#none of this is even remotely canon btw
vokriid · 2 years
well, I've played myself. couldn't think of any good background characterization for Miraak for like 4 fucking years but now the floodgates have opened. have some headcanons for Vokriid.
Miraak is either the son or grandson of the Shield-Maiden Froa, who was one of Ysgramor's original Five Hundred Companions. this technically makes him extremely distantly related to Aela the Huntress.
He was born in the Winterhold region in one of the small satellite settlements of Mount Anthor. he was probably born after the Companions defeated the Falmer Snow Prince, when the Falmer as a political faction had fallen and the Atmorans were purging them from Skyrim.
Froa was killed during the course of the Falmer genocide, and toddler Miraak was adopted by Ysgramor's court mage, Ahzidal, when one of Miraak's kinsmen took him to Windhelm (which was still being built) while transporting Froa's remains.
Presumably Ahzidal was moping over his own dead family when he saw some poor schmuck carrying a toddler with the chubbiest cheeks he'd ever seen, and went "neat! free baby!"
(Sorry, but baby Miraak has to be adorable. he's gotta. I'm basing him off a baby I encountered at Starbucks whose cuteness did nothing to lessen his extreme case of Resting Bitch Face.)
Shoutout to Ahzidal for being a major responsible party in the genocide of the Falmer, the radicalization of the Tamrielic dragon cult, Miraak's rise to power as a mage and dragon priest, and eventually the dragon war. gotta hand it to him, he was very prolific!
Also shoutout to Ahzidal for Miraak being, uh, the Way Miraak Is. and for stealing a baby off some dude in mourning. :/
Miraak surpassing Ahzidal as a dragon priest was... a point of tension between them, to say the least.
(Yes, Ahzidal is spinning like a tornado in his grave/barrow when Miraak first gets his ass beat by and then later shacks up with the Altmer dragonborn Vokriid.)
Enough about Adult Miraak. We're talking about Little Miraak here. I made the mistake of imaging him as a chunky toddler wrapped up in so many furs that his face is barely visible and he has no depth perception so he just sorta rolls around on the ground bc, well, toddlers do that.
Have you seen pictures of Inuit or Chukchi toddlers in their arctic winter coats? oh my god. oh my god.
It isn't entirely accurate to say that Miraak knew Ysgramor, since the former was so young, but Ysgramor sure as fuck knew his court mage's adopted tiny gremlin child.
However, Miraak did not actually grow up in the Palace of Kings (or at least, whatever building was initially on that site bc imo its probably not the same building).
...Or maybe he did, bc now I'm having mental images of him coming back with Vokriid and having the weirdest deja vu in his life.
I don't remember where I was going with this but Miraak was taught both magic and the dragon language from a very young age, during which time he presumably started a lot of accidental fires.
..... this got a bit out of hand. someone please help me.
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cha1cedony · 11 days
Just mouthed ‘aww’ to myself while writing about a grown ass man snoring. Mortifying. I need to explode
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twodoorsnotone · 7 months
Why is no one talking about how shit the WWDITS ending was I just watched it and I've not seen a more anticlimactic, unsatisfying and disappointing ending in. Forever. Especially disappointing because I have enjoyed this show so much :/
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murmurmurl · 4 months
gay people
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(not canon btw! none of the ships/labels will be canon :3)
I'm also gonna yap now yipeee
Uhm. Affection!! Wanted to think about how they would express and receive affection. Not only in a romantic context btw, just in general.
Matsu LOVES casual physical affection. He loves hugging people, holding hands with his friends, tackling them, just. Being all over the ones he loves. This also applies to non-physical affection, although a little less. However! He's really not the best when it comes to being on the receiving end of that affection.... Not because he doesn't like it or anything, it's just that his brain short-circuits, and he has no idea how to react. He loves receiving affection from people he trusts and, well, also loves (again, not necessarily romantically). I think the reason for him reacting that way could be that he's only started experiencing this after getting close with everyone in H♡L. Sure, he's been practically best friends with Fumi since ~middle school, but their falling out lasted at least a few years, and in that time Matsu didn't really get all that close with anybody else. Also, he doesn't like being super affectionate with people he isn't close with, or doesn't trust enough, or just isn't comfortable enough.
Toshiro isn't as enthusiastic... but they still like it. They like receiving affection, even if with some complaints (not seriously though) whenever Matsu tackles them. They're a little more reserved, but when he *really* loves someone, he'll stick to them like glue. I think his favorite way to show affection physically is through doing someone's hair. H♡L members often walk around with little braids or some uncharacteristic hairstyles because of that. He isn't very good with words though... but a little better than Matsu, who just. Would like to be able to express his feelings through something more than cutting himself off every 2 seconds because it's absolutely impossible for him to put the vague concept of his emotions into existing words. Toshiro is, indeed, a bit more successful in that, but still prefers quiet physical affection.
Fumi doesn't let herself be very emotionally open and vulnerable. That's what years of repressing and trying to get rid of any possible "weakness" will do. The person she lets to herself the closest is Matsu... she's more used to him and has a giant soft spot, even if she would deny it as much as she can (most of the time). However, Fumi still has ways in which her affection and appreciation towards someone end up being shown. It's pretty casual, and sometimes can seem a little mean, but she's trying her best. They often ruffle Matsu's hair, for example. Though Toshiro gets slightly "harsher" treatment, like very light shoves. Seina manages to escape all of that, though. She's not as close with Fumi as everyone else, but has this effect of calming her down and making her drop the defenses a little. I think over the course of the story Fumi will slowly learn to allow herself to be more vulnerable with people close to her.
Seina. Her affection is the most gentle, I think, but she expresses it more through words and caring for someone, rather than with physical touch. However, since I think I'm kinda focusing on physical affection here, she likes to pet her friends' heads, or dust them off, or just calmly hold their hands or shoulders.
They all also have slightly different ways of expressing affection towards each other that I thought of. Like Matsu tends to tackle Seina less, and more just hug her. With Toshiro he doesn't really hold back, as well as with Fumi. He also likes to try to ruffle Fumi's hair when she does it to him, though... have you seen how short I made him? there's no way that's even remotely easy. Toshiro likes to hug specifically Matsu a lot, but it's more calm than how Matsu himself does it... with Fumi, he often casually puts a hand on her shoulder, which she surprisingly allows. And with Seina, he plays with her hair probably even more than with everybody else's. I think I pretty much described Fumi's ways with everyone..? But something I didn't mention is that she often gives gifts to her friends. Which mostly involves flowers (of clourse)! She's a little embarrassed when doing it most of the time, but it's one of the few visible ways she can allow herself to show her appreciation to someone. Seina likes to do Toshiro's hair back, like he does to everyone, though she isn't really the best at it... they still like it! A lot, actually! She calms Fumi down with surprising ease and likes to allow them to lean onto her and just kinda... hang out like that. With Matsu she gets even more caring and worried than with everyone else, which can look pretty funny.
This might sound strange, seeing as Fumi is clearly the "keeps a tough front and rarely allows herself to show affection" person of the group, but Seina actually has a lot of trouble properly expressing her appreciation, maybe the most out of all of them. She kind of acts almost the same way with everybody, which results in people sometimes thinking she doesn't care enough about them personally. Repressing her own emotions in fear of burdening or upsetting her loved ones with them made it so that she isn't very good at expressing them when she wants to.
I am getting a little off topic? And also tired. Even though I absolutely love rambling about them,,,,, also, I think somewhere later I'll just be dumping all of the lore/details, actually maybe literally everything about Helianthus♡Light! to the side blog, for which!!!!! I still have to draw a few things bc I want it to look cool and pretty,,,,,,
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tragicclownwrites · 1 year
im curious, when did you first get interested in squidbob?
Ooh, my first ask 🤗 and what a great question to start with!
It's honestly such a weird story lmao but the short version is that I didn't find SquidBob. SquidBob found me. 🧽🐙
As for the long version, answering/rambling below the cut!
I think it happened just under a year ago or so? It was definitely sometime in late 2022/early 2023. Before then, I wasn't even remotely in the fandom and was more or less part of the group who had seen SBSP but wasn't involved beyond that.
When we were younger, my sister and I played Battle for Bikini Bottom on the PS2. So when the "Rehydrated" version came out, she hit me up and was like "omg they made a remake! we have to play it!" and I was all "hell yeah! nostalgia ftw!" (def worth it - it's a good time and everyone looks so damn adorable 🥹).
