing again, Jonathan had gotten up and grabbed the scissors that were on the floor and ran at Tom, stabbing him in the chest. His whole face turned black and because of the veins, and he fell to his knees and onto his chest.
Both you and Jonathan did nothing but look back and forth between each other and the now dead Tom on the floor. Just when you thought it was over, the lights started flashing and went out for a brief second. That never meant anything good.
Jonathan put his arm in front of you out of protection when Tom started moving around and his skin started.. Melting?
“Jonathan..” you felt tears form in your eyes as all of the melted skin started to move towards the door.
He turned and looked at you before slowly following it out the door and into the hallway. At the other end of the hallway you see that Nancy was dealing with the same situation. The two giant globs of human flesh met together in the middle of the hallway joining together to make one giant glob of flesh.
It grew bigger and bigger and started growing legs and making noises when suddenly the lights went out, and from the darkness came a loud screech. Tears were now flowing from your eyes from fear.
“Nancy!” you hear Jonathan scream, “Run!”
As Nancy tries running through a door, the boy next to you is trying to distract the ugly creature from devouring his girlfriend. Yelling and making as much noise as possible, but when that doesn’t work he takes off behind it.
You decide to stay put to make sure no other crazy shit sneaks up behind him. You look around and notice a phone on the wall. While keeping an eye on the direction Jonathan went, you run to the phone and call 911 and the phone rings endlessly.
When you had finally had enough of the phone you figure that it would be better to go downstairs and ask for help. You make a dash for the stairwell and run as fast as your feet can carry you. About a flight or two down you run into the kids who were coming up the stairs.
“Oh thank Jesus” you say as you turn back around and head up to where you just came from.
Running in front of the kids you made quick turns down multiple hallways to show the kids where Jonathan was busy trying to break down the window on a door. El walked up to the door and used her powers to send the door flying into the room.
“What the fu-” you hear both Mike and Max say simultaneously.
El and the monster have a little battle which ends up with the Monster being sent flying out the window and onto the ground outside.
You and the kids run back and down the stairs to go outside to see what was going to happen to the monster, while Jonathan went in the room to check on Nancy. Once you all got outside the glob was making its way to the sewer drain, before disappearing. You turned to look at the others,
“What in the actual fuck?”
What you did know was that this could only the beginning.
@ughhhitsfan @eleventhdoctorsangel @chloe-skywalker
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edxwin-elric · 4 years
Hold Still
Rating: T
Pairing: Edwin/Edward x Winry
Disclaimer: I don’t own Fullmetal Alchemist.
Word Count: 1683
Title: Hold Still
Description: Edwin One Shot – Fluff/Hurt-Comfort
Ed finds himself taking care of Winry after she gets hurt falling down the stairs.
A/N: Requested by anon. Thanks, Nonny, I hope you like it!
ffn || ao3
I run into the house at full speed, scanning for danger. I was in the yard with Den when I heard Winry scream. Not since The Promised Day has my blood chilled like that. My heart skips when I see her lying in a heap at the bottom of the stairs.
“Winry?” I leave the door open and run to her, dropping to my knees at her side.
“Ed?” She turns to look at me and winces, tears rimming her eyes.
“Are you okay? What happened?”
“I tripped.” She looks toward the stairs, and I connect the dots.
“Shit, are you okay?”
She starts to nod, but I’m already checking her for blood and broken bones, running my fingers over every inch of her I can reach.
“I’m okay, Ed,” she murmurs. “Really.”
I ignore her, taking her face in my hands and checking her pupils. They’re not dilated. That’s a good sign.
“Did you hit your head?”
“No,” she answers, anger rising in her tone. “Ed, quit!”
She shoves my hands away from her hair where I was looking for a bump.
“I need to make sure you’re not hurt.”
Without waiting for her to protest, I scoop her up and carry her into the living room.
“Ed, I told you I’m fine.”
“Sure you are.”
I’ll believe that when my heart stops beating so fast.
“Seriously, I didn’t really fall that hard,” she argues. “Just let me up.”
“You gotta be kidding me,” I mutter. “Winry, I heard you scream from all the way outside.”
“That’s because I was surprised,” she says instantly. “Not because I was hurt.”
“You were crying,” I remind her.
“From shock.”
God, she really has an answer for everything doesn’t she?
“You really expect me to believe you fell down a whole flight of stairs and you’re just magically unharmed?”
“Well, I might have a bruise or two.” She frowns. “And it wasn’t a whole flight of stairs. Maybe a half. At most.”
“Ah yes. A half a flight of stairs,” I reply, sarcasm leaking in every word. “That’s convinced me.”
She sighs, shooting me a glare, and I cross my arms, waiting for her to lie down on the couch like the good little patient I’m hoping she’ll be.
“I swear I’m fine, Edward,” she echoes quieter. “Look. I’ll prove it.”
I raise my eyebrows and watch as she starts to stand.
“See. I just—AH!” Her face twists with pain as she falls back onto the couch.
“What is it?” I ask urgently, my eyes moving over her wildly, trying to source her injury.
“Don’t you dare say ‘I told you so,’” she snaps angrily, as new tears slip past her lower lashes.
“I’m not. Just tell me what hurts.”
“My ankle,” she gasps.
“Okay. Lie down.”
She turns to stretch out on the sofa and cries out again, jerking forward.
“What is it?”
“My back,” she whimpers, reaching behind her.
I kneel on the floor next to her and gently slide up the material of her top.
“You must’ve hit your back when you fell. It looks like you’ll have a bruise on your spine,” I announce, reaching up to run a finger over the mark.
“Ow!” she looks over her shoulder to glare at me. “Don’t touch it!”
She rolls toward her side, as I move to look at her ankle. She hisses when I touch it, and it’s definitely swollen, but it doesn’t seem broken.
“I think it’s just a bad sprain,” I tell her, propping her foot up on some pillows. “I’ll get you some ice, but you need to keep it elevated.”
“Fine,” she mumbles.
“Don’t move.”
“Yes,” she grumbles sarcastically. “Because I’m so likely to run away before you get back.”
I roll my eyes at her and go into the kitchen to find some ice and wrap it in a rag. When I come back, I gently cover her wounded ankle with it before going back into the kitchen to get her something to eat.
“What are you doing now?” she calls sleepily. “And can you bring me my notebook? I want to continue working on–”
“I’m making you a sandwich!” I shout over her. “And you’re taking a break from work!”
I hear her moving, and I drop the cheese I’m holding to stick my head in the doorway.
“Don’t you dare get up, Winry!”
“What? How did you–”
“I’ll be there in a minute. Just wait.”
I quickly finish the sandwich and grab an apple off the counter as I carry her plate to her. She pouts when I hand it to her, but she eats it. She leans forward when she’s done to set her plate on the coffee table, which is when I see it.
Red in her hair.
“What the hell?” I drop onto my knees next to her, and she jerks her head toward me. I immediately take her chin and turn her face to the side.
“Ed, what are you doing?”
“Hold still,” I whisper.
“Let me go!”
“You’re bleeding!”
“What?” she gasps. “But…”
I shush her softly, and she goes silent as I carefully sift through her hair to find the source.
“There’s a cut in your hair behind your ear,” I tell her. “It’s not very deep, I don’t think, but I need to get some bandages or something to stop the blood.”
“Okay,” she murmurs. “Is there blood on the couch? On my clothes?”
She tries to look down, but I hold her jaw in place.
“I’ll look after I take care of this,” I assure her. “Here. Give me your hand.”
I slide her fingers over where mine are holding her hair up, giving me the best view of the small injury.
“There’s blood on my fingers,” she chokes.
“You’ll be fine.” I stand quickly. “Just wait here while I grab what I need.”
“Granny keeps the stuff in the kitchen–”
“Under the sink,” I cut her off. “I know.”
It’s not my first experience with first aid at this house.”
Grabbing the supplies, I return and begin cleaning her cut.
“Now, hold this.” I move her fingers down to hold a small bandage over the spot. “It looked like the bleeding was mostly stopped, but just in case.”
As promised, I scan the sofa and her top for blood, but her hair seems to have caught most of it.
“I think you’re okay. When the bleeding stops, I’ll take you upstairs and help you rinse out your hair.”
“Oh my God,” she groans. “I can’t go up the stairs by myself? This is awful.”
“Hey, just be glad you have me here to help you.”
“I could just cut it off,” she says, ignoring me. “I can just adapt one of your old feet and—but of course then I’d have two left feet. But I could–”
“You’re kidding.” I frown. “Winry, you’ll be over a sprain in a few days. Quit joking about cutting off your foot to replace it with automail.”
“Sorry. I’m sorry.” She bows her head. “I’m not trying to be ungrateful, and I’m not trying to make light of amputation or prosthetics. I just… This is so inconvenient.”
“Poor baby.” I sigh. “I guess I could just go back outside with Den. And leave you here. All alone.”
“Don’t you dare.” She glares. “Den is my dog, and you can’t just hog her whenever you want. And also, that’s just rude.”
“I was kidding. How about I go find some cards and you can beat my ass at Go Fish or something until it’s time to go to bed, and then I’ll take you upstairs?”
“Fine, but only after you take me to rinse out my hair.”
I check her cut again, and see the bleeding has stopped. Lifting her carefully, I carry her up the stairs where she sits on the edge of the tub and I pour warm water through her blonde hair until the red is gone. Using a towel, I squeeze the excess water out of her hair and then place a soft kiss behind her ear.
She sighs and leans into me, and I hold her for a second, her damp hair pressed against my chest.
“I’m ready to go to bed now, actually,” she confesses. “You can just take me to my room.”
“Are you sure? It’s pretty early.”
“I…” She winces, and I look at her swollen ankle. “I might be a little more injured than I said,” she confesses. “Nothing too bad,” she clarifies quickly. “Just…I hurt all over.”
“You could’ve said something,” I tell her, scooping her up again.
“Shut up.”
So stubborn. But damn if I don’t love her.
As requested, I take her to her room and set her on the bed.
“Do you want me to stay?”
“I can change my own clothes, thank you very much.”
“I know you can.” I sigh and start to leave.
I turn back to look at her.
“Let me change and then…if you want, you can sit with me for a while. I feel kind of… I hurt, and I don’t want to move, but I’m not sleepy and I’d like it if you just talked to me.”
“Is five minutes long enough?”
She nods. “That should be plenty.”
When I come back in, she’s in her pajamas on top of her covers. Without saying anything, I grab some extra pillows from her closet and prop up her hurt ankle before climbing onto the bed next to her.
Immediately, she leans closer, resting her head on my arm.
“What do you want me to talk about?”
“Tell me about alchemy stuff,” she mumbles, and I raise my eyebrows when I notice her eyelids are fluttering.
Not sleepy my ass. But I don’t call her out.
Instead, I wrap my arm around her and start at the beginning, even though I know she’s already familiar with the law of equivalent exchange. Not that it matters anyway because she’s asleep halfway through the first sentence.
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k-spiracy · 5 years
Human Error || 1
Tumblr media
Pairing: Jungkook x Reader (F)
Genre: Smut, Angst, Action/Adventure, Thriller/Horror, a little salt bae pinch of Mystery
Word Count: 7k
Significant Tags: Killer!Jungkook AU; Assassin!Y/N AU; Enemies to Lovers AU; Mafia!BTS AU; College! AU
Summary: “There was only one way in and out of there, and someone else just occupied the exit.”
Warning:  PLEASE DO NOT READ if you are sensitive to graphic descriptions of dead bodies, or the mention of rape and/or abuse, which is present in a snippet of this chapter.This work is completely fictitious. In no way do I intend to romanticize murder, assassination or any other criminal act. Please do not associate violent themes with BTS or any member. This AU is based off a popular twitter thread from jung_kkuu.
Author’s Note: THIS IS MY FIRST FIC! YAY! Writing this story took me a long time for personal reasons and it took a lot of courage for me to finally post after countless proof reads… Anyways, I hope you like the story! Give Me Feedback!
Chapters: | Index | 01 | 02 || cr.
Death always seemed to work in mysterious ways. Admittedly, that phrase was meant for God, but in your profession, there left no place for heavenly deeds. You could never put yourself anywhere but the middle ground between good and evil, doing what both of those high powers did, which was ending a life. Though their ways may or may not have been painless, life and death were like the difference between a river and a stream, and water is water. 
Your job was what separated those two things and spread them thin beyond the belief that death was strictly a divinity. Humankind was convinced that they are the supreme being, making you a mere pawn to the man-made game of survival, a silent terror in the dead of night; an assassin.
Tonight was one of those late nights, technically the early morning, as it held a quiet promise. The sky was overcast, hiding the little flecks we previously called stars—by now, completely artificial, as humans discovered how to preserve the earth and the universe as we know it, just before the peak of demise.
Echo was your field name, a perfect description of your work: nothing more than the whisper of a cry heard out many miles, many minutes after you’d already left. You were quiet, to say the least. You took your time with every kill, preferring to get to know a person before ending them. Strolling through their house, (be it getting through an upstairs window or simply the front door) looking through their pictures, their life, to try and get an understanding of why they were about to die.
See, you learned never to ask questions, only to take the money even if the person in question did not deserve it. Most times it was better that way. At least, it’s what kept you alive and into the profession.
A small click sounded your success, and an open window after it, as you took a cautious step inside the house. The floors and stairs were wooden, both extremely risky if the house turned out to be pretty old. Though it didn’t seem so, you still wouldn’t take any chances.
You look around. The room you entered was a modern kitchen; grey and barely lit with cool undertones. There was a room to your immediate left with flickers of dim white light portraying someone’s shadow moving back and forth, a stairwell ahead, and a little room to the back right of the kitchen. A cracked doorway at the top of the stairs catches your eye, and the desire to explore consumes you, but you did not plan on him being awake.
You’d always studied your targets, where they go, what they eat, whom they talk to but that was all with the help of social media; phone cameras. This one was scheduled to have been in bed for approximately two hours, thirty minutes and six…seven…eight…seconds ago. Of course, it was nothing you couldn’t handle, but you still felt relieved that you chose the fire escape instead of the front door. 
You gauged the distance between your side and the opposite, calculating the perfect time to cross. The archway of the room was significantly large, but his pattern of walking showed stability. So as soon as he turned his back, you made a run for the other wall and pressed against it.
You carefully poked your head around the corner. Here, you could see the man clearly: pacing back and forth holding a phone to his ear, while speaking in tones of hushed anger. The whispering tipped you off.
Someone else was in the house.
You scanned him and his surroundings, noting an elevated heart rate, (most likely due to anxiety) but otherwise healthy vitals. His profile, Jung Hoseok, age 24, blood type A, standing at 5ft. 11in. was marked for deletion. He was handsome, with brown hair and hooded eyes, and he wore a light green t-shirt and plaid pajama pants. The room, however, had an irregularly placed china cabinet, all of his curtains closed, and bank statements on his coffee table dated from two days ago. Hoseok pauses. You look away. Static fills your ears.
“…saw something.”
Hoseok is coming your way and you have nowhere to hide. His hand grips the crown molding just centimeters away from your head. You hold your breath. He passes you, heading deeper into his kitchen before glancing at the spot where you used to stand. You watch him from the shadows of the staircase, taking notice of something he didn’t. As soon as he turns back into the living room, you see it again, a quick flash of red light speeding by his head.
“Mission comprised.”
Suddenly, a target appears in your line of sight. “Execute and evacuate immediately,” it said, before dissolving into pixels.
You watch Hoseok cautiously. He was already on edge, but now you were too. Your new mission lay at the top of the stairs. Had it not already been your intention, you’d have been worried by the sudden change of course. Nonetheless, you ascended the steps silently. At the top of the stairs, there were three doors: two on either side and one that was already open in front of you. It was your first choice.
As you entered the bedroom, you noticed the open window directly across from you, the wind blowing the curtains however it pleased. There was also someone in the bed, tangled beneath the tousled grey sheets fast asleep. A woman. 
As usual, your curiosity led you to the bedside table on the opposite side where a picture frame stood. Hoseok and the sleeping figure were in it. Upon further inspection of the room, you found nothing particularly incriminating and got ready to leave, when you kicked a metal box. The woman did not move. Your ears strained for minutes in case the man downstairs heard, but there was no response.
Your attention returned to the box. In it, a pistol, two rolls of money, and a questionable substance. It seemed as if both the placement of this box and it’s contents were out of place. Could Hoseok have left it there?
Something didn’t seem right. You recall the tiny blink of red, just before climbing to the second story. Your hand takes on a life of its own, face draining of color. It grabs at the silk sheets and pulls them away, revealing the woman. She rolls toward you at the movement of the sheets, her naked body on full display. She wore a  necklace of bruises, dark in contrast to her otherwise pale white skin. Her hair was matted to her face, her lipstick smeared, and two of her red nails broken. In her previous spot, there was a dark wet stain that explained the glisten on her lower stomach. 