If you've played that game and you're in the fandom, you're probably pretty familiar with this moment (clip actually starts at :12). 😉😂 HOWEVER, this wasn't even the moment that initially caught my attention. In fact, it was actually THIS one between Robot Plankton and Robot Spongebob (who is terrifying btw). My sister and I got to this part in the game and were just...👀👀. Like, why was Robot Plankton (who is essentially a clone of real Plankton) thinking of Robot Spongebob like that? Kinda gay if you ask me. Long story short, I shipped PlankBob (ironically) for a hot minute lmao.
I started looking online to see if anyone else was crack-shipping it up like I was and I think that's when I came across SquidBob in earnest. I had remembered seeing some rather interesting moments between them in the past, but strangely never thought anything of it until I started looking below the surface. A few YouTube clips later, my memory was beginning to refresh - and those clips weren't even close to exhaustive! I just couldn't believe how unsubtle these two were! Like, HOW COULD I BE SO BLIND!?
For shits and giggles, I then decided to check AO3 to see if there were any fics about them. One of the fics I came across was none other than NBYF - the very fic that inspired my first work in this fandom! After reading it like four times, I was HOOKED. I needed more. So, I ended up on Tumblr and have been here ever since. 🥰
For added backstory, I've been in and out of fandoms over the years, but never felt the need to be active in any of them. Whether it was fandom discourse, fleeting interest, etc., I didn't want to get involved in any of that and, oftentimes, the canon just didn't inspire me to create my own works.
Needless to say, I'm so thankful to have found this small corner of the internet. Everyone has been so cool thus far and it's been really fun to write fics for SquidBob. I've always been a bit of a sucker for the grump x sunshine ship dynamic, so this pair is just perfection. 🌧️❤️☀️✨ One of these days I'll do an entire post about why I ship them. Someday lol. And given how episodic the SBSP show is, that actually helps a ton for writing - it's great to be able to stay true to the canon while not committing to any solid timelines or anything like that. I mean, even the actual show has continuity issues, so no one can fault me if I decide to switch things up a bit. 😜 I tend to prefer canon divergence vs. AUs when it comes to fanfiction as well because I really enjoy the challenge of working with an existing world/characters and creating a unique story for it all.
So, that's my fandom origin story. Not the most cut-and-dry (and probably not what you were asking) lmao but that's essentially where it all started! I'd be interested in hearing when/how you got into SquidBob hell, if you haven't already posted about it. 😊
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abidethetempest · 1 year
Rise and Fall Ch 1 Retrospective
I've been wanting to do little behind the scenes style posts for my fics for EVER, and now i finally have a platform to do it >:D prepare to be subjected to my ramblings!!!! (link to the fic btw)
long ass post below the cut:
General Notes:
chapter 1 of any fic for me is both very fun and very nervewracking. writing the start of a project that I've been brainstorming for a long time can go one of two ways: i have All The Ideas right away and it comes out in one session, or i spend 600 years agonizing abt my ~vision~ and making sure everything is perfect. this fic was decidely the second. part of this is because im a big dumb idiot and planned everything except the opening for literal years. it took me probably 3 months just to get thru the intro stuff and feel like it was good enough to move on, let alone post.
Stuff I Cut:
unfortunately, there is actually a lot more i wish i could have included, but didn't for the sake of pacing. i wanted this section to include more of Risen's time alone on the road, her isolation from post-collapse society, and her deeply held guilt abt her role and self-percieved failures as a Lightbearer. i'd love to write some one-shots or little scenes about it! I wish we got to see more of what it would be like for a Lightbearer in the dark age that didnt want to be a Warlord, since timeline-wise we don't really see the emergence of the modern Guardian archetype until the Iron Lords or the early Titan orders. We hear abt it some from Drifter, but he is understandably reticent to speak on his past so we don't get much. Risen as a character feels very strongly about her purpose as the "Traveler's warrior", something that will be touched on next chapter, but she struggles to reconcile who she wants to be with the reality around her. The aftermath of this gets explored as time goes on, but i do want to revisit her very early days of life as a new light someday.
The Sanctuary:
the mission that Risen and Ghost are on at the beginning of this fic is,,,,, entirely made up by me, it's not from canon or remotely related to anything in the lore (as far as i know, at least). They're chasing rumors, driven by Risen's desperation for someplace to find a family and a purpose, and by Ghost's desire to keep Risen away from danger. I just needed a reason for them to be on the move.
The Town:
The town scene is... *sigh*. I struggled with it a lot. In part because it, AGAIN, was not something i had ever planned for until i actually sat down to write. I needed a scene to show Risen's desire to be a protector of others conflicting with her current modus operandi. I still feel like it's too on the nose when she talks to Ghost at the inn but sometimes you just gotta spell it out i think. Her reaction after running came out as I wanted, though. While running away to fight another day might be the logical choice, Risen definitely is the type to carry her guilt with her forever even if it was the "right decision". Risen:
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I LOVE Ghost as a character. I want more Ghosts that are flawed, angry, hurt. More Ghosts who are afraid maybe none of the fighting and death is worth it. More Ghosts who go thru just as much development as their Guardians, please. I find it interesting that, as the first contact a Guardian has and their constant companion, a Ghost has a big influence over their Guardian's early development, and I want to see it explored more how they could push their Guardian down one path or another.
In case anyone is wondering, the Warlords in this fic are entirely OCs. The destiny timeline already gives me hives, I am NOT abt to try and find some canon characters to use in this fic when I can just.... make them myself. Warlords are such cool concepts! I want more lore about them (and the Dark Age in general).
I think thats all I have for now! Thanks for reading (assuming anyone is reading these lol)
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reineyday · 1 year
Not to mention, Billy has actively done more for Max than Steve ever has. Realistically, Steve hasn't done anything except disrupt a fight with Billy 9which Max had to finish) and kind of bumble around in her proximity without having much direct influence on her or what happens to her. Not in the way the likes of El, Lucas and even Dustin have.
Billy spent years bearing the brunt of Neil's wrath for her. Years taking the punishments for her actions, especially actions she knew would get Billy in trouble. Billy spent years ferrying her around like a cab service with nothing in return. Billy suffered his possession alone even though he had to have an inkling Max was involved in something weird. Billy only begged her for help when he was literally being cooked alive in a sauna.
Billy died for her. Died saving her and her friends when none of them did anything remotely close like that for him, even when they were basically confirming he was possessed. Nobody tried to save him then. They were only concerned with stopping him.
sorry anon im replying late lol. i believe this is a message in response to this post about people calling steve the brother max deserves.
UH i mean, i wouldnt understate what steve's done for her emotionally. like yeah she had to finish a fight steve technically started (which is a hilarious way to put it btw and totally true besides) but i think he was an "adult" figure that made her feel safe on a night that was scary af, and billy, for whatever reason, was definitely terrorizing her and her friends and making her feel unsafe at the start of s2.
as a kid who's just moved to a new town and found out monsters exist and almost got eaten by one in the bus before steve stepped in, he's definitely an important older brother figure for her. my argument is mostly that calling steve the brother max deserves is snubbing billy in a way i cant imagine anyone with siblings would ever do or say.
like yeah steve and max went through Some Stuff, but max and billy have also lived in the same house with neil and theyve seen each other at home, by virtue of the fact that theyre a family unit. they know stuff about each other, where they came from and who their parents are, that other people dont know and wont ever know in the same way because the knowledge they have is first-hand. their sibling relationship matters, even if it's clearly in a bad place in s2, and as someone with siblings, i could never imagine saying that someone else would be the sibling i deserved and disregarding the ones i have, even if they treat me badly. there's always going to be unspoken solidarity there.
i think that solidarity and the fact that billy and max were clearly on better terms at the start of s3 are why she tried so hard to save him, and grieved him so much that vecna targeted her. and yeah i do agree that no one tried to save him the way they tried to save will, which isnt fair to either billy or max.
(re: your other points, it's never confirmed in the show's canon how long they were siblings and exactly how much responsibility billy had over max, so as much as i hc those things and enjoy exploring them in fic, i try to keep it to canon to be as accurate as possible in the case of antis lol. all of that is just implied, and unfortunately implications arent enough proof for people approaching billy from a bad faith angle. alas.)
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mrstsung · 2 years
Ok sorry not sorry but if y'all legit ship sonya x shang you have serious issues. And are not welcome here.
Sonya no offense is bland af. (She was better in earlier games. But thats besides the point) and y'all only do that because of the damn 95 movie. Which btw didn't have many women in there to begin with. But thats again beside the point. He can do sooooooooo much better. Fr. Tons of other mk beauties. Fr. Like hell the 2021 movie at least had nitara getting some shang hung. So that's while odd to me, makes waaaaaaaay more sense. (Again no shade but Its sad because sonya is so much more than some oogle eye candy,monotoned,military barbie,bland american girl. Plus its just fucking weird when people take this ship seriously. Like eww. Sonya deserves better treatment than that,like she's like that cool aunt,so for her to be disrespected as she gets from fans and canon is disgusting. Like im a shang tsimp,and i love my fictional husbando, but i have standards. Any fans that take this ship seriously disturbs me greatly.)
If y'all even remotely take any of that so called "flirting" in the 95 or games seriously. Then you obviously do not know shang tsung in the slightest. You do not know he loves to toil with people. None of that was remotely serious. Absolutely none of it. It was to piss off her and her friends n allies,you know because he's a snakey snek?!. Thats it! (And if shang genuinely loved someone it would be waaaaaaay different than that,like fr)
Plus Johnny x sonya is canon,regardless of my personal gripes of the writing and how they did it. Johnny n sonya are together, they had a kid. Deal with it. I come to accept that (tho again they could write it so much better then they did) And jax x sonya is right there too! (Tho it aint canon some people like that au. And tbh it makes way more sense) hell I'd take sonya x raiden over that shit! And even then thats weird.
So let me lay the law down.
You take any of that shang x sonya stuff seriously. You need to leave.
This isn't the place for you. You can like what you like. But you ain't gonna find that shit here. Especially because i respect sonya as a character way too damn much for her to be treated like she does 90% of the time.
I don't do that here. Outside of a joke or anything like that. I don't do that here.
(I don't hate sonya. Far from it. I hate what they reduced her to,og sonya? Hell yeah. New sonya i wanna punt into the sun fr. Plus i hate that ship so damn much,it's just so damn annoying. Almost as much as i hate quan chi. Almost. I still hate his existence more.)
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comfortbucky · 3 years
requests? did someone say requests??😌
fluffy headcanon, mafia boss!bucky comes home after being away for a week or so and it’s just a cute ass reunion between the reader & him with lots of kisses & hugs n shit
or(take your pick) :)
one shot, where john walker is really rude to reader(insults her & shit), but she stands up for herself. they(her & john) get into a fight & bucky finds out by surprisingly swinging by her apartment. of course bucky is pissed, but he tends to her wounds. then for some stupid reason, john shows up at readers apartment & bucky loses it. but it ends in bucky admitting his feelings to reader n some fluff 😩
hope you find motivation for at least one of these:😚
hi yes hehe i did say requests🙈
i’m a sucker for tfatws!bucky so- (and john walker is a rat bastard🤣 so lemme go off)
𝗶 𝗻𝗲𝗲𝗱 𝘆𝗼𝘂 ⋆。˚ ☁︎ ˚。⋆。˚☽˚。⋆ 。˚ ☁︎ ˚。⋆。˚ ⋆
pairing: tfatws!bucky x fem!avenger!reader
warnings: john walker (grr), violence! and descriptions of bloody injuries
A/N: also! i sort of changed the prompt i hope u don’t mind too much🥺 // this oneshot will not be taking place during the canon timeline btw but inspired by the events/themes of tfatws
word count: 1.5 k
my masterlist!
completed requests!
Y/N sighed, as she plopped onto the couch after a long day. She, Bucky, and Sam had spent the whole day researching the Flagsmashers to try and track them down. It took all day, partially because Bucky needed a little extra help with learning how to use his laptop. She chuckled at the memory, grabbing the remote to turn her TV on. Suddenly, a loud, aggressive, knock interrupted her thoughts. She sighed and leaned her head on the back of her couch, taking a moment to debate leaving her very comfortable spot, before getting up to answer the door. Y/N knew that she probably should have peeked through her peephole before answering, but she wanted to return to the comfort of her couch as soon as possible. She opened it to see none other than John Walker, greeting her with a smirk. Y/N rolled her eyes.
“What are you doing here, John? How the hell did you even get my address?”
“All government property has GPS tracking in it," he said, pointing to her laptop on the kitchen table behind her. She turned and frowned as he continued. "Look, you need us, me and Battlestar, to take down Karli.” She looked back at John, laughing at Lemar’s alias.
“No way I’m letting someone who goes by Battlestar help me out.” He glared at her comment. “Or you, a Captain America wannabe.”
John took an aggressive step closer, way too close for Y/N’s comfort, as he replied. “I am Captain America, whether you like it or not.”
"You'll never be Captain America," she snapped back. "You don't have what it takes." He glared at her and put his face right in front of hers.
"How would you know? You're a pathetic excuse for a soldier," he spat and Y/N grimaced at John's spit landing on her cheeks. He looked at her, his eyes examining her body. She hated every second of it, his stare making her feel grimy all over, like she immediately needed a shower. “Who’d you fuck to get into the Avengers anyways? Bet it was Steve.”
John’s comment was immediately followed by Y/N’s fist connecting with his cheek, forcing him to stagger back into the hall. She’d heard concerns about her abilities as an Avenger before, calling her weak, fragile, a bitch, etc. But she knew they almost always came from misogynistic men, and was able to shrug their comments off because she knew that she could easily beat all of them to a pulp, no problem. But thinking that she would sleep her way into becoming an Avenger crossed a line. Especially someone she respected and had admired as much as Steve.
John held his hand to his cheek, where he’d been hit, and looked up to make eye contact with Y/N. He smiled and before stating in a condescending tone, “That was cute.” John kicked her in the stomach, launching her onto the floor of her apartment. As she groaned and started to get up, John chuckled and kicked her down before she got to her knees. He went to kick her again when she rolled away, dodging his kick and standing up quickly, panting as she responded.
“God, do you ever shut the fuck up?”
She kicked her leg up to deliver a roundhouse kick to John’s face, spinning around to punch his nose. He stumbled a couple steps back, regaining his balance before swinging a punch towards Y/N. She caught his fist before it hit her and John took the opportunity to use his free hand to grab his shoulder and knee her in the stomach. She gasped, getting the wind knocked out of her. He then threw her into a shelf, shattering several photo frames on the ground. She landed on her stomach, attempting to get up by pushing her self up on her forearms. Y/N felt a warm liquid on her cheek and touched it, pulling it away from her face to see her fingertips covered in blood.
“Asshole,” she mumbled, before standing up to continue fighting.
Several moments ago, Bucky had made the decision to show up at Y/N’s apartment. He pressed some random keys on his computer, and now there was an error message that wouldn’t go away on his screen. Stubbornly, he tried to fix it on his own but ended up making it worse. He sighed in defeat, closing his laptop shut and tucking it under his arm before heading over towards her apartment. Bucky was just down the hall when he heard the sound of glass shattering, his leisurely stroll turning into a sprint to Y/N’s door.
Bucky arrived to see you pinned up against a wall with John’s hand around ur throat. Your hands were desperately clawing at John’s, attempting to free yourself from his grasp. Fear and terror consumed him before a wave of fury took over. Immediately, Bucky launched into action, dropping his laptop in the process. He ripped John away from you, tossing him on the ground. Bucky moved to hover over John, punching him repeatedly in the face. Y/N finally caught her breath and crawled over to Bucky, placing a hand on his shoulder, signaling him to stop. He kept his eyes on John’s bloody and bruised face, lowering his fist.
“Touch her again, and I’ll kill you,” he snarled, releasing John from his grasp.
John rolled over, took a moment to catch his breath. Bucky was standing, fists still clenched by his sides, as he watched John get up and exit Y/N’s apartment without another word.
He closed the door behind him and immediately spun around to see Y/N struggling to get up, attempting to push up from one of her knees. Bucky instantly rushed to her side, helping her to her feet. He grabbed one of her hands in his own and placed his other hand on the small of her back, as he guided her to the couch. He examined her and felt a pain in his chest, looking at her black eye, cut cheek, and her bruised neck outlined with John’s handprint. Without saying a word, he stood up and returned with a first-aid kit from her bathroom. He sat back down and immediately started to tend to her wounds. As Bucky started to disinfect the cut on her cheek, he spoke.
“That was stupid of you,” he mumbled, gently dabbing antiseptic ointment on her cut. It was a drastic contrast from his behavior only minutes ago, nearly ready to murder John. He took a bandaid from the kit and delicately placed it on her cheek. Bucky then moved his hand to assess her black eye, his thumb softly grazing a soft patch of skin under her eye. She frowned and lightly pushed his hand away.