You sweep away the sweaty tendrils from her face. Upon doing so, her profile appears and your target list reduces back down to one. 
You back away, slightly confused; disgusted, to say the least. It wasn’t as if you didn’t feel for her in that pitiful state, but something else was at play. Was this the reason why Hoseok was your target? It did not make sense. His character did not show any signs of malice. Maybe he was just that good of a liar, but everything seemed…staged. 
It had only been seven minutes so far, but the night already seemed so long. You had to get out of there quick. Your hands reach for the blade strapped to your thigh and take it out. 
Creeping down the stairs, you were now prepared to kill. It was quieter than usual, despite the growing static. You wait at the bottom of the stairs for three beats when you hear nothing. Then, you whip around the corner and into the room expecting a struggle, except Hoseok is no longer pacing back and forth, but on the floor with a bullet hole in his head. You reach towards your mask in hopes to scan him, when you hear footsteps approaching. 
Another message appears as you crouch in the small space behind Hoseok’s sectional.  Your targets have been successfully terminated, but that is all the mask can show you: a status of death. It doesn’t know that you didn’t cause it. What it can pick up is your increased heart rate, so the mask alerts a different software to scan the area for possible threats, and sure enough, a heat signature appears on your radar.
The footsteps are a heavy, rhythmic drum against the cold wooden floors, getting intimidatingly closer with every passing second. It seems they are heading for the living room, possibly in search of you. You peek your head over the couch and weigh your options, frantically searching the four walls for any means of escape. You find none. The curtains could not be opened without giving you away, and not only that, but you’d have to jump out the window. You were six stories up.
There was only one way in and out of there, and someone else just occupied the exit. Their gait rang loud in your ears, those vibrations steadily rumbling towards you and then stop abruptly. You cradle your knees closer to your chest. For a second, you realize you stopped breathing and take time to carefully fill your lungs without alerting whomever it was sharing the room. You did not want to take the chance of looking at them, so you wait and listen, tightly gripping your knife. 
The silence is literally mutilating your ability to rationalize. You’ve never been in this situation before, what would the boss think? The head of your organization was a strict woman, she had no tolerance for mistakes. You wonder if she’d be furious at the failure of the mission, most likely demoting you or maybe even worse. 
For the sake of yourself, you decided not to imagine being back out on the streets. And just in time, because the sound of a click and a loud thud knocks you out of your previous thoughts. It has to be a gun, you think, as the long scrape of metal on the wooden floors send goosebumps racing up your arms. The person takes agonizingly slow steps, now in front of the TV, as you can see from their growing shadow. You cling to the blade, your back flush against the couch. A gloved hand reaches over the cushion, and you quickly slam your feet on the wall and push using all of your strength.
The sectional moves back with a bit of difficulty, but the person loses balance and falls forward, landing hard on their stomach. You stand and punch them off the back of the couch, toppling a few throw pillows as you jump over it in pursuit. Their knees give way to Hoseok’s coffee table and you take the chance to immobilize them.
It truly was a gun you heard. An assault rifle, to be exact. The sight of it dropping from the person’s hand while they fell confirmed it, and now, you straddle them with one hand firmly holding their shoulder as the other presses your knife to their throat. You that they must be an assassin, what with the black attire, gun and mask. They struggle in vain, caught under your weight in a near backbend against the low wooden table, as your knees dig hard into their flexed biceps.
“Don’t move!” 
Your voice resonates within the empty condo, echoes returning back to the living room. You feel some semblance of victory as you reach for their…bunny mask? But the sound of a door opening distracts you. Your head turns towards that direction, and the assassin frees their left arm, pushing you off of them in the process. You land on your butt with a grunt. The assassin whips their head towards the sound of multiple footsteps, moving only to swipe their gun and run towards the lone window in Hoseok’s living room. You scramble to get up and chase after them, but the window is open and they are gone. Still, you follow to see how they landed the tall drop, but there is no one to be found outside.
You turn to see people in white gather in the room. Clean-up Crew. Some look at you with the same confusion you wore on your face, as you should’ve been gone by now, but the rest go about their business unbothered. 
One of them walks towards you.
“Y/N, since when did you use guns?” You look up to see your good friend Namjoon inspecting the corpse before casually stepping over it, and then strolling over to your spot by the now-closed window.
“I don’t.” 
You leaned back against the glass with your arms folded, replying without meeting his curious eyes. He takes a place beside you and waits for you to continue to talk as he knew you would, always eager to get out of work, what with his clumsy tendencies.
You sigh. “I was set up.”
“But that’s not possible, the system always—”
“Obviously there is some sort of flaw in the system if someone else was here for the same kill, and me too.” Your mind goes back to the interaction. You could’ve died in that instance but that person, whoever it was, ran away.
“I’m just lucky my gut was right,” you say, pausing for a minute then pressing on. “And my mask, of course.” You remember that you were still wearing it, and with a wave of two fingers to your temple, it turns off. Your mask is holographic. To others, it looks like a pair of red visors—only needed to cover your eyes, since your balaclava does the rest. Without it, The Crew would not have been notified, and you did not want to think about what could’ve happened.
“There must be a logical explanation for all of this.” 
Namjoon was a technical man, even more so than you. He liked to know every possible outcome of a situation, but when something happens that his brain can’t calculate, he desperately searches for a ‘logical explanation’
“Enlighten me,” you quipped, ready to hear what he had in store, all while prepared to correct him at the same time.
He starts with only a breath before you rudely interrupt in a mocking tone. “The system is encrypted! It couldn’t possibly have been hacked and we wouldn’t have sent you out if we knew it was a double kill.” You glanced at him. He was not amused by your goading. “But then, considering that the other person tried to kill me,” you exaggerate a shrug before asking, “What else could it be except..?”
You’re waiting for his answer with an expectant look when he speaks up. “Well—”
A buzzer sound comes from the depths of your throat and Namjoon shoots you a glare. “Whatever you were gonna say, it’s wrong.”
“You didn’t even know what I was gonna say.”
“No, but it’s not one of your crazy ideas.”
Namjoon thinks back to the time he actually considered magic as a factor. From then on, you always took the chance to tease him. He sighs. “I was going to say that it could be an inside job.”
You opened your mouth then closed it. Your mind never leaped beyond the suspicion that it could be a rival organization after you. 
“What, you’re not going to correct me this time?”
“No… No. Actually, that sounds about right.” You turn your attention to the Cleaners, currently scanning the room. A thin blue holographic line makes sure to reach every corner of the room, paying extra attention to Hoseok’s dead body.
Carefully assessing the corpse, you make your way over to it, Namjoon following hastily. “I forgot to mention it, but what happened here?” He was referring to the mess you made. Anyone that walked in could tell there were signs of struggling. His eyes roamed the area, especially lingering over the crooked couch and the rug that bunched up under it. “Was this one hard  to kill, or was it the intruder?” The way he refers to Hoseok like he was never a “he,” but an “it,” makes you cringe. You can’t get over his use of the word intruder either, as if you weren’t one yourself.
“On the contrary,” you sigh, staring into the male’s lifeless eyes. “I didn’t kill him.” 
It does not take a while for Namjoon to put together the pieces. He knows you. He knows that you have never once used guns and how you feel about them, even. You were one of the few killers of your organization to use only one type of weapon, and those were blades. You preferred close range attacks but weren’t picky about tomahawking when needed. If it was a game of skill, you had it, and you’d win. Of course, Namjoon was sure of this, being your friend of three years.
He clears his throat and you look expectantly at him. “Penny for your thoughts?” You were transfixed on the corpse for a while and he started to worry. Silently asking for the one cent payment, you stuck out your hand, to which he responded by patting himself and shrugging when he came up with nothing. 
You giggle at his little display, musing over his exaggerated defeat when he could not find a penny and began to talk despite his lack of remittance. “It’s just that when I came, I had a bad feeling about everything.” Your gloved hand waves in circular motions over the contents of the room. “He was awake. I didn’t listen to myself and leave when I saw what was—” Your eyes widen. 
You forgot about upstairs. 
“What was your assignment Namjoon?”
He quickly recites everything he read on his tablet before coming over. Your stomach lurches at no mention of the woman upstairs. Come to think of it, none of the Crew was missing. The usual number of only six members were accounted for, which meant that they didn’t even know about her.