“I would’ve been fine on my own, you know.”
“Sit still so I can take a look at your bruise.” He responded gruffly, lifting his hand and attempting to look at her bruised eye again. She shoved his hand away, this time more aggressively, and tried to stand up.
“Just leave me alone,” Y/N said, wincing and clutching her abdomen in pain, causing Bucky to grab her waist and slowly lower her back down onto the couch. Fucking John Walker.
She pulled his hands off her and reluctantly sat down to face him.
“You don’t need to defend me, Bucky,” she spoke, Bucky sensing anger in her voice. “I’m not some weak, helpless civilian. I’m a god damn Avenger for christ sake!” As Y/N shouted, her voice wavered and her eyes started to well up with tears.
Her arms were crossed in front of her chest and Bucky sat with his hands resting on his lap. Although she was speaking to Bucky, she felt like she was more-so trying to convince herself of what she was saying.
“I know,” he said calmly, but with a stern tone, keeping his eyes locked on hers.
“Okay, so leave me alone.”
“I can’t.”
“Why not!”
“Because I fuckin’ care about you!” Bucky shouted, causing Y/N’s face to immediately soften.
Her arms dropped to rest in her lap and she froze as Bucky softly raised his hand to cup her cheek, captivated by his touch. He cautiously moved, worried she would push his hand away again, but she didn’t. His thumb gently caressed her non-cut cheek and he pulled her face close to his. She felt his breaths fan her face as he spoke.
“I know you’re one of the strongest Avengers,” he started. “And I know you could kick John’s ass any day of the week. But I care so much about you and I need you to be okay.” Bucky’s lips hovered over Y/N’s, lightly brushing against hers.
“I need you, Y/N.”
She responded by crashing her lips onto his, moving her hands to hold his face closer to hers. The kiss was full of passion, love, and unspoken feelings. When they broke apart, gasping for air, Y/N smiled at him and ran a hand through his hair.
“I care about you too, Buck.”
Bucky had never seen such a bright light in his 106 years of living.
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asterekmess · 3 years
Cora is completely indifferent to Scott. She couldn’t care less about him in canon. The only people Cora Hale likes and has a positive interaction with are Stiles, Derek, Peter, Lydia, Boyd and Stiles’ dad. She was always with Stiles, hanging out in his bedroom and at his house, she and Peter telling Stiles about Paige and sharing intimate details of Derek’s past with him at their loft because they trust him, etc. Cora liked and immediately bonded with Stiles, and she was never subtle about it.
Hello! I don’t even know if you’re gonna recognize your own ask getting answered on my blog, bc you sent this months ago. But I didn’t want to answer it until I’d actually seen the pertinent season/episodes.
Having finished watching S3 (i know i’m not that far with my recaps, i apologize i was on a deadline and you lot have no idea how long those take to make) I can finally offer an opinion on what you’ve said! So. Cora. Cora and Scott. Yeah....uh....no yeah you’re entirely right. She never shows even a remote interest in him. She questions why he’s even involved in helping them at the beginning of the season and after that....there’s no interaction? Admittedly, she didn’t get a lot of screen time period, but going off what we’re given, she has no interest in Scott’s existence.
Now Stiles...Stiles is a different story. Obviously, they were trying to set up a sort of romance between them with the “kiss” at the hospital and the “next time i put my lips on you you’d better be awake” (not a direct quote btw, i can’t remember it exactly). But then Adalaide had to leave. Anyway, while I’m not saying that she immediately bonded with Stiles, I did notice that all of her interactions with him, snarky though they may be....are...well, they’re gentle. When she goes to the school to warn Lydia away from Aiden and Stiles tells her to get her hands off Lydia, Cora does it. Instantly. No “what are you gonna do about it?” no “this is none of your business.” She just lets go with no fuss. Then, later in that scene/time when Stiles brings out the spirit board Cora doesn’t scoff or make fun of him for no knowing what the hell he’s doing. She’s quiet, and outright asks if Lydia knows any spirits, without following it up with any kind of implication that she was joking. When they’re looking at the map trying to find Deaton, and Cora realizes where he’s being kept, Cora reaches out to grab Stiles, but it’s so soft. She doesn’t yank, she takes ahold of his wrist and just leads it over to the right spot. And when she tells him to stop she doesn’t snap it, she doesn’t wave him off, she says it quietly and gently. Stop, I have the answer, here it is. And to your point about the Paige situation. You’re right, it does mean something that when he turns up looking for Derek and answers, she gives them. She lets him into their space and takes the time to explain what she knows about the last time Derek disappeared for a few days. She lets Peter tell Stiles intimate details about Derek, and shares her own intimate details about being a werewolf. Things that are dangerous to share with people you don’t trust. When she’s injured, not only does she LET Stiles take her with him, when she apparently felt fine enough to call them all out and walk off, and therefore could’ve just headed home herself, but she also agrees to help Stiles explain everything to his dad. She just Does It. Furthermore! When they’re in Stiles’ room and it’s clear that they’ve been there for a while as Stiles tries to find the words, Cora is sitting quietly on his bed. Even if you factor in her possibly being subdued because her head injury is paining her, we’ve seen that she usually gets Angry in those situations. That would only make it more likely for her to lose her temper at how long this is taking. But she just waits. Lets Stiles find the words himself instead of just snapping out a “I’m a werewolf.”
The patience she has with him is incredible, and it was a joy to watch, since he didn’t get a lot of scenes with Derek (he got some, and they were lovely, but I do like seeing werewolves be gentle with the human in their midst).
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senadimell · 3 years
Boromir for the character ask?
send me a character and i’ll list:
favorite thing about them: Honestly? His focus. He's a problem-solver. He focuses on whatever task is in front of him, and while he's the golden child, I honestly don't know if he'd be the best fit for Steward because he seems to be at his best when he's thinking about concrete solutions to discrete problems.
Oh! The other thing is that he evaluates the advice given to him for what it is, not based on the authority of the advisor. He’s not going to accept bad advice just because it comes from a trustworthy source, and he’s going to be honest about his thoughts. So he’ll trust and respect the advice of the council of Elrond, but not to the point where he doesn’t ask questions or question things that don’t make sense (I’m thinking about Caradhras here) It’s a good skill to have as the de-facto heir to Gondor, and it makes sense that he’s not in awe of elves or Gandalf and acts among them as a guest but also as an equal at least in political status, though his experience is vastly more limited.
At the same time, he’s not arrogant or haughty. He's a team player. He’s supportive of decisions for the most part, though where the ring is concerned, things get skewy. He’s not the kind of person to rub mistakes back in your face. He’s compassionate and understanding (which we see even in the way he treats Frodo as he strives for the Ring).
least favorite thing about them: Honestly Boromir doesn’t bother me in the slightest. I suppose his positive traits are also double-edged swords. Focusing more on the advice than the giver sort of has Feanor vibes? And you can see where his focus leads him when he talks to Frodo about why he wants the ring and how he would use it. He can see his corner of the world (Gondor) and his place in saving it (political, but primarily military leadership), and it’s his practicality, drive, and focus that the Ring exploits. He’s too busy thinking about what he must do to save the day that he misses the grander scheme (yet he’s doing it because he cares! he cares!).
brOTP: Um, Faramir, I guess. Though I guess it’d be kinda sweet if he’s got a brotherly relationship with Bergil. I can easily imagine Bergil hero-worshipping Boromir, and so I think it’d be sweet if Boromir did acknowledge him and know him by name.
OTP: none? look, I rarely ship and even more rarely out of canon.
nOTP: also none? Shelob? The Ring?
random headcanon: I dunno...
unpopular opinion: boromir has dark hair Sean Bean is an actor he’s not the only face
So I feel like there’s a bit of a structural problem with the LotR fandom. Characters are often written in pairs or as foils, and inevitably the comparison starts to turn towards “who’s better?” Then, if you don’t ship them, there’s a tendency to aggrandize one character’s virtues and minimize their flaws (which tends to happen everywhere), but then the comparison game starts. Because they have a paired character, the natural next step is to lionize your favorite by de-emphasizing the other character’s strengths and virtues (and sometimes also highlighting their flaws). (I’m not immune to this by far, btw, and am possibly about to engage in it.)
This happen the most with Frodo and Sam, but I think you also see it in Boromir and Faramir. Because obviously, in the books, Faramir is the golden child. Not in his father’s eyes, of course, but narratively speaking. And I have mad respect for him.
Most people don’t try and diss Faramir (because frankly. it’s hard. like, what are you going to say?), but there’s a tendency to downplay the fact that Boromir is his culture’s golden child, and Faramir...isn’t. Which isn’t to say Faramir isn’t beloved by those who know him, but his strengths are not valued in the same way that Boromir’s are. Faramir knows this. And given Boromir’s attitudes discussed above (how confidently he assumes his position in the world), I can’t believe he’s the 100% supportive, loving, sensitive, protective brother that fanon depicts him as. I don’t see how he can be.
Don’t get me wrong, I do believe the brothers love each other deeply. But growing up with siblings has taught me that it’s possible to love someone and yet be deeply wounded by them due to the casual and inescapable intimacy of your relationship? You can share more inside jokes and weird stories than anyone, yet you can never get away from how deeply they know you--not your thoughts, but who you are at home and who you were when you were seven and how you acted when someone broke up with you or what you did when your parents were furious.
You also know exactly how you match up against them, because you will always exist as a unit. And because your relationship is as natural as the lens  in your eye (you can’t imagine viewing the world without it), you forget about the other as a person and just say something and don’t think about how it hurts them. You can joke about this one thing and your sibling can carry around the hurt for years and you didn’t even know. And maybe the hurt isn’t even your fault--maybe they were just sensitive and you had no way of knowing, but the hurt doesn’t go away for the lack of malice. And even best-friend siblings are capable of malice towards each other at times.
So Boromir is good at things that Faramir isn’t, and Boromir knows it. He’s probably ribbed his brother in what he thinks is a playful way about when you’re going to shape up, or do X, or do Y, or why do you do that, anyways, or do you realize that’s a little unbecoming? maybe you should stop that. You know Father’s going to think that you’re... And he doesn’t realize how those slights can add up over the years. I do think he’s said things to his peers about his brother that have ended up hurting him. No matter how pure and nice he is, that sort of thing is unavoidable, and due to his cultural upbringing I don’t actually think he’d question the appropriateness of his attitude/acceptance and glorification of martial prowess at the expense of those who don’t have it in the same degree.
I think this passage is really telling:
For on the eve of the sudden assault a dream came to my brother in a troubled sleep; and afterwards a like dream came oft to him again, and once to me. 'In that dream I thought the eastern sky grew dark and there was a growing thunder, but in the West a pale light lingered, and out of it I heard a voice, remote but clear, crying:          Seek for the Sword that was broken:          In Imladris it dwells;          There shall be counsels taken          Stronger than Morgul-spells.          There shall be shown a token          That Doom is near at hand,          For Isildur's Bane shall waken,          And the Halfling forth shall stand. Of these words we could understand little, and we spoke to our father, Denethor, Lord of Minas Tirith, wise in the lore of Gondor. This only would he say, that Imladris was of old the name among the Elves of a far northern dale, where Elrond the Halfelven dwelt, greatest of lore-masters. Therefore my brother, seeing how desperate was our need, was eager to heed  the  dream and seek for  Imladris; but since the way was full of doubt and danger, I took the journey upon myself. Loth was my father to  give  me leave, and long have I wandered by roads forgotten, seeking the house of Elrond, of which many had heard, but few knew where it lay.' 
There’s so much you can read into this. Faramir has this dream, and he has it many times. We know he’s a lover of lore and no less devoted to his kingdom than Boromir, though his love is expressed differently. He is “eager” to heed the dream. So would I if I was having prophecy dreams all the time.
But is Faramir a member of the fellowship? No. Why? Because Boromir “took it upon himself.” He wanted to do it, he thought himself the better candidate (and Faramir the worse), and he argued his way into doing it against his father’s wishes. Coupled with Denethor’s later attitude towards Boromir, I’m inclined to believe Boromir was uniquely able to obtain this quest for himself because Denethor has a soft spot for him.
I find myself inclined to disregard Boromir’s account of Faramir’s motive (”how desparate was our need”), because it sounds like he’s justifying the appropriateness of his actions.  If it’s just about the great need of the kingdom, it’s nothing personal that one brother goes and the other stays. That view implies  that Faramir’s interest in this mission is primarily utilitarian in purpose, with a little academic curiosity--that is, it’s nothing personal. Doesn’t matter who goes! Not as long as we protect the kingdom! Which...just doesn’t square with his description of Faramir having repeatedly cryptic dreams that he wants to understand. I can almost guarantee that Faramir wants to know what those dreams meant more than Boromir.
It’s a bit tragic, because ultimately Faramir was more suited for the quest than Boromir (tramping about in the wilderness doesn’t seem to be a problem, he’s also a team player, and he’s much more willing to accept the power of the Ring/not downplay its personal danger, and would be able to see it in a bigger picture beyond just Gondor). Ultimately, though, if Boromir was the one to catch Frodo in Ithillien, the story would have a veeeeeeery different ending. (Gollum would likely be dead, and I can’t imagine he’d be inclined to just. let Frodo and Sam go free.)
I kind of view their relationship as a much less antagonistic version of Agravain and Gwalchmai from Gillian Bradshaw. (Agravain is more of a jerk than I can ever imagine Boromir being, and has a wicked temper). 
Also none of this is to say that I don’t think he’s not protective of his brother.
So a lot of words to say: I don’t think the Boromir and Faramir relationship is as uwu cinnamon roll as it seems in fandom. I think they loved each other, but I think Boromir did have a tendency to take what he wanted when he thought he deserved it and not give it a second thought, even when it was at the expense of his brother. Sure, he’d defend his brother night and day, but I expect him to be a bit of a jerk, be unaware of the extent of his behavior, and also see little wrong with it (the ring quest seems to have crossed a line, by the way he justifies it).
Still, they do love each other deeply and genuinely. It’s just a little more conflicted.
song i associate with them: Requiem, from Dear Evan Hanson. Not a particularly creative association (and I don’t associate him with Connor at all), but his death comes as such a shock at the beginning of TTT and brings with it so many mixed feelings due to both their relationship and the circumstances of his death. Nobody’s mourning is straightforward: not Frodo, or Denethor, or Faramir, or Aragorn, or Merry, or Pippin. His absense is woven throughout TTT and even RotK, in plot and in emotion and in theme.
favorite picture of them:
Don’t really have a favorite, but this one is nice.
The Sean Bean runners-up: one, two
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scarfbond · 2 years
Tumblr media
NAME : Link  ( surname was never documented. alias include: war, warrior, & general )
ROMANTIC ORIENTATION : pan with a heavy male leaning
RELATIONSHIP STATUS : single in pretty much every verse
PREFERRED PET NAME : he really doesn’t have any. just don’t call him ‘hero’ or anything of the sort & you’re golden. 
FAVORITE CANON SHIP : volink, also like ganlink ( & absolutely no one is surprised )
FAVORITE NON-CANON SHIP : honestly we like all of our ships & can’t pick a favorite, but an honorable mention is definitely link & zero ( from draken.gard 3   yea don’t ask it just -- they somehow worked. really well. ) 
OPINION ON TRUE LOVE : doesn’t entirely believe in it,  but doesn’t knock the idea that someone can experience it or that it’s not possible  ;  he’s never felt anything even remotely like love before.
OPINION ON LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT :  same as true love.
HOW ROMANTIC ARE THEY ? :  he can be a little romantic.  as a treat.  actually extremely romantic.  after bottling everything up so much  &  finally being able to let it all out,  of course  he’s going to explode with love.  he may not seem like it,  but he is very emotional. 
IDEAL PHYSICAL TRAITS :  strong.     muscle.   strong.  also bigger than him is a plus
UNATTRACTIVE PERSONALITY TRAITS :  the ‘ high class snobby ‘  personalities  ;  people not liking to get dirty  &  holier than thou types.  also if you’re super devote he’s going to avoid you at all costs bc he is not about to be someones personal hero of legend.
IDEAL DATE : a fight.      a fight. this isn’t a joke his ideal date is 100% a no holds bar, fun, electrifying fight where he can let go  &  enjoy himself.  but if not a fight,  then some adventuring  --  nothing intense.  maybe even just a horse ride.  ( if epona likes you, you pass btw )
DO THEY HAVE A TYPE ? :  anyone that can challenge him in a fight.  if you can hold your own against him  &  he has  fun while fighting you,  aka giving him a challenge,  you’re more than likely going to be his type. 
AVERAGE RELATIONSHIP LENGTH :  ride or die babey  ( this is only half of a joke ) 
PREFERRED NON SEXUAL INTIMACY : a................... a fight.  ( this is only half of a joke, too. )  letting his partner braid his hair.  leaning against his partner.  sitting next to them. 