You jump out of your rooted position and again, Namjoon trails without question. Your following increases when you tap the shoulder of one of the Cleaners and ask her to come with you upstairs.
The three of you reach the top and head inside the bedroom to see the lady on the bed exactly how you left her upon discovery. The girl excuses herself to go get some equipment to scan the area and you take the chance to inquire more about the mission.
“Did the message say anything specific?”
“Other than the target and his profile, no.” Namjoon stares at the bed. “Why?”
“Only because you guys have been here all of three minutes, and not one person was thorough about clean up like usual.” 
Routine was to wait for the all clear. 
Routine was to search the entire house. 
Routine was to dispose of the body.
It also is to empty the said house of any signs of any previous life, yet there lacked so much as a batted eye towards routine.
Maybe you were a bit impatient about it since they had just gotten there, but something still seemed off and you did not want to let that go.
Both of you waited in silence for the girl to come back. When she did, you asked her to perform a physical report. Moving to the right side of the bed, her arm hovers over the wet spot you had discovered not long ago. She then scans it, and the woman’s body after. The soft hum of her scanner fills the room for about ten seconds before a high-pitched beep is heard. 
“The results show signs of…of uh…” 
When she couldn’t speak without stuttering, you decided to try and fill in the blanks. “Was she raped?” you ask, your voice no louder than a whisper. 
Namjoon shifts uncomfortably at your question and the girl can only nod in response. 
“There’s a box on the other side of the bed. I found it and it had some pretty questionable items.” You point in its general vicinity with a lazy wisp of your left arm. 
You seemed both bothered and unfazed by the room’s fourth presence, elucidated by its grim aura. She was rather unfortunate to have worn the dark circle impressed into the skin of her ring finger, binding her to this fate. It ate you alive to know that someone else killed your targets, and this one in particular to a much more morbid extent. Even more so, that you were not able to make it quick and easy. Not that it would have made a difference in terms of death since pain is pain, but at least you would have felt content in knowing that she wasn’t exploited in such a way. By who, you did not know. Her assumed husband, the prime suspect, was already being disposed of. The only other explanation had jumped out of the window before you could catch them.
“I don’t think this man—Jung Hoseok, was whom he led on to be.”
Namjoon had carefully read your expression as you fell deeper into thought at the mention of the box. He didn’t like the look in your eyes. “They usually never are Y/N, and it’s not our job to care.” 
“This pertains to the overall weirdness of the situation,” you conceded, watching the other crew member walk to the box you mentioned, picking it up and surveying that as well.
The latter folded his arms in protest to the ongoing plot inside your head.  He watched you open your mouth to speak, anticipating his further disapproval at your oncoming words as you swiveled towards the doorway.
“I have yet to—”
“Hold it,” Namjoon interrupted. He grabbed your arm mid haste and took you out to the hallway—where you were headed in the first place, but ultimately beaten to the punch. “I think you need to stop.”
You looked at him in disbelief. He towered over you, steady with his hands firmly curled around your shoulders. He continued to stare intently at you and when the passing minutes only held silence, he then spoke. 
“This is our job, so leave it to us.”
You felt defeat for the second time that night. That feeling quickly washed over with frustration and defiance. “if you're  suggesting that I cannot compose myself, Namjoon, I assure you—”
“You can handle yourself, I know.” 
“I have seen many bodies even worse than—”
“I know.” Namjoon, while taking his revenge from earlier, interrupted you for the second time, holding his grip even when you tried to break out of it.
“Then if you know, you should let me go.” you grit your teeth in another vain attempt to smack his arms away.
He contended with your challenging tone, simply by clipping off a sharp no at the edge of his tongue. Both of you stood in the dark hallway, two unmoving forces engrossed in each other’s burning gaze. 
“Come on.” He pulled your arm and started down the stairs, only for you to yank back. 
“Your job is not to scour the house and investigate. That’s what we do here. You came here to kill, and you did not deliver. Staying is not gonna make things better for you at the agency. Just go back, Y/N.
“You get yourself so caught up in everyone else’s life, you don’t even realize you are the one ending it. Aside from the fact that someone was out to get you, this case is no different. But, because the person is still out there, you need to get out of here instead of playing detective and putting a target on your back.”
Sometimes you hated when he was right. You let Namjoon take your hand and the two of you made it back to the first floor. He stopped in front of you to let two workers pass by. They carried Hoseok’s blanketed body on a gurney towards the front door, his left hand swinging off the side to the rhythm of their rough movements.
With your two hands still intertwined, Namjoon takes you the same way as the workers. You followed them into a maintenance elevator and went down six floors. Every corner harbored guards in grey. As for security, they made sure the building was asleep, which meant that any onlooker was oblivious, and all the cameras, if any, were off.  
Once outside, Namjoon stops. “Where is your car? I’ll take you there.”
“I can take myself,” you protested. “Its many blocks away.”
“Which direction?”
You sighed. He was not going to let up. You told him right, the direction of your car, and the two of you started walking again.
The wind was still blowing as softly as it did inside the house. Streetlights were off in your area, courtesy of Clean-up Crew, and the sky was just as dark as it had been the time you climbed into Hoseok’s window. You noted these particular details to distract yourself from Namjoon’s hand, still glued to your own.
He noticed you looking everywhere but him, and swung your arms teasingly. “I hope you aren’t mad at me, your best friend in the whole entire world,” he smiled. 
You shook your head with furrowed brows, more irritated at the killer that bested you only fifteen minutes before. 
“Good,” he said, letting go of your hand. 
At that moment, you realize he hadn’t done any of his work at all, and you were the reason. That made you feel bad for a brief second, but your thoughts rolled back to the other assassin. You were ill-prepared for such an altercation, as you had never encountered one of that nature.  Granted, every mission allows for the possibility of death, but as Namjoon said earlier, this was different. 
I could’ve died. 
“That’s why I’m walking you to your car.”
“What?” You looked up at your friend in confusion before realizing you had said it out loud. 
“Want to talk about it? We seem to have a couple more blocks since I don’t see the car yet.”
You accepted his offer without knowing where to start. Eventually, you told him exactly what happened. He listened, humming every now and then when he understood. When you finished, you waited for his insight.
“Describe them in detail.”
“I—I don't…” You didn’t think much on it since you were focused on survival, but on further assessment, you could remember more than just their clothes. “They were wearing all black, like me, but the shirt was short sleeved and they had ripped jeans on, almost as if the killing was a casual event for them.” Your eyebrows knitted at this thought, but you continued. “They…had a gun, I think it was an XT-97, but they handled it like a pistol.”
“So they’re strong,” he noted. “Height?”
“Tall. Maybe like…six feet? I can’t tell, but now that I think about it, their build was not at all feminine.” 
“Then it’s a guy, right?”
“Must be,” you said, retreating back into the memory once again.
“Don’t move!” 
You planted yourself on top of the figure, your knife digging into his craning neck. You can feel his muscles flex under the black T-shirt, veins bulging out of his forearms as your knees dig deeper into them, your intention being to further weight yourself. You’re ready to slit his throat, angling the blade and leaning close enough to hear his stuttered pants. 
Suddenly, your ears perk up at the sound of footsteps. 
They stop.
“We’re here.”
You stood on the corner of the street, the alleyway separating you from the next block over. No lights shone on your car as it sat in the shadows, and you made sure of that with the small EMP you planted on the asphalt. It acted as a cloaking device, detracting attention and temporarily deactivating streetlights in the perimeter. You picked it up as the two of you sauntered over to the black Tesla.
The car’s light illuminated Namjoon’s face when he leaned over the open door, one hand resting on the roof of the car. You expressed your temporary goodbyes and he shut the door after watching you put on your seatbelt. The ignition switched on at the sound of your voice, shifting to reverse and slowly backing out of the narrow space, careful of Namjoon’s presence.
“One more thing,” you piped up as the car idled on the curb. Namjoon was a little ways off, already on the walk back when he came up to the open passenger window. You motioned for him to get in and he did so without protest.
“He was wearing a really weird mask,” you said, trailing off while setting the autonomous car to drive in the direction of Hoseok’s apartment. 
You realized how distracted you got when you thought about the other assassin. Something about him sent chills up your spine,  yet you were entranced, just by the rise and fall of his chest. The low timbre of Namjoon’s voice pulled you out of the memory, but you could still see two unblinking black eyes staring back so vividly.
“It was a bunny mask. I remember clearly how haunted it made me feel.” 
“That sounds creepy.”
“Yeah, it kinda was.”
The car slowed to a halt and you looked over at Namjoon. He assured you that when he finished, he’d give you all the details on what he found. Then, he got out and walked up to one of the guards casually leaning against the pole of a stop sign. You waited for him to wave you away, and with it, the car drove off into the bare streets of what was now 3 A.M.
“Please input your next destination, otherwise you will be transported to the home marker.”
You let out an exasperated sigh. It would be a long ride from the outskirts of Gwangju. 
Technological advancements created self-driving cars and not long after, highways to accommodate their fast speeds, but even though this triumph sliced time into fractions, you still would have to wait an hour or so until you reached your destination. Knowing it would be so long, you groaned at the sight of your weary reflection in the visor, closing it with a slam. A note that was pinned to it fell into your lap. With light, you skimmed over carefully written cursive, the words of its author flooding the paper with waves of regret. Memories resurface from the depths of your mind and you can’t help but drown in them.
02. 17. 3049 || TWO YEARS EARLIER
The smell of rosewood and kimchi is oddly soothing as you sit in the corner booth of the tiny restaurant. It was one of your favorite places to eat, also being one of the oldest and only businesses to evolve with the modernized world. The inside housed a new coffee corner, which you made sure to visit each morning. This morning was quite frigid and the café made up for the bitter weather with its warm drinks, one which you were already on your third order of.
She could be here any minute, you thought, your foot tapping rather impatiently against the tiled floor. You took a sip of your buckwheat tea, cold hands finding purchase in its warmth as your fingers desperately curled around the cup. 
Your eager eyes spot the waiter as she came to me your table, placing down a steaming bowl of naengmyun before smiling and walking away. 
How embarrassing it was for you to be seen waiting on someone else. Across from you, the table was set and empty for what would now be an hour and twenty minutes, and to that, your foot still tapped. Each ring of the bell at the door had you on edge until you saw the strawberry blonde walk in and lock eyes with you from across the way. You scanned her (an impulsive habit of yours) while she shuffled over to the table. You could tell she ran, as her cheeks were nearly beet red, and her breathing quite uneven. Everything you already knew about her appeared next to her figure as she sat down.
“Sorry I’m late,” she huffed, rubbing her cheeks and hunching over. You dismissed her profile with two blinks and smiled at her. 
“No need, I wasn’t waiting long.”
“Is this for me?” She pointed to the bowl of noodles that you pushed over to her side of the table in response. She dug in, mumbling a thank you with a few noodles hanging from her mouth.
You took another sip of your drink.
“So,” she said, clearing her throat. “What did you have planned for today? Anything involving outside? If so, I can order us something warm to take with us…” 
“Actually, our date started half an hour ago,” you teased, looking at the watch on your left hand. “Maybe we can still make the movie if you finish eating in…now.”
The sight of the bewildered look on her face made you burst into laughter. She grumbled as she slurped at her noodles, not appreciating your joke. Still, she asked why you didn’t order, so you lied about already being full, saying you were happy just watching her eat.
You truly had no appetite.
The rest of the day was filled with grins everywhere you went. She begged to stop by a street vendor who, upon the unexpected snowfall, gave away warm treats “on the house.” The two of you rushed to escape the weather and get to her apartment, where she’d put on a movie to replace the one you missed. 
The screen was frozen; paused.
She expressed her dire need to use the bathroom and went, leaving you where she expected you to wait: on her couch in the dim lighting of her living room. It was as she washed her hands, that she noticed you in the mirror standing behind her. There, that her confusion morphed into horror at the sight of the kitchen knife, and there, that her blood was spilled, all over the bathroom floor.
Her name never mattered.
It didn’t to whoever had opted to delete her, to the waiter, and the vendor on the street—both of whom were fellow agents, and it didn’t to the world, now that she was gone.
You walked into the office startled, blood still tainting your boots, the girl still on your mind. She would later be erased, like all others, from your mind with the help of booze.
Maybe a party was just what you needed.
There were streamers lining the walls, balloons covering the ceiling, and a large banner that read “Congrats on 100 Kills!” hanging from either wall. You took a step further, recognizing your colleagues, some nearly foreign to you with large smiles on their faces.
It was odd for you, being celebrated for taking someone’s life. It just never seemed to matter if the right price is paid—low and behold, a large wad of cash lay buried deep in the pocket of your black moto jacket. You continued to approach the middle of the dark room, a cake with sparklers flickering it’s light on to the many bodies gathered around it. They urged you to blow them out and you did, despite being so hesitant.
Immediately, the lights switched on, and scattered claps rumbled into a thunder of applause. Soon after the cake was cut,  people conversed in small groups about the office, quick to stop and congratulate you as you pass by, searching for a friend. But someone else found you before you could reach those doors.
“Guess who?”
You recognized the familiarity of his voice, and, guessing correctly, lifted Namjoon’s hands away from your eyes.
“Hey stranger,” you said, turning to see him beaming at you with those dimples of his. He pulls you in for a tight hug, and without warning,  whisks you off, away from the party.
The music and chatter start to fade as he evades all interrogation while dragging you to the elevator, where the two of you take a ride down to the parking garage. Upon the doors opening, a chirp sounds within the concrete walls, soon muffled by the sound of an engine revving. A black car rolls in front of you, its two doors lifting like the wings of a bird taking flight. You are at a loss for words, stuttering out unfinished questions while the elevator doors continually attempt to close, but can’t with you in the way.
“She wanted to give you this,” Namjoon says, taking your arm and hooking it with his as he walks you up to the slick, black beauty. “A gift for all your hard work.”
Hard work, huh? Your boss seemed to be working harder than you, seeing as how she couldn’t even be bothered to show up. Did she no longer have time to be your friend? Watching your steady decline to less than human from behind the comfort of her locked doors?
It wasn’t fair.
“Wh—Where is—” You struggled to find the words until your questions were answered by the folded yellow note Namjoon hands you.
“Five minutes until the destination is reached.”
“Make a new course for work.”
Neon lights race along the curves of your car as it exits the highway, only a few blocks away from the office. Here, everything was alive, compared to where you were last, the traffic and pedestrians still bustling as if it wasn’t the early hours of the morning. It’s true what they say about the city, that it never sleeps, especially not when you’ve just arrived at the heart of Seoul. During the lively night, it was just another building with big glowing letters, but when the light of day shines on this skyscraper, many recognize it as the number one source of technology and internet in all of Korea: Vortex.
The car door lowers with a slight hiss as you walk up to the building. This was your second home for years now, and as you look up the glass walls, you see a yellow light shine from one of the windows. 
She’s still here.
You go inside, walking straight past the startled front desk manager—tossing him your keys—and to the elevator, where you knowingly lock eyes just as the door close. There were no buttons for where you were going because no ordinary person knew about the sub-levels of the building both above and below its shell structure. That was for the business Vortex conducted behind the scenes; the business in which you thrived.
The office was on one of the very top floors, and as you reach it, you turn to face the back of the elevator and wait for it to open. Had you share the lift with anyone else, they would’ve looked at you crazy, considering no normal employee could exit through the maintenance doors. 
There were no buttons. But of course, that was the purpose of the front desk.
The doors slide open and you walk into the most familiar place you’ve ever known. The cubicles and desks hid the nature of what the assassins really did, but you didn’t have a problem with it since it made you feel a little bit more human.
There were those double doors, the ones you could never reach during the party; the ones made of glass like everything else inside the building. 
Except she wasn’t see through.
“Hey, why are you still here?”
You stood leaning in the doorway, watching her head slowly lift from her desk. You knew the answer to that, so she decided not to respond.
“Something strange happened today while a was making a kill,” you started, waiting for her reaction. She did not provide one so you continued. “You see, I was going after that teacher I’d been following for a while, and when I got to his house, he didn’t look like a teacher.”
“Is that so?” She said dryly, her eyes still glued to the computer.
“Yeah,” you replied, folding your arms. “It is, and you wanna know what else?”
“Someone else was there too, like—”
“So what, there was someone else in the house, you take people out even with their families in the same bed, so why would it matter now?” Her voice showed a hint of agitation but you would not back down. Instead, you went up to her and placed your hands flat on the desk with a smack.
Now, you had her attention.