COMMITMENT LEVEL :  extreme.   he will absolutely commit whole heartedly for someone.  he will  (  & has  )  cussed out gods for his partner. 
OPINION OF PUBLIC AFFECTION :  heavily depends on where  &  who’s around.  in castle town,  or the castle itself?  no.    none.  . . .  unless it’s a chance to be petty for whatever reason,  then absolutely. 
PAST RELATIONSHIPS : very verse dependent  ( like very much so,  also discord only type of thing ),  but  majority of the time  he’s always single.  loner man.         lonely. 
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lyranova · 3 years
Children of the Future:
Chapter 12: Miku
Hi guys! So this is the ‘self indulgent’ one i’ve mentioned quite a bit haha 😅! It has my OC in it and also mentions @thoughtfullyrainynightmare and @simpingforthisonedeer ‘s OC’s as well! Also this isn’t canon for ‘Fractured’ haha 😅. Anyway I hope you all enjoy 🥰!
Edit: Here’s chapter 12 of COTF, i wasn’t originally going to add this to the series but I changed my mind because there’s a certain key plot point I needed the character for so ta-da! Anyway I hope you all enjoy~! Btw you don’t have to read “Fractured” to understand since this still isn’t canon to that series!
Taglist: @succulentsunrise @eme-eleff @thoughtfullyrainynightmare @simpingforthisonedeer @bowandcurtsey @jovialnoise @crazyclownthanos @melissa-novachrono
Word Count: 2,341
Warnings: None
Neva yawned a bit as she stretched, she and Yuno were currently patrolling the Capital as Captian Vangeance ordered them too. He said there were some strange happenings going on concerning children and the Wizard King ordered all Magic Knights that were stationed at the Capital to be on the lookout for any children who appeared to be lost or confused. But she had to admit, she was bored. She was glad for a small break the first couple of days, but it was nearly a week now! Yuno appeared to be content, but she could tell, he was slightly restless as well.
“ Tired?” He asked after she had finished yawning, Neva shook her head and sighed a bit.
“ No, just bored with all of this patrolling.” She admitted with a shrug. “ I mean, no one knows where these kids are coming from and how they can even remotely be from the future, for all we know they could be spies or something.” She muttered. Yuno frowned in thought.
“ I don’t think so, from what the Captain told us they all seem to truly be their children. Remember the Wizard Kings assistant Marx can see their memories so I’m sure they went through them to verify their identities.” Yuno explained, Neva nodded thoughtfully.
“ True. But if someone was determined enough, couldn’t they have implanted these children with false memories?” Neva suggested, her distrust of others showing slightly. She had been trying recently to trust the people in her squad more, and even a few people outside her squad. But with all these children suddenly showing up it was suspicious, she knew there had to be a reason why, but it was that exact thing that made her nervous about this whole thing.
“ It’s not entirely out of the realm of possibility, but someone would have to be really determined and have something big in mind if they were to go to those lengths. It also doesn’t explain their resemblance.” Yuno pointed out, he had a good point, from what she had heard from Solara, Leonidas, Solara and Fuegoleons son that had come from the future as well, looked like a mixture of her and Fuegoleon. Which also helped their case of being from the future.
“ Ugh this is just so strange and confusing.” Neva said in an aggravated tone, Yuno laughed softly.
“ It is. But it can’t be helped.” He shrugged before he suddenly stopped walking. “ Hey Neva, look over there, doesn’t that kid seem lost?” He pointed to a small girl amongst a large crowd, she looked completely out of place.
The girl was wearing a dark black and purple dress that completely clashed with the warm earthy tones of the people that surrounded her. Her pale skin and dark hair also made her stick out like a sore thumb, plus her confused and slightly scared face seemed to prove what both Yuno and Neva were thinking.
She was another child from the future.
Yuno and Neva both made their way through the crowd slowly, they didn’t want to frighten the girl more than what she already was. She hadn’t seemed to notice their presence yet, Neva had a feeling all of this was probably overwhelming the poor girl. When they came closer she noticed the girl couldn’t be more than 12 at the oldest. Suddenly the girl turned and stared straight at them, her face paled even more.
“ Crap.” Neva muttered just as the girl started running. “ Hey wait!” She yelled before taking off after the girl, Yuno quickly used his wind magic and lifted himself up into the air.
“ I’ll try and cut her off!” He shouted and Neva nodded, she would try and chase the girl into a corner if she could get through this crowd!
The girl was small and fast, she was able to worm her way through the sea of people with ease, Neva had a much harder time. She was trying to push and shove her way through, not caring if she made a noble or two mad, she had to get to the child before she lost them! The girl quickly made it out the other side and took off running faster than ever.
Neva growled when she finally made her way out of the crowd and quickly gave chase, sure the girl was fast, but Neva was faster. She had caught up to the girl before she watched her turn a corner into an alleyway, when Neva rounded the corner she smirked; it was a dead end.
“ Hey, what’d you run for?” Neva huffed slightly out of breath, she felt a gust of wind next to her and watched Yuno land softly beside her. “ Why didn’t you cut her off when she came out of the crowd?!”
“ You said you were bored, so I gave you something to do.” He smirked slightly, and she frowned. Seriously? He was messing with her now?! Of all times! Usually he took these things very seriously, but when she thought about it, he was watching them the entire time so if the girl did seem to be trying to get away he could’ve easily swooped in and caught her.
“ You’re unbelievable.” Neva muttered, mimicking Yuno’s monotone voice. He chuckled a bit before turning to look at the young girl, she was so frightened, his face slowly softened as he walked up to the girl.
“ It’s ok, we’re not going to hurt you.” He spoke softly so as to not spook her.
“ Get away!” The girl shouted, a huge gust of wind shot out of her hand and was headed straight for Yuno, but luckily Neva was fast and had conjured up a Diamond Wall to block the attack. The girl looked surprised for a moment.
“ Calm down, just breathe, all we want to do is talk ok?” Neva said as her diamond wall disappeared, the girl frowned in distrust before suddenly clasping something tightly in her hand, from what she could see it appeared to be a pendant hanging off a chain around her neck.
“ Please go away!” The girl shouted again, Yuno stepped forward and crouched down to the girls level.
“ I’m sorry, but we can’t do that. Are you lost?” He asked softly, his features softening even more. Neva felt her heart skip a beat, this was one of the rare times she had seen him actually show this side of himself, all the previous times had been when he interacted with children as well, or with Asta. It was a kinder more gentle side, and it always made Neva blush and her heart skip a beat.
“ Y-Yeah.” the girl admitted softly after a moment, a small blush creeping onto her cheeks from embarrassment. Neva crouched down as well.
“ It’s ok, a lot of people get lost sometimes. I know I certainly have,” she laughed a bit. “ where are your parents? Do you remember when you last saw them?” Neva asked trying to figure out if she was just a lost child or if she was one of the children they were supposed to be looking out for.
The girl’s eyes suddenly widened and she looked between Yuno and Neva, a look of sudden recognition flashing across her face, which confused the two Golden Dawn members greatly. She held the pendant in her hands tightly.
“ I...I don’t remember.” She muttered softly, Neva tilted her head, the girl was a pretty good liar considering her age, but not as good as Neva. The girl remembered the last time she saw her parents, she just didn’t want to say.
“ Ok, we’ll help you find your parents. But first,” Yuno said suddenly, he could tell she was lying too, but he wasn’t going to comment on it for now. “ You need to come with us, there’s some questions that you’ll need to answer.” Yuno added before holding out his hand towards her. The girl frowned at it.
“ It’s ok, you can trust us.” Neva assured her kindly, the girl bit her bottom lip in thought for a moment before gently taking Yuno’s hand. He conjured up a small vessel of wind to carry himself and the girl before turning and holding out a hand towards Neva. “ Heh No thanks I think I’ll walk.” Neva added with a nervous laugh.
“ Neva, it’ll be faster this way. Just take my hand.” Yuno insisted seriously, he knew she hated flying, especially when he was using a wind vessel. Mostly because she didn’t have anything underneath her to keep her from falling, she had to put all her trust in him for the duration of the flight. Neva sighed before begrudgingly taking his hand, he lifted the three into the air and took them straight towards the Wizard King.
Julius looked up as Marx walked in suddenly, he had three people behind him and Julius quickly stood.
“ Sir, two Golden Dawn members may have spotted another child from the future.” Marx announced.