“Because that someone was an assassin. He attacked me and my target. Oh, and my target, ‘the teacher’ didn’t look like he was just a teacher. What do you have to say about that? Maybe the fact that your best friend nearly died could get you to at least look at me!”
Finally, she meets your expectant gaze, only to scoff. After a long silence between the two of you and your fiery stares, she speaks up, instantly changing the subject.
“Do you know what day it is?” 
“Does that even matter right now? There's—”
“Should I, perhaps remind you of the fact that you constantly break the number one rule here? Or should I continue to let you waste my time when you can clearly see how overworked and stressed I am? It’s Monday, Y/N. Three in the morning and here you are.” You wondered what she might be doing up this late, but the papers piling on her desk told you it was work. Which kind, you didn’t know. “We have class today. I hope you don’t oversleep because I won’t be taking notes for you.”
This was the problem with your job. It called for you to be awake at all hours of the night, and though most college students could say the same about their convenience store jobs, yours was more physically exhausting. You opened your mouth to say something in retaliation, as was in your defensive nature, but instead, you said nothing. Maybe it was best for you to deal with it later since you never liked when your two worlds intermingled. On that note, you waved to your tired friend, feeling a bit tired yourself at the sight of her, and headed for the double doors.
“Goodnight, Yoonji.”
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katymacsupernatural · 6 years
Should Have Been Faster
Dean X Reader
1300 Words
Story Summary: After receiving a call, Dean drives as fast as he can, needing to be by Y/N’s side as quickly as possible.
Written for the Fabulous Fake Title Challenge hosted by @just-another-winchester and I. Requested by @clairese1980
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Written in Dean’s POV
Four little words running through my mind, over and over as I pushed the Impala to the max. Should have been faster, I kept reminding myself, knowing that there was still so much distance between Y/N and I. Too much time, too many miles before I had her by my side once again.
“Dean, you’ll know we’ll be there in time,” Sam tried assuring me, but my jaw stayed clenched, my eyes on the road as I sped at least fifteen miles over the speed limit. I shouldn’t have let her go, not by herself. I knew what could have happened, but when she turned those beautiful eyes my way, I couldn’t say no. It had seemed so simple at the beginning, just a girl’s weekend with her, Jody and Donna. Sitting around Jody’s house, maybe going out to the spa, or whatever else girl’s did. She had pleaded with me, saying she needed time with women, and I had given in. Knowing that I would do anything to make her happy.
Never had I imagined that someone would mean so much to me like Y/N did. She was my everything, and I knew I would never forgive myself if something happened to her. When I received the phone call this morning, I had pulled Sam to the car without a word, needing to leave as fast as possible. To be by her side when she needed me the most.
“Sam, I shouldn’t have let her go,” I muttered, my hands tight on the steering wheel. “What if something goes wrong? What if…,”
“Dean, she’s with Jody and Donna. They aren’t going to let anything happen to her,” Sam tried to say, sighing when I didn’t seem to relax at all. “We’re only an hour out.”
“I know. Too long,” I muttered, wishing the Impala would go faster.
The road never seemed to end, each mileage sign seeming to say the same amount of miles until I was next to Y/N. Stopping for gas, I pulled out my phone, trying to call her, my chest tightening when there was no answer. Without taking the time to call Jody, I climbed back into the Impala, impatiently waiting for Sam to return from the bathroom. He hadn’t even clicked his seatbelt before I was pulling out onto the highway, once again speeding down the cracked road.
The sun was starting to set by the time Sioux Falls appeared. Tension had my shoulders straight, my jaw clenched, my knuckles sore from holding tight to the steering wheel. Sam had stayed silent the last hour of the ride, often checking his phone for messages from Jody. But whatever she had said he didn’t pass on, instead letting me sit there and fret.
I drove straight past Jody’s, not even slowing to see if her truck was still in the driveway. I knew where Y/N was, and I hated the thought of her being there without me. She shouldn’t have to be going through this without me by her side.
“Dean, why don’t you pull up to the front, and I’ll switch spots,” Sam suggested, and I gave him a slight nod. Sliding to a stop in front of the main doors, I placed the car in park, climbing out and leaving it behind with Sam. Racing through the front door, I went immediately to the front desk, asking for Y/N.
The nurse glanced patiently at me, no doubt used to tense and fearful people at her desk all the time. “She’s on floor three. The elevator’s around the corner.”
Without even thanking her, I rushed around the corner, hating the feel of the hospital. This is why I tended to stay away from them as much as possible. Too much white everywhere, reminders of death and illnesses everywhere. Not to mention all of my bad memories of hospitals that made me weary of them.
Tapping my foot impatiently, I waited for the elevator to slowly make it’s climb to the third floor, thinking it would have been better to take the stairs. As soon as the doors opened, I spotted Jody standing off to the side, pouring herself a cup of coffee. “Jody!” I exclaimed, rushing forward.
Looking tired, she smiled up at me. “You made it!”
“I drove as fast as I could,” I admitted. “But where’s Y/N? How is she?”
“Come with me,” Jody insisted, taking my hand and pulling me along with her. Sitting down on a couple of chairs, she placed her coffee down before turning to me. “Y/N had a hard time,” she started to explain, my hands clenching more with each word. “It was long, and hard, and the doctor’s were worried about her for quite some time.”
“But now?” I whispered, hoping for good news.
“Now she’s sleeping, and the baby is fine. Congratulations, your a father,” Jody beamed. “You have a beautiful little girl.”
“A girl?” I breathed, even though I still couldn’t get past the fact that Y/N had to go through all of this alone. “Oh Jody, I should have been faster. I should have been here when she needed me the most. How is she ever going to forgive me?”
“There’s nothing to forgive!” Jody exclaimed. “You’re here now, and that’s all that matters. Why don’t you go in there, see if she’s awake yet. I know she would love to see you.”
On shaking legs I made my way to the door marked with Y/N’s name, pulling it open and stepping inside. Y/N was asleep on the bed, her hair spread out, dark circles under her eyes. Pulling the chair up beside her, I took her hand in mine, staring at her, killing myself for not being there for her.
It was only a couple minutes later before she started to stir, her eyes blinking before she peered tiredly up at me. “Dean, you’re here?” She mumbled.
Reaching up and brushing the hair from her cheek, I nodded. “I’m sorry I wasn’t here sooner. I heard it wasn’t an easy labor.”
“It was long, and exhausting, but it’s over now, and we have a beautiful baby girl. I can’t wait for you to see her,” she told me, smiling up at me as if I hadn’t messed up and missed it all.
“Y/N, how can you be happy with me? I wasn’t here for you,” I asked, surprised when she squeezed my hand.
“Dean, it was my decision to come up here for a girl’s night. You tried to keep me home. But I don’t think it’s your fault, or mine. Babies come when they’re ready, and I guess she wanted to be up here to meet her aunt Jody, and aunt Donna. Please don’t beat yourself up over this. Please Dean,” she pleaded, and I nodded.
“I’m just glad both you and the baby are safe,” I answered, leaning over the bed so I could capture her lips with mine.
“Oh, this must be the father!” The nurse exclaimed, coming through the door just as I pulled away. In her arms was a tiny bundle, wrapped in pink. “Would you like to see your daughter?”
My heart beating fast, I carefully took my baby girl from the nurse, holding her gently in my arms, afraid I would squish the precious girl. “Y/N, she’s perfect,” I whispered, staring down at her in amazement.
“Yeah, she is. I’m so glad you’re here,” Y/N whispered as I came to stand next to her. Realizing that even though I had wanted to be there earlier, I was just glad I was there now. To be a part of my family, to see the happiness in Y/N’s eyes as I held our little girl for the first time.