“ He does know we’re standing right here doesn’t he?” Neva muttered to Yuno who shrugged in response, the girl stood between them quietly.
“ Really? That's good to hear. Thank you Marx,” Julius said with a warm smile on his face. He rounded the desk and came to stand in front of the three newcomers. “ May I ask you two to leave for a moment? We just want to verify her memories and see if she is one of the children.” Julius asked kindly, both Yuno and Neva saluted and nodded shortly.
“ Yes sir.” They said in unison before turning and walking out of the office, the girl watched them walk out.
“ We’ll be right outside ok?” Neva told her before closing the door behind her. She and Yuno leaned on the wall next to the door and waited.
“ Who’s child do you think she is?” Neva asked suddenly after a couple of minutes of silence, Yuno tilted his head thoughtfully for a moment.
“ Hm, maybe she’s Aika’s and the Wizard Kings daughter? She looks a lot like them.” Yuno pointed out, Neva nodded in slight agreement. The dark hair, the purple eyes, she did resemble the two quite a bit.
“ It’s possible. But highly unlikely.�� Neva said, causing Yuno to frown a bit before fully turning towards her. “ When she attacked us, she used wind magic and if I remember correctly neither one has wind magic as their affinity.” Neva pointed out.
“ True, unless one of them has a wind mage in their family, like a parent or grandparent or even great-grandparent with that affinity.” Yuno argued, Neva placed a hand under her chin and bit her bottom lip in thought.
Yuno’s eyes widened as he watched her, that look, the mannerism, they were almost identical to the young girls! Except she had darker hair than Neva, and had a different affinity. Wait..dark hair...wind magic...? Yuno suddenly paled considerably at the realization. ‘Oh gods...she’s-.’ He was suddenly pulled out of his thoughts when he heard the Wizard King call them back in. He opened the door, letting Neva walk in first, before closing it behind himself as he followed her.
“ Welcome back. Now we were able to verify her memories and she is, in fact, from the future.” Julius confirmed with a nod. “ Now, I’m going to let her explain the rest, it’ll be easier that way.” He admitted with a soft laugh. The girl’s pale cheeks suddenly turned pink and she looked away. Yuno swallowed the lump in his throat, he was anxious to learn if his theory was correct.
“ My name’s Miku Grinberryall, I…” the girl paused for a moment before her small hands slipped from the pendant she had been holding and rested at her sides. “ I’m the daughter of Yuno and Neva Grinberryall.” She announced before looking the two in the eye. Both Golden Dawn members let out a small gasp when the pendant was revealed; it was Yuno’s talisman, the same one he was currently wearing at the moment,
Yuno turned and watched as Neva paled considerably, he had thought she would have figured it out sooner than she had, but she could have easily been like him and in denial about it. But now that it was confirmed that the girl, Miku, was in fact their daughter it seemed to hit her like a ton of bricks.
Neva’s mind had gone blank at the news, how was she supposed to react? Was she supposed to be excited that she would possibly have a kid with the person she was currently crushing on? Or was she supposed to be angry that she had let her guard down that much? She was feeling so many different things that she couldn’t think clearly, she would need time to process this, and from what she could tell so would Yuno.
“ I’ll be alerting William about all of this and I’ll tell him to come here so I can explain it to him personally.” Julius told them, they nodded automatically neither one really hearing what he had said. Miku walked over and sat down in a chair, her head down and hands clasped in her lap, she appeared to actually be a shy and timid girl. It reminded the two of each other in a small way. Yuno watched the girl kick her feet slightly as she was sitting down, Neva would do the same thing sometimes, and Neva noticed how she played with the talisman in her hands as she was currently lost in thought, Yuno would do the same sometimes. When she looked over at Yuno her eyes widened; he was already staring at her as well. Neva gave him a small smile, which he returned, both thinking the same thing but neither one saying it out loud.
There were far worse people they could have had a child with.
Ah I’m sorry if this isn’t very good, but I hope you all enjoyed! Thanks for reading and I hope you all have a good day~!
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bestworstcase · 3 years
Yes to just the whole concept of why casscaine is good 🙌 I also saw the unrequited cassunzel in your post and wanted to say as much as I hate how it feels like we were queer baited in the show (Disney’s brand btw) It kinda works? Or for me at least. Not the queer baiting but the unrequited love because of the fact Cass and Rapunzel are individuals headed into different places in their life. Eugene and Rapunzel finally have their destinies intertwined by the end of the series, opposite of Cass and Rapunzel who have drifted apart, they’re still close and I’d like to imagine become closer after some time apart and beginning the relationship from a more healthy place like she did with Eugene but in canon I can’t see the two becoming long term even if Eugene wasn’t in the picture. Not because of personality but more of Rapunzel is a princess with a kingdom inheritance and Cass is an adventurer looking to live life and fight crime. If they somehow made it long term you would have to change their status i. e. princess relinquishing her crown and becoming the free spirit she is along with Cass who shares her nature (something that can be found in an au). However I kinda like the angst and the reality of the canon relationship because it’s real and common for her to fall in love with her best friend. Rapunzel would probably never see Cass the way she wants her too which again could lead to some repressed anger and internalized hate, shit I love to see in fics 👌, whether it’s because of her love for Eugene or the fact she just doesn’t see her in that light is up for interpretation but Cass will probably always harbor a love for Rapunzel that may subside into knightly protection out of pure affection (romantic or not) but not obligation anymore. It’s hard to describe the love and bond they share because I feel it goes beyond romance and familial love, unlike New Dream which is strictly romantic. But yeah sorry I made it long but basically unrequited works because; angst, repressed feelings, evolving into a deeper relationship, New Dream still canon and in healthy relationship with husband and future healthy relationship with best friend.
tbh i feel pretty strongly that tts wasn’t gaybaiting at all bc like - this is a story with a foregone conclusion we know new dream is going to get together at the end, and there was never remotely anything on or off screen hinting otherwise - none of that creator nudge nudge wink well maybe hinting that characterizes gaybaiting. like for it to be gaybaiting there needs to be a set up of expectation for the fans that a character will be gay or a pairing will happen and then those expectations are not met at the last second and the “gay” character gets fridged or just jammed into a last minute het relationship and then you get the whole rigmarole from the creators of “whaaaat? obviously these characters are all cishet” gkfbfbg
vs what happened with tts where we had this character who was very purposefully lesbian coded by primarily wlw storyboard artists and animators, and while cass being gay was def not chris sonnenburg’s original intention he has pretty openly embraced that reading of her! to the point of literally promoing the cassunzel discord server on his twitter and making a point of explicitly including romantic feelings for rapunzel as a valid reading of her character whilst talking about her etc etc. and there is not a single moment in tts that could plausibly be construed as hetconning cassandra - no rapunzel seems not to reciprocate her romantic feelings, but right through the epilogue there is NOTHING that suggests cassandra doesn’t have romantic feelings. there’s no... slap in the face, you know? it feels to me like tts toed right up to the line of saying it out loud and then flung its arms open and said this is the farthest i’m allowed to go but please close the gap! which is just ye olde classic gay-coding rather than gaybaiting’s overt hostility towards and exploitation of gay fans.
yeah i like interpreting cassunzel as - cassandra falls hard for this girl but either rapunzel just doesn’t return those feelings or by the time she does cass has already fallen out of those feelings; i feel like i am in the minority in this regard but i actually *DON’T* like the trope of carrying a torch for years and years for someone who doesn’t reciprocate / the sad yearning and pining thing. so i like unrequited cassunzel as something that is rly important for cass emotionally and will always have this significance in her history but also she is naturally on the way out of crushland- definitely by the end of the series and maybe as early as RATGT depending on how i’m feeling ksjfjsk. (or even earlier in bitter snow but bitter snow is a WHOLE other ballgame lmfao). and then building a new, actually healthy friendship with rapunzel is a long endeavor and a heavy lift but she doesn’t have all this. yearning and baggage making it impossible
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quidfree · 3 years
Wondering how you decided to characterize the Regulus-Marauders relationships in LMV? Really love that fic btw :)
i’m glad someone asked bc i make no secret of the fact that writing said relationships (or interactions, more accurately) is one of my very fav parts about writing LMV- i’m pretty sure i’ve answered something similar but i have no qualms doing it again. i’ll put it under the cut so i can do them one at a time.