Dean/Jensen Tags:@acreativelydifferentlove @a-girl-who-loves-disney @akshi8278 @anokhi07 @aubreystilinski @bebravekeeponfighting @colette2537 @crusadedean @deanwinchesters-impala67 @haelyn @horsegirly99 @ikeneasul11 @its-not-a-tulpa @just-another-winchester @librarygeekery @msimpala67 @lenaabs @love-charmer-sketch @ria132love @ruprecht0420 @shadowhunter7 @sizzlingbearpolice @sleep-silent-angel @sortaathief @superseejay721517 @thesaneone @torn-and-frayed @wonderfulworldofwinchester 
Forever Tags: @16wiishes @4401lnc @amanda-teaches @andreaaalove @angelsandwinchesters @anspgene @artisticpoet @atc74 @be-amaziing @bemyqueenofdarkness @bohowitch @bumber-car-s @brooke-supernatural16  @brunettechick @camelotandastronauts @captainradicalpassion @chelsea072498 @clairese1980 @captainemwinchester @createdbybadappreciation @darthdeziewok @destiels-new-girl @donnaintx @dont-you-dare-say-misha @dslocum89 @duckieburns @docharleythegeekqueen @emmazach @emilicious-7 @emoryhemsworth @ericaprice2008  @essie1876 @generalgoldfishldrm @goldenolaf25 @growningupgeek @herbologystudent252 @hms-fangirl @ichooseeternalplaces @imboredsueme @internationalmusicteacher @ithinkimadorable-67 @iwriteaboutdean  @jayankles @jbbarnesgirl @jensen-gal @just-another-busy-fangirl @karlee-fay-my-wayward-son @keelzy2 @leanbeankeane @li-ssu @littleblue5mcdork  @lowlyapprentice @luciferslucille @maui137 @mellowlandrunaway @mogaruke @my-squirrel-and-moose @nanie5 @newtospnfandom @percussiongirl2017 @pilaxia @pizzarollpatrol @plaid-lover-bay25 @ronja-uebrick @rosegoldquintis @roxyspearing @samaxraph99 @samanddeanmyheroes @sandlee44 @shamelesslydean @sillesworldofwriting @sgarrett49 @skyewardolicitycloisdelena91 @spnbaby-67 @spn-dean-and-sam-winchester @spnwoman @sunskittlex @superbadassnatural @tardis-full-of-fallen-angels @teamfreewill92 @thebikiniinspector @thing-you-do-with-that-thing @tmccarney @totallovelesson @tunadean @vvinch3st3r @whimsicalrobots @wildlandfox @winchesterbrothers-inc @winchesterxtwo @winchester-writes @worldwidehansum @zombiewerewolfqueen
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donaldresslerfanfic · 6 years
Time Managment.
Rating: M
Warnings: Strong Language, Sexual Content.
Word Count: 3444
Donald Ressler X OC Maggie Waters.
Chapter: Forty Nine
Chapter Index
Story on Wattpad
Things were moving too slow for my taste, and I couldn't imagine how this wait to get Agnes back was for Liz.
Tom and Liz had come many times to me asking for help, a lead, anything they could exploit, and Liz told me Red was a little resented and wasn't exactly sharing Intel on how to get to Kirk.
However, every time I came home, crossed the door of my home and walked to Mags, everything was sunshine and rainbows on her end.
After we had to wait from the attache team in London to look over Reddington's next guy, they dismissed me until the found anything.
I got home, going up the stairs and looking for Mags on her office, she spent a lot of time here.
She was talking on the phone, writing things in a big calendar she had on one of her walls. She scribbled something down and then turned the pages, placing her hand in the box that had a big red heart.
"I'll get back to you as soon as I have some news, thank you" she hung up and took a deep breath. Then she went to her desk and scribbled down some more things in her agenda.
"Do you like that guy?" I heard another voice. I didn't know she had company, the other person was sitting in the corner out of my view.
"I think he's alright, I mean, he's got good references"
"I'll have him as a plan B if you don't like it" the other person came into view, it was Gina. "And what about this girl for interior design?" She handed her a piece of paper.
"Mmm" she scanned it quickly "ohh, this firm in PA, top notch, see if you can get a reference" she handed her back the paper and finally looked at me. I gave her a smile while Gina looked at me as well
"Don hey" she walked to me and gave me a little hug "I heard the news, congrats! I have a perfect make up artist and a hairdresser, we're going to make Maggie look dreamy for your big day"
"Won't take much, she's already dreamy" I said looking at her, she gave me a little smile while her cheeks redened.
"Aw, anyway, I'll use the phone downstairs" Gina said while walking around me downstairs. I looked back at Mags again while walking inside.
"You're home early" she said giving her watch a quick look.
"What's Gina doing here?" I asked. I smiled when Maggie hopped on her desk with a smile
"So get this, the director found out about my wedding and he said he wanted me to set up a second team in my care so they can take over while I plan this" she clapped happy and looked down to grab her agenda "Gina and I have been at this for maybe an hour, going through resumes and calling people. I've been answering messages from my family. My aunt said she wants to gift me something from the wedding, either the cake or the souvenirs, I don't know which one yet. And look at these!" She said handing me an envelope.
I opened it and checked our names, written in the cards along as 'save the date!' with a little calendar marking our wedding day.
"This came out pretty" I said, pushing the card back in.
"They're beautiful" she said while taking it back. "I'll probably be sending these this week, and we have to go cake tasting and I'm taking next week off to do the bridesmaids dresses, I have to go check out mine, my shoes" she listed, then took a deep breath "it's a lot. But here"
She turned to a stack of envelopes she had behind her and separated a few from the bunch.
"Those are for the guys at the blacksite, Samar, Aram, Cooper and Liz hopefully with baby and all"
"We're closing in, we're not going to be after this guy for four months"
"I hope" Maggie said, she was still holding an extra card in her hands "can I like... Well, not ask but consult something with you? Because-"
Ah, I knew were this one was going.
"I know that you hate Raymond and that his your arch enemy and you guys have bad blood between eachother but... Can I?" She shook the card a little "invite him to our wedding?"
I gave her a little twist of lips because no, knowing what happens when he goes to weddings I want him as far as he can from mine.
"I know that you guys don't match but... He's been good to me and he used to know my dad so, I don't want to say like it'll be as if my dad was there but I thought that-" she quieted down, and I realized that this whole thing was also kind of painful to Mags.
Her dad, the person she loved most, wasn't going to be with her to walk her down the aisle, to have her first dance, to make a toast for us.
I saw her look down, with the envelope still on her hand. I guess I'm going to have to suck this one up.
"The girl said she's perfect with the-" I head Gina interrupt from behind us. Maggie cleared her throat and hoped off the table "sorry, is this a bad time?"
"No" Maggie dismissed "I was just giving Don the save the dates and waiting for you to return, I still need to check on a project"
I leaned in and grabbed the envelope from her hand.
"I'll deliver these, call me if you need anything" I said. Mags looked at the envelopes in my hand and gave me a little smile while she grabbed her purse from the chair.
"Thank you" she whispered at me while leaning in to give me a fast kiss on the lips.
I saw Gina turn on her heels and walk down, Maggie following her. As soon as I heard the clicking sound of heels from Gina going down the stairs, Mags turned around and pulled me in for another longer kiss, my hands quickly finding her waist and pulling her for a hug.
"Seriously, thank you" she whispered against my lips, her hand slowly moving from my neck to my cheek "and I'm sorry I'm putting you in a difficult position and that you don't want him near but he's actually a good friend"
"You two knock that off until your wedding night!" Gina yelled from downstairs. Maggie gave me a smirk and kissed my lips again.
She was gone for the rest of the day, and that gave me time to check the things I had to check on my end, and that included keeping in touch with Ramona constantly, I'd come to an arrangement with her about the payment for the bookings we needed to do, knowing that Mags wasn't exactly thrilled with the idea of spending almost double of what she had in mind in just one night. But I was. Not only because I wanted to see her happy but because I was sitting on 7 years of bureau payment that I didn't wanted to spend anyway else.
Once back in the blacksite the next day, we finally had a lead about this guy that supposedly was working with Kirk. I saw my opportunity then to hand the team the save the dates.
"Can I steal you guys for a second?" I said looking at the team, then searched for the envelopes on my suit's inner pocket "even though the idea of an 'on the spot' wedding sounds really romantic, we're not going to drop an Elizabeth Keen and have our wedding the same day we let people know" I joked looking at Liz, then handed her one of the envelopes, then went around handing Samar, Aram and Cooper the remaining three "and even though it's highly inappropriate giving what you're going through Liz" I sympathize with her "things are moving fast and-"
"You're getting married?" She pitched in, looking at the card with a smile.
I ran my eyes through them, they were giving me an expectant and proud smile, and I matched them with my own.
"Yeah, I am" I said.
"Oh my God" she said while leaning in to give me a hug. Cooper gave me a proud smile and a pat on the shoulder while Samar also leaned in to hug me.
"I'm sorry to interrupt but" Aram said looking at his computer "one of our suspects? Local police found a body in a park that fits his description"
"Ressler, Navabi, get to the park, ID the body and if it us our suspect, I want to know who killed him"
Samar and I nodded and got on the move. As soon as the elevator doors closed I pulled out my phone.
"Mags told me to tell you that this weekend she's having the bridesmaids go out with her for the fittings of the dresses and such, and she wanted you to come"
"Flattered" she said while the elevator opened up. "I saw her after she came back from your vacation and I saw the ring but I didn't actually believe you'd asked her"
We climbed in the car and headed to the crime scene.
"Why wouldn't I? We're in love"
"Yes but... I know about your fiance, Audrey, and how she died. And I didn't think that after that you'd like to try again. Our line of work is a very lonely one."
"Only if you don't have someone to walk on your pace. If I have to stay all night searching for something she sets up the coffee machine in a timer for me to have coffee during the night, she wakes up at six to have breakfast with me even though her work is at 9 am, she even scrappes the blood of my shirts and if that isn't a keeper right there then I don't know what a keeper is"
"I didn't say it like that, I said it in the sense that people around us get hurt because of us"
"Yeah, well in this case, the threats aren't coming from me" I said parking the car and exiting, referring to her work with Reddington. He's been the only one putting her in danger when she was and now... Now that he was gone from her life I just hoped I had all my bases covered.
Turns out Tom Keen ended up being our inside man in the case, and we captured the blacklister before the day ended, not really knowing what Reddington's end game was.
When I walked into the house, I saw Mags pace back and forth talking on the phone, I walked to her and gave her one short kiss and let her continue.
"Oh well, that's a shame, I liked that one... No it's fine I can go browse for other kinds tomorrow..... I won't be going but if Don wants to he can be my guest, I'm deadly allergic to flowers.... Okay I'll let him know, thanks Ramona"
I heard the thud on the table as she dropped her phone and sat on the kitchen table with her laptop in front of her.
"What's wrong?" I said rolling up my sleeves.
"Just some... Hiccups" she said looking into the computer "her people didn't find the vase I wanted for the table decorations and she said she can have them be hand made but that's-"
"And why don't you have them be hand made?"
"I'd like to search for more" she dismissed me "and if I don't find another alternative I'll have them hand made. But that's not what I'm upset about. I went dress shopping with Gina and my childhood friend Sara who came from Rhode Island for a week to help me out with stuff, we went through five wedding fitting venues and didn't find the one that I liked, all of them told me that model isn't made anymore even though it hasn't been a year since it was released"
She tapped a few times in the pad to open up some folders.
"Here, you can look at it since I'm going to have to pick another one anyway" she turned the laptop to me. I could understand her anger, the dress was beautiful, and I didn't know a damn thing about dresses, I just knew she would've looked bomb in it.
"Are all going to be backless? I like that one, because I like your back a lot" I said running my hand on her spine, she let out the smallest smile "and why don't you have that one hand made?"
She snorted and rolled her eyes.
"First of all, no, absolutely not. Second of all, you already looked at it, so it's cursed now. Third, this is Vera Wang, anything that I can do hand made will never come close to the actual thing. The problem is" she tapped again in the screen opening up the browser and tipping fast "all backless dress are like this" she motioned at the screen and I could see the pattern "they're all skin tight and if I get one of these, I'll have to be in a diet for the rest of my life. Besides look at all these fucking chicks! they're models! I would never look like that in one of those dresses, it has to have layers upon layers of tulle"
"Well" I said shutting the laptop down and looking at her "I've seen you with skin tight dresses and you are fucking hot Margaret"
She scrunched her nose and then gave me a chuckle
"Ew, why do you call me that?" She said opening the laptop again. I stood up and walked to the fridge.
"Because you make me mad when you say you're not hot. That you don't look like a model just because your thighs touch an inch in the center?"
"Okay, you like my body, I get it. It doesn't mean I'll look good in this dress"
I walked back to her with a bottle of water and extended my hand to her.
"I'll bet you a thousand dollars you would" she gave me a smirk and slapped my hand away. "I mean it" I said pulling my hand back to her "when you go dress hunting you try one of those on and I guarantee you'll end up picking it"
"So you know me better than what I know myself?" I grabbed her by the jaw and pulled her head up while I leaned in to kiss her shortly.
"I'm saying I know that you'll love how you'll look in that dress when you try it out"
"But if I do, then you'll know when I give you the money of the bet"
"You can hold of to it until the big night" she smirked and I leaned to kiss her lips again. Maggie stood up from her seat, her lips never leaving mine. I rounded her waist and pulled her in. She finished the kiss and leaned her head on my chest.
"Things aren't going without a hitch like I would want them to, and even then just talking to you for five seconds calms me down, and I realize everything is fixable"
"Everything is, specially if you have me"
"Okay fairy godmother" she said with a chuckle, then looked back up to kiss me again.
She leaned back just a bit, pulling out her hand, I smirked and shooked it.
"Even if you win you'll have to use the money for our honeymoon, so it's a win-win"
"And if I don't, you'll still have to use that money for our honeymoon, so yes, it is a win-win" I took her hand up to my lips and kissed her knuckles "so, what do I need to check out?" I said, sitting back on the kitchen chair and pulling Maggie to sit on my lap.
"Flower arrangements, mainly he floral settings on the tables, the arch outside and I want my nieces to wear a flower crown, so you'll have to get a info about those, and make sure the bouquet I'm holding isn't actual flowers, if not you'll have to rush me to the ER with a throat closed and the closest ER is 2 miles away minimum, I could die"
I snorted and gave her a quick kiss on the lips, moving her aside to stand up.
"Do the save the dates have a plus one? I think Aram's got a new girlfriend"
She gasped and clapped happy.
"Yes! And also, boo, I thought I could finally hook him up with Samar in our party."
I chuckled while I headed upstairs to get out of my shirt and into a more comfortable one. When I walked down again, Maggie was looking in her computer for new vases for the table decorations.
"Can you look her up?"
"Who?" She said not taking her eyes off the screen.
"Aram's girlfriend. I think her name's Elise, heard them speaking on the phone."
"On it" she said opening another tab. "Wait, I'll be right back" she said speeding off upstairs. I opened the fridge while at it and found some leftover chicken parmesan, so I threw it in the oven. I heard Mags walk back to the kitchen. Then she cleared her throat.
I laughed when I saw her fastening an FBI cap on her head.
"Where'd you get that from?" I said turning the oven on and setting a timer.
"I stole it when I went to your office"
I chuckled again sitting next to her. I couldn't believe this woman.
"So, here she is, Elise and Aram in a date to a karaoke bar. We've never been to a karaoke bar" she said clicking on a photo and opening up wider.
"She's hot" I said waiting to see Maggie's reaction.
"I like her hair, it matches her skin color, kinda tan, I wish I had that color on me" she said looking on her arm. The sun tan she'd gotten in Maui was long gone.
"I said she was hot" I repeated.
"Yeah, I heard, she is." She confirmed, looking at another photo. "Want to dump me and steal Aram's girlfriend? Fine by me Ressler I'll call her to tell her how you like your meat cooked, that is assuming she knows how to cook, and by the looks of it she doesn't" she said showing me another photo from her Instagram where she was showcasing a batch of cupcakes a wouldn't eat even if I loved her too much.
I knew she wasn't mad, she was just taunting me because she knew I couldn't live one day without her.
"Don't call me Ressler" I said leaning in and stealing a kiss from her while standing back up and walking to check the oven.
"Payback, you called me Margaret"
As I took out the chicken and checked if it was done, I heard a gasp from Mags and she quickly walked to me, showing me the picture of a flower vase that had dangling stings of pearls on the sides.
"That's pretty" I said.
"They're beautiful! I don't know how I hadn't seen this before" she said looking at the screen again and placing it on the island.
"Order it" I pulled my wallet out and handed it to her, she quickly took it and searched for one of my credit cards.
I saw her stop and look at a little picture I had on the transparent pocket of the wallet. It was, of course, a picture of her. Big smile, shining eyes, just like I loved her like.
"You should take it off, get one of Elise" she said with a little smirk and a wink while taking the laptop back to the table.
I smiled and left the tray on top of the oven, quickly walking to Mags and holding her by the waist when she put the computer down.
"Are you jealous?" I said in her ear, leading my lips to her neck.
"Isn't that what you wanted? To make me jealous?" She turned around on my arms and I pulled her legs up to sit her down on the table.
I kissed her, moving my lips heavily over hers, then I grunted in frustration and pulled back a little.
"God I love you" I said, she smiled and grabbed the collar of my shirt, pulling me back to kiss her lips again.
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