lily: lily is probably my very fav of the regulus interactions, for a variety of reasons. lily, remus and james are all three predisposed to be friendly and kind towards strangers and/or their enemies (unlike regulus and his brother lol), but lily is the person whose kindness is one of her (very few) defined traits in canon, and it’s set in stone that she has a high tolerance for bullshit, so obviously she’s the one who is going to be most unfazed by regulus’ antics and just continue to be faultlessly polite and sympathetic around him. on the other hand, lily has 0 tolerance for death eater bullshit specifically, esp after the snape experience, so she will not hesitate to sharply reprimand regulus whenever he says something even remotely anti-muggle. this means that on balance regulus is hard-pressed to find anything to complain about with her other than the fact she won’t let him be racist towards her, and especially given his recent moral quandaries he feels more chastised than he’d like to admit on the latter point. and lily is not just kind- she’s also a very clever, capable and charming witch, with none of james’ more annoying traits nor remus’ cynicism, and regulus just increasingly likes her a lot while kind of attempting to pedal back on it. lily, on the other hand, beyond her refusal to put up with any bigotry, has a particular soft spot for difficult siblings trying to make amends, and beyond that also finds regulus quite cute in certain regards- his obvious attachment to sirius, his newfound bambi act around anything muggle, his very real concern for kreacher, his transparent reluctance to befriend them. also she enjoys a bit of slytherin snark, amidst all of her gryffindor boys. basically lily gently bullies regulus by simply not leaving him be to stew in his self-indulgent pureblood angst and regulus is helpless to it. down the line, since regulus is canonically kind of a fanboy type (hello posters) he will become a staunch lily stan who spends 50% of their conversations trying to convince her to divorce james because she could do better (and silently deploring the fact she didn’t choose him as a token slytherin friend instead of severus snape). i imagine the absolute outrage of shifting his schoolboy admiration from lord voldemort to lily is one no one ever lets him (or voldemort) live down; lily takes it in stride, since he’s not even close to the most questionable admirer she’s ever had. 
remus: in some ways remus and regulus’ relationship covers a lot of the same beats as lily and regulus’ - remus is also a blood aberration in the eyes of pureblood society, and also infinitely more patient with regulus’ various suspicions and barbs than he deserves. the main distinction is just that remus is less trusting- both because he lacks lily’s sibling angle to lend him sympathy, and because he’s more skeptical on the subject of personal loyalties impacting moral compasses. he’s also less willing to confront regulus’ bad takes because unlike lily remus is not comfortable with his lycantrophy and in part feels the bigotry towards werewolves is deserved, having internalised much of it and living in fear of his capacity to harm others across much of canon. as with sirius (or any of their other friends), remus is also the most observant of the gang, so he can read regulus best, which regulus (as a keen-eyed slytherin himself) is uncomfortably aware and suspicious of. these elements all add a level of strain to their relationship that doesn’t exist with lily and regulus. beyond that, however, remus is of course faultlessly civil, and his teaching instincts mean that in practice he does a lot of the quiet helping regulus privately appreciates the most- pretends to check cupboards out loud so regulus doesn’t have to ask where things go, repeats well-known details to himself within earshot of him, unobtrusively shuffles sirius’ bookshelves around so regulus has things to read. despite his suspicions regulus would pick him to spend time with any day, even fully aware of the fact remus can and will needle him into a seemingly mild debate about some facet of pureblood doctrine after a couple of hours of companionable silence. remus isn’t quite so indulgent of regulus as lily is, but he privately suspects he’s growing on him, because remus sees the good in people despite himself and also sees the black in regulus. he’s a smart kid, anyways, and it’s nice sometimes to have someone around that’s just a little less *handwaves* than the rest of the group, and someone else that does the watching. regulus just wishes remus’ general perceptive doubt didn’t have a massive sirius-(and james-)shaped blindspot, and maybe also that he didn’t look quite so contemplative whenever sirius threatens to feed him to the wolves.
james: james and regulus’ relationship is obviously the funniest of the bunch. i simply do not believe there is any way regulus could not have loathed james with every fibre of his grudge-holding being. and it’s not just the deep dark regulus-intro-chapter thing about james being very literally the one to turn sirius decisively away from his family, or the fact that for regulus’ last two years of school he had to put up with the fact sirius lived with james, or even the fact james was so archetypal of everything he’d been taught to revile as a smarmy blood traitor of the highest class. no, it’s also just that james is obnoxious- at least from the bitter perspective of a middle-schooler whose beloved older brother has unceremoniously ditched him for some loudmouth arrogant gryffindor who struts around hogwarts like he owns it and beats regulus’ quidditch team and makes a big show of thwarting his attempts to catch the snitch while he does it, winking up at the stands where sirius sits howling with laughter all the time. there is no living being on earth regulus can’t stand more than james potter. and james, of course, is thoroughly bewildered by this, because regulus is kind of civil with lily and remus despite his bigotry, and warming up to his brother, but if james so much as breathes remus looks like he wants to club him to death with an antique vase. so then it’s this whole cycle of adversity where james ‘why would someone not like me’ potter only grows more determined to get in regulus’ good books in the face of his loathing, and regulus is having a conniption bc james just won’t stop being friendly and helpful. and james fundamentally is a sirius simp (lol) and also canonically The most trusting and idealistic of the bunch, so he is staunchly in the regulus redemption camp, which makes it all the harder for regulus to just oppose everything he says in principle. not to mention james is genuinely a personable guy, who will do shit like recall some of regulus’ better quidditch plays or remember the names of people in his year regulus hung out with you, and regulus is just. suffering. beyond the inexplicable loathing james finds him very entertaining (duh, it’s sirius’ kid brother) and somewhat like a debutante who just needs to blossom into an order member; he’s the one who most regularly engages with regulus’ inflammatory statements because he’s the one who’s most willing to believe he’ll change (and also because he has years of experience telling sirius that you can’t just say that, mate, where the hell did you hear that from?). regulus hates him, and also hates himself for kind of very much definitely seeing why sirius is so into him. bastard. 
also, i’m not really going into sirius here because LMV itself already does so much, but like. they’re brothers. they love each other wholly. they can (and do) hurt each other like no other. they are very awkwardly trying not to do that on purpose so much. sirius wants very, very badly for regulus to Be Like Him, which regulus resents, but really sirius wants more than anything for regulus to be Good, so they can be on the same side of things again, and regulus doesn’t really know how to handle that (especially bc some part of him very desperately seeks to regain his brother’s approval). it’s a mess but they’re trying. i think it’s esp weird for them bc they never really had a middle ground- in the Before they were inseparable and sirius was the cool older brother who stuck up for regulus as he shadowed him around, and in the After sirius was the family disappointment who couldn’t believe regulus wouldn’t follow in his footsteps and took this out on him as angrily as he could manage while regulus bitterly returned the favour. now they’re sort of at an impasse, trying to relearn the actual people they are rather than what they’ve always been to each other. 
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fangrunin · 4 years
Related to Jeyna thoughts... I wonder if there was ever a third person in their friend group, the Grover to their Percy and annabeth, to for the 3 person quest rule.... I wonder if they died in the titan war.... I wonder maybe they were even someone mentioned in pjo on Luke’s side but we never knew they were actually roman...... mainly I wonder if Reyna had to deal with the grief of Jason’s disappearance while already mourning a close friend.......
oh yeah can you imagine if their “third” person died in battle or betrayed them...the fact that the percy/annabeth/grover could be changed in some way for reyna/jason/third person to be explored? or the fact that percabeth had grover still but reyna and jason had to mourn the loss of a friend that was so vital in their friendship (and also the fact jeyna defs fight all the time lmao).
i want to break this down rl quick:
- reyna mourning the loss of their friend with the grief of jason’s disappearance in the back of her mind
- slowly shifts to “i lost (insert name) through death and i lost jason...i don’t even know him anymore”
- (if this were rr canon) reyna and jason not even having a relationship that remotely resembles pre-hoo and yet, reyna losing jason in toa, and having to go through it at all again
obviously none of this was mentioned in hoo (i mean grover wasnt even mentioned avshdhnd). so i’m thinking about how reyna, who came from circe island, doesn’t trust men, and basically did kill her own father and is pretty much at the lowest of the lows, jason who is just trying to be nice reyna but can’t catch a break lmao, and the third mysterious friend who somehow bridges the gap between the two and becomes their trusted confidante is now just a trio. when i mentioned that reyna and jason have a heart to heart and try to be friends, maybe the third friend was just like “you both need to get along i’m sick of this” and just did that. one of the many examples of what a roman trio could have had if we were awarded with some sembalance of a backstory lol
(the roman serious yet charming friend is what i would attribute a personality for them). we need a third friend name lol btw
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